#hazbin hotel spinoff
magicapunguart · 7 days
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Big burgeeer XD
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 4 months
this is all your fault @sunsetcougar
in a world where vaggie gets adopted by the little cannibal kid she saved, and then by Rosie, and slips out of cannibal town each night for food that isn't too humane for her tastes-
imagine this version of chaggie meeting at a takeout window in hell
one long, awkward moment of trying not to look at each other...
Charlie: “So! You-"
Vaggie: "Hey."
Charlie: "-hello! Oh sorry, I didn't mean to cut you off-"
Vaggie: "No that was me. You're fine. (why is she in a SUIT) Go on."
Charlie: "Ok. What, uh- (panics in oh no she’s cute and talking to me) (remembers she’s staying in cannibal town) (OH PERFECT A CONVERSATION STARTER!!) -what kind of people do you like?”
Vaggie: “...pardon?”
Charlie: “Oh it's just, I've seen you around and, is that why you’re out on the town a lot? Shopping um, around? (for people to eat)”
Vaggie: “Not really? I’m kinda still.. torn up over my last big life commitment, (literally) so I’m exactly not looking to date anyone right off the bat.”
Charlie: “To date- TO DATE- OH! No no no I wasn’t- I meant dinner!”
Vaggie: “With you?”
Charlie: “IN GENERAL! People you like, as in, to eat? Because you're with the cannibals and haha dinner with me that would be like, a date and-”
Vaggie: “Yeah I’m not into that.”
Charlie: “(dying)-right.”
Vaggie: “The eating people thing. Not the dinner with a pretty woman thing.”
Charlie: “… (charlie.exe has stopped working)…Ah.”
Vaggie: “Right.”
Charlie: “…but Cannibal town?”
Vaggie: “I just live there. I- Junior Meat lives there and I’m sticking with him.”
Charlie: “And Mr. Meat is your…?”
Vaggie: “Kid? Kinda?”
Charlie: “Oh!”
Vaggie: “Yeah.”
Charlie: “That's wonderful! How did you two- sorry no never mind, too much, um. Does he like take out too? Or any non-human snacks?”
Vaggie: “Gummy bears. And dino nugets.
Charlie: "He has very good taste."
Vaggie: "He likes biting the heads off ‘em.”
Charlie: “Aww me too!!! Well, playing with them, not the head biting but. And you?”
Vaggie: “I used to put them into battle formations and march them off to war.”
Charlie: “That’s so cute.”
Vaggie: "..."
Charlie: "..."
Vaggie: “You meant what snacks do I like, huh.”
Charlie: “Heheh. Um. Yes! Sorry I’m not. Doing the whole 'have normal conversation with a beautiful girl' thing very good am I?”
Vaggie: “I’d give you five stars. And practice makes perfect.”
Charlie: "And would you...? I mean I wouldn't want to practice on someone who didn't-"
Vaggie: "Be your practice partner? Sure. Sounds fun."
Charlie: “…! I- I know all the best places in hell for inhuman food! Or wait no, for food that isn’t made of people! My treat?”
Vaggie: “My pleasure. (automatically does the little curtsy and hand kiss Rosie’s been badgering her to learn) (panics) I uh, here's my order, I gotta... go tuck in Junior Meat. You know where I’m at?”
Charlie: “(dazed) Hannibal Clown…. C-Cannibal Town!”
Vaggie: “Right. Think I already mentioned it.”
Charlie: “Yes and I saw you with them- so I guessed that you- I can pick you up?”
Vaggie: “Maybe an hour later than this, so Junior's in bed and doesn’t freak out.”
Charlie: “Oh. (droops) You think I’d scare him? I wouldn’t pull out my horns or tail out…”
Vaggie: “It's not you. He’s just kinda jumpy after the… he had a rough extermination day, is all.”
Charlie: “Looked like you did too.”
Vaggie: “What.”
Charlie: “You seem much better now! Not that you didn’t look great then, I mean. I'm sure you always look-”
Vaggie: “You saw- what did you see?”
“Charlie: “I was walking by when the cannibals were helping you. And I think I saw Junior Meat too? He was the one holding your hand?”
Vaggie: “Yeah…?”
Charlie: “I’m, really glad you all found each other. Even if it was a rough day.”
Vaggie: “… they ate part of me in greeting.”
Charlie: “Ugh! They ate-? I mean, aww?”
Vaggie: "Not a normal thing even in hell?"
Charlie: "The definition of normal is... fluid and not very... it wasn't your EYE was it?"
Vaggie: "Eh, wasn't using it anymore anyway."
Charlie: "I guess it counts as. Recycling?"
Vaggie: "Heh."
Charlie: "Sorry."
Vaggie: “No, you're okay. You’re also right though. Maybe it was worth one rough day.”
Charlie: “I’m right?”
Vaggie: “And you’re picking me up tomorrow for dinner.”
Charlie: “!!!! YES! I am! I will, be there, for you. Tomorrow.”
Vaggie: “And…”
Charlie: “And?”
Vaggie: “Didn’t catch a name earlier.”
Charlie: “Oh it’s Charlie! Charlie Morningstar but it’s just Charlie!”
Vaggie: “As in princess?”
Charlie: “Just Charlie.”
Vaggie: “Sweet. (FUCK) See you soon, Charlie.”
Charlie: “….okay….”
Charlie: “Oh my ****ing dad what just happened.”
Charlie, two hour later: "I DIDN'T EVEN ASK HER NAME??"
-At Rosie's Emporium (of vaggie's pain)-
Vaggie: "Junior's finally asleep, so not matter what I tell you, please don't scream."
Rosie: "A very intriguing start! I'm already tickled! Do go on."
Vaggie: “You might need to just kill me.”
Rosie: “I couldn’t possibly! You haven’t even eaten your take out yet~”
Vaggie: “Aunt Rosie help me.”
Rosie: “A girl, hmm?”
Vaggie: “A girl?? She was in a SUIT. She was tall and awkward kept playing with her hair and should've had a puppy dog tail wagging behind her. I called her pretty and said I’d give her five stars. Then I invited myself to dinner with her. And she’s a fucking DEMON.”
Rosie: “We all are down here, darling. Present company excepted of course.”
Vaggie: “HELP. ME.”
Rosie: “Let’s start with the basics, yes? The niceties? What’s the name of this lucky girl?”
Vaggie: “Charlie.”
Rosie: "Lovely! And does she have a last name?"
Vaggie: "It's just Charlie."
Rosie: "How charming, I like her already~"
Vaggie: "But her last name's Morningstar. Don't scream."
Rosie: (SPITS TEA)
Vaggie: “I know."
Rosie: "Oh... my."
Vaggie: "I know I know!"
Rosie: "An abandoned angel and the princess of hell?"
Vaggie: "She didn't act like a princess of hell! She was like, princess of cute and wearing her heart on her sleeve! Princess of so kissable I could just reach up and grab her bowtie and-"
Vaggie: "FUCK I'm so fucked.”
Rosie: "Not yet you aren't. Don't worry darling, auntie Rosie will get you there~"
Vaggie: "That's not the kind of help I need!"
Rosie: "Speaking of need- a new outfit, yes, something with sparkle and shine, on par with a suit but not one whit more! With a skirt you can move in too of course."
Rosie: "Perhaps flowery parasol to hide your dear little spear in..."
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polymathart · 5 months
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Lucifer is the Varian Spin-Off the Tangled fandom all been asking for. Thank you, Vivziepop, for choosing Jeremy Jordan.
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blue-rose-soul · 4 months
What if charlie and alastor grew up togethr ?
For that to happen, Lucifer would have had to know about Alastor from the beginning*. I don't think he would have taken Alastor away from Nicaise, and she wouldn't have wanted to live in Hell, even if it did mean living in luxury. The guilt and the feelings of betrayal are still there - it certainly doesn't help his crumbling relationship with Lilith - but Lucifer wants to keep an eye on his friend and their child. So he peeks in on them on Earth, occasionally pops in to grant a couple small miracles or gifts. Never staying long just in case Heaven catches on.
Then Nicaise is murdered by her employer. And there is no way in hell that Lucifer is allowing that fucking piece of shit to keep her child! Lucifer books it over as soon as he can and finds Alastor sleeping in a shed and, oh, he is not happy. He doesn't kill Nicaise's murderer. It's enough to flash his wings, horns out, spitting flames as he informs the man that Hell is real and he's bound to it before disappearing with Alastor**.
So now, in just the span of a few days, Alastor: has witnessed his mother's violent murder, has been effectively kidnapped by her murderer, was forced to sleep in a shed that smells like dogs, found out that angels and demons are real and that his father is one, has been whisked away to live in another world that transforms him into a monster as soon as he enters it, and is now expected to get used to living with his mysterious father as well as a new step-mother and half-sister. Needless to say, it's a lot.
So naturally, he's a bit shaken when he first arrives in the Morningstar household. He doesn't speak and spends most of his time shut up in his new room which is way bigger than his old house was. Lucifer's awkwardly trying to balance giving him the space he needs and make him feel welcome. Lilith isn't terribly thrilled with the situation, but... Well, she seems to have a lot of compassion for her people. I don't think she would really turn out a traumatized child, but she's definitely going through some complicated emotions of her own.
Charlie has none of the reservations the grown ups have. In fact, she's suuuuuuuuuuper excited to meet her new little brother! Even if he doesn't look that much littler than her***. So she slips into his room, tries to drag him out of bed, pesters him, and generally just acts like an excitable, friendly child. As much as Lucifer and Lilith try to get her to give Alastor space and time to adjust, she keeps coming back. Her little brother looks so sad and she doesn't want him to be sad! She wants to help him feel happy!
She remains persistent, telling Alastor all about her home and family and insisting that he'll like it soon because her mom and dad are really nice and she loves him already and he'll love it there in Hell and...
She stops as she sees the tears start to roll down Alastor's face. Charlie begins to panic, thinking she's said something mean by accident, but then Alastor sobs out that he misses his maman and just wants to go home! Suddenly Charlie feels really bad. She doesn't know how to make things better. So she just stays. Sits next to him. Doesn't leave him alone. Sheds a few tears of her own.
Once Alastor's cried it out and tired himself out a bit, Charlie asks him what his mom was like. They spend all night talking about her. When Lucifer goes to check in on Alastor later, he finds both kids passed out on the floor in a pile of blankets.
It's still rough going from there on out, but Charlie plays a large part in helping Alastor heal after everything. Some things still stay the same. Lucifer and Lilith's marriage still struggles, she disappears, Lucifer pulls away from now both of his children in his depression. And Alastor still has a lot of anger. He doesn't really agree with Charlie's goal of redeeming sinners because he fully believes that some people just aren't worth redeeming.
Still, he goes with her whenever she searches for injured sinners after the exterminations. He and Vaggie actually get along a bit better here. They still snipe at each other quite a bit, but there's an almost friendly undercurrent to it. And although he doesn't really believe in the goal of redeeming sinners, he does go along with the Happy Hotel project just to help Charlie out. Doesn't stop him from mocking the idea every step of the way.
This version of Alastor hasn't really developed the Radio Demon persona. He doesn't exactly need to, given he's the Prince of Hell. But he's still Alastor and still cultivates a terrifying reputation for himself. Charlie's grown up with this Alastor though and knows the man behind the curtain. She's not always happy with how quick he is to suggest violence as a solution, but she also knows that when he sees a weaker demon being preyed upon by stronger ones, he'll step in.
He's also protective of Charlie, and usually takes it upon himself to step in and do things that he sees as necessary but he knows she wouldn't like. For example, after finding out how Valentino treated her when she went to the studio, Alastor pays his own visit in private and makes sure Valentino knows if he tries to pull any shit like that again, Alastor will pick apart his soul piece by wretched piece and scatter it across all the rings of hell. Charlie knows he did something when the next time she sees Valentino, the pimp screams bloody murder and throws himself out the nearest window.
(*Just imagine Lucifer, wings out, attempting to drunkenly climb out of Nicaise's window, only to get stuck, give up, and slump over on the floor.)
(**The old bastard spends the rest of his life donating his wealth to build orphanages and hospitals, helping the poor, and basically trying to buy his way into Heaven. It doesn't work and he's slaughtered during his first extermination in hell.)
(***Charlie at this point should be roughly a century old, but to be honest, I'm not entirely sure what that means for a half-angel half-demon like her. Did she age at a typical human rate until she reached young adulthood and then just stopped? Or did she just age very very slowly? I'm going with the second for the sake of this AU. I also have this theory that Lilith never actually died, and was transformed into a unique sort of demon simply by entering primordial Hell. And something similar happens to young Alastor when Lucifer brings him home.)
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gumm1defloor · 2 months
Past life Human Vees (& Alastor's there too)
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I have too many contradicting headcanons for each of them. Dumping them in the biscuit tin to hatch as we speak.
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Why do I feel like Vox would randomly info dump shark facts in the middle of a conversation with Vel and Val...
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lowqualitygarbage · 3 months
Hey I love your idea and yeah you’re right it was always stupid how the west coast had for example the NCR while the east was fucking one town countries if that. At least the Jesus freaks as you call them justify it. Honestly hoping you do a fic for this. Wondering if something like the brotherhood of steel might appear. I also just thought it’d be cool if Vaggie and the other foot soldiers were created like synths made as adults to follow orders with increased speed and reflexes to make them even deadlier. Or at the least genetically or cybernetically enhanced.
<3 <3 <3 (っᵔ◡ᵔ)っ(˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) <3 <3 <3
Oh thank you! I have all sorts of little shorts and tidbits written down here and there, but I'm not really a good writer, so if I did post a whole fic it would probably be a pain to read.
The Army of the Righteous (the Jesus freaks, as sharkrad08222222 coined them ;) ) are basically the Enclave in this setting, being a military-focused organization with massive science divisions. Part of their obsession with purity and narrow concepts of "worthy" humans means they actually have a eugenics program. They run genetic compatibility tests between all their people to 1. Avoid inbreeding in a limited population, and 2. Select for "desirable" traits. If a pair are found to be a good match, they're basically forced into an arranged marriage, dressed up in all of the 1950s nuclear family religious bullshit.
So theoretically because of this, plus a steady source of good nutrition and training, all of their members start off at a baseline well above the common Wastelander. Some high-ranking members do have cybernetic implants, but like the tesla armor, it's limited. they also share the CIA's obsession with psychic bullshit so they do have a whole program dedicated to experimenting with psykers and trying to breed their own forces. Some really rich/powerful Wastelanders have implants too - Vox has bragged about having several. Meanwhile Vaggie has been known to be ridiculously agile while swinging around a crazy chainsaw polearm with ease...
Even though I normally hate ridiculously human robots, I do like synths despite also thinking the Institute is dumb as hell, so there are synths in this setting. Maybe the Institute and the Army of the Righteous have like, evil technofascist teaparties or whatever where they trade inventions or something.
As for the Brotherhood, I feel contractually obligated to include them since it's a Fallout story, but at the same time I feel like they wouldn't be able to out-compete the Army as a tech powerhouse. Maybe it'll be like New Vegas, where there's a few stragglers left after their seat of power in the area got decimated.
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sunrisemiracles · 3 months
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Updated character drawings for the OC's from my Hazbin Hotel fanfic, Hell Is Other People! From left to right: Jan, River, Kat, and Leroy. Added legs and put them on a height chart for reference.
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clownkiwi · 4 months
unironic compliment towards hazbin hotel, however, i think my favorite character of the show has to be sir pentious.
he's like. the most realized animal based anthro character in the show (compared to alastor or angel dust or vaggie etc etc)
you see him and think "yeah, he's supposed to be a snake, i get it" and its so refreshing to see a vivziepop character with a clear animal inspiration that shines through the brightest in the final design, compared to. angel dust or alastor
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and his character is fun!!! i like it, i think he's very fun, even when he's not evil anymore. his redemption is pretty nice too (even if he's initially redeemed as quickly and hilariously like an episode of mlp). i'm even a fan of his lil egg minions too, theyre cute and fun
do think the way he's killed off is unintentionally funny. like, he's blown away in the blink of an eye while he's in his ship ready to blast at an angel, and they take his death so seriously, even if its the most anticlimatic death ever (yes, anticlimatic deaths can work. this just didnt do it for me in the show)
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magicapunguart · 2 months
Time lapse🎬
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 3 months
Imagine the Cannibal Vaggie AU version of the Vaggie/Lute fight. Lute doesn't lose her arm from getting pinned under rubble. She has Vaggie pinned when Susan suddenly rips her arm off with her teeth. "Get away from my grand daughter, you bitch!"
AWWW~ (original au credit to @sunsetcougar)
Vaggie: "Abuela, don't eat that. You don't know where it's been."
Susan: "...heaven?"
Vaggie: "Yeah and that place sucks. She probably tastes like cheap rainbow sprinkles and internalized homophobia."
Susan: "BLEH."
Susan: "Don't interrupt me an' my granddaughter!" (smacks lute with lute's own arm) "Now where were we."
Vaggie: "Not eating the arm. Throwing it in the trash where she belongs."
Susan: (sighs) "If you say so, sweatmeats... unless..."
Susan: (offering the arm) "Enemies are an essential part of a young woman's diet. Are you sure-"
Vaggie: (GROANING) "We've been OVER this...!"
Susan: "Just a tASTE!"
Vaggie: "Gran, I am NOT a cannibal! I'm never gonna BE a cannibal!"
Susan: "How d'you know that if you've never TRIED IT!"
Rosie, in the distance: "Don't pressure her please, Susan~ She's allowed to make her own life choices~!"
Vaggie: "oh for fucks- Look, if I ever try it someday it's NOT gonna be with LUTE."
Charlie: "Is, uh, everything going okay over there Vaggie?"
Vaggie: "Fine babe. Family stuff."
Susan: "Charlie you need to get off you royal furry goat butt and help your girlfriend get an actual balanced diet. Metaphorical eat outs are not enough for a young lady.”
Vaggie: “GRAN!!!”
Charlie: “Aahaha… I’m kinda busy getting beat up at the moment, but I’ll check in with her later ok!”
Susan: “Good.” (casually tosses lute’s arm) “I like her.”
Vaggie: (dying) “I hate my life.”
Lute: “GOOD.”
Vaggie: “Not because of you.”
Lute: “DAMNIT"
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woomycritiques543 · 1 year
Glad I'm not the only one questioning how Spindlehorse releases HB episodes within 2-3 months. I just wonder how they get the animation to look kinda decent, I thought it would take longer than this. I hope nothing shady is going on, because I'm worried it'll bring false hope for anyone trying to do animation like this.
I feel you on that one anon.
There definitely should be a longer waiting period to give the creators, along with the other creators, more breaks in between.
The creators deserve better than to rush their projects out like this.
This cant be good for their health. Let alone for the others at Spindle.
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It's like- Viv, this is a indie studio, not a whole company. Slow down! :(
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blue-rose-soul · 4 months
For hazbin hotel au: what if alastor arrives at young age? Let say an incident which both he and his ma die at same time but because of his heritage, he got sent to hell, forced to survive in the streets until he meet Charlie and the rest of the hotel residents. How do you think will happen if he meet Lucifer?
Oh, so an AU of the AU? Sounds fun! Let me think...
Well, my first thought is that Alastor's demon form would be fairly different, since it's so closely tied into the manner in which he died. Buuuuut... I really like him as a deer demon, so I'm going to handwave that away. I'm also going to have him keep his powers associated with radio, despite him not yet having become a radio host, with the justification that listening to the radio shows together with Nicaise and making her laugh by perfectly imitating the radio man's accent were such fond memories for him they carried over to his demon form.
Ultimately, this version of Alastor still becomes the Radio Demon. But unlike the Alastor who died as an adult, nobody knows what the Radio Demon looks like. He's a mystery, known only for his radio broadcasts and striking down Overlords from the shadows. So when this little red kid with deer ears shows up on Charlie's doorstep introducing himself as the Radio Demon, she and Vaggie are understandably skeptical.
That skepticism dies when he blasts Sir Pentious's airship right out of the sky.
Alastor still brings in Niffty and Husk - two of the only people who know who the Radio Demon really is - still fixes up the building, and still acts as the facility manager. But everyone involved in the hotel keeps his identity a secret, at his request.
When Lucifer arrives at the hotel, he's in sheer disbelief that the hotel's manager is this tiny kid. Never mind Alastor frequently pointing out that he's around a hundred years old now. That doesn't really clarify anything for Lucifer who's several millennia old. He's less of a condescending jerkass to Alastor at first, seeing him as a kid, but Alastor doesn't take kindly to being treated like a child. So Alastor does what Alastor does and prods under Lucifer's armor. He starts throwing himself at Charlie, hanging off her arm, acting like a precocious kid and interrupting Lucifer's attempts to bond with her while shooting the King of Hell smug looks.
Charlie finds it a bit weird given Alastor usually acts more like an adult, but she does think it's kind of cute so she allows it. Lucifer is furious. He frequently refers to Alastor as, 'that damn brat,' and casually picks him up and teleports him to other rooms of the hotel for 'a time out' and generally treats Alastor like he's a nuisance, not a member of the hotel staff.
And then... Alastor's parentage comes out.
Lucifer is just as awkward with the childlike version of Alastor as he is with the version who died as an adult. That awkwardness just manifests differently. He keeps trying to make amends by treating Alastor as though he's an actual kid, lavishing him with gifts, inviting him on trips, so on and so forth. Alastor really doesn't think he should have to decline a trip to Lu Lu World more than once. Charlie tries to step in on his behalf, but she's not so great at dealing with Lucifer's awkwardness either.
One of the most insulting gifts is a pet, similar to Razzle and Dazzle, who is supposed to keep Alastor safe.
Alastor explodes.
He died when he was ten and he's been keeping himself safe ever since then, thank you very much! He was strong enough and clever enough to become one of the most feared Overlords in the Pentagram, all without ever showing his face once! And it's been over a hundred years since then! If Lucifer wanted to be his dad, he's about a century too late!
Unfortunately, one of the downsides of being stuck in a child's body is that sometimes his adult emotions are too big for it. All the anger and frustration comes out as tears, which only makes Alastor that much angrier. Lucifer tries to offer comfort, to pull Alastor into a hug, but Alastor melts into the shadows before Lucifer can even touch him.
#ask#anonymous#Hazbin Hotel#the Devil's Bastard AU#kid Alastor AU#the poll results are in!#although this is a spinoff AU...#I started writing out the whole history of kiddo Alastor waking up in Hell and rising to become the Radio Demon#including him making a deal with someone who HATES Lucifer#then I realized I was going off topic#but some other changes that come with Alastor dying as a kid:#he never met Mimzy when she was alive. they might have crossed paths in Hell but she doesn't come running to him for protection#since she doesn't know Alastor IS the Radio Demon#Vox still has his obsession with the Radio Demon#but since they never met face to face and never became friends it's more of a straightforward rivalry#Vox has no clue who Alastor is and doesn't care#kid Alastor is friends with Rosie still#she doesn't know how powerful he is but she has some guesses#she treats him a bit like a stray cat who swings by her shop every so often stays a few days begs for treats then dips#Rosie has offered to let Alastor live with her permanently but he refused#since Alastor didn't attend the Overlord meeting in person he didn't learn about the exorcist's death the same way#his shadow attended and reported to him later#and he went to investigate Carmilla himself later on#his relationship with Niffty is mostly the same#Husk doesn't like kiddo Alastor drinking and keeps trying to stop him#with no success#They're relationship is pretty similar to canon but Husk is the tiniest bit sympathetic#since Husk can just look at the age that Alastor died at and know how badly that must have fucked him up
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captaiinobvious · 1 year
wish i could rub whats happeming on tumblr in the face pf one partivular person who kept correcting me n arguing about it whenever i complained
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fandom · 7 days
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Helluva week, amiright?
A new episode of the Hazbin Hotel spinoff, Helluva Boss, dropped over the weekend and broke everyone's hearts—mostly Blitz's. The latest season of Doctor Who continues to capture the hearts of fans, new and old, with its special brand of timey-wimey goodness. Donald Trump was found guilty on all 34 charges in his hush-money trial, becoming the first former US president to be convicted of a felony. This is Tumblr's Week in Review.
Dungeon Meshi
Artists on Tumblr
Donald Trump
Helluva Boss
Interview With The Vampire
Doctor Who
Dan and Phil
Laios Touden | Dungeon Meshi
Destiel | Dean Winchester & Castiel, Supernatural
Marcille Donato | Dungeon Meshi
Jujutsu Kaisen
Cats of Tumblr
Falin Touden | Dungeon Meshi
Evan Buckley | 9-1-1
Gojo Satoru | Jujutsu Kaisen
Hazbin Hotel
Baldur's Gate 3
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