#hbcu dance team
vargskelegore · 2 years
OK! So transfer student shuri showing up to your practice, with an extra water bottle! Transfer student Shuri who says "I'm here for _____" and takes ur bag with all ur stuff in it, slings it across her shoulder and walks u to ur dorm!. Pls I need this!
author's note: now thats some gay ass shitttttt, ain't no way reader's friends would assume their relationship is straight.
friends, huh? - hbcu!shuri x black!reader
word count: 958 words. (shorter than normal, sorry!)
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homecoming was coming up fairly soon, and your majorette team was stopping at nothing to perfect the routine that was being prepared for the school.
your school’s band decided the song they would play for the homecoming game was remember the time by michael jackson, and your majorette team would prepare the dance for the song.
with being homecoming being a little under a week away, these practices got more intense. you were the leader of the majorettes, too, so this was more pressure on you than anybody else.
as the practice continued, your water was beginning to run out, and as of right now, since your school was so cheap, the water lines in the gyms and practice rooms/halls weren’t working properly.
you mentally cursed yourself as your team went over the dance routine one more time. “fuck.. i think i’m gonna die if i don’t get no damn water soon.” you muttered. “alright ladies, we’re gonna take ten, if you need to go get water from the other building, feel free, i don’t care.” you were out of breath, and needing a towel asap.
you went to go sit down in the locker room, checking your phone. your face lit up when you saw a message from shuri. opening up your phone, it was a selfie of her, smiling, walking outside. you tilted your head a bit. where was she walking to? not that it was any of your business.
you replied a quick ‘cute :)’ before setting your phone down to get a towel from your locker. coming back, you see she read it, but nothing more. you frowned a bit, because usually she’d walk and text you at the same time, but not this time you assumed.
you overthought a lot-- you never meant to do that, but it always happened. combine that with dance practice, and you were bound to have a stroke.
you sighed for a bit before turning off your phone, because you realized the ten minutes was up, and everyone was back, chatting.
you left the locker room with your towel, setting your phone down next to your bag.
a couple of girls were having a conversation about someone, squealing and giggling. “y’all seen that girl that transferred here? shit, i didn’t think i liked girls til i saw her.” a couple of them laughed, and you raised your eyebrow, wondering what they were talking about, you called out.
“who y’all talkin bout?” you simply asked, getting prepared for another practice.
“nothin, just that new girl.. where she from, wakanda?” you stopped in your tracks once you heard that. they were talking about shuri. your stomach turned a bit hearing them talk about her like that.
“oh, her.. yeah i know who y’all are talking about. why are y’all talking about her?” your voice was a bit weary, but you tried not to show it.
“we saw her walking down the sidewalk.” another girl said, her voice getting all giggly from talking about shuri.
you stomached the way they spoke, clearing your throat before clapping. “alright y’all we need to run the dance again! we ain’t got much time.” your leader voice came through because you couldn’t bare to have this conversation.
there was about ten more run throughs of the dance in twenty minutes, and you were burnt out.
as the rehearsal came to a close, you gathered the girls in a circle to talk about things that need to be fixed in the future rehearsal.
“alright y’all, we did good today but it needs to be better tomorrow. i’m really proud of what we have going on as of right now, but i’m sure we can do better--”
you were interrupted by the loud door opening. all the girls turned around to look, and you were confused yourself at who could’ve came in.
“..are you looking for something?” one of the girls called out. you could hear some of them giggling at who walked into the room, and whispering.
“uh.. i’m here for y/n.” your ears perked up at who it was. shuri.
she was holding up a water bottle, other hand in her hoodie pocket as she stood there awkwardly.
you moved away from the girls to walk up to shuri. you could see her face visibly light up once she saw you.
“what are you doing here? i thought you were studying..” you whispered to her as you walked up to her. she only laughed.
“when you were complaining about there being no water in the gym, i asked you when rehearsal ended so i could give you some.. i didn’t want to interrupt during the rehearsal.” she was clearly shy and embarrassed because everyone else was staring at you.
“that’s so sweet.. um- thank you, shuri.” your face was getting warm as you grabbed the water from her.
“oh, so you wasn’t finna tell us that you know her, y/n?” one of your co-majorettes called out. everyone else just laughed. you cleared your throat.
��well, she and i are friends-- wait, why are you in my business? rehearsal is over, y’all go back home.” you were quick to speak as shuri went over to grab your bag and put it over her shoulder. “i’m ready when you are, y/n.” her voice was back to being soft as the girls giggled some more.
“friends, my ass.” one of them whispered. you were so embarrassed at this point, there was nothing more to say.
“girl hush, y’all better get out of here before y’all get locked inside.” you warned as you walked out of the dance practice room with shuri.
there was something neither you and shuri could deny,
and that was being friends was kiiinda overrated.
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aswrittenbyaj · 1 year
dance for you
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pairing: riri williams x Black reader (feminine) summary: it's the first home game of the season and majorette dancer riri is excited to hear the roar of the crowd in the stans. too ad her number one fan is stuck working. wordcount: 3.1k warnings: rated 18+. minors dni. cursing. not beta’d (that’s a warning in itself). let me know if i missed any! dedications & credits: originally inspired by dominique getting ready for carnival in a couple videos that @axailslink posted a few months ago. hbcu!shuri and hbcu!riri live rent-free in my mind so i went with it. not gonna lie yall, i'm not the happiest with this, only because it was supposed to be longer. every time i tried to expand on it, it just didn't feel right to me which is why the ended may feel a bit abrupt. there might be a part 2 in the future (or a stand alone that could be read in connection to this), but for now, i hope you enjoy.
gif conversions, divider, and banner by: me
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she looked so fucking gorgeous. 
it was a little after five when you arrived to riri william's on-campus apartment, smirking up at the small yet advanced security camera she had rigged in place of a key. though you were a little skeevy about facial recognition and have your face scanned into the ether, you trusted her...and you loved being able to pop in and out of her place whenever the desire was there.
you didn't have much time before your six o'clock shift, this weekend being mandatory for all bartenders and not to brag, but you were one of brimstone's best. hell, you should've been. you had worked there since you were a freshman, unable to drink, but more than capable of keeping the liquor flowing and charming your way into extra tips.
ending the door, you headed towards the open bathroom door, your feet stopping as did your heart the second your gaze landed on the beauty that was your girlfriend in makeup. your approach had gone unnoticed, riri's eyes closed as her best friend viv continued to pat the beauty blender up her cheekbones, across her forehead, her back to you. 
"oooh, bitch, i'm scared of you," viv had said, giggling as she put down the orange sponge egg, grabbing the setting spray.
a fine mist sprayed from the clear matte bottle, giving your girlfriend's skin a dewy cast. white teeth flashed between nude painted lips as she laughed, the sound your favorite melody. 
you shifted in your position, leaning against the door frame content with watching your shawty get pampered in peace. she didn't always do this. between her classes, "side hustle", and working on her inventions, riri rarely had the time to press pause on life that was long enough to take time out for herself. honestly, the only time she really allowed herself to get dolled up, outside of date night with you, was during football season.
as a fly girl, a majorette on your university's dance team, there were certain level of self-maintenance riri was required to sustain and while during the off-season that meant she was focused more staying conditioned for the next season, the end-of-summer through winter window was when your girlfriend spent more time (and your money) getting her face beat, her hair styled and her nails filled in. 
not that you were complaining. you would never complain about doing something that made her so happy, her inner glow was physically visible to the naked eye. you be able to provide that for your girl? it made you feel favored and fortunate. 
except on nights like tonight.
though subtle, your shift in movement caught her best friend's attention, eyes glancing up at you through the mirror before going back to the task at hand, rocking her weight back onto her left leg.
"looks like i ain't gonna be the only one scared tonight," she said, swapping the setting spray for a black and white circular hand fan, viv flicking her wrist back and forth, the gentle flow of air speeding up the makeup application drying time.
"whatchu mean?" riri asked, her head tilting slightly, perfectly scuplted brow quirking in interest.
"'cause with the way your girlfriend is lookin' atchu right now, anybody try to step to you tonight finna be scared for a whole 'nother reason."
you couldn't help, but laugh, throwing your head back; first, because of viv's commentary, but as always, your attention was never too far from riri. she chuckled before her friend's words fully interlocked cohesively in her mind, eyes opening immediately, knowing exactly where to look to connect with your own. your pink tongue dragged across the plump of your bottom lip as you settled into the full intensity of those brown eyes focusing on you. 
"hi baby," she said sweetly, soft smile spreading into a wider grin. 
it was clear from the alertness in her eyes, she hadn't expected you to stop by. honestly you were pushing it pretty close since it was a ten minute drive to brimstone, and you still needed to head back to your apartment to shower and get dressed, but if you were stuck working all night, surrounded but a bunch of horny, drunk, and high people, you damn sure were gonna make sure you saw your baby first.
hopping down off the bathroom sink counter, she side-stepped viv, arms immediately wrapped around your waist. careful not to ruin her best friend's hard work, you nudged her chin up, full lips coming down to press against hers, supple as always. 
"hi beautiful," you said, pulling back just enough to mumble the words against her duo-tone lips before capturing them with your own again.
"uh, yeah, girl, i'll meet you downstairs in like twenty minutes."
you barely heard viv as she grabbed her things and left, your attention solely on the young woman who had captured your heart a year and a semester ago. her hands toyed with the hem of your shirt, fingers brushing against the velvet of your skin as your hands shifted  to the sides of her head, fingers threading themselves in her microbraids. 
you pressed your lips against hers a couple more times before pulling back a few more inches to just look at her, taking her in. she used to hate when you did that, stared at her like she was the most precious thing in the world, as if just having her here proved the existence of magic and miracles. 
these days, things were different, her gaze now a mirror, reflecting back a love so deep you could free fall in it and never touch to bottom.
"you so damn pretty," you said, shaking your head slightly as if her beauty were an insult, lips curling upwards into a smile at the way she beamed at your compliment.
"thank you mami," she said, leaning up to press a kiss to your jaw before letting you go, turning to clean up the leftover mess on the counter. "so...how long are you mine for?"
her tone was played casual, but you knew how to see beyond the dramatic lightness of her words.
"forever and a day, but..."
you approached her from behind, hands brushing the terry fabric of her robe as they wrapped around her waist.  you buried the rest of your statement in the space between her neck and robe collar.
"...unfortunately i have to leave in, like, five minutes ago."
"right now? are you serious?" 
you didn't even need to glance in the mirror to see the downturn of her lips though she revealed it to you, half turning in your arms to meet your gaze.
"you really can't make it tonight?"
you sighed softly, the slump of your shoulders obvious. you hated to disappoint her.
"i wish i could." your bottom lip poked out for a second, mimicking her pouty facial expression. "brian's making everybody touch the clock this weekend and since i didn't work last night..."
your voice trailed off, hand on her hip smoothing down over the curve of her ass as you leaned back in for another kiss, this one searing with memories of just how the two of you spent your night off. you weren't the only one still drunk off recollection, a throaty moan vibrating against your lips the second they touched hers. 
all too soon, you pulled apart, a sigh falling from between her painted pout, and not the kind of sigh you loved to coax out from her.
"but you have to go."
you could see her trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice, the urge to kick yourself growing stronger.
"i have to go," you confirmed, the hand on her chin moving down to mimic your right, ten fingers splayed against the soft cotton covering her ass. "but text me where you end up after the game. i'll come find you after my shift," you promised, eyes staying locked on hers for a moment longer, waiting for her nod in agreement. 
her eyes fluttered closed as you pressed a kiss to her forehead, right hand coming down to slap her left ass cheek, the contrast in action drawing a gasping giggle from her and a smirk from you as you made your way out her dorm apartment's door.
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yeah, you made a mistake coming in to work tonight. it wasn't that it was boring, not per sé, but at 7 o'clock, it was still pretty early. the only people at the bar were those who couldn't get tickets to the game and with a stadium who's capacity sat at 20,000 people, that number of fanatics without was relatively low. 
still, you weren't bored. you'd just rather had been somewhere else. 
like at the stadium cheering your hbcu's football team on at its first home game of the season...and watching the love of your life shake her ass with a touch of class in the sexiest uniform you've seen in your four years of attending. 
the worst part about it was that you hadn't even seen riri wearing it in-person, instead only getting 8-second glimpses of it on the social media stories of her dance sisters. the last one had been a casual version of the fly girl sway, complete with attitude poses and your favorite thing to see her wear, a smile.
fuck, you had to get out of here.
it took you two beer replacements and an appetizer sampler platter to come up with an easy, but fail-proof way to get out of a shift with a guy like brian. it wasn't hard to find him, the older man hiding away in his office, no doubt watching the game's live feed on his laptop.
your knuckles rapped sharply against the door twice, your boss' head snapping up immediately as if he had gotten caught doing something forbidden. he was so busted. you coughed once to hide your amusement.
"uh, hey brian, i know i just clocked in like 2 hours ago, but i gotta go home."
if anyone knew how to frown with their entire face, it was brian. even his nostrils seemed to display disappointment in your words. 
"and why exactly is that?"
"it's personal."
"so is having a job and working your intended shift to totality."
how you didn't roll your eyes at his bullshit was beyond you. instead, you looked away, left then right, weight shifting back and forth as your shuffled on your feet. after the moment of awkwardness you purposely created, you peeked up at him, grimacing.
"so my cycle just started and there's bl-
brian's work-weathered hand came up to stop your sentience from continuing to completion, just as you knew it would. this was a fifty-four year old man who took his tmi very seriously, which made it pretty easy for you to exploit in emergencies like this. 
"just go, but i expect you to prepared to pick up some extra hours next weekend."
the not-so-veiled threat barely made it to your ears the way you rushed back down the hallway, feet squeaking against the titled floor as you narrowly missed a busboy in your haste.  you rounded the corner of the small break room, using the term "room" loosely.  deft fingers spun the silver combination lock, the tumbler dropping the base so you could pull open the creaking metal door and grab your backpack from the bottom. yanking at the ties of your waist apron, you pulled out the folded bills from the front pocket, the meager tips you managed to earn in the almost two hours of your shift, before shoving the apron and your lock into your bag. 
a loud clang sounded in the room as you closed the door, your feet already in motion towards the entryway and then out the back door.
you contemplated whether or not you should change before heading to campus, your work uniform of black jeans and a black fitted black t-shirt not the worst fit in world, but still nothing close to your usual style. a glance at the clock on the dash told you that if you wanted to see riri's lithe form dancing her heart out, the outfit change would have to wait.
it was a good thing you decided to skip it, too, since the parking lots were full. the packed side streets and grass lot parking had you wishing you had finally gotten your motorcycle license.
turning the block the stadium was on, you could hear the roar of the crowd. you wanted to believe it was for your school, but since the opposing team's school was only two hours away, it wouldn't have surprised you in they had fans attending by the bus-load as well.
just as you were able to say "fuck it" and risk parking in front of the two-hour meter parking you knew was located a couple streets over, a bright orange sign caught you attention, the word "media/press parking" in bold, black block lettering. a smirk formed on your face as you cut your wheel in the new direction.  
the roar of the crowd near deafening as the home team gained 20 yard, only 10 more yards to go to widen the score gap with less than two minutes on the clock before half time, . squeezing through the slow walking and talking bodies, your hand gripped tighter the canon dslr camera that hung from the leather strap adorning your neck, backpack straps trapping the "campus media" badge and lanyard close to your chest.
you had never been so grateful to have joined the yearbook club a year ago, an extra curricular supplement to your photography minor. the navy blue and platinum silver badge pretty much let you get behind the scenes of any school event, which you used to your advantage, flashing the plastic card at the security guard blocking the tunnel gates before slipped past him.
you carefully maneuvered your way along the sideline towards the home team's side of the stans, grateful the that violence of the game was taking place at the other end of the field. it would be just your luck that you got all the way here just to get tackled by a defensive player trying to take down a running back. 
honestly, you couldn't care less about the game, about the screaming fans and the hyped up players near the bench waiting to take their turn on the turf. your eyes searched the stands, instead, easily landing on the twelve dancers sitting poised, one leg crossed over the other as the band behind them transitioned into a new tune.
holding up the camera, you took a few test shots of the fly girls, thumbing quickly to adjust the settings before bringing the viewfinder back up to your face. you couldn't help but zoom in, catching candids of your girlfriend as she waiting for the dance captain to start her lead-in. 
glancing over your shoulder to be sure you were still in the safety zone, you refocused on the task at hand. since there were already other campus photographers on the sidelines, you technically didn't have to get photos of the game, but you weren't going to break cover now, not after you busted your ass to get where you were standing in the first place.
you snapped another photo, looking down at the digital screen with a frown, not exactly happy with the aperture priority.  fiddling with the dials, you glanced up at the stands again, head bobbing as your eye caught the dancer next to riri giving her a nudge and pointing in your direction. speedily, you lifted the camera back up to your face, index pressing down repeatedly as you captured her reaction to your presence. shifting the weight of the camera to your left hand, you raised the right, returning her enthusiastic wave before catching the kiss she blew at you with a smirk.
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riri was literally glowing.
the energy in the air was electrifying, supercharged, after the Bruisers took the W, keeping them undefeated at the start of the season. thankfully the teams, band, and dancers were allowed to clear the stadium before the fans, event staff such as yourself following behind.
leaning back against the sleek black of your audi r7, you settled in to wait for riri to exit the blue double doors. honestly, you didn't mind letting the thousands of people fight their way out of their spots and onto the road. you were in no rush, giving a polite smile or wave as familiar faces as they cleared the press lot.
the slight bite of the cool breeze stroked against the bareness of your arms, your hands sliding back and forth to warm them despite the perfectly working heaters on the other side of the car door. just as you were about to give in and sit inside, the petite woman emerged from the double doors, her eyes scanning the busy lot until she found who she was looking for.
it was as if a switch had turned on, the way riri brightened up the moment her eyes landed on you. a smile stretched wide across her face. legs kicking dramatically behind her, she half-jogged in your direction, both hands tucked into the kangaroo pocket of her oversized h---  wait, that was your hoodie. as well as your sweatpants, tied tight to her waist though still baggy on her hips.
"you missed me that much you had to steal my clothes?" you asked, pulling her into your arms.
leaning into her, riri's back bowed slightly as you pressed your full lips to hers, arms pulling her in closer as your lips traveled to her chee bones, her nose, her forehead. her laughter stole her breath as she gave it to the wind, pearly whites to the sky as she grinned.
"well i didn't know if you were comin' or not so i had to do what i had to do." she shrugged, eyebrow quirking as she stood bold in her truth, in her blatant desire to have you close.
"well, i'm here now so no substitutes needed, aight?" your hands slide away from her as you moved to open the passenger side door for her. "so where we headin'--yours or mine? i know you prolly wanna shower before we hit up some parties and i damn sure ain't wearin' this shit out tonight."
eyes never leaving her frame, you watched riri glide into the front seat with the gracefulness only a dancer could have. 
"we can head to yours. i think my 90's lakers jersey dress is over there and you got the perfect jordans to go right wit em too." 
there wasn't anything to say to that, nothing to do but to chuckle and shake your head as your fingers pushed the door closed. there was security in the way riri was so confident in her ability to just assume your things as hers. pride would swell in your chest seeing her swimming in your clothes, her healthy appetite and habitual exercise routine aiding in the appearance of her natural petiteness. not to mention that shit turned you all the way on.
it never felt unappreciated in the way her presence carried over into your personal space, not with the way the invitation was always mutual.
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cuddl3s4shur1 · 1 year
Proud Family
Paring: PWI Shuriri x PWI Y/n
Inspired By:Proud Family- Tory Lanez
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Warning: This story contains, Rasicts , Fake people , Adult Language, Mentions Of Adult Themes , Mention of Drinking/ Smoking
Taglist: @saintwrld @letitias-fav-deactivated2023040 @ziayamikaelson @adeola-the-explorer @niaalove @2k7-sparkles @lunax0654 @atssukoo @writesbyriri @malltake12 @inmyheadimobsessed @shurisbabymama
A/n :I hope you enjoy this Plus I know I was supposed to drop this MONTHSSSS AGO but I hope y’all understand, I am also hoping to drop part 1 either today or tomorrow so we gone see 🙈
Series Master list
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Something you thought would be wayyyyy different than high school. Recently you joined PWI , which you would later become the biggest mistake.
The first day you joined the school it’s like all the Ashley’s and Sarah’s Had a problem with you . Which you had reason why until you realized there UNLOYAL boyfriends where trying to get with you .
Instead of getting worried at their boyfriends they said it was your fault, when really it wasn’t and being honest they just hadn’t seen black beauty.
That would cause problems in the future due to you wanting to join the cheer team, something you have been doing sense a young age .
You would try out for the team and you did your best and even made an original cheer. At first one of the cheer girls who you thought was the cheer captain said you where going to make it . When you later asked about you didn’t make it . Than you realize you knew why , One of the Ashley’s was the caption , you exclaimed to the dean on how this wasn’t fair and the dean would listen at have you on the team .
The other girls on the team would realize that you where a nice person and you weren’t trying to get with anyone but it was just rumors . The team would start to warm up to you except for the captin because she was literally being petty . But honestly you didn’t care because that was just her . Until she created a domino effect among the team . Than all of the other members where going cold towards you . So than they would start doing slick and shady stuff like at one point they didn’t tell you that you had game so you would miss it .
You would find away to always come to the games even if they didn’t tell you . You made friends with people on the teams . You where a friend of 2 people on the basketball team and 3 on the football team. So let’s just say you had all of the dates .
When it came to the cheers let’s just say you were a fan favorite, meaning most people came to the games to see you . It was mostly men because they just loved how the cheer costume was a little short. Which you would complain to the captin , she said she would fix it but never did . Which got on your nerves
Soon enough your first break for college had came and oh how you were excited to get away from them people . You got to go home and experience love and happiness .
You would tell your family how going to a PWI was something you kinda regretted. Although you got good education at the school the people you had to put up with where something else . Your family would understand if you switched schools to hbcu but they wanted you to keep trying .
So you did
Coming back to the school was at first chill , you had classes and nobody had problems with you. Plus the cheer team took a break meaning you had so much time to do Anything.
Which you obviously enjoyed
Than all the problems started back when cheer started back .
Isn’t that ironic?
It’s like the cheer team just gave you problems but this rumor was the biggest one.
They said since you where wearing the short cheer costume and you since you added more flavor to the dance , that you where dancing like a STRIPPER . Oh how this made you mad,you have been complaining about the costume for months and now they bring it up ?
You would tell your captain that maybe she should finally change your costume to be a little more lengthy , and she would sweep it under the rug.
So you took matters into your own hands . Sense they where blue and silver you were going to make yours better than theirs. So when you showed up in your costume the eyes where on you . What didn’t help is how you where the leader of that cheer meaning the crowds eyes stayed on you . Two people in the crowd really had their eyes glued on you .
Shuri Udaku
Riri Williams
The most famous power couple ( literally)
Not to mention they went to YOUR school. They would sometimes come to games , and oh how they where so happy they came today out of all days . They got to see a beautiful young woman
Riri and shuri would look at each other and soon look back at you .they didn’t want to waste no time not having you
. “Who’s that girl in the front “ shuri asks a random person from the school. “That’s y/n she’s one of the most beautiful girls people have seen , but she’s also the most that has a bunch of rumors “ the person sighs “but she knows how to end them real quick and she doesn’t trust people either because most people get with her to see if the rumors are true “ the person says . “What rumors” Riri questions the person . “Well they said she’s really good in bed and she’s hard to get “ Riri and shuri begins to smirk. “ oh fr “riri asks . “Yeah so i wouldn’t mess with her” the person says .
The conversation ended with them now knowing some info about you . And by what they heard they also wanted to see if the rumors are true . That’s when they started a plan to try and see if it was true .
To them it would be an accomplishment if they got to say if they got to be with you . So they could say if the rumors are true or false instead of some rando.
And so the plan started
Throw A coming back home party
Hope her friends invite Y/n
Start talking to her
Become her friend
Become someone she trusts
Take her out to the club
Leave the club after 4 shots
Take her back to the room
See if the rumors are true
Tell if the rumors are true
Date y/n
Now to get this plan to work they would need to throw a party .
The plan was going to start and soon
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HBCU!Steve Harrington Headcanons
Setting 1990-1994
AUTHOR’s Note: Complete AU with the timeline. Steve is 18 in 1990 when he gets into Howard. Also this is only the first part. Like I said I can’t write simple headcanons. This is a thought out process lol. Please if you have any suggestions or advice drop it in my ask box.
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The first time Steve saw you was during sophomore year orientation. The campus grounds were littered with other sophomores, incoming freshmen, and very excited seniors (class of ‘91). But he only spotted you.
There were several registration tables set up and the lines extended past the campus grounds. Steve stood in the line near the end of the first table and you were standing across from him in the first line for the second registration table. While he was waiting to spend the check his father egregiously had sent to him that was burning a hole in his pockets, he looked right over at you. At the same time, you turned to look at him.
Steve had to do a double take because of how beautiful you were. He had that image of the first time he saw you embedded into his memory. You were dressed in a pair of jean shorts rolled up your thighs (it literally made you look like you had legs for days) along with the HU sweatshirt your parents got you when you first got accepted. You had on the CLEANEST pair of white Reebok’s with the white slouch socks to match. Your hair was in intricate, single braids that fell just below your waist (one day you would explain to him what box braids and other cultural hairstyles are). Your thick lips were covered in a dark brown shaded liner and fully glossed.
Steve literally thought you were the most beautiful girl he’d ever laid eyes on, and he made that completely obvious. When the two of you made eye contact, Steve gave you his signature smirk and threw a small wave your way.
You kindly returned the gesture, before turning back to your best friend, where the two of you shared a very not so subtle giggle. After a few seconds, Steve then watched as your best friend let you know that he was still staring, causing you to turn back to look at him. Steve gave you another wave as you gave him a tight lipped smile and tried your best to ignore him.
You and Steve made it to your respective registration tables when you knew that he was still staring at you. You didn’t want to admit at that time that you were flattered but you absolutely were. Of course you knew who Steve Harrington was. Everyone in your graduating class knew him. He was the popular white boy at a Historically Black College that almost every girl (and closeted boy) seemed to want to throw themselves at.
Even if he was interested, you were not.
Or you knew you couldn’t be.
So that’s why when the two of you finally finished and Steve approached you to introduce himself, you immediately blew him off and walked away from him arm in arm with your best friend. Steve was obviously shocked and a little dumbfounded at the fact you gave him the brush off but he knew there was something about you that he knew he couldn’t resist.
It was a little over a month later, Steve still couldn’t get you out of his head. He even made the mistake of telling his best friend, who went and told not only the entire basketball team but the entire Kappa frat house, where Steve was now residing as a second year pledge. So, he definitely wasn’t hearing the end of it.
And speaking of the Kappas. They were hosting their first party of the year at their frat house. All fraternities and sororities were invited. And being a Delta yourself, of course you’d be there.
While posted up with his frat brothers, Steve watched just you. You were in the middle of the makeshift dance floor, almost the center of attention (which, according to Steve, you should be). You were dancing with the same girl he saw you in line with that first day. But you were also surrounded by other girls that he assumed was also in your sorority.
Steve was mesmerized by every move you made while It Takes Two by Rob Base & DJ EZ Rock blasted from the DJ spinning on the ones and twos. He wanted so bad to walk up to you and ask for a dance but he couldn’t find the courage.
Steve’s best friend, who could always be counted upon, noticed Steve’s behavior and called him out on it. He officially fessed up that you were the one he couldn’t get out of his head. The rest of the Kappas immediately discouraged Steve from ever trying anything with you.
Steve was confused as to why when they explained two things about you. First, mostly every guy in their class has tried and failed to make a play for you (apparently, they were calling you a “tease”). And second, you were the daughter of HU’s newest Dean.
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Part One | Part Three
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naturallymi · 2 years
TCU’s very first majorette team, The Royal Divas, take the stage and deliver a fantastic performance at the Hair Gala.
The history of majorette dancing dates back to 1968, with the first official team called “The Golden Girls” at Alcorn State University. Since then, this style of beautiful, engaging, jazz and hip hop infused dancing has swept HBCUs across the country. Fast forward to 2022, founder Sherlee Pollock goes against all odds, makes history, and breaks down barriers by bringing together a diverse group of women of color and forming The Royal Divas at a predominantly white institution.
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lboogie1906 · 2 years
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Jackson State University (Jackson State or JSU) is a public HBCU. It is one of the largest HBCUs and the fourth-largest university in Mississippi. The university is a member of the Thurgood Marshall College Fund and is classified among "R2: Doctoral Universities – High research activity". Its athletic teams, the Tigers, participate in NCAA Division I athletics as a member of the Southwestern Athletic Conference. The university is the home of the Sonic Boom of the South, a marching band founded in the 1940s. Their accompanying dance line, the Prancing J-Settes, are well known for its unique style of dance, known as J-Setting. It grew out of Natchez Seminary, founded on October 23, 1877, in Natchez. The seminary operated under the auspices of the American Baptist Home Mission Society of New York, "for the moral, religious, and intellectual improvement of Christian leaders of the colored people of Mississippi and the neighboring states". The school changed its name to Jackson College and moved from Natchez to a site in Jackson that is today the campus of Millsaps College. Jackson College moved to JSU's current location early in the 20th Century. The Society withdrew financial support in 1934, and the school became a state-supported public institution in 1940. #africanhistory365 #africanexcellence #hbcu https://www.instagram.com/p/CkDsyYprdTz/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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marleybee · 2 years
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Alcorn State University Golden Girls…throwback 💛💜
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hbcu-dance-love · 4 years
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Jackson State University Prancing-J-Settes - SWAC/MEAC Challenge 5th Quarter '19 [x]
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tani-b-art · 6 years
Winter HBCU Dance Affair - Grambling State Orchesis
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vargskelegore · 2 years
HI OMG!! i just read ur shuri x reader transfer student fic and i absolutely love it so much!! what ab reader taking shuri to one of the football games and just seeing how the hbcu culture is?? like the band, the majorette team, the cheerleaders, the sororities and fraternities??? like shuri would fall in love with the environment i feel like.
THANK YOU FOR SENDING IN SOMETHING!!! i actually LOVE this idea so much bc I WAS THINKING THE SAME THINGGGGG. we see each otha!! (i switch between using 3rd and 2nd person pov when i do headcanons so i apologize if its confusing!!)
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so, a lil backstory
when reader was in high school, they HATEDDD football games and pep rallies
they were so boring.
like you know the song called the horse by cliff nobles?? the song like every damn high school band played??
even readers school couldn't play that shit right. just bland.
so when reader began attending an hbcu as a freshman, and they did football games RIGHT???? oh my god reader was on cloud nine.
they've liked these football games ever since
and they wanted to make sure that shuri had the same experience as them when they first started going to school
so the first game rolls around on friday
and you're taking a walk with shuri (yall started taking these daily campus walks together.. a lil gay if you ask me 👀)
and so you finally break the news about the football game
i would assume wakanda is more knowing of soccer than football games, but they certainly dont live under rocks, i think they know what "football" is
nonetheless, shuri was mad confused when you told her that people dance and play songs of the black american culture at these games
but she's also very intrigued
you explain more thoroughly, and that was all it took for her to be onboard
i mean, she was hella excited for it.
so when the day finally comes, you were planning to pick up shuri, but lo and behold
that girl came to pick YOU up!
she's knocking on your dorm door, and your roommate is raising an eyebrow at you while shes doing her makeup.
"girl i told michael to pick me up at 5.. what is he doing here so early?"
and you too thought it was her date.
but you go and open the door, and see shuri standing there, wearing a hoodie of y'alls school and some jeans
and you already KNOW she got that short hair 😩
shes looking down at you with a smile, leaning on the side of your door.
"uh-- hey. i know you said you were coming to get me but i felt kinda bad because i let you get me all of the time since you know the campus better, but i thought me coming here was the least i could do to save you some trouble."
she's just smiling.
and your roommates mouth is wide open
you're literally so shocked, and kinda embarrassed because you weren't ready whatsoever.
guess wakandans really dont be playing about being on time, chile.
"uh, um-- give me one second hahahah." you have the most awkward laugh its hilarious
and shuri is so sweet about it she just nods at you and lets you close the door.
the moment you close that door??? omfg, your roommate is on your ASS
the way you hush her almost immediately, hoping and praying to god shuri didn't hear that.
she did.
"shut up! shes literally just my friend! i told her about the game tonight." your cheeks are on FIRE i mean you're so embarrassed.
your roommate doesnt believe that one bit LMFAO
"yeah okay... you better get out this dorm before i go and ask her how long y'all been dating."
you never walked faster out of there.
coming face to face with shuri again was.. awkward.
for you
but shuri seemed so unfazed by it
"hi! are you ready to go?" she's just grinning. when i tell yall she is EXCITED
"yeah! of course.. sorry about all of that."
"no worries. i understand it was a bit sudden."
god she was always SO understanding, it made you melt.
and of course, you two are off to the football field.
fast forward to when y'all are at the game
shuri is having a blast! somehow she managed to pick up how the game of football even works very quickly!
and then we get to half time...
oh my god, shuri is in a TRANCE.
them majorettes are making her ass FOLD
she was having a gay panic attack chile
all them pretty women out there in those outfits, doing dance moves that oozes pure grace and sexiness???
yeah shes done for
she also REALLY enjoys the band. they're playing songs she's never heard of before, but she's definitely asking you when y'all are walking home what exactly the band was playing LMFAOO
i like to think that during the football game she's getting attention she didn't realize she'd get
probably bc shes.. i dont know, THE PRINCESS OF WAKANDA???
but nonetheless, she's happily greeting people and carrying on like normal
and shes just having a blast with you
she's pretty sad when its all over 😭
time really flew by
and ofc, y'alls team won the football game.
some people were having parties after the game
but shuri wanted to take yet another walk instead
so y'all did
and this is where she shared all her thoughts
"that was so much fun!! i really think i'm gonna like it here. it kinda reminded me of wakanda a little bit." you could tell she was a tad bit home sick after mentioning her home country, but she brushed it off.
in order to distract her, y'all kept talking about the marching band and the music they played.
this is quite literally how she formed an entire taste of american music because she found out what songs were being played 😭
(btw, i think she has an obsession with michael jacksons music)
ugh if this was one of her fav experiences, just imagine homecoming for her!!!
this got to be a bit long, my bad 😭
requests are still open!! come n chat with me about shuri amen lights and walls 😌
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dejwritesarchived · 2 years
i’m in my room watching psycho pass and i hear drumming outside, like full fledge drumming as if i just been pushed into the memory of attending a hbcu football game again and i go outside it’s a whole marching band and majorette dance team practicing up and down my neighborhood
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A young-adult sports drama set against the backdrop of the HBCU experience. It follows a young tennis hopeful from Beverly Hills and an elite baseball player from Chicago as they contend with the high stakes of college sports, while also navigating the highs, lows and sexiness of unsupervised early adulthood at a prestigious Historically Black College.
Geffri Maya (Private Practice) as Simone Hicks. During her teen pregnancy in season 2 of All American, the former tennis player entered into a relationship with Jordan Baker. The two eloped to Las Vegas without their parents’ permission, so their marriage was ultimately annulled. The adoption of Simone’s son, Shay, is an open one. Simone was rejected from Princeton University, where her mother had planned for her to attend. (an interview with Maya)
Peyton Alex Smith (Legacies) as Damon Sims, a nationally ranked high school baseball prodigy who is originally from the south side of Chicago, but his family moved to an affluent neighborhood shortly after his Little League team was involved in a controversial national scandal. That experience had more of a long term effect on him than he realized. Baseball, once his number one love, has now become like a job, in part due to his mother-turned-manager.
Kelly Jenrette (The Handmaid’s Tale) as Amara Patterson. A successful journalist-turned-journalism professor, Amara is Simone’s aunt and the most popular professor on campus. Despite her success as the youngest full-time professor in Bringston’s history, Dr. Patterson’s unapologetic activism occasionally puts her at odds with her family.
Cory Hardrict (The Chi) as Coach Marcus Turner who played baseball at Bringston University and was drafted into pro ball, only to have an injury sideline his career. Now assistant head baseball coach at Bringston, he is tough, blunt, and committed to raising honorable young men.
Sylvester Powell (90210) as Jessie Raymond, Jr. An Atlanta native and varsity baseball player, Jessie became friends with Damon as teen ballplayers on the national scene. Though he is skilled and hard-working, he doesn’t have Damon’s natural gift on the field, and constantly being in his shadow is complicating their friendship.
Netta Walker (Chicago Fire) as Keisha McCalla. Having grown up on campus with her dad, an administrator at the University, Keisha is the life of the party and the unofficial mayor of Bringston University — knowing everyone and everything, despite only being a freshman. Although Pre-Med, she would pursue her dream of dance instead of medicine if given the choice — much to her father’s dismay.
Camille Hyde (Katy Keene) as Thea Mays, a queen-bee sophomore that gives off slight mean girl tendencies. A tennis prodigy, she takes her responsibility for representing the Black community in the sport very seriously. Simone’s arrival at Bringston shakes things up for Thea as her instant dislike of her rival clashes with the bond they share as Black women in Tennis.
In the backdoor pilot, Leonard Roberts appeared as Bringston President Zeke Allen, Nadine Ellis appeared as Damon’s adoptive mother Ms. Sims, John Marshall Jones appeared as Head Coach Leonard Shaw (who became embroiled in scandal), Rhoyle Ivy King appeared as Keisha’s friend Nathaniel, and Derek Rivera appeared as baseball player Santiago Reyes, amongst other guest appearances. All American regulars Daniel Ezra, Michael Evans Behling, and Samantha Logan featured prominently in their main roles as Spencer James, Jordan Baker, and Olivia Baker respectively.
Executive Producers: Nkechi Okoro Carroll,Greg Berlanti, Sarah Schechter, David Madden and Robbie Rogers.
Berlanti Productions produces in association with Warner Bros. Television.
The backdoor pilot, 3x17 “All American: Homecoming,” was directed by  Michael Schultz and premiered July 5, 2021; it is currently still available on the CW website (in the U.S.)
The CW Teaser 2021-2022, featuring clips from the backdoor pilot
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hbcu-dance-love · 4 years
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Texas Southern University - Tiger Sensation Dance Team
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eremiie · 3 years
What kind of dance to you do? I do hbcu band dance but in high school, so I’m just curious
the dance i enjoy doing is hip hop and contemporary the most, for my school dance is a club and we perform at like colleges, events, etc., when i was in middle school i danced for a team and in elementary school i did step dance so yeahhh
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timmonsville · 3 years
Soooo, I'm at my dance studio and the owner wants me to help choreograph for the majorette team next year... But ummm I don't like majorette dancing. Like, it's a black owned studio and I'm Black, so I'm guessing she's assumed that I like majorette. I RESPECT MAJOETTE WITHIN HBCU'S AND BLACK CULTURE.
However, I'm a technical dancer and that style just doesn't connect with me emotionally. I've never heard music and had majorette choreography in mind. It's either jazz, contemporary/lyrical, or hip-hop...
I tried telling her I don't really care to teach that style and she said that I'm just doubting myself and that I can really choreograph for the team 😐
Baby... Issa hard pass... No disrespect. Come fall, but hopefully earlier, we gonna have to discuss this arrangement because IM NOT HERE FOR IT. I'M THE JAZZ AND CONTEMPORARY COACH!!
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grouphelp45-blog · 4 years
Black Fraternities and Sororities Step to Celebrate Their Culture
Stepping is really a rhythmic performance art used by greek divine nationwide. It combines intricate footwork, foot stomps, hand movements, vocals, and handclaps. Stepping can be an expression of unity. "When you come together in synchronized motions, you're becoming one," says Aurelius Butler, Treasurer of Alpha Phi Alpha, Mu chapter. "For us, stepping signifies brotherhood. We can't tell a brother he couldn't step. If he's a bad stepper, he's just going to have to try harder." Stepping started out from the chants and dances that slaves did to remind themselves of the homelands. You can find stepping wherever you discover African America Greek-lettered fraternities.
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Stepping is definitely an age-old tradition among black fraternities and sororities. It calls for intricate footwork, specialized hand movements, songs and chants. What is it really about Stepping these college students find so compelling? This is what they're saying: "Dancing has long been a means of expression in African culture," Reginald Price, a fourth-year business management and marketing student, is a member of Kappa Alpha Psi, said. "Over who's has evolved into stepping." "A step can be achieved at any given time," Price said. "A designated step master views step shows off their chapters of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. and adds his own style and flair." "To me stepping is really a way to show what your fraternity represents through both words and gratifaction," said Marcus Bryant, a fourth-year electrical engineering student and member of Phi Beta Sigma. "Our steps have been passed down each year through the generations of Sigmas," Bryant said. "You're creating beauty and dance from nothing but both you and your (sisters), and that's a special thing," says Ashanti Huey, fourth-year pr student and member of Sigma Gamma Rho. "On the other hand, it means long nights without sleep, sweating in great amounts and slimming down from the workout." Davida Isaac, a third-year early childhood education student and part of Zeta Phi Beta sorority says, "When we step, we're very sharp and crisp with your movements. It sounds like one beat and appearance like one movement." Mastering and performing this dance form is a traditional part of the initiation process in many African American sororities and fraternities, but stepping has recently become a popular activity for youngsters and teens. Stepping now occurs all over the place. College dorms at HBCUs have teams, predominantly White fraternities and sororities may step during Greek Week. High school and youth groups step, and some church youth groups. Furthermore, stepping is very popular with other culturally-based fraternal organizations--Latin, Asian, and multicultural. Whatever their ideas from the performance art, Stepping, all step team members agree that the dance unifies them and reminds them of these African roots. Due to its reliance on rhythm, it is extremely fascinating to view groups of teenage boys and women relocating to a single beat in unison, a reminder of the time when all African Americans shared exactly the same pain and heartbreak of days once they were slaves.
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