#hbomberguys video wasnt just about plagiarism
avibero · 6 months
You ever see someone on tumblr who clearly just reblogs every PSA or news blurb that crosses their dash, even if there are no sources and it's just someone's straight text post or highlighted screenshot of some unknown origin? And then every so often they reblog a post that's claiming another post they reblogged earlier is actually false/dangerous and warning people not to believe it?
Anyway this is your friendly reminder to actually look at sources before spreading information. And put sources in your informational posts so people can verify what you're saying.
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opinated-user · 7 months
dude, i see what people mean by lily does a lot of line ripping from other people. one of my favorite videos of lily when i was still a fan of hers was her star wars character ranking, and one line i really liked was "anakin wasnt a good person, but he didnt have much of a say in what kind of person he would become" (and that video is suspiciously gone now so the quote might be slightly off)
(apologizes if this is really rambly, it's super late for me as of writing this and was watching hbombs lisa analysis and it just hit me)
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but she'll say that it doesn't matter, because she apologized for ripping people off! only after she already saw in hbomber's patreon that he was going after plagiarists, but i'm sure that was just a coincidence and it was only because L "i was inspired by" and "i don't care if i'm a hypocrite" O was just so honest and not at all a lazy way to try to cover for herself. on a slighty more serious note, if LO is seriously concerned now of being called a plagiarist by someone she plagiarized, i mean "was inspired by", then we can't be surprised that her videos will definitely keep being boring incoherent messes of rants loosely tied together by whatever is bothering LO that day.
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zapsoda · 7 months
hullo love. as i may quote les mis, Tell me quickly what's the story / Who saw what and why and where / Let him give a full description / Let him answer to Javert!, what is going on with the essayists/hbomberguy/plagiatists? im not familiar with that side of usamerican youtube game but im all for the tea
so hbomberguy is a youtube man (i am not an avid viewer but he is leftish and makes long video essays so hes PRETTY popular on here) the other day he dropped a long ass video about plagiarism on youtube, totally pwning an assortment of youtubers ranging in popularity.
among them, the most notable are illuminaughti, internet historian, and james somerton.
illuminaughti is/was a youtuber who would shift from popular topic to popular topic for clout. eventually she landed on video essays which she would churn out on the regs
she was/still is in a contraversy which started because she accused another youtuber of "stealing" her "editing style," because HIS editor asked HER editor how to do some fucking generic video effects. this, obviously, was stupid.
hbomberguy took the opportunity on twitter to point out her directly lifting words from a documentary she based one of her own videos on, without direct credit (it was just a fucking link to the documentary in a google doc in the description), thus making it appear as if those were her own words.
then, her former friends started calling her out for weird vindictive shit behind the scenes, but its 3 peoples word against hers and not interesting enough to be anyone elses business.
anyways, hbomberguy covered all her plagiarism stuff (she has done this several times lol) in further detail within the video.
the next one was internet historian.
you might have heard of him, he makes videos i think. (i am... less familiar with him lmao.) i think hes known for his distinct matpat-esque animation style and his collabs, making him pretty well respected among youtubers i think?
so he made a video called "man in cave" which was VERY popular. he went all out with the animation and told a vivid tale of a certain man who got trapped in a cave.
suddenly though, this VERY popular video disappeared without a trace. it had seemingly been taken down for youtube copyright reasons... as you can imagine this is very vague, and Usually when this happens its over some complete and utter bullshit, so people were inclined to side with him, yet, strangely, he made no efforts to rectify this "mistake" on youtubes part.... hm....
later, he silently reuploads it, unlisted. yet. somethings different.... this isnt quite the same video. the language has been changed in many places, the writing is significantly worse. some bits have been cut entirely. and in the description, he thanks a certain mentalfloss article written by lucas reilly for "inspiring" him....
upon a cursory look through the article, something becomes readily apparent. the structure of the youtube video, an hour by hour retelling- the vivid descriptions which made the original video what it was, they all originated in this article published years ago.
i cannot relay this without mentioning how much worse internet historians writing was despite it being stolen. see, he would embellish and change certain things to make it less blatantly obvious he was lifting the whole thing (including... facts about the story.... lmao) and he would do so BADLY. very badly.
hbomberguy went into FAR more depth about this, even doing side by side comparisons of the article to his video with animations pointing out the bits he altered.
but the video wasnt really about any of those people, they were just setting the stage. they were giving you a taste of plagiarism in action, how and why people do it, and how they try to cover it.
by far, the main event was a gay youtuber who talks about gay things by the name of james somerton.
im actually only like halfway through his section lol.
it seems to me that he plagiarizes every aspect of his videos, like he googles the topics he wants to talk about, finds an article, and then reads that but changes the words here and there.
the only original words in his videos that ive seen were REALLY odd transphobia and misogyny that he would pepper in or go off in tangents about. he misgendered two trans writers (Rebecca Sugar and ND Stevenson) and called becky abertelli straight, specifically calling them straight women writing about their cutesy idealized version of gay mens lives. actually fucking identical to the shit open transphobes say about transmasculine people.
whats worse is becky abertelli CAME OUT because she was forced to by people harrassing, doxing, and threatening her for the crime of being a closeted woman writing about gay characters!
after being called out multiple times (and sending his fans after the individuals calmly addressing his plagiarism) he started OCCASIONALLY using credit in the descriptions, or saying he "based" his work on theirs.
he doesnt do this when he thinks he can get away with it though
hbomberguy does these incredible visuals dividing up transcripts of james videos based on where each section was lifted from
thats as far as ive gotten anyways!!
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bethrnoora · 7 months
oh my god. i wasnt gonna say anything but i just got to the point in the hbomberguy video where he discusses the true crime video and on account of the focus on plagiarism i really wasn't expecting him to touch on somerton focusing way too heavily on teenage girls ALLEGEDLY being the driving force behind toxic obsessions with serial killers but wow i am like. so relieved to not have been alone in feeling weird about his framing of that whole issue
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