#i just seen a few well meaning but too trusting ppl on my dash
avibero · 9 months
You ever see someone on tumblr who clearly just reblogs every PSA or news blurb that crosses their dash, even if there are no sources and it's just someone's straight text post or highlighted screenshot of some unknown origin? And then every so often they reblog a post that's claiming another post they reblogged earlier is actually false/dangerous and warning people not to believe it?
Anyway this is your friendly reminder to actually look at sources before spreading information. And put sources in your informational posts so people can verify what you're saying.
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musette22 · 3 years
hi, sorry to bother you but i'm new to the stucky fandom and you seem nice. i feel a little sad right now because a lot of ppl don't seem to care about steve and they also hate on him for his bad ending instead of blaming the megacorporation who send him back in time. i know it's silly to feel this way but it makes me want to leave the fandom and not post the 3 stucky edits i've made bc i'm afraid they will be full of steve slander in the notes. sorry for my bad english.
Hello lovely! Thanks for your message and welcome to the fandom <3 First of all, I'm sorry that this upsets you so much, and that's not silly at all! Seeing Steve hate would seriously upset me too, so I'm very happy I never see any.
I think your problem all depends on which fandom circles you move in, and how well you've curated your own fandom experience (I'm sorry for always using that expression, but it pretty accurately captures what I mean). As you probably know, I'm pretty deep in the Stucky fandom, and I literally never see any Steve hate. I know it's out there, but I just never come across it, thank god. On the few occasions in the past that I've seen any, I've immediately blocked the offending blogs, which means they now can no longer bother me (but honestly, there haven't been all that many).
I also only use tumblr (twitter seems overall more toxic and harder to curate) and only follow people who love Steve as much as I do, so my dash is all Steve-loving and devoid of hate! I also never go into the Steve Rogers tag other than to just quickly scroll through for new content from time to time (and that goes for the Bucky, Sebastian and Chris tags too). I know more often than not, the tags are just a cesspit filled with people with opinions I don't agree with, so rather than subject myself to those, I choose to just stick to my dash, because I trust that the people I've chosen to follow will only show me content that I like.
And outright Steve hate aside, I really don't get the impression that no one cares about Steve in this fandom either. Most of my mutuals clearly consider themselves Steve stans, and there are a few blogs almost exclusively devoted to loving on Steve, too. Moreover, the @steverogersweek is putting on a Steve Rogers centered event soon! The Steve love is still alive and well in this fandom, even if admittedly lot of people let Endgame affect their love and judgement of him (which I personally think is pretty weak and also a sign they probably never understood Steve in the first place).
So what I'm trying to say is: there are LOTS of people in the Captain America fandom who still love Steve, and basically everyone in this corner of the Stucky fandom does, seeing as Stucky is Steve Rogers + Bucky Barnes. I really don't think you need to leave the fandom over this; you just have to learn which spaces and people to avoid, and which ones to surround yourself with, and you'll be totally fine, I promise! Hope that helps, but let me know if you'd like me to elaborate on anything further 💙
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orionsangel86 · 4 years
hey so.. i keep getting way too caught up in awful negative posts by people giving silly takes.. i'll start writing replies and spend like an hour writing out this long essay about how they're wrong and then just.. stop myself like 'lmao wtf am i doing wasting energy on this' and delete it.. then get caught up in the next post lol. i'm just getting so overwhelmed and frustrated with ppls terrible opinions.. im wondering how you deal with this? you always seem so positive and chill x
Oh I’m not all the time trust me. I just don’t interact when I get caught up in negativity. I had a blip earlier today as well, but then I knocked some sense into my own head and swept away the seeds of doubt.
I don’t actually see negative posts on my Tumblr dash... ever. Because I am pretty sure anyone who was ever super negative just got unfollowed a while back.
I do see a LOT of negativity on Twitter as its harder to avoid it, and I still have mutuals on Twitter who I care about even though they are pretty negative right now, I’m just hoping that the finale will finally give them the serotonin boost that 15x18 gave the rest of us.
Do not waste your energy writing long responses on negative posts. I almost did it on Youtube. I know I have mentioned this video several times already over the past few days, but it REALLY bothered me. This girl is a YouTuber who makes money off of her videos, is a checkmark account on Twitter, and she is out here ranting and shitting all over the love confession even though she doesn’t even watch the show! I went even further and read the comments to her video - all fucking negative assholes and she had gone through and liked them! ARGH!
For ages I seethed and contemplated writing a really critical reply, telling her that basically she was wrong and by admitting she hadn’t watched the show she had no IDEA what this means, that she was just making this video for CLOUT and I just wanted to really REALLY dig into this person you know?
But that isn’t who I am. I realised shortly after how it would look. If I had spent all my energy on that, in amongst a sea of people laughing and joking at Destiel shippers expence, shitting all over our joy, I would look like the hater, the “bully” and this girl would prob just see me as some troll to be blocked. I realised it wasn’t worth it. Who even is she? She doesn’t matter and neither does her opinion. Neither does the opinion of anyone who isn’t part of this fandom, who hasn’t been involved and seen first hand just HOW MUCH THIS MEANS TO US.
So other than occassionally moaning about this stupid irrelevant cow on Tumblr in my own little corner, I have just tried to let it go. Because I know she means nothing. You need to let it go as well. It’s difficult, but its better that way.
As I said in an earlier reply, the bullshit is like the water that slides of the ducks back. In a lake full of floating turds, be the duck.
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nocvil · 5 years
Tumblr media
hewwo cuties !! im bon or bonbon or bonners u kno it !! im here to bring u my tsundere bitch of a boy bogum who is played by the wuvewy joohoney ( f in the chat for his mental health i love my Husband ?? ) !!  bogum or bo is a hitman who also takes care of his cute and lovely mother that lives with him in his apartment. below the cut i will explain him some more about him but bc of possible triggers, i won’t go too in depth. if you wanna know more about him, i have links on his blog ! onward !
tw: mentions of parental death, injuries, and elderly illnesses.
( lee jooheon + cismale & he/him ) ʟᴏᴀᴅɪɴɢ ɴᴇᴡ ᴀᴘᴘʟɪᴄᴀᴛɪᴏɴ … soo bogum is applying for unit 11. it says here they’re twenty-six and are a hitman. i guess they’ve lived in seattle for six years and i swear i’ve seen them around the market only browsing and never buying like every scorpio i know. they spent most of our tour on google news and i thought i kept hearing the amity affliction playing softly from their phone. i wasn’t sure they’d apply because before they left all they said was, “ i’m not sure if this’ll work out for us. ” ♡ penned by bon, 22, est, they/he
uhhh fair warning i’m reusing his intro from his previous group but it will be edited to fit !
soo bogum or bo i guess. twenty-five / 25. cismale. he/him. hitman and caregiver to his 52 year old ill ridden mother.
he has been in seattle with his mother for 6 years after moving away from seoul at the age of 20 to get away from the short crime life he lived there and also to kind of get a fresh start after his father’s passing. his mother was paralyzed at the waist down and the event was most likely what led into her starting to get very mild dementia.
a little insight on his mom is that basically she is never seen without bogum although bogum can be seen without her. i like to believe she is pretty well known just because bogum likes to get her out to socialize with everyone, although what degree people know her is up to whoever. she is super sweet lady when she is focused and on track and loves to socialize, meet new people, and hang out anywhere with her son. bogum is her caretaker, basically, providing her with everything she needs in order to survive.
bogum projects an outward appearance and personality of a guy who is caring, kind, and would do almost anything for someone he likes or trusts. but he can also be that guy who kinda freaks you out if you catch him at the wrong time. overall he is definitely an everyday guy who just has these weird flaws. everyone can be kinda creepy at times (:
his “official” personality written on his stats page is this:
a living oxymoron. bogum can be the sweetest person you’ll meet and also the creepiest man you’ve ever been approached by. he has a winning smile and would help almost anyone in need, but also wouldn’t hesitate to let you know he can’t stand you or he doesn’t like you. most people might see bogum as a caring person given the devotion he has to his mother and he pushes his personality that way. bogum really is a kind person, he always will be, but he is also someone who could really care less. while he is outwardly sweet, it is also not very hard to catch him off guard. if you asked someone about him, they would probably say that he is a devoted individual, but there is something off about him that is hard to put a finger on.
he is pretty set in stone because i’ve wrote him a few times. he was 1000% inspired by investigation discovery ( i mean his url is from a show on there )  and you can check out some of his pages on his blog. he has a stats page and an insight page that explains stuff that might be more triggering. i might make him a plots page. idk. probably not bc im a mess jasldkf.
speaking of, some plots i would luuuuuv for him are past friends from hometown seoul, perhaps a best friend?, someone who thinks he is fishy, someone who helps take care of his mom, anyone who could be his neighbor could have a cute plot, one sided romances ( bogum is aromantic, please keep in mind ), and idk, really almost anything. i’m not too picky as long as you respect his occupation and sexuality.
also a lot of ppl tended to love having plots with his npc mom so i mean feel free i guess LMAO
i would also like to say that i know his occupation may be triggering and because of this i don’t plan on really writing anything too detailed out unless the mun is comfortable and it is tagged and under a read more (: i respect that nobody rlly wants this scary shit on their dash because i wouldn’t either if i wasn’t playing someone like this. please don’t let his occupation keep you from plotting with me though ; ~ ; there is so much more to him than his job. he doesn’t go out hitting people 24/7, he rlly leads a pretty normal life.
i can’t wait to plot with you guys !!!!!!  let’s fuckin’ go !
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04loved · 7 years
To A Happy 2018
This isn’t a follow forever or mutual list, I just wanted to give a little personal shoutout to some of you who make tumblr a place i want to keep coming back to.
There are many more wonderful people I didn’t mention, but I hope in the coming year to step out of my comfort zone a little and try to talk to you all more, even if it is only over anon.  To everyone who has sent me an encouraging message or anon in recent days, I was truly touched and I thank you so much.  To all of my followers, i love you and you��re doing great and i hope you have a soft 2018 filled with love and good things!!
@bbhsavocado i feel like i learned so much about u pricilla that night of the bbh in panties talk aldkjsgljk how validating to see my kinks shared n sub bbh appreciated like that, but it was also awful n i hated it. i love all ur bisexual bbh-loving content n ur friendship with some mutuals is so adorable i hope u all find great gfs this year <3 i have no idea y i took so long to follow u bc ur everything i want in a blog
@bbhsthighs nicole, u want to be a person who gives happiness like the boy who inspired ur url, and u do, u really really do. ur hilarious and adorable in ur tags and ur interactions with ur other friends on here. i can tell how much you love them and how much they love you back <3 maybe some ppl first liked u for ur humor and light, but love means accepting u when ur hurting and when u dont feel like u can shine anymore. pls dont be afraid to share that side of you with those who deserve ur trust, bc thats what a true friendship is. pls treat urself with the same kindness u give to everyone else. asking for help isnt being selfish and it isnt letting anyone down. u do not have to shine for everyone else while being blind urself. following u has been a wild ride from the day i first found ur blog and ive enjoyed every day since. this year i hope the world becomes a bright and beautiful place for you.
@bobohu elaine, im not sure who you want following you since u changed ur blog...i think u left while i was taking a break from tumblr, but i found you again from a post about the kinds of love you feel for exo, i knew there was only one person who writes like that, so beautifully and so full of love. you were one of the first exo blogs i followed and you have always been someone who radiates good vibes and sunshine. i want u to know i appreciate every one of ur positivity posts, and even in your selfies, your smile, you look exactly how i would expect from the kind of cute content you have. i want to genuinely thank you for being a fan for so long and doing what u can to make others happy. i love seeing your posts and im very happy i found you again
@boxianb ive been following u for so long and like idk how u do it but u reblog every single baekhyun post i have on my blog without fail. always. u r just all baekhyun all the time and u know what i admire that i respect that so much that is dedication and i see u and appreciate that, its exactly what i want and need in my life, thank you !!
@byunchen mel, ive seen your posts lately and how you are lonely and missing friends on here, and ive been following you for like...two years now..and we don’t really talk, im shy and you say ur shy and bad at talking.... but here’s me saying that i see you and i appreciate the time you spend on here blogging and talking. im not really active enough anymore to promise to interact a lot but this year i will try to talk more and i wish you many adorable anons and people to call friends !! thank u for coming this far and being an important part of my dash
@exolgbt around when i first followed u i was questioning a lot if i was actually a lesbian and somehow ur blog just like...comforted me ? made me feel good ? helped me try to understand myself ? seeing someone so proudly a lesbian and also so in love with exo... ive come to terms with being bisexual but i admire you and really love your content and all the exo mlm appreciation !! ur doing good work <3
@imagine-baekhyun i dont know who is running this account but ur literally ruining my life thanks i hate it !!!!!!
@kjonginswife i have to admit ive wanted to talk to u for a while alkjgslkjg its nice to see someone my own age on here, i did see ur universe reaction and i think youre adorable haha i dont follow a lot of non-bbh stans and honestly i think i followed you at first by mistake but i have never regretted it !! idk how to put it into eloquent words but basically u give me such good friendly vibes and i love seeing your posts and your tags and your personality and just know someone on here really appreciates you and would miss you if u left
@kkaeb-my-song one of the holy first baekhyun blogs i followed <3 from the beginning you struck me as a very sweet person so cutely in love with baekhyun and that hasn’t changed, ive only come to appreciate you even more. you’re a constant on here and being in this fandom wouldn’t be the same without you !!
@mochibaeks I LOVE YOU i know youre not as active lately jelly but I LOVE YOU youre like the sweetest cutest squishiest most adorable person ive seen on this site i just...love...everything you say and make!! im p sure i first followed u bc u did like the bias audio challenge a while ago...u sounded so friendly and adorable, ur voice is very fitting for you haha you are so warm i hope you stick around for a long time because i love you soooo much
@rosybbh ive been following u sophia for a while and we’re mutuals but we havent talked a lot and im still honestly intimidated by you lol idk how u feel about this view but i see you as a very strong person, just the way u talk seems confident in some way to me, whether u feel like that or not. i dont really have the right words, but i admire that. i LOVE everything u say about bbh...all ur posts for bbh n about u n bbh...damn u always got me daydreaming about him too :( except ok there was this one pic of chanyeol and u said smth like ‘imagine him manspreading’ and id like u to know that that actually ruined my life and i havent forgotten it so thanks. for u especially i hope u have a very bright and healing year
@r-velvets vivian i know u have been gone recently but still lurk, and u have one of my fave blogs content wise and gifs and personality. u r still like THAT way too cool mutual i get so excited to see...especially bc you’re also so kind and during that really hard night after the news of Jonghyun, idk how or why but just those few words u said made me feel a lot better. i miss you online but i hope youre doing well in your real life and finding happiness
@sefuns i dont have a lot to say bc im really shy but u were the FIRST exo blog i ever followed and you have given nothing but great content since i found you two years ago, and when u followed me more recently i could not believe the notification aglksjgljk i have no idea how u found me but knowing we’re mutuals made me very happy and gave me a little blush and i just wanted to let u know that
@thundaelights fey, i dont think this will mean much to you coming from a stranger, but after following you for two years, i feel like i know you some, and i want to say that i hope this year you see many beautiful sights, and your heart feels light, and you are surrounded by things that give happiness. i hope something happens soon that makes the whole world look different, look brighter. its funny how life can change so fast and without warning. i wish you not just strength but also a safe place to fall apart and hope to put yourself back together. may you find countless reasons to smile
@wangeun we talked a lot for a while and then i just kind of disappeared i think as i often do rip but i still love following you and i just want to say real quick that i see you and i notice you and i would miss you if you left and i hope youre finding a lot of success in your life
to new mutuals @cuddlyjd @okaybaekhyun @baekhyuns i still get so shy and happy when anyone follows me back but thank you !! you are all three cute and adorable and funny n kenzie i hadnt followed a great jongdae stan in a while since the old dae-biased blogs i followed became inactive thank u for loving jongdae so well alkgjs
@sebyun @winterbyuns @etherealbbh @progamerbyun @dearbyun @baeksee @byunvoyage @solobaek @queenbyun @baekhyy @baehkhun @ethereal-baek i love all of u bbh stans giving baekhyun the love and adoration he deserves n giving me the positive baekhyun content my heart needs. esp solobaek (kiki, right?) u have the cutest most wonderful tags i love reading them all and seeing so many heart emojis
im sorry i dont have the most to say but im thinking of you all and wishing you the best!!!!
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