#hcs abundant lmao
milkcos · 5 months
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i just think they're neat!!
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abyssmalice · 8 months
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(you would think that tonitoni giving ayaks so many stupid things means her secret love language is actually giving gifts, but it's actually quality time. and acts of service too but only when she's in a super good mood dsgsdgsudgsyd)
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rottenrosethorns · 1 year
HI HI!! i love ur blog sm i had to request something!! can we pls get some fluffy leon hcs where he's playing w his partner's hair? or caressing their skin, anything along those lines🥺
im touch starved istg
Pairing: Leon Kennedy x gn!reader 
Genre: Headcanons, Fluff 
Synopsis: Leon’s love language is physical touch – Leon takes you on a surprise date to the local carnival! 
Word Count: 1.4K 
Warnings: mentions of carnivals but no clowns, large crowds, mentions of social anxiety 
A/N: I don’t know how to write headcanons lol. So, hopefully this is okay for the first time. I also don’t know how to keep things short and sweet, I was itching to write a whole ass fic for this LMAO. thank you anon for the idea and for loving my humble blog! <3
- masterlist - 
You always found it surprising that Leon would put 110% effort in planning your monthly date nights. Usually, he’s cool, calm, and collected, so you didn’t strike him as the type to become giddy about some outing; however, Leon always managed to prove you wrong. He was an excellent planner thanks to all the years of training his observation skills. 
He knew exactly what you liked and didn’t like. So even if you hated surprises, Leon would always orchestrate the date accordingly and ease into the activity he knew you’d enjoy. 
Plus, you trusted him more than you trusted your anxiety!
Before you even leave the house, Leon's sitting on the closed lid of the bathroom toilet, watching as you get yourself ready for whatever outing he'd been brewing for the past week. His eyes would be keen on you the entire time, shifting to look at your reflection in the mirror, then back towards you. 
Since he doesn’t want to interrupt your work – you are putting in the time and energy to look good for him after all – Leon resorts to verbal compliments and being your personal hype boy. 
You'd usually listen to music or play a video to accompany your routine, but nowadays, Leon was the only companion you needed. 
Leon can't sit still for long, so he'll be hovering all around you. One moment, he's standing behind you and wrapping his arms around your midriff to catch you in a tight back hug. Next, he's turning you around with his hands on your hips as he tries to convince you that you don't need anything to make you look more breathtaking than you already were. 
You pinch him arm gently, warning him that he'll make you both late if he keeps distracting you. So, he offers to help you with your hair instead. 
The man wants to be involved! Let him dote on you! 
Surprisingly, Leon's decent as a hairstylist. Experienced from handling young Sherry’s hair, Leon forcibly learned almost any and all basic hairstyles. He'll be extra gentle with you though, making sure not to pull too tight or harshly brush through knots. If he's feeling a bit childish, he'll try to tickle your earlobes. But when you get annoyed, he'll offer an apologetic kiss on your neck before neatly finishing his style. 
Sometimes he’ll ask what style you want, but most times you let him decide for you. Secretly, you know he enjoys dolling you up to his expectations, so as long as it looks well kept, you didn’t mind what he did for you. 
Leon's not the best driver, so unfortunately, he can't do the one hand driving, one hand on your left thigh ordeal. No matter how much he wants to be cool, he doesn't have the confidence to drive without two hands on the wheel like a teen who'd just gotten their permit. 
It's okay though, because he'll interlace his fingers with yours and softly kiss the back of your hand at red lights. Maybe, he can sneak in a peck when there's traffic too. 
Leon always opens the door for you and offers a helping hand which never lets go unless absolutely necessary. It's not uncommon for couples to hold hands in public, but when he's brought you to the local carnival with an abundance of people, he's definitely making sure you don't get lost in the crowd. Your safety comes first after all. 
If you get anxious around a lot of people, Leon will either rub his thumb over the back of your hand soothingly as he whispers some reassuring words for you or he'll move so that his body acts as a sort of barrier. 
You'll always follow closely behind him, tugging at his clothes just in case your hands disconnected for whatever reason. Once you're out of the crowd, Leon will make sure you're feeling okay before holding you closer by latching his arm around your waist. 
It’s a win-win for the both of you. You get to feel his warmth from his protection, and he gets to ward off anyone who thinks they have a chance with you. Boy is possessive, so don’t stray too far! 
If you get self-conscious about PDA, Leon will pout, but he'll get over it. As much as he wants to smother you in kisses for the world to see that you are his lover, Leon would never force you to be in an uncomfortable situation especially in public. 
Therefore, he'll compromise with a ghost touch at the small of your back or a soft grip on your shoulder. He'll know he's doing okay because you'll subconsciously lean closer to him and sometimes put a hand on top of his. 
The both of you will explore the carnival grounds for a while, trying your hand at a few carnival games. Of course, Leon is very competitive in nature and an excellent marksman, so he'll absolutely ace at any and all shooter games. But this time, he'll push you up to the podium this time and help you win your own prize. 
He'll stand behind you with both hands on your shoulders as he tells you to focus on the three glass bottles. He gives clear instructions, waiting for you to nod your head or make a noise in confirmation before sliding his arms down yours and aiming the toy gun towards the bottles. 
He'll hover towards your level, chin resting on the curvature of your shoulder. He does this to help see how you’re aiming, but he purposely pushes himself closer to tease you. He can’t help that you’re just smaller than him and that your figure is always begging for him to embrace you. 
He knows you're nervous, but he wants you to win, so he'll wrap his hands around your shaking hands, gripping the stock to stabilize you and the gun before shifting your aim. Once lined up, he'll let you pull the trigger on your own, successfully knocking down the three bottles. Elated, you turn and envelope yourself into a congratulatory hug before happily accepting the prize. 
When you're both hungry and take a seat at an open table to snack on the overpriced carnival food, Leon now does the hand on the thigh thingy. 
He'll go the extra mile and hook your leg over his, so that you're partially thrown over his lap as he traces random lines on your skin. Again, if you're anxious about large crowds, this'll soothe you. 
You can't say you've been to a carnival if you hadn't gone on the ferris wheel, right? Is it very obvious that he plans to seal the night with a romantic kiss at the top of the ride? Yes. But, you'll pretend you don't know what he's planning to do. 
Leon's never truly loved someone before, so don't blame him when he gets all his ideas from cheesy romance movies. You'd never expose him though, because you didn't mind being the main character sometimes. 
You can tell he's nervous, his eyes are watching the wheel spin round and round as you wait in line. Now it's your turn to calm his nervousness down as you wrap yourself on his bicep and lean your head on his muscles. He'll look away with a soft, goofy smile before taking his free hand and giving you a soft head pat to silently thank you. 
Once on the ride, Leon prefers that you sit next to him. Although he liked looking at you sitting across from him, Leon felt much more comfortable with you by his side, especially when you both were swinging higher than the treetops. 
As the ride begins to move, Leon will wrap an arm around your side, planting a firm grip on your hip and pulling you close to him. Even when the cart shakes, Leon's hold is firm and keeps you stable, but that doesn't prevent you from fearfully gripping his midsection.
He'll let out a teasing laugh at your timid reaction and press a kiss on your temple as you hide your face in his chest. 
Once at the very top, Leon will uncover you and take a moment to admire you. He's very keen on eye contact, so he'll hold your chin with his fingers as he expresses how much he loves you. He'll slide his fingers until they're placed on the side of your neck and pull you in for that cliche kiss to perfectly end the night.
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topaz-witch-tea · 11 months
hello! First of all, thank you for creating the Yanqing's Happy Family AU! I'm kind of obsessed with it, ngl, it's like, they're soooo cute!!!
Anyway, do you have any HC of when Yanqing doing his first mission as a Cloud Knight? In my head I always thought of the dads as the kind of parent that would secretly follow (*cough*stalk*cough*) their kid on their very first errand to the market, and the thought of that happening here is hilarious lmao🥰🥰
Then again, I just love all HC of the dads being protective of Yanqing in general, like maybe from an assassination attempt? It'll make a good angst :D
Thank you!!! They are super cute!!!❤️
They are very protective of Yanqing and I do have an assassination attempt on that is in the works. Still at the brainstorming phase thought so it'll be a while before it is written.
I wasn't sure which kind of mission you wanted so I provided 2 different ones. I love them being protective but anxious dads. Feel free to send more asks!!!
Supervised Mission
Up until he was 13, Yanqing's missions were always supervised by Jing Yuan or Jingliu. While the Xianzhou Alliance at heart was always at war, they did not have it in them to send Yanqing out on his own regardless of his skill. For those who stay behind, they are a bundle of nerves that grow more frantic each day. The battlefield is unpredictable and their little bird is so young and little. They could not bear it if his wings were clipped too early.
Even during supervised missions, there were always constant calls and follow-ups. Jing Yuan was always strict about not missing personal relationships with work, especially since it could lead to talks of Yanqing only achieving his position through nepotism. However, he would give constant updates and was only on the lookout for Yanqing's well-being. While he would sit back so his son could learn, any opponent that targeted his son would be quickly killed by Lightning Lord.
Jingliu, on the other hand, does not coddle Yanqing on missions. Coddling would only harm him and it is best he learn about the battlefield in a controlled environment. it was also why she refused to let the others join any mission Yanqing was on with the exception of Jing Yuan. Jingliu blocks the others before a mission due to their constant questions. One would think Dan Feng is the worst, but it's actually Yingxing. Dan Feng texts constantly at the beginning but will stop after a couple of hours. Yingxing sends a text every hour on the dot. "You guys are annoying. He's fine, if he wasn't I would text you."- JIngliu
First Solo Mission
A full-fledged assault by the Denizens of Abundance on a planetary system was met with the combined might of all six ships. Due to the scale of the battle and the need for all available personnel to be on the frontline, Yanqing's first solo mission on the battlefield was as reinforcements against the Windguard mecha beasts. At the same time, other members of his family were sent to different battles as well, leaving them unable to reach him.
Dan Feng, who was stationed on a water-filled planet due to his powers, was absolutely ferocious in battle. He cut through enemies without mercy. To him, the more they died, the less they were threats to his child. He also was extremely angry at being so far away and had no qualms about using his power to the fullest extent to end the battle quickly. The sooner he returned, the sooner he could see his child and tend to injuries. He could not find it in him to look at updates for Yanqing's battalion but he assumed if no messenger came, then his son was okay. "I need all of you to quickly die so I can go home and see my family."- Dan Feng after drowning a third of the enemy forces
Yingxing, despite being the most composed when it came to Yanqing, was filled with worry. He double, tripled checked his son's weapons before he left. He provided as much information as he could on the working on mechabeasts in the hopes the situation would be resolved before Yanqing arrived on the battlefield. Due to the days of waiting and overseeing the production of weapons, he was incredibly short with everyone though many understood why. Yingxing refused to check on anyone's status, partially because he was sure they were fine but also because any distressing news could impact his work and delay supplies and weapons to the frontlines. "You can tell that idiot of a supplies officer if he keeps delaying supplies to the front lines I will kill him!" - Yingxing to one of his students
Baiheng had joined other foxian pilots in a vicious battle against the wingweavers. She was the closest to Yanqing in terms of location and would constantly man the communication lines for updates on his situation. It went to the point where she would fall asleep with her radio tuned into the communication line and each morning she would check the casualty list. "Casualty list. Search. Yanqing. Unit name. Comet Orbit Fleet. Nothing! oh, thank Lan!"- Baiheng
Jingliu is easily the calmest in the situation. Older and more experienced than anyone else, she is very aware of the path of the Hunt and what it demands. Also, as Yanqing's teacher, she knows he will be fine. If he is old enough to copy her attacks, he will have no problem against the enemy. However, after every battle, she also checks the casualty list. "Baiheng, fine. Dan Feng, fine. Yingxing, fine. Jing Yuan, fine. Yanqing, fine. Good, they're all fine."- Jingliu
Jing Yuan was incredibly anxious. He did not fight as his time was spent strategizing not only for his fleet but the entire alliance. He did not have time to watch over matters concerning Yanqing much to his chagrin but he had ordered Qingzu to notify him of any updates no matter how small. He also found himself unable to sleep due to worry and during rare quiet periods, he spent it watching videos of Yanqing as a baby or looking at photos of them as a family to quell his aching heart. "He was so small back then. Soon, you'll be home Yanqing."- Jing Yuan who was getting teary-eyed after looking at photos of Yanqing playing with Mimi.
Yanqing made quite a stir on the battlefield. Not only did he take the Windguard head-on and chop its head off, but he also managed to strategically destroy their fleet. With their main offensive weapon out of the picture, the remaining enemy was in disarray and open to a swift and decisive offensive. "This is exhilarating!"- Yanqing developing a penchant for for fighting and the battlefield.
Yanqing was the last to make it back to the Luofu due to him being stationed the furthest from his family. He was, however, greeted with great excitement. Jing Yuan, who was the first to greet him once they were away from the other Cloud Knights, pulled him into a hug and checked over the wounds he got. Yingxing was next, having rushed over from the Artisanship Commission. He also pulled his child into a hug before demanding to see all his weapons, hoping to assess the damages and repair them before he was sent out again. Dan Feng had come rushing from treating a nasty cut on Baiheng's leg and demanded to see Yanqing's wounds. He later spent the next hour redressing everything and criticizing the handiwork of an amateur medic, stating that Yanqing could have suffered from sepsis due to the wounds not being cleaned properly.
Baiheng and Jingliu had come over later after ensuring that each other was okay. Baiheng had ordered food and was hell-bent on feeding Yanqing, saying that he had gotten so skinny in the week he was away. Jingliu, having read the report, was more than proud of her student especially his actions him severing the Wingguard's head.
After that mission, it would be another 6 months before Yanqing was sent out again. Dan Feng refuses to let Yanqing out of his sight and Yingxing and Jing Yuan agree, saying he is too young to be doing back-to-back missions like that. It totally has nothing to do with the fact that the week he was away was the most stressful week of their lives and how Yingxing was losing so much hair from the stress.
I might have gone a bit overboard with answering this but I was just so into it!
Thank you for sending me this ask!!!
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riddle-me-ri · 1 year
I humbly request secret six hatter relationship hcs please! He deserves love 🥺
A/N: yes, yes he absolutely does. And I’m more than happy to oblige. When I tell you I’ve never responded to a request so fast lmao, I couldn’t help it the headcanons came rolling in on their own!
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Secret Six Mad Hatter - Relationship Headcanons
So, to even get to the relationship point with Jervis is going to take A LOT of work. 
This wee mad lad has been scorned multiple times and in various different relationships, not just romantic ones. 
But if you’re willing to put in the time and effort. Really prove to him you are genuine and you aren’t going to abandon him…
Good luck trying to go anywhere or do anything by yourself. 
He is practically glued to your side. 
A true ride-or-die partner, he will do anything for you. 
If you need the perfect cup of tea, the sweetest treat, or need someone to disappear…he’s more than happy to oblige. 
Jervis will definitely ask you to try out drugs and hallucinogens with him. 
He will probably ask you to every time and any time he does them.
However, he will never pressure you but will appreciate it all the same if you’re there with him for the highs and the crashes. 
(although be weary of anything he gives you, he’s known to put something extra in things by pure habit)
Thanks to you, he no longer has to use his hat to feel that ultimate pure unadulterated bliss. 
Like most Jervi, I feel like he has to be touching you, not in any possessive or creepy way, but as reassurance to know you’re actually there and real. (and eh maybe slightly possessive, you're his, he doesn't want anyone stealing you away from him)
Because of this, he’s super big on hand-holding, or touching the back of your leg when he’s beside you (cause let’s face it…he’s just that short to most).
He adores sitting or laying his head in your lap while you comb your fingers through his unruly red hair. 
Jervis will go out of his way for kisses and not just for ones on the lips either. He especially loves it when you kiss his nose, something he once thought to be a horrendous feature of his. 
Jervis is also game for anything in the bedroom, so don’t be shy in sharing anything you desire or want to do (nine times out of ten he’s probably done them already) 
Definitely extremely supportive of you and whatever your interests are or who/what you identify as. He'll always love you for you and wants what's best.
Jervis is extremely clingy (as is most Jervi) so it can be difficult to ask for space or alone time if needed. 
But in order to keep you Jervis is willing to make a compromise…even if that means humming softly in a corner while you recharge or he quietly watches you do something. (just let him at least be near you or see you)
He’s never harsh or judgemental towards you unless it’s about hats…just trust him he knows a thing or two about them. 
Speaking of hats, I hope you like to wear them, because he creates an abundance of them for you. 
They’re perfectly catered to your head shape and face type. Only you can wear them, quite literally. 
Nothing makes Jervis happier than seeing you wear one of his creations. (Also please keep all the hats he makes for your foods and drinks, it will mean the world to him).
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stellar-snz · 1 year
hi! do you play sta/r r/ail? if so, i would love to hear your snz headcanons for your favorite sta/r r/ail character(s)! 😊🩵
Hello! 👋 I do play Star Rail and am be open to sharing my UID in DMs if you'd like to play My favourite characters are Jing Yuan, Fu Xuan, Natasha, Yukong, and Welt, so here are some sick/snz headcanons of them! I have some snz HCs abt the rest of the Astral Express crew, but they're not too polished and I'm not so sure anyone would be interested in that, soo,, 😗
Welt ✦ Throaty-ish sneeze that sounds harsh. ✦ When he's talking to someone and he has to sneeze, it can obviously be seen on his face. ✦ He doesn't really hold back, but when he's talking to people and he has to sneeze, he usually holds a finger up before turning to the side. ✦ Sneezes into the crook of his arm. ✦ Very good at hiding sickness. Seriously, he's never sick until he's caught. ✦ Not very sneezy, but some feathers would get him going. ✦ Mid dust allergy ✦ Okay… so I said before that I'm not that into pet/fur allergies… but the thought of March 7th sneaking a stray cat on the express and Welt being confused on why he's suddenly sneezing so much, is… doing things???
Natasha ✦ Her story quest… where she was travelling through the snow plains with the trailblazer, made me think a lot. ✦ Yeah… she probably caught a cold after that. ✦ Sensitive to the cold ✦ Sneezes in threes, each sounding more desperate than the last ✦ Somewhat high pitched and breathy (I'm so not good at snz sounds) ✦ A serial blesser ✦ A little embarrassed about getting sick. (Her line, "…but I'm a doctor!" 😭) ✦ Would love to take a day off when sick, but too much people in the underworld need her help, so the best thing she can do is wear a mask and sneeze away from people.
Jing Yuan ✦ LMAO, the birds living in his hair… or his hair itself has made him sneeze a couple of times. ✦ His sneezes are about a 7/10 in volume. ✦ Sneezes bend him over the waist. ✦ Doesn't get sick a whole bunch, but after that fight with Phantylia… he was immuno-compromised for a little while. ✦ Hehe… since he has a hologram, it flickers when he sneezes. ✦ When he gets sick, he milks the heck out of it, stating that he can't do things because of his ailment… even though it isn't too bad.
Fu Xuan ✦ Seasonal allergies. ✦ 😭 Has probably divined her own future and tried to prevent getting sick/avoid having a sneezing fit… but it never works out for her. It always happens… no matter how much she tries to stop it. ✦ Gets sniffly after the 3rd sneeze in a row. ✦ Soft, high pitched sneezes. ✦ Stifles by pinching her nose shut. ✦ Covers by cupping two hands over her mouth and nose. ✦ So, so bad at hiding illness/allergies because her nose gets really red. ✦ Hologram also flickers when she sneezes. ✦ Trying to hold back never does her any justice because she just turns into an absolute mess with long drawn build-ups and fits that leave her breathless and regretting her choices.
Yukong ✦ Rough and harsh sounding sneezes. ✦ Not really embarrassed about her sneezes, but she doesn't like sneezing in front of people. ✦ Sensitive nose bc… foxian ✦ So stubborn when sick and tries to push through it… but if she really can't, she'll take a sick day ✦ Spice sensitivity. ✦ Long, torturous build-ups sometimes… like, she has confined herself to an isolated room multiple times because she had to sneeze but it wouldn't come out. ✦ Keeps her desk clean because she also has a dust allergy. ✦ Very polite about sneezing(tries to at least stifle) in front of others because of her current position… but when alone, she just lets it all out because of her fighter spirit.
✨ BONUS ✨ The aeons I like are Lan and Yaoshi… so they get to sneeze too
Lan ✦ Lol, destruction and abundance lotus allergy. ✦ Has a harsh and messy sounding sneeze that bends them over the waist. ✦ Has a pollen allergy, which exacerbates their dislike towards Yaoshi even more. ✦ Has probably sneezed while they had their mask on and hissed out "repulsive...." afterwards. ✦ Earth shaking sneezes. Yaoshi ✦ I thought it would be funny if Yaoshi, too had a pollen allergy... but it's milder than Lan's and only sets them off if its certain plants/if there's too much of it/if they were around it for too long. ✦ Whispery/Hushed sounding sneezes... but can still be heard. ✦ Has probably used their veil to wipe or blow their nose. ✦ Flowers sprout up when they sneeze. ✦ Despite being considered "annoying" they actually tend to withdraw and hide away when feeling ill.
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kayforpay · 7 months
Any ideas about clown church holidays ? :O
mmm, I like to imagine they would typically fall under "feast days" in terms of actual celebration, but as for specific reasons?
it really depends on the church tbh. like I have a whole host of various GHBs of yore who would, insofar as clowns do it, be considered saints. and since my hc is also that clowns keep extremely detailed records, they could probably have specific days or three-day events.
the celebrations themselves are of course food, and probably a carnival in general lmao. lots of fun and color and new, exciting things to deep fry just to spit in the eye of lesser gods.
one of my fan ghb days would be The Matriarch, honoring the jade who, through her kindness during a long-past war, became the highblood for a comparatively short period of time, in which great peace and abundance of artistic growth developed.
another would be The Faceless, honoring a sanctified mutant who became known for his devotion nonetheless (this would probably include masks with only eye holes cut out and would scare people off).
also The First, which is a several day celebration in homage to the Original highblood, the elder who first heard the words of the messiahs and transmitted them through the people in one glorious blast of chucklevoodoos that liquefied their brain, but in turn started the religion as it is.
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chaoticklesblog · 2 months
Newest Obsessions Update with fics/more elaborate HC's to follow:
Call Me by Your Name:
The movie actually has a couple of tickle scenes and a few implied (almost tickle scenes). It's kinda hard not to find this completely adorable.
Oliver tickles Elio frequently after discovering that Elio's laughter is one of the sweetest sounds EVER. Elio tries getting him back, of course, but Oliver is much bigger and stronger than him, which usually results in Oliver turning the tables again. Elio thinks this is completely unfair but loves it that Oliver enjoys touching/tickling him, even if it means he has to tolerate being tortured lmao. Oliver thinks this is one of the cutest things about Elio.
An Abundance of Katherines:
I read this last week and couldn't stop thinking about how much we needed a Colin/Hassan tickle fight. If you've read this, you understand, I promise. Hassan is a little older and bigger and stronger than Colin and feels he has to get Colin out of his head a lot. Any time Colin starts rambling about uninteresting topics, Hassan sees this as grounds to tickle the snot out of Colin. Hassan isn't immune to tickling either and Colin seeks revenge, often torturing Hassan's pudgy tummy while rambling all sorts of scientific facts about tickling as a bonding experience/bodily defense mechanism as teases. Colin will definitely pay the price for this later as Hassan is pretty ruthless.
I Love You, Beth Cooper:
I am currently reading, but the movie is phenomenal and one of my all-time faves. Denis is super ticklish and is frequently the victim of many Rich Munsch tickle attacks. As he grows closer to Beth, she discovers this and finds it adorable and definitely uses this weakness against Denis. I like to think he spends the night running from Kevin and his army buddies not to escape a beat down from them, but because they will tickle the snot out of him if they catch him. Or maybe Denis thinks they'll beat him up, and Rich casually mentions that Denis is devastatingly ticklish and that maybe their lesson would be a lot more effective if it didn't physically harm Denis. Kevin enjoys the idea of tickling Denis until he pisses himself which he fully intends to do should Denis get caught.
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rviner · 6 months
for BELLA 👪 / for ODESSA How does the character express and handle emotions?
I'll write about them all. I think something stuck with me a while ago where Nadia mentioned in a thread how Bella is a lot like Aaron, and it really has stayed with me ever since. So, I get the impression that her father was someone she turned to a lot in her life. I think also the fact he was an earth witch too meant she learned a lot from him, and I think after his passing she's felt this huge void in her life and worse of all she knows it can't be replaced.
With her mother, I think Bella has an abundance of love and respect for her especially for having four children and for having the pressure of being the heir to a family company. It probably has been since her late teens and early twenties that she's been able to articulate all of that though and I get the impression she was a bit huffy as a younger teen because Nadia seemed strict.
Sebastian and Bella's dynamic is funny to me because it really is so sibling, for the most part they're actually just floating around doing their own thing and don't really tell each other much. They disagree more on the big things and agree more on the smaller things in life, but it does amuse me that they've literally never once had a falling out or argued because they squabble like a debate team instead.
Nick and Bella's relationship is really cute to me because they're similar and I think Bella really appreciates that Nick has this light and bright personality. They usually agree on a lot but ironically in comparison to Bella and Seb, it means their disagreements can be way more intense because they're so rare and it actually upsets them more. Bella thinks Nick is a great example to look up to in life.
Bella and Prim are adorable to me because they're very different but Bella admires her sister's blunt honesty and thinks it will allow Prim to go far in life. She's protective over her but also views her as like a little bestie and she always wants to hang out and catch up with her. They have had their moments where they've fallen out in the way only sisters can, so there are some HCs of some intense fights but that was typically when they were way more hormonal LMAO
Aunt Gen! I think Bella loves that her aunt is like a breath of fresh air and she really makes her laugh. We have some cute HCs of Gen always dragging Prim and Bella shopping when they were younger and I think those sort of memories stick with her. I've said that Bella's love of high heels comes from her aunt and I think in general, Bella definitely turns to her for some amusing but no nonsense advice and trusts it wholly.
I don't think Odessa is afraid of expressing or dealing with emotions, but I think there's an element of where she's had to guard herself for so long in her life that she prefers to keep a cooler demeanor around others and handle the rest by herself when she's alone. There's also the Slavic influence of her upbringing too where she can seem very to the point, which is misconstrued as possibly her being quite cold but it's not the case at all. Odessa accepts her feelings on things and doesn't run from them, but it's definitely a private thing to her.
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gravehags · 4 months
one of my septum's ball fell down the drain, my anxiety is through the roof but at least i had a fun time looking for it in the psych ward's pipe with another guy lmao (we didn't find it, ill get it replaced tomorrow :()
but anyway i hc that every once in a while the ghoul bicycle squad have 'erotica nights' where everyone shares their favorite filmed/written porn and toys at the moment around a glass of wine and a lot of some snacks. sometimes it ends up being an orgy, and other times it's just a chill pillow talk night :))
OH NO!! I’m sorry to hear that ugh when i first got my nose piercing i was washing my face and somehow pulled the stud loose and lost it down the drain - had to skip work that day to go to the shop and get it replaced which was annoying as fuck mostly because it was gold and that shit was expensive smh. i feel your pain.
i love this idea of them holding like an 18th century salon but sexy - everybody dresses as casually or as formally as they please (or as scantily clad heh) and they trade tips and make recommendations to one another (lots of “ooh promise you’ll try that on me next time”). and if the abundance of wine helps everybody loosen up and get a little handsy well. that’s just a bonus :)
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heathcliffgirl1847 · 8 months
Iski and/or Little for the character asks! :)
Iskierka first :-) First impression: SHE ANNOYED ME SOOO BAD LOWKEY LMAO. luckily it didn't last
Impression now: my terrible nightmare daughter. shes like divine punishment for granby's book 1 authority issues lol
Favorite moment: how can you pick just one iskierka moment. I love whenever she dresses granby up like a barbie
Idea for a story: granby retires from the service, she gets a letter of marque and becomes the first dragon privateer. idk how historically accurate this could be but its funny. menace!!!!
Unpopular opinion: how can there be unpopular opinions in the temeraire fandom. i don't think i have one
Favorite relationship: GRANBY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Favorite headcanon: she has a weird friendship with immortalis. you know when anime girls are like tsundere. thats her. immortalis meanwhile could not care less
First impression: how can you possibly have an impression of him he didn't do anything for like 5 books
Impression now: fandom OC beloved
Favorite moment: when amnesiac laurence goes to ask to help him look for temeraire and hes all standoffish because he doesn't know how much laurence remembers and if he will inform or not. and laurence is like "WOE..... HE HATES ME FOR MY ABOMINABLE TREASON......" rare captain little characterization. i cling to it.
Idea for a story: i always hc that he doesn't have a great relationship with his family so going home for a visit would be interesting. that Joan Tierney quote thats like "When you think of your mother, she is sitting at her table. She will not sit at yours." i mean listen statistically one of these guys HAS to have mommy issues
Unpopular opinion: there are no unpopular opinions about this character lol
Favourite relationship: granby......... love that granby spends the whole series learning independence and temperance which is something little has in abundance. (headcanon time since that's what this character is) similarly little needs granby's willpower and confidence. for granby a committed relationship means the responsibility to commit to his own decision (which is what his character arc is working towards) and for little it is an act of courage
Favourite headcanon: that he comes from a religious family. i think this is common bc of his name
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notriipentry · 9 months
mizole hcs go
OMG YAYYYYY anon ily (not romantically)
species hc: he's a hawaiian bobtail squid
a notable feature of the species is that they have little dark spots on them, so i hc him to have freckles from the back of his neck all the way down to the back of his thighs
he doesnt like flash photography due to the reflectiveness of his tentacles and his skin (again, because he's a bobtail), and because he has light-sensitive eyes (another hc) during concerts, the lights are set at a high enough altitude and a specific strength to only have his tentacles have a slight glow + not hurt his eyes
wears a lot of iridescent/"anti-paparazzi" clothes to prevent people from taking pics of him when he's outside (so then when people take a pic of him when he's outside, he just shows up as a glowing ball of light in the photo)
his swim form is super itty bitty
transmasc butch
likes to wear hats for some reason idk (i didnt think too much ab this hc)
owns an abundance of big shoes (specifically sneakers)(lmao he a sneakerhead)
wayyyyy too caring for his own good. like. he thinks about others and puts them before himself. like one time, he probably called wet floor one day and asked if they wanted anything for lunch and completely forgets that he was getting lunch for himself. despite that he doesnt really care since he got food for his friends yippee yay
actually, continuation of the last one: he cares about his friends very very much, specifically wet floor like he loves them so much
these arent much but i hope you like them 🤍🫶🏽😋
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pinayelf · 2 years
do you have any citrus scale hcs (are they hcs if it's your own oc??) for ami and nate? i just... them...
oh boy do i😳 (ty for asking sjudjd)
i'm marking this as spicy but warning just in case, NSFW stuff ahead
amihan has trouble letting loose, and also that adhd thing where her mind tends to wander during sex so nate found that dirty talk keeps her in the zone. just saying filthy things in her ear while getting her off and amihan's able to get out of her head
nate headcanon, i just feel like he's good with his hands lol. it's cause of the whole rogue vibe
amihan is a biter...the hickeys she leaves on nate is abundant lmao
sort of related to previous, but amihan is also really loud. which stirs up gossip in the keep and embarrassingly sometimes alarms guards. so she started biting at nate's shoulders when he's dicking her down and he realized he liked it :>
amihan's not really a risk taker, and nate respects that, cause if she's out of her element it's just not fun. the ~riskiest place they've done it was the study where amihan does all the reports, just cause anyone can walk in
things they find the most attractive about each other: amihan loves nate's shoulders and back muscles, nate loves amihan's thighs and boobs
the fic i was writing in a haze of lust the other night (lol) was nate teaching amihan how to ride him. amihan feels a little insecure about being inexperienced so nate puts the ~teaching part into foreplay so it gets her in the mood
nate has made amihan squirt c:
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lattehearted · 5 months
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Ivy hc's bc I live in fh brain rot. spoilers up to fh.jy ep 15 "the last stand"
as F.abian's narrative foil, she mirrors a little bit of his backstory. born in Leviathan, her birth mother - a sylvan elf pirate of little renown especially compared to the likes of B.ill S.eacaster - escaped with her to solace shortly after she was born. her mother's Leviathan accent stuck, however, and it's where Ivy's accent comes from, despite not remembering her brief few months on the floating pirate city
Her other mother (bc I'm part of the problem, re: fh's abundance of sapphic relationships lmao) is a high elf who moved to E.lmville specifically to teach at H.udol College. Since the disgrace and subsequent disappearance of A.rianwen A.bernant, Ivy's mother was given A.rianwen's position.
As of junior year, her moms are on a research trip to Leviathan - her high elf mother is studying the phenomenon of B.ill's particular brand of warlock patronage aka the pyramid scheme
As she's 18, like F.abian, she's been living alone during junior year - admittedly still lonely but in a much smaller home than S.eacaster M.anor
bc Nick and I decided they're a bonded pair, O.isin is constantly invited to come over. as is K.ipperlily but increasingly, those offers are rejected
Unintentionally mirroring F.abian and R.iz's dynamic, Ivy always calls K.ipperlily "KC" or "Click" for KLCK, or occasionally "The Boss" but never her actual name
As a little treat for me, a lover of the G.arthy O'B.rien accent, she absolutely uses "lovey" as a nickname. It's mostly for her best friend O.isin.
Mentioned in a currently shelved O.isaine fic but I.vy met O.isin at Oakshield Middle School, insisted it was "too sad" to see him sitting alone at lunch, and has been stuck to his side ever since
She whittles as a stress reliever
In the same shelved O.isaine fic, on the first day of school when adventuring parties are formed, Ivy instructs O.isin to divide and conquer, aka split up and look for people in need of a ranger and a wizard. O.isin meets L.ucy, I.vy meets K.ipperlily, and together they find R.uben.
Mirroring F.abian again, she multiclasses in f.ighter during s.ophomore year. Something something stress relief, something something getting her anger out in productive ways
She's the harshest critic of B.uddy's choice of deity. She's the first to make him a makeshift headstone in a sunny grove in the Far Haven Woods.
She thinks R.uben's older acoustic shit was better than his emo stuff. She still goes to every show and acts like she's too cool to be there. Except when K.ipperlily told her to avoid F.rostyfaire...
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soledadcatalina · 4 years
hi! before i started listening to second citadel i think i saw a post likening the northern wilds/second citadel to south asia or southeast asia bc of sound design (some type of bells?) and geography, etc...was wondering if you know of the post? (just asking bc you post the most second citadel content out of anyone i know!)
here u go
courtesy of @podcastlimbo!!
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usurperr-a-blog · 6 years
          THERE’S A BRIEF MOMENT WHERE Richard questions if this is what anyone else feels like when he’s trying to pick up on everything he can about them. He knows exactly what the man’s gaze is doing, he’s done it plenty of times himself at the end of the day - but it doesn’t make him feel any less uncomfortable about this. 
          Eyes brighten momentarily at the mention of the detective, spoke highly of him? That pulls an upward quirk to the corner of the android’s mouth, head tilting ever so slightly as he follows to the next room. His posture is still stiff, mechanical even, but at least his expression is more open - despite the attempt to maintain some kind of distance between the two of them - it’s obvious that he’s less than comfortable here. Though why that is is is less than obvious, even as his LED flashes amber as the android tries to explain himself. 
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          “I... Require help. With my systems. One in particular, really.” Richard isn’t exactly sure how to go about this. He only really has limited knowledge of what’s happening here - the RK unit doesn’t like the idea of not understanding, especially now. He’s a deviant, he shouldn’t have to deal with Cyberlife’s last attempts to control his model. 
          It takes a second, reminding himself that if Gavin could trust this man then so could he, before grey hues seek out Elijah’s again - brows raised in question. “It was this or a Cyberlife store and... I’d prefer not to have to go back there. Gavin said I could trust you, that’s why I’m here.”
                                                                                    >@deviancybydesign // cont from here.
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