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1 Jan 1:7 Men, si n'ap viv nan limyè menm jan li menm Bondye li nan limyè, lè sa a se tout bon n'ap viv ansanm yonn ak lòt. Jezi, Pitit Bondye a, va netwaye nou ak san li anba tout peche nou yo.
(But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ, his Son, cleanses us from all sin.) — 1 John 1:7 | Haitian Creole Version (HCV) Haitian Creole Version Bible by United Bible Societies. Cross References: Psalm 51:2; Isaiah 2:5; Isaiah 6:7; Isaiah 33:24; Matthew 6:12; 1 Timothy 6:16; Titus 2:14
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Call for Abstracts Track 3: Hepatitis Call for Abstracts!! If you have a paper, poster, workshop, or panel concerning one or more of our topics for this year, submit your abstract before April 15th, 2024. At the CME/CPD accredited 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference from December 17-19, 2024, in Dubai, UAE & Virtual. Submit your abstract/papers here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/hepatitis/ WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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pathologylab · 4 months
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#G2M's Rapi-Q is a CE-IVD approved, automated Point-of-Care (POC) RT-#PCR system based on 4 channel fluorescence chemistry for target detection in 1 to 8 samples. It is small, light weight and an easy to carry system which is ideal for identifying Tuberculosis, #HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs, and respiratory #diseases.
Visit our #website for more information. https://www.genes2me.com/rapi-q-rapid-poc-rt-pcr-testing-solution/rapid-point-of-care-real-time-pcr-testing-device
For more details, Call us at +91-8800821778 or drop us an email at [email protected]
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salutedomani · 4 months
GIOCO. D'AZZARDO NON SI VINCE MAI, MATEMATICI E PSICOLOGI SVELANO TRUCCO Svelare le regole e i trucchi del gioco d'azzardo, per capire che alla fine "non conviene" perchè di fatto "non si vince mai". E perchè ne siano davvero convinti, i giocatori saranno chiamati a fare alcuni esperimenti proposti da un matematico e da uno psicologo. Le 'lezioni' fanno parte di un laboratorio didattico-interattivo organizzato a Ferrara dall'Ausl e dall'azienda ospedaliera nell'ex Refettorio di San Paolo, dal 28 febbraio al 5 marzo. Il laboratorio si chiama 'Fate il nostro gioco' e affronta la tematica del gioco d'azzardo appunto con un approccio originale. Attraverso la matematica e la psicologia si cercherà dunque di fare prevenzione nei confronti del rischio ludopatia. Un'equipe di esperti spiegherà ai presenti gli "effetti nascosti" del gioco d'azzardo, e cioè le regole ma anche "piccoli segreti" e "grandi verità". La 'lezione' durerà un'ora durante la quale i partecipanti si cimenteranno in prima persona con gli esperimenti pensati dagli esperti, con un approccio più disinvolto rispetto a un incontro accademico. Dopodiché, il pubblico verrà invitato a fare una riflessione sui risultati emersi dall'esperienza, per ottenere una maggiore consapevolezza sul fenomeno del gioco d'azzardo e quindi sul fatto che, in sostanza, non si vince mai. EPATITE C, IN ITALIA RECORD DI PAZIENTI TRATTATI MA ANCORA BASSA ADESIONE A SCREENING L’Italia è il paese che ha il più alto numero di pazienti europei trattati per l’epatite C, ma solo aumentando la partecipazione agli screening per questa malattia, che ancora vedono numeri troppo bassi, ed estendendo la popolazione eleggibile, sarà possibile raggiungere gli obiettivi di eliminazione stabiliti dall’OMS entro il 2030. E’ quanto è emerso dalla conferenza “Un patto di collaborazione: dall'eliminazione regionale dell'epatite C alle nuove sfide per la salute del fegato organizzata dall’ISS con il patrocinio del Ministero della Salute e in collaborazione con Aisf (Associazione Italiana per gli Studi sul Fegato) e Simit (Società Italiana di Malattie Infettive e Tropicali). Dal 2015, è emerso dal convegno, sono stati trattati circa 260.000 pazienti che hanno eliminato del tutto il virus, riducendo in modo significativo il peso ‘sociale’ e ‘sanitario’ della malattia. Questo risultato ha già permesso di raggiungere l’obiettivo dell’Oms di ridurre del 65% la mortalità correlata all’HCV. “Si può affermare che in Italia l’eliminazione dell’HCV è un obiettivo raggiungibile” ha sottolineato Marcello Naviera, rappresentante dell’Oms, che ha introdotto la conferenza. SCOPERTO IL PIU' ANTICO ROSSETTO PER LABBRA Una equipe di ricercatori dell'Università di Padova (specializzati in archeologia, chimica, mineralogia), in collaborazione con archeologi della Facoltà di Archeologia dell'Università di Tehran (Iran), ha analizzato ed identificato il contenuto di un flacone in clorite, finemente scolpito, datato mediante radiocarbonio tra il 1900 e il 1700 a.C. Lo studio ‘A Bronze Age lip-paint from southeastern Iran’, pubblicato sulla prestigiosa rivista «Scientific Reports», evidenzia risultati sorprendenti: si tratta di una preparazione cosmetica di colore rosso cupo, a base di ematite, manganite e braunite, mescolato a cere e olii vegetali, che, a causa della sua specifica composizione - molto simile a quella di un moderno rossetto - era probabilmente usata per colorare le labbra. “Questa scoperta si aggiunge ai risultati di una linea di ricerca che rivela come gli artigiani dell'antico Iran, già 5000-4000 anni fa, avessero elaborato conoscenze molto avanzate sui composti metallici, naturali ma anche sintetici, che permettevano la produzione non solo di kohl (la nostra matita nera per gli occhi), ma anche di fondo-tinta a base di carbonato di piombo (biacca), e ombretti che, grazie all'aggiunta di cloro-carbonati di rame e piombo, e forse di urea, viravano la colorazione chiara di base verso sfumature di azzurro e verde – spiega il prof. Massimo Vidale, dipartimento di Beni culturali dell’Università di Padova e corresponding author dello studio -. Il fatto che il "rossetto" appena scoperto (presumibilmente da applicare sulle labbra) contenga solo tracce minime di minerali di piombo, fa supporre che le "comunità di pratica" di questa tecnologia fossero consapevoli dei pericoli della diretta ingestione di questo metallo”. Approfondimenti e altre notizie sono nel portale salutedomàni.com e Saluteh24.com, nelle pagine social collegate e nel canale gratuito di telegram: salutedomàni
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oaresearchpaper · 7 months
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jcmicr · 10 months
Role of Alpha Fetoprotein in hepatocellular carcinoma by MuhammadWaqar Mazhar in Journal of Clinical and Medical Images, Case Reports  
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Hepatocellular carcinoma prevelance rate is higher in Pakistan due to HCV mortality rate, consumption of Alchol, and regular smoking, higher level of AFP progression normal liver cells into fatty liver cells, after inflammation it convert into HCC.In this study, we find the correlation between AFP and hepatocellular carcinoma. AFP involve in development of liver cancer, LFT’s test elevation and HCV also cause of cancer.
Keywords: Hepatocellular Carcinoma; Alpha Fetoprotein; alanine amino transferases; aspartate aminotransferases.
Hepatocellular carcinoma is the 4th most common malignancy in worldwide and it is leading cause of cancer like disease in liver, and it exceed more than 1 million deaths per year by 2030 [1]. Acute hepatitis and acute liver failure are the most serious medical condition that require early diagnosis by release of IL-6, TNF-α and elevated alanine amino transferases, aspartate aminotransferases, alkaline phosphatase and α -Fetoprotein that progress healthy liver in to fatty liver known as steatosis and then inflammation occur in this and leads to hepatocellular carcinoma [2]. Most cases of HCC due to the virus like HCV and HBV, Diabetic and obesity, alcohol related diseases, non- alcohol related diseases, carcinogens like aflatoxins compounds [3]. HCC is the most common cancer that have high mortality rate in cancers due to mortality of HCV and NLFD. In Pakistan HCC ratio high due to prevalence and mortality rate of HCV [4]. The major treatment of HCC are chemotherapy, radiotherapy, transplantation and surgery. Because the most cases diagnose at the late stage, surgery cannot be performed and drugs are the only treatment of HCC [5]. Most patients in HCC become more drug resistance drug resistance. Drug treatment is the best choice of patients who are not edible for surgery. HCC is usually resistance to chemotherapeutic drugs. Because it hinders liver cancer treatment. In recent years targeted drugs use as medication and immune checkpoint inhibitors are introduce for treatment [6].
In the previous research evidence indicates that alpha-fetoprotein has high false-positive rate in diagnosis of early stage of HCC. The EASL clinic practices shows that AFP as a biomarker for liver transplantation and drug indicator [7]. The AFP level increased in many patients’ ad its risk for progression of HCC. AFP, currently the only biomarker available for HCC drug treatment, function as immune suppressor and promote malignancy transformation in HCC [8]. HCC is resistant to traditional chemotherapeutic agents such as doxorubicin, tetrahydrofolate, oxaliplatin, cisplatin, and gemcitabine. currently the recommended drugs include such as targeted therapeutics and immune checkpoint inhibitors [9].
AFP is a glycoprotein that secreted by endoderm embryonic tissue. The lower level of AFP in blood due to AFP is decrease in mature hepatocytes and that AFP gene expression is blocked. It is possible that AFP involved in HCC development and progression become an important factor affecting HCC diagnosis and treatment. AFP plays an important role in promoting cancer cell proliferation and, inhibition cancer cell apoptosis.
LFT’s test performed for liver injury, alanine aminotransferases, aspartate aminotransferases and alkaline phosphatase. These enzymes are commonly elevated in liver disease patients. Alkaline phosphatase and AFP play important role in the diagnosis of cancer.
Case Study
The patient name was sikandar, age 56 patient feel pain in their abdomen and sudden loss of weight. The patient has already hepatitis C infection and their PCR results were positive with high viral load. Due to serious illness it admitted in emergency ward 12, Nishter Hospital Multan. The doctors panel referred some test and kept in observations for better health condition.
The total bilirubin level was 2.05mg/dl in their blood and their normal values 0.6 - 1.2. The serum glutamate-pyruvate transaminase level is 43U/L and normal values up to 40. Aspartate amino transferases and alkaline phosphatase level were high in blood respectively 151 U/L and 493 U/l show in (Figure 1). Its indicate liver injury and cirrhosis. The AFP test indicates correlation with Hepatocellular carcinoma. The AFP level in patient was 6101ng/ml and normal values were 0.1 – 10. Higher level of AFP indicates that HCC have positive relation with AFP to proliferate cancer. The test formed by fully automated state of the Art analyzer Beckman Coulter 700 AIJ.
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Figure 1: Liver function and Alpha Feto Protein test in patient.
After blood reports, doctor suggest ultarosund Computrised Tomography whole abdominal view. In view, spleen size becomes enlarged 6cm, calculi in gall bladder, heterogeneous patchy atrial enhancement of right lobe, and some nodules seen in both lobes of liver. The doctor findings the AFP correlation with HCC, splenomegaly, ascites, cholelithiasis and protosystematic collaterals.
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Figure 2: Ultrasound Computrised Tomography whole abdomen.
The patient diagnosed with hepatocellular carcinoma at last stage, and doctor reffered to liver transplantation in india. But after 4 weeks he cannot survive.
Hepatitis C was the major risk of hepatocellular carcinoma in Pakistan. Smoking and alcohol have big problem to influence HCC in humans. The case study show that alpha fetoprotein has correlation with HCC. Higher Alkaline phosphatase and serum Bilirubin level enhance the liver carcinoma. AFP play role in cell proliferation, cancer cell differentiation and cell cycle arrest.
For more details : https://jcmimagescasereports.org/author-guidelines/ 
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sanitadomani · 1 year
Hand, per la diagnosi dell’epatite C
sanitadomani.com – Giunge alla V edizione il progetto HAND, acronimo di Hepatitis in Addiction Network Delivery, per sensibilizzare sulla necessità dello screening per l’epatite C, tecnicamente chiamata infezione HCV. Il progetto è rivolto alle categorie di persone maggiormente a rischio, a comincire da coloro che sono definiti PWID (People Who Inject Drugs), ovvero chi fa uso di sostanze…
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helvaticacare · 2 years
DAA treatment regimens can curb mortality rates of HCV and HIV coinfected patients. Find out all about these treatments in this article.
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zyciestolicy · 2 years
Lekarze rodzinni mogą kierować na badanie wykrywające zakażenie wirusem HCV
Lekarze rodzinni mogą kierować na badanie wykrywające zakażenie wirusem HCV
Od 1 lipca lekarze rodzinni mogą zlecać pacjentom badanie wykrywające zakażenie wirusem HCV (anty-HCV) – przypominają eksperci z okazji przypadającego 28 lipca Światowego Dnia Wirusowego Zapalenia Wątroby Upowszechnienie tych badań refundowanych przez Narodowy Fundusz Zdrowia stwarza szansę eliminacji w Polsce wirusowego zapalania wątroby typu C (WZW C). Dotychczas zakażenie to często było…
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onsunnyside · 2 years
Slutty thot incomingg
so diving back into the Howard verse, can u imagine how dominant Ari is with starlet when she’s in heat😭 pls she’s just so desperate to get railed by him and he mocks her so much.
“Aw baby did u cum again already? God what would you do if I wasn’t here to fill you up with my knot huh? And to think u tried shoving me away when I showed up earlier. Now be a good girl and take everything I give you”
I’m 🫠🫠🫠 pls I can’t wait to return to this story omg
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The door swings open and Ari is blasted with a heady smell. "I said I'd pick you up." He clenches his jaw, his blue eyes drifting over your sweaty face and the unsteady rise and fall of your chest.
You clutch your jacket tightly, almost tripping as he tugs you roughly into the frat house. "I-I made it just fine."
He scoffs, peeking out the window for any fucking creeps who followed you here.
Omegas in heat are assaulted so often that it seems normal, and Ari would brush it off if it were anyone else (especially given his family legacy), but not you. Sure, you could hold your own, you've proven that dozens of times, but not when you're in heat. You're too fucking stubborn to give him control at a time like this.
"I swear, you're so fucking stupid sometimes." Ari growls, shoving you up the stairs, "why can't you be a good omega at least once?"
You cover your whimper with a cough and ignore the uncomfortable wetness soaking your underwear. Good omega, didn't you want to be a good omega for him? No. No, not him or any alpha. Just this once you'll accept his help, no matter how sick it made you feel to be intimate with him, to let him see you in your most vulnerable state.
"Just for that, I should just send you back home. See if some other alpha wants you instead since you clearly don't care whose cock you get." He forces you into his bedroom and then slams the door shut, locking it with a flick of his fingers. "If you did, you wouldn't have walked here with your slick dripping down your legs for everyone to smell. Is that it, starlet? You wanna be a wet hole for any bastard who asks?"
You should leave right now, prove him wrong and go through this heat by yourself, but in his room and surrounded by his smell and warmth, you can't physically leave. Your body won't allow you to move unless it's to please your alpha—not your alpha, but definitely the worst on campus.
"I want you to beg for me. Use that pretty mouth for something good."
You clench your fists as another wave hits, your juices smearing through your jeans. "please, help—"
"On your knees." He grins cockily, crossing his arms. "Go on, I'm waiting."
You drop to the floor, face level with his crotch and that hard bulge through his pants. His scent fills your lungs and head, making you dizzy and slip further into that blissful, but needy headspace.
"Please, alpha, help me t-through my heat." You beg through gritted teeth, "please help me. I—I need you."
"That's cute. For an actress, I expected more but I have a better idea." He smirks, slowly tearing off his shirt to toss it onto your lap.
You can't resist bringing the fabric to your nose, inhaling his musk like you're addicted to it—in a way, you are.
His hand lands on the back of your head, pulling you forward until his clothed cock brushes your lips, "Ask for my knot, ask for my cum inside your tight omega cunt. Ask me to fuck you through your heat. Beg me to make you my breeding bitch."
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Track 3: Hepatitis
Call for Abstracts are open, If you have a paper, poster, workshop, or panel concerning one or more of our topics for this year, submit your abstract before January 31, 2024. At the CME/CPD accredited 14th World Gastroenterology, IBD & Hepatology Conference fro
m December 17-19, 2024, in Holiday Inn Dubai, UAE & Virtual.Submit your abstract/papers here: https://gastroenterology.universeconferences.com/submit-abstract/
WhatsApp us: https://wa.me/442033222718?text=
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kuhuchan · 2 years
remembering dates is so history student behaviour btw
I actually liked history mereko lagta hai gappe marne ke liye mast hai exam dene ke liye nahi. Geography? I LOATHED GEOGRAPHY but STILL GOT 97-98 IN IT
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pathologylab · 6 months
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#G2M's Rapi-Q is a CE-IVD approved, automated Point-of-Care (POC) RT-PCR system based on 4 channel #fluorescence chemistry for target detection in 1 to 8 samples. It is small, light weight and an easy to carry system which is ideal for identifying Tuberculosis, #HPV, 3Hdtect (HIV, HCV & HBV), Tropical Fever, STIs, and respiratory diseases.
#pcr #extraction #nucleicacids #automation #biotech #biotechnology #yearsofexcellence #data #bioindia #dna #rna #analysis #hiv #ivd #hiv #hcv #hbv #diseases #molecularbiology #poc #poct #genes2me #pointofcare
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buytrucknbus · 5 months
Buy Tata HCV Cargo Trucks Online
Buy HCV Cargo Trucks online from Tata Motors and explore a wide range of options. Check out the prices, features, and detailed specifications on the Tata Motors platform. Find the perfect cargo truck for your needs with ease.
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cdgl · 5 months
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