#he ain't dead too
moonlitdark · 11 days
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justcommander · 7 months
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And that's why Michael got cool shades in this AU.
That feeling when you're just a teenager and already got cataract. Amongst the other things that damn possession and truck accident caused you But John is doing his best all on his own...!
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winepresswrath · 4 months
Madam Yu was Jiang Cheng’s mother, Yu ZiYuan. Of course, she was Jiang FengMian’s wife, and used to cultivate with him as well. Naturally, she should be called Madam Jiang. But, for some reason, everyone had always called her Madam Yu. Some people guessed that it was because she didn’t want to take on her husband’s surname due to her assertive personality. On this matter, neither the husband nor the wife in question had ever argued either.
I'm 95% sure mxtx's response to my whatdoesitmean.jlaw would be "lmao don't worry about it" but really, what does it mean? Why do random gossips think this is a girlboss moment?? What is the tone of "had [n]ever argued either"? Does JFM not care? Does he feel like he shouldn't care or like fighting or even asking is pointless? Why does Madame "every inch of this place is my territory" hold herself apart in such a public way. The people (me) demand answers.
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dirtytransmasc · 5 months
concept, cause the dynamics at play would be super interesting:
when Tuk and Neytiri are sucked into the hold of the Seadragon, what if Spider, unwilling to watch another one of this baby siblings, nor his siblings mother (despite everything cause he's a good kid), die without doing anything, jumps in after them?
they're now stuck in a flooding ship, spider knows his way around to a decent extent, they're all tired, they're all scared, they're all hurting. they have to depend on each other for survival.
Neytiri has to not only trust Spider, but has to follow his lead, has to trust him to guide her around a demon ship, has to untrust not only her own life, but the life of her youngest child to this boy.
Maybe they're separated, they have to find one another (my personal favorite scenario is that Tuk and Spider are together and he has to try and find her/guide Neytiri to him)
Spider taking Neytiri and Tuk's arms so they aren't separated by stray currents and raging waters (a parallel to "Sully's stick together"). Spider talking them through the breath holds he learned as a kid in case his mask malfunctioned before bringing them through the depths of the submerged ship (parallel to Jake and Lo'ak)
anyway. I just can't stop thinking about it. think about it.
Neytiri is faced with the fact that Spider jumped in after her and Tuk. he came for them, he put himself in danger to save them, to save her daughter. even after what she did to him. even after she held a knife to him, after she cut him, after she intended to kill him even after Kiri was released. he still jumped to her aid, even if he could have stayed with Kiri above deck where he was safe, he could have just aided Tuk and left her behind, but he didn't.
and there's so many ways to play with it and the aftermath. like.
Spider dragging both Tuk and Neytiri up the surface, trying his best to keep the trio afloat (namely Neytiri who was much less adjusted to the water and is exhausted by the night they've had) as they hope and pray to be reunited with the rest of their family.
maybe the stress gets to them and Spider just starts apologizing. I should have fought them harder. I shouldn't have let Lo'ak and Neteyam try and leave with me, I would have been fine. I should have seen it coming, should have taken it myself. it should have been me. my baby brother shouldn't be dead.
maybe he becomes partly delirious as he too gives into exhaustion, the big brother in him being the only part of him left coherent, so he takes Tuk close, whispering prrnen tsmuke [baby sister] over and over into her braids, assuring himself that she's safe and unharmed. he keeps praying to the Great Mother for his siblings to return to him unharmed. maybe he keeps asking where they are, if they're safe as his awareness fades and his memory weakens. all of his siblings. asking if Neteyam is ok, only to remember he's gone the second the words leave his tongue.
Jake and Lo'ak finding them when they come up with Payakan, both worse for wear, exhausted, clinging to one another, the only thing keeping their heads above water being spiders life vest, Tuk cradled between them. what a sight.
Neytiri watching as Spider looks over each of his siblings, taking them close, holding onto them as if they will be ripped away from him. the realization that he would die before he let that happen again hitting her like a ton of bricks the second she sees the look in his eyes.
a peace being made between the two in the wake of this event. spider silently claiming the role of big brother (he always was, but he had to pretend he wasn't. with Neteyam gone, he can't pretend he's not anymore), Neytiri silently agreeing.
idk man. it would be interesting.
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sukugo · 1 month
jjk260 is a win either way bc either gojo is back (pls pls pls) or sukuna still has gojo living rent free in his head and that's so funny to me 😭
AN ABSOLUTE WIN!!!!!!! like gojo is obv back lol (ofc he is ofc ofc OFC HE IS) (OTL) but the vision thing is just GDJDHDKDH. sukuna is never getting over satoru, man is OBSESSED. he doesn't shut up about him, stole his handsign and everything. hallucinations would not be far-fetched at all.
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sunshinetomioka · 1 year
JAVIER DOODLES !!!! Cuz I love him so much he is pretty man and I’m so gay for him ANYWAY, most of the doodles were made thanks to Mellon_soup pose ref on insta
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vegaseatsass · 4 months
DFF 11 spoilers
I still refuse with all my heart to believe that Non is dead, but in the version of events where this is true - so the version of events Tee believes is true - Tee "rescued" Non by delivering him into labor that killed him, like he watched Non work himself to death before his eyes, but first, his response to Non's life-threatening wounds, the idk, potential internal bleeding, whatever is going on in Non's body that has him so run down he can't yell at his bully without nearly collapsing from coughing, was to. Hand Non a first aid kit and be like "you know what to do, right?"
lmaoooooo TEE. A whole mess of a young man.
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Death, as an abstract far-off concept, might be kind of scary. Death of the Endless, the personification of that concept, definitely isn’t. He’s really happy to see you, as a matter of fact!
If you hear the sound of a rattly old van screeching up very close nearby, and a strangely familiar voice calling for you to hop in, your time might just be up. But that’s all right. Everything’s going to be all right. He’s got a big hug waiting for you, and he can’t wait to hear all about everything you’ve got up to as you drive off - and if you’re really lucky, you might just be able to talk him into picking up ice-cream on the way there. Death’s got a sweet tooth, who would have thought it?
virgil | janus | logan | roman | remus | others
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hey gamers, status update
Personal life stuff is causing difficulties in regards to the already admittedly glacial pace at which progress is being made on Act 2. But hey, sometimes the process is just taking some time to take care of yourself. No use trying to force it when motivation is being eaten away by things beyond your control.
So uh... I guess HE Act 2 is on hiatus for the time being. Granted, I don't like using that word because it's one of those things some people hear and go 'oh, well, this series is never gonna be finished then. fantastic', and like. Fair enough if you feel that way. Act 2 could've been spat out by now in a sloppy, primordial state corrupted by vitriol, but I respect myself and the folks reading my stuff enough to not do that.
Apologies on that. I do still glance at my tumblr at least once a day though so if you have any questions or just words you wanna share, feel free to drop them in my inbox. I may not respond to everything, but I always give your asks a read. Thanks for understanding. 😊
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muzzlemouths · 11 months
How many kids besides Jamie referred to DMD Sun and Moon as uncles? I can see some teenage girl being like, "Uncle Sun! Uncle Moon! Check out my prom dress!" Or some little kid runs up to them during the holidays and is like, "Look at my cool new sweater!" But my favorite would probably be a girl crying about her boyfriend who dumped her. Sun comforts her with candy, and Moon watches the guy like a hawk if he comes into the mall XD. Sun and Moon would be the best uncles. No question, no debate, period.
Not too many actually referred to them as uncles, but there were plenty of times where the relationship was implied and/or just unspoken. The boys earned plenty of nicknames with both kids and adults alike — uncle was just one of them!
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foxgonyoom · 1 year
Yo what if Sanzeng sealed Azure in the scroll?
Alright so, I was imagining how the friendship fall-out between the Brotherhood and Wukong went down and I got an idea when I was imagining the Brotherhood getting sealed in the scroll.
The preceding context for this is that the Brotherhood tried to enact their plan of sealing Wukong in the scroll, which Tang learned about in the episode Court of the Yellow Robed Demon.
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Basically, the Brotherhood are fighting Wukong, although Yellow-Tusk was kinda offscreen in my head so it was really just Peng and Azure fighting the monkey. And they have the guy on the ropes, cause Wukong wasn't expecting that they would fight. And when Azure's about to seal Wukong in the scroll, instead, he gets turned into ink, and sucked into a scroll piece. Behind him is Sanzeng, holding out his hand and looking shocked.
In summary: Wukong is on the ropes fighting the Brotherhood, and when he's about to be sealed in the scroll, Sanzeng acts in the spur of the moment and uses his mystic magic to seal Azure in the scroll instead.
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This is totally plausible! Because if there are two things we can be certain about, it's that:
Wukong and the pilgrims did fight the Brotherhood
The Brotherhood were sealed in the scroll
And this would line up with that!
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Especially considering how Tang is able to teleport through the scroll, which Azure himself says that Sanzeng could do. So it's possible Sanzeng could have some power over the scroll, including sealing people in it.
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We also see Sanzeng magically helping a ghost pass on in The Great Tang Man, AKA magic shit to do with dead people, AKA guess where the scroll came from?
Yeah that's right, the Underworld, AKA a place full of very dead people. The scroll itself contains wicked souls who died and were imprisoned within it as punishment for their misdeeds too, actually.
Furthermore, Peng doesn't seem to take very kindly to the monk, as shown in the episode The Brotherhood.
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Peng: "If it isn't the great monk Tang Sanzeng. You cannot imagine how I've longed for this moment."
Episode 8 of S4, The Brotherhood
Granted, he could just blame Sanzeng for Wukong getting in cahoots with the Celestial Host, or maybe he knows about the circlet because that DID happen. But it would also fit if Sanzeng was the one who sealed the Brotherhood away in the first place.
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And as an additional point, we already know Sanzeng has sealed people away before (or after the Brotherhood fiasco, depending on when LBD was sealed away). So the idea of him sealing people away isn't new.
It also doesn't necessarily conflict with his oath of no violence, as TECHNICALLY, he isn't stabbing or punching or beating them up. He's just kinda sucking them into the hell dimension (although I'm pretty sure he wouldn't know about the hell dimension part).
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And continuing on the subject of sealing, Sanzeng was also a key part of the ritual to seal the Samadhi Fire, so that's a double whammy for sealing shit away.
This shit is lining up TOO WELL
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But yeah, while I'm not sure about how it specifically happened, I think it's possible that Sanzeng might have sealed the Brotherhood away in a sort of spur-of-the-moment type of way. (So like, he wasn't planning on it, it just kinda happened as a result of the stress of the situation).
So essentially, in summary:
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fratboykate · 1 year
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bullforgery · 1 year
2am rant cause idgaf.
#it's 230am and i still can't sleep which means it's truth hour#the reason it's taking me so long to write#is that i fucking hate canon Dundee :) and i mean /fucking hate/. even more than joffery from GoT cause at least he died.#and it was easier to write in the four months that dundee was dead#and now that he's back and poking at every trauma response deep in my soul and making me sideeye certain... “character decisions”#it makes me fucking hate writing him and thinking about his now very yikers mindset#regardless if i've moved my version of him out of canon interpretation because i still have to see/hear about him in NP#so i usually write between bursts of rp where dundee has no interaction with any bbmc and i don't have to read#about his dumb fucking shit in the meta channels#and if there's anything i could will into existence#it would either be dundee permas or this version of bondi move to NewDayRP. cause i love bbmc and their rp but NP ain't it.#and one man seems determined to not let them have fun#while claiming that it's fun for him (because he suffers no consequences). so...#hate it or not. idgaf. that's just my 2am rant.#or maybe i just transition all my writing to the OC i re-found a week ago that I made for “post-apocalypse/solar-punk novel” years ago#and the character called “duke calamity” cause he shares a shocking amount of similarities#(minus the very yikers traits of dundee)#except Duke is actually gay and doesn't no homo panic about it because he's too self aware about being a character for people to enjoy#so he's perfectly happy to drive the commuter bus across the desert for the miners#and tell you sappy stories about his badass husband who murdered a mouthy fucker who was going after one of the other miners#and he'll fuck you up if you insult his very nice bus that he built himself even if a few parts are missing after a trip through a storm#and he'll back up his husband when shit starts going down at the mine even if he has no idea how it all works. but husband is mad about it#so now he is too#.....i just don't know anymore. i do like writing for it. but knowing the corrupted source of it makes it not fun
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meeko-mar · 2 years
(362 Spoilers)Also can I just say, while Bakugou has weaseled his way into my heart as my favorite, Aizawa is also my stan... So like.
I have the kid that is going through it...and the TEACHER who is stuck watching it happen before his eyes, unable to do ANYTHING (when he already has previous trauma watching Oboro die)
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rooksnooks · 11 months
Thank fucking god that the human body is 60% liquid because if there wasn't an explanation for how you could cut me open and find burning magma in there I would just die
#Thought life was good but NEVER FUCKING MIND BECAUSE THE ASSHOLE SPERM DONOR DIRTBAG HAD TO RUIN IT AGAIN#my mum and sister are EXHAUSTED from being outside the whole of today and this dickwad piece of shit goes and invites a family of SIX (6!!)#hosting and being around people to study for the biggest exams of my life!! ever fucking mind that people here because some BITCH wanted#to have a tea party with his ASSHOLE FRIENDS#Just trying to have one??? good??? day???#But this ASSHOLE has to go and ruin it for everyone whilst sitting on his ass and doing NONE of the labour he just volunteered us for#a family of SIX (6!!!!) to the house in less than twelve hours!!!!! A family of six visiting from overseas!!#A family of six I am not comfortable near my shit!!!! A family of six with young children!!! (and no hate on them they ain't done nothing)#And when I say young I mean my DOG is heavier than two of those kids for fucks sake!!!!!#he jumps on people and you know who is gonna get mad and scream about a dog going dog on people he invited over with 11 hours warning!!#This entire fucking house needs to be cleaned!! The dog needs to be wrangled!!!#The actually fucking backbreaking labour that is usually done over a week leading to an event like this needs to be done in 11 hours!!#And guess who is gonna sit his ass down on the couch and watch the critical-thinking-eroding-chinese-version-of-fox-news-on-youtube#on the TV my mother paid for??????#WHO THE FUCK DOES THAT??? WHY IS THIS BITCH SUCH A FUCKING ASSHOLE THERE ARE OTHER PEOPLE HERE NOT SLAVES DICKWAD#I WISH HE HAD FALLEN AND BROKEN HIS NECK INSTEAD#FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU#I WANT HIM DEAD I WANT HIM GONE I WANTED ONE GOOD DAY BEFORE EXAMS IS THAT TOO MUCH FOR YOU PIECE OF SHIT?????
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jewishraypalmer · 2 years
I'm so depressed watching Darby and the Dead just bc Asher Angel isn't a little boy anymore and I hate the passage of time
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