#he always looks like someone just delivered news of his mother contracting the black plague
vqmpircs · 10 months
every clip i see of rsl in house he either looks like hes 10 seconds away from bawling or hes serving cunt for no reason at all
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pennys-th0ughts · 5 years
Robert Gray - The Origin of Pennywise 🤡 Chapter 1
Papers were scattered all over the desk and the dim light coming from an old oil lamp was fluttering in a lonely corner of the room. It was raining outside one cool November night of the year 1873 and the cobbled streets of Derry were almost empty. The sky was black ink like and the moon was bigger than usual. I was sitting on my armchair next to the window watching the last persons leave the street heading to the warm refuge of their homes.
The rain drops crashing against the window were falling down the glass getting thinner and thinner until the rain became a light drizzle. My eyes were focused on an old naked tree which had been stripped from all its leaves; it seemed to be dead since a crow was holding onto one of its branches looking erratically sideways. A seemingly endless night had woken up from its brief nap time, wet weather made it longer but sometimes the fresh breezes get to cool down my unstoppable mind from overthinking.
Stores were closed and finally the silence took over the sidewalks as insomnia used to take over my tired body and restless mind. I was twenty five years old and I suppose it was an advantage to be that young and have no commitments yet while being the sole heir of the only medicinal store in town. I could use my freedom at will and do whatever I pleased, managing my times since I was my own boss at work. The burden of such responsibility fell down on my shoulders when my father passed away, a couple of years after my mother decided to leave us because of a serious case of fever that my father couldn’t cure. I guess he felt defeated for not being able to cheat death this time and the corrosive feeling of guilt was what finally submitted him one night during his sleep.
The formalities concluded and after an orderly ceremony, the family’s lawyer made me sign some papers, then it all became in some kind of beneficious curse I needed to keep on going in order to survive. My father was the only apothecary in Derry and he began teaching me from an early age the art of mixing drugs to create specific medicines, so my grandfather did with him and so on.
Business flourished when a new disease wave attacked the small town leaving many fatal victims and several people in a critic health state. The only hospital was packed and people who couldn’t get medical attention in this facility had to stay indoors to prevent spreading the illness. There is when I stepped in. During a whole month I wouldn’t stop preparing thousands of dosses commissioned by the hospital and many other wealthy families. I would end up working night and day to fulfill the town needs for medicine to cure diphtheria, soothe the pain and reduce the fever. I got to really enjoy my work, but one day I couldn’t take the overwhelming pressure anymore that made me snap, so I started looking for an assistant to help me out with the preparations and also someone to deliver them. Speeding up the delivery could definitely save other people’s lives.
Shadows of death were still lurking and swallowing everything in its path, turning the alleys darker and the houses emptier. The plague was spreading faster than we could cure it and the atmosphere in Derry was getting heavier with sadness and hopelessness. During the nights, streets looked like pathways to afterlife and the little oil lamps hanging at the entrances were like golden eyes, always watching and waiting.
Two days passed and interested people didn’t make themselves wait much longer and started to come to the drug store asking for the jobs. They were all willing to help but none of them fit with the qualities I was looking for. Until one day I finally found her, or perhaps she found me. Her features were as I imagined them and even better; she had little hands and long fingers, she was meticulous and careful. Her name was Charlotte Wise but she was known in town as Ruby, a well-deserved nickname since her hair was red as the stone. The day she came into the store everything changed, as if a sudden peacefulness had taken over the place. My new assistant would transform not only my work but also my life from that moment on.
Spring arrived after the dark days left Derry and its people slowly tried to get back to normal. Charlotte and I began having more time to spend in each other’s company so I decided it would be a good opportunity to teach her something new related to her job. We were still working as usual but the environment inside the shop had some kind of magic that was making it springier. Andrew, Charlotte’s younger brother, took the delivery job and he was doing very well, we didn’t receive any complaints about time or packages delivered in bad conditions. The boy was attentive and helpful, just like his beautiful sister. Agility was on his side and he was making a great use of it with the bicycle he got for the job. When work increased we bought a new mean of transportation so the boy wouldn’t get caught under the suffocating heat or merciless storms.
That year ended with a happy ending for Derry and we started a new one even happier. Charlotte and I had gathered enough money to begin a new life; she wanted to live with me so we bought a small but modest house two blocks away from the shop. Her brother would inherit his sister bedroom in their mother’s house so things couldn’t have settled down any better. I proposed Charlotte to be my wife one hot summer morning to which she merrily accepted. We got married at the chapel and later we had a delicious brunch under the willows of the park. That day and the ones that would follow would be memorable.
August, 1875
Charlotte’s contractions were getting more often and she will soon start her labor. We found out she was expecting later that summer which to me was like more wonderful news. I was in the middle of a preparation to help diuresis when someone came to the shop and let me know that my wife was in the operations room. I left Andrew in charge of the shop until I got back and rushed to the hospital taking the carriage; it will get me there faster.
I got to the Derry Public Hospital just in time to hold my wife’s hand and help her with her labor. Although she wasn’t looking so well she was doing an amazing job, showing her braver side, as always. The nurses were extremely careful and gentle; they were coming and going, taking wet cloths and other objects to the room.
After a long struggle Charlotte finally delivered a beautiful baby girl into this world. The doctor cut the cord and put her on my wife’s arms; he turned around and made me to a side to talk privately.
– Congratulations Mr. Gray – the literate man said squeezing my shoulder-. Your daughter is in perfect shape – he made a pause and, with a lower tone of voice added- but I'm afraid your wife is in delicate condition now. She has lost too much blood and she will require an intensive iron treatment to overcome the anemia she might possibly develop.
The doctor gave me a prescription with the steps to follow and a food diet, I thanked him for his advice and went back with my wife that had fallen asleep cuddling our child. The little girl was oddly quiet, she seemed confused and curious yet she was paying attention to her surroundings very carefully. I came closer to take a better look at my tiny wonder and took her little hand with my fingers that she immediately held on to firmly. My heart was pounding inside my chest like a machine out of control, making me sweat almost profusely. Nervousness, excitement and curiosity were a complex mixture, as the ones I was so used to prepare with the only difference that this one was totally out of my knowledge.
Charlotte was indeed exhausted and very pale but I could see the joy sparkling in her face. She made a huge effort to open her eyes which eyelids seemed too heavy. Once she could finally fix her eyes with mine, she grabbed my hand and made me sit next to her. She looked at me in silence for some minutes as if trying to dig up my feelings somehow and figure out what was going on inside my head. Slowly the light in her eyes started to fade away, like a candle about to be completely consumed.
– Promise me you will always look after her, Robert – she pleaded in a whisper.
I nodded bitterly without saying a word knowing that, deep down inside she was, in some way, asking me to do something she wouldn’t be able to do and she just wanted to be sure we would be okay. I stroked her cheek so tenderly that the very contact with her smooth skin made the tips of fingers ache. I hugged them both as if I was trying to protect them from the world and the coldness it owned, but my arms seemed not to be enough. Nothing seemed to be enough to replace the turmoil of divided feelings I was being prey of that very moment so, I did what I was the best at, I began mixing them just to find the balance between happiness and sadness, wholeness and emptiness.
Five years later
Snow was covering Derry like no other time of the year and streets looked like unpolluted highways to heaven. There were some children playing in the front gardens of their houses, some were throwing snowballs at each other and some others were building snowmen. Augustine was having a hard time building her snowman since the snow kept on crumbling or the little branches didn’t stop falling from their holes. I was watching her through the window and her persistence was one of the many reasons of my smile. I grabbed my coat and went outside to help her finish what for her seemed to be a colossal monument. She was almost six years old and her mother and I had the chance to pick a name for her which I will always be totally grateful for.
Christmas was near and I had already bought Augustine her present. Andrew would spend the holiday with us since I started to enjoy my brother’s-in-law company and her niece loved her uncle very much. He became a great help when Charlotte passed away and our daughter was still a baby, he would take care of her while I was working and making the deliveries from time to time.
After Charlotte died I didn’t feel the need to bring another woman to work to the shop and less to start a new relationship, the hollow she left inside me was big enough to be impossible to be filled with somebody else’s presence and the fact was I wouldn’t ever try to replace my wife no matter how alone I could feel. My queen left her throne and I had a princess making her way to occupy it someday and that, for some unexplainable reason, was already a whole challenge that I had gladly accepted the very moment I looked at this little girl into her eyes.
To be continued…
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toxic-gorgon · 5 years
Village Treasures: Kuronue x Reader
Another Ao3 only that I’m sharing with ya’ll. Kuronue (in my opinion) doesn’t get enough love and he only appears for three minutes in the movie, but dammit as far as I’m concerned, he’s a prominent character. 
You’ve heard stories of demons coming to human villages in the night, robbing them of their belongings and innocence, only to feast upon their flesh until none was left. Stories are generally sprinkled with bits of fact, or in this case, news from a neighboring village. Every man, woman, and child in your village barricades any possible entry with whatever they had. Your village was next. What the demons wanted, you hadn’t the foggiest, but once thing for certain, if your village was next, well, buck up or die.
 Somberly, you helped your family put up wards from the local monks. It plagues your thoughts, what the outcome would be if the neighboring village had them too. Or, what if they had? Humans are helpless against demons; perhaps someday a barrier will keep the two worlds apart, or maybe demons will live in harmony with humans. Until then, humans will have to survive, and if they can survive, they can thrive. That’s all you could do.
 So, after the whole village scrambled about to get ready for the incoming invasion, your village’s elder emerges, and as always, ready to calm the masses. “My people, demon activity has increased, but we will not give in! Those vile creatures will not drain our recourses, or our existance! We we will emerge victorious!” While most of the villagers cheered, you on the other hand remain somber about the idea.
 You see, rumor had it that these were no ordinary demons. The ordinary demons, usually attack humans to feed upon their flesh or for sadistic reasons. These ones however, seem to be looking for something, some sort of treasure. Remaining positive is one thing, being blind to the real issue is another. Was the elder prepared to sacrifice your people, just to keep some stupid object in his possession? Apparently so.
 As night begins to approach, your village hushed down for the evening like usual, with five of your bravest and strongest men were awake and walked through the streets on patrol. A heavy fog of unspeakable tension enveloped your home, as everyone would have to wait out the nights, as long as it took for this to end. You walked into your hut, to see your mother doubling over in pain, as she attempted to get back onto her feet. Quickly, you rushed to her side and hoisted her up.
 “Mother, are you ok? What happened?” you sit her up, allowing her to put her weight onto your shoulder. She coughs into her palm, shaking her head.
 “I-I’m fine. I was getting some water.” Your eyes soften, but once you looked into her bloodstained palm from where she just coughed, you give her hard look.
 “You are not fine! You should’ve waited until I got back, or sent someone for me.” Your mother forces a smile, as she reaches to cup your cheek with her non-bloodied palm.
 “Please, don’t chastise me for what little independence I have. Besides, I’m not that helpless.” she says weakly. As if your heart couldn’t shatter anymore than it had. Fighting back tears, you help your mother back into bed, and tucked her back in. You hated it, you absolutely whole heartedly hated it with every fiber in your being. Out of everyone in the village, your mother was the one who contracted a deadly disease. The town monk gave her less than a year, and with medicines to ease her pain became harder and harder to find, she had even less.
 Sitting at her bed side, you looked over and shook your head, as all the water in your home has been spilled onto the floor. Getting up, you used a dirty cloth to wipe it up, then tossing it back to the corner. “I’ll get you some water mother, please stay put.” You mother sits up.
 “But it’s late, there are demons lurking around this region. You need to stay-“she abruptly coughs again, more blood splattering into her palm. Pushing your tears back, you hoped up and made your way out of your hut.
 “I’ll be fine! You just need to be focused on getting better, ok?” you call back, before leaving your hut with a bucket next to the door.
 Walking through the forest’s thicket at night was a death wish for humans, as only the brave and stupid would think this was a good idea. Your determination was stronger than the fear that made your knees buckle with every step. Luckily, the stream was just on the outskirts of the village and only thirty minutes away by foot. Over on the other side of a steep hill and past four giant boulders that made a makeshift shrine to the local spirits, and there it was, glistening in the full moon’s glow.
 The chirping crickets and howls from wolves miles away filled the night, creating one of nature’s most peaceful songs. You crouch over, scooping some water in your wooden bucket, as chills ran down your spine from the cool wind. Your eyes dart up, as if you were expecting a monster to be looming over you, ready to devour your body and soul. You see nothing, but the ominous wind refuses to yield. With a soft hum, you stand up, careful not to drop the heavy bucket.
 When you turn around, a sickle of someone’s kusarigama zips past you, causing you to drop the water, and breaking the bucket. Cursing, you look over to see the blade stuck in a tree, while the chain leads into the forest’s thicket. Shit! Bandits! Backing away silently, your legs struggle to take off, the chain blocking your path. A tall figure emerges, his leathery wings stretch and retract back once he’s fully out of the woods.
 A demon! You stayed put when he approaches closer, as it would be foolish to run.. His indigo hues catching yours, rendering it impossible to look away. A creature so beautiful, that it’s unbearable. Alarm bells rang in your ears, you knew better than this, as you heard stories of demons changing their appearance, pleasing he human gaze just to lull them into false security. But, this demon has already caught you, and you were at his mercy regardless.
 “Isn’t it late for a human to be walking through a forest so carelessly?” his smooth but deep voice made the hairs of your neck stand up. In the pit of your stomach, you could feel your impending death hurling towards you fast. As the bat demon approaches, he walks past you and yanks his blade out of the tree. He smirks at your trembling form, too scared to move. “Well? Don’t you at least have a name?”
 With a heavy and visible gulp, you stutter. “I-It’s ____.” Your voice soft, drenched in fear, enough to awaken any demon’s apatite. However, this demon chuckles, putting away his weapon, then steps forward until he towers over you. His silky long black hair sways gently in the night’s breeze, as his soft yet masculine features radiated in the moon. He was even more stunning up close.
 “Relax, I won’t harm you. Not unless you give me a reason to.” His voice soothing to your senses, as you nod in understanding. If you run or fight, he’ll most likely to kill you. It’s best to humor him, then think of a way out when the time is right. As if the demon could read your mind, he grabs onto your wrist, forcing you to wince, as he applies enough pressure for it to ache as a warning. If you were to move, surely he could snap it with little trouble at all. “Tell me, where’s your village?”
 Your shaky free hand points to south, you didn’t bother looking that away. You couldn’t look away. The demon nods, seeming pleased with your compliance. But, you couldn’t disregard the aching feeling of betrayal in your gut, as it was obvious your village was a possible target. You scrambled to remember the various weapons and defense mechanisms, lining your village. The demon let’s go of your wrist and turns away. You shout after him.
 ��Wait!” He stops and looks behind you, a smirk playing on his lips. He faces you again, arching a brow. “Y-You don’t want to go there!” you plea. The demon chuckles at your sudden outburst.
 “Why not? Out with it human.” his gruff voice sent shivers down your spine and chilled you to your bones.
 “W-We have weapons….a lot of them! If you’re looking for something to steal, you won’t get far.” The demon frowns, his indigo hues giving you a steely glare.
 “Do you take me for a fool, human? As if humans are able to match a demon’s strength.” he chuckles. “How amusing.” You glare in response, growling.
 “Look, whatever it is you’re seeking, I can get it. Only if you spare my village though.” What the hell am I doing? With your people on the line, you willingly threw yourself at the danger, mostly to protect your sick and vulnerable mother. They gave her at least another year, two at the most. You didn’t want to lose her so soon.
 The demon’s puzzled features falter slightly, before he picks it back up into a cocky smirk. “Oh? You’ll willingly bring me your village treasure? How thoughtful.” You kept a stone-cold glare to the demon, his beauty can’t shatter your resolve, not now.
 “It’s not being thoughtful, it’s having common sense. If our village treasure is what you want, then I’ll hand it to you. In exchange, not only will you keep out of my village, but you will bring me medicine from a certain plant. A bulk of it.” The demon, now towering over you again, bends down to whisper in your ear.
 “What if I refuse? You’re not fooling anyone human, what makes you think I’ll go along with your request?” You stand tall, with your back straight. Human or not, he’s not going to push you around.
 “Because, you don’t know what kind of weapons my village has and I won’t tell you. If you kill me here or let me go, you won’t know until you make the mistake of robbing my village. That is, if you want to risk your death, or you can let me deliver the treasure to you first hand and guarantee your safety. The choice is yours, demon.” Your mother being on the line gave you that extra dose of badassary this eve, and the demon seemed to catch on too. Placing his hands on his hips, he grins.
 “I see. Suppose you have your reasons for the medicine, which is why you’re putting on such a ridiculous display. Fine, I’ll humor you and wait your village’s prized possession tomorrow night. If you run, I’ll find you and end you. If you don’t present it, the same will happen. Do you understand?” You nod swiftly.
 “Y-Yes, we’re clear. T-Thank you.” you said, your spurt of confidence running out. The demon smirks, he saw right through you. You weren’t sure if he was honestly that concerned for his own life, or if he wanted to see where this went. The fact is you got what you wanted, so you supposed it was good enough.
 Before the demon runs back into the darkness from where he came, he turns and looks over his shoulder. “Kuronue, that is my name.” You forced a wearily smile.
 “Alright…Kuronue. I won’t run, as long as you bring my demands.” The demon known as Kuronue, playfully scoffs. In a blink of an eye, he was gone, and you fall to your knees, letting out a silent sob. Your life was in that demon’s hands, leaving a sickly feeling in your gut.
    As promised, you managed to break away from your village without anyone noticing you. The guards patrolling the empty streets weren’t the wiser, but then again, you grew not to expect much from them. Your bluff has worked against Kuronue, but deep down you knew if he really wanted to, he can go back on his word. The weapons you went on about, were only makeshift barricades and sutras blessed by the town monk. If the demon found out, he would easily wipe your village clean from this realm. No, you couldn’t think like this. You’re giving him what he wants, but demons aren’t exactly known for their honor were they. Of course not.
 Getting the necklace was tricky. It was protected by one of the most experienced guards in your village. This necklace was said to once belong to one of the royal families, as it was blessed to bring those who possess it power and luck. That was a bunch of hocus pocus, as it was nothing more than an expensive necklace. Nothing special and nothing more than a fine statement for one’s neck. But, if the demon wanted it for historical value, far be it for you to stand in his way.
 So, you formulated a crafty plan, which you were quite pleased with. It wasn’t anything complicated, just quick wit on your part. You distracted the guard by…throwing a large pebble as far from the hut, which the necklace hid in as you could. Hey, a plan doesn’t have to be fancy, just effective, and this plan was effective. You took your chance, slipping into the hut and grabbed the necklace; right after the guard has left his post. None were the wiser and best of all, no one got hurt.
 Cautiously, you made your way back to the same river as the previous night, forcing through the forest thicket. The necklace was safely tucked away in your sleeve, as you jump on the other side and to the clearing with the stream. As expected, the bat demon was waiting for you, arms crossed, and smirking arrogantly. Brushing off leaves and twigs from your yukata, you approach the man, digging the necklace out of your sleeve, and showing it off. The gold glistens in the moonlight, with the red stone catching the demon’s eye.
 “Good, now hand it over it.” Kuronue says, beckoning you closer. You get closer to, but you don’t hand it over just yet. The demon frowns, an irritated look cascading his features, but you don’t give in.
 “Not yet. Hand me the medicine first, then this will be yours.” Kuronue tosses a tightly closed back to your feet.
 “It’s there, at least a years worth of dosage. Enough to slow down whatever disease ails your companion. You’re fortunate a friend of mine is able to grow this over night.” he chuckles, holding out his claws. “Now, the treasure.” You nod, handing him the necklace. He snatches it from you, and you bend down to pick up the satchel, but a tight hold on your wrist holds you. You look up, confused, tugging your wrist away from him.
 “What is-“ you were cut off by the demon’s growl.
 “Is this a joke to you, girl? There’s nothing emulating from this necklace. It’s ordinary.” You stand up, tilting your head.
 “It’s the village most prized treasure. It’s an ordinary necklace, yes, but the historical value is great. It’s said once belong to the royal-“ you were cut off again, the demon tightening his grip on you and squeezing the necklace in his palm.
 “I didn’t come all this way for historical value.” You shake your head, successfully pulling your wrist away.
 “What did you expect? We’re a poor but humble village. I’m sorry, but if you wanted something special, but it doesn’t exist there.” you explained, but that didn’t seem to ease Kuronue. You stood your ground and it became visible that Kuronue was processing this new information. With a huff, he puts the necklace on and glares down at you. When the puzzle pieces of his thoughts finally come together, he grins, reaching out for your wrist again and pulling you flush against his broad chest.
 “I’ve decided I won’t kill you, but instead take a compensation prize from you. You’re going to indulge me, then I’ll let you go.” he whispers gruffly in your ear. Feeling the heat rise to your face, you place your hands on his chest, trying to push him away. Kuronue just tightens his hold on you and laughs. “How disappointing that little spark of fight has left you.” Your face grew redder, as you closed your eyes to compose yourself.
 “Trust me, i-it didn’t leave. I have to indulge you, I’ll do so. For the sake of my village.” you said, with false conviction. Kuronue stands up and looks down into your hesitant eyes. The confident bat takes the lead, like he had during most of his encounters, and leans down to capture your lips in his own. Sighing, you were pleasantly surprised at how soft and warm they were, but you also never kissed a demon before. Your heart races when his tongue slithers against yours, as you instinctively deepen the kiss.
 His grip looses, but drifts down to the knot holding your thin yukata together, and expertly unties it, slipping the material past your shoulders. Shivering in the night air, you hold yourself closer to him for heat, nipping at his bottom lip. Kuronue smirks against your lips, his long claws trailing lightly down your soft and sensitive curves, resting on your hips. Breaking the kiss with a thin line of saliva connecting between you both, you gain some confidence and brush your fingertips against his tattered vest.
 Biting your bottom lip, your gaze softens towards his, asking for permission to thoroughly appreciate his impressive physique. As if reading your mind, Kuronue leans away from you, allowing your nimble fingers to untie his vest, revealing his smooth and perfect chest. Wasting no time, your fingers dance along his bare skin. How long as it been since you’ve felt a man? Too damn long, you cringe at the thought.
 You held the bat’s interest, because how long has it been since he had a human? Judging by his stance, he’s had his share of humans before. What he did after mating with a human, you just hope he keeps his word. At least for now, you can relish in it, being close and touched by such a lovely creature as before you, normally a human isn’t so lucky, especially one who offers a useless trinket to a well known demon thief.
 Pretending to have confidence, your soft lips explored the demon’s chest slowly, but precisely. No, you didn’t know exactly what would please him, but this pleased you. Being slow and intimate with a beautiful man, what better demise than this? Kuronue gave a chortled laugh in his throat; oh he noticed your actions. His claws brush against your bare ass, his palms roughly gripping and kneading the plump and tender flesh.
 You let out a sharp gasp, your hips pressing closer to his, and you shudder feeling his hardening girth twitch. Did he notice how out of practice you were? The demon licks his lips, just like a predator to let their pray have fun. But, he indulged his pray long enough, and it was time to pay up. Yanking the yukata off, it falls helplessly onto the ground, and you were quickly positioned to join it. Face down, hips up, with your legs spread wide.
 Kuronue sits on his knees behind you, his clawed index finger swipes between your soaked folds and teases your core. Your nails dig into the dirt, your eyes closed, and your hips shaking for more contact. He growls under his breath and removes his digit, and slips down his bottoms, allowing his hardened cock to spring out. The demon looms over you, as his warm breath caresses your ear, his length rubbing between your folds.
 “What a needy human you are. If I didn’t know any better, I would think you enjoy being taken advantage of by a demon. What would your village say, if they saw you like this?” He couldn’t hide his husky words that were dripping with deadly lust. Your core pulsates from his words alone, but with his cock lubricating itself against your core; all you could do was whimper a shaky yes. Fuck, you knew this was wrong, allowing a demon to defile your humanity in this way. But, it was down right too depraved to enjoy it.
 Yes somehow, you managed to enjoy being roughly handled by the attractive demon. You especially enjoyed it when the blunt head of his cock stretched you, even slightly painfully, when he pushes himself in. Your nails dig into the soft earth below you, as you hiked your ass up higher. Kuronue wasn’t even halfway in, and you were already weeping like a horny bitch in heat. He chuckles under his breath, as his hips bump against your ass. He was finally sheathed fully.
 The demon picks up speed almost immediately, your tight cunt accepting his cock and surprisingly, accommodates it. Fuck, it’s been too long! You forgot what this felt like, as hot passion spreads to your every nerve. His blunt head brushes against that spot, which made you see stars, and drool dripping from your open mouth. Your head slumps forward, as your shoulders settle against the cold ground, as you mumble nonsense into the night’s breeze.
 “What’s wrong human? Ah…you’re practically…speechless.” Kuronue pants softly, his pace increasingly brutal. With each thrust, the skin on skin wet sound provided a background tempo to your lustful symphony, your moans being the main chorus. You chant a string of swears under your breath, as you use your palms to push into the dirt and back against the demon’s sturdy stance. Your pussy clenches, practically screaming for it’s release. You wanted it, you needed it, you craved it.
 Kuronue shifts your position, as he grabs hold of your wrists roughly, and pulls you up, with his hips angled under yours. You, having zero control over what he did to you, rendering you utterly but tantalizingly helpless. He was using your body for his pleasure, gyrating your body to meet his, his cock curving just so fucking right into your depths deeper, making you feel full. His tip knocks against your cervix, sending electricity through your core.
 Your throat was soar from moaning, your thoughts blank of nothing but this bat demon’s cock. With his hips sputtering and his raspy grunts turning more animalistic in nature, he was nearing his end. Kuronue growls in your ear and leans down to take a big bite into your shoulder, small droplets of blood running down your otherwise perfect flesh. His throbbing cock beats against your cervix with an erotic rhythm, and his left hand slips down between your thighs to expertly grinding against your clit.
 White passion shoves you over the edge, as you tilt your head back onto the male’s shoulder. Gasping and making animalistic sighs and sobs of your own, you ride out your high, with Kuronue not far behind. His own internal coil snaps, as he pumps your womb full of thick cum. Riding out his high, he pushes into you a few times, before jerking himself out of your pussy’s tight hold, his cum gushing out. Kuronue exhales, releasing you, but instead of letting you drop, he sets you down on the ground gently.
 Pulling up his pants and situates his leathery vest; his bat wings stretch and retract lazily. “Not bad, for a human.” He stands up and looks at your cheap trinket again. Suppose it’s not too gaudy. He slips it around his neck and bends down in front of you. “You’ll bare my scent for a while, so no weak demons will attack. However, I wouldn’t loiter around much longer, unless you wish to take that chance.”
 You could barely pick up your head, let alone your upper torso to stare at the beautiful creature, before he gives you one last dashing smirk and left you alone in your once meeting spot. You never did see him again after that.
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