#he called Saeyoung a coward because in his back of his mind
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
He's clearly talked about Saeyoung here 🥲 Brb crying.
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Forget Me Not - Ch. 5
Pairing: Saeran/Reader
Word count: 5,212
Summary: 7 days of you two dancing around your feelings before he decides to do something about it.
Warning: N/A
A/N: For my Choi bois (belated) birthday! And hopefully this will make up for not participating in Saeran week. I also worked a lot on this chapter so any comments would be super appreciated ^^ also something worth mentioning is that I’ve noticed almost all my draft notes for this seem to start with ‘please’ ‘for the love of god’ or ‘I’m begging’ and about half of them end in calling myself a coward. me @ myself: u good?
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You couldn’t help but fiddle with the rose in your hand as you walked home, smiling to yourself at the interaction you just had. More so, the burst of courage that seem to come out of nowhere as your lips met his cheek. The blush on your face only seemed to deepen when you thought about going back and doing it again. Your eyes then wandered to the forget me nots in your other hand, remembering what he told you about the flowers.
“It’s meaning is true and undying love,” you recalled him telling you when you first got the seeds. And maybe it was your memory fooling you, but the way he looked at you when he said that seem to form butterflies in your stomach, smiling to yourself as you thought of the fondness that they held. You couldn’t explain why, but he had a hold on your heart like no other.
Looking over at the rose once again, you noticed the lack of thorns on it’s stem. You were touched that he picked out a rose for you with that small detail, but it did make you wonder why. Maybe he was just being mindful of it, or knowing how much he actually knew about flower languages, it may be something else. But whatever it may mean, you’d hope to find out soon, hoping to pry it out of him in the next week.
Day 1
The small smile that tugged on his lips never seemed to leave as he thought about seeing you again. Your words ringing along with every chime of the door, waiting for to walk through at any time. The same nervous feeling from yesterday coming forth with every customer that entered.
It wasn’t until you walked through the door that he truly felt his worries disappear. Your bright smile once you two locked eyes was enough to send his heart into a frenzy, suddenly aware of how sweaty his hands were, how dry his throat was, but how bright you made the shop just by walking in. The colors around you were more vibrant, the luminous aura around you catching up to him and making him feel much more warm and comforted in your light. 
And just like that, the best week of his life began.
Day 2
“So your last name is Choi?”
“And the shop is named ‘Choice Blooms’?”
“Isn’t that a little too on the nose?” you asked, a small laugh escaping from you as you sprayed the bottle in your hands towards the flowers. You offered to help him in the greenhouse for the day, to which he was thankful for, but he could barely focus on the work at hand. Not when it was just you two and he hung on to every word you said, getting to know you just that much more.
“In my defense, I didn’t come up with the name,” he replied, laughing as well, “Saeyoung did.”
“But you went along with it,” you teased.
“I really couldn’t think of a better name,” he almost sighed, continuing to water on his own plants.
“I like it actually,” you said, turning to see him behind you, “It’s got a certain je ne sais quoi.”
“You are so cute,” he mumbled to himself without thinking.
“What was that?”
“Oh, um, nothing, just,” he paused, face heating up in embarrassment once he realized what he said out loud, “flower stuff.”
“Again with the flower stuff, huh?” you asked jokingly. He couldn’t help but chuckle as he looked back over at you, admiring your own laugh.
“Alright, I need some more water in this,” you said, pointing to the bottle in hand.
As soon as you walked off, you couldn’t fight the smile spreading on your face after realizing he called you cute. And how bashful he was after only made the rosy tint on your cheeks grow. You were so caught up in your thoughts, you didn’t notice the hose spread on the floor until you felt your feet tangle in it, taking you down in the process.
You closed your eyes, expecting to feel the hard thud of the floor to your face, but that didn’t seem to happen. Instead you felt a pair of arms around you, opening your eyes to meet minty blue eyes looking down at you in concern. He had you dipped, a strong grasp on your middle. His concern quickly changed to a look of almost admiration. A wide-eyed gaze that he couldn’t seem to break, as if you had him under a spell. And you were sure that you were mirroring his expression, captivated in his own eyes. In that moment though, nothing around you two mattered. Not the bottle you just dropped, or the one he disregarded to catch you in time. Not the flowers or the shop he was tending to. The outside world almost felt gone and time had come to a halt. Only the open, almost loving gaze you two shared mattered.
After a few seconds, although it felt much longer, he realized the position he had you in, face flushing an even deeper crimson as he pulled you back up. His hands still holding you close without fully realizing so.
“Are you okay?” he asked, mentally scolding himself for taking so long to ask. You only replied with a small nod.
“S-Sorry,” you stuttered, moving your arms to your side once you realized your hold was on his arms as well, making him retreat his own. You picked up the spray bottle you had dropped and excused yourself, leaving him a blushing mess.
As soon as you were out of his sight, you almost collapsed. You weren’t sure if it was the way he looked at you, how close you two were, or a combination of the two, but it seemed like what had just happened was out of a daydream. Something you would only ever read about, but never experience firsthand. The thought of the scene that just played out made your chest tighten, a warm feeling washing over you that you couldn’t quite place, yet you had a hunch where it came from.
Day 3
Your hold on the container tightened as you walked through the shop, nervous on whether he would like what you had for him or not. But all your worries disappeared once you saw him, smiling at you from behind the counter. That smile that you could never tire of, that felt so warm and inviting.
“Hey MC,” he said, gaze falling to your hands, “what do you have there?”
“Well,” you started, looking down at it before placing it on the counter between you two, “you mentioned yesterday that you have yet to find a bakery with decent muffins, so I made you some!”
“Really?” he said, a glimmer of excitement in his eyes as he met yours, “you didn’t have to-“
“But I wanted to,” you deadpanned, but the tug on your lips indicated you weren’t serious, “they’re chocolate chip, I didn’t know what you liked.”
“I-I’m sure it’s perfect because you made it,” he said, almost timidly, a small blush blooming on his cheeks as he picked one up and took a bite.
“How is it?” you asked nervously. His expression was one you couldn’t read, making you worry that there was something wrong with them, maybe he was allergic to chocolate and he ate it to be nice, maybe he didn’t really have a sweet tooth and-
“These are amazing,” he said, still keeping that almost neutral gaze as he continued eating into the treat. He could have sworn he fell even harder for you in that moment as he ate away at the delicious muffins, knowing full well he’d have a hard time finding one that even compared to these ones. 
“I’m so glad you like them,” you replied with a beaming smile, one that would make his heart melt on the spot, “I should get going, I don’t want to take too much of your time and-“
“W-Wait MC!” he exclaimed, muffled by the treat filling his mouth, “can’t you stay just a bit longer?”
‘Too cute,’ you thought as you looked into his pleading eyes and stuffed mouth.
“I guess I could stay and talk for a bit,” you smiled, plopping yourself on the stool next to the counter.
Day 4
“Hey MC, I was just thinking about you,” he said, cheeks tinting as you approached.
“Oh really?” you smiled, “what about?”
“Just about how these flowers would be perfect for you,” he said, pulling out a small bouquet from under the counter he was leaning on. Your grin went from ear to ear looking at the arrangement, making the beating in his chest quicken.
“Oh, these are beautiful. You really made these for me?” you practically gushed, taking the bouquet as you admired it. 
“Yeah, I know they’re small but these flowers just really made me think of you,” he said, averting his gaze.
You noticed the small blush forming on his face, the sheepish way he crossed his arms, and the small smile, an idea occurring on how to fluster him further.
“They’re beautiful. You know a lot about flowers, right?” you asked, holding back the devious smile that was to spread.
“I would hope so,” he said with a chuckle.
“Then what are these white, bulb-like flowers?”
“Those are ranunculus, or also known as buttercup,” he answered almost confidently.
“Hm, and when are they in season?” you asked.
“They thrive in spring, summers become too hot for them.”
“And tell me,” you said, a sly smile spreading as you met his eyes, “what are you trying to tell me with these?”
He only gave you a quizzical look, tilting his head to the side in an unspoken question. Though the tint of his cheeks and the bashful expression you could tell he was hiding with a grin hinted that he knew you were onto him.
“You know, what’s their meaning?” you continued.
“I’m actually not too sure,” he said, averting his eyes to the floor to avoid yours, “I just thought they-“
“That’s okay, I can just google it right now and-“
“No!” he exclaimed louder than he expected, surprising you and himself, “Sorry. It, um, it means ‘I’m dazzled by your charms.’”
“You think I’m charming?” you asked, clutching the flowers closer to you. The warm smile you offered him pulled him out of his embarrassed demeanor, instead smiling back, a warm, tingling feeling taking it’s place. 
“Well, yeah,” he sighed, feeling a tension off his shoulders he didn’t realize was there.
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re pretty charming as well,” you replied, flustering him once again. You had a talent for making his heart pound, something he couldn’t imagine anyone else doing. And he was definitely going to take your words, those eleven words, to heart, replaying them in his head for the rest of the day, even after you leave.
Day 5
You couldn’t place how long you had been there, but you could have easily guessed about half an hour. Looking at the time though, you had been there a while, hours even just talking to your favorite florist. Being with Saeran had a special way of making time seem to fly too soon, frowning to yourself as you looked at your watch. As a customer came in, a small, older lady that Saeran recognized as a regular, you hopped down from your seat on the counter.
Alright, I have to get going,” you said, “but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“I’ll look forward to it,” he said.
“Oh wait, you have something on your cheek,” you said, signaling him to lean in closer. He did as you said, leaning over the counter, waiting for the wipe of your finger over his skin only to feel the press of your lips against it in a quick peck.
“Got it!” you beamed, looking so content with yourself before you turned, bidding a quick farewell once again.
He stayed leaning on the counter, arm supporting his chin as he stared longingly at the door, as if waiting for you to come back. He hadn’t noticed the customer come up until she set her things on the counter in front of him, a few seed packets and one of the bouquets on display that he had made earlier that day. Straightening up as he rung her out, a little embarrassed to realize she had probably seen how spaced he appeared to be.
“Aren’t you two adorable, is she your girlfriend?”
“Oh, no Mrs. Kym. She’s a friend,” he replied, putting on a his usual smile, “that’ll be ₩21,000.”
“I don’t look at my friends like that,” she said as she handed him cash.
“Yeah, I don’t either actually,” he admitted.
“Well all I’ll say is in all my years coming here, I’ve never seen you so flustered. You’re even blushing,” she said, giving him a knowing look.
“Well she is something special, I’ll give you that,” he said, handing her back the seeds and flowers.
“I really hope it works out for you two,” she said, offering a sincere smile before exiting, leaving him alone in the shop.
“I hope so too,” he said to himself.
Day 6
His legs couldn’t seem to go fast enough as he practically sprinted down the street, dodging anyone in his way and apologizing as he ran passed. His breathing caught in his throat, but he didn’t care, he just wanted to get to the shop as soon as he could. As soon as he halted to a stop a block short from his destination, he pulled out his phone to read the messages displayed on the screen.
‘MC is here and asking about you~’ sent 32 minutes ago by Saeyoung. The real reason for his hurry was the text that followed.
‘Zen’s here too, wants to check in on the order with you,’ sent 18 minutes ago.
He knew it was silly to let this anxious feeling get the best of him, but as soon as he got to the door and saw you talking to Zen by the counter, laughing at something he said, he felt his heart drop. His hands clenched into fists, breath finally catching up, but his chest felt tight due to the sight in front of him. In one fluid motion, he pulled the door open to stride in, bell ringing just above him
“Speak of the devil,” Zen said, making Saeran much more anxious until he looked over at you. Your eyes seeming to brighten at the sight of him, straightening up with a grin spreading on your face. You almost looked happy to see him, making him smile in return.
“Hey MC,” Saeran said, eyes almost glued on you as he made his way over.
“Aw, no greeting for us,” Zen chimed in, gesturing to himself and Saeyoung.
“Hey Saeran,” you replied, “what took you so long?”
“Zen, at this point we’re just side characters, so let’s keep it that way,” Saeyoung said, earning a quick glare from his twin before averting his attention back to you.
“I’m sorry to keep you waiting, I was running behind on deliveries.”
“It’s fine, but I do have to go. I only had a small window to drop by today,” you said, to his disappointment. His gaze fell to the floor until he felt your hand on his arm, “but I’ll see you tomorrow.”
Before he could respond, you leaned up to leave a kiss on his cheek. It didn’t matter how many times you’d done it already, it still managed to make his heart stop. His hand went up to where your lips were, his blush only deepening when he saw your contented expression.
“I’ll look forward to seeing you tomorrow,” was all he could bring himself to say. He couldn’t admit how much he loved when you did that, how endearing he found you, or how badly he wished for you to aim for his lips. You only smiled in response, but he was almost overwhelmed by how stunning it looked up close.
“Bye guys,” you said before walking out, Saeran’s eyes watching you leave and lingering on the door once you’re gone.
“Wow, MC must be something, I’ve never seen Saeran like this,” Zen said more to Saeyoung, but regaining the attention of Saeran.
“What can I help you with, Zen?” Saeran answered, putting on his ‘customer service’ smile and hoping he’d drop the subject.
“Well first, I want to know why you haven’t even mentioned her in the RFA chats?” Zen responded only to get a roll of the eyes from him.
“There’s nothing worth mentioning,” he responded quickly, “now what do you need?”
“So that longing look you two gave each other isn’t worth mentioning?”
“What about the fact that she’s visited you every day this week?”
“How do you know that?”
“Or that she likes you too?” Saeyoung added.
“No she doesn’t,” Saeran said sternly, but that only made the two laugh.
“Oh if only you heard the way she talked about you while you were gone,” Zen replied, a few laughs stifling his response, but piquing Saeran’s interest. ‘What could she be saying about me?’ he thought to himself, although they don’t seem to be anything bad, making Saeran smile at the fact that you seem to think positively of him.
“Have you told your parents about her?” Zen asked, pulling him out of his thoughts.
“V and Rika? No, they’d make a bigger deal out of it than it actually is,” Saeran sighed, “especially since there is nothing to tell about.”
“Alright, well when you decide to ask her out, I’ll be more than happy to give you advice since I am the most experienced in the RFA,” Zen said, ever so confidently only for Saeyoung to laugh.
“And when was the last time you’ve actually had a girlfriend?” Saeyoung scoffed, “I’m already the best wingman he’s got.”
“Says the freak who’s still a virgin.”
“You guys are gross, I’ll just talk to Rika directly about the order from now on,” Saeran sighed once again, before getting back to work.
With the ‘open’ sign flipped over to ‘closed,’ Saeyoung long gone and the lights turned off, Saeran couldn’t help the disheartening feeling that took over as he locked up the shop. On one hand, he really looked forward to seeing you tomorrow, but his day felt so different, almost pointless, without seeing you properly. He thought back to what Zen said about asking you out, but he had no idea how to do that, or whether you would even agree to. But he wanted more than anything to see you again and in a more intimate setting.
As he walked home, he wondered whether he should swallow his pride and ask Zen for advice, opening the RFA app to see him in the chatroom. Along with Yoosung, and, to his discomfort, Saeyoung.
Saeran has entered the chatroom
Saeyoung: -glasses breaking emoji- Saeyoung: Say his name three times and he will appear! ZEN: You really do have a talent for that, huh? Yoosung★: Hi Saeran ^^ Yoosung★: What’s this I hear about something troubling you? Saeyoung: Not something, someone~ Yoosung★: Is someone being mean to him?
Saeran had to pinch the bridge of his nose before replying. He was usually able to keep to himself, never the center of attention in a chat so he didn’t exactly know how to respond here. All he really thought to do was cut to the chase.
Saeran: Zen, I wanted to ask you something Saeyoung: You don’t want to ask me? Saeyoung: Your own brother??? Saeyoung: I’m so hurt T_T ZEN: Is it about MC? Saeran: … ZEN: Got it, what do you need?
He felt his face flush at the mention of your name, more so that it was now in the RFA chat for anyone to see. What made him more embarrassed was the thought of asking Zen for advice so openly in the chat, but he had no choice.
Saeran: I’m not sure how to word this Saeran: And quite frankly, I didn’t want to ask this with an audience Saeran: But... Saeran: From talking to her, how do you think I should approach her? Saeran: about going on a date? Saeran: What do you think she’d like? ZEN: Well first, don’t think too hard on how you should ask her ZEN: Besides, you should know best since you two seemed to have gotten close ZEN: And didn’t bother to tell us, but blowing passed that... ZEN: I can assure you that however you ask her, she’ll say yes ZEN: Just tell her how you feel and I’m sure that’ll be enough ZEN: Then the asking part will just come naturally~ Saeran: But every time I talk to her, I always seem to forget how words work Saeran: Can’t you just write me a script or hand me something from an old play? ZEN: It has to come from you! ZEN: Otherwise it doesn’t seem genuine Saeyoung: And if you really have trouble using words, you could use what you know best Saeyoung: The language of flowers. ZEN: Exactly! Yoosung★: So MC… Yoosung★: is someone you like? Yoosung★: Romantically?!? Yoosung★: Is she pretty?
‘Pretty would be an understatement. She’s comforting and warm, I could listen to her talk all day because her voice resembles a beautiful melody. I’m amazed that someone this enchanting exists that I wonder how I got lucky enough to see it, and yet I want to be selfish enough to have her to myself. There isn’t a flower in the shop that could compete with her,’ he typed out, immediately back-spacing. He knew a confession like that wasn’t meant for them, instead settling on a simpler answer.
Saeran: She’s really pretty... Saeyoung: You two look at each other as if nothing else exists Saeyoung: I think it’s safe to assume that you find her more than ‘really pretty’;; Yoosung★: -blushing emoji- Yoosung★: My heart is racing Yoosung★: Are you going to tell her how you feel soon? Saeyoung: If he doesn’t, I will for him~ Yoosung★: So Saeyoung has met MC... Yoosung★: And so has Zen Yoosung★: When do the rest of us get to?! Saeyoung: You should ask her to the RFA party! Saeyoung: It is coming up~ ZEN: That isn’t a bad idea, actually. Saeran: I’ll think about it… Saeran: I just got home so I’ll take my leave here. Saeran: And Zen? ZEN: Yes? Saeran: Thank you Saeran has left the chatroom
Putting his phone in his pocket, he pulled out his keys to unlock his apartment. It was a small and cozy place, one bedroom with a small living space. But what really drew him to this place was the rooftop garden. When he moved in, it was an untamed mess that hadn’t been watched over in years. Soon enough, he was able to start his own little garden up there, almost resembling the greenhouse in his shop. It was his go to place when he had a lot on his mind. He could spend hours, even going late into the night, just sitting up there, surrounded by the greenery as he looked up into the night sky.
And he happened to find himself there tonight, piecing together the words he’d hope to say to you tomorrow. One prominent thought that sat on his mind the entire time was how he wished you were next to him in that moment. How he wanted nothing more than to hold your hand and just look up at the sky together in comfortable silence. How desperately he wanted his lips pressed against yours, using that to profess his admiration for you that he couldn’t seem to vocalize.
But for once, he truly felt alone up there, even surrounded by all the flowers he devoted so much time to. It was a gnawing feeling for years that only seemed to catch up once you were introduced to him, once he realized you weren’t his or there in that moment to ease his troubled thoughts. But that didn’t bring him down just yet, hoping to change that soon, or rather, tomorrow.
Day 7
“Hey MC, I was wondering if you’d like to go to the RFA party with me? Like as a date? No, no that’s too forward,” he sighed, practicing in the reflection of the shop window. He’d been at this for a while now, too stubborn to settle on what to say. He couldn’t shake the nervous feeling in his gut, imagination running to the worst case-scenario with every attempt.
“You know MC, the RFA party is coming up and I don’t have anyone to go with so…no, that’s too casual,” he continued, hand running through his hair in deep thought, “MC, go to this party with me.”
“That may be too demanding,” a voice spoke up as they walked through the door.
“Well it’s all I’ve got without sounding like an idiot,” Saeran retorted, turning to see his twin, “what if I ramble off and scare her away?”
“Saeran, do you really think that will happen?“
“What if she laughs in my face?”
“She won’t do that.”
“What if she says no? What if I put myself out there for no reason at all because I had the small feeling that she liked me back and she doesn’t?!”
“Listen, I don’t know very much about these things, but if someone visits daily and practically gushes about you while you’re not here, that probably means they feel the same way,” Saeyoung replied, although Saeran clung to the one thing that stuck out to him.
“She gushes about me?” he asked, feeling his chest tighten at the thought, a warm feeling he didn’t expect.
“Yeah, it was hilarious to see Zen’s ego deflate because of that. He kept trying to impress her, but she just kept bringing you up,” Saeyoung explained, “so I doubt you’d do anything that would drive her away.”
The warm feeling only grew after hearing that, touched that you liked him, of all people, over Zen. He didn’t know how to respond to Saeyoung, face only flushing as he tried to find some sort of reply. And he wasn’t sure if it was luck or some cruel joke, but he saw you approaching the door. He wasn’t sure why, but as soon as you walked through the door, all his nerves disappeared. The smile you flashed him once you looked him in the eyes made him feel serene, as if words didn’t seem to matter anymore.
“Hi Saeran,” you greeted.
“MC, you’re here earlier than usual,” Saeran said, although he didn’t mind it, in fact he was glad to see you sooner.
“I got off work a little early and I wanted to see my favorite florist,” you said.
“Aren’t I the only florist you know?”
“Well I know Saeyoung.”
“Ouch,” Saeyoung piped up, gaining both of your attentions.
“But you’re definitely a close second,” you tried to reassure, but he wasn’t having it.
“I’ll be in the back when you’re ready to apologize,” he huffed before making his exit, leaving the two of you alone.
“How dramatic,” Saeran sighed, earning a giggle from you that made his heart skip a beat at the sound. He knew if there was a moment to ask, now was as good as any.
“Hey MC,” Saeran said, “I, um, I was thinking that, uh-“
“Actually can I say something first?” you intervened, although you seemed more timid than before.
“Yeah, go ahead,” he offered, a little relieved that you stopped his stuttering mess of words in its track.
“It’s just that I haven’t been here for very long and I just wanted to thank you, you’ve made me feel right at home these last few weeks,” you explained, “and coming to the shop is something I always look forward to in my day, mostly because I get to see you.”
And just like that, he was at ease. He wasn’t worried about the words he’d use or how’d he sound, not when your own words made him feel so warm and the sincerity in your eyes spoke volumes about the meaning behind them. He’d only hope that his next few words could convey the same message.
“MC,” he paused, his heartbeat practically thrumming in his ears, “I can’t explain this feeling when you’re around, but it’s not one I’ve felt with anyone before. I find myself looking forward to seeing you and I’d really like to see you outside the shop.”
“Are you asking me on a date?”
“Yeah, actually I wanted to see if you’d go to the RFA party with me?” he asked shyly, averting his gaze. You’re not sure what compelled you to reach for his hand, weaving your fingers through his as you looked up at him, offering a sincere smile. You felt yourself lean in as he met your eyes, inching closer with every steady breath as he leaned in as well. You stopped short of meeting his lips with your own, noticing that you both had tilted your heads in the process.
“I’d love to,” you almost whispered, taking a step back. The feeling of your warm breath so close to him had stirred something, and the sudden absence that followed as you pulled away left him wanting much more. He fought the urge to pull you back towards him, to finally let his lips speak the feelings he was holding back, to finally make you his in a way he’d only dreamed of. But looking at you had drawn him out of those thoughts, going back to what you had just said as he felt a grin spread.
“Great, it’s in a week. I’ll be setting up centerpieces that day, but I’ll pick you up right after, or we can meet here, whatever works for you,” he said, looking down at the hand that was still locked in his.
“We can discuss the details over text,” you said, pulling your hand away from his to reach for the pen on the counter, taking his hand once again to write your number on it.
Once you finished, looking back up at him, an idea occurred as you turned to the rose display behind you, the same one he looked through for your rose. Digging through, you found a thornless rose in a few seconds, turning back to see his almost baffled expression as you handed him the single flower.
“You can put it back once I leave, I just wanted to-“ he intervened by pressing his lips on your cheek, making your face deepen to a crimson shade.
“Payback,” he said, a coy smile as he managed to see your usual confident composure falter.
“I-I should, uh, get going,” you stuttered, although he found your timid expression adorable. And as he watched you walk out the door, he didn’t feel that longing he usually did when watching you leave. Instead, he felt relieved. Relieved knowing that you were in much closer reach than he thought.
A/N (riddled w/ spoilers btw): it’s probably important to address some things for this AU: 1) Rika is still in the RFA, 2) Mint Eye doesn’t exist (but who knows) and 3) the twins didn’t have to split and go through the trauma that was to follow, instead escaping their abusive household together, and that gets talked about in later chapters. 
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coolandspice · 6 years
Saeran Choi Week 2018 7th Day : Birthday || Reunion
Summary:  On the morning after Mint Eye’s arrest, Saeran is unexpectedly reunited with MC when he saves her from danger, again. 
AO3 link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/15328704
Setting:  Ray Route Bad Relationship End 2
A/N: Here’s the long overdue Part 2 to my fic, It All Comes Back - MC’s side of the story. This one is both a parallel and a sequel to the first fic. Tagging @saeranchoiweek again as this is still an entry to Saeran Week 2018.
A real-time footage of the façade of an apartment complex is currently playing on the computer screen. There’s nothing to show except for a lady tenant entering her unit. Saeran watches the feed a minute more before deciding to get back to his work on consolidating evidences against Mint Eye.
“Go talk to her.”                                                                        
Saeran sighs as he turns away from the computer to face his older twin who enters the computer room with a pack of Honey Butter chips on hand. “You know I can’t.”
“Sure you can.” Saeyoung insists. “You just don’t want to, despite stalking her for months already.”
The younger twin pouts at the insinuation. “I’m just checking on her occasionally.”
Saeyoung stops stuffing his face with this favorite chips. He slowly licks his lips and flashes a shit-eating grin on Saeran. “If ‘occasionally’ means having hacked and reprogrammed the street CCTV camera positioned across her apartment building to send real-time footages to your computer every 8AM and 6PM, then sure, you only check on her,” he makes air-quotation marks with his fingers, “occasionally.”
“I-wha-how did you know that?” Saeran sputters, a raging blush creeps up on his cheeks. His skin is almost as red as their natural hair color now.
Saeyoung laughs out loud, thoroughly amused at Saeran’s indignation. “Well, this is my house and that,” he points at Saeran’s computer, “is my old computer. You can’t keep secrets from me when you’re using my old gadgets, Bro.”
The younger twin narrows his eyes at his brother. “You’re unbelievable.”
Saeyoung laughs again then ends it with a sigh, his face turning serious. “Go back to her, Saeran. I only got to talk to her in the chatroom but I know she’s a good girl. You shouldn’t make her worry for this long.”
“She’s an angel.” Saeran whispers wistfully. “But she’s better off without me. I…” he sighs, “I did despicable things to her. I don’t deserve to see her anymore.”
“Funny, that’s also how I used to think before I got kidnapped and thought I was gonna die without seeing my twin again.” Saeyoung smiles as he looks directly at his brother. “Thank God I was rescued by the exact person I wanted to see the most.”
Saeran shakes his head. “It’s not the same. You left because you thought it’s what’s good for us back then. You entered the Agency so Father can’t trace you and you trusted V and Rika that they will take care of me.” He says. “I left her behind because I can’t take the guilt anymore. I’ve hurt her, Hyung.”
“I think you’ve more than made up to her by getting her out of Mint Eye.” says Saeyoung.
“I got her out because I brought her there in the first place.” Saeran counters.
“Why are you so stubborn about this?” Saeyoung sighs again. “From what I remember from the chats, she likes you a lot – No, she loves you.  She purposely hid the fact that she was with you, the hacker back then, to protect you.”
“That was before I hurt her.” Saeran sighs. “She must hate me now.”
“Well, you would know.” Saeyoung lifts his glasses and massages the bridge of his nose. “You hated me when you thought I abandoned you. So now you think she hates you because you left her without an explanation.”
“That’s not true!” Saeran protests but Saeyoung looks at him sternly.
The younger twin averts his eyes. “Well, yeah, I did. I let Mint Eye make me hate you for leaving me behind.”
Saeyoung takes in a deep breath, readying himself for a long talk. “Saeran, don’t be like me. I left you without telling you why. I never checked how you were. I deluded myself that you’re doing okay with Rika because of the pictures she showed me. I know I should have at least checked on you personally, even just once. I kept telling myself that secret agents can’t have ties so I’m not allowed to see you. But in fact, I was afraid that if I see you, I’ll never be able to leave you again. I was a coward, Saeran.”
“Hyung, stop.” Saeran pleads. “We’ve talked about this before. We’ve decided to move on from that. No more blaming.”
“Then stop blaming yourself as well, Saeran.” Saeyoung follows up. “I’m thankful that you have forgiven me, but you have to forgive yourself too. You were not in total control when you were in Mint Eye. You know that, right?”
Saeran raises his hands in surrender. “Fine. I’ll think about it.”
The look on Saeyoung’s face is skeptical but he decides to drop the subject for now. He simply nods at his brother and leaves the room, probably to get a can of Doctor Pepper.
Saeran returns to his work, pulling up multiple media websites in search of more news that may relate to Magenta and Mint Eye.
Days passed in the Choi Bunker quietly, both twins working on the Mint Eye plan as per instructed by V and Jumin. The other RFA members are doing their best to help out too, with the exception of Yoosung who still has to come into terms with the truth about Rika. It was a hard pill to swallow so it was implicitly agreed on that they will give him the time and space he needs to sort his feelings.
V keeps in touch with the twins this time, making sure that they are both safe. He does not fail to remind them that he’d already lost them at two separate occasions. He and Saeran worked hard to recover Saeyoung from their father’s clutches and get the twins to reunite. V will be damned if it they get separated again. That’s why the guy calls the twins alternately every night. V never misses, not even on the day RFA exposed Mint Eye to the media.
It was a hectic day, with the RFA on the forefront, naming politicians, businessmen and other influential people involved in Mint Eye’s activities. The invited Media personnel at the press conference had a field day, asking questions left and right. Thankfully, ZEN, RFA’s elected spokesperson, did a wonderful job of delivering RFA’s stance on the issue. Given that he’s an actor, he will also be benefitting from the exposure. This is, of course, included in Saeyoung’s calculations. As it was immediately decided that the Choi twins will not be involved in RFA’s press con due to their family situation, Saeyoung and Saeran worked hard on the preparation aspect, crunching data that would benefit RFA’s cause before and during the conference. They also prepared multiple contingencies for several scenarios as requested by Jumin and Jaehee.
As the day comes to a close, Saeran’s phone rings right on cue. It was time for V’s call. Saeran shows the caller id to Saeyoung and signals that he will be going out of the computer room for a while to answer V.
Saeran sits on the couch as he picks up the call. “Hello, V.”
“I’d like to thank you again, Saeran.” V says on the phone. “We wouldn’t get this far without you and Saeyoung. By now, all of Korea already knows about Mint Eye and the evil it brought to its believers.”
“Are you sure about this, V?” Saeran asks him. “The Savior – I mean, Rika will be arrested too.”
V doesn’t answer immediately. Instead, he sighs over the mic.
“I know it’s my ego talking, but I feel it’s my responsibility to stop Rika as her ex-lover. At first, I thought I can save her but when I learned of what she’s done to you and the other believers… what she’s done to her…” V sighs again, his tone regretful, “I knew it was too late. She needs to be stopped.”
Saeran stiffens, the memory of the night in the dungeons coming back to him. It’s been months since her cleansing but he has never forgotten that moment. He knew he hurt her more than the elixir’s damage to her physical body. When she realized he had forced her to take the sleeping pill through a kiss, she looked so betrayed and disappointed. It broke his heart to see her like that. He only wished she finds happiness outside of Magenta. He still hates himself for making her cry that time.
“Saeran?” V asks when he noticed that Saeran is not replying to him. “Is everything okay?”
Saeran closes his eyes and massages the bridge of his nose. “I’m fine, just tired I think… I need to go.”
“Then I’ll hang up now so you can rest.” V says. “Thank you for your hard work, Saeran.”  
“Yeah.” Saeran says weakly as he hangs up. He closes his eyes again, trying to not be bothered by his headache. He walks slowly walks back to the computer room. He sees Saeyoung talking on the phone. His brother mouths “V” as he points at his phone. Saeran nods. He whispers “I’ll take a break for now.”
Saeyoung gives him a look, silently asking how he’s feeling. “I���m fine.” Saeran assures him as he leaves.
He walks to his room and as he enters it, he feels slightly better already.
His room doesn’t have much: a single bed, a closet and a computer table. The growing potted succulent by his bedside table is the lone décor.  Saeyoung offered to get him more things but he refused, knowing he will be more comfortable to stay and rest in a simple room.
He opens his closet and changes into a loose shirt and shorts. He then settles on his bed and dims the light. The night is still young but the dull throbbing in his head will only be gone with sleep so decides to just sleep early for the night.
Hours passed as the night turns to day. Saeran wakes up with a start, panting from the recurring dream of his last moments with MC before he brought her out of Mint Eye and left her at Rika’s apartment. The betrayed look of MC’s face torments him as he recalls his dream again.
“I’m sorry.” he says as his heart continues to drum against his chest. “I’m so sorry, MC.”
The guilt weighs heavily on his mind until he couldn’t take it anymore. He scrambles out of his bed and heads to the computer. He turns it on and opens the application for the video feed. The still video of the apartment façade helps him calm down until eventually his heart rate returns to normal. Just seeing the building where he knows MC is in comforts him.
He was about to close the video feed when he sees MC coming out of the gates. She looks decent at first glance but he could see the disheveled state she is in. Saeran could tell she isn’t going out for work as she’s only got a small bag with her instead of the usual backpack she brings with her.
Instinct tells Saeran that something is not right. He sees her in the video feed, swiping and tapping anxiously at her phone then looking left and right, as if waiting for something. Then a black taxi arrives and she gets inside.
Saeran can’t shake the feeling she is getting herself into trouble again. He’s reminded of the time she willingly got in a car blindfolded just because a voice on the phone told her to. She’s too trusting and kind for her own good. Granted, it’s one of the things he loves about her, but it’s also the one filling his heart with dread and anxiety now.
As if on autopilot, Saeran’s fingers immediately start typing away on the keyboard. The search begins with the taxi’s plate number. In less than five minutes, he has the car’s destination, the driver’s bio and the car’s ownership history all printed on a letter-sized paper.
He commits all the information to his mind as he strips out of his sleepwear and slips on a black zip-up jacket over a red tank top, pants and boots. He runs out of his room fast and heads straight to the garage. Thankfully, Saeyoung’s garage door is an automatic roll-up so he just flips the switch. It’s fully opened by the time he gets on the gray Maserati and drives out of the house. He almost wants to floor the gas and break the city speed limits just catch up on MC’s cab
Not too long after, Saeyoung calls him. Saeran slips on his Bluetooth headset and answers the call.
“Where are you going?” Saeyoung asks. “Don’t tell me you’re eating take-outs for breakfast now.”
“Police station.” Saeran answers curtly. “It’s important.”
Saeyoung is quiet on his side for a few beats. “Just be careful, okay? Take care of yourself and MC.”
“I am not gonna ask anymore how you know I’m on my way to MC.”
“We’re twins, remember? We are always connected, Saeran.”
Saeran’s lips curl into a semblance of a smile. “Yeah. I’m glad we never lost it, Hyung.”
Saeyoung sputters on the phone then there’s a loud ‘bam’ that sounded like he dropped his phone and the call ended. Saeran couldn’t help chuckling at his twin’s misfortune. He hopes the phone wasn’t cracked or damaged.
He rechecks the GPS on the Maserati as he turns his full attention on the road again. According to his search on the cab’s company files, its destination is the City Police Station investigating the Mint Eye case. He is now terribly worried for MC as the place will be full of media personnel on the lookout for the latest scoop on the scandal. The V, Jumin and Jaehee will be there for questioning regarding the evidences they presented the other day.
“Please, don’t let her get caught up in this again.” He prays in his heart.
As expected, the police station is packed with people. He parks the car far a little bit far away from the crowd, not wanting to draw unnecessary attention onto it.
After making sure that the car is secured, he runs into the police station’s parking area, looking for MC.
He looks around for that familiar figure, hoping that she is safe. His heart almost stops when he sees her by the sidewalk, talking to a man whom he recognizes as one of Mint Eye’s believers. She looks distraught, slowly stepping back from the man. When the man seizes her arm and pulls, Saeran saw red and ran towards them.
“Sir, you’re hurting me. Let me go,” she says as she pulls back her arm.
Saeran’s jaw clenched as he tries to rein the anger inside him. It’s been a while since he felt anger as extreme as this. He could almost hear the dark voice inside him coming back. He slows his breathing to calm himself. He knows there are ways other than anger to handle the situation. When he feels relatively less angry, he calls out to the man.
“Let the lady go.”
Both the man and MC freeze up. He can tell the believer recognizes him as the guy drops MC’s arm and steps backwards. “Mr. Saeran.” he says fearfully. He turns and runs away from MC.
Meanwhile, MC is rooted on her place, her back stiff on her small frame. From their distance, Saeran could already tell that MC has lost some weight since he last saw her. Her arms and waist are slimmer than what he can remember.
“You really need to be more careful, Miss. Your guard is too low.” He tells her.
When MC turns around, it was like a slow-motion video. The way her breath hitches, her hair swaying, up to how she her face lights up when she recognizes him, Saeran saw everything. She is as beautiful as he can remember, if not more.
“Saeran.” she says.
Her voice is as how he remembers it too: as sweet as ice cream.
Suddenly feeling shy, he manages a small, awkward smile at her. “Hello, MC.”
MC crosses the distance between them, almost tackling him when she hugged him. Thankfully, he catches her quick and managed to keep them both standing. MC buries her face on his chest and he’s slightly worried that she will hear how loud his heart is currently beating.
“You’re real.” MC says as she pulls away slightly to face him. She reaches up to him and touches his cheek. “Saeran.”
“How are you?” He asks her. “Did that man hurt you?”
MC shakes her head. “I’m fine now.”
He panics when a tear suddenly drops from MC’s eyes. “MC!? You’re crying?”
She retracts her hand and touches her own cheek. “I-I’m crying. Oh gosh, this is embarrassing.”
Before he knew it, Saeran is already wiping her tears with his finger as he touches her cheek. “I made you cry again.”
MC leans on his hand and closes her eyes. “I missed you a lot.” She says softly. “But you’re here now, that’s what matters.”
Saeran’s heart flutters as she opens her eyes again and looks at him with very loving eyes. His heart is instantly filled with love and affection for her, he’s sure it will burst soon.
Driven by instinct, they both lean in towards the other and finally… finally he’s kissing her again. The memory of her lips from long ago preciously archived in his heart is renewed. Her nose lightly bumping against his and her soft lips making sweet, sweet whimpers as he dives in deeper into their kiss; everything about her in his memories is renewed. Her hands wrap around his neck and pull him even closer. He wraps his arms around her in response, settling them on the curves of her hips. Her body, warm and pliant, fits perfectly against him.
He missed her so much that he that the feelings inside him is overwhelming him. He’s drowning in her presence but he doesn’t want to let go. If time would stop right then and there, he will not have any regrets. They are together again and that’s all that matters to him right now.
Eventually, Saeran breaks their kiss to allow her to breathe. He goes for other places in the meantime: her forehead, her cheeks, her nose and even her neck. When he lightly bites, sucks and licks in a particular spot on the junction between her neck and shoulder, her stifled moan blazed a stronger desire within him to claim her.
“S-Saeran.” she whimpers, hands clutched at his shoulders. “W-wait.”
Saeran stills when he hears her. Guilt crashed on him like a bucket of iced water as he is immediately reminded of that time he acted this way in Magenta.
“I’m sorry.” He feels ashamed for losing control. He kisses her quick on the lips to apologize.
“Don’t apologize. I-I liked it.” She whispers. “Just that ---“
MC’s knees folded under her, unable to take in the stimulation anymore. Thankfully, Saeran was quick to catch her. She looks up to him sheepishly, a raging blush creeping from her cheeks to her chest. “T-thank you.”
“Are you okay? What happened?” he asks her. He helps her stand straight again but she keeps wobbling as her knees refuse to support her.
“The strength left my legs.” she answers, still breathless.
Her embarrassment is so apparent that Saeran feels a little bad for thinking how cute she is at the moment. He also can’t help the little pride blooming in his chest for affecting her so much just by kissing. Still, Saeran tries to maintain a neutral face as he asks her. “Do you want to sit down?”
MC nods, holding tighter on him. “Please.”
He looks around the parking lot for a bench or some place they could use but there isn’t one in sight.
Saeran thinks fast for an alternative. As much as he likes the way MC is holding on to him at the moment, he still wants MC to be able to relax.
“There’s no bench in here.” He tells her. “But I brought a car. Do you want to rest in there?”
MC nods again, her face buried on his chest.
Judging that she’s in no shape to walk, he scoops her up in his arms and carried her to the car, bridal style. As he walks to the Maserati, he sneaks a peak at her form and finds her utterly adorable with the way she’s clinging onto him and muttering about how embarrassed she is.
He sets her down by the passenger seat then placed a kiss on her forehead. “How are you now?”
MC takes a moment to massage her knees to check. “I think they’re fine now.”
The tension he didn’t know was there left his body. “That’s great.”
He gently closed the door and circles around the car. He opens the driver’s seat and got inside. Once settled, he looks at her briefly, taking in her profile view. “Should I take you home?”
“No!” MC blurted, surprising both herself and Saeran. “I mean, “she tries again, “no, don’t take me home yet. I want to stay with you longer, Saeran.” She takes his left hand and laced her fingers with his. “I really missed you. I wanna be with you.”
Saeran’s heart flutters as MC looks at him with loving eyes again. “I missed you too, MC.” He tells her back, immediately feeling the inadequacy of the expression to describe how he felt being away from her all those months. He leans into the passenger seat and shared a quick kiss with her again.
“So where do we go?” he asks her as he pulls away from her.
“Have you eaten? How about we go for a quick breakfast?” MC suggests. “My favorite café has a great breakfast menu plus their coffee is divine.”
By the way she lights up so beautifully in the prospect of having breakfast with him, she could have asked him to bring her to the skies and he will bring her there by all means. He may not have totally forgiven himself yet for what he did to her in the past, but if being with him makes her happy, he will do it. So he returns the sunny smile she gave him and holds her hand tighter.
“Breakfast sounds great.”
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