#like how countless times Saeyoung said to him before
marshmallowprotection · 7 months
Hi! May I ask for some comfort from the twins or Saeyoung with an MC that's dealing with body dysmorphia? Usually I'm able to reassure myself to ignore the bad thoughts. But lately people around me seemed to pick on my weight and size a bit too much for me to handle by myself :) am I really that big and ugly? These kind of thoughts just won't leave my mind.
TW: Body Dysmorphia
"You've got that look in your eyes again, starlight," Saeyoung said.
You couldn't tear your eyes away from your phone. You weren't sure when he came home from work but you knew he must've been there long enough to realize you hadn't looked away from your phone from the moment he opened the door. Normally, you were ready to give his arrival a smile and a wave, but not today.
It wasn't a good day by any means and no matter how much you tried to make it out to be one, you couldn't make it happen. 
Today just wasn't your day.
It all started when you did a little bit of grocery shopping in the morning. You were on your way to make sure you had everything you needed for the weekend, but as soon as you went to reach out for your favorite treat, you found a pair of eyes on your back judging you just as you’d felt countless times before. 
When people stared at you, you knew that it couldn't always be because they were judging you for the way you looked, but far too many times people treated you differently, and it made it easy to doubt yourself even if you tried to rationalize your fears. Even if people weren't looking at you nine times out of ten for the reason you thought they were, that didn't take away the fact that there would always be one person who did something or said something to make you feel bad. 
It made you let go of your snack.
It made you leave the aisle and not look back.
It made your quiet day turn into one of shame and insecurity.
He gently took your phone from your hands and glanced down at the photograph. "Now, why're you staring at yourself? I love looking at you all day long but I doubt you've got the urge to do the same thing unless Zen's got into your head about complimenting yourself to feel better on a bad day. I don't think it's a half bad idea but I know that's not what you're doing."
He had a playful tone but it didn't change what you felt about yourself. You knew he was trying to broach the subject in the softest way possible, and it brought out that silly persona he promised he would never use again unless he didn't know how else to handle a situation. You knew he wouldn't pressure you for the answer, but he would listen if you were willing to talk about it.
You knew that about him just like you knew the back of your hand. 
Saeyoung was... God. He was somebody you never expected to like someone like you. That playful smile on his lips always brought you peace, but you never imagined you would be able to do the same for him. How could you? You always imagine yourself to be somebody who wasn't anything special, and for a handsome guy like him, you wouldn't expect to be on his radar. 
But, he only had eyes for you.
He never failed to tell you that.
You looked down. "I just... I look wrong... It doesn't matter how many times I try to change the picture, it always comes out wrong... you... you don't have to lie to me, okay? Tell me the truth. Do you think I'm ugly, Saeyoung?"
That brought a frown to his face.
He sank to his knees in front of you, letting his hands catch your face so you would have no choice but to look at him. "You are my starlight. You are made of the very thing that makes the universe beautiful. If anyone tells you that you're not the most lovely person they’ve ever seen, they’re liars or they sincerely need to get their eyes checked."
"I mean it. Beauty isn't about what's on the outside, but I'm sure you've heard that a hundred times. It's about what you do. You have the most beautiful heart I've ever seen, and that's what makes you radiant. It's what makes your smile brighter, your eyes glow, and your heart reach me when I feel like I'm alone in the darkness."
His lips met yours briefly, tender and sweet. It brought a sob to your lips and tears to your eyes.
"Even if you don't think you're beautiful, I think you're beautiful. You don't have to change to fit somebody else's idealized form of beauty. If there's anything you want to do to change your lifestyle habits, that's fine, but you don't need to do any of that to make yourself more beautiful because you're already beautiful in my eyes and no matter what you do, you always will be. "
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stormflypirateskin · 2 years
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"Let Me Hear You, Brother!"
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Summary: Saeyoung keeps calling Saeran on the phone because he wants to hear his voice.
I got the idea from @anas-tasiaa :DD
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"Stop calling me!! What do you want?!" Saeran pinched the temple on his face as he groaned. "Why do you keep calling me anyway? Are you trying to piss me off on purpose?!" His voice raised even more.
All he wanted was to just stay in his room and rest for the day. Well, you see, that wasn't originally his plan but he changed into it immediately when Saeyoung, his brother, wouldn't leave him alone.
Saeyoung would always be near his brother in whatever he was doing and just kept rambling about many things. Normally, Saeran would just ignore him but Saeyoung kept asking questions after questions.
So, here he was, in his room. Hoping to rest his mind from the million thoughts and intense emotions he was feeling at the moment.
"But but but!!" Saeyoung had flinched from the volume of his brother's voice. "I wanna talk to youuu..." He sighed, defeated.
"Don't you see me every single day..?!" Saeran was sitting up right now as his eyebrows furrowed. He was fighting the urge to just hang up on him.
Sure, he didn't hate his brother but sometimes he did things that made Saeran want to hide in his room for the rest of the week. He knows he doesn't mean harm but he drives Saeran wild a lot of times.
"I'm hanging up."
"Wait..!!" Saeyoung immediately called out to him. "I'll.. I'll buy you ice cream if you don't hang up!!" He panicked.
"What do you want..?!" Saeran sighed. His patience was being tested here. But he can't really resist ice cream. I guess he could listen to him a bit. "Explain why you don't want me to hang up, Saeyoung." Saeran's firm voice shot back.
"W-Well.." Saeyoung didn't know what to say but his mind raced with thoughts with what he could say at that moment.
"I-I just..!!" He sighed before he took a small breath. "I want to listen to your voice, Saeran."
It was like all of Saeran's anger left and was replaced with confusion. He raised an eyebrow. "What.. do you mean..?"
"I.. well.. I always missed it.. it was torture when I couldn't hear your voice anymore.." He confessed slowly. It was true. When Saeyoung had to leave Saeran for the agency, it ruined him.
He stayed up countless nights, wondering how Saeran was doing while he was with V and Rika back then. He had to stay away, alone, only a disgusting hacker doing all the disturbing work.
Even if he couldn't see or hear him anymore, he thought that he was okay when the opposite was happening. He never wants to let him go anymore. He wants to stay by his side and make sure he is safe and alive for as long as he lives.
So Saeran finally being by his side after all those years? Saeyoung really missed him so much and he is finally able to hear his voice. Even if Saeran gets angry a lot at his brother. Saeyoung was just happy to have him close to him once again.
"Just hearing you again after so long.. I'm happy." Saeran could tell that Saeyoung was smiling even if he couldn't see him.
Saeran did miss Saeyoung back then too and even if his brother annoyed him a lot, he was still.. glad that his brother wanted to be around him.
It was gonna take a long time for Saeran to warm up to Saeyoung and everyone else in the RFA enough but he was still making progress, even if it was small.
Saeran was lost on his thoughts which made Saeyoung panic since he thought that he said something wrong there.
"I also.. missed it." Saeran said quietly and slowly. It was rare to see him admit these thoughts and feelings.
"Huh..?" Saeyoung's eyes widened immediately.
"I said bring me the ice cream." Saeran changed the topic quickly. He felt embarrassed that he admitted to missing his brother's voice.
It did help him a lot when they were both at that old house of nightmares.
Saeyoung's soft laughter could be heard. He decided to not make Saeran feel more embarrassed with what he said and played along. "Of course, my dear brother. You shall have all the ice cream in the world!!"
And Saeran felt a weak smile make it's way to his face.
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
Pregnancy Series - ,,Spinn Off’’
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RFA + Minor Trio with a MC who doesn’t want to give birth in C Section
⚠️ Sensitive content -> mention of: labor pain, blood, fluids ⚠️
Pregnancy Series: Part 1 // Part 2  // Part 3 // Part 4.1 // Part 4.2 // Part 5 // Part 6
HEY! So, since you all liked the Pregnancy Series a lot and I still had a writing which is dedicated to birth and Family I decided to post this as a ,,Spinn off’’ however this writing was written before I decided to write the Pregnancy Series so the story will be probably different from the original series! 
The both of you were at a diner when you suddenly got contractions, feeling pain in your whole body.
You couldn’t tell him for sure what was hurting you, but you knew that you would give birth to your baby soon.
When you suddenly felt water run down your legs, you immediately knew that this baby was impatient to meet the world.
You were gasping for air and holding Jumin’s hand when another wave of pain overcame you, making you go down to your knees and hold onto your abdomen stronger.
,,Mr Han, we will bring you to the hospital,’’ Driver Kim said, trying to get you up.
However, you stopped Jumin when he was too tired to move you. ,,The midwife said to wait for the ambulance in case the baby comes in the car…’’ you gasped and looked between him and the driver.
Jumin nodded, reminding that you were right and so all guests were brought outside while pillows were put on the floor so that you could lay down and feel a bit more comfortable.
,,Heeee heee hu….’’ he helped you to breathe, showing you the right rhythm.
Finally, the ambulance came, however, things took a bad turn and he quickly noticed that something wasn’t going the way it should…
,,She is having complications. We need to give birth in C-Section! Quickly!’’ one paramedic said as your eyes flickered. You were so weak by now.
He couldn’t do anything but just watch, but suddenly you found a bit of strength to go against the paramedic.
,,No! No wait,’’ you called, sobbing and trying to hold in Jumin’s jacket.
,,C-Section is so bad for the baby!’’ you said to Jumin.
He looked at you as you sobbed ,,She will die if they don’t do it…’’ Jumin told you and brushed your hair with his hand.
And so, to save your daughter, you clunched your eyes and let them rush you to the hospital, even though natural birth would have been better in your opinion...
,,The baby is in the wrong position. The legs are down,’’ the doctor told you.
There were just a few weeks to go until you would be due and there wasn’t the possibility that the baby would turn around this late in the pregnancy.
,,What? I don’t want it… I heard so many bad things,’’ you said as your hand laid on your belly, your child was kicking.
You were sad and kind of angry, you wished for a natural birth so much. Maybe one in the water.
But now this all disappeared.
,,The baby could hurt himself. I can’t help you, I’m sorry. And nowadays, the medical care is so good that your baby will be more than fine,’’ the doctor tried to make you feel better.
Zen patted your hand and smiled at you.
His red eyes looked at you as he tried to make you feel better.
,,It’s not that we have another option, MC,’’ he mumbled and kissed your hand.
Suddenly you began to cry. Those days, it happened a lot.
,,I know,’’ you sobbed.
,,That’s why… ah… I wanted to see my baby, to give birth at it, and what if they cut or hurt him?’’ you asked him.
,,I will be by your side and make sure nothing goes wrong, I promise…’’ he lastly told you, making you feel just a bit better.
,,We already did it once. The doctor back then told me that the next time there was a chance that I could give birth to my baby naturally and right now you are-ugh! Telling me no?!’’ you asked the nurse as she told you that you had to get ready for surgery.
,,Yoosung! Are you or aren't you a doc! Say something!’’ you said angrily to your husband.
He looked at you helplessly as he mumbled that he was a vet and that there was nothing he could do.
,,Mrs Kim, the baby's head is too big. It could get very dangerous for your newborn,’’ she told you and looked at you apologetically.
Suddenly you began to hiss. ,,Last time it hurt like hell! Yoosung! You did this again!’’ you hissed angrily while you held his hand.
He nodded and kept kissing your forehead as he apologized.
He knew how much you wished for this birth to be normal and that you wanted to see your child and not have countless people around you cut you and close you up again.
,,I will get you ready now, Mrs. Kim,’’ the nurse smiled and took out a razor to make your abdomen free from the hair for the surgery.
And just like back then, they gave you sedatives as you cried to yourself.
,,I… wanted to stay awake this time,’’ you groaned when you suddenly felt yourself feeling sleepy.
Yoosung could just cry as he saw you in pain.
Once again you both decided to go to a very big hospital and just like the last time, nothing was done the way you wished for it.
Not even Yoosung was allowed to stay as he was sent outside where Jumin and Jaehee, as well as Zen waited for him.
His daughter was sleeping in Jaehee’s arms as Zen approached him, patting him to ask why he was crying.
,,They didn’t do it how we wanted again,’’ he mumbled and looked over to the surgery room.
,,Why C-Section?’’ Jaehee asked the doctor.
You looked from her to the man in the white clothing as he explained why he had to perform the surgery.
,,But what if you accidentally cut my baby? Or what if something goes wrong? I’ve heard so many bad things,’’ you mumbled, looking at Jaehee.
The both of you fought so hard for this baby and to become both mothers.
You did everything right and now the last step would go like this?
Jaehee stroked your hair as she nibbled at her lips.
,,How much time do we still have?’’ Jaehee asked the doctor as she wanted to talk to you.
,,About half an hour,’’ he said, but before going out he looked back at the both of you. ,,Although, there’s not much to decide if you want to give birth to this baby well,’’ he said and with that he left you with your thoughts and fears.
,,Let’s do it, Mc,’’ Jaehee said as soon as he was out.
,,I know that we have to go with it, but I heard so many things and I thought this would be my body…’’ you whined.
Jaehee nodded as she kissed your nose. ,,Soon we will have this wonderful baby in our hands and then we will be able to enjoy our time, but one last time let’s do this, for the baby.’’
You were pregnant with twins. When Saeyoung found out, he was scared at first.
Scared that he wouldn’t be a good father, that he would turn out like his mother, that his children wouldn’t like him…
The young man struggled with a lot of things, but when one day, you fainted early on in your pregnancy, he knew that he would love these children with his everything and that with you he had nothing to fear.
You would be by his side and support him and since he already loved and worried about his unborn children so much, there was no way that he would turn into a monster.
And maybe that’s why he was so protective of you when you felt the sharp pain and the ambulance had to pick you up, just to tell you that the babies would come way too early.
,,We need to perform a C-Section,’’ the doctor nodded and asked Saeyoung to sign the document.
He was about to sign when you stopped him. Gasping for air, you tried to check if there was another way.
,,Delaying the birth won’t be an option. It could put you or one of the babies at risk. Twins usually come earlier so there is nothing to fear. We will do our best.’’
Even if you still didn’t trust the doctor, you decided to go with it and so you were transported away to a place Saeyoung couldn’t keep you safe on his own anymore…
The both of you looked at each other as the doctor told you the news.
You were currently pregnant and in your final trimester.
Everything went well these past 38 weeks.
Your baby was healthy, you were healthy, and you enjoyed every single moment of it.
But right now, the only thing you felt was disappointment as the doctor told you that you probably couldn’t give birth naturally, but needed a C-Section as the baby turned around at the last minute so the feet of your newborn were down and the head upside down.
You pressed your lips together and Saeran could see that your hands were trembling.
You were scared of giving birth, but now that this problem came up, you were also unsure.
But you knew that you didn’t have another possibility other than to agree with him.
,,I don’t like that they will have to use so many medications, I heard that a lot of things can go wrong,’’ you mumbled on your way home.
You were still holding his hand. The both of you walked slower as it was hard for you to keep up with him.
,,I know, I understand,’’ he gasped. He too, to be honest, would have liked to see you giving birth naturally, but on the other hand it would be less painful for you, he thought.
,,Baby, why can’t you turn around?’’ you asked your baby and received a kick.
,,Yeah, thanks!’’ you laughed and held the spot you were just kicked in with your hand.
Saeran supported your back with his hand as he led you home. ,,I know how you feel, but I will do my best to stay by your side even in surgery and the next time, for the next baby, we can have a natural birth, I am sure of it!’’ he smiled, making you feel a bit better.
He rubbed his hands together as he sat on the uncomfortable chairs in the waiting room.
Jumin was next to him as he was leaning back.
He seemed relaxed on the outside, but to be honest, he was also worried.
For Lucy, the little girl he was the godfather of and you, a person who changed his best friend's life for the better. He was grateful to you.
But to know that you actually had an accident didn’t make him feel that good, knowing that you were 39 weeks pregnant, however, made his stomach twist.
,,Mr. Kim,’’ the doctor asked and looked around, mustering the attention of the two handsome men in the waiting room.
,,Yes?’’ Jihyun got up and tried to gulp. His throat was just so dry…
He was scared of the words of the doctor, but he felt at ease as soon as he was told that Lucy was okay.
,,She just has a little stitch in her arm and will probably have a little headache, but please don’t worry. However, your wife,’’ he stopped.
Jihyun felt his legs tremble as the doctor said ,,however’’, what did that mean?
,,We need to give birth to the baby now in a C-Section to prevent it’s death, but she is against it. We need to hurry, so if you would please try to calm her down so that we can begin,’’ he mumbled.
Jumin chuckled a bit. It was a serious matter, but he didn’t expect anything else from you, the woman who would fight everyone with everything she had.
Jihyun nodded and followed the doctor, seeing you with all those scratches and the blood made his heart sink, but he didn’t hesitate to approach you.
,,Hey,’’ he said, a bit sad as he noticed that your hands were trembling.
,,Jihyun,’’ you said. From the sound of your voice, he knew that you were on the verge of crying.
,,It’s too early,’’ you sobbed.
,,They will hurt him. I’ve heard so many bad stories… I don’t want to,’’ you mumbled, finally sobbing now.
,,I understand, Mc. I love you so much and I wish I could make you happy, but they have to or the baby will die if we don’t hurry,’’ he softly explained, trying to make you lay back as his fingers touched your trembling lips, following the shape of your red lips he loved so much.
,,You will be able to see your baby soon and Jumin is outside. Nothing will go wrong and we will keep an eye on it okay?’’ he asked you.
Slowly, you didn’t fight back as the nurse began to do her work, someone else shaving your abdomen.
One last time, you looked over to Jihyun who also seemed very emotional, but still managed to smile at you as you softly closed your eyes.
Now it was his turn to be strong for you...
This morning was supposed to go differently when you woke up.
You guys actually wanted to have fun together on your couch and watch a movie, eat some food, and talk about the future.
But nothing came like that.
You suddenly felt dizzy in the bathroom and immediately called Vanderwood as you were beginning to panic.
,,I’m here,’’ he gasped and held you. ,,I’m here, Mc, what’s wrong?’’ he asked you again.
Softly, but weakly, you managed to tell him that you felt a slight pain between your legs.
At first he was scared, scared to death when he heard about your pain.
But as he arrived at the hospital with you, he calmed down.
The news that you would give birth soon made him nervous, yes, but he wasn’t scared that something was wrong with the baby or you.
Well, for now at least.
The situation quickly changed after three hours.
,,She’s too weak!’’ the midwife whined to the doctor.
Vanderwood was actually ready. Everyone was but you.
He saw you there, gasping for air, sweating and crying.
His heart was breaking as he saw how much pain you were in.
,,C-Section, we can’t go on like this,’’ the doctor calmly said and nodded to the nurses. Apparently, they all knew what to do.
Suddenly he heard your whimper as you looked to him
,,Please don’t. I will do better, but don’t,’’ you whined, searching for his hand.
Vanderwood didn’t think twice and held your hand as he tried to smile.
,,It will be alright, Mc, I promise. Nothing will happen to you or the baby, okay? Don’t worry, I will stay here,’’ he promised and tried to stroke your head. He tried to swipe the sweat away and noticed how hot you were.
Was this a fever or just from the hard work?
He knew that you wanted to fight back, say something, do something against the decision, but as you were so nervous, they decided to put you to sleep while the surgery was ongoing, making you close your eyes slowly.
,,I’m here,’’ he said and looked down to the medical staff performing the surgery.
🤰🏻ᴘʀᴇɢɴᴀɴᴄʏ sᴇʀɪᴇs🤰🏻Masterlist here
27.05.2021// 23:15 MEST
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saeransboy · 3 years
Pairing: Saeran Choi / Male CMC (Rowan)
Word Count: 4177
Warnings: Spoilers for the Secret Endings, hospitals
Notes: this is my piece for the @nostringsdetached zine!! i'm so happy that i got to participate, and that it got so much support. you can get the full zine bundle for free, as well as see my partner @mm12578's accompanying art for this piece, at this link.
you can also read this here on ao3!! i hope you enjoy!!
Saeran was unhappy.
Though not an uncommon feeling for the other man after all he'd been through, being in the hospital evoked the feeling strongly. He was constantly feeling judged, being watched, and it felt suffocating. His lack of choice was all too obvious now. If having most of the control he had over his own body being taken away wasn't enough, being forced to see people he didn't want to deal with was the final nail in his coffin.
It was overwhelming, upsetting, and made him want to disappear more than ever before. Trying to shut out the rest of the world wasn't an option, as it only forced its way in. Unless he had to answer whoever stopped by, Saeran ignored their questions and small talk, and eventually they gave up. Everyone had, except for that boy.
Rowan had been easy enough to lure to the apartment. He obviously hadn't trusted Saeran, and was just as uneasy around the RFA at first. However, he stayed to work as their party coordinator simply because he "had nothing better to do". Of course, with the tense situation that developed, he became far from bored. "Terrified" was a better descriptor.
The guilt Saeran felt over that was overwhelming. He'd been the one to choose Rowan, to lure him in, to try to kidnap him. He killed a man right in front of him. Had it not been for him, the party coordinator wouldn't have ever been dragged into this. Which made it all the more confusing when he came to visit alongside his brother.
The ex-hacker had been so shocked at his appearance, he remained silent only because he wasn't sure what to say. His guest left defeated, but he returned alone the next day, and the next. In fact, despite Saeran's silence, Rowan kept showing up, coming by to ramble at him about his day-to-day life and eventually to sit quietly and read. The silence was a lot more comfortable.
He let the silence remain til the other man came to his defense from a rude nurse. After that, he hesitantly reached out, reigniting his guest's desire to speak to him. The ex-hacker barely replied, and his guest enthusiastically continued on like it was normal. It started off shakily, and he would cut short any inquiries on his wellbeing and brushed off Rowan's attempts at comfort on bad days, but it went well.
They had made a lot of progress since then.
The last time Rowan was here, he held his hand. The other man had sensed his upset and reached to comfort him. Despite his first instinct to push him away, he accepted it without argument, not returning the favor or rejecting it. It felt so warm. When was the last time he got to feel another’s touch without being hurt or manipulated in the process? A brief image of his brother’s arms wrapping around him flashes in his mind, and he scowls.
Saeyoung. Saeran still wasn’t alright with him, not fully, but he was trying. As much as he hated it, he was jealous of his twin. Not just for his carefree lifestyle all these years or the friends that supported him so steadfastly, but for his relationship with Rowan. When he saw them, they were laughing and falling over each other or comforting one another. There was always some physical contact, and so much trust.
Rowan had confirmed that no, they weren’t together like he had assumed, but the bond they shared was perfectly sweet. He felt starved watching them. It was then, when he deciphered what that tension he felt when he saw them together was, that he faced his feelings for the brunette.
He was smitten. Completely, utterly, sickeningly smitten; when he realized his feelings, he had grown so nauseated it made his head spin. He wasn’t entirely sure he was in that deep, but only such a dramatic word could describe the heaviness with which it weighed on him. Someone like him wasn't meant for feelings like this.
The next time Rowan visited, Saeran blamed his suddenly more reserved behavior on the medicine he was being given. He wasn’t questioned, but the guilt of lying stung.
Saeran couldn't let himself feel this. It was inevitable that he would prove himself yet again to be a monster. He would hurt Rowan and it was eating him alive, but he'd rather let the feeling fester inside of him than cause the man any more pain or stress. It was easier said than done.
Nothing had filled that deep, all-encompassing void of guilt inside of him but the other man's visits. Hiis quips and words of comfort provided some relief. It was barely making a change, but the air still felt lighter around him. There was no tension, no distrust, and he never felt cornered.
He could just exist, never feeling pressured to do any more than that.
These awful feelings threw a wrench into that, but it was nothing he couldn't handle. Just like every other thought and feeling, he wanted to push it down in the hopes of suffocating it until it was quiet or died. Or until it explodes and destroys everyone around you, a small voice in the back of his mind whispers. That was just as likely, and the thought terrified him. His hands clench in the thin sheets of the bed, trying to ground himself the best he can.
Downstairs, Rowan worries his bottom lip between his teeth, tapping his boot nervously against the ground as he waits for his security escort. He knows his anxiety comes off as impatience to the staff, giving him more room than everyone else as he leans against the wall, and he lets it stay that way. With the feelings swarming in his mind, he was sure that any invasion of his space might set him off.
After countless visits, coming to see Saeran during his recovery became a routine he enjoyed greatly. It wasn't always this nice; the first few times, he came with Saeyoung, but after being met with silence, he persuaded the hacker to let him come on his own. Nothing changed at first, the room being filled with an awkward silence as Rowan attempted one-sided conversations. The man refused to respond, rarely even offering him a glance. It frustrated him to no end; even after dropping his own guard, he hadn't gotten anywhere.
Eventually he gave up on trying to communicate, simply coming to sit in the corner and read. It had to be lonely, being stuck there, so he figured having another heartbeat in the room that wasn't poking or prodding him or interrogating him on his mental state might help. The tension in the air had quickly faded into something more peaceful, and some of Saeran's guard visibly slipped away. That was good enough for Rowan; as long as he wasn't actively being shut out, it was still progress.
Surprisingly, Saeran was the one to break the silence, though not without good reason. Much to their annoyance, a nurse interrupted their visitation, disturbing the peaceful co-existence they had with each other. She was everything Rowan hated to see: pushy, unsympathetic, and completely uncaring about his mental wellbeing.
It made his heart hurt, seeing the other man flinch when she slammed her clipboard down on his bedside table. Every word out of her mouth was ridicule, and though he knew the ex-hacker was used to such talk, that didn't mean it didn't hurt.
When she left with one last comment on how scrawny he still was, Rowan didn't hesitate to jump up from his seat. Following behind, he proceeded to chew her out. For her complete lack of experience, for her apathy, for taking out whatever the hell was wrong with her on Saeran. It wasn't long before his voice raised, but he was careful not to start screaming. The last thing he wanted was to upset the already stressed man more.
It didn't surprise Rowan that his friendly feelings grew into something stronger, but that didn't make the realization any less terrifying. For the first few days, he struggled to reel himself back in, trying to shove his feelings to the back of his mind so he could be there for the other man without guilt eating away at him. Being so friendly to him only felt like he was taking advantage of the man's barely earned trust.
It didn't last, as he noticed Saeran growing increasingly tense at his less emotional, more closed-off responses. With a quick explanation, claiming he'd not been feeling like himself -- not a complete lie, as such a deep feeling had knocked him off his feet -- and that he was sorry, he mended the situation and forced himself to swallow his guilt.
He could tell Saeran didn't fully believe him, but the man was obviously relieved to have things back to normal the next visit, when Rowan came in grinning. It earned him a small smile in return, the first he'd seen from the man.
Rowan is torn from his reminiscing by a security guard clearing her throat. She nods towards an open elevator. "Come on, tough guy. I'll drop you off." Though he bristles at the obviously mocking title, he doesn't argue, not wanting to get kicked out. Instead, he trails after her and steps in, trying to calm the fluttering that starts up in his chest at the thought of seeing the other man.
The ride up is tense, the brunette almost lunging forward when the doors slide open. "Thanks," he calls over his shoulder with a scowl. Though he always looked forward to the visits, he hated dealing with the staff. Setting his eyes on Saeran's door, he picks up the pace, hurrying down the hall as fast as he can despite his slight nervousness.
Before Saeran's thoughts can spiral anymore out of control, the all-too-familiar sound of chains clinking together sounds down the hall, the thoughts slipping from his mind to let him focus. It was definitely him; despite the noisiness of his entrance, the steps sounded hesitant, stumbling over themselves. The awkwardness always manages to make his heart feel a bit lighter, some of the dread that had been bubbling up inside of him slipping away.
As expected, the footsteps come towards his room, stopping just outside for a moment. There's a pause, his guest taking a moment for a deep breath, before the door is cautiously pushed open. Rowan jumps a bit upon seeing him, obviously not expecting Saeran to be sat up waiting for him. The surprised look on his face quickly fades into a soft smile, some of the tension he entered with easing from his shoulders.
The man always put up a tough exterior, Saeran knew, but he trusted him enough to let that down. Whether that was because he wanted mutual trust or because he was just plain stupid, the ex-hacker wasn't quite sure, but it never bothered him, and he never bought up the subject.
The brunette shuffles his way over to him without a word, taking a seat in the chair next to the bed. Everything about him is a contradiction: the gentle look on his face combined with his dark and intentionally rough exterior, the way he avoided eye contact despite his obvious distaste at being seen as a pushover, how he still wandered to his side like a clueless puppy despite all Saeran had done, as if he wasn't dangerous.
That frustrated him most of all. He was trying so hard to protect everyone for once after he had planned to destroy their lives. It was like the male could see right through him, but never saw what Saeran wanted him to.
As usual, Rowan slouches forward, giving him that stupid grin that made his stomach flutter and twist up all at the same time. "Sorry I'm late, but I'm sure you're used to it now. Have you eaten yet? I kinda had to skip lunch, didn't have time." He trips over his words mid-sentence, distracted by the way that his heavy jacket slips off his shoulder.
Every visit started the same, his visitor pitifully trying to disguise his fretting as small talk and him offering up muttered responses. It was still progress from how they started, but Saeran always felt some guilt seeing how much effort the other man put into trying to talk to him. Wanting to change that the best he could, he tries speaking up some, clearing his throat. ''No. I don't like the food."
Contradictory to the pout he usually gives at that response, Rowan's eyes light up. "Great! Um. Not that you haven't eaten because the food sucks. Just... gimme a second." With that, he hops up from his seat, scurrying back to the door, nearly forgetting to put up his facade before motioning for a nurse.
Saeran can't decipher much from his position, only picking up on the word "privacy" and the dirty look the man shoots the nurse when she shakes her head. Only a few more words are exchanged before his expression brightens, and he whirls back around.
To his surprise, the unusually peppy man closes the door. That had never been allowed before, both for Saeran's safety and his visitor's. But Rowan was always rather convincing, not to mention stubborn, so it wasn't too shocking that he was the one earning him that right.
The act now fully slipped away again, Rowan practically trips over his feet moving back, rummaging through the pockets of his oversized jacket for something. Had it been anyone else, he might've been paranoid or distrusting, but he knew the man in front of him wasn't a threat in the slightest.
Once again stunning Saeran, the man pulls out ice cream -- an entire tub of it. Mint chocolate, he noted, feeling his heart skip a beat at the realization that he had remembered his favorite flavor. Outside food was also previously off-limits, and guessing from the way he had asked for privacy, it still was.
Once again, the man isn't making sense. Not only has he gone out of his way to visit daily, staying even on Saeran's worst days until he's either asked to leave or is forced out by the staff, now he's breaking rules and risking trouble for himself all for his sake. Why? He was a monster and a murderer, and he's being smuggled in gifts?
All of the kindness he was offered was foreign to him, and perhaps that was for the best. He didn't deserve any of it. All he deserves is to rot in this awful place, his nose constantly stinging from the scent of medicine and his eyes burning under the blindingly bright fluorescent light.
"...Saeran?" Broken out of his trance, he shakes his head, feeling a tinge of annoyance seeing the red that reflects off the bedpost in his peripheral. His natural color hadn't grown back much, but it was enough to put a scowl on his face. Not once did he want to let the white fade, wanting to have some semblance of separation from his brother, but he didn't have a choice. Not here, not anywhere.
Only Rowan ever offered him control, and even he himself was limited in what he could allow. It wasn't fair. That, too, made him grateful for his stubborn visitor. It was rare for him to give up when he had his mind set on something, and that gave Saeran a lot more freedom than he would have without him.
"I'm fine," he reassures. Rowan doesn't look convinced, but he doesn't pry, instead placing the tub on the sheets between them before digging in his pocket for a packet of utensils, unmistakably snagged from the hospital's cafeteria. Placing it in his resting hand, the man gives a paranoid glance back towards the door before grinning widely.
"I don't think they're onto me, so go ahead and eat up." Though he hesitates a moment, Saeran reaches out to pull the ice cream into his lap, popping the lid and taking a scoop. It's slightly melted as expected; it couldn't have made the trip by motorcycle all the way over here and through the wait downstairs totally unscathed. It's tasty nonetheless, a huge relief from the blandness of the food he had to eat here. Before long, he's digging in, feeling starved despite having the three meals a day rule enforced on him.
After a couple of minutes, he glances up at his guest, perplexed to find him entertaining himself by winding a loose thread of the sheets around his finger. It was rare that Rowan was this quiet for so long, and even stranger that he wasn't busying himself the same way that Saeran was. Sinking his spoon into the cold mint, he hums to get the other man's attention. Immediately his eyes are on him, deep blue piercing into him and making him melt and tense up all at the same time.
"What are you doing?" He asks, eyes flitting between his face and the string half-wound around his finger. The other man glances away sheepishly, though he doesn't flinch at his blunt tone; yet another thing they were making progress on. Rowan pauses, searching for a good answer and sighing in defeat when he can't find one.
"...sitting here?" He answers quietly, giving Saeran an uncertain look. "I don't really have anything to do. I was already running late, so when I swung by the store, I just grabbed the ice cream and left."
"Didn't you say you didn't eat lunch?" The redhead questions with a raised brow. The silence lingering in the room tells him all he needs to know. Huffing, he shoves the tub towards him without a second thought, surprising the both of them. It was unusual for him to share anything, especially this, but he wasn't about to pull his foot back when he was already taking a step forward. "Go on. You'll make yourself sick if you don't."
Though he wouldn't admit it out loud -- he wasn't sure he could even if he really wanted to -- Saeran cared for the other man deeply. It wasn't just the budding feelings of affection. His worry for his wellbeing, though underlying, had lingered ever since the party coordinator had set foot in that apartment.
If he didn't care, he wouldn't have stopped him from stepping on the glass from the window. Of course he would've, the idiot, and back then he told himself it was because it'd be easier to transport him if he went uninjured. Now, the truth was obvious.
Reassured by his adamance, Rowan reaches out to take the tub. While keeping a close eye on Saeran's face to check for any signs that he might change his mind, he fails to notice how close their hands get, accidentally brushing their fingers together as he grabs it. The touch is minimal, lasting under a second, but it still startles them both. The brunette gasps, nearly dropping the ice cream as Saeran pulls back.
For a moment they're both silent, staring at each other with flushed cheeks and unreadable expressions. Saeran knows why he reacted that way, but… what about the other man? Was he afraid of him? He didn't look frightened, only embarrassed and a bit flustered. Though there was no reason for him to be flustered, right? Maybe he was just touch-repulsed. They had a lot in common, after all. It was obvious the party coordinator's mind was spiraling just as much as his, the panic in his eyes blindingly obvious.
Trying his best not to overthink and to diffuse the situation, Saeran grumbles and snatches up the spoon, getting another scoop and nudging it against the boy's lips. It smudges against his nose, making him blink in surprise. His fingers coming up to up to wipe away the small bit, he laughs, some of his nerves obviously soothed. Good, Saeran thinks; he can barely handle his own emotions, let alone someone else's.
Holding the spoon out like a threat, he stares blankly at him. "Take it. I'm not feeding you. And sit over here so you don't drop it; that's the last thing we need." He curls his legs in, giving the taller man more room.
The brunette sits on the edge of the bed and takes the spoon happily, fixing his attention on the ice cream as he… purposefully seeks out the chocolate chips, to the point where his spoonful is more chocolate than ice cream. Weird, but Saeran doesn't argue.
Some part of him finds it cute, and he shakes his head, desperately trying to swat the thought away. He had hoped that the feelings would fade, but they were blossoming into something far more dreadful with every visit. That wasn't Rowan's fault; it was his own for not keeping himself under control.
These feelings would have to die with him, he concludes, blinking rapidly to bring himself back. When those blue eyes turn upwards to glance at him, he knows he's been caught getting lost in his mind. Bracing himself for the obvious question, he accepts the tub pushed back to him, tensing when the other man speaks up just as he gets a mouthful.
"What's buggin' you?" Rowan asks, his brows furrowed with concern. Taking his time to let the ice cream melt in his mouth, Saeran answers with a shrug. Remembering his earlier attempt to be more open, he sighs, nudging around a chocolate chip as he tries to think of a good way to put his thoughts into words without exposing his feelings.
"...Is it okay for me to feel things?" It's a clumsy question, and he mentally kicks himself for a multitude of reasons: for how stupid he sounds, for burdening the other man when he'd already been through so much because of him, for the way he's just now noticed his hands shaking. But none of this seems to bother Rowan, who smiles gently and nods.
"It is. I promise." Saeran jumps when Rowan's hand seeks out his, giving it a light, comforting squeeze. He seems oblivious to his own actions, getting lost in thoughts of his own. "It feels… wrong, right? Like anything that isn't terrible isn't for you, and that you're meant to be miserable in silence. It's lonely."
The hand resting on his presses down slightly, and despite the conflicting feelings whirling in his mind, Saeran moves his hand, entwining their pinkies together. He isn't sure what feelings the other man is hiding, but it makes some part of his heart hurt knowing that he's suffering too.
"I've felt lonely a lot," He continues, staring out the window with a solemn expression. It's quiet for a while, Rowan staring at the clouds and Saeran staring at him. Finally, a soft smile tugs at the brunette's lips, and he turns his attention back to him. "I won't let you be lonely too. Not anymore. Okay?"
Saeran's face feels warmer, but he doesn't let himself turn away, fixing his eyes on one of the freckles dotting the other man's cheeks as he hums an acknowledgement and squeezes his hand. Only now does Rowan notice the way their pinkies are curled around each other, but before he can pull back, Saeran tightens his grip. Not enough to trap him, but enough to get across his message. He can't bring himself to say it out loud, but all he wants is for the other man to stay.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rowan's eyes are swimming with something he doesn't know how to define. It's sweet, warm, making him feel melted on the inside despite his uncertain exterior. As much as he hates being stared at, he isn't sure he wants the other man to look away. The ice cream was next to them, slowly melting in its container; at any point Rowan could remember and turn his attention away.
As if reading his mind, he doesn't. Instead he curls his knees up to his chest, gazing at him with all the affection in the world. It makes Saeran's mind wander, but for once, the thoughts are welcome. Being cared about like this… it makes him feel like maybe he isn't destined to die alone and unloved as he feared.
"Thank you," his visitor says, voice barely above a whisper. "I'll stay right here with you, as long as you'll have me."
"I will," Saeran manages. "You'll come around regardless."
"But do you mind?"
"...No." The corners of his lips twitch up into a weak smile. It's obvious he's unused to the expression, but he isn't thinking about how he might look strange. Around Rowan, his heart feels lighter.
Falling into a comfortable silence, the redhead watches the clouds through the slightly foggy hospital window, feeling the other man's eyes on him, admiring him. He isn't quite sure what it means, but allowing his feelings to linger, Saeran lets himself hope.
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RFA+minor trio with an MC who is in love with fictional characters (instead of them *insert sad violin music*) Part two
Part one here
Also gues who’s been awake since three AM WHO YA GIRL (now it’s 7am, I wanted to write more but I did fall asleep writing this so uh, I will go and recharge and today in the afternoon I will write more!)
Why do you do this to this poor fella pft
After a long time of working on himself and of getting out of a really toxic relationship, V finally decides to come to terms with his feelings and admits that he loves you
He tries his best so this relationship doesn’t turn out like the last one (with a cult) so he takes it slow....which doesn’t work
He sees you always gushing about this one fictional character in your favorite show, and all the confidence he had built up over the years comes crashing down
I mean the guy you were fawning over was practically perfect, and compared to him V felt like....like a really ordinary person (thinks the guys with natural MINT COLORED HAIR)
He does give up, but both his therapist and friends (mostly Saeyoung and Jumin) told him to just go for it, so one day, he went into your home, just being a whole wreck of nerves, but he tried to knock on your door.
He tries
He literally stood there for about 30 minutes until you saw him out of your living room window and told him to come in.
“S-sorry Y/N, I’m sure you’re busy, and I just dropped here out of nowhere.”
“Aw it’s fine Jihyun! Why don’t you take a seat? Did you want to talk about something?”
He nodded and sat down on your couch, and before he could start his sentence he noticed that your bedroom door was open, and inside countless of pictures of your favorite character were in the wall
That guy was a friggen vampire, V was nothing compared to him
Abort mission abort mission
While sirens were going off in V’s mind, you gave him a cup of tea, and after a few minutes of silence V sighed and decided to get the confession over with! After all, he had to be more truthful.
“The truth is Y/N...I came here to...well...to confess...my feelings...for you.”
“I’m really sorry! I just, I can’t really lie to myself anymore. I love you, Y/N. You’ve always been by my side, you’ve helped me so much and you always bring out the best in me...that’s amazing. I’ve never really felt like this before, so connected with a person, so close. And I...I just didn’t feel confident enough to tell you because of that...that guy.”
“Which guy?”
V blushed and covered his face with one hand, while pointing with his finger at your bedroom.
You turned your head and looked, and once you realized what he meant, you laughed and sat beside V, cupping his cheek in your hands.
“Jihyun....I do love that character...but not as much as I love you. You’re ten, no, a hundred times better than him, he’s nothing compared to you! I...I’m actually quite relieved, because I’ve actually liked you for a while.”
The two of you blushed, and you leaned your foreheads against each other. Then, after a few minutes of comfortable silence,V laughed and said, “I really thought you would have rejected me for that guy. It was kind of stupid wasn’t it? I apologize.”
Oh the poor boi
After worrying countless of times as Ray about you falling for one of the RFA members, or so called AIs, now he has to worry about you falling for an ACTUAL AI
He didn’t think he’d have a rival in love after everything in ME.
Still, he couldn’t help but feel jealous whenever you talked about your favorite character, or whenever you smiled at your phone or computer.
Listen. He was really jealous alright? Don’t blame him he just wants to love you T_T
No matter how hard he tries to ‘flirt’, you don’t seem to understand that he really really loves you.
That made him feel really down :(, and he spent the days in Saeyoungs house moping a bit.
His twin realized, and after a bunch of pestering, he decided to help Saeran in his conquest of love!
What did Saeyoung do, you might ask?
He made him dress up like your favorite character.
I’m not kidding.
Saeran had NO idea, until you came to visit their home (Saeyoung had invited you over for some important event) and before Saeran could change back you were already in the living room looking at him.
After a few minutes of awkward silence Saeyoung pat his brother in the back and winked. “Good luck!” He whispered.
Good luck my ass, what the hell was Saeran going to say???
He just stood there, blushing like crazy and looking at the ground. At one point you walk closer to him and gently smile. “So uh, why are you dressed like my favorite anime character?” You asked.
Saeran blushed even more and mumbled. “Well I...Saeyoung tricked me into it. He thought if I confessed to you in this get up you might accept it.”
“You wanted to confess to me?”
Saeran gasped. Oh shit he didn’t mean to say that! He gulped and looked around the room, anywhere that wasn’t your face.
“I...I know it sounds dumb, but I’ve been trying for so long, and you seemed to really like that character so maybe if I looked like then you might like me? I- I honestly don’t know how that even works but Saeyoung really said that his plan could work and I followed his instructions without questioning him, which was really dumb.”
Then, you did something Saeran didn’t expect. You laughed.
He blushed and looked up at you, and you gasped for breath as you tried to explain that you weren’t laughing at him.
“Saeran it’s just, haha, it’s just...I’ve liked you for so long too, and I’ve been trying my best to flirt but...well I think it’s funny that neither of us knew what was going on. I thought you didn’t like me back, and so I just tried to hide in my games to fill the empty void inside me yearning for a love I might never have. But I’m glad Saeyoung did this. I like you too, Saeran.”
Then you ran up to hug him, and Saeran smiled as he hugged you back, kissing your forehead and hair and everywhere. He was really happy.
Afterwards Saeyoung will declare himself the best matchmaker in history, and he’ll try to set up a dating show based on cosplay, don’t ask me what the hell it’s about, only Saeyoung knows.
Tased you until you understand
No but really, he thought you were weird for liking a fake character.
Until he realized he started finding it adorable whenever you squealed or giggled because of something the character said
Vanderwood tried to shrug it off, he knew he couldn’t let his feelings get ahold of him...yet he couldn’t help falling for you.
He honestly wanted to shoot the game, I’m not even kidding
Whenever you’re playing hell try to get your attention (not being obvious about how jealous he is, nOt aT AlL)
“Hey Y/N, I have to clean the couch, get off of it and help me.”
“Brat, stop staring at the screen like a dumbass and bring me your laundry, help me with it too since you’re not doing anything.”
He also insults your character, you’ve really got him in a tight spot lmao
“He’s not even that handsome.”
“Christ, this is the most stupid guy I’ve ever seen. How can anyone like him?”
“I’m at least cleaner than him Y/N. And I bet I can clean better than him!”
Eventually Vanderwood goes into a little temper tantrum cuz he can’t deal with it anymore, and that night, you sit beside him on the couch and ask what’s wrong.
“You’re an idiot you know?” He says. “Asking me what’s wrong...as if it wasn’t already obvious. I can’t believe you don’t know what’s happening.”
“Well tell me, so I can figure it out.”
“.....Secret agents aren’t supposed to fall in love you know? Having someone dear to you...it’s dangerous, they’re your weakness, and if anyone finds out, you put the person you care about the most in danger. I swore I would never feel like this...yet here I am...”
“I’ve fallen for a fun add who can’t take her eyes off a fictional character. And I’ve tried to talk myself out of it, I really have. But you’ve really buried yourself deep into my heart you know?” He chuckled. “I’m even saying cheesy shit now. Look what you’ve done to me.”
Finally Vanderwood turned around to face you, for the first time his face showing another emotion than angry or annoyed...his eyes were soft, and showed how much he cared about you.
You felt yourself blush and gently moved a strand of hair away from Vanderwood’s face. He turned red, take aback by the sudden gesture, and you smiled
“I like you too, Vanderwood. I love you.”
How dare you make his heart go all crazy like that
Suddenly he kissed you, and you gasped, your eyes widening in surprise.
After pulling away he sighed. “Jeez idiot...just doing that out of nowhere...how can you want me to hold back when you’re being so adorable? Really”
After you became a couple, there’s no more games for you!
Well not really, he knows how much you enjoy them,but he WILL still shit on the characters you have a tiny crush on lol(he will pout but he will forgive you after some hugs and kisses.
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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pairing: Saeran x MC
summary: Saeran's favourite place was between MC's legs.
warnings: oral (giving and receiving), food play, orgasm denial, begging, and a little bit of cursing.
.❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。 ❀°。 .❀。• *₊°。
If someone asked Saeran a year ago about his favourite place, he would have answered his garden. After he and Saeyoung had moved into another house, he had taken a couple of months to set up a garden in the backyard. It had all his favourite flowers and even if it wasn’t as big as the one in Mint Eye, this one actually felt like it was his. There were countless nights where he would lay down on the grass and look at the stars for hours. The calmness that surrounded him could only be compared to the times MC snuggled up to him while asleep.
However, things changed. Even if he still dedicated time every day to tend to his flowers, he had to admit his new favourite place was between her legs.
It had taken some time for him to be comfortable with the whole idea of sex. He was more than thankful by how patient she had been with him. She had literally taken his hand during the whole thing, exploring each other’s body with such tenderness that even when the tiniest insecurities crept on his mind, she made sure to take a break until he was comfortable again.
Saeran loved kissing every part of her naked body. Once he got the reassurance he needed, he found himself enjoying folding her breasts. They were soft, even softer than her cheeks. He loved leaving open mouth kisses on one of them as his hand gently massaged the other one. Time and experience taught him how she liked to be touched, when should he have a harder grip and when he should flick his tongue over her nipples. Saeran loved the way her chest vibrated with her soft moans and her hands would sometimes find their way to his hair, softly tugging on it.
But if he had to choose, he would eat her out for days.
He would draw a trail of soft kisses down her body, starting from her ear to her thighs. She always called him a tease when he spent time kissing both her inner thighs, but he wasn’t sure what she meant by that. Her legs were also soft and warm, so they were always a good appetizer before burying his face on her crotch.
Saeran liked to start slowly. He always started by giving MC a long, languid lick all across he slit. She would always let out a shaky breath the moment his tongue made contact with her skin. Oh, how he loved how wet she always was before he even did anything. Her flavour was different from anything he had tried before. It was enticing, a little bit sweet and had quickly become his favourite. Saeran would place slow, open-mouthed kisses over her labia as he hooked his arms around her thighs opening them up enough to see her clit. Once he got a better access to it, he would draw a circle around it with his tongue. He loved how he could feel it twitching at his ministrations and how MC’s soft moans became louder. Saeran then proceeded to place his lips around her clit, softly sucking on it. Her legs would always press against the sides of his head immediately, but he didn’t mind. In fact, he loved he could know how much she was enjoying it. He took his sweet time between playing with the bundle of nerves and swirling his tongue around the rest of her core.
Sometimes, he would add his fingers. After holding her thighs, he knew they would be warm and wouldn’t cause any discomfort at all. His mouth never left her clit, he only moved his chest up enough for his finger to enter her as slowly as he could. He loved the way her whole body tensed around it in a delicious way. Saeran would deny it if anyone asked, but he had lurked around certain forums and read about the hand movements that would assure him MC would enjoy it as much as she could. He had been trying them all out, his eyes locked on her expressions and sounds, to keep tabs on which ones worked the best for her. His small research had shown she really liked the ‘come hither’ motion. Most of the time, he would wait until her hips bucked against his hand. After so much time studying his lover’s body, he already knew that meant she was up for a second or third finger.
His tongue would never leave her skin, always matching the rhythm he used with his fingers. When MC started cursing, he knew she was getting closer. Sometimes, he would decrease the speed to make her last longer, even if that meant MC let out a shaky laugh, accusing him to be a tease again. Honestly, he just wanted to make the whole experience last for her as long as he could. Other times, the tug MC had on his hair became harsher and her breathing hectic. Then, he would comply and flick his tongue quickly over her clitoris until her legs closed up again against his head and she let out her now-familiar high pitched squeal. Saeran would slowly decrease his speed to help her ride out her orgasm until her body relaxed again and he could hear her soft chuckle as she returned from her bliss. He would let her rest for a couple of minutes, laying his head on her thigh or stomach and then would get back on it again. And again. And again.
That night, as soon as Saeran entered the house, he was received by MC’s arms circling his neck. She left kisses all over his face making him laugh softly. It had been a quick trip to the mall, but there she was, beautiful as ever, pouring so much love it made him a little dizzy. He suddenly noticed MC’s hands sliding underneath his shirt to his lower back, her cold fingers touching his warm skin as she pulled him closer. Her mouth travelled to his neck, where she began pressing kisses just where she knew it drove him crazy. Saeran shivered when he felt the tip of her tongue drawing small circles between his jaw and ear.
“I was only gone for half an hour,” he whispered, still holding his grocery bag.
“Am I not allowed to miss you?” MC asked, before giving his earlobe a small lick.
“Y-yeah,” Saeran stuttered. “It’s just I would have bought ice-cream tomorrow if I knew you really wanted me here,” he said with a nervous chuckle.
MC pulled away to look at his turquoise eyes and then to the bag he was still holding. A mischievous grin appeared on her face, making Saeran furrow his eyebrows in confusion.
“Actually,” MC said, licking her lips. Saeran swallowed. “I think we can put that to use”.
Fifteen minutes later, they were locked inside their bedroom, kissing each other still with their clothes on. Saeran had let MC gently push him to the bed and now was sitting on the edge of his while she straddled him. He could feel himself getting hard at the way MC rocked her hips against him, but honestly, he could have achieved that only by the way she was kissing him. She took her time licking his lips and kissing both his upper and bottom lip. The kiss was slow and sensual and Saeran was enjoying every second of it. So, when MC stood up, he let out a small whine. She took her dress off, letting it fall on the floor, revealing pearl lingerie underneath. Saran couldn’t help but stare directly at her, his cheeks burning by how gorgeous she looked.
“So,” she started, walking to the grocery bag left by the door. “I want to try something. But, you know how it is. Tell me if you don’t like it and we’ll stop, okay?” she asked, taking out the carton of ice-cream and walking back to him. Saeran nodded, still a little confused as to what she wanted to achieve.
She kneeled in front of him on the floor and started unbuckling his pants. He lifted his hips to help her and let her pull down his underwear and pants. His cock was achingly hard in anticipation and in any other case he would have tried to look away, but curiosity was killing him. Saeran watched her open the carton and passed her finger across it, to then slowly suck the tip. MC hummed and looked back at him.
“Great, I like vanilla,” she commented, anointing more ice-cream on her finger once more. Looking at him the whole time, she spread it over the tip of his cock, making Saeran hiss. “Is it okay?” she asked. He nodded.
“It’s just cold,” he muttered. Once she made sure he was fine, MC circled Saeran’s cock with her tongue, trying to catch all the ice-cream with it. He let out a shaky breath, engulfed by this whole experience that just seemed surreal to him.
MC grinned and took more ice-cream with her finger, now spreading it across his whole length. She slowly licked from the top to the base and then made her way back. She repeated the process but now took him whole inside her mouth, her head bobbing up and down as slowly as she could. Saeran’s legs started shaking and he grabbed fistfuls of the sheets to try and keep himself in control. He had always found MC’s movements in bed seductive, but this was on another level. She was not only taking her time to blow him but was also trying to enjoy the sweetness of the ice-cream as she did so.
When she pulled away, there was some white ice-cream on her upper lip. Saeran thought he would come any second now. Trying to focus as much as he could, he let MC repeat the process multiple times, his eyes going to the back of his head each time she decided to circle the tip of his cock or give a long, slow lick underneath his shaft. He let out a broken moan when he felt his cock hitting the back of her throat and how MC tried to push him even further than that. He was no longer a man but a mess of whimpers and moans barely holding on as MC was having the time of her life licking off the ice-cream off his cock.
Sooner than he had wanted, he felt his orgasm was coming closer. Saeran tried to warn her, but only babbles came out of his mouth. Thankfully, she got the message and proceeded to put a generous amount of ice-cream over his cock one last time. MC took him all inside his mouth and bobbed her head in a slightly quicker pace, trying to make him orgasm. It didn’t take long for her to succeed; she felt the warm spurts of cum inside her mouth mixing with the ice-cream she still had in her mouth. Once he was done, she pulled off of him and swallowed, loving the sweet aftertaste that she had in her mouth.
“Did you like it?” she asked, resting the side of her head on his trembling thigh. Saeran nodded, his breath hitching as he tried to recover from his orgasm. He cradled MC’s face in his hand and stroke her cheek. She smiled at him. Saeran took a deep breath, trying to calm down a bit before he spoke.
“Can I… try that out?” he asked. Her smiled got wider and she nodded. Honestly, the sounds he had been making had already made her wet so she was more than ready for him to take the lead.
MC stood up and sat next to him. Saeran kissed her, his chest tightening at the vanilla flavour he could still taste on her lips. Gently, they changed positions until he was once again in his favourite one: between her legs. He helped her take her panties off, the glint of wetness on her core driving him mad. The ice-cream carton was now on the bed and he wondered for a second if he could somehow mess it up. MC had been perfect while she sucked him off, what if he couldn’t deliver with the added ice-cream?
“Hey,” she said as if she could listen to his inner thoughts. “Don’t overthink it. I didn’t know what I was doing and you ended up liking it, right?” she shrugged with a playful smile.
Saeran nodded and took a deep breath. He scooped some ice-cream using two fingers and placed it over MC’s folds. He watched her squirm a bit and figured she was reacting to the coldness as he had done. For a moment, he just stared at it, loving the way her body heat was already melting it, a drop of ice-cream running down between her folds. It looked so enticing. He had never thought about mixing the two things he loved to eat the most, so now having in front of him seemed like a dream.
Experimentally, Saeran gave a long lick to MC’s folds, trying to get all the ice-cream he could get. She shuddered underneath him, her hand travelling up her hair and throwing her head back. He scooped more ice-cream, repeating the process. He quickly got the hang of it, MC’s soft mewls being music to his ears as he got to enjoy her taste mixed with his favourite brand of ice-cream. Sometimes, he would let the ice-cream melt a bit, just because he loved the view of her labia drenched in white sweetness. He eagerly ate her out and, sooner than usual, she started cursing.
“Fuck-- baby, I… I’m going to come,” she whispered, letting out a moan after a particular flick of Saeran’s tongue on her. He looked up to her, still using her white lingerie, both her hands tangled in her hair.
“No,” he just said, going back to putting more ice-cream on her. MC looked down confused, her chest rising and falling at a quick pace.
“Don’t come. Not yet,” he explained, going back and sucking her clit. She moaned and grabbed a fistful of the sheets underneath her.
“Saeran, I really, really need to…”
Her request was cut off by Saeran humming in denial, her lips busy with sucking all the ice-cream off of her. They had never discussed power roles in the bedroom and most things that they had tried had been, well, vanilla, but Saeran’s sudden refusal to let her come was doing things to her mind that just worked.
MC’s legs started trembling harder than usual, and a lot more obscenities left her mouth as Saeran’s lips worked on her. The constant change between hot and cold was driving her mad and the thought he was refusing her to come just hit all the right buttons for her.
“Please… I don’t know how long I can--”. A loud moan escaped her mouth, her legs no longer responding. “Baby, please,” she begged, a little bit of drool on the corner of her mouth. “Please, let me come. I need to come, baby, please.”
She felt her arms starting to give out as well, her hands shaking at the pleasure she was under. Saeran looked up to her and the most seductive chuckle she had ever her from him almost made her come in that instant.
“I’m sorry,” he muttered, giving her clit an open-mouthed kiss. “I just wanted to eat you out a little longer,” he admitted with a ragged undertone in his voice. "You can come now."
Almost on command, MC’s legs shot up against his hand, her whole body shaking uncontrollably as she reached her orgasm. As he was used to, Saeran kept his tongue working, making sure she could make the orgasm last a little bit longer. He had to admit he had never felt her shake that way before, but if that meant she was enjoying it even further, then he was more than glad. Saeran noticed her discharge and licked it off with the remaining ice-cream. The flavours mixed in his mouth and he thought it was pure bliss.
When MC body had finally relaxed, Saeran pulled away, not before making sure he had got all the ice-cream off. He noticed her legs were still trembling a bit and he couldn’t help but smile. He pushed himself up a bit to lay his head on MC’s stomach, his eyes dreamily looking at her post-orgasm face. He loved the way she looked as she tried to regain control of her breath and her cheeks were flushed.
“I can’t feel my legs,” she whispered and let out a small laugh. She looked down at him and ran her fingers across Saeran’s bangs lovingly, a tender smile on her face. “Thank you. That’s was really, really great.”
Saeran pressed a kiss on her stomach and closed his eyes, letting himself relax under his lover’s touch.
“I love you,” he said, his arms circling MC’s waist as he snuggled her close.
“I love you too,” she smiled, tapping the tip of his nose playfully.
MC eyed the ice-cream carton that was still at the end of the bed. The label that read vanilla made her snort softly as she kept playing with Saeran’s hair, lulling him into a restful sleep.
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saeyoungchoismaid · 5 years
Spilled Wine
Pairing: Jumin Han x reader/mc Genre: Angst, smut, fluff Warnings: gunshot wound, bleeding, dom Jumin, spanking, sexy fun time Summary: Jumin has an argument with MC about him being overworked and not getting any real rest. He brushes her off though, continuing to go to work as usual. Feeling worried, MC decides to go to Jumin to make amends but something terrible happens when someone tries to kill Jumin but instead hits MC.
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I wake up when I feel my body shift a bit. I rub my eyes, trying to gather my bearings. It wasn’t hard to figure out what had happened.
Jumin got onto the bed and made the bed sink before moving me to press against his front. I let out a small grunt, trying to roll over to look at him but his grip was too strong. I huff and look at the clock on the bedside table, looking at the red numbers. 
2:23 am.
“You can’t be serious,” I speak suddenly, hearing how croaky my voice is from sleep and lack of use. I hear Jumin sigh, feeling the breath against my neck. 
He knew this was going to come, one way or another. He was just hoping he could avoid it.
“I know. I’m sorry. I got held up at work an—”
“That’s your excuse every time. You can’t keep doing this to yourself,” I argue, cutting him off from giving me the same excuse as always.
He lets out another sigh, his grip tightening a bit. “I know, my love. I really am sorry. I'll sleep in tomorrow and I’ll make breakfast.” I knew he was trying to butter me up but that sounded nice. I haven't had breakfast with him since two weekends ago. 
“Fine. You sleep in and wake me up if you get up before me. We’ll talk about this in the morning,” I say quietly before yawning, already closing my eyes to go back to sleep. 
“Of course, darling. Get some rest,” he responds softly before kissing the nape of my neck.
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My nose wakes up before I do, catching the smell of fresh breakfast. I smile at the fact that Jumin kept his word and made us breakfast. 
My smile didn’t last long when I hear the front door open and close. I knew it was the front door because the security system announced it was opening. 
Without thinking, I spring up and run out of our shared room, only in his shirt. I round the corner and almost hit Elizabeth, saying a quick sorry before continuing on. I unlock the door and fling it open, not even bothering to close it as I ran down the hallway of our complex. 
I see Jumin standing in front of the elevator in his suit, my blood starting to boil. I run up to him and start to hit him, it not being hard enough to hurt him. I just wanted to get my point across. “You liar! You lied to me!” I shout at him, not caring who I woke up.
Jumin stumbles out of shock, gaping down at me. He hushes me as he tries to stop me from hitting him. I’m not having it though, it only making me angrier. “Why did you lie to me?” I screech at him.
Before he could respond, a door a few meters away from the elevator opens and reveals a burly man. “Hey, why are you shouting at five in the morning?” he snaps at us. I stop my shouting and hitting when he appears. I look over at him, flushing as I feel embarrassed. I guess I cared after all. 
He goes to say something else when his eyes focus on something below me. I figured out quickly that he was looking at my bare legs.
Jumin catches on even quicker than I do.
I tug Jumin’s shirt further down my legs, wishing I was wearing something on my lower half besides just my underwear. 
Jumin glares at him and forces me behind him, his face a bit flushed from anger. “Sorry to bother you, sir. It won’t happen again,” he says with clenched teeth, trying to say it as calmly as possible. 
Jumin Han is known for always being calm and collected. With me though? This man can lose his temper faster than lightning.
Once I was hidden from the man’s view though, he seemed to lose interest. 
“Whatever. Just shut up or I’ll call—”
Jumin didn’t even bother letting him finish as he turns and gently pushes me in front of him, leading me back to our place. As soon as the door was shut, he was forcing me against it. 
“What do you think you’re doing?” he asks lowly, his voice almost coming out as a growl. I gulp a bit but don’t show any emotion except for anger on my face, feeling my insides get a bit warm at our position. I shove at his chest with a fire in my eyes. 
“You lied to me last night! You said you’d make us breakfast and we’d talk about what happened last night in the morning!” I shout at him. He clenches his jaw again, grabbing my wrists to stop my hits. 
“Stop hitting me. I never lied to you. I made you breakfast. I never said that I would discuss matters of last night,” he responds just as gruffly as before. My eyes sting with the want of angry tears, shaking my head.
“You can’t keep doing this, Jumin! Your body can’t take it! Just last month you were sick, and you never get sick! You wouldn’t even stay home and made your symptoms twice as worse and last longer than what it would’ve if you had just stayed home! I’ve told you countless times to stop staying up late and waking up so early! If you only did it every so often, I wouldn’t care as much but Jumin, this has become an everyday thing! Your body has already given you signs to take a break! Why won’t you listen to it or me? We haven’t spent quality time together in weeks! All you do is work!” 
I pant for air after my little rant, realizing I only took one or two breaths during that. I also had begun to cry without realizing it. I quickly wipe at my cheeks and eyes, quietly cursing. Jumin sighs and rubs his eyes, taking a moment to take that all in. 
He opens his mouth to reply when his phone rings. He looks distraught for a moment before letting out yet another sigh. He’s been sighing a lot recently. He takes out his phone and answers it, making me gape at him a bit. Did he seriously just answer the phone during this conversation. 
I shake my head as I begin to cry more, walking away from him and to the bathroom. I hear him talk to whoever it was for a moment before hanging up. I quickly dash inside the bathroom and slam the door behind me. I hear his footsteps come to the door, hearing him gently knock on the expensive wood. 
Before either of us could say anything, his phone rings again. He huffs and takes it out, answering it once more. “Hello? They’re there already? Alright, alright. Tell them I’ll be there shortly. Thank you.” 
He goes quiet, letting me know that he’s off the phone now. “I love you,” he says softly. When I don’t respond, a hefty sigh leaves his lips before he’s leaving again. 
Once I knew I was alone, I let the tears really fall. I sob for a long while, going over what had just happened in my head a couple times. 
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After crying for who knows how long, I just stayed on the floor, staring at a blank space on the wall. 
This is starting to get ridiculous. I don’t even feel like his wife anymore. I just feel like a prostitute, really. The only quality time we spend together is when he’ll come home at a decent hour and make love to me to try and make up for his absence. And then it just repeats. 
I sit on the floor thinking things over, deciding that I didn’t think I could do this anymore. It would be wrong to just up and leave, as would texting or calling him. So, I decided I’d go to his office to break the news to him since he never wanted to be home for me to do it.
I clean my face up before going to get dressed, dressing up a little to remind him what he’s losing.
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I shakily press the elevator button, my hands shaking out of nerves. I chickened out about three times, not wanting to lose the man I love. But what was the point of forcing myself to stay with a man I love but doesn’t seem to love me anymore?
I sigh as I step into the elevator, letting my eyes slip closed once I hit the button to his floor. I lean back against the elevator wall, trying to keep my heart from beating out of my chest. 
My heart decides to leap in my throat when the elevator dings, signaling I have reached his floor. I stand there for a long while, watching the doors open and people come in. I almost stay inside the elevator, watching the doors start to close. 
Suddenly, someone slips their hand between the doors, making eye contact with me. 
“Y/n? What are you doing here?”
My eyes widen as I stare back and Jaehee. I quickly slap a smile onto my face as I step out of the elevator. “Hey, Jaehee. I’m here to see Jumin. I hope that’s alright?”
Seeing as how he’s always busy when I try to come here to take him out to lunch. She gives me that small smile of hers as she starts to walk towards her desk, making me follow her to keep our conversation going. 
“He’s in a meeting right now but should be done in fifteen minutes or so. Do you want to wait or...” she trails off, letting me add another option if I wanted. She’s very familiar with me coming here to see my husband only to be turned away. 
“I’ll wait. It’s kind of important,” I whisper, looking down at our shoes. 
She’s quiet for a moment before flashing me another smile. “Okay, great. You can go to the break room and steal a snack if you want. You can also go ahead and got to his office to wait for him.” 
It was my turn flashing her a smile, my heart swelling at her kindness. I remember when Jumin first hired her. I didn’t know how to feel about her at first, her persona coming off as cold. It didn’t take me long to warm up to her though. In a way, other then Jumin’s friends, like Saeyoung and Yoosung, I’m her only other friend. Her only female friend at that. 
That’s why we’ll go get lunch together when Jumin claims he’s too busy with work to go eat with me. It’s why I’ll invite her over and paint each other’s nails and let her play with my hair since her’s is too short to really do anything. Jumin doesn’t really know that we are friends since, once again, he’s never home. 
There was one time though when he came home early surprisingly, finding Jaehee and I drinking wine on the couch. He didn't really know what to think but didn’t say anything. He just silently kissed my forehead and went to go take a shower. Jaehee finished her wine quickly after that, leaving before he was done with his shower. 
When Jumin came back out, he told me that it was inappropriate to have her over at his house. This, of course, led to an argument. How did he make it up to me? By having sex. That was his only solution recently.
I snap out of my thoughts when I reach his office, slowly opening the door before closing it behind me. I pop another honey buddha chip into my mouth as I walk over to his desk, sitting at his chair instead of one of the chairs across from his desk. 
I wait there longer than fifteen minutes, my chips long gone and my phone battery slightly more dead than what it was when I got here. I was playing Saeyoung back in a game when the door opens, making me freeze. 
I look up to see Jumin frozen too, surprised to see me here, at his office, at his desk. “Y/n?” he calls curiously. He then walks to his desk, stopping beside his chair to lean down and give me a kiss. 
I turn my head away, making him kiss my cheek. He pulls away with a confused pout, going to go in for another kiss, thinking I accidentally turned my head away, when I suddenly stand up.
“We need to talk,” I demand, moving around his desk to stand before it. He sighs, the sound alone pissing me off, as he takes a seat in his spinning chair. 
“Y/n, can we talk about whatever it is later? I just got out of a big meeting and I need to pr—”
“I want a divorce,” I interrupt. I watch his jaw drop open a bit, shock overtaking his being. My own jaw almost dropping open at how blunt I was. Guess I was done sugarcoating things for him.
He stares at me silently for what felt like an internity, my hands starting to shake again. Before he can even reply, there’s a knock on his door. At first, he doesn’t react. He’s still frozen with that look on his face, staring at me with unreadable eyes. It’s as if he didn’t even hear the person’s knuckles meet the wood. 
More knocks come, making me huff as I roll my eyes. Since he’s not doing anything, I’m going to open that door and tell whoever it is to piss off. I march over to the door and peek the door open, the words ready on my lips.
Immense pain blossoms in my abdomen, my eyes widening as I stare at the man in front of me with a gun. His own eyes widen when he realizes he shot the wrong person, his eyes flashing down to the blood seeping through my clothes and dripping to the floor. 
Security guards are on him faster than dogs on meat, taking his gun and cuffing his hands behind his back. My feet give out from under me as I fall to the ground, a silent scream trying to break free from my lungs. 
Jumin was by my side even faster than the guards were with the culprit. 
When the gunshot went off, it didn’t even occur to him that it was a gunshot. It’s not a sound you ever hear in an office. It didn’t take long for him to figure it out though, being at my side in a second. 
I stare up at the ceiling as my blood starts to pool around my body, making me think of the expensive wine I spilled on our last date.
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I hum into the kiss, swaying our bodies back and forth to the light music coming from the other side of the room. The dirty dishes I was cleaning now forgotten in the sink.
I smile as I pull away from the kiss, trying to get back to my cleaning. “Stop distracting me,” I demand, trying to sound serious. It was hard to do when I had a big, goofy smile on my face. He hums in return, pressing my back to his front. 
“I’ve told you countless times, love. I pay someone to do that. You’re just wasting your time doing that,” he mumbles against the bare skin of my neck. 
I snort a bit, giggling at his feathery like kisses. “Way to sound like the cliché, douchy billionaire,” I tease, leaning back into him. He grunts, lightly pinching my side which makes me squeak. 
“Watch your mouth, pet,” he whispers dangerously, instantly lighting a spark within my gut. He was obviously not being serious about me being playful, but it seemed he was in that mood tonight. Which, of course, we both loved to have him boss me around and act like I’m a mindless sex doll. 
“Why? It’s not like I—”
As soon as I started being bratty, something else we both like, he slaps my ass with a hard slap. He likes me being bratty because he can punish me and have more control. 
I like being punished. He loves having control. 
“What was that, pet? I don’t think I quite heard you,” he hisses into my ear, pressing me into the counter. The white marble digs into my hips, whimpers falling past my lips when he tugs on my hair to make me look at him. 
“Speak. Say what’s on that dirty mind of yours, princess,” he whispers, voice deeper than usual. 
“I said that I didn’t do anything wr—” 
He, of course, cuts me off before I can finish. He moves his body away from mine and pulls my hair, making me cry out as he moves my body to the kitchen island. He forces me against it just as he had done to the other counter, this time pushing my upper body against the surface.
This causes my arms to flail out, my arm hitting the wine bottle he’d gotten out just for the occasion, it spilling its contents across the stark white marble. Luckily, the glass of the container didn’t break. 
I hear Jumin grunt at the sight, my body going rigid. He was telling me as he got it out just how expensive this specific wine was. He growls as he tugs my head up by my hair, forcing my head up towards the spilled wine. 
“Lick it up,” he demands in a harsh tone, making my panties wetter than what they already were. 
I didn’t bother denying him, starting to give the counter kitten licks to clean it up. As I did, he ruts his hard-on against my thigh, licking his lips as he watches me. 
“That’s it, kitten. Lick up every last drop.”
Eventually, he slips both of our pants and underwear off, starting to plow into me. I cry out, my back arching which makes my head move up. He quickly forces my head back down, my cheek landing in the wine.
“Did I tell you to stop? Keep. Going,” he growls. I moan as I do so, licking up the wine until I got all of it that was in my reach. He then pulls out and spins me around, picking me up by my thighs and dropping me onto the somewhat clean counter. 
“Such a good girl for me,” he praises as he slams back into me, starting up again with fast thrusts. I moan his name, hands going to his shoulders. He shuts that down quickly, grabbing my wrists and slamming my body onto the counter. He holds my wrists above my head while the other tugs my body closer to the edge of the counter. 
When he does that, his free hand now goes to my throat. I scream his name before his grip cuts it off, my scream going silent. He groans at the sight of my eyes rolling back, wine seeping into my hair and shirt. 
“Look at you. So desperate to please me and you don’t even do a good job,” he says between grunts, motioning towards the wine that I didn’t lick up. I wanted to tell him it wasn’t in my reach with him pinning me down the way he was. 
He sees me trying to speak and just tightens his grip again, making my moan stop in my throat. “Admit it. You’re just a mindless plaything. My plaything. Only for me to use.”
His grip loosens, making me gasp for air. I just moan in response, rolling my eyes back to their proper position to look at him. He pulls out just to lift my legs and spank me, slamming my bottom back to the counter before shoving himself back into my dripping hole. I scream his name once more, actually being able to get it out this time before his hand is wrapped around my throat again.
“I said, ‘Admit it.’ Don’t make me repeat myself again,” he growls before letting my neck go to play with one of my breasts. 
“I’m a mindless plaything for only you to use,” I stutter out around my moans and gasps. He smirks darkly at me as he picks up his pace, letting my wrists go to grab both of my legs. 
“That’s what I thought,” he grunts. And with that, he picks my legs up to give him a better angle. 
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I stare up at a blurry Jumin, giving him a soft smile. “You’re so handsome,” I mumble, my anger and sadness completely forgotten. I feel something wet hit my face, making my brows furrow. I shakily bring my hand to my face, wiping the liquid away. When it hits my face again, I’m confused until I hear a sniffle.
Jumin is crying. 
He cradles my body to his, not caring that he’s getting my blood all over his expensive suit. “Help is on the way, darling. Keep your eyes open. Listen to my voice, okay?”
I can only let out grunts in response, my body starting to grow cold. I start to shiver as I smile up at Jumin. 
“I love you,” I whisper before closing my eyes.
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I blink my eyes open at the sound of a machine beeping, thinking it’s Jumin’s alarm. I blindly reach over towards the nightstand, my brows furrowing when I meet air. I keep flailing my arm around before coming across a vertical bar. I open my eyes and see I’m holding onto a metal bar that’s holding some bags with fluid in them. 
I’m instantly more awake, my eyes flashing around the room. I start to panic when I see I’m in a hospital room, quickly sitting up and then crying out in pain. My hands come to my abdomen, my brows furrowed. 
Suddenly, the door to my room flies open and there stands a disheveled Jumin. He instantly dashes over to me, trying to look for new wounds. 
“What happened? Are you okay? Why are you sitting up? Lay back down,” he blurts out in one breath, gently pushing me to lay back down. I grunt at the movement before relaxing on the bed, staring up at him. 
Once discovering I was fine, other than some pain when I move, he relaxes and sits down on the bed by my legs. 
“Jesus, Y/n. Can you scare me again one more time today to make sure my heart still works?” he jokes dryly. My brows furrow up at him, trying to remember how I got here. I remembered just as he started to explain once he saw my confused expression. 
 “You came to my office. You told me you wanted a divorce; scare number one. You got shot; scare number two. You had to have surgery; scare number three. I’m by your bed for hours and when I leave to get you a snack for when you wake up, you cry out in pain; scare number four. Got any more for me?” 
I pout up at him, turning my head away from him to look out the window. My fingers spin my wedding ring around my finger, a nervous habit of mine. He sighs and rubs a hand over his tired eyes. 
“Can we talk?” When I don’t reply right away, he adds on quietly, “Please?”
It’s my turn to sigh now. 
I turn my head back over towards him, looking into his black-rimmed eyes. “Y/n...” he trails off for a moment before continuing. “Why do you want a divorce? Do you...” he trails off again, in which I stay silent to let him gather his words. “Do you still want to get one?” 
His voice has dropped dramatically, but not in the way I like. Not when he’s staring down at my naked body, hunger clear in his eyes. His voice dropping a few octaves, my body reacting beautifully to the new, but familiar, sound. 
No, this is different. He’s distraught, worried. Two emotions that I never see on him. I have to look away to keep myself from crying. 
“I don’t know,” I reply honestly. 
Jumin bites his lip as he gently takes ahold of my hand, squeezing lightly. “Please say no. I can’t lose you. I can’t, Y/n. I won’t. Tell me what I have to do. Please, darling.” 
I nibble on my own lip, finally looking back over at him. And, of course, that was a mistake because now his eyes are glossy. “Hey, stop that. Listen, I love you, I always will, but our relationship doesn’t feel the same as it did before,” I reply honestly. 
His brows furrow and his hand tightens around mine. “Not the same how?”
I lick my lips as I try to figure how to put this lightly, not wanting to upset him any more than he already is. “You’re never home. You only focus on work now. We haven’t spent quality time together in who knows how long. I’m just tired of feeling alone and that you..” I trail off, debating if I want to say it. 
“That you don’t love me,” I finish, turning my eyes from him for the nth time. 
He stares at me silently for a moment, his body going stiff. My eyes shift back to him at how quiet he’s being, finding him crying. My eyes widen at this, not knowing what to do. Of all the years dating and being married to this man, I’ve never seen this man cry. 
Not once.
Well, he cried when he was holding my bleeding body on the floor of his office. So, twice in one day.
I force myself to sit up, his sad eyes flashing with worry, going to tell me to lay back down before I suddenly tug him into a hug. “Hey, why are you crying? I should be the one crying,” I tease playfully, hoping it would calm him down a bit.
His body shakes lightly against mine, making me frown. “I’m sorry. I’m a terrible husband. I don’t deserve you. You should’ve left me long ago,” he mumbles into my hospital gown. 
My own eyes are starting to water now, shaking my head in disbelief. “What nonsense are you mumbling about? Baby, I love you with everything that I am. I don’t want a divorce. I just want to feel like I’m married to someone who I can actually feel connected with,” I whisper, rubbing his back. 
He pulls back to look at me, his hands cupping my face. “Okay. I promise. I swear things will go back to the way they were. I’ll be there for dinner every night and we’ll make breakfast in the morning. We’ll have date night on Saturday, which I won’t work anymore. I’ll do anything else you ask of me, love.” 
I smile brightly at him before smashing our lips together, it being a little rough at first just from how excited I am. I then pull away from the kiss when I run out of air, my heart beating wildly. 
“I love you,” I whisper, wiping away his tears.
“I love you more,” he argues, a smile coming to his handsome face.  
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sunshinejihyun · 4 years
The Night I’ve Been Waiting For || Zen Ryu
Author’s note: I wrote this for @mysmessengerdiscord​‘s Apple-y Ever After event. I didn’t use a prompt from it, but it’s still fall/halloween themed and I have another fic coming out that will be using a prompt supplied. 
The costume choices were heavily inspired by Bonnie and Clyde the Musical and I stole this title from a line in the song How ‘Bout a Dance.
Summary: A costumed Halloween fundraiser throws Zen and MC into some emotional turmoil
Word Count: 2,255
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When Jumin Han announced that he was going to be throwing a Halloween fundraiser, you and your best friend, Zen started planning your costumes. For as long as you had known him, you and Zen had always dressed up together for Halloween, you guys shared a favorite holiday after all, why wouldn’t you? When you both first met, you went as countless pairs: Mr. and Mrs. Incredible, Woody and Buzz, Eric and Ariel, ect. As you became closer, you both still dressed in pairs but made them more creative. All your friends loved to bring up the time you guys went as Peter Pan and his shadow, Zen being the shadow since he was so much taller than you.
“So I was thinking this year that we went as a silent movie couple? Wear all black and white and paint our faces and hands white as well?” You caught up with Zen one night before walking into a get together at Saeyoung’s house.
“Or maybe Ant-Man and The Wasp? I think that would be really cool and I’d look amazing in that costume.” Zen said, swagger dripping from his words. He turned his phone towards you to show you costumes that you both could order off of Amazon.
Sighing, you both stopped outside of the bunker’s front door and texted Yoosung asking to be  let in. “I don’t know, Zen. Money’s tight for the both of us right now. At least with my idea you and I could wear stuff we already own and just buy the body paint.”
“We always do what you want to do, MC. Can’t we do what I want to do for one year? I’ll even buy your costume and you can pay me back when you want.” Zen was rubbing his upper arm, something he did when he was anxious, which wasn’t often.
Grabbing his hand, you smiled softly at him. “I don’t think I want to do that. I’d feel really bad.”
“Then maybe I can just ask Jaehee if she’ll match with me instead.” Zen said, glancing at the dark haired woman as the door swung open. You felt your insides clench slightly. You’ve been picking up lately that Zen might be interested in Jaehee and every time you thought of that, you felt a pang of jealousy in your stomach. You were sure it was only because if Zen started dating Jaehee, he wouldn’t have as much time to hang out with you. Although, the rest of your friends knew the real reason you were jealous: you loved Zen and couldn’t bear the thought of him seeing someone else.
“Uh yeah..” you trailed off spotting Saeyoung sprawled across the couch. “I think I will ask Saeyoung if you don’t mind then.”
Zen looked taken aback for a moment before plastering a smile on his face. “Good idea. I’m gonna go catch up with Jaehee but I’ll see you later?” It wasn’t a question that Zen usually asked. You and him were always together. But with the halloween costume debacle, he didn’t know what to expect.
“Um, sure. Maybe. I’ll text you!” You said, anxious to get away. You felt like you were going to pass out, your head was swimming and it was getting harder to concentrate on what you were doing.
Zen cast his eyes down and turned to your shared group of friends milling about, smiling softly as he saw Jaehee waiving him over. You watched him walk away and ignored how you felt like a piece of you was leaving with him. Sitting down next to Saeyoung, you put on a forced smile as he greeted you. “How’s your day been so far?”
“It’s been okay. Hey, so Jumin’s halloween fundraiser? Have you thought about matching costumes with anyone yet?” Saeyoung looked startled and you weren’t surprised. You and him have always been a part of the RFA but were never super close; it has always been you and Zen.
“I mean, not really. Yoosung and I will probably put something together last minute if I can’t find someone else.” When he said that, Saeyoung coughed nervously. “I assume you and Zen are matching this year?”
Shaking your head you looked pointedly at your math partner. “Nah, he’s asking Jaehee to do a Marvel themed costume with him since we couldn’t agree on what to do. I was uh, wondering if maybe you wanted to do a couples costume with me?”
Saeyoung nodded his head eagerly. “I’d love to but I’ll warn you, I’m not super creative so we can really do what you want and I’ll just be happy to be paired with you.”
Blushing you swept a piece of hair away from your face. “What do you mean you’re not creative?  You literally cosplay for fun?” You questioned the man sitting next to you and he shrugged nonchalantly.  “But… Well I was thinking of a couple from an old black and white silent film?”
“That’d be so cool! We’d wear our nicest black and white clothing and then paint our faces and hands with white paint and line our lips with black or grey coloring!”
“That’s exactly what I was going for, this is gonna be great!” You exclaimed turning to the worksheet that was just placed in front of you. “We can meet up later this week before halloween to go buy the paint.”
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After work on Friday, Saeyoung picked you up in his fancy car and drove to the nearest costume shop. “Hey I was thinking maybe we could do something other than silent film actors? Maybe something like a classic couple? Maybe Bonnie and Clyde?” Saeyoung said, shifting through some of the costumes. “We could go to the thrift store and get the costumes from there. I’m just not sure I’m feeling a silent film couple.”
You considered Saeyoung’s idea for a moment before agreeing. “Sure, as long as you’re Clyde, I know how you like to dress up sometimes.”
Grinning, Saeyoung grabbed your hand and led you out of the costume shop. “I’d look good as either, but I’ll put you out of the misery of being Clyde since I don’t think you can pull it off.”
“Hey! I’ll let you know that I could be a damn good Clyde if I chose to be! You’d just look really good in a fedora.” Even though he was teasing, you felt your chest ache. Zen wouldn’t have said something like that and you found yourself missing him a little bit more than normal.
Ever since you couldn’t agree on a costume pair, you two had grown apart, he was busy planning a costume with Jaehee and you with Saeyoung, there was nothing to talk about other than your days, but even that only left you with a few short minutes of conversation. So you pushed that pain to the side and focused on where you were currently, trying on long pencil skirts and old fashioned blouses until Saeyoung approved of one of the ones you had picked.
Once he dropped you off at your apartment, you grinned at him through the passenger’s window. “I’m so excited to see how you’ll make the bloodstains look real. I can’t wait. Thanks again for doing this!”
With a faraway look in his eye, Saeyoung waived you off before driving away and you found yourself glancing at your phone to see if there was anything interesting you had missed. No text from Zen. Sighing, you pushed your phone back  in your pocket and headed up the stairs to your apartment, already planning on making some halloween cookies once you got settled.
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Saturday night was the night of Jumin’s halloween fundraiser and you were buzzing with excitement, picking nervously at an invisible thread on your costume. Saeyoung had helped you pick out a costume, made some alterations to make it look like there was blood spatter and bullet holes on it and you looked amazing in it but you hadn’t seen his costume at all. He said you’d be surprised though.
When a knock sounded on your front door, you jumped up and opened it to meet Saeyoung in all black. “Hey, uh. Where’s your costume?” Saeyoung escorted you to the car and you were surprised when you looked in the back and saw a cardboard PacMan. “That doesn’t look like Clyde. Saeyoung, what’s going on?”
Saeyoung had a soft smile on his face as he backed out of your driveway and headed towards Jumin’s house. “You’ll see when we get there.”
The rest of the car ride was quiet, leaving you very confused. You had no idea what was going on and you couldn’t be Bonnie without a Clyde, no one would understand.
When you arrived at Jumin’s you got out of the car and patiently waited as Saeyoung put on his cardboard version of PacMan and you both walked into the fundraiser together. “MC!” You were pulled away from Saeyoung as soon as you walked in, Jumin pushing a drink into your hand. “I thought you and Zen weren’t going as a pair this year?”
You furrowed your brow as you took a sip of the punch that had yet to be spiked, most likely by Zen. “We aren’t. I was supposed to match with Saeyoung but he showed up at my door with a PacMan costume today. Now I look like a fool.”
“Evening, Bonnie. Don’t you look wonderful tonight.” You turned around and saw Zen standing in a Clyde Barrow costume, tipping his hat towards you charmingly. Jumin laughed lightly at the blush spreading on your cheeks.
“Mr. Barrow,” you responded, playing along with Zen’s introduction. “Fancy seeing you here in that.”
“Jaehee persuaded me to go as Clyde and said she’d be Bonnie. Much to my surprise, she showed up on my doorstep in a vampire costume.”
“It seems that Saeyoung and Jaehee planned this,” you noted. “Hey look I’m sor-”
“MC, I should apologize. I was a jerk and didn’t take into consideration your feelings about your money situation and what you wanted to do for halloween. Ditching you wasn’t cool.” Zen was rubbing at his arm again and you grabbed his hand, rubbing soothing circles into the palm of it with your thumb.
“Forgotten and forgiven. All that matters is that we’re here now and we ended up matching in damn good costumes, if I do say so myself.” Zen started leaning closer to you, his breath starting to brush over your lips and you felt your heartbeat pick up.
“MC! Zen! They’re about to announce the couple costume winners! You guys should go over because I heard that you two have a good shot. The winners get to choose which charity the money goes to this time!” Yoosung pushed his way through the crowd to get your attention, his purple PacMan costume slightly bent out of shape, and Zen leaned back and cleared his throat, gesturing towards the semi-tipsy blond.
“You heard the man, we should head over there.” Zen grabbed your hand and led you through the crowd, your heart feeling like it was floating over your head as the steady grip of his hand never left yours.
“The winners were voted by the crowd for the couples costume,” Jaehee paused as she pulled out her phone and Zen’s hand squeezed yours a little harder for that second. “Is MC and Zen as Bonnie and Clyde!” Zen pulled you to the front of the crowd so that you both could accept the envelope with the card in it, explaining all the charities that the money you won could go to.
“I suppose I owe you a congratulations, although everyone else’s costumes are boring compared to yours.” Jumin, who was dressed as Doctor Frankenstein, shook both of your hands and you couldn’t wipe the goofy grin off your face. “Did you want to make a speech?”
Zen was notorious for speeches, all of the RFA joked that the only reason he gave them was because he liked to hear his own voice and you weren’t entirely convinced that wasn’t true. “I don’t think so. I think this’ll speak for itself,”
Zen pulled you closer to him and you looked up questioningly at him. “Zen, what are you-”
Your best friend cut you off by placing his lips on yours. Shocked at first, you didn’t know how to react but once you realized what was happening, your arms wound around his neck, accidentally knocking his hat off in the process, and your eyes closed, you fully melted into the kiss. “I’ve been wanting to do that for about as long as I could remember.”
Pressing another kiss to his lips, you played with his hair that was put into a bun to hide under his hat. “I’m glad you did.”
Pulling away from Zen, you turned to all your friends who were watching this interaction quitely. Once they saw you both were done with your small moment, they erupted into cheers. “Finally!” Someone exclaimed and you laughed, bending down to pick up Zen’s fedora off the ground.
Placing it back on his head, he leaned down and kissed your lips again and brushed his fingers across your tinted pink cheeks. “If I haven’t told you already tonight, you look amazing, Bonnie.”
Putting your head in the crook of his neck you smiled, breathing in the scent that was so incredibly Zen that you had no other way to describe it. “You look pretty charming yourself, Clyde.”
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writerbyaccident · 4 years
First Time for Everything (Yandere 707/Saeyoung x Reader)
Request: Hey! Maybe something with 707? He is confirmed sadist so I totally see him going full yandere
Author’s note: so I didn’t really do much with sadism for this one, hope that’s alright
           It took so long for Saeyoung to finally break into your building.
           Not that it was particularly hard, of course. In fact, the whole process was pretty easy, from creating a master key to all of to both the entrance and all of the apartment doors to freezing the footage on the security cameras so that he wouldn’t be seen. Honestly, it was too easy. Even an amateur hacker could have done those things, a fact that left Saeyoung petrified with all of the countless possibilities of how you might have gotten hurt. He knew better than most just how cruel and abusive the world could be, especially to people as sweet as you.
           No, the reason that it took him so long to finally make his way into your apartment building was due solely to his nerves. After all, he hadn’t exactly done something like this before. Confessing his love for someone was something that Saeyoung had thought he would never have the opportunity to do. His life was just too unpredictable, too dangerous—he had always assumed that he would have to stay away from anyone he fell in love with for their own good, like he had to with his brother. And truthfully, Saeyoung had tried to do that for you, but it had so quickly proved to be impossible.
           You had taken over his every thought, every breath, every heartbeat. No matter how much he told himself that he needed to stay away from you for your own good, Saeyoung always found himself drifting back towards you. He was caught in the current of his love for you, and so he decided to stop fighting it.
           But when, after hours of waiting, Saeyoung finally heard the sound of you unlocking your apartment door, he still couldn’t help but be nervous. What if he couldn’t explain how he felt? What if he lost the power to speak at the sight of your beautiful face? What if you rejected him? He didn’t have long to dwell over his fears though, with your eyes falling on him the moment that you stepped through the door.  
           “Seven?” you gasped. “What are you doing here? How did get into my apartment?”
           As it was perhaps to be expected, Saeyoung didn’t speak right away, far too busy drinking in the sight of you. But after a moment, he squared his shoulders and took a deep breath, flashing you a brave smile.
           “That’s not what’s important right now,” he told you, running his hands through his flaming red hair.
           “Why? Is something wrong? Are you alright?”
           “I am,” Saeyoung answered, stepping closer to you as he spoke. “Or, at least, I will be.”
           “Wh—what are you talking about?”
           Approaching you step by step, Saeyoung kept silent, his eyes glinting strangely behind his glasses. You backed up in kind for each step he took, eyes wide with trepidation even as you tried to tell yourself that everything was fine. Saeyoung was your friend, wasn’t he? He would never do anything to hurt you, right?
           “I came here because I have to tell you something. I’ve been holding back for so long now, and I think that if I keep trying, I’m going to go crazy. And as scared as I am to say it, to take this next step, I know that I have to. I love you.”
           “You—you love me?”
           “Yes,” he answered, sighing in relief that he had finally said it aloud for you to hear. “You have taken over every last piece of me, every last breath. I love you more than anything.”
           “Seven,” you began slowly as your back hit the wall. “I’m really sorry, I am, but I just don’t feel the same way.” After you said those words, you desperately searched Saeyoung’s face for some sort of sign, some indication of how he would respond. To your utter confusion though, Saeyoung didn’t react, he didn’t even blink. Instead he just stared at you, his gold eyes boring into yours. Then abruptly, after several breathless moments, he chuckled quietly and gave you a sad smile.
           “That’s alright,” Saeyoung said. “A part of me was expecting that answer.”
           “You were?” So bewildered you were by the emotional whiplash, you barely even registered the way that Saeyoung was reaching into his hoodie pocket.
           “Yeah, well, I know that I can be pretty hard to try to figure out sometimes. I have to be, if I’m to keep my identity safe. You don’t love me yet because you haven’t gotten the chance to get to know the real me. But now you will. And then you will have to love me.”
           Suddenly, before you even had the slightest chance to protest, Saeyoung withdrew the syringe from his hoodie, plunging it into your neck. Pushing him off of you, you stumbled away from the wall, tears pricking at your eyes as you tried to run for the door. Saeyoung was too quick for you though, especially with the drugs quickly making their way through your system. He caught you easily, and even as you drifted off you could feel how tightly he was holding you.
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axymmetryx · 4 years
Choi Saeyoung/707 | Mystic Messenger
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another sloppy mess asddhsksla- didn't do any scan so meh for mistakes.
Day Three: Murder
The sound of the rain should have been calming in the night, with a few blankets to bundle yourself up from the constant chill of the weather and with plans to beat Yoosung up again in the LOLOL ranking. It was suppose to be a calming night, but it was only suppose to be.
Covering the sounds of the rain were the splashing of his footsteps on the puddles of water decorated on the ground, Saeyoung was a dripping mess.
His head was all mushed up in too many trains of thoughts to muster up any common sense of direction. At this point, his feet was the one thinking. He ran as fast as he could muster, clutching a small piece of metal on his chest.
A rising panic crossed his features when he heard the sounds of siren and the dreadful flashing blue and red lights were visible through his eyes as if it was mocking his very existance at this moment. The sounds of one, two... countless footsteps were growing louder and louder. And as if the world ain't cruel enough for him, he slowed down to a stop at the sight in front of him. His body trembling in dejection and exhaustion.
He reached a hand and pressed it softly against the wall in front of him, "Dead End." a whispered resolve escape his lips, he then lift his head up to look at the sky, clouded with darkness.
He let the rain drop on his flawless face, ignoring the warm liquid mixing with the coolness of raindrops as it flowed endlessly across his cheeks.
"Freeze! We have the area surrounded, put your hands in the air!" a threaten could be heard behind him, sounds of loading guns that he knew only offered five bullets each. He mentally calculated the amount of times a hundred police could shoot when he made any wrong move.
But he clutched dearly for life on that one single metal in his hand. The only thing that matter now, as he closed his eyes. "I'm sorry." was the last words he uttered before everything went black.
"... Leave him to me." he heard a few faint voices in the distance, as he forced his eyes open, he immediatly closed them as soon as a bright white light stared right back at him. He groaned wiggled from his spot as he attempted to open his eyes the second time around, slowly this time.
"Luciel, don't force yourself up." A voice with a matching hand pushed him down on the bed gently to try and calm him down but he tensed at the touch and his eyes flickered open to look at the voice's owner.
"... V?" he questioned slowly as if mentioning his name would make him disappear all of a sudden. He watched as the mint haired man nodded and his body finally relaxed.
"What happened? Why am I in the hospital?" he asked, clutching on the white sheet of cloth in both his hands. Something didn't feel right– "You got into an accident, you were driving on the way to the party when another car sped up to you. You might feel a slight pain on your head because the doctor said you bumped it too hard." V ended his explanation with no more room to question as he took a seat at the far end of the room in a sofa.
Now that V mentioned it, his head felt like it was about to explode from the pain and he consciously lift a hand to press to his beating forehead. He felt a bandage wrapped tightly around the entirety of his head and groaned before laying his hand back at rest. He sighed once the pain subsided and glanced back at V who was looking directly at him.
"Am I suffering from amnesia? I can't seem to remember driving or hitting anything." he spoke, feeling uneasy, especially the clawing feeling in the pit of his guts telling him that something wasn't right.
"... You did hit your head pretty hard." was the only reply he got, before V stood up and headed for the door, "You'll be discharged tomorrow, the others already know, so right now, please rest, Luciel, I'll be back later." he watched as V walked out the door, waiting to hear a small click before sitting up on the bed, despite the harsh pounding in his brain.
He looked at both the bedside tables to see if he can grab ahold of anything. He saw nothing but a flower vase and a basket of fruits, a little too fancy for a hospital decoration so he figured it probably came from Jumin and the others. He sighed in frustration because he couldn't remember anything.
He knows that V is lying, because the tone of his voice was too plain, too calm from how V usually talks. But he didn't know what he was hiding.
What happened?
He unconciously formed a fist and lift a hand up to clutch his chest, he felt as he was suppose to be holding something, but nothing came.
He then starting feeling his body to see any signs of injections, and as he tilt his head a little, he felt a faint stinging pain on the back of neck, too easy to disregard if he hadn't paid attention to it.
He turned to look at the needle attached to the back of his left hand and looked up at the liquid in the hanging bag. He immediatly ripped the needle out of his hand and attempted to stand up from bed, the world was spinning and he collapsed just beside the bed. But he had to get out of there.
He didn't know how he did it but he actually got out of the hospital with ease. Weird. He thought, but he continued running away in nothing but a patient gown., he ran barefooted. No idea where his feet was taking him.
This was oddly a familiar scenario, it was like he did this just recently in a different circumstance. As he wondered what might have happen to be too much of a deja vu, he bumped into someone and he fell down on the ground from the impact, accidentally hitting his head on a pole in the process and his mind went into another frenzy of pain. He crawled up into a ball, gripping his head in uncontrollable pain, a set of flashback flashed across his eyes.
Blood. Lots of it. A hand that he gripped so tightly, and a blinding shing metal. He gasped and flinched as he felt a tight hand suddenly grabbed his shoulders. He started panting in an unpatterned manner as he gazed at a familiar mint haired man. No.
He pushed the hand away as strong as he could, tried punching him if he can but he knew he was too weak. Yet he resisted the urge to give up, fighting the pain in his head, as another set of images flashed before his eyes. One pair of mint green eyes, and a bleached haired boy, was wrapped tightly in his embrace. And he suddenly heard a loud ringing in his ears, it was like an alarm had went off beside both his ears and he screamed at the top of his lungs, trying to drown out the sound, and it did.
He was met with silence for a few moments and the last image played in his mind. He saw the same mint eyed boy staring at him with no hints of regret, a small satisfied smile played across his lips as he held onto something in his bloody hands.
Saeyoung saw a glint of metal being placed onto his own hands, it was a small wristwatch, he noticed. He held onto the small watch as his gaze went back to the boy.
"Saeyoung.. hyung.. that's the gift.. you gave me on our 10th birthday.. remember? You said.. as long as it's ticking... I still have time to spend.. with you.." he listened as the boy, his twin brother, Saeran, spoke with a calm broken voice, as he clutched onto his hand that was holding the wristwatch.
"Thank you, for always giving me hope and for being with me... until the very last moment of my life." he watched as the boy said his final words before closing his eyes, with no intention of opening again.
Saeyoung opened his own eyes and an endless flow of tears ran through his cheeks again, like the same night all of those happened. He didn't notice the sirens echoing in the background, never noticed how V turned his back to him to try and shield him from the eyes of the police.
He didn't hear the shouts of his friends in the crowd of this mess. No.
He only heard the sound of his brother's voice in his head and the image of the wristwatch that Saeran had given him.
10:04. The time an angel was sent to heaven, but also the same time a demon was born.
"I murdered my brother."
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whoreforfanfiction · 5 years
They Confess Their Feelings (Mystic Messenger Preferences)
- you two would have to be friends for a while before he felt ready to confess his feelings
- of course, he’s talked to Zen countless times about you already, but never took his advice on telling you how he felt
- at least once a week you were at his house 
- and at least once a month you went out for dinner (which he always insisted on paying for, even though you knew it drilled a hole in his pocket)
- basically, you two spent a majority of your time together
- your favorite was when you’d spend the entire day at his house playing a video game marathon
- you got to spend the most time with him during those
- today though, you two were just sitting on the couch, talking about the new professor that hates him 
- “He’ll come around and see how fun you are,” you commented trying to cheer his sad face up. 
- An immediate blush rose to his pale cheeks
- “You think I’m fun?” he said sheepishly while scratching the back of his neck
- “Of course, silly. Why else would I hang out with you all the time? You’re my favorite person to be around,” you admitted. 
- he knew this was his moment and he tried to remember what Zen had told him to say
- they rehearsed it a million times, but his memory was failing him horribly
- he stumbled around trying to find words to return you with but he eventually just blurted out “I like you!” 
- you were shocked into silence for a second, and he took it the wrong way
- “S-shit forget I said that,” he tried to recover but you had already heard those 3 majestic words
- “No no I like you too! You shocked me there for a second,” you giggled and you pulled him into a shy kiss on the cheek
- really not shy about his feelings at all
- super self-confident, which is one of the things you liked most about him
- you were friends for a few months and after sharing conversations with you, he knew you were the one
- confided in Yoosung about his feelings since those two are like brothers
- Yoosung knew you liked Zen back
- he said it was a “vibe” he had picked up during your encounters 
- and because you always asked for more selfies in the messenger
- and today, Zen decided he was going to change your friendship and make it something deeper and more meaningful
- you were scheduled to come over to marathon a TV show you both enjoyed
- Zen made sure the scene was set
- he had popcorn, your favorite drink, cozy blankets, tissues for when you cried about characters dying
- really tried to play out every single situation in his head and plan around it 
- when you came over, he made sure you were more than comfortable
- after you two finished your marathon session, you were both somewhat drowsy
- and drowsy conversations lead to deep talk times
- “I like being here with you,” you commented, “I feel safe here.” You cozied up more inside the blanket.
- this boy has never felt more complimented in his life
- “Yeah? Well, I like you!” he said with a slight chuckle that confused you
- “Like? Or like like?” you tried to clarify but ended up sounding like you were gossiping on the elementary playground
- he looked at you, dead in the eyes, “Like like, of course.” 
- “Hehe, I like like you too,” you said as he pulled you closer to his warm body
- very analytical and logical
- she had a theory that you liked her, based on your conversations, but was too scared to actually test it out
- she also knew she felt very strongly towards you 
- more than a friend
- she found herself checking her phone constantly to see if you texted her back
- often got in the way of her work and Jumin started to take her phone for some periods of time
- was in the chatroom CONSTANTLY just hoping you’d show up
- took her breaks when you did enter the chatroom
- you two called at least twice a week after she got off work so she could rant about how bad her day was
- today, you decided to surprise her with chocolates to ease her stress
- you hid behind her desk and jumped out when she came to sit down which did give her a mini heart attack 
- “SURPRISE!” you said as you whipped the chocolates out from behind your back
- her face was firetruck flaming red
- stuttered over her words a lot
- “I like you a lot Jaehee, homo intended, and I wanted to make sure you had a good day today,” you confessed hoping she reciprocated you feelings
- she pressed down her skirt and composed herself
- “I like you too, and I promise next time I will return your kindness,” she stated lovingly while grabbing the chocolates out of your hand
- didn’t know what his feelings were for the longest time
- finally, he decided to talk to Zen about them since he is the king of feelings
- “You stupid heir!! You like her! Tsk it’s so sad you can’t even tell that” Zen scolded
- like? that was a new emotion and this one he enjoyed very much
- whenever he was around you, he got these feelings in his stomach and felt a burst of energy
- he was never sad or upset when he was in close proximity with you
- very inexperienced with relationships and didn’t know the best way to show you how much he cared about you 
- Zen also warned him not to throw his money at you because you might get scared off
- he was going to think of an old-fashioned nice way to show you he liked you, without using his money
-  watched lots of love movies to study up because he wanted this to be meaningful
- the common theme he deduced from all the movies was flowers and he happened to know a phenomenal florist
- was going to call, but remembered that he shouldn’t use his money
- walked around nature for a good 4 hours picking out all the flowers he thought you’d like
- tied them together with string to make a bouquet
- but how to deliver them? shipping them to your house would be easiest since you lived on the other side of the city, but he knew that wouldn’t be personal
- he also didn’t wanna arrive at your door in his limo or one of his expensive cars 
- he didn’t want it to come off as him flexing his wealth in an attempt to woo you
- so what did he do? he walked
- this rich boy walked 7 miles to your house
- which was fine until it started to rain
- you heard a gentle knocking at your door and rushed to let him in
- “You’re soaking,” you commented in concern as you ran to the bathroom to get him a towel 
- “I like you,” he got to the point and handed you the dripping bouquet
- you innerly squealed with happiness
- “I like you too!!” you said as you jumped and hugged him around the neck
- you tried to pull away after a second, but he held you there for a moment longer
- “I’m glad you like it,” he said exhausted then sat down on the couch
- drifted off to sleep not much longer aww poor baby
- you two talked ALL THE MOTHER FUCKING TIME - hung out rarely because his house was a mess and didn’t want to expose you to Mary Vanderwood 
- but there wasn’t a moment where you weren’t texting or facetiming
- which pissed Vanderwood off 
- you face timed which he worked
- you two didn’t talk much during those times, but you appreciated having the company
- at night before bed though was when you two really talked
- he asked about your day and let you talk first
- you could tell he actively listened and truly cared about even the most mundane things that happened that day
- “When you went, did you get the barista you liked?” he asked knowing he hacked into their system to change that person’s hours to when he knew you’d be visiting
- “Yea! I’ve been having him more often now! I’m very happy and my tastebuds are happy too!” You were completely oblivious to his meddling and he thought it was adorable
- one night on facetime, you picked up an hour later then usual and he was upset
- “What’s wrong?” you asked after noticing he had been short with you
- “God dammit M/C I like you and this is the best part of my night! I hate when it’s delayed for one second, let alone an hour,” he complained not knowing he had just admitted his feelings towards you
- “Y-you like me?” you questioned back. you knew you heard him correctly, you just wanted to hear it again.
- “Damn it,” he swore just now noticing his slip up
- you were giggling over the phone
- “What?” he crankily asked, hating the situation thinking you didn’t return the feelings
- “I like you too my defender of justice,” you said while flashing him the biggest smile
- his heart got all warm and happy and all he did was sit and smile in silence for a while
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Saeran’s Diary
Spoilers for Saeran’s Diary. It’s within the Special Believer package. Not all of the pages are here. I’ve compiled the ones that looked the most note-worthy to talk about but I will summaries and talk about everything in this post. 
Okay, so Spoilers Ahead, read at your own caution. It’s Spoilers for Another Story, V Route, Ray Route, and the After Ending. 
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Saeran introduces himself to the diary even though he has no idea how to use one of these. Saeyoung got it from the Cathedral. His brother tells him that if he can’t think of anything to write, he could draw instead. Saeran spends a lot of his time drawing out things on the pages just as much as he spends talking about this or that. His handwriting is rather clumsy and messy, much more so than what a child his age would have. 
However, he’s not in school and he’s roughly only been able to learn a few rudimentary things thanks to his brother. 
Saeyoung spends a lot of time at the cathedral. He’s been taking countless notes in his books. He’s literally been coping things to learn from the books that he can get his hands on. He’s got four of them, as far as Saeran knows. He has some of Saeyoung’s notes in his journal because he asked him what he was writing about all the time. He’s perplexed, saying that those coding notes look like they’re... 
He doesn’t know. 
Saeyoung takes him out for ice cream, and we can assume that’s when they made the promise on their ice cream to always be there for each other, knowing that there will be one day that they can escape together. You know, the one from Ray Route where we’re treated to their promise on twin-popsicles. It seems like Saeran is alone more and more often though. He’s spending so much time at the church.
There’s one day where he and Saeyoung are out that someone suspicious sees the two of them. Saeyoung gets them out of dodge, but it continues to haunt his mind for a while. He draws something really stark imagery. Then, Saeyoung is all of a sudden gone. He’s gone. Their mother demands that he find him but he cannot find him. He’s panicking. He thinks that maybe that man took his twin away and he may never come back. 
He’s so alone. 
He’s so scared. 
He’s begging for someone to come and get him. He’s still fairly young here and out of sorts, but his emotions are rapidly increasing the longer that he’s alone in that house. Until one day, something changes. 
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V and Rika come to take him to the cathedral more and more often. He’s spending a good amount of his time there because the two of them managed to convince Mother Choi that it was a good idea. Saeran has no idea how they did it or why they did it. He just knows that this is the place that Saeyoung went to once and that maybe he’ll be able to find him there? Then he talks about how he may be able to find him. Twin’s intuition? 
That plays into the theme of the After Ending. How Saeran and Saeyoung can seemingly feel the other is alive, or that they’re okay. I think that’s kind of a really sweet thing to tie in like that. It’s like they’re connected when they’re not actually connected, and I don’t know if I’ll ever understand that connection since I’m not a twin but it stands out to me since Saeran is so hopeful for his brother again. 
He spends more time in the sun and it feels good. He wishes Saeyoung was here. It’d be nice if they could live somewhere nice like this... where he could see the sun all the time. V said to him that Saeyoung was okay, he had a strong feeling about it. Saeran doesn’t know how to feel about that. He thinks it’s okay but... he wishes that Saeyoung would find him first. He’s him and I’m him, that’s what he says. 
So, can’t they reach for one another...? 
Saeran starts to spend all his time going to classes and learning things at the cathedral. He’s learning how to focus on his work, how to bake, and how to get his head in the right place for things that he’s enjoy. Like, for example, he talks about how his plan for the future would be to have an ice cream store not far from his house as he stays with Saeyoung. He really writes down recipes and his trial and errors. It’s so cute. 
V gifts him a book about flowers and a good chunk of his diary is spent talking about them. He lists his favorites and some that stand out to him. There’s a photo that V took of him in the garden that you’ve likely seen before as he holds tightly to them with a smile. He talks about the life cycle of flowers as he tries to figure them out. He’s really thoughtful and spends an awful amount of time trying to learn how something so little makes something so big! 
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I did not know that Rika and V had their own flowers. I’ve talked about these bookmarks before for Saeran and Saeyoung. 
Geranium can be a wish for good health, hope that you pray that the other person will someday feel better and find peace. It makes sense that that is for Saeran because he was a young and sickly child for such a very long time, and this was a gift that said, we pray for you and you will grow to be a bigger flower in due time. You will not wilt and you will grow until you blossom into something that is lovely. 
Rhododendron can be a sign of optimism, the hope that you have that the future ahead will be great. It makes sense that that was gifted to Saeyoung because he is the one that hinges on the hope that one day, he can save his brother and be sure that they are both free from their chains that have kept them down. This is a gift that says, never lose hope in yourself and those that you love when it feels like the end of coming. 
Narcissus means rebirth and renewal because it's one of the earliest bulbs to sprout. We all know the story. Unable to look away from the water, Narcissus grew tired, fell into the stream, and drowned. Rika’s suicide is implied to be her falling from the edge of a cliffside and falling into the water down below. It’s their way of symbolism her final rebirth into someone finally relishing in her cruelty and devil to it’s fullest form. 
Another popular story in mythology, Rhodanthe was someone so beautiful that people wouldn’t leave her alone. They were always at her heels and begging for her love. She turned them all down and grew so tired of them that she retreated and ran away to the Temple of Diana. Those suitors just wouldn’t quit, though, and because of that Diana decided to turn Rhodanthe in a rose and all of the suitors into the thorns of the flower. The implication here is that V and Rika are twisted together in a dangerous path, but it’s hard to tell who is the rose and who is the thorns here. Interesting. 
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Here we go, huh? Rika gifts Saeran a book that she claims is the same one that his brother was reading. Saeran wants to be closer to him so he starts to learn and study what he can. He knows that he hid Saeyoung’s books for him so he has to get those from the house and he wants to use them to know more about who his brother is. It’s kind of hard, even Saeran claims that he’s struggling in all of this learning because it’s so much!
But, he says he can do it. 
He’ll do it for Saeyoung. 
We know why Rika is doing this, and we know where this is heading but I’m kind of like: I really don’t want to see how tortured my boy is about to be by this damn woman again. I continue onward to see how Saeran progressively learns as much as humanly possible as fast as he can. Okay, oh boy, he writes that he snuck out late at night to go to cathedral and nobody is usually there, but Rika was there tonight. 
He was perplexed by why she was looking at the wall of photos that contained each child that attended the church and did their studies there. He says that it felt wrong. He felt like he couldn’t speak. Something felt twisted and wrong in his chest but he stayed. He’s not even spending a lot of time with V and Rika at the cathedral up until this point. They just check on him now and again... until now, Rika seems to be more forward. 
She’s been giving him extra lessons and things to do. 
“It looked like she wanted to tell me something.” 
She didn’t though. 
Here’s one continuity error, though. Saeran knows that his mother passed away and she even had a funeral in this diary. He said that nobody came. Not their father, not their brother, nobody. There was nobody in the world to come for his mother’s passing but him and V and Rika. It’s just him and Saeyoung. His twin isn’t there but this is his only family. His only family. He missed his brother. He wishes he was there. 
He knows that his mother is dead but he doesn’t know how she died. I’m bit confused on that front. I’ll go and glance at his speech during the AE to know if it’s an error or not. Okay, so, they imply that Mother Choi never got a proper funeral. I think that means that you know, the one that Saeran held as a child wasn’t a real one by any meaning. It’s just a small ceremony. 
I almost want to say that the fucking trauma of Mint Eye destroyed more and more of his memory as a young child because it implies also in this diary that he does talk to some of the others at the cathedral sometimes, but not often. 
So, it could be an error, or it’s literally that the specific memory of that time at the cathedral isn’t accessible to him. It makes sense, though. Ray and Suit held a lot of their own memories and it feels like there’s other pieces that they’re missing in their lives. It still doesn’t take away from the fact that Saeran didn’t know how she died. Or that Rika burned the house down with V. 
Or that they both hid the fucking body. 
This is just the one thing of interest in the diary that doesn’t make sense unless I apply my theory that he cannot remember that incident. Either way, he makes a prayer to God about Saeyoung on the page after that. He says that he wants to be strong. He wants to be as strong as Saeyoung. Let him have that. 
Rika tricks him not long after this. “Come and meet me late at night. I want to give V a surprise.” He’s noticed that the two of them have been having a really difficult time lately, he thought they weren’t on good terms since they weren’t visiting together. This is literally after the trauma of the murder, self-defense or not, they had to remove a body and worse. 
That added to how bad their relationship already was. This was Rika’s turning point, after all. Saeran’s a child. He just thinks they’re going to make up and get better? He wants to help them because they helped him. 
But this is a trick. 
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He spoke to Rika that briefly and then he went home. Someone grabbed him, and before he could fight, he was taken off the streets. It wasn’t Rika, but my money says that it was someone working for her to do the dirty work. He has no clue it’s Rika or anything for a while. He’s locked in a dark room. There’s not a lot in it but it seems like it was prepared for someone to stay in it. He’s scared, they leave him there. He banged on the door over and over, but nobody would listen to him. 
Days pass. 
He’s left with some notes about Mint Eye to read that make no sense to him but he’s trying to understand what they mean. How long is he going to be stuck in a room like this? Nothing makes sense! He gets fed every day, and he thinks that is okay. 
He’s trapped but he has food. It’s not so bad.. right? 
Nobody came to see him until the fourth day. He was taken away to what we can presume is the basement. He doesn’t know what’s happening here, but he just stares, slack-jawed at Rika in the basement as he lifts his head. 
She’s wearing a mask.
But, there’s no doubt. 
It’s Rika. 
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He begged for answers but she would barely tell him what was happening in this place. She just says that V is a traitor and a liar to him. She said that he should call her his Savior. By the 11th day, they’re literally drugging through the food as time passes. He says that things don’t taste right but I know what that means as it’s the easiest way to poison someone over time.
I imagine that this is slowly happening as they’re starting to torture him with the elixir outright not long after this. 
He’s clearly confused and losing time the more that he tries to think because these are written on snippets as he’s trying to make sense of what’s going on around him. He’s hurting. He’s in pain. Nothing makes sense and he’s having a hard time dealing with being awake and eating these days. It just gets worse and worse as time passes for him. 
I don’t think I have to explain what this looks like: 
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He’s literally terrified out of his fucking mind. He’s not able to focus and this is a point in the timeline where Ray takes control of the situation. Saeran cannot be awake anymore and Ray wakes up. This child has suffered enough already and Ray needs to be here to do this. His anger... his confusion. It’s played out in front of us as he loses himself and Ray takes control of everything that’s going on from now on. 
This is where the scraps end and Ray’s official diary begins. 
Yeah, this is actually a portion of the diary that I’ve seen before. It’s that proof that Rika is the one that dressed Ray. He would prefer to wear dark things but she says that he’s not good enough. He feels gloomy, he would have preferred something gloomy but Rika said no. Her reasoning is that he’s not strong and he needs to wear something vibrant to feel stronger. 
To feel more needed. 
He isn’t sure how to feel about that. He just says that Savior knows best and this is okay. I love his outfit but I know that’s uneasy about it. His gloves are rather tight on his hands so they can keep him from overextending his fingers and not get them to lock or have fractures from working so hard. He’s typing at a speed that not even I can manage so. 
He needs the support. 
No gloves slander about Ray, I know they’re half-gloves and bother some of you but it suits him. And, not to gush about Ray but there’s just so much Ray in this portion of the diary and you know I’m a massive Ray fan. Rika forces hm to do all of the security work. He spends like a week trying to make the system better but he’s hardly sleeping to do it. He’s the one that made the card system, as well, for both Rika and for others. 
He’s the one that grants access to anyone that is a believer. 
Certain people have certain powers. Rika can go anywhere, he can go to some places, and others... limited access. She “gifts” him the often of being able to help design the garden. He does pick a handful of flowers that he thinks are nice to decorate the garden and it’s the one thing that actually makes him feel good in comparison to security hell.
Though, we start to see him planning for the RFA Messenger as well. That’s not looking really good. Rika tells him what they’re going to be doing and that they have a grand plan that she needs him for. He’s so desperate for someone to see him and give him affection that he’s willing to fall to her feet and cry. He doesn’t know if he deserves this chance. He beats himself up over and over about it but takes it. 
He can’t say no to Rika. 
He’s literally crying because she told him that she wants him to do something for her. I’m not a vicious person but if given the chance, I would slap Rika one good time. I just need one time. I realize violence doesn’t solve anything, but I don’t know if I could hold myself back if I saw her treating him like this. 
It’s just not okay and I can’t stand it. No matter how you feel about Rika, when you read and see shit like this, you get angry at her for what she’s done to this child. Saeran was a child. 
He was a child who trusted her and V. 
He was a CHILD. 
He’s sleeping three hours. Max. That’s not okay. He’s chugging caffeine pills like they’re Tic-Tacs. Ray, honey, baby, darling, they’re not Tic-Tacs. That’s not okay at all. It’s actually blotted out. I don’t know what he’s eating. I don’t know how many he’s eating. I knew that he was popping like them candy to stay up and at his desk, but Jesus Christ, Ray. The space implies that it’s a high number, it could be double-digits. 
If it’s more than 15, I don’t know what I’m going to do. 
He’s not even eating right. Food that’s easy to eat. Okay, that’s why he eats chocolate most of the time. He’s eating snack foods when he’s eating and only using real food if he has time. [He never has time. It makes me want to cry as I read it because I wanted to grab him by the wrist and ask him to stay during the meals because I don’t really eat more than what a toddler eats due to my health and he could have the rest. He needs it.]
I love this guy, but I can see his suffering here. 
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I don’t know if you’ve seen this but he ranks the RFA on a sliding scale of how tough they are to defeat and how easy they are to defeat. Seven and V have the strongest list. V is to be captured alive and that you have to be cautious so he doesn’t trick you.
Seven is “No need. Discard.”
I have to ask Ray what the hell a “honey trap” is though, as far as Zen goes in his explaination. Does that mean that Ray is saying “If there’s a pretty honey, he’ll fall to his knees?” RAY? 
Jumin: Attack social status. Just take his fucking cat. 
Yoosung: Rika. Just use Rika information or threaten his family. 
Jaehee: Break C&R. If it or Jumin falls, she’s easy. Not sure. 
Oh, and there’s actually recipes in his portion of the diary as well. He has a lot of sweet things listed and God, he would get me. He literally makes notes about a tester in this. He has to jot down who would be a good idea and how he could ensure their happiness. He says that he’s not as good as the chef in Mint Eye but he wants to be good enough.
So, he actually tries to learn how to make things for us. He failed at making ice cream. He made some progress at brunch and he tried to make some cake but it wasn’t quite up to par yet. He notes his mistakes and says that he’ll keep trying to learn for the tester. So, that’s how he’s spending his six months. 
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His final note in this journal is hopeful of the tester. He’s got everything as it needs to be but he needs his tester to come to him. He hopes they’re a good person but he doesn’t know how to interact with them. He wonders how he should start talking to them, anyway. How do you talk to people on the outside? He doesn’t know... maybe an introduction? 
Should he greet you? 
Should he try harder? 
He really fixates on how to say hi to you. 
He decides simple is good. 
“Hello! My name is Ray.” 
And if you turn the page, you’re smacked with that photo and my knees just went a little weak. Oh boy, honey, darling, I love you. I’m sorry that you’ve suffered so much but it’s okay. I’m here! We’ll get out of this place together soon. All and all, this was a solid read that gave me a lot more perspective on my boy. There’s still a bit of information in Rika’s Diary, to be honest. But this stood out more to me here. 
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ukiyoly · 4 years
Unspoken Words [MysMe - 707/Saeyoung]
Hi! This is the very first fic I ever wrote, and it’s a Mystic Messenger one as well! Am I super stressed about it? You can bet I am! :D
Special thanks to @saeyoungs-sunflower for proof-reading it for me! You're such an angel!! ♡
This was actually inspired by a song, “After Dark - Aimer - words”. I couldn’t help falling in love with it, and this little story is what popped to my mind when I read its touching lyrics. Definitely give it a try!^^
[Saeyoung x MC]
Genre: Angst (?)
Word Count: 1.3k
Synopsis: As time goes by, we learn to move on from the past. But leaving behind the person you once considered your soulmate can prove to be one of the most painful choices you ever had to make.
Notes: This is based on the Reset/Sentient 707 Theory.
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“I love you.”
Those words that echoed within your very soul.
Those letters you had grown so fond of.
...Did they really have any meaning anymore?
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Getting out of the shower, you checked your phone for any new notifications, switching among countless apps and social medias, without any real purpose. You just felt empty staring at your lock screen, as a twinge of sadness within your chest reminded you once again of the people you had decided to leave behind.
It had been almost a month since you had last opened the messenger app. You had already completed everyone’s route after all, and there was no need for you to go back. You gave everyone their happy ending, and the game just reset as it should. You never dared to achieve a bad ending, afraid of hurting those people you had grown to care so much for.
That was it. You had made it. You had completed the game.
You had given Yoosung the courage he needed to move on.
You offered Zen the reassurance and care he needed so much.
You helped Jaehee to finally live up her dreams.
You allowed Jumin to open up and managed to heal him.
You gifted Saeyoung the happy ending he always deserved.
“…It was supposed to be over.” That’s what you told yourself, at least.
The resets were bound to happen after all. It was all programmed. No matter how many times you started it all over again, you could feel the pain in your chest getting stronger each and every time they occurred, knowing that in the end… you would never be truly happy with them. You were ready to leave everything as it was; ready to move on. Leaving behind the RFA in the ‘happily-ever-after’ you gave them, and finally going somewhere where you hoped you could at least find the solace you longed for.
But that last glance you gave the messenger icon was when everything unfolded once again. His now so-familiar words echoed through your ears, almost numbing your whole body and mind.
“Aww, yeah! You’re the best!”
“Your voice has been playing inside my head nonstop today.”
“I really like that you’re so bright. I feel like I’m under the sun when I talk to you.”
“Do you think... it’s possible? Can we really overcome all obstacles and smile in the end? And one day… have a happy family?”
“What can I do to protect you?”
“I don’t want you to be in danger ever again.”
“I love you. I want you to look at me and love me too. We’ve come too far to turn back. I’m already too deep into you…”
“I love you, my one and only love.”
And that’s where you gave in. You felt the floor collapse under your feet as tears began gathering up in your eyes.
“He loves you”, you thought, “he really does.”
Your mind was flooded with thoughts of the person you once considered your true love, the one your heart had been seeking for so long. You tried so hard to contain the downpour of emotions inside of you, afraid of breaking down like shattered glass if your mind went too deep into those words of his.
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~“Let’s Marry In The Space Station!”~
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That was your breaking point. As silly as that promise was… it meant something.
God, you had heard it so many times now, as a simple, mere joke, more often than not.
But your mind still couldn’t help flashing back at the bright and cheerful images of the 707 you laughed so much with, of the Luciel who suffered and still kept on fighting, and of the Saeyoung who had opened his heart and offered it to you.
For so many years, you wondered what “Love” really meant. It wasn’t until he came into your life that you started seeing the monochrome world burst into a myriad of vivid colours. He had made you happy… It was the very first time you had felt someone genuinely care about you. With his heart and soul, he would be ready to offer his life for you.
…And you loved him, too.
You weren’t lying when you screamed those words at him at the top of your lungs while on the verge of death. You promised him you would take care of Saeran together, and that you would always be there for each other. But now, you couldn’t face Saeyoung anymore, afraid of him hating you for being a liar.
Your mind was still filled with the memories of your soulmate. Your whole body missed his gentle touch, his caresses and the comfort he gave you whenever he held you in his arms. His tender voice, paired with his unique outfits which never failed to either make you burst out laughing, or made you look at him with admiration; You missed him. So much…
There was nothing more you could do for him, before everything would reset. You grew tired of that endless cycle of pain, guilt and regrets for your never-fullfilling promise, and, for as much as it pained you, you deciced to distance yourself and leave everything in what you thought was “The best possible outcome”.
Slumped over on the floor, a few words left your quivering lips, holding the weight of a thousand regrets.
“Forgive me… Sae, please…”
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You had once again disappeared from the messenger. He always waited for a reset; to be able to see your gentle smile, to feel your soft lips on top of his, and to tell you how much you fulfilled his entire being once again. But that day never came. Soon enough, he started fearing that you might have gotten bored out of it all and left everything behind you. There was a linger of hope which kept him wondering if you’d at least come back to say ‘Farewell”, or just send him a small text through the RFA chatroom. But days turned into weeks, and there was still no response.
“I should have known this day was about to come. …I don’t deserve to be happy with you, after all. I never truly did.”
A single tear rolled down Saeyoung’s cheek, as he stared up at the sky, and the pain in his voice, becoming more apparent with every word he uttered.
He knew he was your favourite. You had repeated it, over and over. You promised him that no matter whose route you would chose, you’d always come back for him in the end. And the single thought of you breaking that promise shattered his heart in a thousand pieces.
“…You’re so mean. You left without a single word. And I had faith that you would come back… But look at me now. I fell for the sweetest angel that ever existed, and not having you here is so damn painful. Why did you leave without a goodbye…? We had made a promise to each other… I… can’t go on without you…”
A long silence ensued as the red headed boy closed his eyes and mustered the courage to finally say those words which pained him to the core. This time, no one was there to see the pain in his face. Yet, there was a hint softness in his voice, and a spark of hope which ignited his golden eyes once again. His right hand digging into the pocket of his jacket, he pulled out little kitty-like gadget, its white fur and icy blue eyes mirroring Jumin's beloved cat. A sigh left Saeyoung's mouth, as he stared at the object endearingly...
“...I love you. And I always will. You might forget about me, but I never will. I’ll wait for your return… always. Even if the stars don’t want us to meet again,” he said as a smile graced his lips and tears streamed down his face.
“We had promised to go to the space station together, after all…”
~ 💕~
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juminsmysticmc · 3 years
RFA do sports with Mc until she‘s too weak to even walk ( Mc wasn't forced, just got weak! )
Hello! So, this is a HC I have been waiting to write for such a long time! I hope you enjoy! BTW; Mc wasn’t forced or so!
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,,Sports day at the company? Sounds fun to me!’’ you wrote in the chat when your husband and Jaehee talked about the sports day at the C&R.
Yoosung somehow convinced the whole RFA to come, even though Jumin told them countless times that they couldn’t come.
But you were also excited to have a fun day with your friends so your husband accepted them.
When the day came, you were wearing a sports skirt as well as a shirt and a hat.
Jumin was currently putting some sunscreen on your skin, knowing that you had sensitive skin.
,,If it’s too hard, Mc, please take a rest, my love,’’ Jumin kept saying.
But you had no intention of giving up and so the day began.
Zen was constantly trying to beat Jumin and Jumin simply loved to show you how good you were.
You, however, also wanted to show them all how good you were and of course not giving people a single chance to bad mouth you.
However, three hours later you were just weak. The sun was way too strong and you didn’t drink enough water.
Jumin, of course, noticed your condition and quickly approached you, catching you before your body hit the ground.
,,Mc, my love!’’ he called out.
,,Jumin, I’m so weak…’’ you laughed and tried to hold onto him.
In less than a second, he had you between his arms and he carried you towards the infirmary, trying to make you feel better.
You knew how much he loved to work out so you decided to go to the gym with him.
Of course you never had as much of a workout as today.
Zen always made sure that you stayed healthy and drank a lot of water and would take a good rest, but at some point he was concentrating so much on his own workout that he completely forgot that you never worked out that hard.
He just noticed again when you were laying on the ground, panting and trying to get up again.
,,Princess! I’m so sorry! Should I call and ambulance?’’ he asked you, concerned and sorry that he didn’t notice.
,,No,’’ you whispered. You were even too weak to move your head.
,,Can you just please carry me home? I can’t move anymore…’’ you laughed.
He smiled at you and gladly took your body in his strong arms.
Your chest was pressed against his wet body.
,,Sorry, I smell gross…’’ he apologized sorry.
,,No, you’re hot,’’ you mumbled and blushed as you rested in his arms, making him feel even better…’’
,,You game too much after work!’’ you nagged at him.
,,We need to do some workouts!’’ you told him and pulled him.
Yoosung was unsure if he could even endure so long.
But you were so firm about this so he agreed with you.
Well, you were right after all. He needed to move more.
And so both of you changed into some sports gear and began to run around the park, stopping a few minutes for some different workouts and then kept running.
However, at some point you didn’t feel your feet anymore and just had to stop.
Yoosung on the other side was more than filled with power.
,,I can’t anymore,’’ you gasped.
Yoosung smiled as he went on his knees.
,,I will give you a piggyback ride,’’ he offered and made you smile.
You put your weak arms around him as he supported your legs and walked home with you on his back.
,,I was always jealous of Zen,’’ he began.
,,But now I feel strong. I can carry my own wife home,’’ he smiled, flustered and turning red.
You chuckled to yourself and you were really glad when he even made you a warm bath and took your clothes off. You were really too weak to move...
,,I believe that we walk more than enough at the coffee shop, but if you want to, Mc,’’ Jaehee smiled and took the sports bra you gave her, ready to change into it and do the workout you decided to do with her.
Both of you were motivated to do this, moving your hands, legs, hips and feeling the burning muscles.
You both were sweating.
The room was turning hot as both of you kept doing the work out.
But suddenly you felt your legs giving up and it happened.
You didn’t collapse, but you fell on the floor and couldn’t get up anymore.
,,I think we need to stop, Jaehee…’’ you laughed after she got the shock of her life.
,,Ah, are you okay?’’ she asked you and sat down next to you.
Your chest was moving up and down as you tried to calm your breathing.
The sweat was dripping down your chest, having your girlfriend’s whole attention.
,,Something wrong?’’ you asked Jaehee, noticing that she perhaps had a sexy thought of you.
,,NO!’’ she blushed.
But you were straight forward ,,I can’t move my hands, so come and kiss me, Jaehee…’’ you moaned and enjoyed the long kiss she gave you...
,,You’re eating too much junk food,’’ you told him and showed him the empty bags of his favorite chips and the empty cans of his favorite drink.
,,Dr. Pepper is good for my head!’’ he whined.
,,Yes, if you want-ah! Don’t make me talk! Get up! We’ll play badminton now!’’ you hissed and pulled him up.
,,Do you even know how to play?’’ he asked you and chuckled as you led him outside.
,,I’m the best player,’’ you smirked and hit the ball.
However, he caught it perfectly and played back.
It was funny. He was good which was something you didn’t expect from him.
And so the game went way too long until he accidentally hit you in your stomach with the ball, making you fall back.
At first he laughed, thinking that it was funny, but when he noticed that you didn’t stand up anymore he became worried and quickly approached you, calling you by your name.
,,As if something like this could kill me,’’ you laughed and looked at him.
,,Stand up,’’ he said and smiled as he offered his hand to you.
,,No, please carry me. You were so good that I can’t move… besides, it hurts…’’ you laughed.
Saeyoung laughed too and was more than happy to carry you to the couch and give you an ice pack with a cold can of Dr. Pepper...
08.04.2021// 00:33 MEST
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lindalevanimamm · 4 years
Reality- Chapter 14
Saeyoung’s POV
After finding out the agency was behind this, I made a plan. I would find out where they’re hiding, then take them down. I need to make sure the agency will either stop coming after me, or I need to shut them down entirely. The second option is better. If I can get there and restrain them and then call the police...but then the police would wonder how I’m involved. Maybe I can get enough information and then the authorities will go after them on their own… My thoughts were interrupted by Saeran. “Saeyoung? Hello? Anyone in there?” 
“Yeah,” I mumbled. 
“What are you thinking? You have been staring at your screen for like 10 minutes.”
“We need a way to take them down before we do anything,” I stated. 
“But what about (Y/N)? I don’t know if it’s a good idea for them to be gone this long,” he argued. 
“It won’t matter if the agency is active. If they come back, the agency will take them again. We have to take the agency down first.”
“Okay, you work on that then,” Saeran rolled his eyes at me and then began typing away at his computer. 
“What? Do you not think we need to take them down?” I asked. 
“No, we definitely need to, but I think getting (Y/N) here should take priority. They’ve told you how their life is there. I think if you take too long taking the agency down, (Y/N)’s mental health will get worse, and fast. I don’t want that. So I’ll keep working on the portal and you can go after them.” 
“It’ll be quicker if we both work together. We have to take down the agency and then get (Y/N). I don’t like it anymore than you do, I know the longer they’re there, the worse (Y/N) will get. But if they come and the agency is still active-” 
“Didn’t the agency say they’ll send people after (Y/N)?” Saeran interrupted. 
“Yeah, but there’s no way they can make a portal that fast and-” I began, growing more frustrated. 
“Yes they can Saeyoung. They have all the files. They don’t have to work through any math or do anything. They just need to get the supplies. They could have most of them by now. We need to get to (Y/N) first,” Saeran began to get louder, also probably growing more frustrated with the situation. I sat and stared at him, frowning. I thought about it. I don’t want to bring (Y/N) here and put them at risk again….why can’t I just steal the files back?... 
“Why don’t we just steal the files back?” I asked. Saeran rolled his eyes again. 
“You really think they haven’t made copies of all the files yet?” 
“No they haven’t. If everyone that was there in the game is here, their hackers aren’t great. Well, not as good as us. It would be easy to break through, find all the files and delete them. Then get information and give it to the authorities. Maybe we could make it look like the agency has hacked into government files, they have before, and they’re using that to harm the country. Then once we’re sure the agency has been taken down, or while they’re being taken down, we work on fixing the portal. As soon as it’s done, we go through and find (Y/N),” I suggested. I watched Saeran think it over. I waited as patiently as I could for him to think. 
“Fine. But I still think getting (Y/N) back here should take priority. I have a bad feeling about them being there,” Saeran finally spoke. 
“(Y/N) will be fine. They’re strong. Let’s get started.” Saeran began working on a virus to use on the agency’s database. We needed a virus to locate all the files they had stolen, and any copies and then corrupt the files and delete them. I got to work on finding a way into the agency’s database. 
After some time, I got into the database. Everything was the same, so it was easy to get through. I was the one who coded it all after all. They really should have thought that one through. Once I was in I began to look for anything to use against them. I opened up file after file. I was reminded of the horrors of the agency. I found files of all the torture, murder, and experiments they have done. I scanned through them, not wanting to think about what they were doing to them, or what they had done to me, but I lingered on a file. It was Vanderwood’s file. Vanderwood had been forced to join the agency. I found files of how exactly they managed to get them to join. I felt my heart sink. Vanderwood had been tortured and used for an entire month, before they gave in. After joining, the agency used Vanderwood as an assassin. That I knew, but I didn’t know how often Vanderwood was used. It explained a lot about them. Vanderwood, although they never said it, had a deep hatred for the agency and what they made them do. Vanderwood had been on countless missions, many of which were successes. But they still treated Vanderwood like trash. I stopped reading entirely when I saw a new file, updated yesterday. I read through it in shock. They found Vanderwood. Vanderwood is here, in this universe. They got away, but the agency was making a plan to get them back. I hesitated. What do I do? If I dig more through this file, I can find Vanderwood. I have to warn them. No, I can’t waste time. I’ll take the agency down, both for (Y/N) and for Vanderwood. I closed the files and opened the next, and the next, and the next. I stopped once again when it was my file. I had to go through it, it could lead me to know who found me and their exact plans. I began to read through. It brought back memories I didn’t want to remember. Me joining as a young child, the so-called ‘training’ they put me through, the missions they gave me. Thankfully, everything in the file I knew. I remembered how when I first started working for the agency, I didn’t quite understand what I was doing. When I did realize, it was not a good time for me. I realized that I was hacking into databases so the agency could either get more people to join, or so they could take them out. I realized it on my first hands on mission with Vanderwood. We were assigned to infiltrate a building and steal some files. Once I was inside and getting the files, I realized what the files were. They were files on people, mostly innocent, that the agency would then have me track down. I kept working for the agency though, because I thought it was the only way to keep Saeran safe, but that was a lie. I hate the agency. I hate everything they’ve done, everything they’ve made myself and others do. I finally got to the part of my file that was updated. They had found me, of course, the first time they saw me was at the restaurant I took (Y/N) to. Then they started following me and gathering information. Their plan was simple, to simple, they should have known it would fail. It was to simply use (Y/N) to get me to join them again. They’re going to have a nice surprise. I continued to dig through files for what felt like hours. They were endless. I glanced at the time, it was almost 10am the next morning. I noticed that Saeran was no longer sitting across from me. He must have finished the virus. I began to read through the next file when Saeran entered the room with a tray. “Here. You need to eat and take a break,” Saeran instructed. 
“I don’t have time to take a break. The sooner this is taken care of the sooner I can get to (Y/N) again,” I replied. 
“Yes, but the longer you work, the more sloppy your codes will get. If we’re doing this we’re going to do it right. I’ve finished the virus and implemented it, and now I can start helping you gather info, after we take a break. Take a break. Eat. Update the RFA. They’re all freaking out in the chat,” Saeran insisted. 
“Fine. 30 minutes tops,” I replied. I thanked him for the food he brought and ate it quickly. While I was taking a small break, I moved my computer up to my office so I could be a bit more comfortable. I pulled out my phone and logged into the RFA chat. 
Yoosung: Seven!
Yoosung: I mean Saeyoung! 
Yoosung: what’s going on? Zen said (Y/N) is back in their universe?!
Saeyoung: yeah….I’m afraid it was the agency’s doing
Saeyoung: Saeran and I are working on taking them down, so that we can get (Y/N) back here safely
Yoosung: is there anything I can do? 
Saeyoung: no. Saeran and I have this. 
Saeyoung: since you’re the only one here, I hope everyone will read this. 
Saeyoung: our plan is to get enough information on the agency and give it anonymously to the authorities, in hopes that they will take them down 
Saeyoung: as soon as the information is sent, we will be working on the portal to get it up and then we’ll bring (Y/N) back 
Yoosung: are you sure there’s nothing I can do? I can help go through files or something…
I thought for a moment. Any normal person could do what we’re doing. Anyone would notice something bad on a file we could use, and the more people on it the faster we can get (Y/N) back. 
Saeyoung: yeah...
Saeyoung: okay. Anyone who wants to help come to our bunker. It will be a long and boring process, but you can help look through files to find stuff we can use. 
Yoosung: I’m on my way
*Yoosung has left the chat. 
I put my phone away and got back to work. I was interrupted by an alert from my security system. I checked the cameras and was surprised. Everyone was here, even Jumin. I let them in, and headed to my door to greet them. “Hello everyone, I didn’t think so many of you would come…” I began.
“We want to help in any way we can,” Jaehee answered. 
“(Y/N) is more important than our jobs,” Jumin agreed. I was surprised to hear that coming from him. He always just worked. 
“I don’t have another rehearsal lined up for a few weeks. I want to help get (Y/N) back. I know they’re miserable there in that world,” Zen said. I stared at them and then thought about how to divvy up the work. If I get them on files, I can work on contacting (Y/N) again. I got computers for everyone and showed them how to go through the files. Anything that they did find was to be copied and put into a secure file. Jaehee offered to make meals and be sure to make sure we all eat. I agreed. She would also be the one to talk with (Y/N) if I can find them again. We all got to work. The RFA began finding usable files quickly. I showed Jaehee how to try to find (Y/N), her job would be more complicated. She needed to go through every phone connected with an app titled “Mystic Messenger” and find (Y/N)’s phone. Jaehee is smart though, so I knew she could handle it. I began to sort through the files everyone was finding. Around midnight, most of the RFA headed to sleep, they needed it. None of them are used to this kind of work. Saeran and I sifted through all of the files that night to find ones we could connect to worse things. The two of us began forming fake files, that way we could make the agency seem more like terrorists. We needed to make sure they’d be put down. This process continued for days. Jaehee was having no luck contacting (Y/N). The rest of us had finally got enough information. I checked the time and date on my phone, for the first time since working. It had been an entire week and a half. It felt like years, but also like minutes. A week and a half is a long time, longer than I wanted it to take. I sent the information to the authorities. I made sure that they got it, and kept an eye on their progress. The rest of the RFA stayed at my bunker while Saeran and I worked on the portal. Some would go off and get supplies we needed, and some others would help with construction. 
A few days later, we had a working portal. Or so we thought. When I went through I ended up in a different universe. So I got back to coding. The authorities we’re taking their own sweet time with the agency as well. They finally had a plan and it was going to begin in a few days. Everything was taking a few days. It had now been weeks since (Y/N) went back to their universe. Weeks to long. I lost track of who was in the bunker and what everyone was doing. I hadn’t slept in a good week. I'd fall asleep at my computer for an hour or so, wake up, and keep working. Finally, the authorities made their move. Their plan succeeded. I watched as the agency was taken down, it even made it onto national television. Vanderwood, I hope you can live your life now. I was sure to delete all files related to myself and Vanderwood, so we could just live how we wanted. I’d try to contact them later to inform them they are safe and free. I had finally got the portal up and working. It had been an entire month since (Y/N) was taken. It was not supposed to take this long. It was supposed to take a week tops. But getting the files, creating fake files, sending them in, and fixing the portal took so long. The authorities took too long, I know they did it to make sure the job was done right, but it took a week for them to even start making a plan, let alone to implement the plan. I was worried about (Y/N). Jaehee eventually found the phone that belonged to (Y/N), but they never answered. I hope they’re okay. Saeran and I went through the portal, hoping that we could finally see (Y/N). Please be okay...
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cafedanslanuit · 4 years
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✦ • ° *.  — Saeran's After Ending —  . * ° • ✦
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chapter guide  |  chat with me
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summary: Saeran has finally found MC and is ectasic to finally be able to enjoy the good ending his tumultous life has reached. But with Saeyoung still missing and Mint Eye around, his happiness may have to wait a little more. Was love really capable to win against his inner demons or will he have to learn to fight for himself?
chapter warnings: [check chapter guide for story warnings] mentions and/or descriptions of mental illnesses, mentions of past torture.
c h a p t e r   t w o   —   did you ever let your lover see the stranger in yourself?
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Aereum looked up when she heard the door knocking. It was her secretary's way of telling her the next appointment was ready for her. Her eyes darted back at the notes she had written down after her first meeting with her new patients and his girlfriend. She had heard about cults before and had read all she could in that time about cult survivors to be as ready as she could to help him out to the best of her abilities. Even though she knew it wasn’t enough. Every survivor had their own story and she had to try her best to guide Saeran to find his own peace. She hoped he would be willing to walk that path with her.
She closed up her notebook and walked to the door, straightening her back before welcoming Saeran in. He looked up at her and after a small nod, entered her office, sitting down on a small sofa. Aereum closed the door behind her and took her place on the armchair in front of the sofa and took a deep breath.
“Thank you for coming here, Saeran. I know it’s hard to start therapy, but I’m happy you are taking the first step,” she said. Saeran nodded, still an uneasy look on his face. It was okay, Aereum was used to it. “So, how was moving day? The last time we talked you and your girlfriend mentioned you were moving into a new house. Do you like it?”
“She moved out,” he muttered. Areum blinked, confused.
“Min-jung moved out?”
Saeran smiled bitterly after hearing her full name. He figured the therapist had her information due to MC calling to set up the first appointment.
“Yeah. Well-- out of our bedroom. She said I need to be alone during… this,” he gestured, looking around the room, “and that she wants to give me some space and then we’ll get back together. She said she didn’t want to bother me, which isn’t the case, but…,” he shrugged.
“I see. What do you think about her decision?”
“I think she’s wrong,” Saeran replied, his eyebrows furrowing. “I… I need her. I don’t see why I can’t continue coming here while also being together with her.”
“Did you tell her how you felt?”
“Yes? Told her it wasn’t necessary. She insisted and I just… it’s not like I had an option,” he muttered, looking down at his hands.
“What do you think would happen if you had refused her request?”
“I don’t know? I just didn’t want to do anything that would make her angry with me. I don’t want to lose her and if she wants something, I’m going to try and give it to her.”
“How does Min-jung act when she’s upset or angry?”
Saeran furrowed his eyebrows and,
“I just think she knows more than I do. I don’t… I’m really lost. I don’t know how most things work and I just-- I don’t want to lose her. I don’t want her to be angry with me, ever. And I love her,” he said, letting out a shaky breath. “So if she wants something…” he shrugged.
Aereum paused for a moment and nodded softly.
“What is love for you, Saeran?”
He shot his head up. “Huh?”
“What do you think love is? Don’t think about Min-jung for a second. In general terms, what do you think love is?”
Saeran’s eyes looked around the room, his face tensed up in concentration. Aereum waited for him patently, and she could almost listen to the turmoil happening inside his head.
“When you love someone, you never leave,” Saeran muttered after a while. “And she stayed… through it all. Through the whole cult ordeal, when I had to face my brother after so many years… she stayed through it all. She takes my hand and guides me outside whenever I get overwhelmed. She never wavers, she’s… a secure port, I guess,” he made a pause. “Is that bad?”
Aereum shook her head. “There isn’t a universal definition of love, so no one is really wrong. But I do have one question, Saeran. What would it take for someone to walk away from their partner?”
“Why do you ask me that?”
“We all must have our boundaries, Saeran. And it’s important you recognize yours. You’re not supposed to figure them out today, but it would be a good idea to give them a thought,” Aereum said. Saeran blinked twice, confused but gave her a tiny nod. “I’m glad you feel Min-jung is a safe space for you. And, if she never leaves, don’t you think that will happen this time as well?” she asked, with a soft smile. “Even if she’s staying in the other bedroom, she is still by your side. I know you need her right now and it’s really understandable. Anyone would feel sad to be apart from someone they love.”
“Yeah,” Saeran mumbled.
“She was the one to set our first appointment, right?” Aereum asked. He nodded. “Why do you think she wanted you to start therapy?”
“Because of everything that happened. With… the cult,” he said in a low voice, his eyes fixed on his hands.
“Do you want to talk about what happened in the cult?”
Aereum gave Saeran some space to think it through, but after noticing his furrowed eyebrows and the intense way he kept rubbing his hands with each other, she knew he wasn’t ready yet.
“It’s okay, we don’t have to talk about it now,” Aereum assured him. “But I would like to know how you have been feeling since you left.”
“I… I’m really tired, all the time,” Saeran shrugged. “I can fall asleep but it feels like I wake up one second later, even if it’s been six hours of more. That or I have dreams.”
“What kind of dreams?”
“Of… what happened back there, or… my mother. And that’s not-- She’s dead. I don’t want to talk about her,” he quickly said, crossing his arms in front of his chest.
“It’s okay, Saeran. We don’t have to,” she said. Aereum straightened her back and took a deep breath. “I’ll tell you what we’re going to do. How about we see each other two times a week? And next week, my colleague is going to have short sessions with you as well,” Saeran looked at her, his lips turning into a tense line. “I know it’s hard opening up to someone. I��m glad we could talk today. But my colleague is only going to prescribe you some medication, mainly to help you out with your sleeping problems and to cope with everything else. He will only ask you about your physical or mental symptoms, so it’s not like you have to open up again about topics you aren’t comfortable with. Would that be okay with you?”
“Yeah, I guess,” Saeran nodded. “Yes.”
“Great,” she smiled. “I’ll be seeing you on Thursday then.”
Saeran nodded and stood up. After a small bow, he disappeared through the door, leaving her alone with her thoughts. Before any of them escaped her mind, Aereum took her journal and started scribbling down her notes from her first session with Saeran.
It was going to be a long journey. And a part of her wished Min-jung really stayed for it all.
It was weird to see Saeyoung with a leg cast. But the fact MC was sitting down on the sofa with his very enthusiastic brother’s injured leg on her lap while doodling cats on his cast, somehow made up for it. Saeyoung was always so strong that it never crossed Saeran’s mind he could break as well. But if he had learnt anything from his last hospital visits, it was that he certainly could.
Not only his leg had been broken in three different places, but the Prime Minister’s thugs had also shattered his cheekbone, broken his left arm and fractured his skull. Saeyoung had been bleeding internally when they finally found him, and to that day Saeran still remembered Jumin’s usually stoic face turning into horror when he learnt about his friend’s injuries. After weeks of frantic search for Saeyoung, he had been located and Jumin had communicated with the Prime Minister with a proposition: no information about his illegal antics would be released if he let Saeyoung go. He would make sure Saeyoung’s hospital records didn’t mention how he got that injury and that both him and Saeran would avoid the press at all costs. After half an hour of intense arguing and pressure from the CEO in line, the Prime Minister had finally obliged. Not even two minutes later, an ambulance arrived to take Saeyoung to one of C&R’s private clinics.
If MC hadn’t been by his side the first time he saw Saeyoung, he didn’t know how he would have reacted. He only stood awkwardly next to the hospital bed, seeing his brother cry in desperation as he couldn’t get up and hug him due to his injuries. MC had tried calming Saeyoung down, to prevent him from hyperventilating, but it wasn’t until Saeran grabbed him by the wrist of his healthy arm that Saeyoung finally stopped and started crying silently, mumbling countless apologies to Saeran.
They had spent the next few days listening to Saeyoung explaining everything that happened, with some more information that MC provided about what V had told her. It all made sense-- a little too much if anyone asked him. Saeran’s life had taken an one-hundred and eighty degree turn in the past few months, so it was difficult to learn that both V and Saeyoung had no idea where he was, and that they only learnt the truth once he got to meet MC. She held Saeran’s hand as he listened to Saeyoung explain, rubbing it in soothing motions. Every time they said their goodbyes to leave for the day, MC bought two cups of tea from the vending machine and walked with Saeran to the hospital garden. They would sit in silence and observe the artificial lake, finding comfort in watching the small fish swim by. Once Saeran squeezed MC’s hand, they would leave the hospital and go back to the apartment Jumin had temporarily set from them both.
Both Saeyoung and MC looked up and greeted him warmly when he got home after his therapist session. MC stopped scribbling on Saeyoung’s cast and smiled brightly at him.
“Hi, glad you’re back! I’ve been drawing small cats,” she chuckled, showing him the small drawings.
“One of them even looks like Elly!” Saeyoung chimed in with a laugh.
“I did some grocery shopping while you went away and bought your favourite ice cream? Do you want some?” MC offered.
“No,” Saeran answered, walking past them to the kitchen. Her smile faded a little, Saeyoung catching up to it quickly. He put his hand on her shoulder and shook his head softly, trying to dismiss the reaction of his brother. MC knew he wasn’t probably in the best mood after his first session, so she had hoped buying something he liked would cheer him up, at least a little.
But as she saw Saeran emerge from the kitchen and then walk to his bedroom without taking a second look at her, she knew it wouldn’t be the case.
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taglist: @nad-zeta @unknownparadise​ @darkfaerry @sunshinejihyun​ [tag list is still open, message me to add you!]
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