#ran away and leave him behind is an act of a coward person
anas-tasiaa · 2 years
He's clearly talked about Saeyoung here 🥲 Brb crying.
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joydoesathing · 5 months
what would happen if anatolii knew about this. What was Nacho thinking just running away was he that different compared to now
*cracks knuckles*
hoooooo boy, get ready cuz i got a whole character arc below
(again this is just my take on the story, so it's highly headcanonned)
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"I'm sorry for running away. I'll make sure to make it up to you and your mother..."
nacho was more reckless back in his former years when he was first having a fling with frances. but when he did get her pregnant, he realized that he messed big time. realized that not only he's got a child on the way but has no means to provide for them both and isn't personally ready for big commitments like being a father or even getting married. why would he be? he was barely even 20. he never really thought that far ahead.
he didn't want to ask his parents for help. they'd definitely kill him if they figured out he got this girl they never met pregnant. he didn't also have the guts to tell frances the bad news.
his buddies at the time, who were just as reckless and short-sighted as he was, recommended that he could just... leave all that complicated and deep mess with frances behind him. just run away.
i mean he could do it. like him, frances probably wouldn't turn and complain to her parents first for help (for the same reason nacho wouldn't turn to his own parents for help) . his parents doesn't even know they had a fling together. even if she will become desperate enough to find them and try to turn to them for help, would they even accept her? let alone believe her?
"you wouldn't get in trouble. there's no one else that knows about it than you two."
" i mean, i'm sure she'll figure out something. she should know at least the basics."
that's what his buddies kept on assuring him. but even he could see that just up and deserting frances like that is just straight up cruel.
but was he in any room to still complain? it's not as if he had the resources nor the strong will to commit and face the heavy consequences of his actions.
and with that, he ran off but wracked with the small feeling of guilt.
while he tried having his new start, that feeling of guilt just grew bigger and bigger and started eating away at his conscience. he kept on trying to deny and delude himself with the words of his buddies, but it did nothing to stop that guilt completely.
it made him finally see that he's nothing more than a dirty dog running with its tail between its legs. a jerk and a coward. he had a feeling that he was going to have his comeuppance and it wasn't going to be pretty.
and so it did, a year and a half after he ran. his partner, depressed and completely driven to madness , tracked him down and almost murdered him in a psychotic rage.
he was forced to see the result of his cowardice and neglect. he didn't blame frances for doing that. who wouldn't go mad if they've been abandoned by someone who thought they could trust?
after she was stopped, he decided not to press charges on frances , although that didn't stop her from still getting institutionalized. being incapable to care for her child, nacho finally decided to man up and take his and frances' child up as his own and take raise him.
he knew that it's such a scummy thing to do. to just NOW take up the responsibility when everything was blown out of proportion. but he decided to not run away now, just because of that. his son needed a parent more than anything else now.
as he went on raising anatolii, he felt that he had absolutely nothing to be praised for. unknowing people says: "you're such a strong man, raising a son all by yourself."
he just did what he should have done from the start. right now, he takes care of his son wholeheartedly as an act of repentance, for both frances and anatolii. to show that he's truly sorry for being the coward he is.
for now, nacho is keeping the truth the whole mess between him and frances well-kept from anatolii. the only thing that anatolii does know about his mom is that she's alive but never drops by to visit due to some "personal problems and conflicts". but nacho always assures him that his mother loves him no matter what.
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anotherspopsaltblog · 15 days
How the she ra reboot adapted the characters from the original. spoiler alert they didn't
How ND adapted she-ra for the reboot is very interesting to me, because in many ways he didn't. He just created new characters and used their names or made very strange changes. 
From what I’ve read from ND’s tweets, interviews and the show bible. It’s seams like Nate took the basic bare bones description of the character and ran with that leaving out the character story and personality. Or they took a character ability and made up stuff about that. Or they just used the name. 
Probably the worst case of this is Glimmer. Who in the original show had an amazing story. She a princess who kingdom was overtaken and her father was imprisoned my the horde and mother (Angella) was taken captive by the harpies because of the harpie’s queen personal grudge against Angella. Despite this she goes and starts a rebellion and is able to rally a lot of people behind her. She is a capable leader a position she gives to adora once her mother is found . Despite all this she is still a teenager and acts like it. she can be self centred, boycrazy and childish. 
How much of that was carried over to the new show?
None of it.
Because glimmer from the 2018 show is not based on 80s glimmer she is based on Stevenson’s DnD character. I'm not joking. 
Here is the name of the article if you don’t believe me. 
“Netflix's She-Ra creator adapted a Dungeons & Dragons character for the show”
Go look it up  
Yeah so Stevenson saw that glimmer had teleportation powers and thought about his own character with similar powers and placed their own character in Glimmer's place. 
So yeah glimmer is just Stevenson's DnD character using Glimmer's name.
I'm not mad, that's hilarious. 
The only thing carried over from the original show is glimmer desired to fight the horde head on with out a plan. But Glimmer main character arc is based around his dnd character. 
In the original show glimmer frustration with attacking the horde was a conflic between her and Adora. In the original adora give glimmer the task of creating a light show to distract the horde while the rest of them attack. Glimmer doesn't want to do this because she wants to fight.  
This is from the episode Glimmer come home which seems to be where some of glimmers charatirasion comes from aside from Nate’s DnD character. 
But the difference between this episode and the reboot is that glimmer in the original is in the wrong and apologises. In the new show she is treated as if she is right.   
In the reboot the conflict is between her and her mum. And her mom is characterised as a coward and glimmer is in the right with no nuance. 
Adora is a completely different character in the original. Her role in the group was as the mum friend. a role that was given to bow, for some reason. In terms of personality the best way to describe  what happened to Adora’s personality is to compare her to disney princesses. Original Adora is like Snow White or Cinderella and reboot Adora is the modernised adorkable character. Like Rapunzel and asha. And like asha, her being adorkable  doesn't work because she was raise in what we are told was a cruel militaristic environment. Why is she adorkable. 
As I mentioned, Bow was turned into the mum friend so he basically became the responsible one and his entire personality was based on that. He doesn't reassemble Bow from the original. The only thing that they carried over was that he likes to built tech.  I think they did this because Adora is no longer the mum friend so someone needs to fill that role. But no they didn’t. Not every group needs a mum friend. 
Seahawk is the second worst character when it comes to how they change him. 
Like glimmer Seahawk had an amazing story. And all of it got scrapped. Based on how Nate characterised Seahawk in the show bible. It seems the only thing Nate took away from Seahawk was that he was Adora’s love interest. So he was made to make fun of male love interests in movies, shows and books. 
Here is his description. 
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That's what they tried to do in the show but instead of doing something clever they just made Seahawk a LOL so random character who is an idiot. I guess to make fun of male love interest. But they didn’t make him a stereotype of the wish fulfilment love interest you find in movies and books aimed at woman (Which 1980s Seahawk was based on) and poke fun at those tropes. 
Instead their aim was to make him a pathetic man who we are meant to laugh at. But in execution he just does random stuff which we are meant to laugh at because it’s random. 
Even then he’s really not pathetic, he's just strange and annoying. 
The best way to describe the new characters is wasted potential. Because to be honest what the new character the crew came up with aren’t that good compared to the original.
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yukidragon · 8 months
I love to hear more of your headcanons on Bo in Mafia AU! Also what would happen if Bo's puppy doesn't want to be his in that AU?
It's been a while since I touched on the Mafia AU hasn't it? And that was before I created my version of Bo's puppy, Barbie too. This ask does make me wonder how their interaction might go in this AU.
In the main universe, Barbie's attraction towards Bo, at least at the start, was pretty shallow, all things considered. He was more like a fun adult toy that she grew fond of until eventually that fondness grew into genuine love. It's hard to blame her though, since he quite literally is a toy. She pretty much treated him like many people treat AI bots - a fun diversion, but nothing to take seriously. It was only when he forced her to realize that his feelings are just as real as hers that she truly saw him as a person.
Barbie is a self-proclaimed misanthrope. She's not fond of humanity in general. She can't stand noisy places or being in crowds. It takes a while for her to warm up to people, which leaves her with few people she cares about outside of her immediate family. It's also why she's very fierce if someone hurts her family. Fictional relationships were the closest thing she was interested in when it came to romantic or sexual pursuits.
In the Mafia AU, Bo is an actual human being, even if he's got some pretty distinct canine features. More than that, he's a wise guy working for a mafia boss (Jack); not really someone who is safe for normal people to get involved with. Add in Barbie's default mistrust of people, and Bo in this universe is going to have a steep uphill battle to overcome in order to win his puppy's heart.
Since I've started fleshing out the King family more, it would be good to reexamine their roles in this Aphrodesia-influenced AU, don't you think? It'll be especially interesting to consider how they'll react to Alice being kidnapped by a human trafficking ring, and the scars that incident left behind on her when she finally sees them again.
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Content warnings: this post will contain mentions of violence, torture, human trafficking, SA, drugs, and sex. Overall I'll try to keep any uncomfortable descriptions to a minimum, and ramp up the spice where I can. Remember, Something's Wrong with Sunny Day Jack, DachaBo, and Aphrodesia are all stories for Adults Only. NSFW elements will be touched on!
Traffic Stop
The broad strokes of the AU are basically the same as from the first post. Alice and her family originally lived a normal, happy life, far and away from the crime-invested city of St. Valen's. She and Ian grew up as childhood friends. Things seemed to be going down the same route it did in the regular universe, with puppy love developing between them that might turn into something more.
The divergence happened when they were both still in high school. There was a person going around their school, looking for acting talent. It was somewhat shady. Alice wasn't sure about going, but Ian wanted, no, needed to seize the opportunity to achieve his dream. The talent scout remarked that he had a nice face, both of them did. They would go far. They just had to audition.
It was flattery that Ian couldn't resist.
Of course Ian's mom wasn't going to let him do such a thing, so they had to sneak out. Ian didn't want to risk his mom finding out from her parents, so he convinced Alice to lie to her parents that they'd be out with friends.
As you might suspect already, this audition was a trap sprung by human traffickers. They pick young and vulnerable people who look like they can't fight back, lure them someplace isolated, nab them, and ship them off someplace to be sold for, well, less than savory purposes. While initially both of them were caught in the trap, Alice managed to help Ian escape.
Ian's greatest regret was that he ran away, that he didn't stay to rescue Alice like she did him. Even though she told him to run, to get help, Ian still felt like a coward. It was made worse when by the time he returned with authorities, the traffickers were already gone.
Needless to say, this incident still haunts Ian to the present day, crushing him under the weight of his guilt.
This incident replaces the cheating Ian does in the main universe, and Alice being trafficked replaces the SA incident she went through. While Alice mercifully didn't get SA'd during the trafficking, she was a victim of a "red room" after being taken and sold in St. Valen's. A "red room," for those unaware, is a type of livestream on the dark web, where innocent victims are tortured according to an audience's bids.
I won't go into detail about all the horrors Alice experienced, since the scars speak for themselves. Fortunately, she managed to be clever and lucky enough to escape. Luckier still, she managed to stumble into a member of the Sunny Family, and said family just happened to have a vendetta against the gang that was behind the trafficking.
St. Valens is full of people who showed up out of nowhere, and others who don't ask or care where they came from. There's plenty of corruption, people looking the other way, and shady deals going on. The Sunny Family might be relatively better than most crime families, but at the end of the day, they're pretty shady. They helped her out by rescuing her, even paying her hospital bills and taking her under their wing, so now she owed them.
Alice could contact her family, have them pay back her hefty debt... or she, now an 18 year old adult, could do some favors for the family. Her medical bills were insane - St. Valen's isn't exactly kind to the less fortunate when it comes to medical care - it would bankrupt her family.
It was a classic hustle, presenting a vulnerable person like Alice with potentially devastating consequences, or an out by someone who is wearing a kind and smiling face. I'm inclined to have that representative of kindness from the family be Mama Shine, who was so kind and empathetic, just wanting to help Alice after she went through so much. Working for them wouldn't be that big a deal, especially since they were the ones who rescued her and all the other trafficking victims...
That's the classic Sunny Family con. They smile, act kind, extend their gloved hands to help, offering salvation to poor souls down on their luck. They are then indebted to the family. They need the family. Alice needed a prescription of drugs that they could give to her regularly for all her pain, far cheaper than the healthcare system would.
Shine had taken an interest in Alice, helping her while she was rehabilitated in the hospital. She could've been the one who Alice ran into that night when bloody and desperate for help. Shine is so caring, just like Alice's mother, having that same warm motherly aura. So trustworthy and kind...
It was a far less violent trap that ensnared Alice a second time into this world of crime, but this time she didn't realize the cage was around her, or that she couldn't leave it, until she was in far, far too deep. Her vulnerability was exploited, and she signed a contract that she shouldn't.
The King family were so relieved when Alice finally contacted them... but confused when she told them she couldn't go home. She was receiving medical treatment and needed to stay in the city, and she had debts to pay...
Naturally, her family isn't going to take this without a fight. The King family immediately took a road trip to St. Valen's to see Alice at the hospital.
Lycoris is a fierce mama bear, and she was enraged when Alice was kidnapped, doing everything in her power to find her baby. So despite Shine acting kind and friendly, she was ready to throw down from the word go. Lycoris is a small lady, but she can be very scary, though, sadly, not as scary as an entire crime family.
None of the King family were happy with what had happened to Alice, the debt she had to repay, or that she had already signed a deceptively scary contract. However, the Sunny Family is the most dangerous crime family in the city for a reason, and the King family were in over their heads.
Not that the King family knew they were facing a crime family. The Sunny Family has a reputation to uphold after all. They're a family-run business. Many details were left out or unspoken, all to hide what was really going on behind their squeaky clean image.
The King family did involve the legal system, but that was a failure. The Sunny Family owns the police in St. Valen's. The police just informed them that everything was legal, Alice is an adult who can make her own choices, and there's no better family to work for than the Sunny Family. Plus, Alice was going to need the drug they provided for the rest of her life, so wasn't this a sweet deal anyway? They should just feel grateful that she was rescued. Not a lot of trafficked teens are...
In the end, the King family was powerless, and Alice became a member of the Sunny Family with a debt that seemed never ending.
Barbie vs the World
Needless to say, Barbie was pretty much spitting nails about the whole thing. Even if the Sunny Family was putting on a smiling face and rescued her older sister, so generously providing Alice with needed medical treatment for the foreseeable future, she raged against the entire situation. Unfortunately, being a teen younger than 18 at the time, she was left with a feeling helpless and frustrated. She raged at her parents for "giving up" on bringing Alice home safely even though they didn't have a choice.
Naturally, with Barbie not being the biggest fan of the Sunny Family, she's going to be wary of anyone working for them. Bo has quite the reputation in the city of St. Valens as their enforcer, so he's got quite a steep uphill climb to take if he wants to earn his puppy's love.
Barbie was already the type to play fast and loose with laws, and this entire affair killed all faith she had in the justice system. In the main universe, she's a programmer and hacker. In this universe, she focused more on the hacking aspect. She snuck behind her parents' back, doing very illegal things online to get more money to pay back the debt to the Sunny Family and free her big sister.
So, years later, while Alice gained experience in the Sunny Family as a sniper, Barbie became a skilled hacker, going by many aliases online. By her early/mid-twenties, she used a particular handle when making things difficult for the Sunny Family - Clown Killer. She became quite notorious among the Sunny Family, and a thorn in their side online.
Of course, Barbie had to prioritize not getting caught above any victory. If the Sunny Family knew that she was the one making things hard for them, it would put Alice in danger. Her primary focus with her hacking and other shady dealings online was to get money to repay the debt, but whenever they would just miss repaying the full amount, or something else tacked onto it to keep Alice in that debt, Barbie couldn't help but want to vent her frustrations as Clown Killer.
Barbie has learned quite a lot about the members of the Sunny Family, but could never quite gather enough evidence that would convict any of its bigger members. Their reputation was so squeaky clean. She especially had an axe to grind against Shine, who never once lost that "sweet and gentle" motherly aura while making it clear to her all those years ago that Alice wouldn't be coming home. She knew behind that sweet smile was a ruthless criminal, but she could never peel back that smiling mask to expose the truth.
The King parents are trying all they can to help Alice, saving up money on their side. They visit the city as often as they can to see her and offer support. If one of them could've taken her place, they would, but with Alice needing regular medical treatment from the city, and Shine taking a shine to her in particular... she was going to be stuck in the city no matter what.
Plus, there are other children in the King family who needed their parents too, Coraline especially. She also needed medical treatments... treatment that the Sunny Family offered to provide. In spite of the protests of her parents about adding to the debt, Alice wanted to help her little sister. Besides, the Sunny Family were treating her well... right?
Well, Alice insisted they did. Her family was already worried enough without knowing how how her job's "duties" slowly became a bit more involved over time, a bit more violent, and a lot more bloody.
Barbie did learn of some of the things Alice was hiding from them because of her hacking, and it infuriated her that her big sis was hiding secrets now too. Their parents told her to not worry about the debt, that it wasn't her responsibility, but fuck that! It's not Alice's responsibility either! She was the victim in all of this! The Sunny Family aren't a wholesome family running businesses, they're manipulative criminals, and Barbie is going to destroy them!
Although Barbie spends much of her time as a recluse, she does visit Alice in St. Valen's from time to time. It's how she crossed paths with a certain dog that the Sunny Family keeps on a tight leash.
The Sunny Family's Hunting Dog
As mentioned before, Bo is working for the Sunny Family as Jack's right hand man. He's an enforcer who enjoys his job. He especially enjoys the thrill of the chase, hunting down a target before brutalizing them up close and personal with his fists and fangs. Of course, he also knows how to handle a gun as well as a few other weapons. He also knows some unconventional means to torture someone if need be.
Bo has excellent hacking skills of his own, as a nod to his AI counterpart in the main universe, but he prefers to get hands on with his target whenever possible. He's aware of the hacker Clown Killer that's giving the Sunny Family some headaches, but they always evade his attempts to catch them in cyberspace, much to his frustration. They become something of a rival, his white whale that he's eager to conquer once and for all.
Not only does Bo have a lust for violence, he's also a very, very horny dog. He has slept around quite a lot, though his relationships never last. He never quite connects with anyone. He gets mistaken for only having a talent for senseless violence, the dumb muscle of the gang who is also is some good eye candy, when he's a lot smarter than his wild behavior might imply. There's a reason why he's Jack's second in command after all...
Alice intrigues Bo, simply because of how Jack is practically obsessed with her. In many ways, Jack is a rival of Bo's, being his "master" who he wants to one day be free of. Seeing Jack bend over backwards to win the heart of just some random sucker who got sweet talked into debt confuses the hell out of him. He wants to know what it is about Alice that draws Jack in... and if he can use that to his advantage.
Alice isn't a fan of Bo's constant teasing, and she hates the nickname of "squeaky toy" that he uses for her. It's in reference to how he loves to sneak up on her and startle her, causing her to squeak in surprise. Bo is really good at sneaking up on his prey, so her reaction is pretty fun.
Still, no matter how many times Bo pops in on Alice unexpectedly, he doesn't quite see what draws Jack in. Sure, she's surprisingly soft despite this hard life of crime, which is a novelty, but it's not something special. She's attractive, sure, but there's plenty just as attractive as her, if not more. He wants to dig deeper, interrogate her more, maybe even seduce her, but whenever he pushes just a little too far, Jack pulls on his metaphorical leash. Hard.
The intrigue keeps Bo coming back to ruffle Alice's feathers despite the risk. It's also why he suddenly pops up at Alice's place while Barbie is visiting one day.
Barbie is surprisingly tall compared to Alice, but Bo can see and smell the family blood between them. She's got these eyes that stand out - both of them blue and brown at the same time. She also has this cutting stare like she wants to carve open his guts. It's actually hilarious that a powderpuff from the suburbs could think she has a chance at even leaving a scratch on an alpha like him. It intrigues him enough to have a little fun teasing her as well.
Barbie shuts down Bo's flirting instantly. It trips him up a bit, as Bo knows he's a good looking guy. He's not used to being turned down in such a harsh manner, especially by someone as powerless as a puppy. He'd be offended if it wasn't so ridiculous.
When Barbie learns that Bo works with Alice, and as such is part of the Sunny Family, her dislike turns into outright hostility. She's not even hiding it either, though Alice rushes in to keep the conversation more or less civil.
After leaving the apartment, Bo decided to case the place until Barbie left. He wanted to tease her a little, scare this spoiled little pampered suburban pet before she barks at someone big and nasty who is more than ready to bite back. Despite his attempts to intimidate her, Barbie didn't even flinch, even when he made a subtle threat, just to see how she would react. Not even that shook her resolve. In fact, she warned him that if he hurt Alice, hell would feel like a sunny vacation spot compared to what she would do to Bo and the rest of the damned Sunny Family.
The threat tickled Bo instead of intimidating him, and Barbie fumed at the way he laughed her off.
It was in that exchange that Bo found himself a new toy to tease. He called Barbie puppy whenever he encountered her. She barked big, but she had no idea just how tiny and helpless she really was compared to him in his eyes. It was cute really, and he found great delight in teasing her.
However, though Bo was amused by their banter, Barbie was anything but. His teasing just made her hate him all the more.
A Hungry Dog
Over time Bo's attraction towards Barbie grows. He stops flirting with Alice, though he still teases her, mostly to learn more about Barbie and how he might win Barbie over. He feels less satisfied with the people he sleeps around with, thinking of Barbie more. He even starts imagining that it's her he's sleeping with, which kills the moment for him and leaves him feeling unfulfilled and horny.
At some point during this, Bo finds out the identity of the infamous Clown Killer. It's surprising, but so fitting that he can't help but laugh when he realizes it's none other than his puppy. My, my, such a naughty puppy too, getting up to so much mischief. It'd be a shame to let anyone else know. Then he wouldn't be able to play with her more.
It's that realization that his greatest rival is the woman who has been intriguing him that turns his attraction into downright obsession. Bo wants to conquer Barbie in every sense of the word, tame this wild puppy and make her whimper and beg for his loving touch.
Bo has obscene fantasies about the various ways he can conquer and tame Barbie. It's the more extreme side of the lines from the game, where he wants her on his leash, to be at his beck and call, ready for him whenever he wants her. (Which quickly becomes all the time, really. The man is so horny he makes Jack seem reserved.) He wants her always by his side, in his lap, hot and whining for him, begging him to take her in every one of her pretty little holes like the dirty puppy he knows that she really is. He wants to make her see that she's powerless before him and beg him to take her, to protect her. Only he can have her.
Unfortunately for Bo, Barbie isn't someone who is turned on by a self-proclaimed alpha asshole who teases her just because he's good looking and desires her. Every time he tries to proposition her or seduce her, he gets rejected, much to his increasing frustration.
It brings out Bo's yandere side more and more. He tries different schemes to win Barbie over. He would use his power and influence to impress her, make her see how much he can provide for her. He tries to show off how good looking he is, entice her to at least want his body if nothing else.
Barbie doesn't want any of it. She knows there are strings attached to anything Bo offers her. The only thing she wants is for the Sunny Family to let Alice go and never, ever bother her or the rest of their family ever again.
Sadly, that's the one thing Bo can't influence with his pull, even if he was willing to let Barbie go. Jack isn't ever going to let Alice go. Worse, he can't even pretend he's going to try and separate them, not when Alice starts dating Jack.
Barbie doesn't buy that Alice is happy with Jack. She doesn't buy Jack's super nice and generous millionaire sweetheart from a sappy romance novel schtick. After everything she's gone through to save her sister from that damn Sunny Family, there's no way Barbie is just letting Alice stay with them.
Jack is just another smiling liar, just like his mother Shine who talked Alice into signing that contract in the first place.
Bo can use this hatred for Jack though. He can try to show Barbie that he's on her side, that while he works for Jack, that doesn't mean he wants to stay a part of the Sunny Family.
In spite of Barbie's hatred, she did have encounters with Bo where he showed his softer side. St. Valen's is a dangerous place, especially for someone who has never killed before. Barbie resents being in Bo's debt even as she's grateful when he saves her life. Bo had Barbie squares away this debt with dates, which she very reluctantly accepted with the stipulation that he never touches her unless she explicitly gives him permission.
On these dates, Bo tries taking a play from Jack's book and acting more polite, more gentle with Barbie. It doesn't win her over, since she doesn't trust it, but she's not as openly hostile. Barbie also uses these dates as an attempt to sneak info on the sly that she could use against the family. It's kind of cute to Bo, that she thinks she's so slick, but she's a lot better at hiding her real motives online than she is in person. She has such a lousy poker face.
But it's cute too that she doesn't hide her real feelings. The more time Bo spends with Barbie, the more he wants her. Her scent is so appealing, so delicious. He wants to nibble on her skin, or at least get just a little lick. It's almost like she was made to drive him crazy. She's so fierce, so loyal to her family, and so in over his head. The small moments that he gets in past her walls where she softens to him, just a little, oh that makes his hope burn brighter, hotter.
Still, for every step closer he takes, something seems to pull them apart again. Usually that something is Bo and the criminal life he lives with the Sunny Family.
Puppy Love
Before Bo realizes it, he is helplessly in love, completely obsessed. It's Jack who infuriatingly points out to him that Barbie has become his weakness. Despite Bo insistence on being a lone wolf that doesn't need anybody, he is desperate to make Barbie, that grumpy barking puppy, his mate.
Which works in Jack's favor. After all, if Alice's family gets closer to his family, then she won't ever want to leave. He can also have Bo indebted to him for helping Bo win over the untamed heart of Barbie.
Barbie isn't going to make it easy for Bo, even with Jack's help. Like Alice, Barbie is on the aroace spectrum. She has to trust Bo in order to start developing real feelings for him, and it's going to take a lot of effort to get her to trust him.
Also, Barbie is the type to take charge. In the main universe, she's the one who holds Bo's leash. He might be the alpha dog, but he bows down at her feet. I imagine until she can feel secure in her dominance over Bo and trust that his love for her is stronger than his allegiance to the Sunny Family, she's not going to feel anything remotely close to attraction when it comes to him.
Still, Barbie and Bo are one of my ships, and it'd be a shame if they didn't eventually sail, even in this darker AU. It's just going to be a very slow burn.
It'll burn even slower if Bo gives in to his frustration and yandere impulses to force his puppy to stay with him. Only by rolling over and showing his soft belly will he stand a chance of seeing Barbie's softer side as well.
A bad end to their storyline would no doubt be Bo forcing Barbie to be his, through blackmail, debt, or both. Even in that situation, she wouldn't simply just submit. Trying to overpower her isn't going to win Barbie's love. Instead it'll just make her bear her fangs and fight back even more. The harder he forces her, the more desperately she fights, and the closer he pushes them both to their mutual destruction.
Of course, I'm a sucker for happy endings. So while Barbie isn't going to make it easy for Bo, I do like the idea that in spite of everything, Bo manages to slowly show her there's more to him than a blood-thirsty, horny killer. He's someone who loves deeply, is loyal, and would do anything to please her. His love for her is more real and pure than anything else he found in the city of St. Valen's, and despite all his dreams of becoming top dog, there's nothing he wants more than to be loved by his puppy.
Bo might hate to be on a leash, but he'll find it's not so bad when Barbie is the one holding onto it instead of Jack. In fact, when she's confidently in charge, she'll be a lot more inclined to reward her big bad alpha dog with some treats.
Oh, and naturally, Bo wouldn't be Bo without his breeding/seeding fetish. Once he and Barbie finally get together, he's going to want to knock her up immediately with his pups. He never gave serious thought about having kids before, but that's only because he never found someone he wanted as his mate before. He really hopes the pups his puppy gives him will have her pretty heterochromatic eyes.
I think we can wrap things up there for now. I hope you enjoyed another visit to this multi-crossover mafia AU. Let me know if you want to hear even more about this AU or any of my other story ideas and characters.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur @kurokrisps
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Sebastian Sallow x Reader
Summary - Anon request for "ok a request…. Someone dosing you with love potion and Sebastian being extremely jealous and then finding out what happened and in an act of rage uses crucio on them"
Word Count - 1,082
Warnings - angst, slight violence
"Sebastian!" You nearly collapsed when you ran into him, "You have to help me find Percy." The longing in your voice had him baffled. You both always had take turns being his partner in potions and whoever was stuck with him had basically drawn the short stick.
Sebastian stabilized you, visible disgust on his face, "Uhh, why? We had our daily dose of disaster to periods ago."
You hid your face in your hands, unable to hide the blush on your cheeks as you peeked out at Sebatian.
"Don't you know? I love him. He's so dreamy and I - I can't be without him for this much longer today! I have to find him."
He caught you by the arm as you tried to dash past him, "Y/N? What are you talking about?" You just giggled and pulled away, "Sebastian, you have to stay off of me or he'll get the wrong idea!" With that crushing statement you ran away leaving him stunned.
He was infuriated. Amortentia wasn't something to fool with in the first place, but somebody he knew you were downright not interested in using it like this? And now you were pushing him away because of it?
Sebastian rushed to find Professor Sharp and let him know what was going on, trusting him to be able to track the you down first to set things straight before you did something stupid.
As he ran around the castle searching for Percy himself his anger just continued to boil into rage. Now the bastard must have just been hiding out somewhere, knowing he had been found out and would certainly be in a lot of trouble.
Percy was spineless, but not that bright so Sebastian finally had the realization that maybe he would try to run away - and he definitely wouldn't do good at it.
Sebastian stormed outside and finally found the coward just outside the castle grounds. He was just beyond a gate, fumbling with some sort of map. It was dark at this point and the idiot wasn't even using lumos to be able to see.
Sebastian ripped him up from the ground, slamming him into the stone barrier he hid behind, wand at the boys throat.
"How stupid are you? Using some dumb potion like that on the person who's supposed to be mine. Who always has been mine even if she hasn't figure it out yet."
The boy struggled underneath Sebastian's strong grip and stuttered, "I-I-I don't know, I just, just thought they already liked me from how they were as my partner in class. I-"
Sebastian tightened his grip on Percy's color, pinching the skin that was below it.
"Nobody wants to be your partner!" Sebastian spat at him, eyes wild as he thought about what could have happened to you if he hadn't run into you first. Who knows how Percy could have taken advantage of you, he could have held your hand, kissed you, he could have tried taking your clothes off and you would have let him only to come out of it all completely devastated.
Sebastian dropped the pitiful boy back onto the ground with a thud, seeing him shake in fear. His thoughts were clouded and he had been toeing the line with learning the dark arts, but keeping them locked up. He felt like know was the time to use them, to show a scoundrel like Percy what wasn't okay.
"Cruicio!" The words left his mouth and he felt the sheer power of all the rage going through his wand to the brightly color sparks shooting out the tip into Percy's body.
Percy convulsed and cried out in agony from the ground. Sebastian grit his teeth together for focus before his wand was suddenly knocked from his hand and he, too, was in the wet grass.
"I - how dare you - you -" "Sebastian!" Your hand connected with his face to bring him down from the high of the power he just wielded.
"He's not worth it! We - we have to fix this!" You had tears in your eyes as you offered him a hand to get up. You watched the fire from his eyes burn out as he looked at you and then over to Percy where he layed curled up and panting.
Sebastian kept opening his mouth to speak, to give some good reason why he did would he did, all he could squeak out was, "I didn't want to lose you."
You sighed. You were exhausted from the ordeal with the position, then from helplessly searching for Sebastian, knowing something like this would happen. You just didn't think it would be this bad.
"Turn around Sebastian." Your voice was hard and he listen to you without question, but he was still terrified about what was to come.
You focused with every fiber of your being before drawing your wand at Percy, "Obliviate." You used a few spells to patch up some of his pain before reminding him he was in a lot of trouble for that love potion. You let him know to be much more careful next time he was going to try and run off of the unprotected school grounds as well.
You sank to your knees and dropped your head into your hands. You couldn't just let them take Sebastian away. He was an idiot, true, but he was you're idiot and that meant you had to protect him no matter what, just like he did for you.
Casting a charm to remove the memories of the events was probably for the best anyways, you knew how hard it was for Ominis to live with the aftereffects. It still just felt wrong. It felt like you had just casted an unforgiveable yourself.
Sebastian knelt down beside you, wrapping his arms around you and you just crumbled into more tears.
"I want forget what you did Y/N. And I...I'm sorry. I just couldn't let anything bad happen to you." You held onto him as he spoke. You understood, but it didn't make it any easier for him to be the person you cared about so much.
"I know I can't take this away from you. Merlin, I wish I wasn't such a fool, but I love you Y/N. I swear I can show you in better ways. I swear." The last part was barely a whisper from him as he seemed like he was trying to convince himself he was capable of any better.
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cosmicpearlz · 2 years
last christmas
summary: a small reminder of the last christmas season has you feeling way better this year.
pairing: percy hynes white x reader
day 5 of ficmas! (december 23rd, 2022)
-last year-
if someone had told you that you’d be spending christmas alone in a park, you would have laughed right in their face. but here your were sitting a bench in a park feeling miserable but your outcomes. you were supposed to spent christmas with your boyfriend of six months and his family but once arriving to the house, you found your boyfriend making out with another girl in one of the rooms. the same girl he had told you not to worry about.
to say you were hurt was such an understatement. it wasn’t even just the fact that your boyfriend cheated on you but the fact that his family knew and let you walk into the house without telling or warning you. too embarrassed to go to your family for christmas dinner, you just ran. feet taking you to where you were now.
“rough night?” a voice coming from behind you. you could also hear the shuffling of their shoes on the gravel to the swings.
“that’s one way to put it.”
the stranger sits next to you on one of the other swings and you take one good look at him. long brown hair, green eyes, pretty tall and long legs. you thought he was cute but you quickly shook your head of those thoughts.
“why are you out here alone,” he stares at you for a minute taking in how your eyes were slightly puffy and red before looking ahead at the trees that blew from the wind.
“why are you out here alone?” he chuckled and looked down at his shoes.
“ah a question with a question. technically i’m not alone if i’m sitting with you.” you sighed because he was right.
“i was supposed to spend christmas with my boyfriend well now ex-boyfriend and his family. then i caught him in the act of cheating on me,” your voice was wavering through each word.
you cleared your throat quickly to hide the hurt that was in your voice, “now you gotta tell me why you’re here.”
“first of all, he’s a dick. what kind of coward does that? and secondly, i just got a little overwhelmed at a christmas party my friends threw. i needed a second to be alone i guess.”
“yeah, what’s worse is his family knew he was cheating and made me look even stupider for showing up. but i feel you parties can be overwhelming.”
“my name’s percy.” you turned your head to the boy who was sticking his hand out for you to shake. you sent him a small smile and grasped his hand shaking firmly.
who knew one person you met at your lowest would change your life for the better.
-this year-
“percy we are not getting that as a christmas decoration,” you pushed his hand away from your face with a laugh. he had shown you a ornament of a deer with a santa hat while on a stripper pole.
“babe, c’mon it’s funny!” he puts the ornament in the cart anyways as you guys still looked around the thrift store.
“you are a hot mess love.”
“oh stop it, you love me and i’m your hot mess,” he kisses temple making you grin up at the boy.
“yeah, two very true statements.” you patted his cheek and continued looking at all of trinkets.
you and percy turned around in sync to find the source of who called your name. your eyes widened when seeing it was in fact your ex boyfriend. you hadn’t seen him all year and of course coming up on the year anniversary of the tragic betrayal, you see him.
like a sixth sense, percy was able to take one glance at you and know you were uncomfortable. meaning this was the dick that broke your heart.
“y/n, i haven’t seen you in forever. how are you?”
“not much of a talker, huh?”
“listen man, how about you leave us the hell alone,” percy steps in front of you like a protective shield.
“who exactly are you?” you knew where this conversation was going and frankly you didn’t wanna see the outcome.
“perc we should just go. it’s not worth it baby.” you tugged on his sleeve to get his attention. he looks down at you and nods. he moves to grab your waist and pulls you into him before walking away. you heard your ex huff and turn the other way. funny how he’s not the one that should be upset.
“you okay sunshine?”
“mhm, thanks for being there with me. i dunno what would’ve happened if you weren’t.”
“always gonna be here for you,” he says while leaning down to press a kiss to your lips.
the ride home was silent and percy wasn’t sure what to do. you’d never been this quiet before. he helped you place the bags of decorations in the house sighing to himself.
“sweetheart you gotta talk to me. i can’t help you if you don’t talk to me and it’s honestly killing me.”
“there’s nothing wrong.”
“baby, you were my best friend for months before you became my girlfriend. i think i would know when something’s wrong,”he grabs your hands waiting for you to feel comfortable to spill your thoughts.
“it’s just that seeing him was hard. being reminded of that awful time.”
percy picks your head up with one hand, still holding on your hand with his other hand. he cups your cheeks gently, “i know my love but it’s okay. you’re okay and he won’t bother you again.”
“i love you so much percy. what would i do without you.”
“be boring.” you hit his shoulder and playfully rolled your eyes. you began to walk away from him, “hey! you know it’s true.”
“yeah yeah yeah, leave me alone loser.”
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hungrywriter · 1 year
10 Days (Finale)
Jobe Bellingham x Reader
Taglist: @hummusxx @luvvtrent @fleurographist @bl00dst41ned @elyne01 @iissza @fictional-l0v3r
A/n: I am so sorry for the late post. Too many things were happening but I'm okay now! :)
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When the boat arrived back at the docks, Jobe was greeted by his family with open arms. Y/n chuckled at his excited antics, still finding it amusing that the once rude tourist she disliked had become the person she now loved. But her thoughts were interrupted when she heard a high-pitched, annoying voice calling out for Jobe.
“Yoohoo! Hey pookie-mookie, mushy-bushy booboo bear!” The voice rang out, and Y/n couldn't help but cringe at the loudness. She wondered if she could be hired as an emergency alarm with a voice like that.
The owner of the voice ran towards Jobe and jumped into his arms. They seemed to be acting like a couple, and for a moment, Y/n's heart sank. But then she noticed Jobe gently pushing the girl away, which gave her a glimmer of hope.
“Booboo bear?” Y/n said, approaching Jobe and the girl with curiosity. Jobe seemed nervous, as if he had been caught red-handed. He took a deep breath before introducing the girl to Y/n.
“Y/n, this is Ella, my girlfriend,” Jobe said, and Y/n felt like her world was crashing down. The words cut through her heart like a knife. All the adventures and experiences they had shared over the last 10 days now felt like a painful reminder of what could have been. She felt betrayed, as if all her hard work, her boat, and her money had been in vain since meeting Jobe.
Anger surged inside her, and she struggled to contain it. In that moment, she wanted to hurt the couple, to make them feel the pain she was experiencing. But she managed to compose herself, avoiding shaking Ella's outstretched hand and instead choosing to leave the docks with her belongings.
As she walked away, she couldn't help but hope that Jobe would come after her, to explain or make things right. But he didn't. Fucking coward. 
A week had passed since Jobe's return to London, and his tale of being stranded on an island had become a global sensation, thanks to Emma's penchant for making things a big deal, despite Jobe's desire to keep it quiet. While the Bellingham family had settled back into their routine, Jude couldn't help but notice a change in Jobe's demeanour. Sensing an opportunity to talk, Jude entered his brother's room without any announcement or knocking, causing Jobe to startle slightly before resuming his cleaning.
“So... Y/n,” Jude began, noting the tension that immediately gripped his younger brother at the mere mention of her name. Jobe continued his tasks without facing Jude, his unease palpable. After a few minutes of silence, Jobe let out a sigh and turned to lean against his table.
“What about her?”
Jude observed his brother's posture and could sense the inner turmoil he was going through. He didn't want to push Jobe too hard, but he also knew that sometimes a little nudge could help.
“I mean, both of you seemed pretty close to me. Almost like you were in love, dude,” Jude commented, treading carefully. Jobe remained silent for a while, his expression conflicted. Finally, he looked at Jude, and what his older brother saw in his eyes was a mixture of regret and sadness.
"What do you want me to do?" Jobe's frustration seeped into his words. "We're back in London, and she's all the way out there."
Jude paused, considering his response carefully. "I get it, Jobe. But you shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish." He let his words sink in before continuing, "But let me leave you with this. Do you love Ella, or do you love Y/n?"
Jobe lowered his gaze, lost in his thoughts as he wrestled with the question. Jude sensed that it was a lot for his brother to process at the moment, so he decided to give him space. He walked out of the room, hopeful that their conversation might have helped Jobe sort through his feelings.
As the door closed behind Jude, Jobe was left alone with his thoughts. He leaned against the table, the weight of his choices heavy on his mind. Love was never meant to be easy, and he was beginning to realise the depth of his emotions. The memory of his time with Y/n on the island kept replaying in his mind, juxtaposed against the reality of his life in London.
He knew he had a decision to make, one that would shape not only his own future but also the lives of those he cared about. He silently wished that there would be someone or something to guide him to make the right decision.
A few nights later, Jobe found himself at the restaurant Ella favored. Although it wasn't his preferred choice, he concealed his displeasure, as was his usual practice. The couple perused the menus, with Jobe already aware that Ella would order her usual steak, while he would opt for the salad and the soup of the day. It was still football season, and he needed to maintain his diet.
Sipping on his sparkling juice, Jobe was taken aback when the waiter approached their table. To his surprise, the waiter turned out to be Y/n, dressed in the restaurant's attire, holding a notebook and a pen. Shocked, he accidentally swallowed his juice, causing him to choke. Y/n rushed to his aid, helping him recover. When he glanced at her again, she seemed to have transformed, her appearance entirely different.
“Oh my god, pookie-wookie, are you okay?” Ella exclaimed as she hurried to his side, assisting him. Once he had regained his composure, he looked at her and was even more astonished. Outside the restaurant, by the bus stop, he spotted Y/n dressed as a salesperson, selling balloons to children. A bus arrived and departed, leaving behind a muscular man who had now transformed into a balloon animal artist.
Returning his focus to the dinner table, Ella tried to lift his spirits with silly faces, though it only made him cringe internally. Jobe assured Ella that he was fine, and they continued waiting for their meal. Suddenly, the host announced that the live band would perform a song. Jobe paid no attention until he heard the name of the song. The singer began performing a song called 'Y/n.'
“Has there always been a song like this?” Jobe pondered. Initially filled with anger and aggression, the song suddenly shifted to a softer melody, mirroring his rollercoaster experience with Y/n. The entire dinner was consumed by thoughts and emotions connected to Y/n, a feeling Jobe despised. He tried to figure out how to broach the topic with Ella, but her question caught him off guard.
“Who’s the girl?” Ella inquired, not looking away from her food. Jobe attempted to deflect the question, but her intense gaze demanded an answer. “How did you know?”
“Jobe, I’m not oblivious. Men wear a certain look when they're deeply in love, and you've never worn that look with me. But when I saw you with that village girl on the boat, you were practically glowing with love. I was a bit hurt, but I saw this coming. I thought maybe I could break through your tough, aloof exterior, but it seems someone else did it first,” Ella remarked. Jobe was speechless, not expecting such a response. He struggled to find the words, but Ella interjected.
“It's okay, Jobe. I forgive you. Just promise me you'll take care of her. Be a better man. Don’t treat her the way you treated me. Every person deserves happiness. Now go, before I change my mind,” Ella said with a smile. Jobe smiled back, grateful for Ella's understanding. He hugged her and settled the bill before heading home. Ella shook her head and returned to her own residence.
On his way home, Jobe contemplated Ella’s words. 'Don’t treat her the way you treated me.' Had he truly mistreated her? He made a mental note to express his gratitude to Ella properly. She deserved a farewell that wasn't merely a breakup during dinner. He set that note aside as he focused on his plan. All he hoped for was that Y/n would still want to be with him.
Y/n was in the midst of sweeping the resort's pool area, boredom settling in. Stuck in the village with no money, Jobe had returned home with his girlfriend, a word that left a bitter taste in her mouth. She felt betrayed and embarrassed, realizing that he had used her for entertainment due to the village's limited offerings. Her irritation grew when someone called her name repeatedly. She swept the floor aggressively, but the caller persisted. Finally, she turned around.
“Listen, sir, I'm a very busy woman, so if you could please go awa—” her words trailed off as she locked eyes with the last person she expected to see: Jobe Bellingham, standing with a small bag, his brother sipping a pina colada nearby. 
“Too busy even for me?” he quipped, offering a faint smile. Y/n walked slowly towards him and, when close enough, slapped him across the face. Jobe, although taken aback, understood he deserved it.
“Okay, I deserved that,” he admitted.
Y/n quickly pulled him into a kiss, their arms wrapping around each other naturally, as if they were meant to be. When they broke apart, Jobe wore a wide grin. “Okay, I deserved that too,” Y/n chuckled.
“Shut up,” she whispered before kissing him again. Their passion ignited once more, and Jobe's brother, Jude, disgusted, walked away to give them some privacy. Jobe then remembered something and handed her the small bag. “For you.”
Curious, Y/n opened the bag and found it filled with money. She gasped and quickly zipped it closed, casting a cautious glance around.
“Jobe, what is this?” she whispered.
“You told me you wanted to leave this island. Because of me, you lost all your money. Now, I get to help you. You can finally start a new life, with me, in London,” Jobe declared enthusiastically. Although Y/n had worries etched on her face, she smiled and nodded. Jobe's heart swelled with happiness, and they shared another passionate kiss.
Y/n made her way to the waiting car where Jobe was already waiting. He helped load her bags and held her close once he was done. “Are you ready?”
Y/n gazed back at the resort, where the staff waved their farewells. She saw the manager and told Jobe to wait for a moment. She ran to the manager, and they shared a heartfelt hug, tears streaming down their faces. Afterward, she returned to the car. With one final goodbye, Y/n entered the car with Jobe, her heart a mix of anxiety and excitement as they set off to begin their new life together in London.
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starlightshadowsworld · 7 months
Bungou stray dogs x Danganronpa
Atsushi's talent has always been the source of his suffering.
The Orphanage hated him for it, and Shibusawa loved it. Although that same talent got him out from both of their clutches.
Scouted by the top of the tops, Hopes Peak Academy.
He could hardly believe that such a prestigious academy wanted him to join them. It seemed too good to be true, and what do you know....it was.
Waking up at a desk in an empty classroom and being told to survive meant to kill someone and get away undetected.
Atsushi refused to kill anyone, but that doesn't mean everyone believed in that.
He should have died in the execution. But despite his injuries as he crashed down into the rubbish pit, he survived.
His talent mocked him, Atsushi didn't rejoin the others though. He was terrified, and so he ran and escaped.
Somewhere along the lines the Orphanage got ahold him, and back in the cage he went. Until they had enough of him again.
Atsushi wandered the streets, living on nothing but he didn't care. Because it was what a deserter like him deserved. He'd left everyone behind, the guilt ate him alive.
Than he joined the Armed Detective Agency.
And met someone he never thought he'd see again. Atsushi, ever the coward avoided him. He couldn't look him in the eye, couldn't hide his relief and his fear.
Everyone thought it was werid, to see Atsushi act so differently from the person they knew.
But everytime someone would ask, he'd bolt.
It came to ahead on a case, when the one Atsushi was desperate to avoid (but also afraid to ever leave again) broached the subject.
"Say Atsushi, how did I solve that case?" Asked Ranpo. Atsushi smiled "with your ability of course." Ranpo chuckles "ah but Atsushi, I don't have an ability, do I?"
Atsushi freezes as Ranpo carries on, as care free as ever. "So, how did I solve the case?"
And Atsushi knows its time. He knew after seeing Ranpo again he can't run any longer. Maybe he doesn't want too either.
"No... No you don't." Agrees Atsushi, hesitantly looking at Ranpo and to his suprise he's smiling back at him. It's soft, encouraging and kind and everything Atsushi doesn't deserve
"You did it with your talent, because you're... You're Ranpo Edgoawa. The Ultimate Detective." Ranpo nods "it's been a long time since I've heard that."
That, Atsushi can understand. Yokohama was not affected by the Tragedy. Probably due to the efforts of the Agency and Port Mafia.
But it still saw the damage, those with talents knew to hide them. Lest they remind everyone the danger they could cause. Abilities were already something people were cautious about.
"You know, I was really excited when I found we got a new member." Says Ranpo, looking out over the bridge.
"Someone else to bring me my snacks, but also because I had a hunch they were important." Ranpo's smile never wavered as he looked back at Atsushi.
"But I had no idea, it was my old friend."
Atsushi looks away, because that makes no sense. "How can you say that? After everything I've done, I left you! I left all you!"
He doesn't get it, he left Ranpo back at the Academy. He left him, how.. How can anyone look at him and see a friend?
Ranpo had always been there for Atsushi.
He'd examined the bodies while Atsushi stayed on look out, he taught him how to get through the trials and not panic under pressure.
He'd given Atsushi the first sweet he'd ever been allowed to have. And Atsushi left him to save himself.
A hand rests on his shoulder and Atsushi turns around. The smile on Ranpo's face is gone, replaced by a stern frown.
"Atsushi, everyone tried to kill you. If you showed you survived an execution, you would have been killed by them or the mastermind themselves." Ranpo shakes his head "did I wish you came back? Of course, but you couldn't have."
He smiles, kind and full of warmth. "You gave me everything I needed to survive, the last piece to unconver the mastermind and I can't thank you enough for that."
Atsushi looks at him in shock.
"I... I helped you?"
Ranpo nods "saved my life." And that's enough for Atsushi to crumble, for the tears to fall and his hands to shake.
Ranpo chuckles, not unkind and opens his arms for Atsushi to fall into and sob. He rubs Atsushi's back and teases him for the waterworks but they both know he's happy.
So is Atsushi.
"I looked for you, damnit Atsushi I looked for you everywhere...I had faith you survived. You have no idea how happy I'm glad you're alive and here." Says Ranpo, letting some of his own vulnerability show.
"The Orphanage found me" said Atsushi and Ranpo huffs in anger. He knew exactly what that place did to Atsushi.
"... You think they'd notice if we set it on fire?" The anger fades slightly heading Atsushi laugh.
"You couldn't even blown up the science lab, nevermind a whole Orphanage." Ranpo pouts in mock offense before he's laughing too. "Listen! How was I supposed to know it would be made out of unflammable materials."
Atsushi snorts.
"Maybe because it was made in a school full of fire setting idiots?" Ranpo snorts "yeah yeah, fair enough. Of course you remember that."
Atsushi nods "of course I do, you dragged me into it and I had to bail your ass out of detention."
Ranpo grins, ruffling his hair "see, you've always been saving my ass. That execution was meant for me, you took the fall. How did I survive all these years without you?"
Atsushi shakes his head, a fond smile on his face. "You tell me, I've been just as lost without you."
Ranpo nods "naturally, so I suppose you've got no choice but to be my friend again." He sounded as confident as ever, but Atsushi knew Ranpo. He could tell how nervous he was.
How could he have been so stupid to think Ranpo wanted nothing to do with him?
"I guess not" Says Atsushi, smiling as the headed back to the Orphanage. "I'm glad you've both made up" Says Kunikida, suprised to see Ranpo and Atsushi talking excitedly when prior they'd barely speak a word.
"Yeah, I'm glad too" Says Atsushi. It of course lead into the talk of what happened with them.
They glossed over the details of the killing game. Atsushi comforted Ranpo when they got to his execution. And reminded all the horrified Agency members that he was still alive.
"So, Atsushi if Ranpo is the Ultimate Detective what's you're talent?" Asks Dazai, curious. Ranpo snorts "isn't it obvious?" Dazai pouts good nsturedly. "We can't all be on your level Ranpo."
"Damn right you can't." Grins Ranpo, though he looks at Atsushi seriously. "You don't have to share if you don't want too."
Atsushi chuckles, shaking his head. "It's alright. I'm Atsushi Nakajima, the Ultimate Survivor."
Dazai shakes his head, amused "no yeah it really was obvious."
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gachawolfiebloom · 2 months
Two Hearts In The City of Love
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Chapter 10: SMG4's Forbidden Love
Cover is made by me and Puzzlevision selection is from Smg4. Please do not repost artwork.
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Once there was two households that were both alike in dignity. Far off in the Mushroom Kingdom, where two enemies hate each other to the core, a pair of star crossed lovers will soon blossom. By unfortunate accident, they will soon learn that it was meant to be.
The market place was bustling with busy villagers. Rob was offering some corn when a fat guy threw an apple at him. "HEY! Who dares insult my corn!?" Wario and Waluigi ran off laughing. They loved bullying the Montys since they were part of the Cassettes. Both were very wealthy families, but divided each other from their foes with the names from their chosen leaders. The two brothers joked around, pushing each other when Waluigi pointed and said "Look brother! Here comes the Montys!"
Shroomy sang joyfully as he waved to the vendor. "Good morning Steve!" The brothers grinned at each other and ran behind a cart. Once Steve handed his goods to Shroomy, he noticed both guys were making rude gestures. "Are you trying to insult me?" They acted innocently in such a manner that you could almost see the halos above their heads. Shroomy narrowed his eyes at them and started to walk away, but the brothers quickly followed. "Up for a little fight pipsqueak?" Waluigi laughed.
"No thanks. I do not involve in violence." Wario rubbed his chin and said "If you did then we would be a thousand times better than you." Shroomy snickered to himself and said "Golly gee, what a liar." Even a good mushroom such as him could not contain the chance to show up a hated foe. He began to walk away as Wario was flabbergasted. It seemed Shroomy had gotten the upper hand until Wario got his revenge by tripping him. "WAHAHAH!" He and Waluigi laughed their heads off until Shroomy turned around with fury in his eyes and pulled out a sword.
"I'LL DESTROY YOU!" The Wario brothers pulled out their swords as well and began clashing. Soon almost all of the Montys and Cassettes were brandishing their swords among the marketplace, for instead of hearing the cheerful voices off life, the screams of "KILL THE CASSETTES!" and "DESTROY THE MONTYS!" had taken over.
Just when it seemed this battle could not go on any longer, someone shouted out "Stop! Put away your swords everyone! The prince is coming!" Everyone was haunted and hid their weapons behind their backs as an army of Cassettes drew near. Prince Swag pushed through the crowd with his wingman, Chris. He looked suspiciously at the crowd as one person caught his eyes.
He took out his shiny sword and stuck it in the face of a red, Italian man. "Please don't hurt Mario! Mario did not start this! He is the peacekeeper!" Swag laughed for the foolishness of this silly idiot. "WHAT!? YOU REFUSE TO FIGHT AND TALK OF PEACE! CHRIS CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS GUY!?"
Chris told him "Swag. The boy does not want to fight. Leave him be." He rolled his eyes and stuck a finger in Mario's face. "I HATE THAT WORD AS MUCH AS I HATE ALL MONTYS AND YOU! THIS IDIOT IS A COWARD!" He ignored the persistence to stop fighting and yelled "CASSETTES RULE!!!"
A whole eruption of gathering weapons, shouting, and fighting ensured. The bells were ringing loudly as enemy-ship was really getting the better of them. That is, until Prince Bowser arrived. He was even more terrifying then Swag (not that he was very scary) and roared loudly which definitely shut everyone up. "YOU WILL MAKE PEACE MY REBELLIOUS SUBJECTS! THROW DOWN YOUR WEAPONS NOWWWW!!!" The whole crowd did as the giant turtle commanded.
"You Cassettes are humiliating yourselves, starting stupid wars with the nonsense that comes out of your mouths." He looked upon them like a mother, punishing her children. Bowser didn't forget about his enemies though as he turned to them. "And as for the Montys...you are even worse, disturbing the peace on OUR streets!"
He gave them one final cold stare and said "If any of you try to disturb us again, you are so dead!" As he trailed off, he commanded them to disperse from one another so they wouldn't go fighting again behind his back.
While everyone went back to take care of their injuries, Mario went to go check on the head of the Montys, Marty. "Hello Marty! How is my king today?" The cardboard cutout said nothing until Mario raised an eyebrow like the inanimate object had asked him a question. "Mario last saw Smg4 this morning. Mario thinks he was picking flowers in the field." The cardboard cutout fell over and Mario replied "Okie dokie! Mario will find his best friend!"
Mario walked all over town, calling out "Smg4! Smg4!? It's your best friend Mario!" He spotted the man he was looking for just a distance away. He was in a daze, smiling sweetly at the beautiful flowers in his hand that he picked fresh this morning. Four snapped out of the plant's hypnotizing trance when he saw Mario waving at him. The Italian lunged towards him and pulled Four into a tight embrace. "Smg4! Mario has been looking all over!" The boy in blue giggled and returned the hug of his silly friend. "Sorry, I was busy."
As Mario let go, Four looked back down at the flowers, checking to see if they weren't crushed and sat down on a stone wall, slipping back into his bubbly trance. "Is the day still young Mario?" The mustached man shrugged. "Mario thinks it's almost nine?" It seemed a little surprising that it was still morning with the time Four spent in the fields. Mario noticed something off with Four and sat down next to him.
"Is Smg4 ok?" Four nodded and told him "Its just...sometimes I wonder if there is more to my life than being a Monty."
"Like what?"
"Like...maybe love?" Four said as blush rose up on his cheeks, lost to the petals of the flower. "Oooo Smg4 wants a boyfriend!" Mario always assumed that his best friend had an interest in boys when it came to romance. Must have been some kind of feeling or sign that he got. "Mario for the last time, I'm not gay!"
"Surreeee..." Mario teased Four as he covered his bright red face with his hands. Just then, a family of Montys, holding injured and bleeding members, spooked Four as they ran inside. "Mario...what happened?" The Italian tried to tell him, but he shushed him with a finger. "Nevermind. I don't want to know. I do not wish to join in on all this hate. Only love."
~Meanwhile at the house of Cassettes~
Many joyous members were preparing festivities for a spectacular celebration being held by the head of the Cassettes, Mr Puzzles. A girl's voice echoed through the halls, hollering for a certain someone. "Smg3! Smg3! Where is that guy?" A man dressed in royal purple appeared in the window across and yelled "Oi! What do you want Meggy!?"
"Mr Puzzles wishes to speak with you!" Three rolled his eyes and rushed over to Meggy, who led him into a room. A TV man stood, admiring himself in the mirror as Three said "I am here. What do you want?" He spun around and said "Meggy, give us a moment to talk in private." The orange haired girl did as she was told with not another word. "Now Three, I wanted to speak with you about the theme of marriage." Three pushed away suddenly as Mr Puzzles inquired "Where do you stand on your arrangement to be married?"
"Marry! Are you insane!? Everyone here sucks! I wouldn't do it if I was the last man of earth!" Curiosity got the better of him as he paused and gestured to Mr Puzzles. "Who would I even be marrying?" The TV man ushered him out of the room and said "Luigi is the one who seeks your love. I know. I checked." Three looked upon that name in disgust and crossed his arms grumpily. "So will you marry him?"
Three was thankfully spared that question when Chris came to tell them "The guests have arrived and the banquet is ready." Swag butted in as he yelled "WHOOOOO PARTTYYYYY!!!" Mr Puzzles was annoyed, but took a breath and put on a fake smile. "Thank you Chris. We will be down in just a moment." He nodded as Swag picked him up and made a break downstairs. "ALL THE SEXY LADIES WILL BE MINE."
Back to being alone, Puzzles turned to Three and asked again "Will you marry him?" The bearded man sneered upon this, mumbling "I'll think about it..." The TV man went back into high spirits as he went down to greet his guests. Meggy wandered in to see what had happened and went to check  on her friend. "You okay?" He shrugged it off and said "Yeah. He's so controlling." She tried to lift his spirits with talk of the party. "How about we go and meet everyone." Three agreed and both of them followed the others down.
Mario, Four, and the rest of their friends are heading to the Cassette party in style. They dance and sing while carrying torches, but most importantly, they all bring their own masks to hide the fact that Montys are entering enemy territory. All except one. A moronic guy steps in front of the crowd and yells "SOMEONE BRING ME A MASK!" It was questionable at first considering this guy always covered himself in that clothed hood of his.
When the item requested was brought to him, Bob strapped it over his face and cheered "I'M GONNA GET ALL THE WOMAN TONIGHT!" Mario nodded and said "Mario also hopes to catch a few hearts! They can't resist Mario's sexy dance!" Four felt uneasy about this. "I know we have good intentions for going to this party, but I'm not sure I want to go." Bob got a curious eye as he lifted up his mask and asked "WHY?"
"I had a dream last night that warned me what might happen if I attend." Bob rolled his eyes and sarcastically said "SO DID I." Four didn't really hear the tone in his voice. "Well what did yours say?"
"THAT DREAMERS ARE LITTLE LIARS!" The crowd erupted into laughter as Bob continued walking and Four kept questioning him. "But I am speaking the truth. What if there is danger in my future?" All Bob had to say to that was "THEN LET ME KNOW WHEN YOU FIND YOURSELF A MAGIC FAIRY AND IF YOU DO...HOOK ME UP!" Everyone was laughing hysterically since Bob was the most openly, wittiest, person in all the city. Mario wiped away his joyous tears and pulled on Four in an energetic manner. "Hurry Smg4! Mario does not want to be late!" The sounds of bells and drums started up again as the crowd made their way towards the celebration of the Cassettes.
Four whispered to himself "Or too early..." His mind was screaming out this bad feeling that some grave consequence would happen. Perhaps even death? He wanted to sneak away and make a run for it, but some kind of will pulled him towards the party like the rest of his friends. For a brief moment, their eyes showed a staticky glow, but one blink and it was gone.
"Welcome to my humble little party! Please do come in!" Mr Puzzles waved his guests in with a beaming smile and polite gestures. A group of men wearing shiny face coverings stepped into his humble abode as he admired them. "I remember the days when I wore a mask myself. Keeper of the butterflies is what they called me...setting sights on using absolute power to surpass my rivals. HAHHAHAHAHAHAH!"
Everyone stood in silence. "I mean... Welcome gentlemen! Have a wonderful evening!" The boys entered a large ballroom that already had people dancing gracefully. Bob didn't waste a second and rushed off to ask some fine ladies to dance. Mario also set his sights on something as he pointed to the banquet. There on the table stood a delicious dish of plentiful pasta. Mario soon ran off as well, eating bowls by the mouthful. Four chuckled and walked around to see what was so special about this little event.
He watched as all of his friends introduced themselves to beautiful maidens, which made him feel left out. Where was the love his heart was longing for? When would he meet his soulmate? What would-
Then he found it. Out stepped a dashingly, stunning, man. Dressed in elegant purple with silky, shiny black hair and a beard to go with it. Four felt like he could almost run his fingers through it. And his eyes. They shinned with the deepest red he had ever seen, sparkling like rubies. But in that moment, no gem, star, nor even flower could compare to the wonders of this perfect man.
The way he danced around was so delicate and pure. Four could watch him for hours without ever getting bored. Every time he twirled around, it made his heart flutter as his eyes could not look away. He stared at his crush with lovey dovey eyes and a small smile while clasping his hands on his chest. 
When Three got further out of view, Four snapped out of his trance. Quickly, he put on his mask and trekked through the crowd to get a closer look at this breathtaking stranger. Three's eyes shifted to someone in the back of the crowd, locking onto that particular spot as the masked man disappeared into the back. Three ignored it and carried on with the dance.
Four went behind a beam for a better view and peaked his head out. He sighed heavily and said "He shines even better than the sun. Like a rich jewel that is the rarest of them all. His radiance is too pure for this world." Four lifted up his mask and wondered "Did my heart ever know what love was until now?" All this time longing for someone to share dear memories with and he had finally found a treasure. "I have never seen true beauty until this night." Swag was showing off to the guests when he noticed an odd fellow out of place. When he lifted his mask, Swag knew exactly who it was.
He went over to Chris and whispered "A MONTY IS IN THE BUILDING..." He pointed over to Four, who noticed the two of them staring at him and quickly covered his face. Swag ran over to where Mr Puzzles was socializing in dominance. "TV DUDE! OUR FOE, THE MONTY IS IN OUR TERRITORY!" Mr Puzzles crooked his head in confusion as he turned around and saw the boy. "THIS VILLAIN IS GOING TO STEAL OUR RICHES AND MY CHICKS!"
The TV headed man was not angry in outburst, but intrigued by his appearance. "HE HAS PLAYED US FOR FOOLS WITH THAT STUPID DISGUISE!" A devilish smile crossed his face as he said "Yes Smg4. Many brag of his popularity. I would never kick him out for the wealth of this whole town." He crossed his legs and pushed Swag away. "You will take no note of him and carry on with what you were doing."
"BUT-" He angrily mumbled "FINE..." and came back to his post, screaming "DON'T YOU DARE STEAL THOSE WOMEN FROM ME CHRIS!" Mr Puzzles snickered to himself and said "After all...I think he might be of use to our organization."
Suddenly somebody announced another dance. One where you put bells around your wrists and dance in a circle. Four tried to politely deny the offer, but it was too late as he found himself wearing bells around his arms and joining the circle. The music started playing so Four just went along with it, keeping a close eye on Three, who was also in the circle. Everybody jingled the bells in harmony with the music and spun around in splendor. Swag was still suspiciously watching Four, now dancing with his fellow Cassette, Three. He kept staring at Four's face, rivaling with anger.
Mr Puzzles groaned and stood up sternly, pointing a finger in his face. "Quit being so paranoid! You are going to freak out my guests! Who is in charge here!? Me or you!? Now shut up and leave them be!" Four and Three spun in circles around as everyone was laughing and having a good time. The spinning started to speed up, then a little more, and more to the point that Three couldn't take the dizziness and left just before the song ended.
As he caught his breath, a green fish to the name of Boopkins walked into the middle, preparing for a song. Right at the first lyric, everyone covered their ears in agony of the shrill voice. Four pushed through the crowd to find the partner that he danced so charmingly with. Three also was trying to do the same, eager to know more about that mysterious boy.
Finally, Four ducked behind a curtain and hid at the back of a pillar, right by the bearded man. Slowly, he reached forward and grabbed Three's hand, making him jump. "If I have to catch you off guard to hold your hand I shall, but please listen." Three said not a word and silently listened as Four whispered "My lips yearn for your love and to give you this gentle kiss." He removed his mask and kissed the hand he was holding, making Three pull it back and saw a blushing boy with blue eyes, brushing his hair out of the way.
His eyes widened as he did not flee, call for help, or do anything but stare with pink rising on his cheeks. Four pulled him closer as he finally spoke. "You want to kiss me? Excuse you, but we just met and I am not gay!" He turned away grumpily as Four grabbed his hand again and softly intertwined their fingers. "If you are not gay...then why are you blushing?" Three stammered "N-Ngh-None of your business Baka!"
"Do you deny your feelings? Why would one do such a thing?" Three shot back "Why did you come here anyway!? Don't you have some idiot convention or dancing to get back to?" Four shook his head and said "My heart says that it has come here for yours." Three yanks his hand away for the second time and says "Yeah sure. Now leave me alone!" He tries to leave, but Four calls out "Wait!" He stops. "Please grant my wish. I have never met such a captivating man in all my life. Have you?"
"No..." Three comes back as Four puts a hand on his cheek. "Then stop fighting it and tell me what you truly want." Three's expression softens as he gets lost in Four's dazzling blue eyes and lets all the suppressed emotions come out. "I-I want to grant your wish! Kiss me you fool!" Four was shocked a little as his face moved closer and softly said "Then by my lips and yours let us grant our wishes." They pulled into each others embrace and felt a passionate kiss so sweet and delicate that they let themselves melt into it. Parting for a moment, Three took a second to realize what had just happened. "That felt so good..." Four smiled and said "Then kiss me again~"
Three didn't retaliate and pulled them together for an even longer kiss that was better than the first. The lock of lips against each others and arms around their necks. It was all made possible and in that moment, that was all that mattered. Boopkins finished his song and everyone clapped, despite their bleeding eardrums.
"Smg3! Three!" The two pulled apart in a panic as Meggy rushed over to them. Four put back on his disguise as the orange haired servant breathed a sigh of relief to find Three. "Meggy?" She pointed and said "Mr Puzzles wants to talk with you." The bearded man didn't give a wave or even a smile to the dear one he shared a kiss with, but hastily dashed off. Meggy grabbed herself a drink as Four leaned in closer for more knowledge on that gentleman. "Who is Mr Puzzles?"
She gazed up from her glass and said "The head of this house of course. He is very wise and virtuous. I should know, after all I took care of his disciple that you just talked with." Meggy looked around to see if anybody was listening and whispered to Four "The one that wins his heart will certainly be a lucky man indeed. I heard that Three is set to inherit the Cassette riches." Meggy finishes her glass and sets it down, then walks away, leaving Four to a new period of shock.
He slowly lifts the mask back up again and says "Is he a Cassette? Did I just fall in love with my most hated foe?" Mr Puzzles bids his guests farewell, just as kindly as he invited them in. As Three sees Meggy join him again, he pulls her aside and asks "Who is that man?" He points to the one in blue, leaving the party. "I don't know." Three pushes her forth and directs her to ask for his name. Meggy notices Swag leaning on the wall with Chris and goes over to see if they have any information. Three watches as Meggy listens closely to what Swag whispers and once learning the name of the young fellow, she runs back to Three.
"His name is Smg4 and he's a Monty! Born from the family of your enemy!" Three gasps and shifts his attention on Four, who tries to avoid eye contact. Hurrying out quickly before his cover is blown. "I love my own rival!? Why out of all people must it be him?" Three sighed when Swag noticed some shifty behavior from him. It raised his suspicions. He decided to remind himself to have a talk with Smg4 later.
Four ducked down a path when he heard his friends calling for him.
"Mario wishes to find Smg4!"
Not them. Not now. Thinking quickly, Four hopped onto a pile of rocks and climbed up a tree, hiding just as his friends arrived. Bob was mocking him as they walked past. "SMG4? GAY BOY!?SMUSHY MARIO GOOPY FOUR!?" Four rolled his eyes and climbed up and over a wall, pushing past bushes. He didn't know where he was going, he just kept moving. That is until a light flickered on and Four stopped in his tracks.
He snuck into the bushes and peaked out as he saw Three standing on the balcony, thinking to himself. Even when knowing that he was a great enemy, Four could not bring himself to hate the man. In fact his love grew even stronger. "He is silent, but his charming looks speak to me." He watches Three's eyes wander and wonders if he should approach until he hears the man finally speak.
"O Four, Four. Wherefore art thou Four?"
Four is captivated, hoping he will speak more and his wish was answered. "If you could just give up being Monty, or I give up being Cassette, then we could be together." He grumbles at the name and starts walking further down. "This stupid rule! What even is a Monty and does it really have to come between me!? If you were anything but a Monty then I could fall in love...but I already have and you are enough as is."
Four listens with great concern as Three begins giggling and blushing. "Four please renounce your family name so I can have you all for myself!" Four couldn't take it anymore and makes himself known by blurting out "I WILL! IF THAT IS WHAT IT TAKES TO LOVE YOU THAN I WILL DO JUST THAT!" The sudden outburst startled Three as he backed up and said with great authority "Who the hell are you!?"
"Don't you remember me from the party? Though I guess I cannot say now since it pains me to see you upset that I wear the name of your hated foe. If it was up to me, I would destroy that word!" Three's eyebrows are still stern as he comes closer. "Yes I know. You are Four and a Monty right?" Four shook his head and said "Depends. Do you dislike my name?" Three doesn't want to bring that up and changes the subject. "How did you even get up here? The walls are way too tall and hard to climb. Not to mention if any of my family knows you are here, they'll kill you!"
Four smiled flirtatiously and said "Maybe I grew wings to fly over. No wall on earth could keep out my love for you. And if your family wants to stop me, they can drag me away without my own two feet!"
"SHUSH IDIOT! You'll give yourself away!"
Silence grew between them as Three calmly whispered "Do you really love me?" Four is about to respond when Three makes a motion to stop. "Shut it. I already know you will say yes. But you are my enemy and I am supposed to hate you!" Upon hearing that, Four climbs up the tree and onto the balcony in hope of not losing his love, but Three just crosses his arms and denies his feelings again. Another thing settles in as he awkwardly says "Did you hear me rambling about you?"
"Uhm..." Three facepalms himself and hides his red face. "Are you going to mock me for falling for you?" Four rests his elbows on the edge and says "No! I swear by the moon that I love you as much as you love me." Three frowns. "What's wrong?" He looks at the very thing Four spoke of and says "That's way too cliche. Swear on something else!"
"Like what?"
"I prefer nothing, but if you have to then do it by yourself." He placed his hand on top of Four's and rubbed it. "Your sweet, perfect self that I admire so much. That is the only thing I will believe." Four started "I swear..." He couldn't finish though as he had already pulled Three into a tight hug and they kissed each other so many gracious times out of happiness. After letting go, Three smiled and said "Good night. I hope we meet again." He pulled Four back in for another tender kiss. "Thank you so much..." He starts walking back inside, but Four calls out "Are you just going to leave me like this?"
"I just kissed you like a hundred times! What more could you you possibly want?"
"Perhaps the chance to meet again?"
Three cannot respond as he hears Meggy calling his name as if that is all she knows how to do. The bearded man pauses and tells Four "Wait right there! I'll be back!" He rushes back inside as Four hides underneath the balcony, squealing in excitement. "Oh bless me! My luck has finally risen from the depths! Is this a dream because this feels too wonderful to be real." Three runs back outside and hears Four gushing. "Well now we're even." Four fidgets out of embarrassment as Three pushes that topic aside. "Nevermind. I...want to ask you something..."
"Anything my prince! Just name it!" Three takes in a deep breath and blurts out "WILL YOU MARRY ME!?"
Four stands in silence as he is starstruck by the request. Three quickly informs him "I know I might be coming on too strong, but this is simply not the best time. Listen up because I'm only going to say this once! I will send a messenger to find you and if your love really is real then tell them when and where you want to be married."
"SMG3!" Meggy calls out again. Three gives a stern comment at the end. "I will warn you, if you are lying then I will kick your butt! I will send the messenger tomorrow."
Four sincerely said "I would never." Three kisses his hand happily, almost crying. "I can't wait to see you again!" Four waves and climbs down from the tree when the comforting voice asks more. "What time should I send my messenger?" Four thought for a second and told him "9 o' clock!"
"Good. It will feel like forever till then." Four could see the disappointment in his eyes so he jumped again and pulled his love back in for another lock of lips. It was like each kiss was more heartfelt than the last. Eventually, they had to part as Four blew him a kiss and ran off before his friends and family wondered where he was. When he was out of sight, Three went back inside and collapsed on the bed, giggling and blushing an intense amount.
As he walked back, all he could think about was being wed. "Mario is gonna be all over me after hearing this." Four chuckled to himself until he realized "Mario is right! I am gay!" He groaned, but that was the least of his problems. Who was going to wed them? Panic set into Four's mind as he tried to think of someone qualified. The only person who seemed eligible for this seemed to be-
"The wizard rock!"
Four ran at lighting speed, over to the wizard's residence in hopes that he would do this favor for the both of them. After all, he was not a Monty nor Cassette so that rivalry nonsense wouldn't be a problem.
"WHERE THE HELL IS FOUR!? DID HE EVEN GO BACK HOME?" Mario and Bob were hanging around in the streets. They had not seen Four since the party last night. Mario was being his usual derpy eyed self, not paying attention. "HELLO!? EARTH TO MARIO!" He waved his blade in the fat Italian's face until he regained conscience from his idiotic trance. "Could Bob repeat the question? Mario was not listening." Bob facepalmed himself and said "F O U R! HAVE YOU SEEN HIM?" Mario shook his head and replied "No. But Mario did find something while stealing Smg4's mail!"
Bob was very intrigued to take it, wondering who could have sent it. "OH GREAT..."
"Oooo does it say anything about spaghetti?"
"Smg4 will beat that bully!"
Mario's ears immediately perked up as Bob went looking for Four to give him the letter. "Gay lover!? Mario knew that Smg4 was gay! Who is it Bob? Please tell Mario!" Mario ran up to the cloaked man and put on his best puppy dog eyes, very excited with news that his best friend had found romance. "HOW THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW!? I SAW HIM KISSING SOME BEARDO GUY AT THE PARTY AND THEN HE RAN OFF!"
Four happily skipped through town, cheerfully merry that he had just spoken with the wizard rock and he had agreed to wed the couple. He then heard noises as he saw his best friend waving in the distance, along with Bob. "Good morning guys!" Both of them started looking at him with smug eyes when he approached. "BONJOUR TO THE FAIR GAY FOUR." Mario joined in with the teasing as he asked seductively "Did Smg4 have fun with his boyfriend?"
Blush crept on Four once again as he put on this whole innocent act. "Wh-What do you mean?" Mario poked his cheek playfully and said "You don't need to lie to Mario! Bob told him all about how Smg4 ditched us to run off and play smoochy smoochy!" Four sighed and said "It wasn't exactly like that. I just had...some business to attend to."
Four's eyes widened as he thought to himself "How did he know!? He's just joking right? If the heads of our families knew about our marriage then we will never be together!" A sword slings over his shoulder as Bob says "RELAX DUDE. I'M JUST KIDDING." Four breathes a sigh of relief and told the two of them "You must promise me to never say a word to anyone about this!" Bob seemed far fetched since he already told someone about it, but Mario quickly assured "Mario's lips are sealed! He will also keep Bob in check!"
The two were a little disappointed to not be able to spread the word, but made up for it by mocking and teasing the poor boy. "Mario knew you were gay!"
Four shot back "No I didn't!" The taunting grew worse. "Yes you are! Anytime Smg4 is a hopeless romantic, he speaks sweetly and corny!" Mario started imitated Four, doing a really bad impression of him. "oH mY lOvE i wiLL shOwEr yOu wiTH rOsE pEtAlS anD pRaiSe yOu wiTH cOmPLiMenTs!" Bob joined in on the tomfoolery. "KISS MY HAND AND GET IN MY BED!"
A familiar woman enters the square with her companion, Tari. The two mockers easily spot their next target, heading straight for them. "Lookie here! A pair of lesbians has just entered the scene!" Meggy ignored them and asked Tari "Could you bring me a fan? I'm dying in this heat." The girl happily nodded and was about to give her one when Bob called out "GOOD BLUEBERRY. HIDE HER FACE! THAT FAN IS OBVIOUSLY MUCH PRETTIER!" Meggy's eye began to twitch as she calmed herself and politely said "Good morning boys."
"Good morning squid!" She asks the trio "Do any of you know where I can find the one known as Smg4?" Mario turns with a priceless expression on his face. "Ooooo hot dog!" Four rolls his eyes and presents himself. "I am the one you speak of ma'am." She smiles and said "Good. Could you come with us to speak in private?" Mario jumps up and stupidly cheers "Smg4's secret admirer is inviting him to a date!"
The girls drag him off when Bob sneaks up behind her and pulls on Meggy's dress. Tari gasps as the two immature fools run off. Meggy is furious as she screams "YOU SCOUNDRELS! I'LL GET YOU FOR THIS!" Four comes over to help her. "Are you okay?" She nods and dusts herself off. "Thank you. Who were the silly boys that shouted all those insults?"
"My best friend Mario and Bob. Both Montys." She raises an eyebrow and says "Maybe you need to find some new friends." Dealing with the matter later, Meggy says "We must have a word in private." She points to a church and the three of them go inside to discuss.
As they found somewhere to take a seat, Meggy informed him "We were sent by Smg3 to find you." Four nodded until Meggy looked upon him sternly. "I should warn you that if his heart breaks because of you then I will not hold back my revenge!" Tari places an arm on her shoulder and says "Calm down Meggy. Three trusts him and so should we." Four nodded and told them "I wouldn't do that for all the riches in the world. Three is the most magnificent man I have ever met."
He succumbs into his lovey dovey trance until Meggy snaps her fingers to wake him up. "Sorry! But I promise that I carry good intentions for him. Tell Three to come here this afternoon, where we will confess our love and be married." The girls agree and Four reaches into his pocket to pull out some coins. "Please take my offering as a reward for all you have done."
Tari pushes it away and encourages him "No payment needed sir. Three's happiness will be payment enough." Four insists they take it and thanks them one last time. The girls bid farewell and go off to tell Three the good news.
The bearded man paces outside, awaiting the report from Meggy and Tari. "I sent them at nine and they promised this would only take half an hour. Maybe they couldn't find him? No, that can't be right." His self-talking was interrupting when Meggy and Tari came sneaking back. "Meggy! Tari! Please tell me there is good news!" The girls share a glance as Tari walks past them and says "I'll let you tell him."
Meggy enters, relieved to be back from her journey and Three follows behind. "Spill it squid! What did my love say?" She giggles and said "Well he was a honest, courteous, kind, virtuous boy..." She stops and whispers "Where is Mr Puzzles?"
"Upstairs? Why?"
"Good. Now just give me a minute."
Three gets furious and screams "WHY IS THIS IMPORTANT!? JUST TELL ME WHAT FOUR SAID!" Meggy apologizes and tells him to calm down. "Do you have permission to go down to the square today?" Three nods. "There lies a church where a husband is waiting to marry you." Any anger that Three might still be feeling was gone in an instant. He threw his arms around his friend and cheered "Oh thank you! Thank you!" Meggy laughed and told him "I will cover for you in your absence. Go and meet your husband to be!" Three didn't waste a second and rushed to the door. "Goodbye Meggy!" 
Four anxiously stands at the altar as the wizard rock sternly says "Remember this is a one time thing. I don't want more gay people flocking at my door, begging me to unify them." A man, disguised in a cloak appears which catches Four's eyes. "Are you even listening to me?" Four rushed past him and spins around his lover happily. "THREE! YOU CAME!" They missed each other endlessly and share a deep heartfelt kiss, already missing how good it felt.
"Why do I even bother?" the wizard rock says while rolling his eyes. "Are you excited for our wedding?" Four asks as Three stares deeply into his eyes. "I cannot wait for you to hold me like this for eternity. Is this what true love feels like?"
"It must be if you asked me to marry you."
"Shut up you moron."
Three giggled and buried himself into Four's chest. The wizard rock shouts from across the hall "If you two lovebirds are finished can we get this over with! If anybody catches us then I'll be in big trouble!" The two pulled away and stepped forth to their sacred binding, still holding hands as they walked. The wizard rock pulled out his book and asked Three "Do you take this idiot to be your lawfully wedded husband until you die?"
"Yes." Three sighed, shrouded in love that you could see pink all over his cheeks. The rock turned to Four next and asked him "Do you take this loser to be your lawfully wedded...husband? Until you die?" Three nervously awaited his answer, hoping that Four had honored his word and wouldn't do something stupid like run off. "A thousand times yes~"
"Then by the power vested in me yada yada yada you are now husband and husband. Hooray..."
The two boys cried tears of joy as they kissed deeply, wrapping their arms around their necks.
"I love you Four."
"I love you more than anything else in the world Three~"
Nothing could ever bring them apart now. Or so it seemed...
"Can we go home yet Bob? Mario is hot and he doesn't want to run into those Cassettes." Bob didn't listen to good reason as he went into the Italian's face and went "BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH. YOU WHINE TOO MUCH MARIO."
He goes over to a fountain for a drink of water when Prince Swag, Chris, and a group of Cassettes arrive. Mario points in their direction and says "Here they come! They're going to make Mario into a bowl of spaghetti!" He starts tugging on Bob's arm, but he doesn't budge. "PFFF I DON'T CARE. I'LL TEACH THEM A LESSON."
Swag notices his two rivals and says "HEY GUYS. WATCH THIS!" He strides over in a superior way and asks "I WANT A WORD WITH YOU." Bob was not intimidated as he raises a sword and says "YEAH RIGHT. ALMOST EVERYTHING OFFENDS YOU AND WHEN I DO, YOU'LL PUNCH ME IN THE OVARIES!" Swag inches closer to his face. "I WOULD BE MORE THAN GLAD TO DO THAT IF YOU GIVE ME A REASON TO."
Bob raises his swords, but Mario gets in the way. "Please leave Mario and his friend alone. What Smg4 does is none of your stinky business so go away! Shoo! Shoo!" Mario flails his hands off to get Swag to leave, but he stands his ground.
"WHO CARES WHAT YOU SAY FATTY. HERE COMES THE MAN I WANT." Mario tries to hold back Bob from lunging towards the prince, but they see Four heading towards them. He exclaims happily "Mario! Bob! I've got great news!" Before he can share, he notices Swag and the Cassettes.
Bob and Mario don't move an inch as Swag slowly walks toward Four. He calmly says "I am not a villain and I will not dare to hurt you. Even when you fill me with rage." He strides past the prince to his friends when Swag says something to make him stop. "THIS STILL DOES NOT EXCUSE ALL YOU HAVE DONE TO ME. TURN AROUND AND FIGHT ME LIKE A MAN!"
"I have done nothing to you. I told you that I will not fight, for that would make my love unhappy. Therefore, I will love you as I love him." He shakes the prince's hand as he is speechless. Bob laughs and says "I CAN'T BELIEVE THIS. HE WON'T FIGHT BECUSE HE IS HOMOSEXUAL! AND NOW HE HAS BECOME GAY FOR YOU SWAG! HAHAHAHAHH!"
Swag looks down at his hand and waves it in disgust. "EWWW I'VE BEEN TOUCHED BY A MONTY! YUCK!" He rushes over to the fountain and washes his hand, ridding whatever Monty germs were there. When Four let his guard down, Swag splashed water on him and then turned to do the same to Bob and Mario. "HAHAHAHAH! TAKE THAT YOU STUPID MONTYS!" A boiling anger came down on Bob as his eyes went blood red. Mario noticed and pushed him away to prevent more harm, but the damage had been done. "THAT STUPID JERK! I'LL KILL YOU SWAG! I'LL KIIIIILLLLLLL YOOOOUUUU!!!"
"No Bob!" He shoved Mario off and yelled "DUEL ME SNOBBY PRINCE!"
He chuckled and pulled out a sword while Bob raised his two samurai sword hands. "It's not worth it Bob! Leave him be!" Four shouted out. Both of them circled each other as a crowd of Montys and Cassettes came up to watch. Back and forth they went, clashing with swords as the sheer sound of clinking roused the battle.
Four pushed through the crowd and encouraged them to stop fighting with uncomfortableness in his tone. "Stop it Bob! Put down your weapons! Bowser forbid us to fight in the streets of the kingdom! Stop it before someone gets hurt!"
He outstretched his arms to break up the two, but it only made Bob's impatience grow. "OUT OF MY WAY!" Swag saw his opportunity to slash as Four luckily managed to duck out of the way. "Swag what have you done!?" The prince looked confusingly at Chris, pointing right at his sword. He focused his eyes on where his wingman was looking and instantly stiffened.
There, lying on the tip of his sword was...blood...deep, red blood, dripping from his weapon...
Mario was horrified and Four couldn't bear to look at Bob. If he was not struck then-
He had no choice as he slowly shifted his eyes over to his beloved friend. Bob was holding his chest, wincing in pain, and seemed to be holding the spot where he had been cut. Swag said nothing until Chris grabbed his shoulder and said "We have to go Swag. Now!" He, Swag, and the rest of the Cassettes fled in silence, not knowing how to react on the imprint to their enemy.
Bob tried to be tough and yelled "YOU BETTER RUN!" but after that sentence, he collapsed in pain as Four caught him. The Montys surrounded him as Mario asked "Are you hurt?"
Four helped him up and said "It can't be much Bob." He nodded and yelled "SOMEONE FETCH ME A DOCTOR!" His vision started to blur as he looked up at Four. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU STEP BETWEEN US?"
"I was only doing what I thought was right."
Bob let go and fell backwards into Mario's arms. "I MIGHT FAINT...GET ME..." He tried climbing up the steps painfully slow as the crowd thought it was all a playful little act. He couldn't take it anymore so once reaching the top, he stood up and screamed "YOU IDIOTS! I AM SLAIN DEEPLY! I HATE YOU ALL!"
That was the last thing Bob said before he fell off the steps and Mario sprung into action to catch him. "BOB!" As he fell to the ground, Mario and Four examined the body as his best friend said in a shaky voice "Smg4...is Bob dead..?" Four's eyes widened as he leaned in closer to check the wound. Pushing the arm out of his way, there laid a gruesome cut that had been blown right to his chest.
Everyone immediately shut up and realized that this was actually serious. Four breathed heavily with a lump in his throat and tears in his eyes, fighting to get out. An old friend. Someone he grew up with was now dead. He didn't know what to do with Bob gone like this.
Four's shaky hands clenched into fists and his eyebrows furrowed. "SWAG KILLED BOB! I WILL NO LONGER REPECT HIM! I WISH DEATH WOULD COME TO HIM!" Mario and the rest of the Montys tried to hold him back, but he broke free and ran after the prince. "SWAG!"
He ran through the streets, catching up with the Cassettes as the others ran after him. "SWAG!" The prince turned around from his leisurely walk. "Swag...take back that 'villain' you called me earlier. The only villain I see is you...waiting for your soul to join Bob's. Now it's you and me!"
He lunged forward and tackled the noble royalty as everyone looked at him in shock. The Cassettes tried to pull them apart as Swag pushed the scoundrel off and took out his sword. Someone tossed Four the same. "OH FOUR...YOU'VE MADE A BIG MISTAKE. NOW YOU WILL JOIN YOUR SO CALLED FRIEND."
The clashing began again, only this time it was much more intense as Four had nothing except boiling rage. Encouraging and conflicting shouts surrounded them as they tussled and tumbled. Four knew this wasn't allowed, but he didn't care anymore. He didn't care about that stupid rule. He didn't care about the stupid consequences. All he cared about was getting revenge on the one who had killed Bob. Swag threw him on the ground and was about to strike when Four grabbed the sword lying next to him and shut his eyes.
Everyone was flabbergasted. Just like Bob, Swag had been struck right in this chest, except he had no movement, no sound, not a word escaped his lips. Chris placed his shaking hand on his best friend. "S-Swag...?" The prince immediately fell and collapsed on top of Four. He quickly pushed him over and stood up to look over the body of the once most beloved Cassette. The world felt like it was closing on him. He hated Swag for what he did, but tears still trickled down his cheeks, along with the shrunk pupils. His clothes were torn up and stained with the blood of his enemy.
Mario could hear sounds coming in the distance as he started dragging Four and urging him in a very freaked out voice. "Smg4 has to get away! The citizens will see what you have done! If Smg4 is caught then Bowser will kill him!" Four just kept staring at the blood, staining his dusty robes. He cried out "WHAT HAVE I DONE!? I'M A FOOL!" Mario and the Montys retreated while Four kept crying. He never meant for things to go this far, but alas his emotions got the better of him. Where was his head? He had to run and he did just that.
Chris felt just as upset as Four did when Bob was slain, but sadly picked up the body while the rest of the Cassettes yelled "THE MONTYS WILL PAY!"
"Swag is dead!?"
Meggy started to well up upon the news while Three looked horrified. "Four killed Swag?" Meggy rested her arms on a table. "You think you'd know a guy..." That faith, trust, and honesty once gained was now lost. Meggy slammed her fist on the table and yelled "SHAME ON FOUR!" To her surprise, Three shot back "You do not talk about my husband like that!"
"But he killed Swag!"
"I will never stop loving him! My poor love had to defend himself or Swag would have killed him and I could not stand to see that! But I also cannot stand to think what punishment will come to him now..."
Angry Montys brought Bob's body through one entrance while furious Cassettes brought Swag's body the other. Bowser watched the crowds argue as he motioned them to hush and asked a plump fellow "Mario? Who started this?" He pointed to Swag and said "He started it! Mario swears! Smg4 tried to speak nicely and stop the fight, but this oaf slashed Bob! Smg4 wanted revenge and Mario tried to stop him...he did but...but..."
"THAT'S NOT TRUE! THE FATSO LIES!" Montys and Cassettes begin fighting one another until Mr Puzzles stepped forth to see what the racket was. "And what happened here?" Chris stepped forth and screamed "FOUR KILLED MY BEST FRIEND! HE SHOULD BE PUNISHED!"
Bowser told the TV man that Four had killed Swag and the prince killed Bob. Mario begged "Please do not hurt Smg4! He was Bob's friend! He only wanted revenge for his friends! Normally, he wouldn't hurt a fly!" Bowser stood his ground and roared "AND FOR THAT WE WILL IMMEDIATELY BANISH HIM!"
Mr Puzzles stopped him with a hand. He looked closer at the two bodies and calmly said "Go fetch some doctors to help these two recover. I will take care of Smg4 myself." Bowser sighed and did as he was told with not another peep. Mr Puzzles spoke to himself "I underestimated him...but Smg3 and his friends are still standing in my way...something must be done about that."
Four cried his heart out on the ground of the wizard rock's residence. A knock comes from the door as he quickly says "Hide Four! Someone is coming." Four is still bawling his eyes out as the wizard prepares himself before answering. "Who comes flocking to my door?"
A familiar voice echoes from the other side. "Let me come in and I'll tell you. I have been sent by Smg3." The rock immediately lets her in and she surveys the place to find Smg4, lying cold on the ground. "Come and get up for your husband. He is worried sick about you."
Four slowly rises, wiping dry tears from his eyes. "My Smg3? Oh please tell me how he is? Does he think I'm a cold blooded murderer? I did not mean to spill Swag's blood! What did he say about our love!?" Meggy tells him "He is frightened to death about you! We heard about your sentence!"
"Oh god, have I been sentenced to death?" Meggy sticks out her hands and says "No! No! Nothing like that. But you have been banished." The wizard rock rolls his eyes as Four starts blubbering to himself "OH I AM NOTHING BUT A MONSTER! I SHOULD JUST END MYSELF HERE AND NOW! MY LOVE WILL BE MUCH BETTER WITHOUT ME TO DRAG HIM DOWN!"
The wizard rock complains "Oh come now! You cry and whine about killing yourself when you and your love are still alive. Swag was jealous and wanted to kill you, but you killed him! All they have done is banished you when they could have sentenced you to death! Go find your love and comfort him. You shall have to leave, but we will encourage your families to make amends and beg Bowser to welcome you back."
Four looks at him and is still unsure so the wizard asks "Do you still love him?"
"I do. More than anything in the world!"
"Then go prove your love and give Three your farewell."
"I shall! Thank you Meggy! Thank you wizard!"
Four ran off in joy as Meggy looks confused on how fast Four changed perspective and the wizard rock smirked. "He's a crybaby."
The sun rises as Four is cuddling with Three in his bed and birds are chirping. The blue eyed man is the first to wake up as he peeks one eye open and sweetly smiles to see his lover sleeping peacefully. He brings Three's chin up to his face and softly kisses the man's lips. After that, he stretches and gets up, opening the curtains to let sunlight flood into the room. Three grumbles, not ready to get up, but forcefully opens his eyes with a cranky look.
All that disappears when he sees his husband as he sits on the bed. Three says with a tone of sadness in his voice "You're leaving? Not now. It's too early to get up. Stay and keep me warm my love." Four shakes his head. "I wish I could, but I have to go. If I stay, they will kill me." He tried to get up, but Three pulled him closer and whined "Noooo~ Stay longer. I don't want you to leave."
Four couldn't resist those puppy dog eyes as he pulled Three into an embrace and cried "Oh take me! Kill me if you want, but at least I will die a happy man!" Three cheered to himself while kissing his husband's cheeks multiple times. After a while, the bearded man complained "It's not fair! I know that you were only protecting yourself, but they think otherwise. I do not want to see you die, but I do not wish to part with you as well! Don't make me choose!"
Four comforted his devastated partner, replying "I would never ask you to make that choice. I told you that I will be leaving the kingdom for a while, but my friends will have Bowser welcome me back with open arms."
"And then you shall return?
"Then I shall return."
They let their foreheads touch as Four whispered sweetly "I promise." A knock on the door interrupts them as Meggy calls out for Three on the other side. "Mr Puzzles is coming!" She informs them. He turns back from the door to see Four rushing out to the balcony before he is caught. Three follows out and pleads him "Please write to me every day so I know you're alright!"
"What do you think I'll be doing in all my free time?"
Three was still a little unsure of the parting so he asked "Will we see each other again soon?"
"I don't doubt it at all."
Four gave him one last kiss before climbing down to the ground. He looked back a final time before running off and saw the expression of an aching heart from his lover's face. It pained him to see his soulmate go, but it had to be done. Four sighed and whispered "Until we meet again my love..."
That was the last time Three would see his beloved in a long time. Three buried his head into his arms and cried his soul out. He thought the tears would never stop until he was reunited with his sweet prince again.
~At the city's gate~
Mario was waiting with a horse as Four met him at the entrance, flipping up his hood so no one would recognize him. "Goodbye Smg4! Mario will miss you very much!" Four wished all the best and reminded him of his task, then set out for a new city to call home.
"Dont-a worry Smg4! Mario will keep-a eye out for your gay husband!"
Three sulkily buries his head in the pillow, sobbing tearfully as Mr Puzzles just stared at him defiantly, rolling his eyes. "Don't worry, we will take our revenge for Swag's death. I know someone where Smg4 now lives and he shall take care of him. Are you happy now?" A muffled "No." came from the pillow as Three secretly wished avoided death for his long distance "rival."
"But enough with all this depressing stuff. I have good news for you Smg3!" The bearded man sat up in bed, wiping his cheeks. "I have asked the noble Luigi to marry you at the church next Thursday morning." His speechless expression soon turned into one of anger and frustration. He screamed out "I WILL NOT MARRY THAT IDIOT! YOU CALL THAT GOOD NEWS!?" Tears started to escape again as Meggy rushed up to comfort him. "NO! I REFUSE!"
Bowser was talking with Luigi in the halls, very exciting for the upcoming wedding. "Congratulations Luigi! I know you'll make this kingdom proud!" The valiant man stuttered "T-Thanks..." and waved goodbye when Prince Bowser heard screams from upstairs. "What could be going on up there?"
Mr Puzzles screen began to glitch as he let out a blank "What?" The decline was really starting to make him ticked. "DO YOU KNOW HOW HARD I WORKED ON THIS!? YOU ARE SUPPOSED TO MARRY LUIGI! I AM NOT TAKING NO FOR AN ANSWER!"
Mr Puzzles grips him by the neck and shouts "YOU LITTLE BRAT! YOU WILL MARRY LUIGI OR SO HELP ME GOD, I'LL DESTROY YOU!" Bowser soon walks in to find Three thrown across the room into the wall. "Whoa! Whoa! What's going on in here!?" Meggy rushes to Three's side to help him. "Are you okay?" She hides Three behind her and yells "YOU DO NOT TREAT YOUR HEIR LIKE THAT! ARE YOU CRAZY OR SOMETHING!?" Mr Puzzles watches as everyone looks at him in anger. He calms himself and said "Maybe I am, but I know one thing. You are going to marry Luigi and if you don't, then go die in the streets. I'M DONE!" He storms out the door as Bowser quickly follows.
Three picks himself up and asks "How do we stop this Meggy? My husband is still out there and I cannot abandon him like this." Meggy sighs and tells him "Three I...I think it's time you move on and marry Luigi. Four is banished now and you are very lucky to have another chance. Besides, Four is probably dead already."
 Three slowly backs away from her and says in a cold tone "Are you being serious..."
Three takes a gulp and says "Fine. Go and tell that TV freak that I will wed Luigi like he says." Meggy smiles and touches his shoulder. "You're making the right choice." Three lashes out "JUST GO BEFORE I CHANGE MY MIND!" Meggy bows and says nothing else before departing. After she leaves, Three sneers and says "How dare you try and separate me from my love. Not then, nor now will I ever stop loving him."
The wizard rock tinkers in his quarters when Three bursts into the room. "Shut the door! I need your help!" He walks past to close the door and says "Can I not go a day without one of you bursting into my home, uninvited. What could you possibly want when you're married to your one true love?"
"Actually...my husband and I have been...separated."
The wizard rock stands in shock. "And now I must marry Luigi." He tries to think of a solution when a flower on the shelf catches his eye. "I have an idea. But we may have to take drastic measures for it to work." Three watches him hop on the table and flip through a book. "If you are more willing to kill yourself than marry Luigi, then maybe a fibbed death can get you out of this."
Three looks upon this in disbelief. "Kill myself? How the hell does killing myself fix this!? Then I would never see my love!" The rock mumbles "Why do I bother..." and tells him "Go home and act like you want to marry Luigi. Tonight, make sure to go to bed alone and don't let Meggy into your room either."
Three nods as the wizard picks up a small vial. "Drink this before bed and you will feel cold and sleepy. Your pulse will stop and so will your breathing. Do not worry, you will not be dead. Instead you will wake in forty two hours like it was all just a bad dream. Everyone will think you died and place you in the tomb underneath. From there, I will message Four about our plan and he will meet us, then take you both back to his kingdom."
After hearing that he and Four would be reunited, he stretched his arm across the table, reaching for the bottle. "Gimme! Gimme!" He snatched it as the wizard rock takes out a paper and says "Go. I shall get to work on the letter." Three joyfully runs out of the room while the wizard rock groans. "I need a raise or something."
Mr Puzzles seemed to be working on some important files when Three carefully approached him. "I..I am ready to marry Luigi. Sorry for my outburst. I will be loyal to you from now on." Mr Puzzles almost falls out of his chair as he cries "Wonderful! I was not expecting this from you Smg3, but I am glad you have finally come to your senses!" He gladly blathered on about how good this will be for him as Three glances at the vial he was hiding behind his back.
That night, Three made sure to shut all the windows and close the curtains so he would be alone, just like the rock said. After that, he opened a drawer and pulled out the tiny flask, popping off the lid. The smell of lavender hit his nose as he shut his eyes and whispered "Until we meet again my love..." There was no stopping him now as he tossed his head back and drunk down every last drop. The room began to spin and Three's head grew dizzy. His vision kept blurring until he collapsed onto his bed and the body was unconscious.
~The Next Morning~
The wizard rock approached a messenger at the gates with a white envelope. He exchanged it and told him "Give this to Smg4." The messenger said nothing and waited for the wizard to leave. Once he did, the sketchy messenger crumpled up the note and threw it into the wilderness, never to be seen again. "It's done Mr Puzzles."
The home of the Cassettes was pleasantly quiet with only the sounds of birdsong to fill the air. That all changed when a large shriek came from Smg3's room and Meggy ran out, horrified on what she just seen.
Mr Puzzles scurried down the hall in confusion. "What do you mean?" A mob of Cassettes soon came right behind him as Meggy pointed to the room, full of tears. The TV man took a peek and found that it was true. Three was laying on the side of his bed, hand drooping to the ground. Not a breath, heartbeat, or any sign of life to be had. Everyone was in shock, except for Mr Puzzles. "Huh...well that's a shame." Meggy stiffened.
"A shame...? A SHAME!? YOUR HEIR IS LYING THERE, DEAD COLD, AND ALL YOU HAVE TO SAY IS THAT'S A SHAME!?" He scoffed and said "Relax Meggy. He's not dead. Probably faking it for that stupid Smg4 of his! I knew he was coming on too quickly." Meggy pointed a finger in his face and screamed "HOW CAN YOU POSSIBLY THINK HE'S FAKING IT! I CHECKED! HE HAS NO BLOOD PRESSURE, NO HEARTBEAT, NOTHING! HE'S NOT EVEN BREATHING!"
Mr Puzzles was about to say something back, but looked between her and Three a few times, then sighed. "Very well then. The least we can do is commemorate a funeral for the poor boy." The Cassettes all agreed that would be the best course since there was no hope left for Three. Before she left, Meggy asked Mr Puzzles one final thing. "What do you think caused it?" He glanced at the wizard rock's quarters in the distance and said "Oh I'm sure I know exactly what happened..."
It was a sad day indeed as the Cassettes had prepared a little farewell service. Three held some purple poppies in his hand while dressed in some of his best robes. As they viewed the body, Mario snuck over for a closer look. He remembered Four told him that his husband was named Smg3 and had radiant red eyes, woven black hair, the softest hands he ever felt-
Mario stuck out his tongue in disgust. Four was a little too mushy with his descriptions, but Mario could obviously tell it was him since the man had gay written all over him. Mario squinted his eyes, wondering what was happening with Three.
"Is it a birthday for Smg3? No, there's no cake."
"Is Smg3 getting married? No, he's already Smg4's husband."
He inched towards a bush and noticed that Three was passed out. "Why is Smg3 sleeping?" He then saw a girl with orange hair, hugging Three one last time and throwing a cover over him while Chris, Boopkins, and Tari all threw some flowers. Mario then realized something as his face went into pure shock.
"Did Smg3....die?"
Without any thought or hesitation, he sped off, back to Four to tell him the bad news. A few hours later, Mario used BLJ to get up the stairs and fell next to a dazed Four with a pained groan. He quickly got up and yelled "SMG4! SMG4!" When Four saw Mario, he was overcome with exhilaration. "Mario! How is Three? Is he doing alright without me?" He excitedly awaited the Italian's response, but tears started to trickle down his cheek and he began sobbing.
"Whoa! Whoa! Mario what's wrong? Hey I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or anyth-"
"He's dead..."
Four's face looked horrified like nothing ever seen before. "What did you say..."
"Mario's so sorry Smg4. He went back to check on your gay husband just like you said and..."
"And what?"
"Mario saw him lying there ded! He thought that Smg3 was sleeping!"
Four looked him in the eyes and said "Please tell me that isn't so. Perhaps you mistook him for someone else?" Mario shook his head and crosses his heart. "Mario promises it was him! He looked just like Smg4 said!" Four refused to believe it. He grabbed Mario's hand and yelled "TAKE ME TO HIM NOW!" Mario nodded, scared to death as Four pulled Mario toward their horses and rode off, back to the place that was now a cursed death trap. They rode past a messenger, who watched him run by, but Four paid no attention to it.
After a long ride, they arrived at the tombs of Cassettes, holding those from far and wide. Night had fallen by the time they had gotten there and Mario pointed to a familiar chamber. "That's where Mario saw Smg3 being buried!" Four went down and pulled on the door, but it was locked. He looked around and saw a big rock that he angrily threw to bust the lock. No door was going to separate him from his lover.
He grabbed a nearby torch and went down to find the resting bodies of so many, mostly skeletons. It kinda creeped him out, but he told himself to stay strong. One body caught his eye as it was the beautiful man, dressed in purple.
Four's breath quickened as he put down the torch to get a closer look at his departed lover. Carefully, he took off the silky sheet covering him and held Three's face in his hands. "Oh my love...why did I ever leave you. This is all my fault." Even in death, Three looked just as handsome as when Four had first laid eyes on him. There had to be some hope. If he was dead then he would be pale right? Tears streamed down as he laughed through the pain and replied "My dear Three, why do you look so beautiful?" Laughter soon turned into screams.
"Why did death have to claim you and separate us forever? I should have never left you! I promise I won't make that mistake again and I'll stay here with you...OH PLEASE COME BACK I'M SO SORRY!" Four's sobs grew louder as he buried his head on Three's chest, only blaming himself for this wretched fate. As he cries started coming to an end, he looked upon Three and croaked out "I cannot go on without you. So if this must be the last time we will see each other, I will seal this with my righteous kiss!" He lunged forward to have his last touch of lips in an ignited passion and fell to the floor out of grief. Something fell out of his pocket as he picked it up and noticed it was a bottle of poison.
Four gasped and looked back at the lifeless body before his eyes. "If this is what it takes to see you again, then goodbye my love!" He raised the bottle to his mouth, trembling at the thought of dying, but his heart had already been shattered and what use is there living life if you don't have a heart.
Then he suddenly stopped. Not emotionally, but physically stopped. No movement. Someone paused him.
The wizard rock was hopping with a lantern when saw a red Italian, waiting outside. "Mario?" He spun around and yelled "Oh boy! Wizard rock is here!" He squeezed the rock as he bombarded "Put me down idiot! And shut up before anyone spots us!" Mario releases him and points down in the tomb. "Smg4 has been down there for a long time! Mario is getting worried!" The wizard looked at him, confused. "What do you mean? That wasn't part of the plan. You were supposed to meet us outside!"
"But Smg3 is dead! Mario saw it with his own eyes!"
"No he isn't! Didn't you read the letter?"
"What letter?"
"The letter I sent you, explaining how Three took a potion and isn't ACTUALLY DEAD!"
Mario blinked a few times and said "Oooooo whoopsie!" The wizard rock wished he had hands so he could facepalm. "You messed up the plan you moron!" Mario stuck his hands out defensively and said "It wasn't Mario's fault! Smg4 told Mario to keep an eye on his husbando!" The rock then had an intrusive thought. "Wait...If Four is down there...and he thinks that Three is dead then...OH CRAP!"  He raced down the stairs with Mario following as the wizard rock called out "FOUR! DON'T DO ANYTHING! THREE ISN'T REALLY-"
The two looked in shock as Four was frozen in place while Three was still under the effects of the potion. Mario got a close look at his best friend and waved a hand in front of his face. "Yoo hoo! Smg4? Say nothing if you can hear Mario." No response. "Oh so you can hear Mario!" The wizard rock studied him and sighed of relief "It must be a frozen spell...whatever or whoever caused this...thank goodness because it looked like Four was about to kill himself."
Three's hand then began to twitch and his eyes slowly flickered open. He was still a little drowsy, but still noticed the wizard and mustached man as he sat up. "Wizard rock? And..some random guy? Where is my love?" Mario gladly offered his hand to shake and said "Its-a me Mario! Smg4's best friend!" Three awkwardly shook his hand and said "That's great...but I want to see my husband." He then noticed Four, standing stiff with a bottle of poison in his hands and tears in his eyes.
The wizard rock told him "He was like this when we came in. We don't know who or what did this." Three said not a word and gently placed a hand on Four's face. "My love...were you going to..kill yourself...for me?"
Four soon began to blink and shake his head like he didn't know what just occured. "Huh...what happened? Three? You're okay?" He smiled and nodded "Yes my love." Four was so perplexed, trying to piece things together. "But-But you were dead! You weren't even breathing!"
"I took a potion you idiot! We're you even paying attention to the letter?"
"What letter?"
Mario cleared his throat and said "Actually this-a was Mario's fault. Smg4 send him to keep an eye on you and he thought you died! Oops-a-daisy!" The wizard rock backed him up by saying "Yeah...the plan didn't go quite as we expected It seems that Four never got the letter."
It didn't matter though as Three threw his arms around the blue eyed man and cried "I don't care! Whoever froze you in place Four...I AM GRATEFUL FOR THEM! THANK YOU FOR SAVING MY LOVE!" Four graciously returned the hug and was just as thankful as well. "If you had died, then I probably would have killed myself also!" Four looked terrified as he says "Oh please don't! I don't want to talk about death anymore tonight!" Three perfectly understood as they all went back outside to leave.
It felt good to be under the moonlight. Three couldn't wait to get home and snuggle with his husband until Four realized something. "If that was where all the Cassettes were buried then...how come Swag wasn't in there?"
They whipped their heads around to see two familiar faces of Bob and Swag. "WHAT'S UP LOSERS." Four ran up and threw himself around his old friend. "BOB! YOU'RE ALIVE!" The wizard rock said "Swag too. But how?" They both looked at each other and showed off their previous injuries, now covered with bandages. "THOSE SICK*** NURSES HEALED US BACK TO NORMAL. TURNS OUT WE WEREN'T ACTUALLY DEAD LOL!"
Four awkwardly turned to Swag, still hugging Bob and said "Hey...no hard feelings about me impaling you?" He nodded and replied "I'M COOL. WE ACTUALLY WANTED TO COME WITH YOU. I'M DONE WITH THAT BORING PRINCE JOB!"
Four laughed and said "Sure. It would be nice to have a few more friends tag along." Three got closer to his husband and told him "I'm a bit jealous of him my love." Four noticed he was still hugging Bob and instead embraced his lover. "Better?"
"Much better."
"Yippee! Let's got home and have a big spaghetti feast!"
Mario climbed onto his horse with Swag and Bob while Four went on the other with Three. "Are you coming with us?" Four asked the wizard rock, but he politely declined. "Nah. I've still got work to do here, but I'll make sure to write to you lovebirds." They all waved to the wizard and rode off into the sunrise, beginning their new peaceful life. Some say that there has never been a love story that could ever compare to the tale of Smg4 and Smg3.
End of Simulation
What did you think of today's episode?
Chapter 11: Anastasia: The Long Awaited Return of SMG4
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Mr Evershed x Student!reader - run the town
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Part 5:
You looked at Paul, and he grinned a little bit more, titling his head to the side.
“What do you want to talk about?”
“Simple. Mum and dad are offering you a solution, you hand yourself in, and we’ll leave, no one else has to be hurt in this (Y/N).”
“You and I both know that’s not true. They’ll hurt people regardless, it’s what they do, right?”
Paul sighed, crossing his arms.
“Don’t act so entitled, it doesn’t suit you. Come on, we’re the same here (Y/N) we always were right?”
You looked at your twin brother, and slowly shook your head at him.
“We have nothing in common. The only thing we have in common is the fact neither of us will be missed when we die.”
Paul shrugged a little.
“Maybe you’re right. I could never be such a coward like you.”
“Only a coward comes to talk with a gang behind them.”
You gestured to the small group that were gathered on the other side of the street.
“Isn’t that what you’re doing?” He asked.
“You came to my town and expected me not to have people here?”
“You’re right that is true. But you know it’s only a matter of days until the rest come, right?”
“I’m aware yes. And I will be ready and waiting for that day.”
Paul sighed and he looked at you men around him then back to you.
“Just come with me willingly, they’ll go easy on you, and I’ll make sure they leave everyone alone.”
“You and I both know they won’t stick to that, they’re not exactly people who keep their word Paul. You should know that, or is that scar on your face not proof enough?”
He reached up, touching the right side of his face.
“Let me help you get out Paul. Let me help you.”
“I’m trying to help you here. They will kill you (Y/N). You know they will.”
“They’ll kill us both Paul. Don’t speak to me of things I already know, they’ve tried once, they’ll try again and it’s only a matter of time.”
Paul ran a hand through his hair.
“They’ll hurt him too.”
He pointed to Mr Evershed.
“If they so much as lay a hand on this man I will personally break every single bone in their bodies in the most painful way.” You hissed.
“They’ll hurt whoever they can to get to you, you know this!”
“And I am ready to put an end to this nightmare once and for all!” You yelled.
“This is bigger than you! Don’t put others at risk because of your own selfishness!”
You marched forward and stood in front of Paul.
“If you’re going to kill me then do it!” Paul yelled.
You look at him, and you sighed.
“I’m not going to kill you. Despite everything we’ve done to one another you’re still my brother, you’re my family, and I need you Paul. I need you by my side, so stay. Help me stop this once and for all.”
“I can’t do that…” he whispered.
Paul reached up, placing a hand on your shoulder.
“You’ve come so far, I don’t want to see you die so young (Y/N)… if you won’t come with me then run. Run as far away as you can…” he whispered.
“I’m done running. This ends now.”
You took a step back.
“I will burn this whole town and watch the sky burn with its ashes if I have to Paul.”
He looked at you.
“You’ve changed so much. You’re not the same scared little kid, are you?”
You smiled softly.
“There’s very little of me left, I have been so consumed by anger and hatred for so long it’s driving me insane day by day.”
You glanced st the floor before looking up at your brother again.
“You and I both wear the same scars, we share the same hurt. Why did you go back?”
“Because I was scared. I still am. At least being there I know they won’t hurt me as much.”
“If you’re here they won’t hurt you at all, I can keep you safe Paul.”
He shook his head.
“I can’t do that…”
You sighed, and nodded your head.
Walking over, you stood in front of him again.
“You’re my brother, and I love you. I don’t want to hurt you.”
Paul placed his hand in the back of your head, putting his forehead against yours.
“I love you too. But if it comes down to it, you do what you have to in order to keep yourself safe, you get me?”
You clenched your jaw.
“It’s always going to be the same isn’t it? Me and you on opposite sides?”
“Yeah. But that’s just how it is with siblings.”
You smiled a little, placing your hand on the back of his head.
“We’ll always end up on the same road Paul, whether you want to admit that or not. We were going to rule the world side by side. If you change your mind come and find me.”
“I will.”
You nodded your head and you pulled away, holding your your hand, and he reached over, gripping your arm and you gripped his.
“I’ll rescue you.” You whispered.
“I know you will…”
Paul let go and so did you, and you took a step away from him.
“I’ll protect you.” He said.
With that, he stuffed his hands into his pockets and you watched him leave, and you turned around to Mr Evershed.
You walked past him back inside and he followed you.
“(Y/N)! Hey wait!”
He followed you through to your office and you took your blazer off, setting it aside you rolled up your sleeves and sat down, placing your hands together as you stared at the desk.
He walked over and stood in front of the desk.
“What’s going on?” He asked softly.
You looked up at him.
“I’m so sorry Mr Evershed…” you whispered.
He looked at you in shock slightly and you sighed, running a hand down your face.
“I told you to stay away. I told you this was dangerous, why didn’t you listen to me?”
“Because I’m worried about you.”
“And you’re in danger because of me!” You yelled.
You stood up, looking at him.
“They are going to come after you because of me! Because they see you as someone I care about!”
“You need to leave Ackley today. You need to go. Take whatever you have and leave Mr Evershed.”
“What do you mean I’m in danger (Y/N)?”
You ran a hand through your hair as you started to pace up and down.
“My birth parents are coming for me. And they are going to get to anyone they can to get to me. That includes you.”
“And Sam?”
“Safe. They wouldn’t hurt someone else’s kid. It’s any adults they can find they’ll go after. Please sir, just go.”
He watched as you stopped to look at him.
“This is why I told you to stop. Why I refused to go back to the school. I can.. I can get people to help you, stay with you.”
“And who’s going to help you?”
You furrowed your brows.
“You’re doing all of this to keep other people safe right? Well who’s going to keep you safe?”
“I don’t need to be kept safe. I have brought this upon myself. You haven’t. You didn’t deserve to be dragged into all of this and I’ll make sure they don’t hurt you.”
“What do you mean?”
You looked up at him and walked to your desk, grabbing a left you handed it to him.
“What is this?”
“My will. If I die, I want you to give that to Harry. I’ll have Bailey take you away from Ackley tonight, and I’ll have a small group go with you to keep you safe.”
“You can’t just ship me away!”
“And you can’t be involved! You’re not built for this kind of life!”
He nodded his head.
“Maybe so, but I’m already involved right? So I may as well stay. If I’m not safe, then the safest place is here, right?”
You nodded.
“Then it’s settled, if I’m already involved and in danger I may as well stay. You’re too young for this sort of stuff (Y/N), you can’t be doing this alone.”
“You don’t know the slightest thing about any of this.”
“True, maybe not. But I do know who to look after teenagers, I’ve been teaching them for years. And I do know about you.”
You looked at him.
“You’re not leaving are you?”
“No, I’m not. I’ll admit I’m scared, but I think part of you is scared as well.”
You sighed and gestured for him to follow you, and you took him through to a different room, full of screens showing every CCTV camera in Ackley.
You pulled up two chairs and sat down in one, and he sat down in the other.
“What is this?”
“How I keep track of what’s going in this town.”
“This is illegal.”
“Yes, you keep saying that about a lot of stuff I do.”
You rested your chin on your hand as you gazed at the screens.
“If you’re going to stay you need to stop questioning my actions. I will do what I must to keep everyone safe.”
You twisted the ring on your finger.
“Sometimes I wonder what would happen if Felix didn’t take me in.”
Mr Evershed looked at you.
“Would I be more barbaric than I am now? I don’t know. Maybe any shred of sanity I have left would be fully gone. Maybe I would’ve already fallen to the fate we’re all doomed to.”
“What did your parents do to you?”
You looked over at him.
“If you think what I do is horrid, you wouldn’t want to know what they did to me.”
He furrowed his brows a little.
“If you want to know, I will tell you, but I must warn you, it is not a story for the faint of hearted.”
He nodded and you began to explain everything you remembered to him, and he listened in horror.
When you stopped talking, you sighed.
“My god…” he whispered.
“I developed such a tolerance for pain, I don’t think I can feel physical pain anymore. As the years slipped by I let go of my emotions slowly bit by bit until there was nothing. Until I became of cold hearted soldier.”
“I don’t think that’s true. You still have emotions, the conversation with your brother shows that, and the fact you were going to send me away to keep me safe, you do have emotions.”
You shrugged a little.
“I wouldn’t be able to tell if I did.”
You looked at your watched and stood up.
“I have to talk to the reverend.”
“You’re religious?”
��I’m not. My father was, the reverend helped him.”
You stood up and stopped next to Mr Evershed, looking down at him.
You slowly reached out, hesitated and put your hand on his shoulder.
“I really am sorry you got mixed up in this.”
You moved your hand and walked away and Mr Evershed sighed, watching you leave.
You did warn him, and he should’ve listened and now he was mixed up in all of this and he had no clue what was going on, all he knew was that he had to stay by your side so you weren’t alone
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sadisticwoof-dcmk · 2 years
Things about Suzuki Sonoko that I deem as facts
(aka more of my headcanons: a thrilling sequel to the Sonoko and Shinichi friendship)
as much as she denies it, she is lactose intolerant
she didn't realise she was lactose intolerant until she complained that she wasn't sure why people liked drinking milk because it hurts your stomach? Shinichi and Ran lunged across the table to wrestle the milkshake from her hands
Ran dared her to memorise the first 10 digits of pi. Shinichi called her a coward and told her to do 15. she spent two (2) days memorising the first 24. one of her useless talents but she is proud of it
always overdressed, or dressed too nicely for the occasion (her family is always in the spotlight and she needs to look her best. that has been instilled into her from a very young age)
went to ballet classes for three weeks when she was 5. she quit because she didn't want to practice (she was there for the pretty dresses and was very disappointed to find out she couldnt wear them straight away)
randomly has chunks of Shakespeare committed to memory and will recite it to Shinichi whenever he annoys her too much ("If he can do it with Holmes, I'm going to do it with Shakespeare")
when she's pissed, Ran and Shinichi just know to keep quiet and let her do the talking. everyone else thinks she's being dramatic and a diva queen, but they're used to it and they don't bat an eye
is being scared of the dark childish? she outgrew that fear until someone tried to bludgeon her to death in the dark, so now her and the dark dont mix
can speak multiple languages. is essentially fluent in English (because "you need to be able to talk to clients"), moderately fluent in Korean, and knows a few conversational starters in French.
currently studying sign language
has gotten annoyed at herself when she feels jealous because she can see that her two best friends are in love with each other, but she's alone. but then she snaps out of it because those dorks are hers and they would never leave her behind
she has a fear that people will leave and abandon her. either they realise that her personality (that she built to protect herself from everyone) is too much or that they cant easily access her money than they originally thought
(there are nights she thinks that she is unlovable. so many people tried to get close to her in an attempt to get money from her, and she feels like that's all she is) (Ran and Shinichi are so quick to drive those fears away)
when Shinichi didn't contact her after he disappeared? yeah her brain tried to convince her that he was trying to distance from her (because why else would he only contact Ran and not her weren't they supposed to be best friends-) (she broke down and he apologised immediately and told her it wasn't like that at all)
she 100% believes there is something weird with Conan. the brat is either cursed or some cryptid causing havoc. she is begging Ran to see it
all of her friends believe that she has adopted Conan and the other kids (it's true that she is fighting Ran over their custody, but she will never admit such a thing)
she doesn't realise it but she calls Conan 'the little one'
she calls her two best friends by terms of endearment. she calls Ran 'Honey' and calls Shinichi 'Darling'. a lot of the time 'darling' sounds like an insult, but it is affectionate
she got her cat, Gobu-chan (Goblin for long) from a shelter, and he was the grumpiest and scruffiest looking cat. she fell in love immediately and knew that her mother would hate him, which was more of an incentive to get him
it took her a few weeks to fully forgive Kazuha for acting so cold towards Ran (because no one is allowed to make Ran upset)
is the photographer of her friend group. she finds all the best lighting and aesthetic places
she drags Makoto out to cute spots that she finds on their dates
she also suffers from hayfever but she WILL get the cherry blossom pics regardless of her personal safety
(Makoto was stressed the entire date)
consistently sends Shinichi candid photos of Ran as motivation for him to get his ass back home (he tells her that bribing him won't actually make the case solve on its own. she argues that given enough time her work will pay off and he will come back) (he saves each photo religiously)
Suzuki Sonoko is a great girl. She is more than just the sassy heiress that throws money around (she is that but she does it well) and deserves all the love and support
Shenanigans in Beika is where you can find more of her being her fun self :)
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srjlvr · 2 years
ACTION ! | ‘rule number one,’
Sunoo didn’t end up texting you. Instead, he thought of a second plan. Sunoo is a coward when it comes to people he used to have a past with—its not new, but this time he got dead serious, thinking it’ll be the best to talk with you before the drama begins.
So Sunoo made his plan, it was bumping into you in Hybe’s cafeteria, dumb idea—he knows that, but he couldn’t stop the thoughts about texting you and then ending it up bad. Face-to-Face conversation is best when it comes to those situations.
He saw you taking some water and some vegetables, you were never such an eater. Your manager was with you, she’s always there for you, mostly because you’re basically all alone and she’s the only person you can really trust, you’re calling her your “best friend” while she prefers to keep things professional, even though you know she likes it.
Sunoo coughed a bit, fixing his gaze at you and slowly walking to you, acting as if he’s on his phone and not noticing when he slightly bumps into your shoulder. “I’m sorr-“ He looked up to you and acted surprised. Your eyes widened and your mouth opened widely in shock.
“I’ll…….Just leave you two” Your manager giggled and ran away before you could catch her. “Well uh, hey” Sunoo scratched his nape, “Long time no see”
“Hey” You giggled, “You look nicer in reality” You nodded. Sunoo smiled and it made you realize what you’ve just said, “Not that i’m following you or Enhypen—I just see lots of pictures of you here in the building but i mean—i do love Enhypen! Especially Heeseung and Sunghoon and Jungwon too—I should just shut up”
Sunoo giggled, “You haven’t changed a bit, you’re still annoying as you’re used to be” He brought the past up now, and that’s a sensitive topic to talk about. “Yeah well, i bet you were happy when we broke off” You rolled your eyes.
He looked at you in shock, “What? No! Not at all, i missed this” “Well then why did we break off then?” “We weren’t even together-“ “Obviously we weren’t, but friendships can break off too you know” You crossed hands, waiting for a response from him.
“Look, we’re both at fault, i’m angry at you, you’re angry at me. I apologize for leaving you behind, you didn’t have to suffer with your family’s stress all alone. I really want to open a new page, i really really missed you” He held your hands, looking straight into your eyes with sincerely. “I’m sorry too, i’m sorry i left you all alone in your trainee days, it must’ve been hard for you and you didn’t have anyone to talk to, god i bet it was so hard for you, i’m really sorry” You looked at him back with tears that threatening to come out.
He was quick to pull you into a tight hug and pecked your forehead. “Let’s keep our old promise and not break it off,” “Rule number one, never leave each other” You both said and the same time and smiled at each other.
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NOTES. ARENT THEY SO ADORABLE TOGETHER? i wish my childhood friends were A BIT like sunoo</3
TAGLIST ( is open ! ). @ahnneyong @dreamenvi @hyeunfae @arizejkt19 @ineedaherosavemeenow @cwsana @venus-near-the-ren @jovibaes @kkalechip @lockburn-castle @meiiiwa @m00shroum @theboyzrightherex @ofshipsandsubmarines ( bold means couldnt be tagged! )
SYNOPSIS. Being the most famous and wanted actress, yn found herself in the process of signing a new contract to a new upcoming romance K-drama but she never expected to fall in love with the male lead who’s also the infamous idol Kim Sunoo from enhypen, who happened to have a shared past with her.
<- … m.list … ->
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gay-dorito-dust · 2 years
“Hate to be THAT person but I don’t think we should go through with this plan.” You uttered under your breath as you and Wilford hid behind a corner away from Dark’s line of sight; Suspended overhead of the demonic entity was a large horde of confetti ready to drop at any given minute. Wilford’s shoulders slumped dramatically as his bottom lip juts out in a pout. “Where is your sense of adventure!” He groans, throwing his hands up in the air but you were more preoccupied with glancing over his shoulder, praying to whoever would listen in hopes that Dark doesn’t happen to overhear the conversation but whenever his ebony eyes glances over to you, something within you tells you that he already knows.
“Well sorry but my sense of adventure doesn’t include pissing off a demon because I grew bored!” You hissed, looking over Wilford’s shoulder one more time for good measure all the while your fight or flight instincts worked overtime. At first you thought the so called harmless prank was just that a harmless prank but that immediately changed when you found out that the the person the prank was intended for was going to be Dark. That’s when the plan took a much more dangerous approach. You loved Wilford, you truly did, but if it was down to taking the blame for him or saving yourself? you were going to plead the fifth. It also didn’t help that Dark wasn’t having the best of days lately so for Wilford to make a mess of things with his prank was only going to enrage him even more that you might as well start packing some belongings and hide out at Mark’s until things calm down.
“You’re no fun, anyways what was I going to do?” Wilford tapped his chin in thought, “Oh I remember now!” Before you could stop him, Wilford had snapped his fingers and you were forced to watch as confetti rained down on dark and the rest of the foyer in what felt like slow motion. To say that the foyer was quite was an understatement. It was deadly silent as it seemed even the manor itself was holding its breath in anticipation of what was to come next when Dark lifted his head, causing some confetti that landed within his dark hair to fall onto the floor, practically glowering a furious red. You couldn’t move an inch when Wilford starting cracking up with laughter, clapping you on the shoulder with his hand as he used the other to wipe the tears from his eyes. “Oh goodness gracious that went off without a hitch! Right y/n our plan was a successful success!”
As if you haven’t already, metaphorically, shit yourself yet in that moment seeing the confetti covered threat looming, encroaching towards you both was enough for you to act on removing yourself from the situation by shoving Wilford’s hand off of your shoulders and legging it down the hall with no real objective in mode other then the get the fuck away from death incarnate himself. Leaving a confused Wilford who only started at your retreating figure before shrugging his shoulders and looking over at his dear friend who had gotten a lot closer then he has expected and looking at lot more pissed then usual. “Wilford.” Dark practically spat through gritted teeth. “Did you like our prank? Well it’s actually my prank but y/n was more then willing to help me but started getting cold feet sometime after, coward,” the suspender wearing interviewer muttered under his breath but stopped when he heard Dark’s sharp breathing and the clenching of his jaw and quickly changed his tune. “You know what, on second thought, it was all y/n’s idea.” Then ran away in the same hallway you did…without any pants nor shoes on.
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dreamkidddream · 2 years
Hi, Dream! For the game, may I please have Dabi with 🩹 tending to each other's wounds + ☕ reluctant allies + 👀 forced proximity?
Build-a-Blurb Ask Game!
I haven’t written anything for Dabi yet and I’m slowly but surely starting to get caught up in the manga but- I have seen that one panel and goodness 😭😭 reader is gender neutral!
CW: blood, implied burning
“Well aren’t you so sweet? I would’ve thought you were a hero with the way you’re acting.”
“Shut up Dabi.” You gritted through your teeth, making sure to tie the torn fabric a bit too tight around his arm, feeling a bit of satisfaction when he grunted. You tried to convince yourself that you weren’t doing this out of the kindness of your heart- you were only doing it because you got tired of his blood seeping onto your clothes. And because you were stuck in this deserted, cramped office until the heroes outside decided to give up on their search.
You weren’t expecting to run into Dabi here, and you weren’t expecting to have to fight the heroes on patrol together.
You would’ve ran and left him to fight alone as Dabi was someone you took to avoid at every chance- he’s annoying, but too deadly of a threat to be ignored or to be taken lightly, and he made it a personal goal to go out of his way to make his presence known in your life, no matter how much you tried to do the opposite. You were about to curse at him for getting in your way (again) when an arrow whizzed past your ear, and your cheek stinging seconds afterwards with something thin trickling down.
You saw Dabi narrow his eyes, suck his teeth, and shot a wave of blue flames straight behind you. There were too many heroes for either of you to escape, and thus you found yourself fighting alongside him until you could make a run for it.
You wished you would’ve left now, considering how much blood you’re losing yourself. You keep pressing against the deep wound on your stomach, but the world around you is blurry and your wheezing is getting worse with each breath. You knew that hero was a good shot, but not that good.
You’re fighting to keep your eyes open, cursing at the dusty ceiling for ending up like this-
“Hey, don’t fall asleep on me just yet.” Dabi nudged you, and your head snapped to meet his gaze. Against the shadows on the wall, it looked as if his turquoise eyes glowed in the dark- it was a haunting yet beautiful sight. “We still have some things we need to talk about.”
“What would we need to talk about? And why would you care if I-“ you didn’t want to be a coward in front of him, but you couldn’t bring yourself to finish the sentence.
“If you died?” He finished it for you mockingly. “You’re more fun than the league is, and after today, it made me realize you could be used for a lot more. The start of a beautiful friendship.” He chuckled, and it made your stomach churn.
He placed his hand directly on your stomach, and you hissed, wincing in pain. His hand, the one that he used to take so many lives without hesitation, was the same hand providing you such warmth. It was eerie to think about. That could be why it seemed like his hand was getting…hotter?
“Can’t just let you leave me now, not after how you helped me out. This is going to hurt, so you might wanna bite down.”
You were confused, until the heat on your skin was getting hotter.
You tried to push him away but he held you down without an issue. The flames licking at his fingertips scared you, and you were so petrified that you were about to beg him to let you go, but he shoved something in between your teeth. You locked eyes with him once more and shook your head, pleading with him, but he just gazed at you with no emotion, only telling you to hold still.
“I think it’s time I returned the favor.“
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neytirisblog · 3 years
call me
| pairings: arne johnson x reader
| summary: after david’s exorcism encounter arne has been acting strange and you finally find out why.
| warnings: scary arne, angst, fluff?, blood, possessed arne.
| A/N: i’ve seen so many people want an arne fic on tiktok so you ask and i deliver 😩‼️
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i wasn’t sure what got him acting like this, he was fine before we went to the glatzel’s house but after he was like a completely different person.
debbie glatzel is my best friend and arne johnson is my boyfriend, arne and i decided to go visit debbie to see how she was doing because she kept telling us something about how david was acting strange ever since they moved into the new house.
it was all a blur to me, arne went to put david to sleep but then there was screaming coming from his room, we all rushed over there, arne holding me to the back protectively, david ran to mr glatzel and stabbed him in his leg and shoved it in and ed grabbed david and we brought him downstairs.
everyone was holding david down as we tried to keep him from hurting anyone, the priest was reading the bible as david or the demon inside of him was laughing over and over again.
“ leave him alone! he’s just a little boy, you coward! ” yelled arne as he tried to get this thing out of him. plates started flying all over the place as priest got knocked in the head, ed quickly rushing to help him, ed got the bible and started to read from it as david laughed again and again, david’s head twisted around as he turned to debbie and laughed, his legs bended as debbie turned to me and yelled. “ david! stop! help me! ”
david slowly started getting up, his back bending as he did so, we all flew back and i hit my head on something hard i could only hear yelling and commotion.
i eventually got up and it looked like whatever was in david got out, i quickly rushed over to arne and pulled him into a hug which he returned, the glatzel’s all hugging, lorraine started yelling to call 911, my head quickly turned over to see what happened and i saw ed on the floor breathing heavily.
the next morning i decided to let arne sleep in as of what happened last night i couldn’t sleep all night, arne and i pay rent and live with a man named bruno.
i walked in the room and saw arne awake, finally.
“ why’d you let me sleep so late? ” he questioned tilting his head ever so slightly.
“ what do you mean? you need your beauty sleep. ” i laughed as i slowly walked over, he grabbed my waist and put me on top of him as he kissed me slowly.
“ i wish we could stay like this forever. ” he sighed as he stroked my hair softly.
“ me too. ” i smiled
“ we should get out of this town, i mean just the two of us, we can get a big house and we could start a family. ” he said
“ are you serious? i mean i would love to, honestly arne, but i have a family here and you do to and i just started this job i can’t up and quit now, maybe in the future because i would love to start a family with you. ” i said as he looked down sadly but quickly nodded his head in agreement.
later that day debbie invited arne and i for a small barbecue with there family, we obviously accepted.
“ deb, arne told me this morning that he wanted him and i to get out of this town and get a big house and start a family together! " i said excitedly.
“ did you say yes? did he propose or something?? one second, arne! can you get the small meat tray that’s in the fridge? ” debbie questioned as we both turned our heads to see arne and david playing together.
he turned his head to david and asked him if he was hungry and he nodded and got up and walked inside.
“ i said no, i only said no because i just started a job and we both have family here and we’re too young, i told him once we’re both older we could, just not now. ” i frowned at my own words as debbie sighed and frowned as well.
arne and i were taking a walk with debbie as a sudden change happened to him, he started acting different, sweat was dripping down his forehead as he fell to the ground.
“ arne! are you okay? “ i brought my hand to his hair and stroked it softly.
and then all of a sudden he grabbed a rock next to him and hit me in the head with it, he got on top of me as he tried to hit me again.
“ what the fuck arne!? ” debbie yelled as she quickly rushed to him and i before he could do anything else she quickly pushed him off of me, tears rolling down my cheeks as i quickly sat up and moved back slowly, blood trickling down the top of my forehead.
another sudden change happened in him like he went back to normal, his eyes widen as he threw the rock away and quickly rushed to me, he hugged me tightly as i tried to push him away.
“ i’m sorry, i’m sorry. i don’t know what got into me.” he pleaded tears rolling down his cheeks, i didn’t know what was happening but i knew that wasn’t arne.
and then it happened again, arne and i were sleeping peacefully when i felt someone slowly get on top of me, strong hands were around my throat as they choked me, i quickly opened my eyes as i saw arne above me, his eyes shut closed.
i yelled for him to get off of me but he would budge or open his eyes, i did the only thing to get him to stop and i kicked him in his crotch.
his eyes opened suddenly as he quickly removed his hands, his eyes widened again as he got off the bed, i started coughing, trying to gain breath again, i started to sleep in the sofa just for a couple of days, at this point he was scaring me, this was not my arne.
i finally decided to speak to arne about what’s been going through my mind.
“ what’d you wanna speak to me about, love? ” he smiled as he sat next to me, his smile falling as he looked at my serious face, he cleared his throat.
“ arne.. i think we should take a break, just a couple of days, i honestly don’t know what’s going on with you and it’s getting to the point where you scare me. ” i said a tear rolling down my cheek.
“ what? you’re breaking up with me!? ” he scoffed as he turned his head, jaw clenched, a tear rolling down his cheek.
“ arne, no! it’s just a break for a couple of days, I’ll come back i promise! i love you so much but i just need a few days to clear my head. ” i sighed looking down as i grabbed his hand in mine. he leaned in and kissed me and i kissed him back.
a week passed and i finally decided to come back, arne and i spent an entire day together, laying in bed cuddling while watching movies and having a picnic that day was perfect and arne was acting fine.
the next day is when it went down hill, arne got sent home early, he looked really pale and not all there. bruno kept bothering him and i could tell he didn’t like it, he kept trying to give him beer when call me started playing.
Color me your color, baby
Color me your car
Color me your color, darling
bruno grabbed arne and gave him a beer, arne tried to drink it failed to and fell on the sofa.
I know who you are
Come up off your color chart
I know where you're coming from
arne was slumped on the sofa as i ran my hand through his hair and asked “ you okay? ”
Call me on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me I'll arrive
You can call me any day or night
Call me
he stayed quiet and stared straight ahead, bruno grabbed him and brought him up yelling “ let’s dance ”
Cover me with kisses, baby
bruno fell to the ground as arne tried to keep his balance on the dresser.
Cover me with love
Roll me in designer sheets
i yelled “ bruno! oh my lord! no dancing! ” he yelled back “ one dance ”
“ i don’t wanna dance! ” i yelled holding his arm trying to pull him back up.
he grabbed my arm and spinned me around arne watching.
I'll never get enough
Emotions come, I don't know why
Cover up love's alibi
Call me on the line
Call me, call me any, anytime
Call me I'll arrive
i was still jokingly dancing with bruno as i notice arne was gone, i looked around for him and i saw his head peak through the door as concern filled his face, he grabbed my wrist and dragged me to the room to the hallway with the dogs.
“ arne! arne stop it! what are you doing? ” i yelled as he fell to the ground, i stood behind him a knife falling out of his pocket, bruno came over to arne wondering why he was acting like that when arne yelled and grabbed the knife and stabbed him.
pt 2??
@greenprisca @partr1dge @gingeraleluke
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celestialevie · 3 years
Sunshine // Charlie Weasley x Healer! reader
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(Not my GIF, credit goes to the creator) Genre: fluff with tiny bit of angst words: 1.7k warnings: cursing, like one sentence of smut (so 16+ please), kissing, idiots being oblivious about their feelings, mentions of second degree burn, mentions of broken ankles etc. Summary: Being in love with your childhood best friend is never easy, no matter how much love there is. A/N: This is gender-neutral fic don't mind the gif also, please keep in mind English is not my first language. If there are any mistakes, please let me know. And also thank you so much again for the 100 followers!! Hope you enjoy the fic
Working at your dream job with your childhood best friend has been the absolute dream. Even though you just started working at the sanctuary recently, you’re already loving it. And how could you not when Charlie Weasley has been nothing but supportive and making sure you’re comfortable with everything. Until very recently, you’ve been working at St. Mungo’s since your apprenticeship ended, when Charlie told you that people at the sanctuary are looking for another healer to work in case something happens with the wizards working there. While it did break your heart to leave your two other best friends, Tonks and Penny, you couldn’t pass up on the opportunity to be even closer to Charlie. Everyone around you two knew your feelings for each other, while the two of you kept being oblivious to each other's feelings, not wanting to ruin your friendship. Doing this job wasn’t that hard, healing a few burns here and there, twisted ankles etc. Charlie would find excuses to go and see you, even if it wasn’t actually anything wrong with him. You’ve known Charlie since the first year of Hogwarts, when you ran into him on the train. And honestly, seeing him then, you should’ve known you would’ve caught feelings for him. Red hair and blue eyes, freckles all over his face. Who can blame you? Your thoughts have been interrupted when you heard a knock on your office door. ‘’ Come in! ‘’ you yelled as Charlie opened the door. ‘’ Hi sunshine ‘’ he smiled at you. ‘’ Should’ve known it was you. Are you injured, or did you just come to bother me? ‘’ You ask him with a smile on your face.’’ Actually injured. Baby dragon decided to give me attitude by breathing fire on my hand. ‘’ he approaches you and places himself on a bed meant for patients. Taking his hand in yours, you see the very much visible burn marks on his hand. ‘’ It’s only a second degree burn, thankfully, nothing a little of burn-healing paste can’t cure. I’ll apply it and then wrap it up so that it doesn’t accidentally budge or wipe off. In no matter of time, your hand will be as good as knew and ready for another baby dragon or maybe even mother dragon to burn it again. But please don’t actually get burnt again on that hand if possible or anywhere. Molly would throw a fit if she knew how much of your scars and injuries I heal. ‘’ You say as you grab the burn-healing paste and apply it to his hand and finish it off with wrapping a bandage around his hand. Gently tapping his cheek, he sighs and gets up. ‘’ Thank you sunshine, you’re my saviour. ‘’ he exaggerates while kissing your cheek, and he’s on his way out of your office. What you didn’t know is while healing and inspecting his wound, he finally decided he’ll act up on his feelings. But for that, he’ll need help from one person who’s been helping him ignore his feelings for you. Going back to his place, he quickly wrote a note and sent his owl to that person letting them know to come over to his place asap. A couple of hours have passed before he heard knocking on his door. Opening his door, he saw that they were wearing the same outfit they usually did when they were meeting up. ‘’ Sorry it took me a while to come over, I was at work. ‘’ Charlie gulped and let them in. ‘’ It’s no problem, let’s get this over with and honestly this will probably be the last time we meet up like this, Anna… I decided to stop being a coward and acknowledge my feeling for y/n and do something about them. ‘’ he smiled and at his words Anna’s lips stretched into a wide smile. ‘’ Charlie, that’s amazing! I’m happy for you, god, I wish I could do the same about my feelings for Peter. ‘’ her smile faded a bit and a frown replaced it. Pulling her into his arms, he kissed her passionately, leading her towards the couch and slowly lowering her down on it while not breaking the kiss. Pulling off the coat, he knew she had only underwear underneath it. Slowly kissing down her neck and gently biting into it, wanting to hear her moans, he knew he pulled out of her every time they meet up like this. Lowering himself and kissing down her chest, sucking on
her sweet skin he’s got so familiar with recently. As he took of her bra, and started sucking on her nipples, the door of his cabin opened, and he swears the time stopped for him when he heard y/n’s voice when they interrupted something. ‘’ Hey Charlie….oh I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to interrupt. Please continue, I’m going to go…’’ before he could even muster up a word, they apparated away somewhere. ‘’ FUCK! ‘’ He yelled as he got off of Anna and helped her get dressed. ‘’ Go find her, you idiot! Don’t just scream and shout! You should go find her and tell her everything. I’ll go home. ‘’ Anna yelled at him Giving Anna a small kiss on the cheek as an apology, he quickly tried to think of a place y/n could’ve gone to. The first thing he did was run to her house and started knocking on their door. When they didn’t answer the door, he went to their office. When he tried to enter it, the door was locked, so he knocked a couple of times before moving on to a different location. He remembered showing her a special spot by the lake, which he accidentally found when he first moved to Romania. Quickly imagining that place in his head, he apparated there, and that’s when he spotted them. Sitting by the lake and throwing small rocks at it. Taking a deep breath, he approached them.
‘’ Hey sunshine. ‘’ at the sound of his voice, they raised their head and looked behind them. ‘’ Charlie, hey…’’ clearing his throat, he slowly approached them. ‘’ Mind if I sit down next to you? Been looking around to find you. Just want to explain something to you and then after that I can leave you alone if that’s what you wish for. ‘’ they nodded their head and gently patted a spot next to them. Charlie sat down. ‘’ Can I just say before you start, I’m sorry for walking in your house without knocking or even letting you know I’ll stop by. Didn’t mean to interrupt you and Anna in your private business.’’ their voice was on the verge of breaking because god-damn did their heart break when they saw Charlie and Anna in the middle of whatever they were doing. ‘’ Oh god no sunshine, you have nothing to apologize for. If anything, it’s me who needs to apologize to you. I am so fucking sorry you saw that. But I need to explain that whole situation and for you to understand it I need you to listen to every word I say. Anna and I were nothing more than just fuck buddies. To just try and forget about all the pain in our hearts that we both felt. We never saw each other as more than occasional fuck buddies who were looking to feel something. Her heart is longing for someone else, and so does mine. Sunshine, I know that what you saw probably hurt you more than you’d like to admit to yourself and to me. God, I wish you didn’t see me and her, but….’’ he stops, taking your hands into his and looking into your eyes. My heart only longs and wishes for you, sunshine. God, I’ve never been more in love with someone more than I am in you. If you’re in love with me too or at least have some romantic feelings for me, it would make me the happiest man in the world. If you wish to stay only friends with me, I completely understand, I promise I won’t let my feelings for you ruin our friendship. You mean way too much to me for me to only ruin it because of some stupid feelings. You’re the most important person in my life. You can say what you wish to say now. ‘’ Charlie was preparing for the worse, but what he didn’t expect is for you to start crying. Noticing the panicking look in his eyes, you quickly reassure him. ‘’ No, no, don’t panic, these are the happy and frustrated tears. Penny and Tonks will be over the moon once I let them know they were right about the two of us all this time. ‘’ A small laugh escapes your lips. ‘’ I’ve been in love with you, Charlie, probably since the moment I first met you on the train. All these times I’ve told myself you only saw me as your best friend, how could you ever see me romantically. But I guess I was wrong. ‘’ you wipe away your tears as Charlie looks at you with so much love in his eyes. ‘’ Oh sunshine, I’ve never been happier to see someone laugh. ‘’ you pull him into a hug, never wanting to let him go. He pulls a little away only to press him lips onto yours. The kiss was never sweeter, wanting to keep kissing you for the rest of his life.
When both Penny and Tonks received a letter from you, they didn’t expect anything unusual. But what they received was the happiest news they’ve been wanting to hear since probably fifth year of Hogwarts. Charlie and you were officially together. Just like you expected, you received one big howler from them. ‘’ CHARLES WEASLEY AND Y/F/N L/N HOW DARE YOU ANNOUNCE THE NEWS WE’VE BEEN WANTING TO HEAR JUST CASUALLY IN THE LETTER. I EXPECTED BETTER FROM YOU TWO!! ‘’ Penny screamed, but Tonks was only laughing in the background. ‘’ As soon as we can, Penny and I will come over to the Romania and keep telling y/n ‘ I told you so ‘’ because I TOLD YOU SO YOU DUMB IDIOT! ‘’ Tonks yelled, and all you could do was laugh at Charlie’s shocked and kind of terrified face. Penny can be a bit scary when she wanted to be, and he definitely experienced Penny’s wrath back in Hogwarts. ‘’ Well, they seem to like the news. ‘’ you laughed as you pulled Charlie into a kiss.
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