#he can’t talk abt his stuff to ron bcs if he went to him saying omg cedric told me to take a hot bath in the prefects bathroom ron would go
oxydiane · 2 years
goblet of fire really feeds into my harry and hermione gossip about their boy crushes together agenda
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witch-and-a-half · 4 years
the weasleys on ouid
(aka “the we*dsleys”)
here is my headcanon abt how i think the whole weasley family dabbles in recreational mj !!! disclaimer: i am not promoting anything here and i think we*d isn’t for everybody and also this is just a headcanon and also my qualifications are: i partake and i am from california (where it is legal and cool!)
warnings: talking abt dr*gs (if you aren’t into it, don’t read it! thats okay!)
arthur: he did when we was younger. not a crazy amount but he had friends who did. like he was never the supplier or orchestrator of get-togethers, but he would partake. not super sure how historically accurate this is, but i see him and molly with their friends in a circle around a coffee table. They’re sitting on the floor with their backs against a couch. think eric foreman’s basement vibes but make it gryffindor common room or early ootp days. now (or just when the kids got older) arthur would use gummies on occasion maybe to relax and destress.
molly: she hung out with the same crowd as arthur and i feel like she’d be on a similar level experience-wise. i feel like she’d go to these same seshes with arthur and just have a little, like just enough to feel it bc that’s all she really needed? she didn’t care to be super st*ned if that makes sense. maybe she takes gummies with arthur nowadays but definitely not frequently. she’s not against it, it just isn’t something she cares much for.
bill: he was the oldest so i feel like he didn’t get into it until after hogwarts, but he worked at gringotts which means whatever he did after school was probably the equivalent of an american business major and business majors party. i think he unexpectedly goes kinda hard sometimes, but, like his parents, it was always w/ friends. i think later on he has a bit on occasion but, like his mom, it doesn’t do enough for him for it to be worth the hassle.
charlie: sorry... he was the family’s first st*ner. the pressure of being head boy, quidditch captain, and acing classes to study dragonology... of course he’s got a vice. also the whole outdoorsy thing he’s got is proof enough. personally i think he’s a tree guy: bl*nts, jo*nts, etc. he mostly does it to relax and sometimes has fun get togethers with his friends. it’s never crazy though. always laid back. also def he and his besties were passing a jo*nt in the gryffindor dorms
percy: i really want to be like “he doesnt do drugs duh lmao” but also i feel like that would be a cop out. i said “the whole weasley family dabbles” and i’m keeping my word. percy has a pen. he rarely uses it, but if he can’t sleep or had a hard day or is feeling lonely, he’ll take a hit to chill before bed. he kind of hates that his brothers do it and that they’re more reckless about it, but they got him a pen as a half-gag gift and half real gift so now he sort of understands the appeal.
fred and george: these boys have the dopest b*ng and p*pe collection. and ngl they’ve made a lot of them. they didn’t know charlie dabbled until an older boy at hogwarts let slip and they were so shocked that they pestered him about it during their next school break. he warned them off it because they were too young, but when they asked him about it again a few years later, he set them up. i don’t think they’re dealers per-say, but i bet they started out sharing with friends, then getting some for their friends, then getting some for their friends’ friends, and so on. or maybe they just held sm*keouts! anyways they’re totally the people you’d want to be around the first time you tried it, and i bet they ended up chaperoning a couple younger students’ get-togethers this way. and they were 100% the people ron went to and then were definitely there the first time the trio tried it (over the summer at the burrow i’m thinking). they also for sure come up w some pretty great (and a few really dumb) wheezes products while *nder t*e infl*ence.
ron: duh ron’s up in it. like i said, he went to the twins to get started. part of me thinks he would’ve immediately invited harry and hermione but part of me also thinks fred and george would want him to try for himself first and wouldn’t want him to tell harry or hermione in case they felt pressured (and tbh idk if hermione would be down but i won’t comment). he mostly just sm*kes with the twins or with his other siblings and sometimes with harry. i think he uses a variety of methods, like he’ll use a b*ng w the twins but i see him and harry sharing a jo*nt too. like he definitely does it to socialize and tbh i think most of the weasley kids prefer it to alcohol. weasley-led quidditch team sm*keout? yeah for sure.
ginny: okay i don’t have a backstory but ginny goes hard. she has all the setups, she can roll jo*nts like a mf, she takes over when the twins leave hogwarts, and she is the ultimate girly st*ner. it’s not all the time and she rarely does it to get super st*ned, but she inherited a lot of knowledge from her brothers. so like she’s got the knowledge but also she brings a uniquely feminine charm to it that her brothers couldn’t (the same way she does with everything) if that makes sense. like she gets cute accessories and does girls-only seshes and stuff like that. she totally prefers it to drinking too. she’s also so sweet about making sure everyone feels welcome but not pressured to partake if they don’t want to. basically she’s the ultimate ouid buddy.
i actually can’t believe i wrote this and also spent like kind of a long time doing it?? also i’m tagging @weasleysflowr and @wandsandwheezes and @oh-for-merlins-sake because they encouraged this content lol :)) also plz contribute if you have similar theories and ideas.
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spelviin · 4 years
okay so i had initially planned to post this the week before darryl’s anchor arc started but i got bored halfway through and it’s been rotting in my drafts for like 3 weeks now but whatever, doin it now. for father’s day or whatever. 
paeden being frank theory/ narrative justification under the cut bc oops i accidentally very long meta’d again
i think paeden is probably frank wilson. 
anthony has been making it abundantly clear that there’s some connection there, and adding to that the fact that he went dead silent when beth brought up this theory in the TD a few weeks ago? i think it’s pretty much a done deal. 
whatever willy’s actual endgame is here (and i still for the life of me can’t figure out what that endgame is), the wilsons are not central to it, but they are important. we know that much from all the “spare” talk that poor grant overheard during his time at castle ravenloft. so, when frank wouldn’t go along with willy’s plans, he couldn’t just kill him like he would anybody else. he needed him alive, but out of the way and not a threat. so, by wiping his memory and transforming him into a weak, tiny child and abandoning him to a fighting ring, he accomplished the following:
punishing frank for daring to stand up to him/his plans
making an example of him, which would also keep bill and barry in line
wiping his memory of every trace of his own son, which would render his daddy magic useless
changing his appearance, so even if he did end up encounterting his son by chance, darryl wouldn’t know him
it’s definitely a solid plan on willy’s part, and while the theory is certainly interesting, it never really sat super well with me in terms of narrative. like, it’s a cool twist, but what’s the point? why can’t paeden just be some loveable orphan the group happened upon by chance? and will the reveal of his true identity mean we lose him? 
and that’s where this leg of my theory comes in. 
i think that darryl is going to, at some point, put two and two together and realize that paeden is some magically de-aged and amnesiac version of his father. his father, who died when darryl was young. his father, who he still sees as perfect, because he was gone too soon for darryl to ever take him off the pedestal we place our parents on when we’re kids. his father, who he’s been longing to see ever since he found out about the o-dads’ existence in this world. 
darryl’s whole arc has been about him trying to live up to the idealized image of his own father, rather than just being the dad that grant needs. and i think a huge part of his reluctance to have an actual, real conversation with grant has been because he’s waiting for “the right time” to have it. 
and yeah, back in for knights when they literally had a 24-hour ticking clock in which everyone was trying to murder them, and after which grant would die and the skin eating would happen and such... like, okay, i’ll give him that. the timing wasn’t great. 
but after they got him back from the o-dads, after they saw how badly affected he was emotionally by everything that had happened... darryl kept putting it off. he kept waiting for “the right time,” even though i think he knew full well there was never going to be a right time in faerun with all the crazy shit going on. and to prove that point, i mean. ron didn’t wait for “the right time” to have a conversation with terry and apologize for yoshiing him into the firepit. he made time, because he knew it was important, and he knew it wasnt healthy or helpful to let emotions like that stew. 
but darryl still waited. and he’s still waiting, in a manner of speaking, even after the attempted locker room convo. waiting for the “right time,” waiting for grant to be ready to open up to him. and while i think he genuinely means it when he says he’s waiting for those things... i think, deep down, what he’s really waiting for is his dad.
ever since the other o-dads showed up, he’s been desperate to see frank, to ask him for advice. in his mind, frank is perfect and will know exactly what to do, know exactly the magic words that he should say to grant to make all his problems go away. hell, he probably even thinks that frank will know what to say to make all darryl’s problems go away. 
what he needs to figure out, and what he hopefully will figure out, is that there are no magic words that will instantly heal a deeply traumatized kid like grant. and that even if there were, frank wouldn’t have them, because he doesn’t even know grant, and more importantly, he isn’t perfect bc there’s no such thing as a perfect father. 
so what the fuck does all this have to do with paeden? good question. 
i have zero clue abt the nitty gritty here, but somewhere along the line, i think darryl is going to come to the realization that paeden is frank, and be faced with the choice between getting his dad back and the answers he thinks he needs, and losing paeden forever. and i think that choice will help him come to the realization that he can’t hold onto the memory of his father forever. that there’s no magical help or right answers, that he’s just going to have to muddle through and make mistakes and be open and honest and vulnerable with grant, and figure stuff out with him as they go along. 
in terms of paeden, i hope darryl never even tells him who he truly is. i hope he can just be happy in the knowledge that his father is safe and happy in his new life. in the knowledge that frank, who never knew his father bc a fuckin eldritch monster ate him, now gets to live out a childhood with not one, but five entire dads who love him. 
paeden being frank is a cool twist, but i want it to mean something. and if that meaning can be a catalyst for darryl to give up on his desire to reunite with his “perfect, infallible” father, get some closure and really move on as the dad grant needs? then yeah, that’s pretty damn cool with me. 
unless i’m 100% off base with all of this in which case i assume whatever happens is also gonna be really cool bc anthony knows what he’s doing and has my full trust
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billdenbrough · 5 years
so, a while ago, @audraphillipps tagged this post with a tag saying that bichie were on ron/harry levels, and like... i have literally not stopped thinking about it since? i was talking to @neibolttrio when nat’s reblog popped up on my dash and i went completely feral (ara can confirm, and also was right there with me) bc there’s just like. so much there!!
i know i said in the neville/eddie ask that i tend to think mapping characters onto each other is reductive, and i stand by that (there’s a difference between loose parallels and trying to make them fit neatly, you know? and sometimes equating the characters isn’t the most effective way to express that), and it’s not even what nat was saying, but like. there are parallels
just to get the basics down: bill/harry, richie/ron
(which is interesting bc @benverlesbians and i were having a discussion (well, in tags) where i posited stan as logos and eddie as pathos, and bc jem is galaxy brain, she carried it home to position richie as ethos, and i stand by our choices, but for the golden trio, i’d put harry as ethos and ron as pathos and hermione as logos (like i think there’s other combinations that fit too, but i think this fits best for me), which is interesting. not bc i think the parallels need to map perfectly, but it’s just really fucking fascinating to me how people can shift in different contexts, like new dynamics lead to new positionings... [siken vc: what can you know about a person? they shift in the light. you can’t light up all sides at once] anyway tangent over)
like on the most basic of levels, bill leads his friendship group, and richie is his Loyal Best Friend who follows him everywhere, even places he doesn’t want to go (ron LITERALLY invokes the idea of following. “follow the spiders,” he says, twelve and terrified and going anyway, because harry’s going, because hermione’s hurt and needs them, because hagrid’s been accused, because ron loves his friends)
i think something we don’t talk about super often (at least recently, i don’t want to presume about earlier content i missed) is how anger plays its part in bill’s story, in terms of the degree to which it motivates his quest to kill It. like at one point in the book he even frames it as “using his friends, risking their lives — to settle the score for his dead brother”, which i think is indicative of the anger/desire for revenge that drives it (and that’s not all that motivates him, but it’s definitely a major component)—-that sense of revenge isn’t present as much in the films, mostly because bill is desperate to try hold onto the idea that georgie is still alive (haha, harry after sirius goes through the veil, anyone?), but it’s still there, i think, mostly in the moments bill charges off (even when all his friends are shouting at him to wait or not go) bc he’s so determined that It won’t get away, not this fucking time. and that’s something true of harry too, the way his anger can consume him. we see it throughout the whole series, but order of the phoenix is the most relevant part rn, with how enraged he is after sirius’ death. how gasping and jagged and burning with fury he is. he tries to hurt bellatrix, wants to hurt her in ways we’ve never seen from him, and it’s desperate furious grief leading him to chase her from the room with the veil. and there’s a line, a little later, that always hits me in the chest: when harry is shouting I DON’T CARE and destroying dumbledore’s office, the reply is “you care so much you feel as though you will bleed to death with the pain of it”. which honestly is just generally applicable to the losers, given how much heart they have and how much trauma they endure, but i look at baby book bill, with his revenge-seeking, and i look at jaeden’s bill, with his trembling voice but resolute expression as he gives the “walking into this house is easier than walking into my own” speech, and this quote hits me in the chest
(wrt the bill quote abt risking their lives: it’s important, i think, bc it’s incredibly cognisant of what he’s asking, which is illuminating. but ig to balance it against some things losers say, so that it’s... like he leads them there, absolutely, but they all follow him, and that’s important too. they do choose to, and their choice matters, it’s not just on him. anyway something eddie says, while looking at bill (and it’s not like. in the context of dying for bill’s quest, but it’s got the love and hero worship mention that suggests it applies to more than just the moment), “some stuff has to be done even if there is a risk. that’s the first important thing i ever found out i didn’t find out from my mother”. also, when the werewolf has bill, he’s shouting for richie to go, to get out, and richie stays and tries to save him instead. and i think both their choices there matter)
richie, as much as he Jokes, is one of the more pragmatic and resourceful losers, and really fucking smart, and so often underestimated. (hello, master strategist ron weasley. hello, prefect who literally nobody expected. hello, insecurity) like... we all know how richie is brainy, but also, like. when he’s not clouded by his own fears, he sees things with clarity so sharp it could cut you. (“It’s a monster,” Richie said flatly. “Some kind of monster. Some kind of monster right here in Derry. And it’s killing kids.”) there’s a line, bill says it when talking abt richie and eddie in fights, and it’s about how richie simply can’t keep his mouth shut, like he has to insult bowers, even when he’s got his hands on him. which is actually pretty harry energy, but ron’s the closest thing amongst any of the hp characters to a trashmouth, ron’s the one who doesn’t hesitate to be rude on behalf of his friends (harry tends to be worked up when he says these things; ron’s just naturally got that energy. “light reading? that’s light reading?” is the same energy as “can only virgins see this? is that why i’m not seeing this shit?” don’t @ me), ron’s the one who drags harry for filth when he’s being an idiot. ron follows harry, even when he’s mad about it. and boy oh boy. richie is ambitious, richie is always practicing his Voices because he wants them to be worth a damn one day, richie is constantly trying. and ron’s erised is based in simply wanting to stand out in a family full of people he thinks are more interesting or valued than him, amongst best friends who are more incredible, which is a different motivation, sure, but look at his dreams. look at how high he rises when he lets himself want it. richie’s always doing Voices because it’s easier to Pretend to be someone else than be himself, and ron is constantly scrabbling for purchase in a world where he thinks he’ll never be worthy
(there’s room for discussion about how ron’s fears are primarily creature based—spiders, werewolves, the grim; how sirius hurt him, even unintentionally, how he was betrayed by peter, how his father was attacked by a snake, how his brother was attacked by a werewolf—and how richie has his famous werewolf, but that’s more abstract of an analysis than i’m doing here, i’m just thinking about the parallels, so this is more throwing a thought out.)
and, boy oh boy. my favourite part of this. i mean, we get ron and harry always together (consider: neibolt house (in the book, when bill and richie go there; in the film, when they’re confronting the doors, separated from eddie) as their chamber of secrets), them being best friends, ron having harry’s back even against his own family (ron angrily tearing up percy’s letter and calling him a git, esp after harry doesn’t know how to react in a way that doesn’t show how much it upsets him, has my entire fucking heart), harry having ron as “what [he’ll] sorely miss”... but. but but but. we also have the goblet of fire fight. even more crucially, we have the blow up in deathly hallows. they fight, they fight, and it’s bad. harry and bill you could compare a little with their focus, ig, but the crucial part is ron and richie. ron throws harry’s parents in his face when he’s terrified for his family (and under the influence of a horcrux); richie says georgie’s dead and for the first time all film, doesn’t take it back, not when eddie’s gone and stanley’s terrified and ben’s leaking blood and richie doesn’t want to die, doesn’t want his friends to die. it’s best friends fighting viciously, with something too sharp to hold—-it’s words that cut like knives, fists in the middle of the street and leaving when they’ve always followed you.
but. it’s also coming back. when harry needs him, ron is there. they haven’t had a chance to talk about anything, but ron is saving him. when bev goes missing, when bill goes to richie, even though thing are still fractured, still angry, richie comes back. richie follows. even when they haven’t talked about anything as far as we can tell, even when there’s no resolution to their fight, richie’s the one who stands up and makes the choice that mobilises the losers, the one who tells bill everything bad that’s happened from following him but follows him yet again, doesn’t leave him behind, stays and saves him. it’s about the coming back, the saving, the i’d follow you anywhere of it all. like god but georgie/bill is the dynamic that informs chapter one & richie/bill is the dynamic that drives it // lily/harry is the dynamic that informs the hp series but ron/harry is the one that bookends it—-the first person he ever chooses, who ever chooses him in return, and he’s right there at the end, when all is well. billrichie ronharry best friend RIGHTS
not really part of this but other things that make me scream: bill and richie on silver when richie’s catatonic/harry and ron when ron’s out of it bc of the brains (and also, now that i think abt it, injured from sirius’ bite). ron clinging to harry’s side in the forbidden forest w aragog/“i’m stickin’ with you, big bill”. ron imitating harry’s parseltongue to get to the chamber of secrets, taking hermione down the path they took/richie remembering confronting the doors with bill, trying to take eddie down the path they took.
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wildestschemmentis · 6 years
I never realized you are a hardcore HP fan. I love ur wynonna earp headcanons, do you have any good headc abt HP?
Oh i will die loving this saga despise the fact J.K Rowling went the way she went. uh i do have a lot, mostly of romione and their kids but i’ll try to talk about everyone.
- Hogwarts changed so much that now the hufflepuffs are the bullies - there’s a lot of places in hogwarts with the names ‘’potter’’, ‘’weasley’’ and ‘’granger’’ in it and the next gen cringes at it but they feel very proud of what they did- victoire and teddy started dating in their sixth year bc of a slugh party (teddy doesn’t care about genders at all)
- contrary to the popular belief in the fandom i dont picture rose as being bookworm like hermione, no, she is very much like ron, she eats all the time, swears all the time (’’Honestly, Rose, i will ground you until you are 21 years old if you ever talk like this!’’ says Hermione on day), and she is good at quidditch, makes into the team as a chaser on their third year.
- Hugo is gay. The entire family is okay with this and Ron who is a very teddy bear and protective father is like ‘’alrite but no man is good for my son’’. Hugo is the male version of Hermione, always anxious about homework and trying to follow the rules but he has fun when everyone hangs out at hogsmeade. he is ravenclaw and has a crush on the captain of their quidditch team. 
- Ron still works in the shop with George and since now is canon that Hermione becomes the Minister, he is the granger-weasley residence a lot more and loves to cook. Word gets around and one day they are at Hogwarts and a Hufflepuff says Ron wears the panties in the family to get into Rosie’s head (she has a temper), Ron doesn’t understand it and when Hermione explains it to him he just laughs and says ‘’you bet you ass i am laddie’’.
- Romione are so in love it hurts and Rose, who is very into tv shows, compares them to Peralta and Amy all the time. 
- Harry and Ginny are living in Godric’s Hollow now and he rebuilted the Potters house but no one lives in there.
- James is as bad with girls and Harry was and Ginny makes fun of them all the time, Lily is also a Ravenclaw and it’s on the quidditch as well, Albus doesn’t like quidditch but is good at defense against the dark arts, specially when Harry retires from being an auror and starts to teach at Hogwarts.
- Arthur and Molly bought a lot of houses in ottery st. catchpole and all the Weasleys live in there in a lot of Burrows of their own.
- Fred II follows the rules as much as Hugo and his father is kinda sad about it but in the other hand Percy’s kid are the new troublemakers.
- Astoria, Hermione and Ginny are always having a girls night out bc why the fuck not.
- Someday the daily prophet notices that Ron and Harry are a couple and Rose compares it with Frankie and Gracie, it becomes a recurring joke in family reunions.
- Draco still doesnt get along with them all but it’s okay with Scorpio and Rose dating. Ron, on other hand, is still protective and Hermione too, but she pretends she’s okay with it so Rose can confide on her. 
- The Grangers are a huge part of everyone lifes now. Hermione doesn’t rule them out since Australia, they know everything about the wizarding world and they even were allowed to watch Rose playing a match one day at Hogwarts.
- Also, Hermione is Hermione J. Granger Weasley now, she keeps all the names and Ron changes it when they renew their vows cuz Rose told him about Beyoncve and Jay-Z
- Everyone calls Harry the Uncle Who Lived
- Rose and Scorpio only get alonge after their fourth year. 
- You know who else is gay? Charlie. When Hugo comes out, also in the fourth year of Hogwarts, he gathers the courage to talk about it with his family, but he marries a muggle and Arthur couldn’t be happier.
- I like to think Lily is bissexual bc i had a lot of bi vibes from Ginny
- Hermione is very KinkyTM and teached a lot. I MEAN A LOT of stuff to Ron. She keeps her hogwarts uniform, he keeps his quidditch one.
- Theres a ball at hogwarts on their fifth year and James ask Lavander’s daughter out, she’s as needy as Lav-Lav was and everyone makes fun of him about it, Ron is the only one who gets it and its like ‘’dude. don’t let her give you a necklace’’. 
- There’s a room in the granger-weasley residence full of books for Hermione (and Hugo of course), it was Ron who builded it with the help of Harry.
- When the trio fights someone always ask if they are broking up (’’I should be so lucky, says Ginny, who started the joke)
- Albus is assexual and has a owl who looks exactly like Hedwig
- At some point of her early teenage years rose wants to be an youtuber (’’You can’t, people do magic all the time in this house, i am the Minister Of Magic, for god’s sake! says Hermione) 
- Ron is bad with technology and so is Harry 
anyway i could go on forever about this
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