#he definitely got exiled from heaven or something
mostlymobilegames · 6 months
I just realised that the MC's hatred for Walter's singing doesn't exist just because she's a colossal hater, it's because he's basically an angel ("celestial", whatever). His singing isn't actually shit, it's just how it sounds to her ears because she's a demon.
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No wonder he didn't get hurt at all by being regularly insulted. Even the chillest himbo would eventually feel bad after getting his artistic spirit ripped to shreds in every interaction, but he knew the MC didn't hear the same thing as the humans since he knew she wasn't one of them.
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silviakundera · 5 months
Me : Hasn't watched a single drama from 2024 because I was too busy
Me: Goes to mydramalist to find something romantic to watch and starts reading comments on all the stuff that seems interesting sees that for almost every one of these fall into one of two camps the first one which houses the majority of shows the comments are exclusively about the guy and how much of a simp or green flag he is (their words not mine) the second category is people are criticizing the show for portraying an uneven dynamic where the fl treats the ml like shit
Me: backs away slowly and goes back to my binge watch of star trek deep space nine
Idk what it is if it's the writing or the different type of fans or a combination of both all I know I'm very confused 🤔 have we fallen into a different timeline ? Parallel universe? Have screens cooked our brains completely?
my friend, your first mistake was raw dogging the comments section on MDL 🙈😂😭 gotta proceed with caution these days 🚧🚧🚧🚧
but I got you. If you want to dip your toes back into 2024 cdramas romances,
* Legend of Shen Li is almost universally liked. I don't know that I encountered a real hater. Don't turn that into sky high expectations that can't be met, though. It's simply a solid xanxia romance with a very strong landing - 1 full length episode dedicated to the happy ending, instead of the xanxia standard 1 minute. The most high god in the universe x demon general who is engaged to heaven's notorious playboy that's terrified of her. and who is temporarily a chicken. (just go with it) The main couple have chemistry & are very capable actors. Rarely do I make it thru a xanxia without ever being consumed with rage at some awful thing the plot has one of the main couple perpetrate on the other... but this one passed! The main actress is convincing as an immortal warrior.
* Blossoms in Adversity is NOT universally liked, tbh it got almost no traction on tumblr. But despite all its flaws I found myself watching it eagerly. I am a sucker for historical costume dramas with feminist themes - if you enjoyed Dream of Splendor, this one might appeal. After all the men in the family are exiled and they are stripped of their noble status, the main wives, concubines, children, and servants of a large official's household have to figure out a way to survive on their own. Without the guidance (and yoke) of men. The strength of the drama is that it isn't easy - these women are not all kind & smart & selfless. They're complicated people and a product of their environment. But watching them slowly come together was so satisfying, and how all the women begin to explore an identity beyond the strict roles they held in that manor. It's so direct about how much power men had over their wives in that era and what that means for these women. The main otp will appeal if you like ships of 2 mature adults who have their own goals and respect each other as equals, who are supportive but don't step on each other's independence. The FL's practicality was so pleasing to me. It just dropped it's final episodes via Express.
* The Spirealm available legally now on Viki, if your tastes run to censored gay romance. And if you like mystery/ horror and like fiction that asks, what is reality (and does the definition of 'real' matter). Like in korean bl Love for Love's Sake, the protagonist enters a game world and ends up caring about that world. (unlike LFLS, a distinct lack of kissing with tongue)
* In Blossom - Chinese het web novel vibes just exploding onto the screen. Childhood sweathearts torn apart years ago, now he's a rich noble while she's poor but he still wants to marry her as promised. (She is less sure about this.... then she gets her body swapped by this crazy chick who really REALLY wants to marry the ML. who, ooops gets murdered on their wedding night.) So now FL is in crazy chick's body and the #1 suspect for her gruesome murder is ML, that childhood sweetheart who showed up out of the blue to propose. and happens to be the top candidate in running to marry the crown princess 🤔🤔🤔 . She thinks he (tried to) kill her. He thinks she's dead and hates the lady she's stuck impersonating. Spoiler: they fall in love.
* Amidst a Snowstorm of Love - Slice of life soft cdrama, if you like that kind of thing. Developing relationship for like 30 episodes about 2 professional snooker players. Relaxing vibes, sweet romance. They're both kind, talented, and capable. They're good for each other and really humanly awkward about starting a relationship. You don't watch this kinda drama for dramatic tension, you just chill with it and wind down after a hard day. It's baked-in that they'll get married at the end.
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lifetrimmed · 3 months
Well I am back with more Makai ouji, a different character this time tho lol.
So you got Michael, THE Archangel Michael, right? My best boy. My beautiful darling. My amazing scrunkly. He is listed as a main character despite not even appearing until episode 8 in the anime/second musical/chapter 21 (volume 4) in the manga and having by far the least screentime of all the mcs (even some side characters get more lol). And ho boy is he something. So there's a rule in the MO world that the more powerful a demon/angel is, the more time they have to spend in limbo, sleeping. This sleep is a century long and comes about once every couple hundreds of years for high ranked demons. Michael. Never. Slept. He has such massive trust issues that he wouldn't let Heaven in anyone else's hands because everyone he once trusted is either dead, betrayed him, or is incompetent.
The original group was Michael, Lucifer, Uriel, Gabriel, and Raphael. Lucifer, obviously, betrayed him, that was the first problem. Then Uriel failed his orders because he got too attached to a human, thus betraying him too. Raphael has no interest in politics. Gabriel (a lady in this series btw) ate the apple of sin and had a child with a former pagan god which was the first strike as it's heavily implied Mich was in love with her, and then she died! And Mich is still in denial about it 2-3000 years later. Still holding on to the hope that she's just sleeping for too long and she will definitely wake up. He's constantly on the verge of disappearing because of his lack of sleep. Literally living on spite alone. And oh boy is he moody, insecure, and constantly lashing out... And!! It leads to even more people turning their back on him and betraying him! Which gives him even more trust issues and insecurities!! It's honestly so tragic to me because he needs help more than anything but instead he ends up spiraling even deeper down because of his own actions that were taken because of that spiral in the first place!
His former confidant is actively plotting to kill him, the other current leaders of Heaven (except Raphael who is still there, acting like he's high all the time) barely hold any respect for him, Uriel picked a human over him again, the woman he loved is dead AND her child looks like a walking copy of her (to the point where even Raphael has to do a double take to realize she didn't rise from the dead), there's a Heaven-wide conspiracy against him that actually comes to fruition later, he ends up exiled and barely holding on, having to rely on the same people who, more or less accidentally, set this all into motion, faith in him is waning all over the world, and if that all wasn't enough, the apocalypse is coming. And you know what, it never gets better. He doesn't really get a happy ending. He dies knowing he was never anyone's first choice, that he most likely won't be missed, just glad that at least he got to see a world where Lucifer died, even if just for a second.
And yeah, I did write him a tiny afterlife fic back in the days of the fandom being still alive where he met up with Gabriel and got to have his happiness, but then new chapters came out and wow!!! Gabriel was pretty shitty actually!!! I don't think Mich really knows the extent of it because he was very happy to offer her kid a chance to go home and visit her (denial be strong baby...) and all. I just want him happy. I want him to have genuine friends. He showed he can be so caring and protective and forgiving even to people who annoy him. Even to people who started his end without meaning to if they can't defend themselves. I know that seems like it doesn't match up with what I said about his personality but please!! He's such a broken and layered character!!
EYYOOO sorry I took a bit while... And I hope you don't mind me merging my reply for your two asks into one? (⁠人⁠ ⁠•͈⁠ᴗ⁠•͈⁠) And I pick this one to post cuz it's more tragic LMAO
Michael is the one who acts aloof and looks down on everyone in the anime isn't he? Mannn the characters with those traits always have the most depressing story jsgsjsgs
But that fic and the story update omg, If I were you I'd be so disappointed and crying oof (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
I remember some bits about camio from your rambles in the server~ Him having a wifey! The pizza classes with his not-boyfriend!! But for some reason the one thing I remember the most about him in the anime was when his face looked like a sad puppy when someone stroked his cheek HAHHAHAA ...It was camio right?? I hope I remember it correctly (⁠ ⁠;⁠∀⁠;⁠)
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quietbluejay · 5 months
Ahriman: Exile Reread 1
So, I decided not to include my thoughts on the samples I read in between Buried Dagger and this the TLDR: Betrayer: I'm definitely intrigued but it felt like it was being unfair to Magnus :/ Angel Exterminatus: McNeill has really upped his game! The Path of Heaven: slaps roof of warhammer this franchise can fit so much chronic pain into it The Crimson King: this is what got me interested in Lucius originally
And now, the main event: Ahriman: Exile was the second ever WH40k book I ever read (first being Know No Fear), and it was basically the make or break between me staying and me leaving.
story begins with a space wolf pov and man i gotta read a space wolf book at some point, i found out there's a book where a space wolf and a thousand son end up sharing a body and then apparently they become besties so like this is a book written just for me future bluejay note: i read the sample at a later point and the book is on the list now
this guy however in the ahriman novels was as i recall my introduction to warhammer cannibalism And at this point I feel like I should maybe put a content warning. Cannibalism mentions ahead, if you've read the book it's fine, I'm not screenshotting those bits and I'm being even less descriptive
haakon (the pov guy) undergoes an experience that sounds a LOT like he has the butchers nails haakon dude r u ok
you know if i had a nickel every time in this book a dude got stripped and hung from a wall in chains and scribbled on with ink pens by one specific sorcerer i'd have two nickels which is not a lot but man, amon, you need better hobbies note from future bluejay: I misremembered oh i also forgot this bit
im sixteen pages in and we are on our SECOND cannibalism this is really gross i shouldn't have read this right after eating i was going to describe a bit and thought better of it even behind spoiler rip haakon you were alive only for the prologue chapter though wait i feel like he showed up again in a later book??? maybe it was a different gross space wolf
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carmenta my beloved blorbo no, self, you have enough cosplays planned her child, for context, is the spaceship she's a rogue techpriest and she's connected to the ship
and here he is the specialest boy the sad wet beast of an evil sorcerer, the platonic ideal of a poor little meow meow
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ahriman is uh, not doing very well how the mighty have fallen literally kneeling for an unsanitary blood covered dude who collects evil sorcerers like jewels
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viva la vida plays in the background this is, to be honest, an uncomfortable scene, but it really works for setting the mood of the book
meanwhile ahriman is just sitting there like "his main sorcerer is going to betray him i could probably do something but what is the point of doing anything i don't know if all my powers still even work" "it was as if a portion of his soul had shrunken to a wasted shell" and meanwhile gzrel is calling him "a whipped dog among wolves" rip wolf reference ahriman doesn't actually react to that at all khayon would but ahriman basically attempts to repress all his trauma and Does Not Think about it he does that about a lot of things so yay ahriman got chosen to lead the attack on the Titan Child, he's being set up to die ahriman: ok and now over to astraeos who is also blorbo there's a lot of great characters in these books
ok so he's part of the remains of a renegade space marine chapter imperium turned on them without saying why we don't find out about this til a lot later and we find out why waaaay later and it's normally a plot i hate but it was kind of okay here because it fits the story thematically somehow he became the leader of what remains but he has no clue what to say also they're guarding carmenta
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Gee I wonder why your powers don’t work any more Do I really need to know about the bloody mucus, French?
the overwhelming message im getting from this is "chaos space marines are gross and unsanitary"
ok i don't remember this either something possessed the dude next to ahriman and now there's frost everywhere it's speaking to ahriman and also everyone else is frosen in time "i am your fate come round at last" spooky note from future bluejay: arc words! arc words!
carmenta: ah my death is here i will be free at last but oops astraeos rescued her ahhh okay so she found him and his brothers floating lost in space and she rescued them and thats why they swore to protect her
ahriman 🤝 carmenta hearing ominous voices behind their thoughts ahriman 🤝 carmenta "you know what just let me die here"
oops ahriman's repression failed traumatic flashbacks to his brother's death time oh yikes rip astraeos he's a prisoner and they took one of his eyes and he's being hung from the ceiling with HOOKS IN HIS SKIN euerrrrgh rusty hooks man french is really going out of his way to emphasize the whats the right term the physical elements and the horrible reality of what it would be like, it's very visceral but also lmao trying to earn the mature rating for the book as if it didn't with the cannibalism
i don't think it's overshooting the horror im just trying to make a joke to lighten my mood because this book gets dark i actually had to take breaks when i was reading it originally because I was in a pretty bad mental place at the time oh yeah ding we have a third character held prisoner naked and hanging from the ceiling though tbh astraeos' situation is worse than haakon's or than future ahrimans will be note from future bluejay: you misremembered, there are 3 times characters are imprisoned and vulnerable and hanging from the ceiling but in only two cases were they naked and cannibalized, no one ate ahriman and he got to keep his tunic. To be fair to past bluejay, it is a weird thing to pop up multiple times in the first place
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both of them they were both betrayed by the imperium that created them and outcast by it
astraeos is unsettling ahriman oh this is why he adopts astraeos isn't it
it's because he reminds him of himself and then he shapes astraeos into himself including his own mistakes…. third cannibalism at least it happened offscreen ahriman feel supernatural fear French does a good job at conveying the creeping feeling of something wrong at your back ;-; ahriman kept all the physical things he could from his time in the TS
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forget bad mental health day ahriman is having a bad mental health millenium
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I can't help but hear this as a riff on the "we should improve society somewhat" meme
so i am STILL not sure if it's the voice of something else in his head or not maybe this time when i finish the trilogy i will have clarity the end got really confusing
oh hey time for him to meet carmenta
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and then he warns her to be careful oh gross not the human tallow candles again this was I think my first encounter with them, but sadly not my last of course they didn't do a good job rendering you think these guys know how to properly render anything it explicitly smells like meat
the visitors are thousand sons ahriman basically has a panic attack
oh ahriman is happy :D visitor is someone he knows and actually liked him
ahriman: i'm not alone :D :D :D meanwhile he keeps having visions oops "the vision slipped into his mind like a razor" i love french's similes tolbek threatens gzrel a bit and then ahriman and him talk via telepathy tolbek: you must come with me ahriman: sorry no tolbek surprise attacks it's super effective
annnnd ahriman awakens his power again
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after centuries of depression, local man finally feels something and it's joy that he's going to kill someone he knew rip and then ahriman turns into a killing machine rip everyone in the room you're all dead also things get trippy with visions
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oh, honey sometimes, having hope is bad because this is wh40k
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but this is where it starts he's at his lowest point but he's going to start to climb oh welp he didn't kill one dude just broke his mind
ahriman: i almost feel bad for him then he remembers that this is the guy that ate astraeos' eye and tortured him ahriman: nvm and then for some reason (vision he had) he doesn't kill Maroth seriously at this point i have to think it was something making him not do it the first thing ahriman does is go to free astraeos
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the thing he does not want to do is he frees astraeos anyways so now astraeos feels obligated because his honour and obligation are all he has left time for carmenta to be a badass
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elmo emoji
anyways the prose is definitely holding up the weird stuff feels weirder, somehow
thinking about how fast ahriman gets attached to carmenta and astraeos but doesn't really admit it to himself which is a repeating pattern in his life thought I had last night: he has the wisdom and critical thinking skills that God gave a slug
let me amend it, that's mean to slugs ahriman does not have the wisdom and sense that God gave a slug i had some thoughts about ahriman and astraeos and some of the themes of this book but they aren't entirely coherent but basically about ahriman being at his kindest when he's at his lowest point mentally and physically and also tbh at his wisest and as he gets in better shape he loses that to his all consuming focus
ahriman is basically the manifestation of that diane di prima poem all he has is a collection of means
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miyu-hyperfixates · 1 year
MDZS's volume 5 arrived not long ago and I've finally found the time to re-read it. And while doing so, I was struck with something that I had never noticed before. I knew both facts separately but somehow never connected them, which is super weird because it's very obvious. Anyway I was reading the part about LXC telling WWX how LWJ got his whip scars.
So we all know about the whole injuring elders thing, right? How LXC and LQR asked 33 of them to help bring back LWJ and he ended hurting them all. Which makes it a situation where LWJ went up against 35 people to protect WWX but only 2 were left out?
Now does this 33 + 2 pattern sounds familiar? Maybe not in MDZS but in another work of MXTX... like TGCF? Where a certain Ghost King got his fearsome reputation for challenging 35 heavenly officials, 33 of which were utterly obliterated afterwards?
(By the way, I tried to recall if that specific pattern occurred in SVSSS, but nothing really jumped to mind. The only time I could see it happening thematically would be either SQQ's fake trial or if somehow LBH had, offscreen, tracked down all the demons presents during the CQ invasions' arc...)
So yeah I would *have* to re-read SVSSS to be completely certain, but for now let's just say that this a common pattern between only MDZS and TGCF.
Which still sort of struck me as odd, you know, because "If I had a nickel...." and all that, but it also made me wonder if there was a deeper or symbolic meaning to either the number 33 or 35. And so here's a fun fact.
Right, so leaving aside all the western and biblical symbolism of number 33, turns out (according to wikipedia) that the second level of heaven in Buddhism is named Trāyastriṃśa, meaning "of the 33 (gods)". It is apparently the highest level of heaven that still keep a physical connection to the rest of the world.
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This article reflects the situation in both MDZS and TGCF so well that I find it kinda hard to believe that it wasn't intentional.
The devas are described as beings that despite being (or reaching) a higher status (Elders that are supposed to be respected within the sect due to seniority, the 33 heavenly officials ascending to divinity) but can't avoid being entangled in worldly affairs.
I think it is very interesting that the specific "worldly affair" mentioned is the conflict with the asuras, beings who used to be devas peers but were expelled and are perceived as malicious beings trying to go back.
Now the situation fit WWX to a T, because he used to be an 'esteemed' cultivator, the head disciple of one the Great Sect, an "hero" from the Sunshot Campaign and all that, but was then exiled from the cultivation world where he was rumored to raise an army in an attempt to conquer the Jianghu and was now even corrupting their precious LWJ. From the Elders (devas) point of view that's definitely asuras materials that needed intervening.
The analogy is two-fold in TGCF in the sense that there are actually two 'asuras': HC and XL.
The most obvious one is of course Hua Cheng, he ascended once (though decided to descent right after) making him the 33 gods' peer (although rather briefly) and is considered as a very dangerous threat to the godly realms. The 33 heavenly officials of course entangled themselves in worldly affairs there by accepting Hua Chang's challenge.
As for Xie Lian.... well... he was literally banished from the Heavenly court (twice) ... and not only did he really literally "plot to get his status" but he also managed to do it twice. So like... check, double-check and triple check on that one, I guess?
The heavenly official of course didn't really perceived him as a threat that needed to be deal with, but they did entangled themselves in worldly affairs and pettiness when they humiliated and bullied him back when he found that great cultivation spot full with potent spiritual energy.
By the way I just find it hilarious that the author of the wikipedia page added that tidbit about marriage quite apropos of nothing. Like yeah "those two types of divine beings are kinda perpetually in conflict with one another but don't worry marriage is still allowed though, because who doesn't need those types of star-crossed lovers amirite? *wink wink* " .... Though they probably added it because the Ruler of the Devas married the daughter of an asura's chief, but that info wasn't mentioned in the wiki page itself so yeah...
So yeah, I don't know if that was what MXTX was referencing with the 33 thing or maybe MXTX just liked that number. (Or if it’s just that 3 is considered a “bad” number in TGCF so double 3 is just doubling the badness factor, I dunno ) *shrug*
I couldn’t find anything on the number 35 though, so if you know anything about it (or if you feel like the significance of the number 33 might refer to something else) do feel free to share! I would love to discuss it!
Also my knowledge relies heavily on wikipedia pages (and we all know how reliable it is) so if something I said was wrong please feel free to correct me! :)
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mad2001-4 · 1 year
Non-Cannon, happy Celestial family one shot with mine and @p3achgutz-blog OCs again. Focuses on Uncle Mikey but I definitely wanna explore more family members soon
"They're beautiful Luci," Michael commented, looking down at each little, squirming twin held in his large, protective arms. Even the compliment wasn't settling Lucifer though they smirked all the same. Their little twins were very beautiful. Perfect, Lucifer would even argue. Still, the kind, truthful words didn't change that Lucifer didn't want this at all.
It had all started with the twins hearing the word family. This got the two toddlers curious about Lucifer's own, and the children's by default. They had originally told of their glory days as an angel, a favorite angel. Of the days where them and their siblings would explore and play and commit fellowship in the beautiful home known as Heaven. They opted out the later details, of their exile from their home. The children had been told the story once. Only once. And that was all Lucifer cared to tell it. Those memories were better left forgotten.
However, the old days of their life as a holy being, that was something they were willing to talk about, and something they had. The tykes they'd taken under their wing, literally and figuratively, had begged for more stories about those times, pleading for a new and different story each time. Lucifer had obliged though they now regretted it. Apparently, it seemed their siblings worked under the same rule as the devil. Speak their name and they should appear, because only a hour ago a group of three archangels were at their metaphorical door.
As tempted as they were to turn the angels away, they really couldn't find it in themself to fight their siblings off, certainly not with two little ones running around now. Between those two and age, Lucifer's infamous temper was cooling more and more by the passing days.
"I'd say, look at that. One with their personality," Gabriel playfully poked Amity's nose, making the little girl squeak in delight, "and one that bares their looks," they ruffled Achilles's blonde locks next earning an excited squeal.
Lucifer wanted to roll their eyes, but the elated sounds of their babies was enough to put them at ease, seeing their siblings taking such good care of the twins. Some slack could be allowed, they supposed.
"Thank you... they really are something else," Lucifer commented in a mumble, catching Amity's gaze they waved gently at the little girl who immediately smiled for them.
"Now what has me curious..." Michael hummed trailing off, Lucifer narrowed their eyes, trying to guess where their twin brother was going with all this, but they didn't have to anticipate long as Michael displayed what he was talking about teasingly digging his fingers into the kids sides. The twins burst into giggles, squirming in Michael's hold who was sure to keep them secure.
He grinned, "Just as I thought.... ticklish, just like you Luci," his smile pulled into more of a smirk, especially as Lucifer blushed a bit.
"Don't be ridiculous Michael!" they scolded.
Michael grinned, "Whatever you say, Luci."
"Uncle Mikey!" Achilles cheered, both Amity and Achilles had grown very much from the little toddlers he'd met what seemed like ages ago. Now Achilles at least reached Michael's chest, Amity being a few inches below her twin brother.
"Little Fledgling, little Sagitta, look at how much you two have grown," he praised, smiling a bit, "how are you two?"
"Good," Amity smiled a bit, "how are you, Uncle Mikey?"
Michael chuckled softly, "I think it'd be much happier if my niece joined the hug," he hummed wrapping his arm around Achilles who had rushed to him the moment he saw the warrior archangel. Amity smiled faintly but did so, walking up to Michael and wrapping her arms around him, just below where her brother did. Michael hummed hugging her back as well, playfully and gently nuzzling his nose against her brown hair.
"Yes, much better indeed. Look at how beautiful you've become, little Sagitta. As beautiful as the moon you control. I've missed you so."
Amity giggled softly at the nuzzle, smile growing a bit at Michael's words, clinging gently to his robe now in her hug, just as she did as a child, "Thanks Uncle Mikey.. I've missed you too."
Michael hummed in response, looking down at the twins, without offering any heads up, he easily lifted them up into his arms just as easily as the first time he'd met them. A triumphant grin pulled at the archangel's features, "Just as easy as when you two were tots..." he murmured making the two teens, or at least they appeared to be in their teens (Michael suspected them closer to adulthood by now), blush a bit.
Achilles instinctively giggled at his uncle's words, whereas Amity buried herself into the crook of his neck. Michael wasn't quite done however, Achilles's laughter having solidified an idea. He started subtle, teasingly tickling Achilles's most sensitive part, his wings. Very easy to hurt, but just as easy to tickle. Achilles reacted just as predicted, giggling and squirming in Michael's gallant hold. Amity peeked out at this in surprise for a moment before realizing what was going on making her smile a bit.
Achilles sounded and looked just like he did as a toddler as Michael tickled him, "Ahhh yes, fledgling. I had a feeling you were still ticklish," he cooed playfully.
Achilles squealed slightly at the relentless tickles, insisting through them, "Ahaha!! U-Uncle Mihihikey!! I-I'm tohoho big to still behehe tickled..!!"
"Nonsense!" Michael laughed, "You're never too big! Just as you'll never be too big to be picked up and carried, or never be too big for me to stop calling you my little fledgling!" to add to Achilles's laughter as he traveled lower, to the boy's sides and belly, he teasingly cooed, "is uncle's little fledgling ticklish? Is he? Is he? Coochie coo little one..!"
Achilles squealed and giggled, thrashing around at the tickles and teasing, though he noticeably wasn't using all his strength which told Michael his nephew was enjoying himself. He let this continue a few minutes, his hand sneaking to Amity's side, and as he allowed Achilles to catch his breath, he attacked Amity making start to giggle herself, trying to push against Michael's chest as a playful attempt to get away, "Don't think I forgot about you, little Sagitta," he chuckled, smile somehow growing as he heard his little niece's giggles.
"Listen to you, as giggly as the first time I met you," he teased, carefully craning his head down to nuzzle her cheek without getting headbutted, "I don't believe you'll ever grow up either. Forever my little Sagitta."
Michael loosened up on Amity's tickling quicker than he had with Achilles, knowing Amity was more reserved, wasn't as big of a fan of being tickled. That didn't mean the playful torture was quite over yet, however as, next, Michael took up swapping between both of their cheeks, blowing a few raspberries on each child's, as though they were still tots. Michael grinned as this succeeded at having more desperate giggles and insistence from Achilles and shy but gleeful giggles from Amity spill out.
He slowly settled, sitting back on the couch with a content sigh, letting the two recuperate as he rubbed their backs, keeping the twins on a knee each.
"Yes, somethings never do change, little ones," he murmured, smiling as he felt Amity cling on again and Achilles nuzzling him, "just be sure you don't grow up too fast."
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ashplayz · 1 year
My Hazbin Hotel AU's
Hazbin hotel characters x Y/n
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I had no motivation to write this. (Some are shorter than the others)
Some of the humor from hazbin hotel is clearly evident in this, some sexual references/jokes, mentions of drugs/alcohol. Mentions of Angels assault. Mentions of injury, dismemberment torture and death. Some language. Implied yandere y/n.
Most if not all y/ns are female.
Fem y/n x Charlie:
Arranged marriage au, Charlie's parents basically bought y/n to wed her to Charlie. The reason behind this was a situation like stolas and Stella, to produce an Heir to the throne. (Y/n's family had a way for a female and a female to create an offspring btw..) Charlie's parents said they would have plenty of time to get to know each other before the marriage took place as y/n was moved into the hotel. This was all sprung on Charlie as she had previously not known anything about the engagement, but despite that she still tried to be cool about it, despite y/n being more on the abrasive side, not being too happy about being sold to some preppy princess. Charlie made many attempts to form a relationship with y/n but it didn't go very far.. Y/n was cold towards Charlie and as a result that led to a feud between y/n and vaggie. But who knows maybe someday they'd be happy to be wed
Fem Y/n x Vaggie:
Y/n came to the hotel claiming to be looking for 'redemption' but in reality she was just looking for a way into heaven so she could make them pay for exileing her, she was once an angel that fell. Her and vaggie didn't get along but y/n was always just mildly flirting with her to mess with her. One day Vaggie and Alastor got into a fight and y/n stepped in before Vaggie could get hurt too badly y/n took a serious blow in the process. Vaggie yelled at y/n asking why she'd do something so stupid. To which y/n replied that she'd love her regardless of her hatred towards her. The only thing vaggie did in return was pull y/n in for a kiss. Cussing her out later.
Alastor x Fem Goishaia- Y/n:
Y/n was the secret love child of Blitzo and Stolas, locked away from prying eyes for her whole life considering that if anyone had found out about the scandal the people would not be happy. But y/n eventually left, deciding to join a random circle of hell and it eventually led her to the hazbin hotel and well alastor. He'd never felt the way he felt about her about anyone. Maybe it was because of how much like Charlie she had the power to be a foe that he certainly didn't want, yet chose not to use that power. Y/n made it very clear that she didn't much care for alastor. And rejected his advances a few times before she had viewed them as admiral. She originally thought he was just after her crown but she began to question that. As for how the two of them start dating he saved her from an exterminator. Despite the risk to him.
Cheri bomb x fem blind overlord:
Cheri went to war with turf leaders often, not so much overlords but there's a first for everything. Cheri had heard rumors that y/n was blind. But she certainly didn't seem like it seeing as she was one of the most skilled fighters Cheri has ever fought. Things however got complicated between the two an 'I try to save you, you try to save me' situation occurred due to the entrance of some new turf leaders and quickly going from enemies to friends and eventually to lovers. Cheri soon learned that y/n was blind but had a 3rd eye and considering how each of you had one working eye a lot of lame eye jocks from her.
Angel Dust x non binary Y/n (they/them pronouns)
Y/n worked for the IMP and was hired to assassinate Valintono. So y/n went to that circle of hell undercover. They had to pose as someone that wanted to screw Valentino y/n found it pathetic how he was so quick to let them in, definitely letting his second head make his decisions.. 🙄😏 when y/n wasn't round the clock dealing with Val they found themselves wandering through the club prepared to take out any demon that so much looked at them wrong. But when a slightly tipsy off the clock angel dust came onto them asking for a dance y/n didn't protest. Feeling a certain way about this soft, problematic seeming demon. But oh boy they really had no idea what they were getting themselves into. After that night angel dust couldn't get this 'mysterious stranger' that he had danced with out of his head, and y/n certainly didn't stop thinking about him. But when Valentino practically bragged about assaulting angel dust y/n absolutely lost it. In order to kill him they had been given an angelic weapon. Y/n definitely let their emotions cloud their judgment and blew their cover getting hurt severely As a result but in the end y/n was the one still standing. Val well.. he didn't have the legs to stand on when she was done. Vox and velvet had happened to walk in on this carnage neither of them remembering the last time they'd seen such a graphic scene (even considering they were quite literally in hell) y/n told them to scatter his pieces all throughout hell, and not to try to put him back together or they'd be next. After that y/n showed up at angels door. Covered in blood (both theirs and Vals) injured and holding Vals heart sunglasses they were broken and covered in blood. Y/n collapsed into an angel's arms. I don't really need to explain how the relationship took off after that point.
Husk x Fem hellhound Y/n:
Y/n didn't necessarily think redemption was an option for those born in hell but she was really out of options so she joined the hasbin hotel. Y/n immediately felt drawn to husk and while she was calm and collected she was tough and wasn't afraid to call husk out on his shit. She was the first person he opened up to about his past and his pains and how he claimed to have lost the ability to feel any positive emotions without drowning his sorrows in cheap booze. And let's just say he was the first to catch feelings. (I didn't have a whole lot for this one)
Nifty x fem retired turf war leader:
(again I don't have a whole lot on this one either) y/n had some regrets about the carnage she had caused as a turf leader, and had certainly hoped redemption was possible. Y/n and nifty were a very unlikely pair considering how they were both wildly different. They seemed to clash quite a bit and yet they strangely got along. Even making a redemption pact together stating that if one of you got to go to heaven you'd go together (personally I find it will be really easy to redeem nifty)
Sir pentious x fem turf war leader y/n:
(Narrator being a pest- "everyone's watching us, so baby let's keep it secret. A little bit scandalous-)(I'm done :) so basically a secret relationship between y/n and Pentious where they are supposed to hate each other because they are opposing turf war leaders. But are secretly a couple, y/n isn't ready to go public about the relationship so they have to pretend to battle it out for the camera but things are completely different without the cameras rolling.
Sir pentious: "OH MY STARS, BABY DID I HURT YOU!?" Something he'd cry out a lot after each 'fight'
Katie killJoy x fem fallen angel:
(Okay so I have seen a fanfiction on her with a fallen angel before but it wasn't really love.. mine is, even if it's unrealistic) Katie was the first person y/n met upon falling to hell. And their opposite nature's are what drove them to fall for each other. Y/n was good which Katie found boring/irritating with most but.. some but not her.. as for y/n she liked her personality considering everything in heaven was toothrotingly sweet Katie brought out the worst in her. But seeing at the light was what drove Katie to y/n. So Katie toned down her cruel nature as well as she could around y/n. (Except for with ,no with y/n and Katie he's always the butt of the joke- also Katie is very protective of y/n especially around Tom.
Vox x Fem overlord y/n:
Y/n was almost exactly like alastor in the sense of power and personality. If she wanted something she would get it, and that something happened to be Vox. Y/n came across as a patient level-headed person so when her blood boiled for the way Valentino treated Vox when they were supposed to be partners. So when Vox walked in on y/n torturing Val he had to admit he was afraid, something that was rare for him. Even when subjected to vals abuse he wasn't afraid, but that was because he knew Val but y/n was completely unpredictable and that was unnerving. Y/n knew she didn't own Vox but said she could if she wanted to, she had the power to interfere with his online connection. And she's a bit of an asshole sometimes, changing his passwords with a snap of her finger.
Y/n: "I changed all your passwords, good luck trying to solve em" (y/n says teasingly)
Vox: "What do you want from me!?" (He exclaims irritability)
Y/n:..."What are you willing to do?~" 😘
Rosie x fem exterminator y/n:
The exterminator closed in on Rosie; it had overpowered her Rosie gave it a fearful yet daring look. Rosie: "Well then. Get it over with" She challenged but to her surprise the thing had frozen. And started.. glitching..? Well it glitches enough to reveal the person behind it..a girl with beautiful eyes who was clearly trying to stop herself from killing her. And the resistance was clearly causing unimaginable pain, as tears of blood stained into the girl's skin. And the screams of pain the girl let out filled rosies entire being with dread.. there was a blinding light and the next thing this girl laid unconscious and broken on the floor. When the girl woke up she told Rosie her name and what the punishment for failing at her purpose would be..when Rosie asked why she didn't just kill her.
Y/n: "I will not spill the blood of someone as beautiful as you" this had made Rosie so adamant on protecting her.
And I'm done! That is until I know a bit more about some other characters. I will not be writing a romantic prompt for Valentino, he can just be the punching bag. 👿
Something I am open to is someone taking my aus and making a story out of them, as long as you tag me and give me credit for the au.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Okay, now that I have a bit of time it’s time to analize that disaster of a custody battle stream, also known as Tommy and Wilbur visiting Las Nevadas!
As always this is gonna be quite long so I’ll put everything under the cut and remember that I’ll only be talking about the characters. Also for the dialogues the colors are: Quackity, Tommy and Wilbur
One thing that I would like to point out before we get into it is that c!Tommy is pretty much spiraling throughout this stream (he dissociates and shows his suicidal tendencies more clearly) so it’s good to keep this in mind when analizing his actions and words. 
First of all here’s Wilbur’s pov of it: Wilbur's POV
And here’s Tommy’s: Tommy's POV
I’ll be using both for this.
One thing that is immediately interesting to notice is that, despite supposedly living with Phil we mostly see Wilbur around L’Manhole.
“Have you been sewing? Knitting? That can be a dangerous sport if done too quickly” (just wanted to point out the tailor!Tommy bit)
So first of all is the confirmation that the stone never had a use beyond keeping Tommy occupied back when Wilbur asked for it. The task of gathering the stone could also have been a test on Wilbur’s part to test Tommy’s obedience considering that it was a tedious and apparently sensless task that most people would not have taken on.
Afterwards we have an interesting little bit where Wilbur demonstrates that he is still extremely knowledgable when it comes to tnt, knowing which blocks are more resistent to it and even being able to deduce that the ufo was blown up from the inside (something he’ll lie about later). 
“Someone’s a little copycat. Hey tommy someone’s a little copycat~” (in reference to what happened to Purpled’s ufo. This could be interpreted as derogatory we’ll have to see if Wilbur appreciates someone imitating his work)
Quackity’s book is then introduced, though at first Wilbur is very vague about it’s contents before straight up lying about them (saying that it said: “My dearest friend Wilbur, I’ve really missed seeing you, come to project Nevadas your best friend Quackity”), here’s the actual contents of it:
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It is possible that he didn’t mention the actual content to Tommy because he was afraid Tommy would have kept him from meeting Quackity if he knew that he seemingly agreed with Wilbur’s ideology, though this is just a theory. 
Another interesting thing is that Wilbur keeps referring to Ghostbur’s resurrection site as his “tombstone” despite Tommy having already told him last time that he didn’t get one. Perhaps this is a show of Wilbur’s own fear of being forgotten or of having been inconsequential to the bigger narrative (his continued search for the confirmation that he did have a big impact would seem to point to this).
“Will, I’m accustomed to people lying to me. Just tell me: will the book, whatever is in there, bring us more primes?” (this is an interesting way for Tommy to let Wilbur know that he knows he’s lying while still trying to keep the conversation more light herted)
On their way to Las Nevadas there is an interesting instance of Wilbur standing still near a creeper instead of trying to protect himself so that Tommy has to intervene (similar instances happen multiple times throughout the stream) which could be a portrayal of his self-destructive tendencies and kinda mirrors Tommy's behaviour in exile. 
“Every person we’ve spoken to aside from say, I don’t know, Jack Manifold. Every person aside from Jack Manifold has taken a bit of a disliking to me. Oh and Phil, Phil was lovely too, and you actually! Come to think of it the 3 people I care about most, Jack Manifold, you and Phil, have been the nicest to me”
There are a few things I wanna say here: first of all there is one manipulation tactic that consists of making yourself out to be the victim in a certain situation in order to gain pity, sympathy or evoke compassion in the other and that’s what Wilbur has been doing both in this stream and in the past when mentioning that people hate him despite every single person he met (aside from Tommy himself) actually being rather kind and accomodating. This does probably come from Wilbur’s own self-hatred and his view of himself as a villain but, once again, I would like to remind you that manipulation is still manipulation even if you believe in what you’re saying. 
The second point I wanted to talk about briefly was the line about only caring about the 3 people he mentioned. Aside from how truthful he is about all 3 of them (I’m sorry but I have a hard time believing that he cares deeply for Jack Manifold when he didn’t even used to remember who he was) he also later mentions that there are other people he would like to see, basically it’s like the L’Manburg situation: just because Wilbur says he doesn’t care about something it doesn’t mean that it’s true.
“They told me it was like a small little town where Big Q sells funny potions and liquids from his van” (so from Tommy’s understanding Las Nevadas was a mix between the drug van and og L’Manburg. I wonder if we’ll find out who gave him this idea)
Little note about Wilbur throwing Linda (Tommy’s prized shovel) away twice during this stream almost casually.
“Tommy stand back. Tommy stand back” (Wilbur interposing himself between Tommy and a situation that might be dangerous, I’ll talk about this a bit later but keep it in mind)
“I’ll tell you what: it’s nice to see you out of that stupid vice president shirt. You know I never thought you were fit for that vice president thing anyway, I think that this is- this is- what- what are you like the concierge of this area? Like the cleaner?” “This is so nice!” “I don’t know what to call it Wilbur all I know is that this is my place. This is mine. I own this place”
It is interesting to note that Wilbur apparently did not think too highly of Quackity, immediately assuming he must be and employee rather then having a leading position, he even expresses that he didn’t think Quackity was fit to even be vice president. It’s also interesting to point out that Tommy gets immediately uncomfortable with where the conversation is going and splits off from the two to explore while also being extra obnoxious in an attempt to split up the fight he knew to be coming (he is always rather perceptive), to which Quackity responds only with amusement (actually humouring Tommy), while Wilbur simply ignores it for the time being. 
“If I’d known there was a place I could align myself to as quickly as this I would have done it sooner” (could be both a search for community as well as him generally prefering being aligned to a country as he comments later on that he’s not a fan of anarchy by mentioning that him and Phil don’t see eye to eye on this)
This is when Wilbur brings up Quackity’s book for the second time mentioning that he assumed it was an invite to joing Quackity in Las Nevadas, which turns out it wasn’t. 
“So that’s the invitation to work alongside you I assume, I- I accept. I accept. I’d love to come in” “Big Q I also wanted... can I move into the big- the big penis?” “*laugh* No Tommy. Wilbur, Wilbur” “Yeah?” “No? No?” “That was... that was not an invitation I’m sorry Wilbur” *Wilbur checks the book again* “That’s not an invitation. Wilbur, Wilbur, my nation will not be subject to your... unpredictability, alright? Thank you so much for coming, thank you so much for visiting Wilbur but, uhm... I don’t need any- I don’t need any extra members right now” 
So taking this conversation a bit at a time: Quackity is the first person since Wilbur has come back (aside from Tommy, but Tommy’s opinion really doesn’t matter to Wilbur) who hasn’t tried to accomodate him. He set his own rules and stuck by them not willing to budge on it at all. Also it is interesting to note that Quackity so far doesn’t seem to be interested in letting Tommy join either, only changing his demeanour later after Tommy calls Wilbur out on his lying. This change of mind could both be tied to a crack he noticed in Tommy’s loyalty to Wilbur as well as done to spite Wilbur himself. Or both really. 
“[Las Nevadas] It’s like one of those visions you have after being in the mines for several hours” (Tommy mentioning having hallucinations once again)
“No... no, you’ve got it all wrong. You’ve got it all wrong man. Okay okay, maybe, maybe I was unprdictable in the past” “But it’s really nice...” “But I’ve turned over a new leaf Quackity! I don’t lie anymore, I don’t- I don’t, you know, I don’t deceive, I know nothing about tnt anymore. I’ve forgotten everything I knew about tnt, it’s ridiculous I-” “*snicker* Ok- mmm, well... Will, well” “Is he lying Tommy?”
Also here we have a clearer example of Wilbur lying and deceiving right after asserting that he doesn’t do it anymore (he deceived Tommy on the book and lied about his knowledge on tnt) together with Tommy calling him out on it.
“This is the best place on the server! This is like heaven! Paradise!” “Quackity we can stay, right?” “You seem to like it a lot Tommy” 
Immediately afterwards there’s where Quackity seems to change his mind about letting Tommy stay while also ignoring Wilbur in the process. Again we really don’t have any definitive indication for the reason why he changes his mind, it could be because he saw how much Tommy liked it here as much as it could be to spite Wilbur. Any conclusion for either is pure speculation.
“Quackity look at me, look at me in the eyes. I. Am. Your. Servant. I am at your service. I have run countries, I’ve won elections, I’ve done everything that you will need in a leadership role, Quackity. Even not in leadership! I can- I can be, you know, assistent to president”
Another less known form of manipulation. Wilbur wants power within this new country so he offers to cover a more “subservient” position to have Quackity let his guard down so that he can achieve his role. 
“Will this is so cool!” “Tommy SHUT UP!” “Hey! What a fu- hey what a fuck?!” (a bit of Wilbur’s “affable” persona slipping away paired up with Tommy immediately noticing that that was not okay and calling Wilbur out on it)
“Wilbur listen to me: I saw what you did to L’Manburg and I’m not letting Las Nevadas have the same fate as L’Manburg. I appreciate Tommy here, I appreciate you checking this place out Wilbur but, I don’t need your services, I don’t need your presence, you’re very unpredictable” (Quackity once more standing his ground and repeating that he does not trust Wilbur in the slightest and also reaffirming that he does want Tommy there instead)
It’s interesting to notice that all throughout this exchange, while Tommy was off exploring Quackity was the one often paying attention to him while Wilbur ignored him the whole time before snapping.
“So we’re not allowed?” “Tommy, I need to talk to you Tommy” “Am I allowed? Or is it just Will?” “Well, I’d love to discuss it with you” (Quackity is the first person that actually directly addressed Tommy while ignoring Wilbur since Wilbur’s resurrection and that’s quite interesting. It could be that perhaps he noticed that Wilbur seems to consider Tommy almost like an extension of himself and that he tried to drive a wedge into that)
The next few minutes are spent with Wilbur trying to find out exactly where the confines of Las Nevadas are.
“Tommy come with me. Tommy at my side please” (addressing him like a soldier again)
There is a back and forth between Wilbur and Quackity where Quackity tries to deflect Wilbur’s question about his ownership of the adiacent forest multiple times, but Wilbur does end up finding out that it’s not Quackity’s land. (Wilbur also has a throwaway comment about that forest being Paradise in response to Tommy calling Las Nevadas that which Tommy disagrees on).
“What’s the point in capitalism without healthy competition?” (Wilbur announcing he wants to create a country next to Quackity’s)
“Wait, where are you going?” “Just over here Tommy. Stay by my side, by my side” (once again an emphasis on wanting Tommy nearby, which isn’t new)
“You know what Wilbur? You’re right: capitalism strives on competition and I’m ready for all the competition you can bring me” (Wilbur is positively giddy at this declaration, which makes me think that he does truly see this competition mostly as a game)
“Will I don’t want to start a country, I very much like that country there” *Tommy points at Las Nevadas* “With the stone-” “Tommy we- we’ll discuss this in a minute” “No...” “No no no, Tommy seems to have some concerns about building a country from the ground up” (Tommy under) “Listen, listen, guys, guys, I was over there” (Quackity over) “So how about you take Tommy’s opinion into consideration? For once, for once in your life since you’ve never done so before” (Tommy under) “Can we please listen to me? You [Quackity] are not lis- you’re not lis- you’re actually speaking over me”
This is the first one of many conversations this stream where the fight has moved from the power pissing context Wilbur and Quackity had going on to Tommy. It’s also where they starting weaponizing him more and more (his traumas as well as the other’s treatment of him) while each trying to prove that they’re better for him then the other. Of course this isn’t actually about Tommy, it’s about power once again. Quackity has undeniably noticed by now how Wilbur treats Tommy (aka as an extension of himself) together with being pissed that Wilbur challenged him on his own territory (challenging Las Nevadas which is Quackity’s most prized possession) so he decided to repay him in kind. 
From here on out Tommy seems to spiral more, standing up for himself less, looking more and more uncomfortable (especially when the other two start bringing up his traumatic experiences) and slipping back into dissociation and self-loathing behaviour.
“You showed great interest for my country Tommy and I would like to speak to you about that” “Yes” “Wilbur I don’t think you’ll hold Tommy down and make him join your country” “I have utter fate that Tommy will make the right decision” (both of them starting to put pressure on him, subtly influencing him with their wording) 
Tommy and Quackity have a chat together alone (though Wilbur is listening in). 
First thing that happens is Quackity bringing up the hotel which Wilbur implies later was done maliciously, though we don’t know if Quackity knew that the ownership of it didn’t go back to Tommy once he came back to life.
Afterwards Tommy asks Quackity about his scar. 
“If I’m gonna speak to you I want you to be honest with me, ‘cause I’ve spent quite a lot of time with people who just bullshit me, they lie to me and I’m not doing that anymore” (this is one of Tommy’s 2 priorities in life right now. What he wants can be boiled down to honesty and safety)
Quackity does explain honestly what happened, though the information that they spent their time hunting down Techno while Tommy was in exile instead of trying to help him does understandably upset Tommy quite a bit. (Also Wilbur finally makes himself a sword).
“But if this [butcher army] was while I was in exile you’re meaning to tell me that you put in all of the effort to kill Techno instead of helping me?” (...) “You know I needed help and no one came to see me” (this set back his mentality regarding exile quite a bit I’d guess. The anger is more then understandable)
Quackity doesn’t deny the accusations but he does deflect a bit saying that they can talk about it another time and that he is not Tommy’s enemy to which Tommy agrees.
“How would you like to run the official food business of Las Nevadas” (this is Quackity’s big offer for Tommy)
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(Wilbur putting pressure on Tommy in the meantime)
After this Wilbur intervenes directly inquiring on wether or not they were done. Quackity tries to get in a last minute sale pitch to Tommy who is getting quite overwhelmed and asks for some time to think (which he is now given by Quackity, but not later by Wilbur)
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Wilbur also expresses worry for Tommy’s safety while they’re coming back, though how sincere it is it’s unknown (I think it's at least partially sincere worry, but I doubt that's all there is to it). That said I want to say that multiple times in this stream Wilbur has seemingly shown to be protective of Tommy when it comes to Quackity, often almost treating him as if he was incapable of defending himself (as if he couldn’t 1v2 the two of them easily). For example here, even though Tommy said that he can take care of himself Wilbur immediately responds out loud with an: “okay I’m coming” and bringing out his sword.
“Listen Tommy I heard what he was saying to you man and you don’t seriously believe that do you?” (keeping the question very open so that Tommy can interject his own doubts. Also Quackity technically didn’t lie once to Tommy and, while there was a bit of deflection on his part so far he hasn’t been all that manipulative if I’m being honest)
Wilbur proceeds to tell Tommy that if he stays with Quackity he’ll be nothing more then a caterer (strongly implying that that’s not something he wants) and Tommy chimes in saying that that’s not for him.
“Listen Tommy I’m not gonna stop you but, I’ll be honest with you man, you’re all I’ve got” (set up for the guilt tripping later as well as once again putting himself in the position of the victim so that Tommy won’t leave him. Also he denies that Jack and Phil count as well because the first is too busy and he doesn’t agree with the political views of the latter)
“I wanna make a place where we can be safe for once. Tommy it’s been so long since we felt safe and man you deserve it. You’ve been through so much, you’ve done so much, Tommy you’ve changed the world! And all you’ve got to show for it is some scars and some trauma. Tommy you deserve this safety and this sanctuary and that’s why I wanna make it with you and you won’t get it over there”
Now this should sound familiar to quite a few people, mostly because it’s pretty similar to the tactic that Quackity himself uses. First identify the victim’s vulnerabilities and their desires (Tommy only wants 2 things and only one is connected to physical places so safety it is). Second relate to the victims experiences repeating that they do deserve to get what they so desperately want (check back Quackity’s conversation with Fundy if you want to see that done really well). And lastly emphasise that you’re the only one who can give them what they want.
“You know what has substance Tommy? Family. Blood” (what sparked back the canon sbi discourse)
“I haven’t- I don’t wanna make my mind now ‘cause it’s- it feels like-” “Tommy you need to make your mind now” (putting a ton of pressure onto Tommy, enough that Tommy is reminded of his time in prison)
“Tommy I love a challenge” (considering the context and the fact that this is in response to Tommy hesitating on who to join this is most definitely about him. Wilbur definitely still considers this, at least partially, part of his and Quackity’s game)
“If you pick Las Nevadas what am I gonna do? Man, what am I gonna do? I’d never hurt you. I’d never want anything bad for you Tommy” (mixing in a bit of guilt tripping with a bit of lies. Now, it’s probably not a lie that he wouldn’t want something bad for Tommy, but the thing about never hurting him? I mean, this stream is a proof of the cotrary)
“You can go with whatever you want, but just know what you’d do to me” (once again painting himself as the victim while guilt tripping Tommy)
“I put a lot of things to the side that I shouldn’t of. I prioritized the wrong things, I put revenge over humanity. I guess all I’m seeking right now is someone who’ll be honest with me and a place where I can feel safe”
Here it is, we got Tommy’s desire spelled out by him. This is what makes him so vulnerable to Wilbur’s manipulation, the fact that Wilbur knows how to pretend that he can offer this. Also the first part of this is another recognition of how unhealthy his mindset was while he was with Technoblade, which makes him saying that he betrayed Techno and feels guilty about that afterwards even more sad because he recognizes that being with Techno was not good for him but still bashes himself over leaving him even if he really didn’t have any other choice if he wanted to stay true to himself. It’s quite tragic and it’s once more a show of his self-loathing. 
“This can be a safe place for them [Techno and Tubbo]” (Wilbur is using the informations Tommy provided him in a moment of open vulnerability to manipulate him further)
Tommy then agrees to stay with Wilbur though he seems far from enthusiastic about it. He seems to believe Wilbur when he says he's gonna make a safe space for him and the people he cares about, but also seems hesitant to fully trust him.
“Big Q is gonna wish he never fucked with me” (still in regard to challenging Wilbur’s perceived ownership of Tommy)
The stream is far from over though. After that conversation between Wilbur and Tommy they start to build a stone penis over the lake and Wilbur and Quackity get in a very heated argument that leaves Tommy incredibly uncomfortable. The whole conversation consists in Wilbur and Quackity shouting at each other about things the other has done to Tommy (all traumatic for him) while Tommy makes himself smaller and shuts down. First Qauckity accuses Wilbur of emotionally manipulating Tommy (which is true), then Wilbur accuses Quackity of using the hotel against Tommy (which wasn’t actually true) and they keep going like that. 
“The one thing [the hotel] Tommy’s tried to do was a failure” (way to undermine achievements like putting Dream behind bars there... however to be exact this is a manipulation tactic known as “shaming” which consists in undermining the victim’s worth to foster feelings of inadequacy which makes them more vulnerable. It’s a tactic Wilbur has used quite often since Pogtopia)
“Great job Wilbur of doing to Tomminnit what you’ve done your entire fucking life” (Quackity does sound actually upset) 
“Don’t try to compare me to you Wilbur, me and you are not the same” (this does align to Quackity’s desire to not live in other people shadows any longer)
“Hey hey hey hey, don’t come near Tommy, don’t come near Tommy” “Will, Will, hey hey, let me speak! This is about me so let me speak! I don’t know I-” “I just don’t want him to hurt you. I just don’t want him to hurt you” “I can fend for myself. You weren’t here for a long time. I thought, I thought you [Wilbur] were gonna make me feel a little bit safer, let me tell you now either of you-” “Fellas fellas” “No shut the fuck up! I didn’t feel- that didn’t make me feel- that was weird, I didn’t- don’t do that either of you” 
Now this is both Wilbur once again babying Tommy and treating him as if he’s not capable of taking care of himself (it could be done out of sincere care, but that doesn’t make it any less patronizing) and Tommy actually standing up for himself. Tommy made himself as little as possible during their confrontation and didn’t utter a word and now he finally got a bit of confidence back to say that he didn’t like that and both of them still tried to interrupt him. And Wilbur immediately went to say that he won’t do it again, but Quackity will as if he didn’t listen to a word Tommy just said. That said after that Quackity does apologize to Tommy specifically (though how sincere that was is debatable and Wilbur also accepts the apology as well even if it wasn’t directed at him) and invites the both of them to have a tour of Las Nevadas. Tommy wanted to refuse the tour because he was already visibly overwhelmed, but Wilbur ignores him and proceeds to accept anyway. 
“Quackity I wanna say from here on, as much as we may have our disagreements here man I- we gotta leave Tommy out of this” (they don’t)
“Tommy I’ll take it back, I’m fine with you working here and still being, you know, as long as you still hang out with me and don’t leave me on my own I have no problems with you working here man” (except they both already put an incredible amount of pressure on him and Will in partucular already made him feel guilty for even considering sort of leaving him)
“At the end of the day it’s okay Tommy, you make your own decisions, but let me keep showing you around the TommyInnit res- uh, I mean the restourant” (very sneaky there Quackity. Naming things creates attachment btw) 
Btw, Quackity and Wilbur are still very tense, but they both put their differences aside in a split second to get Tommy away from the strip club, which honestly is just funny. Also once again Wilbur goes before Tommy inside the casino in case it’s dangerous.
They then gamble for a bit and Tommy bets Linda away and looses it. They then go up in the white tower. 
“This would be such a good point to just jump off and just end it. Woah” “no no no Tommy get down!” “Tommy get down from the rail” (casual reminder that Tommy is still extremely suicidal, though at least this time there was someone there to get him down)
Quackity and Wilbur have a small conversation while Tommy is still checking out the view which mostly consist in Quackity trying to find out more about the Revival Book (while feigning complete ignorance about it). 
Meanwhile while dissociating Tommy puts down some water to the side of the tower and then jumps in it while taking it away (therefore technically jumipng off, but not dying because his fall was slowed down). Quackity notices and immediately panics, while Wilbur places some water down for him so he can get back up. 
“Tommy come here, I’ve got you, I’ve always got you” (both helping and emphasizing his wish for Tommy to depend on him as much as he does on Tommy)
After that they talk for a while and Quackity brings up the conversation that he had with Wilbur which is the moment Wilbur realizes that the “You were right” in the book was referring to the pre-Pogtopia him. Also Wilbur talks about the things he’s lost (years of his life and people are the two things he mentioned). 
“There’s lots of people I wish I could see. Like I wish I could just tell them ‘I’m alive’ and apologize and also thank them” (I do think he’s sincere, but it does make me a bit sad that Tommy was not in the list of people who deserved an apology in Wilbur’s mind)
After that Quackity seems to take an interest in Wilbur’s plans specifically, but, before he can investigate further, Tommy gives him his own answer and declines his offer of manning the restaurant saying that that life is not for him, it’s too relaxed (Wilbur's reaction to it is also worth notice). 
“I don’t wanna run a food stand. Wilbur gets things done” (sorry to Tommy here, but, genuinely, when’s the last time Wilbur got something done without Dream’s or Tommy’s help?)
After this they get back on the topic of the Revive Book and Wilbur reveals that Dream is the one who brought him back. He also admits that he wants to thank Dream for saving him and describes him as his “hero” again. Quackity himself reveals that he has been visiting Dream.
“Oh who cares about Ghostbur?” “Don’t fucking say- don’t- he killed Ghostbur” (once again Tommy should not be here for this conversation considering how triggering the subject is for him)
“I can’t believe- you’re like a misinformed parent, you’re just wrong” (Tommy both pointing out that Wilbur is wrong and admitting that that’s due to a lack of information)
“The prison is not just this thing, this dandelion. No no no, the prison-” “How are you back then Tommy? If you died” “Dream killed me to prove a point. That he- (continues under) he’s omnipotent, he’s got this God complex” “Quackity I need to get in there”
Once again not letting Tommy speak even if Wilbur himself asked the question, though this time it may be because if he listened to Tommy’s story and his experience with Dream he would realize that there are some incongruences between the version of Dream he created in his mind and the real Dream. Between his hero and Tommy’s abuser who beat him to death to prove a point. This split in his mind in how he views Dream was already evident in the last stream with him fip flopping between wanting him dead or not. 
“Tommy, Tommy, I’m not gonna talk shit about them [Sam] without their presence here alright?” (Quackity being protective of his own business patners)
Also Tommy manages to deduce on his own what Quackity has been doing to Dream, though he gets to the conclusion with the wrong clues. Either way after finding out how to visit the prison Wilbur leaves in a hurry telling Tommy to go with him as well.
“I’m a big boy Tommy, I’m a big boy, I’ll be fine” “Wilbur I’m a big man, but I was not fine” (Tommy tries to explain Dream’s danger to Wilbur by making himself vulnerable again, but it doesn’t work as Wilbur doesn’t listen)
Afterwards Wilbur tells Tommy that he is going to the prison and ignores any of Tommy’s concerns on the matter.
“Tommy listen, I didn’t wanna spring things on you because I’m really trying not to be a shit person to you Tommy, right? I’m really really trying. And it’s easy, it’s easy not to be a shit person to you, right? Because we got people like Quackity over there who are just- you know he said it best I’m not gonna talk shit about him behind his back"
If he’s not trying to be a sh*t person to Tommy he is failing miserably. Truly this whole stream he either ignored him, talked over him, talked about incredibly triggering stuff in front of him or tried manipulating him. This was all their interactions summarized. Pettiness aside though, he still badmouths Quackity by handing Tommy the book and telling him that Quackity agreed with the “old Wilbur” (not specifying that he is referring to pre-Pogtopia Wilbur and that he himself still agrees with the “old him”) to villainize him. He also acts like Tommy is being unreasonable for not wanting him to go, despite having died there and having seen Ghostbur die there. Wilbur does say that he won’t go if Tommy really doesn’t want him to, but he leaves telling him they’ll talk about it again right after Tommy tells him this: 
“I don’t think you should do that, he’s more powerful then you think you are”
Left on his own Tommy reminisces of when he went to the prison looking for closure as well. He then borrows an ender chest from Quackity for his and Wilbur’s little stone shack and then goes to the middle of the lake to listen to cat. 
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the-bau-quinjet · 4 years
Looks up, grinning like a devil
Chapter 10 of In Breakable Heaven!
Summary: Where did our reader end up?
Warnings: criminal minds level violence, mention of past teacher/student relationship
word count: ~1800
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When you open your eyes, you are struck by how dark it is. After you moved to DC, it took a while for you to grow accustomed to not having complete darkness. Even in your apartment at night, light still filters in through the curtains.
At first, you assume the power went out or something, but then you notice something else: the fact that you’re not in your bed. In fact you’re not in any bed. You’re in what feels like a weirdly shaped box.
 That’s when it all comes back to you. You had just hung up the phone after talking to Spencer when someone grabbed you from behind. You tried to fight, but they stuck a needle in your arm.
 The memory causes a jolt of pain in your arm, waking you up. Based on what you can feel and hear, you determine you are in the trunk of a car. You’ve got no way of knowing how long you were out for, or how far you’ve travelled since then. You can feel the panic setting in, but you don’t have much time to think about it before the car is coming to a stop.
 At first you assume it’s a red light or a stop sign, but then the engine cuts out. Without being able to see, every noise you hear seems amplified. Somebody slams the door, walking around to the trunk.
 Before you can come up with a plan, the trunk is thrown open. The light feels blinding as a hand reaches for your arm, dragging you out of the trunk.
 “Move. Let’s go.” The voice is younger than you would’ve thought, and surprisingly enough sounds like a woman. You’ve been around Spencer and the team enough to know most offenders are male.
 You stumble as your feet hit the pavement, eyes slowly adjusting to the lights. You blink a few times, trying to take in your surroundings. You’re in a parking lot, but you don’t recognize the surrounding area.
 The woman drags you along with her. “Don’t even think about running. I’ll drug you again if you don’t cooperate.” You simply nod in response, trying to take in as much information as possible about where you are.
 The area looks empty, but not abandoned. It is clear people still you the building, it just must be closed. Once you’re inside, you realize you’re in a high school, which makes sense since the woman seems so young.
 She pulls you through the halls until you’re in what looks like a history classroom. There is a few globes on a shelf in the back, books littered across the teacher’s desk, and a few assignments written on the white board in the front.
The woman pushes you into a chair, immediately tying your hands and feet. “Now, we’re going to play a game.” She says slowly, as if you might not understand. “I’m going to ask you some questions, and if I don’t like your answers… well, it’ll hurt.” She pulls various knives out of the duffle she was carrying, tossing them on the ground in front of you.
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Spencer’s head is reeling. The second note has so much information in it, and yet he can’t figure out what any of it could mean.
 “Reid, what songs did he use this time?” Rossi poses the question, writing the titles on the evidence board.
 “Hey Stephen, Back to December, Fifteen, Sad Beautiful Tragic, This is Why We Can’t Have Nice Things, exile, Bad Blood, mirrorball, Miss Americana & the Heartbreak Prince, mad woman, Call it What You Want, The Man, Don’t Blame Me, and White Horse.” He listed the songs without having to think about it.
 “Our unsub could definitely be a woman. I mean, mad woman, the Man? Those are some pretty obvious clues.” Emily threw the idea out as soon as Reid was done listing titles.
 “Definitely. And she’s young if the note is accurate, fifteen three summers ago would make her 18 now.” JJ added, looking through potential case files.
 “What strikes me is the love affair that we took away.” Derek added. “Could we have put away someone she thought she was in love with?”
 “Of the three child predator cases we had, there was only one that dealt with teenagers.” Reid stated, scanning the files laid out in front of him. “Garcia, what happened to Matthew Bradson after he took the deal to do jail time?”
 The only sound in the room was Garcia’s typing as everyone awaited an answer. “He was sentenced to three life sentences, one for Sadie Pullman, one for Kayla Fibbs, and one for Carly Spires. He stayed in DC Department of Corrections, but was killed two weeks ago in a prison riot.” “So our unsub was separated from who she perceived to be her love, and the stressor for taking Y/N was his death.” Hotch stated, earning nods from the rest of the team.
 “Sadia Pullman and Kayla Fibbs were killed before we were called in on the case. We saved Carly Spires though.” JJ read from the case file.
 “The notes said she would be right where we left her, lost in the lights where they whispered she’s a bad, bad girl.” Rossi read from the notes pinned to the evidence board. “Where did we find her?”
 “The high school. We found Bradson and Carly in his classroom. He was collecting items from his desk, and she had a bag with her, as if they were going to run away together.” Spencer recalled from the day in question.
 “That makes sense. The bright lights from the football field, plus rumors about her must have spread like wildfire after the arrest was made.” JJ added.
 “And the man clue, men are praised for their sexual encounters while women are often shamed.” Emily suggested.
 “Garcia, send the address.” Hotch stated as he moved to put on his bulletproof vest, the rest of the team following suit.
 “Already done, sir. Get her back.” Garcia’s voice was firmer than ever before as the team ran from the room to the elevators, headed for their SUVs.
 “Would you say having a relationship with an older guy is wrong?” Her voice was dripping with sarcasm as she stared you down. You haven’t gotten an answer wrong yet.
 “No, I- I don’t think so.” You were frantically trying to figure a way out of this, trying to profile like Spencer had shown you so you could answer the questions correctly.
 “Good answer. How old is too old though?” Her voice dropped with venom, willing you to get it wrong.
 “Um, I think… it depends… um” You stuttered trying to come up with a number that she would be okay with.
 “Depends on what?” Her words were growing harsher.
 “Well, um, maturity level I guess. As long as the two people are equals, the age gap probably doesn’t matter. It’s just if there is an imbalance in power, ya know? Then it might not be the best thing to do just because you don’t want to take advantage of anyone or anything like that…” Your eyes kept growing wider as you realized the hole you were digging for yourself.
 “You see, I don’t think I like that answer.” Each word was enunciated with purpose as she walked closer, dragging the knife along your arm. Before you could reply, she quickly sliced across your right shoulder.
 You couldn’t stop the slight whine that escaped your lips.
 “What? Did that hurt? Poor. You.” She sliced across your shoulder again before asking another question. “Here’s another one. Would you be mad at the people who ruined your relationship?”
 “I don’t know, probably.” You were trying to hold back the tears as the woman started pacing.
 “Not good enough.” She punctuated the sentence with another cut. “Why are you here?”
 “B-B-because you brought me here.” Your words were quiet. You knew it was the wrong thing to say, but you couldn’t think of any other reason.
 “Wrong again.” Another cut. “You’re here because the people you call friends ruined my life. I’m just trying to repay the favor.”
 The team’s two SUVs pulled into the high school parking lot, recognizing the lone car from the video Garcia found. “She’s here. Rossi, Prentiss take the left. Reid, Morgan the right. JJ and I will go straight. Clear the area and move toward the history classroom. If we’re right, that’s where they’ll be.” Hotch called out the orders as the team entered the school, immediately splitting up to search each hallway.
 Their footsteps echo through the halls of the empty school, clearing each classroom they pass. Minutes later, the team converges on Bradson’s old history classroom. Two voices can be heard inside.
 “Answer the question.” Carly Spires sounds enraged, screaming without regard for who could here. “Answer it now!”
 “I don’t know! I don’t know who you are or what happened or why you’re so mad at them.” Your voice is quiet in comparison, almost raw from crying. “I don’t know.” The sound of you in pain nearly brings Spencer to tears.
 “Wrong again.” She cuts into you again, drawing a scream that you try your best to stifle.
 “FBI, drop your weapon.” Hotch moves into the room, followed by Spencer, Derek, Emily, JJ, and Rossi.
 “The whole gang’s here. Perfect.” Carly shifts the knife, pointing it into your back, suddenly calm after showing so much rage. “We’ve been playing this little game for hours. What took you so long? I thought my clues were so obvious.”
 Spencer made eye contact with you while he moved farther into the room. You did your best to reassure him you were fine, but your smile felt more like a grimace.
 “Put the knife down. Now. There’s no way out of this for you.” Hotch tries talking her down, but she just laughs in response.
 “No way out huh? That’s what you said to Matthew to get him to abandon me. I had no one left. The only person who ever truly cared about me left, because of you.”
 “Carly, Matthew didn’t care about you. He would’ve killed you if we hadn’t of caught him.” Hotch continued.
 “Liar! He loved me. And when he left everyone turned on me. I was alone. You took him from me, so I’m taking something from you.” She drove the knife into your back quickly, surprising everyone in the room.
 She put her hands up after that, allowing Derek to take her into custody. “Surprise. Not enough time to profile me, bet you didn’t see that coming.” She laughed maniacally, a sickening grin on her face as Derek pulled her from the room.
 Spencer stood frozen, watching the life drain out of your eyes as Emily and JJ untied you. Hotch called for a medic, moving Spencer out of the way.
 Even when you were on the stretcher, being wheeled out of the room, Spencer couldn’t move. He just stood there, watching you leave.
tag list:
@mac99martin​ @goldeng1rl8​ @eevee0722 @l0ve-0f-my-life @haylaansmi @dinonuggets1967 @laurakirsten0502 @green-intervention @burnin-passion @takeyourleap-of-faith @secretpickleprofessordean @awkwardnesshabitat @loveheathens @fan-girl-97 @enamouravecleslivresetlechocolat
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hollowisthyname · 3 years
🖊 Lavka!
Lavka!!! you are in luck bc I have recently come up with a BUNCH of new shit for him and I've been itching to share it so let's hope this is more cohesive than usual!! (it won't be)
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so! this fucker has a lot of..... stuff. I got my idea for him from another person's oc animatic so he might be plagiarism?? (I didn't actually know anything abt the person's ocs but I thought the way they used the song was really cool so I made my own character lmao) and his characterization has changed so much over time it's fucking hilarious
Lavka is.... some sort of angel. not exactly the christian kind but I stole some design features and general aesthetic so yea he's an angel. the way the angels work is def different from how they do in any religion, but it's kinda confusing so I'll explain that later
he's like. pure white. it's like you took a dude and dumped him in bleach. his skin is white his eyes are white his hair is white need I go on. it kinda hurts ur eyes to look at him directly. his hair is slicked back and goes down to his waist. he's like 6'11 or some shit and a very fancy man. if any of my ocs were to become a tumblr sexyman it would be him (derogatory)
he also has like a billion eyes (here's where the angel part comes in) and in Full Angel FormTM they're all open bc angels are weird like that but in his more human form- using "human" loosely, no one with eyes would look at him and think "ah yes a human, perfectly normal pure white six-foot-eleven creepy ass human nothing to see here" plus he just radiates Powerful And Unsettling- but in his "human" form, he can't open all his eyes at once bc it overwhelms him and he'll pass out.
he was also created to be an irredeemable villain. scrapped that pretty fast, I can't do irredeemable characters asdfghgfd but he still definitely starts off as an antagonist. he kills a lot of people bc he can't really control his powers, and he doesn't see why that's wrong at first.
I have a lot of ideas for him all at once and then immediately forget most of them, so there's probably more to him than what I say here, but hey it works. n e ways this is the cliffnotes version of his backstory:
he's an angel doing angel things in an angel place (they live on a separate plane from the mortals, not a v heaven-y place but it's home sweet home) (not v sweet either)
he gets in trouble. quite a lot of trouble (I have yet to figure out what exactly this trouble is but it is very very bad)
he runs away/is exiled/falls, depending on how the story goes. but in any case he is no longer on the angel plane
mortal body can't fully.... comprehend? all the weird angel stuff that it's trying to translate into something that works on the mortal plane, leading to...
amnesia, uncontrollable powers, general fuckery
I never explained what Lavka can do, did I? well you're in for a treat, bc I just thought of all of it recently and I'm probably forgetting a lot of important parts!
but basically, he can fuck with reality.
he just. messes with the universe. I don't know how to explain it exactly, except that he can warp reality- he can disappear thongs at will, gone like they were never there. he can influence your thoughts, make you an entirely different person if he so wishes. he can change time, speeding it up and slowing it down however he likes. he can mold the universe with a thought.
it's all a lot scarier when he knows how.
so basically, he's a fucked up eldritch horror that forgot how to use his powers and also basically everything else. fun!
(also here's an actual list of what he can do bc my attempt at a creepy paragraph was fun but didn't get everything)
appearing and disappearing things, people, etc
mind control- though it's more like a really powerful suggestion. he doesn't control you himself, he makes you think you came up with the idea for all the stuff he wants you to do
illusion magic that kinda goes with the mind control, he can influence your brain and basically cause hallucinations? make you see/hear/otherwise sense stuff that isn't really there, or he could just make everything seem really weird and confusing
changing time and space: speeding up/slowing down time, making it so you can walk a few hundred miles in a matter of minutes, things like that
he has a fuckton of eyes and if someone sees him with all of them open it inspires primal fear in them and they will run away, or faint, or whatever you do when the only thing in your mind is overwhelming terror. he also passes out immediately after because it's way too much for his body and it just shuts down
people are drawn to him and terrified of him on a subconscious level. this is just an effect he has on ppl so idk if it counts but it's going here anyway
he also sees mortals as.... well essentially, how most humans see non-human animals. interesting, but on a completely different level from him. this is part of the reason I have a hard time w characterization for him, actually- it's difficult to give a personality to someone so completely inhuman. also makes his interactions w the others hard to figure out since angels hardly ever interact with mortals directly.
is this why I haven't done a rundown of his personality yet? yes, yes it is. however I can certainly try so ON WE GO
well let's see I would just like to say first that he is not like a pretentious rich asshole. I feel like that's smth that ppl do a lot with characters like this but he's actually got no fucking clue how to interact with people aside from in a performance so if he comes off as a prick he literally just does not know what's going on
(oh and yeah he doesn't know shit about what life is like on the mortal plane, the difference is huge just in the way that things like happen. I don't actually have too much of an idea of what the angel's realm is like but it's totally fucking different and Lavka Cannot Deal, he gets overwhelmed a lot)
so like. when you meet him he's kinda terrifying but then you realize he's just a lost kid (he really is young by angel standards, though they're very different from human ones) who can barely remember his own name and never knew anything about the world he ended up in in the first place..... and you start to reconsider.
usually what happens with him is he kinda comes off as. terrifying. just bc what he is can't be fully comprehended by most mortal beings so they're just scared instinctually. and he's a gosh darn expert at repressing emotions bc of his time in the angel realm so he's also closed off, which makes him seem scarier, and so the cycle continues.
when he gets to know someone, though, he knows everything about them. for someone with amnesia he actually has a very good memory (he can't remember most of his time/who he was in the angel realm, but since that's just bc it didn't really translate to a mortal brain it doesn't affect him making new memories), and he'll just learn everything. his love language is remembering every single thing the people he's close to have ever told him about themselves- he gives the best gifts, once he learns what gifts are.
he also made Problems w his powers bc emotional repression does not do wonders for someone who can't fully control his fucking reality-altering magic so. something happened and he snapped and probably killed a bunch of people and created a generally too-much-magic zone that acts like radiation but weirder. maybe that's what happened with Elis.. hrm (quick rundown of that: it's Lavka's fault that Elis basically has a bunch of animal parts integrated into their body, he didn't do it on purpose that's just the danger of having ridiculously powerful magic you can't fully control- sometimes you end up hurting people)
he's also connected to Onyx (resident ghost) and Marcel (some kinda nature-y fae creature) somehow but I have no clue what to do with all that. maybe the hardest part of making a story is connecting all the parts together.
but uhh he gets found familied and learns to un-repress emotions and there's probably some closure with the angels but like he lives here now and it's great hehe
extra thing: everyone in the found family calls Elis zaza/zawa/smth like that bc Parent Friend and the first time Lavka did he opened every single one of his eyes (defense mechanism?) and promptly passed out. still learning how to do emotions FGHJKJHGF
alrighty so- I don't have a picrew or moodboard for him, but I do have a song!! it's called creature by half•alive and I associate it with him so strongly (if you want to know why I have a whole analysis of it but I'm not gonna subject u to that now asdfds)
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glittersister · 4 years
Kat’s Bjelland’s 12 Favorite Songs interview - text sourced from here, a now defunct fansite created by “hersir.” Date and publication source unknown
The Replacements - Unsatisfied "It was played 20 times a day. It was always on our turntable. What does it make me think of? Paris. Perfume. An empty Fillmore Street Victorian flat. San Francisco Haight Street. Being very poor. No cigarettes. Cockroaches. Being in a band with Courtney called Sugarbunny Farm. Jennifer throwing her bass at Courtney. Why? It had something to do with migrating to Minneapolis. That's why they wear flannel. It's cold in Minneapolis."
Hair - The Soundtrack "I went to this play with my parents in about fourth or fifth grade. I was the only kid there. I got to see the whole cast naked in the finale. When my parents went out, I'd open the drapes so I could see my bell-bottomed, head-banded reflection, dancing. They sang songs about fellatio, sodomy, cunnilingus, pederasty, drugs; that song "Frank Mills"! I loved it. All that I wanted then was to be a hippy like my mom."
K-Tel - Haunted House Sounds "This was my very first LP. My father obviously didn't realise how cat's screeching, ladies screaming in terror, aliens landing and psychotic laughter could infect/affect and scare little minds. At the time I was really into staring myself down in the mirror until I left my body, then I'd just jerk back and forth to this record or turn into some scary-faced creature. I was grounded a lot but I flew around inside my head."
Rush - 2112 "I was very metal then. Judas Priest, Scorpions, Maiden, Girlschool, Ozzy. Shut up - at least I'm honest! "Cygnus X-1" on "Farewell to the Kings" fairly ruled. Also, no girls I knew really liked Rush, only boys, they sang about weird lands and mystical places."
Miracle Workers - Inside Out "Sixties garage kings, loving it, looking it, the whole part. I dyed my hair black. Matt Rogers from the band helped me pick out my Rickenbacker, inspired me a lot and turned me on to so many bands like the Cramps, plus "Pebbles" compilations, old Fender equipment, tube amps, old pedals....the whole deal. Plus they were the coolest live band ever, except for...."
The Wipers - Alien Boy - Positive Negative "Portland, Oregon, where I was living, was pretty great for bands in the early Eighties. Sage is the perfect last name for The Wiper's Greg. G S = Genius Sage. He taught me about feedback and had a real honest singing style and stage persona. They were my favourite band, and the music reeks of Portland back then. His solo stuff is a definite depression inducer. Perfect."
The Cars - Candy 0 "That song drove me all over Woodburn, Oregon. I was 15 years old. The Dragstrip! Muscles. Cars. Sneaking out at nights. Skipping school. Sex. Keggers, bongs and puke. No, I wouldn't care to explain that."
Kiss - Destroyer "I had the biggest Kiss poster you could get. Me and Alfredo Garcia would open the windows before recess so we could sneak back in and air-guitar to Kiss. I had to be Gene Simmons, God of Thunder: all that is evil is good. The God of Thunder himself said to Maureen that she had a "nice bottom". As in bass. A Rock Pig Joke."
Pixies - Surfer Rosa "Pop sensibility without compromise. Nice spaces and dynamics. Sorta scientific. Great production, great songs. Kim Deal's voice! I love The Breeders. "Pod" is great - beautiful songwriting! I wrote our track "Vomit Heart", after listening to that record.
The Rolling Stones - Exile On Main Street "Acid. I was having my heart ripped out by a guy whose last name was actually Letcher, which inspired most if not all of "Spanking Machine". Depression and wallowing around in it for too long. Stitches. Bandages."
Sonic Youth - Sister "Courtney owed me some money, the exact cost of this record, so she bought it for me. I'd only heard the "Kill Yr Idols" '45, with Kim screaming. I felt reassured after that and realised I actually was writing "songs". I hadn't grasped the concept of "No Rules" right away."
Staple Sisters - Uncloudy Day "It reminds me of living in London. Being in love in a different country. Eating too many eggs. "Old Matey". Manor House. James (Johnston, Gallon Drunk singer and ex-beau) bought me this record. It's so beautiful it makes me cry. I listened to it when I found out that my mom had died. That line "Tell Heaven I'm Coming Home" hurts my heart."
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teabooksandsweets · 4 years
Pandorian Problems
It’s time for my occasional, that is sporadic, what I mean is unregularly-but-now-and-then-happening post about SSO, and also SsL, and even OSS, which you can interpret as meaning Old Star Stable or Original Star Stable, depending on whether you consider those games the old games, or the original games.
As not-exactly-usual, but certainly as often, my current concern is Pandoria. You might have guessed so from the title. And it’s about some problems, which you might have gathered as well.
I really wonder just how pink Pandoria is supposed to be in Star Stable Online. And I also wonder how much it’s supposed to be the “pink hell” (which it really isn’t, but I’m not sure of SSE understand that) as commonly called on here.
The “pink hell”
Is Pandoria pink in SSO? I wonder. We see it as a rather muted purple, with some pink sky and details, but not nearly as pink as it is in SsL. But then again, it is described as extremely pink in the Soul Riders books.
Now there’s three possibilities:
Pandoria looks the way it looks in SSO and that is meant by the pink description in the books, because that’s clearly pink enough.
Pandoria used to be extremely brightly pink but somehow got darker and more purple.
The part of Pandoria described in the books is also the part that appears in SsL and therefore bright pinkt, whereas the darker, purpler part of Pandoria we see in SSO is an entirely different part altogether.
We know for sure that it is a different part in SSO. The part with the Fripp statue, and the old temple-ish building, etc. is obviously in a different area of Pandoria. Why shouldn’t it look different in different places? It’s a whole planet (we’ll get to that later) and one might expect a planet to have different landscapes. But is it like that for sure? And if it’s the second possibility, then what turned it so dark? (The first would be easy to explain—just as the nights are rather light in SSO compared to OSS, for instance, it’s just made to be better for the players’ eyes.)
The “pink hell”
This is a fact: Pandoria is not Star Stable hell.
It definitely isn’t in Starshine Legacy, and it couldn’t logically be in Star Stable Online. Not only does hell imply something at least loosely based on the concept of hell, which it clearly isn’t, Pandoria is not even, as usually claimed, an evil place.
Pandoria is different. Pandoria is not some sort of underworld, or just a magic dimension, it is actually a planet that could be physically reached, if one had the necessary technology. Even though SSO strayed far from the canon of the old games, and even though the UFO has been ignored by SSE for years, the references to aliens on Jorvik have never really ceased, they were even mentioned in the most recent quests.
Pandoria can also be reached on a magical or spiritual sphere, it is “a place within all of use” (and of course, that could be a sort of internal heaven or hell of mind or soul, or whatever intended here) and its connection to the Soul Riders is on a different level than just some other planet in space.
But Pandoria is not evil. It is, essentially, a different place. It has a different atmosphere (literally, not meaning a different mood, but an actually different atmosphere) and its different sense of scale and realness, etc. is not due to being evil but being simply and plainly a planet that works differently than Earth.
The only definitely Pandorian creatures we ever met in the game (aside from the rays) are Fripp and Ydris. Ydris is a definite example of a being that isn’t intentionally evil, but in every sense alien to our world, and unable to really function in accordance with another world’s nature and physical (as well as, yes, moral) laws.
I know there’s many theories about Fripp actually being evil, maybe because his entire demeanor is so different from his portrayal in the old games and comics, but even those don’t make sense with an “officially” evil Pandoria. If Fripp were evil, then why should he and his followers claim that his home was basically hell? No, no matter if Fripp is good or bad (or different, as he clearly is!) it’s clear that Fripp loves Pandoria, that he longs for Pandoria and that he would never consider it a place of an evil nature.
(In fact, I am quite convinced that Fripp needs Pandoria, and that his exile has a terrible effect on his physical and mental state, and that in order to recover him he might actually need to go there, but that is a different matter.)
The evil in SSO—or supposed evil, for those who love the “the baddies are good and the goodies are bad” theories—came to Pandoria and to Earth/Jorvik from a different planet altogether. Garnok and his Generals are not Pandorian, and they have a terrible influence on Pandoria as well as on Jorvik.
And I have to say, a real problem for me is the effect Pandoria supposedly had on Anne. If it was actually Pandoria. For Evergray, it makes sense, as he is a normal man from Earth, and therefore in a place so physically against his nature, that he simply couldn’t endure in the atmosphere of another planet without long-term damage. (This, again, is why I honestly think that Fripp needs Pandoria, and that Ydris might not be too well of on Jorvik either.)
But Anne is the Sun of Pandoria. All Soulriders are connected to Pandoria, in some ways, deep down, from Pandoria, and so are their horses. But Anne belongs to Pandoria in a whole different way, she is essential to it, Pandoria needs Anne, and Anne naturally belongs there. Of course, she does have a human body, and maybe it was damaged by the atmosphere over a long time (although not nearly as badly as one might expect) and I personally think that DarkCore did much worse to her than the place itself.
But Anne is practically a goddess to Pandorian people. If Pandoria were a “pink hell” then Anne (and Lisa, and Linda, and Alex, and we—and the horses) were evil. Anne would be the Sun of Hell. Which she isn’t—obviously.
But Anne can be negatively effected by the harm done to Pandoria. And of course, physically she is a human of our Earth. That’s absolutely clear. She isn’t a Pandorian, in that sense. But she isn’t unconnected to it either.
Pandorian Problemsolving
I know that SSE have strayed fundamentally from the storyline of Starshine Legacy. But they still use some old pictures, reference old places and plots, and even mention the extraterrestial parts of the game. The observatories still play an important part (they even brought an astronomer and an alien together) and they never really made a clear cut from the old stories.
I don’t see why it should be difficult to put it all together. I mean—I made up all sorts of plausible, interwoven storylines to fill plotholes in the gap between SsL and OSS for an imaginary MMO set on Jorvik before SSO even existed, and before I knew what an MMO is, and I continued to do so after starting to play SSO and could still logically put a lot together with all the new storylines and inconsistancies brought into the game.
It is still perfectly possible for SSE to make sense of it all, to show Pandoria as it truly is—not good or bad, but different, and deeply connected to the Soul Riders—and fit in the old aspects of the stories with the new.
As for Fripp, I know many dislike him—but he, too, is a being of Pandoria, and his concern is to fight a very specific evil (that is, Garnok, and his followers) and to protect Jorvik as well as his actual home, without having much understanding for every personal sensitivity of every single human being he works with, and who belong to a species he simply cannot really understand.
Pandoria is dangerous, but it is also endangered, and the Soul Riders are partly beings of Pandoria, their souls are connected to Pandoria, and the common enemy is of an entirely different nature altogether. Pandoria really shouldn’t be portrayed as safe or cute, but also not as a sort of evil otherworld, but as a connected, but different place of great importance, and with deep connection to the story and its actors, including the good and the bad.
Ideas / Theories / Suggestions / Whatever
maybe Pandoria got darker because its sun was darkened
Garnok and his Generals are also from a different planet and also of a different nature than Earth and Pandoria and maybe that could be important for future storylines, except I don’t know how
Mario is an astronomer and Ydris is an alien and I want to see how that plays out in the future
does it make difference to travel to Pandoria by actual space travel rather than through portals/rifts, and if yes, how?
really, what about Fripp’s physical state, and what could bringing him to Pandoria (I know he’s in exile) or bringing him something from Pandoria do to him (e.g. food, medicine, whatever)
what about Pandorian people, more Pandorian people, especially horse people
I still wonder if those Pandorian horsepeople work like Egyptian gods—maybe they don’t have human bodies with horse heads, but can actually appear as humans or horses—who would be seperated into a human and a horse on Earth
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theoceanfaewriter · 4 years
Nerves and Heirs: A Jurdan Baby
I close the lid of the suitcase and call for Fand to strap it to the bag of the ragwort pony. I’m ready to go visit Vivi and Heather in the mortal world to celebrate Oak’s 10th birthday, but Cardan is a whole other story. I have no idea where he is, but if he doesn’t turn up soon, I’m leaving without him. As it is, I’m uncomfortable with leaving Faerie for a whole weekend without its rulers. I may just leave him behind.
Even as I fantasize about this, I hear footsteps from behind me and turn. Cardan appears, looking tired and cranky, dragging a haphazardly packed suitcase behind him. I’m surprised. Almost every time we head to the mortal world, it’s me who has to pack his clothes and make sure they actually will pass for mortal attire.
Fand sidles alongside me and tugs the suitcase from Cardan’s hand, then moves to secure it along with mine. I roll my eyes at Cardan and hop onto my pony, as he gets onto his with a grumble, muttering under his breath about how getting up at 9 o’clock in the morning is soon going to be illegal.
I kick off and feel the familiar rush of exhilaration at being in the air. My loose sweater whips in the wind, hiding the fact that I have a knife strapped to my hip, and the slight bulge of my stomach. I’m hoping to tell Cardan soon, but I’m incredibly nervous. Perhaps even more so than when I cut off his head. Although sometimes I fantasize about doing it again. But that’s only when he’s driving me crazy. So often, I guess.
I found out a month ago. The only one who knows is the Bomb, who has become one of my closest friends and confidantes. When I told her I thought I was pregnant, she immediately rushed to the mortal world and stole me a test. Most people would have bought one. 
But, I couldn’t exactly go to the doctor with no medical records or anything.
When I saw the two little lines, there was a whole jumble of emotions inside me, and sorting them out is something I’m not exactly good at. I was excited, nervous, afraid. I’m still worried that Cardan will be disappointed or angry, which is why I’ve been hesitating on telling him. I have to soon though. I’m about three months along and starting to show. Because I’ve been trying to hide it from him and the court, I’ve started to wear billowing dresses, and we haven’t slept together in over a month. My excuse is not feeling well, which is entirely true. I’m tired, cranky, hungry and nauseous all the time.
But I have to tell him. I have no idea how he’s going to react, and I’m terrified, but he needs to know. This weekend. I’ll tell him this weekend.
We touch down in the front garden of Heather and Vivi’s newest house. They got married last year and moved here a couple months ago. Vivi’s quest to win back Heather was successful. Turns out she was worthy of her heart after all.
I stumble off the pony as it collapses back into limp ragwort stalks. Cardan rushes to catch me. “I’m okay,” I say, fending him off with one hand, meanwhile trying not to be crushed to death by Oak, who has suddenly appeared at my side with a hug rivaling a snake’s.
Vivi smiles and comes forward to embrace me as well. I feel Oak’s arms release me and see him hurtle towards Cardan and envelope him in a bone crushing hug. I smile at a surprised looking Cardan over Vivi’s shoulder. Perhaps I’m over thinking this. Cardan will make a great father. It’s me I’m worried about. What if I’m a horrible mother? For heaven’s sakes, I thought about killing Cardan before he made me love him.
Oh god. I can’t do this.
The small breakfast of pears and toast I had this morning threatens to make a reappearance. I break free from Vivi’s arms and run into the house, as quickly as I can. Stumbling blindly into the bathroom and hanging my head over the toilet. I should never have eaten anything this morning.
I sit there until my breakfast has all made a glorious reappearance nd sink weakly onto the bathroom floor. I hear Vivi calling my name from the front hallway and a soft knock on the door, then the click of the doorknob. It’s Cardan.
He kneels on the floor beside me. “Jude, are you alright?” he asks softly. “You haven’t seemed exactly well recently.”
I shake my head. And lie. The mortal power slips easily to my tongue. “I’m fine,” I say, pushing myself up off the floor, dusting off my pants and heading out the door. “Must have just been something I ate. I’m all good now.”
I brush Vivi off as I emerge into the living room. “I’m good. Just something I ate.”
She gives me a look but doesn’t press it.
I settle down on the couch, hands locked over my belly in what I hope is an inconspicuous way.
Cardan emerges from the bathroom, looking concerned, but heads outside to grab the suitcases from the grass.
I clamber out of the shower and feel a sudden overwhelming wave of dizziness sweep over me. I clutch the wall, hoping it passes soon and desperately hoping this is normal. I have no idea what I’m doing.
I stand in Heather and Vivi’s kitchen, measuring out pancake mix the morning after Oak’s birthday. It’s the one thing Cardan insists we have in the mortal world. In fact, it’s turned into almost an addiction.
Cardan enters the kitchen, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He walks behind me and wraps his arms around my waist, dropping a light kiss on my head. I tense, wondering if this will create an opening for me to tell him that I’m pregnant. But no. He moves away, stealing a drop of raw batter out of the bowl and slowly licks it off of his fingers, smirking at me as he does so.
I glare at him. Damn him.
I pour a cup of batter into the pan, wincing as some hot oil splatters my hand. Cardan catches it, looking at me with concern. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. It was just a drop,” I reply, going to pull my hand out of his grip. If anything, his hand tightens on mine, thumb going to my ring finger. The one that no longer has my wedding ring on it.
I look up at him, my face pale.
“You’re not wearing it.” His voice is flat, devoid of emotion. I stretch out my hand to touch his face, to interlace my fingers with his, to explain. To explain that I stopped wearing it to prepare myself. That it’s not what he thinks. That I thought that he would be so upset he would exile me again. He pulls away.
“Cardan, wait.” My voice cracks, on the verge of tears. A rare occurrence for me, but I’m guessing it’s because of the hormones. He shakes his head, turning away from me, long legs striding away. Out the door, away from me.
I chase after him, blinded by the tears pooling in my eyes. I stagger out the front door just in time to see him climb onto a ragwort pony and fly off.
A/N Oh boy... I went back in my mess of posts to find this, and then ultimately died of shame that I posted this in the condition it was in. My fanfic skills have definitely improved. I hope. Anyway, I’ve edited and glued all these scraps together for a first chapter of this fic. I’m not sure how far I’ll go with it, but it’s a fun little thing to write. 
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unforth · 3 years
Hello unforth! Thank you for your wonderful blog, and the the untamed art blog!! I followed you years ago for destiel, and you were one of the people that got me into the untamed. I watched it last summer and have been binging various cdramas ever since!! I had a question for you about reading. After watching the untamed I read the novel, and didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. I think you’re someone who prefers the show, but if not, sorry if I’m remembering wrong… hoping you understand. I want to try reading other novels but I found the romance in mdzs to be kinda off. I guess I’m wondering if you have a recommendation for the best novel you’ve read so far? It would be great if it’s one with fanfic but if not I’m still curious to try! I hope this didn’t come off as rude about the untamed, it’s just a personal preference. Thanks in advance, and thanks again for all your work in fandom!
Howdy! *waves*
You have not misremembered, I definitely prefer the Untamed to the novel of MDZS (and I'm with you, no shade on people with different preferences, of course!). I also didn't enjoy the novel of MDZS as much as I thought I would, though I think some of that was because I read the Exiled Rebels Scanalations translation which - again, no shade, translating that was a HUGE job and kudos to them - but I do here from native speakers that some questionable translation choices were made, which can detract from some people's enjoyment of the novel (and can enhance other people's, it just depends how those translation choices relate to each person's personal likes and dislikes).
Now, I can tell you what I've read and what I've thought of each one, happily - I don't know what turned you off about MDZS specifically, beyond an aspect of the relationship dynamic, so it'll be hard for me to say which of these might appeal to you more? But, here's a list of which danmei novels I've read, and my opinion. The list is shorter than you'd think - danmei novels are long and I read slow, lol.
Note that all of these end happy, for various definitions of "happy," and the main ship is canon in all of them. Also note that I tried to avoid spoilers, but sometimes it's hard to even talk about the ship dynamic without some mild spoilers.
These are (roughly) in the order I've read them; I just finished the last a few days ago. All art is by the official artists, but I'm not always sure what their names are, sorry - I've tried to figure them out for my art blogs but it's REALLY hard.
1. Mo Dao Zu Shi, by MXTX.
(since I'm writing this post for you, and you're already familiar with it, I'm not putting in TW and plot)
My take: I figure knowing my opinion of MDZS will help you assess all this? There are things I loved about MDZS, including the book, but MDZS is still obviously trying to figure out pacing. Whereas in SVSSS, the storyline doesn't always flow that smoothly and the ending is rushed, in MDZS in my opinion the biggest issue is that she clearly didn't plan some things ahead. For example, Miangmian and Wen Ning are both introduced within a few pages of when they'll be needed to Do Shit. It shows that she hadn't quite worked everything out as she was going, and every once in a while was like, "shit shit I need a character for this thing" and hastily added them. The plot itself is better paced, though, though I could have wished for a less talky denouement. When it was the only one I read, I also often thought, "this author doesn't understand consent," and, "this author has kinks I don't share." Now that I've read all three of her books, I completely retract the first one. MXTX absolutely understands consent, and was intentionally playing with it in MDZS. Not sure if the evidence of that got lost in translation, or what, but...yeah.
Relationship Dynamic: ...the second of those opinions, I still kinda feel. The consensual non-con is just not really my thing, like I'm okay with it in small doses? And I don't love some aspects of Lan Wangji's domineering attitudes and Wei Wuxian's act of bare tolerating it. And don't get me wrong, now that I'm more familiar with her work, I think it was an intentional writing choice and I also think they're both largely roleplaying it a lot of the time...but I still don't personally enjoy it much.
2. Scum Villain Self-Saving System, by MXTX.
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Genre: modern transmigration into a fantasy xianxia world.
Where to find it: English translation by BC Novels | donghua season 1
Trigger warnings for: graphic descriptions of suffering, non-con of the "fuck or die" variety, and body horror...I can't think of anything else rn?)
Plot: SVSSS is MXTX's first novel, and is a satire of classic stag harem novels. Shen Yuan, the protagonist and half the main ship, is reading a serialized web novel by "Airplane Shooting Towards the Sky" about a demon named Luo Binghe who has a harem of over 3,000 women and has done all kinds of ghastly awful things. He hates this novel but has read all, like, 3 million words of it or something, and trolls every chapter...until one gets him so angry that he dies...and then he wakes up in the book right around when the book starts, in the body of one of the early antagonists, a cultivator named Shen Qingqiu who abuses a young, innocent Luo Binghe physically and emotionally and, ultimately, is horribly tortured to death. Shen Yuan, in Shen Qingqiu's body, thus sets out to not be horribly tortured to death by Luo Binghe. Hijinks ensue.
My Take: In terms of my opinion of it...SVSSS secured for me that MXTX is a much more brilliant author than I thought when I'd only read MDZS. She understands tropes and subverts them brilliantly throughout the story, and from a writing standpoint, I was impressed with her. However, from a plot standpoint...she's got all the ideas but hasn't, imo, yet figured out how exactly to bring them all together. The pacing is off at times, and the ending felt abrupt to me. It's also the only danmei I've read where I ship a side ship more than the primary one (which is, of course, Shen Yuan (as Shen Qingqiu)/Luo Binghe. (also, oops...I read SVSSS after TGCF and just put them in the wrong order, oh well, not gonna change it now.)
Relationship Dynamic: In terms of relationship weirdness...it's hard to sort in that regard, because, like, it's supposed to be weird? I think it's a really interest book but I'm not sure I'd recommend it in your situation. Bingqiu's main dynamic is...uh...tolerance and obsession? They're kinda hard to describe. Shen Yuan often seems like he's just kinda putting up with Luo Binghe, whereas Luo Binghe is...god. So hard to describe, lmao. He's a big clumsy ox in a museum full of porcelain dishes and he really, really loves his Shizun. (also note that Shen Qingqiu is Luo Binghe's teacher. They don't get together until after they're not master/student, but if that's not your thing, another reason to avoid.)
3. Tian Guan Ci Fu, by MXTX.
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(art is by Starember)
Genre: historical China (loosely), xianxia (note that I'm still figuring out exactly how stuff gets classified so sorry if I get one wrong, but I think I kinda get it???)
Where to Access It: English Translation by the astonishing yummysuika | manhua (this is an official translation by Bilibili! It's a few chapters behind the actual release, but still...) | donghua season 1 is on Netflix | a live action adaptation is juuuuust getting started on script reading and filing
Trigger warnings for: MCD, temporary MCD, body horror, graphic violence, epic levels of mind fuckery, uh...genocide?...again, racism/colorism, probably other stuff, sorry, I can't take as long as I'd like to for this post so I'm not being as thorough as I oughta be.
Plot: TGCF is about Xie Lian, an 800 year old man, and it commences at the moment when, unexpectedly, he ascends to godhood...for the third time. Unfortunately, when he ascends, he accidentally does some damage in Heaven, and he has to repay that, so he gets sent back to earth to deal with a ghost who's been causing some problems. Hijinks ensue...and then fucktons of angst ensue...then more hijinks...then more angst...and basically it broke my heart like four times and I am grateful for it every day? The main ship is Xie Lian and a ghost named Hua Cheng, but it's hard to even talk about without some spoilers because of some identity shenanigans. (they're VERY mildly identity shenanigans, but still).
My Take: So, you asked what my favorite of the danmei novels I've read is? It's TGCF. TGCF is one of my favorite novels ever, and it has a growing fandom, a donghua that's on Netflix, and a live action that's just starting to film. TGCF is the culmination of the skills MXTX developed through her first two works, imo. She clearly plotted it out all from the start, and while Book 1 especially often seems kind of random - lots of elements are introduced and then kinda...apparently...forgotten? And never explained? But she actually DOES bring it ALL together and it's flat-out masterful. I'm a big fan, obviously.
Relationship Dynamic: it again depends on your preferences and what you didn't like about MDZS, and there's no way to talk about it without spoilers, so consider yourselves warned. Xie Lian ascended to godhood first at the age of 17, and right around then he also saved the life of a 10 year old boy...and that boy is Hua Cheng. Hua Cheng is a follower of Xie Lian's, in that Xie Lian is literally a god, and Hua Cheng is literally one of his followers. However, they're separated for almost 800 years, so the age difference is largely irrelevant, and while some people complain about Hua Cheng's behavior being stalkery and obsessive, I honestly think they're dead wrong. It's more like when you read a celebrity/fan AU, and it starts weird, and then they really genuinely fall in love. Like, the fan may have been in love the whole time, and how they felt about the celebrity before they really met might feel slightly ooky, but it's how they act AFTER they meet their idol that matters more, and...yeah, Hua Cheng is great, they're both great, antis fight me. Xie Lian is easily one of my favorite characters EVER, he is all my favorite tropes in one horribly, wonderfully fucked up martyristic idealistic sweet kind laid back package. I would kill for him, lmao. In terms of their relationship dynamic...they love and respect each other? There's really nothing that weird about it other than the aspects of the "fan" Hua Cheng that get revealed over time - and he's always terrified that when Xie Lian realizes what a fanboy he was, Xie Lian will be upset or disgusted, but of course Xie Lian never is. They adore each other. It's glorious. Highly recommend. :D There's also no explicit content in TGCF (unlike MXTX's other two books).
4. The Husky and His White Cat Shizun (aka 2ha) by Meatbun Doesn't Eat Meat.
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Genre: original world, xianxia, time travel, dimension hopping, it's so many things, 2ha is so hard to describe lmao
Where to Access it: English Translation by the amazing yummysuika (things are complicated, though, and it's not finished) | a manhua is in the works and should be out this year | a live action called "Hao Yixing" or "Immortality" is already filmed and could theoretically air literally any time cause it's completely ready, but when will it actually come? Who knows!
Trigger warnings: all of them. Literally. MCD, temporary MCD, murder, suicide, suicidal ideation, suicide attempt, rape/non-con, abuse, manipulation, gas lighting, torture, graphic violence, body horror, literal graphic onscreen horrible blood murder of a small child (I had to skip that chapter), teacher/student relationship sort of but not exactly, probably other stuff, this book is dark as fuck, and a lot of these tags apply to behavior of one half of the main ship toward the other, but...it's complicated, and there are reasons things happen, and those reasons aren't "well they're just a bad person."
Plot: This is another one that's hard to describe because there's sooooo much mind fuckery going on, but I'll try. 2ha is about Mo Ran, who rises to be the Emperor of the World, Taxian Jun, but slaughtering all who oppose him...and who is so miserable that he commits suicide, only to wake up in his 16 year old body. This is pretty much perfect from Mo Ran's point of view, because he's gone back so far that the love of his life, his fellow disciple Shi Mei, is still alive. He has a chance to fix everything that went wrong, starting with preventing his awful evil Shizun, Chu Wanning, from letting Shi Mei die.
Spoilers: the main ship in this book is Mo Ran/Chu Wanning.
Hijinks do NOT ensue. There are no hijinks in 2ha. It is all pain all the time (but I swear it ends happy).
My Take: ...well, from a structural standpoint there are some pacing issues. The book is incredibly long (over 300 chapters, over 1 million words) and there are definitely some chunks that could just be excised and it'd still be fine. However, other than that, it's pretty amazing and absolutely masterful how it's plotted. As a reader you'll spend 100+ chapters thinking you know what's going on, and who the good guys are, and who the bad guys are, and how they relate to each other...and then Meatbun starts in on revealing what's ACTUALLY going on and she then spends 200 chapters repeatedly punching you in the face! Like, I went in knowing a LOT of spoilers, because the tags were so dark that I felt that for my mental health it was important I have a general idea what was going on, and I STILL ended up sobbing my eyes out (and I am NOT an easy crier and don't usually cry at books) over something I knew was coming.
Relationship Dynamic: That's about the only thing that the title accurately conveys about this book. "The Husky and His White Cat Shizun," sounds so soft and fluffy, right? That's how they get you, ha. But, Mo Ran is absolutely a big dumb husky who wants to do the right thing (well, sometimes he does) but just completely fails depressingly often. When he sees someone he likes come in the front door he WILL jump all over them and bark in their face as his way of trying to communicate affection. And Chu Wanning is equally absolutely a cat. He is emotionally constipated, poor at expressing himself, uptight, touch starved, desperate for affection, and so lonely my chest hurts when I think about him. And for how they relate to each other...well, picture that big dog greeting a loved one at the door...except that loved one is the most hide-bound proud white cat you can imagine.
That's their dynamic.
(However, also...there are multiple timelines at play, and Taxian Jun does some truly awful things to "his" Chu Wanning in the original timeline, and many of these things are graphically described, and while it's ultimately all explained, it still all HAPPENS, so if you're going to have trouble reading fucktons of abuse between the main ship, I would not recommend this book)
5. Thousand Autumns (Qianqiu) by Meng Xi Shi.
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Genre: historical China (like, references actual people, as far as I can tell), xianxia
Where to Access it: ...reading Thousand Autumns is HARD, it's split over like four websites/translators. This Carrd can kinda help? I can get you the rest if you want | donghua season 1 | I heard there's a live action in the works? But I don't know more than that.
Trigger warnings: graphic violence, mentions/threats of sexual violence (but it's all stopped before things really go wrong), starvation, description of child death (from starvation), near-death, emotional/mental abuse, major semi-permanent character injury, god, minor character death, they're major characters depending on your pov, I can't actually think of others, after writing about 2ha it feels positively fluffy). Note that there's not really any explicit content, just implications of smut, and not til basically the very end and extras.
Plot: Yan Wushi, sect leader of a demonic sect, has just come out of an extended seclusion to improve his cultivation when he and one of his disciples come across a man who is wounded to the point of near death. This turns out to be Shen Qiao, the sect leader of Mount Xuandu. When Shen Qiao awakens from his wounds, he's lost his memory, AND he's blind, and Yan Wushi decides it would be great fun and an excellent use of his time to fuck with Shen Qiao by trying to turn him evil - because Yan Wushi is certain that ALL people are inherently evil, and shattering Shen Qiao's veneer of righteousness will just help prove that.
Spoilers: it's not a veneer.
Not spoilers: Not many hijinks ensue, but there are a few hijinks, and even when it's not hijinxed, it's still not that painful...usually.
My Take: despite that synopsis, a lot of the plot of Thousand Autumns is actually political, and I like political plots, so I liked that aspect of it. However, it has some serious pacing issues imo, and it's also hard to read in English atm because it's not fully translated; it's close, now, much closer than when I read it a few months ago, so it'll be easier to read soon. Or maybe I shouldn't say it's pacing problems, but rather, it's more of a sequence of multiple major plots, strung together, with the growing relationship between Yan Wushi and Shen Qiao playing out in the background. I think if I'd known there was no "one big plot" that would have actually helped me, because it kept feeling like, "Oh, THIS is the main thing," but it never was. Things would feel climactic...except then there'd be more. So it's probably better to actually think of it as more...episodic? And the episodes/stories build, and interrelate, and do have a culmination, but not all of them directly tie in, and not all the threads end up coming together/getting resolved.
Relationship Dynamic: early on, Yan Wushi is definitely abusive and manipulative, intentionally so, and I would argue that, imo, Shen Qiao falls for it. However, mid-way through, there's some big reveals, and after that when they're reunited Shen Qiao no longer takes any shit and Yan Wushi continues to act like he doesn't care even when he clearly does. They're not a typical ship in ANY WAY, and I'd say their relationship is more founded on mutual respect than on love. Indeed, in the author's notes at one point MXS actually says they doesn't see them as the kind of couple to ever exchange love declarations, and I thought that was really interesting and it really helped me to understand how they worked together because I'll own I struggled with at times. Yan Wushi is self-interested, often cruel, and ethically and morally dubious. Shen Qiao, on the other hand, could probably ascend to Daoist godhood, he's so pure. Yet...they DO work. I'd say "opposites attract" but that's ALSO not their main trope, not exactly. They're a VERY hard ship to explain, and I know some people who've read the whole book and still don't really...get them...and I've had to really think about them to wrap my head around them...but the more I've thought about them, the more I like them.
6. Those Years in Quest of Honor Mine by Man Man He Qi Duo.
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Genre: historical fiction set in either actual China or make-believe China, I'm not sure if this is directly incorporated any real people
Where to Access It: English Translation by Perpetual Daydreams | manhua (untranslated, I'm not sure if there's anyone translating it into English) | I think there's a live action in the works? Not sure beyond that though.
Trigger Warnings: suicide attempts, suicidal ideation, drug addiction, drug abuse, chronic illness (different character than the drugs), manipulation, abusive, awful parents and parental figures (not all, but definitely some), some homophobia (but way less than there could have been), probably other stuff
Plot: After 7 years away, Zhong Wan returns to the capital of the Empire with the three children of his benefactor, the seven-years-dead Prince Ning. Prince Ning was executed for treason against the previous Emperor, and Zhong Wan has done all he can to protect and raise the three kids, but he's got a lot of worries about returning to the capital and what could happen to his charges if they get pulled into the politics surrounded the Emperor. But, even worse, he's got even more worries about being reunited with Yu She, nephew of the Emperor, with whom he has more than a little history...and about whom he has been lying for the past 7 years, claiming that he is Yu She's lover, in a bid to help use Yu She's reputation to protect Prince Ning's children.
Hijinks ensue.
And so does a political nightmare.
My Take: TYQHM was a hard book to get into because there are just so many characters and it's all about politics - this is NOT a xianxia or wuxia novel, and these characters are NOT cultivators. There's basically nothing supernatural in the whole book; instead, it's about Zhong Wan and Yu She figuring out their own histories, and accepting each other, while trying to survive in a political world that increasingly wants both of them dead. However, I adore political plots, and when all was said and done I really enjoyed it, and I'm trying tooth and nail to claw other people into the fandom with me, so far with basically no success. It only has like 15 works in English on AO3. And so not only does it not fit that requirement of yours...
Relationship Dynamic: ...I think you would also probably not like the relationship dynamic? Zhong Wan is a bit like Wei Wuxian-as-Mo Xuanyu, except more...genuinely? Like, it's his actual personality, not an act, in quite the same way. I don't mean the "flamboyantly gay" part...usually...he definitely has his moments...but he's just...like, he's been through so much that he'll basically say anything, and drag himself entirely through the mud, to distract people who might hurt the three kids (they're like 16, 13, 13, now I think? It was never THAT clear to me, tbh...certainly, all are at least 10...) and, later, Yu She. He has zero face, and doesn't mind having negative face when he feels the situation demands it...and Yu She, on the other hand, has MAJOR depression issues, is sure he deserves nothing, and mostly wants to destroy everyone around him and then kill himself, at least until Zhong Wan starts giving him a reason to live again. But, more than that...Zhong Wan is like the fucking epitome of a bratty subby bottom. He wants to get fucked SO bad. And Yu She is an incredibly reluctant dom, hilariously so at times, uncomfortably/manipulative so at others. When all was said and done, I was pretty fond of them both, but there were definitely moments that made me grimace, and given what you say of how you felt about MDZS, I think this one is less likely to be to your taste?
Bonus 7: Guardian by Priest. I never finished the novel version of Guardian because the translation had some issues that caused me not to enjoy it, so I won't get into it too much, but again, Guardian is a very different book than any of the others, because it's modern fantasy(ish, like, it's still deeply embedded in Daoist-related tropes but it's more "magic spells" and less "cultivation." Like, in terms of what it's like, it felt more like Japanese modern Onmyoji style stories, to me, than it felt like the ancient Chinese wuxia/xianxia cultivation stories.). I'm not gonna get into lots of details, because I read part of the book more than a year ago, and have seen the show (which is VERY different) like three times, so I can hardly even remember what they're like in the novel. There was definitely some weirdness, though? If you're potentially interested, I'd suggest starting with the drama instead. The plot for that is...
Plot: Zhao Yunlan heads a Special Investigation Unit in the human world tasked with maintaining a treaty between humans and the dixigren ("undergrounders") who are (in the show) aliens (in the book...it's the world of the dead). While doing this job, he keeps running into this professor, Shen Wei, who definitely knows more than he oughta.
Hijinks ensue.
And then it murders you with feels.
The live action streams from YouTube - here.
(Warning: uh, I don't want to give spoilers, but my "guaranteed happy ending" does NOT apply to the Guardian TV show...but it does apply to the book, as I understand it.)
Anyway, this was a terrible use of my time but it was definitely more fun than what I should be doing, and it's probably way more information than you wanted or needed, but since I wasn't sure what exactly you had in mind, I figured...might as well be thorough?
(Today's hyper-focus fail: this post, ha...)
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chitto · 4 years
the end
“it's ok, tommy. this is the end.” 
tubbo awoke feeling cold. when he tried to open his eyes, they felt heavy. when he finally opened them, all around him was dark. the ground beneath him was wet, as if he were lying in a puddle. there seemed to be light somewhere far up, in what could only be assumed as the sky. 
his chest hurt. he looked down and saw a large gash where a netherite sword had ripped through him. it didn't seem to be bleeding but it definitely hurt. 
tubbo stood, looking around him for anywhere to go, but all he could see was darkness. it felt lonely. desolate. 
then, vaguely in the distance, tubbo saw two figures. he wasn’t aware if they saw him, or even if they were friendly beings, but he began to walk towards them. 
as he got closer, he saw their outlines more clearly. one seemed to be wearing a long overcoat, nearly hitting the floor. the other seemed to have some sort of horns atop their head. 
“aw geez.” a figure said in a voice that sounded familiar. “here comes another fucking dead person.” 
“there are literally only two of us.” 
“ey, don’t forget about that weirdo speedrunner.” the familiar voice sighed. “alright  what’s your name and how’d you die.” 
a look of horror came across tubbo’s face as the two figures illuminated in the distant light. 
on one side was wilbur, wearing his same long trench coat. in his chest was a wound just like tubbos. it seemed slightly healed, but still gruesome. 
and on the other side, schlatt stood. he looked the same as he did the day he died, if not a little paler. on his suit jacket was a little red heart pin. his horns still shown proudly. 
just as tubbo had looked horrified to see them, they looked horrified to see him. 
“tubbo? you-you?” wilbur asked, shocked and concerned. “how?” 
“well, me and tommy went to fight dream. and, uh, well you can figure out how that went.” 
“oh tubbo.” wilbur hugged him, seeming to not be the psychotic monster tubbo remembered. 
“dream, that fucking bastard. i outta go up there and teach that bitch a lesson. fucking with my son and shit.” 
“where are we?” tubbo asked. 
“hell heaven, who gives a shit. welcome to the end, tubbo.” schlatt remarked. 
“tubbo, i was very proud of you.” wilbur said, changing the subject. “you were a very good president.” 
“eh, no i wasn’t but i appreciate it.” 
“hey, look at us. we were you predecessors and look what we did. i mean this idiot blew the whole thing up.” schlatt laughed.
“imagine losing your entire citizenship because people hate you that much.” 
“have you two just been here fighting?” 
“mostly.” schlatt shrugged. “every now and again we can pierce through and see what’s going on. and l’manberg looks great under you.” schlatt gave him and a supportive pat on the head. 
“its all blown up now. techno and phil finished what you started.” tubbo looked to wilbur. 
“philza that bastard. when i try to blow something up im ‘being irresponsible’ but when he does its fine.” wilbur rolled his eyes. 
“you said you could go back, right schlatt?” tubbo asked. “how?” 
“it takes a lot of willpower. you need to focus hard on a place, and imagine yourself there. and if you’ve done it right when you open your eyes you should be there. why kid, what’s up?” 
“oh, i don’t know. i just feel lonely. i miss tommy. other than his exile i don’t know if we’ve ever been away from each other this long.” tubbo looked down. 
“well you could try going back.” wilbur offered. “its hard at first, not being around everyone, but it gets easier.” 
“you just close your eyes and think of the place you want to go?” tubbo repeated. 
“yup. and then bing bang presto, you’re there.” schlatt finished. 
tubbo closed his eyes, breathing in deeply. he thought of dream’s trophy room. he thought of the cold stone and bedrock flooring. he thought of the walls lined with spots for everyone’s precious things, the discs. he thought of the large portal. he thought of tommy. he breathed out and opened his eyes. 
the scene he saw was quite different from when he left. everyone was there. punz, antfrost, sapnap, captain puffy, ranboo, everyone had come. they had made a wall around tommy, who was cradling tubbo’s body, crying heavily. 
punz and dream were arguing, but tubbo immediately floated to tommy. 
“why’d you have to go tubbo? i thought it was always going to be us.” tommy whispered. 
“i’m not going. i’m right here. tommy, i’m right here.” tubbo responded, quickly realizing something schlatt had failed to mention. when you return to the world, no one can see you. 
tubbo watched a new found anger rise in tommy. he stood, tears rolling down his cheeks. he walked up to dream, taking punz’s sword. 
“tommy, please. i’m right here!” tubbo tried to get his attention but it was all in vain. 
“oh, tommy.” dream laughed. “don’t you get it. don’t any of you fucking get it! this is why you can’t be attached to things! all it does is tie you down! like a chain!” 
“TOMMY I’M RIGHT HERE! PLEASE JUST ANSWER ME!” tubbo yelled back, his voice straining. 
“I AM GOING TO KILL YOU! YOU FUCKING BASTARD YOU ARE GOING TO DIE!” taking a sloppy step forward, tommy thurst punz’s sword at dream’s chest. he dodged and counter attacked, stabbing his axe into tommy’s forearm. 
“STOP! STOP IT! TOMMY I’M HERE!” tubbo’s voice started to ache, tears pouring. 
tommy and dream continued to fight, neither of them putting their all into it. soon tommy collapsed into a ball of tears, not even trying to fight anymore. puffy ran over and gave him a comforting hug while sapnap, punz, and sam took dream to pandora’s box. 
“its alright, tommy.” niki said, kneeling next to him. “tubbo’s alright.” 
“he’s not fucking alright, niki, he’s dead is what he is.” 
tubbo heard ranboo sniffle in the corner. 
“i should have just gone myself. he didn’t need to be here. it should have just been me and dream.” 
“tommy, please. im begging you, just look at me.” 
“it should have been me.” tommy whimpered. 
tubbo felt himself start to fade. his hands and legs became translucent. 
“TOMMY-” he yelled out before appearing once again in the void. he lunged forward, reaching out, only to be caught by schlatt. 
“hey, hey. are you okay? what happened?” he asked. 
tubbo couldn’t speak, when he tried only tears and sobs came out. he felt schlatt and wilbur hug him but he couldn’t stop. 
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tomsrebeleyebrow · 5 years
heavenly yours (epilogue) | th x fem!reader
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Heavenly Yours – a chaotic series
PART 1  |  PART 2  |  PART 3 | epilogue
Summary: A few years passed and some things changed. What is now happening in the Underworld of Hell?
Pairing: KOH!Tom x Angel!Fem!Reader 
Warnings: language, some blood (not much), tones of cute moments, tones of feelings, SMUT including pregnant sex, unprotected sex (use condoms kids), fingering, stimulation and breeding kink (oopsie)
Words count: 10.2k
A/N: first of all: a massive thank you to all the people who supported me and this mini series! you’ve been amazing all along, and i couldn’t have make it without you 🙏🏻✨ also sorry for the delay but i started a new job so i was busy, but then covid-19 happened and here i am now at home 😅 at least i can get some writing done 👀 anyway this mini series is coming to an end with this epilogue, so again a big tysm and i hope you will support my other works like you did with this one 💖💞
masterlist | series masterlist | your support
A few years later.
In the Hell’s Castle.
❞ You piece of crap, you are such a disgrace even for Hell. ❞
The voice echoes in the throne room. It is not a scream, but still loud, rough and impressing. Capable of giving you the chills or killing anyone on the spot. A voice well-known in the Underworld of Hell. A voice feared by any demon down there.
The voice gets a bit deeper this time. The entire room trembles and so do all the people present in there. No one dares to look directly at him, scared of making him lose his temper even more. The demons care for their life and just kneel down, heads bows, silently.
But boy someone sure is going to have a bad time today.
Tom lazily sits on his throne, one leg crossed over the other and an elbow on the black wooden armrest with his hand supporting his head. His current sitting spot overhangs the room, getting a clear view on today’s “trash to clean”, as he commonly calls them. The strong fingers of his free hands tap on the armrest, his short nails creating a macabre melody in addition to the fragile pleading of the unfortunate defendant of the day. The King’s facial expression doesn’t let through a single ounce of emotion, but who knows him well senses that the King is upset. Really upset.
❞ How many times did we catch you sneaking out of the 8th circle? Five, or more? Either way, you really pissed me off now. ‘ve got other shits to deal with. ❞
The pleading abruptly stops, letting a heavy silence to take place. The body of the demon then separates in two perfect and equal parts, before falling into a sloppy sound on the now bloody ground. Still no word spoken. Now the smell of death is strong in the room, and the blood of that disgusting and deceitful demon begins to block Tom’s airways.
❞ Take that shit away from my sight and clean quickly that mess ❞ exhales Tom, scratching his temples and frowning at the displeased view.
The demons’ subjects stand one by one and after bowing their head to their King, they start executing his orders.
❞ Actually, give some pieces to Tessa. She will be happy to have something to chew on. ❞
At the sound of her name the aforesaid Tessa makes her way next to her master, her claws clinking on the marble floor as she passes next to the corpse and other royal subjects. Now sitting next to Tom’s leg, her tongue hanging out, the female staffy raises her face towards Tom who understands what she wants.
❞ I know, darling, I know. Now is break time ❞ slightly chuckles Tom as he bends his upper body  to scratch behind his dog’s ears.
Just as his subjects finish cleaning the mess from earlier - not forgetting to bring some “toys” in Tessa’s corner -, Tom catches some stepie steps coming from behind the giant entrance door of the throne room. And he knows these steps. Pretty well actually. He smiles and Tessa seems to ear them too now, her tails batting the ground from excitement.
The devil man finally stands from his throne, extending his black wings on his back. All royal servants are gone, the place shinning like day one. Then a light knock resonates in Tom’s ears, his smile transforming into an amused smirk.
❞ Who dares to disturb the King during his duties? ❞ Tom exclaims in a weird imposing baritone voice, chin up and chest puffed out.
The man beats his wings and keeps his position, quite the opposite of Tessa who excitedly begins running around Tom, knowing who is actually behind the door.
❞ I dare you to enter this room, you little crooks! ❞
The heavy double door cracks as it opens slowly, letting out some creaking noises. Tessa just starts running straight to it as her barks echo in the room. And as the door opens enough, two little bodies appear behind it and are instantly being jumped on by the dog, clearly happy to see them. Then follow lots of laughing and giggles.
Tom finally loosens up his acting at both voices calling him then walks towards them, arms open wide. As Tessa calms down, the two bodies free themselves and run to the King, before jumping right at him. Tom catches them, joining their laughs as he starts spinning around.
❞ How are my beautiful children doing? ❞
Children indeed. Two children. Tom’s treasures and source of happiness. Something he never imagined he could have one day. But he did. On his strong arms are attached his four and a half-year-old daughter Dottie and almost two-year-old son Al, both their little hands wrap around their dad’s waist and torso as they look at him with smiling faces.
Dottie is the clear image of Tom. Same brown wild curls he once had back to his angel’s life, big coffee eyes that are already pro at doing the puppy look, a cheeky smile and very affectionate. A total outgoing daddy’s girl, a bit loud sometimes, but always ready to help and protect the one she loves, mostly her little brother. She is his little warrior, as Tom likes to call her.
Regarding Al, the younger sibling is definitely like (Y/N). The same features from the colour of his hair, eyes and so on that scream he is the reflection of the dear angel who stole Tom’s heart long time ago. But little Al is quieter than his sister, sometimes shy or even diffident, but still kind and radiating gentleness. And a one hundred percent mama’s boy.
To compliment all that, both children display cute growing wings on their back. A mix of white and dark feathers, beautifully arranged and showing the union of their so different parents. But Tom couldn’t stop touching them because each time he does, these feathers prove him everything is now possible, even for him who endure exile and torture alone for so long. The tiny bodies he carries warmly are the fruit of his tenacity to show how much the Kingdom of Heaven was wrong since forever, ruling in the shadow with received ideas which only created sadness in the end.
But not anymore.
❞ Wait, did you two sneak out of your mother’s sight or- ❞
“I’m always close to them even when they don’t know, darling.”
Tom exhales, a smile growing on his face. The lovely and soothing voice of his other half makes his head turn towards it. And there she is. (Y/N). Standing next to his throne as if she was always meant to be there, wings majestically framing her body and the long white lace summer dress he lastly bought her drawing her curves to the perfection. And new perfectly stretching around her growing stomach. The angel brings her left hand up to stroke it, the circular moves drawing attention to the golden accessory on her ring finger which also matchs with his own one.
A wedding ring.
Her longer hair cascades on her back and shoulders, nicely brushed and arranged to welcome a delicate crown on top of her head. Thin and discreet, a few gold stems go around her head, intertwined together, with some clear red spots here and there.
A golden crown of red roses.
(Y/N) is absolutely stunning, she always was, always is and always will be. She manages to take Tom’s breath away each time, even for any little things she does. The angel was the missing puzzle piece since the beginning.
After the night they became one, Tom stake to his words to make the angel woman his queen. As much as Tom wanted a quick and private celebration, his friend and advisor Harrison had to remind him many times that Tom being the King of Hell, he had to mark the occasion at least a little bit to officially present her to the Kingdom of Hell.
And that is what Tom did.
It was a short ceremony but still worthy of the King of Hell. And maybe an occasion to show off a lot little next to his soon to be - and now officially proclaimed - wife, the love of his (after)life. And it would have been logical to give her the title of Queen of Hell, as him being the King of Hell himself.
But no. Tom didn’t want her being associated too much to the Underworld of Hell, title included. So he decided to stick with only “Queen” and that was already enough, and even better. (Y/N) is his Queen, the one he wants to rule his Kingdom next to, the one he wants to be with forever.
The children both squeeze out the grip of their father to rapidly fly right towards their mother, who kindly smile at them as she catches her youngest one in his still wobbly flying. Al and Dottie cuddle into (Y/N)’s body, being careful to avoid her tummy during their embrace.
Tom could look at this scene for hours. Looking at the person he loves the most holding his two other precious ones - soon to be three - all together, radiating of love, happiness and kindness, emotions he craved for so long that he is now proud of being able to have and feel. Unconsciously this put a warm smile on his face, and he couldn’t stop himself from joining them too.
As Tom engulfs them all into his strong arms, his black wings also surrounding them, (Y/N) slightly nuzzles her face into her husband’s neck while still holding both her children close to her. The devil man rubs his nose against the soft hair on top of her head, avoiding her little crown, to smell the fresh scent of flowers coming from it.
❞ You like to just appear and disappear wherever you want to surprise me, don’t you darling? ❞ jokes Tom kissing her temple, which makes his wife giggle.
“It’s not like you don’t like it, sweetheart” replies (Y/N) as she leaves a soft peck on his neck.
❞ Cheeky you. But touché. ❞
One of Tom’s hands slides around her lower back then her hip to end its course at the side of her growing stomach, slowly stroking it through the fabric of her sundress. He kisses both Dottie and Al’s foreheads before resting his cheek against (Y/N)’s temple.
Being able to have his family by his side to love and cherish to his heart’s content is something Tom would never change. His family. These simple words bring so much feelings inside him, warming up his heart each time he says them out loud. With a powerful meaning.
Tom detaches from the little group to take back both his daughter and son in his own arm, freeing (Y/N) from their intense grip. He then walks to his throne and sits on it, putting both his children on one leg on it. (Y/N) soon joins them too and sits on Tom’s free leg, slightly leaning on her husband’s torso.
❞ Alright kids, what did you do with your mother until now? ❞ asks Tom to his children, firmly but tenderly keeping them still on his leg.
As Dottie begins (but mostly tries) to vividly describe all the games they played and Al listening to his big sister, both parents look at them lovingly while cuddling into each other. Tessa soon join them with something in her mouth - definitely a piece of the demon’s body from before -, sitting peacefully at Tom’s feet to chew on her new “toy”.
The macabre room of sentences is now filled with adorable laughers and chitchatting, clearing up the usual bloody and terrific atmosphere for today, at least.
* * * *
(Y/N) lays on the red velvet couch in the living room, her back against tones of fluffy pillows she gathered from everywhere in the castle. Her legs stretched out, she continues reading with the book slightly put on her five-month-tummy. In the background, the angel can hear Dottie and Al playing in the garden with Tessa, their joyful laughers making her smile. Beside her, the fire keeps crackling in the fireplace, warming up the air around her. It is actually the only spot of fire (Y/N) ever saw in Hell, and the only one she is actually happy to light up.
Still immerse in her peaceful reading, she hears steps resonate on the marble of the living room, coming closer to where she is. As the angel raises her head, the silhouette of Harrison makes its way to her. Dressed in his usual black outfit, imposing wings on display, the loyal demon of Hell soon stops at the back of the couch to address to the young woman.
“Good afternoon, Harrison” (Y/N) greets him as she rests the still open book on her stomach, giving her full attention to her friend.
‘ Good afternoon, (Y/N). We just rece- ‘
Harrison gets interrupted by (Y/N) who puts her index finger on her lips, then slowly pointing down to where her book is. Intrigued, the demon leans further over the couch. And to his surprise here sleeps the King of Hell himself, totally squeezed between the back of the couch and (Y/N)’s body, his face slightly on top of her breasts and an arm around her pregnant belly.
(Y/N)’s hand begins to scratch his scalp softly and he seems to snuggle more into her, his breathing calm and at ease. Harrison tries his best to suppress a smirk. Seeing the most powerful demon who terrifies all Hell and beyond in this position, as gentle as a lamb, is for sure destroying the entire myth itself. But at the same time, he never saw his friend this peaceful until he made the impossible to bring his love one back to him.
So in the end, Harrison couldn’t stop the discret crooked grin in the corner of his lips. After silently clearing his voice, he starts again but in a hushed voice.
‘ As I was saying, we just received a letter from Heaven addressed to you. ‘
Harrison holds the aforesaid letter out to the angel woman, who takes it carefully as to not crumple the delicate paper. The letter is rolled up and neatly tied up in a white silk ribbon, (Y/N)’s name calligraphed on it in thin and calligraphed letters.
Looking at her sleepy husband one last time, (Y/N) takes the ribbon between her fingers and slowly undo it, depositing it on her book. Harrison stays at the same place, hands linked on his back as he watches over the woman. (Y/N) rolls the paper out with her two hands and sees a few lines written on it, the handwriting being familiar to her.
“This is from Zendaya” starts (Y/N), now smiling with kind eyes at the letter. “Thank you Harrison.”
‘ You’re welcome, (Y/N). I will be with the kids if you need something. Also... ‘
The demon glances at Tom who has not moved an inch since then, still fast asleep against (Y/N).
‘ ... Make sure he is awake for his afternoon’s duties. Got some important “work” to deal with ‘ Harrison whispers, emphasising the specific word “work” with the intonation of his voice.
“I know I know, don’t worry about it” replies (Y/N) while massaging Tom’s scalp.
As Harrison makes his way outside to keep a close eye on the children - even if in the end, he will totally play with them but never admit it out loud -, (Y/N) feels Tom’s body moving slightly, his legs stretching out but still not waking up fully.
The arm around her stomach tightens a bit, his hand caressing her side almost tickling her thought her dress. He snuggles more against her, a content smile now on his face. Letting her husband enjoy his well deserved nap, (Y/N) can concentrate on the letter she received from Zendaya.
Zendaya. One of the Superior Angels who maintains peace in the Kingdom of Heaven. One with a big heart and a beautiful soul. And the only one who trusted and agreed to help Tom when he was banished and sent to Hell.
Approaching the Superior Angels was, at the time, nearly impossible because they were considered as “the direct messengers of the Holy God”. But Zendaya had always been... Zendaya. Well educated, respected by everyone and also the only Superior Angels close to the other angels. She never feared anyone, even when her fellow Superiors asked her many times to keep her distance with the common  angels.
Zendaya always had a mind of her own and that is also why she developed a certain friendship with Tom. Him being himself loved by everyone in Heaven, she knew since the beginning she could trust him. With time they became confidant to one another, and it is also like how Zendaya learnt about his growing feelings towards (Y/N). She knew her too, a bit less but still enough to trust her deeply and admire her from afar. But everything changed when the Superior Angels suspected something was going on. And, in fact, they didn’t hesitate a single second to get complete rid of Tom without another thought. And Zendaya couldn’t do anything but assist to his terrific exile.  
As time flies, Zendaya felt nothing was the same in Heaven anymore. Mostly when she kept an eye on (Y/N). So much despair and sadness, but well hidden by the young angel to not draw any attention to her. Zendaya admired (Y/N)’s mental strength but she could not not be afraid of her fellow’s mental health. And even with all her will, Zendaya knew she couldn’t do anything. At least not by herself.
Until one day, totally out of nowhere when she thought she had to finally put what happened behind her. That specific day, everything changed as a tiny piece of paper was found under the bench Zendaya usually sits on in her private garden. A simple message non signed but somehow... recognisable, with a black feather attached to it and simply written:
“I’m alive. We need to talk.”
Zendaya kept her devilish correspondence with Tom to herself, being extremely careful each time a letter was sent by one or received by the other. The Superior Angel was the best help Tom needed to bring back (Y/N) to him, even if Zendaya was not really in favour of that idea, at first. But she was the most sensible angel - with (Y/N) - in Heaven and the determined one wishing for a change.
A true and concrete change had to happen. Now or never.
And that is how Zendaya planned (Y/N)’s “evasion” with Tom’s help, also managing at the same time to not declare a war between both kingdoms and opening the minds of angels and demons. What a job, really. But it was worse it because since then, the impenetrable borders between the two worlds finally fell for good.
« « My Dear (Y/N),
I hope you are doing good. How is your pregnancy is going?
Recently, the Superiors Angels and I gathered to discuss about sharing our mutual files about the people arriving at the Purgatory’s Gates, but also about the “doubtful” ones. I broached this topic since a bit of time now, but you know how the Superiors are... Still reluctant about this and that, but we will slowly make it.
And how are Hell Boy and your beautiful kids? Hope they at least give you some rest time. Mostly Tom because this man is a mess by himself. I still wonder sometimes how he manages to do anything while you were not here (yet).
Anyway. Tell little Dottie and little Al I love them a lot, to be good and that I can’t wait to see you all again when your new little member will be here.
Wishing you all the happiness to you and your beautiful family.
P.S.: tell Tom to stop being a dick and to read that damn report I sent him last week because I need an answer fast now, thanks.
Sincerely, Zendaya. » »
(Y/N) tries to stop giggling at the last lines of the letter, but still couldn’t really help it. Her chest vibrates against her will, slightly shaking Tom out from his sleep.
❞ What in this letter is making my beautiful wife laugh? ❞ Tom asks sleepily, his voice hoarse and eyes still close as if waking up is not in his plans yet.
(Y/N) caresses and kiss the crown of his head still resting on her chest, now openly giggling at the sluggish mood of her husband.
“Zendaya is waiting for you to read a report from a week ago” the angel slowly starts, her fingers running along Tom’s neck as her lips don’t leave his forehead. “Also she is planning to come visit when our little one is born.”
Tom finally dares to raise his head and meet his wife’s sparkling eyes, his being drown into them again and a smile now on his face.
❞ I can’t wait for them to be born, I want to hold them in my arms so bad ❞ says Tom, kind of lost in his thoughts as he caresses (Y/N)’s stomach lovingly.
“Me too, I can’t wait” the angel replies, emotions of pure happiness overwhelming her entire body.
The two beings share a passionate kiss, full of love, in this moment of silence. Pure calm and solitude while Tom holds his dear queen softly in his arms and runs his hand over her growing belly. Neither of them have to say much in order to know what the other is thinking. This moment is not different.
The joyful laughers of their children in the background constantly remind them how grateful they both are to the Gods for allowing them such happiness.
* * * *
Finally the end of the day.
Tom feels beyond exhausted. As Harrison likes to stick to his plan as strict and a total pain in the ass as they usually are, his fellow demon friend assisted him during his afternoon’s duty in the throne room. All. Damn. Afternoon. Harrison didn’t let him have more than three-minute breaks because he wanted things to be done for good. And since the third heir is supposed to arrive in a few months, there was no way in Hell Harrison would let Tom increase his workload.
But now the night took place over the day long ago. The Underworld fell asleep little by little like the Castle itself. Tom exists the bathroom, heavy clouds of steam following him after an intense and thorough showering. The hot water helps his sore muscles to relax a bit, as he made a way too much good use of (Y/N)’s shower gel to erase the smell of blood and sweat stuck deeply in the pores of his body.
He lets out a sigh, his cheeks still red from the shower and finishs drying his buzzed head and neck with a towel. His wings moves from time to time to dry themselves from the remaining drops of water in them. Lazing throwing the towel back in the bathroom - hopefully in the laundry basket -, Tom adjusts his sweatpants and gazes at the silent and dark bedroom, guessing (Y/N) is still putting Dottie and Al to bed.
Taking advantage of it, the devil man flops down on the bed on his back. Sighing another time once he feels the fresh silk sheets under his skin, all his muscles even the thinest ones de-stress together. His wingspan unfolded is for sure impressive, covering all the bed in its length but the black feathers matching beautifully with the dark red silk sheets.
Complete silence. Only his slow breathing calming down as he closes his eyes, now taken into total darkness. Sometimes Tom remembers some of this kind of days, like today, when tones of judgements had to be done and then sentences to fall right after. And after he would just be like he is now, trying his best to empty his mind. Alone. And the next day, the same episode would repeat over and over again. Always alone.
But not anymore.
The faint click of the bedroom door opening takes Tom out of this thoughts as he slowly opens one eye to look towards it. Silently, (Y/N) appears and closes the door without a sound as soon as she steps a foot in the room. Then she turns to see her husband lazily laying on the bed, letting a little chuckle at the sight.
Such a pleasant sound. The demon King could hear his wife laugh all day, it is pure music to his ears and so much soothing. Sounding divine as looking heavenly.
Tom stares at (Y/N) from the bed noticing her wearing the bronze-nude coloured silk robe he offered her after Al’s birth, loosely tied up. This soft colour, almost looking gold, perfectly enhance her angelic figure as well as her magnificent white wings. His eyes then rakes over her body starting with her beautiful face to her shoulders then her voluptuous breasts, which now press more against the robe and finally down to the swelling of her stomach, which also stretches the silky fabric around her hips.
Tom bits his lip at this sight as he eyes the bump with a lustful look. In addition to not spending endless days and nights alone, feeling downhearted and helpless, (Y/N) is now blessing him with a third child, extending their happy family even more for both their enjoyment but also for the kingdom. The young man feels powerful like he never was, but mostly happy.
All this thanks to (Y/N) without whom nothing of this would have been possible.
“You’re done showering, darling?” asks the angel with her delicate voice, to which Tom simply nods. “Good. And the children are finally asleep.”
(Y/N) slightly stretches, a hand low on her back as she arches it to relieve some muscles. Recently Tom starts noticing some changes in his wife’s everyday life, such as flying more often when she could instead of walking, taking more naps and baths than usual, tiredness showing in her eyes or constantly stretching her back like right now. This being her third pregnancy it may seem understandable at some point, but Tom couldn’t help but worry about her well-being.
❞ Did you take a bath before lunch, love? ❞ wonders Tom as sitting normally on the bed.
“I did, yes but it only eased my back pain for two hours or so... And now, my stomach feels a bit swollen and heavy” sighs (Y/N), frowning a little.
She leans her head on one side while looking at Tom with an exasperated face. Her arms are crossed under her breasts, unintentionally opening the robe more on her accentuated cleavage. Being the perfect husband he is, Tom knows he has to do something... something that would help both of them, actually. It is like he almost planned in advance what is about to happen, wishing it with all his heart.
❞ Come here, sweetheart ❞ Tom breaths also tilting his head on his shoulder, his now hungry eyes never leaving (Y/N).
After slowly swaying her luscious hips while walking to him, (Y/N) then stops to stand in front of her husband, standing between his legs. She then could see his eyes darken as they trail down her body and stop at the swell of her belly that is now showing more than last month.
Knowing perfectly the effect she has on him, (Y/N) exhales longly which makes the robe slide from her shoulders and expose more skin of her upper body. She then run her left hand over the bump, the wedding ring shining brightly as it reflects naturally even with the lack of light in the room. Tom can’t help his hands to rest on the back of her thighs, fidgeting with the fabric of her robe still in between his caresses. Then the angel smiles when Tom’s mouth falls open to release a groan.
❞ Fuck. Get over here. Now. ❞
Tom pats his thigh and (Y/N) could just oblige, balancing her hands on both his shoulders. He grins up at his wife as she climbs onto his laps, both legs on the outside of his thighs to straddle him.
Immediately his hands find their way to her hips, still caressing a little over the silk material of the robe before he just unties it. And Tom couldn’t suppress the satisfied grin on his face as her matching nightgown appears in front of him. His angel being pregnant makes the fabric tighten around her breast and stomach, as much as its slightly raises to mid-thigh.
Tom then guides her to sit fully down on his thighs and chuckles when she sighs at the feeling. (Y/N) slowly flaps her white wings and takes her robe fully off, even around them, the clothing item cascading along her arms before falling at Tom’s feet.
❞ Comfortable like this? ❞ the demon asks cautiously, eyeing his wife’s face for any indication as to how she is feeling or what she is thinking about.
(Y/N) looks down at him with a small smile on her face, nodding. The chill air in the bedroom gives her goosebumps. She traces her hands over his broad shoulders, not without admiring his naked and muscular torso, before wandering her delicate fingers at the base of his nape. Tom’s eyes close once he feels her start to massage his buzzed scalp, and hums in pleasure.
He always loves to feel her hands on him, in general. It never fails to make his "friend down there” throb from excitement.
❞ (Y/N)… ❞
Tom whispers as he reaches up to grab the angel’s left hand before bringing it to his lips. He places a soft kiss on the golden ring, powerful symbol of their love and union, before brushing his rough but still soft lips over her knuckles. He turns her hand over so he can drag his lips across the gentle skin of her wrists, as his eyes stare deeply at her face.
When his lips continue to brush higher on her arm, he hears a sigh leave (Y/N)’s plush lips and watches as her eyes suddenly drop closed. Tom smiles softly against her skin.
❞ My beautiful wife and queen... ❞ he mumbles, never stopping his trail up the skin of her arm before moving to the other one, doing the same straight away. ❞ The strongest woman I know... So selfless... ❞ Tom pulls away from her skin to thread his fingers through her long hair and cradles the back of her neck in his hands.
❞ ... and all mine. ❞
With such sudden fervour, Tom brings (Y/N)’s mouth to his and kisses her, long and passionate. The angel melt in his arms, following his every lead as he bites her bottom lip. (Y/N) willingly opens your mouth to allow his tongue to battle with hers. She gasps in his mouth when he removes a hand from her hair to cradle her bottom, pulling her closer to him.
“T-Tom” she moans, kissing her husband with such urgency.
In all honesty, they did not have sex in two months - if not more which may be more actually and quite surprising - because taking care of one child is kinda alright, but two... is completely another story. And ever since (Y/N) got pregnant of their third one, Tom also had a lot of work to deal with while Dottie and Al still need a lot of attention. Constantly. So basically both adults were lately busy every day, the intimate time passing after anything else... and being almost forgotten, in then end.
Until now (Y/N) has not noticed how much she actually missed feeling Tom’s hot skin against her bare body. Being intimate with him is something otherworldly because, on top of knowing her body so well, the young woman feels secure in his arms. She always had. And in return, Tom would use that to his advantage whenever he wants to show (Y/N) exactly how he feels about her.
There is never a day that (Y/N) would ever get sick of being with the King of Hell, her husband. Totally unthinkable.
❞ You have no clue what you do to me, doll ❞ he growls, pulling away from her lips to trail his kisses across her jaw. ❞ I don’t know what I ever did to deserve you... How I got so lucky... ❞ Tom whispers against her ear before returning to ravish the skin of her neck with his teeth and tongue.
(Y/N) moans breathlessly when his tongue drags across her sweet spot before he sucks the patch of skin between his teeth.
“I’m the the lucky one, baby” she breathes out, bringing her hands back to his head. “You’ve been through so much all these past years, and yet you still find time for me and our children, even when I may not be in the best mood. There is no luckier person here than me.”
Tom’s eyes begin to burn as he pulls away from her neck and places his forehead against hers to look straight in the eyes.
❞ The shit I’ve put you through is nothing anyone should have to ever go through, and yet you’ve handled it all with such grace. Like the perfect Queen you are. There’s no one I admire and cherish more than you, (Y/N). You mean the world to me, darling. ❞
His hands move to cover the expanse of her swollen belly underneath her nightgown as he starts to caress the skin with his thumbs.
❞ You, Dottie, Al and this baby. ❞
Her lip trembles at his words, vision growing blurry with fresh tears. The love (Y/N) has for this man is indescribable. There were no words ever created to explain everything he means to her. He is everything she has ever needed and so much more. And knowing that he loves his kids just as much is definitely one of the best feelings in the world.
“God, I can’t even describe how much you mean to me, Tom. Truly, words do not compare” (Y/N) whispers to him, lips brushing against his as he smiles.
❞ Oh trust me, I know exactly how you feel ❞ the devil man chuckles, running his hands up and down her sides beneath the fabric.
There was a moment of silence between the two of them. Pure calm and solitude while Tom hold (Y/N) in his arms and ran his hands over her body. By now the two of them spent enough time together to memorise each other’s conducts during certain times. So, once Tom breathes softly against her neck, she knows the angel has to hear for herself exactly what is going through his head.
“What are you thinking about, baby?” (Y/N) inquires, pulling away to clearly see his face.
His coffee eyes are still dark, his chest heaving against her lush one. He could still feel her clothed heat against his thighs and now that they are so close, he could feel her stomach flat against his, the bump brushing against his naked abs.
He chuckles breathily before running a hand on top of his head, which creates a scratching noice under his palm.
❞ Would it be crude of me to say that your swollen stomach makes me hard? ❞
(Y/N) gasps in shock at his words, not expecting them in the slightest. Tom looks up at his angelic wife with a mischievous glint in his honey brown orbs, and she couldn’t help but then giggle at his typical cheeky attitude.
“It would but then again, you wouldn’t be Tom if you weren’t at least a little crude at times” she teases as she laughs when he feigns offense.
❞ Ooh you are in for it now, angel! ❞
Suddenly Tom chides before grabbing (Y/N) by the thighs and gently roll their bodies onto the bed, him being now on top of her. The angel squeals at the same time, her legs wrapped tightly around his waist and arms winding around his neck.
He smiles down at her before moving down to kiss her, his lips gliding effortlessly against her mouth. The demon king loves to take her breath away with just a touch of his lips. Tom smiles against the angel’s lips while still gliding his lips across hers.
❞ Hope you’re ready, I’m about to rock the world of my gorgeous pregnant queen tonight ❞ Tom grins widely when (Y/N) lets out a loud laugh at his words.
“You’re being cheesy tonight, I see?” she giggles, her cheeks stretching widely to accommodate to the large grin on her perfect face.
Tom admires the glint of happiness in her eyes, with an ounce of mischief too, and tries to process the fact that he is the one and only man making this divine creature beneath him so happy.
❞ Yeah but I mean, you love that about me ❞ the man smirks, kissing (Y/N) on the corners of her mouth then cheeks, forehead and lastly her nose. ❞ And you signed up to it all when you married me so, no going back now pretty lady.❞
Her eyes flutter because of all his kisses, then she smiles softly at her husband.
“Oh yes, I did” she chuckles before continuing “And I love you with all my heart. And I always will” (Y/N) whispers, cupping his cheeks in her delicate hands before running her fingers over his defined cheekbones and jawline.
Tom can’t stop his eyes from burning with passion as his wife proclames her love for him once again.
❞ I love you ❞ he mumbles before capturing her lips for a passionate kiss.
Tom navigates his body fully between her legs, swallowing the strangled moan his angel release when he rolls his hips against her sore one. He then begins to push the silk fabric of her nightgown up to finally reveal her stomach, before he proceeds to cradle her soft visage in one hand while he places the other flat against her round and swollen belly.
He just growls when he feels the bump against his warm palm and pulls away from (Y/N)’s lips. He continues by devouring her neck as he pushes the nightdress higher up to reveal your bare breasts. The demon pulls away from her neck and stares down at her tempting curves and groans, his cock twitching at the sight.
❞ So fucking gorgeous ❞ Tom states breathlessly, reaching up to engulf gently her sensitive breasts in his large hands to massage them. His cock hardens and twitches again when (Y/N) moans from his touch, arching her back and rolling her hips against his to create some friction.
Tom grunts as he feels (Y/N) drag her hips against his still clothed hard-on and decides that both of them are wearing too many clothes for his liking.
He removes his hands from her breasts and tugs the nightdress over her head. The angel then leans up in order to let him take it off entirely, her white wings adjusting on her back. At the same time she also enjoys the sight of him, already standing half naked over her, his perfectly sculpted chest and abs making her bite her lip and almost drool.
Her husband is indeed handsome, breathtakingly beautiful, the scars on his back and shoulders only magnifying that beauty. Every time (Y/N) sees the multiple cuts he tried to hide at the beginning, all she wants to do is kiss every single one to remind her king that he should never be ashamed of them. Ever.
(Y/N) unconsciously licks her lips as she admires him. Tom catches it and smirks down at his wife, newfound confidence surging through his veins. She never fails to make him feel good about himself. One simple look needed and he could tell (Y/N) loves him no matter the scars on his body or who he is.
❞ Like what ya see, gorgeous? ❞ Tom rasps as he runs his hands up her sides, smirking when he feels her shiver beneath his touch.
“Always, baby.”
(Y/N) watches as he smiles ardently at her before he reaches up to cup her right cheek in his hand. He runs his thumb along your cheekbone and then drags the pad of his calloused finger across her bottom lip. The angel slightly turns her head into his palm and starts leaving open mouthed kisses onto it, as her hands wrap around his wrist to maintain him in place.
His eyes darken as watches (Y/N) starts lightly biting the skin of his palm, and then giving it little kitten licks. Tom curses softly when he feels his cock twitch painfully in his now too tight sweatpants, and he knows he can’t wait any longer.
Tom wants her so bad. He needs to have her. Right here, right now. Just the thought of feeling her wet insides flutter around his pulsing member takes the demon to some unholy places in his mind. And he loves it.
Almost reluctantly Tom removes his hand from her mouth and bends down to sloppily lick one of your sensitive nipples.
He hears (Y/N) gasp loudly before he sees her back arch, pushing her breast further into his mouth as he wraps his lips around the now hardening bud.
“Aah, Tommy-” she moans, trying her best to grind her hips against his.
When Tom feels her struggling to get some relief, he pulls away from her nipple with a loud ‘pop’. The angel starts letting out little whines at the loss of his hot tongue on her body.
❞ Worry not, my Queen ❞ Tom says huskily as he finally decides to tug her thin lace panties down her impeccable legs, revealing the secret garden that is her dripping heat to his hungry eyes. ❞ I will take good care of you, like I always do. ❞
He doesn’t tear his lustful gaze away from her, in awe as (Y/N) pants loudly underneath him. Tom then removes his sweatpants, not caring to untie them before hand, the fabric falling on the ground to now expose his naked glory because he definitely went commando after his shower.
The young queen gasps at the obscene yet erotic sight of his hard cock staying flat against his stomach, the tip red and swollen, leaking precum. She feels wetness pool between her legs and just moan, eyeing his hand as it wraps around his length and begins to pump slowly.
Tom eyes (Y/N)’s body hungrily from above her, moving his unoccupied hand to her pussy where he spreads her wet lips to rub her clit with his thumb, not without paying close attention to any sign of discomfort coming from his pregnant wife.
(Y/N) squeals, rolling her hips against his hand as much as her body allows her to, while Tom drags his fingers between her folds and massages her clit. When the angel feels him enter one finger into her clenching hole, she throws her head back and arches even more against his hand.
❞ Fuck baby girl, you are so wet ❞ Tom groans, pumping his hand faster around his cock.
“Tommy- Oh my-!” (Y/N) nearly screams when he adds another finger and pumps them harder and deeper into her warm insides.
Tom’s eyes widen when he looks back at her round stomach, which moves rapidly up and down as she breathes deeply. He feels his cock twitch in his hand and lets out a rough grunt, suddenly taking his fingers out of her core and removing his hand from himself.
❞ That’s it, I can’t fucking take anymore ❞ he growls, positioning himself between (Y/N)’s legs. He then gently grabs the back of her knees to pull her towards him, the angel whining when his hard cock brushes close to her core.
“Please take me, Tommy. I’m all yours, please” (Y/N) moans as she rolls her hips against his cock.
Tom feels like coming straight away but he resists somehow, instead brushing his pulsing member between her wet folds and flicking the head against her clit.
The demon king hovers over his wife’s body, placing his forehead against hers and balancing on his arms on each side of her head as he places the tip of his cock at her entrance. He looks into her bright eyes when he slowly enters the angel, her walls stretching deliciously around him.
Both beings moan in unison before Tom leans down to capture (Y/N)’s lips, swallowing every choked cries and whines as he begins to thrust in and out of her.
“Ooh Tommy, oh, aah-” she gasps breathlessly when he slams his hips into her bloated one.
❞ (Y/N)- ❞ Tom moans in return, pulling away to drop his head on her shoulder. He kisses the soft skin of her shoulder before thrusting faster and groaning into her skin. ❞ You are the best thing that ever happened to me, baby girl. ❞
His words bring tears to her eyes, thanks to the messy pregnant’s hormones,  and (Y/N) almost releases a cry as she pushes her hips in hope to meet with his thrusts. She can feel every ridge and thick vein of his cock as he drives it into her and the purely euphoric feeling makes her dizzy. The angel grabs onto Tom, wrapping an arm around his broad shoulders and running a hand through his entire face, his thrusts intensifying even more.
“You are my world, Tommy. I love your more than anything and I promise to stay by your side until the end of the world” (Y/N) moans in his ear, reassuring him.
Tom grunts at his wife’s words, all kind of emotions mixing up in his head as he makes love to (Y/N). Suddenly, he slows his pace a little so now he is rocking into her deep and hard. She whines desperately at this change, grinding against his skin.
The demon pulls himself up so he can look between their bodies, carefully watching as he thrusts slowly in and out of her wet pussy. Then his brown eyes land on her visible baby bump and Tom feels himself pulse inside of her as his eyes roll into his head. He moans loudly, moving a hand between both their bodies to flatten it against her stomach.
❞ Shit angel, I’m s-so lucky to have you... The four of you” Tom almost whines, rolling his hips harder into hers as his pelvic now brushes against her clit.
“Tommy, I’m so close! Aah-” (Y/N) cries out at the feeling and throw her head back, arching against him more.
She then gasps when he growls violently before speeding up his thrusts again and literally drilling into her. (Y/N) grabs onto him tightly and drags her nails against his scalp, stealing a grunt from his chest.
Tom sloppily links his lips with hers when he feels the angel clench tightly around him, so he thrusts deeper and faster before moving the hand that was on her stomach to her clit.
❞ Come for me, my gorgeous wife. My gorgeous queen. Come for me ❞ Tom growls in her ear, rubbing her clit vigorously.
(Y/N) screams at the never stopping stimulation. Her legs start trembling and body shaking as she clenches around his member, coating his cock in cum as she finally reaches her orgasm. Tom watches closely as she comes undone beneath him and lets out a moan, his hips faltering as he releases his seed inside of her tight insides.
He flattens his hand on her belly, feeling the warm and sweaty skin of her baby bump again and comes harder, biting his bottom lip to prevent himself to be too vocal this late at night. Endless streams of his come splash against her walls, their juices mixing together, and Tom rides out both their orgasms until he just collapses his upper body on top of (Y/N).
“Oh lord, Tom, you’re heavy!” the angel huffs as she then giggles at her husband.
Tom only hums in response, his voice slightly hoarse from their previous activity, while wrapping his strong arms around her body. But not feeling too well in this position - also not to accidentally hurt (Y/N) -, Tom slowly lets himself slide on the sheet to now snuggle up against his wife’s frame, remaining inside of her.
(Y/N) looks up at him through her post-orgasmic vision and is pleased to notice him just cuddling onto her with closed eyes, his chest heaving with exhaustion. As a kind smile makes its way to her face, she leans up to kiss his jaw which makes him sigh gently.
“You are amazing Tom, in every way. An amazing king, husband and father. I am so proud of you” (Y/N) softly whispers to him, brushing delicately her fingers against his cheek.
The angel then proceeds to move her hand higher and massage his head, feeling the short buzzed hair brush her palm and paying extra attention to his nape, a bit sweaty. After enjoying her pleasant caresses, Tom opens one of his eyes to peak at the angel.
❞ I would be nothing without you, baby. Just useless, an empty envelop with no reason to live. ❞
(Y/N) looks absolutely breathtaking to him, and since the day they met. The amazing post-orgasmic glow that suits her so well is something he could look at for years. Her lips swollen and impossibly red like her cheeks, hair a mess and eyes half closed. And not forgetting her naked figure which the demon loves to worship during these intimate times, shining with sweat but still an absolute delicacy that only him can savour as he wants.
(Y/N) can feel him start to get slightly hard again when he brushes his fingers over her pregnant stomach. As his face never leaves its comfy place on her chest, the demon king silently wishes to feel his unborn heir move under his touch. His wife continues to leave kisses on his sweaty forehead, closing her tired eyes, almost falling asleep in the lovely embrace of her husband.
❞ ... I’m guessing your stomach doesn’t hurt anymore? ❞
Intrigued by this question, (Y/N) slowly reopens her eyes to lower her gaze on Tom’s face. As she raises her eyebrows, she has no time to answer before Tom speaks again.
❞ Sex is definitely THE best option to ease pregnancy pains. Not like I’m gonna complain about it. ❞
"You better prepare a warm bubbly bath for us and carry me there, before I get upset” states (Y/N), her cheeks even redder now because of Tom’s stupid comment.
And the devil king can’t suppress his cheeky smirk as his wife avoids his gaze, still being cute.
❞ Your wish is my command, my Queen! ❞
* * * *
The bedroom is still plunged into darkness, but the daylight manages to make its way through an open spot left by the curtains. Humming as she slowly wakes up, (Y/N) blinks a few times before staring at the ceiling of the bedroom. Her hands go to her belly by instinct, massaging it as she draws circles on it, before she turns her head towards Tom.
Still fast asleep, the demon king did not move since they both went to sleep - after taking another bath together and dressing up for the night. His build frame stays on the side, an arm under (Y/N)’s head and his free hand resting at the bottom of her now covered stomach.
(Y/N) brushes her plump lips on his chin to then leave a light kiss on his lips, carefully to not wake him up. She links one of her hands with his own that stays on her stomach, intertwining their fingers.
But as the young queen tries to fall back asleep, her mother’s intuition goes on alert and her head turns towards the door of the bedroom. No sound can be heard on the other side of the room, only a deep and calm silence that resonates in the whole castle. When suddenly...
*tap tap tap*
The almost faint noise of footsteps slowly increase in the corridor, now catching the full attention of (Y/N). One corner of her lips raises, perfectly knowing the owners of this sound. Tom still being in the arms of Morpheus, mouth parted enough to let some soft snores at times, the angel prefers to not move until the “special guests” make their final appearance.
And speak of the devil (no pun intended, or not)...
The doorknob starts to slowly turn, creating a quick and discreet ‘click’ which allows the door to finally open. (Y/N) keeps watching closely towards it, trying to see through the half-open door. And as expected, a double pair of eyes can be seen, a bit sleepy, and little by little two very familiar round faces appear.
Dottie and Al immediately find their mother’s eyes as if asking for her permission to enter the matrimonial bedroom. After warmly allowing both her children with a nod and a smile, the two tiny beings make their way inside, Dottie making sure to silently close the door behind her little brother and her, and then fly together towards their parents.
As they kiss their mother on the cheek and tummy - because they already care a lot about their unborn brother or sister -, little Al notices his father still sound asleep between the sheets. Not needing to be asked twice, the little boy careful goes between both his parents’ bodies and tries to make himself some place as he goes under the cover. Tom lightly groans at the movements next to him, but only secures his grip tighter around his wife plus now his young son. (Y/N) then opens the sheets with her free hand, inviting her daughter to join their cuddle. Dottie goes also under the warm sheet, getting close to her mum and snuggling against her. Feeling yet another presence in the bed, Tom’s hand which already maintain (Y/N) and Al close to him now reaches for his daughter.
The silence of the early morning remains still. (Y/N) lets out a pleased sigh, getting even more confortable between the soft warmth of the bed and her loving family. Slowly, sleep overcomes her and her children all over again, soon joining the head of the family for another resting time into dreamland.
Who could have thought about having this delightful type of afterlife?
* * * *
Ten months later.
« « Who’s the most beautifuuuuuul baby of all time? » »
❞ Give me back my daughter, Z... ❞
Happy babbles echo in the living room, animated first by Tom who tries to take back his five-month daughter Mia from Zendaya’s grasp, and on the other hand Dottie and Al playing together next to the group of adults.
(Y/N) sat on the large couch next to her husband, giggling at his attitude as he almost makes grabby hands to Zendaya, hoping she would finally give the newly born child to him. (Y/N) lovingly caresses his back, getting close to him and eyeing her third child in the arms of her trustful friend from Heaven.
“Thank you for visiting us, Zendaya” begins (Y/N), “Mia seems to like you already.”
« « Obviously she loves her godmother a lot, right little one? » » smiles Zendaya as she keeps smiling widely to the baby, tickling her tummy to make little Mia show her toothless smile again.
Tom couldn’t help the grown leaving his mouth, lightly banging his head against (Y/N)’s. The angel queen kisses his temple in hope of appeasing her husband’s pouting face.
On Mia’s back, two tiny wings start growing slowly. The colour of her feathers is still undetermined but it may be a mix of white and black ones, like her eldest sister and brother. Mia’s features will for sure be a beautiful mix of her parents, her eyes already big and kind like her mother’s and deep brown like her father’s.
Harrison enters the living room, bringing a rolling cart with different drinks and delicacies on it. Both Dottie and Al stop playing as they hear it coming their way, their throat dry and little stomach empty after so much playtime. Dottie stands first and waits for Harrison to stop the cart, meanwhile Al goes to his father asking for some attention. The demon king immediately takes his son in his arms, sitting him on his laps.
‘Can I get some apple juice for Al and I, please Haz?’ Dottie politely asks the demon.
‘ Of course, dear. Right away. ‘
Dottie brings the first glass to her brother, carefully passing it in his little hands before asking the others if they want to drink something too.
“Just a glass of water for me, sweetheart. Dad will share his wine with me.”
❞ Hmm, I still need to think about that, beautiful ❞ replies Tom with a cheeky tone, while slowly kissing his wife’s cheek which makes her chuckle.
« « Don’t get all lovey-dovey in front of your kids, dammit. Gross, ew! Al, look at auntie Daya. » »
❞ Don’t swear in front of my children! ❞
Once everyone got served their drink, Dottie flies back to her mother to sit on her laps, enjoying her apple juice as she vividly looks at everyone but mostly at her new little sister. Then Harrison prepares two little plates to fill with some homemade cakes for both his godchildren.
❞ Honestly, Harrison is killin’ it at being a good godfather with the kids. They might start loving him more than you if you- ❞
« « Shut up, Hell Boy » » interrupts Zendaya, upset but still with her usual sass.
“The kids would love to see you more often, Zendaya” softly takes part (Y/N) while sipping into Tom’s wine glass before giving it back to him.
Zendaya deeply sighs and looks at little Mia catching Al’s index finger into her tiny fist. She brushes the baby’s wild growing hair back while caressing the tender rosy skin with her finger, not helping the smile on her face.
« « I know, (Y/N) and I want to but sometimes, I’m just overflowing under work. It’s not easy to be a Superior Angel, trust me. » »
❞ Being the King of Hell AND a father at the same time is not easy either, trust me on that ❞ sighs Tom back, ❞ But I’ve never been happier so I can’t complain at all. ❞
Tom smiles lovingly at (Y/N), making the angel sit closer to him and snuggle her face against his. Dottie also cuddles with Al as the two siblings look at little Mia, who constantly watches around anything that happens.
The scene warms Zendaya’s heart.
« « Also, you are all welcome to come to Heaven, you know that, right? Mostly because of business talk and all that jazz, but the Superiors would be glad to meet little Mia too » » continues Zendaya as she strokes Mia’s cheek.
“We were actually discussing about it with Tom the other day” says (Y/N), sorting out the feather’s mess of her children because of their last playing session. “Dottie and Al want to visit Heaven again too, am I right?”
‘YES PLEASE!’ both Dottie and Al screams together, little Al saying something like that because he is still too young to talk properly.
(Y/N) and Zendaya laugh at so much energy coming from the children. As Tom put his now empty glass away, he nods to Harrison to join them on the couch as he slides an arm around (Y/N)’s shoulders and kisses her cheek.
Heaven and Hell might be opposite places with different rules and ways of thinking.
But in the end, they both have the same goal: giving the right afterlife to people, and fixing their faults when mistakes were done.
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