#he didn't hatch caraxes
lagosbratzdoll · 2 years
thinking thoughts
I have quite a few thoughts about Alicent Hightower, both the book and show versions of her character. Her actions remind me of the hyper-religious women in my own life, and while I sympathize with her somewhat in the show, I find her character cruel and callous. In the book, however, I respected her agency and choices, even if she annoyed me at times.
That being said, my main issues with the House of the Dragon show are the mistreatment of Laena, Leanor and Alicent's indecisiveness and lack of backbone. Rhaenyra's accusation that Alicent had been hiding behind her righteousness was spot-on. I'm sorry that Aemond lost his eye, but I do not think that the appropriate response will ever be knowingly removing the eye of a six-year-old boy. 
Alicent declares war against Rhaenyra because she believes she didn't tell her the whole truth about the pleasure house incident with Daemon. I wonder why she'd think she's entitled to anything from Rhaenyra, much less the truth.  She broke her trust and they are barely friends. While we know that Otto pressured her into going into Viserys' room, Rhaenyra does not, and in her mind, her best friend married her father only six months after her mother's death. Rather than trying to understand where Rhaenyra is coming from, Alicent breaks her trust once more and declares war.
Alicent ignores the violence her older son inflicts on his younger siblings, and she marries her 13-year-old daughter to her own violent rapist son.  Additionally, Alicent emotionally abuses her stepdaughter/friend for no apparent reason and aligns herself with an incel/murderer/oathbreaker, a kin slayer and a rapist despite going on and on about Rhaenyra's lack of morals. She knowingly crowns her violent rapist son, who she'd told was no son of hers, literally one episode ago.
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myocsfanfictions · 6 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction
Princess Ysilla Targaryen is the only daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. The affection that she felt for her mother was strong, while her father had never been there, acting as if Ysilla was not even his. But she was. The dragon egg that had been put in her cradle hatched. An outcast of a dragon was born. A dragon with no legs. An outcast of a dragon for and an outcast of a dragon rider. Ysilla’s hair was dark but streaked with white. She was a Targaryen, and her wrath was not different from the one that burned inside the members of the House of the Dragon.
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“Dracarys.” When Ysilla said those words, her dragon breathed fire. She had the serving girl bring her a piece of raw meat.
Dragons didn't eat raw meat.
"Sƴz, riña," the Maester told her. He had been with her for six months now. A gift from her uncle after she visited King's Landing. (Good, child)
"Kirimvose," she answered. Her eyes fixed on her dragon. (Thank you)
Ysilla had been studying High Valyrian as soon as the Maester started to serve her, but her mother did not appreciate the King's gift. She said that there was no reason for him to be in Runestone.
"Mother, please!" she complained one night when her mother expressed the wish for the man to return to King's Landing.
"We don't need him here." She had answered.
"You may don't, but I do," Ysilla said. The shock on her mother's face was visible. Ysilla usually listened to whatever her mother said. It had been a strange feeling to be stubborn with her. But Ysilla could not let her lady mother send her teacher back to the Capital.
"I'm the only Targaryen who does not know High Valyrian," Ysilla explained. Her small hands clenched in fists. She wanted to be strong in front of her mother. She had to be.
"I've always told you to be proud of your blood. First Men's blood," her mother's words made Ysilla's eyes stung with tears.
"I remember," she said. But she wouldn't have backed down. "But I need to learn High Valyrian."
"You need to learn how to hawk," her mother answered firmly.
Ysilla felt so much rage in her.
"I'm not a goat; I'm a dragon!" Her mother's dark eyes widened. Shocked, she shared a look with her cousin, Ser Gerold Royce. At that moment, Ysilla understood that the words she had heard from Otto Hightower were true. It had been painful. But she knew what she had to do.
If Father sees I'm a good Targaryen, he will love me. Ysilla was sure of that. She did not act as a Targaryen at all. Her mother wanted her to be more similar to a Royce. But Ysilla was much more of that. She was a Targaryen princess. In a few years, he would have been a dragon rider. And when she would have grown up, she would have been like Visenya. She was more than a noble lady from the Vale. She was a Targaryen.
Father would be proud of me, she swore.
Ysilla would study all day. History, philosophy, calculus, politics, and High Valyrian. With the Master of the Dragonpit, she would speak only High Valyrian. She wanted to learn fast, especially when she found out that the war on the Stepstones was over.
"Father won!" Ysilla said happily to her uncle Gerold one day in the Godswood of Runestone. "He must have flown with Caraxes and burned them all."
Her uncle observed her in silence. His beard may have hidden half of his face. But she could see his lips tight in a thin line.
"You've changed, Ysilla, since you visited King's Landing," he said, making her smile.
"The Maester says that dragons feel other dragons," she answered, looking at the red leaves of the Heart Tree, "Maybe it had been the same with humans as well."
Her uncle took a deep breath. "Why are you so obsessed with these matters? You hardly speak of other topics, if not dragons."
Ysilla lowered her eyes. No one wanted to talk about those matters with her, as no one liked her dragon, her only friend.
"I'm a Targaryen," she said, "My father is Prince Daemon Targaryen."
"And your mother is Rhea Royce," he reproved her. Does she not share equal importance?"
"Of course she does," Ysilla muttered with a flush of shame. Since her dragon had been born, Ysilla and her mother had started to argue frequently. Her mother did not like Ysill's interests.
Ysilla wished not to argue with her mother. She had been very important to the little princess. She had been a role model, and Ysilla had so much respect for her. And she had raised Ysilla as a Royce. Proud as a Royce. But she wanted for Ysilla to forget that she was a Targaryen. And she could not. Ysilla had to show her father and everyone else that her mother was no goat. And that she was a dragon.
"You know I love you?" One evening, Ysilla asked her mother about it as they were dining.
"So sudden?" Her mother answered with raised eyebrows. Rhea Royce was not an openly loving woman, but Ysilla knew her mother cared for her.
"Do you?" Ysilla insisted stubbornly.
Her mother took a breath, "I do."
Ysilla seemed happy by her words, "And I'm sorry if in the last months I've been wilful."
"I'm glad you've realized it," her mother said, but Ysilla kept talking. " Why do you don't like that I'm a Targaryen?" Her mother took a breath. She put the knife in her hand and put it back on the table, but she did not answer. "Everyone in the realm wishes to say that their children have the blood of old Valyria."
Her mother observed her in silence for a moment, "The marriage between me and your father is a rich arrangement for the realm," Ysilla's eyes grew larger, leaning forward on the table. Her mother had never spoken of those matters with her. "But your father grew insufferable here. Insufferable of me," Ysilla listened quietly, "When I gave birth to you, your hair was as dark as your eyes. And he was there. He suggested that you were a bastard."
Ysilla lowered her eyes. It could not be possible. But why would her mother lie to her? There was no reason. So it must be true. But it could not be.
"He never wanted to see you," her mother said.
"I'm not a bastard," Ysilla whispered.
"No, you're not," her mother answered. Growing up, your hair and eyes proved it to everyone. But your father never accepted that."
"Why?" Ysilla asked, confused.
"He loathes me as I do him," she answered. And he would have broken the marriage off if he could make people think you were a bastard. That's why he never wants to see us." Ysilla lowered her gaze. "He loves his ambition, Ysilla. And you are more than him."
Ysilla felt confused. It all seemed absurd to her. Why would her father hate her mother? And why did he hate his daughter because of that? He had never talked to her. One could not just decide to hate someone, could they?
"All the Kings of the Seven Kingdoms, Ysilla," asked the Septa one morning.
Ysilla took a breath. "Aegon I the Conquerer. After him, there was his son, Aenys I. His mother was Queen Rhaenys. Then Maegor the Cruel. Then Jeaherys I. He was called The Old King, or the Wise, or the Conciliator. He ruled peacefully for half a century. But he had no heir."
"So what happened?" The Septa asked.
"He had to choose between his two nephews," Ysilla remembered, "Princess Rhaenys or Prince Viserys. And he chose Prince Viserys. Now King Viserys I."
"And who is to follow?"
"The King chose Princess Rhaenyra," Ysilla said. Then she frowned. No woman had been queen of the Seven Kingdoms. And when her Uncle chose Rhaenyra, Aegon was not yet born. So, the rightful heir should have been her father, Daemon Targaryen.
He loves his ambition. Ysilla remembered her mother's words. How did her father react to the King's decision?
And the Dragonstone folly. She remembered.
"What is it with Father and Dragonstone?" Ysilla asked before she could stop herself.
The Septa's eyes widened, "That is off-topic, princess."
"But I want to know," Ysilla said stubbornly. "Why was Father in Dragonstone? Rhaenyra is the Princess of Dragonstone, not Father."
"Ysilla," her mother's voice came from behind her, making her turn. The Septa was quick to stand up and bow to the Lady of Runestone. "Stop with those questions," Ysilla observed her mother; she was wearing her riding attire. She was surely going out to hawk. Then she came next to her daughter, caressing her hair, "I'm riding out," she said, "Do you remember your duties for today?"
Ysilla nodded, "History, then sawing lesson."
The High Valyrian, she thought.
"I'll be back to dine together," her mother said, putting on her glove, "Behave."
"And be proud," Ysilla muttered. That made her mother chuckle.
"I don't need to remind you that," she said, "You never fail to be proud." Ysilla smiled, observing her mother walking toward the door.
"Be careful," Ysilla said to her mother like she always did. The little princess didn't go out to hawk that much—her pony was too little. But her mother had told her that in six months, they would have gone hawking together. Her mother loved to hunt, but Ysilla could not wait to be on the dragon's back more.
"Skori jāhor nyke sagon naejot sōvegon issa zaldrīzes?" Asked Ysilla, stammering some of the words. Not sure she remembered them correctly. (When will I be able to fly my dragon?)
"Hāre jēdri, riña," the Maester answered, observing how Ysilla's dragon liked to be next to his rider. (Three years, girl)
Three years, and she would have been able to fly. Her dragon was growing every day more, surprising everyone. But the Maester told her that he was growing fast for his conditions.
"I really need to find a name soon," she said, observing the violet eyes of her dragon. "A fighter name." Then he looked at the sky, making a little sound. Then he looked back at Ysilla, making the same sound. He seemed a little agitated, but he calmed down when the girl touched his head.
The Maester had told her that she and the creature had a strong connection. "Hae dārilaros Daemon se Caraxes." (Like Prince Daemon and Caraxes)
Ysilla looked up at the man. He had been in King's Landing all his life, tending the Targaryens' Dragons. He had seen all of them: King Viserys and Balerion, The Black Dread, Princess Rhaenys and Meleys, Rhaenyra, and Syrax, and, of course, Ysilla's father and Caraxes.
"Gōntan kepa gūrotan Caraxes lēda zirȳla, skori istas naejot Zaldrīzesdōron?" Ysilla spoke slowly, thinking about every word. (Did Father take Caraxes with him when he went to Dragonstone?)
"Hen rhinka, riña." the man answered. His tone was strange. Trying to hide anger. But it was there. Why anger? She wanted to know. (Of course, child)
He would have never answered if she had asked inquisitively, she knew. But maybe that anger could be used in some way.
"Such a vile act," Ysilla said, using the same tone Otto Hightower had used. "Dragonstone belongs to Princess Rhaenyra."
"The stolen egg was much more vile," when she turned to the man, his eyes were wide. Regretting those words. "Forgive me, princess," he was quick to add, bowing his head.
Her father had stolen a dragon egg. Why would he do such a thing?
Her dragon looked at the sky again, flipping his small black wings.
"There's no need," she answered, trying to do her best to hide the shock in her tone, "I already knew," she lied, "My mother always tells me about my father's deeds. And they are not always positive words." She thought fast. Her egg had been chosen for her as soon as she was born; that was the Targaryen's tradition. If her father had taken an egg, there was only a reason. She felt rage thinking about that possibility.
"A dragon to a bastard," she said, noticing how the stolen egg was a sensitive topic for the man. "That's an insult."
Would he really steal an egg to give it to a bastard when he had insulted his mother by saying that Ysilla was one?
"Fortunately, no bastard was born, as far as it's known," he answered, "It was just an act to challenge the King's authority."
He loves his ambition, Ysilla.
Didn't he support his brother as King? Or he didn't support Rhaenyra as the future Queen? Why did he take that egg?
"Skoros drōmon iksin bona?" Ysilla asked not turning to the man. (What egg was that?)
"Se drōmon hen Dreamfyre. Dārilaros Rhaenyra ēdas chosen ziry syt zirȳla morghe lēkia, Baelon," Ysilla felt the blood in her veins run cold. (The egg of Dreamfyre. Princess Rhaenyra had chosen it for her dead brother, Baelon)
It was such a vile act to steal his dead nephew's egg. To give it to who? If he hated his wife, who was he planning to give it to? She would have liked to ask more, but her dragon started to growl, agitated. He flapped his wings again and kept looking at the sky.
That was strange. He had never done that. He was a calm dragon, never making many sounds, but he was upset and not able to stay still.
"Skoros iksis jāre va?" Ysilla asked, glancing at the man before walking to her dragon, kneeling at his side, "Lykiri," she said, trying to gain her dragon's attention, but he wasn't listening. (What is going on?) (Calm down)
"Maester?" She asked, seeing the man looking at the sky as well. His face was dark with worry.
"Dohaeris," she said, focusing back on her dragon. He seemed somewhat drawn to those words and glanced at her with his purple eyes.
A strange feeling went down through Ysilla's back. A shiver full of dread.
I want Mother, she thought instinctively. Feeling her eyes stung with tears.
"Ysilla," The voice of her uncle Gerold made her turn with a gasp. The man was behind her. His face was pale, his hands were trembling, and on his clothes, there was blood.
She stood up, trembling. Her eyes never lived the red of the blood.
"The Lady Rhea…"
Ysilla felt cold as her dragon roared with wrath.
Tag list: @watercolorskyy @darylandbethfanforever9 @roxannequeen @shadowzena43
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omgkatherine01 · 1 year
Fire Of the Dragon: Prologue
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 1
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Targaryen reader
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Prince Daemon Targaryen had always hated being wed to Rhea Royce of Runestone. He had never wanted to, but he had been forced to by his brother and King; King Viserys. It had been years before they even consummated their marriage.
Daemon had no intention of having children. He wasn't much found of them.
Until nearly 10 years later in their marriage something happened.
Daemon had been exiled away from King's Landing up and down to the Vale, to be with his lawful wife, but never had he been with her like he should until Viserys had angered him so much.
It had been shortly after the end of the Battle of the Stepstones, when Daemon had been sent away, he had gone to the Vale and vented. Rhea had taunted him again, drinking alongside her husband for the first time in years, until they flew at each other and finally consummated their marriage.
Daemon had been too drunk to even remember and Rhea had not cared much, she had found pleasure when she needed it, but she had never expected the one time she laid with Daemon, she would conceive a child.
Daemon was surprised when she told him. He didn't believe her that it was his, thinking maybe she had slept with someone else.
But he was still there.
And when Rhea gave birth to a girl...
His life changed completely when he first held her.
The babe had the violet eyes of House Targaryen and silver hair.
For the first time, Daemon felt obsoletely happiness.
That was the name he gave her. And for the first time, Rhea agreed with the name.
King Viserys had been happy of the news that Daemon finally consummated his marriage and had a trueborn child, but Otto Hightower had advised the King to let the daughter be raised by her mother or Daemon would turn her into another Visenya.
However, Daemon had hardly let Visenya out of his sight.
He was protective of her and the fear that if she wasn't by his side, something could happen to her and he wouldn't be there to protect her in time. For the first time in his life, he had someone he was willing to die for.
When she was three moons old, Daemon introduced her to his dragon, Caraxes. He was worried she may start crying of seeing a big dragon, but he was delighted when she just smiled and tried to reach the big beast.
Despite Rhea's protests, Daemon had flown with Visenya in his arms to Dragonstone and stolen an egg from the Dragonmont for her.
A year after the birth of the child, and a year after the Stepstones, Viserys had send a word to Daemon, offering peace and a place for Princess Visenya in the court, she'd grow up between the 3-year-old Aegon and the near 1 year-old Helaena.
Against the wishes of Rhea, Daemon had taken his daughter with him to King's Landing. Visenya had still been without a dragon, the egg he stole never hatched but instead of blaming his child or even the egg, Daemon blamed the 'hostile environment' of the Vale.
Daemon's niece, Princess Rhaenyra didn't seem to like how much her father and uncle had been so found of her baby cousin, she tried to get Daemon's attention during his stay, but he had preferred to spend his time with his daughter and show her the Keep.
But Daemon, and his usual schemes messed up when he took Rhaenyra to Flea Bottom down the Street of Silk later on.
Daemon had wished to wed Rhaenyra, but Viserys would not hear a word of it. He demanded Daemon go back to the Vale, to be with his true wife, and his daughter. But Daemon didn't like being told what to do. He had taken Visenya to Dragonstone and left her there with a trusting friend, and he flown back to the Vale on the back of Caraxes.
"Good morrow, Lady Rhea."
Rhea, who had tried to be used to be without her daughter for a moment, had decided to hunt in the mountains in the Vale, but stopped when she met up with her cousin, Gerold Royce.
She gave him a small nod, "Cousin."
Gerold knew how much Rhea missed her daughter, they all missed her, and hoped that Daemon will return back with her soon. So when Gerlod saw his cousin riding on her white horse with bow and arrow, he was happy that she decided to go outside to hunt whiles waiting for her daughter to return to her.
He give her a smile, "What's today's quarry? Rabbit?"
Gerlod raised his eyebrows, "Oh. Fine challenge." Rhea had to smirk at his teasing. "Care for some company?"
Rhea sighed softly and shook her head lightly, "I'd rather ride alone."
Gerlod nodded lightly before he gave her a soft smile, "We all miss her."
Rhea looked at him and gave him a sad small smile before looking up the hills. "I..." she started and let out a breath, "I am planning on taking Visenya up the mountains when she'll return. Show her the beauty of the Vale."
Gerlod nodded with a smile, "Sounds like a good idea. Some mother daughter bonding. Before you'll know it, she'll be riding a horse and will become a skilled hunter."
For the first time in a while, Rhea laughed. "Yes," she agreed. "I shall return soon."
Gerlod nodded with a smile and watched her riding off.
She did often went alone, everyone knew she could handle it. And she was a good and skilled hunter, and excellent rider. But when she was on her way back, she saw a hooded figure await her.
Rhea tilted her head when she saw it was Daemon approaching her. "Husband. Where is Visenya?"
Daemon tilted his head, "She is fine," he spoke, "She is somewhere safe."
Rhea didn't like how he kept taking her daughter away, hardly letting her spend with her. So she decided to taunt him, "Has your brother has at last had his fill of your company?" Rhea had never been afraid of Daemon, he had not been intimidating enough for her to be intimidated by, perhaps Caraxes was but the dragon wasn't here. "Cast you aside in favor of a little girl. That will be something to tell our daughter, wouldn't it?"
Daemon didn't speak a word and appeached closer. "What are you going to do now?" she asked but Daemon still didn't speak as her horse became a little uneasy. She looked down at her horse and back at Daemon. He kept stepping closer. "Where is my daughter?"
Rhea grew annoyed and angry by his silence, and her hand inching to her bow, but Daemon was faster. He took a sudden step forward, scaring the horse who stood on his hindlegs and threw Rhea off his back.
Her neck hit a rock, paralyzing her from the neck down. Daemon looked at her as her horse ran off. He stared at her for a moment before he turned around, planning on letting her die where she lay.
"I knew it," Rhea said, mocking him, even as she laid paralyzed and he stopped and turn to her. "You are nothing more than a coward. I pray to the Gods our daughter takes after me, if she takes after you, she'd be hopeless in this world."
Daemon grinded his teeth, picking up another rock before walking back to Rhea. "You are wrong, dear wife," he taunted her but his voice was deep and restraint from the anger he felt, "She is my daughter, she is the blood of the dragon, and you shall not insult her."
"She is my daughter, a daughter of Runestone," Rhea said, "It won't matter them that she has silver hair, they will not let you take her. They will fight for her."
"Then they can try fight Caraxes, but gēlion zaldrīzes is mine," Daemon said before hitting the rock against her temple making it look like an accident before he walked away to find Caraxes. Silver dragon.
He had flown back to Dragonstone to take his daughter back to King's landing, in time for Princess Rhaenyra's wedding to Ser Laenor Velaryon. At the wedding, he met Rhea's cousin, Gerlod, who believed it was Daemon who killed Visenya's mother, and demanded him to return Visenya to the Vale where she was belong.
Daemon had refused it, and ignored him during the wedding. He had offered himself to Rhaenyra as a potential husband, but Rhaenyra had declined, and Daemon had left the wedding with Visenya before it went downhill.
He stayed in King's Landing for a short while, until he had planned to wed the Lady Laena Velaryon.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 6 months
Daughter of Steel and Bronze ~ HOTD
Ch 2 - Claiming your birthright
HOTD x Targaryen!OC, eventual Targaryen!OC x Harwin Strong
Warnings: none, fluff, Nyra and Daena being adorable besties
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"In 105 AC, Prince Daemon claimed Caraxes, the Blood Wyrm, for himself. Caraxes was previously ridden by Prince Aemon, Daemon's uncle. This fact made many people at court wary, especially Ser Otto Hightower, the Hand, for Prince Daemon was hotheaded and quick to anger. It seemed he found his equal in Caraxes. Prince Daemon was also the wielder of Dark Sister, one of the ancestral swords of House Targaryen. As for his daughter, her egg never hatched. Nevertheless, this would not stop the Prince in his journey to make his beloved Daena a dragon rider like himself."
(Fire & Blood, Being a History of the Targaryen Kings of Westeros, by Archmaester Gyldayn)
The next day was the first official day of Rhaenyra's name day celebration. The whole of the Red Keep was bustling with excitement - from the cooks in the Royal kitchens to the stable boys and of course, the Royal family. Daena was expected to be there for her cousin and make this special day even more special. Today at noon the celebration would officially begin with a great feast in the Great Hall. 
She was woken up by Amanda and told that Rhaenyra had called for her for a visit. They were to break fast with the Queen. Daena liked the idea of that. Queen Aemma was kind, soft-spoken, loving, and nothing but caring. She was always nice to Daena. But Daena felt bad for her. Every time Daena saw her, which wasn't a lot but still, she was pregnant. And as far as Daena knew, none of the babies the Queen was pregnant with survived. Daena, dressed in a simple silk dress decorated with bronze and silver threads, was now being escorted to the Queen's chambers. 
There, she was greeted by Rhaenyra who pulled her in a tight hug. "Cousin! You're here! We're going to have the best time today!" Nyra exclaimed happily. 
"And why is that, dear cousin?" Daena asked. Nyra giggled, pulled her closer, and whispered in her ear. 
"Because...I convinced Father and Uncle Daemon to let you see Syrax! I know how much you wished for it. So I thought we could do it after the feast!" Nyra said. 
Daena's eyes widened in shock. Daena couldn't contain the squeal that left her mouth. She and Nyra jumped in delight. Aemma was chuckling in the back.
At noon the great feast began. She had the honor of sitting next to Rhaenyra. "You're the closest thing I have to a sister. I think you deserve to sit next to me." Nyra told her when they sat down at the high table. From there, Daena could see the entire Hall and all the lords and ladies who came for the celebration. 
Uncle Viserys was in the middle. To his right was Queen Aemma and next to her was Ser Otto Hightower. To the King's left was Rhaenyra. To Daena's left was her father, Daemon. After the first course, Rhaenyra got up and danced with their cousin, Laenor Velaryon. Daena never interacted much with him. She preferred his sister, Laena. Laena was a year younger than Daena and was lively and fun to play with.
During the feast, Daena could see many people looking her way and whispering to each other. The daughter of the Rogue Prince was making her first official appearance at court. She didn't understand why they all feared her father. He was always kind and gentle with her. He would braid her hair and teach her High Valyrian.
He would sing her lullabies in the ancient language. Most importantly, he would comfort her anytime she was sad about not having a dragon. But apparently, other people thought he was "dangerous" and "cruel as Maegor". She wanted to roll her eyes at those ridiculous words. 
After the feast held in the Great Hall, Daena was tired. Well, not tired per se, she felt heavy and sleepy from eating so much food. She yawned quietly and saw Nyra looking at her. "Issi ao ēdrugī, hāedar?" (Are you sleepy, little sister/cousin?) Rhaenyra asked Daena.
Daena smiled sheepishly and nodded her head. Nyra chuckled and took Daena's hand in hers. "Nyke tolī. Māzigon va. Ivestragī's jikagon se gūrogon iā adere ēdrugon." (Me too. Come on. Let's go and take a nap.) The two young princesses walked happily hand in hand toward Rhaenyra's bed chamber. 
There, they took off their dresses and were left only in their small clothes. They unbraided each other's silver hair. Daena pulled the big, heavy velvet curtains over the windows. They crawled into Rhaenyra's bed and slept with full bellies and happy hearts. 
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Daemon couldn't wait for the feast to be over. The only reason he was there in the first place is because it was expected of him, as the King's brother. Also, he knew just how much it meant to his niece, Rhaenyra, and his daughter Daena. The two girls were inseparable and were sisters in everything but name. His primary goal in coming to the capital was to secure a dragon for his precious girl. Even now he could hear people whispering around the court about how his daughter's egg didn't hatch. How it's too late for her. 
"Lies. All lies." He claimed Caraxes when he was 24. His daughter had plenty of time to claim one for herself. But Daemon was anything but a patient person. So, of course, he was planning on speeding up the process. He planned on suggesting to the King that, since Daena was down South, she should visit the ancient ancestral seat of their House - Dragonstone. There, she could explore the island and its many caves. Hopefully, she would bond with a hatchling.
"Where is that mischievous little girl?" Daemon murmured to himself as he walked down the halls of the Red Keep. He checked her room. She wasn't there. She must've snuck somewhere, away from the buzz of the court. And if his instincts were right, she wasn't alone. 
He quickly turned to the other hallway, which housed Rhaenyra's room. In front of her door was her sworn shield, Ser Harrold Westerling. "Prince Daemon." The knight greeted him. 
"Ser Harrold...did you by any chance see my daughter? I can't seem to locate her." Daemon inquired. The knight nodded, opened the heavy oak door, and gestured for Daemon to walk in. So he did. The sight that greeted him warmed his rogue heart.
On top of the big oak bed, his little girl was curled up with her favorite cousin, the two blissfully asleep. Their silver hair was loose, their round cheeks red from the heat of the fireplace. The room was barely lit and the air was stuffy. Their little hands were intertwined. They seemed to be hugging each other, their breaths mingling. He originally wanted to scold Daena for sneaking out of the feast with Rhaenyra, but he didn't have the heart to wake them up now.
At the foot of the bed, he saw a book, lying open. It seems the girls were reading before taking a nap. He picked it up. It was in High Valyrian. This particular chapter was about commands riders would use on their dragons. "My little dragon...always eager to learn." Daemon thought to himself with a smile on his face. 
He walked closer to the edge of the bed and looked at the sleeping figure of his little girl. She was so beautiful, she looked like a little angel - now even more so. He caressed her rosy cheek and moved a silver curl from her face. "Ñuha gevie riña." (My beautiful girl.) He whispered and pulled the covers over their small bodies. He left the room silently. 
"Inform me when the Princesses wake up." He told Ser Harrold and went in the direction of the stables to get his horse. He was going to the Dragonpit with a plan in his mind.
They were awakened by the harsh afternoon sunlight. Daena could feel the light hitting her eyes. She groaned and turned around, almost colliding with Nyra's face. 
"Princesses...It seems you fell asleep. Prince Daemon told me to wake you up. Have you forgotten about your little arrangement in the Dragonpit?" Amanda told them with a small smile on her face. 
"Oh Gods! Yes, of course! Come on Daena, get dressed!" Rhaenyra said with a gasp and urged her cousin to get dressed quickly. 
"But my clothes are in my room...Besides...I don't have any clothes for dragon riding..." Daena argued. 
"That's not a problem. Take one of my suits." Nyra offered graciously. This made Daena smile a wide smile. 
The trip to the Dragonpit was short. The two girls chatted the whole time so the time went by quickly. Once they arrived, Daena could not believe her eyes. The Dragonpit was a huge, cavernous building made to house the dragons. And the sight that greeted her brought a smile to her face. Her father, Daemon was scratching the scales of his monstrous red dragon, Caraxes, known as the Blood Wyrm. She could see that Caraxes was restless to fly.
"Come, sweet girl. He won't hurt you." Daemon called for her. She looked at Rhaenyra who was beside her. Nyra just smiled a mischievous smile. 
"But what about you? You told me I would see Syrax." Daena questioned.
"Don't worry. I will introduce you two later. Now, go!" Nyra said and pushed her deeper into the Pit. 
Daena slowly approached her father and his dragon. She has seen the dragon many times. Her father took her hand and pressed it against Caraxes's hot scales. For a second she thought her skin would melt off her hands, but it didn't. The dragon clicked and whistled, happy to see his rider's child. He could sense the little being was a Targaryen, that she was Daemon's offspring, and that she too had the blood of the dragon. His big yellow eyes bore into her lilac ones.
"He likes you. He can tell - you're a dragon too." Daemon told his daughter. She smiled shyly, happy that her father's dragon liked her. 
"Now. Climb up." Daemon ordered her. She whipped her head. 
"What!?" Daena said, shocked. 
"You heard me. Climb up. I will be right behind you." He assured her. She took a deep breath and started climbing the ropes to get to the saddle, her father right behind her. 
"Sōvēs Caraxes!" (Fly Caraxes!) She heard her father say behind her. And then, they flew. 
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High Valyrian:
Issi ao ēdrugī, hāedar? - Are you sleepy, little sister/cousin?
Nyke tolī. Māzigon va. Ivestragī's jikagon se gūrogon iā adere ēdrugon. - Me too. Come on. Let's go and take a nap. 
Ñuha gevie riña. - My beautiful girl. 
Sōvēs Caraxes! - Fly Caraxes! 
In this chapter we see more of Daena's bond with both Nyra and her father. It was mostly filler but next chapter will be a crucial one for Daena.
Hope you liked it, and thanks for reading! ❤❤❤
If you have any opinions feel free to comment!
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thecountesstribe · 2 months
HOTD 2X6 Review and Spoilers!!
Another slow episode. The episode dragged especially considering it's currently down to the last 3 episodes of the season.
Alicent got booted off the council, LMFAO. I don't take pleasure in seeing women suffer but older Alicent earned her shit, it's what she gets. Larys thinking he was gonna be named the hand of the Regent King LMFAO. Aemond said get your toad looking ass tf on and go call my grandfather. That was smart as much as I hate to admit it. Aegon definitely remembers his brother trying to kill him though. Larys is going to be protecting Aegon from now on because he knows that they can't control Aemond, I'm mad I gotta say something decent about him but he's actually thinking with his brain. The green council is still in a mess and divided and they know Aemond is going to be a tyrant king, hell Alicent knows and she's still somehow shocked by the monster she created like she didn't have a big part to do with him harboring his worst qualities and helping him mold into it. Delusional I tell you. The small folk are suffering already and got on their asses though, the only thing I didn't like is Helaena getting caught in the crossfire again. Another Daeron mention and did they just subtly hint at Criston being his father? Meaning Alicent was really sleeping with him before Vizzy T kicked the bucket? The writing for the show is all over the place, my God.
We were a diva down and I didn't like it one bit. WHERE TF WAS BAELA?! Like we saw her husband but where was she? Ugh. Rhaena and Joffrey sighting. They were so cute! Rhaena is still trying to convince herself she doesn't need a dragon to be important 💔 and Joff just wants his momma. Nettles looks like she's officially scrapped. I'm so pissed. They could've totally given Rhaena something else to do in the meantime, they didn't have to merge Nettles and her story together. Wtf Sara and Ryan?! This is why people say there is a Team green bias and they aren't beating those accusations. What does this mean for Rhaena hatching Morning? There were four eggs does that mean she still has a chance to do it? I'm so mad. Then again after what Dumbass and Dunderhead pulled in the final seasons of GOT why tf am I surprised!
We saw baby Stormcloud!!! I never realized how much I missed seeing baby dragons on screen. It's like having baby Viserion, Rhaegal and Drogon back. My heart did a little quick thump. He was so derpy too 🥺🤣 How Aegon's supposed to get away on him is beyond me, he's literally the size of a kitten. The timeline is so messed up as well.
Daemon is still in spooky land and although I'm over it, I understand it's a culmination of all his regrets and things he wishes he could've had and done differently. We saw Vizzy T and that scene where it showed Daemon wanted to be there for him, he just didn't know how.... Man I kinda teared up. At the end of the day Daemon just wanted his brother's love and approval, he went about it in the wrong way because he's chaos personified but that's what it was always about to him. Vizzy T was his parental figure, his everything really and man 💔. Miscommunication trope strikes again. Him and Alys becoming friends even though she's the one that's tormenting him wasn't on my bingo cards. Somebody come get Caraxes outta there, I know he's bored asf. Every time we catch a glimpse of him he looks more and more over the entire thing. 🤣
One of the highpoints of the episode was Seasmoke. Dragons have personality y'hear me. More of that! Seasmoke is a whole clown 🤣🤣🤣. Why would he do Ser Steffon like that? I mean sure he got a little cocky but intentionally bending his neck for him to get on and then essentially saying “BITCH YOU THOUGHT” AND THEN BURNING THEM TO A CRISP?!! He was so funny for that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭. He said “get y'all mid looking asses on” I already got eyes for one person and he's so real for that. You guys think he used to have dragon conversations with momma Meleys about picking their riders? We know dragons pick their riders as much as riders claim their dragons but do you think Meleys taught him if the unfortunate should ever happen make sure and pick the baddest of the bunch? We know Meleys picked Rhaenys as Rhaenys picked Meleys, that was confirmed. Meleys said Pretty Women Only and do you think she told Seasmoke to get him a pretty rider to match his aesthetic if the need ever arises? I know Laenor hatched him but Laenor was pretty asf. Seasmoke saw Addam smiling on the beach once and said “yeah I gotta have that” plus it helps that he has dreads, a pretty smile, a pretty face and looks like Corlys. He said welcome back Laenor Velaryon. Addam being Laenor's brother makes it hysterical as hell too, I'm creased LMFAO. He didn't have to chase down Addam like that but I respect it, he saw what he wanted and shooters shoot. I too would chase down Addam until he accepts my advances and affection, Seasmoke been eyeing him for awhile.
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Corlys is officially the hand of the rightful Queen of the 7 kingdoms.
We got canon bisexual Rhaenyra. Although I wish she was kissing another beautiful Velaryon instead, Laena I miss you so much baby, that was for me. Her and Mysaria kissing before Jace and Baela is egregious to me though. I'm just saying why everybody locking lips before the main og star couple?Rhaenyra smacking men, 100000s across the boards. She should've been doing that sooner but better late than never I suppose. That lady is still in her resentment of her husband era. Her face when Jace said they needed Daemon 🤣🤣🤣😭😭😭 She's sick of hearing about that man. He's right btw, Rhaenyra go get him, he's out there giving our diva Simon grief. Mysaria actually helping her with PR and actually giving her great advice. I love women supporting women! Her sending food with her banners for the common folk was so politically savvy. Mysaria being one of the few that is actually coming in clutch to help her to win the war 😉. I still don't trust her though, something about this entire thing tells me it's gonna end badly for her. I'll enjoy them trauma dumping and bonding on one another before the shit hits the fan though. I know doomed Yuri when I see it. Jace and that one guard immediately knowing something is up with both of them is sending me though. She took off at the end of the episode to go confront her ex-husband's new dragon rider and Syrax about to be screaming at her dragon ex husband too apparently. 🤣🤣
Since they're essentially changing the entire plot and the leaks that I thought were written like fanfiction might actually be true could we get Jace surviving the battle of the gullet? It's not slated for this season but I'm here to spread my agenda. Since we're essentially fucking canon atp instead of in certain scenarios and all this for Bran the broken to sit the Iron Throne (I'm still fuckin disgusted and furious at that btw, fuck you D&D) could they switch that shit up? Let's come together and manifest it guys.
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Until next week guys. I better see Baela, Rhaena, Jace and more dragons though. I'm here for them and them only.
And another thing, could you guys stop leaking shit. I block words and myself from certain pages and sites but y'know how stuff still slips through the cracks. Have some decorum and etiquette please!
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darklinaforever · 23 days
Lol just lol
Wow. Reading so much crap at once should be banned.
The delusion that Aegon II took the throne for his family is reported by Eustace, a maester pro-greens and anti-Blacks / Rhaenyra, who spends his time whitewashing them as much as possible. What he says about the Greens is still highly questionable. Especially since this bullshit of only wanting to protect one's family as a motivation to take the throne can quickly be challenged when we see how different Aegon II seems to be with the crown on his head, ready to do anything to keep it for himself and absolutely not mischievous. Firing Otto and refusing the peace agreement proposed by RhaeRhaenyra which would precisely save his family, except his grandfather who... well that's good because he doesn't care! Not to mention calling Rhaenyra a whore as easily as he breathes when apparently before taking the throne he actually respected Rhaenyra saying what kind of brother would steal what belongs to his older sister ? A little common sense. Eustace's comments about the Greens / Aegon II taking the throne are not at all consistent with Aegon II's behavior after that.
Then, the same, the so-called great exceptional link between Syrax and Aegon II is propaganda bullshit. Did Sunfyre love Aegon II? Yes. Is the opposite true ? No. He saw it as a kind of replaceable accessory. As proof, when he loses Sunfyre, he says that he wants a new dragon which will be an even more efficient Sunfyre. That doesn't sound like someone who cares about their dragon. Unlike Rhaenyra who just says that her team just needs dragons otherwise they are lost to the war. At no time does she look for a better, more efficient Syrax. Also, if we really have to decide who seems to have a better connection with her dragon in a deep way, it is undeniably Rhaenyra with Sunfyre. I remind you that Sunfyre was hatched for Rhaenyra and that she rode him from the age of 7, making her the youngest dragonrider. Syrax also formed a mated paur with Caraxes, Rhaenyra's husband's dragon. But apparently, it is Aegon II who has an exceptional bond with his dragon ? My eye. Once again, we must differentiate between the words of propaganda and the facts in the book. Also, gold and yellow are almost the same color. When you put official images of Syrax and Sunfyre side by side validated by GRRM sorry but... Well Syrax is also golden from what we see. Honestly, who tells you that the maesters didn't just try to tone down the color of Rhaenyra's dragon to highlight Sunfyre and Aegon II ? See here for more development on the color of Syrax :
If the writers wanted to make Rhaenyra want to participate in the battles in HOTD, it's simply because they didn't know what else to do with the character and give her a false badass look. Not to show off her doing to Aegon II or make her as brave and selfless as him. This literally has nothing to do with your dear Aegon II here. It's just that the writers have no imagination. Then, sorry to shatter your dreams, but there's nothing brave about Aegon II going into battle. It's unconscious. A monarch generally does not go to the battlefield. Because life is precious because... well it's the fucking monarch ?! Sending him to death's door is stupid and counterproductive. Also, people seem to forget that Rhaenyra couldn't even fly a dragon in Fire and Blood when the war started, because she had just had a complicated stillbirth with Visenya. But obviously, no one is going to take all that into account. Let's forget the historical context and Rhaenyra's physical state to treat Fire and Blood's version as cowardly and selfish for not going onto the battlefield when there's no the fucking point here. All this to try to make Aegon II appear brave and selfless ?! Aegon II ?! He is neither of those two fucking words.
I remind you once again that no, the idea that Aegon II was forced to take the crown is bullshit, completely invented by Maester Eustace.
And no, Rhaenyra doesn't take the crown to protect her family in HOTD. She doesn't even have children when she accepts to be heir in 1x01. Rhaenys' words in 1x10 are just a classic fucking warning. Rhaenyra was already planning to be queen before this because she saw it as her duty and did not expect to be usurped the way the Greens went about it. So what are that person talking about ?! Rhaenyra even considers giving up her crown and her youngest boys (Aegon III and Viserys II) to the Greens to ensure the peace of the kingdom. So once again, what are you talking about ?! Rhaenyra didn't accept the crown at all to protect her family in this whole situation. Also, when you are designated heir, you accept and you keep quiet, that's all. Do you think 7 / 8 year old Rhaenyra was an aide to the throne or something ? Reading this kind of bullshit you might think that's what is being insinuated. To say that the Rhaenyra of the show is forced to have the crown is essentially saying that the 7 / 8 year old Rhaenyra who was named heir was completely on board and wanted it, when we're talking about a child who probably only accepted what was his duty in the first place, to then grow up always having this perspective in mind and having been educated for it, and then obviously considering the crown as rightfully his. Because it is. Quite simply. But apparently, with Green stans it's horrible... On the other hand, an impersonation if you have a dick is okay for them.
I also remember that in Fire and Blood, when Aegon II was crowned, the population demanded Rhaenyra...
On the other hand, I don't know in what universe this person lives to believe that Aegon II is the favorite of those who watch the show ? All the polls that are done on the internet simply prove the opposite. Yes, we all recognize the actor's performance on Team Blacks side, but he is certainly not one of our favorites and even less the favorite. Even some of the Greens Stans hate him... And yes, a large part of the Greens stans love an Aegon II that they fantasized in their heads, but they are not at all representative of the majority of the fandom. Again Aegon II is not a fan favorite in general in HOTD. This place is rather held by Daemon or then (to my great despair) Aemond (ironically because he is precisely a poor version of Daemon).
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witchthewriter · 2 months
Ep 6 is my all time favourite episode of HoTD! Spoilers ahead -
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We have baby Stormcloud, Seasmoke kidnapping his new rider, mentions of Daeron's dragon, scenes of Caraxes, Syrax & Rhae Rhae going to see whats up w/ Seasmoke's kidnapping of Addam -
I also loved seeing Viserys again! Daemon getting some closure; but ultimately I just love Alys. She is my girl. Torturing a man with a literal dragon, he could've retaliated but he didn't. She scared him that much (that's MY opinion).
Although, I am getting the sense that Rhaena is taking Nettle's storyline (if it's true I'm going to be so upset. I want Morning! Rhaena is supposed to have hatched the last dragon).
THE RHAENYRA X MYSARIA KISS OMG. I'm here for it. Get it Rhaenyra!
Also, at the start of the season I decided to hate Gwayne but I LOVE HIM. Telling Alicent she did her best. I mean ... she did what she could with what she knew. What I think is that she loves her kids but she isn't a good mum ... soz Ali.
Loved Larys being called a toad and then going to Aegon so he could litERALLY manipulate someone. He got his feelings hurt :')
But I hated that Helaena was attacked by the smallfolk. She is my angel babygirl pure sweetheart.
And Alicent getting a wound in the same spot she gave Rhaenyra ... mmhmm
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targaryen-slut · 2 months
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[Sketch by me]
Name: Moonryder, nicknamed, 'The Silver Prince.'
Age: hatched the day Graemyn was born, around 17 BC and 26 just after the two year conquest.
Rider: Graemyn of House Targaryen.
Extra information: Designing Moonryder has been incredibly fun! A lot of details have been changing with every draft I did, but I came to a decision that he's his own species, perhaps an ancestor to Sunfyre and Caraxes, but those are only maesters' speculations.
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But he's definitely the 'original' long necked dragon before Caraxes and Sunfyre in my au.
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But I changed a lot of details upon his tail to enable him to fly better, also a design to mimic the ocean since this dragon is very fond of the sea, as well as Graemyn when he was younger - both of them growing up together. Moonryder even gained the nickname, 'The Silver Prince' which was originally going to be, 'The Silver Siren's, but Prince definitely suited him more due to how much Graemyn spoiled him.
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His colours did slowly change since I had made him more blue, but it didn't quite match the silvery-grey in my mind when it came to him and the scene I would imagine of this spoiled yet carefree and affectionate dragon.
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I haven't drawn a dragon in so long and honestly, doing so has been incredibly fun and I'm loving him so far and I can't wait to draw more of him!
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eufezco · 2 years
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Daemon avoided bumping into the people dancing as you escaped from the big room. Escaping from king Viserys, who promised your father to keep you safe and out of Daemon's sight during your stay in the capital, and escaping from Ser Criston Cole, who had been escorting you personally since you arrived at King's Landing. Daemon did not let go of your hand as you walked through the Red Keep. You were nervous, this was the first time you two were alone and you were sure that by this time there were guards all over the place looking for you two. Every time you two did happen to meet you were surrounded by a lot of people, but that didn't stop Daemon from approaching you, telling you about what he had been doing, making you laugh with his comments on other guests, and asking for you to dance with him. Your father and Viserys' eyes focused on you and him, especially on Daemon.
Viserys knew his intentions with you, and Daemon couldn't get away with it. Not this time. Lord Stark was a dear friend of his and your father did not like Daemon.
"Where are you taking me, my prince?"
"I want to show you something."
By the smell of it when Daemon opened the big hatch, you already knew what was going to be down there. He descended a couple of steps and he extended his hand to help you go down with him. "Come with me." For the first time in the night, you doubted whether to take his hand. He raised his eyebrows at you. "You do not need to be scared." You were still hesitant. You tried to have a look but the room in front of your eyes was dark enough to make it impossible, and the darkness did not inspire any confidence in you. But you somehow trusted Daemon. You took his hand and he guided you down the stairs. You squeezed his hand once you were completely surrounded by the darkness, only for him to let go of yours.
Daemon dissapeared in the dark and you found yourself alone in that place. You swallowed nervously, gripping your dress with your hands and waiting for him to return to tell him how this wasn't funny and to take you back upstairs.
You could feel it in the room with you, and you prayed for it to be asleep because you would not know how to handle a dragon. Unfortunately, you heard it groan and with a strong sound, Caraxes stood on its legs. You were speechless, this had been his plan all along? Abandoning you with his dragon for it to eat you alive? Daemon's dragon moved slowly towards you and the only thing you could do was to take small steps backward since you didn't want to look away from the beast.
You bumped into Daemon's chest, his hands were quick on your hips to not allow you to escape from Caraxes as it kept getting closer. Daemons shushed you, feeling how nervous you were and how you squirmed under his touch. "It's okay. Caraxes just wants to get to know you. Allow him."
The dragon seemed to be very well trained because it only got its head really close to your face. No sign of violence, no sounds of the animal getting angry.
"Have you ever ridden a dragon?" His breath against your ear spiked goosebumps on your skin, and you had to swallow nervously after hearing his question. Your body felt heavy, the beast in front of you seemed to be staring into your soul, sniffing your scent and deciding if you were a friend or an enemy. Its rider, so vulnerable behind you, let Caraxes know that you mean no harm. The prince's hands pulled you closer to his body, still not letting you move and waiting for your answer.
"No, my prince."
Daemon closed his eyes, and took a deep breath. He never cared about what his brother said, not even if he was the King, he didn't care about the fucking bronze bitch he had for a wife and he didn't care about the stupid Arryn you were supposed to marry with. Caraxes moved its head all of a sudden, making you take a few steps backward. Daemon loosened up his grip on your body and you turned around so you could be face to face. Both of your hands landed on his chest. His eyes analyzed your face, all of your features, your lips, your big eyes, your eyelashes slowly fluttering.
Prince Daemon was handsome. His skin was as pale as Winterfell's snow, yet his lips were the most tempting shade of pink you'd ever seen. You got closer to him when both of his hands hugged your waist against his body.
"My prince... We are not allowed to do this. This is wrong." You whispered against his mouth. He was dangerously close to you and you couldn't find the strength to separate from him because you wanted him. You'd been doing it all along, and the worst part was that you couldn't hide it from him. Every time you happen to meet he managed to do well enough to leave you thinking about him for days. Brushing his fingers against your skin more times than the dance required, looking up and down on you from his seat while you danced with ser Harwin Strong and then smirking at you, challenging your father by saying some rude comment about the North, offering his hands to help you get out of your carriage. Daemon loved to tease you. He also loved driving his older brother and your father insane but that's another matter.
"Does it feel wrong?"
You shook your head to his question, and he nodded, hoping you understood.
"How do you think it feels to ride a dragon?" One of his hands moved from your hips to hold your chin between his index finger and his thumb, forcing you to look at him.
"Exciting, I suppose."
"It is exciting, but it is also risky."
You nodded, understanding what the prince was trying to say. Daemon ran his thumb across your lower lip and then both of his hands cupped your cheeks and he connected his lips with you, and you felt like you could melt under his touch. Your lips moved slowly against each other, enjoying how skilled the Prince was at kissing, moaning against his lips when he started to undress you.
His back was against the wall, kinda unconfortable he might say, but his chambers were out of the table since it would be the first place they would be looking for you. You sat on his lap, feeling very exposed to him since you were completely naked and he had not taken off a single piece of clothing. One of his hands landed on your hips and the other one on one of your cheeks, helping you to move closer to him. Daemon trapped his lips with yours again, and you felt the burning sensation on your chest and the arousal between your legs grow. With the hand on your hip, he helped you to roll your body against the fabric of his trousers, swallowing your moans as you took your time ridding his thigh and he enjoyed the view.
"I want you." You confessed as you let your head fall on his shoulder. Daemon kissed yours while the hand on your hips moved to draw circles on your lower back. "I know." He answered you and lifted your face, his index finger and thumb holding your chin. Daemon found adorable the way your eyes were glossy with tears, probably because how sensitive you were already but not being able to cum just by using his leg.
Daemon unbuttoned the garment that covered his torso, just enough to expose his chest to you. He pulled down his trousers just enough to free his cock. Your legs rested outside of his own and when he pushed the tip of his hard rock cock inside you, he wished this was different. He would have preferred taking you for the first time on a bed, the light of the candles kissing your skin, you laying naked on his mattress, your legs wide open waiting for him. But once he heard you moan his name as you sank on his cock, oh, he was gonna take what he had and not gonna complain about it.
You lifted your body and dropped back onto him. Slowly at first, trying to get used to his size and how full you felt, but then his hands traveled down the length of your body just to end on your waist, sinking his nails in the flesh of your ass and helping you to move up and down. He hid his face in the crook of your neck, sucking and biting on your sensitive skin as your throat was starting to get sore because of all your whines, moans, and cries.
Daemon could feel you clenching around him and he knew you won't last much longer. He let go of your neck and kissed his way to your lips.
"Take me to Dragonstone. Make me yours." You mumbled against his lips, a deep groan coming out straight from his chest after he heard what you say. He came inside you not so long after that, letting his head fall on your shoulder, and you did too, your thighs shaking and running your fingers through his white hair once you came down from your high.
The next morning his lady wife, Rhea Royce, was found dead.
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thesunfyre4446 · 11 months
on the topic of TB's very smart and totally good logic, there's this one post i saw, like, a year ago about how the green kids were lesser than rhaenyra's kids bc the green kids claimed their dragons instead of the hatching thing. which. like. as if daemon didnt claim caraxes. and viserys claimed balerion. and also claiming dragons is just a normal thing. like im fairly sure aegon the conqueror claimed balerion as well, and no one would say hes less of a targ, than, say, jaehaerys who hatched vermithor
LOL i always thought they just didn't get their own egg and rhaenyra's children did. it's not like viserys would bother to go to dragonstone to get them one.
TB obsession with who's more Targaryen is just weird and disturbing. i've seen a lot of posts about how it's good that all of the targtower greens died because their blood was "tainted?!" disgusting.
and alicent's children dragons were 100 times better lol vaghar and dreamfyre were the oldest and largest living dragons, and sunfyre was the most beautiful dragon that ever existed, and his bond with aegon was legendary soooo.
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bbygirl-aemond · 2 years
What Was the Average Age for a Targaryen to Claim a Dragon?
Hi all a post a few days back got me thinking (and I had like half an hour left in my lunch break and got bored) so I did another completely unnecessary deep dive into Targaryen lore. I went through the complete list of dragon riders, barring those whose eggs hatched in their infancy/toddlerhood (which is considered in-universe to be different from claiming a non-hatchling dragon later on), and made a list of all of the confirmed ages that these people claimed their mounts. This goes off of Fire and Blood and ASoIaF canon, and there are some differences for the House of the Dragon series that I'll discuss below.
I didn't include riders if there was a wide range of dates within which they claimed their dragon, or if we didn't get a birth year. Like, Daemon bonded with Caraxes between the ages of 11-24, which is too ambiguous, so I didn't include him. Also, you can decide whether or not you'd like to include Aerea claiming Balerion, since it only impacts the average by 5 days. And I did include non-Targaryens here, but I'll discuss the math if you exclude them and only look at official Targaryens later on because it's not what you might expect. Here's my work:
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I did the math so you don't have to, and the average age at which people claim their dragons in GRRM's universe is 13 years and 115 days.
This previous data does include a number of non-Targaryens (Laena, Laenor, Nettles, Addam). I won't show the graph again, because the distribution remains roughly the same. But, interestingly enough, if you exclude them the average age actually increases slightly. The average age at which Targaryens alone claim their dragon is 13 years and 170 days. If you compare this to the non-Targaryens, the average age is 12 years and 274 days. So on average, Targaryen dragon riders claim their dragons 261 days later than non-Targaryen dragon riders. (This doesn't account for Ulf White or Hugh Hammer though since they have no confirmed birth date, and might not be true if they were included.)
Daeron is actually the youngest ever to claim an already-hatched dragon, at age 6. Rhaenyra wasn't the youngest to claim a dragon, but she was the youngest to ever ride one, at age 7. And Maegor was the oldest to ever claim a dragon, at age 25.
In contrast to HotD, Aemond was actually younger than average when he claimed Vhagar by three whole years. He also wasn't the last in his family to claim a dragon, and Aegon and Daeron only claimed their dragons less than a year before he did. It's still possible that he was the last of his brothers to claim a dragon, and he still claimed Vhagar later than any of Rhaenyra's children whose dragons all hatched in their cradles. But as with some other things (like Alicent and Viserys's age gap), the show seems to have exaggerated things to make it clearer to a wider audience.
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novembermorgon · 5 days
Do you have any thoughts on why Saerra didn't get a cradle egg and had to claim her dad's dragon instead? Did you said Naelle would be too scared of dragons, but did she have a cradle egg too that just didn't hatch?
Actually this also makes me think about why the Jae and Aly kids didn't all get cradle eggs
i think .... twiddling my thumbs. i don't believe it was actually customary to put eggs in babies cradles until viserys i? jaehaerys and alysanne got them and aemon had one that hatched into caraxes, but given that none of his other kids are mentioned to get one i don't think it was a super big family tradition or anything before the dance era
as for maelor on a surface level i imagine he just kind of prioritizes his sons having dragon eggs. classic westerosi misogyny in the form of offering this symbol of power to his sons and not his daughters - i also imagine the dragon eggs are sort of scarce at that point ...? it's mentioned that there were a lot of eggs during viserys reign but maelor doesn't really live that long. i imagine he would go out of his way to try to get some though and gives them to his sons because he frankly thinks more highly of them
his feelings about saerra are definitely a lot more ...? ermm.. well the fact that he named his daughter after his long lost sister-obsession should tell you enough but i think he approaches that relationship in a very possessive, very overbearing way . he projects saera onto her and sort of insists on her being everything saera wasn't so that he can, in post, 'fix' his saera-replacement - and that includes pushing down any sense of rebellion in her; to give her a dragon egg that would potentially hatch and grow into an adult dragon would give her more freedom and more personal power and everything he doesn't want for her. probably keeps her from going to the dragonpit as well. when he dies she ends up free of that and claims his dragon because it's the only one she's ever really been allowed to be around
naella is in the same position of 'didn't get a dragon egg because she wasn't prioritized and there wasn't really enough to go around', but yeah given she's kind of scared of them she doesn't mind
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myocsfanfictions · 6 months
House of the Dragon Fanfiction
Princess Ysilla Targaryen is the only daughter of Prince Daemon Targaryen and Lady Rhea Royce. The affection that she felt for her mother was strong, while her father had never been there, acting as if Ysilla was not even his. But she was. The dragon egg that had been put in her cradle hatched. An outcast of a dragon was born. A dragon with no legs. An outcast of a dragon for and an outcast of a dragon rider. Ysilla’s hair was dark but streaked with white. She was a Targaryen, and her wrath was not different from the one that burned inside the members of the House of the Dragon.
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Ysilla missed her mother. She missed her every day since she had died.
The little princess had cried for days. She would run to her chamber, closing the door, not wanting to see anyone.
It didn't matter how many tears left her eyes. Ysilla would find no comfort. She wanted her mother. She wanted to break her fast with her, talk about her duty, and go riding together.
We had to go hawking, she thought, crying. Her head had been pounding for days. She could not understand how her mother, an expert rider, would fall from her horse.
Ysilla was now the heir to Runestone. But she was too young, so her uncle Gerold was holding everything together. He had the castle organize the late Lady Rhea's funeral.
"The Lady Jeyne is the next in line until Princess Ysilla is old enough," Ysilla heard her uncle Gerold Royce saying one morning in the tower of the Maester of Runestone as she was supposed to go to study with him. Ysilla had been early because she felt like not eating.
"We have to alert the King about the accident first, my lord," Ysilla stood quietly behind the door.
"You know, well, it was not an accident," her uncle's words made her frown, pushing herself closer against the wooden door to try not to let anything that they were saying go unheard.
"It is a dangerous accusation, the one you're making, my lord."
What accusation? Ysilla was so confused.
"Rhea would have never fallen from her horse. It was him, I'm sure of it," her uncle said, his voice full of rage. She felt that rage as if it was meant for her, but it wasn't.
What were they saying? That someone had killed her mother? Who were they talking about?
Ysilla felt her lip quiver, feeling the tears in her eyes. How could someone have wanted to kill her lady mother?
"Have the informers come back yet?" Her uncle asked again. The Maester took a heavy breath.
"Some, my lord." the old man spoke, "There had been no sign of Caraxes so far."
Ysilla gasped, covering her mouth. Her hand was trembling against her face. They were accusing her father.
"It was him," her uncle said, slamming his fist to the table. The sound made her shiver, "There's no mistake in that."
"My lord..."
"Princess Rhaenyra was in search of a husband. It is such a coincidence that Daemon is now widowed."
Rhaenyra? What was with Rhaenyra? Did her father want Rhaenyra?
He loves his ambition. Her mother's voice was so loud in her head. Louder than it had ever been.
But that had to be a mistake. Her father would have never killed her mother. He was a warrior, a prince. In the songs, princes always save the lady. They would have never hurt them. And her father was a Targaryen, the noblest of the Houses of Westeros. He could not be that vile.
Such a vile act, Otto Hightower had said.
Ysilla felt her breath become heavier. The walls around her seemed to become narrower. She felt like she was in a trap—in a nightmare. It must have been a nightmare. In a few moments, she would have woken up, and on the morrow, she would have spoken about this bad dream with her mother.
But why wasn't she waking up? It had been seven days, and she was still trapped inside that nightmare.
So it isn't... Ysilla knew that it wasn't, but at that moment, she never wished it was.
"I can't stay here..." she muttered before turning to run toward the only place she felt safe: to her dragon.
Her feet moved quick, and her cheeks were wet with tears. It was not possible that her mother had been killed. It was not possible that it had been her father. It was not possible he had done it to wed Rhaenyra.
"My lady," the Maester from King's Landing bowed his head as she arrived to where they kept her dragon. But Ysilla ignored him; she ran to her dragon, dropping to her knees. Her arms circled his slander, long neck.
He had been growing, and now he had become too heavy for her to pick him up. And she was glad. She felt so protected when she felt the warmth of his scales, and she wept when she felt his head lying on her shoulder.
"Iksan sīr mundagon," she wailed. Her dragon made a quiet sound. (I'm so sad) "Vestrasis sīr naenie ra. Se nyke ȳdra daor gīmigon skoros naejot pāsagon." (They say so many things. And I don't know what to believe.)
Her dragon moved his dark wings, growling. The movement made her move back a little, and in that position, their eyes met. They had both purple eyes, and he was staring. Sounds kept coming out of his mouth.
This is strange, she thought. He was a quiet, gentle dragon, yet he was acting restless and angry, like he had that day, the day her mother had died.
"You know something..." Ysilla muttered. Their eyes never leaving each other. She could feel it. It was like she could understand him.
"Dārilaros..." Ysilla had almost forgotten about him. The Maester was there. As he had been there that day. And he had been acting rather queer. (Princess)
"Iksin konīr iā zaldrīzes bona tubis?" She spoke to him, but she kept looking at her dragon, who suddenly stopped his movements. (Was there a dragon that day?)
"Skoros, dārilaros?" The Maester asked, his voice trembling. (What, princess?)
That question made her angry. Could he not remember the dark day in which Runestone lost its Lady?
Ysilla turned as her dragon roared. The man's face got pale.
"Dragons sense other dragons. You've told me so." Ysilla's tone was flat, but her dragon roared again: "So I'm asking you again: iksin konīr iā zaldrīzes bona tubis?" (Was there a dragon that day?)
But it was when the Maester lowered his gaze that Ysilla knew. And her dragon roared louder.
Ysilla wanted to cry, yet rage was all she could feel. She desperately wanted to believe that it was not true. But her mother had told her that her father loathed her.
To such a point? She asked herself, sadly knowing the answer.
He had taken her away from Runestone and Ysilla. Her mother was the only family she had ever had.
"I've chosen my dragon's name," she said, standing up. The Maester looked back at her. "His name shall be Dārysyr."
The man widened his eyes, "Wrath of fire."
Dārysyr breathed out fire, his flames of a dark red with shades of purple.
There was no way that they could proof of her father's deeds, but they all knew.
The following weeks had been strange. Ysilla's feelings were much different from before. She had never felt like that. But at the same time, everything seemed more clear now, as if she had finally woken from a dream much longer than the one she believed had trapped her.
"I do not wish to sing," she has said one morning to her septa.
"This is your duty, Ysilla. Your mother-"
"My mother is dead!" She exclaimed, standing up, "I wish to do more than singing."
The woman's expression was sad, but she spoke anyway: "What would you wish to do, princess?"
Ysilla observed the woman for a moment before answering, "I want to learn."
"Learn what?"
"Everything," she said in a hiss.
She wanted to learn and understand politics. She wanted to learn what her father had done and why? She wanted to learn about ambition. And she wanted to learn how to see through people.
She wanted to learn.
That very day, a raven arrived when Ysilla was training with Dārysyr. She observed him with pride as she noticed how he was learning how to move more swiftly. His wings were becoming much stronger, and his body was learning how to slide with ease on the ground. He was becoming more gracious yet powerful.
"Ysilla," her uncle's voice came from behind her as she observed her dragon, who was ready to feed on a goat.
"Darysyr," she said, raising her dragon's head higher. "Dracarys." His throat glowed a bright red before his flames hit the goat.
"Ysilla." Her uncle called again.
"I've heard you the first time, Uncle," she said before turning to look at the man. His eyes lingered on Darysyr feeding, but after a moment, they went back to his niece.
"A letter from the King," Ysilla nodded, wanting to know more. Princess Rhaenyra is about to wed."
Ysilla's eyes narrowed as her dragon growled from behind her.
"Who?" She asked, surprising her uncle.
"Leanor Velaryon, niece," She felt like breathing a little. So, Rhaenyra was not to be wed to her father. Then if they didn't, maybe her father wasn't the reason behind her mother's death.
But Darysyr had sensed another dragon. The Maester said so. What Targaryen could have gone to Runestone the same day her mother died.
It was useless to deny it. Ysilla knew she had to stop trying.
The Princess Rhaenyra was in search of a husband, her uncle had said. If her father had killed her mother to wed Rhaenyra, then Rhaenyra was about to become Leanor Velaryon's wife. If all that was true, then her mother had lost her life for nothing.
"So?" Ysilla asked, trying to control her eyes to fill themselves with tears.
"We are to attend the wedding." The girl observed her uncle for a moment in silence. She did not wish to go, and she did not want to face all those gazes alone.
Be proud, Ysilla. Her mother would have said. Lady Rhea had always wished for her to be resilient. To not be afraid. She was now the heir to Runestone; she could not be afraid even if she was.
"Will he be there?" She asked, clenching her hands so as not to show that they were trembling.
Her uncle's face got darker. Ysilla did not need to hear any words. She knew the answer.
"So be it, then."
The journey to King's Landing had been different from the last one she had made. It had been only seven months before, and yet everything was different. Her gown was black, and her hair was loose as she stood on the deck of the ship. The only thing that could make her smile was the sight of Dārysyr flying around the ship.
Ysilla had been there the first time her dragon had taken flight. It had been scary because he had let himself fall from the balcony of the chamber where he was held. Ysilla had thought he was leaving her, too, but he didn't.
"He does not have legs to push himself off the ground. But during a fall, it is easier for him to fly."
Dārysyr was reckless. But he was always by her side. Ysilla knew that.
"I miss your laughter, sweet niece." She heard her uncle say from next to her.
"I do not have the strength, uncle," his hand rested on her shoulder. His expression was also pained.
"I do not want to force you. The loss you've suffered is great." Ysilla's eyes remained on her dragon, and she found strength in that sight.
They arrived the morning of the wedding. This time, Ser Westerling was on the deck escorting them to the Red Keep. His expression was grave as he greeted Ysilla. She had hoped to get used to that feeling, but she didn't. Seeing how people looked at her constantly reminded her of what had happened—how it happened.
As she arrived, the castle was busy. The future Queen was about to be wed; it was an important day. As the King had been busy, in fact, as she entered the chambers that had been assigned her, the servant girl apologized on behalf of her uncle.
"He said he can't wait to see you at the feast, princess," Ysilla nodded her head, thanking the girl before asking to be left alone.
The walk she had made in the hallows of the Red Keep had been stressful. Not just because of the stares but because Ysilla was the one looking around. Hoping and fearing to catch Targaryens' silver hair of a man whose face had been nothing but a dream until it became a nightmare.
As the sun started his journey to disappear behind the horizon, the servant girls entered her chambers to help Ysilla dress. She decided to wear her mother's favorite dress on her. A pale blue silk gown with runes embroidered in silver. On her head, a silver hairband. Ysilla touched her streaked hair as she looked at herself in the mirror.
"You are so pretty, princess," Ysilla only forced a smile.
The goat daughter, she remembered. Nobody had ever called her beautiful.
She arrived in the hall. It had been richly adorned, and there were many tables for all the noble families of the realm who could attend.
"Princess Ysilla Targaryen, heir to Runestone," her name was yelled as she entered the hall, as was her costume. All the noble Houses had to be announced.
Ysilla walked through the hall, ignoring the gazes upon her. But her eyes were on the table in front of her, where the King and his heir were set. She noticed that the Queen was not there, and the same was true for her father. No other silver hair was set at that table.
She almost felt disappointed.
"My King," she said, bowing in front of her uncle.
"Welcome, dear niece." Ysilla's lips moved up in an unsure smile before she turned to Rhaenyra.
"I am so sorry for your loss, Ysilla," She said with sad eyes, and Ysilla felt guilty. Guilty because she had felt anger towards her cousin. Because deep down she had blamed her as well. But only now did she realize that Rhaenyra had no part in what had happened. It was not fair to blame her for something she had no power over.
"Lady Rhea will be missed by all of us," the King added.
"Thank you for your kind words," Ysilla answered politely, then she looked at Rhaenyra, "Congratulations, my princess, for this happy day and more to come," the septa had taught her what was proper to say.
"Thank you, dear cousin," Rhaenyra answered. I've heard that your dragon is flying now."
The King smiled, "What a lovely news."
Ysilla nodded her head, thinking about her dragon, which had been sent to the Dragonpit until they had to depart.
"He has a name now," Ysilla said. The two of them looked at her curiously, "Dārysyr." The King's smile dropped, but Ysilla bowed one more time before heading towards the table to sit next to her uncle Gerold.
One by one, all the Houses congratulated Rhaenyra, wishing her and her betrothed for better days to come. But her betrothed was not there yet. He arrived sometime after with his whole family.
"House Velaryon," was announced, and all of them stood up to greet the future Prince Consort. Ysilla had never met the Valeryon, but she knew that her aunt, Princess Rhaenys, was the wife of Lord Corlys Velaryion, and from their union, Laena and Laenor were born. She knew that her cousin Laenor was even a dragonrider. If she recalled correctly, his dragon was called Seasmoke.
The Velaryon walked proudly. Heads high up. They were already the richest House of the Seven Kingdoms, and now their position had been elevated.
Ysilla had never stopped studying, never once. Her Maester had been proud of her.
But it was when the Velaryon had finally sat on the main table that Ysilla's breath stuck in her throat. As everyone was sitting, he appeared at the entrance. He wore a black vest with red sleeves and walked confidently. His hair was short and shining silver, and he had a smirk on his face.
Ysilla had never seen him before, but she knew. That was her father, Daemon Targaryen.
He was exactly like she had imagined him—tall and handsome with the demeanor and grace of a warrior. Just some weeks before, she would have swelled with pride at seeing what her father looked like. But now she felt very different emotions. And she wasn't the only one. The King was looking at his brother strangely, with a hidden anger. But anyhow, he gestured for a servant to bring another chair to add to their table so that Daemon could sit.
As everyone sat down, Ysilla didn't. She was standing, her purple eyes never leaving her father. The King had noticed her standing, and soon after, even Ysilla's father looked in her direction. The child flushed with uneasiness as that man looked in her direction. His eyes were on her hair first, and that was enough to give away who she was. Yet he was not surprised; his eyes didn't widen. He only laughed.
Her father had just seen her, and he was laughing. Her cheeks flushed. She felt ashamed and mocked. Her eyes stung, but she would not have cried. He had never seen her. He would not remember a crying little girl.
It took her uncle Gerold to make her sit. But until that moment, she had held her father's gaze. Trembling, but she did.
"Be welcome," the King started to talk after a moment of awkward silence.
"Are you alright?" her uncle whispered, and Ysilla nodded her head. But her eyes kept glancing at her father.
She had imagined it to be much different, their first encounter. She thought he would have walked to her and kneeled in front of her.
"You've grown up so much," he should have said, kissing her hair gently as he promised to stay with her.
But he did none of that. He just laughed.
"Tonight it's only the beginning," the King kept saying, "We honor the crown's oldest and fiercest ally, House Velaryon." Ysilla kept observing her father, "Reaching back to the days of Old Valyria and the Age of Dragons." And she saw it. Her father was looking at Rhaenyra. He was ignoring his own daughter, but he was looking at his niece. And for a moment, for only a moment, her father and Rhaenyra shared a look. But Ysilla had seen it.
She felt like trembling, but not because of fear or shame. Anger found its way into Ysilla's heart once again.
"With House Targaryen and..." the King's words stopped abruptly as he observed the entrance, forcing everyone to do the same.
Ysilla found herself doing the same.
The whole Hall fell silent as the Queen made her way towards the table. Everyone's eyes were wide, even her uncle Gerold's.
Ysilla did not understand; what she saw was that the queen was beautiful. Confidently wearing a shining green gown.
"The King will not be happy," a tall man said to a skew one not far from where Ysilla was. "Right in the midst of his speech."
The skew man spoke next, "The beacon on the Hightower, do you know what color it glows when Oldtown calls the banners to war?"
"Green." the other answered back, and that made Ysilla turn.
War? War against who?
For a small moment, she found herself hoping that that person was Daemon Targaryen.
That anger only kept growing during the feast. Her belly was so torn that she had no wish to eat. Her eyes were on her Father, but he had no slight interest in her. He followed Rhaenyra's frame wherever she went. As she ate, as she danced...
"He is vile," she said as she observed him. Her uncle Gerold looked down at her. She could feel his eyes, but it was only when he took her hand that she finally looked away from her father.
"What is going on?" she asked as he brought her closer to the main table. Ysilla didn't know how to feel. A part of her wanted to face her father proudly like her mother had taught her. But the other part wanted to forget that she had ever seen him. She liked the father in her dreams better. She wanted to remember him like that. But she knew too much now, and so even her dreams had faded away.
"In the Vale, men are made to answer for their crimes. Even Targaryens." Her uncle's determination was admirable, but his words were dangerous. Too dangerous without prooves.
"Who are you?" It was the first time Ysilla had heard her father talk, and his tone was sly and mocking in some way. And that made her step forward.
"He is Ser Gerold Royce of Runestone," her father's eyes moved to her. With cold eyes and the same tone, he said, "And?"
Ysilla felt her heart beat fast, and her eyes filled with tears.
I will not cry. I will not cry, she repeated to herself. Feeling the Queen and the King's gaze on her.
"And I am Ysilla Targaryen," she said, trying to sound strong, "Daughter to the late Lady Rhea."
"Ah, yes," her father answered as if he had just remembered a distant memory—a not-so-important memory. "Terrible thing."
Lier, she thought observing the man.
"Such a tragic accident," he kept lying. She knew he was lying.
"You know better than anyone; it was no accident," her uncle Gerold said, putting a protective hand on Ysilla's shoulder.
"Are you confessing something, Ser Gerold?" How could he lie like that? Wasn't he feeling anything after what he had done? If not for himself, for her. His action had left his daughter motherless. He really cared so little to have killed Lady Rhea.
"I'm making an accusation," Ysilla looked up at her uncle, wishing for him to stop. She could not bear the thought of someone else in her family being killed.
"You know, in King's Landing, men are made to answer for their slanders. Even old bronze cunts like you."
"Ȳdra daor ȳdragon naejot zirȳla hae bona!" She exclaimed. Her father laughed again as his eyes met hers; his gaze lingered on her hair for a moment. (Do not speak to him like that)
"Truth is, I'm glad you've come," her father said again, looking up at Sergeant Gerold. I wished to speak about my inheritance."
Ysilla frowned, looking at the King and the Queen. They were listening to everything.
"What inheritance?" her uncle Gerold already knew the answer, though. As did Ysilla.
"I am the heir to Runestone," she exclaimed.
"Lady Rhea and I have only one daughter, and she is too young to rule. Has her husband. As we wait for her to become old enough, everything that Lady Rhea had now passes to me."
"You cannot do that!" Ysilla said, stepping forward.
"Ao vēdros runestone. Ao hated ñuha muña. Ao vēdros nyke. Ao daor emagon runestone. Issa daor aōhon!" She would have never let her father put his hands on a place he hated. He had killed her mother and her Lady, and it was Ysilla's duty to protect her mother's memory and possessions even from her own father. (You hate Runestone. You hated my mother. You hated me. You cannot have Runestone. It's not yours!)
Her father leaned over. It was as if he was trying to show her that he was stronger and scarier. And he was. She was terrified by him, but she would not have let it show. "Se qilōni gaomagon ao pendagon iksā?" He asked with a hint of irritation in his voice. (And who do you think you are?)
"Iksan Ysilla Targārien se iksan daor iā hubre" (I am Ysilla Targaryen and I am not a goat)
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omgkatherine01 · 1 year
Fire Of the Dragon: Chapter 1 - Years Went By, and Death Follows
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Series Masterlist
Prologue, Chapter 2
Pairing: Aemond Targaryen x Fem! Targaryen reader
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Visenya Targaryen hated Essos.
Daemon knew that, but he hoped she will grow to like it as she will grow older.
It had only been 10 years...
But Visenya had her father's rage as well as his temper, and she had no problem in showing her annoyance about the place.
Visenya often received letters from her distant Uncle from Runestone, Gerold Royce, asking her how she was and sending her gifts for her name day. Despite she didn't remember him, she send letters to him.
When she was six, Daemon started to teach her how to handle a sword. He started to teach her how to be a warrior.
Visenya didn't mind, she wanted it. After hearing the stories about her ancestors, the warrior, Visenya, who she was named after, she was inspired to be like her, and like her father.
Daemon taught her their High Valyrian language. He taught her to speak it and read, and ride a horse, use bow and arrow as well.
In her 10 name day, he was asked from a few suitors for her hand, but he immediately refused.
A year after Daemon and Laena married, Visenya's stepmother had given birth to twins. Her half-sisters, Baela and Rhaena.
Baela managed to hatch her egg and receive Moondancer, while Visenya and Rhaena remained dragon less.
Despite that, Visenya was always her father's pride and favorite daughter.
Daemon had taught Baela and Rhaena High Valyrian as well but Visenya was fluent in it than they were.
Life on Essos to her was boring, the Pentos' lords and Princes would often only come for the dragons, for Caraxes and Vhagar. Some even came to see young Moondancer, but none came for Rhaena or Visenya.
After 10 years on Essos, her stepmother Laena, had been with her third child and all the attention went to the unborn babe who she believed would be a boy. 
Visenya spend most of her days either training with her father, or reading Valyrian books about the History of Old Valyria. She read mostly next to Vhagar and Caraxes who laid behind the mansion they stayed in, neither of the dragons ever harmed her even if she hadn't bonded with them, and they seem to enjoy her company. She especially hid herself between the two large dragons when there was another dinner happening that she didn't want to attend.
Like today, she didn't want to entertain the Essos Prince who seemed more interested in the Dragons than the actual people riding them. She hid herself between the large dragons, leaning against Vhagar as she read her book, reading it out loud in its original Valyrian.
"I figure this will the first place I'll find you," Daemon said with amusement as he walked outside. He wore a golden detailed jacket over his white blouse which matched Visenya's dress. Ever since they moved to Essos, they abandoned their Targaryen colours and wore more Velaryon ones, like Laena always did. She wore mostly shades of blue and gold.
"I thought Vhagar and Caraxes are better company this evening," Visenya said, looking up from her book.
Daemon sat down beside her, leaning his back against Vhagar as he gently nudged his daughter's shoulder, "Are you going to leave me this evening alone too?"
Visenya smiled, "You have mother, Baela and Rhaena."
"Yes, but I want you to join," Daemon said as they shared a smile. He pouted, which Visenya laughed at. "It will be boring without you."
"It will be boring either way," Visenya said with a smile.
Daemon shrugged, "Yes, but at least I'll have you there."
"I'll join on two conditions," Visenya said with a serious look, which Daemon thought was adorable. 
"Name them."
"One, I have to sit next to you," Visenya said and he nodded, "And two, you and I will go on a horse ride tomorrow."
Daemon laughed and nodded. "We have a deal," he said as he held out his hand. Visenya shook his hand and he helped her stand up.
They walked into the building and toward the dining room, where everyone had already sat down at the table. Visenya sat between her father and Rhaena.
"The lamb hearts are excellent," Prince Reggio Haratis complimented while Daemon and Visenya spoke quietly to each other in High Valyrian.
"We are fortunate in our cook, Your Excellence," Laena said, "There's a plum-cake yet to be served, which will have us fighting over the crumbs."
"Then before we come to blows," Reggio said and tapped on the table to get everyone's attention. "A toast." Everyone, except Daemon, picked their goblets. "To Aegon the Conqueror, your exalted forebear, who joined our cause against Volantis in the Century of Blood." Daemon and Laena exchanged an amused glances. "On the great dragon Balerion, he flew to our aid in Lys and burned a fleet of enemy ships, thus turning the tide."
Daemon stood up from his seat and held up his goblet, "Aegon the Conqueror."
"To Aegon."
They all drunk from their goblets, and then Daemon sat back down. "This brings me to some business," Reggio told them, "A proposal I wish to make in the spirit of honoring our storied alliance."
Laena looked at him with amusement, "If your aim is to marry one of our daughters, Your Excellence, you might have said so and spared us the history lesson."
"What?" Rhaena gasped.
Prince Reggio chuckled and shook his head lightly, "I would not count myself so deserving, my Lady Laena. I wish to offer you a permanent residence here in Pentos." With those words, Visenya looked at her father, shaking her head lightly when he glanced at her. "This manse I would gift to you, outright, along with its farms and lands, the vineyard and the wood. The tenants would pay their tributes annually to their new Targaryen lord. You would have your freedom of the city and the harbor, as befits your royal station."
Daemon glanced from his older daughter to his wife, who also shared her stepdaughter's thoughts of the place. He looked at Reggio, "Continue."
"Lys and its allies rise again," Reggio continued, "The Triarchy has made common cause with Qoren Martell of Dorne. At any moment, they may turn their sights north. Your family has dragons. Three now... mayhaps four in the future." Rhaena glanced down sadly while Visenya glanced at the man, who ignored her glare. "My aim is to protect Pentos from the lustful eye of the Triarchy. Aid Pentos in this, as Aegon once did... and my gratitude will fill your cup and overflow it."
Visenya rolled her eyes and her father leaned his head back. Laena placed her hand near her husband's and gave a small fake smile to Reggio, "Your Excellence, we are travelers. We've already extended our visit here."
Visenya nodded quickly to her stepmother's words before her eyes moved to her father when he placed his hand on Laena's. "It's a most generous offer," he said, "And one we will certainly entertain."
Visenya frowned, "We will?" she asked in High Valyrian.
Daemon glanced at her with a small hint of a smile while Laena frowned at her husband's words.
Visenya was in her room, dressed for bed and reading a book when her father walked in.
"You should be sleeping if you want to ride in the morning," he said with amusement.
"I can't sleep," Visenya said as she sat up on her bed, and Daemon sat next to her.
"Why is that?"
"Because of this book," she said, smiling. She held the open book to him, "Look, it says this it Silverwing. And this is Vermithor."
Daemon chuckled, "Yes, they are. Where did you find this?" he asked and flipped the page.
"It's the book grandmother Rhaenys gifted me," Visenya said. Daemon hummed. "Kepa? Do you think I could claim a dragon if we ever went to Dragonstone?"
"Of course," Daemon answered as he looked at her, "When you'll be old enough, I will take you there. Dragonstone are filled with wild dragons."
"I want to go tomorrow," Visenya said with confident and Daemon grinned at that. "I'm old enough for it."
"You are only two and ten," he said as he tapped on her nose.
"Well, I'm not a babe anymore, I'm growing up."
"Yes, unfortunately, you keep reminding me that. Stop growing up." His words made her laugh, and he smiled.
Visenya gasped softly and grinned, "Maybe I could bond with Silverwing? Or maybe it will be Vermithor that would bond with me?" She looked down at the book on the bed, "What do you think about Cannibal?"
Daemon immediately shook his head, yet his amused expression didn't disappear, "Then you'll be losing your head if you'll think of bonding with it."
Visenya giggled, "True. In order to get close to Vermithor, you need to sing him in High Valyrian the old song you used to sing to to me."
Daemon nodded, "Yes."
"What about Silverwing?"
Daemon shrugged and opened his mouth when they heard voices down the hall. Daemon immediately stood up and crossed to the door, opening it, and looking outside.
"Lady Laena has begun her labours!"
Daemon turned to his older daughter, "Visenya, go be with your sisters." Visenya quickly nodded and watched her father running out of the room.
Daemon had always spent the labours of his wives--both Rhea and Laena--next to them, and he had always been the first one to hold the child. From Visenya to Rhaena. But he could tell, from the moment he saw Laena laying on their bed, that this was no ordinary birth.
When the Maester couldn't save both the mother and the child, Daemon was giving a choice.
But it wasn't his choice to make, he thought and made eye contact with his wife. He gave her a nod.
This is your choice.
Giving her the knowledge that whatever happened would be in her control, not his.
Laena moaned in pain as she pushed herself up to her feet. Daemon watched her as she slowly walked out of the room.
Daemon paused for a long moment until his feet finally moved, and he followed her out.
Before he could move any more, he saw his three daughters peeking out to the hall. The twins were holding onto Visenya, not understanding where their mother was going.
"Stay here," Daemon told them and continued to follow his wife.
Visenya had a bad feeling about where she was going, but only held into her sisters in attempt of comforting them.
That was the last time the trio saw their mother.
@parkchaeyoung1997, @alwaysholymilkshake
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ride-thedragon · 1 year
Aemond claiming Vhagar gets a little more layered when you realise that her and Caraxes are the only dragons those girls have known properly when it comes to dragon bonds. Like Baela has moondancer, but Rhaena specifically is being ignored by her father for the most part because if she didn't hatch a dragon egg, that means she could claim a dragon which would mean going back to Westeros.
Which is something he's clearly avoiding. Laena has to comfort her saying there are many ways to claim a dragon because Rhaena thinks they'll abandon her for not having one.
So when the dragon her mother has had her entire life is 'stolen', the exact meaning is that that was her mother's dragon, she doesn't have the understanding that Aemond does of going to the dragonpit and looking for dragons to claim.
To her, Vhagar was a family dragon, her family specifically, and the best chance she would have to claim one like her mom said.
Again, her dad ignores her and makes it seem like there's some hierarchy when it comes to hatching dragons and claiming them and not hatching them at all simply because he doesn't want to go back. He doesn't want to help her claim a dragon in King's Landing because he's a selfish bitch.
Aemond does not see it that way because of a similar inferiority complex, that the world's largest dragon could help absolve, and because he has the understanding that dragons aren't inherited. He is also aware that he's at a funeral and that the reason Vhagar is unclaimed is that Rhaena is mourning her recently dead mother.
I think my point is to blame Daemon and Viserys for being evil little men really and giving their kids or facilitating environments where their kids feel inferior based on their own targeted perceptions based on nothing over dragons and dragon bonds. They are responsible.
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littlewitchlilith · 2 days
I can't remember but didn't Rhaenyra claim Syrax when she was 7 or 8? Wasn't Syrax already fairly big by that time? So wouldn't that mean that she also claimed a dragon? Why is/was everyone saying that Alicent's kids aren't real Targaryen's when the majority of Targaryen's that we know of that had dragons ended up claiming dragons.
Aegon the conqueror claimed Balerion and Vhagar and meraxes we're born on dragon stone years before Visenya and Rhaenys were born most likely. I only say this because both dragons were already considered adults by the time of the conquest and were large already. Meraxes was said to be near the size of Balerion who had years ahead of of both of them near decades probably so that means they too had to have been claimed. Aenys bonded with quicksilver but it didn't say the egg was put in the cradle because that was started by Queen Rhaena Targaryen. Maegor himself claimed Balerion after Argon's death. Queen Rhaena started becoming more outgoing and confident after she bonded with Dreamfyre, although I can't remember if Dreamfyre was put in her cradle?
Aerea daughter of Rhaena claimed Balerion. Baelon son of Jaeharys and Alysanne claimed Vhagar. Alyssa daughter of Jaeharys claimed Meleys. Saera another daughter attempted to claim a dragon. Daemon and Rhaenys claimed Caraxes and Meleys after the former's deaths. Laena Velaryon daughter of Rhaenys also claimed Vhagar.
Viserys' kids with Alicent Hightower all claimed their respective dragons, save for Daeron, I believe but I haven't really gotten to that part so I might be wrong.
Rhaena daughter of Daemon might claim sheepstealer in the show, I don't know we didn't really to see how that will go. But in the books she waits years until morning hatches.
Basically only team Blacks kids, Jace, Luke, Joffrey, Aegon III and Viserys II, Baela and Rhaena were given cradle eggs. Jaeharys and Alysanne we're given eggs.
The ones I am uncertain of that I will have to reread on because I can't remember if it says anything about it is Aemon and laenor I'm fairly certain that Aemon was given an egg which in turn was Caraxes but again I'm not too sure I'll have to go back and reread it. Laenor I don't know I think he claimed seasmoke but I also think maybe he was given an egg.
So basically half of the dragon riders in house Targaryen claimed their dragons, so why do people say that Aemond, Aegon, Helaena and Daeron aren't real Targaryen's when their eggs didn't hatch when the majority of them claimed dragons. Wouldn't that mean that, Daemon, Rhaenys or even the conquerors themselves aren't "real" Targaryens. Like it doesn't make sense.
Also don't get me wrong I'M NOT TEAM GREEN but I'm also one to point something out when it genuinely sounds ridiculous to say.
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