#he didn't think it'd be an issue; telling sun and moon about his work
lavenoon · 2 years
Eclipse seems to be very much a lab/research/'accidentally setting things on fire' kinda guy - has he ever been in the field the same way Sun and Moon have? if not, is it because he's just a bit too gremlin to stay undercover or does Eclipse have a personal preference to not get involved with field work? - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
He's a pure researcher/ developer! In fact, he can't work in the field - he's too blunt for that, and doesn't quite have that awareness needed for sneaky undercover work. Not quite the gremlin behavior stopping him there (or Moon would have had bad chances, too)
It's not interesting to him, anyway, so he doesn't mind! HQ however put a big, red stamp on his employee file to label him as "DO NOT DEPLOY IN THE FIELD, EVER" agent after it was so obvious that he told his brothers about his job, even asking if they could work there, too.
(HQ did accept those unorthodox applications, because a two AI animatronic in the field does offer unique opportunities for undercover work. Animatronics in general have the potential to be great agents, as they can always review their memories, rather than just recall.)
But Eclipse is happy right where he is, with funding and opportunities (and encouragement) to develop new little gadgets. HQ maybe isn't too happy with how frequently things end with flames, but all in all he's much too efficient to be let go, and he knows it <3
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ikamigami · 3 months
This is one long post about latest sams, laes and mgafs episodes full of theories and analysises.
So, first things first, Moon.
I'm leaning more towards that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. And I think that he injected it into himself after he told Sun he'd do that. And I think that Ruin's virus works similarly to kill code. And previously Old Moon's kill code was activating slowly before it fully activated. Now the virus was also activating slowly. We could see that Moon was more aggressive but in a way that he immediately wanted to kill someone. He wasn't just simply more snapish or anything he just immediately wanted to kill. We could see that with Molten Freddy.
I think that the stress from grief and constant work to find a way to bring Solar back and lack of sleep helped with accelaration of the process of activation of virus. I know that when kill code was activating it caused Old Moon burning pain but I wouldn't be surprised if Moon didn't notice that because he was tired and depressed. He could possibly think that his head hurts because of these things. And tbh if I remember correctly Moon said something about his head hurting before he went insane (correct me if I'm wrong though).
Ruin's virus makes someone more violent and murderous. And it definitely makes someone less sympathetic from what we've seen. Which definitely wouldn't mix well with Moon's personality because he's pretty self-centered. And the way Moon acts as of recent it's more than likely that he's infected with Ruin's virus. He doesn't have any empathy, sympathy and remorse. He's more violent and murderous. He's impulsive which is also caused by a virus because it makes someone act on impulses from what we've seen.
I just strongly doubt that Moon would completely stopped caring if even in the worst Old Moon still cared about Sun. Hence why I think that Moon is infected with Ruin's virus. The only other option is that creator did what he said he'll do. He said that he'll come at some point to "fix" kill code's issue which probably means that he'd give it to Moon once again. Also I don't think that Dark Sun did anything to Moon because we saw that even if he hates Moons he still helped our Moon probably for Sun's sake. Because to me it seems that Dark Sun cares about Sun in his own way. Hence why I doubt that he'd cause Moon to become "insane".
Second thing, Ruin.
Ruin seems to want to help. Though I'm still not sure if he's doing it to atone or he's just simply scared of Dark Sun and needs alliance in order to be protected and potentially team up with others to defeat Dark Sun. After all, it's hard to believe a liar especially as good as Ruin. If Ruin didn't have a minor slip ups I think that no one would be able to say that he was lying. His lies were very believable. He truly is an actor. Though if Ruin will continue being trustworthy and keep helping, I think that I may give him a chance. But I still think that he should be punished for the atrocious crime he did cause after all, he killed trillions of innocent lives. At least now Ruin is on our side and he'll try to help stopping Dark Sun.
Third thing, Dark Sun.
Even if I said that Dark Sun cares about our Sun, I doubt that he's a good guy unless he's actually trying to stop someone else who may turn out to be a so called bad guy. But about that later. So Dark Sun is a genius. He definitely is pulling the strings behind the scenes. But for now we don't know why he's doing this. For now we can only say that Dark Sun isn't wrong for trying to stop Moon from sacrificing someone to bring Solar back. After all, we know that it'd be a bad thing for whole universe. I think that Dark Sun will visit Moon and he'll probably laugh at him and tell him that he should've take his advice on how to get rid of his enemies. After all, he offered Moon these informations but Moon being Moon just couldn't accept anyone's help. I have a feeling that Dark Sun won't be happy with Moon. I was thinking about it a lot and I came to conclusion that even if normally he'd enjoy seeing Moon losing his mind, I think that he won't this time because he seems to care about our Sun.
Fourth thing, Earth.
Earth definitely won't be okay after this. She not only tried to kill Bloodmoon to defend herself and Monty but she almost died killed by Moon, her own brother. It's a lot to process. Earth will definitely need a break and time for herself. Maybe she'll move in with Monty to their new house. Anyway, who knows what with Eclipse and if Eclipse will disappear Earth will be in even worse state. And what about Ruin? What if he'll continue helping them? Earth will have to deal with it despite still missing Solar who died because of Ruin's actions. Things don't look good for Earth.
Fifth thing, Eclipse.
Eclipse is dying. I don't want him to sacrifice himself for Solar but it seems highly likely to happen. But first he needs to figure out and rather quickly how to get rid of that thing Dark Sun put in him. He'll definitely be pissed at Moon for what he did to Earth and for almost killing her. I'm glad to see Eclipse trying to help as much as he can with this situation.
Sixth thing, Bloodmoon.
Even if Bloodmoon's death isn't surprising at all and his redemption was highly unlikely to happen the way he was handled was very harsh cold and cruel. Because Bloodmoon still seemed very affected by death of his twin. The way he was talking about his killings sounded like he was coping after death of his twin. After all, what Bloodmoon described with how he kills these families sounded exactly like what happened to him and his twin. He also sounded empty. He didn't seem to enjoy these killings. For me it seemed as if he was doing this because this is what he was always doing together with his twin. Also what's more devastating is the fact that Bloodmoon basically begged to be killed. Probably because the only person who cared about him is dead. No one gave two shits about Bloodmoon - beside Sun but it's not surprising that Bloodmoon didn't take Sun's offer of help. And also maybe Jack cause they seemed to have a good time together. They could've been friends. I can't count Foxy because for me his decision to not wanting to kill Bloodmoon seemed like a choice made on the whim.
Seventh thing, Foxy.
Foxy frustrates me a bit. He doesn't seem to care about the outcome of his decisions. Doesn't matter good or bad, he seems to not give a damn about it. I'm starting to think that Foxy is doing things to please Puppet because he seems to like her more than a friend. Hope that karma will get to him.
Eighth thing, Monty.
Even if Monty got what they deserved I still feel a bit bad for them. I just really have a like/hate relationship with them. Monty needs to rest and process a lot of things. Especially with what Moon did. It'd be better if Monty will take care of Earth and themselves. They need a good break.
Ninth thing, Lunar.
Poor Lunar. He not only has to deal with Astral Bodies and Taurus who wants them dead will be on Earth really soon but he'll also be devastated upon hearing what Moon did to Earth. He wanted to talk to Moon to understand him but now he'll be pissed, really pissed. I have a feeling that Taurus may order Lunar to kill Moon but I think that Moon may kidnap them and trade them to creator for Solar. This seems like a possible scenario. Though it'll depend on what Dark Sun will do with Moon and what Taurus has in store for Lunar. If things will go downhill I hope that Gemini will protect Lunar.
Tenth thing, Puppet.
I don't trust Puppet. Even more than Ruin. Why, you may ask. That's because Puppet seems to know more than others because she sees everything and she seems pretty powerful. And yet she didn't see that if she'll push Moon to bring Solar back it won't end up well. Unless she knew. And also why she waited so long to stop Moon? To make sure he hurt Earth in order to makes Sun's decision to kill Moon a lot easier? Cause to me it seems like that. Especially considering how much Puppet wants to kill Moon. I just find it suspicious. And I was wondering, what if Dark Sun tries to stop Puppet's plans? What if Puppet is actually a bad "guy" in all of this? I know that we can't trust Dark Sun's words fully but what he said about Puppet being a Joker of this universe doesn't sound good at all. And I can't help it but to notice the Puppet's resamblance to Stitchwraith.
Eleventh thing, Sun.
Sun will be devastated by the news that Moon not only used star's power to kill Bloodmoon but he also didn't care that it'd kill Earth and even if Puppet stopped Moon Earth was still harmed by the blast. Sun will definitely be angry but I still doubt that he'll let others kill Moon. I think that Sun may try to talk to Moon once again. I mean I think that they'll meet again sooner or later. I'm pretty sure that Sun will be in even worse mental state. Considering the things that are about to happen with Lunar and Dazzle. I think that Sun will die. Though I'm not exactly sure what will happen but I think that Dark Sun was telling the truth when he told Moon that Sun won't survive the aftermath of events. After all, we're still in aftermath of Solar's death. And I think that Sun's death will be a result of Moon's actions. But I think that Moon still cares about Sun. Same for Sun. He still cares about Moon. I just honestly don't think and can't even imagine that our Sun and Moon would stop caring and loving each other. Anyway, Sun will have a mental breakdown or another psychotic episode or both sooner or later. It's inevitable at this point.
And at last. Solar.
I think that Solar will come back. And I think that he'll be back as himself. But I think that he'll be retraumatised because of the circumstances sorrounding his return. I don't know when he'll be back though. But everything will be a mess, that's for sure.
I think that's all I wanted to say about the recent lore. You can add things that you think I forgot about or if you want to point out some errors in my theories and such.
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primalspice · 1 year
Selma - ✈️, 🖊️ , 💯, 💤, 🔺, 🐶, 💘, 💜, 🎂, 🍛, 🍸, 🤔, 😓,
✈️  — does your oc like traveling, or do they consider themselves a more homey person?
He doesn't travel much bcz he cant drive <3 hes a homebody by default of that and his busy schedule, but he does enjoy the concept of traveling and does enjoy checking out new places given the opportunity.
🖊️ — does your oc have any tattoos? do they want any (more) tattoos?
he doesnt have any tattoos but i think he would if it was more of a common thing around there... he enjoys art and attention and drawing attention away from his Deformities so i think it'd be perfect for him. No clue what kind of tattoo he’d get tho.
💯 — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
he is an appreciator of avant garde art and music and probably used to draw a little for fun. he lets his disability get in the way of him making his own art nowadays, but will hopefully have an epiphany one day that tells him thats exactly the thing that may make it more effective.
he's a family doctor but he kinda really hates dealing with kids. because it's depressing to diagnose kids with preventable issues but also hes not putting the baby voice on for ANYONE
he doesnt actually care that ppl mistake him for a woman it makes him feel pretty
💤  — is your oc a light sleeper or a heavy sleeper? how are their sleeping habits?
i think he sleeps somewhat lightly due to his poor sleeping habits LOL hes exhausted but he also wakes up a lot/at weird times bcz of work and/or restlessness. he'd sleep real hard if he finally got some peace and fucking quiet tho.
🔺 — does your oc know how to use any weapons?
short answer is no. long answer is he’s been shown how to use a gun multiple times in his life (military multiple times, with harvey…) and didn't retain much of that information either due to pacifism or not caring or not being very physically able to grip a gun well enough that it’d be a safe and effective form of defense LOL
🐶 — does your oc have any pets?
I think he takes care of ivy's oldass cat still, and feeds the radioactive squirrels enough to call them pets
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💘 — what and/or who do(es) your oc consider the most important to them?
the most important (specific) people to him are leslie and ivy. they're his best friends and the only ppl who can handle his obnoxiousness. he cares deeply about them and their opinions. the most important Thing to him in general is probably his community. everything he does is out of a love for people and a love for the place he lives (once you get past all the bitching and arrogance).
💜 — what is your oc's ancestry/genetic background?
his ancestors are turkish and iraqi american. the past 3(?) generations have all been region zeroites additionally tho so that's all he's really most aware of.
🎂 — when is your oc's birthday? how old are they? what are their sun, moon, & rising signs (if known)? what about their tarot card, ruling planet, & ruling number (if known)? do they fit the typical traits of these sun, moon, & rising signs?
his birthday is june 16, 1941 (i think i did the math wrong on my written info sheet??). so hes 37 turning 38. hes a gemini sun, pisces moon, libra rising apparently. thats SO real for him.
🍛 — what does your oc's typical dinner look like? do they usually eat dinner?
he eats dinner, altho the time at which he does that is pretty inconsistent (along with the rest of his daily schedule, really). He eats pretty lightly most of the time bcz he is poor. he is a vegetarian and can probably make a great soup and/or fancy bread. eats stuff from the garden, but that grows with varying success. lest we recall the rice and beans or beans and rice pic.
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🍸 — what is your oc's favorite alcoholic drink, if they can drink?
He doesnt drink that often but i think hes a fruity drink enjoyer. however he would take shots or otherwise hard liquor in the name of competitiveness.
🤔 — what are some of your oc's quirks/mannerisms?
He's so quirky. His quirk is being really fucking mean 99% of the time even when he doesnt intend to. He thinks out loud at inappropriate times (being a hater). Has weird house rules in regards to temperature control and answering Jeopardy. As of recently, very excessive with his personal hygiene/grooming.
😓 — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
He’s stubborn in attitude but open-minded in principle LOL. He’s interested in and open to learning and asking questions but it doesn’t mean he won’t vocally disagree with the outcome. He’s always right, after all.
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justmarvelwriting · 3 years
The Defender - Chapter 2
Ahhhhhh people have actually read this?? Sorry if the formatting is a little strange last time, I'm relearning tumblr for the first time in years. I think I'm getting the hang of it now.
Uhhhh. I don't know what to say! So here's just chapter two. As always, this is a fan fic of a fan fic based on @shiningloki 's "Get on Your Knees and Pray for Me" (Link)
If you have any thoughts or anything please tell me!!
Stefan watches helplessly as the ship speeds away, a sob choking in his throat. They had Alex.
They had Alex.
A flash of light and his father was beside him, dressed fully now. His face was all hard lines, but they softened immediately at Stefans crumpled form. Pain pulled in his chest, desperate to run after it but he knew it was no use. He had to make sure the rest of his family were safe.
"We'll get them back, don't worry." he mutters, dragging him into his chest. He felt like a child again after one of his spells went horribly wrong. Stefan suddenly realized he was in nothing but his boxer shorts and he shivered violently before pulling away, gripping his sword so tightly his knuckles turned white.
"I'll kill them," he mutters and he's satisfied to see the same sentiment shared in his father's face, "if they touch a single hair on their head…"
“They’ll have a whole lot of pain to go through.”
Loki grips his shoulder and they're in his parents room again. His mother is rocking Eira slowly, scared whimpers still coming from his throat. Stefan shakes his head, summoning clothes to his body, dropping to his knees in front of him. He brushes his hair from his face, "Hey, hey it's OK. I'd never let anyone hurt you little man. I was just checking on you, ok?”
His mother releases Eira and bundles Stefan in her arms, squeezing him so tightly he thinks briefly his ribs are going to break.
"Stef….you must have been so scared." she murmurs, and Stefan breathes her in deeply, his hands beginning to shake once more of their own accord, “it’s not your fault.” She mutters fiercely, as if she’s reading his mind, “If you hadn’t woken up, who knows how many of you they would have taken.”
"But why?" Loki's gaze is cold, distant as he paces the room, "I have had no demanding followers that I have rejected or turned down. Neither have you."
"Thor still hasn't fathered any offspring," Asta offers quietly and Stefan crosses the room in two paces to drag both his sisters into a hug, their beating hearts soothing him, "As far as succession to the throne goes, it'd fall to you and then Stefan.".
Stefan's head suddenly shot up, "Alex mentioned Thor had to leave the sparring match early today. Why?"
"And the diplomatic issue he wanted your help with." You say, eyebrows drawn down.
Loki suddenly grimaces, "Ah yes. That. Give me a moment." he disappears in a small flash and Stefan wheels on his mother.
She shakes her head and grimaces, "I was wondering why he hadn't bashed down our door yet. You dad was still with him, he hadn't come back yet. My guess would be he heard you and disappeared without a trace."
Asta squeezes Stefans shoulder a little, "Are you OK? Actually?"
He shakes his head, "Physically, sure.”
All the siblings were immensely protective of each other, even Ava who could barely raise her voice at anyone without her lip wobbling. But Stefan was the firstborn. The Sorcerer. The big brother. When Asta had first tripped and fell in her room on her own, her wails loud, Stefan had been the first to reach her, chest heaving as he hugged her tight, smoothing her hair. Loki had only noticed his dagger abandoned on the floor after he had left and picked it up. He had been one of the first to hold each of his siblings in turn, whispering fiercely in their ear he would always protect them.
“I’m going to get you all a few things.” You hurry from the room, bare feet barely making a sound. Stefan doesn’t get a moment to protest.
You reach Stefan's room before Loki and Thor do, watching from the doorway silently. It’s perfectly serene, the moon shining through the curtains brightly, casting an eerie glow around it. The only thing that indicates anything ever happened is Stefan's abandoned dagger, gold glinting in the moonlight. Your hands shake as you reach to touch the handle. Stefan, your baby, your firstborn. Would he now be haunted by nightmares like Loki once was? Mysterious figures lurking in the dark, ready to pounce?
Alex. Your heart shattered at that exact moment, dropping to your knees where the dagger was. Your sweet, Spring child. Born while the sun was high in the sky, with a light and a smile since they were a baby, the flowers blooming as they grew. The only one Loki couldn’t tell what the gender was.
You feel a hand touch your back and you spin around so fast you almost fall on your ass, Stefan's dagger coming to a dangerous point at your husband's throat.
"It's only me…" he whispers, Thor looming large over his shoulder. You drop the dagger with a clatter and wrap your arms around him tightly, "It's okay… they'll be okay...” he soothes you quietly, but you can hear the break in his voice, the fragility in the way he holds himself.
Thor's face is dark and thunderous as he surveys the room.
“Why did they not call you brother? With their jewelry?”
“Because it was taken from them.” Alex’s necklace hangs from Loki’s fist, the chain broken and you take it into your hands, pooling the gold in your palm.
“They knew.”
“Yet did not get the chance to do the same to Stefan.” Loki says quietly, “His instincts, something, made him wake up before the deed was done.” “Someone knew you wouldn’t be close by. You would have felt someone who wasn’t meant to be the minute they stepped foot in either of their rooms.” You say quietly, “The diplomatic meeting, what was it about?” “Migard,” Thor says, “There’s these...smugglers of sorts plaguing Earth. They strip things...people...of...something,” Loki shoots him a withering look and he cringes, “Our running theory is magic, but that’s to be debated.”
You and Loki exchanged looks.
“What, why do you look like this?”
“Thor, according to your mother, who holds the most unbridled magical power the realm has ever seen? He just hasn’t come into it yet.” you stand hurriedly, casting a light into the room, ridding the space of shadows.
“Stefan…” Loki mutters slowly, eyes wide. “They must have left something, some small hint of where they even come from.” you cast your eyes around, searching the corners, the floor.
“They did.” Loki grins savagely, “One of their own.”
“But why Alex if it was Stefan they were after?” you practically run in your dress to keep up with the brothers long, purposeful strides.
“They have rooms either side of the hallway, maybe they planned to take all of them, work from either side, and meet in the middle.” Loki mutters darkly. You wrap your fingers around his hand and for the first time in years you notice the difference in the size of your hands, of your power compared to his. Right now, he wasn’t the God of Mischief, Sex or anything else. He was a vengeful God, a father, who’s power radiated from him in waves.
He stopped for a moment even so and it grounded you back to reality as he stared at you. Not as a mortal, or a weaker God. As his equal, his wife, and the mother to his children. He brings your hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to your knuckles.
Keep your head on your shoulders, my beloved. I need you with me.
Stay safe. Keep them safe, and I will.
Loki summons enough supplies for the rest of your children to keep them comfortable in your rooms, stationing guards outside both entrances to the room, and reinforcing every spell that surrounds it. Stefan marches with him outside the room, jaw set. Fire burns bright in his eyes and you see Loki in him once more. Your husband opens his mouth, hand raising, “Stefan--”
You place a hand on Loki’s arm, “My love, he is your son. Do you truly think you can convince him to stay here?”
Loki grumbles, flicking a hand, “Get ready then, dressed, properly. Let’s show our visitor who Lokison truly are.”
Asta nods at all three of you, a similar fire burning in her eyes as she stands with her bow, her fingers tensed and poised, “I’ll stay with them. We’ll be fine.” She looks at her feet and smiles crookedly at Cooper's poised form, “We have Cooper.”
You kiss her forehead, pressing it against your own, “The minute anything feels amiss--”
“Go,” she murmurs, “I trust you. Trust me.”
You had never been to Asgards prisons before. Loki had shaken his head, pursing his lips. Now, the palace was silent, except for the heavy step of leather boots and jangling armor. You looked over at your boys and your heart clenched. Loki had marveled at Stefan in his ceremonial leathers the first time he tried them on. You had simply smiled, memories of a Loki long ago springing to memory. Now his face was set in stone, jaw clenched so tightly you could see the vein throbbing in his temple. Loki held a similar stature, before you cupped both their jaws and they unlocked only slightly, shoulders dropping.
“Don’t give anything away.” You murmured, looking every part the sensitive wife, waiting for her husband to return from battle, “We have parts to play, play them well.”
Loki had tried to read the man's mind, but failed. A barrier, he said. It would be a long and painful process to extract everything they needed.
They didn't have the time.
"So… you thought you could sneak into Asgards Palace and what…? Kill my children? Kidnap them? Maybe your pure stupidity even led you to believe you were in some other part of the Palace entirely." Loki mused aloud as you rounded the corner. Thor hid quietly, watching for anything wrong.
You had never heard Loki like this. So cold you almost shivered. His eyes raked over the prisoner like he was nothing more than a fly under his boot.
The man didn't cower like a rational human would…. Instead he looked… proud?
"I got into Asgard successfully however… and almost completed my task…" his eyes rake over Stefan with a hungry look in his eye that makes you want to bundle your boy behind your back.
"My son," Loki took a single step towards the energy field, "could feel you coming even as he slumbered. You didn't even get the jewellery from his neck before he noticed your presence."
"Stefan Lokison." the man purred, eyes still locked on your son like he owned him, "The most powerful to grace Asgard with your presence… almost. The first product of a soulmate bond that was predicted centuries ago… a Goddess and a God that compliments each other so… perfectly." You feel his gaze on you and you freeze as he rakes eyes down your form with a similar hunger. Loki’s fingers dig almost painfully into your waist, a snarl held back in his throat.
"The common folk often wonder what tricks you employed to get God on your side, girl." You felt Stefan stiffen beside you, dark green eyes daring the man to continue with his current line of speech. Loki had more restraint then he used to, that kept him from gutting the man where he lay. First he tried to harm his children, now he insulted his wife. You almost felt proud of him for not slicing his throat right then and there.
"Maybe you could indulge me Princess before I inevitably die. How did you whore yourself out to the God of Sex to get him to take note of you?"
Stefan was inside the cell before you could throw your arm around his waist, his form radiating cold fury as he lifted the man by his throat.
"First you try to stab me while I sleep, now you insult my mother. You truly are a cowardly little man."
You pretended to cling to Loki's arm, pleading with him quietly.
"Stefan." Loki's sharp voice made Stefan drop him immediately, tilting his head towards his father, "don't scare your mother so. Leave the man to rave. He's obviously a lunatic who has no idea who he attempted to kill."
As the man coughs on the ground, Stefan leans back, drawing his sword, and leveling it at his neck.
"Amuse me. What did you plan to do?" Stefan's eyes are alight with his magic, and you can see his fist clenched tightly to stop his hand shaking.
"Your power would aid us greatly, little crown." he purred and you physically recoiled. The meaning of Stefan's name. The crown. Loki often said his children were the crown jewel he treasured most.
Loki stepped forward, rage in his eyes but Stefan got there first. He brought the pummel of his sword to his temple and the man crumpled.
Thor was fumbling with something when you reached him and you took the phone from his hands. His hands crackled with lightning and his voice shook with anger.
"I need to ring Stark. He has all the details on these smugglers."
"Let's get out of here first." you mumble, pocketing the device and grabbing your husband and son.
Stefan runs to your rooms, sword still in hand. You sigh and grip Loki's hand tighter, "I'll talk with Stark."
Loki nods curtly, his eyes distant, "I need to check again." he mutters and disappears in a flash.
Mine. The single word in your mind helps you collect your frayed nerves and you silently thank Loki for never losing his possessive nature. It seemed wrong, but the familiarity of his jealousy, his ownership...It helped keep you focused on the task at hand. You drag a hand down your face and unlock Thor's phone. He has few contacts and it's easy to find who Stark is.
Calling Man of Iron.
The screen flashes and you cast a gentle light beside you to ensure he can see you. You worry your lip with your teeth. It's late on earth, what if he doesn't pick up?
"Hey Pointbreak what's up?"
Stark doesn't look up, you can see him tinkering with electronics on the small screen, your reflection visible in his city windows.
"Tony Stark?" you ask and his head shoots up in confusion, before his mouth forms a soft 'o' as he wheels around.
"Oh, uh. Hi, yes, that is he. You're…. The Princess. Reindeer's wife." A flicker of recognition in his tired face.
Loki's curved battle horns flash in your mind's eye. You pray he has little reason to use them.
He better not have called me that ridiculous name.
You raise your eyebrows smoothly, looking at him and he blanches, "Loki, I mean Loki."
"Yes well… those smugglers you contacted Thor about. We need everything you have on them. Tonight.”
"The whole royal family getting in on this?" He plays with a hologram filled with files and pictures and maps, somehow still keeping his eyes focused on you.
"We believe they were… involved in an incident in the palace tonight." You swallow, trying to blink away tears.
Stark slows, words chosen carefully "What kind of incident?"
"One of my children has been taken." You whisper, choking on your words.
"Holy shit okay, Loki’s kid just got kidnapped, I think this calls for Avengers protocol." Stark throws everything into a folder icon on his holographic desktop, and he brings up names, faces, pictures, symbols you don’t recognize as he mutters to himself, eyes torn away from the screen where you sat. It was your turn to stare.
"Stark my family is taking care--"
"This involves Earth." he downs a coffee, "And if I know Thor and his brother -which I do- they'll tear earth from the ground up looking for this kid. It's safer for everyone involved if you let us get involved and help handle things down here. Believe it or not we’re pretty invested down here in Asgards affairs.” He flashes you a charming smile, but you can’t see the sentiment in his eyes.
You nod slowly, "All the information you have, Stark."
"Likewise. See you soon, Princess."
"He better not have flirted with you." Loki growls, hand on your hip, "I'm in the mood for murder."
"He was a perfect gentleman. He's sending over everything he has." Thor's phone buzzes in your hand. An email from Stark.
The palace has fallen silent once more and Loki draws you into his chest so tightly you can feel his rapidly thrumming heart beneath the leather.
"I made a promise to each of our children the day they were born that they'd never know the fear and pain I had to go through. Now Alex… Stefan…" His voice breaks and you cup his face tightly. The tension that had been building in his frame all night finally broke in the silence and stillness, and tears tracked down his face, “I’ve failed them.”
"It's not your fault. We were distracted, you were led away. You had no reason to think they’d go to Asgard.” He nods against your palm, taking a deep shuddering breath before collecting himself. He presses a long, cool kiss to your lips and you can practically feel every emotion he has ever had for you poured into it.
“I don’t know what I’d do without you, my pet.” He murmurs in your hair, and you push him back into standing on his own.
“But you do, so don’t dwell on it.” He nods and gestures to the device.
You try to shift through the files on Thor’s tiny phone and growl. The screen flickers and stutters every few moments.
“I need a goddamn computer.”
“Which doesn't work here.” Thor grimaces, emerging from the direction of your rooms, “Stark tried. Even his technological genius couldn’t get over the magical interference.”
“Then we’re taking a trip to Earth.” You gather yourself and wave a hand, your dress turning to an ordinary jeans and sweater. Loki catches himself. He hasn’t seen you in such attire in such a long time it catches him off guard. You wave your hand again and Thor and Loki are both rid of their formal regalia too. Loki in a suit you haven’t seen him in in years, but still fits him snugly, and Thor jeans, a jacket and a sweatshirt with a bright shield on it. He flushes and mumbles something about team building.
“Pack an overnight bag.”
“She’s bossy when she wants to be.” Thor mumbles to Loki, and he sends his brother a dazed look, just as confused as he is for once.
“Tell me about it.”
“I’m coming.” Asta says plainly, shoving things into a sack.
Stefan shoots you a look as brother and sister stand shoulder to shoulder.
“Stef, Asta, your brother and sister….” You argue weakly.
“I’ll stay with Eira Mom, don’t worry.” Ava sits at the edge of your bed where Eira lies, finally asleep once more.
You sigh, pinching the bridge of your nose, “I don’t know what I expected when I agreed to have kids with the stubbornest man I ever met in my life.”
All of them stare at you.
“Mom…” Asta starts slowly, “I don’t know how to tell you this.”
“You do realise we get our stubborn streak from you right?” Ava cracks a smile.
“You do not!”
“You literally just proved our point.” Stefan shoves things into a sack and you pinch your nose and eyebrows tightly. Breathe deeply, one two three…
"Come, all of you." you murmur holding your arms out. Ava carefully slides off the bed and tucks herself into your side. Asta does the same on the other side and Stefan sighs, wrapping arms around both his sisters and you, ducking with his height to lean on your chest.
"You've all been so brave. And I love you so much."
A familiar chest presses against your back and arms wrap around you all. You stay like that for several minutes that you want to stretch into hours.
"We'll get Alex back." Loki murmurs softly, kissing each of your heads in turn, "And then they'll kick our asses for letting them miss out on the chance to meet the Avengers, come on." You can’t help but notice the twinge of jealousy in Loki’s tone and he shakes his curly head, feeling ridiculous.
You give a little smile "Oh please, love. You've always been their first hero." Loki snorts as he grabs Asta's and Stefan's bags. Both of them look at him with eyebrows raised.
"Alex hero worships you Dad. He's the only one of us that's listened to every single story Thor has ever told us about you."
Loki's eyes soften and his hands clench a little firmer.
"Come on." he says gruffly, “Your clothes.”
Stefan murmurs and he waves his hand, his formal leathers melting away to give way to a shirt and jeans. Asta looks at him for help and he groans, walking out of the room quickly as her own Asgardian garb gives way to jeans and a sweater like the one you wear. Thor is waiting for you all and you take a deep breath. It's the first time you've traveled to Earth in years and you feel exposed. Mortal again. Then Loki’s fingers wrap around your hand and you remember that you’re not. You’re a Goddess.
And then the bifrost is surrounding you in a bright flash of color and you close your eyes.
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ikamigami · 4 months
Well.. Sun leaving Moon alone in a time of grief isn't surprising at all considering how it's hard for Sun to spend time with emotional Moon because of the trauma from Old Moon's abuse..
I'll be repeating this over and over again till y'all hacking get it that what Old Moon did to Sun is something that doesn't go away with snap of fingers or just one swing of magic wand..
Y'all so unserious and annoying if you can't understand why Sun wasn't trying to hang out with Moon in such time..
"Moon is emotional, Moon is working, I probably shouldn't bother him" - this is probably something that Sun thought to himself. Can anyone blame him for this? I'm asking seriously.. cause I can't blame Sun for his feelings regarding this situation..
I think that Earth is more to blame if she really found out from Monty that Moon is in really poor mental state and not that he's only being egotistical Moon - though he still is but that's beside the point - she should've told Sun and Lunar about it as well.. especially Sun cause it'd help Sun figure out that Moon might have similar problem to his..
But ofc it's better to not say anything, I guess..
And the fact that Lunar dgaf about it isn't surprising to me cause when he gaf about anything other than things that are related to them and their issues.. even though I won't lie I feel a bit disappointed cause I thought that maybe Lunar is changing..
Sun is once again the one who has to shoulder this situation.. from what I gathered from that episode he'll talk to Moon (pardon me if I misunderstood something) even though Sun is the one who is affected the most by this situation (excluding Moon who is in poor mental state)..
Sun always had to shoulder every single damn one of heavy problems in this family.. previously when it was just two (and later three) of them.. and now when he has more members of family and said family is more caring about one another (?) he still has to shoulder everything.. even though he didn't heal from his trauma at all.. he only feels a bit better because his psychotic episode ended and he thinks that he's fine cause he's always like that..
People who are saying that he's the most okay and the most stable one in the family are dang stupid.. Yes, even characters from this show..
Like I guess they don't know how much abusive Old Moon was towards Sun because he never told them anything but at the same time how could he tell them if they didn't try to bother to listen to him in the first place..
But it's really easy to now be angry at Sun and blame him for his feelings when we just ignore all the trauma and abuse he had to endure throughout all these years because he simply just said that he's fine like as if he never said that before even when he wasn't actually fine..
But whatever I guess cause in this fandom it's just better to blame the victim.. but it's okay cause show also doesn't treat Sun's character seriously so why people should?
I'm tired of seeing that people can only see how much hurt is Moon..
It was like that with Old Moon even though Sun was the one who was suffering the most when he had psychotic episode.. and even now when it's more understandable that people care about Moon's state cause he's in really poor mental state but.. it truly leaves a bad tatse in one's mouth when you think about it how Sun's trauma is always ignored when it comes to Moon's feelings..
And unfortunately it just comes across as distasteful and disingenuous because apparently there's always only one character who is victim in every situation and we should always feel sorry for them and it's Moon..
And the way it's always handled and the way fandom acts about it just makes one hard to care for Moon.. especially if victim of abuse - Sun - always receive the short end of a stick..
I still care about Moon but sometimes y'all really make it hard for me to..
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ikamigami · 3 months
Jeez, and people wonder why Sun has a bad mental state when every time before Nexus and Earth came along he tried to open up he was met with that, and now that's it again, and the last time he talked with Earth was turning her into a goose...Earth help him pls
Yeah.. that's true..
Hmm.. Sun may or may not tell Earth about the hallucination of Bloodmoon.. cause he didn't see them for awhile.. only now ans he immediately told Moon.. so he might tell Earth about it as well..
It's hard for me to say what would happen if he told her tbh..
I think that the show will do that only to show people that Sun is "better" - I'm using " " because it's only a bit of improvement but it doesn't mean at all that Sun's mental issues won't bother him that much anymore when he's not even aware of what exactly is going on with him.. why he has those hallucinations?
I've seen people saying that when Sun will learn Dazzle's secret he'll overcome the rest of his trauma but if that happened.. I'd be disappointed.. because what? To overcome your trauma you need to be numb and dgaf about anything? And you can overcome your trauma without that much help? Like no one really helped Sun that much with anything..
It'd be frustrating tbh.. and also very odd because of what they were hinting to this whole time..
And let's not forget that it's not how these things work.. I mean yeah they're not professionals and maybe they don't care that much about healing but at the same time.. it's bad that they don't care..
If they really make Sun overcome his trauma that easily then I think that I'll do a much longer break from these shows 😅
Though I think that Sun only talks about things his more aware of.. I mean that he thinks that he hallucinates because he killed Bloodmoon when that's not the case actually.. so even when he talked with Earth about it I doubt it'd change much tbh..
But also let me remind you and everyone else that even if Sun could talk to New Moon about his hallucinations etc.. let's not forget that NM was laughing at Sun's mental issues.. he was calling him "schizo" and "bipolar" as jokes - and schizo is a derogatory term and slur so he shouldn't say that at all..
New Moon only started to work on his relationship with Sun more after the therapy with Earth where she pointed out to him some of the issues.. cause before that NM was teasing Sun in the way it reminded Sun of Old Moon.. or he only hang out with Solar and they both were calling Sun stupid..
Only after the therapy NM started changing these things.. and it's worth to remember..
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