#big ramble incoming
lavenoon · 2 years
Eclipse seems to be very much a lab/research/'accidentally setting things on fire' kinda guy - has he ever been in the field the same way Sun and Moon have? if not, is it because he's just a bit too gremlin to stay undercover or does Eclipse have a personal preference to not get involved with field work? - @clxckwork-sun-n-moon
He's a pure researcher/ developer! In fact, he can't work in the field - he's too blunt for that, and doesn't quite have that awareness needed for sneaky undercover work. Not quite the gremlin behavior stopping him there (or Moon would have had bad chances, too)
It's not interesting to him, anyway, so he doesn't mind! HQ however put a big, red stamp on his employee file to label him as "DO NOT DEPLOY IN THE FIELD, EVER" agent after it was so obvious that he told his brothers about his job, even asking if they could work there, too.
(HQ did accept those unorthodox applications, because a two AI animatronic in the field does offer unique opportunities for undercover work. Animatronics in general have the potential to be great agents, as they can always review their memories, rather than just recall.)
But Eclipse is happy right where he is, with funding and opportunities (and encouragement) to develop new little gadgets. HQ maybe isn't too happy with how frequently things end with flames, but all in all he's much too efficient to be let go, and he knows it <3
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ihaveforgortoomany · 4 days
The Mandela Effect
Theory on R1999 so spoilers for 2.2, spoilers for 1.9 and onwards. This is not Global Friendly especially for 1.9 and 2.2.
This will only make sense if you have gone through the first three patches of 2.0.
This will be major major spoilers for 2.2 for the implications this has so anyone following CN servers feel free to message me about this.
(May Vertin nui block the spoilers!)
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Alright then.
The Mandela Effect is the type of memory that occurs when different people incorrectly remember the same thing, eg if the Monoploy man wore a monocle at all, logos having a different design in comparison to how some people remember it.
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2.2 introduce us to Mr Duncan, a Zeno military veteran who lives in Sao Paulo. Both Sotheby AND Vertin both mistaken Mr Duncan for Mr Karson, and remember either of them had a chance to take a photo of Mr Karson or anyone else in 1929 before the Storm occurred. Duncan mentions having a war friend of his who had a child near Sotheby's age. This seems to concidental to be a throwaway line. Appearance wise their eyes look the same but I hear you ask, but Mr Karson looks older in 1929 and its confirmed 2.2 occurs in 1990s how can they be the same person?
See Paulina from 2.0: she is the one mentioned in Book 4 by the narrator, someone who was caught by the Storm and only her hand remained. We meet her brother Joe in 2.0 who goes to confirm her "death", sees her leftover hand (wow not expecting that) and then looks at her photo and immediately thinks the Foundation was lying. In some sense their are two Paulinas here, the one Joe remembers and the one the Foundation remembers but more or less are the same person.
Vertin with Mr Duncan has outright confirmed that:
One Mr Duncan is in fact Mr Karson, that there are multiple instances where people or events have been altered from recorded history.
With Marcus and Heinrich we confirm the Storms do not just make time go backwards but instead reverse a certain era to a different period, just not beyond 1999. Therefore we can for example, be in the 1950s and be reversed to 1980s but never going past 1999.
We confirm that the Grandfather Paradox does not apply to this world, so killing someone in one time will not necessarily led to the death of their family line.
The Storm can be accelerated by causing or accelerating critical points in history, leading to them happening earlier than expected = changing the original timeline.
So what if the Storm reversing places to completely different era backwards and forwards actually does the same to people?
Take Mr Karson: the 1929 Storm could have flung 'him' into the 1990s, his core history of being a war veteran would not change but now he isnt looking after Sotheby instead lives in Sao Paulo. Being flung into the 1990s has caused a butterfly effect in a sense to his own history: what if he remained in Sao Paulo at the end of his war service for example?
R1999 is playing with the Mandela Effect here: the Foundation will remember recorded history prior to the first Storm, and now history is being slightly altered by the Storm. The changes would eventually become so often and with so many to record the true original history may be forgotten entirely. It will become harder to tell what was the original until that new altered history becomes the memory incorrectly remembered by others.
So all victims of the Storm are not dead then are flung to different eras and places, slightly altered but in essence that original person. However it would be hard to investigate what would happen if a person were to be caught in multiple Storms, reverse in one and again in another (maybe thats what is happening to Martha Urd Bessmert)
Someone like Schneider then would still be alive somewhere, maybe in Italy, maybe a little bit different but in essence the same one we met in 1929 but doesn't know us. Same goes for Isabella, the Ring, people of Aperion and etc etc. Maybe we met 888 before she ever found the island, see the Ring potentially at the age he would be now in Scotland since he is implied to be Scottish.
This opens up the table for any of the people Vertin had met in the past to met them again.
Playable Schnieder or at the very least her return is no longer off the table and very possible now, this doesn't take away the impact of her 'death' as likely she will have no recollection of the time spent with Vertin and co, they did just meet within 24 hours. (BP would be so cruel if we met her in an Orange farm in Italy).
(I need a second opinion on us tbh, 2.2 at the end was really dropping huge things to set up the 2.0 story wow)
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WAIT SORRY, I just sent a ask a second ago BUT IM PRETTY SURE ITS MERCH, the fact that howdy was on there is probably meaning its to be sold in a store of some kind, like his shop. definitely a stretch tho
no no i'm with you on that. my first thought had been "physical howdy puppet?" but then i thought about it for more than one second and came to the Merch Conclusion as well for the same reasons. it might be a Wally plush! that's my guess!
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skyward-floored · 7 months
actually I really hate being considered a big blog. if I said I only have 10 followers would anyone believe me
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funkle420 · 17 days
god artists really do just pass around the same $20 bill cause dude over half my clients are other artists 😭 and usually they're the ones that tip well!! i just wish i could afford to also commission other artists and buy stuff from their shops!
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sapphirebluebird · 6 months
Y'know.. after some growth.. on my rewatch of BCS I have decided that Chuck is not a villain, he is the mentally ill precursor to the beaten down shell of a person that Jimmy turns Howard into.
I have decided that Jimmy is more of a villain than I originally perceived him as, (lot's of his sabotage behind Chuck go in hand with this thought as well) though that doesn't make me love his character any less. If anything, my love for these characters, especially the ones who I found obnoxious (mostly Chuck and Howard), grew exponentially. There's a lot of stuff I've missed on rewatch but I have certainly noticed how many more shitty things Jimmy and Kim did to Howard just to get the sandpiper case sacked while humiliating Howard. Howard has them completely clocked man, just like Chuck had Jimmy clocked! Honestly my rewatch of s6 e7 has me rooting for Howard and the end result of Lalo's execution has to be a symbol of Jimmy and Kim's relentlessness towards Howard. A symbol of the consequences of their need to play people. Howard wouldn't leave because he was too caught up in his rage at them, his honest to god understandable rage, and everybody paid the price for it. Howard's monologue was so good though. What's interesting to me is that maybe Howard does deserve a bit of guff in his life, what with the silver spoon. But his monologue is endearing to me, along with his homages to Chuck from previous scenes, and truly the growth of Howard's character is tremendous following Chuck's death. Like idk man. A lot of the things that Howard says end up being very sweet overall. Although, when Howard calls Jimmy and Kim "soulless" (SUPER funny to me btw) it is interesting to me that Lalo meets Howard after he comes out and says that. Like no, you haven't met soulless. (i believe that Jimmy isn't necessarily evil, but he is a maligned character for sure.) That being said, they did so well with building the suspense of Lalo's character and revealing just how low he will go to achieve his goals. The axe scene?? Him stalking Werner's wife?? HIM IN THE SEWERS WITH A PAIR OF BINOCULARS?? Like we all knew he was batshit but damn. When Kim went to go see him while he was being held in jail, and he compared Jimmy to la cucaracha, that was projection. He literally died in the papers but he didn't die actually. Oh also, he's crawling across the globe now in hiding and literally nobody has found him. Speaking of nobody has found him, Nacho's story was so heartbreaking truly he didn't need to be in the game.. guy was too sweet. I <3 u Nacho. When he hid in that oil tank or whatever the hell that cylinder was that shit was so smart but so nastay. Anyways I'm done talking now thank you for coming to my ted talk
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oqulis · 2 years
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actually speaking of thara. you will behold their fruity little outfits
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phoenixkaptain · 1 year
Pleased to discover that Alear and Marth are, in fact, shipped with each other.
That is Alear’s emotional support ring, and Alear is Marth’s emotional support dragon. Marth’s supports with Alear are very cute. Marth very clearly and obviously hiding something from Alear from the start is hilarious, if only because he is the most obvious liar in the entire world and he tries really hard to just deflect.
Also, Marth casually talking about spending a thousand years watching Alear sleep.
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sidereon-spaceace · 7 months
what if. what if i made ANOTHER character. and this guy ALSO had big round colored glasses
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monocrowee · 7 months
so last night i was drawing a certain vtuber and um decided to check twitter to see how the nijisanji situation was doing
anyways scrapped that im drawing cyyu and maybe dokibird instead plus i got some star rail sketches im working on
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morangoowada · 23 days
I just saw someone saying the Twitter ban in Brazil wasn't "a big deal" because the only thing we did was say "come to Brazil" under the posts of celebrities
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Your Rowlf looks a bit like Barnaby lmao
[I mean Barnaby already looks like Rowlf quite a bit anyways-]
I KNOWWWWW I KNOW I KNOW i redrew him like three times to try and fix it and each just got worse... why do dog puppets look so similar smh
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shoechoe · 1 year
im not particularly into romantic ships !! (but i like contributing 2 ask games) sooo hmm... whats ur favorite canon friendship or dynamic ? or one u'd like to see in jjba?
Don't worry- I like this ask too.
I wouldn't say I have one canon (non-romantic) character dynamic in particular that I would consider my favorite, but I can list a few of them in no particular order:
-Polnareff and Abdul (I also think the ship is pretty cute)
-Diavolo and Doppio (I find this one the most fun to think & talk about for obvious reasons)
-Trish and Bruno
-Yasuho and Josuke (8) (this one was sort of implied-romantic, but I'll count it)
-Josuke (4) and Okuyasu
-Jolyne, Foo Fighters & Hermes
I also really would've liked to see what an interaction between Doppio and Trish would've looked like- both of them were criminally underused and it's a shame.
I get very excited about character dynamics, but I don't really care much for romantic ships myself either. When I say I "like" a ship, most of the time what I mean by that is if a mutual or friend is into it, I'll nod and give a thumbs up from the sidelines or maybe think "oh, that's kind of cute, sure". The only times I get the "shippy" feelings that I assume are the main appeal of shipping is if I care about one or preferably both characters very, very much, which just doesn't happen often. (Also, I get kind of irrationally territorial about characters I care about to that level, so I'd probably only trust ship art from me and a few people lol.)
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soloavengers · 3 months
crying over oc scenario when i want to finish the long ass climax chapter of this book furiously wiping tears to crying again bc of the book
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kiddphel · 1 year
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close ups of my Many Guys
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Quick! What is better: an entity that produces great content but treats its fans like crap or an entity that produces sometimes-good-but-sometimes-bad content yet appreciates its own fans?
All I want out of any game company is for them to just maintain the structural integrity of their series and principles it was built on while taking care to make innovative entries without compromising on quality.
Because THAT to me is indication of a company caring for its fans. They make a good product that's worth the money I'll pay to own it.
You're probably referring to Nintendo with this but at the end of the day dude, they actually make consistently quality entries that people are willing to shell out money to get. And they treat their Mascot series far better in that regard.
Business is business after all.
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