#he doesn't care about magical people and muggles equally
dracomort · 7 months
I was reading through ur answers to questions abt the TTC, and in one u said that Tom would never consider killing Draco unless it was Draco’s life or his own, in which case he’d always choose himself. If it were Draco in that position instead, himself or Tom, what decision do you think he’d make? Both of them have strong senses of self-preservation.
While I do think of both of them as low-empathy people with strong senses of self-preservation, I see Draco as having a wider circle of people he includes within his little bubble of selfishness—those being Lucius, Narcissa and Tom. Further, in TTC, Draco is very isolated. Tom is the only one in that world who actually knows who he is and, as Draco sees it, is the only one who cares about him beyond superficial acquaintances. His family are the only ones he would sacrifice himself for and, as he said in Bluebeard, he considers Tom his family.
A quick illustration of their circles of empathy:
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saintsenara · 5 months
Another eager follower of your blog here - checking it is always a highlight of my day! I can't think of any ships atm, so instead, thoughts on a trope?? In my youth, I read a lot of FF net era fics where Hermione Isn't Really Muggleborn - usually her parents are Bellatrix and Voldemort (and she ends up becoming the next dark lady), although I've also seen various other purebloods, like Regulus, suggested (1/2)
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thank you very much for the ask, anon - this is extremely kind! and i'm delighted to expand from unhinged ships to unhinged tropes!
although i'll be honest that this specific trope has never hit for me.
i understand the appeal - we all love a bit of the princess diaries-style "ordinary person doesn't realise they're actually important" glamour - but i just really don't enjoy anything which implies that the blood-supremacist viewpoint which voldemort espouses is the correct one.
it always seems to me that the main thesis underpinning the "hermione isn't really muggleborn" trope is that she couldn't be as good at magic as she canonically is without wizarding blood. obviously, this undermines the entire central point of the harry potter series, which i don't think is great even in fanfiction - but the more important point is that it's not even an interesting way of undermining the series' central premise.
there is a lot which can be done in a "voldemort wins" scenario with the fact that - right on the canon page - the order of the phoenix is a profoundly unradical group committed to defending a vision of wizarding society which is just the status quo with a couple of minor adjustments. it's incredibly striking in canon that the non-human communities of magical britain - goblins, werewolves etc. - overwhelmingly support voldemort, as do the sort of working-class wizards who sign up for the snatchers, and his coup in deathly hallows [and his politics during the first war] can be written surprisingly easily as populist ones. i think you could hook hermione into his messaging, for example, by making him someone who appears - when he's around her, at least - to care about house elves...
equally, voldemort's commitment to pragmatism - which many people might also describe as a commitment to hypocrisy - can be used to write him as willing to make an exception for a muggleborn hermione, who is by far the member of the trio who would make the best death eater. something very interesting can be done with the fact that she would, i think, be possible to corrupt into a "dark lady" - especially one who held the viewpoint, as dumbledore did, that muggles should be subjected to wizarding control for their own good...
and i also think - as someone regrettably invested in the concept of a bellamort baby - that the "this kid was born hermione riddle" [except they'd have chosen a worse name] concept could be interesting in the right hands. we know from voldemort's own experience - as well as harry's - that magical children who are orphaned and/or adopted into muggle homes and institutions have a pretty grim time of things, and the journey of figuring out their life-story which all adoptees go on has an extra tangle of threads caused by the division between the two worlds. that hermione's relationship with the drs granger is canonically quite distant is always worth thinking about - and examining that relationship through the lens of them being adoptive parents could be a fun way of doing it.
but i will never be convinced that the alternative - "hermione is a secret pureblood and that explains why she's so clever and hot" - is interesting in the slightest.
great crackfic potential though.
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lufanahufflepuff · 1 year
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(English is not my first language, if you find any grammatical mistakes or something that doesn't make much sense, please let me know)
Name: Inês Ofélia Da Graça
Nickname: Ophelia, Ines
Date of Birth: June 16, 1875
Nationality: Portuguese
Blood Status: Muggle-born
House: Hufflepuff
Patronus: Goldfish
Physical Description: Inês Ofélia is a short girl with wavy blonde hair that extends to her ankles. Her green eyes stand out on a face adorned with freckles, and a mole is located beneath her lower lip. Her front teeth are distinctly separated.
Inês is a remarkable child due to her vivid imagination, although her distractibility is equally remarkable. She struggles to stay focused on tasks that don't deeply engage her.
Her difficulty in understanding social norms and behaviors occasionally makes her awkward. Furthermore, she has trouble interpreting others' emotions, often failing to notice sarcasm or jokes, which makes her naive in some situations.
Despite that, Inês makes an effort to understand people by observing their behavioral patterns.
Family History:
Inês doesn't have much information about her own family beyond what her mother, Joana Da Graça, shared with her while she was alive. She never met her father or grandparents, although, she doesn't seem to care about this lack of information.
Her mother, Joana Da Graça, was a very young mother who immigrated to the United Kingdom when Inês was just a baby. Inês's story is marked by the early onset of her adult life, working from a young age while her mother struggled to build a better life for both of them. During these years, Inês took on the responsibility of taking care of the household and later her ailing mother.
Background Story:
At the age of nine, Inês faced a significant trial when her mother fell seriously ill. Although the nature of her mother's illness remains a mystery, Inês cared for her for many days with the hope that her effort and patience would heal her. Unfortunately, her mother passed away suddenly, leaving Inês alone.
After her mother's death, Inês was sent to a Catholic orphanage, where she finally learned the English language properly, although she still struggled with pronunciation, reading, and writing.
Inês spent much of her life in the orphanage, unaware that she was a witch or that magic even existed.
Inês's life took a turn when she met Professor Fig and began studying magic. It was at this moment that she discovered an intriguing fact: wizards possessed knowledge capable of healing ailments afflicting Muggles. This revelation struck her deeply, stirring a wave of frustration and regret. She began to wonder if, had she known her true nature as a witch earlier, she could have found a cure for her mother's illness.
This personal tragedy is one of the reasons why Inês is so determined to help Sebastian find a cure for Anne, so that no other family has to endure the suffering she and her mother went through.
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Unconsciously, Inês sees Professor Fig as a father figure. She once caught herself calling him "Pai" and at that moment, she fervently hoped he didn't understand Portuguese.
Sebastian has a crush on Inês, and everyone except her has noticed. She doesn't realize when they're flirting with her.
Inês is bisexual, but she's in the "bisexual denial" stage. She think that everyone must feel that way, liking a bit of both men and women, right? But Inês, not everyone feels that way...
Inês has a crush on Anne, but she hasn't realized yet.
Inês refuses to cut her hair and has never done so in her life. Even though it's a lot of work to care for, she simply dislikes the idea of cutting it.
She also doesn't like wearing shoes and takes any opportunity to go barefoot.
Inês doesn't have much ambition regarding a career. She simply doesn't think too much about the future or what she'll do after Hogwarts. She has a more "if I make it out of here alive, it's good enough" mindset. Her "plan" is to live a peaceful life in contact with nature.
Her Patronus is a goldfish because I think it suits her kindness and short memory, which could reflect her gentle and distracted nature. (In my head, this makes a lot of sense.)
My friend said Inês is a Hippie, and I thought about it for a bit, and yes, she's basically a Hippie but in 1890.
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seishirology · 3 years
Blue Lock at Hogwarts
blue lock boys at hogwarts part 2!! A/N ; These are my opinions only!! This one includes Hufflepuffs and Gryffindors!! masterlist
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BAROU SHOEI ; I know this might seem a little far-fetched, but Baro does care for the side characters in his life. Even if they are quite minor and they aren't really useful to him. I think he's a tsundere who secretly cares about all his friends, he just doesn't show it to them. He also has two younger sisters, therefore I just know he has a soft spot for his juniors. He's also a neat freak, so the house elves might hate him, but they could also bond over their love for cleaning. All in all he's a pure-blood beater on the quidditch team. He also has quite the following despite his quiet personality. He plays as a beater on the quidditch team.
NANASE NIJIRO ; This sweet country boy deserves the world, but he's not sorted into this house because he's a soft boy. I think his honesty towards Isagi after their match against the other team after the second selection was what stuck out. He admitted that he could only catch up to Isagi, it's something that even those without much pride can't admit easily. Nanase definitely hangs out a lot with Hiori, and he probably tells Hiori everything. I think those two end up close friends and they probably help each other out a lot, the two frequent each other's rooms quite often. Nanase is a muggle-born who hails from the countryside, and although he doesn't know much about those who live in the cities he makes friends with them easily. Care of Magical Creatures and Herbology are his strong suits. He's a chaser on the quidditch team.
RAICHI JINGO ; to me, he seems more like Bakugou than Kunigami, but it's because of his explosive behaviour and violent tendencies. Besides his explosive behaviour and violent tendencies, I think Raichi is quite kind. When he's quiet it might scare some but I do think that he shows silent kindness. I think he remembers little details as well, he's the type to randomly give his peers little gifts that reminds him of them. He's also willing enough to change to win, he might be prideful but he knows when to put it away, something that's quite difficult, even for those who aren't known to be very prideful. I think he's a very loyal person as well, he's another out-of-the-box Hufflepuff who isn't all smiles and happy yellow. He's a muggle-born, and I bet he's been bullied before. He's a true hatstall that sat on the stool for a good six and a half minutes before he was placed in Hufflepuff over Gryffindor. He's the other beater on the quidditch team.
GIN GAGAMARU ; I think his appearance might scare many of his peers and juniors away, but his quiet acts of kindness might bring them back. I think he's a smart fellow, but he doesn't value smarts as much as humanity towards others. I do think that he would get bullied at Hogwarts, but he would simply endure it. But when he gets really mad he can send many people to the hospital wing with one flick of his wand. I don't think many students appreciate his patience, they probably try their best to get reactions out of him. He's a half-blood who does well in Transfiguration. He was almost a hatstall, the Sorting Hat was in a dilemma, trying to choose between Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff. But he values humanity and his morals over intelligence and being the best in the academic setting. He's a keeper on the quidditch team.
OLIVER AIKU ; Oliver is the head of the Hufflepuff house and he loves all of his students equally. But there are some rare occurrences when he doesn't really like a particular student. Overall he's a great head and all the students love him. Although he's been labeled as a dilf by many of the younger students, he isn't really that old as he's still nineteen. He teaches Care of Magical Creatures. He's also a half-blood himself, and he doesn't hold any prejudice either. He's not yet twenty, but his birthday is coming up so he can work as a teacher because of his outstanding performance as a student.
PABLO CAVASOZ ; Pablo teaches Astronomy and is really loved by the students, especially the female students. They love especially love his face, his freckles and cute babyface that makes him look younger than he really is. But unlike most, he thrives off this attention and actually welcomes it, saying that his only rival was Pikachu because it was cute as well. Nevertheless he cares for his students and gives them the advice that they need to grow and improve in certain areas. He's a muggle-born who grew up hating on Pikachu because of how cute it was.
ISAGI YOICHI ; I don't personally see Isagi as much of a 'brave' person, but he definitely fits in with Gryffindors more than Hufflepuffs. His sorting took four minutes, and eventually he was sorted into Gryffindor for his own determination. He's a well liked student who does about average in most of his classes. But other than that there's nothing too special about him to most, at least until they remember that he's the seeker on the Gryffindor team. He's a great seeker but he's still awkward when flying. A half-blood.
NARUHAYA ASAHI ; One of the rare half breeds in Gryffindor, he's half veela. His pretty face and fluffy hair strikes a close resemblance to Pablo from the Hufflepuff house. Although they aren't related at all, the two seem to share close facial features. Asahi isn't a big fan of the attention like his teacher, he prefers staying with his closer friends. He's a chaser on the quidditch team and is close to failing in Astronomy after having accidentally insulted Pablo. Asahi is one of the chasers on the quidditch team.
IGARASHI GURIMU ; Because he didn't want to become a monk at his family's temple, Igarashi rushed to Blue Lock the moment he was invited and he showed immense desire to stay in the program and away from home. His determination and bravery for this landed him in Gryffindor, he rooms with Asahi and Isagi. He's a muggle-born and isn't that into quidditch, he prefers other less dangerous sports like soccer.
KUNIGAMI RENSUKE ; A kind and bold young man. He stands up for others and aims to be a hero for those who need help. He has good morals and a firm foundation, he belongs in Gryffindor. Rensuke often frequents the hospital wing, bringing in injured students whenever he finds them. He and Anri are good friends and have a sibling-like relationship. Kunigami likes to play quidditch, his position on the team is a chaser. He does well in his classes but Herbology in particular is his best class, he's also a half blood.
LEONARDO LUNA ; The head of Gryffindor who is misleading. He seems kind with his wide smile and kind eyes, but in when he opens his mouth his image is ruined. He uses sarcasm in every sentence, his language is quite crass, and he curses quite a bit. Although he's like this, he somehow manages to be a teacher. The subject he teaches is Divination. He likes to harass his students and tell them the wrong information when reading their fortunes. Isagi especially is victim to these pranks. He doesn't really have a prejudice against half-bloods, muggleborns, and half-breeds, but as a pure-blood it may seem like he does.
JULIEN ROCKY ; he's a seventh year and is one of the most prominent figures in his house. A lot of his juniors go to him for help when they don't understand something on their assignment, or if they would like some help with flying, or if they have a problem they think he can solve. Julien is also a prefect, has the best grades in all of Gryffindor, and he's the captain as well as the keeper for the Gryffindor quidditch team. It seems like he has no flaws, and he really doesn't. Although he likes helping his juniors, this means he has little to no time for himself. Unsurprisingly he happens to be another hatstall, this time it was between Hufflepuff and Gryffindor. The final result being Gryffindor because of Julien's determination and bravery when it comes to any challenge he faces. Especially for his juniors, he seems reckless at times like that.
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I really enjoyed writing these, but I would like to hear some opinions as well! Please let me know if you think any of these were wrong or if I could've put them in a different house!
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
Am I the only one who feels like Hermione got kind of pushed to the side in the books?? I just re-read the whole series and I realized that she doesn’t really have much of a character arc. Like Harry and Ron have their thing and they both overcome so much but Hermione kind of seems to stay the same. When she’s introduced she’s the bossy know-it-all who loves to show off her intellectual prowess and uses that to help people figure things out. By the end of the series…she’s still like that? I’ll admit she breaks more rules and she has less of an innocent view of things, but not much else about her is revealed. With Ron we got to know SO much about his family history and he had this big arc about his insecurities and Harry obviously is the main character so we know tons about him. But Hermione?? Her parents and the rest of her family is a mystery, her time before Hogwarts is almost never spoken about, her deepest fears are barely touched upon, her desires are rarely spoken of, any friendships she developed outside of Ron and Harry aren’t really seen. Heck! She had SPEW but then that got handed over to Ron in the end via his whole “we can’t leave the house elves behind!” during the battle of Hogwarts. So really…what does Hermione get?? That’s why I love Dramione so much because I feel like we genuinely want to see more of her and expand upon what little was acknowledged about her in the books. And with Dramione she’s usually the main character which means her storyline is fully explored.
Oh yeah! She is one of the main characters, the only female lead basically, and we know nothing about her. What are her hobbies except reading or studying? What's her parent's like? WHAT ARE THEIR NAMES!?!?! Where did she go to primary school? Did she have a pet before Crooks? When did she realize that she was magical?
We know so much about Ron and his family because of Harry. He basically fell in love with the Weasleys and they adopted him. But he has another best friend, why didn't he care to find out about Hermione? I would think she would be easier to get along with since they have a similar background while Ron doesn't.
And I've said this any times before, but one of the main messages of the books is that no matter your blood, you are all equal. Muggleborn, Pureblood, halfblood; all are magical beings! But showing is better than saying it.
We know nothing basically about the main muggleborn character and her muggle life and family, we don't have Harry embracing that he is from a muggleborn, we see the muggle world as an exotic locale. Wouldn't it be better to show that "hey muggleborns are awesome and their world is great", instead of just saying "we are all equal". Have a scene where Ron and Harry visits Hermione in her home. Have Harry and Hermione laugh as Ron uses a TV or radio or microwave. Have Arthur not treat muggle items as a fun, quirky, silly thing. Show that muggles and muggleborns are just normal people. JKR focuses so much on the Wizarding World, and it comes across to me (and maybe I'm reading too much into this) as her saying that "muggleborns are cool and they should be treated equally, but let's be real, wizards and their world are so much better".
- Lisa
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fictumlibrary · 3 years
gimme letters e , p , g , a , l 🔫😈
in recent years she's become the ambassador for the magical aspect of neverland (tigerlily is the ambassador for neverlandians not affected by any magic) and many of the old idiots of auradon thought she would be easily manipulated. they were very wrong. now everyone knows that if elinora tilts her head and smiles at you with cold eyes, you're about to be the clown.
despite being an ambassador, she spends as much time as she can in neverland and away from auradon, which she can barely stand.
she would absolutely fight peter pan. the only reason she doesn't is because she likes tinker bell enough not to.
she hates how finicky the olympians can be, as with persephone handling the underworld in hades' absence, demeter is constantly whining, and thus won't help with spring and summer, so changing the seasons is solely on the never fairies' shoulders.
she's glad that never fairies are immortal, not only because she would miss her friends and family, but because it means her parents will have the means to be in power for a long time and won't feel particularly inclined to pass their crowns over to her. she's good at her job, but she doesn't want to run both parts of the hollow's forests by herself.
her red glitching happens randomly, but she's more prone to it when she's exhausted, when she hiccups, or when she sneezes.
call jellybean her servant and all bets are off. you better pick a god and pray.
she's isolated from the rest of the isle, not only due to being a video game character in an arcade machine, but because turbo went to great lengths to conceal the truth of who he is, what he did, and where they are from her. the only reason she found out about the outside was because of sour bill.
her hair is naturally pink and she loves to boast about it even though it’s not an achievement.
the moment she has access to a car it’s over for everyone.
for g i’ll go with gabriel king
gabriel has been briefly mentioned in the published chapters of aotp so far and is mentioned by his older sister, evangeline, who is dennis’ best friend.
he’s a bit snarky and often mutters quips under his breath when people aren’t listening.
the reason he’s in hufflepuff is because he cares about matters of fairness. after hearing about the war and prejudices from his older sister, he formed his own opinion, the bottom line of which was that everyone should be treated equally, magic or not, and he won’t hesitate to speak up about it.
his parents are muggles, making him and his sister muggleborn, and they all went into hiding from 1997-1998.
gabriel’s first proper role in the story will be in part one, around the easter holidays when ella gets to have a real conversation with him for the first time.
for a i’m going with aurelia carrow bc i am always ready to talk about her sdfjsdlkfs
amycus and alecto carrow are her uncle and aunt as well as her boggart.
being in the carrow family, she was raised to believe in pureblood supremacy, but her curious nature led to her doing her research and developing her own opinion. this is why her own family targeted her from a young age.
her mother died fighting for the death eaters during the second wizarding war and her father was incarcerated for the same thing. she is now being raised by her cousins flora and hestia, who are barely of legal age themselves. they treat her much better, though.
due to amycus and alecto being such prominent death eaters at hogwarts during the 1997-1998 school year, she’s often ostracized by those around her. the first person to speak to her was reena and everyone thought she was crazy for doing so.
for such a shy and cautious person, she isn’t above researching in her own time and experimenting, testing the boundaries of magic (as long as it won’t hurt anyone) and what she can do.
one day lyra is sure she’s going to explode from keeping her emotions in check around audrey. she loves audrey and desperately wants her to realize she’s more than what her grandmother wants her to be, but it’s a long and tough process.
since magic is banned in auradon, she has never seen her own wings. she knows she has them, but she’s forbidden from using them or even letting them loose.
she has some resentment towards her mother and aunts for how they focus more on audrey than their actual children. she knows that if they don’t they’ll get in trouble from audrey’s grandparents, but it doesn’t stop her from being frustrated.
speaking of audrey’s grandparents, she straight up does not trust them in the slightest.
she gets along with ben until after the events of the first movie. she never thought he and audrey were good together, but him jumping to mal and not speaking to audrey about it (even after the potion wore off) pisses her off beyond belief.
Send me a letter and I’ll pick an OC who’s name starts with that letter and give you five random fun facts about them.
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snowydaffodils · 4 years
Hogwarts!AU: Kim Namjoon - Gryffindor!
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Kim Namjoon counted the days to his eleventh birthday, just so he can finally receive his hogwarts letter the second it arrived.
His father, a muggle lawyer, and his mum, a pureblooded Slytherin and a high-ranking official in the Ministry of Magic, always held the highest esteem for education. Naturally, Namjoon grew up to be knowledgable in both worlds.
As a kid, he was always so proud of the books his family owned. There were magical books on one side, some that moved on its own (one was even chained because it kept growling), and also muggle books on the other.
His excitement for Hogwarts is mainly based on the gigantic library he had only ever heard about.
Like this kid was the only one who was actually excited to study.
He's a big fan of the Minister of Magic - Hermione Granger - and wholeheartedly supported her campaigns for equal rights for all magical creatures.
In his first year, Namjoon was so astounded by the beauty of the Hogwarts castle that he leaned a little too far from the boat and fell to the lake.
Hagrid had to drag him out of the lake and back on his boat after Jung Hoseok screamed in horror.
McGonagall did a quick drying spell when he finally stepped into the castle just so he wouldn't embarrass himself during sorting.
But then he was sorted to Gryffindor, and people were confused. But when they finally got to know him, they finally understood why.
Rumors about his mum being the direct advisor of Hermione Granger and Harry Potter didn't go unnoticed, so the crowd had suspected him to be sorted into Ravenclaw.
He thought he was an obvious Ravenclaw, himself.
Jung Hoeeok, who he made friends with on the train, was sorted to Ravenclaw and Namjoon was already smiling ear-to-ear because he was so certain they were going to be sorted together.
Madam Hooch always had one eye out for him during flying classes. He's so clumsy that Madam Hooch made him fly no higher than three meters high, because no, she shall not risk a kid's death in her class. The broom just wouldn't listen to him!
Kim Namjoon's perception on justice and his knowledgeable traits made the Sorting Hat mumble to itself for five minutes straight, arguing for and against Ravenclaw and Gryffindor before eventually yelling Gryffindor in the proudest way possible.
He excelled in all his classes (all but flying) - it was a no-brainer to him. Namjoon could theoretically perfect every spell and charm to exist. That is, if he doesn't break his wand or accidentally slipped while performing a spell and thus ruining his magic coordination.
Namjoon kind of envies natural Jung Hoseok, who Madam Hooch was keen on recommending to the Ravenclaw quidditch captain effective immediately after the first flying class.
But soon he became Hoseok's number #1 supporter, and later added more names on his supporting board (namely Jimin, Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook).
Is in the chess club and debate club since first year.
Got into rap music in second year when Hoseok brought an MP3 player to the train and showed some music to the group.
When Hoseok found out that MP3 players don't work in Hogwarts, Namjoon made an alternative that works under magic, instead.
He could've sworn Hoseok shed a tear.
"...Thanks, mate."
Kim Namjoon, who thinks that Hagrid's hut is the most comfortable place ever, loved dragging Jung Hoseok and Kim Seokjin down to the hut (sometimes Min Yoongi as well if he actually caught him out of bed), to have a cup of hot chocolate and listen to Hagrid's many tales of Hogwarts' students.
"You're welcome."
Later on, he dragged his juniors, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook as well, and the hut became their studious escape.
His Hagrid's hut trips may or may not include curious questions about Hermione Granger and her two friends (yes, he knew of Harry Potter, but couldn't care less about him. Hermione was his star) and their adventures in Hogwarts.
He also loves befriending the magical creatures that Hagrid introduced him to, and is later on able to excel his Care on Magical Creatures subject without opening the monstrous book (although his mum had one at home and had made a non-monstrous copy).
All his peers respected him for: first, his extremely good grades; second, his unrivalled arguments on most values and campaigns that he promoted to his peers (and many students supported his campaigns because of his many speeches); and third, his membership as one of the notorious six at that time and later on seven that kind of ruled Hogwarts (also, maybe his good looks helped).
Also, by third year, he had broken three different wands.
By third year, Kim Namjoon had an unwavering leader charisma.
Some students made a rumour that Namjoon made a blood pact with some demon - gaining intelligence in exchange for living in clumsiness.
Kim Seokjin may be the oldest of the group of friends, and was prefect before him, but he listens to Namjoon like a house elf (albeit with a lot of nagging as he do as he's told).
Obviously, Kim Namjoon became a prefect in his fifth year, and later on Gryffindor's head boy.
Nobody had to ask if he was chosen for the role. He didn't need to even mail his friends on the news.
He just received seven owls all congratulating him on his newest achievement that summer before fifth year.
The same thing happened when he was chosen as Head Boy.
Somehow, even the usually indifferent Yoongi sent him a short note.
Yoongi somehow convinced Namjoon to let him use the prefect bathroom using his prefect benefits.
"The Slytherin boys' bathroom? You'd think they know where to shit."
He was the prefect that gives points for every single kind deed he sees, and gives massive deductions to bullies, no matter the house.
Also, the prefect that still breaks rules, especially to go out at night and stargaze.
Astronomy scores on top of his year.
Ravenclaws all look out for him in academic competition.
His elegance and eloquence (also his various choice of words that he use when he talks, especially on a formal occasion) made many others look up to him.
One of them was Jungkook, who eyed him with so much adoration when Namjoon helped him with the way to class on his first day.
He loves writing poems, then sending some of his works to the Daily Prophet.
By the end of fifth year, they offered to publish a book of compilation from all the poems he wrote.
Holds cyphers in the room of requirement with the rest of the gang, sometimes putting up posters that Jungkook designed and garnered up quite an audience.
Outstanding grades in all his OWLs and NEWTs.
Got a pretty good position in the ministry and eventually climbed up and worked close to Hermione Granger.
When he was on comfortable speaking terms with the Minister of Magic (a.k.a he wasn't frozen or stuttering), Hermione thought she was back in Hogwarts and was taking her NEWTs exams from the questions he keeps asking.
A teaching position in Hogwarts also intrigues him.
Prepares all the accommodation for his group of friends to watch the Quidditch World Cup.
Was sent by the Ministry to hold the International Wizarding Competition of Magical Skills (basically a non-leathal Triwizard Tournament) for the first Hogwarts' participation and the first time in Hogwarts during Jungkook's seventh year.
Somehow was able to find ways to let the group of friends watch the tournament after Seokjin's begging to watch Jungkook in action.
"Namjoon, please! It's Kookie! I can't miss it for the world! Besides, look at Jimin and Taehyung - they're bawling like mandrakes! Come on, just this once!"
Seokjin said that through a Howler.
Namjoon just sighed.
But Namjoon, the one who brought all sorts of justice and right equity to the wizarding world.
Stands tall on his stances and never wavered through his post.
Is the most active Ministry member, and folks could see all the results of his work clearly.
Kim Namjoon, who will fight for his ideals, without a single fear.
Kim Namjoon, courageous, full of chivalry, and is a man of justice.
Kim Namjoon, a candidate for the Minister of Magic.
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lunarity2013 · 5 years
MC — Lucy Stone
(This template was brought to you by @hogwartsmysterystory​ )
(Updated for Y4)
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Name: Lucille Maria Stone
Gender: Cisgender Female
Age: 14
Birthdate: 16 October 1972 (Libra)
Species: Human
Blood Status: Muggleborn
Sexuality: Demisexual, hetero-leaning
Alignment: Neutral Good
Ethnicity: White
Nationality: Irish
Residence: Dublin, Ireland
Myer Briggs Personality Type: ISFP
1st Wand: Acacia, 12-in, Unicorn hair, pliable
2nd Wand: N/A
Animagus: Sparrow (Post-Hogwarts, unregistered)
Misc Magical Abilities: Occulmens (partial), wandless magic
Boggart Form: Giant spider
Riddikulus Form: Cartoonish bug-out eyes as a giant swatter squishes it
Amortentia (her scent): peaches, black tea, ozone (right before a storm)
Amortentia: fresh laundry, sandalwood, hint of lemon
Patronus: Red Squirrel
Patronus Memory: Barnaby asking her to the Celestial Ball (differs from canon, as he asked her himself without prompting)
Mirror of Erised: All her loved ones, happy and safe, and not being the center of attention
Specialized/Favorite Spells: Episkey, Protego, Lumos, Expecto Patronum
Faceclaim: Mackenzie Foy
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In-Game Appearance:
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Height: 5'1"
Weight: 100 lbs.
Physique: Slim, Hourglass figure
Eye Color: Chocolate Brown
Hair Color: Medium-Dark Brown
Skin Tone: Pale, freckles
Body Modifications: ear piercing (basic)
Scarring: eventual slash on side (fighting Red Cap)
Inventory: peach lipgloss, dogeared copy of Emma, spiral notebook, colorful gel pens, and a locket with an old family photo in it
Hogwarts House: Hufflepuff
Ilvermorny House: N/A
Affiliations/Organizations: OotP (eventually), Hogwarts
Professions: Author
Hogwarts Information
Astronomy: O
Charms: O
Flying: A
Herbology: E
History of Magic: E
Potions: A
Transfiguration: O
Ancient Runes: O
Care of Magical Creatures: O
Divination: A
Quidditch: Spectator
Extra-Curricular: Frog Choir (Y3- Y?)
Favorite Professor(s): Flitwick, McGonagall, Sinestra
Least Favourite Professor(s): Snape, Binns, Trelawney
Brother: Nathan Samson Stone
Faceclaim: Young Eddie Redmayne
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BD: 26 May 1963 (Gemini)
Looked up to him for years
Aspired as a kid to be more like him
Thinks he's dead
Mildly resentful of how his actions have pushed her into the spotlight
Ravenclaw (Hat Stall — Slytherin)
Always more invested in his projects than spending time with friends/family
Misc Siblings: Casey Andrew Stone
Faceclaim: Young Alex Lawther (by age 11)
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BD: 11 August 1978 (Leo)
Loves and spoils him
Mildly relieved when he doesn't go to Hogwarts
Would 100% kill for him
Would have been in Gryffindor if he had went to Hogwarts
Very energetic
Loves to explore and get into trouble
Father: Sean Casey Stone
Faceclaim: Paul Rudd
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BD: 14 September 1943 (Virgo)
Primary School teacher
Energetic, friendly man
Can't discipline for the life of him
Only seen him angry once
After Rita Skeeter showed up on their doorstep multiple days in a row to try and interview Lucy after Y3
Got very calm and quiet, scared everyone within earshot
Lucy inherited this, but only happens when she feels extremely betrayed
Spend time together going to the movies and eating ice cream
Makes excellent food
Mother: Candace Lucille Samson-neé Stone
Faceclaim: Natalya Rudakova
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BD: 30 December 1942 (Capricorn)
Government Official
Calm, quiet woman
Spend time together reading in silence under fuzzy blankets by the fire
Gets louder when angry
Gets equally loud when simply frustrated
Sean says to this that she's "cute when she's angry"
Lucy inherited this
Can't cook or bake
Love Interest: Barnaby Lee
Best Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Charlie, Tonks, Tulip, André, Chiara
Neutral: Skye, Merula, Murphy, Talbott, Liz
Rival: Charlie (friendly, up until Y4), Merula
Enemy: Rakepick, Snape (his decision), Ismelda
Dormmates: Rowan, Penny, Tonks, Skye, Chiara
Closest Canon Friends: Rowan, Ben, Bill, Penny, Barnaby
Closest MC Friends: TBD
Background History:
Grew up in Dublin, Ireland in a muggle household
Was so excited for Nathan when Professor Sprout came in to give him his Hogwarts letter
Wrote to him every day for years until just after he disappeared
He stopped writing back regularly about a year or so before his disappearance
By the end of his last year there, he stopped writing back completely
She believes that searching for the vaults ended up killing her brother
Was still very excited when she got her own letter
Her parents were more worried for her than excited
Felt uneasy every time someone pointed her out for her relation to Nathan in Diagon Alley
Every year, she tries not to tell her parents too much about what goes on at school
She doesn't want to worry them about the events with the vaults
She tells them that she's actively avoiding them so that she doesn't end up like Nathan
She only tells them when someone (like Rakepick) is trying to push her towards investigating
She only begins looking into the vaults when people begin getting hurt
She begins mildly investigating the vault in Y4 after Tulip ends up in the hospital wing, and then more vigorously after she gets attacked in the courtyard
She is actually a little relieved when Casey doesn't get a Hogwarts letter
She loves him dearly, and feels bad that it upsets him, but she knows he's safer in the muggle world
Appears to be: sweet and naïve, very trusting, pretty face, easy to take advantage of
Actually: very studious, extremely trusting of her friends, uneasy around and untrusting of many adults, blames herself whenever anything goes wrong or someone gets hurt, hates being the center of attention, bit of a worrywart, and works best as part of a group
Loves to read and write, and her favorite authors are Jane Austen and Louisa May Alcott
Aesthetic: autumn tones (yellows, oranges, browns, and greens), ivy-covered cottages, old books, warm tea in (slightly chipped) teacups, scented candles (lemon, coffee, or sometimes honeysuckle), reading curled up by the fireplace, and stargazing
Style: oversized sweaters (usually not hers), skirts (just above the knees or sometimes mid-thigh after Y4), comfortable boots, knee high or thigh-high socks, overall skirts/shorts, striped shirts, floral dresses, ballet flats, long hair down with curls or a few small braids
She begins crushing on Barnaby almost immediately after meeting him
Thinks he's cute when she first meets him
The smile he had when he said " I like you, we should fight" caused the immediate "oh no, he's cute" thought that got the ball rolling
She and Barnaby are awful with mutual pining, both thinking that the other could do better
She thinks Barnaby needs someone who isn't constantly messing up and getting her friends in danger
Barnaby thinks she needs someone as smart as her, who can actually help her solve the problems of the vaults and be there to support her fully
The Celestial Ball only made it worse, as they both knew for certain how badly they like each other
Their friends started making bets on 1) who would ask who out first, 2) when it would happen, and 3) how long it would take them to realize they were perfect for each other
Charlie won 1 and 2 (Lucy and two months after the ball), but Penny won 3 (end of their first date).
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trashy-fujoshi-blog · 7 years
NDRV3 BOYS At Hogwarts~!
What if the NDRV3 Boys attended Hogwarts? What houses would they be in?
- NDRV3 Spoilers may be mentioned -
Proceed with discretion as always. 
Saihara Shuuichi
This boy is a Ravenclaw through and though.
He’s smart, but he sometimes need encouragement, or a bit of a push forwards.
It might take him longer to reach the answer than some of the other Ravens, but he gets there soon enough. 
He loves to read too, and his interests in Muggle Crime have him slightly alienated by some of the Purebloods in his house, that think he’s a bit odd to like all that kind of stuff.
Amami Rantaro
This little precious son is a Ravenclaw too.
He’s often found in the Library. Why  With his head buried deep in a book.
The topic doesn't matter to him, he liked to read anything really.
He can be quite sly when he wants to, and some people wonder if he should have been in Slytherin.
When he displays his intelligence and tactical planning though, it all becomes clear why the boy ended up in Ravenclaw.
He’s a genius, but he’s just hard to get along with unless you can overlook the scary faces he pulls sometimes and the secrets he keeps.
Korekiyo Shinguji
Kiyo is a Slytherin.
He’s sly, and he lurks in the shadows.
He’s cunning, and he knows exactly when to strike, displaying quite the mind.
Sometimes he can be a bit dark, and his humor occasionally is quite morbid, even for the often ‘dark’ house of Hogwarts.
He doesn’t really get along with most of the people in his house though, he likes to stay to himself. 
Gonta Gokuhara
Gonta is a Hufflepuff.
His friends mean the world to him, even more than bugs do.
He’s loyal until the end, and he’d never willingly do anything to hurt those close to him.
He’s someone nearly everyone at Hogwarts adores, even some of the Slytherin’s, though they wouldn’t openly admit to liking him, despite being Muggleborn.
He really enjoys COMC, because the magical world has huge insects and Gonta feels like he’s in bug heaven or something.
Kaito Momota
Kaito is a Gryffindor,
He’s brave, brash and loud. Sometimes a bit idiotic, but has the right intentions behind his actions.
He’s courageous though, and he doesn’t run when things look bad, and that’s always a good quality to have.
He doesn’t really understand house rivalry, and tries to just trust and befriend everyone, which is a bit silly but it certainly makes him popular.
Actually, some of the Slytherin’s don’t mind him, and overlook their houses petty rivalry because Kaito isn’t a bad person whatsoever. 
Ryoma Hoshi
Ryoma is a Hufflepuff.
He might not show it, but he cares inside, he’s loyal, and he trusts others, but he still has the courage to voice his opions if he disagrees.
He also has a love for COMC, like Gonta, and the two sometimes hang out, which is cute and weird, because they’re probably at the complete different ends of the height spectrum for Hogwarts students sizes.
Ryoma is sometimes hard to read, and occasionally likes to stay to himself, but he has friends to support him, and that’s good enough for him, he has someone to live for.
Ouma Kokichi
This sly cat is a Slytherin.
There’s no doubt about it, he’s cool, sly, cunning and above all, a genius at deceiving others. 
Ouma’s hidden behind walls upon walls, buried deep under masks he constructs to cover up his true nature.
He loves messing with literally anyone in the school, be it pranking his own housemates, or even the Headmaster.
He was threatened with expulsion before the Welcome Feast even ended one year, and he just laughed it off because that’s who he is.
Some of the Slytherin’s are terrified of him, because he can pull some really scary faces.
He’s know as being a huge liar, but no one can ever tell what’s the truth and what isn’t, except for maybe the emo Ravenclaw that he attaches himself to for entertainment.
Kiibo is also in Hufflepuff.
He’s loyal to his friends, and he would do anything for them.
He’s actually quite brave too, and sometimes he wonders if he would have fit in Gryffindor?
Kiibo likes to make sure everyone is treated equally, and he stands up for Muggleborns, against discrimination, even though he is a Pureblood himself.
Kiibo just wants to make sure everyone is happy, and he is a precious bean.
His friends literally love him, even his awkward nature, and the fact he sometimes doesn’t understand their words (because most of his friends use Muggle terms that don’t compute sometimes.)
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dramionediscussion · 3 years
piggybacking on the prev anon ask, I have to ask: what do ron and harry know about hermione's parents? we know so much about the weasleys, the dursleys, the blacks, the malfoys, we even know more about the longbottoms than the grangers. and half these characters appeared in like three books, and didn't have much of a role to play. is it because the grangers are muggles and JKR didn't want to put too much importance on them? but that's whole point of the series isn't it? solving the divide between muggles and wizards? it could have added so much to the plot--how the war affected them, whether they feared for their lives, what they thought about magic, etc. like the entire wizarding world from a muggle's perspective. wouldn't that have been brilliant? also, why didn't the order protect hermione's parents like they protected the dursleys? couldn't they have just added two more people to the journey?
on another note.........what do harry and ron know about hermione? yeah, they, and we the readers know she likes to read, she doesn't care much about appearances but she can clean up nice, she can be very ruthless, and the other "gryffindor" parts of her personality. but what do they know about her likes and dislikes? we know harry's favourite dessert is treacle tart, ron's favourite quidditch team is the chudley cannons, they even get each great, thoughtful birthday presents. but when it comes to hermione, I think they usually just get her candy, from when I read through the books recently. not one thoughtful gift suited to her interests.
imo, I think JKR based hermione's entire personality on "she likes to read. she's smart." and then forgot to give her other interests and hobbies. worse, ron and harry know almost nothing about hermione after 7 years.
The books are from Harry's POV, so clearly since we the reader don't get any info about Hermione's parents other than their occupation (which she mentions at a dinner and not because Harry asks her), clearly he doesn't she her as good of a friend as Ron is. I mean he did care for her, and he knows she is good to him, but it's not the same way as it is between Ron and him.
But yeah, what's her favourite type of music, what is her favourite muggle book, what was her life like before finding out she is a witch?
Harry was a muggle up until age 11, so was Hermione. Naturally she would be the person he connects with the most. You would think this would bond them. Then he meets Ron and becomes friends with him and Harry would be more obsessed with the Wizarding World than the muggle one. And this could have created a tension between the group where Harry feels torn between two worlds. And he has to find a balance, WHICH AS YOU SAID IS KINDA THE POINT OF THE ENTIRE SERIES! Showing that no one world is better, no one person is better. We can all live together in peace and harmony (which is not what Voldemort and his death eaters want).
I do think, looking back now, that JKR didn't really do a good job with her world building and characterizations. Some aspects are great and some characters are wonderful. But not all. And Hermione is a main character, based kinda on herself, you would think that she would spend more time developing this character than some of the secondary ones.
She really does contradict herself by trying to say muggleborns/muggles/halfbloods/purebloods are all equal, we shouldn't be dividing this world, while showing your main character (Harry) willingly forgetting his roots.
Someone said in a comment in the previous post that Harry has had a traumatic experience with muggles so it makes sense for him to never want to go back or not care for that side of his life. And I agree, but wouldn't Hermione be the best person to show him that it's not the world that is bad, it's just his shitty family.
- Lisa
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