#he even makes fun of jay for doing it lol. i'm aware that this is super obnoxious of me that's why no rb lmfao
brittlebutch · 1 year
turns out when you invest a huge amount of time learning details about a media you eventually reach a point where you stop being able to enjoy a significant number of jokes that other fans will make - this does not make you superior to these other fans, it mostly just makes you annoying (this is a vague post about myself)
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my-little-delusions · 8 months
To the Ends of the Universe Pt. 2 - Dick Grayson x Reader
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Pairings: Dick Grayson x Reader (Romantic), Bruce Wayne x Assistant!Pennyworth!Reader, Donna x Reader (Platonic)
Warnings: Death, cursing, violence, talk of self harm, talk of domestic abuse, talk of terminal illness and hospitals, experiments, smut (skippable)
(It's a long summary I know I'm sorry. Read it or don't.)
Summary: When you were 6 years old, you were diagnosed with a terminal illness. The doctors said there was nothing they could do, and your health would rapidly decline. You wouldn't live past 8 years old. Your parents refused to take that answer and decided to make their own cure for you. However, they couldn't stop there, they didn't just want to make you healthy, they wanted to make you super. Make sure nothing could put you in harms way ever again. After a faulty experiment when you were 10 years old, the lab they worked out of, killed your parents and left you a sole survivor.
When reports of a "super kid" loose on the streets reached Wayne Manor, Bruce picked you up. Alfred ended up adopting you legally, but when Bruce realized you had no control of your powers, he decided to train you. Teach you how to use your powers and keep them under control.
A year later Bruce adopted Dick. Growing up and Training side by side you and Dick were inseparable. Your crush on Dick, the cute guy you would with a year older than you, only got worse. As well as his protectiveness over you. Your relationship flourished and you two seemed unstoppable. But what happens when Dick convinces you to leave Gotham? Make a new life for yourselves all on your own.
Disclaimer: I am fully aware my timeline/numbers are screwy, don't think about it. This is based solely on the Titans show, it is definitely not comic accurate lol.
"I wish I didn't have to leave you baby," Dick mumbles, his arms wrapped around my waist.
"Baby," I smile looking up at him amused, "We can't do this every morning. You need to go to work, you said you would commit to this,"
"I know," He groans, pulling away, "You know they keep trying to give me a partner, I don't want to work with anyone but you,"
"I already told you I am not joining the force, there is too much surveillance on the cops,"
"No. Look, Dick, being the Green Jay with you and Bruce on occasion was fun, but it put too many targets on my head, I can't risk my powers getting linked to my identity. Even by the PD. I mean, can you even imagine what they would find if they drug-tested me?"
"You're right, you're right," Dick laughs, "I guess I just miss you is all, I'm not used to not seeing you all day every day you know," He says, placing a kiss on my lips.
"I miss you too," I say once I pull away, "How about when you get back tonight we have a night just to ourselves, alright?"
"Oh yeah?" He quirks, "Alright, I'll look forward to it.... Orrrr we could have right now to ourselves,"
"Oh my god just go to work," I smile, shoving him away a bit.
"Okay, okay," He throws his hands up in defeat, grabbing his keys and coat, "I'll see you when I get home."
"HEY BABE!" Dick calls, his voice laced with concern and an assertiveness I haven't heard since Gotham.
Swiftly I hurry my way towards the staircase, worry coursing through my veins. However, once I reach the stairs I freeze.
There Dick is at the bottom of the stairs, his lips pulled tightly in a like and a girl tucked away behind him.
"Fuck," I whisper under my breath, running up to him and pulling him into a hug. Dick just stands there, his shoulders slouched in defeat.
Pulling away, my eyes scan all of his features, my eyes glossing over slightly. His hardened face softens as he looks at me.
"I'm gonna go pack our stuff." He says, his tone is serious again,
"Okay.." I say, following him with my gaze as he brushes past me, his fingers lingering on mine. "Hi," I say, facing the girl. Her head whips up. "I'm Y/N, what's your name?"
Dick opens the car door to pop open the trunk.
"This is yours?" Rachel asks as she steps into the garage.
"Family heirloom," Dick answers, tossing our luggage in.
I walk up to him, my back to Rachel. Reaching out my hand, I rub his arm through his jacket, attempting to comfort him.
"I'm sorry baby," I whisper to him, aware that Rachel is most likely listening, but at least whispering doesn't invite her to chime in, "I know you really wanted to avoid this sort of thing again."
He looks at me with a soft smile, reaching his and over and placing it on top of my hand on his arm.
"From the circus?" Rachel asks,
Dick chuckles, looking up from me to Rachel, "Not the one you're thinking. Come on let's go."
I adjust my posture from leaning on the car and walk to the passenger side.Opening the door, I lean in to u latch the front seat, revealing the small 2nd row of the car.
Giving Rachel a smile, I motion for her to get it, but she hesitates.
"We'll keep you safe, I promise,"
"That's not something you can promise," Rachel says to me before getting in the car anyway.
I push the front seat back into place and get in.
This feels like something we can't turn back from.
The awkward silence in the car since we left the garage is slowly becoming unbearable. Tensions are high. I can practically feel the stress radiating off of dick.
Looking over at him, I can see his emotions plastered all over his face. It's a look I haven't had to see since we left Gotham. Exhaustion. Sadness. Anger. All of it.
My heart clenches and I reach over to Dick's free hand, pulling it over to my lap and holding it. Giving him reassuring squeezes throughout the drive every time I feel him tense.
"Where are we going?" Rachel finally speaks up,
"Somewhere safe," Dicks says, swallowing hard,
"My mom, says there's no such thing as monsters," Rachel turns her head to look out the window, "I think she was wrong."
"Thank you," Dick says to the waitress, "You want a hot chocolate or something?"
"Just a coffee, black," Rachel says,
"I bet they have marshmallows," Dick smiles. My heart swells a bit as I look at him. I haven't seen many smiles like that from him in a long time. Definitely not in Gotham.
"I'm not a kid, okay?" Rachel snaps at him a bit,
"Rachel..." I say, with a bit of a warning tone, glancing at the waitress standing there awkwardly.
"Okay, same for the lady," Dick says and the waitress fills up Rachel's cup with a smile, gesturing to offer me some.
"I'm okay, thank you,"
The waitress gives me a smile before walking away.
"My mom didn't like me to drink coffee," Rachel says, reaching for the sugar and pouring a long steady stream of it into her cup.
Dick chuckles, "Sweet tooth, huh?"
Rachel says nothing.
"Rachel, has anything like.. like what happened happened before?"
"No, not like that," Rachel takes a deep breath, her voice growing shaky, "I didn't mean to kill that guy,"
"How did you kill that guy," Dick presses further, but Rachel only takes a sip of her coffee and stares off to the side. "We're gonna go see some old friends of ours," Dick glances at me, They're safe, they'll give us a place to lie low for a second, get our heads together. Give us some time to get our heads together."
"You're scared I get it," I say to Rachel, "But sometimes there's no time to be scared,"
And then.
Blinding pain.
That's all I could feel.
It felt as if my head was boiling and my bones were freezing and cracking.
"Fuck." I say, my eyes squeezing shut my body beginning to curl in on itself. My hand reaches out to grip Dick's arms, gripping him hard, my nails digging into his forearm.
"Y/n? Baby? Hey, hey what's going on?" Dick's worried tone just barely breaking through the crackling noises sounding in my head. Opening my eyes, I can make out Dick's worried expression through my blurred vision, his brows furrowed, eyes wide, lips parted slightly.
"Dick?" I say, my voice is shaky as my vision begins to grow dark, my body becoming numb.
"Babe, come on, talk to me, what's happening right now?" Dick begins to tap my face lightly, trying to get me to wake up.
All of a sudden, it feels like my body is getting pumped with pure oxygen and I gasp loudly, drawing attention from.others in the restaurant.
My chest heaves and I look around the room frantically as Dick continues to stare me down with his worried expression.
Dick's hands cup my face, "Are you okay? What just happened right now?"
"I-I don't know," I say, "I think I'm okay... I'm okay"
Authors Note: This fic really is for the girls who just wanna take care of the poor baby. :/
Request Open!
(If there's anything specific you want to see in this story as well, just comment it, I am open to suggestions)
Lemme know if you wanna be on the taglist
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I don’t remember if I or anyone else has given this song yet… but Tongues & Teeth by The Crane Wives is so Alex
I love this song, but i usually relate it to Desert Duo (from third life and double life, idk if you know what that is but it's a cool minecraft series and its amazing so you should lol) so I'd never even thought about it in the context of Sorry, It's Locked.
But oh my god?
You're so right?
It's so Alex?
Anyway, uh, Too long and very armature analysis incoming. As usual lol. I have far too many thoughts, as always, about my babies, and I've been writing sorry its locked Jam for the last couple days so I need to remind myself of the dumpster fire of a relationship the fic started with :D (I'm kidding, i love Jaylex in this fic and wish I hadn't done them so dirty, they could have been amazing. but also i love angst)
This whole song feel's like Alex kinda, like, reminiscing over his and Jay's relationship? Or, like, how it ended, but like, reminiscing in the moment? Do you know what I mean? Or is reminiscing over something while it's still happening just a me thing lol. Anyway, super long thing incoming (I'm so sorry, it's so long. This song has me in a chokehold).
I've grown a mouth so sharp and cruel It's all that I can give to you, my dear And when you come in quick to steal a kiss My teeth will only cut your lips, my dear
As far as Alex is concerned, his relationship with Jay didn't start out bad. Back in college, when they started their fwb situation it was pretty healthy (though that did go downhill relatively quickly) It started out fine, but tension grew as soon as Alex realized that Jay actually liked him and that he couldn't bring himself to like Jay back, or to allow himself to like Jay back. That started the friction between them, but they kept fucking because it was fun, they both enjoyed themselves, and Jay didn't call it off yet. Alex definitely liked Jay, but he didn't necessarily know he liked Jay back. And didn't know how to express it, so he just didn't.
Then obviously the stuff with the Operator started, and that changed Alex's personality a lot, making him irritable and unpleasant to be around, even for the people he'd been friends with the longest. His mouth grew sharp and cruel, but he didn't break off his thing with Jay because it was the one place where he actually felt in control of his life. Jay did what Alex told him to, and Alex didn't have to wrestle with himself to not be unkind to him, because that was what Jay wanted (as far as he'd made Alex aware, that was what he wanted out of their dynamic)
If Jay tried to initiate anything softer, or more romantic with Alex back in college (or even just mentioned it, sometimes) Alex would shut him down. His teeth cut Jay's lips when Jay went in to steal a kiss, because Alex couldn't let himself get attached, and if he let Jay kiss him without it being used as something to spur them on to acts where Alex was definitively in control, he wouldn't be able to cope with it.
(jesus this is already so long. im so sorry if you decide to read all of this dude)
And I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent
Jay trying to help Alex after they meet up again is pretty much the last thing Alex actually wants. He asked Jay for help to find Amy while his thoughts were being edited and glitched out by the Operator, so when he first got in contact with Jay again, he did it so he could try and kill Jay. Then he regained his senses a little and realized that the absolute worst thing Jay could do was stick around. Like, obviously Jay meant well in trying to help Alex, but Alex hadn't meant well when he'd asked for help.
Jay wants to help, and he want's to rebuild the friendship he once had with Alex. He wants to help find Amy, despite Alex leaving him for her. He wants to help figure out what happened to Alex back in college. He wants to help figure out how to save Alex from what he's figured out happened. But Alex isn't the person Jay's well intentioned helpfulness should be aimed towards.
Alex doesn't really think he needs saving, he's convinced he has to save everyone else. But he has a twisted understanding of what it means to save people, and his idea of saving people often directly lines up with the things the Operator edits his thoughts to make him do. He doesn't (can't) realize that the things he does to save people (killing them) and the things the Operator edits his thoughts to make him think it's okay to do (killing those same people) are the same thing.
When he has a bit more sense about him, he realises that killing because it's what the Operator put in his head is awful and not something he wants to do. But he doesn't see killing people to 'save them' as the same thing. He barely even sees it as killing half the time, and even when he does, it's for the greater good.
So he doesn't think he needs help and he doesn't think he needs saving. And even if he did realise he needs help, Alex doesn't believe himself worthy of being helped or saved, not when he knows what he really intended to do when he first asked Jay for help.
I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything And if you're fine with that You can be mine like that
SO i have two lines of thinking about what this verse could mean
Post College:
Alex doesn't break pretty items that Jay owns (he doesn't have any that Alex could break, really) but he does break Jay in a way. After they argue in the parking lot, he realizes that Jay isn't going to stop trying to help him, no matter what, so he'll have to force him to, by breaking Jay's heart and making him hate him.
Jay's heart is a pretty thing: It was loving even when Alex was giving it nothing but a good fuck in return. It made Jay help Alex with his student film even as Alex became more and more unbearable to work with. It made Jay come back to help Alex all over again when his girlfriend 'disappeared'.
Alex had to save Jay, and his own (deeply buried) feelings for Jay stopped him from just killing him like he had to save Amy, and Seth, and Sarah, and all the others. He had to find another way, and the only way he could think of was to wring Jay dry of every ounce of care he still held for Alex.
During College:
Alex wasn't trying to hurt Jay and break his heart, if anything he felt constantly like he was doing nothing but breaking his own heart over and over again by denying himself the chance to actually date Jay. So he kept up the fwb situation with Jay because it 'suited' both of them (aka neither of them voiced the issues they had with it to the other) until he'd wrung Jay dry and an opportunity to escape having to deal with his own sexuality (Amy) came along.
But, if Amy hadn't come along and offered Alex the perfect way out, he would have kept the fwb going for as long as he could, not willing to give up having Jay in the only way he felt he could until he absolutely had to. If Jay could be fine with that, he could be Alex's like that, with their relationship never progressing and only ever wearing the two of them down until they resented each other and couldn't take it anymore.
They were never not going to go down in flames, but they could light the fire with wet wood and suffocate slowly on the smoke until the fire finally took and burned them up quickly and painfully.
Abandon all your stupid dreams About the girl I could have been, my dear 'Cause in the night I know you burn with feelings I cannot return, my dear Oh, my dear
In college, Alex was silently begging Jay to give up his hopes of ever actually dating him, of them being together officially. He knew what Jay wanted him to be to him, but he also knew that he couldn't be that. He wanted to, somewhere squashed deep down, he really really wanted to be the soft, loving, romantic partner that Jay was waiting and hoping he'd turn into, but he knew it wouldn't happen. Maybe he didn't realize all of that consciously. Consciously he probably just thought he didn't like Jay like that at all, that he was just a good lay and that was the end of it. But he had one too many dreams about taking Jay on quiet, gentle dates for him to really only see Jay as a good fuck.
The thing is though, that he knows what Jay wants them to be to each other. He knows from the way that Jay looked at him whenever he messes up and starts treating him a little nicer, a little gentler, a little softer, when they fuck.
He knows that during those moments where they still together and catch their breaths, and Jay looks up at him like he's hung the stars just because he's brushing his sweaty hair out of his face, that Jay has those feelings and those hopes. And he knows he can't return those feelings. He can't return the love that Jay lavishes on him by not telling him to fuck off and going and finding someone who is willing to treat him the way he really wants to be treated. It kills him, but there's nothing he can do about it.
(Also good news, you're about half way through :D whoooooo, the torment isn't eternal!)
You gotta know that this won't last Desperation will erase the fact I'm keeping all Of the answers in my cigarette box Yeah, the answer's in the second before the other shoe drops And if you're blind to that I am fine with that
Back in college, Alex needed Jay to know that their arrangement couldn't last, that as much as Jay wanted it to work and wanted Alex to magically sort out the shit in his head that left him too scared to even properly date Jay in secret rather than just being fwb, it wouldn't. Alex needed Jay to know that it wouldn't change unless it was to break the whole thing off entirely, which is what happened, it was what was always going to happen. But if Alex could have made Jay realize that that was what he should have expected, and that nothing he could do would 'fix' that, maybe the not-breakup wouldn't have hurt Jay so badly.
Alex didn't want to hurt him, he wasn't trying to hurt him back in college, he was just trying to stop himself from hurting by continuing their fwb relationship. Alex's life was spiraling out of control, his own thoughts were spiraling out of his control, as were his actions sometimes, and the only time he felt secure in his control over himself and his life, was when he was controlling Jay in scenes.
The answers he always gave Jay when Jay got up the courage to try to talk about their relationship, and what he hoped it could become, weren't the truthful answers. Alex told him he didn't like him back, told him he was just a good fuck, when the real answer was that he was terrified out of his mind, and the idea of changing their relationship even a little felt dangerous. Because their fwb relationship worked and it gave Alex the control he needed, if they started dating that would bring in a huge amount of unknown variables, and if it ended up not working? That would leave Alex with nothing. Not to mention the general internalized homophobia, and the homophobia all around them meaning that it could be genuinely dangerous for both of them if the wrong people found out.
So he keeps all the real answers hidden away in a place Jay won't look for them, in a 'cigarette box' (behind the lies he tells instead) because it's something easily hidden, its something that wouldn't look out out of place, just like the lies he tells don't look out of place. Jay has no real reason to question the answers Alex gives him, they make sense and Alex's behavior seems to back up the idea that he doesn't like Jay the same way Jay likes him.
And Jay's desperation to have a relationship with Alex blinds him to the fact that it could actually be possible if only Alex would stop lying to him. Any time Jay sees a crack in Alex's facade he second guesses himself, insisting that it's just wishful thinking and that little glimpse behind the walls Alex has built was just something his hopeful, lovesick mind made up. It's always a split second, something so tiny and easy to miss that Jay automatically dismisses it.
Oh, I will ruin you Oh, I will ruin you It's a habit, I can't help it I know that you mean so well But I am not a vessel for your good intent
After college, when Jay and Alex meet up again and everything that happens after the argument in the parking lot happens, Alex knows that it's a terrible idea. He knows that all it'll do is reopen old, half healed, half festering wounds and rub salt in them, but Jay wants it, and he wants Jay so he doesn't stop them. He's lost all of his friends (whether to death or just distance), he's lost Amy, and the only thing he has left is an old, already failing not-relationship with Jay. So to tries to make himself feel better by rekindling that.
He and Jay fuck in the parking lot and Alex realizes that this is most likely going to be the last chance he ever gets to have Jay back, even just for one night. And if this is the last chance, he doesn't want it to be exactly the same as it was in college, so he takes Jay back to his house and does all the things he'd been too scared to back in college. Because who would find out? And if anyone did? Why would it matter, Alex's life had already fallen apart and become controlled by fear and a monster, what was getting beaten up for being queer in comparison to that?
This was his last chance to have Jay back, and Alex knew he had to make sure of that. He couldn't drag Jay into all of this, so he had to ruin everything in the worst way possible, and having taken Jay back to his house and treated him so nicely was (instead of coming back to bite him in the ass) going to work in his favor. Even in being nice, he was going to be hurting Jay, but that was what he had to do. Hurting Jay is a habit he can't kick, it's woven into his dna at this point and there's nothing he can do about that other than try to twist it into being something that's for Jay's own sake.
If he can just make Jay hate him enough, he can save him, he can drive him away and Jay won't be a target of the man in the black suit.
I will only break your pretty things I will only wring you dry of everything But if you're fine with that If you're fine with that
Same as earlier :]
I will poison all your happy thoughts I will love you like the ashes in my cigarette box And if you're fine with that You can be mine If you're fine with that You can be mine, oh
Jay's 'happy thoughts' that Alex is poisoning are the memories of how nicely Alex treated him when they got back to his house. In the moment of it all, he wasn't thinking of anything other than showing Jay how much he actually cared about him and how he should have been being treated all along. In the moment he just wanted to be good to Jay. It was only afterwards that he realized what he'd have to do, and he took the next morning to spit poison into their breakfast, which could have been a turning point in their relationship if only they weren't doomed by the damn narrative.
So Alex ruins the night before for Jay by telling him he hadn't even wanted to remember that it was him he was fucking. He poisons those memories forever, as well as poisoning the idea of being treated well in general for Jay.
Alex loves all those truthful answers that he kept hidden away behind lies back in college. Those truths are what he was trying to finally finally let out when he and Jay spent the night together at his house.
He loves Jay like he loves those truthful answers that he never got to give him back in college, bitterly. Those truths were things he never thought he'd get to, never wanted to get to tell Jay, they sat rotting behind the lies he told, and now he can only look at them with a painful sort of nostalgia because it's too little too late.
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harmoniesandhijinks · 23 days
"Hey, look at this weird kid I found!"
-- one of the twins, probably Heya! Welcome to whatever this is, lol If you know me, then you're either someone who checked puyo tumblr a lot during 2018-2023, or one of my followers/friends on my main [in which case, hii!! hello!!! The voices won.] In any case, welcome one, welcome all! I'm Phione, aka the person running this blog, aka a clinically insane professional dummy, aka one of the few HarmoKnight fans that exist, aka--ok you get the jist. I have roleplayed on Tumblr before, but that was a LONG while ago, so i might be a little rusty on this! [im more used to discord tupperbox roleplays,,,] So apologies if I make any mistakes! If you're interested in interacting, check out the read more below!
In any cases, here's the rules! 1. No NSFW interactions or ANYTHING of the sort. While I may be 18 now, the Twins and Tempo are minors. Plus, that sort of stuff creeps me out and makes me VERY uncomfortable! So please refrain from doing that! 2. No fetish interactions. I'm not someone who you can push your weird fantasies upon. Plus, I had to cut ties with someone earlier in the year who would do just that, so stuff like that will make me uncomfortable. 2.5. However, I WILL allow magic anons, as those tend to be fairly harmless. Just not too many at once! [or back to back] 3. Please don't send any kind of slurs! I'm sure both Puyo fandom and HarmoKnight fandom are smart enough to not do that, but I'm putting that out there! 4. I have the right to say no to what's going on. If I ask you to stop, I mean it! And if I say no to an ask or rp, PLEASE don't push me to do it! 5. More rules will be added when I think of em. So be sure to check back here regularly! 6. Any violation of these rules will result in a block if taken too far. [However, violating rules 1 and 2 will result in an instant block.] ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Some Misc. stuff: Please don't be nervous to send an ask or RP invite into my dms! As long as you use common sense, you'll be fine :D I tend to be a little silly sometimes, so do expect some laughs and giggles here and there! I also tend to get nervous really easy however, so if you want to do something with me, please come to me and ask about it! I'm TOTALLY fine with mutliverse RPs! I mean, that was kinda obvious since this is literally an RP/Ask blog with two different games, lol. So long as the source material isn't anything bad [COUGH COUGH coaall COUGH COGUH] we should be fine! I am aware that there is another puyo ask/rp blog that technically also as the twins, and to that I don't mind! Unless it makes the op of that blog very upset in which case I'm really sorry. I don't mind doubles, but if it makes the OP of the other blog upset then I'll stop. Totally fine with AU roleplays though! As long as the origin of the AU isn't from a problematic source, then it's a-okay!
Socials!!! @phioneplatinum - Main, check it out if you wanna see what I do on a regular basis! @melodiafunfacts - A HarmoKnight fun facts blog I run! Check it out if you wanna see what obscure facts I can dig up from an even obscurer game! phioneplatinum - Discord tag if you wanna be friendos! [Or see my full power with Tupper Rps, lol] I'm not quite caught up on the more recent internet stuff [ex: pronouns, fictionkins, stuff like that], so PLEASE forgive me if I make a mistake!! Speaking of pronouns, I go with She/Her pronouns! I see Elle with She/Her pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them, be my guest! I see Jay with He/Him pronouns, but if you want to go with They/Them like Elle, go ahead! Tempo goes with He/Him pronouns, for those unaware about HarmoKnight! [and also thought he was a girl] Annnd I think that's it! I hope to see you around! Stay safe! :D [I'll probably make a caard with character bios and rp info, so be on the lookout for that!! :D]
[note, i tend to shorten harmoknight as rhhk [Rhythm Hunter: HarmoKnight] as to not confuse it with HK/Hollow Knight, so if you see those four letters, assume i'm talking about HarmoKnight!! :D]
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Lmao np <33 I always enjoy drawing Yandere's as pathetic lil meow meows hehe (funfact: I actually drew Rory first but after I finished his lineart I was like, wait shit I don't have a full color reference- and then I hyperfocused on drawing jay instead lol)
Also, you 🤝 me: jayce + jack o' lanterns = stonks ✅ ✅ ✅
Also also, ngl if Darling were self-aware she'd def hate me, because I always try to speedrun the Bad ending first lmaooo
Also^3, every time I hear baggy pants, I can't help but remember the boys I went to school with a few years ago, who wore the most ugly, most a t r o c i o u s pairs of baggy pants I have ever seen 💀💀
For Reference: https://imgur.com/a/fZsHsF7
This is what I'm talking about^^ like pls,, just sTO P-
About the blue reference, the paragraph I meant was the one about how I only liked EJ so much because of his BLUE mask 😔 young me truly set the bar too low (maybe it's because of him that I'm attracted to most fictional mad scientists/doctors with no morals now, damn this bastard 😒)
Oh, and the OG mikey myers Movie is the 1978 one! ^^
And finally about the Christian Gang /hj (every holiday Yandere of yours has/used to have strong Christian influences but these three are still considered extra Christian to me so I'm just gonna start calling em that lolololol)
Gonna be honest, when you revealed that one of them was gonna be Christmas, I immediately headcanoned him as just some guy in Christmas elf costume- thank god that's not the case though (I say, even though I know damn well that I'm still gonna draw him in that costume the nanosecond you drop a ref for him, because he's a lil skrimblo who needs to get a reality check via me shitposting him into humility)
Also ofc the twins are ginger 😒🙄 /derogatory /j okay but fr, whenever I see a fictional ginger online I'm like ....Ed Sheeran??? 😱😱 (coughcoughchildecough)
-Ren'py anon
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He only wears shades outside lol
Eh, I mean, its always fun to get the bad ending first though. Just to see then get all angry and violent 😍 good shit tbh
MC would def hate you, but I feel like it would take a bit to get the bad bad ending yk? I don't have the obvious, good/neutral/bad choices most of the time (although there are some choices that will obviously lead to negative consequences lol)
Though they can look good if done right, those boys at school were definitely not doing it right 💀
Now I understand the blue reference! Ugh how did I MISS IT SO BAD 😭 gosh you were going crazy abt him and the color blueeeeee
I understand how that all kick started ur obsession with fucked up men. We are one in the same 😎
Hehehe thank you for the confirmation! I will be watching Myers stand there menacingly as I look up fics of him 😍
It's so funny that you call them the Christan gang, but it's not gonna have all the significant original values and whatnot. It's just a global holiday thingy that everybody does regardless of religious background (Though I'm glad you still see their origins and acknowledge their important purpose to many other people!)
It would be very funny to see him as an elf that works at the mall as a side 😇 He needs it anyway
Typical gingers 🙄 so sensitive dude
Childe is one of the only gingers I can tolerate. If these two didnt have a life and played Genshin, they would favor Childe so much.
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minghaoyoudoin · 2 years
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pairing: non idol!sunghoon x fem!art student!reader
genre: enemies to lovers / smut with plot / a dash of fluff at the end / college au
words: 9.7k (whoops)
rating: 18+ only!!! I'm watching you, minors 😡
warnings: non-idol!sunghoon, fem!reader, switch but dom-leaning!sunghoon, switch but sub-leaning!reader, brief mentions of divorce, alcohol consumption, very brief mention of food, y/n dislikes sunghoon for a good bit of this, bad language, dirty talk, mentions of school but all characters are in college, very intense making out, some grinding if you squint, dahyun is kind of a bad friend at one point, teasing, hate sex but not really, oral sex (m&f receiving), unprotected sex (just don't!!!), cowgirl, fancy missionary (I forgot the actual name lol), marking, breeding kink if you look at it upside down, multiple orgasms, body worship, spit kink if you read it while doing a cartwheel, aftercare, and I think that's it!
- also featuring dahyun of twice, mentions of wonyoung of ive, and sunoo, jay, jake, and heeseung of enhypen
a/n: I! love! park! sunghoon! this was lots of fun to write, I spent way too much time on it, lol. also, most of the idols featured are aged up or down solely so that they're all in college at the same time as y/n. for reference, they're all in the 21-22 age range! please like and/or reblog to show your support, I have a fancy medal with your name on it!!! -j
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The day your life started to go downhill was the day you met Park Sunghoon.
Insufferable in every way, Sunghoon was the type of person people noticed when he walked into a room. His smile was addictive, his hair always seemed to fall perfectly over his forehead, and everyone laughed at his jokes. But your distaste for him went deeper than his charisma, of course.
It all began the summer after third grade. Your parents had been fighting again and you, tired of the noise, decided it would be better to wait it out on the curb in front of your house. You hastily wiped away each new tear that fell with the sleeve of your sweater, content to listen to the thunder booming in the distance and study the ladybug crawling across your shoe.
You’d only looked up when the sounds of bicycles speeding across cement interrupted your thoughts. A group of boys were approaching fast down the street, hooting and laughing at a joke you hadn’t heard. They were led by the one and only Park Sunghoon himself, the most popular nine year-old to ever walk the halls of your elementary school. All of your classmates seemed to know and admire him, and you were no exception.
The boys sped past you, hardly sparing a glance in your direction as they continued shouting between themselves. Sunghoon, however, screeched to a harsh stop directly in front of where you sat on the curb.
He examined you unabashedly, an odd look of interest on his face as his gaze lifted to your house behind you. The muffled sounds of your parents’ argument could be heard from the street. You felt a misplaced surge of embarrassment at the thought of Sunghoon knowing about your miserable home life, though you couldn’t begin to place why.
His eyes, an even warmer shade of brown in his youth, fell again to you. You hugged your knees to your chest and offered a small wave.
“Looks like rain.” He announced flatly. You nodded, aware that your confusion at his statement showed on your face. A particularly loud shout from your mother echoed from behind you and you grimaced. A new emotion that you couldn’t identify overtook Sunghoon’s face. “They should just get divorced already.”
You stiffened. “What?”
“Wouldn’t it be better?” He hedged, something like curiosity in his tone.
You swallowed thickly, immediately defensive. “Why would they? They love each other.” Another impassioned exclamation, from your father this time. “Or they used to.” You amended weakly.
“Love is for idiots.” Sunghoon gripped the handlebars of his bike, suddenly aware that his friends had already reached the end of your street. He tossed one last look in your direction, oblivious to the anger bubbling inside your chest. He looked like he wanted to say something else, but he only mumbled again, “Looks like rain.”
And then he was gone, taking off down the road faster than you could shout after him.
Perhaps your dislike for the boy had grown past reasonable levels as the years passed, but you couldn’t find it within yourself to see him the same way after that. In that moment, your already fragile child mind had needed a friend more than anything in the world. Maybe a little assurance that everything would work out. And instead, you’d gotten the boy you privately idolized telling you love wasn’t worth much of anything at all.
So, you’d stopped looking up when he walked into the room. You entertained your best friend Dahyun’s infatuation with him through middle and high school, just barely. You didn’t laugh at his jokes when you were near enough to hear them and inwardly groaned at the girls whispering about him in the halls. When he mentioned the birthmark beneath your left eye during a party freshman year of high school, you started covering it with makeup. You’d only stopped hiding it when you started sophomore year of college, solely because you decided you couldn’t be bothered anymore.
Basically everyone from your city went to the same university, a small campus in the center of downtown. And unfortunately, this included Sunghoon and his band of hooligans. Every now and then you’d pass him on campus, and while you tried your absolute hardest to ignore him, he didn’t always get the memo. On seemingly random days he would lean over, flash you a grin that exposed his unusually sharp canines, and casually say, “Looks like rain.”
To make matters worse, he was always right. Every single time, within minutes of Sunghoon speaking those three words, the sky would crack open and you would be forced to admit defeat, yet again.
“Hello? Anyone home in there?” Dahyun’s voice scared you from your thoughts. She poked your shoulder with a manicured fingernail, smiling apologetically when you yelped in pain.
You snapped back into the present, once again noticing the paintbrush in your hand and the mostly-blank canvas propped in front of you. There was red paint on the end of your brush—you’d been holding it for so long that it was beginning to dry.
“Sorry,” you muttered and deposited the paint in a random place on the canvas. “I zoned out, I guess.”
“If Mr. Bang catches you slacking he’ll make you stay after to clean up.” Dahyun said solemnly, flicking her long braid over a shoulder. “And that would be bad because…” She paused expectantly, obviously waiting for you to complete her sentence.
“Because… you’d miss me?”
Dahyun snorted. “Sunoo’s birthday party is tonight, asshole, but that too.”
Right. Sunoo. Birthday. You’d completely forgotten.
The invitations had been sent a few weeks ago, but you were so caught up with your modern art project that it had slipped your mind. The project that, of course, was none other than the empty white canvas sitting before you—now accompanied by an impulsive streak of red paint.
“It’s fine that you forgot,” Dahyun added a tasteful whorl of teal to the garden scene she was expertly painting. “As long as Sunoo doesn’t find out, of course. You know he’s been excited about this for months, right?”
You did. Sunoo was a mutual friend of you and Dahyun’s, too close to be considered an acquaintance but nowhere near the position the girl next to you held in your heart.
Sunoo was also a member of Sunghoon’s friend group, a fact which you determinedly decided to forget every time it crossed your mind. The boy seemed too good for that gaggle of boys, in your opinion, but he apparently saw something in them that you didn’t.
When you didn’t respond, Dahyun said, “I’m not letting you flake, by the way. I need someone there to get drunk with, otherwise I might just die of boredom.”
You didn’t bother arguing, you just nodded tightly. It would probably be fun, in all honesty—Sunoo would be elated at your presence, and drunk Dahyun was truly a sight to behold. So were you, for that matter, but it was a general rule of yours that you didn’t acknowledge your intoxicated alter ego while sober.
It didn’t matter that Sunghoon would most definitely be there. He was one of Sunoo’s best friends, so you could play nice for a night if you had to. You were an adult, after all.
You felt Dahyun’s eyes on you and you glanced over at her curiously. She was staring with a small smile on her face, her painting forgotten in front of her.
“Yes, fine, I’ll be there. I’m totally stealing that dress, though.” Dahyun knew which dress you spoke of. Black and short, a number that did wonders for your legs and ass. She pretended to pout for a moment, though you knew it was fake by the glimmer of excitement in her eyes.
“You’ve got a deal.”
Dahyun insisted that you arrive to the party fashionably late, which by her standards was over an hour after the time on the invitation. It made you a little anxious, but you were certainly used to it by now. At least it meant most people would already be too drunk to bother you.
You mounted the steps to Sunoo’s house at eight-fifteen, Dahyun hanging on your arm. You had barely finished ringing the doorbell when the front door swung open, revealing a pink-cheeked Sunoo, holding a solo cup in his hand and haloed by flashing colored lights further inside the house.
“Sunoo!” Dahyun detached from your arm and launched herself forward, pulling Sunoo towards her in what must have been a bone-crushing hug.
The boy cackled and returned her embrace with equal excitement. “You guys came! Come in, the guys were just about to start beer pong!”
Dahyun vanished through the door with a quick glance in your direction, urging you to follow. You gave Sunoo a quick hug and wished him happy birthday, genuinely pleased by the overjoyed smile on his face when you handed him an egregiously expensive bottle of whiskey. You’d managed to sneak it from your childhood home a few years ago during the chaos of your parents’ divorce, intending to save it for a special occasion, but an opportunity to drink it never came. Giving it to a freshly-minted 21 year-old seemed as good a reason as any to break the seal.
You were hit by a wall of music the second you stepped through the door. You weren’t familiar with the song but you liked its beat, enjoying the way the bass reverberated through your chest.
Sunoo’s house was really nice, especially for one rented by a group of college-age boys. It was certainly large enough to fit the hundred-and-something people he had invited. The music pounded from a sound system in the living room, portable LED lights set up around the house that rapidly flashed between colors. People were everywhere, almost all of them holding some drink or another in their hands as they laughed or danced.
You were a little surprised—this scene wasn’t usually Sunoo’s speed, but he seemed to be having the time of his life regardless. You spotted him standing in the kitchen, bouncing from foot to foot as he excitedly talked about something to his friends. You recognized them immediately—Jay and Jake, another two members of Sunghoon’s friend group.
Thankfully, you didn’t see your self-proclaimed nemesis among them.
This observation gave you the bravery to approach, a wide smile plastered onto your face. Dahyun pranced into the kitchen at the same time you did, twin bottles of fireball already clutched in her fists. She thrusted one into your face and shook it insistently.
“Drink!” She shouted over the music, her voice dripping with laughter. You echoed the sound, your chest warming at seeing your friend’s joy. She giggled as you took a bottle from her and tossed your head back, enjoying the burn as it went down.
You laughed as you handed the bottle back at last, a bit of fireball still coating your lips and dripping down your chin.
“You guys!” The sound of Jay’s voice drew your attention. “Down to play?” He gestured to the solo cups meticulously arranged on the kitchen island, already filled with what looked suspiciously like vodka.
You wrinkled your nose. “I thought beer pong was supposed to be played with beer.” You shouted back.
Someone clapped you on the shoulder—Heeseung, you saw when you turned. “Not if you play it the fun way.” Though he had leaned down so his lips were level with your ear, he still shouted to be heard over the music. His voice nearly deafened you.
You shook your head as Dahyun eagerly nodded hers, abandoning her bottles of fireball on the counter so she could take a ping pong ball from Jake. You groaned inwardly. Your silent pleas for Dahyun to meet your eyes were left unanswered as she took her stance on the opposite side of the island.
You sighed. “I’ll referee!” You announced to no one in particular. “Make sure you bastards don’t cheat.” The people gathered around the ‘court’ laughed and Jay signaled for the game to begin.
All of them except Heeseung, it seemed, were terrible at beer pong. You stood awkwardly by the sink for half of the first game, laughing along with the group as the fireball you’d recklessly chugged caught up to you. When you tired of standing, you braced your hands on the marble countertop behind you and hauled yourself on top of it, crossing your legs at the ankles in front of you. The heels you’d chosen to wear with Dahyun’s dress were incredible for everything except standing. Or walking. Okay, maybe they weren’t very practical.
By the end of the second game, you were genuinely enjoying yourself. You sipped at the mixed drink Sunoo had handed you a while ago, appreciating the coconut rum and Dahyun’s theatrics every time she scored.
Maybe parties like this weren’t so bad. It was certainly a relief not to be stressing over your unfinished painting, even if it was just for a few hours. Plus your body was thrumming with warmth from the alcohol—you felt carefree, physically as much as mentally.
“Having fun?”
You froze at the voice that spoke in your ear, perfectly clear despite the thunderous music. You knew who you would see when you followed the sound, but you couldn’t seem to help looking at him anyway.
Sunghoon was standing next to the counter you sat on, staring at you intensely as he waited for your response to his question. Like everyone else, he held a solo cup in his hand, though his cheeks didn’t hold the tell-tale drunken rosiness that you were sure marred your own.
I was, you thought to yourself.
“What changed?” He asked casually. How could you hear him so clearly over the music? You could barely hear your own thoughts.
You realized that you had voiced your gripe aloud. “Nothing,” you said quickly. “Doesn’t matter.”
Sunghoon glanced at his friends, still gathered around the kitchen island watching the game play out like it was the most riveting thing they’d ever seen. Jake did some sort of ridiculous spin move before throwing the ping pong ball like it was a basketball, missing the cups by at least a foot.
The boy next to you didn’t speak again, but you found your attention being drawn to him, anyway. Terrified of being caught, you slowly shifted your eyes from the game in front of you to where he stood at your side.
He looked good. Even you had to admit it, with no small stab of annoyance. Sunghoon was dressed in all black, a thick leather jacket pulled over his t-shirt and a chain attached to his waist. His hair—did it always look that soft?—was longer now than it had been last time you dared to look at him, falling over his forehead into his eyes. The strobing lights behind him, accompanied by the soft amber glow in the kitchen, highlighted the colors of him in a way that made it impossible to look away. Briefly, you foolishly wondered what it would be like to paint him.
Get a grip, you chided yourself.
“You’re staring.” Sunghoon didn’t look away from the beer pong game in front of you as he spoke. Your brain took a moment to process his words but, once you did, you jumped so hard that you nearly fell off the counter.
You huffed and tore your eyes away, your cheeks heating. “I was not.”
Sunghoon chuckled. “What would you call what you were doing, then?”
“Let’s call it plotting on your downfall.”
He didn’t laugh this time. The alcohol made you bold, but you were already sobering up. You determinedly ignored the strange twinge in your chest at the possibility that you’d hurt his feelings. Sunghoon was silent for so long that you began to hope he would walk away.
“Why are you always so determined to be in a bad mood when I’m around?” He said at last.
“Because I don’t like you.”
You allowed yourself to look at him again. Sunghoon was already staring at you, his face unreadable. You laughed, but it sounded fake even to your own ears. “Are you upset there’s someone who doesn’t kiss the ground you walk on?”
His lips thinned. “I don’t want you to do that.”
“Good, because I won’t.”
“Nice to see you’re still meaner every day.”
“Why don’t you leave me alone, then?”
Sunghoon, to your immediate surprise, did no such thing. He braced a hand on the counter, so close to your hip that you could feel the heat coming off of him. You instinctively leaned backwards as he leaned forward. He was smiling softly now, just enough to tease the dimple in his cheek.
“I don’t think you mean that.”
“How would you know?” Why did you sound so breathless?
He ignored your question. “You look incredible, by the way.” His smile grew, just barely. Sunghoon’s eyes snagged on the hem of your dress where it had hiked up your thighs as you sat. Though you were basically sober again, you couldn’t seem to make your traitorous muscles obey when you commanded your arms to cover your bare legs.
His eyes rose to your face, stopping on the birthmark below your eye. “I’m glad you didn’t cover this.” His fingers, still braced on the counter beside you, flexed as if he were resisting the urge to touch it.
You lifted your hand to your cheek, hiding the mark from Sunghoon’s view.
What was happening to you? There was an unfamiliar tightness in your chest under the weight of his gaze, and a very familiar warmth in a part of you that had no business reacting to Park Sunghoon, of all people.
“Hoon!” The sound of Heeseung’s voice broke the trace you were caught in. Later, if you had the chance, you would kiss the boy on the mouth in thanks. “You playing or what?”
Sunghoon’s eyes didn’t leave your face as he called back, “Nah, man. Wonyoung asked if I would play wingman for a bit, so I’ll be off.”
You startled at the mention of Wonyoung, another person you’d gone to school with since childhood. You knew she and Sunghoon were close, and you’d always assumed they were involved romantically one way or another. Apparently not, if she had enlisted his help in setting her up with another guy.
Sunghoon tapped the counter with his fingers and offered you a cocky smile. He knew he had affected you, didn’t he? Asshole.
“See you later,” he said as he pushed off the counter. “Try not to miss me.”
You snorted softly at that. “You wish, Park.”
His eyes glittered and he opened his mouth like he meant to say something else, but he closed it again just as quickly. Sunghoon turned on his heel and strode away, immediately swallowed by the crowd of people in the living room.
You released a shaky breath the moment he was out of your eyeline.
What the hell was that?
“Seriously, you left?” You pinched the bridge of your nose between your thumb and forefinger, unable to hide the frustration in your voice. Dahyun had been out of your sight for all of five minutes and you’d lost her. When she finally decided to pick up the phone, she had informed you that she, Heeseung, Jake, and Sunoo were currently waiting for a table at IHOP.
“I tried to find you, but the guys were already leaving and I didn’t want to be left behind…”
You switched your phone from one ear to the other, pacing the front lawn. “And you didn’t think to ask if I wanted to come?”
To Dahyun’s credit, there was genuine regret in her voice when she said, “I’m really sorry, I wasn’t thinking. If it helps, I set you up with a ride home since you’ve been drinking.”
There was no point in telling her you were sober—that you had been since your conversation with Sunghoon earlier.
“Fine, fine. What poor soul did you scare into driving me home?”
“That would be me.”
Your entire body locked.
No way. This wasn’t possible. It was some sort of cosmic joke and God was laughing at his television as he shoved popcorn into his mouth.
Dahyun was still speaking, but you weren’t listening to her anymore as you slowly turned.
And there he was. Again. Park Sunghoon, looking just as annoyingly perfect as he did a couple hours ago.
“Yeah, yeah—thanks, Dahyun.” You and Sunghoon stared at one another as you mumbled into the phone. “Yes, I’ll forgive you. Probably. Okay, bye.”
Your hand holding your phone fell limply to your side.
Sunghoon spoke before you could. “Before you ask, no, I haven’t been drinking. Ready to go?”
You nodded, taking only a second to shout silent curses at the night sky before following after him.
Sunghoon’s car was nice, and thankfully the inside was uncharacteristically clean for a boy in college as you slid into the passenger seat. It also smelled overwhelmingly like his cologne—sweet and crisp and very uniquely him.
You put your address into the navigation without speaking, hyperaware of how close together your bodies were inside the car. This was the second time in probably your entire life that you’d been this close to Sunghoon, the first one being earlier tonight.
The drive was the most painfully awkward experience you’d ever been forced into. Neither of you said a word, and Sunghoon gripped the steering wheel so hard that his knuckles turned white with the strain.
You were still a mile from your apartment complex when Sunghoon went and ruined everything.
He leaned forward, looking up through the windshield rather than at the street ahead. “Looks like rain,” he commented softly.
Your words were out of your mouth before his statement even finished sounding. “Let me out of the car.” He threw an incredulous glance in your direction. “Now,Park.”
His expression hardened into a glare. “What?”
“Stop the car.”
He slammed on the brakes so hard that the only thing that kept you from knocking into the dash was the seatbelt across your chest. You were unbuckled and out of the car before it was at a full stop. You strode into the night, walking as swiftly as your legs could carry you.
“Hey! What the hell?” In your periphery, Sunghoon’s car was moving at a crawl next to the sidewalk, easily keeping pace with you as you attempted to put distance between yourself and him. For the second time tonight, you cursed the four-inch heels you’d chosen to wear.
“I can walk the rest of the way,” you said without looking at him. “Go home, you’re off the hook.”
“Get back in the car, you—”
To your dismay, a clap of thunder boomed directly overhead. And not even ten seconds later, the sky opened up.
Yeah, God was definitely laughing at your expense today.
“Look, I’ll tell Dahyun that you dropped me off at the front door like a perfect gentleman. I’ll even say you gave me a kiss goodnight, if that would make you feel better—”
Sunghoon’s car screeched to a stop. Over the sound of rain, you heard his door open and slam closed, and suddenly his long fingers closed around your wrist. He tugged you around to face him with enough force that you nearly collided with his chest.
“What is wrong with you?” He shouted over the storm. He’d been out of the car for mere seconds and was already soaked. The rain plastered his hair to his face and neck, thick streams of water glistening on his skin. You likely looked very much the same, but you hardly noticed as you glared up at Sunghoon’s face.
“I’m not getting back in the car! Just leave me alone—”
“What is your problem? What on earth did I do to make you hate me so much?”
“I don’t know, okay?” You shot back, tearing your wrist from his grip. Though you were no longer touching him, you still felt the heat of his skin like a brand. “You just—I can’t stand—ugh!”
You attempted to turn again, intent on leaving the boy standing there shivering in the rain. But Sunghoon caught your waist this time, rotating you as he pulled you backwards—
And then his mouth was on yours.
Your brain short-circuited. For what felt like an eternity, you just stood there—eyes open, lips pressed together while the rain assaulted both of you.
This close, you could see stray raindrops that caught in his eyelashes before falling onto his cheeks. He tasted like spearmint. One of his hands cupped the back of your neck and pulled you into the kiss, urging you to respond.
You melted. Your eyes fluttered closed and you brought your arms up to rest on his shoulders, letting your fingers tangle into his hair. Sunghoon’s hands gripped your hipbones hard enough to bruise, but you didn’t mind in the slightest as he pulled your body flush against his.
His tongue pushed into your mouth and you met him stroke for stroke, battling for dominance. The kiss was wet with your mixing saliva and rain, a collision of lips and teeth and tongues.
You tugged harshly at the roots of his hair, viciously pleased by the groan that rumbled deep in his throat. He leaned forward, forcing you to arch your back as his hands moved downward. Sunghoon’s hands found your ass, massaging and kneading with enough pressure to make your knees weak.
You could barely breathe. Not that you cared. Between the rainfall and Sunghoon’s demanding mouth sliding against yours, you couldn’t seem to get enough oxygen to your brain.
Despite it being well into spring, the rain was freezing. Chills covered your arms and legs, and you were shivering with cold as much as desire.
And you did.
Desire him.
You thought it was insane, but it was true. Nothing felt like kissing Park Sunghoon, and you couldn’t believe you had waited this long to try it.
He pulled you impossibly closer than you already were, and all of your attention zeroed in on the hard length you felt pushing into your lower stomach. Unable to help yourself, you forced a hand between your bodies and palmed him through his jeans, needing to feel him. You needed to touch him more than you needed to breathe.
Slickness pooled between your legs at Sunghoon’s responding moan into your mouth.
But without warning, Sunghoon wrenched himself away from you.
When you finally managed to open your eyes, your head fuzzy with lust, Sunghoon was standing a few paces away. Your chests heaved as you looked at one another, and you had a feeling that if either of you made one wrong move you would be sucked into the frenzy again.
You didn’t understand the look on Sunghoon’s face. You hardly understood your own cacophony of thoughts that barreled through your mind.
Without a word, Sunghoon turned away. It was like he couldn’t get away from you fast enough as he strode into the street and got back in his car. You could do nothing but stand there and watch, dumbfounded.
Then he was gone. And you were alone in the rain.
“You did what?”
You groaned and buried your head in your hands, attempting to disappear into your couch.
“I know,” you lamented into the phone pressed between your cheek and shoulder. “I seriously don’t even know how we got there.”
“And he just left you in the rain? Right before the good part?” Dahyun dramatically gasped. There was music filtering over from her end of the line, along with sounds of her feet hitting the treadmill. You didn’t mind that she was at the gym, you were just incredibly grateful that she’d answered your call at all.
“Yeah.” You groaned again and resisted the urge to kick something. “God, I hate him.”
“Obviously you don’t.”
“Well I did.”
Some of the ambient gym noise lessened as Dahyun switched from her earbuds to her regular phone speaker. “So what now? You had a super-hot make out session in the rain last night, but what’s your plan from here?”
“There is no plan. I’m just gonna pretend it never happened.”
“Boooring,” Dahyun booed and you bit back a smile. “I say you jump his bones.”
“You seem to forget that he’s the one who ran away, not me. Honestly if he hadn’t I probably would have gone through with…well, whatever we were building up to.”
You were grateful he had changed his mind, even if his abrupt departure had hurt your feelings more than you liked to admit. More than that, your pride had taken a hit. What did you do wrong?
“Listen, the guy has been crushing on you since elementary school, so I—”
You shot upright on the couch. “What did you say?”
“Which part? That I think you should bone him—”
“No, no.” You took a deep breath. “Park Sunghoon has been crushing on me since elementary school?”
Dahyun paused like she was genuinely surprised. “Well, yeah. Everyone knows it, but… apparently you don’t?”
“Dahyun, surely you know that that’s ridiculous.” You breathed. Your chest felt tight and you couldn’t figure out why. There was a beat of silence on the other line, accompanied by light tapping like your friend was typing something. “Dahyun.” You urged.
“I’m almost ninety-nine percent positive that I’ve told you this before and you brushed me off. I always thought it was because you liked him, too, so I didn’t push it.”
“You thought that I… liked him?”
Puzzle pieces clicked together so resolutely that you could almost see them in front of you. You’d read plenty of books where people’s attraction manifested as anger, but it never occurred to you that you could be one of those people. It was completely ridiculous to even entertain the idea.
“Look, I’m going to tell you something and you’re going to be mad, but you have to trust that I’m doing what’s best for you, okay?”
Your heart leapt nervously. “Okay…?”
“I might have lied and said that I live in your apartment, but I forgot something there that I urgently need and my roommate will let him in to get it.”
You sprang to your feet. “Let who in?”
“Sunghoon will be there in, like, thirty minutes. I am begging you to get laid—”
Anyone outside might of thought you were in a soap opera for how dramatically you stumbled back against the couch.
“Dahyun, what? You invited Park Sunghoon over to my place—”
“It’s for the best—”
“I live in a one-bedroom! He’ll immediately know you were lying!”
“That’s my problem, not yours.” Dahyun paused patiently while you took a moment to panic. “Listen to my advice, babe. Just go with it. Aren’t you tired of being angry?”
That brought you up short.
Aren’t you tired of being angry?
You half-shrieked a goodbye to your (soon to be former) best friend and launched into action, hastily tidying your apartment.
It was six o’clock at night, almost dark outside, and it was safe to say you were not expecting visitors. You had just gotten out of the shower ten minutes ago and there were dirty dishes in your sink; paint and its related tools were scattered across the living room, your now half-finished art project acting as a makeshift table for the takeout you’d ordered for lunch.
You cursed Dahyun with everything you had, but there was a strange fluttering sensation in your chest that you couldn’t bring yourself to acknowledge.
Aren’t you tired of being angry?
A part of you was pleased by the undiluted shock that crossed Sunghoon’s face when you opened the door.
It was six-thirty on the dot and, as promised, here he was.
You’d managed to transform your apartment from heinous to decent, but it left little time for you to attend to yourself. You were still in pajama pants and an egregiously large sweater, your wet hair hanging limply around your face.
“You… live here?” Sunghoon asked uncertainly.
You forced yourself to nod. “Yeah.”
You stood in awkward silence for a moment, unsure how to proceed. Did he want to come in? What were you supposed to say?
Sunghoon took a breath and composed himself, the confusion in his face smoothing away. “Care if I come in?” He asked.
You opened the door wider and stepped aside. “Be my guest.”
A wave of his cologne passed over you as he stepped into your apartment. You watched in silence as he looked around, noting your half-painted canvas you’d propped against the wall and the oil diffuser on the coffee table. After what felt like an eternity, he glanced back at you over his shoulder.
“Dahyun said…” Sunghoon trailed off. His eyes widened, just barely, and you knew that he had finally noticed the single door to your bedroom—along with the lack of a second. He squinted at you accusingly. “She doesn’t live here, does she?”
You chuckled nervously. “No, she doesn’t.” Your shoulders slumped and you sighed. “Look, she somehow got it into her head that—”
“Did you tell her about us?”
“What?” You wrinkled your nose. “There isn’t an us, Park.”
“You know what I mean.”
You did. In all honestly, your response had been a weak attempt at deflecting his question. You had never lied to spare his feelings before—why start now?
“Yeah, I did. She’s my best friend, of course I told her.”
To your surprise, Sunghoon didn’t look angry at this. He inclined a head towards one shoulder, intrigued. “Why?”
“Well… I don’t know. But she did have something interesting to say about it.”
Maybe you imagined the way Sunghoon stiffened, but you doubted it.
“What did she say?” His voice pitched a bit lower and you tittered uneasily again. When you didn’t immediately answer, Sunghoon approached where you stood. You stepped back on instinct, but all your effort to get away did was allow him to corner you against the wall. He stopped when there was less than a foot between you, his hands tucked deep into his jacket pockets as he stared down at your face.
“Nothing, really. Just that you’ve, uh, had a crush…on me…since we were kids.” You hated how small your voice sounded. You wanted to challenge him—push his buttons like you usually did, but you couldn’t seem to find the bravery after your conversation with Dahyun.
“Is that so?” He raised an eyebrow, and at last there was a tiny spark of indignation in your chest.
Sunghoon leaned forward and you nearly knocked your head against the wall as you pressed yourself further against it. He bent at the waist until his face was level with yours and his cool, spearmint-scented breath blew across your face.
Was he going to kiss you again?
He began to close the distance between you, his eyes barely open as he watched your reaction through his eyelashes. And of course, your traitorous body made your eyelids begin to flutter closed. Your lips tingled in anticipation, remembering the taste and feel of him from the night before.
There was a rush of cool air as Sunghoon abruptly backed away. When you opened your eyes and glared at him, there was a smug expression on his face. Like he had won.
“That’s interesting.” He stepped towards your front door. “Well, considering that Dahyun lied, I’ll be off.” His hand closed around the doorknob and, frozen in your shock, you made no move to stop him.
Sunghoon had just cracked the door open when you dropped back into your body. You moved before your mind could catch up—by the time it did, you were standing with your front almost pressed into Sunghoon’s side, your hand flat on the door where you had pushed it closed.
He looked down at you again, a hint of shock shining through the cracks in his cocky expression.
“You don’t get to do that,” you hissed. “You don’t get to play with my emotions and just walk away.”
“I don’t?” He retorted. He turned until he was facing you head-on, a muscle ticking in his jaw. “It sucks, doesn’t it? It’s what you’ve been putting me through for years.”
“I didn’t know, okay?”
“You were so caught up in hating me for no reason that you probably didn’t have time.”
“I have my reasons, Park.”
Your eyes kept snagging on that ridiculous fluttering in his cheek as he clenched his teeth. You were frustrating him. Good.
“So? Why am I here?” He challenged roughly. “What Dahyun told you was not her secret to tell, but she did. Why?”
You didn’t know. You didn’t know what you wanted. Sure, you could admit in the deepest, darkest parts of yourself that you were attracted to Park Sunghoon, but any more than that? You were drowning in ambiguity here.
He was waiting for you to answer. With every second that passed, there was a little more doubt that crawled into his eyes. A little more hope, too.
“You know what? I can’t do this.” You managed to take a step away, but he immediately followed. If anything, there was even less space between you now. “Stop liking me. I didn’t know before, I don’t see how anything has to change now that I do.”
Sunghoon’s eyes guttered, and you hated the way your heart fell.
“Fine.” He bit out. His hands clenched into fists as he at last stepped away, allowing you room to take a full breath. “Have it your way.”
Sunghoon moved again to take hold of the doorknob while you stood uselessly against the wall, but he paused before his fingers could make contact. You held your breath, waiting in anxious silence while he took several deep breaths. Whatever he was debating, you wished he would just come to a conclusion and leave. You felt an acute, unwelcome urge to cry.
He turned again with agonizing slowness, and when he looked at you, a weight on your chest inexplicably eased.
“Fuck it,” he breathed.
And when he closed the distance between you in two long strides, when he took your face between his hands and pressed his mouth to yours, you kissed him back.
God, did you kiss him back.
You allowed him to push you up against the wall, using your hands on his waist for support. Your mouth parted for him instantly and his tongue swept in, teasing and tasting your own. Sunghoon’s hands dropped to your waist, then your thighs. You yelped as his fingers dug into the pillowy skin there and he hiked your legs up around his waist. You weren’t even touching the ground anymore, completely supported by his hold and the wall, but you didn’t mind in the slightest.
This position allowed your clothed core to press flush against his hips, and you whimpered at the evidence of his arousal already straining through his pants. He groaned into your mouth as you ground yourself onto him, needing to feel him more, closer, harder.
“God, I hate you sometimes,” he mumbled between kisses. Sunghoon bit your lower lip hard and sucked to the point of pain. You responded by raking your fingernails across his shoulders and up into his hair. It was softer than you remembered, unbearably soft, as it tumbled through your fingers.
His mouth left yours so he could suck harsh marks onto your neck, your collarbone, your shoulder. “You’re mean—” another open-mouthed kiss to your throat “—you’re always so cruel—” he pulled back so he could admire the smattering of bruises he’d left across your skin and he moaned “—you’re so sexy.”
Your arms tightened their hold around his neck when he pulled you off the wall without warning, no doubt intending to carry you to the bedroom. Your stomach flipped, as much was anticipation as nerves.
He all but threw you onto your bed, standing over you imposingly as you propped yourself onto your elbows. Sunghoon just stared at you for several moments, his eyes raking over every part your body. You squirmed, a little uncomfortable at being so…seen.
“Well?” You hedged, surprised at the raw edge to your voice. “What are you going to do, Park?”
His face hardened again and, despite yourself, you clenched.
Sunghoon lowered himself and crawled up your body with predatory intent, taking his time to kiss your calves, your thighs, the bare skin of your stomach where your sweater had hitched up.
You sighed deeply and threaded your fingers into his hair again, apparently addicted to the feel of it. He looked up at you through his eyelashes and kissed the front of your pajama pants.
“Can we take these off?” He breathed.
You allowed a tiny nod, waiting with bated breath as he undid the tie and hooked his fingers beneath your underwear. He pulled both items of clothing down at the same time and you flinched at the cool air that made contact with your too-warm core.
Your eyes closed, you waited for Sunghoon to touch you. The pressure between your legs was nearly unbearable now. When he didn’t, you cracked open an eye to find him staring at your slickness with an unreadable expression on his face.
“Sunghoon,” you said gently, brushing his hair from his eyes. He looked up in shock at the sound of his name, and you realized too late that it was the first time you’d called him anything other than Park.
His gaze fell between your legs again, and at last two of his fingers dragged down your center. You jumped hard at the sudden contact, unable to contain the quiet gasp that dragged through your lips.
“I’ve been waiting a long time for this.” Sunghoon said, so close to your aching pussy that you felt his hot breath wash over you.
And when his mouth finally closed over your clit, you believed him.
Sunghoon’s tongue immediately found the spot you needed him, dragging expert figure-eights over the bundle of nerves. He moved downward, his tongue thrusting gently into your entrance while his nose bumped your clit.
You moaned out loud this time, the sound coming from deep within your chest. Your legs nearly closed around his head and he pressed his hands hard against your thighs to hold them against the mattress.
He groaned into you, the vibrations ricocheting up your spine. You tugged at the roots of his hair, stroked his head, squeezed his hands still on your thighs—anything you could do to touch him, to show him how good he made you feel, you did it.
Your hips began to shake and your back arched, the tightness in your core contracting to the point of pain. You were so close, so close—
Sunghoon removed one of his hands from your thigh so he could drag his fingers through your slick. He looked up at you, his eyes heavy-lidded and dark with lust.
“Look at me, baby,” he urged softly. His voice was impossibly deep, rougher than you had ever heard it. You did as you were told, forcing your eyes to stay on his as he softly bit his lip and positioned his fingers at your entrance.
When he spit on you, you thought you were going to pass out.
But then his fingers pushed in and you couldn’t keep your eyes open any longer. They fluttered shut as Sunghoon curled his fingers inside you and your hips involuntarily jerked off the bed.
He thrust in and out at an angle, hitting that spot inside you with ease as you rose toward your orgasm.
“Oh my god, oh my god—”you rambled on, pressing your head and shoulders into the mattress as you chased your high. “Please, please, please—” Your walls were clenching hard around Sunghoon’s fingers and he worried in the back of his mind that he would come in his pants.
“That’s it, baby. Come for me, just like that—”
Sunghoon sucked harshly on your clit again, and you were gone. Your lips parted as your breath caught—even your blood seemed to stop pumping in your veins as your orgasm barreled through you. Your walls pulsed, more of your slickness escaping onto Sunghoon’s fingers that still worked gently in and out of you.
And when you finally started to come down, you felt Sunghoon press a kiss to the inside of your thigh. You opened your eyes and shuddered as he placed his fingers between those beautiful lips, sucking every drop of you off of them.
He groaned around his fingers and you almost came again.
Sunghoon placed his hand back on your thigh and smiled up at you. “You taste even better than I hoped you would.” You released a shaky breath, still a little lightheaded.
You mastered yourself and smiled back, hoping the intention behind it manifested the way you wanted it to. Based off the nervous glint that crept into Sunghoon’s eyes, it did.
You sat up and took his chin in your hand, pressing an intentionally soft kiss to his mouth. He tasted like spearmint and you, and you thought for one careless moment that there was no boy more perfect in the world than this one.
He allowed you to pull him up onto the bed, rolling him so you were poised over his body. Your knees on either side of his waist, you arched your back as you removed your shirt, appreciating the noise that escaped him when he saw your breasts.
Almost like he couldn’t help himself, he reached up to roll one of your nipples between his fingers. You moaned softly but grabbed his wrist, forcing him to stop.
You smiled at the look of confusion on his face and began to move down his body. “My turn.” You tapped his belly in a silent request to remove his shirt, which he hastily obeyed. Your eyes widened at the sight of his naked torso; he was far more toned than you expected, and you couldn’t help but trail open-mouthed kisses across his chest and abs.
His breaths turned into quiet, short gasps when your mouth reached the strip of skin just above his pants. You raised your eyes in question and Sunghoon nodded once, sucking his bottom lip into his mouth with enough force that you could see his dimples.
You unbuttoned his pants slowly, taking your time pulling those down first, then his underwear. Your mouth dried when his achingly hard cock sprang free, the tip glistening with precum and bloodred. If there was ever a doubt in your mind about how much he wanted you, it was gone now.
He was bigger than you anticipated. You couldn’t wait to feel him inside you—you needed to feel the burn of that stretch more than anything else.
His hips thrusted slowly into the open air, seeking nonexistent friction. You took a moment to admire him, enjoying the sight of his cock just as much as the desperate expression that contorted his face the longer you waited. You pressed more kisses to his soft thighs, his knees, his hips. His cock twitched.
How attempting to kill one another through kisses alone had turned into this, you had no idea.
You had just begun another pass over his hipbone with your mouth when his hand suddenly fisted in your hair, roughly tugging your head back to look at him. His eyes flashed, that cocky expression back on his face, and you were instantly soaked again.
“Enough,” Sunghoon hissed. “You want my cock?” You nodded feverishly and he leaned back on his elbows again. “Then take it.”
You didn’t need any more encouragement than that.
Your lips wrapped around the head of his cock quickly enough that he didn’t have time to prepare for it. Sunghoon’s resulting moan was like music to your ears and he unintentionally thrusted up into your mouth.
The taste of him was addicting. You recklessly sought more of it as you took him further into your mouth, stopping only when he hit the back of your throat. You gagged and Sunghoon’s hands threaded into your hair, pulling it into a makeshift ponytail at the nape of your neck and using it to guide your movements.
You took everything he gave you. You breathed deeply through your nose and willed your throat to relax, pride rushing through you when he slipped further in than before. Sunghoon moaned, the sound cutting off into grunts as he rolled his hips into your throat.
“Oh my god—yes, yes, just like that—” His words abruptly cut off into a sharp gasp when you swallowed around his length. You looked up at his face through your eyelashes, appreciating the light sheen of sweat on his forehead and the dart of his tongue over his bottom lip as you brought him closer to orgasm.
You were clenching around nothing, over and over again. The painful tightness between your legs was back, begging to be eased by the perfect cock in your mouth.
You lifted off of him with a wet pop and Sunghoon’s eyes snapped open again. There was desperation in his eyes, desperation for you, and you drank it like fine wine.
“Why…why did you stop, please, I was so close—” Sunghoon moaned when you dragged your tongue from base to tip, his hips jutting upward again.
You climbed up his body, allowing his cock to drag between your breasts and against your stomach as you went. There were goosebumps all over him, pebbling his perfect skin. You took one of his earlobes between your teeth, allowing your warm breath to fan across his straining throat.
“I want you to come inside me, not before.” You whispered. Sunghoon stiffened and you pulled back to look at his face. There was shock in his expression, but…that was awe, too. Admiration.
Your heart twinged, and you wondered again how you’d so swiftly gone from hating him to, well, this.
He wasted no time helping you line up the head of his cock with your entrance. Soft hisses left both of you as he pushed in, and in, and in. He sat up so your chests were pressed together, his hands gripping your ass.
Oh, the initial stretch was delicious. Better than you’d imagined, if that were even possible. His head fell against your chest as you began to move, setting a steady pace as you lifted your hips off of him and dropped back down.
“You feel so good…” he murmured, taking one of your breasts into his mouth and sucking relentlessly at the nipple. “God, you’re so tight—”
You moaned as he hit your g-spot over and over again, his length more than perfect to reach it as his girth stretched you out.
You moved faster now, rapidly impaling yourself on his cock in an effort to reach your high. You groaned and let your upper half fall backwards, bracing your hands on either side of his knees as you rode him.
Sunghoon gripped your hips when you began to tire, lifting and dropping you at a pace that had you panting.
“Sunghoon, oh my god—fuck, ah—” you moaned. He whimpered at his name falling from your lips and you were possessed by the idea of hearing the sound again. You said his name again, and again, and again, each of the responding sounds he made making you clench around him.
“Fuck, don’t do that baby, you’re gonna make me come too soon.”
It didn’t matter. You couldn’t control it, anyway, and you both were already too close to bother slowing now.
Without warning, Sunghoon’s arm slung low around your back and he flipped you so you were beneath him. How he managed to do it without removing himself from you, you had no idea, but you didn’t care to dwell on it.
Looking at him from this angle felt very different from before. His face was shadowed as he stared down at you, his mouth quirked into a small smile.
Sunghoon placed your ankles on either side of his head and—oh god, he felt so much deeper in this position. Your hands clawed uselessly at the sheets as he began to thrust into you again at a brutal pace.
There wasn’t a single thought in your head save the feel of his cock pounding into you, the head bumping your swollen g-spot on every stroke. You were a mess for him—your hair tangled, sweat coating both of your bodies, your face pinched with pleasure as he forced you to the brink of orgasm once again.
“Please, Hoon, make me cum, pleasepleaseplease—” You had no idea what you were begging for. An orgasm? Your life? Your sanity?
“Fuck, baby, say it again.”
You knew what he meant. “Hoon—Hoon, I’ll do anything—”
Sunghoon’s thrusts grew sloppy, more erratic, and you knew he was close. His forehead fell against yours, one of your hands coming up to cup the back of his neck as he frantically kissed you again. Once his lips had thoroughly abused your mouth, they moved to the birthmark beneath your eye, planting indulgent kisses onto it, too.
It was the sensation of Sunghoon’s cock pulsing inside you that finally threw you over the edge again. You clenched hard enough to draw a groan from his throat, and he stilled momentarily between your walls as he filled you in repeated, thick spurts. Euphoria shattered through you in waves, so intense you could barely breathe around it.
He rocked his hips against yours, gentler now, to work you both through your highs. There was only the sounds of your breathing and the feeling of his skin on yours. You would do anything for that feeling to last forever.
At last, you were both spent. Sunghoon eased himself from your body and you momentarily mourned the sensation of being full.
It was harder to look at him now. He wasn’t just Park anymore—you had each brought the other to orgasm and your relationship, for better or worse, would be forever changed.
Sunghoon said nothing as he rose from your bed and tugged on his underwear, then disappeared into your attached bathroom. The sink faucet turned on and you heard what sounded suspiciously like Sunghoon rummaging through your cabinets. When he emerged again, it was with a damp towel and baby wipes in hand.
He cleaned you slowly, tenderly, only pausing to push his release back into you with a finger. You stiffened, whimpering a little at the overstimulation, and he smiled apologetically.
“Sorry—couldn’t help myself.”
You shrugged and looked away again while he continued to run the warm cloth over your skin. It was warm. He’d taken the time to let the water run until it was a comfortable temperature. Your chest was painfully tight again and you were struck once more with the insane urge to cry.
“Hey, look at me,” he said softly. His fingers grasped your chin so he could pull your face toward him. His eyebrows furrowed with worry at the expression on your face. “What’s wrong?”
You shook your head, a tight ball forming in your throat. “I’ve been…so cruel to you.” You choked out. “You said it yourself.”
Sunghoon smiled, his face filling with a sort of gentle affection that broke your heart. He reached up to tuck your sex-tangled hair behind each of your ears while he thought of what to say.
“Looks like rain.”
You startled a bit, confused. You glanced out your bedroom window to see a cloudless, starry night sky. “What?” You questioned.
Sunghoon’s smile turned sheepish, faint color rising in his cheeks. “It’s what I said to you every day I wasn’t brave enough to tell you how I felt. How I still feel.” Your heart burst in your chest as you were struck with memories of each time he had randomly leaned over to tell you about the weather. In class, outside on campus, as children, as adults—it didn’t matter. He’d found an opportunity to tell you every time he could. Sunghoon laughed to himself and continued, “It got to the point that checking the weather was a part of my morning routine. If they forecasted rain, I knew it would be a good day.”
“Why?” Your voice broke in the middle of the word, but you didn’t care.
“Because it meant I’d have an excuse to talk to you. Just for a moment, even if you were cruel, you would look at me.” His thumb caressed your cheek. “And trust me, no one looks at me the way you do. It’s what’s kept me coming back. So every day I couldn’t tell you that I liked you, I told you about the rain instead.”
You laughed weakly as the first tear fell. You wiped it away hastily as Sunghoon crawled onto the bed next to you, allowing you to tug on your sweater again before pulling you against his chest.
He was warm and solid and smelled incredible—like spearmint and his cologne and a little like you. He pressed one last kiss to the top of your head and turned off your bedside lamp.
Within minutes, his breathing deepened. Still a bit too wired to fall asleep, you counted his even breaths and wondered again how you had gotten here. How you’d ever managed to hate him in the first place.
You nestled further into his chest, your heart strangely thumping when his arms instinctively tightened around you.
“Looks like rain.” You murmured.
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thank you so much for reading!! I am very much considering writing a part 2 to this 🤫
masterlist here :)
© minghaoyoudoin 2022 - all rights reserved. reposts/translations not allowed. I do not assume to know the personal lives of the idol(s) depicted in this fic, this is for entertainment purposes only!
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biaswreckingfics · 2 years
That was the cutest, most sweetest 😉 ‘non date’ date ever, can they just date properly already… 🙄 my impatient butt can’t wait any longer lol.
"It's cute, isn't it?" He eagerly asks. "As soon as I saw it, I knew I had to take you here."… "Why?"… "Because I couldn't think of anyone else who'd appreciate it as much as me besides you, my little snack fiend."
The way she lives rent free in his mind… ughhh… the cute lil nickname 🫠 I hope he saved her name as that in his phone lol
‘Sunwoo's voice pulls your eyes to him. "Anything catching your interest?"
…you mean apart from you?!!!!!! 😏
‘Anything catching your interest? You mean besides the fact that Sunwoo isn't giving the pretty employee the time of day while she stares at him with clear intrigue?’
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If a pretty woman with cakes, couldn’t catch his attention, he has to be in love. Hotel de la Sunwoo is officially out of business forever lol
"Hey, stop being cute. My heart can't handle it."… "I said stop being cute. Not continue doing it," he mutters, but you still hear his words, and it only causes your heart to beat at triple speed.’
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Can they both stop being so cute?!!!! my heart is starting to feel, feelings…
“Who told you Sunwoo was staying with me?"… "Minjee," he finally answers.’
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Of course that demon was the instigator of all the Jay chaos. Why does she know so much about y/n’s life? Are we sure she’s not secretly in love with y/n?!!!!
On a serious note, what 🤮 did was actually really messed up. I don’t know if she was aware of Jay & y/n’s volatile history but bringing someones ex back into their life, especially when you don’t know their history, is reckless and potentially dangerous.
I can’t remember if you said if there was any physical ab*se in the relationship, but the way he grabbed y/n wrist at the apartment, I’d say he was a couple steps away from it.
🤮 insane need to eliminate the non competition, unknowingly brought y/n’s abuser back into her life and could have potentially put her safety at risk.
I know is say all the time I’m not a violent person but 🤮 is just sooo annoyingly punchable and I wouldn’t be opposed to y/n kicking her a**. It would be cute to have sunwoo playfully scold y/n for fighting when she told him not to hit Jay or we could go down the non violent route 🙄 and have y/n just curse her out instead
I kinda wanna be the first to ship Jay & 🤮 maybe her crazy, will out crazy, his crazy and then they can torment or be the catalyst for change in each other. Either way they’d leave the normal people to live in peace lol
"Thank you. Thank you for sticking up for me, and for standing by my side… and for making me feel safe."
I’m not saying this is how I looked reading this but…
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I know this isn’t how you described their hug, BUT! this is how my mind chose to imagine it and it won’t be dissuaded otherwise 😂
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"I like keeping you safe,"
If y/n hadn’t already fallen for Sunwoo, this line alone would have definitely pushed her over the edge
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I really liked this update, a much need distraction and I’m looking forward to the next one, when you’re ready. Thank you 💛
Here’s some more inspiration for that Junho story you said you’d could be persuaded to write 😜
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*shhhhhhuuuuushhh… I didn’t Google how to become a pillow*
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Reading these quotes again has only fueled me to write the next part with even more ferocity 😭😭❤️❤️
The sweetness and the spiciness are only going to grow more intense from here on out, and I'm having so much fun writing those moments!!
She really does live rent free in his mind and I just 🥰🥰, and you took me out with the Hotel de la Sunwoo 💀💀. It's definitely out of business 😈😈
Minjee was determined to get Sunwoo, and if that meant getting oc out of the way, than she was gonna do whatever she needed to. Whether she knew about the past relationship between her and Jay will always remain a mystery, bc they are both officially gone from this series. It's time to focus on the otp now 💅💅😂😂, but you made so many valid points!! She could've put her in serious harm, and that's why you should never mess around in other people's business!!
Imagine the hug however you want 😂😂. I'm only a couple of inches shorter than Sunwoo, so I wanted to make it pretty vague so all the shorties and also non-shorties could imagine themselves haha
The next one is already over halfway done!! It's flying out of me and I love it!! I did NOT need the Junho attack at the end, though 😭😭 especially the bed one 😭😭
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emma-what-son · 4 years
(Echee post) Emma Watson says J.K Rowling's quote about Hermione ending up with Harry was taken out of context and it was a joke
Posted March 6, 2014
From mtv.com/news may 2014, "Watson also seemed somewhat pessimistic about the longevity of the popular pairing, sharing at the time, "I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy." But Watson's tune may have changed just a bit, as the starlet took to the red carpet at tonight's Oscars (her first time attending the big show, if you can believe it) and told MTV's own Josh Horowitz, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context." Emma change her tune? Noooooo way she would never do that!! =)~ MTV left out the part where she said it was just a joke From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com March 2014, "It was a real shame, because the quote that she gave was completely taken out of context, and if you read the whole interview it was completely not how it was framed but it was actually kind of a joke." You know the funny part is? This is the Wonderland Magazine that Emma herself guest edited and Emma herself conducted the interview with J.K. Rowling. How could it be possibly taken out of context or even be considered a joke? There is nothing in the writing that suggests it's a joke. Maybe if the interview was conducted by video you could see their facial expressions that would tip you off that they were joking. This is typical Emma changing her tune but only because the HP fandom lost their shit over fictional characters. JK and Emma are back tracking now. I don't really care because to me it's a book made into a movie but this is Emma deceiving others as usual.
Actually I read the entire interview and what is being taken out of context and where is the punch line? Here is the part of the interview with JK about Hermione ending up with harry instead of Ron. From ohnotheydidnt.livejournal.com Feb 2014 Emma: I thought we should discuss Hermione... I'm sure you've heard this a million times but now that you have written the books, do you have a new perspective on how you relate to Hermione and the relationship you have with her or had with her? JK: I know that Hermione is incredibly recognizable to a lot of readers and yet you don't see a lot of Hermione's in film or on TV except to be laughed at. I mean that the intense, clever, in some ways not terribly self-aware, girl is rarely the heroine and I really wanted her to be the heroine. She is part of me, although she is not wholly me. I think that is how I might have appeared to people when I was younger, but that is not really how I was inside. What I will say is that I wrote the Hermione/Ron relationship as a form of wish fulfillment. That's how it was conceived, really. For reasons that have very little to do with literature and far more to do with me clinging to the plot as I first imagined it, Hermione with Ron. Emma: Ah. JK: I know, I'm sorry, I can hear the rage and fury it might cause some fans, but if I'm absolutely honest, distance has given me perspective on that. It was a choice I made for very personal reasons, not for reasons of credibility. Am I breaking people's hearts by saying this? I hope not. Emma: I don't know. I think there are fans out there who know that too and who wonder whether Ron would have really been able to make her happy. JK: Yes exactly. Emma: And vice versa. JK: It was a young relationship. I think the attraction itself is plausible but the combative side of it... I'm not sure you could have got over that in an adult relationship, there was too much fundamental incompatibility. I can't believe we are saying all of this – this is Potter heresy! Emma: I know, it is heresy. JK: In some ways Hermione and Harry are a better fit and I'll tell you something very strange. When I wrote Hallows, I felt this quite strongly when I had Hermione and Harry together in the tent! I hadn't told [Steve] Kloves that and when he wrote the script he felt exactly the same thing at exactly the same point. Emma: That is just so interesting because when I was doing the scene I said to David [Heyman]: "This isn't in the book, she didn't write this". I'm not sure I am comfortable insinuating something however subtle it is! JK: Yes, but David and Steve – they felt what I felt when writing it. Emma: That is so strange. JK: And actually I liked that scene in the film, because it was articulating something I hadn't said but I had felt. I really liked it and I thought that it was right. I think you do feel the ghost of what could have been in that scene. Emma: It's a really haunting scene. It's funny because it really divided people. Some people loved that scene and some people really didn't. JK: Yes, some people utterly hated it. But that is true of so many really good scenes in books and films; they evoke that strong positive/negative feeling. I was fine with it, I liked it. Emma: I remember really loving shooting those scenes that don't have any dialogue, where you are just kind of trying to express a moment in time and a feeling without saying anything. It was just Dan and I spontaneously sort of trying to convey an idea and it was really fun. JK: And you got it perfectly, you got perfectly the sort of mixture of awkwardness and genuine emotion, because it teeters on the edge of "what are we doing? Oh come on let's do it anyway", which I thought was just right for that time. Emma: I think it was just the sense that in the moment they needed to be together and be kids and raise each other's morale. JK: That is just it, you are so right. All this says something very powerful about the character of Hermione as well. Hermione was the one that
stuck with Harry all the way through that last installment, that very last part of the adventure. It wasn't Ron, which also says something very powerful about Ron. He was injured in a way, in his self-esteem, from the start of the series. He always knew he came second to fourth best, and then had to make friends with the hero of it all and that's a hell of a position to be in, eternally overshadowed. So Ron had to act out in that way at some point. But Hermione's always there for Harry. I remember you sent me a note after you read Hallows and before you started shooting, and said something about that, because it was Hermione's journey as much as Harry's at the end. Emma: I completely agree and the fact that they were true equals and the fact that she really said goodbye to her family makes it her sacrifice too. JK: Yes, her sacrifice was massive, completely. A very calculated act of bravery. That is not an 'in the moment' act of bravery where emotion carries you through, that is a deliberate choice. Emma: Exactly. I love Hermione. JK: I love her too. Oh, maybe she and Ron will be alright with a bit of counseling, you know. I wonder what happens at wizard marriage counseling? They'll probably be fine. He needs to work on his self-esteem issues and she needs to work on being a little less critical. Emma: I think it makes sense to me that Ron would make friends with the most famous wizard in the school because I think life presents to you over and over again your biggest and most painful fear – until you conquer it. It just keeps coming up. JK: That is so true, it has happened in my own life. The issue keeps coming up because you are drawn to it and you are putting yourself in front of it all the time. At a certain point you have to choose what to do about it and sometimes conquering it is choosing to say: I don't want that anymore, I'm going to stop walking up to you because there is nothing there for me. But yes, you're so right, that's very insightful! Ron's used to playing second fiddle. I think that's a comfortable role for him, but at a certain point he has to be his own man, doesn't he? Emma: Yes and until he does it is unresolved. It is unfinished business. So maybe life presented this to him enough times until he had to make a choice and become the man that Hermione needs. JK: Just like her creator, she has a real weakness for a funny man. These uptight girls, they do like them funny. Emma: They do like them funny, they need them funny. JK: It's such a relief from being so intense yourself – you need someone who takes life, or appears to take life, a little more light heartedly.
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^This post made Ron cry, lol I really don't care who ended up with who because it's a movie. I lost no sleep over it or thought about it much until I read the quote of Emma changing her tune as MTV pointed out. I will say this. In the Half Blood Prince when Ron was in the Hospital after mistakenly consuming a love potion meant for Harry there was an exchange between Hermione and Lavender Brown where Hermione said, "I've always found him interesting" meaning Ron. There was also that scene in DH2 where Hermione said she couldn't destroy the horocrux and it took Ron to coach her up to do it. There was that scene after that where they were looking for Harry using the marauders map and Ron remembered what Hermione told him about the room of requirement not being on the map and she was surprised he remembered. Then there was the Order of the Phoenix when Ron tricked Malfoy and the rest of them (with a spell of which I forget) and they got away while Hermione and Harry lead Umbridge into the Forrest. When Hermione came back she was impressed by him. I think Ron and Hermione would be just fine if they were real. They actually compliment each other by being total opposites. I'm sure true Potter fans have better examples for Ron and Hermione. Btw Emma was about Ron and Hermione for years and years. I'd post the quotes but I think true Potter fans know this to be true so there would be no argument there. It's something me and Emma fans probably agree on. I think hell just froze over. As for what Emma said about Ron making Hermione happy and stuff. In my opinion she's purely speaking from her own taste in men since she goes for the Viktor Krum's (Matt Janney/Tom Ducker) and Cormac McLaggen's (Will Adamowicz/Jay Barrymore). Emma is more of  mix of Sam (Perks) and Nicki (TBR) than she was ever Hermione. Emma would never date a Ron Weasley in real life. It's beneath her and there would be a reality gap between them since Emma lives in her own head and is out of touch with normal people. So really that statement is a full on Emmione moment where she's doing her thinking for a fictional character that is totally different from "the real Emma Watson". I've said this numerous times. If Hermione were real she would not think too kindly of Emma. Shy and introverted post is coming one of these days. I keep on saying that but it is. I put this post together in 15 minutes. I've been working on the other one for two weeks on and off by procrastinating with it mostly. It's not that complicated I'm just being lazy getting all the photos and quotes together I need. And while were on this shipping business
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She supposedly interviewed JGL in Wonderland Magazine but it was not formatted like her other Interviews where she talked just as much as the person she was interviewing so this leads to believe she actually didn’t interview JGL. It was a straight Q&A without it reading like a conversation between two people in the same room like the others. And JGL has done Wonderland a few times in the past so I don’t think this was Emma’s request. Then they presented together at the Oscars. Coincidence or more Hollywood smoke and mirrors? Fans are shipping (weirdo movement) these two and it was all for show. Ok I’m going to join this weirdo movement of shipping! JGL and Dan forever!!
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James & Ava
James: I can't see you today Ava: Oh Ava: Well, that's a shame James: it is Ava: What are you up to? James: my dad wants me in the office Ava: Ahh, okay Ava: Well no worries, Monday then James: I won't let anything stop me Ava: I understand Ava: It's cool James: if I can find time to call you later, hearing your voice would make me feel better about a lot of things Ava: That'd be nice Ava: really nice James: missing you is the nicest cliche I think I've experienced James: for a long time Ava: I can't stop thinking about you Ava: so it's good to know you've thought about me too James: of course I have James: I am James: it's what's going to get me through today Ava: Oh James Ava: I'm going to talk to you all day, in my head James: I was going to take you to [insert a cute date location that wouldn't take very long to get to because he wouldn't have had long] so make sure you tell me what you think Ava: Would it be entirely too tragic for me to go alone and pretend you're with me? James: no more tragic than if I ask you to take enough pictures for me to be able to pretend that I'm there Ava: Of course Ava: I owe you for my picture of you 🥰 James: you don't owe me anything James: I'd give you so much more if I could Ava: Me too, I wish I could take pictures just for you Ava: Have to get old school and get a P.O. box James: or keep them on your phone & show me when you can Ava: That I can do James: but will you? Ava: If you tell me how much you want it James: the only thing I want more is to see you in person Ava: I really, really miss you Ava: It, I can feel it James: I'm really sorry, darling Ava: It's not your fault Ava: and it reminds me it's real James: It's my fault James: I could stand up to my dad & say I don't want to work there Ava: If it were that simple, you would've Ava: it's security for your family Ava: you can't just do it without a backup plan in place Ava: least of all for me James: I should have a backup plan James: it's bullshit that I don't Ava: You can make one Ava: you'll have a degree and experience now Ava: you can at least apply to other places with that, get out from under your dad, then think about what you want longterm after that James: Oh Ava Ava: You can, and you will Ava: You're like just finished with Uni now Ava: who knows what they're doing before then, you only have to front you do because children James: I want you to be right Ava: I am Ava: You're smart and driven and good James: how do you know? Ava: Because I said, you can't live like this forever Ava: and you won't Ava: what's the alternative? James: that actually she's right James: everything she says & thinks about me Ava: She's not Ava: She's not right about anything and she knows it Ava: that's why she has to go so hard James: you're right because you said I need you & I do Ava: I'm right because it's true Ava: you're worthy of good things, James James: I'm not a good person, Ava James: I'm barely a person at all Ava: But you are, James Ava: You're a person Ava: whether she wants that or not James: Jay can start boarding school in a year, I've already made that plan Ava: Is that what you want? James: it's what she needs Ava: Okay, so that's a start then James: I don't want to send her away but I don't want her to stay here Ava: Once you've sorted the rest, you can bring her back Ava: She's young, kids are so resilient James: It was so much easier when she was too young to understand what was being said or done Ava: Yeah Ava: I see that, with my family Ava: it's all okay until it needs to be explained Ava: because it can't be explained, or isn't James: exactly James: what words am I ever going to be able to find to make it okay? there aren't any Ava: Actions count Ava: and you love them Ava: that counts for so much James: will it count for enough? James: my actions certainly aren't good enough Ava: Almost definitely Ava: I can't say 100% but a good 99% James: you don't have to say anything James: I'm in my wet clothes today, that's all Ava: You don't have to excuse yourself, ever James: don't I? Ava: Not with me James: that wipes out well over half of my current vocabulary, just so you're aware James: it won't be an excuse that I'm speechless around you Ava: We'll work it out together Ava: I don't mind not talking for a while and just James: I'm going to be here until it's very late but if you can get away, I'll say I'm staying even later Ava: Yes Ava: I can make it happen Ava: People are here but I can get out James: me too then Ava: I don't care if it's five minutes Ava: well, I do Ava: but I'll take it James: I definitely do James: but it won't be James: the girls will be asleep before I'm done, I'm not rushing home for her Ava: Then rush to see me James: I promise James: I know you don't want me to, but I do Ava: As far as promises go Ava: that's a pretty good one Ava: they're like cliches James: I'll work through lunch for the possibility you'll be awake by the time I'm allowed to leave Ava: I can catnap if necessary James: oh, well now that's a mental picture I wish I had Ava: Sadly I can't take photos of myself sleeping Ava: and I don't think I can promise I'll waste any time with you napping Ava: 🤔 James: I'm so very conflicted James: what a dilemma James: but we'll be able to solve it when my dad decides I can be trusted on business trips Ava: 🤤🤤🤤 Ava: Please come through for me J I James: knowing him it'll take a while but I'll come through so he'll have no choice but to do the same Ava: All the faith Ava: and Monday when you come over you can have a preview of what to expect Ava: for motivation James: in order for you to keep it & for him to begin to harbour any, I should go James: but I feel very motivated at the thought, so thank you Ava: You've got this Ava: Later, love James: [let's skip then chicken, come at me drunkenly lol] Ava: You probably can't reply Ava: but I wish you were here James: [a dramatically long pause because imagine how extra weekends would be] James: but you're having fun? Ava: Hey ☺️ James: hi Ava: It's alright Ava: everyone's going a bit hard James: I'm sure your brother would happily throw them all out for you Ava: That may be Ava: but he is not invited James: that wouldn't stop him if he's still anything like I remember Ava: 2 kids and a wife might Ava: ha James: from being a protective older brother? I don't think so James: you either are or you're not Ava: yeah but my cousin is here Ava: so no need for the 'adult' supervision Ava: it's cool James: I'm happy to hear it James: there's no opportunity for me to drag Teddy home if he's there & he wouldn't thank me for it Ava: that's a bummer Ava: though I've already sacrificed him once tonight so rude of me James: to who? Ava: said cousin Ava: he isn't actually who I had in mind but you know Ava: be weird if I ❌ James: it sounds very romantic, I have no doubt he'll be thrilled Ava: Yeah it's like Paris in here tonight James: it's like Venice here, by which I mean flooded Ava: ??? James: 🛁 Ava: ahh Ava: awh Ava: 🐥🧼🧽💙 James: so yes, I'd say I wish you were here too, but I can't Ava: that's fair Ava: someone is in my bath alas James: theirs was meant to be hours ago so the chaos is somewhat relatable Ava: uh-oh Ava: I did think it was more like 💤🛌🌃 James: it's actually really far past that time too Ava: yeah Ava: you must be knackered James: if only I could join you in a drink Ava: There's still plenty 🍾🍾 Ava: I'll leave a full one out on the step Ava: for the milkman, like James: 😂 thank you, Ava Ava: my curtsy is so real James: that reminds me, I like your outfit Ava: 🥰 Ava: you're always nice Ava: are you wet? James: drenched, of course James: but actually not in the metaphorical sense Ava: Yay Ava: I'm happy James: are you smiling? Ava: cheeeeeese James: 📷 Ava: I'll take a real one for you Ava: but not right now James: [the longest pause ever like is he gone or what? but no he's just trying to sort the chaos out of course] James: later is an undeniably tempting prospect Ava: all dry Ava: what are you doing now Ava: a story James: well guessed James: would you like to pick it for us? Ava: You have to make one up Ava: a happy ending, naturally James: & there has to be a dog involved or Jay will be very angry indeed Ava: Frank! James: Oh right, I forgot you have one Ava: He's very angry indeed Ava: 😡 James: about the party? Ava: No Ava: about being forgotten Ava: he isn't actually here he's been dogknapped James: he'll forgive you Ava: me! James: yes Ava: you forgot him Ava: he's devastated James: you haven't taken enough selfies with him Ava: are you questioning my love James: I'm not but he could be, that's what I'm saying Ava: this is a sad story James: I'll do a re-write Ava: good idea Ava: he's on holiday James: working on his tan James: you two are very competitive about it Ava: well we've gotta be summer ready Ava: his diet is going awfully though James: he's lucky he doesn't need to go on one James: it was purely hypothetical Ava: he likes baked beans with the lil sausages in James: what do you like? I can't picture him happily sharing Ava: 🤔 Ava: that's a big question Ava: chinese food James: [when you know he's gonna send her some tomorrow for the hangover bye] James: can you use chopsticks? Ava: yes Ava: v dexterous Ava: shame that's not a sexy skill Ava: like cherry stems James: it could be James: you doing it Ava: 🥢 grab your tongue with that boy Ava: 🤭 James: it could work to shut me up James: but it's only making me laugh right now Ava: I like when you talk Ava: and laugh James: I used to be able to do that cherry stem party trick Ava: you'll have to show me Ava: we'll get some, see if you can do it James: It's been years, I probably can't Ava: you don't lose skills like that James: it's not a real skill, it's a boast Ava: yeah Ava: an implication of other skills, I know James: we all tried it out to mock the girls over how 'easy' it was but only a few of us could do it actually Ava: wink wink nudge nudge is how boys do Ava: 'course Ava: don't always have to back up a boast James: especially when it's one you made in another life Ava: nah Ava: i'll judge you and be so disappointed James: Ava! that's outrageous Ava: that's me James: you're supposed to not even be hypothetically disappointed by me Ava: I'm also not meant to lie to you James: okay, I'm backed into a corner, now what? Ava: what I would do to you if I had you in a dark corner right now is not suitable bedtime story-telling Ava: unless you wanna be up all night James: some stories demand to be told regardless James: & I wouldn't be upset about being kept up for as long as this one takes to be told Ava: You're the storyteller Ava: I'm a journalist, I like to report what happens James: [writes her a very sexy essay right here and right now about the life they should be living in the dark corner, like soz Jimothy you've been usurped as the writer & poet in residence] James: well then, you can tell me what's happening to you Ava: I don't know if I can describe that Ava: how you make me feel Ava: like you're here Ava: the only person here James: I think you've described it perfectly Ava: you are perfect James: no Ava: yes James: Ava Ava: James James: you're not meant to lie to me Ava: I'm not James: it's not true, it can't be Ava: opinion can't be wrong Ava: you can say i'm not well-informed if you wanna Ava: but i'll still think it James: I'm not at your party, I won't ever be able to be there Ava: you don't have to be at my party James: but you wish I was James: that's compromise, it can't be perfection Ava: only 'cos I'd rather be with you Ava: because you're so perfect James: if I don't give you what you want, I'm not perfect Ava: i want you Ava: as you Ava: i can miss you and i can wait Ava: i don't need anything else from you James: I don't know who I am Ava: i see who you are Ava: who you could be James: but I could become someone else James: like my dad wants James: like my wife wants Ava: you can't change who you are Ava: even when you try really hard James: you can lose who you are though James: & I have Ava: I'm telling you, I can see you Ava: even if you can't James: when you stop looking at me, it's going to be really hard Ava: I'll only stop if you tell me to Ava: no other reason James: if I tell you to it'll only be because I have to James: for your own sake Ava: you don't have to worry about me James: it's not the 1st time I've done this or had to stop doing it James: I know I have to worry about you Ava: i don't think i'm special Ava: but i know you like me too James: I think you're very special Ava: but i don't care if you can't be with me Ava: well, i do Ava: but i mean i'll be your friend no matter what Ava: you need me and no one can stop me Ava: not your wife or my brother or anyone James: the problem isn't who my wife is or who your brother is, the problem is that I don't care James: that's dangerous Ava: i said i wouldn't cause trouble Ava: and i won't let you get into any either Ava: not 'til you're ready to face it James: I've never met anyone like you before James: it's the most ridiculous cliche Ava: i know Ava: and I've never felt like this before Ava: so there we go two for two James: it's none of my business & you're under no obligation to answer me, but is that because you've not dated a lot of people before or in spite of everyone that you have dated? Ava: you're so cute Ava: I've dated plenty of people Ava: I liked a lot of them, some of them I thought I loved but then it was easy to be friends with them so I don't know, I think it was just that Ava: this is different, whatever it is and whatever they were James: understood Ava: did you date much James: I wasn't looking for that when I was in school & I'm not allowed to seek it out now James: I had a lot of sex before I got married & after but it's far from the same thing Ava: sure Ava: you weren't getting to know them as well as Ava: that's how lots of people operate James: I didn't intend to get to know you, Ava James: I don't know how it happened Ava: I'm not going to apologize for it James: please don't Ava: can i ask you something though James: of course Ava: did you just wanna sleep with me 'cos you thought i was cute or was it anything to do with who my brother is James: why would it be anything to do with him? Ava: i don't know Ava: 'cept i know him and i know there's history there James: I don't hold any grudges against him, we were all liars & fakes then James: all I cared about was my expensive drug habit & sleeping with as many girls as possible Ava: okay, i just had to ask Ava: things can be confusing enough without worrying about shit that ain't even real James: there's history for you too, it's not about any of that, is it? Ava: no Ava: it isn't James: my wife & your sister have so much history James: honestly more than me & her have Ava: i know Ava: but i'm not gonna exact revenge on her behalf via you James: I doubt she'd want that, she's not Chloé James: I don't believe there's anyone capable of holding onto something for as long & as tightly as she can Ava: I don't know Ava: I'm sure her therapist would tell her grudges are pointless but I don't reckon she can live that truth James: at least she has a therapist Ava: hooray for her James: I should probably get one, instead of talking to you like you are Ava: its what you should do Ava: talk to people Ava: work it out together Ava: nancy can't talk to anyone James: all my adult conversations are carefully overseen & orchestrated, it's only her laziness and the inescapable necessity of my parenting that has stopped the way I talk to my children from being put under the same restrictions James: what she did to Nancy was James: & that's only what I can remember Ava: its fucked James: it's already started with Jay James: if I can't find a way to stop it Ava: you have to James: I know Ava: you know its abuse don't you James: It doesn't matter what I know if nobody else knows it James: believes it Ava: how can they not, everyone knows what a total insane bitch she is Ava: sorry James: you don't need to apologise for telling the truth Ava: i'm not trying to make getting out sound easy though when it so clearly isn't James: it wouldn't be that hard for me to get out Ava: with the kids, or access to, though James: she says Jay's not mine whenever I criticise anything she says or does regarding her James: maybe she isn't James: her sex life was as active & varied as mine was Ava: wait Ava: what James: it's what she says if my bags are packed & nothing else has worked James: because I'd never see her again if she's not biologically my daughter James: but she can't say it about Matty, the dates line up too well Ava: are you on Jay's birth certificate? James: yes Ava: then you either are, and you have rights, or she knowingly lied on an official document but also, gave you full parental rights in the process Ava: if she really is lying then she has to incriminate herself and there's more than a case in your favour James: I don't know Ava: she got you to marry her under false pretenses, she stole years of your life James: it'll just be more of her bullshit James: of course she's my kid Ava: she'd do that? Ava: jesus James: she'll say & do anything to stop me from leaving James: in other circumstances it'd be flattering Ava: does she love you James: does it sound like love? Ava: no think she loves you then James: she thinks she's come this far James: not many of my friends would have agreed to marry her if they'd been put in the same situation James: if any, from the ones I had at the time Ava: i just wanna know what she gets from it Ava: she doesn't work or go to school, right? Ava: you seem to do most of the parenting James: isn't that the answer then? she gets a lifestyle that started out easy financially thanks to my parents & has been made easy by me in every other aspect James: I told you, it's my fault Ava: okay, granted but like she's happy to settle for not being crazy in love, just tolerating her kids and having no ambition of her own? at 22, 23? its not as if her parents would let her starve, Christ.. it'd be sad if she weren't evil and happy to take down you and the kids with her James: as I also told you, I've given up trying to figure her out Ava: sorry James: no, I am James: you don't need to worry about this Ava: yeah i do James: no James: you're a 17 year old at a party, Ava James: you shouldn't be worrying about anything Ava: don't patronize me James: that's not how I mean it James: I like you & she'll take you down too if you aren't careful James: I don't want that Ava: no she won't James: if you think that we shouldn't do this Ava: do what James: see each other as much as we are Ava: why not Ava: because i'm not duly afraid of chloe James: because you don't understand the risks Ava: again, don't patronize me James: do you want to end up like your sister? Ava: that won't happen James: it could happen James: & I'm not worth it Ava: it won't Ava: if you don't want to see me then that's your choice Ava: i think you're making a mistake but you're entitled James: I do want to see you James: I so badly want to Ava: then don't put a stop to us James: just please be careful Ava: I'm not afraid to like you James: Ava Ava: I'm just not, okay Ava: and even if i were, i couldn't stop myself and i won't so there James: you're really gonna age me horrifically, aren't you? James: 👴 Ava: well i do only like you 'cos you're older, obviously James: well, the back cover of the book can be all my worry lines Ava: 😂 Ava: sexy James: I can't make everything I do sexy like you do, darling Ava: don't joke i'm trying so hard to seduce you here 😏 James: I'm not joking James: you are & everything you do is Ava: Monday needs to be here now James: will you dance with me when it is, because we can't now Ava: only if you hold me really close and even tighter James: that I can do Ava: come on Ava: say you will James: of course I will Ava: James James: yes? Ava: I wish I could call you James: I'll go outside to smoke, wait a minute Ava: me too Ava: can't hear myself in here James: [another dramatic pause] James: okay Ava: the perks of being one of the only smokers Ava: and its warm out still Ava: i love summer James: it's a bad habit, but I've had worse James: & I still like winter the most somehow Ava: sorry it looks sexy and I've got a rep to maintain Ava: when were you born are you a winter baby James: January Ava: knew it Ava: awh its not your birthday for ages James: & you only like me because I'm older, I remember James: you must be truly devastated Ava: mhmm Ava: hurry up and hit 30 so we can really make it a moment James: you'll have me looking 30 soon enough James: all these smoke breaks Ava: not if you get to talking please and thank you James: you're supposed to be calling me James: as you wished it Ava: oh Ava: wanna facetime Ava: assuming 🥴 this is not my face James: you could still 'make a moment' I'm sure James: & I probably look better blurry Ava: shut up Ava: you're beautiful James: so you don't want to talk to me, you want to look at me? James: understood Ava: I wanna listen to you talk Ava: [ring him bitch] James: [telling her a story of everything he wants to do on Monday & it's hot & cute & funny & a mood] Ava: you're so so lovely Ava: stick around please James: you're quite drunk Ava: if I was drunk I'd say lots more James: you are so you can James: I'm listening Ava: no Ava: 🙈 James: you're not afraid of my scary wife but you're afraid of me? Ava: no Ava: but I'm scared of feeling crazy, being Ava: a little madness is key but James: I don't think genuinely crazy people are that self-aware typically Ava: maybe James: You're not crazy, Ava Ava: thank you Ava: probably not curtsy worthy but still James: you've devastated me, but I'll hide it expertly Ava: 😞 nooooooo James: I'll dedicate a suitable amount of book pages to it James: but otherwise, be utterly unaffected Ava: as long as that's the only conflict you're planning Ava: know it propels plot but I'll be very sad James: you'll get your happy ending, that means more to me Ava: you too James: that'll require a very long re-write Ava: maybe Ava: the middle can be shit though Ava: think that's writing 101 James: 😂 Ava: come on Ava: reluctant hero is a great trope James: I'm more of an anti-hero James: it's less about reluctance & more that I lack the necessity attributes, like courage or a trustworthy nature Ava: there's plenty different ways to be a hero Ava: there's plenty different ways to be heroes Ava: it isn't all capes and a misplaced sense of authority and vigilante justice James: I'm aware of that, but isn't the advice to write what you know? I'm hardly surrounded by viable examples James: you can't play every role, darling Ava: or write for the life you wanna have, the person you wanna be Ava: usually advice reserved for making you buy shit suits but I think it applies James: that explains why I've never heard it, in that case Ava: 😏 you were born in a tailored three-piece right James: if my parents were authoring the story, absolutely Ava: as much as parents love me Ava: probably not result in my happy ending James: or mine Ava: no Ava: we'll save that meet-cute James: thank you James: though it's unlikely I'll curtsy either Ava: shame James: I can add it to Monday's to-do list if your heart is set Ava: Your Monday sounds very busy as is Ava: I wanna help you relax and feel good not run yourself into the ground with curtsies etc James: you're sweet Ava: come taste me James: your party guests are bound to notice me Ava: I know Ava: I'd make them all leave if you could though Ava: but you can't James: no, I can't Ava: it's not long to wait Ava: just feels it James: it'll go faster for you, half of it spent in bed Ava: ha Ava: actually will have to entertain children too, worst of all my brother Ava: he's as annoying as he is protective etc and will definitely make me spend time with him before he leaves so we can have Monday James: it's a shame a playdate is out of the question Ava: even if I stole his Ava: can imagine your wife's joy to bump into us at the park James: she'll be far too busy shopping or having brunch with her friends Ava: then tell me it's still not feasible before I think it actually is James: it's a bad idea James: isn't it? Ava: it must be Ava: it's too good James: your brother wants to see you, he'd probably invite himself anyway, right? Ava: Probably Ava: but what if I show up really early and annoy him all day Ava: hype the kids up too James: 😈 Ava: there is one problem James: is there? Ava: my cousin will probably wanna come Ava: idk how I'm telling her no James: you said you'd already sacrificed my brother to her once James: how did that go? Ava: I've not been 👀 on 'em Ava: but I see 😈 what you're saying James: if get Jay to insist that he brings himself & a jumper for goalposts, he might Ava: oh Ava: no we can't James: you don't think it'll work? Ava: I told her some stuff Ava: not about you specifically Ava: but she can't meet you, obviously, she's not daft James: why would you do that, Ava? Ava: I didn't tell her anything James: that's obviously not true Ava: well she has no idea who you are James: you can't tell anyone about us James: I shouldn't even have to be saying that Ava: I haven't Ava: I told her about a boy Ava: I'm sorry but it's not going to affect anything Ava: she's not from here, she's not gonna say anything and she's got nothing to say anyway James: if you've told her enough that she could figure out who I am from seeing me at the park, you've told her too much Ava: I'm saying if your brother is there, it's just obvious Ava: I'm trying to be careful James: it doesn't matter, I'll see you Monday as previously arranged Ava: Well it does Ava: I'm sorry Ava: I'm just saying I don't think I can pretend you're just Teddy's brother, there's no point James: I agree Ava: I can tell her it fizzled out soon okay James: like you said, it won't affect anything Ava: you're still angry James: it's a frustrating situation Ava: yes James: I'm not angry at you James: I shouldn't have done this Ava: Be angry at me Ava: it was stupid but I'm not Ava: I won't tell anyone anything James: I know you're not, how smart you are is one of the 1st things I noticed James: but I obviously need to be smarter Ava: You don't want to do this James: I think we should slow down, you won't have to lie to your cousin & I won't get so carried away Ava: okay James: it's for the best Ava: alright, so what does that look like James: I don't know Ava: just let me know then James: I'll call you Ava: 👍 James: okay Ava: later then
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Ava & James
Ava: So, campus bars Ava: Avoid entirely or cheap enough to make the cringe worth it? 🤔🤔 James: use your student loans wisely enough that cheap is avoided entirely Ava: Ugh 😏 I thought you'd give real advice if I got you off the clock James: go with your gut, option 1 James: you're not striking me as someone to base their social life around KCLSU's quiz night Ava: I love trivia like I love cheap white wine spritzers and school spirit James: knew you'd fit right in Ava: Can I put that resounding endorsement on my application then, James? James: it'll carry more weight if you accidentally add the I when you write my name James: but I didn't say that James: slip of the pen, that's all Ava: My lips are sealed Ava: There's plenty of time to meet him and double up on kudos James: I hear the girl's hazing rituals are savage James: stand you in good stead that will Ava: No one is scarier than a high school girl Ava: Nor as petty and sadistic Ava: I think I'll survive James: they've toned it down since that girl had a mental episode post head shave James: sure you will Ava: Very chic Ava: Do you wait 'til the UCAS app has gone through to drop the horror stories usually or are you really bad at this whole recruitment thing on purpose? James: it's my 1st time playing tour guide James: potentially I'm less than cut out for it Ava: I won't lodge a formal complaint Ava: Unless you're turning over DMs as feedback, in which case, awkward James: I won't be, some girls think I have more sway than I really do James: awkward indeed Ava: God Ava: Not even my first choice Ava: Though makes you wonder how effective attaching nudes to your cover letter would be James: they'd have to take that on a case by case basis Ava: 🤞 that you don't get the one token woman on the panel James: not your 1st choice, no need to cross anything Ava: Hypothetically, James II Ava: Why was it yours, then? Ava: Student life evidently not being it James: it was my only James: it's gonna end up being Teddy's too Ava: He hasn't turned up to business studies in time Ava: But slip of the pen, I get you James: my older sister got all the brains and none of the sense of fun Ava: Know the sort Ava: Bet I still likes you better though James: I wouldn't go that far Ava: Too far for a taster sesh Ava: Understood Ava: Don't suppose you'll point me in the direction of where you actually hang now then? James: I suppose I could Ava: Please Ava: Bored is an understatement Ava: I'll still show up all present and correct for the debrief thing tomorrow James: it's such a good thing here isn't your 1st choice Ava: You should give me the real tour Ava: I'll keep my lips sealed James: can't I get another please before you do? Ava: Please do not invite your brother Ava: He got us kicked out of Mahiki last month it was so tragic James: he's a disgrace Ava: Most of them are James: I don't associate with anyone who still goes to Mahiki regularly Ava: It's pretty played out James: if they'll let Teddy in they're getting desperate Ava: 😂 awh James: you ready now? Ava: Already out Ava: Figured you better pick me up from The Vault Ava: Consider it a mini hazing of my own James: keep your lips sealed that I'm going within 100 yards of the place and sure Ava: Don't worry Ava: The others are at the cinema or something equally as lame the school put on for our 'overnight entertainment' Ava: I'm sick Ava: No selfies James: the hangover'll make it look & feel convincing Ava: That's a promise you can put your wallet behind Ava: I am a guest James: you don't want put your fake ID on the line either Ava: Bold of you to assume I've ever needed to buy my own drinks 😏 Ava: I didn't bring it alright, shut up James: you don't need it, I'm only playing Ava: 😾 James: how many drinks has my brother bought you? Of course I need to 1 up him Ava: Total? Ava: Not as much as he'd like but lots Ava: Not trying to milk this sibling rivalry or anything, have known him ages Ava: Well before Mahiki would let him in, like James: hardly a rivalry, you know him well enough to realise Ava: True Ava: You do what feels right and I'll let you know by the end of the night then James: very straightforward James: I like it Ava: You don't know me well enough yet but that's par for the course James: I knew your brother for years & I didn't know him James: we'd need more than an evening Ava: I'm as comparable to my brother as you are to yours Ava: Probably James: show me, I'll show you Ava: Deal Ava: But we will need more than an evening Ava: to make it fair James: you can have until you're bored Ava: You'll want longer when you aren't anymore James: I'm used to things not lasting as long as I want Ava: I'm not your average Ava: You'll see James: bold of you to assume I've ever settled for average Ava: I didn't say THE average James: I heard you say my average Ava: No need to be offended by better, is there? James: bemused at most Ava: You're welcome Ava: but you are meant to be entertaining me, not the other way 'round James: you brought up fairness James: & it's a good point Ava: How do you propose we make it fair then? James: I entertain you tonight, you entertain me whenever you've thought of your own tour worth taking me on Ava: That's actually a good idea Ava: and entirely fair James: Teddy'll cost my dad more to secure his place than I did, I've got some brains on board Ava: No doubt Ava: Gave his name to the right kid, clearly James: My sister was undoubtedly relieved James: though Diana has its own pitfalls Ava: 😬 The jokes write themselves James: they do Ava: Perks of having a relatively untouched name James: it does suit her, she's very much a martyr Ava: Did you do an English degree? Ava: You're good at painting a picture with words Ava: See 👸 so clearly James: sadly not James: maybe I'll go back & do it if I ever finish the current one Ava: Student forever vibes Ava: Fuck real life James: then again, being the kind of dad who drops their kid off for classes & pulls up his own chair at the table doesn't sound like a great idea Ava: Just make sure its not their first choice, yeah? James: oldest's already smarter than me James: won't be a problem Ava: There you go then James: where's yours? Ava: Currently undecided Ava: It's more a case of sorting the 2-5 James: & how's that going? James: this place being a solid 5th Ava: Its been a solid mix of fun and boring working it out Ava: Better than another night in Mahiki at any rate Ava: I'll have to decide eventually but even my mum can't demand I do quite yet James: don't over complicate it James: they're not all that different James: I've got friends studying all over the map and they're still basically doing the same things I am Ava: See, that's what I figured Ava: But try telling that to a woman who was Cambridge or bust Ava: It's more about the vibe of the place, the people, the ethos and the lecturers not being the worst stereotypes of boring/creep Ava: again, if I tell her vibe is on my criteria she'd actually kill me before I could apply anywhere so 🤷 James: your secret's safe with me James: even if our mothers were friends, mine is currently not speaking to me Ava: How's that? James: it's something I'm fairly used to James: she's not a big talker James: more of a fan of a dismissive hand gesture Ava: Gotcha Ava: Not a whole lot to miss James: she's got lots to say about my parenting style but who hasn't Ava: Shame you don't talk to my brother now James: I don't suppose he sees it as a shame Ava: Probably not Ava: He's not one for regrets James: me either James: it's why we started out friends Ava: Feels like ages ago Ava: Since he still lived here James: it kind of is James: he left before he left Ava: It's complicated James: it's not my business Ava: Not mine either so Ava: Whatever James: car's here James: are you going to make me get out for you? Ava: You're meant to come in here Ava: Don't you trust I can keep my lips sealed? James: I don't trust it to be entertaining in there James: hence it's not part of the tour Ava: Please James: Oh Ava James: [but does come in we all know he would] Ava: [clearly making him stay for a drink and play pool or something in this student ass bar] James: [when you're whipped for someone you're not even dating lol] Ava: [When Chloe is your missus] James: [to be a fly on the wall in their relationship tbh literally imagine] Ava: [oh lordy how you have not been missed girl] James: [at least the new kid is young enough she can dress it up still and it can't talk back so she can pretend she gives a shit and isn't blowing his phone up rn] Ava: [in full show-off-to-all-my-friends mode still, somehow still has some lol] James: [lord when you don't even like and comment on pics of your own child anymore though bye do not approve of your aesthetic choices Chlo] Ava: [so awkward, when you only get a look in for the boring/hard bits] James: [basically just get to parent Jay cos she's well over that] Ava: [poor James tbh] James: [have your fun now lad I don't blame you even though everyone else will] Ava: [lord people gonna be SO mad] James: [how far we gonna take this during the tour cos obvs flirty vibes been flying about but like he can't just jump her cos married and she's younger] Ava: [she fully initiated this whole thing lbr but maybe don't sleep with him yet babe as you are aware he's married and has kids so like, some thought even though you young and reckless that, he could always stop it at a makeout 'cos then how embarrassing for her and she'd have to leave it for a bit like what was I doing, angst etc] James: [I vibe with that cos they are gonna be drinking a lot as the night goes on so that'd make both of them give less of a shit about the consequences but because the night is going on eventually chlo is gonna be like are you coming home ever because I like to think he hasn't cheated since she got pregnant with this kid and has actually been trying even though he's miserable af clearly] James: [like maybe it was really bad before and he was actually gonna leave her so she was like simply must trap him and did] Ava: [v much a her move I support it] James: [yeah cos she's invested this much time into him she's not just gonna let him go easily] Ava: [when you have no idea what you've signed yourself up for here babe] James: [I'm rooting for them rn cos nobody else is and I'm 100% that bitch, must not get invested yet when we've only just begun] Ava: [same tho so whoops] James: [he'd be so into it though too we all know that makeout would be 💣🔥] Ava: [hence breaking it off would be hard af, Chloe gotta be blowing his shit up to the degree he thinks maybe one of the kids is hurt lol] James: [literally Chloe is the teenage girl in this situation, girl chill out] Ava: [I'd feel bad if you hadn't also cheated loads and trapped him in this sham life soooo, grant you idk how much Ava knows of that rn but she'd clearly have a rep] James: [yeah I feel like Ava would be knowing some shit cos same circles and Chlo ain't slick plus like he's gonna eventually tell her cos god knows he needs someone to talk to] Ava: [we will get there boy] James: [at least it'll be less awks for her cos it'll be obvious that he didn't wanna break shit off and how hard it was to do] Ava: [there was obvs a vibe to pursue in the first place, still tomorrow morning lmao] James: [he'd so go too hard pretending she doesn't exist like nobody's picked up on the vibe and it ain't obvious okay boy] Ava: [I hope there's some other drama gone down on this little excursion so yous can fly under the radar, someone hold hands at the cinema lol] James: [shit like that always happens don't worry you two] Ava: [thank God for teenage shenanigans when you out here homewrecking on the low] James: [you should do some Chlo texts at me for the lols even if I don't reply cos busy lol]
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