#he finds the kid so annoying but also basically imprints on him within hours
noose-lion · 1 year
It's so funny how Fukuzawa just told a baby Ranpo, 'hey you have an ability and your super smart, everyone else is a literal idiot, here's some special glasses', you know like a liar. And in doing so gives this random autistic 14 year old a god complex.
Then adopted him.
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angrydimples-blog · 6 years
DOING IT my extremely rough Timeline for my Defect FAHC AU as well as just a basic overview of the chapters and what not. Hopefully, I’ll begin chapter one soon? IDK. I fell in a slump like three days ago so maybe? 
Killing scar lasts unless it’s an internal cause. (poison, internal bleeding, internal head trauma, swallowing a bomb and exploding from the inside out.)
Respawn is always a random location within a certain mile circumference of the city. Nude? Nude.
Body stays there until respawn, then it turns into ash and disintegrates. Leaving a mess. It’s tiring as hell to Respawn, mainly due to having to find clothes and a way back home, as well as just a general soreness.
 Geoff was the first, a farm man turned entrepreneur looking to make it big in the new town- he was there when the city was beginning to get built, as well as the first one to get the curse. His first death was getting beaten in an alley for scamming people, and the scar is three knuckle imprints on the right side of his throat.   He thankfully woke up only a couple streets away and thought he was just dragged there by the customers and had his snazzy clothes stolen. He found it a miracle that he didn’t have anything wrong with him outside getting naked. He didn’t realize this shit was fucked up until he got shot in the chest for pulling the same con, only to wake up out in the forest alive and with a bullet scar. Then it was time to freak out, which ended in another death due to a conk on the head from falling that left no scar. Waking up nearer to the town, he decided to go honest to stop doing that. Didn’t last long as he began to figure things out. While freaked out, he found this entire thing ‘cool as dicks’, and became more reckless. Though, through the years he’s slowed down as more people got under his wing. It took longer for him to notice that he stopped aging, mainly because he was reaching 50 and he looked the same as he did when he arrived. (how old are you? Old as dicks.)
Jack was second, escaping the rural south to seek medical success in the blossoming city and to continue learning. His death was a scientific one? As in he drank a concoction, a fellow doctor made to see if it helped numb the mouth for teeth extractions, and he was poisoned and croaked. No death scar. Poor guy woke up on the beach and rather confused because it was a rather painful death. He knew he died. The confusion continued all the way up when he went back to work and the fellow doctor freaked the fuck out that he was up and walking again. He applied the scientific method, though hesitantly, to the curse. Harming himself in various ways and killing himself with poison usually- the one time he decided to go out with a bullet through the jaw and up and woke up with his first ‘official’ scar on his neck/jaw- he learned his lesson and decided to keep using nonscarring ways to die. He tried his best to track the respawning but noticed nothing outside of staying within the area. Papers and papers were written in his apartment as he tried to figure this bullshit out. Geoff died under his care, which was the first time they met. They hit it off, easily taking his jokes and snark with his own rebuttals. It would have been better if the guy wasn’t dying. Internal bleeding caught too late, and the guy died as they were opening him to fix it. A couple of somber hours later he was stopped by a nurse and asked if he had moved the body. It seemed to have disappeared, but there was ash left? Jack instantly fucking knew because he had figured out the ash thing ages ago when he came back from a respawn with a pile of it and was annoyed. He hunted the fucker down, knowing he was alive and well. Jack pretty much exploded on him once he found him, finding the first person he could talk to about this shit and believe him. They stuck together like glue since then, Jack still keeping records of things to this day. (Did you use leeches? I’m not that fucking old.)
Michael was third. Somehow the guy managed to hitchhike and hide in trains to get from the east coast to the west without dying. He just wanted to escape from his home and pretty shitty life and explore. Homeless for a while, he found his money doing underground fights. The first death was in the ring, the guy had hardened the wraps on his hands, causing a harder punch. No death scar and he woke up very much confused and angry like Geoff, thinking this was a joke for passing out. He found out about the curse by getting stabbed after a match, the other was a sore loser and stuck a knife between his ribs and left him to die in some crummy corner. It caused his first scar as well as freaking the fuck out that he’s alive again. So after getting his shit together, he did what any rational person would do; find his killer and beat the shit out of him. Said killer ended up in Jack’s hospital, rambling on and on about how a guy he was sure was dead was alive and nearly killed him. Jack was the only one that took him seriously (with some salt, of course) and asked for a description of the guy and soon found himself in the middle of the underground fight club with Geoff cheering and betting next to his side. The first time they met was after the kid stumbled out of the ring, Jack excitedly talking about what had happened… Only to be brushed off and called a creep, ending up with Michael running away. (Are you still doing the underground fighting? Not really, I’m hired to do it above ground now)
Ryan was fourth. Came around the same time as Michael. He was escaping the police for a job gone bad and it was a big city he could disappear in. Jack and Geoff found him while staking out Michael, who keeps running away from the two older men who ‘need to talk to him’ and he really doesn’t fucking trust them especially since they know about the respawning thing. He smashed a bottle over Michael’s head after a solid 10 minutes of taunting him for drinking soda at a bar and killed him and ran off. After that Ryan was ‘haunted’ by the Jersian, him following him and causing him to see him in the corner of his eye. At this point Ryan was familiar with the curse, having been killed a few times doing odd jobs for mainly crooked police at the time. He took it all calmly (he didn’t, he’s a big fat liar and freaked out). Putting two and two together, mainly realizing it wasn’t a ghost because the Jersian rushed up to him saying ‘Guess who motherfucker’ and punched his throat. (and he’s never really been haunted by his kills before so it was unique). After talking Michael down, and in general explaining the whole respawn thing and finding out that yeah, they have that in common, though first Michael thought he was one of the two creepy guys that are following him. Deciding that figuring this out together was better than going at it alone (aka mainly Michael was looking for a bodyguard and also was lonely) they teamed up. The next time that Jack tried to talk to Michael it ended up in Ryan shooting him in the back of the head. Only to find a pissy looking Jack a couple of days later with a pretty bad scar in his hair. That was enough to convince them to join the two others, though hesitantly. (Do you have any regrets? Smashing that fucking bottle. Over 10 years and he still bitches about it.)
Gavin was fifth. A clueless vacationer that was just at the wrong place at the wrong time. A bit more than clumsy, a mugger grew tired of his squawking and poor attempts at finding his wallet and just shot the guy. And stole his wallet. His first scar was in the middle of his chest, though through time it’s usually hidden away by chest hair. After the usual freak out because he very much remembers dying, he kinda found… Joy? In it? At least a thrill and sense of adventure. The curse gave him a reckless freedom he had desired. There were news stories that covered the golden boy jumping off of buildings or just stealing cars and seeing what the hell he can get away with. Seeing a pattern, they soon began to stalk Gavin. He was the easiest to bring into the crew, seeing as it was a lot of what he was doing in the first place only with more structure. (you’re an illegal immigrant, you know? As if that’s the worst thing I’ve done.)
J was sixth and the newest find for them. Professional wrestler and monster truck driver, he knew his life would be a short but impactful one. It wasn’t a surprise to him that when his truck rolled over in the Los Santos stadium that it might be his last ride. It was a slow and rather painful death, his ribs crushed by metal and causing his lungs to rupture. So imagine his surprise to wake up without a single scar or wound or clothes in the middle of a park. At least his appearance is distinguished enough for him to get back in his trailer and get some clothes. He got more recognition due to his sudden disappearance from under the rubble and coming out of it without a scratch, but damn it didn’t sit with him well. So he went to research and found the tall tales of the FAHC, a group of immortal criminals tied to the history of the town. From King Pin to the Golden Boy, decades have passed and they were still wandering the place, wrecking shit as well as building shit. It all sounded bullshit, but some of the things talked about in forums sound a lot like what he had been through. It took forever to hunt one of them down to talk to them, Michael is the second easiest to come by after Gavin. It was a bar fight, which was typical, they had to be on the down low after a big heist, seeing as most of them were supposed to be dead. The red mop of hair was easy to spot, as well as the fighting giving him a big clue that it was the untrusting Wild Child he had to deal with. Following him outside, yelling his name over and over again, he nearly got his ass shot by Geoff who had been coming towards the bar to stop Michael’s bullshit. Jeremy explained what happened, telling him to shoot him if he doesn’t believe him and they’ll meet right at this same spot the next day. Geoff shot his brains out through the temple. Next day the short man was right there, exactly like he said he would be, staring down five other men who had the same curse as he did. (Do you miss the old lifestyle? What? No! I get to do the same shit and not die! How fucking cool is that!)
so that’s it. so far.
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