#he gets so unapologetically hyped and like!! this is what music does!!
luminarai · 6 months
Watching hthaze reacting to Beyoncé’s Lemonade on YouTube and just being reminded of why it’s still one of my favourite albums of all time. Just exceptional.
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helga-heason · 3 months
Batshit things that happen in Doctor Who, series 14:
RTD: it's gonna be a fun, light-hearted series, with no lore obligations like the 60th
The series:
- racism
- sentient phone things tracking people and slugs eating them in alphabetical order
- Keeping Up With the Birdgertons but make it really murderous
- butterfly gets stepped on and then healed with what is presumably regeneration energy
- fairy circle gets stepped on and the Doctor outright just vanishes for like 60 years
- more racism
- The One Who Waits
- old woman stalks Ruby
- old woman turns out to be Ruby
- character hyped up for a year and a half has five minutes of screentime and runs away screaming
- new companion arrives early
- Doctor stands on a landmine for 40 minutes
- “thoughts and prayers”
- yet more racism
- Mrs Flood
- racist rich bitch sic's an AI bubble onto discount Harry Styles
- Maestro tries to enact a nuclear winter
- the Beatles are shit at music and the world sucks to live in
- DND is not only canon but well-liked by a character, so much so he got his name from it
- Ruby outright dies and then gets brought back
- Carol of the Bells is practically part of the soundtrack
- did I mention racism
- monster made of boogies and nightmares
- “we’re gonna cosplay this planet to death”
- Doctor gets shot, repeatedly
- Colin Birdgerton is kinda...
- unapologetic queer joy and identity
- “find me”
- Sutekh
- like, actual, real, genuine, God of Death Sutekh
- “what survives of us is love”
- the racism's bad, guys
- Bridgerton orchestra plays Bad Guy and Poker Face, the latter of which is played during a fight scene
- Doctor lipsyncs to Kylie Minogue
- no, you're not fucking safe, stop thinking you are
- ongoing Ruby's mum drama
- Lulubelle is apparently forgotten
- Susan tease
- remember Cherry? Yeah, well, she's irrelevant now, and possibly dead
- feel free to add more
- Kate and Morris make a joke about Elon Musk being a megalomaniac alien
- “your birdiness”
- Ruby apparently thinks it's a good idea to join the Welsh Tories and support a guy who has a hard-on for nuclear warfare
- the peak of Maestro's villainy is having someone charge £500 for a coffee
- there's always a Twist at the end... Literally
- Maestro gets defeated by the Beatles
- UNIT apparently employs child labour and has a 13 year old working as their scientific advisor
- “oh, good name. You should marry Ruby, then you’d be Mundy Sunday”
- Moffat's back
- the entirety of Space Babies
- Time Lord Victorious tease
- mavity reference
- same actress in every episode
- a piano teacher and Kate Stewart somehow don't pick up on ‘H. Arbinger’
- the casting department's eerily accurate historical castings apparently does not extend to the Beatles
- “honey, I’m a much bigger bang than you bargained for”
- UNIT fucks about with time technology despite swearing not to
- religion + war = profit
- RTD's sledgehammer subtlety strikes again
- Doctor has grandkids, but not kids
- Doctor gets engaged to a guy he met an hour and a half ago
- “nobody grows up wrong”
- 3 and a half minute musical number
- Fourteen goes off soul-searching so Fifteen isn't born depressed, then the writers immediately start trying to give Fifteen depression
- Doctor holds the body of a dead guy for stability for 35-ish minutes
- more additions are very welcome
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mewkwota · 4 months
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In my eons of living somehow I've never drawn Jin so here is a first.
So I recently checked out Tekken Bloodlines.
The only word I can really describe it is with a high-pitched Ehhhgn? I wanted to share what I felt here and not The Other Site because any more than 3 words over there gives me too many staring eyes.
I've made it no mystery that I've been left sorely disappointed with another video-game adaptation from this site (albeit a different studio but still, you let it happen). So I was already going into this with some mixed feelings.
Now that I've finished it, would I say it's on that level of Oh-So-Off? As far as I'm aware I don't think there was a sense of disrespect in the changes to the story and all that. I was just left mildly unsatisfied.
Maybe it's just me being cynical, but what is it with adaptations watering things down to a mellow, dramatic something or other to appease the general audience? I came into this hoping for Tekken, which I tend to associate with cool moves, big energy, hype music, and a huge helping of unapologetic goof mixed in.
We got the cool moves, if anything? The visual effects aren't too bad, but I feel like the excess of slow-mo for emphasis ended up doing the opposite to me. And perhaps my memory is also failing me, but the music was also nothing of note. It all sounded like that wonderfully cinematic orchestral stuff that I don't find memorable.
To me, it lacked energy.
My only other-- and very menial-- nitpick was the direction of the voices. Overtime, I noticed a lot of the gals started to sound similar, like in their tone. Why are you all so serious? Why are you all so quiet? Why does Heihachi sound like that? He's not big and commanding, he sounds like an ~evil cartoon shogun~. I don't know who that is??
If I can say one nice thing about this adaptation, it was nice to get more glimpses of Jin's time being raised by Jun prior to the release of Tekken 8 where we see so in the actual games. But the rest of it after, there's definitely changes, I understand. You can only keep a "tournament arc" drawn-out and still interesting for so long.
I grew up with Tekken, the 3rd game was my very first. And with my understanding that not all adaptations will be perfect, I wasn't expecting a perfect masterpiece to this game I like, but I still felt like it was missing a whole lot to really tie in for me.
Perhaps others saw something more in it, so you are always free to feel differently. But right now, I'm still not convinced that I can trust Nut-Flex with anything.
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getta-guy · 1 year
I thought of a fun little thing I want to do every Splatfest announcement and that is "What would Splatband Characters pick in Splatfests?"
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Everyone besides Ikkan would pick money (Ikkan would pick love)
To defend my point on Ikkan being on Team Love, bro is passionate about music If he wanted more money he would've stuck with Squid Squad and made more money
Ikkan isn't that much of a Team Love person, he just thinks the other option(s) are lame
But they would've probably been on Fame if it was an option
Namida/Murasaki were kind of forced to go along with Ichiya
If we're talking about previous Splatfests, Taka and Nishada would be on Team Money and Kuze would be on Team Love
Taka picks Team Money cause he's Taka
Nishada picks Team Money since he has a lot of brothers and thinks that money can help out his family
Kuze picks Team Love to play Splatfest with his Rainmaker Friends
He'd never replace his old drums he loves them
When Money VS Fame VS Love was announced, Taka immediately joined Team Fame
Everyone unanimously picks Team Love
Harmony is the least loud about it
Noiji is the ultimate Team Love hype man
In Mirror Matches, Noiji would try to start a Squid Party
when Team Love won the previous Splatfests he cheered so loudly he lost his voice
Shitaku enjoyed the next few days after the results
Mizole is Team Money for the previous Splatfests, he's now Team Fame
Mizole takes Splatfests very seriously
Ryan is Team Love, he is not safe from Mizole
She gets targeted and squidbagged by Mizole, but he does that back to him
Kagi picked Money to make Mizole shut up, but hardly plays in the Splatfest.
Kazami got Tsumabushi to endorse Team Love just to see Mizole and Ryan fight again
Tsumabushi then got everyone to shut up after all of the commotion going on, and asked everyone to stay silent whoever becomes the winner
Kagi doesn't want to bother playing for the 3rd Splatfest
Almost everyone is team money
they switch to fame after the 3rd Splatfest reveal
Tangle and Fin are the most loud about Splatfest, but they'd still be aggressive towards each other if they were to go against each other (I don't think they can fight in Splatfests if I remember correctly)
Fuka and Murutā would just be chilling with each other
Blow is on Team love with Kuze
Karen picks Team Love immediately
Bibi chose Team Money
Karen looks at her in shock, but Bibi is unapologetically on Team Money
Yoko struggles to decide, and her hair turns yellow/pink/green while deciding
Yoko then decides to go Team Love to rival Bottom Feeders
Achin is on Team Love, she's still trying to find love despite inexperience (poor thang)
Mayaya picks Team love for the aesthetic
Kitamura turned her entire blog into lovecore when the Splatfest was announced
Warabi picks Team Love due to him already being from famous and rich parents
Ikkan is a backline, Warabi is frontline
Karla doesn't say anything about Splatfests
Ryū Chang is on Team Love with Blow and Kuze
Taichi would be on Team Money, then go on Team Fame for the 3rd Splatfest
Paul would be on Team Love if he was older, Paul is waiting on his revenge on Taichi
They're all on Team Fame
Kikura would arrive late to the Splatfest
Uotora takes the Shrimps outside to see the Concert, but they got scared from the fireworks and he took them back inside
They would absolutely not pick team fame their whole Gimmick is that they don't do Live Shows
Ichiya and Namida would wear anything that covers their face so they're not identified
Murasaki just doesn't care and just shows up to see the Splatfest Concert
004Clm is Murasaki's drive back home
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namjoonchronicles · 4 years
impression | yg
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↳ genre fluff, domestic, established relationship
↳ words 5.5k
↳ summary many forgot that when you marry someone, you marry their family too, at least that’s how Asian family is like
↳ warning that side of adulthood, lockdown because of pandemic, self-worth, over-sensitivity, pisces dude, married life conflicts
↳ song ariana grande ‘pov’ 
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Just this morning you woke him up with ‘Daechwita’ blasting on his ear drums, dancing and prancing around the home gym in your spandex bra and sweatpants, rapping to every word he wrote, with more swag than ten Yoongis combined. Forehead glistened with sweat, rosy cheeks and more life in you than he ever had. He leaned by the door sill just watching in utter disbelief and renewed admiration to just how much you loved his music. It never gets old. But how the tables have turned, two minutes before midnight.
You’ve locked yourself in the bathroom, him leaning his back on the wall, speaking through the closed door, calling out for you.
“Talk to me. Please… Say something. Anything,” he puts his lips inches away from the door, covering his hand over his mouth to direct the sound towards you, hoping it would get through. Fat chance, but at least he tried.
Must be something in his drink last night for him to hear his own song even when he is sleeping, Yoongi thought. But he didn't drink last night? Yoongi pulled the duvet down his head, contorting his entire face and the blaring boom bass music, rippling through the miniature figure standees of famous baseball players he had lined up on the TV cabinet. The music was so loud, the pictures hung on the walls began rattling at each beat drop. Where is this music coming from??
Two seconds in, and the empty spot next to him spoke volumes. All answers were as clear as day.
Yoongi sat up on the bed, duvets pooled around his waist as he yawns loudly and his bed hair flopping on either side leans towards, some baby strands standing in all directions. He scratches his arms, neck and belly as he comes awake. Face puffy, eyes barely open, and cheeks as circle as they could be. He gathered the duvet to the side and pushed himself off to the edge of the bed while shoving his feet into his indoor slippers. He tried to fetch his phone from the bedside table and saw it vibrating on its own from the loud music.
"Better stop her before the neighbours come complaining…"
He waddles about the room lazily, dragging his feet, his arm reaching for the switch panel before he even arrives to have the curtain open and let the sun in. The automated curtain aligned and folded creases perfectly as it gathered itself to each designated side. The bed, the bed will be made up later after he advises his wife not to deafen the whole neighborhood with his albums and he could finally think.
The teal-colored walls that extended along the hallway of the house, decorated with wedding pictures, family pictures, his signed baseball jerseys, picture of his basketball days (the one he jumps for a slam dunk and especially proud of, you know the one), your graduation picture (with him professionally photoshopped in) and some lovely polaroids of your first unofficial date that he insists was official. More on that later. Yoongi walks pass this memory lane with a stern face, shooting glares ahead, marching in the direction of the music, which seems to be coming from the gym. What he saw was a petite figure, all hyped up, sweaty, holding up a water bottle to your lips like a microphone, mouthing his rap like it was your own. You saw him in the mirror reflection but instead of coiling away, shy, you spat his rap to his face with flaming confidence. Yoongi looks down with a shy smile, eyes turning small and polite, skin blushing pink with second hand embarrassment. His face is hot and your sweaty skin, hair plastered to your neck and forehead, in revealing spandex was not helping. Neither is your swag. He clamped his lips with his teeth while you pulled his arm so he would join you. He protested lazily but didn't resist as hard. He throws his head back, whining dejections but you couldn't care less.
"Are you making your own concert here? Plagiarising my songs?"
You heard him and grinned widely at the mirror. He folded his arms and watched you dance seductively and just as the rap got to the 'my tongue sends boys and girls to China' part, the music stops and he is no longer next to you but by the stereo and turning it off.
"Yoongi! I was working out!" "People are gonna come and complain…" "They know who you are…" "They know my name from you…"
Screaming underneath him, that's what he meant. You rolled your eyes at him. He passed you a face towel with a sheepish smile. Wiping your face with it, you watched Yoongi unplug your phone from the sockets. It reveals several missed calls from your mother in law, Yoongi's mom.
"Mom called…" "Really?"
You moved closer to him to see. Yoongi reads the message she sent you outloud and the colors drained down your face.
"What do I cook? What do I do? What does she usually have for lunch? OMG, I don’t know. Do we even have kimchis left? I hadn't restocked…" "She likes fried dumplings and soy garlic chicken stew… it'll be okay. She said she is coming around noon. It's just a little over 8 am… Go take a shower."
You scurried to the bathroom and did as told. Yoongi made the bed while he waited. He turns the cordless vacuum cleaner on but it beeped soullessly because it wasn't charged. He sighed. You always forget to charge them after using them. He opted for a broom and dustpan instead. Yoongi disappears into his home studio, to take the shampoo he had been using and after-shower lotion for you to use. He twisted the knob, knowing you wouldn't lock them when you shower. Knock on the glass door of the shower and told you to use them. You nodded, passing him a look over your shoulder but he was out as quickly as he entered. That cold, cold steely husband.
You stepped out of the shower wrapped in towels with your hair dripping wet, hurrying to the hairdryer to dry your hair. Yoongi walks in with nothing but a towel around his waist. He passes you a chaste kiss on the shoulder first, then your cheeks before he continues to unravel his briefs and showered as well. The water trickles down his face, neck and shoulders, cascading down his speckless back, over the bum of his ass and wetting his happy trails at the same time. He aggressively rubs water over his face, the tips of his hair appear darker as it gets wet. You dressed up in your oversized hoodie, a pair of jeans and red converse, hair tied up in a bun, grabbing your purse for a quick run to the store. If your mother in law is coming, the least you could do is cook an all korean cuisine, prep nicely on the table so she knows that her son was taken care of nicely. Giving her a lasting good impression was your core priority as of now. And Yoongi would have been more than happy to do the grocery for you but this time, just this once, you want to show him that you are dependable too.
If there is anything you learned from korean cuisine is that food is prepared meticulously like you would, a form of art. Everything is placed neatly on a plate, and wrapped tightly. Taste and looks must be perfect. Everything had a sequence. Tradition and culture shapes the good people of Korea to what it is today. And for Daegu native, Yoongi's deep accent and habits become one of the most significant traits that flags a Daegu representative. You are obsessed with getting it right. Although you mostly don't understand the heavy accents he tends to let slip out once in a while, you were expecting to guess the words as it comes. His accents are one of the things that you loved about him. Daegu dialects are strong, and oozing masculinity. They are often direct and unapologetic so it might be heard as harsh. You couldn't tell apart if he is cursing or if he is just plainly just talking about his day when his friends stop by. He caught you a few times, staring blankly at him when he blurted out dialects out of frustrations, and he laughed them off when you accuse him of lying to you about what the words actually mean.
With his mom stopping by, the dialects are going to be thick and you would probably stare blankly most of the time. Communications are limited and Yoongi had to come back and forth to translate some of them.
Korean cooking is not your forte. Let's put that out there, in the open for everyone to see and understand. You are not familiar with it, and although you love some of it, some just don't fit your taste buds. But Yoongi is a full blown Korean. You make adjustments here and there, but it's not like he is always around for you to cook them often. That's why your korean cooking skills deteriorated. Even simple things like choosing which mushrooms to cook with takes 10 minutes longer than it probably should. You went with your heart and took the one you saw first.
Yoongi came out from the baths to see an empty room. Your perfume wafts over his nostril and it tattles about your whereabouts. Just as he was about to investigate, his phone shrieked a calling tone. It was Jungkook. Asking for a chord. He sounds desperate and bored to death. Being a good friend, Yoongi speds to his home studio after clumsily putting on some white tee on top of a grey shorts, halfway through and sending him several chords the little guy could work with, then pulling the rest of the shirt down as it loads. He swore he didn't take long but he found you already changing your clothes and starting to chop things on the chopping board, sloppily. He knows that it was not you to do things sloppily so he offered to help sharpen the knives.
"Soy garlic stew?"
You chewed your lips at him as he asked and nodded. Anxiety was written all over you. Your hands were already so shaky, and that's why you couldn't hold the knife properly, aside from it being blunt. You turned to the sink and began chopping the scallions with another knife Yoongi handed you.
“There are some potatoes I bought in the paper bags, I brought the mushroom I am familiar with, I am not sure if it's the one used in the stew. What time is it already? Is this enough time to even cook the stew? The chicken hasn’t thaw has it? I am not going to have enough time… She is going to know that the dumpling is store bought and I am putting my pride on the line…” you spoke nonstop, didn’t even hear Yoongi if he was saying anything, which you assumed he was quiet, so you became annoyed and, “Why aren’t answering any questions I have??”
Yoongi stood there, with a blank expression, “You wouldn’t even let me talk…”
You answered your own questions, and he was here listening to everything, opening his mouth and closing it before any word could come out because you bulldozed him with words, as he dug out the potatoes you were talking about, as well as the mushrooms.
“I’m sorry, I watched the youtube video on making the stew on the way to the mart and it seems pretty complicated, but doable… I think that the ginger and garlic goes in first,” you paused and sighed, “It’s been awhile since I cooked a proper meal for myself. I don’t know if I had it in me to even do this anymore…”
That’s right. While Yoongi was always away from the last two years, his work trips extended from 3 months to a whole year, and while studying for your master’s degree, you opt for simpler food, just enough for you to get by the day with a filled stomach. Most of your time is dedicated to your studies and laundry. Stopping by Daegu was hardly done, and if anything, you would just send some gifts her way. It is pretty awkward between you and his mother; language barriers, interests, and principles. You didn’t notice when Yoongi was standing behind you, his hand was on top of yours, soothing over your knuckles and he hijacked the scissors from your hands gently.
And he whispered softly atop of your head, “I got this.”
Just like that, he took over kitchen duties and let you handle the simpler stuff like, putting the pot on the stove, fill water in it, skin the potatoes, chopped them into large cubes, unstub the capsicum, peel the skin off of the chicken, peel the garlic and ginger. Yoongi’s instructions are clear and easy to follow. After all the things are chopped and prepared, he hands the ladle to you.
Your eyes widen. And you shook your head. Stepping back. Yoongi clicked his tongue and chuckled through his nose. Coax you. But no, you stepped farther back. He then took your wrist gently and placed the ladle handle in your palm.
“Trust me?” “I trust you, it’s me I don’t trust.”
“I’ll help you every step. Let’s go. Have confidence!” “You’re the multi billionaire, I’m just the struggling degree student with a part time job.”
“You’re Min Yoongi’s wife.” “I find that hard to believe sometimes…”
With another scolding tut of his tongue, you conceded. With a heavy heart.
The chopped chicken pieces are placed in a boiling water pot, and when its reddish flesh turns white and is cooked, it is drained and washed underneath cold running water to remove impurities. You watched quietly as Yoongi cleans them with his capable hands. His veins protrude, extending well over his forearms. The tip of his fingers were pinker than the rest of his hands, and he smoothes over those nooks and crannies the chicken pieces have. As ridiculous as it may sound, you were quite envious of the fact that those chickens have his full attention now. Next, the carrots.
The carotene source is peeled and chopped in large size. Yoongi helped guide your hands over the handle of the knife, because he is pretty particular on how big he wanted those carrots to be.
“Isn’t that too large?” You asked him in a small voice. They are half the size of your thumb. “No, it’s just nice…” he replied in a low voice, his lips just behind your ear, “It has to be in the same size as the potatoes, so it will cook at the same time.”
Your bottom grazed over his front and he learns to just keep you sandwiched in between the counter and him, so it won’t turn to something else. He is just as anxious as you are with his mom coming. Therefore, the percentage of him turning frisky is zero to none. The onions come next. They are chopped in half and then into fours. Yoongi paused and braced himself for tear gas attacks only there was none. He asks where you bought those onions, and you replied, it was grown in your colleagues garden. They were given for free. And he comments,
“They should sell these, we will be their first loyal customer! It doesn’t sting!”
You laughed as you prepared the fruits you bought. It was rock melon and some papayas. You avoided buying tangerine because you know she will bring some from her hometown, knowing how much Yoongi loves them. Daegu’s tangerines are very sweet and plump. There is nothing like it. Yoongi sliced green onions for the stew and extra hot chili peppers because his mom likes them spicy. Then he prepares the mixture for the broth.
“Now watch,” he instructed you, “Soy sauce, rice wine, red chilli pepper powders, minced garlic, two cups of sugar, red pepper paste, sesame oil, pepper. Mix well.”
Yoongi prepared a pot and placed the cleaned chicken pieces in them, added potatoes, carrots and water with the mixture he made just prior. Then, boil. After the chicken is cooked thoroughly, he adds onions. Then the scallions. Then salt to taste. You prepared the oven and Yoongi carried the pot to it to keep it warm until his mom arrived. Dumplings were pan fried. That one was simple. His mom doesn’t like her beverages too sweet, a simple plain water is enough.
When all the food is done, you turn to him at the same time he did. Sweats rolling down his sideburns and his thin white shirt clinging on his skin like he ran a mile. You approached him with a huge smile, swept his hair back to reveal his forehead and dabbed your inner wrist to wipe away his sweat all around his face. He sniggers through his nose. Adam’s apple bobbing up and down, you can’t help but plant a kiss on them. Nuzzling your face on his neck, you draped your arm around his shoulder and mumbled, “Thank you…”
He leans his cheek on your head and kisses one side of your brain, before exclaiming that you both need another shower after cleaning up the kitchen and turning on the air humidifier to chase away the smell of cooking.
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“How was the journey?” you chirped. “The weather is scorching hot, the sun is melting me away before I can meet my son,” Yoongi’s mom complained in a thick Daegu accent, and when she stepped in, she gave you a glance and straight away went looking for her precious son. As expected.
“He was just out of the shower, he will come soon, mother,” you said the last word awkwardly, it doesn’t really roll off your tongue as comfortably as it should. She replied to you with a dejected “Hmm.”
You blinked and cast your eyes downwards, then up again to change the topic, “...Let me take you some cold drink… it must have been a torture, to walk around in such hot weather,” you sped to the kitchen and grabbed her a cold water in a tall glass.
“Hello mom…” Yoongi revealed himself from the hallway, gave his mother a hug that you didn’t receive when she walked in. “It wasn’t torture when I’ve come to see my son!” She suddenly changed her words, now she is all bright and cheerful, and you disappeared from her sight completely unless Yoongi looks over to you and includes you in the conversation. That too, wasn’t permanent. Yoongi learned that his older brother’s wife is carrying a baby and Holly had been snuggling to her tummy at every chance she gets. The sight would have been adorable and they were able to take a picture of it so Yoongi’s mom excitedly showed them to Yoongi. They both are sitting on the sofa while you were in the kitchen scooping up cooked rice into bowls of three.
“This sofa is new isn’t it? I didn’t see it the last time I was here,” his mom asked. “Yes, yes… do you like it?” Yoongi said and said you chose them. Then her enthusiasm dissipates. “I like it better without one. Now it’s too westernized,” his mom’s lips turned lopsided, continuing, “Did you know that hanging your legs down will disrupt the blood flow up to your brain? We better sit down on the floor when we eat, too…”
Yoongi prepared a Japanese folded table and pushed aside the coffee table that was there. Everything you’ve prepared on the dining table was moved to the Japanese one. When everything is set, you and Yoongi wait for his mom to start eating before you both do. It’s tradition. Even between man and wife, the older one begins eating first. Yoongi sips the stew and then you begin scooping the stew into your bowl. You were the only one eating mostly with a spoon instead of chopstick since you aren’t too accustomed to it. Yoongi’s mother said in a joking tone that you should start using the training chopstick used by toddlers.
Why are you extra sensitive today? She was just joking, but smiling is so hard right now. Your cheeks feel heavy and your shoulders stiffened. Yoongi carried the rest of the conversation effortlessly. The deep Daegu accent is already shifting your attention towards the fried dumpling instead. It was just a little over 45 minutes since she arrived, why does it feel like days?
“Dumplings, mother?” You chirped, attempted to use the chopstick and successfully landed them in her bowl.
Then she puts them back where they were, and said, “I don’t eat store-bought dumpling, darling,” before resuming to tell Yoongi the story about her neighbour getting into a real estate feud. You hold your breath in your throat and try not to think about it too much. Although you’ve finished your bowl of rice, Yoongi still hasn’t. He was busy nodding away to what his mother was saying. She barely touched the stew. When she turned to her food, you tapped Yoongi’s knee underneath the table and he looked at you wide eyed, darting at the stew. And Yoongi’s lips turned to the shape of an “O”.
“How do you like the stew, mom?” He asked. “It’s okay…” “My wife made it…” Yoongi said with a smug smile.
You smiled, shyly.
“It tastes exactly how Yoongi would cook it. I thought you cooked it, I know how horrible her korean cooking is, Yoongi… You don’t have to lie to me,” his mom passed.
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After bidding her farewell at the door, Yoongi accompanied her to his brother’s incoming vehicle that fetches her. His brother made a promise to stop by when the baby arrives and when the Covid cases reduce a bit. You watched from the window from your bedroom and when the car drove off with Yoongi waving goodbye to his mom, your heart thudded differently.
Your eyes stung, and tears impending to fall as it collected around the brims. As you heard the front door beeping open to Yoongi returning, your feet dashed to the bathroom door, pushing it open as your tears rolled down your face like a dam broke.
Sensitive? Too soft? Was I too emotional? Am I not trying hard enough to be enough?
Yoongi walks in, to an eerily silent house. Ridding his shirt by pulling it over his head as he walks down the dimly lit hallway. His heavy footsteps heard across the floorings and you covered your mouth with your hand to not make any sound. He noticed that the bathroom light was on unlike the rest of the room.
“You’re showering alone? Traitor…” he pouted and wriggled the door knob and noticed it was locked from the inside. “I have a stomach ache,” you hoped you sound convincing. Your voice didn’t sound as shaky and you hope he didn’t catch on. “Okay…” he said, after a long pause. You turned the shower on to reduce the sound of you crying, and went back to sitting on the floor by the door, dug the heels of your palm into your eyes socket, and hugged your knees, sniffling.
“Hey…” his voice muffled through the door. “Hmm?” you replied, through a broken smile.
“Are you okay?”
Another dam broke.
Shit, I’ve started crying again. Why can’t I stop crying?! He is going to find out now… Fuck.
“Talk to me. Please… Say something. Anything,” he puts his lips inches away from the door, covering his hand over his mouth to direct the sound towards you, hoping it would get through.
“Was it mom? She says something you don’t like? You know how mom is, right? She doesn’t mean any of it…” now it’s Yoongi’s turned to bulldoze you with questions he himself answered.
Unable to take it anymore, you had to speak out, even if it means behind closed doors.
“I know she doesn’t like me as a daughter-in-law…” you spoke in broken voices. “Nonsense…” Yoongi passed, nonchalantly.
“No, will you please just listen to me?!” you raised your voice a bit, “I am not like your brother’s wife who cooks great Korean food, who sends her nice homemade desserts to her likings, and now is bearing a grandchild for her. I can’t cook, and had to rely on you a lot. She came over and she didn’t give me a hug like she did you, and the whole she doesn’t even speak to me unless I speak to her first, and even then, she shuts me down so I couldn’t say another word. I can’t even use a damn chopstick or make homemade dumplings she’ll eat!”
It’s Yoongi’s turn to lean his back on the door and hug his knees, then hang his head low.
“Suddenly the sofa is too westernized. And the glass doors letting in too much sunlight when I renovated it the way she wanted. It seems like everything I do is wrong and I just have no place in the Min’s household no matter how hard I try,” you sniffed, and, “To make matters worse she brought up the girlfriends you had in high school and how they cook her favourite food! Girlfriends! Plural! Here I thought you only had one… Jokes on me, I guess… It’s fine, honestly.”
There's nothing more terrifying than the word ‘fine’ you threw when you’re sad and Yoongi knows it. It signifies so many things. It indicates that you’re done, and you’re ready to let go of it, by shoving it under the rug like many other things your mother in law did to you ever since you met her. Yoongi shot his head up when the door opened and his eyes followed you in silence, a little solemn. You dried your hair, sitting on the makeup chair table, running the cool air Dyson hairdryer over the lengths of your hair. Yoongi crawled on all four and knelt behind you to hug your waist, nuzzling his face on your lower back. Then the tears returned, and kept falling.
Your gaze is stuck on the reflection of you in the mirror. What have we become?
It was one of those moments where no words seemed to suffice. Regrets and guilt becomes almost the same thing. Pointing the blame is the last thing on your mind. Choosing sides is difficult when so much is at stake. You may have unclasped his arm from around your waist, heard his wordless gesture and refused to see his face, but so much of him is in you. The fact you held on for so long was because of that man you love and married. Is this going to happen everytime your mother in law stops by?
Even then, you didn't want him to go against his own mother, nor do you want him to side with her… It was such a confusing situation.
Yoongi needs to return to the studio. He packs a few toiletries and clothes for him to wear while he is there. You helped him pack leftover food so you are not burdened to finish everything alone. The conversation shifts to what matters now. You carry your duty as a wife, his partner. You make sure that he is able to provide for this family and even though your emotions are once again neglected for the time being, you were glad that it actually occupied your mind and heart.
At the door, his manager carried his things and instead of leaving along with his manager, Yoongi told him to go first. You already know what comes next. But you aren't sure if you had it in you. One look in your eyes and Yoongi knows that you will rather die than have that conversation all over again. He ran his finger through your hair, lowered his lips to your forehead and stayed like that for awhile, and you said,
“Take care of yourself,” you spoke to his chest, breathing in his musky cologne for the days ahead without him. He stepped back, thumbed your cheek and pinched your chin, tilting your head back. He glanced at your lips while biting his own then backed away, to leave. As the view of his back got smaller and smaller, he exclaimed, “I’m going.” Not once did he turn behind to have one last look. And it was something Yoongi would do. Doesn’t matter if it's at the airport, or at the backstage, he will never look at you after he leaves you, even when he knows you’re right there standing, and looking at him. He says that, if he saw you standing there waiting for him, he will not be able to fight the urge to run to you. So he never looks back. The one thing that he always does before a work trip, is to kiss your forehead. Dr. Laurel Steinberg says, a forehead kiss indicates strong emotional intimacy.
But Yoongi says that a forehead kiss to him signifies a bond that goes beyond lust and love, it was your soul. It is to say, “I might be too far away to hold you, but my soul is yours.” It sends butterflies and confettis your way when he does it. It always feels warm and you always feel protected with a stamp of Yoongi’s lips on your forehead. It feels like a talisman. That no matter what, Yoongi is here.
Recovery. The emotional turmoil, the rollercoaster. You fill your time organizing the photos Yoongi took. With your final exams finished a week ago, you’re given a month off before you begin your final year. Yoongi now lives in his studio office because the album recording session begins and he is in every process. He is in charge of doubling and finalizing the tracks, directing and whatnot. Yoongi sends you a 1 minute 23 seconds video. Scowling at it, your face softened at the sight of him, recording himself in the studio. Dark circles doubled in size and his cheeks sunken. Poor thing hadn't been eating well did he?
“Hey, sweetie…” his familiar guttural voice resonated with your heart strings, “Sorry I haven’t been able to properly give you a call. It’s too late when I’m free, and I’m asleep when you’re awake. So I figured I’ll just send you a damn video, to hell with it.” You chuckled softly as your visions turned blurry.
“I think I will be addressing the recent issue we tucked away for later day. It’s later. You have never been good at fighting for yourself. It was something I don’t really understand because I’ve seen you fight my fight for me,” he glanced to the side and smiled fondly. You were unclear what situation he was talking about but you kept listening.
“You told me that I shouldn’t side with you because that would mean I am against my mother. Here’s what I truly think…” he breathed in and sighed loudly, “I think I should side with you. I spoke to my mom a few days ago, asked her how she is, and I told her several things I don’t like, like bringing up my past ex girlfriend, or how you can’t use the chopstick yet, or how your korean cooking isn’t great yet… how upset it made you and me. She told me that she was just jealous. I left home when I was 16. Come back when I am 20, married at 25. I will always be her son, I let her know that. But I am now someone’s husband, and I happen to cherish this someone, her heart and her wellbeing is my responsibility. I am not stolen from my mom, I consciously chose this person to be with me, to be her husband and built a home with her. And if she can’t respect that, then she cannot return to our house…”
You had to set the phone down and wipe your tears with the back of your hand.
“I’m done being a referee,” Yoongi continued after a long pause, “You’re gonna cry again, and I won’t be able to pass you tissue or give you a hug, I hope you understand what I’m trying to say. I am proud of you and all the little things you do. Daegu dialect is difficult to understand ha? That’s alright. You’re getting your degree, and you help pack my things even though you’re sad as hell the day I left. I couldn’t… I couldn’t ask for a better wife, and I hardly think I deserve you. Until we meet again, soon. Your husband, Min Yoongi.”
The video cuts to him winking.
Another text from him,
[Yoongi, 1.03AM] Impression is never permanent. I hope you give mother another try…
Wife is typing...
[Wife, 1.04AM] Erm. [Wife, 1.04AM] Sends a pic.
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[Wife, 1.05AM] How’s this for a lasting impression?
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copyright © 2020 namjoonchronicles do not repost, and thank you for reading
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levithestripper · 3 years
What Kind of Music Do the Scouts + Marley Warriors Listen to in the Car?
✩ Masterlist! ✩
✩ Taglist: @myglitteringstardust @alicchi @sleepysnk @waywardsongbird3 @aestosia✩
✩ If you want to be added to a taglist, fill this out! ✩
✩ Warnings: Modern AU! ✩
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Eren listens to either rock music or whatever just happens to be on the radio at the time. I hate to be basic here but he listens to bands like The Beatles and Led Zeppelin, but he's not opposed to bands like Arctic Monkeys and The Cure. He's one of those guys that wear those low-cut underarm tank tops and bashes his head to the song while he's driving.
Armin, on the other hand, prefers softer pop songs like Ricky Montgomery and Lewis Capaldi. He likes to listen to the slow, sad songs that aren't totally straight forward with the message. Mostly so he can cry over them in the car when he's feeling down or depressed. He does that a lot.
Mikasa likes those classic sad emo girl songs like Paramore's 'Emergency' and 'Perfect' by Simple Plan. Eren makes fun of her for this like you have no idea. When they're in the car together, Eren skips all of the songs until he reaches the end of her playlist, switching over to his.
Jean likes heavy rock like Eren and soft emotional songs like Armin. This man has a playlist with such different genres of music on it that it'll give you whiplash. It'll go from Green Day, to Dear Evan Hansen, Hamilton, to All Time Low. Sometimes there's a few Disney classics thrown in there to spice it up. The first time you take a car ride with him, it freaks you out and simultaneously amuses you how one man could have so many music interests.
Connie likes rap music of any kind. He thinks he's the best shit since he can 'sing along' with it, but he can't. He just mumbles out a bunch of garbage that he pretends are the words. Don't tell him that though, because he'll either get defensive or he'll cry there's no in between.
Connie and Sasha may be best friends, but their tastes in music can't be more different. Sasha likes to listen to K-Pop and anime theme songs. No, there's no convincing her that they're all not as good as she thinks they are, just let her enjoy them.
Hange likes hard rock/screamo music. They'll blast Pierce the Veil out of their room at all hours of the day, making Levi lose his fucking mind. He'll knock on her door until she turns it down or until she opens the door for him and he marches inside to turn it down for them.
Erwin listens to Christian pop music. This is the hill I choose to die on. He unironically sings it in the car, the shower, the kitchen when he's cooking. Hange and Levi can't get away from it. They want to rip their ears off. Send help.
Levi, surprisingly enough, has the same/similar music tastes as Eren and Jean. He likes to sing along to Disney songs -especially the musicals- like The Lion King, Beauty and the Beast, dare I say Frozen. He is a grown fucking man that listens to 'Love Is an Open Door' in the shower and sings along like a five-year-old hyped up on Pixy Stix's. Imagine this, you see him driving down the street and are stopped next to him at a traffic light. He rolls down his windows. You expect to hear heavy metal based on his appearance, but instead 'That's How You Know' from Enchanted blasts from his window.
Mike listens to dub-step. He hooks his phone up to his car and plays an hour long video of dub-step mix. He has a playlist of just dub-step remixes of songs and puts it on shuffle sometimes. He likes to be able to bob his head when he drives, at least now he doesn't look crazy.
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Reiner is the king of crying himself to sleep with sad love songs. Lewis Capaldi, Adele, 'Be Alright' by Dean Lewis, the 'If I Die Young' cover by Michael Henry and Justin Robinett. Please get him therapy. Or a girlfriend. Both. Probably both. He sits in his car at night and plays them on repeat until he cries, it helps made him feel better.
Pieck is a basic bitch that likes the generic pop songs that air on the radio. She doesn't care what she listens to really, as long as the beat is nice she'll enjoy it. Whether it be Taylor Swift-esc songs or the occasional rap song, sometimes even Jason Derulo.
Porco likes to think hes all tough and manly by saying he listens to rap and hard rock, but in reality he likes 5 Seconds of Summer and All Time Low. He listens to the alternative channel (think Alt Nation on SiriusXM). He wants to be a drummer for a band at some point, so he's definitely that kid that taps his pencils against the desk or drums his fingers on his steering wheel.
Falco thinks he's cool because he listens to Alt music that the 'plebs' haven't listened to yet. He's that poser everyone has in their middle school classes that makes fun of people that are content with the music on the normal channels.
When I say Colt is a big softie, I mean he is a big softie. He and Armin like to take late night drives places, talking about nothing and everything which Ricky Montgomery playing in the background. They go and get McDonald's together and sit in the parking lot, chatting away until they realize it's three AM.
Annie actually really likes techno/electronic style songs. She's really picky about the ones she listens to though. Most of the time she dances to them though, or she jams out to them in the car if she's alone. But overall, she's not the biggest music fan.
Udo unapologetically enjoys folk/country music. Falco makes fun of him so much for it like that child is an asshole- Udo will be in his room and blast 'Black Lung' by The Dead South until Falco screams across the hall. He may be quiet, but he's 12 years old and an asshole.
Zofia likes Rihanna and Ariana Grande. She's actually respectful and puts in headphones when she listens to her playlist, unlike her two asshole neighbors.
Bertolt is a sweet boy that listens to mainstream pop music and video game songs. He likes to listen to the nature noises and background music of open world games, they help calm him down if his anxiety gets really bad, and they help him fall asleep. It's a big comfort/coping mechanism for him. He falls asleep with his earbuds in almost every night. This sweet boy. This sweet boy, just tuck him in and kiss his forehead when you put him to bed.
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2-player-game · 4 years
Haikyuu x reader new years HC
• "What if they think I'm a monster?" The redhead mumbled to himself, pacing back and forth.
• He was currently alone in his house, trying to work up the courage to ask you out at the Shiratorizawa new years party. All he had to do was head down to the dorm lobby and he'd be there, so he couldn't be late.
• He just didn't want to make a fool of himself if you were to reject him.
• His hands are very sweaty and he fidgets with the bandages around his fingers which he had forgotten to take off from yesterday's practice match.
• He runs a hand through his hair, god why was he so nervous? You were just some person, why did was he overthinking this so much?
• He's snapped out of his thoughts by a knock on the door. He opens his eyes wide, slowly walking over to open the door. He stops in his tracks.
• It was you.
• Why were you here?
• "Hey y/n! Why aren't you at the party?" He asked, tilting his head, he stepped outside so the two of you could talk in the hall.
• "I just hadn't seen you around the party and thought I'd check on you" you spoke, looking up at him. You would have assumed he would have loved the atmosphere. Maybe you didn't know your crush all too well..
• "Oh!! Yeah I was just about to leave. Let's go y/n!!" He said, grabbing a hold of your hand and dragging you back to the party.
• You giggled as he dragged you back to where you once were with such excitement. He was so fun and happy. You wanted to spend every year of your life with him.
• This precious boy is nervous
• He's shaking and he's so jumpy
• You two are at a new years party with Shiratorizawa, you two were hanging out as friends.
• Little did you know the wannabe ace had feelings for you, and at the moment Tendo was hyping him up so he could kiss you at the stroke of midnight.
• Grabbing yourself a drink and sitting down, you look down at your phone and smile as everyone has fun, you looked around, yet couldn't find Goshiki.
• A sigh escaped your lips, your hand running through your hair as you looked around.
• Looking down at the clock you glance at the time
• The clock read 11:56pm, four minutes until the new year. God, would some stranger try to kiss you? Ugh, sounds awful.
• You look up to see a very stiff Goshiki, a pink tint on his face as he slowly sits down next to you.
• A smile greets your face. "Hey Tomu, where have you been?" You asked
• He jumped from hearing your voice, "I uh, I was talking to Satori-san!" He explained, which wasn't wrong but he may not have given you every detail.
• You chuckled, looking over at him, "okay, just don't leave me for such a long time, I got so bored without you!" You said extending your arm over the couch.
• "Yeah, I won't do it again, I promise" he said, you noted how stiff and uncomfortable he looked.
• Roughly 3 minutes passed and you noticed it was 30 seconds until midnight, wow time really does fly by.
• You look at Goshiki, he's twiddling with his thumbs, and he keeps glancing at you.
• You hear people start to count down, mostly Tendo shouting just to keep things entertaining
• 10!
• 9!
• 8!
• 7!
• 6!
• 5!
• 4!
• 3!
• 2!
• You feel lips crash against yours, your eyes widen looking to see who had just kissed you. And.. it was Goshiki.
• You were speechless. You had never considered dating him, but, he was always so sweet to you, and he hadn't done anything wrong. Plus he was pretty cute. You smile into the kiss, playing with his hair. You could hear Tendo snickering from across the room.
• Today was the day
• It was the perfect opportunity to ask out the head of Shiratorizawas volleyball team
• That's right, Ushijima Wakatoshi, the man of your dreams
• Sure he wasn't normally your type, but there was something about him that made him special. There was something to him that made him seem special. He was so.. cool? You never knew how to describe him.
• The Shiratorizawa dormitory was hosting a new years party in the lobby, you put on one of your best outfits, you felt confident in your charisma to speak to your crush, which the male lacked.
• Glancing at the time, you read the clock.
• Shit
• 11:58 the clock read
• Oh shit, you spent so much time getting ready, you had completely lost track of time.
• You rushed outside of your dorm, you were so stupid!!
• As you rushed out to the party, you felt a sudden thud as you collided into a large mass.
• You fell to the ground, looking up you saw him, Ushijima. He stared down at you, an almost unapologetic look on his face.
• "Oh. Are you alright?" He asked, extending a hand, which you eagerly took, he hoisted you up back to your feet.
• "I.. yeah I'm fine, why aren't you downstairs with everyone else?" You asked, looking up at the tall man, you were confused as to why he could possibly be here.
• He was about to answer before you remembered your purpose, "nevermind, what time is it?" You asked.
• "It's 10 seconds until midnight, what is the significance of wanting to know the time so late at night?" He asked.
• "Okay listen Ushiwaka, I need to tell you something. I really really like you, and I'd like to start the new year with you" you spoke, looking up at him. You were embarrassed, but proud of yourself.
• You watched him kneel down to your height, placing a kiss on your lips, he pulled away slowly, but made sure it wasn't too long.
• Homeboy is stressed
• Currently Noya is trying to hype him up outside of the gym, since that was where Kurasuno's volleyball team wanted to have a party, and though it wasn't actually going to be a real party at midnight since most had to spend time with their family, they would still have a fun time during daylight.
• He definitely dressed way too formal for this, it was supposed to be casual but he showed up in a fancy suit, his hair all fancy, trimming his beard.
• He was ready to ask you out physically, but no where close mentally.
• Meanwhile you were inside the gym speaking to Yachi and Kiyoko, chatting about your new years resolutions and what you had planned for family. You guys agreed to all spend some time after the party and go out and have some extra fun.
•  Soon, everyone had arrived, music was playing loudly around the gym, cheap colorful lights for decoration, Takeda and Ukai actually weren't there, they were getting drunk together somewhere in town.
• The time was roughly 4:30, a pretty good time for teenagers to enjoy themselves at a party. Asahi was standing in the corner, Sugawara was helping him this time.
• You glanced at the two, Asahi was looking more.. intriguing today, he looked nice, but nervous, was he planning on asking someone out?
• You pondered this though, glancing over at the two, Asahi had a bright blush on his face, and Suga seemed confident in what he was saying.
• Asahi was soon pushed out back into somewhere close to the center, Suga laughed as he watched the male walk timidly in your direction.
• You tilt your head in confusion, but before you had time to process what he could ever possibly be doing, he was already right in front of you.
• "Y/n, I need to speak with you in private.. is that alright with you?" He asked, you nodded, allowing him to take you to a more secluded area of the gym.
• "I..I really like you y/n! I'd like to spend my life with you! If.. that's okay of course." He spoke.
• You chuckled. Kissing this tip of his nose, "Asahi, you're really sweet, ya know that?" Accepting his confession.
• You swore his face was red for a whole week
• Oh boy he's cocky.
• Not cocky in a way that he was bragging, but he was definitely confident in his charismatic ability to woo you.
• At least that's what he said to Daichi
• Don't get him wrong, he wasn't scared like Asahi
• Confidently walking into the Kurasuno Gym where a party was being hosted for the team, he noticed you were off more to the side.
• As Suga entered, you were thinking about how you would ask him out.
• A face dusted in pink once you both msre eye contact, Asahi had dragged the grey haired male off to the corner as he spoke about his crush, giving him some advice he pushed the taller male towards his crush.
• He laughed as he watched Asahi stumble towards his crush, he went off to do his own job.
• Walking up to you, he extended a hand towards you, "care to dance?" He asked, as a very spunky song started to play.
• The two of you danced around, laughing together, people watch, and though no one joined in, no one seemed to laugh or make fun if you.
• After the song was coming to an end, the male leaned in close, mumbling a quiet, "can I kiss you?" You nodded, your lips colliding into a passionate yet caring kiss.
• Oh my god
• Can I just say
• This woman is the definition of gorgeous
• Btw in this story you're a girl because I think the only man Kiyoko could get with is Tanaka and otherwise she loves women.
• I love her so much
• And so do you, she is the light of your life. She's so pretty, and kind. She inspires you to do things you'd never do.
• The two of you were leaving the Kurasuno party to go to the sauna for an hour, though Yachi had to cancel because her mother was finally home for the day, the two of you decided to enjoy yourselves and have some girl time alone together.
• Once arriving at the sauna, you two rented out a personal bath, undressing yourselves you two got into the warm water.
• A sigh of relief escaped Kiyokos lips, she was definitely stressed due to having to deal with a whole team of volleyball players.
• You noticed her legs were pulled up to her chest. "Your legs, they're covered in scars. I heard you used to do track and field but I didn't think they'd leave that big of a mark." You said.
• The females ears perked up as you spoke. "Oh, yeah. I fall quite often, I used to be so clumsy back then." She giggled, tucking some stray hair back from behind her ear.
• "Well, whether you like them or not I think they're beautiful. Scars make people unique." You said with a smile.
• Kiyoko smiled, looking over at you. "Thank you, y/n. Your way with words really amazes me." She said, turning to face you.
• Time passed, the two of you spoke, laughing and enjoying yourselves. Once you two were about to leave, Kiyoko stops you.
• "Before we depart, we should definitely hang out together a lot more. I like spending time with you alone."
• Oh boy
• This man
• this stupid lanky man, doesn't even realize he has a crush on you.
• Yaku literally had to spell it out for him and he still didn't understand
• "Wait.. I'm in love with y/n? That isn't possible, I mean sure I get really happy when I see them, and they're really fun to be around! But I don't like them like that."
• Yaku had to go through so much to get it through his thick skull, "that idiot, those two of you are so dumb neither would even notice." He mumbled.
• Now as Yaku mentioned earlier, the two of you are actual idiots, two dumbasses who keep eachother somewhat out of trouble.
• Kuroo was hosting a party at his house for the team, and being their manager you were invited as well.
• Knocking on the door, you were one of the last to show up to the party, as Kuroo opened the door, you walked inside and saw him.
• "Lev!!!!" You shouted excitedly, jumping into his arms, wrapping the Russian in a hug as if you didn't see him yesterday.
• "Y/n!!!" The male cheered, picking you up and whirling you around. He was happy to see you, barely even thinking about what Yaku had said about the two of you both having mutual feeling which neither of you even knew about.
• The Nekoma party was going well, Kuroo was chatting with most of the team, Kenma was sitting in Kuroos room avoiding people, Yaku kept to himself, sometimes glaring at lev when he was being an idiot.
• The sun had set long ago, and the team was preparing to count ten seconds to midnight.
• As the countdown began, you and Lev shouted and cheered the numbers in unison, but just as soon as everyone was about to shout "1" you felt a small palm grip the back of your head and push your lips into the silver haired males.
• Pulling away with a laugh, you noticed that Yaku had a grip on both of your heads, the shorter male had forced the two of you into a kiss, which unsurprisingly both of you enjoyed.
• "That was fun y/n! Let's do it again!" He cheered, a large smile on his face.
• Similar to Asahi, my homeboy is nervous
• He struggled to show it, but he does love you, he just doesn't know what to do about the growing sickness in his stomach when he sees you.
• Luckily he got some help from the internet, telling how to flirt with his crush.
• Though date tech wasn't hosting a party or anything, you had invited him over to your house to hang out for new years. Since your parents were out of town, you two had the night to yourselves.
• You heard a knock on your door, upon opening it you looked up to see the tall male which you had invited.
• "Oh! Hey Takanobu, come inside. You arrived later than I had expected, I didn't think you'd even show up!" You laughed, walking him up to your room so the two of you could relax.
• "I'm sorry, should I have.. shown up sooner?" He asked, and before he could let you answer he remembered he had brought you something. "I brought you flowers, is that okay? I heard most people enjoy them on occasions like this." He spoke in such a soft tone, needing reassurance for his actions. He was stiff, standing awkwardly at the door of your bedroom.
• You smiled, reassuring him that you were very thankful. You gestured him to sit on your bed with you, you hoped he'd make himself comfortable in your home.
• As he sat down, you smiled. The two of you spoke for hours, never once was it awkward for either of you. I guess that's why Aone loved you, you were so easy to talk to, and you could always hold a conversation with him.
• As time went on, neither of you seemed to realize just how late it was, you had spoken for so long that you lost track of time.
• In a small break of silence, the larger male spoke up.
• "Y/n, I've.. known you for quite some time and though I may be scary, and you might hate me, I wanted to say that I like you a lot. I'd like to see you as more than a friend." He spoke, a furiously red blush coating his cheeks as he sputtered out the words that came to his mind.
• You giggle, looking up at him you kiss him on the cheek, "I could never be afraid of you, Aone, you're one of the sweetest people I know. I like you too." You spoke with a smile, looking down you checked the time.
• "That kiss was right on time I guess. It's exactly midnight!"
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nicknellie · 4 years
Another thing I love about JatP is how every character is unapologetically themselves.
Julie - she starts out nervous but by the end of the series she has grown so much. She has learnt to speak her mind and believe in herself, she has rediscovered music, and she fights to bring the boys back. Never once is she modest about her talent; she can sing and she knows it, there’s no reason to keep quiet about it! She doodles on her clothes and she wears massive tiger paw slippers and she dances in the hallways and she does what she thinks is right no matter what. She talks about her grief and the struggle of losing her mother rather than refusing to even think about it; when she performs, she draws from the experience and pours her emotions into it, unafraid to show her true colours.
Flynn - she says it like it is and she doesn’t take any nonsense. She knows who she is and what she wants and she’s totally okay to leave something behind if it gets in her way. She’s supportive and kind and loud and funny and she wears bright colours and cool hats and she always seems to have a plan. She doesn’t let Carrie get to her (much) and she knows exactly what she values in life.
Luke - he doesn’t try and downplay his love of music. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel like when boys have interests that automatically makes them uncool by society’s standards, but with Luke he absolutely owns it. He builds his life around music and the people he loves. He expresses himself through his lyrics and he motivates people and hypes them up. He’s incredibly talented and supportive and never once does he try to be someone he’s not.
Alex - he has no big coming out scene, it’s just off-handedly mentioned that Alex is gay after we know everything else about him because it isn’t a big deal. He isn’t scared about being who he is, there’s no internalised homophobia, he is who he is and he’s okay with it. He’s outspoken about his anxiety and his fear of change as well as being comfortable talking about how he copes with it (playing drums). He’s in touch with his emotions rather than being the usual emotionally distanced male character we see and he can read people like a book. He’ll joke around with his friends but also do anything to help them out.
Reggie - he isn’t afraid to be silly. He can have a laugh without being afraid to seem childish because he knows how to have fun. He stands up for what he believes in and he is supportive of every he considers family. His talent goes under-appreciated a lot of the time but he never makes a fuss about it; he’s happy to be involved! He’s loud and funny and outspoken about how he feels about people - he won’t bottle up and hide his emotions, he lets everyone see how he’s feeling even if he’s not in a good mood.
Carrie - slightly different in that I personally think she’s hiding behind this fake nasty persona because she was hurt in the past and doesn’t want to be hurt again. That being said, otherwise she is very sure of herself. Both songs we hear her sing are about her being proud of herself and giving herself some love and appreciation. Similarly to Julie, she’s aware of her good traits (musical talent, appearance, etc.) and she is quick to point them out rather than wave them away like they’re unimportant. She loves herself and isn’t sorry.
I could go on but I think I’ve made my point. Every character in this show is unique and totally themselves and it’s glorious.
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honeytea8 · 4 years
@redbeanb0i, @fyre23, and @pun-in-ten-ded asked for Morioh next, so you know I had to deliver the goods! Stardust Crusaders HC’s here, in case you missed it.
✨The Morioh Crew and Their Song Picks✨
(based off SOME of my playlists/tastes)
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Yukako Yamagishi
Honestly, her music reflects her pretty well for the most part. She’s got unapologetic bad bitch vibes (and I highkey stan)—she’s also a girl in high school with big simp energy (for Koichi lmao) and it can make her a little crazy. Yukako is like a sour piece of candy with a sweet center—she a little feral, kinda chaotic but also has a cute side you can’t help but like.
Maneater — Nelly Furtado
Freak — Doja Cat
Sorry — Beyoncé 
Moonlight — Ariana Grande
ocean eyes — Billie Eilish
Smack a Bitch — Rico Nasty
Okuyasu Nijimura
Ca$h Money Okuya$u gives me cool hip-hop vibes with a bit of alternative and pop on the side; he’s surprisingly cultured. I can totally see him as one of those people constantly wishing for the “old Kanye”. He has pretty diverse music taste, but don’t bother asking him for recommendations. His shit is so disorganized, because he likes everything so his music is literally all on one giant playlist and it’s hella chaotic (like 300+ songs and over 1000 hours of music on one playlist, sickening!!! 😭)
G.O.M.D — J. Cole
Kill Your Heroes — AWOLNATION
Hey Ya — Outkast
Through the Wire — Kanye West
I’m Not Famous — AJR
Ride — twenty one pilots
Koichi Hirose
I feel like his taste can go several different ways. Koichi is that timid guy steadily growing into a more confident person, but then his stand is all “let’s kill dat hoe beeeetch” like literally that’s his soul talking. For him, I’m just going to go with chill rap/nerdy rap, and then some alternative. Koichi and Okuyasu could probably rock the same playlist, but Koichi’s music would be more lowkey where as Okuyasu’s is more mainstream.
Rigamortus — Kendrick Lamar
Stressed out — twenty one pilots
Check the Rhime — A Tribe Called Quest
Hurt Feelings — Mac Miller
EARFQUAKE — Tyler, the Creator
Soul Food — Logic
Josuke Higashikata
Josuke is a sap if I ever saw one! Besides groovy pop music (or Prince’s whole discography), his playlist is mostly RnB love songs lmao (I fully believe Josuke has all of Usher’s music on CD and I take no criticism!!) He’s a romantic at heart so I think some of the music he listens to reflects that quite a bit.
Let Me Love You — Mario
We Belong Together — Mariah Carey
Take Care — Drake
That’s What I Like — Bruno Mars
U Got it Bad — Usher
You & I (Nobody in the World) — John Legend
Bonus: If I Ain’t Got You — Alicia Keys (Josuke would cry like a baby to this song and then vow to play it at his wedding, no, I’m not joking)
Rohan Kishibe
His nutty ass probably doesn’t even listen to music while working. It’s just silence. Rohan is attracted to powerful voices that evoke a lot of feeling, poignant lyrics are his weakness, they hit different and he loves it. He’d probably stan tf outta Adele or Lady Gaga. Essentially, when he listens to music, he wants to be impressed.
Skyfall — Adele
Young & Beautiful — Lana Del Rey
Hearts A Mess — Gotye
Movement — Hozier
Shallow — Lady Gaga
Midnight Mischief — Jordan Rakei
Chandelier (piano ver.) — SIA
Yuya Fungami
Hella rap, hella turn up. Master of the aux when it’s time to get hype! Dude has a chin tat, yakwtfgo 😂 Yuya’s like that one guy in the neighborhood with cleanest fits/sneakers, has hella hoes, does forex, drives a hellcat and wakes everybody up with his car and loud music whenever he leaves for work at 6am 💀💀 (some of y’all know what I’m talking about)
Flex — Polo G
High Fashion — Roddy Ricch
Topanga — Trippie Redd
Suge — DaBaby
Bank Account — 21 Savage
Walk It Talk It — Migos
Dior — Pop Smoke
Reimi Sugimoto
Easy! Reimi’s a sweet, friendly, cheerful, young sixteen year old girl. So I’d say her playlist is mostly pop music; bubbly, upbeat dance music. Lots of boy bands, girl bands. I can see her probably being a really big kpop and jpop stan too.
One Thing — One Direction
Sugar — Maroon 5
Work from Home — Fifth Harmony
Black Swan — BTS
Boy Meets Girl — Rude-a
Only One — BoA
Sunny Girl — Awesome City Club
Toshikazu Hazamada
Hazamada’s lowkey (highkey) a troll! The type to boldly say 6ix9ine is the best rapper in the game with a straight face and it gets everybody upset (especially Yuya and Koichi), wears all black air forces, rages while playing 2K. Probably wants a girlfriend so bad, but they always go for guys like Josuke and it makes him upset.
All Girls Are the Same — Juice WRLD
SAD — XXXTentacion
XO Tour Llif3 — Lil Uzi Vert
Falling Down — Lil Peep
Messages — The Hxliday
I Fall Apart — Post Malone
Y’all want Bucci gang next or nah? 👀
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Anne's characterization is bad. She's without a doubt the most intelligent and analytical queen. She single handedly manipulated the most important men of England to break up with the most important organization in the world. She'd not be a "chaotic gremlin", she was a master at social rules and managed to not sleep with the king while still keeping him interested for 10 years. She did not became a queen on accident and I hate that her song make it sounds like things just sorta happened to her:)
So this has been in my inbox since yesterday, but then everything with that one annoying anon happened so I wanted to wait to post this.
(Also before people come for me I’m first and foremost an English student. Discussing characters, what makes them likeable, their subtext etc is literally what I do to pass the time. I see this from a dramatic perspective, not a historical one, but as six is a musical it’s important to view both the history and the dramatic elements as equally important)
So firstly I wouldn’t say the character is bad. She’s not historically accurate, she’s probably the least historically accurate out of all the queens...but as a character she’s actually really good. I mean, she’s the the definition of “loveable asshole” and rarely do you see female characters written like that. Mostly they’re just labelled as bitches. Boleyn is spiteful, competitive, silver tongued, unapologetic and aggressive when she wants to be. But she still manages to be a generally likeable character. And she’s never villainised for being the way she is, that’s just her personality. Boleyn could have easily been portrayed as the villain of six...but she isn’t. She’s just a woman. Yes, she’s all the other things I listed, but she’s got her sense of humour, her relatability and her moments where her facade completely breaks. I always love how Vicki did the “what was I meant to do” before shouting “he’s actually going to chop my head of!” Vicki sounds genuinely TERRIFIED at that moment, and it’s such a cool contrast to her very mean-spirited version of the character. And I don’t know, I like that?
But I will address the “chaotic gremlin” Boleyn as well. This idea is a fandom thing that comes from the megasixes, where Millie would often act very chaotically and because a lot of people didn’t have access to the show and were just going off the album and the megasixes, people assumed that’s how Boleyn is in the script. But she’s really not, at least, when you look deeper into the script. In the actual show, while Boleyn can cause chaos but she’s not always defined by this chaotic spirit. Millie Boleyn isn’t actually that chaotic, in fact she’s one of the more balanced Boleyns. I’m not denying that as time has went on, there haven’t been chaotic Boleyn’s, but that’s more due to actresses feeling they have to conform to the fandom expectation in my opinion than the script itself. The most distinct versions of Boleyn are Ashleigh and Christina, from the student and studio casts respectively. Because they weren’t confined to the fandom expectation, they have some of the most interesting versions of the character. Ashleigh especially feels refined and calculating.
Lastly, I’m just going to talk about this idea of manipulation. Because the queens are trying to manipulate the audience. Think about it: this is a competition to see who will be the leading lady of the band and the audience are supposed to decide. So the queens, in theory, have to play to the audience and get them on their side. They have to make the audience like them.
Some queens are really bad at playing to the audience. Seymour garners a lot of goodwill from Heart of Stone and gets the audience on her side...but she forgets to keep the audience on her side. I mean, she’s so insanely petty and she literally gets up in Aragon’s face and screams at one point. Seymour isn’t good at playing to the audience. Parr makes no effort to play to the audience before her own song. She doesn’t want anything to do with the competition, and while her efforts to keep the competition fair may gain her some points with the audience, it isn’t anything groundbreaking. All of parr’s iconic lines come after IDNYL, after the competition has been shattered anyway. Cleves does play to the audience, but in a different way. She’s not going to play misery poker, but rather is laughing along with the audience, hyping herself up and letting everyone have a good time. I mean, she often compliments the audience members and dances with someone. She knows she won’t win the competition (and frankly, she doesn’t want to) but she still will have a good relationship with the audience and make them like her.
At the end of the day, the queens are trying to manipulate the audience to like them. But who is the best queen at manipulating the audience? Who plays to them constantly and is constantly hammering how how relatable they are? Boleyn...and also Howard but for the purpose of this discussion it’s Boleyn.
Boleyn is constantly playing to the audience, manipulating the situation and making them like her. She’s got the catchiest song firstly. She’s one of the most casual queens to the audience “My name is Catherine of Aragon” vs “I’m that Boleyn girl” for example. She pulls Aragon to the forefront of DLUH specifically to make fun of her, taking the wind out of Aragon’s sails and undermining No Way. After Seymour and Howard’s emotional songs? Boleyn instantly swoops in to make jokes at their expenses and get the audience to laugh along with her. She’s always playing to the audience. She never lets it slip from your mind that she’s the most relatable queen, and that you should like her. That’s pretty smart if you ask me!
Also Boleyn is the best at manipulating the other queens as well, and can read the social situation between the other queens the best (along with Cleves but Cleves just feels like she doesn’t want a fist fight on her hands). Boleyn always knows exactly what to say to push someone’s buttons, but also knows when to back off to make sure the audience still root for her (unlike Seymour). She only gets super aggressive after AYWD, when she’s realised that there’s another queen who is equally relatable as her, but more sympathetic. And then she starts to panic.
In regards to don’t lose ur head, it’s actually another tricky discussion because a lot of it can be read as sarcasm or Boleyn making fun of herself. Courtney Bowman is literally the most sarcastic Boleyn out there, to the point where none of her song comes off as serious. “Politics? Not my thing” often comes off as a blatant lie for many of the boleyns, and like I said, we know that she’s great at manipulating the situations in the show so clearly she is good at politics? The thing is, we can’t just take what the characters say in their song as 100 percent true...we need to look at their actions as well. And again, if Boleyn wants to be seen as relatable, she doesn’t just want to go saying about how she was super sneaky and a great social player. That’s counter intuitive! The competition is to make the audience think you had the worst time, and Boleyn understands that! She’s literally manipulating the truth so you like her more!
And lastly, Toby and Lucy have both discussed how they sort of regret what they did with Boleyn, and I’m totally aware that I might be reading way to much into all of this. But I don’t know...I think that, at least as a character (not an accurate representation of the historical Boleyn) Boleyn can be good.
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letterboxd · 4 years
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Heart Beat.
Minari’s film composer Emile Mosseri (also responsible for the Kajillionaire and The Last Black Man in San Francisco scores) tells Ella Kemp about his A24 favorites, Nicholas Britell’s friendship and the boldest Paul McCartney needle drop in movie history.
What do you think a broken heart sounds like? How about a warm, beating one? It’s something that Emile Mosseri has been thinking about for a while now. The past two years have seen him complete a hat-trick of beguiling, transporting scores for Plan B movies: Joe Talbot and Jimmie Fails’ The Last Black Man in San Francisco, Miranda July’s Kajillionaire and now, the film voted the best of 2020 by our community, Lee Isaac Chung’s Minari.
What binds these scores together is a delicacy that knows when to break free and turn into something altogether spectacular. But on Minari in particular, Mosseri is in full bloom, working for the first time in a way he’d always dreamed about. While The Last Black Man in San Francisco saw him compose to a loose edit, and on Kajillionaire he worked to a locked cut, Chung gave him the freedom to write music directly to Minari’s script. “It was a dream to work this way on Minari,” Mosseri says. “It was so beautifully written and so visceral.”
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‘Minari’ composer Emile Mosseri.
Minari is an intimate portrait of a Korean family making their way in rural America, and the composer was interested in “trying to figure out musically how you can feel connected to your deepest childhood memories”. These memories belong, in the film, to David—a tiny king played by eight-year-old Alan Kim—as he comes to terms with his new life on a small farm in Arkansas, as his family strives for their own version of the American Dream.
The Yi family is made up of David and his sister Anne (Noel Kate Cho), their parents Monica (Han Ye-ri) and Jacob (Steven Yeun) and their grandmother, Soon-ja (Youn Yuh-jung). It’s a personal story for Chung, one that Mosseri felt honored to be a part of. “It’s a very intimate story with these five characters, which takes place mostly in this small mobile home—but emotionally, it’s very epic.”
There was something about Chung that had caught Mosseri’s attention early on. “I had met him at the LA premiere of Last Black Man,” Mosseri says, “and I sent him the Kajillionaire score.” Mosseri was already familiar with the filmmaker’s work: “His first film, Munyurangabo, is incredible.” He calls Chung “very open, but also sly” in terms of hitting the right notes and “gently steering the ship”. The partnership between composer and director was about working on “a more emotional level,” Mosseri says. “There was never any talk about what we wanted stylistically.”
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The ‘Minari’ ensemble cast.
The result is a film graced with music at once lush and raw, grandiose and vulnerable. Mosseri is keenly aware of these nuances, and always made sure to walk the tonal tightrope in the writing process. “There aren’t sad cues and hopeful cues,” he explains. “Every cue has both feelings. Each musical moment dips in and out of the hopefulness and joy of a family, and then the pain and frustration and dissonance that they hold.”
The way Mosseri’s music swells and flows often feels intangible, magical, even—which comes more from knowing what to avoid, rather than acting with too much forced intention. On his first film, Mosseri brought brass and strings to the streets of San Francisco, and with Miranda July, he worked old Hollywood glamor into the concrete blocks of Los Angeles. Here, we twirl through the tall grass as gentle acoustic guitars and elegant string sections sigh and sway, while the Yi family work through their growing pains.
“We didn’t want to hear Korean music when you see Korean characters, and we didn’t want twangy music when you see an American farm,” Mosseri explains. “We wanted to come at it from the side somehow, in some way that’s unexpected.” ‘Rain’, his collaboration with Minari star Han Ye-ri, which features on the official soundtrack, encapsulates this juxtaposition. It’s an epic lullaby of sorts; Han sings in Korean to a gentle guitar; a pleasing swell of synths climbs alongside her voice. The effect on the listener is as if liquid love is trickling from every vein. “I wanted this score to feel like it had a warm, beating heart.”
Two of your three feature films to date have been released by A24, and so we must ask: what are your favorite A24 film scores? Emile Mosseri: Three come to mind. First of all, Anna Meredith’s score for Eighth Grade. It’s so adventurous and unexpected and fresh and just brilliant. It’s so pure and out-there. It also does this impossible thing of being hip and exciting and deep, but also hilarious. The pool-party scene fucking kills me.
Then there’s Under the Skin by Mica Levi. I remember seeing that at the Nighthawk theater in Brooklyn and feeling like it was the best score I’d heard in as long as I could remember.
And then of course, Moonlight. That film got under my skin in a way I didn’t see coming. I saw it by myself in a theater, after hearing all the hype for months and months. When a movie has that much hype you can get a bit cynical and it can distract you, so I went in a bit guarded, but I left the film destroyed. For weeks and weeks it resonated with me in a way that was so profound, and a large part of that is due to Nick [Britell]’s music. And the film is just perfection.
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Scarlett Johansson in ‘Under the Skin’ (2013), scored by Mica Levi.
You’ve been described as Nicholas Britell’s protégé more than once… It’s funny, I think that came from me being a fan of his and saying nice things about his music. I met him at Sundance two years ago when Last Black Man was premiering. I went with my wife and my brother and I was so excited, I’d been waiting for this moment for so long. We walked in and Nick and Barry [Jenkins] were walking in behind [us]. And there was also Boots Riley, Kamasi Washington… all these people I looked up to. I hadn’t considered that I would see this film in the room with them, and it was the first time I was hearing the final mix and just agonizing.
Nick was incredibly generous and said great things about the score and was super encouraging, and he became a friend and mentor. But I’ve never studied with him or worked with him. Although, if you’re a fan of somebody’s work, you’re a student of any of these composers that you admire. Anything you watch and listen to, you absorb.
What was the first film that made you want to be a composer? It was Edward Scissorhands. Danny Elfman’s score was the first one that made me realize that this was a job. I’m always attracted to big, romantic melodies, and over-the-top sweeping stuff—but done tastefully. In that score, he sets the high-water mark for me. It’s so unapologetically romantic.
And then there are other obvious ones like The Godfather. It’s maybe a dorky choice because it’s the most famous movie ever, but it really is the best. And that got me into Nino Rota, and from there I found [Federico] Fellini and all these movies through Nino, the composer. And then I got really into the score for La Dolce Vita and more movies that he’d written for, which are so beautiful.
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The ‘Edward Scissorhands’ (1990) score was an early inspiration for Mosseri.
Which films, new to you, blew you away in 2020? Take Shelter by Jeff Nichols blew me away. It unfolded in a way that was intoxicating and really exciting, and it just really stuck with me.
What’s been your favorite needle drop on screen this year? Aside from Devonté Hynes’ score being stunning, there’s an amazing piece of music placed in an episode of Luca Guadagnino’s We Are Who We Are. They use a Paul McCartney song called ‘Let Em In’, and they dropped it in this incredibly tasteful but unexpected way, in a really dark, emotionally loaded scene. It worked in such a beautiful and graceful way. It’s because it’s the most cheery McCartney, it’s full-blown upbeat and poppy McCartney. And this is the darkest-of-the-dark human pain, and it lands in this way that is such a bold choice, such a powerful move.
What should people listen to after watching Minari? One record I’ve been listening to a lot recently is Jeff Tweedy’s Love is the King. It could be a good companion to Minari. I’m a huge fan of his and it’s a gorgeous record. It’s very stripped-down and emotionally raw, and it’s both hopeful and heartbreaking.
Which filmmakers would you love to work with next? I’m always afraid to answer this question because there are so many filmmakers I admire. There are filmmakers I grew up with loving their films—working with Miranda was that for me. Spike Jonze or Yorgos Lanthimos are directors in her world that I also love and would love to work with. But there’s so many others. Derek Cianfrance is amazing and he works with different composers. I love his choice of collaborators musically. I love that he used the late great Harold Budd to do his shows [including I Know This Much is True], and then Mike Patton, and Grizzly Bear… the music is always incredible in his projects, but he doesn’t have a go-to person. His films are so heartbreaking and powerful and really, really raw. He’s fearless.
I feel very lucky that I’ve worked on these three films which are all very much like somebody’s ripping their heart out and putting it on the screen. I feel like Derek Cianfrance does that in his films too, in this unapologetic, super-vulnerable way of just ripping his soul out and putting it out for everyone to see. It’s incredibly appealing to find those projects, because they’re really rare.
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‘Minari’ is available everywhere in the US that movies can be rented, and screening in select theaters in the US and other regions. Listen to the official soundtrack and more of Mosseri’s film compositions in the official Spotify playlist via Milan Records. ‘Kajillionaire’ is available on VOD now.
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sleepyowlsleeps · 4 years
Sleepy’s Favorite K-Pop Songs of 2020
1. Any Song - Zico -- this song is not particularly special, but the main vibe, “play any song that makes you happy” is exactly how my musical tastes were in 2020, for the regular reasons we all faced AND for some extra, personal reasons that made me search out happier or deceptively happy songs, or songs that lay next to me instead of crawling under my skin. I usually love when a song sings my soul back to me, but there were many moments last year that I just couldn’t handle that, or couldn’t handle it the same way I usually would. Spotify says that Any Song was played the most of, well, any song, and I know why.
2. Midnight Train - Se So Neon -- this is a song that lay beside me, from the first time I heard it and every time after. It actually doesn’t have a ton of lyrics, but the ones it has are vibrating with intention and casual pain. There is ice on the tip of your tongue but it mellows as the guitar takes you out with the tide. Sometimes the melody is clashing so hard against your teeth you’re worried it’ll just swallow you whole, but instead it falls like a heavy rain, washing everything clean. Please, please listen to this song.
3. Scream - Dreamcatcher -- they have never released a bad song, and I actually love their entire discography. It’s one of the few that I do listen to just by itself, no other artists. Dreamcatcher have never been afraid to be brash and in your face, nor do they shy away from saying how it is. There is an open wound inside this song, and your heartbeat is so loud in your ears. The lyrics are intense, the instrumentals are intense, the performances in the vocals are fire and wine and steel. I love it.
4. Can’t You See Me? - TXT -- I really loved Run Away in 2019, which for a debut year was jam packed with content. TXT has this wonderful take on youth and maturity and being real about your emotions. Their voices are soft and sweet, even while this song is talking about the disparity between reality and dreams, truth and lies. Every part of the song captures my attention, I don’t think it has any weak points, and I always picture the MV. Strawberries will never be the same. This song did sing my soul to me a little, but even though the sound was visceral it never cut through bone. It was gentle and kind, and held my hand.
5. Close - Han (Stray Kids) -- I did not expect that this little song would end up meaning so much to me, but it did. Stray Kids had an amazing year as always, but I guess my love for Han’s singing and his lyricism just got me. Han has a way of just pulling back all the weeds surrounding my feelings, but not tugging them straight out. He’s patient with the dandelions and doesn’t insist on clarity right away. This song got closer and closer to me the more I listened to it, until it was stuck in my head and I was never mad about it. There are blue skies and sunshine and someone is waiting for me, ready to smile when I turn around.
6. Back Door - Stray Kids -- the production behind SKZ’s music does continually get better, but I think the more appropriate term is “expands.” Their sound remains largely the same, while each new release tries something new, echoes the old, and continues to push the same message they’ve had since the beginning: inclusivity. Stray Kids is here for you, to welcome you into the club and to have a good time with you while we talk about the struggles we’re all facing. I haven’t yet gotten sick of this song, it goes by in a flash and for once, I don’t have a favorite part, or a section that gets stuck in my head more than others. It’s the whole package for me.
7. Kick It - NCT 127 -- NCT makes a lot of very clean, very specific sounding sounds that I don’t really care for. I have a few favorites, and actually really love the whole of the debut album, but I don’t go out of my way to listen to their music. Kick It, though, was just so much fun, it had sharp edges and and a smooth underbelly. Haechan sounds the best, I love his voice SO MUCH, but everyone sounds good. I like the unison parts, the repeat mantras, the bombastic way the lyrics aren’t really saying a lot but are so enthusiastic that you don’t care.
8. eight - IU, SUGA -- IU just continues to evolve and make music that is really, really good. None of her songs are overly complex or visionary, but they are friendly and relevant, and sit outside your door with brownies and lemonade. IU’s voice can do soft, can do poignant, can do intense, depending on her mood. She is a singer of extraordinary caliber and I love seeing everything she does next. eight was a simple but beautiful song that plays into your nostalgia without sugar-coating everything, and at the same time there’s such a lightness too it. It’s a short song and SUGA’s rap was such an unexpected addition that actually worked really well. 
9. So What - LOONA -- this is a song deserving of a much higher spot, but I think I just wasn’t quite as ready for LOONA’s next evolution as others’. Still, this song is so good, with potentially the best bridge of the entire year. Everyone sounds so good, the song hypes you up and never lets you down. Even though the concept is one we’ve seen before, LOONA never makes anything sound the same. There is no compromise, there is only awesomeness.
10. ON - BTS -- I went around in circles contemplating how much I did or didn’t like this song. BTS is going places with their music that I don’t love as much as their stuff from, say 2016-18, but they are still incredible artists and performers. And ignoring all the rest, all the talk, just focusing on the song itself, it’s really good. It’s really, really good and the kind of song that I unapologetically sing really loudly in the car. There are quieter parts that acknowledge how exhausting it is to keep moving forward when you’re in pain, strong, jagged tantrums that demand that the pain try harder to keep you down, spaces to breath and places to run. This is a song that says we’re going through a battle and it’s hard, but we can see that there is an end, there is hope, and nothing will keep us down. Even through pain and tears, we can go on. 
And now things get a little funky because I had a lot of favorites:
11. Tiger Eyes - Ryu Su Jeong Girls - Nature Villain - Stella Jang Boca - Dreamcatcher Left & Right - Seventeen
12. Come Back Home - ONEUS Summer Breeze - SF9 Apple - GFriend Bon Voyage - YooA pporappippam - Sunmi
13. Me Time - Yubin Easy - Stray Kids Favorite Boys - A.C.E Think of Dawn - Ghost9 The Stealer - The Boyz
14. One - Golden Child Alien - Lee Suhyun A Song Written Easily - ONEUS La Di Da - Everglow Blue Hour - TXT
15. Breath - GOT7 Hands Up - Cherry Bullet Answer/Inception - ATEEZ 90′s Love - NCT U End of Spring - ONEWE
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here’s why Thieves in Time is a bad game
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before y’all try it, i just want to say that i’ll be as unapologetically petty and sarcastic as i want and fucking rip this game to shreds. yes, this is how i’ve spent my days since Thieves in Time came out. sitting alone in my room, staring at the wall, crying and complaining. because it has since been my life’s aim and dream to think about it every day, state the negative things about it, and become an evil essay witch on this half-dead website. *evil laugh*
References: i want to start with the smallest problem, but one that annoys me to this day. in the original trilogy, there weren’t a lot of references but the ones that were included were meticulously researched and well thought-out (i’m specifically referring to that Neil Diamond Carmelita vinyl gag, but can’t find the original post). the references in Thieves in Time however, were obviously just the creators’ interests. Turning Japanese, Clan of the Cave Bear and Bentley’s “hacksona” presented as Rambo just scream 1980s (which i’m assuming is the decade the creators grew up in), and Of Mice and Men is classic literature about the Great Depression, which subsequently started being taught in school in the US during the 1980s. it feels like the creators just went ‘let’s discuss what our lives had in common during our teen years and put that in’ instead of researching it first. and, here’s the thing: when you’re adding references, in order to make them funny or interesting, they have to fit in with the property or the character that’s connected to them in some way. Don Octavio was an opera aficionado so his episode’s title card pays homage to the Phantom of the Opera, young Muggshot was influenced by the movie “The Dogfather” because he’s a gangster, etc. these were funny because they were so spot-on with these characters. if every character in the Sly Cooper universe references the same type of stuff (from the 1980s) and shares the same interests, it’s just claustrophobic and uninteresting. i’m pretty sure i’m not the only one who had to look up these ultra-hetero, scrotum references when the game came out. that’s because they were specifically tailored to be funny to them, and not their target demographic which were kids in 2013.
Narrative: now that we got that out of the way, let’s look at the narrative. at the end of Sly 3, Bentley says he’s building a time machine. Sanzaru took that joke and decided to run with it as the premise for their game. ok, not the best idea, but i get it - you’re literally picking up where the last game left off. since all the storylines were wrapped up, they could’ve done something different like Sly’s kids or Bentley and Murray’s families, but this isn’t an essay about suggestions so...... time travel (i want to say that it’s, again, an 80s reference but whatever) was pretty ‘out there’ in 2013. i mean, even Plants vs Zombies 2, which was released that year, had to do with time travel (yes, i’m referencing an app). but Sanzaru had the advantage of applying this premise onto already established mythos and lore. the story had definite potential: someone is threatening Sly’s lineage so he has to travel back in time to save the day. the player would get to explore new locations and iconic eras in history, and, of course, the main selling point: playable ancestors. how could you screw that up? welp.... let’s think about the plot holes here for a sec. Bentley’s device would take the gang back in time when given an item from the specific era. stop. this right here is called ‘over-complicating’. how did they know the items would take them directly to the point where the specific ancestor was in danger? the Feudal Japan period lasted for 700 years: how did the machine know when and where to drop them off? and if the gang could return to the present at any time, why didn’t they do so when they were in trouble? oh right, the machine was broken. so how did they return the baddies to the present after they defeated them? i mean, why did they use the Grizz’s crown to travel to Medieval England if they went back to the present to drop him off to Interpol first? and on that note, how did they drop the baddies off to jail without getting caught and without Carmelita being around? i can already hear you thinking but these are total details that aren’t important, you jerk! well, yea, they truly are details and i truly am overthinking it. and yes, i truly am a jerk. but let me tell you something: when Sanzaru chose to make a new Sly game, did they not think ‘oh we’ll have to follow up Sly 2 and Sly 3′s stories’ which were well thought-out narratives with depth and various themes and didn’t have huge plot holes (as seen by my analysis through the episode project) ???? and did they also not think that their game would come out eight years after the last one, having expectations at an all-time high???? yea, that’s what i thought.
Characters: i’ll make a different section for Sucker Punch’s characters, so this is for Sanzaru’s original ones. name one iconic original character from Thieves in Time. i’ll wait... nope. not one. that’s because all of them were absolute shit. and here’s where i want to touch upon Sanzaru’s over-reliance on the trilogy. Ms Decibel (perhaps the most obvious copy) is a mix between Don Octavio, Miz Ruby, and the Contessa. El Jefe is Rajan if he went to the gym. Toothpick has Sir Raleigh’s temper and tendency to grow in size. and the Grizz is... whatever the fuck he is. (don’t worry i didn’t forget Le Paradox and Bob). there’s a difference between studying & creating similar characters and blatantly plagiarizing older characters because you lack the creativity. oh, boo-hoo this evil jerk’s telling it how it is. this set of villains is so lacklustre, i don’t even know where to begin. El Jefe is a tiger, even though we’ve already had two major tiger villains and one tiger flashlight guard. ok. Rajan could summon lightning because of the Clockwerk heart but El Jefe can do the same, how exactly? Toothpick is an armadillo (good) from Russia (better) with an obsession with the West (excellent) who can also grow huge (very bad). it’s never explained how or why. why?????? just tell me why. i want to know. i really want to know. Ms Decibel is an elephant who got into a tragic accident which left her with the power of hypnosis. music and hypnosis have already been done, but ok, i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt. so how do we use this character? spend the entirety of her screen time making jokes about... wait for it... her weight !!! this is top-notch comedy... really? like... really? the creators’ humor is a crime, at best. fart jokes and fat jokes all around. oh, and then there’s the Grizz. what the fuck where they thinking? just, what the fuck. i guess the guys at Sanzaru thought black people speak in rap? is that it? apart from it being extremely offensive, it’s also a blatant copy of Dimitri’s backstory. like, his introductory cutscene even has his paintings thrown at him and into the trash, like the intro cutscene for The Black Chateau. honestly, all of these villains caused me several types of pain, but not as much as...
Bob & Le Paradox: the absolute worst. i can just imagine the meeting going something like this: Sly’s ancestors are awesome! i wish we could fit them all in the game... here’s an amazing idea! what if we use one of the game’s few levels to introduce a brand new ancestor! yea! let’s make him dumb as fuck, strip him of any athletic prowess, and retcon the entire lineage by having him be the first Cooper ever! the kids will love a prehistoric level! ..... could you kindly point out where and when did ANYONE ask for this? i remember @ironicsnap​ saying something like the game is good until Bob. no, it was already bad - Bob just lowered the standard. like, a lot. people love Murray and his gameplay is neat, but no one ever thought ‘oh i wish we had a Cooper character with Murray’s game style’. why would they waste the opportunity to bring in Henriette, Thaddeus, Otto, literally any ancestor? why??? but they went ahead and created their own Cooper, and that wasn’t even the end of it. they had to make him dumb. they had to make him unbearable. they had to ruin the Cooper ancestry by adding this mess to the lineage. Sucker Punch made sure that all the ancestors were unique, but at the same time made all of them suave and funny and slick and you wish you could be them! well, fuck that. also, his name is Bob. Bob Cooper. it’s been 7 fucking years and i still can’t wrap my head around it.... so now, let’s talk about Le Paradox. i don’t have to mention the previous main villains, but i will. Clockwerk killed Sly’s ancestors and father, and was seemingly an eternal threat. Neyla was a psychopath who fooled everyone on her journey to becoming immortal by resurrecting Clockwerk. Dr M opened up the possibility for Sly’s dad to be a jerk instead of a hero, and died trying to unlock the Coopers’ legacy. how does Le Paradox compare? well, he’s a sleazebag skunk who was mad because of his dad’s downfall to the Coopers. that’s it. no twist, no depth, no clever dialogue. nothing. there’s nothing there. this is a new character, unfamiliar to everyone, who was hyped up for 5 levels and defeated in the conclusion. why was he a match for Sly? i don’t know. how did he fight for his life and ultimately tricked Sly into helping him? i don’t know. how the hell did he kidnap Carmelita? i don’t know. was it the power of persuasion? no, he’s revolting. so i literally don’t know. there’s no backstory, no fleshing-out the character, nothing. all we’re given to work with is a brief info-dump about his dad and how he escaped prison. i don’t know what else to say apart from how big a humiliation this was for Sanzaru and their team of writers. you had 8 years to work on something and this is what you came up with? anything would be better. anything would best this utter cliché of a villain, a distasteful misogynist, crybaby, idiot with an accent. literally anything.
Arcs & Themes: let’s take a look at the formulaic subplots for the gang’s members. apart from dealing with Le Paradox, everyone had a small arc. Sly had to deal with his break-up with Carmelita. Bentley had to deal with his break-up with Penelope. Murray had to deal with playing second fiddle to Bob. Carmelita was a damsel in distress and sex bait for the ancestors. the ancestors had their own mini storylines along with reacting to Sly’s presence. there you have it. i summarised it all for you, nice and neatly. are there any themes like in the previous games? nope. i promise you i’m not lying when i say that i tried hard to come up with something, even some speck of a detail i could use to over-analyse the story and come up with some ideas on themes. nothing. there are no themes. the subplots are character-driven and the player gives it 0 emotional investment. there is nothing to analyse, nothing to talk about. maybe even a theme for each level, like a spooky level or something? nope. the levels are dependent on eras and historical periods. the variation here is ok. Feudal Japan, Wild West, Prehistoric Australia, Medieval England and Ancient Arabia  - pretty good selection. i’ll give them credit for it. but that’s it. due to the absence of themes, the hubs feel empty. there’s no replayability factor. after you collect the bottles and masks and treasures, there’s nothing. i would spend hours revisiting the trilogy’s hubs, just roaming around. the hubs here are huge and empty. there’s nothing to reminisce about. nothing to recall. oh that’s where this mission went down. no, nothing like that. the aforementioned subplots are resolved during mission cutscenes and then they’re gone. you don’t have to explore spooky Prague alone as Bentley to have him overcome his fears, you don’t have to find out miners abducted Murray’s beloved Guru and search the Australian outback for him, you don’t have to hold back your tears when you’ve reached the end of the Cooper Vault and Sly asks his dad for help. nothing.
Controls: as soon as i laid my hands on the controller the first time i played the game, that fateful afternoon, i knew something was up. Sly would respond 1 second late after you pushed something on the controller. it felt clunky, is what i’m trying to say or, as my sister put it, it felt heavy. and she was right. the controls were clunky and heavy and didn’t feel light, like playing as a thief should feel. i don’t know shit about game mechanics but this definitely didn’t feel right. the hubs are also chunky in design, the cliffs are huge and so cyclical or hexagonal, that when you parachute your way to them and are just an inch close, Sly will automatically just drop because he can’t grab onto them. running as Sly doesn’t feel fast, silently obliterating guards from behind feels slow, and swinging, grabbing, pickpocketting, and hanging aren’t fun anymore. presentation-wise, @designraccoon​ goes into detail here, in an absolute gem of a post. in short, the gameplay animations make Sly look less sneaky. Sanzaru didn’t even consider a thief’s movements.
Missions: why the fuck would you remove the player’s option to choose between which mission to do first? why would you do that? the game lays out what goes first, sometimes having only one mission available in the hub. and the missions aren’t even enjoyable. firstly, the loading screens take up to 5 minutes, maybe even 7-8. secondly, there’s hacking every 2 missions. the missions don’t have any dialogue to make them fun, lack in interesting puzzles, what more can i say? they’re overly easy and lack any challenge whatsoever. at least there’s variation in gameplay (hacking, RC car, fishing, costumes, ancestors, turret etc.) but because of the controls, even these get tiresome. the missions are solely there to progress the story and that’s why the operations are merely ‘storm the main baddie’. the trilogy had some pretty interesting missions which made sure to complete jobs required to take down the big bad. e.g. kidnap General Clawfoot to take down the security, hack Contessa’s computer to make sure Carmelita will be freed, steal voices to tempt Neyla, and then take down the Contessa. the missions in Thieves in Time lack substance and variety. and the hacking (all three styles) sucks.
Collectibles: here’s another fantastic idea: have players collect costumes in order to collect bottles in order to collect treasures in order to collect masks in order to unlock funky Sanzaru logo-themed merch! what was the reason for the collectibles? in previous games, collecting all bottles would unlock special abilities. that was it. it’s the same thing here too, but there’s less incentive? i mean when you have to collect 1000 things, what’s the point? the treasures are random and very few are references to the trilogy, so whatever. and the masks unlock... superhero costumes for what reason exactly? oh, and then there’s also the achievements for your Playstation account, like ‘open the map in every single location you visit’. what fun! if the reason for collecting the treasures is to play godawful hacking minigames in order to get masks, what’s the point? decorate your paraglider with the Sanzaru logo? or have Bentley dress up as discount Robocop? i mean including masks in the interior locations was cool, but the bottles were always supposed to be something you could do whenever your soul desired. sometimes i left them last before the operation, sometimes i collected them before the first mission. so i was pissed when i found out that, in some cases, you had to unlock the episode’s costume in order to get the all the bottles. so, fuck off.
Animation: i’ll keep this short. the animation was terrible. do you remember that tumblr blog from a while back, where she dedicated the posts to pointing out the mistakes in the animated cutscenes? yeah. point is, there were lots of them. the animation style was bad, the character design was ugly, the characters’ movements were unnatural. everything about it was shit. looking past the bad decision to drop the trilogy’s comicbook-style animated cutscenes, couldn’t they have hired someone better? someone with more experience? their concept art was awesome. couldn’t they hire that guy and have it be comicbook style if he wasn’t trained in animation?
The Players: let me ask a genuine question: who was this game made for? kids growing up in 2013? maybe so. because it feels like Sanzaru didn’t even consider the fans of the trilogy. actually, it felt like a huge fuck you. Sucker Punch made their trilogy for whoever. there were great stuff for kids, but adults would pick up and appreciate the references, the real-life setting (e.g. tobacco use, existence of nightclubs, spice instead of drugs, etc.). that’s why all three games are timeless classics. judging by Thieves in Time’s humor, the game wasn’t targeted for adults. so, it doesn’t make sense to use an already established property, beloved by its fans, to attract a new audience consisting of nine year-olds who’d laugh at Murray dressing up as a woman. if they really wanted to appeal to the fans of the original, why retcon everything? why change who the first Cooper was? when the gang’s stranded in Saudi Arabia, why have Sly say ‘i couldn't remember a time since we've teamed up that we felt so defeated’? the gang’s been in way deeper shit before. why the ‘Sly’s dad vs Le Paradox’s dad’ deus ex machina? Sly’s dad wasn’t famous because of stealing the world’s largest diamond, what the fuck are you even talking about? do the guys at Sanzaru have such big egos and bravado that they needed to change the original games’ lore? were they so preoccupied with leaving their signature on a property which was never their own? i don’t know who needs to read this, but i’m stating FACTS.
Characters: now let’s talk about Sanzaru’s treatment of the Cooper gang and the ancestors (female characters will get their own section). why would you change the characters like that? if it wasn’t for the voice acting, i’d say this is a completely different Cooper gang. there’s no wise-cracking band of best friends, going on heists and being proud of their brotherhood and bond. all that is replaced with the formulaic story arcs for each member. the trilogy’s cutscenes and dialogues made sure to establish how Sly, Bentley and Murray have lived together since they met at the orphanage, play videogames all day and order chinese food and pizza and whatever. through missions and their adventures, they face obstacles they have to overcome as a gang, and when Sly 3 came around, their friendship was put to the ultimate test when they almost disbanded. Thieves in Time was too lazy to add to this. Sanzaru thought ‘oh the trilogy showed how they’re best friends so we might as well have them focus on their own stories separately’ and if this is truly the case then i ask again: who was this game made for? because new fans would never know how tight the gang was just by playing Thieves in Time. there’s a lack of genuine friendship moments. like, what happened when Sly came back after faking his amnesia? that’s completely ignored. where’s the witty banter? the ‘wizard & sitting duck’ type of jokes? nothing of the sort. what we get is fart jokes and Murray wanting to dress up as a woman. on that note, what was that all about? ok, have him dress up as a geisha to get in. fine. have El Jefe slap his ass, have him perform in a painfully lengthy dance sequence, have him dress like that during the rest of the episode, and then have him be persistent about getting the belly-dancing gig? the hell? Murray was always kinda goofy but this just feels kinda homophobic? it feels dragged out and unfunny. and then there’s the ancestors. i said it once before and i’ll say it again, Sanzaru deprived me of a buff Arab daddy Salim Al Kupar and gave us that elderly shit instead. all jokes aside, the redesigns were uninteresting. why take away Tennessee Kid’s facial hair and give it to Galleth? i legitimately think all the ancestors were boring. i mean, their gameplay was cool, especially Tennessee Kid’s guns, but in terms of character, they were just some dudes. did they believe that Sly was their descendant from the future? maybe. did they care? nope. they all had the same storyline of dealing with Sly’s arrival, flirting with Carmelita and getting their canes stolen. that was it. the fans waited for so long to get even a glimpse of the ancestors in action, and Sanzaru downplayed all of them. they reduced them to useless idiots too occupied with women and food, incapable of getting their canes back from stupid Le Paradox. and they didn’t even stick to the lore. no ma’am. let’s make Rioichi the inventor of sushi !! because that makes total sense and would defo fit in with the character and the property! why. just, why. you were handed the lore !!! you were given all this rich backstory and you threw it all away to replace it with trash !!! complete trash.
Changes & Inconsistency: i want to briefly mention some changes that pissed me off. where’s the laser glide move? it was an important turning point at the end of Sly 3, so why did they get rid of it? Sly is a master thief who’s traveling back in time, so you’d think they’d actually make him a master thief. also, the changes in the binocucom and Bentley’s slideshows in order to modernise them. if Sucker Punch managed to place the mission starting points at locations where the binocucom would show the objective clearly, so could Sanzaru. instead, they chose to have it be a moving camera, floating around the hub. and Bentley’s slideshows were absolute classics, opportunities to include gags and have Bentley show off in his own way. you just had to change it into a tablet, didn’t you. omg you’re still looking at small details like these? yes sweetie, i consider the details because i think they shape the game more than anything. if i didn’t consider the details, then my opinion on the game would be incomplete. when i praise the trilogy i don’t only look at story and gameplay. because i’m unbiased like that. here, i’d also like the mention Dimitri. what a fucking waste. you either include him in the game or you don’t. but don’t give me some half-baked shit on how he’s working for the gang back in present day. Dimitri staying home, waiting on the gang to call him in order for him to give them details on the villains. how does that even slightly resemble anything about Dimitri’s character? they didn’t even include his voice, some greasy sweet Raccoonus Doodus dialogue.
Female Characters: you know it’s all been leading up to this. this is the crux of the Thieves in Time hate. i don’t want to say the game is misogynistic so i’ll call it anti-feminist. why? just answer me. why? why did you have to disrespect Carmelita like that? right off the bat, they swapped the pants for the skirt. in what world does an active inspector who’s always on the scene wear a skirt? Carmelita now wears a skirt because her only role in the game is to be the love interest. Carmelita now wears bright red lipstick and has a new hairstyle, which would be ok if only it wasn’t Carmelita. Carmelita now plays up her inner sassy Latina because she’s pigeonholed into the ‘angry ex girlfriend’ role. they compartmentalised her, tried to sexualise her because she couldn’t possibly be one of the boys. nope. let’s take a respected woman, high in rank and as physically able as Sly, and turn her into a cliché, an angry ex girlfriend for comedic relief, strip her of her abilities and have her be kidnapped twice, have every exchange with her be about how attractive she is, have almost every male character in the game flirt with her, have her boyfriend be jealous of his own ancestors because they’re flirting with her in order to create purposeless love triangles, and then, after all that, dress her up as a belly dancer and distract some guards while the rest of the gang do the heavy lifting. that last one was really the nail on the coffin. did Bentley have other ways to enter that door? absolutely. so, what the fuck? why did i come back for a good Sly game 8 years later and receive a game where you have to shake your controller to have Carmelita shake her ass? why did they have the guards’ eyes pop like that? why did no one stop them? and it isn’t just Carmelita. it’s Penelope too. god forbid we have a female character who doesn’t have a waist smaller than my finger, and a voluptuous physique. why was the redesign so drastic? the story stuff is also nonsensical. why did she leave? wasn’t she happy with Bentley? i watched her speech about turning on the gang about a thousand times and it still doesn’t make any sense. like, i literally don’t understand. what was her motive? and why reverse her story of overcoming the Black Baron persona and the connotations of a meek woman hiding behind a man’s disguise? why repeat it, shamelessly? do the guys at Sanzaru only know women who have recently broken up? why does Carmelita, Penelope and Ms Decibel all go through break-ups during the game? why does Penelope go against Bentley before they even break up? why waste the opportunity to introduce a new, well-written villain and use it to repeat something already done? why???? no woman is safe from Sanzaru because Ms Decibel... boy, did i feel bad for her. apart from continuously reminding us that she’s haha fat!! she’s also presented as a blind lovefool. love? what a silly concept only women believe in! Ms Decibel had a crush on Le Paradox (for some reason i can’t even fathom) and for that she must pay by being utterly humiliated. and what do ALL women do when a guy breaks up with them? they get so angry! yikes, stay clear guys! ....why does Sanzaru hate female characters? i’m genuinely curious. i mean, what forced them to depict women like this? i’m sorry, i can’t take much more of this.
Ending: and how do you end a disappointment that came 8 years late and didn’t even have a sequel guaranteed? yeap, you guessed it! a cliffhanger. but not just any cliffhanger - a total fuck you to anyone and everyone. with a single move Sanzaru instantly screwed over the franchise. the fans, the creators, the characters, anyone looking to continue the series. everyone. WHY would you trap the protagonist in the past? WHY? did you feel defensive about something that wasn’t even yours and went ‘well you can continue the series but the sequel will have to do with time travel’. why did you think it was a good idea? how does it even slightly resemble a good ending? someone fill me in please. because i don’t think i’m being unreasonable, i’m just telling it how it is.
i did it. i fucking wrote it in all its motherfucking glory. the idiots at Sanzaru could’ve given us an amazing game but instead of working on how to make it better or including extra levels, they wasted their time on deciding what killable baby animal to include in each hub or what the backstory for each treasure should be. how fucking distasteful. and to think i’m an idiot myself for trying to force myself to like it because i was so in denial about how bad it was. i’ve just outlined everything wrong with that cursed game. i’m exhausted.
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bananban-feature · 4 years
Seventeen: Hoshi
(It took me a while to write this because... I’m also not sure. There’s a lot of ideas here and there and my mind is all over the place. But here it goes.)
Hoshi appreciation time! I’m here to talk about another one of my biases in my bias group that I love so much, Seventeen. Hoshi is incredibly talented and creative, fun with an extremely loveable personality! Now, where do I start?
Dance - This talent is pretty obvious as he is the leader of the performance unit, which is equivalent to the team of the main dancers of the group. (Other Seventeen members who aren’t part of this unit are already really good dancers, so this unit is really something.)
Stage Presence and Energy - A big part of what I like about Hoshi’s performances is not simply his dance - it’s his energy and attitude. I especially like it when he performs with intensity, like his Fearless intro dance with the drums (GDA 2021). I remember watching a clip of their Ode To You in Manila concert on Youtube and seeing Hoshi  made me really wish I was there. (I only became a Carat after this, during quarantine.) It’s like he’s a ball of energy that hypes people up. 
His duality is INSANE. He knows how to use his facial expressions and charisma that would make you feel the intensity of the music and fall for him on stage. And yet irl he’s absolutely adorable.
Singing - With Hoshi being such a main dancer already, you wouldn’t think he would have good vocals, but Hoshi is actually a lead singer too! In fact, in Performance unit, he is the main vocals. He has a powerful voice!
Rap - Hoshi is the main rapper in their super fun sub-unit BooSeokSoon. (Sure, he’s not actually the best singer or rapper there is in all of kpop, but he really has the talent for it.) There are many songs only a few people can pull off but he does. His energy and attitude in “Just Do It” by BSS and “Bring It” is next level, and absolutely necessary for the song to be successful.
Songwriting - This hasn’t been much (you know, as much as Woozi), but Hoshi has also participated in writing some of their songs, and even composed some with the help of Bumzu/Woozi! He co-wroteThanks with Woozi and Bumzu.
In general, I just also love Hoshi’s confidence in his talents. He knows his strengths, he isn’t afraid to showcase all the good things he can do, and he recognizes when he performs well. Confident, but not bragging. He’s just so real and so passionate about performing.
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Performance Unit Leader & Choreographer
I have a lot to say about this because the first thing that really struck me about Seventeen is the absolutely beautiful choreography and incredible synchronization. It is the reason why I really checked them out in the first place after seeing a video of them dancing to Don’t Wanna Cry in x2 speed.
Choreography - Hoshi co-choreographs the Seventeen performances with a choreographer hyung/noona, and also with the help of the performance team. (I am not disregarding the work of the pro choreographers, who in fact, did such an amazing job, but I’ve seen some people dismiss Hoshi’s contributions to these. Hoshi himself doesn’t brag about it, and ALWAYS mentions the choreographers that helped them.) There are a lot of records of him working on the choreo and formations, and there are interviews with Seventeen members, Hoshi himself, and even the choreographer hyungs that talk about his work. There’s a lot of hard work involved in this, especially when you have to think about 13 people’s positions in each scene. It just requires a lot of brain power! To add to that, Hoshi is incredibly creative! He is able to take inspiration from random objects (such as street lamps), and turn it into story-telling choreography (DWC example, skip to 1:32, this is an amazing video). I really love Seventeen's choreography, and I think they have one of the best choreographies in kpop! They are my all-time favorite in this area.
Leadership - (Obviously, they practice these dances also with the help of the choreographer hyungs too, but Hoshi really leads the whole group in terms of the performance.) Hoshi is strict and particular even with the tiniest details, angles and timing. I definitely think this is one of the biggest reasons why Seventeen is so good with their dance and are called Kings of Synchronization. Not only do they practice a lot, but I think they all really work hard because they’ve developed this sense of meticulousness in choreo that Hoshi imparted.
***Hoshi said himself that he’s a quick-tempered person. The members have actually shared their accounts of how Hoshi was as a performance leader - strict, not very patient, and has a tendency to say harsh words when they did not meet his expectations. (He’s the opposite of Minghao in Idol Producer. Normally, this impatient teaching style would get me pissed, but Hoshi as a teacher to Seventeen is different. Unlike the ordinary teacher-student relationship, Hoshi has a very close friendship with the members like family. Even when there are hurts and arguments during practice, they are able to talk about it, fix and overcome it.) It seems Hoshi has changed from this harshness though. And now the members are able to talk and laugh about it freely as memories from their earlier years.
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Hoshi is so talented, but what really drew me into him was his outstanding personality. People who only look at Hoshi on stage might get shocked because Hoshi in real life is like a cute crazy hamster. (Oops, I meant “tiger”, horanghae!)
Hoshi is hilarious and adorable at the same time. It’s almost like a toddler in a grown man’s body. He says the silliest things and acts the silliest way! What makes him funny is not just because he tries hard to be funny by making jokes. He’s just naturally funny - the definition of chaotic comedy, major crackhead energy! His overhyping is hilarious. And his randomness will make you laugh. I love that he is unapologetically himself, accepting himself in all his weirdness. And no one can stop his tiger agenda.  🐯 🐯 🐯
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Don’t Lie I & II are two of the first episodes I watched in Going Seventeen. I was so in love with Hoshi, especially after Don’t Lie II. He was so chaotic and crazy, but also very intelligent! It really was a successful game because of his incredible deduction (with the help of Seungkwan, of course). And my gosh, the way he copied Seungkwan (and even Vernon) in their 5th Anniversary is legendary! That’s both talent in comedy and talent in acting!
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Despite being this comedian, he is often seen being very sweet to the rest of the members. Honestly, unless they are in the practice room or when he needs to protect the members, Hoshi is one of those who’s often like a fake maknae in the group because he’s so cute. (Okay, except Woozi always rejects his hugs. lol) He’s also sweet to the fans and interacts with them a lot.
Hoshi’s Visuals
He may not be an official visual but nowadays, I am really appreciating his looks. I’ve always found him cute (like a child-like cute). Even in his old videos as a rookie, he has a cute and fun visual. But he really has a face with nice proportions. Honestly, he’s growing more and more mature each day. And recently, I’m just loving his visuals so much as a handsome guy.
Like...look at this beauty?
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///Update, March 2021: As I predicted, Hoshi has been showing his handsome boyfriend look more and more.
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A better look of the last photo, whew:
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*** update done ///
This post is waaaaaaay longer than I planned it to be. There’s just too many things to appreciate about Hoshi.
Anyway, here are random things I found you also might enjoy:
Article on Hoshi as a dancer/performer (The title is misleading, but this is actually a great compilation of amazing Hoshi and Seventeen dance things.) 
Reddit thread on Hoshi’s talents
IDK, random Hoshi YT compilations (1) and (2)
The Leader Line
I’ve written about my top biases right now: Woozi (previous post) and Hoshi, hard-working members for the team. In general, I really appreciate the leader line. At a young age, they led a group of teens to rise to the top of a very demanding industry. This is real life leadership with real life issues and pressures. They had a huge responsibility, it wasn’t playtime. (Great job to S.Coups, too, for being able to handle the crazy kids and keep them in order together. Imagine having to think about the individual issues of 13 people!)
Anyway, hopefully I’ll be able to talk more about them soon in my Seventeen members general appreciation post!
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minecraftmen · 3 years
disorganised thoughts on today’s karlnap streams
cooking stream:
I only caught the tail end of the cooking stream but first of all, the burgers and steak were NOT raw, the steak was decently rare and the burgers were medium-rare -- Sap’s a Texas boy, that’s just how they do burgers in TX
seeing Sapnap’s hair fluffing out from under his hat during the cooking stream was so gddamn cute??
the hot pocket was definitely doomed from the start lmfao but it was funny
karaoke stream:
I love how these boys just hype each other up!! look at them go!!!
both of them look so pretty today, just wanna say that
I personally am LIVING for the disney music
honestly makes me really happy that Karl doesn’t seem to point out Sapnap’s voice cracks on stream? like speaking as someone else whose voice still cracks, it means a lot that it’s not something they make a spectacle of like I’m insecure about my voice cracking but like, this helps normalise
I love this man who unapologetically loves ‘cheesy’ disney channel movies that were deemed ‘cringe’ for a good chunk of the last decade, and in fact has a mental tier list of them
holy FUCK Potential Breakup Song still fucking SLAPS
those notes are tough to hit in mix, honestly kudos to Sap for getting as close as he does, as consistently as he does (Play My Music)
AAA Sap hyping up Karl with his flashlight is so cute!!! we love supportive bois!!!
look at these dorks go omg, my heart is so full
they’re just having fun!!! your honor!!!!
I’m so sad Sapnap has to leave but aaaaa I’m so happy for all the fun content they shared with us
that hug ;v; /pos
does anyone know what song(s?) Karl played at the closing? it felt like a mario galaxy song but I’m not sure, it was really pretty tho
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womanlalaboy · 4 years
Ceaseman Seizing the Hip hop Scene
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The time I spent going to places and meeting people is now the time I devote to binge eating, watching TV series, attending free webinars, and listening to music. I’ve been learning a lot more about our homeland and its people these days. Our rich history shows how much potential Filipinos have, but it’s such a waste that we’re taking that for granted.
We’re a melting pot of talents, and I can’t help but feel disappointed sometimes. Did you know that the first few countries in South East Asia to produce feature films include the Philippines? Oh, and we were the bomb in the industry! Did you know that there was a time when Filipinos were thought to be the best dancers in South East Asia? That we’re considered to be great singers? Oh, and did you know that the Philippines had the first hip hop scene in Asia? 
You read that right, the Philippines is sort of a hip hop pioneer in Asia. Currently, we associate hip hop with streetwear, graffiti, MCing, flip top, break dancing, YOLO, swag, and of course, rap music. It’s not always easy to the ears, unlike pop music. It’s deemed to be childish or immature sometimes. But it’s unapologetic, and it continues to impregnate new subsections like trap, lo-fi, drill, and many others. The scene itself is ever-evolving, and so are its artists. Our rappers are collaborating with musicians from other genres and artists of different forms- they are making bigger ripples in the industry or at least in their respective communities. One of these evolving and striving hip hop artists is Ceaseman.
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Ceaseman is a 26 y/o rapper with a lot of titles under his belt. He recently released an album with 31 tracks, and it doesn’t seem like he’s slowing down any time soon.
The subliminal rapper is a member of the hip hop group Kaustik Route. Apart from that, he’s also a film writer/director. Ceaseman is the founder of PFK Collective, the drummer of a surf rock band called The Chingks, and he also represents GSIDE Records, RESBAK, INGAY LIKHA, and The Toymaker Productions. 
Life wasn’t exactly kind to Ceaseman. He’s a first-born child in a very conservative family and was expected to carry the responsibility as the breadwinner. But his father went missing, he was detained and eventually had to drop out. He has gone through failures after severing ties with his band back then in hopes of forming a new one among the many other misfortunes that happened in his life. He has seen and experienced a kind of world, not many people his age would have seen, and it’s evident in his compositions.
The variety of life’s horrors, pleasures, and rewards in his music reflects his life as an artist, as a Filipino, and as a man trying to live his life to its fullest. His comrades, Filipino arts and music scene made him feel the need to give everything he’s got to his craft and dreams.
Ceaseman sees himself as a “revolutionary artist” hoping to send messages through film and his music. He also believes that “that ignorance is a choice in the age of information and technology, “ so it’s expected that most of his songs tackle certain social issues that are particular in the Philippines. His bars aren’t always black and white. The lyrics would seem like provoking you to see different perspectives, which would sometimes require you to listen to it a couple more times.
What’s really amusing is his versatility as a musician. Before he became a rapper, he was first a drummer for a post-hardcore band. He also plays melodica as well as other percussion instruments. Ceaseman definitely has the ears for the beats. His skill for weaving words together developed from being an emcee, which requires someone to be quick-witted, interactive, and creative. Bring his musical inclination, life experiences, critical thinking, collaborative mindset, passion for the arts together with his wordplay and you got a recipe for a good hip hop artist.
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On the 30th of October this year, Ceaseman released an album entitled “Carpe Omnia” which is currently available on Spotify, Youtube, Amazon, Itunes, Medianet, Tiktok, and other major music stores.
The title means “seize it all” following the theme of its precedent, “Carpe Deym” (carpe diem), which is the Latin translation for “seize the day.” The recently released album has 30 songs with a hidden track only available on the physical copy. The bonus track is in collaboration with two distinct figures in the hip hop scene and was recorded in Tondo, Manila.
Carpe Omnia will definitely take you on a ride with its variety of hip hop subsections. The jazz and lo-fi flavors, as well as the forgotten Tagalog words like ruweda (wheel), galugad (scouring for something), and bagwis (feathers), made the album refreshing and interesting. 
Ceaseman said that he wanted to overwhelm the hip hop community and hype up his comrades by releasing this many songs. It’s like a compensation to his 3-year hiatus, which he spent playing as a drummer for Roots and flowers and The Chingks.
“So technically, Carpe Omnia is 3 albums in one for the three years that I should have released a single album per year.“ 
Among the many songs in the album, Ceaseman particularly likes Bon Vivant, Onis, Avant Garde Bagwis sa Hawla, and the hidden track. I personally loved Bagwis sa Hawla, which I think is the most personal. This sounded like a narration of his life when he was just deciding to pursue his passion, choose himself, and leave their home to take a chance- like the story of most artists who have a family member that doesn’t believe in their passion or dreams. The other songs I keep playing on repeat are Para-paraan, G, J. Crapola, and Ruweda.
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Despite the pandemic, Ceaseman is planning to release yet another album early next year, which he will be entitling “Carpe Vitam” or “seize the life.” 
Ceaseman said that he still has 4 albums worth of content in his creative bank, so there are definitely many possibilities for this young artist. He’s hoping to collaborate more with other artists, especially those that have greatly influenced his music. 
It seems like Ceaseman is already claiming 2021 to be his year as he’s planning to do an album tour for Carpe Omnia, and release music videos and a new single along with his comrades from the PFK Collective. Supporters should also expect live hip hop sets with a band real soon.
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Even if we don't want to admit it, the standard has always been the Western's in the music industry. With the scope of their influence and the history we've shared with them, we sometimes can't help but work on their shadows. As much as we want to be proud to be Filipinos, to be an independent nation with a culture and history of our own, we can't seem to detach ourselves from the colonial influence. But artists like Ceaseman, who seemed to want to desperately get out of the mold and share as much of himself in his craft, is what's making the Pinoy hip hop scene really ours. Artists like him who strive in their respective fields, though sometimes shunned by their kin or fellow Filipinos, are the very people that are saving the Filipino creative industry. They make it feel as if it's not hopeless at all.
Hip hop is unapologetic, is critical of itself, is flexible, and is resilient- much like us, Filipinos. Pinoy hip hop may not fit the masses' interest like how western hip hop does- it may not be as dominating as K-pop. Still, there are definitely many Filipinos who are passionate about it and have the talent to pursue it. We just got to acknowledge that potential, really see them, and support them. And guess what? We don't need to do much. 
We just have to listen and let the beat flow.
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