#he has 11 months to get into new vegas so he can come to nevada with me in november
ivanpahdrylakeracer · 9 months
my mom got my dad an xbox for Christmas
can you guess what i told him to download
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urfavoritedcwhore · 2 months
the Russian boy//part one
a fanfic about the goldfinch
summary: a new girl named lucy gardener has just moved to las vegas, nevada. she meets two boys her first day and takes an interest on the black-haired Russian boy named boris.
this is a series i’m going to be working on, and yes, there will eventually be some juicy smut.
warnings: swearing, marijuana usage, and some brief mention of alcohol usage.
not proof read!!
part one: the first day
"FUCK" , i yell when i awake to see my alarm clock isn't plugged in. i must have forgotten to plug it in last night when i was setting up my room. im gonna be late for my first day of school. great. i rush to the millions of moving boxes in my room trying to remember which ones have my clothes in them, finally i mange to find a box with a folded up Tshirt and decide to wear that and the leggings i slept in. i throw on the Tshirt and run into the bathroom to brush my teeth and hair. "first day of my new school and im going to show up a total mess. amazing.", i think to myself while i spit out the tooth paste in my mouth and see the knots all over my head. i grab my brush and hurry back into my room to put my shoes on and get my book bag together. "MOM!!", i yell while brushing my hair and putting my folders in my bag. no response. great she's probably passed out downstairs drunk, or hasn't come home from last night yet. i don't blame her though, if i had found out my husband was cheating on me and lost all my money in the divorce i would be drinking away my feelings too. i just hate that it caused us to move here. the fucking middle of nowhere in las Vegas. why couldn't we have moved to someplace cool like New York? or just someplace where the sun isn't beating down on me like it wants to fry me and eat me for lunch. whatever, no point in being mad right now, i need to grab my keys and get to school. i go downstairs to see my mom passed out on the couch with a bottle of tito's and lifetime blaring on the tv. no time to worry about that now. i find my keys laying on the kitchen counter and rush out the door. i hop in my truck (well, my mom and me's truck) and head on my way to school. joining a new school three months into the school year as a junior, who knows nobody in this awful town shouldn't be hard, right? i look up on google maps where it is and learn it's only 20 minutes away from my house, not too far of a drive. gosh, its already 11:30am, i'm so fucked. i pull into the school parking lot and quickly run into the double doors at the front of the building. i spot the front office on my right and make my way in there, the small lady behind the desk looks up from her computer at me. "name?", she says like she's dealt with more late passes then she wanted to this morning. "Lucy Gardener, I'm a new student here and-", she cuts me off, "yes, miss gardener, you're a junior correct? here's your schedule and here's your late pass.". she pulls out a small green peice of paper from here desk drawer and writes, my name, the date, the time, and her signature on it before handing it to me. awesome, i'm gonna have to show up in the middle of class and stop the lesson to give this to my teacher. she reaches into the printer and gives me a list with my name on the top and a bunch of classes with times next to them. "right now you should be in....3rd period, english.", the lady said pausing to squint at her computer, "room 224. down the main hall and to your left.". "thanks.", i say stuffing my schedule in my bag and walking out of the office. i follow her directions and head down the main hall and to the left, until i see room 224. fuck, ok ok, just go in there, give the slip to your teacher, and pray he doesn't make me introduce myself to the class. i open the class door and immediately all heads turn to me. i can feel my cheeks burning red as i walk to the man in his mid 40s standing in front of the whiteboard. "sorry." i say handing him the slip and turning away to find a seat towards the back of the class room, just as i thought you may get away with say nothing else, he calls you back up front. "Lucy? you're our new student right? come up here and tell us a little about yourself please.", he says with a huge smile on his face. you've gotta be fucking kidding. i turn back to him and walk back up front. "hi i'm lucy, um i just moved here from New Orleans.", i hear slight laughter coming from two boys in the back of the classroom.
"can i go sit now?", i say turning towards the teacher. "well it's great to have you here lucy, i look forward to getting to know you, i think there may be a seat next to theo. theo, raise your hand so lucy knows where to go.". i see a tall boy with shaggy blonde hair raise his hand and realize it was one of the boys who were giggling. i walk towards the desk that the teacher was referring to, and see that it’s actually right in between the two boys that were giggling. how wonderful, this should be soooo fun. i sit down and immediately hear the blonde boy with glasses on my right giggling. damn, do i really look that bad today. the one with black hair is just staring so intensely at me, i feel his eyes burning holes in my head. i guess i came just at the right time though, cause about two minutes after i sit down i hear the bell ring. "anddd that's lunch.", i hear the teacher say as i stand up and grab my bag. i let out a sigh of relief, at least i can just go sit in the bathroom and look at my phone for the lunch period. i'm walking to the door when someone behind me calls out, "lucy!". i turn around to see the blonde boy with his mouth slightly open and the boy with black hair standing behind him smirking. "i-it's lucy right?" he says stuttering over his words. "yea. you're theo, right?", i say hoping that i heard the teacher correctly and didn't just call him the wrong name. "ding ding ding! and this," he pulls the boy with black hair in front of him like he's showing me a puppy or something, "is boris. he, well we, were wondering if maybe you wanted to hang with us during lunch? you know, since you're new.", theo says in a almost shy manner. do i want to have lunch with them? is it a trick? weren't they literally just laughing at me? if they didn't look so raggedy i would've guessed that they were two popular boys messing with me. the dark haired one, sorry, "boris", speaks up. "we have weed." , he said in a whispering tone.
i'm not sure because his voice was so low, but i think he may be Australian? that doesn't matter, they had weed, i need something to calm my first day anxieties. "i'm down, should've led with the weed." i say looking at both of them as theo looked at boris with a smile. boris walked in front of me, "follow me.". boris and theo led me out the school doors, into the parking lot, and to a beat down 1985 volvo. this looks sketchy i'm not gonna lie. the car is rusted, missing a headlight, and theo has to crawl through the driver side door to get to the passenger seat. let's just hope and pray they don't kill me and dump my body in the nevada desert somewhere. boris opens the back seat door for me and i crawl in, as soon as i'm in the car i know they're not lying about the weed. the smell is so strong that i imagine they smoke in this car everyday and don't know what air freshener is. boris gets in the drivers seat, shuts the door, and immediately opens the glove box. "shit bor, did you not roll another one this morning? it's gonna take me at least 20 minutes to get this shit done.", theo said holding a small baggie of weed, and a pack of joint papers. these kids don't even know how to roll a joint. i snicker, "let me see it.", i say holding out my hand. theo and boris looked at eachother suspiciously. "oh come on, let me see it i can get her done in 5-10 minutes tops.", i start making a "gimme" motion with my hand. theo hands the bag and papers over to me. it doesn't even take me ten minutes and im done. "here", i say, passing the joint to boris. they inspect it carefully until boris looks back at me and smiles, "nice job new girl.". i do a small bow, "thank you thank you very much, now light that shit.", i say looking at the lighter in theo's hand. theo hands the lighter over to boris, who starts to touch the flame to the tip of the joint and takes a long hit. he lets the smoke out, coughing as he does so. boris takes another hit then looks at me. he gives the joint to me with a grin, "new girl gets next hit, eh?", he says glancing over to theo. "that's fine with me man.", says theo, who's too focused on trying to get the radio to work.
boris hands the joint over to me. please please please don't let me get too high and embarrass myself God. i mean look, im an avid smoker, but after taking a break from weed for like 6 days because of all the moving shit i had to do, i’m definitely gonna get really fried. i take a long drag of the joint and hold the smoke it for about 7 seconds before exhaling with a sigh. "fuck that's nice.", i say passing the joint to theo and leaning back into the seat. "so new girl, where do you live?", boris says with a thick accent. "i don't really know the name of the street, i just got here last night. it's like desert something.", i say trying to remember what the street is called . boris raises his eyebrows as he grabs the joint theo's passing to him, "desert end drive?", he says before taking a long hit of the joint. "yea actually, that's where i am.". the two boys exchange looks. "no way, that's where we live." , says theo almost giddy with excitement. ok this is good. at least i have two people that smoke in my neighborhood. "do you live more towards the front of the neighborhood or the back?", theo says. boris passes me the joint and i take two quicks hits while they stare at me with anticipation. "way in the back, it takes like 3 minutes of me driving just to get out of the neighborhood.", i say shifting my eyes between the two of them. theo looks at boris as i hand him the joint. "i bet you're right by bor then.", he says smiling a child like smile. "oh shit that's nice.", i say trying to not look excited. i mean boris is cute. i don't really know him at all. and that accent, maybe it's just the weed talking, but that accent is so fucking sexy. "what's your accent?", i blurt out, not so shy anymore from the high i'm feeling. boris smirks at me, "i mean i've lived in a lot of places so i have little accent from everywhere, but the one you probably hear the most, is russian or ukraine maybe?", he says, "my english isn't perfect, potter says i miss words sometimes, but i do pretty well, eh?", he says taking the joint from theo. i let out a laugh, "dude you're so right, he does kinda look like harry potter!", which makes both me and boris burst out into laughter.
"hardy har har, soooo funny.", says theo trying his best to hold back a smile. we sit, passing around the joint and just talking and getting to know each other for about the next 15 minutes until all that's left of it is the filter. "i don't wanna go back in.", i say as the laughter dies down in the car from a stupid thing theo said. "well you're in luck, me and bor usually skip forth period anyways.", theo says turning his head to look at me and smile. "yes! come with new girl, will be fun. i have vodka at house.",  boris says with excited eyes. "your parents won't mind?", i say, "nah, only live with my dad and he'll be gone for next few days.", says boris as he puts the bag of weed and papers back in his glove box. "alright, im down. but fuck, i'm way too stoned to drive right now, i haven't smoked for like a week cause of the move.", i say, remembering just how high i am. "give me your keys, im not too fucked.", says boris holding out his hand, "potter can drive my car, he does all the time.". i look at boris for a second, before pulling out my keys and placing them in his hand. trust me if i thought this boy was too faded to drive, i would not let him in my truck. but since i'm pretty sure he does this everyday multiple times a day i'm fine with it. especially since, i myself drive while im stoned all the time. well when im not in the middle of an involuntary week long T break i mean. boris hops out of the car and opens my door, extending his hand to me, as theo crawls into the drivers seat. i take boris's hand and hop out of the car. i say a quick thank you and let go of his hand before leading him to my truck. when we get to my car he follows me to the passenger side and opens the door for me. "such a gentleman." , i joke as i put a hand on my heart and hop in the car. "always a gentleman for a pretty lady.", he says back shooting me a quick wink then chuckling. ok he could so get it. i mean he called me pretty, he definitely wants it. no lucy...you two are joking around. he's being polite. don't think anything of it. boris walks to the other side of the car door and hops in the drivers seat, putting the keys in ignition. "let's go get wasted new girl.", he says to me with a smile as he puts the car in drive, and pulls out of the school parking lot. i have a feeling this is going to be fun..
part 2 will be out soon. let me know if yall fw this
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by starsareonly2nd
Have you ever been to Las Vegas? No. Doesn’t sound like my type of city. I wouldn’t mind visiting the rest of Nevada though.
What did you have for breakfast this morning? Just a cup of coffee; I skip breakfast except on Sundays, when we actually sit down at the dining table and eat as a family.
Do you have any loose change in your pocket? I don’t have any pockets right now but I do have very few coins in my wallet. I used to have plenty, but I’ve given most of them away because I usually give tips to the nice people who help me get out of parking spots.
Do you like Taylor Swift? I like some of her songs, especially the ones from 1989, but I have no idea why I just can’t get into her as a person.
What's your favorite Disney Channel movie? I haven’t tuned in to that channel for a very long time now, but the movies that I got the most excited about as a kid were Twitches, Wendy Wu, Camp Rock, The Cheetah Girls, and High School Musical 1 and 2.
If you met your favorite celebrity, would you be calm or star struck? I’d be starstruck in a calm way; like I’d most likely be too shocked to get more than a few words out. I’m sure I’d come off as shy or boring haha, which is why I’ve refused to meet or interact with my favorite celebrities even if I’ve already had the chance to.
Are there any lights on in the room you're in? I have a ceiling light and a desk lamp, but both are turned off. My only light source at the moment is my laptop screen.
What's your favorite subject in school? History.
What's your favorite holiday? My birthday, if that counts. Christmas can also be great but only for the food, the reunions with extended family, and the freedom to guiltlessly cut off contact with colleagues for a couple of weeks. All other aspects of it make me miserable though.
Do you ever have to do yard work? I’ve never had to do that before.
Is your school close to your house? I mean, it wasn’t a 10-minute walk away but it’s relatively close and driving to my university objectively doesn’t take too long unless there’s heavy traffic. If there’s absolutely no barriers I could get to school in 15-20 minutes, but this is really only just for weekends where I have to go to school for some reason. If there’s traffic (and there always is), I take anywhere from 45 minutes to an hour and a half.
Speaking of school, how did you get there today? I haven’t been to my school since the first week of March, and I’ve already graduated since then.
Do you think Bad Romance is a catchy song, or an annoying one? I can honestly tell you that I have genuinely never gotten sick of that song. It’s a late 2000s classic, man. Of course it was too explicit for my 11 year old ears when it first came out, but I found it catchy nonetheless.
Do you use perfect grammar online? I always try to be correct, yes. When I use improper grammar it’s usually because I’m joking.
Are you currently using a laptop? Yup.
Do you have any live versions of songs in your music software? I haven’t used iTunes in a while and Spotify, which I do use, doesn’t work that way.
Did/do you listen to Britney Spears songs? I’ve never skipped her singles whenever I caught them on the radio and I’ve always fairly enjoyed the music she puts out, but I normally don’t voluntarily listen to her i.e. look up her songs myself on Spotify.
Is it a windy day? It is now that it’s nighttime, but it was a little humid all day today.
In the past week, have you ridden in a taxi? No. I’m not actually sure if that’s even already allowed...the possibility of public transport is still pretty murky where I live.
What shorthand do you use the most? I have no idea what this means. I did try looking it up but I dunno if I’ve ever had to use shorthand at any point in my life.
Do you ever wish on stars at night? Every now and then, but it’s just the little kid in me.
What color are your eyes? Dark brown. I feel like I answer this at least once a week.
What album is the current song you're listening to off of? Not listening to music but the last song I heard is from an album called Petals For Armor.
What are you doing after you finish this? Try not to cry/break down. Find something to watch on YouTube. Maybe play with Cooper to destress and forget about my problems for a bit.
In your opinion, what song is the most overplayed right now? Other than songs I occasionally put on repeat, I have not heard any new music for a while now.
Are you in a band? Nope, never been.
How clean is your bedroom? We just tidied it up and rearranged a few things last month so I’d say it’s clean - at least tidier than it used to be. And I’m a little proud that despite how rough life has been, I’ve managed to keep it clean. It’s the little things.
Is there a pen within reaching distance of you? Yeah, there’s one on my desk and I can easily reach out and grab it.
Are you sitting at a desk? I’ve moved to my bed for now. My back does not appreciate sitting at a desk all day.
Does your favorite band have a male or female lead singer? Female.
Do you normally shut your bedroom door before you go to sleep? Yesssssssss. We have a light source by the stairs that extends to the hallway and reaches my room, so it gets super annoying if my door is even just slightly ajar because my eyes get distracted by the faint light. My door has to be completely shut for me to feel comfortable in the privacy of my room.
Have you seen the movie Moulin Rouge? I haven’t. I loooove Lady Marmalade, but I’m just not sure if the movie itself is my cup of tea.
Would you ever dye your hair a different color? I’d love to have the chance to do that, yeah.
Are there any framed pictures in the room you're in? There are a couple.
Have you ever been to a Broadway show? Nope.
Do you watch So You Think You Can Dance? I don’t think so but I do remember watching a few episodes of Dancing with the Stars because a wrestler that I liked was one of the contestants for one season. I’m just not sure of SYTYCD also featured wrestlers in their shows; if that has been the case in the past- and I’m just not sure because my memory is a little hazy - I would’ve given it a watch.
What's your favorite movie soundtrack? The Twilight Saga churned out some bomb ass soundtracks. Other than that, I also enjoyed Interstellar’s and Requiem for a Dream’s.
Do you prefer group or individual work? Depends on what kind of work needs to be done. If a task is graphic design or video editing-heavy, I would prefer to work with other people; but if it’s gonna be heavy on something that’s already my forte, I like to work by myself.
Do you have a key to anything besides your house? Just my car.
Are you wearing anything with stripes? Not at the moment.
What time did you go to sleep last night? 9:45 I think? A little later than 10? Somewhere along that range.
Did anyone tell you you were beautiful today? No.
What show did you last watch? Friends.
Do you think you'll do anymore surveys today? I doubt it. This one is already quite longer than the surveys I usually take.
What's your favorite ice cream flavor? Cookies and cream; and more recently, chocolate chip cookie dough.
When was the last time you stayed home from school sick? Sometime in February last year. I developed a fever the night before but wasn’t able to start feeling better by the next morning, so I had to skip the one class I had that day.
Could you ever complete a 500-piece puzzle? Yes. I’m actually planning to buy a 1000-piece jigsaw puzzle; it’s one of the items I’ve put on my cart recently. Depressed Robyn is also spend-a-lot-of-money-on-artsy-craftsy-supplies-Robyn, so.
If you could run a red light and not get caught, would you? Hell no.
Do you like to listen to music as you do your homework? Not usually, but sometimes I’ll put on lo-fi since that’s the only kind of music I can listen to and still keep my focus.
Did you think Adam Lambert's AMA performance was really that controversial? I’ve never encountered it, but I doubt I’ll have a problem with it if I do get to watch the performance. I love Adam Lambert and I've never found myself shaking my head at whatever he’s doing.
Do any bands flat-out annoy you? They’re a boy band more than anything but The Vamps has consistently irritated me through the years.
Do you have a mirror in your bedroom? No. I used to, but I gave it to my sister.
Was today a birthday for any of your friends? I don’t think so. With all my social media being deactivated I never get notified about birthdays anymore, but I’m fairly sure none of my friends blow out their candles every October 22nd.
When was the last time you rode in a limo? I’ve never been in one.
Do you take naps daily? No. I can’t really do that anymore since I have an 8-hour shift on weekdays, lol.
Do you still make Christmas lists? No.
Do you watch the show Dexter? I tried getting into the show because it used to always be said in the same breath as Breaking Bad, but I never got invested. I heard later seasons sucked too, so that also turned me off from continuing to pursue the series.
What's the background on your phone? I have a motivational comic that says “You’re doing really well given the circumstances” as my lockscreen. Cooper smiling is my home screen.
When were/will you be a a sophomore in high school? That was six years ago.
Are you scared of any animals? Any flying insect or bug, and I find them scarier if they come with a loud buzz.
Have you ever been to any sort of convention? YouTube Fanfest, if that counts as one. I’m not really sure what counts as a convention haha, but that’s the closest thing I���ve got.
Which song did you last listen to on repeat? Why We Ever by Hayley Williams.
Where do you want to live when you grow up? I’ve stopped thinking about that for now. My focus has since shifted to asking myself if I’ll still even be alive in a few years...ugh, how far we’ve fallen.
Are you currently using a blanket? No. It’s not cold enough for a blanket yet, but maybe in a few hours.
Are there any songs that make you cry? A lot.
How many siblings do you have? Two.
What are you doing this weekend? I have no idea.
Do you prefer swimming at the beach or in a pool? BEEEEEEEEACH. Once I took my first dip in a beach, I never wanted to swim in a pool ever again.
When was the last time you had a haircut? March.
Which musical instrument do you think sounds the prettiest? Piano, saxophone, and violin. Can’t pick a favorite; I think they all sound beautiful.
Are you in band or chorus at your school? I was never in either.
Do you know what you want for Christmas? Yeah but they’re all intangible. I want to be happy, be at peace, normalcy, etc. I’ve stopped pining for presents, especially now that I can afford my own shit.
Do you watch fireworks on New Year's Eve? Always.
Is your birthday within the next three months? Nope. You’ll have to add three more months to that timeframe.
How long is the song you're listening to? No music.
Are you anticipating anything this week? I’m waiting for a couple of very specific emails to come in, and I hope they do before the week ends.
Is your mom or dad the older parent? My dad, but only by 8 months. They were born in the same year.
Have you taken the SATs yet? I never had to take them, but I heard they’re triiiiiiiicky.
Do you watch anything on E? We never had E! in our cable service but I like tuning into that channel whenever we stay at hotels because I get to watch KUWTK, hehe.
Are you going to get off the computer now that you've finished this? Most likely.
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veroniicaflores · 4 years
Tumblr media
task 001: character introduction.
(admin tangerine, 21, est) ☼ who’s that hottie, standing outside the love hotel? it’s VERONICA FLORES, a BISEXUAL CIS FEMALE, who looks a lot like NATHALIE KELLEY! NIKKI’s insta bio says SHE is a STYLIST and is looking for a fun time this summer. SHE is into DADDY KINK & GROUP SEX, but not into SCAT & BLOOD PLAY. by the way, SHE reminds me of ORANGE POPSICLES & COLORFUL SUNSETS.
quick infos:
full name: veronica eleanor rosemary flores (i swear i have never watched dynasty EVER and i was told this is the last name of nat’s character.... too late)
dob: august 23rd 1988 (she’ll turn 31 this year)
pob: las vegas, nevada.
kinks: daddy***/mommy kink, mild roughness,  group sex, public sex, receiving oral (eat her out good and she’ll marry you... too soon) although she enjoys giving oral to girls and/or strap-ons/dildos, mutual masturbation, nipple play, hair pulling squirting, spanking, consensual somnophilia.
anti kinks: blood play, wax play, electric stimulation, bondage, very rough sex, scat, foot play, humiliation & extreme anal (fingering and butt plugs are fine, but there will be very rare anal sex).
3 favorite things: dancing naked at 2am to some electronic music or old rock songs, italian gelato (she’d give you a handjob for a raspberry gelato) & puppies videos on instagram.
3 things she hates: spiders or bugs of any sorts (excluding spider man or ant man or black widow wink wink), people who lack of respect & compassion, bad hair days.
+2 positive traits: easygoing & compassionate
-2 negative traits: gullible & jealous
wanted connections:
ex-husband: idk where i’m going with this, but i have a feeling this would be so interesting if he’d come back to the hotel and they’d reconnect after a few years of being apart and not speaking. bonus points for high sexual tension and cute stuff! 
daddy and/or mommy: just that “caring, loving but also can please all your needs” vibe. spoiler alert, she won’t be the mommy, she’s too much of a sub for that.
femme fatale: just a woman, preferably younger whom nikki just can’t resist. someone with dominant tendencies. or someone around her age too! 
friends with benefits: GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS GIRLS 
sexual tension: it says it all. 
childhood + teenage years + early twenties:
only child of a loving family of restaurant owners, veronica inherited the best conditions to become a traditional girl from a just as typical and traditional family. she was loved by her parents, she loved them. she learned to cook at a very young age and had a noticeable talent. she was the preppy girl from the picture perfect family. she had a dog, alfredo, that she rescued from the streets and who became her only friend for most of her childhood.
in high school, she bonded with a pair of twin siblings who came from a completely different background. from what she knew, their parents were big gamblers and lost most of their savings in casino nights. these people had that edge and gave that down to earth vibe nikki admired yet could not completely comprehend. they were a dynamic trio that balanced one another perfectly. jack (npc) was a total artist who encouraged nikki to express herself, valerie (npc) was very analytical and had a talent at reading through nikki while nikki herself was that sweet figure who was easy to please and could easily please everyone.
when they graduated, valerie confessed she had no idea what she would be doing with her future with no money at all. they were sitting in nikki’s family restaurant and drinking beer in cask with nostalgia and a part of sadness. jack had big plans, he found an apartment in san francisco and wanted to become a graphic designer. nikki, however, was torn between taking over the family business or making a living of her own. that was when valerie drunkenly suggested to work at one of the newly opened strip clubs nearby their neighborhood.
so she did.
she turned 18 when she realized she had lost so many years to living in a mold she no longer fit in. she was more than just preppy church outfits and cooking sundays with her mother, she was more than a daddy’s girl who washed tables when the restaurant was closed. what did adults always say? a good education promised a good future, so, veronica applied to the college of southern nevada for a degree in communications with a minor in women’s studies. she had no idea where she was heading, but it was a start.
her parents contributed by driving from class to home every day, they paid her more adult looking clothing and they finally gave her the freedom she never knew she needed until she reached majority.
although jack disappeared from her life, valerie remained very present. they did as they agreed and found a job at a high end strip club in vegas. they made good money instantly without having to do nasty stuff nikki had never been introduced to. within a few months, they saved enough to get matching tattoos, new jewelry and pay for valerie’s apartment. the club provided a living area a few blocks away, but valerie felt better living on her own. nikki tried to mingle and fit in with the other girls, but they were too different. maybe it was the education, maybe it was the background, but the trashy side of this job did not interest the italian girl more than that.
veronica worked as a stripper during college until she graduated with a degree that would soon become irrelevant and useless. with contribution from her parents who never even judged her for her job (it was true nikki did tell them it was just a dancing studio) and with her savings, veronica moved out of nevada and headed to california.
she worked in clothing stores, in malls and eventually in expensive boutiques. the other sellers and all the clients noticed she had a talent for matching outfits, accessories and every details making sure the person who wore them would be at their best. eventually, she started doing this as a side line. she promoted her skills on social media and got quite the hype. she worked for magazines and influencers. she became a private stylist as well. no rest for the wicked! 
along the way, she met the man who would become her husband. they really had a perfect marriage. being career driven and uncertain of being able to meet her parents’ expectations, she could not lie to herself. the marriage ended in a peaceful and respectful divorce. she is still convinced he is the love of her life. 
at 26, she started a youtube channel when she became a bit bored of her casual job. on her channel (youtube.com/user/floralpatternslover), she does a lot of hauls, diy accessories, storytimes, recipe tutorials and various challenges. she has 2 millions subscribers and just as many instagram followers. nikki lives off of that more nowadays. she tries to post at least once a week on youtube to keep the ad revenue coming. 
she makes a lot of money, but she really doesn’t act like it. she thrives on late night trips to 7/11 or on dollar store snacks and stuff. she gives a lot of money back to charity, and clothes back to other organizations as well. similar to chris klemens, 
BIGGEST SUB AND BABY ENERGY YOU HAVE EVER MET. she’s just... so willing and vulnerable, it’s crazy. make sure your muse can handle that!
she will never take the lead, or, well, almost never. if she feels really needy, she might initiate things and suggest certain positions and actions, but otherwise, you choose and she obeys.
she works with clothes all the time, love clothes, sleeps on her bed covered with clothes because she’s too lazy to put them back in her walk-in closert... yet she would live naked 24/7 if she could. she goes from 0 to 100 real quick when it comes to exhibitionism!
she LOVES sex. passionate sex. sex for sex. group sex. watching sex. she’s really into it. it takes her mind off everything else. 
once again i repeat i have never watched dynasty and now i’m playing two fcs from the show TALK ABOUT A COINCIDENCE i’m sorry about the last name thing, i just thought it fit 
alsoooooo i was very attached to lea as a fc generally, but especially for nikki. it was hard choosing someone else :( i hope nathalie can fit!
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memorylang · 4 years
Fathers’ Day, Familiarity and Faith | #38 | June 2020
If my COVID-19 experiences were a Netflix Original Series, I feel someone could title it, "The Groundskeeper."
Synopsis: Returned Peace Corps Volunteer from Mongolia, now back in Nevada, learns a thing or two about hedge trimming and much more about life living.
The inspirational hit series stars award-winning memoirist Daniel Lindbergh Lang, director and editor. “Please support the official release.”
Quirky thoughts keep me sane. More on these later, of course. 
The U.S. celebrated Father’s Day 2020 on June 21, so I commemorate it with reflections from being my father’s son. 
The adventures follow both my Mothers’ Day reflections (#36) and Easter in America stories (#35). I focus now on continued COVID-19 adventures in yard work, sorting and reminiscing. 
Chronologically, we pick up from my stateside Week 11 (May 15-21), when my sisters came home from their unis’ spring semesters. With them as collaborators, I continued sorting our family’s memorabilia. After a few weeks’ interlude 'round Memorial Day, big changes occurred Weeks 14 through 16 (June 5-25) through Fathers’ Day.  
I also consider Pentecost and the Spirit. Easter 2020 ended Sunday, May 31, so we’re in a fruitful new time. In fact, I write here results from the smattering of routines I shared before. 
Lastly, to clarify, many assume my dad’s Asian. But that’s untrue. He’s Austrian-American. That’s where I get my “Lang” surname. Ethnically, I’m about half Austrian. Culturally, too, Dad’s family influenced me far more than Mom’s when I grew up. My mom was ethnically full Chinese, hence that half.
Now back to Dad!
Father’s Perspective on My Boyhood 
During my 2020 time home since Peace Corps’ evacuation, Dad often prods me to take on projects he sees around the yard. So, I do yard work. I don’t like desert heat, so I usually work the daily tasks an hour or two at dawn, sometimes dusk. Picture three months this way.
But Dad would tend to demand a certain perfection on many projects, expecting me out there working when there’s work to do. I’d rather let nature do as it pleases. Peace Corps experiences taught me decorated yards generally feel overrated. When I’m older, I feel I’d much rather have my family frequent parks to get our yard fix. Nonetheless, yard work lets me chat with God, who reminds me empathize. 
It is difficult to say, "I serve the Father," if I do not serve my father. 
With this in mind, I consider the patient progress of waiting while working often. 
Dad grew up in rural America’s Midwest from the mid-20th century. Dad’s parents and community were largely Austrian-American Catholics. Dad’s grandfather immigrated with Dad’s great-grandfather because land in Austria was scarce, late-19th century, yet plentiful in Kansas. My dad grew up on a farm as a third-generation Austrian-American. He funded his higher ed. through U.S. military service and numerous side jobs, including those in teaching and sales. 
Through Dad, I’m a fourth-generation Austrian-American—though, only second-generation Chinese-American, through Mom. I wasn’t quite on a farm, having grown up between Midwestern suburbs and an urban West. Still, Dad regularly tasked siblings and I with yard work.
An Energetic Kid, Ages 4-7 
Now this gets interesting!
This mid-May 2020, my younger sister and I unearthed Christmas letters our parents (mostly Dad) had written to Dad’s siblings—my uncles and aunts—since before 2000. Turns out, our mom kept hard copies in the bins beside her desk. From these, Sister and I read pretty enjoyable pieces about our child selves. 
Here I share Dad’s tales from grade school me in Indiana (used with permission): 
2001: "Daniel is 4 years old now and is looking forward to kindergarten.  He likes outdoor activities and he is quite strong for his age.  He can do a lot of sit ups and push ups already.  He likes to walk with [his mom] at the airport, which is nearby." 
2002: "Daniel is five years old.  He is in kindergarten.  He is [...] very competitive.  He is in the same school as [his older brother] and is rapidly learning to read now.  He is good at math, and he studies very hard." 
2003: "Daniel is six years old.  He is very competitive and naughty.  He always keeps track of the books he reads and comes home to tell us how many books he has finished.  His goal is to reach 100 books this year.  He is over 90 already.  Well, he likes to pester [his brother a lot].  He thinks that is fun. [...]"
2004: "Daniel is seven.  He is goal oriented and a 'do'er.  He is good at making all kinds of crafts.  He is our family's talented teacher.  He taught [his younger sister] how to read before she went to kindergarten.  He also gives homework assignments to the others, except [his older brother].  He always pesters [his brother] as usual." 
God graced me with energy as a kid. 
I noticed three themes. For one, I seemed to follow Dad’s lead in filling my time productively. He served in the U.S. Army National Guard and emphasized self-discipline. As a civilian family practitioner, too, he advocated for daily exercises, such as sit-ups, push-ups and walking. I seemed to follow suit.
On the other hand, I was a kiddo with an older brother, and I didn’t mind expending plenty spare energy to bother him. Thankfully I stopped pestering when I grew up with enough self-awareness to know good people don’t intentionally troll. Uni helped. 
Curiously, I noticed the letters seemed to note many of my interests resembling Mom’s. Arts, reading and studying seemed more like Mom’s interests than Dad’s, yet I hadn’t realized my similarities to Mom back then. Of course, Dad values education, too.
Studious Beyond Belief, Ages 13-19
As I went through elementary school, Dad’s military service included deployments overseas to Afghanistan (2005) and Iraq (2007). In 2008, our family moved from southern Indiana to North Las Vegas, Nev., where I started middle school. Since my younger sister and I hadn’t found letters from Dad’s years deployed with the others letter, we figured Mom wrote them. By 2009’s end, Dad retired as a lieutenant colonel. But he continued work elsewhere, including in a dozen nations to indigenous peoples of the Americas. 
Here were Christmas letters from my adolescence on. Coincidentally, I noticed the first couple we found both came from my last years at respective schools. 
2010: “Danny, 13, is finishing at [...] a magnet [middle] school associated with math, science and technology. He [earned last year] a 4.0 [grade-point] average. He received a letter this past week from a magnet high school stating that he was the type of student they were looking for. [I, Dad, think Danny] is also in the National Junior Honor Society [service group]. [...] Danny continues to have to be at the school bus stop at 5:50 in the morning.” 
2014: “Danny is the ultimate study robot, with his inhuman ability to study for hours on end in place of sleep, or other usual activities for high schoolers.  He attended NV Boys State this past June, and he has risen to the rank of Division News Editor within [Kiwanis] Key Club--a HS service group.  Danny and [his younger sister] also attended Key Club activities in CA in Nov. [...] As this is his senior year [...], he should be starting to apply for colleges now, but [...] he has not applied to Yale, which is causing his mother to feel that she is a ‘failure’ if none of her kids get accepted at this prestigious school--it’s used by Chinese mothers as a guilt trip for their kids! [...] He also received an AP with Honors award [from his magnet high school].  He presently is in the ‘top 10’ students in his class ranking.  But if he doesn’t get his applications in, then there is always UNLV [Las Vegas]!” 
2016: “Daniel is now a sophomore at UNR (Reno) in the Honors Program, and is an honors ambassador. He says he has 1 major in journalism with 3 minors at the present time, and he works at the library when time permits. He also completed an internship in publishing during the summer session, when he stayed in Reno and frugally survived during the summer by ‘couch surfing’ at several different locations. Several of us attended his confirmation at Easter in Reno. He also [...] presented at a few [conferences]. Additionally, he is involved in [the Kiwanis] Circle K service group on campus, as well as the Knights of Columbus, and he sings in the choir at the local Newman Center. Based on his Facebook postings, he seems to be enjoying college immensely. [...]” 
I definitely loved service groups—and still do, if Peace Corps counts! 
Seeing these letters in 2020, I feel amused how Dad wrote of my later academic interests with distance. Dad’s 2002 line about 5-year-old me, “[Daniel] studies very hard,” escalated exponentially, noticeable by his 2014 line about 17-year-old me, “Danny is the ultimate study robot, with his inhuman ability to study for hours on end in place of sleep.” I figure my peers were similar, though… 
I feel amused, too, how Dad included Mom’s wanting me to pursue STEM careers. Chinese often expect this of their kids. In some sense, I’m glad Dad let me escape the Asian tendency and Mom’s ideal to have me pursue a Bachelor of Science. Back then, I contended a bachelor’s from the professional School of Journalism would still make me hireable. 
Sure enough, Peace Corps hired! 
Besides, I felt vindicated later when I learned my minors in English literature, Chinese studies and communication studies resembled my late mother’s fields of English literature and international relations... She clearly benefited from Liberal Arts. More on these in previous reflections, though. :)
Back From Mongolia
Snap back to March 2020, when I just returned to America after our COVID-19 evacuation from Mongolia. 
I was really into “Frozen II,” the cathartic film easing me back into the States. My first week back felt very different from those after. Because “Some Things Never Change,” I discerned to do “The Next Right Thing.” Waking to various “Frozen II” numbers of looping in my brain, days began with such thoughts. 
My first days, I often compared experiences to Mom’s when she raised my siblings and me. Despite being at home, I was alone. Dad worked away, plus siblings had school and work. (This preceded American schools canceling or moving online.) So, I felt confused what to do. 
I discerned I could tidy the house, serve where others couldn’t. Whether dishes to wash or rooms to clean, I addressed what I saw. I imagined Mom felt this way when my siblings and I attended school and Dad worked. 
I also considered my living father matters as much as my late mother. So, honoring Dad honors her, too. 
Dad always had yard projects he wanted me doing. I had to weed so much when I first returned. 
I felt insights, at least. I considered, weeds are eternal. Weeds will always grow on spiritual life. Weeds attempt to choke our crops’ life. We must uproot our weeds and prune dead areas to fortify new and better parts of being. The physical and spiritual are one. … Yet, weeds still annoy me. 
Noticeably, my labors seemed to confuse many in my family. They seemed mostly to recall the 2015 me who’d choose studying over chores any day. But I guess most hadn’t factored I’ve experienced plenty in my years away from home, especially during my months living alone cooking for myself in Mongolia. House tasks are necessary parts of life. 
Besides, I’d already been doing these tasks others seemed disinterested in, even back at Christmas 2019, when I sorted Mom’s books, and later during post-evacuation Week 9 (May 1-7), packing up Mom’s desk after three years gathering dust. I felt frustrated others seemed slow to accept I’ve changed since Peace Corps. I pray for grace.
The New Journey
June 6, 2020—just days after Pentecost and coincidentally one month to my 23rd birthday—marked one huge occasion. 
Dad remarried! 
I felt excited.
I also noticed a curious parallel in threes. For, on my family history adventures, I discovered something about Dad’s parents. In 1987, his mother's spouse passed away; on the third year, she married again, in 1990. 30 years later, my dad’s spouse passed away in 2017; on the third year, he married again, in 2020. Coincidences comfort me at times.
That day, I’d also finished revisions to submit my thesis to a different journal for publication. I’d tried before with one in June 2019 and February 2020, but unfortunately my work hadn’t fit within their scope. Still, the editor believed that  I could publish it in the right place! 
College Town Return
That Week 14 (June 5-11), Dad also purchased a house in Reno, Nev., where my kind stepmom may move, too. Dad requested aid moving things in Reno. My younger sister and youngest brother both opted out, so I went instead. I prefer Reno’s weather, anyway. 
In Reno again, I felt parallels to past years. 
Helping my youngest sister and her friend move from a condo and house to the new place, I recalled the many who helped me move between Reno homes during my undergrad. Honestly, I felt weird to think of my dad relocating to Reno, especially since I hadn’t known the area he chose existed during my years studying in town. 
Mongolia returned to mind, too, while I lugged belongings in and out of the condo, up and down stairs. Hard to believe that that was three months ago when Peace Corps evacuated us. Exactly three months before, March 9, 2020, was my first Monday in Nevada again. 
Writing of Mongolia, I also recalled every bellhop who's hauled my 23 kg (50 lbs.) luggage up stairs in Asia. God bless them. 
On the bright side, with helping the sister and friend move, Dad said I got stronger. That felt good. When he asked how many push-ups I could do, I said 50—my new personal record met just days before. When I started working out the month and a half prior, I could only do half that. 
Thanks to the lifting and yard work tasking me in Reno, I paused my fitness routines. I realized, I’ve enough strength and endurance for what I’d want to do. So now, having met the goals, I still work out, just less concerned about gains.
Tests of Faith
Back to that ‘groundskeeping.’
With Reno versus Vegas, I prefer hedges to palm trees. Hedges are more fun and less merciless. They leave my body less bloody than palm trees, too. Reno’s weather also keeps cooler. 
As you’d expect, yard work leaves plenty time to reflect, chat with God. In earlier days these chats opened with lamentations about the heat and constant tasks. But God graces peace.
Ultimately, Dad’s tasks need someone to do them. He’s busy working full-time out-of-town, and siblings still have activities they must or would rather do. So I volunteer. 
On the other side, Dad at times says he’ll compensate me once the bills are paid. There always seem bills to me, though. Since it’s been three months now, I try to think of this like the Kingdom. Whether or not I see rewards, I try to persevere. I must trust the Father to provide in time, no matter the wait. It’s a spiritual exercise. 
Pa says he’s glad I’m financially stable, too—My scholarships, grants and work study graduated me debt-free. Those seem good, I guess. 
So, spiritually exercising while laboring, I consider parables of workers in the field and masters. Christ spoke of such. Parables about fields and wages seem more nuanced after feeling comparable questions. 
I think, too, to re-education labor camps sometimes. During China’s Cultural Revolution, my mom’s parents—both teachers—were sent to those. So, my ‘toiling’ in Dad’s backyards are surely nothing compared to what my grandparents involuntarily endured. I can bear my ‘shackles.’ 
These bring me to privilege.
At the day’s end, I have places to stay, food to eat and stable internet. Many Americans and people worldwide face greater turmoil than these, perhaps including you, my reader. So, I try acknowledging my ‘hardships’ hardly compare. I try to focus prayers for the needier. Faith helps me through.
On a happy note, I just reached the Diamond League on Duolingo! So, life could definitely be worse...
The Climb
One day during Week 15 (June 12-18), after Dad came home at dusk from work, he asked me to get out the ladder to climb the backyard tree. I thought that was wistful thinking! 
Well, I had the time and realized he wanted me to climb after all. The tree had a fallen limb he wanted me to saw off, since I weigh less than him. I insisted I’d only climb with him around.
Well, he came around. 
I ascended and sawed four limbs! Before the climb, we thought I only had to address a single one. But as I climbed for it, I found more. Thankfully, these were thin limbs. Dad gave some advice from below, handed me our hand saw then left me while he took care of other tasks around the yard. I climbed higher, wedged my feet in semi-stable positions and got to work.
Atop, the wind blew, so the tree rocked. I clung high in a swaying tree. Good Lord. 
But I felt amazed, handling my saw even with my off-hand. I’d cling with one arm and saw with the other. When branches got stuck, I had to grab them, push and jerk them away from other sections to send them down. Dad had me call out, “Timber!” With the final branch out, I let the saw fall. 
Success felt like redemption from that random tree I climbed the first culture-shocked day I returned to Vegas from Mongolia. This time I’d such control. My safety depended on it! Plus, I only grazed the back of my hand, as opposed to gashing my palm like the last time I left a tree. Less bleeding is better. 
By the end, my arms and legs trembled, not from worry but from muscle fatigue. Still, I felt empowered. Throughout my childhood, I could never climb a tree. Now I passed the physical I hadn’t expected a month and a half prior. 
All told, my climb took just half an hour.
Staying the Course 
In a week and a half, I turn 23! So I’ll be one (1) 23-year-old, hehe. Look forward to new reflections on how I’ve grown and changed. 
As an extension of my paternal family history projects, I started writing memorable quotes from Dad. My siblings and I wound up adapting these and more into our Fathers’ Day 2020 gift! Dad enjoyed our “Book of the Father” we printed. 
Meanwhile, America begins to slightly reopen amid COVID-19 conditions, and the post-solstice summer’s begun. So, I encourage us to, whenever possible, still #StayHome more than usual, wear our face masks, maintain physical distance and of course wash our hands. We’ll get through this.
And I hear some are struggling with loneliness, too—If you need someone to talk to, you can always count on me. It’s among the most challenging feelings, given we humans are social beings staying physically apart. Writing, phoning and video calls help me, at least. Feel free to reach out. I keep you and loved ones in my prayers.
Best wishes, and till we chat again.
You can read more from me here at DanielLang.me :)
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theliberaltony · 5 years
via Politics – FiveThirtyEight
After poor showings in Iowa and New Hampshire, Joe Biden’s campaign is pinning its hopes on South Carolina — in particular, the black vote there. The rise of Sen. Bernie Sanders and former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg in the polls has corresponded with a Biden decline, but South Carolina will be the first state to vote where most of the electorate is black, and black voters have disproportionately supported the former vice president for most of the campaign (before people actually started to vote).
So two questions: How well is Biden holding up among black voters in the wake of the first two contests? And how much could the debate on Wednesday night in Las Vegas, which seemed to go poorly for Bloomberg, shift the race in the last few days before Nevada and South Carolina vote?
Two answers: Not particularly well. And maybe quite a bit.
In an average of national polls, Biden’s support among black voters has dropped about 12 percentage points from before the Iowa caucuses to the post-New Hampshire period.1 Conversely, during the same period, Bloomberg and Sanders (the two other candidates averaging double-digit support among black voters in recent national polls) each gained 10 points among black voters. And recent polls show Biden dropping fast among all voters while Sanders and Bloomberg are gaining ground. So if the Nevada debate really hurt Bloomberg, Biden stands a decent chance of winning back a lot of voters. Not only are he and Bloomberg both running in the same “moderate” lane, but it appears that a lot of voters left Biden for Bloomberg after Iowa and New Hampshire.
Biden’s 12-point drop among black voters is particularly bad considering how much his nomination hopes rest on support from that voting bloc. Black voters account for about one-fifth of the national Democratic primary electorate but make up a disproportionately large share of Biden’s potential electoral coalition — about a third, most likely.2 Indeed, Biden has dropped 10 points in our national polling average since the Iowa caucuses — from being the national polling leader to finding himself behind Sanders and in a battle with Bloomberg for second — and roughly a quarter of that slide is likely due to his drop among black voters specifically. Proportionally, Biden has actually lost more white support than black support, but he still lost around one-fourth of his support among black voters nationally since Iowa voted.
Biden’s diminished support among black voters matters in Nevada too, where Biden is currently running second to Sanders by about 12 percentage points in our polling average of all the state’s voters. Nevada is more racially and ethnically diverse than Iowa or New Hampshire, and while Hispanic voters form the state’s largest nonwhite voting group, there are a fair number of black voters in the Silver State, too — 13 percent of the 2016 caucus electorate was black, according to the 2016 entrance poll.
But Biden’s standing among black voters matters especially in South Carolina, where 61 percent of Democratic primary voters were black in 2016. Often referred to as a “firewall” for the Biden campaign, the former vice president basically has to win South Carolina — maybe even “win big” — or his campaign could find itself on its last legs.
Indeed, some recent South Carolina polls, though not all, have shown a similar trend to the national polls. Right before Iowa, East Carolina University found Biden leading with 37 percent overall, including 44 percent support among black voters. But in ECU’s latest poll, conducted after New Hampshire, Biden slipped to 28 percent overall (still leading), with 36 percent support among African American primary voters. Another South Carolina survey from The Welcome Party/Change Research dropped on Wednesday, and it found Biden tied for first overall with Sanders at 23 percent, and Biden leading among black voters with 33 percent. Unlike the ECU polls, this wasn’t much of a change for Biden compared to Change Research’s previous South Carolina survey just before Iowa3 that found Biden at 25 percent overall — 5 points ahead of Sanders — and at 30 percent support among black voters. Meanwhile, another new poll from UMass Lowell found that even if Biden’s black support holds up in South Carolina, it might not be enough to get him the big win his campaign is hoping for — the survey found him ahead of Sanders by just 2 points overall even though 43 percent of black voters backed Biden, double Sanders’s 20 percent support.
Biden doesn’t have to worry about Bloomberg in South Carolina because Bloomberg is not on the ballot there, but there’s another billionaire who may be hurting Biden’s chances of consolidating support among black voters in the Palmetto State: Tom Steyer. The post-New Hampshire polls from ECU, Change Research and UMass Lowell put Steyer at 17 percent, 31 percent and 19 percent among black voters. Indeed, Steyer’s place in the South Carolina race is somewhat analogous to the way Bloomberg may be complicating Biden’s ability to retain support among black voters in Super Tuesday states with sizable African American electorates, as recent polls of North Carolina and Virginia have suggested.
There are reasons to think much of Bloomberg’s rise in the polls among black voters came specifically at Biden’s expense. A large share of both candidates’ support comes from voters who describe themselves as more moderate, a group that includes many black voters. Of course, it’s hard to say how much Bloomberg’s gains are about Biden’s poor performances and how much they’re about Bloomberg’s campaign successfully cutting into Biden’s support — both likely play a role. But Bloomberg is pushing hard for black support among both rank-and-file voters and party elites. He’s holding events with African American groups and spending millions of dollars on advertising, which could help win over older black voters, a demographic group that watches a lot of television. Since Iowa voted, Bloomberg has received more elite backing than Biden, according to FiveThirtyEight’s endorsement tracker, with nine black endorsers backing Bloomberg compared to three for Biden. This includes multiple black members of Congress and mayors in big Super Tuesday states (Houston and Charlotte, North Carolina). This movement toward Bloomberg could reflect some of the changes we’re seeing among black voters at large.
Sanders’s gains, meanwhile, likely have less to do with Biden’s struggles. Instead, Sanders’s uptick in African American support is likely spurred by his early wins in the primary. Sanders started the campaign with essentially a tie in Iowa and a narrow win in New Hampshire. So his positive performances are helping him capture new supporters from lots of demographic groups. Sanders may also have benefited at the margins from the departure of tech entrepreneur Andrew Yang, who had a modicum of black support and whose supporters were far more likely to pick Sanders as their second choice than any other candidate. Unlike Bloomberg, Sanders doesn’t have any recent endorsements from black leaders in our tracker, but that certainly hasn’t stopped him from winning over some African American voters.
Now the question is whether Biden can maintain enough support among black voters to get a win in South Carolina. Any erosion in Bloomberg’s support in the wake of the Nevada debate would make that more likely. And a Biden victory in South Carolina might produce a “comeback” narrative that could dramatically shift the tone of media coverage surrounding Biden’s campaign and help him remain competitive in the larger nomination race.
If Biden’s falling support is mostly about his poor performances in the first couple states, a respectable showing in Nevada and a win in South Carolina could turn things around. And if Biden’s slide has as much or even more to do with Bloomberg’s overwhelming advertising firepower and his effort to win over black elites and voters, the former vice president might not be able to recover even if he has a solid performance in South Carolina later this month — unless, of course, the Wednesday night debate really cuts into Bloomberg’s standing. Regardless, Biden’s current trajectory among black voters is a serious problem for his campaign, so he absolutely needs something to change for the better.
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nfrlivetv-blog · 6 years
@Watch National Final Rodeo 2018 Live streaming Link
@Watch National Final Rodeo 2018 Live streaming Link
Watch Wrangler National Finals Rodeo 2018 day 10 performance from the Thomas & Mack Arena in Las Vegas, Nevada. The 10-day event begins on Thursday and runs through Dec. 6-15 and CBS Sports Network (CBSSN) will cover all of the rounds each night from the Las Vegas arena. The 2018 Wrangler ProRodeo Tour opened at the Clark County Fair & Rodeo back in April, and since then, more than two dozen different events have been held across the United States. Now, the ProRodeo Tour Finale, presented by Justin Boots and hosted at the Washington State Fair in Puyallup, Wash., is set to bring the tour to a close with the top 24 contestants from the ProRodeo Tour standings. The winner in each event of the Tour Finale will then be crowned the 2018 Wrangler Tour Champion.Walt Garrison, a star Dallas Cowboys running back in the 1970s, also was a prize-winning steer wrestler on the Professional Rodeo Cowboys Association circuit. After he retired from football, he was a great promoter and ambassador for rodeo. He was inducted into the ProRodeo Hall of Fame last month in Colorado Springs, Colorado.Former Minnesota Vikings tight end Jared Allen owned bulls that were part of the Professional Bull Riders circuit in recent years. Former Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chad Ochocinco attempted to ride a bull at a PBR show in 2011. Ochocinco lasted only 1.5 seconds and crossed bull riding off of his bucket list. One former NFL player who has recently become involved with pro rodeo is former New York Giants tight end Bear Pascoe. A high point for the 6-foot-5, 260 pound tight end was making several receptions in Super Bowl XLVI for the Giants in the 21-17  against the  Patriots in Indianapolis.Pascoe was in the NFL from 2009 through 2016. But during the past two years, he has learned how to become a prize winning steer wrestler on the PRCA circuit.During the past weekend, Pascoe finished the money in the steer wrestling title race at the Ellensburg Rodeo, which was the highest paying PRCA rodeo of the Labor Day Weekend. The Aug. 31-Sept. 3 rodeo in Ellensburg, Washington, offered competitors $341,885.Pascoe turned in times of 4.4, 4.0, and 4.0 seconds along the way to finishing fourth in the average title race with a three-run aggregate time of 12.8. Pascoe said steer wrestling is very challenging and similar to playing pro football in some ways.
Watch National Final Rodeo 2018 Live>>> http://nfrlive.net/
WNFR 2018 Live Coverage Info:
First Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Thursday, Dec. 6
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: CBS Sports Network (CBSSN)
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Second Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Friday, Dec. 7
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Third Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Saturday, Dec. 8
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Fourth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Sunday, Dec. 9
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Fifth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Monday, Dec. 10
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Sixth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Tuesday, Dec. 11
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Seventh Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Wednesday, Dec. 12
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Eighth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Thursday, Dec. 13
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Ninth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Friday, Dec. 14
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
Tenth Performance of Wrangler NFR:
Date: Saturday, Dec. 15
Time: 7:00 p.m. PT (10:00 pm ET)
Location: Thomas & Mack Center in Las Vegas, Nevada
TV: Live nightly on CBS Sports Network
Live stream: CBS Sports Network online at 10 p.m. ET – Subscribe CBSSN
“Both are very high tempo, very physical sports,” he said. “In steer wrestling you’re dealing with three animals and two humans and so a lot can happen. At least on a football field, most guys can kind of judge what a team’s going to do or what a defense is going to do. There’s a lot more variables when you’re steer wrestling.” Pascoe grew up on a California ranch. After being involved with the NFL for seven years, he returned more to his western roots. He began learning to become a steer wrestler two years ago with help of his father-in-law, John W. Jones, a three-time PRCA world champion steer wrestler in the 1980s.Despite rodeo’s many variables, Pascoe has been a fast learner. He clinched the steer wrestling title at PRCA approved rodeo in August 2017 in Santa Barbara, California, after turning in a time of 4.9. The rodeo featured both cowboys who had earned a PRCA membership card and those who were attempting to earn membership in the world’s most prominent pro rodeo league. At the time, Pascoe was classified as a permit member, which meant he was attempting to earn a PRCA membership card. Remarkably, the Santa Barbara rodeo was Pascoe’s first time to compete on the PRCA circuit. He earned $1,717, not near the kind of money that athletes earn in the NFL, but it was one big mental boost. Pascoe also finished in the money at other regional PRCA rodeos, which in turn helped him qualify for the PRCA’s 2017 Permit Members Of the Year Challenge. The Permit Members Challenge was held in Las Vegas at the South Point Equestrian Center on Dec. 7, the same day the Wrangler National Finals Rodeo in opened its 10-day run at Las Vegas’ Thomas & Mack Center. Pascoe won the second round at the Permit Members Challenge after turning in a time of 4.0 seconds, which would have earned prize money at most rodeos, including five of the 10 rounds of the 2017 National Finals Rodeo. He also secured the average title with a two-run time of 9.8.Pascoe said he’s applying the same type of hard work ethic to steer wrestling that he learned while growing up on the family ranch near Porterville, California, which is about 50 miles north of Bakersfield.“I grew up working alongside my dad and my brother and a lot of good cowboys,” Pascoe said. “It’s always been a part of my life. Even when I was in New York playing for the Giants, I always tried to keep true to the values I learned when I was a kid growing up and working hard and getting the job done and living right.“I learned to the value of getting the job done no matter how long it took and staying there until it got done. In football, it meant putting in the time, working hard on the field and staying after practice. In the class room, it meant getting there early or staying extra late to watch extra film. It’s the same way in the rodeo world. You have to put the time in in the practice pen and learn the techniques, so when you get in the rodeo arena, you won’t have to worry about anything. It all becomes muscle memory.”Bill Tutor of Huntsville, a 2017 Wrangler National Finals Rodeo qualifier, finished second in the bareback riding title race at the Aug. 31-Sept. 2 Elk City Rodeo of Champions after turning in a score of 85 and earned $2,099. He’s ranked No. 4 in the PRCA’s 2018 bareback riding world title race.Defending world all-around champion Tuf Cooper, a Childress native who has residences in Decatur and Weatherford, clinched the all-around title at the Ellensburg Rodeo after earning $5,904 in tie-down roping and steer roping. Cooper also snared the all-around title at the Walla Walla rodeo after earning $9,502 in tie-down roping and steer roping. After all that, Cooper is ranked No. 1 in the PRCA’s 2018 world all-around race.For the second consecutive year the PRCA Ram Turquoise Circuit Rodeo Finals, presented by Cliff Castle Casino, is coming to the Prescott Valley Event Center (PVEC). The event features the top rodeo participants from Arizona and New Mexico in a national PRCA sanctioned event.Last year’s event included multiple former world champions and the competition is expected to be even more intense this year, as hot up-and-comers take their shot at the title against established favorites in Bare Back Riding, Steer Wrestling, Team Roping, Saddle Bronc Riding, Tie-Down Roping, Barrel Racing and Bull Riding.Cowboys and Cowgirls participating in the event have a chance to move on to the national circuit finals, and prize money won in Prescott Valley counts towards qualifying for the Wrangler National Finals in Las Vegas. With over $175,000 in prize money on the line, the action will be thrilling as the toughest men and women on dirt face off against elite bovine and equine athletes.We are very excited about the return of the PRCA Ram Turquoise Circuit Rodeo Finals to the PVEC on October 5th & 6th. We received really positive feedback from both the participants and fans about the facility and the response from the local community has been fantastic. We are looking forward to another great event in year two and have now added a post event concert & dance to the festivities,” stated Scott Norton, General Manager for Spectra at the Prescott Valley Event Center.
PVEC’s unique indoor setting provides an intimate rodeo experience, allowing fans to be much closer to the action than in traditional rodeo venues. This year’s competition will once again feature three sessions, taking place on Friday evening (7p), Saturday afternoon (1:30p) and Saturday evening (7p). On Saturday night the Bud Light Concert & Rodeo Dance, featuring national recording artist Jacob Morris, will take place under a tent at the PVEC following the rodeo. The event is presented in association with Matt’s Saloon. Entrance is FREE with any 2018 Turquoise Circuit Rodeo Finals ticket or only $5 at the door.More than 600 rodeos and over $36 million dollars all boil down to this. September 30 marks the final day of the 2018 PRCA regular season, meaning we have less than two weeks until the fate of the top 15 competitors in the world is sealed.There are just 29 rodeos left before the end of the 2018 PRCA Rodeo Season of September 30, so that means 29 more chances to get within — or stay within — the top 15 in the world. Some are safe, but some are hitting the rodeo trail hard over the next two weekends and counting every penny they earn while they do it. We caught up with Tanner Milan last weekend at Oldstoberfest when he was sitting in the 16th spot in the world standings. He's since dropped to No. 17, but the race is still on for Milan though and it wouldn't be unlike him to close the gap in the standings.The bareback riding has the biggest jump from No. 15 to 16 out of all of the events. That doesn't mean Wyatt Denny (and the competitors just above him) are definitely safe, but they have a small cushion to work with in the final few rodeos left in the season.Clint Laye is the No. 16 man and is over $7,500 behind Denny, so he'll need some big wins to make it back to his second WNFR.The bareback riding has the biggest jump from No. 15 to 16 out of all of the events. That doesn't mean Wyatt Denny (and the competitors just above him) are definitely safe, but they have a small cushion to work with in the final few rodeos left in the season.Clint Laye is the No. 16 man and is over $7,500 behind Denny, so he'll need some big wins to make it back to his second WNFR.
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Dr. Timothy Francis: The Applied Kinesiology Expert
Our well being can be affected by sudden pains and problems with our bodies. This can often  times make it difficult to find the right solution or specific relief. If you find that you are having similar problems, considered applied kinesiology. Dr. Timothy Francis offers a specific type of diagnosis and new health option for those who happen to be suffering from these pains. You don’t have to go through long days full of pain. Don’t let this nuisance keep you from working or doing your daily routine. Varicose veins & back pains will keep you planted in your bed and cause you to miss out on significant life events. Don’t let this pain to come between you and the life you’d like to live. Dr. Timothy Francis and Applied Kinesiology are the perfect answer to getting the relief you need.
In his office, Chiropractic Kinesiology, Dr. Francis helps many individuals who couldn’t seem to find a way to get the healing relief for their pain. Dr. TimothyFrancis emphasizes a holistic practice in all of his techniques and makes his patients the center of the treatment. His homeopathic technique or the idea that a body can heal itself is crucial for the patients. He’s has become known for this type of action plan, which results in success for many patients.
Dr. Timothy Francis serves every patient the perfect formula for relief he knows will help you. He understands each individual who visits him has a unique pain, which helps him build a plan for a cure.
Dr. Timothy Francis and Applied Kinesiology
The office of Chiropractic Kinesiology ran by Dr. Francis makes it a point to ensure their patients understand they will get the healing their bodies need. The homeopathic way of healing gets in-depth with the patient’s personality traits to explore how their bodies work on a structural, chemical, and emotional level.
It’s a system that evaluates structural, chemical, and mental aspects of your personal health combined with muscle testing and many other standards of diagnosis.
This action plan is unique to many common healing procedures but acts as a excellent movement in the healthcare community. It's compelling in standard medicine practice, it is more common in the chiropractic world. Dr. Timothy Francis uses this calculated system of healing to help create a ideal balance and therapy toward the imbalanced aspects of each patient’s needs.
In the structural, chemical, and mental composure of the human body, there are multiple points these primary aspects affect. The points in the body affected are the following:  
Nerve (N): This is our nervous system which transmits nerve impulses between parts of your body.
Acupuncture Meridian Connector (AMC): This meridian system holds the energy, blood, and information of your body
Neurolymphatic (NL): The lymphatic system is a network of vessels where the lymph drains from the tissue into your blood.
Neurovascular (NV): Our vascular system is commonly known as the circulatory system carrying our blood and lymph all over our bodies.
Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF): The craniosacral mechanism portion of the body affects the temporomandibular joint structures.
Dr. Tim Francis practices chiropractic care and applied kinesiology in the Las Vegas valley, as his holistic practices and homeopathy have become known all over the city. But he doesn’t have clients in the United States—his patients come from Europe, Canada, and Mexico to seek his treatments.
Aside from using applied kinesiology, Dr. Francis also does lectures to help spread the awareness for this holistic health care for our body’s pains. He has traveled all across the world spreading his knowledge of this specific chiropractic technique. Dr. Timothy Francis wants people from all across the world to know that our bodies are extensive systems that are ready to heal themselves.
Dr. Timothy Francis’ Background
While Dr. Tim Francis has expertise in applied kinesiology, his experience has a span of 30 years in teaching and using his practices. He is a diplomate of the American Academy of Pain Management. Dr. Francis was a successful honor roll student while pursuing his bachelor’s degree from the University of Nevada, Reno. Then he went to the Los Angeles College of Chiropractic to become a chiropractic doctor.
Dr. Timothy Francis has earned a robust amount of professional expertise. Gaining vast experience in multiple fields of medicine while putting himself through college gives this Dr. Francis a real-world advantage. Working with other medical professionals is a large attribution to his experience, and now Dr. Francis now teaches professionals in the Applied Kinesiology world.
Having so much expertise in applied kinesiology has gotten the attention of various well-known publications. Here is an excerpt from Wellness.com, letting everyone from all over the world know who he is and what he does.
When it comes to the chiropractic world, Dr. Timothy Francis is known far and wide for his care and expertise. His patients come all the way back to his Las Vegas clinic for their visits with the applied kinesiologist.
“Timothy Francis, D.C. practices at 7473 W. Lake Mead Blvd. Suite 100, Las Vegas, NV 89128. Chiropractors diagnose and treat common spinal misalignments that can occur from lifestyle or injuries causing pain, discomfort and degenerative conditions.”
Dr. Timothy Francis always wants to spread his experience and knowledge with others who are about to enter into the chiropractic world. Many people have met and learned from Dr. Timothy Francis and his endless expertise of applied kinesiology.
Some of his former students have many kind words to say about Dr. Francis:
Juli Tooley, DC: “When I got to his first seminar I was totally totally blown away because he taught it totally differently than I learned it back in the 70’s. Even though I learned it from George Goodheart in the 70’s, Tim related it to adjusting and chiropractic, and it was much more user-friendly in my office. I then went on to help him assistant teach for him for three years probably up to 3 times a month in Dallas, Portland, San Jose and sometimes Chicago. I’ve been following him around ever since because even though I call him WB which stands for Wonder Boy, he does things that I have not seen anybody else in the country and the world ( I lived in Italy and practiced there for two years) do. So, I would urge anybody who wants to further their career as a chiropractor and be able to help more people and teach people to come and follow him, listen to him, take seminars from him because he is a plethora of information and experience that you will not get from anybody else in the world.”
Dr. Dolan Mayeda: “Until I met Dr. Francis, took his course and he showed me how to put these tools to work, to help patients, to let your heart come through and try and make a difference in somebody’s life by improving their health. It’s been such a privilege to learn from him, and I feel honored to be his student, and I’m also one of his patients, so I get to see him from time to time. He’ll give me pearls of wisdom and share his experience with me, and just the entire time I’ve known him he’s just been very generous and gracious, and he’s just somebody I admire and respect so much. He just gave so much to the profession and also he’s been treating my mother so I trust him absolutely, and he’s helped her in many many ways.”
Keith E. Christian D.O.M.: “I first met Dr. Francis when I got out of oriental medicine school, one of the few that have joined him from that background, whereas usually, it’s chiropractic of a background. But it lets you know how diverse Dr. Francis is and weaving all these different philosophies into where I’ve never seen anybody do it so dynamically. He’s such an incredibly dynamic teacher in so many ways; presentation, the thought process, how to think which is so unique in itself. Being a practitioner, it’s usually given insights into each different philosophy, and that’s as far as it goes. Nobody’s ever woven it together with the way he does, very dynamic teacher. Personally, he’s helped me grow and evolve and develop my practice in ways I could never even begin to imagine. So, I really can’t give him more of a thumbs up endorsement in so many ways; injuries, emotional development.”
Dr. Kingman Fung DC: “Went from a student of the 100 hours course to be his first teacher’s assistant that came from a student of his. And that was, I believe, in either 1992 or 1993 but we did 11 years in the San Jose area. I was his TA for the whole time. He and his knowledge is the foundation of my entire practice and everything that I do. He is a pioneer in the exploration of the highest possibilities of healing.”
Dr. Jordan Bray: “It was nice to see things that we were learning as far as anatomy and him applying the material and then, not only talking about it but showing us the change. Since then I decided that I wanted to follow and pick his brain and learn everything I could. When he wasn’t on stage doing demonstrations, other doctors were always asking him, some that have been in the field for over 20-30 years, seeking his guidance. I thought, okay, this guy is somebody so when I got in, and I took his seminars, seminar after seminar, basic course. He came back, did another class, came back did another class; I made sure that I didn’t miss it because every moment it was almost like getting carpal tunnel, trying to keep up with the clinical pearls that he could share. And this was just like nothing to him and then to see him speak so fluently and easily on everything, I wanted to go into that field, and up to this day, I still stay in contact with him. When I graduated with my chiropractic when I was 23 he pushed me; he recommended that I get the naturopathic doctorate that I accomplished when I was still 24 and since then I’ve been using it every day. His work has given me the tools to build my practice into a successful business which today is its one year anniversary, so I owe a lot of professional and personal credibility. His teachings and giving his guidance helped myself along the way, and I can speak personally to it with every patient because I’ve seen it work for first hand.”
The thorough expertise Dr. Francis holds has led him to become a part of many major medical professional societies, including the American Naturopathic Certification Board. Here are several of the associations Dr. Timothy Francis is a part of:
International College of Applied Kinesiology
Foundation for Chiropractic Education and Research
American Chiropractic Association
National Institute of Chiropractic Research
Associate Member of Nevada State Homeopathic Association
ONE Foundation
National Strength and Conditioning Association
What makes Dr. Francis so experienced in his medical field? He gained so much experience in various therapeutic areas while going to school at the University of Nevada, Reno. Once he became a professional in his field, he decided to share his expertise with everyone and became a teacher of his knowledge of applied kinesiology.
Dr. Timothy Francis Will Help You with Your Aches and Pain
Stop enduring your pain from your back because you haven’t found the right relief for them. When you get to your first appointment with Dr. Timothy Francis, you will work with him to discover a plan for your pain relief. He will help you understand the process of applied kinesiology and how it is different and more holistic than the cures you have known. Dr. Francis wants every patient to find a solution to their pain keeping them from enjoying life.
If you are looking for a doctor to treat your aches and pains, consider Dr. Tim Francis and applied kinesiology. He will help you find the right treatment for what you are experiencing. Schedule a consultation with him today!
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racingtoaredlight · 3 years
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We’re still really in the early middle of the year. Sure, Oregon looked powerful against Ohio State but it’s possible Ohio State just hasn’t found it’s footing yet and the Ducks just peaked. Shit happens like that every year, more or less. You can pretty much count on Bama to win 10 and not much else. That only applies to football. The continued stratification of social classes, the accelerating collapse of natural systems that support human life, the complete lack of representation the average American in our freedom loving democracy- you can count on those things. Football is different, though: wilder but more ordered while somehow being better and stupider than real life all at the same time. It’ll be fun to all more or less die together, I think. So let’s get to the games!
I forget the business reason for having more major OOC games that actually stay on the schedule but we’re reaping the rewards for now. You know the rules: eastern times, average vegas odds at the time of writing, prediction abilities are bad on a good day, there’s supposed to be a weekly RTARLsman post but I haven’t done a real one in about 21 months, formatting errors up to and including listing the teams incorrectly aren’t worth pointing out because nobody’s coming to fix them anyway. I don’t expect professionalism out of you so don’t ask it out of me.
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Saturday, September 18
Matchup                      Time (ET)        TV/Mobile
NIU at 25 Michigan     12:00pm            BTN
It’s easy to say Michigan is due for a self-inflicted dick kick the trick is to predict ahead of time when exactly the embarrassing, season-unraveling loss will come. I don’t think it’s today but I also don’t have a lot of faith in Michigan to cover a 27-point spread.
UAlbany at Syracuse     12:00pm        ACCN
I find it hard to believe Albany’s football program is in such disrepair that they don’t even warrant a line against Syracuse. I think we’ve had five 1AA-over 1A upsets so far this season. I couldn’t possibly watch this game but I’ll keep an eye out for it on the ticker. Syracuse is bad enough to lose anywhere to anybody.
  Tennessee Tech at Tennessee   12:00pm    ESPN+/SECN+
I should probably find a site that lists the good games at the top of each time slot instead of this free for all.
Western Michigan at Pitt     12:00pm    RSN/ESPN3
Pitt has actually looked pretty good so far but they don’t have an AP ranking yet. I can’t say much for this matchup so I just assume the Panthers cover the -14.5 and get a little number next to their name next week.
15 Virginia Tech at West Virginia     12:00pm    FS1
This is actually of some interest to me. Virginia Tech is ranked 15 on account of beating UNC but it’s not hard to imagine that neither the Hokies nor the Heels are actually worthy of a ranking. WFV is favored at home but still might trigger some couch burning and “upset” talk with a win. The Mountaineers are this week’s new collection from Homefield Apparel so expect some magic!
Boston College at Temple        12:00pm     ESPNU
Old Big East rivalry game. Nobody can look away.
Chattanooga at Kentucky         12:00pm     ESPN+/SECN+
I thought Chattanooga had moved up to 1A but there’s no line listed for this game so I guess not.
8 Cincinnati at Indiana           12:00pm            ESPN
Indiana was good last year and maybe that was just a once-in-a-generation fluke but I’ve still got visions of the Hoosiers toppling Cincy and ruining their theoretically possible playoff run. I’m assuming the Bearcats won’t play anybody else better than IU this year but that’s just a guess backed by historical precedent which isn’t a thing you should really use to gamble on college football.
16 Coastal Carolina at Buffalo    12:00pm      ESPN2
Chanticleers vs. Bulls, the eternal struggle writ in football. I don’t think the CSUNY school is particularly good this year but Coastal being favorited by 14 points in an early kickoff road games still feels like a trap to this sharp.
Michigan State at 24 Miami (FL)     12:00pm    ABC
Surprisingly to me, this is the fifth all-time meeting of these two schools. Just as surprising to me, Miami has never before lost to Michigan State. Weird but makes sense if you think about it, this will be the fourth out of five matchups played in Miami. As near as I can tell, Sparty tried to use the Canes the same way Notre Dame used to as an in-season bowl game but bailed on the idea when they kept losing. To be fair, Sparty’s record in bowl games isn’t that much better than their 0-4 against Miami. The last time these two met was 1989 when Percy Snow was on his way to the Butkus Award and Miami was on their way to a third National Championship. The Hurricanes team was pretty well-stacked but is probably the least remembered of their title teams. It did feature future Hall of Famer Cortez Kennedy and a freshman OL that would go on to be September 2021′s hottest head coach in cfb, Mario Cristobal. This year’s Miami roster might look good in 30 years but right now they’re a little messy. D’Eriq King is only 8 months removed from ACL surgery (if you watch the game you will hear about this several hundred time) and has so far looked bad on his throws and a touch slower than he has in the past. Which makes sense given the timeframe but does not generally bode well for Miami’s prospects for this season.
Nebraska at 3 Oklahoma         12:00pm         FOX
If Oklahoma is a real title contender they are gonna lay Nebraska the fuck out. I’m scared of the 22.5-point line just because I don’t think the Sooners defense could stop Bishop Sycamore but it’s not crazy to think Nebraska can saw their own dicks off to the tune of a four-score loss.
New Mexico at 7 Texas A&M     12:00pm       SECN
Fuck. Jimbo must be stopped. I hate this Aggies team. UNM isn’t the team to do it but somebody along the way has to throttle aTm or this season is going to become a plague the likes of which we haven’t seen since... well, now, I guess.
UConn at Army                 12:00pm         CBSSN
Reading this matchup aloud five times in a mirror will kill college football.
Southeast Missouri at Missouri      12:00pm       ESPN+/SECN+
The southeastern part of the state will travel to within the bounds of the state for a classic football game somewhere within the borders of the state.
Minnesota at Colorado            1:00pm         P12N
I’m not completely disinterested. It’s weird and doesn’t have any national impact. Not much more you can ask for in a game you probably can’t find on your TV.
Nevada at Kansas State          2:05pm          ESPN+
Hell yeah, this is trash. Nevada is a road favorite! Take KState all the way.
Purdue at 12 Notre Dame         2:30pm          NBC
Notre Dame has looked a little bit of a mess so far but they’ve won both of their games. Not the worst position to be in. Purdue has also won both of their games. I don’t want to get my hopes up just yet but it seems like the Irish are riding the razor’s edge just asking to be pushed off. Keep an eye on this score, maybe the good people of the world will have something to celebrate in the late afternoon/early evening.
Kent State at 5 Iowa                 3:30pm         BTN
Iowa’s fifth? It’s too fucking early for this shit.
Florida State at Wake Forest     3:30pm         ESPN
0-2 Florida State goes on the road as a 4-point underdog to face 2-0 Wake Forest. Mike Norvell is really out on a plank right now and I am not sure he can safely find his way back to the deck.
Georgia Tech at 6 Clemson        3:30pm          ABC
Clemson’s got talent all over and Georgia Tech sucks but I’m still not sold on DJ Uigalelei as an NFL savior type of player. Or a national championship winner for that matter. He reminds me of EJ Manuel.
Baylor at Kansas                    3:30pm             ESPN+
Baylor is not good but the betting public is getting hip to the “bet against Kansas every chance you get” strategy so the line has jumped four points already this week and I wouldn’t be surprised if it makes it another couple before kickoff to get to 20+. Which is still probably too kind to the Jayhawks.
1 Alabama at 11 Florida           3:30pm           CBS
Bama has only had a couple of practice games against lower division opponents but they look as complete as any team I can remember from a talent/scheme perspective. This is a pretty good test and the 15-point line seems a little over-confident on the road in the Swamp. If the Bammers really do overwhelm the Gators then you can pretty much start planning on their return to the CFB Playoffs.
Tulsa at 9 Ohio State                3:30pm            FS1
Every week of every year I struggle to keep Tulsa and Toledo straight. Toledo is the one that almost beat Notre Dame last week. Tulsa is the one that lost to UC-Davis in week 1. Ohio State may be troubled on defense but that only matters against other top-tier teams. Having the line moving in Tulsa’s direction is absolute lunacy. If the Buckeyes can’t cover 25 points then they’re in real trouble. For now my guess is that Oregon is just better than we realized and OSU is going to be fine.
SMU at Louisiana Tech             3:30pm         CBSSN
This is my kind of counter-programming if nothing else is close. Not sure if there are some ponies down to have points shifting towards the Karl Malones but I think SMU is up to a two-score win.
LIU at Miami (Ohio)                    3:30pm          ESPN+
Sure, whatever you say.
USC at Washington State         3:30pm            FOX
At first I thought this was USC-UW and I was ready to emotionally invest in the drama but it’s just Wazzou. USC giving up on a playoff spot in week two to sit around and wait for Urban Meyer is going to be fucking hilarious when the Trojans end up getting jilted at the altar.
Idaho at Oregon State                3:30pm           P12N Oregon
Pac-12 Network Oregon. This implies the existence of a P12N Washington. I’ve seen the main network on TV before. It was fine if a little bit too “featuring Matt Leinart” for my tastes but seeing the weird way they’ve splintered their content is giving me a deeper understanding of west coast football fans that absolutely hate the Pac-12 Network.
Bryant at Akron                           3:30pm           ESPN3
Tune in to see some guy named Bryant touring around Akron.
Elon at Appalachian State          3:30pm           ESPN+
I hope App State runs this grifter out of their campus on a rail. The more bad stuff happens to Elon Musk the better off all of humanity will be.
Delaware at Rutgers                   3:30pm             BTN
Fuck me, this is just all the pain in the world masquerading as a sporting event.
Eastern Michigan at UMass         3:30pm          FloFootball/NESN+
I don’t have much interest in this game but seeing that it’s available on the Nintendo Entertainment System Network is intriguing.
Colorado State at Toledo              4:00pm           ESPNU
Toledo blew a huge opportunity last week so they’re ripe for a letdown but all signs point to Colorado State being incredibly bad at football this year.
Sacramento State at California    4:00pm          P12N Bay Area
P12N Bay Area probably reaches cable subscribers in like Vallejo and nowhere else in the entire world. When I put it that way it seems like exactly where this game belongs but it’s still not a thing that should exist. I mean the network but it’s true for the game also.
Northwestern at Duke              4:00pm              ACCN
Mississippi State at Memphis        4:00pm          ESPN2
I think Memphis can knock down the SEC’s middle tier but I haven’t gotten a clear idea of either of these teams yet.
Georgia Southern at 20 Arkansas       4:00pm      SECN
Arkansas rose up last week because of the weird insistence by Lice Dad that playing a middling Texas team was the biggest game in school history. Arkansas has played in the SEC CG more than once. They’ve won a national championship. How does a guy that’s paid to be an SEC homer even make such a dumb statement and keep his job?
Ball State at Wyoming                  4:00pm             Stadium
I watched the CFB 150 episode about the Black 14 this week so now it’s all I can think about for Wyoming football.
Arkansas State at Washington       4:15pm            P12N
What the hell happened to UDub to fall back to this lowly spot? Did Chris Peterson just fall on his ass in recruiting?
Murray State at Bowling Green       5:00pm           ESPN3
This sounds like a sixties movie title for a spy agency thriller that could be mistaken for a comedy when not viewed through a then-contemporary lens.
East Carolina at Marshall                 6:00pm         Facebook
ECU is looking like a doormat and Marshall might be really good again but I would never in good conscience ever contribute to facebook’s good fortunes wittingly.
Fordham at Florida Atlantic             6:00pm             ESPN3
I want to love this game but I actually hate it.
Old Dominion at Liberty                    6:00pm           ESPN3
There is going to be so much COVID passed around this stadium.
Middle Tennessee at UTSA                6:00pm          ESPN+
Beautiful, horrible, unwatchable mess. This is where you go to feel like you are alone in the universe.
Troy at Southern Miss                        7:00pm             ESPN+
There’s also this.
Grambling State at Houston               7:00pm             ESPN+
And this one.
Utah at San Diego State                      7:00pm            CBSSN
This is real entertainment. Twitter will be all over the next listing so I’ll be FOMO’d into watching that for a while but SDSU-Utah on CBS SN might be where I first dreamt up the concept of degenerate football. It was either that or a UFL game featuring a QB duel between Daunte Culpepper and Jeff Garcia.
South Carolina at 2 Georgia               7:00pm             ESPN
I’m waiting for Georgia to bumble. I’m counting on it. Georgia-Clemson was a classic early season game that somehow helps both teams in the rankings all year but ends up actually being a showcase of how shitty their offense are rather than a referendum on great defense.
UIW at Texas State                             7:00pm              ESPN3
I think UIW is a union trade school or something. So I guess I’m rooting for them.
Charlotte at Georgia State                 7:00pm              ESPN+
Charlotte’s semester in Atlanta would shape her life in ways that nobody could have envisioned when she left her family’s home in the late summer following her failed attempt to run a bakeshop.
FIU at Texas Tech                              7:00pm             ESPN+
Maybe I actually hate college football.
Florida A&M at USF                           7:00pm             ESPN+
USF could lose this. Worth checking on if you see an upset alert.
Furman at NC State                          7:30pm            RSN/ESPN3
Body bag game.
Utah State at Air Force                     7:30pm             FS2
Kind of neat degenerate game but, depending on the uniform choices, could be a bit monotone and tough to follow.
Virginia at 21 North Carolina             7:30pm             ACCN
The South’s Oldest Rivalry! Like most of the previous 125 meetings of these two school’s, this year’s game will mainly decide who sucks worse. Of course in the ACC Coastal being slightly less bad than your opponents is the winningest strategy of all. Go Hoos!
Stony Brook at 4 Oregon                   7:30pm            P12N
Great scheduling to follow up an emotional game with a body bag. I’m not being facetious, this is right where you need these games.
UAB at North Texas                          7:30pm           Stadium
Not gonna open an app or whatever to watch this but I bet it’s fun for off-brand college football.
Central Michigan at LSU                  7:30pm             SECN
LSU at home at night is supposed to be the best atmosphere in college football. Way better than a 19.5-point line against Central Michigan. What stage of LSU’s life cycle are we in right now?
22 Auburn at 10 Penn State               7:30pm            ABC
War goddamn Eagle, baby. Penn State is doing that stupid white out thing which, correct if I’m wrong again, only goes for the people in the stands. So they’ll all be dressed up in pretty much Auburn’s road colors to watch Auburn. I hate Auburn but I really hate Penn State.
Alcorn State at South Alabama          8:00pm           ESPN3
Things are looking rough for the rest of the docket.
Rice at Texas                                      8:00pm            LHN
A battle of equals.
Stanford at Vanderbilt                        8:00pm           ESPNU
Look at this American aristocracy horse shit. Fuck these schools and the teams of horses that carried them in.
Tulane at 17 Mississippi                      8:00pm              ESPN2
The racist south may just have the nation’s best QB. It’s a good year for Matt Corral to show off his arm strength because 2022 is not looking like a bumper crop of QB draftees at this far off date. He’s small for the position but Kyler Murray, Baker Mayfield and Russell Wilson are all smaller. If the arm talent is real he could go #1 overall.
Jackson State at ULM                         8:00pm              ESPN3
SC State at New Mexico State            8:00pm           FloFootball / CW El Paso
Oklahoma State at Boise State              9:00pm          FS1
Whoa whoa whoa. This is uniform heaven. And on the blue turf? Your eyes will burn. Embrace that feeling.
Northern Arizona at Arizona                  10:00pm          P12N AZ
P12N AZ. Holy shit. What the hell were these people thinking? This has to be the smallest demo ever targeted by a network.
19 Arizona State at 23 BYU                     10:15pm          ESPN
Seeing these teams face off as ranked opponents is very weird. Real late 80s vibe here. It’s titillating in its way. Might not even be the most fun game in the late night region.
14 Iowa State at UNLV                           10:30pm           CBSSN
UNLV is an absolute wasteland of a program. It’s kind of stupid, really. They aren’t in an unsellable spot and they don’t play the most rugged schedule but year after year after year they lose 9 or more games. Makes more sense than not having a good baseball program but there should be some G5 magic in Vegas. Iowa State is going to roll.
Fresno State at 13 UCLA                       10:45pm            P12N
Chip Kelly having UCLA as the premier program in L.A. is something I couldn’t have seen coming just last week but we’re there now. And Fresno State plays some wild offense that could/should make this the late night hangout spot. If you can find it. If you have this channel. That shouldn’t be a question! Fuckin’ a, Pac-12, what are you doing?
San Jose State at Hawaii                      12:30am            FS1
Technically a Sunday game but I cut the header because if you’re watching this there is an implicit understanding that it’s still Saturday. Not sure what’s going on with the kick time, though. I was under the impression that Hawaii games had to kick off by 11:59pm Eastern to count with the rest of the week’s games. Very odd. That’s really all I have to say about this game.
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alstonmilton · 3 years
The salt will begin to melt the ice, allowing the pieces to move freely.
The salt will begin to melt the ice, allowing the pieces to move freely. Afterwards, when on the way to Baltimore in the cars, a man told me that I must say that I was Mr. It grieves me to say it, but Magister Illyrio and his friends may have been unwise to put so much hope on this child queen.”. The great grey sailcloth pavilion that the Tattered Prince liked to call his canvas castle was crowded when the Dornishmen arrived. When it finally reached 513,000 miles it practically fell apart. Her hands clutched the coarse brown hair on Bracken’s back. Asha raised her shield to block his blow, then shoved in close to gut him with her dirk. Honorary Pallbearers will be Joe Thoma, Bill Collier, Jr., Carlos Osuna, Marvin Kettle, Charlie bottines cloutees femme Cobb, and Damon Pearson. We had to wait about 10 minutes for the water park to open, but could ride immediately with no puma red bull racing evo cat ii waits. In the relation of owner and slave there is an absence of the usual motives for murder, and strong inducements against it on the part of the former. To thwart him White Harbor must have Ned’s son … and the direwolf. Ex. But he held on to the line, held on with a desperate strength he did not know he had. Some mechanical operations must, indeed, be performed in every civilised country; but the general rule in the South is, to import from abroad every fabricated thing that can be carried in ships, such as household furniture, boats, boards, laths, carts, ploughs, axes, and axe-helves; besides innumerable other things, which free communities are accustomed to pendientes bulgari precio make for themselves.. The sight always made him hard. Hother Umber, the gaunt old man called Whoresbane, went grim-faced and scowling. Under a new proposal just released the quasi public passenger rail company, the Cardinal would leap from 6 passes through Charlottesville each week to 14.. Disclose your family income. They are six button, brown leather, high tops, circa 1890s. “To be sure I must have seemed to blame, and it’s not only seeming, indeed! Of course I’ve been to blame, and I know it myself, and I’ve come knowing it. She would will me her closet and she told me now honey there nothing in there that would fit you. “Shall we pass unnoticed the thousands of poor, ignorant, degraded white people among us, who, in this land of plenty, live in comparative nakedness and starvation? Many a one is reared in proud South Carolina, from birth to manhood, who has never passed a month in which he has not, some part of the time, been stinted for meat. I have no such feeling; far from it. “I’ve fancied a thousand times with delight,” he went on babbling, “how he will love her as soon as he gets to know her, and how she’ll astonish everyone. Then came a lovely move which saw them come agonisingly close to an opener Jerome Davies won the ball back for the 11s in the midfield, and had the presence of mind to turn back and keep the ball, playing to Lewis Pretorius. Luggage loss is a major problem in scheduled aviation, but with private air charters, you papuci de casa din pasla are free Mens JORDAN Hoodie of such issues. “He wants the Iron Islands.” She knew the signs. But I remember even then I laughed. Now, in all the theory of government as it is managed in our country, just in proportion to the extent of power is the strictness with which qualification for the proper exercise of it is demanded. Dakota Bolte brings more speed to the running back position, which should generate more big plays. He also set NFL records for consecutive 100 yard games (eight) and consecutive games with 10 or more receptions (four). The gospel is a barrier for some. Before you know it, you be holding a plank with leg and dolce gabanna adidași bărbații arm extension for a minute plus!. But I have no language to do it suitably. So one ended up up with a situation in which not only the maximum mass was different for different equations of state, but even the maximum rotation speed was different for different equations of state.. I had not forgotten. Anna Andreyevna embraced her, sobbing, pressed her head to her bosom and seemed almost swooning in these embraces and unable to utter sandalias doradas gioseppo a word.. But it snowed again the next day, and the day after, and the day after that. The Golden Gate Hotel and Casino, which opened in 1906 as sandisk mp3 mode d emploi the Hotel Nevada, still wears the sash as the oldest continually operating hotel in Vegas. I went straight from you to Natasha. “I am sorry that our good friend Stannis has not seen fit to join us yet,” he went on, to a ripple of laughter, “as I know Ramsay had hoped to present his head to Lady Arya as a wedding gift.” The laughs grew louder. “The northmen too. Stood next to a guy with a jacket showing he had done every NYC marathon since '83 and also the one in Antarctica. During one stop, he used the time to have a closer look at the road. I've been endorsed by people like Council President Jack Young, Sen. In place of the rich robes of his predecessors, he wore a shapeless tunic of undyed wool that fell down to his ankles. One can’t explain anything in a letter. “I know, I know what you’ll say,” Alyosha interrupted. Yup. With all due deference to whatever of just principles the Southern Press may have advanced in favor il tablet amazon of the slave, I am a poor judge of human nature if I mistake in saying that Mrs. Two can be found behind the front mesh and one at the top of the case, above the CPU area. Heat grill to hot and rub grids with cooking oil. At Eastwatch, the northmen insisted that White Harbor would never abandon its allegiance to Winterfell, but Davos saw no sign of the direwolf of Stark. So the Mother made her fertile, and the Crone foretold that she would bear the king four-and-forty mighty sons. Our way to spread the Air Force mission and holiday cheer, and we didn have to spend anything. “When all my folk are safe behind your Wall, we’ll share a bit o’ meat and mead. Said he was never a gambler before the machines showed up in Nova Scotia in 1991 but in a little more than five years, he said he lost everything.. “Horses befoul the streets,” one man of oneil mellény Zakh had told her, “slaves do not.” Dany had freed the slaves, yet palanquins, litters, and sedan chairs still choked the streets as before, and none of them floated magically through the air.. Most, he explained, date from the 15th century and suggest that Mustang's very first kings, though Buddhist, also practiced Bn. It pretty much what it sounds like: a designated space on the Gazette Web site for photos that you take or sights you spotted, so to speak.. When he raised his head, the snowflakes brushed his cheeks like cold soft kisses. The ward upon the cave mouth still held; the dead men could not enter. The event also sees a display of firework and a feast.. “There are risks and risks, Ser Richard. "Then you know you've got them. A younger son of Viserys Plumm, I’d wager. Bobby, cut the crap with your pseudoscientific garbage. Little Walder led the way with torch in hand. An additional witness placed the same vehicle near that location in the early morning hours.. She missed Ser Jorah Mormont too.
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biggy-habes · 3 years
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Yesterday ended up being the day that I had been dreading for a while. I had to say goodbye to my best friend. My little buddy. My copilot. My Road Dawg.
Fennie passed on from this life on July 3rd in the comfort of his own home with me and Kat holding him until the very end. This was something that I had promised him from the very beginning. A promise that I would never leave him. That I would be with him until the very end. And that I would always be by his side. I owed him that much.
Fennie's path crossed mine back in 2010 when I walked into the animal shelter at Fort Sill, Oklahoma. I was looking for a small dog that would fit in my tiny 1BR apartment. I got to his cage and I saw a skinny little shit that looked like he wanted to get out of his cage and eat me and my first thought was "This pup has spunk!" He had a deep, bright orange coat and a fluffy tail that made him look like he was part fox and had these dark orange freckled spots on his white nose. His face could only be described as "scampish". The worker asked if I wanted to take him out and spend some time with him to see if he warmed up to me so I took him outside in the visitation pen. He didn't seem all that affectionate and was not particularly friendly with me. But there was something about him. I saw something within him. I asked about his history and all that was known was that he was 2 years old and had been surrendered by an elderly couple for being too aggressive. I looked at this tiny little guy and wondered "How much trouble could he be?" 15 minutes later I was walking out with this Spaniel mix (whose original name was actually Lucky. Clearly that name would not stick around for much longer.)
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Fennie was originally supposed to be a dog that my girlfriend at the time and I would raise together. However when we split up it was agreed that she would get the cats and I would keep Fennie. It was this decision that would change my life forever. I would no longer be able to use the bathroom without someone worrying where I went. For 11 years this dog would never leave my side. And if I had to be gone for an extended period of time it was preceded with the promise that I would ALWAYS come back for him.
One thing that Fennie will always be remembered for was his never-ending energy. He was constantly going 100 miles a minute. He could not slow down and he would never tire. It was like they took the vigor of a large golden lab and stuffed it into a tiny 20 pound body. No hike was ever long enough. There were never enough objects for him to hump. When he was around 4 I can remember thinking "I cannot wait for him to get a little older so that he will slow down a little bit". Well I would end up waiting for that day to come for a very, very long time.
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Despite his size and stature, Fennie always felt like he was so much bigger than he actually was. No matter where he was he would walk around with a poise that he owns all that can be seen and anyone or anything intruding in his territory would have to answer to him. At the dog park he would go up and snatch toys from dogs that could CLEARLY beat his ass without even giving it a second thought. He had some big ol' brass balls, man! He never viewed himself as being in the Not-Even-2-Feet-In-Length, 20 pound body that he was in. He was always vigilant and on guard. No box, package, suitcase, or bag was able to get past him without going through a rigorous sniff search first. He took his job as protector of his territory and his Daddy very seriously!
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Fennie would end up living a life that few other dogs would get the opportunity to. As being with a person who is constantly drifting, he got to see more of this great country than most of the people that I know. He has been on the boardwalk in Myrtle Beach. He has been to the mountains of Flagstaff. He has been to ABQ, New Mexico. He has been to Detroit Rock City. He has touched the top of the highest peak east of the Mississippi. He has visited the aftermath of the destruction caused by the tornado in Joplin, Missouri. He has been to Kalamazoo. He has been to Vegas. In his lifetime he has marked Oklahoma, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Indiana, Missouri, and Illinois as his. He has been through 3 tropical storms, 3 ice storms, 2 tornados, a blizzard, and an earthquake. He has scrapped with a bull terrier and lived to tell the tale. His life was full of adventures, road trips, and hikes.
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I’m not going to lie and say that he loved everyone that he met. But I will say that he has touched the heart of everyone that he ever encountered. He was honestly the right dog for the right person at the right time. We shared so many of the same character traits. He was moody. He got irritated very easily. He just had a way of pulling you in. He was lovable, yet complicated. He was selfish and jealous. He didn’t really like to engage in play with any other dogs. He wasn’t one to share. There was never any “Lets Play Fetch”. He had a fiery temper. He was overly cautious. He had a tendency to be untrusting. I have many friends and family that bore the mark of meeting him on their fingertips for a few days afterwards. But he could also be affectionate, and funny, and had the tendency to be a bit of a klutz. He was a great cuddler! And for such a small dog, he had a personality that would burst at the seams.
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In his 11 years with me he has shown and taught me so much. He taught me the value of loyalty. If I could use 3 words to describe Fennie then they would be “Loyal…As…FUCK!” Relationships would come and go but he stuck by my side no matter what. He had my back and was willing to protect me at the drop of a hat. And he refused to let anyone or anything come between him and I. He taught me patience. My LORD he taught me some patience!! He taught me that however old you are, you can still be young at heart. And he taught me to love unconditionally. I was not always the best owner. I would get upset at him for things that he had nothing to do with. He would get scared when I would lose my temper. And yet he would still come over to me to comfort me and let me know that he was there for me when I was done. And I cannot tell you the amount of times I accidentally stepped on his paw while walking or whacked him in the head while opening a cabinet, and he would just sit there looking at me like “Eh whatever. So what’s up with that walk you were talking about?”
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Although I had other pets growing up, Fennie was the first dog that was MINE. And he is not a someone that I could ever forget. He traveled with me as I bounced from place to place and would only give me a look as if to say "Hey man, I trust you. Just don't leave me." He devoted his entire life to me, and it was only fitting that I spend his whole life by his side. And he gave me a pretty awesome life. I had noticed that he his health had been declining about a year ago. He started slowing down. Getting up was getting to be more of a struggle. His stomach started having issues. He ended up requiring a surgery. I asked myself if the cost of the surgery was worth getting 6 more months with my little buddy. I ended up getting a year. I got my money's worth.
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Fenway "Fennie" Haber, affectionately referred to as Foo Bear, Bubba, Fennie Foo (or Fennie Foo Bear if you aren't into the whole brevity thing) will always be remembered for his temperament, his charm, and his overall cuteness. Just like his dear Papa. I was so fortunate to spend the last decade with him by my side. I wasn't exactly sure if I had made the right decision when I first chose him. But I couldn't imagine my life without him. He left this world cuddled up on his favorite blanket alongside his favorite shirt and he was surrounded by love until the light faded from him. As he started to drift off I spoke my last words to him...
For 11 years you've been my Ryde or Die
The time has come for us to say goodbye
The day I have been dreading is finally here
The end of a legacy and a legend is near
Thank you for the life you have given me
Thank you for your undying loyalty
Thank you for comforting me when I needed a friend
Thank you for trusting me until the very end.
I'm going to miss you taking up the whole bed
And your cuddles that were top notch
And when I'm napping you kicking me in the head
And stomping me in the crotch
Don't worry about what will happen to me
After you are gone.
You did such a great job taking care of your Dad
and I will continue to go on
But I will always keep you tucked deep inside my heart
until my life is through
You aren't a dog that is easy to forget
And no matter what I will continue to love you
So if you see me crying as I hold you
and looking scared and sad
It's only because I'll miss you so much
and the life together we had
Get some rest, little buddy
And for now I'll say goodbye
But I'm sure I'll see you again in some crazy dream
Or when I get a little too high
Via con dios my little friend.
Na Zdrowie, Fennie!
Do Widzenie.
You were the right dog, for the right person, at the right time.
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memorylang · 4 years
The Driven New Year | #49 | January 2021
I’d been waiting to share this new story till I got the news. I felt so delighted that day that, on my walk home from the DMV (since I’d borrowed another’s sedan to take my road test), I went live on Facebook to share. I’d spent much of January mentally and physically training for that, which I prayed would be my final road test. I felt magnificently relieved as I thanked God and friends that I’d passed at last. In today’s blog story, I recount the road to my driver’s licensure and adventures preceding it! 
From New Year’s Day 
I’d last written to you from Reno, where I’d rung in the New Year among a small gathering of friends, old and new. That Week 44 (Jan. 1–7), I resumed writing my book memoir chapters, seeking to complete a selection before the month’s end. Because, prior, my father had brought from Vegas to Reno the treadmill that I had been using last summer, now during mornings I’d ascend the treadmill once more. 
I concluded the week by relearning with help from YouTube how to sew, by mending an old blue flannel that I’d damaged, by starting to watch Pixar’s “Soul” through Disney+ with my sister, her caring boyfriend and our friend and then by joining Dad on the road back to Vegas. 
Upon returning to Vegas, I reunited our other sister and met her boyfriend for the first time. He knew witty things about franchises that I enjoyed and was fun to talk to. That Week 45 (Jan. 8–15), I pushed through to finish writing the memoir chapter trilogy I’d resumed in Reno, continued in the Blue Lions story on my sister’s copy of “Fire Emblem: Three Houses,” trimmed more fronds from the palm trees and began a massive clean-up project of the bedroom that had become mine. 
Filipina Adventures
That Friday, Jan. 15, my sister and her boyfriend took off, but she’d said that she’d return before her birthday, Jan. 25. That day, Dad had also visited from Reno. So that evening, he and I visited my stepfamily’s house, to help. 
At my stepfamily’s, we wheeled an old fridge from the back porch to the front to be taken and replaced. We also picked a great deal of calamondin from Tita’s tree after dark, which reminded me of childhood memories picking produce in our backyard garden while living in Indiana. Tita and my stepsisters would ask if we were coming in, but Dad would still have me out there working with him. 
That evening, I also got to meet my baby step-nephew! He was just over a month old, so he was perhaps the youngest infant I’d met since my youngest brother (born in 2OOI). I enjoyed talking to his parents, who’d told me about their past month in transition. 
Saturday night, I had a check-in call with an old friend from high school with whom I’d grown close through our experiences as community service-loving Nevada honors undergraduates. She too is Filipina and liked how I’ve really started to embrace the culture since meeting my stepmom. My friend also answered some cultural questions for me, clarifying names like “calamansi” for the tiny citruses that Papa and I had picked from Tita’s fruit tree and the name “pandesal” for the tasty cream-filled “Filipino rolls” that Tita had bought me. I didn’t know that my friend was actually born in the Philippines, but we admitted that the topic hadn’t come up before. Turns out that my friend had even studied Latin in high school because hers had a specialty for classics. I love how checking in with ol’ friends reveals to me how much I’ve grown, too.
“New World, New You” Challenge
Thursday, Jan. 21, the morning after Inauguration, kicked off a new virtual adventure. One random YouTube moment, I’d noticed an ad that Tony Robbins would be hosting live online trainings. At that time, I was feeling a post-holiday motivation slump. So, I hopped into TR’s Facebook group and introduced myself, my challenges and my goals. I felt amazed by his international audience. 
For those five days, I’d committed to tuning in every morning at 11 a.m. for motivational talks in light of both the pandemic and new year. I felt surprised to find that in those course of those days, I’d go on Facebook Live my first time and many times more. Folks were right. I needed to break through hold-ups to embrace capabilities. I remembered the importance of habits. 
Among the topics of a talk, we discussed the importance of different kinds of inner perspectives, nicknamed, the “Warrior,” “Magician,” “Lover” and “Sovereign.” These reminded me of a technique I’d learned years ago in interpersonal group therapy, about imagining ourselves as multiple selves instead of one. I liked these, because in life sometimes we need to put on our “grrr” face but other times ought to have more fun, can experience full gratitude and can look at the bigger picture. In this sense, I remembered the phases of water analogy that I’d heard in Mongolia, fall 2OI9. 
Road Back to Driving
Amid the “New World, New You” Challenge, I’d also had my first driving lesson with a training school. Prior to that Sunday, I’d only driven once lately, with my sister, around the Vegas neighborhood. Prior to that, I hadn’t driven for nearly two years, since spring 2OI9, before I’d graduated college. 
Having failed my road test in Reno nearly half a dozen times between 2OI7 and 2OI8, I hadn’t felt the most confident in my abilities to pass. I’d gotten and renewed permits throughout my undergrad. I’d trained with friend after friend and with siblings, too. 
That said, many people had told me that Reno’s streets were narrower and its tests from the Reno-Galletti DMV were harder than those in Carson City and in Vegas. I’d also been practicing on trucks, so people had suggested that I try smaller vehicles. All my siblings had passed in Vegas, after all. 
With so many failures, I wondered if I felt residual challenges from knowing that Mom had failed her road test multiple times... and that a careless driver had killed my mother. I wonder whether my failures related to how I identify with Mom. That 2OI7 in China had made me feel in some moments as though I was retracing her steps. My faults resembled her faults. But I am not her. 
Furthermore, my concerns for the environment didn’t motivate me much to drive when I knew that doing so contributes more to carbon emissions. My overabundance of caution on the road seemed to compound in hesitancy at the wheel. Still, learning to drive is part of life. 
Ultimately, since my plan was to be in Mongolia from 2OI9 to 2O2I then in China from 2O2I to 2O24, getting a U.S. license hadn’t persisted as a key need—till the pandemic returned me to America. 
Another Approach
Back in Reno, spring 2OI9, after I’d failed my test for the fourth or fifth time, the lady behind the desk recommended me for driving school. I felt ashamed. None of my siblings had to go to driving school. I hadn’t heard of anybody who did. 
A year and a half later, at Thanksgiving with my stepfamily, my stepmom had mentioned that at least one of her daughters had attended driving school to get licensed. Later, my LA sister had mentioned that some of her friends did driving schools, too. So, I felt less worried about trying it.
And though I’d worried a bit about the cost, my youngest sister had pointed out that by going through the driving school, I wouldn’t need to drive nearly as many hours as she and our siblings had driven prior to their taking their road tests. So, I foot the bill, taking solace that I was at least contributing to the economy. 
As added plusses, if I figure this out how to get this license, then I wouldn’t have to renew my permit every year. My youngest brother also mentioned that in the coming years self-driving cars will be mainstream enough that I might not have to drive much, anyway. So this was a mere trial of adulthood, then. 
After having passed in December my written test to renew my permit, I readied for the road. On the Friday, Jan. 8, 2O2I, that I returned to Vegas from Reno, I followed up with a driving school that Tita had recommended. The school scheduled me for the month’s end. 
First Lesson
Sun., Jan. 24 came my first lesson. The instructor had arrived at my house’s driveway in a white sedan that had tags identifying it as a student vehicle. As soon as he got out and greeted me, he had me sit in the unfamiliar vehicle going through the motions that a tester would expect. If I’d any moment’s hesitation, the instructor clarified and, regarding safety, admonished. 
As I hit the road, the instructor commented on my mistakes and offered strategies to key details. He assured me that many of my issues would vanish as I get used to my vehicle. Unfortunately, I’d always been driving different cars, he explained. That’s why I don’t know things instinctively. But when I have my own car someday, he spoke with certainty, then I’d understand these well. 
I think of my driving instructor as a coach. He gives me very clear advice and answers all my questions. I love instructors who don't tire from my questions.
When I asked about the rules for how our hands must always be on the wheel, he described that I am driving a machine that is capable of killing. This is, in fact my view of cars, too. He'd later describe how if I'm rear-ended, then having only one hand on the wheel could cause me to swerve and potentially kill someone. I decide to withhold that my mother was killed by an inattentive driver.
Since I’d take my test in under two weeks, the instructor suggested that we practice more together. Although he usually has a couple days off per week, the COVID situation has had him working overtime. So he invited me to reach out if I wanted to practice. Realizing how much I gained from our first two hours, I agreed to take him up on his offer. He recommended that I practice more with my sister, too, so I committed to that as well. 
Life in Transition
The next night, Mon., Jan. 25, was my LA sister’s birthday, so she and her roommate had come to Vegas that weekend. Later that week, they would return to LA, so I got in one more practice with my sister. She offered more pointers and said that I’d improved. 
Jan. 25 was also the end of TR’s “New World, New You” Challenge and the Catholic Feast Day commemorating the conversion of St. Paul, my confirmation saint. To honor the confluence of events, I concluded writing in journal that I’d been keeping since picking it up January 2OI9 in Taiwan and began writing in a journal that I’d received from my sister as a Christmas 2OI9 gift when I’d visited Vegas from Peace Corps service in Mongolia. 
After my sister and her friend returned to LA, Thurs., Jan. 28, I finished listening to the “Kafka on the Shore” (Murakami, 2OO5) audiobook while cutting more palm fronds and archiving my belongings from boxes to bins in our garage. I marked each day with stretches, morning walks and journaling my gratitude and goals. I felt committed to making 2O2I my year. 
Second Lesson 
Lesson 2 rolled around on the First of February. Having finished the audiobook to which I'd been listening since late last year, I decided to resume watching “Daredevil” Season 3, a Netflix series that I’d intermittently followed over the past five years. As a reward for continuing my morning walks and to get pumped to take on the day’s driving, I saw an episode right before leaving the house. 
By my second driving lesson, I felt more confident with what I knew and didn’t know. But this time, an unfamiliar white sedan sat at the curb. I waved my hand, and the driver stepped out, indeed my coach. The other vehicle was in the shop but would be ready before my test. 
This time we went straight to mirror adjustment. Before we hit the road, I asked about how many wheel rotations this vehicle would need for me to make a full turn. Coach stepped out to confirm the count for me as I turned the wheel. Then we hit the road.
As I drove more smoothly this time, Coach recounted fascinating stories from his life. Some tales reminded me of “Daredevil” episodes. He too came from a Catholic family, and the experiences that brought him from Texas to LA to Vegas were remarkable. By our final lesson, I’d insisted that he ought to record these someday, in writing or audio. 
As for my driving, whenever I had particular issues, Coach had stories. His decades of students have exposed him to plenty. He mentioned one who had driven perfectly during her lessons but had to take her test 17 times before she passed, because of her nerves. But I felt empowered realizing that no matter how many times I try, I too will pass. 
On to the End
On a morning walk between my driving lessons, I recalled a takeaway that I’d felt while seeing in November with my sister “The Guru” episode from “The Last Airbender.” The protagonist, called the Avatar, struggles to control or 'bend' fire, after having failed before. The guru thus tells him, “You will never find balance if you deny this part of your life. You are the Avatar and, therefore, you are a firebender.” I connected this to how in the U.S., driving in many parts of the nation for people of many income levels is a necessary part of life. I am a 21st-century American and, therefore, I am a driver. 
By my second lesson’s end, Coach said that I could probably pass my test just barely. I decided that I’d rather do more than pass, and I want to ensure that I pass. So, I continued with my lessons, feeling reaffirmed to build habits that will help me feel at peace in the most scenarios. Two lessons remained. 
At Last
The morning of road test, February 4, 2O2I, I’d coincidentally, after having read the Book of Psalms daily for nearly five months, reached Psalm 150, the final. I’d prayed too that morning a whole rosary, feeling called to it. And, I prayed for peace, gazing at the palms that I’d cut for so long. 
Three hours later, I got out of the car as my examiner, with his face shield and mask still on, read from his clipboard his notes from my test. He gave the uncomfortably familiar litany of points that I hadn’t noticed on the drive. As he gave my feedback, Coach walked up to hear how I did. 
I worried that my clarifying questions to my examiner would sound as though protesting. I didn’t want to sound defensive, instead wanting to understand clearly. People in the past had mistaken my clarifying questions as defensiveness. Plus, Coach had told me stories about former students who’d failed after protesting and accidentally pointing out areas where they should have lost points. Coach advised me before not to overthink things. 
The tester was quite serious about the points that he was making. He added that I was ‘lucky’ that other drivers on the road paused for me that they did. I wondered whether to lump luck under divine intervention. My tester noted that I still need more practice. But, barring these, he’s passed me with “high marks.” 
I gasped. 
I looked at the tester and back at my coach. Coach grinning, clarified with the instructor that I passed and congratulated me. Coach had commented, partially teasing me, that I’d received the same advice during our lessons. 
Since Coach was wearing gloves, I accepted his handshake over our usual fistbump. I offered to write a great review on Yelp if he could text me the link. Then we said farewell. I accompanied my examiner back inside the DMV and started texting people my news. 
At last, I’d earned my license.
Triumphant Return
Coach was already gone, since he’d had another appointment to keep on the other side of town. Rather than take an Uber home, I decided to walk. Perhaps I might be walking less in the future. I enjoyed time to reflect. 
On my walk back, along the roads on which I’d driven, I bought groceries at a local Smith’s and through Pokémon GO caught a Suicune. I’d recall a quote that a high school counselor once told me, “You know how to spell ‘freedom?’ C-A-R.” Despite this, I still prefer public transportation. 
I prefer sharing Earth’s resources and having a chance to feel as part of a community. When I’d come alone to Taiwan back in December 2OI8, riding the metro gave me some semblance of community. In the COVID-19 pandemic, I cherish community more than ever. Walking connects me to places, too. 
To My Future
My siblings were proud of me. Oldest Brother and his girlfriend came over and played Taboo with our sister and me. Papa reached out to warn me not to drive till he got me on the insurance, but he seemed proud of me, too. Tita and my stepfamily over our group chat encouraged me to drive Dad’s ‘classic’ truck that’s been sitting here. 
I felt craving celebratory pancakes with my sister, but she didn’t feel like cooking. So, the next morning, she took me to IHOP instead. I tried this crème brûlée flavor and had leftovers enough to last me three days! 
With February upon us, many holidays come. (If only the Chiefs had won last night’s Super Bowl!) Well, my next blog stories will cover more official holidays. 
Having secured my license, finished experiencing “Kafka on the Shore,” wrapped up much of the yard work and taken care of bringing my belongings into bins, I’ve in my first month completed many of my 2O2I goals. Now, I get to dream bigger. The best is yet to come. 
You can read more from me here at DanielLang.me :)
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HARRISBURG, Pa. — Pennsylvania Gov. Tom Wolf warned Monday that the coronavirus is running rampant throughout the state and could soon force overwhelmed hospitals to begin turning away patients.
Wolf calls it a “dangerous, disturbing scenario” that will become reality if people don’t take steps to slow the spread. He said additional pandemic restrictions might be on the way but did not elaborate on what his administration might be considering while also acknowledging the ones already in place have not worked.
Wolf said the unchecked spread of the virus in all regions of the state means that resource-sharing agreements among hospitals could soon begin to break down and force them to begin rationing care.
Still, the governor all but ruled out a return to the kinds of statewide restrictions he imposed in the spring, when schools were closed, thousands of businesses deemed non-essential were shut down, and all 12.8 million Pennsylvanians were under a stay-at-home order.
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— Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani in hospital after positive COVID-19 test
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ATLANTA — The number of confirmed and suspected coronavirus infections has soared more than 70% in Georgia in the week ended Monday as hospitals continue to sound alarms about their ability to absorb new COVID-19 patients and a few schools give up in-person instruction for the remaining two weeks before Christmas holidays begin, with all students learning at home until 2021.
The last week has seen a rapid takeoff in new infections, with the state averaging more than 5,000 confirmed and suspected cases each day as of Monday. Even just the confirmed cases, based off molecular PCR tests, are now above the high set on July 24.
More than 2,500 COVID-19 patients were hospitalized Monday statewide. That’s below the summer peak of 3,200, but more than double the most recent low point in mid-October.
Despite the rapid rise, Georgia still ranks only 44th among the states for the most new cases per capita in the past 14 days, because cases are spreading so rapidly everywhere else. Still, the Georgia Department of Public health rates 60% of Georgia’s counties as having high transmission.
Georgia is likely to record its 10,000th confirmed or suspected death from COVID-19 sometime this week. On Monday, the death total stood at 9.851. The state passed 500,000 confirmed or suspected infections on Sunday.
NASHVILLE, Tenn. — A Tennessee lawmaker has been hospitalized with COVID-19 after attending a House Republican caucus meeting nearly two weeks ago.
Rep. David Byrd was flown by helicopter over the weekend to a Nashville hospital. The 63-year-old lawmaker attended the House GOP caucus meeting with nearly 70 lawmakers on Nov. 24 and also participated in a House GOP overnight retreat the weekend prior.
Byrd is at least the second lawmaker to be hospitalized after contracting the virus. Republican Rep. Mike Carter was hospitalized earlier this year for COVID-19.
Byrd had attracted scrutiny for more than a year over allegations by three women of sexual misconduct three decades ago when he was a high school teacher and their basketball coach. He was never charged.
LAS VEGAS — Officials have reported that the number of people hospitalized in Nevada with COVID-19 has more than doubled over the last month.
The Nevada Hospital Association reported Monday that hospitalized coronavirus patients increased to 1,617 statewide from Nov. 6 to Dec. 6 as the state continues experiencing a surge. That’s up from 692, a rise of more than 230%.
Nevada COVID-19 response director Caleb Cage says officials expect the number of reported cases to continue rising because of gatherings over Thanksgiving. Cage says that will likely increase the number of hospitalizations.
Nevada has reported 170,587 COVID-19 cases and 2,319 deaths during the pandemic.
JERUSALEM — Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s office has announced plans for a nighttime curfew during the upcoming Hanukkah holiday to contain a COVID-19 outbreak.
The curfew is set to go into effect on Wednesday, on the eve of Hanukkah. It says commercial activities will be banned and intercity travel will be limited.
An announcement Monday night said the measure, approved by the advisory coronavirus cabinet, still requires approval from the Cabinet.
Israel has already imposed two lockdowns this year and is still emerging from the latest set of restrictions imposed in September. In recent days, the number of daily confirmed cases has sharply climbed.
Also Monday, President Reuven Rivlin said the first doses of the coronavirus vaccine are expected to arrive in the country in the coming days.
LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Gov. Asa Hutchinson announced plans Monday for a series of community meetings across Arkansas to address the growing surge of coronavirus cases.
Hutchinson’s office said that the governor will have meetings this week in Benton, Springdale and Jonesboro, followed by additional meetings in other cities next week. The governor also planned to give a speech Thursday night for a statewide audience.
Hutchinson said last week that he’s considering requiring state approval for smaller indoor events. Under the state’s current COVID-19 restrictions, indoor events with more than 100 people expected must have a plan approved beforehand by the state.
But overall, the Republican governor has resisted calls for widespread restrictions, such as stricter capacity requirements on indoor dining, which has been recommended by the White House Coronavirus Task Force.
Arkansas’ rolling average number of daily new virus cases has increased by 21% over the past two weeks, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University. One in every 205 people in Arkansas tested positive in the past week, researchers said.
BATON ROUGE, La. — Louisiana’s health department has loosened its coronavirus quarantine guidance for schools and workplaces to match the latest recommendations from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
The guidelines suggest people who’ve come in close contact with someone infected with the novel coronavirus can resume normal activity after 10 days if no symptoms have emerged, or seven days if they test negative. That’s down from 14 days.
The state Department of Education is expected to give public school systems the green light to follow the relaxed quarantine rules.
But the health department is sticking to a 14-day recommendation for prisons and nursing homes where people live together in tight quarters.
NEW ORLEANS — New Orleans may be in store for stricter coronavirus restrictions next week.
Mayor LaToya Cantrell said in Monday social media posts that cases are on the rise in the city. Cantrell said that if the numbers don’t look better in one week, more restrictions will be needed.
There’s been a sharp increase in the percentage of tests with positive results. The seven-day average, as reported by the city, has gone from around 1% in early November to 3.6% as of Sunday.
Cantrell didn’t provide details on what the tighter rules might entail.
Restrictions are already tight in a city famous for its hospitality industry and night life. Indoor social gatherings are limited to 75 people and outdoor gatherings to 150 people. Restaurants are limited to half their indoor capacity and bars to 25%, and alcoholic beverage sales end at 11 p.m. Indoor live entertainment remains off-limits.
COLUMBIA, S.C. — With new COVID-19 cases reaching record levels in South Carolina, a teacher group is asking districts to go back to all virtual teaching until this second spike in the virus can be flattened.
The plea was given more emotional weight over the weekend after the death of 50-year-old third grade teacher Staci Blakely from COVID-19. Her family asked the school district to announce her death publicly to remind people how serious the disease can be, District Superintendent Greg Little said in a statement.
Blakely was a 28-year teaching veteran who was diagnosed with the novel coronavirus on Nov. 11. No one else in her classroom has been infected, the district said.
At least four school districts in South Carolina have returned to all virtual learning. Nearly a quarter of the state’s districts are teaching in person every day.
When averaged out over seven days, South Carolina is seeing about 2,300 new COVID-19 cases a day. That’s more than during the July peak that saw the state among the nation’s leaders in coronavirus spread.
BERLIN — A panel of medical experts in Germany is recommending that nursing home residents, people over 80 and certain medical personnel in acute and elderly care should receive coronavirus vaccines first when they become available.
A draft recommendation released Monday defines some 8.6 million people who would receive a vaccine first. That’s over 10% of the German population.
According to the 62-page document, only once those groups have been immunized and if vaccines are still limited should other high risk groups receive the shot.
The draft, which still needs to be approved, has a total of six categories grouped according to their risk of serious illness from COVID-19 and the likelihood they might expose others. Teachers belong to the fourth category, while people working in key positions of government, in critical infrastructure and in small stores are in the fifth.
All other healthy individuals under 60 — an estimated 45 million people in the country of 83 million — would be last in line for a vaccine.
The expert panel says people who have recovered from confirmed infection with COVID-19 do not need to get immunized.
DES MOINES, Iowa — Iowa posted another 35 deaths from the novel coronavirus on Monday, continuing the high level of deaths related to the pandemic.
The seven-day rolling average of daily deaths in Iowa has risen over the past two weeks from 29 deaths per day on Nov. 22 to 45 deaths per day on Sunday, according to researchers at Johns Hopkins University.
State health officials reported on Monday 912 new cases in the previous 24 hours. State data indicates new case trends have slowed with the average number of daily new cases decreasing by nearly 37% in the past two weeks.
Although slowing, the virus spread remains high in Iowa. There were 1,083 new cases per 100,000 people in Iowa over the past two weeks, which ranks 16th in the country for new cases per capita. One in every 195 people in Iowa tested positive in the past week.
State data also show positive trends with fewer hospitalized patients at 898 on Monday and fewer people admitted in the previous 24 hours.
VILNIUS, Lithuania — Lithuania’s government began advising people on Monday only to leave home for serious reasons, banned private parties of more than two families, and tightened requirements in shopping centers.
The government also directed almost all public sector employees to work from home, after initial measures failed to stop the spread of COVID-19.
Shops are urged not to have short-term sales promotions and to have no more than five people stand in a line. Also, only one person per family is recommended to go shopping.
People in the southernmost Baltic country will have to celebrate Christmas under the new regulations, which will last until at least the end of the month.
A country of almost 3 million, Lithuania managed to curb the first COVID-19 wave but now faces one of the highest surges in Europe per capita with 76,036 total cases and 637 deaths, most of those registered in the last two months.
ATHENS, Greece — Greece’s government says it will maintain core lockdown measures through the Christmas holidays, acknowledging that monthlong restrictions have not reduced COVID-19 infections to the extent it had hoped for.
Schools, courts, and restaurants will remain closed through Jan. 7, government spokesman Stelios Petsas announced Monday, while non-essential travel between Greece’s administrative regions will also be banned.
Stay-at-home orders nationwide will remain in effect until that date, with movement outside households granted by the government by SMS.
Greece’s pandemic death toll reached 3,000 at the weekend, with most deaths occurring after Nov. 1. The number of daily infections, based on a seven-day rolling average, is currently at 1,609 compared to 2,674 in mid-November, Petsas said.
Restrictions for stores, churches, and hair salons will be announced later this week, Petsas said.
The current lockdown was launched on Nov. 7 and initially planned to last for three weeks.
HELENA, Mont. — Montana’s first doses of the COVID-19 vaccine will go to health care workers in the state’s major hospitals, Gov. Steve Bullock announced Monday.
Hospitals first in line for the vaccine are in Billings, Bozeman, Butte, Great Falls, Helena, Kalispell and Missoula.
Montana could receive 9,750 doses of the Pfizer vaccine in mid-December.
Large hospitals were selected as the recipients in the first round because the Pfizer vaccine must be stored in cold temperatures, and doses are shipped in boxes of 975 per box. The number of doses distributed to each hospital will be based on a survey conducted by the state’s health department.
A second shipment of vaccines is expected a week after the first round, which will contain both the Pfizer vaccine and a vaccine developed by drug company Moderna. The second shipment will be distributed primarily to rural hospitals and skilled nursing facilities, according to the governor’s office.
HONOLULU — Officials gathered in Pearl Harbor to remember those killed in the 1941 Japanese attack, but public health measures adopted because of the coronavirus pandemic meant no survivors were present.
The military broadcast video of the ceremony live online for survivors and members of the public to watch from afar.
USS Utah survivor Warren Upton says it’s too bad he can’t be there in person, but that it’s for safety reasons. The 101-year-old planned to watch the ceremony from his home in California.
A moment of silence was held at 7:55 a.m. That’s the same time the attack began 79 years ago, resulting in the deaths of more than 2,400.
LISBON — Portugal has surpassed the threshold of 5,000 COVID-19 deaths and set a new record for hospital admissions.
The General Directorate for Health said Monday that 3,367 patients with the novel coronavirus are in hospital and 78 people had died over the previous 24 hours.
Authorities officially recorded fewer than 3,000 cases of COVID-19, as the pandemic has ebbed from a peak of 7,497 daily cases in early November. Hospital admissions have leveled off but remain high.
Portugal’s 14-day cumulative number of COVID-19 cases per 100,000 people is 600, according to the European Centre for Disease Control. That makes it ninth highest in the 31 European countries monitored by the EU agency.
DENVER — Colorado Gov. Jared Polis’ longtime partner, first gentleman Marlon Reis, has been hospitalized as a precaution after experiencing shortness of breath and a worsening cough eight days after being diagnosed with the novel coronavirus.
Polis’ office said in a statement late Sunday that the governor, who also was diagnosed with COVID-19, drove Reis to a hospital “for review and treatment.” Polis was not experiencing severe symptoms, his office said.
No additional information was immediately released. Both Polis and Reis tested positive Nov. 28, and both had been quarantining at home.
Polis, a Democrat, had described his symptoms as “very mild” Dec. 1 as he worked last week from home. He had previously said Reis was asymptomatic.
WASHINGTON — Dr. Anthony Fauci, the nation’s top infectious disease expert, is warning that the upcoming holiday season may be even worse than Thanksgiving in terms of spreading the coronavirus.
Fauci told CNN on Monday that because the traditional Christmas season is an extended period that stretches into New Year’s, the prospects for spreading the virus as people travel “may be even more compounded than what we saw at Thanksgiving.”
Fauci said “it’s a very critical time in this country right now” with the virus surging and more important than ever for people to take precautions like avoiding indoor gatherings, wearing masks and social distancing.
Over Thanksgiving, many people traveled to gather with families, against warnings from health officials. Fauci said the U.S. is “probably just at the beginning” of seeing the resulting uptick in cases.
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Catherine Iveson, 17, a senior at Mater Dei, with her horse Waldo at the Huntington Central Park Equestrian Center in Huntington Beach on Tuesday, November 10, 2020 put her love of riding horses on hold to study for the ACTC. Cat, as her family and friends call her, finally had to travel to New Mexico and Nevada to take the ACT test after the pandemic canceled her plans to take the test locally. (Photo by Leonard Ortiz, Orange County Register/SCNG)
Mater Dei High senior Catherine Iveson approached her college entrance exams with a level of determination and responsibility that would make many parents proud.
The 17-year-old from Costa Mesa put one of her favorite extracurricular activities – competitive riding with her horse Waldo – on hold to focus on taking a weekend prep class for the ACT, one of the most common standardized tests for college admissions.
“It was as much about time as it was about finances,” she said of the decision. “It’s impractical to do both.”
But the trade-off turned out to be just the start of the sacrifices for Iveson and her family amid the first college application season of the pandemic era.
Iveson traveled outside of California not once, but twice, with her parents to take the ACT after the coronavirus pandemic and ensuing shutdown canceled testing opportunities in-state.
She drove with her parents to New Mexico and Nevada, joining other California high school students who journeyed hundreds of miles this fall to take the traditional admission exams – though most  private and public colleges have said they are not requiring them because of the pandemic.
“It’s like if you decide you want to run a marathon, and you spent eight months conditioning, and they said, ‘Oh, sorry there’s no marathon’ you be like, ‘No, I want to run the marathon,’”Iveson’s mother, Erin, said of the decision to still find a way to take the exam.
“She still wanted to do it. If you worked really hard to get that number for schools in hopes of acceptance, you really want a chance (to take the test).”
In a response to the pandemic and the physical closures of many high schools, the California State University system and its 23 campuses temporarily suspended SAT or ACT requirements for students applying to be freshmen in the fall of 2021.
The nine-campus University of California system made the same concession, but says students can still submit test scores, which might be used for course placement.
Private universities such as California Baptist in Riverside also temporarily suspended the admission test requirements for its incoming freshmen.
“Due to the circumstances and limited test availability, we didn’t want to have that barrier for students if they weren’t able to get a test,” said Taylor Neece, dean of admissions for Cal Baptist. “I am not aware of any universities in California requiring the SAT or ACT for the fall of 2021.”
But for a variety of the reasons, the quest for high school students to take the exams continues despite the stance of universities and obstacles for the efforts.
A recent morning in Peoria, Ariz. provided a snap shot of this landscape. On Saturday, Nov. 7, the most recent date for SAT testing, about 20 cars with California license plates were spotted in the parking lot at Centennial High, a host site for the exam.
On that same day, more than 200 testing sites in California reported cancellations, according to an online database for College Board, the nonprofit organization that administers the test. The database showed 72 testing sites available in California.
“So many people left the state to take the test,” Erin Iveson said. “So many went to Phoenix. So many went to Utah, Las Vegas.”
Iveson was first scheduled to take the ACT in-state on April 4, just a few weeks after the pandemic physically shuttered schools in mid-March. But the cancellations soon began to arrive, one after another.
“They canceled the April 4 test, they canceled the May test, they canceled the June and the July,” Erin Iveson said.
But Iveson didn’t want her prep class with AR Academics in Newport Beach to be for naught. As she searched online for open test sites, she decided to plug in the zip code of her cousins in New Mexico.
She found an open seat for Sept. 12 in Las Cruces, N.M., about 750 miles from her home in Costa Mesa.
“Every California zip code was either canceled or going to be canceled,” she said.
So Iveson and her mother made the two-day drive to New Mexico (this was well before California issued its travel advisory). Fortunately, they arrived early enough to handle another hurdle. Iveson needed a negative COVID-19 test within 72 hours of the exam.
The duo responded by driving about 50 miles to El Paso, Texas to take a rapid COVID-19 test before heading back to Las Cruces for the classroom exam.
“Just these crazy hurdles,” Iveson said. “They didn’t have tests in Las Cruces that would come back that day in a rapid test.”
For the ACT exam, she said all the students from California were placed in the same room, with social distancing and masks required.
Iveson, who maintains a 4.4 grade-point average, felt she performed well on the ACT, but didn’t quite hit her target score.
A few weeks later, she took the ACT again at a “pop-up site” in Las Vegas. The ACT offers the sites to accommodate students affected by the pandemic.
Iveson made the trek to Las Vegas with her father, Mark, and earned the score she had hoped for.
“After giving up so much to do prep and to really dedicate myself to it, I was not going to stop until I was really satisfied with my score,” she said. “I was happy with my score.”
Iveson’s interest in some highly ranked colleges also fueled her desire to take the ACT. She lists the University of North Carolina, University of Washington and Vanderbilt University among her favorites. She has already been accepted at the University of Arizona.
North Carolina, Washington and Vanderbilt are not requiring SAT or ACT scores, but Iveson didn’t want to leave it to chance.
“The college admission process is already so daunting and it’s so competitive,” she said. “Even though schools are saying that they won’t consider you differently if you don’t take the test, how are you really supposed to know? That’s not a very comforting thing.”
Palos Verdes High senior Maya Whitcomb said she submitted her SAT scores – taken as a sophomore – in her application to Middlebury College in Vermont despite entrance scores – including the SAT subject exam – being optional.
“My scores were pretty strong and I felt representative of what I’m capable of,” said Whitcomb, also a runner in track. “Just another data-point for them. It definitely couldn’t hurt.”
But there are alternatives besides admission exams for students seeking to raise their profile with universities.
At Cal Baptist, for example, Neece said grade-point average and essays are both excellent targets.
“You don’t want to be defined by just a GPA number,” he said. “You’re more than a number, so the essay is really your opportunity to showcase yourself, your talents, your strengths and your fit for the institution.”
The UC application, due Monday, Nov. 30, presents applicants with a series of short-answer questions.
The common application gives students an option to write about how the pandemic has affected them.
Joe Liu, executive director of Sylvan Learning of Irvine, has seen students prioritize the college essay.
He said at least two high school seniors from the center who recently earned $1,400 Wescom scholarships plan to put some of the money toward tutoring to improve their essays.
“They’re using that scholarship money to enhance their college essay and some are using it to help with their classwork (and) to prepare for AP exam,” Liu said. “They’re definitely utilizing that money wisely.”
The Ivesons made some cost-saving steps on their trips. They stayed with family, for example, in New Mexico, but still ended up spending several hundred dollars on hotels and food on their travels.
They also know that not all families can afford such trips, and Iveson said she is grateful for her parents’ support.
“We survived it,” Erin Iveson said. “It’s a lot of extra stress. It’s financial. It’s emotional.”
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Mike Tyson returns to boxing at 54 on Saturday looking and sounding different
Mike Tyson was in the passenger seat of a black Cadillac Escalade one recent morning, making the 45-mile drive from his home in Southern California to Tyson Ranch, a cannabis company he founded a few years ago.
“I could always use a buck like everybody else can,’’ Tyson told USA TODAY Sports during a phone interview. “This is so much bigger than that.’’
What this is: Tyson, the erstwhile "Baddest Man On The Planet," getting back into the boxing ring at the age of 54.
He is scheduled to fight Roy Jones Jr. in an eight-round exhibition match Saturday night at Staples Center in Los Angeles  — more than 15 years after Tyson’s last, inglorious fight. On June 11, 2005, he quit before the start of the seventh round against journeyman Kevin McBride.
“My last fight, I didn’t want nothing to do with that stuff,’’ Tyson said. “I have so much more desire than my last fight."
So what is fueling Tyson’s desire now?
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“I look at it like I’ve got to test myself,’’ Tyson said. “Isn’t that weird? Why do I have to test myself and constantly push myself?"
Or is it that Tyson, who after the loss to McBride said, "I'm just fighting to pay my bills,'' still needs a buck after making an estimated $685 million in his career?
But there may be a deeper meaning than money, according to Tyson.
“Why am I who I am, and why do I react the way that I do?’’ he asked. “Why do I think? Why am I on the phone with you saying what I’m saying right now? What is causing me to say that? What’s causing me to breathe? What’s causing me to want to survive?’’
Tyson explained he is “doing research on myself’’ in his search for answers in a life full of whys.
Like, why did Tyson, who has struggled with addiction for more than two decades, stop using cocaine less than three years ago?
“I don’t use the word amazing too much, but it was really something,’’ he said. "No cocaine, no marijuana, nothing."
And why, after Tyson had a boxing ring built at Tyson Ranch, did he often work out three times a day, up to six days a week, during a sixth-month period leading up to his fight Saturday night?
In part, Tyson suggested, because the intense training has given him a high he can’t get from cocaine, marijuana or any other drug. But he is not doing this for free.
How the fight came together
Azim Spicer, Tyson’s brother-in-law and business partner, said he got a call this spring from Bob Sapp, a 6-5, 329-pound fighter best known as a kickboxer and MMA fighter.
Sapp said he wanted to fight Tyson in an exhibition match and that Tyson would be guaranteed a multimillion-dollar payday, according to Spicer.
“At first I just thought he was nuts and didn’t really take it too seriously,’’ Spicer said. “But these guys kept calling and calling me with some other guys overseas. Had a lot of money and just a bunch of money on the table, and so I reached out to Mike.
“I thought I had to tell him at this point, because if it was me and that money was available, honestly I would want to know regardless of what I had to do for it. So I told Mike, and Mike said, ‘I’m not fighting again.’
“So then Mike called me back five minutes later and was like, ‘How much were they offering?’ ”
About $20 million, Spicer said.
“Then he called me back maybe 10 minutes later and said, ‘And who do they want me to fight?' And I told him Bob Sapp. And he started laughing hysterically."
Sapp, 47, has a combined fight record of 24-39-1. He also has worked as a professional wrestler and actor. But Spicer said Sapp’s people failed to deliver on promises, and so the fight was off – but the idea of a Tyson comeback was gaining momentum.
Through a business partner, Spicer said, they got connected with Sophie Watts, a media executive from London who has worked with the likes of Elton John, Beyonce, Madonna, U2, Paul McCartney and Mariah Carey.
Watts agreed to be the financier, and the search for someone to fight Tyson continued.
They reached out to Evander Holyfield, according to Spicer. During their fight in 1997, Tyson infamously bit off a piece of Holyfield’s ear and this would be a chance to pit them in the ring together for the first time since then.
“We tried the Evander thing but unfortunately we just couldn’t get a deal done," Spicer said.
Next up was Tyson Fury, the two-time heavyweight champion. Spicer said talks got leaked to Top Rank, Bob Arum’s boxing promotion company, and Arum wanted to be part of the deal. Which meant no deal, Spicer said.
About that same time, according to Spicer, he got a call from Roy Jones Jr., who at the peak of his career was considered the best pound-for-pound fighter in boxing. Now 51, he had fought professionally as recently as 2018 as a cruiserweight.
Jones heard Tyson was interested in an exhibition fight and wanted to know if it was true, according to Spicer, who arranged a phone call between the two fighters.
After that conversation, and with the blessing of the California State Athletic Commission, the fight was on. With a twist.
A league for legends
Tyson and Watts, the financier, came up with an idea: The Legends Only League, which would stage events featuring retired superstars such as Tyson who would participate in pay-per-view events. Tyson’s fight with Jones would launch the enterprise.
In explaining the league’s genesis, Tyson said he was watching a TV program about Jerry Rice, the Hall of Fame wide receiver. Tyson said he learned from the program that Rice couldn't find a job in the NFL after the 2004 season with the Seattle Seahawks because he had lost some of his speed.
“They said just because he’s a few seconds off, he can’t play no more,’’ Tyson said. “And I feel like, ‘Are you crazy? He’s a few seconds away from his world-class speed and he can’t play anymore?’
“I’ll bet you right now there’s more people that would like to see him at wide receiver than to see the guys that’s the wide receiver now for the (Seahawks)."
The idea behind the Legends Only League is to create a platform for Rice and other retired superstars who, like Tyson, want to climb into the ring again – at least metaphorically.
“Imagine a one-on-one game with Dennis Rodman and Man of Peace,’’ he said, referring to Metta World Peace, who won an NBA championship ring with the Los Angeles Lakers in 2010 and now goes by the name Metta Sandiford-Artest. “Imagine those two awesome athletes, those guys playing a game of 21. Who do you think will watch that?
“Can you imagine John McEnroe playing Serena (Williams) or her sister (Venus Williams)? Holy moly!"
Watts, who is partnering with Tyson, declined to identify other athletes they have spoken to, but she said the Legends Only League has four events scheduled for 2021 and plans to hold six events in 2022 and six more in 2023.
“This is a league for champions to come together and have a story about their life on screen as a special one-off,’’ Watts said.
But Tyson isn’t necessarily one-and-done.
'I hate being happy'As his fight against Jones approached, Tyson indulged discussion about whom he might fight next. He said he’d be interested in fighting the top contemporary heavyweights, such as Fury, Anthony Joshua and Deontay Wilder.
But he said it's unlikely those fighters would agree to an exhibition match unless they set aside the priority of maximizing their earning potential. It's unclear how much Tyson and Jones will make, but probably far less than the top heavyweights would generate fighting each other or other boxers in their prime.
“Sometimes in your life you're going to have to face your maker,’’ Tyson said. “Not from dying, but just being conscious of him. Does that make any sense? The consciousness of him should make you want to do that (charitable act).
“What am I really going to do with so much (money)? I’m closer to God than I am to being a billionaire, something like that. What am I going to do when I meet God? What am I going to tell him?’’
Tyson and Jones are not giving away their fight.
The pay-per-view fee is $49.99. And the fight has led to business deals.
On Nov. 17, GameOn Technology announced a partnership with Tyson to for the Mike Tyson Bot, an interactive feature with Tyson-related content on Facebook Messenger.
And on Monday, Smart Cups, a company that makes the “first printed beverage," signed on to become the title sponsor of “Hotboxin’ with Mike Tyson,’’ his podcast.
But Tyson knows that no amount of money can give him peace of mind – something that eluded him for many years. Now he has a new problem.
“I hate being happy,’’ he said. “I’m happy all the (expletive) time.’’
'A great burning desire'Tysonreflected on his growth since he was a troubled kid growing up in Brooklyn and then at 19 became the youngest heavyweight champion inhistory.
Told people were terrified of him back then, Tyson replied, “I was afraid of me too. No, really. How do you think that feels?"
Now he is far more beloved than feared, highly engaging and approachable, yet still required by law to register as a sex offender. In 1992, he was convicted of rape and served almost three years in prison.
Today his top executive assistant is one of his former cellmates, David Barnes.
Tyson is married to Lakiha “Kiki” Spicer, his third wife, and they have two children – a 12-year-old daughter, Milan, and a 9-year-old son, Morocco. The family splits time between Newport Beach and Henderson, Nevada, outside of Las Vegas.
“I’m just at peace with conducting my responsibilities with my family," said Tyson, who has other children from previous relationships. “This is something that I never did. This is what, 11 years married? Can you believe that?
“I can’t live with me for 11 years. How can anyone else live with me for 11 years?"
For his upcoming fight, Tyson has brought in Billy White, who, like Tyson, grew up under the tutelage of Cus D’Amato, the late trainer credited with rescuing Tyson from the streets of Brooklyn.
White, who has been helping oversee Tyson’s training, said in the spring he got a call from Tyson, who disclosed his plans for a comeback.
“At the same time, we said in unison, ‘Cus said age is nothing but a number,’ " White recalled. “We said it together on the phone. So that was pretty cool that we said it unison."
White said he has relished watching Tyson train and noted that Tyson has been waking up between 3 and 4 a.m. most days to run.
“Old school, just like he used to,’’ White said. “It’s a great burning desire in him once again.
“It’s amazing to see. It’s beautiful, you know?"
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