#he is a deplorable human being and there is no. reason. to support him anymore.
eidetic187 · 7 years
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x0401x · 4 years
Jeweler Richard Fanbook Short Story #6
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Moonstone’s Charity
“The moon is beautiful, huh!”
By the time that we exited the Shiseido Parlor, it was already completely dark outside. The moon loomed a faint blue, as if overlooking the night view of Ginza. Putting his coat back on, Richard silently averted his eyes when I looked back at him with an “isn’t it”. At any rate, I had gotten wholly used to eating out with this guy on Saturdays after work. It was worth making him puddings as payback, I thought.
“Speaking of which, the stone you sold to today’s customers was a ‘stone of the moon’, wasn’t it?”
“Please call it ‘moonstone’. There are other rock specimens that are referred to as ‘stones of the moon’. Confusing the meaning of the words is deplorable.”
“Is that so?! Aight, I’ll take it to heart.”
Today’s customers were the parents of a naïve young lady, and the goods they bought were a moonstone jewelry set for her. It seemed that the young lady, who still had childish facial traits, was going to get married, so her parents ordered a necklace from Etranger for her to take along when the time came. Bearing a rainbow light over a milky blue color, the cabochon-cut moonstone was combined with white diamonds for the necklace and bracelet. It overflowed with a soulful beauty, almost as if it had borrowed the glow of an aurora from a Scandinavian sky.
Apparently, the moonstone, which was also one of the June birthstones, had been familiarized as a power stone since the distant past, and was renowned especially as a stone that celebrated the well-being and fortune of women. Having the commemorative jewelry delivered to her as a surprise, the young lady had cried until her eyes were bright red, but she recovered by way of a sweet royal milk tea, expressing gratitude to her parents with a sniffling nose. I believed that there were several forms of joy depending on each person, and what I had witnessed today was unmistakably one of them.
Even as we headed to the parking lot where Richard’s jaguar was, the moon followed us from the gaps between the buildings. As I walked while looking up and repeating, “It’s really pretty, so pretty”, Richard seemed exasperated.
“‘The moon is beautiful’, huh. Are college students not familiar with anecdotes of their own country’s literary figures nowadays?”
“Don’t they read that stuff? I’m in the faculty of economics, so there’s lots of people with names written in horizontal characters on our textbooks. Like Marx Weber or Mankiw.”
“What about Futabatei Shimei or Natsume Souseki?”
“I’ll ask you back: have you read them?”
Uwah. As I cried out, the gorgeous jeweler sighed. “Honestly, today’s youths,” he said.
I ended up laughing at him without thinking.
“What is it?”
“You say ‘youths’ but you’re pretty young yourself.”
“I merely disagree with the worldwide trend of thinking that classical literature is an enjoyment for old age. The world, matured by the various interpretations of our ancestors, is deep and wide-ranging, as well as something that envelopes our hearts, just like stones.”
“Feels like the part where stones come up is ‘just as expected of Richard-san’.”
“I will take that as a compliment.”
“I am complimenting you. I have the feeling that I get smarter when we talk.”
“For you to be the kind who is satisfied with just ‘having a feeling’, my existence must be a harmful one.”
“I shall take this to heart... Aah, by the way, in sociology or some other class, I heard that the phrase ‘had a feeling’ has increased too much in pop music. Why is that? I guess it’s because, when they assert, ‘I can be strong!’ instead of, ‘I have the feeling I can be strong, I find myself inwardly wanting to retort with a, ‘Nope, nope, it’s not like that’ and the mood cools off.”
“Unfortunately, I have not studied the trends of modern Japan’s younglings. But if we are to speak of such things, even the power invoked by stones is a matter of ‘having a feeling’.”
“Is it okay for a jeweler to be saying that?”
“We are already out of business hours. Besides, this is not a negative subject in particular.”
Having arrived at the parking lot, Richard glanced at me and folded his arms lightly. He was a beautiful man from the top of his head to the tips of his toenails, like a doll made of moonlight. I was used to looking at his figure, but beautiful things will be beautiful. I could look at him without ever getting tired and it would put me in a good mood, just like the moon.
“W-What? What’s up?”
“I mean that people can become strong just from ‘having a feeling’. The power of belief is namely the force of human beings who seek hope even in a small gleam. Is that not a wonderful thing? On nights like these, when we ‘have the feeling’ that we are being protected by the light of the moon, people are sure to be in some sort of calm mood.” Saying this, as if to copy me or something, Richard looked up at the night sky above the buildings of Ginza and murmured, “The moon is truly beautiful.” He then smoothly got on the jaguar’s driver seat. I followed him on the passenger seat.
Still, this car’s seat base did an exquisite inclination no matter how many times I sat on it. It felt like a chair sticking to your body.
“Well, are you okay with dropping off at Takadanobaba?”
“Thank you. By the way, should I reply with the ‘I could die now’ already?”
Richard’s face at that moment was a spectacle. His mouth and beautiful eyebrows distorted as if to say, “Haah?”. His eyes stared dangerously at me.
“I mean, isn’t that the context? Futabate Shimei and Natsume Souseki, right?”
“I love you”.
Apparently, the literary masters of the Meiji Era had racked their brains about to how to translate a sentence that didn’t originally exist in the Japanese language. This would be a standard drinking party talk. Well, I didn’t know if there was a standard for all kinds of drinking parties, but just recently, during a drinking party we held with a group of men from the Department of Letter’s Faculty of Japanese Literature, we got fired-up over that topic. “Girls like this kind of talk, so you guys from the Faculty of Economics should also keep it in mind every once in a while,” they told us. Futabate Shimei used “I could die now” as a code for “I am yours” and Natsume Souseki used the anecdote “the moon is beautiful, isn’t it” as what was claimed to be a good anecdote for “I love you”. We were thankful for the trivia. That being said, none of the members who attended the drinking party had girlfriends, so I had thought there would be no opportunity to use this trivia, but to my surprise...
Richard, who had been stiff for a moment, exhaled with a loud “haaah” and turned the engine key. The body of the iron machine shuddered.
“That was terrifying.”
“So even you got freaked out! I can say some Japanese-like things too.”
“I will proceed to kick you if you say the same thing again. Be quiet for the time being.” Richard pulled the car out of the parking lot from backward, and as he stepped onto the accelerator and we got out into the street, the car trundled on with us in silence for a while. After we had passed four or five buildings, the beautiful jeweler opened his mouth again, “These words are not meant to be spoken lightly. A sentence taken out of context is like a lonely stone removed from a bracelet. In what kind of situation did people say, ‘The moon is beautiful’ or under what circumstances did they think, ‘I could die now’? What matters is the process until things arrived to that point, and not scraps of words. In the past, during the times when the people of this country were not as filled with imported mentalities as they are now, they probably understood this very well.”
“Hey, why’d you think of reading Natsume Souseki?”
Richard didn’t respond. I’d known for a while now that there were lots of things this guy didn’t want to answer, but his silence at the question was unexpected. Was something up?
Something related to moments when he might feel like saying things such as “the moon is beautiful” or “I could die now”.
It was clearly not a topic that I should pry too much about. Pretending to have found something interesting out the window, I put on a smile with no particular connotation. Leaning my body against the window, I looked up at the sky. “Ah, I can still see the moon.”
“You do not say. Is it beautiful?”
“Yup, but you’re more beautiful.”
Richard’s hand instantaneously glided in a swift motion. He pressed the car stereo switch. What played at an explosively loud volume wasn’t the Finnish rock that I had listened to before. It was a sutra in an ethnic-sounding female voice. That was all I could say. What was this? As I asked in a loud voice what language that song was in, he said it was Bengali. Was it an Indian song then? I couldn’t talk to him unless I shouted in one breath.
Richard’s mouth moved in the form of an “I cannot hear you”. It seemed he wasn’t in the mood for conversation. But he didn’t look angry. The corners of his lips were smiling just slightly. Like he wanted to say that this was so stupid it made him laugh. He appeared a lot more relaxed than when listing up the names of those literary figures, so I became kinda happy.
When I got out of the car, the southern country atmosphere was gone at once. At the roundabout in Takadanobaba, Richard took off with the jaguar as soon as he said goodbye. As the same old habit, for whatever reason, I ended up watching him off until I couldn’t see him anymore.
As I looked up the blue moon was floating in the black sky, unchanged. This was also a matter of “having a feeling”, but this emotion I was feeling today at this moment was a definite form of happiness too.
Honestly, the moon was beautiful tonight.
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tiaragqueen · 5 years
✂ Pairing: Yandere! Shinazugawa Sanemi x Maid! Reader
✂ Word Count: 1,6k+
✂ Trigger Warning: Implied possessive behavior, death, violence, blood, injuries, yandere theme
I like his hairstyle and clothes, and I’d like it even more if he’s given a moment of happiness.
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“If life's standing still and your soul's confused, and you cannot find what road to choose. If you make mistakes, you can't let me down. I will still believe.” - At Your Side [The Corrs]
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The war had long ended, and yet, the toll it left was still felt until today.
Being the daughter of the housekeeper who had been residing at Ubuyashiki estate since her early adulthood, you were already familiar with the existence of demon slayers and their stringent training, including the pillars themselves. Though, your knowledge of the latter was superficial at best. You only learned bits of their backgrounds, motives in joining the Corps – which, to your relief, were all noble unlike some slayers who only entered for the money – and combat styles. Your interaction was limited to some of the friendlier ones, such as Kyōjurō, Shinobu, Kanroji and, to some extent, Uzui.
Of course, you weren’t, by any means, despised the quieter ones. You occasionally had a lighthearted talk with Himejima and once shared a peaceful moment with Tokitō, whose death rattled you greatly for its macabre circumstances.
And yet, for some unknown reason, you ended up with Sanemi instead.
Perhaps, it was the pity that compelled you to work for him. After all, he had lost his remaining brother in the cataclysm of war against Muzan and his subordinates. Indeed, Sanemi might be the least amiable pillar, but he wasn’t a horrible person to be around. As long as you were mindful of his mood and not caused an unnecessary ruckus, Sanemi would treat you civilly.
Besides, he never really lashed out to you, anyway. Even when he was still in the Corps, and you happened to slip before his eyes, he would silently help you whilst muttering something about your clumsiness.
Overall, he was as aloof as he could be around females, and you delighted in that ‘mellow’ side of his.
Peeking through the doorway, you spied Sanemi in his usual spot on the porch and smiled slightly. It was relieving to see him become one with nature instead of wringing every last drop of stamina through incessant training. You slipped out and quietly kneeled beside him, respectful of the appropriate distance to avoid disturbing his restless equilibrium.
“Good afternoon, Shinazugawa-sama. Do you need something?” you asked cordially.
Sanemi merely stared forward as though he refused to acknowledge your presence, but you knew better. After the war, he had grown more sullen and distant to the point of ignoring the people around him, almost echoing Giyū himself. An inexplicable pang pervaded your body at the abject sight, and how it wouldn’t likely to change anytime soon.
It was a good thing you had experiences of housekeeping, otherwise, you might’ve incited his infamous ire with your callowness.
You shifted a little on your spot, dismissing his silence for rejection or dismissal. “Would you like a cup of tea? Or ohagi?” you pressed.
“… What’s your intention?”
Cocking your head, you hummed questioningly.
Sanemi slowly turned his head towards you, pale eyes attempting to discern your true motives.
“People don’t find me nice at all, and yet, you chose to work for me instead,” he explained, squinting slightly. Ah, so he did realize. “Are you pitying me?”
When you offered no response, he scoffed knowingly.
“Don’t be ridiculous. Do you think I can’t take care of myself? Why do you think I chose a small house for me?” he huffed. “I don’t need help from anyone.”
“But you accepted me.” you murmured.
Sanemi snapped his head in your direction. “What the hell was that?!” he growled.
You flinched. “I... I just want you to know that I understand your feelings.”
“You fucking know nothing!”
Cold fear throbbed your heart and rendered you motionless. Sanemi gradually recomposed and withdrew from the abrupt proximity of his face with yours, instead opting to direct his ferocious glare to the fence again.
Looking down to your lap, you slowly exhaled the anxiety.
“My father… He was killed, too. He was on the way to home after chopping some woods when he met a demon in the forest. I was a baby at that time, and we were very poor. It wasn’t until my mother met Ubuyashiki-sama did she finally have a stable job to feed us both.”
The recollection softened your gaze as you traced patterns on the floorboard.
“You’re right, Shinazugawa-sama. I know almost nothing about you aside from the general stuff, and I’ll never know the depth of your feelings. I don’t even know other pillars very well, and we often chat. But the grief, the sadness you’re feeling… I felt it too, and I still do sometimes.”
You took a deep breath and blinked away the tears that leaked through your lashes.
“Regardless of your opinion, Shinazugawa-sama, I’ll continue to support you. I can’t fight, and I don’t know how to wield a sword properly, but I hope my assistance can be of any comfort for you. We don’t even have to converse if that’s what you want. Just treat me like you usually do and I promise I won’t disturb your affairs.”
Sanemi was quiet through your story and retained a similar state when you bowed to him.
“I shall buy some red beans in the market. Please, excuse me.”
The market was animated as always. Children frolicked around while their mothers were preoccupied with bargaining and buying necessities. After fulfilling the task at hand, you decided to replenish your energy by strolling and observing the village. The advantages of working for Sanemi was the relative ease in maintaining the house than Ubuyashiki estate, and Sanemi himself wasn’t at all bothered to find you resting after completing your duty.
Some extra time for yourself was always a blessing, and you were glad to know that you’d picked the right choice.
“Why you look at that; a fair maiden walking alone in the forest.”
You blinked out of your trance and spotted a group of rugged men intercepted the beaten path. Assessing the looming danger, you mentally cursed yourself for getting distracted and warily retreated.
The tallest man, who you presumed to be the leader, hummed mockingly. “Where are you going, dear? The sun’s about to set, you know? The demons will come soon, so why don’t you join us? We’re on the way home.”
“I know that.” you snapped, keeping a cagey eye in case one of them decide to strike first. “And no, thank you for the offer. My master’s waiting for me, so I need to go now.”
A whiff of body odor clogged your nose as he began to advance, deliberately cornering you against a tree. “Aw… Surely they won’t mind me if I borrow you for a sec, right?” he cooed, clasping your chin in his rough fingers.
“… Like hell, I will.”
The neck that moved his revolting face closer to yours suddenly broke. Sanemi landed a few meters from you, his back facing the man who collapsed right before your very eyes. The sword you’d seen him holding and polishing regularly despite not being a slayer anymore trembled with barely restrained passion, the tip glinting under the fading sun.
He raised his head and smirked diabolically. “So, which one of your fuckers wants to move first?” he challenged.
When nobody dared to step forward upon sensing the egregious bloodlust practically radiating from his form, he grinned.
“No one? Well, that’s just too easy.”
His abrupt disappearance sparked dread within everyone’s chests, yours included. Your eyes frantically darted from one tree to another, hoping to catch a glance. Where was he? Was he leaving you? No, no, that was impossible. Why did he even bother to kill their leader if he would just leave you later? Besides, as bad as his attitude could be, Sanemi wasn’t the type to leave things half-assed.
So, where was he–?
A faint breeze hit the man furthest away from you. Your jaw slacked when Sanemi manifested behind him and swiftly sliced his head clean. The next person wasn’t able to react fast enough before Sanemi dropped to one knee and killed him. Granted, he was comparably leaner than the rest of his ‘companions’, but the sight of your master effortlessly slit his abdomen was just… appalling.
How hideous would it be if he were to face demons? You couldn’t even grasp the extent of his raw strength.
Sanemi rose to his feet in a single twirl and stabbed another man on the heart whilst kicking the last one unconscious. The deplorable man crumpled once Sanemi yanked the sword from his chest, and you would’ve joined him too had the tree wasn’t there to support you.
For a split second, you were glad that the leader tried to corner you earlier.
Under the setting sun, Sanemi merely stood among the bodies, chest heaving and sword bloody. You gazed at his back, reluctant to speak yet felt an uncontrollable need to state the obvious.
“You killed them.”
Gripping your kimono, you continued. “Y-you do know that they’re humans, right? Not demons…”
His silence skyrocketed your nerves. Finally, after a minute that dragged on for eternity, he opened his mouth.
“Anyone who hurts us is demons in my eyes.”
You withdrew against the bark as though it would hide you from his vacant yet penetrating look.
“Do you understand? Some humans aren’t all that different than demons. There's no point in pitying them.”
Sanemi sheathed his sword and nonchalantly walked past you, ignoring your stunned silence. “Wipe that pathetic look off of your face and let’s go home,” he demanded.
“B-but what about–?”
“The demons will eat them. Now, hurry up if you don't want to be their next meal.”
With a heavy heart, you averted your gaze from the massacre before you and nodded obediently.
“Yes, Shinazugawa-sama.”
Above, the moon gradually erased any trace of light from the view.
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tobiramainprofile · 6 years
2: Alternate Universe - Part 1/2
Madara doesn't dream anymore.
In truth, he doesn't really sleep. Something about the chakra of the demonic statue, something about the whispers of the zetsu, those things make true rest difficult.
So, when he hears a woman's voice, whispering in his ear, he does not dismiss it as a dream or a hallucination. Instead, in the silence of the depths of the earth, he inclines his head and listens.
(Hello, child.) The words are barely audible, even here.
"I've lived longer than any human on this planet," Madara tells it, crossing his arms over his chest.
(And I have lived longer still,) the voice says, soft and calm. (I have a favor to ask of you, Uchiha Madara.)
"A favor, hm?" Despite himself, Madara is curious. It has been a long time since he spoke to anyone but Zetsu. Still, he remembers how such negotiations go. "What's in it for me?"
(Happiness.) Madara might have expected the woman - or whatever - to anger at his bluntness. Most of the people he'd negotiated with before would have. But her tone is still soft, still calm.
"Happiness cannot be given," Madara folds his arms over his chest. "It can only be taken away."
(It cannot be given by you,) the voice disagrees, still infuriatingly serene, (I am not bound by your rules.)
"Prove it," Madara challenges.
(Very well,) the woman whispers.
Madara's limbs are heavy and warm with sleep. His face is buried, half beneath his own hair, half in warm skin, and his limbs are undeniably wrapped around someone else.
He fights the urge to sink back into sleep, to nuzzle closer and hold tighter. Instead, he lets his shinobi instincts propel him to a sitting position.
The room is simple, but elegant and spacious. It's dark, but Madara thinks he can recognise Hashirama's handiwork on some of the carvings. He'd have to activate his sharingan to know for sure, so instead he turns his attention to his bedmate.
Madara lets out a cry of horror and shock and scrambles backwards, towards the edge of the bed.
From the other side of the bed, Senju Tobirama blinks bleary red eyes at him.
Madara draws in breath - whether to calm himself or to scream again, he's not sure.
"Come back to bed," Tobirama grumbles, voice scratchy and slurred with sleep. "Whatever it is can wait."
Madara lets out a thunderous shriek. Tobirama, irritatingly, rolls over and pulls a pillow over his head. As though he's used to this sort of thing.
It is, frankly-
"An insult to me- no, to my entire clan. How dare you presume I would lower myself to sleeping with Izuna's killer-!"
(In that reality,) the voice says, sounding distinctly amused, (he is not.)
Madara gapes at empty air. "You - Izuna is alive?"
(In that reality,) the voice murmurs, (yes.)
"Send me back!" Madara demands, "I need to-"
(As you wish,) the voice says.
Madara is standing in the kitchen, halfway through the motions of making breakfast. There's enough food for two, and he squints at it, but lets his hands continue the work.
There's no reason to be a churlish lover, after all. If he stays here, he can simply not invite the Senju back to his bed.
Tobirama snags a cup of tea, poking his head around the corner of the kitchen. He doesn't move for the food, at least not until Madara gives him a pointed look. He doesn't cook often, Tobirama ought to appreciate it.
The other man certainly has no aversion to the quality of the food - he eats like he's been starved, practically shoveling the food into his mouth. It's good for Madara's ego, after a lifetime of Izuna refusing to let go of the one time he burned boiling water.
He goes to refill the other's plate, when Tobirama mentions, in a tone of nonchalance so perfect it must be deliberate, "I happened to recall, Izuna was supposed to return from his mission yesterday. Perhaps you ought to check the hospital for him."
"The hospital?" Madara shrieks, whipping around to glare at the other man.
"Well, he hasn't returned home yet," Tobirama points out, bringing his plate back to the kitchen. "I must be going, there is work to be done."
Madara eyes him with suspicion as he edges his way out of the house, but Izuna is a more pressing concern.
That rat bastard," Izuna seethes, when Madara bursts into his hospital room. "He sold me out! He-"
"You mean Tobirama?" Madara leaves off of tucking Izuna more firmly into his bed to give his brother an incredulous look.
"He's the one who told you I was here." Izuna makes a face, then glares out the window as though planning eternal revenge. Madara approves. "He said he'd keep it quiet for a few days so you wouldn't - ooh, I get it, you were fussing."
"I do not fuss," Madara growls, moving one of Izuna's pillows to better support his back.
Izuna snorts. "I'm not going to dignify that with an answer. What was it? Were you trying to feed him again?"
Madara folds his arms over his chest. "He likes my food!"
"He's a living trash compactor, brother!" Izuna waves an arm wildly, then winces and puts it down. "One time I put Uncle Takeru's special chili sauce on his takeout and he ate the entire thing! No hesitation!"
Madara gapes at him, but pins his arm to the bed so he won't flail anymore.
"He said he noticed it was spicy, but he didn't want to get up and get something else."
Madara shudders. The sensation of blowing out a katon is less spicy than Takeru's chili sauce. "Well," he grumbles, "Clearly someone must teach him about food."
Izuna rolls his eyes, a deplorable habit he's had since he was eleven, and slumps back to the pillows. "You're disgusting. Stop being sappy."
The implication being, then, that he's aware Madara and Tobirama are sleeping together. And that he thinks Madara is attached.
He isn't, of course. He can’t imagine that even in this world, where happiness is supposedly possible, that he would be fool enough to attach himself to a Senju.
“Oi, Madara,” Izuna interrupts him, “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” Madara snaps his attention back to his little brother, where it belongs. “You’re the one who got stabbed!”
“You just looked lost for a minute there,” Izuna grumbles, sinking back on his pillows and watching Madara with his too-sharp eyes.
(I think it is time I told you my favor.) The whisper sounds, almost deafening in the sudden silence.
Madara crosses his arms. “Very well,” he says, thinking of Izuna in his hospital bed. Deliberately not thinking of Tobirama, exasperated and fond. “Tell me your conditions.”
(Zetsu offers one path to peace,) the voice sounds calm as ever, but there is an edge to it that Madara can’t understand. (I offer another. In order for my peace to become a reality, he must die.)
“That doesn’t make any sense.” Madara squints balefully at empty air. “Zetsu is my will. Are you asking me to kill myself?”
(No, I am asking you to kill Zetsu.)
“As expected from a being that thinks I would be happiest with Senju Tobirama,” Madara growls, “You make no sense. There is no path to peace without the infinite tsukiyomi. I cannot kill Zetsu.”
(Do you truly hate Senju Tobirama?)
Madara blinks, momentarily stunned into silence. That is what the other chooses to question?
“What does it matter if I hate him?” he asks, glancing up at the ceiling of the cave. “Our clans are destined to be at war. Even if you’ve revived Izuna, it’s only a matter of time before one of us kills someone precious to the other. I cannot afford to like him.”
(Your clans are destined for nothing.)
“They are destined for war,” Madara corrects.
“Yes.” Madara disagrees, folding his hands over his chest.
(You are extremely frustrating.)
Madara is standing in the middle of Konoha’s main street, shinobi and civilians weaving around him. They don’t give him as wide a berth as they used to, but Madara is not a comforting person. If he stays here, that will change.
Without his permission, his feet have begun to move in the direction of the Uchiha district. He lets them carry him to the shrine, to kneel in front of the stone tablet. He doesn’t attempt to read it, just sits, his eyes shut.
It feels like it’s been only seconds before another chakra signature approaches. Madara does not move as Tobirama enters the shrine, as he pads over to kneel by his side. He does not open his eyes, not until Tobirama speaks.
“You’ve been troubled, lately.”
Madara doesn’t move.
“And,” Tobirama says, seemingly unbothered by his silence, “You never ask for help.”
“I ask for help,” Madara says, stung. Thinking of years pleading with Hashirama to see the truth. “You just don’t listen.”
The Senju snakes an arm around his shoulders and presses his forehead briefly into his back. “I’m listening now. What’s wrong?”
Despite himself, Madara doesn’t push him away. Instead, he opens his eyes, and leans a little into the other man’s touch.
“Imagine,” he finds himself saying, eyes fixed on the tablet, “there is a giant wheel, turning. With every rotation it brings greater misfortune. I’m trying to figure out how to remove my clan from its path.”
“Why not stop it?” Tobirama’s voice is reasonable, calm.
“That’s not possible.”
“No?” Tobirama still sounds even, though his fingers are tight around Madara’s shoulder. “You haven’t stuck a stick in the spokes? Tried to break the rim? Even tried to divert it from its path?”
“It’s been tried,” Madara informs him, “It has not resulted in any progress.”
“Then perhaps you ought to kill the person that’s maintaining the wheel.”
“What?” Madara twists in Tobirama’s grip, gaping at the other man’s face.
“It’s simple logic, Uchiha,” Tobirama says, sounding unhealthily smug. “Nothing continues forever, much less when someone is trying to stop it. Wheels halt at the bottom of the hill, wildfires burn themselves out, rivers meet the sea. If your wheel has turned this long, someone must be spinning it.”
“Or we’re not at the bottom of the hill yet,” Madara grumbles, but his mind is turning. What does it mean if the conflict between the Uchiha and the Senju was made and maintained? Who or what could do such a thing for so long?
When he looks at the stone, he sees two long, thick scratches through the words about the Infinite Tsukiyomi.
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ask-the-phan-site · 5 years
The Businessman Box Bot of Lust
>It’s time.
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Let’s box us a boss.
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All set and ready to go.
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Those robots will never see it coming.
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OK, Joker, Let’s Be Heroes! ... Sort of.
>Mona becomes our van and we drive off to take Lord Boxman’s heart.
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>Boxmore after dark. Lord Boxman sat at his disk alone, looking at the calling card we went him. His partner, Professor Venomous, and his minion, Fink, were out for the night. Then, two of his ‘children’, Darrell and Shannon, come in.
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You’re still reading that, Daddy? You know it’s just a plaza prank.
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And if it turns out it’s not?
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Well look on the bright side, you’ll being going on a nice long vacation in a room made of comfy pillows.
Lord Boxman: (not amused) You mean a padded cell in the loony bin?
Shannon: Now I wouldn’t call it that... Would I?
???????: Subtle as always, Shannon.
Shannon: (angry) Well no one asked you, Fart Butt!
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Now, now, can’t a son be worried for his father?
Darrell: Whatever.
Lord Boxman: (angrier than Shannon) Enough! All of you, just leave me!
>Not wanting to see their father anymore upset, the three robots leave... Big mistake, Boxman.
?????: Should have just let them stay.
Lord Boxman: !
>A red wave passes over him. When it’s over, Boxman’s office now looked more like the office that was seen in the 1996 film, Space Jam. Lord Boxman’s image also changes.
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So you’ve earned the tickets and made it here, Phantom Thieves. Welcome to my little hide away.
>The lights turned on to show us standing there.
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Believe us, it wasn’t easy. But we’re here now.
Shadow Boxman: I see... Too bad it’ll be in vain!
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And what makes you think that? We’ve pretty much took care of all of your robots.
Shadow Boxman: I’m never out. I make more of my children everyday. As long as that deplorable plaza stands, I will never quit.
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But why? Why do you despise Lakewood Plaza Turbo so much?
Shadow Boxman: Why not? I am a villain. And it’s just good business. As long as that plaza is around, my company won’t be able to flourish for villains everywhere because those dumb heroes have a place where they can get their supplies.
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So you’re just trying to keep your company afloat. Even if it means sending your ‘children’ to their deaths.
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I feel for them. I know the pain of being used by a parent just to obtain their goals.
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You are just a disrespectful parent. It’s no wonder you lost your company the first time.
>Hearing this, Boxman’s Shadow became agitated.
Shadow Boxman: Disrespectful!? For that, I will show you just how disrespectful I can be!
>With that, Shadow Boxman changes shape.
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Oracle: Persona!
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>Necronomicon scans the Shadow.
Oracle: I got it! He’s weak to Ice. Inari, good luck.
Fox: I will do what I can. Persona!
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>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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Noir: I’ll be fighting as well.
Mona: And I’ll provide the healing.
Noir and Mona: Persona!
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>Ara Mitama uses Summon and another enemy appears.
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Joker: Oracle?
Oracle: I’m not sensing any weaknesses. And Boxman Jr. is resistant to Psychical and Gun attacks. But, it looks like he’s most effected by certain ailments, Psychokinesis, and Curse Skills.
Joker: I’m not using Arsene right now. But Sui-Ki can Engrage him and Goemon can Confuse.
Noir: And I have plenty of Psychokinesis.
Joker: Right. Let’s go!
>Goemon uses Masukukaja. I use a Kongou Ofuda. Milady uses Makarakarn on Noir. Mona uses a Rasetsu Ofuda. Ara Mitama uses Marakunda. Boxman Jr. uses Dekaja. Goemon uses Mabufula. Ara Mitama is knocked down and Boxman Jr. is Frozen. Goemon uses Rising Slash on Boxman Jr. He was shattered. Sui-Ki uses Bufula on Boxman Jr. Milady does the same with Psio. Zorro uses Miracle Punch. It didn’t knock Boxman Jr. down and his resisted. Ara Mitama gets back up and uses Rebellion on Boxman Jr. Boxman Jr. uses Hysterical Slap on Mona. He didn’t get enraged, but it was a critical hit. Boxman Jr. then uses Lucky Punch on Fox. Luckily, he dodged it. Goemon uses Mabufula. Ara Mitama is knocked down. Goemon uses Tempest Slash on Boxman Jr. He resisted again.
Oracle: Super move! Ultra Charge!
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>Necronomicon uses Charge and Concentrate on us. Sui-Ki uses Wage War. Boxman Jr. is infected with Rage. Milady uses Psio on Boxman Jr. It was a technical hit. Mona gets back up and Zorro uses Miracle Punch. It successfully knocked him down.
Mona: Quiver in fear!
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>After the attack, Ara Mitama and Boxman Jr. were still up. Ara Mitama uses Miracle Punch on me. I’m knocked down. Ara Mitama uses Taunt on Noir. She is Enraged. Boxman Jr. uses Hysterical Slap on Fox. He too is Engraged and was especially strong because of the Rage. Fox angrily attacks Boxman Jr. He resists. I get back up and I use Relax Gel on Fox. Noir, still effected by Rage, attacks Ara Mitama. He resists it. Zorro uses Mediarama. Ara Mitama uses Freila on Noir. Luckily, she dodged it despite being Enraged. Boxman Jr. recovers from the Rage and uses Triple Down. Fox uses Harisen Recovery on Noir. Then, Goemon uses Mabufudyne. Both enemies dodge it.
Joker: This isn’t working. Looks like I’m going to have to change things.
>I change Personas.
Joker: Persona!
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>Arsene uses Eigaon on Boxman Jr. He seemed to have gotten much weaker.
Oracle: Great work, Joker. But just in case, I’ve got something planned.
Joker: I know. We’ll try to buy you some time.
>Milady uses Tetrakarn on Mona. Zorro uses Garula on Boxman Jr. Ara Mitama uses Freila on Noir again. Luckily, the Makarakarn protected her and the Freila is sent back. Boxman Jr. uses Charge. Goemon uses Masukukaja. I change Personas back to Sui-Ki and Sui-Ki uses Wage War. Both enemies are Enraged. Milady uses Mapsiodyne. It was a technical hit on both. Zorro uses Miracle Punch on Ara Mitama. It was a critical hit. Mona passes the baton to me and I use Down Shot on Boxman Jr.
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Oracle: You know... You could have done that earlier.
Joker: Just saving my bullets.
Mona: Either way, time for some bloodshed!
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>After the attack, Ara Mitama and Boxmore Jr. were still up.
Joker: Oracle?
Oracle: Just a little more. I’m almost done.
>Ara Mitama uses Taunt on me. Luckily, it failed. Boxmore Jr. uses God’s Hand on Mona. He dodged it as well. Goemon uses Bufudyne on Ara Mitama. He is knocked down again. Fox passes the baton to me again and I use Down Shot again on Boxman Jr.
Fox: Everyone, with me!
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>After the attack, Ara Mitama was defeated, but Boxman Jr. was still up.
Fox: That small robot is surprisingly tough.
Oracle: Not for long! Now to finish it off!
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>With that, the battle was over. Boxman Jr. was gone and the Shadow resumes his human form as a light comes out of him.
Mona: Treasure spotted!
>I take the Treasure.
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Whoa! Your Attack the Plaza Button.
Shadow Boxman: Obviously, that one won’t work. It’s not even connected to the mainframe.
Panther: I think that would be fine. But for the real one, there’s something we’d like to ask you.
Shadow Boxman: W- What is it?
Queen: If you don’t want us after you again, do this...
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Don’t attack the plaza... At least for a little while.
Shadow Boxman: Stop attacking the plaza? That’s what Cosma said. Very well, if I could do it then, I can do it now.
Mona: You better, or else.
>With that, the Shadow returns to his true self and we leave as well.
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>The Fitness Dojo in Lakewood Plaza Turbo. For some unknown reason, Dendy’s friends found out about what we were doing. (Some old fox guy saw us and told Mr. Gar.) But they have decided to let us keeping working on Raymond. Diego went to check on Boxmore in cat form. We all waited at this place because Mr. Gar and the owner of the dojo, Carol, said it would be much easier to work on Raymond in someplace more open instead of someplace cramp like our van... And it has better WiFi.
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I’m so glad you’re actually accepting of this, K.O.
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Dendy, you’re my best friend. You know I would support any project you would do.
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Let’s just hope you know what you’re doing.
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I can already tell that Dendy’s a great hacker. Even more than me.
K.O.: You bet she is.
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Guess we’ll know soon enough, kiddo.
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Just try not to screw up.
Oracle: Relax, I’m helping here that will get the job done twice as fast.
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But just in case. (taking out a walkie talkie) Mona, this is Joker. Has the Viper slithered in yet?
>Meanwhile, in a bush outside of Boxmore.
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I read you, Joker. The Viper still hasn’t arrived back yet.
>Back at the dojo.
Joker: Good. As soon as Professor Venomous returns and sees that Boxman hasn’t attacked the plaza yet, he’ll know we succeeded and will try to snap him back to normal...
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Which will work.
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Then we haven’t got a moment to lose.
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So, you guys are the Phantom Thieves, huh?
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I hope we haven’t offended you by coming here. This is a shopping center for heroes and we’re thieves.
Mr. Gar: True, being thieves, that automatically makes you villains... However, since you only target criminals, that makes you more like anti-heroes.
K.O.: It’s true. Take a look.
>K.O. shows me a card.
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K.O.: Cards with positive numbers are heroes. Negative numbers are villains. As for question mark, those are anti-heroes. It basically means... You’re a little bit of both.
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That actually sounds true. Thanks, K.O.
K.O.: (bashful) Aw, shucks.
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Hey, we’re almost done.
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That’s great. How soon?
Dendy: Just a little more and... Done!
Mona’s voice: And just in time, too. The Viper has slithered in. I repeat, the Viper has slithered in.
>At Boxmore, Mona quickly leaves.
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What was... Oh, it was just a cat... Can I blast it.
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Maybe later. Right now, I better see how this change of heart effected him.
>Mona quickly made it back to the dojo and resumed his Diego form.
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Alright, looks like we were successful.
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That’s great. Futaba chan said Raymond should be reactivating right about... Now.
>As if he were a computer starting up, Raymond awakens.
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Did... Did it work?
Dendy: Yup! Congratulations, Raymond, you are now a free robot.
Raymond: (happy) Fabulous~!
Dendy: Not exactly.
Raymond: What do you mean?
Dendy: I’m sorry, Raymond, but being able to turn a robot into flesh and blood is still beyond even my capabilities. But I am not giving up.
Raymond: (a bit disappointed) I see.
Royal: It’s alright. I’m sure you will have your dream come true soon. But until then, we have a gift for you to commemorate your new dependent life.
>We give Raymond a package.
Joker: A friend of ours sent it. He said you’re going to need it more than him.
>He opens the package.
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That’s Ryuji’s ID Mask.
Joker: Yes...
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But now, it’s Raymond’s.
>Raymond looks at the mask in his hands.
Joker: Well go on. Try it on.
Raymond: Will I be able to put it on with my nose?
Enid: I think you’ll be fine.
>With new confidence, Raymond puts the mask on.
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Oh my!
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Oh shit!
>We bring in a full length mirror to show Raymond his new form.
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I... I look gorgeous!
Joker: There was another human setting for you, but something tells me you might not like it.
Raymond: How so?
>I show him the picture on my phone...
Raymond: ... This currant form it is.
Rad: Totally.
Joker: I’m sorry this is the closest you’ll get to be human.
Raymond: Not to worry. I can be very patient... I’m still a robot after all.
Dendy: That is good to hear.
K.O.: And while you’re waiting, why not come work with us at the bodega? We could use more help what with mine, Rad, and Enid’s secret missions.
Raymond: Thank you, K.O., but I need to know where I stand in life before I can decide to do something like that. I need to find myself.
Carol: We understand. You go on your quest and I know you’ll find the answers you’re looking for.
Raymond: ... Thank you all.
Joker: Although...
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I hear Griffin Rock, Maine is a good place to start. You might even meet a friend with a similar journey.
>Raymond smiles and nods.
>Suddenly, an alarm goes off.
Diego: Guess that means Venomous brought Boxman back to his senses.
>We quickly run outside to the commotion. A Boxmore box falls from the sky and opens.
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Greetings, bodega boneheads~! Just call me “Phantom Raymond”.
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And “Phantom Shannon”!
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Now I just find this offensive.
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Same here.
Phantom Raymond?: You! The one who referred to me as normal. What are you...
>Phantom Raymond then notices our Raymond.
Phantom Raymond: (disgusted) I see. That’s why they went after father. Very well. Sorry, but I have no need for a weak human version of moi.
>Phantom Raymond takes out a laser sword like the one Crow uses.
Raymond: Problem here. After my connection to the Boxmore mainframe was removed, all my weapons are now useless.
Crow: Here, you can borrow one of mine.
>Crow lends one of his own laser swords to Raymond.
Crow: I have to warn you, though, in reality, it’s pretty much just a toy.
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Thank Cob for Gar’s Bodega. I made some modifications.
Raymond: Thank you.
Phantom Raymond: You dare go against me?
Raymond: Yes. Right now, I have one last obstacle to face... Myself.
K.O.: I agree. Let’s do this, you guys!
Rad and Enid: Right!
>With that, the Bodega Trio and Raymond go to fight the robots. I’d say we did a fantastic job for this heist.
>Another successful heist.
DISCLAIMER: Pow Card Base used for Joker card was made by 15sok. Human Raymond art were made by Parker Simmons. Phantom Raymond and Phantom Shannon were made by what’s your damage?.
0 notes
adiabolikpastelrp · 7 years
You Get It
This is a role play between @triplets-of-terror and myself. It features her OC Isabella (daughter of Ayato and Yuko) and my OC Kanaye (son of Kanato and Yuuki).
Status: Complete
Word Count: 9,148
Warning: that this may contain content that may be unsuitable for some readers such as mature themes, strong language, adult situations, and sexual content
Quick note - This is set after Kanaye’s relationship with Izumi has ended & Isabella’s relationship has ended with Kai
Kanaye never thought that having friend would be like this. It was nice to have someone to spend time with, take your mind off of things you didn’t want to think about. Spencer was good at that. His friend knew about the break up Kanaye just went though, but he wasn’t one to push an issue.
They had just spent the day listening to music, Spencer was dead set on getting Kanaye to enjoy some of this ‘rock’ music the humans made. It was fine, however, Kanaye heavily preferred the genre ‘jazz’ but if Spencer enjoyed it, he could try.
As he left Spencer’s room to head back home, he happened to hear a soft whimpering. It came from a part of the house he’d never been to. Was someone crying? Curiosity got the better of him, so he followed the sounds until he came to a room with the door slightly ajar. Who’s room was this? Kanaye peeked inside to see Spencer’s sister… Isa… bella? Was that her name? He couldn’t really remember.
She felt utterly useless sobbing to herself, she felt even worse for pushing away her brothers. They wanted to help and she appreciated it, though she was more the type to heal on her own… or at least with someone who understood her. Though what she had instead was her pillow, which was floe to tearing as she hugged it tightly. Though her whimpers stopped as she felt the presence of another near her room.
She took a moment to compose herself and figure out who it was. The smell was familiar, it belonged to one of her brother’s friends. He came here often though she never talked to him much. Though a moment was all it took for her to appear in front goner door. She swung it open as she looked down. She knew that he had heard her, though more for herself, she didn’t want him to her in such a vulnerable position.
“You’ve been here before, I know you know where the front door is… or do you enjoy creeping on girls?”
Her tone much cruder that she intended it to be, almost to the point where she wanted to apologize plus, he had never done anything to her in the past. Though it was the only way she knew that would get rid of anyone quickly. She wanted nothing more than to be alone.
Kanaye tensed as the female appeared in front of him. How rude. She was the one crying, why did that make him a creepy for taking notice.
“Apologies, I suppose.”
He answers rather awkwardly. Why did he even come over here. It’s not like he knew the girl. As Kanaye backed away a bit, he caught the scent of that insufferable Mukami boy. He couldn’t help but crinkle his nose and let out a scoff.
“Are you entertaining? I can smell that… boy all over.”
That was kind of rude to ask, and to assume. He vaguely remembered Spencer telling him that his sister was dating that Kai Mukami. Though he detested him, so it wasn’t something he cared to take note of.
Rising her head slowly, she looked fiercely into his eyes. Her sapphire eyes were stained red with tears and frustration at his words. She may have been upset, though she knew about him as well. From the short time Isabella knew Izumi, they had become somewhat of close friends. The young girl would always mention her partner, Kanato’s eldest son Kanaye. Izumi had left with her family recently just as Kai did, it would make sense if he felt what she was feeling. He clearly was able Spencer about it and it seemed to make him feel better, though she also knew that her brother could only do so much to help him. Her eyes softened as she spoke.
“Entertaining…? No, not anymore. He l-left… same as Izumi. I can smell her on you too… uhm, h-… how’re you d-doing?”
She asked awkwardly, sniffling and wiping her eyes during the sentence. Though they had seen each other in passing in few times they never talked much until now, she didn’t expect him to answer her honestly. If they were feeling the same thing however, she knew that he needed all the support he could get. If anything, maybe they could express their feelings and go back to the way it was.
“I mean… we don’t know each other that well and I know you talk to Spencer, but I figured maybe it couldn’t hurt to talk to another person.”
Kanaye stopped, taking in the sight before him. This was Kai’s ex-lover. Kai Mukami left with his family. How terrible of him to even bring that up.
“I… forgive me. His scent through me off. I had forgotten that his family… I am sorry for assuming.”
He bowed his head slightly. Out of anyone, he knew how she must be feeling. Izumi… well she was gone. No matter the circumstances, they had something in common. He looked back the way he came to see if Spencer had come out of his room, or Isaiah.
“Sure. It may be nice to… let some things out.”
He offered her a smile and looked around once more. The last time he entered a young woman’s room was with Izumi. He’d rather not be in that position with Isabella.
“You want to get out of here? I was headed home, but I wouldn’t mind just taking a walk.”
Taking a deep breath, she nodded slowly. Hopefully they would be able to talk on deeper level than him and Spencer or she would with either of her brothers. If anything then maybe the fresh air would help her.
“I’d like that, thank you… and there’s no need to apologize. I know you and Kai didn’t have a good relationship, I should apologize for snapping at you earlier. I haven’t been… in the best of moods lately.”
Wiping her eyes one last time, she closed her bedroom door and sighed lightly. Should she tell her brothers she was leaving? Probably not, even though they both knew Kanaye they most likely would still want too come along.
“The streets are pretty quiet around this time of night, it should be peaceful… hopefully.”
She said quietly, walking past him and down the stairs. Taking her phone she gave a quick text to her parents. They were at work though she had no idea how long the walk would be, she didn’t want them worrying. Telling them she was going out with a friend would probably make them happy knowing she was trying to socialize, she knew they wouldn’t be upset about it.
This was a bit more awkward than he had imagined it would be. Well, considering the two of them rarely spoke before, how much could he actually hope for. They managed to leave Isabella’s house without either of the boys noticing, and agreed to take a scenic route towards town.
“… So… how long ua… hmm”
Perhaps that wasn’t a good question. With how long he was friends with Spencer, he should be able to answer how long the two of them were together. Why would she even want to answers that.
“N… Never mind. I’m not sure how to… start this. Or what to say. Or even how they two of you… I mean I know they moved but… would the distance not work?”
Wrapping her arms around her body in a self hug, she gave out a weak giggle. The way Spencer described Kanaye, she would expect him to be more confident in the way he spoke. Though under the circumstances, she couldn’t blame him for speaking the way he was.
“Kai was the type to know what was best for you, without even talking to you or asking you about it. He thought long distance would be a terrible idea, that it would just depress me being away from him when we’re still together. So he ended it, thinking it would help me get over it.”
A small sigh escaped past her lips and she looked her feet moving along the sidewalk. Perhaps it would help, she had no idea. Though it was too early to tell. However she was more concerned about what she would say to the male beside her, he was trying be considerate though that wasn’t something she was very good at.  
“I don’t know too much about Izumi leaving, but could it have not worked between the two of you?”
Kanaye tsked slightly, so he and the Mukami were more a like than he thought. It was annoying to imagine. Leaving to spare her feelings, Kai Mukami was less deplorable than he thought.
“To my dismay, Kai Mukami and myself are alike in this.”
He sighs slightly and looks upward to the sky. His reasons were similar but also, pretty different.
“Where to even begin I wonder… Well similar to you and I, Izumi is my cousin. There was no guarantee that our families would approve of our relationship. Not to mention… I do not wish to be like our grandfather. I will not have Izumi’s reputation tarnished because of my choices. She is… the perfect lady.”
He smiles and looks down at her. He rolls his sleeve up to reveal the only markings on his body. On his left under arm he had the constellation of Leo. He runs his fingers along the ink.
“We were not together long… I didn’t see her as much as I wanted. Living in the Demon World, my responsibilities, school work… I can understand why Kai Mukami would not want to put you through something so heart breaking.”
A weak smile speed across the ginger’s face. If Kai’s goal was to spare her of heartbreak, he had sadly failed. Though this was no where near his fault.
“It’s a beautiful way to remember her…”
Speaking quietly, she marveled at the ink on his skin. She remembered Spencer mentioning something about Oliver being an artists that specializes in these kinds of things, perhaps when she came of age she could get one as well.
“I’m sorry it couldn’t work out, I always did admire your relationship with her… it was heartwarming…”
She thought aloud. She didn’t know Kanaye too well, though Spencer described him as a man who thought nothing of women. For him to be so enamored with Izumi… she was proud to say the least. If anything, she could be happy that he changed for the better.
Kanaye feels his face heat up at her compliment. Quickly he lowers his sleeve and coughs slightly. How foolish, getting flustered over something so simple as a compliment. Yet still, his heart seemed to warm knowing someone else saw them that way.
“Yes well… it was not my intentions to harm her. I am positive Kai Mukami did not wish this to hurt you.”
They walk a bit more before coming to a more populated area. There seemed to be some kind of musical event letting out. Kanaye could only assume since most the human were intoxicated and babbling in what they thought was song.
Without thinking, Kanaye draped his arm over the shorter female’s shoulder, and pulled her to him. There was no desire for trouble from the humans, so he held Isabella close as they walked past the crowd of humans.
Closing her eyes slowly, she tried her best to block out any noises or smells from the humans. Kanaye would help a lot with that, but she’s lost count of the number of humans who have approached her, uncaring if she was with someone or not.
“Thank you… Kanaye-san…”
She wasn’t really sure how to address him, she hoped referring to him as that would be fine. Perhaps they would get closer, she wasn’t too close with any of her other cousins even though she spent a lot of time with them. Though maybe that was just her.
“I have a question… other than my brothers, do you like any of our relatives?”
Opening her eyes, she rested her head upon his arm, playing along to make a more convincing display.
Kanaye smirked a bit, well there was one other cousin whom he more than liked. Though that ‘joke’ was a bit to obvious. Thinking for a moment, he honestly could not think of anyone else.
“Growing up in the Demon World, my siblings and myself were not informed we had cousins. I found Spencer by chance, and ever since have been… very grateful for his companionship.”
He felt his face heat up just slightly at that comment. It was not a lie, if not for Spencer, who knew just want kind of person he would be now. If he would have been a kind enough person to even have Izumi fall in love with him. Even now, trying to move forward, he owed all of that to Spencer.
“… what about you? Not to sound rude but, do you not have any female friends to assist you? Not that I mind being here with you, ah… that all sounds very bad, forgive me.”
He sighs slightly, comforting someone was a lot harder than he thought.
Her shoulders trembled with a small giggle. The ginger wondered briefly if Izumi ever teased him about his flustered comments, she wouldn’t put it past her.
“There’s no need to tiptoe around everything… I understand that this kind of thing isn’t really on your skill list. I know you’ll make mistakes but I can help you correct them if you’d like.”
Being in the demon world with just his immediate family and little to no contact to the rest of his family, she suspected that Kanaye wouldn’t be a ‘feelings’ person. She wasn’t either to be honest though if she was able to, she would help.
“But to answer your question, no I don’t… other than my Mom I don’t interact with a lot of females. My cousins annoy and the females at school are so much worse… besides my brothers and parents are more than enough for me…”
Thinking for a moment she suddenly added.
“And now, you, of course…”
A nervous laugh escaped pasted her lips, maybe she was much worse at this than she had initially thought. Though maybe that was a weird thing to add on? Was it too early?
Kanaye tensed a bit at her final comment. Did she see really see him as someone to value or simply went with the flow of the conversation. He couldn’t help but let out a nervous laugh.
“Ah… haha… Yes well… I can agree with you on the relatives and classmates. I do not know any other female cousins other than you and Izumi, however, those Mukami women test my patients.”
Kanaye says, choosing to try and over look the awkwardness of her final comment. It was clear that she also felt it was a bit strange to say. Not to mention with how close the two of them were at the moment.
“… What is it like going to school here? Do you attend night classes with other humans, or do you go during the day?”
There now that was a good idea. It was quite difficult to comfort a person he knew so little about really. So why not get to know her a little more, perhaps then he could be more helpful.
A small, quiet groan of regret escaped past her lips as she mentally cursed herself out. That was stupid to say, though at the time she thought it would make him feel better about this whole thing.
“I go to school in the demon world… I can’t possibly imagine going to school with these humans… just the thought of having to deal and smell then almost each and every day…”
Her body shivered slightly at the thought. Unlike her brothers, she wasn’t so nice to people her age. Especially humans, she disliked all her relatives, at least the ones she’s met before Kanaye. The Mukamis especially, so there was something they could agree on.
“Though I think you’re right… I dislike humans, especially the Mukamis… ugh.”
The thought of Juliet passed through her mind, she almost gagged in disgust.
Kanaye laughed softly at her reaction. Just where had this girl been? Different from Izumi, she was very pleasant to be around. It must be that Kai Mukami, perhaps just being around him automatically made Kanaye over look her.
“Haha… do you now? Perhaps we could meet up after classes some time. My siblings and I attend a private academy. I have never seen you around, nor been asked if I am related to anyone. Where do you attend?”
The thought of spending time with Isabella in his natural domain sounded worlds better than being here. Though just how was it he was not informed that she was there? Perhaps his father did not see the point. Now that he thought of it, he did have to find out about having cousins on his own.
“If you could bare to be seen with me that is. I do have a bit of a reputation… some girls may not take too kindly me being seen with yet another woman.”
Something that happened to Izumi once, that he regretted immensely. It wasn’t that Isabella and he were dating, but his… lady friends, could feel pretty neglect if he did not visit them.
Slowly but surely, Isabella was easing up. Her tense shoulders calmed down, her whole body in fact was much more calm. Her voice now was now the same she used when talking to her immediate family, subtle and sweet.
“A private school? Ah, that’s probably why we don’t see each other. My brothers and I didn’t want to got to a private school, so my Dad settled on us going to some snobby rich kid academy… not that it’s any better.”
A small sigh escaped past her lips as she took a deep breath of fresh air. hey were moving away from the crowded human area, her nostrils now feeling less assaulted.
“Though I wouldn’t mind spending more time with you… I can deal with fangirls, I had to when I was with Kai.”
The only unpleasant memories she had when she was with Kai, the girls who would tease and try to bully her because she had ‘stole Kai from them’. Unfortunately for them, they were met with the same treatment. Only ten times worse.
Kanaye blushed a bit due to the new tone in her voice. Typically Isabella was quite… boyish? Just in her way of speech, it seemed very harsh and abrasive. That brought a thought into his mind.
“Why did you agree to go out with someone like him?”
It slipped out before he could word it better, but he honestly was curious. Kanaye looked down at the smaller vampire, a serious look on his face.
“From what I know of him, and you, I do not see the compatibility. Kai Mukami is… quite aggravating. Not to mention a flirt. Wouldn’t that bother you? Deter you from perusing him?”
A light giggled erupted from her. He was very straight forward, it was something she actually admired about people. She hated the way some would dance around the truth or their curiosity, it was quite annoying.
“Yeah, he was all those things and it almost did make me give up on him… though seeing his interactions with his sister… I saw the person he could be. A person who could make a great friend or significant other.”
True, Kai wasn’t exactly one whom many who think of as ‘a real relationship’ type of person, but at that point in time, she needed someone who was new in her life that she could lean on. At first she admitted that she never really intended what they had to be romantic, but she was glad it need up that way.
“What about you and Izumi? If you don’t mind me asking… you two seemed quite different, at least, from an outsider’s point of view.”
Kanaye couldn’t help but laugh a little at her answer. It was true. Kai Muakami was many things, but, he treated his sister quite different. If he was honest with himself, he couldn’t really hate all of the blonde male. That dreadful nickname though was one thing he could not forgive.
“… Perhaps we were too different in the end.”
Kanaye says softly thinking on her question. What was it about him that made Izumi say yes. He still had no clue.
“I knew from the moment our eyes met. That bright sunny day in Paris… Even now I couldn’t tell you what it was. It was just… something. I had never known such a feeling before seeing her.”
To this day Kanaye still did not understand the depths of his affections for his cousin. Nor did he understand her’s for him. There was a chance that it had all been one sided, but, something in the way Izumi looked back at him told another story. She seemed to be in the same boat. There was no reason, it just was.
A small, warm smile appeared on Isabella’s face. A rosy color staining her cheeks as she listened carefully to his poetic words. She found it heartwarming that tree were men like Kanaye in the world, men who could speak about a girl as if she meant the world to them. A soft hum of endearment emitted from the female.
“It makes me happy to to know that you found someone who could make you feel that way… I always find it incredibly heartwarming when theres a relationship like this in the world…”
True she came off as cold to some, though honestly speaking, Isabella was just girl who found love to be one of the most precious things in the world. Even between two people she didn’t know… it gave her hope.
“I haven’t had this kind of conversation with anyone, it’s helping… though I apologize if some of my reactions are bit strange, this is sort of new to me…”
Kanaye blushed deeply a bit and laughs nervously. He’d never actually talked about the relationship to a woman before, the view was quite different from that of a male. Although, it also made him sad. Speaking of a relationship that was no longer reality. The thought brought him very much back to earth, and put the situation back into perspective for him.
“Yes, well I am glad it could be of some comfort to you.”
He removes the arm that had been draped around Isabella. The humans were long gone now, there was no need for physical contact any longer.
“Hope you’re feeling better physically as well. Is it hard for you to control yourself around so many humans?”
A small yawn escaped her as she stretched her arms to the sky. A small drift brushed against her exposed stomach before she lowered the sleeves of her shirt for warmth.
“I don’t spend a lot of times around humans… only when my brother’s or my Mom brings company, but even then it’s just the Mukami or Tsukinami Oliver. Though when I go out it’s not that hard, human smells mainly repel me… I don’t find the scent all the alluring.”
Occasionally threw would be that one special human who had a decent smell, though even then it wasn’t all that strong. She didn’t find the idea of feeding that great, normally her family would feed from each other but on the rare occasion where she had to feed from a human, she would do so very reluctantly.
“I don’t know if you spend a lot of time here but do you find it hard? Maybe it’s just me…”
“Not necessarily.”
Kanaye debated on telling her the truth about what he does in his spare time now that Izumi was gone. It wasn’t exactly a good thing.
“I do… met with a lot of humans. Night clubs are something I often enjoy going to.”
Truth be told, he wasn’t really handling the break-up too well. Using human women for physical comfort then killing them. It wasn’t something he was proud of, nor did he actually find any fulfillment doing it. Just seemed… natural? That sounded even worse.
“So if you don’t like humans, how do you feed? Don’t tell me you’re one of those who uses animals to get by?”
Ah that explains it. That made more sense, the reason why he acted the way he did around women. All caused by a broken heart, she always just thought it was his sheer disrespect for women. Perhaps it still had something to do with the way he acted, but the breakup most likely had a bigger impact.
“Ah no, I don’t. At least, I don’t do it all the time. Mainly our family feeds from each other though on the rare occasion where I can’t for whatever reason I’ll go out to find a decent human or animal…”
She often thought about doing what Kanaye was doing, though in a more innocent manner. Leading boys and girls on to have quick fun before ultimately rejecting their feelings. She wasn’t proud of it, but she needed to have some sort of reassurance that she was stilled wanted.
“Night club… do you… happen to know any nearby?”
She knew this would be a bad idea. She knew this wasn’t how you were supposed to move on, but if just for a moment she could forget by being in the arms of another… it would be worth it. At least she thought so.
Kanaye looked down at the female. This wasn’t exactly something healthy, though it was better then spending nights alone perhaps.
“I do… although I should warn you. Humans there are often intoxicated and tend to be very… physical.”
He scratched the back of his head a little. Going to a place like that wasn’t very becoming of the future King. Bringing Isabella to something like that, with so many humans, she may not like it.
“However… I can take you. Don’t wander too far from me once we get in.”
With a slow exhale of breath, Isabella closed her eyes briefly before opening them to look early at the vampire.
“I’m fine with a bit of touching… but I’ll stay close to you if you wish…”
Her voice much quieter now, much more softer. She tried her best to hide the sadness behind it, though she wasn’t good at that sort of thing. If anything, she’ll at least get a few laughs from tonight.
“I’m ready, lets go.”
Kanaye nods softy and they head down a different path.
The two approached a building that emitted loud music. There were humans all around were trying to be just as loud. Yelling at one another, some in joy, others in anger. Some were fighting, others were fucking.
Kanaye looked to the smaller vampire to see if any of this changed her mind, it appeared not. Leading her closer to the building, the strong scent of alcohol, sweat and arousal filled the area. This particular club encouraged patrons to have relations.
“Welcome back sir!”
The bouncer greeted Kanaye and eyed Isabella. He laughed a bit and offered him a condom, as custom for the establishment.
“Bringing your own tonight? Be sure to show her a good time yeah?”
Kanaye paid the man no mind. He was simply doing his job, and truth be told the two of them had some fun conversations at times. Kanaye allowed Isabella to enter the club first, deciding to let her lead the way as she saw fit.
(Mun Note: Please feel free to use this audio aid to add to you’re reading! Club Music)
She had to admit, walking into all the different smells and humans it was a bit… overwhelming. Though this is hat she decided to do, it’s what she thinks will help… even if just for a few hours or so. She honestly wasn’t quite are what she do, she had always been good at repelling people but attracting them to her…
“How do I… do I just… do I approach someone or… do they like… come to me?”
Her face began to flush a bit out of frustration, she really was impatient. And for what? To spend time with a sleazy intoxicated human? Ah well… anything would be better than being alone… right?
“Ah um… sorry… can you tell I’m new at this?”
A nervous uncomfortable laugh escaped past her lips.
Kanaye could not stop the laughter that left his lips. He was not expecting Isabella to actually know what to do, but that line of questioning was too adorable. He leans down close to her, talking in his normal tone of voice. The two of them could hear just fine, but this way humans could not hear him.
“Just follow me. If you see something you like, I will help you.”
Kanaye smiles sweetly and leads her to the dance area. If one could call this dancing. He learned long ago that humans felt that grinding their bodies together was more dancing than the actual act. He’d gotten use to it, though he assumed Isabella was not.
So he decided to preform a small intro. He pulled her body close to his, securing her by the waist. He was sure to not give off the impression that they were together, simply dance partners.
“Do what I do, and keep an eye out for someone.”
He instructed as he began to roll his body. As he did, Isabella’s body was made to move in the same motion as his own. This was something he had seen many humans do with one another, and it did not always mean they were partners.
Taking a deep breath she tried to follow Kanaye’s movements as closely as possible. She was a good dancer, but this kind of dancing… she wasn’t quite experienced in it.
“Sorry if I step on your feet…”
She said quietly, scanning her eyes across the room. They honestly all look the same to her, they all seem sleazy and unworthy. Though maybe she just had to lower her standards… even if it was a lot.
“Do you usually find someone easily…? Or does it take time? Because… they all look gross to me…”
Kanaye laughs a little, what a princess Isabella was turning out to be. Even if he was not into males, he could tell why females found certain ones attractive. There were also plenty here that held the same physical qualities of Kai Mukami. Perhaps that is what she was trying to avoid.
“I have a few in mind… though I wont abandon you.”
He assures her as he music switches up to a slower song. That wasn’t really a good one for the two of them to dance to, not if they were looking for a partner. So Kanaye created a little distance between them, so the human’s would not get the wrong idea.
Mistake, as soon as he did this, females took the opportunity to attempt to get his attention. He sighs slightly, he had been eyeing one of them, guess she caught his signals. Kanaye glances over at Isabella and motions for her to watch him.
Perhaps showing her would be of more help. He grabbed the girl of interest. She was of average height, though to him that was still short. Her face was kind of childish still, and her body was lean.
Kanaye wasted no time in using his influence on her, luckily all humans who were in clubs seemed to be drunk. A vampires influence did not even have to be that powerful to seduce them. Soon the girl was like pudding, laying against him, grinding her body helplessly, as Kanaye brought her wrist to his lip and kisses them deeply.
This would only look like a kiss the humans of course. His fangs had pierced her flesh and he was drinking her blood slowly. He would not repeat the experience he forced Spencer to endure. Isabella was not looking for that kind of thrill. She wanted a body for the night, a living one. He released her wrist and sure enough the human girl was fuming with hormones. She was ready to leave this dance floor, and this was made obvious by her rubbing his groin quite viciously.
“Now now my dear… don’t show everyone how much of a slut you are…”
His words dripped with venom, this was a side of himself that most of his ‘friends’ did not see. the side that seduced women and used them. He glanced up at Isabella, did she see what she needed to do? Because his own patience was running thin now that he had taken a bite.
Taking mental notes Isabella watched in awe. Was that all it took?! She was amazed, by Kanaye’s skill and experience but also by how simple it was to make a human bend to your will. She knew they were simple creatures but this took it to a whole other level.
After watching him for a few more moments she looked around excitedly for any human who was the slightest bit attractive to take advantage of. This would be here first time seducing anyone, she feared that they might see through her facade and laugh at her for it, but she would be damned if that happened.
Close by she found a male, a bit taller than her. He wasn’t revolting, though he wasn’t what she would define as ‘attractive’ but he was the easiest person to look at in the area. She didn’t want to stray too far from Kanaye, she kept that in mind as she slowly approached him. Clearing her throat quietly she spoke in a gentle, soothing voice.
“Ah, I’m sorry but could you keep me company? I don’t like to be alone, and I’m a little scared of this place~”
Perhaps if she made him felt as if she was an easy innocent girl, give him a false sense of security, then it would be all the more easier to take advantage of him when he least expected it. It seemed to worked very well actually, almost a little too well. He nodded slowly with a smirk before he pulled her closely by the hip and proceeded to whisper words of reassurance that she would be in good hands into her ear.
Kanaye smiled a bit, there she was getting it. Humans were nothing really, it was quite easy to manipulate them. There were only select humans he knew that could put up any kind of fight.
Seeing that Isabelle had chosen her prey, now it was time for her to seal the deal- so to speak. This part was a lot easier. The club encouraged everyone to bond in the physical sense, so doing something out in the open was no uncommon.
In fact, he could see quiet a bit of humans mating off of the dance floor. A place where the girl in front of him wanted to go. This was always annoying.
“Hey… come on… let’s go over there a-“
Kanaye grabbed the human’s jar, tilting her face up to look at him. Disobedience from a creater like this, rediculous. She was going to learn very quickly that her desire’s meant nothing to him.
“Quiet. You will get it when I allow you to. Until that time, behave for me, and let me taste more of you.”
He orders and grabs the girls wrist once more. Kanaye feeds slowly from it while his other hand works on the girls body. Moving his finger down her back, over her ass, then around to her front.
The girl melted for him, completely surrendering her body. Kanaye glances over at Isabella, making sure the human treated her well.
Ugh, he hadn’t even asked her name yet before trying to slide his hands down her pants. It didn’t make her uncomfortable or flustered, it just annoyed her. She knew humans were simple and animalistic, but this took it to a whole new level.
The smell of alcohol was strong on his breath as he placed sloppy kisses on her neck in an attempt to seduce her. He was enjoying himself, perhaps she should just leave him for a few moments. Besides the longer he has control the better his face will be when she attacks.
“Ah~ I’m still new to this… be gentle…”
Her own voice disgusted her, but by the hardness pressed against her tummy she suspected he liked it. Tangling her fingers in his hair she kissed him gently for a few moments, allowing his tongue to enter her mouth before… she bit down causing him to flinch away violently.
He tried to pull away futilely but still, Isabella kept her hands on his face keeping him in place. He lowered to his knees, his attempts to escape were becoming weaker and weaker. She bent down, her mouth moving to his neck before she bit down again.
Isabella seemed to be able to handle herself. This was good. Not that he did not enjoy her company, but it was getting harder to ignore the human before him. Her blood had a certain… hint to it. Satisfying, though he’d tasted better.
Releasing the girl’s wrist once more, he lifted her weak body. She clung to him helplessly, wrapping her legs around him and grabbing onto his back. Kanaye let his hands grab onto her ass firmly, and then her thighs.
The two did not miss a beat, and were kissing deeply. She must have tasted her own blood, because there was a slight hesitance in her movements. Those worries were laid to rest as Kanaye moved her lower half against his own. How easily women were swayed once pleasure was presented to them.
Just as he was about to began actually making a move on the human, Kanaye happened to peek back at Isabella. His eyes widened and immediately dropped the human in his arms. Moving faster than the human’s could notice, he grabbed Isabella and dragged her into the back private rooms. Locking the door and pinning her down on the bed’s provided.
“What on earth are you doing?! You cannot simply feed on them so traditionally in a crowded area such as this!
If someone were to notice or worse, you were to kill him, there would be no doubt it was you who’d done it.”
Taking a few moments to comprehend what had happened, the vampire blinked a couple times at the male on top of her. Not yet fully grasping the situation she thought about his words. Well he was feeding from a human, was it not okay to that as well? Humans are into to some weird things, would they not think it normal?
“I thought that since you were doing it it’d be okay! I didn’t think it’d be suspicious, no one was paying attention to us!”
She defended herself. However, her once annoyed face dropped quickly into a very bashful one as she glanced around the room. Perhaps it’d be weird to make eye contact? She should probably tell him to get off but she didn’t want to… ever since Kai she hasn’t felt this kind of connection. She wanted to let it be, so she could experience it once more but that’d be selfish of her.
“Y-You talk to m-me about keeping a l-low profile… yet here you a-are thoughtlessly dragging me h-here… someone must t-think we’re t-together now, isn’t that w-what you were avoiding?”
She tried her best to sound stern but her stuttering and her flustered face gave away her act. She didn’t look up at him, instead she looked at the ceiling above him still in an attempt to show him that she still had all her composure. She felt guilty about this, she should tell him to get off… but it just felt too right to do so.
A certain… urge ran through him. What was this? Was it from the blood he had just tasted? The erection in his pants? Something about the way she spoke to him just now, brought his primal urges to the surface.
Kanaye could hear her heart beat, her blood racing through her veins. The stutter in her voice, showed her submission. She was reacting to him in the same way. Both of them must be affected by the atmosphere.
There was a tinge in the back of his mind. The same one that always came lately when taking a woman. How this must shame Izumi. However, there was no other way he knew to fill this emptiness inside. In this instance however, it was more than the thought of Izumi which screamed for him to leave now.
The betrayal to Isabella. This girl trusted him on this night to… help her feel better. What was this? Not to mention Spencer, his truest friend. What on earth would he think of this behavior? Best to fight his instincts while he still-
In that moment their eyes met. Isabella had made the effort to look away from him, but a quick glanced turned into much more. Kanaye looked into the girls eyes, he could see so much. The worry, regret, anguish, loneliness… but also the spark of something. This feeling of… closeness.
Truthfully his eyes must be telling her the same story. There was no one else that understood just how he felt like she did. The same could be said for her- Kanaye knew exactly how Isabella was feeling.
Slowly, Kanaye would move one of his hands away from her arms. Snaking down her arm, caressing the smooth skin of her underarm. Finally finding the girls face, cradling it. What was this? It must be the blood. Forcing out his most primal instincts.
Normally it would not be a problem for him to fight the urges, but… in this moment, he felt the need to claim her. Perhaps it was his dominate nature, wanting to claim something from Mukami Kai. The reason didn’t matter really, all he knew was he could fight it no longer.
Without answering her, and while keeping eye contact, Kanaye lowered himself closer. Slowly, giving Isabella a window to stop him. The only thing his conscious could do at this point.
She froze. Not wanting to ruin the moment, though… she should be! Not only did they come here to help each other, but this wouldn’t solve anything. It wouldn’t help either of them… right? Would it? Maybe it could, perhaps she should just let it happen.
No, it wouldn’t. Kanaye has many women waiting women waiting on their hands and knees for him, what difference could she make? Plus, Kanaye trusted her with his feelings an his emotions so for her to take advantage of him like this would be wrong….
Though by the look in his eyes and the caress of his hands… perhaps he was feeling the same urge she was. Isabella herself had almost no self control at this point, she suspected the same with Kanaye. If he was feeling the same way then it should be fine… she knew they both needed this anyways.
Though as his face grew closer and closer all thoughts escaped her. Her free limb subconsciously wrapping itself around his neck, her fingers tangling themselves in his hair. In that moment nothing mattered. Not even the screaming in the back of her head that sounded like her family. Closing her eyes, she ran her fingers through his hair.
This was bad, but there was also no turning back now. Isabella was all right with this, her actions confirmed it. Kanaye could feel her hands move through his hair, it felt amazing. Isabella had fingers like his own- which did not feel awful.
With Izumi, everything was frail and gentle. Truth the two never engaged in something quite like this, but whenever Kanaye held her hand it was so small. Delicate- perfect for a proper lady.
Isabella was not like this- though at the same time- Kanaye could find no fault in that. It was strange, to feel this way. Though at the present moment, his mind did not focus on the issue.
As Isabella closed her eyes, Kanaye followed suite. Not but moments after, he could feel her lips against his own. At first it was a simple, closed skin on skin. A soft innocent kiss, that only lasted but a second.
If only that could be the end, but Kanaye wanted - needed- more. To properly taste her, steal her, claim her. He would pull away just long enough to initiate another soft kiss. Then another… and another… this time softly brushing his tongue against her lips. Informing her of his intentions.
From the moment their lips touched her heart couldn’t calm itself. It thumped against her chest, trying to break free. It had taken it a while for it to slow down slightly before Kanaye’s tongue brushed against her lips causing it to jump again.
She couldn’t tell if she was doing well or if she was disappointing him. She never did this kind of thing with Kai, or anyone for that matter. She barely knew how to kiss, this was a whole different kind of territory she had never stepped foot in.
But she needed more from him. She longed for so much more. Despite her inexperience she opened her mouth slightly, just enough for him. It felt strange, most likely because it was her first time, but nonetheless she liked it. A lot.
Tightening her grip on him, she did what she assumed you were supposed to do in this situation. Unsure of her actions she slowly wrapped her tongue around his. She wasn’t at all sure what to do, she just hoped that she wasn’t disappointing him. After all, she was being used to make him feel better, she wanted to do at least that for him.
Thump! Thump! Thump! Thump!
Kanaye heard Isabella’s heart echoing in his ears. It only fueled him more. This girl was proving to be quite addicting. She was still young- perhaps this is her first? Impossible, Kai Mukami had definitely kissed her before. So why was she so… shy?
It was true, her technique was very new. However, Kanaye had plenty of experience to help- and boy did he plan to. Instead of her tongue desperately moving against his own, Kanaye pulled back just slightly so speak. His lips were still touching her’s ever so slightly.
“Too eager… follow my lead.”
He instructed, opening his eyes and looking at her. He watched her face- now completely red- relax slightly. How adorable. Kanaye tilted Isabella’s head slightly so that he could move his own the opposite way.
Slowly, he moved his tongue back into her mouth. Almost as if they were at some form of ball. He coasted her’s out of hiding and moved slowly against it. A waltz that one could only perform with their mouth. Slow and rhythmic, patient and passionate, there was no rush.
She wanted to apologize but the words were stuck in her throat. Her face remained the same, there was no change in it despite her increased heartbeat. She really did feel like a child in this situation, Kanaye seemingly knew exactly what to do yet this situation won’t something she ever thought would happen.
Her breathing hitched as he tilted her head. Hesitating slightly she tried her best to keep up with his tongue. She closed her eyes, her hand moving to his back to grip his shirt. She was getting light headed, the gentle feel of his tongue and his soft words were getting the better of her. Perhaps this is what the women he seduced felt like.
Ah… that’s right. He had done this with many women. Izumi as different from them all, she had morales. But Izumi and Isabella were almost polar opposites. Would Isabella end up like every other women? She couldn’t believe that Kanaye found her any different, in fact, they were cousins giving him all the more reason to leave her.
If that were the car, she would savor this moment as long as she could. Gripping his shirt tighter she movements became more anymore confident as the moments went by. Pressing her knees together she tried to ignore her lustful urges, she wanted to prove to him that she was different from any woman. That she at least had self control.
Kanaye could smell Isabella’s… lust starting to grow. He was no better, that human from before was just about to relieve him when this happened. Perhaps… doing something like that would be all right. The idea was becoming more appealing by the second.
He finally moves his mouth away from Isabella’s, earning him plenty of gasp and panting from her. Kanaye smirks slightly and decides to see just how far things could go. He releases her chin, only to grab onto her wrist, pinning both arms above her head.
Kanaye starts his assault on the girls neck, kissing deeply. This pure skin, had no one ever left their mark here? Claimed it for their own… most girls he’d been with lately were covered in other men.
It was nice to be her first but… this wasn’t really the neck he wanted to claim. The one he really wanted, who he wanted more than anyone.
His angel. So perfect, beautiful, pure… absolutely breath taking. Her neck was bare as well. Kanaye wanted nothing more than to mark every part of Izumi for himself.
“… Izumi…”
It left his lips without thinking. Kanaye tensed, immediately coming back to his senses. He pulls away from Isabella to look down at her.
“Isa… Isabella-san…! That’s not… I didn’t…”
Shit! This never happens. Was it because Isabella was pure like Izumi? Even so, there was no excuse.
She wasn’t sure why her heart felt as though it dropped to her stomach, maybe it was because they had stopped? Or because he had called out another’s name? She wasn’t sure, but whatever the reason was, she didn’t care.
She wanted it to continue- she needed this to continue. Though how could it when he was still affected by his past, when she herself was being affected by the past. She wanted to push it to the back of her head, she needed something different to distract her. She needed Kanaye.
“It’s… I… d-don’t worry…”
She wanted it to continue, she desperately needed it. But it was clear it wouldn’t continue. Ah, if only Kai were here, she would feel happy. She would feel complete. But he wasn’t… she was lost.
Curling into a small ball she hugged her knees, burying her head into the sheets. She felt them. Her eyes stinging with threatening tears. The tears that had been streaming down her face ever since he had left.
“I… ah… I-I’m sorry…”
She said quietly, her smile was clearly fake though she kept it on her face as the tears fell. Sitting up, she faced the door. Ready to leap from the bed and run out.
Kanaye watched the girl before him slowly fall back into despair. First her face, then her body, and finally- the thing no man wants to see. He could see the small beads of water gather, and fall down onto the bed.
What could he say at a time like this? The entire point of spending time with her was to stop the crying. To help her, in some way, to help himself. Yet… here the two were. Desperately trying to… fill some kind of void in one another.
“Please don’t leave.”
He was not sure why those words left him. It was not like they could continue what was happening. There was just… something screaming at him to not let thing end like this. Isabella was someone he was going to be involved with. Weather that be as Spencer’s sister, or even a friend of his own. He could not let her leave now.
“Isabella… I… don’t have the right to even speak to you but…
Let me at least see you home. After that… I will not bother you.”
Real smooth there- why on earth would she want you to take her home. Isabella must hate his guts for this. Taking advantage of someone in such a frail state, despicable.
trying to help her but instead she brought him to bed. Why in the world would he wanna be around her anymore, she didn’t deserve to be near him anymore.
“Ah you um… its f-fine, you would o-obviously wanna stay h-here longer with a-another girl…”
She sounded weak, feeble. The tears couldn’t help but fall down her face and onto the bed sheets. No matter how much she dried her face the tears would wet it again, she felt so helpless. It wasn’t helping the situation, Kanaye already felt awkward enough she was making it worse for him.
“D-Don’t um… worry about m-me… I’ll be f-fine, but t-thank you…”
She needed to leave now. It was only gonna get worse the longer she stayed, the longer she looked at him. She couldn’t be happy, Kai left and using Kanaye to fill the emptiness in her was horrible. She had to go.
Leaping from the bed she swiftly left the room, trying to push her way through the crowd she felt suffocated. She couldn’t breathe, her mind was hazy. Desperately she pushed through the front door and began walking home. Wrapping her arms around her body she only thought of what would happen the next time Kanaye came over for Spencer. Hiding in her room would probably be the best option.
Kanaye watched Isabella quickly leave the room. What could he do? Go after her? What would be the point. It was clear she was upset. Seeing him would only make it worse. 
How did things end up like this. It was supposed to be a gesture of good will, trying to help someone who was also suffering from heart break. It seems like the old saying is true, no good deed goes unpunished. 
Regardless of the girls state of mind now, it was clear the two of them could not see each other for a while. Kanaye would need to hold off visiting with Spencer - though he did not know for how long. 
With a final curse escaping his lips Kanaye decided to finish the night the only way he knew how. Grabbing one of the human women into the room, and taking her until he couldn’t feel anything. 
The End.
1 note · View note
natsunoomoi · 5 years
Problematic Hades
So like, that story really rocked me so I’m still thinking about it and searching about it.
But in doing that, I saw a bunch of posts complaining about how Emet-Selch is fascist or created fascist empires. I wouldn’t actually call him himself so, but yeah he did create them, but for a reason explained in the story. While I don’t approve of what he did, I can totally understand why he did it. For what he wanted to do, that seemed like a pretty sound way to do it.
Spoilers for Shadowbringers.
Okay, so like a couple of things. Yes, he created fascist regimes. I totally don’t think he should have, but I can understand how he came to think that was the only way. And the thing is, as awful as fascist regimes are, his literal goal was to destroy the shard worlds on purpose in order to restore his own. If you want to fuck shit up on purpose, fascism is a good way to do it. We’re all acknowledging here that it is a horrible regime and one that fucks up the world royally and causes a lot of social inequality and so forth, which is bad for us, but the Ascians are trying to do those very things ON PURPOSE because it will lead to a Rejoining. In order to do that you have to maximize how miserable you make people feel, so they chose the most efficient option.
Ascian society itself though was a lot more equal and arguably more democratic.
As for how the Ascians and Emet-Selch treat WoL and company and the other people on the Source, First, and other shard worlds, yeah, it’s deplorable and it’s a real disappointing thing that these Ancients couldn’t see these people as people. However, perhaps they could if they couldn’t literally see the souls of their friends and family in every person. The split souls even.
Some people tried to create equivalences to the story plot points to real life hateful people, but like...there’s similarity in action mostly and not necessarily what they are. That’s a key difference. I’m not even siding with them, but it’s kneejerk stupid to make a false equivalence like that. The difference between an Ascian and the people on the Shard worlds is actually different. Ascians were gigantic and had a whole lot of powers and such that none of the Shard people have. There’s a huge difference in ability as well as potential and even state of mind, so it isn’t really that surprising that they would find the humans to be lesser on the Shard worlds. My argument with them as WoL is that they should count them as worthy because they have sentience, but apparently arguments about sentience didn’t happen among them or at least among those 3 unsundered.
Real life people who are discriminated against though are not different at all from the people who are discriminating against them. There is no actual difference in abilities. There’s a lot of bullshit made up differences, but nothing that can be proven to be actually true. That’s a huge difference between us in the real world and the characters in FFXIV. In the game, there’s an actual difference.
Plus like, I have issues with how the humans in the game treat the beast tribes. Like in Camp Bronze Lake there’s one beastman that just wants to take advantage of the hot spring, but the asshole Yellow Jacket won’t let him through because he doesn’t like how he happy dances. WTF. The beast tribes themselves have actual sentience and are able to communicate with the humans. If anything is actually discriminatory, it’s stuff like that. There’s no actual difference in ability between the beast tribes and the humans other than maybe they talk different.
The Ascians vs Sundered People though, is a situation that has come up in other media in different forms and is a classic thought experiment situation that will come up in our future as we make scientific discoveries and expand our knowledge base. It’s the basic question of when do you consider something alive. It dips a bit into abortion stuff too because a lot of people can’t agree on when life starts. (For the record, I’m pro-choice.) Those same arguments will be applied in the future as we head into genetic engineering. Like say a lab is able to artificially create a lifeform using their technology. That life does not have parents. Is that life property or is it a person? How much freedom should it have or should the company give it? If it has offspring even naturally with a mate, is the child of that created lifeform property or a sentient person? What about robots? We are at the cutting edge of AI. Computers as of yet are not able to compare to the complexity of a human brain yet and still have many failings, but one day when we are able to create a sentient AI, will it have rights? Does it have a right to life or can we as humans do whatever we want with it? These are the questions that I think that are most applicable to the game because essentially, the Ascians vs Shard people is very similar to the gods of Ancient Greece and how they fucked with human lives or the Immortals in Chinese myth and how they guided dynasties. They are higher beings with far more abilities than the humans over whom they oversee and can choose to help or not help whoever they want. I’ve seen some commentary where one person equated the Ascians to people who play the Sims. Do people who play the Sims care about their Sims? Some do, sure. But some also try to kill their Sims person and make entire houses designed specifically for Sims to eventually kill themselves. Like there’s one Try Guys video where Keith is with Kelsey and they made Sims of all the Try Guys and then put them in a house with that exact intention. The craziest one where the only way to get into the house was to swim through a pool maze and Eugene drowned trying to get to the house. This is considered fun to us right? If Sims were sentient, would it be as fun? Would we be different from the Ascians? And like I also play Civilization. It’s so fun and educational, but there are multiple ways to win the game and one of them is to build up your military and just murder all of the other civilizations. That’s not my preferred way to play. I usually like building up my science and technology or aiming for a cultural victory, but when you have a lot of technology and you’re more advanced than the other civilizations it is really, really easy to have one city make a nuclear missile and then travel it down all the roads that you had your engineers built and bomb your neighbors to oblivion. This is actual entertainment for us real life humans and it isn’t considered wrong. That is the position that the Ascians are in, only it’s worse.
The Shard people aren’t merely literal lesser beings with less powers, but are actual pieces of former Ascians. Their literal friends, family, acquaintances, co-workers, etc. These are people they actually know, and they were chosen by their people, elected even, to decide things for them. Those people died though and came back in a sense. From their perspective, them continuing on the way they are without consideration for the Shard people is not different from a loved one who gives you the right to decide if you can pull the plug on them if they are on life support.
This is a thing I actually had to do when my Dad died. Rather, he had a stroke and they couldn’t find the blood clot and when they did another brain scan again later he was functionally brain dead because the clot had blocked all oxygen to his brain cells. The machine at that point was keeping him alive, and it fell to myself and my sister to decide when to stop it. I hate it. I didn’t want to decide. I wanted my Dad to come home and be my Dad. But he couldn’t. Whatever he was wasn’t there anymore. His brain was dead and gone, and he wasn’t able to decide for himself when to do it because he was not functioning enough to have an opinion. We talked with our Uncles about it, and it came down to what our Dad would be happy with and it honestly wouldn’t be stuck to a hospital bed attached to a machine for years. There was no question we had to let him go.
And the thing is, to the Ascians, the Shard people to them are just like brain dead versions of the people they knew. Objectively they are way more functional and have more sentience than that, but they can’t function as Amaurotines so the quality of life is drastically different so they must imagine them to be not really living in that way similar to a life-support aided relative. In that respect, I can understand. I still don’t agree because the key thing is sentience and potential for a lot of positivity and a lot of other things that make human life worth it, but I understand where they are coming from and why they must think they can do whatever they want because their people entrusted them with the resuscitation order.
The thing with Hades/Emet-Selch though is that I don’t really think he 100% wanted to go through with this plan. He even mentions himself about how he lived among the humans and found a lot of fault with them. As I mentioned in another post, he’s not wrong. There’s a lot of fault with real life humans too and I question whether as a species we should all be alive because some among us are actual garbage fires and collectively we do a lot of damage to our planet and the other living things around us. He tried though to see if they were worthwhile and found that they paled in comparison to the quality of life and people that he knew. I don’t think it’s a fair assessment or question though also because he’s biased by the fact that he’s grieving and surrounded by constant reminders of his reason for grieving, so mileage may vary, but I appreciate that he tried whereas Elidibus and Lahabrea seem to be cold and matter of fact about the whole thing. Well, Laha was actually kind of crazy and evil for the sake of it, but Elidibus seems cold. It remains to be seen of course if they develop him any further, but based on what Hades says about how Elidibus summoned him back after he died as Solus already, I think Elidibus is in charge. Hades may have found a way to work on his own in some capacity and like go into his depression hole and terrible methods of coping, but like, he was trying to cope and trying to move on. I know from experience that it is pretty impossible to do as long as reminders are around you. I lost one person though. He lost everything. After the funeral I didn’t touch my travel bag for like a month because putting that stuff away felt like an acknowledgement of what happened, and escaped into the internet and video games to get away from my reality around me. Hades didn’t really have that. Every single person he looked at was a reminder. I think he liked theatre so much though because it provided him a little narrative escape even though he could still see the souls of each of the actors and also recognize them as his fallen people. It just wasn’t enough. Normally you need to like actually get away and make new memories and new friends and stuff, but like, he couldn’t because literally everyone around him everywhere was a sundered person that haunted him. That is literally some kind of hell. And a hell, that Elidibus didn’t really aid in taking care of. Like as a boss, if he is the boss, he didn’t really do a good job of checking in on those under him to ask how they are doing. If Hades would have been able to have any kind of support, it would have been from the other paragons, but they just left him alone. He went with the plan and kept going with it and was tempered himself, but he suffered along the way and actually tried to have hope to find a way out or another way. The Tales from the Shadows chapter about how for a moment he actually had hope and love for his son is beautiful and heart-breaking. His son lived until his 20s so at least for that time he like believed that maybe it would be okay, but his death just reminded him of all the faults he had discovered all of the years and the position he was in and who everyone around him actually was. Just reading that, I really thought that maybe, if his son had lived he would’ve given the whole plan up. It was possible.
And then like, some people like think Square isn’t aware that Garlemald is fascist. There’s an evil Empire in most of their games. They are aware of this. They are also aware of it because they are a Japanese company and as a people Japan has to grapple with its own Imperial fascist history. There’s a bunch of Stormblood specifically that his really similar to historically what Japan was like to other nations in the late 19th to early 20th centuries, and even what Japan was like post-war and occupied by the US. These days modern Japan is pacifist and a lot of Japanese people shun the Imperial days and there is often news and hubbub about how they choose to teach that history to future generations when their neighbors find out, but it’s really no coincidence that those themes end up in a game by a Japanese company. I think in that respect, if you look at the game through that lens, they definitely don’t think Imperial times were good or that’s a good thing. The complexity they add to the characters though, even if they are villains, is realistic because no one in real life is evil for the sake of being evil. Even during WWII there were a number of Japanese soldiers that did terrible things. It’s recorded and undeniable. But at the same time the assumption by the Allies that “all Japanese” thought the same and would actually fight down to the last man was racist and a huge over-generalization. Everyone had their own reasons. Kamikaze pilots who were much feared were also bolted into the planes. Soldiers who were soft or didn’t obey orders could have word of their reprimand travel back to their home and cause patriotic neighbors to shun or bully their families. Like people were basically extorted into the situation by social pressure too, which is why some lines are blurred and why there is much controversy and disagreement in regards to some things like Yasukuni Jinja and those tried for war crimes. I agree that those tried should not be glorified at all, but I can understand that at least some of them thought they were doing the “right thing” because higher ups made a horrible fucking decision or fed them propaganda that they just believed wholesale. Those are the real life controversies and gray areas and some of the Military Tribunal for the Far East was not actually handled well because the US was out for its own agenda and some people got away with stuff and some people were improperly tried for other things, and it was a hot mess. I don’t think that means the whole thing should be thrown out like some Japanese nationalists believe, but I just acknowledge and recognize that true justice was not really served during that tribunal because of personal interest and that sucks. But that’s a real life gray area and one that sparks huge debate everywhere in the world. But what’s a safe way to think complexly about the subject and the gray areas for war and different sides of a conflict? A game. This is a safe sandbox way to think about complicated issues without getting steeped into huge controversy. It isn’t a 1 to 1 direct comparison to what happened to real life, but the idea is just to present that these things are complicated and not everyone on the other side is an outright asshole. That’s the point. 
I speak on this as a Chinese American who majored in Japanese. I have multiple perspectives on the conflict, and basically I just stand on the outside and sigh because I can’t take anyone’s side. Like I grew up with the horror stories from my Chinese relatives about what they went through. I understand their hatred. I don’t feel it, but I understand why they feel that way. The American perspective I studied in school, and a bit of the Japanese perspective, but there’s a bunch of that I learned on my own at uni after starting to study the language. The American perspective though is mired by American self-interest but also actual racism in terms of how they thought about Japan. Japan is complicated in how to think about it, but ultimately I don’t think they would have gone down that path if Western Imperialism wasn’t so douchey in Asia. A lot of what Japan did on its own Imperial path stemmed from fear of not having the country end up like China which was carved up literally by Western powers. As a country I think it got carried away in that don’t be like that path, but ultimately I think they learned from the others in the world what to do to become stronger and unfortunately the other strong nations in the world at that time were largely huge douchebags. Like even Great Britain was an Allied nation and “good”, but like they weren’t a whole lot better to their colonies or to the countries they went to that they claimed in the name of the Queen and try to “civilize” and incorporate into the British Empire. They didn’t cause actual human atrocities, but let’s not pretend that their hands are clean either. Nor the US and what the country has done throughout history to police the world or “protect US interests”. 
Like a lot of people are criticizing these characters for their role in the story, but in all likelihood they are ignorant of the crimes their own country may have committed even if it wasn’t officially “fascist”. You don’t have to be a fascist to be a douchebag. Ultimately, Hades is forgiven and well-received by many fans because despite what he did, he did try to not be a complete douchebag and gave people chances and tried to look for another way. While also doing the bad thing, but like hope for the best prepare for the worst. Like he still has an immediate job to do even if he hopes for a different future. If you have no options to do another way in that moment, you just do the things you can and follow the plan you do have until an opportunity comes. For the Ascians they weren’t aware of another way so that’s just how it went.
0 notes
wetrumpfeed · 5 years
I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!
Sunday, May 5th:
I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!
The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!
For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!
After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!
“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray
“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street Journal
Pending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGA
Once again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!
Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!
Urban Dictionary is a treasure trove
Well that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!
YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.
Just going to leave this handy chart here.
Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?
When Democrats Are In Power...
Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!
Trump for 2020
Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.
Monday, May 6th:
Three Nominations Sent to the Senate
President Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White House
President Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football Team
President Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods
“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!
The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!
Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!
Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!
Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!
Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!
Finally, some support for POTUS!
imagine if the parties were swapped
Pres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda Detainee
This 👇🏻
Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?
Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:
He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposes
Free Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)
I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.
Tuesday, May 7th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration Posts
First Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary Celebration
Vice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas
Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!
(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBest
Congratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!
'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNews
He wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!
I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGA
CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’
Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬
Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!
TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters
This is serious
Looking forward to warmer weather. How about you?
Some people just can’t comprehend this
Careful lads, he's high on truth.
Wednesday, May 8th:
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration Post
Proclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United States
Executive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of Iran
Vice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in Louisiana
President Trump Departs the White House in Marine One
McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNews
The reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!
“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo
“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromo
Big Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!
“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!
“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends
Real estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!
GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!
Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likes
Our Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.
Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!
Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!
“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITC
Big announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!
Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannity
Big crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannity
Beautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGA
After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!
This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessness
BREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"
FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files show
Two young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.
Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19
Word of the day: "Baizuo"
OMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀
Line for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally begins
Thursday, May 9th:
Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019
President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration Post
President Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical Billing
President Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White House
U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis
Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!
Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!
House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!
(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!
(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!
James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!
BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVM
THE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISA
President Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?
Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AG
Trump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary
One important takeaway from Google unpersoning us
Another nugget of gold from twitter:
Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?
Got 'Em 👌
Friday, May 10th:
President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers
We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!
V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!
Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!
Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!
Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”
The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!
....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!
Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.
Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!
“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromo
Great Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!
Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!
Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!
Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!
He did it..Name change
This is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!
Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for Trump
Biden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide it
JUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails
"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."
Babylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️
Lock. Him. Up.
Movie posters we really want to see..
Saturday, May 11th:
Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!
Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.
President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating Biden
Comey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political Campaigns
Red Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonight
Trump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter
It's Now A Neck and Neck Race
The Ultimate Red-Pilling
OVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.
Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.
Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:
My Song
American Girl
You Took the Words Right Out of My Mouth
submitted by /u/Ivaginaryfriend [link] [comments]
0 notes
robgrayofficial · 5 years
HAPPPPY SATURDAY DEPLORABLES!!I hope everyone is having a fantastic weekend so far! This is u/Ivaginaryfriend and I'm here to deliver everything spicy & dank from the past week! If you happened to miss any past recaps you can catch those here!Sunday, May 5th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:I am pleased to inform all of those that believe in a strong, fair and sound Immigration Policy that Mark Morgan will be joining the Trump Administration as the head of our hard working men and women of ICE. Mark is a true believer and American Patriot. He will do a great job!The Kentucky Derby decision was not a good one. It was a rough & tumble race on a wet and sloppy track, actually, a beautiful thing to watch. Only in these days of political correctness could such an overturn occur. The best horse did NOT win the Kentucky Derby - not even close!For 10 months, China has been paying Tariffs to the USA of 25% on 50 Billion Dollars of High Tech, and 10% on 200 Billion Dollars of other goods. These payments are partially responsible for our great economic results. The 10% will go up to 25% on Friday. 325 Billions Dollars.... ... ....of additional goods sent to us by China remain untaxed, but will be shortly, at a rate of 25%. The Tariffs paid to the USA have had little impact on product cost, mostly borne by China. The Trade Deal with China continues, but too slowly, as they attempt to renegotiate. No!After spending more than $35,000,000 over a two year period, interviewing 500 people, using 18 Trump Hating Angry Democrats & 49 FBI Agents - all culminating in a more than 400 page Report showing NO COLLUSION - why would the Democrats in Congress now need Robert Mueller....... ... ....to testify. Are they looking for a redo because they hated seeing the strong NO COLLUSION conclusion? There was no crime, except on the other side (incredibly not covered in the Report), and NO OBSTRUCTION. Bob Mueller should not testify. No redos for the Dems!“The Report sounded an awful lot as being Comeyesque, in other words, I’m not going to charge this person (there wasn’t even close to being a crime), but I’m going to criticize him on the way out the door. That’s unfortunate because it’s stepping outside of the role.” Robert Ray“This is not Congressional Oversight, this is bullying.” Jason Riley, The Wall Street JournalPending the confirmation of Mark Morgan as our Nation’s new ICE Director, Matt Albence will serve in the role of Acting Director. Matt is tough and dedicated and has my full support to deploy ICE to the maximum extent of the law! #MAGAOnce again, Israel faces a barrage of deadly rocket attacks by terrorist groups Hamas and Islamic Jihad. We support Israel 100% in its defense of its citizens.... ... ....To the Gazan people — these terrorist acts against Israel will bring you nothing but more misery. END the violence and work towards peace - it can happen!Despite the tremendous success that I have had as President, including perhaps the greatest ECONOMY and most successful first two years of any President in history, they have stolen two years of my (our) Presidency (Collusion Delusion) that we will never be able to get back..... ... .....The Witch Hunt is over but we will never forget. MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Urban Dictionary is a treasure troveWell that poll is backfiring. Let’s keep it up pedes!!YouTube bans Tommy Robinson for talking about Muslim gangs sexually exploiting white girls, but I can go to YouTube and watch Muslims rapping about sexually exploiting white girls, and it was played by the BBC.Just going to leave this handy chart here.🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it acceptable for the attorney general to say this?When Democrats Are In Power...Happy Cinco De Mayo Pedes!Trump for 2020Who would TRADE creepy non-human ZUCK for TOM? I hate reptilians.Monday, May 6th:TODAY'S ACTION:Three Nominations Sent to the SenatePresident Trump Welcomes Prime Minister Peter Pellegrini of the Slovak Republic to the White HousePresident Trump Presents the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy to the U.S. Military Academy Football TeamPresident Trump Presents the Presidential Medal of Freedom to Tiger Woods🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:“Democrat Texas Congressman Al Green says impeachment is the only thing that can prevent President Trump from re-election in 2020.” @OANN In other words, Dems can’t win the election fairly. You can’t impeach a president for creating the best economy in our country’s history..... ... Also, there are “No High Crimes & Misdemeanors,” No Collusion, No Conspiracy, No Obstruction. ALL THE CRIMES ARE ON THE OTHER SIDE, and that’s what the Dems should be looking at, but they won’t. Nevertheless, the tables are turning!The United States has been losing, for many years, 600 to 800 Billion Dollars a year on Trade. With China we lose 500 Billion Dollars. Sorry, we’re not going to be doing that anymore!Scott Walker is 100% correct when he says that the Republicans must WAKE UP to the Democrats State by State power grab. They play very dirty, actually, like never before. Don’t allow them to get away with what they are doing!Just spoke to Prime Minister Abe of Japan concerning North Korea and Trade. Very good conversation!Congratulations @ArmyWP_Football!Today, it was my true honor to present the Commander-in-Chief’s Trophy—for the second year in a row, to the @ArmyWP_Football Black Knights. Congratulations once again on your historic victories, and keep on making us proud!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Finally, some support for POTUS!imagine if the parties were swappedPres. Trump Pardons Army Lt. Michael Behanna, Convicted Of Murdering Al-Qaeda DetaineeThis 👇🏻TRUMP: I WILL NEVER FORGIVE OBAMA FOR WHAT HE DID TO OUR MILITARY... AND MANY OTHER THINGS THAT I WILL TELL YOU ABOUT IN THE FUTURE 😁🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Is it just me, or are things getting crazier out there?Today on “They Asked, So I Answered”:He’s still standing on the graves of his classmates for his own self serving purposesFree Speech Cafe (No Conservatives Allowed)I was asleep in 2016; this time I'm signing up for the meme war.Tuesday, May 7th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate and Appoint Personnel to Key Administration PostsFirst Lady Melania Trump's Be Best Anniversary CelebrationVice President Pence Delivers Remarks at the 49th Annual Washington Conference on the Americas🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Democrats in Congress must vote to close the terrible loopholes at the Southern Border. If not, harsh measures will have to be taken!(Retweeting The White House) On the one year anniversary of @FLOTUS' initiative, Be Best, take a look back at some of the highlights! #BeBestCongratulations @TigerWoods - you are truly one of a kind!'Forgotten Man' Story: Under Trump, Red Counties Economically Thrive http://bit.ly/2VKPFNq via @BreitbartNewsHe wants to impeach because they can’t win election. Sad!I am pleased to inform you that THE BIG FIREWORKS, after many years of not having any, are coming back to beautiful Mount Rushmore in South Dakota. Great work @GovKristiNoem and @SecBernhardt! #MAGASIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:CNN Contributor: ‘When a Woman Is Pregnant, That Is Not a Human Being inside of Her’Steele's stunning pre-FISA confession: Informant needed to air Trump dirt before election 🤬Over 35.4k upvotes and climbing on r/all. Good job pedes!TWITTER Bans Account that Tracks and Reports on Epidemic of Violence Against Trump Supporters🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:This is seriousLooking forward to warmer weather. How about you?Some people just can’t comprehend thisCareful lads, he's high on truth.Wednesday, May 8th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Nominate Individual to a Key Administration PostProclamation on Addressing Mass Migration Through the Southern Border of the United StatesExecutive Order on Imposing Sanctions with Respect to the Iron, Steel, Aluminum, and Copper Sectors of IranVice President Pence Visits Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church in LouisianaPresident Trump Departs the White House in Marine One🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:McConnell Backs Trump: Mueller Report Is 'Case Closed' | Breitbart http://bit.ly/2VNaqIl via @BreitbartNewsThe reason for the China pullback & attempted renegotiation of the Trade Deal is the sincere HOPE that they will be able to “negotiate” with Joe Biden or one of the very weak Democrats, and thereby continue to ripoff the United States (($500 Billion a year)) for years to come.... ... ...Guess what, that’s not going to happen! China has just informed us that they (Vice-Premier) are now coming to the U.S. to make a deal. We’ll see, but I am very happy with over $100 Billion a year in Tariffs filling U.S. coffers...great for U.S., not good for China!“The real “Obstruction of Justice” is what the Democrats are trying to do to this Attorney General.” Congressman Jim Jordan (R-Ohio). @MariaBartiromo“Shouldn’t 2015 and 2016 be revealed, how Intelligence Agencies, FBI, tried to sabotage a particular campaign - never been done before?” @SteveForbesCEO @MariaBartiromoBig Court win at our Southern Border! We are getting there - and Wall is being built!“Everyone wants to know who needs to be accountable, because it took up two years of our lives talking about this Russian involvement. It proved No Collusion, & people want to trace it back to see how this all happened?” @ainsleyearhardt @foxandfriends TREASONOUS HOAX!“This British Spy, Christopher Steele, tried so hard to get this (the Fake Dossier) out before the Election. Why?” @kilmeade @foxandfriends“CASE CLOSED!” @SenateMajLDRReal estate developers in the 1980’s & 1990’s, more than 30 years ago, were entitled to massive write offs and depreciation which would, if one was actively building, show losses and tax losses in almost all cases. Much was non monetary. Sometimes considered “tax shelter,” ...... ... ....you would get it by building, or even buying. You always wanted to show losses for tax purposes....almost all real estate developers did - and often re-negotiate with banks, it was sport. Additionally, the very old information put out is a highly inaccurate Fake News hit job!GREAT NEWS FOR OHIO! Just spoke to Mary Barra, CEO of General Motors, who informed me that, subject to a UAW agreement etc., GM will be selling their beautiful Lordstown Plant to Workhorse, where they plan to build Electric Trucks. GM will also be spending $700,000,000 in Ohio... ... ....in 3 separate locations, creating another 450 jobs. I have been working nicely with GM to get this done. Thank you to Mary B, your GREAT Governor, and Senator Rob Portman. With all the car companies coming back, and much more, THE USA IS BOOMING!Republicans shouldn’t vote for H.R. 312, a special interest casino Bill, backed by Elizabeth (Pocahontas) Warren. It is unfair and doesn’t treat Native Americans equally! 14,996 replies 18,369 retweets 69,053 likesOur Nation grieves at the unspeakable violence that took a precious young life and badly injured others in Colorado. God be with the families and thank you to the First Responders for bravely intervening. We are in close contact with Law Enforcement.Thank you @NewtGingrich & @FoxandFriends!Getting ready to leave for one of my favorite places, the Florida Panhandle, where we’ve given, and are giving, billions of $$$ for the devastation caused by Hurricane Michael. Even though the Dems are totally in our way (they don’t want money to go there) we’re getting it done!“The reality is, with the Tariffs, the economy has grown more rapidly in the United States and much more slowly in China.” Peter Morici, Former Chief Economist, USITCBig announcement today: Drug companies have to come clean about their prices in TV ads. Historic transparency for American patients is here. If drug companies are ashamed of those prices—lower them!Just landed in Panama City Beach, Florida for a rally beginning at 8:00 P.M. Eastern. Will be live on @FoxNews! #MAGA @tuckercarlson @seanhannityBig crowds in Panama City Beach, Florida. See everyone in 30 minutes! @FoxNews @TuckerCarlson @SeanHannityBeautiful evening in Panama City Beach, Florida. Thank you! #MAGAMAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!After a great rally in Panama City Beach, Florida - I am returning to Washington, D.C. with @SenRickScott and Senator @MarcoRubio, discussing the terrible abuses by Maduro. America stands with the GREAT PEOPLE of Venezuela for however long it takes!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:This young patriot bravely sacrificed his life to tackle a deranged school shooter yesterday. He stopped the gunfire, saving lives. Kendrick Castillo is a hero. You won’t see this on redacted because WE are the side that honors selflessnessBREAKING: Secretary of State Mike Pompeo Warned UK PM Theresa May that if she allows Huawei Technologies into Britain's 5G, "U.S. will not share America’s national security secrets in a network we don’t have confidence in and is controlled by China"FBI opened obstruction case against Trump before Mueller was appointed, court files showTwo young men, who did what was right. No matter what it took.PRESS BRIEFINGS, INTERVIEWS, RALLIES:Watch Party: President Donald J. Trump MAGA Rally Panama City Beach, FL 5/8/19🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Word of the day: "Baizuo"BackfiredOMFG DED 😂😂😂😂💀💀💀💀YesLine for the Trump rally in Panama City Beach. Three and a half hours before the rally beginsThursday, May 9th:TODAY'S ACTION:Proclamation on Military Spouse Day, 2019President Donald J. Trump Announces Intent to Appoint Individual to a Key Administration PostPresident Trump Delivers Remarks on Ending Surprise Medical BillingPresident Trump Welcomes the 2018 World Series Champions The Boston Red Sox to the White HouseU.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost Testifies About the Border Crisis🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Great news today: My Administration just secured a historic donation of HIV prevention drugs from Gilead to help expand access to PrEP for the uninsured and those at risk. Will help us achieve our goal of ending the HIV epidemic in America!Today, it was my honor to welcome the 2018 World Series Champion Boston @RedSox to the @WhiteHouse!House Republicans should not vote for the BAD DEMOCRAT Disaster Supplemental Bill which hurts our States, Farmers & Border Security. Up for vote tomorrow. We want to do much better than this. All sides keep working and send a good BILL for immediate signing!(Retweeting VP Mike Pence) Great to be at R&J Johnson Farms in Glyndon, Minnesota today! Since the earliest days of our administration, @POTUS has promised to keep fighting for our farmers - & that’s exactly what we’ve done!(Retweeting The White House) President @realDonaldTrump hosted the 2018 World Series Champions, the Boston @RedSox, at the White House!James Comey is a disgrace to the FBI & will go down as the worst Director in its long and once proud history. He brought the FBI down, almost all Republicans & Democrats thought he should be FIRED, but the FBI will regain greatness because of the great men & women who work there!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:BREAKING: Hillary Clinton’s campaign accepted large and illegal donation from the sex slave cult NXIVMTHE HILL: FBI's Steele story (completely) falls apart: False intel and media contacts were flagged before FISAPresident Trump and his admin distributing AIDs preventing medicine to hundreds of thousands of people - why do I feel like Democrats will still find something to bitch about?Senate Panel Approves Trump Nominee Jeffrey Rosen as Deputy AGTrump to Nominate Patrick Shanahan as Defense Secretary🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:Yup.One important takeaway from Google unpersoning usAnother nugget of gold from twitter:Rosenstein's last day at DOJ is tomorrow. I got him a card. Who wants to sign it?Got 'Em 👌Friday, May 10th:TODAY'S ACTION:President Trump and The First Lady Participate in the Celebration of Military Mothers🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:We have lost 500 Billion Dollars a year, for many years, on Crazy Trade with China. NO MORE!V.P. Mike Pence will be interviewed on @foxandfriends at 7:30 A.M. Enjoy!Talks with China continue in a very congenial manner - there is absolutely no need to rush - as Tariffs are NOW being paid to the United States by China of 25% on 250 Billion Dollars worth of goods & products. These massive payments go directly to the Treasury of the U.S.... ... ....The process has begun to place additional Tariffs at 25% on the remaining 325 Billion Dollars. The U.S. only sells China approximately 100 Billion Dollars of goods & products, a very big imbalance. With the over 100 Billion Dollars in Tariffs that we take in, we will buy..... ... ....agricultural products from our Great Farmers, in larger amounts than China ever did, and ship it to poor & starving countries in the form of humanitarian assistance. In the meantime we will continue to negotiate with China in the hopes that they do not again try to redo deal!Tariffs will bring in FAR MORE wealth to our Country than even a phenomenal deal of the traditional kind. Also, much easier & quicker to do. Our Farmers will do better, faster, and starving nations can now be helped. Waivers on some products will be granted, or go to new source!Tariffs will make our Country MUCH STRONGER, not weaker. Just sit back and watch! In the meantime, China should not renegotiate deals with the U.S. at the last minute. This is not the Obama Administration, or the Administration of Sleepy Joe, who let China get away with “murder!”The average 401(k) balance has SOARED since the bottom of the market - 466%. Wow!....If we bought 15 Billion Dollars of Agriculture from our Farmers, far more than China buys now, we would have more than 85 Billion Dollars left over for new Infrastructure, Healthcare, or anything else. China would greatly slow down, and we would automatically speed up!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!Your all time favorite President got tired of waiting for China to help out and start buying from our FARMERS, the greatest anywhere in the World!Great Consumer Price Index just out. Really good, very low inflation! We have a great chance to “really rock!” Good numbers all around.Looks to me like it’s going to be SleepyCreepy Joe over Crazy Bernie. Everyone else is fading fast!“We have been engaged in an unfair relationship with China for a long time. They have reneged on the commitments they made to the WTO, particularly around intellectual property.” Carly Fiorina @MariaBartiromoGreat Republican vote today on Disaster Relief Bill. We will now work out a bipartisan solution that gets relief for our great States and Farmers. Thank you to all. Get me a Bill that I can quickly sign!Over the course of the past two days, the United States and China have held candid and constructive conversations on the status of the trade relationship between both countries. The relationship between President Xi and myself remains a very strong one, and conversations.... ... ....into the future will continue. In the meantime, the United States has imposed Tariffs on China, which may or may not be removed depending on what happens with respect to future negotiations!Military spouses share an admirable legacy of unwavering devotion to their loved ones in uniform and to the cause of freedom. On Military Spouse Day, we honor our Nation’s military spouses and express our deep appreciation for all that they do!Build your products in the United States and there are NO TARIFFS!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:He did it..Name changeThis is the funniest damn thing I’ve read today! The left is so triggered over this!Giuliani will travel to Ukraine, saying country's probes may be 'very, very helpful' for TrumpBiden goes crazy. Backs health care for illegal immigrants, says 'we have an obligation' to provide itJUDICIAL WATCH: New Records Reveal Obama White House Paranoid, Tracking FOIA Request For Hillary Clinton Emails🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:"SSSHHHH....just keep playing..."HABabylon Bee with the spice 🌶️🌶️🌶️Lock. Him. Up.Movie posters we really want to see..Saturday, May 11th:🔥🔥TRUMP TWEETS🔥🔥:Such an easy way to avoid Tariffs? Make or produce your goods and products in the good old USA. It’s very simple!SIGNIFICANT TWEETS AND NEWS:Another false #metoo, but this time it ends in death.President Trump: It would be 'appropriate' for me to talk to DOJ about investigating BidenComey: It’s ‘Totally Normal’ To Plant People Near Political CampaignsRed Sox fans hanged a "Trump 2020" banner over Fenway Park tonightTrump’s ‘Uplifting’ Letter To Cancer Patient Meets With Hateful Response From Libtards On Twitter🐸 TOP SPICE OF THE DAY 🐸:It's Now A Neck and Neck RaceThe Ultimate Red-PillingOVER TARGET! Dems and fake news are shitting themselves over Guliani going to the Ukraine. They're calling for investigation into Guliani, and ignoring the the Ukrainian investigation into Bidens. Even Fox cut off Guliani when he tried talking about Biden. Guliani connecting Steele with Ukraine now.Just spit out my coffee from laughing so hard.WEEEEW LAD!Without further ado, some tunes to get you jamming through all this winning:FeelsMy SongPromisesAmerican GirlYou Took the Words Right Out of My MouthMAGA ON PATRIOTS! #robgray
0 notes