#trump is a racist xenophobic islamophobic sexist etc etc etc
Sooo.. Who are we?
Well, we're a traumagenic system of 200+ hc!
We have tons of littles, otherkin/therian, and nonhumans!!
We're also VERY introject heavy.
We'll soon do a list of alters and such with their tags and names.
Who's Allowed Here?
Well, if you fit basic DNI criteria, [LINK], then please go away.
If you're pro-endo, or a non-traumagenic system, feel free to stay!
We're anti-syscourse.
So basically DNI if:
- Racist, Sexist, Homophobic, Transphobic, Xenophobic, Islamophobic, etc. (See Basic DNI ^^)
- Anti-Xenogenders / Anti-Neopronouns
- Anti-Therian / Anti-Otherkin / Anti-Alterhuman
- Anti-Agere / Anti-Petre
- Anti-System / Pro-Syscourse
- Misuses Tone Tags
- Anti-Typing Quirk
- DANGEROUS Paraphilea (zoo, necro, pedo, etc.)
- Proshipper / Comshipper
- Trump Supporter / Conservative
- Discriminates Against Religions
- Have NSFW in your blog
- Xenoid Users
Who Is Welcomed? (Please INT.)
Welcome List:
- Systems
- Otherkin / Therian / Alterhuman / Nonhuman
- Uses Neopronouns
- Uses Xenogenders
- LGBTQIA+ Individuals
- Gender Hoarders
- Name Hoarders
- Pronoun Hoarders
- Title Hoarders
Before You Follow. (BYF)
- Bodily Minor
- Traumatized
- Photosensitive
- We Support Good-Faith IDs
- This is a SFW Blog
What You Can Ask For:
- System Flags
- New System Terms
- System-Related Userboxes
- Misc. Userboxes (This user likes ___)
- System-Related / Misc. Communication Cards!!
- Advice
- LGBTQIA+ / Queer Emoji Edits
- System Emoji Edits
(You can also send in "system / plural culture is..." posts!)
What You Cannot Ask For:
- Genders
- Orientations
- Names
- Pronouns
- Titles
- Alterhuman Terms
- Alterhuman Userboxes
(If you need to, check out our other blogs to request some stuff! They'll be listed below.)
Other Blogs / Posts.
If you want alterhuman content, requests, and asks; go to.. The-Infinite-Wilderness [LINK]
If you want MOGAI, LIOM, xenogender, names, titles, and pronouns content; go to.. Infinity-Terms [LINK]
If you want emoji content, go to.. Infinity-Emojis [LINK]
If you want to see our reblogs / hoards, go to.. Xeno-Archive [LINK]
Here's our name / tagging system:
Thank you for reading / listening to this post!!
Check out our other blogs if you want!
Have a good day, all!
- Ash + Unnamed Alter
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dark-nimbus · 7 months
Welcome to the Void!
About Me
I’m Nimbus (they/them), but I’ll answer to any of my other names and users. I’m just a giant fuckin nerd with no idea how I ended up here. Also a broke sleep-deprived college student with raging ADHD but we vibin’ ✌🏽
Enby Panromantic/Demisexual (if you’re bothered by that statement this blog is not safe for you)
Polytheistic pagan witch
East Asian transracial adoptee (transracial as in adopted and raised by people of a different race)
Aspiring artist and writer
If it wasn’t already clear from the college student mention, I am indeed an adult. No age number because 1.) I don’t actually know it and 2.) people for whatever reason act creepier when I do put a number
General Blog Info
You know how some people have an art dump account? This is my nerd dump account. Enjoy this dumpster-fire of a blog lmao, I post what I please without rhyme or reason
Possible content you can expect to see:
ThePandaRedd memes
Nerdy fanart
Essay rants on nerd shit and mainstream media
Fics? Maybe? Eventually? Idk y’all are gonna need to request shit I already got my hands full with my own writing projects
Blog Warnings
I am. The most inconsistent bitch on this Earth. I’ll more often than not appear for a time then randomly dip. I promise I didn’t abandon this blog I just have ADHD 💀
While I’ll never go into sexually explicit content on this blog, I do talk about other controversial, mature, and potentially dark topics. I’ll always have content warnings at the top of those posts, but please be aware of your own triggers and mental health
Minors are welcome here, but keep the above note in mind and be respectful
RCTA/ECTA (aka the racist/misappropriated kind of transracial)
Queerphobic (including transphobia, homophobia, biphobia, acephobia, etc)
A trump supporter
Support cultural appropriation
Support AI
Publicly advocate for piracy
To be added
Notes About Rant Essays
I try to choose my topics based on what problems I notice and what I have a deep understanding of or affects me directly. If I myself don’t experience it I speak based on the communities I’ve surrounded myself with and my own in-depth research. That being said while I am many things, being omniscient and having every experience in the world is not one of them. If I speak on something directly relating to you that isn’t completely factually accurate or is offensive/insensitive to that community you’re a part of, please let me know. I have an ask box and my DMs are open, and I’m open to conversation and criticism as long as you’re respectful and have constructive intentions. I try to educate myself as best I can, but I am still human and still learning. However I will not accept any conversation that vehemently insists on defending anything or anyone listed in the DNI section above. There’s no excuse for bigotry, ever
Nerdy Interests
More will be added to this list as I remember them or find more interests. If you don’t see something but want to know if I enjoy or will make content regarding it, feel free to leave something in my ask box
Also: if there’s anything problematic about any authors or things listed, please let me know. I try to ensure what I enjoy has no negative content within or attached to it, but my awareness of such issues is nowhere near perfect
Critical Role
DC Comics
Mr. Miracle
Titans (not HBO)
Young Justice League
Marvel Comics
Video games
Assassin’s Creed
Until Dawn
Arslan Senki
Boku no Hero Academia
Shingeki no Kyojin
Studio Ghibli
Ranger’s Apprentice
Adrienne Young
Margaret Rogerson
Ready Player One
Lord of the Rings
Not Even Bones
The Witcher
Purple Hyacinth
Cape of Spirits
Midnight Poppyland
Loving Reaper
Love Advice from the Great Duke of Hell
Third Shift Society
To be added
TV shows
Avatar: the Last Airbender
Kipo and the Age of Wonderbeasts
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eldritchdemonfox · 2 years
Hi, and welcome to my corner of Tumblr!
Feel free to send me asks! Art prompts, question for/about my OCs, questions about my AUs, or even just whatever are all welcome! RP asks are encouraged. Multifandom crossovers are welcome. My current hyperfixations are on: Five Nights At Freddy’s , Slimecicle, 17776/20020, The Sandman universe, Dead Boy Detectives, and Ghostbusters. My heros are: Neil Gaiman, Will Wood, Team StarKid, Smosh, Brennan Lee Mulligan, Brian David Gilbert, Markiplier, and Tom Cardy. I rotate this handful of stuff around in my brain 24/7 all the time help.
I run a few different side blogs, including: @polaris-the-star, @definitely-spencers-gifts, @labyrinth-slenderman, @poorwayfaringstranger, @archive-of-important-lists, @acatnamedsalad, and @reassurance-bucket-everyday
I am a proud maggot
If you are new to my blog, make sure to check out my bio:
RP/Lore Masterpost:
Tags List:
#fox draws - all my art, both digital and traditional
#fox's rambles -shit I say lol
#fox made memes - stupid memes I made on imgflip
#fox cosplays - my cosplay photos
#wires and secrets au - my main FNAF AU
#lore post - any lore related to my OCs/Roleplays
#mootmoot - my mutual tag!!!
#fox writes - my original writing
#fox got lazy - queue tag
#fox creates - stuff I made using picrew/lily story/etc
#fox’s polls - my polls
#fnaf - anything FNAF related
#the sandman - sandman content
#discord roleplay - stuff related to my OCs on the Cerania discord server
transphobes/terfs/farts/radfems (looking at you staff/photomatt), homophobes, lgbtq+phobic ppl, racists, pro trump, pro life, xenophobes, islamophobes, anti-semetic/nazi, proship (elaboration), pro-censorship, pedos/MAPS, ableist, sexist/misogynistic, bigots, rapists, dream stans, jkr fans, people who support "purity culture", proselytizing blogs, zionists, arophobes, acephobes, radqueers, Wilbur soot/will Gold fans, or people who try to support/downplay the genocide of Palestinians If i see any of this shit i will block you so don't even try it /srs.
Also dni: casual-mitosis-collective and sideblogs. If anyone is curious why, dm me. But the short of it is, I don’t feel safe around someone who threatens other people and me with harassment because they were mad at the bereaved person I was comforting.
Old Profile pic by Benzon Q on discord
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asei-mogai · 2 years
҉pro-alm (all lives matter)/ pro blue lives matter
҉trump supporter
҉covid denier
҉against informed self-diagnosing
҉pronoun policer
҉against m-spec people
҉anti lesboy/veldigirl
҉against contradictory labels
҉anti otherkin/therian
҉uncritical fan of the dmsp or post about it a lot**
҉pro-contact or neu-contact for harmful paras (pedophilia, zoophilia, necrophilia, etc.)
҉demonize people with paras who don't act on them
҉anti-endo/think you need trauma to be a system
҉think any disorder makes somebody bad by virtue of the disorder
҉anti-sfw agere
҉anti-sfw petgre
҉nsfw/kink focused blog
҉have any content about criminal mind on your blog**
*unless done completely privately for coping reasons
**introjects are fine as long as source isnt talked about on the blog much
*** i support people /w BIID and chronosians.
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momo4521 · 2 years
The article had said that Hillary Clinton was wrong; – “They’re all (Trumpanzees) deplorable.” Hillary Clinton had come under fire for saying that half of Trump’s supporters are “racists, sexists, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamophobic,” etc. — what she classified as “the basket of “deplorables.” And indeed, she was wrong. Now we know the Truth, – they’re “ALL” Deplorable.
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View On WordPress
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eidetic187 · 7 years
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plutovhs2020 · 2 years
-N/S/F/W accounts
-If you’re racist, xenophobic, antisemitic, islamophobic, Nazi, etc
-If you’re against freeing Palestine and Ukraine
-If you’re homophobic, lesbiphobic, biphobic, transphobic, TERF, truscum, radfem, panphobic, acephobic, polyphobic, or intersexist
-if you’re an exclusionist
-If you’re sexist
-If you disregard male victims of abuse, make fun of gay men for liking men etc. you’re a radfem if you do this btw, go rot in hell
-if you think that pansexuality is biphobic and transphobic (I’m bi and I support pansexuals, if you disagree go to hell)
-if you exclude asexuals from the lgbt community
-If you support pedo, incest, zoophilia, rape, even in fiction. I REALLY don’t want to see p0rn of underage characters or age gap/incest ships on my timeline. -Anti-SJW (go back to 2016 ya nerd, nobody cares about how feminists are ruining Star Wars or whatever)
-If you bash anime while worshipping western animation or if you bash western animation while worshipping anime
-If you support bullying and cringe culture. Liking preschool shows is perfectly okay Karen, Sesame Street is way better than Supernatural
-If you think that being LGBT is inappropriate or inherently sexual
-If you call people groomers with no real evidence while disregarding actual CSA victims
-If you support MCYT (especially Dream), Trump, JK Rowling, Elon Musk, Sia, Hero Hei, Clownfish TV, Lily Orchard, Amber Heard, and other atrocious excuses for human beings. -If you’re one of *those* Tumblr users who think they’re better than everyone else and constantly make essays about how X media is evil and problematic. Get off your high horse, I don’t want to see your thinkpieces about why Undertale or Steven Universe or Homestuck or whatever are “irredeemable media”
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cyber-flight · 4 years
Radfem, truscum, terf
Blogs for: kink, NSFW (porn, gore, self-harm, pro-eating disorders, etc.), discourse if any kind (sideblogs are ok but plz don't interact from one of these blogs)
Anti-LGBTQ+, bigot, homophobe, transphobe, aphobe, biphobe, panphobe, etc.
Racist, xenophobe, sexist, misogynist, antisemetic, islamophobe, etc.
Trump supporter, nazi, alt right
MAP, NOMAP, PEAR, pedophile (+apologists) (including "aged up")
Incest supporter/shipper
People who strip down all shipping discourse to "proship vs anti" discourse // Anti-anti/proshipper / comship/variants of comship / any form of "neutral" / push anti/anti-anti discourse into everything
Actively anti-"queer"
[Neo] pronoun non-supporter
Fans of: Harry Potter, Hazbin Hotel, Hetalia, Attack on Titan, DSMP
Doesn't wear a mask / thinks the COVID-19 Pandemic is a "scamdemic"
Thinks "Superstraight" or any variation is real and identifies with it (see: Nazis)
Supporter of crypto/NFTs in any way
I do not see everything on this list as equivalent (such as NSFW blogs and Nazis) but still want you to stay off of my blog(s) if you fit any of the criteria listed above. Thanks
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amysregression · 3 years
。⋆ 🎀 𝓌𝑒𝓁𝒸💞𝓂𝑒 >< 🎀 ⋆。
*゚ ゚・ ✧.。. *. •.°
┊┊  ♡
♡ hewwo! my name is amy, my big age is 13 and my smol age is 3-6! im wooking for fwiends ^w^! ill be here for a while and here is me dni list! DNI (Do Not Interact) list ⇝ If you're homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist, white supremacist, colorist, sexist, islamophobic, a terf, misogynistic, ableist, nazi or fetishize any race or group of people ⇝ If you're a trump supporter, LEAVE. I MEAN RIGHT NOW. ⇝ If you body shame people. ⇝ If you ship any illegal ships (TanGiyuu, Ereri, HisoGon, etc.) ⇝ Identify as super-straight, animesexual, r@p3sexual or map. → Shame people for their unharmful likings. ⇝ Cyberbully/bully people → Say: "Blue Lives Matter" or/and "All Lives Matter" ⇝ Don't support the BLM or/and Stop Asian Hate movements ⇝ DDLG, ADLG, CLG or kink
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nanastea · 3 years
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» this is a purely fluffy (maybe a sprinkle of angst) blog that curates to mostly headcanons, imagines, drabbles, time stamps, and whatever comes to my head (also crack lol) so no full on nsfw themes please as i am not good at writing those things. slightly suggestive themes are okay (i may reject some if they’re too suggestive lol)
» i also reserve the right to deny and delete asks that do not follow my before you order rules or have already been asked.
» my asks and submissions are mostly always open unless said otherwise so ask to your hearts content; however, please note that it will probably take a while for me to get back to you because either i am busy with school work or my brain is not functioning correctly
» ALSO: this is not a spoiler-free zone! so there is a possibility that i write something that contains spoilers for manga and anime (especially jujutsu kaisen!) please take note of that :)
» i will NOT write for:
↳ incest, pedophilia, yandare (or any dark content), self-harm, suicide, eating disorders, drugs, etc.
↳ i will delete them if i receive any of the listed above or if i deem not appropriate for this blog and rules.
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» if you are homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic/racist, islamophobic, sexist, misogynist, have partaken in spreading hate or body shamed anyone (real and/or fictional), support donald trump, etc.
» i humbly ask you to get off my blog and never interact with me again.
» be kind to others!
» there is a possibility that i interact with dc and 18+ creators/mutuals! to avoid that, i will tag posts with #tw. dc mutual or #tw. 18+ mutual
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arcticdementor · 4 years
When deciding who to vote for in November, what should we base our decision on? What considerations should we let sway us, and what considerations should we ignore? You might think the answer should have something to do with our values, beliefs, and convictions—and you’d be right. But some on the left are actually trying to make the case that voters should put all that aside. Instead, we should base critical political decisions (like who should be the President) on how likely they are to elicit violent reactions from the left.
Last Friday, Cathy Young, a contributing editor at Reason magazine and Arc Digital, took issue with President Trump’s order to end diversity training based on Critical Race Theory in federal agencies. “There is plenty wrong with the ideology and practice of most forms of racial sensitivity training,” she acknowledges, but, according to Young, “recruiting Trump to fight this war is the worst possible move.” She believes that doing so risks triggering the reaction of progressive politicians and activists against President Trump’s move. The President’s opponents will “rally in defense of diversity training,” she writes, so “the anti-Trump backlash may actually strengthen such programs.”
Then, on Sunday, Shadi Hamid, a senior fellow at the Brookings Institution, argued in the Atlantic that even “law and order Republicans” should prefer a Biden victory. Like Young, Hamid’s concern was how Democrats would react. For Democrats, losing the November election will “undermine faith in democracy, resulting in more of the social unrest and street battles that cities including Portland, Oregon, and Seattle have seen in recent months. For this reason, strictly law-and-order Republicans who have responded in dismay to scenes of rioting and looting have an interest in Biden winning.”
Young and Hamid have something right: at this critical moment in American history, we face a warlike foe. But we shouldn’t capitulate. We should make our decisions in accordance with our convictions and be prepared to fight back against those who’ll oppose them. We should position ourselves as wartime conservatives. After all, soldiers and nations have made the ultimate sacrifice, facing conflict and likely death to stand for truth and justice. Even if we risk mass violence, civil war, or succession by siding with the same, we’d be cowards for doing otherwise.
People oppose wokism because its claims are untrue and its actions unjust. Woke discourse casts people into groups ordered hierarchically by the level of oppression they’re deemed to have suffered, running roughshod over considerations of individual justice. It insists on an ideological and naive view of history, and it proceeds by trying to shame those who resist it into acceptance. In 2016, President Trump’s base rejected the Democrats because they were wandering off the woke cliff, as Clinton’s attack on “the racist, sexist, xenophobic, Islamophobic” deplorables amply demonstrated. We rejected establishment Republicans because they failed to contend with wokeness entirely, focusing instead on issues of limited government and free markets. At the same time, the left achieved dominance in all domains of cultural formation (K-12 education, universities, Hollywood, the media, etc.).
We chose president Trump because he fought back against wokeness, explicitly: bucking political correctness entirely (stating plainly, for instance, an immigration policy millions of citizens were yearning for) and refusing to bend to woke ways of manipulation. That this movement has led to “an increasingly militant cultural left” confirms the wartime conservative’s assessment of the left. Young’s tepid anti-wokism is not adequate to the threat that wokism poses. Tyranny doesn’t abate when you remove resistance to it.
So yes, the left will absolutely “rally in defense of diversity training” when confronted with President Trump’s recent order. But that’s not a reason not to endorse the executive order: it’s why we absolutely must throw our support behind it. An animal roars loudest when it’s wounded.
What Hamid fails to reckon with is that we voted for President Trump in 2016 precisely to teach the establishment class that their entire political culture is failing our country. The Democrats’ behavior since 2016 demonstrates that they’re failed to learn their lesson. While Hamid would abandon the lesson entirely, wartime conservatives think it should be taught again (and again, and again, and again).
Of course, we recognize the danger posed to the country by an outraged left; there’s no confusion there. But for wartime conservatives, the fear of leftist outrage is silenced by our commitment to the belief that Democrats should “process a Trump victory.” If Democrats won’t listen to what their opponents are saying in the public sphere, they should be made to hear their voice at the ballot box until they do. That’s how properly functioning democracies work.  They should be taught their lesson until they recognize that their moral vision needs amending.
Hamid, however, only considers that the country will be safer by appeasing the left—he fails to ask what kind of country we’d be saving by doing so. A big worry for him is that, for Democrats, a Trump re-election “would provoke mass disillusion with electoral politics as a means of change.” He notes that Republican politicians will be more willing to acknowledge a Biden victory than Democrats will be to acknowledge a Trump victory, an asymmetry that will be mirrored in the media. “There’s a lot of right-of-center journalists and right-of-center commentators who’ll respect a Biden victory in a way that left-of-center journalists will not respect a Trump victory,” he explained in a podcast foreshadowing his editorial. He concludes that the gap between what the country is and what it ought to be will appear greater to Democrats under a Trump presidency than it’ll appear to Republicans under a Biden presidency. This is why Democrat losers will be more despairing of democracy, and “this has implications for mass unrest and political violence across American cities.” 
A Biden victory, Hamid postulates, will lead to a cold civil war within the Democratic Party instead of a hot one on our streets. The ‘woke anger’ of the radical left will transfer onto Biden centrists instead of Trumpists. Hamid sees this as “a more pro-democracy outcome, for that’s not really questioning the democratic system.”
Hamid’s argument here is absurd: if Democrats lose a fair democratic election, they’ll despair of democracy. The deciding factor in the election should be whether Democratic voters are left “questioning the democratic system.” Essentially, we must vote Biden to coddle the American Democrat.
Never mind that these Democrats are falsely and unjustly claiming that democracy is now in question. (Hamid flat out denies that these facts matter: “We can debate that, but…”) What’s important to ‘guardians of democracy’ like Hamid is only that Democrats “will lose their shit and lose their minds.” That they’ll do so because “they can no longer think rationally” and will obstinately refuse to recognize the results of a fair election is, for some reason, to be ignored.
The radical left has outsized institutional power today. Throughout the Trump Presidency, this year especially, they’ve converted their beachheads in our major institutions into dominance of them. Liberals blame this turn of events on Trump’s provocations, but, more than anything, what it demonstrates is the wartime conservative’s view that the radical left had to be squarely confronted. And it’s appeasement-thinking like Young’s and Hamid’s that allowed the radical left to establish such strong beachheads in the first place. 
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crows-of-teal · 4 years
Do Not Interact if you are:
Homophobic/Lesbophobic/Against any m-spec identities (biphobic, panphobic, omniphobic, plyphobic, etc.)
Transphobic/T(W)ERFs/TEHMs/”gender critical”/transmed/truscum
Enbyphobic, Exorsexist, or if you do not believe non-binary/genderqueer people exist
Pedophilic, MAPS, NOMAPS, whatever else you call yourselves
Aphobic, or exclusionary of asexuals and aromantic people in the LGBTQ+ community
Against MOGAI identities
A Gatekeeper/think gatekeeping is okay
Ableist or Eugenicist
Sexist, Intersexist, Misogynistic, Transmisogynistic, etc.
Anti-sex work/SWERFS
Racist, Xenophobic, Fascist, or support Trump
Bigoted/Prejudiced against any religion or spirituality (Islamophobic, Antisemitic, etc.) or are a Nazi/Neonazi...
As I find and remember more terms, this list will be adjusted accordingly. 
If you identify as a transmedicalist/truscum but you think “gender incongruence” is a type of gender dysphoria, you may interact, but do not clown on any of my posts. You are on thin ice. 
These will also be adjusted as I learn more.
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neurogender · 5 years
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Rouene / Rouegender
When you have multiple genders due to being neurodivergent.
Someone who has BPD and splits on their gender, becoming or identifying more strongly with another gender. They may still identify with their old gender, but since they’ve split on it they don’t want to be that gender anymore, though they may go back to it later.
Someone who is autistic and their special interest is gender(s), and they ‘collect’ genders, possibly due to being fascigender (a gender influenced by special interests).
Someone who, due to neurodivergency, has difficulty making decisions (e.g, autism, ADHD, DPD), and therefore can’t ‘decide’ what gender they are (i.e, can’t pinpoint it).
Someone who simply feels like their multigender-ness stems from being neurodivergent.
Pronounced roo-en-ee / roo-eh-gender. From rouen, an anagram of neuro-.
Colour meanings:
Red, for the influence neurodiversity has over your genders,
White, for the multigender spectrum,
Purple, for neurodiversity.
[ID: a pride flag with three thick vertical stripes of equal width. The first is red, the second white, and the third purple. End ID]
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[DNI banner reads: DNI if: truscum/transmed; transphobe; anti-mogai; anti-neopronouns; anti-emojiself pronouns; anti-nonbinary; aspec exclusionist; TERF; SWERF; TWERF; discourse blog; (NO)MAP or supporter; C,G,L/D,D,G,L etc.; C,L,Gre; p,et,play; k,ink; N,S,F,W; racist; xenophobe; sexist; misogynist; islamophobe; anti-Semitic; Trump supporter; fascist; anti-self-dx; anti-endogenic/quoigenic/etc.; & any other standard DNI criteria! thank you! End.]
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xeno-aligned · 5 years
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A combination of dawnian and phoenixian; being partially solarian, partially stellarian, and partially xenic in alignment.
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[DNI banner reads: DNI if: truscum/transmed; transphobe; anti-mogai; anti-neopronouns; anti-emojiself pronouns; anti-nonbinary; aspec exclusionist; TERF; SWERF; TWERF; discourse blog; (NO)MAP or supporter; C,G,L/D,D,G,L etc.; C,L,Gre; p,et,play; k,ink; N,S,F,W; racist; xenophobe; sexist; misogynist; islamophobe; anti-Semitic; Trump supporter; fascist; anti-self-dx; anti-endogenic/quoigenic/etc.; & any other standard DNI criteria! thank you! End.]
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idkwhatmynameisyet · 4 years
Hey please read this thanks
Hey, my name’s Theo and I wanted an account where i just... spoke... so i made one!! I use they/them pronouns!!
I’m 18, pansexual, demisexual and agender!!
i also don’t sleep, don’t have serotonin and don’t have much dopamine (aka have depression and add)
my hyperfixations will be posted about a load and... yeah!
please dni if you:
are homophobic, lesbophobic, biphobic, etc.
are pro map/pedo/ddlg/ddlb
are transphobic
nazi/white supremist
support incest (yes, this includes adoption and half siblings because that’s still messed up)
support all lives/blue lives matter
trump supporter
basically don’t be a dick
(let me know if i missed anything)
long story short, i’m a bit of a mess, but i’l be ranting on this a load so that’s happening ^_^
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opedguy · 5 years
Log Cabin Republicans Endorse Trump
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Aug. 16, 2019.--Bucking the Democrat narrative started by former Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton in 2016 that 73-year-old President Donald Trump is “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic,” the House’s Log Cabin Republicans endorsed Trump for reelection.  Today’s endorsement threw the press for a loop, since Democrats and their media friends have practically stood on their heads branding Trump as homophobic, etc.  Log Cabin Republicans withheld their endorsement for Trump in 2016, seeing too much pandering to evangelicals in the last election cycle. This time around, Log Cabin Republicans agree with much of Trump’s policies, despite disagreeing with him on transgenders in the military.   While Trump re-instituted the transgender ban, he hasn’t done much against the LGBTQ community, other than stopping U.S. embassies from flying gay-pride flags.
            Gay activists don’t like Trump’s position on the transgender community, especially their willingness to serve in the U.S. military. What Trump objects to is having the Veteran’s Administration [VA] pay for gender reassignment surgery and all the hormone treatment needed for successful conversions.  Pro-gay rights groups complain about Trump’s support for the Colorado baker who, out of conscience, refused to sell a cake to a gay couple.  Banning gay-pride flags at U.S. embassies doesn’t show Trump’s homophobia but rather common sense.  If he lets the LGBTQ community fly their flag, he’d have to let other groups do the same.  Endorsing Trump, Log Cabin Republicans see nothing objectionable about Trump treatment of the LGBTQ community, tossing a monkey wrench into the Democrat narrative.  Endorsing Trump a year before the Republican National Convention speaks volumes.
            Log Cabin Republicans endorsed John McCain in 2008 and Mitt Romny in 2012, both of whom lost to former President Barack Obama. Writing the Washington Post, Log Cabin Chairman Robert Kabal and Vice Chairwoman Jill Homan praised Trump for advancing gay rights.  “Removing gay rights as a wedge issue from the Republican playbook,” showed Trump was a friend to the LGBTQ community.  “Taking bold actions that benefit the LGBTQ community,” said Kabal and Homan, helped to de-stigmatize the gay community.  Getting the Log Cabin endorsement this early in the campaign shows that they’re satisfied with Trump’s efforts on part of the LGBTQ community.  Kabal and Homan acknowledged Trump for working to end HIV/AIDS epidemic.  Log Cabin Republicans weren’t afraid to refute the Democrat and mainstream media narrative against Trump.
            Pointing to specific areas in which Trump has been helpful to the LGBTQ community, Kabal and Homan said their peace on the Post oped page.  “He has committed to end the spread of HIV/AIDS in 10 years, through the use of proven science, medicine and technology to which we now have access,” wrote Kabal and Homans.  One cannot understate the significance of Log Cabin Republicans giving it straight to their constituents.  ”Trump has used the United States’ outsize global influence to persuade other nations to adopt modern human right standards, including launching an initiative to end the criminalization of homosexuality,” wrote Log Cabin Republican.  These statements directly contradict the Democrat and mainstream press that Trump has a deeply homophobic bias.  Log Cabin Republicans would not have endorsed Trump without weighing his White House track record.
            Endorsing Trump this early, Log Cabin Republians want to put to rest any lingering doubts about Trump’s treatment of the LGBTQ community.  When it comes to transsexuals, there are many moving parts, including the government paying for gender-reassignment surgery, hormone treatment, psychiatric services and counseling required to complete sex change.  Trump’s opposition has nothing to do with discriminating against the transgenders, only concerns about the costs involved for the VA to complete gender reassignment procedures.  Media portrayals of Trump are so twisted, so distorted and so biased that it took the Log Cabin Republicans to set the record straight.  While Trump walks a fine line with the evangelical community, he’s open enough to know that the LGBTQ community deserves protective status under U.S. Civil Rights laws won over the last 50 years.
            Log Cabin Republicans’ endorsement of Trump throws a monkey wrench into the Democrat and media narrative that Trump’s what Hillary described as “racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic and Islamophobic.  While Hillary talked in 2016 about Trump’s “basket of deplorables,” referring to Trump’s base, Kabel and Homan corrected the record about Trump’s treatment of the LGBTQ community.  “While we do not agree with every policy or platform position presented by the White House or Republican Party,” they offered their endorsement.  “We share a commitment to individual responsibility, personal freedom and a strong national defense,” showing that Log Cabin Republicans stand for more than their narrow constituency. Republicans from the LGBTQ community are like any other American, concerned about the economy, safety, immigration and U.S. national security.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma
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