#he is literally giving abbey by mitski
heal2ninjagogirl · 6 months
So I saw this one post about morro theorizing that he most likely died from starvation (well technically its not really a theory cause how else would he have died from when he was literally stuck in a cave with absolutely nothing to help him survive????) and I just want to say to that post WOAAAH because to me that is really dark cause in a sense, he was always hungry for something as in physically and metaphorically. Physically as in before Wu took him in we literally see morro having to resort to eating scraps from garbage in order to feed his hungerness and he doesn't even escape from it in the end as that causes his inevitable death as a human.
Metaphorically as in how much he desired and craved to be the green ninja so bad even when he's a ghost that hunger to be the green ninja before still plagues him and never leaves him which once again, causes his second(?? Idk what to call it...) death as a ghost.
Or maybe I'm just looking too deep into this let me calm myself down and remind myself this is a kids show....
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(Btw kindaasrikal made the post I was talking about credit to them :33)
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carpkoinobori · 2 months
[†] thursday girl — giselle x reader
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[𖤐] 1/1 [please be aware this is all fiction! none of this is real and idols behavior is not accurately represented.]
song(s): abbey - mitski | wife - mitski | goodbye, my danish sweetheart - mitski | circle - mitski | shame - mitski | once more to see you - mitski | thursday girl - mitski | pink in the night - mitski |
summary: you debut in SM’s newest girl group. The industry isn’t what you thought it’d be. It’ll be fine, right? or , more accurately: a girl’s guide to breaking all ten commandments.
pairing: giselle x aespa member!reader
to be honest the dynamic is more like the apple x the snake x eve
tags: angst, happy and open ending, literally just angst though, reader is raised catholic
wc: 7.3k
cw: dieting, eating disorders, religious trauma, catholic guilt, homophobia, internalized homophobia, comphet, mild implied sexual content, creepy variety show hosts and fans mentioned, the mortifying ordeal of being a girl
ex: not beta read, reader is third oldest/youngest - middle of five. reader’s stage name is Eve.
a/n: leaving this warning here. I was raised catholic. if you find negative mentions of organized religion upsetting, this one isn’t for you. NOT BETA READ ONCE AGAIN
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psalm 32:1-5 Blessed is he whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered. Blessed is the man whose sin the Lord does not count against him, and in whose spirit is no deceit. When I kept silent, my bones wasted away through my groaning all day long. For day and night your hand was heavy upon me; my strength was sapped as in the heat of summer. Then I acknowledged my sin to you, and did not cover up my iniquity. I said, ‘I will confess my transgressions to the Lord’— and you forgave the guilt of my sin.
——————————————————————————————————— debut.
that’s what you’ve been working towards your entire life, what you hungered for, what you wanted.
since your early teen years, you’ve dreamed of debuting. You loved to perform, to sing, to dance— that’s why you were in your church’s choir group. The advent show, the way of the cross, everything— you were there.
did your parents approve of you being an idol? Absolutely not. They tried to convince you to settle down with one of the nice churchboys, the son of one of their friends. He was.. nice, okay looking. But you just didn’t like him. You dreamt of falling in love, being swept off your feet into happily ever after— but for most of your life, you had never even had a real crush! You must just not have found the right guy yet. It only counted when it was with a boy.
you auditioned for SM, and miraculously, you got in. Your days were spent training, dancing, weighing, singing, dancing, showcasing, singing, training, dancing, weighing— a cycle, really.
you met Yu Jimin and Kim Minjeong pretty early on, and you got along great with Jimin. She was catholic, and so were you! She wasn’t as dedicated as you, of course, but it was nice to have something in common.
you all didn’t get the chance to talk with Ning Yizhou a whole lot, even if she did share a dorm with minjeong. You dormed with jimin, but there was an empty bed.
that bed would be filled by one Aeri Uchinaga.
and from that day, your life would also be filled by aeri uchinaga.
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The five of you were called to a meeting. You were a little worried, of course, clutching your silver cross chain and pressing the tip of it into your chest. A nervous habit.
“Hello girls,” the man began, the five of you sitting and fidgeting nervously.
“I have good news for you all. You five will be debuting as SM’s newest girl group, Aespa. Congratulations,” he smiled, and it felt like your world had just crumbled and rebuilt itself, three times over.
“We’ll begin thinking of your stage names soon, so feel free to give us some ideas. We’ll be waiting,” the man continued, and like that, the meeting ended.
you all had to celebrate, right?
The five of you met in your dorm, as minjeong didn’t want to bother the other trainee living there. You all begin thinking of stage names, and your eyes drifted to the figurine of Mary that sat on your nightstand. Jimin was thinking of using Katarina, her baptismal name, anyway! Your confirmation name could also work, but you weren’t sure.
“What if I used Mary?” You thought out loud, the other four girls turning their heads to glance at you, and the figure just behind you.
“Mary?” Jimin began. “Like, the Virgin Mary? Our Lady of Naju?” She questioned.
“Yes, I quite like the idea, don’t you?” The other girls knew you spoke a little formally, never really speaking in slang or impolitely in the slightest. It was your parents, after all. You had grown up in a secluded, small town in America, but your parents had taught you Korean, along with your own interest, reading books to perfect grammar. Sadly, that didn’t really teach you many informal words— not that your parents would allow that. You had to be a lady, of course.
“It seems a bit.. outdated, doesn’t it?” Aeri voiced, tentatively, and the other girls agreed with her. They began giving suggestions.
“What about Lily?” Jimin offered.
“Eden— no, maybe Eve?” minjeong hummed.
“Lilith!” Ning exclaimed, much to the amusement of the other girls.
“Ning, that’s similar to Lily, though, isn’t it?” Minjeong gave an amused half-smile.
“I guess so,” she sighed.
“I like Eve,” Aeri voiced, and the other girls all mostly agreed, although more name suggestions were given out, for everyone.
You debuted with the names Karina, Giselle, Eve, Winter, and Ningning.
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you said a prayer every morning and every night, with the rosary that was around the figurine. A small Our Father, a Hail Mary, an Act of Contrition— no matter what, you never missed your morning and nightly prayers, no matter how small. You attended mass on Sunday, and while you usually couldn’t go in person, you’d try to listen to it in the morning, before it was time for practice, or at night, before bed— it didn’t matter how much sleep you gave up for it.
You were moved into a group dorms a bit after debut, Black Mamba being a sensational hit. You dormed with aeri, while ning and minjeong dormed together, karina having pulled the leader and oldest card to secure the single-room.
You and aeri weren’t exactly close. There was no animosity, of course, you two just never really got the chance to talk. It was definitely by chance. Not because she made your heart beat just a little faster, your steps a little more uncoordinated, your words fail. It wasn’t that. It wasn’t that at all.
you just admired the other girl. It didn’t help that you two had more than one language in common— aeri had gone to an international school, you were raised in america. You just hadn't gotten the chance to approach her, that was all.
well, the first night before the debut stage, you couldn’t sleep. You tossed and turned, finally sitting up, when—
“Can’t sleep?” aeri’s voice was low with sleep, and she was speaking in english. You felt an uncomfortable skip in your heart.
“Oh, yes, I’m just a bit restless,” you laughed, definitely not nervously. “I am, too. Just a little,” she replied, making a pinching gesture with her fingers, and a smile.
“Why?” You asked, even if it was kind of a dumb question.
aeri was silent, for a beat. At one point, you started to wonder if she was even going to respond.
“I’m just kind of.. scared,” she admitted. “We’re gonna be on display to the whole world, and who knows what’ll happen?” She chuckled, throwing her arms up just a bit. “I’m just.. worried. And.. I mean obviously, I miss home,” she added.
you looked at her, slightly, turning your head just to glance at the dark haired girl. “I know,” you murmured. “I miss home too, even if it wasn’t.. the most exciting place. I just miss it,” you continued. You were just a little afraid you were speaking too quickly in english, but aeri seemed fine. “I mean, I understand. I miss my parents,” she agreed.
you wished you could say the same. It’s not that you didn’t love your parents, but they were a little.. much. They didn’t like the fact you hadn’t found a guy yet. They’d ask you if you.. liked girls. You denied it, you didn’t! You were steadfast in your faith, dedicated, you didn’t like girls. You couldn’t.
“I miss my friends, you know. Sometimes I worry I’ll forget english,” you admitted.
“Well,” aeri gave a grin. “I’ll talk to you in english all you want if you promise to talk to me in japanese,”
you didn’t even speak japanese, but for her? you’d learn.
You smiled. “Of course,”
the two of you tried your best to sleep, after that, but it was mostly you two continuing to talk about anything and everything.
You could tell aeri was going to be one of your best friends. A reminder of home, if anything.
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the debut showcase went great, the song was a hit, everything was good.
you and aeri spoke before going to sleep every night— you’d even bought a book about japanese grammar, how to read, write and speak it. You tried your best, but aeri had a nice time correcting you. It was.. nice. You always loved to learn languages, and for some reason, having someone who spoke it already help you was.. a bit comforting, in a way.
you still prayed every night, and aeri would sometimes give you a look, but she never said anything.
everything was going great.
until the hate began
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Every little thing you or your group did was criticized, nitpicked, blown out of proportion— and the stress was getting to you.
you had never handled stress very well. You didn’t have a reason to. There was really nothing for you to ever stress about— other than following god, of course, but that wasn’t stressful to you. You had no reason to be stressed about something like that! You were a good person, you hadn’t ever wanted to sin.
some of the comments were about your appearance. It started to chip away at you. The company was always happy when you lost weight, so why not just a little more? It’s not like it would kill you. you were three months into an eating disorder that you called a diet.
the second you got up, you’d pray as your sustenance, head to practice, do your schedules— the other girls would order lunch, you’d ask for a salad. No dressing, of course, you didn’t like the taste. then, as you’d all get to the dorm, again, if there was even an hour of free time, you’d head to the company gym. Sometimes, when you were just in a waiting room, or you couldn’t work out— you’d pace. Anything to keep moving, you just couldn’t sit still. It was taking over your mind.
you couldn’t even eat normally. Any food given to you on a variety show, any drink, anything— mentally, you were counting. You liked to be in the negatives, you liked to skip meals, anything to be better. This was for yourself, so people couldn’t comment on you. You started to come up with even more elaborate ways to prove you were okay, to be better, you practiced more, you stayed late, you slept in the practice room, at times. You begged the vocal coaches to tell you whether or not you were actually good, and as much as they said you were, you just couldn’t believe them.
it was starting to destroy you.
“y/n?” Aeri called, as you prayed right before bed. She stood by the open room door, looking at you with a concerned expression. Why would she be concerned?
“Yes?” You answered, setting down the rosary, putting it back around the statue of Mary that watched over you so carefully. Sometimes, you wondered if you’d made her proud. Maybe if you said the suffering was in the name of god, he’d forgive you. He’d forgive you for the things you had thought and done and wanted to do. He’d forgive you. You could punish yourself, already. You could pray for him to fix you quickly, maybe you could give up eating for lent entirely—
“You.. haven’t been sleeping here, lately. We haven’t gotten.. to talk,” aeri began, sitting down next to you, looking down at you from where she had sat on your bed, right next to where you knelt.
you had completely forgotten your promise. It had just slipped your mind, you never really were awake enough for it, lately, and—
“Are you okay? You’re kind of.. pale, and you have dark circles, and-“
“Oh, I’m fine,” you smiled, quickly. “It’s just.. lent,” you lied, quickly. “All catholics fast and give something up for lent, don’t worry,” you assured, waving a hand dismissively. While it was true, it didn’t call for someone to starve themselves. You were lying. That’s a sin. But it’s just a white lie, so they won’t worry, right? It’s okay, you told yourself.
“We’re worried about you,” aeri frowned, putting a hand on your shoulder, the weight making you go from a kneeling position to sitting with your legs crossed. “I’m worried about you,”
god damn aeri, and her kind personality, and her need to care for others, and she was just so good- she was such a good person, and here you were, about to ruin her, damn her to hell. You were a horrible, filthy, disgusting person. For some reason, your eyes grew hot, but you couldn’t cry. You simply stared at her, with wide eyes, like seeing god’s light, it blinded you. You wished she didn’t care about you. You wouldn’t blame her. Vaguely, you remembered the first commandment.
the first commandment. Exodus 20:1 I am the Lord your God.  You shall not have other gods beside me. You shall not make for yourself an idol or a likeness of anything in the heavens above or on the earth below or in the waters beneath the earth; you shall not bow down before them or serve them. For I, the Lord, your God, am a jealous God
“Aeri, I-” your voice cracked, and you were so determined not to cry, but you could feel your resolve breaking, because you were weak, you were weak to your vices and weak to aeri, you were so pathetic. The older girl let out a small sigh, sinking down onto the floor next to you, taking you into her arms. She was silent, for a bit, while you choked out words that were mostly incomprehensible. She ran a hand through your hair, and was a bit unsettled to feel how cold you were to the touch, but she pointedly ignored it.
“Y/n, you can’t let the words of those people get to you.. they won’t do you any good, and.. I know that’s hypocritical of me, I’m learning to ignore it too, but.. you can’t let it kill you like this,” she continued, voice soft. It made you sick how much you liked her comforting you. What would she do if she knew that you were so disgusting. You wanted aeri, you realized as you held her shirt, with some sense of finality hitting you. You didn’t want her to leave. You wanted her to hold you, and she wasn’t even aware of what you felt towards her. You were taking advantage of her. You were so disgusting.
“I’m sorry,” you croaked out, voice a little choked as you bit the inside of your cheek, trying not to cry. “I’m so sorry,” “It’s okay,” she said, a little confused on why you were apologizing, look of worry on her face. Not that you could see it. You had your head in the crook of her neck.
that’s why you were apologizing, really.
you were sorry that you loved her. You were sorry she wanted to help you. You she couldn’t fix you, no one could. you were defective, and wrong, and oh so selfish. Aeri was such a good person.
the presence of the statue on your nightstand caught your eye from the corner. You turned away. She shouldn’t have to see this.
you could feel the tears stinging at your eyes, the shame, the guilt, the hate— it was all too much. You needed to push aeri away, to get as far away from her as possible, to save what little integrity and goodness you had left—
but you didn’t.
you clutched her shirt tighter, breathed her in desperately, and let out a choked sound. You wanted to cry, but you screwed your eyes shut and bit your lip. The blood was heavy and sharp in your mouth.
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You woke up the next day beyond exhausted, but in your bed and off the floor. You surmised that aeri had put you there. You held your head, and got down on your knees in front of your bed. You prayed.
“Mary, mother of God, please guide me away from sin, as you have for so many others. Help me to continue being steadfast in my faith, and to follow all commandments well. Allow me to be worthy of your son, and continue to protect me from sin. These thoughts have been given to me by the devil, as a challenge of my faith. Guide me out of temptation, and forgive my actions, in the Lord’s name, I ask for this mercy,”
you stood up. Your knees ached. Aeri was up, sitting cross legged on her bed, watching you with a concerned expression. “Why are you praying to Mary?” aeri asked, voice light but expression still a bit worried, if not a tad curious.
“Catholics pray to saints as well. Especially depending on their patronage— I mean, if I lose something, I usually pray to Saint Anthony,” you chuckled, explaining the concept.
“What’s Mary the patron Saint of?” aeri asked, softly, curiously.
“Many different things, depending on which version of her you choose to pray to. Our Lady of Lourdes is Mary, but when she appeared in Lourdes. She’s the patron saint of the sick. There’s Our Lady of Loreto, the patron Saint of pilots,”
“Which one do you have, then?”
“Our Lady of Sorrows,” you murmured, glancing towards the figure on your nightstand. The rosary was draped around her carefully. Her downcast, frowning face, her hands clasped together, the feeling of her porcelain eyes boring into your back nearly burned.
“What’s she the patron Saint of?”
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the second commandment. Exodus 20:1-7 You shall not invoke the name of the Lord, your God, in vain. For the Lord will not leave unpunished anyone who invokes his name in vain.
practice that day went on for a long while. You were all practicing for next level. At one point, you took a small break, drinking water— your heart had been beating quite fast, that day, and your throat had been dry the entire practice.
during the beat change, it was nearly impossible for you to keep your eyes off aeri- or should you start calling her giselle, now? maybe it would be best to separate the two.
you shouldn’t be looking at aeri like that— but giselle was an idol. giselle was not your friend— she was someone untouchable, unattainable. It was okay to like her, to find her pretty, to want- no, no. You didn’t. You just envied her appearance, was all.
Your eyes were glued to her, the way she moved, her expression, everything, it was-
“Oh my God,” you mumbled, eyes locked onto her movements, before you heard the instructor call for you to get up and were immediately snapped out of your haze. You didn’t even remember the event before you went to sleep.
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the third commandment. Exodus 20:1-11 Remember the sabbath day—keep it holy. Six days you may labor and do all your work, but the seventh day is a sabbath of the Lord your God.  You shall not do any work.  For in six days the Lord made the heavens and the earth, the sea and all that is in them; but on the seventh day he rested. That is why the Lord has blessed the sabbath day and made it holy.
It was Sunday. It was always a toss-up whether or not you’d have a schedule that day, and today you did not. You watched the six a.m. mass, while aeri slept a few feet away. You knelt when they knelt, stood when they stood, prayed when they prayed.
but you did not sing, no. That would wake aeri.
the girls usually used their rest days to sleep. You always woke up early. You were restless. You hated to sleep. In your dreams you’d see images of a life you could never live, of things you shouldn’t— couldn’t— do. You’d see aeri. No, not aeri— giselle. Aeri didn’t look your way on the stage, hold your gaze for a moment too long, send a wink. The company didn’t order aeri to hold you closer, smile at you more, intertwine your hands.
aeri would never look at you that way.
but giselle would.
you went to the practice room after you prayed. You rehearsed until you felt the world spin, your skin too hot- until you forgot about aeri, and giselle, and the figurine on your nightstand, and the pastor’s homilies, and the way your parents would never love you the same because of what you had done. You danced until your vision became blurry, so you couldn’t see your hands, so whatever or whoever you touched wasn’t your fault, so you couldn’t see their face. More likely, so you couldn’t see yourself, and the body you lived in. You danced until your ears rang, so you wouldn’t have to listen to the sounds, to how your members pleaded with you to stop doing this to yourself. Till you couldn’t hear the people telling you it wasn’t enough.
till you couldn’t hear yourself telling you it wasn’t enough.
till you couldn’t hear your parents words resounding in your head, the endless comments of it being unnatural, of being sent straight to the hellfire, to how it was the most hideous thing in the world.
till you didn’t hear the way fans leered after you, and your members— the stares they’d give you, as you walked, the way they’d clamber for you, so many hands reaching, reaching for you, to touch, to take. it ate you up inside, how badly you wanted to be pure. and how you knew, through it all, you never could be. they could imagine you any way, salivate, draw, take, write it in comments. They even had the confidence to say it out loud, passing comments on variety shows.
you danced till you could forget their words, their looks, what you knew so well that they thought, you danced till you thought your body would give out—
or, conversely, till the leader and main vocalist of red velvet opened the practice room door and rushed over to the the shaking body of their junior, nearly unable to breath, head in her hands and knees to her chest in the farthest corner of the room, brightly illuminated.
you wanted to assure them you were fine, but the cross chain you wore was too tight on your neck, the silver feeling like hot iron burning your throat. You swore if you looked down it would be burning into your skin, leaving a brand.
each breath felt like swallowing glass, and your eyes were unfocused, and your ears were ringing, and your body was screaming in protest of each movement, and your eyesight was blurring—
but you got up, bowed, apologized, assured them you were okay, thanked them, and left.
you had been lying a lot, lately. To your members, about how you were— to your managers, your staff, to your seniors, now. Lying was a sin. but you could excuse it, couldn’t you?
you hoped they wouldn’t mention it to your members.
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the fourth commandment. Exodus 20:1-12 Honor your father and your mother, that you may have a long life in the land the Lord your God is giving you.
you rarely talked to your parents. You should call them, more. Or, more accurately, you should pick up their calls, more. Except, it was maddening. You hated talking to them. No matter how much you tried to convince yourself you didn’t, that they were your parents, and what they said was gospel, you couldn’t stand it. Their prying questions, asking how being an idol was, if you kept up with your faith, asking why the media would report on how “close” you were with your members— with Aeri. Asking why you had gotten so thin, and that you needed to gain weight. They would pick and pry at every little thing. You couldn’t stand it, you couldn’t-
the phone rang. Again. You picked up.
“Finally, you answer the phone, y/n,” the voice of your mother crackled, thousands of miles away.
“I’m sorry,” you respond, robotically, like a reflex. “I was in practice. We’re busy, since we’re preparing for a comeback,”
“You always have some excuse for us, don’t you? You can’t just talk to your parents? What a daughter, you are. We’re your parents, y/n, you should actually listen to us, more. I told you being an idol wouldn’t be good for you, and look at you now! Barely any respect for your parents, how horrible is that? I can’t believe you,” she ranted, going on and on about this and that and every failure and everything you should’ve done better.
“This is why I didn’t want you going away, I knew what it’d do to you.. we tried to fix you, but you are a sick, sick little girl,” she spat, accusingly. “You know what you did, you know what you did to this family— that I have to live with a daughter who’s-”
You hung up.
her voice was so grating.
Your mother loved to spout silly little ideas, didn’t she? She was wrong. You didn’t do anything. You weren’t gay. You didn’t like girls, or a girl. They had just been confused. The reason you became an idol was because you loved to perform, not because it was your only way out— after they saw you with her. It wasn’t your fault. You didn’t kiss her. You didn’t, you’d never-
the truth was that you had left your hometown because of an incident. Yes, you loved to perform, and being an idol was always on your mind. But you never thought you’d do it, how could you leave?
You soon found out what it was like to live outcasted, alone, treated like something wrong and filthy and horrible. Your parents didn’t help. So, you did what anyone would do— you ran away, off to Korea, off to the harsh idol system
because anything
would be better than living with the guilt and shame, with the knowing eyes and hateful stares. anything would be better than being stuck in that suffocating smalll town, where everyone knew everyone, and all your secrets were magnified.
she had moved away, anyway. Her parents protected her. you protected yourself. You had to run.
so you did.
you had to kill that part of yourself, bury her more than six feet deep, deep enough so that the world would never find her.
You died the day your parents opened your bedroom door and found you with the daughter of a deacon, who helped at the church, who your parents had invited over for dinner, who they had been invited by for dinner. When they found you with the daughter of their friends.
they didn’t know whether to say if she corrupted you or you corrupted her.
they chose the latter, of course, they got to it first. They drove them out of town, blaming that girl for your transgressions. For your sin.
she kissed you, after all.
you just sat there and took it.
it wasn’t your fault, they said to the town. It was hers. You’re just too trusting and naïve.
if only they knew, the rest of the people. Your parents certainly did.
they forbid you from having any friends that were girls over, again.
and you understood. You knew. And you took it.
You killed that part of yourself, that day. Buried her, and tried to forget. But there’s dirt and blood on your hands and you’re still hollow. There’s nothing left of you, from before. Bright smiles and eyes, a cheery demeanor, giggling in secret with her- there’s none of that left.
You’re not a little kid anymore, a teenager with a crush, no.
You grew up. You had to.
and that little girl is dead.
dead and buried, underground.
you wished Aeri knew you when you were younger.
she would’ve loved the softer you.
the fifth commandment. Exodus 20:1-13 You shall not kill.
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You know, there’s a reason priests and nuns can’t get married.
it’s because, allegedly, they’re married to god.
so, in that case, is it wrong for you, married to god since birth, by your parents— that anything, anyone other than a boy, was wrong?
you tried to understand, but you couldn’t. What was the consensus?
you knew, deep down. What you were was wrong.
and yet, you couldn’t stop. You tried. But you were weak, at heart. A sinner, with no control.
that was your downfall, you thought.
or maybe salvation.
You and Aeri were the last two in the practice room— you were near obsessive with your need to perfect choreography, and Aeri asked you for help, so— you were here. You had already released Next Level, but the practicing never stopped, obviously. You had to perfect it, make it yours, make it the best— so that’s where you were, right now.
it was late, honestly. Already dark out, and your other three members had long since left. You regretted saying yes to Aeri— you knew the choreography for next level, obviously, you knew the way Giselle moved made you feel something wrong, something dark and wanting. You tried to push it down, though— you ran through the moves together, you fixed some posturing and some other small timing issues, really, it was nothing major. You watched her run through those parts, and clenched your jaw.
you felt hot, and your hands itched to reach out and touch her. You couldn’t be making this up, could you? She was looking at you through the mirror, your flushed face barely visible from the darker corner you were sitting at. You swore you could see a smirk on Giselle’s face, for a split second, a mischievous twinkle in her eye.
you hated it, hated how Giselle made you feel out of control, made you feel wanting, made that dark thing in you, shoved deep down, squirm and claw. You felt sick. You wanted her.
“I’ll be back,” you said, abruptly standing up and turning the door of the practice room, practically scrambling out. “Bathroom,” was what you supplied as reasoning, before you got out the door, rushing through the empty halls. They were weirdly eerie, at night.
you walked into the bathroom, the sound of your shoes clicking on the ground far too loud, the yellowed glow of the SM building’s bathrooms surrounding you. You gripped the sink, turning on the water and splashing some on your face. You felt dirty, and wrong. Your skin crawled in the suffocating space, the sound of running water driving you insane, the sound of your breathing almost too much. It seems you were in there for longer than you thought, though, as you stated into the mirror, lost in thought, knuckles turning white with the bruising grip you kept on the sink counter.
“Y/n?” Aeri called, opening the door.
You snapped your head to her— she was wearing just some white tanktop and sweatpants, with a black sports bra, but god.
Giselle walked over to you, with a concerned expression. “Are you okay? You’re breathing pretty hard,” she asked, walking closer, putting a hand on your hip, other hand touching your arm.
your composure snapped. You moved your hands to her face, holding it in them, looking at her with wide eyes. “Giselle, I-”
“Why are you calling me Giselle? That’s my stage name, y/n, just call me Aeri?” she said, a little confused and a little irritated. Why the hell were you calling her by her stage name?
you held her face a little tighter, taking in a sharp breath, mouth suddenly feeling dry.
“Aeri,” you murmured, voice low. You leaned in, and her eyes widened, slightly. She didn’t push you away, in fact, she met you in the middle, holding you tighter, moving her other hand to your waist, squeezing your hip, where she could feel the outline of your hipbone. You hated how much you needed her, the kiss messy and desperate, filled with an underlying sense of want and need.
“G- Aeri,” you mumbled, out of breath, panting against her mouth. You couldn’t reconcile the two, easily. Giselle was the one who was making you do this, right? Not Aeri, you didn’t like Aeri, right?
no, that wasn’t true. You liked Aeri. A lot more than you’d admit. You wanted her. You needed her. You couldn’t stop, now.
“Aeri, please-” you murmured, between kisses. They were more desperate, now, wanting, as she pushed you against the cold bathroom wall, the light flickering once. Twice. Three times.
“Yeah? What do you want?” She asked, lowly, eyes dark and pupils blown wide as she looked down at you.
“Lock the door,” you muttered, grabbing her wrist, tightly, and moving her hand upwards.
the sixth commandment. Exodus 20:1-14 You shall not commit adultery.
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you and aeri never spoke about it.
but it became a thing, now.
you needed her like a drug, constantly wanting and waiting for the next time you could have her.
you and giselle shared a room, after all. you were pretty sure everyone knew. and by everyone you meant your members, of course. the public could never know, they’d ruin both your career and hers, and you couldn’t do that to her. you weren’t evil, just weak. just horrible, but not evil. you could never hurt her. you loved her, didn’t you? the way a friend doesn’t hurt a friend.
deep down, you knew. It was so much worse than that.
they couldn’t know the way you put concealer on, before practice. the way you were strangely hot and cold, terrified of her touch, but how the both of you would disappear into your room, or somewhere, together, always appearing back, more than a few minutes later, though the tension was always still there.
the way you had become a shell.
you were ashamed, really.
you felt so disgusting, all the time. here you were, dirty, filthy, robbing someone else, sullying them, damning her, all for your own selfish needs, desires, wants.
you had always wanted, too much.
giselle was your temptation and aeri was the sin, the collateral to the damage.
it’s not like she protested, either, the way giselle’s hands lingered, a beat too longer to be friendly. the way her fists would clench on those stupid variety shows, when the hosts mentioned your appearance, saying you were so pretty.
she hated how they’d look at you.
but you couldn’t see that, really.
you hated yourself, and you had stolen aeri’s sanctity.
it was giselle’s fault, though, you would think, sometimes.
but deep down, you knew the truth.
it was your doing. Your fault. You ruined everything you touched, everything you wanted would die and burn because you were a sinner. All because you couldn’t control yourself.
eve ate the apple, too, you’d think. but maybe, the snake wasn’t just the creature, no, but the whispers of lilith, beckoning her away, promising her everything she’d wanted. forbidden knowledge, godhood, becoming better— and maybe, even herself.
was biting the apple an act of naivety, of greed?
or the blind, blissful ignorance of trust? of love?
someone you loved wouldn’t damn you, would they?
but oh, you knew better. You knew.
you had stolen both of your chances of sanctity and holiness.
out of blind, ignorant, nearly all encompassing love.
it was love.
the seventh commandment. Exodus 20:1-15   You shall not steal.
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The weeks went by, in this strange commitment.
you had just arrived back from yet another variety show, and Giselle was obviously annoyed at something. It was late, and everyone wanted to sleep. You made your way back to your room, the door open a crack—
giselle was changing into some sleep clothes. You didn’t really care which. the glimpse of her back, of skin, made you nearly feel ill. You shut the door, quickly, feeling like you couldn’t breathe. It made you feel sick.
you entered about a minute later, to see her scrolling on her phone, with a bored expression. You, instead, went and knelt in front of the small Mary statue you kept.
“Mary, mother of God, please hear my prayer. I’m asking you to give me the strength to-”
your breath hitched as you felt giselle put her hands on your shoulders, leaning into your back, feeling her smirk press against your neck.
“y/n,” she called, a mischievous lilt to her voice like this was a fucking game.
“y-yes?” was the reply.
Her hands moved, pressing along your collarbone.
“You know, I hate variety shows, sometimes,” she hummed, voice so unbelievably distracting. “I don’t like the way they talk about you,” she continued.
“I- I agree, I do, it’s quite-”
her blunt nails dug into your shoulder, slightly, as she pulled you back, just a bit, your back pressed to her front. Her head craned forward, to murmur into your ear. “It pisses me off,” she added.
of course, you tended to her anger. You had to, as penance.
later, when you were laying beside her, panting with tears in your eyes, saying anything that came to mind—
“I love you,” you choked out, reverently, like a prayer.
god never responded to those, usually. aeri didn’t love you back.
there’s no way god loved you. and aeri didn’t, either.
the eighth commandment Exodus 20:1-16 You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
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“Tell me not to,” you begged, clutching onto giselle like a lifeline, holding her arms. “Tell me no, tell me not to love you. I can’t, I shouldn’t, I don’t want-”
girls never hungered. They never want, like a boy.
“And what if it’s what I want!” She spat back, acidly, pushing you off. “I love you, and I don’t know why you can’t accept that! I love you, not like a friend, or coworker, or whatever else you think! I’m in love with you, why can’t you get that!?” she asked, sharply, voice far too loud.
you didn’t know how to explain that you loved her, too, that you wished you could love her. You always wanted, so badly, to like a boy, and to love him, so you could hold his hand in public, and kiss him, and introduce him to your parents and they wouldn’t say a word, to be able to love him without just that fact being controversial, to love someone without it absolutely ruining your career. Idols couldn’t date, yes, but they’d survive if they were rumored to be with a man.
god forbid it was a girl.
you couldn’t ruin her career, or yours. You couldn’t damn her more, you couldn’t ruin everything, like you always did-
“I can’t,” you cried, desperately. “I’ll ruin everything, I’ll ruin you, I’d-”
“I don’t care!” she retorted. “I don’t care! I want you, and I love you. Is it that you can’t, or you won’t? You’re just scared,” she accused, rightly so.
“I am,” you admitted, pathetically. “I’m scared.”
She scoffed, clenching her fists. She turned, sharply, turning the door handle, wiping her eyes and slamming the room’s door.
You were alone.
god abandoned you, long ago.
you don’t know why it hurt more the second time.
the ninth commandment Exodus 20:1-17 You shall not covet your neighbor’s house. You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, his ox or donkey, or anything that belongs to your neighbor.
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it was a few days later, at night after an off day. You had been hiding in your room most of the day. Cowardly, yes, but the other members weren’t exactly thrilled with you. You couldn’t blame them. You were currently pretending to be asleep.
you heard aeri enter the room. She laid down, to sleep. The lights were off. It was dead silent. You turned.
“aeri,” you called. No response.
“I’m sorry. I’m really sorry,” you continued, after surmising she was asleep. “I love you. I really do. I’m just so, so scared. I don’t know how to let myself love you. I feel wrong. I’m sorry. I want to. I don’t know how to love you how you deserve, I don’t even know how to love myself. Im weak and pathetic, really. If you knew the real me, I think you’d hate me,” you chuckled, without humor. “As long as you’re happy, though. I’ll be okay,” you murmured, finally.
“Im not happy, actually,” she informed, suddenly, and you felt your heart leap into your throat. “I love you, y/n. I don’t care if it’ll make everything more difficult, or if you think I’ll hate you. I won’t, by the way,”
you didn’t know how to respond. aeri did it, for you.
she got up, walked over to your bed, and made you sit up.
“so can you stop being scared? I love you, and-“
you cut her off.
you clutched her face, and kissed her, desperately. You felt tears well in your eyes, and this time, they fell. You pulled back.
“aeri, I love you, I love you so much. I love you, please forgive me. I’ll try, I swear. Please, just-”
she kissed you, again. nothing was completely fixed, yet, but you both loved each other. You were still scared, of course, but aeri had seen you at your worst, already, and was still here. so maybe, it was okay.
the tenth commandment. Genesis 1:1-Revelation 22:21 Love thy neighbor as I have loved you.
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The last few weeks had been.. different.
You had started eating again, or, more frequently, was a better way to put it.
it was mostly because aeri had taken up cooking, and you could never say no to her, and it was kind of nice, really, to see her happy when you told her you liked the food.
you started to ignore the comments online, not even bothering to read them most of the time. You called your parents less, if that was even possible, and started talking with aeri and your members more.
it was nice, to have friends. To have people that you knew cared about you. It was nice to know that people didn’t view you as disgusting, or filthy, or wrong.
you had a hard time viewing yourself, differently, but if someone like aeri, someone so good, could stand you, then maybe, you weren’t as bad as your parents said you were. They were wrong about a lot, you’d come to learn.
on one of your breaks, you had found another statue.
it was of Saint Maria.
you put it next to the statue of Our Lady. You thought it fit, in a way.
you didn’t attend sunday mass, or hear it. You didn’t pray much, anymore, either. but you kept the statues as a reminder, of sorts.
aespa had been doing very well, as well, and you didn’t practice late into the night, as much, anymore.
all of you were currently deciding what takeout to order, and trying to pick a move. no one could really come to a final decision, and you watched the bickering amusedly. You got up, heading to the kitchen, filling a glass with water. Aeri appeared behind you, a sly smile on her face as she wrapped her arms around your waist. “Hey, y/n,” she hummed.
“Yeah?” you replied, turning your head. she had a smirk on her face.
“I got you somethinggg,” she grinned, tilting her head, a mischievous expression on her face, her hands clasped behind her back.
“what is it?”
she handed you a gold necklace, with rose quartz in the shape of a heart at the end, a bashful expression beginning to take place at your silence. “I didn’t know if you would like it, but it reminded me of you, so-”
“It’s perfect,” you interrupted, a genuine smile on your face. “Can you put it on for me?”
aeri removed the silver cross necklace you had worn for years, and years, placing it on the counter. She clasped the new necklace, the gold sitting pleasantly on your skin.
you turned to her, holding her face before kissing her, smiling into it. You left the chain on the counter, a smile plastered near permanently your face. “It’s beautiful, aeri, thank you,”
“Of course,” she replied, with a very self-satisfied grin on her face.
“I love you,” you added, wrapping your arms around her waist.
“I love you too, you sap,” she rolled her eyes, good naturedly, but still held you, too. “Come on, let’s go back— i’m not letting them watch a disney movie for the millionth time,”
“So what, you can watch Deadpool?” You teased, with a grin.
“Maybe,” she replied.
it was definitely certain, now, with the silver chain thrown in the garbage, easily.
you loved aeri uchinaga
and you hoped, prayed, even, that the rest of your life would be filled by aeri uchinaga.
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A/N: hi guys… so I love aeri uchinaga btw. uhmm so basically the catholic version of the Ten Commandments the ninth commandment is separated into nine “don’t covet your neighbors wife” and ten “don’t covet your neighbors goods” but technically all Ten Commandments can be followed by following the one big rule which is “love thy neighbor as I have loved you” and basically symbolism forever eve breaks all nine commandments but follows the one big one which is like love everyone which means she never actually sinned she just thought she did because she is doomed yuri ☝️🤓
I LOVE TOXIC YURI AND DOOMED YURI FOREVERR pleek send asks+reqs btw I need ideas
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ghysry · 1 month
Okay, so, Five Hargreeves is literally Abbey By Mitski (if you have never heard it, please PLEASE listen to it)
Now, listen to me very well
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- Opening lyric and it's already Five Hargreeves core. He was hungry, he has been hungry, for fifty years, in the apocalypse, he survived on nothing but balling up his fists and closing his eyes when eating food he knows is practically inedible. This can also be explainable with his hunger to make sure the apocalypse never happened/making sure he saved his siblings
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- He was literally born with the power to jump between spaces in time, and yet is always told he SHOULDN'T explore his power beyond what people think should be explored, and while they're right, it of course caused him to rebel and run away. He was born hungry (deprived of support), not knowing what he needed (real love and not just being told 'you can't do that, you're too stupid to'). Can also be explained by how his entire fate is to either die saving his siblings, or die WITH his siblings, and nothing outside of that. We can even see it in season four, where even without his powers, he just can't rest
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- He has no idea what he should've been. He doesn't know what he could've been, because he jumped forward in time. He rebelled, and now he will never know a life without trying to survive and killing people, he was born to be something, but he just doesn't know what that something COULD'VE been, rather than a killer, an object made for killing, just something.
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- You know that one really funny moment between Five and Klaus when they're going on a little road trip together and Five was annoyed most of the time? Yeah, it's not funny anymore, because I'm going to make it unfunny real fucking quick. This was HIS dream, this was what he thought life could've been with his siblings, going on road trips, seeing cool tourist attractions, stopping by the biggest ball of twine, being able to look at his siblings in the face, and realizing his family is right here beside him. But no. They had to take it away from him. The light he can see? His dream. The darkness in him? The fact that he still, if not always, blames himself for the apocalypse. Even going as far as to think it was selfish that he was having a bit of fun with Klaus on his road trip.
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- Literally my point before, have you ever thought about the off chance that maybe he frequently gets nightmares of the apocalypse happening again? But once in a while he dreams about being able to fish on the side of the lake with Viktor or Luther or Diego or Klaus? Then going home and being able to eat with his family? With ALL of his family?
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- Fifty years in the apocalypse. Seven years in the subway (if you can count season four as canon..). He has always been waiting, waiting to save his siblings, waiting for the little hope he had in himself that he might be able to have a normal life with his siblings after all, waiting for the universe to call him, once again, gullible, for thinking he could even have what is remotely close to a happy ending. He has been waiting. He always has.
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- Born waiting for that something? Born waiting for the time his siblings are all together again and they're all sneaking out to eat donuts in the diner. That ONE something. That one something he truly wanted to do.
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- The apocalypse keeps him awake for so many days because he fears if he sleeps it'll happen again. That's it. That's all I'll be saying. It's even more tragic than most of what I put here so I can't really explain it any better.
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Oh god if they can't give him a happy ending just give him a gun 😭 he's been through enough
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nightcolorz · 3 months
you’re so right Mitski is so Armand i would listen to you explain this for hours but for now here are some songs I consider very armand
-Liquid Smooth (I'm liquid smooth, come touch me too, And feel my skin is plump and full of life, I'm in my prime) Just very armand feeling though his worth is directly linked to his beauty, but also feeling like he doesn’t own his own body because of this, feeling the need to have other people always validate this belief by wanting him for his body and his beauty
- I Don’t Smoke (So if you need to be mean, Be mean to me, I can take it and put it inside of me) Of course this is very armand and I know you know that from your fic title, and it does fit loumand particularly well in the books or in the show, its just very them
- Bug Like An Angel (When I'm bent over, wishin' it was over, Makin' all variety of vows I'll never keep, I try to remember the wrath of the devil, Was also given him by God) Not only the Angel symbolism that’s brought up so much with Armand, but this passage in particular is so heartbreakingly armand, in relation to both his religious beliefs and connections, and his sexual trauma
- Working for the Knife (I used to think I'd be done by twenty, Now at twenty-nine, the road ahead appears the same, Though maybe at thirty, I'll see a way to change) This song gives me very show!armand vibes as feel like the desperate hopeless of the song really fits with his own self sabotaging behaviours, it very much feels like a song about trapping yourself in a prison of your own making. Plus, the “working for the knife” is so Armand doing everything for things that will only destroy him. Also, the passage I chose is soo show Armand to me, with him being in his late 20s. Wishing he would have been “done” (dead) by 20 when he was Marius’ slave, to feeling in the same position at 27, though having been 27 for 500 years so he will never reach 30 and find a way to change. ;(
- Me and My Husband (And at least in this lifetime, We're sticking together, Me and my husband, We're sticking together) This song gives me very show loumand vibes, in the way that Armand knows it is built on lies and nothing, but still feeling that desperate need for companionship, sticking with Louis even if there is no love or if his love is not reciprocated.
- Your Best American Girl ( You're the sun, you've never seen the night, But you hear its song from the morning birds, Well, I'm not the moon, I'm not even a star) + (And you're an all-American boy, I guess I couldn't help trying to be your best American girl) I think this song fits very well with both Devil’s Minion (with Armand desperately wanting to learn about the modern world of America from Daniel) and Armandstat (with Lestat as a fledgling vampire showing himself off to the world, when Armand has been hiding himself in the cult for 300 years, but Armand’s darkness and knowledge and beliefs about vampirism not being enough for Lestat)
I could really keep going but some others i think are very armand include A Pearl, Goodbye My Danish Sweetheart, I Bet On Losing Dogs, Brand New City, Townie, and Washing Machine Heart
BELIEVE ME WHEN I SAY THAT LITERALLY ALL THESE SONGS (sans townie and working for the knife, which bcus of u will now be included) ARE ON MY ARMAND PLAYLIST ‼️‼️‼️this is the best thing ever ughhhh ur so right ur explanations r perfect. My top Armand song of all time is brand new city loll thank u for shouting her out ‼️‼️ the other mitski songs that I heavily associate with Armand that u didn’t mention r Real men, first love/late spring, Eric, Abbey, Crack Baby, and Francis forever
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aza-trash-can · 9 months
Abbey by Mitski has been a cornerstone for my writing process with both versions of my baby Neuvillette fics (although more prominently the second one, and I think we can guess why), as well as various angst wips and ideas that will likely never get written centering around our dear dragon. And it’s been on my mind for a while: why do I think this song resonates so strongly with Neuvillette?
Well, first and foremost, the tone. It’s almost purely vocals, initially quiet and slightly haunting, but mostly just sad, and it crescendos as more tracks get layered and her singing gets louder. The quieter portions are tinged with melancholy, which if that doesn’t perfectly fit Neuvillette, I don’t know what does. As the song grows louder, there’s this desperation to her singing, which combined with the lyrics feel very fitting for him (I will get into this when I analyse the lyrics). It then draws back and becomes quieter once again, a dejected resolution to the desperation previously expressed, which again I feel fits Neuvillette’s character spectacularly. He feels deeply, believes deeply and has strong convictions, but won’t hesitate to put his feelings aside if he believes it’s for the greater good. Dejection and a refusal of his own emotions despite a passionate desperation for something more.
And for once, I have listened to the lyrics of a song (big mistake for me, I feel even more upset when listening to it now, but I digress), and god if these lyrics don’t hit hard for his character. I’ve put all the lyrics in bold underneath, and I’ll go about analysing them in sections (I also highly recommend giving this song a listen if you’re in the right headspace for a Mitski song, it is so beautiful, and try as I might to convey my thoughts and feelings about this song and Neuvillette in words, nothing can beat listening to it.)
I am hungry
I have been hungry
I was born hungry
What do I need?
These lyrics, at least in relation to Neuvillette, are more metaphorical than literal. I consider the ‘hunger’ here for Neuvillette to be a hunger for knowledge and, more importantly, understanding. I believe he’s a being that craves to understand himself and his emotions, but can’t. I also believe that he craves the connection and interaction that humans have with each other, but he doesn’t realise it. He’s a dragon sovereign that has never met another dragon and likely hasn’t met many vishaps, much less made connections with any that he did find. At least, deep connections like he sees between humans. He lacks connection with his own kind (if he even thinks he has his own kind. He’s a sovereign but he has a human-like body, stuck somewhere in the middle), so he hungers for a connection with someone, anyone, who would be willing to give that to him. But he doesn’t understand that that’s what he wants, he doesn’t know what he needs and craves. He goes about isolating himself because he believes that’s what’s best, but we also see how he doesn’t hesitate to care for the melusines and create strong connections with them. (Perhaps he sees them in the same situation as him, in a way: craving an understanding of this human world they find themselves in, not fitting in all that well with the humans but still wanting some form of connection. And if we go the route of Neuvillette being self deprecating/undervaluing himself, which we see with how he doesn’t recognise what he’s done for Fontaine and says it was simply his duty, then perhaps he feels that since he is neither fully dragon nor fully human, he can at least allow himself to associate freely with creatures who are neither dragon nor human as well.)
I am something
I have been something
I was born something
What could I be?
This feels core to Neuvillette’s struggles with understanding himself; who he is, what he is, what he’s meant to do. He certainly is something, and he knows to an extent what he is, but what does that mean for him? What does being the reincarnation of a sovereign dragon mean in a world of humans? What does it mean to be born into a body that’s his but possibly doesn’t feel his own? What is he supposed to do, both before and after he gained (or regained, but reincarnation is too tricky for me to fully wrap my head around so I’m treating him like an heir to the power and a separate being from the original hydro sovereign rather than them being one and the same. Although, if they were the same being, that could compound this, because then who is he as Neuvillette? Is he even his own person/being anymore? Too tricky for me, but food for thought for those willing to think through difficult things more than me) his sovereignty? What does being the sovereign mean? He knows he’s something, but he’s not entirely sure what that entails. What could he be?
There is a light that I can see
But only, it seems, when there’s darkness in me
There is a dream that I sometimes see
That only appears in the dark of sleep
This section is interesting to me. I feel the ‘light’ for Neuvillette could be his emotions or his comprehension/recognition of them, and the ‘darkness’ could be any overwhelming negative emotion. It rains when he’s upset, which is perhaps the clearest indicator of his mood. Perhaps for the longest time, the only way he could concretely understand and recognise a shift in his mood and why he’s feeling the way he does is because the weather outright tells him that he’s upset, or grieving, or what have you, and he can then link that rather easily to something that happened that day given when the rain started. It can be harder to see the light and understand where it’s coming from when the sun is out, after all.
As for the ‘dream’, I believe that this could be the memories of his predecessor. He only gets glimpses when he sleeps, fragments of dreams that are really memories from a life he doesn’t remember, giving him only slivers to work off of when it comes to knowing and understanding who and what he is. They aren’t consistent or coherent either, so really he’s just left with random pieces to put together whenever his deepest sleep grants him another shard of a memory.
I am waiting
I have been waiting
I was born waiting
I was born waiting
For that something
Just to want something
I was born something
I was born
When has Neuvillette not waited, in terms of understanding himself, that is. This dragon stuck in a human-like body has spent centuries as the Chief Justice of Fontaine, waiting, hoping for something to finally click for him. He has probably spent centuries chasing the fragmented memories of his predecessor in whatever sleep he can get, waiting for the day that they fall into place and finally make sense. He was waiting for his understanding to finally become complete, and it has in a way, after the archon quests. But imagine with me that he has spent all this time waiting, just for one last piece to be missing. Just for him to still crave something, and he doesn’t know what but he knows there’s something he’s still missing, he’s still craving. (I believe this ‘something’ to be a deep, genuine connection with someone.) The best connection he can make to this feeling of missing and wanting something is that perhaps he still doesn’t have a full grasp on who he is and what he’s meant to do now that he has all of this information, personally that is. He knows his duties and will continue to carry them out, but what does understanding himself mean to him, as Neuvillette, as a person? He’s not sure. All he can be truly sure of now is that he exists, and he will do what he can to fulfil the duties that he understands the ‘something’ that he is, whatever it is that he is (yes, he knows he’s the hydro sovereign, but I believe even after regaining his sovereignty he still struggles with who he is as Neuvillette, as an individual, especially since as I said before, he is a dragon in a human-like body. He knows what he is, but since this body doesn’t match that, he still feels more like a ‘something’ rather than having full confidence and comfort in his own skin as the reincarnation of the hydro sovereign), must carry out.
There is a light, I feel it in me
But only, it seems, when the dark surrounds me
There is a dream and it sleeps in me
To awake in the night, crying “set me free”
And I awake every night, crying “set me free”
The first two lines here are quite similar to the section I analysed earlier, but I feel the key difference here would be that Neuvillette has grown to have a better understanding of his emotions (being able to feel it rather than see it, implying a deeper connection to his emotions rather than simply watching them analytically), however the rest of the ‘light’ and ‘dark’ analysis remains the same.
As for the ‘dream’, I feel the meaning here has shifted from his predecessor’s memories to the sovereignty of the hydro dragon (which for the purposes of this analysis, this will be before the archon quests take place). The sovereignty lies dormant within him, fragmented and incomplete. This ‘dream’ is crying out, begging to be restored to what it once was, to be set free from the shackles placed on it by being broken apart and fragmented. And while I do believe he would be feeling this nearly constantly in some form or another, perhaps it grows loudest after a dream where he experienced the memories of his predecessor, the sovereignty in him remembering a time when it was complete and yearning for that once again.
And the last line. Perhaps these memories masquerading as dreams wake him up at night, and he is left craving that same freedom his sovereignty begs for, and cries out for it in tandem (I say cry out, but I feel Neuvillette would more so whisper, if he spoke at all in those times). Perhaps he’s seeking out a different kind of freedom, a freedom to be himself, whatever that means. Perhaps a freedom from his position as Chief Justice, which he knows wears on him but feels he must do and cannot get himself to leave it, not yet. Perhaps, after the archon quests, a freedom from Fontaine itself, now that he has to stay there lest the nation fall into an indefinite blackout. Perhaps a freedom from a world ruled by Celestia, the usurpers who killed his predecessor and thus demanded of nature, which still bends to the sovereigns, that he be born. Perhaps he doesn’t even know what he means when he asks to be set free, but it’s a phrase so deeply ingrained into his being without him even knowing why that he can’t help but say it when he wakes in the middle of the night, disoriented and with the wisps of a claustrophobic fear still clinging to him.
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Top 5 albums? Also top 5 vegetables?
Howdy Talls! Okay this took me a while just cause I mostly only listen to full albums every once in a while (that or when I’m listening to cds/vinyls. What can I say im a mixtape gal!!) so I don’t have a lot of them on the front of my mind. That being said, those that I do listen to often are memorable since they are few and far between so it was super hard to narrow that list down to the top five 😓 so here they are!!
All Hail West Texas - the mountain goats: this is like the only tmg album I have on cd and as such gets a whole lot of play time, especially in my car where it perpetually lives. I could sing this album front and back and I think it does have such a charm in its sound. Also I had an almost religious experience listening to it for the first time while shelving on the fourth floor of the library my freshmen year and played it on repeat while fulfilling my weekly hour of inventory that second semester, so it has a special place in my heart
Bridge over Troubled Waters- Simon and Garfunkel: literally what is there to say…. stream only living boy in New York
Dolls of Highland - Kyle Craft: okay another one made it on sentimentality. I saw Kyle Craft perform this album at a free concert in high school and listened to him on repeat on the handful of emotional road trips I had to take my first semester senior year. It’s such a breakup album, but I find it so cathartic. Give it a listen! He has crazy hair!
Bury Me At Makeout Creek - mitski : I listen to this album every time I’m on a plane and I try to line up the drops with take off/landing. It is a very good album. I will forever be grateful that I got to see her in concert, even if I was standing next to dumbass hecklers the entire time.
Abbey Road - the beatles: that’s a my name!!!
Also it is very funny to me that you and Mia sent the same veggies prompt and since I already answered that one I will do favorite cooked veggies <3
roasted potatoes
caramelized onions
roasted brussel sprouts but specifically the ones where you cook them in a cast iron on the stove top before finishing them in the oven to get them extra crispy
steamed lemon pepper green beans
roasted asparagus with capers
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