#he march on my holland til i nice on his guy
bugsjewce · 11 months
we deserved to see him in all his maroon suited glory. we were fucking robbed.
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this is for @papershipghosts love u pookie <33
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blurhawaii · 9 months
AO3 roundup 2023
for the first time in many years i actually wrote things. this is largely because i daisy chained fic exchanges for pretty much the entire year, but whatever works, right?
anyway, my new year resolution last year was to write more and i ended up writing 70,980 words across 11 fics. which is, i think, a big success.
werewolf heart | maura franklin/eyk larsen/daniel solace | 7K
part werewolf story, part butchering of selkie lore, all set on an abandoned, haunted steamship
'cause he knows it's all worthwhile, he told me | eyk larsen/daniel solace | 4K
post canon fic exploring the dangers of being pulled early from a cryosleep
mine, yours, and how it went | eyk larsen/daniel solace | 7K
part 1 - daniel doesn't abandon his son at the first opportunity, and eyk is seduced by a sad, wet man attempting to be a dad
the truth has always been a lie | eyk larsen/daniel solace | 17K
part 2 - daniel and maura have coded conversations, elliot is sad, and eyk continues to be slowly seduced by daniel's lacklustre parenting
your pleasure's set upon slow release | jade herrera/jim matthews | 5K
jim is schrodinger's widow until tabitha comes back and opens the box. or jade invites himself into jim's bed
Indiana Jones
never knew the cold hand of danger; til i met this one and let it inside | klaber/jurgen voller | 7K
klaber visits voller's classroom at the university of alabama, a possible look into why klaber is so loyal
Project Blue Book
mass migration | j allen hynek/michael quinn | 2K
an entire forest uproots and moves while quinn blindly steps into a precurser to a threesome
a blood pact of sorts | mimi hynek/susie miller | 1K
mimi takes a sledgehammer to a bomb shelter and susie helps
The Nice Guys
for the good life is out there somewhere | holland march/jackson healy | 1K
jackson teaches holland how to take a punch to the face
The Quarry
every fortress falls | travis hackett/laura kearney | 9K
basically a 5 times fic, spanning the entire game. highlighting touch and moments of kindness, sometimes at the same time
and finally, my magnum opus
The Departed
posthumously | billy costigan/sean dignam | 5K
snapshots of a life in slow recovery. or billy survives the bullet and now he has to survive dignam trying to be nice
here's to 2024 and hopefully another productive year !
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xuxibelle · 6 years
Smut blurb request! You've been giving Harrison an attitude all day, so he's going to give you an "attitude adjustment" 😉
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“Attitude Adjustment”
Pairing: Harrison Osterfield x Reader
Word count: 3,380
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Smut, mentions of Harry Holland at the beginning
Requested: yes. By @summernykole
Summary: Smut blurb request! You’ve been giving Harrison an attitude all day, so he’s going to give you an “attitude adjustment” 😉
Your boyfriend was the greatest, and you knew it. You’d met him through your mutual friend, Harry Holland. They’d known each other most of their lives and were pretty close. So when Harry said he knew someone that would be perfect for you… well, you had to trust him since he was your best friend. Boy was he right… You two hit it off instantly and you haven’t looked back yet. It’s only been a couple months since you met, but it’s felt like forever already. Tonight, Harrison wanted you to go out with him to meet some of his other friends that you didn’t know.
“Babe, please,” he begged you. “Please come with me.” You pulled your blanket up to your chin as you sat on the couch watching Netflix and shook your head. “Why not?”
“I don’t know your friends, Haz,” you tell him, making him chuckle. You shoot him a quick glare before returning your attention to the TV.
“Love, that’s why I want you to go… So you can meet them,” Harrison tells you. You shake your head again. “Y/N,” he nearly whines.
“They won’t like me… And you know how bad my anxiety is… Especially around new people,” you tell him.
“Yes, but I’m gonna be with you,” he reminds you as he takes his hand in yours, pulling your attention from the TV. “The whole night. Won’t leave you.”
“Promise?” you ask quietly. Harrison’s eyes light up with hope as he nods his head furiously.
“Yes, of course,” he tells you quickly.
“Okay…” you cave.
“Really?” he asks excitedly. You nod your head slightly before he pulls you into a tight hug. “Thank you, Love. So much. You don’t know what this means to me.” He presses a kiss to your forehead and looks down at you with a big smile. “Now, go get ready… we have to leave soon.” You begrudgingly stand up to find a suitable outfit for the pub you’re being dragged to before you tame your bed hair and throw on some quick, light makeup and tell Harrison you’re ready. He pecks your lips lightly and tells you how beautiful you look before he leads you out to the car. You feel your hands getting sweaty when you see the pub come into view. “It’s okay, Love. They’re nice people. You’ll like them and they’re gonna love you,” Harrison tells you as he throws the car into park and hops out to come open your door. As you make your way inside, Harrison notices that you’re the last to arrive and leads you over to the table of people. They all stand to greet each other with hugs or hand shakes before Harrison introduces you. “Guys, this is Y/N. Y/N this is everybody,” he says before he starts telling you who is who and each person warmly hugs you, some even joke and ask you why you’re with him. You start to feel a little more at ease when you see that they really are nice people. You sit back and people watch mostly, unless you are specifically asked a question. A couple of the people get up to go play pool, which only leaves one person on your side. Harrison turns his body away from you so he can talk to this girl on the other side of him and it irks you. It’s not like he’s actually flirting with her, but it feels off to you. She keeps leaning in towards him when she talks, brushing her hand on his forearm, and you don’t like it.  You pull out your phone to distract you. You know it’s just your anxiety getting to you. Harrison turns back to you a minute later. “Hey, Babe, whatcha doing?”
“Nothing,” you say flatly as you continue to stare at your phone.
“You wanna go get us a drink?” he asks you sweetly. You take a slow breath and look up him.
“Why don’t you have your friend get them for you?” you say as you quirk a brow at him.
“What’s gotten into you?” he almost laughs.
“Nothing. I’m fine,” you tell him as you turn your attention back to your phone.
“Right…” he says as he watches you. “Okay, then… I’ll go get us drinks,” he says as he stands up from his seat and walks to the bar. When he gets back, he sits your drink in front of you and watches you for a few seconds. “Nothing?” You give no reaction. “Seriously.” Still nothing. “Okay.” He gets up again and walks off to the pool tables where a few of the other people are. You watch him from the corner of your eye and you see him glancing back at you repeatedly every few minutes. You still haven’t touched your drink. The next time you see him glance over, you make the move to push the drink away. This seems to infuriate him. He marches back over to where you are, gripping your chin in his fingers and turning your face to meet his hard stare. “I’d watch the attitude if I were you, Doll…” he tells you in a low voice through gritted teeth. “Dangerous game you’re playing.”
“I’m not playing anything,” you tell him innocently. He glares at you.
“Keep it up, Y/N… See where it gets you when we get home,” he whispers in your ear, sending a shiver down your spine. He walked back to the bar to get a drink before sitting beside you again and rejoining the conversation. He kept trying to get you in the conversation but you would just shake your head no when he would say ‘Isn’t that right, Y/N?’ or you would give him some smart ass comment. Harrison got tired of it really fast. He glanced down at his wrist before he looked over at you and back at the group. “I think we’re gonna go ahead and go home now. She’s gotta get up early for work tomorrow and I had to get up early today, so it’s been a long one for me,” he tells them as he stands from his seat and holds his hand out for you. You hesitate before you take it. There were collective ‘awws’ and asking if you both couldn’t stay longer but Harrison wouldn’t cave. Once you were outside, he grabbed your upper arm tightly and led you quickly to the car. He helps you into your seat before he walks around to his side and climbs in. “You think that was funny? Huh? Acting like that in front of my friends?? Just wait til I get you home…” Harrison tells you as he shakes his head. The rest of the ride was silent aside from your heartbeat. You were sure Harrison could hear it on his side of the car. You kept stealing glances at him every so often, but his expression never changed. His knuckles were white, they gripped the steering wheel so hard. You were so distracted watching him the last time, you didn’t realize he had parked the car. “Get out,” he tells you.
“What?” you ask.
“I said out… Now,” Harrison said in a stern voice that made you jump a little. You weren’t used to this side of him. You jumped into action, unbuckling your seatbelt and climbing out of the car. He grabbed your arm again and lead you inside the house. “Love, what made you think you can act like a spoiled brat?” he asked you in a calm voice as he lead you down the hall. You look up at him with innocent eyes. “No no. That’s not gonna help anything,” he tells you as he shoves you inside the bedroom. You stumble backwards until your legs meet the bed and you almost lose your balance. “Now… Here’s what’s gonna happen,” he begins as he walks slowly towards you. “You’re gonna do exactly what I tell you… and if you don’t you’re gonna get even more punishment than you’re already getting… Understand?” You nod your head. “Use your words, Doll,” Harrison tells you.
“Yes, I understand,” you tell him.
“Good girl,” he smiles at you. “Now… I want you to strip… Slowly.” You eyes go slightly wide as you watch him smirk. He knew you didn’t have a lot of confidence, but he always told you how beautiful and gorgeous he thought you were. In the back of his head, he was hoping this would help in some way. He watched as your hands started slowly lifting your shirt from your waist to rise up over your stomach and head before you tossed it across the room. He bit his lip as he watched you move your hands to the button on your jeans. Popping it before sliding the zipper down, pushing the material down your legs until it hit the floor so you could step out of it and kick it to the side. He groaned when he saw that you had worn his favorite set tonight.. “I know I tell you all the time,” he says in a quiet voice as he leans down towards you, “But fuck, Love, you’re beautiful.” He presses his lips to yours in a soft kiss as your eyes flutter shut. Just as quick as the kiss started soft and sweet, it turned hard and heated. “Take those off too,” he tells you breathlessly, when he pulls back from the kiss. Without hesitation, you do as he says. “Now, lie back on the bed, Love,” he tells you. You climb on the bed and get comfortable, leaning your head back on the pillows. “Good?” You nod your head and give him a small smile. “Don’t move,” he tells you with a smirk as he begins to leave the room.
“Where are you going?” you ask.
“I’ll be right back,” he tells you without looking back. You hear faintly him open and close a door before he comes back. It must have been in the spare bedroom. When he comes back in, he’s rid himself of everything but his boxers and he’s holding something in his hands.
“What do you have?” you ask.
“So many questions for someone that’s being punished…” he scolds you. “Do you have a safe word? Just in case? I don’t plan on it being that bad, but I want to know,” he asks you.
“Daisy,” you say quietly as he kneels beside you and nods his head.
“Arms up, Love,” he commands. You link your hands together and put them above your head as you watch him wrap one of his ties around your wrists and weave it through the headboard, tying it so you can’t move. You pull on it to see if you can or not. “Good? Not too tight?” he asks you.
“I’m good,” you assure him nervously.
“Close your eyes, Babe,” he tells you as you look up at him. He raises an eyebrow at you before you close your eyes. You feel him lift your head slightly before feeling something on your eyes. You opened your eyes and it was black… a blindfold. He pressed a quick kiss to your lips, making you pout. “Don’t be a brat. You’re already in trouble,” he warned you. Cupping your face in his hand, he ran his thumb over your lip before he pushed it inside and dragged it down, pulling your lip down. Pressing his lips to yours, you feel his hand slip into your hair and tug you closer. You moan into the kiss as you feel his tongue push in to meet yours forcefully. His hands moving down to cup your breasts roughly as he moves to hover over you and settles between your legs. He pulls back leaving kisses down your neck and collar bone, nipping at the skin along the way. It was sure to leave bruises, neither of you cared much. He loved marking you and you loved seeing them, just as you liked marking him and he liked see the ones you left. One of his hands was replaced with his mouth as yours dropped open, his hand settling on your waist. You tried to press your legs together to get some sort of friction but you couldn’t because he was in the way.
“Haz, please,” you whined.
“What is it, Love?” he murmured against your skin as he switched sides. You groaned knowing he was teasing you.
“Please touch me,” you beg. You felt him smirk against you before he started sliding a hand slowly down your side to the inside of your thigh, rubbing up and down.
“Here?” he asked.
“No,” you say breathlessly. He moved his hand to the other side and a little higher, repeating the action.
“Here?” he asked again.
“Nooo,” you whine. You feel him smirk again before he places a sharp bite against your skin making you yelp in surprise.
“Stop whining and tell me,” Harrison told you.
“Higher,” you explained. He knew how you were when it came to talking about things like this. You didn’t like to do the dirty talk yourself but you didn’t mind if other people did it. Your mouth dropped open and you sucked in a breath when you felt his hand finally lay over your heat and his fingers dip between your folds.
“Fuck, love… So wet already. I’ve barely done anything,” he chides as you bite your lip. He moves his hand up and down a few times before he quickly slips his two fingers inside making your body jerk. Settling on a slow pace at first, he licks a strip up your center until he reaches your clit and flicks it making you jerk again.
“Oh god,” you moan out as he speeds up his pace, his tongue focusing on kitten licking your clit. You start to buck your hips and he lifts his head.
“Stay still,” he tells you. His free hand comes up to help hold your hips in place as he returns to previous actions. His fingers move faster as he begins to suck harshly on your clit and you moan loudly.
“Fuck, Haz,” you groan.
“Close love?” he asks you.
“Y-yes,” you barely stutter out as his teeth scrape against your clit before he rolls it between them and tugs on it, sending you over the edge. He continues to move his fingers in and out to help you ride out your orgasm. When he can see that you’re coming down, he gently pulls his hand away from you so you can catch your breath. But just as soon as you have done so, his mouth is reattached to your core. Tongue lapping up and down your center in long, languid strokes.
“Harrison, please,” you beg.
“Hmm,” he moans against you.
“Too soon,” you say breathlessly. You feel him barely pull back from you.
“That’s the point, love,” he says as he presses kisses against the inside of your thighs. He reached up and pulls your blindfold off. You blink a few times to adjust to the lights in the room before you can look down and see him clearly. He winks up at you before he returns to his position over your core, pressing a kiss over your clit before sucking between his lips making you moan loudly. “Come on, love. I know you’re close,” he coaxes you before he starts sucking harder, pushing two fingers back inside and pumping harshly as you let your mouth fall open. He pulls your clit between his teeth, rolling it back and forth before pressing a hard lick across it. You feel your second orgasm hit you harder than your first without warning. He gently pulls away from you again, pressing soft kisses you your skin as he makes his way up your body until he reaches your lips. “You okay?” he asks.
“Did I use the safe word?” you say as you look at him.
“Still sassing, huh?” he says with a smirk on his face. “I was gonna be nice and only give you that small punishment,” he half laughs as his hands reach up and untie you before they reach for your waist to roll you over. “Hands and knees, Doll,” he tells you as he gets up and kneels behind you, bringing his hand down harshly on your backside as you get into position. You yelp in surprise as your body jumps. He brings his hand down on the other side just as hard. You don’t yelp this time, but you still jump. He rubs his hands over the spots as if to soothe the area where he just hit. Then he repeats the actions again, this time when his hand meets your skin you let out a quiet moan. “Oh… you like that, do you, love?” He rubs his hands over the area once again, soothing the skin and squeezing, pulling up back into him. You feel skin on skin. When did he have time to do that you think to yourself. He runs his hands up your back and down your sides. “You know I love you, but the way you acted tonight, love… that was just uncalled for,” he tells you.
“I know… and I’m sorry,” you tell him quietly.
“It’s too late for I’m sorry,” he tells you before he slams full hilt into you making you scream out.
“Fuck, Haz,” you yell as he starts relentlessly pounding into you. He knew you weren’t going to last long anyway, so he had the idea to make you come twice before he came. He reached around in front of you and pressed his thumb to your clit, rubbing circles against it. You arched your back as you felt your next orgasm coming like a freight train. You started clenching around him, making him groan above you. His grip on your waist got tighter, pulling you back into him harder as your third orgasm of the night washed over you. He kept thrusting in and out of you.
“One more, love. You can do it,” he tells you softly.
“I can’t,” you whine.
“Yes you can. Come on,” Harrison encourages you as he lifts you up to lean back against him, still pounding into you. “Fuck,” he groaned against your ear. “Ready, love? We’re gonna finish,” he tells you. Bringing his right arm up in front of you to hold you against him, his hand grips your breast, toying with the nipple. His left hand once again drifts down to rub shapes over your clit making your hips jerk and your moans get louder. “That’s it, love,” he coaxes you. You feel it building, and it’s the most intense thing you’ve ever felt. He feels you clenching around him and he knows you’re close, knows you’re both close. “Cum with me, love,” he moans in your ear. That was all you needed to send you over the edge. Your eyes screwed shut and your head dropped back against his shoulder as you fell into bliss. When you clenched around him the final time, it sent Harrison over his edge. You felt his hips stutter as his orgasm hit him and after two more thrusts you feel him bite your neck and moan into your skin as he releases into you. You both fall forward separately on the bed with your chests heaving as you try to catch your breath. “You okay, love?” he asks still out of breath.
“Yea, I’m good,” you say breathlessly.
“I wasn’t too rough?” he asks with concern.
“No, that was amazing,” you say as you turn to face him with a smile, your face slightly flushing.
“Oh, really?” he asked as he notices you biting your lip and laughs. “Well, who knew you were this kinky?” he winked at you.
“Oh shut up,” you said as you shoved him playfully. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you close to him, kissing the top of your head, then your forehead, your eyes, your nose, your cheeks, then finally your lips.
“I love you, you know?” Harrison tells you as he looks down at you. You nod your head as you look up at him.
“Yea, I do,” You smile. “I love you too.”
@nerdraging4point0 /  @sleepwalkingdragon  /  @sunshine112  /  @empressdreams / @justasmisunderstoodasloki / @bisexual-sk8r /
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petersshirts · 6 years
Hitting On You | tom holland
summary: out of your anger you punch a stranger straight in the face - but hey, what if that stranger is really really cute?
words: 1594
a/n: tadaa! finally, another one-shot! I hope you like it, I’m so happy how it turned out! :) love you x
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Poof! Po - poof!
You punched the bag repeatedly, sweat running down your forehead. Your arms were getting tired but you were not about to give up. You were too angry for that.
The clock above the entrance to the small gym showed 1 am. You had been here for two hours, and you were not about to stop.
It had been a hard and long day. You had to get early to your job because your boss had a few meetings he wanted to talk about with you.
You had been your boss’ assistant for two years now and you were desperately hoping for a promotion to be a writer. But for two years, you were constantly bringing him coffee and listen to him talking about his issues at home. And today was just the same: You ran through London to get him everything he wanted and when you walked back to his office, you picked up the following conversation between your boss and the president of the company:
„Are there any promotions coming up?“
You held your breath, needing to hear your boss’ answer. „Yes, there is one coming up - a young guy named Adam who just started his job half a year ago has been very successful.“
When he said that sentence, you completely lost it. You knew better not to run into the office and make a scene in front of the office, holding back your anger until you could confront your boss, alone.
The president left half an hour ago later and when he was out of sight, you got up and marched into your boss’ office, closing the door behind you. He raised his eyebrows at your sudden arrival.
„Can I help you, Ms Y/L/N?“
You walked towards his desk, trying to find the right words.
„Yes, actually you can. I want a promotion.“
„Since when are you the one to decide that?“
You smiled, used to his stubbornness. But you continued, „I’ve been working for you for two years now, don’t you think it would be time?“
Your boss shook his head, a little smile appeared on his face that you hated. „I’m not gonna do that.“
Your words rushed out and you didn’t regret them. This job was leading to nowhere and if you continued, you would never achieve your dream.
„Alright, then I quit.“
And with these words, you walked out, packed all your stuff and left the building.
And now here you were, in the small gym that was in your apartment complex. After you had left work, you ran home and immediately went down here, trying to get your anger out of your body. You had always kept it inside of you, but today was the day to finally let it go and take a step towards your dreams. Even though you were unemployed.
You hit the punching bag again and again and your muscles were burning, but the loud music in your eyes was tempting to go even further. Some rock singer was screaming into your ear, telling you that his heart was broken but you ignored the lyrics, only focusing on the music.
Suddenly there was a tap on your shoulder. You were in such a rush that you didn’t see something like this coming so you turned around and lunged at the person that was behind you. In the first moment, you didn’t even realise what you had done. But when you saw the young guy on the ground, holding his nose, you noticed that you just hit a stranger, straight in the face without any reason.
„Oh my god, I’m so sorry!“
You crouched down in front of the boy, feeling helpless. The boy looked up at you but he was still holding his nose in pain. You couldn’t see any blood so that was good, but when the nose is broken, does it bleed??
The boy sat up and slowly put his hand from his nose. It didn’t look like it was broken but you had punched him pretty hard. „I - it’s fine. It was pretty stupid from me to just sneak up behind you while you couldn’t even hear me. You’ve got a good punch though.“
He smiled at you but you still felt bad. Even though it was somehow his own fault. When you looked at his face, he seemed familiar to you. And then it clicked: He also lived in this complex and you had seen him a few minutes when you left or came back, but you had never talked to each other. A neighbour had told you that his first name was Tom, but that’s the only thing you really knew about him. He looked really good and always send you a cute smile but you just knocked him to the ground, your chances were very slim.
„You’re Tom right? Why did you even tap me on the shoulder when you saw that I was really into it?“ Toms face got red and he finally got himself up to standing. „Uhm.. yes I’m Tom, how do you even know that? I just saw you in there two hours ago when I left the building and when I just came back you were still punching the bag like a maniac, and I just wanted to know if you’re okay and if you wanna talk about it, because no one is going that hard for only a fitter body.“
You smiled at him, happy that he noticed that and wanted to check on you, even if it ended pretty badly. „A neighbour told me once. I’ve just quitted my job actually and I was so angry at my shitty boss I just needed a distraction. So I’ve just been punching this bag for four hours, thinking that this bag is my boss.“
Tom laughed and nodded, completely understanding your decision.
„Do you wanna talk about it?“
When you had packed all your stuff together, the two of you moved to your apartment that was just one floor higher than Toms. You changed into some comfy clothes and brought Tom a cool pack to cool off his swelling nose.
„It’s not that bad, I promise you.“ You just handed him the pack and sat down next to him.
„Just take it.“
„So why did you quit today?“ He asked you with a raised eyebrow, curious about your day. You sighed and leaned back, closing your eyes.
„I’ve been working for my boss for two years now as an assistant and I always wanted to be a writer in his company. I took the job two years ago because the company told me that there was a big chance that I would be promoted in a short amount of time. But all I’m doing is bringing my boss coffee and filling his calendar but that’s not my potential, you know? I studied so hard and I love writing but this ass just used me.“
Tom nodded at you, completely understanding. He may not have had the same way as you, but he knew the feeling. It was never nice when somebody told you that you would get something but then there’s was nothing. It was a horrible feeling.
„Hey, it’s gonna be fine. You’re gonna find a much better job where you are not hitting people in the nose!“ You giggled and hit his shoulder, happy that there was someone to talk to. All your anger had vanished just by talking and not punching til you were completely exhausted.
The two of you chatted all night, you were in your own bubble full of light and laughter and you felt so happy like you hadn’t in a very long time. When the sun started to rise, Tom stood up.
„I actually have to go to work a bit later, so I better catch some sleep before I head off.“ You nodded and smiled, knowing that you could just lay in bed all day and not worry about a damn thing. Just the curly haired boy.
„But I still owe you something for that blue nose though. Do you maybe wanna grab dinner this weekend?“ Tom literally beamed at you. He was so excited that you had asked him, he was way too shy around girls to make the first move. „Yes, of course! I will just drop by this afternoon and tell you a time?“
You nodded and then you stood at the door, two people who started the night off as strangers and ended it of as friends. Maybe even friends who wanted to be more?
You stared at your shoes, not knowing if you should just wave him off or hug him but Tom surprised you when he pressed a cheeky kiss on the corner of your mouth. Your eyes widened but he was too quick to catch the kiss. Tom stepped back, waving at you.
„See you, Tom.“
„See you, Darling. And by the way, you looked really sexy when you punched that bag.“
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j0ebay · 6 years
Kiss Me Goodbye... Chapter 1
Warning(s): swearing, violence, this is probably trash tbh
Word Count: 2129
A/N: IT’S HERE IT’S HERE IT’S FINALLY HERE!!!! I literally wrote half of this over the course of two very busy days and pulled the rest out of my ass in an all nighter oops I have a parade today I’m really stoked this chapter is finally out so enjoy and feedback is deeply appreciated!! 💙💙
series masterlist
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synopsis     chapter 2
an extra thank you to @starksmile for the amazing moodboard!!!
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“Now he’s gone. I don't know why and to this day sometimes I cry. He didn’t even say goodbye. He didn’t take the time to lie” -Nancy Sinatra
“You need a refill, George?” Asks the green eyed, burgundy haired woman as she quickly rounded the corner of the counter. Morning rush for her was always such an exciting time, due to her love of people, both newcomers and regulars.
“If it’s not too much trouble for you, Lindsey. You’re always so busy.” The older man replies back, sitting on a bar stool and pushing his empty mug towards her.
Lindsey laughs while picking up a coffee pot and pouring it, causing the dark liquid to pour out.
“Too much trouble? It’s my job to make sure you’re good!” She pushes her glasses further up on her nose. The man sips his coffee while she races around grabbing things needed for other customers.
“Order up!” a voice from the kitchen yells. Lindsey speeds over to the window saying a quick
“Thanks Marty!” before taking the food, putting it on a tray and walking it over to a couple in their mid sixties
“I got a waffle platter with scrambled eggs and a fruit bowl for Miss Kathy and a pancake stack with poached eggs and hashbrowns for the one and only Franklin” She says placing the plates to the respective people and turns the tray into her abdomen, crossing her arms over it.
“Anything else I can get for you folks? More water?”
The two smile at her before Franklin says
“No, Lindsey we’re really great thanks.”
She smiles and nods.
“Alright, you two, well you let me know if you need anything alright? How are the kids doing?”
The two smile at the mention of their children
“Well, Matt is finishing up university and he just got accepted into medical school and Darcy just got engaged to her boyfriend last night”
The young girl grins at their excitement.
“Oh my gosh that’s amazing!”
“How’s your show going?” Kathy asks
“We hear a lot about those kids of yours”
She giggles and brushes the hair out of her face.
“Well it’s not really my show it’s all the kids but, they’re doing great! It’s really amazing to see how far they’ve come and how devoted they are. Plus the show’s actually pretty cool”
They both look at her with amazement.
“You really are devoted, you put in so many hours here and with those kids and then at the shelter too! How old are you again?”
“I just turned 22 a few weeks ago”
She hears the order bell ding again and waves at the couple while walking back to the counter
The blue eyed man rubs his face with his hands as he looks over the files. So much information racked his mind and he was hitting a wall. He directs his attention upward at the sound of a knocking door.
“Yeah what” The man said.
Another guy enters saying “Anderson hasn’t paid up and yesterday was the deadline”
The blue eyed man leans back in his desk chair, sighing and running his hand through his light brown curls.
“‘S Tom back yet?”
The other man shakes his head.
“Okay,” He sits up, resting his elbows in his lap and putting his face in his hands.
“Let me know when he does.”
“Alright, Haz”
The door closes as the other man leaves as the blue eyed man sighs, runs his hand through his hair once more and gets out of his chair and walks out of his office. Closing the door behind him, he looks at the name on the door
Harrison Osterfield
He smirks to himself, reflecting on the amount of power and authority he has. He walks over to the door that says Harry Holland and lightly knocks while already entering the office.
“Hey, mate Anderson didn’t pay up so I gotta go do some form of beatdown tonight. You in?”
Harry reflects the same smirk on Harrison’s face and nods.
“It’s been a while since I’ve been out and about. Let’s do it”
“Hey Lindsey can you help me out for a sec?”
Lindsey snaps out of her thoughts and turns her head to see another volunteer carrying three bags of dog food piled on top of each other. She smiles and walks over from the help desk to the front door grabbing two of the bags and slowly walking them over to the food room. Along with working at the diner and helping out in the marching band, she also helps out at the dog shelter.
“Jeez Lindsey you’ve got some muscle there!” The two girls laugh.
“Yeah well I grew up around guys that we’re pretty much my brothers so I’m kinda used to it”
They both laugh again and Lindsey sits herself back at her desk, taking out her phone to text her roommate.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Friendly reminder I’m not gonna be home til like 9:30-10:00ish cause there’s band so do whatever for dinner and you don’t need to wait up for me 😁
Immediately, her phone buzzes back with
Grace Moore🌷 Thanks for the heads up. Have fun with your kids
Lindsey smiles at the message. She never really considered the kids to be hers but everyone else did so she rolled with it. As she gazes at the clock, then at the door, she decides she has enough time to go over notes on things the kids need to work on tonight.
As the sun set, the boys were getting antsy, Tom wanted his damn money, Haz wanted to do his job and Harry? Harry just wanted something to do.
“I don’t see why we can’t just go right now.”
Tom chuckles, looking at his brother with raised eyebrows.
“You’re always so jittery Harry just shut up and wait ‘til he’s alone”
Harry groans and the two older boys laugh. They see their target walk into the warehouse.
“Let’s go boys” Tom mumbles as the three step out of the shadows and into the warehouse the man known as “Anderson” walked into.
Harrison finds the guy first, alone in the room and blocks the doorway. Harry soon follows, blocking the doorway from the other side. Tom stayed back, wanting to make an intimidating entrance. He does need to make an impression after all. Anderson still doesn’t notice the guys presence until Harrison clears his throat. Anderson turns his head, eyes wide once he catches a glimpse of who made the noise and instantly starts walking towards the other doorway. Harry laughs, leaning on the door frame and saying
“You didn’t actually think we’d let you get away that easily, now did you?”
Tom emerges from the darkness.
“Where’s my fucking money, Anderson?”
The man lets out a labored breath.
“T-Tom. I can explain”
Harrison steps forward, gearing up for what’s about to happen
“You can explain?” Tom asks with raised eyebrows.
“Cause that seems like a waste of my time. What do you think guys?” Harry smirks.
“I’d rather be home right now if we’re being honest”
Tom chimes in again. “And Haz over here? Haz is looking for a girl. He could be out doing that kinda thing right now!”
Harrison raises his eyebrows and tilts his head in agreement. He isn’t wrong.
Anderson stutters as the three of them move closer and closer, closing in on him.
“I-If it’s girls you want, I have a niece about your age and I think you might like her-” “-That’s pretty sick, mate” Haz cutts him of.
“You would be willing to give us your niece, the flesh and blood of your sibling, so you can get out of some fucking money?”
Harrison swings and lands a punch to the man’s stomach.
Anderson doubles over in pain mumbling a raspy
“Th-that’s not what i meant. I-”
He gets cut off by a knee to the gut, knocking him to the floor, groaning.
Tom squats down to his level, taking Anderson’s face in his hands.
“Now, it’s still fairly early in the night and my guys and I, well, we got shit to do. So, you’re gonna make this nice and simple for me. I’m gonna ask you a question and you’re gonna show me yes,”
He stops to forcefully nod the man’s head, squishing his cheeks.
“Or no.”
Tom shakes Anderson’s Anderson’s head, signaling no.
“You understand me?”
Anderson nods his head, sweat dripping from his forehead indicating fear.
“Alright, Anderson. Do you have my money?”
There’s a pause, even more tension fills the air and the man  slowly shakes his head.
“No?” Tom asks.
He looks at Haz and Harry.
“Well, at least he’s being honest.”
The three of them smile but then Harry interjects
“But, I mean it’s already a bad idea to take out a loan from the biggest mob boss in London, let alone not pay it back. I feel like lying would make everything worse. Wouldn’t you think Tom?”
Tom shrugs and nods, soon asking.
“So, what should we do with him then?”
Immediately, Anderson starts begging
“Please, Mr. Holland I’ll do anything. Just give me one more week. I can give my brother a call and set you and your friend up if that’s what you really want.”
The three guys roll their eyes before Harrison takes out his gun, pointing it at the man.
“I have an idea” he says, smirking.
The begging intensifies as Harrison cocks his gun.
“You sick son of a bitch. You could’ve given us the money that you owe us but instead, you find out that I just so happened to be kinda not really looking for a girl and you offer up your own family? I’m not even related to those two and they treat me better.”
He says, gesturing towards Tom and Harry with his gun.
“Please, Mr.Osterfield. I’m sorry!”
Harrison sighs.
“If only your niece could see you now”
“Nice rim shot at the end snares!” Lindsey says as she jogs back from where she was watching them.
“I would just say watch your heights on the sextuplet rolls, a good lot of you are accenting your right hand which is not what we need right now alright?”
She feels her phone buzz in her pocket and takes it out to see
Grace Moore🌷 Hey! Btw there’s a package here for you
Lindsey’s eyebrows furrow in confusion.
Lindsey Fuller😋 Go ahead and open it if it’s actually addressed to me… I don’t really remember ordering anything so it’s either some sort of surprise or a bomb.
She smiles at the message she sent and it immediately fades. She could’ve sworn she felt a pair of eyes on her. She cranes her head left and right, seeing nothing.
Her phone buzzes again.
Grace Moore🌷 It’s from the people living in your old house? They said they found an old scrapbook of yours and sent it along with a note… damn you were an adorable kid
“Ugh” Lindsey says to herself at the last part of the text. She looked around again, still getting the feeling that someone was watching her from a distance.
“Watch that roll snares! It sounds like blulululuah which is a bad thing!” She yells after the marching snare drummers.
Lindsey lets out a big yawn while looking at the time.
“Long night, Lindsey?” One of the drummers asks her.
She laughs.
“I can’t tell if you’re being sincere or if that’s part of the high school humor that i definitely do not miss since graduating.”
The younger boy smiles and says
“Honestly, it was a bit of both but all of us here know you stretch yourself pretty thin.”
She laughs again.
“Yeah, nothing caffeine and a kickass show can’t fix though”
Lindsey arrives at her apartment to see her old scrapbook and a note sitting on the kitchen table.
“Hi Lindsey! We found this scrapbook in a box in the attic, saw your name in the inside cover and decided it would be a good idea to mail it to you! I hope all is well wherever you are!
-Phyllis and Clifford Sullivan”
She flips through the book, reflecting on the memories she and her friends made of her childhood. Two families in particular come to mind right away. Constant sleepovers with the two boys her age, playing cowboy or football with them and exchanging smiles. Along with the memories of the two families, a song comes to mind. It was sung to her on so many occasions by one woman and only one woman. She would push the red hair out of her face and lightly comb Lindsey’s brown and sing
“I was five and he was six. We rode on horses made of sticks.”
Lindsey soon sang to herself softly.
“He wore black and I wore white. He would always win the fight.
Bang Bang.”
strikethrough means it wouldn't let me tag you. please message me!!
@og-baby-ob14 @were-all-gay-down-here @softiespidey @saturn-aka-six @theasexualbunny @random-stuff-18
Harrison Osterfield:
@upsidedownparker @mischiefmanaged49
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March 30, 2017 • For the Birds
There's a good chance I'll run into something. If I don't run into something, I'll probably trip and fall. I've been lucky so far.
It all started two Saturdays ago when I woke up before the sun, rolled out of bed, grabbed my rain jacket, laced up my Bean Boots, and drove to the parking lot of the Wild Bird Center in Chapel Hill. I pulled in – legitimately surprised that people actually did this – turned off the engine and stepped out of the car.
"Hi, I'm Brent," I offered. "I'm here for the bird walk. I've never done this before. Am I in the right place?"
One-by-one, the others gathered in that parking lot greeted me – each of us standing in a steady mist.
"I'm Tom." "Tommy." "Verne."
"It's nice to meet you." I was in the right place.
From there, the nine of us set off for Mason Farm Biological Reserve – a 367-acre plot of forests and fields home to birds and trees and bugs and all kinds of wildlife. We spent nearly four hours that morning walking a total of three miles – stopping every few minutes to listen and wait and watch. We'd take a few steps. Pause. Look around. Take a few more steps. Someone would hear something and point, and everyone else would simultaneously raise the binoculars to our faces and focus (in a super cool way) to try to spot the birds.
It was cold and rainy… and exhilarating. I know. It sounds ridiculous. And as I've shared with "friends" that I went on a bird walk, the responses have been hilarious:
"Are you fifty?" "Where's your stamp collection, Grandpa?" "There's no way that's cool."
But I'm hooked. I've signed up for two more bird walks already. (Let me know if you want to come.) I've upgraded my binoculars, too, and purchased a field guide that stays in my man satchel.
And I'm constantly walking around now with my eyes upward, moving from tree to tree, trying to catch a glimpse of a bird I've never seen before. That's why there's a good chance I'll run into something.
That day, we saw over forty species of birds. Thrashers and woodpeckers and pine warblers. I left my phone at home. (Unintentionally, but still.) And I was caught up in my new friends' excitement about seeing something rare. I was in awe of their ability to identify a bird from afar based simply on its song or how it was flying. Mostly, I was glad to be doing something that didn't involve staring at a screen.
As I've geeked out over the last week-and-a-half, I've experienced the joy of being able to name things around me that, until recently, had been hidden in plain sight. This amateur birder can now pick out a mockingbird call, tell the difference between a crow and a grackle, and never knew how many cardinals there were in his neighborhood (which is annoying for this Cubs fan). I've started to notice how rare it is to walk outside and not hear a bird singing. It's literally a whole new world.
So this week's Thursday Three is for the birds.
"The Tweetest Thing" – a 22-second sketch by Jennifer Moxley
+ Bird Man
I read this piece from Longreads about two weeks before I signed up for my first bird walk. Eva Holland tells the story of Noah Strycker who got into birding as a teenager. In 2015, he traveled the globe to set a world record, identifying over 6,000 species of birds in 365 days. The article is good for that story alone, but the author also describes how for so many, bird watching "satisfies a 'bone-deep, soul-deep need to classify and organize the world around us.'"
The term umwelt comes from the German word meaning, roughly, "environment" or "surroundings." But in this context it refers to a given species' way of perceiving the world around it: dogs organize their world by smell, bees by ultraviolet light, and so on. Carol Kaesuk Yoon, a biologist, proposed in her 2009 book, Naming Nature, that we humans, in turn, navigate through and organize our world via a system of ordering and classification of other natural beings, and that this system is remarkably consistent across history, languages, cultures, ecosystems, and societies. Our umwelt is "our shared human vision of life."
To categorize our world is to know our world. And – for better or worse – it's part of what it means to be human. We eat, sleep, breathe, and put things into categories.
Click here to enjoy this article from Longreads.
+ Invisibilia: Outside In
Last year's season finale of the _Invisibilia_ podcast featured an episode called "Outside In." The episode detailed stories of transformation by people who took on something and hoped it stuck – sort of a "fake it 'til you make it" approach. For instance, one of the stories describes how an ordinary guy fakes being a celebrity and is mobbed by "fans" who have no idea who he is.
But the story that caught my ear came near the end of the episode. The hosts interview Jim Verhagen who runs the blog, _Readings from the Northside_. Jim set out to spend more time in nature with the hope of experiencing transformation. So he went to the Jersey Shore to watch the birds. But that's where it gets a little weird. Jim would take pictures of the birds (normal) and then start making up stories about them (what?). He gave them names and personalities – Mac Daddy, Mr. Handbersome, Jack, Tufters – and then wrote about them and their "drama" on his blog. From the transcript:
This is not your average isn't Mother Earth amazing - photography blog. No, what Jim does is essentially create the TMZ or Perez Hilton version of a nature blog because alongside shockingly clear and intimate shots of Mac Daddy and the other animals on the beach, Jim is writing these really kind of gossipy reports.
The blog explodes. And the way Jim is transformed is surprising and real.
See, when you see it in animals, when you see the kind of constant anxiety as we'd describe it that they have to live with, you realize that it's natural, that that's - that that state of constantly being kind of alert and a little concerned and watching your back…
Is my wife going to wind up falling out love with me? Am I going to lose this big customer? Constantly putting out fires. That's actually the natural state for a lot of animals. And so in a way it is for us.
Observing these creatures and making up these ridiculous stories helped Jim find a semblance of peace with his own stuff. It helped him find some comfort in his own skin. Click here to listen to the episode. Click here to read the transcript. Click here to visit Jim's blog.
+ Such Singing in the Wild Branches
For your soul's comfort, Mary Oliver's poem, "Such Singing in the Wild Branches," rounds out this week's Thursday Three. May it leave you listening – wondering – "is it spring? Is it morning?"
It was spring and finally I heard him among the first leaves— then I saw him clutching the limb
in an island of shade with his red-brown feathers all trim and neat for the new year. First, I stood still
and thought of nothing. Then I began to listen. Then I was filled with gladness— and that's when it happened,
when I seemed to float, to be, myself, a wing or a tree— and I began to understand what the bird was saying,
and the sands in the glass stopped for a pure white moment while gravity sprinkled upward
like rain, rising, and in fact it became difficult to tell just what it was that was singing— it was the thrush for sure, but it seemed
not a single thrush, but himself, and all his brothers, and also the trees around them, as well as the gliding, long-tailed clouds in the perfectly blue sky— all, all of them
were singing. And, of course, yes, so it seemed, so was I. Such soft and solemn and perfect music doesn't last
for more than a few moments. It's one of those magical places wise people like to talk about. One of the things they say about it, that is true,
is that, once you've been there, you're there forever. Listen, everyone has a chance. Is it spring, is it morning?
Are there trees near you, and does your own soul need comforting? Quick, then— open the door and fly on your heavy feet; the song may already be drifting away.
As always, thanks for reading and subscribing to the Thursday Three. I'm grateful you make this email a part of your weekly rhythm. If you dig it, I'd love if you'd tell your friends. Perhaps you'll consider forwarding it to your friends or using the share and tweet buttons below. And I'm always open to feedback, suggestions, or friendly correspondence. Just hit reply and write something. You know where to find me. Until next Thursday, find some birds.
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