#he means the world 2 me
saym0-0 · 4 months
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spreading lammergeier joel propaganda to new viewers from hermitcraft via scar stream clips
(specifically 7:06 but the whole clip is fantastic lol)
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drac0nyxx · 7 months
pls pls pls pls more ellis ggy content he’s rotting my brain so much and i see NOTHING on him pls he’s so silly
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More Jasmine <3
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cowmaid · 1 year
fnafhs fanart 2023...wat in the world
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fagtainsparklez · 1 year
if c!boomer has million numbers of fan i am one of them. if c!boomer has ten fans i am one of them. if c!boomer has only one fan and that is me. if c!boomer has no fans, that means i am no more on the earth. if world against the c!boomer, i am against the world.
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pyxscythe · 9 months
K!lincu would totally get a brush and ome of those bandanas for captain and research as much as he could about cattle
He would do so much for Captain it's unreal
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time-woods · 9 months
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off in some alternative universe theres a cosmic office comedy with some romantic undertones taking place
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buckleyreid · 2 months
From this
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To this
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sneez · 6 months
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family portrait :D young sam and sybil are behaving themselves and vimes is throwing a hissy fit because they tried to make him wear the helmet
[id: a digital painting of three people sitting for a portrait in a domestic interior. young sam is standing with his hands behind his back and beaming proudly. vimes is standing behind him with his hand on his shoulder, wearing a shiny military uniform and a surly expression. sybil is sitting on the right with an arm around young sam, smiling at the viewer. a plumed helmet is sitting on a table on the left. end id.]
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tuntau · 3 months
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DRAGON'S DOGMA 2 (2024) ‣ dev. CAPCOM
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stinkyeggbow · 4 months
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Sea swallow me,,,
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ilumel · 10 days
not to be dramatic about crow’s haircut but it marks such a beautiful moment of character development for him. he finally met cayde, the man uldren killed, whose memory crow carried for years with a crushing sense of guilt, grief, and responsibility…and crow was welcomed by him instead of hated.
it allowed him to move forward. at least to an extent.
crow considered cayde to be one of the last pieces of his past life that he could never allow himself to be forgiven for—he was trapped by the knowledge of what his hands had done when they had been uldren’s. he kept uldren’s haircut like a punishment, an eternal reminder of the pain he had caused. i don’t think it’s a coincidence that the moment cayde embraced him as freely as he did, crow finally allowed himself to let go of that last physical tether to uldren.
he cuts his hair, and sees a new face in the mirror. his own. one that looks like him, not cayde-6’s murderer. he will always carry that pain, just as he will always honor cayde’s memory with newfound fondness…but now he meets his grief with the warmth and understanding that cayde gifted him. crow is free at last to allow himself to embrace his own identity, having finally been given permission to do so by the only person in the whole galaxy that could have granted it.
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veryintricaterituals · 9 months
This blog is about to become an Edward Teach apology blog. This is your warning and you've been warned. I am about to partake in justifying, condoning, defending, excusing and rationalizing in ways you've never even imagined before. He's going to kill people, act deranged and commit atrocities and I'm just going to sit in my living room like:
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moongothic · 7 months
So normally we only get fullblown, extended and dedicated flashbacks for heroic characters in One Piece, the characters who we're meant to root for. The literal only TRUE exception we've had to this rule was Big Mom's flashback. Even fucking Doflamingo's flashback was tied to Law and Rosinante's
So the fact that we haven't gotten a single fucking GLIMPSE at Crocodile's backstory is?!?
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Like sure, we haven't gotten like a Moria flashback, but you know, he literally told us all we needed to know himself, AND we got to see glimpses of him in the Wano flashbacks. Arlong didn't get a flashback of his own, but he did get to cameo in Fisher Tiger's flashback. And Rob Fucking Lucci got a flashback that was 6 whooping panels long
BUT CROCODILE?? Not only do we know almost Fuck All about his story, but also have never gotten as much as a glimpse at it? But his backstory has been HINTED and TEASED at multiple times??
Like. I am SURE the "Full Backstories for Heroes Only" rule is going to get broken again, but with Imu and Blackbeard already there just BEGGING to have their beans spilled, can we even be sure Sir Fucking Crocodile is somehow going to become A Villain So Dangerous To The Narrative that he ALSO should also recieve a Full Fucking Backstory?? For his Nefarious Schemes?? AT THIS POINT??
I think it's more likely Oda's been saving up Croc's backstory because it might just completely recontextualize his entire character
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the-stove-is-divorced · 5 months
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Remembering I can draw fanart for my own fics, SO BEHOLD! The most mentally sound halves of a fusion imaginable! Technically a redraw of art I did way earlier for the same fic! Flexing my art muscles and thinking about these two is good for the soul. Love them. Bastards to write though. I can't wait to write them fused back together, but we're not here yet and it's AGONY.
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non-un-topo · 11 months
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My Neekeys over the last two-odd years. I was curious to see the changes 🤔
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