#he never looked so creepy jfc
aiura-stan · 5 months
0-7, this one for sure isn’t Saiki heaven!
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More evidence for the “saiki just uses low level hypnosis to make people believe whatever they want about him” theory. Actually, I think someone on Tumblr proposed this, kind of going off of his mind erasing power, where the mind just fills in a blank spot with a plausible story. I don’t remember who first brought up this theory. Make some noise if it was you.
I will be completely honest, I don’t remember this chapter at all. Maybe I skipped it or something. More likely, I read it half asleep at 3am.
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I don’t understand why the spirit of the person is the thing that retains the dazed status effect, but then again, this is fiction, and we are pretending that souls exist in the first place in a way that can be separated from the body.
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…okay. Another thing that really could have been put in the manga proper and also the anime. Nendou is being scouted as a PROFESSIONAL BASEBALL PLAYER?? HELLO???? That makes him at least 200% more impressive as a character.
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Um… Saiki… those aren’t lies…
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Hello??? SAIKI??? He’s really about to just leave Nendou’s body and wander around… I’m glad they added a definitive (rather short) time limit to the animanga before the soul has to go somewhere. It does bring up more questions about ghosts, and the religious belief system portrayed in Saiki k, but let’s not think about that right now. From the chapter thus far, seems like Saiki really enjoys taking otherwise purposeless strolls. Old man behavior.
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Yeah, Saiki really is on another level.
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This makes me kind of sad actually?? I’d explain but I’m sure you all can guess my thoughts here. Gah…
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Also, it’s kind of nice to see glasses-less and limiter-less Saiki. He’s actually quite pretty. His limiters do a lot to detract from his looks overall, on account of being highly ridiculous accessories. And his glasses hide his eye color (speaking more of the anime, but you know.)
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I have so many questions about this scene. How does a soul “wake up”? What happens when it does; does Saiki’s soul just automatically get kicked back into his proper body? Why did it take so long?? People can’t (rather: really shouldn’t) pass out for much longer than a few seconds. I’ll chalk it up to another Saikiverse modification where Saiki made real life more like a fictional story (and less harrowing. A world where fastballs are not potentially lethal.) And all of that crap about souls just doesn’t get explained. Okay. So much of this story is left up to readers to fill in the blanks with their own assumptions. Maybe that’s part of what makes it so good. Sidenote: I envy Nendou's superior ability to go with the flow. 'Oh, looks like I fell alseep while taking a shit.' <- Fantastic.
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Jfc Saiki, so little faith in people. (Understandably.)
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Saiki, I fail to see what the spinach has to do with you getting published in Jump.
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In all seriousness, the amount of times that people refer to Saiki’s powers as creepy or monstrous really is… a lot. Like, those baseball guys were calling Nendou (Saiki) a monster just for being (freakishly) good at baseball. Anyways
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Yeah, that’s about what I figured. They’re designed to be read independently. XD. Yeah, sorry, I’m one of those people apparently. Well, I’m sure Asou never expected his manga to be read quickly via scans by English speakers some years after the fact.
I am so glad that Asou sensei got serialized. And that he didn’t let his self doubt stop him from creating Saiki k. Yeah, that’s right. Can’t let the fans down!
よし!that'll do it. See you all next time. 💫
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silverspleen · 9 months
about Infraflux!Silas' mask
So yes and no! It's a cyberpunk mask, heavily inspired by the games Payday and Ruiner.
The "mouth" stays the same, since it's actually hinged and can open so he can eat and drink. The "eyes" have various emotions based on his expressions underneath the mask (though he can turn it off for a creepy "blank" look), and the surface can shift between simple patterns and most colors, though he tends to keep it red, white, blue, and yellow.
It's part of a mostly full body (probably about 3/4 body, it has sexy impractical gaps because I said so) pimped-out fancy haptic suit thing he wears on the job (it's also got audio built in so he can get hands-free calls) and when he's pretending not to be human and just a weird Organic.
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WORLDS FUNNIEST TEXT CROP I'm keeping that lol
Anyway old, somewhat out of date concept sketches.
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It's also a helmet! The whole thing is padded/armored up in the most important places. It's expensive custom and is the most valuable thing he owns, both in terms of initial cost, privacy (presumably he pays off the makers to keep him being human on the DL, he doesn't want everyone to know jfc he'd never get any privacy*), and maintenance. Obviously he doesn't want to get injured with it on but things happen and he gets into fights and it has to be repaired.
On the job he wears it with either various nice solid-colored crime suits or his like "fucking shit up" mostly black criminal gear. Off the job he has a completely separate, brighter wardrobe than he usually wears when he's not in disguise. Human Silas likes earth tones (browns, oranges, green), fancy straps that makes his chest looks nice, t-shirts with rude/dirty sayings on them, and scarves. Off of crimes "I am not a human thanks you can call me Silence" wears their fancy helmet + haptic suit thing, more blues and yellows, and more patterns, especially weirdly fancy pants and partial skirts, and long as they can run in them.
*I feel like most high enough criminal boss types absolutely know he's human and probably consciously request him for situations where they think Earth Sense (the like innate connection most people think humans have to the Earth, being pre-catalcysm beings and all) will be useful, and I think if Silas knew this he would throw up and die.
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redpool · 2 years
oops, i thought eclipse was before new moon
new moon is my favourite of the 5
mainly because i prefer the wolves
jesus christ
why do you say rabbit like that?
fucking hell
they're not even quiet about it.
the parallels to the R&J scene and the bit with the Volturi
lol, i thought vampires were supposed to be beautiful
ew, shut up
shut up Emmett
fucking idiot
i never thought these words would ever leave my mouth but PUT IT IN YOUR MOUTH
when i cut my finger my first instinct is to press on the wound so more blood comes out because it fascinates me, yours should be to cover it because you are in a ROOM FULL OF VAMPIRES.
how does the hair changing work for this kind of vampire?
because Jasper and Alice seem to have a different haircut every movie
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clearly not
jesus sorry, I'm ignoring what's happening and trying to remember how to spell, apparently i can't spell it so clearly will have to do.
shut up, look at her bro
look at her you little coward
shut up
there's not a single thought behind those eyes.
oh lovely, lead her out to the middle of nowhere then adandon her
what the fuck
thats not creepy at all
is a bit weird tbh
what are these nightmares from? PTSD or from the codependency?
oh my fucking god
this is not going to help.
skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip
girl, just go to therapy, jesus christ
ew, age is not just a number, you fucking pedophile
good one, shithead
Charlie be my dad (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY)
his voice irritates my brain
stop talking like that
skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip skip
that's not enough blood for a head wound
secondhand embarrassment
aren't you with Jessica?
jesus christ
Jacob is supposed to be 16, oh my god
dont start with that toxic masculinty shit
you gotta stop bro
oh my god
'And you think I'm sort of... beautiful..' shut all the way up
i'm gonna hurl
hes losing it
Harry <3
stop looking
'everyone' then proceeds to only name one person
oh my fucking god
how is that a 16 year old?
what, you expect flowers to last that long? do you not how the seasons work?
that's Sam right?
oh, they're all here, never mind
jesus christ Bella
wait she's 18 at this point right? and he's 16...
put a shirt on
jesus, they're both bad for her.
he's got a fucking 8 pack
jesus christ
i fucking hate this so much
oh my god
jesus christ
EMBRY!!!!! god i love him
EMILY!!!!!!!!!!!! BE MY MOTHER
grumpy x sunshine
what the hell
are you a fucking idiot?
oh shit
i hate that Harry died but i get Seth and Leah out of it so, i'm conflicted.
what kind of cpr was that
yeah, while you were attention seeking, Harry was dying.
fucking hell, that's not how this works, you stupid bitch
oh my fucking god
this treaty has been around long before you were even a thought.
*eyeroll so hard i do a backflip*
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why do i do this to myself?
just yell, you idiot
*eyeroll so hard my eyes get stuck*
has Demetri always sounded like that?
shut up, Jamie Campbell Bower
oh my god
Felix, did your hand get bigger?
creepy little pervert
i see why Michael is always cast as the creepy weirdo.
oh god, i just noticed the children
why are you acting like you literally didn't just try to kill yourself??
Jesus, with the number of times I've rolled my eyes I'm surprised they haven't gotten stuck.
I'm gonna barf
his arms are the size of my fucking head
oh my fucking god
see what you did, you've fucked up both their lives.
you've been together for like 5 minutes
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ck90 · 1 year
So... @foxyyaoguai  & @jadedbirch tagged me and all I can say is, “Dude! You slapped a fish!” (or you tagged the socially awkward turtle!)
Rules:  ‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››‹‹\( ˙▿˙ )/››
Favorite Books: Ok, so here’s the thing. To Kill a Mockingbird is probably my all time fav that I had to read, but actually really enjoyed. (The ‘sequel’ does not exist.)  But I mostly follow writers (unless I kick them off the island). So, I’ll say that I will read anything by Shelly Laurenston (love her crazy bitches) and anything written in the Honorverse by David Weber (I love epic space operas).
Last fanfic I read and loved: Okay, ok, ok, ok. There are so many, like really. OMFG this fandom is so amazing I’ve downloaded by favs, made a cover, and put them in my tablet and phone and have backups. Preciousssss. 
So, for May, my goal was to read as many of my ‘marked for later’ and leave comments especially if they are wips regardless of last update. And I have and my heart breaks because there are some really, really good stories out there that are forever wips. ૮╥﹏╥ა
Instead, let me list some of my fav rereads (in no particular order): 
Stunted, Starving Juvenility (oh, how I love thee)
Symmetry (mind-blowing)
The Same Moon Shines (this is really the one that taught me about an idea spawning multiple versions of itself)
Bend (holy guacamole, Batman!)
Maybe, You’re the Reason (as my bookmark says,  JFC on a pogostick. Need an ice bath, stat. It's smoking hawt. So yeah.)
Fanfic tropes/ships/kinks I never thought I would like, until this one fanfic came along and made me see the light: Omegaverse and mpreg. I still look askew at this trope but there were some talented writers that had me hooked and now it’s no longer in my ‘nope’ list. (This might be a MXTX thing and may not travel to other fandoms, tho.)
WIPs:  Weeeellll. The bunnies are alive. I have a Scrivener opened and organized. Words have been written. Fuck. I have an idea that spawned a multiverse, but...I don’t know, man. I don’t know.  U(⁎˃ᆺ˂)U
Current obsession: MDZS has been my obsession for a while now. I don’t see it dying anytime soon. 
Fictional character I would marry:  Nie Huaisang. Look, I get it. Lan Xichen is beautiful and kind and sweet and would make a fine husband. But SangSang will set the world on fire for those he loves and I’ll happily gather tinder and watch it burn with him. Also, he has a great porn collection.
My favorite Fandom Tumblr blog: @wangxianficfinder {´◕ ◡ ◕`} They do the Dark Lord’s service and I’m am grateful. But really, I have found so many great fics because of them. 
A fandom friend I want to thank: I would like to thank @jadedbirch for putting up with my creepy love and fanfic covers. And @foxyyaoguai for reaching out (told you I was a socially awkward turtle ٩(θ‿θ)۶)
My best fandom-related advice: Be weird. It’s okay. We are all weird here.
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zalrb · 2 years
OTH 3x01 Rewatch Review
1.  I did not expect a rush of nostalgia to hit me hearing “Feeling A Moment” play in the opening scene but I’m grinning.
2. “I’ve been here alone all night!” way to be obvious, Deb.
3. the inferior ‘hi’
4. “Let’s get you home.” “Uh uh, I can’t be there alone. Will you stay with me?” Why did I see Peyton’s terrible art when she said the last part? Hahaha, I hate them so much.
6. Lucas didn’t meet Brooke at the airport with flowers, he met his mother instead, so obviously he never loved her.
7. Nothing screams 2000s like this fucking hair
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8. “It didn’t matter without you, none of it mattered without you” then why didn’t you ask him to come with you, Haley, my god.
9. At least he put her stuff in storage and didn’t throw it out or give it away.
10. “There wasn’t a moment when I was away that my heart wasn’t with you in Tree Hill”, he got into a car crash and you didn’t visit him at the hospital, Haley.
11. omg look their chemistry disappeared
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12. You match your wallpaper, Lucas
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14. “It’s always going to be there isn’t it? You and me.” This is what I’m talking about when I talk about how much I hate Peyton and Lucas, this is the STUPIDEST line, her and Nathan is always going to be there too, you and Nicki, that isn’t unique to you two. “They mean that their profound love is always going to be there” how profound could it be when this is the ridiculous dialogue they have.
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jfc i hate this show.
16. I like how all of OTH’s clothes look like they’re from Old Navy. NO BUDGET.
17. Peyton is so freaking exhausting.
18. Haley comes back to Tree Hill SO indignant and it’s laughable.
19. “There was never a day on that tour when I didn’t think you were the best part of my life”
.... are you sure? Because mans literally drove up to see you and you were like soooooooooo I think we made a mistake.
21. “There was never a night where I loved it more than I loved you” bro, you didn’t even call him regularly. I’m rewatching The Sopranos for the millionth time and Tony can call his mistress when he and his daughter make a pit stop at a gas station on her college tour but you can’t call your husband at least once a week? Girl.
22. Does Haley not know how rent works? Why would she think she could just have her apartment back when Nathan moved out?
23. I like how Brooke said she rented the apartment, YOU NEED A COSIGNER. Hell, even Nathan would’ve needed a cosigner emancipated or not, that boy has no credit, jesus christ.
24. OTH’s blatant Sunkist promotion makes me laugh every time. No one is going to drink it.
25. It is SO clear that there aren’t anything in these boxes.
26. “Hey, Mouth, nice work! Brooke gets a place of her own and you already got her in the bedroom.” Heehee slutshaming.
27. And, like, if it was one or two of these types of things then it would be like haha, in jest, but Peyton STAYS slutshaming Brooke.
28. “... a couple of those creepy ‘nobody understands me’ drawings that you do.” I love Brooke.
29.”My problem is with anybody who just vanishes and then waltzes back and expects to be instantly forgiven” and my problem is with people who say they’re someone’s best friend and then repeatedly breaks their heart by hooking up with their boyfriend.
30. Oh look, another shot of Peyton looking morose. Such a change of pace.
31. Haley begging Nathan while trying to physically connect with him and trying to get him to forgive her through sex
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is actually pretty quality angst and high key cringe at the same time, like I’m secondhand embarrassed but it’s actually one of my favourite Naley scenes because it’s realistic
32. Lmao Dan and his lack of nuance is always funny. “What you call kindness, I call weakness” OK.
33. “Six billion people--” I’m done.
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sebastianshaw · 2 years
I ended up sleeping all afternoon because of rain, so I still have stuff to do. But popping in to talk about Gillen’s Eternals run: - I like how he had Druig hang around with Subutai back in the day instead of the better known Genghis Khan. I like when people writing immortal characters don’t go for necessarily the MOST famous figure when they have said character do the whole “met [insert historical important person here]” that EVERYONE is gonna know. - I really do like how Ribic draws adult women as looking like they have a full set of internal organs, but god almighty I DESPISE how this man draws Sprite’s face. She looks SO CREEPY, like please never ever let Ribic draw anyone under 35 ever again jfc
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this not the worst of it
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silentxxsoul · 2 years
The 'Uncle Buck and Madney house hunting in the same episode, we never lose' reaction dumppp:
this is a fucking mess but so am I 🤣
So many thoughts and hopes for tonight
mainly Madney house hunting and moving forward and picking a place that's theirs ahhhhhhhhhh
which also means bingo for me, bitches
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Listen I searched 'never lose' in the gif search and like, how do you pass that up?????
Spoiler alert: you don't
Christ this is already off the rails and the episode hasn't even aired lmao
I've always wanted to go to a Ren Fair but every year I forget until its already over.
You know what's kind of incredible here? They were talking about how girls could be more than princesses and no Hen is the one taking point on rescuing her sister, just reaffirming what her sister was saying before the bees.
I wonder how many hours of makeup/effects she had to sit through to make her look that swollen
Terrible twos ahahahaah
She gon'
Did he forget she's half Chim, who loves to mess with him?
The way he's sprinting after her oh my god 😂
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If bro says fix it one more time IM going to toss him out a window holy god my guy
Oh damn I didn't realize he was going out the window--whoops that was a day dream. Same tho
I can't believe he ran through every confession possible with Athena lmao buddy stop implicating yourself and get a new job, maybe a therapist
Chris is so grown up 😭😭😭
I LIVE for these Dad!Eddie moments
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Carla shoving him into the kitchen hahahaa, man I missed their dynamic. Not the actress, but Carla speaking wisdom for Eddie and the fun banter they always have.
"It's gonna be great" famous last words
Bobby's lucky numbers have me cackling, because they're equal parts adorable and equal parts on brand for a sports obsessed homer
(dont ask me about 1738 and 2015)
No bc if May bought twitter it probably would be the shit show it is now
"Ms. Garcia, RIP" Evan. 💀🤣
Like, how do you think this would be a good idea? I get being overly horny but its a MOVING vehicle ???
The panic when he realizes Chris could be getting his first kiss and Buck being absolutely unhelpful
Eddie went from being invested in Hen swapping Swarezes to being a grump in 0.7 seconds flat
Not the 'grandpa' gd Buck don't give him a heart attack lmao
I missssssed the 118 family banter oh my godddddddd
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Bobby's just mad him and Athena didn't do it first
May, don't make unnecessary journeys! Stay out of treacherous creepy dude's houses!
She really found his whole ass manifest
May if you're going to read the dudes journal out loud ROLL YOUR WINDOW UP AND LOCK YOUR DOORS
May, it's literally titled 'my fantasy'
My nerves are so shot man
Is she going to do training to be a hostage negotiator??? Ohhh I love that angle!!! Bring her in for more big rescues!
(also that made a separate post bc I need to put it into the universe so that Tim and Co. can steal it 😇)
"Look swords", he's such a child lmao
Oh my god now he's talking about teaching Jee girls can do anything by getting her a sword I fucking love him
Hen and Buck fighting, my heart
Eddie is such a fucking good dad 😭😭😭😭😭
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Yall I'm in no way ready for a week off or for the hella long hiatus between 6A and 6B
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"I’ll live my life if it kills me” -E.e. Cummings
People, when they were in pain, didn’t want to be understood. The whole scene of after Diego and Dyvia's dead is just😭😭😭
Lexi and Gigi>>>>
Wards against shadowhunters??? Wtf???
They didn’t mourn. They simply moved on. For this was their life. These bitches really need therapy huh...
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Collecting them like pokemon...
At the beginning of lbaf I thought Mallory was going to be the main villain™ here, but god if Marcus isn't scary and creepy af too, more so even...
Who does Marcus thinks he is to decide what people should do with magic????
“And I lost the shadow world because of her,” Marcus replied. “You know what they say. All is fair in love and war. I love the shadow world. And I will go to war for it.” ok, but I love how much that analogy FITS lbaf IV
“We’re the hot girl. Everyone wants us.” that boy is only valid one here tbh
He knew Max didn’t handle death well – especially after losing Rafael and David at the same time. I'm still emotionally recovering from that one
“Sometimes mundanes are more dangerous than demons,” FACTS ONLY!!
Me repeating to myself: he's the oldest person alive, not a kid, he's the oldest person alive, not a kid, he's-
Love how David though of asking the oldest person alive if he was ok, when absolutely no one thought about it that way🥺🥺
“Haven’t you heard, David? All the stories are true.” this quote ISTG-
Alec and Magnus holding Rafe, Max taking care of him, Magnus giving Alec his strength... I just fucking love the Lightwood-Bane family comforting each other😭💙💙
He gave Alec some of his magic.
Some of his strength.
Take it. Keep it.
I'm having TMI flashbacks!!!
“But these hands…these hands were made to decide fates and pass laws."
“These hands got my parents killed,” Anjali whispered.
Magnus shook his head.
“You are a good person, Anjali. Just like your father. And when good people try to do difficult jobs, they get hurt sometimes.”
Magnus and Anjali. It's too much 😭😭😭 God, I loveeee this scene!!!!
Magnus chuckled. “That’s true. But it doesn’t matter that I am a curse."
“How so?” she asked him.
“Because I’m surrounded by people who have never made me feel like one,” Magnus smiled. “And guess what, Anjali? So are you."
I am definitely crying, my heart can't take this much💙💙💙💙💙
Look, I have nothing against Mallory's grandfather, but please don't 🔪
These family is fucked up, jfc
Because he cared for her. Because he loved her. Everytime I read this it takes another year of my life :))
Now just what the fuck are you going to do to my David?????
Song rec: 19 by Xana (idk if I have mentioned it before but the way I am obsessed!!!) (I may have started another WIP because of this song lmao)
lmao not you collecting the banners. go babe go!
you have recommended me that song 😋 and yaaay i love it when music inspires more art! send snippets 😇
a song for you from the lbaf iv playlist: if i killed someone for you by Alec Benjamin :)
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humanoidtyphoons · 2 months
trimax vol 12!
-vol 12 is the main reason i feel like trigun viewing order should be 98 anime > trimax > tristamp. mainly because the two double spread pages includes 98 filler characters that don’t feature in trimax but it’s so nice to see them there as part of vash’s journey, the people he met along the way
(-but if trigun is a never ending timeloop, i think chronologically trimax > tri98 > tristamp definitely makes sense with vash meeting and not meeting people in various time loops, tho he remembers them all the same, even if they didn’t feature, he’s met them before.
but saying that tri98 > trimax > tristamp would that be better for vash’s feelings on not killing??)
-god it fucks me up that wolfwood isn’t shown in the panels but his weapon instead. like. jfc vash. vash. wolfwood’s death has changed him so profoundly. he doesn’t want to see his image.
-livio acquiring a poncho and hat and spinning in the air is so cuuuuute. i don’t really care for cowboys but what a look!!!!!!
-chronica!!!! domina!!!! love seeing more independent plants!!!
-fantastic vash vs knives fight and the clash of ideals. vash explores and constantly travels no man’s land to understand humans more, like his argument with wolfwood which never gets repeated again, whereas knives is stuck with his first impressions and refuses to change.
-been thinking about a third trigun anime again, the one that actually follows trimax, and i can’t help but think of shin megami tensei sort of colour palette for knives’ eldritch angelic form. i only know lucifer’s call as reference, but… the pastel creepiness would look good.
-i’m surprised legato doesn’t do much but his flashback chapter that takes place during the seven months of vash’s imprisonment is… illuminating. no wonder he took to knives, but oh my god.
-trigun feels so epic now. like i think a case could be made before now, bc seeing knives’ arc is so… awesome, but the space battle? knives immolating his plant sisters… incredible. the scope, the scale, it’s pretty breathtaking to look at. the reason it kinda didn’t feel epic was bc even from vol 8, vash and wolfwood kept travelling from place to place. so it continued to feel slice of life to me until now tbh.
forgot to mention this in a previous post but i like the parallel of both wolfwood and livio meeting children of their past and seeing them older, whether they get recognised or not. wolfwood & maylene, livio & jasmine.
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stitching-in-time · 4 months
Voyager rewatch s2 ep16: Meld
Yet another one I dreaded having to watch- season 2 really is a lot worse than I remembered! Threshold is starting to look like a masterpiece compared to some of this stuff, and this is one of the worst stinkers of the lot.
It opens with Tom Paris running an actual Saved By The Bell Zack Morris-style scam on the crew, which I'm pretty sure must have been part of the arc where he was purposefully acting like a jerk to make it plausible for him to leave the ship and infiltrate the Kazon or something like that. (Or at least I hope it was, because that would be really awful to revert him back to jerk mode right after they worked so hard to make him more sympathetic in Threshold. But I wouldn't put it past this show.) Whatever the reason, I wasn't a fan of it- the audience at the time certainly didn't know any of that, and it just makes it seem like he's a jerk who hasn't learned anything, which makes it harder for the audience to like him. Not a good strategy for a regular character, and I don't know why they continued going down that route again and again.
But then we transition from Saved by the Bell hijinks into CSI: The Delta Quadrant when we get to the main story: a crewman has been murdered in engineering, and someone on the ship did it. Enter a crewman we've never seen before, Suder, played by the ever creepy Brad Dourif. We then proceed to go down a rabbit hole of 'let's fetishize violence!' for the rest of the episode. We see yet another character throwing out some major toxic masculinity when Tuvok investigates and Chakotay is like, 'yeah, the guy enjoyed killing, I didn't feel safe around him, but I didn't want to mention it to anyone! I didn't want to make the guy look bad just to keep people safe!' Meanwhile, I'm like wtf are you kidding me?! Did a character we're supposed to like literally just say that?? Jfc. At least Tuvok calls him out on it, but having Chakotay downplay it like it was no big deal, despite having directly observed Suder's behavior, was gross. (Especially in light of how Chakotay was more than willing to trash Tom Paris from day one just because he didn't like him, meanwhile Tom never killed people for fun, so wtf??)
The whole episode was a mess. The main premise of Tuvok mind melding with a murderer and getting obsessed with violence because of it might have worked if he actually needed to meld with him to find out the truth of what happened- like if Suder wouldn't confess despite DNA evidence, or if he couldn't remember what happened for some reason. But Suder straight up confesses, so having Tuvok mind meld with him was just pointless and nonsensical. He straight up said he didn't like the guy and killed him because he likes to kill people. I don't see how Tuvok could be so naive or innocent as to believe that no one could possibly just be a weirdo who murders people without a thought. At Tuvok's age, with his Starfleet experience, there's just no way he's never heard of, or met anyone else, who kills without a thought. And Vulcans are too logical to just be like 'I'm kind of curious about a thing, I'll just mind meld with a stranger to find out more about it!' especially when said stranger is a violent murderer. Like, go read some criminology books from the ship's database! Literally easier and safer!
But Suder drops a load of edgelord nonsense about how cool and seductive murdering is, and for some reason Tuvok is like 'cool, tell me more!' and melds with him, which of course, goes Very Wrong, because now Tuvok wants to kill too! (Insert shocked Pikachu face here)
Tim Russ goes to town chewing the scenery as evil!Tuvok, but there's no point to it, storywise. It doesn't reveal anything about his character, because despite what incel white boys raised on toxic masculinity and their apologists like to claim, the majority of people are not harboring secret plans or desires to murder people, and it's not a normal part of human nature to do so. The meld wasn't a necessary price to pay for solving the murder case, so having to sit through characters dealing with unnecessary fallout from one guy's selfish choice is annoying, and very out of character for Tuvok, who's never shown such a lack of impulse control before.
Evil!Tuvok trashes his quarters, says mean things to his crewmates, pretends to kill Neelix on the holodeck (kinda can't blame him there lol) and decides he has to execute Suder for his crime. They have an extremely homoerotic standoff, wherein Tuvok tries to meld with him again, it doesn't work, and he collapses after apparently having some sort of hate-gasm or something, and he feels better atterward. The whole thing was very tasteless in it's sexulizing of violence- they literally give Suder a line about how a mind meld is really violence because it's all about 'penetration'- they literally title the actual. fucking. chapter. for this scene as 'Penetration' in the disc menu. The sexualized overtones of this are so ridiculously over the top, and the overt linking of sex and violence here is really not okay. This script had nothing clever or relevant to say, it didn't advance the story, it didn't reveal anything about the characters, it didn't build any of the relationships, or do literally anything useful, it's just a big blob of creepy nonsense. And there's more episodes with Suder still coming up, ugh. I want my money back, and I didn't even pay for it.
Tl;dr: One of the worst episodes yet, it's preposterous premise was just a pretext to wallow in the fetishization of violence, without bothering with an actual story that made sense.
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"ngl ive never met a disabled man who didnt use his disability to get away with vile shit" tell us more??
3,939 notes
uh do u want like stories? i don’t have many personal stories but ive mostly seen autistic males be perverts or mansplain shit or whatever and when someone (these encounters were all while i was going to in person school) was like “dude stop” the guys special ed teacher would do the “ohhh hes just autistic just let him be” “ohhh he doesnt know any better 🥺” like jesus fuck first of all the sped teachers are the Actual fucking ableists second of all ???? stop reinforcing bad behavior???? if he doesn’t know better then tell him??? i know very well how hard it can be to navigate social situations as an autistic person but if someone doesn’t like something and makes it clear they dont like it i stop because i was TAUGHT to stop as a kid ☠️ like ok mr math class kid sitting in front of me being creepy as fuck i dont care what you have wrong with you please fuck OFFFFF mr minecraft tryna teach me how to play the game despite me saying ive been playing it for over a decade fuck OFF weird man in the waiting room at the psychiatrists office hugging me and telling me hes my friend fuck right OFF. 😀 and thats just with like ND males dont even get me started on my dad (deaf, NT)
i was mostly making a blanket statement and i bet there are maybe a few men who are normal about their disabilities but jfc the amount of men who Do use a disability to get away with shit (and sometimes its the other people using the disability to excuse his bullshit) is overwhelming. tho i havent seen as many men with physical disabilities but i only have rlly met a handful (as opposed to a lot of ND men) so 🤷‍♀️
basically men stop using disabilities to be misogynist or ableist or whatever the hell it makes all of us disabled ppl look bad and hurts the women (especially disabled women) around you
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percontaion-points · 1 year
Client No 5 chapters 5 & 6
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This book review contains discussions of SW; reader discretion is advised.
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Chapter 5
 My makeup was less intense than I would usually wear, but still enough to make me see someone in the mirror who wasn’t little Alison Mitchell. 
JFC you mean to tell me that she’s out there, giving her actual (nick)name to clients? How stupid can she possibly be?
“No! You were great. I meant that wasn’t why I asked to see you again. Yes, the sex was phenomenal and I can’t wait to do it again, but I haven’t been able to stop thinking about you, and I wanted to get to know you better.”
I know that this is supposed to be a romance novel, but dude. Come on. Don’t fall in love with a SWer. 
I sat down on the couch, defeated and trying frantically to think up more things to talk about. I’d used all my regular material at dinner and talking wasn’t something I had to do a lot of. I was way out of my depth.
Ally insists that she’s a high-class escort, yet she hadn’t owned any nice clothes, and can’t think of more than a few minutes worth of conversation. 
“Is sex a requirement? Am I obligated to have sex with you?” 
That pulled me up short. I frowned. “Well, no. Technically you’ve paid for my time, not the sex. I’ve just never had a client not want to have sex.”
Another clue that she’s not half as high-end as she’d like to think she is. I’ve heard stories from actual SWers that a lot of their time is spent simply talking to lonely men. 
His eyes grew dark as he looked up at me, and when I reached my hand down to help him up, he took it.
Chapter 5 summary: Ally used a bit of the money Scott had given her to buy some nicer clothes for her all-night date. They eat dinner at the fancy hotel restaurant, and they’re having a good time and a nice conversation. Scott owns a big publishing company, but now lives in Florida to run a sister-branch down there. He comes up to deal with board meetings and such that can’t take place via email. 
He then takes her on a carriage ride around Central Park. She asks about his use of an escort, and the nice way things have been going quickly sours. Seems he’s looking for the girlfriend experience, and one dip into Ally’s pool was enough to convince him that he’s half in love with her already. 
They go back to his hotel room, and despite him giving her an envelope of cash, he insists that he only wants to talk. She kind of encourages him that they should head towards the bed, but he asks if it’s mandatory with an escort. 
Ally is about to leave with a fraction of the offered money, but he proposes a game of strip truth or dare. Ally tries to only do dares, but he keeps saying “I dare you to tell me…” Ally is frustrated over the entire thing, and would honestly rather start taking her clothes off than actually be honest with this client. Whom she feels has crossed a line. 
Eventually, she does agree to meet up with him again tomorrow. But it’s totally not a date. Then they decide to take things to the bed. 
Chapter 6
“I thought you always flew home on Monday mornings.” 
“Normally I do, but I decided to extend my stay. I’ll fly home tomorrow.” 
“You postponed your flight because of the dare?”
This entire relationship is based around Ally screaming “GIRL, THIS IS YOUR RULE FOR A REASON. RUN.” Yet she won’t, simply because then we wouldn’t have a story. It’s maddening, honestly. 
“Great! What I want is for you to show me what a local does.”
She takes him on a make-up buying tour, and then visits her favorite nail salon. 
“No. My brother manages a car rental agency and he has very kindly let me borrow it for the day.” 
“You have a brother. Noted.”
“What’s with that noted shit? Are you creating a dossier on me or something?”
Even if you remove the escort thing, a guy making mental notes like this about a girl is a little creepy. 
“Orange?” I asked. 
“Yes, it’s so happy.” 
I poked my tongue out. “Orange is my least favorite color.”
It’s been a while since I’ve last shared this story, but…
When I was taking Japanese in high school, we’d do these exercises where we’d walk around and have “conversations” with our classmates to practise natural flow. However, we were dumb first years and barely knew any vocabulary. Sensei joked that our conversations were “junior high” conversations, and sounded a bit like this: “Do you like ice cream? I like ice cream.”
This is junior high writing right here. Where Ally and Scott are playing silly junior high games, having junior high conversation. It’s awkward and beyond tedious to read. 
“Actually, I thought you might join me,” he called over his shoulder as he disappeared into the bedroom.
Chapter 6 summary: Ally ended up falling asleep with Scott again. In the morning, over breakfast, he says that he didn’t extend his trip to be with her, because he does have a bit of legitimate business he can take care of while he’s here. 
Ally goes home, where she thinks of what “typical New Yorkers” do on a daily basis. She’s not a native, but even she knows that most of them don’t clog up tourist spots. Ally then calls up her brother and asks to borrow one of his rental cars. 
She picks Scott up, and says that typical residents get out of town on their free days. As they drive out of town, they play “2 truths and a lie”. It’s as I mentioned, a junior high conversation that’s painful to read for so many reasons. However, Ally gets kind of angry when he mentions that the only thing she seems to care about is sex. 
They eat lunch at a cafe, and then go to see the Yale campus. After they’re nearly trampled by students eager to get to their next class, Ally says that she was never that excited. They talk briefly about her 3 year stint at university, before she was forced to drop out for a yet unknown reason. 
Ally drives him back after that. He begs her to stay the night with her again, and even offers to pay. She tries to say that her brother needs the rental car back, and that it’s on the opposite side of town. Scott insists that he doesn’t mind waiting up for her. 
She returns the car, and then decides to go to Scott anyway, against her better judgement. 
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goodbunbuncutie · 2 years
On today's episode of "I Never Thought I'd be a Monster Fucker, yet HERE WE ARE:"
Kit Fisto (Clone Wars animated series, not the creepy live action version).
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petalparker · 3 years
Summary: Between getting cats out of trees, helping old ladies cross the street, stopping thieves, and alien invasions, Peter Parker still finds time to be disgustingly cute on the internet with his girlfriend. In other words, just another random social media au.
Face Claim: Shin Ryujin, so reader is of Korean/East Asian descent.
Pronouns Used: She/Her
Warning(s): Swearing, Implied Sex
Disclaimer: All media content is used for FICTIONAL and ENTERTAINMENT purposes only.
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liked by p.parker and 927 others
y/nbabyyy back to black 🖤
harryosborn p.parker does her hair feel like hay?
↳ y/nbabyyy harryosborn i hope u fucking trip manwhore
↳ mjhatesu y/nbabyyy he's not a manwhore but harryosborn, i do not tolerate y/n slander
↳ p.parker harryosborn i don't tolerate y/n slander
↳ flashthompson harryosborn hey! only i can pick on y/n 🤬
↳ y/nbabyyy harryosborn what eugene said 😤
↳ harryosborn i can never fucking win
↳ y/nbabyyy harryosborn sucks to suck, osbitch
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liked by y/nbabyyy and 457 others
p.parker study? ✖️ play hide and seek in the library? ✔️
flashthompson stop making out in the physics aisle, i need a book and ur gf since she's my physics partner 😐
harryosborn stop making out in the physics aisle, that's mj and i's spot 🙄
↳ p.parker harryosborn why are u guys so disgusting
↳ harryosborn p.parker have u looked in the mirror? we are one in the same
mjhatesu adding this to my collection of pictures that are supposed to be romantic but just come off as creepy
↳ p.parker mjhatesu why do u hate me
↳ mjhatesu p.parker firstly, i hate everyone (not y/n). secondly, a hand popping out of nowhere is fucking creepy
↳ harryosborn mjhatesu u hate me? 🥺
↳ mjhatesu harryosborn i... tolerate u more than other ppl
↳ harryosborn mjhatesu that's not what u said last night
↳ mjhatesu harryosborn i take it back
↳ y/nbabyyy harryosborn deserve
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liked by p.parker and 692 others
y/nbabyyy late dinners with my lover <3
mjhatesu so u enjoy shitty meals?
↳ y/nbabyyy mjhatesu he makes them with love 🥺
↳ mjhatesu y/nbabyyy and u totally aren't absent bc of food poisoning today
↳ mjhatesu p.parker u should love her better and order takeout next time; harry will venmo u cash
↳ p.parker mjhatesu I DID NOT POISON MY GIRLFRIEND
↳ mjhatesu p.parker then where is she 🔪
↳ p.parker mjhatesu ...with me...at home
↳ mjhatesu y/nbabyyy YOU SKIPPED BC U GOT RAILED TOO HARD?!
↳ y/nbabyyy p.parker i'm breaking up with u
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liked by harryosborn and 849 others
p.parker harryosborn told me to shave
y/nbabyyy i kiss ur jaw everyday; there is literally nothing to shave
↳ harryosborn y/nbabyyy keep it pg-13 jfc
↳ y/nbabyyy harryosborn stop acting as if u and mj didn't make out in the quantum physics aisle yesterday
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liked by y/nbabyyy and 793 others
p.parker i want to try all new things with u y/nbabyyy
y/nbabyyy ditto bug boy ❤️
↳ p.parker 🥺💙
nedleedsleads u guys make me sick 🤢 /pos
flashthompson this post just called me single in 7383 different ways
↳ y/nbabyyy that's bc u are
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liked by p.parker and 739 others
y/nbabyyy p.parker and i's first ceramic baby!!! his name is pedro parker 💚
mjhatesu pedro parker? where's the hyphenated last name?
↳ y/nbabyyy mjhatesu it was for the alliteration 💀
↳ mjhatesu p.parker ur on thin ice
↳ p.parker mjhatesu WHAT DID I DO ⁉️
p.parker when can i have custody of pedro?
↳ y/nbabyyy p.parker hmmm... never <3
↳ p.parker y/nbabyyy ... i demand a court hearing
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liked by y/nbabyyy and 1,279 others
p.parker y/nbabyyy you're my favorite muse
flashthompson looks like a stalker to me. y/nbabyyy blink twice if you're being held hostage
↳ y/nbabyyy flashthompson 😐😑😐😑
↳ p.parker y/nbabyyy how could u babe 💔
↳ nedleedsleads y/nbabyyy p.parker top ten anime betrayals
↳ flashthompson oh my god... did i ruin their relationship? fuck yes
↳ p.parker flashthompson 🖕
mjhatesu hm for the photocard on the right
↳ p.parker mjhatesu not for sale 🙅‍♀️ they're for my private album
↳ flashthompson p.parker that statement doesn't make u look any less of a stalker...
Tag List: @mskatharinak
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fiadorable · 2 years
81 Great Things in The Elysian Kingdom
Strange New Worlds season one, episode eight... sounds like a hell of a story 👑
Strange New Worlds | Children of the Comet | Ghosts of Illyria Part 1 & Part 2 | Memento Mori | Spock Amok | Lift Us Where Suffering Cannot Reach | Serene Squall | The Elysian Kingdom | All Those Who Wander | A Quality of Mercy
Rukiya is adorable. Did you see that please face?
Rukiya asking to have a certain part read and then pronouncing that she hates that part is peak small child
Rukiya: budding fanfic author trying to change the ending
"When I'm better can I see your quarters?" "I'll take you to see the whole ship!"
Watching M'Benga try to find a cure for Rukiya's illness is absolutely heartbreaking as a parent - especially when his concoction blows up in his face because he's so tired he's not thinking straight
Automatic forcefield around toxic chemical
Number One is compassionate and supportive of M'Benga while still doing her job, which includes making sure he gets the rest he needs to do his job. This is what good management looks like.
M'Benga calls her Una! They are besties now!
This episode starts out very low-key (which helps with how zany it becomes later) and it's nice to see how things operate when the Enterprise isn't in crisis
"Why Mr. Spock, I never took you for the superstitious type."
Pike and Ortegas Bridge Banter I
"Mitchell, what's going on with my ship?"
Sassy!Spock accusing Pike of jinxing their good fortune
Bridge Troubleshooting!
M'Benga is dead on his feet when he gets into the turbolift to go treat Ortegas on the bridge - no wonder he thinks he's hallucinating
The set design on the bridge for the Elysian Kingdom is phenomenal
King Ridley's costume is amazing
Pike's hair jfc 🤣
"What the hell"
The bickering between Adya and Rauth is superb, Navia and Mount do a great job
Ortegas the is (one of) the prankster(s) on the ship - which lines up with what we saw in the Children of the Comet
Rauth and Adya Bickering I
"Computer?" "He obviously means The Oracle"
Rauth and Adya Bickering II and III
Fireflies in the corridor! 😍 The greenery is such a cool change from the stark white
Chapel the mystic 😂
PRINCESS THALIA oh my god that dress
M'Benga doing his best to not bust out laughing at seeing serious, straight-laced La'An sweep into sickbay with a tiny dog in the most ridiculous dress
"What are her dopamine levels?"
Oh my god Hemmer being dragged down the hallway by Mitchell and her guards 😂
Mitchell's scar on her face is badass
Christina Chong did not have to go this hard with Princess Thalia, but she did, and it's amazing
Flying through space screen saver on the ready room screen behind Pike and Ortegas
Rauth and Adya Bickering IV
"Starfall is thirsty." 😂
M'Benga somehow does not lose it when La'An gives them a preview of her epic song of mourning
La'An is a lying liar who lies about her singing ability (see: Children of the Comet)
M'Benga just being like "Great" after La'An finishes her song 😂
Spock as Pollux is a treat… he's still very even keeled like Spock, but he shows very tempered, quiet emotions that have a spooky, creepy edge
Uhura's Queen Neve naaaaails! Oh. My. God. She is so fabulous. Her dress. Her makeup. Her headpiece. Those shoulder embellishments 😍
Rauth stamping his foot like a five year old
Irony of the dungeon being the transporter pad
Dungeon Troubleshooting!
"It felt like my brain was being squeezed out my nose" "I did that to a man once"
Science IS magic
Hemmer is that guy who shows up to play D&D begrudgingly because someone else made him, but when he gets there he has ten pages of backstory for his character, a special voice, and never once during the session does he break character
"I am a wizard"
"Not bad… wizard. I think this… science." And Hemmer just smiling at her because when you boil this episode down, it's just two dudes trying to solve a problem while their coworkers and friends have a spontaneous LARP day at the office
Gooding does unhinged Queen Neve so well - she is fantastic in the scene after the jailbreak where she threatens Mitchell
"I have armed myself" 😂
Z'ymira and Adya 😍 "A raven would be too much trouble?"
Engineering Troubleshooting! Although none of it is terribly helpful until M'Benga realizes he's not in the Elysian Kingdom, he's in Rukiya's Kingdom
Hemmer trying to mediate Adya and Z'ymira's lover's spat 🤣
Hemmer is 5000% done with this episode
Hemmer is also 5000% with M'Benga when he learns who Rukiya is and why she's on the ship
The shot of Rauth kneeling to Neve with her symbol haloing her is great - one of my favorite shots in the episode
There is so much happening in sickbay - Z'ymira and Adya parting, Chapel cooking up something in a gigantic cauldron, Hemmer putzing around, and M'Benga trying to find Rukiya (there's got to be a deleted scene from this)
Hemmer comforting M'Benga for not seeing Rauth's betrayal coming
Adya stomping her foot at Rauth
Hemmer sending Queen Neve's forces to the Event Horizon 😂
"ABRA-CADABRA!" good god this crew is so extra i love it
Hemmer has the transporters on speed dial
Rukiya in her princess dress 😭😭😭😭😭😭 she's so beautiful and so happy
"I've been watching you, Daddy. You did such a good job!" 😭
Hemmer offering to be a conduit with the entity even though there's a good chance it would accidentally kill him (I think he's tied with Sam Kirk on almost deaths this season)
Hemmer's antennae move!
"She was lonely. Like me." 😭😭😭 the rest of this will just be me bawling ignore me
M'Benga has to make the same choice as King Ridley - full circle narrative
And this choice is… really, really heavy and this episode does not get enough time and space to really expound upon it or the consequences of the action he takes… and not to get too personal but as a parent myself if I had to choose between my child dying a presumably horrific death (he describes it as "withering away" in Ghosts of Illyira although we don't actually get to see it because Star Trek is afraid of sick people 🙄) or never seeing her again, never able to hold her in my arms, never able to see her grow up, but knowing she is alive… I mean… I'm not having to make that choice and so I can't say with certainty, but I don't think I would have made a different decision than M'Benga here.
Rukiya and M'Benga hugging before her transformation 😭😭😭😭
Debra is beautiful!
"It tickles, Daddy!" 😭
M'Benga dealing with the sudden, expected yet un-expected loss of his daughter, reaching for where she stood
Grown up Rukiya 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
What's Rukiya's AO3 pseud?
Rukiya's farewell to her father is beautiful. With the exception of him fly-fishing on Starbase 1 back during Spok Amok, we only ever see M'Benga working or looking for a cure for Rukiya. His entire life has been consumed by trying to save his daughter, to his own detriment. Now, Rukiya is at peace. She is safe. She is happy. And M'Benga can begin to live for himself.
Hemmer waking up with a migraine level hangover in M'Benga's quarters with absolutely no idea how he got there 😂
M'Benga's first name is Joseph!
Una coming to check on her friend to make sure his secret daughter came through the missing five hours okay
This last moment of Number One and M'Benga connecting is great. These two characters have/had incredibly heavy secrets they were/are carrying around with them, and being able to confide in each other and form a friendship outside their working relationship is such beautiful character growth for them both
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stitching-in-time · 5 months
Voyager rewatch s1 ep4: Phage
The episode that introduces the Vidians, it's also the first one I don't like.
The whole concept of an entire species stealing organs from other species to survive for 2000 years is kind of preposterous, aside from being, well, icky. It doesn't make sense that they would last long enough to keep reproducing enough to replenish their population if they all had this agressive fatal disease, and moreover, the notion that most of them would even choose to survive that way doesn't seem likely. Any decent people would not chose to survive by killing other people, and an entire species just being horrible unethical people is a pretty racist notion that goes against the spirit of Star Trek in my opinion. If they'd made clear that the two Vidians we meet in this episode are rogues who are taking a desperate course that their society doesn't condone, that would be one thing, but that wasn't implied here, and in later episodes it's confirmed that most Vidians do it as standard procedure. I suppose it's a problem in general with most Star Trek (and other scif-fi shows) species that they're often painted in broad strokes of 'all of x species on this entire planet have the same culture and temprament and behave in x way', which, as we know from the diversity of cultures, values, and opinions on our own planet, is incredibly unlikely, if not impossible. But at least with most other aliens who are villains, it's made clear that the villainy comes from the ideology of the government in power, and not an inherent trait of the entire species being naturally evil. I think the Vidians are the first time on Trek we ever had a whole species painted as inherently immoral, which is, now that I really think about it, why I actually dislike them so much. (And yes, we do meet a nice Vidian in a later episode, but I think it sets it up more as an exception to the rule, which reeks of 'but you're not like other people of your race/gender/religion' that bigots throw around to justify their bigotry even when they have a friend from the group they hate.) And how these two Vidians are portrayed as having rather creepy/icky/slimy voices and mannerisms also plays into ableist notions that people who are physically ill are somehow monstrous, or even, as old medieval superstitious notions would have it, that physical illness and moral decay somehow go hand in hand, or that one is the cause, or punishment, for the other. The Vidians as villains are just a bad, bad concept, which I never liked, and I've finally figured out why at last.
Other things I didn't like were Neelix's possiveness of Kes- he literally sees her being spoken to by another man, and he's off on a crazy diatribe accusing her of leaving him for someone else. Granted, he's going through a traumatic experience at the time, which can make people paranoid and lead them to say things they don't mean when they're upset, but he doesn't apologize afterward (even after she literally saves his life, jfc!) and he does it again in later episodes, so it's a character trait rather than an aberation. Ew.
I do like that Kes got to start studying to be a medic after this episode, since she deserves some more substantial stuff to do than having vague psychic sense of strange things going on (even Deanna Troi had an actual job as an actual psychologist, though they ignored it far too often on TNG.) And it's only fair the Doctor finally recognize her abilities and efforts after she spends most of her time on the show so far being his cheerleader and teacher. I used to like Kes and the Doctor's friendship in the beginning (why I stopped is a subject for future episode reviews) but looking at it now, even at this early stage, there's something kind of gender stereotyped about their relationship. The whole trope of him being the bitter middle aged man who just needed a sweet young blonde girl to see the good in him and love and encourage him to see it for himself. And he's not even an actual person yet, he's a computer program, and sees himself as such at this point, but she spends most of her screen time emotionally caretaking for either him or Neelix, both of whom tend to dismiss her, but she loves them anyway, wholeheartedly. It's just a little...yikes. Remembering the plot lines of some future episodes featuring them has me trepidatious, to say the least, but I'm gonna try not to think that far ahead. (Tbh Tom Paris was the only person who checked in on Kes to ask if she was okay this whole time; Neelix prob sweating bullets out there knowing he looks like an asshole next to Tom lol And he is. Like, even if Tom was being nice to her because he was into her, which I don't think he was, given how ready he always is to go out of his way to help people, showing concern and support is literally the right way to pursue someone??? Bad boy seducer Tom where???)
Tl;dr: not a fan of this one, sets up some ongoing stuff I very much do not like, on multiple fronts.
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