#he really does look like he's having the time of his life
rottenaero · 1 day
They were gonna put Eddie down like a damn dog.
The group had insisted that Steve visit the hospital today, one year and two months after the incident. It was a random day, and he thought, ‘ why the hell not?’
Family Video had been closed for months, doing ‘ repairs’, so he really didn’t have much else to do.
He thought it was weird, the way the group was as far away from the bed as possible, and how when he entered the room, Hopper almost blocked the exit.
He doesn’t question it though, sidling up to the open chair beside Eddie, who was still asleep after all this time, and punching his shoulder lightly.
“ Hey, Hero.”
He’d taken to calling it sleeping instead of what it was, a coma. Sleeping sounded more peaceful, because with sleeping came dreams and relaxation.
Eddie doesn’t respond, doesn’t react. Steve didn’t expect him to.
He turns his head to Dustin, the one who’d called him in the first place. “ So, why’re we gathered here today? Any updates?” He asks, addressing the whole room.
The boy swallows, and something tells him something’s wrong. Really wrong.
“ Yeah, actually. Uhm, since it’s been so long, we were thinking-“ He cuts himself off, crosses his arms and starts tapping his foot. Thinking, probably.
Hopper glances to him, and sighs, deciding to lead. “ We’re gonna have to let Munson go.” He states.
Steve takes a sharp breath.
“ What?”
‘ Let him go’ like this is a job. Like this isn’t him losing his life. He wonders when they decided to do this, in the hospital room for the ten minutes they were waiting.
Eddie doesn’t give any indication he hears what’s being said, the beeps from the heart monitor still steady and even as ever. A constant metronome of the exact same sound on the exact say beat, all the time, always.
Except maybe not always.
Dustin takes over again, arms placating. “ It’s been a really long time, Steve. We’ve come to terms that he probably won’t wake up, and it’s doesn’t have to be sad-“
“ You’re killing him.” He hisses, “ You’re killing him and it’s not meant to be sad?”
Nancy steps forward, seeing it as her time to speak. “ Steve. You barely knew the guy, and you spend all your time here, it’s not good for you.”
“ There’s been no good signs, no nothing, not even when El looks into his brain.” Dustin nods at the girl across the room, who’s fiddling with her fingers.
Steve furrows his brow, “ Oh, so I guess you’re gonna pull the plug on Max too?”
Lucas’s eyes widen, mouth dropping open, and Nancy glares. “ That is not fair, Steve.”
“ This whole situations pretty fucking unfair, so I guess you’re gonna have to explain to me how this is different from Max.” He stands, stance wide as he points to the man in the hospital bed.
“ Max is making progress.” Lucas says weakly, and El sets a hand on his shoulder. The boy deflates.
He turns toward Hopper and Joyce, the latter still not having spoken. The Byers family had moved back to Indiana for God knows what reason, and Steve knows that if he had the money, that he could’ve moved somewhere else long ago.
“ Does Wayne know you’re killing his kid?” He asks.
He’d met the man while visiting, and they’d usually sit in silence and watch baseball or whatever was on. He never questioned why Steve was there, or why he was holding a limp body’s hand and taking off it’s rings and putting them back on.
When they did speak, it was stories he had from Eddie’s childhood, about how he buzzed his head because a spider crawled on him and he was convinced it was hidden in his hair, making babies.
Hopper pinched his nose, like he was being a pest. “ Stop using words like killing, and yes. He said he didn’t want Eddie to have to suffer, and his bills are getting expensive.”
And he blinks, realization dawning.
This hadn’t just been decided, had it? This wasn’t a ten minute decision while Steve was getting ready to come here.
He speaks, his voice low and keeping even through each word, “ You guys had a meeting.” The ‘ without me’ goes unsaid, but still echoes throughout the room like if would’ve if he shouted it.
They’d decided this whole thing beforehand, somehow knowing that Steve would hang on. And he would, will. He can’t let him die, he can’t lose.
Will nods, and next to him Mike and Dustin look ashamed. He would’ve thought they’d hold out more.
He racks his brain for any reason they should keep alive, can’t find one. Somehow, even without one for them, he has a million for himself.
“ If the bills are the reason, I’ll pay the damn bills. He’s fucking alive.” He tries.
“ You don’t have a job, Family Video is closed. Just let it be, Steve. Please.” Robin had been eerily quiet during this entire conversation, and it brings him chills him when she speaks.
His best friend had been in on it.
He crosses his arms, “ I’ll get a job. Listen, I’ve been having dreams,-“ He lies. He lies because there’s nothing true to prove Eddie is getting better. “-dreams that he’s alive in like a dark space, I don’t know- his mind maybe? I just- I really think he’s in there.”
The hope Dustin gets on his face hurts, but he doesn’t care. The guy will wake up and it won’t matter that the ‘ dreams’ never existed.
Maybe it’s because he’s an optimist, and that’s why he’s trying so hard, as pessimistic as he can be sometimes.
“ Why didn’t you tell us?” Dustin asks and Steve licks his lips.
Why didn’t he tell them? “ Despite all this crazy shit, me having dreams that he’s alive still sounds crazy.” He doesn’t look at the boy as he says this, eyes roaming over Eddie’s face.
He looks serene, the bat bite on his face as healed as it can get. The doctors had mentioned swelling on his back shoulder blades, but Steve thinks his would be swollen too if he sat on them for a year.
‘ A year and two months.’ He corrects himself.
He stares at the hair that, occasionally when it got matted, Steve would go through and brush it, not wanting him to wake up to being bald because a doctor seemed it necessary.
Wayne mentioned how much he hated the shaved head, and he wouldn’t put him through that again.
As he looks at him, he thinks ‘ I’m doing this for you, so you better wake up, asshole.’
Dustin’s eyes are wide, staring at the members of Hellfire. Steve could only describe the look as ecstatic.
“ Holy shit, I mean, holy shit!” He laughs, and Mike breaks into his own grin.
Jonathan chimes in, disbelief sketched into the lines all over his face. “ Sorry, but doesn’t that seem too convenient? I’m not saying you’re lying Steve, just… If El didn’t find anything, that’s pretty much it.”
His lips form into a line, determined. “ I told you, I’ll be paying for whatever. It’s no skin off your back, or money out of Wayne’s pockets.”
Joyce nudges Hopper when he goes to speak, and nods at Steve. “ If you wanna try, sweetheart, you can. But I don’t want you visiting too much, it’s doing you more harm than good.” She wraps him in a hug, before leading the ex-chief of police out of the room.
Slowly, everyone vacates, until it’s just Steve, Eddie, and El.
She doesn’t make a move toward the door, eyes locked onto his face.
“ You’re lying.” She whispers like a secret.
He nods.
She looks toward Eddie, nervous, and she messes with the hem of her shirt when she starts to speak again. “ I lied too.”
She doesn’t elaborate, walking out of the room without anymore information, and Steve blinks.
The hospital has to call Wayne to confirm the transfer, that's how he learns of the circumstances. He doesn't say much of anything, aside from a promise of a visit on Tuesday before he hangs up.
That night, that same fucking night, he gets a call.
It's the front desk lady, voice distressed rushing through an explanation.
" Eddies gone...Only blood in his bed...We don't know where he is."
Steve stares at the wall, the rest of the words falling upon deaf ears.
Someone had probably found out where he was being held, murdered him a year later for his crimes, and stashed the body away.
He sets the phone back in its holster without saying anything to the other line. Not even a goodbye, or a thanks.
He thinks, it only for a second, that he should've let them just pull the plug, it would've been far less painful.
A creaking brings him out of it, and his eyes dart to his door.
It's dark, too dark, and Steve's aware the Upside Down fucked him up in incomprehensible ways, and now every shadow looks like something,
But there was definitely someone in his house.
He keeps slumped on his bed, the same position as when he'd answered the call. He doesn't flinch when the door pushes open enough for a body to slip in.
There's the sound of something dragging along the carpet as they come closer, probably a shotgun, or maybe they're gonna beat him with his own nail-bat.
He doesn't care to decipher the shape, instead shutting his eyes.
A hand grabs his, sets it on dry skin. His thumb touches a rough patch, a scar like feeling.
One his hands had roamed over while patching up his stomach, refusing to get looked at. That concave patch of scratchy skin that they tell you eventually will just be soft, scarred, but normal.
The skin stretches, and he feels a cheek.
Somehow, he thinks if he keeps his eyes shut, he doesn't have to face the thing in front of him, that it somehow isn't real.
A scratchy, disused, and croaky voice sounds out.
" ' Hey, Hero.' "
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sunniques · 2 days
— 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞, 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐞
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➺ PAIRING: jeon wonwoo x female reader
➺ GENRE: boyfriend’s dad au, smut
➺ SUMMARY: your boyfriend’s manipulative father helps you get revenge in the nastiest way possible.
➺ CW/TW: yandere themes, slight obsession, age gap, cheating, manipulation, baby trapping, dry humping, panty stealing, mentions of masturbation, wonwoo is a depraved perv, dilf!wonwoo, nipple play, spitting, fingering, some cum play, unprotected sex, squirting, creampies
➺ WC: 4k
NOTE: don’t like, don’t read. @wonustars hope you like it <3
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Wonwoo is a sick man.
He knows this, he acknowledges it, and most importantly, he hides it.
When people thought of Jeon Wonwoo, they thought of a respectable lawyer, widower, loving father of two. And they were right. He had never done anything to indicate otherwise. Not publicly, anyway. For years he’s hidden his most depraved side without letting anyone know it existed.
His facade all starts to crumble when his son comes home from college with a lovely girl who he’s apparently head over heels for. Wonwoo recognizes the starry eyed look in his son’s eyes, and instead of being happy for him, all Wonwoo can feel is faint disgust and disdain. It’s pathetic and vile, but it’s a feeling that he can’t get rid of no matter what he does.
It gets worse when you start coming around more often, prancing around in your little shorts and skirts like Wonwoo doesn’t get hard just seeing your exposed skin. He’s sick for stealing your dirty panties when you come over and using them to jerk off, but again, he can’t stop his despicable actions. His obsession with you only grows as time goes on, and eventually he decides that he’s going to have you no matter what.
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The first step in Wonwoo’s sick plan is showing you just how lavish life is with a man who can provide. He ruthlessly cuts his son off, insisting that getting out in the real world and being independent is necessary. It’s easy to ignore his son’s protests and clamors about how unfair it is that his sister doesn’t get the same treatment, mostly because he sees how fast this strategy works.
When he overhears his son tell you he actually can’t buy you the bag you’ve been wanting he can see the disappointment in your face. Wonwoo is smart enough to know it’s less about the bag and more about the seemingly empty promise. It makes sense since his son can no longer pay for your food or makeup or any clothes you like. His son can’t even get you lavish gifts you’d grown accustom to.
That’s why when your birthday rolls around, you don’t expect much. It’s perfect because you don’t expect to be spoiled which makes your reaction that much sweeter.
“Mr. Jeon!” You cry out in shock when you open the bag your boyfriend’s dad gave you. “I-I don’t know what to say! This is– I mean—Thank you!”
Not only did he gift you an expensive bag that his son had failed to give you, he also got you the biggest bottle of your favorite perfume, some clothes, and a very expensive necklace. Wonwoo smirked smugly when you hugged him, loving how you pressed your entire body against his. His son couldn’t have known, but he saw the way you started to look at him with less appreciation. Of course, it was only natural. After all, all women loved a man who could provide.
The next step was something Wonwoo couldn’t really be blamed for. All he did was have his coworker and her pretty daughter over for dinner when you were away visiting your family. He can’t be to blame for the fact that his son is a weak man who hasn’t truly accepted monogamy. Sure, he did push it along by leaving two college kids alone in a house full of liquor. And yes, he was responsible for them often meeting up whenever you weren’t around, but again, it wasn’t entirely his fault.
The final step to this long winded plan was making sure you found out.
Wonwoo is lucky his daughter has more of a moral compass than he and his son combined. The second she realized what was going on, she didn’t hesitate to tell you. Admittedly, he was saddened to know how heartbroken you initially felt. However, when he saw you again, you seemed void of that. All he could see was your thirst for revenge.
Luckily for you, he was more than willing to help you make that happen.
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You still haven’t broken up with Wonwoo’s son, much to his annoyance. In fact, you’re acting like nothing’s wrong even when you come along to their vacation home during the summer. His son is hardly paying you any attention and his daughter has gone off with her friends somewhere, leaving you to your own devices.
“Hey, babe. I’m running to the store real quick. Need anything?” Your boyfriend asks without looking up from his phone.
Before, he would’ve insisted you go with him. Things change, but you don’t care. Not anymore.
“No thanks. Be safe.”
He doesn’t kiss you goodbye, and you’re glad.
Your eyes drift over to Wonwoo, appreciating how good he looks. The perfect idea for revenge had occurred to you a while ago, and with the older man quietly sipping on some liquor on the couch, you know there’s no better time than the present to set your plan in motion.
Boldly, you get up from where you’re sitting and slide onto Wonwoo’s lap. Your panties are already slick with your arousal as you sit directly on his crotch. Dark eyes look at you in surprise when you gently start to grind your panty-clad pussy down without any qualms. All you do is smirk seductively before you go to kiss and suck on Wonwoo’s neck.
“Sweetheart.” Wonwoo groans, cock already hardening because of the wet heat that’s pushing down on him. “What about—?”
“Your son’s an asshole.” You say bluntly. “And I want him to feel as shitty as I do.”
You pull back, expecting Wonwoo to push you off of him or tell you what you’re doing is wrong. Instead he only laughs and goes to kiss you. A quiet squeal escapes you when he starts to lick into your mouth. You’re quick to melt into the kiss, moaning into his mouth when Wonwoo starts to guide your hips down onto his covered cock.
The sound of a car door slamming has you pulling away. You smirk when Wonwoo groans in disapproval. The wet spot you’ve left on his pants only turns you on even more, and all you do is wink at him before running upstairs to the guest room he provided for you.
The rest of the evening goes by without incident, well except for the fact that your boyfriend got a little too drunk on wine and was now passed out on the couch. His sister only looks at him with disgust and announces that she’s going to bed. You know the truth. Earlier, she confessed that she was going to sneak out to go clubbing with her friends. This was perfect since you were going to need her gone to execute your plan.
“Goodnight, Mr. Jeon.” You purr as you stretch your arms over your head, noticing his eyes drift down you where your skirt had ridden up.
You don’t bother to hide your smirk as you go upstairs. As soon as you get to the room, you leave the door open, slipping out of your clothes and putting on a tiny night shirt that came just above your belly button. You get on the bed and settle on your side, cunt still thrumming with arousal. All you can think about is getting fucked raw by your boyfriend’s dad, and you hope he hurries up and gives you what you want.
Slowly, you slide your hand into your panties, teasing your fingers across your swollen clit. It’s easy to lose yourself to the pleasure. Especially since your mind can’t stop replaying what happened earlier in the day. God, was Mr. Jeon a good kisser. Way better than his pathetic son. You mewl quietly, wishing the ache between your legs was being soothed by someone else.
Wonwoo almost cums in his pants when he sees you on the bed. You’re only wearing a small shirt and panties, which makes it easy to see what you’re doing. He smirks, slowly undressing himself as he approaches you. It’s funny how you don’t notice him until he slides in right behind you.
“Need some help?”
You pussy throbs in excitement, and before you can answer him, you feel his hand slip down your body to cover the one you have in your panties. The mewl you let out makes his cock twitch and throb. Wonwoo holds back a groan, ready to have you in the way he’s dreamed of for months.
“You have to be quiet, sweetheart.” His breath fans against your ears. “I can’t have my kids walking in on us when we’re just getting started.”
You almost tell him his sweet little daughter is out partying with her friends so there’s no real reason to keep quiet, but you resist. After all, no one would be able stop you from fucking the insanely hot man playing with your pussy.
“So fucking wet.” Wonwoo whispers hotly. “What were you thinking about?”
“You.” It’s easy to admit, especially because you can tell how much he likes it. “And how fucking wrong this all is.”
Wonwoo hums, and it somehow seems like he’s gloating. His fingers circle your throbbing clit over and over until you’re squirming against him. “Maybe, but you like it. That’s why you’re dripping all over my hand. You like your boyfriend’s dad playing with your pussy that much, huh, baby?”
“Fuck yeah.” You hiss, eyes falling closed when he pinches your wet clit. “You’re so fucking hot, Mr. Jeon. Way better than your pussy ass son.”
Wonwoo’s dick presses against your ass as he rolls his hips to grind against you. Juices gush from your cunt as he groans into your neck. “I fucking knew it—I’ve always known it. Even before you were grinding your wet pussy on me.”
You bite your lip, slightly embarrassed that he knew you were attracted to him this entire time. It’s not like you can be blamed. He’s one of the most attractive men you’ve ever seen, and obviously he felt some bit of attraction for you as well.
“Roll over and show me those pretty tits, baby.” Wonwoo rasps in your ear.
His words has more of your arousal coating his long fingers. You’re feeling hot all over, and you don’t hesitate to comply. You twist your body before you pull your shirt up to let your tits free. Immediately, your nipples harden under his dark gaze
“That’s it.” Wonwoo groans deeply as he rubs your pussy harder. “Prettiest tits I’ve ever seen. Fuck. Makes me want to suck on them until you’re creaming all over my fingers.”
You moan and arch your back into him. Wonwoo licks his lips and stops rubbing your pussy to pull off your panties. He grabs his cock and rubs it along your pussy. You cry out quietly when you feel his hot cock skip between your wet folds and drag against your clit and dripping hole. By now you’re panting, hips writhing from the stimulation. Wonwoo drags wet fingers up to pinch your taut nipples.
“You’ll let me suck on your sweet tits, won’t you, sweetheart?”
“Yes!” You agree immediately, feeling an arousing thrill when Wonwoo lets out a deep groan.
He twists your upper body some more until your back is against the mattress. Your hips are still twisted at an angle so his cock can keep rubbing against your pussy. The position isn’t uncomfortable, and you watch with anticipation as Wonwoo ducks his head to drag his mouth across the swell of your breasts. His eyes never leave yours when his mouth dips down to suck on one of your sensitive nipples. As you feel the hot wet suction, your eyes slip close with a whine.
You grind your cunt down on Wonwoo’s cock, dripping slick all over him. He moans against you nipple as he slowly drags his dick back and forth to stimulate you. The head of his cock leaks precum making your pussy messier and stickier. You drag your hand through Wonwoo’s hair, sighing and mewling as his hot mouth suckles on your hard bud.
“Fuck, just like that!” You mewl, arching your back to shove more of your tit into his mouth.
The next time he catches your gaze, you can see his pupils blown wide and a light blush spread across his face. It’s so attractive that more of your arousal drips onto his cock. Wonwoo then sucks a bruise on the curve of your breast, teeth gently digging into the soft skin. You gasp at the dull ache, pussy clenching around nothing.
“So fucking sweet.” His voice is low and raspy, tongue lapping at the bruise he left behind.
You whine and arch up into him more. “S-Shit, Mr. Jeon. This is so fucking dirty.”
He just grins at you wickedly, hips swirling against you so his cock brushes against your throbbing clit. Wonwoo starts to press wet kisses on your tits tenderly, dark eyes never leaving yours. “It is, and yet you still like it. That’s why you’re not trying to be quiet. You want my son to know your little pussy is aching for my cock.”
You moan loudly when he starts to roughly suck on your other nipple. He’s not bothering to keep his own moans quiet as he swaps back and forth between your nipples until they’re both puffy and sore. As he works his teeth and tongue on your hard buds, he grinds his cock up against your slick hole making you part your legs further.
“I know you want it, baby.” Wonwoo says after he’s satisfied with the marks he’s left on your tits. He rubs his leaking tip against your clit to hear you moan again. “Want me to split you open on my fat cock, hm? I’ll show you how a real man fucks.”
“Fuck—please.” You whimper desperately. “Need you to fuck me, Mr. Jeon.”
“Call me Wonwoo, sweetheart.” He groans as he gets up and positions you so you’re fully on your back.
You mewl when Wonwoo rests his dick on your stomach. The sight is dizzying in the best way—an arousing image of how deep he’ll reach inside you once he slides into your pretty pussy. His leaking tip is almost to your belly button, and he wishes badly that he could take a picture. Wonwoo licks his lips as slowly rubs his cock through your slippery folds, covering it with your juices. His fat tip brushes against your clit and makes you whine.
You moan when he eases his cockhead past your slick folds. The squeeze of your hot cunt is tight, and it makes Wonwoo roll his hips into yours, fucking himself deeper into your clenching pussy.
“Wonwoo!” You mewl, already feeling so full even though he’s not even all the way inside.
Just hearing you moan his name has him thrusting forward and burying his cock balls deep inside your wet pussy with a deep growl. You cry out loudly, tits bouncing at his roughness. Wonwoo’s large palm immediately covers your mouth, cock throbbing inside you.
“Shh, baby. You don’t want us to get caught do you? What would my son say is he walked in and saw his dad fucking his girlfriend’s tight little cunt?”
You moan against his hand, pussy clamping down on his dick tighter than before. Wonwoo clicks his tongue, slowly grinding deeper into you. The thought turns him on too, more than he would ever admit.
“Oh? You like that?” He hums as you buck your hips up to meet his slow thrusts. “What a dirty little slut.”
Wonwoo keeps your mouth covered as he slowly fucks your cunt. All you can focus on is how stretched open your pussy feels. You keep whining and moaning as he bullies his cock into your fluttering hole. Even though they’re muffled, the cute little noises you’re making are driving Wonwoo closer to the edge.
“You’re so fucking tight, sweetheart.” Wonwoo groans. “Feels like you’ve never had a cock this big stuffing your little pussy.”
Wanting to hear you, he removes his hand.
You shake your head before you moan out an answer. “You’re the biggest—fuck—I’ve ever had.”
Wonwoo’s cock twitches inside you as he goes to cover your mouth with his. You two share a series of wet kisses between your filthy moans. His thick cock keeps rutting into your squelching pussy and slamming into the spongy spot inside your cunt that makes you keep tightening around him. At this point your mind has gone fuzzy. All you can think about is the man on top of you and the orgasm coiling in the pit of your stomach thanks to him.
In the haze of skin slapping together and the arousing scent of sex, Wonwoo feels like he’s found heaven. He’s absolutely thrilled to have you how he’s wanted since he first saw you. After months of planning, he finally has you trembling on his cock. Wonwoo groans lowly when you squeeze even tighter around him. You whine, moving your hips to meet his thrusts.
Wonwoo smirks when he sees your fucked out expression. He can’t care that his son is passed out downstairs while he’s quite literally fucking his sweet little girlfriend’s brains out. It’s what you deserved after all the hell his idiot spawn put you through.
“Looks like you’re already addicted to my cock, baby.” His laugh is so attractive that it makes your pussy flutter.
A deep pleasure shoots up your spine as Wonwoo fucks you hard and deep, plunging his cock into your sopping cunt. You cry out his name, feeling a pleasure you never have before. His hand moves between your bodies to flick and rub your sensitive clit.
“God, sweetheart. Fucking love how your sweet cunt squeezes my cock.” He groans in delight.
Wonwoo’s fingers keep rubbing your sensitive clit until your back arches off the bed. Wet slapping and loud squelching fills the room as the coil in your stomach abruptly snaps. Your legs clamp around his slim waist at the same time your cunt tightens around his dick, milking him for all he’s worth as your arousal gushes around his throbbing length.
“That’s it, baby. Milk this fucking cock.” Wonwoo growls as his hands spread you open even more. “Fuck. I’m gonna fill you with my cum and watch it spill out of your pretty pussy.”
You whine out, wanting nothing more. “Yes! Fill my pussy with your cum!”
Wonwoo growls into your skin, ramming his dick straight into your sweet spot until he reaches his own climax. With a loud moan of your name, he spills his hot cum inside your cunt. Thick ropes of his seed paint your walls as he keeps stuffing you full until it leaks out around his cock.
It feels like you’re stuck in a blissful haze, and it’s only until Wonwoo slowly pulls out of you that you come back to your senses. His eyes are dark as he watches his cum slowly drip out of you. It’s an erotic sight, you’re sure, and you can’t help but want more.
“Wonwoo.” Your voice comes out in a sigh. “Think you can go again?”
The older man groans in his throat. You’re insatiable, and so is he. Fuck. He knew you were perfect for him.
“For you? Always.”
Your eyes roll back when the bulbous tip of his length nudges your tender pussy. Wonwoo smirks and presses forward. His aching cock penetrates you in one deep thrust. Large hands hold down your squirming hips as he sheathes his big cock to the hilt. Wonwoo groans when your juices spill around his girth. He leans back and lets a string of spit falls straight onto your pussy. The filthy action makes you moan wantonly.
“Your sweet little cunt is driving me crazy, sweetheart.” Wonwoo hisses as you clench around him.
Your hot cunt is pulsing and soaking his cock as if you’re claiming it as your own. It makes him smirk. Wonwoo keeps pounding into your creamy cunt until only lewd squelching and pornographic moans fill the room. He can’t even think about his son anymore. All he cares about is splitting you open and molding your tight pussy to fit the shape of his dick.
“You just love this cock, don’t you, baby?” Wonwoo moans.
“I do—Fuck. Feels so fucking good!” Your voice is loud, and you’re both beyond the point of caring. “I love your cock. Love how you fuck my little pussy.”
His fat cock is splitting you open deliciously, weeping tip reaching your cervix with every strong pound of his hips. You’re already close again, and you know this next orgasm is going to be more intense than the last. Wonwoo seems to feel it too because he keeps driving his cock into you savagely until your thighs are trembling around him. His cock is piercing directly into your g-spot then drawing out, letting you feel every vein before plowing back into your sopping mess. His rough thrusts never lose their strength or depth. Not when you scream and convulse around his cock.
“God, you’re such a nasty slut.” Wonwoo groans. “You don’t even care that your boyfriend can wake up any moment and find you dripping all over his dad’s cock.”
You manage to smirk at him. “He has no right to be angry. Not when you’re fucking me better than he ever did.”
Wonwoo smirks back at you, thrusting deeper if possible. Your depraved words make a sick thrill shoot straight to his cock. It turns him on more than it should. Dark eyes are glued to your sopping cunt. The sight of you stretching to take his cock is so hot that he almost cums right then.
“Oh my god!” You cry out as your pulsing walls constrict around the dick ramming into you.
You let out a loud cry when Wonwoo’s spit lands where you two are connected. A guttural groan escapes him when your pussy squeezes his throbbing cock and your juices spill all over him. You topple over the edge he’s been pushing you toward, squirting all over his cock and abdomen. Your release covers him, dripping down his cock and to his heavy balls.
“Cum in me!” You plead loudly. “Stuff me full again!”
Wonwoo’s fat cock keeps sliding along your convulsing walls. The tip of his cock slams into your spot unrelentlessly, making you see stars. You keep falling apart as the older man uses your body how he wants.
“Just look at your pretty little pussy, squirting all over this cock like you own it.” Wonwoo’s grin looks wolfish and unfairly attractive. “Now I have to fill your slutty pussy like I own it.”
Wonwoo groans your name deeply. His hips are flush between your thighs as he presses to the hilt, his fat cockhead rutting into your most sensitive spot. Your toes curl tightly as you scream out his name once again. All you can see, feel, and think about is your boyfriend’s dad. His hot cum fills you up, coating every inch of your wet walls, stuffing you to the brim.
The older man falls forward a bit and buries his face in your neck, biting your sweaty skin and fucking his cum deeper into you. In your aroused daze, you can’t recognize how intoxicated he is over the feeling of you and your tight cunt.
When Wonwoo finally he pulls out, his hand lands on your tingling core. He cranes his neck to watch his fingers enter your hole. Licking his lips, he gently fucks his cum back inside you and gently toys with your messy pussy. Growls rumble in his chest as his cum slips out of you and down to your smaller puckered hole. The sight makes his cock twitch and ache all over again.
“My cute little slut.” Wonwoo coos as you slowly start to drift off to sleep. “All nice and bred—just like I’ve always dreamed.”
You look precious while you sleep, and Wonwoo can’t help but feel completely satisfied that he came inside you while you were ovulating. His son was such an idiot for not cherishing you how you deserved, but it was for the best.
Now you were all his. Only his.
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likeumeanit9497 · 2 days
like a pornstar | c.s. |
chris sturniolo x fem!reader
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summary: when y/n, chris' best friend, confesses that she has never finished during sex, he decides to change that
warnings: smut; oral (fem receiving); unprotected p in v; dirty talk; established friendship; squirting; 18+
notes: back again with a friends with benefits smut (shh im manifesting). i hope the chris girlies enjoy, and matt girlies don't worry my next one shot is for u ;) love y'all <33333
“Hey! You’re gonna eat all the popcorn! Give me some.” I exclaimed before snatching the half eaten bag of popcorn from Chris’ grasp. He tried to say something in a rebuttal, but all he got through his mouthful of popcorn was garbled words and a slight spray of kernels. “Oh god, you’re foul.” I said jokingly before wrapping my leg around his to lighten my words. “Just hush, I can’t hear the show.”
Chris and I had been best friends since elementary school, and had always had a bond like no other. When he had moved out to California a few years ago, I had really struggled with the loss of seeing him practically everyday. But since then, I had been able to come out and visit him multiple times, and it was so exciting to have him show me the new life that him and his brothers had built for themselves on the other side of the country.
In the past, each time I had visited him in Los Angeles the weather had been amazing, so I had forced Chris to explore all over the city with me. However, this visit had been nothing but rain, so him and I had done little more than what we were doing right now: curling up under the covers with some snacks and a couple joints, binge watching all of our favourite shows from high school. We were currently re-watching Euphoria — one of my all time favourite shows — as a light trickle of rain acted as background noise.
As we worked through our snacks, the scene where Maddy and Nate’s relationship dynamic is described played. I popped a handful of popcorn in my mouth, relishing in the nostalgic feeling that the show brought me, as the scene continued on to describe how Maddy watched porn to study how she should look and sound during sex. As the character arched her back on her bed, her eyes plastered to a device playing porn, I let out a small chuckle.
“What?” Chris turned to me with a confused smile. “Nothing. It’s nothing.” I replied, shaking my head and shoving more popcorn into my mouth to stifle my ridiculous laughter. “Brooo, tell me.” He whined, grabbing my shoulder and shaking it jokingly. I rolled my eyes at his dramatics. “Oh my god, fine! I was just laughing because I used to do that.” I finally responded, and Chris turned to me and raised a quizzical eyebrow. “Wait, what?” He brought a fistful of candy to his mouth. “I used to study porn too, not to get off on it or anything, just to like know what I was supposed to do.” I admitted, feeling my cheeks grow warm as Chris just stared blankly at me.
Finally, Chris blinked a few times, pulling himself out of his blank stare to resume eating snacks. “I don’t understand that honestly,” He began, reaching his hand into the popcorn bag between my legs, “I feel like when you’re in the moment all of those sounds and movements and stuff come naturally, don’t they?” I shrugged before responding. “Not for me, to be honest. I’ve never really had any sort of sexual interaction that made me feel good enough to act and sound like a porn star.” I chuckled, keeping the conversation lighthearted. This wasn’t the first time Chris and I had talked about our sexual experiences, so I felt comfortable being honest with him.
But when I fixed my gaze back onto him, I was met with a confused expression. “So does that mean you’ve never…” He dragged out his sentence, seemingly too afraid to complete it, so I saved him the trouble and answered his unfinished question with a solemn shake of my head. At this, his eyebrows shot up in what seemed to be total shock, complete with a dropped jaw. “You’re not serious, Y/n.” He said simply, and I once again shrugged my shoulders. “I mean it’s pretty common for girls to not be able to finish during sex, you know that.” I replied, to which he titled his head to the side and looked off into the distance.
“I guess so, but I’ve personally never ran into that problem before.” He replied, a cheeky smile taking over his face, and I rolled my eyes. “Oh Jesus, well too bad not all men are the Christopher Sturniolo.” I joked, unintentionally stroking his ego before refocusing my gaze on the show. The room was silent for a brief moment, both of us back to watching the show, before Chris spoke up again. “I just think that’s really fucked up. Sex should make both people involved feel good.” I wrapped my leg tighter around his. “Well aren’t you a crowd pleaser.” I joked. Turning to once again face him, I was expecting to be met with his classic grin. But instead, his face was serious; his mouth was set in a straight line and his blue eyes had darkened.
His expression was one I rarely saw, but it made my stomach tighten subconsciously. My throat suddenly felt extremely dry, and I couldn’t speak. My breath hitched when Chris brought a hand under the covers and placed it gently on my bare thigh, rubbing small circles into the skin. And my head began to spin when he shifted his body so that he was completely facing me. “You know, I bet I could make you sound like a porn star.” His poker face was finally replaced with a smirk, this one much more sinister than the one that I usually saw cross his face. He used his hand on my thigh to guide my legs open before brushing a finger just barely against my clothed heat; causing me to gasp. He leaned closer to my frame, already quivering in anticipation, and nibbled gently at my earlobe before whispering.
“Let me make you feel good, Y/n.”
He kept his mouth right there against my ear as he waited for a response, and I could feel his rapid breaths against my skin. My brain was in shambles, and I couldn’t make sense of what was happening. Chris and I had been best friends for so long, but not once had things turned sexual. This was completely uncharted territory for me, and I couldn’t imagine it ending well. But, his hand that was resting in between my trembling thighs and his whispered proposition had already caused my panties to grow damp, so I threw all of my sensibility away by grabbing his jaw, drawing his face to mine, and crashing my lips onto his.
Immediately, Chris worked his lips against mine. They moved in sync as his tongue slipped into my mouth with ease; dancing around my own and filling me with more desire. He brought his other hand under the covers to grab onto my other thigh, where he squeezed harshly before using his grip to pull me up on top of him. Still attacking my mouth with his, he rubbed his hands up and down my body as I straddled him, taking care to focus his attention on my more sensitive parts.
He broke the kiss briefly to pull my oversized t-shirt over my head, before taking a moment to admire my bare chest in his direct line of sight. Without hesitation, he attached his mouth to one of my tits, nibbling and swirling his tongue around my sensitive nipples; causing my body to break out in goosebumps from the sensation. After he took his time on the first, he moved his mouth onto the second, and the new contact caused me to subconsciously grind my pelvis against his thigh; eliciting a moan from me. My erotic sound caused his eyes to shoot open, looking up at my face, before he detached his mouth from my tit to speak. “Real moan?” He asked, his lips swollen, and I nodded my head before grinding my hips against him once more. “F-feels good.” I mumbled, and at that he readjusted himself so that he was sitting up against the headboard; giving me more stability.
“Then keep doing that. Wanna see you feeling good.” He replied, shifting my body so that my core could press right up against the highest point of his thigh. I didn’t hesitate long before resuming my movements, this time moving at a much faster pace; losing myself to the sheer pleasure that the friction of his pants granted me. Chris’ mouth reattached to my nipples, but his eyes never left mine as he took in all of my contorted facial expressions and soft moans. He allowed his lips to travel along my chest up to my neck, where he suckled gently before muttering. “I don’t want you to fake anything, baby, just want you to tell me when it feels good and when it doesn’t. Okay?” I nodded my head frantically, squinting my eyes from the overwhelming pleasure I was feeling.
I looked down to where my body was writhing against him, and even through my shorts and panties I had left a dark patch from my arousal against his grey sweats. Rolling my eyes to the back of my head in bliss, I had never before grown that wet during sex before. I felt my legs begin to weaken around his thigh, and an overwhelming feeling begin to bubble up inside of me. I knew it was my orgasm approaching, but I was hit with a sudden wave of nervousness that was preventing me from reaching it.
“C-Chris, I can’t,” I panted out, and his eyes were immediately on mine. “You can’t what?” He replied, gripping my ass with both hands and helping me grind myself against him. “C-can’t finish.” I replied honestly, feeling my eyes well up with frustrated tears. I had never felt this good in bed with someone before, and still, I couldn’t get myself to cum. “Hey hey, it’s okay,” Chris used his grip on me to stop my movements completely, “It’s an overwhelming feeling, it’s sometimes hard to give in to it.” He brought a hand up to my cheek and stroked it affectionately. “Lie down here.” He patted the space in the bed where I had previously been, and I obliged, resting my head against the pillow.
Once I settled myself, Chris crawled on top of me, resting his weight on one arm. He began kissing me again, this time much slower than the first, and once my heart rate began to slow I took it upon myself to deepen the kiss; pulling his bottom lip gently with my teeth. This elicited a deep moan from Chris, and I felt him grind his clothed member against my core before dragging his mouth down my jaw and neck; leaving harsh kisses in its trail. I watched through droopy eyelids as Chris’ body traveled down my own, and my breathing increased once again when he reached the waistband of my shorts. He toyed with the band for a moment, slipping two fingers under the material before looking back up at me.
“I just want you to relax, lay there, and tell me when you feel good. Can you do that Y/n?” His voice was soft, but it was the unmistakable undertone of gruff arousal laced through it that caused my stomach to flip. I nodded quickly, bringing a hand to his forehead and brushing a few stray hairs back. “Okay.” I replied, causing him to smirk before slowly pulling my shorts and thong down my legs. Once my clothing was completely discarded, Chris encouraged my knees to bend and spread my legs open; exposing my dripping heat completely. “Hmm, so pretty Y/n.” He said lowly, taking in the glistening folds just centimetres from his face.
I watched as he dropped soft kisses along my outer folds before using his hands to spread me open slightly. His mouth inched closer and closer to my aching core, and when he finally connected to it I released a shaky moan. Immediately, he used his tongue to expertly manipulate my clit, causing me to see stars almost instantly. It was clear by his movements that he knew what he was doing, and I had to grip onto his messy curls in order to keep myself in place as he continued. “Is that good baby?” He asked against my bundle of nerves, moving one of his hands from my folds down to my entrance, teasing it in circles as he waited for a response.
“S-so good Chrissy.” I managed to get out before he reattached his lips, this time slowly plunging a digit into me as he continued; causing my hips to buck. “Shh, stay still honey.” He mumbled, still working his tongue and fingers in sync against my heat. The combination of his tongue against my clit and his finger plunging up into my g-spot was staggering, and I was once again feeling the undeniable signs of an upcoming orgasm. Every inch of my skin felt like it was being set on fire, and the pressure in my lower stomach was so intense, it felt like I was going to pee.
I had reached orgasms on my own before, but none had ever had a build up as intense as the one I was currently feeling with Chris. I felt like I could explode, but still, I was struggling to let go once again. “C-Chris, I d-don’t think I — I don’t think I c-can do it.” I cried out, gripping onto his hair like my life depended on it. At this, Chris added a second finger and increased his speed. “Yes you can baby, I know you can. Just breathe and let your body do what it knows to do.” I squeezed my eyes shut from the pressure, and did as he said and released shaky breaths. His movements had the same level of intensity as before, but there was an unspoken level of desperation to them now; clear indication that he wanted to get me there.
Even though it seemed impossible, the pressure inside of me kept getting stronger and stronger. My legs were shaking on either side of his head, and my breaths came out as guttural moans. I felt my body detach from my brain, and I knew I had lost all control over what was going to happen. Just then, the strongest orgasm I had ever felt completely engulfed me, and I could do nothing but cry out in pleasure. My back arched off of the bed, overwhelmed by the extreme sensation. Feverish, strings of erotic notes fell from my mouth, and they could barely be heard over the ringing in my ears.
Mouth agape, I watched in awe as the pressure in my stomach was finally relieved by a rush of fluid shooting from my core. At this, Chris murmured “Oh fuck.” before detaching his lips from my clit and swiftly rubbing it; spraying my fluid all over his face and exposed tongue. My orgasm rippled through me like a tsunami, and left me in a figurative and literal puddle once it died down. Once he drank up all my juices, Chris planted a soft kiss against my clit before dragging his body up mine.
Once he was face to face with me, he gave me a deep kiss. “How was that?” He whispered with a grin on his wet face. Still catching my breath, all I could do was nod. He played with my hair for a moment, tranquility clear on his face, before he suddenly shifted his weight and began climbing off of me. “W-wait.” I said, grabbing hold of his waistband and stopping his movements. He looked down at me with a confused expression, and I wordlessly moved my hand to his crotch, where I was met with what seemed like a painfully hard member. “You’re not gonna fuck me?” I asked, batting my eyelashes innocently as I watched his taken aback expression.
In the blink of an eye, his face darkened once again and he returned to his position above me. “You want me to?” He asked, his face buried in my neck where he peppered it with soft kisses. “Mhmm.” I hummed, using my hand to palm him through his sweats. At that, Chris didn’t hesitate to pull his pants down, leaving his cock exposed. I gasped at its size that had been somewhat disguised when it was still concealed in his sweats, but began pumping my hand up and down as he shuddered in pleasure.
Attaching his lips back onto mine, Chris grabbed onto his shaft and lined it up with my opening. He slid it up and down my folds a few times to collect whatever was left of my previous orgasm, before slowly sliding into me. I gasped at the feeling of my walls stretching around his impressive girth, and we both moaned in unison once he bottomed out. He stayed still for a moment, allowing me to adjust to him, before he began slamming his hips into me.
With his forehead resting against mine, he watched me as I contorted my face into expressions of pleasure, relishing in the feeling of being filled by him. His gruff breathing and occasional deep moans were like music to my ears, and I dug my nails into his bare shoulders to keep him close. “Fuck, your pussy feels so good around me. Not gonna last long.” He groaned, using one of his arms to wrap my leg around his waist. The new angle allowed him to go deeper, and I felt his member slam into my g-spot repeatedly; causing my stomach to fill with that familiar sensation. “Oh god Chris, you’re s-so big.” My voice was coming out squeaky as he continued to pound into me, and he released a harsh moan in response.
I lost myself in the waves of pleasure as they hit me, growing closer to my second orgasm with each of his powerful thrusts. Chris’ gaze on me was so full of lust — clenched jaw, droopy eyes, lower lip trapped in between his teeth — I would have collapsed from its magnitude if I wasn’t already lying down. His motion suddenly shifted from one that was hard and fast to one that was deep and slow, and I couldn’t help but release sharp gasps on each thrusts.
I could tell that I was close to my second orgasm, but he was closer. His breathing was growing more and more rapid, his pace was sloppier, and beads of sweat were dripping down his forehead. As if he was reading my mind, he moaned out. “I-I’m close, want you to cum with me.” My eyes rolled to the back of my head, his words already getting me closer to my high, but I knew I needed to get there faster.
Reaching between us, I found my clit and began rubbing it vigorously. Chris’ eyes followed my hand, and when he realized what I was doing he smirked proudly. “Atta girl.” My action seemed to give him a bit more energy, as his movements began picking up the pace once again; and I found myself on the edge of another orgasm. “Ah fuck, Chris, gonna cum again.” I cried out through my gasps for air just before my second orgasm hit me like a freight train. I felt my walls contract around his swollen member, and that was enough for him to reach his high as well.
Gripping tightly onto my shoulder, Chris plunged his twitching cock in and out of me; driving both of us through our orgasms. I gasped when I felt his fluid shoot deep into me, and savoured the verbal confirmation of his pleasure in my ear. Our moans flew from our mouths in harmony, and it was only once his body stilled above me that I removed my hand from my clit.
We stayed in that position for what could have been hours, catching our breath and falling into the lethargic temperament that always came after sex. Finally, Chris lifted his weight off of me and slid his softening dick out from my core, offering me an apprehensive smile. He stood up and walked into his washroom, coming back over to the bed with a towel to help clean up the mess in between my legs before doing the same to his member. Once I no longer felt like a bowl of jello, I sat up on the bed beside him.
“Well?” He asked, his tone playful as he wiggled his eyebrows awaiting my response. I rolled my eyes before grabbing my top and throwing it over my head. “Would you believe me if I said I faked all of that?” I asked, unable to keep the smile that was toying with the corners of my mouth at bay. He blew air out of his mouth and looked up at the ceiling. “Absolutely not.” He replied, and I laughed. “I hate to gas you up like this, but that really was amazing.” I finally said honestly, resting my head on his bare shoulder.
He chuckled before grabbing my hand and stroking it gently. “Glad to be of service.” He replied, removing his hand from mine and instead wrapping his arm around me completely. “You turned into my little porn star there for a minute.” He followed it up by making high pitched moan sounds, mocking me and breaking the wave of silence that had followed his last comment. I laughed, lifting my head off of his shoulder and coming face-to-face with his goofy smile. “You ever use that against me in the future and I will bite your head off.” I replied, shoving his shoulder gently. “I won’t, swear. But you can use me again in the future if you wish. Y’know, in case you ever want to cum like that again.”
My jaw dropped at his filthy words, but I couldn’t help but feel heat flood to my core once again. Smirking, I raised one quizzical eyebrow. “One more?” I asked, and watched as his face was overtaken by a smirk that mirrored my own. “Lay down and put your legs on my shoulders.”
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softspiderling · 2 days
✦ . * ocean blue eyes pt. V | r.c
pairing: rafe cameron x reader
author's note: how many parts are we in rn i have lost count… tagging @zyafics as ushe 🙂‍↕️
✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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liked by ynsunshine, sunburninmiami, ynnnnn4lyfe and 2.814 others
ynupdates Kiara Carerra, Topper Thornton, John B Routledge, Cleo Griffith and Pope Heyward at YN’s show at Times Square tonight via @.kiecarerra and @.topperthorntonofficial’s stories
view all 104 comments
ynovereveryone where did all these people come from 😭
➞ ynfan John B is Sarah’s boyfriend, Cleo, Kie and Pope are good friends of Sarah’s and Topper has always been around bc he’s a good friend of Justin
↳ katelynwillis sorry im new, who’s Sarah and Justin?
↳ ynfan Sarah is YN’s (new) guitarist and Justin is YN’s brother :)
raferforlifer does anyone know if Rafe is there?
➞ rafeandonlyrafe Hasn’t been spotted so far
➞ rafe247 isn’t that his arm in the picture with Cleo?
➞ rafesnumberonefan I doubt that he’s gonna attend, he doesn’t really like crowds like this and he barely went to any of Gracie’s shows when Sarah played for her
prettylittleyn Man, I wish I had friends like this😭
ynbiggestfan their vibes are so good I just know they’re having the best time
obsessedwithyn why are Sarah’s friends stealing my tickets 💀
➞ yn365 i promise you that they didn’t “steal” your ticket. they 100% got vip access
↳ obsessedwithyn so they’re using Sarah’s connection to get free tickets? got it
↳ ynsunshine girl
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liked by onlyrafes, jjsandrafes, kelleigh_leclerc and 3.291 others
rafeupdates Rafe at YN’s show in Times Square last night
view all 129 comments
rafesnumberonefan I stand corrected
mwahrafe holy mother of god….
rafefan I’m that girl in the background going😲
➞ rafebrazil03 wdym that’s me
jeanie97 god bless his mother for birthing such a fine ass man
raferaferafe I COULDVE MET RAFE????
sarahcameronsbaby Rafe going to the show to support his sister😭😭😭
➞ rafecameron4lyfe or he’s a fan of YN…
➞ cameronslegacy the way Rafe is never at any events except for work and this
rafeonmymind Man he looks good
➞ onlyrafes RIGHT like obviously he always looks good, but idk there’s something about him in this pic….
raferaferafe how is that girl just casually talking to Rafe😩
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liked by rafe, sarahcam, jjmaybank and 2.310.812 others
youruser LAST NIGHT WAS UNFORGETTABLE 🩵Thank YOU for coming to see me! I love you!
PS: This was my first show with Sarah and as you could tell: match made in heaven
view all 31.058 comments
ynsunshine I wish I could’ve been there😔😔
sarahcam omg hard launch
➞ youruser 😂
whationlylistentoyn It’s my dream to see you live one day
johnbroutledge absolute rockstar!
❤️ liked by youruser
ynsbbg I just know you served
ynbrazil In another life😭
rafe incredible show
❤️ liked by youruser
kiecarerra Tysmmm for letting me be apart of this <3
➞ youruser thank you for coming 🥹
popeheywardphotography imagine how sick this picture would’ve been on a real camera…
➞ youruser Did you really think I invited you to SHOOT MY SHOW
↳ popeheywardphotography it’s not work if you love your job
cleogriffith BEST NIGHT EVER!!!
➞ youruser With youuuu🤍
topperthorntonofficial you rocked it!!!
❤️liked by youruser
Your phone:
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garagepaperback · 3 days
What are your favorite drarry fics?
oh. ooooooooooooh oh oh.
here are my staples:
draco, the magic dragon - libbydrew a fic i first read on livejournal (showing off the varnish of my casket here) that i thought about regularly for the almost two decades i fell out of fandom. canon to me tbh. libby invented my draco rubric: proud lil showboat even when everything around him has gone to rancid shit, sarcastic and aloof personality as a poor facade to distract from the big ol' gaping well of hurt.
Potter took a great breath, then let it out slowly – a low whistle between his teeth. "Malfoy, I had no idea. I thought—" "Why are you here?" Draco cut him off before the idiot embarrassed them both. Their shared past was water under the bridge – even if Draco had drowned in it.
nightingale - michi_the_killer
another back-in-my-day fav, even though i can only stand to read half of it. actually even thinking about it is making me stare off in a distance for upwards of three minutes. this one i would hand off wrapped in about a million miles of caution tape. + also a huge fan of michi's gory veela fic.
It was better than fighting, Harry thought, although sometimes he still wanted to rip into Malfoy, to hurt him. Other days, he thought, it was better than anything.
rookie moves - peu_a_peu
what can i say that hasn't already been said - peu is a MASTER. if you somehow know who i am but haven't read this, reassess your life choices through professional means but not until after you dive in.
“Feels kinda big,” Malfoy said, smirking. “For a guy your height.” “My height is average,” Harry said, although he was undeniably glaring upward at Malfoy’s face when they stood so close together. “And it is kinda big.”
stately homes of wiltshire - waspabi another one that crept into my heart and made a home. hard to choose between this and waspabi's other drarry fic, but there's something about the decrepit manor that just does it for me. a perfect harry and draco, perfect soft reaching towards each other.
Draco smiled and dragged Potter from the shop before he could charm any more elderly ladies with his unkept, take-care-of-me-I’m-confused-and-have-nice-shoulders aesthetic. Once outside in the drizzle, he realised he still had his hand around Potter’s forearm. He yanked his hand back immediately.
i wake up falling - warmfoothills
warmfoothills :,) just reading this moniker makes me vision go soft around the edges. their writing has made me out loud, quietly say "oh," multiple times. the prose is darling, this story is such a brief, aching glance. it was also really hard to pick just one (flashback, warm nights i also go in for).
“I love you,” he says, unable to stop himself. Draco blinks, a barely-there flinch, like Harry’s taken a swing at him. “I know,” he says, still oblivious to the reference, oblivious to the way his words scoop right into the meat of Harry’s stupid, hopeful heart. “It’s not enough, is it?” Draco shakes his head. Above, the stars watch unfeelingly on.
the pure and simple truth - lettered no one does dialogue with the mastery lettered does. my GOD. my god. i feel like this fic is drarry perfectly distilled.
“What’s he going to be?” Blaise raised a brow. “Pardon?” “You said he says Hermione should be Minister, and all those other things. What does Malfoy think he should be?” There was something much like pity in Blaise’s eyes. “He thinks he should never, ever be forgiven for the things he’s done.” Harry felt ill. “That’s not fair.” “When has Draco ever been fair?” “I meant―” Harry swallowed hard. “That’s not right.” Blaise looked more pitying still. “When has Draco ever been right?”
far from the tree - aideomai
the writer i avoid talking about the most bc once i start i cannot physically restrain myself from going on about their beauty forever. i sat for forty-five solid minutes frowning, trying to choose between this one and in the hand. and dwelling. okay anyway. i keep a doc of quotes from fics that resonate and it's 50% aideomai.
Draco wondered what Potter thought of this day, in the future the twins came from. If he had told Ginny about it. If he had forgotten it. He couldn’t forget it, could he? It felt burned into Draco’s body already, a final point that he had been moving toward for years without knowing.
i could go on but i think seven is a nice solid number tyvm for this ask!
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cuubism · 1 day
think it would be funny if the first time dream and hob hooked up hob was like "do we need to worry about stds" and dream was like "obviously i can't get human illnesses 🙄" and so hob was like "cool we won't worry about it 👍". what dream didn't share is that there are also supernatural stds and apparently hob has one after hooking up with some supernatural creature like 200 years ago (he didn't know they were supernatural) (he also didn't know he had the std because they don't affect humans they're just carriers of it) anyway he doesn't find out about it until dream storms into his house later like HOB GADLING WHAT DEMON DID YOU HAVE SEX WITH and hob just stares at him because dream's skin is fucking. green
hob's like demon? when- what? why are you green
dream doesn't answer because he's mentally scanning hob's life book and is like "november 3 1821" and hob's like "she was a demon?" and dream (jealous) is like "YOU REMEMBER WHO IT WAS FROM 200 YEARS AGO???" and hob's like "in retrospect the all-black eyes should have given it away but in my defense. i'm stupid."
then he's like "wait did i get you sick is that why you're green???" dream says "no it doesn't really do anything to you it just makes you green" hob's like "why does that exist" dream's like "presumably someone was feeling petty and created it but. i haven't really looked into it"
anyway eventually they figure out how to un-green dream (and also hob) and then dream's like "you should use these supernatural condoms if you sleep with supernatural entities in the future" and hob is like. dream. WHAT SUPERNATURAL ENTITIES AM I SLEEPING WITH OTHER THAN YOU
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sashimiyas · 3 days
cw: you birthed hajime’s daughter
hajime’s mornings are a little slower now that he’s a father.
he steps into your child’s room, one hand covering his yawn, the other scratching over the coarse hair of his happy trail. what he finds immediately brings a smile to his face.
it’s so common now to find his lips tight, spread in ardent affection. oikawa would often have a disgusted comment, something about it creeping him out. but what became habit with you sharing your life with his, has now become permanent now that you’ve birthed his little girl. soft affection, he’d never think to describe himself like so, yet here he is.
“good morning sleeping beauty,” hajime whispers to her. she’s awake. he knows he doesn’t need to be quiet, but if he were to hold his feelings anyway else other than gently, he fears he’d love her so hard she’d break. “you’re an early riser just like me, aren’t you?”
her legs kick out as she smiles at him, all rosebud and sunflower. hajime takes it as pride that she’s just like him.
he picks her up only to put her back down and immediately pop open the buttons on her jumper.
“bowel movements are healthy too,” hajime lines the tips of his fingers on her squishy stomach and tickles her twice. just enough to hear a bubble of laughter. “you really are just like me.”
he goes through the motions of parenthood, holds her two little legs in one hand to hold her lower half up and slide the clean diaper back in. he picks two options he thinks you’d find adorable and presents them for her to choose. there’s actually no reaction. too busy chewing on her foot which, he guesses is fine for a 5 month old.
he decides on a floral pattern and slowly dresses his daughter back up. he slides her pants up with a shimmy and when her little feet peak from the bottom, hajime can’t help but kiss the soles of them. perfect and tiny and his. on goes the shirt which she doesn’t like as much. she looks ready to cry but hajime holds her hands steady, lips flat against her palms.
the cry stops at her throat, only evident in the small gurgle when she breathes.
“you’re okay precious,” he tells her between small pecks to her fingers. by the time he gets to her other hand, she’s laughing again. “easy to please.”
and hajime’s always thought he’s held himself to high standards. sometimes he’s a perfectionist in his own right but currently, with a heart full just from a diaper change he thinks again.
just like me.
she’s in her arms one more time, cleaner now, and together, they begin their morning routine. he shakes up formula the same way he does his protein powder while multitasking to make you breakfast.
and when you wake up, you’ll spoil him too for his birthday in that special way you always do. whatever it is, he doesn’t care because with you and your daughter, he’s already been granted a gift that keeps on giving.
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janeyseymour · 1 day
longing looks and stolen glances
summary: anon asked for this: Hi, idk if you're still taking requests but could you write something where Mel finds out R like her back and then they're all silly and sneaking around, stealing kisses, glances and a brush of fingers every chance they get, like absolute fluff? And then the other teachers start to notice how smug Mel looks, specifically around R? I love your fics!!
WC: ~2.15k
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There was no way this way happening- and yet it was. The Melissa Schemmenti has you pressed up against your desk and is kissing you hungrily. It takes a second for your brain to jumpstart before your arms snake around her waist and pull her in closer to you. Her lingering perfume scent nearly has you in a trance. The way that she only pulls you even closer to her own body is… how is this where you are right now? This has to be some sort of dream.
But it isn’t. When you finally pull back in desperate need of air, red hair and green eyes are still right in front of you. Almost as if you’re expecting to be woken up from your dream, you pinch yourself. You squeak a bit, and that deep laugh that you’re always craving to hear echoes throughout the empty room.
“Think you’re dreaming or something?” your colleagues deep voice chuckles out.
You just nod, a blush creeping into your cheeks. “I didn’t think… is this real life?”
“It very much is,” Melissa rolls her eyes playfully. “I’ve had enough of that one camera man flirting with you.” She gives him a pointed look, as if to say, ‘Back off. She’s mine now.’
He nearly cowers.
You just laugh and pull her in again. “So… dinner?”
And that’s how the two of you started dating. After a brief meeting with the camera crew, they’re sworn to secrecy on your relationship. A threat that all of their equipment will somehow go missing and the documentary will no longer be a thing is enough for them to all promise the two of you that they won’t air any explicit evidence that the two of you are together.
“I don’t even want lingering looks,” Melissa states.
The camera man shakes his head at that. “Then maybe the two of you shouldn’t constantly be ogling each other. We’ve picked up on this for weeks, and Jeremiah flirting with Y/N was only a tactic to get the two of you to get your heads out of your asses. If this worked with the two of you… we’re wondering if it might do anything to finally get Gregory and Janine to face the truth of their relationship.”
“Jeremiah wasn’t really flirting with me?” you sound almost wounded. A light smack to your shoulder has you feigning hurt.
“Listen, Y/N,” the camera man laughs. “As beautiful as you are, you are not my type at all. And, I really don’t want the shit to get kicked out of me by your woman.”
As if to prove a point, your girlfriend wraps an arm around you and practically growls out a, “Mine,” before kissing your temple.
And so, your relationship stays a secret. Your girlfriend does everything she can to keep your relationship in this little bubble that the two of you have created. There isn’t any flirting (any flirting that could easily be detected by your friends and coworkers), you keep everything behind closed doors.
There are lingering kisses in the classroom when you’re positive that no cameras are around. You still sit with her and Barbara at lunch and at meetings so as not to throw off the groove that you’ve found yourself in. Sometimes, you’ll feel a feather light touch or a squeeze of the hand when Ava says something particularly ridiculous, but you’re able to keep your face straight, and no one is the wiser to these intimate moments that the two of you secretly share.
But as time goes on, it’s getting harder and harder to conceal the bond that the two of you have. At this point, you’re getting ready to move your things into her apartment permanently (as if you haven’t practically been living with her for months- you have a drawer of your things at her place), the two of you are often together after work and on weekends, and you’ve even been to a few of her family dinners.
“You bringing over a few more boxes tonight?” your girlfriend asks you as you enter the staff room. It alarms you that she would bring this up so casually, but then you realize that she is the only one at the school besides you.
You nod brightly and kiss her quickly, as if someone would walk in on you at any given moment.
“I was planning on it,” you chuckle. Then you pull away from her, although her fingers stay gently interlaced with yours. “Coffee?”
She nods enthusiastically and begins to pluck the mugs from their place. You let yourself watch her figure for a few seconds before you hear the door swing open and Jacob announce his entrance. Your eyes immediately flit down to the coffee grounds in your hand, and your body turns red at the thought that you might have just been caught staring at the second grade teacher’s ass. Thankfully though, you were not caught.
“Ooh!” Jacob grins at the sight of Melissa reaching for coffee cups. “Deal me in!”
You scoop a few more grinds out and dump them into the coffee machine before filling it with water and waiting for the warm drink to be ready. Meanwhile, Melissa fixes her cup so the cream and sugar are already in her cup, and she does the same for you.
You give her a sweet smile when she hands over your cup, and your heart can’t help but flutter when she squeezes your hip gently while Jacob is turned away.
She can’t help the smug grin off her face when the social studies teacher turns back around.
“Hey, why’d you do Y/N’s cup, but not mine?” Jacob whines, almost like a child.
“Because Y/N ain’t particular about hers the way that you are.” Green eyes are rolled. There is no truth in that statement whatsoever. You are extremely particular about how your coffee is prepared, but after many mornings of coffee shared between the two of you Melissa has learned. 
Jacob continues to pout, but he does nod along. It’s funny the way that he’s so wrapped up in his pouting that he misses the way you kiss her cheek and thank her softly.
The rest of the crew starts to trickle in, so you and your girlfriend take up your seats to watch the news together. At home, she almost always has her arm draped around the back of the couch, and you lean into her figure as you practically inhale the liquid gold that you need in order to function. But here? She still has her arm draped over the edge of the couch, but you don’t lean into her. Sure, you sit next to her, but you don’t let yourself relax into her. Instead, she quietly draws circles and different patterns on your shoulder as you and your friends watch the news. It’s warm and familiar, and something that you aren’t entirely expecting her to do with your colleagues so close, but you let that smile wash over your face. Her smug grin only brightens when she truly realizes everybody is so wrapped up in the news that they fail to notice. 
While things have begun to become more relaxed with the two of you out in public, you still haven’t outwardly said anything about the relationship between the two of you. It’s like if you speak it into existence, the bubble will pop. So, you continue to just do things a bit more subdued with the crew around. 
The two of you know that whenever you’re at the school, there is pretty much a guarantee that you’re being filmed in one way or another- except for in the safe haven of the bathrooms. So often, you and Melissa sneak away to the staff bathrooms to steal a few kisses or discuss plans for after work.
But to everyone else, you’re just two peas in a pod- the way that you have been. You still sit together and lunch, in the morning, at staff meetings… have your classes do a few things together throughout the year.
Or at least… that’s what you think. The two of you think that you’re hiding this relationship wonderfully. Honestly, at this point, neither of you would care if they were to find out. It’s kind of become common knowledge outside of work that the two are you together, so you both forget to come out to your work friends entirely. You just know that even if you were out at work, the looks and touches would still be relatively rare- keep things as professional as possible.
The truth is, the others have begun to pick up on things. They’ve noticed that you’re almost always following Melissa around with the look of a puppy dog. They’ve taken into consideration that she always fixes your coffee mug- no one else’s, not even Barb’s. They see the way that instead of directing looks that would normally be shot to the camera are instead stolen glances between the two of you. They aren’t as dense as they’re playing to be- there is something going on between the two of you.
And Barbara Howard is going to get to the bottom of it.
There is one day specifically, during professional development, where the two of you are practically glued to each other- and unbeknownst to them, it’s been exactly six months since the two of you started dating.
The longing looks, the little squeezes here and there, it’s all so… domestic. Even just sitting in the library as Ava drones on about only God knows what, the two of you are like giggling school girls, making excuses to touch and look at each other.
And then when you’re all excused for the afternoon to work on whatever you have to do in your classrooms, Melissa is guiding you out with a tender hand on the small of your back. You instinctively reach behind you and give her hand a light squeeze of endearment.
Of course, the two of you cozy up in her classroom, fully ready to finish up on some grading that you’re behind on. Fingers are interlocked as you grade and she types on her computer with one hand while Barbara rounds up the rest of the group.
“You all have noticed that Y/N and Melissa are quite cozy together, yes?” the kindergarten teacher asks her friends as they take their lunch break.
“Someone jealous their work wife is taken with the newbie?” Mr. Johnson asks.
“Not jealous,” Barbara sighs. “Just… curious. I think the two of them are hiding something from us.”
The camera crew all glance around. They wouldn’t interfere- not unless they wanted their cameras to go missing. So instead, they just pull each of the staff members out to interview them separately.
And together, everyone is convinced that the redheaded teacher and you are up to something- that there’s something going on between the two of you.
Mr. Johnson flat out tells the camera crew that he knows you’re dating. That he watched you kiss Melissa as you were heading out of her classroom one day.
So, with that, the crew decides to push this storyline a bit- they still aren’t outwardly telling your colleagues of the relationship, but just… implying that maybe this is something they should investigate further.
And they do. Nothing comes out that day, but the rest of your friend group is on high alert when the two of you are around. They continue to play dumb, to not notice the little lingering looks, the touches, the way that Melissa couldn’t be more smug when she’s around you.
They pretend as if they couldn’t be clued in at all until one day, a few months later, Barbara has had enough. You and Melissa are sharing lunch, and her hand rests gently on your upper thigh as you converse about your mornings.
“For God’s sake, ladies,” Barbara finally explodes. “Can we stop ignoring the obvious?!”
“Barb, what?” you flinch slightly at her tone. You feel Melissa pull her hand away.
“The two of you!” the kindergarten teacher exclaims. “I can’t take any more pretending that we don’t all know that you’re together! So, out with it!”
Melissa’s face turns red as she looks to you. “Babe?”
“Babe?!” Jacob screeches. “You two are at the point of calling each other ‘babe’?!”
Realization dawns on your face. You never told your work friends. It had become so… normal that you just forgot to tell your coworkers that the two of you were together. “We- we never told you guys.”
“No, you most certainly did not!” Barbara states. “So, admit it! The two of you are seeing each other romantically!”
You look sheepishly at the redhead, as if asking for permission for your next move. At her nod, you hold up your left hand. “Not only are we together… we got engaged last night.”
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld @cosmichymns @sasheemo
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mizu-nights · 2 days
♬ now playing: "dating them"
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-> a day in the life of having a famous lover, basically
chars. jing yuan , robin
notes. waaahhhh first hsr work !!! hoping the chars aren't like. really badly written :') i did my best considering jy and robin are my #1 favs atm !!! (also aventurine and boothill hehehe) maybe i will open reqs for hsr !?!!?!? WHO KNOWSSSSS
contains. possibly ooc chars (?), mentions of sitting on their laps (not suggestive), reader and jy live together, robin's was written w/ a fem!reader in mind.
★ track one: jing yuan
... how did you pull the arbiter-general of the xianzhou luofu?
in all seriousness, jing yuan is a romantic lover, showing you affection in the most sweetest ways. kissing your knuckles goodbye as he leaves for work for the day, holding you closely at night like you'll disappear if he lets go...
that doesn't mean he won't tease you at times, however. just because he adores you doesn't mean you're not off the hook.
maybe a quick peck on the lips when you visit him in the seat of divine foresight, maybe even sitting on his lap while he works... he needs the motivation, you know?
... and yet, he still falls asleep while doing paperwork or (unimportant) meetings. there's a reason why he owns that hologram.
of course, that's just him while he's working; when he's the general of the cloud knights.
by that, i mean he's worse in private. he might as well just glue himself to you.
mornings are always gentle with jing yuan. mumbling a soft 'good morning', to each other, giving each other a little peck wherever you please, and also brushing out his hair.
... you were stunned when a bird—a finch—came out so suddenly the first time. now, you've pretty much grown desensitized to it, greeting the bird(s) a good morning as well.
it's similar to your night routine, too. except it's simply in reverse. brushing his hair out after that tiresome workday, kissing each other goodnight, then sleeping once more.
jing yuan has a busy schedule; you knew that, but he also tries his best to make time for you. those days when he arrives back early to your shared abode are the best, eating dinner together, talking about each other's day... it's moments like that that are filled with the most love.
★ track two: robin
robin strikes me as the kind of girl who would call you 'honey' and 'sweetheart', it seems like her.
such a cutie whenever she's too tired after performing for hours! robin goes on tour quite often, which means hours upon hours of practice, applying make-up, wearing stage outfits... so, who does she come to after all of that? you, naturally!
genuinely so sweet when you help her get ready for bed. gently removing her make-up, washing her hair, picking out matching pajamas with her (of course, you look away as she changes), and then relaxing in each other's arms.
... you are the big spoon, if that wasn't clear enough. that's only when robin is in her 'exhausted pitiful girlfriend that desperately needs her beloved's attention and affection' mode, though.
robin really loves whenever you do her make-up, or you let her do yours! sitting on the other's lap, their hands on your own... it's very intimate and adorable, and you find that it helped both of you grow closer.
gets really excited when she sees you in the crowd while performing—it's like a confidence boost for her. robin has to up her game if her sweetheart is watching, no?
also, remember to compliment her afterward. her wings tend to flutter about when she gets shy or starts blushing, so taking advantage of that fact? you've got a very adorable robin in your hands, suddenly.
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hollaaaa! i'd like to request a grumpy female reader with gojo pleaseee, where reader says something kinda mean to gojo and hurt his feelings </3 but things end up being okay later
💠 to infinity and beyond
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summary: you accidentally hurt satoru's feelings when he was only worried about you pairing: sunshine!gojo satoru x grumpy!female reader content warnings: angsty with happy ending, cursing a/n: i love this trope
“Satoru, wait-”
He only responds by closing the door.
A quiet sigh escapes you as you pinch the bridge of your nose, regretting the venomous words that spouted from your mouth. Your mother always said you have anger issues. You check the window only to find Satoru’s bike isn’t there anymore — he really left.
It would be best if you don’t text him. At least not yet. He’s angry, and you don’t want to drive him into a corner just so he’ll listen to your apology.
You look at your empty apartment and it feels ominous. Satoru spends so much time at your place that he practically lives here, and it’s weird without him around. You feel like a stranger in your own home.
Perhaps that’s how you’ve been acting these days, too. You don’t normally snap, not even when Satoru’s being extra annoying, but today’s just too much. Your stress got the best of you and you lashed out on Satoru. It’s not fair for him, especially not when he’s only been sweet to you the entire day.
No one’s ever been close to you like how Satoru is. It scares you to open up to him—what if he sees you and doesn’t like what he finds? What if he runs the other way? What if you fall harder and he’s not there to catch you?
“Hey sweets, you okay?” “I’m fine,” You fake a smile. Satoru knows better than to believe that. He also knows not to push your buttons, but he can’t help but feel you’re slipping away. Why are you so scared to be vulnerable with him? Why, after months of being in a relationship, does it feel like you’re still so guarded around him? Satoru’s a patient man, but even he has his limits. He knows you’ve been facing a lot of pressure from the higher-ups and as the strongest, of course, he knows how you must feel. But unlike Satoru who can literally do whatever he wants and still be the strongest, you’re unfortunately easily replaceable, and you can’t afford to be. Satoru doesn’t understand that. “Come on, take a break.” He lifts the mochi near your face, urging you to take a bite. “I’m not hungry, Toru.” You push his hand away, keeping your eyes on your laptop, reading papers. He sighs.
You’ve been avoiding him for a while, always saying you’re busy and don’t have time when in reality, you’re scared he’s getting too close. No, you don’t want to lose him. You want to open up and let him know all your troubles and dreams. All you have to do is not worry so much and trust that Satoru will love you as you are.
But you can’t trust someone not to hurt you, right?
If someone hurts you, then you’re hurt. All you can do is accept and deal with it. All you can do is trust yourself that you’ll be okay even if they hurt you and that you’ll be able to walk away.
But isn’t it tiring? Living life while always expecting the other shoe to drop?
You clutch Satoru’s hoodie, inhaling his scent before deciding to put it on. You think maybe it’ll alleviate your loneliness, but it just makes you miss him more. You sigh and try your best not to cry. Why did you say those words to him?
“Satoru, stop.” You push his head away from snuggling too close into your neck. Satoru frowns at that, and especially more when he sees your expression. Is that disgust? Discomfort? “Did I do something?” “No, just-” You sigh, “I’m just stressed. Sorry.” “You say that a lot.” “Excuse me?” “You’re always busy, always stressed, always have no time to spend together anymore, but you always have time to spar with Suguru or Maki.” He says, “You barely even look at me anymore.” “That’s not true-” “Do you hate me that much?” “I don’t hate you!” “Well, you clearly act like you do.” “I told you, I just have a lot going-” “Bullshit.” “Satoru-” “If you can’t even stand me then why don’t you just break up with me?!” “Fine then!” You grit your teeth. “Let’s break up! Clearly, this isn’t working. You want someone who’s as clingy, touchy, and sweet, and can handle all your shit — well I can’t! Just once, I want to be left alone, Satoru. Truly alone.” Satoru is silent. You can’t believe those words came out of your mouth, especially since none of it is true. Why did you say it? Just to push him away? If that’s the case then it worked, because the next thing you know, Satoru goes out the door without saying anything but a small “ok”. You’ve truly fucked up.
It’s almost been a week since you talked to Satoru. He hasn’t spoken to you, and your calls and messages are unanswered. You can’t blame him, since you’re the one who did him wrong, but you also don’t know how to make it right. Or if you even can. Even if Satoru doesn’t want to be with you again, you want to make it right.
Though you’re the one afraid of getting hurt, you end up hurting him instead. Knowing you hurt someone you love is worse than being the one who’s hurting. The guilt, the loneliness, the regret… maybe it’s best if Satoru hates you. Maybe it’ll make him feel better—move on faster.
You wipe your tears as you come out of your office and surprisingly collide with a certain someone with blue eyes. The pair of blue eyes that used to stare at you with adoration and love, but now full of doubt.
“S-” You’re even scared to say his name. “S-Satoru…”
“Let’s talk?”
You nod slowly, trailing behind him.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
He hates you.
Maybe he’s here for closure, to really end things.
Your heart squeezes. Why do you feed these thoughts into your mind? Your hand grips your bag tighter. Satoru takes you to the park where you had your first date, and you think it’s cruel, but you convince yourself you deserve it.
You both sit on the swings, and it’s quiet. Where do you even start? Should you apologize again? You don’t want to seem like you’re forcing him to try to forgive you.
“You look terrible.”
You look at him bewilderedly for a second before looking away when you’re about to make eye contact. “Oh…”
“I saw Yaga scold you the other day.”
You can barely remember what Yaga said, to be honest. Your entire focus was elsewhere. Ever since the fight, you can’t function that well. You’re late to classes, you space out, and you need more breaks — Megumi even let you cry on his shoulder one time. You tried your best to continue your days as if nothing happened, but it was impossible, and it scares you. Because you’re utterly, completely, unavoidably falling in love with Satoru and your fears come true; he’s not there to catch you — which is completely your fault.
His voice is much closer now. Once you let your tears fall, you can see him crouching in front of you.
“I… I-” You wipe your tears with your sleeves and choke on a sob.
I understand if you hate me. I was mean to you and you didn’t deserve it. You deserve someone better, someone who can take care of you, someone who makes you happy. If that someone isn’t me, I understand. I will understand. I don’t deserve you, any part of you. I regret ever hurting you the way I did. I’m truly sorry, Satoru. I know I don’t deserve your forgiveness, I don’t blame you if you don’t. I’d hate me too.
“You…” Satoru starts, “You sound like you really want me to hate you.”
You blink a few times, only realizing that you said all of that out loud.
“That’s extremely selfish.” He says. “And in the wrongest way. How could you say that?”
He runs his hand through his hair, “How could you tell me to find someone else when all that I want is you? I don’t want anyone else, I don’t need anyone else—just you. I want the mess, the fights, the sleepless nights, as long as at the end of the day, I get to see you again and be in your arms. We’re both not perfect, but I don’t want that. I want us, and we’re more than perfect.”
“But all that only works if you want me, too.” He holds your hands, “So? Do you- mph!”
You jump forward and kiss him. It’s messy—your tears running down your cheeks with his own, hands all over each other, and you don’t want to let go. Satoru tightens his hold around you and you chuckle when you feel him smile over the kiss.
“I love you, Satoru. And I’m sor-”
“Don’t say it.” He shushes you. “Stop beating yourself up because of it. Just say you love me.”
You cup his face and kiss him deeply. “I love you, Satoru.”
“To infinity and beyond?”
You laugh, “Yes, to infinity and beyond.”
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pynkfairyheart · 1 day
hiii so I saw you said request were open! i really LOVE your writing so yk yk i had to ask but can you do like a story where ony does a being mean to my girlfriend prank but y/n is a reallll crybaby!! BYEE
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pairings: onyankopon x sensitive!reader
warnings: smut 18+, ony is a lil mean, reader cries a lil bit
a/n: so sorry it took me this long, life has been....lifing.
What goes around comes around
Actions have consequences, you knew this and yet you still decided to go with your plan.
Setting up your phone you smiled into the camera and started your intro.
“Hi, lovelies. Today we’re gonna do a get ready with me, while I tell you three reasons it's okay to cheat on your boyfriend.” 
Taking a quick glance in the mirror of your vanity, you could see the wheels working overtime in the handsome head that belonged to your boyfriend.
The decision on whether to be calm or tweak out playing tug of war on his brain. 
Settling on the thought that he misheard you he decided to go the calm route.
“Whatchu say, baby?” Deep voice contrasting against the soft tone of Jhene Aiko in the quiet room.
“Hmm?” You feigned innocence as you met his eyes in the mirror.
“I asked, ‘What did you say?’ ” His straightening posture and tone transition to demanding letting you know his patience was thinning by the second.
You were positive this would end with you folded in half, crying from overstimulation as he continuously ripped orgasm after orgasm from you. The thought only excited you and fueled your response. 
With a shrug of your shoulders you hummed a quick ‘I don't know’ and went back to your task.
“The fuck you mean youn know?” He chuckled in disbelief, hand running over his freshly maintained waves before coming down to rub the lower half of his face.
Opting to ignore him, you continued along with your routine, silently. 
“So you just gon ignore me?” Heavy thuds bouncing off the walls as he made his way to stand behind you.
The light pressure applied to your neck, as he tilted your head back having your thighs clench.
Oh, how you wanted to ditch the plan and jump his bones. Brown eyes glaring down into yours, as he tightened his grip. 
Feeling a little risky you decided to do the one thing Ony hates most. Roll your eyes.
“Mmm, aight” He nodded his head. Zero fucks given to the content you were creating as he lifted you from your chair and bent you over.
Never once slowing his assault even after you managed to tell him it was a prank through your moans and cries. 
The new information only encouraging him to go faster as your arousal trickled onto the wood floors while he required you to tell the camera why it wasn't okay to cheat on your boyfriend as he fucked you dumb. 
Usually, your consequences consisted of the audacity being fucked out of you whenever you did something to piss Ony off, but this time he decided to play a prank of his own.
Waiting a week to execute his plan, he chose to carry it out the day you came back from your girl's weekend. 
“You didn't hear me or get my texts?” A small pout forming on your glossy lips as you sat next to him, despite him taking up more than half of the bed. 
“Baby, I'm home” You sang as you wandered around the house looking for him.
Only to find him laid out on the bed as he watched an episode of Judge Mathis.
“I did” Eyes trained on the TV.
“Did something happen?” You gripped his jaw, forcing him to finally look at you.
“Nah, I just don’t feel good.” He removed your hand from his face and moved to the opposite side of the bed. 
“You need me to make you some soup?” Pout returning to your lips as he flinched away when you tried to check his temperature. 
“I’m good. You could leave me alone though.” 
You considered yourself to be very understanding when it came to relationships. Whether it was with family, a coworker, or a client, but more than anything when it came to your relationship with Ony. You understood he needed time to himself just as you did, but the way he said it was just… mean.
The stinging sensation of your eyes was becoming unbearable as the tears pooled in the inner corners of your eyes.
“Oh” Voice cracking despite swallowing the lump that lingered in your throat.
Your tone raised alarms in the man. His own heart gained a pace that matched yours as he saw the tears that began to spill from your eyes. 
“Wait, I'm sorry, ma. I was just playing. C'mere” Hand reaching out to hold you, only to pause when you flinched away from him.
“Mama, it was just a prank. I'm sorry, baby” Panic rising at the influx of tears flowing from your eyes. 
Seeing you cry from any negative emotion always pained him, but knowing he was the reason for the tears falling from your pouty face made him feel as if he failed in life.
“What do you mean it's a prank Onyankopon?” You huffed, the palm of your hand wet as you wiped away your tears. 
“I was just joking. You know how you did that video last week? I was doing something similar. I didn't mean to hurt you, mama. Please believe me” He pleaded.
Maybe it was the immense amount of love you had for him or that it'd be wrong to not forgive him when he put up with all your antics, but you couldn't stay mad at him for too long.
“You really need to work on your pranks. They're terrible” Pink satin pillow softly hitting him along the side of his head. 
“I know, I'm sorry, c'mere” He smiled, happy you were no longer crying and motioned for you to straddle him.
Caring less about the fact you were wearing a dress you crawled over to him, getting comfortable on his lap as you traced the small tattoo of your name behind his ear,
“You know you're gonna have to make it up to me right?”
“Mhm” He mindlessly hummed, eyes trained on your lips before he could no longer resist.
Low groan escaping his chest as he pulls you closer, tongue tracing your bottom lip before diving into your mouth.
“Ony” You whimpered as his lips moved down to your neck, peppering gentle kisses along your skin before sucking on the areas that made you weak. Your body craving for some sort of friction as you ground your hips down onto his.
“I know, mama” He murmured. His fingers sliding up your dress before slipping past the waistband of your panties, digits immediately coming into contact with the slick that was pooling in between your chubby thighs.
“Lil ma already soaked for me” He groaned against your warm skin. A small bruise forming where he was previously sucking. 
“Ony, stop teasing” You whined as he slowly rubbed your clit, the pads of his fingers barely grazing the bud.
With a slight smirk on his lips his fingers gravitated to your entrance, slowly rubbing at the pulsing hole before his fingers worked their way into your walls.
Fingers knuckles deep as he curled them against the soft spongy flesh against your walls. 
“Need you inside now” You pouted, craving something more than the two digits plunging in and out of you.
“Yeah?” He mumbled as he pulled out his fingers. Placing the pads on your tongue as you sucked your arousal off his digits, just as you would do his cock.
Watching you with lust filled eyes he removed his fingers from your mouth, and wrapped a hand around your neck before pulling you in for a nasty kiss. His tongue exploring the path down your throat while you rocked against the growing bulge in his pants.
Pulling away to fumble with the waistband of his pants he pulled down his sweats just enough to release his throbbing cock. Standing tall with his viens prominent and tip leaking a small amount of precum.
“Ride your dick, ma” He pulled your panties to the side rubbing his tip along the slick folds of your puffy pussy, before lining up with your entrance and helping you sink down onto him. Hiss escaping him as your warm walls engulfed him.
“Ony s'so big" You whined in his ear. Allowing him to lift you up and down his cock at a deliciously slow pace, your walls contracting around him at every movement.
“Doing so good fa me.” Two toned lip stuck in between his pearly white teeth as he bucked his hips up to meet your thrust, tip grazing against your cervix.
“Fuck. Faster, daddy, please” You gasped, head resting in his neck as he did all of the work.
Listening to your plea, he picked up his pace, thrusting deeper into you. The sound of your pooling arousal, slapping flesh, and your mixed moans filling the room, atmosphere becoming nastier by the second. 
“I love you so fucking much” His arms wrapping tightly around your waist as you tried to run when he increased his pace.
“Say it back, ma” He grunted. Palm landing on the flesh of your ass.
Tired off your running, his hands gripped your hips and he pulled you off him, flipping you over onto your back before ramming back into you.
“Ohh, shit, Onyyy” You cried, knees near your ears as he pushed your legs back.
"Say it or I'm stopping" He threatened. Eyes focused on your sopping pussy sucking him in, sticky ring of arousal dripping from the base of his cock.
“I- mhmph love you too Ony, so much” Bed creaking under the speed and force of his thrust.
Releasing your legs he leaned down, lips immediately on yours in a sloppy kiss. 
“I'm so close, pa" A mixture of moans and whimpers escaped your agape mouth, nails digging into his back with every thrust.
“Mhm, I know, baby. Let go for me” He grunted, reaching between your bodies to rub his thumb against your clit.
A series of curses left your mouth as you creamed around him. Walls contracting so tightly that he had no other choice but to cum.
“Fuuuck” He groaned, hips stilling inside you as he flooded your walls.
“I'm sorry for making you sad, baby. I love you so much, I'll never do anything to hurt you again” He whispered into your neck.
“I know Ony, I forgive you"
Pulling out he kissed you once more before laying flat in front of you, your thighs on each side of his head.
"Lemme show you how sorry I am, yeah?"
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Sexy to Someone
Stanford!Art Donaldson x ShyStanford!Fem Reader
cw: minor use of y/n, small illusion to sex, minor cursing.
(loosely inspired by Sexy to Someone by Clairo<3)
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Here you were sitting on the rigid, balmy bleachers of your campuses tennis court cringing at the way your thighs stuck to it in your denim shorts. You don’t even know why you’re here you tried to lie to yourself when you caught your eyes following his every move.
You watched as his sculpted body dripped with sweat after every move twirling the tattered wire of your old earphones. He had you in a trance Art fucking Donaldson completely controlled your mind without even knowing your name.
The final thirty minutes of his practice passed without you even realizing until you saw his lanky body stalk his way towards you until he sat beside you before speaking.
“What’s your name?” he prompted noticing how your body twitched as he got closer.
“Y/n” you said looking down at the pink chipped polish of your toenails avoiding his gaze.
“Y/n?” Art repeated watching closely at your body language before speaking again.
“I’ve noticed you watching us do you wanna join sometime and hit a few balls?”
“Oh no no I don’t play I just like watching sorry if you find that weird.” you confessed tugging at your left ear feeling it heat up.
Art let out a light laugh that sent shivers down your spine and a warm feeling between your legs
“Oh definitely not weird I think it’s cute” he spoke his gaze softening as he studied your features.
“Nobody really cares about our practices usually just the big matches i’m glad you understand how interesting our practices can be.”
You blinked up at him hearing the words come out of his mouth. “He thinks i’m cute?” you thought to yourself as you smiled up at him.
“Tell you what” Art continued.
“Next time I see you here i’ll give you a private lesson how does that sound?” he raised his eyebrow towards you waiting for a response.
“I’d really like that” you replied giving him the most genuine smile you could find the courage to put on.
“Great then it’s a date” he grinned at you before grabbing his bags waving you off as he left the bleachers heading towards the locker rooms.
You spent the rest of your day in a hazy daze thinking about your “date” with the star of Stanford’s Men’s Tennis team.
You think about telling your roommate before deciding against it knowing she’d never believe you anyways.
Here you were laying in your small dorm room bed fantasizing about your life with Art after barely knowing him for thirty minutes before drifting to sleep hoping he wouldn’t go back on his proposed idea.
The next afternoon, you arrived at the tennis courts earlier than usual. You found a spot on the bleachers, clutching your purse tightly.
Watching as the team practiced, your eyes always finding Art. He moved with so much confidence, getting your attention almost effortlessly.
As the practice session ended, Art caught your eye and waved. Your heart skipping a beat as he approached the row of bleachers you sat on quickly taking a seat beside you.
"Y/N," he greeted, his smile gleamed in the sun as he spoke to you. "Ready for your lesson?"
You nodding quickly, too quickly for your liking as you mentally cursed yourself to calm down as he handed you a racket leading you to the court.
Listening attentively as he talked you through the basics, his patience with you easing your nerves just enough to get you the heavy pit of doubt out of your stomach.
As the sun faded and the moon rises the two of you sat beside eachother on the court catching your breath.
“You know you’re pretty good for a beginner and someone who’s never picked up a racket a day in their life” he spoke easing the tension as he nudged you playfully.
You laughed softly finally locking eyes directly with him for the first time in the last twenty four hours.
"But what I really like about you is that you have this quiet determination It's endearing." he spoke reading your eyes for any signs of emotion.
Your heart swelled at his words. Glancing at him, feeling a connection you’ve never experienced before. "Thank you, Art. For everything."
Art leaned in closer, your faces inches apart.
"Anytime, Y/N," he murmured, his voice soft. "I'm glad you watched me. And I'm glad I finally got to see you, too."
In that moment, under the fading light, you felt a sense of belonging you had never known. Art had seen you really seen you, and in doing so, had made you feel so special.
And as you two sat together, sharing stories and dreams, you knew this was just the beginning of something beautiful.
Over the next few weeks, You and Art's private lessons became a regular thing.
Each session brought you two closer, your bond growing stronger with every shared laugh and encouraging word.
Art would often stay behind after practice, teaching you not just the game of tennis, but also how to open up and let your guard down. In his presence, you felt yourself transforming, your shyness gradually giving way to a quiet confidence.
after a particularly intense practice, the two of you sat side by side on the bleachers, shoulders touching.
The conversation flowed easily, filled with shared secrets and dreams. Art looked at you. His eyes reflecting the soft glow of the setting sun.
"You know, Y/N," he said, his voice gentle, "I've always thought you were beautiful.
“You’ve noticed me before now?” You stammered out as your heart skipped a beat causing you to tug at your ear again.
“Of course I did, never had enough courage to make a move. He admitted with a soft chuckle.
You cut his laugh short quickly catching his lips between yours as you moved yourself into his lap as his hands fell on your waist kissing you back gently.
For the first time in your life, you felt desirable, valued not just for your looks but for your spirit.
Finally, you were sexy to someone.
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cheeeeseburger · 2 days
Do you dream of me? (cause you're a dream to me)
Fernando Alonso x Reader
A/N: They could never make me hate you, fake dating trope. English is not my first language, apologies for the mistakes!
As soon as Fernando opened the car door for you and you stepped out, all dolled up, cameras flashed everywhere. This was a part of being Fernando’s girlfriend that you were still getting used to. Actually, you weren’t used to any things related to dating him, since in reality, you were not really together.
Fernando had asked you to be his fake girlfriend two months ago. Initially, you just laughed at him, but he was not kidding at all. He wanted to work on his PR, and a good romance story always does the trick, right?
“Please, just think about it. I’m not crazy! It would only be for show. It would be fake dating.” You were impressed at his romcom knowledge. He definitely knew the literature, to use words like fake dating. Still, that was not enough to convince you.
The thing is, Fernando was your boss. You had been his assistant for over two years now, and he knew you were single and available. Saying no to his proposal would put you in a difficult situation. It’s not like the whole fake dating thing would only benefit him, though. The more you thought about it, the more you wanted to accept.
“You would only have to come to a few events with me, which you already come to as my assistant! You would just have to pretend we’re together. Of course, you would receive compensation for your services.” Fernando said. He did not get why you suddenly gasped.
“I was about to say yes, but I’m not a hooker or an escort, Fernando! How dare you suggest these things to me?” Frankly, you were insulted. He answered immediately, panicked: “No, that’s not what I meant, of course not! I just meant that since you’re going to, um, work extra, I will pay you more, that’s all. You’re too much of a good girl for all of that, anyway.”
Goddamn. You blushed intensely. You would definitely be a good girl for him, if you were actually dating. Oops.
“Wait, didn’t you say you were going to say yes?” Damn him for actually listening to you.
You blushed a little: “I mean, it’s just that I have, let’s say, a situation, that could be fixed if we publicly dated…” You looked away, embarrassed.
“What is it, muñeca?” He genuinely looked concerned for you. He really was a caring boss, huh?
“It’s just that, um, there’s this guy…” You did not want to continue the rest of the sentence. You were the colour of a ripe tomato.
“And you want to make him jealous?” He raised an eyebrow. Oh wow. Has he watched Anyone But You on a flight recently or something?
“Oh God no, absolutely not! It’s the opposite, really. I went on one date with him, and he can’t get a hint. He always comes tries to talk to me, even though I told him multiple times that I was no longer interested. He’s an engineer at Ferrari, so he’s always around. It’s getting scary.” Telling your boss your horror dating stories was really, really embarrassing.
“What? That’s not okay!” He looked pissed. “Muñeca, this is not right. You should have told me. I could have fixed the issue. I would have helped you.”
You flushed. It was cute to see your boss so worried about you. “Anyway, that’s why I’m tempted to say yes to be your fake girlfriend. Maybe that other guy will back off.”
“I didn’t know you went on dates. You’re always busy helping me.” He crossed his arms on his chest.
“Well, he’s always around since he works in F1. He just asked me out and I said yes.” You were avoiding his gaze, afraid of being in trouble for some reason.
“Why didn’t it work out?” Ok, now you were definitely looking everywhere but at him. The real reason was too humiliating too say out loud. Why did he care anyway?
“It’s not a big deal, don’t worry about it.” He noticed you were mortified but did not pick up on it. You sighed: “I think we should do it. But I’m still going to have my job after, right?”
“Of course, muñeca. You’re too essential in my life for me to let you go.” Apparently, he was not above flattery to convince you. Apparently, flattery was a great way to bribe you.
“It’s a deal, then.” You shook Fernando’s hand. You immediately shivered at his touch.
“You’re mi amorcito now.”
Oh God. What did you get yourself into?
Anyway, you felt Fernando’s hand on your back, softly guiding you towards the entrance of the party at a high-end hotel. As usual when there were cameras around, you put on a show. Your performance was Oscar worthy. He spun you around so people could admire your look. You blew him a kiss. You leaned on him while he put an arm around you. He kissed the top of your head, and you whispered in his ear.
“I think we’ve really fooled them.”
“It’s good, but it’s only the beginning. I’m not done with you, muñeca.”
To anybody on the outside, you two looked like the hot, exciting, and loving couple of the moment. Sometimes, it looked that way to you too. It was hard to remember that this was not real when he kissed you, or when you were in his arms, or just when you were with him in general. Playing pretend with him was so easy. It was fun, even. You were getting showered in gifts and kisses by your boss, who just happens to be a man you find really attractive. You could have done worst for a side hustle, right?
The media was having a field day with your relationship. Some thought the age gap was a bit weird, but most people just thought that it was cute that Alonso fell in love with his assistant. You had even seen a TikTok edit of you two. You looked hot in it, so that was nice. You were the it WAG of the moment.
The other drivers were also freaking out that Alonso, a long-time bachelor, had finally met his match. You had to act extra lovingly in front of them, just to prove to them that he had finally settled. Also, Fernando just liked to show off a pretty young thing like you in his arms, because the rest of the grid was definitely jealous.
You made you way inside, making sure to always close the gap between you and Fernando. You were constantly flushed, because him touching you did wonders for your nerves. Small talk was hard, but it was even more difficult to do with his arm around your waist. You pulled on his arm.
“Fernando, baby, I need a drink.” The word baby slipped off a little too casually for your liking. He seemed to like it though, because you felt his possessive grip at the nickname. He smiled, pleased.
“Alright, amorcito. What do you want?” He led you to the bar, the crowd letting him pass easily. This was another advantage of dating an F1 driver. Also, he always paid for all your drinks, which is an added bonus, right? You needed a drink to survive the night anyway.
“I want to get drunk. Not passed out drunk, but drunk enough that there is a risk that I will get up to dance on a table.” He laughed at that, and you smiled him. The urge to kiss him was strong. Technically, you could do it, since you were in a public place with people watching your every movement. So far, you had always let him kiss you first, because you were simply too shy. Anytime you felt his lips on yours, forgetting that this was not real was way too easy.
“I would want to see that, muñeca.” The music was loud, and he spoke in your ear. You shivered. Oh yes, more than one drink would be needed. “I’ll have a whiskey sour, and a cosmo for the lady,” Fernando said at the bartender. It was cute that he remembered your drink of choice. But you needed more than a Cosmo to ease your nerves right now. Forget about being classy.
“I’ll have three tequila shots as well, please.” You nearly had to shout for the bartender to hear you. Fernando looked surprised.
“You were not kidding, huh?”
“I won’t embarrass you by being too drunk, I swear. But it’s just that there are so many people here, and I’m kind of nervous.” He put your hand in his and started to draw circles on it with his thumb.
“It’s okay, mi armorcito. These people are not important. The only thing that matters is you and me. I want you to have a good time, muñeca.” You softened at his words. Even though you had not gotten you shots yet, you managed to have enough courage to finally kiss him. He was surprised at first, but he quickly recovered and pulled you closer to him. You pulled away, blushing, but only because the bartender put your drinks in front of you. He smiled at you and his gaze lingered on your mouth.
You drank your shots back-to-back without even making a face. “That’s a good girl,” said Fernando, sipping his whiskey. He knew what he was doing. The alcohol hadn’t even kicked in yet, but you were feeling bolder already.
“Are you into good girls, boss?” You drank innocently from your Cosmo, batting your eyelashes. It was his turn to get flushed. Maybe he had a thing for authority?
“When they look like you, sure. And you’re always so good to me, taking care of my every need. Well, almost.” He winked at you. Surely, the few sips of his drink were not enough to get him to say things like that purely because of the alcohol. Was this really coming from him? It was a delicious thought, almost as delicious as your Cosmo.
“I know this is fake, but baby, if it wasn’t, I would fulfill your every needs. And I mean, all your needs, boss.” You put your hand on his arm to really send the message. The tequila had finally hit your system. His desire for you was obvious in his eyes.
“Amorcito, you would be my favourite assistant of all time, for sure. I would never let you go.” He pulled you close to him, with his hands around your waist. He was looking at you so intensely that it almost felt like love.
You let yourself daydream. “Nobody could say a thing, because pleasing your boss is the goal of being an assistant, right?”
“Exactly, muñeca. But since they don’t know that this is fake, they couldn’t say anything if, let say, they caught us?” He smirked at you, softly brushing the loose stands of hair away from your face
Oh, you knew were this was getting, but the alcohol in your blood and his handsome face were telling you to go along.
“Absolutely, baby. I bet you’d like it, too.” You finished your drink and ordered another shot.
“What, if we were caught?” He nearly choked out his whiskey sour.
“Yeah. Wouldn’t you like it if someone was to walk in on you having me on your desk? If people heard me screaming your name?” The look on his face was priceless. Toying with him was fun. 
He leaned to whisper in your ear: “Don’t give me ideas, amorcito.” He lingered there for a moment, breathing against your neck. You were breathing rapidly. If you only tilted your head a bit, your lips would be near his. It was tempting, so you did it. As he went in for the kiss, you suddenly pulled away, then downed your last shot. You were not done playing with him.
“I want to dance. Come on!” You pulled on his arm, and Fernando had no choice but to follow you on the dance floor.
He was a surprisingly a good dancer. It must be the Spanish in him. He made you feel hot all over. You left the dancefloor feeling very turned on and with a few new hickeys on your neck as a bonus. This happened all the time in fake dating movies, right? You had not broken any rule.
Fernand pulled you to the bar to get something to drink. Things were not PG anymore. His hand was on your ass to guide you instead of on your waist like it was earlier.
“Do you want another Cosmo, muñeca?” You shook your head.
“No baby, I want to get a special treat. Can I please have a sex on the beach?”
He raised an eyebrow at your request, but he still passed it along to the bartender with another whiskey for him. He was not nearly as drunk as you were, so he had no excuse regarding crossing the line between what is real and what is fake.
“You know, amorcito, I could give you the real thing,” he said to you as he passed you your drink.
“What, sex on the beach? I already did that,” you answered, laughing. He looked positively shocked.
“An innocent girl like you? I don’t believe it.” He also didn’t want it to be true.
You smirked. “You remember that the reason I accepted to date you was to get rid of a guy that was like, obsessed with me?” He nodded, wanting to hear where this was going.
“Well, the reason why he can’t get enough of me is because I rocked his world on a beach!” You looked away, embarrassed even with all the alcohol you had consumed. He put his hand under your chin to force you to look at him.
“Muñeca, is this for real? That’s why he won’t leave you alone? He was not happy.
“Yes! But I don’t want anything to do with this guy. He didn’t even make me finish,” you whined. Fernando brushed your lower lip with his thumb. Somehow, you just knew that if it was him instead of that engineer, you would have come. Multiple times, for sure.
“Poor amorito.” He caressed your hair with his free hand. “You know I would never do that to you, right?” You chuckled lightly.
“Oh, I know.” You whispered in his ear: “I had a sex dream about you once.” This was a lie. You had multiple dreams where he had rocked your world. In multiple ways.
You started to give him a few kisses underneath his ear, in that spot that you knew he liked. He grabbed your ass to bring you closer to him.
“What? Amorcito, you must tell me how it was.” He was getting overwhelmed by your confession and the trail of kisses you left on his neck. You just laughed against his throat.
“Baby, I don’t dream and tell.” First of all, you could not believe you had actually told him you dreamed of him. No way in hell would you reveal the fantasy you had of him. He was still your boss!
But Fernando really, really wanted to know. He spun you so your back was against the bar and held you by your wrists. He got centimeters away from your face. “You will this time, muñeca.”
Ok, so he was not playing around anymore. Does the fact that this was the hottest thing you had ever seen in your life says a lot about you? About your relationship with your dad?
“You have to promise me you won’t mock me, okay?” You were suddenly shy. Maybe you should have ordered another sex on the beach. Wait, no. All of this started because of a stupid sex on the beach. A tequila sunrise would have to do next time.
He kissed your cheek and slowly moved to your jaw. “I promise, amorcito. Just tell me, please. I have to know.” A man begging was always a sight to see.
“Okay, baby. I’ll tell you.” Just thinking about it made you feel hot all over. “In my dream, we were in Monaco. You had parked your car, the green Aston Martin, and… You were fucking me against it. But I mean, really fucking me.” You were blushing, but he was the one who had turned scarlet. You continued: “Remember, this is a dream, okay? A paparazzi took a picture of you, um, having me against your car, and it was all over the medias. But we didn’t care, in fact, you printed and framed the picture, and you hung it in your living room in Monaco. And we fucked again in front of it. That’s it.”
Okay, that wasn’t so bad. Your face was heating up, and you were worried since Fernando hadn’t said anything yet. Had you gone too far? You could always blame it on the alcohol. One thing for sure, you had definitely crossed the line of fake dating.
“Eres el sueño de mi vida, amorcito.” Fernando pulled you close to his body to lead you to a dark corner of the room. He pushed you against the wall and he was immediately all over you. You couldn’t help but moan when you felt him palming you.
“Fernando, baby, is this still us fake dating?” He answered between two hickeys on your neck.
“None of this is fake, muñeca. It never was.” His lips crashed on yours. It just felt so good to really have him, without pretending. You had to remember you were in a public place, otherwise your dress would have been on the floor ages ago.
“I swear I’m going to start screaming your name soon, baby. I need you so bad. Can we please go back to the hotel?” He smiled at your eagerness.
“As much as I would like everyone to hear you, including the other drivers, I think we better leave, amorcito.” He reluctantly pulled away to grab your hand.
“Don’t worry baby, the Monaco GP is in two weeks, everyone will hear me and see me screaming your name there,” You winked at him and pulled him outside of the party.
You clearly had an eye for design, because the picture of you two really did look great in the apartment you shared in Monaco.
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taesancore · 2 days
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kim donghyun x f!reader
📜 .ᐟ part one of the bnd as one direction songs series!
📜 .ᐟ synopsis: in which you were oh so curious about your sunbae, kim donghyun
wc: 2k, lowercase intended
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“seriously, just go talk to him if you find him cute!” hanni replied as you continued to stare at him. kim donghyun. your senior and the main RJ for your school’s daily radio show. it wasn’t just the fact that you found him cute—scratch that, angelic. it was the fact that he was quite literally a walking talking enigma of some sort.
his mind was a one of a kind, you had thought when you first heard his deep voice talk about through the poem you wrote. you had sat up with a start in the middle of the break period as he continued to read out the poem you had submitted out of boredom (mayhaps to also spread your winter blues to everyone else for fun).
“wow, this person must really hate winters, they’ve described the sadness in how all the plants tend to die due to the cold” he had mused. back then you didn’t have an inkling of who he was. but his words, they weren’t even anything wise or profound. his simple take on your depressing poem had you wondering, just how was he so positive?
“i don’t know…on the bright side of it, i think winters can symbolise a time of rebirth and rest don’t you think? the flowers grow back looking much healthier and prettier after winters, in the spring. everything has a bright side to it right? even the most harshest of winters have beauty in them”
you had crept up to the broadcasting room as he was just beginning to conclude the show for that day. your curiosity had gotten the best of you, dying to know who had read your poem and turned it into a warm ray of hope amid the cruel winter. hearing the shuffling behind the door, you quickly hid behind the wall near the broadcasting room as the door opened and—
oh. oh wow. he was beautiful. was it his large doe eyes? or the slender shape of his nose? or the way his rosy pink lips had a natural quirk to them even when he wasn’t smiling? you weren’t sure what about him was beautiful. but at the same time everything about him was simply angelic, to put it straight. you were lucky he didn’t catch you gawking at him while he was bowing politely to the people who greeted him, as he walked away.
you learnt that he was kim donghyun, the one who was in charge of the break programme along with your senior han dongmin. the two of them hosted it under their RJ names leehan and taesan. their show consisted of them played rock or metal songs that dongmin often enjoyed dissecting musically while donghyun read out different letters, thoughts or writings that students sent.
“it’s not that hanni” you sighed, finally taking your eyes off him as you faced your friend. “…..i want to talk to him” you finished poorly.
“then do it!!” she said exasperatedly.
“how do i explain it to you?! i wanna know him as a person you know? he always somehow makes my poems seem like a ray of sunshine in someone’s cloudy life, and he sees things so positively all the time? i wanna be him and see life though his eyes once”
hanni was left gaping at you after you finished your speech.
“wow you’re in love”
“oh shut up i’m not”
the next day you had prepared another poem for the week, yet another pessimistic one. at this point you weren’t sure why you were writing these sad poems (maybe it was to just hear donghyun read them and state his opinion) but you loved the thrill of being an anonymous listener of gongfourz programme.
tiptoeing near the box where the letters were submitted near the broadcasting office, you barely had time to turn around and walk away after dropping your poem in the box, before you bumped into a sturdy chest.
“careful there” came a familiar voice from above you as you steadied yourself. you held back an embarrassing gasp as kim donghyun’s curious eyes met yours.
fuck, they were probably home to a thousand galaxies weren’t they? you didn’t realise you were staring until he chuckled softly, snapping you out of your reverie.
“i’ll get going then” he smiled, brushing past you into the broadcasting room, leaving you standing there still staring in his direction.
“what if he saw me put my poem in his box?? hanni i’m doomed!” you were currently wailing at your best friend who was calmly sipping her coffee. it was a free period for you as your teacher wasn’t present, giving you enough time to mentally prepare yourself for leehan and taesan’s broadcast. and it also gave you time to cry about your first encounter with him…which wasn’t exactly the best.
“relax y/n, so what if he does?” she questioned.
yeah…so what if he does? you wondered for a minute.
“i don’t know…it’s not like i like him anyways, you’re right” you said to yourself as hanni snorted.
“you don’t like him? sure honey” she snickered as you scowled.
“don’t even try lying to yourself here, you get so excited before his broadcast starts, look at him every time he enters the lunch hall hell you even eat your food at a snail’s pace to leave the hall at the same time as him” she finished befit you could defend yourself, smirking at your dumbfounded reaction to her speech.
“how do i prove it to you?” you mustered weakly.
really though, you didn’t like him…you just liked his brain. god it even sounded stupid in your head but that was the truth! his way with words really did render you speechless at times and dare you say made it flutter too— no. no it didn’t.
“talk to him then” came hanni’s reply. well.
“that you know i can’t!” you whined. “oh the radio’s starting! quick!” you ushered hanni into your regular seats in the classroom as the last remnants of one of taesan’s favourite song faded, the guitar riff still ringing in your ears.
“now let’s see, the first letter! kim donghyun sunbae you’re a greek god— why thank you” he exclaimed politely as taesan burst out laughing.
“you sure you didn’t send that?” hanni elbowed you slyly as you shot her an annoyed look.
“haha very funny.”
“next up, oh my little poetess sent another poem!” my poetess. you loved the little nickname he gave you, it never failed to bring a warm feeling inside you.
“hmm, looks like you’ve had quite the experience with some people on earth, considering how you’ve written that hell is up here itself” his mellow voice floated through the speaker in the classroom as you attentively listened.
“however, maybe hell isn’t the only thing that’s up here? i have a feeling that there are angels in disguise on the earth you know”
“are you referring to yourself?” taesan joked as leehan’s chuckles came from the speaker.
“maybe, but i’m referring to my poetess as well, i’m not gonna lie i’m very curious about you” he replied as hanni let out an excited gasp.
“oh my god?! he wants you so bad” she giggled at you who was still jaw-dropped at his words.
“oh don’t be silly, he doesn’t even know me!”
“are you really flirting with one of our anonymous writers han?” taesan’s amused question made leehan chuckle again.
“if you see it that way then sure. i however do think my poetess is one of the angels in disguise you know…sometimes i wish i could see the world from her view as she makes even the most heartbreaking things seem ethereally beautiful”.
the entire classroom was silent, taking in the senior’s words. you were sure some of your classmates who were his fangirl were glaring daggers at the speaker, probably cussing out ‘his poetess’ in their minds. you? oh you were a blushing mess, you were sure you had no feelings for your senior but now? you suddenly weren’t so sure anymore.
“hanni” you said in a small voice.
“i think i’m gonna talk to donghyun sunbae”.
the next day you had prepared another poem, one that you had penned during the early hours of the morning due to the lack of sleep. you couldn’t help it, you had to do something about the weird feelings you were starting to feel for him, he was a senior for gods sake!! your poem was quite simple this time, talking about how the heart tends to make stupid decisions by catching feelings, ignoring the advice of the head (totally not inspired by your current mood).
upon reaching the broadcasting room before class started, you patted your coat pocket to reach out for the envelope….which you didn’t find.
oh no. oh no no this can’t be.
you frantically pulled out all your pockets, searching the floor beneath you if you accidentally dropped it anywhere until-
“looking for this?” came a low voice from behind you as you whipped your head around.
your worst nightmare had come true for there was kim donghyun, with your envelope in his hand. he smiled at you, a smile that told you that he knew everything already.
“sunbae! good morning!” you bowed down hastily, meeting his eyes with a steady gaze of your own.
be confident. stay calm. stay cool.
“it’s nice to finally meet you my little poetess” he greeted you, walking closer as he handed the envelope to you.
“w-what are you talking about?” you shuffled away from him, stuffing the envelope back in your jacket while still maintaining the eye contact.
“no need to pretend now, i saw you earlier you know?” he said amusedly.
“…fine it’s me” you gave in, looking everywhere but at him now. his smile widened slightly as he tilted his head.
“aren’t you my junior? the one who stares at me during lunch?”
you felt your face burn at his words as you glared at him, yet you couldn’t find a suitable reply because…you did stare at him.
he laughed a soft laugh, and you may have melted inside because hearing it in real life and not through the rusty old speaker in your class felt so heavenly.
“it’s not like that..” you finally managed as he quirked an eyebrow.
his feet moved forward, while yours moved back.
“…i’m curious about you too, sunbae” you finished as you found your back thud against the door of the broadcasting room.
his eyes glimmered with an amused glint, drawing you deeper into their endlessness as you struggled to acknowledge the barely there distance between you two.
“and what do you find curious about me?” he mused, lips tilting upwards into his signature little smirk. or smile. hell you weren’t sure at this point because all you could think about was his warm scent floating around you.
“your…brain” you mumbled, not breaking eye contact this time.
his brain. really. god you sounded like a loser there, so much for confidence.
he laughed, a beautiful sound that bounced off the walls. you stared, ears blushing red as he threw his head back. that smile oh wow.
“you’re quite the funny one” he giggled once he calmed down, still smiling widely.
“no im being for real! you always turn my gloomy poems into something happy! just how do you manage to do that?? and the nickname, my poetess? it keeps replaying in my head everywhere, god you’re everywhere at this point it’s making me crazy!” you burst out, breathing heavily as you felt a weight lift itself off from your chest.
shit. what had you done. your eyes widened as you watched donghyun’s expression go from amused to flabbergasted to something undecipherable…almost soft?
“okay my poetess, how about this? you can satisfy your curiosity by getting to know my brain better hmm?” he said, smiling at you as you furrowed your brows.
“what do you mean—how?”
“meet me after today’s broadcast? it’s a date y/n” he grinned, eyes disappearing into little half moons as he finally stepped away from you.
you were left staring at him for the second time this week as he sauntered away into the broadcasting room, the door shutting behind him with a soft sound, not louder than the booming of your heart though.
hmm. you decided that you liked— no scratch that, really liked the sound of your name when he said it.
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a/n: man im pretty sure i used the word broadcast more than 50 times in this LMAO but let’s be fr, don’t we all love leehan’s brain :3
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superprofesh · 3 days
The Five Times Colt Seavers Almost Kisses You (and the One Time He Does) — Part 5
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Pairing: Colt Seavers x reader
Description: The fifth time Colt Seavers almost kisses you — when you finally decide you've waited long enough to tell him what he means to you.
Rating: T
Word Count: 5.5k
Tag List: @strangedeerconnoisseur, @icantwaittoliveandlearn, @moonlightandstarshimmer, @chemococktailonthehouse, @1word (sending directly to the rest because Tumblr isn't cooperating)
Author’s Note: Things are heating up!!! As you can tell, this chapter is a bit longer, and I can promise you, it's got a lot of good stuff in it :D By far my favorite chapter to write so far. I hope you all enjoy it as much as I have, and I appreciate all your kind words and support so much!!
Part 1 // Part 2 // Part 3 // Part 4
A week after you’ve made an official friendship declaration with Colt Seavers, you’re back on the dim, grimy underground train station set, getting ready to watch him throw himself in front of a moving train.
At the moment, Colt is standing on the other side of the train tracks, and you’re watching him from a considerable distance across the set. You have every reason to be there — this is the set you’ve been working on day and night for the last month, after all — but you’re not the least bit worried about any of your props or decorations. All you care about is making sure Colt pulls off one of his most dangerous stunts yet.
It’s been a strange week for you. On one hand, you’re glad that Colt knows you have some feelings for him, and that your friendship has been able to carry on without becoming awkward. His sincere, unexpected apology only made your feelings stronger, but you’re trying to ignore that.
All the same, being “just friends” is the slowest, most excruciating torture you’ve ever known. For one whole week, Colt has not done a single thing that could be interpreted as overly flirtatious, just as he promised he wouldn’t so you could be spared the pain. No subtle touches, no saucy looks, no double-edged words. It’s kind of him, really.
It also hurts like a razorblade on a third-degree burn.
Still, it’s better than nothing. As long as you can have him in your life in some way, you’re satisfied to try to quell these overwhelming feelings that threaten to break free at any moment. You’re in love with him — you know that now if you never knew it before — but you just have to be content knowing that he doesn’t feel the same way. That you have to love him as you’d love a friend.
So here you are, being a supportive friend as he casts himself headfirst into a dangerous situation. This stunt involves standing in for the film’s star, Tom Ryder, whose character is supposed to be shackled to a railroad track directly in the path of a moving train, only to break free just in time. Colt’s job is to pretend to be shackled down and jump up in plenty of time to clear the path of the moving train, which is, to your great dismay, not a prop in the slightest.
As the camera crew makes their last arrangements to start filming this shot, Colt turns from fiddling with a handcuff prop to catch your eyes in the crowd that has gathered to watch. He smiles when he sees you, lifting a hand in greeting and throwing his trademark thumbs-up high above his head.
Your heart speeds up at the sight of Colt’s smile, and you wave back at him in what you hope is an encouraging manner.
“Hey, relax,” a female voice says in your ear. You turn to see Holly grinning at you as she walks back to the cameras that are already in position. “He’s done this kind of thing a million times.”
You cut your eyes at her with a smirk. “I’m not worried,” you insist.
Holly lifts both eyebrows and laughs at you, always able to read what you’re really thinking. You laugh with her, glad to feel the knot in your stomach loosening a little. Holly gives your hand a quick squeeze in encouragement before taking her place at the lead camera station.
When you look back at the set, Colt is already in position, crouched down on one knee with his hands behind his back. You know he’s not actually tied down, but even seeing the fake handcuffs almost makes you wish you hadn’t come to watch.
Elijah Gordon, the director, is shouting some instructions at the crew as they make their last-minute preparations. He’s already cued the train to start moving, as it takes nearly half a mile to get the desired speed for the shot.
“One minute, people!” Gordon bellows, situating himself on a camera dolly high enough that he can see the action below. “We’re doing this in one take, or we’re not doing it at all. Colt, remember I want it to look real!”
Colt grins up at Gordon, his face smeared with fake dirt and his teeth shining like a white band through the grime. “It is real, Gordon!”
Gordon gives a curt nod, then listens to a voice over the walkie-talkie. Though your mind is focused on watching Colt, you can’t help the creeping disdain that you always feel when it comes to Elijah Gordon. The man is a phenomenal director, but he’s also the most callous, self-centered, inconsiderate person you’ve ever known. Knowing Colt’s life is more or less in Gordon’s hands makes you feel queasy.
The train whistle pierces the echoey tunnel chamber, and Gordon lifts his megaphone to shout, “Roll cameras!”
You put both hands over your mouth, dreading having to watch the scene play out. Colt looks entirely confident where he kneels on the railroad track, but you can’t help wondering what he feels in moments like this. Does he get scared? Does he lose faith in his own abilities? Does he ever doubt that the stunt will work perfectly? Can he afford to think like that?
A second train whistle stabs your ears, and you can feel your heart beating faster than ever before. You feel like you’re the one lingering on the tracks.
You can see the train now, and your eyes flit back to Colt, whose face is mostly hidden by the bandanna tied around his forehead. His muscles are tensed, ready to spring away at the perfect second. Gordon is shouting directions, his voice barely audible above the racket of the approaching train. He holds up his hand high in the air, signaling to Colt to stay in position.
The train eats up another hundred feet. Two hundred. Three hundred. Five hundred. Gordon’s hand doesn’t budge, and Colt keeps his eyes on the director for his cue to move.
You can hear your heartbeat hammering in your ears, and it takes all your willpower not to screw your eyes shut. You keep them open as if caught in a trance, bouncing back and forth between Colt and the train as if you’re watching a tennis match.
The train rumbles closer and closer, now near enough that you can see the face of the man driving the engine. You hold your breath, waiting for Gordon to throw his hand down in a signal to Colt.
But Gordon’s hand doesn’t move. Another screeching whistle. The train is less than a hundred yards away now.
You know he should have given Colt the signal by now — you were there for the days of blocking and planning that went into this scene. Suddenly your lungs constrict as you realize Gordon is pushing Colt for a few more seconds on the tracks, long enough to make the film audiences gasp.
“Stop!” you scream at the top of your lungs, but your voice is drowned out by the roar of the train. Your feet are carrying you in a sprint before you even register your own movement. Two hundred feet away now.
“Gordon, stop it!” The director can’t hear you, but Holly does, whirling around and grabbing you by both arms to stop you from getting any closer to the set. You can see Colt’s eyes get wider as he realizes that Gordon isn’t lowering his arm.
Everything in your entire being is shuddering, wanting to shut down, wanting to scream, to explode into action, but Holly beckons for two other crew members to help hold you back. All you can do is watch as the train draws closer and Colt waits for Gordon’s signal. One hundred feet.
“Holly, make him stop!” you scream at your friend, whose distressed expression tells you you’re not alone in your confused panic.
At the last second, with the train less than fifty feet away, Gordon throws his hand down, and Colt is already in motion, somersaulting off the track and into the safety zone as the train — all forty tons of it — whizzes over the space that Colt occupied seconds ago.
Holly and her two crew members hold you back a second longer, and when the red light on the camera flickers off, you break past them and run as fast as you can onto the set. You can barely see where to step as you climb over the platform and down into the dingy, darkened train tunnel, tears blurring your vision and your pulse hammering in your ears.
Colt is leaning against the wall of the tunnel, his face as white as a ghost. Several crew members have already gathered around him, but you shove past them and throw your arms around his neck, uncaring of what anyone might think. You can feel Colt trembling in your arms even as his easygoing voice whispers in your ear, “I’m okay, I’m okay.”
Once you’re satisfied that he really is alive, you pull back, framing his face in your hands and searching his eyes with what you know must be a crazed look. Colt doesn’t say anything more; the color is slowly returning to his face, and his nerves are calming down now that the adrenaline wears off. He doesn’t, however, loosen his grip on you, betraying how shaken he still is.
“Nice work, Colt,” bellows a voice from the train platform. “That was just what we needed.”
At the sound of Gordon’s voice, all you can see is red.
Setting your jaw, you turn away from Colt and stride back to the platform with more rage than you can remember feeling in your entire life. Every muscle in your body is quaking visibly, and your voice rings out loud and clear over the chaos in the set when you shout, “How dare you?”
Gordon turns from his conversation with a cameraman and gives you a nonplussed glance. When he realizes that your yell and your power walk are directed at him, he dismisses the cameraman to deal with you head-on.
“Something you want to discuss?” Gordon asks you, condescension dripping from his voice.
Behind you, you hear Colt making his way onto the platform, his calm voice assuring you, “Hey, it’s okay—”
But you’re not in the mood to be comforted. “It is not okay, Colt,” you shout, your eyes still locked on Gordon. Every eye on the set is directed at you, now that you’ve chosen to make a huge scene with Elijah Gordon himself. Colt pulls to a stop beside you, but your words are still pointed at Gordon. “How could you make him do that? How dare you make him do that?”
“There wasn’t any real risk, kid,” Gordon says flippantly. “Keep your bonnet on.”
“No real risk?” you demand. “Did we just see the same scene? Colt was trying to get off the tracks to stay alive, and you forced him to stay on longer so you could get a ‘closer call’ on camera.”
Gordon’s brows lower at that. “Again, not life-threatening,” he snaps. “If it were, Colt wouldn’t have finished the stunt, and I wouldn’t have made him do it.”
“You weren’t the one staring down the headlights of a train!”
Colt rests his hand on your elbow in an attempt to get you to calm down, but Gordon fires back at you immediately, “He’s a stuntman, my dear. In case you folks in the set decorating department don’t know what that is, it means he does stunts. Sometimes those stunts are dangerous.”
Gordon’s arrogance only inflames your anger more. “I am completely aware that his job comes with risks,” you shout. “But those risks shouldn’t come from a toffee-nosed director who thinks human life is something to play with like a deck of cards.”
You feel Colt stiffen beside you, and his grip on your arm grows firmer. “Hey, it seriously is okay,” Colt assures you. “Just drop it.”
“I’m not dropping it, Colt. If that train had been a few seconds off count, you wouldn’t be part of this conversation. You’d be in pieces on the train tracks.”
Gordon raises his hands to cut in, replacing the harshness in his voice with honey. “Listen, my dear, let’s just keep a clear picture of who you are, all right? You’re here to make the sets look good. You do that very nicely, and I appreciate it. So why don’t you keep your little toffee-nosed opinions off the set where the actual movies are being made, okay?”
You feel a shift in Colt’s body language again, but this time, it’s directed towards Gordon. You stand your ground, shooting a steely-eyed stare at the director that would make any action star proud.
“I bet your producers wouldn’t appreciate hearing that you risked the life of their top stuntman,” you tell him softly.
Gordon laughs out loud at that, as do a few of the crew members standing around him. “Listen, sweetheart, the producers pay me to make their movies look good,” he informs you. His voice changes then, affecting a curious, offended tone. “Aren’t you the one who’s been on a little crusade lately about doing everything with practical effects? You want to change your stance and say I should do all the stunts in VFX? Your boyfriend will be out of a job if I do that.”
A few more crew members laugh, trying to reduce some of the tension that is radiating between you. You know you’re the only person who’s freaking out about Colt’s close call — it’s not like he hasn’t done this sort of thing before — but you can’t help feeling like this is important.
“You absolute scumbag,” you hiss at Gordon. “You seriously are going to play this off like it’s just part of the process? Colt almost died—”
Holly comes up on your other side now, setting a calming hand on your shoulder. “Hey, it’s okay, just—”
“I bet your producers would have loved to hear about that—”
“You need to calm down—” Holly says more firmly.
“And don’t you dare try to throw my own words at me like I’ve supported you risking people’s lives for a cool shot—”
Colt’s voice now. “Look, it’s not a big deal—”
“It is a big deal!” you explode, your voice echoing through the train station. “I mean, am I seriously the only one who sees any value in your life?”
Your comment is heavy, and everyone seems to feel the weight of it. Gordon hesitates, his eyes flicking back and forth between you, Colt, and Holly as if to make sure he’s not about to be physically attacked. The usual buzz of the crew is dead silent.
Finally, Gordon clears his throat and says dismissively, “If you’ve got a problem with me, kid, talk to the studio and see if they care. I can promise you they won’t.” He takes one step closer to you, and in a lower voice adds, “And in the meantime, keep your mouth shut about my processes. You’re good at your job, and I’d hate for you to have to get kicked off set just because you can’t keep your personal life separate from your professional one.”
With that, Gordon whirls around and walks back to the cameras to review the shot.
You’re still trembling with anger, your voice drying up in your throat as you realize that everyone in the crowd is still staring at you. You’re not ashamed of what you said, but you’re embarrassed that everyone on set had to witness it.
Ducking your head, you pull away from Colt and Holly and start walking out of the train station set. Only when the warm afternoon air hits your face do you realize tears have been streaming down your cheeks.
Colt is just a few steps behind you, and you look at him wordlessly, trying to read his expression. There’s not a trace of anger or confusion in his eyes — just a deep gratitude and affection. He slings his arm around your shoulders and leads you away from the set.
“Are you okay?” he asks.
The irony of that question isn’t lost on you. “This isn’t about me, Colt,” you state bluntly. You raise questioning eyes to him. “Does it really not bother you that he jeopardized you? Completely unnecessarily?”
Colt shrugs, his brow furrowing as he thinks. He seems so calm now, no traces of the panicky fear he couldn’t hide immediately after the stunt. “If I felt like it was unsafe,” he says carefully, “I would have jumped off the track no matter what he said.”
Another second, and it would have been too late.
“I know,” you acknowledge, a hint of emotion creeping into your voice. “I just… I don’t know. Just… seeing everyone act like it’s so casual and not important. Like your life doesn’t even make that much of a difference—”
“Hey,” Colt murmurs, stopping and turning you to face him so he can put both hands on your shoulders. “You are reading way too far into this, Picasso. No one is trying to eradicate my existence here.”
His tone is light and his eyes twinkling, and you know he’s trying to get you to laugh this off. But you just can’t.
“I know,” you whisper. “I just hate that it seems like I’m the only one who cares if you live or die. Including you.”
Your last statement makes Colt pause. You see the hesitation in his eyes as he mulls over what you’re implying. “Not true,” he replies at last, pulling you back under one arm as you resume walking towards the tents that have been set up for the crew.
“Really? Because you act like you don’t care.” Your voice holds no edge, no accusation. “You get more and more reckless with every stunt, and it just… it kills me to watch.”
You know you’re saying too much. You know you’re pushing the “just friends” agreement. But you can’t stop.
Colt takes his time responding to that. Suddenly, he seems to be really listening to the hidden meanings in your words, realizing that your outburst toward Gordon was indicative of something a lot deeper, something that you’re trying to communicate to him now. You can feel his steady heartbeat against your side, the gentle pressure of his hand on your shoulder. His steps are perfectly synchronized with yours.
“Look, I don’t have a death wish,” Colt explains at last, a serious note in his voice. “This is my job; I love the danger that comes with it. It’s like I said, both of us do our jobs because it’s our passion, no matter the risks.”
You shake your head. “I know. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to sound like I was mad at you.”
Colt genuinely chuckles at that. “Believe me, it was obvious who you were mad at.”
“I guess I overdid it, huh?” You can feel some of the intense anger in your chest melting, and you let yourself release a slight laugh as you realize just what a spectacle you made: screaming at one of the world’s top directors on his own set.
“Maybe a little,” Colt confirms kindly. Once the two of you step inside one of the empty tents, he lifts his arm off your shoulders, and you turn to lean back against one of the wooden tables so you can face him. His face is still smeared with grime, and it suddenly reminds you of the moment you shared a few weeks ago, marking each other’s faces with your oil paints.
“I shouldn’t have made such a big deal about it,” you concede, letting your gaze fall to the ground. “I just… felt like it needed to be said after literally everyone on set witnessed it.”
Colt nods, smirking at you and crossing his arms to lean against one of the structure beams. “Hey, I appreciated it,” he says with a wink. “No one’s ever challenged a director to demand safer working conditions for me.”
“Maybe it’s about time,” you shoot back, your heart speeding up.
The moment falls quiet. The tent is empty besides the two of you, and all you can hear is the sound of each other’s breathing and the gentle rustling of the wind against the flaps of the tent. Colt tilts his head back against the beam he’s leaning on, closing his eyes and letting out a deep breath. You can tell that this stunt took a toll on him, even if he’s not showing it.
Without warning, all the feelings you’ve been hiding for the last few months threaten to spill out of your lips. Maybe it was seeing him so close to death; maybe it was your impassioned rant; maybe it’s just what happens when you love someone with the desperation of a drowning person reaching for air.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you blurt out, “I really do care about you, you know.”
Colt doesn’t open his eyes or lift his head back up. “Well, if I didn’t, I certainly do now.”
His tone is humorous, but you’re not letting it go now that you’re committed. It’s now or never. “No, I’m serious,” you insist. “I know we’re just doing the friendship thing, but either way, I really care about you.” Colt lifts his head to fix his eyes on you, and you choose your next words carefully so he won’t misunderstand your meaning. “If you ever think that no one cares if you survive the stunts or not, I hope you know it’s not true. There’s one person in the world who would probably go insane without you around.”
Colt doesn’t laugh, but he doesn’t sound completely serious either when he responds, “Ah, you’d be fine.”
“Please tell me you don’t honestly think that.”
“Look, Picasso, I’m just one guy in the world,” Colt reminds you, shaking his head as if he’s explaining something very simple. “You’re going to meet thousands in your career, which I know is going to be super long and super star-studded. You’ve got everything in your life to look forward to.”
You frown at him, caught off guard by his seemingly off-topic response. “Colt, what are you even talking about?”
He swallows hard, looking off to the side and trying to disguise the emotion tinging his voice. “I’m just… trying to tell you not to put so many big expectations on me. I’m the kind of guy who can only let you down.”
Your heart plummets at his words, and suddenly everything falls into place in your mind. He does care. He’s always cared. He just won’t show it because he thinks he isn’t good enough. The most wonderful man in the world thinks he isn’t good enough.
“That is not true,” you declare, standing up straight for emphasis. “You’re the kindest person I know, and the smartest, and the bravest, and the funniest—”
“I think you’re confusing me with Keanu Reeves.”
“I’m not joking around, Colt. When I’m with you, I can just be myself, and I know you’re going to be there for me. You’ve seen me at my worst, but you act like you only remember me at my best. I know it sounds crazy, but I keep getting this feeling that everything in my life has led up to meeting you. Everything you do means so much to me. Every word you say, every minute we spend together is so, so precious to me. You are so precious to me.”
Your speech seems to stun Colt senseless. You have no idea where all that came from — you just knew that you wouldn’t be able to breathe until you had told him what you were feeling. Colt stands still as he processes your words, and you don’t regret a single one.
“Wow,” he finally whispers. “I have no follow-up for that.”
You shake your head, suddenly unable to meet his eyes. “You don’t need one,” you tell him. “I just… felt like I should say it.”
Colt mulls over your words again. You wonder if anyone has ever talked to him like this, if you’re really the first one who has ever looked at him like he hung the moon in the sky. How could I be? How is it possible that no one else has ever recognized you for the treasure that you are?
“It means a lot,” Colt replies softly. “Seriously, you… you have no idea. Thank you.”
You just nod in response, not sure where to go from here. Colt isn’t acting like himself, overcome by some emotion that you’re not sure of. You don’t know whether to reiterate your statements, or to wait for him to say something, or to just stand in silence together for awhile.
Colt finally breaks the silence. “You sure you’re okay?”
You almost laugh at that, some of the tension sliding out of the atmosphere. “Yeah,” you assure him with a smile. “As long as you are.”
He nods at you, his own smile returning in a quiet sort of way. You’re transfixed by the gentle light reflecting in his eyes, the relaxed slope of his shoulders, when he holds out both arms to you, lifting an eyebrow as an invitation.
You don’t hesitate for a second. Why should you, after you just confessed every secret thought in your heart?
You step into the warm circle of his arms, and he immediately lowers his forehead to rest in the curve of your neck. Colt seems so unsure of himself in this moment, in a way that you’ve never known him to be. He’s trembling slightly again the way he was after he had just leaped off the railroad tracks. You grip your arms around his neck even tighter, and Colt wraps his arms around you so tightly you can barely breathe.
In that moment, you know your assumption was correct. He does care about you as deeply as you do about him. You can feel it in his embrace, in his very heartbeat. Every time you move to pull him closer, he mirrors your movements, closing every inch of space that has ever separated you. The grimy film makeup on his face rubs off on your neck, but it’s the sweetest touch you ever felt.
Colt catches you off guard when he tilts his head just slightly to the side, just enough that his lips are resting on the side of your neck. His manner isn’t seductive or suggestive: it’s as if he’s just breathing you in, trying to memorize the feel of you in his arms. Your sensitive skin prickles at the sensation, and one of your hands finds its way up to thread in the ragged-cut hair at the base of his neck.
You can feel his impressive strength just by the way he holds you, but you can’t help marveling at the gentleness of his hands when he reaches up to stroke the back of your head, once, twice. When he cradles the base of your neck with all the tenderness of an old lover, your stomach twists itself into a knot. He’s killing you. It’s magnificent.
Colt finally lifts his head from your shoulder, his hand still resting at the back of your head. His thumb moves in lazy circles, as if he doesn’t even realize he’s doing it, and his eyes drag up your face slowly until they meet your own in a gaze that burns hotter than a supernova.
“I’ve never told you,” you whisper, your breath filling the few inches between your faces, “and I know I probably shouldn’t, but I’m in love with you.”
The words are hardly out of your mouth when Colt squeezes his eyes closed, a look of pain crossing his face. “Don’t. It’s not worth it,” he whispers back.
“It’s too late for that,” you tell him, tears choking your voice. “You don’t have to feel the same way. I just needed you to know.”
Colt doesn’t open his eyes, just shakes his head. “You don’t want to be in love with me,” he says softly, heartbreakingly. “My destination is a dead-end, and you deserve better than that.”
“Colt, I—”
“It’s better if we don’t go this route,” he tells you, opening his eyes so you can read the seriousness in his words. “You’ve got the most amazing future ahead of you. You’re going to be a lot better off without me dragging you down.”
Your heart constricts at his words. “Don’t you dare try to be noble about this,” you murmur, lifting your hands to frame his face. “You could never drag me down, and I couldn’t care less about what you think I ‘deserve.’ All I care about is you. All I want to do is love you, no matter what happens. If you really don’t feel that way about me, just say so. But if you feel as strongly for me as I do for you, please tell me. Please don’t break this off before we have a chance to even try it.”
The look that wells up in Colt’s eyes speaks to you in a language you’ve never understood before. His eyes roam your face, as if he’s searching for some hint that your words aren’t true, some way he can talk you out of your feelings. Realization dawns in his eyes as he reads the message you’re saying in everything but your words. I love you. I’ve loved you this whole time. You will always be enough for me. My heart is so full of you it barely even feels like it’s mine anymore.
He doesn’t kiss you — the distance between your lips and his feels like an interminable distance — but he lowers his face to yours in a way that is so tender, so intimate that all the breath leaves your body at once. He lets his cheek rest against yours, his beard brushing your skin softly, gently. You let your arms wrap around his neck again to pull him closer, nuzzling the side of his face with yours so he feels your meaning: I don’t ever want to let you go.
When his lips brush against your jaw, right below your ear, you can’t suppress your sharp intake of breath. You feel his hands resting on your waist, pulling you close against him, and you can hear his breath coming raggedly. He’s so different when he’s like this — no false confidence, no alleviating jokes, just the passion he keeps hidden from the rest of the world.
You slide your fingers into his hair, and you can feel him react to your touch instantly. He raises his face from where he’s been resting it against yours, savoring in the contact every slow inch he moves. His eyes are closed when he brings his face level with yours again, his breath ghosting over your lips in a way that is so effortlessly tantalizing. It takes all your strength not to tip your head back and drown in his kiss.
With his hand still resting on the back of your neck, Colt pulls you in close one more time, letting his forehead touch yours gently. You close your eyes, breathing in the scent that envelops him — pine needles, cinnamon, and something salty. One moment more, just enough to savor how it feels to be wrapped up in the very essence of him, and Colt pulls back, releasing you from his hold.
“I just can’t do it to you, Picasso,” Colt says, his voice hoarse and strained. “I’m sorry.”
Your heart plummets at his words. It wasn’t enough. All of it wasn’t enough to convince him of your love. Your words are the opposite of what you want to say, but you know there can be no other response. “If that’s what you want,” you answer quietly. “I’ll respect it.”
“I know.”
You take a few steps back, trying to ignore the agony that is so obvious is his voice. Colt still looks like he wants to snatch you back into his arms and beg you to repeat the confession you just laid at his feet, but he doesn’t. He’s too strong, too stubborn, too sure he’s truly doing the right thing by letting you go. You don’t try to talk him out of it. You love him too much to try to change his mind.
You take a deep, steadying breath. “You take care of yourself,” you murmur with a sad smile. “I mean it.”
“I will.” Colt doesn’t even attempt a smile back, the ache in his heart obvious on his face. His gaze wanders over your face for a moment longer, and then he turns and ducks out of the tent.
Once he’s gone, all you can do is bury your face in your hands and weep.
Part 6
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khunyuki · 2 days
"I've lived my life with blade and you always in my mind"
ꜱɪᴅᴇ ꜱᴛᴏʀʏ: 𝚋. 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢, 𝙹𝚎𝚊𝚕𝚘𝚞𝚜𝚢
Synopsis: Uzui Kagami admires Captain Ashiro Mina but that doesn't mean it didn't bother her whenever she hears Soshiro talk about her all of the time. Meanwhile, Hoshina Soshiro doesn't really think of Captain Narumi Gen as a threat but with how clingy he is to Kagami, boy does it feel so annoying.
Pairing/s: Hoshina Soshiro x Fiancee!OC
Notes: Sorry I posted this late, I had a hard time writing it but enjoyed it in the end. I love jealous Soshiro who acts like he isn't jealous at all <3 Also, stop being so negative, Kagami! Soshiro loves you with all his heart😭
Warning/s: Side-B manga spoiler, overthinking, jealousy
Genre: Song-inspired (kinda), Angst? (kinda), Hurt/Comfort (kinda)
Masterlist: TOC, a, c
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𝓒𝓸-𝓬𝓸𝓶𝓹𝓪𝓻𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓲𝓼 𝓴𝓲𝓵𝓵𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮 𝓼𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓵𝔂
𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴, 𝓘 𝓽𝓱𝓲𝓷𝓴 𝓽𝓸𝓸 𝓶𝓾𝓬𝓱
'𝓑𝓸𝓾𝓽 𝓴𝓲𝓭𝓼 𝔀𝓱𝓸 𝓭𝓸𝓷'𝓽 𝓴𝓷𝓸𝔀 𝓶𝓮
𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓘'𝓶 𝓼𝓸 𝓼𝓲𝓬𝓴 𝓸𝓯 𝓶𝔂𝓼𝓮𝓵𝓯
𝓘'𝓭 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮, 𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓻 𝓫𝓮
𝓐𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮, 𝓪𝓷𝔂𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓮𝓵𝓼𝓮
𝓜𝔂 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂, 𝓳𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼𝔂
𝓢𝓽𝓪𝓻𝓽𝓮𝓭 𝓯𝓸𝓵𝓵𝓸𝔀𝓲𝓷𝓰 𝓶𝓮
- Jealousy, jealousy by Olivia Rodrigo
Ashiro Mina, the Captain of the Third Division of the Defense Force, is someone Kagami admired starting from the day she joined the force. Just like how she looked up to Shinomiya Hikari when she was still alive.
A charismatic, strong and determined, kind yet strict woman. The one who initiated the change in kaiju neutralization for the better, as well as someone who a lot of people idolize.
It would certainly be strange if someone dislikes her, no?
Said woman was the topic of Kagami and Soshiro's conversation in the study room.
"Captain Ashiro is so amazing! She neutralized that honju from this morning with such ease. That precision, power, and accuracy was so excellent it's like..."
Kagami rambled on and on about how great Captain Ashiro Mina is and how she wants to be someone like her who gives people inspiration etc, etc...
Soshiro just watched his fiancee fondly, nodding his head whenever she looks his way, agreeing with her sentiment. Whenever she talks about something she likes, she could talk for hours on end about it.
"You sure do like her that much, huh?"
"I do! I know it's still too early for me to dream of becoming/doing something as close to what she's done but someday I want to be able to stand as her equal in terms of greatness"
Soshiro loves it whenever she's like this, she's willing to admit that she still need to work hard in order to be what she wanted to become. Her confidence in saying that she'll someday be able to do just that with such assertiveness makes him think that she really can do it in the future.
"Somehow, I'm getting jealous of Captain Ashiro who you like so much. Just joking"
He rested his chin on his hand as he showed her a teasing grin. He was just joking, of course, but seeing her red in the face after was really cute. He ruffled her hair as a sign of affection.
"You're the one I like though"
She muttered those words as softly as a whisper, so silent that he didn't catch it. He had to stop his actions to ask her to repeat it again.
"It was nothing"
"If you say so"
With her firm denial, Soshiro relented and fixed her hair. Her straight and silky hair wasn't really tangled much but it still has to be fixed in order for her to look presentable. He gently used his fingers as a comb, massaging her head slightly while doing so.
"By the way, I have to head to the Third Division tomorrow for a meeting about the goodwill kendo match that'll take place in a month. So I'll have to pass your compliments to the captain myself"
The next day, Kagami bid him farewell fully expecting him to come back later into the night. She gradually became worried when he doesn't answer her texts or calls. She wasn't able to catch some sleep at all until she received a report about him getting injured while helping with kaiju neutralization.
Immediately, she asked for permission to take the day off in order to look after him. It took a while to get permission but fortunately they allowed it after seeing the bags under her eyes and the increasingly anxious look getting worse by the second.
Kagami immediately got changed and prepared necessary things before going. She didn't use the their division's car, preferring to commute by train or taxi as it was a private affair. After arriving at the hospital he was admitted to, she hurried to his room.
Stopping suddenly after seeing two prominent figure entering his supposed room. It was no surprise that Captain Ashiro would visit him after he got injured under her care.
She didn't want to eavesdrop but she also didn't want to interrupt their conversation. She was about to leave to give them space when she heard the captain thanking her fiancee. Curiosity got ahold of her making her erase her presence and listen to their conversation in the hallway.
"Hoshina, you are indeed a blade specialist. You undoubtedly saved that child's life. Now then, I still haven't heard you answer."
"My answer?"
"Will you join my force, Hoshina?"
That question struck Kagami like lightning.
"I appreciate the offer, but to be honest, I am quite torn. My only talent lies in the blade. But in our last mission, not even those blades were able to be of any assistance."
"Hoshina, will your power not evolve any further?"
"Huh? Oh, no... That isn't... what I meant"
"Then you just have to further polish your swordsmanship, Hoshina. Join my force and master your craft."
"Up till now, I've been treated no better than a tumor in my division. If you're saying even someone like me can be of help... Then I would love to join the Third Division"
"Then it's settled..."
Kagami stopped listening any further and was occupied by her thoughts. Was he... Was he leaving her? No, him leaving their division was fine but couldn't he gave at least talked to her about it first? Her mind was filled with questions and an unsettling feeling.
Due to her zoning out, she couldn't her them talking about her after. With Soshiro asking if she could join them too and Captain Ashiro agreeing as she wanted to ask her to join too if given the chance to talk to each other. She could only settle for requesting that he passed her message to her for now.
Sensing the people inside moving, Kagami snapped out of her thoughts and ran away. Captain Ashiro and Platoon Leader Ebina could only see her long black hair before disappearing in the corner.
"That person seemed familiar"
Captain Ashiro referring to the running female from earlier.
"Maybe it's someone you know, ma'am?"
Platoon Leader Ebina asked, in which Captain Ashiro shook her head.
"Must've been my imagination. Let's go"
Currently, Uzui Kagami was at a cafe resting after shamefully running away. There really wasn't any reason to do so but somehow, she doesn't want anyone to see her. She didn't know why she felt so upset despite them only talking about their mission... And him accepting her offer of moving divisions.
She was happy for him, of course. But deep inside, something was bugging her and she didn't quite know what.
Was it because her fiance was leaving her alone? No that wasn't it. She was fine with him leaving if it meant he could improve even more.
Was it because he was complimented by her idol, hearing her greatly acknowledge her strengths? No that wasn't it. He deserves to be complimented by everyone, not just by Captain Ashiro, because of how amazing he truly is.
Was it because she knew what he meant when he called himself a tumor in their division?...
Or was it because her words couldn't touch him compared to the words of someone greater than her?...
Kagami pinched her skin to snap out her bad thoughts. She shouldn't think too much or else she'll lose sight of herself and the truth.
But what if he's leaving because he no longer wants to be with her? What if he wanted to be by the side of someone stronger like Captain Ashiro? What if it was an excuse to get away from her and break their engagement since he finally realized he could be with someone better than her? What if--
Ah... She was starting to hate herself again and it was her own fault. Kagami used to think negative all of the time but Soshiro always reassured her by being by her side. And now he's leaving...
'Pretend. Let's pretend, Kagami. If we continue to pretend that everything is fine then we'll believe it eventually. It's fine. Everything is fine.'
She thought as she ordered a Mont Blanc for takeout like she wasn't experiencing a mental breakdown.
Bracing herself, she rehearsed her words in her mind. She'd tell him she's late because of the long line at the cafe then she saw Captain Ashiro leaving the hospital. Yes, that's fine. She shouldn't tell him she eavesdropped on their conversation and thought the worse. Taking a deep breath, she knocked on the door and smiled like it was nothing.
"I'm sorry I'm late. There was a long line at the cafe so it took a bit too long to buy this"
After joining the First Division, Kagami participated in joint trainings with the rest of the Eastern Division. In the corner of her eyes, she could see her fiancee, now Vice Captain, arriving with Captain Ashiro and the rest of the Third Division.
Somehow, the bubbling and unsettling feeling on the pit of her stomach was starting to resurface and she felt virtually uncomfortable. She'd already forgotten all about it so why did it come back?
"Are you okay? You look pale"
Her friend now superior, Shinonome Rin, noticed her feeling under the weather.
"I'm kinda nervous about being around this many people"
She made an excuse and Rin took her words at face value, knowing how easily nervous she was.
"You can rest back inside if you want. The fun part's for later, for now, it's just formalities"
Kagami thanked her friend and slipped inside the building. The Ariake Maritime Base is huge but having multiple divisions visit at the same time felt like the atmosphere was cramped. She rested inside for a few minutes before a familiar voice disturbed her.
"Kagami~ Hide me"
Behind her, she could feel the presence of her Captain pressing against her back. His arms were now enveloping her as he is playing his switch, with his chin resting on her head.
"I don't feel the sense of urgency in your voice Captain. Also, aren't you supposed to be with Vice Captain Hasegawa and the others?"
Kagami tried to slip off his grip but failing. Ever since she joined the First Division and got involved with her lazy captain, he's been clinging to her nonstop. Maybe that was her fault cause she kept picking him up and transporting him somewhere, saving his games for him, and hiding him. She reap what she sow.
She bent down and took his knees on her hands and gave him a piggyback ride. Used to it, Captain Narumi Gen rested on her comfortably.
"Captain, did you know that this is an abuse of power?"
"I do but do I care? Nope"
Kagami just sighed as she carried him back to where he came from, the meeting room where all captains and vice captains were present.
The door was being guarded by the platoon leaders of the First Division so they knew to let them in without asking. Her friend, Rin, was shaking her head once again.
The sound of the door opening stopped the conversation the people inside were having, thus bringing the attention to the two of them. The attention and multiple eyes on her was enough to fuel her anxiety and also make her red from embarrassment. She was used to the First Division seeing their antics but not with other divisions, especially her fiance, around.
She hurriedly placed him down besides Vice Captain Hasegawa, who threw her a grateful look, and confiscated his switch. Captain Narumi whined at her betrayal, wanting to sneak out again but was forced to stay put by the hand on his shoulder. Vice Captain Hasegawa begged her to stay and watch over him to which she reluctantly agreed. She was just an officer who had absolutely no right to be present in that meeting but here she is, babysitting her captain.
She couldn't bear to look at her fiance as she didn't know what to do or how to explain her situation to him. All she ever told him was that she's babysitting her captain and not the extent of it. That's why she couldn't see the glare and killing intent he's sending on Captain Narumi's way.
Captain Narumi clearly amused with his rival's expressions couldn't help but feel smug despite not knowing what he's annoyed about. He just felt like he won against Soshiro for once... Not that he ever lost to him. Chuckling, he motioned for her to come near and whispered.
"Look at how pissed Hoshina is. I don't know what I did but it's hella funny"
Kagami was confused for she had never seen her fiance pissed at all. She took a glance at him to see him smiling sweetly at her then back to her captain.
"I think it's just your imagination Captain Narumi"
"Like hell it is"
Hearing Kagami refute him, Narumi Gen just sulked but still relished in his rival's obvious display of irritation.
Kagami turned back to listening to the meeting and focused her attention on the voice of the person currently talking, Captain Ashiro.
Captain Ashiro has now grown into a fine woman but her charisma was still the same. Her face has gotten even more prettier with her silky straight, long black hair placed in a high ponytail.
Kagami touched her own hair styled in a loose braid cascading over her shoulder. She used to style her hair in a high ponytail just like Captain Ashiro's whenever there were missions then let it down when there aren't. Hearing it being compared to each other after Captain Ashiro grew hers made her feel like she had to change her style hence the braid.
She didn't want to admit it but Captain Ashiro became one of the sources of her insecurites and she hates herself for it. Just how could she feel jealous of someone she used to admire the most, still admire until now. Someone she and her fiance admires and deeply respects. Maybe that's why she didn't accept the offer to join the Third Division back then. Or else she'd fall into a deeper rabbit hole of complex emotions she no longer wants to feel.
She always tried to stop that feeling. Never once addressing it as to not let it interfere with her daily life and how she interacts with them. But whenever she and Soshiro talked, he would be praising Captain Ashiro nonstop with how honored he is to be chosen to be by her side.
Still, she pretended that it was fine cause he always reassured her that he only admires Ashiro Mina as his captain. With the same admiration that she felt before that disgusting feeling bubbled up inside her.
"You feeling okay over there?"
Captain Narumi noticed the sad expression on her face that was hidden by her bangs from people in front of her but not the person under her. He expressed his concern towards her and she could totally see that in his eyes.
"Wanna sneak out and play?"
That was his way of comforting his as it is the only way he knows himself. Giggling at his attempts, she karate hopped his head and told him to stop getting distracted. She felt better now than earlier so she gave him back his switch as long as he behaved.
She stopped thinking about her jealousy and just focused. She was given the chance to attend a meeting she would normally not be able to be allowed it. She should take this seriously. Well, at least she should acknowledge her fiance with a smile first after ignoring him for so long.
With a shy smile, she finally gained the courage to look at her fiance who has long since been staring at her and Captain Narumi. She gave him a discreet wave, something only they could see then turned back to listening.
"Hoshina, are you alright?"
"Of course I'm fine Captain. Never been better"
Ashiro Mina isn't really afraid of anything, rather she stopped being afraid. But the way he smiled when he said that gave her a bad feeling to which she just ignored, feeling sorry for the recipient of that smile. She remembered how he started getting annoyed when the two came in and recognized that the woman who brought Captain Narumi inside was her vice captain's fiancee. How could she not when she's all he ever talked about when he had the chance. Still, she felt sorry for the beating Captain Narumi will experience later by the hands of the man beside her.
Hoshina Soshiro didn't like the way Narumi Gen clinged to his fiancee. Ever since they went inside with him on her back to how she kept placing her hand on his shoulders to keep him still. He didn't like his smug smile as he noticed him glaring and when he made her lean closer to him. He didn't like how he made her smile after seeing that there was something bothering her.
That's fine though, for she finally smiled at him after ignoring him the whole time. That discreet wave of hers that only the two of them could see before the focus back on the meeting again. Despite feeling shy and anxious at a place where she shouldn't be, she still made the effort to notice him.
The problem was that lazyass captain of her that kept clinging and making her babysit him. He guess he should punish him by beating him up during the 1v1 activities later. He has to show him just who is better amongst the two of them. Of course while showing to his girl, after all that is the most important agenda.
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