#he they officially i default to they them because idk i just have for 5 years or so since gerard’s said they have no preference
girlgerard · 9 months
wait what pronouns does Gee use ? because last I checked it was he/they ?
it’s the wild west out here darlin land of the free 🇺🇸🦅
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welcome-to-oslov · 5 months
Ranking drivers & secretaries/middlemen in terms of goodness/awfulness: Krisha, Vlastor, Bosh, Artur, Tollsha, and now wildcard Jorning has joined the party.
Obviously Artur wins the spot for best. He genuinely tried to comfort and support Tilrey, though he did also fulfill his role of managing him. In the end he even supposedly took action to save Tilrey from Malsha - with horrible & extremely damaging results; Tilrey was still hanging onto himself at the end of his time with Malsha but had lost himself by the time he met Gersha. Later, when they finally meet again, he tries to stand up for Tilrey with Gersha, though I'm torn on how much was driven by care/concern for Tilrey (esp the young one he remembered), how much by his hatred for Gersha/the system he reps, and how much by wanting to assuage his own guilt.
Bosh unfairly wins spot #2 by default, because obviously Gersha wouldn't want Bosh treating Tilrey badly. And Bror mentioned once that Bosh seemed protective of Tilrey? Who knows.
I'm actually gonna put Vlastor in spot #3? I know at spring fling he definitely didn't want to do what he did, he couldn't even get hard or cum. He never seemed to do anything egregiously rude or mean to Tilrey, not even in retaliation for the times Tilrey used him as his verbal punching bag (well, there was that one slap). He just kinda officiously carried out his duties, being a tiny bit thoughtful once or twice (whispering to him his night would end then at spring fling, letting him sometimes go alone with Bror) and never purposefully mean (ah how standards are low for spot #2!). I don't remember where he shows up in a later story, need to gather that evidence haha.
Krisha & Tollsha: not sure who should get spot 4 or 5. Tollsha obviously is not a secretary, but as nephew (grandson?) to the magistrate, he kinda played a tiny bit of the middleman role sometimes that Artur had. In his favor, Tollsha seemed uncomfortable with what everyone did to Tilrey; but, might just be because he wasn't attracted to that whole thing. Apparently he didn't do all that much to Tilrey when they were thrown together, but again, just not to his tastes & who's to say oral you don't want is less bad than anal you don't want anyway. Later he purposefully tried to hurt Tileey with his words when he caught him with Vera - throwing rape in his face to hurt & humiliate him like he never did the times they were actually together - but does he get a pass for jealously, hmm. Tilrey perceived him as initially trying to obliquely warn him about the magistrate, but does he even barely get credit for that, hmm. He's finally out of the way after the whole pregnancy debacle, and I haven't read far enough to know what he may do in the future.
Krisha: I know this says 5, but still mulling over his spot in 4 vs 5. He's a tough one: we saw his thoughts of recognizing Tilrey's torture and victimhood and helplessness, mingled with his own trauma. He intimately witnessed Tilrey's most desperate moments: the car sunset excursion, escaping, romance with Vera, etc. Unlike Jorning, he clearly didn't enjoy or want to execute the magistrate's orders, but unlike Vlastor he certainly went ahead and did them without much holding back. He dropped Tilrey off at the brothel. He injected him with vexonil. He wrestled him back from his escapes. He reported his romance with Vera. He didn't want to rape him, but he did indeed make it reasonably rape-like, painful and overwhelmingly forced, once he was ordered to. I guess I want to absolve him for his actions since I know his thoughts, but idk.
Curious to get to know Jorning over time and rank him in my mind too
Oh, I like this idea! You've correctly identified one of my favorite character types. :)
I have a soft spot for Krisha, even though I know what he did was objectively worse than anything Vlastor did, because Krisha is so terrified and traumatized himself. Of course, that doesn't excuse him. But because he's an Outer, he feels like his whole existence in Redda depends on Malsha, who could easily get his citizenship revoked. Vlastor is in a much safer and more comfortable position; he could leave his job with Verán and be fine. Vlastor just finds Tilrey annoying, while Krisha has all kinds of weird aggressive and competitive feelings about him. There's a moment when Tilrey makes fun of his accent, which Krisha is insecure about because he worries it could mark him as an Outer. It's insignificant for Tilrey, but it triggers Krisha's fears.
Vlastor does help out Tilrey in that later story, by connecting him with his son who is a fighter pilot with secret rebel sympathies. But Vlastor himself is still annoyingly smug and condescending and doesn't see himself as having done anything wrong.
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weirdmageddon · 3 years
good lord what a fucking stressful day
driving up to class there was a truck in front of me for like ten straight minutes that was going 19 mph on a 35 mph road and there was a car behind me and i could just feel his pain too. it was taking all my mental effort to not blare my horn. soon as that fucking truck turned onto another road i pressed down so fucking hard on the gas pedal to get across the message to the cars behind me that i was pissed off we had to go that slow and that it was not my decision like sort of an apology to them like “you saw that fucking guy?? im not gonna keep putting you through that”
then when i got out of class i drove to the bookstore and was told i have no funds in my account to buy books and that i need to go to financial aid office. then i got anxious because nobody there knew where it was (i dont live on-campus so idk either) and i couldnt find any answers online because the map wasnt loading.
so then i looked at one of those “you are here” maps around campus and saw that financial aid was on the other side of route 41/tamiami trail (left side of campus). so i waited at that stupid light for 5 minutes and once i got to the other side i had to find a place to park which was annoying, and i still couldnt find the stupid office. i asked inside the first building i saw and the lady said it was across the road (pointing to the OTHER road, not route 41) so i walked over there. didnt look like the financial office but i checked anyway and it was locked, (and it wasnt the financial aid office). btw i’m in florida if it’s not obvious by “tamiami trail” and i have a heat intolerance (im 99.99% certain i have POTS, all i need is an official diagnosis but i havent had the appointment yet) and i started getting really fatigued and i was sweating my ass off and couldnt think straight and i felt that i was starting to get teary.
so im trying to find this stupid office in this oppressive heat. with a heat intolerance. and wearing a mask which made it feel a lot harder to get in air. i tried to ask this random kid but i broke down in front of him because i couldnt hold my shit together over something so minor as being unable to find this fucking office and i bet he thought i was insane or mentally unstable and i realized this so i was apologizing to him. when i inhaled it was so loud they were like gasps and i couldnt do anything about it and it made me so embarrassed...like the kinda gasps people do after running for their life. not quite hyperventilation because it wasnt fast but whenever i took in air it was like a sharp wheeze 😭 like my throat was so tight the air getting squeezed through it made a loud noise
so idk i think i maybe had a panic attack outside because i couldnt find this motherfucking financial aid office in this 90°F 70% humidity weather where it feels like 104°F so i could barely breathe to begin with and no one had given me good directions. then i involuntarily began holding my breath because it was embarrassing to be making loud sobbing gasps while walking.. which made it even harder to breathe but at least i wasnt drawing attention to myself.
i walked over to the student recreation center to get into the air conditioning and get some water. i sat down and i noticed i was STILL involuntarily holding my breath. they’re not breath-holding spells like babies do, like i dont do it until i get blue in the face but it’s sort of an automatic response as though to not make any noise? but it’s really involuntary it kinda becomes my default mode of breathing instead of normal respiration (anyone else do this when crying btw?? i tried looking it up but all i got was breath-holding spells in babies)
so taking few minutes while trying to calm down i took my phone out and searched for the financial aid center’s location on google and i still got nothing descriptive. i asked a more students around if they know where it is, one said he didnt know, and i was about to leave but near the exit there were like 4 students playing billiards and i asked them if they knew where it was. and i think one of the kids knew me from middle or high school because he remembered me and looked sort of familiar and said “sara are you okay” and i broke Again and i felt absolutely pathetic, but they ended up actually helping me this time find it and were really nice. turns out it WAS on the online campus map the whole time but i overlooked it because it was labeled “Palmer D / Financial Aid” and my tunnel vision ass just did not even recognize it because i was looking at the first letters going down the key list. and i felt so stupid. all of that for nothing. i couldve just stayed parked where i was for class earlier on the other side of tamiami trail. then i trudged back through the heat to my car and thats when i turned from feeling lost and panicky into frustrated and irritable because i KNEW where i needed to go but it felt like everything around me was so goddamn slow. i had to wait at that light for the full 5 minutes again because it turned from green to yellow just as i was driving up to it.
once it was green, i pulled back into that parking lot i was in at the beginning of the day and walked into the financial aid office and actually got something accomplished. i filled out a form (that they never made clear last year due to covid 🙄) which makes my bookstore funds automatically deposited and i helped walk a freshman who came in through the exact same steps after i finished mine. so that made me feel a little better.
at this point i was so full of adrenaline and cortisol and i acutely noticed how fucking DISGUSTING it was outside, the air was so muggy and it was overcast and like 90°F just an absolute swamp ass jungle. and i got back into my car and waited at that fucking tamiami light AGAIN and some stupid lady was like one whole ass car space behind the light so i couldnt turn into the right lane until it turned green and i was sittingthere for 5 mins just WAITING for this idiot to pull forward. then i waited at ANOTHER 5 minute light immediately after that before being able to actually drive home. just so many minor inconveniences all throughout my day that made everything feel so much worse.
i’ve been home for 4 hours at this point, i already showered but my body still feels like it’s full of stress hormones. my body is actually still has very minute tremors from all the stress. great start to the semester already.
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babyspacebatclone · 3 years
I am not making any of this up, only altering minor details as necessary that may be too identifiable.
It is long, so for sanity, full dets under the cut.
TL;DR: Whoever’s writing this crap (aka my life) is a hack, and needs to stop relying on the “medical emergency” trope for preventing my job from having a functioning level of staff.
Context: I work at a daycare center in the Midwest of the USA. It is not a chain; however, the owners own multiple centers in the area. Combined we would count as a large business, so of course that’s not how it is on the books (means they can work us longer before overtime, etc).
At the beginning of our story, there were three open centers. AC, the “flagship” center, with a director who is part of the owner’s family. BC North and BC South were purchased next, and, how can I nicely say it…. Half a step up from Ghetto? I am not joking, when I was working at BCN and my mom visited, she said she wanted to pull me out of there. BCN functions, barely; BCS is a few blocks away, and despite the owner’s insistence should never be reopened in my terrified opinion - never has had staff the 5 years it’s been under them, fortunately. CC has been open for 40 years, and purchased by the owners when the previous owner retired three years ago. I work at CC now, and hands down the best place just because we have a functioning director, which enables us to keep functioning staff (half of which were under the previous owner).
At the beginning of the year 2021, none of the three open centers had enough staff. We advertise openings like crazy, but it’s hard underpaid work. So what does my brilliant *cough* owner do?
Buy two buildings in two different nearby cities to convert into new centers. Because he thinks he can get more staff if he’s hunting in new cities??? idk
Not buy two new centers like he’s done previously, with existing enrolled children and staff - two non-daycare buildings to convert.
Note: I talk about “older” and “younger” rooms in this. By licensing, children are in a specific age group based on chronological age, with some overlap to allow for development (e.g. At 16 months, an infant can be a toddler, but you can also delay until 18 months without paperwork). My center has enough physical rooms we further separate infants and preschoolers by development/sanity; toddlers are in one single room. Also, “Lead” teachers are the ones in charge and have extra paperwork; assistant level teachers (like me) can also run a room but are more likely to go crazy if left unsupported (like me). Aides are considered unskilled enough that they can’t be alone with kids, unless there’s a pandemic going on and we’re just trying to have any warm body in a room….
So, that’s the context of this insanity before March 2021, when the lead teacher who was on maternity leave returned to my center and I assumed we could settle down into a stable pattern for a second.
I am a naïve idiot.
First we lose two experienced full-time positions, a preschool lead teacher and the kitchen/support staff, who are both leaving to move closer to their (different) families because personal reasons. Understandable. We have a new teacher-level staff we can have work the younger preschool kids with our returned (excellent) older preschool lead. Our director will just - do the kitchen work until we can find a new kitchen worker…. I guess? 🤷‍♀️ We’re also training staff to work the ancient dishwasher to help…
At this point CC officially implements a “no new children” policy. We will still accept the children we already promised a position before (mostly infants), and older preschool has a lot of kids leaving for kindergarten throughout the summer (as some parents stop day care during their own summer vacations). We can… Manage.
And our best part-time assistant teacher graduates and moves, but ok.
And then our second-best assistant teacher get a job in her field… ok…
And then the pregnant Toddler assistant teacher is put on bedrest for a month we are praying for her…
Ok two new hires, one an Aide but with experience excellent…
. What. No seriously what.
So, the director of AC is - long term sick. I won’t share details. This leaves us with two directors for three centers (Ideally, we would have four; one’s supposed to be Executive Director…). Here, logic is (strangely) applied and BCN is closed down and the children that chose to stay with the owners are moved to AC. Considering they had, I think, three total staff (one for each age group) not counting the Executive Director that had been covering that insanity…..
(We are also under the impression that the owner is stalling construction on those other two centers-to-be, but with our owner who knows….)
Anyway, the three staff will be helping at the other centers - specifically, the Toddler staff will work some days at AC and some days with is at CC, which is awesome because the Toddlers are drop dead insane right now.
Not joking. We have a biter in remission, an older girl with an attitude and her younger sister that had to move up with her when 16 months because the mobile infant room is packed but my young infant room had movers that had to change rooms, there’s a pack of three boys who just egg each other on, the leader of that pack was visiting preschool but started using the N word at relevant children (obviously, we have zero tolerance for that…), and the two youngest just-moved toddlers are screamers (they got better in the mobile room… they’ve regressed…).
And it’s 16 Toddlers (depending on the day) crammed into one area (that can be divided into two play areas, fortunately), at a 7 to 1 staff ratio.
So what happens last week? That Toddler teacher gets sick. Then goes to the hospital. Then, I am not joking wtf, leaves a vague text message to my director about a surgery I can’t even…
I just. What.
The Mobile Infant Room has a casual biter. Like, there is no provocation, this kid (who is giant and all muscle) just crawls up to kids and bites. The other 10 babies in there are generally ok-ish, but I don’t know how they are surviving.
Both preschools are…. Well, better than the Toddler room now that the one child is taking the summer before Kindergarten off praise whatever deity you worship hallelujah. Still have kids that need breaks in the director’s office but not as often.
My room, which is now 6 infants ages 3 to 6 months, is my default the easiest to manage.
And 4 of these 6 babies come in between 7:45 and 8:15 (the other two earlier), all want a bottle between 8:30 and 9:00 (we have two staff and policy is one bottle per staff…) and some of these kids take 20-30 minutes for a bottle (do the math)…..
But by about 10am we’re settled and we generally have them ready to wait for the next round of bottles staggered…
And the projectile spitter-upper is improving! They’re only spitting up about 1.5 oz a day, instead of multiple 2 oz random attacks!! 😊
………. My brain is mush send help.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Do you prefer bar or liquid soap? Liquid. I don’t like how a bar soap tends to slip out of my hands. What's the speed limit on your street? I live in a gated village with tiny streets and kids that can run out of their gates any time, so the maximum on our widest roads is 40 kph. In more cramped streets, it’s recommended to drive 15-20. When was the last time you wore your favourite article of clothing? With my favorite pair of jeans, it was at the start of the month. I don’t have a favorite top; I find them all nice. Do any of your family members have an upcoming birthday? I don’t know anyone in my family who celebrates their birthday in August. If there’s someone, I can’t place them at the moment. On a scale of 1-5, 5 being the best, rate your last kiss. 5.
What is your favourite flavour of Jolly Ranchers? I don’t eat those. Where was your Facebook profile picture taken? It was taken in the basement of my college, which had been converted into a makeshift photo studio for a few days so that we could take our senior photos there. The basement has several rooms so most of them got used for different purposes like a hair and makeup room, a changing room, the actual photo studio, etc. Do your parents smoke? No. I think my mom mentioned experimenting with cigarettes when she was in college, but she didn’t like it, quit as soon as she started, and hasn’t had one since. My dad never smoked, period. Would you rather bake cookies or a potato? Cookies. It’s more nostalgic to me, which makes the experience more fun. Who was the last person to stay the night at your house? Gabie, probs. She’s the only one who sleeps over anyway. Do you live close to a park? We have our own tiny parks in our village; but no, this country is generally not public spaces-friendly. Is your favourite animal endangered? One of them is. Have you eaten pizza in the last week? Nah man, I haven’t had pizza in a WHILE. Not since February, I’m pretty sure. Who was the last person you added to your contacts list? I don’t remember. I think it was my hair and makeup artist for a test photoshoot that I did last December. How long does it take you to shower? 7-10 minutes. Do you prefer a brand of bottled water over others, or is it all the same? Sure. There are brands that have a slightest taste, and I try to avoid those. Have you used Wikipedia today? Yes. I read at least one article a day, whether on purpose or coincidental. Idk I think that despite the fact that it’s not a credible source to include on essays and papers, I still think it’s super informative and helpful and it’s at least fun to read through and spend hours in if I’m doing leisure reading.   Are you better at writing fiction or non-fiction? Non-fiction BY A MILE. The idea of writing fiction terrifies me...I’ve never been able to reach that level of creativity. Do you know anyone who has moved to a different state? I’ve known people who have moved from one province to another (we don’t have states). But in terms of the US, I also do know someone who moved from one state to another. I went to school with this girl who migrated to Hawaii a few years back, then she moved to California last year. How many pens can you see from where you’re sitting? Zero. Have you ever dated someone one grade/year above or below you? Nopes, but I’d assume that’s pretty common.
What language do you think you’d be good at? Spanish for obvious reasons.
What language do you think you’d fail at? Russian. And the African languages that have click sounds in them; I’ve always found this SO fascinating, but I know I'd never be able to perfect those. Do you still have a landline phone at your house? Yes. I have older relatives who still prefer talking on landline, so we keep it around for them. What is your current desktop background? One of the default wallpapers on my laptop. I changed it recently though. My old one was a mountain shot that mostly had a pinkish hue; and my new one is still a shot of a mountain range, but now it’s orange-purplish-pinkish.
How big is the television you last watched? Haven’t watched TV in a while. Have you ever been stung by a bee or a wasp? NOPE, one of my biggest fears.
How many schools have you been to in your lifetime? Two. I went to my first school from kindergarten to high school and the only time I transferred was when I went to college. Are you of legal age in your country? Yes. I have been in the last four years.
Why did you last visit a doctor? I had been sick for days and I was convinced it was no longer just a fever because no medicine and amount of sleep were helping, so I got myself checked. Would you prefer an ice cream cake or a regular cake? Regular cakes. Omg I hate ice cream cakes...I was never sold on the idea of cake not only being painfully cold to bite, but also capable of melting and getting all liquidy. I’m not gonna hate on other people who are into those, but I honestly never saw the hype. How old is your best friend? Gabie’s 22. Angela’s turning 22 in September. What is/was your high school’s mascot? My old school doesn’t have a mascot. We have school colors but that’s it. Do you carry pain relievers with you at all times? No. I didn’t want to be too dependent on them (still don’t) when I was still in school, so I just left the pills at home. My headaches sometimes go away on their own, anyway. Where is your mother right now? She just went upstairs to settle in their room for the night. What was the last thing to make you smile? A meme Angela sent a couple of minutes ago. Are you currently saving up for anything? Not currently since I don’t have money coming in. I imagine I’d be saving up for Airpods and a new set of braces once I start having a salary, though. Priorities, hahaha. What’s the view like from your bedroom window? Not too impressive. I just see the houses behind ours. Generally speaking, do you prefer sweet or savoury? Savory. My cravings for sweet only come once I’ve had savory. What would you do if you got home and you saw your house had been destroyed? Check the scene and see if my dogs made it. I’d try asking neighbors and the guards if they saw what happened; and I’d be devastated and anxious as fuck, of course. When did you last go outside, and what for? I walked Kimi outside an hour ago so he can do his business. We’ve closed off the balcony for now (his usual spot) since it’s been raining all day and evening, so I walked him in the area of our house that’s under a shed. Who is your favourite Sesame Street character? Didn’t really grow on Sesame Street. I suppose I liked Big Bird most, but I was never too attached to the character. How often do you check your emails? Everyday at this point. Do you have any plans for this Thanksgiving? No. What colour is your backpack? Baby pink. Would you slap the last person you talked to for twenty dollars? It’s not completely off the table, but you’re gonna have to pay me a lot more for me to slap my girlfriend lol What search engine do you usually use? Google. How much did the shirt you’re wearing cost? Couple thousand bucks. It’s official WWE merch. Patrick Stump or Pete Wentz? I never compare members within the same band. I like them both. Do you know anyone who gives way too many hugs? Laurice. Not that that’s a bad thing. She hugs eveeeeeeryone, and she’s the sweetest for doing so. What time do you usually wake up on Sundays? 7-8 AM these days, like for all days. Have you whispered today? I don’t think so. What grade did you get on the last test you took? I never got to find out my grade in my Rizal exam since the lockdown happened shortly after. That’s the only test I got to take in the second semester.
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lizzybeth1986 · 5 years
Quick Thoughts on TRH Book 1 Chapter 4
• Hello guys! I’m trying to finish this early because I’m shifting house (not too far from where I’m already living, and closer to kiddo’s nursery! 😁). Fingers crossed I can finish it prior to us shifting.
• Before I begin, I feel I must apologize for neglecting to place a trigger warning for discussing infertility, considering I posted screenshots of Hana’s scene referencing that last chapter and spoke at length about it. The people who have discussed it on my posts have been unfailingly kind and sensitive in their approach to speaking about it, and I failed to display the same sensitivity. I will make sure I don’t repeat that mistake in the future.
Content Warning: The end of this QT will feature a discussion on last week’s Hana scene in the doctor’s office, so TW for discussions on infertility.
• Screenshot Credits:
@pixieferry for Hana + the Abhirio YouTube channel
@thefirstcourtesan + the BizzysChoices YouTube channel for Drake
@boneandfur + Abhirio YouTube channel for Maxwell
• I’m also halfway through a QT for Book 1 Chapter 5. Thought I’d revisit the original series while I was at it. What do you guys think?? If you’re interested do mention if you want to be tagged! You can check out my QTs for the first four chapters from my Masterlist, linked on my bio 😀
• Short chapter, this. I’m pretty sure all the deep digging into history etc will happen idk in Texas. Coz Texas is where Drake’s maternal home is and this entire series - TRR Book 2 onwards - has just been a massive Drake’s-ass-kissing exercise for the writers, let’s be honest. But at least right now, we will get a feel of what the rivals who want to corner us into an alliance look like, sound like, and want.
• Title: Courting Crowns
Does this chapter alone need an alternative title? Does it really?? You might as well rename the entire series no, since just one LI seems to matter. Call it The Grumpy Commoner’s Pub Trail instead (@callmetippytumbles came up with this phrase in an ask on Lily Spencer once).
• I know I sound bitter but how else do you expect me to sound when the writers are THIS blatant about their favouritism. And tbh they’ve been doing that Book 2 onwards.
• So the chapter begins where we left off - the MC meets up with all the LIs in the solarium. They confirm that the people responsible were the paparazzi, and the angle they’re trying to spin is that the Queen of Cordonia/Duchess of Valtoria is an irresponsible woman who is somehow magically pregnant (even in a Hana playthrough!) AND being careless. Thank you Cordonian paps, I’m sure you know my body better than I do.
• Madeleine speaks of doing “damage control” while Bertrand “gallavants away” to Texas as if we were never busy doing damage control for her during the Unity Tour.
• LMAO @ all the responses to “I’ll show them how serious I am about producing an heir”. Especially the Maxwell MC 😅
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(Screenshots: @pixieferry for Hana, @boneandfur for Maxwell and BizzysChoices YouTube channel for Drake)
• Liam we know that shy retiring gentleman act is the biggest sham there is. I’ve read your diamond scene.
• Alright so now we prep for the Ball. MC will oversee party arrangements, Drake will check with Mara on security, Hana will help with decor, and Maxwell will make sure there is plenty of bubblyyyy, wiggly letters and all. No idea what Liam is doing. Mysterious King things, I suppose.
• It’s now the night of the Ball and Hana (thank God) is helping us get ready, having already gotten ready herself first. What’s interesting (and not in a good way) is WHAT she’s wearing:
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To your left is a screenshot from my playthrough, where Hana is wearing her beloved handmade traditional outfit. To your right is a screenshot from a playthrough @thefirstcourtesan did, in which Hana wears the understated LBD she wore for the MC’s bachelorette in Vegas (whether she was the bride or not). The interesting bit is that I bought the scene where Hana got her outfit back, and @thefirstcourtesan didn’t do it for that particular playthrough.
What’s more, is that I noticed in the previous book…that while the outfit on the left was an option during her wedding, it definitely wasn’t an option for the final ball in Book 3 if you didn’t pay to secretly take it from Lorelei - Hana pretty much chooses her costume gala flower gown in that case.
Are you telling me that if I don’t buy to get her own handmade outfit back, you’ve basically taken it out of her hands???
I’ll get into why this could actually be so messed up later.
• Even if Hana doesn’t have this particular outfit, why does she have to go for something so toned-down?? This is something she last wore (by default) to a bachelorette party! Why couldn’t they choose to put her in her Costume Gala gown instead? That would have worked for such a huge formal ball. At the very least it would have worked better than her LBD.
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Not gonna lie, this annoyed me a fair bit. One, could it really have been that hard to do some of the work for this, MC? Like I said in my previous QT, the MC still doesn’t seem to take much effort to read up or ask questions about what’s going on, however powerful a figure she is. Two, I am done, done, with how much work Hana has to be doing on the MC’s behalf without getting much credit in return. She’s been doing this since Book 1. In the first two books I could somewhat understand - the MC was new, she had no idea where to begin looking, Bertrand and Maxwell weren’t exactly the most efficient support system to integrating into Cordonian society, everything was unfamiliar. That’s now not the case. She is a powerful, influential figure who has all the resources possible to understand the situation if she really wanted to. But she is still waiting on people to spoonfeed the information to her, and a friend like Hana tends to get very, very little in return.
• When I first saw this scene on my Liam playthrough, I was wondering how the Hana equivalent would look. I mean, she was dealt with a pretty heavy emotional blow the previous day. Would it still weigh on her? Would the MC check in to find out how she was doing?
Nothing of the sort happened. It was the same scene, except perhaps for a reference to Hana being a duchess. So I thought, well, maybe since it’s a heavy conversation, they’ll probably integrate it into the diamond scene, right? After all, I’d just seen a Drake scene that dealt with his reasons for agreeing to Liam’s request. Surely Hana would be given a similar courtesy?
• Okay so Hana’s research yields these results regarding our guests:
- King Bradshaw and Queen Isabella of Auvernal: Bradshaw is the kind who likes to get his way, apparently, and Isabella likes people with a sense of humour.
- Queen Amalas of Monterisso: is mysterious. That is all.
- Other Leaders: from distant countries, basically just coming to the part to have a good time.
• I think this is interesting in terms of the sheer variety of people we’re needing to handle in one party alone. All of them with different personalities, aims and agendas. Unlike Cordonia, which operates on particular codes of conduct that we are now used to, we have to pick up the subtle cues Hana gives us to figure out what works for which royal. We’re definitely being kept on our toes this chapter, and I like when that happens.
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Ooo blingy. Very nice. Green and gold is an amazing combination, the applique on the gown is beautiful, the illusion neckline is nice, and I like seeing small pearls weaved into such a fancy outfit! Honestly we should have had something similar to this in Fydelia last book, rather than being expected to waltz in that green minidress. The only downer is that Hana’s free outfit COULD have been just as opulent but they opted to dress her down instead. And that’s not the first time they force her to dress down for occasions where she could dress like a star.
• The guys are dressed up for the occasion too. Liam in his official outfit with the medals and sash, Drake in his grey suit, Maxwell in his formal black suit sans tie. Only if you’re with Hana, do you not see your LI in their full regalia at the stairs (since we already took a good look at her at the boutique). Whichever LI you are married to (if male), you will greet at the stairs, entering the hall with them.
• Following your entry, you and your LI split up to meet and talk to your guests separately. There’s not a lot we see of our LIs’ interactions, as this chapter is mostly focussed on the MC’s first impression of these royals.
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So you have three characters established as the most powerful (Bradshaw and Isabella, and Amalas. I recognize the sprite for Amalas as being similar-ish to Vasquez’s girlfriend in The Senior, but with different hair and styling. I read somewhere that Bradshaw’s sprite is also from another character in another series?), one character that’s there as a nod to another series (Princess Marguerite from The Heist: Monaco, who I like to believe is living her best life and happily romancing Miranda), and the other ‘distant kingdom’ characters for which they used sprites from other books (Erin from HSS, Khaan from PM, and Scarlett from VoS).
• Rather than going chronologically, I’m going to first go from the royals that were added more for extra flavour and a party atmosphere, to the royals the narrative actually focuses on:
- King Eirik: Very easily to please. Just remember the guy’s name. I’m not exactly sure he’s used to that (or Khaan Mousavi is on the run from Eros again and wants to make sure the MC won’t suss out who he really is).
- Lerato and Lesidi: So you can choose to please either sister, because each of them have different opinions on what matters. (I’m guessing Scarlett decided to give her brother in Washington some tough competition. “You’re contesting for a Senate seat? Well sucks to be you because I’m going make myself a goddamn princess!!” At the very least I know she upgraded from Tanner). Lerato can’t stand Constantine (like normal people), and is appreciative of efforts that better the lives of Cordonians. Lesidi is younger (you’re supposed to be in school Erin!!) and really just loves a good party. So as long as you move away from the chest-beating “Cordonia’s strength” response, and opt for either a noble cause or just plain good fun, your royal reputation will be fine.
(Honestly the least PB can do is replace Scarlett’s S necklace with something else if she’s just going to be a convenient sprite. Or give all her doppelgangers S names, idk).
- Marguerite: She is an out-and-out romantic and that’s definitely the vibe they’re going for here. She’s also amazing and sweet with the MC, unconditionally offering friendship and advice. You don’t get reputation points with her since she’s lovely to you anyway, but you do get to ask her what her opinion is on either Bradshaw and Isabella, you and your LI as a couple, or the other royals. The answer to the first question seems the most important, hinting at a future role perhaps. She warns us to be careful around them.
- Bradshaw and Isabella: The approach for these two is interesting. I hated the characters (esp Bradshaw, which I’m sure was what the narrative wants me to be doing) and their acting like I’m PANTING to marry off my unborn child to one of their twins - but the overall scene with them I found interesting. Bradshaw seems to operate on extremes - either you grovel in front of him or you aggressively push back, he likes both approaches. He doesn’t seem to have an appreciation for diplomacy and would you fight with him rather than give him a neutral response. Isabella likes seeing a sense of humour in people, and seems to enjoy it if you tell her that “when no one’s trying to kill me, this place isn’t so bad”. In any case, the only way to keep up with both is to take turns choosing answers that will interest them. I found the guessing quite challenging and fun, not so much the insinuations that I would arrange my child’s marriage before they’re even conceived.
- Amalas: Perhaps the most intriguing, and that’s probably on purpose. They’re clearly highlighting her as the underdog in this court, the mysterious Queen no one knows about (although the Black Widow reference does hint at her at least being suspected of killing her husband? Since the female black widow spider is famous for eating the male after mating). She makes a persuasive case about how Monterisso and Cordonia are “cut from the same cloth”, are both small (how many climates and landscapes does Monterisso have) countries with amazing wealth, that Auvernal wants to push into an unequal alliance with the promise of their military prowess. Amalas’ suggestion is to join hands so they can find strength together and push back against the kind of intimidation Bradshaw is showing them.
• Queen Eleanor was from Auvernal? So Liam is half-Cordonian and half-Auvernese? That must be interesting. I wonder if we will possibly see more about these foreign relations during Constantine’s time and what it must have been like. Also why do I hear practically nothing about Constantine from this exchange? They mention Eleanor, but refer to only her - especially when they’re talking about her hospitality and treating them with respect. There’s nothing much to make out of it yet (though you have at least one other person openly expressing a negative view of him), but it’s an interesting point to note nonetheless.
• QUEEN ESTHER NOW HAS A NEW CORGI!!! Since the first was named Joy, I thought I’d name the lady corgi Hope xD
• I know the narrative is writing Amalas as this mysterious, seductive figure (it’s working on me, okay! 🙈) the underdog and the cool person that everyone wants to know and be friends with - but all said and done, she advocates these bizarre ideas to make kids have betrothals on their cribs too. She’s just a little more persuasive and a little less heavy-handed about it. So I have my doubts still.
• It’s also kind of interesting that there is no specified sex given for Amalas’ child? Is customization possible for both her child and ours?
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(Screenshots: Abhirio’s YouTube channel for Hana and Maxwell, BizzysChoices YouTube channel for Drake)
Aww @ all the LIs’ reactions to the new corgi!
• So…the MC comes out of these interactions with multiple nobles and royals either exhausted, frustrated or worried, and the LI comforts her in whatever way they can, reassuring her that things will go well. She can either feel majorly annoyed about having to deal with so much royalty, be weirded out by the kind of attention the baby she hasn’t even (possibly) conceived yet is getting, or she’s afraid the alliances won’t happen. Either way, the LI is there to help her, and suggests they sneak out and spend a little time together before dealing with the guests again.
• The basic format for this scene is very, very similar for three LIs: Liam, Hana and Maxwell. The MC agrees to sneak out, the LI takes her to the bedroom (or in Liam’s case, they have an tiny extra scene where Princess Marguerite is passing them while they’re making out in the corridor). They begin a fun, sexy game of their choosing, which the MC enjoys and which eventually leads to them sleeping together. This is followed by a short conversation after which the LI and MC go back to the hall.
This is the breakdown for each LI:
- Liam: After almost being caught red-handed making out in the corridor by Princess Marguerite, Liam and his wife make it to the bedroom. Liam plays Twenty Questions with her, quizzing her on details about the rulers she met. For each answer she gets right, he gives her a kiss (well…he kisses her even otherwise because she is impossible to resist). Once they’ve slept together, the couple then briefly discuss both their honeymoon period and then the decision they will need to make regarding alliances. The last bit is spoken about in an extremely vague manner.
- Maxwell: Immediately after the MC accepts, the two enter their bedroom and begin to do a little roleplay. Maxwell pretends he came into the bar where the MC worked alone, and that she isn’t a waitress (the player gets to choose her role: a spy, a museum curator or a jewel thief). Once they’ve slept together, they chat a little before going back to the guests, and one of the things the MC can opt to mention is that Maxwell “will be a great dad” even if he’s a fun uncle type. Oh, like that conversation Maxwell and his MC never got to have back on their honeymoon? 🤔
- Hana: Immediately after the MC accepts, the two enter their bedroom and do what the MC calls “an ice-cream strip game”. Either one has to taste an ice cream and correctly guess the flavour, and if they don’t get it right, they have to shed an item of their clothing. This includes fun flavours like bubblegum, rum-and-raisin and lemon sorbet. Hana then heats things up by running a little ice cream down the MC’s neck instead of letting her taste. Once they’ve slept together, the couple chat for a bit, after which the MC thanks Hana for everything she’s been doing for her. Hana is sweet and humble and the MC can optionally tell her how incredible she is but somehow the events of the previous day never come up (again, more on this later).
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(Screenshots: @pixieferry for Hana and @boneandfur for Maxwell)
• HOWEVER, not only is the format of Drake’s diamond scene different, but so is the location! Drake’s diamond scene begins with the couple wanting a moment alone - the MC even takes a bottle along and there is some light hearted teasing about how he isn’t the only person in the relationship who drinks. This is followed by a four minute long makeout scene somewhere in the foyer (to give you an idea of how much time that took - Liam’s corresponding makeout scene lasts barely a minute), and the MC - to get them real privacy - takes him to that HUGE kinda dilapidated area that we once took Hana to, in Book 3…presumably to ravish each other and then watch the sunset. Which is exactly what they do.
Shortly after this, Drake and the MC enjoy the sight of the sun setting, and then discuss their future and one important aspect of Drake’s past - his changing attitudes towards nobility. The MC at this point gets to ASK him why he agreed to Liam’s proposal. He has this to say:
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(Screenshot from @thefirstcourtesan)
I mean…that moment wasn’t exactly OOC only for Drake. Hana and Maxwell pretty much would have had the same questions too, but there hardly are even given the space to ask those questions. Yet somehow the team had the time and the energy to delve into just one character?
Drake gets to expand on what seeing Savannah’s family makes him feel. Drake gets to speak about his loyalty to his friend and his changing attitude to the nobility. He is lauded by the public and the press for doing and saying the bare minimum. And now, he gets an LI scene that allows him to speak at length, while the other LIs are restricted to maybe a few lines.
• I really do feel conflicted about Drake’s big scene about his loyalty to his best friend,and his issues about nobility, happening in an undercroft where Hana was once supposed to have her own big scene about family and selfhood, last book - one that we never got. Because the writers didn’t care enough.
• We now return to the Ball, and after mingling for a while, the MC gets to see what almost everyone else is doing.
King Bradshaw is bemused by Maxwell’s love for dance offs and desire to be a court jester (I know Brad but that’s basically what the writers reduced him to).
Kiara LOVES Queen Amalas’ pantsuit because it is “elegant, yet bold” and a pleased Amalas tells Kiara she should try wearing one (I’d love to see how that looks honestly 😃).
Marguerite is talking to Drake and Hana. Drake isn’t very happy that someone besides him is monopolizing this conversation and Hana is LOVING IT (same, sis, saaaaame).
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@ Drake: This is literally your life now. You knew you would have to deal with a press meet last chapter and you knew there would be a goddamned ball where you’d have to do networking this chapter. Be prepared from now on and stop complaining, Jesus.
@ Hana: I love it when Hana trolls people, and I feel it she doesn’t get to do it often enough. Remember her impressions of Drake in Fydelia during Unity Tour. They should let her do one for everyone in the group. Please let Hana troll people more. Let her troll all of Cordonia!!
• The night winds down, and we get to see who we have impressed and who we haven’t. As I’ve mentioned earlier, Isabella’s attitude towards you hinges on your sense of humour, Bradshaw on your ability to push back and fight for what you want. Amalas on your uniqueness and that je ne sais quoi feel that seems to set you apart from the others. The other royals on different aspects: either your ambition and desire to serve the people, or the ability to let loose and have a good time! We get to know all of this on their way to the door.
• I’m glad Olivia didn’t show up here. Can you imagine just how mad she’d get if she heard all this nonsense about having marriage alliances done before these children were even born?? She’d suffered in a situation very much like that, and I think she’d be damned to let what happened to her happen to another kid. You’d need to hold her back from using an axe against these people.
• Whatever the outcome is, the MC expresses her worries to the LI, the LI comforts her and then suggests they make a road trip to America since Savannah and Bertrand are getting married there (another trip…seriously??? Please for the love of God just stay in the country/duchy and properly RULE it for once!!).
• Next set of chapters is clearly going to be taken over by the Walker family, and we’ll talk and hear about nothing else for the next couple of weeks.
General Thoughts:
• …why is no one asking where the paparazzi came from? Our paps? Their paps? Which magazine was it. Why are you so intent on making your characters look so stupid PB. They’re so stupid. My head hurts.
• Why are they saying I was in a hot tub I never saw a hot tub in that villa.
• I know some questions should be unanswered for future plot…but…you don’t think a SINGLE person would be wondering who sent them in the first place? Considering the last time photos of us were taken without our consent it was pretty much from someone who had an agenda?
• So…over the weekend I tried to do a fail playthrough of my own for Book 1 (I was dying guys I was dying. So much secondhand embarrassment. How did I survive that 😭). And since I was doing this so soon after I finished this chapter, I kinda ended up making parallels between Queen Regina’s first meeting with the suitors in Chapter 5 there, and how especially the Bradshaw/Isabella/Amalas meetings went here.
I remember distinctively that displaying a “sense of humour” was actively discouraged (Regina even says “fools use laughter to cover up their own ignorance” in the same tea party), and how highly qualities like stoicism and diplomacy are held in esteem. Bradshaw and Isabella are the antithesis to that (Bradshaw also shows slight similarities with Regina in terms of liking a challenge. During the croquet game in Book 1, Regina makes it clear that she “detests those who don’t have the stomach to stand up to me”. Bradshaw, too, seems to have more respect for an MC who stands up to him…but in perhaps a more patronizing way)
Interestingly, if the press has labelled you “Mystery Woman” in Book 1, Regina points out that “no one can remain a mystery long when they’re a public servant and must attend to the people”. Yet it is almost impossible for Hana - whose research skills are clearly on another level - to find any information about Queen Amalas.
• Tbh I kinda love that shift. By branching out and navigating through the landscape not just in but around Cordonia, the MC gets a broader view of what politics is like around this area. She gets to read the other person’s cues and behaviour, compare it with the information she has been given, and make an informed decision on what would work right with them. I hated the overall presumptuousness from the main players, but I definitely enjoyed the dynamics.
• I wonder if we will see Regina again at some point! I'm doing my Book 1 playthrough and she's kinda growing on me this time.
• The diamond scene was good on its own…until I started checking the other routes. And that’s been the case more and more often with TRR. You start out thinking “great, a nice love scene with teasing and seduction and your LI showing you just how good they are in bed, with some tender moments afterwards”. Then you look at other playthroughs and realize (if you’re a Liam stan) that their scenes were shorter and there was less to talk about. THEN you look at a playthrough like Drake’s…and find a completely different backdrop, a completely different format and an issue that his fans were complaining about being addressed. In detail. I’m a Liam stan, there is at least a little more I know I’m going to get (besides my LI being happy and not making stupid decisions in a playthrough where he is single). Hana and Maxwell get practically nothing, the writers aren’t even pretending to scrape the bottom of the barrel to give them content.
• If they’d really bothered to even this out, they could have used the end of these scenes to answer important questions. Liam could maybe tell us exactly what his experience of dealing with these kings and queens have been like, since he has had more experience with them in terms of diplomatic relations. He could speak about how it feels to have these sort of powerful, invasive figures make constant demands on him, and how that would weigh on him. After all these are the kinds of people he might have had to work with ever since Leo abdicated. Or what about Maxwell? In the livestream the writers claimed that he “grew into fatherhood”…How? Where? Why was this journey not worth showing? This diamond scene could have focused on what his turning point into that growth was, especially since Drake got that space to talk about it.
• I got two very, very bitter reminders of that horrid scene they gave Hana in Book 3 Chapter 15, in this chapter itself. One was - as I told you - the fact that if you didn’t buy this scene (that wasn’t even worth TWO diamonds, much less the 15 you could spend on it), her handmade outfit disappears after the wedding. She doesn’t have it as an option for the ball in the finale, she can’t wear it this chapter and is instead made to dress herself in a very muted style (which honestly kind of reminds me of how she was constantly treated like the “wedding planner” or “bridesmaid” rather than the bride, at her own damn wedding).
I assumed, this entire time, that even if you didn’t get the outfit in Book 3…the improved relationship with Lorelei shortly after would mean she’d get her dress back (since the reason she had to take away Hana’s clothes from her didn’t even exist anymore). Why would a Hana who HAS this outfit (at least up until the wedding) be coded as no longer owning it or considering to wear it if you didn’t buy that scene? I see no reason why it would be around and she’d not want to wear it. Her love for that outfit wouldn’t lessen just because she wasn’t running all around Valtoria to retrieve it.
So what should I assume? That Hana and her parents maybe made peace with each other but Lorelei still took her most precious item of clothing anyway? And now Hana doesn’t even get to wear it now for special occasions to represent her other home? She has to opt for an outfit she wore for a bachelorette while her wife/friend is (optionally) dressed to the nines? Just so you can stroke your ego about how this shitty diamond scene from the last book will now be of some use?
I mean…just the fact that getting back together with her parents but not getting stuff that is HERS back…I don’t even know what to say.
• TW: I speak about Hana’s scene with the doctor from last chapter again here.
• The other reminder of what a trainwreck that scene was, was definitely Drake’s diamond scene, which takes place in the same secret spot. If you didn’t buy the scene, then this was a place the MC just discovered, and if you did, she mentions seeing this place with Hana. I recall, while buying this scene, waiting and waiting for Hana to say more about that grandmother who made her dress with her, or about how her views on her parents have changed…or literally anything. But nothing much actually happened rather than a very shallow conversation and a kiss if you were her fiancée. Now in the same spot, I see Drake get a special scene with special dialogues exploring facets of his journey (and by now I’ve completely lost count of the number of times I’ve seen this happen). In the meantime, Hana gets a scene where her MC does the barest minimum - saying ‘thank you’ for all the preparations Hana’s been making the last few days. Which brings me to my next point.
• You can’t expect me to believe that two women who love each other, and who are supposed to have supported each other through difficult situations (this is true for Hana, and for the MC on the few occasions the story allowed her to)…would simply return to normal? After receiving the kind of news Hana got in the previous chapter??? That the woman going through this painful experience wouldn’t struggle with it? That her partner would not bother to check on her? (and at no point does the MC do so in this chapter). One could always argue that perhaps they could leave such a discussion for future chapters…but, as I said in detail the previous QT, the writing team has had a track record of choosing to never address very serious issues related to Hana’s own story, to the point where they were on the verge of encouraging a possible romance with someone who harmed her in her single playthroughs. If they were able to make Drake’s scene so different, why couldn’t they do the same to Hana considering her own, self-confessed, emotional state last chapter in her playthrough? Instead in that particular scene, she thanks her for everything, even referencing the same doctor’s appointment where they got this news - and it sounds patronizing considering the fact that Hana’s pain is (again!!) seen as not important even to speak about. Why couldn’t the MC at least ask after her and see how she’s feeling, and comfort her in this scene?
And if that wasn’t going to happen - why force that situation on Hana at all??
• One thing we need to keep in mind is that even when one DOES NOT want children, being told that you don’t even have that choice, or option, can be painful and in many cases traumatizing as well. I had two incredible reblogs last chapter that spoke about this in detail, from people who experienced similar situations, and I feel that unless a writer is ready to commit to that storyline and route, unless they’re prepared to write it sensitively rather than brush it under the carpet, they should not place that character in that situation. This is extremely offensive given their track record.
• This is why, when they say bullshit like “oh we would have preferred to do separate books for each LI but ended up with no choice but one book” (I’m paraphrasing), I find it so hard to believe the team. No one was forcing them to create the issues for Hana that they did. Those were narrative choices they made…and when you make such choices it’s YOUR responsibility to resolve them properly, otherwise don’t go there! Don’t have Madeleine bully her - or Olivia still mock her after they’ve become friends - if you’re simply going to allow these white (let’s never forget this. The white women in this book get away with all kinds of bullshit) women to get away with it with little-to-no pushback from Hana herself. Don’t force her into an emotionally abusive parent-child relationship if your only resolution for that is they say sorry a couple times and still have the same toxic expectations of her. Don’t rob her of her choice to physically carry a child if in the next chapter you will force her to act like nothing happened. I doubt ANY of these writers would care enough to actually write separate routes/books for anyone other than the LI they’ve always been pandering to.
• Apparently 3 writers in the team claim they would date Hana. Mmhmm. Sure. I can so see that in the way you write her, team TRH, I can so see that.
• I…love some of the characters in this series, and they’re the reason I’m still sticking around and trying to make these write-ups. But I won’t lie that it is exhausting, and frustrating, to keep highlighting these issues and barely be heard - and if the series keeps this up…I might not be able tho sustain the energy to keep writing these. I hope that doesn’t happen…but it is a very real possibility and I think I should let you guys know in case things do go that way.
• Fingers crossed that doesn’t happen - but if it does, I’ll still be working on my Book 1 QTs (my failplay brought up some insights that I found interesting!) and there’s plenty of fanfic ideas that I’d love to get back into. Let’s see how things turn out!
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mahiru-no-haato · 5 years
Dankira English Guide
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This is a guide for the newly released Japanese mobile game Dankira!!! Boys, be DANCING! This guide is to help those of you who cannot understand Japanese navigate and play the game. It has images of (almost) every menu in the game with translations on them and explains what they do. My ask box is also open if there’s something I missed or you just need help with something!
Some Images will have certain points marked with a pink circle, these are areas that I was unable to translate the text (I will still explain what the button does) or there was simply no text to translate, but I still want to talk about what’s marked.
Just in case tumblr compresses these and makes some of the text unreadable, this post is also available in an imgur gallery here.
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Starting with the home screen, this menu is actually pretty self explanatory. The main buttons you will be using here are nicely labelled in English. 
In the top left we have your coach name and title. Below that is the news, present box, and your missions (I will talk about missions more later). At the top of the screen you have your coach rank, stamina, and your aqua. 
Right above the Dance Battle button, you have your duty button. I unfortunately have a 12 hour one currently running so I am unable to take a screenshot of what that menu looks like, but it shouldn’t be too hard to figure out. While you have one running, the time remaining to completion is nicely displayed on the button for you. It displays the hour first, then the minutes, so I have 10 hours and 55 minutes remaining until its completed. The two characters you chose in this menu will have their Soul Link level increase when it’s completed. 
Finally in the top right, we have our menu button. I labelled this one in pink as it has no text on it, only the three dots. This button will be on your screen in almost every menu, and is a convenient way to move around to different menus. When you tap on it, it will open and take up about half your screen.
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At the bottom, we have the same 5 buttons from the main menu, except they don’t have English text on them anymore. Above that are the home and dance battle buttons.
You might notice that there are two buttons here that aren’t translated. Unfortunately I cannot understand what they say, and after tapping them I don’t really understand what they do. These will require your own testing, or someone else’s explanation. 
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This is your Mission menu, accessed from the home screen. On the left, you can see there are daily, weekly, dancer, and coach missions. On the daily tab at the top, the black text is telling you how long until the reset occurs. In this screenshot it will reset in 8 hours and 48 minutes. In the same location in the weekly tab, it will tell you how many days until reset.
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Here’s the story menu. This one is pretty easy to navigate so I won’t go into an explanation on how it works. You have your main, killer trick, soul link, card, and event stories. The stills/cgs button is, well, stills/cgs you have unlocked.
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The dancer button will take you to a menu with the teams on it. It doesn’t really have text that requires translating on it so I’ve left an image of that menu out. Slide left or right to go to the next team, and you can tap on the boys name or image to come to this menu.
This is your Dancer menu. It starts you on his profile. Selecting killer trick shows the killer tricks you have unlocked for him. (I will explain this a bit more later). You also have your voice menu, this one is pretty self explanatory. It displays all the voice clips you’ve unlocked for him, and you can tap on one to hear it.
Right underneath him you can see there’s an outfit button. Here you can preview every outfit that your cards of him are able to unlock. When you have an outfit you don’t yet have unlocked selected, there’s a little green button near the bottom of the screen that will take you to the dancer tree that unlocks the outfit.
Next to that is the soul link button, which has its own big menu.
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Soul link is pretty much your character’s bond with each other. It increases from doing dance battles with them, but this menu is the easiest (and fastest) way to increase it. You earn rewards like stories, voice clips, and aqua from leveling this up. At the bottom you can tap the rewards button to see exactly what you will earn.
You can get presents from doing missions. The weekly missions work in a sort of rotation, so you will receive a different dancer’s favorite gift from a different dancer every week.
The character on the left of the screen is the character giving the gift. So in this screenshot Mahiru would be giving a gift to Oboro. The swap sides button will make them, erm, swap sides, making Oboro the one giving the gift. The change recipient button just changes the character on the right.
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Back from the main menu, the team button will take you here. At the top you see your team name, which you can easily rename by just tapping on it. Mine is just the default チーム1as I cant be bothered to change it lol. Your first team is the characters that display on your home screen.
Labelled in pink, we have the killer trick button. This changes which killer trick this character will perform when you use his killer trick.
Under that is the change outfit button. This one is pretty self explanatory, but this changes the outfit on the home screen (if its your first team) and the outfit he wears in dance battles.
At the bottom left we have the soul link button. This one just opens a neat little graphic that shows the soul link between the boys on your team.
The button to the right of that is untranslated as I can’t read what it says, but just give it a little tap, it’s a really small somewhat insignificant option.
Underneath that is the lovely, wonderful, osusume button. This is basically the “do it for me” button. Most people who have played Japanese mobile games before will know what this button does.
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But, for those of you who don’t, here’s the osusume menu. The main buttons are the all types, body, technique, and spirit buttons. Confirming with the all types button selected will give you your strongest team in pure numbers. Selecting body will give you your strongest body attribute team etc etc you get it.
The button marked in pink is the same team button. What it does is, when selected, it will not change the members on your team. So if I wanted to make a body focus team with my 3 favorite characters, all I have to do is put them all on a team, select body, and confirm and the game builds that team for me.
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Back from the home menu again, we have the Training menu. This doesn’t have much that requires translating or explaining. The status button changes what information is displayed on the bottom half of the card.
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The sort button opens this little menu. The two top buttons are whether you want it in ascending or descending order. You can sort by level, rarity, or the untranslated one. I’m honestly unsure what this button does. I think its sorting by date received but I can’t say for sure because I can’t read it.
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Tapping on a card will take you to this menu. Here you can see your card title, character name, exp, level, your body/technique/spirit values, and your center skill. The text marked in pink is how many duplicates of the card you have. I can’t read what the text says, so I can’t translate it but that’s what it is. I only have one copy of this card so I have 0/4 dupes. Getting a duplicate of the card increases its max level and unlocks more of its dancer tree (possibly other things too, im unsure).
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This is the training menu. This menu actually confused me when I saw it for the first time I might just be brainless idk, but I’m going to explain it even though it’s not too difficult to figure out. 
So as you can see I have 0/30 of the first training notebook selected. This means I have 30 of them that I can use. Right under the cancel button there’s a plus and minus, this is toggling whether you’re increasing or decreasing the amount of notebooks you’re going to give him. This menu is pretty easy to get after that. It displays how much exp he’s going to get on his exp bar, so you can tell how much you need to give him.
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Moving on to the dancer tree. This is a menu that probably looks really familiar to those of you who have played Enstars or Utapri Shining Live (and many others I’m sure).
This menu has a lot of little nodes on it that when unlocked have different effects. The ones that have an attribute like bo/te/sp just increase that stat. You can also unlock stories, voice clips, killer tricks, and card artwork here. At the bottom you can use the shortcut buttons to take you to the next unlockable one of whichever you tap.
At the top you can see your little jewels (idk what they’re officially called) that you use to unlock the little nodes on the screen here. The 4th rainbow set of them can be used in place of any of the other ones. So if I required 5 of the blue small jewels to unlock something but I didn’t have any, I could use 5 rainbow ones instead. 
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Moving on to the final menu I think needs explanation, we have the team selection menu. This will appear when you select dance battle. Most of this is pretty easy to understand, but I’m still gonna talk about it a little bit.
On the right of the screen we have the auto ticket option. I have never used this but I assume it just plays the dance battle for you. In this screenshot I have 11 auto tickets available to use.
Above that is another option marked in Pink. This option says Dankira something... I can’t read the kanji in this one haha. Tapping on one of the 3 little slots opens a menu where you can use a little attribute booster. I also haven’t used this option but I assume it only works for one song.
And with that I will leave you gremlins to enjoy the game! If there’s something I didn’t explain, or something you just want extra help with please feel free to shoot me an ask (I also have submissions on if you want to send an image along with your question). Anonymous asks are available, and I will answer questions privately if you want! (Just let me know if you want your ask answered privately, I will answer it publicly otherwise).
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adecila · 5 years
Hi. Are you going to do the 2nd ep preview post? I would like to read your opinion.
Hi anon, thank you for being so patient. I watched the promo a bunch of times and I also saw the stills from the episode. Now, in case you avoid spoilers, I am not saying I have them, but I am not sure which information was confirmed by the show runners in interviews by now. I don’t count trailers, promo pics and still as spoilers. If the information comes from an interview, trailer or other official sources, it ain’t a spoiler. 
Moving on..
1. Jaime vs Dany ... 
I have seen some people are talking about Jaime’s trial in episode 2 but I was very confused. I was telling a few friends last night - nowhere have I seen it confirmed. I think someone speculated Jaime is on trial and the entire fandom ran with it. Happens a lot. No, we haven’t had any confirmation this is a trial. And I know people think this is the case because he is standing, you have armed guards behind him somewhere, you get a Dany table and a Jon table... well... no. I disagree. 
Is this meant to somehow parallel the Tyrion trial(s)? No... I don’t think so. Mind you, Jaime is not in chains. This to me looks a lot like a petitioner to the court would be received. You have the monarch (in this case the alliance - Dany in the middle, flanked by Jon and S.nsa), and then you have the rest of the court. Plus, it has been established the North side doesn’t like the Dany side, hence the two tables, hence they sit separately since the Northern Lords are like YoU cAn’T SiT WiTh Us. The guards would and should be there by default. Jaime is standing because he is addressing the Ruler. 
Keep in mind, the previous episode finished with Jaime arriving in incognito mode in WF. Maybe Bran calls the guards and Jaime is taken into the Great Hall to explain himself - not only is he arriving in non Lannister colours, he is also arriving by himself. He’s got some explaining to do, since last these people have met, he was to march to Winterfell with an army to aid in the fight against the Army of the dead. 
About Dany’s discourse - Dany and Jaime haven’t officially met. He tried killing her on the Field of Fire 2.0 and he almost got roasted by her baby Drogon (*pets* the best son ever). They also crossed paths in the Dragon Pit Summit (LMAO idk why I am calling it that; I guess it’s because fake truce or armistice is too much; oooooh let’s call it a parley). But they haven’t actually spoken. And Dany has some things to say to the man who killed her father. In my opinion (but who the fuck knows anymore since the writing is killing me and after episode 1 I have so little faith), Dany will have her Queen mask on, she is angry because quite frankly WHERE THE FUCK IS THE ARMY BITCH. Like ofc this means Cersei betrayed them, you don’t need a genius (*cough* S.. *cough*) to tell you that if he is travelling low key and alone. 
Dany needs closure. She will probably tell Jaime - listen, my brother told me all about you; because you killed my dad we had to flee; because you killed my dad we were poor and starving and on the run; the only thing that made us keep going was fantasising about all the ways we would kill you to avenge our father. I don’t blame them, tbh, it’s quite normal, considering what Viserys was feeding her. But! Dany knows now that Viserys was lying; that her father was a mad man. She knows this from Barristan Selmy. So I am REALLY hoping that heavy and meaningful speech that is making Jaime shit his pants (fo real look at his face lmao someone gif it pls) and Tyrion to look 10 years older is ending in something along the lines of “My daddy was cray cray; you did good; you can live; but try to kill me again and you die.” 
Why? Because it makes sense, and because we have seen Jaime fighting in the trailer, so we know he survives this meeting. 
On the other hands, the Starks also have beef with Jaime fookin Lannister - honestly get in line. 
Now... do I think Bran Starkashian the drama queen (present at the meeting) will drop the bomb that Jaime pushed him out the window? Hmmm... I cannot make up my mind. My issue is that if he does, then it’s gonna create more drama, and after episode 1 I think the writers can bring it up and just gloss over it (ugh remember how they dropped the Viserion is a wight news?). But, I also think that since Bran isn’t Bran anymore, then what does this matter to him? If this were still Bran, sure I could have seen a point in revealing it. They could also just do a Bran vs Jaime scene in which Jaime goes to apologise and Bran just says some trippy shit. 
2. S.ansa vs Dany in the Library (sitting in a tree K-I-.. neah we’re not there yet)
So, as it’s framed, I am guessing Sansa says something to Jaime, hence the look Dany has on her face at the table in the Great Hall - must be something surprising. Then I guess we get their private meeting over how y’all bitches should have never trusted Cersei. I guess S.ansa is at least directly talking to Dany not instead of, ya know, AT HER or ABOUT HER. We also have a still with a fake Dany smile, but I am hoping for some meaningful dialogue here. Dany and S.ansa have quite a lot in common so I really want some meaningful chat here so we can move the fuck on from the train wreck that was the episode 1 welcome. Will this be the episode the writers let S.ansa actually use her brain? We’ll see in 80-ish hours. 
3. Jorah x Varys x Tyrion and then some Sam and some Gilly stills 
I think this is either before or after a joint small council meeting. But since Dany is in her white outside coat again, then it must be after Tormund x Edd arrive. They look intense so maybe it’s more likely afterwards. Maybe something happens in that meeting. 
Also the stills of Jon x Arya and the one of Sam x Jon look from the same place. Sam’s intense look shows me that he might have some residual tension with Jon after that shit reveal. Jondry 5eva.  
The still of Sam x Gilly x Little Sam on the bed is so cuuuute. I hope this is post the crypt discussion with Jon and it’s when GIlly knocks some sense into it. Alternatively, it can be the night before the war for some more extra feels. 
4.  The Forge x Arya 
Guessing Arya is going to Gendry to pick up her new weapon and to deliver her Many Faces speech. Is she saying it to Gendry? I think so. Guess this is also where we gonna see sexy Gendry hehe *Gendrya intensifies*
5. And then it gets weird to me... two battle scenes? MAYBE? WHO THE HELL KNOWS ANYMORE
When I first saw the troops moving in the day, I said cool beans, so maybe preparations. But then I see a catapult going off during the day? And more stress? And more people moving. Tormund x Edd arrive during the day too. And we know they are technically behind the dead, since Last Hearth, where Ned Umber was supposed to be was already passed by the dead (since we got the message) so they can’t be arriving before the dead, can they? So how come they arrive and deliver a “they are coming message” and Jon asks how long do they have? How can they be moving faster than the dead? These aren’t slow zombies and Tormund x Edd don’t have a snowmobile laying around. Do they? 
But then you have night battle scenes or rather preparations: Missandei x Grey Worm kiss, Jorah with Heartsbane I hope (I hope this is Sam’s token of I have been a shitty boy to your Queen pls say sorry), Arya with a bow (I am so turned on btw), Jorah riding with the Dothraki, Tyrion on the battlements, Jon on the battlements, Lyanna Mormont in armour!!!! So something is happening as night too. Is this a continuation from the day prep? Is this something else entirely? Then why fire the catapult? Is it a test? Am I overanalysing? Certainly. 
What is sure though is that we won’t get a battle this episode, we will get the build up to it and everything in between. 
6. Jonerys in the crypts 
Ah again some actual leak info I have from when Friki was still allowed to talk (nothing new, just something he has already said), but I’d rather say in a different post. So this is clearly not following the Sam x Jon chat, since here Jon has his furs, and Dany is dressed again in her outside white fur coat. My bet is this is just before the battle, and Jon went to pay his respects to his dad (and mom?) one last time, because he is an emo sad boy. 
Is this about the reveal? Hmmm not so sure. It is very reminiscent of the Dragon Pit when Jon was sad he had fucked up with Cersei and Dany went to console him. Maybe this is post small council and Dany also goes to console him (she is wearing the white coat there). 
7. More small stuff from the stills that we didn’t get from the promo
Tyrion drinking in front of a fire - maybe he is with Bran, since he is also pictured close/next to a hearth. 
Sansa eating - she could be in the Great Hall. She looks quite relaxed so idk maybe this is in a more informal setting. Maybe it’s the same as the one with Tyrion. 
Bran in front of the Heart Tree during the day - I am hoping one more vision. Maybe this is before Tormund x Edd arrive? Or after? Is Bran trying to see the NK again? 
Gilly outside - maybe she is talking to Davos who seems to be in similar setting in a different still? 
I think I might have skipped some stuff, but feel free to ask :)
I have quite high hopes for this episode. I am hoping it will end the fucking drama once and for all and I am hoping they let Dany speak for herself more, since she was really toning it down in episode 1, in hopes of appeasing the North. But since that didn’t work, I am so fucking ready to see the Dany we know and love. The Queen we chose. 
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Tel Aviv 2019: Straight outta Germany to Eurovision with two total strangers turned friends overnight
First, S!sters, let me tell you how it works, hey!
I am never too sure why but German national finals just almost NEVER work in my exact favour. Granted, I have forgiven them for Roman Lob because I have had literally no other reason to hate him other than “eww he’s winning every single Unser Star für Baku show bar one he’s such an easy winner”; and maybe Michael too because my only vitriol towards him was that he’s such a great soul... but only on his non-ESC stuff? If I had anyone else at the time, it would have obviously been the energy of Xavier Darcy and his song too! But at the same time Xavier would have placed worse than Michael so I’ll assume that Michael was actually the best possible choice for Germany at the time? Sorry, voXXclub, Ryk and Ivy Quainoo fans.
But god damn Germany, you could have given us just at least SOME ounce of competitiveness this year, couldn’t you??? And you'll know exactly why do I feel this certain way about this next target of my reviewing. Meet Carlotta Truman and Laurita Spinelli that were assembled specially for the German national final (which hopefully gives you a bit of a heads-up of where are the things going) and have a song written especially for them to pretend to be something they are actually not looking like to be, without their involvement... this songwriting camp experience has turned them into S!sters. Got that? Even the exclamation point part? Good, because you'll probably never hear of neither them, nor their song "Sister", ever again. Just like it is accepted for a German entry as of lately, I suppose.
It starts off innocently enough, with the music-box-y sound, and then quickly escalates into the singing on top of a different set of instruments. If there’s one thing I can’t fault this song for, it’s the instant relatability levels this song hits you with: “I’m tired”, “I’m tired of competing”, “I’m sorry for the drama”, “I tried to steal your thunder”... if these aren’t moods. Now what does this message tie into? Of course one of the songwriters (Laurell Barker) talked about the message of it being somewhat related to women who get aggressive with one another for things and I think I remember that the choruses represent their unity or so. However, I’d like to interpret it a little differently. If I consult myself of the meaning of this song for myself, it is somewhat indeed about two sisters that find it hard to get along a LOT (e.g.: me and my sister irl), but the chorus represents that in the end of the day, they’re still sisters, therefore, they’re each other’s family parts and the “fire” burning in between of them is the sign of the by-default sisterly bond and that it can be strong. If I listen to Laurell, however (and I should because it’s HER song and HER interpretations should be official), it’s two women who probably compete for a man’s attention and get angry at each other when they either receive something from that man (”how dare you get more flowers from him than me!”) or they don’t (”it’s your fault he didn’t look at either of us today!”). At the end they’re just “tired of competing” and “tired of always losing” and secretly accept the fact that they should just get the man notice them both equally so he can hang out with two chick of one’s price, all at once. ^^
But what about how the song sounds? Well, that’s the problem. It’s just your standard average pop tune that doesn’t offer anything fun nor exciting. It uses simple instruments (guitars, music box), simple melodies (the main leitmotif progression on this song is C - E - lower B - C), even the simple stage presentation (the girls were dressed in black for this song on the NF). Simplicity is key, but for a country like Germany, they often tend to wander off into a painfully average or just plain ‘misunderstood-idea’ category. Cascada had a good tune but in a rapidly evolving Eurovision their act just looked completely uninspired - just some chick with a mediocre dress dancing on stairs with random camera shots to the backings. While the others were even more fun and intriguing (or diaspora overvoted them). Elaiza for some reason was uninteresting for most songwise, to say the least. Ann Sophie wasn't so bad but the German staging director did not get the gist that turning your ass against Europe is a no way points magnetiser, not even from the thirsty guys looking for attractive Eurowomen. Jamie-Lee was so-so but she refused to let her otaku look go away for her Eurovision performance, therefore everything looked so confusing and there was no absolute point in anything, not even in those laser trees. And Levina was... ehhhhh... and like someone said on Twitter few days ago, this was a song with no staging. It's sad to see Germany sending something cookie-cutter but it's even more awful when they send something remotely decent but their staging sucks at the end. Even the one for "Sister" is not gonna feature the spinning platform they had in the NF originally for Tel Aviv, that's a shame.
Well if there’s something I can admire the song for is that the girls kind of sound good when they do the song live? Unlike San Marino 2018 (which is also two girls only paired for a national final that never knew each other in their lives but having to pretend to be besties after winning the NF they sang on), they truly sell the thing nicely without making it out to be a mess. The spinning platform might have helped a bit more and with it being gone so is the magic I guess, but I guess the ladies might make it work some more at SOME point (at least with their singing)... Also the structuring of the song is pretty smeared out but interesting. I'd expect them to go "oOoOo SISTER! WahOoO SISTE-ER!" after the whole chorus but Carlotta and Laurita are rebels - they use it after half a full chorus, omitting the second chorus line. And they manage to somehow bring that chorus back, so they can end it with proclaiming once more that something "[shines] like city lights, torches in the skYYY". Then they go all like "don't you try to hiiiiide iiiit, dON'T YOU TRY TO HIIIIIDE IIIIIT... SISTER!" and the music box closes everything. Bookends. And its simplicity is nice enough to not bother me, and the instrument touches (again, guitar, and they even tried to make the chorus slightly majestic, with strings I suppose, and thise backings that repeat the song's leitmotif melody) are quite delightful in itself, so that it wouldn't be boring, melred out vanilla with maple syrup - instead it's a bit more 'orchestral' vanilla. It's vanilla that's at least accompanied with some vocal strenght. I do imagine playing just that "oOoOo SISTER" part alone in a background of a fancy ball, with red carpet, punch bowl, silver sparkly dresses and chandelier lights. Everything of there filmed from top view until camera pabs to someone that looks like Anne Hathaway.
In the end I actually kinda like this, and I even liked Levina to some degree 2 years ago (but wasn’t fond of Jamie Lee and Ann Sophie, the better of the average German entries). It stands its ground out more than them - it has more going on for itself without needing to sound like a ripoff of another song or an anime fangirl staging. It has some nicer things going on for itself that I could care about (like the ‘orchestrale’). I have a feeling I might not like the girls' chemistry on stage and that it won't transmit to the viewing audience’s TV screens though, but more on that on the below résumée:
Approval factor: It’s... approvable, nothing much of complete approvable, but the feeling of liking this is there, so go ahead with it Germany...
Follow-up factor: Do I need to say more on this? You know what, these last two years for Germany proved that they decided to not improve on their result, Michael Schulte was just a fluke and if the Germans were more cloudcuckoolanding on last year’s German NF, they would’ve sent that only vanilla NF song they had in there...
Big 5 factor: If (emphasis on “if”) S!sters are staged nicely - decent vocals (no voicecracks like Levina), a bit better staging, “believable” chemistry - they maaaay escape bottom 2 at best, maybe even explore some more beyond the bottom 5... if anything else fails, bottom 5 is locked. I mean, they have plenty of places to fuck up in, like, making the girls look way too fake happy at each other at the end, or just let them scream “SISTEEEER” at each other with no mutual emotions exchanged at each other. Just like Italy was feared to look like last year - two men yelling angrily/passively-aggresively at each other. So can be S!sters, but the catch is that they’re’nt the fan faves. And they’re singing in English. And barely anyone of the “locals” would care about them anyway, just like the Eurofans don’t. (Also can S!sters get better stage clothes for Eurovision? Please? That’s just my flop suggestion, idk if it will give them better points but I would dress Laurita in a white suit (white crop top, white coat, white pants, even the stilettos white). Just because... they could play ying-yang with each other. Laurita can still have red lipstick on if she wants btw)
Soooooo, Unser Lied für Israel. To be honest with y’all, this wasn’t a very favourable edition for me because, for one, I have never heard of any of those final NF acts. Wish they admitted Kasalla to the lineup, so then I could’ve had another clear favourite next to the first one down below that I’ll be talking about in this bonus. Second of all that... like I said, I wasn’t very hyped about this NF much unlike last year, where even some “who is she where did you find her” people tried their asses off to be appealing, and hey, a mediocre German NF filler-declared-winner did not win for once! (instead she went for judging talents in her actual home country and even danced a bit to that country NF’s winner song while it was performed as a competitor) This year, not only don’t I have an act that I would actively mourn of its NF loss, but also aside from my apparent favourite, the songs weren’t even that likeable by me. Yes, a lot of them were nice and Germany certainly upped their game, but I feel the same way I felt with Dora - only one good song, then another decent favourite that I have I guess, but that’s it. Let’s find out who won this NF for me and some other things:
• Look Germany, I found you your saviour you seemingly rejected! Well yeah fine, she didn’t do well with the international jury and S!sters did (only because the biased German juror pushed them into 1st), but let’s all agree her song would be a-bangin’. Meet Aly Ryan and her stylish synthpop tune “Wear Your Love”, complimented with a cool stage show, with projected stripes and everything! The expert jury rewarded it with 12 points rightfully, I’d say. Germany should’ve followed suit :) (also the trumpets remind me of a British NF fan flop from last year, “Legends” by Asanda. Is it just me???)
(this might as well just not matter anymore now that Aly’s management thought that it’s the best idea to block the fans that go to her DMs... granted that some artists could really use some privacy Instagram-wise, but that’s what disabling DMs is for. At least Aly still has fans though, unlike most other ULfI candidates. She should have enjoyed her attention, no? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) UPDATE: despite this people still would’ve wanted to see Aly win, and I agree. Some minor things are forgotten anyway and the artists are loved still if anything.)
• Not necessarily my favourite now but there was this cool chick going by the moniker Lilly Among Clouds. Nothing particular in her song “Surprise” sounds like there’s a happy sky with few clouds - it’s very much so a cloudy sky with a slightly dramatic storm coming out of them, complemented with Lilly’s bold vocals and the tone in her voice, and those orchestrals were something (and this song has an orchestral-based music video if anything). The song dragged in between a lot of the parts (verses felt like a passenger in a vast desert and the choruses were like a big oasis) but maybe those in-between song parts were to signify the calm before the storm, the warning before the “surpriiiiiiise”. Would have been a bold choice for Germany, this chick. Oh and I didn’t put a video down below (instead it’s linked somewhere) because I still have this screenshot on my phone. I love it.
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• Besides those two, there also were two other remarkable ladies, and they they have a lot of things in common, besides their dark skin and that they’re ladies - BB Thomaz and Makeda. Two powerful ballads and two powerful vocals! Granted they were not my faves (I like 1,5 of both those songs combined though) but I admire their singingwork. It was magical. Not to mention are their songs themselves - BB Thomaz sang “Demons”, a quite personal song about overcoming one’s fears, bullying, naysayers, depression and everything like that, and also spawned this iconic line I am probably going to use on my T-shirt someday: “my demons can go and *dramatic thump* themselves!”. But I would’ve liked it more if the whole song sounded just like the verses - granted, it makes sense for her to go all showtune-y happy when she declares that her demons can go and *you know* themselves as she’s no longer dependent on them, but I found the choruses cheesy either way. Whereas Makeda, the sweet lil lovely gal, decided to go for a romantic ballad about not hating a guy after he breaks her heart. Her song “The Day I Loved You Most” is one big role model of mine now when it will come to my future relationships: I will never have to worry about the days when my non-existent future BF is a dick to me - instead I will rather cherish the good ole’ days in my heart without whining big time about our broken-off relationship! Yeah that’ll do I suppose. It was a nice ballad to me. Makeda also nailed one damn big great highnote live and that’s how I understood why International Jury and Eurovision Expert Jury loved it so much. Televote dares sink Makeda and uproot S!sters? For shame. Inb4 y’all ask me “but what about the other two?!?” - lol they’re not worth your attention. They’re just twink songs. I like one of them enough to be my 2nd of ULfI, but lbr, no one and absolutely no one, cared about them. That’s all.
• This NF started off with the hosts collectively attempting to make “You Let Me Walk Alone” sound somewhat funny? idk? and then Michael came back to save his own goddamn song out of the entrance door from the audience and right onto the stage <3 amazing. 
• Yet again, I commend the hosting of this show that has, and how much does it try to make a knock-off Eurovision, ever since last year ❤ Starting with the logo, continuing off with live commentary during the ending and the beginning of performances, including interval acts, and a sequenced voting ❤ One of the few complaints I have is that the postcards seemed waaaaay longer than each individual competing entries? I know I tl;dr with my reviews a lot here but some NF shows just get out the stories of singers' lives rather quickly and painlessly...
• ULfI decided that it'd be a good idea to outrival Festivali i Këngës in terms of ridiculously unnecessary interval acts. Yeah. There was this cowboy guy with glasses doing his own tunes, then him again on another interval act (I forgot but wasn’t his name Udo?), then Lena at some point (one of the better interval acts actually), then Michael Schulte, then this one dude from a band Revolverhed (who later voted as part of the International Jury as the German juror and... 12′d S!sters out of his The Voice mentor bias for one of his ladies. Yeah yeah, rigging...)... there were just a little too many, that’s what I’m saying.
• Now how exactly did we all know of the victory of the S!sters? Why, with voting sequences, of course! At first we have had this international jury made up of random specific people, usually giving 12s to S!sters, Makeda or some other twink. S!sters won it, then came the Eurovision panel whose votes were co-read by ... GASP! WILLIAM FROM WIWIBLOGGS!!! ;O don’t worry though he did not dun goof anything this time - the 12 from the Eurovision panel went to Aly Ryan. Sounds hopeful enough, right?? Well, hell no, as then came the televoting results, announced by Mr. Jon Ola Sand and he announced the 12 to S!sters! Oh German televoting, why did you allow yourselves to be THIS brainwashed and decline the good progress since Michael???? I will never forgive Germany for pushing S!sters this far. Putting them up together last minute and also last-minute adding them to the lineup, giving them the pimpslot, making a person who knows one of the S!sters more personally a German 'representative' of the International Jury... unacceptable.
• IDK where to find this but there was this part of the winner reprise where the blonde S!ster (that’s Carlotta) was so overwhelmed with joy that she struggled to open her song straightforwardly and instead let all the tears and laughs(???) take over her. It’s obvious this happens during all those winner reprises that the winner cannot really contain their emotions for what joyballs the victories have rendered them to, but that moment still sticks out to me. The other S!ster (Laurita) was much more collected and later on both of them carried on the right track and sang the rest of this whole thing decently!
For now I’d just wish them viel Glück in Tel Aviv and I hope that their friendship last longer than Jessika’s and Jenifer’s from last year! (probably not because like these two, S!sters are bound to flop, and separate as immediately as the unfortunately-formed class group project participants, just like Jenifer from Jessika)
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Ok so imagine Kirishima’s s/o doing martial arts, they’re really good at it and all that. So, they have to spare Ojiro and they’re like, “cool, hes a very nice dude that won’t hold back when I spare him.” Then they just go at it for like 20 minutes and Kirishima is just standing there in awe because “man my s/o is so cool, I spared Ojiro once and I was beat in like five minutes.” Idk Ojiro seems like he’d be a very honorable and nice guy to spare. Then s/o gives up because they’re just done.
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Ah I love Ojiro! He’s such a good soft boi. And I love @empanadadooblez doodles of him with lil toe beans! OK ANYWAY! Also I’m using they/them pronouns since that’s my default if a gender isn’t mentioned. 
When you say “spare” I assume you mean like “sparring” or “to spar with”? Because that’s the only thing that makes sense to me lol so I’m going with that.
“Hey, Ojiro! What’s up, are you out here training too?” Kirishima asked as he heard someone else enter the training area. His s/o looked up from practicing some of their martial arts moves to wave to their classmate as well. 
“Yeah, I didn’t have anything better to do so might as well…hey those were some nice moves s/o! Wanna have a little sparring match?” Ojiro hopped from one foot to another, tail waiving back and forth behind him almost mockingly. 
“Oh, you think you can beat me huh? Don’t get cocky,” they said, walking up towards Ojiro. Kirishima placed a strong hand on their shoulder. 
“He’s a tricky one with that tail of his! He kicked my ass last time we had a match so just stay on your toes! I know you can do it!” He gave an enthusiastic fist pump to act as his s/o’s official cheerleader for the match. “You better watch out, Ojiro! They’re really badass even without using their Quirk.” Kirishima smirked at his classmate as s/o made their way out towards the open training area, facing each other in fighting stances. 
“We’ll see about that…I won’t go easy on you,” Ojiro said, hands poised to strike at any moment.
“Wouldn’t have it any other way,” they said in response, eyes glistening at the challenge.
It only took a second before Ojiro made the first move, lunging at them and swinging down with his powerful tail. His opponent managed to dodge out of the way, flipping to the side and trailing a kick towards Ojiro’s head, but he blocked it just in time. 
Kirishima watched from the sidelines as his s/o and Ojiro duked it out: one would get a hit in, but then miss the next striking opportunity. A flying kick, a punch, a dodge, a roll, a flip, they were on fire and it seemed like neither was quite pulling ahead of the other. 
“Wow…s/o is so manly and cool! I’m gonna have to train with them more often so I can get bett- ouch! Ooh that had to hurt…” He winced as a hard swipe of Ojiro’s tail made contact with his s/o’s side, putting them on the ground. “You can do it! Don’t give up!”
They managed to gain back their footing right before Ojiro gave another powerful tail attack towards the ground, moving out of the way just in time. 
5 minutes…10 minutes…20 minutes…
“OK ok ok I give up! Jeez…” they said, completely out of breath and nearly collapsing on the ground from exhaustion. “You’re…OK you’re really good…” 
“You’re not bad yourself! With a little more practice you might even beat me,” Ojiro said with a laugh as he helped them up. “It was a good fight.”
“Yo! Wow that was so awesome! I couldn’t last fight minutes against him and you went above and beyond!” Kirishima ran over and picked up his s/o, spinning them around in a circle. 
They were a blushing mess as Kirishima spun them around until he got too dizzy, Ojiro laughing to the side at what a cute couple they made. 
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aharris00britney · 6 years
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Ummmm stuff I’ve ignored and let build up ;-; MM hairlines, a pic of me, default replacement hairs, donation stuff, using my hair conversion meshes, a male hair wip, recolor requests, and other stuff UwU
Anonymous said: face reveal?        
lmao this is from October but I never take pics of myself besides snapchat so UwU
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@wildfire607​ said: I love your content for the game! I have my notifications on for you. Much love from Texas. ♥️
omggg thank you!!!! literally I don’t feel like people would have notifications on for me ;n; again, thank you so much <3
@standardheld said: Hey there! I know you don’t take requests so take it as an idea. Maybe you’ll like it. Otherwise, please don’t feel forced to do anything! So here’s the idea: I haven’t fount an adult’s version of you YeoJin hairs with big pigtails. Remember Cassandra Goth from The Sims 2? It think it would look beautiful and I know you’ve got the necessary talent. If you like the idea, please let me know :)        
Hello!!! Lmao I am kinda swamped rn to start ‘new’ things BUTBUTBUT I don’t mind if somebody uses my conversion meshes like YeoJin Hair since all it is is a conversion. So if u wanna do it or wanna ask some other people, feel free!! <3   
@pxelsquid​ said: The WIP hair in your play list post is so beautiful! I can’t wait for it!
Thanks! Planning to get it out in the next week or so
Anonymous said: What do you use donations for?
(answer in bold) lmao I actually don’t get many, at least not enough for them to go towards anything. But I do get a few dollars every couple of months (and that still makes me super happy to see ty to anyone who has donated ever UwU) lmao so I don’t really know what the donations go towards though I guess packs?? which rn I prob wouldn’t buy a pack w/donation money bc irl stufffff but I would think donations on a sims account should go to more sims stuff if you don’t need to money for personal life situations :)
Anonymous said: Hello! Would you ever consider some of your hairs for male sims?
You should be able to disable to masculine filter and see them?? If not go in S4S and edit the tags to let it be seen
Anonymous said: about your last hair: NOPE. 
all night all night all niiiiiiiight ✨
Anonymous said: I’m so happy you made the Jennie Hair without headband! I really like it so far. Good job!
Yay!! I’m glad you like it. Thank you so much <3
Anonymous said: When will you be releasing the braids on your post /post/168877609911/ ?
Yeah!! They’ve been done a while, hopefully they should get posted soon. Here is a link if u want early accessssssssssssss UwU
Anonymous said: why did u and yoshi break up?
Richard ( @cas-fulleditmode ) shares the same fetish as me (M*** P**f) lmao im kiddingggggg UwU me and @ayoshi​ are married in Korea still
i dont think u get…. my k-pop obsession ;-; lmao I literally keep up with like every girl group and watch the album teasers/everything UwU I still prefer Where Are You? to Black Dress though.
Anonymous said: Are you friends with grimcookies?
to an extend I think so, yes. We have only messaged a few times in the past week or so bc of memessssss
Anonymous said: Can you please post some eyes or tell me where I can download cc eyes? I hate the eyelashes that sims has.
My resource page has the eyes I use and the no EA eyelashes mod link :)
@saurussims​ said: Pass the happy! 💛 When you get this, reply with 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people in your notifications!
My birthday is this month so I’m happy about that lmao
my pug UwU
my friendssss
getting new clothing
Anonymous said: aghhhh your sim style is so nice! Have a nice day!
Thank you so much!!
Anonymous said: Hello! ^_^ I just dropped by to tell you how much I appreciate your hard work in making hairs. I don’t know how much time it takes you to make such wonderful creations, but they definitely made my sims better-looking for your CCs are amazing and they are of matching lengths and styles that really made planning my sims’ hairstyles easier <3 Sorry I’m too broke to donate, and all I can do is THANK YOU :( But please know that you deserve all the praises you get. More power to you and your blog! <3
omggg this is so sweet ;-; thank you!!! I really really really appreciate stuff like this. <3
Anonymous said: Would you consider making more hairs (preferably a long, casual style and maybe a ponytail?) with the Candie/Maja bangs? They’re soooo cute!
I have made another hair with those bangs. Hopefully it gets posted soon :)
Anonymous said: Can you please make the laundry day hairstyles base game compatible?
I actually didn’t buy laundry stuff lmao college/senior payments are taking all my money rn so I prob won’t get any packs anytime soon :P
Anonymous said: all i want in life is curly maxis match boy hairs ahhh :((((((((
aweeee I am really bad at male hairs or I would try :( this is a male hair I did the other day and it is super super basic but like I’m surprised it wasn’t super fucked up ;-;
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@jacazul​ said: ✨💛 This is the Amazing Person Award! Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you’re amazing inside and out 💛✨ <3333
Thank you!!! <3
Anonymous said: how do you get all your sims to look so cute??? every time i think i’ve made a super cute sim i see one of your sims on my dash and i’m like WHOA NEVERMIND THEN. seriously tho what are your secrets
ummmm I use all my sims and then just do ‘make twin/sibling’ and then I get a clone to mold like clay wedgfhv
Anonymous said: which recolor palettes do you recommend for hairs? I like the EA colors but I would like to try some others.. especially after seeing the hair color you put on your sim with the jennie hair in your latest post
Obvi I like the anathema palette bc I put my hairs in that, but the saccharine (?) is really really good and there are tons of hairs in that. and the WMS palette is so so so good there are just too many swatches for me to do that palette tbh
Anonymous said: Are you going to make more hairs that are ombre accessory compatible?
Maybe! I am not sure tbh, it depends on the mesh I use and abunch of other factors :)
Anonymous said: Question, I love your Jisoo hair, it’s well done, but the ombre part, what’s the file name and how do you download it? I’m a noob when it comes to this. Sorry to bother you.
file name -> JisooHairOmbreNaturals[AH00B].package
just put it in your mods folder like you would normal CC. It is in accessories :)
Anonymous said: I’m legit falling in love with you and all these cc’s ❤❤❤
<3333 Thanksssssss UwU
Anonymous said: not to rush you but are any male sims coming out soon :0
My male sim has been in my drafts with all the CC links and everything the past MONTH but I haven’t had the motivation to export his download file omggg. He is on my gallery @ spotharris if u really really want him right now
​ said:
I love you and thank you for your cc and can you make not so berry cc?thanks!
People have made recolors of my cc in not so berry colors :) check my sideblog @aharris00britneyrecolors​
Anonymous said: Hi! Are you planning to make the Go Won hairs into a bob? the same hair and all but shorter. I just think it will look really nice as a bob.
Maybe?? no plans as of right now though
Anonymous said: please upload your red-ish haired sim! :) x
Already did, check my sim download page
Anonymous said: damn, those new hair really sucks. sorry… but. yeah.
well maybe if you stanned LOONA then you would like them UwU
Anonymous said: I checked out your sim page, they’re so gorgeous! I remember at some point last year you mentioned maybe sharing Briella after you stopped using her, and I haven’t seen her in a while in your posts. Have you considered sharing her or is she just officially retired? She was a very cute sim and is iconic!
Briella wasn’t actually my sim! Her original download post is here
@ayoshi​ said: Are you gonna tell your followers why you didn’t give me a valentine gift or…???
Me and @cas-fulleditmode​ were too busy to take a stop in korea sorry UwU
Anonymous said: heey :) could you maybe put the hairlines your were talking about in the latest post for download? i use hairlines myself and i really like your hairs in tge palette you are using and i can’t find any hairlines in it soo? could you do that? :)            
the hairlines I made are actually in the saccharine palette bc so many clayified hairs come in that palette lmao. They are kinda messy rn but if I eve use them on a sim download ill link them there :)
Anonymous said: Could you please recolour some of wild-pixel’s hairs in the palette?
Anonymous said: can we give you recolor requests?
Idk if I will do recolors that often but when I do I kinda just do what hairs I find myself using at that time :P
Anonymous said: Will u ever upload girl from “tell me why, why i’m so lonely” post?? Please consider it, she is soooo cute 😍😍😍
I didnt save her :(
@investedwheat40 said: Would you ever consider uploading your joy hair as a default replacement for that one hair Zoe Patel wears?
Prob not since it uses different textures/shadows and stuff, it would be the same size and stuff as the normal Joy hair
Anonymous said: Is there any way to download you models? Because I live how they looks and really want to use them.
I got this before I made my sim download page, but lmao here is a link to my sim download page :P
162 notes · View notes
I'm daring you. 1. - 47.
1.Do you want a boyfriend or girlfriend?
I mean, that would be nice. I mean, I’m not actively looking for one right now, but if someone comes my way I’m not exactly going to get in the way of my own happiness, you know?
2.When did your last hug take place?
A few hours ago. My stepdad was saying goodnight to me
3.Are you a jealous person?
No, not really. I’m a pretty laid back person
4.Are you tired right now?
Bro, that’s like my default mode, alright. I’m always tired, 24/7
5.Do you chew on your straws?
Sometimes. Not recently though since I just got my retainer like a week ago
6.Have you ever been called a tease?
No? I mean, in bed sure a couple times, but in general like ‘hey you’re leading me on’ kind of tease, never. I’m a very blunt, straightforward person sometimes
7.Have you ever been awake for 48 hours straight?
Listen, I know sometimes I make jokes about hating myself, but I don’t hate myself that much. 
8.Do you cry easily?
I do, but not often. Usually when I cry it’s from an intense emotional buildup over a long period of time because I subconsciously bottle things up without realizing it until it’s too late so
9.What should you be doing right now?
Math homework, sleeping, mentally preparing myself for having to work on Thanksgiving
10.Are you a heavy sleeper?
I live in a house with four dogs, a noisy younger brother, an older brother with noisy friends, and my dog’s snoring and godawful farts, so yeah, I am. If I wasn’t I would literally just be awake the whole time
11.Do you think you can last in a relationship for 6 months?
My last big relationship lasted almost 3 years, so yeah, I think I can do that
12.Are you mad at someone right now?
Yeah, but only in the sense that if the subject is brought up I’ll rant big time and talk some major shit, but I’m not like outright looking for someone to be angry at, it just sort of happens
13.Do you believe in love?
14.What makes you laugh no matter what?
There’s this comic floating around on this site somewhere where Captain America sneezes and Tony says god bless america and the last panel is like this closeup of Cap’s face and he looks just like Kermit the Frog and it makes me lose my fucking shit every time I see it
15.Who was the last person you talked to?
My stepdad
16.Do you get butterflies around the person you like?
Platonically? No, but with people I have a sort of crush on, yeah, sometimes. 
17.Will you get married?
Hopefully one day. I can’t really see myself with a husband though, so I’m gonna be searching for that soft wife of mine who can crush my skull with her thighs
18.When was the last time you smiled?
When I was answering question 14
19.Does anyone like you?
Yeah, but the feeling is not returned. He’s 14 and in the tae kwon do class before mine, and I’m 18 and don’t do that so
20.Do you secretly like someone?
Um...Idk? Maybe? I’m pretty clueless with my own feelings sometimes, so if I like someone it’ll take me a cool minute to realize it. So in short, TBD
21.Who was the first person you talked to today?
Does my dog count
22.Who do you feel most comfortable talking to about anything?
A close friend of mine who I’ve known for almost ten years, a new internet friend of mine, and one of my friends from high school who I still talk to regularly
23.What are you NOT looking forward to?
The holiday season and fucking Star Wars. Listen, okay, FUCK Star Wars (I work at a fucking movie theater literally shoot me)
24.What ARE you looking forward to?
I got the job to this dance place the next town over from mine. They teach ballroom dancing, and for the next three months I’m gonna be training with them to become an official instructor. My training for it starts next week, and I’m really excited about it
25.Has someone of the opposite sex ever told you they loved you, and meant it?
Yeah, plenty of times
26.Suppose you see your ex kissing another person what would you do?
Listen, I wouldn't care. We’re not together anymore, so why should it matter? It shows me that they’ve moved on to a hopefully happier, healthier relationship, and even if I didn’t leave on best terms with someone, I still want them to be happy
27.Do you plan on moving out within the next year?
No, I can;t afford that. College is expensive my dudes
28.Are you a forgiving person?
Yeah, I like to think so. What happened then is water under the bridge now, and there’s way to much time wasted on hate where I could be doing other things, like sleeping or talking to my dog like she’s my therapist
29.How many TRUE friends do you have?
30.Do you fall for people easily?
I don;t think I do? Like, usually I would like to know the person for years befroe we start going out. With my last relationship we knew each other for six going on seven years before we dated for a couple months, and before that I had known my ex for three years before we started dating. So no, not really. It makes it kind of hard to get a girlfriend of a boyfriend because I want to be with someone but I don;t want to settle for just anybody who I have no emotional connection with
31.Have you ever fallen for your ex’s best friend?
No, those are strictly platonic relationships
32.What’s the last thing you put in your mouth?
My retainer 
33.Who was the last person you drove with?
My younger brother. As stated above I work at a movie theater, so I took him there and we watched the new Thor movie and Justice League (which are both amazing btw)
34.How late did you stay up last night and why?
I stayed up until about 1:30 am because I was at work
35.If you could move somewhere else, would you?
Probably. I live in midwestern America right now, so the economy isn’t all that great and some people are overly conservative (If you’re a conservative idgaf, i’m talking about the ones that think I should have the gay electrocuted out of me, or the ones that think cutting school funding is a legit smart idea)(Because it’s fucking not but that’s a whole other story I’m not going to get into)
36.Who was the last person you took a picture of?
Me, because I’m amazing (And was trying out a new lipstick)
37.Can you live a day without TV?
I already do that lmao
38.When was the last time you were extremely disappointed?
A couple of weeks ago. My biological father didn’t call or text for almost two months, and didn’t go to my younger brother’s big football tournament down in Dallas. When he did finally text me, the conversation was four messages long and there was no apology or explanation. He acted like it was able to be swept under the rug so yeah, I’m kind of disappointed. I thought he would finally stop doing that
39.Three names you go by..
My birth name, JoAnn, and then there’s Joan and Joananana (and only one person is allowed to call me that)
40.Are you currently in a relationship?
With a person, no, but with my new OCs, god I wish
41.What is your all-time favorite romance movie?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier, and no, I don’t mean Steggy/Steve x Sharon
42.Do you believe that everyone has a soul-mate?
No. I mean, there are people who don’t like romantic/sexual stuff so no. Unless you mean in a platonic way, because sure, everybody has that best friend soul mate. 
43.What’s your current problem?
44.Have you ever had your heart broken?
Yeah, a few times. I don’t want to talk about that unless it’s through dms though, it’s too personal
45.Your thoughts of long distance relationships?
If you can make it work than good on you, but I personally do not care for them
46.How many kids do you want to have?
Three. That way they can entertain themselves and I can have more grandchildren to spoil 
47.Have you ever found it hard to tell someone you like them
I feel like that’s gonna be a situation that’s always going to be hard no matter how many times you do it. It’s because you’re opening yourself up and exposing your most vulnerable parts , therefore making you open to rejection. So yeah, I have, but luckily those people have shared the same feelings. At least for a little while
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saturnsovereign · 6 years
all the numbers
aight, i got nothing else to do. i’ll try to keep them less than a paragraph short tho. 
1: Talk about the first time you watched your favorite movie.First, I’d have to decide my overall favorite movie, but I don’t have a Favorite ya know. But if I had to pick some, my default answer is Beauty and the Beast and Treasure Planet. I don’t really remember watching Beauty and the Beast but I do know that I loved their soundtrack. Treasure Planet, I’d seen some clips on youtube and one of them made me cry so I thought I’d check it out and man I loved it bc of the adventure and space and pirates. :D
2: Talk about your first kiss.My first kiss happened the summer of my Sophomore-Junior year of HS and its what set up the drama for Junior year. Anyway, confused feelings had been in place beforehand and I had gotten with and broke-up with my ex-bf in a little more than a month due to conflicting feelings that I realized during our band trip to Disneyland. Fast forward a few months, my friend confessed her feelings for me first over text, and I said I felt the same way. She invites me to her birthday party which was a sleepover. Once everybody fell asleep I kissed her on the cheek and I thought that would be it, but she pulled me back for a kiss on the lips… and then we had a makeout session for like the whole night. Then a few weeks pass and she dumps me. :/ What made it worse was that she held it over me for the rest of the school year since we were on the same team together. 
3: Talk about the person you’ve had the most intense romantic feelings for.This one is easily my girlfriend. I’ve told the story about the prank and our fake dating shenanigans, but lord I fell for her so hard. I have a thing about touch, and I don’t really like it when people touch me all the time or without permission. But with her man.. her hugs–I’m shorter than her so she basically envelopes me and like I still think back to the first day I came back after That Day which was band camp weekend but man that was a good hug and we weren’t even dating yet. Sorry, I digress, but I found her so much easier to trust than everybody else I’d been with. Like with my ex-bf I was always holding back my actual feelings/pretend everything was ok and with ss I always had to watch my language, and like with both of them I never got around to fully trusting. But with her-my gf-I trusted her before we started dating and I trusted her so much more after we got together. I trust her still to this day. And with the romantic feelings bit, I’m not afraid of being a dork around her and flirt with her and hold her and god. She’s so beautiful. 
4: Talk about the thing you regret most so far.There’s a lot of things I regret. But I think rn, the one I can tell you is that I didn’t work hard enough in high school bc I never thought I’d make it through high school. 
5: Talk about the best birthday you’ve had.This last one actually. Heh. I got to spend my day with my gf :)
6: Talk about the worst birthday you’ve had.I don’t really have bad birthdays, I just hate my birthdays bc I don’t like having been born. :/
7: Talk about your biggest insecurity.Idk what exactly is my biggest insecurity but I’ll talk about all my other insecurities. I think I’m a horrible conversationalist, being all awkward and highly introverted. I don’t complain about my body too much but I certainly don’t celebrate it. I hate my laugh and my voice, and I don’t think my face is really anything to look at I used to think everybody just talked to me because they had no other choice but to. I feel easily replaceable and forgettable. I feel like I’m dumb af bc I’m not exactly the quickest thinker and sometimes I can’t hear people. I feel like I’m always doing the wrong thing and I stand out but not in a good way. I just feel like a good annoyance in general. 
8: Talk about the thing you are most proud of.I’m proud of being able to graduate high school. :/9: Talk about little things on your body that you like the most.I like my calves, they’re the only thing that show I have some muscle. I used to like my biceps too but they’ve deflated and there’s like no muscle there anymore. I like that my ears can do the little wiggle thingy. Also my hands can type medium-fast speed. 
10: Talk about the biggest fight you’ve ever had.The biggest fight I’ve had is with myself ever since I wanted to kms. But if you want an external fight, its probably the one between me and ss since that shit lasted hella long. 
11: Talk about the best dream you’ve ever had.I don’t remember dreams unless they’re really weird.12: Talk about the worst dream you’ve ever had.Idk if you’d count it as a nightmare bc it was just super weird but I remember a dream about people getting turned it leaves, and witches, and Professor X and idk its all just a mess. 
13: Talk about the first time you had sex/how you imagine your first time.The first time I had sex was in the guard room. And like it was weird bc I’ve never masturbated and stuff so I didn’t know how anything felt down there. I’ve never used a tampon by then so I’ve never had anything inserted there. Also I was pretty unaware where tf my clit was… So. My point is, there was a lot of confusing sensations but I didn’t really mind bc it was my gf who took my virginity. 
14: Talk about a vacation.I went to Lake Tahoe with my gf and her family and we did like hella romantic shit. Like we went on a stroll on the beach at night with all the constellations and we did stuff in bed and we went to an arcade and we swam and man that was a lot of fun. I was on my period tho for most of it, which sucked but. 🤷🏻‍♀️
15: Talk about the time you were most content in life.I just really think about the times my gf would hold me and I’d focus on her heartbeat and the feel of her and nothing else. 16: Talk about the best party you’ve ever been to.idk about this one. With parties, I usually get peopled out. 17: Talk about someone you want to be friends with.I don’t have anyone rn since school hasn’t started yet for me and also I’m pretty anti-social. :/18: Talk about something that happened in elementary school.I was known for being the most aggressive girl/team member in gym floor hockey during PE. So like, picture this, from 3rd graders to 6th graders all being in the same PE class since there were so little of us. Now imagine smaller me coming up behind a taller, older boy and ramming them into the wall in order to get the hockey puck. Also imagine smaller me, sprinting–and I was the fastest girl in my grade for a while–and practically charging at you to get that hockey puck. Needless to say, people liked being on my team. 19: Talk about something that happened in middle school.I was in 7th grade, and I had just transferred into my new school. I had been sitting alone at lunch, minding my own business, and reading a book when three girls come up to me. They introduce themselves and invite me to sit at lunch with them. They really helped. 
20: Talk about something that happened in high school.For my final english project in senior year, we had to do a live acting of Romeo and Juliet. I was in the odd ones out group and it had a bunch of people who would never be in a group together unless they were forced to- which we were. I had done all the preparation for the script, it was like two days before the final date and we agreed to meet at the park’s ampitheater to do a final run together. I had just come back from performing at a parade and lord I was tired. We were fighting about how things were supposed to go a lot. 
21: Talk about a time you had to turn someone down.During 8th grade, I got transferred into another PE class since I signed up for creative writing and there was only one period of it. I don’t remember how, but I eventually became friends with this scrawny kid named Tiger.. no joke. Anyway, I distinctly remember one time we were sitting inside on some bleachers and there were those jerk-y middle school boys behind us and they started picking on him. I remember looking at them and like telling something along the lines of back off. Anyway, skipping to 8th grade dance, I was with my friends when Tiger came along and asked for me to slow dance with him. I did. He was the second person I slow danced with. After a few slow dances my friends were making fun of me for it, but like not bc of him, more that someone asked me to slow dance and they were like poking harmless fun. Thing was, I knew he had a crush on me but I really didn’t return the feelings. Moving on to freshmen year, he calls up my mom due to bowditch directory, and asked me to go to the movies with him. I had to turn him down. 22: Talk about your worst fear.My worst fear, there are a good few fears that tie for that spot. My first one is my fear of abandonment and like disappointing everyone to the point that they just realize its better to go on without me. To an extent, its my fear of being forgotten. My second one, the fear of myself, or rather my intrusive thoughts, and being faced with all things I’ve done and thought, knowing everything that’s happened is my fault and getting confirmation of that. Fear that I’d hurt someone because of something I did. The third one is losing everything that matters to me. 
23: Talk about a time someone turned you down.Let’s just talk about my “breakup” with SS during Sophomore-Junior summer bc it was kinda shitty. The reason its in quotations is bc is it actually a break-up if you were never officially together in the first place. Like, the details get muddled up but she essentially told me over text. I remember this because I was just coming back from working on my drum major routine over the summer, I was on a bridge when I got the text. Something along the lines of her parents and her religion and stuff. It really sucked bc it was before I would leave for guard camp and the people who were going with me had shipped both me and her together. :/
24: Talk about something someone told you that meant a lot.There was one time in Brentwood and one time after SCVC camp. But thats between me and her.
25: Talk about an ex-best friend.For the 4th time today, I’m talking about SS. Like c’mon universe really? Anyway, she was a best friend but honestly man, she wasn’t even the best of my friends. She was a close friend, but she wasn’t the best friend. It didn’t help that I had had a crush on her for half the time before our really bad and long ass fight. 26: Talk about things you do when you’re sick.I just realized I haven’t been properly sick in a while like sick with a fever so I actually have to stay in bed. Like I’d usually get like sniffles and a cough but I’d be okay for the day. So like, I like piling myself in blankets and hide from the world really. 
27: Talk about your favorite part of someone else’s body.The eyes will always get me. Take that and add a smile, and bruh. Thats beauty. 
28: Talk about your fetishes.Forgive me, but I had to search these up bc I didn’t know what exactly counted as a fetish. So like if something isn’t a fetish just like.. tell me or something. So like BDSM like light bondage and blindfold and stuff. Strap-on. Dom/Sub stuff and like orgasm control/denial? Are hickies considered a fetish? I’m reading here something about being bitten but idk if that means voyeurism or like vampire roleplay or if they mean hickies. 
29: Talk about what turns you on.My gf ;) But like kissing. Neck and ear biting/nibbling.  Dry humping. Hair pulling- moreso bc of my haircut. Teasing. When my gf is being really dominant. Also when my gf is being really submissive and her moans. ;D
30: Talk about what turns you off.Those gifs of porn when you’re searching up a tag on tumblr and like bruh, I just wanted to see a pic about like puppy i didn’t need to see some bondage gay puppy roleplay like c’mon!
31: Talk about what you think death is like.A rest from the thoughts in your head. Quiet. The final escape. Maybe you get a second chance. That the next universe you experience, you’re in control, that you get to relive your life but better the next time around.  
32: Talk about a place you remember from your childhood.I remember the first time I stepped foot in the Post Office in my hometown/childhood city. It looked different from the PO in place where we used to live. It was made of bricks and it looked really cool. I’ve only gone in once or twice but I remember all the PO boxes and the wooden shelves and getting to learn how to send a letter. Idk why exactly I remember this but yeah. 
33: Talk about what you do when you are sad.Depends how sad I am. Sometimes I try to distract myself, sometimes I just stew in those thoughts. If its night, then I have a good chance of crying myself to sleep.
34: Talk about the worst physical pain you’ve endured.Idk when I get leg cramps in the middle of the night. It used to happen all the time during Sophomore and Junior year and I’d feel it throughout the day. 
35: Talk about things you wish you could stop doing.Living. heh. Procrastinating and being depressed. 
36: Talk about your guilty pleasures.ml and pr. shhhh
37: Talk about someone you thought you were in love with.5th time. Hopefully my last time talking about her. The reason that what happened between us hurt so much was bc I thought I was in love with her once. That’s why every time she’d shove a crush of hers in my face or something that I’d forgive her. But I got tired of it and waiting for her. I moved on. And it was a good decision bc I now have someone I really am in love with. But she didn’t like it, and apparently she had still “loved” me by letting me go, but thats just bullshit. That’s just bullshit. 
38: Talk about songs that remind you of certain people.I have a whole playlist for my gf. And then there’s No by Meghan Trainor that my friend really hates XD
39: Talk about things you wish you’d known earlier.That I’d make it through HS and graduate. Maybe I could have built something up rather than assume I wouldn’t make it. 
40: Talk about the end of something in your life.It was my birthday, so it was the end of me being that age I was before. 
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amorremanet · 7 years
Hiya ! Super late but : 5+ headcanon thingy about...voltron college au if you wanna ? :)
aksfkgdfgh, I did mean to get back to this yesterday, but I got distracted writing and watching House reruns (but the, “give me an AU and I give you 5+ headcanons about it” meme is basically always open, because I am always good to go on AU headcanons)
idk whether to go with the college AU side of the fic that’s actually updating on AO3 or the one college AU that has Hunk/Keith/Lance, Matt/Shiro, Allura/Shay, and Lotor being a pain in the ass because Shiro doesn’t want to date him (and for multiple other reasons, but Shiro not wanting to date him is a big one) — so heck, let’s do both
the AU that doesn’t have a fic at present
Shiro has spent two separate Christmases in the hospital for one reason or another. The first one was when he was in high school: he was working out too hard without actually taking care of himself, putting way too much stress on himself about literally everything (from being allowed to play varsity lacrosse as a sophomore to worrying about his PSAT scores to trying to handle Keith’s first crush for him when Keith literally didn’t ask and just wanted to talk to Shiro about it because he was 13 and didn’t think the guy he liked knew he existed), and after seriously exhausting himself and throwing his electrolytes way, waaay off, Shiro passed out.
The second time was during his sophomore year of uni, and Shiro was so certain that he just had a nasty cold but actually, he was down with pneumonia. And as it turns out, stress from finals week, not eating right, and trying to keep to the same gym schedule that you have when you’re healthy? Not the way to handle pneumonia.
That first time is also the reason why Shiro first started visiting his and Keith’s therapist in a capacity other than, “Shiro had to escort Keith to make sure he got to the appointment and Keith asked him to come into the office too (or possibly emotionally manipulated him into it, maybe both)”
There is probably a 95% chance that Pidge will find a stray cat and try to hide it in her dorm room, despite all of the, “no, you may not have pets in your dorm; exceptions can be negotiated about for disabled students but the rest of you are not allowed to have pets, get over it” rules
When Allura finds out, there’s like a 65% chance that she just won’t report anything as part of an awkward attempt to befriend Pidge
When Hunk/Keith/Lance actually sort out the polyamory thing, Keith is going to want to tell Shiro immediately. The only reason they won’t is that Lance doesn’t believe that Keith can successfully tell Shiro about this by using a Parks and Rec meme — but “successfully” here means, “telling Shiro the thing AND getting him to say the line that is a response to said meme.”
So, they go to Shiro’s room and Keith is all, “This is my boyfriend Hunk and this is Hunk’s boyfriend Lance.”
“Sorry… what’s the situation?” Shiro plays along because he knows that sometimes, you just have to let Keith communicate through borrowed words.
“Hunk is bi and he’s into me, and he’s also into Lance, and Lance is really into Hunk, and I don’t actually hate Lance.”
Hunk: “It’s not that complicated :)”
Shiro: “Okay, but seriously, what is the situation”
Keith: “I’ll tell you everything but only if you say the other thing”
Shiro: “*siiiiiiiiiiiiiighs* …The thing about youth culture is: I don’t understand it”
and then Lance, Keith, and Hunk celebrate because haaaa, Shiro said the thing
Lance really doesn’t mean to be an asshole, most of the time. Like, okay, yes, sometimes, he DOES mean to be kind of an asshole — for instance, when The Paladins get beaten at ultimate frisbee Lotor, Acxa, Zethrid, Ezor, Narti, and Lotor’s coterie of overly similar frat-bro bodyguards, and Lance feels like Lotor definitely cheated somehow despite the complete lack of evidence, so he starts cussing Lotor out and accusing him and the gals of cheating
—but most of the time, Lance just doesn’t really know what to do with his feelings. Especially when a lot of them are things like, “All of the pressure he’s putting on himself to succeed and do well because all his older siblings are awesome and he doesn’t know what he’s good at like they’re good at stuff”
and, “All of his little nieces and nephews look up to Cool Uncle Lance and he wants to be a good role model, and he doesn’t want to let them down and doesn’t realize that the tiny humans love him regardless of how he does at school or what a loser he feels like he is and about the only way that he could ever let them down is if he promised them something and then didn’t deliver on it”
and, “Lance knew that it was going to be hard to leave home and go to school, and he thought maybe it’d be easier because he and Hunk were going to the same place so at least he’d have his best friend — but then he had to room with Keith instead of Hunk, and Keith is THE WORST, but Hunk actually kinda likes Keith and Keith sucks at flirting and Lance feels like he has no right to feel jealous because obviously he’s not in love with Hunk or anything don’t be stupid they’re just best friends and Hunk probably wouldn’t want to be with Lance anyway, and oh god why does everything hurt”
—all of which sort of boils over into Lance crying on Shiro’s shoulder when Shiro tries to sit him down in the Cool RA Single for a Talk about how he and Keith’s mutual antagonism has been steadily escalating (and the whole, “let’s sit all three of us down and hash out your differences and make a plan to handle this” idea went over like a lead balloon because Keith and Lance were both on the defensive, so nothing got discussed in a constructive fashion)
Granted, Lance was on the defensive during the one-on-one chat too, but mostly because he assumed that Shiro was going to take Keith’s side in this by default because they have history together and apparently Hunk is going out with Keith on Friday night so why wouldn’t Shiro take Keith’s side, too
This boiling over of emotion ends with Shiro feeling like he is in way over his head about trying to get Keith and Lance to just…… not even, “get them to be friends,” but, “get them to please stop it with deliberately antagonizing each other, for the love of god, please”
—but also with him going, “Okay, I’m not saying that you need to go to therapy or talk to me about your problems or anything? But if you want to talk to someone, there’s no shame in doing that and it can help a lot, if you let it”
—which in turn results in Lance hugging him tighter and crying a bit more (at least in the short term)
I mean, look, things will get better after this but Lancey-Lance has a LOT of pent-up emotions and Shiro gives nice hugs and says that he doesn’t care about people crying up his shirts, so. We’ll get to an okay place, but Lance has to cry it out first.
Shiro is the only person who doesn’t think the, “world’s okayest dad” mug that Lance and Hunk got him for Christmas is hilarious. He is NOT anybody’s father. Big brother figure — okay, sure, he can deal with that, but he isn’t anybody’s dad, will you please stop calling him that, saying things like, “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” doesn’t make him any shade of paternal okay.
I mean, he drinks out of the mug anyway because coffee is coffee and as long as the coffee gets into his mouth safely, Shiro doesn’t mind what its container looks like. But still. He’s not your dad.
Everyone else still thinks the mug is hilarious, though (well, okay, Keith thought it was funny for a little bit and has since gotten over it, and Pidge only thought that it was mildly amusing and now she wishes that everyone would just shut up about it).
But yes, they get that Shiro isn’t literally anybody’s dad and that strictly speaking, he is more of an older brother figure than a dad — it’s just that nobody makes, “world’s okayest brother” mugs as far as they know, and Shiro still does things like the whole, “I’m not mad, I’m disappointed” thing until he tries to put conscious effort into NOT doing them (and even then, he still does them)
So, if you ask anyone but Shiro (and Keith and Pidge), that mug is hilarious
the tall, smart, good-looking AU
Shay organized an anti-M//ilo Y//iannopoulous protest back in February because Dean Zarkon was going to let that fucker come to campus and speak. It didn’t turn into full-scale riots like the protests out at UC Berkeley, but there was nevertheless resistance from the student conservative groups, and although the “presentation” was sparsely attended, it also wasn’t canceled like Shay was hoping to get.
Keith thinks that this is a perfectly interesting story about things that actually matter and doesn’t get why the other people in his creative nonfiction class with Dr. Ryner think he should skip writing In Cold Blood!Capote-inspired reportage about the protested and instead write a fucking BuzzFeed Lives piece about how he had this one abusive douchebag foster grandfather who got bitten by a Texas coral snake and died and it was the best day ever
Kolivan is head of the history department. He’s married to Antok, who is also a history professor, and they have a dog called Rufus. They’ve been calling their relationship status, “married” since 1997 (and they’ve been legally married since 2004, when they took advantage of the ruling in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health to make if official). Here is essentially how their proposal went:
Antok: “The only reason you’re trying to pull away is because you’re too scared to marry me!”
Kolivan: “I am absolutely not scared of anything, I LOVE you! If you truly meant the proposal, then you would stand behind your alleged convictions, so I can only conclude that YOU are too scared to let yourself marry ME and are projecting your insecurities because—”
Kolivan: “FINE I WILL *fumbles about trying to put on Antok’s engagement ring and refuses help until he finally gets it right by himself* …There! ……Uh, do you know any jewelers that are open right now or would a Ring-Pop from the bodega on the corner be an acceptable stand-in until morning”
—at least they didn’t have to do that again in 2004. Antok just got home really late on the day the ruling was announced (because he’d had an unexpected hospital visit and had hung around to see if his sister would need him and Kolivan to watch her kids for the night) — which she didn’t, in the end, but it still took a while to decide that it was all okay and he called to say that he’d be late but couldn’t keep up as much as he wanted because cellphones circa 2004……
So, when Antok got home, he found Kolivan asleep on the kitchen table, surrounded by a dinner that had gotten cold, a cake he’d made himself, balloons that seemed totally out-of-place in proximity to Kolivan, one of Antok’s scented candles (which had burned down enough that it was like five minutes from setting off their smoke alarm), and a Ring-Pop because he thought it would be a fun callback to their original proposal
(I mean, Kolivan also had another ring to give his husband and had successfully kept it under-wraps for three weeks because he usually doesn’t let himself hope so much — he would tell you that he always hopes for the best but experience, unfortunately, tells him to expect the worst [and if you get that this is a reference to Deep Space 9, you are Kolivan’s friend now] — but he was incredibly, unusually hopeful about how the Massachusetts Supreme Judicial Court would ultimately rule in Goodridge v. Department of Public Health)
Anyway, this was all so sweet that Antok just…… didn’t wake his husband up until after he’d gotten his camera and taken a picture for posterity’s sake
—and yet, they still periodically have incidents like, “Antok comes and interrupts Kolivan’s class for, ‘serious department business’ that is actually more like, ‘personal issues that are significant but could have waited until after class’ and Kolivan proceeds to spend seven minutes telling his students about why intra-Departmental romances are a bad idea”
or, “Kolivan forgets his own birthday again and, the next day, Antok starts off his class by calling some historical figure an idiot and yeah okay, maybe it sounds like he’s just picking on Napoleon in order to break down the whole, ‘Seeing these historical personages as Huge Important People, rather than as actual human beings, which in turn makes your scholarship less reliable’ thing… but then he gets to the part like, ‘I mean, if you think about it, Joséphine de Beauharnais probably only had her alleged affairs, if she did indeed have them, because Napoleon was a buffoon who was too absorbed in his work to remember his own birthday after she worked so hard to make it nice for him’ and everybody is just like, ‘oh jeez Kolivan really screwed up this time, didn’t he’“
But their dramatics aside, they eventually calm down, talk, and work it out every time because okay yes, they’re both disasters when you get to know them, but they’re disasters who love each other and care about this relationship
(Still, it is generally agreed that Thace probably made the best call by marrying a therapist who is affiliated with the college literally only because Ulaz is married to Thace, and because he sometimes gets clients referred to him by the mental health folks at student health services)
You know that old Arrested Development bit that goes, “Get me a vodka rocks.” / “Mother, it’s breakfast.” / “*sighs, rolls eyes* Fine, and a piece of toast” — yeah, no, Lotor and Honerva have done that exact bit before
One time when they were in undergrad, Ezor and Zethrid tried to make Lotor watch Arrested Development with them because they thought he’d probably find it funny and it might be like a therapeutic outlet for him. They ignored Acxa’s multiple warnings about how this was a terrible idea and it wasn’t going to work……
When Lotor made it through exactly four episodes before kinda breaking down and demanding to know what was so hilarious about a bunch of horrible, self-absorbed people screwing each other over and treating each other like garbage, these parents don’t even see their children as human beings how is this FUNNY, what the fuck is WRONG with the people who made this show, why does everyone love it so much, THIS IS HORRIBLE WHY ARE YOU EVEN MAKING HIM WATCH IT?
……Yeah, it was all Acxa could do not to tell them, “I told you so”
Mostly she didn’t because having known Lotor the longest means that she’s usually the one who has the easiest time of getting through to him in a constructive, helpful fashion when he’s being an even worse mess than usual, or having some kind of meltdown, or similar
Trying to discuss any of the show’s redeeming qualities with Lotor still will not end well. Because…… no, seriously. The Bluth-Fünkes and their misadventures hit waaaay too close to home for him, and remind him of Zarkon and Honerva most obviously (but also of all the extended family members who he pretty openly hates), and just
Don’t go there
Please for the love of God, I’m begging you: do not go there with Lotor, it’s a terrible idea for everyone
If you want to do any dysfunctional family comedies with him, your choices are Little Miss Sunshine and, “absolutely nothing, that is the only option, you can have Little Miss Sunshine or you can pick a genre other than dysfunctional family comedies”
Keith is going to be slightly confused when he gets to the Battle of the Bands on November 3rd and sees Acxa there. Because they have met before, while they were trying to switch between hiding and fighting back against some of the Conservative student groups that were antagonizing at Shay’s protest, and Keith hasn’t seen her around since then. Mostly, he hasn’t seen Acxa because she isn’t actually a student or in any way tied to the college; she just showed up for the protest because she agreed with Shay about not wanting that fuckhead anywhere near her city
Keith is not going to be confused by Zethrid, when he meets her, but basically everyone else is going to be confused by the fact that the two of them actually get along, because both of them have bad tempers and neither of them is really known for having stellar social skills
They’re going to talk to each other because Zethrid is all, “So how do you know my girlfriend and why did you two just have a sort of awkward moment of recognition” so Keith tells her, and aside from both of them thinking it was totally awesome how Acxa threw a brick at some skinhead and didn’t get caught, Keith is all, “*shrugs* You don’t have to apologize for assuming anything and getting defensive or whatever, I totally get wanting to protect the people you love and being willing to beat the shit out of someone to do it”
Zethrid: “*eyebrow arches because…… uh huh, Keith, you are 5’9” and you certainly look skinny even if you’re pretty strong, so you’ll excuse Zethrid for being skeptical* When have you ever beaten the shit out of anybody in your life, little man”
Keith: “……Do you want a romantically relevant example or my favorite example”
Zethrid: “………idk, let’s say both”
Keith: “Okay, well, the romantically relevant example was this one time in Chicago? Shiro, his old roommate, and I went out to a bar, and when we were all leaving, there were some skinheads going at these other guys. So, Shiro’s pretty drunk at the time and has even less impulse control than I did, and he runs right in to play big damn heroes, which ends up with him getting stabbed. Next thing I know, I’m pouncing this skinhead who’s like about Shiro’s height but built bigger than you, pummeling him because he stabbed Shiro. Apparently, I actually did some good damage before he shook me off, but I was kinda drunk too and got a concussion out of it, and my memory of it is a little fuzzy”
Zethrid: “Okay what about your favorite example”
Keith: “I had this foster one brother who liked to do shit like locking me in the cupboard under the stairs or locking me out of the house for several days so he could fuck his girlfriend. At the time, I also had a crush on this girl I went to school with. I mean, we were like 13 and neither of us had very many friends, so it’s not like we dated or anything, but she had a shitty home-life too and we got along. Anyway, I had her over one afternoon so we could work on a thing for our science class, and Bryce started being an asshole, so I kicked him in the nuts so hard that we had to go to the ER and get them pulled back out.”
Zethrid: “NICE. ……I like you. :)”
Keith: “……thank you? ……I think I like you, too.”
Lotor, probably: “Zethrid, nooooo, don’t like the street rat, please, I beg of you, it’s bad enough that Shiro likes him and Acxa thinks he’s okay, NOT YOU TOO ZETHRID, ZETHRID WHYYYYY”
Shiro and Acxa: “*facepalming forever because: 1. they know that they should encourage their Keith and Zethrid in making friends because they both do that so rarely, but… 2. for fuck’s sakes, why are you two bonding over a shared appreciation for violence, like? sdkffkhr, Shiro and Acxa are not outright OPPOSED to violence but can you two please find something else to bond over… and 3. ugh someone really has to go deal with Lotor before he has a full-blown temper tantrum and neither Shiro nor Acxa wants to be that person tonight, they really, really don’t*”
Coran does more active work with the students as the Assistant Dean of Student Life than Zarkon does as the full Dean of Student Life, but it’s an open secret that Zarkon doesn’t want this job — he’d rather just be the President of the University, but in lieu of that, Dean of Faculty is his ideal position — and that he makes Coran deal with more shit while inventing a bunch of bureaucratic reasons why he can’t do it himself.
Strictly speaking, Zarkon could probably get away with a lot more than he already does if he said something about his Chemistry professor wife being a high-functioning alcoholic while their son is sort of perpetually up at the edge of a meltdown cliff, but that would require him to:
1. acknowledge that Honerva has an actual problem instead of trusting that she totally has it under control because she’s a genius and he’s suspending good judgment because he loves her;
2. take Lotor’s problems seriously instead of dismissing him as a little more than a spoiled brat and an overly entitled pain in Zarkon’s ass;
and 3. care about his family’s actual health and overall well-being more than he cares about what the neighbors think and what the other people on campus think and, in general, about what kind of image his family projects to everybody else
—which means that this is basically never going to happen, since even if one of those things came to pass, the other two almost definitely wouldn’t unless Honerva was like, actually dying right here, right now, and Zarkon could not possibly find a way to escape dealing with the consequences of his bullshit choices and how much familial dysfunction that he’s allowed to fester by not taking any of it seriously, thinking that everyone could handle it fine, etc.
After a mix-up with his scholarships and grants that resulted in him losing his student housing, Keith did a lot of sleeping on campus couches while showering at the campus gym and he somehow managed to convince most everyone that he was totally fine…… until he relied on his old trick of sleeping in people’s cars, broke into Alfor’s, and got caught by Allura (who was his girlfriend at the time) and her fancy diplomat father.
The retort, “I mean, you should be glad to see me, I broke in while sleep-deprived and strung out on potentially heart attack-inducing amounts of coffee, so you clearly need a better security system on your Benz” did not go over well
Like, Alfor appreciated Keith’s attempt at humor, and the point about needing to get the security system checked on his car, and Keith’s sense of self-reliance…… but on the other hand, Allura’s boyfriend was all but passed out in Alfor’s backseat and tried to leave when Alfor offered him one of the guest rooms at their place uptown, so
That was kinda worrisome, yeah
Also not really the best way to meet your girlfriend’s father for the first time
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mega-aggron · 7 years
3, 5, 12, 14, 18, 25, 26, 27, 28 😯
3. do you want kids?
i don’t think so. at the very least, not in the forseeable future. may change as i get older but it’s a pretty strong no i think :p
5. describe the cutest date you’ve ever been on
i’ve only been on like… 3 dates and none of them were that great lol
WELL the first date i ever went on we just went to a restaurant and then sat down at some mall talking to each other and some drunk guy hobbled over and said to me “your hair is green! i love that shit” and said to my date “your shirt has anchors! love that shit” and we giggled for quite a while after that. i guess it’s not super “cute” but it was whimsy and fun at the time 
12. whats a turn off you look for before you start officially dating someone
smoking / drugs tbhalso signs of aggression or like… prolific rudeness
14. what is a piece of advice you would give to your younger self
it really depends on how far back “younger” stretches
@ 15/16 year old me: you’re gay, it’s cool; you don’t have to tell everyone right away but none of your friends will mind when you do
@ 6 year old me: hey you like watching boxing and looking at ancient greek art because you like guys. also you’ll still love pokemon in 15 years, keep it up and collect more cards
18. who is one person you would “go straight” for
man i just love sara bareilles
25. how do you determine if you want to be them or be with someone
idk i usually don’t think “i want to be them” unless it’s like… a friend getting a really cool opportunity that i have a similar interest in, like getting a cool software development job or sth. most everything else typically defaults to “i want to be with them” if it’s a trait i admire, for better or for worse :p 
it’s weird, i usually fall for someone really hard and then think “want to be with” for every new cool thing i find out about them, never so much wanting to be someone. i dunno if my sense of self is just too specialized or sth
26. favourite lgb musician/band
hm! i don’t really listen to a whole lot of lgb musicians, i don’t think? pete wentz is bi so maybe fall out boy lol. mashrou’ leila is also v good.
27. what is a piece of advice you have for young / baby gays
above anything, don’t feel ashamed. life’s too short for that. if you’re in a situation where you don’t feel comfortable being out, there’s no rush. someday you’ll find a group of people who will love and support you and share the joy that you have. just take life one step at a time.
28. are you out? if so how did you come out
i’m… mostly out? totally out to friends and immediate family. extended family… will not be happening any time soon. i don’t need that kind of negativity in my life
i first came out to the person who asked this question :p told him i thought i might be gay and he basically said he said that whether i was “straight or bi or gay or gangster” he’d help me figure it out. :) after that i didn’t really come out to anyone else for a few months. gradually mustered up confidence to tell a few friends at a time over the course of about a year whenever the situation arose, but never forced it. came out to my parents after i went to college and met up with them for dinner. siblings after i had my first boyfriend. and now it’s basically one of the first things new friends learn about me :p it took quite a while to get as comfortable as i am now.
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@wristwatch6minslow it's been forever since I did one of these so I'm taking your blanket invitation as gospel likewise, whoever feels like it, take your best shot! the last 1. drink: diet mountain dew 2. phone call: uhhh I think my mom, trying to ask her if she wanted me to stop and buy drinks at the qt on my way to meet her for lunch 3. text message: the last one I got was from my sister but the last one I sent was to a friend 4. song you listened to: some random dad rock song on the radio (and it really was random because I listen to dad rock and normally know what the songs are) 5. time you cried: mmm maybe three or four weeks ago, things have been pretty placid recently 6. dated someone twice: never dated 7. kissed someone and regretted it: never kissed anybody lmao 8. been cheated on: nah 9. lost someone special: my cousin mary, though that's not what you're asking 10. been depressed: ahah. not as far as I know, and I'm scared to ask 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: nah 3 favorite colors 12, 13, 14: blue, pink, and orange, in no particular order in the last year have you 15. made new friends: surprisingly! 16. fallen out of love: nah 17. laughed until you cried: yeah that time captain kirk like bounced himself off a wall to elbow slam a dude to the ground 18. found out someone was talking about you: MY ROOMMATES WERE SHIT Y'ALL 19. met someone who changed you: not at like, a fundamental level 20. found out who your friends are: it's simultaneously an old revelation and not one that's been confirmed in reality, but I know I'll lose a handful of childhoods friends #officially as soon as I come out 21. kissed someone on your Facebook list: ^-- never kissed anyone, see above general 22. how many of your Facebook friends do you know in real life: all of them EXCEPT for my cousin jodi who lives in texas. she's the outspoken family liberal. I respect her from afar. 23. do you have any pets: The Nugget 24. do you want to change your name: hmmmmmmMMMMM no I don't think so 25. what did you do for your last birthday: turned in a six page philosophy paper, lmao 26. what time did you wake up: 7 (cst, so really 8 by circadian rhythm since I've been on est for a few months) 27. what were you doing at midnight last night: Asleep 28. name something you can’t wait for: the captain marvel movie 29. when was the last time you saw your mom: she’s in the seat in front of me rn 31. what are you listening to right now: road noise because my dad took over driving and APPARENTLY has something against the radio, the bastard 32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: not... as far as I know, tbh 33. something that is getting on your nerves: the lack of radio playing in this car 34. most visited website: tumblr, netflix 35. hair colour: you know when tiffany aching says she has boring non-protagonist mouse brown hair? she is me and I am her 36. long or short hair: SHORT 37. do you have a crush on someone: ??? I guess so??? 38. what do you like about yourself: this one time I made a really good deus ex machina joke in a fanfic where black canary and wonder woman went on a date 39. piercings: ears BUT I haven't worn earrings in like three years lmao 40. blood type: my mom and I were JUST talking about this, so I know it's the same as her and I think it might be AB+ but tbh ~I already forgot~ 41. nickname: holmes 42. relationship status: single 43. zodiac: taurus 44. pronouns: they/them 45. favourite tv show: I have a lot of eternal classics, but right now star trek owns my soul 46. tattoos: none, but I have plans for a few if I ever scrape the money together 47. right or left handed: right 48. surgery: never 49. piercing: ^-- see above 50. sport: I played soccer for about six years, but I never play any more because a) I'm out of high school and it's way more effort to find somewhere to play and b) I played my entire last season on a sprained ankle and it's still kinda weak two years later so every time I hop in on a pick up game I end up spraining it again 51. vacation: I have never been on a plane, but if it's on the east coast of the us I've probably been there, unless it's in rhode island because SOMEHOW I have never even driven through that state 52. pair of trainers: my mom bought me wonder woman converse but I don't get them till christmas it's so frustrating MORE GENERAL 53. eating: not as of this second? 54. drinking: diet mountain dew 55. i’m about to: get back home (aka my parents' house) after moving my college stuff from last year's house to next year's trailer 56. waiting for: the chance to read the issue of bitch planet I picked up while in tuscaloosa 57. want: to not have anxiety about the future (stealin' watson's answer bc she knocked it out of the goddamn park) 58. get married: like eVENtually if I find the right person 59. career: civil engineering WHICH IS BETTER 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: I wanna either be the tol girlfriend or have a tol girlfriend (I am a decently average height so. these are achievable dreams.) 63. older or younger: so last year a guy asked me out and I went "yeah sure whatever buy me some dinner and then I'll let you down easy" UNTIL I REALIZED HE WAS /27/!!! I WAS 19!!!!!!! THE FUCK DUDE 64. nice arms or nice stomach: a r m s 65. hook up or relationship: relationship 66. troublemaker or hesitant: these aren't? necessarily opposites? HAVE YOU EVER 67. kissed a stranger: nah 68. drank hard liquor: bourbon counts right? and vodka? actually the only liquor I've ever drank was hard liquor, also bourbon is fucking disgusting 69. lost glasses/contact lenses: does "set aside an obsolete pair of glasses in favor of my new prescription and then never see them again" count 70. turned someone down: ^-- con't from 63: so when I realized adam was 8 years older than me I backed out! he was cool about it, and he did think I was 20 not 19, but that's still weird. idk. also, more amusing: when I was like 9 a guy on my bus asked me to a dance, so I said no and then never sat next to him again 71. sex on the first date: not my speed 72. broken someone’s heart: not as far as I know 73. had your heart broken: nope 74. been arrested: lmao. I have gotten a ticket though 75. cried when someone died: yeah 76. fallen for a friend: never fallen in general DO YOU BELIEVE IN 77. yourself: lmao 78. miracles: not really 79. love at first sight: no 80. santa claus: is this when I facetiously go "I'm jewish!" (my mom is christian so I did still have a santa claus believing stage of my life, but it has long since ended) 81. kiss on the first date: hm yeah 82. angels: nah OTHER 83. current best friend’s name: I have a couple but alex is the one I'm probably talking about if I ever say "my best friend" 84. eye colour: brown brown brown 85. favourite movie: this question doesn't have an answer but I normally default to die hard OR if I'm being persnickety, sharktopus
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