#he was looking for the source of my voice
gyuuberryy · 1 day
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“let's play together, you make me so thirsty”
pairing: vampire!heeseung x reader
synopsis: you were not thrilled about the move in of your new neighbour. mostly because he was so strange and seemed to be hiding something dark. and partly because you couldn’t stop yourself from getting closer to him because of your unwanted attraction. you were determined to expose his dark secret and get rid of him once and for all. but, it was proving to be a difficult task because he was just so irresistible..and needy.
genre: enemies to lovers, vampire au
warnings: lots of suggestive content!!(read at your own discretion), blood, alcohol, getting trapped in a lift, making out, teeth and biting(obviously)
note: this is like my first time writing something suggestive so i was a little nervous, but i think it turned out well! there's no smut tho. teeth is such a freaky song teehee, i hope this gives off the same vibes. listen to the song while reading this, enjoy!
word count: 5.2k
if you liked it please reblog or comment to give me your feedback! <3
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fairy lights strung across the hallway cast a warm glow on the gaggle of your neighbours crammed into the shared corridor. plates heaped with enough food to feed a small army overflowed from a makeshift table, the air thick with the aroma of baked ziti and something suspiciously like burnt brownies.
it was the monthly floor potluck, a supposed chance for neighbourly bonding. you, however, stood alone by the shoe rack, arms crossed and a scowl firmly in place.
the source of your discontent? lee heeseung, the new resident in 3B. he'd moved in a week ago, and in that short time, had managed to charm the socks off everyone else. mrs. kim from 3A gushed about his "angelic smile," mr. lee from across the hall swore he'd single-handedly fixed the perpetually leaky faucet, and even the ever-grumpy mrs. park from 2B had softened to his "polite demeanour." you, however, weren't buying it.
there was something… off about him. he was a little too pale, a little too perfect. the way his eyes seemed to glint in the fairy lights sent shivers down your spine, not the good kind. maybe it was the way he never seemed to eat anything, politely declining every dish offered with a charming smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. or maybe it was just a gut feeling, a primal instinct screaming that there was more to heeseung than met the eye.
as you nursed your lukewarm coffee, heeseung materialised beside you, a plate piled high with (uneaten) pasta in his hand. his smile, as always, was dazzling.
"hey there! i'm heeseung, from 3b. i’ve been meaning to meet you for a while! everyone's been raving about you."
you narrowed your eyes at him. "is that right?"
he chuckled, a sound a little too melodious. "absolutely! they say you make the best chocolate chip cookies on the floor." he gestured to the burnt offering on the table. "though, these brownies look like they could use some work."
a sarcastic snort escaped your lips. "they're mrs. park's. apparently, baking isn't her forte."
heeseung's smile faltered for a brief moment, a flicker of something unreadable crossing his features before he recovered. "well, maybe next time you could bring your famous cookies," he suggested, his voice smooth as silk.
you raised an eyebrow, suspicion solidifying in your gut. "maybe i will," you said, your voice devoid of warmth.
heeseung seemed to hesitate, the air crackling with a strange tension. then, with another dazzling smile, he excused himself and moved on to mrs. kim, who was already gushing about his "nonexistent" culinary skills.
you watched him go, a cold dread settling in your stomach. he might be fooling everyone else, but you wouldn't be swayed by his facade. there was something about heeseung, something dark and unsettling, and you were determined to find out what it was.
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weeks bled into months, and your suspicions about heeseung only intensified. he'd become the bane of your existence, a charming yet infuriating shadow that seemed to follow you around the building. every potluck, every hallway encounter was a constant push and pull between your icy suspicion and his playful facade.
he revelled in teasing you, his compliments bordering on flirtatious. "looking lovely today, aren’t you?" he'd purr, his eyes gleaming with an amusement that sent shivers down your spine. you'd counter with sarcastic remarks that usually sailed right over his head, leaving you more frustrated than ever.
one particularly rainy afternoon, you were rushing down the hallway, arms laden with groceries, when the treacherous floor betrayed you. your foot slipped, and you went sprawling towards the cold tile. but before you could hit the ground, strong arms wrapped around you, pulling you upright with surprising ease.
for a moment, you were trapped in heeseung's embrace. your ear was pressed against his chest, and a jolt of fear shot through you. there was no comforting thud of a heartbeat, just a chilling silence. his touch was icy cold, sending a wave of goosebumps erupting across your skin.
you scrambled away from him, a mixture of terror and anger twisting your features. "don't touch me!" you hissed, dropping a bag of groceries with a clatter.
heeseung straightened, his smile unwavering. "whoa there. just trying to be a good neighbour."
you glared at him, your voice trembling. "there's nothing neighbourly about you, heeseung. what are you?"
his smile faltered for a flicker of a second, a flicker you caught this time. but it was gone as quickly as it appeared, replaced by his usual charming facade. "just a guy who likes to help out a damsel in distress," he said, his voice laced with amusement.
but the amusement didn't reach his eyes. they held a glint of something predatory, something that confirmed your worst fears. he wasn't normal. and whatever he was, it was becoming increasingly clear that he was toying with you.
you grabbed the remaining grocery bags, clutching them tightly to your chest as if they were a shield. "don't think this is over, heeseung," you hissed, your voice surprisingly steady despite the fear gnawing at your insides. "i'll find out who you are, and i'll expose you."
he tilted his head, a playful glint back in his eyes. "is that a challenge, darling?" he asked, his voice a low murmur that sent shivers down your spine. "be careful what you wish for. you might just find out more than you bargained for."
with that cryptic message hanging in the air, he turned and sauntered back to his apartment, leaving you alone in the hallway, the weight of his words and the chilling memory of his touch settling over you like a shroud. you were determined to unravel the mystery of heeseung, but a new, terrifying question gnawed at you: were you prepared for what you might find?
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sleep evaded you that night. the unsettling encounter with heeseung replayed on a loop in your mind. you tossed and turned, the silence punctuated only by the rhythmic tapping of rain against your window. finally, unable to bear the tension any longer, you crept out of bed and tiptoed towards the door, hoping to get some fresh air.
just as you were about to unlock the door the ‘ding’ of the elevator’s arrival stopped you in your tracks. who could it be this late at night?
peeking through the peephole, you were met with a sight that sent a fresh wave of terror coursing through you. heeseung stood casually a few feet away from your door, the rain slicking his dark hair back from his forehead.
he was whistling a cheerful tune, completely oblivious to your scrutiny. but what truly sent shivers down your spine was the state of his hands. they were stained with something dark and viscous, drying in the cool night air. it looked… suspiciously like blood.
the blood ran cold in your veins. just as you were about to pull back, heeseung paused, his head tilting ever so slightly as if he could sense you watching. a slow, unnerving smirk spread across his face, his eyes seeming to lock with yours through the peephole. how? it was impossible.
panic clawed at you. you stumbled back, adrenaline flooding your system. you had to warn the others. heeseung couldn't be trusted.
the next day, you stormed into mrs. kim's apartment, her usual cheery demeanour replaced by a frantic urgency. you blurted out everything – the coldness, the lack of a heartbeat, and the bloodstains you witnessed the night before.
mrs. kim, however, listened with a furrowed brow. "blood? are you sure, dear? heeseung wouldn't hurt a fly."
heeseung, conveniently appearing in the midst of your outburst, played the part of the concerned neighbour perfectly.
"is everything alright here?" he asked, his voice dripping with feigned innocence. "seems a little tense."
mrs. kim just dismissed him, shaking her head with a small chuckle, “nothing dear, it’s not important.”
his smile was disarming, his eyes brimming with feigned innocence. "oh i see. what were you two talking about so intently then?"
you glared at him, your voice trembling with barely contained anger. "i was just telling mrs. kim about your… unusual habits." you recounted the previous night's events, your gaze flitting between mrs. kim and heeseung.
heeseung chuckled, a light, airy sound that sent shivers down your spine. immediately, his expression morphed into one of concern, looking at mrs kim. "hasn’t she been acting strangely lately? maybe a little… stressed?"
his words stung. he was twisting the narrative, making you seem paranoid and delusional. your frustration grew, your voice rising as you tried to explain what you saw, but your neighbour's eyes held only pity and dismissal.
mrs. kim patted your hand soothingly. "maybe you're just a little stressed, dear. heeseung's a good boy, always looking out for everyone. don't you worry about him."
shame burned in your cheeks. you were alone, your warnings falling on deaf ears. heeseung's smile widened, the glint in his eyes predatory.
"see?" he said, his voice low and menacing, but directed only at you. "sometimes, silence is the best policy."
with that, he turned and sauntered away, leaving you trapped in a nightmare you couldn't seem to wake up from.
back in your apartment, you sank onto the couch, a defeated sigh escaping your lips. you were alone, your suspicions dismissed as paranoia. but the image of heeseung's bloodstained hands, his chilling smirk, burned into your memory. you wouldn't give up. you had to find a way to expose him, to prove to everyone that the perfect neighbour was nothing but a monster in disguise.
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the bass vibrated through the floor, the air thick with sweat and the sweet scent of spilled cocktails. you were lost in the music, laughing with your friends, a rare moment of reprieve from the constant worry that was heeseung. the tipsy buzz from the vodka-cranberries only amplified the carefree feeling, pushing his unsettling presence to the back of your mind.
tipsy from a few too many drinks, you excused yourself, needing a momentary escape from the pulsating heat of the dance floor of the club. the cool night air was a welcome change as you stepped into the balcony, the cityscape shimmering under the neon glow. a sudden prickle ran down your spine, making you stop mid-step. it was the distinct feeling of someone's gaze boring into you, a predator sizing up its prey.
your heart hammered against your ribs as you spun around, searching the crowd. there, leaning against the wall opposite the club entrance, stood heeseung. his perfect features were cast in shadow, but the glint of his eyes in the darkness sent a shiver down your spine. he held a drink in his hand, his knuckles white around the glass, as if tightening his grip to control himself.
the moment you locked eyes with him, the air crackled with a tension so thick you could almost taste it. it wasn't just fear this time. there was a strange undercurrent, a dark energy that seemed to emanate from him.
your mind, fuzzy from the alcohol, couldn't quite grasp it, but your body reacted instinctively. panic surged through you, erasing the tipsy haze. this wasn't the charming neighbour; this was the dangerous entity you'd glimpsed before.
you didn't waste a second. turning on your heel, you practically sprinted back into the club, weaving through the crowd. your breath came out in ragged gasps, fueled by a cocktail of fear and the alcohol throbbing in your veins.
with a desperate lunge, you pushed open the nearest door, the sign above it proclaiming it a restroom.
just as you fumbled for the lock, a strong hand shot past your shoulder, wedging itself between the door and the frame. you froze, staring in horror as heeseung casually pushed his way in behind you. he slammed the door shut with a sickening thud, the lock clicking ominously behind him.
he cornered you against the door, his body acting as a wall and a scent that was both familiar and strangely intoxicating. the air crackled with unspoken tension, thick with the remnants of your fear and an undeniable spark of…something else.
“what do you think you’re doing?”, you winced at how weak your voice sounded.
he leaned impossibly close, his breath chilly against your ear. he seemed to be tipsy as well, with the way he stumbled and invaded your personal space.
the alcohol loosened your inhibitions, and his voice, usually smooth and playful, now had a dark, alluring edge to it.
"you looked beautiful dancing under those lights," he whispered, his words sending shivers down your spine. "such a shame you seem to hate me so."
his nearness was overwhelming. you couldn't feel any heat radiating from his body, but the way his lips brushed against your ear sent a jolt through you. his voice, usually smooth as silk, now had a rough edge, sending a shiver down your spine that wasn't entirely unpleasant.
your mind, fuzzy from the alcohol, struggled to process the situation. he was terrifying, yes, but a strange, confusing attraction warred with the fear simmering beneath the surface.
your gaze latched onto the physical beauty in front of you - the sharp angles of his jaw, the way the moonlight glinted off his dark brown eyes. all the warnings you'd tried to ignore hammered against your intoxicated mind, but for some reason, they held no power in the face of the undeniable magnetism of the man pinning you to the door.
“what do you want from me”, your words came out in a hushed whisper, scared as if speaking any louder would ruin the moment.
his gaze flitted down to your lips as he got closer to you, now only a breath away. he leaned closer, the scent of something foreign, yet oddly alluring, invading your senses.
his gaze dropped to your lips, painted a soft pink from the drinks you'd consumed.
before you could register the movement, his lips were on yours. the kiss was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions – the initial shock giving way to a surge of heat that defied logic. his hand slid down your back, pressing you flush against the wooden door.you clung to him, a confused mix of fear and a thrilling sense of forbidden desire coursing through you.
the kiss deepened, becoming desperate, hungry. he tasted of something sweet and metallic, a strange anomaly that sent a jolt through your system. you ignored it, caught up in the intoxicating whirlwind.
his body was freezing cold, save for his lips, his skin a contrast against the heat from your body which made a wave of concern rise up in the back of your head. but it was all forgotten as his hand moved to your neck, his fingers trailing a chilly path before dipping behind your ear.
you gasped at the sudden feeling, and heeseung took the opportunity to let his tongue enter your mouth. the kiss got messier and hotter, as if he was trying to devour you whole.
he rained kisses down your jawline, each one a searing brand against your skin. his touch sent shivers of anticipation down your spine, your breath hitching as you felt his teeth graze a sensitive spot.
it wasn't a bite, not yet. it was a brush, a feather-light caress that sent a jolt through your system. but it wasn't just the touch. there was something… different about his canines. they were sharper, pointier than human teeth, and the sensation sent a wave of surprise through you.
he froze, the movement of his mouth stopping abruptly. his breath hitched in his throat, coming out in ragged gasps like a predator startled mid-hunt. his eyes, locked on your neck, flickered with a mix of hunger and… something else. a flicker of remorse, a struggle you couldn't quite decipher.
the tension in the room was suffocating. you stared back at him, your mind a tangled mess of confusion and desire. but before you could form a question, before you could understand the shift in him, heeseung pulled away. his grip on your neck loosened, replaced by a cold indifference.
his eyes, once filled with a dark desire, now held a chilling emptiness. the warmth of his body vanished as he stepped back, leaving you feeling exposed and vulnerable. he stared at you for a long, agonising moment, his eyes unreadable.
then, in a swift movement, he turned and walked out of the bathroom, leaving you pressed against the door, the memory of the heated kiss a stark contrast to the cold dread settling in your stomach.
the heat of the kiss still lingered on your lips, a confusing memory tainted by the chilling realisation of what he truly was. you cradled your neck, the phantom sensation of his sharp touch lingering long after he was gone.
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days bled into a strange silence. the unsettling encounters with heeseung, once a daily occurrence, had vanished. you wouldn't normally miss his presence, but the sudden absence gnawed at you with an unsettling curiosity. you found yourself glancing down the hallway at his door more often than you cared to admit, the memory of the stolen kiss replaying in your mind in a confusing loop.
the thought of venturing to his apartment, of seeking him out after the charged encounter in the washroom, sent a jolt of nervous energy through you.
shame burned in your cheeks at the memory of the heated kiss, a stark contrast to the chilling way he'd left you. yet, a sliver of concern gnawed at you. his absence was unnerving.
finally, curiosity, laced with apprehension, won over your better judgement. you stood outside his door, heart hammering a frantic rhythm against your ribs. taking a deep breath, you raised your hand and knocked tentatively.
the silence stretched for what felt like an eternity before the door creaked open a sliver. heeseung stood there, his face pale and drawn, dark circles smudging the area under his eyes. he looked… unwell.
"heeseung?" you ventured, surprised by the concern that slipped into your voice. "are you alright? you look terrible."
he didn't answer, just stared at you with an icy indifference that sent a shiver down your spine. the playful glint in his eyes, once so unsettling, was replaced by a hollowness that chilled you to the bone.
heeseung scoffed, a harsh sound that scraped against your nerves. "i'm fine. now leave."
the hostility in his voice stung. the concern you felt evaporated, replaced by a cold anger.
"look," you snapped, "i just came to see if you were okay. but clearly, you don't want the help."
he scoffed, a humourless sound. "of course not. why would i need help from the likes of you?"
he slammed the door shut before you could retort, leaving you standing alone in the hallway, the echo of his harsh words ringing in your ears. shame burned in your cheeks, a confusing mix of hurt and anger churning in your gut.
how dare he act like you were the villain? he was the one who made your life a living nightmare, the one with secrets that sent shivers down your spine.
scowling, you berated yourself for your momentary lapse in judgement. you hated him. you had to.
he was a danger, a monster in disguise. yet, the flicker of something vulnerable you'd glimpsed in his eyes, the way he'd pulled away so abruptly… it was a confusing puzzle you couldn't seem to solve.
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heeseung stumbled out of his apartment, a desperate lurch in his gait that spoke volumes of his weakened state. he fumbled with grabbing his keys, nearly dropping them, before finally unlocking the deadbolt.
he needed to get out, anywhere but the suffocating confines of his apartment. he threw a glance down the hallway, hoping for an empty elevator, but his luck had run dry. the red "in use" light mocked him above the metal doors.
he slammed on the button, urgency pushing past the haze in his head. as the doors dinged open, revealing you standing there, his heart sank.
heeseung flinched back, shuffling into the corner like a wounded animal. "get… out," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper.
"seriously?" you scoffed, following him with your glare. "that makeout session in the club must have been rough if you can't even stand the sight of me now."
heeseung remained silent, the effort of breathing stealing his focus. you rolled your eyes, muttering under your breath about his lack of manners. you turned away, choosing to ignore him.
suddenly, the elevator lurched to a halt, plunging the cramped space into slight darkness. a metallic groan filled the air.
"great," you sighed, reaching for the call button. "looks like we're stuck."
a strained voice answered through the speaker, informing you that a technician would be on their way shortly.
"shortly?" you groaned. "how long is shortly?"
"it's hard to say, ma'am. there's been a minor fault in the system."
you groaned, sinking down onto the floor.
heeseung remained silent, his body trembling. every passing second felt like an eternity. hunger gnawed at him, a primal urge clawing its way to the surface. he gritted his teeth, fighting against the monstrous transformation that threatened to take over.
"hey," he rasped, his voice barely a whisper.
you shot him a sceptical glance. "what?"
shame burned in his throat, but the need for survival outweighed his pride. "do you… by any chance… have any blood on you?"
you leaned closer, your suspicions finally confirmed.
"about time you admitted it," you cheered, a triumphant smirk creeping across your face. "i knew you weren't normal."
heeseung let out a dark chuckle, a sound devoid of humour. "don't get too excited," he rasped. "you shouldn't be so happy about this."
"oh, come on," you scoffed. "spill it. what are you? some kind of freak?"
a tense silence followed, broken only by the hum of the faulty elevator. finally, he spoke, his voice barely a whisper.
shock flooded your system. it was one thing to suspect, another to hear it confirmed.
"no way," you scoffed, refusing to believe it. "vampires don't exist."
but his next words sent a shiver down your spine. "the reason i stopped you at the club… it wasn't because of the kiss. it was the smell of your blood. it was… intoxicating."
"ever since i've met you…" he began, his voice surprisingly soft despite the edge of desperation in it. "the smell of your blood, so sweet, has been driving me crazy. so different from anything i've ever encountered."
he paused, a tremor running through his voice. "for years, i've resisted feeding on humans. morality, you might call it. i rely on animal blood, a poor substitute at best. but your blood…" he took a shaky breath, "it was like a siren song. after that night, i can’t even smell any other type of blood without my stomach churning in disgust."
you listened intently, a strange fascination battling with the fear that coiled in your gut. this wasn't the heeseung you knew, the playful neighbor who reveled in teasing you. this was a creature raw and exposed, driven by a primal need he could barely articulate.
"years," he continued, his voice cracking slightly. "years of animal blood, a constant reminder of what i can't have. but then you…" he trailed off, the echo of that night in the club hanging heavy between you.
a shiver ran down your spine, but it wasn't entirely from fear. there was a vulnerability in his confession, a desperate need for something more than just sustenance.
"the challenge," he said, his voice gaining a tinge of bitterness. "the forbidden fruit. maybe that's what drew me in at first. but then…" he hesitated, a flicker of something akin to shame crossing his features.
"then what?" you prompted, your voice barely a whisper. this wasn't how you'd imagined confronting a vampire, yet here you were, drawn into his story.
"don't you see?" heeseung's voice rose, a tremor of desperation colouring it. "you make me weak, vulnerable. yet, your defiance only intensifies the pull. you're everything i shouldn't want, everything i crave."
the revelation sent a jolt through you, a terrifying mix of fear and… something else. the line between predator and prey seemed to blur in the confines of the elevator. you were trapped, yes, but there was also a strange sense of being held hostage by a creature consumed by a desire he both craved and loathed.
the silence that followed heeseung's confession stretched on, thick with a tension that was no longer just fear. you understood him, perhaps better than he understood himself.
taking a deep breath, you surprised yourself by what you said next. "maybe there’s another way."
heeseung's head snapped up, his eyes searching your face in the dim light. "what do you mean?"
"i can help" you held out your wrist, the moonlight filtering through a crack in the elevator door illuminating the delicate veins beneath your skin. "you said you needed blood. maybe i can…
he recoiled as if struck. "no. absolutely not. i won't—"
"heeseung," you interrupted, your voice firm despite the tremor in your heart. "look at me. i'm not scared. in fact…" you hesitated, a blush creeping up your neck. "maybe i… feel the same way."
the air crackled with a new kind of tension. heeseung stared at you, his face a mask of disbelief. "the same way? how?"
"like you said," you whispered, "forbidden. a dangerous attraction." you met his gaze, holding it with a newfound resolve. "if this is what you need, i… i consent."
heeseung's breath hitched. shame flickered in his eyes, quickly replaced by a raw hunger that made your own pulse quicken. "but," he said, his voice low and urgent, "i need more. much more. and from… a different place."
your stomach lurched. "different place?"
a flicker of vulnerability crossed his features. "my apologies," he murmured. "to properly sustain me, i need… the jugular."
the word hung heavy in the air, a primal request that sent a wave of apprehension through you. the image of a vampire sinking its fangs into someone's neck flashed before your eyes. but then, against your better judgment, you found yourself nodding slowly.
a surge of relief, tinged with desperation, washed over heeseung. he moved towards you, a predator closing in on its prey. the closeness brought back a memory - the night in the club bathroom, pressed against the wall, his chilly breath on your neck.
he trapped you against the corner, his body a wall of heat, completely different from the other day where he was freezing.
"please," he rasped, his voice raw with hunger and a strange, desperate plea. "i can't control myself much longer. let me…"
his voice trailed off, replaced by a whimper that both shocked and ignited something within you. this wasn't the cold, calculating heeseung you'd feared. this was a creature on the brink, his monstrous hunger battling with a threadbare shred of control.
"alright," you whispered, the word leaving your lips before you could overthink it.
he didn't hesitate. he leaned in, his movements a blur of desperation. kisses, hot and wet, rained down on your neck, each one a branding iron leaving a fiery mark. you closed your eyes, bracing yourself for the pain. but it never came.
instead, as his fangs pierced your skin, a jolt of something unexpected surged through you. it wasn't pain, but a warmth that spread through your body like liquid fire. your mind grew hazy, your senses overwhelmed by a wave of pleasure that originated from the very point of contact.
he moaned, a deep, primal sound that echoed in the confined space. "so sweet," he whispered, his voice thick with desire. "the best i've ever tasted."
he drank deeply, his body trembling with each intake. you could hear him purring, a low rumble that resonated deep within your core. the pleasure was overwhelming, a dizzying mixture of pain and pleasure that left you gasping for breath. your mind turned hazy, each noise tumbling out of his lips sounding like liquid gold to you.
when he finally pulled away, breathless and satiated, he looked at you with an intensity that sent shivers down your spine. he languidly licked away the remnants of blood from the wound, his warm tongue sending a jolt of electricity through you.
he didn't stop there. he swiped at the blood that trickled down your collarbone, his tongue making a suggestive swipe against your skin. a dangerous glint flickered in his eyes, and you couldn't help but lean closer, a thrill coursing through you.
the jarring hum of the elevator coming back to life jolted you both from your current position. heeseung, his fangs retracted, quickly pressed the button for your floor. a strange mixture of fear and elation bubbled in your chest, a sensation as unfamiliar as the pleasure you'd just experienced.
he turned to you, his eyes searching your face. "are you alright?" his voice was concerned, a stark contrast to his needy whines just moments ago.
you hesitantly reached for your neck, expecting a throbbing pain. instead, you found smooth, unmarked skin. a gasp escaped your lips. "it… it healed?"
heeseung nodded, a hint of a smirk playing on his lips. "vampire saliva," he explained casually. "has a few… interesting properties. speeds up healing, for one."
a blush crept up your cheeks as you recalled the wave of euphoria that had washed over you during his feeding. "and…" you stammered, "the pleasure?"
"speaking of pleasure," heeseung's voice dipped to a husky whisper, "vampire saliva has another... side effect."
he leaned closer, his lips brushing against your ear. "an aphrodisiac," he breathed, his words sending a shiver down your spine. "especially potent when mixed with a good dose of desire. all thanks to those initial kisses on your neck i had planted.”
"so that's why…" you mumbled, suddenly embarrassed.
the elevator doors slid open, revealing the familiar hallway. you stepped out, feeling oddly energised despite the ordeal. a playful smile tugged at your lips.
"so," you said, turning to face him, your fingers playfully tapping his arm, "how do you plan to repay me for that little… service?"
heeseung raised an eyebrow, a playful glint in his eyes. before he could answer, he leaned down, his lips brushing against your forehead in a sweet kiss. pulling away, he grinned, his fangs catching the dim light playfully.
your heart hammered in your chest as he took your hand, his touch sending a spark of heat through you. stepping closer to your apartment, he winked.
"let's discuss repayment options in private, shall we?" he said, his voice dripping with a promise of things to come.
he took your hand again, his touch surprisingly warm despite his vampiric nature. before you could respond, he gently steered you towards your apartment, leaving you breathless and caught in the undercurrent of a dangerous, exhilarating game you'd just begun to play.
as you fumbled with your keys, trying to unlock the door in hurry, he leaned down next to you and murmured, his voice a low, suggestive rumble.
"i'm sure you taste just as good everywhere else."
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afro-hispwriter · 2 days
My Dornish Love(2)
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Aemond Targaryen x Martell!reader
Summary- Aemond might be smart, but he has no idea what to do with women
Warnings- the reader is sort of like Margeary, sort of simp Aemond, injuries, protective! Aemond
wc- 2k+
Aemond didn’t see you for the rest of the day after that moment in your chambers. His mother said you were just settling in and to leave you be for the day. But that did not stop the Queen from pestering her son the next day to take you around Kings Landing. 
Aemond stood in front of your door, just staring at it. He was nervous, too nervous. The encounter from the previous day was locked in his brain. There were voices on the other side, yours and two males who Aemond hopes are just your brothers.
 He held a bouquet of roses from the garden. He knocked three times and the voices stopped. Then there was a clatter and shuffling, the door was ripped open and Deziel leaned against the frame.
“Oh, Prince Aemond.” He looked down at the flowers in his hands and Deziel put a hand on his heart. “Oh I'm flattered my Prince but red isn’t really my color.” Aemond opened his mouth to say something but the man in front of him got shoved.
“Leave him alone you idiot. Aemond come in.” You opened the door for him. Aemond stepped through and held out the flowers. 
“For you.” You grabbed the flowers and gave him a bright smile.
“Thank you, they’re beautiful.” You walk over to your side table where an empty vase was and you put them in there. Then grabbed the pitcher of water that was given for breakfast and poured some into the vase.
“What are your intentions with my sister today Prince Aemond?” Ryon asked as he snacked on a biscuit. 
“If she accepts, I would like to take her into the city.” 
“I think that is an amazing idea.” You grabbed Aemonds arm and he tensed but you didn’t realize as you started dragging him to the door. “Let's go now.” 
“With a chaperone I assume?” Ryon asks and raises an eyebrow.
“Yes, my mother has arranged it all.” You slammed the door shut and you let Aemond go.
“Are we actually going into the city?” You asked with amusement.
“Yes, my lady.” He puts his hands behind his back and starts walking.
“And what are we going to do?” You start walking next to him.
“Anything you want, no matter the time or cost.” You smirked.
“No matter the cost? Be careful, it's only my second day here. Don’t put the crown in debt already.” Aemond gave a small nod to your joke. 
The smell of manure got stronger and stronger the farther you went in. 
“You’ll get used to it,” Aemomd says from the other side. The chaperone sat at the head of the carriage reading a book. Your face grimaced but you kept looking out the window. You could hear a baby crying over the noises from the carriage rolling and the hooves of the horses against the floor. You tried to look for the baby but all you could hear was the cries. 
“What is done with the less fortunate here?”
“Enough to keep them from rioting.” You nodded and sighed.
“Can we stop here?” 
“The market-.”
“Please.” You cut him off and he sighed.
“Stop here.” He calls out and the horses come to a stop. You opened the door and stepped out, Aemond following close by. 
“Y/n what are you doing?” 
“I want to see the people.” You stepped over a flipped bucket. Aemond grabbed your arms and pulled you back once you approached an alleyway. The guards had gotten off their horses and were building a perimeter. 
“It's not safe.” You grabbed his hand that was wrapped around your arm making him tense.
“You and the guards will be here to keep me safe.” His jaw tensed but nodded. He dropped his hand but you didn’t let it go. You pulled the man with you through the alleyway. 
The people stared at you two and the guards. They were clearly nervous. A small child let out a cry and your head whipped around to the source. 
A little boy sat against the wall whimpering holding his bleeding knee. You dropped Aemonds hands and slowly approached the boy. You crouched down with your hands on your thighs.
“What happened to your knee?” You ask softly and the boy sniffles and looks up.
“I fell.” He whimpered and removed his hand. There was a nasty cut on it.
“Oh I'm so sorry, let's make sure that doesn’t get infected.” You look up at Aemond who stands silently behind you. “Do you have a water canteen?” He shook his head. “Do any of you men have one?” You turn to the knights. None of them responded until one fumbled with a strap.
“Here you are, Princess.” He hands his canteen to you and you smile.
“Thank you, Ser?”
“Thank you Ser Arryk, I will be sure to have a new canteen brought to you.” 
“No need.” He says. 
“Nonsense.” You smile brightly at the man then turn to the boy. “What is your name?” 
“Kenton.” He says and you smile. 
“Hello Kenton, I'm Y/n and that's Aemond behind me.” You point your thumb at Aemond and the man kept a stern face. “Can I take a look at your knee?” He nodded and lowered his leg. You gently grabbed it and inspected it. “I'm going to wash it okay, you can hold my hand if you need to.” You held out your non-dominant hand, Kenton hesitated but took your hand and squeezed it. 
Aemond watched carefully, you were so gentle with the boy. Caring just like a mother. He’s only known you for two days and he already knew you would be the perfect mother to his children. 
You poured the water over Kenton's knee and he squeezed your hand.
“It's okay.” You whisper and watch the dirt fall away from the wound. It only took less than half to clean off the wound, now you just needed a cloth to cover it with. You looked around, Aemond most likely had nothing, and the knights couldn’t rip their cloaks so you settled on your dress. 
You grabbed the bottom of your dress and ripped it. Others who were watching close by gasped.
“Why did you do that?” Aemond asks but you don’t answer. The long strip went up to your hip, revealing the under of the dress. You ripped it off then saw the mud at the bottom of it and tore that part off with ease. 
“I'm going to wrap this around your knee, keep that on for a bit.” You say as you wrap it around his knee. Kenton now sported a deep yellow piece of fabric on his knee. 
Aemond spotted two men approaching, they had hardened faces on. Aemond bent over to your ear.
“Time to go.” You looked over and noticed the two men, by then Arryk and another guard had noticed them and blocked them off. You turn back to Kenton and hand him the canteen.
“Keep this, stay hydrated Kenton.” 
“Thank you, Princess.” Kenton gave you a big smile through the tears, it warmed your heart. You stood up and Aemond placed a hand on your lower back. His hand has found itself stuck to the hilt of his sword since the two men approached. They were blocking the way to get back to the carriage. 
“I'm going to have to ask you to stay back so the Prince and Princess can pass,” Arryk says.
“And you have not told me of your business here.” The man says.
“I was helping the boy.” You pointed at Kenton. “He was hurt.” The man peered over.
“It's true, father. Princess Y/n helped me.” Kenton says. “She even gave me water!” He held the canteen high to show the man who is his father. He shot a glare at you and his fists tightened. You smiled at him but you couldn’t deny he made you nervous, even with the protection you had. Aemond gently put an arm across your body and moved you behind him.
The man sighed then he and the other with him stepped to the side. The knights in front of you looked back and nodded at Aemond and he nodded back. 
“With us,” Arryk says and Aemonds arm is behind you again. He gently pushed you forward to start walking. Once you were in front of it, Aemond stopped you. 
“Your dress is ruined.” You both looked down. It was torn, and muddy, and your shoes were destroyed.
“Oh that's alright, I have others.”
The door to the carriage opened and just as you stepped up a loud meow came from above. You looked up and saw a beautiful cat. Large cat. It was brown but the tufts of white shown said the cat was white. 
“Hello there.” You reach up slowly to scratch its head. It purred instantly and closed its eyes. Aemond slammed his hand against the sides and the cat jumped up and scurried off. “Aemond!” You hit his arm.
“Now is not the time for the creature princess.” You pouted and Aemonds nose twitched.
“But it was cute.”
Aemond did eventually get you to the markets. On the way there he pointed out places as you passed them. At the markets, he followed close behind you as you went to each merchant.
“Look at this Aemond, isn’t it wonderful?” You showed him a painting of a herd of horses. 
“Hmm.” You huffed and set it down. You went through the other options until one with black bordering caught your eye. You looked back at Aemond to see if he was looking but he was standing at another shop just next to the painters.
The contents of the painting made you smile.
“This one.” You tell the painter and they grab it.
“Good choice, your grace.” They say and take it back. “4 gold.” 
“Aemond.” You grabbed his sleeve and he looked over. “4.” You smile brightly at him. He sighed and reached into his little pouch and took out 4 coins and placed them in the painter's hand.
“Have it brought to the Red Keep,” Aemond says and the painter nods. You grab Aemonds arm and he once again tenses.
“You don’t like me touching you, do you?” You pulled him away and let his arm go.
“I don’t care.” You sigh.
“I want you to be comfortable around me, I want this to work. I appreciate you taking me into the city, I appreciate you getting me these things I do. But we’re supposed to get to know each other and doing this doesn’t do that. I want you to know me, and I want to know you. The real you.”
Aemonds breath hitched and his jaw tensed. He didn’t know how to react to your words. He’s never had to do this with any woman, this is his first solid potential betrothal. All other women take one look at him and scurry off in fear or look at him in pure disgust. 
Not you though.
You’ve been nothing but kind to him. Maybe you could be a tad bit forward but in all honesty, Aemond enjoyed it. You could have fun, but you also understood the prospect of duty. 
“I'm not asking for a heart-to-heart, but like I said yesterday. Equality. And not just in duty, this relationship.” 
Aemond mouth quirked up to a wide smile. He held his hand out to you and you looked down at it. Your hand joined his and he squeezed it.
“Tomorrow you will break fast with me in the library after my training.” You nodded in acknowledgment. “I'm taking you back to the Keep before you drain me.” 
Nightfall came and now Aemond and Arryk were back in the streets.
“Are you sure it will still be in the area, my prince?” Arryk asks as he carries the cage usually meant for a bunch of rats and a wrapped fish on top.
“We will only know if we try,” Aemond says and they stood in the section where the cat from earlier was spotted. Arryk set the cage down and unwrapped the fish. Aemond grabbed the slimy aquatic animal and started walking around and shook the fish slightly.
“Maybe you should call for it,” Arryk suggests.
“How?” The knight then started clapping and snapping his fingers, and kissing noises? 
“Ser Arryk what-.”
The two men looked over to the large cat coming out from the shadows, already interested in the fish. Aemond tossed it into the cage and the cat stopped. But the poor thing was too hungry to care and dove right into the cage. Arryk shut it and the cat snarled but went back to the fish. 
“Now what?” Arryk asks.
“Another gift for the princess.”
Aemond and Arryk stood in front of the door and Aemond knocked. He heard nothing so he knocked again. This time he heard a groan and your voice slightly. Shuffling was heard and the door opened.
“Aemond? Ser Arryk? Is everything alright?” You asked and tightened the robe around you. 
“Sorry to disturb you, but one final gift.”
Arryk brought the cage into your view and you saw the cat from earlier.
“You went back for it?” You broke out into a smile. “Open the cage!” Arryk set the cage down so it opened towards your room and he lifted the door. The cat backed out and ran into the room with half the fish in its mouth. 
“So you don’t feel lonely,” Aemond says softly, making your heart flutter. 
“Thank you.” You reached up on your toes and kissed his cheek. “You’re nothing like they say you are.” You whisper into his ear and kiss the corner of his lips. 
Aemonds face turned pink and his eye closed.
“Have a good night my lady.” He says and starts walking away. Arryk simply bows and follows after Aemond.
If one thing was certain that Arryk noticed was that Aemond was smitten already.
A/n- I wanted to rewrite this part so many times, I hate this one. Butt anyways. Comments, reblogs, and likes are greatly appreciated!!! 
Comment or send what name the kitty should have!!!
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watchfuldeer · 3 days
last night i went to a really fun and informal fundraiser evening with jesse and lucy at westminster school, where they were interviewing each other. i got to ask a question which i’ve mused upon for some time about tom, shiv and greg. enjoy! full transcript under cut
me: so i’m gonna have to look at what i wrote down.
jesse: that’s alright, you’re highly in credit since you know more about the show than us. more about john berryman.
lucy: tell us what we’ve done wrong so far!
me: god, no. i wouldn’t! so my question, this is a character based question, and one thing that probably got a bit subsumed in the fourth season just because everything was happening. but i’d like to know more about tom and shiv, and also greg. because my read on the situation between the three of them is that greg is a source of marital strife (laughter) that shiv never noticed, and what would it have taken for shiv to notice the depth of greg’s presence in their marriage.
jesse: uh huh.
me: and tom’s attachment to him.
jesse: uh huh. sometimes you get little bits in life or you see something and you’re like, i wish we were making the show, because i suddenly do want to hear shiv say ‘greg you’re a source of marital strife’.
jesse: that’s like, when you’re like, that’s gonna be in, we’re not gonna cut that.
lucy: absolutely.
jesse: (doing greg voice) wh-wh-what?!
lucy: yeah. well we enjoyed that, didn’t we. we had a scene in america decides, which was the only scene between shiv and greg.
jesse: oh yeah.
lucy: the election episode in the final season where she takes him into a little room and threatens him.
me: ah, but it’s jealousy over lukas, over the greg and lukas thing, and it’s like, have you forgotten your husband, who is also very attached to this limpet?
lucy: yeah. i would also say that there are marriages in which a third party is not an unuseful thing, as well. not in a forgiving way about infidelity, but i would say that there are things that tom can express with and at and on greg (laughter) as it were, to greg, that are useful because he’s both a - you know the great, the interesting thing about tom is that he’s both a courtier and a bully. he’s that rare combination of someone who you totally believe as being almost like (mimes bowing and doffing cap) ‘oh yes sorry thank you yes ma’am’ and also like, ‘i’m gonna kill you’ and that juxtaposition is what makes him so interesting.
but in his marriage to shiv he has no real way, until quite late i guess in the final season, where we explore it, to hold power over her and to use that part of himself. so he’s accepted the acquiescing, he’s accepted the role of courtier in that marriage, and greg is quite a useful place where he gets to express all of that, the bully in him so that maybe it doesn’t have to come out in the marriage. which might be bad, because perhaps it should do and then the marriage would’ve ended much earlier, yknow, when shiv would just be like ‘i’m not dealing with you challenging me in any way’. so it’s not until that balcony scene i think where he really challengers her much at all. possibly the beach scene, where he sort of says that he’s considered leaving her, and how that would feel. but with aggressive challenge? it’s all directed at greg, and greg is allowed to be the place where all those feelings go.
me: but the affection - there’s also affection between them.
jesse: YEAH. and i think that’s the other thing maybe you’re alluding to is like, she… i think, some things you know you’re putting in the show because you talk about them and other things just naturally occur, and audiences and people tell you what the show is and what you put in there and you didn’t even realise, but i think we were aware of this - she’s oblivious. her obliviousness is a big part of her wealth and her upbringing and… so there’s something homoerotic going on between greg and tom.
me: i mean it’s not for me to say.
jesse: and does she… i think there’s two ways of reading that, either she’s oblivious, and that’s intriguing and possible. the other is that she sort of - there’s a scene in, you know that one, in the sun valley media conference in argestes, where we wrote a bit where shiv shows up unexpected and tom’s sort of flirting with someone, and it never really landed that much. i think we were like, oh this really gonna, shiv’s gonna spark up when she sees him flirting with someone. and it’s one of those things where you were like, you know what? i don’t think she gives a hoot, really, does she.
jesse: it’s like, she hasn’t got that, that’s not in her belly, that fear of loss.
lucy: no.
jesse: so i think that goes, that probably goes for a same-sex relationship or flirtation as much as it does for with a woman.
lucy: i think that’s true.
jesse: like she really… even if he was like - and this is not the way that tom would be like - ‘i think i’d like to sleep with greg’, i think she’d be like (mimes looking at watch) ‘when?’.
jesse: (as shiv) ‘not when i’m in the city, that’s weird, tom’.
jesse: i don’t think she’d have any fundamental objection to that.
lucy: that’s true. i think jealousy is quite a low status emotion.
jesse: yes.
lucy: and i think that she would struggle to feel it.
(jesse laughs)
lucy: even if it was present in some way, she would never be able to access it because it would put her too much at a disadvantage. so i think yeah exactly that, it would be like, ‘oh i guess you’re going to fuck that boring woman now are you, tom’ or do that, like… she has to be here (mimes one hand above another hand) so jealousy can’t really be accessed by her. so she might be irritated by greg, but in the way you would be by a mosquito.
me: to her detriment.
lucy: to her detriment, sure, ultimately yeah.
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starrydragoness · 1 day
Saw some fanart on Twitter that got my wheels turning. Tacet marks that glow during intercourse. With Jiyan. That's it. Just imagining a completely dark room with the only source of light being your two tacet marks. I'd probably have giggled a bit, if it was real…
A/n: listen.. it is hot.. it is what it is- goofy but hot. Hope you enjoy this little drabble <3
Contents: NSFW, MDNI, Jiyan x AFAB! Reader
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Calloused hands grasp onto every inch of skin they can reach, the fine sheen of sweat making their grasp not as sure. Jiyan’s pants, golden eyes became an olive green in the dark night from when he mounted you. The tacet mark in the middle of your torso, right below your collarbone, has become his focus throughout the exchange of dirty words and even filthier touches. He noticed the way it slowly began to glow, a dim light at first but the more he touched you, the stronger the glow became. It didn't surpass the soft glow, and wouldn't get any stronger, but the sight alone came as proof that this was pleasing you as well.
You laid so beautifully under him with your arms at your sides, whining and producing such sweet sounds that were a song to his ears. Groaning, he leaned down, immediately feeling your arms come to rest around his shoulders. His lips ghosted your tacet mark, nipping at it before climbing further up where they found your kiss-bruised lips, drowning your moans while his cock plunged into your heat again. His pace had slowed down, clearly frustrating you and making you all the needier, your hips bucking up against him, silently begging for him to properly fuck you. 
“Jiyan-” you gasp between the presses of his lips, half lidded eyes full of lust staring back at you, watching you swallow the lump in your throat and writhe under him. 
“What is it, my love?” Raspy voice graces your ears and sends a shiver down your spine. His nose is brushing against yours, and before you can force a plea from your throat, you see him lean in again to press his forehead against yours, the movement followed by another thrust of his hips.
Every thrust seems to erase the thoughts from your mind, leaving you a blank slate. 
“Mmh- please.. harder..We’ve waited long enough” you breathe out, warm breath fanning against his skin, lips only a breath away. Hunger raged within the depths of your belly, screaming for more even as you bucked your hips against his, making him groan. With brows knit together in an expression that only translated want and need and failed concentration, he looked beyond divine. In all his disheveled state you could only marvel at the way he looked, feeling giddy yet filthy all the same. 
Jiyan bit the inside of his lips, his eyes falling shut as he dipped his head into your neck where you felt him kiss away at your skin as his hips finally sped up, matching both of your needs, lighting your skin ablaze.
Grasping and clutching for purchase, your chin found the bend of his shoulder, your arms circled around him in a tight, passionate embrace. Jiyan knew just the best ways to carve out your insides without seemingly even trying.
Cracking one eye open, you caught sight of the dim light coming from his back. A wanton moan escaped your lips as his cock brushed against your soft insides, walls fluttering around his thick length. Your fingers danced up across his sweaty skin, coming in contact with the glowing tacet mark and you felt him shiver under your touch. Choked breaths confined themselves in your throat, the tension building in your belly as his hips slammed into you, wet squelches echoing in the room and the light night breeze from the window only added to the erotic atmosphere as it licked up your sides.
“Mm! Jiyan!” you mewled as he held you close, one arm bent underneath you to bind you to him, while the other rested him on the elbow. He grunted into your ear and then let out a shaky moan, and you could swear you heard no sound more heavenly than his sounds of pleasure. 
“That’s it-” Muttered Jiyan, his lips ghosting your earlobe before he caught it gently between his teeth, and in response you dug your fingernails into his back, his tacet mark not being shown any mercy. His hips stutter but he doesn’t stop, the mellow pain sends him to crave more, makes him chase the pleasure with fervor and desperation put in every thrust until he has you shaking underneath him and crying out from the pleasure, his weight comfortably holding you down as he keeps drilling his cock into you. 
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Ⓒ starrydragoness. Do not repost, translate, edit, and/or copy any of my works. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated.
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ysrjune · 2 days
falling asleep on scott’s lap while he plays video games or watching a movie
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got lazy again so HEAD CANONS 💕🥰
౨ৎ scott monroe who invited you over to his house because he missed you so much. for a couple of hours, he cuddled up to you and asked you to play with his hair because it soothes him.
౨ৎ scott monroe who takes you out for lunch/dinner because he doesn’t feel like cooking + sam and him ate leftovers from last nights dinner for lunch.
౨ৎ scott monroe who started playing games with his friends and sam over the mic because they asked him to. you didnt mind because a lot of times after eating, you don't feel like talking.
౨ৎ scott monroe who looks over at you at least every 15 minutes to ask: “you doin’ alright, baby?” or whenever someone leaves the game for a second, he turns over to you and smothers you with kisses and hugs.
౨ৎ scott monroe who got tired of sitting at the end of his bed, so he finally sat against the headboard while you lay your full back on one of his soft pillows and your head on one of the squishy ones.
౨ৎ scott monroe who catches you staring at him and smiles.
“c’mere.” he says, patting his thigh. you lay your head on it, and his hand was quick to caress your face and play with your hair.
౨ৎ scott monroe who apologizes to you when you hear sam rage from across the hall AND over the mic. but he doesn’t just apologize on behalf of his brother. he cusses out loudly a few times which startle you and he feels kinda bad but thinks its funny.
“sorry, sorry!” he laughs at your reaction and scratches your scalp. “Didn't mean to scare you, babe.” he leans down to give you a kiss on the cheek.
౨ৎ scott monroe who eventually stopped playing his game and turned off the TV and game console, leaving his room to be super dark. the only source of light was a candle that he lit earlier (one that you bought him).
౨ৎ scott monroe loves scented candles.
౨ৎ scott monroe cuddles up to you and smothers you in kisses again. but then he gets playful and starts to flick your cheek and forehead with his middle finger and thumb.
౨ৎ scott monroe eventually turned the lights on because you decided you wanted to play fight him. he let you win the first couple of times, but then he actually started to try hard enough to pin you down.
“ya know, you're really not that strong. should start comin’ to the gym with me and my brother so y’can get a little stronger, sister.” he smiles while trying to lean down and kiss you, but its a little challenging since you keep moving your face around to dodge him. “sister? when did you start using words like that, scott?” you laugh and push him off of you. “You say dumb stuff like that all the damn time its getting stuck in my head. Accidently called Sam ‘girl’ yesterday and he said, “The fuck did you just say..” Scott mocks his brother in a overly exaggerated whiny but sort of deep voice that sounded disturbed. “Scott, your girlfriend is literally turning you into such a queer. I dont ever wanna hear you call me that shit again.” Scotty cackles as you sit on him. “And then he hit me and I hit him back.. and then we started play fighting.. and then my mom got mad.” Scotty explains.
౨ৎ scott monroe who tells you a bunch of stories about how Sam really is his best friend, but sometimes hes annoying and just SO emo.
౨ৎ scott monroe who talks your ear off so badly, you fall asleep. he doesn't care though. hes still talking and playing with your hair.. sometimes laughing at his own jokes.. but eventually falls asleep, too.
。゚•┈꒰ა ♡ ໒꒱┈• 。゚
@anakinstwinklebunny @anisangeldust @sockiess @erossmutt @rottencandyblood @radiantvader @catnipaddictt @haydensprettyprincess @freezerbride95 @starsfortaylor @maevesversion @emmaloo21 @starwarsbian @anakinsvault @torturedlovergirl @sammonroesslut 🌟
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kit-williams · 3 days
Yandere Magnus, Fulgrim, Corvux, Khan and Mortarion... please?
So uh I'm probably going to look at some of my earlier Yandere Primarchs (and Abbadon and the Emps) and redo them just so that everyone gets a small blurb
@bispecsual @egrets-not-regrets @moodymisty @bleedingichorhearts @liar-anubiass-blog
@thevoidscreams @barn-anon @gallifreyianrosearkytiorsusan @squishyowl @ms--lobotomy
@nekotaetae @sleepyfan-blog
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Yandere Magnus: I've mentioned somewhere that Yandere Magnus is a less intense version of a Yandere Emperor. He will still use the same tricks as his father no doubt. Shapeshifting into something alluring and pleasing to you... using his psychic gifts to find out everything about you. How you came into his notice... it could have been the most mundane thing you accidentally brushing up against him when delving into the immaterium if you are a psyker... if you are not perhaps it was just a thought you held onto tightly that just danced on by his gaze and he followed it back to it's source.
Regardless of who you are or how you caught his attention... he's looking now he's now interested! You might not have been in the dating market because things weren't going your way and the stress of trying to eek out a living was stressful enough. But soon enough things go your way and you feel like you might try to date again... and then suddenly this handsome man seems to waltz into your life... you're certain you saw him in a dream.
It practically makes your head swim with how much he knows and understands you! Fights seem to fizzle out as you've hardly met someone willing to talk through arguments like him... just everything feels so dizzingly perfect so perfect you can't help but feel blindsided when the ruse is up but by that point it's too late... but it was already far too late as you had sealed your fate with that first smile that reached your eyes as he gazed into what he considered a beautiful mind.
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Yandere Fulgrim: Depend son when he is acting like a yandere... under the influence of the Leer blade is the most likely time he would indulge in those feelings he's been bottling up; that or he's always been one and each of his wives were each a darling. Fulgrim is going to try to slip a collar around your neck and hold that leash tightly so you can't leave him all while he just sweet talks you into submitting to him. All his wives had similar features to your own... they all held passion in their hobbies something you've only been able to recently indulge... You're going to LEAVE him just like they LEFT him! It wasn't fair! Why did you all have such horrifyingly short lives!
How DARE YOU! How dare they all wrap his hearts up with kisses and love and adoration holding it in their hands and EACH AND EVERYTIME THEY DIED IT DROPPED. His heart shattering every time his wives died. He swore off marrying again! But you oh his beautiful rose... he was willing to make an exception for you. Perhaps he didn't need to tie the knot in that way again he was a Primarch he could easily seduce you and just have you as his paramour... but that felt so beneath him... and unfair to you. People talk oh how they would TALK about how you would be nothing more then his fucktoy if all he did was use you for sex.
Fulgrim clenched his jaw as it was unfair you had such short blazingly BRIGHT lives. He considered killing you and preserving you so that you would never leave him. But then there would be no more smiles from you... no more soft laughs... no longer giving him the look as he gently explained things to you... you were odd...Fulgrim liked odd. Normal was overrated anyway... He could feel himself getting worked up more and more into a manic state.
Till your voice pierced the haze and he smiled at you as his mind was rolling... watching your lips move with each syllable you clearly spoke... his eyes flicked to the plain robes... those no longer would do... he'd dress you up in the prettiest of dresses and jewels like a perfect doll. "I might need to update your outfit my dear." He interrupts whatever banal thing you were telling him, "Won't you allow me to see how pretty I can make you look." He says stalking closer... oh yes he liked you... oblivious to his intentions... just the way he liked.
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Yandere Corvus: He stalks as his primary method of getting close... he yearns and he silently pines for you to look at him with the same gentle looks as you give your friends and family. But the shadows are his friend and it comes less and less of yours... as you feel like you're going crazy... you feel like someone has been following you... like you're always being watched. Perhaps you shouldn't have fed those birds but its not the feeling of being watched that is driving you mad.
You can feel it in the dark... that someone else is there in the shadows... running hands over your body no matter how tightly you pull your blanket close to you at night. You feel fleeting touches in your hair, strands catching on something but there is nothing there to catch your hair... the worse one is the feeling of kisses on your skin. The whisper of your name sometimes it feels like something is trying to get your attention... other times you hear it moaned.
You even dared to get yourself checked out to see if you were a psyker but no you were not which you feel is much worse. You feel things start to slip through your fingers as you feel like you're going crazy... till you wake up one night to see something over your bed. The scream dies in your throat as you just feel so afraid to make a noise as lips ghost over your cheek "Shhh relax" is all he whispers before you pass out afraid. And unfortunately for you... you'll wake up somewhere new.
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Yandere Khan: The Khan is hard to yandere because he's so normal... he's funny, he's polite, he's a bit of an ass as well, but he's also ruthless. But perhaps that's what makes him something that his brothers probably aren't... he's a successful yandere. He's successful in keeping his darling in the dark... successful in keeping his darling close all while in the background and out of sight his perversions are played out.
He holds you so tightly when he wants to be affectionate... the way he at times can drown you in affection that it's almost too much but the primarch tells you that he can't help it as his hearts get so full that he has to just show you how much he loves you. Other poetic motions that can easily hide the red flags that speed on past your eyes.
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Yandere Mortarion: Sickly sweet until you try to pull away and then his selfish side comes out and you will be like a rabbit caught in a wire trap where the wire squeezes your neck tighter and tighter. Of course most of what he grows will be used to make chemical weapons but you can't help but be enamored with the beauty of the deadly garden. Though perhaps the caretaker of this deadly garden is enamored by you. He wants something nice... something soft... something sweet... and he starts off with giving gifts. He's not blind to mortals customs of courtship having more often then not been the companion that would listen to his friends, Calas mostly, tirades of not knowing what they were doing wrong and yet somehow it was himself that could point out the obvious.
It was the fact he wasn't to the standards of his fellows; apparently he was intimidating... he was ethereal... just what he would learn that there was apparently being far too attractive for your own good... at least for him on Barbaras; he knew he was skin and bones. But he liked to give you gifts from his garden... the wreaths he would weave of flowers that spoke of the depths of his love for you... how he would treasure and cherish you... how he wouldn't let you go... toxic flowers woven in as this was all done in the Barbarasian flower language. As sometimes his mind would fixate and he would realize a whole wreath was of one type of flower practically screaming out his feelings in that moment. Though he did his best to weave sentences but sometimes just he got stuck on how much he felt. Other wreathes he did not send were of all toxic and poisonous flowers... speaking of dark promises of rejected love and should another try to court you.
You were such a sweet and curious thing... smart as well but far too curious for your own good. It was really far too easy for him to lure you close with pretty flowers. Lure you in like a predatory plant... you were far too pretty to be some common insect far more like a mouse... prey too big for many to think to be caught by a plant. And yet you're lured in close with eyes wide open... and the jaws snap shut around the prey as you reciprocate with your own gift.
Just don't try to pull away... lest the vines start to suffocate.
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Article from The Special Place Magazine - April 2024
Customer Check-in
Our regular column catching up with previous customers who've used Special Place services to convert their 'loved ones' into adorable baby girls! This month we met up with Angela, who used the Special Place to re-assign not one but two of her ex-boyfriends. We interviewed Angela and also her two special charges.
SPM: Hi Angela! So you first came to the Special Place a couple of years ago with your then-boyfriend Bobby. What made you come back with your new boyfriend Tommy?
Angela: Oh it was boredom mostly. I'd had a couple of years with Bobby as my full-time baby girl and I'd run out of new ways to embarrass him. I mean, that's what I live for, right? It's just such a turn-on, thinking up now ways to make him feel super blushy and humiliated by the ridiculously baby-girlish things he had to do. But there's only so many diaper-changes in the park and stuff before it get's boring, you know? Plus looking after a baby girl full time is hard work! So when my new boyfriend Tommy broke up with me, I saw an opportunity to kill two birds with one stone. Find new super-humiliating things for Bobby, get revenge on Tommy and get a relief from being a mommy all the time! Oh wait, is that three birds?
SPM: So what was the plan exactly?
Angela: Well first I got the Special Place to give Tommy the standard baby girl conversion. You know, diaper dependence, silly baby girl voice, the regular stuff? And then, Bobby got his second turn in the Clinic... the mommy conversion!
SPM: Hence the huge boobs! But still diapered?
Angela: Of course! That potty training ain't never coming back. And the boobs aren't just for show. The Clinic gave him a fully working permanently milky pair of mommy udders! They have to be drained several times a day or he feels, like, incredibly uncomfortable. And here's the really clever bit that the Special Place did for me... Tommy's tummy has been altered to allow him to only be able to digest one thing... Bobby's milk!
SPM: It's quite a trick! The guys down in conversion were really pleased they got that one to work!
Angela: Yep, and it means while I still have a baby girl to look after, I have a full-time wet-nurse and 'mommy' to help.
SPM: How does it feel to be a 'mommy', Bobby? What does a typical day look like for you now?
Bobby: Um, well I have to get up early to change my own diaper, and put on my makeup, then I express my first half-litre of milk with the pump...
SPM: You pump? Doesn't Tommy drink it from source?
Angela: Yes but Bobby makes so much he has extra, and it hurts when your udders fill up doesn't it precious?
Bobby: (Blushing furiously) Yes... then I wake up Tommy and rest him on my lap and he... gets a good latch.
SPM: A latch?
Angela: It's what it's called when a baby makes a nice connection to his mommy's nipple! They look so cute together!
SPM: Wonderful! And you Tommy, how does it feel getting all your sustenance from Bobby? Is it strange being the baby girl of a mommy that's also a baby girl and also used to be a boy? Didn't you also used to be buddies when you were boys?
[Tommy starts to silently sniffle.]
Angela: Oh dear, looks like Tommy's finding it all a bit overwhelming!
SPM: Someone's probably hungry! Well I'll leave you two to sort yourselves out for supper. Hope you get a good latch Tommy!
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gracev0609 · 2 days
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Strawberry Moon
Josh Kiszka X Reader
Disclaimer: I am not spiritual, I have no experience in any of this, all information was taken from this source
Word Count: 1k+
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, celebrating the strawberry moon, trying to conceive, explicit sex, breeding kink.
You sat cross legged on the fluffy cream colored plush blanket across from your lover, Josh. You cracked your eyes open, peering at his toned form. He sat mirror image to you, cross legged with his palms facing the sky, completely bare. Your sunroom was glowing in various shades of pink and orange, coloring each plant and pillow a color of the sunset. Tonight was the Strawberry Moon, the next phase. You and Josh had been trying to get pregnant for about a month now, neither of you were getting younger and honestly, you both were eager to start a family. Josh got the idea this morning after reading about the powers of the strawberry moon. He had set his phone down on the kitchen island and rattled off how the strawberry moon has powerful energy and can work on our inner selves as well as increase love and fertility. He told you about the affirmations you both could say during your meditation as well as charging moon water to drink to help.
His arms wrapped around your frame, settling his hands over your empty womb,” I know it's all a little weird, and if it doesn't work what have we lost? But on the other hand, if it does and we make a baby….”
“I think it's worth a shot Joshy, if anything it'll make a nice evening.”
He leaned down, kissing the top of your head,” That's my girl.”
Back to the present, you closed your eyes again repeating your affirmation once more, We're harnessing the energy of the strawberry moon. Let us harness it's power of love, self improvement and fertility.
You sat meditating and reflecting until the sun went down and your solar fairy lights came on. The air around you became cooler, your sweat slicked skin chilling causing your nipples to pebble.
Josh spoke, his voice soothing,” My love… are you ready baby?”
Josh stood retrieving the glasses of water from the end table, striding over to the windowsill to place them under the moonlight to charge. Turning on his heel, he made his way back over to you, his hips swaying as he moved. He kneeled down in the pillow nest you were meditating in before leaning over and grabbing the small tray of strawberries. He nestled into your side, raising a summer sun warmed berry to your lips,” To celebrate. A new phase, a new chapter of our lives. I'm really hopeful that we'll make a baby tonight lovie. The celestial energy… you're ovulating… I think this might be the perfect combination honey.”
Chewing the succulent fruit you nodded,” I hope so too. I think the odds are in our favor tonight.”
Josh fed you a few more berries, his hand stroking your skin, warming your body up for him as you chewed. Eventually his hand dipped down between your legs, sighing softly when he discovered the slick between them.
His fingers swirled around your clit, “ You're going to be such a beautiful momma. You're so kind, so sure of everything you do. Our child is going to look up to you.”
Sighing you shudder, his praise fueling your arousal and you rest your head on his shoulder,” I love you Josh.”
Gently he slides two fingers into you, lightly moaning when he feels how tight and wet you are. And he continues to pump his fingers in and out of you he runs his hips into your leg, gliding his already leaking cock against your thigh. It doesn't take you long until you're clenching around his fingers, the coil in your stomach snapping, as you soak his hand in your release.
Josh presses kisses to your temple,” Good girl, that's my good girl. So beautiful, so ready to take my cock.”
Whining you grasp at him, tugging him to position himself over you,” Please Josh, I need it. Put your baby in me.”
He grasps his cock in his hand, running his swollen head through your slick,” Fuck, keep talking like that and I'm not going to last long.”
He pushes his hips forward, easing himself inside of you. Your hands grip onto his biceps as you adjust to his size,” Isn't that kind of the point.”
You giggle lightly as he rocks his hips,” I guess so…. Pretty baby just wants to be full of my cum?”
You groan, hitching your thighs over his hips,” You know I do.”
All you can think about is the way it feels when he fills you, so wet and warm, coating your insides in Josh. The thought pushes you closer to your second climax, and you start clenching around him, fluttering around his pulsating cock.
Through gritted teeth he praises,” Go ahead sweetheart, cum all over my fat cock. Let me have it.”
His voice in your ears, his skin on yours, and his tip pushing against your sweet spot, you had to surrender to the waves of pleasure. All you could think about was Josh. All you could think about was making him a father.
His hips pound into yours, losing all self control he once had. Slamming himself deep inside of you, chasing his primal urges.
His voice sounds strained,” God… fuck… I can't wait to get you pregnant.”
“Do it! I need it, wanna have your baby so badly!” You cry your nails digging into his back.
His hips stutter, and you feel his warm cum flood your insides.
“Fuuuck… that's right baby, keep milking me. Get every last drop… Gonna make the most beautiful baby.”
Finally his hips still and he all but collapses on you. His hands holding you close to him with his face buried in your neck.
“You're so beautiful, honey. You're going to be the most amazing mom. God, I really hope we just made a baby.”
Your hands stroke his back, both of your emotions heightened. Wanting this to work so badly. One hand comes up to scratch his scalp lovingly,” Maybe our strawberry moon helped us tonight.”
Josh raises his head from your skin, he raises his gaze until he finds the moon. His eyes stay locked on and you can tell he's pleading with the sacred celestial energy. Eventually he pulls out of you, before quickly shoving a pillow underneath your hips. He snuggles into your side, grabbing a blanket and draping it over the both of you,” Gotta keep it all in.”
His lips trail slow lines over your exposed skin until he's eventually lulling you to sleep. Right before you fall under the wave of slumber you say a prayer to your strawberry moon.
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hellishjoel · 4 hours
flora and fauna
1.4k / pairing: javier peña x f!reader
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summary: "Nature never did betray the heart that loved her." – William Wordsworth warnings/information:  MA 18+ (minors DNI), smut, oral (f!receiving), nature exhibitionism??? use of petnames (angel, baby, sweetheart, etc.), swearing, reader is able-bodied and wears athletic clothing A/N: this if for the summer lovin' 2024 writing challenge hosted by @pedgito @chaotic-mystery and @amanitacowboy! thank you for having such a fun challenge to start off the summer right! and thank you for letting me join and post a lil late <3 banners made by @saradika-graphics!
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It’s Javi’s fault, really. He was the one who decided to disregard the hiking trails and reroute your course. 
He’d never admit that he was wandering.
“You’re lost, aren’t you?” 
He huffs loudly and plants his hands on his hips, brand new hiking boots coming to a halt on the desire path he was determined to follow. 
“Lost is a bit of an exaggeration. We’re exploring.” 
“We’re lost.” 
You yank the folded-up map of the state park out of his hands. The sight of random splatters of green and blue alone is enough to make Javier groan. 
“Point to where we are. Please. Just for my sanity.” 
Javier slowly pushes the aviators he’s wearing to the tip of his nose, looking between you and the map. Both sets of eyes scan across the map before Javi yanks it loose from your fingers. He does the worst thing imaginable and rotates the map a few times, not even sure which easy is up. 
“Come on, we’ll come across somethin’ we recognize.” He folds up the map and stuffs it in his pocket, taking your hand and exploring further through the landscape of trees. 
You follow the sounds of a beautiful stream, where the wildlife drink and the plants are vibrantly green. Javi kneels and splashes some water on his forehead and the back of his neck. Skimming your fingers along the top, you watch as the pretty ripples dance. 
Soon, getting lost was no longer frightening; it had become a blessing in disguise. Both you and Javi worked demanding careers, and stress relief for the two of you had become reduced to drinks at the local cantina or nights in watching the television. 
But this—a day out in nature, with the sun soaking into your skin and reviving something within both of you—was perhaps just what you needed.
By the late afternoon, Javi has you secluded in a wildflower field. You lay on your back, sat up on your elbows as you tip your head back and take in the sweet summer sun. Surrounded by butterfly weed and yellow coneflowers, it seems almost mystical as happy pollinators buzz around you and enjoy the sweet nectar the field offers. 
Javi’s lingering eyes have landed on his own source of nectar. 
“If we’re lost,” he starts, eyes lusting over as he takes in the sight of your skin below your hiking shorts and smirks, “then we can do whatever we want.” 
No- was he seriously suggesting this?
“Right now?” You whisper. 
You can’t deny the thought doesn’t make your stomach flutter with excitement. Doing it out here surrounded by the flora and fauna. 
Javi sits up beside you, his hand already skirting up the top of your warm thigh. Air is taken from your lungs, and you find yourself holding it, in awe of what he might do when no one is around. 
“This okay?” His gravely voice whispers. You purse your lips and look around, but there seems to be nothing more than literal birds and bees spying on you. 
With your shy nod of approval, Javi slowly peels down your brightly colored shorts and panties, allowing you to kick them off once around your ankles. 
Javi takes in your sweet skin and mutters something approvingly, your pretty pussy on display just for him - even out in the open like this. 
His fingers tentatively squish into the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, pushing them apart wider to allow him more access. He sinks to lay on his stomach, fingers brushing along a path that trails with goosebumps.
A weak sigh leaves your parted lips as Javi spreads your folds with his index and middle finger, in awe of the arousal that’s already starting to flood your core. 
“I think you like doin’ it out in the open, princess,” his eyes meet your more desperate ones, teeth nibbling on your lower lip with anticipation. 
“What do good girls say?”
You extend your hand and run your fingers through his dark hair, allowing a shaky breath to leave you as sweat grows tacky on the back of your neck and the hinge of your legs. 
“Please, Javi, I want you.”
With a degrading smirk, he tuts almost disapprovingly. “So naughty. Want me anywhere I can have ya, huh?”
You nod feverishly, and that’s enough to get him to continue. 
He presses a pretty kiss against your pearl, feeling her twitch under even the lightest of his touches. Javi leans in once more and presses a longer, sloppier one on your pussy, sucking ever so lightly that has heat simmering across your skin. A long whine leaves the depth of your throat, your fingers weaving through Javi’s locks as you keep him close. 
He darkly chuckles and knows that your sense of patience is waning thin. 
“You want me to eat this pussy, angel?”
“Fuck,” you huff, “please, Javi, I’ve been good.” 
“You have, baby, you have.” He mutters and moves in closer. 
Javi doesn’t so much as eat you out as he does makeout with your cunt, holding your hand by his head and feeling the squeezes of what makes you feel good. 
He slowly lets go of your hand and nudges the tip of his finger against your entrance. You’re begging at this point for the heavenly stretch, nodding your head almost anxiously. 
He doesn’t start with just one; he knows you can take two. Your back arches with a gasp that enters the open field, and you instinctively put your hand over your mouth. 
“Come on, baby, I wanna hear you be loud for me. No one’s gonna hear you but me.”
It’s difficult to pull your hand away, but once you do, Javi continues to push two of his thick fingers inside your entrance.
The burn is insatiable, causing your stomach to clench with excitement. 
“Please,” you moan out into the grass, clutching the soil and flowers between your fist with need. 
He starts a steady pace, but soon, it’s picking up enough to make you moan his name repeatedly. 
You were free out here, with every other creature that was free and happily existing. This feels like a dream, one where your lover would take you in such a beautiful place. 
Javi is quick to bring you down to Earth, his fingers curling inside you and leaving you breathless as heat spills down your spine. He suckles your clit before returning to fluid circles that massage your throbbing clit, losing your breath with how good he’s eating you out. 
“M’close,” you whisper, feeling a bead of sweat trickle down your temple. When your open your eyes, you see the most ravenous thing you’ve ever seen; Javi’s pink tongue extended and flicking against your clit, his dark eyes lusted over, and his fingers making your pussy squirt amongst the wildflowers. 
“Fuck!” You whine, your legs shaking as your orgasm crashes against you, the knots in your stomach finally plucking loose. Your lungs fill with air as you cry out his name, Javi not stopping as he eagerly laps up your release. 
He grunts against your core, moaning lowly and watching in awe as his eyes roll into the back of his head. 
Your bleary eyes see Javi rut his hips against the ground, his fist at your hip clutching nothing but the roots of grass that he had ripped from the ground. 
“Fuck,” he breathes, pulling off your core and seeing his face smothered in your arousal, “Taste so fucking sweet on my tongue, baby.” 
The world soon begins to form around you, but not until Javi puts your panties and athletic shorts back into place, a shy grin on your face as you glance around out of habit, seeing only nature watching. 
Javi licks his lips and uses his forearm to wipe away any other lacquer, smirking as his eyes roam over your body. 
“We should really start finding our way back.” You trail off, attempting to find your balance as you wipe away the dirt on the back of your legs and hands. 
Javi playfully laughs and shakes his head, following you to stand. “We’re not lost. We’re like a mile from the car. I’ve been wantin’ to take you here for a while.”
You stop in your tracks, dumbfounded, glancing around a bit confused. 
“We’re not lost?” You try not to be shrill, but you’re quick to smack his pec with the back of your hand. 
“You think I would get us lost? Please.” He says jokingly, taking your hand and escorting you out of your perfect fantasy. 
Through the trail of trees and following the stream upwards as the sun melts against the horizon, it’s enough to make you wish you sort of did grow lost. Because maybe you both could stay like that forever. 
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jintaka-hane · 1 day
Our Lucky Night!
Kid x Killer x cheerleaders
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Summary: Kid and Killer are famous. As they run into a bunch of hyped-up cheerleaders, they believe it's their lucky night. Words: 800 Tags: @fanaticsnail
Night falls over the small coastal town. 
The Kid’s pirates, satisfied after a successful day of business at the port, make their way back to the ship, strolling leisurely through the picturesque streets.
Kid and Killer are chatting animatedly a short distance ahead, closely followed by Wire and Heat. They observe as the nocturnal bars start to come alive, lighting their signs and inviting anyone looking for fun and company.
The squeal of a thrilled woman's voice echoes from the street nearby, startling the pirates who look around in surprise, searching for the source of the sound.
“OMG look at theeeem!!!!!” 
The shrieks are followed by a chorus of feminine shouts of excitement, applause, and nervous laughter. 
"They’ve put up the new ones!!”
"Girls, come see them!"
The pirates continue down the street, confused, not quite understanding what is causing such a commotion. Kid tries to address his crewmates, raising his voice to be heard above the clamor when a cry cuts him off.
Silence envelops the street.
For a few seconds, they exchange perplexed glances before breaking into a synchronized sprint down the street, eager to discover where the shouts are coming from.
Their four heads peer around the corner to spot a throng of about twenty women clustered at a bar's entrance, jostling each other to catch sight of the two new bounty posters pinned to the facade (likely just to appease the law).
"Why they gotta be so ripped and hot?"
"The higher the bounty, the hotter they are."
The girls stand on tiptoe with enthusiasm, leaning on one another for support as they strain to see the photos more clearly.
"Think they'd ever drop by this town?"
"I could think of a couple of jobs if I joined their crew."
Unconsciously, the pirates begin to mimic the girls, pushing each other competitively to gain a closer look and listen more intently.
"Those scars are mad sexy..."
Wire shakes his shoulders to free himself from Heat's tightly gripping fingers.
"Damn, the redhead is SO fucking hot, I can't even..."
The six pairs of eyes fix on the captain's face, just in time to witness how his cheeks flush involuntarily, turning several shades redder than their usual tone.
“Look at him... look at that badass face... look at that wild red hair."
"I wonder if he's also a redhead down there…"
Wire bursts into hearty, uncontrollable laughter. "Hey, Cap'n, looks like you've got yourself a fan club," he remarks, delivering a friendly slap on Kid's back, further unsettling him and causing his cheeks to blaze even brighter.
The girls, still clustered at the bar door, continue their lively conversation.
"Think I can rip off the poster and take it with me?" 
"You have no cure, you're addicted to redheads."
"Oh, he would be MY cure."
Kid chuckles.
His initial timidity begins to dissipate as he starts to process the increasingly naughty conversation.
"I've heard he's missing an arm."
"Yeah? Well, if he had me, he wouldn't need it..."
"... guys," Kid says, watching as the group of spirited girls continues to heap praise upon him, "... maybe we can stay on land a little while longer..."
“I wanna call him sir!”
“I want to change him, I want to make him worse!”
Kid smiles with a lopsided, mischievous grin, and Killer shakes his head and clicks his tongue beneath his mask, “be careful what you wish for, girls…”
The cheeky laughter echoes across the harbor, drawing Kid along with it. He laughs openly and shamelessly, hands on hips and chest puffed out, clearly pleased with himself and the admiration he seems to be receiving from the women.
"And look at the other one, ain't he a hottie?"
"The first mate?"
All the Kid Pirates turn towards Killer, their attention now fully on him. With arms crossed in a serious and stoic demeanor, he stays silent, secretly more grateful than ever for wearing the mask to hide his blush from the others.
"Oh, how I love men with long hair."
"I wanna brush his hair."
"I want to sit on his face!"
"... lucky bastard," Heat mutters, his gaze hypnotically fixed on the group of girls.
Kid throws an arm over Killer's shoulders in camaraderie, giving him a friendly shake. “Well, Kil,” he says with a large, cheeky grin, “looks like it's our lucky night!”
"Ladies, how about we head inside for a drink?" suggests one of the women, the others nodding eagerly.
Watching the girls disappear into the bar, Kid rolls his shoulders, straightens his back, and lifts his head high. "Don't wait up for us, boys!" He calls out before striding purposefully toward the tavern, radiating self-assurance.
Killer follows close behind, his steps measured and hesitant.
As they reach the bounty posters, he casts a quick glance at them and promptly grabs Kid's shoulder to halt him.
"Kid, wait," he says dryly.
"Huh?" Kid spins around.
Killer gestures towards the bounty board, prompting Kid to step closer. With a broad grin still plastered across his face, the captain moves in to inspect it...
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ateliersss · 2 days
Journey into The Past Ch.1
Pairing: Tom Riddle x Fem!Reader Summary: They say every human has their person, even some as cold, heartless and cruel as the Dark Lord. Would you try and tell that to Harry Potter, of all people, he would not hesitate to deny even the slightest hint of someone having feelings more than blazing hate for that man, this monster. A journey into the past shows him a different part of the former life of the murderer of his parents. Cross-posted on AO3: here Warnings: English isn't my first language Word Count: 1,869
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“Chocolate Frogs.” Harry murmured to the eagle statue, which jumped to the side a second later.
He was tired — Snape looked everywhere for an opportunity to give him detention, Ron and Hermione still avoided each other like the plague, and he still had no idea how to get this memory from Slughorn.
As he dragged himself up the staircase, he thought of an excuse why he still didn’t have it. Harry knocked on the office door and was soon called in by the Headmaster’s familiar, calm voice.
“Good evening, Harry.” Dumbledore greeted him from his chair, “Please sit down.” He added and pointed to the chair standing in front of his desk.
Harry closed the door and made his way through the office when he noticed something on the desk — alongside the usual silver instruments, the bowl of Dumbledore’s favourite sweets, some books and parchments, vials containing a silvery shimmering liquid stood on top of the dark wooden surface. Sitting down, they were on the same eye level as him and stared at him judgingly, as if they wanted to remind him of his failure.
“Professor, I–“
“–haven’t found a way to get the memory from Professor Slughorn.”
Harry shamefully looked down at his feet.
“If you did, you would have come to me the second you got your hands on it.”
“I’m sorry, Professor.”
“I have faith in you, Harry. You will find a way. Nevertheless, we will have to continue with our journey through Voldemort’s past.” Dumbledore said, eyes shifting to the gleaming vials. “These memories belonged to an incredibly smart and determined girl, always respectful and friendly to others.”
Dumbledore got up, walked around his desk and took the vial from the far left. The Pensieve was already floating next to them. Harry got up as well and watched Dumbledore pour the memory into it. The memory turned into an ink-like substance and slowly took on a hazy image. Harry dipped his head into the Pensieve and soon felt the familiar tug, lifting him out of reality and into the memory.
Harry was standing in a library, the library of Hogwarts. It had barely changed and was completely empty. Nothing surprising, it was already dark outside.
Just as he was about to turn to Dumbledore and ask him if they were in the right place, he heard a giggle, undoubtedly coming from a girl. Dumbledore headed in the direction of the giggles. Harry quickly caught up with him.
They passed the many bookshelves until they reached the barred doors of the Restricted Section. Following Dumbledore who apparently knew where to go, Harry soon saw the source of the voice.
“I mean it, Tom, stop bothering me. I still have to finish this.” You scolded, trying to suppress your laughter to sound serious.
To say that Harry was shocked by what he saw would be an understatement.
None other than Voldemort — or rather, Tom Riddle — was standing right behind you. He was bent forward so that your heads were on the same level. He brushed your hair aside, slowly revealing the eagle of Ravenclaw on your robes, and slowly kissed your neck up and down.
“You can do it later.” He groaned, his voice muffled against your skin.
“You know I can’t. I put it off until now and it’s due tomorrow.”
“You can copy mine.”
“No, I can’t. Slughorn will notice it.”
“He will ignore it. He loves you.”
“No, Tommy, he loves you. I’m just his second favourite.”
Tom let out a frustrated groan and buried his face into the crook of your neck. “I told you how much I hate it when someone talks back to me.”
You laughed at his antics. “And I told you, you would get bored. You didn’t have to come.”
“You’ll need me when someone catches you outside of curfew.” He countered half-heartedly, nuzzling his face deep into the crook of your neck.
With an eye roll, you tapped the badge on your chest. “Did you already forget I’m a prefect too?”
Tom ignored you and lifted his head slightly to watch your feather scurry across the parchment.
“Why don’t you take a look around? Maybe you will find an interesting book.” You suggested after a while.
When you got no answer, you sighed and wriggled out of his grasp, got up and disappeared between the gloomy bookshelves. You came back five minutes later and handed him a book.
“You told me you were fascinated by such things. I stumbled upon it a week ago.” You looked up at him and smiled.
Tom’s lips curled slightly upwards. Anyone else would have missed it, but not you. Your smile grew even brighter.
You pulled him down to meet his lips for a quick peck before sitting back down on your chair.
“Thank you, darling.”
He sat down casually on the chair next to yours, flipped through the book and flew over most of the pages. After a while, he stopped and began to read with an intrigued expression on his face. He suddenly seemed interested and he immersed himself in the written words. Then he looked up and at you, an expression on his face that Harry didn't like at all.
That must have been the end of the memory, because Harry was back in Dumbledore’s office again. His brain tried to comprehend what just happened.
Voldemort had someone, a person who looked at him as if he put the sun, the moon and the stars onto the sky. And in return, he had kissed this person, had clung to them as if they would disappear if he let them go even for a second.
Harry just met a completely new side of Voldemort, one he never expected to exist, one that was impossible to exist.
Voldemort had been soft. Or at least softer than one might imagine a cold-hearted, loveless and ruthless mass murderer to be. It didn't make any sense.
Dumbledore watched the conflicted expression on his face intently as the wheels kept turning in his head. “I believe you have some questions.”
Harry startled out of his thoughts. “I… Voldemort…” He stumbled over his words, not knowing to which question he wanted to have an answer first. “She was his girlfriend?”
“Yes. (Y/N) (L/N) was, as I already told you, an astounding student. Not only had her fellow Ravenclaws admired her, but almost the entire school. Very honest and responsible. Ideal for the role as a prefect, as you've seen, and later even as Head Girl. It was impossible for Voldemort not to notice her. There had been a rivalry between the two of them from the beginning, as they were fighting for the title best student. As you know, Tom Riddle was a great student with remarkable grades and loved by his teachers and classmates. So was (Y/N), indeed a very gifted and talented witch. However, when he saw there was no possibility for a breakthrough, he charmed his way into her life, but not with a little resistance from her side. She was probably one of the fewer people who were suspicious of him.”
“But she was still with him?”
“She was a 16-year-old girl who fell for the handsome and strange boy who was fascinated by her. A girl like her had many admirers, but he was the only one who could challenge her and was intellectually on par with her. In a way, she was also fascinated by him. Both were an interesting mystery to the other and they were eager to solve it.”
“So he was playing with her?”
“To be honest with you, Harry, I don’t think so.”
“Then what is it?”
Harry looked at Dumbledore as if he had just expelled him from Hogwarts and sent him back to the Dursleys. “But I thought…”
“It wasn’t typical love, the type of love we both know. It was more of a mix of mutual understanding, admiration, trust and something deeper. Just because Voldemort is incapable of loving someone, it doesn’t mean he was emotionless.”
“It’s hard to believe that Voldemort cares for someone else.”
“For someone who didn’t experience him in his school days, it’s easy to say. She had a not insignificant influence on him.” Dumbledore said with a smile before sitting back in his chair.
Harry did the same and asked, “What happened to her? I mean, if she and Voldemort were a couple, she could help us find the Horcruxes! After all, she let you have her memories. Do you know where she is?”
“Unfortunately, Harry, she died a few years ago. The reason for that were, in fact, these memories.” Dumbledore pointed to the remaining vials. “She came to me one year after your parents died.”
Confused, Harry leaned forward in his chair. “Why?”
The older man looked at him over his glasses, his eyes glittering, before looking back at the memory containing vials like it was the most obvious answer.
Harry bit his lower lip, nodding. “Right.”
“However, if you were actually asking about the specific time, then the answer is just as simple. Like some of Voldemort's other followers, she was cautious. Death Eaters were hunted and imprisoned, after all. They also didn’t know if he might come back to reclaim his power. So, she waited a year before she came to me.”
“And she gave you the memories just like that?”
Dumbledore shook his head before he hoisted himself up from his chair, his blackened hand shaking like a leaf in the wind being under so much pressure.
“Not back then, no. At first, she was suspicious of me, considering I could call the authorities the second she stepped on school grounds. Understandable, since she was just as much hunted by the Aurors as the rest of Voldemort’s followers, but I promised her no harm will come to her as long as I live.”
Harry shifted in his seat, a frown on his face. “Why would you do that, Professor? Why would you offer that to someone who was as close to Voldemort as she was? Why would you put someone under your protection who murdered and tortured innocents?”
“And how do you know she did all that, Harry?” Dumbledore asked and his eyes gleamed as he looked sharply at the boy.
Harry, feeling scolded, averted his eyes and merely shrugged his shoulders, not knowing what else to do.
So what if this girl wasn’t like the man who murdered his parents? How should he know? People who were involved with Voldemort were neither good nor innocent. You could have been very well a second Bellatrix.
Dumbledore, who had already taken the second vial and poured the memory into the Pensieve, nodded at his silence and smiled knowingly.
“Don’t view her as any enemy, but as an ally instead.” He said and Harry had to suppress a scoff. “Without her, we would know much less about Voldemort and how to go against him.”
Harry nodded reluctantly and got up from his chair to join Dumbledore again. He looked down at the swirling inky substance that slowly started to take shape and he could already recognize silhouettes of a fire-lit room.
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vinestaffery · 2 days
hello! May I request a Valk x reader fluff scenario? probs just either of them having a rough day and having a cuddle session with the other :D
Hello!!! The first start of the scene is inspired off of Mayans MC Grocery Store Scene, from Season 4! I felt like it's a great way I feel about umm people that are overall just really mean and such or just rude. Hope this is good enough!! I gotta sleep RIGHT after this one too, so I'm happy to be able to pump this out!!! Enjoy!!! ALSO I JUST REALIZED I MISREAD YOUR REQUEST AND GAVE YOU A ONESHOT. I AM SO SORRY.
Today was not the day for you. Working 9 hours per day, being yelled at by customers endlessly for just trying to scan their food in. It was getting tiring than ever. “Next,” you said in a deaf-tone. Another demon, specifically one that looks overall pissed.
“Make this quick! I need to get somewhere.” You had more of enough proof with your facial expression you did not give much of a fuck. With how they were speaking, how they were blabbing to whoever on the phone. You just wanted out of here.
Scanning endlessly of the foods, you listened quietly to the sound of the radio playing. The supermarket was not the greatest place to get money or to find peace, but it surely made you become more religious than ever, praying to the SFoTH that you make it out alive in the next few hours.
People started lining up, growing more anxious by the second as they waited slowly for the lady you were serving to quit blabbing. It was until she interrupted you mid-packing her food. “Don’t forget to put a double-bag, paper bags have always been useless.” I mean, you could understand her at that point. 
Paper bags were useless, especially with how easily breakable they were. It was the first thing you let slide in your head. Placing more food together, adding up as you waited patiently and sorted each carefully. “Don’t put chemicals in food! Are you insane?” That pulled a nerve.
Re-sorting and plucking everything out of the bag, you didn’t show any sign of hesitation or resistence. You just carried on, customers always know best. Their highest priority is this stupid supermarket food-chain. As you resorted, you placed more food down below.
“Is this your first day? Are you kidding me? Everyone knows you don’t put the weak food at the bottom of the bag. I mean, c’mon!” The demon let out a snort, snickering.
Your fingers wrapped around the food, pulling one out and putting the heaviest sense of shopping load into the bag. You didn’t make any sound, your eyes focused on each food taken in hand. “Sorry, this stupid clerk just won’t do the shopping right. I know, they seriously need to learn…”
— 🌕  AT NIGHT .
You walked in through the door of the shared department, shaky breaths as you followed the small light-source coming from the hallway. You could hear him, how your body yearned for him once more. 
The sound of his singing, it made you feel every tight nerve in your body collapse. Your hesitant footsteps as the bits of food stuck your hair together. You couldn’t help but sniffle, a tear dropping down your cheek from the overwhelming stress in your head. It was ripping at your scalp.
“My sunshine? Is that you?” That familiar voice.
“Here…” You let out a cracked voice as you saw that yellow-horned demon once more. Valk. The love of your life ever since that first day meeting one another accidentally on the street. It was hilarious when you found out he was the all-time star on the radio. 
“Oh, my sunshine! I might cookies, if you’d like–” His head turned to face you, only to stop in his place as his voice slowly pitched down – “to have some together…” You could hear that concern in his voice. 
“...” Silence is all that could be heard. 
“I had a bad day, today,” You could only pipe up about it, as you fell to tears. It was like all chains of your body that dug deep into your soft skin had finally let you go. It was an agonising walk home, and it was even harder to get up the apartment stairs. 
Valk knew what to do, as he walked closer as he held you. You immediately collapsed in his arms. “Sunshine, sunshine. I’m here, oh my poor light,” his words were like angels from the heavens, speaking their godly verses.
“I got fired from my job,” You laughed into his shoulder, egg remnants slowly pouring onto his t-shirt. He let out a sigh. “C’mon, let’s get you cleaned up.” Keeping you close, you both trudged to the bathroom, to where he helped you get clean. It wasn’t too long until you both were cuddling on the couch.
“So you got fired? For what?” Valk piped up, a blanket draped across you as his arm extended out behind your neck. The television flickered on movie scenes that never seemed to catch your interest. “I accidentally destroyed a person’s shopping, but they deserved it. They wouldn’t shut up.” 
Valk couldn’t tell if he should be disappointed, but he didn’t want to continue the worst case-scenario forever. “Well, then that’s okay. Maybe they did deserve it. Just hope you can get another job again.” Valk was always the one to look to the bright sides, while you struggle with both pros and cons on existing life. “I hope so,” you meekly shuddered.
His warmth was inviting, it was nights and days like these where you wish to rest in his lap all the time. He didn’t mean, you being there with him made him even happier. As your eyes struggled to keep open, now clean and close to him, he couldn’t help but laugh. 
Caressing your cheek, he kissed your forehead. “Sleep well, sunshine.”
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chikuros · 2 days
In a dream beyond eternity
ᝰ.ᐟ Vil Schoenheit x Reader
ᝰ.ᐟ In which the incident in book 7 made reader dream…
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It felt like millions of memories are shoved into my head; unfamiliar, yet seems to be mine. They bear the faces of the people I hold dear, but in a slight different behavior from that I know of. But none of that matters now.
I am getting married.
I’ve been tending my hair for quite some while now, sitting in front of the vanity mirror, analyzing my appearance from head to toe before I finally walk down the aisle. Somehow, I look different from usual. Even though the reflection I’m seeing in the mirror is still undoubtedly me, but something is wrong. Again, it doesn’t really bother me. As I am going to get married.
I heard someone calling out for my name, seems like it is time. I replied to them and said that I’ll be out in a second. I stood up, and faces myself in the mirror. Ah, I am indeed breath-taking.
The chirping of the birds are music to my ears, and the reflections of the stained glass on the floor was a feast for the eyes.
Nothing could have prepared me for this day. The venue was beautiful— a small cathedral which could only fit 30 people, the place was simply decorated with flowers— red, pink, white, yellow— colors which meant a lot to me. Everything was perfect.
With each steps that I took, the beating of my heart seems to be getting stronger. Maybe it’s because of the fact that I’m over-nervous, but everyone and everything here seems to be a blur.
Ah, of course, except him.
Our eyes met. He stood there on the altar, staring at me thoroughly. Again, he’s only standing there, and my chest feels like it’s about to burst. My legs moved by itself towards the altar. A bouquet of roses I hold on my hands, counting on the meaning of the flower, eternal love.
We didn’t exchange words when I stood on the altar. Vil was perfect. Every second that passes when I stare into his eyes, a flurry of emotions struck me like a punch to my pounding chest; making me feel every sensations, all at once.
Time passes as the ceremony continues. Nothing could get me to take my eyes off him. Every inch of his being seems to be carved by the hands of god itself, even the simplest of clothing would look luxurious on him.
Oh, Vil… my Vil.
“….for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, till death to us part.”
We tied the knot. I took a deep breath before he lifted up my veil that has been the one separating us from each other. Now that my vision has become clear, our eyes met again. He took my hand and kissed the back of it, this alone sends tingles down my whole body.
A moment later, he took the ring and placed it on my finger, then I did the same to his. My heart is still pounding— no, at this point, my whole body is. I can’t even stop the corners of my lips from curving up. I stared at my now-occupied ring finger, there’s now a matching ring that symbolizes us. It’s beautiful. Everything about this is.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife, you may now seal this union with a kiss.”
And time suddenly stopped.
The loud cheering from the guests has turned into a deafening silence. Every movement has paused. The world seemed to be playing tricks on me somehow.
“…Valentine,” I turned to the source of voice which stung my heart, the familiar voice of a man which stood far behind the furthest seat, “….” he didn’t continue his words and stayed silent.
Not in his wedding suit, but in his uniform. His appearance was quite ragged, his hair was messy, even some of his braids are already undone. There are small scratches on his uniform, as well as a stain. Beside him stood some more familiar faces which I recognize, but right now, I couldn’t comprehend anything properly. My memory is all hazy, and my vision is blurring.
Ah, I didn’t notice that I wasn’t burnt by the sunlight.
At that moment, the blot has started to consume me. I heard screaming and yelling of my name, but it was too late. I have fallen into the abyss.
I am weak and powerless. I am going to be a burden if I don’t hurry and wake up. I should get a grip.
Everything around me was pitch black. I hear echoes of my name being called by various people as I fall deeper into the abyss. Right now, everyone is in terrible danger. I should wake up and help them.
…Is this what I truly deserve? to drown in the deepest parts of the abyss— on my supposed-to-be wedding day?
Oh, well, no use in mourning the past.
Ugh, I can’t even muster up any energy to move, all this was exhausting. Maybe it’s the best for me to just keep on falling on this endless abyss than to face reality.
I can’t— no, truth is, I don’t even have the slightest desire to wake up. Please, good lord, merciful lord of the night, please let me dream forever.
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wlwprker · 1 day
please don’t leave s.r. x gn! reader [1]
a/n: im a sucker for hurt/comfort i fear; wrote this with s3-4 & migraine reid in mind but you can choose whichever one you prefer! (this got super long so i’m going to make this into parts!)
warnings: minimal proofreading, some swearing, brief descriptions of basic criminal minds violence (cases and whatnot), mentions of blood
wc: 1,374
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you and the team were tirelessly hunting down an unsub before he hurt any more women. the unsub was going after single women in their mid-30s or 40s who were in higher-stakes jobs such as congresswoman, lawyer, doctor, etc.
the unsub felt these women should stay at home and be housewives instead of being out in authority like jobs. the unsub’s mother was the same way, and he never had a proper childhood. he longed for a better relationship with his mother, so he stripped children’s mothers away from them.
time was running out, and everybody was running on little to no sleep, working on every detail to not miss a single thing. after many hours of looking into every victim, every connection, and every location, you finally found him. everyone raced against the clock, finally got his location, and were able to rescue three girls. you felt a tiny sense of relief at this fact; it helps to know you could still save people.
you knew this unsub’s type, and while you knew that you didn’t meet the criteria, there was no telling what he’d do to get his way.
“stay with me, okay?” spencer ordered in a soft tone. he was just being a good team member, and while you both knew that you could hold your own,.
this killer. he was erratic and aggressive.
you knew that spencer would give you a lecture if he knew that you ignored his orders, but that was the least of your worries.
you rounded a corner with your gun held out in front of you, and you took in every corner on high alert. you peeked inside a room, checking your surroundings before entering. the lights were off, and of course the light switch was not working.
you turned your flashlight on, and you had your back turned for not even half a second.
as soon as you turned around, the unsub attempted to throw you across the room, but you caught his wrist in a forceful grip.
“you don’t need to do this. this ends now," you said in a firm voice, but the unsub did not listen. you tried to get him to back down, but he wasn’t listening. you kept your gun raised, but you could not see where he went.
“you’re not my type, but I’ll take my chances, the unsub said, and you started to turn around, but before you could react, he had raised a crowbar and hit you in the head, and you had collapsed to the floor. you were dizzy, and your vision was blurry as you attempted to stand up.
the sound of a thud had alerted the entire team, and everyone was on extra-high alert, thoroughly checking every corner of the house and looking for the source.
“spencer, where did they go?” emily whispered, noticing they were down an agent. spencer’s heart dropped to the floor; he must have turned around when you slipped away from him.
“son of a bitch! i told them to stay with me,” spencer mumbled to himself.
spencer took a deep breath to calm himself down as the two of them searched the house. spencer froze in place when he walked into a pitch-black room and saw you lying on the floor. he was internally panicking.
“can you hear me?” spencer asked, and you were slipping in and out; everything around you was blurring, and everyone talking to you sounded like they were millions of miles away.
after a while, you could no longer hear or see anything; you were knocked out. spencer took a shaky breath as he placed two fingers on the side of your neck and sighed in relief when he found a pulse.
“we need a medic!” emily yelled into her walkie-talkie. spencer was freaking out, wondering what he could have done to prevent this.
“hey, it’s not your fault; you know that, right?” jj said as she watched spencer internally cursing himself.
“i turned around for barely a second, and they just...” spencer trailed off, and jj led him out of the house as they had successfully located the unsub and arrested him.
after a painful silence, the medics arrived and took you out on a gurney. the side of your head was bleeding, and you were not waking up.
“go, I’ll tell hotch; he’ll understand, emily said as she watched spencer look at you with a pained look on his face. he silently nodded and stayed with the medics as they took you to the hospital.
the ride to the hospital was a deadly silence; he longed for your voice, even one of your silly jokes, anything.
once you got to the hospital, despite his best efforts, spencer was sent to the waiting room. as he waited for the verdict, he was bouncing his knees constantly, his mind racing with millions of possibilities.
he hated waiting. not knowing if you were okay drove him crazy; he wanted to scream.
the doctor came out, and spencer stood up fast. he listened intently, and a sigh of relief washed over him as the doctor told him that you were going to be okay.
“am I able to see them?” spencer asked anxiously, and the doctor nodded. “yes, they need lots of rest, but you can go visit.” the doctor smiled as they walked to your room.
his heart ached when he saw you lying on a bed with a bandage on the side of your head and hooked up to a machine, peacefully sleeping.
he was so glad you’re okay.
spencer took a seat and watched you cautiously; he didn’t want to disturb you.
you slowly opened your eyes, saw spencer, and smiled lightly.
“hey spence, did you guys catch him?” you asked faintly. spencer’s heart twisted in agony at the sound of your voice.
“we did, but you need your rest. i just wanted to see how you were doing.”
you smiled and tried to sit up, but spencer stopped you with a warning look in his eyes.
“don’t move; you need to rest.”
“i’m fine; it was just a scratch.” you attempted to joke, but it came out weakly.
“you got hit in the head with a crowbar, and you passed out—more than scratch there,” spencer said, sighing.
“the doctor said i could go home within the next few days, maybe sooner,” you said, and spencer didn’t respond; he just held your hand with a sad look on his face.
“hey, i’m okay.”
he cut you off with a deep sigh.
“why did you ignore my orders? i told you to stay with me. damn it, why didn’t you stay? i don’t know what I would have done if” spencer trailed off.
“i’m fine, spencer.”
“no, you’re not; you got hurt!” spencer was frustrated. how could you not see this was killing him?
“but I’m here; i’m going to be...”
“stop talking.”
you looked at him strangely, confused as to why he was so on edge.
“spencer, i’m fine; i don’t know what has you so worked up, but...”
“please stop talking,” he said, rubbing his forehead as he finally looked you in the eyes.
“do you know that 258 people in 100,000 enter a coma each year due to acute brain injury?” spencer stated, frustration evident in his voice. you stared at him, confused.
“what does that have to do with anything?"
“you are lucky that you don’t have a brain injury; you could have been at risk of going into a fucking coma for who knows how long! what i’m saying is, i wish you didn’t go off by yourself because i would never forgive myself if i lost you. do you understand me?” spencer said it in a stern voice, which caught you off guard.
“spencer, i can handle myself just fine, and i’m okay, aren’t I?”
spencer shook his head furiously.
“you’re not listening to me.”
the silence filled the room; it was the loudest silence you’ve ever witnessed.
you tried to speak, but spencer just sighed. “you need rest; i’ll come back tomorrow, okay?”
you just nodded, the conversation still on your mind. why was he so upset? you didn’t have the energy to dwell on it.
“spencer,” you called out.
he turned around with a curious look in his eyes.
“can you stay a little longer?” you asked quietly.
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yourmomsawh0r3 · 2 days
Could you do Benedict Bridgerton with wife reader? It was Pen and Colin's wedding day and as they were preparing for the ceremony, she needed a breather. Luckily, Ben was there to calm her down from all the havoc happening. Just Ben being her knight in shining armor 😀. Thanks!! :))
of course! this is going such a cute story line!! i hope you enjoy it as much as i did writing it. 🫶🏼
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Benedict Bridgerton x wife reader
Matron Of Honor
The grand hall of Aubrey Hall was abuzz with excitement and laughter as final preparations for Colin Bridgerton and Penelope Featherington's wedding were underway. The Bridgerton estate had never looked more magnificent, with flowers in full bloom, shimmering decorations, and a sense of joyous anticipation in the air.
Y/N, the matron of honor, took a deep breath as she glanced around the bustling room. She had been running around since dawn, ensuring every detail was perfect for her best friend's big day. The bridesmaids were all gathered, chatting animatedly, and Penelope was in the center, a vision of beauty and happiness.
But for Y/N, the overwhelming emotions of the day were beginning to take their toll. Watching Penelope's face light up with joy had stirred up a whirlwind of feelings inside her. She needed a moment to collect herself, to step away from the whirlwind of excitement and nerves.
Slipping quietly out of the room, Y/N made her way to the garden, seeking solace among the roses and the soft rustling of leaves. She found a secluded bench and sank down, closing her eyes and taking deep breaths to calm her racing heart.
Just as she was beginning to feel a semblance of calm, she heard footsteps approaching. She opened her eyes to see Benedict Bridgerton, her husband and her rock, coming toward her with a gentle smile. His presence alone brought an immediate sense of relief.
"Taking a break from the chaos?" Benedict asked softly, sitting beside her and taking her hand in his.
Y/N nodded, squeezing his hand in return. "It's just so much, Benedict. Seeing Penelope so happy, making sure everything is perfect... It's all a bit overwhelming."
Benedict wrapped his arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. "You’ve done an incredible job, my love. Penelope couldn’t have asked for a better matron of honor. And as for the emotions, it's only natural. You've been such a good friend to her."
She leaned into him, feeling the warmth and strength of his embrace. "Thank you for being here, Ben. I just needed a moment to breathe."
He kissed the top of her head, his voice a soothing balm. "I'll always be here for you, your my wife for crying out loud. You don't have to do this alone. We’re in this together, every step of the way."
Y/N felt a surge of gratitude and love for the man beside her. Ben had a way of making her feel seen and understood, even when her emotions threatened to overwhelm her. His support was unwavering, his presence a constant source of strength.
Taking another deep breath, she looked up at him with a smile. "You know, you're my knight in shining armor, Benedict Bridgerton."
Benedict chuckled softly, his eyes twinkling with affection. "And you, my dear, are my heart and soul. My ravishing wife and future mother of our children. he smiled and leaned into kiss you. After he pulled away he states “Now, shall we go back and ensure that this wedding is as perfect as Penelope deserves?"
Y/N nodded, feeling a renewed sense of determination. With Benedict by her side, she knew she could handle anything. Hand in hand, they stood up and made their way back to the grand hall, ready to face the day with love and support for their dear friends.
As they rejoined the festivities, Y/N felt a calmness settle over her. She glanced at Penelope, who was now radiating with joy and excitement, and caught her eye. Penelope smiled warmly, and Y/N returned it with a nod of reassurance.
The ceremony began, and as Y/N stood by Penelope's side, she felt Benedict's gaze on her, a constant reminder of his unwavering support. The vows were exchanged, and the room was filled with love and happiness, a perfect reflection of the journey Colin and Penelope were beginning together.
And through it all, Y/N knew that with Benedict by her side, she could face any challenge, any emotion, and come out stronger. For in Benedict she had found not just a husband, but a true partner, her best friend and soulmate.
As the ceremony concluded and the guests moved to the ballroom for the reception, the joyous atmosphere was palpable. The orchestra began playing a soft melody, signaling the start of the evening’s festivities. The newlyweds, Colin and Penelope, took to the floor for their first dance, their happiness evident in every step.
Y/N watched them with a content smile, feeling a sense of accomplishment and relief. The day had gone perfectly, and seeing Penelope so blissfully happy made every moment of stress worthwhile.
As the music transitioned to a more lively tune and other couples began to join the dance floor, Y/N felt a familiar presence beside her. She turned to see Benedict, his eyes twinkling with mischief and affection.
He gave her a dramatic bow, extending his hand. “May I have this dance, Mrs. Bridgerton?”
Y/N giggled, her heart swelling with love for the man before her. She curtsied gracefully, taking his hand. “Of course, Mr. Bridgerton.”
Benedict pulled her close, and they began to waltz across the floor. The world around them seemed to blur as they moved in perfect harmony, lost in each other’s eyes.
“You know,” Benedict whispered as they twirled gracefully, “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look more beautiful. Except for on our wedding day of course.” he smiled a cheeky grin.
Y/N blushed, her heart fluttering. “And I don’t think I’ve ever felt more loved.”
They danced together, completely immersed in the moment, the laughter and chatter of the guests fading into the background. For Y/N, this dance was the culmination of all the love and support Benedict had given her throughout the day.
As the music continued to play, they moved effortlessly, a perfect reflection of their partnership in life. The challenges and emotions of the day seemed distant now, replaced by the warmth of Benedict’s embrace and the certainty of their love.
As the song drew to a close, Benedict leaned in, his lips brushing against her ear. “Thank you for being my partner, Y/N. I couldn’t imagine doing this without you.”
She looked up at him, her eyes shining with tears of happiness. “And I couldn’t imagine doing this without you, Benedict.
With a shared smile, they stepped off the dance floor, ready to face whatever the future held, knowing that as long as they had each other, they could conquer anything.
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vaaaaaiolet · 3 days
You move to the big city in search of bigger and better, so naturally, you get your first place.
You just don't anticipate the roommate that comes along with it.
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f / m, strangers / enemies to lovers, slow burn, hijinks and shenanigans, leon is bad at feelings :( but don't worry because there will be so much fluff omg like a romcom, leon being a little shit to a sweetheart pipeline, and banter!! so much banter
inspired by the Japanese drama Good Morning Call!
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a/n: peep the change in tags :0 and the next chapter is already underway!
my writing skills are still pretty rusty eek!! but i had so much fun with this one.
burning question: is this length okay or are longer chapters preferred? i stuck with my earlier length for this update but i can def cover more per chapter. thoughts?
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chapter masterlist // read on ao3
chapter 3: being neighborly: a how-not-to
You do not get the master bedroom.
Leon the not-burglar is terrifyingly fast on his feet, you discovered last night after he took one look at the guest bedroom and promptly dropped his duffel bag in the room with the bigger bed. Shut the door, even. But that is the least of your worries as you wake up with a throbbing headache from your frosty new roommate’s 6:00 AM alarm. 
Could he get any more insufferable? You curl your pillow around your ears with a groan in an attempt to block out the horrific noise. After the short-lived triumph of your arranged living situation, you’re at a loss as to what the next 3 months with blond Patrick Bateman might entail. 
“...thought I’d drop by!” Leon’s chirpy, girlish voice rings out from the living room. 
You must have gotten less sleep than you thought. Somebody else is in your apartment, goddamn it, not another roommate, you pray as you tug on a sweatshirt and shuffle into the living room. Leon’s holding a tray of cookies wafting with fresh-baked steam as you enter, shooting you help me eyes as you pinpoint the source of his distress: possibly the cutest girl you’ve ever seen, standing next to him with her hair done in braids and chattering away.
You cross your arms and bite back a shit-eating grin. 
“Leon, you never introduced me to your friend!” you exclaim.
“She is not-”
The girl is more than happy to interrupt him, stretching out a hand for you to shake that you’re just as enthusiastic to accept. “I’m Lena,” she beams, ignoring Leon’s glare at you, “I’m your next-door neighbor!”
“That’s just wonderful,” you gush, plucking one of the cookies from Leon’s tray. “And you brought these too? You shouldn’t have.”
Lena’s all too happy to accept the praise, clapping her hands and giggling in delight as you bite into a cookie. Or at least you try to. The thing’s rock hard. Leon chuckles, covering it with a cough as you do your best to clamp your teeth through the petrified Palmier. 
“It’s a pleasure, really! Just the neighborly thing to do. We don’t get new neighbors often.” 
You grin painfully. “Ehh hah high…?” Is that right? 
“Ever since the new changes they started with the leasing contracts, people have been moving out left and right. Really sad,” Lena pouts, “I was such good friends with the other people who lived here. They were a couple just like you, just so lovely-”
“We’re not a couple!” you and Leon shout. You cough, partly to shrug off your outburst and partly to get the remnants of that asteroid of a cookie out your system. 
Poor Lena tilts her head like a confused puppy.
“We’re roommates.” Leon corrects. “She and I…” he glances at you with an expression akin to polite distaste, “we’re under the new contract. It’s complicated, like you said.” 
The energy in the room dwindles with Lena’s continued chitchat about practically every event in the history of the apartment complex. At least now you know to not go into the pool on Thursdays or risk food poisoning from Mr. Demopoulos’ grilling. Somehow, neither piece of advice is relevant right now in the beginning of December. Yawns wear out your jaw underneath the cover of your hand as Leon gives you pointed looks every so often, the tray somehow still in his hands after what must be at least 20 minutes of your new neighbor blabbing away. 
You want to giggle. He’s drowning in a white hoodie and looking more like a grumpy baker by the minute. 
This is all your fault, Leon glowers. His emotions are as hard to read as a neon sign in Vegas. 
But sadly, all good things must come to an end, and so does this part of your payback for him calling dibs on the bigger bed. Definitely not because Lena was starting to twirl her hair and giggle each time he’d make a passing comment to be polite. She’s mere seconds from pulling him down by the arm to sit on your couch (your couch!) before you put a stop to it, bemoaning your shift at the nearby ramen place that starts in half an hour.
Lena lights up; you grimace internally. “No kidding? I love that place! I love the Monday specials, I always get there earl-”
Leon butts in with the enthusiasm of the Energizer bunny. “Right, right, we wouldn’t want to keep you from starting your day. Monday mornings, right?” He leads her out by the elbow as you tag along, apologizing and insisting that you return her gracious favor one of these days.
“Bye Lena!” you wave cheerily as Leon locks the door with finality, and turns to face you. Super slowly.
“What the hell was that about?” 
Frustrated breath condenses past his lips in the frigid apartment air. Leon’s so stony-faced that you might have chiseled his perfectly straight nose yourself on a fine arts final.
“Nothing,” you shrug, shuffling into the kitchen to get some actual breakfast as Leon pads after you, “just wanted to get even for the bedroom thing.”
“The- you’re still hung up on that? I signed the lease first!” he argues as you slip bread into the toaster slot. Leon reaches his arm above your head to fish cereal out of the cabinet. Annoyingly, he'd had the sense to stock the kitchen after you passed out last night. “That’s my bread you’re using, by the way. And my toaster.”
“Learn to share. You’re such a child.” you snap back. The bite’s lost on him though, seeing as you’ve got your mouth stuffed with toast so it comes out more like a hamster with its mouth full. Your intimidation skills could use some work.
Unperturbed, Leon tosses dry cereal into his mouth. “Says the one who egged that crazy girl on! Would she have ever left on her own?”
“Lena’s not crazy, she’s a sweetheart!”
“A crazy sweetheart, call it what you will.”
“You’re being mean. I think she’s got a crush on you.” You delight in the groan you pull out of him. “She liiiikes you!” Your finger jabs into his side and sends him out of the kitchen entirely as he takes the box of Lucky Charms with him, and you chortle, clutching your sides.
Finally, you have the kitchen to yourself and peace in the house without Lena’s (frankly annoying) chatter and Leon’s alarm blaring in the back. You might even brew yourself a cup of tea. You could even-
“You’re late for work now!” a far too satisfied voice calls out from the other side of the apartment.
“And say hi to Lena for me when she comes in for the Monday special!” Leon adds, howling as you hightail it to the shower.
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