#he was only 64 and that's a lot more than some get but it still sucks immensely to lose him this early.
saintends · 7 months
Well... over a decade of constant battle in and out of the hospital, diagnosis after heavy diagnosis and still somehow defying the odds- all over in an instant this morning. My dad is gone.
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only-luce-the-goose · 6 months
More than Nougat
Synopsis: You taught Jack about hickies and now he’s obsessed
Warnings: none really, just a whole lotta fluff
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Nothing! There was absolutely nothing! No beer, no bacon, no nothing! And who would’ve eaten all the food and not replace it? The two black holes for humans you live with. The Winchesters, those boys with their bottomless stomachs drove you crazy sometimes. You’re half tempted to throw Jack into the accusation but he’s still figuring the foods he likes.
“I’m going on a supply run!” You shout through the halls. All you hear is a couple grunts of acknowledgement, until a voice behind you says “can I come?” You nearly jump out of your skin, not expecting to see Jack behind you. “You scared the shit outta be dude, but yeah, of course you can come” you answered him. “Sorry for scaring you y/n” he apologises.
You chuckle his apology off, trying not to let your heart run wild. Even though Jack was only, technically, a few years old, he resembled someone of your own age. This very quickly led you to falling for him, his newborn innocence, childish humour and clinginess (you loved though, let’s be real).
“Alrighty Jack, let’s go” you say as you lead him up the stairs, to the garage. You unlock your ‘64 Pontiac and hope in, turning on some background music before peeling out of the bunker.
“Can we have a movie night tonight, y/n?” The nephilim asks. “Absolutely” you reply “what do you wanna watch?” He sits there and has a hard think about it, “I don’t know, I’ll look up movies when we get to the bunker. Can we get snacks now though?” He asks. You nod your head as you park. You pull out a trolley and give it to Jack to push, while you wander around and get enough food to supposedly last a few weeks (you knew better than the expect it would last a few days).
Jack absolutely piles the junk food into the trolley, which gives you a good laugh, still enamoured with his childishness. He gives you a massive grin and keeps walking, always making sure to look behind him and make sure you’re still there. You head to the checkout and pay for the mountain of food you bought, Jack standing shoulder to shoulder with you the entire time, watching you interact with the register guy. Jack means his head on your shoulder after you pay and keep making small talk, even though you’ve finished all you need to do. Jack links his hand to yours to try and push his point, he doesn’t wanna be near anyone but you anymore.
After you get home, Jack wizzes off to the computer to search for a movie while you pack away the food, keeping out the snack for movie night. Jack comes bounding in a few minutes later, a dvd in hand, and says “I wanna watch this one” he hold it up for you to see. You look at him and asks if he’s sure, “I’ve never seen it so I really wanna try” he replies. You hold on your giggles as you make your way towards the dean-cave (you think it’s a silly name but whatever).
You press play on the movie as you and Jack get comfortable next to each other on the couch, sitting leg to leg so you can both reach the junk food. Sandy and Danny start singing on your tv screen and it has Jack laughing, you don’t know what at, but you don’t care. Getting to see Jack make you laugh makes your day a little brighter.
You get to the point in the movie when Rizzo appears with hickies from Kenickie. “Y/n?” Jack gets your attention as he taps your shoulder. You pause the movie as you turn to Jack, “what’s wrong?” Jack points at Rizzo and says “what’s wrong with her neck, who has hands small enough to punch her like that?” He ponders “or did she get bitten my a vampire? Some vampire bites look like that, don’t they?”
Jack looks at you concerned as you bust out laughing. “Oh Jack, those are called hickies” you tell him. He raises his eyebrow, almost like he want to ask something, so you continue. “When two people like each other a lot, some like marking their partner. It’s kind of like a possession thing” you can see the cogs turning in his head, trying to make sense of what you said.
“I like you a lot, and I don’t like when you talk to people that aren’t me, so do I put hickies on you?” Jack admits, a big grin adorning his plush lips. You feel a bit conflicted, maybe you didn’t make it clear enough that it was an ‘in love’ type of like, not a ‘just friends’ type of like and so you told him. “I don’t think you get it, it’s for people who love each other. Like want to get married and have a family, kind of love. Not the kind of love you have for friends”
His grin doesn’t falter, “I know what you meant, y/n, and I mean what I said. I like you a lot, the ‘love’ type of like. I wanna hold your hand, and kiss you, and I want you to give me hickies and I want to give you some too” if you were a cartoon, you knew you’d have hearts in your eyes and heart would be thumping out of your chest at Jacks brazen confession.
He watches you patiently as you lean over and peck his lips, testing to water. “I like you a lot too, Jack” you say as you make deep eye contact. Jack kisses you back grinning. “Can you give me a hickie y/n?” He asks shyly. “It’s kind of something you have to build up to. You have to start with marking out before you move to hickies” Jack smashes his lips onto yours as soon as you finish your sentence.
After showing Jack how to make out, you pull away which causes a small whine to rise from Jacks throat. “I’m gonna give you a hickie now, ok?” You say as Jack vigorously nods his head. You got back to kissing his lips, then start trailing them towards his neck. You spend a couple seconds looking around for his weak spot, knowing you’ve found it when he moans and bursts a light bulb.
You look up and see his eyes glowing gold “sorry” he says sheepishly. You kiss his lips, then go back to his neck. You suck and nip at the supple skin, causing all sorts of noises to come out of Jack. You pull back “that should give you a nice purple one in the morning” you say. Jack nods as you both lie down, his head on your chest as you doze off.
You wake up to Jack shaking you, “look, it’s here!” He bounces around, clearly happy to the new addition on marks on his skin when he says, “I think I like this more than nougat”
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gamebunny-advance · 1 year
Misc. Pikmin 4 Character Trivia
(Updated 08/14/24)
Recent updates: Changed wording of some entries for clarity.
Ever wanted all the Pikmin 4 character trivia in one place? Well, here you go. If I missed anything, feel free to let me know and I'll update this post.
Note: I'm not covering the Hocotatians & Koppaites because the former are major characters with a lot about them already written, and the only interesting trivia (IMO) about the latter is already "common knowledge."
This also isn't a document of *every* line of dialogue that a castaway can say. This is just stuff that I thought was interesting and/or info that you can't get from just reading their ID or talking to them once. Some castaways don't have any entries because they're either not that interesting or don't actually talk about themselves much.
Rescue Officers
Has a wireless transceiver that has been passed down to him by his grandfather. He refuses to replace it and instead just fixes it whenever it breaks.
His hobby is tinkering with machines.
He's worked several odd jobs in the past to help pay for his education. These jobs include collecting space trash, ship construction, and cleaning the "outer walls of the colony". He considers his work as the comms operator to be significantly more difficult than any of his past jobs.
This has caused him to be multi-talented, but it also causes others to take advantage of him.
Despite this, he apparently isn't one for "physical labor."
Collin considers PNF-404 to be tiny, though this may be in reference to the universe, in which all planets could be considered "tiny."
Shepherd considers him young, but in reference to who/what is unknown.
Only in the comics, Oatchi seems to dislike Collin.
She has the highest certificate ranking in the Rescue Corps, and a special certification in Rescue Pup training. This is something very few officers have.
She spends all of her breaks at a dog run near the Rescue corps HQ.
Apparently, she spends much of their budget on dog food.
She met Dingo before she was captain when they were both training. This may mean that she's known him the longest of the other members. Most others are implied to have met her/been recruited by her when she was already captain.
She exceeds Dingo in martial arts and cross-country.
She doesn't seem aware of Dingo's crush on her.
She seems to experience some form of imposter syndrome during the main campaign but overcomes it near the end of the game.
Her family has lived with dogs since at least the first Captain's generation. Additionally, their family is implied to be immigrants from a different planet. Their original planet is unknown, but is highly implied to be Earth/PNF-404.
Her family's motto is, "There's no better judge of character than a dog."
By her own admission, the only creatures she can "handle" are dogs. Whether this also excludes other domesticated creatures is currently unknown.
His family runs a megacorporation on Giya, and as a result is incredibly wealthy. They're so wealthy that they can regularly afford golden pikpik carrots and just casually blend them into juice for a snack.
Said family is also very large and extravagant and seems to always invite the other rescue officers to their many parties, much to the latter's chagrin.
His mother is notorious in the Rescue Corps for "being quite the character."
He claims to have only joined the Rescue Corps out of curiosity.
While he lords his intellect above most others, he still recognizes Yonny as a genius in the medical field.
He wears a lab coat under his spacesuit. His mother gifted him 64 of them to bring on their current trip.
The Emergency Kit was the first item he prototyped after joining the Rescue Corps.
He is a fan of the reporter Muggs.
His natural hair color may be green, as this is the color of his eyebrows.
He's apparently prone to "interesting" injuries, likely due to failed inventions.
Decided to become a rescue officer after being saved in the mountains by Shepherd's father, the previous Rescue Corps captain.
He dislikes dogs due to being traumatized by one during the same rescue, as he believed the rescue pup was trying to attack him.
He appears to fear Russ's mother.
He apparently believes that any drink (and possibly food, given his theft of Bernard's pizza) sitting out belongs to him.
Acknowledges that Collin is probably their most important team member, but he still takes advantage of his kindness from time to time.
He tends to refer to most of the officers by their title/job rather than name. (Comms guy for Collin, Science guy for Russ, the captain, etc.) Except Yonny which he shortens to "Yon."
He's childhood friends with Yonny.
He's an avid reader, but prefers paper books to digital ones. He has boxes of them shipped to HQ regularly and they would have taken up 27 shelves on the ship if he were allowed to bring just the ones he wanted.
Has experimented on at least Shepherd and Dingo without their full consent. The former by not being transparent about what was in a vitamin supplement he gave her, and the latter by abusing his tendency to drink anything that's just sitting out. He has attempted to experiment on Collin, but it is unknown if he succeeded in doing so.
He's technically also experimented on Oatchi without consent as he tested the leafling cure on him without alerting anyone beforehand.
Apparently bursts into maniacal laughter when working in the lab by himself. The other officers just ignore it.
He's childhood friends with Dingo.
He is very picky about food, to the point that their food storage has a special section just for him. It consists of expensive, specialized foods.
Like Collin, he has worked several different jobs over his career (including the president of a space-flight company). In the Japanese script, this is *apparently reflected in him having a combination of different dialects.
Also, like Collin, he considers his job as an officer to be significantly more difficult than his other jobs. However, he also considers it the most rewarding.
He invented an all-in-one meal drink that put a boxed lunch company out of business, solely because he finds digging through lunch boxes to be a pain.
Shepherd recruited him after he was able to deliver some packages for her faster than the post office would.
He has a history with a castaway named Santi whom he considered himself to be a part of a "dynamic duo" with. They were born about the same time, went to school and college together, and at some point became the latter's flight instructor. Bernard thinks of Santi fondly, but the feeling is not mutual.
He once piloted a 20,000 hour (just over two years) flight.
Civilian Castaways + Their Planets
Research Task Force
Twyla and Komo are close friends due to their mutual introversion. They consider each other "irreplaceable".
Komo considers Chet easy to talk to.
Twyla considers the concept of plate tectonics to be unheard of on her home planet. This may imply that Conohan doesn't have any natural mountains, volcanoes, trenches, earthquakes, etc.
Sammy's home planet of Ocobo was not always ravaged by perpetual storms. But once they started, the entire planet flooded and their planet's engineers developed artificial islands for the people to live on.
Sy is the youngest member of the Research Task Force.
Osa is Kit's senior.
Chet has considered asking Ren to try cooking the creatures of the planet, but ultimately decides against it.
TV Crew
Wolfgang and Muggs get engaged at the end of the game. If you talk to Muggs before rescuing Wolfgang, she will drop hints about already having some romantic interest in him.
Muggs is possibly one of only other people that can understand what Oatchi's thinking if her comments from Oatchi are to be believed.
Vonda claims that Wolfgang is apparently a good singer. Comparatively, she struggles to say nice things about Olimar's humming.
Frisé wrote a song called, "Song of Love." This is likely a reference to "Ai no Uta" a song used in the promotion of Pikmin (2001). The title directly translates to "Song of Love." However, the lyrics of the two songs seem completely different.
Satella Travel Employees + Guests
Molly appears to have a crush on Russ. She finds his intellect attractive and wants to wear his glasses.
Molly might also be of a higher intellect given that she once made and launched an unmanned rocket in a single night by herself (even if it exploded).
The name of the travel agency that Chewy and Santi work for, the Satella Travel Agency, is a reference to the Nintendo Satellaview.
Sheeba apparently resembles Chewy's boss.
Santi learned his piloting skills from Bernard.
He also seems to have a similar "accent" to Bernard, but it only comes out when speaking about the latter.
Santi appears to be fond of Chewy and is considering becoming a permanent employee for her sake. Whether these feelings are romantic in nature is unclear.
Planetary Science Club
Despite being the Planetary Science Club's adviser, Mika actually teaches ethics and knows very little about any kind of planetary science.
Sheeba appears fearful of Oatchi.
Sheeba wants to become a teacher when she grows up.
The Planetary Science Club students went on the planetary tour on a free raffle, but Mika had to pay out of pocket.
Kaia gave Mika a nickname: Meeki. Mika likes it, but Sheeba thinks it's unprofessional.
Keesh is apparently stronger than Sheeba, Kaia, and Mika combined.
All of Beaux's roles in movies/shows are references to other Nintendo games and IPs. Specifically the first 3 Pikmin games where he plays the Olimar expy, Animal Crossing: New Horizons, Mario, Kirby, and Link.
In a similar vein, his twin brother Alpin's company is called "e-Leader" as a reference to Nintendo's "e-Reader" accessory.
Alpin inherited the company from their father and works so Beaux can pursue his dreams of being an actor.
Alpin knows Fawks well enough to know exactly how he likes his coffee. (1 cup of coffee with 2 spoonfuls of milk, and 3 sugarcubes.)
From Kayz we learn a little about the different biomes on the other planets: Siguray has a scorching desert, Flukuey has steep, rocky mountains, and Ooji has a lush jungle.
Patch admits that he sees a "darkness" in Olimar's eyes, which implies that this is not the captain's first life-or-death experience.
Patch is implied to have been or was inspired by a pundit to pursue his current lifestyle.
Bernise will actually change her fortune for you every in-game day.
Dalmo has been interested in creatures since childhood.
His hometown also has a waterfront, confirming that Sozor has at least one significant body of water.
While Dalmo never ascribes malice to any of the creatures, he appears somewhat cynical about society, calling adults the only beings capable of intentional deceit and acknowledging that being popular means not having to work as hard to get to the top.
Shnauz's home planet of Siguray apparently has iridescent, water-dwelling newts.
Jin has studied traditional sports, combat sports, martial arts, and the art of battle.
One of Corgwin's first builds was a dog-house.
Speculative material below the cut.
Planet Generalizations
Some castaways from certain planets seem to have similar personalities/traits. Given that it's stated that things like the Koppaites' general inability to plan/being picky eaters is inherent to their race, it's possible that these generalizations apply to the rest of the races as well. I have not included planets with only one castaway. These are detailed below.
Sozor (Dalmo, Grace, Horatio): Have anti-social personalities. Dalmo prefers creatures to people and has a cynical streak when talking about society. Grace seems disinterested in society as a whole and has basically removed herself from it by becoming a drifter. Horatio, while attempting to be friendly with the player, is ultimately inept at social interactions which is noted by Chewy.
Flukuey (Jin, Molly, Dash, Patch): Are prone and/or attracted to high-risk work/situations. Jin is an explorer, Molly is a streamer of limited success, Dash is a spelunker from a well off-family, and Patch is unemployed but purposefully puts himself in dangerous situations for the thrill.
Ooji (Francois, Kingsly): Love flowers/plant life. Francois studies plant-life, and Kingsly is a florist. Given that Ooji is also known for its lush jungles, a knowledge and/or appreciation for plant life may be essential to living on the planet.
Koodgio (Lapi, Boris): Artistic types. Lapi is a painter and Boris is an author.
Siguray (Shnauz, Kit, Osa): Place a lot of value on material items. Shnauz appraises treasure, Kit is interested in minerals, and Osa is interested in archeology.
Ohri (Yonny, Dingo): Their kind is especially "tough" due to living in the mountains. This is said on the Pikmin Garden website and is reflected in how Dingo is a ranger and is able to complete most dandori challenges single-handedly, and Yonny who was active during the night time, the most dangerous time of the day, before he was rescued.
Nijo (Bernard, Santi): It's common for their people to change jobs frequently while they look for their "soul work/job." This is said on the Pikmin Garden website and is reflected in how both Bernard and Santi have claimed to have worked several different jobs during their lives. It seems that both have also found their "soul work" with the Rescue Corps and Satella Travel respectively.
Castaways where it's difficult to determine if their similar traits would be found in their race due to other factors:
Ogura (Sy, Pitunia): Both are interested in studying the onion and their environmental factors surrounding it, but both are also a part of the Research Task Force, a group made of individuals that are interested in studying the planet in general, so it's hard to say if this would be something inherent to all Ogurains, or if they just happen to have a mutual interest in this area of study.
Enohee (Ren, Frise, Muggs, Wolfgang): 3 of the 4 are a part of the same crew so would have common interests by default. Arguably all 4 are interested in entertainment as Ren, the only castaway from this planet that isn't a part of the TV crew, was on a cooking show, so TV might be a very important industry to Enohee.
Neechki (Kaia, Sheeba, Keesh, Mika, Chewy): 4 of the 5 are in the same club and would have similar interests by default (and even then, Mika is not interested in planetary science), and Chewy has little in common with the rest of them.
Planets where I couldn't identify a common thread:
Enohay (Puddle, Vonda, Bernise): I would have said creative/artistic fields due to Puddle being a stylist and Vonda being a singer, but I don't think a fortune-teller really falls under that.
Conohan (Twyla, Chowder, Alpin, Fawks, Beaux): 3 of the 5 are business owners/business savy, 4 of the 5 have a same-sex partner/friend that they're associated with, and 2 are siblings. But I couldn't find a singular trait which all 5 had. In a sense, I suppose this would imply that Conohan is a very diverse planet.
Giya (Shepherd, Collin, Russ): Another diverse group whose only commanality is that they're in the Rescue Corp. However, given the stark difference between Collin's and Russ's financial situations, this may imply that Giya has significant class inequality.
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klunsgod · 2 months
Character analyzing Prince Bully because I want to do that
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With their species introduced in Super Maro 64, and its remake Super Mario 64 DS, the Bullies have instantly established themselves to have a daredevil type of culture. Their way of winning by pushing their opponents off their arenas and into a fiery end is like a very fatal form of sumo wrestling.
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With only feet to walk with, their horns held high, and a permanent frown, they’re a very headstrong species with a size that’s just the right amount of cute when fighting alone, but become very bothersome pests when they gang up. You know, like actual bullies.
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It would only make sense that the potential royalty of this kind of culture would be just like them, only more sophisticated.
The Bullies reappeared years later in Super Mario 3D World, sporting a redesign I’ve got thoughts on unrelated to this post. Nonetheless, their tough helmets, frowns, and horns rearing forward still speaks to their way of charging straight at their foes to push them off.
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Along with the reappearance of the Bullies, we also have Prince Bully, the royalty commanding the Bullies allied with Bowser. Different than the blue-shelled Bullies, Prince Bully’s got a shinier silver helmet and a plume embedded on it. Plumes are usually placed on helmets for identification of rank or to intimidate the opponent, so it would make sense that a prince of those species would wear a plume for both reasons.
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When fighting Prince Bully, he actually starts off with a warcry before attacking. This is not someone that just charges randomly; he actually has an honor reason prior to engaging with their enemy. Of course the player can always interrupt Prince Bully before he can finish his ritual; take any chance you can get, but please keep what he’s doing in mind if you want to exploit or respect him.
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In the player’s rematch with Prince Bully, he’s retrofitted his shoes and plume to be blue now to accommodate his new strategy of shooting three blue flames from his mouth. He dresses for the occasion, he adapts, but he still performs his warcry since that’s still important for him to do regardless if he has to change his strategies or not. This is very much indicative of him being too tied to his culture, regardless if it gives his enemy the advantage or not. Quite respectful of him
But it’s a flaw of him regardless. And judging by his pretty young voice in his warcry, you could also give off the image that he’s inexperienced or too naive to assume that all of his enemies would give him the chance to finish. That’s another side of that interpretation.
You can only guess if his parents are more ruthless in fighting or if they raised Prince Bully with this honor in mind.
Some of the royalty allied with Bowser sometimes have their reasons for joining Bowser.
King Bob-omb was fighting his own war against the Bob-omb Buddies, the reason for this war can be layered on with a lot of theory sauce. Being allied with Bowser gave the king a Power Star which gave him quite the advantage in power
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The Whomp King felt vengeful towards every stone out there. Stones were stepped on, to create homes, and they were never thanked for it. He believed allying himself with Bowser would help with his retribution towards anyone who would misuse stone.
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And hell, the King and Queen Hisstocrat love eachother (look at how they react when one of them is hurt) and you’ve only seen other Hisstocrats in context of serving the royalty dinner plates. It’s easy to theorize they were convinced to join Bowser for more food.
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Looking at Prince Bully’s character, and all the other Bullies under him, they would definitely join to support the biggest bully of all: Bowser. Taking over territories, pushing people around. Prince Bully would definitely respect someone who so perfectly represents their culture on such a grand scale.
i don't even like Prince Bully all that much, but i wanted to note how you can character analyze a nonverbal character purely based on their animations and appearance. i like doing that in the spaces i frequent but haha they're currently talking about how Bones inside a Body aren't Bones
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i also once made a "Classic Prince Bully" design. i wanted to exaggerate his headstrong attitude by further extending his plume.
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it would be pretty funny to make Prince Bully a fan-favorite by developing him in further games with the personality traits he's got right now. an angry young boy too tied in tradition. imagine the amount of perspectives that a Mario story tied around tradition would bring. there's a lot of royalty in that universe, after all...
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pokepollsters · 4 months
Best Pokémon Protagonist Tournament- Stats Breakdown!
After many weeks of voting, we concluded that Tumblr's favourite Protagonist is Akari- but we still have a lot of other data to sift through that we can learn from! Read more to find out about the most and least popular matches, the averages, and maybe most importantly- who won the biggest sweep?
As usual, let's start with the total number of votes across the whole tournament. This time it was 15,433 votes over 25 matches for an average 617 votes per match- slightly lower than our last tournament (20,353 total and 727 average) but still the second most popular tournament we've run. If you include the preliminaries, however, the total number of votes increases to 21,204 over 35 matches and 1 tiebreaker- an average of 589.
Next up, a look at the average votes a contestant brought in- who was a bigger draw than the others? Who inspired the most enthusiastic voting? When we rank them, this is how it stacks up:
Hilda- 494 (2,472 votes across 5 matches)
Akari- 461 (2,304 votes across 5 matches)
Dawn- 374 (1,868 votes across 5 matches)
Serena- 330 (989 votes across 3 matches)
May- 328 (1,641 votes across 5 matches)
Rosa- 319 (958 votes across 3 matches)
Hilbert- 315 (631 votes across 2 matches)
Red- 314 (629 votes across 2 matches)
Gloria- 310 (930 votes across 3 matches)
Lyra- 308 (617 votes across 2 matches)
Kris- 278 (278 votes in 1 match)
Leaf- 248 (248 votes in 1 match)
Ethan- 234 (234 votes in 1 match)
Selene- 223 (223 votes in 1 match)
Lucas- 209 (209 votes in 1 match)
Rei- 189 (189 votes in 1 match)
Juliana- 155 (155 votes in 1 match)
Elio- 139 (139 votes in 1 match)
Nate- 125 (125 votes in 1 match)
Brendan- 112 (112 votes in 1 match)
Chase- 109 (109 votes in 1 match)
Calem & Elaine- 103 (103 votes in 1 match each)
Victor- 88 (88 votes in 1 match)
Florian- 80 (80 votes in 1 match)
Through this ranking, we can get a general idea of the top ten (according to our voters anyway), and yes, as we all observed in the tournament, the girls are far more popular! 80% of the top 10 are ladies, and only 2 men are in the top half at all- 3 if you include Ethan sitting in exactly the middle.
Of specific note, the top 3 are indeed our medal winners, though Hilda and Akari are swapped in position- and we're about to see that same phenomenom in the next list. And poor Florian sits at the bottom, only 80 votes to his name, proving beyond a doubt that the girls are more popular when his counterpart who wears the exact same outfit sits several places higher in 17th.
Okay! On to average vote share. When comparing our contestants, who- on average anyway- took home the biggest proportion of the votes within their matches? And yes, I've already given you a little spoiler about our top two.
Hilda- 68.7%
Akari- 67.7%
Gloria- 64%
Dawn- 60.1%
May- 56.8%
Rosa- 56.4%
Hilbert- 54.3%
Lyra- 53.4%
Serena- 52.5%
Red- 44.7%
Leaf- 42.9%
Kris- 42.4%
Lucas- 40.9%
Rei- 38.7%
Ethan- 35.3%
Selene- 35.2%
Elio- 29.4%
Nate- 21%
Chase- 19.7%
Brendan- 19%
Elaine- 17.9%
Victor- 17.8%
Calem- 17.2%
Florian- 16.5%
Juliana- 16.1%
With a few notable differences, this list is largely similar to the last- in fact our top 10 are identical, albeit with the rankings shifted around a bit. Dawn loses her 3rd place spot to Gloria, and Red is barely hanging on to the 10th spot, but he's still there!
As I mentioned before, Hilda tops this list, not Akari- it seems increasingly clear that with how popular she is, only Akari could've beaten her for that gold medal! Down at the other end though, Florian manages not to be last, this time only losing to his female counterpart- perhaps the girls aren't always popular after all? But it's hard to argue against the same proportion of boys in the top half as before- only 2 (with that coveted middle spot now going to Lucas instead of Ethan).
Now time for my one and only graph! I think it's nice to have some data in a visual form, but I try and keep the important stuff in text form so it's easy to read and more accurate. But here's our lovely pie chart of what proportion of the total tournament votes each contestant got.
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Last but by no means least, it's time for individual match stats.
The most voted on match was Round 1: Match 8, Juliana vs Hilda, with 964 votes- just shy of 1,000. Closely following behind it was the finals, with 939 votes. On the other end, the least voted on poll (outside of the preliminaries, which had on average lower votes anyway) was Round 3: Match 3, May vs Gloria, with 483 votes. With only 3 votes more at 486, was Round 2: Match 7, Florian vs Hilda.
Individually, the person to gain the most votes in a single poll was Hilda, once again in that Round 1 match where she got 809 votes! Poor Florian in his Round 2 match got only 80 votes, however- the least in a single match.
The last thing we always look at is margins. For the closest match this competition, we look to Round 2: Match 3, Red vs Lyra. While it shares the exact same 4.6% margin as the final match did, the vote margin was smaller, with only 30 votes separating them (compared to 43 in the finals).
And now- the biggest sweep. Here we specifically look at margins, not votes, but in this case it's one and the same. The match we keep mentioning- Round 1: Match 8- ended in a huge 67.8% margin, or 654 votes. Hilda may not have won the gold in the tournament porper, but she absolutely swept the competition in these stats, and earns herself a spot in the biggest sweep hall of fame.
After all that, we're finally finished. Thank you so much for sticking around through this competition, and I can't wait to see you back here again soon for the next one! Currently a poll is up to decide what that tournament will be, so don't forget to vote and share it, and we'll be back with more polls very soon!
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blondephil · 6 months
dnp movie analysis p2: genres, studios, franchises
thanks everyone for enabling me <3 i'm back with some more analysis by genre, franchise, and studio!
genre ratings
first, genre ratings (genre is kinda arbitrary here, tbh; there's a lot of overlap!)
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here we have the first table (please tumblr don't mess with the quality) (i can post the excel sheets if needed; r tables were being a pita)
here we have the number, mean (= median for all of this analysis), minimum, and maximum ratings by genre. within each statistic, i've highlighted the minimum (light) and maximum (dark) for dan (blue) and phil for genres with >1 movie (just realized i fucked up western, ignore that lmao)
phil has watched the most horror (64) and dan mostly sci-fi (53). interestingly, but presumably because of their love for these genres, each of their minimum scores went to these genres. if you watch a lot of one type of movie, you're gonna find the duds.
both of them liked christmas movies (tbh this was like, home alone, so), with their highest minimum and mean ratings being for that category (nostalgia, i assume because like, same). lowest mean scores were for superhero movies (both) and mystery (phil). for both of them, marvel was pretty all over the place (we'll get into that in a sec), so that's not super surprising.
their highest minimum scores were both given to war movies, which is a little surprising but this include movies like 1917 and dunkirk which are ~critically acclaimed~, so makes some sense. their minimum max scores went to westerns and mysteries for dan, and musicals, mysteries, and biopics for phil.
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here are the histograms/bar charts for genres. these aren't the prettiest tbh, and i excluded some that had only one or two movies / weren't very interesting. without delving deep into the data, you can see how their preferences play out especially in horror and sci-fi, where phil has more highly-rated horror movies (partly because he's rated more) and dan has a lot of highly-rated sci-fi (but also low ratings). you also see how superhero movies are pretty middling -- there's almost a normal distribution! (not really, but sort of!). romance too. there's in general a lot of left skew here -- they like to rate movies highly.
final genre analysis is number of movies in one genre rated by one and not the other. i'm so sorry this table is so long.
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i highlighted here the top three genres one has watched without the other. again we see phil likes his horror (and as i said in my last post, a fair amount of these movies were watched when dan was on tour, and this doesn't even include the guillermo del toro's cabinet of curiosities episodes he rated), but also thrillers (similar!) and comedies (which i get; i love to put a comedy on in the background). unsuprisingly, dan's watched a lot of sci-fi without phil, but also horror and comedy. in general, though, his genres are more distributed.
next, studios/franchises!
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again, i've highlighted the maximum and minimum in each column, only for franchises. both of them really like ghibli, and dan likes disney more than phil (though i think this is missing big hero 6 now that i'm looking at it again, because dan rated that lower). that's theatre kid behavior: the 4.5 was beauty and the beast, all pixar and aladdin and so on were highly rated.
i fucked up the matrix somehow so just ignore that -- they both gave matrix sequels low scores
turning to franchises, phil is a harry potter hater (valid at this point). but loves lord of the rings. so does dan, though his dan's ratings actually skew pretty high for franchises in general (see: his maximum scores for each franchise are 4.5 or 5); he can pretend to be alternative or whatever but he's still a millennial at heart. their minimums minimums are both for star wars (sequels!) and marvel, which, valid. phil's highest minimum is bond (there were only a couple rated) and dan's is the hunger games, but unlike phil he only rated thg and catching fire, not either mockingjay.
and bar charts!
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i only picked the most interesting ones here as well. marvel follows a similar distribution to the superhero movies, which, since they each only rated a couple dc movies (and i didn't include nolan's batmans), makes sense. again they both rate lotr highly, but the hobbit was low. the studio ones are less interesting imo because they skew so far left, but again: dan is such a disney kid.
that's all i have! i love this because dan, for all his faux cynicism, just rates movies so highly + it's so often the movies that don't fit his curated doomer persona but moreso the pooh one. and also phil expressing opinions! phil just watching a lot of horror!! i love it.
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tempenensis · 1 year
I know you don't usually weigh in on non-canon content, but I've seen a lot of people say 236 was a bad ending, or like gege joked, that things are moving too fast or he's missed a chapter (or 20, I'm personally annoyed that we jumped from Nov to Dec 24, I know gege wants the manga to end for some reason, but those three weeks of training/preparation would have been a great time to let us get re-invested in the student characters since the culling game arc felt like it was missing so much)
Do you have any feeling for what could have been a better way to end things, if indeed things are ended, for Gojou Satoru? Or do you agree that things have been moving too fast?
Sorry for this and please feel free not to answer if this is not the kind of question you want to entertain, I am just curious if you have an opinion you're willing to share since I feel you have a very good grasp of the jjk's plot and themes! I trained as a literature major, so my interest is always in whether character consistency is maintained and what a story is saying and whether that message is carried successfully or not and what that might mean for us as readers. I'm personally still on the fence about this particular twist because I'm trying to withhold judgement of the piece until we actually see it as a whole, but I am starting to feel that the narrative started to unravel a bit after Shibuya, like somehow we didn't see a lot of the characters to their full potential (like Nobara T.T my baby Nobara). Maybe this is just part of gege's notorious fast pace.
Some of this I believe is due to JJK's titular meaning of the issue of curses and what they represent being an "endless battle" but there's only so many times one can show hopelessness and loss I think before it becomes almost redundant. We actually haven't seen that many on-screen sorcerer deaths, but somehow it's been two of the most popular adult characters so far, and only direct mentors, which is a frequent trope of the hero's journey in western literature. I think that even though I really wish it hadn't happened, Nanami's ending made a lot of sense. Power-wise, Gojo's current death also makes sense, and he's not the kind of character who instantly changes his mind or learns something in his heart from a single experience, but I think it feels somewhat frustrating from my point of view because despite the bodhisattva imagery, he had more to learn as a living person, rather than continuing to believe he was like a flower and maybe no one had the right to ask him to understand. I don't know, it's just a bit frustrating for me because I think it feels character consistent (which I think gege tends to be pretty good at) but somehow incomplete too.
Again my apologies for the long ask, you're always the one I wish I could sit down and have a conversation about these things with!
-raindrop anon
Hi, raindrop anon,. Good to see you again.
First of all, I don't really think Gojou's death is particularly bad, but yeah, as you said, there might be something leaves to be desired in the plot - if jjk is a traditional shonen manga, that is. But jjk is different, which is also the reason for its popularity. I feel that jjk storytelling has always been fast-paced, and one thing that Akutami-sensei does really well is to stick to the main points that he wants to tell with his manga. The last time we have a non-serious non-battle chapter was probably chapter 64 lol - but at the same time, this also shows how jjk departs from the traditional shonen jump manga custom where the mangaka tends to drag the story to make the manga runs longer. Gege on the other hand, seems adamant to want to end the story sooner than later (if his last estimation is to be believed, only a few months left for jjk).
I don't actually have a strong feeling of how gege should end thing with Gojou, but it's been a habit of him to get to the.. shocking side of things; we see this with Gojou getting sealed back in Shibuya. Nanami's death. Then we see the Culling game, and Tengen getting killed. And lastly for Gojou to die. The longstanding status quo is going to be changed eventually. And the next one with status quo is already targeted; Sukuna himself.
As I follow this manga, "things moving too fast" has always been the opinion I saw a lot discussed here in my askbox for many, many developments in the manga. And this is more of a personal preference, but I actually like the fast-get-to-the-point-storytelling that Gege uses with jjk, exactly because how it breaks away from traditional jump manga. I feel that this fast pace is just how gege do his storytelling since the beginning lol
tldr is all I can say is jjk has always been different and fast-paced, gege is unpredictable, and I'm in the opinion that Gojou's death does make sense, unfortunately :')
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Am I the Asshole for telling on my sister for not logging her full hours at work?
For a bit of context I, 17, and my sister, 14, have a bit of a rocky relationship. Our childhood was a bit rough and we coped with it in different but equally bad ways. One thing that we both used to be really bad about was yelling and saying not so nice things to each other, though I can't remember the full extent of this on my end because I was really heavily dissociated at that time, but I know hers a bit more, because unlike me, she has never stopped. Its gotten better, but not much. It is still bad enough that I will walk out of rooms of she is in them and I am irritated at something else because it will end badly. I am a lot better about it, though I still get passive aggressive at times, and am still working on the finer aspects of not accidentally saying mean/dismissive things.
One thing we have been clashing with recently is her job at a local farm. Its under the table even though she is of working age where we live, and she gets paid 8$ which is below minimum wage where we are. She has also been expected to work a couple of times past 10pm alone and in general, her jobs just has a lot of red flags which I have pointed out. It is a frequent topic when I pick her up and she always without fail, gets pissed at me. Like yelling at me in my car that she knows what she's doing and that I shouldn't care. I still do as her older sibling but shes 14, what do you expect.
Tonight it all kinda came to a head when she asked me how many hours she should report thst she worked for the month, 58 or 64. I asked her how many she worked and to just put that, to which she told me she worked around 80. Her days and hours do line up with that from what I know do I told her to put that. She started going on about how the owner of the farm needs that money to pay the other people who work there and how there have been some days where shes only worked 3 or 4 hours. I gave her the benefit of the doubt on that even though I rarely pick her up earlier than 8:30-9pm, much less 7, but my dad also drives her so I didn't fight on it and said in that case she should log 70 and make sure she starts marking in her phone when she starts and stops for the day. She yells at me a bit that its none of my business and eventually tells me that its too late since she already told her boss it was 60. Now, this is where she really got angry, I told her that I was telling our dad then because he would never let her make a decision like that. She is now even more mad and when we pull up to my house she says I don't have to worry about it and that she will just tell him, still yelling at me mind you), and stomps up to our house. So I pull what was most likely a petty move and text my dad right then. I would havelet her tell him but she has lied in the past before about that in similar situations and every time I've gotten in trouble for knowing and not telling him. He is currently on nightshift so I couldn't tell him in person, which is why I texter.
After this my sister went to my stepmom, and went off about what happened, how I was in the wrong, how it isn't any of my business, and how I should have kept my nose out of it. My stepmom does say she is right in that it isn't my place to say something, but that she shouldn't be lying and underreporting her hours. My dad called about it about an hour after I sent the text and after getting a quick rundown from me, called her. I don't know what is happening from there, but I am now really doubting if I should have said anything. She needs to learn the value of her work and refuses to listen to me about it, but I also want to have a better relationship with her and think this may have fucked it up.
What are these acronyms?
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conanssummerchild · 18 days
my own ranking of every rick and morty episode, inspired by the lovely @fandomwe1rd0 :3
sorry this is a bit scattered, the random quotes are just lines that i liked/found funny. i had to shorten all my reasonings by a fuck ton bcs i was just going on forever lmao, so if some things feel kinda cut off, that's why.
i binged all of rick and morty in like a week to make this, just to make sure the ranking was fully accurate to me and it took me way to long but i'm finally done !!
btw this isnt a ranking of which episodes are objectively the best, its very biased and just my personal opinions, im aware some epsiodes definitely shouldnt be as high as they are but a lot of them are just my comfort episodes 🤷
f tier: episodes i actively dislike, have little to no redeeming qualities.
71. rickdependance spray: audibly said "oh, fuck no." when i realised this was next. the rest of weird-ish episodes have some redeeming points but this one just has no plot relevance and isnt very funny.
70. raising gazorpazorp: main reason i dislike this episode is the end credit, it reminds me of when i was listening to family line and my dad insinuated conan was making it up and that if i got famous i'd do the same, like, no, if i talk abt what a shitty dad you are its bcs you were a shitty dad, do better. anyway i just thought it was an unfunny joke. due to daddy issues. also its just a boring episode.
69. a rickconvenient mort: summer and rick's storyline was ok but not enough to make up for how much i hate planetina. i liked beth in this episode. rick and summer's dynamic was nice too, but unhealthy.
e tier: episodes i don't dislike, just find boring/have bad elements but more redeeming qualities.
68. m. night shaym-aliens!: the little crystal wrestle was adorable. other than that not a super memorable episode.
67. rise of the numbericons: the movie: i didn't hate it but compared to the rest of s7 it was pretty weak. i think mr goldenfold is funny, but not enough to get his own episode. it would've been more entertaining if rick was in it lets be real, i missed him.
66. interdimensional cable 2: tempting fate: i care very little about jerry's penis. the interdimensional cable was good as usual though.
65. how poopy got his poop back: fine episode, not my fav. i liked seeing bp and squanchy again.
64. edge of tomorty: rick die rickpeat: "Damn, Morty, you're bad at maths, but I'm giving you an a-plus in confidence!" an okay episode.
63. rick: a mort well lived: pretty weak episode to follow solaricks. summer's die hard was good. some cool emotional components.
62. rattlestar ricklactia: "Hey, Morty, listen. I can tell you're pretty upset about the whole snake encounter thing, so I'll tell you what. I'm just gonna go ahead and avoid you for the rest of the day." rnm were kind of cute at the end. yk, until rick punched morty in the face :/.
61. the jerrick trap: sorry ik a lot of ppl love this episode but tho burger & fries were cute characters its not all that for me. memory rick's return, however, was all that. i love him.
60. childrick of mort: "Oh my god, grandpa, you fuck boy." rick being a space nerd <3. loved to see more of beth and rick together but other than that this episode was kinda mid.
59. amortycan grickfitti: honestly made me feel bad for jerry which isnt easy, i sort of liked rick here, he seemed reluctant to let the hell demons make fun of jerry, he still did, but even apologised with only a little prompting. can't say the same for beth. summer and morty were sweet in this episode, i wish we would get more of them.
58. rickmancing the stone: "I don't know why I'm crying." "Well... try crying 15% less?" not bad, i liked the emotional components.
57. mortynight run: again, not super memorable to me. the roy montage was good. You kind of wasted your 30's, though, with that whole birdwatching phase." the animation for the song was great.
d tier: mostly okay to good episodes with minor faults that i can look past in the general scheme of the episode.
56. one crew over the crewcoo's morty: fucked up what rick did to morty. and to mr pb, his life went to shit after this, bcs of rick.
55. night family: had some great moments, but wasnt my fav.
54. anatomy park: loved dr bloom, john oliver voiced him perfectly.
53. lawnmower dog: sweet scenes between rnm. liked the dream inceptor, loved scary terry, snuffles was good too but not as much.
52. claw and hoarder: special ricktims morty: "Are you gonna slay it?" "First off, i always slay it, queen. Secondly, yes." summer being on morty's side was nice. while the soul orgy was a bit weird, the rest of this episode was pretty entertaining which is why its higher up, sorry.
51. bethic twinstinct: jerry saying he would khs, not cool jerry fuck you. "You ladies discuss responsibility while i get stoned and play video games with your kids." the end 💀 i felt bad but it was funny lol.
50. final desmitation: maybe my fav ep of jerry and rick's relationship. i liked seeing rick disapprove of them making fun of jerry, had some funny moments and i even liked jerry here.
49. a rick in king mortur's mort: not the best but i enjoyed rickbot being nice to morty. also this episode sets up for rmrm which i love.
48. promortyus: morty's little yee-haw 😭. and their conversation, so sweet. taking the adderall line as an adhd rick confirmation. "It is my thing. Just like yours is dying alone," get his ass. i feel like the romance couldve been a compelling story if the hosts werent rnm.
47. the whirly dirly conspiracy: rick's take on jerry was accurate. "But no, like father like goddamn daughter! You wanna be like Rick? Congratulations, you're just as arrogant and just as irresponsible!" morty ate. i prefered summer and beths storyline to rick and jerry's.
c tier: solid, episodes, some have a few faults but theyre small
46. mort: ragnarick: it's so high up because i found rick to be likeable and liked his dynamic with morty. ricks clone was cute too.
45. look who's purging now: "Screw you, Rick! I'll purge you too, you old rickety piece of crap!" rnm's storyline was great, i liked arthrisha.
44. the ricks must be crazy: "I dropped out of school. It's not a place for smart people." "Ohhhh, snap!" lmao literally my reaction. "Ooh. Wow. Gaaay!" "That is pretty gay." not much more to say, good ep.
43. never ricking morty: rnm were sweet in this ep. the gay ass song with rick and bp. "Rick are you– do you need to go to the hospital?" the forehead kiss was sweet. (we're ignoring "Lips if you want.")
42. mort dinner rick andre: mr nimbus is a great character. the wine storyline was a bit boring. "I havent been to a full week of school in years! I don't know shit!" love the peek at rick's backstory too.
41. rick potion #9: important lore episode. some funny bits. morty was a little creepy in this one. i love jerry primes character development. first look on down from the bridge moment !!
40. forgetting sarick mortshall: "What are you, eight? Is this macaroni art? You expect me to believe you built this because you don't care?" liked ricks storyline and he actually does seem to be showing minor development. the end song was good. liked garbage goober's lore.
39. morty's mindblowers: rick removing whatever memories he wanted was fucked up. rick saying granite instead of granted will always be funny. also him losing in chackers and skiing into a tree.
38. mortyplicity: entertaining enough if a little convoluted, i liked it though. sweet moment between the decoy family, shame they died.
b tier: good to great episodes.
37. big trouble in little sanchez: actually liked jerry and beths storyline in this one. tiny riiick !! "old rick! ruining everything!" good episode.
36. pilot: good intro, sets the tone. rick is such a dick (affectionate). rnm's dynamic !! the animation is great. overall great episode.
35. pickle rick: ik its a overrated but i think its good. hes pickle riiiick. dr wong's speech to rick was actually really good and accurate.
34. meeseeks and destroy: rick was such a whiny bitch this episode (affectionate), up until the mr jellybean stuff, which i liked bcs it was handled well by the writers and rick was actually very sweet.
33. rick and morty's thanksploitation spectacular: president curtis' alcoholic sci-fi boyfriend is probably my favourite way rick has been refered to in the show LOL. overall i enjoyed this episode.
32. something ricked this way comes: idc now but, the first time watching rick's r slur speech it was obnoxious and offputting. summer and rick were great, i adore their dynamic, love summer and rick episodes, but idrc for jerry's storyline, he bores me so bad.
31. full meta jackrick: "Rick can't change, Morty. Change is what you might call his Kryptonite." there were a lot of things i liked abt this ep.
30. vindicators 3: the return of worldender: very good episode. forever a believer that the ride was for morty and rick just chickened out.
29. a rickle in time: the va for the testicle monster was great. beth and jerry's storyline also wasn't bad. rick jumping into the hole and sacrificing his life for morty, im sobbing. great episode.
28. the vat of acid episode: morty trying to make rick feel better about not being able to make the thing was very sweet. morty's relationship with that girl was adorable, so sad it was erased by jerry's dumb ass /lh. fuck rick in this episode. the end was funny.
27. rixty minutes: while i do love interdimensional cable this episode would've been lower if it wasn't for all the character moments. "You can't leave, you're 17." "Yeah, and I'm not pregnant. I'm gonna have better judgement than you guys had at my age." loved summer getting screentime. beth and jerry's moment was quite sweet.
26. ricksy business: bp and squanchy !!! >:) bp coming through with the deep speech. the montage of rick morty and summer at the end is so adorable i love them sm <3. "I love my grandkids." "Aw :)." "Psych, just kidding, my new catchphrase is i dont give a fuuuck!"
25. get schwifty: first president curtis episode !! i love him. love morty and bp interactions haha. "In bird culture, this is considered a dick move." "It is random debris. I found it in my carpet. I don't know what humans eat." crying i love him sm. one of my personal favs lol :).
24. juricksick mort: tbh i mostly like this ep bcs of "You pompous autistic cadaver!" but there was other good moments and it was entertaining. rick was funny and likeable and very much a disaster of a human being, as i was promised when i started watching rnm.
23. star mort rickturn of the jerri: space beth !! "You cosplay as your shitty father in his 30's." "Its funny. I always wondered who would win if we ever fought." "Then you were always a bad friend." :(. "Holy shit, I'm a terrible father." i forgot how good this episode was, very angsty.
22. total rickall: genuinely love this episode. KEITH DAVID >:D. rick's "weird made-up sounding catchphrases" compilation is one of my fav moments in the show lol, everyone looks so concerned 💀.
21. rest and ricklaxation: "Grandpa's here." SOBBING. "Because you kept drunk-dialing me and crying about it!" "I wasn't crying!" loved jessica and ricks dynamic lol. great episode.
20. rickfending your mort: great follow up to unmortricken, i like that rick doesnt just go back to normal and we see it takes a while and even then its only bcs morty steps in. morty making up titles for all their adventures is adorable. great sweet scenes between rnm.
19. the rickchurian mortydate: autistic rick !! also minecraft. the president is such a pathetic loser lol <3. i loved rick and morty being on the same wavelength in this episode. the ending was good.
18. wet kuat amortycan summer: summer-centric episode !! rick was likeable, liked seeing him clumsy getting his grove back. him saying summer reminds him of diane again, he's getting so much more open, im so proud, can you imagine s3 rick being sincere like that?
17. close rickcounters of the rick kind: best s1 episode, love citadel episodes. evil morty !!!!! some funny moments. "You're crying? Over a Morty?" sobbing. "Yeah, but wheres the transmitter?" and the evil morty song oh god, best scene ever fr. i love my evil guy :3.
s tier: outstanding episodes, the 16 best imo.
16. that's amorte: FANTASTIC episode, the end montage is the only part of any rnm episode thats made me cry a little, it would be higher up but i have some personal favs which i put higher. i feel like this episode was very classic rnm after having them separated half of s7.
15. the old man and the seat: jerry and morty's dynamic is pretty funny. tony and rick's storyline was fantastic. some pretty angsty stuff. "The saaaddest piece of garbage in the entire cosmos."
14. the abc's of beth: rick and beth episode !! rick saying that an adventure clearly needs morty in it, aw. i did not care about jerry's storyline at all. beth had no right being so relatable in this ep.
13. ricktional mortpoon's rickmas mortcation: rick relapsing into finding prime !! "I'm not touching that thing. I'll get neurotypical cooties." ok, so ik a lot of ppl don't like the speech rick said to morty, but i do, he was going through a LOT, this clearly took him quite a few steps back in development and healing, i think it was less bad than a lot of other things he's done and way more justified.
12. fear no mort: loved morty getting his time to shine, LOVED diane and rick. morty realising rick wasn't in the hole has to be one of the best moments in the show. rick not going in the hole at the end bcs morty told him not to, hope some day he'll get to the point of doing things for morty in front of him so he can realise how much he cares.
11. analyze piss: look at rick asking dr wong for advice. him relating to piss master :(. also i read a phenomenal fic abt this ep (tw sh) (link).
10. air force wong: UNITY RETURNS! Rick was kinda childish in this episode but i feel like it was justified, he wasn't being a dick just bcs, he was hurting, and he even kinda apologised to summer, hes trying. rick going to drink with the president instead of being alone.
9. the rickshank rickdemption: RICK PRIME. "That, diane, is the last great idea that will ever be had in this garage." :((((. ricks backstory. "he's not a villan, summer, but he shouldn't be ur hero." fantastic ep.
8. rickmurai jack: love two crows rick. rick's full "crybaby" backstory !! "Now you're evil morty, too. sooner or later we all are. on this side of the curve." THE END OH GOD. THE MUSIC. EVIL MORTY LETTING OUT A SIGH OF RELIEF. INSANE finale.
7. gotron jerrysis rickvangelion: rick is so spectacularly autistic in this one. i like how he doesnt silly hyperfixtate, he full on unhealthy hyperfixtates. i practically know this ep off by heart. comfort ep fr.
6. rickternal friendshine of the spotless mort: im not sorry for putting this up so high, i love this ep so fucking much. memory rick is so silly i love him sm. "You were a good friend, Rick. Goodbye." the blood ridge confession makes me FERAL. i can quote it word for word.
5. the wedding squanchers: THIS EPISODE. rick watching bp die in front of him. rick turning himself in :(. "everyone i know goes away in the end." the music was so good. "he's not coming back, is he?"
4. the ricklantis mixup: best citadel ep, fight me. j-22 trying to save simple rick only to suffer the same fate :(. slick jumping into the wishing portal. the ending was phenomenal, every single storyline was amazing and important. and evil morty returns.
3. auto erotic assimilation: love unity and ricks dynamic. blim blam humbling beth and jerry. jerry using the weed whacker right in front of the garage where rick just attempted. and no one notices. bc that's how it is. "do you feel it?" is a great song. maybe this ep is higher than it should be but it's my comfort ep, it means so much to me.
2. solaricks: first time we get to see dimension c-137 out of a flashback !! "I hope Summer knows what happens to the people you love!" "Oh, am I cool enough for you now? Well, that was easy. It only cost me fucking everything." "I don't know him. You're my grandpa, rick." rip jerry prime, my fav jerry. THIS EPISODE IS PHENOMENAL.
1. unmortricken: ok anyone who knows me knows this is my fav ep bcs i never stfu abt it. i mean, evil morty backstory, rick beating prime to death, GOD. ian cardoni was COOKING with the delivery of those lines, and the lines were fantastic. some good rnm moments. the angst is so good. "How's it feel? Better? No? Exactly the same? Yeah, it always does." best look on down from the bridge moment.
i keep going over this a million times just to make sure everything is perfect but idk, some episodes are maybe interchangeable, im just going to post it bcs its been rotting in my drafts for quite a while now, everyone promise you dont hate me for putting an episode 1 slot too high or low /j
and sorry for all the jerry hate in this post, i dont hate him i just find him boring, so eps where he's the centre tend to be lower on the list.
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wolfscarr · 4 months
Star Fox- James McCloud adopted Falco Lombardi and he is Fox McCloud's Brother(Revamped post)
So I made a similar post 2 years ago, figured it was now time for an update and perhaps a little deeper dive into this little headcanon of mine!
Which is of course Falco Lombardi and Fox McCloud being brothers! I ain't talking about like brothers in arms(though they are that too), but I'm talking about they really see eachother as family, moreso than the rest of the team!
Now before James disappeared, Fox was at the Academy and who was there with him? Well none other than Falco himself, who he was bunked with at the time!
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Now granted the Nintendo Power comic isn't exactly 100% accurate with regards to Star Fox, however in this regard? I don't see the need to question Fox, Falco and Slippy being in the Cornerian Flight Academy together since we never really dive into their past all that much to begin with.
So in this information, it's not completely dismissive and considering how the Star Fox Team operates, it's more than likely they were all at the Academy anyway otherwise I don't think they would function nearly as well in terms of working as a team.
With all that in mind, it's not much of a stretch that James McCloud met Falco and Slippy, with the former he noticed the strong bond/rivalry that they had together and noticing that Falco needed more of a Father figure in his life. So I'm going with that Fox and James both saved Falco from a rather....hard life, helping him become the person that he becomes later and thus James adopted Falco as his sort of second son!
But moving on here, after the Lylat Wars(Star Fox 64) we know that Falco heads off on his own...however here's something else, despite leaving the team....he still keeps in contact with Fox.
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Now this says a lot in Falco's relationship with Fox, he completely has left the team at this point, going to do his own thing. Yet he still keeps in touch with Fox and only Fox.
And who is the one who comes saves Fox at the end of Adventures in helping fighting Andross? None other than Falco himself!
Then we get into Assault, we have at least 3 moments which gives some insight to their close relationship.
1st instance is with Fox getting ambushed at the Cornerian Army Base on Katina by the Aparoids and who is the first to comment about dropping in on foot to assist Fox? That's right, Falco!
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To note, Falco and the others were already in the air covering Fox from above. Yet Falco still decided to bring up in coming on foot to assist Fox should he have needed it.
Next instance is at the Climate Control Center on Fichina, Fox gets trapped within the center on a lockdown by Pigma. Who's the one that's really concerned and who jumps in their Arwing first to save Fox? That's right, Falco!
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Falco's the 1st one in at the sign of trouble to save Fox's life, multiple times in fact! To hell with anything else that might cause issues, he's going to save Fox.
But going further down the Aparoids time to the next instance, we get to Corneria where Fox states to Falco this....
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If he should get killed by the Aparoids on Corneria(who were invading the planet at the time), that Falco is the one to basically take command of Star Fox and save Corneria.
Now as Star Fox fans know, Falco has been deemed 2nd in command of Star Fox since basically the beginning, Star Fox 64 even notes this in the strategy guide as Falco being Fox's 2nd in command.
I find this very, very critical to their relationship. Fox trusts Falco enough to the point that should anything happen to him, he's the one to take command of the team. This mind you is his Father's legacy, the thing that he built.
Now all of this to me shows that Fox and Falco have a bond that goes way passed being just comrades in a mercenary outfit. The interesting thing is, we never really get much insight to relationships other than these 2 as far as depth goes. Apart from Fox and Krystal of course, but that's a whole separate thing involving romance.
But I feel this is getting too long winded here, these are just my crazy thoughts in that Fox and Falco are brothers and James adopted Falco, but didn't get the chance to ever tell him. Though it shows throughout the games, just how close Falco and Fox are!
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typosandtea · 13 days
from the Fallout OC asks: 21, 32, 58, 64 for Murphy, Tango, and Nathan... or just Murphy if that's too much :o)
Bloody hell this got very long.. Thanks for the ask this has been so great to write! :D
Important things of note or some of this may not make any sense:
Murphy and Nathan and on the same timeline / story, my mutant 111 Au where it was a dual experiment in conjunction with west-tek to create super soldiers by gene editing and splicing. everyone survived the experimentation and subsequent stasis, though by the time Murphy hatches? is born? emerges from chrysalis? some have been killed in stasis by an unknown killer (not Kellogg, though Kellogg still has his role basically unchanged)
Tango is on a different Au timeline also centered around 4, though Tango is NOT sole, Sole in this one is evil institute bastard by the name of Thorn, who did fallout 4 selfish route until fort hagen and then convinced Kellogg to take her to the institute (leaving nick in the dust with scathing words and gunshots, poor nick), she also joins Kellogg as partners / romance / killers and they rule the institute together more aggressively than Father ever did, though Father is very proud of her.
In Tango's timeline there is no one sole as such, Thorn does parts of the institute route but worse. Tango does some brotherhood stuff though they nope out consequences be damned after BB (there are actual consequences unlike in game for disappearing), Preston is the general along with Libby and Slick take some of the minuteman quests, Libby is ~100yo ghoul with a love of explosives and shotguns, and slick is a young ex-gunner with a big mouth they 'recruit' after he sees how awful the gunners are when he is treated better as a MM captive than as an active gunner. Tango occasionally helps minuteman, more so after BB. Railroad is Fixer though he has to be a bit more creative without sole's foot in the door.
Both timelines take place over years rather than the few weeks that 4 does.
21. Do they travel alone or with a companion?
Murphy has the -trauma- privilege of being a fallout 4 'sole' survivor so despite being an obvious mutant, she ends up meeting most of the companions at one point or another! she much prefers to travel with friends since she pretty social and her time in various military groups has cemented the idea that 'alone = less people to spot danger'. though this is kind of an antithesis to her very design as a flying night stealth operative, so what companions she actually travels with is far less than the ones she befriends. she has actively traveled with codsworth in the beginning, and now travels with Nick, Preston and Danse. Though she ends up alone a lot more than she would like as Preston is busy being the general (she does work for them as both normal quests but also as the unwillingly elected 111 mutant ambassador, helping with any 111mutant related drama like finding homes, or dissuading/knocking some sense into/fighting the more aggressive ones) , Danse is #1 bos enemy so it is dangerous for both of them after that happens (she remains bos /minutemen aligned, somehow.. she does have 3 int but also can see that there are good people in the bos.. a real 'i can fix them' mentality -she can't-, its a long while before she realizes just how trapped she is) she still travels with nick frequently but he is often on cases so its usually her helping him not the other way around. the only upside to traveling alone for Murphy is that she is much quicker and stealthy on her own (especially compared to traveling with Danse rip). special mention for Piper since they butt heads a lot until Murphy gets piper to see that how she writes her paper is part of the problem, and that its a style that Murphy has seen before prewar, and shes seen how it ends. Piper doesn't take this perceived slight to her and her paper easily and it takes time and some deadly consequences for Piper to realize that her scare tactics may be having unintended consequences.
Before they got unwillingly turned into Tango, they were a tech scavver who would scour old factories and military facilities for parts, components or even whole robots to hack and sell. they always preferred working alone believing that others slowed them down or could be a threat. They had no friends by choice and very few people they sold to, so when then disappeared back then very few people even knew they were gone. They remain of this prickly mindset even after becoming Tango, and its not until many years later when they reach the commonwealth looking for the secret scientists that 'make clones of people', that they are befriended by Preston and they realized that he really is that genuine and that maybe not everyone is Out To Get Them All Of The Time. After rescuing Preston and gang (since Thorn didn't) Tango has a bit of a crisis in realizing that people actually do care about others and that maybe all those people they pushed away in suspicion might have being genuine. The feeling bad about it doesn't stick around for long though, as many of the people they meet shortly after are raiders, scammers or just as suspicious about others as Tango is. For actual companions they befriend Preston (mostly Preston trying to recruit this hot mess of power armored person, friends after tango has the temporary 'I am a suspicious ass' crisis), Piper surprisingly with how secretive Tango is, this was inevitable as Piper spots someone in unique power armor entering DC and they don't do any of the normal merc things? that's a story for sure! Tango doesn't.. have a lot of patience for Pipers questions and will just. leave. Hit da bricks if the conversation goes where Tango doesn't want it to go (about them). Piper never gets her story (Tango doesn't trust her enough to keep her trap shut) But they do become friends and Tango even travels with her for other stories! For someone so secretive Tango is a nosy bastard. Nick as Tango hires him to help them find a way into the institute, Nick is still a bit stung from Thorn's abandonment and attempted murder of him, he wisely encourages -beats some sense into- Tango that contacting the institute for whatever secret purpose will end poorly for them. though Nick is briefly tempted to help for revenge opportunities against Thorn. Nick is also one of the very few people that gets to see Tango unarmored after a case goes bad and the armor is badly damaged in a partial building collapse thanks to a raider with a missile launcher. After they are dissuaded from institute contact, they wander aimlessly and run into Danse at Cambridge, they become wary acquaintances after Tango joins the bos (without realizing how badly they fucked up until the prydwen arrives, they though Danse and co was the 'bos'). They drive each other bonkers, Tango struggles to adjust to structure and having other people rely on them and not being able to do their own thing at any moment, which frustrates both immensely. (so many arguments over rosters.. "But why are we on night patrol? I would rather be sleeping wouldn't you?""It doesn't matter what you want to do knight that's what we have been assigned so that's what we are doing" both internally screaming. also "Where have you been knight!? Its been two days!!!" "Oh I wanted to upgrade my armors shielding :)" "You were suppose to be helping Proctor Quinlan!!"). Danse also takes Tangos refusal to never leave the armor in anyone's presence as a sign they Tango doesn't trust him at all, and Danse has many theories to why (Ghoul? Synth? ashamed of being seen for some reason? hiding from someone? bad BO?) It doesn't occur to him that Tango Can't leave the armor. Tango befriends Curie immediately with an unconscious mindset of half "I also want a human body again" solidarity and half wow she really is just that genuine and trusting, better help her. Tango often lowers their guard (eventually) around genuine people.
(is 111mutant timelines Nate) Nathan is a bit of a weird one since he is a 111mutant like Murphy, but got many more negative effects. While Murphy lost some intelligence and gained even more anxiety, Nathan lost nearly his whole self, and the bit that remains is so smothered under all of the mutant parts that he is not the same as he was. He wanders the wastes alone and out of his mind, hunting and killing as his mutations have left him with nothing but conflicting half-thoughts, feelings and instincts. Unfortunately for Murphy his love for her is turned into animalistic obsession that his now mutant brain translates as kill. So no Nathan doesn't have any companions post war. though pre war he and Murphy were nearly inseparable, and they both enjoyed the company of the squad they were put in when Aus joined the US. (they were both soldiers for the Republic of Aus before it got captured by The Reds, and then US forcefully took the territory with aussie help and willingly absorbed any remaining Aussies, as the land was war-torn . (Note: if you saw one previous posts that I have done that the aussies were treated poorly by the americans, I have since changed my mind)
32. What is their go-to weapon or weapon class?
Her excellent eyesight and aerial capabilities make her a prime sniper! though she isn't able to snipe till she gets some advice on how to modify a certain laser rifle to be lighter and long range, she struggles to use normal firearms because of her extra sensitive hearing so she was limited to a silenced pistol she 'found' (was sneakily given by deacon, she doesn't like taking gifts that she doesn't think she has earned) + earplugs until she was gifted a laser rifle out of pity for helping Danse at arcjet. She requires help for modifications since she is 3 int. She is below average strength and has an extremely limited carry capacity for flying so ultralight mods are essential. no heavy guns for you. prewar she was one of the first power armor 'willing' testers that survived (not unscathed) and their squad became one of the first to be power armored. so she got used to being able to wield very big guns with ease. misses it immensely. (wings mean no power armor). Always has a combat knife on her person, was caught defenseless while sleeping once prewar in anchorage and will never let that happen again, she only was saved by her squad noticing the camp intruder before they could kill her.
Is not above using the armor itself as a weapon. has done so multiple times in the past with very gory results, doesn't do it often though as they dislike bloodying the armor cause they are a quite vain about it, as its basically their body now. likes the effectiveness of combat shotguns but doesn't use them often cause of the chance of splatter. so often settles for rifles. has a terrible habit of breaking or losing weapons so tend to pick up and horde them. along with ammo. You go into their secret workshop and its just full of weapons in all stages of repair and enough ammo for each to last a lifetime, scavver habits die hard. Doesn't mind heavy guns but finds carrying them around inconvenient enough to rarely use them. Its pretty hard to holster a minigun, even in power armor. Even though they don't have eyes as such anymore still is not great with pistols, prefers the looking down sights of longarms. Despite living in the armor for many a year by this point, they still get their ass handed to them by Danse in power-armored unarmed combat training, is VERY salty about it.
He is the weapon, a very large semi-aquatic stealthy monster. Though prewar he was a mechanic in the same squad as Murphy, and liked pistols as a backup, particularly .44 caliber. Wasn't ever in the thick of it like Murphy and the other PA operators were, though they came close to when one of the camps in anchorage was nearly invaded! Enjoyed time at the range whether it be hanging out with others, letting off some rage, or genuinely practicing
58. Do they believe in luck? Do they have a good luck charm?
If you ask her, she will say she doesn't believe in such nonsense, or perhaps she will crack a joke about her name and Murphy's law, but deep down she is surely becoming convinced that she has been cursed. she keeps surviving situations that she shouldn't have and every time with terrible prices to pay, how long until the price is too great she wonders, does lady luck treat debtors with kindness? she hopes so. Says she doesn't have a good luck charm, but has a chain separate from her bos holotags she wears under her shirt / suit with a growing collection of things from the 'prices shes had to pay': What was left of her Australian dogtags, Nathans wedding ring along with the empty casing of a .44 bullet, A small painted piece of Danse's t60 armor that was removed in repair for preparation of giving it to another paladin after BB, a warped and burnt piece of ornate metal of some kind, and a miniature plastic white chess pawn.
Tango is very suspicious by nature, but also quite prideful thus doesn't believe in good luck as that would detract from their abilities. That mr gutsy in near mint condition they stumbled across before becoming Tango years ago? The many fusion cores they they just seem to trip over everywhere? Always having just enough ammo? all a result of their scavver skills not stupid luck! paradoxically they do believe in bad luck, especially that they became Tango. Though they do somewhat subconsciously know that they have lived far longer as tango that they ever would have if they hadn't stumbled into that particular branch of general atomics .. they weren't making many friends as a scavver but they sure had enemies. has conflicting thoughts on the matter. Doesn't have a good luck charm. doesn't really own much of anything at all tbh. other than scrap hoarding that is.
Believed in luck pre war. prime source of 'murphy's law' jokes. Despite believing in luck doesn't carry a charm of any sort, has a sort of relaxed view on the matter. acknowledges that Murphy has bad luck regularly when she trips over or is the only one splashed by a car on the rainy days. attributes a lot of his own small such occurrences to himself rather than luck though, ie he should have known better than to walk so close to the road on a rainy day, or that was stupid wearing a hat on a windy day even when nobody else lost theirs.
64. How / where do they generally sleep?
i should be asleep lol
Murphy sleeps during the day now, daytime is too bright for her sensitive eyes. so she only ventures outside in the day when absolutely necessary. She didn't really get a choice in the matter, the mutations completely rewired her internal clock ready for night combat operations. an incredibly nervous and anxious person by nature even prewar, she has always struggled with sleeping, she needs to feel safe before she can catch more than a fitful nap. the first few weeks in the new commonwealth are a bit blurry in her memory from lack of sleep haha. She only needs to feel safe, not actually be safe, some of the best sleep of her adult life was in active war zones prewar surrounded by her squad, the one day she stayed in the institute was the most nightmarish ordinary sleep shes ever had, outside of trauma nightmares.
Tango doesn't really have a body that needs sleep anymore, though they still require some sleep to give their brain recovery and processing time like normal sleep provides. they will find a out of the way corner in friendly territory and will lock the armor in place so they don't inadvertently fall over. They have definitely gotten what constitutes quiet corners wrong though and have put themselves squarely in the way for hours haha. If they are not somewhere safe they will find somewhere defensible and will catnap until they feel awake enough to continue onward. Tango has been alone for so long that it hadn't occurred to them that when traveling with others that they can take turns keeping watch and sleeping! score another point towards Tango's 'oh shit maybe this whole 'friends' isn't so bad after all' tally.
Deep sleeper, snoring machine. 'who tf brought a chainsaw into the barracks???' type zzzzzz. Can and often used to fall asleep in unlikely places. At the pub. On the 'bird to the drop zone. Waiting for sleep deprived Murphy to figure out how to get baby Shaun into the new car seat that one time ("why are there so many buckles???"). Now as a mutant will camouflage in some mud somewhere secluded, or will find a damp hidey-hole somewhere to curl up. Needs so much sleep postwar, spends most of his time sleeping, which is great for everyone else since when he is not sleeping he is hunting at night.
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lolotheparagon · 1 year
What do you like about the Lorax? I’m curious cause I’ve only ever heard people say bad things about it
For an adaptation of a 64 page long book about environmental activism and deforestation for the sake of greed, the movie really fleshes out the characters to make the story stronger, especially the Lorax to be a more proactive guardian instead of passively going “you stop that” in the original to a more snarky, no-nonsense approach.
To talk about a mere section of this movie, I want to discuss the Onceler’s backstory since it’s a lot more detailed than the original book.
I like how the Onceler is more humanised. He isn’t absolved of all wrongdoing, he’s still a recluse at the end of the movie and the city of Thneedville isn’t interested in having him welcomed back, but I like how the Onceler just wants someone, anyone, to not repeat the mistakes he made and tells Ted, our audience surrogate, his story to inspire others to do better. This way, the audience can see how they would easily end up like him going down the slippery path of greed, but also give them hope, that even if they screw up beyond measure, there’s always a chance to turn things around and use your experiences to help others not make the same mistakes.
It’s worth pointing out that the Onceler in this movie was trying to be peaceful to both the forest creatures in the beginning by only chopping down one tree to make his Thneed but when his product became a success and his family intervened to help the Onceler’s business, they start budging him to chop down more trees since the other method of picking the tree’s tufts piece by piece is exucriatingly slow and difficult.
Another thing this movie points out is how bad influences can really impact a person’s decisions and reasoning. All the Onceler wants is to be a successful entrepreneur and make his family, especially his mother, happy. So when his mother suggest to just cut down the trees to speed things up and holds, he naturally becomes more inclined to chop em down and ruin the forest. Cos most of the time, enabling is what can tip decent people off to do some truly horrible things. And they don’t realise the consequences until it’s too late. It’s not the only factor, The Onceler is still to blame and still went along with his actions, but it’s his family is what tipped him over the edge and it really shows how just a few sentences can really change people. When people are in a consequence free environment, they don’t feel the need to change their behaviour unless something or someone forces them to change their point of view (the Lorax) So when the Onceler’s family go ahead and chop more down, the Lorax gets pissed off at the Onceler and call him “bad”. Yes, it’s a juvenile threat but it clearly hits deep, as the next scene shows the Onceler telling himself he’s not bad, he’s only doing what’s best for his business. It’s a psychological shortcut to protect himself from admitting the truth about his actions.
“Bad, I’m not bad. I’m the good guy here. He just doesn’t get it.”
- said every serial killer/genocidal dictator ever
The quick fire way to tell if someone is a monster is when they believe monsters don’t exist.
This is why the song How Bad Can I Be? starts off as the Onceler telling himself and the audience I’m not bad! as a reassurance but as the song progresses and the Onceler dons more fancy attire, more of his factory is built, hundreds of trees are knocked down, the rivers polluted, smog rising in the sky, food quickly becoming scarce, the Lorax constantly being ignored or ridiculed by the Onceler and his family, the fact one of the lyrics is: “a portion of proceeds goes to charity” while showing the Onceler’s dad wearing a poor man’s disguise. The song’s title goes from a pathetic excuse to a menacing challenge
“How bad can I be, I’m just doing what comes naturally”
- Onceler at the beginning of the song:
- Onceler near the end of the song
It’s only when the last tree in the forest is knocked down, the Lorax leaves, all the animals leave to find a new home, his fair weather family up and leave cos they don’t think he’s a success anymore that the Onceler just look outside and stare at the absolute destruction he was wrought onto the forest. Truly coming to grips with what he’s done.
After this happens, we see a young O’Hare, the main villain of this movie, seeing an old poster of the Onceler and being inspired to become just as successful as he was. So the Onceler’s evil actions indirectly caused another man to become just as power hungry and environmentally destructive as he was. Evil, after all, begets more evil.
Now, we cut to the present where the Onceler gives the last Truffula tree seed to Ted, the kid who’s been listening to this story the whole time, to plant this seed in the town to help make trees grow back and stop O’Hare from taking the seed, cos he views a tree that gives air for free while he makes a fortune selling air as his buggiest competitor.
This is why I love this movie. Because while the original book is direct and to the point, the writers did a great job expanding it to make us care more about the characters and the core message of environmental activism. Not to mention a great theme about how greed can easily lead to utter destruction if not kept under check and enabling someone to commit deforestation is incitement.
Thank you for coming to my TED talk about the funny orange Pokemon movie
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sweetmariihs2 · 11 months
List of inspirations that I noticed in ✨️The Amazing Digital Circus✨️
an almost-essay (PART 1)
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When I watched the first episode for the first time I started to notice several similarities to other subjects that I also like and know, other fandoms and popular things on the internet, and I soon thought about sharing them on Tumblr (which I'm doing now).
I know there will be things that other people have noticed that will be missing from the blog, but I will try to include all the things that I remember recognizing at that moment. Feel free to share them, though!
I don't know the formal names of some things I'm gonna mention, and also my english It's not the best, I'm trying to practice my writing <3
I'll have to divide this blog into two parts because Tumblr doesn't support more than 10 images per blog. grrgrrgr I really wanted to put everything together but I can't. At the end of the blog I will put a link to part 2 and you can continue reading [when i finish the part 2 of course]
1 - Popee the Perfomer
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Popee the Performer is a low-budget animation made in 2000, at the time when 3d animation was still a new technology. It's a collection of shorts and they talk about three circus performers' interactions. People found this on the internet in 2021 and they started a new fandom on top of it. What makes this show talked about it's the disturbing situations the characters put themselves through. There are a lot of violent scenes and sometimes the characters die by the end of the episode, but when we go to the next one they're just alive again, and that makes us question if they are living stuck in an eternal loop with no way of getting out of that small circus setting.
The 3d is pretty simple, mostly because it's old, but that makes me think about the connections between PTP and TADG are the aesthetics, the whole "disturbing adult cartoon about serious topics with a children's colorful aesthetic" thing, and also those connections with the Nintendo 64 graphics. I'M GONNA MENTION IT TOO!!
And a part of this fandom also it's part of Raggedy Ann and Andy's fandom. They were pretty close in 2021.
2 - Raggedy Ann And Andy
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Ragatha, next one
I'm kidding there's more
Their fandom started around 2021 because the YouTube algorythm just decided that it was time to recommend a video about Raggedy Andy to EVERYONE! And that's how I discovered them too <3 (I WAS THEREEE I WAS THERE). Andy got the main focus and he was everyone's dream boyfriend lol
Also that's completely unrelated but I wanted to say that I'm one of the people whose video was recommended to everyone through YouTube algorythm and helped the fandom to grow even more (I'm so proud of myself guys I'm sorry awnqbehdjwndbwjdnh)
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I believe that if that first video that helped me (and more people) to discover them were never recommended to us, maybe Ragatha wouldn't even have that design!! It's alright that Ann is a doll from the 1900s, but the whole "Raggedy Ann And Andy" thing wasn't a fandom topic, they were just normal ragdolls and they were recognized only by grannies and "the anabelle doll" (this one makes me pissed)
3 - Nintendo 64 (and old 3d art)
And this recognition that it is a fandom united this subject to other famous fandoms, leading to the same audience, and this audience is also TADG's audience. I'll talk more about this at the end of the blog! (Edit: Part 2 of the blog. *silently cries*)
And there's this blog:
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That low budget 3d aesthetic it's turning really popular recently. I'm not much of an expert on the subject since I don't know much about games, but I recognize it from the old graphics and my biggest reference is Mario 64. There's a good explanation for it being so popular, I have a theory that it's related to liminal spaces, but I'm not sure. Still, it's worth mentioning.... and also that bubble character really looks like chain chomp!!
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They're besties
4 - liminal spaces (backrooms and the "dreamcore" aesthetic)
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happy balloons because the backrooms scare me (i hate it)
I think if you're on Tumblr it's very likely that you already know what the backrooms are. A part of our reality, but outside of it. There are floors and floors of eternal levels, where you wander in the same place and don't go anywhere. As if you had broken the matrix and were trapped outside, in a bug. This has become very popular on the internet and it's interesting that it is being used as inspiration for creating a show.
Furthermore, there was also the popularization of aesthetics such as dreamcore, traumacore and weirdcore, which consist of images that look like they came out of a dream. Things that you recognize, but don't know where they came from, like a deja vu, which makes you uncomfortable. It's extremely linked to the backrooms, since it's the same feeling. Many of the images are things that take us back to childhood, to the past, but they are not right, as if they were corrupted. Old 3D is also used a lot to make some of these images, like the example I gave of the Nintendo 64. The fandoms are all interconnected!
In this whole concept they also like to be inspired by childhood characteristics, such as old images of toys, empty birthday parties, playgrounds, and it also takes us to that famous sensation on the internet that I don't remember the name of, but it is basically feeling afraid of a place where people should be going, but they aren't. Abandoned places. The fear of being alone. All those topics revolve around each other. They makes us question abour reality, "do I even exist?" (I know I do, but writing characters that way and exploring the possibilities is kinda nice)
I know a brazillian youtuber that made a good video about it, her name is Replai and in the video she talks about how Poppy Playtime's art was made, but I know that most of the people reading this don't know how to speak in portuguese so... yeah. It's a good video.
5 - Children's aesthetics (but something's off)
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This gif speaks for itself. It's that traumacore/dreamcore/weirdcore thing that I was talking about.
Still talking about that empty feeling of knowing that something it's familiar but don't knowing where it came from, childhood memories can be related to this, as they are vague, distant and sometimes carry a feeling of sadness. I'm not a great expert on the subject, but somehow the way that's explored scares us, I know there's a good explanation on the internet. This reminds me of the reason why people are afraid of clowns: they wear this fixed smile on their face and try to appear friendly, but it's this frozen, empty expression that leaves us afraid that there are other intentions underneath. And the fact that they are so related to childhood and children's innocence makes us fearful, because we don't know if they can do any harm to them. (of course, this all happens subconsciously, you don't think about it that way but your brain activates this instinct of fear) (not you YOU, people with that phobia)
I refuse to believe that these things are not interconnected. There is a strange feeling that can be explored from this childish aesthetic and connection to childhood.
Many media are using this aesthetic as part of their stories, especially horror ones. Five Nights At Freddy's was a pioneer, exploring this in the early 2010s, and then there were other franchises like Poppy Playtime, Bendy And The Ink Machine, other FNAF games (and there are also discoveries of things that do this unintentionally and that were created before this popularization, like Popee the Performer. In music we also have great examples like Melanie Martinez's old albums, during the Cry Baby era. There are also other aesthetics who like to explore this childlike-creepy vibe, and they're a little unrelated to all this stuff, like Morute/Dollcore). Whenever I talk about this I remember FNAF SB Daycare, as it is the result of all these topics we have talked about so far. The Security Breach DLC "Ruin" decided to explore this fear of empty, abandoned places, but which once had happy children walking through the corridors. This feeling is very scary.
Do you remember when I gave clowns as an example? The circus is also a way to explore this scary+childhood feeling. A place where there should be lots of games, but which only causes fear, as in the case of those scary clowns. It's quite common in the media for the circus to be used as a focus of terror, however in the internet version we were talking about just now, it doesn't have to be directly a horror circus, just feeling that childish sensation and feeling that something is wrong is enough. Enough to make us feel uncomfortable. It's like the characters were suffering, but they can't scream for help, and it's a disorted vision of how a circus should look like. Hi Pomni!!
The Daycare Attendant also explores that.
6 - Bendy and Fnaf (for the same reasons I already told you all, but one more)
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Jax it's Bendy's and William Afton's lost son. We don't need no DNA test.
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(I'm obviously just kidding btw, his design was probably inspired by them, MOST ESPECIALLY BENDY and maybe the Cheshire Cat from Alice because of his smile??? Idk)
stay tuned for part 2 <3
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spreadyovrwings · 1 year
64 Olso Square
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"Companion' Middle English. From Old French 'compaignon', literally 'one who breaks bread with another.
Strapped for cash, John gets a job at a bakery as their new delivery boy. Juggling school and Queen and work is exhausting, but it's more than worth it. It's worth it because of you.
Warnings for this chapter: some light… thoughts of…. smut….. lots of flirting and these two dancing around each other even more.
Chapter Seven
Rita Caine went into labour on the morning of 1st June 1972. Her baby girl was born at seven o’ clock precisely, so her parents decided to call her Dot.
Dorothy Angela Caine was healthy and happy, and so were her adoring parents. Which was nice. Lovely, in fact. Except it meant that, for the last week, you had been running the bakery entirely by yourself.
You didn’t mind. Really, you didn’t. You couldn’t be more thrilled for Mickey. He’d been talking about starting a family ever since he met the girl of his dreams three years ago. His happiness gave you the strength to face that wall of hungry customers every morning and your cantankerous old kitchen.
But after one day on your own, you could barely summon the energy to hold yourself up. You simply let your body sink into a heap behind the counter, sliding down the wall until your bum hit the floor. You didn’t even have the energy to cry.
It didn’t matter that you’d spent days prepping, it didn’t matter that you were getting just a few hours of sleep and you hadn’t seen your friends or family in weeks, it still wasn’t enough to keep you ahead of schedule. Much as you tried, you couldn’t do the job of two people already doing the job of five.
As always, John was your only source of comfort.
You hadn’t admitted to anyone just how much pressure you were under. Mickey was able to come in a few days a week but you wouldn’t ever ask for more, and Gladys was like one of those comets you only see every 70-something years. You were barely getting by but hadn’t said a word. Somehow, John was able to sense it. Probably something to do with the way you gasped with joy and relief every time he stepped through the door.
That day, John was off on his rounds, dropping off little white boxes around the city on a bike borrowed from a girl on his floor, the same girl who leant him the flowery, red helmet. It turned out she’d painted the bike to match. When John turned up one morning, scowling atop his new wheels, it had kept you smiling all day.
When he finally returned to the bakery later that afternoon, just a few hours from closing, you were so relieved to see a friendly face, you almost kissed him. Almost.
You settled for resting your hand over the one he rested on the countertop and squeezing gently.
“Thank God, you’re ‘ere.”
John just smiled, puzzled but obviously pleased that you were happy to see him.
“Has it been bad?”
“No,” you lied. “Not really. But the last few hours are always a rush. How were the deliveries?”
“Great! Although, when I knocked at, er…” He checked his list, scrawled down by several different hands over the course of the week. “The one in West Brom? This one here. They weren’t in. The lady in reception said they’d gone out for breakfast instead, so.”
“‘appens.” You shrugged. “That’s your lunch sor’ed, then.”
John gave you an almost weary look.
You only beamed back. John always liked to make a show of refusing every time you gave him food to take home but he’d never once left empty-handed. Today would be no different.
John couldn’t keep a straight face for very long. He shyly raised a hand to cover his smile, but he couldn’t hide those crinkles around his eyes and the way his cheeks bunched up, still pink from his bike ride.
He was much smilier now than when you met, like he’d almost been out of the habit of it back then. You weren’t sure what it was, his friends, the band, this job, but things seemed to be going right for John. A small, selfish part of you wondered if you might have something to do with it too.
Things had, admittedly, taken a bit of a pause in that area. There was still tension, little looks and touches that lasted far longer than they needed to, but John hadn’t said anything more about the date he’d proposed, and you were too terrified to bring it up yourself.
That wasn’t to say there hadn’t been any progress. If you could call unbearable sexual tension progress.
Exactly three weeks after he was mugged, John invited you to another of his band’s gigs. He was right, it went a lot smoother than the last one. The hall was bigger, there were far more people, and John didn’t look like he’d rather be anywhere else the whole time.
After digging through your wardrobe, you managed to find a sheer top with long, bell sleeves and some black velvet flares. You made sure to stand as near to the centre as you could so that you could get a good look at him and, more importantly, so that John could get a good look at you. You felt his eyes on you the whole night.
There was another gig just a few days later at a school hall in Wandsworth. By then, you knew most of the words to a few of their songs. You even brought along a few leftover treats from the bakery for them to give out to punters.
Nothing, nothing, compared to the feeling of looking up at John while he played, his long fingers tugging at the bass strings, his head bowed. The way he moved, it was so different to how he acted offstage. There was a confidence about him you’d never seen before, and when he shook his long hair over his shoulder and smiled down at you, his hips swaying to his own beat, you suddenly understood why people went mad for musicians.
John always managed to find you, despite the low lights and the now heaving crowds. It sent a thrill through your blood every time his eyes met yours. Of all the people in the room, all those pretty girls and boys who were beginning to worship Queen, John only had eyes for you. He walked home with you after every gig.
You fell into a routine together without having to say a word. If John’s shift ended late in the evening, he would come up to your flat to watch telly for a while before heading back to his lonely digs, or you would walk up and down the high street a few times, just talking and talking, laughing and talking. If he worked the morning shift, John would stay to help out, but only after you’d made sure he wasn’t just trying to get out of studying.
And then there was The Incident. You blushed to think about it, even now.
It happened last week, at the end of a very long shift for the both of you. The bakery was so busy, John had offered to stay behind to help.
Working beside him again was so lovely. John didn’t often have time to hang out with all the essays he’d been lumbered with, so you had lots of catching up to do. Standing there behind the counter, chatting away about everything and nothing while you made tea and dished pastries, it was the happiest you’d been in months. Your cheeks began to ache from all the smiling.
When things finally started to wind down, you took John back into the kitchen with you and, after he expressed an interest, you showed him how the bakery’s signature bread was made, a darker loaf made up of rye flour, as well as wholemeal and white.
You shaped the dough between your hands, weighed it, then rolled it over a tray of seeds that shone like tiny jewels under the bright lights above. Together, you and Mickey made forty of these loaves every day. You could probably do it blindfolded now.
After a while, John’s questions petered out and you worked in a comfortable silence, which you only broke to remind him of the next step or to compliment his technique. No words could describe how hard you worked to not stare at John’s big hands as they rolled and patted and kneaded the dough.
Whatever walls you both had, they were gone now, there was no denying it. Being around John had always been easy, even though your heart was usually pounding so hard you could hardly hear him speak over it. But now there was no shyness, no awkwardness or uncertainty. There was no one else you could just be yourself around, and you liked the person you were when you were with John.
You realised you were smiling to yourself and quickly glanced up to see if John had noticed.
To your surprise, he was watching your face, his eyes soft and faraway. It wasn’t the first time you’d caught him staring but you’d never actually been brave enough to call him out on it. For the life of you, you didn’t know why that day felt different, but you smiled and asked,
“What are you thinkin’ about?”
John’s eyes seemed to focus again and he looked embarrassed. Maybe he hadn’t been staring at you at all. Perhaps he’d just zoned out and his gaze had only happened to land on you.
Feeling sheepish, you tried to laugh it off, but then John said,
“I was just wondering if I’d get flour on my face if I kissed you.”
You froze, the dough heavy in your hands, and stared. It was all you could do.
John blinked.
“You’ve got flour…” He pointed at his cheek, then at yours. “What? What’s wrong?”
“You were thinkin’ about kissin’ me?”
John baulked, shook his head, and made an odd sort of sputtering sound, all before he managed to choke out,
“That’s not what I said!”
He seemed so certain. For a moment, you wondered if you’d somehow misheard or even imagined it. But no, no, John had let whatever was in his head come tumbling out of his mouth, perhaps for the first time in his life.
“You said, ‘I was wondering if I’d get flour on my face if I kissed you’.”
“Well, exactly! So-”
“So you were thinkin’ about kissin’ me.”
“No! Well, I…”
You couldn’t help it, you had to laugh. It was just so silly. John looked like he was about to turn grey and keel over, he was so embarrassed. For some reason, it only made you want to keep pressing.
“So, would you?”
John’s voice cracked. It made your stomach flip.
“Get flour all over your face?”
It was a dare. You knew it. You knew John felt it. Suddenly the kitchen had gone very quiet.
You watched his lips press together. His steel grey eyes searched your face.
“I don’t know,” John said slowly, almost like he couldn’t believe he was really having this conversation with you. “Only one way to find out, I s’pose.”
He’d seen your bet and raised you. More than that, he’d given you permission, laid his cards out on the table and said, ‘Go on, then. Put your money where your mouth is’.
Your gaze dropped to his mouth again. He couldn’t have been more than a foot away. All you’d have to do was lean forward and he was yours.
John watched you, those clever eyes clear and bright. Were you imagining it, or had he turned himself towards you? Opened himself up to you and lowered his head a little?
Slowly (too slowly, you knew that now) you began to smile.
“I s’pose.”
John’s mouth twisted, then he laughed softly. It sounded hollow. He turned back to the dough and asked if it looked good enough to you.
It was only later that you realised your mistake. You’d been echoing him, a positive. John had heard an uncertain negative. You’d never wanted to kick yourself so bad.
It didn’t come up again.
On a bright day in the middle of the second week of June, you were setting up the chairs and tables outside the bakery when you heard a familiar bell chime.
John pulled up by the curb, his bike tires skidding across the asphalt. He looked pleased with himself, it was obviously a move he’d been practising. He’d certainly come a long way from careering into oncoming traffic, oncoming pedestrians, and several oncoming trees.
“You’ve mastered tha’.”
John smiled, wide and relaxed.
“You know, I had a scooter when I was a teenager.”
“Oh, yeah?”
“Used to drive it everywhere. I’d choose that over this deathtrap any day.”
“You’re ridiculous.”
You tried not to sound too distant, but you couldn’t keep your eyes off John as he took off his helmet and shook out his long hair. He was so insanely beautiful, and you knew he liked to dress nice sometimes and he was always talking about what he wanted to do next with his hair, but John really didn’t have a clue just how gorgeous he was. At least, to you.
“I was big on The Who. I had this little Vespa 180.”
You nodded as if you knew what that was.
“Had the parka and the hair, and everything," John went on. “I was stopping by my friend Dave’s house once; he was in the band I was in back then. This car pulled out of nowhere and I skidded and came off it. Cut up my arms and my legs,” John scratched at his chin. “Had a nasty scrape here. Nearly fainted on my mate’s living room carpet from all the blood.”
You laughed because he did, though really, the thought of John as a teenager, just a kid really, hurting himself so badly that he was that shaken, it made your stomach twist.
He’d been doing that more often lately, telling you stories. Not just about his friends, his band, his classes, but about his home and his family, about the people he grew up with and the fun they used to have. It had taken almost half a year but John finally seemed to have relaxed.
“You were in a band back home too?”
You watched John dismount the bike, grinning to yourself when one of his long legs got caught in the frame. Still as graceful as ever.
“The Opposition, we were called. That’s where I learnt the bass.” John smiled, looking you up and down quickly. “You look lovely.”
You looked down at yourself. A skirt you’d pulled from the washing basket, an apron, and your coffee brown uniform shirt didn’t seem worth mentioning. With a pang, you wondered if you’d led the conversation down a path John didn’t want to follow and the compliment was just a distraction.
You looked back up at him, eyebrows raised.
“Do I?”
“Yeah, you’re…”
He looked you up and down again, slower now, taking his time, then smiled sheepishly like he’d forgotten himself for a moment. There was something so innocent and genuine about that smile too. It made John’s eyes sparkle and his nose wrinkle, and the small sound he made, a soft, shy laugh, was so endearing, all you could think about was kissing him.
“Thanks, er…”
You huffed, not sure what else to say. But John was still smiling. He knew.
Even though he’d bottled it, once again, passers-by must’ve been able to feel the tension radiating off of you. Your heart was pounding so hard, you were sure John would be able to hear it, even over the roar of morning traffic.
“Listen,” You shot him a look, wryly acknowledging that you were changing the subject. “I need to talk to you.”
John heaved an exaggerated sigh and turned his bike around.
“Oh, dear…”
You followed him down the narrow alleyway that separated the bakery from the haberdashery next door. There was hardly enough room to manoeuvre around the bins and potholes on foot, let alone fit a bike through, but he had the knack by now. You still managed to admire John from behind as you wound your way around the skips like an Olympic gymnast.
“I can’t make it tomorrow night. I’m really sorry. Gladys needs me to close up, she’s goin’ out with…” You pulled a face. “Well, she’s goin’ out. And I’m basically gonna have to work through the night to cover not ‘avin’ Micky still.”
You’d made plans to meet up before his next gig, what should’ve been your fourth. But there was just too much to do, and after two weeks of on-and-off help from Mickey and Gladys, you were exhausted.
“I’m so sorry, John.”
“It’s alright, love. Don’t worry. It’s tough at the minute, I know.” He squeezed your elbow gently, reassuringly, then turned to chain up his bike. “You’re gonna miss out on seeing my new outfit but…”
“Well, that’s why I wan’ed to talk to you...” You wrung your hands, half agony, half hope. “To make up for it, I wondered if you… If you wan’ed to come over after work tomorrow night? I could make dinner, help you get ready, do your make up…”
John laughed, soft and bright, all gap-teeth and eye crinkles. You could get used to seeing him this relaxed, you really could.
“I’d really like that,” he said, nodding sweetly, then he laughed to himself again.
You tried not to look as happily surprised as you felt.
“Good!” you said. “Cool.”
John beamed then raised his arm, gesturing for you to enter the bakery before him.
“Cool,” he repeated, teasing you.
You beamed.
Friday night should be the best night of the week. You should be out with your friends, maybe going to the pictures or getting a drink in a nice bar in town. Instead, you were so exhausted, you could barely put one foot in front of the other, and climbing the stairs to your tiny flat felt like traversing the foothills of the Himalayas.
But you had become used to not seeing your friends, and there was never anything on at the cinema, and even when you could summon the energy to get all dressed up and buy yourself a drink with a fantastic name, all you could think about was the bakery, and all the work you could be doing instead.
That night, it took all your strength to not flop down onto the sofa, or even better, your bed. Today had been tough, tougher than usual. Fridays always seemed busier than you could handle, even though in terms of numbers, they couldn’t be much different to any other day. Everyone was desperate to get home, hardly caring that you were too.
Feet dragging the carpet, you went into your room and stood in front of the mirror. Blurred eyeliner, tangled hair, and an empty sort of look behind your eyes.
“C’mon, kid,” You patted your cheeks, then tilted your chin up, dragging your open palm down your throat. “You’re alright. You know you can do it. You’re alright.”
You slipped your fingers under the collar of your shirt and pressed them into your pulse.
“Still goin’.”
You stayed there for a moment, just looking at yourself as you felt your heart beating against your fingertips. You tilted your head to one side, then the other.
There was a threatening red patch by the arch of your left eyebrow where a spot was brewing, and the bags under your eyes were growing darker and darker by the day.
“Mickey will be back soon.”
Lying to yourself was a new low. Mickey hadn’t said when he’d be back permanently. Gladys had actually made a rare appearance that afternoon but you were both so busy, you hadn’t had a chance to ask what the plan was. You were just treading water, and the storm showed no sign of clearing.
There was a knock at the door, four short, sharp knocks. Very John. Right on time, as always, and just when you needed him.
You eyed your bed longingly.
When you opened the door, John was covering his head with his hands, pulling down on the edges of a brown baseball cap. He looked agitated and embarrassed, like you’d caught him in the middle of something.
“Hi,” he said, and despite his obvious uneasiness, he still managed a sweet little smile.
“Hi.” You laughed. “What’s that in aid of?”
John’s expression darkened.
“I was hoping you wouldn’t notice.” He dropped his hands with a sigh. “I tried to do my hair but I don’t think I did it right. Had to hide it all the way here.”
“Hide your-? How bad is it? What ‘ave you got under there?”
John gave you a look so hopelessly crestfallen, you had to laugh.
“Come in, come in. We can sort it. I hope you’re hungry.”
That brought back his smile.
“Starving,” he said firmly, and followed you into the flat.
He left his bag by the front door, beside your untidy pile of shoes. You half expected him to flop down onto the settee and stick the telly on, or go into the bedroom to get changed, but John stuck close to your side, waiting for you to tell him what to do. He still had that stupid hat on but you sensed it wasn’t a good idea to ask about it yet.
“You lookin’ forward to tonight?” you asked instead.
You moved to the cupboard to grab some bits for dinner, nothing fancy but definitely soul-soothing. You sensed you both needed it.
“Yeah, yeah it should be good fun. Brian reckons we’ll pull a good crowd and he’s never wrong, so…” John rolled his eyes. “How was work? I’m sorry I couldn’t stay to help today. I could probably do tomorrow though and some days next week?”
“I’d love that. And it was good. Busy but… And I think I might’ve convinced Gladys we can afford more help.”
“Another baker?”
“Just someone to watch the front of the shop.”
John pouted.
“I thought I was gonna be your new sales assistant.”
“What? You’re joking. You’ll be busy touring the world soon! You’ll forget all about us.”
The moment the words left your mouth, your heart sank like a stone. You were only teasing, but there was a thickness to your voice, a tell-tale edge of self-pity, that John couldn’t have missed.
The thought clouded your mind most days. Whenever it threatened to sink its claws too deep into your chest, you had to turn the radio up or start a new dough, anything to distract, if not completely switch off your whirring brain. John couldn’t stay forever. You knew that. He knew that. But you were having a hard time accepting it.
John gave you a soft smile.
“I wouldn’t forget you, love.”
As he spoke, he raised his hand and slipped it round your wrist, gently, carefully.
“I couldn’t.”
His fingers were so long, they could wrap all the way around your wrist, his rings cold against your burning skin. It was all that kept you grounded.
He could barely hold your gaze when you first met. Now John could touch you like it was the easiest, most natural thing in the world, because it was.
You kept your eyes on his hand. You couldn’t look at him, you couldn’t let John see just how much the thought of him leaving pained you, or how desperately you wanted to rest your hand over his and pull him closer.
He squeezed your wrist once, then took back his hand. It took everything in you not to grab it back.
John cleared his throat. His cheeks were a little pink.
“Anyway, the band is just a… It’s not forever. It’s just a laugh. Something to get us a bit of money.”
You frowned.
“Is that how you all see it?”
John looked away.
You’d obviously touched a nerve so you changed tack.
“D’you mind chopping the veg?”
You worked together in a comfortable silence. The only sounds were the soft chip chip chip of John’s knife against the chopping board as he sliced carrots and onions, and the crooning radio in the corner.
You let your mind wander to what it might be like to hear one of John’s songs on the wireless someday, what the DJ might say about him and his friends as they lined up the next track. Would they mention his degree? How hard he’d worked to get their little band off the ground? Would they mention him at all? John seemed happiest in the background, a silent but steady column keeping everything upright.
They wouldn’t mention you, you knew that. Or Mickey, or Gladys, or this bakery. They’d never know what a good influence 64 Oslo Square had been. They would never know how insular John was when he started, and how proud you were of him for wanting to get better. They would see someone quiet, distant, but smart, so smart, and never know just how far he’d come.
You weren’t part of his story. Or maybe you were, in a way. A book, tucked away in a corner of the library that only you and John knew was there. Either way, it wasn’t important. DJs and music magazines and record sales didn’t matter to you. Knowing John was better for meeting you and your home was all the acclaim you needed.
You looked over at John. He was smiling to himself as he fiddled with the papery skin of an onion, probably trying to decide if he’d chopped enough.
Memories of the boy who walked into the bakery on that rainy night flooded your mind. So nervous he could barely get his words out, so thin he was shuddering despite his old jumper. Now here he was, in your home, making dinner with you, smiling at you-
John had caught you looking.
You cleared your throat awkwardly.
The song on the radio changed to something more upbeat, a Slade song.
“So, this show, where is it again?” you asked, turning back to the pasta boiling on the stove.
“A club down in Soho, I think. The Regent? Le Régent? I don’t know. Freddie saw the name and picked it. God knows what the place is like.”
You shrugged.
“Sticky floors, horrible loos, grabby men. They’re all one in the same.”
“Yeahhh, I don’t mind you missing this one, to be honest. It won’t be glam.”
John turned and leaned against the sideboard. He was so tall, he could perch on the side without needing to hoist himself up.
You just kept your eyes down. If you stared at his hips for too long, you knew you wouldn’t be able to resist pinning them against the counter.
“Don’t worry, when we go out, I’ll take you somewhere nice.”
It was such a bold statement, it surprised you, and all you could think to do was laugh.
“Oh, really?”
“Only the best for my boss.”
“I’m not your boss.”
“Aren’t you?”
When you looked back over your shoulder, John had turned his back again and was chopping vegetables innocently. His face was half hidden by his long, wavy hair but there was no missing the smirk in his voice.
You watched his arm move up and down, up and down, and marvelled at how slim he really was. You could see his bony elbow poking through his brown chequered shirt with every shunk of the knife against the chopping block, though you were pleased to find you could no longer pick out his ribs as his body turned. Your plan to feed him up a bit was clearly working.
Against your better judgement, you let your gaze travel slowly, slowly down.
John’s tiny waist seemed made for your hands. The contrasting curve of his hips made you dizzy. You could almost feel your fingers sinking into them, see his pretty face flush with embarrassment at how much he enjoyed you touching him, until your palms began to tingle. You rolled your open hands into fists, squeezing tight.
You could sweep his long hair aside and press kisses down his spine, your hands still kneading at his hips, until he had melted beneath you. So tall, far taller than you, especially in his heels, and now there was a thought.
All it would take was one hand on the small of his back, pressing down gently until he was bent over the counter, his face pressed into the cold linoleum and his arse in the air.
You couldn’t help thinking John always wore those tight trousers just to antagonise you. You ached to run your hand over him, to feel the soft black velvet against your skin, to hear John gasp as your fitted your hips against him and leaned down, your chest against his back, your hair tickling his neck, your mouth near his ear as you told him how pretty he looked and how long you’d been thinking about fucking him, just like this.
“I know a place near my uni. It’s nice there, you’ll like it.”
You looked up, your eyes heavy.
John was smiling at you. It was such a lovely smile, but all you could think about was the warmth of his flushed skin against yours, the pathetic whines and moans that would fall from his funny mouth, and the ache between your thighs.
He was right there. You could have him if you wanted. All you’d have to do is cross the kitchen and kiss him, hard, so hard he couldn’t possibly doubt how much you needed him, and then he’d be yours.
He’d be in your bed, looking up at you with those big, clever grey-green eyes and begging you for more, grinding down on your fingers, his pretty hair spread across the pillow, his legs wrapped around your waist.
“Fuck me, love. Ohhhn… Want you inside me, darlin’. Fuck…”
His mouth would fall open as he watched you spread his legs even further apart, boots still on, his pink tongue pressing against the little gap in his teeth.
“What do we say?”
“Pleasepleaseplease, make me cum, please.”
“Good boy.”
“I promise, no sticky floors and no grabby men.”
John sipped his cup of tea.
You swallowed thickly.
“None at all?”
He laughed and shook his head at you, but didn’t rise to your challenge, much to your disappointment. Instead, John poked at a slice of onion with the tip of the knife.
“Are these alright?”
They were perfect. Of course they were.
After dinner, John disappeared into your room to get changed into his stage gear. When he came back, you had to pick your jaw up off the floor.
You weren’t sure what you’d expected. The last few times you’d seen John perform, he’d either opted for jeans and a T-shirt with his band’s name on it or borrowed things from his friends. It seemed he’d finally gone shopping.
“Do you like it?”
John beamed as he turned this way and that, showing you his black satin suit from every angle. The material shone in the light, framing his body neatly. The jacket pulled in at the waist, its shoulders contrastingly broad, and was open enough to show off the silk shirt he wore underneath.
“Yeah.” You took a breath. “I love it.”
John grinned. He clearly felt good. He ought to, looking like that.
You let your gaze follow the length of the suit, from his open collar right down to his red woollen socks. They offered a sliver of another part of John’s personality, a homely frugality that you couldn’t help finding endearing.
Cute as it was, you soon found yourself staring at his chest again. John was usually so bundled up against the cold, to see any of his skin sent you into an almost Victorian stupor, and now here he was, his chest bared down to the bottom of his sternum. You realised you were biting your lip.
“It’s thanks to you guys that I could buy it. I’ve been eyeing it in the shop for weeks. Thought you ought to be the first to see it.” John was peering in the mirror above the mantle, angling his chin this way and that. “Do you really like it?”
“You look great.”
You meant to say more but John started to play with the buttons on his shirt, toying with the idea of undoing one more.
“Come on, then. Let’s see this hair,” you said quickly.
With a woeful sigh, John turned away from the mirror and went to remove his hat but stopped with his fingers wrapped around its brim.
“You promise you won’t laugh?”
“I promise,” you lied. “C’mon, you’ll be late. How bad can it be?”
With an awkward smile, John took off his hat.
You pressed your lips together. When you were sure you had control of your smile, you tried to think of something reassuring to say. You came up blank.
“Oh, John…”
He groaned and let his head fall back, his eyes squeezed shut as if in agony.
“My sister does it when she wants to make her hair curly,” John moaned. “She taught me over the phone but I don’t think I did it right.”
You couldn’t resist, you had to laugh. John had wound two pencils into the front pieces of his hair, not the craziest idea in the world, but they’d somehow become tangled and were now stuck. One pencil was sticking almost straight up in the air. You couldn’t imagine how long it had taken John to get them under his hat.
John looked wretched.
“Is it bad?”
“You said that a bit quick.”
You offered what you hoped was a reassuring sort of smile.
“It’s fixable.”
“Darling,” John moaned, drawing out the sounds so woefully, you’d finished laughing by the time you realised what he’d called you.
“It’s alright! It’s alright, we can sort this. God, all those brains and you can’t curl your own hair,” you laughed and shook your head. “God help us all if you ever do become an engineer.”
You directed him to the sofa so you could get a proper look at the top of his head. While you poked and fiddled with the pencils, you tried not to think about how you’d ended up standing between his legs again, and how nice it was to have him looking up at you.
After a moment or two of you muttering under your breath and John wincing every other second, the silence clearly became too much for him.
“Where are you from?”
You frowned, carefully turning one of the pencils between your fingers.
The stereo in the corner was still crooning on, something low and slow that the DJ had swooned over. ‘For all you lovers out there…’ he’d schmoozed. ‘Something to set the mood and get you feeling good…’. You and John had just tried your best to ignore it.
John shrugged as best he could considering his precarious position.
“I’ve just realised I’ve never asked.”
“You won’t know it.”
“Try me.”
You looked down, smiling.
John thought for a moment then shook his head - carefully.
“Yeah, you’re right. I don’t know it.”
You laughed but stopped when you accidentally tugged too hard and it made John yelp.
“Sorry, sorry. How did you even manage to- It’s on the other side of the river.”
“Oh, the nice part of town?”
You snorted.
“Johnny, this is the nice part of town.”
“Ahhh, so you’re from the wrong side of the tracks? Or river.”
“That’s me, a real wrong’n.”
“Yeah, I see it now, you’ve got a streak a mile wide.”
Your fingers slipped and you accidentally tugged on John’s hair again. This time, the little whimper he gave in response made you press your thighs together.
Trying you best to keep your expression neutral, you asked,
“Hmm… Maybe when Alastair is about.”
You looked down at him again.
There was something about John knowing you, what you liked and what you didn’t, who you hated and what you wanted out of life, that made your chest lurch. You couldn’t recall anyone ever wanting to learn about you, to see you, or even listen to you like John did. Even if he did use it as ammunition to tease you.
“He won’t be around long. Gladys will see sense soon enough. She’s not as green as she is cabbage-looking.”
John exhaled sharply through his nose, agreeing.
You just smiled and tried to ignore the nagging doubt in the pit of your stomach. Hope that your boss would see sense, that Alastair would just leave you alone, was always closely followed by a grim stab of dread.
With one final twist, one of the pencils came free and you gave a triumphant little cheer.
“One down, one to go. No WHSmith trip for you.”
John leaned back, craning his neck to try and catch a glimpse of himself in the mirror about the mantle. As he did, his hands came up to rest on your hips, an anchor so that he could lean back far enough without toppling over.
“How does it look?”
You couldn’t fault John’s sister’s logic. The pencil had certainly done the trick. John’s already wavy hair had pinged up into a perfectly coiled curl, though it probably wasn’t quite what he’d imagined.
Considering he had less than two hours to get to the venue and sort himself out, you decided you’d hold off on delivering the bad news for now. Instead, you slipped your hand around his jaw and turned John’s attention back to you. The other pencil was at a more hopeful angle but was much more tangled.
You grimaced, then gave a low whistle.
“I don’t know, New Boy. Might have to get the scissors.”
John snapped his head up, his eyes wide.
“Kidding! Kidding.”
His hands didn’t leave your hips until he got up to leave.
In an empty lecture hall in South London, rehearsals had been rolling on for seven hours now, and Queen had been arguing for at least six of those.
“I just think if we keep the refrain going for, you know, a more… It would sound better.”
“We’ve already got enough bloody refrain on this track. It’s practically trippin’ over itself with how much bloody refrain you’ve stuck on it.”
“Oh, don’t be fucking childish.”
Roger and Brian had started to bicker from the moment they picked up their instruments. What was meant to be constructive criticism had come out much more condescending than was probably intended, which led to muttered comments under Roger’s breath, which, in turn, led to Brian getting defensive.
“I just think it needs a bit more towards the bridge, there. It’s stopping and starting at the moment.”
“It’s stopping because you keep stopping it! It’s fine as it is! There’s more than enough guitar on this one already, the bloody concert’ll be- People wanna get home, you know!”
Fearing they weren’t going to get much work done at this rate, Freddie attempted to act as peacekeeper, but he couldn’t resist dropping in the odd unhelpful comment. Soon, they were all squabbling like boys on the schoolyard, arms crossed and bottoms lips jutted out.
John sat in the corner and watched. He had one long leg slung over the other, his bass a familiar, comforting weight in his lap. While he waited for his friends to finish their argument, he sighed and rested his chin on the instrument’s rib, its sleek black body cool against his skin.
His fingers itched to play. It felt like ages since he’d been able to just switch off his mind, close his eyes and pluck out a rhythm that would slot in nicely with songs formed months before he joined the band.
He shifted his bass again, so that it lay across both his thighs. It reminded him of you, of how wonderful you’d felt sitting in his lap the night you patched him up and saved him from the cold. John felt something in chest tighten, then roll through his body to his stomach. He blew out a long breath.
He couldn’t believe you’d actually worried about being too heavy for him. He couldn’t believe you had no idea how much he’d loved being close to you and how his body had missed yours ever since. John hugged his bass closer, wrapping his arms around it and catching his own wrist to hold it tight, until he could almost imagine its body was yours, warm, soft, and everything he dreamt of.
“John won’t go for that.”
He looked up at the sound of his name. Roger was smirking at him. Beside him, Freddie looked worryingly hopeful.
“Go for what?”
“I just think our look could be vamped up a bit!”
Freddie was already on the defensive and he hadn’t even explained his idea yet, a tell-tale sign that John wasn’t going to like this one bit.
John glanced at Brian, who looked indifferent, and Roger, who seemed excited to see his reaction. He raised his eyebrows and Freddie sighed.
“I just think we could try coordinating a little better. A strong colour scheme. All of us looking like a band.”
“Yeah, okay,” John said, shrugging. “I’ve got no problem with that.”
“And I was thinking we could wear a bit more makeup.”
John’s face fell.
“No way.”
“Everyone does it!”
“I don’t!”
“Deaky, it’s fine,” Roger rolled his eyes. “It’s just a bit of eyeliner, it’s not gonna kill you.”
John wrinkled his nose but stayed quiet. He knew when to pick his battles and, more importantly, he knew when he was outnumbered and likely to lose. Still, logistically there were still some issues.
“Where do I even get eyeliner?”
John thought he heard Freddie mutter something like ‘oh, for fuck’s sake’ under his breath, but Roger cut in before he could protest.
“Shops, Deaky. Come on.”
“I won’t have time! I’m always either at uni or work. I barely make it to gigs with enough time to get changed as it is.”
“Why don’t you ask your girlfriend! She wears eyeliner, I’ve seen it. And hey,” Roger grinned like a cat. “She could even put it on for you.”
John didn’t have the energy to argue. He shut his mouth again, his skin prickling with embarrassment as his friends murmured in agreement, smiling wicked smiles and whistling like teenagers.
“I’m not wearing any bloody makeup,” John said firmly, crossing his arms over his bass. “That’s the end of it.”
That’s how you found yourself between John’s knees, again, leaning in so that you could rub an eyeliner pencil dangerously close to his eyeball.
John was not taking it like a champ. For one thing, he kept bloody blinking. And he was gripping your elbow so tightly, you were starting to lose circulation.
“You know, John,” You smiled as you prised your arm from his grip for the third time. “This’ll only take a second if you just let me do it.”
John’s forehead creased, his funny mouth drawn into a thin line as he begrudgingly set his hands down by his sides. He slipped them under the lip of the table and held on so tight, his knuckles began to pale. So lanky, so smart, so sensible, and terrified of a pencil.
“So, this was Freddie’s idea?”
Immediately, you regretted asking. John scowled, almost making you drag the eyeliner across his temple.
“Stupid idea. I’m gonna look ridiculous.”
You couldn’t help smiling. You’d never seen John so cross and moody before.
“You’ll look fine.”
“It won’t suit me,” John pouted. “I haven’t got the right… Face for it. Roger and Freddie, even Brian, they’re…”
He trailed off, closing his eyes with a woebegone sigh.
Oh, no. You weren’t going to let him wriggle off the hook that easily.
You lifted John’s chin with three fingers, thinking it would force him to meet your eyes, but his stayed closed.
You slipped your thumb over his chin, his slight stubble rough against your skin, and pressed down gently.
“What?” you asked, giving his chin a little shake.
John didn’t open his eyes but you did manage to encourage a little smile out of him.
Pleased with your small win, you brushed your thumb across his chin again, more gently now, the tip of your thumbnail just skirting along the edge of his bottom lip. You ached to reach just that little bit further and tug it down. That would get his attention.
“You’re just as pretty as those idiots, Johnny. And twice as talented. And you’ve got one thing they ‘aven’t got.”
“What’s that?”
You grinned.
John finally opened his eyes and gazed at you softly. He looked tired, too tired for a boy his age, tired right down to his bones, his soul.
You watched his silvery green eyes cross your face, and found yourself wondering, not for the first time, what on earth he was thinking about when he looked at you like that.
“I’ve got you, do I?” he said quietly.
You tapped your thumb sweetly against his chin, then finally let him go.
“Actually, could you close your eyes again? It’s easier like that.”
John flinched when the tiny brush met his eyelid.
You felt bad. To his credit, John had never worn any makeup before so you knew it must feel odd for him. When he shyly brought it up earlier that afternoon, you thought he must be joking, but John had looked so mortified, you knew he wouldn’t put himself through it unless someone was making him.
You glanced at the clock on the mantle. Just half an hour before he needed to get going. John was already dressed and ready to go, you just had to make him look presentable, he’d said. A laughable idea. He looked amazing tonight. He always did. So amazing, you couldn’t help yourself.
“You smell nice. What is it?”
John opened one eye, almost sleepily.
“What are you wearing?”
You laughed softly, feeling your cheeks heat up.
John blinked, then shot you an embarrassed, lopsided smile.
It was difficult to ignore just how good it felt to be close to him again. John’s bony knees were at either side of your hips, pressing in ever so slightly whenever your eyeliner poked somewhere it shouldn’t.
You hummed to yourself, turning his chin to the left, then the right, making sure you’d jabbed the pencil everywhere you needed to. Neither of you seemed to realise there really was no need for you to be touching each other quite so much.
Instead, you just tried to focus on making sure you didn’t poke his eye out. It was infinitely more difficult putting makeup on another person, it was taking all your concentration not to make John look like a B movie monster.
“How’s school going?” you asked, breaking the silence.
John smiled against your palm.
“I love that you call it that.”
“It is school!”
He was grinning now.
“It’s going well.”
You held up two blushes, one deep red, one pale pink, then told him to open his eyes again. John wearily chose the latter, probably hoping it would be less visible than the other.
You dabbed a brush that had definitely seen better days into the powder and told him to smile.
“Are you top of your class?”
“It doesn’t really work like that.”
You raised your eyebrows and John’s forced smile turned a little more real.
“Yeah, I am.”
“That’s my boy.” You dabbed at his cheeks, hoping it would look something like what Freddie had envisioned. “Teach me something.”
John shrugged then laughed when you told him off for shuffling around too much.
“What do you want to know?”
“Anything. Which pliers are your favourite?”
John shot you a dark look as you lifted his chin again.
“You tease me far too much for someone who also claims to like me.”
“And you get shy far too much for a boy who once said he ‘fancied me like mad’.”
“I might’ve had a drink or two that night. Sorry.”
“Ahh, so you don’t fancy me like mad, that was just the Stella talking.”
John shot you nervous, crooked sort of a smile.
“I didn’t say that,” he said quietly.
Stunned, you stopped painting his cheeks. You knew you must be staring but you just needed to see him, to see into him, to know if he was just teasing you or if behind that shy smile, John really meant what he was saying. You saw nothing but real, if bashful, honesty in those clever eyes. It knocked you for six.
“See,” You poked his chest with the end of your brush. “Gone all shy again. You’re blushing.”
John rolled his eyes.
“That’s the make up.” Then, as if realising he had no real reason not to be honest with you, he added, “It’s hard not to blush when there’s a pretty girl holding my face and teasing me.”
You could feel your heart pounding in your ears.
“You like it when I tease you?”
“God help me if I didn’t, it’s all you do.”
His hands were warm on the backs of your bare thighs. When did that happen? He was keeping you close but without any urgency or force, his touch so gentle you hadn’t even registered his hands resting there.
“You’re easy to tease. You’re so ridiculous.”
You felt John’s fingers tighten, ever so slightly, against the backs of your thighs. You were suddenly acutely aware that you were wearing a skirt. All it would take was one act of bravery, from either of you, and those hands could be sliding up under it.
“You’re just all…” You gestured at him, up and down. “Skinny little thing with huge hair and big fuck off boots and… You’re just brilliant. I like you so much.”
Those last few words came out a lot quieter than you’d intended. In fact, you hadn’t intended them at all. A shyness you weren’t at all used to began to settle over you as John’s kind, clever eyes searched yours again. He was smiling such a lovely smile.
“I like you too,” John said softly.
Was it your imagination or had he moved closer? His back was straighter, his chin raised. John’s fingertips were now pressing into the backs of your bare thighs in a way that was impossible to ignore or pass off as an accident.
But then he let go, and all the tension between your two bodies dissapited at once, like all the air had been let back into the room. John gave you another wonky smile, tucking his hands under his own thighs for good measure.
“Marks on the outfit tonight?”
Letting out a breath you didn’t realise you’d been holding, you tried your best to stoke a smile.
“Oh, ten out of ten. Especially like the, um… What is this?”
When John came into work that morning, he had carried with him several bags and his bass guitar, all balanced precariously on his borrowed wheels. After his rounds, he stayed to help in the bakery and to your delight, had asked if you’d help him get ready again.
You’d only caught a flash of dark silk cloth when he showed you his outfit, stuffed unceremoniously into one of 64 Oslo Square’s own pristine white bags. Now you could see the whole ensemble and you still weren’t entirely sure what it was meant to be.
John tugged at the front of the black tunic. It had long flowing sleeve and stark, white panels that fell like a cape down his sides and his back.
“It might’ve been a wedding dress at some point? I think that’s what Freddie said?”
You flicked at the ruffles at the tops of his sleeves and shook your head.
“Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. I do love it though. All of it.”
You let your gaze slip down his front, from the white stripes that hung across his chest, to his shiny black and white platforms.
You loved those shoes. You’d often fantasised about telling John to keep them on while you tugged down his stupid, tight, faux leather trousers. There was just something about them. They made John’s already insane legs look even longer and so elegant, and the thought of him bending over the bed in them… But you’d only thought about John like that once. Honest.
You tapped the back of his hand, now sitting neatly in his lap.
“I love this ring.”
You couldn’t be certain but you thought you’d seen John wear the onyx signet ring almost every time you’d seen him. It was part of what made him John.
“It’s just an old thing.” He spun the ring around his finger a few times, then took it off and handed it to you. “My sister gave it to me. Well, my mum and my sister. For my eighteenth.”
You could feel John’s eyes on you and you studied the ring. It really was beautiful. Simple but wonderful, just like him.
Without thinking, you slipped the ring onto your index finger. The black stone shone as you held out your hand, turning it this way and that to catch the light.
“It’s lovely.”
John beamed and you felt like you’d unintentionally pleased him, like you’d struck a chord that ran deep through him. You liked the ring his family had given him. That was important to him, whether John realised it or not.
You tried to get it off. Stuck. You held your breath, trying not to panic, and twisted the ring just like John had before he took it off, but it wouldn’t budge. He’d been wearing the ring on his little finger, you remembered, it was only tiny really.
“Oh, shit.”
You twisted it again and again, your bottom lip clamped between your teeth, until John rested his big hands over yours.
“Hey, hey, don’t panic.” He closed his fingers around yours, smiling softly as he raised your hand up so he could get a better look. “I’ve got a trick.”
“I’m not gonna bite you. Just- Look, trust me.”
You watched, heart in your throat, as John raised your hand to his lips. He gently folded down your other fingers, leaving your index sticking out.
“Saw this in a film once.”
John kept his eyes down, his eyelashes dark against his cheeks. They were short and blunt, you’d never noticed that before. He was so intriguing. How could someone be so masculine in some ways and so beguiling in others?
Then your fingertips brushed his wonderful, funny mouth and you forgot how to think altogether. John carefully lowered his head until your finger had passed between his lips.
You stared, open-mouthed, as John put his teeth around the edge of the ring and gently pulled back, slowly, steadily, until it finally slipped off your finger.
He grinned, the ring caught between his teeth, then flipped it back onto his tongue and held it out for you to see.
You laughed, your cheeks burning. John was still holding your hand.
John held the ring up with a flourish, as if he’d just performed a grand magic trick.
You nodded, breathless.
It was all you could think to say. You couldn’t think much at all.
John’s gaze slipped over your shoulder. He must’ve seen the clock on the wall, because he checked his watch and sighed.
“Shit.” He squeezed your hand before letting go. “Listen, I’ve got to make a move but- Thanks, love, for everything. Dinner was amazing and so were you and- Just thank you.”
Still feeling a bit dizzy, you tried to summon a smile.
“Anytime, Johnny.”
He had started to gather up his bags and his guitar, but stopped just to tell you,
“I really like it when you call me that.”
“I know. You’re not as difficult to read as you might think, New Boy.”
John looked away for a moment, shaking his head, then he said,
“Thanks again for the…” He gestured vaguely at his face. “I wish you were coming with me.”
“So do I. I’ll be humming your songs to myself all evening, I promise.”
John looked like he wanted to say something else but, again, seemed to think better of it.
“See you tomorrow,” he said instead, then gave you a little wave as he turned to go.
Always so taciturn, never speaking unless he felt it was important, never saying more than was needed, never putting his oar in when he knew it wasn’t necessary. John never said anything without careful, quiet consideration, and even though it had been lovely to watch him slowly relax, trust, and grow in confidence, it was also wonderful to know he was still so uniquely him.
He never spoke without meaning to. The thought chimed like a bell, echoing through your head again and again until realisation finally began to settle in. John never spoke out of turn. He never said what he didn’t mean. So when he said that he’d been thinking about kissing you, all those weeks ago, it hadn’t been a slip of the tongue. It hadn’t been a mistake. He meant it. John meant it.
Suddenly, it felt like your feet had been frozen to the ground. You couldn’t move, couldn’t speak. And all the while, a prickling, breathless ache swept through your body, until it felt like your heart might beat out of your chest and you had to ball your hands into fists to keep them from shaking.
John had one foot out of the door but when you called his name, he immediately stopped. He leaned back in, surprised.
Tell him. Tell him now. Tell him how much you like him, how much you love him, love every bit of him, from his mad, fluffy, lovely hair, right down his ugly socks and his ridiculous shoes. Tell him that he’s the cleverest boy you’ve ever met and you love that he never makes you feel stupid. Tell him that he’s the best part of your day and you’d give anything to have him stay just five more minutes, because watching him leave is always torture.
Tell him that you want to take care of him, listen to him, protect him, be there for him, love him, for as long as he’ll have you. Tell him. Just tell him.
But the moment you opened your mouth to speak, those worries that you so often had to push down, finally broke through the dam you’d built to keep them at bay.
John was top of his class at one of the best universities in the city. He was an incredible musician in a band whose popularity was growing by the day. And if all that wasn’t enough, he was gorgeous. What did you have to offer? What would he want with a girl who had never stepped foot in a university and whose future was bolted to a tiny, old, struggling bakery. Why would he want you?
John was still looking at you expectantly, the corner of his funny mouth tugged up into a small smile.
“You okay, love?”
You took a deep breath.
“Do you know why the bakery is called what it is?”
John looked bewildered for a moment, then he laughed.
“Tell me.”
John still looked a little confused but he must have sensed you needed him to answer. He shuffled around his bass and his bag of clothes, then braced his shoulder against the front door to keep it from closing.
“Erm… Gladys was so happy to have her own business that she threw a bit of a do? So she was a bit drunk when she was filling in the forms. Put the address in the wrong place. And she spelt ‘Onslow’ wrong. It just stuck.” John laughed, shaking his head. “She told me it’s because she was in A Doll’s House in secondary school. She’s a mentalist, that woman. Why?”
Because you’re brilliant. And you love this place almost as much as I do. You know it and you know us. You care about something I care about, even though you have a million and one things going on in your life and the stakes are so much lower for you. Because you’re gorgeous. And kind. And just because it feels so new and odd and wonderful to be seen, to be known.
“Nothing,” You smiled and pushed the strap of his bass case further up his shoulder for him. “Have fun, rockstar.”
Queen played well that night. They were always brilliant but tonight just felt different.
Maybe it was because Mickey was able to come in today and you hadn’t worn yourself out to the point of tears. Maybe it was because Roger had grabbed you excitedly by the shoulders when he saw you, kissed your cheek and told you to come backstage after the show. Maybe it was because you’d spent the afternoon doing John’s make up again, and seeing a flicker of jealousy cross his painted and usually impassive face sent a surge of excitement through your chest.
Not even your deep running insecurities could deny that John, shy as he was, seemed to be playing to you that night. For once, he stayed near the front of the stage where you could see him. And what a sight.
You’d always been a sucker for a pretty boy, but John was the prettiest boy you’d ever seen, and standing there, his legs spread, his satiny clothes clinging to every inch of him, you found yourself pressing your thighs together with every thrum of his bass through the speakers.
You watched, transfixed, as his long, elegant fingers danced down the neck of his bass, the fingers of his other hand tugging and pulling at the strings with such strength and dexterity, you couldn’t help imagining how he’d use them on you.
You raised your heavy gaze to meet his. John was bobbing his head to his own beat, lost in the music. When he saw you looking, he smirked and tossed his hair back over his shoulder, his hips rocking enticingly back and forth as the music suddenly picked up its pace.
You couldn’t take much more of this.
After the show, you headed backstage as instructed, your ears still ringing from Brian’s outrageous guitar solo and the pounding of drums through the speakers.
You’d never been backstage before. There were no bodyguards, no dark heavy curtains or growled requests to see a pass, but it was backstage after a great gig, and that was pretty cool.
You picked your way through the cold, narrow corridors, following the signs that lead you to what had generously been called a green room. Queen’s name was sellotaped to the door.
Pushing your way inside, you found the band busy meeting their fans. There was a big crowd, surprisingly big actually. You stood in the doorway, taken-aback. You knew the boys had fans, but you didn’t realise they were this popular.
Brian was talking with a man in a dark suit, probably the owner of the club. They stood seriously in the corner, plastic cups full of something amber-coloured in their hands.
Roger and Freddie were in the midst of a big cluster of kids - a mixed group, all shapes and sizes - chatting, signing programmes and tickets, and posing for the odd photograph.
It took you a moment to find John. He was sitting in the corner on a small leather sofa, keeping out of the way. He had a drink in one hand that he hadn’t touched and was chatting quietly to a girl.
You hesitated. They were sat very close together. The girl was beautiful, all dark hair and big brown eyes, and she was listening intently to whatever it was John was saying.
Roger noticed you first. He thanked the lad he was talking to, then made his way over to you.
“Bakery girl! I’m so glad you’re here. Did you bring any cake? I’m Hank Marvin.”
“Hi, Rog. Sorry, love, not tonight.”
“I’m coming by tomorrow, you can’t lead a boy on like this,” Roger beamed. “Deaks, your girlfriend’s turned up empty-handed!”
At that, John looked up. When he spotted you, he immediately brightened.
You gave him a thin smile and mouthed that you’d meet him outside. You didn’t wait for him to respond before you slipped back into the corridor and out into the cool night air.
John was still hiking his bass onto his back when he found you standing under a lamppost, just a few feet away from the entrance to the club. Your eyes were down, your arms crossed over your chest. You hadn’t noticed him yet.
John was so pleased to see you, he wasn’t looking where he was going. He walked right out into the middle of the road, his feet barely touching the ground, he was so excited to reach you.
A car horn blared.
“Look what you’re doing!”
John almost jumped out of his skin and hurried the rest of the way across the road, just as an old Cortina went whistling past with a rude gesture out the rear window.
“What is it with you ‘n’ not looking where you’re going?”
You were shaking your head, smiling softly. The lamplight from above meant your face was partly in shadow, but the half he could see was looking at him so fondly, John couldn’t tell if his racing heart was from the shock of the car horn or because of you.
He shot you a lopsided sort of a smile.
“Distracted. Sorry.”
He offered to walk you home and to John’s delight, you accepted. You weren’t far from the bakery, maybe a ten minute walk, so you set off together instead of heading for the tube station.
John didn’t notice the quiet at first. He was never usually the first to start a conversation or the one doing most of the talking, but tonight he found himself chatting your ear off about the gig, the audience’s reaction, the trouble they had with the sound, everything.
When you finally did speak, it was quiet and considered.
“Lot of fans you lads have now.”
John laughed.
“Yeah, yeah, it’s funny, I never really thought about that side of it. It’s funny hearing people sing along to the songs still. I had a bloke ask me to sign his shirt the other day. Me!”
You nodded slowly, lips pouted. John should’ve known he was in trouble then.
“Lots of girls around you back there.”
John shrugged, suddenly feeling bashful.
"Oh, I’m sure it's just that when they come round to get autographs, they move in a cluster from one person to the other.”
“That girl you were chatting to was pretty.”
John glanced across at you. Your head was down, your arms still crossed over your chest. He sighed and came to a halt, his bass knocking against his back.
You took a few steps past him before you realised he’d stopped. When you finally noticed, you shook your head at him, your eyebrows pulled together in a deep frown.
You seemed to be making an effort to keep your voice steady and stern, but there was a flash of something behind your eyes. You were hurt.
John stuck his hands in his pockets, his shoulders almost up to his ears. As comfortable as he was with you, it was still strange to speak his mind. It didn’t come naturally but he wanted to get better, for you.
“Can we not do this?”
“You being cross with me for something I haven’t done.”
“I’m not cross!”
That came out a lot louder than you intended. You looked away.
John watched you swing your arms, hardly able to meet his eyes. He didn’t think he’d ever seen you so nervous. He couldn’t help grinning. You were jealous.
“The girl I was talking to is Freddie’s sister. She’s in the year below me, she was asking about uni applications.”
He watched, still smiling, as you visibly deflated.
There was a painful sort of pause.
John waited for you to speak again but you seemed to be struggling to string together a sentence. He resisted the urge to tease you about it. As much as you liked to toy with him, you’d never once made fun of him for being quiet. And he loved you for it.
John stepped closer, keeping his hands in his pockets and his eyes on yours.
“There were a lot of girls back there, yes. But I’m walking home with you,” he said, steady and quiet and sure. “It’s you who got me a job, and looks after me, and makes me laugh.”
You scoffed.
“That’s all you like me for, is it? Cos I gave you my bike and I make you laugh and feed you like a stray cat?”
“Yes. And…” John smiled. “And you’re kind to me. And you listen to me. And you’re beautiful and smart and… You’re so beautiful, you make my chest feel like it’s… I only want to walk home with you. I only ever want to be with you.”
John waited, heart pounding, for your verdict. You seemed stunned. In all honesty, he couldn’t believe he’d said those things either. But he meant it. He meant every word. It was about time he stopped mucking about and just told you how he really felt.
After what felt like an eternity, your astonished expression sank into a sweet smile, then a full on grin.
“You’re always full of surprises, New Boy,” you said, and laughed softly.
You fell into step beside each other again, stealing glances at each other just to catch the other doing it too. It was thrilling, the start of something wonderful, or just two people realising they had been in the middle of something for a long time and were relieved to find the other there too.
John couldn’t remember the last time he felt so relaxed, so completely at ease, but it would probably be the last time he was with you.
“It’s mad that you live around here,” he said as you walked down a row of gleaming department stores. “It’s so posh, I don’t even wanna look in the windows.”
You snorted.
“I couldn’t even afford their coat hangers.”
“It’s strange the bakery’s struggling so much considering where it is. And there’s always a queue round the corner. Is it the rent, or..?”
You didn’t know how to answer. In fact, you looked a little embarrassed, like you’d never really thought about it before. Gladys had just always said that the bakery was barely getting by and no one thought to ask. Everyone was struggling right now.
“Well, yeah, I suppose,” you said, shrugging. “And there’s ingredients and the energy bills…”
“You just always seem to sell out and your customers are always pretty well-off.”
“Gladys does all the books herself. Maybe she’s just shit at maths.”
“I could take a look?”
He knew as soon as he said it that that was a step too far. They didn’t need his help. They could look after themselves just fine. He hadn’t meant to sound patronising but John still felt awkward.
“I’m sure Gladys knows what she’s doing,” he added quickly.
“Well, let’s not go mental.”
You gave a scornful laugh, then squeezed John’s hand to make sure he knew he hadn't offended you. He squeezed back gratefully.
You nodded at a glossy car showroom on the other side of the road. Ferraris. Chevys. Bentleys.
“You know, I’ve lived in this city all my life and I’ve never been in any of these shops.”
This part of the city was a honeycomb of luxury stores you would never dream of touching, let alone passing through their doors. They hurt to look at.
John shook his head.
“Me neither.”
“You might soon. Roger was telling me someone from a record company might come see you perform.”
John spoke without his teeth separating.
“They might.”
“That’s good, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” John’s smile was forced. “Yeah it would be. Good, I mean. It’d be good. Great, even.”
Of course, you never missed a trick.
He sighed, pushing his balled up fists deeper into the pockets of his jumper.
“It really was just supposed to be part-time. This wasn’t part of the plan.”
“What plan?”
“My plan.”
You knew a little about his childhood, the uncertainty and worry of it all, so he felt comfortable talking about it. Unpredictability made a boy grow up thinking about every penny. John liked to plan and think and organise because his life, so far, had been anything but. There was control in order, and safety in the ordinary.
You slipped your arm though his.
“It’s going to be alright, you know. If things do pick up with the band. I know it sounds terrifying but,” You grinned. “It’s also very, very cool, John.”
Your smile helped to ease the ache in his chest a little, but John’s mind was whirring.
“But what if-”
You stopped, and your arm looped through his meant he stopped too.
“You’re gonna keep them on track. You’re going to keep them safe. You’re going to make sure no one messes you around, or takes you for granted, or tries to take something you made and put their name on it. They need you, John. They can’t do it without you.”
He looked down at his shoes, shaking his head, almost in disbelief.
“You’re so lovely.”
Still staring at the floor, he missed your soft smile, but John felt you move closer. Just as his heart began to flutter, you took your arm back. He immediately missed your touch but before he could begin to feel disappointed, you slipped your hands into his.
“You said they went through how many bassists before they met you? They were looking for a good musician, yeah, but you’ve got something they didn’t. A brain.”
John looked up, laughing softly, but your gaze was clear and steady. He’d never felt so seen, so held.
“You’re so smart, John. You see things other people don’t. And if one day you decide you don’t wanna do it anymore then that’s fine. But if you don’t do it because you’re too scared? Well, then…”
John felt something in his chest shift. There had been a belt wrapped around his heart - growing steadily tighter and tighter by the day - ever since he learned about this man from the record company coming to see them play. You’d finally loosened it.
“It means I wouldn’t be able to be your delivery boy anymore,” he murmured.
That was perhaps the worst thing of all. His time was already fractionated into countless pieces. If music became a full time thing, he wouldn’t be able to see you every day. John wasn’t sure how often he’d be able to see you at all.
He thought your smile looked pained as you squeezed his hands. You’d been worrying about it too.
“You were always too good for me, darlin’. Us. For us. The bakery.” You smiled, soft and sad. “I knew you were too good to be true.”
John wanted to argue. He wanted to tell you that you were wrong, he wasn’t too good for anything, but especially you. He wanted to stay. He loved his life, he loved the bakery, he loved being with you, learning from you, talking to you, making dinner with you, making you laugh, all of it, every moment. He wanted to tell you that he wasn’t going anywhere. But he also didn’t want to lie to you.
“They need you, New Boy.”
“Don’t you need me?”
“I want you, that’s different.”
John raised his eyebrows. To his utter delight, you shyly glanced away, your lips pressed together as you tried to keep back a smile.
“It’s not up to me,” you soldiered on. “You need to do whatever you need to do. But I’m gonna support you, no matter what.”
His heart was going like the clappers. John could hardly piece a sentence together at the best of times, least of all around you, but now, he could hardly gather a solid thought.
You were so good. He couldn’t believe he’d found you. In all the world, all its mess, all its people, he’d made one decision and found you, as easy and as simple as crossing the road and spotting the one shop with all its lights still on. A lighthouse, he thought, calling him home.
“Think maybe you’re the one who’s too good to be true, love,” John whispered.
Those soft, gentle eyes. He couldn’t tear his gaze away. You had this way of looking at him, of being with him, it made John feel like the only man in the world. You liked him, he knew you did. So why couldn’t he just lean forward and kiss you? Why shouldn’t he?
His gaze dropped to your lips, just for a second, but when he met your eyes again, John knew you’d noticed.
You started to smile.
His heart in his throat, John placed your left hand on his hip so that his right was free to hold your cheek.
You closed your eyes, leaning into his touch with a soft sigh.
“Of course, if you want to stay, you can,” you said quietly. “I’ve got used to having you around, New Boy.”
You seemed so small in his hands, but there was something there, in the way you’d looked at him before your eyes slipped shut, in the way your fingers pressed into his hip, ever-so-slightly pulling him into you. You weren’t surrendering to him. He was only taking the lead because you were allowing it. The thought set John’s heart racing.
“Maybe I could still do a couple of odd shifts. You know. Every now and then.”
“Weekends would be good.”
“You’re in charge, Captain.”
You opened your eyes. They were dark and full in the low light.
“I’ll hold you to that, Johnny.”
John swallowed hard.
A shout across the street made him falter. There was a crowd of young men, all six sheets to the wind and staggering on uncertain legs. They started whooping and hollering at you, waving bottles of beer starwards.
John let his hand drop back to his side.
“Idiots,” he muttered, mostly because he was fairly certain he’d been about to kiss you just then, and now he couldn’t feel his legs.
You rolled your eyes.
“Do you wanna come in?”
You nodded over your shoulder to the bakery, now just a few shops down.
It pained John to shake his head.
“Can’t. I have an exam in the morning, I should get home.”
You blinked, then laughed.
“You amaze me, Johnny.”
“Thanks for coming tonight… I haven’t told you… I’ve been meaning to… I wanted to tell you that it’s been really nice seeing you, um… I can’t think of a nice way to phrase this.”
You squeezed his hip in what he was sure was meant to be a reassuring way, but it took everything in him not to whimper.
“Just go for it,” you said, smiling.
John took a deep breath.
“Things are mad here, I know. And they always have been but especially now, with Mickey away so much and Gladys… You haven’t had any time for yourself and I can see it, you’ve been… You’re like me, you’ve felt stuck. But lately you’ve been going out and making time for yourself and… Look, I don’t really know what I’m talking about but it’s just really nice to see you so happy.”
It was probably the most he’d spoken in one go in weeks, maybe even months, but it didn’t feel as exhausting as it usually did. John knew that was because of you.
You squeezed his hip again. John had to bite back a moan.
“Thank you for reminding me that I’m allowed to have some fun,” you said, beaming.
You were good for each other, John knew that now. Physical touch no longer felt painful, because of you. Speaking his mind no longer felt like an impossibility. You hadn’t fixed him, as so many had tried to. You’d just given him the room to feel comfortable, to feel at home, and that was all he’d needed. You were good for him. Good to him. How could he ever give you up?
“Thanks for doing my makeup.”
It was a stupid thing to say, John knew it, but you were almost at the bakery door now and he didn’t want the conversation to stop, or this night to end.
“Oh, it was a pleasure. A very genuine pleasure.”
You reached up and delicately swiped your thumb under his bottom eyelashes, brushing away smudged eyeliner that he couldn’t wait to be rid of.
“It’s easy when you have such a willing participant. You were such a good boy for me.”
John almost tripped over himself at that. He recovered well, or at least he thought so. You were smiling ever so mischievously as you slipped your key into the door.
“You sure you won’t come in? The sofa’s got your name on it. Or, you know…”
Your boldness could’ve knocked him flat.
John wanted to say ‘yes’, and many other, much lewder things, more than anything in the world. He wanted to hold your face in his hands again and press his lips against yours, back you up against the door and kiss you and kiss you until you could hardly breathe.
He wanted you to pull him inside and up the stairs to your flat. He wanted you to shove him down on the bed, straddle him and just have him, take him, make him yours, and maybe even allow him to make you his in return.
But it was late. And your conversation had made him sad, though the conclusion had been a reassuring one. He was tired, and worried about the future, and not looking forward to getting up at the crack of dawn for this stupid exam.
“Soon,” John said. “I promise.”
He wasn’t sure if that last part was for him or for you. Maybe both. John just hoped you knew how painful it was to step back from the bakery, turn away from you for the night, and head home to his lonely, lonely bed.
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klunsgod · 3 months
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Fanverse (and FNaF World) designs. i believe... that's the end of the designs. obviously, like, drawings of those designs will come at a later point. maybe Reupload Gonanza again.
ha ha... probably not.
if you like, my Read More has a lot of my hopeful thoughts on the Fanverse
what a terrible initiative
promoting fans of yours into a much higher ladder of power in the fanbase is a recipe for disaster. the rush of excitement is definitely there at the beginning, but you're ultimately giving unqualified people a lot of power.
with all eyes on them, scrutiny on their actions are much more prevalent. this is very troublesome for a lot of reasons, but it's definitely brought some good. Jonochrome being exposed as a predator would've happened much later if he didn't get Fanverse-promoted.
what this has also caused is a lot of in-fighting. Cawthon says this is "Wave 1" of the Fanverse, so naturally a lot of inexperienced know-it-alls try and up their fangames in hopes of getting picked for the next Waves. give it more lighting, add more detail, make it more cinematic. the standards for a fangame in the fnaf community have risen dramatically, alienating up-and-coming developers and, at worst, causing simpler fangames to be criticized for daring to be simple.
heads will try and gain more power, to be recognized and gain the promise of having your fangame be picked by Scott and be profitable with merch and console releases -- fame, essentially. so they start scheming; gain information for more manipulation. while the fault still lies on the individuals, The Pear wouldn't have happened if not for the holy grail that is the Fanverse Initiative. part of The Pear initially worked because some games by those developers were considered for Wave 2.
i've talked with someone in contact with a leaker that's part of the Fanverse and the picks for Wave 2 were just dreadful. a PG version of Dayshift at Freddy's? come on. good thing Dialtown came out and DirectDoggo could branch out to be an original developer.
that's another thing. your original work can still be profitable without Scott's permission, and the Fanverse has blinded them all from that chance. Playtime with Percy managed to sell plushies, Shipwrecked 64 used to be a FNaTI fangame. your hard work and all profits will go to just you, and not be shared with the 40-year-old Texan that will use the money earned from your characters to donate to candidates you don't agree with.
Candy, Popgoes, Flumpty, they're all original characters that these indie devs could profit from outside of the Freddy brand. The Joy of Creation is the only thing that's forced to be inside of the Fanverse, and what a tragic thing because that's the only game in the Fanverse i honestly am excited for.
phew, okay...
yeah i am not excited for the rest of the slate. Flumpty's 3 could only be celebrated for a short while, but now you can only celebrate it with a giant asterisk hanging above your head so you can't even jump for joy. its Console release is in limbo because nobody at Clickteam wants to release the Games Made By a Pedo.
Candy's 4 has shown literally nothing to bite on, and recent scrutiny placed on the previous three games (lackluster gameplay with a disproportionate focus on story cutscenes) makes the 4th game worrying to look forward to. side content is nothing to be excited about.
despite promises of being different, POPGOES Evergreen sounds like the original 2016 POPGOES and relies on those initial fans being invested rather than bringing in a new audience, causing a static war between the parasocial fans and dickhoppers to anything Carter might say. side content is nothing to be excited about.
myPOPGOES is also just ripped off of a Radiance Team shitpost game, which is extremely funny because Radiance Team is blacklisted from the Fanverse. so imagine getting money off of a game made by a team who aren't allowed the same privileges
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and Freddy's Plus is canceled after being run by someone with the mentality of a middle schooler who still thinks it's cool to be rude to the detriment to the friends around him. right now people are desperately tripping themselves to try and "finish" Plus, but they don't have that middle schooler mindset, that vision, that true drive to one-up whatever you're shitting on, so any recreation is moot. side content has been removed; no excitement there.
i would've shat on Joy of Creation, but Nikson has recently started development and has made an incredible amount of progress in the time he's been back. an actual demo of a stage will be released in early August, isn't that incredible? side content is... not there at all, and yet excitement can be found.
so in summary: hopeless, very hopeless. except the Nikson game. surrounding that is hopeless.
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bluepwnsu · 1 year
Xelzaz Version 1.9.0 is now live!
The update features predominantly a revoice of the Main Quest commentary, as well as revoicing a bunch of older lines. There is also a whole new personal quest, and new stories for Xelzaz to tell, as he gets closer with the player! Here are the patch notes:
Xelzaz Version 1.9.0
Bug Fixes and Typos - Fixed an issue with Xelzaz’s DB Commentary where I was checking for the wrong global. - Tweaked and cleaned the navmesh added around the Hammerfell Gate that allows Xelzaz to pass through it. - Fixed some typos.
Additions - Added more sneaking lines. - Added more combat lines. - Added more opinion aware lines. - Added new greet lines. - Added new general idles. - Added new context aware idles. - Xelzaz will now drop his preserved Hist leaf on death. - Added new stories for Xelzaz to tell the player as your friendship progresses. - Added new minor gifts to give Xelzaz. Minor gifts will not boost Xelzaz’s relationship before he has received 3 of them, which then resets the counter and grants +1 opinion. The minor gifts include: Venison Horker Meat Nirnroot Raw Beef Boar Tusk Netch Jelly Salmon Roe Vampire Dust Netch Leather Chitin Plate
Quests - Added a new quest: “Of Crimson”. The quest can be triggered by speaking to Xelzaz while either of you are carrying Crimson Nirnroot in Blackreach.
Quest Commentary - Completely revoiced Xelzaz's Main Quest commentary - Tweaked and added minor additions to Xelzaz's Main Quest commentary
Spells - Added ‘Stendarr’s Aura’ to the list of spells Xelzaz can learn.
Changes - Completely revoiced Xelzaz’s introduction. Also tweaked certain lines. - Completely revoiced nearly all of the questions you can ask Xelzaz and added additional lines. - Completely revoiced all the stories from Xelzaz’s past. - Reworked Xelzaz’s story from his past dialogue. - Increased the volume of Xelzaz’s theme that plays during his stories and allowed it to loop. - Changed the giant camp combat detection line to check that the enemy is in a giant’s camp, rather than Xelzaz. - Made it so that Xelzaz’s first time in Solstheim line will only happen when he is near you and you aren’t speaking to Adril. Also revoiced this line. - Added conditions to prevent Xelzaz from commenting on quests or speaking certain idles prior to recruitment. - Revoiced, reordered and reconditioned certain combat lines. - Gave all hug dialogue from “I’m Glad You’re Here” interactions the same prompt to prevent the topic menu from skipping. Revoiced and reconditioned certain hug lines. - Xelzaz will now stop moving for a short period of time when he gets a pebble in his shoe. - Xelzaz will now not speak general idles or start interactions while he is sleeping. Quest commentary may still happen even if Xelzaz is sleeping. - Made Xelzaz headtrack Dusty when making a comment on her. - Ever so slight edits to the scene where Xelzaz’s leaves for Hammerfell to make Xelzaz’s movements more natural. - The Reclamations conversation in the Tribunal Temple in Raven Rock has been completely reworked. Additional dialogue is available depending on if the player is a Dunmer, as well as Xelzaz’s relationship with the player. - Slightly altered the journal entry for ‘A Lawman’s Ambition’ should Xelzaz leave through the Hammerfell Gate to remove the suggestion that he may return at some point. - You can no longer gift Xelzaz Crimson Nirnroot.
Player Names Added four new player names, bringing the total to 65: 62 - Aria 63 - Khaj 64 - Solana 65 - Ren
Interactions - Added a variety of more interactions between Xelzaz and Remiel. Including (very) minor quest commentary on ‘Discerning the Transmundane’, ‘Ill Met by Moonlight’ and ‘Waking Nightmare’. As well as interactions while both are relaxing in different areas. But also lots of general dialogue and expansion on existing interaction branches. - Made sure certain Xelzaz-Remiel-Redcap scenes do not repeat OR they will rarely repeat if they’ve previously occurred.
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