#he went live at 7 pm for me. it's now like 8:30 am
an-egghead · 7 months
Someone tell me why Tubbo is still live, he's been live for the last 13 hours oh his main, alt and also Jack Manifold's stream
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taboodreamsforlife · 1 year
A few years ago at the age of 30 ish find out i have a half sister. Pops had a child from a previous relationship. He knew but his x wife left when my sister was 3 days old traveling the country hiding. (X wife was weird and crazy and still in today). I was already married and had a career in mind and a family so her and i didn’t jive much until about 2 years ago we started texting more. I find out she’s been married once for about 6 months. For the most part she’s been a government support person which i don’t condone but it is what it is. I’m now 53 and she is 58. My wife and i are open in our relationship so after i guess a year of talking i find out sis hasn’t been laid in 8-9 years and i am like how. So i eventually tell her or how my wife and i are open and since we’re not really related so to speak and honestly when i was younger i always dreamed of having a sis to play with sexually. So now she knows about me fucking other women occasionally and somehow through the conversations over text i offer her my services. She initially declined but after weeks of talking i finally accidentally on purpose send her a pic or 2 of me and someone. She liked it and would then say she had to live vicariously through me. I again offered to come help her in that area. She always laughed it off but i was serious. 3-4 weeks ago i had to be in her town for business so i asked if she wanted to do lunch. She said sure i jokingly said ima get you buzzed and see if i can finger you to where u cum. She again laughed it off. We went to lunch and had a few drinks around 2 pm. I think she drank fast on purpose but she never acted like she had any intentions. After goofing around after lunch i acted like i was tired and needed a nap so we went to her house. She showed me her room and i laid down on the bed like i was gonna take a nap. She went on to do her thing, not sure what that was but i rubbed myself til i got hard. She walked into the room i acted like i was asleep and i can hear her tell her dog wow looky there. So i finally decide to act like I’m waking up since she won’t touch it. She said damn you fall asleep fast. I said yea. Then she finally say AND you were hard while you sleep what the heck was you dreaming about. I replied i think i was dreaming that i made you cum. She says i hadn’t came in 6-7 years. I tell her to come sit down next to me. She initially says nah but finally i talk her into it. I started like i was tickling her back and sides cause she laid down on her side facing opposite of me but she finally relaxed and i moved to more sensitive areas while whispering just relax. Don’t think of anything just enjoy the moment. It took awile cause she as majorly nervous and would squirm. I honestly think she came the moment my fingered entered her panties and touched her pubes. The moment i touched her clit her body convulsed. I leaned over and nibbled her ear and neck while she came so many times. I worked my way to a point where i sank a finger deep on her pussy and she screamed. Almost a scared scream. I asked her if she was ok and she said i never dreamed my own brother would ever do this. I never dreamed i would allow it. It’s so wrong. I said but it feels so right. The first time i only entered her with my fingers. I wanted her to want more. Her panties, pants and bed were completely soaked. We never kissed during that but before i left that day she kissed me wow and rubbed my cock thru my shorts. She said maybe next time she wants to see it
Let me know if you’d like to hear more
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rothjuje · 2 years
Today broke me. My spicy one screamed for 90 minutes straight this morning. At that point we still had not unpacked ONE box (Tuesday leg drama and urgent care, Wednesday leg drama and urgent care, Thursday leg drama and ER). My absence this week has been dysregulating for the kids, as well as strangers coming and going.
Everything has been just running around in circles. Hired someone to paint. He painted part of the ceiling by accident and now the whole ceiling needs to be painted. He also spilled paint in several places, but oddly not the carpet that’s going to be ripped out anyway. Sigh. On top of that I don’t even like the paint color and he did a crappy job in general so I’m just going to buy a new color and do it myself. In all my spare time. Ha. I’d never worry about paint at a time like this, but we need the living room painted to get the tv up and I need Cocomelon for my sanity.
We still don’t have lights upstairs (lamp ended up behind couch in playroom, could move couch but it’s broken and lamp will not survive twin toddlers).
Can’t unpack kitchen because there aren’t cabinet locks. Decide on baby gates instead of cabinet locks. Order them. They’re late. They get here. They don’t fit. We still don’t have pots or pans. I haven’t had a home cooked meal in 6 weeks (I’ve been surviving off of cereal and bagels) and it just makes me so sad. Baking bread was how I kept my sanity.
Basically, to unpack, you need to take things out of boxes and put them somewhere that two two year olds can’t reach. Which is simply not possible when they’re awake, because when they’re awake they’re glued to me.
So. Anyway. I regretted every decision I had ever made to get me to this point, had a good cry, and then a good scream. Then Jess the neighbor finally got to come back over (48 hours fever and vomit free) and that restored some of my sanity.
Then neither twin had a 6 pm disaster nap and they were actually in bed before 9 pm. HALLELUJAH. Yes, it’s been a thing here. I’ll look over and one of the twins will just be passed out on the floor or on the couch. Transitioning out of naps is such a frustrating time in general. Sigh.
Justin and I managed to unpack about 8 boxes each after the kids went down. You can now walk in our room, the dining room, and the playroom. There are 9 boxes left in our room, 11 in the dining room, 7 in the girls’ room, 3 in George’s room, and too many to count in the basement.
But. Progress. Actual forward motion. Thank Gd.
Okay. Leg. Sat in ER most of yesterday (I drove to one of the good hospitals and I still sat forever, and then they had 5 patients in these giant rooms with little dividers). Texas is so different. You wait for 30-60 minutes and then get your own spacious room. Honestly, Texas has a lot going for it. It’s very functional down there. I miss it, a lot.
Anyway. Rash is still spreading, but that’s normal up to 5 days into antibiotics they say (which I wish urgent care would have said, I would like my time and money back from yesterday please). So. They said the purple is fine, the blisters are fine, that if it’s necrotizing it will be immensely painful and if I feel immense pain come back.
Hoping that things will continue on the up and up. Dining room looks cute, our room more spacious than we thought, playroom very cute. In-laws come tomorrow and I am very very thankful for the extra hands. I miss seeing familiar faces and I’m excited for the normalcy of a visit.
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6.7.24 Friday
2:36 am
Still,have windblow...
It is weird if people are plastics or controlling... From last week they were sending me mails that were coming from UK... Then, now coming from Philippines... huh?
Let's respect each other's lives.... I guess mail is just a symbolism of your love or bf or lover...
I know LOVE and I respect LOVE and I haven't have it for 17 years... I do love and admire people or men that I like virtually/youtube... But you can't actually say that LOVE is final until you have it with you... It also it depends on the situation. Or an old flame that you knew from the past... But you don't know, probably it is just an old flame like for "old time sake"... But trying to control anyone's life that is totally unfair,let it flow and let each other decide for our lives... It is not yet here with me...
Allow me to have it and talk not anyone deciding for me...
Like, I don't know what is actually is inside Garret's heart or mind... It is only Garret can tell, Daniel as well...
I will always love Garret...
3:04 am
For Pete & My cousin( my cousin white) who is already married...Is it "Justine"??? hahah♡♡♡
Love for someone that has a blood link on you, it will be forever even from a far...
3:23 am
Still,have windblow...
You shouldn't break anyone's heart by tellin' the truth...
You will not break someone's heart if you will know love...
You can't break a heart if you are mature...
It is like, I love "Justine".... My cousin white...
Is it "Justine"??? ♡♡♡ bittersweet...
8:14 am
Still,have windblow...
I'm not ohkay... I'm thinking of money & job....How will I pay my creditz??? I need a job angels....I hope there will be an account.. I still need HELP on money,how to pay my creditz???
I really do feel fat,ugly and old... 17 years I lost my stories and my future....I wanna travel and fix myself... I wanna fix myself coz I feel ugly. I wanna do nose perfection, I don't wanna aged for nothing...
9:28 am
Still,have windblow...
Thanks Marah & Kuya Erning for the 7 water containers...
175 pesoses today...
10:35 am
Still,have windblow...
I need money... What am I gonna do angels?
I just hate a man if he knows that I need money and he will help me but commenting negatively on me and about my situation here with my family. I know there is no perfect family and there are some gaps but I just don't like a faker man with me...
I don't like a faker man with me even on words or verbally coz it is 85% that faker man who talks negatively about me will do a physical abuse on me... I'm really scared of faker man...
A faker man has a tendency to kill you coz he is a faker man. A faker man will help and will say bad things about you and negative things about your life coz he is a faker man.
10:46 am
Just love & help...
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11:12 am
11:24 am
11:59 am
This Uncle Jun is creating an argument again about Ate Liza's that I should get a food but Ate Liza said Uncle Jun didn't say anything...
He went here few minutes ago then he shouted at me about me,why I didn't get food on Ate Liza's Carinderia'z...
I said I went there awhile ago but Ate Liza said Uncle Jun didn't say anything on her... So, I said I will text him first and I texted him and no reply...
Or another tandem strategy of him with Uncle DD??? They can't give a righful assistance here...
1:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
Shocking... This is the type of Prince of Egypt??
It sadden me....That the next Queen will be like that??? I'm not skinny and I'm not tannish...
Still, hating Manaloz... They are aiming to get the Prince of Egypt...
Daniel save my chubbiness...
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The Manaloz are preparing so much to get the crown of Queen of Egypt...
I hate Manaloz! They don't like shorty,white and chubby... They are preparing so much to have the crown...
1:30 pm
I want this angels...Daniel I want it... hahah... Self-pitying...
2:02 pm
Still, have windblow...
Still,thinking of money and panicking... I feel self-pity... I wanna get a career... I wanna do a nose perfection, I feel old and ugly and fat for 17 years...
Everything is unfair from the start...
I feel jealous on things that I don't know,that I must know...
I wanna travel and my vanity...I feel self-pity for 17 years... They took away my future... I wanna do breast implants... I wanna feel and see the world... I feel self-pity...
Mercy on me...
2:40 pm
The gang of Uncle DD gave us a raw banana with bagoong as merienda'z and this lunchie they gave us a pancit...
But on me there is no assistance...
9:05 pm
Still,have windblow...
Done,combing John's fur... Done, doing magic on our bathroom... Still, I want vanity... Somehow,tired...Resting before taking my full shower.
On the other angle not my ideal life here, so flat... I feel fat,old and ugly...
Drinking my coffee while resting... I feel self-pity..
I feel self-pity... I never feel pretty from the past 17 years ... I didn't do anything bad on anyone... I'm still wondering if Mitch did something about "giving simple battery" on me???
I feel bitterish can't find people who are mature and mutually able to connect on me about life... I feel panicky on how to pay my creditz?? What about my future? What about my dreams? I wanna travel and I want my vanity.
I feel bitterish can't get a bf for so long to assist me these days, a good person with maturity...
I need a job and money... I wanted a perfection on beauty coz I envy people on TV... I admire people on youtube coz I wanted to travel but in a way there is a new emotion in me... I feel somehow self-pitying and I feel envious coz those people are lucky and I'm not a bad person for me not to be able to achieve things that I wanted like love, fame and money...
Life is easy if my cousin white is single.. Well, the old flame is good but I know he is busy on something but hoping a lift. Is Daniel super busy??? I don't wanna push him on things if he don't want to help me???
Garret is famous,how can I reach him???
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kittyfairyblog · 2 months
April 18 2024
Well I am back here once again after not being present for a couple of days. My day yesterday was an absolute terrible day. Nothing seemed to go right. My two close friends suddenly weren't talking to me and this really upset me. I usually don't let things like that bother me but it did. Plus it was a dark cloudy rainy day. It rained yesterday also it stormed too. It was pretty much a day that I wanted to cry. Thankfully I posted something on one of my Autism groups about how I felt. I was down and out that day yesterday. Today is Thursday and I am trying not to be another depressing day. I am on my blog instead of writing because I just don't feel like writing. I am sitting in the living room listening to the music group called Scandal which is a Japanese rock band. I am pretty much wearing all black even though I think my shirt is navy blue hehe. I just can't seem to return to the novel I had been writing. I took a couple of days off from writing and it seems that I can't get back in the swing of things. I had ballet class on Tuesday evening from 7:30 pm to 8:30 pm. There was a different teacher teaching the class. She was good looking to say the slightest. I don't understand, I am jumping ahead to today, how my friends who i talk to all the time on Facebook Messenger and Instagram go from chatting with me to suddenly poof they disappear then they come back. This is upsetting because i am in the middle of talking with them but then they disappear. I hope none of them find this blog because of what i write in it. Not that I would blame them because they are really close to me even though we are not local. Right now it is or usually is writing time but since I don't feel like it I am writing this entry instead. Even though the mail today came around 12:15 pm I still find it frustrating because I want the mail to come later. I don't know what it is but I like sitting here in the living room waiting for the mail. It might be strange but I like doing it. This might seem like I am depressed all the time and lonely but my dad he works nights third shift so he sleeps during the day. My mom works babysitting my niece and nephews while my sister works. So that leaves me basically alone in the house just with the dog Kylie. I don't drive so that's another thing and the bus route is a couple of streets in away. I don't like this neighborhood. I used to walk around this neighborhood but I don't anymore. I stick to the yard when I am with Kylie our dog. The only times I am outside is when I am with Kylie. I don't know why this bothers me so much but I just don't like the neighborhood even though we've been leaving here about 2 years now I guess. When I used to live alone really alone I used to be able to walk to town which was a short distance away from where I lived. I used to always go to town and there wasn't anything really stopping me. Then bang I got depressed seriously depressed and everything changed. I moved back in with my folks and that's been that. Since moving back in with my parents we lived in a couple different places until we moved here two years ago. The last place we lived before this I got to go to the woods or a wooded area with lots of trees next to a railroad that went through it. It was nice. I hung out on the front porch a lot. I actually got to go outside but here I am afraid to go outside. There's not any covered porch and well when I do go outside it is with Kylie like I said before. Well I think I am just rambling here. We are supposed to get our lawn cut today or tomorrow but it's looking like it'll be tomorrow. My sister's house her AC unit is out and we my folks and I don't have a clue when they are going to find a way to fix it. However our AC unit is working properly. Sigh right now my dad is sleeping from being at work last night so I am in the house by myself. My dog Kylie is somewhere in the house probably resting too. I took Kylie outside twice today. I am sorry I haven't posted any pictures lately. Anyway time to go.
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fioaezzu · 3 months
blog number 1: fiu's / fio's blog
table of contents:
-intro text and warm welcome
-what happened at me today?
-what did I learned from this day?
hi lovelies, are you interested to read?
hello lovelies, glad you're here to read my blog today. *smiles* please take a coffee and starts to sip, because I'll be sharing some of interesting happened today in my life!
I'm willing to read all of the comments lovelies, don't hesitate to share your day with me! have a good day.
what happened today?
I'm here outside, done reading a book. wonder what book I am reading? It's "I had the same dream again" it's a really nice book! you should try to read it too.
March, Second, 2024 at Frankfurt, Germany.
4:30 AM: it was a lovely day to start a good morning. I cooked one egg and prepare a hot fresh rice to eat. when I finished eating I put gears on and droves my bike. (motorcycle) I went to a cafe named Sueño. I ordered 1 latte for myself then after that I went to ride again. it was early in the morning so I started to reach 3 digits speed on my motorcycle Yamaha R1. It feels amazing riding while listening to a playlist called "Study Lo-Fi 2024" at the app "Spotify". I have met a really mascular men riding a Ducati today. he waved at me and I waved back. I didn't had a chance to ask his name because I suddenly accelerate because I was too shy and blushing that time! yeah, that's so true. I think that's why I am still single at the age of 23.
7:00 AM: I goes back at home real tired, so I took a quick nap and washes my dirty clothes. after that I watched a TV show, which really entertains me.
12:57 AM: I'm going to continue it!
after I watch some TV shows I drew könig! oh, I love könig. then after clearing my mind on sketching könig, I proceed to go out and get some fresh air.
8:00 PM: I was a bit sad realizing my life was so boring that I only live alone so I went riding again.
10:00 PM: I went home real tired... my body almost shaking as hell...
12:00 AM: I'm eating some tacos for my dinner! (oh please don't do what am I doing right now, it's unhealthy!)
what I learned today? (sharing some thoughts also)
- actually my life was a bit normal anyways but can we just tell it's peaceful? no distractions, no boys, no marriage... but I really need one... (I don't wanna die virgin! \⁠(⁠≧⁠ロ⁠≦⁠\⁠) !)
- I am really suck also at... that thing called "love" that I never had EVER ON MY EXISTENCE! now, I am so confused how it feels like being hug, cries on someone's shoulder, being sang by someone, being able to share and open up with someone, just you know! it's so good! (until you guys broke up lol)
- okay so what you learned and I learned this day is bro don't be single it's worst. just kidding, I meant, it's way more peaceful being single like... you have no responsibility on your children, (cause you haven't f*cked yet) you can do whatever you want without limitation, (because your husband wouldn't stop you from whatcha want to do) and lastly! bro you're living alone! you prove yourself you can stand without anyone's help! omg be proud!
goodbye lovelies, I hope you enjoy that... I really hope... okay so, stay safe! ride safe! see you tomorrow!
- if you got some questions put it down at the comments!
thank you for reading, appreciate you! \(°v°)/
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ohimesama · 1 year
2.1.23 Wednesday
5:36 am
Duty again...Hoping to find my partner... hmmm... Life is full of mystery...I do value friendship so much... Mowninglezz Angels!!!
Thanks to me....Be thankful Uncle DD, I was able to restart mama Neko again just like John.. In a lil while... Still, a big question mark...
My original partner ... My baby John...
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7:14 am
Shocking story about Anid... Already here with mommy Adnil...
Mommy Adnil told me that don't talk to tricycle driver or don't accept a free ride. Huh? I was shocked... I told mommy I always pay... Coz someone asked Anid a tricycle driver if I'm here... But Anid didn't text me about this thing...
7:39 am
Mommy Adnil already eating her breakfast... And LJ went down and I greeted her good morning and asked about her gay uncle that is dead already coz I told her someone asked me last week, if your gay uncle is here... I was shocked as well...
8:09 am
Done,serving breakfast on Mommy Adnil... Then, Kuya OJ is wearing a jacket this am with a printed word of "Pepsi" that is linking with the 3 tv personalities who had an issue of rapist, mainly on "Eat Bulagah". Weird people...
Anid is fake on me angels... She insisted that she texted me about the tricycle driver who asked about me but I did a back-read, nah... But this am she is telling me that she was able to text me that issue...
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8:30 am
I still have this fucking windblow... And still thinking of a better road....I will be here with Mommy Adnil until April angels my employer knew about these things....Hoping for a better healing as soon as possible for mommy Adnil...
About an issue here of crime it seems they are all ohkay with that... Meaning my concern is my life and Anid's life and I'm a genuine friend.
Awhile ago I just asked LJ about her gay-uncle who died at somehow the same years of his grandfather but LJ told me that gay-uncle died of stomach disease.
My main point I'm a true friend angels...My conscience is clean...
But for ManaloZ there will always be a trial! I will never flow on any crimes inside the family or church without logical reasons...
8:40 am
About Uncle Jun, I'm used to his behaviour being just an observer....Asked me a 100 yesterday for his lotto and serves as my lil share on him and payment for cleaning John's floor mat. Coz my salary is not that big... But also hoping and praying that Uncle Jun can win on that lotto thing coz I told him if he wins a jackpot, he should give me money....
11:09 am
Done, doing everything such as cleaning Mommy Adnil's room, in a way cleaning the living room but not caregiver's task just maturity coz I can't stand the smell of pussy cats poops...
Done, cleaning Mommy Adnil's body and her flower... She has a beautiful flower for her age and having 5 kids... Fluffy flower ;)
My pie died due to we can't open our ac for now... I feel bad about that....
The house here is high ceiling meaning spacious and the air can flow... So,that it feels fresh and windy...
Chill,waiting for lunch time... Relax2x...
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1:35 pm
Done,eating our lunch....Me and Mommy Adnil... I eat here and if there is bread in the morning I can always ask for a permission to eat it... Like this am,I asked permission from LJ if I can eat the bread and get some egg sandwich in the refrigerator...
I still have this windblow trap cult of Manaloz.
The latest thing here, a black belt hanging inside their bathroom,not sure if it has a meaning or nothing someone just hanged it there but on the belt there is a metal lock and it has a printed brand of 5'11"....
In the nutshell:
I just don't like people who will interfere on someone's life without asking permission on the person involved...
I always think of etiquette and value people and value friendship.
Like the crime issue here it wasn't really coming from me at the beginning, some people outside just approached me and tell those things and for me it is not interfering, it is being concern on people that you think having a good soul or innocent.
Crime issue is a thing to talk about if the people involved are willing... But! Here I'm just giving hint that people outside approached me and if they did something or if something happened here it is for the people here to think or give way to open a very sensitive crime topic. But if they ignore me on giving hints meaning, the crime was ohkay for them coz originally they are blood-related, as far as I know... But me and Anid we became a family here coz we do care for our elderly here, Mommy Adnil...Me and Anid we considered them in a way as family coz all the poops and urine and all the tantrums of Mommy Adnil, we are able to embrace it with all our hearts, while me and Anid are still here...
But for Manaloz and for the church of christ I will make sure there will be a trial and logical reasons...
Mommy Adnil always scolded me lately for not drinking water....Coz I always drink coffee here... But I told her, Mommy Adnil I'm drinking water and yeah! I'm drinking water literally... ;)
6:18 pm
Borrowed a book from their bookshelves here, particularly book of LJ...
Hmmm.... Interesting...
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7:02 pm
Kuya OJ will fetch me angels...
8:15 pm
Whew! Stressed-out.... I don't have a partner,bullshit... Though, I explained the crime... Anid is not serious on things like those issues...
Probably Anid is connivance or just a piece of innocent thing! She is not a good partner... Even as friends she must think of our safety...
8:28 pm
I can't believe that Anid is just walking for a year there in the subdivision of Mommy Adnil...
8:48 pm
Our toilet flush is very slow....Fuck! Another stress for me...
Went outside bought a liquid wash and 2 sticks of fortune for Uncle Jun, thanks for taking care of John coz my salary is still small...
I'm gonna use the liquid wash as a solution to remove the stuck stuff inside the bowl...
9:36 pm
Just checking some picture frames,hmm... I wonder who is the gay-uncle?
Was it really their youngest on the wall pictures,Mommy Adnil 5 children... On the graduation picture they told me that the gay was the youngest but!
I saw a picture frame a guy wearing a black shirt that 70% that is the gay-uncle... hmm....Somehow, good looking...
Hmm...He killed their father or his uncle that gay-uncle coz of money! They have a relatives who are active in resorts world lately...
I was thinking if he was Kuya Ebob but gained weight a lil but he is a tricycle driver....
But on the old picture he looks like somehow Allan the guy I met in Tagged... But a Filipino version of skin tone coz Allan in Tagged looks like american...
Karma begets karma...
Mr Xela texted me that he is not interested. Even the owner of Nightingale.... I hope they can experience this stress in their lives....Karma begets karma.
9:56 pm
In a way....They can have the way to destroy my credibility... Coz my entrance there on Mommy Adnil was through Anid...
A recap, Anid is on 4th layer status of caregiving that's why she was able to accept the payment lower than expected but still above,above,above minimum... Coz the caregiver salary per day is really 3500 per day... We are receiving below 3500 per day....I have no problem for now with my employer now, coz I told Anid I badly need this case experience a bedridden with a bedsore and I need money these days or I need a consistent job...
Me,let's just say of the suma cumlaude in our batch in Caregiving when it comes to theory accepted the same amount coz my ticket of entrance was Anid. Coz Anid was there started month of August 2022....So, possible that Anid is a connivance of that family.
10:35 pm
Still having the windblow trap....I care for Mommy Adnil aside from I need a job... But this job is kinda stressful coz of the location of their house....The issue of crime, it is stressful...
Being a caregiver is a dignity... It is good to do this kind of job in the homecare, in abroad particularly....Where the set-up is really upper and wealthy... The advantage of homecare,any moment you can meet other caregiver's in a general hallway.Though per room they have their own TV, in homecare they can get along with other caregiver and elderly...
It is not an easy job in a private house...
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alluringjae · 3 years
queen of hearts - sjn
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summary: for the first time, one of your star students hasn’t been fetched right after class. but when she finally does, you weren’t expecting such a fine man to be her father.
pairing: johnny x female reader
word count: 5.5k
genre: fluff, romance, comedy | ceo and single dad!johnny + ballerina!reader + modern day!au
warnings: mentions of an absent parent, johnny being an overthinker, sexual innuendos (ten saying dilf hehe), slight explicit language, technical terms of ballet, a mini reference to mean girls
author’s note: sooo i came in touch with my former dance life, which led me to write this. there are links for the variations i used; their names are underlined when they’re mentioned. i am going to get technical with ballet terms here (even when my ballet knowledge decreased), so to any dancers reading, i really did my best, so please don’t come for me or do correct me for any mistakes.
although one character and her dance background, plus the name of the setting, are real, everything else about it is still a work of fiction.
i miss dancing, no cap.
leave me some feedback, constructive criticism or hellos!
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Ballet student and teacher by day, a soloist of the Korean National Ballet at night.
This was your daily routine, and it wasn’t the typical 8-5. But it’s debatable whether or not it was worse, because you’re always going overtime. That’s the thing when you’re an overachiever. Nonetheless, you loved what you do. It’s the lifestyle you gradually built since your preschool days.
Mornings on the weekdays were mostly vacant since all the kids were still in school. You’d start at 10 am for a warm-up class for the company. Before you delved into teaching and assisting, you’d train right after your lunch break. Partnering class, en pointe class, 1-on-1 sessions with choreographers, self-practice, then the company night class, that’s the organization of your week.
Now adding the teacher title, you mostly handled kindergartners to 5th graders in the academy aspect of the company. Your first teaching class would start at 1 pm. It’s when the younger students who finished their morning classes zoom into your assigned dance studio. One class would last an hour and a half, then you have a 30-minute break in between another class with the older kids. Their lesson repertoire was more strenuous due to the added across-the-floor lessons and jumps. Water was always your best friend, water refilling stations located everywhere in the company building.
You wouldn’t say you’re a strict teacher, but you weren’t shy to correct anyone from wherever you stood. You’d lightly align their arms or back properly so your students were working on the correct body parts. Compared to the other teachers, a lot of students enjoyed your kind yet frank approaches. Your former students, who’ve already gone to the higher levels, missed your lively presence and wished repeatedly that they want you back as their teacher.
“Teacher (Y/N), I miss you so much! Teacher Ten is so intense. I get the jitters especially when we’re en pointe on the floor.”
“Teacher (Y/N), Teacher Sicheng and Teacher Seulgi scare the heck out of me during partnering class. Especially when I tried to lift my partner, I keep losing focus because of Teacher Sicheng’s never-ending comments!”
Not to be sadistic, but you’d simply laugh at their minuscule complaints. Even if they’re struggling in the academy, those comments were directed to fix their techniques if they wanted to breakthrough.
“Kids, you’re going to be fine! They wouldn’t say or do those things just because they wanted to. They’re here to push you to the next level, like how I used to do with you. It’s a cut-throat industry after all.”
This was always your reply, bittersweet and truthful. Not everyone makes it, unfortunately, so if you’re really striving, you’d do whatever it takes. Throughout your career, you’re relatively impressed with how far you’ve come.
Trainee at 17, Corps de Ballet at 18, Demi-Soloist at 21, and Soloist at 23.
You’ve been a soloist for 4 years. The final stage, which was to become a principal dancer, is your running goal. Becoming a soloist was praiseworthy enough because you’ve seen so many give up in the Corps, but claiming a spot as a principal dancer has been the ultimate dream. Since you’ve watched Swan Lake for the first time at 4 years old with your parents, that’s where you found a passion for dancing and the stage. Here you are years later, practicing numerous variations daily, performing in opera houses, and mentoring all these gifted kids.
Your last class with elementary kids, which began around 5 pm, reached its end once all the students curtsied in front of you and scurried to their mothers or their nannies. The remaining plan on your agenda today was the company class at 7:30 pm, which exceeds the average hour and a half. It’s worse during show season. There have been times everyone went beyond midnight to polish every scene from head to toe.
Currently, there’s no upcoming show for the public, though the annual summer recital for the students was around the corner. Selected members of the company were chosen to perform individually in it, which was both exciting and intense. It’s also because it’s an evaluation on whether you’d get promoted in status or staying put. You’ve partaken in 3 recitals in the past, two of which elevated you from the corps and demi-soloist ranks. The recent one, however, didn’t change your soloist ranking.
It was a major first in your career in ballet, and after finding out the result of the latter, it emotionally pained you. Recalling how much soul you put into that piece, the rejection from your artistic director clenched your heart. Though in time, you moved on from it and viewed it as a stepping stone. Also, Sicheng and Ten personally stormed your apartment to pull yourself together with wine and pizza after going on a short leave.
Since you were trainees, Sicheng and Ten were your best friends in and outside the company. Working daily to occasional barhopping, that’s your youth summed up. It wasn’t because you didn’t like the girls you’ve worked with (though a lot of them were fake and bitchy), but these two were frank and humorous as hell. Together, you’d help each other with your goals rather than be competitive. Over time, Ten leveled up to a principal dancer for 2 years running while you and Sicheng were still soloists. The way you’d watch Ten take all the big roles, that’s where you want to be one day.
Back in your last teaching class, the entire dance room was vacant. Since it’s mainly used for ballet classes, you’d either run through anything you’ve practiced from the company classes and polish it or warm up a little bit more.
Except for today, this was the only free time to sew a new pair of pointe shoes because your current ones were dead. Dead in a sense that the hard shell turned soft, which won’t be able to support you when you’re up on your toes. You’re not taking any risks of minor injuries especially when you’re in the current lineup of company members performing for this upcoming recital again. You have to prove to everyone that you deserve a position as a principal dancer.
As your legs sprawled in a half middle split, your sewing equipment laid in front of you like you’re about to perform surgery, a tiny girl stood by the ajar studio doors. In her neat bun and holding on to her small duffel bag, you’re convinced everyone has gone home already since it’s quite late.
You may have your priorities as a company member, but she was still your student.
“Minji!” You shouted her name, speedily waving your hand. You’re not one to have favorites, though you couldn’t help wonder how extraordinary she was. She’s always taking charge in demonstrating the lessons to everyone and improving every session in the 3 years she’s joined the academy. “Come in! Come in!”
At age 7, she’s gotten taller through the years, above the average from how you see it. She must have amazing genetics. Her legs sauntered in seconds to you. Sitting down across you, she marveled at your setup. Specifically, at the fresh pointe shoes.
“Are those yours, Teacher (Y/N)?” She perked up, caressing its soft fabric and playing with the mini bows of the drawstrings.
“Yes, it is, Minji!” You answered while trying to insert the thin thread through the small eye of the needle. “Why are you still here? Is your nanny stuck in traffic or something?”
“My nanny went on sudden leave, so my dad’s the one fetching me. But I think he’s running late from his job.”
Oh, this was a first to know about her father. In all the years she’s been your student, you rarely caught sight of him, even in recitals. Maybe he sat in an unknown section, but you’re pretty much acquainted with all the parents of your students. Even if some were snobbier than the rest because they wanted their child to have more stage time, you still got to know them out of respect. Quite odd, if you said so yourself.
After deep concentration, the thread triumphantly passed through the eye so you tied the two ends of the thread in a double knot. Seeing as Minji attentively watched you, you tasked her to cut the ribbons of your shoes according to the trail of pencil marks. This was so she wouldn’t cut it too short or too long. While she did that, you hammered your shoes against the floor to soften the hard front, bending the shank back and forth so the arch of your feet could move without difficulty later.
Minji wasn’t expecting such loud sounds, her entire body shaken awake. Her facial expression was priceless, explaining to her, “Once you get your first pointe shoes in a few years, this is one of the basic things you need to do so your feet won’t hurt too much while dancing.”
“Will you be there to teach me how to make my pointe shoes?”
“Absolutely! Come to me first then I’ll mentor you all that I know.”
The process of sewing and breaking new pointe shoes engraved your mind since your adolescent years, with changes along the way. Inspired by some tricks from your former teachers, but there were some differing rituals you followed. There’s no definite process of it, just as long you’re comfortable to dance after.
With your feet, you stepped on the hard boxes of the shoes to soften it more, creating a popping sound. Followed by sewing your elastic bands in. For your ribbons, you liked to burn the edges with a lighter so the thread of it won’t run. Kindly asking your cute assistant for the lighter beside her, you scanned the edges back and forth the flame. In seconds, the edges had a distinct mark, fully closed. From there, you slid your feet to your shoes to make final sewing adjustments. Sewing your ribbons took you another few minutes, plus adding superglue inside the shoe so the shoe won’t collapse when it unstiffens and scratching the shank with a cutter so you won’t slip later while dancing.
Voila, the final product is done! Hopefully, it can last you a week at least.
“Wow, Teacher (Y/N), it looks pretty!” Minji applauded, collecting the mess you’ve both made to dispose of later. You, on the other hand, gave her your thanks once you applied some bandages on your big toes and put on your toe pads. Slipping inside the shoes and tying them, you rose up back to your feet and headed to the bar to break them in. From plies-relevésto forced arches, the shoes gave you the sensation that they were an extension of your feet. The ease flowed through, meaning you were ready to practice your variations.
While you stepped your shoes in rosin for friction, your curious student moved to the front where the mirror lied to watch what you’ve prepared.
“What variation are you dancing to?”
“This is the Gamzatti variation from La Bayadere.” You replied, tapping the play button on your phone and racing to your position on the side. Talking a short ballet walk, you strongly prepared your arms before the music of the orchestra takes off.
This variation consisted of a lot of jumps and turns. Grand jetés, attitude turns, chaîné turns, you needed a lot of core control and proper spotting so you won’t get dizzy. The thrilling music lessened your nerves because you enjoyed learning this piece from one of the principal dancers, smiling and letting the music guide your legs. Once you nailed 3 consecutive grand jetés, the variation ended with a sus-sous and the wrists of your hands flicking upwards.
Holding it for 5 more seconds, you landed back on your feet with heavy breathing and a need for water. But before you could, small claps and cheers from Minji in front erupted. Momentarily, you’ve forgotten her presence because dancing solo puts you in your own space. You’d never let anyone take you away from it.
“Teacher (Y/N), that was wonderful! Are you performing that in the summer recital?”
Yikes, she’s right but she wasn’t meant to see it yet. Solo performances from the company members for the recital were top secret, only unveiled during the production rehearsal. Well, you didn’t think this through, but you didn’t mind.
“Can you keep a secret?”
Time ticked a lot faster today, only 10 minutes left until the company class on the ground floor whereas you were in the second. Just a few steps down the stairs away, yet Minji was still here. You only presumed that within your hour break, her father could’ve made it already. But maybe he’s stuck in traffic or at work.
“Minji, my class starts soon. Have you contacted your father?”
“I already texted him earlier, but he hasn’t responded. This happens often, he’s a busy man.” She bowed in front of you suddenly. “I’m sorry, Teacher (Y/N) for the hassle.”
“Oh no, please!” You shook your hands so she’d stop. Because this situation was relatively new, you were unsure of how to handle it. Or that was until you remembered what Ten texted you earlier. “Minji, the blinds of the main studio are going to be lifted so anyone from the outside can view us practicing. Would you like to watch until your dad gets here?”
With her insistent nodding, she situated herself in one of the seats in the front row. When you entered the main studio, your two close companions already carried a metal barre to the center and leaned towards it while observing you walking to them in your flat shoes.
“I see we have a bit of an audience here.” Ten glimpsed at the young girl, astonished by the many dancers prepping and chatting away with their cliques from the glass barrier.
“Her dad isn’t here yet, and you did say the blinds were up today. Might as well give her a show while she waits, you know.” You lifted your right leg to the top barre, stretching it with your arms.
“Hmmm, shouldn’t her dad be more cautious though? It’s getting late and it’s a Thursday. Doesn’t she have school or something?” Sicheng pointed out, discarding his muscle tee to straighten out his leotard.
“That’s not my business though. She’s just my student, and since she’s still here, I have to entertain her while she waits.”
Before your friends said anything back, the artistic director of the ballet company strutted her way to the center of the room. It’s a common rule here that once she entered, everyone must be silent to listen and race to any free spot in the numerous barres spread out if they haven’t.
“Alright, everyone. We’ll do the typical barre, then before doing across the floor exercises, I’ll be requesting those performing solos already in the recital to dance any variation tonight as another evaluation on who deserves to perform twice.” She eyed the pianist directly beside her. “Proceed first with two demi-pliés then one grand plié. Don’t forget to do the port de bras of each position.”
As the live piano music played, your focus was divided. Partly properly executing the exercise while your artistic director roamed each barre area, partly thinking about what variation to perform. This was a first for the company, and everyone was just stunned to hear the breaking news. It’d be nice to get an extra opportunity to showcase to people your potential.
30-40 minutes flew by quickly. As the guys carried the bars to the side to clear out the floor and the girls changed to their pointe shoes, the artistic director ordered all the performers of the recitals to stand in a line in front of her. Everyone else was seated around the room, so the interested eyes of everyone were on you. There were 10 performers, half are from the corps and the other half are either demi-soloists or soloists. You and Sicheng stood beside each other, internally shaking with nerves under the intimidating eyes of the artistic director. She used to be a principal dancer for the Stuttgart Ballet in Germany before moving back to Seoul, making her undeniably capable of leading all of you.
“Okay,” From her seated position observing the 10 performers, her finger pointed at you directly. “Ms. (Y/L/N) (Y/N), you perform first.”
Your nerves intensified and more sweat streamed out your upper body. Even if going first felt more relieving, no one was ever brave enough to perform individually in front of the esteemed artistic director. Principal dancers aside from Ten that you’re close with were intimidated when they have 1-on-1 or partnering sessions with her. But anyhow, in less than 2 minutes, you’d be done. This wasn’t the first time she’s had your full attention either, so you’ll treat it like the other individual performances you’ve had.
You smiled to yourself when the other soloists left you alone, while you gave the name of the variation you’re dancing to the pianist. Running to the side to put on a practice tutu, the artistic director asked, “What will you be dancing for us tonight, (Y/N)?”
“I’ll be dancing Queen of the Dryads from Don Quixote.”
The last time you did this variation was 3 years ago during the recital that didn’t change your position as a soloist. Even if this variation hurt to think about for a while, it was still one of your favorites to watch and do. Moving on, you could only muse how powerful and beautiful you felt at that time. This isn’t an easy piece to perform in your opinion. Yet according to the members of the company, this was their favorite solo of yours.
As the starting notes unfolded, you took a deep breath and elegantly walked into the frame. You only wished you wore your fake crown again for this. Minimal smiling and light arms, you imagined yourself as an actual queen who captured the eyes of many. In this case, your fellow seniors and juniors held their breaths at the captivating sight of you.
Off you go into a series of glissade jeté developpé on relevé at elevating heights, then a fouetté arabesque and another arabesque on relevé before ballet walking again to the side to dance across the stage. Sissonne to the front, right developpé to the front on relevé, pique to prepare for a single pirouette, you gracefully did a chassé to the front twice and stood on your toes with a sus-sous.
Doing it a few more times, the climax of the entire variation was nearing. Returning to the center, you took another deep breath and lifted your left leg for the Italian fouettés. Spotting to the front and back while maintaining your balance, the variation approached its end with lame duck turns, posing with your arms were positioned at a 45-degree angle, your back slightly arched and your left leg doing a tendu derriére. Your eyes reflected at the mirror in front, surveying your alignment. Once your 5-second hold was finished, you properly put your arms down and closed your back leg into 5th position.
The applause from everyone in the room roared, Ten and Sicheng wolf-whistling even for more support. It’s a usual thing every time any of you perform individually, and no one minded it. The artistic director grinned, giving a quiet clap from the front before calling out the next performer, who was from the corps. Bowing to everyone hastily, you paid more attention to spot your student by the window. She was smiling ear to ear, waving both hands at you.
“You did amazing, Teacher!” She mouthed. Hearing words of praise from members was one thing, but hearing them from students was another. You’re so used to watching them and giving them your compliments that you often forget that you’re a dancer first before a teacher. Seeing them all delighted, saying that it motivates them more, showed that you’re doing a great job teaching them. You’re a reflection of what you pass down, and all you want was for them to be the best they could be.
From her jolly expression, a tall masculine silhouette hovered a part of the window. Her instinct of giving a brighter smile when the hand of said silhouette patted her head then carried her duffel bag again, that could only mean one thing. Excusing yourself to the artistic director, you stepped out to bid your goodbye and maybe meet her father. Minji and the tall man were about to leave the building if it weren’t for your breathy voice calling them out.
“Seo Minji and Mr. Seo?”
They stopped their tracks. Minji was fast to react, familiar with your voice and racing towards you for a sweaty hug. Meanwhile, your focus shifted once the masculine silhouette came into full view. You finally understood why Minji’s growth spurt spiked up, noticing that he was taller than Sicheng.
The top buttons of his shirt were off, yet he kept his formal blazer on. His hair was a bit tousled, some strands falling in front of his forehead. He must’ve run here. Peeking through were some roots of his scruff growing. His eyebags were almost as dark as his brown hair. Yet by the way his Rolex remained spotless, you blatantly assumed that he was more than well-off. Especially when the ballet academy was one of the most prestigious ones in Seoul.
Out of all the parents you’ve met, none of them appeared youthful like him.
“Teacher (Y/N)?” Thanks to Minji, you moved your staring eyes away from him. This was another first, since meeting only the fathers of your students wasn’t your norm. Meeting young-looking fathers, to be specific.
“O-Oh,” You ate your words, suddenly blanking out. “You’re leaving me without saying goodbye, Minji? Not polite of you.”
“My father was rushing right after watching your performance, and I don’t know why.” She responded, her finger scratching the top of her head in confusion. Speaking of said father, his strong presence appeared right in front of you. The wrinkles of his forehead creased while his eyes barely looked at yours.
“Uhm,” His fingers toyed with his Rolex. “I apologize for my tardiness. I got caught up in work and all, plus her nanny le-”
“Mr. Seo.” You halted his rambling, already aware of the situation. Like father, like daughter. “It’s fine. Minji loved watching us practice while waiting, and she wasn’t a bother either. You have nothing to worry about.”
“Phew.” He swiped an imaginative bead of sweat from his forehead, displaying his relief with his playful nature.
At age 23, Johnny Seo started his own company in the fashion scene and it grew internationally in the coming years. Then when Minji unexpectedly joined the picture, he’s been multi-tasking to make ends meet. Lately, as a CEO, he has had meetings and conferences on a daily. So, his position as a single father was always tested. It worsened when he rarely has proper time to spend any time with Minji unless it’s the weekend or late in the evening. Breaking it down, it wasn’t because he didn’t want to meet you. It was more like he couldn’t when his schedules were packed from head to toe.
Having the guilt of taking your precious time, “Seriously though, I am sorry for being late. Her nanny resigned suddenly, and I have no time to find her replacement.”
“Mr. Seo, again, don’t worry about it. As her teacher and a company member, I am practically here 24/7 so it won’t be a nuisance at all if this happens again.”
“Thank you so much, Teacher (Y/N). That is your name, right?” He planted his palm on his forehead, stressed. “Being a single parent is hard. I am always forgetting things.”
A part of you couldn’t restrain from feeling sorry for his struggle. Taking care of a child should be the work of both the mother and father, not one of them being absent. You’ve feared this would harm Minji, but she’s a strong girl.
“The fact you didn’t forget to fetch Minji despite the late time is still something to be happy over. I’m not a parent or anything, but parenting, in general, is a challenge.” You added an insight, patting the head of the young girl beside you. “Cut yourself some slack, Mr. Seo. I’m sure Minji still loves you, right?”
Minji shouted a big yes, now clinging to the leg of her father. “It’s okay, dad. Really.”
Over the years, Johnny has been doubtful of his parenting skills. He was an only child, and he struggled to ask for guidance from his own parents due to the shame of having a kid at a young age. So, he’d ask for help from his other friends and co-workers. No matter how many times they’ve reassured him that he’s doing well, he’s an overthinker who always reflected on the bad scenarios. There’s also that pressure to find someone who can fill that absent position not just for Minji, but for himself too. No matter how many girls he’s asked out or been set up with, he failed in the love department badly.
It’s the soothing way you voiced out your truth that made all these negative thoughts running through his head freeze briefly. Over the past 3 years since Minji started ballet, she always had a great story about you to share. One of them was how ballet made her a lot happier because of your influence. If he had at least an hour of his day to meet any of his daughter’s mentors, it would’ve been you.
“Do feel free to call me Johnny instead.” He casually introduced himself, taking his hand out for you to shake. “Mr. Seo makes me feel like I’m at work right now.”
Despite his informal approach, you understood his intentions and returned the action with a promising smile. “Pleasure to finally meet you, Johnny.”
“Pleasure is all mine, Teacher (Y/N).”
Earlier, the nerves from performing in front of the artistic director died down fast. But for some reason, they rose back up when you’ve spoken to this man in a matter of minutes. As someone whose feelings don’t flourish in a single glance, why did this man specifically deliver you such a strong effect?
If it weren’t for Ten calling for your name by the door, you would’ve held on to Johnny’s hand longer, which would’ve been inappropriate. Letting go first, this was your cue to return to your class.
“I must head back inside, Johnny. Don’t sweat on fetching your daughter late, though she is still a student with school the following day. Right, Minji?”
Minji nodded as Johnny kept that mind, knowing where he has to improve next.  “Yes, Teacher (Y/N). Thank you again, sincerely. I’ll definitely see you again in the coming days until Minji has a new nanny.”
“That’s no problem with me at all, Johnny.”
Soon as Johnny held his daughter’s hand to exit the studio and you were re-entering the studio with an impatient Ten, he swerved swiftly as if he forgot something.
“Oh by the way Teacher (Y/N), I saw your whole performance awhile ago. I was blown away, you deserved the applause.”
Although you could only distinguish his silhouette, you didn’t suppose he watched you from head to toe. Most parents or nannies would’ve dragged their kids out of the studio once they find them like they were on a tight schedule, so this was novel to experience. That performance showed your prime too.
“Thank you, Johnny. See you again soon.”
Giving a final nod, you led yourself back to the studio, not bothering to acknowledge the erupting heat on your cheeks and entire body. Not to sound narcissistic, but compliments weren’t foreign to you. You’re conscious of the hard work that you put in your talent and if they pointed out your greatness, why would you deny it? However, receiving one from Johnny was like gearing your engine with new fuel.
Before you could try to reject these harboring feelings, Ten was fast to pick up on it. You cannot hide anything from this man at all because body language was like another language he’s fluent in (aside from the other 5). Unlucky for you, the saga continued.
“You’re so into dilfs, (Y/N)!” He shrieked in your ear, nudging your shoulder repetitively. He placed things in his own way, yet they always shocked you because it was so inappropriate. Typical Ten for you.
“Shut up, Ten!” You objected, watching the other performers. You’ve improved in ignoring his remarks over time. That was until Sicheng sat down beside you after his solo and got up in your business. That placed you in the middle of boys from the water sign clan of astrology. They just loved getting down to your love life, going raunchy and whatnot.
“Who’s into dilfs, Ten?”
“A Miss (Y/N) beside you, who met Minji’s dad awhile ago, was basically eye-fucking him.” Ten elaborated, planting his elbows on your leg and gave you a sneaky glare. “Minji’s dad is fine as fuck, guys! I’m telling you, like a literal god! I’m surprised this is the first time he showed up here after 2-3 years?”
“How come (Y/N) is always getting students with good-looking parents? Especially the single moms.” Sicheng slumped his shoulders, attempting to get your attention too. “Is he that hot, (Y/N)?”
“Yah.” Sighing with annoyance, you’ve given up trying to appreciate one of the corps dancers with her rendition of Dulcinea from Don Quixote. “Don’t speak of Johnny like that. You barely know the man, yet you talk about him so unprofessionally."
“Oh, Johnny is his name, huh?” Sicheng sing-songed, bobbing his head. He’s certainly going to stalk him later on social media, you felt it in your chest. Like it was ESPN or something.
“Talking about being unprofessional, yet you’re here referring him as Johnny, not Mr. Seo.” Ten barked back, his lips pursed and one eyebrow lifted.
Just as soon as you could retaliate, the artistic director’s velvety voice boomed the room.
“Alright, thank you to the performers. I will deliberate with the staff and principal dancers over the weekend, and let you know the results on Monday. Now please, let’s proceed to the center.”
Everyone began to spread out on the wide floor, snatching a good position so they could monitor themselves in the mirror. Maybe you’ll defend yourself later after class because now, you needed to beat everyone else and have a crystal-clear view of yourself doing these following exercises.
In the meantime, Johnny was in the middle of driving Minji home. He had a designated chauffeur, but he gave him the night off because he wanted to spend time with Minji. Around this time, she’d be sleeping soundly, but instead, she’s boosting with so much life. She hasn’t even eaten dinner yet, which was the first thing on Johnny’s agenda now.
Playing Coldplay in the car, Minji belted some lyrics from her favorite songs while Johnny smiled to himself while listening to her attentively. Taking a breath, her thoughts reverted to her fantastic ballet teacher and shared them with her father.
“Dad! Don’t you just think Teacher (Y/N) is so cool? Ugh, I want to be just like her when I grow up.”
“Oh, to become a ballerina like her, you have to work hard every day and memorize lessons fast. Are you up for it, Minji?”
“Absolutely, dad! I want to pull off perfect jumps and turns like her one day!”
In the other after-school activities Johnny enrolled Minji in the past, none of them compared to the passion she had for ballet. Her work ethic was alike to Johnny’s: if they want something, they’ll do whatever it takes to make it possible.
Aside from being a star student in her school, she’s aiming to be a star ballerina. Being the supportive father he is, Johnny was on board to do what it takes to make it happen. Unlike his parents trying to mold him into the next heir of their company, he’s all ears to the dreams of his daughter. His only dream for her was to be live long and happy, not to merely pass on anything.
Johnny lost so much in his young life, so he doesn’t want to lose Minji in any way. As much as he loves his profession, he wanted to be an active father as much as time allowed it. He mostly received complaints from others that he’s not prioritizing his time well, but after hearing your kind words, this heavy weight on his shoulders decreased. All this doubt started to vanish after meeting you for the first time.
“Dad! Isn’t Teacher (Y/N) so beautiful?” Minji honored whilst gazing at the twinkling night sky. “She loves what she does and shines at it.”
Johnny was accustomed to his female co-workers throwing themselves at him due to his attractiveness, more than flattered even to have them feeling weak for him. Yes, there were times he used it to his advantage, some he frankly turned down. 
However, the radiance you carried whether you’re dancing or not was something Johnny couldn’t cease wondering about. Unknown to him, he’s the one getting weak. Behold, an unlocked first for the confident CEO.
“Yes, Minji. I do think Teacher (Y/N) is absolutely beautiful.”
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juju-on-dat-beat · 2 years
A/N: Reader is gender neutral and around 14 years of age. Sniper is a bit older in this,,, Like he looks to be
There might be some misspelled words, sorry bout that. Its really late over here. This is Platonic. Requests are still open.
Requested by someone on wattpad! I am practicing how to write fics
Also bad words.
It was a cloudy day outside. There was a small reddish house that was somewhere in the lands of Australia.
Two old folks were taking care of a certain (H/L) (H/C) child.
Y/N. That was their name. Y/N was asleep on a comfy bed in the house.
Though, this day was a very special day for the child! It was their birthday! How lovely.
Y/N opened their eyes to the sound of birds chirping. There, they realized it was their special 14th birthday!
Y/N jumped off the bed and immediately ran downstairs.
"Gramma? Gramma! Its my birthday today" Y/N chirped with excitement.
"Oh, yes! Yes it is!" Ms. Mundy said with delight as she placed down a potted plant and walked to her grandkid.
Ms. Mundy quickly hugged the child as she smiled.
Y/N smiled with enthusiasm and even more excitement.
"Gramma, Im gonna turn 14 today! Im so excited! Dad's gonna teach me how to use a bow and arrow!" Y/N said as they turned their head to their dad's bow and arrow.
"Heh, my child, just do not use it for the bad. Use it for the good, hm?" Ms. Mundy asked the excited child.
Y/N responded with a nod, recieving a head pat from Ms. Mundy.
"Now, I will go bake a cake for the birthday boy/girl!" Ms. Mundy said as she walked towards the kitchen.
Y/N then ran off to find their grandfather this time. The child ran outside looking for him.
"Gramps? Grampy?" Y/N called. Y/N decided to search the fields.
Just as Y/N was about to give up, Mr. Mundy scared them.
"Boo!" He boomed.
Y/N couldnt help but yelp and giggle after.
"Grampy! You scared me! Its my 14th birthday! You cant do that to me." Y/N giggled.
"Hehe! I know bithday kid." Mr. Mundy said as he gave his grandkid a headpat, until Y/N hugged him,, but Y/N smile turned into a frown.
"Do you think dad's gonna make it?" Y/N asked sadly. "Like, my last birthday. Gramps, I know he is always busy and that he does love me, but sometimes I want him to stay here."
Now it was Mr. Mundy's turn to frown.
"Yes, I know. Your father has- ... A stressful job sweetie. Though I believe he wouldnt miss this for the world." Mr. Mundy assured the sad little child.
Y/N smiled at his reassurance.
"Lets go decorate! I want this birthday to be the most special!" Y/N cheered as they grabbed their grandfather's hand and dragged him towards the red house.
(Short timeskip)
The living room was decorated for Y/N's birthday. Y/N didnt really like having friends over, its harder and longer to clean up.
It was 6:30 PM. Just right after dinner.
The saddest news was that Y/N's father has not come home yet. Though, Y/N waited.
They didnt even wanna blow out the candles. They wanted to wait.
"Y/N, just blow the candles. Its your 14th birthday!" Y/N's Grandfather said, holding his slight annoyed look.
"No! Dad isnt home yet and I refuse to let him miss out anymore!" Y/N argued, pouting and crossing their arms.
"He wont miss anything! Look, I'll take a picture! Your father would still be delighted." Ms. Mundy said softly as she held a camera in her hands.
"Still no, gramma. I want him to physically be here!" Y/N said as they held their breath so they wouldnt accidentally blow the candles.
Ms. Mundy and Mr. Mundy looked at each other, defeated. Y/N was very stubborn, though they loved their father not to miss their birthday.
Soon, both Ms. Mundy and Mr. Mundy cleaned the table up but left the cake on the table for Y/N to still have a chance to make a wish or not.
7:00 PM
The clock read. Y/N became a little bit bored and folded their hands on the table. Y/N sighed and waited as time went by.
7:30 PM
No sign. Ms. Mundy decided to wait with little Y/N and Y/N offered a slice but never wanted to blow the candle's fire.
8:30 PM
Still no sign. Y/N was pacing around the room and Mr. Mundy tried to calm them down but failed.
9:30 PM
No... Sign..
By this time, Y/N offered their grandparents to sleep already and that they could take care of themselves.
10:30 PM
There was still no sign. Y/N was getting sleepy but laid on the couch and decided to watch some toons as they waited.
11:00 PM
Y/N almost fell asleep but was awaken by a loud noise from the outside. They got up excited but just saw a car run by, apparently the car just honked. Bored, they went back to watching toons as the cake was still on the table. Candle was close to being burnt out.
11:58 PM
Y/N stared at their cake, the fire now barely alive. Just a little sparkle left.
Y/N sighed.
"He's not coming" Y/N muttered sadly as they blew out the candle.
"Happy Birthday" Y/N whispered to themself as they took a slice.
After a bit, Y/N  washed their plate and brushed their teeth. They were about to go upstairs and sleep.
The front doorknob fumbled to which Y/N stopped with surprise.
It revealed a man with a hat and orange glass. He also wore a brown vest on top of his red shirt. A sniper rifle on his back.
"Y/N?" He said.
"Oh! Dad! Hi.." Y/N smiled. Glad that their father was finally here but sad he missed everything else.
"Im so sorry, kiddo. Work's stressful and moi boss wanted me an' moi co-workers to do some extra jobs." Mundy explained as he quickly went to his child and hugged them.
"Im so so sorry" He said sadly while he patted their child's back.
"I-Its okay, Dad. Really. I know that its stressful. I saved you a slice" Y/N said as they hugged their father back.
"Thank ya, kiddo. Ill teach ya how tah shoot a bow and arrow, jus as I promised." Mundy grinned.
Y/N smiled at their father.
Mundy was just late, how could things get worse?
(Few months later)
Mr. Mundy and Ms. Mundy had passed away recently, leaving Mundy and Y/N alone in the red house.
Y/N was miserable. Crying from the death of their grandparents. But Y/N always remembered that they are now in a better place.
Mundy comforted his kid, all the time. Now especially that he had a very long break from his job. Though he was not the same anymore after finding out that he was adopted and his real parents may not have wanted him.
Sniper sighed in frustration and sadness as he placed his head on his hands holding the adoption papers and multiple newspapers. He was trying to find out where he came from and who his birth parents are.
Y/N, his kid, walked down th stairs and looked at their father sadly.
"Dad?" Y/N started "Are.. You alright?" They finished.
"Oh uh, Y/N. Yeah. Ah am. Jus' tryin to fiond something out, Kiddo." Sniper replied.
Y/N showed a frown, knowing that he was lying but never said anything.
"Can we.. Visit Mom's grave?" Y/N muttered and fumbled with their fingers nervously.
Sniper was soon broken from his thoughts and frowned.
Sniper sighed. "You go on ahead, Kiddo. Im quite busy"
Y/N tried to keep the tears in now.
'You always are' Y/N said but never over her breath.
Y/N got out of the house. They walked and walked towards a part of the field with gravestones, one of them had a name; M/N (Mother's Name) engraved on it.
They sat alone. No words spoken.
(6 Months later)
Y/N barely talked anymore. They mostly tried to keep their Dad better.
Y/N never said much to their father anymore but never backed away from a hug. If Sniper even gave that often.
The child also realized how fucked up their relationship was with their dad. It wasnt like volcanic bad but it was still quite bad.
But something would happen today which will make Y/N perk up... In fear, confusion and even a little traumatic for the poor child.
Right now Y/N was laying on their bed, staring at the ceiling fan. That was when their dad, Mundy/Sniper (but you knew that..) opened their door.
"Dad has some guests so stay silent. Okay?" Sniper said softly.
Y/N had their head up and nodded.
Sniper closed the door again and Y/N stared at the ceiling fan.
"Visitors? We never had any before.." Y/N muttered to themself.
Y/N got up from their bed and opened the door.
They peaked out from just the small corner from the staircase, the darkness covering Y/N.
There they saw two people walk inside and Y/N placed hands on their mouth so they wouldnt breath too loudly.
The two were talking about Y/N's father. One of them complaining that Sniper isnt here and that they should leave.
Y/N never knew why they called their father 'Sniper' isnt that just a gun?
What caught Y/N's attention again was that their father jumped one of them and injected something in the victim's neck.
Y/N couldnt do anything. The poor child was scared and struggled to breath. Though they kept their hands on their mouth still.
After a bit Y/N looked back down to see both victims tied to a chair. A woman and a man.
From downstairs, Sniper huffed and wiped his sweat. He then went for the stairs which alerted Y/N and quickly but silently retreat to their room again.
Y/N quickly laid on their bed, heart thumping in their ears.
Sniper then opened the door.
"Hey, Kiddo? Jus' stay quiet for dad for a lil' whoile longah, kay?" He murmured and closed the door again, suspecting nothing.
Y/N then panted from fear and confusion.
Poor Y/N was so confused of what just happened. They processed and processed but never got anywhere far.
After what seemed like 10 minutes, Y/N believed it was safe to look downstairs again.
Y/N repeated what they did before and peaked downstairs with thei hands covering their mouth.
At the moment, the woman was awake and kept spitting at the other victim to which he woke up with anger.
"Bloodeh hell, Girl! Are you spittin on meh!?" The male victim said angrily.
"YES! Ive been waking you up for ten minutes!" The girl replied.
"Demo" The girl started.
'Demo?' Y/N thought.
"Im tied up and Im worried and Im very thirsty." The girl complained.
The small conversation went on for a bit. Then 'Demo' tried to figure out an escape plan. Not until Sniper inserted another injection in 'Demo' again.
Y/N, shaken with fear, was too scared to continue and immediately went to their room.
"Dad's crazy, Mum." Y/N said, praying to their mom and started packing. Thinking that they wouldnt last long.
Y/N was now planning to run away, thinking it wasnt safe any longer here.
It took a bit for the bag to be filled. When it was finished, Y/N wiped their sweat.
Though they were not finished in time for they heared footsteps coming up the stairs.
In panic; Y/N threw the bag out their window and was about to go too. Not until the door opened.
"Y/N!" Y/N's dad, Mundy/Sniper said. "Were gonna go- what're ya doin?" He paused.
Y/N then improvised, badly.
"Eheh.. Heyyyy.... Dad. Just... Getting some air, you know me" Y/N said pretending like they werent just about to leave.
"Oh uh, okay." Sniper shrugged. "Anyway, were gonna see my birthparents! Or... Your... Real... Grandparents.." He said trailing off in the end.
"What about the.. 'guests'?" Y/N asked suspiciously.
"Oh! They are takin us there!" Sniper said excitedly.
Y/N had their mouth shut now.
"Eheh... So uh. Funny story-" They tried to explain.
"No toime, Kiddo! Lessgo!" He said and carried Y/N down rhe stairs.
Y/N sat in silence, confused.
There we were. In this 'place'... Meeting my real grandparents for the first time. Some of them were concerned that my dad 'actually had a kid'. Weird.
Dad was more excited than me, I bet. This is probably the longest conversation Ive had with him for months. Im still willing to talk to him.
After he finishes explaining why the heck did he inject something into a man.
Now we have met my real grandparents.
I.. I dont think they are very thrilled to see me. They are.. Very ignorant and bland..
They were talking about Australium? Whats that? Nuclear source? Wha?
I was very confused at the moment so I fecided to look around and touch some things.
I found this ... Thing.. That had levers, buttons and a ton more.
"Woah.." I mutter in awe
Just as I was about to touch a button, a ruler slapped my hand.
I yelp in pain and hold my hand, trying to sooth the pain. I turned tp the person who slapped my hand with tears pricking my eyes.
"Dont. Touch." My real grandmother said.
"Im dealing with a child much of a husband. I dont need another." She scoffed and took another sip from her red drink.
I sucked on my lip trying to stop myself from crying.
Mean while what I didnt know was that my dad's having much worse.
My real grandmother then went back to whatever they were talking about and decided to not touch anything but wander around instead.
Still holding my hand and walking. Out of no where I heard someone yell and the ground rumbling.
I looked back to see a golden rocket ship fly out with my grandmother inside it.
People were visibly ashamed, confused and disappointed. One of them was that girl victim earlier, she was upset that the 'Administrator' was gonna kill her.
What was worse was that water started flowing in.
"Mom!" My father yelled.
I looked at him in shock. Dad then looked at me and immediately picked me up.
"You okay, kiddo?" He asked me with worry on his face.
I nodded at him, lying about my hand. I then hugged him, scared of whats happening.
I blocked out every noise and closed my eyes hoping that everything will be okay the next.
Dad put me down now and I held his arm.
"Wait, Wheres my dad?" He asked. He held my hand this time.
"He must be back at the lab, Sniper dont. If you go back you'll die!" The girl warned.
I look at dad with shock. I tugged his shirt.
"Dont go!" I pleaded.
"Its okay sweetie" He answered and looked back at the girl again.
"It dont matter. He's my dad" He replied to her.
"NO!" I yell and hold onto his arm tighter than ever.
He hushed me and looked at me, pain in the eyes behind his glasses.
"If Im not back in-" He tried to tell me and the others.
Someone cut him off telling Dad that grandpa was on the submarine. Now, IN the submarine.
I look up at the submarine which we came in and saw gramps in there. I had hope until he drove away.
My face fell. I was very dissapointed right now. I had so many other fellings, I just couldnt process them all at once.
"Dad.. I-I wanna cr-" I tried telling him that I wanted to cry and that I was confused until I was cut off by him.
"Wait, Its opening again!" He yelled.
I let go of his arm and looked at the door. The girl looked at me with sorrow and sorry in her eyes. She then allowed me to hug her hand which I accepted.
"He came back!" My father yelled. "He came back!" Dad repeated.
I smiled a little. Maybe they werent so bad? I looked at dad. He was so happy.
Dad then muttered something which I couldnt hear.
I looked back at the entrance and saw that it wasnt our ship.
The next thing I knew, Dad was shot two times.
I heared ringing in my ears. Thats all I heard. I didnt know what I did. All I know was that I had my open and I pushed the lady away and was running towards my dad.
I couldnt control anything at this moment.
I felt true pain. Water came out my eyes, tears.
Sound then came back.
I was yelling and crying as I grabbed my dad's unconscious body and shook him.
"D-Dad? DAD! DAD!" I continued to yell.
People were talking. I couldnt hear them. All I heard was my sobs and cries. The water around my dad turned into blood.
Then 'Demo' picked my dad up and puting me behind him. I held my father's hand just incase but I was still in pain.
Demo looked at me with sorrow.
"Im so sorry lass." He said softly and quickly.
I looked at him with tears falling down my face and my hair all over my face. I held my dad's hand harder now.
"Dont die" I mutter softly.
A/N: 3045 Words. Oorah
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midnightsunnyday · 3 years
Holiday dinner with the family (Black MC)
Summary: MC invites the brothers to meet their family for holiday dinner. As the day progresses, shenanigans ensue.
A/N: wrote this back during the holidays and is heavily influenced off my own familial experiences, yet exaggerated for fictional purposes. Either way, I hope you enjoy. 
Warnings: some curse language, mentions to sexual situations.
1:00 PM
Lucifer: alright, we're here. For the record, I think this is a horrible idea.
Belphegor: you've already stated the record 30 times before getting here.
Lucifer: and just like the 90 times before getting here, let's go over the rules again, shall we? 
*everyone groans*
Lucifer: say them.
Everyone except MC: no using our powers, no mentioning we're demons, no mentioning we attend RAD, no mentioning we're the literal envoys of the seven biblical sins, no mentioning our actual ages, no mentioning our real names, no mentioning the Devildom, no stealing, no maiming, no sodomy, no hypnotism, no blasphemy, no betting souls, and no eating MCs family.
Lucifer: good.
Asmodeus: I'm so excited! I can't wait to show your family how wonderful I am.
MC: just make sure that's the only thing you show them.
Asmodeus: I promise I'll be a good demon. Well, as good as a demon can be.
Satan: again, I get why we had to change our names, but do they have to be so ridiculous?
Beelzebub: I like my fake human name. It’s cool.
Satan: well, I don’t. Mine makes me sound like an old man.
Mammon: um, guys? Levi's having a panic attack.
Leviathan: *hyperventilates into a sandwich bag*
Beelzebub: Levi, I know you're nervous, but you're breathing on my sandwich.
Leviathan: I can't do this, OK? Just let me sit in the car.
MC: Levi, you'll be fine.
Leviathan: Levi will not be fine. I can see them from the window. Why does your family have so many people? No way they'll want to meet--
MC: --what did I tell you about the self-deprecation?
Leviathan: but I--
MC: --listen, remember that anime we watched together: I'm a Demon Who Fell in Love With a Human and Now I Have to Meet Their Family but Little Do They Know I Have Horrible Social Anxiety?
Satan: these titles...are oddly specific.
Leviathan: oh yeah. In the end the whole family went to Hell for the wedding and was super accepting.
MC: the point is they were nervous too, but they worked through it together just like we all are. And do you know why?
Leviathan: why?
MC: because I love you, Levi, to hell and back.
Leviathan: *blushes* Alright, I'll do it. If it's for you, I'll fight all the forces of Heaven themselves!
MC: it's dinner Levi, not Armageddon, but I love the confidence.
Lucifer: good then. Now, let's get this over with. Diavolo help us all.
1:15 PM
MC: which one of you gave my parents a $2000 bottle of wine? 
Mammon: $2000? I thought we agreed to give them gifts under $50?
Belphegor: that's right. Who’s the show off?
Lucifer: isn't it obvious? And please, they need to know that I'm the provider in this relationship.
Mammon: and what does that make the rest of us?
Lucifer: a pain in my ass.
1:35 PM
MC: great. Now my mom won't stop bragging about "my baby's boyfriend."
Asmodeus: which one?
MC: very funny. And I'm talking about “Mr. Tall, Dark, and Bougie” himself. Though I don't recall mentioning you were my partner, Lucifer.
Lucifer: why mention the obvious, love?
Mammon: don't make me gag.
2:25 PM
Satan: I don’t think your uncle cares for me much.
MC: why is that?
Satan: well, for one, he keeps referring to me as “white boy.”
MC: oh, no.
Satan: I know, right? Tell me, do I really look that pale? Granted the *whispers* Devildom doesn’t have much sun, but still. Do you think a tan would be beneficial?
MC: Satan?
Satan: yes?
MC: I love you.
3:40 PM
Lucifer: one of the smaller humans asked me if they could "hold a 20."
MC: yes, I saw. In which you gave them twenty $100 bills.
Lucifer: yes, to hold. Is that not correct?
3:53 PM
Mammon: MC why won't you let me near the spades table? I could be making a killing right now!
MC: because lives are at stake.
Mammon: wow that hurts, MC. Do you really think I'd hurt your family?
MC: no, I think my family would hurt you.
4:13 PM
Leviathan: MC. MC. EMERGENCY. All your cousins kept asking if I had games on my phone, and I was like, "Duh, of course I do." Now they've taken my phone and won't give it back!
MC: *rises from their chair and walks off*
*the sound of screaming children is heard in the distance*
MC: there you go.
Leviathan: thanks, M…ew, why is it so sticky?
5:05 PM
Asmodeus: now I know I said I’d be a “good demon,” but your aunt --
MC: --is married.
Asmodeus: oooh, so she’s a two for one deal, then?
MC: go sit in the car.
Asmodeus: but--
5:48 PM
Satan: MC, I don't appreciate your family insulting my intelligence.
MC: what are you talking about?
Satan: every time a song comes on, they keep asking, "what I know about it?" It's infuriating.
MC: we really need to have a talk about colloquialisms.
6:07 PM
Leviathan: I think Beel just killed MC’s dad.
Lucifer: WHAT?
MC: my dad isn’t dead, Levi, just winded.
Beelzebub: we were playing football.
Lucifer: out of all the games to play and you choose football?
Beelzebub: I said no, but they really wanted me on their team and well…I was having so much fun, that I forgot my own strength and threw the ball a bit too hard. I’m so sorry, MC.
MC: *pats his head* it’s OK Beel. Though it was hard explaining why you were capable of sending a man flying several feet through the air. On the plus side, no one wants to challenge you to anymore games.  
Beelzebub: that’s...probably for the best.
7:00 PM
MC: Belphie where did you go? I haven’t seen you for several hours. *sniffs his clothes* and why do you smell like that?  
Belphegor: your house was way too noisy, so me and your cousins...went for a walk.
MC: for a walk, huh?
Belphegor: *shoves a handful of Doritos into his mouth* yep.
MC: …
Belphegor: …
MC: you’re high aren’t you?
Belphegor: I will neither confirm nor deny it.
7:35 PM
Lucifer: are…are we praying?
MC: oh yeah, sorry. We always pray over the food before we eat. Don’t worry, it won’t take long
*three minutes pass*
Mammon: is it over yet?
Lucifer: *whispers* Beel, calm yourself.
Beelzebub: *shirt wet with drool* I’m trying!
*five minutes pass*
“And father god, we humbly ask that you protect everyone at this table from Satan and all his machinations, both physical and spiritual. May no evils prosper against them.”
Lucifer: yes, Lord.
Satan: *glares *
Lucifer: what? I was simply agreeing with said affirmation.
7:42 PM
“In Jesus name we pray, Amen.”
Everyone: Amen.
Beelzebub: finally. We can eat.
Belphegor: an eight minute long prayer? Even Jesus would tune out.
Satan: they rebuked me so much during that I think I felt my skin burn a little.
MC: Beel, save some for everyone else, please.
7:55 PM
“I see you have a lot of men around you these days, MC.”
MC: they’re my friends.  
“Funny that you have all these friends, yet not one of them is your husband.”
MC: *sips drink* I’m sure you would know a lot about having no husbands, considering you’re going through your third divorce.
Mammon: *chokes on his food *
Asmodeus: I love this family.
8:05 PM
“So what did you all say you do again?”
Lucifer: Student affairs
Mammon: Entrepreneur
Leviathan: Digital media
Satan: English Literature Professor
Asmodeus: Image consultant
Beelzebub: Personal trainer
Belphegor: Mortician
MC: …
Belphegor: *smiles*
8:55 PM
Belphegor: wait, we’re praying again? But we’re leaving.
Lucifer: at this point we’re so blessed we could qualify for sainthood.
Mammon: hang in there, bro.
Satan: I think I feel a few blisters forming.
11:35 PM
Lucifer: well, that could have gone worse.
MC: see? Everything worked out.
Lucifer: other than a few mishaps, this evening turned out to be quite pleasant.
Asmodeus: right? I had so much fun with your family, MC.
Beelzebub: I think soul food is my favorite kind of food.
Satan: do you think we made a good impression?
MC: I’ve gotten nothing but notifications since we left. Everyone wants to know when I plan to bring back… *sighs* “my rich boyfriend and his brothers.”
Mammon: I resent that first part.
Lucifer: the part where I’m rich or the part where I’m their boyfriend?
Mammon: BOTH.
MC: you guys know you’re all my family, right? So just know you’re in this for the long haul. No backing out.
Lucifer: *smiles* as if we ever planned to.
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RIP Shawmila...
Happy (almost) 2022, everyone! 2021 will be remembered for many things, one of which is when Shawmila FINALLY broke up after 2.5 interminable years of forced pap walks, fish kisses, foot kisses, etc. I’ve had this post written for a while now, but decided to publish it on the last day of 2021 so we can all (hopefully) leave this dark time in our lives behind for good. Oh, and do not- I repeat, do NOT- read this if you’re a fan of Shawn. Don’t say you haven’t been warned.
I. Introduction
As the sun went down on Wednesday, November 17th at 4:30 PM, I felt the yearly wave of seasonal depression creeping in. Naturally, I gave in to my masochistic, self-destructive tendencies and decided to play Scattered by Lauren Jauregui to feel these depressing emotions on a significantly more visceral level. However, this was a big mistake, as just a few hours later, I got some news that sent me into an even deeper downward spiral. I am, of course, referring to Shawn Mendes and Camila Cabello’s breakup. I was devastated. How could they do this to me? Love isn’t real. I’ll never believe in anything ever again. To mourn the loss of my one true pairing, I made a list of my top ten favorite Shawmila moments in honor of the greatest love story that’s never been told.
II. Top Ten Cutest Shawmila Moments
10. the zombie walks
Aww, how cute that Shawn and Camila quarantined together at her house in Miami! But how dare the paparazzi invade their privacy?! The house is in a secure, gated neighborhood, but it’s not like the paps were allowed in because they were specifically called or anything. Anyway, I’m so glad they got to spend quality time together! Camila looked disgusted every time she was with him, but I’m sure all couples are sick of each other when first moving in together. I loved the way they looked on their romantic strolls, with their dead eyes, unwashed appearances, and suuuper slow paces. They’re so iconic that they even inspired Halloween costumes based on the look! Your faves could never.
9. the foot kiss
Shawn and Camila constantly splattering their PDA all over social media was the gift that kept on giving! In a super romantic Valentine’s Day post, Shawn shoved Camila’s toes in his mouth and captioned the picture, “I kiss your foot cuz I love you.” Totally not a cringe and embarrassing thing to do- nope, not one bit!
8. the fish kiss
Everyone was insisting that Shawmila was a PR stunt, but Shawn and Camila sure showed them up! By posting the video, their goal was to troll these people who clearly couldn’t see how deeply in love they were. Again, such a non-cringe, normal thing that normal couples do!!!
7. Camila constantly singing about Shawn’s “green” eyes
Okay, so I know his eyes are technically brown, but they look kind of green in certain lighting! I mean, none of her other boyfriends have had green eyes, and I refuse to acknowledge Camila introducing a certain someone by proudly declaring, “She has the most BEAUTIFUL emerald eyes in all the world!” These lyrics are about Shawn because I want them to be. So there.
6. ordering bananas in sushi restaurants
Aww, my sweet baby boy (going to call him that even though he’s literally a grown man) gets nervous sometimes! I mean, who wouldn’t “shake in stress and fear” when their girlfriend orders a banana at a sushi restaurant? But she helped him overcome his anxiety, and now he orders them too! Don’t you just love how they challenged each other to grow as people?
5. “it’s giving… it’s giving Cher”
Shawn was so supportive of Camila here, as always. Except when his fans targeted her with all the hate you can possibly think of, but they were a boy and a girl who looked good together and that’s all that mattered to me. I loved their Met Gala looks, but isn’t it strange how Shawn always goes with a girl to the Met Gala and then they break up not long after? Same for Camila going with her man on a trip abroad. Probably a coincidence, and not a prewritten clause of an established PR contract.
4. when Camila didn’t pick up the yogurt
How dare Camila leave yogurt on the counter in her OWN HOUSE??? Who does she think she is; Shawn’s the king! I totally understand why he felt the need to yell at her about it instead of just picking it up himself, since he has to show off his “masculinity” somehow, after all. We stan a guy who knows how to express his emotions in a perfectly healthy manner!
3. when they were so in love they couldn’t keep their narratives “straight”
Wasn’t it so cute how they could never agree on literally any aspect of their relationship? For example, Shawn said that he had the idea to do Señorita, but then Charli XCX said she was the one who wrote the song and gave it to Camila. Even though the song, with its deliberate placement right between My Oh My and Liar, fits perfectly into the storytelling of Romance, I know Camila definitely didn’t write it herself because she obviously can’t do anything without Shawn. 
Also, Shawn previously said that he and Camila never talked to each other, but then admitted in his documentary, “You were the only one in Fifth Harmony who really talked to me!” I’m going to ignore the fact that there’s plenty of photo and video evidence of him hanging out with Ally and Lauren, because that ruins my perfect Shawmila fantasy. 
And I love how these two could never agree on how they confessed their love for each other! Camila said that she liked him since they worked together on I Know What You Did Last Summer (2015), but they were just friends who had a mutual crush and didn’t act on it until Señorita (2019). However, in Should’ve Said It, she sings, “I knew it was you from the very first night, and it took you two years to make up your mind.” “The very first night” would be when they first met on Austin Mahone’s tour in 2014. Two years later would be 2016, not 2019. Even if she meant “the very first night” as in when they started writing IKWYDLS in 2015, that still only takes us up to 2017. Plus, she sings in Used To This, “seventeen when I started to fall,” but she was with Austin Mahone at the time (2014), and she didn’t write IKWYDLS until a year later at age 18. Ugh, she’s so adorably scatterbrained!
As for Shawn, he said they’d been secretly crushing for five years. But five years from 2015 would be 2020, not 2019. Even if he meant 2014, he had a girlfriend then, Lauren (not Jauregui), who he took to prom in 2015 and previously said he wrote songs for. But in the documentary, he said that every song he ever wrote was for Camila, even the ones that make no sense with the already-fucked narrative or timeline! Isn’t that just romantic, how their love story transcends any and all logical thinking? 
If the story wasn’t already contradictory enough, Shawn also said he’d been “bugging [Camila] for a long time how I felt about her,” until “finally, she caved!” He was generous enough to impart his advice onto his young impressionable fanbase, when a fan asked, “Have you ever loved someone who doesn’t love you and what would you do?” Shawn wisely replied, “If I told you the whole story of Camila, it would take a long time. I would say that you have to fight for someone you really love. And if you really truly love them, you’ll get them.” If anyone else said that, I’d think they were absolutely psychotic and unhinged, but I’ll let it slide since my adorable clueless babies Shawn and Camila finally got together!!!
2. when they were the epitome of a healthy relationship
If I wasn’t clear enough already, Shawn and Camila were just couple GOALS!!! Don’t you love how they were all over each other for the cameras, but then ignored each other’s existence when they thought they were no longer being filmed? I mean, Shawn simply could not walk away from Camila fast enough. I also thought it was SO cute when Camila said that she had to get drunk to be comfortable filming Señorita, shared that being in love with Shawn was “exhausting,” and fondly looked back on their first meeting as, “that’s when the fucking saga began.” And remember how Shawn constantly harassed Camila to date him when she was in a long-term relationship with someone else? And when he wrote a song with the lyrics, “I get reckless, I’m obsessive, I’m pathetic and possessive?” Now THAT’S a man who knows what he wants. And most romantic of all, can we talk about the way Shawn never defended Camila when she was absolutely SLAMMED with torrents of abuse, body-shaming, and slut-shaming by his own fans, despite their public narrative surely allowing him to do so? If my man isn’t JUST like Shawn, I don’t want him.
And finally, my all-time favorite Shawmila moment is...
1. when their team tried and failed to turn them into the heterosexual version of Camren 
Oh thank God, I can FINALLY drop the act for this one. As this fucking obnoxious PR stunt dragged on and on and on, it became increasingly clear that Shawmila’s team was essentially trying to turn Shawn into the male version of Lauren. With the release of Romance, I thought the team would just stick to the whole “Camila fell in love with her best friend” story, but unfortunately, that was only the beginning. Shawn also referred to Miami as “his home” when he’s literally from Ontario, Canada. No one was buying his B.S., not even his own fans. Lauren, however, is a true-blue born-and-raised Miami girl who, fun fact, just so happened to live 15 minutes from Camila before they even auditioned for The X Factor and got put into the girl group that would go on to achieve world domination. 
And then there’s the whole thing where they tried to get Shawn to look like he was interested in Latin culture (the real definition, not Lauren’s). However, it came across as an obvious career move to use Camila, his Latin girlfriend, to crack the Latin music market, like when Shawn was featured on the remix of Kesí by Camilo this past July. In August, he released his song Summer of Flop Love that was produced by Taíny, who has previously worked with Lauren on Lento (2020) and Camila on Oh Na Na (2021). If I were Latina, I know I’d be thinking, “You guys can keep your boring mediocre white man, I don’t want him associating with my culture at all.”
But the most obvious Camren copy-paste happened in September of this year, when Camila and Shawn performed at Global Citizen Live in New York City. One of the songs they just so happened to sing was Yellow by Coldplay. To the general public, this doesn’t mean anything whatsoever. However, any former Harmonizer worth their salt, regardless of whether they read fanfiction or not, could tell you that the Yellow trilogy was one of the “Big 5” Camren fanfics which eventually got published as a real-life book series (with the characters’ names changed, of course). I strongly suspect that the girls have read it, Lauren because of her face when Ally said the word “yellow” in a completely unrelated context, and Camila because, well, she was never shy about openly sharing that she was an avid fanfic reader. Plus, Lauren, who constantly tells her fans that there is nothing she does without intention, just so happened to post an Instagram story of herself singing Yellow on March 3rd, 2020- Camila’s 23rd birthday. 
My question to Shawmila’s team is, if you want to convince us that Camren was never real, why did you so blatantly model Shawn and Camila after Lauren and Camila? Well, the joke’s on you, because right now, more people than ever are open to the possibility that Camila isn’t straight. Plus, Shawn will never be as compassionate, funny, creative, talented, or attractive (looks and personality-wise) as Lauren. You tried your hardest to copy the real thing, but it honestly just came across like a four-year-old’s attempt at a Van Gogh. The only thing is, I’m sure even the four-year-old could do better.
III. Conclusion
If I were still 16 years old, I’d be arguing with Shawmila stans on Twitter, but instead I’ll end with this. How do you feel now, after six continuous years of calling Camren stans delusional conspiracy theorists? The general public didn’t buy Shawmila as a romantic relationship because of the oh-so-convenient timing, utterly nonsensical narratives, and all their sexual chemistry of soggy toast. Are you really going to argue that they hate Shawmila because they’re ALL CS, when a lot of people couldn’t even tell you who Lauren is? Going back to my original point, conspiracy theorists manipulate, cherry-pick, and downright ignore any facts and logic that goes against what they believe. By that definition, aren’t the real conspiracy theorists… you? This was true in 2015, and it’s true now: you hate us ‘cause you ain’t us.
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americancowgirl19 · 4 years
Leave a Message
Summary: No matter how many times they call, all they get is the answering machine.
Warnings: angst, cursing, fluff, dates might not be correct (deal with it)
Reader: Sister Winchester Reader
Pairings: Dean Winchester x Sister!reader, Sam Winchester x Sister!reader, John Winchester x Daughter!reader, slight Bobby Singer x Daughter!reader
Word Count: 3,481
A/n: Y/n/n = Your nickname Y/d/n = Your daughters name
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December 19th, 1996 - 9:17 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, Y/n/n, it’s Dean. Where are you? Dad won’t tell Sammy and I anything. You’ve been gone for two days. Please, just tell me you’re safe. Call me back,”
March 5th, 1997 - 1:32 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“It’s Sam... You’ve been gone a long time... Dad won’t talk about you anymore, he gets mad when we bring you up. He won’t let us look for you but don’t worry, Dean still does and I help him where I can. I don’t know where you are but we’ll find you. We’ll bring you back. Love you,”
October 31st, 1997 - 8:49 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“...It’s Halloween... Remember when you would make Sammy dress up in some stupid costume and take him out trick or treating for a little bit? Dad would always get mad but you had this way of just lightening him up. I swear we would gain so much weight eating Sammy’s candy when he went to bed *small chuckle*… You’ve been gone for almost a year and I’m no closer to finding you than when I started... I’m not gonna give up though. I know you’re out there even if Dad won’t say anything. I just hope that wherever you are... you’re safe. Please, call back,”
December 25th, 1997 - 10:23 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas, Y/n. I miss you... a lot. Dean says you’ll come back but I don’t know if I believe him anymore. We should have found you by now right? Dad should be helping us *aggravated sigh*… He’s been drinking a lot lately... I just want you to come back. Nothing’s been the same since you left. I don’t know where you are but I hope Dean finds you. We need you here. We Love you,”
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas, Y/n/n... Sammy demanded that I call you and tell you that... He thinks you’ll come back if we talk to you or something like that... I don’t know... I’m starting to think you’re not actually missing... I think you and dad fought and you left us. I don’t think you want to be found... *sigh*… I thought you were happy here, with us. I don’t know what dad said to make you leave but please just... come back... Sammy needs you. I... *heavy sigh*… Come back,”
February 10th, 1998 - 2:30 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, Y/n. Nothing has really changed in the last couple of months. Dad’s wanting to take me on more hunts but Dean’s holding him off. I know I’m ready to take on more of the big stuff. I just have to prove to Dean that I’m ready, that I can handle myself. You should come back and help me convince Dean I’m not a little kid anymore...You should come back... Love you”
June 1st, 1998 - 11:41 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Sammy got hurt today... We were hunting and... I don’t even know what happened. One second he was behind me and then we were separated and then he was hurt. Dad got pissed. Dad told me Sammy wouldn’t have gotten hurt if you were looking after him... I know he’s right... You were always better at looking after him than I was... Hell, you’re better at looking after me than I am... I don’t know how much longer we can keep going on without you. We’re falling apart here. Dad’s either hunting or emptying a liquor store. I’m trying to look after him and Sammy but... I can’t do this alone. I don’t know why you left or if you’re even- fuck... if you’re even getting these messages...”
October 31st, 1998 - 9:02 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Happy Halloween... Dean said I shouldn’t call... That you wouldn’t answer. That you’re probably not even listening to the messages... That might be true but still... You’re my sister and I miss you.”
December 25th, 1998 - 12:13 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Merry Christmas from Dean and I...”
December 17th, 1999 - 4:55 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“It’s been three years, Y/n... God, it’s been three years... I miss you like hell...Damn, I just... I just miss you”
December 17th, 2000 - 7:00 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, it’s Dean. Just checking in... Everything’s fine on our end. Dad and Sammy are both doing good. It’s been four years and... I guess we’re just now figuring out how to work without you *small laugh, sniffle*… Sammy’s doing good in school. I can finally drink *laugh* legally that is. I know you’re getting these messages cause Sammy and I have left a shit ton and the box isn’t full yet. That means that you’re deleting them. I guess on the bright side that means you’re alive... I don’t know whether to be happy or pissed... I guess a little bit of both... I miss you. Sammy misses you. Hell, even dad misses you even if he doesn’t say anything. I hope you’re listening to these and not just deleting them... I guess it makes me feel better to think you actually listen... Guess it means a small part of you still cares enough to at least listen to me ramble on... *sigh*… I want you to know... You can come back. It doesn’t matter that you’ve been gone, you can still come back. I want you to come back. Hell, I’d be happy for a damn phone call or even a fucking text! Something!... Just give me something...”
December 17th, 2001 - 6:26 am
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hey, it’s Dean. *Large sigh* I’m just... Just checking in... God, I wish you were here... More than anything... God, I need you. Text me where you are and I promise I will drop everything to come pick you up. Hell, I won’t even ask a damn question. Sammy and Dad have been going at it... It seems like it never ends. I can feel him pulling away. I know Sammy wants to leave and if Dad doesn’t lay off we’re gonna lose him just like... Just like we lost you... I can’t lose him.. I lost... I-I lost you an-and now *throat clearing*… If you come back then you can fix everything like you always could. You know, like, you could just... you can fix us... You can calm Sam down and make him stay... You can get dad to relax... I can’t keep this family together, they’re slipping through my fingers. Please, come back...”
July 8th, 2002 - 4:09 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“...Sammy’s gone... *slow sigh*… *sniffle*… I-... *quiet sob*…”
September 28th, 2006 - 6:37 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Hello, this is Stacey with the - hospital. I’m calling for a Y/n Winchester. I have news about the passing of a John Winchester...”
May 1st, 2008 - 11:59 pm
“Hey, this is Y/n. Leave a message,”
“Uh... Hey, it’s uh... It’s Sammy - err - Sam. *Throat clearing* It’s been a long time since I called... Dean didn’t want me calling and I didn’t think I would have too but I can’t put this off anymore... Dean made a deal with a demon... His contract is up in a couple of weeks. I’m doing everything I can to get him out but... *shaky sigh*… I don’t know if... It would be nice if... If we could just see you. Leave the past behind us, ya know?... I doubt you’ll respond but I just... I had to let you know...”
Sam sigh’s hanging up the phone. It fidgets with the device in his hand, hunched over his knees. He could feel his heart dropping in disappointment. Even though he knew you wouldn’t answer there was still a small part that just... hoped.
He turns his head when he sees something moving in the corner of his eye. Dean leans against the doorway with his arms crossed. Sam looks into his eyes.
Neither of them have to say anything. They just understand.
It killed Dean that no matter what they said to you over the phone, you never called back. You never sent a text. You sure as hell never showed up. You simply dropped off the face of the Earth 10 years ago. No matter how hard they looked, they couldn’t find a trace of you.
You were always the best. You were the best hunter, being the eldest of the three. You were the best ‘parent’, being the unofficial mother figure. You somehow managed being both mother and sister. It’s what made your disappearance so hard. The boys weren’t just losing a sister.
Despite the fact that they couldn’t track you, you could track them. In fact, you had been doing your best to keep your eye on them. You’re father had demanded that you leave, never come back, and never contact them. You tried your best but you loved your brothers, you had to make sure they were ok.
However, they’re Winchesters. Keeping tabs on them wasn’t always easy. There would be months where they would be the ones that fell off the face of the Earth before suddenly reappearing somewhere. 
You listened to every single voice mail they left. You would cry your eyes out every time. You couldn’t put into words the pain you felt when you heard their voices begging you to come back. You always looked forward to their calls but it never failed to send you into an anxious depressive mess for weeks, sometimes longer, afterward.
It didn’t matter though, you had to keep moving. You had to keep living. It’s not just you who you have to worry about. 
In a couple of months your daughter would be turning 10. Y/d/n Winchester. The father disappeared a couple hours after conception. You had tried to track him down but it wasn’t your main priority. 
Telling your father was extremely hard but him forcing you to leave was the hardest. He wouldn’t let you say goodbye to your brothers. He just told you to pack your bag and get in the Impala while the boys were asleep. He bought you a bus ticket to the furthest place that the bus went too and told you to stay away from the life.
He knew if you talked to your brothers you would be pulled back in. If you were pulled back in, your daughter would be caught in the supernatural mess. John knew a war would be coming and a little baby shouldn’t be in the middle.
As much as you love your brothers, your priority is your daughter. You loved her from the moment you found out she was in your stomach. You had to protect her, no matter what. It didn’t matter what happened to you, your daughter was going to live a happy life.
You always dreamed of a day where you could introduce your daughter to her grandpa and uncles. You dreamed of different scenarios. You prayed they would come true.
When you learned of your father’s death you wanted to cave that instant. You wanted to pack your things, pick your daughter up from school, and go to Bobby’s. You knew the boys would be there. They could cover their tracks but sometimes they were just down right predictable. 
But then you remembered how he died. The nurses had explained the weird things going on and you got the security footage. You watched Dean teeter between the living and the dead before miraculously recovering. Not long later, your father dies. You were able to put two and two together.
Watching the footage would be the first time you saw Sam and Dean since you were a teenager. You didn’t think it would be possible for them to be so tall. The longing for your brothers amplified but they were in deep shit with demons. That isn’t the life you could bring to your doorstep. That isn’t the danger you could bring to your daughter.
However, when you got Sam’s call your world stopped. Hearing that Dean would be dead in a few weeks, dragged to hell by those damn hounds, made you fall to your knees. Hearing about your father’s death, hell seeing it on camera, was one thing. But to lose your brother is something you never wanted to go through.
Sure, you haven’t talked to him but you knew he was alive. You knew he was still kicking ass and taking names. But now you knew he was going to die and there wasn’t a damn thing you could to about it.
But you could do one thing.
“Where are we mom?” Your daughter asks in the back seat as you pull up to a motel. You don’t answer her. Your eyes are glued on the sleek, black Impala. Suddenly you’re 19 again being dropped off at the bus station by your dad who’s telling you to never come back again. “Mom?” You shake the thoughts out of your head. “Are you ok?”
“I’m fine,” You whisper.
You were not fine. Your anxiety is so high that someone would need an oxygen take to climb to the top. Your nerves are shaking your hands. You couldn’t sit still. You felt as if you were on the verge of a panic attack. You managed to keep yourself together not wanting to have such an attack in front of your daughter.
“Sam,” You whisper. You’re youngest brother walks to the Impala, not sparing your car a glance. You watch him open the truck and rummage through it.
“That’s Uncle Sam?” Your daughter asks. Your daughter knew almost everything about your family. She had an idea about the supernatural but not a lot.
“Yeah,” You whisper.
“When was the last time you talked to him?” 
“Too long,” You respond. Sam closes the trunk and begins to walk away. “Stay here,” You say sternly. “I’ll come back for you,”
“Ok,” Your daughter barely answers before you’re out the car following your brother. You were so nervous about the fact that you were about to approach your brother for the first time in a decade that you had forgot one thing. He’s a Winchester.
Sam rounded the corner and you quickly followed. What you weren’t expecting was for him to grab you and slam you against the wall with his forearm digging into your throat.
“Who are you?” He snapped.
“Damn, Sammy,” You choked. Sam frowns his eyebrows and you give him the best Winchester smirk you could muster. “What? Don’t recognize your own sister?” You joke nervously. Sam frowns his eyebrows even more as he takes in your features. “You were the one who called me...” Sam eases back a bit but isn’t completely sure if he trusts you. “Unless you plan on cutting me with some silver or splashing me with some holy water, mind stepping back?” You grab your brothers arm and pull it to the side allowing you to slip away from the wall.
“Y/n?” Sam whispers.
“The one and only,” You wink at him.
“You’re actually here?” Sam asks. You nod.
“I heard that Dean’s in a tough spot,” Sam ignores your comment. “Thought I’d come see you assholes,” The edge of Sam’s lip raises a bit.
“Mom?” Your head snaps to your daughter. Sam slowly follows your gaze.
“I told you to stay in the car,” You growled. 
“I wanted to meet Uncle Sam,” She says walking up cautiously. You sighed and motioned for her to come.
“Uncle Sam?” Sam whispers frowning his eyebrows.
“Sammy, this is Y/d/n,” You introduce glancing at your brother. “My ten year old daughter,” Sam meets your gaze and you can practically see the wheels turning in his head.
You slowly nod your head.
“Well, technically not yet but I will be,” She says running a hand through her hair. “It’s nice to meet you,” Y/d/n says holding out her hand. Sam looks down at her and instantly begins to notice the resemblance. He slowly begins to smile and shakes her hand.
“I’m going to assume Dean is with you,” Sam looks back to you.
“And Bobby,” You smile at the mention of his name. “Come on, they’d love to see you,” 
“I’m not sure if love is the right word but they sure as hell will be shocked,” You say following after him. Sam grins a bit but doesn’t comment. “Y/d/n, I want you to stay behind me or by Sam, alright? I don’t know how Uncle Dean and Grandpa Bobby are going to react but don’t be scared. If it gets too much, step outside, alright?”
“Ok,” Y/d/n nods. You smile kissing the top of her head. Sam glances back at you and his niece. A fond smile coming to his lips.
“We’re in here,” Sam mutters opening the door. Dean doesn’t even glance up but Bobby does. The instant Bobby sees you he drops the beer he was holding.
“What the hell, Bobby?” Dean snips when some of it splashes on him.
“Use your eyes and look, boy,” Bobby snapped back. Dean looks at Bobby and then to you. You notice Dean pale.
“Hi, boys,” You whisper.
“What’re you doing here?” Dean asks, after a long silence.
“I came to see you Dean,” You tell him. Dean scoffs.
“What do you want?” He rephrases his words.
“Nothing,” You shake your head. “Sam called-”
“We both called,” Dean snapped. “Hundred of times we called,” You press your lips together. “Did you even listen to them?” He asks standing up.
“Every one of them,” You whisper.
“And you never thought to call back?” He growls stepping closer to you. “What about the time Sammy begged you to come back? What about when I begged? When I told you we needed you? Where the hell have you been?”
“Taking care of me,” Y/d/n speaks up. Dean’s head snaps over to her. You look at her as well. She looks nervous but you smile proudly as she puts on a brave face and walks up to Dean. She looked scared but she didn’t waver as she stopped in front of your angry brother. “I’m Y/d/n... and I’m ten... almost,” 
Dean stares at her, his mind processing everything. He slowly looks from her, to you, back to her. She shifts a bit but continues to look strong.
“It’s my fault she had to leave,” She continues.
“Baby-” You try to interrupt but she wont let you.
“I don’t know the whole story but I know she misses you and Uncle Sammy and Grandpa John and Grandpa Bobby a lot,” You glance at Bobby. The old geezer has tears in his eyes as she says ‘Grandpa Bobby’. “She told me all about the pranks you would pull together and how you would all look after each other. She would tell me stories every night. She wanted to go back to you but she wouldn’t because of me...” She whispers.
“Y/d/n, we talked about this,” You say, slowly turning your daughter to face you. “None of this is your fault, ok? I love you and I don’t blame you a bit because it’s not your fault. Yes, I missed my brothers and your grandpas but I love you so much that I would stay away. There’s so much you don’t know still and I’ll tell you when you get a little older but-”
“It was safer for you two to stay away,” Dean whispers. You glance at your brother. He’s staring at you. “She just wanted to protect you, she did what she had to do. She was always good at doing the right thing,” You smile a bit.
“There’s a few things I could have done differently,” You shrugged.
“A text would have been nice,” Sam muttered and you smiles a bit.
“How about letters?” You ask. Y/d/n pulls a large stack of letters out of her bag. “They’re addressed to all of you,” You say tearing up. “There’s some for dad too but...” You sniffle a bit.
“You’re here,” Dean whispers, disbelief clouding his eyes. You glance at him. For a moment you’re looking at teenage Dean.
“And I’m safe,” You smile a bit. Dean’s smile widens just a bit. “I just have to figure out a way to keep you safe... Can’t leave you boys alone for a second,” You tease tearfully. Dean smiles and pulls you into a tight hug. Sam comes up to you as well and you wrap your arms around your little, yet taller, brothers. “I love you both so much,” You whisper.
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2.19.24 Monday
3:59 am
I still have windblow... I need to rest, tomorrow is moving on to ecoms...
17 years don't you think it is too much...too long.... to fool me???
3:02 pm
Hmm... I don't know, I applied in Teletech but they told me they are campaigning for someone who has a 1 or 2 years work experience in call center. But they told me I passed my communication skills.... Weird! Of course...
Bound to Concentrix Glorietta with a grab arranged by a recruiter ( Ate Malou ) I met there just there in Ecom.. I thought Concentrix in MOA... Hmm.... I'm for reapply here in Concentrix.
Second try for today...
8:10 pm
Now, in the bus going home...The thing is for reschedule on Thursday coz their internet wifi is not working in Concentrix in Glorietta Makati. It was just an accidental thing coz after Teletech someone approached me again to apply in Concentrix, I thought Concentrix in MOA then that Ate Malou suddenly arranged me or us on grab, a service going to Concentrix Makati ( pasaway that recruiter ). hahaha...
I was thinking, I think I'm not gonna pursue that Concentrix in Makati coz it is kinda too far from Cavite, an additional kilometers or miles for me and most specially additional expenses....
I had my free lunch in Teletech, I grabbed it and I also asked for a headache meds coz I really had this pulsating pain on my head and got a free coffee as well...
No success for today...I will just rest and apply again on Thursday in other companies. Wish me luck!!!
I need a job as soon as possible. I need money... I need a future growth... I have expenses....
10:11 pm
I'm in the house 30 minutes ago... I fed Neko the rottweiler and I cleaned the poops of my baby John here in our living room that became our bedroom coz of nobody wants to visit me on men that I like from previous years. If there are new angels here, you can back track my old entries to understand everything...
Before actually going home or riding the bus at Pittx these 2 new instant friends that I met in MOA and we went together in Concentrix Makati. We figured out that we were all came from Cavite. We ate at "Lawson" before riding the bus going here in Cavite at Pittx coz Roseanne suddenly feel that she is hungry and having headache. So, we decided to eat before going home. Roseann bought a medicine for her headache supposed to be we will eat in Jollibee but we saw that it is loaded of people. I suggested to go up, to check Popeye but we figured out it was expensive, we will be out of budget and we are still looking for a new job or waiting for a job offer. So, I told them to eat in "Lawson" it is like a 7-11... We ate at "Lawson".... Then,after that we went to our own destination. Ronald went to GMA terminal, Roseanne went to Tanza lane and me went to Dasmarinas /Silang bus.
Ronald got his job offer already in Teleperformance. He just accompanied Roseann and simply trying if they can be workmates in the same company.
Well, friends come and go... It is the life of call center people. You will meet a lot coming from different walks of LIFE. Say hi and hello or between hi and hello...
10:31 pm
What else??? The assessment in Teletech is somehow weird... It is like an assessment for pre medicine,there are psychological image test grrr... It's been a long time and there is a "time pressure". It is weird! Some images aren't easy to analyze or are not easy to define... Grrr!!!
It was really funny that I put my esignature message in Teletech, I wrote "Smile though your heart is aching".
10:47 pm
Still Peaches, Peachy, Peach... There is bitterness, bittersweet and longing...
11:01 pm
I feel bitterish,still I can't find a love life... I wanted mutual... I want someone who can be supportive of me on everything....I still want self-growth...
I will be 50 in a lil while without success... I feel bitterish and self-pity every now and then...
I'm having a hard time to get a bf these days... I want someone who is mature, someone I find cute or pretty man... Someone who is really a man... It is so difficult to find someone now that I feel jealous on a lot of things.
0 notes
I Can Do Anything I Want
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Requested from no one.
Tom Holland x Male Reader
(Tom be looking sexy)
Warning: Violence, kidnapping, psychotic Tom, mention of nudity, all character are above the age of 18
Background: March 21st, 2030, 7:00 PM, you were getting ready to bunker down with your mom and dad. You hoped that nothing would happen tonight but someone decided to come in and give you a visit.
Tom is 20 and you are 18
M/n: Male name.
L/n: Last name.
F/n: Friend's name
Word count: 2900
I hope you enjoy it!! Sorry if it is bad! And there are probably many mistakes and grammar errors. 
You were sitting on the couch with your mom sitting on the left side, and your father on your right side. You were waiting for the announcement to come on. ‘It's almost 7:00 PM…” you thought to yourself. The holiday you hated the most was about to begin.
Just then the emergency broadcast came on with that ear-shattering sound. And the screen on the TV turns blue with the symbol of the NFFA in the background.
“This is not a test.”
“This is your emergency broadcast system announcing the commencement of the Annual Purge sanctioned by the U.S. Government.”
“Weapons of class 4 and lower have been authorized for use during the Purge. All other weapons are restricted.”
“Government officials of ranking 10 have been granted immunity from the Purge and shall not be harmed.”
“Commencing at the siren, any and all crime, including murder, will be legal for 12 continuous hours.”
“Police, fire, and emergency medical services will be unavailable until tomorrow morning at 7 AM when the Purge concludes.”
“Blessed be our New Founding Fathers and America, a nation reborn.”
"May God be with you all.”
Then the air horn sirens blared meaning the Purge officially began. Your family has already set up defenses. You, of course, never participate. Your family put out blue flowers to show that they don’t want to participate but they support the purge.
You know your parents, they didn’t support this “holiday” at all. Come on now, 12 hours without any laws. Your parents spoke out against it.
Some (well most) Americans find the Purge to be successful. Unemployment rates plummeted down to 1 percent, crime rates decreased, and the economy was revived.
If you are wondering how this came into reality, it all started back in 2014.
(little history of how the Purge became a tradition in American society.)
In 2014, the United States was facing economic collapse, rising social unrest, and multiple wars. The economic collapse was worse than the Mortgage Crisis of 2008. Neighborhoods across the country were destroyed by an opioid epidemic.
Then a party was founded as a substitute for the Republicans and Democrats, they called themselves the New Founding Fathers of America or NFFA.
In 2016, the first experimental Purge took place and it proved to be successful. Then in 2017, the second experimental Purge began this time it was Nationwide.
Not long after that, the 28th amendment to the US constitution was ratified meaning that Purging is now an American right.
The Purge starts on March 21st at 7:00 PM and it ends at sunrise, March 22nd, 7:00 AM. all crime is legal for 12 hours, no killing high government officials, and don’t use explosives or bioweapons. Those who don’t follow the rules will be hanged.
This resulted in crime and unemployment rates dropping down 1 percent, government spending down 37 percent, and the GDP soared to 37.21 trillion dollars.
Still, many people disagreed with this because it was believed that the Purge was used as means of population control, and to decrease the poor population but they couldn’t do anything about it.
(little history lesson over. I just wanna include that part for those who have never seen the purge.)
We got off the couch and went to go do our own things. “Sweetie do wanna eat dinner?” my mom said, I smiled. “Yes please.” she smiled at me and went to go cook dinner. You went upstairs to chill in your room. Your window was boarded up but you could easily remove it when things go down.
Time skip (8:00 PM)
It's been one hour since commencement. You were up in your room just watching YouTube videos. Your mother was downstairs cooking Lasagna (or whatever your favorite dish is) your father was downstairs watching the news.
The news would keep up with things happening tonight. Were watching a live stream showing what was happening on the outside. Building on fire, people killing each other, and parties. All of this was caught on drones.
You would hear the occasional screams and gunfire in the area but you and your family were secure.
Then you heard banging on the front door. The door and windows were boarded up with wood planks. ‘Who is that?’ you thought, you were worried it was one of your bullies who decided tonight was the night they get to get rid of you.
You went downstairs to see your parents. They had fear in their eyes, then the door busted one. Three men wearing tuxedos with masks on walked in. then they pulled out their guns, that’s when you dashed and went up into your room.
Your parents tried to run but they were quickly gunned down. You could hear gunshots go off and their screams filled the house.
You locked your bedroom door and ran to the window to remove the wood plank blocking it. You could hear the footsteps coming up the stairs. One of them called out to you, “M/n⁓ where are you⁓? Come out from hiding… are you in your room?”
You recognized that deep British accent, it was Tom! Tom Holland from your class! ‘What did I do to him? I never did anything wrong to him!’ but that didn’t stop you from removing the plank. You jumped out the window and ran for it.
Tom busted through your door to see that you have escaped. He gritted his teeth and went downstairs to see his twin brothers sitting down on the couch with their masks off.
“So he got away?” the older twin said. “Yeah, he did. We’ll find him though. He isn’t stupid enough to go downtown. He’ll probably head to his friend's house.” Tom said a little anger that his precious lover had gone away.
“We already took care of his friends. But we couldn’t get to one of them.” The younger twin said, Tom nodded and went out to go find you.
(Btw Tom's parents live in the UK and they don’t know what he is doing. Tom’s brothers are just helping him catch you)
Time skip (9:00 PM)
You were running to your friend's house hoping they would help you. You had to be careful while running through the streets, there were purgers everywhere. The city of Los Angeles was crawling with them, especially in the downtown area.
Thankfully you took your phone with you to see what time it was. ‘9:00 PM.’ you turned off your but you made sure it was on silent mode so it wouldn't bring attention to you.
You had a little encounter with Purgers but they were quickly gunned down by a machine gun attached to the back of a car. You saw vehicles on fire, dead bodies, and an old lady just watching a body burn.
‘This is all crazy!’ you thought as you ran faster just to get off the streets but what you didn’t was that someone was following you.
After running for 30 minutes you finally arrived at one of your friend’s houses. You didn’t realize that their barricades were broken until you twisted the knob on the door.
You walked in to see the whole place trashed. You walked through the rooms to see F/N parents dead, lying on the floor. Their eyes were open, you see nothing in them. “Please don’t be dead…” you said putting your hand over your mouth as you tried not to cry out loud.
You slowly walked up the stairs and approached F/N’s room. There you saw it, F/N lying on the floor dead as well. You burst out crying but that ended when you heard a car pull up.
“Find him!” you knew who that was immediate. You couldn’t run anywhere because they were downstairs, and the window had steel as a barricade. So, you hid in F/n’s closet.
You knew they had a pile of clothing in the corner, so you buried yourself in their clothes. You heard their footsteps walking up the stairs, and them breaking down the door. Then you heard them in the room.
You could see a figure walking through a small hole in the clothing pile. You covered your mouth so you wouldn’t breathe too hard. “CLEAR!” the figure yelled and went back downstairs. You heard their conversation from downstairs because of how the walls were thin.
“I thought he would be here!” Tom yelled, and out of anger shots one of his own men. The twins and the other weren’t fazed by this. They knew Tom had a few screws loose.
Then you heard them leave but you didn’t believe they actually left so you decided to stay where you were for the 2 to 3 hours.
Time skip (3:00 AM)
While waiting you accidentally fell asleep (why? because of plot purposes and I'm the author)and you realized that it was 3:00 AM, 4 hours till the Purge ends. You thought you could stay here but then you smelt something burning.
You got out of the pile to see the room was on fire. ‘What?! How?’ you quickly got and ran before the roof caved in on you. The backdoor was barricaded but due to the fire, it melted the steel allowing you to escape. (is that possible?)
You were on the run again but before you left, you noticed a group of people watching the house burn. ‘Are those my teachers?’ The group was your teachers from different classes. You knew they didn’t like F/N at all.
‘What has this country become?’ if this keeps happening, if more innocent people keep dying, then the nation will become the “Nation of Murders.” you decided to ignore them and run.
But one of them saw you, “M/n? Is that you?” one of them yelled. You froze, ‘how did they--?’ you turned around to see them walking towards you. “Hey don't worry we ain’t kill you. You are our favorite student!”
You looked at them shocked. “Why are you out here? Aren’t you supposed to be with your parents?” you looked down and began to cry. They noticed and said they didn’t need to know.
“Do you wanna come with us? There’s a neighborhood block party.” you nodded and decided to go with them. ‘So I guess they kill the kids they hate.’ they then took you to one of the nearby parties.
But one of Tom’s men noticed and decided to alert the big boss.
(just to be clear, in the Purge series there isn’t a legal purge. Meaning that you can kill someone who is 18 or younger. Now that’s fucked up.)
You and the teachers arrived at the block party. You see everyone partying, some had creepy masks, and others were naked grinding against each other. You lost your teachers in the crowd so you decided to just hideout.
Time skip (6:00 AM, one hour till the Purge ends.)
(if you are wondering why Tom didn’t show up early, it's because he was busy doing something else….. Or maybe its because I was too lazy to put anything during that time skip)
You checked your phone and noticed it was 6:00 AM. ‘One more hour!’ you smiled as the night was finally coming to an end. The sun was rising in the distance but people were still partying. ‘I survived the night.’
You even began to party yourself in celebration of surviving. You had a couple of drinks but not enough to be completely drunk. You danced with some people. Overall you were having a good time
But that happiness was short-lived when the gunfire began to go off. People were screaming and tripping over each other as they tried to run away. You already knew who it was. Tom fucking Holland and his group arrived
He noticed you in the crowd and smirked as he can finally have you before the Purge ended. You ran away from the crowd to one of those large garbage containers. You hid behind them hoping Tom won’t find you.
You could still hear the screams of people and more gunfire further down the street. You creeped out from your hiding place and walked back to the street.
You were horrified by what you were seeing. Dead bodies everywhere, your teacher’s dead bodies, and some people you were dancing with. All dead.
Then you heard footsteps behind you, you turned around to see Tom there smiling sadistically at you. You admit he was kind of hot but that doesn’t matter right now. “Why are you doing this? I never did anything to you! And did you find me?! ”
(6:55 AM)
“Why’m I doing this? Well, it's because of M/n…… I love you M/n! You never did anything wrong. And how did I find you? Well, remember there's an app where you can track down certain people’s phones? Well, that’s how I found you, that and one of my men told me.” Tom sounded proud of what he just said.
(6:57 AM)
“I thought I could use this Purge night as a way to finally have you to myself! I hope you share the same feeling like me.” you couldn’t believe what you were hearing.
“Tom…. look, you’re a cute guy, hell I would probably have dated if you just came up to me like a normal person would. But no, you went ahead and killed everyone. You killed my family and friends, and you think I share the same feeling like you! No!” you yelled the tension was thick and Tom was angry.
(6:59 AM)
“I loved you! And they were getting in the way!--” Tom took a pause, “If I can’t have then no one will!” Tom charged at you with his knife. ‘What happened to his gun?’
But you quickly snapped out when he charged at you. You dodged his attack but he stabbed you in the arm. He was about to finish when…
(7:00 AM)
The siren went off meaning the Purge had come to an end. Tom was still going to attack but was stopped when a voice came on, “Stop what you are doing! I repeat stop what you are doing! The Purge has concluded. If anyone does a crime, you will face the consequences.”
Tom stopped what he was doing and looked at you, “Next Purge, I’m going to get you.” Tom then got into his car and drove off.
You felt like you were going to faint from blood loss but then someone drove up to you. “Hey, okay?! Oh my God, we need to get you to the hospital!” they picked you up and carried you into the backseat, and drove you to the nearest hospital.
The radio was on and began to report on tonight’s events. “Just after 7:00 AM, March 22nd Pacific Standard, the Annual Purge was concluded. Reports are coming from all over the nation that this was the most participated Purge yet….
364 days until the next Purge...
Bad Ending.
Time skip (6:00 AM, one hour till the Purge ends.)
You checked your phone and noticed it was 6:00 AM. ‘One more hour!’ you smiled as the night was finally coming to an end. The sun was rising in the distance but people were still partying. ‘I survived the night.’
You even began to party yourself in celebration of surviving. Yo had a couple of drinks but not enough to be completely drunk. You danced with some people. Overall you were having a good time
But that happiness was short-lived when the gunfire began to go off. People were screaming and tripping over each other as they tried to run away. You already knew who it was. Tom fucking Holland and his group arrived
He noticed you in the crowd and smirked as he can finally have you before the Purge ended. You ran away from the crowd to one of those large garbage containers. You hid behind them hoping Tom won’t find you.
You could still hear the screams of people and more gunfire further down the street. You creeped out from your hiding place and walked back to the street.
You were horrified by what you were seeing. Dead bodies everywhere, your teacher’s dead bodies, and some people you were dancing with. All dead.
Just then you felt something being injected into your neck. You passed out but before you completely passed out, you got a glimpse of who it was…. It was Tom.
“You're finally mine M/n. I’ll keep you forever…. No one will take us apart….”
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Blind Date
Summary: Derek Morgan sets up two of his friends for a blind date. They have never heard of each other or seen each other. But something tells Derek’s intuition they would get along well.
Type: fluff
Warnings: talking about serial killers
Word Count: 1.9K
Spencer Reid’s POV
I walked into work on a regular Tuesday morning, coffee in hand, a book tucked under my arm and my bag draped over my shoulder. I wasn’t expecting anything at all, being the first to walk in as per usual. Following my typical routine for paperwork day I sat down at my desk and went through file after file on that big pile in front of me. After about 30 minutes the others walked in. Still, everything appeared completely normal. So normal in fact, that it was almost suspicious.
“Hey, pretty boy,“ Derek said loudly as he walked directly towards me, without even stopping at his desk first, “I have an idea that you’re not going to like at first, but you’ll agree to anyway.“
“If I’m not going to like it, why would I agree to it?“ I asked curiously and looked up at him as he came to a halt right in front of my desk.
“Because I am asking you to and you will thank me later. Now hear me out please.“
“Alright,“ I responded, shifting in my seat towards him and pushing my glasses up a little.
“So, you know how the other day you said that you never go out on dates?” He obviously noticed my face flush as my eyes darted around the room to check if someone else was listening, “I was thinking, how about I play the wingman to help you get a date?”
“You want to play the what?” I asked confused and shocked simultaneously.
“Forget it,” he said hastily, “what I’m trying to say is, I set you up for a date.”
“You did what?” I could hear my voice getting louder the more shocked Derek made me. Again looking around, I noticed Emily exiting the elevator.
“A friend of mine – a female friend, who is also single – recently complained to me how she always dates the bad guys and how she just wishes for a good guy to come along and sweep her off her feet. So I set up a blind date for you guys. Listen, Spencer, I know this is uncomfortable for you, but it’ll be fun. Just agree to it and see what happens. You can become friends with her or never speak to her again afterward. But just give it a shot, maybe you’ll even get lucky,” Derek grinned at me.
I thought about it for a moment. Why was I even considering it? This is a crazy idea! She probably wouldn’t like me anyway and I would just embarrass myself for a few hours before going home and reading the book just as I had planned. But the way Derek was looking at me like he would never let me say now, and just that little sliver of something similar to hope made me nod my head slowly and uncertainly.
“Great! Wait – it was that easy to convince you?” Derek asked, a little shocked.
“It was this easy to convince him to do what?” Emily, who now reached us, interjected.
I went to yell a quick “nothing” before the situation got out of hand, but Derek was faster and began explaining the scenario.
“And he agreed to a blind date? Looks like our genius isn’t that much of a recluse after all,” Emily mused as she walked away towards her desk.
To say I was nervous was an understatement. I hadn’t been on a proper date in like forever plus 2. But I promised Derek I wouldn’t bail on him and go to the restaurant anyways.
So here I was, entering a beautiful Vietnamese restaurant that Derek picked out 5 minutes before 8 pm on a Friday. To ensure the blind-dateness of it all, the table was reserved in Derek’s name. And he picked the perfect spot. In the back corner, a little bit further from everyone else, but with a view out the window into Washington D.C’s buzzing nightlife.
The waitress led me to the table, which was not yet occupied. I sat down against the wall to make sure I would see whoever came in. Taking off my coat to reveal my satin dress underneath I shivered lightly at the lack of warmth. Maybe it was the nerves too. Taking a deep breath and looking out the window into the night, I tried to force myself to calm down. I did not want to make a bad impression on one of Derek’s friends. If he was one of his friends? I knew nothing about this man. Just that it was one. A man.
Just as I began getting lost in my thoughts of who would be my dining partner, I noticed footsteps approaching me. My clock read 7:58. At least he’s very punctual. Looking up towards the body the feet belonged to, my heart began beating faster.
In front of me was a tall, handsome man with longish hair, dressed in a fine black suit and a deep crimson shirt. He looked shy, his eyes wide open and his lips slightly parted. He turned to thank the waitress and I examined his portrait. Ugh, he was definitely attractive. I thanked Derek in my thoughts for knowing my type and giving this man a head start.
“Can I sit here?” his voice was quiet as if he were as uncertain as I was. I nodded and smiled slightly, to calm both his nerves and mine. He sat down and for the first time our eyes properly met. And for a second we just stared.
I was the first to look away, my nervousness taking over, “um- I’m Y/N”.
“Hi, I’m Spencer,” he said more confidently now.
After exchanging the expected small talk about how we both knew Derek and what we did for a living, we ordered our food. This is the moment I feared. Chitter chatter out of the way, waiting for the food. What if there was nothing to talk about now?
“You’re studying medicine?” he asked to draw my attention and I nodded, “how are you enjoying it?”
And boy, he should not have asked that. With my heart racing in my chest, so were my words. I began a ramble on how I always wanted to study it and what excited me the most. When I realised how much I was talking I abruptly stopped with an awkward, “so yes. I am enjoying it.”
He grinned slightly, which eased some of my nervousness. I smiled back at him slightly.
“I’ve been meaning to say, you look beautiful tonight,” he said and for the first time that evening, he sounded confident. I guess my ramble eased his nerves too. Tucking a strand of hair behind my ear, I quietly thanked him.
Right then, the waiter came and brought our food. We ate in silence for a little while, but it wasn’t awkward. If anything, it was serene. We looked at each other occasionally, appreciating the other’s presence.
After a while, Spencer spoke up, “did you know that the reason why Vietnamese food is so healthy is partly because they don’t use that much oil? And of course also because the food contains so many vitamins, like C, B1, B6, and B3, but also many trace elements, for example, zinc, copper, magnesium, and potassium.”
I looked up at him as he started talking and nodded attentively, “no. I did not know that. But now I feel encouraged to eat Vietnamese more often.”
 We finished our dinner with pleasant conversation, Spencer interjecting a few interesting facts here and there. I quickly realised he must be incredibly intelligent, which made me even more attracted to him. But I must admit, I was pretty proud when I knew some of his facts and could even add to them with my knowledge. For example when we got to the topic of serial killers (which of course was unavoidable given his job):
“So one gene that could make a person psychopathic is the gene coding for monoamine oxidase A. If you have one version of it, the protein becomes ineffective and can’t break down your brain’s monoamines like serotonin, dopamine, and norepinephrine. One study on a family in Holland found that they all had a version of it where the protein was completely ineffective. And they had unusually high levels of aggression and violence in that family,” Spencer said. His speed was almost hard to keep up with, but me hanging onto every word he said helped.
“I know! But the gene alone doesn’t suffice to make someone more aggressive. A study found that which gene version you have interacts with your environment during childhood. In maltreated children the effect on aggression can be seen way stronger than in children with a normal childhood,” I responded excitedly, leaning forward onto the table.
But Spencer didn’t respond. Instead, he froze, his lips parting as his jaw dropped a little. He stared at me with an emotion that appeared to me like shock mixed with fascination – and maybe awe? I didn’t know what to do so I just looked back at him shyly, feeling a blush creeping onto my cheeks.
 That night, Spencer drove me home, like a gentleman. When we arrived at my apartment, he got out of the car and walked me to the door.
“I had a really nice time tonight,” I said softly looking up at him.
“Me too,” he smiled, and then a sudden wave of nervousness washed over him, “would you maybe – I don’t know – want to… do this again some time? Only if you want to of course.”
A smile spread onto my lips as well, “I’d love to.”
Spencer’s POV
The Monday following my dinner with Y/N, I walked into the office with a slight bounce in my step. I was still ecstatic over how well it went, and that I even had a chance with her. We had texted all weekend, about anything and everything.
“Hey Reid, come over here,” Derek shouted at me from his desk.
My face instantly flushed as I realised I would now have to spill all the details to him.
“How did the date with Y/N go?” he asked curiously. I could feel the eyes of Emily and JJ on the back of my neck from Emily’s desk.
“Um- it went well, I guess,” I said, shuffling my feet around awkwardly.
“It went well? Come on, Spence, give us more details!” JJ said as the two of them came to join me and Derek as well.
“Yeah, I mean we talked a lot and she enjoyed my fun facts. We will go on a second date soon, we even texted all weekend,” I stuttered, not meeting any of them in the eye.
“See? What did I tell you, Reid? You would not regret this,” Derek told me and then turned to the girls, “am I one hell of a matchmaker or not?”
They giggled slightly as my hands reached up to feel my burning skin.
“I knew she would be your type, just like you’re exactly hers. Enjoy it, kid, she’s a keeper for sure,” Derek said while patting my shoulder as he left for the coffee machine.
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dinosaurtsukki · 3 years
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[ traffic jams ] 
pairing: suna rintarou x gn!reader
word count: 1.8k words
contains: ‘timestamps’ in a way, some shenanigans to pass the time, slightly awkward!suna, a bit too many ratatouille references, friendship with mutual crushing
a/n: i lowkey miss the traffic jams going home and one thing that struck me when reading suna’s bio on the wiki was that he doesn’t actually live near inarizaki so i thought it would be cute to have like a suna x reader commute fic
>> 5:45 pm: 
you sigh for what was probably the fifth time that hour as you stare at the road map on your phone. the highway you were currently on was marked with red, indicating a traffic jam that stretched for kilometers. ‘estimated travel time: 4 hours’ the top of your phone screen read.
‘great, and it’s a friday night on top of that.’ you rub the side of your temple and stare out the window of the bus. you already knew what going to inarizaki, a high school all the way out in hyogo, while you were currently living in tokyo meant when it came to travel time. you often had to wake up early and get home late with the long travel time to school and back. most days, it was manageable and a one hour commute meant a good day. however, there were days when a storm was raging outside, delaying the train and bus schedules, and road accidents that led to the kind of situation you were currently in.
after leaving at five pm, you spent the past hour doing some homework in the bus and now you were fresh out of things to do. you’re also avoiding using your phone too much and draining your battery. right before you’re about to put on your earphones, your bus seatmate stirs awake. 
aside from you, there is one other student who also commutes all the way to school from aichi, the prefecture where you live: suna rintarou. you know him as one of the regulars in the volleyball team and that he’s in the same year as you. neither of you ever really interacted much but took the same bus to and from school. sometimes you’d greet each other good morning and recently had this silent agreement to sit next to each other.
you watch as suna blinks sleepily before glancing out the window beside you. “where are we?” he mumbles.
“still in hyogo. it’s been an hour,” you answer. 
“damn, really?” suna groans when he realizes just how terrible the traffic is outside. “and it’s a friday too.”
“tell me about it,” you chuckle mirthlessly. “also, estimated travel time is four hours so there go my exciting friday plans,” you add sarcastically.
“sorry you have to spend them with me,” suna smirks at you. your stomach flutters and you smile nervously. despite not knowing him too well, you couldn’t help but find him quite attractive. in fact, the reason why you got up early in the morning and tried to leave school at the same time as him was because you enjoyed your daily commutes with suna so much. even more so when you two started sitting next to each other.
“well, i don’t think that would be too bad,” you clear your throat. “we could play ‘i spy’ for four more hours.”
“or,” suna grins, leaning down and opening his backpack before pulling out his laptop. you chuckle and pull out your earphones. “we could watch ratatouille.”
“of all the things to pirate. you really chose ratatouille?”
“fuck disney, am i right?” suna smirks.
“fuck disney.”
>> 7:46 pm
“good on you for making sure that your laptop was fully charged before leaving school,” you say, stretching your arms a bit as soon as the credits roll.
“hmm, yeah,” suna sighs and leans his head back. “though, i think i made the wrong decision.”
“how come?”
suna crosses his arms over his stomach and squeezes his eyes shut. “because we watched ratatouille, i’m hungry now.”
“oh...” you nod your head, just as you feel a rumble in your stomach. “oh,” you repeat. 
“yeah,” suna groans. “do you have any food on you?”
“i have...” you rustled through your backpack before procuring “a bag of peanuts.” 
“hmm, that’ll have to do,” suna said, plucking the packet out of your hand. “say, one nut each per two minutes? just to ration it out?”
you sigh. “it’s going to be a long night.”
>> 8:10 pm
“there it is, the last two nuts,” suna says gazing at the two peanuts in the palm of his hand before offering one of them to you.
“i really, really thought they would last longer,” you sigh.
“they would have if you kept them for yourself,” suna raises his eyebrows. 
“i’m too nice for that,” you giggle. “besides, i’d feel too guilty seeing you all hungry.”
“and i might guilt-trip you just a little bit,” suna says. “like, toss you mournful looks and everything.”
“no! not the mournful looks,” you cry and the two of you burst out laughing. you lift your peanut towards him. “toast?” 
“toast,” suna snickers. you toast your peanuts before popping them into your mouth. you’re both still far from home.
>> 8:30 pm
“i spy with my little eye... something red and blinking.”
“oh my god, it’s another car taillight isn’t it?”
“... it is,” suna admits, blinking lazily out the window. “i mean, it’s all taillights out there. anyway, your turn.” he nudges your arm with his elbow.
“i spy with my little eye... “ you blink and yawn. “some really tired passengers.” 
“i’m looking at one right now,” suna snickers at you.
you two share a glance before simultaneously sighing. 
“i want to be home,” you say. you don’t even have to look at suna to know he’s nodding in agreement. 
>> 9:00 pm
“chicken nuggets.” 
“suna, please stop,” you groan.
“it’s all i can think of,” suna shakes his head. the two of you are staring up at the ceiling of bus, trying and failing to forget your hunger. “when we get out of here, i’m going to the first fast-food restaurant i see and ordering chicken nuggets. also ice cream from the convenience store. you know, the soft-serve one in the cone.”
“yeah, you only mentioned that five times for the past hour,” you roll your eyes.
“how bout you? what’s the first thing you’re getting when we finally get to the stop?” suna nudges your ribs. you close your eyes, knowing that nothing good will come out of talking about food. but then again, not thinking about it wasn’t going to make you any less hungrier either.
“strawberry yogurt drink,” you answer. “i want that strawberry yogurt drink that they always have in convenience stores?”
“oh that one,” suna hums. “you’re literally the only person i know who likes that.”
“which is great because the vending machines never run out of them,” you add. “you what else i want?” you ask after a beat of silence.
“that mushroom remy cooked in the beginning of the movie,” you giggle. suna shakes his head as a smile blooms on his face. now that you think about it, you’ve never really seen that kind of goofy smile on him before.
>> 9:30 pm
suna wakes up for the second time during that bus ride after a short nap. it doesn’t surprise at all that he’s still in the bus. what does, though, is seeing you fast asleep with your head on his shoulder. you must have accidentally leaned on him while you two drifted off to sleep but suna was far from annoyed. 
he was never really one to approach random people to strike up a conversation, but he always enjoyed seeing you, wearing the same uniform as him, waiting at the same bus stop he took every morning. unlike suna, you were way more productive during your daily commutes by doing your homework in the bus. once or twice, he’d glance at your pretty handwriting or pick up your pencil after you accidentally dropped it.
suna noticed that sometimes, you’d pack cereal in ziploc bags to eat for breakfast. that it would take you less than five minutes to fall asleep in the bus when there are exams. that you rotated between the same five hairclips throughout the week.
the sound of the bus engine coming to a stop and passengers abruptly standing up brings suna out of his thoughts. with a start, he realizes that you’re both finally at the bus stop in your hometown.
“y/n. wake up,” suna nudges you softly. he only gets to appreciate your sleepy face for a few seconds before breaking the good news. “we’re home.”
“we are?” you wake up instantly at that and look out the window. “oh my god, we are!” you squeal. suna grins as the two of you quickly pick up your bags and leave the bus. 
“okay so the nearest fast-food place is the one a few blocks away from here,” suna says as the two of you leave the bus. god, he’s starving. he can already taste the chicken nuggets. 
“eat a whole bunch of them for me,” you laugh. suna stops and looks at you.
“i...” suna realizes with a hint of embarrassment that he was under the assumption you two would be going together. “if... if you’re hungry too you can come, if you want.”
“oh.” there’s genuine surprise in your voice and suna feels a bit of relief. “i... i thought.”
“of course you don’t have to if you really need to head home.” 
“it’s not that i just, rarely ever get invited to things,” you chuckle and hook your thumbs into the straps of your backpack. “so... shall we go?”
suna feels the corner of his lip turn up in a smile. “chicken nuggets are on me.”
>> monday, 6:00 am:
you sprint to the bus stop as fast as your legs could carry you. rarely were you ever late for your bus, especially with how quickly you went through your morning routine. but this time, your sibling hogged the bathroom for five minutes too long, thus leading you to your current predicament. 
the bus is thankfully still there when you reach the stop and you don’t hesitate before flinging yourself inside, only to be greeted with the seats full of passengers. ‘damn,’ you mentally curse. the next bus doesn’t arrive until twenty minutes later and you were surely going to come in to class late and--
you hear suna’s voice call out to your right. he lifts his bacpack off the seat beside him and gestures for you to sit. 
he had saved a seat for you.
“thank you so much,” you smile gratefully and slide into the seat while catching your breath. 
“sure thing, busmate,” suna smirks at you. “i, ah, also got you this.” he reaches into his backpack before handing you something. it’s a carton of your favorite strawberry-yogurt drink.
you have to press your lips together to keep the giddy smile off your face as you accept it from suna. “thanks... busmate.”
“so,” suna clears his throat. “i was thinking of what movies to pirate next in the event of another friday traffic jam. you got any ideas?”
“hmm, let me think...” 
maybe traffic jams weren’t going to be so bad after all. 
▸ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ┈┈┈┈ 🎕 ◂
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