#he would order a filet ‘o fish with cheese
iamjoesleftnut · 2 years
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klbwriting · 7 months
Not Romeo, Not Juliet
Chapter 4: But Given Unsought
Fandom: Red Hood
Pairing: Jason Todd x f!reader
Warnings: some violence
Summary: Jason goes to Big Belly Burger to see YN after a couple weeks away, realizes he is head over heels
Notes: the incident in this chapter actually happened to me when I was working at McDonald's in 2005 because a filet o fish HAD CHEESE, life feeds art right?
Love sought, is good; but given unsought, is better — Twelfth Night, Act 3 Scene 1
Jason had kept himself busy for the next couple weeks, knowing that if he went to find YN at her home or job everyday it would be creepy. He wanted to talk to YN, figure out how he could explain himself to her and get her to forgive him for being with those people at the open mic, but he didn't know how without you thinking he was some kind of stalker. So he waited, did rehearsal, actually found himself doing well, until one Friday after rehearsal he decided to go visit Big Belly Burger. Just once, see what her reaction was. If she was entirely against seeing him he would leave and let her be, but if she wasn't so angry maybe he would try to get her number, just talk to her. He felt so stupid, why would she want to talk to him? He was just some guy who had ruined her night, some guy who couldn't even make friends when people were throwing themselves at him, he wasn't a good brother, had been a terrible son, and now, what was he? He sighed, the self loathing getting more intense as he drove the motorcycle into Crime Alley. He parked it in an alley a few streets away and walked the rest of the way, entering the fast food joint and waiting in the short line. Not too many people were out on Friday nights in Crime Alley, anyone who went out went to a safer part of Gotham, and everyone else stayed locked up in their homes. The person in front of him left with their order and Jason came face to face with YN.
"What are you doing here?" she asked, looking surprised to see him. She probably thought he had given up after their last meeting. Jason put on what he hoped was a friendly smile and after a second YN gave him a small smile back. Hopefully that was a good sign and not just her customer service skills taking over. He ordered, surprising her with how much he wanted. She didn't say anything, just dutifully took his card and tapped it. "It'll be out shortly." Her customer service voice was kind of cute and he chuckled a little. That was the wrong move, she glared at him.
"Sorry, just you sound different..." he said, trying to explain himself. She looked at hard at him and turned to the staging area to wait for his tray. He sighed, wanting to smack himself. How was he such an ass without meaning to be? She turned again and set his food down. He took the tray and went to sit down, making sure he was near the door, back to the wall so he could see everything in the room. He could feel her eyes on him as she went to a closet in near the bathrooms and pulled out a broom. She swept her way through the empty restaurant down to where he was sitting.
"So why did you come here again? Seeing how the other half lives with our menial jobs?" she asked, but her voice lacked the annoyed edge it usually had with him. He looked at her and found she had stopped actually sweeping, she was leaning on the broom, watching him.
"No, I told you I used to live around here so sometimes I come back, check things out," he said. Which was true, he was trying to find a way to help around there without resorting to Robin-like antics. He didn't need Batman finding him.
"Ok, say I believe you, there are other fast food places around, why this one?" she asked. He looked at her, popping a fry in his mouth to give him time to think of something that wasn't just 'I think you're adorable and want to talk to you'.
"I like your fries," he said. "And the company isn't so bad either." She blushed a little, turning to sweep at imaginary dust and he smiled, liking the reaction. "YN, maybe you'd want to talk? I..."
"Can I get service here?" someone from the register yelled. YN froze and turned, sighing a little as she set the broom out of the way and went to the customer.
"Sorry about that, can I help you?" she asked, plastering on a fake smile. The guy ordered in an annoyed tone and then waited for his order. She brought the bag to him and he opened it up, frowning. "Is there something wrong?" she asked before the sandwich went flying, hitting her in the face. She let out a cry of surprise, grabbing the counter so she didn't slip. The guy's hand shot out and grabbed her arm.
"I didn't say to put cheese on my fucking sandwich," he snarled. She stared at him like he was nuts. Before she could even answer Jason was across the room, gripping the guy's shoulder hard, forcing him to let go. Jason psychically turned the guy around to put himself between YN and the customer.
"How about we talk to the employee's with some respect," Jason said, voice a dangerous bass. He was fighting the rage that was growing in him, eyes drifting towards green, that strange power that coursed through him begging to be unleashed. The guy glared at him, clearly not wanting a fight. He backed up towards the door and Jason looked at YN. "Are you ok?" She nodded and he heard the small ding of the door.
"Your boyfriend won't be here all the time bitch," the guy said. Jason turned, eyes now a flaring emerald, and the guy ran, Jason giving chase. He was a block away before Jason caught up, tackling him to the ground, rolling the guy over.
"Don't you ever go back in there again," Jason said, fist slamming into the guys face. He heard a crunch and stood up, needing to get away before he killed the guy. He could feel the desire, the need for blood in his veins. He went to where he parked the bike, punching the brick wall several times, beating it with the side of his fists, until the rage subsided and he could breathe again. He panted, looking at his bloodied arms and shook his head, driving back home.
Dick was waiting when he came in and he immediately saw the blood.
"What the hell happened?" he asked, walking over. Jason stepped back before he could touch him. He looked at Dick, looking for signs of anger. Bruce would have been pissed if he had come back bloody like this. Dick just looked concerned.
"I almost lost it on some guy, but instead I beat up a wall," Jason said. Dick nodded, and pointed to the bathroom, a strange look in his eyes.
"Get cleaned up, how about tomorrow morning we do some boxing and you can tell me what actually happened," he said. Jason sighed and just shrugged, knowing he didn't have much of a choice.
Bright and early Dick had Jason gloved up at the local gym he owned. He had made sure the place was closed that morning so that he and Jason could really talk without disruption. They went for about half an hour with just sparring, getting warmed up and feeling each other out. Jason knew that the serious talk was coming when Dick slowed down and let him get a jab to his face in. Jason smirked, that felt good, he always liked getting on over on his big brother. If truth be told Jason was a better brawler, could overwhelm Dick if he got more than two shots in a row in, but Dick was fast, which made him a hard target to hit.
"Can we talk?" Dick asked, recovering from the hit and removing his gloves. Jason sighed and sat in the middle of the ring, leaning back on his hands. Dick stood in the corner, leaning on a turnbuckle. "So what actually happened last night?" Jason let out a sigh, he might as well tell the truth.
"I went to Crime Alley to see someone, they go to Gotham Academy and she's well, kind of amazing," Jason said. Dick's eyebrows went up. "She works at a Big Belly Burger near my old apartment so I went there for dinner, try to talk to her, see when I went to that open mic with the seniors from theater they played a horrible prank on her and she thought I was involved so I tried apologizing again, and I think she forgave me? We talked a little, then this guy came in and was such a dick, he threw a sandwich at her and grabbed her. I was seeing red and so angry, I stopped him from hurting her, then he threatened to come back for her so I chased him, I punched him, just once and then I went to beat up a wall before I really hurt him," Jason rambled. Dick stood silent, staring for a solid minute once he was done.
"Ok, I'm going to try and follow this. You met a girl, who you clearly have a thing for," he started. Jason nodded, might as well admit that he was crushing hard on YN. "Then some guy threatened her and you chased him, punched him, then hit a wall?" "Pretty much," he said. Dick nodded and them smiled.
"What's her name?" his brother asked. Jason felt his cheeks heating up. He knew he had to spill now, but he had liked keeping her to himself for a moment, if he said her name then his feelings were real and he did not like having feelings to begin with, let alone ones like this.
"YN," he said. He saw the change in Dick's face, saw him doing some thinking.
"Is her mother sick?" he asked suddenly and Jason stared at him. Did he know YN? Jason nodded. "You should stay away from her, in fact I demand you stay away from her." Jason looked confused, standing.
"Why?" he asked. Dick looked conflicted.
"Just, do as I say, please, she's trouble," he said. Jason shook his head. Figures, another 'father' wanting to control him, not trusting his judgement. He ripped his pads off, throwing them at the floor and walking out of the gym, annoyed.
The sun was high in the sky when Jason got to Crime Alley. He didn't remember that YN was at practice until he was almost at her work. Of course, it would have been weird to just show up after he had ghosted the day before, what would she even think? He sighed and turned back, meaning to go back to the apartment and force Dick to tell him what he was on about with YN when he heard someone cry out nearby. He looked down the alley, seeing a guy with a knife and a woman, clutching her hand to her chest, purse already on the ground, the contents scattered.
"Give me the ring or I'm going to cut it off you," the guy said. Jason glared, sliding the hockey mask he always carried out of his pocket, putting it on, and putting up his hood. He marched down the alley, rolling up his sleeves. The guy looked at him, brandishing the knife at him. "What are you supposed to -" he didn't finish as Jason kicked him in the stomach, knocking him into the wall. He grabbed the guy's wrist, forcing him to drop the knife and then put a forearm to the guy's throat before turning to the woman.
"Get your stuff and go," he said. She wearily gathered her things and ran out of the alley. Jason looked back at the mugger, who was now passed out and let him drop to the ground. He went to the mouth of the alley, calling the police, making sure he heard sirens before he ran off, putting the mask away and heading home. That felt good, helping that woman, protecting her, that felt really good.
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txnatiuh-etc · 2 years
@sleepdeprxved asked : What's their McDonalds order? @ everyone difghdd
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Enji would rather eat mud than get anything from there. If someone forced him to go, he would order a cup of water that he would pour out on the ground as soon as he left the building.
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Vlad King orders two double quarter pounders with cheese, a six piece McNuggets and a vanilla shake. Big guy works out like crazy and burns it off quick.
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Hiroshi will always get the Spicy McCrispy Chicken Sandwich with a side of apple slices and milk. The sauces make his eyes water and his nose run but he thinks he's so cool for eating it.
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Takami gets the McRib and then orders a cup for just water but then promptly fills it with Pepsi at the soda dispensers.
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Miho gets one apple pie, a small fry and a small cup of water.
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Nito orders a large black hot coffee, a medium iced coffee and a Filet-O-Fish.
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hisredhysteria · 2 years
What do the Akudama Drive gang order at McDonald's? I know Hoodlum would jokingly ask if the ice cream machine is broken only to get told that someone took the machine and later finds out Brawler took it lmao
Note: STOP IM SCRAMBLING, and Hoodlum at some point being like damn, I wish I had some ice cream right now....only for Brawler to walk in with the machine like, "bro, look what I just found. Can you believe they had this thing just sitting around-?"
In terms of what they'd order ....hmm, I'm not well versed in McDonald's menu items, nor do I know anything about McDonald's in Japan. This might just be me making fun little guesses, although isn't that what most of this account is-?
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Swindler probably gets a small or medium fry with a chicken sandwich of some sort and I'd imagine she might like an apple pie too..? I'm looking at the American menu online, as anyone should spend their Saturday night....and for some reason I feel like she'd enjoy the fruit and yogurt parfait off the breakfast menu, despite it being discontinued. Iced tea too....?
Brawler, oh dear I'm so bad with hamburgers and cheeseburgers, but he definitely goes for every burger/cheeseburger on the menu, or least 5 of the biggest one with every extra thing on it that you could possibly imagine. A large fry with a large coke? Or maybe two large cokes....he asks for extra salt packets...
Hacker is a Dr. Pepper drinker, prove me otherwise. No, I'm just kidding — genuinely thinking about it, he's difficult and I feel as though I should expect the unexpected from someone like Hacker. He seems like he eats snacks, rather than whole meals .....and I'm just eyeing the oatmeal raisin cookie right now thinking he might actually enjoy one. Maybe he'll go for something like fries on more rare occasions...?
Doctor has expensive taste, so I feel like she'd enjoy a little less than a few items off the menu unless she was in a very specific mood for something. If I had to guess, she might drink a coffee from McDonald's, or settle on a hashbrown. Maybe one of the more healthier options they may offer too? Which, might not be many-
Hoodlum orders the filet-o-fish and no, I am absolutely not kidding. Okay, maybe a little. He probably orders a cheeseburger or chicken sandwich....only for them to get the order wrong and him to be stuck with a fish sandwich. He too screams iced tea to me more than a soda, but sprite is something I'd consider him ordering. Caramel sundaes and apple pies?
I also feel like Hoodlum probably prefers the McDonald's breakfast menu over anything. I could see him enjoying an Egg McMuffin or Bacon, Egg, and Cheese Mcgriddle......with a hashbrown. He pulls up to McDonald's right as they're taking the breakfast menu down everytime though.
Courier also gives me McDonald's breakfast vibes....a hashbrown maybe? You know what, he probably doesn't sit in the line at McDonald's often, but when he does, it's for a hashbrown and coffee, or possibly fries. This requires him to wake up early or work into early mornings though.
Cutthroat orders the happy meal with specifically a 4 piece nugget and then whines when they don't put exactly the toy he wants in the box. At least the box is red though, that should keep him busy- Oh, and he might like M&M Mcflurries too...
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loominggaia · 2 years
The crew goes to a McDonald’s, what would their orders be?
(I haven't actually been to McDonald's in like 20 years so I had to look up their menu lmao)
Evan: Orders just...literally everything. Big mac? He'll take four with extra cheese. Fries? Two boxes and supersize them. McNuggets? 100-piece, no less. Soda? One of each flavor. Fuck it, throw a few McChickens and apple pies in there too and wash it all down with six hashbrowns. The receipt ends up longer than Evan is tall. He helps himself to a fistful of condiment packets on the way out. Employees hate him.
Lukas: Orders a black coffee and slowly sips it for hours while he sits at a table writing poetry like a douchebag.
Glenvar: Tries to order a "McWhisky", is then informed that isn't a thing. Settles for a filet-o-fish and a McFlurry.
Alaine: Flirts with random dudes until she gets one of them to buy her a combo meal. Ghosts him afterwards.
Jeimos: Apple slices and hot tea. Proceeds to empty no less than ten sugar packets into the tea. Fixes the perpetually-broken ice cream machine before they leave.
Isaac: Orders a happy meal just to get the toy. Eats like one fry and feeds the rest to the birds in the parking lot. Runs amok in the PlayPlace until he gets stuck in one of the tubes because he is 17 years old. The employees have to call the fire department to get him out. Realizes he lost his toy somewhere in the tubes and gets stuck a second time trying to find it.
Linde: Orders a salad because she's "eating healthy". Washes it down with a 700-calorie caramel frappuccino.
Balthazaar: Spicy chicken sandwich, large fries and a soda. Slams the soda in one gulp then refills his cup by mixing a little of each flavor on the soda machine. Absolutely destroys the bathroom afterwards.
Skel: Orders falafel. Employee informs him that McDonald's doesn't serve falafel. He is outraged and demands to speak with a manager.
Javaan: Loiters around the dining area until someone gets up to use the bathroom, then steals their food. Presents the food to the cashier, claims there's a hair in it and he wants a refund. Receives free money then goes and spends it at Wendy's.
Elska: Asks for a sausage biscuit. It's 2pm. The employee is too intimidated to tell her breakfast ended at 11 so they just make her one anyway.
Mr. Ocean: Sustains a conversation with the Ronald McDonald statue out front for 20 minutes before he realizes it wasn't a real person. Decides to keep talking to it anyway. Only has 50 cents so he just eats a ketchup packet and a sticker from the sticker machine.
Zeffer: Hiding out in the bathroom so he can yank random people into the stall and feed off their blood.
Lore Masterpost
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castroneves · 3 years
inspired by the McDonald’s™ BTS meal, here is what each f1 drivers’ signature mcdonalds meal would be
max verstappen: triple cheeseburger with no lettuce, no tomato, extra onions, extra mayonnaise, large fries, large coke
lewis hamilton: large black coffee 
valtteri bottas: medium McRib™ meal with a small decaf coffee
sergio perez: large deluxe crispy chicken sandwich meal with extra mayonnaise, large fries, southern style sweet iced tea
lando norris: 30 piece chicken nuggets, extra sweet n sour dipping sauce, large fries, large frozen wild cherry fanta slushie
charles leclerc: spicy chicken sandwich (just the sandwich, not the meal), apple slices, medium sprite with no ice
carlos sainz: bacon mcdouble, medium fries with NO SALT, medium diet coke
daniel ricciardo: classic big mac meal, medium fries, large pink lemonade slushie
pierre gasly: large cappuccino and a blueberry muffin
fernando alonso: spicy chicken sandwich meal (NO PICKLES), large fries, large dr. pepper, two (2) McCafe apple pies
esteban ocon: two cheeseburgers (NO ONIONS), medium fries, small frozen blue raspberry slushie
sebastian vettel: Mickey D’s Dinner Box™ (to share with The Children), extra tangy honey mustard sauce, extra onions, one (1) small coca cola, and three (3) bottles of apple juice, crispy chicken sandwich with medium fries & small strawberry milkshake (for mick)
lance stroll: three (3) quarter pounder meals with extra cheese, large fries, two large diet cokes and one small vanilla milkshake
yuki tsunoda: bacon quarter pounder (no cheese), extra salt on large fries, large sprite
george russell: big mac (NO CHEESE), large fries, large diet coke, two chocolate chip cookies
nicholas latifi: filet o fish meal, medium fries, large fruit punch
kimi raikkonen: he’s the employee taking these orders
antonio giovinazzi: McCafe apple fritter & large black coffee (approximately 4 sugar packets on the side)
mick schumacher: crispy chicken sandwich with medium fries & small strawberry milkshake (ordered by seb who refuses to be paid back, despite mick standing nearby ready to send him $12.99 via cashapp)
nikita mazepin: nothing bc no one wanted to go with him and he thinks it’s shameful to go alone like a stupid whiny little piss boy
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lucifer-nanezgani · 4 years
Mankai at McDonald’s (crack headcanon)
That’s right, I’m back again with even more crack headcanons- this time brought to you by an afternoon I spent sitting in a McDonald’s (or Maccas as we call it down under) listening to the soundtrack again. What can I say, music makes me daydream. So, here we go!
Spring Troupe
Sakuya: Isn’t a regular customer, but tends to pick up a cheeseburger meal after a big test at school. Gets enough fries to share with everyone but they’re all cold by the time he gets home.
Masumi: Gets a family meal to share with the director and runs home to make sure it’s still hot. Ends up crying into his nuggets when the director turns him down. Gives it to Sakuya or Itaru when it gets cold.
Tsuzuru: Works at the Maccas. Resting “I hate working customer service” face. Uses the employee discounts to buy it for everyone else (because they won’t stop asking). Orders their coffee for delivery when working on a script.
Itaru: Rolls into the driveway at 3 am and orders 20-piece nuggets, everything off the breakfast menu and an extra strong coffee. Employees think he’s a cryptid. Eats it all while gaming
Citron: Always has coupons for some reason. Gets “The Biggest of Macs, please!” Steals their sauce packets for the dorm. Nobody understands him and they’re too scared to call the cops.
Chikage: Goes when there’s a limited edition spicy range to review for his blog. Asks for extra spice and is alway disappointed. Ends up bringing his own hot sauce out of habit.
Summer Troupe
Tenma: Heard about it from the other at the dorm for the first time. Now regularly goes to get fries in between shoots, school and rehearsal. Refuses to share.
Yuki: Grabs a frozen coke or frappe if someone asks him to go with them, but wouldn’t be seen dead there on his own. Has a long-standing grievance with happy meal toy choices from childhood.
Muku: N U G G I E S. Always forgets to ask for tomato sauce and is then too nervous to go get more, so he just sits in the corner and eats them sadly.
Misumi: Asks the staff to make him McNuggets shaped like triangles. Bursts into the kitchen and yells at the employees when they give him regular ones. Everyone fears the triangle nuggies man.
Kazunari: Buys it for the troupe whenever they finish a play or hang out together. His go-to order is a quarter pounder, extra cheese and shaker fries. On good terms with every cashier there- they love his energy.
Kumon: Hasn’t eaten Maccas since he was 7. Refuses to eat anything but the apple slices that come with happy meals because “it’s so unhealthy!!” Gives Muku his nuggies and sauce.
Autumn Troupe
Banri: Once ate 3 Big Mac meals in one sitting just to feel something. Now only goes to McDonald’s to charge his phone and use their wifi. Begrudgingly accompanies Juza there when he wants dessert and gets a coke.
Juza: Orders an Oreo McFlurry, sundae, apple pie and the entire McCafe dessert cabinet in one go. Is extremely embarrassed while doing all this. Gets chewed out by Banri, Omi and Sakyo when he gets home
Taichi: Always knows when there’s a deal or promotion on. Stole like... 50 Szechuan sauce packets to use at home. Orders a Happy Meal in his high school uniform with no shame to collect the toys.
Omi: Are you kidding? This man has never even been to Maccas. Why would he? He can make nuggets at home- ends up confused as to why everyone still goes when HE CAN MAKE NUGGETS AT HOME
Sakyo: The drive-through black coffee dad in the flesh. He’s a cheapskate but even his standards aren’t that low. Does try stealing everyone else’s fries if they bring them home, though.
Azami: His dads never got him Maccas as a kid and now he is filled with the rage of a thousand suns. Bought a happy meal with Taichi once just for the experience. Is in the “only eats the apple slices” club with Kumon- he found out the hard way that everything else is bad for the skin.
Winter Troupe
Tsumugi: Used to work at the Maccas Tsuzuru works at now. Never passes up a McFlurry if someone’s ordering. Mostly just funds everyone else’s food though
Tasuku: Tsumugi took him once in uni when they were super broke and needed an assignment done. Partial to a Chicken Caesar wrap, but that’s it. Sits in the corner and grumbles about it when the rest of the troupe goes
Hisoka: Orders exclusively off the dessert menu. Tsumugi told him about a limited marshamallow McFlurry once and he hacked into and emptied Homare’s bank account ordering it every day. Has been spotted passed out in the play place at midday before
Homare: Occasionally used to pen his poems over a coffee there when he was younger. Buys Hisoka the limited desserts, but had to change his bank details after the marshmallow McFlurry incident. Now harbours a grudge with the company.
Azuma: Only ever went there when he was working as a cuddler if his client wanted it. Developed a fondness for the Sakura season range and goes once a year for the limited menu items. Also funds Hisoka’s dessert escapades
Guy: First tried Maccas with Citron after moving back to Japan. Oddly fond of the salads. Mostly just gets coupons for Citron. Tried a Filet o Fish once and was personally offended on multiple levels
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goldenroutledge · 3 years
what do you think the pogues go-to mcdonald’s orders would be? i feel like kiara would be super picky and choose something minimalistic like fries or a salad—mostly because she thinks fast food is unhealthy. and i feel like jj would order something ridiculous, he’d definitely give himself a god awful stomach ache. — concept anon
concept anon you’ve deadass made my weekend 🥲 these asks make me so happy for some reason
john b.
our man jb is pretty basic. i can see him ordering a quarter pounder with cheese, no pickles because i feel like john b hates pickles. i can literally hear his voice shouting ‘oh and no pickles!’ into the ordering thingy. if he’s not feeling that hungry then he’ll probably just order a single cheeseburger. i think he honestly prefers the fries tho.
jj def goes crazy. you know that 2 for $5 deal? best day of jj’s life when heard about it. i think jj lovesss the filet-o-fish. so i could see him getting one of those + a 10 pc nuggets. he always upgrades his fries & soda to a large, and sometimes he’ll try to slip an m&m mcflurry into his order too. john b literally loses his mind while jj orders from the passenger seat, all but sitting on jb’s lap to make sure they can hear his order. jb refuses to order for jj because his orders are so long and he’ll def change it at the last second if he feels like it
pope prefers the fries. but i think pope would actually like mcdonald’s more in the morning just for their breakfast sandwiches. i don’t think pope would be a fan of the mcgriddles, but a bacon, egg & cheese biscuit & a fruit and yogurt parfait is more his thing. pope is more of a morning person than jj & john b, so on mornings when he can get them out of the house with enough time to spare, he’ll stop at the mcdonald’s drive thru. i think pope would order a sausage mcgriddles for john b and a sausage biscuit w/ egg for jj. might order a few hashbrowns too. because no, jj, pizza doesn’t count as breakfast
kiara has seen the documentary ‘super size me’ and brings it up every time jj whines about wanting some mcdonald’s. but if she had to eat it, she would get the salad. back when they had mcwraps, i think she’d be down to order one of those. kie likes the mango pineapple smoothie tho, she’ll probably get one almost every time they go.
sarah still reminisces about the frozen strawberry lemonade they used to have. it reminds her of the summers of her childhood, and she misses it dearly. if she’s not that hungry, she’ll opt for a mcnugget happy meal with the small bag of apples, and she might even buy her own caramel to enjoy it to the fullest. sarah enjoys the hotcakes for breakfast, but for lunch/dinner i think sarah likes the buttermilk crispy chicken.
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personalrecoverykit · 4 years
Best Places To Explore Nature Outside Lone Tree Neighborhoods
We commonly booked those musings for biscuits, pancakes, or hash (locate our favorites listed below ). However after that we feasted on a heaping serving of Onefold’s spectacular deep-fried rice with Chinese sausage(” lap cheong” ) Denver business broker, and also all that transformed. Garnished with sauted slices of sweet, weighty lap cheong (or duck, pork, or bacon) and also 2 deep-fried eggs, it’s a satisfying shock that we mean to eat on repeat. onefolddenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food author in Denver has actually extolled Kyle Foster’s biscuitsand below we go again. They are baked to buy as well as have crusty sides that smash just so when you attack right into them. They are tender inside, salty, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite half-cracked texture, yet they’re additionally in some way pillowy and also absolutely hold extra butter than a common biscuit. Foster is, put simply, a biscuit brilliant. As well as please tell Foster that, this time Tyler Tysdal and Title Card Capital, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Celebrity Cooking area on Mississippi Avenue for the ideal dim sum around. You’ll wait for a table on weekend mornings, but the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you’re going to invest your weekend break early mornings viewing Premier Organization matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a” banger”( sausage),” rashers”( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, as well as toastat this 12-year-old Five Factors pub.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Opportunity’s Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a – Harvard Business School.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Blvd forwhat else?a steaming dish of its trademark brothy noodle soup, an usual breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, and flank, is a timeless Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora’s Sunburst Grill, where a hearty plate of” tocino “( Filipino-style bacon cured with pineapple juice), eggs, as well as rice expenses just$ 7. Photo by Aaron Colussi. Prop designing by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain mug of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
Actually Cool Things To Do In Denver During Quarantine …
‘s bright, busy room on Central Street is a lovely way to greet the day. The beans come from Denver’s Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been seducing regional java enthusiasts with its artisan, direct-trade coffees because 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe’re certain avocado toast has absolutely nothing to do with millennials ‘reduced homeownership rates, yet paying greater than$ 10 for the fashionable staple isn’t a great idea for any person’s wallet. Luckily, Steuben’s Avocado Goddess Toast will just establish you back$ 5and it’s absolutely divine. The kitchen area toasts ciabatta, rubs it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, tops it with thin slices of buttery avocado, and garnishes it all with shaved radish as well as a drizzle of olive oil. Almost. steubens.com LoDoWe’ve eaten scores of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community recognized for the recipe, is more than a little unsatisfactory. Say thanks to goodness for Urban.
Farmer, then, where the Denver omelet gets its due. Available throughout weekend break breakfast and also weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus ‘model is studded with chunks of baked eco-friendly chiles, red pepper, as well as local ham as well as covered with a generous( if nontraditional) put of barnaise sauce. Lastly, we can lay insurance claim to an omelet worthwhile of our city’s great name. urbanfarmerdenver.com Multiple locationsNot just is the Post’s fried chicken regularly spectacular, with a superbly crispy, completely skilled crust and also juicy meat withina mighty great meal all on its ownbut the pleasant dining establishment’s a.m. food selection likewise approves our wish for numerous brunch-acceptable methods to consume the humble bird. postbrewing.com Picture by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt’s easy to put pancakesfilled with delicious chocolate chips or jam, saturated in fudge sauce or whipped cream or whatever excessive spice sweet-toothed guests might consider temptingon a brunch food selection.
What’s harder is to make a pancake that tastes excellent solo. Wendell’s, the upscale diner that took over the original DJ’s Cafe space on Tennyson Street last year, has actually achieved the last with its large buttermilk appeals, which are lightened with whipped egg whites and also flavored with brandy, vanilla paste, and also lemon zest. wendellsbreakfast. Tyler Tysdal SEC.com Methodology: To assign a cost each for every of these meals, we completed the average cost of an entre, a coffee, as well as a mixed drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) stretchy pants prior to tackling the Sunday breakfast buffet at this hotel near the Park Meadows shopping center. The price includes real-time jazz, endless mimosas, and also an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, as well as carved beef ribs. Its distance to matine shows at the nearby Denver Doing Arts Intricate simply contributes to the appeal.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek stunner inside the Halcyon resort provides special, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark poultry Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are blended tableside from a restless cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary and the Fettster (seeded rye toast with caper cream cheese as well as smoked salmon )with a prompt top. Platte Management. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and also a huge roster of boozy beverages, this two-story Sunnyside place is perfect for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon flight.
Best Places To Explore Nature Outside Denver Neighborhoods …
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as you question between purchasing the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp and also grits. Get a coffee from Crema Bodega, a mixed drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, and citrus concoction called Dead Presidentsand a substantial cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakery to take pleasure in at one of the food hall’s lengthy area tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Get one of the most bang for the least buck at the Sloan’s Lake station of this preferred counter-service spot. riseandshinedenver.com Picture by Aaron Colussi (Harvard Business School). Prop styling by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt’s virtually impossible to select just one thing from Annette’s breakfast menu, however when pressed to do so, chef Caroline Glover’s waffles drift above the remainder. Their light appearance comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests overnight for utmost flavor development and loft. Also better, the covering combinations change once a week and also with the periods, from apples with salted caramel and whipped lotion in the be up to blackberries with lemon curd and whipped cream in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are often riotous events, specifically if you go during breakfast, when the dining establishment supplies rotating amusement with styles like burlesque, yoga, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you obtain 3 incredible fried orbs that are crunchy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated outsides, feather-soft within, and also generously full of tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Breakfast with a side of burlesque dance may not be every person’s thing, however we’re quite certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian as well as vegan Denverites need not experience with bland tofu shuffles and butter-free toast, many thanks to Cap Hillside’s hipster institution, City, O’ City, where the entire a.m. My personal fave would need to be the Queso Arepa. Who does not enjoy mozzarella cheese, avocado and also fried plantains!.?. !? Photo thanks to @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french toast is the most effective brunch option in Denver. It’s a gooey as well as beautiful mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and syrup.
Prior to founding Freedom Factory, Tyler Tysdal managed a growth equity fund in association with several celebrities in sports and entertainment. Portfolio company Leesa.com grew rapidly to over $100 million in revenues and has a visionary social objective to “end bedlessness” by donating one bed mattress for each ten offered, with over 35,000 contributions now made. Some other portfolio business remained in the industries of wine importing, specialized lending and software-as-services digital signage. In parallel to managing properties for services, Ty was managing private equity in real estate. He has had a variety of effective private equity financial investments and numerous exits in trainee real estate, multi-unit real estate, and hotels in Manhattan and Seattle.Image politeness of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not just housed in the stylish and pleasant area of Clean Park, yet it has an awesome food selection that is frequently transforming. Every component they utilize is neighborhood and homemade, and while they constantly have sandwiches and also salads, they switch up their specials and also sides so you can attempt something brand-new every single time you go.
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Image thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can’t inform from this picture, this is the best darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, self-made dough as well as regional, organic active ingredients baked with each other in a traditional block stove makes these pizzas taste like they’re appropriate out of Naples, Italy. Basic ingredients and conventional techniques make Restaurant Locale a must.
16 Top-rated Tourist Attractions In Denver – Planetware
You obtain to select the base, healthy protein, kind of curry, veggies and flavors to develop a custom-made Indian curry dish that has extraordinary flavor as well as spice. The components as well as choices are incredibly fresh as well as continuously changing, enabling you to switch it up whenever you go, but I highly recommend the coconut curry and also poultry.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese and also fresh lettuce and also tomatoes make this cheeseburger an essential. They throw on a few of their unique sauce for the finest combination of tasty and also tasty, as well as their newly baked bun is the cherry on top. While their yummy burgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger’s truffle fries are my favorite french fries in Denver, hands down.
I would do anything at any kind of give minute to consume these fries and also I indicate anything individuals. Photo courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver facility. They make their homemade ice cream and also cones on site every day, and also have a plethora of tasty flavors offered (Harvard Business School).
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Whether it’s a summer season’s night or great mid-day, Bonnie Brae is constantly crowded with pleased youngsters, families, and big teams of friends – business broker in Denver. Image thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a nationwide credibility for dishing out insanely excellent biscuits, and this credibility can not be extra precise. Their biscuit french toast has the ideal degree of sweet taste and also is pleasantly indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most enjoyable method to begin the day.
syndicated from Best Places To Explore Nature Outside Lone Tree Neighborhoods via David Rawlins
syndicated from Best Places To Explore Nature Outside Lone Tree Neighborhoods via Personal Recovery Kit
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runnowrelay · 4 years
11 Best Places To Visit In Denver (2020 Guide)
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ultreiadenver.com City Park WestUntil just recently, fried rice had not been the first, or perhaps 2nd Tyler Tysdal and Platte Management, point we believed about when we contemplated a huge , brunch-y dishof carbohydrates. We commonly booked those visions for biscuits, pancakes, or hash (discover our favorites listed below ). But then we fed on a heaping offering of Onefold’s magnificent fried rice with Chinese sausage(” lap cheong” ), and all that transformed. Garnished with sauted pieces of wonderful, meaty lap cheong (or duck, pork, or bacon) and 2 deep-fried eggs, it’s an enjoyable shock that we mean to consume on repeat. onefolddenver.com Image by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. RiNoNearly every food author in Denver has actually proclaimed Kyle Foster’s biscuitsand below we go once more. They are baked to get as well as have crusty sides that smash so when you attack into them. They hurt inside, salted, as well as oh-so abundant.
They havethe requisite half-cracked texture, yet they’re additionally somehow pillowy and also certainly hold more butter than a typical biscuit. Foster is, put simply, a biscuit wizard. And also please inform Foster that, this time around, 5280 sent you. juleprino.com Chinese food Star Kitchen area on Mississippi Method for the best dim amount around. You’ll wait on a table on weekend break early mornings, yet the pan-fried turnip cake with XO sauce, shrimp-stuffed eggplant, and also congee with duck egg.
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are worth it. starkitchenseafooddimsum.com English food The British Bulldog, since if you’re mosting likely to invest your weekend break mornings viewing Premier Organization matches, you might too do so over a full English breakfasttwo eggs, a” banger”( sausage),” rashers”( bacon), mushrooms, beans, fried tomato, as well as toastat this 12-year-old Five Factors club.
britishbulldogdenver.com Ethiopian food Colfax Method’s Africana Coffee shop, which opens up at 9 a – Lone Tree.m. africanaethiopianfood.com Vietnamese food Pho 95 on Federal Blvd forwhat else?a steaming dish of its signature brothy noodle soup, a typical breakfast in Southeast Asia. The Pho 95 special, with filet mignon, brisket, and flank, is a classic Denver hangover remedy. pho95noodlehouse.com Filipino food Aurora’s Sunburst Grill, where a hearty plate of” tocino “( Filipino-style bacon cured with pineapple juice), eggs, and rice prices just$ 7. Photo by Aaron Colussi. Prop styling by Natalie Warady. LoHiCradling a porcelain mug of steaming joe inside the Bindery.
25 Best Places To Visit In Denver On A Date – Vacationidea.com
‘s intense, busy room on Central Street is a gorgeous way to greet the day. The beans originate from Denver’s Queen City Coffee Collective, which has been seducing local java lovers with its craftsmen, direct-trade coffees considering that 2007. thebinderydenver.com Uptown & ArvadaWe’re certain avocado salute has absolutely nothing to do with millennials ‘reduced homeownership prices, however paying greater than$ 10 for the stylish staple isn’t a fantastic idea for any person’s purse. Luckily, Steuben’s Avocado Siren Toast will just establish you back$ 5and it’s absolutely magnificent. The kitchen toasts ciabatta, rubs it with a rich, herby, sour-cream-based schmear, covers it with slim slices of buttery avocado, and also garnishes all of it with cut radish and a drizzle of olive oil. Virtually. steubens.com LoDoWe’ve eaten ratings of leathery, flavorless omelets over the yearswhich, in a community known for the meal, is greater than a little frustrating. Say thanks to benefits for Urban.
Farmer, after that, where the Denver omelet obtains its due. Available throughout weekend brunch as well as weekday breakfast, cook Chris Starkus ‘iteration is studded with chunks of baked green chiles, red pepper, as well as local pork and covered with a charitable( if nontraditional) pour of barnaise sauce. Finally, we can lay case to an omelet worthwhile of our city’s excellent name. urbanfarmerdenver.com Several locationsNot just is the Article’s fried hen regularly incredible, with a superbly crunchy, completely skilled crust and also juicy meat withina mighty fine dish all on its ownbut the pleasant dining establishment’s a.m. food selection additionally approves our long for multiple brunch-acceptable methods to consume the humble bird. postbrewing.com Image by Sarah Boyum. BerkeleyIt’s easy to place pancakesfilled with delicious chocolate chips or jam, soaked in fudge sauce or whipped lotion or whatever outrageous spice sweet-toothed visitors may take into consideration temptingon a brunch menu.
What’s harder is to make a pancake that tastes good solo. Wendell’s, the upscale diner that took control of the original DJ’s Cafe area on Tennyson Street in 2015, has actually accomplished the last with its massive buttermilk beauties, which are lightened with whipped egg whites and seasoned with brandy, vanilla paste, and lemon zest. wendellsbreakfast. Colorado resident Tyler Tysdal.com Technique: To appoint a price per person for each and every of these dishes, we completed the average price of an entre, a coffee, and also a mixed drink or beer. Break out your( fancy) elastic trousers before taking on the Sunday breakfast buffet at this resort near the Park Meadows mall. The price consists of online jazz, endless mimosas, as well as an all-you-can-eat buffet with made-to-order omelets, a raw fish and shellfish bar, and also sculpted prime rib. Its closeness to matine reveals at the close-by Denver Executing Arts Complex just includes to the charm.
. edgerestaurantdenver.com This Cherry Creek stunner inside the Halcyon hotel uses distinct, Italian-inspired breakfast fareincluding the trademark chicken Parmesan and also light-as-air gnudiand fresh-juice Bellinis( cucumber-lime, white peach, grapefruit-pomegranate )are combined tableside from an unquiet cart. Our go-to: a$ 6 Bloody Mary as well as the Fettster (seeded rye toast with caper cream cheese and smoked salmon )with an agitate top. Freedom Factory. oliveandfincheatery.com With pop-art-bedecked walls and a huge roster of boozy drinks, this two-story Sunnyside area is perfect for households and revelers alike. Order a bacon flight.
25 Best Places To Visit In Denver On A Date – Vacationidea.com
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as you question between purchasing the Costa Rica Benedict( smoked pork stubborn belly, jalapeo cornbread, pineapple salsa, chipotle hollandaise) or the bacon shrimp as well as grits. Get hold of a coffee from Crema Bodega, an alcoholic drink from Curiowe like the rum, apple brandy, as well as citrus concoction called Dead Presidentsand an enormous cinnamon roll from Izzio Bakeshop to appreciate at one of the food hall’s long neighborhood tables.
denvercentralmarket.com Get one of the most bang for the least dollar at the Sloan’s Lake station of this preferred counter-service spot. riseandshinedenver.com Photo by Aaron Colussi (Freedom Factory). Prop designing by Natalie Warady. AuroraIt’s nearly difficult to choose simply one product from Annette’s breakfast food selection, however when pushed to do so, cook Caroline Glover’s waffles drift over the rest. Their light structure comes from a yeasted batter Glover rests overnight for best taste advancement and also loft. Even much better, the covering mixes change regular and with the seasons, from apples with salted caramel and also whipped cream in the autumn to blackberries with lemon curd and whipped cream in the springtime. annettescratchtotable.com LoHiMeals at There Denver are commonly riotous events, specifically if you go during breakfast, when the restaurant offers rotating home entertainment with themes like burlesque, yoga, as well as bluegrass music. For $7, you get three beautiful deep-fried orbs that are crispy on their cinnamon-sugar-coated exteriors, feather-soft within, as well as generously filled up with tart, house-made raspberryPinot Noir jam. Brunch with a side of burlesque dance might not be every person’s thing, however we’re rather certain these doughnuts are. therehospitalitygroup.com Capitol HillVegetarian and also vegan Denverites need not experience via boring tofu scrambles as well as butter-free salute, many thanks to Cap Hill’s hipster institution, City, O’ City, where the entire a.m. My individual favorite would certainly have to be the Queso Arepa. Who doesn’t like mozzarella cheese, avocado as well as fried plantains!.?. !? Image courtesy of @milehighandhungry on Instagram This french salute is the very best brunch option in Denver. It’s a gooey as well as divine mix of bread, butter, berries, cinnamon, vanilla and also maple syrup.
In 15 years of managing assets and backing several entrepreneurs, Tyler Tysdal’s business managed or co-managed, non-discretionary, roughly $1.7 billion in assets for ultra-wealthy households in industries such as healthcare, oil and gas, realty, sports and entertainment, specialized loaning, spirits, innovation, durable goods, water, and services business. His team advised clients to buy nearly 100 entrepreneurial companies, funds, personal loaning deals, and genuine estate. Ty’s performance history with the private equity capital he released under the first billionaire client was over 100% yearly returns. Which was throughout the Great Recession of 2008-2010. He has created numerous millions in wealth for clients. However, provided his lessons from working with a handful of the certified, extremely sophisticated individuals who might not appear to be pleased on the upside or understand the possible downside of a deal, he is back to work exclusively with entrepreneurs to help them sell their business.Image courtesy of @milehighandhungry on Instagram Vert is not just housed in the trendy as well as homey community of Clean Park, yet it has a killer menu that is frequently changing. Every active ingredient they make use of is local as well as homemade, as well as while they always have sandwiches as well as salads, they switch over up their specials as well as sides so you can try something brand-new whenever you go.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram If you can not inform from this image, this is the most effective darn pizza in the state of Colorado. Fresh, home made dough as well as local, natural components baked together in a traditional brick stove makes these pizzas taste like they’re right out of Naples, Italy. Straightforward components and conventional methods make Restaurant Location a must.
18 Best Things To Do In Denver – U.s. News Travel
You reach pick the base, healthy protein, sort of curry, veggies as well as flavorings to create a customized Indian curry bowl that has extraordinary taste as well as flavor. The active ingredients as well as alternatives are unbelievably fresh as well as constantly transforming, enabling you to change it up every single time you go, yet I extremely advise the coconut curry and poultry.
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Picture thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram grass-fed meat, Tillamook cheddar cheese as well as fresh lettuce and tomatoes make this cheeseburger an essential. They throw on a few of their special sauce for the very best combination of savory and also zesty, and also their newly baked bun is the cherry ahead. While their delicious hamburgers are a factor alone to go, Larkburger’s truffle french fries are my preferred fries in Denver, hands down.
I would do anything at any kind of provide moment to eat these french fries and also I suggest anything individuals. Photo thanks to @infatuation_den on Instagram Bonnie Brae is a real Denver facility. They make their homemade gelato and also cones on site each day, and have a myriad of tasty tastes readily available (Tyler Tysdal).
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Whether it’s a summer’s evening or amazing afternoon, Bonnie Brae is always crowded with happy kids, family members, as well as big groups of close friends – Tyler Tysdal. Image courtesy of @infatuation_den on Instagram Denver Biscuit Co. has a national credibility for providing remarkably great biscuits, and this credibility could not be a lot more accurate. Their biscuit french salute has the ideal level of sweetness and also is deliciously indulgent, while their egg biscuits are the most gratifying method to start the day.
Originally posted on https://adamgarcia0.blogspot.com/2020/05/11-best-places-to-visit-in-denver-2020.html
syndicated from 11 Best Places To Visit In Denver (2020 Guide)
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recipereruns · 5 years
#TBT Recipe - ‘Filet-O-Fish Like We Ate After We Had To Go To Extra Mass And Get Ash On Our Foreheads’
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Lent, to me was synonyms  with fried fish. Not any fried fish – no chips, no sticks, but square, flat patties as in the McDonald’s Filet-O-Fish. As a faithful hamburger girl, I only ate the fish by default and I wasn’t sure exactly why we HAD to eat it during Lent. Only that Lent was every Friday our Totino’s ‘pepperoni’ pizza tradition would be replaced by fish sandwich.
Filet-O-Fishing season kicked off on Ash Wednesday. Devout,Meth Mom would plan mass in between drug drops to make sure to get her ash cross which would end up accidentally bedazzled with flecks of crystal. Scotch Dad came home from a business trip with an ash cross on his head, but for all we knew he could have gotten that from the ashtray in the airport lounge in Peoria.
Lent also meant giving things up – Meth Mom gave up making meth and became Maniacal Exercise Bike Riding Mom and Scotch Dad became Bud Light Dad. Brother and I were not asked to give up anything; I assumed it was because six Friday’s without Totino’s was sacrifice enough.
One year it was raining when still Meth Mom took us to get our Ash Wednesday crosses. New to the Pacific Northwest I was thinking this befit such a solemn occasion of repentance, but the Pacific Northwest was like, Look bitch, it’s like this ALL the time.  What sort of penance were we doing moving here and giving up the sun like that?  Scotch Dad? Meth Mom? What was up? 
After mass, we filed out with the rest of the somber looking Catholics. I deduced that the more serious you looked, the better Catholic you were. I kept my head down, hands folded and walked extremely slow. It was a rouse. All I was thinking of was getting this ash off my head and going to McDonalds.
If anything can erase the dull, brain ache of boredom from an extra mass, it was a drive thru restaurant! Even if you had to get fish.  Plus, we didn’t have to get out of the car and avoid being seen by any Mormon’s that might question our Catholic face tattoo. 
Brother and I ate our food in the way back as we drove home. Ironically, Brother ordered a plain Filet O’Fish on the regular. I suffered through if only because of the French Fries. Every few minutes, my napkin would ‘accidentally’ brush the ash cross on my forehead trying to get rid of it to no avail. It was like it was actually seared into my forehead. I repeat, what kind of penance are we doing?!
Happy Lenten! Here’s a copycat version of the meal that got us through the great Totino’s deprivation! Enjoy. May peace be with you.
2 TBB mayonnaise
2 tsp sweet relish
2 tsp minced onion
Pinch salt
2 plain hamburger buns
2 Mrs. Paul's breaded fish portions (square)
2 slices American cheese
In a small bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, relish, minced onion, and salt and set aside. This is your tartar sauce.
Lightly grill the faces of the bun.
Cook the fish according to the package instructions. You can bake the fish, but your sandwich will taste much more like the original if you fry it in oil. 
Divide the tartar sauce and spread it evenly on each of the top buns.
Place a piece on each of the bottom buns.
Place the cooked fish on top of the cheese slice on each sandwich, and top off the sandwiches with the top buns. 7. Microwave each sandwich on high for 10 to 15 seconds to warm the buns.
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abiteofnat · 5 years
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Because when it comes to a) stretching how vegetarian I am b) eating ungodly amounts of food, I am certainly no chicken. I order as if I have three stomachs and no cholesterol, and someone that one Core Power class a week keeps me in good enough shape to feel invincible after eating enough fried food to kill a horse. Hopefully no horse has eaten a fried fish sandwich with vinegar aioli though, because that would be weird. 
After working close to sixty hours last week and forgetting what sustenance outside of coffee and the occasional V8 juice tastes like, I was over the mother-freakin-moon to spend my Monday night on a picture-perfect patio in Lincoln Park, digging into what may be my perfect meal. My foodie soul mates and I met up at Parson’s Chicken and Fish to enjoy the most beautiful, seventy degrees and sunny evening that begged to be spent with a beer in hand, and oh boy, did I enjoy it. The menu at Parson’s relies heavily on chicken and chicken of the sea (or is that just in reference to tuna? idk), however the appetizers could easily be made into a meal for a true vegetarian, and not a pescatarian like me. I was already salivating over the idea of a fried fish sandwich coated in hot sauce and entirely ignored the veggie sandwich and mac & cheese, both of which I will absolutely need to go back and try as well. 
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Now this foodie group and I- we do not hold back. We eat big, boldly and fearlessly, leading to a LOT of Tums later. I love how predictable and yet dangerous it is to sit down at a table with them, especially in the summer when shoes are kicked off under the white picnic table on the sprawling Parson’s patio, red and white umbrellas cute as a button above us, not a care in the world. Shall we order a Parson’s house lager and then order the entire menu? Sure, why the heck not!  For example, typically, bread as an appetizer is reserved for Italian restaurants and not really thought twice about. At Parson’s, Texas toast slathered in butter, garlic and seasoning is served for $4, and it feels absolutely sinful to just eat giant slices of buttery toast at dinner. I want every meal to center around that Texas toast from now on. If I should ever be asked what I would spend my last $5 on, it would be that Texas toast. Get the pimento cheese spread too- it’s the perfect creamy texture and the right about of tang/spice. Sometimes pimento cheese just tastes like salt and old cheese sticks, but WOW they nailed it and it comes with more bread and hunks of crunchy lil pickle bites. Did we also put the pimento cheese on the Texas toast? You bet your ass we did! Goodbye, arteries! 
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The main course centered around sandwiches because that seemed like the only right choice. I got the fried fish sandwich and it was essentially a glorified Filet-o-Fish from McDonald’s, which will always be my favorite fast food item ever. For all of you gasping and gagging, you’ve clearly never taken a moment to truly appreciate the beautiful simplicity of a Filet-o-Fish. The Parson’s take was much, MUCH better though: big, soft bun, thick fish filet deep-fried but not oily, melty American cheese, slaw and pickles, finished off with a generous amount of aioli and their hot sauce. Side of house potato chips that are just the right amount of thin and crunchy, without being like burnt crackers, as so many house potato chips are. Y’all, I had a chat with God when I bit into this sandwich, and he told me to get back to Earth and finish this sandwich. It was the right amount of everything, and the type of sandwich you have to man-handle with two hands to ensure it stays together and gets into your mouth. I loved it. Juicy, crispy and fresh- entirely worth the $12. And, do not miss out on a side order of the vinegar aioli- you WILL WANT TO DIP EVERYTHING IN IT.
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It’s a really magical feeling to sit down at a restaurant for the first time with a group of longtime friends and just know it’s going to be a memory you look back on and smile, and I'm so thankful Chicago has so many little pockets of true paradise for nights like tonight. Sun shining, picnic tables covered in gorgeous food meant for digging into and people ordering beer like it’s not a Monday night, right in the middle of what used to a be a pretty shitty area of Lincoln Park. I know this because I used to live a street away from it, and all we had was the jank taco place and some questionable Thai food. Just when you think you’ve done it all, something new pops up that makes you fall in love with the city all over again. High five, Parson’s Chicken and Fish. 
Until next time, Happy Eating!
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