#he’s a genius. he’s lazy. he loves his car. he can’t stand his family. he would do anything for his family. he’s a single mom
arttheclown · 2 years
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> revisits obscure old cartoon to see how it holds up
> realizes one your faves is still, unfortunately, pretty cool
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curiousb · 2 years
The Wickham Family Album: Volume II
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Sunday morning breakfast with the Wickhams, in their new kitchen extension. Just like his parents, Simon clearly loves a party!
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His older brother Miles has formed a rather unlikely friendship with their cousin Cassandra (who technically should be younger than Miles, but eh, game time makes no sense), who often drops round to visit the family.
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Someone that Cassandra does not get on with however, is Margaret Brandon - she’s just so stuck up!
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After unceremoniously getting the sack from his Freelancer job, George eventually lands a new job in the Criminal career, and immediately starts Schmoozing his boss, fancy Melissa Fancey.
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Miles is very keen to grow up!
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Definitely his mother’s son!
~ Gemini 5 / 7 / 5 / 6 / 6
~ Avant Garde / Bookworm / Dramatic / Schmoozer
~ OTH: Film & Literature
~ Favourite Colour(s): Green / Yellow
~ Aspiration: Romance / Knowledge
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Artistic / +Reserved / -Laid Back
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My two Avant Garde boys together - Miles and his cousin Benjamin, sharing a no-doubt avant-garde joke.
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Simon wanted a puppy - thanks, mum!
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However, he can’t help wondering why everyone gets to play with her except him.
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Poppy the puppy.
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George has noticed the middle-aged spread starting to creep in, so it’s off to the gym. You can’t help but love the perfectly-synchronised running-machine demo from Elinor and Anne.
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Simon grows up with much less ceremony than his brother - he probably would have liked a party, but I forgot!
~ Aquarius 6 / 10 / 3 / 6 / 6
~ Hates the Outdoors / Bookworm / Natural Cook / Social Butterfly
~ OTH: Cuisine
~ Favourite Colour(s): Green
~ Aspiration: Pleasure / Romance (the double whammy)
~ Turn-ons / -off: +Charismatic / +Foodie / -Plant Lover
We then get a whole lot of failed teen flirting...
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Simon and Clara.
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Miles and Clara (she’s clearly just not their cup of tea).
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Simon and Nancy (but then who would want to practise flirting in front of their mum?).
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Even visitors Walter and Benjamin fail to hit it off. Come on, lads, are you forgetting that you’re all (Primary or Secondary) Romance Sims? There must be something in the water.
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Speaking of which, George indulges in a little early-morning “juice” - that can’t be a good thing.
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Kitty has other ideas for the morning’s entertainment: you know that car we have standing on the driveway... we’ve got nowhere in particular to go today, but maybe we can find another use for it?
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Simon returning home from school knows that he can never un-see what he just saw!
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Artistic Miles is entering his Van Gogh phase.
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Finally, a bit of romance in the life of one of the boys. Simon brings home Townie Marsha Bruenig from school, and they get along very well!
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Poppy is disdainful.
~ Aquarius
~ Genius / Lazy / Independent / Aggressive / Pigpen
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George, reading your son’s love letters is just creepy!
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Alone - Spencer Reid
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Prompt: “Did you get any sleep last night?”
TW: Heavy mentions of death, angst
A/N: Hey guys so this is something I worked on for a few days. I got the idea from a list of dialogue prompts I have.
Part 2
“Why didn’t you save me?”
You shot up like a bullet, your heart racing as tears threatened to spill from your eyes. The cold air burned your lungs as you drew in deep breaths, your ears still ringing from the nightmare. Your sweat-soaked shirt clung to your body, leaving a sticky residue over your skin.
Glancing at your alarm clock you let out a big groan, 4:23AM, you had barely made it 2 hours.
Knowing you wouldn’t make it back to sleep, you dragged yourself out of bed and into your kitchen. Tipping out your now cold coffee, you set about making a new hot cup to awaken your mind for the excruciatingly long day ahead. The bitter coffee burned your tongue, too lazy to care about the taste or burning you downed the cup quickly. You filled the cup again, downing it once more before throwing the cup into the over-piling sink.
The nightmares since your sisters death had been relentless, torturing you past the point of exhaustion. Avery, your sister, was killed by a drunk driver a mere two weeks ago. You weren’t very close to your younger sister, but still her sudden and painful death left you with a myriad of nightmares that followed. Your parents had already died, quite a few years ago, leaving only you and your sister to carry on the family line. But now, you were the only one left, left alone to deal with the aftermath of your sister’s death.
Hell, you and your sister weren’t close. In fact, you couldn’t be more opposite from each other. But that didn’t stop the love you had for her. Sure, you fought, every sibling fights every now and then. She didn’t approve of your work and you didn’t approve of hers; yours was dangerous, hers wasn’t enough to support her. You made it work though. Because you loved your sister.
And now, she was gone, just like your parents.
Your apartment seemed empty, no one else had ever lived there, but the hole in your heart made a hole in your apartment. You were alone. The photos of your family that you once proudly displayed now sat in a box, painful memories of everything you had lost.
Tired of standing in your apartment, you reached for your car keys before leaving the apartment. Driving was one of your favourite ways to get things off of your mind. You didn’t have to think of the pain, or the loss. It was just you and the road.
4am meant mostly empty roads, and tired drivers who wanted to be anywhere else but there. Except for you, you were wide awake and looking for the perfect distraction from your thoughts. Turning on the radio, you waited for a quiet sad song to start playing before pulling out of your apartment’s parking lot. It was the perfect distraction.
After a few hours of driving, you got a call from Hotch on your way back to your apartment.
“We got a case; briefing is in 30 minutes.” He announced sharply before hanging up. Letting out a loud sigh, you turned around and drove back towards the office. Luckily, you had thought ahead and thrown your go bag into the backseat of your car, along with a change of clothes for work. You weren’t really planning on heading home before work started. Instead, hoping that you’d find something to entertain yourself with.
“Y/L/N, how nice of you to join us.” Emily teased jokingly as you rushed into the briefing room, breathless from the quick change you had done.
“Sorry, long night.” You apologised before sitting in your seat, the tablets being handed around by Penelope.
“Oh, was he good?” Emily said teasingly.
“Um, what?” You questioned. Confused, you looked at her before realising that she thought you were with a guy.
“Did you get any sleep last night?” Derek asked, his eyes watching you carefully. You glanced at him nervously, avoiding his eyes. He already knew the answer, they all did.
Hotch cleared his throat, drawing the room’s attention back to the case at hand.
“Okay, so we have a murdered couple in Sheridan, Wyoming. It’s a small town with about 18,000 people. The local police department have done some investigating but came up with no viable leads. This is believed to be the third couple murdered in a string of crimes. We’ve been asked to come in and help catch the unsub.” JJ explained, pictures flashing up on the screen of the couple.
You zoned out, focusing on the photo of the female on the screen. Her black hair was the same colour of your sisters, her lips the same shade of pink. She looked scarily like your sister, so much so, that if your sister weren’t already dead, you’d be convinced that it was her.
“Y/N, come on we’re leaving in 30 minutes.” Reid announced, nudging your side almost painfully to bring you out of your trance.
Spencer was your closest friend at the BAU, you told him everything, from a book you read, to some interesting fact you had found out. You knew about his mum, and even had gone to meet her with him once. But this is something you wanted to keep to yourself, you didn’t want pity, or help – you just wanted to get over how you were feeling. Admittedly, you had hoped there was something more between you and him, but he never acted, so you assumed it was just platonic for him.
“Oh, yeah.” You nodded before standing up and leaving the room hastily, you didn’t want Reid to know why you were acting so weird. He was a genius; he’d figure it out somehow.
You wrapped your jacket tighter around your body as the chills set into your bones. For some ungodly reason, the air-conditioning on the plane was always colder than necessary, and you always needed a jacket for the ride. Jokingly, your sister used to call you lizard, because of the fact that you were always cold, no matter the temperature outside.
“So, anybody got any ideas?” Hotch asked as you sat around the plane, everyone moving closer to discuss the case. You zoned out of the conversation; your eyes warily trained on the closed file in before you.
“Y/L/N go visit the last crime scene.” You zoned back into the conversation, focusing on Hotch who was sitting across from you. “The families of those victims are on their way, so we’ll touch base with them when they arrive.” Hotch assigned your roles, leaving you to continue looking over the cases on your way to the location.
“Mr. Morrison was killed over here, coroner put his death at before Miss. Turner’s, who was killed in the bedroom.” You followed the officer into the bedroom, unconsciously taking notes of both the victim’s lives and their deaths.
“Were there any signs of sexual assault on the female?” You questioned, averting your eyes from the large blood stain on the bed.
“Not from what we could tell, although it seems like the killer may have positioned the body postmortem.” Around the room there were several photos of the seemingly happy couple, as well as some of their respective families. Walking over to the nightstand you noticed the slightly open bottom drawer.
“Has this been searched?” You questioned, pointing towards the open drawer before you.  
“No.” Usually you refrained from looking into one’s personal lives so much, but you needed to find any link you could between the victims.
Bending down, you opened the bottom drawer. Inside the drawer were a pile of magazines and catalogues, all about weddings and relationships. On top, was a black velvet box with a small silver leaf imprinted on it. Opening it, you saw that it was empty, the engagement ring missing from the box.
“Was she found with an engagement ring?” You questioned, examining the back of the box.  
“No, she wasn’t.” You showed the empty box to the officer, who eyed it curiously.
“So, where’s the ring?”
Cold water dripped down your face, chilling your skin as you leaned against the basin, your elbows resting on the counter. The cold-water working miracles to awaken your mind again, shocking you into a state of semi-consciousness. Sucking in a deep breath, you splashed your face with more cold water again before looking up at your reflection in the mirror. You looked beyond exhausted, sunken, dark purple eyebags, pale skin, slightly sunken in skin. It was a wonder you hadn’t passed out from exhaustion entirely.
The door to the bathroom opened, Emily stepping into the small space. She quickly noticed you, and your distressed appearance. You watched as she cautiously stepped towards you, her hand extended out slightly.
“Y/N?” She asked, her hand resting gently on your shoulder. “Are you okay?” You held your composure as you dried your face, forcing your lips into a gentle smile.
“Yeah, just been a rough day. This case isn’t easy,” you lied. Profiling made lying come easy to you, you could lie through your teeth about almost anything now.
“Bullshit. Something is wrong, the whole team can tell. You’ve been hurting for weeks. You obviously haven’t been sleeping, and you’re distracted almost all of the time. We’re worried about you,” tears pricked at your eyes as Emily spoke, her words hitting deep into your heart. “Whatever it is, you can tell me.” She assured, her hand gently rubbing your back in circular motions.
“My sister-” you choked, the ball in your throat hardening, “she was killed in a car accident. Drunk driver.” Emily let out a painful sigh, her arms pulling you into a tight hug. “It happened about 2 weeks ago; I haven’t been able to sleep since.” You admitted, the words coming out of your mouth before you could stop them.
“Y/N, why didn’t you tell us?” She questioned, tears pricking at her eyes as well.
“Because I need to deal with it on my own. I can’t take time off, the team needs me, victims need me. But I’m getting better,” you forced a smile to try and convince her of your words.
“You need time to heal Y/N. We can find a way to manage without you. You’re all alone in this aren’t you?” Reluctantly, you nodded your head, a tear slipping down your cheek. “I’m sorry,” she apologised. “Taking some time off might help you though. It’s easy to tell that you’re exhausted and not working at your best. Nobody will blame you; we just want what’s best for you.” She reminded, her words full of warmth and heart.
“Thank you,” your voice was quiet, but she smiled, nonetheless.
“We’re here for you.”
The door to Hotch’s office swung in, Hotch stood on the other side of the doorway, a grim expression on his face.
“Y/N, come on in.” You nodded, following him into the large office that you had only seen a few times. “What’s the meaning of this meeting?” He questioned, his eyes not averting from yours.
“I-I’d like to request some time off sir. My sister passed away a few weeks ago, and I thought I could handle it and work. But I haven’t been able to,” you admitted, hanging your head in shame. Anyone else on the team could have handled grieving and work, or at least separated the two from one another. You couldn’t, everywhere you went, your sister was there. Everything you did, she was there.
“Why didn’t you tell us Y/N?” Hotch’s body relaxed, a sad expression washing over his face.
“I didn’t feel like you guys needed to know.” You admitted shamefully, regret laced into your words.
“We’re your team Y/N, you should have told us.” He chastised; his voice thick with sadness.
“I know sir, I’m sorry I didn’t.” You paused in silence for a minute, the air thick as you thought of your actions. “Can I take a few weeks off sir? I promise it won’t be long, I just need some time to grieve and sort through things,” you assured, your eyes pleading.
“Of course, Y/N, take however long you need.” He reached for a piece of paper, handing it to you. “Just fill this out and send it back to me in a few days. I’ll sort out the rest.” Grateful, you took the piece of paper out of his hand, holding it gently in your own.
“Thank you, sir, see you when I come back.” You appreciated, shaking his hand briefly before walking out of the office.
The bullpen was now empty, everyone having already left to go home for a few days after the long case. You had successfully caught the killer, right before he killed another couple. Turns out he had been hunting couples looking to get engaged, because his ex-girlfriend had turned down his proposal.
The team had agreed to go out for drinks after the case, to celebrate yet another win. You had opted out of going to the bar, instead lying that you had some things you wanted to do. It wasn’t a complete lie. But thankfully, the boys had believed it. JJ and Garcia were a bit more suspicious. Emily just watched you warily, already knowing what you were going to do when you got home.
Since you had told her of your sister, she was more than understanding of your actions. And even helped you out by bringing you coffee and checking in on you. She was one of your closest friends, and you were ever grateful for her.
Grabbing your bag, you packed away some important stuff from your desk before looking around the empty bullpen – it was your home away from home. Letting out a small sigh, you hitched your bag over your shoulder before walking out of the bullpen, aware of Hotch watching you walk towards the elevators.
“Hey, has anyone heard from Y/N lately?” Derek question as he walked into the break area, everyone was spread around the small area, chatting between themselves. Emily stayed quiet, glancing at Hotch who was now paying attention to current issue. The team had a right to know at least something for your sudden disappearance.
“Some things happened recently, and Y/N needed to take some time off to deal with them.” Emily spoke up, being careful not to release any telling information. Knowingly, Hotch glanced at her, he didn’t know that Emily knew, but now it made sense since Y/N wouldn’t have gone to him without being pushed.
“She was pretty out of it for the past few weeks,” JJ pointed out. The team had picked up on your behaviour and knew something was wrong from the day after her death, when you walked in late with bloodshot eyes.
“Team, Y/N took some time off for personal reasons. I can’t go much into it, but a family member passed away and she was struggling with the situation. She requested some time off to deal. I know it hasn’t been easy for her lately, so please, can we stop speculating and give her privacy.” Hotch requested, putting his coffee mug back down on the bench. Spencer glanced up at him, his eyes full of concern as he profiled his supervisor.
“Excuse me,” he muttered, standing up and grabbing his coffee. He hurried back to his desk, quickly sitting down, and sending you a hasty text.
S: Are you okay?
He waited for what seemed like forever for your response. It was only a few minutes before his phone dinged with a response.
You: So, you found out?
He ignored the pain of your harsh response as he quickly typed a response.
S: Why didn’t you tell me?
You: I didn’t feel the need to. I didn’t want anyone to find out. Emily convinced me to tell Hotch after she cornered me on the last case.
S: I thought we were close though?
You: Spencer, we are close. But this is something I wanted to deal with on my own.
He sensed your hesitation in the text, the lie that you blatantly told. Spencer knew you better than anyone, he could read you like a book. You couldn’t get anything past him.
S: Do you want me to come over?
He watched carefully as the three dots appeared and disappeared a few times. Letting out a groan, he put his phone down, he knew you needed someone to help, to talk to. But he couldn’t help but feel stupid for asking. Obviously, you didn’t want him around, or you would have told him earlier.
You: Please
With that simple word, he jumped up and practically ran over to the break area. His pleading eyes looked at Hotch, and before he could even open his mouth, Hotch spoke.
“Go,” Hotch acquiesced. He knew that you needed someone, and Spencer was the someone you needed.
Part 2
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years
BTS Reaction || Trying To Run Away [MafiaAU]
You had a limited amount of time to get out and get out safely, Jin was out with his friends having a meal and you’d gained his trust enough to be left at home alone without someone constantly watching you, it was time for you to get out of there, your relationship started sweet, and you understood why he was so protective at first him being involved in Mafia business was risky but lately it had gotten so much worse, he simply refused to let you out of the house without him or a guard, and if you tried to leave he would just lock you inside, and then there was the business with your family, he wouldn’t let you see them because he said he couldn’t trust them, which you found ridiculous they were your family how could they “not be trusted.” So now you were standing in the shared bedroom, throwing clothes into an over the shoulder bag and trying to find some bathroom products when you heard the front door open and close, shit, he wasn’t supposed to be home for another three hours, what was he doing home, you darted to the bedroom door, slamming it and cursing him for not having locks inside of the house.
“Baby?” He questioned coming up the staircase, you didn’t have time to hide what you’d been doing so you were screwed, you tried to come up with some excuse for what you were doing and why you were packing.
“Jin, give me two minutes I’m not decent.” You lied, rushing to the bed and picking it up, trying to get it into the walk-in wardrobe before he walked inside to find you but he was already inside the doorway by the time you got to the wardrobe door, you turned to face him and gave him your best innocent smile and stood up straight, kicking the suitcase inside and shutting the door.
“Going somewhere?” He questioned raising his eyebrow at you, you shook your head looking at him and going over to him, trying to wrap your arms around him but failing because he moved into the room and went over to the wardrobe opening the door and pulling the bag back out, opening it up and looking at the contents inside of it, most of your clothes and your passport were sitting inside of it.
“I was planning a surprise trip.” You tried to lie but he wasn’t having any of it, he bent down and looked at your passport, taking it and walking over to his side of the bed and locking it inside so you couldn’t get to it, he walked back over to you and cupped your face in his hands, trying to be as sweet as possible with you, he was always sweet with you unless you wanted to do something he didn’t want you to do.
“I told you I don’t want you going anywhere…You’re safer here than anywhere else.” You held back the groan that was trying to escape from your lips, you just wanted to get out, even if it was just alone for a while but now this was too much, you were starting to hate being with him all of the time.
He walked out of the room, leaving you alone with your thoughts, all you wanted to do was break down and cry,
“I wish I’d never met you.” You whispered when you thought he was out of earshot but it turned out he could hear you, it was as if he had bat hearing, he came back into the room and looked at you.
“You don’t mean that baby.” He said back to you, taking hold of your chin in his fingers and tilting your head up to look up into his eyes, you were crying now and he sighed, kissing your cheeks and then pulling you over to the bed and sitting you down on it.
“I’ll take us away, away from here and we can have a nice break together, I promise.” He said pulling you to lay down next to him, you snuggled into his chest, knowing if you didn’t he would only kick off more, you were lucky he wasn’t mad at you for trying to run away but you knew someone else was going to pay for what you’d tried to do, he’d probably take it out on one of his goons or someone completely innocent, it’s what he did after all what did you expect from someone involved in the Mafia business.  
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You’d managed to get out of the back door after one of the guards left it unlocked when he came back from his midnight cigarette break, you knew the schedule like the back of your hand, you’d gotten it down now you had to plan your escape perfectly, there was no going back now. After Yoongi told you who he was and what he did for a living everything changed, the whole relationship changed. You weren’t allowed to live alone anymore, he forced you to move in with him, your roommate tried calling to find out what was going on but he took your phone away, promising you he’d get you a new one, which he did with only two numbers saved inside his mobile and his home phone, and that people couldn’t be trusted now you were together with him, you couldn’t trust anyone but him, you figured it was being paranoid and tried to plan an escape if he wasn’t going to let you go willingly, you had to go home. You had family and friends that were probably worried sick about you, but Yoongi told you that they didn’t care, now you were associated with him no one would care, he was a big assassin in the Mafia community, everyone inside and out knew who he was, he was in all the scary stories people told their children to make sure they misbehaved. So now you were out in a dark wooded area with no idea where you were you could have sworn you knew the way but you didn’t, it was cold and dark outside and you were starting to regret coming out, you looked behind you to see if you could manage to make your way back to the house but you couldn’t tell which direction you’d come from and everything was just dark and trees now.
“Fuck.” You whispered as you fell over a branch, scraping your knee up, blood falling down from the open cut and down your leg, you sat on the floor against a tree, trying to calm down your beating heart and heavy breathing, all you had to do was make it out of the woods and you would be fine, you could find a way out. But who were you kidding, you had no idea where Yoongi even lived, you weren’t paying attention when he drove you here, for all you knew you could be in the middle of nowhere with no roads in sight. You took out the phone from your pocket, Yoongi must not have been home yet because he hadn’t called to find out where you were so you did the only thing you thought of, you clicked his home number, hoping one of the guards would pick up and come to get you, if they found you they wouldn’t tell Yoongi, they’d be too scared to admit to him that they weren’t paying attention and that would mean they’d be dead. The phone rang for a couple of rings before it went to voicemail, you cursed yourself for the stupid plan and then looked at Yoongi’s number, you shook your head standing up from the ground and trying to find a way back to the house on your own or maybe you would get lucky and stumble across a road.
An hour past and you still hadn’t found any sign of the house or a road so you took the phone out again, biting back the crying that was trying to come from you and hitting his name to call him, you heard it ringing and then you heard the ringtone, he was around somewhere.
“Y-Yoongi…It’s cold and I don’t know where I am.” You stuttered out, leaning against a tree and looking around you if you could hear his phone ringing before you knew he was close, he sighed from the other side of the phone.
“I told you it’s dangerous out here kitten.” You heard a tree branch snap and you screamed out, putting your head into your knees and crying out for Yoongi to come and find you faster when a pair of arms wrapped around you and dragged you against a chest.
“This is why I told you never to leave baby, you can’t handle life outside of the house.” He whispered to you, you nodded in agreement not wanting him to let go of you.
“Take me home Yoongi.” You pleaded to him.
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You knew it was a bad idea the moment it came into your head but it was your only way out of the situation, Hoseok your boyfriend of a year had taken it upon himself to never let you out of the shared house you had together, he convinced you it was too dangerous for you to leave now that you’d been spotted together more than a couple of times, the only time you ever got to go out was with him, to attend balls the Mafia were throwing or silly parties you didn’t want to go to in the first place but he wanted to show off the fact that he had someone to call his own but you didn’t want that, you wanted freedom, to be able to whatever you wanted but he’d made you quit your job so you couldn’t even get away for a few hours, it was a toxic enviroment…but you did love him at one point, you adored him and deep down you did still love him but you just needed to get away so that’s where the stupid plan came into play. You thought it would be genius to escape while he was out on a big job with the rest of his friends, you knew he would be gone for two days and the only guard watching the house was lazy when it came to his job, so you could get out when he went for a break, the bathroom window lock was loose so you knew you could sneak out through that and land on the garage below to sneak onto and out into the dirt roads, which you knew like the back of your hand, whenever Hoseok would take you out of the house for date nights you made sure to take a look at everything around you, memorise every single street sign and the way out of where he lived. So that’s what you did, you snuck out of the window at 4 am and ran as fast as your legs would carry you down all the dirt roads until you hit the main road.
The moment you saw headlights you stuck out your hand, hoping whoever it was would slow down and help you out, you didn’t look like you were bad news, just a lost person in the middle of nowhere. The car slowed to a stop and you stared at whoever was there but the lights were so bright you couldn’t make out who it was, the driver’s door opened and someone stepped out, it was as if the world started to move in slow motion, Hoseok was standing there looking at you, you stared back at him and then over our shoulder, the were no other cars coming, there was no way out of this one so you just walked over to him, he just embraced you in his arms and you stayed still, his arms wrapping around you but you just stayed still, not embracing him back.
“Let’s get you home.” He said putting you into the car and slamming it behind him and getting into his side.
“You’re not mad?” You questioned taking the drink he was holding out for you, you took it and drank from the can, looking at him as he drove in the direction of the house in silence, you could feel your eyes starting to get heavy and you yawned, laying your head down on the seat of the car and closing your eyes.
When you woke up again you were in a bedroom but it wasn’t the one you shared with Hoseok, you knew that because the bed was a four-poster one, and the walls were covered in grey paint instead of the creme one you had in the bedroom. You went to get off the bed when you felt a sharp pain in your ankle, you yanked off the covers to find your leg was chained to the bed and you tried to pull at it but nothing was working, the door to the room opened and Hoseok was standing there looking at you, he was carrying a tray of food. You kept struggling against the metal but it was useless, you weren’t going anywhere any time soon.
“How cute. Struggle all you want, you won’t be leaving me again.” He said coming over and placing the tray next to you, all of your favourite foods were there waiting for you to eat, you just stared at Hobi and then to the chain.
“Are you crazy?” You yelled out but he ignored you, and just focused on trying to feed you something to eat
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You threw your clothes into a suitcase trying to be quick about it, Namjoon was coming home after an argument you’d had over the phone with him, you’d gotten into a fight about him calling your boss and telling him you were quitting. You loved Namjoon but it was too much for you to handle, he was out of control. First, he made you move into his apartment when he saw where you lived, deeming it ‘unfit’ for you and demanding you to move into his place so you would be safer, then he told you, you weren’t allowed to see your friends anymore because he didn’t like them, and him quitting your job for you was the last straw, he’d tried to explain over the phone it was for the best but it wasn’t. This wasn’t healthy and he just couldn’t see that, so you knew you had to leave and get out of that place and away from him. The front door sounded as if it was kicked open, then slammed shut, the staircase creaked as he came crashing up them and into the bedroom, you stared at him for a second and then walked into the en-suite packing up everything you had in there and into another smaller bag ready to go into a suitcase.
“Don’t do this.” He pleaded as you came back into the room, looking at you packing up and getting ready to stop you, but you were having none of it, you just wanted to get out of there.
“Joon call me a taxi or take me home.” You said as you zipped up the suitcase, he grabbed hold of you, trying to make you stay with him but you weren’t returning the hug, you just stood there awkwardly while he clung onto you.
“Please don’t leave me…I’ll change I promise.” He said trying to make you stay if anyone he worked with saw him like this he would never be taken seriously again, he was never weak unless it came to you, there was something about you that changed him, he clung onto you tighter when you tried to walk away.
“Joonie, don’t make this harder.” You whispered, tears already running down your cheeks as he looked at you.
You were standing at the front door when he came down the stairs to you.
“Can you just kiss me? One last time? That’s all I ask.” You stared at him, his eyes were bloodshot and swollen from crying so much, he had called you a cab because you watched him do it and you knew it was on its way around now, you looked over your shoulder out of the window door and then nodded.
“One.” You whispered back, truth be told you wanted to stay but you knew you couldn’t, it was bad news. You stepped closer to him and looked into his eyes, there was something there you couldn’t read though.
“I love you.” He whispered before dragging you into his arms and kissing you, all you could think about was the way his lips felt on yours, the way his arms held onto you tightly and then the cooling sensation of something on your wrist.
“Namjoon!” You screamed as he handcuffed your hand to his own and began pulling you up the staircase.
“You’re not leaving me.” He boomed, the weak side of him gone now and replaced with this harder cover, he took you into the bedroom and undid his handcuff, attaching it to the bedpost and looking at you.
“You’re going to stay with me…You promised you’d never leave.” You whimpered out as it hit you that you weren’t going to get out as easily as you thought.
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Your relationship with Jimin was complicated, it was an on again off again kind of relationship but you lived together, he started as your roommate and then you slept together one night, turning it into a friends with benfits situation and then it slowly began to develop into a relationship, which would end a week or two because you couldn’t deal with how he flirted with everyone he came into contact with, right now was one of those moments and you had enough. You were going to move out of the apartment to get away from him, that way you wouldn’t be sucked back into a relationship that was toxic for both of you, no matter how good the sex was or how good he made you feel when he wasn’t off fliriting with other people, you wanted a stable realtionship with love but with Jimin you didn’t think you could ever have that so you knew it was time to leave, you knew who he was…The moment he moved into your flat he told you he was involved with the Mafia and that one of his friends was Namjoon, who everyone knew ran half of Seoul and was working on controlling the whole thing but it still didn’t give him a right to do this. Not only did he flirt with everyone but he treated you like you were the only person to matter to him, which is what you wanted but…it came with consequences, he wouldn’t let you go to work, you weren’t allowed to spend time with friends or family without him, he had to be there all the time incase they tried to steal you away from him or kill you and it was starting to give you whiplash. The constant mood swings from being his everything to him fliriting with anything that had a pulse, it was confusing. The front door opened and you sighed, you didn’t think he would be home so soon, you threw the bag of your shoulder and walked down the staircase, facing him head on because you weren’t scared of him, there was no reason to be right now.
“Where are you going?” He questioned looking at you as you stood at the bottom of the staircase, you took the keys from your pocket and dropped them onto the nearby coffee table.
“Leaving, going home.” You said looking up at him, he was staring down at you, despite him being the shortest of his friends he was still taller than you, you looked up at him and he shook his head.
“You’re not leaving me, you mean too much to me to let you just leave.” He spoke to you, smiling at you as sweetly as possible, you knew you were going to have to lie to get away from him.
“I don’t feel anything for you Jimin, absolutely nothing.” You were lying through your teeth and he knew it, you stood your ground though, not wanting to back down from this, he raised his eyebrow at you.
“Is that so?” You nodded.
“Yep, nothing.” He moved closer to you and a smirk appeared on his lips, you backed up a little, hitting the wall behind you.
“Relax Princess…I’m not going to jump on you.” He whispered seductively, he was closer now and he was bending down to kiss and suck on your exposed neck, you held back the whimper that was trying to escape, if you moaned out he would think he won this battle, you couldn’t let him win.
“Not until you ask me to anyway.” He whispered against your skin, kissing his way up to your lips, and removing the bag from your shoulder, you wrapped your arms around his neck, giving up and jumping into his arms, he pinned you to the wall roughly and smirked as you let out a whimper.
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Taehyung had let you go out with friends for the first time in months, you hadn’t seen any of them since you moved in with him and you’d managed to gain his trust enough for him to let you go out again, sure it was with an armed guard who was standing ten feet away from you at all times but you were out, and you had a plan to stay out of that house. Taehyung was a loving boyfriend once but lately, now that he’d told you he was involved with the Mafia and who he was which was a very dangerous person things changed, he told you he was a huge hacker for Namjoon, who ran half of Seoul which meant being with Taehyung meant you were in danger, mostly because everyone hater Taehyung the most, he had access to everything he could ever want at the touch of a keyboard, he could destroy anyone he wanted to and he threatened to do it a lot, he did it to one of your ex-boyfriends who had tried to destroy you, he leaked all of his personal information and everything important to him was leaked, including all of his photos of himself, and Taehyung had managed to get him fired from his workplace, and making it harder for him to get another job after that. He was a force to be reckoned with and you knew you didn’t want to mess with him but you also knew you needed to get out of that place, he’d stopped you from seeing everyone you loved and tonight was the first time in months that you were allowed out of the house. You made sure one of your friends would be distracting the guard while you could make a break for it, you told her you’d meet her back at her apartment after she’d ditched the guard and that was the plan.
You were around the corner to your best friends apartment when you heard a group of people walking towards you, you darted into an alleyway and stayed hidden until you knew they were gone and you could come back out, you didn’t know if people could be trusted like Taehyung was saying so you just kept as safe as possible, you were about to go to your friends apartment when you realised you weren’t even on the right street, you didn’t actually know where you were, it had been so long since you came out on your own, not to mention it had been a while since you’d even come to your friends apartment. Your phone started to ring and you prayed that it was your friends calling to find out where you were and they’d be able to find you but when you pulled the phone from your pocket Taehyung’s name was across the screen, you looked up from the phone and around you, there was no way he knew where you were and there was no way the guard called him to say you’d managed to get out of his eyesight.
“Hi, baby.” You answered, trying to sound as innocent as possible but you could tell he was having none of it as soon as he started talking to you.
“Why aren’t you in the club anymore? Why are you down a random alleyway.” He questioned, you sighed leaning against the wall and sliding down onto the ground.
“I don’t know where I am Tae.” You managed to say before crying into the phone about how stupid you’d been to leave them alone, and that you were sorry for running off.
“Are you safe?” He questioned, a car screeched around the corner and then you heard yelling, you cuddled into your knees and bit down on your lip.
“I don’t know Tae and I’m scared.” You managed to say, a gunshot went off and you screamed, holding your head against your knees and wanting Tae to come and find you right away.
“I’ve got your location, I’ll see you soon.”
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All of the trees around you began to blend in and look like every other tree, you thought you knew the way out like the back of your hand but it was harder in the dark, Jungkook had only ever taken you out of the house in the day, why did you think this was a good idea? You sprinted down a dirt road a little further when you came to a cabin, you knocked on the door but there was no answer so you pushed the door open and headed inside, you wanted to take a break, for now, you’d been running since the moment you got out of Jungkook’s house. He locked himself in his office after a stressful day at work and you knew it was your only chance, the guards had all gone to check on their boss and you could slip out of the back door and down the dirt roads. Jungkook and you had been dating for about six months when he asked you to move in with him, neglecting to mention that he was involved in one of the biggest Mafia businesses in Seoul and now that you were dating him your life was in constant danger, his enemies were constantly looking for something to get to him with, a weakness as he put it. And that was you, you were Jungkook’s only weakness and everyone around him knew that so he swore to never let you leave the house without him, but it was suffocating being stuck in the same four walls every day or constantly being around him, you loved him but that was too much, so you made the plan to escape and here you were, stuck in a cabin in the middle of nowhere, no idea where to go or how to get out and where to even go when you did get out, Jungkook told you your family decided they wanted nothing to do with you once they learned you were with him and you believed him, but was he serious or was he just saying that to make you stay with him? There was a crunching noise coming from outside so you dived behind the door, reaching for a nearby crowbar and readying yourself with it, in case it was someone bag, the door opened and you held your breath not wanting to get caught,
“Come here little one…” Someone spoke out, you didn’t know who it was and the door shut, you came face to face with someone you’d never met before, he reached out for you so you swung the crowbar around his head and he hit the floor, blood pouring from him, Shit, you dropped the crowbar and ran out of the cabin, back in the direction you came from, hoping to find Jungkook or someone to help you.
You got back into the house and Jungkook was standing in the kitchen, you collapsed onto the floor in front of him and he bent down to look at you, you had blood on your face from where you’d hit the man in the head and he sighed.
“Go find whoever she hit and dispose of them, I’ll take her to get washed up.” He said helping you to your feet, he walked you through the house and towards the main bathroom of the house, it had the biggest bathtub inside and he was going to make sure you were washed properly.
“You’re not mad at me?” You questioned as he turned on the taps, he turned to look at you with a frown on his face, he came over to you and sighed, cupping your face in his hands and leaning down to kiss your lips.
“No…Why would I be mad? Now you know how dangerous the world is out there.” He whispered to you, helping you out of the clothes and helping you into the bathtub.
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La Squadra Backstories!!!! Stream of consciousnesss style!
So literally I just sat down and wrote down exactly what I thought. I have not edited these at all lmaooo. But I made long drawn out backstories for our underrated assassins so enjoy!!
T/W + C/W - idk I talk about people dying in a lot of ways. Child abuse, drugs, severe illness, dead cats. This stuff is a mess I really didn’t censor it. But nothing is described in detail cuz I’m too lazy for that.
Prosciutto cuz he’s at the top of my mind. Mmkay he and Pesci are brothers but not by blood. Pro was an orphan, I still wanna make him Russian, and pesci’s extremely kind and gentle family adopted him when he was like 7. They were like literally a garden catalogue family. Perfection. The parents died when pro was like 15, Pesci was 13?? Idk the age difference I’m just making shit up now. And Pesci had no fucking idea what to do, they didn’t have any other family, and pro was like “I’m still basically a hardened criminal from living on the streets of russia most of my childhood, so joining the local mafia should be a piece of cake”. It was.
Risotto..... fuck it. Polpo is risottos dad. I’ve seen that so much and fuck it I’m here for it now. Idk how I feel about the whole Mariah from part 3 being his mom that seems too coincidental. But either way, he is half Spanish. I don’t think he’s ever been in touch with his Spanish roots at all, but that’s what he is. Polpo had too much fun on vacay in Spain. But it was a once night stand and polpo, a skinny king back in the mid 70s, fucked off to do mafia stuff and didn’t know about this kid. Risotto never knew his father. Time goes by, about the time he’s 10, rizzo’s mom moves to Italy to find the man she once loved. Since the 70s, she has been married and divorced 4 times, disowned by her entire family, and she speaks only of Polpo, the man who swept her off her feet and then disappeared into the night. Leaving only this child with his matching eyes. So they live in Italy, risotto is about 13 now and his mom has been searching seriously for polpo for about 3 years. One day, she gets too close, mafia takes her out. Risotto is all alone in a country he has lived in for less than 3 years. So he decides to take revenge against the mafia. He goes to hunt them down. (I’m too lazy to write out how. Gets a gun. Basically the scene in part 5 where the kid is like “you killed my father and now I’m gonna kill you!!” But he chickens out???) yeah except rizzo didn’t chicken out, he stood firm and killed 2 of them. The other 2 surrendered, and immediately asked rizzo to take polpos test. He did. And he unknowingly met his father, the man his mother had died looking for. He stared into his fathers eyes, black sclera reflecting each other, and passed his test with ease.
Wowwwwwwwww alrighty then that was something. Let’s shake out those jitters because fuck that was intense and let’s move onto some happy shit.
Melone!! Always a bottle of joy. He was a phenomenal student, a perfect child. Perfect grades, perfect attitude, perfect looks. Onlyyyy tiny thing is he murdered cats and buried their heads in the back yard. But that was his only flaw. Aaaaaaaand mayyybe trying to use his extensive knowledge of molecular biology and genetics (even at as young as 11) to asexually breed said cats.
But, apart from that, absolutely perfect specimen of a young boy. And he kept that up until college. Until the rape accusation. Melone had no interest in having sex with her, he swore under oath in open court, he only wanted to “extract her essence” in the hopes of making her amazing genetics stay pure for centuries.
Due to his previously amazing school record, he was allowed to plead not guilty by reason of insanity (because the justice system is bullshit) and was released to his parents. During this whole process, Melone’s mother had begun to grow suspicious of her son, wondering if there was something wrong with him. This led her to explore the crawl space under the garage, more commonly known as “Melone’s childhood laboratory”. The cat skulls alone were enough to set her off. They allowed him into their home long enough to fool the court, but parole officers don’t pay attention, and they kicked him to the curb a month later. Broke, alone, and with no real skills other than his genius mind and gorgeous body, he became a prostitute. It was only a few months before he wandered up to a gigantic white haired man with angry eyes and asked if he wanted a date. Instead of declining, our good ol rizzo just knocked him out cold and brought him home. The rest is history. Literally because I can’t think of what would happen between that and Melone joining the mafia. I assume he was just their house pet for a little while before he decided he wanted a stand too.
Oh good lord these are getting insane. Better keep going. Okay I have no idea what’s about to come out of my head for ghia but oh Lordy. Might as well start. Ghiaccio wasn’t always quite as angry, but it’s actually gonna be a sweet story. Kinda. He used to act perfect, even tho he always felt the anger inside. He was forced to bottle it up and put on a happy exterior always. His mother was Belgian. (From experience, Belgian mothers (Flemish in particular) will beat you until your ass is raw if you talk back). Italian father, they lived in italy. He had 4 sisters, he was the middle child of 5. Around high school, he started acting out. Of course this was due to all of his bottled up anger from the past 15 years. 4 shattered sinks, 16 holes in the drywall, and one classroom fire later, Ghiaccio was expelled from school. His parents were too busy brimming with joy about the success of all his sisters that they didn’t take much notice to him. “If you’re going to behave in such a manner you might as well leave” his mother said. She was past the point of caring enough to beat him. So he left. 16 and with no where to go, he wandered the streets. After a year or so, Ghia had gotten used to that life, and was angry at everyone, sometimes when he wasn’t even angry. Anger had become his coping mechanism. Screaming was easier than talking. Until one day, he screamed at a blonde man in an intersection. Prosciutto was driving back to the squads hang out, boxes of takeout in the back seat of the car. He had chosen to not stop at the red light, just for fun, and nearly ran into our blue haired teenager. Ghia proceeded to cuss him out for a good 4 minutes in the middle of this intersection before pro cut him off. “Get in the back. “ he said, with his own special brand of brotherly love. “I know how you can put that anger to good use”. Ghiaccio, having no real reason to object, got in the back seat. Prosciutto was silent the rest of the drive and Ghiaccio yelled about all the take out food, now splattered on the backs of the seats due to the sudden slam on the brakes.
Y’all I don’t even remember the other la squadra members. Let’s do sorbet/gelato because they have zero backstory or personality so I can just ramble. *Clears throat* let’s begin. These fuckers. Friends since birth. Grew up together, always really close. They were both dirt poor, but because the only school nearby was a decent public school, when were able to slightly experience middle class living. They liked it. They wanted to see upper class, and once they did, they wanted to be there. These two were money grubbing bffs, I’m talking josuke and okuyasu, but like waaaaay more intense and also violent. They both left home around 14, together of course. Gelatos father had left them a few years prior, and his family were on the brink of starvation. Figuring they didn’t need another mouth to feed (and completely abandoning his post as family patriarch lol) he left with sorbet, who’s family had all died in various ways over the years. Most recently, his older sister being taken by some illness that was probably easily treatable, but with no means for a doctor, she died in days. The boys left home and school, and made a living by pickpocketing tourists and occasionally launching into larger heists. They made a decent living for themselves, but eventually started spending their money on drugs. It’s was sorbet first, heroin was really good to him for awhile. Gelato was against it, knowing it was the reason sorbets family had been so poor to begin with. His father was an addict, and despite holding down a job fairly well, spent all his earnings on drugs. Eventually he became too dependent, lost his job, and OD’d. But around this same time, when the boys were 16/17, they were starting to realize their feelings for each other. Confused teenaged minds full of budding love led to Gelato giving in, and soon their days were filled with heroin fueled ecstatic sex. They lived like this for awhile, existing in half reality, until one day they chose to set their pickpocketing targets on a short man with close cropped gray hair. The plan was perfect, sorbet bumped into the man and gelato passed by to grab his wallet, and suddenly they were the size of mere ants. In an instant, they were returned to size, left to wonder if it was real or just a hallucination from long term drug use. But they didn’t run. Formaggio introduced himself, with a loose handshake and a pause to spit out some tobacco, and promptly invited them to a “party”. Although, Formaggio was honest in his promise, this party did have drugs.
Cheese boys turn!! Seriously who am I forgetting??? Illuso my mirror man! Am I forgetting someone else too?? Idk. But shut up Kel it’s cheese boys turn.
So. Formaggio. Probably the most chill childhood. Lower middle class, pretty average, but he was quite gifted with sports. Soccer was his main, and also a fantastic competitive swimmer. (Okay I have a separate hc that Bruno is really good at soccer so hol horse up a moment so I can imagine those 2 playing soccer together in friendly competition. In my lil au where Bruno is in la squadra because I say BruPro exes rights please and thanks.) but anyway, he got really good at soccer and was offered a scholarship to play at a fancy pants private high school when he was 14. Of course his parents made him go, this has been the family’s dream for years, and formaggio’s as well. So high school is amazing, he’s starting to attract attention from universities even tho he’s barely in grade 11 by this point. And it’s all really amazing until he realizes. This isn’t what he wants. And it’s just that. He doesn’t want to play soccer anymore, he doesn’t want to potentially be famous. He just wants to be a kid. So he leaves school, he leaves home, he wants to start over. And he wanders into a diner and sees this small group of weirdly dressed men. At this point, it’s rizzo, pro, Pesci, and ghia. And he’s staring at them because they’re dressed like circus clowns but their aura is so murderous. And then the one who looks like a giant pineapple starts staring back. Pesci gets up and walks over to Formaggio. “I know you! You’re that amazing kid soccer player!!” And he just goes on and on about shit he read in the news (70% of it was false) until pro comes over and yanks his idiot brother away. Pro starts asking Formaggio questions, thinking he could be a good target. Stupid little rich kid. But to prosciuttos surpise, Formaggio is just a down to earth kid with no more money to his name than he needs to pay for this meal. Prosciutto takes him home after that. He doesn’t really offer any explanation.
(The rambling at the beginning of this paragraph actually happened lol so I paused for like 4 hrs oops)
Alright we are back. Had to leave to go to therapy and then scream at my mother and cry to my boyfriend but we are ready to go! Illuso and I really hope he’s the last one and I’m not forgetting one. Illuso was raised in an orphanage from infancy. No idea who his parents could even be. Fun fact: one of the nuns at the orphanage (cuz it’s an orphanage in Italy in 1980, they’re catholic.) nicknamed him Illuso because he was always pointing at things that weren’t there. As a tiny baby and a child, he would always be looking at things no one else can see (yes illuso is a natural stand user fight me). The nuns called him illuso as an insult, hoping to shame him into stopping. He never did. When he outgrew the orphanage, he decided to join the priesthood. He was 19, a priest in training, when the mafia came to the orphanage. They were collecting, and illuso knew they didn’t have the money this month. He tried to talk the mobsters down, but that went about as well as planned. 4 bullets to the chest, 3 open heart surgeries, and half a dozen resuscitations later, Illuso was released from the hospital. The orphanage had been shut down, and no one knew what had happened to the children or the nuns. With no where to go, illuso knew of one place that could use talents like his. The talents of steadily stealing money from the starving children of the church for a decade. It was during polpos test that illuso’s stand manifested. Not due to the arrow, but to protect its user from the other stand. Illuso was able to avoid Black Sabbath by hiding in his newfound mirror world until it was time to return the lighter to polpo (kinda cowardly but whatever.) he was assigned to risottos group by chance and was the last to join excluding Melone. But they loved him as if they had found him themselves.
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batskulldrag · 5 years
Phoenix by Fallout Boy
A human Au where Patton and Logan adopt Patton’s estranged nephew.
trigger warnings for abuse, PTSD and anxiety 
included are mentioned brotherly creatwins, sympathetic deceit and no OC. any other character is either another youtuber, one of Thomas’s friends or a character from 2017′s Dream Daddy. 
Word count is obscene, I'll post weekly chapters
Chapter one: The Things We Lost in The Fire by Bastille
               Patton brooded into the house and scanning the living room only to find it empty, made a beeline for his and Logan’s bedroom. Fate had one nice thing in store for him because Logan was there silently grading papers at his desk. Before giving his husband a chance to comment on his sudden appearance Patton dropped his head onto Logan’s shoulder. Logan automatically reached up a hand to stroke Patton’s ash blond hair.
               “Bad day I assume?” Logan asked as soothingly as he could muster.
               Rather than answer Patton sank to the ground and flopped his head down on Logan’s lap.
               “That bad?” Logan continued to pet his hair.
               “Have you seen the news?” Patton mumbled, his voice blocked with hands and defeat.
               “No, I haven’t.” Logan was hesitant and let on concern. “What happened?”
               “My nasty, no account bully of a brother is back in town and trying to run for local office.”  Patton snorted. “And he’s lying about our family.”
               Logan’s eyes narrowed, unimaginative as he was, he saw a flood of potential falsehoods that could earn anyone a landslide of pity votes.
               “What does that beast have to say for himself?”
                Patton let out a sound that was almost a sob.
               “You don’t have to tell me, I’m sure I could look it up.” Logan sighed, still stroking Patton’s head. “And more importantly, I’m sure we can debunk whatever he has to say.”
               “The implications will still be there, even if they’re wrong. And people might say that we’re the ones who are lying.” Patton slid more of his body onto Lagan’s lap.
               “I know.”
               “He’s saying that our mom was a homophobe, and that she made him …” Patton tilted his head away and coughed. “Sleep with a girl to ‘cure him’ or something. That’s not fair. He was the homophobe.”
               “That’s his explanation for his son?”
               “And his campaign on how much he cares about other sexualities.” Patton rolled his eyes.
               “Patton, why don’t you go ahead and post our senior prom pictures on Sharebook?” Logan said gently, but with a sinister smile that his companion couldn’t see.
               “I don’t follow.” Patton met Logan’s eyes.
               “Your mother was the one who took most of those pictures. Payton isn’t that much older than you; how does he intend to explain that change in opinion?”
               “Logan you’re a genius!” Patton threw his arms around him.
               “I know.” The other smiled.
#                             #                             #
               Logan remembered prom night vividly, more vividly than graduation in fact. All it took to remember every detail was just a brief look over Patton’s shoulder at their first picture to bring it all back. Patton’s braces that he had haphazardly tried to paint blue by eating nontoxic paint, granting him blue teeth and colorless braces. It didn’t faze him though. He was still beaming with his entire being. A nerd in a tan suite with stained teeth. No one could touch him.
               And of course, Logan himself, who hadn’t changed much appearance wise since high school. Smiling reluctantly as Patton stretched an arm around his shoulder as they both stood in front of the open door.
               “Logan, sweetheart you look so stiff try to relax.” Patton’s mother teased.
               “Maybe I should move my arm.” Patton said quickly as he pulled his arm away.
               “Yeah Pat.” Roman chimed in from behind them. “Leave room for Jesus.”
               Roman was one to talk, he all but had his date sitting in his lap on the ride over. They both turned to see him strutting up the driveway. At the time his hair was dyed red, which made it look like his head was on fire. Did that shake him? No. He proudly wore red hair, a white tuxedo and a matching rose in his buttonhole. Elton John would have called it overkill.
               “You forgot this calculator watch.” Roman announced holding out a corsage of forget-me-nots and baby’s breath.
               “Oh, Logan you got me flowers!” Patton squeaked, clasping his hands together and pressing them to his chin.
               “Logan, is your dad single?” Patton’s mom interjected again.
               Logan felt himself blush and looked out the door for an escape.
               “No, he’s still married to my mom. Sorry.” He responded flatly, hoping they would just think he didn’t get the joke.
               “Oh, a little baby person!” Roman suddenly exclaimed as he darted inside, heading directly for the pram in the middle of the living room.
               “Careful not to wake him up.” Patton called to him.
               “Why’s he out here?” Roman whispered, looking up from the baby.
               “He was a little fussy, so I brought him down here where it was cooler.” Ms. Foster explained.
               “I thought Payton was here taking care of Virgil.” Logan added. “After all he is his father.”
               “Payt’s up in his room studying for his LSATs, besides Virgil’s only a few months old. He doesn’t have it in him to be troublesome yet.” She leaned over the pram and cooed. “Unlike his daddy who cut five teeth at once and his uncle who bit everything.”
               Both Roman and Logan laughed at this while Patton just stood there quietly.
               “It wasn’t that bad.” Patton mumbled.
               “Yes, it was, that crib we’re using, you chewed one of the legs off. And I swear Payton started sprinting before he could even walk. So, I had to be on constant look out for him, lest I step on and kill my own baby.”
               “We should go.” Patton pointed towards the door in an effort to escape.
               “Wait, Logan, you need to put the corsage on Patton.” Roman pointed at the pair of them.
               “Why?” Logan asked blankly.
               “Tradition.” Roman stood tall and crossed his arms.
               “Fine.” Logan tilted his head back and sighed.
               Patton’s mother got a picture of the moment. The rest of the evening was horrible. The car that they all shared broke down and they had to walk to the gym. They showed up an hour late and covered in sweat and grease. Then a few morons threw punch on both of them during the slow dance. The lights constantly flickered as if they were going to go off, giving him a migraine. And finally, two people backed him into a corner and tormented him until he had an episode. Which everyone thought was hilarious, so they laughed while ‘the retard’, as he was known, threw a tantrum in the corner.
That was when Patton showed how amazing he really was. He wielded guilt like a weapon and tore everyone down to below sea level.  He threatened to tell peoples parents, he swore to treat them exactly the way they had treated Logan. He labeled each and every one of them a sociopath and declared that he would see to it that they all went to hell. After Patton’s rant and Logan’s episode Patton just took him outside and they spent the rest of the night there.
               That had been the moment when Logan fell in love with that boy. Covered in sweat and punch and coming off the heels of a tantrum he fell in love with Patton. And he knew Patton loved him, come what may. Graduation didn’t hold a candle to that.
                                                                               #             #             #
               “Are you somewhere fun?” Patton’s voice cracked through the memory.
               “Yes.” Logan looked back over to Patton. “I’m here.”
               Patton beamed back at him and went back to his pictures. There were a handful of their graduation, several of Patton once he finally got his braces off. And many different pictures of Patton feeding Virgil smashed chocolate cake on his first birthday. Patton’s demeanor dropped and he sighed heavily. None of them had seen Virgil since he was a baby.
               “I hope he’s ok.” Patton thought out loud.
               “I’m sure he is.” Logan lied, taking Patton’s hand in his.
                                                                               #             #             #
               I’ll kill him. Payton thought viciously as yet another reporter asked him the same question.
               “Mr. Foster, how do you explain the inconsistencies between your description of events and the pictures your brother posted online yesterday?”
               “Patton must have come out after mother passed away.” Payton said smoothly. “And after seeing what she did to me, who can blame him?”
               They seemed to accept that. Good. He scoffed under his breath; they were all too lazy to investigate anything, so they just took everything at face value.
               “But Mr. Foster,” A familiar voice that didn’t belong to a reporter chimed in. “An examination of these pictures also shows her at Patton’s high school graduation, which took place after prom. Is your mother a ghost?”
               Payton looked across the crowd and saw the instigator. A man of moderate height and muscular build wearing a fedora with a press card in the band. To match that he also wore a brown three-piece suit and glasses of the same color. He didn’t even look like he was from this time era.
               “You cannot prove that prom preceded graduation.” Payton argued, knowing that it was a horrible lie. “And you cannot prove that it is our mother in the picture with him.”
               “Ok. But I can.” The time traveler challenged. “Other pictures of your mom would prove that she is indeed pictured in Patton’s graduation, with his boyfriend. And high school functions such as prom always proceed graduation. It’s senior prom, not post-graduation prom. Also! Patton has blue teeth in the prom pictures, but the blue has faded off in the graduation pictures.”
               Many of the reporters murmured and turned to the stranger.
               “Ok Roman,” Payton leaned against his podium. “Did someone put you up to this or are you on your own?”
               “I’m on my own. And I stand alone in the halls of people who look things up. These are dark days indeed.”
               “Pay no attention to that drama queen back there please.” Payton sneered. “He’s friends with my brother.”
               “So now I have become your enemy because I tell you the truth?” Roman said loudly, pressing one hand to his heart.
               “Isn’t that from the bible?”
               “Have you read the bible?”
               A hushed murmur echoed through the crowd. When did this become a roast off?
               “Roman, leave before I call security.”
               “This is a public gathering; you can’t throw me out.”
               Much to Roman’s dismay and his own delight he indeed could throw him out. But the damage had been done, everyone’s questions now reflected what Roman had pointed out. And worse still several of these dullards had now been bitten by the research bug. They may start thinking for themselves against all odds.
               Speaking of things that thought without permission Virgil had beaten him home that afternoon. His gangly, yet somehow short form was slumped on the couch staring at his phone. His school uniform was in disarray around him. He had his blazer on his lap like a blanket, his tie hung over his shoulders and his shirt unbuttoned almost to his waste and he had added an old hoodie that was probably decomposing by now. Why didn’t the bastard just go ahead and get naked? What a slob.
And, if he were to be honest, he thought Virgil was ugly. Most teenagers are and his son reflected that. Virgil had scattered acne and freckles on a pasty white face that he had the decency to cover up with makeup, hollow eyes, violet in color making him look every bit the mutant he was, and black hair that he kept in a stupid fashion. Who the hell even had bangs anymore?
               “Sit up straight, you look like a corpse.” Payton snapped at the figure.
               “Dead bodies are cool.” Virgil retorted sitting up proper.
               “Don’t test me you bastard, I’ve had a very hard day.” He pointed to the defiant brat. “And I will not be challenged by a teenager who still wets the bed.”
               Virgil backed down but shot him one last glare.
               “I haven’t done that in a month.” He mumbled.
               “And I haven’t done that since I was four. You’re nine years late.”
               Virgil slumped his shoulders and pulled his hood up to conceal the fact that his ears were turning red.
               Good. You stay where you belong. Payton thought coldly.
               “I told you to sit up straight.” He said tauntingly.
               Virgil stood up and walked to the stairs.
               “Why doesn’t daddy love me?” He mocked Virgil as he walked. “I wonder.”
               Virgil stormed up the stairs and into his room. He would have punctuated this tantrum by slamming the door. But his room didn’t have one.
                                                                               #             #             #
               “Have you seen the news?” Roman yelled, bursting into the room and slamming the door open.
               “Roman, how many times do I have to tell you not to slam the door?” Logan sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.
               “What’s up Roman?” Patton asked tilting his head to the side.
               “They’re investigating your brother for mishandling campaign funds, and they found out that he left that law firm he worked for under suspicion of tampering with evidence. And something about hiding information or something.” Roman monologued.
               “If he was a lawyer then he would be required to share any evidence he obtained with the opposing counsel, even if it hurt his own case. It was started after the Brady vs Maryland case, during which-”  
               “Logan, not now.” Patton squeezed his shoulder gently. “Is that all, Roman, is Virgil ok?”
               “I – I don’t know. He’s just kinda in the background of all this.” Roman’s posture dropped. “What if we ruined his life!?”
               “Oh gosh, if Payton gets sent to prison it’ll be all my fault!” Patton jumped off the couch in terror. “I’m a horrible brother! I’m a horrible uncle! I’m a horrible person! I ruined his life in three days!”
               “We’re going straight to hell!” Roman pulled on his jacket as if he were trying to pull himself together.
               “No, stop. Both of you.” Logan stood up to reason with them at eye level. “No one’s going to hell, or prison … well I can guarantee no one’s going to hell.”
               “What have I done!?” Patton dropped to the floor and curled into a ball. “I’m a horrible person!”
               “Patton. If your brother is guilty of what they accuse him of, then he only has himself to blame for being in trouble. All you did was innocently post a few things on Sharebook to set the record straight.”
               “Roman,” He continued. “What you did was stupid, but I don’t think it caused anything but a few jokes around the water cooler.”
               A loud gasp came from the floor that led the other two to believe that Patton was crying.
               “I can’t do this. The guilt is killing me!”
               “You didn’t do anything! Payton is in trouble with the law because he broke it. That has nothing to do with us!” Logan objected.
               “But the pictures.” He looked up tearfully.
               “Only served to prove that your mother was not a homophobe.”
               “And Roman?”
               “Is an idiot.”
               “Hey!” Roman protested.
               “But he also had nothing to do with this.”
               “What about Virgil?” Roman asked softly from the doorway.
               No one knew what to say.
                                                                               #             #             #
               It had been five days since Patton’s idiotic meddling on Sharebook, and the worst part was that Payton couldn’t figure out if it was intentional or not. His younger brother never could have thought of something like this. But he did have that drama queen, and that retard he married. One of them might have done this.
               “Dad, can we talk?” Virgil interrupted him, typical.
               “What could you possibly want?” He glared up from his work.
               Virgil was still in his pajamas, wearing no makeup and looking like a member of the living dead. Before speaking he turned away and coughed violently.
               “Are you sick again!?” Payton growled. “I swear if I let you lose in the wild, you’d be dead in an instant. I don’t know what’s keeping you alive; it’s certainly not a higher purpose. There, now we’ve talked. And I’m worse off for it. Now scram.”
               “Is all the stuff on the news true?” Virgil rasped.
               “I recall telling you to go away…”
               “Fine, don’t tell me. I’ll just have to decide for myself.”
               “Knowing you, you’ll side with the masses. Keeps people from having to think. You’d like that.”
               “Why are you teeing off on me!? All I asked for was a yes or no answer.”
               “That’s a lot of back bone for somebody who hasn’t shown me his final report card yet.” He didn’t even look up. “We had to do summer school last year and they still held you back. If either of those things happen this year… well no point in speculating over things that won’t happen.”
               That was the thread he needed to pull evidently. Virgil retreated.
               Before going to his room Virgil stumbled into the bathroom and threw up. His heart was beating its way out of his chest, the room was spinning.
He fell to the floor, arms and legs both feeling like static.
No! not another one! He dizzily protested, forcing in several ragged breaths just have air.
Hell only knows how long he was laying on the bathroom floor before he calmed himself down. But he somehow managed and dragged himself back to his room. It wasn’t long before he passed out on his bed.
#             #             #
               It’s now been nearly two weeks since everything started. Virgil hasn’t gotten over whatever he caught this time. But his dad hasn’t been home too much lately, so there was still solaced to be found. He lay in bed, sweating from fever and almost let himself dare to have hope. His dad may end up in prison before the summer was over. Maybe he could testify. He could tell if his dad was in prison, hell he’d scream it from the rooftops if his dad wasn’t around to provide consequences.
                                                                               #             #             #
               Payton set the smoke detector down on a table in the hallway and looked in Virgil’s room. Virgil was passed out in his bed, no doubt out of his mind on cold medicine and looking pale and tragic. He slid into the room and stood over him.
               “Poor Virgil.” He scoffed, wiping his greasy hair off his sweat covered forehead. “I really tried to want you. Hell, I wanted to want you. It just didn’t work out that way.”
               Virgil coughed lightly in his sleep and turned over uneasily. Everything that kid did was uneasy. Payton picked up the half full bottle of medicine on the nightstand and stared into it apathetically.
               Virgil jolted bolt upright and coughed violently. Payton quietly watched him fight for air.
               “Why are you in here?” Virgil panted, already trembling with fear.
               “It’s alright.” Payton said softly, placing the back of his hand on Virgil’s forehead. “I’m just checking on you.”
               “Why?” Virgil recoiled from his hand.
               “You’re sick, aren’t you?” Payton cupped Virgil’s face in his hands. “I just wanted to make sure you were ok before I left.”
               Virgil settled into his hands and stared up at him. Hope dotted itself in his unnatural eyes. He was helpless to resist temptation. Sucker.
               “Alright. I have a meeting tonight.” Payton ran his hand through Virgil’s hair. “But tomorrow I’m taking you to the doctor.”
               “Why?” Virgil jolted back. His eyes lit with terror.
               “No, I’m taking you to get this sickness checked out.” Payton purred. “You know I’d never hurt you for no reason.”
               “No?” He squeaked.
               “Of course not. Have I ever hurt you when you haven’t done anything?”
               “No?” Virgil’s breathing sped up.
               “Of course not. Now drink your medicine and try to get some sleep.”
               With quivering hands Virgil took the bottle from him and drank it obediently.
               “There’s a good boy.” Payton smiled.
               As a finishing move Payton tucked Virgil in before leaving. Virgil shivered the entire time. Payton couldn’t tell if he was excited to have the attention of if he was just that terrified. It didn’t really matter.
               Either way, Payton had the little parasite right where he wanted him. And today that meant he was right here in bed, sound asleep. Dead to the world.
               Payton stopped in his study and dropped the rug over the lamp’s newly frayed cord. He ‘accidentally’ left the lamp on before he left. As far as anyone would ask.
                                                                               #             #             #
Roman was feeling high on life. He was on his way home from an excellent performance of The Lion King in which he, being one of the only people who could sing and dance and sit through the makeup process to audition, had played Mufasa one night and Scar the next. Both were amazing parts. Just think two on stage deaths, and a solo on villain nights. And who doesn’t love a villain?
               To cap off this evening he had become quite close with the actor playing Timonen, who was especially charming. Yes, things were lovely. He nearly lost control of his motorcycle at the thought. As he steadied himself back, he checked the clock in the center, it was very nearly midnight.
               “Well, I’m sure the love birds are done with their date night by now.” He said out loud, nearly drowned out by his engine.
               Roman nodded to himself and looked for a driveway to turn around in. Preferably one where nobody was home to bother with his bike. He was a gentleman after all. Roman pulled into an empty driveway and made a U-turn back towards the road.
               But something leaked into his helmet and stopped Roman in his tracks. It was the unmistakable smell of smoke. He dropped his bike and whipped around to see the house behind him glowing with flames and billowing thick black smoke. Without a second thought he tossed his helmet to the ground and called for help.
               The house itself was a two-story building that was fairly isolated from neighbors. And there wasn’t another soul outside, so no one had seen the fire yet. While Roman was giving the address the windows in the bottom floor exploded, punctuated by the sound of sirens in the distance. It looked like everything would be ok… luckily, no one was home.
               No! He was wrong! It’s not ok! The glow of the fire had illuminated the figure of someone on the second floor trying to break the window. The room they were in was already on fire. Not having time for caution, Roman bounded towards the house. He could hear the firefighters behind him yelling for him to stop as they pulled up, but he had already leapt onto the landing by the time the words sank in. He could jump surprisingly high; as a dancer he had the legs for it. He pulled himself up the gutter, wrapped his jacket over his fist and with one blow he shattered the window and the person jumped out, coughing up both lungs.
               Both he and the sole survivor were blown back by a gust of hot wind. It was like Satan had roared at them. Obviously dizzy from inhaling so much smoke the survivor, who looked no more than twelve fell back when Satan roared and slid down the roof. Roman leapt for him and saw the kid grab hold of the same gutter, and lose his hold falling to the ground feet first. Roman jumped down after him and scoped him up gently, he was still breathing. But not very strongly. He ran the kid to the nearest ambulance.
                                                                               #             #             #
               ‘F’ is for friends who do stuff together…
               Patton groggily pulled his phone off the nightstand. Why was Roman calling at one in the morning?
               “Ehlo?” He mumbled into the receiver.
               “Hey friendo …” Roman’s voice was hesitant. “Can you come get me from the hospital? I know it’s late, but I’ve had a night.”
               “Hold that thought kiddo.” Patton said calmly, before turning to Logan. “Logan! Roman is in the hospital! My friends are being punished for my sins!” He panicked.
               “We’re married.” Logan mumbled, not even half awake.
               “We’ll be right down to get you honey.” Patton faked a cool demeanor over the phone.
               “I heard you yelling. And, I should point out that I’m not hurt.”
                                                                               #             #             #
               “Roman what happened?!” Patton rushed over to him.
               “Well, there was a fire…” Roman began.
               “At the theater!? Was anybody hurt?! Did Remus start the fire!? Is he back so soon!?”
               Patton looked down and saw that Roman’s right hand in a cast.
               “You are too hurt! Why did you lie to me!?”
               Logan stepped up and pulled Patton back by the shoulder.
               “Everything’s going to be ok Patton. If Roman was badly hurt, they wouldn’t let him leave just yet.” He said calmly. “Now let’s just let him tell the story.”
               “Ok.” Patton mumbled, burying his face in Logan’s shoulder.
               “Ok, on my way home I encountered a house on fire. So, I called the authorities. Then I saw that there was someone trapped upstairs. So, I jumped onto the landing and broke the window with my fist.” Roman explained slowly and without any of his normal flare.
               “Why would you do that? You could have been killed?” Logan asked, flustered at Roman’s general lack of caution.
               “There was someone in there! A little kid trapped in a fire! Wouldn’t you have?”
               “If emergency services hadn’t yet arrived and there was no time to wait, I suppose I would. Had such services arrived?”
               “…” Roman looked down. “Yes.”
               “Are you ok?” Patton asked softly.
               “Yes, it’s just a few cuts. And apparently, I punched the window wrong and broke my wrist. I don’t think I’ll be able to do the matinee tomorrow. I’ll call Robert to pick up my bike.”
               “Is the kid?”
               “They haven’t told me how he is. Apparently only family gets to know the details.” He rolled his eyes.
               “Hippa laws.” Logan added. “Standard doctor/patient confidentiality to protect the privacy of the patient…”
               “Don’t you start.” Roman pointed at him angrily. “All they told me was that he’d be fine.”
               “Did the police take your statement?”
               “Yeah. An unfortunate number of officers are familiar with me. And they almost exclusively know me as the guy with the crazy twin.”
               “Speaking of brothers…” Patton interrupted almost as if he were in a trance.
               The other two turned in unison to see what Patton was staring at so intently. And speak of the Devil there was Payton.
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myrainydayloves · 4 years
Wedding Bells
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(You Already Know What It Is)
Pardon me is everybody because if everybody’s here, I’d like to thank you all for coming
Annaka had never felt more fear than when she woke up May 8th. She was stirred by her alarm, moving her hand through the group of girls piled around each other. But the alarm stopped without her touch and she snuggled back into the warmth of the cuddle pile. 
“Nuh-Uh! Up you go! Shower and then breakfast!” Scolded her maid of honor trying to pull her from the snuggle group. 
“Five more minutes, Mom,” Annaka mumbled, trying to crawl back under Anita’s blanket. 
“Maryyyyy,” she moaned, finally beginning to untangle herself from the other women. “I don’t wanna get married today. Tell Cross we can do it tomorrow,” she joked. 
Mary did not find this as amusing, having spent hundreds of hours with Annaka planning the event. Capri echoed this statement by verbally telling Annaka to shut the fuck up and get ready. 
By the time Annaka had exited the shower, Mary had roused the rest of the women in the sleepover and sent them to the various bathrooms to wash up. A truly outstanding show of abilities in her opinion. There was a light breakfast of sliced fruit and toast waiting them and coffee brewing. 
She dragged her hands over the table that had been her place of residence within the home for the last decade and felt it was foreign under her touch.  Even the kitchen where Annaka spent hours preparing meals, where she’d shared so many tender morning moments with him, was new to her. 
Maybe because it was going to be hers now. Theirs, technically. But going from stranger to guest to owner was as weird for the house as it was her. 
She ate toast, drank from a mug her son had made her back when he was only twelve, and looked through the grimy kitchen window that housed a plant Cross couldn’t keep alive. The window about the sink was his responsibility, Annaka was adamant about and so far if had only seen soap five times in the ten years she’d been here. 
“Lazy bastard,” Annaka whispered into the mug like it was the sweetest nickname. 
Yen clapped her on the shoulder. “Glad to see you’re still in love. I was worried you’d get cold feet.”
“Now is your last chance to back out,” Anita teased. “If you little boy Lavi was here he’d give you the total debt but I reckon it’s around-“
“Lavi’s not little anymore,” Annaka interrupted. “He’s in college for god’s sakes.”
“He’s still your little boy though, isn’t he?” Capri teased.
“They’re both still my little boys,” she whispered into the mug. “It’s just now my name’s going on the adoption papers too.”
So after breakfast, Mary was rushing them into the various cars to the chapel. Annaka rode with Mary to go over any last minute changes. As the sun started to rise over their home, Annaka was leaving it to return as a wife. 
The little boys in question met the bridal party outside the church. All dressed up uncomfortably in their suits, smiling like church boys who’d stolen extra communion wine. The venue itself was a church, grand and tall, one of the most beautiful in the entire city. It was covered in stained glass windows and arches that were once white turned yellow by age. And today it would serve its purpose as a house of love instead of the usual house of confession. 
“Babies,” Annaka whispered to them, climbing out of the car to kiss their cheeks. “I hope you don’t have any objections today.”
“Oh I have a whole list,” Lavi teased. “Starting with the time you didn’t get me a mouse shaped pretzel at Disneyland. Can’t let a woman like that marry Cross.”
Allen gave her a sweet smile, like all the ones he’d given her as a little boy and hugged her tightly. Whatever fear or anxiety she’d been holding poured out of her as she returned the hug, pulling him close. She leaned back, brushed the hair out of his eyes, and hugged him again. 
“So,” Allen started. “How am I gonna tell you that instead of peonies they sent tulips and they’re white not pink?”
“They did what?!” Mary cried. “I specifically asked for peonies! It took me two hours to find a shop with peonies in the spring!”
Yen rubbed Mary’s shoulder with a teasing smirk. “There there, let’s get you all dressed up.”
“I’m serious!” Mary cried, reaching for her phone as the women walked into the church. 
The dress still fit, so that was good, she thought. She twisted and turned in the mirror, struggling to see whatever Cross was marrying her for before giving up. The flowers were here, though they were white and not pink, but that was fine. It was fine. 
A soft knock at the door. 
“Are you ready? Because they’re ready for you,” an attendant whispered. 
“Uh yes,” she mumbled. 
As her shoes met threadbare carpet, she thought about running one last time. But her feet grew roots and planted themselves in front of the grand doors. 
The worst part of all this, she thought as they began to open was that Cross had been right. 
The church was the best idea for the venue. Light poured down from the windows, birds that lived in the bell tower chirped, and the acoustics were amazing. It was like stepping into a painting or perhaps becoming a part of it. 
Only when the doors finally opened fully and the organ started to play did she dare look into the church. Her heart jumped when she saw him there. Regal and fine and waiting patiently, he looked like he would stand there for hours waiting for her to arrive. 
And she couldn’t figure out why. 
Annaka suddenly felt like she was drowning again. Like the waves of fate had finally pulled her under. Then he turned, caught her eye, and looked stunned. There were no tears or smirk, just genuine disbelief this was really happening. 
And then he started to smile. 
There are no words to explain how it feels to see your life validated. To see your work and your past spread out for you like a quilt. To realize that it was time to tie everything in a tidy bow and give up trying to make it bigger. 
So she moved. Step by step she moved towards him, afraid that the longer she stayed on a different side of the ocean of fabric, she would lose him. And then she wasn’t walking down the alley. 
Annaka was running. 
Home was in sight and it welcomed her with a stupid smirk and open arms. In the second he touched her arm, she was safe again, reminded and comfortable under the blanket. 
“Wow, you look….” Cross laughed a bit. “Well I was going to tease you and say you looked a bit desperate running towards me like that but...you look beautiful.”
“Thank you,” she whispered, knees shaking in a way they never did. 
“Relax. If anyone should be scared here, it’s me. Allen threatened to kill me if I got a single word wrong in my vows.”
“Oh shit, knew I was forgetting something” Annaka teased. 
As they settled into a comfortable standing position, the priest read out lines and palms. And then it was time. 
Cross looked up. “Did you wanna go first? I have something in my eyes.”
“No, I think a storm of dust-of course it’s tears!” He snapped, looking down at her. She pressed a hand to his cheek and smiled. 
“Compose yourself, My Love. I’ll go first though I can’t promise you won’t be bawling by the end.”
“Show off.”
“Oh god, wait just-“ He pulled her hand back to his cheek, letting her hand lovingly cup his cheek and nodded, tears silently flowing down his cheeks. 
“There are a lot of things I wanted to say here. Honestly I could have us here for hours. But I will keep it brief,” she took a breath. “For ten years, we raised two children together. And not once, in those ten years, did I ever feel anything but grateful to Mary for calling me. I never regretted pack up everything in my tiny apartment in Seattle to move here even though it was very scary. Because from the moment I met you: I was in love with you.”
She took a second to wipe away some of the tears beginning to flood his face. “Really. I was. You made my life comfortable, gave me what I always dreamed of: a home and a family and a loving husband. No matter what you may think, you’ve given me so so much. So to repay you, I vow to stay with you. To kiss you in the morning, to let you steal my coffee, to watch you work in the garage. I promise that I will always be in love with your genius, your charm, your charisma. I love you so deeply even your flaws shine brightly to me.”
“I love you. And I swear I always will.”
He leaned in towards her and she helped shield his vulnerability from prying eyes. After a minute of silent sobbing he stood up, dried his tears, then dried his glasses, and started. 
“I have sacrificed so much to get something. I have left some many broken paths and people behind me that if I tried to make amends I wouldn't know where to start. I am such a pain in the ass-“
“Not to me,” she teased. 
“Never to you. I’ve never had someone love me so unconditionally.” Allen couldn’t resist a small cough and Lavi quietly kicked him. With a roll of his eyes, Cross corrected himself. “I’ve never had a woman love me so-“
Anita leaned out to glare at him. 
“For the love of Christ, can I get through my vows?” He snapped. With renewed energy and speed, he said, “I guess I won’t have the chance to wax poetic until later, my love. But you are, without a doubt, one of the most talented people I’ve met. Not just in poetry but in everything. And you do it while looking….so beautiful. Even when you’re asleep at the table, hair falling from your bun, pen marks on your face, I am blown away by you. I love you.”
“So I vow to love you forever,” he finished. Then he leaned in to whisper in her ear, “I’ll give the full speech later when we’re not surrounded by idiots.”
“I heard that,” Allen whispered, also leaning in. 
Mary leaned in next and brandished her bouquet like a sword. “Shut. Up. If we run behind because no one we know understands how to be quiet for more than a minute, I’m going to get very angry.”
“Sorry, Ms. Mary.”
The priest did not chance asking for objections with this couple. Partly because they’d already proven themselves to be a small comedy trope and partly because despite the crying or glaring faces, he felt there was no one in the room that had anything real to say. He gave Cross a nod, who then nodded at Annaka, who giggled and nodded back.
“I, Crоss Marian, take you, Annaka, to be my wife. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.“
“I, Annaka, take you, Crоss Marian, to be my husband. I promise to be true to you in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health. I will love you and honour you all the days of my life.”
With a smile he reserved only for weddings, the priest said, “You have declared your consent before the Church. May the Lord in his goodness strengthen your consent and fill you both with his blessings. What God has joined, men must not divide. Amen...sorry. You may now kiss the bride.”
The cheer that erupted from the pews was the loudest the church ever heard, with friends and family all swarming to hug the new united couple at the stand. There were a lot of ‘You did it’-s or ‘Damn, she actually went through with it?’-s and there were a lot of tears.
But despite the chaos and excitement, Cross stared at Annaka and she stared back, lost in each other’s eyes. There was an entire life outside that, to the pair, had always been so cruel, so unkind. But now, with two small bands of gold, the pair felt more than ready to face it.
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mutatedleemon · 4 years
Not Professional | Dr. Robotnik/Agent Stone Fanfic
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More than one agent who was sent to Robotnik did not fit him. After a month, at most, they left on their own. It was impossible to work with the doctor. And no one wanted to babysit him.
One day Robotnik received a letter from the government. Oh, this fools trying to control him, sending their people all the time. They never did succeed, and they never will. This time, the agent's name is Stone. Hope he wouldn't stand there like a stone and do nothing like the others.
The doctor chuckled at his own joke.
The new nanny was due to arrive at one o'clock. Minute till one. There was a knock on the door. Robotnik was too lazy to open it, but he had to get up and show this poor man who he would have to work with for the next couple of days until he'll want to leave. The man went to the door and flung it open. A short man with a neat haircut and tidy stubble stood in front of him. He was dressed to the nines. All in black. As if at a funeral. Great.
"Good afternoon, Doctor Ivo Robotnik. I am Agent Stone, and from this day on, I will be your assistant by order of the government."
Too formal.
"Well. I can't do anything about it yet, so let's make a few rules, alright?"
Robotnik leaned against the door. Agent Stone was all attention. He looked directly into the scientist's eyes, without a smile or fear, completely neutral. But there was something friendly in his voice, and Robotnik couldn't tell what it was.
"First of all," he said, moving closer to the newcomer, " don't ever call me by my first name. Just the last name or the Doctor, understood?"
Stone nodded.
"Second of all, do everything I tell you. Never ask me to repeat twice or question my actions and requests. I'm in charge here and what I do is not up for discussion. Clear?"
Stone nodded again.
"Any questions?"
This was followed by another nod and a question.
"Do I need to bring you any food or drinks? Do you have any special preferences?"
Robotnik straightened up and looked at the man with great surprise. Straight to the point, huh? He must have prepared well. But the Doctor was not going to make everything easy for his new nanny. He has to create some difficulties for him to see how well he will cope.
"Surprise me."
That was all he had to say for the agent's face to finally change. No, there was no expected fear. A sudden smile appeared on his face. Not broad, gentle. It's like he's in charge and knows everything. Very confident in himself. Robotnik subconsciously gave this kid the expected maximum. He'll be here for a month. So far, he impresses the scientist.
Robotnik went back to work. He needed to finish his project, by which he was going to build tracking drones armed with special missiles. The speed of drones must exaggerate the average speed of a sports car to be able to keep up with ordinary cars and other public transports, not to mention people and animals. The missiles themselves will have to fit into the drones themselves, so these machines must either be large, which is not very comfortable, or the missiles must be small. If the missiles are small, they can be as fast as bullets. That is, in fact, the missiles that Robotnik will have to use are just large bullets. Well, let's say it works. Now he needs to deal with the technical part of drones. What will make the missiles fly out, how to join the drones to the General management.
Robotnik leaned back in his chair. He needs to collect his thoughts, and then continue to do something. It was difficult to concentrate. The man needs to find something that will help him work. Music? It may help. But what exactly? Hmmm....
A quiet voice spoke from behind.
"Do you need any help? I can offer something."
Robotnik turned around in his chair and faced agent Stone. Had he been standing behind him all this time? Minus one point. But his advice should be used, otherwise the man will never be able to continue working normally and it will take longer than necessary.
"Suggest some music to which I can concentrate and relax."
Agent Stone started thinking. For some reason, he looked around the lab where they were, and then fixed his gaze on his boss. The smile grew on his face again. Robotnik was starting getting annoyed by it, but he didn't show it yet.
"What about Where Evil Grows by The Poppy Family?"
Robonik thought about it for a minute and then turned on his computer. A virtual blue screen surrounded both men. The Doctor began to swipe his finger near the screen in search of a song. Not finding it himself, he ordered the computer to find it itself. A male robotic voice informed his master about the discovery of the song, and then a rhythmic music filled the room, followed by a melodious voice. The song was not in the style of Robotnik. He preferred something sharper and more fun, but this song was quiet and it didn't bother him at all. He liked the lyrics. He liked the fact that it wasn't obtrusive at all. You can work perfectly while listening to it. He didn't want to admit it. The man looked at his assistant, who was dancing lightly to the music, moving his lips as if he were singing along to the performer. Robotnik smiled, but immediately changed his expression to remain neutral and unfriendly.
"Well. I'll see if this song helps."
Agent Stone stopped dancing and looked a little embarrassed at his boss. It wasn't professional. The man hoped his boss will let this moment slide and won’t punish him for loving this song.
"Is there anything else I can do for you?"
"Yes. Bring me coffee."
The agent froze. He didn't know what kind of coffee Robotnik preferred. His words flashed through man’s mind. "Surprise me". He swallowed. This task must have been his decisive one. He must prove to his employer that he is worthy of this job and can really be needed. He never managed to stay anywhere for long. He always did everything right, but no one was happy with him. He was quite qualified for any job. Stone was one of the best agents. Maybe that's why he was introduced to the Robotnik, but it seemed more like they were trying to dump all the dirty work on him and get rid of him. He was an outcast. All the agents were making fun of him. He doesn't have any friends or even anyone he gets along with. Even if at first glance it seems that he is the best In the field. Maybe that's why they didn't like him. But he doesn't want to be arrogant. Stone just thought they didn't like him.
And he knew that the government was thinking the same thing about Dr. Robotnik. They would rather get rid of him for good, but they can't afford it. He's the best. He's a genius. All the tasks that were given to him were performed perfectly. He's smart and capable. Even if people hate him with all their heart, they can't lose someone so useful for them. This raised the Robotnik's self-esteem. Stone knew a lot about him. Of course, he couldn't come empty-handed, and even if he did, he always had something up his sleeve. He's not stupid, either. He had heard various things from agents who used to work for the Doctor. For the most part, they were complaining. Well, all they said were complains. Robotnik asks a lot. He needs constant attention. He needs help, even if he doesn't admit it. He needs someone who will look at him and his decisions from the side, so that he is not the only one who makes all the decisions. He can't do that. Even if his IQ is the highest in the world, his brain is mocking himself.
He also likes lattes. But it must be prepared in a special way.
Agent Stone nodded and left. As soon as the door closed behind him, Robotnik put the song back on and went back to work. Oh, it was perfect. The head was working properly. And at the same time, the man enjoyed the song. After three repetitions of this song, he finished with the writings and sketches of the drones. He held the blueprint up in front of his face and began to spin in his chair, examining his work. He was happy with The outcome. Now all he needs to do is prepare an automated mechanism that will build the drones themselves and then test them. Great. But how many drones will he need?
Agent Stone came into the lab with a cup of coffee in his hand. Almost at the very edge of the top of the cup was a froth with a latte drawing on it. There was a snail. How lovely. The doctor didn't like snails. They were too slow, and he liked speed. But the drawing was very neat and it was a nice bonus to the drink.
”I’ve heard you prefer a special kind of latte - with steamed Austrian goat milk. So I’ve made you one.”
Robotnik looked at the Agent with wide eyes. No, he had no way of knowing what kind of latte he liked. The man got up from his chair and walked over to his assistant. He picked up his coffee and took a cautious sip. The temperature is perfect. It's not too hot, but it's not cold either. The milk is perfectly warmed. The coffee isn't too bitter and it still feels good. He looked up slowly at the agent. For the first time nervous, huh? Make fun of him or just compliment him for doing a good job? Difficult decision. He chose the first one.
He could see how all the hope had left the agent's little body. He wasn't nervous now. He was just disappointed. He is disappointed in himself. It didn't work out. Wow, this is the first time Robotnik has seen an agent sent to him get upset about something. Others did everything as they could and did not try to somehow adjust to the Doctor. If they did not succeed, they did not particularly attach importance to it. But this agent. He isn’t like everyone else. He wants the job.
"How could no one think of making coffee like you did? I like how you made it."
He turned away from the man, seeing the relief on his face and the return of hope out from the corner of his eye. He smiled.
"We need you there. This is an emergency."
"Yes, of course you need me."
Robotnik leaned on his work desk and looked with a malicious grin at the representatives of the state who were calling him via video. Their wrinkled foreheads were even more wrinkled, because they frowned, without a single drop of pleasure or friendliness, while they talked to the Doctor. They said nothing in reply.
"But I have something that I will use during the task. You won't like it."
They looked at each other, preparing for new surprises from Robotnik. He spread his arms and red lights flickered in the dark corners of his laboratory. It's time to test the glove with the built-in console and his creations. The lamps began to move and flew out of the corners. The light appeared to be drones in the form of eggs. They were neatly constructed of white and black metal. In the middle of each was a huge eye. It was burning red. They looked as if they had scanners and lasers built into them. This was true, but the government could not confirm it yet. Robotnik went an extra mile creating this kids. They were perfect. And he liked it.
An old man, who looked like he was a general, wiped his suddenly sweating forehead with the back of his palm. Another man started coughing. Others watched in horror as the drones hovered in the air.
"I told you you won’t like it."
"We don't want you to use... this"
The main man waved his hands at the drones. Robotnik turned to look at them, theatrically frustrated, and then again on the government.
"Well, so be it."
His interlocutors were pleasantly surprised. The problem is fixed.
"Really?", asked the woman sitting in the farthest corner of the table. Robotnik's smile widened.
"Of course not. As if you could ever order me to do or not to do anything."
He laughed wickedly, waved them good-bye, and before they could say anything to him about it, turned off the video call.
Robotnik turned at the voice. Agent Stone was standing at the entrance to the lab. He looked at the flying drones with pure horror. The doctor pressed a button in the middle of his palm with his middle finger, and the drones returned to their places on the shelves, then walked over to his agent.
"Any problems, agent Stone?"
The man hesitated for a second, then shook his head and handed a fresh latte to his boss.
"I just thought you'd like to have a little latte with steamed austrian goat milk right now"
Robotnik smiled. And he didn't hide it this time. It's made Stone to stop shaking from terror and freeze. He hadn't seen Robotnik smile yet. Well, he saw him smile and laugh because something had worked out the way he wanted and he was incredibly proud of himself. But he never smiled at Stone. Maybe the Agent is finally doing something right.
"Of course I want a little latte, I love how you make it!", exclaimed Robotnik and snatched the cup from the man's hands before noticing that he had another cup.
"Did you make one for yourself?"
Agent Stone looked at his cup, then at his boss, and nodded.
"Then I'll offer to join me for coffee," the Doctor purred, " if you don't think it's "not professional" or something."
The agent was a little shocked at first, but then he walked deeper into the lab with a smile. They sat and drank coffee, talking about technology, about government, and, for the most part, about Robotnik. The doctor got tired of it at some point.
"Tell me about yourself, Stone. I hardly know you, and you've already broken the records of every other agents. You've been with me for a year, haven't you?"
Agent Stone nodded. He didn't know what he could or couldn't say. The man decided not to think about it and just continue as if he was not talking to his boss, but to... a friend.
"Well... I've been working for the government since I was 18... ", the Agent said quietly. Robotnik almost choked on his coffee.
"How old are you?! Thirty-something?!"
Stone nodded and began to laugh, watching the Doctor's face change from surprise to utter shock. How could he not turn completely crazy with that kind of management? How does he stand it? Why did he come here at all, he had so many good options, and he decided to wipe the ass of the government and the people that the same government sends him to. He's their errand boy! For about twenty years! Without a single promotion! Is it fair? Not at all! Yes, Robotnik thought so. It was enough for him to respect Stone a little more.
"And because of this, I never had much time for my personal life. I always worked. Of course, with a little vacations, but not that they will be enough for a personal life”, Stone shrugged.
Robotnik leaned back in his chair.
"Do you ever relax?"
"And you?"
Robotnik tilted his head to the right and looked at Stone with a face that said just how much of a jerk he was. Stone laughed again. The Doctor put his empty cup on the table and got up from his chair.
"Computer, turn on Where Evil Grows."
The familiar song began to play at full volume. Stone looked at the Robotnik who held out his hand. What's that supposed to mean?
"Get up before I change my mind."
Stone gave him his hand and the doctor lifted him out of the chair, putting him in a dancing position. The man was blushing. What's happening? What was in that coffee? It seems that he added everything correctly... Milk, espresso, no more additives. But why does Robotnik asks him to dance? With him? Stone must be dreaming. Not that he dreamed about it, no! Well, maybe.
Stone gave Robotnik his other hand and the Doctor led the dance. He moved in rhythm with the music, almost pulling the agent along. It would seem that it would be much easier for Stone to do something like this, but right now he is dancing as if his legs are giving out and he is a seal on cocaine. He couldn't do it at all.
"Come on, agent Stone, get a grip and dance with me!", Robotnik tried to shout over the music.
His words made Stone calm down a little and start dancing just a little better. He tried not to show that he would faint if the doctor pulled him any closer. It's enough that the man is holding his hands. Something clenched in his chest. He tried to hide his gaze from the Doctor and stared down, concentrating on the steps so that he wouldn't accidentally step on his boss's feet. Robotnik couldn't stand it. He released one of his hands and took man’s chin, lifting his head up.
"Look at me."
Stone didn't lower his head again. He just couldn't. He froze. The dance stopped as soon as the song changed. Robotnik ordered the computer to turn off the music. The machine obeyed its master.
"You really don't know how to relax, do you?"
The agent wilted. He didn't know how to answer. He was ashamed. Not that it was on the list of what was expected of him. He never thought that he would have to dance with his boss in an attempt to relax.
"Answer me, Stone. Say something."
The scientist's voice was beginning to sound irritated. Why is he mad at him? What should he do with it now?
"I don't have anything to say in my defense."
"That's not what I wanted you to say, Stone. Free."
Robotnik pointed to the exit. The agent wanted to reassure his boss, but remembered in time that he was not allowed to do so and left the lab. The door closed. Robotnik walked over to his desk, where there still stood two empty cups of coffee. He threw both of them off the table, smashing them, and then leaned on the table.
"What did I expect?"
Dark. Very cold.
The drones returned to their places. The door to the lab swung open and the owner stepped inside. His face was covered with bruises, and his cloak was torn in several places. His usually neatly styled hair were disheveled. He sank into his chair and laid his head on the table, covering it with his hands. He began to shake. The task was as always solved perfectly. He received his payment. But it was complicated. As always. Everything hurt. Head throbbed. Ears were ringing. Robotnik wanted to just die on the spot, so that he would feel better.
At this point, it would be nice to hear Stone's pleasant and gentle voice. But for the first time, he was not behind him.
"Stone...", mumbled Robotnik in an attempt to call his assistant.
No one answered.
"Stone, I need your help...", the man said a little louder.
No answer. Great. His head was shutting down. He couldn't relax, but he was very sleepy. He succumbed to weakness and fell asleep on the spot.
Somewhere in the middle of the night, he awoke to the fact that someone was in the laboratory. The man was wearing a blanket, his torn coat was on the second chair, and on the table was a thermos that smelled of coffee and a wound cream. The coffee will stay warm until morning. Stone must have done it. No one else will take care of Ivo like this.
"Thank you...", Robotnik whispered sleepily and immediately fell asleep.
The door closed. ~
"Good morning, Doctor."
Agent Stone entered the lab. This time he didn't have any coffee with him, since it was already on the boss's Desk. The man wasn't awake yet. He looks awful. He needs to be woken up.
"Dr. Robotnik? Wake up, you need to be cleaned up."
The man turned his head in the direction of his agent and opened his eyes. He was still very sleepy and still had an incredible headache. Now the pain in his back was added to everything, because he had fallen asleep in the chair. It wasn't a very comfortable position to sleep in, but at least he could get some rest.
"Where were you when I came? You weren't here and you didn't answer when I called..."
Robotnik’s voice was trembling. He just wanted to be normal with Stone. At least show him that he can work here and it won't be a complete nightmare. He wanted to make him stay. At least him. Everyone always leaves because of what he is... And Stone is different. He's nice. He's understanding. He's always right there, when Ivo needs him to be. Beside him. He has his own opinion, but he really agrees with what Robotnik represents. He's not pretending just to suck up to him and show him how good of an agent he is. He's not just his nanny. He's his friend... Maybe Stone thinks the same about Robotnik. But just maybe. Robotnik isn’t sure.
"Yes, I wasn't here. I was out on business for a while and didn't find you coming, Doctor. Please excuse me..."
The Robotnik straightened up and put his hand on the man's shoulder.
"Don't apologize... You still helped me..."
The doctor nodded at the coffee and the blanket. Stone smiled.
"I'm not sure if I told you this, but... you are better than other human beings."
The agent laughed, forcing the scientist to remove his hand from his shoulder.
"You could just say I'm good, you know that, right?", Said Stone without stoping the laughter.
Robotnik barely got up from his chair. As soon as he got to his feet, he suddenly felt a sharp pain in his knees and would have fallen immediately if Stone hadn't caught him. By hugging.
"Ah..." was the only thing he could say at that moment.
Stone put him back in the chair, still hugging him. It wasn't like he was really hugging him. He just held him like that. But Robotnik would like to hug him. So, as soon as Stone was supposed to let go, the Doctor hugged him back, pulling him closer and forcing him to get on his knees, since it was not comfortable to bend over. Stone gave in to the embrace and lowered his head to Robotnik’s shoulder, turning his face to his neck.
"You didn't think about leaving me, did you?", the doctor asked his assistant.
"I never thought about it," the man said into his neck.
"Are you offended with me for that incomprehensible dance?"
"Should have I? For what?". Stone raised his head and looked into Ivo’s eyes. Their faces were inches apart.
"Perhaps.. Because I didn't give you a chance to start dancing properly... Or because I started it in the first place and I seem to have embarrassed or confused you with it."
"No, I'm not offended... I was upset that I couldn't prove to you what you wanted. I couldn't let you have fun because of my own limits, which I couldn't get out of. You gave me a chance and I didn't take it... I think I really don't know how to relax," Stone replied, "but yeah, you've confused me."
"Damn, sorry, I didn't mean to."
"Since when do you apologize?"
"Jesus, just accept my apologies, I'm not this nice every day!"
Robotnik let go of Stone, but the man didn't move away from him, and he was still very close. Too much. He was all red.
"Are you sick? Why are you all red and so close to me? ", Robotnik asked.
Stone exhaled heavily and moved away from his boss.
Did Robotnik fucked up again?
"I just... you know, your coffee is getting cold in there, and I actually woke you up so that you could patch up and get back to work, not for... well... damn it..."
"What is it, Stone?"
Robotnik took his hand. Oh, yes, he's getting soft on the man. It will turn out badly for him later. Or for Stone himself. No one would want to love Robotnik, no, and Robotnik usually doesn't need anyone in that sense. Usually.
Stone wasn't going to pull his hand away. He would like to hold it. He's acting strangely. He shouldn't be acting like this. It's not professional. He is not allowed to do that. It's against the contract. This is against all the rules that Robotnik himself set for him. But every time Stone takes another step closer to Ivo, his heart skips a beat. It's hard for him to breathe. He's shaking. But he doesn't show it. That dance helped him understand that. The hug confirmed everything he thought. He wants to be around. But he doesn't know if he can.
"I just... I don't understand anything anymore, Doctor..."
Robotnik gently lifted Stone's head and placed his hand on his cheek. The man leaned against it like a cat. Stone was shaking. He likes Robotnik. And the doctor sees it now. Very clearly. He still couldn't believe it. He couldn't believe that Stone existed in his life at all. Ideal. He never fails Robotnik.
Stone. Stone. Stone. He is the only person Ivo has ever thought of. He is always in his head.
His voice. His smile. His hands touching Robotniks shoulders and back. His eyes looking right into his soul and seeing there...
A loved one.
Ivo. Only Ivo was able to melt Stone’s heart. He was always so right. Normal. Always followed the rules. When he came to this job, he did not expect it to be so much fun, not at all usual. Uniquely. Great. He's great. He's beautiful. Maybe people don't think he's good, maybe he's really a bad guy. But he is sensitive, he has his own way of communicating, his own humor, his own universe. Which Robotnik let Stone into. Holding hands. By looking him in the eyes.
His voice. His smile. His hands holding him. The eyes full with brilliant ideas looking at his agent. Only his agent, and nobody else’s. His Stone.
"You don't need to understand anything, Agent Stone. Everything is very, very unclear. Always."
Robotnik gently pulled Stone and kissed him. The next moment, the man returned the kiss. ~
"Come on, get a grip and dance with me!"
"Quote me again, Stone, and you'll be fired, understood?"
Robotnik tried to keep up with Stone, who led the dance, singing along to the performer. The same song. There's no need for any other.
"As if you're really going to fire me."
The doctor stopped the man.
"Pin yourself to the wall."
Stone obeyed and stood against the wall as if the Robotnik had pinned him there. The man walked over to his assistant, not respecting personal space. It didn't exist for him. He examined him. The fool isn't afraid of him. And it is necessary. He seemed relaxed.
"Don't underestimate me, little man. I can do a lot more than you can imagine."
"I know."
"I don't think so. You're too relaxed, Stone, You becoming disrespectful, and you need To be punished for it."
Stone smiled. This is not what Robotnik wanted. He flushed at the sound of it. The agent wanted to respond to this, but the man seemed to know that he would continue to mock him. He came closer. Their noses touched.
"If you don't like it, I'll just lock you in the kitchen and you'll never stop making me lattes and nothing else."
They both started laughing at how stupid the situation was.
Stone reached for Robotnik’s lips and gave him a brief, tender kiss. This did not satisfy the man. He pressed Stone back against the wall and returned the kiss passionately and rudely. Stone's legs buckled. He couldn't stand properly and didn't know what to do. He needed air, but he didn't want to break away from the kiss. At some point, he still had to do it to avoid fainting, but as soon as he took one breath, Robotnik began to kiss him again, now not only on the lips, but also going further down to the neck, holding him by the waist.
Robotnik raised his head and looked at Stone's flushed face.
"Not so cocky now, huh?"
Stone turned away and covered his mouth with his hand. What a shame.
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hilllsnholland · 5 years
Peter Parker x Reader 
W.c: 2.5k 
Warnings: none? 
Summary: After a near-death experience you become friends with Spider-Man, You tell him everything, even your crush on your best friend Peter. 
A/N: This is something small I wrote while listening to Dear Evan Hansen so enjoy?
“Peter, did you get the tickets?” You took a hold of the bar above your head and turned to your best friend. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He holds the museum tickets to your face. “You have to trust me Y/N. I’m not the same irresponsible kid from middle school.” He whines while swinging around the subway bars. 
You narrowed your eyes at him, he was always getting into trouble. How he survived without you? You never know. Peter went three years without your guidance while you lived in Rhode Island, but now you were back to your old ways. Always watching out for him. Always worrying. Which is why Aunt May loved when the two of you hung out. Peter would always be safe. 
“So what exactly is our paper on?” Peter stops from swinging and leans over to rest on your shoulder. 
“The transition of modern art after the-“ 
There was a screeching noise and suddenly you were on the floor. The subway was dark, only lit by phones trying to use the flashlight app. You scrambled to get up but the train jolted again. Something was going wrong, you couldn’t tell what though. As you looked around though you couldn’t find Peter. 
“Peter! Peter Par-“ 
The train rocked back and forth while the smell of smoke filled the compartment. There was a fire, maybe a crash. You needed to find Peter though. Other riders rushed to leave, pushing or stepping on you as they ran. As you crawled on the floor you screamed your friend's name again, hoping his brown curls would appear. It was terrifying, not having the person you care most about in a situation like this. He can’t be dead right? You didn’t even get the chance to tell him you have a stupid crush on him. 
“Miss! Miss!” A voice said through the yells. 
You tried to ignore it but were suddenly whipped from the ground with a great amount of force. Suddenly you were in the arms of someone who felt…strange? It felt all too familiar, but you did not know this person. The smoke cleared up just enough for you to see the face of Spider-Man. Your heart stopped, the notorious hero you’ve dreamed of meeting was now saving you. 
“My-my friend I can’t find him!” You cried and tried to leave his grip. 
“No! No, he’s-he’s fine!” Spider-Man assures and shoots a web out the open train door. “He was helping people get out. We need to leave now!”
Spider-Man’s voice is slightly strained as if he was choking on the air. You took another scan of the train and you were the only one left. It seems like Peter ran for it, and forgot you. How could he do such a thing? Spider-Man takes a hold of your waist and propels the two of you to safety. The rest of the train passengers are being led by another masked hero towards the nearest underground exit. Spider-Man helps you meet the group, his focus is on you mainly. 
“Are you alright? You seem upset?” The hero asks. 
“My friend-“ You shake your head. Were you really going to divulge your feelings to a random superhero? “My friend, Peter, I’m just so mad. He left me behind, I could have died. And to think I…” 
“You what?” He says quickly. 
“I have a crush on the idiot! The same idiot who I had to pick out of trash cans when Flash would throw him in. And the times I’ve fixed his glasses- well he doesn’t wear them anymore…He’s not the same anymore.” 
There’s an awkward silence followed by your statement. Peter isn’t the same as he was before you moved, he’s confident. He has this new air to him now like he’s a man who can handle his own problems. You don’t have to be his babysitter anymore. Which is great, but you wanted him to need you. If he didn’t need you, then what was the point of having you around? “Your friend saved a lot of people’s lives. He probably got caught up in the mess, maybe thought you got out first. Don’t be mad at him.” Spider-Man defends with a pitchy voice. 
You come to a complete stop, forgetting the group of people coming to surface from the traumatic crash. There was no sight of Peter anywhere. Did he really not care? Spider-Man looks to you, his face softening somewhat behind that mask. 
“You like your friend?” He asks again sheepishly. “Why haven’t you told him?” 
“Because why chase something that won’t ever be?”
You paused and turned away from the masked man. It was true though. Why chase after Peter? He showed interest in Liz and MJ in ways he’d never shown towards you. He idolized them, but with you, he was normal old Peter. Dorky Peter who asks you to come over to watch Game of Thrones or to build Lego sets with Ned. Peter was your friend, nothing more. You turned back towards Spider-Man but he was gone. 
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Someone else rushes to you and engulfs you in a hug. 
Peter is stroking the back of your head while he tightens his grip around you. It feels like home in his arms so you melt right into it. But with a swat of your hand on his back, you’ve made your emotions clear. You were pissed. He left you behind. 
“You’re lucky I’m feeling generous today,” You state. “And that Spider-Man saved our asses.” 
“Yeah, Spider-Man. What a guy,” 
You sat below the flickering light outside your window, head down and reading your notes.  The light only illuminated your reading sometimes, other times it went completely dark and you had to wait for the fuse to finally work. It had been like that since you moved back to Queens a year ago, and you didn’t bother to fix it. You let it be, let it flicker and die out, in hopes it will fix itself. For a while it was laziness, but now it was your calling card to your old friend Spider-Man. 
There were no sirens for once which hopefully meant that your masked friend would visit you sooner. Your thoughts were burning to be let out and Spider-Man had become your trusted friend after that almost fatal train crash. He had somehow found your apartment one night, tapping on the glass to make sure you were alright after that event. Weeks later you’ve told him everything. Life in New York and Rhode Island, family, friends, even your deepest feelings about Peter. Spider-Man was your rock, he always knew exactly what to say. 
“What are you working on?” The familiar voice asks above you. 
You move your Spanish textbook to his usual side of the fire escape. He sits on the ledge, two churros in his hand, skimming the vocab. You pull one of the treats from his hand and starting eating it while he tries to pronounce the phrases. 
“Me Gusta,” You say and point to the churro. “That’s all I got. How were patrols Spidey?” 
“Usual stuff. Petty theft, helping cats out of trees, and this one lady left a birthday cake in a car so I helped her with that.” 
A giggle escapes you. Although he has the ability for much more, he was truly the friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. He looked out for the little guy, which you appreciated. You connected with that. It had always been you to be looking out for others your whole life. It was all on you to save the day. Maybe that was why you got along so well with Spidey. He knew your struggles on a much larger scale. 
“Sounds like a day,” Spidey moves back and forth on the ledge absent-mindedly. “Something on your mind?” 
“Oh no, just thinking about…uh well,” His eyes focus and he spins around to look at you. “How’s the boy thing? What’s the name?” 
“Peter. It’s alright. We partnered in Chemistry again. He’s always one step ahead of everybody I swear. The boy is a genius.” 
The thought of Peter flamed your body. It was eating at you even since that train crash. That hug he trapped you in as a way of telling you he’s always there. But he wasn’t. He was always missing. You knew that Peter had a life other than you, but he wouldn’t talk about it. He never said what he was doing and where. You didn’t want to nag so you didn’t ask. It seemed like this crush was fleeting. 
“I’m going to have to give up on it,” You sigh and drop your pencil. “He’s always so secretive and disappearing. I think he just doesn’t like being around me-“
“No! I mean, no way. I’m sure this Pete guy is just busy-“
“But if I was important he’d make time for me right? He’d come to see me once in a while, not just to ask for homework.” You hold up your phone that has zero messages on it. “He doesn’t even text me! This sounds stupid but I have a point, right?”
Spidey tenses up immediately. For once his big mouth is silent. He sits on the ledge facing you, legs crossed and scratching the back of his head. You wondered who was the face behind the mask you’ve been talking too. It had been eating at you as much at the Peter problem. This person knows all your darkest secrets but you’ve never seen his face. 
“This Peter guy would be an idiot not to like you. Maybe he does do those things, you just never notice,” 
You thought harder about the last few interactions with Peter. He was always showing off his glowing smile, the one that made you smile just as hard. Peter always invited you to anything, even his nights alone with Ned. Sometimes dinner with Aunt May. On the surface, it seemed like he really liked you, but the subtext wasn’t cutting it. 
“He’s probably obsessed with that smile,” Spidey stands and uncomfortably moves his hands. “He might do things, stupid things, to make you laugh. Guys are dumb you know?”
“I bet he loves your sense of humor though. You can make anyone laugh.”
“Thanks Spidey,” 
Your heart thumps in your chest, a smile breaking on your concrete face. You imagined all these things to be true, Peter was dying for your attention. God, that would make everything easier. It could be possible. Maybe, just maybe, Spidey was on to something. 
“Peter probably loves to partner with you because he can sit close to you and look in your eyes…” He trails off and tries to regain composure. “Because, you know, he likes you and all,” 
“Sounds like you’re the one with the crush,” 
Spidey laughs a little too hard. He shrugs it off and crosses to your side of the fire escape. He’s nervous, shaking as he continues to work vomit different scenarios to you. He’s passionate about convincing you that Peter likes you. 
“And that time you dyed your hair school colors for that Pep Rally? I bet he was lost for words-“
“How’d you know I dyed my hair?” 
Spidey stops, freezes like a deer in headlights. He makes noises that sound like words but are incoherent. You stand up and face the masked man, gaging his height compared to yours. Spider-Man doesn’t turn away but you can basically hear his heart exploding in his chest. 
“Spidey, have you been watching me for a while?” 
“No! I just…Y/N, I…” 
You grab the bottom of his mask and pull it off before he can finish defending himself. The fluffs of curls hit his face and you almost scream. Peter’s face is bright red as he tries to snatch the mask from your hands. You stumble back while Peter apologizes a million times. 
“Y/N, no please don’t be angry! I didn’t-“ 
Before he’s done you pull him into the privacy of your bedroom, away from any nosey onlookers from the busy street below. Peter tries to muster up another apology but failing as his tongue is tied. You are still in shock. The person you confided in the most was your best friend. A mix of emotions consumed you, mainly anger and confusion. 
“How long have you been Spider-Man?” Your voice is strangely calm. 
“Since I was fourteen.” 
“When were you going to tell me?” 
“I was going to tell you! But after the train crash, it became difficult. You told me that you liked me, but I was Spider-Man and I’m sorry. I should have told you then. Y/N, please don’t be angry-“
You raise your hand to his face, signaling him to stop. As you take a seat on your bed you let out a low groan. It was going to take you a while to fully process this. The thumping in your chest was now in your head. This whole time you were trying to take care of Peter, save him,  but he was the greatest hero of all. He really didn’t need you smothering him all the time. 
“Y/N, I know this might mean nothing but I like you. A lot. What I did was awful-“ 
“But I swear that I was planning on telling you soon. I thought about it all night on patrol. I want you, but I probably ruined it with my stupidity. God, I’m such an idiot-“
“You can be mad all you want okay? You can never talk to me again. I just want you to know that everything I said was true. I like you, maybe even love you-wait that’s too much-“
“Peter Parker!” You yell and grab his face. “Shut up. I like you, just give me time to process okay?”
“You’re not mad?”
He quirks an eyebrow while leaning towards you. His face is still smashed between your hands, emphasizing his squeezable cheeks. You nod your head slowly, dragging your hands down his face and resting them on his strong shoulders. 
“Yes, but I understand…kinda.” You rub your hands his suit nervously. “I just know I still like you, even when you’re a bit of an idiot.”
Peter sighs in relief. His hands nervously rest on your hips, grabbing them with little to no force. 
“So…can I kiss you?” 
He’s giving you that grin, the same one you imagined before. You didn’t even respond, you allowed him to close that gap. The sweet taste from the sugar on the churro coated his lips, making him taste sweeter. Peter was just as timid as you expected, he pushed softly, moving his lips slowly and slipping his tongue across your bottom lip. He was anxious but respectful. Peter, even in his Spidey suit, was still Peter Parker. 
“So, we’re good?” Peter says in a desperate exhale against your lips. 
You hum against his red lips, his fingers trailing up your sides delicately. 
“Give it time Parker,” You lean your forehead against his. “But maybe a trip to the Bodega will change my mind,” 
He smirks, kissing you again with playful vigor. It was that flicker inside of you that finally stopped. That light was on. It was shining bright and was undeniable, Peter Parker was yours at last. 
“Let’s call it a deal” 
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bi-bi-richie · 5 years
A Little Deadlight Never Killed Anyone ( 1 / 3 )
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Richie is about to leave Derry, he's about to leave for the last time and move on. He's about to leave Eddie. But, first, he's got to carve something back into the kissing bridge he left in 1989. Little does he know that a short trip to find closure will give him everything he's ever wanted and more.
“Call me when you get to the airport, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
Richie nods, but he doesn’t take in what he’s really saying. He just does anything to make whoever is touching him go away. Does anything to be alone. The hand leaves his shoulder and Richie knows that it’s his queue to leave. He clutches the sling of his duffle bag and starts walking towards the door. If he was thinking clearly, he would’ve said goodbye or even hugged someone, but Richie doesn’t think he’ll be thinking clearly for a very, very long time.
Besides, he’s got somewhere to be now.
It was a warm day in Derry, most days in Derry were but this day just felt lighter. Like the air has cleared and people living there could finally breathe. Kids were rushing outside to play in their front yards and, for once, nobody felt afraid to lose them. Years from now, people would look back on it and think of it as the most peaceful summer they ever had despite the children who went missing right as it started. It was strange, but the missing children would soon be forgotten, just as they always were in Derry. Guess you can’t take the town’s nature away just as easily as you can take out the monster haunting it.
Nice days still had to end at some point, though, and that’s why Richie Tozier was slowly zipping up his black duffle bag and giving the room he had stayed in one final look before he shut the door. There was no happiness in Richie’s eyes, he was the polar opposite of the entire town but not all that different from the families who lost their children. Richie didn’t lose a kid, but he lost the love of his life. In his own crowded and complicated mind, Richie thought to himself, yeah, that’ll do shit to you.
Richie slowly padded down the stairs and looked down to see the faces of four of his friends. They all smiled at him, sympathy smiles no doubt, but smiles. Richie tried to smile back, but he couldn’t find it in him to do anything beyond the slow walking he was doing. How he was going to actually drive a car to the airport was beyond him. He wanted to smile back, he really did, but all he could think about was the two faces that should’ve been there and weren’t there. The two faces he lost despite not even remembering them for twenty-seven years.
“Will you be okay?” Someone asks, Richie doesn’t look up to see but the softness of the voice makes him think it was Beverly. Beverly. The girl who gets to go with her love, hand in hand with Ben and about to kiss Derry goodbye for the last time. The girl that Richie was beyond bitter and jealous of no matter how hard he tried not to be. He knows he should feel happy for her, and, truth be told, he really does, but he can’t shake the thought of why can’t that be me? From his head.
Richie shrugs and doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t meet anyone’s eyes and, lucky for him, everyone decides to stop trying to meet his. When Richie finally steps off the stairs, he feels a hand rest on his shoulder then another voice. Mike’s voice? Maybe Bill’s.
“Call me when you get to the airport, I just wanna make sure you’re okay.”
Richie nods, but he doesn’t take in what he’s really saying. He just does anything to make whoever is touching him go away. Does anything to be alone. The hand leaves his shoulder and Richie knows that it’s his queue to leave. He clutches the sling of his duffle bag and starts walking towards the door. If he was thinking clearly, he would’ve said goodbye or even hugged someone, but Richie doesn’t think he’ll be thinking clearly for a very, very long time.
Besides, he’s got somewhere to be now.
His carving was faded now, it was still readable but it was faded, but Richie could never forget where it was. He pulled his car over and took a deep breath before grabbing the swiss army knife he kept in the glove compartment. He padded over to the spot on the bridge slowly but with more enthusiasm than he did in front of the losers. He saw the carving immediately and smiled softly to himself, the memory of how he felt when he carved it, but his smile fell when he realized that Eddie would never get to see it.
Richie started carving it back in then, hoping that in some way, Eddie could see what he made. What he put there for him. Something that could never leave this world, unless, god forbid, someone would take down the bridge. But seeing as the bridge still works as well as it does the day it was built, and the laziness of Derry, something tells Richie it’ll be there for a very long time.
Richie felt tears welling up in his eyes as he finished carving the E in Eddie’s name and pulled back to look at what he had done. He almost sobbed, but he didn’t know who was around. With shaky hands, he pulled two fingers to his lips and pressed a kiss against them, then he pressed those two fingers against Eddie’s initial. How he was going to get along? He wasn’t sure now.
He started to back up then, getting ready to start accepting that this was his life now. He had lost the love of his life, where does someone even go after that? How does someone recover? What does that entail? How does he even start? He was asking so many questions in his head, and they were all so loud, he almost missed the cry from the water below the bridge.
“Guys!?” The voice cried. But not just a voice, a familiar voice. One that made Richie’s heart twist and his stomach drop.
“Richie! Bill! Beverly! Mike! Ben- someone! Somebody, please answer me!”
Richie looked down then and saw a sewer covered arm emerge from the bushes, it made Richie jump but he didn’t run like he would if it was the clown. Oh god, please don’t let it be the clown.
Then a whole body appeared. A man covered in sewer shit and bruises with a patch on his right cheek came out of the bushes. He was scared, frantically searching for any signs of something familiar because he was so obviously lost. He didn’t meet Richie’s eyes yet, but it didn’t take a genius to know what was going on.
It was Eddie.
Richie didn’t give it a second thought, he quickly jumped the fence (and somehow ignored the ache in his whole body after going up against an “eater of worlds”) and recklessly tumbled down the rocky hill.
“Eddie!” He cried out, loud enough to make the boy finally turn his head. Eddie’s face was filled with hope when he heard the voice then flooded with relief. He started running, well, run-limping, towards Richie with his arms stretched out. He might’ve been tearing up, but Richie wouldn’t know because his vision was already clouded by his own tears.
“Richie!” Finally, the two collided into each other’s arms. The hug was desperate, Eddie immediately threw his head into Richie’s shoulder, and even though Richie sort of wanted to do that too, he didn’t mind. He must’ve gone through hell. But, come to think of it, how the fuck was he here?
“Y-You died,” Richie choked out, he really underestimated how fucked his voice would be. “Eddie you died! How’re you here?”
Eddie pulled his head off of Richie’s shoulder and frantically shook his head, he was heaving for air but surprisingly maintaining it in a way that he hasn’t in years. For a short moment, Richie felt fear strike his heart at the idea of Eddie not being Eddie. For a short moment, he thought that maybe this could be the clown. But they killed the clown and Eddie was looking up at him with doe eyes that Richie just knew Pennywise couldn’t manage. It was Eddie. It had to be Eddie.
“The- The deadlights, Richie… I was caught in the deadlights.”
They were sitting in Richie’s still parked car on the side of the road. Eddie had thrown on one of Richie’s shirts, in any other situation, he would’ve swooned at the sight of it. Well, okay, he still is right now. Richie knew he had to get Eddie somewhere to clean up, hell, Richie still needed to call the losers but right now he wanted to know everything about what happened and how the fuck he missed his best friend running off and getting trapped for the entirety of the fight.
“Okay, explain it to me.”
Eddie shifted uncomfortably and sighed. “After the three doors, when you and I were standing there watching that fucking clown, I saw something behind us. I turned to see it but then everything went… went wrong. Everything around me was black, I couldn’t see you, or the losers, or the clown. I thought I was screaming, but I guess something else was happening. Eventually, I hit a wall or something, when I looked up I saw them. Three lights… Shit, Richie, I was so scared. It was so fucking bright I could barely see anything at all.”
Richie didn’t realize he was holding his breath until he sharply took one in. Logically, he knew this had to have a happy ending, Eddie was sitting right next to him and he wasn’t dead so something was about to go right, it still hurt to hear though.
“Then I saw him,” Eddie’s face shakily turned into a bright smile that melted Richie’s heart. “I saw Stanley.”
“Hi, Mike?” Richie spoke into his phone, “yeah it’s Richie. Yes, I’m feeling better, no, I’m not out of Derry.”
Eddie smiled from beside Richie, it was a shy smile, a quick glance then he’d look away but always turn back to do it again. A smart person would notice that he’s admiring him, not in a brotherly way, no that’s not right at all. He’s admiring him, he’s gazing at him, he’s lo-
“Yes, we’ll meet up at the quarry, I’ll tell you what’s up when we get there. Okay, bye.”
Richie pressed the end call button on his phone, then he turned to Eddie and smiled at him, “he likes to talk huh?”
Eddie laughed and nodded. They fell into a short silence then, a comfortable one but they knew that both of them still had questions. Still had things left unsaid. Eddie turned his head to look back out the window to look at the bridge and all the carvings on it. He read as many as he could see, then he noticed the sunlight bouncing off the blade of a knife that laid in the grass. Eddie wondered if anyone else was there, if anyone else saw Richie climb over the fence or saw them hugging. Then he saw it.
“Richie…?” Eddie said in a voice barely above a whisper.
“What’s up, Eds?” Richie responded, he looked up from his phone, probably reading text messages from his manager. He was doing that, actually. His manager had actually left a few bat-shit crazy messages demanding to know “what the fuck is going on” with Richie. Richie didn’t respond to any, he didn’t really want to talk to anyone besides Eddie. And, ever since Eddie’s comment about knowing that Richie didn’t write his own material, he hasn’t really been in the mood to be talking to the people who come up with his fake humor.
“Why were you here?”
Richie gasps at that, truth be told, he completely forgot he came here to redo the carvings. Though, seeing the man you love who you also saw die walking around is bound to make you forget a few things.
“There’s no roads out of Derry around here and you were leaving, weren’t you?”
Richie felt his throat go dry, “it’s just… It’s nothing Eds, I swears it.”
Eddie narrowed his eyes, “so that knife on the floor doesn’t belong to you?”
Richie looked over Eddie’s shoulder and cursed himself, of course he forgot the evidence. Then his heart sank as he realized that Eddie couldn’t have missed what was written above it. He had to of seen it, it was obvious and fresh in the wood. He looked back to Eddie with panicked eyes and immediately started thinking of the thousand different ways he could apologize or play this off.
“I’m gay.” He said instead.
Eddie raised his eyebrows in shock, like that was not at all what he was expecting his friend to say. Richie’s eyes went wider (if that was possible), “okay well- no I’m bi- wait no- shit. Okay, listen-”
He took a deep breath and shut his eyes, you’ve got this Tozier, just breathe. Then he opened his eyes and saw Eddie’s hopeful, yet confused ones.
Eddie blinked, then he blinked again, and again. Well, what else could Richie expect considering he basically just vomited his feelings all over the place in the most incoherent way possible.
“You’re bisexual.”
Richie nods.
“You’re not out of the closet.”
Richie nods.
“You love me.”
Richie pauses, then he nods.
Eddie doesn’t react for a second, then his face splits into the widest smile Richie swears he’s ever seen. Before Richie can even react, Eddie’s throwing his arms around his neck and pulling him into a bruising kiss. Richie is so shocked he almost doesn’t react, but he’s not going to let this moment slip through his fingers, never ever again. He kisses Eddie back and it feels like magic, better than magic, it just feels perfect.
Eddie pulls away and smiles at Richie, “I love you too.”
Richie lets out a breathless giggle and goes in for another kiss and, of course, Eddie wouldn’t dream of stopping him. When they pull away, Eddie rests his forehead against Richie’s and they just breathe. It’s all Richie could’ve ever wanted. Then Eddie breaks the silence.
“I love you so much,” he whispers, “but I’m actually filthy, can we go somewhere with a shower now?”
Richie barks out a laugh and nods his head. It’s okay that they don’t get to kiss for much longer, there’s time for that later because nobody (and he really means nobody) will ever take Eddie away again.  
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Movies I have seen so far in 2018
A few of these arent new movies, just ones ive watched for the first time in 2018. I felt like doing this cuz I really love watching movies and felt that it might be a good version of those "good things" jars, but instead it's movies I saw. Some reviews are short, mostly cuz I didnt really have much in the way of opinions, but I did have something to say.
Just incase you havent seen them. I have tried to keep them spoiler free, but if you dont want even vague non spoiler spoilers, the list of movies is as follows; 
The Grand Budapest; The greatest showman; Jumanji: out of the jungle, King Arthur: legend of the sword, The Black Panther, Shape of water, Thor Ragnarok, the Emoji Movie, the Good Dinosaur, Jurassic world, Incredibles 2, Hotel Transylvania 3, Ant-man, A Wrinkle in Time, Lara croft: tomb raider, Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2, Spider-man homecoming, Ant-Man and the Wasp, Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged), Captain America civil war, Avengers Infinty War, Deadpool 2016, King Arthur the one with kiera knightly, Deadpool 2, The Nutcracker, four realms, Venom, Love, Simon, Ready player one, Aquaman, Solo, a star wars story, Ghost stories (2018), Wreck it Ralph, Ralph breaks the internet, Goosebumps 2, Hidden figures, The meg, Pacific Rim, Pacific rim uprising, Wrath of the Titans, Mission impossible: fallout,Oceans 8, The Breadwinner, Mune, Operation Finale, The House With A Clock In Its Walls, Bad times at the El Royale, Outlaw king, Gnome alone, Journey to the center of the earth, Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy, Vvitch, Ex machina, To all the boys ive loved before, Extraordinary Tales, The Golden Compass, Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil, Dragon heart, The black klansman, Robin Hood 2018, The Princess of Thieves, First Man, Bohemian Rhapsody, What we do in the Shadows, Overlord, For the Love of Spock, Next Gen, Small Foot, The Spy who Dumped Me, The Nun, Kin, Crazy Rich Asians, Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse, A simple favor, Predator 2018, Rampage, 47 meters down, 2036 Origin Unknown, 2001 A Space Oddessey, The Martian
The grand Budapest hotel - good, great visuals. I enjoyed it.
The greatest showman - wonderful music, actual circus parts were good, the rest was boring. Its really short, and I felt it focused to much on the drama in pt barnums life, too much focus on a silly fuax love triangle, not enough on the acts themselves. I went in hoping to see the acts interact and actually be presented as the forefront. The beginning showed this magnificent scene with the acts, with this wonderful musical number that made me tear up. But then, it was just about Barnum and his kids being boring most of the time. The songs and musical scenes though? Absolutely wonderful, magnificent, stunning, and entertaining. Zendayas and Zac efrons characters duets? Beautiful, I loved the song and choreography. I just feel like the emphasis should have been on the circus itself. Hugh jackman. Needs. To. Do. More. Musicals.
Jumanji: out of the jungle - hilarious omg I laughed my ass off!
King Arthur: legend of the sword: wtf was this movie bro? I mean. I have a new song in my cars playlist, but wtf.
The Black Panther - IT WAS SO COOL! I loved the visuals and the storyline. Shuri is my favorite genius and I can’t wait for more Black Panther
Shape of water: absolutely beautiful omg
Thor Ragnarok: you mean that was the actual movie, that tumblr wasn’t just fuckin with me, like, those were real ass scenes that were filmed?
the Emoji Movie: bad, forgettable, literally did not remember watching it till a friend asked me.
the Good Dinosaur: literally a children's movie, idek why I watched it tbh
Jurassic world: THE HUBRIS OF MAN! THE INDO RAPTOR! BLUE! They made... An indoraptor. Not just any raptor, oh no, that's not enough for the hubris of man, its an indoraptor. What's an indoraptor you may ask? Well it's when you mix a raptor, with the indominous rex DNA. But Cotie, didn't the indominous rex already have raptor DNA? Wasnt that the whole thing that it was a t-rex with raptor DNA? Yes, yes it was. But this one is different, it's smaller, it's smarter, it made to obey commands like a war machine, it's the I N D O R A P T O R! So it's just a super powered velociraptor? Yes, yes it is. So what makes it special? THE HUBRIS BEHIND IT!
Incredibles 2: awesome! I loved it! Those flashing scenes really were no joke though. I don't have epilepsy, but damn those scenes were hard to look at. But I absolutely love the fact that edna babysat jack jack for a night, and gave him a super babysuit. I hope we get to see more of the other superheroes helping out the incredibles!
Hotel Transylvania 3: it was a good movie. Its the only Adam Sandler movie series I can stand, but it was a decent movie. I like the introduction of the van helsing family, and the whole premise. Plus I love the message that its possible to fall in love again.
Ant-man: "in like the Flynn" niiiiiiiiice Tangled ref! "ANT-THONY!!!!" Ok that was a fun and hilarious movie. I fucking love the three wombats, especially Luis omg. Also I love Scott lang relationship with his daughter and that he was the driving force behind his motivation. Also not gonna lie, I kinda watched this one so I could go see Ant-man and the Wasp, but I liked this one too.
A Wrinkle in Time: FUCK ITUNES NOT WANTING TO WORK DURING THIS MOVIE! ok but Chris Pine as a Dad? Awesome. "Happy anniversary, if only you'd dissapear too" wow, these high school preps are viscous. Also I love the little kid calling out grown ups for being pieces of shits. Also this movie was adorable and heart felt and I loved the mix of fantasy and science that made it a science fantasy movie omg.
Lara croft: tomb raider: ok but the girl who kicked Lara crofts butt in the beginning has me gay as Fuck man. "OPEN IT! OPEN IT! OPEN IT!" OK calm down Nicolas cage.
Guardians of the Galaxy volume 2: omg that was indeed another real marvel movie I had just seen. I can't believe the stooges are a space family that just, does stupid things. I love them all. 
We gonna start some parralels; a wrinkle in time - a movie about two siblings trying to find their dad who has been lost for 4 years. They get him back through the power of love; Lara Croft: Tomb Raider - a daughter finds some adverturing stuff to lead her to her father who had been missing for 7 years. Tries to get him back by killing men. Doesn't, and then kills more men; Gaurdians of the Galaxy volume 2: a boy finds his father after 34 years, but turns out he is a huge fucking jerk, also finds that Mary poppins was his dad after all, but then both Mary poppins and jerk dad died, with varying degrees of mourning from Boy.
Spider-man homecoming: omg so many second hand embarrassment scenes but it was so good! I laughed my ass off at the ending omg tony no. But also, that awkward moment when ur dates dad threatens your life and he actually meant it...
Ant-Man and the Wasp: Dude. Duuuuuuude that end credit scene. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuude. That movie was just as hilarious as the first ant-man movie omg! It was fun and incredibal and I'm so happy the 3 combats were there. I was losing my shit over the baba yaga stuff!
Avengers age of ultron (semi live blogged): god, I'm 9 minutes in and I hate this movie... 13 minutes in an ur telling me this could've been avoided if marvel hadnt turned two Romani (from what I remember of mutant canon) characters into, not only human expirements instead of mutants, but voluntary hydra agents. -sighhhh-... 20 minutes in and why, why Tony, just... Tell the team, why do we gotta have lazy 'i dont wanna communicate' writing bullshit...Jarrrrrviiiiissssss my boy T.T... Did they really just try to make dissimising female characters and using their achievements as a sort of 'my horse is bigger than yours' as quality character writing? God this Bruce/Nat romance is so forced... Oh no, Ultron fucking appeared, why does he sound like a bad Tony stark impression? Ultron is fucking annoying... Fuck man, the plot with the twins have arrived, and I hate it... -mentions Wakanda- thanks for reminding of a better movie I could be watching... God, the acting is either way too dry, or way too ham... Wow... Clint is... The most mature person in the movie... Wow, the scene where Nat reveals she is infertile, is worse than I thought it would be, and I knew it would be awful... Hour and a half in, still bad... Though ultron is now acting like a c h i l d... Oh no, now we creating Ultron 2.0 this time its Jarvis... Please discuss it with the team, pleeeease... Annnnnnnd U didn't... Fuck... I'm so tired, 1 hour and 31 minutes and the team is fighting... Thor coming in for the jarvis Saaaave! Yassss vision with the worthy of the hammer! Okay the battle scene with ultron was pretty cool. Still dont like the movie over all.
Captain America civil war: not as much fighting as advertised. Too much 'we arent going to sit down and communicate' trope. Honestly I was too bored and tired to really actually pay attention to closely... All I got from it is the russos need to learn what a get along shirt is and be better film makers.
Avengers Infinty War: wtf, what the fuck, was that. That was some fuck right there. You are telling me thanos was really able to get the soul stone like That? And the mind stone like That? And all that other bull shit? Y'all Russo better be ready to have thanos ass kick in the next avengers movie. But damn that was some shit that happened.
Deadpool 2016: I loved every bit of the movie omg, it was everything I hoped for out of a deadpool movie.
King Arthur the one with kiera knightly: That uh, sure was a King Arthur movie? Way less weird than King Arthur Legend of the sword. Merlin didnt cast magic, and arthur was a Roman, but guinevere is a kick ass archer, soooo acceptable...
Deadpool 2: THAT WAS FUCKIN HILARIOUS I LOVE DEADPOOL SO MUCH! god I love this movie, I would die for dominoe.
The Nutcracker, four realms: such a cute af movie omggggggggggggg. I loved Captain Phillip the nutcracker soldier and the gold highlight they put on his lips 💓
Venom: listen. I did no t see this film for quality. I saw it for the symbi ote ok. Ok. I lov it. But blease for the love of god.... Y.... Did...... The......... Symbiote........ Take the shape of a sexy comic book lady..... When........ The same sexyness could have been achieved by letting the symbiote be big beefy orc like lady....
Love, Simon: I'm not one for these films... I dont like these films... They are teary eyed wholesome cake frosting that make my cold gay heart sick... That being said... I relate, I relate so much... Also... If I was in simons shoes and the blackmailing weasle Martin outed me? They would still be scraping him off the pavement... That is all.
Ready player one: it wasn’t as bad as some of the things i heard about it on tumblr, but its not one I will watch again.
Aquaman: "show off, heh, I could've just pee'd on it" is the exact quality line I want out of my films. Also that was soooooooo awesome! I loved it! More Aquaman!
Solo, a star wars story: Not bad, but not great, it kept on plot really well, not memorable but I won’t knock it. I still say the actor playing Han Solo looks photoshopped and not real.
Ghost stories (2018): awful... It was slow and boring, and I didnt like it... I rented it through itunes and it glitched part of the way through and I stopped being able to see the picture. Even after I got it working again I still didnt like it... Though I did like the message of "dont be a bystander", but the whole this was boriiiiiinnnnnnnggggggggggg.
Wreck it Ralph: okay, technically I caught the beginning like 4 or 5 years ago, but I finally actually watched it and it wasnt bad. Will go see the sequel.
Ralph breaks the internet: WAYYYYYY better than the emoji movie, also, I really loved the princesses scene, the bright colors, and following Venelope through the internet... Also.... Ralph........ WTF..................... Also............................. that Stan Lee cameo.................................... Heartbreaking............
Goosebumps 2: Mr. Chu and his Halloween obsession is me... Stones appearence had me dying omg... Also where tf r ppl getting these awesome super cool Halloween stuffs!
Hidden figures: IM NOT CRYING UR CRYING! omg such a great movie i fucking loved it. Couldnt understand a WORD of math that went on, but damn girls, calculate that shit.
The meg: listen... Listen... The trailer looked stupid... And ridiculous... I just... Wanted to know how bad... And it was bad... But it was incredibally enjoyable omg... I loved it... In all seriousness, it was actually a pretty beautiful movie when it came to marine life and the wonder behind it, and it was anti shark culling for fins, and it was very clearly "not all sharks are bad, they do as they do, but megalodon is about to fuck our shit up."... It was also fucking hilarious... My favorite character was meiying, the little 8 year old in the movie... The love plot wasnt forced and they way they did it the two leads were not having it and had actual chemistry... Just... Also the dog... The dog does not die... Pippin lives... The wedding is not ruined... Also the shark ate a billionaire soooooooo... We good meg... We good...
Pacific Rim: yes I know, I took a long ass time to watch this movie... But Listen... Explody robots and monsters... Hannibal chau... Look... I just... Sometimes take a long time to watch movies... You wanna know how long it took me to watch Merlin BBC? I watched every episode as it came out and then put off the last episode for 5 years... Listen...
Pacific rim uprising: ok I watched the first one so I could watch the one with my boi John Boyega in it.
Wrath of the Titans: wtf kind of movie... Like really what the f... Since when is zues ever responsible and wise.
Mission impossible, fallout: I liked it. It's an action movie. Saw it for my birthday, kinda interested in the other mission impossible movies now. I appreciate the advance tech and the obviously stupid impossible shit.
Oceans 8: Listen, i have never been interested in the Oceans franchise, i dont want to see crusty men steal things, but lads, im gay. Extremely gay, just, shamelessly gay.
The Breadwinner: holy shit that was a good movie.
Secret of the Kells: eh, it was a good movie. Not my favorite, but it was good. I mostly just like the animation.
Mune: Guardian of the Moon: dat was a cute movie, and also i loved Munes Design, he is a little fawn
Operation Finale: Wow, that was an amazing film, absolutely superb. Not at all like the trailers. Seriously, what is it and trailers where everything has to either be an high stakes action movie or a romantic comedy? but this film, spectacular.
The House With A Clock In Its Walls: A Neat little movie. Corny, but i liked it. like, its a kids movie in the same way A Wrinkle In Time is, but this one was little less disney-fied in the way that they needed to have this overarching lesson of empowerment, and more “this is a kids movie to enjoy, like Halloweentown”
Bad times at the El Royale: neat movie, somewhat engaging, kept losing focus at the slow parts... Liked the Chapter title cards... Can't remember who that "important person" was supposed to be.... I think I may have missed it...
Outlaw king: I liked it! Way better than Braveheart! Also.... Cpine was not that naked.... Butt....
Gnome alone: weird, didn't like it, like a bad combo of Mean Girls and Coraline?
Journey to the center of the earth: I said old movies were gonna be on this list now didnt I? Also this movie was awesome and I wish the book was real too.
Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy: Nice!!! I had been meaning to read the book before I watched the movie, but I've packed my book away soooo, MOVIE. Also out of all thw sci fi movies that have destroyed planets, this is by far the only good one.
Vvitch: it was okay... By the middle I was kinda wishing it would go faster. But it was okay.
Ex machina: I'm not done with the movie yet but it's so fucking creepy holy shit... Also "its kinda non-autistic" in relation to "aware of her own mind and mine"???? Wtffffffff.uggggghhhhhhhhhh ewwwweeweeewewweeeewwwwwww the talk about giving the robot a sexuality is so grooooooooooooosssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss he gave her a working vag and hearing him talk about fucking the robot was baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad. Mmmmmmmm no, did not like.
To all the boys ive loved before: Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww... Also that sibling relationship was..... Relatable.
Extraordinary Tales: tales based on Edgar Allen Poe and holy sweet Jesus I loved it, it has multiple different art styles per story and I loved them soooooo much!
The Golden Compass: okay but how could you end on that cliffhanger and not at least put out another movie????
Erramentari, the blacksmith and the devil: based on Basque folklore which I know nothing of, but it looked neat. It's also originally in basque but netflix has the English dub over. AND HOLY SWEET JESUS I KNOW THIS MOVIE IS SUPPOSED TO BE SCARY BUT THE VOICE OVERS ARE SO FUCKING FUNNNNNNNNYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!
Dragon heart: I didnt like it, there were better movies I could have seen, I'm not gonna reach for this one again...
The Black Klansman: Damn, I might very well be speechless. That was a Fantastic Movie, came at you like a bag of Bricks, and the ending when it went straight from a cross burning to the 2017 neo nazi rallies, to trumps “good people on both sides” speech, to everything that happened in 2017. The movie did NOT fuck around with anything. God Bless.
Robin Hood, 2018: Antifa film of the YEAR! Yeah Robin, Be a Class Traitor to the ruling class, Spread Wealth, Down with the 1%!
The Princess of Thieves: OMG Kiera Knightly as the daughter of robin and also a kick ass archer that causes trouble!!!! Loved it!
First Man: dude that movie was incredible, it read like you were seeing snapshots of his life, not completely invested, but as though you were a spirit looking at memories. I kinda liked it. I loved the silent scenes that filled the viewer with anxiety, like a realization of the gravity of what was happening. Omg. Good film A+
What we do in the Shadows: that was an enjoyable movie. I didn't quite like the reality show format but it was funny!
Overlord: That was a great movie! it had decently fast pacing, which is good that it was only an hour and forty-eight minutes long... They Plot-Ex-Machina’d alot of the movie, like the wounded soldier feeling fine for the main firefight, then remembering he was supposed to be wounded all of a sudden. I watched it with a friend who saw one character, turned to me and said “He’s cute, i hope he doesnt die” one (1) second before a landmine went off. Also, Ghouls created by science rather by supernatural means.
For the Love of Spock: -cries like a big baby-
Next Gen: screams of anti-tech ideals... Also.... Damn...... They are channeling the "addiction to iPhones" angle man, like, villianous angle...
Small Foot: Not bad, At least it was a Short movie, or at least it didnt feel like it was dragging on. The Songs were great though, I actually liked them and at least they were written for the movie and not like, a song that already existed...
The Spy who Dumped Me: I rented it through iTunes and it gave some Ukrainian nuts swangin in my face...
The Nun: it was okay, but let maurice theirult be a lesson; u see some creepy haunted shit, you grab a cross and you walk away. You dont go back to play hero, cuz then you get possessed.
Kin: there is a line in the movie that says "you got a decade of bad decisions under your belt" and I feel like that sums of this movies plot points...
Crazy Rich Asians: that was so gooooood! I don't normally go for romcoms, but ppl had been praising the film, and I actually liked it. I'm glad I saw the majong scene explain before I actually watched the scene, because it felt a shit ton more powerful.
Spider-Man, Into the Spiderverse: AMAZING! INCREDIBLE! the animation was TOP NOTCH, like, omg!
A simple favor: I didnt like it... It tried to be both a thriller and what seemed like a parody of a thriller.
Predator, 2018: I kinda liked it, it was a mindless action movie, and the ending left it open for a badass sequal. I havent seen the other predator movies so I have no idea if this is in faith for the series, but im guessing yes.
The Martian: It was cool and chill, I liked it, also Mark Watney cussing out a government agency via a hundred thousand dollar communications outlet is.... Mood.
47 meters down: 2hrs of one woman having an absolute panic attack and being right to worry about sketchy diving boats.
2036 Origin Unknown: kinda what I feel like 2001 a space Oddessey wouldve been like if I had actually watched that movie... Oh shit the Borg!
2001 A Space Oddessey: Have I ever told y'all that I dont like Kubrick or his movies? His movies are the epitome of that pretentious art school boi style that just does too much and tries to pretend it's more than it is and sweet merciful god why is this one 2 and a half hours long! I'm 40 minutes in and I have a head ache from the over ise of classical music and boring slow pace of the movie. 2001 a space Oddessey is 2 and a half hours long and only has 1 hr of actual relevant film... The other 1 1/2 is just unending, weirdly colored space shots, two color inversion shots of planets and eyes, theremin and flute noises, and classical music set to nothingness
RAMPAGE: a 30ft alligator showed up about an hour and 10minutes into the movie and the first reaction was "well that sucks" and it killed me on sight. The movie is awesome! In am so glad I picked this as my last movie of 2018.
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changesxnight · 6 years
1-50 Steve Randle for the the excessively detailed headcanons
What does their bedroom look like?- messy as hell- he never makes his bed - his desk is the only thing that’s organized because that’s where he does homework
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?- playing football with the gang is his favorite - the gang just does athleticy things at least twice a week- any day that it’s sunny, they’ll go out and do something
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?- the kitchen is never busy at his house - but if somehow his father was making dinner for himself of course, cause fuck Steve, Steve would just go out to eat or to the Curtises’ house
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.) - the office at the DX is a mess, no thanks to Soda- so he tries to clean it up- he’s usually a tidy guy but laziness overpowers his will to clean - there’s a method to his madness - for example, his clothes aren’t in his closet but rather on a chair in his room but he’s meticulous about where the groceries and dishes go  
Eating habits and sample daily menu- he eats when he’s hungry - which is all the fucking time - he loves burgers and fries - will never admit how much he loves milkshakes
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time- he loves to go bowling with Dallas- and play pool. they’re both amazing at the game - if he’s not blowing off smoke with Soda, he’s messing around with Two-Bit and/or Dallas
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging - milkshakes - he doesn’t care about indulging. he works too damn hard to not treat himself well
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?- he lives with Dick Randle - what do you think - Evie thinks he’s mentally ill but he doesn’t wanna hear it - “I already knows there’s something wrong with me” “Steve, that’s not what I said!” “but it’s what you meant, isn’t it?” - half the gang is traumatized by their parents’ actions can you guess which three
Intellectual pursuits?- he wanted to join the math club but didn’t cause the gang would never let him hear the end of it- could totally go to college but didn’t have the money - he’s insanely smart and would win the spelling bee or geography bee if he wasn’t so ashamed of being smart - he’s a genius. but he’s a greaser. those two things shouldn’t go together, as his father would tell him. so Steve’s always kept his intelligence a secret - teachers hate this though because he’ll get As on his homework and then randomly choose answers on the test and end up with a C
Favorite book genre?- he loves to read, surprise surprise - like Soda has almost caught him with a book at the DX a million times - like now, Steve just reads with the owner’s manual in front so it looks like he’s reading about cars - Soda’s like “hey buddy…what ya doin’? you know everything about cars, more than I do.”- he prefers non-fiction or really old stories - Mythology and lore are his favorites
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?- a closeted bisexual - he doesn’t have a problem with anyone who doesn’t cause him harm so if someone’s gay and a decent human being, he’s fine with them
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.) - his nose is chronically broken - he’s allergic to crying, jerks and bullshit
Biggest and smallest short term goal?- biggest: win a game of chess against Ponyboy because the cocky son of a bitch…- smallest: doing inventory. it’s so boring
Biggest and smallest long term goal?- biggest: own his own auto body shop. or marry Evie - smallest: get through high school. it’s easy but it’s taking forever. senior year sucks  
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress- clad in denim 24/7- if he’s not in jeans, he’s not Steve Randle - he doesn’t mind his uniform. he wears it proudly because he’s paid to do what he loves
Favorite beverage?- we all know he loves beer - but he also loves coffee
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?- he thinks of Evie and of his mother. would they’ve gotten along? of course they would’ve. would Dad be a different man if Lily died and Mom lived? what would life be like with his sister? what would life be like with his mom? - the “what if"s torture him
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?- if he got sick, his father wouldn’t take care of him - so he tried his damnedest to not get sick- he’d get colds on purpose cause he knew he could defeat them- but let’s say strep throats was going around school. he’d avoid everyone like the plague. he doesn’t have that kinda money to buy antibiotics
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?- turn ons: confidence, standing up for what you believe in, musicians, just Evelyn Green in general… - turn offs: nothing this horndog will find anything sexy
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?- he’d probably start doodling - or write a love letter to Evie because he loves her more than words can say. xxx ooo xxx
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?- he’s actually very organized- he couldn’t stand a mess but he got used to messiness since Soda can’t keep anything in one place
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?- he loves history - he’s amazing at math shh don’t tell anyone - and of course, English class
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?- at 17, he wants to be married to Evie by 25. she’s the love of his life - again, he wants to have his own auto body repair shop that he shares with Soda- he wants to be stable and away from his father. maybe even emancipated from his dad
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?- marry Evie - open up his own auto repair shop- have a family and be a good dad- be financially stable - die happy
What is their biggest regret?- after years of his father convincing him he killed his sister, he regrets that- as he gets older, he regrets not applying himself in school- he’s very smart and pays attention. he does his homework but never hands it in. he aces his tests but because he doesn’t do his homework, he averages out with a C
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?- Soda is clearly his best friend- aside from him, I think Two is his other best friend - he’s his own worst enemy
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)- if Evie is there, he gets her out - if a dog is there, he gets them out - if Ponyboy is there, he gets them out - basically, he makes sure that everyone is safe before he worries about himself
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)- numbness and drinking to keep the numb feeling - he just loses it - angry and fighting - he can’t process his emotions
Most prized possession?- either his switchblade or his car
Thoughts on material possessions in general?- he’s not very religious so he doesn’t have that “why gain the whole world and lose your soul” mentality- he’d love to be rich. never have to worry about money or paying bills or anything - he isn’t a hoarder but he definitely has possessions he couldn’t live without and doesn’t see any harm in it
Concept of home and family? - if it weren’t for the gang and Mr. and Mrs. Curtis, he wouldn’t know what family is - Evie is where he feels at home
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)- with Soda or Dallas or Two, he gives too much information - around people he doesn’t fully trust, he barely gives any information out at all
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?- like Dallas, he loves to bowl and play pool- he considers homework a waste of time so he doesn’t do it - he doesn’t consider reading a waste of time, per se, but he loves it and won’t ever admit it
What makes them feel guilty?- thinking about his mother and sister- it’s my fault. I fucked up. I didn’t protect them. - his father is an evil, twisted man that can’t take responsibility and now Steve is more mentally fucked up than anyone could ever believe
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?- he tries to be analytical, thinking of Soda, Evie and the rest of the gang - he doesn’t do anything too stupid because he doesn’t want to die - but sometimes he’s impulsive and does what he wants in the moment
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality? - type a- he takes his work very seriously, whether it’s for school or auto body repairs - he’s an organized leader, when given the chance - feels and fights violently and aggressively  
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?- sex- coffee - hot showers
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?- well after a lifetime of being told he’s a murderer, Steve hates himself - but he also hates his father - he hates being oppressed by Socs and wants to fight back (and does)
How misanthropic are they? - he only truly hates his father and Socs
Hobbies?- aside from cars cause that isn’t all Steve does - he’s on the football team - he loves to go fishing and bowling with Dallas - badass at pool, taught by Dallas Winston himself - pulling pranks with Soda is the best - he’s a champ at beer pong
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?- he loves going to school and he loves to learn. but he hates the peer pressure, he hates the stress and he hates the judgement - he’s learned a lot on his own and from his friends; he has to, he’s a greaser.
Religion?- introduced to Christianity by the Curtises - but after Mom and Dad 2 died, he’s been losing his faith - now he’s just angry at God and doesn’t know what to do- and when he reads the Old Testament, it seems like there isn’t a single thing he and God can agree on
Superstitions or views on the occult?- claims he’s not superstitious but totally is - except he picks and chooses which he follows and when it’s convenient - stays away from black cats but walks under ladders like it’s no big deal
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?- deeds, for sure- when it comes to the people he loves, especially Evie, he can’t form a coherent sentence while making eye contact - so he writes what he truly means - and shows how he feels through actions
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?- a hardworking, loving woman. he wants someone who’s earned what they have and they stand up for themselves. a woman who isn’t afraid to get her hands dirty or her voice heard. someone who isn’t too dependent or easily offended. a strong woman who’s been through some shit and is understanding- so Evelyn Rose Green
How do they express love?- aggressively and passionately - he’ll take Evie out on random dates, either it’s a romantic candle lit dinner at his place or just stare gazing in the back of his truck - he writes the most beautiful love letters - when he’s scared, he’ll try to act tougher. so when he senses danger, his grip on Evie’s hand gets tighter
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?- he’s always fighting, let’s be honest - it’s the only way he’ll feel anything
- he’s an honest greaser and he fights fair- but he always wins - fighting gives him this kinda rush that just can’t be replaced - he’s stealthy and always makes sure that he knows the terrain and uses it to his advantage - he likes to get hyped up before a fight but not so that his senses are outta wack
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not? - he’s only afraid of dying because he’s got people to take care of - but he also knows that getting into a serious fight could end fatally- so he’s smart with who he fights and who he keeps his mouth shut around
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momo-de-avis · 7 years
From a very early age, I was interested in languages and books. I sort of had a natural inclination to it. My mom fed it, of course. At the age of six, I had this book I loved that was one of those kiddy books that taught you german. I always had it with me, and by that age I knew how to say all the colours, how to count to twenty-nine (cause I kept forgetting how to say thirty) and a lot of the animals. I wasn't super smart, I was just interested enough that I allowed myself to learn as much as I could while my mom fed it.
So of course, by the time I was 5 I knew how to read. Not just put the letters together to create a word, but what the words meant (kiddy books, naturally). No one really taught me, except those times when someone sat with me teaching me how to write my name. I was just super hungry for understanding things around me. Back in the 90s, the Cartoon Network we got in Portugal was american (and briefly english, and then american again) with no dubbings or subtitles. I learned eanglish super early by binge watching powerpuff girls, Dexter's laboratory, Edd, Ed & Eddy, cow and chicken and overall hanna barbera. I wasn't smarter than everyone else. I just wanted to learn. I was always an average student, still am. I just exceeded in this stuff I loved doing because I really loved learning about it.
My boyfriend has a niece and a nephew, and they're some of the smartest, most well educated kids I've had the chance of meeting. Their mother has taught tem to explore their identity, to nurture their creativity and to reward and experience kindness. She lets them explore all their interests and says it's important that they experiment while they can, which is one of the most validating things you can say to a child. On the other hand, my nephew is spoiled with little regard for others. He gets a shit ton of gifts every year, expensive gifts that he doesn't cherish. If he loses or breaks something, his parents merely scold him for five minutes and then a few weeks later buy him a new thing. He's five and has already had three tablets (his own, not like mom's or dad's that he can use) and four watches. Those four watches, one he lost, the other was a gift from someone outside of the nuclear family, the other was a smart watch for kids (that records and takes pictures) and the latest, gifted this Christmas, was Ferrari watch he was allowed to play with freely (going as far as sticking it in his food and all his parents did was yell at him to not do that).
But you see, my brother is an overachiever. He is a business student, so take that as you will. When the kid was four, he got him into kart racing. According to him (and from what I see) the kid loves it, but at five he already wants the kid to be a pro racer and get into competitions. He proudly announced he is already racing 7 year old karts despite being five (karts that go over 70 km/h). He fed the kid a million shit toys about maths and numbers. Ever since he was born, he has given him little toy cars, yes, even collectible items that those old men keep on a glass stand and polish every month.
And yesterday, he announced: he can read and write.
I told him: no, he can't.
Partly, I meant that he can't because he's five, and he's not supposed to even care about it. Of course, there are words here and there he gets, and he copies his own name and other people's name, but not much different from what I did at his age. But I also meant he doesn't know how to read and write, because I know my nephew and he doesn't. He has incredible photographic short term memory. He can memorize anything by just glancing at it once, which in itself is an incredible talent alone, but one his parents don't care about. I realized that was how he 'learned' how to read and write, because if I mix one letter of his name, he won't notice, and if I mix them all he can't say what's the word supposed to be. If you ask him to write each letter of the alphabet, without visual reference, he can't do it either. But if you show him rhe letters and ask which letters are those, he will say it.
Then again: he's fucking five. It doesn't matter, he should be learning that fully at school. It doesn't mean he shouldn't attempt to learn on his own, if he wants to - which is exactly what my mom did with me. She never taught me how to read, but let me teach myself how to understand. Sometimes, she would sit with me and tell me that those letters put together meant 'apple' and that sort of shit. Even that, if you ask me, is too much,but innocent enough if you deal with it accordingly. But the thing is this is not what my brother and my sister-in-law are doing. (Of course, there are kids who can develop that at an early age, but trust me, no one in my family was that type of kid.)
There's a story on why I insist on this, one I never really gave much relevance to. It was just something that happened to me that I could see as a red flag for this sort of shit, although until today I never really understood the implications of it.
You see, I didn't feel smart, like at all. I just really loved colours and letters, which was what I saw in these books. But when I was five and in kindergarten, my mom told my teacher I knew how to read. Mind you, this was kindergarden. All we did was draw shit, play princes and dragons and sit around while our teacher read us stories. We weren't even allowed to use forks and knives, we were all forced to eat with a spoon, even the kids who knew how to use a fork and a knife (because we were all five year olds eager to destroy shit around us and with a very blurred definition of danger). But after my mom said that to my teacher (who, by all accounts, was a nice lady) she did something I resented my whole life and I never really understood why.
She picked me up in front of every single kid in my class, sat me on her lap, opened a book and said "Ana knows how to read, so today she is going to be the one who reads for us"
And guess what, I didn't say a word.
The moment I told my therapist this, she frowned and said "that's horrible!" I agreed, but still didn't know why. She asked me what did I do, and I said I stood there quiet, refusing to read. I remember vividly the book, it was a book about Snow White. I remember so well not wanting to read that I just know what I did was out of spite. And I said I didn't really know why this was horrible for me, but it was. So my therapist put me through those mind-travelling moments that begin with "let's go back to that day" and made me realize what it was. For a five year old who didn't even feel like she was learning, just having fun, I felt exposed. And by being exposed as "the best at reading among a class of kids who can't even conceive why a person isn't green", I felt terrified of making mistakes.
My then teacher brushed it off as "she's shy", and for the next 10 years, everytime I froze in a situation like this, I was "just being shy". Being shy was the excuse for everything in the 90s, apparently (spoiler alert, I wasn't shy so much as I was I severely anxious and terrified of failure thanks to a domino-effect of stuff like this).
I told my therapist I insisted, as I actually had done on other occasions before, that my nephew didn't know how to read because this is what pretending your child is a genius leads to: a terrible pressure on being the best.
To make matters worst, I went to the same private school my brother did, and he was one of the best students of his year. Me, I was average. My brother excelled at math and sucked at literature, was average at languages. Me, I sucked at math, excelled at literature and languages - but that difference right there labelled me my whole life as "below her brother". My brother was exceptionally good, but me, I was unfortunately less. They tried coming up with lame excused, always disguised as "she needs to try harder": she doesn't pay attention in class, she doesn't try hard enough, she has potential but is lazy. Fast forward twenty years and it turns out it was not only a case of dyscaculia but a shit ton of psychological problems that at least once put me on the brink of anorexia, but I guess until you fucking die, it's just being lazy.
Now here's the kicker: my nephew will be attending the same private school my brother and I attended next year. You think they have forgotten us? They haven't (well, not my brother, anyway). My teachers and my brother's teachers are still teaching at that school.
So this kid is gonna grow up in a closed environment of rich people as the son of one of the greatest students of his class. And trust me, it isn't an isolated incident. I remember one of my friends being one of the best students of her year, and her sisters had a shit ton of pressure on them. The middle one in particular was even the troublemaker, simply because she wasn't as good. That's what happens when you grow up in a closed environment of a private school that functions like a private housing area of rich kids where several generations attend it, and I saw it happen more than once (if I am not living proof of it).
Anyone who meets my nephew immediately perceives he has problems. Several people have made that clear to me (without me even saying a word about it). Part of that is due to the fact that he is ridiculously spoiled (in a way neither me nor my brother were) and doesn't have a clear concept of basic stuff like personal limit (if he sees a cellphone, he will grab it and try to unlock it, despite not being his, and despite being told it's not his so he shouldn't do it), respect (he insults his mother, like calling her a liar) or the importance (or lack of) material things (he got a fucking Ferrari watch and was allowed to play with it like it was a toy, for Christ's sake). He constantly touches and uses things that aren't his and if you try to tell him he shouldn't without permission from the owner, he either throws a tantrum or try to steal it from you. If he does something he shouldn't, even if it's dangerous, like attempting to push the television off its stand (it's happened) or turn on the stove, no matter how severely you act, he will laugh and act as if it's nothing more than a challenge, and sometimes he will even look you in the eye and laugh as he does it again (the only thing that stops him is my brother spanking him, which goes without saying is terrible). He often grabs my sister-in-law's cellphone, or my mother's, and goes on youtube or online, or even text and send messages (more than once he has sent me pictures of himself through my mom's phone without her knowing) and neither of them will stop him, merely scold him briefly (they won't even take it away from him, they will just turn the app off and tell him he shouldn't use it and you can see the kid doesn't understand why, so he does it again). He keeps losing stuff but doesn't even feel remorse because they just buy him another one.
Now top it all with daddy and mommy always saying "he's really smart for his age, he is above average" when literally every single person that has met him says he has a learning delay caused by his parents (he's five and he still speaks like a two year old. Actually, I spoke fully perfect portuguese at two, and so did my mother).
So when my brother looks me in the eye and says, fully certain of himself, that he can read and write, when I say "no, he doesn't" I am trying to avoid the trauma of being put on a pedestal because you're expected to be that which your parents want you to be. I am trying to avoid the kid going through a bunch of situations like that day when I was five and I froze because the teacher put a fucking five year old on the spot without so much as asking me. Because this kid is growing up to be a rich, spoiled little monster with no empathy and no regard for nothing except himself, and the least I can try to do, since all else failed, is to try to warn my brother about the horrible consequences of doing to him what he did to me.
But of course, he doesn't give a shit. After all, his son is a genius.
Sorry for the long post, I'm on mobile and can't put a read more thing.
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thepawslady · 5 years
I bought an alligator. -Fiction/short story
**THIS STORY WAS SUBMITTED TO GVSU FOR WRT 219 BY ME. DO NOT COPY.* Henry ate my homework. No not ate, he devoured. I guess this is what you get when you go to the pet store to adopt a big dog but come out with a 12 foot alligator with white knife teeth and dandelion eyes instead.
Last week while watching Game of Thrones when Ari killed the man that stole her sword Needle someone started knocking on the front door. My stomach dived to my toes. It is 11 at night, who would be at my front door? Mom and dad were at a concert but they would use the garage to come into the house not the front door. Slowly, while trying to breathe and not think about every episode for Criminal Minds, I crept to the kitchen to grab a chef knife. If the door person had a gun, I was dead. If they didn’t, I better figure out how to use this thing within the next 20 feet. I wish I had Maddix still. Maddix, my family’s 7 year old Boxer, died 3 years ago from an unknown illness that made him wither away in front of our eyes for 2 years no matter what we did or the test he received. Now gone, I have never felt so unprotected. Tiptoeing to the door, I side step over to the stairs to look out the landing window I see two figures in front of my door. One of them had a dark brown coat wearing an evergreen cap with white lines. I relaxed. Murders weren’t knocking on my door for me to invite them in. It was my parents. Why they didn’t use the garage door I have no idea. Still holding the knife in hand I open the door for my parents.
“ELLA!” my dad said shaking his head in frustration.
Why am I in trouble for being safe?
“What?” I ask in a little bit of anger and more disbelief.
“Why are you holding a knife towards me and your mom?” Dad said as he pushes past me to the walk way.
“I didn’t know who you are from this side of the door.” I said. Is he really this obtuse with his old age? I shut the door behind him and mom.
He sighed in exasperation.
I climbed back into the couch wrapping myself in the wool blanket still warm from before to watch my show alone.
The next day I drove to a pet store with the best of intensions to adopt a guard dog. One with a big bark that sounds like thunder. But I walked in to Pet Supplies Plus and I saw him. It was almost as if wedding bells went off in my head like I meet my soulmate in animal form. One call to the vet later to clarify that I have never owned an alligator or any other pets, I was walking out of Pet Supplies Plus at the speed of an alligator on land, and by the time I got his 12 foot body into my car his name was Henry.
Henry was a trouble maker from the beginning. Since we got home he has snapped at my mom’s cats, tried to bite my ankles, and now has eaten my homework. The temperament wasn’t a problem. It was what I asked for but at the same time he loves to snuggle, go swimming, and for walks. So when he ate my homework of course I scolded him, I mean you can’t allow bad behavior to go unpunished. After cleaning up the homework confetti all over the kitchen floor that my mother freshly washed I gave him the semi-tire that he likes to chew on and put him outside.  
With it being the first Wednesday of the month, I needed to douse him in this veterinary prescribed lotion to keep his coarse skin moisturized and Henry’s moss scales shimmering. When I adopted Henry I was told to take him to Dr. Smith, a reptile specialist in downtown Grand Rapids. At Henry’s physical Dr. Smith said that I should cover him up once a month with lotion. But when I say physical it was more like a spay day for him and an unexpected pay day for the vet. Henry enjoyed an alligator facial and dental work while his nails were gleaming pears.
To get Henry up to the bathroom I had to walk Henry up the sandpaper-carpet stairs from the living room which as you can image was like walking grandma up a flight of stairs. With his short t-rex arms as legs, it takes him a minute to lift his legs one at a time to step up.
In the bathroom I grab open the five gallon tub of alligator moisturizer. Whoever designed the bucket was very genius to place mermaid scales on the label. It must mean that his rocky skin will become slick and smooth. I grabbed a glob and like any mother of an alligator would do started lathering Henry up to be as smooth as a baby’s bottom.
“You know Henry,” I leaned into the bath tub even more “you really need to learn to walk faster. Maybe you should go on run with mom. Or should I get you’re a treadmill?” I said to him while vigorously rubbing in his lotion on this webbed toes.
The following day grew with sunshine and ice melting happiness! I maybe a bit optimistic but I think that I can bring Henry out for a walk. I opened the black bench that holds his harness and leash. It was a nice day to get Mr. Lazy Bones outside and walking. He must have gained 35 pounds from the polar vortex.
The best thing about living next to the schools is that there is a stream that Henry likes to play in during days like today. He can bask in the sun, can swim, eat, and play with the ducks till his little heart is filled with joy. Henry zoomed out of the water towards to swan duck. Leaping into the air the duck flew above five feet away from where he was before. Not the best performance from Mr. Duck.
Standing on the white gazebo seems to be sturdy enough to stand shaking while Henry thrashes around in the water under me. His tail seems to be doing most of the damage here. No surprise there, he practically knocks everyone down in the house with that thing. The water was drowning the landing underneath the gazebo.
I stop breathing. The hair on my arms became goose flesh.
I turned around and screamed like I was getting murdered because I’m probably about to be. There was a tall woman. She was wearing black jeans, Adidas sneakers, a black Adidas running jacket, and of course sunglasses. Typical murder get up according to Criminal Minds and Law and Order: Special Victims Unit and this was not the time to start thinking about that. I fished around in my pocket while maintaining complete sunglass-contact with this crazy lady. Found it. I’m so glad my dad made me put the pepper-spray on my keychain.
Slowly she starts to step towards me and I started stepping to the side. If I can switch places with her and run into the water with Henry I’ll be safe. Henry may not be a guard dog and have a loud bark like I wanted but he can protect me. Or at least I hope he will. Step one for me and two steps for her. Okay that isn’t good.
“Uh hi” I said
“Hi” she said
“What can I do for you?” I asked politely. No need to sound mean or nasty when this lady can knock me off at any moment. Why rush it?
“Give me your wallet.” She said. Is that what she’s after? My wallet? I live two minutes away so I didn’t bring my wallet. I walked here with my alligator.
“I don’t have it. I walked here.”
I side stepped again but smaller so she couldn’t see it.
“Yes you do” she said
The gazebo stopped shaking or I started too just as badly.
“No I don’t.” step again.
That’s when she lunged at me. My soul jumped out of my body and my banshee scream cued the ducks to start hurdling in the air. SPLASH. SPLASH. SPLASH. I must have scared Henry too. I launch myself towards the gazebo entrance like a hyena sneaking up on a juicy antelope. Without stealth and a little off balance. As I run out, Henry dashes in. He stops a few feet in looking up and down at my attempted robber; assessing the situation and drawing his own conclusions.
My robber freaks out. She start waving her hands in the air to scare Henry away. This only made him angry and he started hissing at her. Well this was new. I’ve never heard him hiss before. Ms. Robber was jumping up and down making threatening moves towards him to get to me. Henry started beating his tail around showing his aggression. Ms. Robber stops moving. She must have gotten the message that Henry isn’t scared of her little body. But before I blink Henry leaps at the robber attaching to her leg; bring her down to the ground with a loud thud. Thrashing Ms. Robber’s body around like a rag doll, blood was spraying like a sprinkler in summer. Henry must have hit a fatal artery. CRAP.
He let go of the shredded leg. Stepping back two paces he eyed Ms. Robber who is now screaming like her leg just got attacked by an alligator. But at least she was down.
I reach for my phone to call the police. In short staccato sentences I attempt to replay the events to the operator. I started to panic. They’re going to call animal control and take Henry away! I can’t let that happen. I strapped him back into his harness and attached his leash. I look over and my robber’s body is lying limp.
In 10 minutes an ambulance and sheriff was on scene and carrying Ms. Robber’s body away. Henry killed her. He really killed someone. I can’t blame him. I can’t be angry. I’m worried though. He’s an alligator that just killed someone.
Holding onto Henry's leash with Henry on the other end, I walk over to the police officer.
“Can I bring Henry home now?” I asked him
“Yeah we’re all set.” He said not even looking at me.
“What’s going to happen to Henry?” I ask
“That thing has a name?” The officer ask in horror, or maybe it was shock.
“Yes” I said. Why is that a problem? He shakes his head as if he couldn’t understand why I named my alligator.
“Your alligator, uh Henry, saved your life. We’re treating this like a self-defense case.” I sucked in my breath. He can’t be serious.
“And because you can’t take an alligator to court we have to let him go.” He end with a note of finality.
My heart broke. Henry was going to live. I was freaking out for the last hour thinking that they were going to shoot him dead because he killed a human life. But instead, the officer is going to let Henry and I go free. I started to cry for Henry's safety. Henry is safe. I was able to breath evenly again and not breath out in shallow gasp.
Two weeks later I pulled into the Pet Supplies Plus parking lot in the rear so henry can have room to get out. If I’m getting him a friend he should have a say on the species and who. I can’t make all of his decisions. Stalking into the over populated pet store Henry starts to make a B-line towards the back. Does he remember this place? Is it the smell? Patrons parted like the Red Sea as Henry bolted down the aisle. Little kids with fear written across their face where begging their parents to pick them up. Henry wasn’t a monster, they were. Kids leave a path of destruction wherever they go while Henry just glides right on through. He may have killed someone but he was a good boy. Walking to keep up with his gallop, I follow him into the back of the store. That’s when he froze and I started to laugh.  Henry’s eyes light up with hearts. About 30 feet away was another alligator.
We named her Shelby.
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Chihuahua Quotes
Official Website: Chihuahua Quotes
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• A Chihuahua. They’re good. If you lose one, just empty out your purse. – Jean Carroll • All dogs can become aggressive, but the difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the pit bull can do more damage. That’s why it’s important to make sure you are a hundred percent ready for the responsibility if you own a ‘power’ breed, like a pit bull, German shepherd, or Rottweiler. – Cesar Millan • Along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people. We’re a lot like dogs in that regard. If a Great Dane interacts (can we say interact?) with a Chihuahua, you get a dog. – Bill Nye
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Chihuahua', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_chihuahua').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_chihuahua img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Brendan’s chihuahua doesn’t do that. During the week it sleeps, eats and trains a little bit. So I have to say his chihuahua is a privileged one. – Jose Mourinho • Chihuahua. There’s a waste of dog food. Looks like a dog that is still far away. – Billiam Coronel • Chihuahuas are the perfect pet if you don’t have a person in your life who screams and shits their pants every time there’s a noise. – Dana Gould • Ever see a skinny guy on a cold day? You know they tremble like Chihuahuas. Then you see a fat guy in a tank top – nine degrees, he’s sweatin’. Look at ‘Titanic,’ remember the boat goes into the icy cold waters? Little skinny Leonardo: dead. Final scene, Kathy Bates on a rowboat, coat open, eating a hotdog. – Greg Fitzsimmons • I also have two dogs, a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire terrier, so if they like him, that’s a good sign. – Christina Milian • I asked my vet what kind of dog he’d get. He told me, ‘I’d get a Chihuahua, because when it died, I wouldn’t care. – Margo Kaufman • I bought my daughter a Chihuahua and I fell in love with it. So now I carry Coco around with me all the time. – Denis Leary • I have dogs in my house and much like teenagers at some point, they leave the parents. Even though they’re in the same house, they live independently. I think that’s how I live with the Chihuahuas. – George Lopez • I just bought a Chihuahua. It’s the dog for lazy people. You don’t have to walk it. Just hold it out the window and squeeze. – Anthony Ward Clark • I love pets and I love animals, and I just got a new puppy, a new rescue named Peanut. She’s a tiny little Chihuahua mix. – Carrie Ann Inaba • I think you can directly link chihuahuas to Dow Jones. – Cheech Marin • I’d like ten more babies and ten more chihuahuas and a few Academy Awards. Meanwhile, I enjoy being a sex symbol and making people happy. – Jayne Mansfield • If you’re doing a family movie, you don’t want it to be stupid. Farting chihuahuas is not my idea of entertainment for kids or adults. So you try to make a movie that adults can see on one level, and kids can see on another. – Joe Dante • I’m going to go with Chihuahua, just because I can’t think of anything more frightening than a giant Chihuahua. – Ira Glass • It seems like all the good looking people have smaller dogs these days. Especially for the women, because they always come in with their little Chihuahuas and the guys come in with their Golden Retrievers. – Elizabeth Perkins • It’s so scary. And then I end up getting so nervous that I get like [I am] now. I get really hyper. [Squeals.] So then I go in interviews and I’m like, ‘I’m like a chihuahua! I’m shaking and peeing!’ And then afterwards, I’m like, ‘I just talked about peeing on the red carpet.’ – Jennifer Lawrence • I’ve always been a very lucky guy. A lot of crazy things have happened in my career, but I guess the first big break was when I moved to Mexico City from Chihuahua. – Omar Chaparro • I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons. Let them never be Stupid Girls. – J. K. Rowling • Little bitty bags are completely impractical – I like big slouchy bags because they have to be comfortable for my lovely wee Chihuahua Tequila, who comes everywhere with me. I’m devoted to him, now my kids have long since flown the nest. – Britt Ekland • Long-haired Chihuahuas have no notion they are bite-sized. – Rosemary Clement-Moore • North Korea has the same ability to launch a nuclear strike against America as I do. It’s like walking through a parking lot and getting barked at by a chihuahua locked in a car. – Bill Maher • Oh, the Irish were building the railroads down through Mexico, through Chihuahua. They finished the railroads when they finished out in the West Coast, and they went down and put the trains into Mexico. – Anthony Quinn
• Some dogs could play fetch all day long, while others have absolutely no interest in chasing a ball. Some might love “find the treat” type puzzle toys and others may completely ignore them. The important things are that your dog finds the toy interesting without becoming obsessed over it, and that it is size and safety appropriate for your dog. A Chihuahua is probably not going to be a good match to a Kong as big as she is, and you wouldn’t want to risk having your Malamute swallow one of those smaller size tennis balls. – Cesar Millan • That’s what a skinwalker is: a mean asshole with a meaner spirit squatting inside.” “I’ve run into some of those at the dog park,” Oberon said. “They’re usually attached to Chihuahuas. – Kevin Hearne • The chihuahua and the pink velour track suit. I think it’s kind of an iconic look. – Alexa Chung • The future of our relationship hinged on advice from a fifteen-year old girl, a probably untrue story from a one-eyed Chihuahua trainer, and me unromantically – yet skillfully – kissing you on top of silverware and china? – Richelle Mead • The typical large company has a compensation committee, They don’t look for Dobermans on that committee, they look for chihuahuas. – Warren Buffett • What do I look like, the ghost whisperer? They’re loony. I’d have better luck talking to my cousin Alfonso’s Chihuahua. At least Tía Juana knows Spanish.” “Your cousin’s Chihuahua is named Tía Juana? – Darynda Jones • When I first heard about Beverly Hills Chihuahua, I thought, no. This, this is ridiculous. And then you read the script and you close the script and you go, “They aren’t going to be able to do that with real dogs. How are they going to do that?” You’re going to see the strings. But they did.- George Lopez • When I see a woman who is all gaunt and emaciated, I don’t think she’s beautiful. She reminds me of a Chihuahua that’s freezing and shaking. – Rosario Dawson • When the idea of ‘Chopped’ surfaced, it was originally meant to be taped at some guy’s mansion with him and his crazy Chihuahua. A stuffy fellow in a tuxedo was to host, and the losing chef’s dish was then fed to the dog! I am not kidding, I saw it! I think it is genius! Twisted, but genius! – Ted Allen • Where are the dogs?” I asked. “At training,” he said. “I have a friend who’s an expert dog trainer, and he’s giving them some stealth lessons. He used to work for a local K-9 unit.” I didn’t think it was in the Chihuahua genetic code to ever be stealthy. – Richelle Mead
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Chihuahua Quotes
Official Website: Chihuahua Quotes
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• A Chihuahua. They’re good. If you lose one, just empty out your purse. – Jean Carroll • All dogs can become aggressive, but the difference between an aggressive Chihuahua and an aggressive pit bull is that the pit bull can do more damage. That’s why it’s important to make sure you are a hundred percent ready for the responsibility if you own a ‘power’ breed, like a pit bull, German shepherd, or Rottweiler. – Cesar Millan • Along with the evidence of common sense, researchers have proven scientifically that humans are all one people. We’re a lot like dogs in that regard. If a Great Dane interacts (can we say interact?) with a Chihuahua, you get a dog. – Bill Nye
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Chihuahua', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_chihuahua').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_chihuahua img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Brendan’s chihuahua doesn’t do that. During the week it sleeps, eats and trains a little bit. So I have to say his chihuahua is a privileged one. – Jose Mourinho • Chihuahua. There’s a waste of dog food. Looks like a dog that is still far away. – Billiam Coronel • Chihuahuas are the perfect pet if you don’t have a person in your life who screams and shits their pants every time there’s a noise. – Dana Gould • Ever see a skinny guy on a cold day? You know they tremble like Chihuahuas. Then you see a fat guy in a tank top – nine degrees, he’s sweatin’. Look at ‘Titanic,’ remember the boat goes into the icy cold waters? Little skinny Leonardo: dead. Final scene, Kathy Bates on a rowboat, coat open, eating a hotdog. – Greg Fitzsimmons • I also have two dogs, a Chihuahua and a Yorkshire terrier, so if they like him, that’s a good sign. – Christina Milian • I asked my vet what kind of dog he’d get. He told me, ‘I’d get a Chihuahua, because when it died, I wouldn’t care. – Margo Kaufman • I bought my daughter a Chihuahua and I fell in love with it. So now I carry Coco around with me all the time. – Denis Leary • I have dogs in my house and much like teenagers at some point, they leave the parents. Even though they’re in the same house, they live independently. I think that’s how I live with the Chihuahuas. – George Lopez • I just bought a Chihuahua. It’s the dog for lazy people. You don’t have to walk it. Just hold it out the window and squeeze. – Anthony Ward Clark • I love pets and I love animals, and I just got a new puppy, a new rescue named Peanut. She’s a tiny little Chihuahua mix. – Carrie Ann Inaba • I think you can directly link chihuahuas to Dow Jones. – Cheech Marin • I’d like ten more babies and ten more chihuahuas and a few Academy Awards. Meanwhile, I enjoy being a sex symbol and making people happy. – Jayne Mansfield • If you’re doing a family movie, you don’t want it to be stupid. Farting chihuahuas is not my idea of entertainment for kids or adults. So you try to make a movie that adults can see on one level, and kids can see on another. – Joe Dante • I’m going to go with Chihuahua, just because I can’t think of anything more frightening than a giant Chihuahua. – Ira Glass • It seems like all the good looking people have smaller dogs these days. Especially for the women, because they always come in with their little Chihuahuas and the guys come in with their Golden Retrievers. – Elizabeth Perkins • It’s so scary. And then I end up getting so nervous that I get like [I am] now. I get really hyper. [Squeals.] So then I go in interviews and I’m like, ‘I’m like a chihuahua! I’m shaking and peeing!’ And then afterwards, I’m like, ‘I just talked about peeing on the red carpet.’ – Jennifer Lawrence • I’ve always been a very lucky guy. A lot of crazy things have happened in my career, but I guess the first big break was when I moved to Mexico City from Chihuahua. – Omar Chaparro • I’ve got two daughters who will have to make their way in this skinny-obsessed world, and it worries me, because I don’t want them to be empty-headed, self-obsessed, emaciated clones; I’d rather they were independent, interesting, idealistic, kind, opinionated, original, funny – a thousand things, before ‘thin’. And frankly, I’d rather they didn’t give a gust of stinking chihuahua flatulence whether the woman standing next to them has fleshier knees than they do. Let my girls be Hermiones, rather than Pansy Parkinsons. Let them never be Stupid Girls. – J. K. Rowling • Little bitty bags are completely impractical – I like big slouchy bags because they have to be comfortable for my lovely wee Chihuahua Tequila, who comes everywhere with me. I’m devoted to him, now my kids have long since flown the nest. – Britt Ekland • Long-haired Chihuahuas have no notion they are bite-sized. – Rosemary Clement-Moore • North Korea has the same ability to launch a nuclear strike against America as I do. It’s like walking through a parking lot and getting barked at by a chihuahua locked in a car. – Bill Maher • Oh, the Irish were building the railroads down through Mexico, through Chihuahua. They finished the railroads when they finished out in the West Coast, and they went down and put the trains into Mexico. – Anthony Quinn
• Some dogs could play fetch all day long, while others have absolutely no interest in chasing a ball. Some might love “find the treat” type puzzle toys and others may completely ignore them. The important things are that your dog finds the toy interesting without becoming obsessed over it, and that it is size and safety appropriate for your dog. A Chihuahua is probably not going to be a good match to a Kong as big as she is, and you wouldn’t want to risk having your Malamute swallow one of those smaller size tennis balls. – Cesar Millan • That’s what a skinwalker is: a mean asshole with a meaner spirit squatting inside.” “I’ve run into some of those at the dog park,” Oberon said. “They’re usually attached to Chihuahuas. – Kevin Hearne • The chihuahua and the pink velour track suit. I think it’s kind of an iconic look. – Alexa Chung • The future of our relationship hinged on advice from a fifteen-year old girl, a probably untrue story from a one-eyed Chihuahua trainer, and me unromantically – yet skillfully – kissing you on top of silverware and china? – Richelle Mead • The typical large company has a compensation committee, They don’t look for Dobermans on that committee, they look for chihuahuas. – Warren Buffett • What do I look like, the ghost whisperer? They’re loony. I’d have better luck talking to my cousin Alfonso’s Chihuahua. At least Tía Juana knows Spanish.” “Your cousin’s Chihuahua is named Tía Juana? – Darynda Jones • When I first heard about Beverly Hills Chihuahua, I thought, no. This, this is ridiculous. And then you read the script and you close the script and you go, “They aren’t going to be able to do that with real dogs. How are they going to do that?” You’re going to see the strings. But they did.- George Lopez • When I see a woman who is all gaunt and emaciated, I don’t think she’s beautiful. She reminds me of a Chihuahua that’s freezing and shaking. – Rosario Dawson • When the idea of ‘Chopped’ surfaced, it was originally meant to be taped at some guy’s mansion with him and his crazy Chihuahua. A stuffy fellow in a tuxedo was to host, and the losing chef’s dish was then fed to the dog! I am not kidding, I saw it! I think it is genius! Twisted, but genius! – Ted Allen • Where are the dogs?” I asked. “At training,” he said. “I have a friend who’s an expert dog trainer, and he’s giving them some stealth lessons. He used to work for a local K-9 unit.” I didn’t think it was in the Chihuahua genetic code to ever be stealthy. – Richelle Mead
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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