#he’s a wingman lol
sery-chan-13 · 1 year
Aguni Morizono x Reader
Pre-borderlands, Hatter playing matchmaker , cursing i think that's it
You owned a flower shop. That was really all that needed to be said.
You had always loved plants from a yound age, always taking care of your garden.
Next door to you there was a hatter. He was rather excentric and always said hello to you.
"Goodmorning (Y/N)!" He chirped, walking through the door with a smile. "Goodmorning Takeru," you said, placing some of your rose bushes out into the greenhouse area. He followed behind you.
"So... if my friend needed desperate help with one of his house plants... would it be a bother if he came to ask you for help?" He asked suddenly. "A friend?" You asked, opening up a bag of soil, adding some of your compost into it,, mixing it around. "Yes! A friend, uhm he.. has this plant and it is just not doing well. No matter what he does with it," he explained. "Ahh... I see. Well, you can tell him I'd be more than happy to help," you said with a smile. "Thank you! I'll be sure to send him in later,"he said, leaving you to your work.
You sighed, wiping your forehead from the sweat. There was dirt on your hands, and you heard the bell for the door chime. You sighed, walking up to the front part of the building.
"Hello, how can i-"
"(Y/N) I brought my friend!" The man said excitedly.
You looked shocked at his outburst.
"Alright calm down Jesus... (L/N) (Y/N)," you introduced to the tall man.
"Morizono Aguni... it's a pleasure to meet you. Takeru won't shut up actually," he muttered.
You giggled. He swore that his heart must have been beating at the speed of light when he finally took a good look at you.
You were gorgeous. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair put into (H/S). And your beautiful (e/c) eyes. Your skin was glowing, as if you wore glitter, but he knew it was probably from the exptensive care you took of it. Especially since you worked out in the sun most days. There was dirt smudged on your face and on the cute overalls you had on.
"So, you gonna keep staring or actually talk to her?" Takeru whispered to his hest friend. The stoic man looked away shyly.
He had seen you around obviously. If you closed early you'd help Takeru. If not, you two would close at the same time everyday. Many days he passed by to talk to his friend and watched you lovingly take care of each and every plant.
He remembered watching you cry over a vase that a kid had broken. Not while they were in the store, but you cried over it. Maybe it was about the plant and not the vase, but still.
You smiled. "Morizono, Takeru here told me you needed help with a plant, yes?"
He nodded. Why would his his friend lie to her about that. There was really an easier way to do this, like just say he wanted to meet you. But his friend oh so into theatrics had to lie.
"So what kind is it?"
"Ugh, they are so picky," you mumbled, grabbing some different things around your shop.
He watched you mumble to yourself, grabbing things and putting them back. Then he noticed his friend had left.
He felt bad that you were frazzled running around the store for a plant that he most definitely did not have.
“(L/N), it’s ok you don’t have to do all that,” he said.
“Oh? But your-,”
“Doesn’t exist. Made it up because I wanted to talk to you… just didn’t know how to start conversation,” he explained, a bit embarrassed.
You blushed.
“Oh… well… in that case, would you like to go get dinner or something tonight? Get to know me?” You asked with a bright smile.
He smiled back and nodded.
“I’d like that.”
Takeru watched from the outside shop window and jumped in glee. Finally you two would stop being cowards and just talk.
“Another job well done by me if I do say so myself.”
So sorry for the short chapter!
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renonv · 10 months
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I can't stop thinking about them 😭😭 help
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navnae · 2 years
Eddie: here’s my wish list
Robin: ok this is reasonable
Nancy: I’m pretty sure we can get all of this stuff by the end of the week
Steve: so no one’s going to ask why I’m on the list?
Eddie: that’s more of a personal request
Steve: that still doesn’t tell me why I’m in the list? Can someone explain?
Nancy: *sighs*
Robin: *whispers* are you sure you don’t something else this Christmas?
Eddie: nope, I want him
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I am replaying totk, so I’m redoing the Regional Phenomenon quest. Let me just gush about how
Zelda is repeatedly called Riju’s close friend
Riju writes about how she has faith in Zelda and Link
She prays to Urbosa to watch over the Gerudo, Zelda, and Link
She does what she thinks Zelda would advise her to do
Of all the sages, Riju is the one Zelda and Link probably visited the most often because she is the only one who doesn’t comment on how long it’s been
(Buliara says ‘it’s been some time’ but this is also considering Zelda and Link went missing and it is canonically the region you’re guided towards last)
Riju is familiar enough with Zelda to not refer to her as ‘Princess Zelda’ but just as Zelda.
Zelda once inspired Riju when she spoke of her frustrations with their fighting style— she gave very blunt and vague instructions and then left Riju to figure it out
(Basically reminiscent of how Link shoved Daruk into the divine beast and basically said ‘you figure it out’ … why are they like this lol)
They are such dear friends that Riju immediately tells Link (essentially) ‘I will help you find her, by bringing a quick resolution to the sand shroud and monsters plaguing Gerudo’.
She is the only Sage who actively goes “oh I’m helping you, give me like a few to get my shit together and then we will find Zelda”. The rest go “ah I wish I could but I actually can’t rn :/”
I love Tulin bc that is my son, I raised him and am so proud of him… but Riju calling out to Zelda and canonically being close to her just makes me so emotional because Zelda found a friend and mentor in Urbosa and now Riju did the same with Zelda.
That is so damn significant.
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deadmothsketches · 9 months
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Be more chill or else.
Wandered down memory lane and am relistening to this musical again. lol BMC was the first musical I saw with my gf so it holds a special place in my heart.
Anyway back to rant. I might do an animatic for the song Be more chill part 1 and 2 but only snippets of it so i can draw akuma Kara just rip Karla a new one for being a nerd. lol
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mblue-art · 1 month
I love that in your au Epic is watching you both as a comedic but no less romantic show
Epic is just like :)
Epic: Two dorks in love lmao :)
hehe yeah !! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) he's got a real romcom anime in front of him 😩
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the-raindeer-king · 1 month
giggling very hard at your mama riley fic. very excited to see where this goes.
Thank you!! I'd like to take this as an opportunity to say that Mama Riley loves all of you, and she's inviting all of us over for Christmas. Although idk if she has the space lol.
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lieutenantselnia · 3 months
2 things that have absolutely nothing to do with each other, but are kinda related to this blog, and that have been on my mind recently:
I'd love to make some kind of small custom merch some day, either of just my f/os or actually my self ships. Like stickers or a pin, maybe even a small keychain. Even if it was just for myself (bc idk if anyone else would even be interested in it, especially when it's including not just the canon character but my s/i as well), but I think it would be cute <3
What if I made a Davy x Selena x Maccus crack ship? For no particular reason other than silliness
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umbracirrus · 4 months
WIP Wednesday💛💛💛
'tis Wednesday! I've been looking forward to sharing this part of the WIP, because I've been enjoying writing greatly these past few days (probably because I'm working again as of next week and inevitably won't have as much time)!
Tagged by @thequeenofthewinter 💛
Here are some more festival shenanigans, following on from last week's WIP, featuring Elyse, tarts, and a very drunken Hrongar....
"Where's Balgruuf, Elyse? I thought you were with him," Hrongar drawled just as he finished what was most certainly not his first tankard of mead that night based on his breath alone, taking a seat beside her on one of the benches beneath the Gildergreen where she had hidden herself away from the main bustle of the festival. "He was… pretty damn eager to spend the festival wi' you."
Having been caught by him in the middle of eating some of the tarts that she had taken far too great of a liking to because of just how delectable and cheap they were, she had to quickly wipe some of the pastry crumbs from around her mouth before she could properly speak. "We decided to check out a few of the stalls together, before he realised the time and said that he needed to return to Dragonsreach soon…" She then pulled the remaining tarts, which had been laid out on a cloth beside her, closer to her leg and hopefully out of sight, though the one she had been eating rested on her lap. "He's probably back there now, if you're looking for him?"
His face scrunched up at her response. "Idiot had an opportunity…" he attempted to mutter under his breath, just for it to come out much louder than he likely anticipated, and leaving her feeling puzzled by what he meant. "I'm not looking for 'im. Just thought the two of you would be together." He then shrugged, and leaned back. "By th' way… You're not hidin' those cakes well."
Scowling, she grabbed her half-eaten treat, then bit into it. She had been very much enjoying not having company as she indulged herself, but it seemed that the drunken Hrongar was there to stay given that he was now reclining to her side. She also didn't half feel perplexed by... well, everything he had said.
Once she had finished eating, she remained sat for a few moments, fingers digging into her knees as she contemplated either seeking a new place to finish her remaining tarts, or just letting him continue to linger in her personal space. Or perhaps she would even try to seek out Lydia, Dagny, and Mila on their 'sweet treat tour of Whiterun' just to get her mind away from the awkwardness.
She settled on returning to Dragonsreach.
Just as she stood up, and ensured that her remaining tarts had been carefully bundled away into the satchel which she had with her, a large hand suddenly grasped hold of her wrist. She turned to face Hrongar and glared at him as he held on tightly and didn't allow her to pull herself free.
"Jus'… before y' go," he mumbled, his voice starting to slur even more than it had been previously. "He's got walls built up. But… I think a dragon can bring 'em down."
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patheticgirlsteve · 2 years
stranger things rewrite where steve does cheer instead of basketball
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universestreasures · 16 days
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"Why does my big bro always gotta have his relationships with others be so damm complicated..."
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asknarashikari · 10 months
Geats cast reaction to Ace giving Azuma back his memories just so Ace can have Azuma and Tsumuri convince Keiwa and Neon to get together. Look, he was a nice friend and tried to let them get together slowly. Don’t make hime bring Sae and Sara into this…..or Sakura and Hana.
Azuma: Let me get this straight. You made me the only person in the world remember you... so that I can help you play Cupid to Tycoon and Naago?!
Ace: Well if you put it that way it sounds bad, but-
Azuma: Because that is what it is!
Ace: Look, you weren't around all the time, but those two were so pathetic dancing around each other! They were even denying they were a couple while bickering like one! It was driving me crazy! And they're still to daft to realize they're meant to be!
Azuma: Geats... Maybe you're just a shipper with some rose-tinted glasses on... Why did I ever find you a threat
Ace: Just help me get that stubborn tanuki and kitty together
Azuma: ...
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niishi · 2 months
I not only had a sexy Zoro dream but it was an altogether strawhats dream too and we went on a vacation together.. it was so.much fun... zoro and I shared an Airbnb room and made beautiful love. and Franky carried me around by my hands like I was a kid and I directed him like I was a mech pilot and made him shoot imaginary missiles at Sanji. I made him shoot everyone actually except for luffy.
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siennaditbot · 1 year
How many does it take for this to get weird
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It's weirdly addicting lol
The rain one is from the fic but others are just random doodles and practice I guess. Idk it's just fun! Weird but fun!
This notebook is definitely going to be hidden whenever I get guests though..
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yelenaa-romanova · 3 months
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My Valorant trio played Gartic Phone tonight. Naturally, about 90% of our prompts were Valo related. I drew this masterpiece of Wingman.
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