#cm route
mblue-art · 1 month
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casualist-tendency · 7 months
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divinekangaroo · 2 months
Started reading Lymond Chronicles after @deadendtracks' comment that SK must've read them too / based Tommy on Lymond....
and like i'm what, at ch3 or 4 maybe and...
yeahhhhhhhhhh XD
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im-not-buying-it-ether · 10 months
More Shazamily/Marvel Family headcanons
Billy has a deep seated hatred for the Indiana Jones movies, there is no force on earth that can get him to watch any of the movies the whole way through
Normal magic rules don’t really apply to them in practice, they break and bend the rules a lot without realizing it. It’s one of the many perks of being champions and guardians of eternity, magic just goes with them and what they want to do
Have used spells from fantasy media’s to see if they work in real life; They do work but only for them, so each member of the Shazamily has a trump card in the form of random spells from random kids tv shows but they all use wands when they remember to just incase a spell backfires
Darla copied Star vs the forces of evil’s spells, no Fawcett villain likes admitting that they got beat by a Narwal Blast or a Warnicorn Stampede. Uses her wide array of princess and fairy wands she already has
Eugene, as seen in the first Shazam! movie, copy’s mortal combat moves and phrases. Doesn’t use a wand or a stand in for one much but uses a classic magicians wand from a magic kit he got
Billy binge watched every episode of Ben 10 and made a spread sheet of magical attacks shown in the show with Freddy to copy. Both use “Scribo in incendia” to multitask with homework and “Somus” to fall right asleep after patrol. Freddy uses his foam Wonder Woman sword and Billy just has a stick he picked up one day when he was 9 and hasn’t let go of since
Mary has copied some phrases from Sabrina the Teenage witch with varying levels of success, in part due to her not having full confidence in every attempt she makes. Bought one of those fancy wands with a gemstone at the end of them to cast spells
Pedro took a page out of Harry Potter and started using Latin to come up with his own spells. Uses whatever he has on hand as a wand, be it a pencil or the spork he was eating his lunch with
Billy has an older portable movie player he got as a hand me down gift from a foster sibling and a CD booklet with some kids movies in it that he’s held onto, its how he passed his rare instances of downtime when he was still homeless. Liked borrowing movies from local libraries to watch on it, some of the discs he actually owns are Matilda, the Night at the Museum trilogy, the Iron Giant, Tangled, Atlantis: the Lost Empire, and a CD copy of the second season of The Worlds Greatest Animal Detective; Tawky Tawny.
Freddy spends the first few years of his hero career pretending to be able bodied, constantly using his flight as a mobility aid, but decides later on to utilize a Wizards staff formed in a way to double as a crutch for him.
Followed by pidgins relentlessly. If a pidgin can go there they follow the Marvels everywhere. They’re chill, don’t steal their food or land on them, but they follow them everywhere. They all collectively blame Hermes influence as a patron god of messengers since pidgins are messenger birds (and yes it is the fault of his divine influence on them)
Billy got permission from the Wizard and other greek goddesses to have separate blessings for his sisters (Agility of Selene, Strength of Hippolyta, Stamina of Artemis, Flight of Zephyrus, Invulnerability of Aurora, and the Wisdom of Minerva) for the sole reason of keeping the influence and voices of Billy’s patrons out of their heads and away from them. (Because there’s no way in any form of hell he’s cursing Mary or Darla with Zeus to be in their heads)
They can talk to animals with the omnilinguistics the Wisdom of Solomon gives them, if anyone on the mortal plane can understand the language so can they. This has led to people seeing Captain Marvel coo back and forth with pidgins like they’re having a conversation (they’re talking about favorite snacks) and the one time he interrogated a rat through small squeaks to know which way a group of smugglers went.
Billy is an awesome gift giver, every year when the justice league has their annual white elephant on Dec 20th people pray they get their names drawn by him. He got Wally a bunch of shoes that were enchanted to not wear down from his speeding (dress shoes, running shoes, slippers, flip flops, the works), did some dimension hopping and time traveling to get a box full of Kryptonian books for Clark (including a collection of folklore with English translations so he can read a bedtime story to Jon), and a crud ton of sweets from the Funlands for J’onzz (including a giant Choco’s cookie big enough to sleep on.)
Freddy’s YouTube channel has a lot of videos of the Shazamily testing their powers based on comments, it has 2.3 million followers and the ad revenue they all rake in goes to helping out with the expenses at home and buying a lot of games at a 50/50 split
They are literally the only group of child vigilantes that are home in time for curfew/bed consistently, they’re more daytime heroes. The only exception being Billy when he has to go off world or to another dimension for League/Champion business but he always tells the Vasquez’s about them so they can call him in sick from school
Billy worked out an agreement with Harley Quinn so that him and his siblings could have semi-regular therapy appointments (hero/villain work permitting), she works her degree every other Tuesday and in return she gets Superman style flights whenever she wants and access to magical plant stuff for Ivy. Victor and Rosa worried about their kids mental health with all the responsibility and horrors of hero life but had no idea how to start getting them professional support for it so they’re glad Billy was able to find someone already in that life who could help and isn’t likely to endanger their identities.
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misssprinkles · 9 months
Who is your favorit cowboy, Ingram, or crowven?
Oh, Crowven for sure! Hes probably in my top 5 favorite Noisrev/ArcadeKitten characters in general! I love Ingram and all, but hes just no match for THE Crowboy!
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sutcliffe-v · 1 year
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【 Canon Diabolik Lovers Verse 】 — # 【 i am the devil in your story 】
I. General Synopsis: Washing up on the shores of Kaminashi City, Virek unknowingly causes tidal waves of chaos within the region as he’s roped into some very… Interesting situations. Whom was supposed to be a new student at Ryoutei Academy, simply minding his own business, becomes… Well, the opposite. Fortunately, or unfortunately, for the students at this school, Virek is just a normal guy. Right?
II. The specifics of this au are dependent on who Virek chooses within his routes. Be it one if the main diaboys or Yui. But I can say that the relationships he has with these characters here will be different to a general dl au.
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arcadekitten · 2 years
I wish to kiss Crowven, he is my favorite, I love his route most in Cemetery Mary, love these cousins
Excellent choice he's a very lovely man and he loves when people love him
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eldrai · 2 years
I just finished route 66 and
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ssamorganhotchner · 2 years
lord I can’t watch this episode without crying 😭😭😭❤️
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newsparviews · 7 months
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kyaruun · 9 months
if i had a nickel for every time i've come across a tsundere otoge love interest named takeru that is shorter than me i would have two nickels. which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice
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mblue-art · 1 month
I love that in your au Epic is watching you both as a comedic but no less romantic show
Epic is just like :)
Epic: Two dorks in love lmao :)
hehe yeah !! (⁠ ⁠◜⁠‿⁠◝⁠ ⁠) he's got a real romcom anime in front of him 😩
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buckaroosboogara · 5 months
Hi! Just wanna raise some awareness here because South America is on fucking fire and I need to see more people talking about this.
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Source: RSOE EDIS x
Im just going to talk about the ones i'm closest to, but if you know about these fires, feel free to add in the reblogs!
In Chile there's (up to Feb 5) 160 wild fires, of which 40 are still trying to be controlled by authorities. The president, Gabriel Boric, has declared State of Emergency in the whole country, and theres a Red Alert Code in most part of the country.
Isla de Chiloé, Southern Chile (900 km away from Santiago de Chile)
This is a (recently controlled) fire that lasted a week, but many neighborhoods were burnt to the ground.
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The whole South is in red alert for constant sudden fires that spread quickly due to the lack of rain and the elevated temperatues in the zone. Just today, two fires had to be controlled in the main land next to this island, and more are being reported in the Los Lagos region. This is added to the "controlled" intentional fires that farmers make to clean their fields of old crops along the Central-South parts of the country, mostly surrunding the main route, Ruta 5, that connects the whole country, thus making it hard to see and breathe because of the smoke. (flashnews, most of them get out of control quickly.)
Valparaiso/Viña del Mar, Central Chile (100 km away from Santiago de Chile)
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A fire that started on Friday 2nd and grew exponentially because of the wind and the dry, hot climate. More than 100 people are dead, with 70 unrecognized bodies and other 400 that have dissapeared. At least 30000 people that have lost everything to the fire.
There's massive evacuations from this and the neighboring city, Viña Del Mar.
This is said to be the second most deadly fire in the century, surpased by Australia in 2009.
45000+ hectares that include land and neighborhoods have been burnt down.
I could go on about this one, so more info here and here
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Parque Los Alerces (Esquel), Chubut
The fire strarted on the 25th January, and the climate has made it hard to contain. 3000 hectares of native forest have been burnt to teh ground. It is now growing in the direction of the nearest city, Esquel. Theres been evacuations between yesterday and today (4 and 5th Febuary)
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Parque Nahuel Huapi (Bariloche), Río Negro
The reason why im writing this. The city woke up today covered in smoke after a wildfire developed yesterday during the night. The reason? A fireplace that was not turned off in a place where people cannot disembark and can only be reached via boats.
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As of now, there's not much information about the fire but hopefully the firefighters will be able to contain it before it reaches Tronador Mountain, where an ancient glaciar is.
...which leads me to the other point i wanted to talk about.
They volunteer to do this job.
In Argentina and Chile, firefighting is not rewarded with a salary, and most of the times they dont even have full firehouses to stay in. These people are at their houses, ready to jump into action and run to the station the second the alarm goes off.
They are neighbors, people that risk their lives and run into danger willingly, just because they want to help the community.
I felt the need to give a shout-out to these people and say:
Don't be a fucking dick, don't start fires in the woods unless it's an approved place, and if you do, TURN IT OFF.
Pour abundant water on it, and do not stop when you don't see any more flames.
Keep pouring water until the ashes don't burn/feel like room temperature in your hand if you put it 10 cm away from it, and even then, pour some more just to be sure.
No heat and no smoke mean a safely extinguished fire.
Save lives and forests.
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killjillvt · 1 year
i lov saturn so much... i need to make saturn images today
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irrfahrer · 1 year
Character Information LV : A sickly runt
Before it had been mentioned that Ziv as a Memeber of a r-selected species was one of those pups who had been born a sickly runt and would have naturally died to give the stronger littersiblings more food and more room to grow. Which was one of the reasons why Ziv was given to the Jedi Temple as a infant because she would be given one of the best medical supports in the Galaxy possible and also because Ziv was | still is a scuttlecrusher with her telekinesis bound to her emotions and infants tend to scream very emotionally. But beside her beeing prone to spacesickness, having problems with stark sunlight and vision due to albinism, and having a lot of problems with her diet, she is doing suprisingly well in most theards.
That has a simple answer: The bacteria and viruses around Ziv are not coined for her system as a alien but made for aliens closer to humanoids. Which means that in her time in the Jedi Temple (after all as the only Tynnan since Bowspritz from 3000 years ago) and in her time as a refugee after Order 66 she never had (or only seldomly had) contact to viruses and bacteria that actually could be really dangerouse for her, which meant that her work as a Healer was accordingly a lot of easier. She could work with the sick, because what was wearing down her patients, was not dangerouse for her. This naturally changed when Ziv joined Deep Current because she was suddenly hit with the iron fist of viruses and bacteria made for and carried by Tynnan that all are very much adult members of her species had went through as kits and build immunities up. Sicknesses Ziv as a sickly child given away to the Temple as a six-month-old, had never went through and never build up immunities for. Which means that Ziv had never been faced harder with her for a Tynnan weak constitution and the fact that she is indeed a sickly runt. Obviously she also had at that time access to more proper medicine than her herbal remedies, had over a decade of medical training and she had grown up in the Jedi temple with one of the best medical support in the Galaxy, so she was eventually alright and more importantly- could do her work as a spy for the rebellion at best away from the membrs of Deep Current. But the fact that she never had been to Tynna, her own homeplanet, or had a deeper connection with one of her squadmembers, might be explained by this. Ziv is once again isolated.
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azaadsamachar · 2 years
सीएम योगी का वाराणसी आगमन आज, देखें रूट डायवर्जन
सीएम योगी का वाराणसी आगमन आज, देखें रूट डायवर्जन
मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ के आगमन और भ्रमण के दौरान शनिवार को डायवर्जन रहेगा। हालांकि डायवर्जन और रोक से दिव्यांग, शव वाहन, एंबुलेंस मुक्त है। CM Yogi’s arrival in Varanasi today, see route diversion वाराणसी(आज़ाद-समाचार)। मुख्यमंत्री योगी आदित्यनाथ आज वाराणसी आ रहे हैं। सीएम 5जी सेवा के उपयोग पर रुद्राक्ष कंवेंशन सेंटर में आयोजित प्रर्दशनी का शुभारंभ करेंगे। इस दौरान शनिवार को काशी में ट्रैफिक…
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