#he’s gone from a character that I’ve admired from afar and longed for more exploration
lieutenantbiscute · 5 months
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Týr! Týr! Týr!
You can very much tell what’s pre vs post Valhalla at least to me
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caitlinsnicket · 4 years
Heroic entrance
Request: Lee Scoresby imagine w/fem!reader please! You're an explorer, and married to Lee (and an old friend of Iorek's), you've been up north for some time when Lee is travelling to see Iorek and after Lee and the Gyptians run into some TarTars, you swoop in and kick some serious ass, and reunite with Lee! + How he introduces you to the Gyptians / meeting Iorek again ? Basically proud hubby Lee!
Characters: Lee Scoresby, Y/N, John Faa, Lyra Belaqua, Iorek Byrnison.
Warnings: Canonical violence. I think that’s all.
Pairing: Lee Scoresby x Y/N.
A/N: I’M SO SORRY IT TOOK ME SO LONG TO FINISH THIS! But a lot of things have happened these days, and I’m going to be even more busy in th beginging of this month, but I promise I’ll do all requests I’ve gotten. Feel free to like, reblog or leave a comment! Also, requests are (still) open (even though I take some time to do them)!
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While they walked through the ice, snow, and wind, Lee took a picture out of his coat pocket. In the picture, he, Hester, you and D/N hugged each other, smiling at the camera with winter clothes. He missed you like hell, as it had been a couple of months since you had seen each other. When he sent you a letter telling you about his plan to rescue Iorek, you had been pretty positive about it, encouraging him to go there and help the bear. After all, you and Iorek were good friends too.
“Who’s the pretty woman in the picture?” Noticing the little girl beside him, Lee hands the piece of paper to Lyra, who looks at it curiously as if analyzing them.
“Y/N Scoresby. My wife. She would’ve come with me on this trip, but she was already in the North when I left. It’s been two months, and we miss her. You would like her, you two have a very similar personality” He takes the picture away from the hands of a very stunned Lyra.
Not that she imagined Lee alone in the balloon all his life, but having a wife was something she didn’t expect from him. And you were breathtaking, and Lyra dared to compare you to Mrs. Coulter. Though,, your beauty was kinda different: a more wild, savage, free, as if it had time and space to grow as it pleased. Mrs. Coulter's beauty was a cold one, that could trick anyone into trusting her. A more composed, perfect, hard beauty.
The moment Lyra was going to ask more questions about you to Lee, who still had a lovesick look in his face (probably remembering the day you two took that picture), a gunshot was heard ahead of them, and everybody got alert. Lee took his gun from his belt and pulled Lyra behind me, Hester moving her ears around trying to catch any movements. Then, men started to show from afar and from the snowdrifts. Not just any men: tartars.
“Lee! Protect Lyra, and get behind me” Iorek yelled, quickly putting his helmet on again, running in the direction of the men with their wolf daemons. The gyptians fought too, with guns, swords, and short knives. Slowly but effectively the tartars started to back down or to fall in the ground, their daemons vanishing into an explosion of dust, mixing themselves with the snow that started to fall. 
Lyra was glued to Lee’s back, and Pantalaimon hid into her neck, taking the form of a small mouse. Lee shot sometimes, and soon everything went silent again, people looking for any harm on each other. Lee rushed to check on Lyra, and when she seemed alright, he relaxed, but it didn’t last long, as three Tartars emerged out of nowhere pointing their swords to Lee.
It was the end, he thought. He would die there, without looking at your face one last time, not getting to say goodbye. At least he was going to be able to protect Lyra. It would be the end. His life would have ended right there, at that exact moment.
If it wasn’t for one person. A figure knocked off one of them right way, with one punch, the second following soon after with a hit from a piece of wood. The figure’s daemon jumped on the last tartar’s daemon, sticking it to the ground, giving the figure time to knock him in the ground and suffocate him ‘till unconsciousness. At the end of the fight, the figure pushed a strand of H/C hair out of their face.  
Lee, for one second, didn’t process what just happened. Then, when your figure turned to him, D/N sniffing the air looking for more tartars, Lee let out an exclamation that made your stomach ache with butterflies and happiness. Your smile was so big, he could have sworn all the snow around him melted. Like it was the sun itself. Like you were a goddess, sent from the Authority to bless his life. He got off the ground and ran to you, spinning you around while you giggled. You two spent far too much time without each other for your own goods.
“I read your last letter on time and figured out where you would be. Thank god I arrived in time” you say gently, cupping his cheeks and resting your forehead against his “I’m going to stay with you now. You visibly need some assistance”.
Lee smiled his arms around your waist, holding you tightly against him. With a silent agreement, he locked his lips to yours. Massaging your lips slowly, taking it all in, your hands burying themselves into his hair. His tongue passed through your bottom lip, and you let him assert his dominance into your mouth. But before you two could deepen the kiss, a cough is heard.
"I'm glad you are safe Y/N. It's good to see you again. You as well, D/N" Iorek's deep voice said, getting closer and taking off his helmet so you could see him better. Without a second thought, you launched yourself into the bear's neck, hugging him tightly. He breathed heavily into your hair but leaned into your embrace anyway. You two had gone through some things together just like he and Lee, so your bond with him was as strong as his bond with Lee.
“I’m sorry to interrupt this… heated reunion, but care to tell who is this, aeronaut?” John Faa asked, still in his defensive mode, standing between you two and the rest of the group.
Reluctantly, Lee let you go but took a look at your necklace with your marriage ring ranging on it. Then, he knew everything would be alright.
“This is Y/N. She’s an explorer, aeronaut, intelligent, beautiful woman. Oh yeah, she’s also my wife. Don’t worry, we can trust her” You smile firmly at the man, extending your hand for him to shake. When he does, he lets Lee tell you all the details of their mission, and in the meantime you two exchange pecks here and there.
At the moment your group settles a camp for the night, you two are around a fire, and Lee has presented you to everybody there. You were starting to get embarrassed by all the attention, and when he left to pick something from the balloon, you sit alone in front of the said fire. D/N by your side, almost sleeping, didn’t notice the approach of someone else.
“You are the woman in the picture Mr. Scoresby showed me. His… wife” a little girl asked you, her daemon sniffing D/N silently, trying to earn a reaction from him “My name is Lyra”.
“Yeah, I’m his wife. So you are the famous Lyra. Lee wrote about you in his letters. He said I would like you. That you were smart and witty, that we were alike. He also said you liked to cause trouble” you whisper the last part, playing with her “In that, we are very alike”.
Lyra smiles at you and looks into the fire, uncertain of what to say. You were nothing like Mrs… Like her mother. You were sat with your legs spread wide, your hair messed up and freely flying in the soft wind, a playful smile in your lips. Your daemon looked relaxed as well, wild and dangerous but gentle at the same time. Lyra knew it wasn’t smart, but she already felt like she could trust you.
“I never thought I would get so far up in the north” She, shyly, tried to start a conversation “It is certainly colder than we thought”.
You smile at her lightly flushed cheeks. Then, you decide to tell her the story of the first time you went north, just you and your father. Then you proceeded to tell her how you and Lee met, how it was when D/N settled, how you almost got killed once while traveling to Madagascar. Her eyes were shining with wonder, and she admired you. Without realizing, Lee sat by your side, watching you with lovesick eyes as you told her stories.
“What is it, love?” You ask, your grin growing wider as you looked at him. Love and adoration, all over his face.
“Nothing. I just missed you. And, to be honest, your heroic entrance was kinda hot”.
The three of you laughed, and you two kept telling Lyra stories until she fell asleep and you had to bring her inside your tent. She fell asleep dreaming about traveling the world, maybe with you two by her side. And Lee couldn’t be prouder.
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runswithwolvesx · 5 years
a gratitude/follow forever post!
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Seeing as it’s been a few, good months since I’ve created this Stiles blog, I wanted to take the time to admire some of my writing partners and followers. While I have yet to really reach a certain number of them, no real achievement for that, it’s not about how many people follow me but rather, the content you guys have given me and allowed me to write with you. So, since it’s nearing the end of the year, I wanted to love on everyone who has given me such joy writing Stiles and those of you who genuinely brighten my days. This post is going to be a loooong one, feel free to skip it if you like.
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@lionheartedxvixen​ [+every single blog you have, girl]; Nelly, you are already aware of how much I love you since I love to be a cheeseball and just tell you from time to time. I’ve written plenty of those corny posts over the years on my personal blog, every single time we wrapped up another year and hit another milestone together. Your 13+ years of friendship has and always will be something I cherish, something I’ll honestly carry with me forever. And, I adore your portrayals of every character you’ve ever written! Every interaction we’ve ever had has always left me excited and wanting more (yeah, I’m greedy, sue me). From Brucas, to Brachel, Steroline, Steferine, Forbinski, Barlia and Stalia (plus the many other friendships, family, enemies, whatever!), I adore them all. You will always be my best friend and I’m always gonna wanna follow you to new places, give our muses new adventures and just love the hell out of you and your writing. Thank you for everything you do and have done for me. I truly believe you’re like one of my soul mates.
@kisscflife​; Moira, even though we don’t interact too often, I love you and appreciate all your support and genuine love for me. Your support has been so important to me this last year, especially with my transitioning. I want you to know that I greatly appreciate it and I’m glad we get along so well now. I’m blessed to call you a sister, but you’re always also going to be a friend. You should also know that your writing is amazing and you’re far more talented than you believe. You put a lot of thought into your OCs, which I love about them all. And I love laughing at the crack ideas of our characters, even if we don’t always make threads for them or write them out. Just the actual thought of some of the things we’ve talked and laughed about makes my day, every time. Don’t be hard on yourself, you are loved.
@ofherblueeyes​; Effy, my Stiles muse was half alive, half dead when you approached me about wanting to plot something and write together. My activity has now gone through the roof once more and I’m serious that you are partially to blame for this! I’m already having far too much fun with every thread we have made. They give me the feels, the joy, the sobs, the pain, the giggles, EVERYTHING. Thanks for reaching out and giving me the opportunity to write with you! Your Malia seriously makes me laugh and smile, and those damn painful posts make me wanna give her a hug. Or, rather, let Stiles (or even now Isaac) love on her! I look forward to more fun ideas, whether they’re on tumblr or discord, I don’t care. JUST GIVE ME EVERYTHING!
@literally-lydia​;  Kaliya, you were the first Lydia player who wanted to interact with Stiles on my mumu. While we haven’t written much lately, you are far too sweet for words and the time you spend writing out these replies really shows how much you love your muse. I enjoy reading your replies, though we haven’t done too much yet, you also make me smile in pms! Thank you for enjoying my Stiles and my writing, ‘cause I appreciate you and yours, too! 
@kanima-claws​; Jackson constantly either amuses or produces such feelings in me. Your writing and the amount of love you pour into him really shines, it just makes me miss the damn guy so much! Our thread hasn’t seen the light of day for a while (because I have been so bad at remembering and switched blogs and blah), but it is easily one of my favorites! Especially since Jackson ripped into Stiles about the Star Wars figures and pretty much thinks he’s the biggest loser known to mankind. ROFL I can’t wait to explore their dynamic more and just have all the funny things and hope they can learn to get along. I mean, they need to at some point. Thanks for being so sweet out of character as well, you are a geeeem in the rpc. I mean that!
@bansheeintuition​; Stephanie, oh my word, you are beyond talented at what you do. Every reply you respond with honestly blows me away because of your writing style and your grasp on Lydia. Our zombie AU literally became my obsession for some time and I adored it so much! The descriptions, the dialogue, just everything was so vivid and beautiful that it really was brought to life! I know we haven’t interacted too much since but I am always down for plotting and writing together because I love your portrayal and blog to bits! You are also far too sweet out of character, and so considerate and friendly whenever we’ve chatted, be it through tumblr or discord. Thank you for loving on Stiles and allowing me to bring him to life with your Lydia. <3
@thewailer​; Kate, UGH our thread and plot makes me stoked! I know it’s been slow going and you’re currently on hiatus, but just plotting it out and the overall feel of it and ideas for it are so great, I literally want to bask in all of it forever and a day. I love AUs and this idea is like, the AU of the century! Stydia investigating supernatural/paranormal things in the 1940s? Yessssss. Grabby hands! Gimmie! I love that you send in memes and answer them as well and just put so much effort into your portrayal and writing! Your muse gives me muse and gives me the creativity to want to write better. Plus, I love answering those memes and making little headcanons about Stydia (like the one where they blindfolded each other in the woods!). Thanks for being great out of character as well, and so patient with me when I had been away for a while. I look forward to you on my dash when you return and I hope life is treating you well! 
@deadbrcther​; Uggggh, your Isaac literally makes me MELT! Isaac is my absolute favorite next to Stiles and your writing really brings him to life. I know we haven’t written much together but I also admire him from afar and just enjoying being able to see him (and Noah) on my dash, whenever you’re around! Yes, I read their interactions at times, just to silently sob about how much Isaac deserved and didn’t get. I need more Stisaac in my life as well, and am always interested in them if you’d want to plot or work on something! :D
@ofnoblehunt​ / @haleontheprowl​; Rachel, I honestly didn’t think I needed more Stallison in my life, or even Stora but, your writing and muses are too good and I would honestly love to do more together! Those memes and your replies, even though we literally barely started interacting together, really gave me some legit feels. You’re also fun to chat with ooc and while we haven’t lately, I hope you’re doing well! I look forward to writing more together in the future and will love on both girls for as long as I can. :3
@willsavethem​; Meaghan, let me tell you something about Scott McCall and your portrayal of him: I. LOVE. YOU. Honestly, I get so excited whenever I see him on my dashboard and whenever you reply to just about anything possible. I would definitely love to pick up some more Sciles and am always up for working on something together. Just know that I creep on your posts and bask in them from afar because he is far too precious for this world and deserves all the good things. 
@perfectioncursed​; Beth, I haven’t even watched Riverdale yet, tbh, but Betty and Stiles give me liiiiife! -insert a sobbing face- While I know they’ve only had the few interactions, just their banter lifts me up and makes me want to explore their dynamic more. I wanted to appreciate you also as a writer, because I do peep on those posts when I see Betty on my dash. 👀 I love her and the fact that she would totally write a list about Stiles. (Plus, you know, that time he finally caved and let her look at his broken down Jeep? Yeah, that was greeeeat!) I look forward to more things, honestly. Feel free to throw anything at me, I’m game!
@oftroubledsouls​; Just chatting about Sterek the other day honestly made me so happy. Like, I know we haven’t interacted yet as I just took that Derek starter but, ugh. I am looking forward to it! Like, I need that goodness in Stiles’ life and it’s just gonna be a good time, I feel it. I also love seeing your muses on my dash and read them whenever I can. :) Feel free to hop into pms at anytime, even if just to ramble with me about Sterek and how much chemistry they had, UNF.
@leftinthedcst​; Kait, your blog on my dash makes me so happy! I like to read most of your interactions, as I find them so engrossing and just fun to see. Your characters are on point and while we haven’t interacted all that much, I would love to do that and plot some things out. I just wanted to take a moment to admire you because you deserve it and I hope you have a wonderful day. <3
other honorable mentions and people I either have chatted with/would love to plot with/simply adore on my dash are; @supernaturaliisms​, @survivingpierce​, @redemptivexheroics​, @tooxmanyxfaces​, @rosefromdeath​, @changedback​, @astormofagirl​, @monxsterxhunxters​, @vandbaerer​. 
Honestly, if you aren’t mentioned and I follow you or we have yet to break the ice, just know that I followed you because I’m interested in your blog/your muse(s) and would love to establish something together! My followers list is honestly not that long at all, it’s barely 50 people rofl but every single one of you is there for a reason and I adore the heck out of you all. <3 Thanks for being you, for enjoying and following Stiles and giving me so much to look forward to when it comes to being in the rpc.
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stantalizing · 5 years
In Defense of Klaus Hargreeves
Ok, well I figure there really is no need to defend this man. Everybody who has seen Umbrella Academy has probably fallen in love with him. Oh yeah, spoilers ahead. Thanks.
So I binged all of Umbrella Academy last Monday, and the minute Klaus opened his mouth, the minute he was on the screen, I was hooked. Something in me said, ‘he’s is gonna be your favourite character.’ And surprise, surprise, he was! I don’t really get why and how I latched onto this character, I just did. So, in my first ever blog post, I’m going to try and figure out why. No character analysis videos on YouTube, no theories, no exploration into comic-Klaus (I haven’t read the comics, don’t think I ever will since where I am comics are hard to come by), just my brain, early in the morning, trying to wrap my head around the wonder that is Klaus.
I’ll admit. One of the main reasons I watched Umbrella Academy was for Klaus. I saw him in the trailer; the spunky, flamboyant (not to mention disarmingly handsome) man-child with the eyeliner and quick tongue. Thinking back on it now, it’s hard to put the appeal of this character into words. If I met someone in real life, I already know we wouldn’t gel. See, Klaus, is the type of character that’s best to admire from afar. Don’t get too close, and the appeal is there... Well, we eventually did get closer. More on that later.
So, I jumped into the show thinking that this Klaus character was hilarious. That was my first reason for liking him; not the most important one, but the first. The Luther, if you will.
The first episode hits, and we discover that Klaus, wonderful, funny, Klaus, is a junkie. An addict, a drinker, a stoner. Again, if this were a person I’d meet in real life, I would steer clear. No eye contact with Mr. Crazy Klaus from my scared ass. But the appeal is still there. Why?
Ladies and gentleman, Reason Number Two: complexity. Funny Klaus was just the tip of the iceberg. His addict life brings upon another, small layer to him that leaves the audience reeling with questions. How did he end up like this? And why haven’t his siblings tried helping him more? Etc. It doesn’t help that we see him at what, to many, looks like absolute rock bottom. Fresh out of rehab, already raring to relapse. Desperate. It brings a sadder side to him. An unknown, mysterious side. A complex side. Klaus is a character who walks a fine line between being easily the funniest character and the most tormented. As the show goes on, more and more of these two opposing sides comes to light. It’s jarring.
In Episode 4, Man On the Moon, we see various scenes of Klaus being tortured. Another layer of complexity is brought to the light. We begin to understand the importance of Klaus’ powers and their correlation with his addiction. Every action has a reaction, and Klaus’ addiction and lack of sobriety is a direct reaction to the way Reginald treated Klaus as a child, and the ghosts that have haunted Klaus for ages on end. Klaus saw the drugs, the drinking, the sex as a means of drowning out the voices of the ghosts. He’s stuck in an endless struggle. Klaus goes mad over the course of episode four. He shakes and trembles in withdrawal, he drowns in the voices of ghosts. This episode was heartbreaking to watch. Klaus is a tortured soul. Seeing him go through this, all I wanted to do was scoop him up into my arms and cradle him. I’m not afraid to admit it, my weak ass started bawling.
When I finally collected myself and continued on with the episode, I fully recognized the connection that the show had somehow established between me and Klaus. I could somewhat empathize with what he was going through. I could feel his pain like it was my own. I felt for Klaus.
Now, I felt for the other characters too. I truly did. But with Klaus, seeing him at absolute bottom in this episode, seeing his suffering, seeing him at his wit’s end, I felt for him more. The more he was hurt, the more I wanted to protect him.
And when he was able to use the ghosts to his advantage, to face his powers and stop hiding behind a haze of drugs and alcohol, I felt for him even more. I jumped up, fists pumping, and declared my joy over the triumphs of my son. The episode seemingly picked up from there. Everything was gradually starting to look up Klaus. He escaped, he even got the briefcase. His escape had me reeling with excitement; the flirtatious look he shared with that woman on the bus had me giggling and euphoric, then he opened the briefcase and-
Needless to say, I became quite nervous.
When Klaus came back, I rejoiced and thanked God and was just about ready to give up an offering, but my victory was short lived. The utter pain, the sorrow, the misery on his face shook me to my core. What had happened?
“Thanks, Umbrella Academy. I didn’t need my heart anyways,” I whispered, watching my son crumple to the grubby pavement and curl up in a ball, back where he belonged but isolated more than ever.
Before the whole Vietnam War situation, we did see vulnerable Klaus. But from Klaus coming back to the present and onwards, Klaus is practically vulnerability’s bitch. It was this Klaus and onwards that truly solidified my love for his character. Klaus bawled. Klaus moped. “I lost someone.” That pitiful admittance of his pain, what he had gone through, had me curling up in a ball on the filthy pavement.
I’d go into depth with the whole vulnerability thing again. I’d break down every single scene of his if I could - there are just so many reasons why I enjoy Klaus so much.
But I won’t. This post is getting too long; and my fingers are getting tired from typing, and after typing out Klaus’ “I’ve lost someone,” line, my heart is just about ready to give. After this declaration of his lost love, the Klaus feels just kept on coming. Frustration, joy, anger, hollowness, triumph.
At the start of the series, there didn’t seem to be much that drove Klaus. Drugs, alcohol, money, that’s it. Everything was so surface level with him. But Klaus has a purpose now. Klaus is growing. And it’s this Klaus, this changing, learning, experiencing Klaus, that will hopefully continue to grow in future seasons of Umbrella Academy.
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creativebeast18 · 6 years
Robstar Week day 2: Cosplay
Don’t Hide It
The only reason I put “Robstar Week” on the tittle, is so that people know that’s my entry. But it’s nice having a word that must be the center theme of the story, else, I would’ve never thought of writing this.
I’m sorry I’m taking so long. I have a few proyects going on and I must supervise all of them. You know how in every group of friends, there’s the “Mom” friend, because they’re the responsible ones? Well, I’m the mom, and I have to help my children not to fuck up
Summary: Starfire doesn’t think she is the right person to cosplay. Who else can make her change her mind but the boy wonder himself?
Starfire stared at her reflection with a frown. This was the third time she changed clothes and hair style, and still not one outfit had convinced her. She took off her black wig and let her hair down from it’s updo. She placed the fake hair contraption on her bed, along with all of her failed attempts.
“Let’s see: Not The Wasp, not Hinata, and definitely not Sailor Mars...Ugh!!!” Kori plopped down into her bed and closed her eyes. There was nothing she could do at this time. She tried to think of a plan that could save her from not going. She could pretend to be sick...but that would make some of her friends worry and take care of her, and Robin and her would also miss the convention. What about saying that she had to go to a special and urgent mission that The Batman had encomended her and her only? No, Robin would immediately contact him, explaining that this was the Titans day off, and that was something NO-ONE messed with (after Tokyo, Robin took vacations seriously).
Starfire sat up and begun to gather all the costumes to hide them under her bed. What was she thinking when she said yes to cosplay?! She had never done this before, she only could do so much with the time that she had been given, and, most troublesome of all, she had ORANGE SKIN. No amount of makeup in the world would cover it up to look like the characters she liked from comics, books or anime. She would never be able to cosplay without looking ridiculous. But her thoughts were interrupted when there was a knock on her door.
“Star? Can I come in for a sec?”. It was her three month boyfriend, Richard Grayson. She remembered when he talked to her about the Con of the Comic. How marvelled he had seemed at the hundreds of entertainments and how his eyes had glimmered when he spoke about the cosplay. His exact words lingered on her head: “I’ve always wanted to do it, but it felt dumb to do it alone”. Well, she being his girlfriend, and not wanting to disappoint him, what other thing could she do but say yes?
“Y-yes, of course, boyfriend Robin.” She threw the garments on her hands to one corner of the room in an attempt to ignore them and not worry her lover. Richard came into the room and closed the door. He turned around and noticed the worried grin on her favourite alien’s face, almost like a fake smile, as if she was trying to hide something. He placed a quick peck on her left cheek, making her blush slightly. He took a step back and extended his arms, grabbing her wrists gently.
“Why the long face, Kori? Something I can help you with?”. Koriand’r looked to one side, then the other, avoiding his gaze. Finally, she closed her eyes and directed her head to the floor. Robin used one hand and placed it on her chin, lifting up her eyes so that they met his. She slowly moved her lips, barely making a whisper. Dick tried to close the space between them, so that he and only he could hear whatever she had to say. “Sorry, what did you say?”. Yet it didn’t work, as Starfire turned around and hugged herself. Richard, oblivious to what was happening, pleaded. “Please, don’t hide what’s wrong. I want to help”
“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry for how I look, and for not knowing so much of the shows as you, and for promising something that is simply impossible for me, and for disappointing you and...!”. She was cut of by a passionate kiss on her lips. Robin had placed his hands on her waist and gone for it. Star was so surprised, she didn’t close her eyes at first, but relaxed into it when the tears couldn’t let her see anymore. The small drops fell through her cheeks and into her mouth, allowing both to taste the saltiness. One of his hands trailed its way up to her face, cupping it and stroking the back of her ear with his fingertips. After a couple of minutes, Dick pulled apart their lips, but kept their faces close, making their foreheads touch to stay connected.
“There’s absolutely nothing to be sorry about. There’s nothing wrong with the way you look, the way you are, ever. Because you are the most amazing person I have aver and could’ve ever encountered in my life, okay?” Kori didn’t say anything, only nodded. “Okay, so in summary, and from what I gathered, you can’t find a costume, right?”. Richard stepped back and looked around. A couple of clothes were laying messily in the corner of the room, and a wig had hooked itself on the edge of an open drawer.
“No, you would be correct on that. My skin is too orange, while all of the characters have a paler complexion. Also, there are not many redheads that I like and can do the cosplay of them, at least, not without being too revealing”. Both of them blushed at the thought of her revealing too much. “Not for others eyes but mine” , Robin thought, although he knew it would be a long time until that moment came. “I cannot help but think that I will look ridiculous, no matter what costume I wear”.
“Star, that’s exactly what cosplay is about” Kori looked confused. “Sorry, let me explain. Cosplay is about feeling like the character you are portraying, and taking pictures with the people that admire them just as much as you do. It’s about getting into those clothes and feeling invincible, and everyone appreciating all the details put into the hole ensemble. Yeah, you can look amazing, but sometimes you can look ridiculous, especially if you are an amateur like us. But all the people on the convention don’t care, because they know they are dorky too. That’s the best about the convention, we can all be dorks together! And look ridiculous together!”. Richard took a step back and flung his arms in the air, making Starfire giggle a little. He then realized he was getting carried away, and took a deep breath. “Look, what I’m trying to say is that, yeah, we will probably look ridiculous, but we´ll do it together! And the people at Comic-con can’t judge us because there was a time in which they looked ridiculous too. It takes a lot of bravery to cosplay, and that someone shows up dressed up like a character is already something to applaud, even if they look weird and have a lot of things from the character missing. So, don’t ever think you could look ridiculous, okay?”
Kori blushed and rose a hand to her cheek, delighted by the words that her soul mate had spoken. It was one of the reasons they were both attracted to the other: they always knew the right words to say when the other was in distress. She smiled cutesely and closed her eyes, radiating happiness all over the bedroom. Dick secretly loved that smile from her, and she knew it. He stretched his arms out and grabbed both her hands. “So, do you still wanna cosplay? Or do you want us to go in our civilian clothes?"
Star softly smiled and asked "What would you suggest, Robin?". She looked at the stash of discarded clothes, still very unsure of them, as she kept thinking she hadn’t found the right one. The thoughts of not going crawled to her mind again, and Richard probably felt it too, as he replied.
"It makes no difference to me. I think you always look gorgeous. But if I had to choose, there’s someone that you can go as without having to put a second hand wig, and you are just as, if not more of a badass than her”. He went into her closet and got out a simple pale yellow t-shirt. He turned on his steps and headed through the door. “Be right back, I gotta go get something for you”.
As the pair holded hands, they headed into the building, and both marveled on the wonders inside. Starfire could not believe such creations could come into live so realistically. Robin stared at his girlfriend up and down: A dark green dress, a pale yellow shirt and a blue bracelet, combined with her red mane, made the perfect Kushina Uzumaki.
“Oh, Richard, such a display of joyful people was not something I could have ever thinked of. You spoke incredible things about the Con of the Comic, but this is simply...spectacular!! And you had the best idea too!” She eyed him carefully, analyzing his ensemble: the white robe with the painted red flames, navy blue shirt and pants, a simple green vest, and a blue headband with a metal rectangle, engraved with a leaf, attached to it. “I must admit, you make a great Minato, although we didn’t manage to find the wig”.
“Nor the right vest either, but it really doesn’t matter, I’m glad that we came here like this. See that everyone likes it?”. Dick nudged his head to the side, signaling a couple of fans that were pointing at them in awe and taking pictures from afar.
“You were absolutely right. I did not know there was a thing such as a couples costume. It is the best idea”. She also hadn’t told him, but Minato Namikaze was one of her favourite characters from Naruto. Plus, having the day with Richard, dressed as one of her favourite characters, without him covering his cerulean eyes for her to explore? Starfire was having a blast, and she had all day to enjoy. What did it matter if their costumes were not the best? Or if they looked a bit ridiculous compared to others? She was having the time of her life, taking pictures with fans and others that were doing cosplay of her favourite characters. It didn’t matter that her skin was orange, or that her eyes were green and Kushina’s were blue. Fans appreciated courage, and creativity. But above all, they loved self expression, especially because events like this were designed to express themselves. Being on this embracing community, how could she ever have thought that she would embarrass Robin? So she embraced her weirdness just like she had before, and never hid her insecurities from him, or anyone, ever again.
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nerdy-novelist017 · 5 years
The Equals (Reylo) Pt.1
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(Quick Note! Hey guys! This is my first work of art that I’m publishing on tumblr. I’ve published some marvel stuff on Wattpad, but never on tumblr. I’m not sure how popular Reylo fics are on tumblr, but I’m giving it a shot.
If you like it, give me some feedback please! It really helps. Also, these characters belong to Star Wars, but the storyline is my own. Please don’t copy any of my stuff without asking for permission. Even then I might say no.
Thank you! And enjoy!)
It had been almost four months since the battle of Crait. Four months since the death of Luke Skywalker. Four months since the Resistance fled from the First Order and their tyranny. Four months since she had last seen him.
Rey had travelled with the General Organa and the Resistance for the duration of that time. She had been surrounded by her old friends like Finn and new friends like Poe and Rose. Leia was like the mother she never had. She was a calm and collected woman, but she would quickly and gladly put anyone in their place if needed. Rey greatly admired the General.
But even with being surrounded by friends, Rey had never felt so alone.
It was something that she could not explain even if she wanted to. Something in her heart longed for more. But she didn't know what more she could want. She had plenty of food. In fact, she ate like royalty. Everyone treated her like royalty. She was the last Jedi that they knew of, she was of course going to be treated like royalty. But it wasn't about the amount of food she had or the friendly people she interacted with daily, there was something she was missing.
“Rey, did you here me?" A concerned voice brought her out of her daydream and back to the reality of sitting in a room all by herself.
“What?" She questioned as she quickly shoved the broken hilt of the Skywalker lightsaber into her scavenger bag.
“I said we are coming out of hyper-space and are about to land on Loto-Key." Finn explained calmly. He offered his dear friend a small smile. She had been through a lot for such a young age. He wished he could take away any pain that lingered from her miserable past.
“Okay, thank you, Finn," Rey swallowed her embarrassment and stood quickly to follow him out of her living quarters.
Loto-Key was a green and grey empty-looking planet from afar, but when they landed what was left of their Resistance ships, the planet seemed to harbor unending amounts of plant life forms. The planet was covered in giant, thick trees that reached their limbs to the tip of the atmosphere. Many different rocks made up most of the terrain for the ground. Green moss grew on every surface available. Elongated, stringy vines wrapped from tree to tree, sharing it's secrets with the neighbors. Rey truly felt that she had been shrunk in size compared to the gigantic trees and rocks surrounding her.
“It doesn't look like much, but there's a surprise up ahead." Poe told her as he suddenly appeared beside her when she stepped off of the Falcon and into Loto-Key.
Rey remained silent as she followed him as well as the rest of the Resistance fighters into the jungle. She listened to the bizarre noises the the planet hummed with. The caw of an exotic bird overhead. The buzzing of a nearby insect. The hooting of some breed of animal in the far distance. The planet seemed to carry noises on for miles, echoing the slightest of noises. The one noise that seemed to grow louder with each footstep was the gentle, timid trickle of a nearby stream of water. However, the closer they got to there designated destination, the louder, more aggressive the trickle got.
“What is that noise?" Rey had asked, swatting oversized leaves away from her face.
“That would be this." Poe smiled as he halted at a clearing.
The jungle opened into a body of water that dove off of the side of a very large cliff. The water cascaded into a beautiful crystal waterfall dropping about fifty feet give or take. A decrepit bridge built by the wood of the nearby trees spread across the length of the waterfall, leading to a cliff-side settlement.
Rey marvelled at her surroundings, taking in as much as she could. They crossed the rickity bridge, advancing towards the rock hideout. The technicians worked on setting up an electrical grid that the First Order couldn't find them on.
As Rey explored her newfound home, General Organa patted her shoulder lovingly.
“This will be a sanctuary for all who believe in the Resistance." The older woman smiled as she spoke.
“It's truly beautiful." Rey couldn't help but smile too.
“I can pass knowing that you will handle everything perfectly here." Leia claimed with a sadness in her eyes.
“What?" Rey turned to face her fully. “Leia, what are you talking about?"
The older woman beckoned Rey to follow her over to a rock that had been withered away into a bench. Cottony, green moss padded the bench's hard surface as the two girls seated themselves.
Leia gathered the young girl's hands in her own before she spoke. “I am not going to live much longer. Something inside of me is growing weaker and weaker by the day."
“No," Rey pleaded with tears stinging in her amber eyes. “You can't die. You're perfectly healthy. The Resistance needs you. You can't just leave."
To this Leia smiled. “The Resistance doesn't need me. They have you."
Rey tried to swallow the lump stuck in her throat. “I-I can't lead them. I can't do it without help."
“You have help." Leia pointed out as she motioned to the busy fighters, each working on rebuilding what they had lost within the last months. Rey's eyes scanned over what was left of the fleet. Poe graciously helped a young woman carry a heavy crate across the bridge, smiling as he did so. Finn was standing in the doorway of the Falcon, handing supplies out to Rose who carried the over to busing electricians. It was all a system built on trust and assistance.
“See? You don't need me anymore." Leia insisted with a small throaty laugh.
Rey looked back the general. “I don't understand," she confessed. “why now?"
Leia's aged-face pulled into a frown as she looked out over the waterfall and into the horizon. “Everyone that I love is gone, child. Everyone has left me. Han. Luke. All of my brave generals, my friends. My birth parents and my adoptive parents. Even my son is gone—"
“No," Rey's voice grew louder as she cut her off. “Ben Solo is still there. I know. I feel it within him. He isn't completely lost to the dark side."
“He isn't my son anymore. He can never redeem himself in my eyes." Leia spat. “He will always be Kylo Ren. Ben died a long time ago."
“You're mistaken. Ben Solo is alive. He can still redeem himself. He has immense guilt for what he has done in the past. I've felt it." Rey argued with her brows knitting together.
Leia shook free of Rey's hands and stood quickly. “He is dangerous, Rey. You must be careful of the feelings you are harboring for him. He'll crush you, just like he did his father."
And with that final statement, Leia left quickly leaving a very confused Rey behind.
That night, Rey couldn't sleep. It wasn't the matter of the uncomfortable sleeping bag, or the noises that filled the nights air, or even the humid air. Rey could not close her eyes without thinking of what Leia had told her earlier. Thoughts swirled around in her head for hours before she decided that sleep would not bless her tonight.
She crept soundlessly through the stone settlement, not stopping until she was outside in the fresh air. A low fog hung over the planet giving the night an iry feeling.
Rey stood on the balcony overlooking the steep waterfall underneath her. Loto-Key had two moons shining down upon the green planet. At night, it was light enough to cast a blue haze on her, though underneath the trees, there were dark shadows hiding creatures foreign to her.
She sighed as she racked a hand through her messy, dark mahogany brown waves of hair. Closing her eyes, she tried to gather her discombobulated thoughts. However, she was quickly brought back to reality when something wet hit her nose. Her eyes snapped open when another drip landed on her forearm.
She lifted her eyes to the sky just as another drip landed on her forehead. Dark clouds formulated and covered the stars overhead. She smiled brightly when she realized that it was raining on her. She stuck her palms out to feel the many drips of fresh, clean water gather on her. The rain poured around her, but she didn't run from it. She enjoyed it.
She kicked her foot at the water that pooled around her feet, splashing water everywhere. She couldn't help the laugh that escaped her throat as she twirled in the rain.
The last time she had experienced rainfall was when she was staying on Ach-To with Luke. Her mind was brought back to the past. She had experienced her first rainfall whilst being visited by Ben Solo. The force had connected them together on her first rain.
Suddenly, the loud splattering of the rain had become a deafening silence. A silence Rey was very familiar with. She paused her intricate and wild rain dance, immediately frizing in her spot. She felt him behind her, watching. She was almost fearful to turn around. His presence in the Force was confusing to her. She expected to see red anger floating about them. Surely he must have been angry with her after she refused him and left with his grandfather’s treasure. Instead of the anger and shame or hate that he usually raidiated, she felt relief flow from him.
Was he relieved to see her?
“What are you doing?" His dark voice questioned her.
She felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment as she set her jaw.
“Are you... playing in the rain?" His deep voice held the slightest hint amusement, and she decided that she hated that tone in his voice.
She slowly turned to see Ben Solo standing before her. His dark robes blended in with the night. His hair had grown longer since the last time she had seen him. He stood tall and with authority. Beneath his dark eyes were circles of blue and purple haze. He looked almost sickly.
“No!" Rey yelled. “Of course not."
She was well aware of the small smug smile that tugged at the corner of his pink lips.
“Where are you?" He asked as he stepped closer to her.
“Nowhere you need to be concerned about." She spat angrily. How dare he intrude her meditation in the rain.
“You're completely soaked." He acknowledged I’m a softer tone. Still too rough to be considered kind.
Rey took one step back, distancing herself from him. She didn't want to be anywhere near him, even if the Force thought otherwise. “Why is the force still connecting us? I thought it was Snoke who adjoined us."
“I killed him, he can't be doing it now." Ben growled, taking yet another step forward.
For you. She heard his unspoken words clearly as the Force hummed around them. She felt a pang if guilt. She covered it quickly, mentally blocking him from feeling any emotion.
“Then why can I still see you?" Rey wondered out loud. She squinted through the rain that poured around them. Her drenched hair clung to her face and neck.
“How am I supposed to know?" Ben stepped towards her again. A deep clap of thunder sounded overhead and startled Rey. “I would like to know why I can feel your presence. I would like to know why I can hear you tiny, fragile heartbeat. Tell me, Rey, why can I feel the Force flowing through you every fiber? Can you tell me why any of this is happening? It's not just you experiencing this too."
He had backed Rey into the balcony. She was cornered, trapped by him. He towered over her, making her feel shrunk in size. Her heart beat wildly in her chest, and she wished she could silence it. All she could do was look up into his eyes with an open mouth. Though she wasn't afraid of him. She was his equal. She had beaten him in battle before. Her heart beat wildly with a different feeling. Something she couldn't understand.
So many feelings flooded her soul, and it took her a moment of shock to realize that the feelings weren’t her own, but Kylo’s. They were haphazard and messy, he wasn’t trying to hide anything from her. And that scared her.
“Stop it." She demanded, at lost of any other words. She reached out and shoved him away from her.
Or at least, that's what she was planning on doing.
Instead, she reached her hand out, but when her hand came into contact with his broad chest, his midriff slowly disappeared. His body disappeared until his face was the last thing she saw before he was gone. The silence was quickly covered by the noise of rain hitting the rocks beneath her.
Rey released a breath she didn't know she was holding and staggered forward, gripping the ledge for support. The emotions eventually fizzled out of her, and she was once more left with her own thoughts and feelings. One thought struck clearly in her mind.
Why were they still connected?
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Work For Free - Part 7
Characters: Reader, Fili, Bilbo, Bard, Faramir, Smaug, Eowyn, Tauriel, Eomer… anyone else I fancy just throwing in.
Summary: Here is the tale of a day, just one day, confined within the four walls of a small but perfectly formed Tea Room.  There is drama and romance and probably a bit of slapstick thrown in to break it up a bit but I’m not promising anything.    
Word Count: 1862 words
Prompt: Coffee Shop AU (I may have taken a little bit of a liberty with this.) and Neglected Characters from the Tolkeinverse.
A/N: There are some ideas that just take hold and won’t let you go until you have captured them on the page.  This is one of those ideas.  There is no way I will ever be 100% truly happy with this series because it is a sprawling epic in my head BUT what I have written, I hope, is entertaining and I would LOVE any feedback.  So, thank you @littlered83 for coming up with such an inspirational challenge for me.
Part 1 Part 2  Part 3  Part 4 Part 5  Part 6
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Through a door in a wall there was a tea room.  Not a nasty, sticky, damp tea room filled with incontinent old ladies complaining and the faint smell of wee, nor yet a minimalist, ironic hipster take on a tea room with beanbags you can’t get out of and strange ergonomic chairs that dig into your spine: it was Bilbo Baggins tea room, and that means comfort.  
The power had gone out in his apartment yet again and Faramir was just wandering aimlessly with his laptop strapped into his bag.  Today was just going from bad to worse, first an argument with his brother and then his father had chewed him out about the situation only to be cut off when the power died and half of his work had disappeared.  Maybe his father was right, maybe he was just a waste of space.  The light tinkling of a bell caught his ear and, looking up, he saw a flurry of red hair entering a small tea room.  His curiosity peaked, he followed her and discovered the most adorable little place he had ever encountered.  Heading up to the counter his eyes ran over the vast array of options, eventually asking the brunette behind the counter what he would recommend.  The barista had been friendly and helpful even suggesting Faramir take a seat at a table near a socket and plug in his laptop. He had spent all day there just watching the comings and goings.  He hadn’t felt this relaxed in a long time.  
That was four years ago and still he came back practically every day to write.  Wandering into the shop the little bell jingle, a sound that never failed to make him smile no matter how often he heard it.  “Morning Faramir, you want the usual?  Just set up at your table and I’ll bring it over to you.” The sweet barista called over and he smiled politely.
“Thank you.” He replied before scuttling off towards the back corner to his usual table.
“It’s not his table, it’s my table and my electricity he comes in here using every day.”  Faramir frowned at Bilbo’s daily grumble.  Feeling a little guilty he didn’t plug his laptop in, deciding to run off the battery for a while.  Fili was wiping down a table and when he noticed the plug socket empty he reached over and plugged in the laptop.  
“Don’t worry about him, I think he just likes to complain.” Fili confided with a warm smile before tensing slightly as the tea girl made her way over with a tray.  
“Give me a shout if you need anything okay?”  Faramir nodded without looking up, acknowledging he had heard as his fingers ran over the keys creating and deleting words on the document in front of him.
At 4pm on the dot the door opened and the tinkle of the bell had Faramir looking up, a soft smile graced his face when he saw the mysterious blonde he had been admiring for months now enter with the sullen gentleman. His fingers paused over his keyboard as he watched her march over to the counter, obviously in the middle of a heated discussion with her companion.  From where he sat Faramir couldn’t make out what was being said but the body language of the pair in addition to the lovely barista had him furrowing his brow with concern.  He was contemplating raising to his feet and providing some sort of assistance when Fili’s voice rang out through the room.  “Excuse me?  You come in here quite often and have you ever once even bothered to ask her name?  You say this job is hardly taxing and you may be right but it turns out she’s pretty damned good at it and there is far more to it than simply making rude customers tea and not spitting in it.  As for ‘knowing her place’ how do you know she’s not currently studying to be an engineer or a doctor or something and works here to help her pay for school?  Maybe she’s an incredible artist and works here just because she enjoys meeting people?  I think you owe her an apology and probably your sister too because ever since you came through that door today you’ve been rude and a poor example of a man.” Faramir bit back a smile as the silence in the room became almost palpable.  He had been watching the interactions between Fili and his work mate for some time now and a part of him was immensely proud of how he was handling this situation.  He only wished he could have been that brave, maybe then the beautiful, delicate woman with the enchanting smile would have looked at him the way the object of Fili’s affections was currently looking at him.  
Watching the embarrassed man head towards a table he couldn’t take his eyes off the girl who scurried after him and sat down, looking at her companion with such concern it made Faramirs heart ache.  They were too far away for him to hear the conversation and as the ambient noise of the tea room slowly filtered back in after Fili’s outburst he could only silently observe from behind his laptop screen. It was apparent that the girl was trying to appease her friend and even more apparent that it was not working.  “JUST DROP IT! YOU ARE NEVER RUNNING THE SITE!” The man’s hand slammed down on the table and once again Faramir was compelled to stand, wanting to rush to her aid but his courage failed him.  Perhaps his father was right, he was a loser.  As he looked up the man was leaving and as he was already on his feet Faramir took a deep breath and forced his feet to take him over to her table.
Her head was resting on the table and he stood awkwardly for a few seconds before finding his voice.  “Are…are you okay?” she looked up at him and he felt his entire being expand and contract at the same time as his heart began to pound.  She was even more beautiful up close with such sadness in her eyes.  When she smiled at him and nodded he shuffled nervously, fighting the urge to flee.  “He… he really shouldn’t talk to you like that.”  He offered.
“Oh, it’s fine.  He’s my brother and he’s not always like that, he’s under a lot of pressure right now.” She assured him but the oceans of emotions swirling in her eyes had him so captivated that he couldn’t stand the thought of anyone speaking to her harshly.
“That may be a reason but it’s not an excuse.  You spilled your drink, here, let me get you another.”  Faramir broke eye contact and looked over at Fili who was smiling supportively in his direction.  Indicating the drink Fili nodded his understanding and he turned back to the woman who had so easily captured his heart before she had ever spoken a single word to him. “I’m Faramir.”
“Eowyn.” She smiled that heart melting smile once again before continuing, “would you like to sit?”  
“That’s a pretty name.” the words were out of his mouth before he had chance to filter them and he cringed at the obviousness of such a comment.  “Sorry, that… that was…” he stumbled over his words, feeling the sense of hopelessness rolling over him.  This had been a stupid idea, he should have kept to watching her from afar instead of opening his mouth and proving he was an idiot.
“No, thank you.  It’s very sweet of you to say.”  His eyes flickered to hers momentarily and he rubbed the back of his neck.  Not only was she beautiful but she was kind and sweet and he knew for certain he had no chance with her.
“I have to admit I’ve seen you here a few times now.  Oh, that sounds kinda creepy and…” his face scrunched up as a sigh of defeat left his lips only for a look of confusion appearing as he heard her giggle.
“I come here a few times a week, how about you?” He was glad Fili drew her gaze as he placed the fresh drink on the table, it gave him a moment to look at her without her eyes on him, it also gave him chance to come up with a response that wasn’t going to cause him to die of embarrassment.
“I come here pretty much every day to write.  They are kind enough to tolerate me taking up a table.” Faramir nodded at Fili who just smiled broadly and moved off to continue his work.
“You write?  What are you working on?”  Her enthusiasm threw him, it was unusual for people to actually care what he was writing or for him to tell them he was a writer.
“Just… just a novel actually.” He could feel his face heating up as she looked at him over her drink.
“What’s it about?”  She asked and he wasn’t quite sure what to say.  Taking his time he frowned, not entirely sure where to start.  
“Well, it’s about two brothers and the eldest is the fathers favourite and the youngest can’t seem to do anything right and it explores their relationship with each other and the effect their fathers favoritism has on them.”  It was not so loosely based on his own relationships and he wondered if she could tell just by looking at him.  
“Wow, that sounds quite intense.”  Their eyes met and he smiled shyly, a smile that only grew when she looked away nervously with a soft smile of her own.
“Yeah.” He agreed softly only for the moment to be broken by a flurry of activity as a redhead came bounding into the shop and right over to the counter.  Faramir shook his head and chuckled, his eyes falling on Eowyn once more.  “All the comings and goings here can be quite inspirational actually, depending on who comes through the door.”  Her eyes flickered to his and his cheeks flushed, he got the feeling she knew exactly what he meant by that last comment.
“I really should be going.”  His heart sank as those words escaped her lips, this moment was far too brief.  “I think I’ve given him long enough to cool off but… will you be here tomorrow?  I would really like to repay you for the refill.”
“I’ll be here.”  The disappointment was drowned with the growing sense of hope, especially as she beamed at him.  Watching her through the window his heart leaped as she sent a small wave his way. Turning to see if Fili had witnessed all that he grinned as he saw the redhead harassing him.  Getting to his feet he retrieved his laptop and sent Fili a wave as he left, eager to return tomorrow to spend some more time with Eowyn.  This place was magical, he had felt it from the first moment he had stepped foot in the door, and there was no place in the world he would rather hang out that at Bagend Tea Emporium.
Tag: @deanxfuckingadorablexwinchester @nea90sweetie@knittingknerdy@feelmyroarrrr @vintagevalentinexx@cojootromuelle@sdavid09@luckynumber1213@zombi3gyrl07@neeadinghugs@hobbithorse19@fromthedeskoftheraven @everyjourneylove  @rosa-kirk @palaiasaurus64  @like-a-bag-of-potatoes@luckynumber1213 @littleblue5mcdork@littleblue5mcdork
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