#he’s so cat coded sometimes
thwackk · 1 year
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silly comp
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chickenmcnuggies · 8 months
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A surprise mod I wasn't planning on, Accurate Cat Graphics! It updates cats so that their eye and fur color for every body part in their description is accurately represented. With 43 different fur colors for each body part, and 51 different eye colors, this means you could have a few hundred thousand different variations in your fort! Can be Found here (x)
Huge thanks to ryno for the lovely sprites!
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oqiwans · 11 months
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protoindoeuropean · 3 months
So, he has a new series out so I was reminded of my obsession with Ding Yuxi again and in watching some YT video about the new series I was again struck by how fascinating it is to me how different his looks can be. For example, when I watched the first series with him in the main role (The Romance of Tiger and Rose; which yes, I'll readily admit, I agreed to watch in a large part because I saw him on the poster and was like, well, I wouldn't mind seeing more of this 😏), there were two ~versions of him – in the historical and the modern setting:
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And like yeah they all wear those wigs in historical dramas so that's not particularly remarkable, right. Little did I know that this was just a tiny tip of the iceberg
Because then when I went to look him up afterwards on YT etc. and the first pictures I saw were these:
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about which I was at first like, is that even him? Like the face is just ... not the same in these? But ok, what do I know, anyway ... And then I watched an interview where he has yet another different look, and that seemed kind of in between, so that "bridged the gap" in a way. And then! – in that same interview – they juxtaposed him with another of his earlier looks:
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and it's like, who tf is this person ?
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It's just, idk, really amazing how much just different hairstyles, lighting, makeup, accessories will do. Obsessed
Other interview looks are nothing extreme
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And obviously there's supposed to be more variety when looking at the different roles
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But still, sometimes I'm just like, this is one person .....
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And like, sure, these looks obviously aren't impossibly different, but comparing the different ends of the spectrum can be pretty wild
In any case, the one that brought all of this about was this latest one:
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and idk at this point I shouldn't be surprised anymore. And yet ...
Anyway, I do actually love his acting too lmao
It really is ... delectable 😌
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quillisadoll · 3 months
Guys I'm still tired so MORE HEAD CANNONS
~Kyoya addition~
May or may not be ooc
Kyoya is asexual
Kyoya is autistic and has a really hard time showing emotions (masking for the win)
Kyoya has a 5 step skin and hair routine bc of Tamaki
Kyoya visits Haruhis dad on the regular and just talk
Kyoya is a raging homosexual mlm type beat
Kyoyas favorite animal is the swan
Kyoya has a secret Twitter account and gets into arguments about stocks and nfts
Kyoya probably has a nft
Kyoyas favorite show is the Roku city screen
JK his fav show is doctor who (LET ME PROJECT IN PEACE) his fav doctor is 11 and his fav companion is rose
For Halloween Kyoya and Tamaki went as matching costumes (he lost a bet)
Kyoya like bubger
Kyoya and Tamaki r Dating real not fake
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johnslittlespoon · 3 months
Also i love ur john is dog coded prompt 😭😭
IT'S MY FAVOURITE THING EVER. i could go on about it for ages, it makes so much sense; i latched onto it from episode one just based on vibes alone and then the howl on the plane wing and the "okay, meatball" really solidified it. he's literally just a dopey impulsive clingy eager to please puppy. i'm a goner.
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harriertail · 2 years
I’ve been thinking about Thunder
(dotc rewrite) The fire-red tom is the last surviving kit. His mother is still alive, but frail- the moorland cats say she is dying of a broken heart, an old superstition regarding queens and their lost kits- Wind and Hawk Swoop both agree to help her settle into the moorland camp, but with no medicine cat, she quickly deteriorates. Her son is named Thundering Storm in honour of her and a reminder of the storm of rubble that nearly killed them both. Tragically, Storm passes, but Thundering Storm is loved and treasured by Hawk Swoop and his adoptive siblings. Grey Wing is a good father- maybe too critical when he sees Clear Sky’s temper flashing in his son’s outburts, but feels Clear Sky should at least come visit his only kit. After the fire, when heat lightning crashes across the sky, a paranoid Clear Sky is adamant; Thundering Storm belongs to him. He is given to the forest and renamed Thundering Sky, now he has proven himself worthy of Clear Sky’s attention. Thundering Sky is one of them, a forest cat, he belongs with his kin. But Thundering Sky has know nothing but love: pure from Storm, gentle from Hawk Swoop and Turtle Tail, tough from Grey Wing, the love/hate banter of young siblings rushing to grow up together, and cannot fit into Clear Sky’s world. He returns to the moor with Frost. His father goes insane. Clear Sky wants boundaries, Clear Sky wants laws and order in a chaotic world, One Eye will help him achieve that. The winters in the mountains have made him paranoid. Thundering Sky is trapped between Grey Wing seeking peace with the others and Jagged Peak seeking revenge, and Clear Sky seeking order, he is caught between the forest and the moor, and his non-mountain blood. 
Even after all of it, Clear Sky’s jabs and comments, the murdering of innocent cats, working with One Eye to strengthen the group, the young tom just wants his father’s approval, truly. He wants his father’s laws to work, for the borders to bring peace, but they cannot. Not with Clear Sky determined to continue leading his group alone, and One Eye looking to take it. 
The mountain cats have brought nothing but trouble and bloodshed, and they fight to the death in the hollow with five trees until a lightning strike destroys one ancient oak and brings the dead back to life- over what? Over the rights to hunt? Over the land? Over him? Thundering Sky returns to the forest, seeing his father quiver before the spirits of their dead. They both just need someone to prop them up. He can temper Clear Sky’s rage, Clear Sky can make him into a cat he will be proud of.
He will not learn, even after One Eye is gone, Clear Sky is certain his way is right- after all, he and One Eye united the forest, the moor, and the strays. Unite or die, says the spirits, they must all come into Clear Sky’s control. You are a forest cat- you belong with me. He speaks of wanting a group, a set of rules and regulations to strictly keep the peace and honour, but he has no honour. None of the mountain cats do. They can all take their groups to the other side of the world. When the time comes, you will make it right, and Thundering Sky knows what he must do. He storms from Clear Sky’s camp in the dead of winter, he is nothing like his father, or his kin, he will make his own group. A group where the ill are tended too, the young trained, the evil punished. He sheds his name and becomes Thunder, not a forest cat, not a mountain cat, his own cat. He is not one of them. A new age is beginning, he vows, and sets to make his camp.
Clear Sky is furious, humiliated. His mother disowns him when she travels from the mountains, she curses Clear Sky so that he will never succeed in his bloodthirsty plans. He unites with Slash, regathers what is left of One Eye’s rogues and rogues from beyond- he has so much power he can gather cats from places beyond the forest, beyond the mountains. He makes one last push to unite the five groups, he bleeds into the ground by the river. Thunder gets word- Grey Wing is dying too, pushed to the edge by his brother’s actions. His last kin is gone. The new age is truly beginning. ThunderClan, RiverClan, WindClan, ShadowClan, and SkyClan- led by Sparrow Fur, will rule the forest. Five Clans around Four Trees. Thunder’s code, the warrior code, will grow and spread, and the Clans will grow. Leaders will get their nine lives, their medicine cats will learn to harness the power of the living and dead. All is well with the world. In the future, they will wonder about the fifth tree, decayed by time, and if Quiet Rain’s curse has anything to do with the monsters rolling across the SkyClan border.
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greatpawtender · 8 months
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i gave makoto drip thats more akin to my sort of fashion
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sometimesmaybespoof · 1 month
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New pfp who this?
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whumpacabra · 6 months
What would wolf do if I gave him a big fuzzy blanket ?
From you, a stranger he doesn’t know? He would be suspicious - a comfort like that doesn’t come without a price. He would politely express his gratitude and awkwardly hold it until he knew what you wanted from him (and by extension what you want him to do with the blanket). But if you gave it to Harrison to pass along? Wolf would be wrapped up like a burrito’d kitten, walking around with it over his shoulders, etc. Maximum cozy.
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dishsoaptragedies · 10 months
its squish him face sunday
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nightly-ruse · 2 years
POV: U just joined the cat cults in the woods and see the one slightly off leader beside the queer coded ghostly villain
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Kinda don’t like how it looks but I just wanted to just capture the ending bit. Ashstar trying to figure out how to get his boyfriend back into the real world and in the meantime just trying to be a alright leader to not get too much attention. He’s at the gathering just listening to the other leaders endless blabbering until he looks down and sees the new cat, what was their name? Shadowpaw? Doesn’t matter but when he looks down he notices the little fluffy dark gray tabby isn’t looking at him, but instead locked eyes onto the cat curled beside him. The ghost of Hawkfrost who he swore only he could see. Now isn’t that interesting?
(ID- Ashstar is sitting looking straight at the camera, he is a pale gray spotted tabby with spots around his chest like a pearl necklace, on his nose, and between his face stripes. The striped and spots are a dark blue gray and goes completely down his tail. Lighter gray is down his chest and in the right side of his muzzle and up his nose. On his forward is a yellow star. His eyes are dark blue with yellow schalera and light yellow shines in a Star shape. Behind him is Hawkfrost, mostly a dull brown color with a massive cream mane, and inner ear tufts. His eyes are a icy blue with a slice of pink in the center but most notably in the middle of his chest is a Star just like on Ash’s forehead but dark magenta, like it’s cut out of him. His whole pelt is painted in magenta giving him that ghostly feel. Under their paws is the three their standing on and around them are tree leaves, the sky bare of stars and dark. End ID)
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edgyandoverzealous · 9 months
It's been too long since I've been edgy!1!1 *rawr* on main soooo... Here have another shitty poem post to get lost into the void.
___cat boy tendencies___
i have been conditioned to hide
when i am vulnerable or scared
to seek safety when none is there
i have learned to to bide
waiting in my hiding spots
hissing at those who dared
hoping for anyone to find me
hopefully with care
i have learned to claw and bite
at anyone who nears
unable to discern threat from safety
after all these years
leaving a good many hearts
bleeding and raw
A few had tried
less had chose to stay
i proved too hard to love
after one too many times
i started to do the same
i tend to run when things go awry
it doesn't matter if it's not the same
if things are good
or if my mind's in dissaray
i'll still be itching to take flight
at ever little quarrel
though i am something of a stray
a bit wrangly, odd, and feral
should i be properly tamed
taken in from the streets
given some warmth
a reason to force myself to stay
and solid ground beneath my feet
i will lick your wounds
sandwiching what hurts with comfort
or solutions should you prefer
trying to soothe the pain
that inevitably comes your way
in a world full of absurd
i will lay with you
curled up into your side
slowing your heartbeat to calm
purring contently
up until the day
you kick me to the curb again
or i get back outside
i'll become a stray again
repeat till i die
maybe not
if someone
particularly kind and clever
scoops me up
locks the door
and collars me so i'm tethered
says "your mine sweet boy
and i refuse for us to sever"
if i can't escape
though i'll fester
even if i refuse to show it
i might just learn to leave my brain
a house definitely haunted
content myself to your side
a cat boy truly wanted
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darabeatha · 1 year
@ardenssolis​ replied ; Ozy vc: cat :blush:
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/  sometimes, it’s about the cat friends u made along the way
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rolanpilled · 8 months
Facts about Rolan you might have missed, while you were busy saving the world
Spoilers for Baldur’s Gate 3 below!
Here’s a collection of some Rolan facts you may have missed during your playthrough. (These are all from memory, so I will edit this later with sources and exact quotes.)
He is not related by blood to Cal and Lia - You can find this information by speaking with his corpse. All three of them consider each other family, but Rolan seems to hold some insecurities about his position with his siblings. In the same conversation, he mentions having “no one” when asked if he has family and that he identifies as “Rolan, just Rolan” - potentially implying that he’s been abandoned or rejected by his blood family, if they’re alive.
Cal considers Rolan an older brother - If Rolan dies during his rescue attempt in Act 2, Cal confesses that Rolan is his “older brother” and “the person he looks up to the most”.
Rolan loves organizing things - He has overhead dialogue with his siblings where he jokes about wanting an organized, color-coded sock drawer.
You can try to convince Rolan to leave his siblings behind at the grove - Try to convince him to leave Lia behind, and he will admit she’s a pain sometimes, but he could never leave her, not even for his prestigious apprenticeship.
Rolan’s diary changes depending on if his siblings live or die - Self-explanatory. He obviously becomes much more depressed and angry if you fail to save his siblings.
Rolan and his siblings have known each other since Cal was at least eight - They have overhead dialogue where Cal mentions that, when he was eight, Rolan once conjured a cat for him, only for him to find out it was made of fire.
It’s implied that Rolan, Cal, and Lia share a mother figure - If Lia dies, Cal has dialogue with Rolan about throwing a party in memorial for her, “like [they] did for mum”.
Rolan, Cal, and Lia have unique dialogue depending on which of them die - This is self-explanatory, but you can see most of the scenes here. He also appears to have unique dialogue coded in act 3 depending on if he’s angry with you or not (if you disrespected Cal and Lia’s memories by calling them Carl and Liam), but I haven’t been able to trigger it yet.
Lorroakan hates to admit it, but Rolan is more powerful than him - Speak with Lorroakan’s corpse after killing him and having Rolan side with you. He will begrudgingly admit that his apprentice is more powerful than him. Side note, it can be implied that Lorroakan never calls Rolan by his name, as he defaults to “tiefling” or “boy” in their few interactions.
If Rolan has a high enough initiative in the Lorroakan fight, he will use Thunderwave to shove Lorroakan off the tower. Peak revenge.
Some of Rolan’s spells have his name in front of them (Rolan’s Thunderwave, Rolan’s Mage Armor) - Some people have headcannoned this as meaning he had to learn magic by himself, therefore being a Sorcerer. Considering his clothes are a unique color combination for the Sorcerer robes, it raises more than a few questions
Rolan always carries Lorroakan’s letter on him - This one always makes me so sad, pointed out by @sadwizardlover. Throughout the game, the one thing Rolan always carries on his person is the written response from Lorroakan to his letter, posted below.
Lorroakan also beats Rolan up😭 He'll only admit this if Lorroakan's dead though
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That’s all! If anyone has any more to add to this list, shoot me an ask✨💞
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bleedingoptimism · 2 months
part one -> 📱💞🚙
The first video goes viral. They get a lot of new traffic on their page, and half of it gets curious about their music, and half of the curious ones even become fans. So the series is already a success with only one video out. 
In the second video, Eddie, still blushing but smiling cheekily introduces Steve, who is all smiles and sunshine wrapped up in muscle and tan skin and people eat it up.
Then the actual process begins, and it's genuinely informative and quite good, Steve really knows what he's doing and he seems to have a passion for it that makes his eyes shine whenever he's explaining to Eddie what they are doing and what for.
It’s also fairly comedic, the series. Eddie keeps tripping all over his own feet making funny remarks to make Steve laugh. They both work on the van, because Eddie wants to get his hands dirty too, so Steve stays close behind, whispering instructions and murmuring praises while he works that have Eddie sweating and blushing from things that are completely unrelated to the manual labor and looking at the camera like he’s in the office.
It becomes kind of a thing because Eddie knows Steve doesn't watch the videos and everyone already knows from the first video that Eddie has a little crush on him. So he thinks it is just innocent fun that when Steve is working and Eddie has the phone in his hands instead of the tripod, he sometimes zooms on his back, his arms, the sweat on his neck, and then back to his face, sighing and shaking his head slowly.
TikTokers even start shipping them, saying Eddie has very clear cat energy and Steve is the most golden retriever boyfriend-coded man on the planet.
But something shifts as the videos go on, Eddie’s quips are less jokey and more just pure admiration for Steve’s work. When they film a time-lapse the audience can see them working together, bumping shoulders, Steve looking at Eddie and looking away when Eddie looks at him. And when Eddie is filming there are no more jokes about him pining on camera. It is just scenes of Steve laughing, or just smiling, working while he whistles. Zooms of his eyes, his nose, the highlights on his hair, the way the moles on his cheek move when he smiles crookedly at something dumb Eddie says.
The whole series becomes a documentary about how Eddie fell in love with Steve and then… it's complete. It's done. The van is finished. Eddie films one last video thanking Steve for everything, and making one last flirty joke about taking him for a ride. Steve laughs and runs a hand through his hair, telling Eddie he’s welcome. And that is it. The series is done. 
It drives everyone insane because they love it of course, but also. Because it seems… unfinished. It's kind of a mess, Corroded fans are fighting the shippers and the shippers are accusing Eddie of queer bating, which he thinks it's fuckin hilarious and sad because it's his literal life they are talking about. 
But the truth is, there’s nothing more to tell. They had a real conversation after Eddie stopped filming, a proper thanks and hug goodbye. And then Steve just left. He never made a move. And Eddie tried, he really tried. He insinuated, flirted, complimented. But Steve was either not interested or completely clueless (probably because of how uninterested he was).
And now Eddie has a beautiful van, completely equipped for two people to travel in style. And no one to share it with. So he stays at home, wrapped up in a blanket and watching the comments on his tiktoks, laughing and then crying with the way people describe how palpable their chemistry is. And he misses Steve. He keens, he pins, he craves.
part three ->📱💞🚙
☕🥐💕 coffee? by the side of the road?
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