#he’s so lonely it makes me sad that he was following hori around
gunkbaby · 8 months
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His saying he’s friends with the grass is so real i literally used to do that with houseflies
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nanakah · 3 years
about Ishigami, his growth and Miko's role
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most people, myself included, thought at some point that Tsubame's rejection (or acceptance) could wrap up Ishigami's arc and even his past's flashbacks neatly, but Osaragi's arc suddenly revealing there was more to his relationship with Miko made me reflect more and think nah...if anything we're halfway there. It also showed glimpses of him already struggling to find his place in the world by quitting his clubs, even though he was successful at them and there was no Ootomo incident yet to undermine his self-image.
It seemed odd that despite everything he went through he still has his "hair=shield/averting eyes" theme going strong, but it makes sense if you consider even though Tsubame helped him see the way to be more accepting of people and cleared his name, his self-esteem still is super low. I spoke of this in my "sutera" meta, but to Ishigami, his life still has been a sucession of failures and almosts. At his core, he still hasn't fully opened up to people or learned to use his vulnerabilities to his advantage.
If I have grabbed your interest thus far, keep reading for more considerations!
Tsubame is kind to anyone and attempted to do good for him, but ultimately he was never fully himself around her, nor she tried/he alllowed her reaching out to the deepest parts of his insecurities. She doesn't show her own flaws to him either and to this day we get the feeling we don't know her well, just the best parts that Ishigami wanted to see. Kaguya, Miyuki and Chika contribute a lot in a sibling-like way, but there's a limit to how much Kaguya in particular can inspire him. Miko however, has scratched a little beneath the surface and has expressed an interest in helping him with that, even if he himself is still avoiding the topic. She's also more relatable to him in the sense that the rest of the stuco has a history of successes in their lives, while he was able to watch Miko's hardships and failures closely. Their panic attacks even look similar and they're always watching the other to provide backup (in a very roundabout way, at least before) when they happen.
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While their personalities are fundamentally different, his arc and struggles remind me a lot of Miyamura from Horimiya and today, as I was musing on what is so different about them as of now, I believe it's how Miyamura didn't have a single *traumatic* mistake to get over, so he goes down his development road much faster. Putting it another way, it's ultimately that Ishigami hasn't yet learned to be kind to himself like Miyamura has through Hori. Like Shirogane and Kaguya are through themselves. In Miyamura's case, sympathizing with how Hori despite her strong exterior can be very fragile inside but still support him (fight for him, defend him, accept his true self, not judge him, hear him, make him feel good enough) made him feel compelled to grow stronger to protect her back.
Miko as she was at the beggining of the story couldn't provide Ishigami this sort of stability (and that's where Osaragi's "prettier story"/"you weren't there for him" reasoning fails) even if deep down she wanted to, but now after making many mistakes, learning from them and becoming more flexible, she absolutely can. Both Ishigami and Miko have deeply rooted issues that took them more than just each other to flesh out and develop, but they're very much the missing puzzle piece the other needs.
Miko still very much has room for growth as well, mainly concerning finding a middle ground between her "bad girl" and "good girl" personas that Ishigami can easily see through, as demonstrated by the consolation chapter. She tried being "bad", she attempted lying but was still saying half-truths, because her love of justice isn't just out of parental abandonment issues or loneliness - she does believe them sincerely. The moment Ishigami headpated her and shared genuine, spot-on words of concern and admiration (thus a hint of fondness), it was all over for her trying to keep up the love-warfare upper hand.
That's not actually new - Ishigami has always demonstrated he was able to see glimpses of her true self, be it teasing how she's an otaku or a closet pervert and such, he never fully bought the strait-laced image she aspired to make real. But it did take him being around her more to see she could be sweet to him and as he puts it, that smiling more is not a bad look on her. Miko says to Osaragi your true self only comes through interacting with others, so given how lonely she has always been (and how the one person close to her - Osaragi - was actually keeping things between them superficial because of her own problems), it's no surprise she's only finding out now who she is. Ishigami can help Miko find a better compromise of good/bad after both not following any rules at all for so long and recently learning that hard work can pay off. Miko immersing herself in his hobby will clash with her rigid study schedule sooner or later, and he'll know how to help her with that better than anyone else.
On the other hand, Ishigami's moral compass, romanticism (love for flowers, planing dates etc) and idealism aren't things he is proud of...yet. He protects himself with layers of cynism, especially in his first appearances, but he is always being contradictory and letting it slip how idealistic/pure he is at heart. He also is only now learning to like his outward image with things like fitness/studying and finding out it's not like he never cared about it - it's just that he was scared shitless of failure, thus never even tried hard in the first place to avoid being hurt. And as I have advocated for in the Sutera post, I expect Miko in some level to help him come to terms with seeing good in himself. Heck, even being able to game with her now and showing off how good he is and having her appreciate it is gonna do wonders to make him feel more "adequate". Tsubame's arc had a lot of him changing himself to become "better", but Miko on the other hand is trying to put herself in HIS shoes to maybe go "hey, I like you as you are. I'm trying to understand you more and put effort in for you".
Ishigami and Miko start out watching out for each other behind their backs - which instead of helping their relationship, drives them further apart because they think the other side is showing no appreciation. As the story progresses, they're slowly learning to make each other more aware of their support, and it is making them open up more in general.
They have a strong belief the other wants to be rescued and there is truth in that. Both want help and to be recognized for their efforts, but won't cry out for it. In the unplugged earbuds chapter Ishigami takes it upon himself to protect Miko's reputation in spite of himself, the election arc has him actually putting effort into the campaign just for the sake of protecting her and at first posing as a rival of hers to Shirogane only to reveal he's trying to "make Miko smile", he is constantly fending off men from interacting with her as protection (while also sounding jealous), he was way more protective of her when she was wearing that cast than needed and is now being able to openly headpat her and sounds almost like her "soothing sounds" from the days of yore lol Sure Tsubame seems like his start to becoming "a better man", but all the way back on the election, it was for Miko's sake that we first SEE him putting effort into *anything* without being coerced by anyone to take action.
And while it's more discreet compared to Ishigami's "white knight" attitude, Miko also tries hard to protect him - cheering him on during the sports festival race and wanting to console him before the stuco intervened, telling him he should study (but he thinks it's just nagging), christmas (which I'll elaborate bellow), making sure he was able to graduate middle school by actually confronting school staff and, of course, their very first meeting as recently revealed.
Many people hated the entirety of Osaragi's arc, but 232 gave very juicy info indeed. Ishigami's reason for supporting Miko from the shadows comes from admiration AND part gratitude for her attempting to talk to him and listen to what troubles him, and seeing they actually had a "falling out" argument was game changing.
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He looks sad and troubled to have shut her down there, not simply angry, and so does she (there's tears in her eyes when her face is shown in the next page) - despite her black and white sense of justice at this point of the story, she still wanted to listen to him. And even after that outburst she still believed the rumors weren't real, unlike Osaragi sees it - otherwise she wouldn't have made the effort for him to be able to move on to high school. Why would she care, if she truly hated him and thought he was in the wrong?
If any further proof was needed at all that this info is important, I'm happy to say we have more. I noticed the Christmas stairs scene mirrors this exact falling out moment: "Go away"/"Suit yourself"
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But this time Miko had already decided to change, had already seen the mess their relationship became the last time she did not reach out to him and thus already had their previous falling out in mind - meaning she decides to chase after him.
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I don't like how the scanlations handled this scene because reading the japanese raws, my interpretation was that Miko was sounding "annoying" because she was still kinda drunk/unfiltered and freaking out when talking to Ishigami, not outright berating him like the Jaimini's box translation made it look like. She also sounds too angry after the fall, so I generally thought Viz's version (the panel shown above) was closer to the original.
"I always have to take care of you! You keep putting youself in danger. You can't make it on your own." is a better translation than Jaimini's, and also parallels better what Ishigami is often telling Miko as well (That she keeps putting herself in danger and that he has to be around to keep her in check). But with 232 in mind, I think it misses a nuance of the original line: "ほんとあんたは 私が居ないと危なっかしく駄目ね" - "Honto anta wa watashi ga inaito abunakkashiku dame ne" - while I'm a novice at japanese studies, gathering from what I can read and trying to get a feel of the whole sentence, it's closer to "So it really is dangerous to you if I'm not there/ It's no good if I'm not around you". You can take that as her being full of herself, which is the route Jaimini's goes ("You'd be screwed without me") but that's too hostile - Viz's got the spirit of wanting to protect him better, but the original has an implication that she has "tested not being there"/failed being there before (due to not fully siding with him in middle school) that's absent elsewhere.
IMO the reason Ishigami's "closed his eyes" arc is not over yet is because he hasn't accepted or gotten over or fully learned from his past yet, he simply shut it down. That's why briefly during the sports festival his eyes are in plain view, then go back to their usual for the balloon gag. I'm not sure if Ootomo herself will make a comeback, may or may not - regrets are regrets and sometimes the only solution to them is letting them stay in the past. But the topic of how he saw Miko in middle school and the letter certainly are being set up to still show up in the story.
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If I compare him to Miyamura again, he'd still be at the point before Miyamura's haircut - not wanting to face the parts of himself he doesn't like, not quite ready to change. Not quite ready to patch up his own wounds yet and instead silencing everything from his past.
In this sense, Miko does wonders to make him feel more confident even if he hasn't realized it yet, and she's always dropping little hints she'd like him to worry about his future not in a naggy way, but because she genuinely prays for his success. He unconsciously wants Miko to think well of him and it fills him with confidence and a more prideful image of himself he doesn't really display to anyone else, not even Tsubame - like his usages of "ore" (a more manly/confident way of addressing himself) around her (AND HER ALONE):
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( I don't like the available translations to the staircase scene either, lol. Zaibatsu has conveyed the tone of the second scene up there perfectly. For the staircase line, I've seen "I'll be there to catch you" and "I'll save you" which are contextually correct, but to me the original "俺が絶対守る" - "I (ore) will absolutely protect you" carries a much more romantic nuance or ambiguity, regardless of him realizing it at that point. It's like, the title to one of the most romantic moments/songs in the CCS Clear card anime ost, for instance. OF COURSE MIKO LOVES HIM. The narrator doesn't overexplain or take apart Ishimiko's interactions like for Prezguya, but all the evidence needed is there. And I gotta add the very next chapter to the staircase one is the "eternal love" x "real love" I'm super fond of that says fate is irrelevant and to find real love you must use your head to realize/understand things, so makes the romantic subtext even greater.)
This whole affair is also making me open my eyes that I should try to study japanese more...of course I'm happy to have translations and scanlators working hard, but there is something inherently lost in adaptations because it robs you of connecting with the author's intentions unless it was the author who wrote the translation in the first place
Thinking back on Ishigami's early "i wanna die/i'm going home/don't look at me" role, it seems unbelievable we're at the point he's now able to directly confront a "stranger" (lololol) or make serious promises with so much confidence.
( off-topic kind of, but i'm lazy to make a separate post just for it: Since I mentioned things lost in translation, I saw something on Discord about Ishigami having an unreliable narrator moment in the "compliments" chapter/Iino Miko cannot love part 4 and holy molly, it is true. He first says something akin to "You're just too beautiful" out of context, Miko HEARS IT - and that's why she looks so shocked before asking for clarification - and he DID SAY IT in the speech bubble, but after she's nice to him and he thinks back to what he said he adds a "Your handwriting is just too beautiful" to his flashback. I'm ONTO HIM. ONTO HIM I SAY. It is what he meant, but it's like his mouth betrayed him. Whether it's unconscious or denial...it totally is something. The scanlation completely skips this and had the same line both times it's mentioned.)
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manjuhitorie · 5 years
Hitorie's Recent Posts Translated
+ This! A photo album chock full of photos by Hitorie’s trustworthy photographer Taichi Nishimaki. The demand for it is so that they’re doing a rerun, which you can currently preorder on the JP store. They can ship to overseas so, if you can please consider ordering! 
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Not only can you treasure adorable pictures of Leader like this one below, but. Also the smiles of a quad force unstoppable. There’s pictures from their adventures national and into yonder alike, there’s pictures of them petting a dog, there’s pictures of them farting around, there’s pictures of them bursting into passion at liveshows, and all brought to life by Nishimaki. He’s revered by fellow pro photographers, yg is chummy with his adorable son, and some people compare his vibrant photos to the divinity of Indian Gods. I won’t spoil anymore buT THE BOOK IS REALLY EMO SO FEEL FREE IF YOU WANT TO CHERISH MEMORIES ALSO AND JUST CRY 
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Back to Tweets:
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For my whole life wowaka will be necessary to me, and it's fine this way. It doesn't contradict with my means to move my everyday forward. For the people who can join us tomorrow, I’ll see you again tomorrow. If not tomorrow for you then, let’s meet again elsewhere.
.... Also slight show report from one of Wasurennee yo! lives, thank you @tanak_sally! 
But first a bit of background on Wasurenneeyo. From Shibata's website profile page:
Formed in 2008, a rock band full of fun and lively middle-agers! In April of 2017, we alone sold out Hibiya’s Outdoor Concert Hall for our first time. In May of 2018 we opened up a show celebrating the graduation of bassist Umetsu, and sold out Zepp Tokyo within minutes. With this live as our farewell, Umetsu withdrew from the band. I’m lonely. But God bring Umetsu-kun happiness. In July of 2018, our first concert after Umetsu’s Withdrawl called ‘I heard I could get popular if I became Youtuber’, sold out Shibuya Club Quattro within minutes. I’m not lonely anymore! I’m feeling fun and lively! Here marks my new beginnings as a refreshened 36 year old. For the sake of this post I'll also include that they're a band which ygarshy does support work for, they're good!!! ygarshy's suit form can even be witnessed in their most recent MV - ...they're good.
1: Overall, Shibata, the leader and only consistent member, is an honest man who shows like for the things he likes, nonstop HE CANT BE STOPPED
2: ygarshy belched his heart into singing a chorus part, as in yg sang backup for the chorus part of the Wasurerannee yo’s song ‘Kono Machi ni wa Kimi ga Inai’… lyrics are: “You’re not here in this city, You’re not here, That’s all there is to this.” 3. More than only performance wise, ygarsh broke cracks in his cold persona bc he was so peppy, he smiled and brazenly approached front stage countless times When Shibata would tell his compelling tales during MC talk, he would be hiding in the back giggling and giggling away,
4: yg’s set position is side stage but, recently he’s been leaning towards center stage! Shibata and him will share moments of harmonized fanfare up on front stage… yg sticking close, having a blast, cute of cute, HAPPY
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I send my regards to everyone for celebrating my birthday.I’ve also been (taking the liberty of) reading everyone’s impressions on 6/1’s events. Emotions are all over the place. Everyone, I don’t care what it is, if you need to blurt it out then do it at me. I want to understand how everyone feels. No matter who feels what, no one has the right to reject you after all
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Dear everyone, truly thank you for today. See ya.
From after the 6/1/2019 memorial show.
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Ahh it's already happening tomorrow,,,,
From before.
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The sunset sky is such a red The day is setting itself away So that's why these nonflying wings If I threw them away  Since I threw them away I will walk on the air So that's why these nonflying wings If I threw them away  Since I threw them away I will walk on the air
   The news of Yama-chan and Aoi Yuu’s marriage is such a shock, that I recalled the lyrics from “ All About Lily Chou-Chou”. Aoi Yuu's first film appearance, during the scene in which Tsuda Shiori, the character she played, departs from the film, the song "Nonflying Wings” plays so I posted the lyrics of that final chorus. Excuse me for the disturbance.
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Recently I’ve been listening to nothing besides ‘future funk (the genre)’ and early era ‘bloodthirsty butchers’. 'zerwee' is pretty good too, it feels like they reached the pinnacle of cheapness.
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omg this train is going the wrong way
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I want a GIF of when VOCABULA Tengoku era Neptune (A comedy unit), Harada Taizou(member of Neptune) beatin' up Horiken(other member) with backhand strikes.
SND seems to be fond of the comedy group Neptune bc he references them periodically. VOCABULA Tengoku is a comedy show where competitors make abridged parodies of song-movie-vocabulary mashups. For example this skit where they've made the lyric “Everybody dance now” into “Ebi bakka dasu na(Don’t only serve shrimp)”- as they edit a movie clip to show a restaurant doing just that-
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Everybody I’m counting on you today.
From the morning of the 6/1/2019 Memorial day...
Everybody like seriously thank you!
From the evening!
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Soraru’s new album 'Wonder' I contributed a lot to the recording of this album. I played these rad drums. In layman’s terms, it’s the best.
— Soraru's comment @ Yumao:"Miraculously all the songs this time were recorded with real live drums (Including the singles which weren’t prior), I had Yumao do most of the playing and now the songs have a really good ring to them. Thanks Yumao, I leave the rest to you”
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I helped with the recording of Soraru’s new song ‘I Fake Me! I also appear in the MV. Take a look!L https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5GI4zBX4JMI
Yumao has been joining Soraru for his live shows all year, and has been a staple in most of his songs for since. I also translated one of the whole crew's activities at a board cafe just because Yumao was super cute: https://www.evernote.com/l/Aomb-T5N80FPNo_mIzu0V_2ZnLvr8tjSPXA
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Excuse me for intruding.
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I played the drums for Suntory Nomu’s ‘Life is tasty!’. You have to give it a listen while drinking a Suntory Craft Boss beer. 
With Jin as the producer, as Yumao's efforts are a staple for Jin's works, the beverage company 'Suntory' put together a song called “Life is tasty!” for their official V-tuber character, which is representing their own Craft Boss beer. 
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 Following 'I wish March would go on forever’, I also participated in the recording of ‘Pastel Rain’.
Sangatsu no Phantasia's new album 'Girl's Blue, Happy Sad' tracks 1 and 4 both have music and lyrics by Horie Shouta, with Yumao on drums.
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*Replying to Sangatsu no Phantasia’s tweet about her borrowing Yumao’s drums for a rehearsal*I’ll be playing these at Sangatsu no Phantasia’s one-man live show! The merch is cute. 
This June 9th, he'll be joining the vocalist, Mia, and other musicians whose names are yet to be revealed, for exactly that! Also the merch in question.
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nissakii · 3 years
Horimiya - Let me see your other side [Breakfast anime]
Another anime that recently ended this season in our breakfast anime series.
This time be ready for some romance and comedy with one of the animes that probably captured the hearts of many people and was anticipated by many who read the manga for a while now.
Last time we covered Hataraku Saibou and Kai Byoui Ramune, but this time let’s get back to a bit of Slife-of-life.
In today’s blogpost we will cover the heart-warming but also touching story of Horimiya, again keeping it spoiler-free just for you!
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As mentioned Horimiya or also known as Hori-san to Miyamura-kun is a slice-of-life romcom anime revolving around, like the title states, Hori Kyoko and Miyamura Izumi.
With a total of 13 Episodes the anime is on the shorter side of this season, yet managed to cover a lot of plot nonetheless.
The series starts with the fateful encounter of Hori and Miyamura outside of school, while both seem like total different people in their private lives it’s similarity they share despite being so different personality-wise.
Hori who is a popular, beautiful girl who seems laid-back turns out to be a very mature, feisty, serious housewife at home taking care of her younger brother and doing all kinds of chores which makes her skip on usual after school activities with her peers.
On the other hand we have Miyamura who looks like a gloomy outcast, and is even labeled as a weirdo and Otaku as he keeps his distance from everyone. Being curt and unapproachable we get to see a much more drastic switch when he suddenly brings Hori’s brother home and both of them encounter the other in their school-off mode.
And this is where the story begins, the story of Miyamura and Hori’s relationship - is what you thought it would be but surprisingly while the whole series seems to revolve around those two it’s much more than that.
In the beginning the focus is much more on Hori and Miyamura but over the course of the storyline and as the plot progresses one almost forgets that little detail as many characters follow and connect into the story, every and each of them getting their time to shine.
The plot mostly focuses on romantic aspects of the characters life but also many complicated feelings such as jealousy, loneliness, the desire to belong somewhere and so on.
A realistic coming of age story with all its negative and positive sides.
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As mentioned before Hori Kyoko is one of the two main characters which the plot revolves around.
Hard-working with good grades, pretty and popular she seems like the perfect and most lucky girl ever. Yet outside of school she is quite different as she becomes a literal personification of a housewife with a much more mature but cozy atmosphere around her she takes care of the household while both of her parents are away due to work most of the time. She loves her little brother dearly and even passes opportunities to spend time outside or with friends outside of school as she rushes home to rule the household and make her brother feel appreciated and safe.
She is not someone who immediately judges people, as we see her becoming a very important role in Miyamura’s life due to her stubborn and caring attitude, she on the other side also doesn’t want anyone beside Miyamura to know about her other side at school, keeping her image intact.
On the other hand she also finds Miyamura oddly interesting as he is unlike her completely different personality and appearance-wise outside of school and gets to know his quirky and lovable side as well.
Despite her having many people around her and being adored by most of the people it seems like she feels connected to Miyamura due to them sharing a secret side as she trusts him with many things and doesn’t shy away to show him her faulty sides as well.
Lonely, gloomy, weird are the words that people describe him with. Long hair that hide his face as much as possible, glasses that make him look plain and him avoiding contact as much as possible.
The chance of being talked to is already low, and even if he gets talked to he keeps it short if possible devoid of emotions to not get close to anyone.
But as the fateful encounter brought him to Hori’s doorway his caring and considerate nature that helped her younger brother out ended up into a much more complicated situation than he wanted to.
When he started to talk to Hori he never thought that it would last for more than mere minutes but wondered when she also started to talk to him at school despite him being a bit distant.
For him it was the first time someone didn’t judge him by his cover.
Unlike his looks Miyamura is actually a very funny, daring and naive guy who lives a different life outside of school, weirdly nobody would recognize him due to the extreme contrast of his flashy looks.
While Hori is much more quick to get attached to Miyamura he is still a bit reluctant but enjoys Hori’s company as both of them yet so different share the similarity of being someone else in school.
It’s the start of a new world for Miyamura as his lonely highschool days start to fill with many new memories.
To keep it as spoiler-free as possible I won’t go into detail about each character since many appear much later.
But one of the interesting things about Horimiya is the variety of characters representing problems and stories so different but relatable. Love, friendship, Rivalry everything is there but unlike in usual Romance plots the rivalry part here is much more different and less stereotypical.
Each character gets their own story told and we see them develop despite having only 13 Episodes to cover the story, we get an insight into many aspects for example unrequited love or jealousy all ending in a much unexpected way.
Usually in anime we can already predict who will end up with whom or how the story plays out in the end but at some points in Horimiya there were uncertainties that made you think I really ship those two but will they actually come together?
Or even have bad feelings as the characters are really relatable whether you ship one character with your favourite one or the rival.
Even the most trivial character has a story, emotions and development we see in 13 Episodes.
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The Animation of Horimiya is very unique in terms of depicting emotions in an interesting way.
While the colors are very dazzling and saturated giving off the vibe of a slice-of-life cozy romance anime, and the adorable artstyle with many different designs for each character we also see the contrast in the opening of the anime as it slowly changes bit by bit depending on how far the relationships and story has progressed.
As the greyish colors start to take a colorful burst of nostalgia in the opening occasionally we can see the emotions being emphasized in the anime as well.
Whenever a strong emotion such as jealousy, relief, and others are depicted the interesting frame appears when a shadow in a different color of the characters is casted and slowly moves according to the mood and emotion played. It makes the viewer stop for a bit and take that emotion in instead of getting an immediate response by any other event occuring in the anime which is an unusual yet amazing feature including emotions more visually.
All in all the anime’s atmosphere still never made you feel uneasy even when heavy topics are in play.
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Koki Uchiyama already impressed us with many voices and lately we hear him in many anime, but this time he voiced Miyamura as a much softer and innocent character that you only could adore, unlike his latest role in the airing anime the World Ends With You (voicing Neku) that shows his contrast of many voices like Tsukishima from Haikyuu or Shigaraki from My Hero Academia and many more.
With our other main character being Hori we have another big voice actress Haruka Tomatsu known for her voicing Asuna from Sword Art Online, Zero Two from Darling in the Franxx and Haru Okumura from Persona 5. She shows us the many facets of her voice as we see Hori’s two sides being perfectly depicted by her when she is either serious or totally laid-back.
We have many more characters that are voiced by Nobuhiko (Bakugo from My Hero Academia) , Seiichiro (Kakeru from Orange), Daiki (Deku from My Hero Academia), Daisuke Ono (Sebastian from Black Butler) and many more.
Seeing the voices we already adore and know so well in a new refreshing romcom setting just feels different every time it happens, like a soft Nobuhiko or a super peppy Daiki!
Horimiya is a perfect breakfast anime due to its light-hearted atmosphere that switches to serious matters from time to time. The story is beautifully presented and the focus which is not mainly on the protagonists gives the viewer variety, leaving no one out with the many characters, their stories and relatable problems.
Colorful and cheerful, with many comedy aspects and heartwarming moments yet still covering many sad and heartbreaking topics as well that make us realize yet again; every human is different and there are ups and downs in life that everyone has to go through.
With Horimiya being one of this season’s favourites it sure lives up its reputation as it goes against the stereotype of typical romance animes and shows us the many aspects of what it means to maintain relationships whether they are romantic or platonic.
With that I hope you as well will enjoy your breakfast with Horimiya!
Until then, see you next time ~
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