#he'd be a bit more formal in dress at that point since he's trying to start over with his life a bit
anarkhebringer · 2 years
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Felis continues to feed bunny and lizard boy players with each release
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notecapn · 11 months
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Heizou from the arranged marriage au - again, by @throwingstuffhere, very inspiring, thank you
Ayato here for emotional support (and as a point of reference)
some thoughts on that under the cut (and close ups of the coloured Heizous)
i talked previously about this a bit, so there are going to be things i've said previously and a couple of new thoughts. but mostly just rambling
the design choices were made as if Heizou was an in-game character who frequently fights but still needs to look presentable
i’m still on the hakama pants for Heizou, and if not that, he’d probably ask to make the trousers loose (like slacks maybe), with all the splits Heizou can do they’d tear otherwise, unless the material is more flexible than how it looks on Ayato. but quite frankly they look just like normal ones, if a bit more expensive
i am, in fact, speaking from personal experience, dress trousers are very likely to tear if you try kicking something high above your waist level - especially if it's more than once, and i don’t imagine Heizou is very careful about this, and i think he’s used to more freedom in his leg work, or any body part actually, he has a lot of skin showing
as for everything else: it's pending, really.
the vision could be both on his right hip - just like Ayato, or his left one - sort of like it used to be, and mirroring Ayato and also kind of completing the Kamisato's vision placements: Ayato and Thoma on the right hip, Ayaka on her back and Heizou on his left. i also could be reading too much into things (or i'm actually not reading into this enough and it's very important for the characters where they place their visions: like how important their vision is to them, or there's symbolism of the placement, or it's just pure aesthetics)
i had half a mind to put Heizou in a pair of dancing shoes. they look so funky - i have no idea if they are comfortable or not and they look like they could slip off at any moment. for the record i am not planning on putting him in a pair of funky dancing shoes (for now)
tbh i didn't think too much about his footwear previously, i just thought to put him in some dress shoes like Ayato, even if those are not particularly comfortable - but it would be more painful if he delivers some sick kicks: physics of pressure, with the area being smaller and the force staying the same and all that
he could also go with geta (or sandals?) like Ayaka - which would also make sense. Ayato's job requires him to sit a lot so naturally he doesn't walk too much for the shoes to cause him any trouble, but if we're going with the assumption that Heizou tends to work best on foot (old habits die hard, you see), then he'd be miserable if he wore the shoes all the time. counterpoint, however, is that i don't want to draw toes, and i am a coward
also the coloured designs are what i'd consider his formal outfit: as far as my research goes, yukatas (which Heizou usually wears in the au from what i can tell) tend to be worn for less formal events, and it's at the very least not customary to wear yukatas under hakama pants, so..
also also it has been a while since i’ve properly worked with colour so i am extremely unsure how I want this to look, that is why there are two sets of colours of each design. and i don't even think i'm satisfied with that? and obviously the outfit can be a combination of the two styles, i just threw things at the wall to see what sticks
the first version is based on the one i've made previously, with some minor changes, like the Anemo inspired print on the pants and on the inside of the cloak (i don't know if it is noticable, there are sakura petals as well), and the arm guards (also yes, the red does not look very good on him, i just wanted to add something different, spice things up a little). and yes, i still imagine Heizou magically discarding the cloak when he attacks
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(edit) additionally, Heizou with more blue in his palette:
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the second one is very heavily leaning on Ayato's design, with less layers, loose trousers and a western shirt underneath. this one was done mostly to test out the coat and the trousers
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and lastly: i'm not a historian or a fashion designer or a historian fashion expert. i have no idea what i'm doing other than looking at all the pictures available on the internet and drawing inspiration from that
and @raccoonwithacoffeeproblem, if you wish to see it
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wellpresseddaisy · 6 months
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Percy has long been a favorite of mine too. He's peevish and pompous and officious, but he'll also run into a lake fully dressed to get his brother. Headcanon-wise, I always thought he was the one who would wind up most parentified. Not so much with babies, but once the twins, Ron, and Ginny were all pre-school age or above.
Bill was at school by the time Percy was 5, the twins were 3, and Ron was an infant. When Percy was 7 and the twins 5, Charlie was at school with Bill. That's the point, when Ron was about 3, that I can see Molly asking Percy to keep an eye on his little brother. With the twins keeping her distracted, I can see that morphing into Percy being responsible for Ron. I doubt she would have asked anyone not Arthur to keep an eye on the twins for more than about 30 seconds. :)
So Percy is fierce in his protection of his whole family, but especially Ron, who he taught to tie his shoes and hold a fork and figure out reading and maths. I feel like we see that brother when Harry asks him for advice on electives.
(And I'm not trying to vilify Molly here — I think she just got a bit overwhelmed at times and didn't think through leaning on Percy so much. Also there's some birth order psychology stuff that I got very into in high school that's mostly as useful as astrology except for the parts about patterns. Percy kind of restarts the pattern with where he is—he becomes an oldest child, essentially.)
(and now I need to go sit under my desk because you said something really nice about my Ron and Hermione characterization)
If any family is going to be ridiculous enough to have a potentially mythical hairbrush, it's the Weasleys. :) None of the children have ever even seen it, but Molly insists it exists. Somewhere. She got Great Grand Aunt Viola's dressing set when she passed away and she knows she has that dratted brush somewhere.
And Snape...yeah Ron knows people exactly like him and has seen the outside of more traditional relationships. And Hermione, despite not even knowing that sort of thing existed, has always had Snape's number. Truly, though, no one is as vicious as a pair of teenagers. :) This also plays into the 'when Ron makes a joke it comes true' trope.
(and yes, things keep dovetailing with the sub-AUs in ways I didn't quite expect)
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I can answer some of these! :)
Severus, as a much younger man, looked at Social Obligations and decided someone else could handle them. Since he'd made a curtsey at Almack's, he could enter into a contract that essentially gave his social life/responsibility for his social conduct into the hands of Narcissa and Lucius. They were already doing it unofficially, so it made some sense to formalize that relationship. All invitations, etc. get routed through the Malfoys so he doesn't have to deal with it. They have an agreement that he only has to appear at 3 large events (2 Malfoy-sponsored and 1 not) and 2 Almack's evenings per calendar year. Anything more and, as Lucius says, he starts chewing the doorknobs.
Tristram Yardley is a rogue and a bounder who thoroughly deserved what he got. After behaving terribly to a very young Severus (he may have had Wickham-esque schemes in mind), he mysteriously disappeared. The next spring everyone commented on how lush Narcissa's roses, herbaceous borders, and herb knot garden were.
For what happened to have Severus so wound up...some of it will have to wait for the appropriate part, but Thomas Gaunt had a very Some Enchanted Evening Moment with Severus, only instead of seeing him across a crowded room, he saw Severus going absolutely bananas at Harry Potter and went "Yes, this is The One for me. I so love a challenge" so Severus is feeling thoroughly off-balance for many reasons. Also Lucius is not exactly happy that he crashed someone else's afternoon tea in the garden to thoroughly lose his temper.
"Is he always like that?" Gaunt gestured to Professor Snape and Harry shouting at one another.
"Oh, not really," Ron answered slowly. "I reckon he and Harry bring it out in each other. Like two cats who don't want to share the same space."
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just-kit-ink · 11 months
Ok your answers are AMAZING. They have catapulted me in a Smarty-Pop mood. I'm not feeling too good so I was gonna save reblogging them later. But I knew I had to send this ask in at least.
On the ball! I tried to Google venetian style costumes for Smartass to see what would fit him best. Assuming I git the right time period, I can see him wearing this! Except in his colors and without the mask (and wearing the diamond he may or may not have stolen from a king before Doom hired them all)
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I mean, with how flamboyant his suit is in the movie, I can imagine how his ballroom outfit would look. Good luck getting the other weasels into something this formal, though XD
And Poppy!! She's not only more low-key in general, she also has been starting to get worried about people finding our her identity as the run away lady too (Kitty worrying about people finding out her real identity has made Poppy wonder her own safety as well). So she wouldn't go too all out for her dress. This image was the best example I could find of what I imagine her wearing. Just make the sleeves a bit longer and change the color to a more light dusty rose (she would have just gone for plain white, if she wasn't trying to catch someone's eye ;)). From afar it may look plain, but up close you'd be able to see all the work and talent that was put in the dress.
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Instead of glitter/jewels though, I'm thinking Poppy would have sewn in a more floral pattern? Oh! Maybe even sewn in actual fake flowers in the neckline? Diamonds are more Smartass' thing anyway XD
Can you imagine these two on the dance floor??? He's like a peacock with his apparel, but she's just as stunning with her simple yet elegant look ^^
Ok now that we have clothes out of the way; I'm just imagining these two looking at each other across the ballroom and just being stunned by what they see. Especially Smartass. People move between them, but they only have eyes on each other. Like- like when Sarah and Jareth saw each other during As the Workd Falls Down. Except Smartass' jaw is dropping XD (not that Poppy is so calm herself. She's got nothing but the sounds of her internal screaming echoing in her mind while trying to keep a cool front XD)
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I can see Poppy taking the initiative and making her way to him! Even while he's busy elbowing Greasy for his comment XD If Kitty can go dance with that duke, then she can go ask Smartass if he'd like to dance ^^ But then that stupid knight that has been harassing her this whole time comes over to her and stops her, talking about how beautiful she looks- for a peasent- and expects her to come dance with him. Poppy doesn't want to, of course. The only eyes she wanted on her tonight were the bandit leaders! But he keeps cutting her off, and even tried grabbing her hand when she tried to just slip away.
Smartass sees this when he's done berating Greasy, and storms on over. Not caring if anybody sees because he's had it up to here with that knight now. He might not even bother with words at this point, he's that ticked off. While the knight is recuperating, Smarty grabs Poppys hand, gently despite the hard look in his eyes, and then walks away from the scene, and his patrol position that Doom assigned him, with her. Maybe he asks her himself for a dance, to which Poppy would reply "Yes" all happily and relieved.
Maybe during the dance, they open their hearts to each other more than before. Like Poppy asks him if he could ever love someone who runs from their past, and he asks her why she's so nice even to a rotten bandit like him.
But yeah, that's what's been in my head ever since you answered my ask XD I wish so so badly I had the energy to write this out or could just draw it.
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//I love every part of this! Smartass peacocking, Poppy's understated beauty, Kitty gaining confidence, the knight getting weasel-blocked! 😂 It's all so perfect!
And OOOOH that scene from Labyrinth is actually what I had in mind when I thought of Kitty in a dark fantasy AU! It fits Poppy too! Dark-haired maiden meets mysterious flamboyant man who's part of a magical world and seduces her even though he's on the corrupt end of the moral spectrum.
This is all really well thought out and yes, I am so imagining Smartass in that outfit!
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impofthegasstation · 7 months
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here is a funny little pl oc. uh. more info under cut about himm
basic stuff: he's a young teenager, probably 13? not super sure... he is a guy. he/him. he has albinism (i know his eye colour is unrealistic dw) and he's a bit (incredibly) rude (he's so mean) he's based off spring heeled jack, the old urban legend. he's basically trying to be the sequel lmao.
more detail stuff from here (sorry if any of it is difficult to understand, also it is possible it could change in the future)
he is from a small village which is incredibly superstitious to the point where it affects the everyday life very heavily, he is not superstitious at all though. he is VERY skeptical about everything. these superstitions also ended up affecting him very heavily cuz. he got abandoned by his parents cuz they were scared of him and he ended up being bullied very often by other kids. he's very bitter about all that.
he just had to raise himself, learn everything on his own including stuff about his albinism and how it will affect him, especially since he didn't have any shelter to go to. he never had any friends or anyone who would talk to him in a neutral way, they'd all just mock him or be terrified of him. so he doesn't know how to trust or be kind at all.
he does try to dress as formally as he can, though he's still a dirty ass teen who has no clue how to clean himself. (really wish i was able to show that better in his design but oh well) his clothes are just taken from the trash.
eventually he got really fed up and decided to get revenge on the people by taking full advantage of the village's superstition, by pretending to be an old urban legend - he wouldn't even do any real harm but they'd act like he did! so boom, he's spring heeled jack now and he goes and just. causes mild inconveniences for people and they're fucking shitting themselves. he got pretty athletic because of the entire, 'spring heeled' part. he only ever does it at night, so that it's dark and difficult to see anything. he avoids doing genuinely harmful stuff as much as possible but he'd probably fuck up once or twice because. he has a blow torch or something.. for the fire breathing.
he continues this for literal years and eventually someone in the village sends a letter to the great professor layton and blah blah. layton and luke would have an adventure, iunno where it'd take place in the. time line? is that the word..? anyways, layton would figure out that the scary spooky fucked up gentleman demon is just some kid who's upset and been heavily wronged. jackson would just end up living with layton, because even after the tragic backstory reveal the village would still be scared of him
then like. character arc stuff? iunno, im not that far yet with my thoughts. thanks for reading this tho, feel free to give me ideas if you'd like or whatever. also the name of the game (or ig just his story) would be 'professor layton and the returning legend'
ok bye
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also *lays down on my bed and kicks my feet in the air* tell me more abt the royalty gillvash au. what are the outfits? the drama? is there a ball at any point in the story? a festival????
Girl you know there's a ball AND a festival ! I'm gonna toss all the bullshit in there at some point or another lmao
Lyric is just gonna be the MOST passive aggressive to Vash the like whole time they're partners. He knows he can't outwardly disrespect Vash because the princess would be mad at him, and he's just trying to constantly undermine Vash, make him look bad, box him out, and generally keep him away from the princess where he can, "accidentally" sabatoges him, gives him assignments fucking in the complete opposite direction of where Gill is gonna be for a bit.
Vash and Gill keep getting closer, and they're just the sweetest pair. Like they're Uber polite, Gill with her royal decorum and Vash respecting her as her royal knight protecting her and they're both just generally bby. But yknow, sometimes their hands brush, sometimes he pulls out her chair at her table and his hands linger on the back of their seat and his eyes on her eyes, and like sometimes he is accompanying her on a walk and when there's like a step he offers his hand to help her and they won't release their hold right away and when they do their fingers slide along each other to prolong their brief contact just a little longer there.
And I do have some ideas around a ball right now ! Vash has never learned to dance before but Gill has a lot of lessons, and they're alone in the ballroom like days before it and he expresses that he can't dance properly but it's alright since he's going to be guarding her and won't be dancing anyway, but she tells him that's unacceptable and if he dances with her then he'd technically be guarding her and she offers to teach him how to dance and they dance together in the empty ballroom, no music just the rhythm of their dance echoing in the grand space, their eyes locked, his hand gaining confidence settled on the small of her back, her hand on his chest, and their other hands clasped securely in each other as they dance. And Lyric, coming to find them, sees this. He says nothing, just stares. Silently, within the shadows, his anger brews.
And like the dynamic between the three, Gill and Lyric were kinda raised together, he has noble ancestry, they were allowed to play together as children and there was talk of him being a POSSIBLE candidate for marriage for her and that definitely got into his mind and STAYED. He idolized her, and just completely wrapped her in his mind as someone above the droll of everyone else. To him she is perfect and despite him being a best friend of her's, someone she cherishes, he is always formal with her. That kinda upsets her, she wants to have him be casual with her, that's what she craves it's for more friends to be casual with her. Like in this au, Meryl and Milly are scullery maids and Gill sneaks into where they work often to hang out with them and she gets casual friendship with them, she wants that. She is constantly trying to encourage Lyric to be casual with her but he always refuses and she like smiles about it but like she is upset by him. Then when Vash comes, he starts by acting formal towards her. She soon encourages him to be more casual with her, and it's his ability to do that, gradually in private, that brings them closer and creates a bond between them that Lyric hasn't been able to achieve in the years he's been her constant companion. Lyric hates Vash, but Vash respects Lyric as his superior. He's just a nice guy, though he does start noticing more weird things about him the more he is with him this closely, since he never spent much like time just with him or like close to him before being assigned to this with him and the princess.
And now outfits ! I have some inspirations for each of the versions of this royal au ! 🌸
First, princess Gill. Dresses similar to this.
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Her kingdom's royal knights wear uniforms similar to this. They're in white.
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Prince Vash. Suits like this.
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Bonus, prince Nai. Suits like this.
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Mercenary Gill. She and Lyric dressed a little like not as fancy before being hired as royal bodyguards but then they get fancier clothes as their guards to yknow adhere to royal standards kinda.
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Mercenary Lyric. After getting hired.
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Here's a dress for princess Gill. Like something she'd wear to the ball.
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And a suit for prince Vash. Something he'd wear to the ball.
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[ Formal ] - Dona
It felt really weird to think of his little sister getting married. Like, why? Why marriage?She was almost two years younger than him, and as much as he thought Lee was a nice dude, she hadn't known him long. No one had. All the culty weird shit happening and finally getting her back, and then suddenly arranging a wedding? Well, arranging moss, thanks to Shosh.
He didn't know how he was expected to curate a Southern style environment for her wedding, and he hadn't been given enough time to create a proper ecosystem. What would six more months do? But Shosh was scary when she was mad. Well, she was always a bit scary. Whenever he alluded to how fast everything was happening it seemed like the brunette nearly hexed him through the damn phone.
He knew not everyone was in love with the first girl to talk to them, practically ever, but it all seemed a little bit like a trauma response. For both of them. Since 11, he'd been raised as her big brother, and it was only right that he worry. He knew all about trauma responses. Loxley had been non-verbal for years, and Dona was getting married.
In the end there was nothing he could do. He wasn't going to exclude himself, hurting her further. She had supported him in his quiet trauma. Getting married to a great guy wasn't the worst way this could go.
He kicked off his uncomfortable vegan leather shoes as soon as the ceremony was over. Shosh shot him a fierce look, and instead of shying away like before, Loxley stuck out his tongue. She couldn't do anything to him now, and besides, how was he meant to dance if his feet hurt?
He cried loud and freely at their first dance. A married woman, but Loxley could only see Dona as a girl dressing up and playing pretend. He rubbed his face on his sleeve hastily and pulled Piper out onto the dance floor as soon as he was allowed, followed by Nate, Catelyn, Shosh, and then suddenly everyone.
Soon the dance floor was full and the formal dancing was a little less formal. Everyone clamoured to dance with Dona, but he knew he'd get a chance. He took Catelyn and dipped her, making her laugh and slap him playfully on the chest for daring. "You're behaving! Mostly." She noted his bare feet and he pretended not to notice. "It - it's fun! I'm having fun. He's a great guy." They both looked over at Lee, with his little shy smile. Dona could have done a lot worse.
He danced with Sol next, and then with Nate for a little bit. He actually missed his shoes then, the added height against him felt pretty nice. He finally got around to Lee and gave him a tight hug.
"Are you gunna threaten me... again?" He asked with a guilty look in his eyes. Loxley snorted and squeezed his brother-in-law's cheeks. "Nah. Twenty other people in this room have probably all warned you. I like you Lee! Really! You're my brother now too, and my other brother is that moron over there," He pointed at Jeremy, who was showing a giggling Sonder how to do the chicken dance. "And I'd murder anyone who fucked with that dickhead. You're on the team, bud. Loosen up!" He gave Lee a quick kiss on the cheek and laughed himself stupid at the look he was given in response. Getting to know that kid was gunna be a hoot.
He swept Piper up around her waist and pulled her into a quick but passionate kiss. She looked almost as surprised as Lee had looked a moment ago. "Oh shit! I'm glad that was you! The champagne is making people awfully kissy." She laughed, and he joined her, his lips shadowing hers until their laughing bubbled between kisses.
He felt Dona wander up behind him, and he leaned to the side to listen to what she had to say. "I'm about to throw the bouquet at her, Loxley Blair Lockhart. Seriously!" Loxley made a high pitched whining to try and drown her out and Dona matched his pitch in a playful teasing-my-sibling harmony.
He turned back to Piper giggling and her cheeks red with more than drunken blushing, so she had definitely heard. He took a hold of her cheeks in his hands and started apologise over and over but stopped in his tracks to give a wild look. "This is like, really fun though, and not as scary as I expected..." Piper had always been the girl he'd been scared to ask too much of in case he scared her off, but she returned his gaze with an equally excited one. "Shhhhhhhh!! We'll talk about it later... but yeah, it is!"
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weepinglevi · 3 years
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jean kirstein as your 1920s servant
summary: 1920s!jean as a servant (footman) and his adventures (he also has adventures with the earl's daughter) warnings: nsfw in the end, and also somehow a bit angsty? don't ask me how that made it's way in. overuse of the word "milady" (i can't even say i'm sorry about this) word count: around 950 A/N: i've been watching downton abbey again. this is a mess and i don't even know if you can call this headcanons or a drabble or an imagine - let's just say it's a bit of everything. i will probably come back to this idea, too. not proofread so if you find any glaring mistakes don't be afraid to point them out! i hope you enjoy reading this just as much as i enjoyed writing it! feedback is greatly appreciated and take care. xx
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first of all, he'd look absolutely fine in his livery. the striped waistcoat and coat tails making him seem even taller than he already is, the proud stance whenever he serves breakfast makes you think he’s waiting on the king and queen – not some earl and countess.
fine as heck in his normal clothes, too. a snug fitted corduroy suit with flap pockets being one of his most prized possessions, it’s not even second-hand. he tries to look put together but there’s always some part of his shirt not properly tucked in and his hair sticks out in weird ways at the end of the day – all the pomade in the world can’t help him, though he tries.
he gets in trouble with the butler more often than not. flirting with the kitchen maids even though he should be upstairs, waiting on the lords and ladies, has gotten him smacked over the head more than once. it’s one of the reasons as to why he simply can’t climb up the servant’s ladder – he just likes to have his fun sometimes, ya know? loves hearing the girls giggle at his compliments, too.
on his days off, he’ll take one of them to the pictures. pay for her ticket and let her have a fun time, be a full-on gentleman and bring them back to the estate just in time. he’d never take it any further than that, though. he doesn’t want to get them into actual trouble and with the eyes of the housekeeper lurking around every corner, he’ll settle for a small peck on the cheeks. they squeal anyways, hurrying off to the servant’s quarters to tell their friends all about the evening.
he knows how to drive, too. he’s not good at it, though, and is only allowed to drive if there’s absolutely no other option. whenever her ladyship hears the chauffeur fell ill, she’ll always opt out of driving and take the carriage instead. jean’s just too hot-headed to work his way around the engine and he’s embarrassed to admit but; he’s had a slip of his tongue more than once in front of the lords and ladies because of his rage.
in the evenings, he plays snap with the other footmen and hallboys – always causing a ruckus in the servant’s hall which has him getting in trouble yet again. at this point the others wonder as to why he hasn’t been kicked out like a dog, the butler seems to be on his last nerves with him. they don’t know about his little secret, though – you.
he made eyes on you the first lunch he served on you and your family, practically gawking. thankfully nobody but you noticed, and you made sure to keep it that way. if your father only as much as suspected someone making advances on one of his daughters, that someone would be out of work in a matter of seconds. and you couldn’t have that.
you knew of the trouble the two of you could get yourself into but this didn’t deter you from your plan to have him. maybe it was your rebellious side finally acting up, wanting to break free from the heavy confines of your life – but mostly it was because of the way jean carried himself through the corridors of your home; as if he wasn’t a servant. as if he was head of the house.
you called him jean instead of the formal “kirstein” the first time you spoke to him in private, having him blush and shift on his feet. he didn’t know how to handle himself around you at first, but you knew your way around his defenses – how to make him know that it’d be alright if you and him were to come closer.
it’s been a year since you first shared a hurried kiss in the drawing room and after that you needn’t ask him twice to join you late at night in your bedroom.
he’s cockier now, slipping through your door and getting rid of his suit on the way to your bed – both of you know there isn’t much time until dawn breaks and the other servants would wake up to get the fires started. he had to be gone by then.
pulling the heavy drapes of your four-poster bed shut behind him, he’s already pushing up your nightgown, causing your skin to grow warm under his touch.
this is how you got here, having him breathe “milady” against the crook of your neck as he’s buried deep inside of you, never daring to call you by your first name; no matter how many times you asked him to.
you know he’s had many other women but you couldn’t care less, pulling him in even closer until he is flush against you, trying to drink in his recklessness – his freedom and his pride.
coming undone under him, he is soon to follow, rutting against you desperately. “milady, milady, milady,” an answer to your whispered “jean.”
having him rest on your chest like this, air heavy with his and your scent, you try to imagine a world where the two of you could live a life out in the open. playing with his hair, you make a face as he starts to move away from you.
“you know it’s not possible,” being the only thing that leaves his lips as he opens the drapes again, soft light of the candles illuminating his features as he gets dressed and sends a glance over his shoulder, “goodnight, milady.”
“goodnight, kirstein.”
his expression turns sour at the sound of his last name out of your mouth, but he nods and leaves through your door without another word.
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taglist: @deludedimagines @aotwrites @peachysimp @blondeboyfriend @odmlevis @bellasw4an @jeageristbaby @starrynightlys (i hope u are ok with me tagging you, claire ahah) wanna be tagged in my next work? fill out this form. addendum: i know this thing is impossible to happen - an earl's daughter frolicking around with a footman for over a year without being caught or even falling pregnant but PLEASE. footman jean. that's all i need.
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latte-fairytaekwoon · 4 years
Seeing Their Crush Half Dressed
Kim Hongjoong:
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Hongjoong was lost for sure. He didn't understand why. As an idol, he should remember his way backstage where they hold the Music Bank performances.
"Fuck......where is it?"
He scratched the back of his head, trying to remember where Ateez' waiting room was. He kept walking until he finally reached a door that he felt was familiar. Without thinking too much he opened it and widened his eyes. It definitely wasn't his waiting room. It was your group's waiting room and you were currently in the process of putting on your stage outfit. You both just stood there, too stunned to say anything.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry Y/N-shii! I was looking for my dressing room!" He finally found his voice.
You simply chuckled and quickly threw on your shirt.
"Stop the formality, we're friends you know. I'm glad it was you and not someone else who bursted in."
Hongjoong let out an awkward laugh before saying sorry again and closing the door. Once alone, he face palmed himself and dragged it down his face.
"Hongjoong you stupid idiot!"
Park Seonghwa:
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Seonghwa just wanted to watch his currently favorite drama that he was hooked on. Except the 99 liners decided to hog up the tv and he was mad. Then he remembered you lived right next door. Why not just go over and watch it with you? It gives him time to spend time with you as well. Win win situation if you asked him.
He texted you and you of course told him to just walk in. You underestimated how long he'd take though, and he came faster than you thought. So when he walked into your living room, you were still in your workout attire, and it wasn't exactly much either.
"I brought you the gummy bears you-"
Seonghwa sucked in a breath when he saw what you were wearing, his mouth dropping as he stared at your body.
"What?" You asked as you took in his reaction.
He simply pointed to your clothes.
"I was exercising. Geez no need to make a big deal out of it." You rolled your eyes.
Seonghwa snapped back.
"Oh no! Don't take it the wrong way! It's just.... your body...."
You raised an eyebrow at him. "What about it?"
"It's just.........Wow! Amazing!" He giggled.
Jeong Yunho:
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It was Yunho's day off and he decided to spend it at a sauna to relax after working for long hours. Mingi decided to join him as usual. It was all fun between them, just laughing and joking amongst themselves. Mingi was definitely teasing him about his crush on you, which Yunho could only blush at his comments.
After a bit, they decided it was time to leave. Yunho walked out of the sauna room first, Mingi staying for just another minute. Upon walking out, the door to the sauna room next to his opened as well and you walked out.
"Yunho?" You asked, surprised to see him there.
He was shook to find you there, and even more since you were wearing nothing, only towel draped over your body to cover you. He felt his face getting hot and then he remembered that he himself only had a towel tied around his waist.
"So nice seeing you here. Maybe I'll see you some other time." You smiled and waved goodbye to him.
Yunho chuckled nervously and waved to you, not knowing what to say. Right at that moment, Mingi came out and took in Yunho's state.
"What's with you? You're acting stupid. Like the kind of stupid you get around Y/N, but 5 times worse"
Kang Yeosang:
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You often spent time at Ateez' dorm cause of Wooyoung, he became your friend and he loved having you over, partly because he enjoyed your company and partly cause he knew of Yeosang's crush on you. So of course, he liked torturing the poor boy by making him flustered by your presence.
On a particular day, you accidentally spilled your drink on your shirt and Wooyoung offered you one of his shirts, and left you in his room to change. Except Yeosang didn't know about this, and it was his room too. So he went looking for something and found you topless.
"Oh my God! I'm so sorry!"
He didn't wait to see your reaction. He just covered his face and slammed the door behind him, too shocked to say anything. He ran into the living room, where Wooyoung was and judging from his friend's face, he could guess what happened. Wooyoung started laughing at him.
"Warn a guy you imbecile!" Yeosang threw a cushion at him and made his way to the kitchen.
Once alone though, he replayed your image in his head and giggled softly. He's not totally regretting it.
Choi San:
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By no means was this an accident, coincidence or simple unfortunate circumstance. Nope. San knew what he was doing and he was not regretting any second of it. He simply saw the opportunity and decided to take it.
The boys were spending time at your place. You were all planning on watching movies the entire night. Sometime during one of the movies, you got up and decided to change into something more comfy. That's when the light bulb switched in San's brain.
"I'm going to the bathroom." He announced, not that anyone was paying attention.
Instead of the bathroom though, he curbed his way to your bedroom door before smirking to himself. Putting on an innocent expression, he opened your door and walked in on you in just your underwear.
"Choi San!" You exclaimed as you covered yourself.
"I thought you were done!" He said while faking a shocked look.
"Get out!" You yelled as you threw the nearest article of clothing to him, which he dodged.
"Ok ok!"
He closed the door and walked back into the living room, a tiny smirk on his lips.
"You're a perv." Seonghwa told him.
Song Mingi:
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This day could not get worse for Mingi. First he woke up late for practice, then he kept messing up at said practice, which resulted in him having to stay extra time at the studio to make up for his mistakes. And now he's lived one of the biggest embarrassments of his life.
It wasn't your fault. He didn't know your plumbing was being fixed and San offered to let you shower in their bathroom. He also forgot to mention that to Mingi when he came home. So naturally when he walked into the bathroom, he was not expecting to see a half naked you in front of him.
You both yelled. Mingi slammed the door closed and ran back to where San was, who upon hearing the commotion, realized he messed up.
"Ooops. Forgot to tell you about-"
"Yeah I noticed." Mingi cut him off.
Mingi sighed and slumped his tall body next to San, feeling so embarrassed.
"How am I ever going to be able to look at them in the face after I saw them half naked?"
San patted his friend's back. "Come on, it's not so bad..... I've seen them completely naked and I can still look at them."
Mingi whipped his head up at San's confession. "You what?!"
Jung Wooyoung:
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Feeling bored and wanting to go out, the boys dragged you to the mall with them. They were so excited to get out and enjoy the world, not to mention they all wanted to buy things for themselves. So there you were, watching them all try on clothes and endlessly asking you for your fashion input.
Hongjoong couldn't stand to see you sitting there though. He picked out a few things for you to try on as well, secretly hoping you'd get them so he could customize them for you. So you went inside one of the dressing rooms to try them on. Wooyoung had been looking for his jacket though, which he misplaced.
"Maybe you left it in one of the dressing rooms." Mingi suggested to him.
Wooyoung thought that everybody was done trying on clothes though. That's why he didn't know you were currently in the one he just casually walked into.
"Holy Jesus!" Wooyoung screeched when he saw you half naked.
"Haven't you heard of knocking?!" You yelled as you pushed him out and slammed the door.
Wooyoung walked back to where Mingi was.
"What happened?" Mingi asked, noticing how awkward Wooyoung looked.
Wooyoung looked at the taller male and smiled. "Nothing that I regret."
Choi Jongho:
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You were planning a trip to the beach with your family. You were so excited to see them after so long, and even more to see your favorite cousin, whom you were currently texting. Both of you were swimsuit shopping and trying to get each other's opinion on what to get and what looked better on you both.
Unfortunately for you, you weren't really paying attention when you sent a picture of yourself in a very revealing swimsuit to Jongho instead of your cousin.
Y/N: So what do you think? Do you like it?
Jongho dropped his phone when he saw your text, fanning his face that was getting hotter by the second.
Jongho: I mean..... I do?
You screamed when you realized your mistake.
Y/N: Oh my God! Jongho I'm so sorry! I was trying to send that to my cousin! :(
Jongho: It's ok. Don't worry :)
Out of respect for you, he quickly deleted the picture, only thing left was the memory of your body now engraved in his mind.
"Damn are they hot though." He said to himself.
Gifs not mine, credit goes to their respective owners.
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itsadamcole · 4 years
under the mistletoe
fem!reader x nick jackson
reader and Nick have had feelings for each other for years, and neither have admitted it. Until the two find themselves under the mistletoe ... “did you just kiss me?”
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word count: 3k+
warnings: fluffy, nick being cute. a little bit of drinking
— day 5. let’s gooo —
masterlist || request an imagine here
You're on the phone with your best friend as you get dressed to go to his house for the annual Jackson Christmas party.
It's a party that Matt and Nick Jackson throw every year, and you've gone every year since they started throwing the party. Their family is invited. Both their families, their blood family and their wrestling family.
You've known Matt and Nick Jackson since June 2016, when the three of you were in Ring of Honor together. You signed with ROH and the first people you met were Matt, Nick, Kenny Omega, Adam Cole, Adam Page, and Cody Rhodes while they were backstage waiting for their segment to start. Kenny wasn't in Bullet Club yet but he was good friends with everyone in the group. Nick was the first person in the group to talk to you.
"Hey, I've never seen you around here," Nick said to you. "You new?"
You smiled and teased him saying, "Maybe. Who's asking? I'm not talking to someone important, am I?"
"You're only talking to a member of the greatest faction in ROH history," Nick said, teasing you back. "Nick Jackson, former ROH World Tag Team Champion." He held out his hand and you shook it.
Smiling, you said, "Y/N L/N, former NWA World Women's Champion."
And that was the beginning of a friendship that's lasted almost five years. You've become close to Nick, Matt, Kenny, Cole, Page, and Cody. You were thinking about forming a new faction with them before Cole left ROH in 2017 to go to NXT. Then the Young Bucks, Kenny, Adam Page, and Cody all signed to AEW. You joined them in AEW, where you're the number one contender for Hikaru Shida's AEW Women's World Championship.
Nick, who's on the phone with you now, asks, "What color are you wearing tonight? It's for science class."
Laughing, you say, "You haven't had a science class in years. Silver, by the way." You're tying the halter top of your dress behind your neck.
The dress you're wearing is silver, obviously. From the waist up is tight, hugging your muscular figure. There's a sparkly design on the top and the neck dips down, revealing the smallest amount of cleavage. The ties to tie the halter top are made of sheer silver fabric. The skirt flares out and ends right above your knees. The whole dress is satin.
"Gotcha," Nick says. "So I'll wear a black suit with a silver tie."
Since you've been invited to the annual Jackson Christmas party, you and Nick have always found some way to match each other while matching that year's theme. This year is formal attire, meaning the women wear dresses and the men wear suits or at least a tie. Last year was ugly sweaters, so you and Nick wore matching ugly Christmas sweaters.
You do your makeup at your desk. Your phone sits on speaker as you do a silver smokey eye look with a dark red lip.
A door opens on the other line and Matt, Nick's older brother, says, "Let me guess. Y/N is wearing something silver."
Nick laughs and says, "Maybe. She's on the phone."
Matt says, "Hi, Y/N. You on your way yet?"
"I'm finishing up my makeup then I am leaving," you giggle. "You two won't have to go much longer without seeing me."
Nick says, "Hurry up, Y/N.
"Makeup is art, Mr. Jackson. It takes more than a few minutes to do," you say, smiling. "I'll be there in a few minutes."
Your best friend laughs and says, "Well, you're only like five minutes away so I expect to see you in about ten."
Finally finishing your makeup, you say, "Make that seven. I'm leaving in two minutes. See you soon."
"Bye, Y/N," Nick says, hanging up the phone.
Just the thought of seeing Nick in a suit makes the butterflies flutter in your stomach. Nick has always looked handsome in a suit and it's honestly making you very excited that you get to see him in a suit tonight, especially in a suit with a tie that matches your dress.
After putting on a pair of three-inch heels, you take your phone and clutch before leaving your penthouse apartment just outside of Jacksonville. The Young Bucks don't live that far away. They don't live together because they have their own families but they live close together too. Within a block or two of each other. You live about three miles away. It's a five-minute drive so you get in your 2-year-old Toyota Corolla and drive to Nick's house.
The drive is extremely short as you try and calm your nerves. You're excited to see Nick but you're nervous about what he'll think of the dress.
You've had feelings for Nick for years. You've never told him. You know he doesn't feel the same way about you. He's had girlfriends, quite a few over the past four years, so if he had any feelings for you then he'd have told you by now.
After you get out of the car, after parking it in the driveway of Nick's house, you walk up to his front door. You knock and wait for someone to open the door.
Matt answers the door. He wears a crazy Christmas suit. You laugh. "Look at you," you say. "Does Dana mind the crazy outfit?"
"She offered to take care of the kids this year at our place," he says. "So she has no idea until someone posts a picture on Instagram or any other social media."
Laughing again, you walk inside.
Matt closes the door behind you and yells, "Nick! Your girlfriend is here!"
Nick calls, "Mel's here?"
You raise your eyebrows at Nick's brother and ask, "Who's Mel?"
"This girl that Nick's talking to," Matt says. "Don't tell Dana but she's kinda hot."
You feel your heart sink into your stomach and all you can say is, "Oh."
Nick walks into the living room and Matt's eyes widen. You blink at Matt as Nick says, "I hope I didn't keep you waiting too long, Y/N. Cole and his boys are on their way. Kenny, Page, and Cody are already drinking all my alcohol in the kitchen. Everyone else will be here shortly."
You look over at Nick and smile. He looks really hot in that suit. He smiles at you. "You look good in the silver tie," you say, trying not to let what Matt said affect you. "Matches me."
Nick laughs and says, "That is kind of the point. We always match."
He hugs you and presses a kiss to the top of your head. Matt looks between the two of you before he says, "I'm gonna make sure that Kenny, Page, and Cody are doing okay." He leaves.
You watch Matt walk away and Nick asks, "What's up with him? He always stays and talks.
"Don't know," you say. "Anyway, I was told that you were talking to someone. Who is she? Tell me!"
Nick laughs and says, "Her name is Mel. She's nice, and hot. I just don't know how I feel about her."
"I should meet her," you say. "The best friend always meets the new girlfriend first."
Nick laughs again and says, "Yeah, that's true."
Matt calls from the kitchen, "Y/N! Come here!"
"I'll be right back," you say to Nick before walking off to the kitchen.
In the kitchen are Matt, Kenny, Adam Page, Cody, and Brandi Rhodes. You approach the group and ask, "Yes?"
The older Jackson says, "So, tell me something, Y/N. How long have you had some kind of feelings for my brother?"
You blink at Matt and say, "I don't."
"That's such bull," Kenny says. "I see it. The rest of us see it."
Matt says, "When I told you about Mel, all you said was 'oh' and your face just completely fell, Y/N."
You cross your arms over your chest and say, "That doesn't mean that I have feelings for him, Matt."
Cody asks, "You haven't told him, have you?"
You shake your head, defeated. Everyone already knows so you say, "Any time I try or I get the chance to, he tells me he's talking to someone new. He has no idea."
Matt says, "Tonight's the night. I know it is."
You start to walk away, wanting to be done with this conversation, and say, "Yeah, right."
You approach Nick in the living room talking to Adam Cole and his Undisputed Era boys. Nick looks over at you and smiles. "Hey," he says. "What did Matt want?"
"He wanted my opinion on the gift he got you for tonight," you lie.
Cole says, "I hope you gave a good opinion on what Matt got his brother." The group kind of laughs.
You smile and say, "I definitely did." There's a knock on the door. "I'll go get that. You guys keep this conversation going."
Nick goes back to talking to the boys and you go answer the door.
When you answer the door, you're greeted by a beautiful girl with long brown hair and hazel eyes. She's wearing a red satin strapless dress. It's short. The skirt ends about halfway down her thighs.
"Hi," she says cheerfully. "I'm Mel. Is Nick Jackson here?"
You give her a kind smile and say, "Yeah. He's in the living room. Silver tie."
She thanks you and walks inside. You shut the door and watch as she embraces Nick, hugging him and kissing him.
After watching that, you walk into the kitchen, rejoining Matt, Kenny, Page, Cody, and Brandi. "I need a drink," you announce. "Like pronto."
Page says, "I can help with that."
More and more people make their way into the house. The lights all come on and Christmas music is being played from a stereo in the living room.
Wrestlers from AEW, WWE, ROH, and other promotions all attend the party. Members of Nick and Matt's family attend as well.
It's about nine, and the party has been going for about two hours now. You're standing in the doorway of the kitchen from the dining room. People are scattered all throughout the house but these two rooms are the least crowded.
You watch Nick and his new girlfriend as they laugh and talk in the kitchen. You sip your drink and can't help but be a little jealous.
While you've been distancing yourself from Nick, he's also made no efforts to talk to you.
Matt walks up and stands beside you as you take a sip of your class of whiskey. "I hope you realize that you're standing under the mistletoe," he says. You glance up and take another sip.
"Well, look at that," you say. "I'm under the mistletoe with no one to kiss."
Both of you laugh and Matt says, "Well, there's one person we both know you'd rather be standing under the mistletoe with. I think he name starts with N and ends with a K."
You sigh at the mention of Nick and say, "He hasn't even tried to talk to me. Like, I might be keeping my distance a bit but he hasn't even checked in on me like he usually does. And we're matching." You pout.
An idea pops into Matt's mind and he says, "I'll be right back." He walks into the kitchen. You watch as he says something to Nick and Mel then leads Mel away. Nick approaches you.
"Hey," he says, leaning against the doorframe opposite you. "You doing okay? I know we haven't been talking as much as we normally do at these thing."
You force a smile and say, "I'm doing fine. I've just been kind of hanging around with Brandi, Britt, and Marina."
Nick smiles and says, "Well, Mel's been wanting for formally meet you. I've been telling her stories about our promos and the they wanted us to be in rival factions in ROH. Plus, I've been kind of introducing her to a lot of people here since she doesn't really know a lot of people. I hope you understand that since you know a lot of people."
That's true and a very valid excuse. You can't complain about that. That thought never even crossed your mind. Mel isn't a wrestler like the other girls that Nick has dated. She may know names but has never met anyone here.
"Yeah," you say. "Of course I understand. I know a lot of people and I'm friends with a lot of people here."
Your best friend says, "I knew you'd understand. Now, how about we go meet Mel. How does that sound?"
You nod, glancing above you at the mistletoe.
Nick starts to walk away. The alcohol you've been drinking gives you enough courage to say, "Hey, Nick? Wait a second."
He turns and looks back at you. You grab his hand and pull him back under the mistletoe. "What's up?" he asks.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you get on your toes and kiss Nick. Your lips brush against his, unsure of the kiss. You gain some courage and kiss him harder.
The kiss lasts for about two seconds before Nick pulls back. Your eyes search his for any emotion as he asks, "Did you just kiss me?"
"Mistletoe," is all you say. "Look up."
Your best friend looks up and spots the mistletoe. He smiles and says, "Oh."
Anxiety starts to rise within you as you meet Nick's eyes. He leans down and his lips meet yours. You're confused but you kiss him back.
Nick's hands move so they're on your cheeks, cupping your face. You grab a fistful of Nick's suit jacket and he presses you against the doorframe.
Your lips move slowly against Nick's, enjoying the moment. Your heart races in your chest as you realize that this is actually happening. This is a real thing now. Everything you've felt for Nick coming out into the open.
There's a whistle and you look into the kitchen, seeing Kenny, Adam Page, Cody, Brandi, and Britt looking at you and Nick.
"I, um," you stammer. "I need to go get some fresh air." You leave the house from the back door. You step out onto the back deck, which is lit up by a few string of lights above the deck.
You lean against the railing and look out over the backyard. There's a pool and a wrestling ring. A forrest sits beyond the backyard.
You kissed Nick and he kissed you. He kissed back. He's talking to someone and he kissed you while Mel was in the other room.
The door opens behind you and you look back to see Nick. You sigh and say, "I overstepped my boundaries. I know that. I'm sorry."
It's quiet until Nick says, "She left. Mel, I mean. I told her that it was nice to know her and that she's a nice girl, but I also told her that I think I have feelings for someone else."
You raise your eyebrows and you turn around. Nick's about five feet away from you. "So you gave her the speech," you say, teasing Nick.
He laughs and says, "I gave her the speech, yeah." You smile. "Now, here I am. Finally telling you how I feel about you. I like you, Y/N. I have for years. All those girls, I was with them to maybe distract myself from you because you're too damn good for me and I know you don't have feelings for me."
You smile and get flustered as you say, "I never said that I don't have feelings for you, Nick. Actually, it's the opposite. I've liked you since pretty much the day we met. I was almost jealous of all those girls you were talking to or dated. Scratch that, I was jealous of all those girls you talked to or dated because I wish I was them."
A wide smile forms on Nick's lips and he says, "All this time, I could have asked you out and been with you but instead I dated around."
You giggle, "You should have talked to me."
Nick walks up to you and says, "I really should have."
His hands cup your face and he pulls you into a passionate kiss. You smile into the kiss and put your hands on Nick's chest. He smiles against your lips as he slowly pulls back from the kiss.
Your eyes meet Nick's and he asks, "What does this mean for us? We'll never be the same after tonight."
"I want you," you say, staring up at Nick. "Do you want me?"
Nick smiles and nods. "Yeah, I do," he says. "I really want you."
Smiling, you say, "Then I'm yours. All yours. I've always been yours, Nick."
He leans down and kisses you again. His arms wrap around your waist and he lifts you up, spinning you around with your lips on his. You giggle into the kiss.
"Holy shit," you hear from the sliding back door. "It looks like it finally happened."
Nick pulls back and looks behind you. You turn around, standing beside Nick. His left arm is around your shoulder.
Matt, Kenny, Adam Page, Cody, Brandi, Adam Cole, and Britt all stand at the door. Matt has a huge smile on his face. "It did finally happen, didn't it?" the older Jackson asks.
You look up at Nick and he nods. "It finally happened," he says, looking down at you.
"Thank God," Kenny says. "It's about time. We all knew this would happen eventually and it finally freaking happened."
Nick's cheeks get red and you smile. "Guys, stop," you giggle. "Nick's getting all flustered."
Matt smiles and says, "Aw. Nicky's blushing."
You look up at Nick and you say, "It's kind of cute."
His cheeks get even more red and he tries to hide. You reach up and wrap your arms around his neck, and he hides his face in yours. The group laughs and you walk inside, rejoining the party.
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krazy-kipo · 4 years
Being Scarlemagnes Friend
~ He's a lonely mute. He has a ton of abandonment issues and because of this he's very needy in the friendship.
~ His phermones don't work on you for some odd reason. He decides it's destiny and you become his Royal Advisor. You should be proud. You're the only human with that title and he reminds you of this. All the time. It's a little tedious. You don't know if it's some kind of weird power threat or if he thinks this is genuine good news and likes to remind you so you remeber how unlucky you are.
~ He is very clingy. Always wants to hold your hand or hang onto your arm. He always has you close and within grabbing reach. When he's pouty about something he'll pull you in for a backwards hug and whine. While your walking he'll drape an arm around you and pull you into his side. Your always near and if he gets angry your the thing he grabs for to calm down.
~ Scarlemagne takes your opinions and thoughts very seriously. Your his Royal advisor so he at least makes an effort to listen to you even if he dosen't understand or like it. He also spoils you. If you want something he'll get it for you. Only the best for his noble friend.
~ He loves driving you around in his flamingo car. He finds it very fancy and regal and as a king he should have fancy regal things. Scarlemagne laughs hysterically as he flies around having the time of his life. He enjoys your company and flies you over beautiful places. He's always so excited to show you pretty landscapes and finds himself grinning like a fool when you enjoy yourself. He loves exploring! His favorite is parking up on tall mountains or broken buildings and just talking. Out here away from the world he can truly be himself without judgment.
~ He's a king and always looks amazing. As such since you are his friend you must always look amazing too. He enjoys hunting for clothes through destroyed stores and making outfits for you. Everyone else wears the same boring thing with a mask but he makes sure you always stand out. He takes care to chose things in your style that he knows you'll like. Dresses or suits are suggested but not forced on you. Though he must insist you wear formal wear at his fancy balls. Otherwise your free to do wear whatever you chose.
~ He's very bad at saying when somethings really bothering him. He's loud and isn't afraid to share his opinions but when it comes to deeper issues or when you've done something that's hurt him even unintentionally he's not good at telling you. As his friend you have to be caring and kind and patient and hopefully Scarlemagne will pick up on that someday and mimic what you do. Look he really t r i e s. He's just so used to taking what he wants. So used to people hurting him. But with you he wants to make you happy and keep a healthy relationship he's just not good at addressing things that need to be talked about seriously. You're wearing a shirt he thinks is hideous? Easy for him to point out. You did something that hurt his feelings? He'll need some prompting from your end to tell you somethings wrong.
~ Scarlemagne likes playing music for you. It's calming not to play in front of an audience and just have someone to relax and talk too. He enjoys sharing ideas with you and having you sit next to him as he plays masterpieces or brainstorms new new melodies. The way your eyes light up as you watch him makes him happy.
~ He also loves having you in the room as he paints. He enjoys talking and having casual conversation as he guides his brush across the canvas. There's something so soothing about having you with him. You become a form of constant support and kindness and that shows in his attitude towards others as he begins becoming kinder himself.
~ Scarlemagne when in thought can be scary. He gets very quiet and he gets an intense look on his face. He doesn't mean to be off putting but he's very scary whether he's trying to be or not. He gets frustrated if you act scared of him but really he's just hurt and doesn't know how to tell you. Please tell him your still friends.
~ You forget because he's never hurt you at least not on purpose but Scarlemagne is kind of sadistic. Sometimes the way he treats his subjects is very off putting. Gently remind him that humans like you need plenty of rest lots of water and food. Over time he'll become less of a tyrannical dictator and more of a civil ruler.
~ That being said his sadistic tendicies especially show if anyone hurts you. Accidentally or not they are quickly and brutually dealt with. He knows you don't really like the whole killing and blood thing but your his friend and other mutes need to know your his and therefore you are protected. He always deals with these things when your not around.
~ Not good at apologizing or admitting he was wrong. Will scream in arguments and get very frustrated if you disagree with him on something he finds important. He always feels bad and showers you with gifts. He gives you gifts like this in general but you'll notice the gifts get more extravagant or rare as an apology. Still won't actually apologize despite trying to make it right.
~ He's petty as fuck. There's no getting around this. He adores and loves you but he'll ignore you for an entire week for no reason other than you forgot to say bless you after he sneezed or something.
~ He really loves playing with your hair. Something about it is really fun. He'd love if you play with his furr. Craves the touch. Teaches you to braid if you don't know how. He gets excited and shows you different styles so you can do them to him.
~ He likes playing in general actually. Loves boardgames and books. If you win he can get a bit grumpy but he ignores it. He only has the smartest friend after all. Of course they beat him! He loves reading to you or sharing books with you. He enjoys reading and has a vast provate library he only lets the two of you use. He would love it if your read to him.
~ He's not the best friend out there but he adores you and does his best. Your life is spent in luxury in his castle. You're safe, fed, and are given luxuries few can imagine. Scarlemagne treasures you as his friend and it shows. 💕
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The Only Hope
Pairing: Harry Styles x OC
Warnings: post apocalyptic,
Summary: The world as everyone knew it, ended December 31, 2020 when Nuclear War finally happened. Harry Styles and several other celebs were able to hide out in bunkers away from the chaos in cryo-chambers, not aging, not changing for ten years. When Harry finally awakes he thinks he's alone, but shadows move around him and a new order, Selah's Gate, has taken over.
A/N: Inspired by the album 'Danger Days' by My Chemical Romance and their song 'Destroya' in particular
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Anne was nervous, twisting her wedding ring round on her finger as she looked at the chamber Harry was urging her into.
"I don't know about this Love."
"We don't have time mum."
The emergency sirens had been blaring for a half hour, ever since the news footage had showed the Nucs being launched. People all over the world were running scared. This was it, it was happening.
"It doesn't feel right." She said again. Harry gave his mom a pleading look.
Elites had been buying these cryo chambers for years in the case of an event like this. It was why Harry had had the bunker built beneath the house in the first place. Since he'd come to be a celebrity there had always been whispers and rumors of the end, and if you could afford to save yourself and those you love, you would wouldn't you.
Harry turned his gaze to Gemma. He had bought three chambers, one for each of them. Gemma reached out, touching her mother gently.
"Harry did this for us mum."
"But what about the others....all the people who won't survive?" Harry shook his head. He was always about treat people with kindness, but in this instance....family first. "People will die Harry. Are you willing to live with that once we wake?" Harry felt tears in his eyes, he swallowed the knot in his throat and looked her in the eye.
"Yes.....if it means saving you."
10 years later
Fallon felt the buggy catch air as she drove up and over the hill. It was hot, just like every other day, not a cloud in the sky and no sign of rain.
She couldn't remember the last time it had actually rained in Selah. Probably before the bombs dropped, there was a rumor about a place North called 'Eden' where it always rained and was always green. When the dust cleared after the bombs hit the first thing to go was all the water bottles, water was hoarded unless you found an underground spring somewhere you could stock up on.
She parked the buggy outside of the remains of the crumbling mansion. She had been coming here for weeks, scrounging and taking what was still in good shape to sell at the local market.
Most of the actual building was gone. But the main area was still in tact. She stepped over bricks and mortar as she made her way into the house once more.
Sometimes she would close her eyes and imagine what it must have been like to live here, then she shakes her head. Being wealthy is what destroyed the world,.wealth and the greed that came along with it.
She was searching what must have formally been a bedroom when she saw the airtight door in the ground. It was silver and covered in dust from the sandy air.
"What the hell?" She knelt down, twisting the heavy door. It came open with a hiss, she grabbed her flashlight, shining it down into the darkness, a ladder leading the way down.
It was a good ten feet to the bottom. Fallon landed hard on the concrete, it sent vibrations through her feet and up her legs, but she dusted herself off and shined her flashlight into the small room.
She was surprised to find three cryo chambers, the beds the wealthy had used to protect themselves from the blast, another reason former wealthy people no longer survived in this life. They were cowards. Selfish. Masters of the universe. Not anymore.
Two of them stood open, whomever had been in them, long gone by now. But the last one was sealed and has remained that way.
Fallon walked up to the chamber, shining her flashlight on the face of the person inside. As much as she was disgusted by the privileged of the former world, she'd be crazy to deny how attractive this man was.
He had golden brown curls and a face that reminded her of the old paintings of Adonis or Apollo. He was very handsome. She reached for the handle, unsealing the chamber, the door opened with a soft hiss and Fallon took a step back, reaching for the gun in her holster.
Harry gasped, feeling himself come back to consciousness, his body felt heavy. He wiped his eyes with the back of his hand, jerking forward when he realized what had happened and wondering if his mom and sister were still asleep. Had they awakened him?
When he looked up, stepping out of the cryo chamber it wasn't his mother or his sister who greeted him.
The girl was dressed in rags, a pair of goggles sat firmly on her dark hair, which was pulled back in two space bins, tight and perfect, save for the few places little hairs blew easily in the breeze, she had dark eyes, that stared through him. He realized moments later she held a weapon, pointed right at him.
"Who are you?" She demanded. Harry was slightly offended, this was his house. But she did have the gun. He raised his hands.
"I'm Harry....who are you?" He asked. She only scoffed. "What is the year?" He asked, genuinely confused. It was all a head rush.
"It's February 2030." Harry sucked in his breath harshly. Ten years. He'd been asleep for ten fucking years. He cleared his throat, pointing to the two chambers behind him.
"The women....the women who were in these....where are they?" Fallon lowered the gun slightly, the panic in his voice and fear in his eyes calling to her compassion.
"I....I'm sorry Harry....no one was here but you."
The world slows down, a sharp pain riding up his thighs as his knees hit the concrete floor. He can see the girl, her lips moving but no sound, his ears were ringing and his heart was breaking. He didn't save them....he couldn't save them. He buried his face in his hands, sobbing hard.
Fallon wasn't sure what to do. She hated him. She had to. He had obviously been wealthy in the previous life. But now he just looked sad and pathetic.
She knelt down, pulling back when Harry flinched as she touched his shoulder. He looked up at her through glassy eyes. It was the first time she could see them. Beautiful, green, he had really pretty eyes.
"I shouldn't do this....I could get in a lot of trouble but....come with me." She took his hand, pulling him to his feet and towards the exit. He pulled his hand out of hers as they stood at the ladder.
"Where are you trying to take me?" He asked, trying and failing to not sound annoyed and scared.
"You can't stay here." Fallon waved to the empty bunker. No way he would survive.
"Excuse me." He snapped, crossing his arms. Ten years of sleep and he was still a cranky bastard when he woke up. "I have an entire house. I'll be fine." Fallon just stared, studying him for what felt like hours. Finally she stepped aside, pointing up.
"You have the whole house? Fine. Keep it. But I would want to know what I was buying into before I made any decisions." Harry pushed past her. She really annoyed him, her haughtiness and superior attitude. He climbed up the ladder and shielded his eyes as he stepped out into the sun for the first time in ten years.
Fallon climbed out after him. Harry stood frozen, gazing at what used to be his home, now only a shadow of its former self, blown to bits. She watched tears slide down his cheeks.
"You've been asleep for ten years." He turned, a sympathetic and sad look on Fallon's face. "A lot has changed. This is no longer the world you left behind."
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wickedbarnes · 5 years
Forbidden Fruit (Pt. 1) | Keanu x Reader
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Part 2
Warning: Daddy kink/issues, age gap, smut-ish.
Note: I wish I could add the read more break in here but I'm only using my phone and I really don't know how to add it so I apologize in advance.
You heaved out a sigh as you finally got inside your house. Another relationship faded in the wind. You thought it'd devastate you like it did before but unsurprisingly, you were just used to it. You knew it was gonna be a stretch but you hoped it'd somehow work. It didn't. No matter how many men you dated, no matter how good they were to you, you just weren't satisfied. Something was missing and you knew deep down you wanted more.
Maybe you did have daddy issues. Maybe your friends were right. Maybe the neighbors that kept talking shit behind your back were right. Your biological father did leave you and your Mom when you were four years old, so you having daddy issues and favoring older men wasn't really a stretch.
At the tender age of twenty, you had shared a fair amount of relationships with men who are twice and even thrice your age. Whatever they gave you, you couldn't get from men that were close your age. You even went as far as to swallow the bad opinions you got from other people. Even the look of disgust that you got from your own mother no matter how hard she tried to conceal it. Older men were just exquisite and refined. You couldn't help it.
But it had been about three years since your last relationship with an older man. You were turning twenty five soon and thought it'd be best to turn your life around and start dating guys at work or the ones you meet at the bar, even the ones your friends hooked you up with. But sadly, they just didn't cut it. That was, until Vince came along. You thought this was finally going to work and you thought you had seen a future with him but fate wasn't on your side. It almost felt like it was never on your side. Because what was working well with Vince was ruined by a man your mother had brought home one night.
Keanu Reeves.
A man who's almost, if not, already in his mid-fifties. Raven hair. Warm amber eyes. Scruffy beard. Deep voice. A charming personality, you name it. He was the full fucking package and you were almost certain you got jealous of your mom for finding someone as fine as Keanu. But you were with Vince at the time. So you had to bite the bullet and act as if you weren't affected by his mere presence. It was hard.
You just wanted to jump on him and let him have his way with you.
But thankfully, you had already moved out of your home and would only visit during your free time from work. So seeing him less helped you in a way. That was, until you decided to spend the summer back at your hometown where Keanu finally accepted your mom's offer of moving in.
"Rough day, sweetness?" You heard a familiar voice say and you jumped to see Keanu making his way downstairs. You hadn't realized how long you were standing with your back against the door.
"Oh uh- yeah, yeah, I had a rough day." You smiled slightly and made your way to the couch and flopped down, placing your purse on the coffee table in front of you.
"You wanna tell me all about it, darling?" He asked ever so softly as he took a seat next to you and you had to bite your lip as hard as you could to keep yourself from whimpering or saying things you might regret.
See, you always had a thing for nicknames. And lately, you'd notice how frequently Keanu would call you such endearing names that you almost felt like melting in front of him. You weren't so sure if he ever called you by your name ever since you got here.
"No, I don't think that's necessary, Mr. Reeves. Thank you for the concern though I just... I don't know. Guess I'm just tired." You finally managed to say as he hummed in response as he reached over and patted your exposed thigh, not noticing how high your dress has hiked up until now.
Ever since Keanu had complimented how cute you looked in dresses, you always made it a point to wear them as often as possible. Even went as far as to visit the local boutique down the block to buy new ones you think he'd love.
"I get it, baby. We have those days, trust me. Even your mother gets them. But just know I'll be here for you whenever you need me. You know that, right?" He asked, his eyes focused on you as he waited for an answer.
You couldn't help but squirm a bit in your seat due to how... intense his gaze on you felt. You just had to look down at your hands. You knew he was just trying to be polite and respectful. Maybe even trying to be a father figure to you but his actions never failed to make you go weak in the knees.
Your train of thoughts were suddenly broken when you felt his finger underneath your chin as he tilted your head to look back at him, his question still remaining unanswered. You gulped and bit your bottom lip instinctively and you could've sworn his eyes flickered down on your perfectly glossed lips for a quick second.
"Y-Yes, Mr. Reeves, of course." You answered hastily, clearing your throat as you tried your best to calm your breathing while trying to ignore the fact that his thumb was brushing against your thigh in a subtle way.
"Stop with the formalities, sweet girl. You know you can just call me Keanu." He smiled softly at you and you couldn't help as your breath hitched at the new nickname you heard from his lips.
You tried your best to nod your head as you squeezed your thighs together from the throbbing sensation you felt down south. Keanu's eyes averted to it, noticing the sudden movement. He knew all too well what that meant and he almost smirked at the look of your flustered face.
He tried not to show it but he already knew how you were trying to conceal the effect he had on you.
"Yes, of course, sir- Shit, I mean, Keanu, yeah. I'll call you Keanu from now on." You stammered and shook your head, mentally slapping yourself across the face as you quickly got up before this could escalate into something that's straight from your dreams.
Keanu sat back on the couch, watching as you hurriedly grabbed your purse and made your way to the the stairs but before you could ascend to your room, you heard him call for you.
"Sweet girl." You froze, turning around to see him staring straight at you, his lips turning into a sly smirk.
"That dress looks cute on you, you look... innocent." You blinked a few times, the wetness between your folds were quick to soak through your panties. You were more than sure on how to deal with this later on and you weren't gonna promise anything about being quiet.
"T-Thank you, Keanu." You replied and immediately made your way up to your room before he could get another word out.
Slamming the door shut, you threw your purse on the bed and slid down the door, whimpering at the throbbing feeling you felt in between your legs.
This was wrong. So, so wrong. He's your mom's boyfriend for fuck's sake. Somehow, in the back of your mind, you now realized just how much of a forbidden fruit Keanu is. And you just so happened to be Eve.
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youremeimyou · 5 years
The Lesser Gods of Bangtanis(pt.3)
Introduction - Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3
pairings: Kim Taehyung x reader, Jeon Jungkook x reader, OT7(this fic is about all of the boys’ characters, not just ‘Y/Nxsomeone’ focused) genre: angst, fluff, comedy, adventure.. -fantasy au, medieval au, magic au, royal au word count: 3.9k warnings: psychic episode?(trance-like state)
Description: Princess Y/N, who holds the fate of her people on her shoulders arrives at the kingdom of Bangtanis, that is the home of our mighty heroes. What will the destiny of our heroes be, when she brings along a threat called dark magic and a little bit of love with her?
A/N: Back with pt3 after a long time.. I don’t wanna quit on this fic cuz I really like the story so I’ll try really hard to get motivated for the next parts as well(feedback really helps) Anyways, this part is actually just Y/N and Tae going on a fancy royal date. But of course with a little twist at the end. Enjoy!
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Prince Taehyung arrived at the cottage and saw that there were two horses outside the door. He pet the horses and went in. As soon as he was inside, Y/N and Jungkook -who had obviously been discussing something, sitting closely on the sofa- immediately stopped talking and whipped their heads towards the door.
"You're back!" the princess mused. She didn't know why his return made her feel giddy inside.
"Seems like I'm interrupting." Taehyung replied coldly as he stared at Jungkook, who had already gotten up in order to leave.
"Of course not, my lord. In fact I was just leaving." The younger boy respectfully stated before walking to the door. "Have a good night, my lord. Sleep well, Y/N." And with that he went out, rendering the prince dumbfounded with the way he adressed the princess. That shy village boy just bid her goodnight in a very sincere way.
"So what are the news from the castle?" Y/N went closer to Taehyung and sat on a chair. But he was busy noticing the bread crumbs on the table. "Did you eat with Jungkook?" he asked without looking at her.
"Oh, Guk said his sister prepared something for him. He shared it with me."
"Guk, is it?" The prince was even more bothered than before. Since when were those two such good friends?
"Hm?" Y/N acted like she didn't catch the annoyed tone in his voice.
"Well I hope you enjoyed your little picnic. I'll have this lovely meal by myself, then." He took the food he brought from the castle out of his bag and placed them on plates. Y/N's eyes grew big, it looked delicious. "It's been a long while since we ate, though." she said while staring at the food Taehyung was enjoying. After a while, he pushed some of the plates in front of her, silently offering her to join. She smiled excitedly in return.
"So did you talk to the king? What did he say?" Y/N asked, her voice muffled because of the food.
"Yes. He said he'll announce his final decision tomorrow at the feast."
Y/N gulped down her last bite in shock. "Feast?!" She got up from her seat before continuing. "What feast?" Taehyung knew she'd protest to such an idea.
"The traditional welcoming feast. They're really strict about these things. It's in order to help the people feel as though things are okay, I guess." Taehyung also stood up and started cleaning the table from food crumbs. He was very calm, in contrast to Y/N.
"But things aren't okay! I want to know if-"
"Namjoon hyung is most likely to announce good news, like that he'll send reinforcements." Taehyung added as he organized the chairs around the table back in place.
Y/N's protests stopped immediately and her eyes started sparkling. "Really?"
"Yeah. After our last talk, he seemed to have finally made his mind that he'll help."
Hearing this made Y/N so happy that in a moment of excitement she leaped towards Taehyung, capturing him in a tight hug. He was surprised at first but then he wrapped his arms around her, too. After staying like that for some time, Y/N realized what she was doing and quickly retreated back.
"Sorry, I-" the princess cursed on the inside for blushing over something so simple. "I'm just really glad to hear that." And Taehyung understood her excitement. He too was glad. Almost like it was his own kingdom that would be saved. He gave her a warm smile.
"You have to appear at the feast tomorrow, though. Hyung wants to talk to you."
Even though the idea of a feast at a time like this felt absurd, Y/N knew kingdoms had to maintain traditions at rough times for their people's sake. So she nodded without any more complaints.
"But you can't make an appearance wearing these boy trousers of yours." Taehyung teased. She was wearing the same shirt and pants she wore the day she arrived in the city. Instead of the daily robes the prince had borrowed for her from Duchess Minji.
"Hey, I washed these yesterday. They're clean and presentable." Y/N never really was comfortable wearing dresses in daily life because she'd always be running around, sparring or horse riding.
"But they don't exactly match the dress code for a fancy event, do they?"
The princess rolled her eyes. "I don't have my luggage here-" she was interrupted by Taehyung clearing his throat and pointing at the side of the door where he put her luggage after carrying it here on his way back.
"You brought it.." Everytime he'd act thoughtful like this, it caught Y/N off guard.
"Still, you probably don't have anything fancy in there. So I also brought this." He handed her the fancy gown he bought from the royal tailor. A dark red night dress with delicate embroidery stitched around the neck cleavage. Even Y/N who didn't really like dresses thought it was beautiful. "I think this will fit you perfectly." Taehyung's mouth curved up to form his signiture smirk.
"Whatever, Prince Smug."
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The next day Y/N woke up to find Taehyung already gone. He had left a note on the table that read,
"Be ready before sundown and don't go running off to Jungkook or anything. I'll come pick you up and take you to the castle."
She was planning to spar with Jungkook again, today. But after all the effort the prince seemed to be making for her and her cause, she decided to do as he said.
Sundown came by fast. Y/N had done her best to look her most presentable self but there was no sign of the prince. The princess couldn't wait to talk with King Namjoon, to thank him and discuss details. Her impatience growing every minute, she decided to wait outside. So that when he arrives, she could scold the prince immediately for being late. But.. Then he showed up, running down the forest path on his beautiful, radiant white horse.
He stopped in front of Y/N, wearing a confused look. "Why are you outside?" It took a moment for Y/N to register his words. Nobody could deny the prince's natural attractiveness. But in this graceful formal attire, he was a sight for sore eyes to say the least.
"I- you were-"
"Late, I know. I'm sorry. I was trying to look more presentable." He had to take a quick breath once he took in the way Y/N looked. "But- I would've tried harder if I knew you'd be looking like this."
The princess nervously blinked. Where were her words? Why couldn't she mutter them out? She hoped the darkness of the evening was hiding the slight red of her cheeks.
"I was definetely spot on again with your body measurements." Prince Smug was back with his endless teasing, which brought Y/N out of the daze she was in. "Well, you almost look like an actual prince like this." Taehyung lifted an eyebrow but Y/N added quickly. "I'm pretty sure it's the horse, though."
He rolled his eyes and held out his hand to help her get on the horse. Being always eager to prove her skills, she wouldn't have normally taken his hand. But since tonight was a special occasion, she decided to play the lady role a little better.
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The royal ballroom was bigger than the one at the princess' castle. Decorations for the feast were wonderful and if it wasn't for the chaos that was going on back at her home, she could really enjoy attending this event.
Taehyung stopped her suddenly and pulled her to a corner outside of the hall. "I forgot- if anyone asks, you are a duchess that came with the princess. We should come up with a name, too." He kept listing female names he knew. It was quite a long list.
"I won't remember any of those. My double's name is Yuna. I can use that."
"Okay, Yuna it is. Just stay close to me, no one would be suspicious of someone I brought with me." He said and took Y/N's hand to place it softly on his arm. Then they entered the hall once again but this time the prince seemed even more graceful as they strolled inside.
Everyone expected him to sit beside the king and his advisors as he usually does. But instead, he pulled a seat away from where all the high ranking people were, helped the princess sit down and took the seat next to her for himself. All the attention in the room was focused on the two. Until Jung Hoseok started speaking.
"Thank you all for coming. Despite the unfortunate events that are occuring, we are grateful to have Princess Y/N and her company here with us. Let us all come together and support each other through these hard times."
A round of applause came from the crowd and then the king started talking. "Times are indeed hard for the curse of dark magic has returned." People gasped in terror. "But, it cannot be as strong as it used to be. And we as a kingdom that won't stand for cruelty, shall help our friends in overcoming this threat." Some people were surprised, some were afraid and some seemed to support the idea. But the princess was the happiest of all. Taehyung could see it all over her face.
Meals and drinks were served and there was music in the background. But after a while the music stopped. Only a drum roll could be heard. Y/N saw everyone turning their heads to the door in excitement. Then, the jester made an entrance. A man was throwing knives at him from the other side and he dodged every single one while elegantly dancing and twirling around. The princess was shocked. Was he crazy? One wrong move and he could easily be killed.
When he was done, the crowd gave him a standing ovation. But the jester kept the show going with more amazing moves, magic tricks and dance numbers. Y/N had never seen such an entertainment from a jester before, or from anyone.
The show finished and the jester took a seat next to Taehyung and Y/N after reciving another round of applause. Y/N turned to him. "That was.. How did you do all of those? Your performance was incredable!" Jimin smiled and blushed shyly, as if he didn't just make everyone in the room fall in love with him.
"We thank our jester who never ceases to impress us with new and unbelievable shows." Kim Seokjin said as he gathered the people's attention. "It is time however, for another type of entertainment. Princess Y/N, would you mind joining us for a rather fun tradition of ours?"
Taehyung had to hold Y/N's arm to stop her from getting up after the mention of her name. "Having a double is new for you, isn't it?" He was right. It was kind of hard getting used to it for Y/N. Her double on the other hand got up at once and walked towards the center of the hall. "Of course, it would be an honour." Thank god Yuna was a good actress.
"We usually have representitives of both kingdoms participate in something as an icebreaker and even cultural bonding. I thought you might represent yours and for us it could be.." Seokjin trailed off, searching around the room for a candidate. "Well, a prince would suit best for a princess so it shall be Prince Kim Taehyung."
Taehyung had been selected to put on a quick show like this many times, in many feasts with many princesses. Unsurprised, he went next to Yuna, Y/N’s double. But on the inside he wished he could be doing this with the actual princess, somehow.
“Excellent! As our guest of honour, you should choose what you’ll show the good people here, princess. Would you like to sing? Or dance?” Kim Seokjin asked excitedly while Yuna looked around, unsurely. “You can even throw some knives at him like earlier with the jester if you’d like.” Seokjin joked in a teasing tone and everyone laughed at his suggestion.
“I heard you were an actor, Prince Taehyung. I also love theatre, so.. perhaps a quick scene?”
Taehyung was surprised. Normally most would choose to have a dance with the tall, handsome prince. But it made sense as he thought more about it, since Yuna was already acting, even in that very moment. So he politely nodded and went next to Kim Seokjin who was still standing near his seat.
“Who is that lady standing over there by her lonesome?” he asked Seokjin, clearly in character. And Seokjin -another theatre artist- caught up quickly. “I know not, sir.”
Taehyung started walking slowly towards Yuna again. “Oh, she teaches torches how to burn bright. She stands out against the night. Like a rich jewel in an Ethiope’s ear. Beauty too rich for use, for earth too dear. Did my heart love till now? Forswear it, sight! For I never saw true beauty till this night.”
While he said his lines, every women was shooting jealous stares at who they thought was the princess. But Taehyung’s attention was focused on the actual one, who was sitting behind her double. Which had left Y/N baffled. She quickly blamed the little vine she had, convincing herself the eye contact with the prince was an illusion of her mind.
Even Yuna, who happened to be a great actress was left speechless at Taehyung's performance and couldn't come up with a response. So the show ended quickly with the crowd applauding. Yuna and Taehyung went back to their seats after bowing to each other and the feast went on.
"I told you I was an actor, princess. How did you like my performance?" Taehyung asked Y/N in a low voice.
She responded as quietly. "You're lucky you were up there with Yuna. I would've chosen to throw knives." Taehyung faked a dramatic gasp and they both giggled. "Tell me Prince Romantic, which one of these lovely duchesses have you borrowed this dress from? I thought I'd be able to tell from the way she'd look at me but more than just one are sending me death stares." Y/N asked as she searched the hall with her eyes.
"I didn't borrow it. I had seen this dress in the royal tailor's chambers, once. He never sold it to any of the duchesses, claiming that it was a speacial piece of art."
"How did you get your hands on it, then?"
"I convinced him that this piece of art would be worn by someone no less than art, herself."
Y/N wasn't expecting such a compliment and therefore she was once more baffled and very much embarresed at her blushing cheeks. She wanted to not be speechless at his words but her mind couldn't come up with anything. Thankfully, King Namjoon interrupted.
“I don’t think I’ve met this fair lady you’re accompanying tonight, Taehyung?”
“Oh, my lord I’m sorry. This is Duchess Yuna who came with Princess Y/N.” the two played along, making sure people nearby would hear and not get suspicious. Then the king took a seat next to Y/N and began talking in a low voice. “My lady, I’m sorry for the inconvinience. You hide yourself while this whole feast was organized primarely for you.” The king seemed somehow intimidating to Y/N at first but now she could see the kind side of him.
“It’s alright, really. I’m just glad to have the chance to talk to you, my lord.”
“As I’ve said earlier, we are willing to help you. But I need to prepare my men before sending them out to fight the creatures of the night. They might be the best warriors in the realm but even they don’t know the terrors of dark magic.”
“Of course, I agree. And I have to add that I’m very thankful for your support.”
The king sincerely smiled and continued. “I’m still not sure if my reinforcements will be enough. What about your army?”
“They’re all locked in the dungeons. At least.. they were when I left.” The princess could feel sorrow bulding up inside her again at the thought of leaving. But there was no other choice. “If we can free them, they’ll be ready to fight.” And of course, if they’re not dead.
“I don’t think creatures of the night would kill them. Instead they’d want to use them to enhance their army. So, they’d be trying to break them.” The king said as if he read Y/N’s mind. But Y/N knew her people were strong minded. She could feel that there was still hope. “I know they’ll hold on until their last breath.” She said confidently.
“Then, we shall free them once we’re there.”
After discussing all of the details the king went back to his throne and a short while later, the feast came to an end. People one by one started to leave.
“I think we should also be heading back.” Taehyung whispered in Y/N’s ear. She nodded but before they could leave, Min Yoongi showed up, requesting to talk to the princess. Taehyung could tell he wanted to speak only with her so he went to find Jimin, leaving them alone.
“I hope the cottage is alright for you, princess. I know it’s not much but-”
“No! It’s more then enough Lord Yoongi. Thank you for allowing me to stay there.” Y/N really didn’t care for comfort in her situation. She was in fact glad to be out of sight.
“Listen, princess. I know the king has decided to send our men to help your kingdom. I want you to know I was against it.”
This came as a shock to Y/N.
“Not because I’m unsympathetic, but because I have exprience when it comes to dark magic.” His face became gloomy and his voice almost trembled as he spoke. “But the king would never go back on his word. We’ll face nightmares beyond your worst imaginations in order to save your land. So, I need to know if you're strong enough to make hard choices.”
What did he mean by that? Y/N couldn’t understand. But she knew one thing. “I don’t know what I’ll face but I assure you, there is nothing I wouldn’t do to save the people I love and care about. I hope that's a good enough answer for you.”
Min Yoongi nodded after staring her in the eyes for a while and left. Just as he was going, Taehyung came back with Jimin beside him. “Are you ready to go?”
Taehyung noticed the confusion on her face but decided to ask her about it when they get to the cottage, where they could speak freely. It was silent as him, Y/N and Jimin walked out of ballroom and into the hallway. Unable to bare the tension, Jimin decided to crack a couple of stupid jokes and comments about the night. Which eventually had Taehyung cackling and even the confused princess smiling. But then something happened.
Jimin suddenly collapsed to the ground. He was shaking and unconscious. There was no response as Taehyung and Y/N called out his name time after time, panic taking over them. His eyeballs had gone completely white and his pupils were gone. While Taehyung helplessly called for the guards, Jimin finally came out of it. Eyes going back to normal and his consciousness returning.
“Jimin! Are you alright? What happened? What-”
Y/N stopped Taehyung from yelling loudly. “Let’s just get him to the physician.”
With the guards’ help they carried him to the physician’s chambers quickly. After examining him carefully he shook his head from side to side in confusion. “There doesn’t seem to be anything wrong with him. Not physically, at least.”
“Are you absolutely sure, physician?” Taehyung’s tone was deadly serious. Not that it wasn’t obvious before but the extreme concern on his features showed Y/N clearly how much he really cared for his best friend.
“Yes, my lord. As always, he’s very healthy.”
Jimin tried to stand up but Taehyung stopped him from moving. “Not so fast, jester.”
“Taehyung you heard the phys-”
“I saw you back there and you were not alright, Jimin.”
Jimin gave up with a sigh. “Okay, I’ll tell you what’s going on. But we have to get out of here first.”
They got out of the room and went to Jimin’s chambers, all the while the prince cautiously watched the jester. They sat Jimin down and he started explaining.
“This isn’t the first time. I thought they were just nightmares but now-” he stopped himself. But Taehyung was impatient. “What? What do you see?” he asked.
Jimin hesitantly answered. “It’s always the same thing. You on your knees. And a blade run through your chest.” Neither Taehyung nor Y/N was expecting that.
“And there’s a man in front of you, looking down at you. It feels like I know him in the dream. But I can’t make him out when I wake up.”
Both Y/N and Taehyung were looking at him in complete shock and utter confusion. Jimin faked a smile. “It’s just a recurring dream, guys-”
“A dream you suddenly start to have going in a trance when a moment ago you were wide awake?” Y/N cut him off. “Jimin, you’re having visions.”
He laughed in disbelief. “I’m not an oracle, princess.”
“But you do have magic. I could tell from the moment I met you. You’re always subtle but I’ve spent time with many wizards, it didn’t escape my attention.”
“Oh, come on. Do you deny always being able to tell when people lie? And you can tell exactly what people are thinking just by looking at them, can’t you? You’re a reader. It’s rare even amongst wizards but it’s obvious that’s what you are!”
It was silent for a moment. Y/N guessed Taehyung was trying to process all that new information.
“I always follow your hunches and you never turn out to be wrong. Thinking back to all of those moments, there literally isn’t a single time you weren’t right!” It looked like Taehyung was having a moment of clarity. But then he frowned. “Why didn’t you ever tell me?”
“I never thought it was magic, I swear! I always thought I had strong senses. That’s probably all there is to it anyway-”
“That morning you brought me and Y/N breakfast, you just came storming in. But I know for a fact that I locked the door the night before.”
And Jimin’s moment of clarity hit him right then. “I know. It was locked. I just wished it wouldn’t be and.. it wasn’t anymore.” he admitted. Both to them and to himself.
“And these visions are proof that your skill are improving-” Y/N tried to explain more but Jimin snapped at her. “No! They can’t be visions of the future that would mean that Taehyung-” he lowered his volume before continuing. “that he’s going to get fatally wounded.”
As if they didn’t have enough troubles at hand everything had gotten ten times more complicated. Taehyung made them promise not to speak of this anywhere for the time being, in order to protect Jimin’s identity as an unregistered wizard. And they all swore to trying to figure all of this out together as a team.
A/N: Soo yeah.. things are probably about to go downhill from now on. Though idk when it'll come out, pt4 is in my plans if anyone follows the series. The theatre piece is from Romeo and Juliet(with a few adjustments of mine to make it fit the story) because no way could I write an actual improv, way out of my league. Thank you if you read my thing and hope you enjoyed it :) pls stay at home, wash your hands and take good care of yourself.
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getitinbusan · 5 years
97 Line Group Chat
Jungkook was trying not to let his nerves get the better of him. Coming back from tour he finally had some downtime and was looking forward to going to the club. It wasn't just spending time with friends he didn't see very often, it was getting to see you again.
97 Line Group Chat:
Bam Bam: We'll be pre-gaming at my place and then heading to the club. I'm bringing YuGyeom, Jackson and his girlfriend and her friend Y/N so Jungkook you'd better be prepared.
Jungkook: You're sure she's coming? I haven't seen her in months. Do you think she remembers me?
Mingyu: I know she doesn't like me, I tried hitting on her 2 weeks ago and she shot me down. Good luck my friend.
Bam Bam: Jackson says she asks about you all the time. Pretty sure she has a crush on you JK.
Jungkook: Ahhh, I'm so nervous. You all better be good wing men tonight.
YuGyeom: I'll make sure she has a few extra drinks before we go.
Mingyu: So 11pm?
Bam Bam: Yep
JK: Let's Get it
Private Text
Jungkook: Please make sure YuGyeom doesn't get her drunk, I like this girl...a lot.
Bam Bam: I'll watch him.
It was about 10:30 and the meal had just arrived. Jimin ate fast but Taehyung liked to take his time. Jungkook sat impatiently knowing it would take at least 20 minutes to get to the club. What if someone else caught your eye? What if you got too drunk? Jimin couldn't stop laughing, "JK, how could she not like you? Just relax." Taehyung added, "I'm not leaving food on my plate so you'll just have to wait." Taking that as a challenge Jungkook reached over and grabbed a handful of his fries shoving them in his mouth. "I hope your happy, now we're late and I have gross breath"
Breathing deeply he got out of the cab, he'd thought about this night for weeks. Did he look okay? Was his cologne too much? Did it even matter, you probably didn't even like him. The door opened and he could feel the pulsing bass through his body, the lights and fog were immediately disorienting. Was everyone here or did he have to wait longer to see you? Walking to the bar the three of them ordered  drinks and started to look around for the rest of the group.
We are bulletproof began playing and the dance floor went crazy. Jungkook felt a surge of pride that everyone was feeling it, he hoped you were here to see. Eyes skimming over the crowd and there you were. Right at the front dancing, you spotted him too. Pointing directly at him and coming closer you sang in time "The name is Jung Kook, my scale is nationwide" He couldn't help but laugh as you approached singing his lines to him. God he wanted to kiss you. You kept singing and dancing in front of him until the song was over.
"Hello Jungkook" came from your lips and you smiled. "I was hoping I'd see you tonight it's been too long." Should he? He put his arm around you in a makeshift hug and said "I'm really glad you're here." YuGyeom appeared slipping in between you handing you both a shot, 'To friendship", he toasted. Your glasses clicked in cheers and the shots were downed quickly. 'Let's VIP room" Bam Bam called out. Concerned, Jungkook asked "Are you coming Y/N?" Not answering right away and looking around the room you answered "I don't know where Jackson and Y/F/N are, I'll come after I find them." Shit did he just blow it? "Ok, I guess I'll see you in a bit" Walking in seperate directions Jungkook felt his heart drop, he was sure you didn't see him as more than a friend.
Monitoring the time it was a least 45 mins later when you appeared in the VIP with YuGyeom. Stopping at the bar you were both laughing and did another shot. What an asshole Jungkook thought. You perused the room until you saw him sitting there frowning. When your eyes locked he managed a smile but what little confidence he'd walked in with was gone. The waitress followed behind you with several shot glasses and bottles to meet everyone else at the table. "Shots for everyone" YuGyeom called out. Everyone grabbed one and cheered each other except Jungkook. Feeling tipsy you decided to leverage your liquid courage and take the lead. "Come dance with me Kookie" off to the side YuGyeom made drinking motions and a thumbs up towards Jungkook. Following you to the floor Jungkook was hesitant, wanting nothing more than to be pressed against you but not wanting to take advantage of your state. "Don't be afraid to touch me Guk, this is just dancing we don't need formalities." It was now or never, if he didn't make a move he'd end up on tour again masturbating to thoughts of how he'd feel inside you. Wrapping his arms around your waist he pulled you in until your bodies were pressed together, face to face he stared into your eyes. "You know I like you right?" he whispered. "I do", you grinned, "Do you know how badly I want you Jungkook" He started blushing, "I guess I do now". You began moving with the music, hands exploring each other, trying to make up for lost time. Turning your back to him you pressed your ass into his crotch. Moving up and down grinding into him you could feel his bulge growing. Closing his eyes he imagined you doing this in bed, he couldn't control his erection. He didn't want to embarrass you so he subtly tucked himself into his waistband. Turning to face him, your hand travelled to his bulge, moving over the fabric of his jeans and up under his shirt your fingertips traced his abs. Dragging your fingers lower you felt the tip of his cock sticking out his pants. It was so smooth and hard you just wanted it in you. His mouth came crashing down on yours like he couldn't wait a second longer. His fingers were in your hair, your head was back and your tongues met in a soft sensual dance. It felt so good to finally break the anticipation but the taste of liquor was distracting. How much have you had to drink, was this taking advantage of the situation? "Jungkook, I'd like to leave with you if that's ok?" You propositioned. He nodded in agreeance, "I'll be back in a minute" you said "I'm going to let Y/F/N know I'm leaving." The minute you walked away YuGyeom approached Jungkook "You can thank me later, she's had at least 10 shots and you can probably do whatever you want with her tonight" Shit, there was no way taking you home was the right thing to do. Disappointed and upset Jungkook went outside to clear his head. He'd waited so long for this night and you'd only kissed him because you were drunk. Maybe he should just leave. Sitting alone on the steps outside of the club Jungkook was internally wrestling with his wants and his morals.
You looked around the club and couldn't find Jungkook anywhere. Fuck, maybe you'd been too forward with him. You knew Jungkook was a gentleman and now you were cursing yourself for coming on to him so strongly. You'd already told everyone you were leaving so you might as well just head home. It had been weeks of anticipation for tonight, you were finally going to make your move and now it was ruined. How did you even fool yourself into thinking that Jeon Jungkook could be interested in you.
Opening the door into the cool night you found him sitting there by himself. "Hey Kook, I'm sorry if I scared you off." You sat down beside him, 'I've just been fantasizing how this night would play out for a  long time and I got carried away." He looked at you and reached for your hand "Do you really like me? I'm worried that the alcohol is maybe making you...want me more than you think you do." You couldn't help but laugh out loud "Jungkook I think I can handle my liquor a little, I'm no lightweight" furrowing his brows he questioned you "YuGyeom said he was giving you shots all night?" You rolled your eyes "YuGyeom is a dick, he told me he liked me and kept trying to hit on me a while ago. I gave away all the drinks he bought me because I figured he was trying to get me into bed." His thumb rubbed the back of your hand, "So you're not really drunk?" You leaned in and kissed his cheek "Jungkook I've had my sights set on you for months, I didn't want anything to ruin tonight. This has all been planned since I knew you'd be coming tonight.. right down to my sexy lingerie."
That was all he needed, his lips found yours again and you were immediately lost in each others lust. The Uber pulled up and honked, startling you when you failed to notice its arrival. "Who's place is closer?" you asked. "Too many people at my place," he moaned "I don't want to have to be quiet, can we go to yours?" Just the suggestion of loud sex had you soaked through your new purple lace panties.
Pulling up to your complex Jungkook led you out of the car and up to the door. Digging through your purse you couldn't find the keys, growing impatient he latched on to your neck and dragged long deep suctioned kisses over your collarbones. "You're distracting me Kook, fuck we need to get inside!" He stopped with a giggle and helped look. Finally locating them you made it into your apartment and clothes immediately began coming off. "Bedroom?" He asked. "That way" you pointed to the only room up the hall. Picking you up he carried you to your room. Setting you back on your feet he halted the make out session. He cupped your chin and tilted your head up to look at him. "I need you to know how much I like you. I've thought about you for months, imagining being with you kept me going when I was lonely on tour." He slowly took off the dress you were wearing and revealed the lingerie you'd bought just for his eyes. "Fuck," he said out loud "so much better than my fantasies" blushing your eyes took in his bulging cock. His black Calvin Kleins were straining to contain his erection.
"Kookie, do you know how many of your damn VLives I've watched just so I could see you?"  He ran his hand up your arms and reaching around unclasped your bra. Tangling his hand in your hair he kissed you, hard. He moved his lips inch by inch lower and lower stopping at your breasts, kneading and sucking until you were moaning under his ministrations. Lower again over your stomach, down your abdomen until he got to your clit. He sucked deliberately light enough to tease you coaxing the juices from your already wet entrance. Softly pushing into you with his tongue he moaned "you taste so good, you're so beautiful" Your legs shook, struggling to stay on your feet while your body felt like it was floating. You held tight onto his shoulders as he spread your folds and twisted his finger inside you. "Maybe you should lay down" he guided you backwards to the bed, laying you down so your knees were bent over the edge. "Do you want to cum like this? Should I keep going?" You could barely find your voice but managed to let out a whispered "please keep going" he moved back in, two curled fingers dragging against your soft spot and his tongue flicked your clit relentlessly. It only took a minute to have you hyperventilating while you repeated his name cumming on his face.
He gave you a moment just to be still and catch your breath as he placed small kisses on the insides of your thighs. "Are you ok?" He asked "I'm sooo much better than ok" you answered. He got up from his knees and you sat up, face to face with his six pack. You slowly sucked red marks onto his abs and hooked you fingers into his underwear. Slowly you pulled them down exposing bit by bit and lowering your mouth with them until you'd taken him all in. You could hear him slowly relesse his breath as you slid back up to the tip. Popping him out of your mouth you looked up his face "I can't believe you're real Jungkook, you are so incredibly perfect" He reached down hand on your cheek and smiled. You put him back in your mouth and began sucking him until he was hitting the back of your throat. His hand slid from your cheek to the back of your head where he grabbed your hair and pulled slightly. When you moaned out at the tension he grabbed at it harder angeling you to make it easier for him to thrust into you. His hips picked up speed and he was about to cum when he stopped completely. He held your head still with his cock sitting in the back of your throat cutting off your air for a minute. "Don't move, please don't move, I don't want to cum yet" when he was under control he pulled himself away from you. "I want you so badly you can't even know, I just want to fuck you so hard and fill you up until you're screaming my name but I'm not going to do that." Confused you moved up the bed to lean on the pillows . Crawling up to lay beside you, his still rock hard cock pressed into your leg he began kissing you. "I only have one chance to be with you for the first time and I want to make love to you. He kissed you for what felt like an eternity, until you both had that feeling of seeing stars in the black void of a blissed out mind. He moved on top of you until he was positioned at your entrance. Looking you in the eyes he pushed slowly while watching your face for discomfort. Finding nothing but pleasure in your reaction. He began moving himself rolling his hips into you. Neither of you could control your sounds and you found yourselves sweaty and moaning in an act of pure ecstasy. Bringing your legs up around him his cock hit you over and over rubbing your g spot while his pubic bone rubbed over your clit with each stroke. Picking up his speed he was finally reaching his high. "Can I cum in you Y/N" nodding while you pulled his hair you came for a second time "Yes,Yes, Kookie...please. You could feel the spurts of his release spill inside you as he collapsed on top of you. You held onto each other in silence trying to regain your strength when his phone started going off with notifications. He didn't move to look, but worried, you thought maybe something had happened. "Just check it already Jungkook."
97 Line Group Chat:
Bam Bam: JK? Where did you go?? Lol, hope you're having fun brother.
Mingyu: I can't believe she'd pick you over me, I'm way better looking. Must be your money.
YuGyeom: Your welcome, I had to get her good and drunk before she'd consider going home with you.
Jungkook: You guys can just shut the fuck up
and have some respect for Y/N.
Bam Bam: It's...
Mingyu: About...
YuGyeom: Time...
Jungkook: How long did it take you to plan that clever response? You're all assholes, stop texting me i'm busy, WITH MY GIRLRIEND.
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Ava & James
Ava: So, campus bars Ava: Avoid entirely or cheap enough to make the cringe worth it? 🤔🤔 James: use your student loans wisely enough that cheap is avoided entirely Ava: Ugh 😏 I thought you'd give real advice if I got you off the clock James: go with your gut, option 1 James: you're not striking me as someone to base their social life around KCLSU's quiz night Ava: I love trivia like I love cheap white wine spritzers and school spirit James: knew you'd fit right in Ava: Can I put that resounding endorsement on my application then, James? James: it'll carry more weight if you accidentally add the I when you write my name James: but I didn't say that James: slip of the pen, that's all Ava: My lips are sealed Ava: There's plenty of time to meet him and double up on kudos James: I hear the girl's hazing rituals are savage James: stand you in good stead that will Ava: No one is scarier than a high school girl Ava: Nor as petty and sadistic Ava: I think I'll survive James: they've toned it down since that girl had a mental episode post head shave James: sure you will Ava: Very chic Ava: Do you wait 'til the UCAS app has gone through to drop the horror stories usually or are you really bad at this whole recruitment thing on purpose? James: it's my 1st time playing tour guide James: potentially I'm less than cut out for it Ava: I won't lodge a formal complaint Ava: Unless you're turning over DMs as feedback, in which case, awkward James: I won't be, some girls think I have more sway than I really do James: awkward indeed Ava: God Ava: Not even my first choice Ava: Though makes you wonder how effective attaching nudes to your cover letter would be James: they'd have to take that on a case by case basis Ava: 🤞 that you don't get the one token woman on the panel James: not your 1st choice, no need to cross anything Ava: Hypothetically, James II Ava: Why was it yours, then? Ava: Student life evidently not being it James: it was my only James: it's gonna end up being Teddy's too Ava: He hasn't turned up to business studies in time Ava: But slip of the pen, I get you James: my older sister got all the brains and none of the sense of fun Ava: Know the sort Ava: Bet I still likes you better though James: I wouldn't go that far Ava: Too far for a taster sesh Ava: Understood Ava: Don't suppose you'll point me in the direction of where you actually hang now then? James: I suppose I could Ava: Please Ava: Bored is an understatement Ava: I'll still show up all present and correct for the debrief thing tomorrow James: it's such a good thing here isn't your 1st choice Ava: You should give me the real tour Ava: I'll keep my lips sealed James: can't I get another please before you do? Ava: Please do not invite your brother Ava: He got us kicked out of Mahiki last month it was so tragic James: he's a disgrace Ava: Most of them are James: I don't associate with anyone who still goes to Mahiki regularly Ava: It's pretty played out James: if they'll let Teddy in they're getting desperate Ava: 😂 awh James: you ready now? Ava: Already out Ava: Figured you better pick me up from The Vault Ava: Consider it a mini hazing of my own James: keep your lips sealed that I'm going within 100 yards of the place and sure Ava: Don't worry Ava: The others are at the cinema or something equally as lame the school put on for our 'overnight entertainment' Ava: I'm sick Ava: No selfies James: the hangover'll make it look & feel convincing Ava: That's a promise you can put your wallet behind Ava: I am a guest James: you don't want put your fake ID on the line either Ava: Bold of you to assume I've ever needed to buy my own drinks 😏 Ava: I didn't bring it alright, shut up James: you don't need it, I'm only playing Ava: 😾 James: how many drinks has my brother bought you? Of course I need to 1 up him Ava: Total? Ava: Not as much as he'd like but lots Ava: Not trying to milk this sibling rivalry or anything, have known him ages Ava: Well before Mahiki would let him in, like James: hardly a rivalry, you know him well enough to realise Ava: True Ava: You do what feels right and I'll let you know by the end of the night then James: very straightforward James: I like it Ava: You don't know me well enough yet but that's par for the course James: I knew your brother for years & I didn't know him James: we'd need more than an evening Ava: I'm as comparable to my brother as you are to yours Ava: Probably James: show me, I'll show you Ava: Deal Ava: But we will need more than an evening Ava: to make it fair James: you can have until you're bored Ava: You'll want longer when you aren't anymore James: I'm used to things not lasting as long as I want Ava: I'm not your average Ava: You'll see James: bold of you to assume I've ever settled for average Ava: I didn't say THE average James: I heard you say my average Ava: No need to be offended by better, is there? James: bemused at most Ava: You're welcome Ava: but you are meant to be entertaining me, not the other way 'round James: you brought up fairness James: & it's a good point Ava: How do you propose we make it fair then? James: I entertain you tonight, you entertain me whenever you've thought of your own tour worth taking me on Ava: That's actually a good idea Ava: and entirely fair James: Teddy'll cost my dad more to secure his place than I did, I've got some brains on board Ava: No doubt Ava: Gave his name to the right kid, clearly James: My sister was undoubtedly relieved James: though Diana has its own pitfalls Ava: 😬 The jokes write themselves James: they do Ava: Perks of having a relatively untouched name James: it does suit her, she's very much a martyr Ava: Did you do an English degree? Ava: You're good at painting a picture with words Ava: See ��� so clearly James: sadly not James: maybe I'll go back & do it if I ever finish the current one Ava: Student forever vibes Ava: Fuck real life James: then again, being the kind of dad who drops their kid off for classes & pulls up his own chair at the table doesn't sound like a great idea Ava: Just make sure its not their first choice, yeah? James: oldest's already smarter than me James: won't be a problem Ava: There you go then James: where's yours? Ava: Currently undecided Ava: It's more a case of sorting the 2-5 James: & how's that going? James: this place being a solid 5th Ava: Its been a solid mix of fun and boring working it out Ava: Better than another night in Mahiki at any rate Ava: I'll have to decide eventually but even my mum can't demand I do quite yet James: don't over complicate it James: they're not all that different James: I've got friends studying all over the map and they're still basically doing the same things I am Ava: See, that's what I figured Ava: But try telling that to a woman who was Cambridge or bust Ava: It's more about the vibe of the place, the people, the ethos and the lecturers not being the worst stereotypes of boring/creep Ava: again, if I tell her vibe is on my criteria she'd actually kill me before I could apply anywhere so 🤷 James: your secret's safe with me James: even if our mothers were friends, mine is currently not speaking to me Ava: How's that? James: it's something I'm fairly used to James: she's not a big talker James: more of a fan of a dismissive hand gesture Ava: Gotcha Ava: Not a whole lot to miss James: she's got lots to say about my parenting style but who hasn't Ava: Shame you don't talk to my brother now James: I don't suppose he sees it as a shame Ava: Probably not Ava: He's not one for regrets James: me either James: it's why we started out friends Ava: Feels like ages ago Ava: Since he still lived here James: it kind of is James: he left before he left Ava: It's complicated James: it's not my business Ava: Not mine either so Ava: Whatever James: car's here James: are you going to make me get out for you? Ava: You're meant to come in here Ava: Don't you trust I can keep my lips sealed? James: I don't trust it to be entertaining in there James: hence it's not part of the tour Ava: Please James: Oh Ava James: [but does come in we all know he would] Ava: [clearly making him stay for a drink and play pool or something in this student ass bar] James: [when you're whipped for someone you're not even dating lol] Ava: [When Chloe is your missus] James: [to be a fly on the wall in their relationship tbh literally imagine] Ava: [oh lordy how you have not been missed girl] James: [at least the new kid is young enough she can dress it up still and it can't talk back so she can pretend she gives a shit and isn't blowing his phone up rn] Ava: [in full show-off-to-all-my-friends mode still, somehow still has some lol] James: [lord when you don't even like and comment on pics of your own child anymore though bye do not approve of your aesthetic choices Chlo] Ava: [so awkward, when you only get a look in for the boring/hard bits] James: [basically just get to parent Jay cos she's well over that] Ava: [poor James tbh] James: [have your fun now lad I don't blame you even though everyone else will] Ava: [lord people gonna be SO mad] James: [how far we gonna take this during the tour cos obvs flirty vibes been flying about but like he can't just jump her cos married and she's younger] Ava: [she fully initiated this whole thing lbr but maybe don't sleep with him yet babe as you are aware he's married and has kids so like, some thought even though you young and reckless that, he could always stop it at a makeout 'cos then how embarrassing for her and she'd have to leave it for a bit like what was I doing, angst etc] James: [I vibe with that cos they are gonna be drinking a lot as the night goes on so that'd make both of them give less of a shit about the consequences but because the night is going on eventually chlo is gonna be like are you coming home ever because I like to think he hasn't cheated since she got pregnant with this kid and has actually been trying even though he's miserable af clearly] James: [like maybe it was really bad before and he was actually gonna leave her so she was like simply must trap him and did] Ava: [v much a her move I support it] James: [yeah cos she's invested this much time into him she's not just gonna let him go easily] Ava: [when you have no idea what you've signed yourself up for here babe] James: [I'm rooting for them rn cos nobody else is and I'm 100% that bitch, must not get invested yet when we've only just begun] Ava: [same tho so whoops] James: [he'd be so into it though too we all know that makeout would be 💣🔥] Ava: [hence breaking it off would be hard af, Chloe gotta be blowing his shit up to the degree he thinks maybe one of the kids is hurt lol] James: [literally Chloe is the teenage girl in this situation, girl chill out] Ava: [I'd feel bad if you hadn't also cheated loads and trapped him in this sham life soooo, grant you idk how much Ava knows of that rn but she'd clearly have a rep] James: [yeah I feel like Ava would be knowing some shit cos same circles and Chlo ain't slick plus like he's gonna eventually tell her cos god knows he needs someone to talk to] Ava: [we will get there boy] James: [at least it'll be less awks for her cos it'll be obvious that he didn't wanna break shit off and how hard it was to do] Ava: [there was obvs a vibe to pursue in the first place, still tomorrow morning lmao] James: [he'd so go too hard pretending she doesn't exist like nobody's picked up on the vibe and it ain't obvious okay boy] Ava: [I hope there's some other drama gone down on this little excursion so yous can fly under the radar, someone hold hands at the cinema lol] James: [shit like that always happens don't worry you two] Ava: [thank God for teenage shenanigans when you out here homewrecking on the low] James: [you should do some Chlo texts at me for the lols even if I don't reply cos busy lol]
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