#he'd be mortified to even consider it and i don't think she's type to do that
yellowloid · 1 month
so i think the most likely thing is they were doing something related to her music. THAT i can believe but the engagement photoshoot rumors......like have you SEEN that man he'd rather get kicked in the balls
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Disclaimer/edit: This is my first fanfic Ever so please don't be mean. I have never played COD and I have no idea how I ended up in the fandom but I'm here now. Also I typed this on my phone so forgive me for that.
CW: cursing
The silence is... comfortable, all things considered. You, curled up in the corner of the couch with a book you finally have time to read, and Ghost, looking over some papers in the armchair that's seen better days, with a steaming "cuppa" as he likes to call it. You want to tease him about it but well... it's Ghost, your superior and probably the most intimidating person you have ever met and you'd rather not find out the hard way that he doesn't have a sense of humor.
But you two have gotten into a kind of routine where, when there was down time between missions that was just a little too quiet, you'd both end up here in the common area and do your own thing.
So when Soap does a double-take when walking through, asking "Right, what's all this then?," you knew you had to fuck with him.
A glance at Ghost before looking back, "What are you talking about?," sporting a confused look on your face.
"I mean you two hanging out. I've never seen you two together in the same room outside of briefings before."
Back to Ghost and you share a look, hoping your eyes convey that he go along with what you're about to do.
"Of course we'd be hanging out, we're best friends," you give an incredulous look.
"...fuckin' what," Soap gives an incredulous look back.
"Oi! Manage that," Ghost growls.
"Oh fuck you, I was talkin' to Gaz for 5 minutes outside that door and I haven't heard a Sound come out of this room that entire time," Soap says, becoming frustrated.
"That's because our friendship has surpassed the need for words. We're comfortable just being in each other's company," you respond, leaning back into the couch.
"I think you're full of shit 'cause I've never seen you two together or meetin' up except for when necessary," Soap very pointedly says.
"What are you, their mum?" You couldn't be fucking happier that Ghost was going along with this as Soap sends a look his way.
"Yeah! And not that it's any of your business, but we went to karaoke just last week!," bringing the attention back to you.
"Karaoke? Him!? You expect me to believe that?!" You do feel Ghost's stare on the side of your face, probably wondering how you're going to make this in anyway believable.
"Well it's more me singing and him indulging me by coming. He doesn't sing unless I have at least 5 drinks in me but I never remember much afterwards..." trailing off and scrunching up your face, hoping you look like you're trying to remember these made up nights.
Soap glares at you for a moment, trying to find some kind of fault on your face before letting out a sigh.
"Yeah, that actually sounds like something he'd do. Now what was this comment about her mum?" Soap asks, turning towards Ghost.
"I was facetiming her when he came up behind me. Scared the absolute bejeezus out of her enough for her to scold him. When he was finally able to get an apology in she started asking questions as if this was school and not the military! All 'how're they doing?' and 'they getting along with the other soldiers?' It was mortifying! I might as well not have been there the way she was talking. And then- oh and Then! She asked for His number! Can you believe that?!" You deserve a fucking oscar the way you have Soap's attention over this performance.
"'S not my fault she likes me better. Says I'm a delight." The mask gives nothing away but the look in his eyes tell you he's having the time of his life, his arms over the back of the armchair, looking more relaxed than you've ever seen him.
"Oh now I Know you're fucking with me. No offense Ghost but you're about as delightful as steppin' on a pinecone barefoot!" Soap practically spits at him.
"'S not what her mum thinks. She even sent me some treacle tarts."
"She sent you treacle tarts?! She doesn't even make me those!," you get in before Soap can say anything. Never mind that she's never made them before. Ghost gives a shrug while Soap looks back and forth between the two of you, looking like he's trying to grasp at straws.
"Bu-but you're American! You've even said before that both your parents are American!"
"And my mom could have travelled and decided she wanted to have them for the rest of her life after trying them once, you ever think of that? And really? 'I'm American' is the best you can come up with?," you give a pitying look.
"This mean you believe us then? That we're best mates?" Ghost interjects in his gruff voice. Actually hearing him actively going along with the bit and not just throwing in a line or two while you ramble gets your heart racing for some reason. You hope it doesn't show on your face.
"Hell no, do you see that look on their face?!"
"That's because this is the first time I've ever heard him say it and I'm trying not to get emotional, don't ruin this for me," you have no idea where that came from but you barely know what you're saying any this point, "Anyways, as much as I would love to keep listening to you doubt the validity and integrity of Ghost's and my friendship, I have this thing I need to get to that starts riiiight abouut," looking over Soap's shoulder at the clock, "now, at anywhere else but here. So I'm gonna get going. Ghost, you coming?," you ask getting off the couch. You actually feel your heart drop to your ass when he actually gets up too, gathering his things.
Soap's eyes are impossibly wide as he watches the both of you make your way out, flabbergasted. And it is taking everything inside of you to keep yourself neutral, but there's just.. one last thing you have to say before you leave.
"Honestly, I'm really disappointed in you. Acting like we'd do this as a bit just to mess with you. For shame, Soap, for shame. After you," a small smile slips as you hold the door open for Ghost. He nods his head in thanks and, dare you say, almost saunters out.
Soap's eyes widen further and shouts, "Hey!," but the door's already closed.
You and Ghost walk in silence for a period until you're sure you're far enough away.
"You think that last bit was too much?," genuinely curious to how he'll respond.
"I think it was just enough for him to question if the entire thing was a sham or not. He'll be scratchin' his head for weeks after this," his low voice giving away the smirk that's in there. You both stop and look at each other for a pause before you dissolve into a fit of giggles.
"I have - never Seen - Soap look so mad before!," you manage to gasp out, clutching your sides as you fall against the wall, "Oh my God I wonder how long I could have kept that up for! Thank you for going along with me."
"Are you kidding? That's gonna be putting a smile on my face for the next month." And that sends you into another fit, doubling over almost sending you to the ground. Entirely missing the quiet chuckle he lets out.
"I think we could milk this out for another week. What say you? Wanna keep the bit going?," he sticks out his hand, his eyes more playful than you ever knew they could be, that you completely forget to be surprised at his question. A grin creeps up onto your face and you give his hand an enthusiastic shake, wholly ready to commit to the bit.
"Bestie, I think we can make it 2."
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meaningofaeons · 10 months
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ obviously oblivious
⊹ character(s) - geto suguru ⊹ word count - 2.7k ⊹ notes - gn!reader, fluff, a hint of angst if you squint, fake dating, takes place in hidden inventory (before all the bad stuff so ... hs!au sort of but still in jjks regular setting), possibly ooc suguru sorry </3
this is the raffle fic for the winner of the cat-baret raffle, @psychopomp-enthusiast !! they requested a geto x reader fake dating and I was more than happy to oblige *:・゚✧(=✪ ᆺ ✪=)*:・゚✧ permission was granted to post this fic! also, sorry in advance if there's any she/her usage or fem terms used for reader! I try my best to edit and ensure they're 100% gn, but sometimes things slip through the cracks! let me know if I messed up anywhere!
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"You want me to do what?"
You kept your hands firmly over your face, already thoroughly humiliated by the request at hand. If not for the fact that Satoru would certainly value holding something over your head as blackmail, he would've already ran and told Suguru about your little plan.
"I'm not repeating myself!"
"No, no, seriously, I think I didn't hear you!"
Satoru's disbelief had melded into disbelief and humor, his eyes lighting up at your misery. "Tell me what you wanted my help with again!"
"Satoru, you are a dick!"
"I don't think that's how you ask someone for help if you really need them to help you out."
"Forget it."
"Why do you want me to pretend to date you, of all things?" he chuckled, ignoring your words and continuing the conversation, plopping himself right onto your desk. You glared at him, having half a mind to shove him off onto the floor. "Wouldn't that just make Suguru upset?"
"No— Well, yes, but like, not intentionally."
"You literally have bad intentions with this plan."
You shoved him hard, but the white-haired boy managed to keep his ass firmly on your desk, laughing at the futility of your gesture. You slumped backwards in your seat.
"What's the point?"
"The point is that he'd realize he likes me back. Or, if he doesn't like me, I'd be able to tell by him not caring. Or something like that..."
"That's stupid."
You groaned. You knew that.
"He's definitely the type of guy to just let it go and suffer in silence. I mean, I've been friends with him for ages. He'd be all, 'I'm happy you're happy, Satoru!' or something."
You knew that too. That's one of the reasons you liked him, for God's sake.
"So let's do it."
You shot up in your seat, eyeing your friend suspiciously. He only shot you a catlike grin in turn.
"Well, you asked me, Suguru's closest friend. So obviously, I could wring it out of him if he was really upset, and then boom, the sham is up! You two date! Happily ever after!"
You gave him an unimpressed look, and he whistled indignantly.
"...Or I could ask Shoko. Whatever."
"And what do you get out of this?"
"Entertainment?" Satoru batted his annoyingly long eyelashes at you prettily, placing his hands under his chin in a mock-gesture that made you want to strangle his perfect skin. "Fun? The satisfaction that I finally get to stop seeing you pine after him—"
"What do you really want?"
"You treat me to sweets anytime I want. It fits into the scheme, anyways! And besides, Suguru kinda pissed me off last week."
"You're literally rich! And you probably started it! What do you mean, he pissed you off?"
Satoru raised his eyebrow at you, and you let out a long, deep, exaggerated sigh.
"Yippee!" You could've pelted him the way he, a grown ass man, pranced around the room like a little toddler girl. As if he even needed your money for his sugar addiction.
"Prick," you muttered, just out of earshot of the strongest as he walked towards the door.
"Okaaay, I'm going now, my dearest! Have some Kikufuku on my desk tomorrow and I'll consider the contract sealed!"
"Prick!" you shouted it this time, really throwing something (a small eraser) but Satoru had already dashed out the door, laughing all the way.
Regardless, you collapsed into your seat again, utterly mortified.
Would this really work?
Guess you had to try.
"What's this?"
Suguru, despite himself, found himself questioning the packet of Kikufuku on Satoru's desk. They'd only just come from the dorms, and they'd done so together as usual, so there was no way Satoru would've had time to get it for himself. Not to mention...
"Isn't this the specialty one from Sendai, too? What, did you do Shoko a huge favor?"
The raven-haired man wasn't pleased when the only response he got was a happy hum from his white-haired friend, who sat down and inspected the treat before popping a piece of mochi in his mouth.
"No," he finally spoke up after a beat of silence, mouth stuffed (causing Suguru to gag in an over-exaggerating fashion). "This is from the best partner in the world! My pookie bear!"
"Very funny," Suguru deadpanned.
Satoru looked offended for a moment, but his affronted expression melted into a look of pure glee as soon as he heard the sliding door open.
Suguru looked up at that, a small smile coming to his lips as he spotted you walk into the room.
"Hey, Y/N—"
The smile dropped at once when he watched his friend bound over to your side, immediately hanging off of you. This wasn't necessarily unusual, but the pet name—not to mention how you didn't immediately shove Satoru off as you usually would—caught Suguru's attention.
"Satoru, stop. We're in class."
"But you got this Kikufuku especially for me, right? Come on, let me pay you back with some cuddles~"
You pushed Satoru away by the cheek, but didn't necessarily work to extricate yourself from him. The raven-haired man definitely noticed this time.
An unpleasant feeling rose in Suguru's gut, but he played it as coolly as he could.
"What's this? Are you two going out or something?" he mocked, chuckling in disbelief. You looked contemplative, and Satoru got a nasty smirk on his face.
As if—
"Yeah, we are," you answered back, equally as calm. The man hanging off of your arm looked all-too pleased with himself as you answered, whereas Suguru had practically gone into shock.
"S-Seriously?" The sorcerer tried to keep his outward dismay to a minimum, but a stutter still edged its way into his voice.
While you were far too distracted in subtly attempting to remove Satoru's arms from around you without making it obvious that your "relationship" was a sham, the man clutching onto you was relishing in the way his friend tried desperately to remain casual at the news.
"Seriously, seriously!" Satoru chimed in, wrapping his arms around your waist in a tight hug. That was the point you gave up trying to get him away.
"Well, congratulations," Suguru muttered, half-hearted words barely forced out. He eyed you for any sign of this being a trick, but to his utter despair, your poker face revealed none of what he was searching for—humor, annoyance, anything that might tell him that Satoru was making the whole thing up.
"Thanks," you murmured back, a bit dismayed yourself.
Did he even care—
"So who asked who ou—"
"Okay, in your seats, everyone," Yaga walked into the room, cutting off Suguru's desperate question, glaring at you three. "Shoko's out on business and won't be back until the afternoon, so it's just you lot."
"Okaaaay," Satoru dragged his feet, letting go of you reluctantly and plopping himself into his seat. You sat one over from him, right between he and Suguru.
Throughout the entire class, your white-haired friend couldn't help but chuckle to himself at your raven-haired friend's urgent glances your way.
By the time Yaga had dismissed you three, Suguru excused himself quite quickly and practically ran out the door.
Well, strode was more like it, but Satoru could see the hurry in his steps.
Off to tell Shoko all about it, he was sure.
"See? He didn't seem to care at all," you pouted a bit, head slumped on your desk. Bright blue eyes rolled in incredulity at your density.
"Seriously? He always sticks around after class to hang out. Why else would he have ran off?"
"To not see you making a fool of yourself and drooling all over me?"
It was tempting to take that Kikufuku in Satoru's hand and pelt him right between the eyes with it as he batted his eyelashes innocently, but you resisted your violent urges. He only chuckled more, popping treat after treat past his lips.
"I think you're being dumb."
"You're dumb."
"Am not! Suguru's the dumb one, really."
"He's not dumb!" you fired back. "He clearly just isn't interested in me, so let's just stop this already."
"Wow, I've only been your fake boyfriend for a day, and you're already trashing me. Shame!"
"I just don't want to owe you more desserts than I have to for something that clearly won't work."
Satoru whistled. "Well, at least I got one bag of Kikufuku out of it!"
"Jerk..." you muttered.
A beat of silence passed, and you half-expected the man to up and leave after getting bored, but when you glanced up, you saw him fiddling with his flip phone.
Then, he grinned at the screen, turning to you.
"Let's go to Suzukien."
"What? Why?" you asked. In all fairness, matcha gelato did sound pretty delicious at the moment, especially to offput your bad mood. However, you'd be loath to admit when Satoru had a good idea lest his head inflate to the size of a large balloon.
"Just feel like a colder treat. Your treat, 'cause I helped you out and all."
You grumbled and pulled your bag over your shoulders, walking over to the door. "Fine, let's go."
The second Suguru had gotten out of class, as Satoru had guessed, he had gone straight to Shoko.
She nearly leapt out of her seat as the door slammed open, whipping around with a glare to shush her friend.
"Are you insane? This is a clinic. I'm working."
"Did you know Y/N and Satoru are dating?"
For a moment, Shoko's expression reflected pure horror and pity, but then, she stopped. It took her a total of 5 seconds of thought to put two and two together, and she shrugged.
"No, they're not."
"They just told me they are."
"Then you're an idiot for believing them."
Suguru plopped himself into the cold metal chair in the corner, eyeing Shoko and awaiting an explanation. She sighed, finishing up her technique on the patient and removing her gloves, walking over to her table full of various medical tools.
"I remember like a year ago, there was a guy I thought was kind of cute. Gojo had this grand idea to get him jealous by pretending we were going out, but the catch was that I had to buy him sweets whenever he wanted. It lasted maybe a day, but he does a good job of being overbearingly annoying as a fake boyfriend."
Suguru, for all his intelligence, was still a bit slow. Perhaps it was the implication of you having some sort of feelings for him that ran the train of disbelief in his mind.
"And that connects to this situation... why?"
Shoko looked at him, extremely unimpressed.
"Did Gojo have a pack of sweets on his desk?"
"Yeah, Kikufuku..."
"And were they from Y/N?"
"He said—" Suguru paused, his brain running a mile a minute. Then, he buried his face in his hands. Shoko only pulled out her flip phone, typing away.
"I'm an idiot."
"Yes, you are."
"I bet this is because Yaga backed me up when we were arguing over the pronunciation of a word last week..."
"Probably. That's Gojo for you."
"So do I ask them out now?"
"What do you think?" Shoko flashed her phone's screen in Suguru's face, the man squinting to get a good look at the words.
Gojo had sent a whole slew of text emojis scattered between every word, but somewhere within the endless stream of colons and parenthesis and threes was a message detailing him taking you (or you taking him, more like) to Suzukien.
He was out the door with a quick thanks before the girl could even blink, and she chuckled, popping a cigarette out of the box as she sent one more text to Satoru.
"He's on his way."
You grumbled to yourself even more as you sat at a small bench outside of Suzukien.
The second your money was in the clerk's hand and Satoru's gelato was in his, he had taken off, some shit excuse about having somewhere to be flying off his lips before you could process he'd ran away with the treat.
You silently wondered how much trouble you'd get into with Yaga if you were to smear mochi and red bean paste all over Satoru's desk, when a breathless voice spoke up from next to you.
You jumped slightly, whipping your head to the side to see none other than Suguru. Instantly, your face burned hot.
"U-Uhm, hi. What's up?"
A part of you wondered if this is why Satoru was so enamored with his phone earlier...
"I, uh, talked to Shoko."
"Oh! Um, what would that be about? Here, let me buy you a cone, it's pretty hot out, you look exhausted—"
"No, no, it's okay, uh..." Suguru toyed with his bang, trying to maintain eye contact with you and failing horrendously.
He could talk to you just fine before.
What the hell was going on with him now?!
Right. You'd gone through all the trouble to get roped into Satoru's scheme just at an attempt to convey your feelings without really conveying them, and those feelings just happened to be the same as his—
The raven-haired man shook his head. Even if Shoko said what she said, he has to be sure he's not actually trying to steal his best friend's official significant other or anything.
"The dating thing with Satoru wasn't—isn't real, right? Just... Just double checking."
"U-Uhh..." You were torn between perpetuating the lie and telling the truth, but seeing the smoldering look in Suguru's eyes, you shrunk and bowed your head. "N-No, sorry... It was just, uhm, a joke. That's right! Just a joke. I assume Shoko—"
"She told me it was because you wanted to make me jealous."
Well, that was blunt.
It seems Suguru himself realized it, too, because at your flustered expression, he waved a hand frantically.
"But that's just what she said could be it, because Satoru and her did that to another guy! She could've been lying, or just relating it to another experience! Sorry, I didn't mean to—"
"No, no, she's, uhm, she was right," you laughed anxiously, scuffing your shoe against the ground and fidgeting about as your cone slowly melted. "Being completely honest, she was right. I did— I did do it to make you jealous."
"Oh... oh."
The silence was thick with tension between you two, but you soon began giggling—out of pure nerves or actual humor, you weren't sure.
It wasn't long before Suguru joined in, his tense expression softening at your laughter.
"I'm sorry, I was being stupid... I should've just told you."
"No, I think I should've told you first. That I like you, I mean."
Your chuckles ceased at once, hot shock rising in your cheeks.
"Seriously, seriously," Suguru mimicked Satoru. Your eyes widened, and you glanced away, but the raven-haired man only leaned back into your line of sight.
"So, do you want to go out? I'll buy you a new cone to make up for distracting you. It can be our first date."
It was at that moment that you realized the icy cold that was covering your hands, jumping with surprise and embarrassment as you noticed your treat all over your fingers. Suguru only smiled, heading inside and coming back out with some napkins, helping you clean off your hands and toss your cone in the trash.
"Really, though, Suguru, I'll treat. It was my fault for going along with Satoru's—"
"Nuh uh. He already made you buy Sendai Kikufuku. I can't imagine the time and effort to get that for today."
"Well, then, um... Thanks—"
You two practically spun in a circle at the obnoxious voice ringing out from behind the corner of the block. Satoru waved around his flip phone victoriously, a picture of Suguru and you standing quite close together now on its screen.
"I've already told Shoko! Enjoy your date, lovebirds~!"
Before you could say a word, he had scrambled off, giggling all the way. You and Suguru shared a glance.
"Would you be opposed to sharing the punishment with me if I fucked with Satoru's desk? I was thinking of leaving him a couple of melted gelato cones in there."
"Yaga will kill us, but it'll be worth it."
The two of you smiled, laughing a bit. Then, Suguru led you into the gelato shop, warmth filling his chest.
It took a bit of time and confusion, but he had you.
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anin13 · 1 year
Shumori chapter 8
TW: Diabolik Lovers, sexual harassment, mild violence, high level manipulation. More dream world next time!
Subaru skipped class to track at least one of the amateur terrorists, learn their schedule, whereabouts, dwelling and eventually find where they were holding Yui captive.
He had a lot more success than he wanted to, though; turns out two of the brothers noticed and blocked his way whenever he was about to get close to Yui, who was being a lot more closely guarded by the guy with too much perfume.
How close, exactly? And why did she allow this?
Subaru had a knot in the stomach and seriously considered the possibility that there really was no point in trying to retrieve his girlfriend; he could hear her heart sometimes went faster, too. But he had to see for himself. As he was reaching the hallway her scent came from, they appeared again.
-I'm sorry, Subaru... but we can't be suspected of holding a hostage... -Azusa had just dropped an entire cart full of basketballs to roll and bounce directly at Subaru like bowling balls to a pin- you would make it too obvious...
Subaru was appalled the school seemed to pay no attention to the racket Azusa's balls were making, or the soapy water Ruki was strategically dropping just a few meters of Yui's classroom.
-Don't even bother telling on us -Ruki said, rather proudly as he made a barricade out of mops- we have bribed the cleaning staff, and they were a bit too enthusiastic about the idea of causing you any type of predicament. It's best to keep your distance, Sakamaki Subaru.
Subaru tripped on a ball and landed face down, as all classrooms shut their doors and left tardy students outside for another 45 minutes. He was condemned to skip yet another class today.
This only further angered Subaru. And reporting them for bullying was too lame. What would Shu do?
Nothing. He wouldn't give a-
He'd send a familiar to follow them and leave a trail for him to catch up. Yui couldn't possibly think he'd forgotten about her, or could she?
-Hey, Masokitty, it's especially dark tonight, isn't it? -Kou stretched out a hand to Yui- do you wanna hold hands? We wouldn't want you to be snatched away by some scary serial killer...
Yui was embarrassed to even be suggested the option. She couldn't really phatom disrespecting Subaru like that by her own will but on the other hand, she really did find their way home to be a bit scary.
-Can we maybe just have me walk in front instead?
-And have all of us 3 vampires look at you obsessively the whole way? -Kou smirked- My, you really have a hidden pervert inside!
-Or is it just vanity? -Kou growled as his eyes narrowed- I tried the easy way, but you are annoyingly uncooperative...
And he cuffed himself to her, with real, cold metal cuffs.
-Kou, why? -Yui yelped as he forcefully pulled her forward
-A spirit, a being with no physical body, cannot undo chains or anything like that. -Kou giggled- isn't that poetic, Masokitty? Ruki here thought of all possibilities, that's our big brother for you!
-Kou, let's get on with it; -Ruki smiled a little but tried to dissimulate- you know what our limits are.
-Hey, Eve... -Azusa said casually as he walked beside a handcuffed Yui- I'm so jealous you get to use those for the first time, they are top-quality and military grade... do they hurt?
Yui felt both hopeless and mortified... but hopefully that "spirit" she had been cuffed in account of had something to do with the Sakamaki house... this town must have so many other creepy creatures hungry for humans, but she wanted to believe.
Meanwhile, the police was inspecting a park where drug dealers liked to hang out and they spotted a huge guy sleeping on a tree branch like he lived in the jungle.
They shone a light in his face,
-Sir, get down immediately, we cannot have people climbing these trees! Are you under the influence of any substance?
Yuma growled and hissed and covered his eyes as the police made their classic police-y noises. He almost lost balance, if it wasn't for the rope he could have fallen from quite a few meters.
He had tied himself to a tree like he was avoiding being eaten by some predator. He didn't know how he got here, or why he'd resorted to this action.
The police was about to interrogate him when he snapped out of the confusion and remembered he was a vampire, fuck the police!
And he ran in super speed out of their sight. Now, where did he live..?
Subaru arrived at what looked like a modern version of the Sakamaki mansion. He wondered if he would be crazy to think these people had something to do with his bastard of a father, but that was insane.
Surely there were a lot more vampires in the human world than there should be, right? Every single one was one too much, in his view, but he couldn't imagine other vampires having a demented father send them here; he wanted to believe not too many were like Karl-Heinz.
He just had bad luck. Speaking of which, it started raining.
Laito would probably say this was a scene from a horror movie in which a stalker stood around waiting for the heroine to discover him.
Fuck Laito, he was the good guy! They really had held her hostage previously, though. He didn't really know if she'd left willingly. Now he was mad at Laito for no reason. No, not at Laito. He hated himself. He had definitely messed up with Yui enough for this to happen.
But priorities first: the lights were on on the other side of the house. Everywhere was dark except this one window.
As he got closer, he saw the blond guy holding Yui's face in his hand, her back pressed against what he guessed was his dimly lit bedroom wall.
-Come on, Masokitty, it's rather selfish that I escorted you all the way here -he grabbed her chin and lifted it to expose her neck- keep you company in a scary storm and even give you nice, fluffy pajamas -he murmured in her ear, feeling up the fabric in her waist and pinning her hip against the wall with one leg- and you won't let me suck your blood?
-Kou, -Yui moaned as she struggled- I didn't ask for any of this, please let me go!
-You totally thought it was a given, didn't you? -Kou slowly passed a light finger along her carotid- You really are arrogant... just look at these goosebumps, begging to be pierced...
He bit, she yelled.
Subaru knew that pained face very well. Because he had previously caused the same himself.
He didn't want to let unwanted pain happen to her, be it by his hand or anyone else's. If she really didn't love him, he loved her still and didn't want her mistreated. He smashed the glass separating the balcony and the bedroom to face the other vampire.
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Yuma got lost in the city, then he remembered the way to school; it had just started to rain pretty heavily and he didn't want to end up in the police's records for actual trespassing in some public place or an empty house, and the school was all he could recall in terms of directions.
He imagined it would be very strange if the police saw a guy identical to him had been apprehended a few decades ago in Romania, but wasn't like, a 100 years old now.
Come on, Yuma! -he yelled at himself- That's NUTS! -a passerby made a frightened face and ran as Yuma facepalmed at himself, oblivious- and very unlikely!
But how likely was his very existence? His mugshot would probably be some kind of horror tale on that "Internet" thing. The Japanese would think he was a Yokai like the Shirime. No thanks!
So he broke into school to sleep somewhere it wouldn't rain on him. Most classrooms were locked, except the music classroom. Cozy, he wouldn't need to break anything!
He entered, humming a violin song that often got stuck in his head and noticed something. This place smelled very familiar. Either way, it was late and he was exhausted.
Good night, goodnight, close your eyes and you'll leave this dream
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Kou had legitimately not seen this coming. He didn't hear him either; the sound of the rain must have dulled his presence, sound and smell. That, and the intoxicating smell and taste of this girl's blood.
There he stood, yelling something about not treating his girl like that, not taking his property without permission and something at her asking if she'd left willingly.
Subaru was aiming a punch at Kou when Azusa snuck behind him and kicked the back of his knees; once again Subaru was on the floor. This was definitely not his day.
Ruki restrained Yui and shielded Kou; Subaru was outnumbered, and he wouldn't do something Ayato would do, like setting the house on fire; he'd admit defeat and retreat.
Yui saw him disappear in a cloud of dust; she couldn't help but cry. He'd come for her. As Yui or his "property"?
-That is one proud guy... isn't he? -Azusa and Ruki exchanged dreading looks as Kou helped Yui sit on the bed and brought her a tissue.
-Why are you crying, lil' kitty? -Kou asked, genuinely confused; his eye detected sadness but something like happiness at the same time- Scary having someone just break windows to barge in like that, huh?
-Please, Kou... you make no sense! -Yui sobbed- why are you keeping me here? I wanted to go with him...
-We can't; and I'm pretty sure that violent guy is a handful. After all, haven't you've been pretty lonely for a while?
-Hey, it's been hard for you, let me take you out somewhere fun tomorrow to make it up to you!
Fear. He'd need a different approach.
-I'm sure those guys won't let you go to stuff like... you've been wanting to experience a normal, human student life, if only for a little bit, haven't you? -Kou smiled- You know we used to be human a long time ago; we have an idea what it's like... there is a place the girls at school said is cool, I've wanted to check out; you should come!
An offer Yui couldn't resist. He'd just seen into her deepest desire. She hugged him, willingly, and sobbed what seemed like a river. Was she going crazy? These people kidnapped her! But she had longed for this for too long to say no, catch or no catch.
At the Sakamaki mansion, as everyone was going to bed, the main door busted open and a soaking wet Subaru with a few cuts entered and left muddy footprints in the foyer, much to Reiji's dismay.
-Subaru! What compelled you to go roll in the mud at this hour? -Reiji grew livid when Subaru didn't respond- Are you possessed or why do think it is fine to leave mud footprints in the house like a rabid animal?!
-Shut the fuck up, leave me alone!
Subaru ran toward his room, or the castle, but not before taking off his shoes to stop leaving footprints. How very considerate.
-Oooh -Laito poked his head into the hallway- do you think he tried and failed to retrieve Bitch-chan and that's why he's so riled up?
-Surely that is the case. I'll let it go this time. But tomorrow he'll clean that floor with the help of torture tools.
-Do we still have popcorn? -Ayato laughed behind them
Truth is, he would have preferred to stay up and watch Subaru clean while Laito took pictures and Kanato set a beautiful table of sweets for them to enjoy Subaru's torment, because his dreams were so unsettling lately, but he didn't want to say anything because that was just lame.
Reiji left, not without ordering his brothers to go to bed already. Everything was okay.
-Hey, Ayato... have you been seeing something very strange in your dreams lately? -Laito said, grin gone- Something about a picnic, pictures, a fire and the missing Mukami guy?
Ayato flinched. His brother could be so stalkerish and guess his thoughts! Would his thoughts follow him into his dreams!?
-What? The great me doesn't have lame dreams about lame people doing lame things!
Laito looked sad. He hated that face. Okay, he'd remove the depression from his face.
-I do remember a picnic with all of you. But I'm sure it's nothing.
-The picnic was kinda fun. -Laito remembered only he and Shu seemed to be their conscious selves in the dream- I wonder if, you know how the Yuma guy is missing in real life... could we ever..?
-What do you want something like that for? It's pointless.
-If you ever feel like it, though...
Laito left the hallway, a bit disappointed, but not too much; he couldn't really expect Ayato to get it.
Predictably, when he opened his eyes he was back at the strange garden-nursery, and lying around him on the floor were Ayato, Kanato and Subaru, who were still asleep, even in the dream. Would they be dreaming inside the dream?
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He might as well play around a little in this place, it wasn't so bad, after all, much cozier than the mansion.
There was a radio from the 1930s. He hadn't seen one of these in such a long time!
He turned it on.
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"Kaaaaaaaaarl, what have you done this time????!
"Nothing, nothing!"
"Kaaaaaaarl, there is a dead person in our living room!"
"Oh yes, I killed him..."
This Karl guy seemed to be awful. He kept saying something about a great plan and a genetic experiment to spawn crazy individuals; and he had a breeding fetish. He hoped he never actually met the bastard.
It sounded familiar, but he didn't want to hear any more of this absurd, twisted plan of a new species, inheriting mysterious powers to some poor guy and the woman saying KAAAAAAAARL to every atrocity like it was a minor inconvenience. For some reason he was enraged.
He prided himself in not being obnoxiously destructive like Subaru, but this was all a dream, so he couldn't be bothered to care: he threw the radio through the window.
Problem was, it had apparently landed on someone's head, and they survived and had enough energy to give chase. The door had already been reached. He was quite possibly screwed.
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marshmallowloves · 5 months
I KNOW you're in tht pkmn mood so give us 🎧, 💿, 🎼, and 🕺 with any of ur pkmn faves and ur si :3c
asfkdjdfh you clocked me… that's pretty much all I've been doing lately >u>
honestly I kinda wanna do these with both Maxie and Arven because I got brainrot on both fronts kdjfg
(also I am SO sorry I answered this so ungodly late. I kind of realized, uh, wow. I know so few songs about faves… holy heck this was. kind of hard actually so it took me a long ass time kdjfhg also I just. really suck at communication sometimes i'm sorry ;_;)
🎧 - Your f/o just found your music player! What song do they find playing on it?
ARVEN: probably one of the tracks from Sinnoh - either the lake theme, Canalave City (or the night version), Eterna Forest or the Pokémon Center (night). When he sees it, he figures Cici probably misses home a lot. Don't mind him as he nonchalantly scours every recipe book in the school library for Old Gateau…
MAXIE: Uh. this one is kind of…inexplicable. Maxie also has a hard time wrapping his head around his Admin's taste in music. He was so certain he'd find soft piano pieces, or that sparkly-sounding j-pop that's certainly an anime OP/ED. What is this vulgarity, and what are these images of his Admin that flash in his brain during the chorus for some reason. why the FUCK is he confined behind his desk right now. He will absolutely blame Team Aqua (and specifically, the friend she has over there) for tainting his proper and civilized Admin with their filth. after he. takes care of this thing.
💿 - give us a song that fits your f/o's vibe!
ARVEN: I know you mean like his whole vibe, like his character, but for some reason all I can think of is this when he's talking about Cici dkjfhg
Okay but answering seriously (cause I thought of it just now) - for some reason I really feel like Apt. 102 fits. It sounds cozy and casual and…domestic…?? Like two people hanging out in a living space and doing chores or cooking together or something... u//v//u
MAXIE: See I WANT to say Bionic Man because it's one of the only lyrical songs I can think of for a calculated man (even if it is kind of weird)…but that's…probably more fitting for a different f/o honestly. (cough N. Ginsdjf no go away this is a pokemon post)
Okay tbh I've been racking my brain forever for this and all I can think of is THIS which…is a little weird considering it's literally the theme (in name, at least) for ANOTHER F/O… but it's all I can come up with atm i'm sorry dfgh. But I think it fits the vibe tbh, it's got the imposing strings, the tiny beat and synth beeps, and the little bells give kind of an air of superiority and…maybe smugness?? Like he's about to verbally decimate the fuck out of you dskjfg
🎼 - give us a song that matches your s/i's vibe!
I am not gonna lie to you I am having the hardest time with this one. Both of my S/Is are pretty much exactly the same with the only difference being who they fall for. It'd probably be easier if she had like…a THEME about her personality or design or whatever, but she's pretty much just "me, but with Pokemon" and as a regular-ass human being I am. very multifaceted and can't pinpoint anything dkjfg
SO! I think I will instead just…repeat the answer to a previous question and say Canalave City (her hometown) or the Lake theme (for the fact that her love of mythicals originated in Sinnoh). And possibly Snowpoint City (I was hesitant to list that one bc as much as she loves Ice-types, she doesn't have any on her team, but...come on. It wouldn't be Cici without snow somewhere dkfjg)
🕺 - what song would you and your f/o dance to?
ARVEN: <<< SPOILERS FOR THE SV DLC (sorry I can't like, put a filter over text so this is the best I can do dkjfg>>> if I'm being perfectly honest. he probably would denounce any and all dancing for a while after the whole mochi debacle cause he was so mortified of how he acted sdkjfg. If he was somehow persuaded to dance it would be completely impromptu (as in, he probably doesn't actively participate and it's mostly just me swinging him around djgf) and to something lively like this or this.
MAXIE: Something like this - classical, a refined vibe, and something where he wouldn't have to do any rigorous movement OR a waltz-sounding song like this (could only find it on soundcloud dkjfg). Maxie is really not a dancing man - he has an image to uphold, after all! (admittedly it's a pretentious one DFJKDG) But…if he WERE to ever dance with his Admin, it would certainly be behind closed doors, and only to remind her that he's not all stuffy and serious all the time - see, look, he's perfectly capable of having """fun.""" And if anyone caught him, they would probably be fired immediately.
Either that, or like…the fuckin. safety dance or something. idfk honestly. for the memes ig (and cause he's old KJDFHG)
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