#he'd get the company a new body and a new boyfriend
1800-lemonadeg1rl · 2 days
New to town
Prologue | Part 1
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Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary- the darkest days of your life could lead to something new. Prologue for a series
Warnings- death, breakups, plane crashes, lonely reader
A/n - hii!!! :3 I'm so srry for not writing anything in like 4 months I swear I'm gonna get back into the habit of it as soon as <33
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You always hated being new. Since your were a little kid your parents would move up and down the country at least twice a year which in turn caused you to never have any kind of concrete friendships and to eventually stop trying to make them. When you'd turned eighteen and moved out and were sure you'd stay where you'd picked to be forever.
City living however didn't agree with you one bit. The tiny flat, that could barely fit a fanily if mice, you resided in, cost about an arm a month despite the electrics barely working and the terrible drafts keeping you cold all night. When you'd arrived you were sure you'd make it your own and decorate to make it look less depressing but you mever had the time. You were sure you'd adjust to the noisy neighbours next door and whatever your upstairs neighbours were doing at four in the morning. That hope and optimism for the bleak city had since left and now you lay in the cramped flat at night trying to get comfy on your cheap second hand mattress which creaked awfully whenever you moved as you tried to drown out next doors noise.
Outside tour flat was no better either. You'd struggled to make a single meaningful connection since being here and now some people could say it was the fact you didn't really know how to keep things going in relationships since you'd never had to have a friend longer than six months but you wanted to believe it was the people in the city. Yeah, that sounds better, people from the city were just that bit less extroverted and already had their own groups.
The meaningless office job you worked only made things worse. 45 hours a week slogging away for a meager paycheck and little recognition for any of your time. You'd been there a handful of years since moving into the city and still coworkers regularly got your name wrong or forgot about you completely. Your boss clearly didn't like you, not that he had it out for you by any means but you always had an unfair workload compared to others at the company.
At night you'd lie awake listening to the sounds of the city wondering how many more months you could make it in this bleak existence before an improvement came. How much longer could you hang onto the wagon of life. You weren't much of a betting man but if you were you would of said you'd only make it couple of months.
That's when things took a much worse turn.
The next week your boyfriend of eight months broke up with you over text. You'd known things were over for a while since he'd stopped coming over so much and being going around town with this other girl you'd never cared for. Infact you were more upset about the loss of a warm body, the comfort and stability of a relationship than you were losing him. He wasn't a bad man just.. immature, shown clearly by his breakup message he couldn't even be bothered to call or try to be grammatically correct in his small message. He'd never treated you bad but he wasn't great either, he'd cancel dates to go out with friends, spend the night at yours when there was sports on just because he knew you had the TV channels. You could do better than him. You knew that.
Still, you were desperate to persevere throught these tough times. Yeah it looked poor now but good things were sure to happen when you least expect it... or not.
A few weeks after your breakup as you lay across the old leather couch that took up most the living room space in your apartment. As you meagerly picked at your dinner. That was when it happened.
Your phone ringing suddenly was confusing enough, you hardly had any contacts other than your parents and well they were on a flight to Barbados so definitely couldn't be ringing at this hour. You check the phone and the illuminating letters read out no caller id. Assuming it could be important you decided to answer it, slowly putting the phone to your ear.
"Is this y/n/l/n?" A middle aged woman asks, her voice sounded glum and her signal not so good.
"Yeah. Yes, yeah it is. Why?" You responded with a string of awkward yeses mentally facepalming yourself for the stupid response.
"I'm speaking on behalf of United Airlines and we regret to inform you but your parents plane has crashed. They.. they..." Her voice faltered slightly or perhaps the signal cut but you knew what was coming as you felt you could throw up at any moment. A cold sweat plaguing you. "They didn't survive. Sorry." There it was; the news that would change your life. Both of them gone in one swoop. Even if you hadn't been talking so much with your family since your big move you certainly weren't ready for something as catastrophic as this to happen.
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phenikas · 1 year
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"Don't talk to me or my giant robot boyfriend."
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thedensworld · 5 months
Revelation | C.Sc
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Pairing: Seungcheol x Reader
Genre: fluff, angst, office romance
Summary: What started as an office romance escalated quickly when there are news about Choi Seungcheol, your boyfriend, is suddenly the heirs of the company where you both work.
You grumbled as you opened your eyes, feeling the chill on the other side of the bed where Seungcheol had been sleeping. Unconsciously, your lips formed a pout, not quite pleased with Seungcheol's disciplined approach to work, which often meant leaving you alone in the mornings. But you knew he was just steps away, getting ready in the bathroom. Despite the fever weighing you down, you summoned the willpower to rise and prepare for the day. However, your feverish body rebelled, refusing to cooperate as you attempted to prop yourself up. It was the same cold that had brought Seungcheol to your side last night, yet now it seemed to mock your efforts to start the day.
"Getting better, love?" Seungcheol's voice drifted from the bathroom as he emerged, shirtless, a towel loosely draped around his lower body. You managed a nod in response, feeling a mix of gratitude and guilt for his concern.
As he drew closer, his hand instinctively reached out to touch your forehead. His expression soured at the lingering heat. "You're still burning," he remarked with a furrowed brow.
"Let's call you in sick for today."
You shifted your body fully to watch him, a smile spreading across your face as you admired his effortless grace in dressing. "Maybe it's because my boyfriend is so hot that I'm burning," you mumbled playfully, the words audible to Seungcheol as he adjusted his pants.
Seungcheol chuckled, turning to you with a raised eyebrow. "Really? Am I that hot?" he asked, a hint of playful vanity in his tone as he pulled back the duvet covering your body, his ego clearly enjoying the compliment.
"Really hot, to the point where I can't help but work to protect you from other women," you teased, preparing to rise from the bed. But Seungcheol was quicker, gently pushing you back under the covers with a soft yet firm touch, his concern evident in the way he hovered over you.
"I'll order you some food for breakfast. Let's have you rest for today, love," Seungcheol suggested, his voice soft with concern as he hovered near the bed.
You raised your brow, a flicker of worry crossing your features. "Didn't you say you had to pay for rent? Don't use that money for me," you reminded him, your concern for his finances clear in your tone.
Seungcheol met your gaze with a warm smile, brushing off your concern. "Yes, but it's okay," he reassured you, his eyes reflecting his affection for you.
Shaking your head slightly, you insisted, "You know I can pay for myself, right?"
Seungcheol nodded in understanding, his expression gentle. "You've told me that thousands of times already," he reminded you with a soft chuckle.
"Baby, if you need anything, you have me, alright?" you affirmed, reaching out to him with reassurance. He responded by pressing a tender kiss to your forehead, his actions speaking volumes as he nodded in agreement.
Seungcheol headed off to work after ensuring you had a healthy breakfast on the way. He reassured you that he'd already taken care of the payment, urging you to simply enjoy the meal and remember to take your medicine afterward. As you sat at the dining table, a pang of guilt settled in your stomach. You couldn't shake the knowledge that Seungcheol was facing financial challenges of his own, yet he never hesitated to take care of you. The thought weighed heavily on your mind as you contemplated his selflessness, a mix of gratitude and concern swirling within you.
Reflecting on the journey you and Seungcheol had taken together, you couldn't help but marvel at his unwavering determination and work ethic. You both started as interns at the company, navigating the challenges of entry-level positions while trying to make ends meet. But while you struggled to find your footing, Seungcheol dove headfirst into every task, his relentless drive and dedication setting him apart.
You watched with admiration as he worked tirelessly, often taking on extra shifts and projects to support himself financially. Despite the long hours and occasional setbacks, his perseverance never wavered. And it was this unwavering commitment to his goals that slowly but surely began to capture your heart.
As you got to know him better, you realized that behind his stoic exterior was a heart of gold. Beneath the surface of his determined facade, Seungcheol was kind, compassionate, and fiercely loyal to those he cared about. It was these qualities, coupled with his unyielding work ethic, that drew you to him like a magnet.
And now, as you sat at the dining table, contemplating the sacrifices he made for you without a second thought, you couldn't help but feel overwhelmed with love and admiration for the man who had stolen your heart. Despite the challenges you both faced, Seungcheol's unwavering support and dedication had never faltered, and for that, you were endlessly grateful.
"I must have gone to war in my previous life, right?" you mused aloud, a small smile playing at the corners of your lips as you opened the meal and began to savor it.
As you stepped into the elevator, the buzz of morning gossip greeted you, swirling around the confined space like a whirlwind of speculation and excitement. Your colleagues chattered animatedly, their voices rising and falling as they eagerly exchanged the latest news. You stood at the back, content to listen rather than participate, silently absorbing the juicy tidbits being shared.
One particular piece of gossip caught your attention, causing you to perk up with interest. The grandson of the President Company was set to become their director. The news rippled through the elevator, eliciting a mixture of surprise and curiosity from your coworkers.
You had never been particularly interested in the inner workings of the company's hierarchy or its familial ties, but you couldn't deny the significance of this development. The President Company, a prominent entity within the Choi Corps conglomerate, held considerable influence over the various companies under its umbrella, including the advertising agency where you worked.
The mention of Mrs. Park potentially being replaced by this new director sent a ripple of anticipation through the elevator. Mrs. Park, the current director of Choi Ads, was notorious for her strict demeanor and cutthroat management style. The prospect of her departure was met with a mix of relief and excitement, evident in the hushed whispers and knowing glances exchanged between your coworkers.
Should everyone throw a party then?
"You can't believe what happened yesterday!" Soonyoung exclaimed as he approached your table, his excitement palpable.
"I heard it in the elevator," you replied calmly, shooting him a look that silently urged him to lower his voice.
Soonyoung cleared his throat and glanced around before continuing, his voice now subdued. "Everyone was taken aback but relieved at the same time that Mrs. Park and Mr. Yang won't be here anymore."
Your brow furrowed at the unexpected news. Mrs. Park and Mr. Yang, both gone? It seemed the changes within the company ran deeper than you initially realized.
"Mr. Yang too?" you asked, seeking confirmation from Soonyoung, who nodded in response.
"Everyone is finally getting into their proper positions! Mrs. Kim definitely deserves the general manager position. And you, Ms. Assistant Manager, should be a team manager," Soonyoung continued, his enthusiasm undiminished as he recounted the events of the previous day.
Despite Soonyoung's animated explanation, your mind struggled to process the flurry of changes that had occurred in just one day. Replacements, promotions, announcements—what had you missed during your brief absence?
"I'm glad that I treated Seungcheol with all my heart, or should I start calling him Mr. Choi?" Soonyoung mused aloud.
You threw a glance to him, "what do you mean? Seungcheol? Mr. Choi? I'm not following, Soonyoung," you admitted, furrowing your brow in confusion.
Soonyoung's eyes widened in disbelief. "Girl! Assistant Manager Choi is the President's grandson. He was here to announce it. The formal announcement will be held next week, and I'm in charge of the event."
Your jaw dropped in shock, and you instinctively reached out to grasp Soonyoung's arm for support. "What?!" you exclaimed, barely able to contain your surprise. "You're kidding, right?" Your eyes widened, and your breath caught in your throat.
Soonyoung rolled his eyes, a wry smile playing at his lips. "Oh, babe, I wish. But I'm happy for him. I thought he was just some hardworking dude at work. Turns out he's the heir to this company," he explained, his tone a mix of astonishment and admiration.
As Soonyoung's words sank in, your mind raced with a whirlwind of emotions. How could you have been dating Seungcheol for four years without knowing such a significant detail about his family background? The realization left you feeling stunned and incredulous, as if a veil had been lifted to reveal an entirely different side to the man you thought you knew so well.
Images of Seungcheol flashed through your mind—his warm smile, his unwavering support, his tireless dedication to his work. You had always admired his resilience and determination, but now, knowing that he was the grandson of the company president, it added a new layer of complexity to your relationship.
Questions flooded your mind, each one more pressing than the last. Why hadn't Seungcheol ever mentioned his family's connection to the company before? Did he deliberately keep it a secret, or was it simply an oversight on his part? And most importantly, what did this newfound revelation mean for your future together?
As you grappled with the shock of this unexpected discovery, a sense of uncertainty crept in, mingling with the lingering warmth of affection you felt for Seungcheol. Despite the whirlwind of emotions swirling within you, one thing was certain—you needed to have a conversation with him, to clear the air and uncover the truth behind his hidden identity as the grandson of the company president.
As you made your way through the office, your mind still reeling from the bombshell revelation about Seungcheol's true identity, you were taken aback when you almost collided with a familiar figure—Seungcheol himself. The shock of seeing him, coupled with the knowledge of his impending promotion to director, left you momentarily speechless.
The surprise etched on your face didn't go unnoticed by Seungcheol, who seemed poised to offer an explanation. But before he could utter a word, he was intercepted by a member of the company's secretarial staff, beckoning him away with an urgent summons.
For a moment, you stood frozen in place, torn between the impulse to confront Seungcheol and demand answers, and the realization that now was not the time nor the place for such a conversation. With a heavy heart, you watched silently as he walked away, the weight of the unspoken truth hanging heavily in the air between you.
As he disappeared from view, a whirlwind of emotions swept over you—confusion, disbelief, and a gnawing sense of betrayal mingling with the remnants of affection and longing. You couldn't shake the feeling that everything had changed in an instant, and yet, in many ways, nothing had changed at all. With a sigh, you pocketed your phone, the call to Seungcheol forgotten for now as you grappled with the complexities of your newfound reality.
As interns at the company, you and Seungcheol had embarked on your professional journey together. You were the only one accepted after a rigorous testing and trial period, while Seungcheol's presence in the internship program had come as a surprise to you. However, at the time, you were too focused on the competitive nature of the training system, which dictated that only one intern would be chosen every six months. It hadn't occurred to you to question Seungcheol's sudden appearance.
Seungcheol's reputation as a hardworking man preceded him, and it was evident in the way he threw himself into every task with determination and grit. While you didn't doubt your own work ethic, you couldn't help but acknowledge that you often relied on your natural talent to excel. Gifted in design, management, administration—there seemed to be no limit to your abilities, while Seungcheol had to work tirelessly to match your level of competence.
Despite your differences, the company saw fit to keep both of you on board. You found yourself assigned to the design team, while Seungcheol carved out a niche for himself in PR. Despite being the youngest members of your respective teams, you and Seungcheol soon found yourselves spending nearly every night in the office together, preparing for presentations, brainstorming ideas, and tackling whatever tasks the higher-ups threw your way.
In that year of late nights and shared struggles, you and Seungcheol had seen each other at your worst—unbathed, hair unkempt, with ketchup stains from French fries or coffee splattered across your shirts. But through it all, you found solace in the fact that you only had each other in this relentless corporate world.
A significant project had brought you together once more—a short film project to advertise a makeup product. As the clock struck 10 p.m. and the office remained deserted save for the two of you, Seungcheol was deeply engrossed in mind mapping ideas for the presentation in two days, while you found yourself daydreaming about your warm bed.
Seungcheol's voice cut through the quiet of the office as he watched you begin to tidy up your table. "You're going home?" he asked, disbelief coloring his tone.
You nodded, exhaustion creeping into your voice. "I need my seven hours of sleep to come up with a better idea," you explained, already feeling the pull of fatigue tugging at your eyelids.
But Seungcheol wasn't ready to give up just yet. "You haven't contributed anything, Y/n. Let's work a little longer until we find the perfect premise," he pleaded, his determination evident in the furrow of his brow.
A pang of guilt gnawed at you as you drew closer to him, trying to catch a glimpse of the ideas he had jotted down on his iPad. With a scoff, you remarked, "Is that all you can come up with?"
Seungcheol's glare pierced through you, his frustration palpable. "So you have a better idea? Go ahead, miss," he retorted, handing you the iPad with a challenge in his eyes.
You settled yourself into Seungcheol's armchair, dangerously close to him, as you pulled the iPad towards you, eager to share your ideas. As you wrote down keywords like "Lips Product," "Lips stain", "Backstreet," "Office romance," and "steamy," you glanced up at Seungcheol, seeking his reaction.
"What do you think about office romance?" you asked, your voice laced with curiosity.
Seungcheol slowly shrugged, his gaze meeting yours. "Never experienced it before," he admitted, his tone neutral.
You sighed softly, mumbling to yourself, "Me either."
"Many people find office romance exciting and adrenaline-fueled. But why?" you continued, your words growing more animated as you delved into your idea. "Because they're often secret relationships, hidden behind work contracts and professional facades."
Seungcheol listened intently as you explained, his expression thoughtful. "And what's the closest thing a couple can do in the office?" you posed the question, your eyes alight with excitement. "Kiss. Yes. A kiss leaves a stain—a lingering mark of passion and desire."
As you continued to speak, Seungcheol found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on your words. His gaze lingered on your lips, drawn irresistibly to their sensual movements as they formed each syllable. The proximity between you felt electrifying, your perfume mingling with the scent of his cologne, creating a heady atmosphere of intimacy.
Despite his best efforts to focus on the conversation, Seungcheol's heart raced faster than usual, his senses overwhelmed by the closeness between you. He tried to shake off the sensation, willing himself to concentrate on your words, but the allure of your presence proved too strong to resist.
Suddenly, you stopped speaking, and Seungcheol realized with a start that your faces were only inches apart. Your whispered question sent a shiver down his spine, and he met your gaze with a mixture of surprise and anticipation.
"Seungcheol..." you breathed, the sound barely audible in the quiet of the office.
His brows raised in response, but his eyes remained locked on yours, unable to tear himself away from the magnetic pull of your gaze. "Hm?" he murmured, his voice barely above a whisper.
"Do you still want me to be here?" you asked softly, your words hanging in the air between you.
Seungcheol bit his lip nervously, his eyes flickering from your eyes to your lips and back again. "Do you want to be with me here?" he countered, his voice tinged with uncertainty.
"I guess," you replied, your own voice barely audible as you closed the gap between you and Seungcheol, surrendering to the undeniable chemistry that crackled between you.
Seungcheol cautiously slipped into your studio apartment, his heart racing as he finally had the chance to face you after the whirlwind of work and avoidance. He knew he had to explain everything, but deadlines and commitments seemed to conspire against him. Now, on the eve of the announcement event, he couldn't delay any longer.
You weren't home when he arrived, so he took the opportunity to prepare a simple dinner, hoping to ease the tension that hung heavy in the air. As you walked in, the aroma of food greeted you, mingling with the unexpected presence of Seungcheol.
"Go change, I'll wait for you here," he uttered awkwardly, his hands fidgeting as he busied himself setting the table.
Minutes crawled by like reluctant snails as Seungcheol anxiously waited for your return. When you finally emerged, he straightened up, trying to compose himself as he watched you take your seat and begin to eat.
"Thanks for the meal," you said, your tone tinged with a hint of detachment that didn't escape his notice.
Seungcheol felt a pang of guilt gnaw at him as he realized the extent of the hurt he had caused you. He longed to reach out, to bridge the growing chasm between you, but the weight of his own mistakes anchored him to his seat. All he could do was watch, silently hoping for a chance at redemption.
"I can't do this," you uttered, setting down your utensils with a heavy clink, your hands reaching up to rub at your face in frustration.
Seungcheol's heart plummeted at your words, a cold dread creeping over him. Was this it? Were you about to end things between you? The thought sent a shiver down his spine.
"Can you— please don't show your face when I'm around," you pleaded, your head bowed, unable to meet his gaze.
Seungcheol felt like he'd been punched in the gut, the weight of your request crushing him with guilt and regret. He had hoped for a chance to explain, to make things right between you, but now it seemed like an impossible feat.
He sighed heavily, the weight of his mistakes bearing down on him like a leaden cloak. He knew he had let you down, had failed to prioritize your feelings over his own ambitions. The truth he had meant to share with you, about the sudden change in his circumstances and the responsibilities thrust upon him, now seemed like a feeble excuse in the face of your pain.
As he looked at you, your expression filled with hurt and disappointment, Seungcheol realized the depth of his folly. He had let his own ambitions blind him to the needs of the person he cared about most, and now he was paying the price. All he could do was nod silently, a silent acknowledgment of the chasm that now separated them, knowing that he had brought this upon himself.
"Are you—" Seungcheol began, his voice tentative, his heart pounding in his chest as he braced himself for your response. Was this the moment when everything would unravel between you?
Before he could finish his question, you let out a piercing scream, the suddenness of it jolting him to his core. Confusion etched across his features as he watched you dramatically cover your ears and sink to the floor.
"Are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice as he reached out to you, but you shook your head vehemently, your actions and words shrouded in incomprehensibility.
"No, don't talk to me!" you exclaimed, your voice muffled as you buried your face in your arms, your distress palpable.
Seungcheol knelt down in front of you, his brow furrowed with worry as he tried to make sense of your outburst. You muttered something indistinctly, your words lost in the folds of your arms. He leaned in closer, urging you to speak louder, desperate to understand.
"Don't talk to me, it's so embarrassing! I'm embarrassed!" you finally managed to articulate, your cheeks flushed crimson with embarrassment.
Seungcheol's shock morphed into a mixture of surprise and amusement as he processed your words. He couldn't believe you were feeling embarrassed when, in reality, he was the one who should be hanging his head in shame.
"I feel so stupid right now. How could you—" you started, your voice trailing off as you hid your face once again, leaving Seungcheol hanging on your unfinished sentence.
A soft chuckle escaped Seungcheol's lips as he watched your adorable display of shyness. He couldn't help but find your reaction endearing, a welcome relief from the tension that had gripped the room moments ago.
"Hey, it's okay. What do you want to say, love?" he reassured you, pulling you gently into his embrace, his heart swelling with affection at the sight of your pout.
You met his gaze with a mixture of bashfulness and sincerity, your words tumbling out in a rush. "I'm feeling stupid right now because I've been treating you like shit when you technically own the company where I work!"
Seungcheol's laughter bubbled up from deep within him, the absurdity of the situation washing away the remnants of tension between you. He cupped your face in his hands, his eyes twinkling with fondness as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead.
"You have nothing to feel stupid about, darling," he whispered, his voice warm with reassurance.
"And no, you're not. You never treat me like shit," he insisted, his smile softening the edges of his words.
But you shook your head, your embarrassment still lingering like a stubborn shadow. "You don't understand! I've been insisting on paying the bills every time we go on dates. I even casually offered to pay your rent. Oh my god!"
Seungcheol's laughter grew louder at the revelation, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "That's what you were worried about?" he exclaimed incredulously.
You let out a heavy sigh, the weight of your embarrassment pressing down on you like a leaden blanket. "This whole week, I've been thinking about how many times I've hurt you by paying for your groceries and dinner. Your masculinity isn't hurt, right?"
Seungcheol's hands were gentle as they cupped your cheeks, his touch a comforting reassurance amidst your swirling emotions. "Thanks for everything, my love. Now your boyfriend will be the owner of the company you're working for. Let him treat you like a princess," he said tenderly, his voice laced with sincerity and affection.
You melted into his embrace, feeling the warmth of his love enveloping you like a protective cocoon. "I love the sound of it," you whispered, your heart swelling with gratitude for his understanding and support.
Seungcheol held you close, his arms wrapped securely around you as he pressed a tender kiss to your forehead. "Let's finish your dinner, and I'll get you your favorite dessert from that expensive bakery you showed me last time," he suggested, his eyes sparkling with excitement at the thought of spoiling you.
You smiled up at him, feeling a rush of love and contentment wash over you. With Seungcheol by your side, you knew that no matter what challenges lay ahead, you would always have each other to lean on. And in that moment, surrounded by his love, everything felt right in the world.
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hannieehaee · 11 months
18+ / mdi
a member finding your nudes - 97 line
95 line, 96 line, 97 line, maknae line
wc: 1985
seokmin -
flustering seokmin was one of the easiest things in the world. at least for you, that is. one wink or suggestive whisper in his ear and he folded like a lawn chair, willing to give you whatever you wanted. this was something you frequently took advantage of, enjoying the ego boost his reactions would give you.
many of the times in which you did this manifested themselves through the form of dirty text messages while seokmin was away at work. something about knowing you could affect him even at a distance made you giggle to yourself as you awaited his almost immediate responses.
today was one of the many times in which you decided to send an unsuspecting seokmin a few pictures you had just taken in the one of the new sets he had bought you a few weeks back. giggling to yourself, you wrote a filthy message and followed it with an even filthier picture, setting your phone down as you awaited his response.
unbeknownst to you, the receiving end of that message wouldnt be your sweet seokmin, but the evil gremlin that was your boyfriend's best friend, yoon jeonghan.
jeonghan was, for lack of a better word, a very silly man. he always did whatever he believed would gift him the most instant entertainment (without ever harming any unsuspecting people, of course). he'd throw out white lies for fun, discreetly stick his nose in other people's business, instigate silly arguments, you name it. today, his newest form of entertainment took form as he picked up seokmin's phone while he had stepped away to the restroom, unlocking it and seeing notifications from seok's girlfriend, someone who he also considered a friend of his own.
at first he planned to send you some funny texts in seokmin's behalf, with the plan of letting you know it was all him after he had a bit of fun. his plans were swiftly ruined, however, when he opened up the notifications only to find pure filth in the form of words he never imagined you'd utter to his pure and innocent friend seokmin. along with that, he was now privy to the inner workings of the body you kept hidden under your clothes.
despite being a very self-controlled man, he could not help the slight sense of thirst that was now in the back of his head at seeing seokmin's pretty girlfriend showcasing the softness of her curves, inciting seokmin to ditch dance practice and go take care of her (that is, paraphrasing, of course, as he refused to utter the filthy words you'd typed out even in his head).
breaking out of his trance, jeonghan attempted to put the phone away before seokmin arrived, but had been too late. seokmin was now standing over him, seemingly having seen the whole five minutes in which jeonghan had his eyes glued to the phone, lip gripped by his teeth as his knuckles had tightened around the phone. seokmin was used by now to the dirty messages he'd receive from you at inopportune times, which led him to assume this mightve been one of those cases (at least going off of his friend's reaction). flustered while also a little smug at seeing his friend lose his composure for once in his life, seokmin grabbed the phone while looking at a wide-eyed jeonghan, speaking up for the first time since walking in, "we keep this to ourselves, okay?"
uncharacteristically, jeonghan swallowed, not at seokim's intimidating demeanor, but at the thought of you implanted into his head, knowing he wouldnt get this out of his head for a while, "y-yeah, okay."
mingyu -
as roommates and friends for over 10 years, mingyu and wonwoo had close to no secrets between one another; their privacy practically nonexistent. this was not something that either of them minded, being too used to each other's constant presence in the other's life.
having the title of mingyu's girlfriend, wonwoo had grown used to you quite easily, hanging out with you and enjoying your company whenever you visited the apartment to see mingyu. you could even call the two of you friends at this point. wonwoo liked and respected you, and you did the same in return. mingyu felt lucky and at ease at the friendly dynamic that had formed between the three of you, allowing the trio to hang out at the apartment quite often.
today had been one of those times. the three of you sat together in the living room, watching a movie wonwoo had recommended a while back. you and mingyu sitting side to side, your leg halfway across his lap as wonwoo sat to the other side of mingyu, keeping a bit of a distance from you two.
the movie had left your minds pretty quickly, as mingyu had brought up some pictures he and wonwoo had taken while in japan, wanting to show you the editing he and wonwoo had done to them. wanting to see the pictures up close, both you and wonwoo scooted over closer to mingyu while he held the phone at an angle where the three of you could see.
your boyfriend excitedly explained the creative process of taking the photos along with the details behind the editing, all while wonwoo added a comment here and there. it went on like this as mingyu scrolled through each picture. the excitement at sharing something he was passionate about with two of his favorite people must've gotten to him, as mingyu forgot that if he swiped one too many times, he'd end up landing on a few of the pictures you'd sent him due to missing him while in japan.
in a very unpredictable turn of events, mingyu did just that. his thumb froze, along with the rest of him, as he swiped past the pictures taken in japan and his phone began to display a picture of you in his bed, bra off and sheer panties barely hiding anything under them. all three of you stopped your breathing, realizing you were now all looking at a very explicit picture of you, simultaneously ruining what was a nice bonding moment between the three of you.
the three reactions out of you varied in severity.
you, for one, knew wonwoo had already seen you in some compromising states during your multiple stays at his and mingyu's apartment after many nights of intimate activities behind mingyu's door. you were slightly embarrassed, but thought, hey, it couldve been worse.
mingyu, now, mingyu was a hard one (literally). if you hadnt been sitting next to him, he mightve paid it no mind and uttered a quick 'sorry' to wonwoo for showing him a explicit picture without meaning to. but since all three of you were together, he felt beyond embarrassed at putting you in such an awkward situation. it also did not help that he was starting to feel turned on at the memory of the call that followed those images.
wonwoo .. now, wonwoo did not know how to react. his breath hitched as soon as he took notice of what was staring back at him on the screen. he had seen you in some vulnerable states due to mingyu's insane libido and his lack of intention of hiding his usual rendezvous with you. he, however, had never actually seen you in the nude. he felt like a bit of a pervert at the way his body began to heat up at the image of your naked body. it did not help that you were in the room at the moment, fully aware that he was still looking at the image in front of him.
a few seconds after the initial shock, mingyu cursed loudly at his mistake and threw his phone on the table in front of him, turning it off in the process. the three of you sat there saying nothing to one another. eventually you lifted your head, making eye contact with a beet-red wonwoo who looked away immediately after meeting your eyes. you weren't sure how the night would proceed, but there you all were; flustered, wordless, and slightly turned on.
(a/n: here's a continuation to gyu's part due to a few requests c:)
minghao -
minghao is not an easily fazed man. even as he moved to a foreign country as a teenager, not many things could ever really get a reaction out of him. you, however, were one of his only weaknesses. anything that had to do with you, really.
watching you hang out with his friends as he rehearsed warmed his heart insanely, rendering him unable to fully concentrate as he watched you from across the room, mid conversation with chan and jun. recently you had taken the habit of coming by pretty often, much to minghao's delight. you had made it a point to befriend his friends little by little, deciding to begin by his unit; chan, jun, and soonyoung. today was rehearsal for the performance unit's new song, which meant only the four members (plus you) were present. as he practiced the short solo he shared with soonyoung, you took the opportunity to chat with jun and chan on your own.
minghao watched you for a bit while soonyoung stretched, eventually taking his eyes off you to concentrate on the man next to him. it went calmly for a while, occasionally switching his gaze over to you to make sure you were having fun with his friends and that things were running smoothly for the three of you. at some point your laughter combined with that of his two friends, which made his heart warm up, enjoying the background noise as he focused on the choreography.
across the room, chan, jun and you giggled incessantly at your phone screen as you showed them some silly pictures you had taken of minghao the last time you had been with the man. chan, feeling comfortable with his friend's girlfriend, started to joke around with you, at some point even teasing you by taking the phone from your hands, giggling as you tried to get it back. it was all light hearted as he and jun played hot potato with your phone while you laughed at their antics, trying to get it back.
the fun cut itself off short, however, when chan somehow eventually ended up going too far up your gallery, accidentally opening some of the pictures you had sent minghao last month. the same ones you had meant to delete seeing as they had already served their purpose. embarrassed at the consequences of his actions, chan swiftly apologized, bowing quickly as he handed your phone back, avoiding eye contact. unfortunately for you, jun had also been made privy of the images as he had been standing next to chan when he'd seen them. and even more unfortunately for you, a suspicious minghao was now approaching you before you could even react to what had happened.
minghao had quickly halted his practice with soonyoung as soon as he took notice the stark silence that interrupted what was previously loud laughter. taking notice of all of your flustered states and inability to meet each other's eyes, he walked across the room over to the three of you, soonyoung's nosy self following close behind.
"did something happen?", he asked, nearing you as he stood opposing the two members you had just been playing around with.
"oh. i-uh it's nothing hyung," said chan, convincing not even himself.
minghao looked back at you, noting the lit up phone screen in your hands, immediately recognizing the picture on screen.
"i- what were you doing? did you-" you interrupted him, wanting to salvage the situation.
"it's nothing, minghao! it was an accident. chan was messing with my phone and i forgot to delete the pictures, so he just-"
"he what?! you- they- we have to go," let out a very exasperated minghao as he grabbed your hand and marched you both out of the room, regretting his previous desire to merge his love life with his silly friends. this had, funnily enough, been the biggest reaction you had ever gotten out of minghao to date.
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thetxtdevil · 2 months
My mind went wild when i saw those pics of Kai at the beach with his sisters. Imagine going on a vacation to the beach with him and wearing a cute but quite revealing bikini just for him and to see how he will react. Ofc he would be a gentleman and try to hide the fact that he is horny as hell just by the sight of you , his sisters are there after all!!!. But going back to the room after playing all the day at the beach, he would literally devour u and make u his
Exactly took the words right out of my mind And I should probably start adding pictures to the requests making them look somewhat tempting
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The sun was bright, wind rushed through your hair once you stepped out of the airport. You took a breath of the humid air and quickly take Kai's hand into yours. All of you were rushing to the hotel to get away from paparazzi and just to get cozy. Kai was thrilled to have a small vacation with his family and his girlfriend. He and the boys have been working so hard and a little too much that he not only wanted but needed to let loose.
Arriving in the hotel room you and Kai shared, Kai immediately wanted you. He strides towards your figure beginning to unpack your bags and pulls you into a kiss. His big hands engulfing your face as he passionately kisses you. The deep desire quickly fades when one of his sister's voice can be heard from the other side of the door.
"Hurry up and get into your guy's swimsuits we're going to the beach."
You smile at Kai's huff of irritation breaking free from his firm grip on you. Slipping into the bathroom to change as the man changes in the room, you come out modeling for him. You blush at the way Kai's eyes open and jaw drops looking at your little pink bikini. This was going to be torture for him.
Walking along the beach hand and hand with your boyfriend, all of you were enjoying each others company. You got along with Kai's sisters well, always talking about girly things laughing and having fun, and especially taking about Kai. He'd roll his eyes when you mention a new habit of his and the girls would laugh fluff his hair.
Kai lets you have your fun but that's because he was be too focused on your body. Discreetly eyeing up the cut of your top, being able to see the curve of your breasts. Eyes drifted lower looking at you sheer draped cover-up the hung low on your hips. He admired your confidence however your confidence tends to get him in heated conditions.
The sun shining on you made your cheeks blush and your skin sweat, you looked delicious. All the dirt that was running through his mind was stacking up. Throughout the day all Kai could think about was what he would've done if he didn't have his family come along. Possibly have his hand sneak their way into your bikini bottoms while lounging at the beach. Maybe whisper dirty things and making out with you on the shoreline.
You noticed Kai's distant look, thinking it was the heat of the sun. "Hey we're going back the room, I think the sun is getting us both fatigued."
Your comment awakened Kai from his daydreaming, he asks you if you're sure but you insisted. The was the getaway that he needed, his somber look turned into a determined one by dragging back to the hotel. He struggles getting the lock to turn green, you giggle helping him out but your light attitude flies out of the window once Kai basically manhandles you. Thrown to the white clean sheets of the bed you get your bearings looking up at the man.
Lust consumed him as his eyes were dark swimming with hunger. He hovers over you kissing your lips deeply like before. Soon his lips travel to your jaw, neck, and then to your exposed breasts. "You look so hot in this" he kisses, licks in between your tits, "but it was not fun holding back." Your fingers comb through his dusty blue hair kissing the crown of his head.
"Looked so good I could've fucked you on the sand."
You gasp at his words not knowing what to do with this version of Kai. All you could do is let him have you, he deserves it anyways. And to have you he will as he kisses, licks, bites every inch of your glistening skin. Freeing your breasts from the small bikini top and grouping them until they became sore. His nose glides down your abdomen and then into your clothed cunt. Tearing off the bottoms, Kai hovers over your face again, you moan into his lips when you feel his fingers explore you wet slit.
"Can I fuck you in these sheets instead?"
A nuisance,
TxT's Devil
taglist: @inkigayocamman, @naoristerling, @incogrio
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bluecollarmcandtf · 9 months
Revenge Body
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The day he dumped my sister...
This is a photo of Eric the day he dumped my sister. According to him, she wasn't good enough to be with a hotshot architect like him! Eric thinks highly of his career and appearance, and he loves himself more than he could love any woman.
My sister had to find that out the hard way.
What Eric doesn't know is that his ex-girlfriend comes from a family of witches. In fact, her speciality is contacting the dead, and that's exactly what she did...
My sister summoned me, her dear-old brother, from beyond the grave and spilled the tea on her ex-boyfriend. Even though I was dead, I was furious with the man, so I agreed to help with my sister's revenge scheme. It might've been petty and unethical, but I was in! Eric needed to lose what he loved most...
2 months later...
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"He's fattening right up!" I sent a selfie to my sister, cradling the bloated gut that hung from my chest.
That's right. I jumped into Eric's body and possessed his ass! In only a short time, I'd completely transformed the jerk's entire existence. I was dragging his perfect body and career down the drain!
After performing Eric's dramatic emotional breakdown at his architectural firm, I got fired and kicked out of the building. I strutted his body back to his place, and quickly sold everything he owned. I got rid of his fancy clothes, his shiny sports car, and his luxury apartment. All the money went directly to my sister. I used what was left to rent out the crappiest little apartment I could find.
It was in that seedy rat-infested motel that I gleefully began to destroy Eric's carefully maintained body. I packed his tight stomach full of beer and fast food, shaved his perfect head of hair, and donned an unwashed outfit I thrifted from a GoodWill.
Now that he was unemployed, I got him a job with a construction company. I made sure to get started with the same crew that Eric used to supervise as the architect. Needless to say, there were a lot of angry tradesmen who weren't happy to see him...
6 Months Later...
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Apparently, construction workers really don't like architects, so they were all constantly badmouthing Eric behind my back. I didn't really stop them, but I also didn't really keep them from doing it to my face either. With me in control, Eric was just a pathetic, submissive loser, and all his new coworkers knew they could push him around.
I didn't wash Eric once while wearing him. My nose eventually became numb to his ripe body odor, but I noticed the disgusted looks on everyone's face when they were near. His skin was constantly itchy with dry sweat and dirt too, but I didn't bother buying him anything else to wear. As far as I was concerned, Eric would get up, work, and sleep in the same repurposed clothes I bought for a few bucks.
By this point, the lean muscles he'd been so proud of were long gone. A heavy layer of blubber hung off his whole body, and he was practically unrecognizable with his shaved head and unkept beard. Giving his heavy beergut a jolly shake, I chuckled and knew it was finally time to move to the final phase...
Present Day...
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It was mid-afternoon when I jumped ship. I abandoned his body after a long morning of heavy lifting, leaving Eric exhausted, sweaty, and caked in mud.
Eric regained control of his senses for the first time after 6 months of being possessed by me. He stood there for a moment, all 280 lbs of him, simply staring at his surroundings in disbelief and confusion.
He didn't start yelling until he looked down and saw the state of his precious body. I doubt he had ever felt so slimy and gross before. As I said, I made sure to leave his body as disgusting as possible for him.
Don't feel bad for him though. My sister and I just made Eric as disgusting on the outside as he was on the inside...
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hai7ani · 2 months
to win is to lose / rivals to lovers (who were already in love since the beginning)
thinking 'bout how attending an ex boyfriend's wedding while also having to endure the stares thrown your way from the guy you've been sworn enemies and rivals with for god knows how long halfway across the room must really suck. like, both sides really rubbing it in your face, you think 一 that you've lost this time. you're not as capable of love as you think you are, as you'd once boasted to that douchebag of a rival and how you'd thought your ex was the one for you.
except he isn't, and he isn't as well 一 the stares were just him making sure you weren't breaking down in the middle of a wedding and shutting off as you stand and watch with a semi-broken heart as your ex kisses his new bride at the altar, and a bouquet of flowers you've just caught earlier gripped tightly in your hands. a harsh slap to the face, this is.
so when he catches you at the hallway during the after party all alone, really at your most vulnerable as you quietly wipe away your tears with wobbly lips while making sure your makeup isn't ruined in the process, he waltzes over with his hands tucked into his pockets, stands in front of you a little too close for your usual liking, and you cry even harder. you don't have the energy to make another snarky remark to him 一 in fact, you haven't spoken a word to him since seeing him in his million dollar suit when he'd entered the venue without his rumoured plus one, no gifts for the newly-wed (a clear sign telling them to go to hell), and without his usual smug face too, for some reason.
when your tissue decides it isn't able to catch all your tears in time he then presses a hand to your nape forward. his touch is warm, so gentle, and your forehead rests on his right shoulder softly. you don't bother moving and he keeps you there like that, until your sobs have turned into sniffles and you've got an arm wrapped around his waist for some support.
it's when you wrap the other arm around him that he only speaks.
"i'll marry you."
you hear laughter echo in the quiet hallway as the other guests have the time of their lives in the room just behind the wall you're leaning against. is this a mockery? is he fucking mocking me? you've just about had it up to here with him. you want to scream at this man. you want to hit him. you want to punch him.
but your dress is tight so you hook an offensive thumb into the belt loop of his expensive dress pants instead, getting ready to threaten him, until he speaks again.
"so what they're doing this in the plaza hotel?" he scoffs, and your hold on his belt loop significantly loosens. his own around your nape, however, tightens and he presses your body anymore closer to him. you can feel his heartbeat pound in his chest, against your own, as he rambles on and on like the boastful boy you'd met in grade school despite being the ceo of a million dollar company.
"i'll marry you at the beach. new fucking york can kiss my ass, we're going to mykonos." you stifle a laugh at that. "he won't even be fucking invited because he's not ruining it for you, and he's gonna have to hear about our wedding from his mother-in-law."
you're full on giggling at him now as he continues to list out all the things he's gonna be making sure your ex pays for for the evil shit he'd pulled tonight.
"so? what do you say?"
he asks after a pause. when he tilts his head down to look at you he finds out you're already staring at him. wide, glossy eyes gazes into his own and he softens up when you hug him even tighter.
a hand brushes your hair out of the way. you close your eyes and smile. he swipes a thumb on the apple of your cheek.
"we can't lose to them now, can we?"
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#gojo satoru he's so annoying, miya atsumu, haitani ran, haitani rindou, baji keisuke, kuroo tetsuro, hanma shuuji
it's 8am. haven't slept a wink. im so annoying
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sleep-0-deprived · 20 days
I need a harem of yandere sub headoverheels men so bad like wtf. I wanna spoil them give them kisses and fuck them so good. Letting them discus the schedule and stuff, if watching as they argue but taking control when things get too out of control, letting them know who's boss like,,,
Head over heels! Pretty boys who are so in love with you it's not even funny. They're all success men too,,, You being a above average man, working in some sort of high end company. Your daily life is regular, come to work, smile, chat with customers, etc. But your home life? Heh..
CEO!bf who is one of your longest subs, he's been with you since middle school! Practically stuck to the hip. Such a cute boyfriend he is.. So powerful, a strong and charismatic man. He's an amazing guy, an even amazing CEO. The girls in the company or even outsiders love him! You can always hear people saying "gosh is he single..??" "Shit! He's coming do i look good?" "What can i do for just one night.." "You think this aphrodisiac will work on him??" Etc etc, it'd funny really, you try your best not to show pity to them. Especially hard to not show pity when you see the hopeful gaze of his secretaries.
Because you know just how much of a slut he is for you, and you only. Pretty boy won't even eat if you don't allow him to.. Such an obedient man, you make sure to spoil him lots at home, kissing his tears of happiness away, looking at his fucked face, tears slipping down from how happy he is to be with you..
Pretty boy ceo! Bf who tries so hard to please you. He's a confident man. He knows he looks good. Immediately buying that pretty lingerie he saw your eyes trail down on a second too long the other day..Ceo!bf who doesn't mind having to share you! As long as he can be yours!
Ceo! Bf is not a crybaby by any means, he's just so happy, and when you embrace him, you bothering to make time for him between your many boyfriends makes hin really happy he can't help but cry when you fuck him so sweetly, kissing his lips so tenderly.. Spoiling him with handmade cheesy gifts, romantic dates, a delicious meal. Even though he can easily buy those things (and much better quality one can argue) himself but the fact that it's from you makes it priceless. You often go out and buy him things too! He'd try to deny it, saying he feels bad because he can use his own money and doesn't want to be a burden on you but how can he say no when you look so dejected like that...
Taking the gifts and kissing you as thanks, only for you to wake up with money 3x the price of said item in your bank account. Oh boy...
Ceo! Bf who invites you over to his luxurious suite after a hefty argument with the other boyfriends on why he gets to have you for a full week. Surprising you with a romantic candel lit dinner, pouring you the wine that you wanted to try yesterday.. What surprised you most is the fact that he offered to try something new that night, showing you a bottle of something you've never had before and telling you that it might have. Intrigued, you agree, trusting him fully.
He smiled, pouring said drink into both of your wines. Guiding you to the baths with a soft kiss on the back of your hand, putting the dirty dishes on the sink for the servants to deal with.It seems that the drink worked well, perhaps too well on him as it worked faster than he had expected. He could feel himself getting hot and uneasy, his body feels like it's burning.
Looking back at you with glossy eyes he can't help but want to sob when he saw how unaffected you are, just massaging his back as if you didn't know his intention with that drink!
Ceo!bf who couldn't take it anymore when you ask him if he's sick on the bed. He's panting, face red and sweaty with a huge hard on goddamit! How could he resist begging when you're cooing on his ear, telling him to be honest to you.Oh how sweet it was.
Ceo!bf apologized over and over, begging you to touch him. Yet you didn't even need to touch him, telling him to cum and he's already having a dry orgasm! Though, it's not like you can hold yourself back much longer, afterall he gave it to you too. <3
Doctor! Bf who's a renowned doctor for many years, he's a nonchalant man, who smiles warmly giving patient's hope even with the scariest conditions. Everyone loves him dearly, and his skills makes him all the more loveable and amazing. His good looks makes him a trending doctor, making people line up just to see him it's kind of funny. Many people hope to win his heart one day, flirting with him and becoming his regular. Though, like CEO! Bf, he never wavers. He just smiles softly and politely declines. He never bothered on following with their advances.
Doctor!bf who is also your primary physician. Doctor!bf who's especially warm to you, making sure you're comfortable and happy. Kissing the back of your hand whenever he's about to leave or when he meets you again (and if you prefer to keep things a secret he'll happily do it in private for you) And when you're sick at home he makes sure to take care of you, even when he's busy he always makes sure to give proper instructions to the others on what to do so you'll be healthy again. Doctor!bf who sometimes can't get enough sleep because of the demands for him on field. Who still tries to take care of you and make sure you're well even when he's tired. Who lets out soft tears when you kiss him so warmly, kissing his chest, his cheek, his body, everything about him. Who you spoil everytime you can, who you spoil by massaging his body even though he refuses but gives in anyway because he can't say no to you.
Doctor bf! Who can't help but smile when you kiss the back of his hand in return or when you'd let him rest while your hands work it's magic. Who lets you do as you please, surrendering himself to you and letting you do anything you want to him, who will just take it and smile even when you say something like "what if i make you fuck a stranger? Or someone that hates me so much, letting them who wants to hurt me, fuck you. Hm?",, You know he doesn't want to, he only wants you to touch his body but he wants to make you happy. (Not that you'd let just about anyone touch your boyfriends anyway as if. They're your precious.) Still, it's kind of endearing to know that they'll do anything just to make you happy! (He wonders if you'll make him have a toy inside one day while he's at work, though he knows you'll never do that to him when he's working.)
Doctor!bf who is offered a special drink by you at the date you planned for him, a glossy pink-purple mocktail you apparently made with a secret ingredient (one that you apparently got after your week out with Ceo!bf). Saying "cheers, my love" Before he gulps it, complimenting you for it. He's so happy right now.Though that happiness turned into pure want and need when he struggles to stay still in bed, waking up from a wet dream with his body feverishly hot and a very visible hard on. He's not dumb, he immediately could tell what the reason for his condition was.
But still, he couldn't help but think if this is the ingredient that ceo gave you, what did you do with him? Did you softly kiss his neck as your hands tease the male's nipples? Your maybe putting him in a mating press as you fuck him roughly under the effects of lust,,,, ah fuck he came by just the thought of you..
Model!bf extremely pretty and insanely popular and has a high demand. Very picky about who he works with and is bot afraid to reject people (no matter if it's big brands or popular people). He also prefers to ask your opinion on thing, is he too revealing for the photo shoot? Should he tone down his sex appeal? Should he eat this today? Can he meet with x or work with y? He trusts you that you want the best for him!
You're not his manager but he prefers you to take control over his manager anyday, often asking you for things then telling the decision to the manager.Model! Bf is not rude by any means, he's well liked but he's just aloof most times. The thing that makes him care for others is the fact that you care for them, which means if he wahts your affection he has to show you he can be kind like you. So he does just that.
Model!bf who gives you sad puppy eyes. Saying that you've spent your days with the other two and asking you to spend time with him too. who takes you out to a fancy dinner and gets ready for you, inviting you over to his suite one night, only for you to be greeted with your sweet boyfriend in a sexy Lingerie and tied up with silk to the bed frame as soon as you got off the shower. Sex toys layed for you to choose and abuse him with.
Oh how he loves that primal look on your eyes, especially because he knows you can't hold it in much longer. Especially not with the effects of a certain something in your system..
Oh how he's grateful to ceo!bf for telling him this..
I need this sm!~ just imagine each day of the week having a different boyfriend to bend over and use like a toy! Sending the doctor bf a video of how good you were fucking CEO boyfriend just to get him all jelly and pent up at work coming back home in a silent huff actin like he doesn’t even want you….well until you walk out of the shower then he’s all over you he can’t possibly handle seeing how good you fucked CEO boyfriend I mean how could you be so cruel to him? He wants the same treatment too! ₍ᐢ≧ x ≦ᐢ₎
And poor Model boyfriend is just a little pillow princess for you, bent over drooling on himself in a slutty pink thong making a sticky mess (≧▽≦) half pulled aside with his cock pressed to it all hard but you’re far to busy fucking CEO boyfriend to give his slutty hole the cock it craves…how unfair!….his thumbs can’t help but rub and prod his little rose bud squealing in the back stage of one off his shoots, guess he’ll just have to tell his real manager sorry!….whats that white stain on some of the modeling clothes?…oops ᕱ⑅ᕱ
During your week stay with CEO boyfriend you were having this man any and every way you could! If your face wasn’t buried between his two cheeks eating him out like a rabid bunny then what were you truly doin?….maybe even getting some ideas from your Model! Boyfriend and get CEO boyfriend in a cute bunny but plug!.. /(˃ᆺ˂)\ havin him all bent over his desk or pressed up to the window in his own company~ turnin him into a little slut for your cock biting at his neck having your phone conveniently recording on his desk?….gosh he can’t even think what it’s for, tsk~ what a dumb little bunny ain’t he…. ₍ᐢ.‸.⑅ᐢ₎↝
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charmercharm3r · 2 years
warnings: smutty thoughts
thinking about seungmin and dry humping...
now I know we all see him as the calm, cool, collected one. but sometimes he just can't help himself.
mornings before you or he has to leave for work are the times where he wants- no, needs you the most. it's like he purposely plans to ruin you minutes before someone needs to walk out the door, sort of like a challenge he needs to win. he loved to take his time when he had it, loved to make you shiver and sweat at the same time because the build up was excruciatingly good.
this was another game. mornings like these, when all the other members were home and they agreed to get breakfast together before heading to the company, seungmin felt like he'd explode if he didn't have you in some way.
he was fully dressed in his practice outfit for the day. he'd already said good morning to jeongin and brushed his teeth with felix, whereas you hadn't bothered to get up. seungmin was merciful with letting you sleep in, getting himself together as quietly as possible until minho announced the car would be arriving in fifteen minutes.
it was like a clock was counting down the seconds in his head as he moved across the bed towards your sleeping body. dipping his head into the exposed area of your neck, seungmin peppered gentle kisses along the skin wherever he could. barely thirty seconds had passed before you stirred awake.
you wrap your arms around his neck and pull him into you, lips connecting as his internal timer tells him he's moving too slow. though, that makes it all the more fun.
seungmin takes good care of you, he always does. even as he strips the covers off of you and maneuvers your legs to wrap around his torso, seungmin makes sure to whisper sweet praises in your ear as you try to stay conscious. you feel light as air in this delirious state, practically floating because your boyfriend is saying all the right things and touching you just enough to thoroughly soak your sleepwear.
"pretty thing, so cute in the mornings. wanna just eat you up," he nibbles on the lobe of your ear, erection nudging into your thigh as not to do too much too fast. but at the faintest hint of a moan, whether it was you slowly coming into consciousness or being just as horny as him, seungmin pressed his crotch into you all the same.
"need you so bad, but I have to leave soon." a whine fell short in the back of your throat, but it was enticing enough for him. "if you let me use you now, I'll treat you so well later. I promise."
you nod, eyes unable to focus clearly but it was impossible to miss the cheeky lust behind his smile. "horny baby," seungmin clicks his tongue, "can't get enough, can you?" in agreement, you shake your head, no.
eleven minutes.
your hips cant upwards into his, a strained groan leaving his lips. the unspoken permission let him hook his arms under your knees, legs hiking higher. seungmin kissed you again, rougher this time as he quickly readjusted to tower over you.
he felt like an animal, a new flame igniting in his gut as he grinded his cock against your clothed pussy. the pleasure that came from the motion only made him move faster, harder until the bed was creaking.
seungmin's favorite thing to do was be able to look down as see you entirely gone, not a thought in your head except wanting to cum. you looked messy, sexy as your tight sleeping tank top rode up to expose your stomach. as if you could read his mind, you lifted the material over your breasts, rippling like waves as seungmin used you to chase his high. for a moment, he leaned down and took your nipple between his teeth, gently biting and drawing another lewd moan from you.
shuffling behind the door caught his attention. six minutes. he needed hurry.
he pushed your knees to your chest, your shorts and the front of his pants laughably soaked through. it wasn't until he moved higher did he catch a glimpse of your pantiless cunt.
oh, seungmin almost blew his load on the spot. almost. he was so close, moving the wet fabric of your shorts out of the way. he couldn't wait any longer, couldn't get enough of you and your pretty pussy.
"so good. so fucking good- god."
three minutes.
it felt even better for you with one less barrier in between. sleepy moans left you like a mantra, that and seungmin's name the only thing either of you could hear. if the bedframe hitting the wall wasn't enough, your big mouth was a dead giveaway.
two minutes.
he moved as fast as he could without hurting you. his pants were soaked enough that the friction between your two bodies was heavenly in it's own way. your clit was burning with pleasure, somehow the pain and lack of awareness so delicious. seungmin just needed a little bit more, just a few more seconds when-
knock, knock.
"car's here."
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jinisnuggets · 6 months
Hello can I ask for a Doyoung smut, I haven't been seeing new fics of doyoung these days 🥹 tysm
𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝑺𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒖𝒍𝒂𝒓 𝑵𝒊𝒈𝒉𝒕
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ᴾᵃⁱʳⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᴵᵈᵒˡ! ˢᵘᵇ! ᴰᵒʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ ˣ ᴰᵒᵐ! ᶠᵉᵐ! ᴿᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ².¹ᵏ
ᴳᵉⁿʳᵉ: ˢᵐᵘᵗ
ᵂᵃʳⁿⁱⁿᵍˢ: ᵀʰⁱᶜᵏ ᵈⁱᶜᵏ ᴰᵒʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ, ᴴᵃʳᵈ ᵈᵒᵐ ʳᵉᵃᵈᵉʳ, ᵐᵉⁿᵗⁱᵒⁿˢ ᵒᶠ ᶜᵒᶜᵏ ᵃᵇᵘˢᵉ, ᶜᵒᶜᵏ ʷᵃʳᵐⁱⁿᵍ, ᵗᵉᵃˢⁱⁿᵍ, ˢᵘᵍᵍᵉˢᵗⁱᵛᵉ, ˢʷᵉᵃʳⁱⁿᵍ
ˢʸⁿᵒᵖˢⁱˢ: ᴺᵒ ᵐᵃᵗᵗᵉʳ ʰᵒʷ ᵍᵒᵒᵈ ᴰᵒʸᵒᵘⁿᵍ’ˢ ⁶ᵗʰ ˢᵉⁿˢᵉ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ'ᵛᵉ ᵇᵉᵉⁿ… ʸᵒᵘ ᵏⁿᵉʷ ʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵘˡᵈ'ᵛᵉ ⁿᵉᵛᵉʳ ᵖʳᵉᵈⁱᶜᵗᵉᵈ ʷʰᵃᵗ ʷᵃˢ ᵃᵇᵒᵘᵗ ᵗᵒ ʰᵃᵖᵖᵉⁿ ʷʰᵉⁿ ʰᵉ ᵃʳʳⁱᵛᵉᵈ ᵃᵗ ʸᵒᵘʳ ᵖˡᵃᶜᵉ ᵗᵒ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉ ⁿⁱᵍʰᵗ.
ᴬ/ᴺ: ᴴⁱ ᵃⁿᵒⁿ! ᴬˢˢᵘᵐⁱⁿᵍ ʸᵒᵘ ᵃʳᵉ ᵗʰᵉ ˢᵃᵐᵉ ᵃⁿᵒⁿ ᵃˢ ᵐʸ ʳᵉqᵘᵉˢᵗᵉᵈ ᴶᵉᵒⁿᵍʷᵒᵒ ᶠⁱᶜ, ᴵ ʷᵃⁿⁿᵃ ᵗᵉˡˡ ʸᵒᵘ... ᵀʰᵃⁿᵏ ʸᵒᵘ ˢᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᶠᵒʳ ᵗʰᵉˢᵉ ᵃˢᵏˢ, ⁱˡʸˢᵐ 😭🩷, ˢᵉⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵛⁱʳᵗᵘᵃˡ ʰᵘᵍˢ 🫶
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“Hey… it's late, is everything alright?” You called through the phone after not hearing a response for a concerning amount of time, he had called you so you didn't know if it was much of a real call or more of a prank call.
“Hey, the boys are gonna go eat somewhere but I honestly wanna just lay in bed and sleep. The company's too far and I know you live nearby- mind if I spend the night?” you could hear his croaky voice from the other side and you honestly couldn't help but feel pity for him, you didn't see the problem in letting your boyfriend come over in order for him to just immediately lay in bed and knock himself out, it was just one night and you didn't seem to find a problem with it.
“Doyoung - you don't need to ask, just call me and say you're coming over. My house is your house.” You calmly responded, “Ok, ok, my bad, I'll be there in 10” he responded, half chuckling while you heard the familiar beep and then the line went dead.
Part of you was nervous about him coming over to spend the night, but what was one singular night gonna do? Nothing could happen in the span of those 12 hours that he'd be coming and sleeping over. He had practice the next morning, which meant that by breakfast hours at the company, he should already be there and ready for practice.
So you waited until you heard a knock on the door, you slowly walked to the fronts of your apartment and looked outside the peephole. It was the habit you couldn't get rid of as well as the one people always found themselves questioning you for, to which you always responded with.
“Better to be safe than sorry.”
Once confirming that it was indeed Doyoung, you slipped open the door and allowed him to enter the cozy setting, you greeted him and escorted him to your room.
“Since I live in an apartment- I unfortunately don't have any guest bedrooms, but you can rest in here and I'll be on the couch.”
Doyoung took the little energy he had in order to glance at you and turn his full body to face you, he looked a bit disappointed and a little annoyed.
“Why don't we just sleep together?” He responded. Now you were sure that your cheeks were flushed red judging by the burning sensation you had in them, you cleared your throat and made eye contact with him which was quickly broken by whatever reason you may have made in your head.
“I don't know about that-”
“Why? We're dating and from the looks of it, your bed is big enough to fit 2 people. I don't see a problem with it.”
You turned your head and thought for a moment, although you also didn't really have a problem with sleeping together, your conscience wouldn't really leave you alone if you dared to lay in the same bed as him, especially since in the recent Treasure comebacks he was really putting it off with the visuals.
“I probably won't keep my hands still if we do-”
He completely disregarded your comment, probably because he didn’t hear you or he just didn't pay attention, nevertheless it was one of the two. “It's only one singular night, I think we should be fine-”
Hesitant, you nodded, having already brushed your teeth, you asked him if he had brushed his, to which he simply nodded and fell onto the bed… to which you followed right after.
It had surprisingly worked out at first… both of you were sound asleep in a matter of minutes, and to be honest, you slept like a baby for those couple of hours that your eyes were shut, which felt weird since you hadn't slept like that in ages… maybe it was because Doyoung was next to you.
But you had woken up to the sound of Doyoung groaning, and of course it caught you off guard. Your eyes immediately widened and you saw yourself laying on top of your boyfriend, you figured you had just somehow shifted into that position during your sleep since you definitely did not remember falling asleep like that. Therefore you didn't think much of it, that was until you felt Doyoung's hand grab onto your shoulder and attempt to push you off lightly.
“Y/n… can you stop doing that please…?”
Confused, you looked at your boyfriend as if he was out of his mind, “I'm not doing anything…?” You lightly said, trying not to disturb his still tired side that had yet to woke up completely, and you could only imagine how much more confused he became when his groaning shifted to moaning.
It took you a while to realize that your knee was in a place where it shouldn't have been…
“Crap! I'm sorry!” you said, feeling Doyoung's arms wrap around you as you could feel his slow but repetitive breaths lightly caress your skin.
“Y/n… I'm tired. Let's forget this and go back to bed.” You could hear his shaky yet desperate voice, that same voice that was probably about to fall asleep any moment now. It took you a while to realize that the reason you had probably felt so uncomfortable around him lately was because you were turned on by him in a way, which had you wondering how you hadn't noticed earlier.”
You heard a groan come from his mouth, which left a smirk tracing on your mouth, satisfaction running through his body as his back slowly arched. Your hand had traveled over to his tighted pants and gently squeezed him, making him moan ever so slightly.
His breathing became more regular, becoming a mix of breathing and moaning “Y/n… you shouldn't do this here…”
“What are you so afraid of?” You muttered lightly, not daring to leave out the mocking pitch, knowing he wouldn't be able to do anything about it since it was technically you in full control.
“Y/n- I have practice tomorrow” he whined, but your grip only got tighter. Doyoung’s moan got cut off by your abrupt kiss when you leaned up and connected your lips together, giving him a passionate and wet kiss.
You lifted his shirt to reveal his small and skinny figure along with the small shape of his forming abs, chuckling a bit, you licked his chest in which he lightly groaned and looked at you.
“Doyoung- you really have no idea what you've been doing to me lately.” You muttered, unzipping his zipper and massaging his crotch, using the little fabric that was his only advantage against him… no matter how much he wanted to deny it, he was turned on, and you were the cause of that.
There was no need for permission, your hand was already sliding up and down his bare cock, as his dick grew in your grip.
“You're all out with the teasing today aren't you?” he commented, chuckling at the act along with you. Ignoring him, you brought your free hand onto his stomach and gave him small belly rubs, you felt his hand travel to your back and down to your waist, as he held you in place to prevent you from falling. His eyes were shut as he was beginning to relax at your every move, still letting out small groans at the feeling of your hand sliding on his cock.
And you surely weren't expecting him to have such an impressive girth, you felt he was thick but you didn't expect him to be that thick.
“Y/n… please let me feel you-” he moaned, words barely forming and escaping his mouth. Hearing it for sure drove you crazy, so you nodded and turned around which was the first time you actually managed to get a good look at his dick.
“Doyoung, I hope you know that with this dick you're just gonna make me want you more…”
“If you want me, then claim me.”
The response took you by surprise, sure your boyfriend was flirty with everyone but this was different, and you knew that he had caught onto you and decided to get revenge for all the teasing you yourself was guilty of.
“You think I won't?” You smirked which made his cock grow stiff, he liked it.
“You like it when I tell you things like that?” You muttered softly, he shaked his head, a bit ashamed before ultimately nodding, which only earning a small giggle from you.
The both of you pulled into a wet kiss, tongues intertwining and transferring all your love to each other with that one singular kiss, morning practice was the last thing on his mind now, almost completely forgetting about it. Once the kiss was separated you took the moment to look at your boyfriend, who was making eye contact with you intimately.
“Get on me…”
“Doyoung- you feel good…”
Taking a moment to process his words before smiling, bringing yourself over to him as he slowly removed the shorts which surrounded and highlighted your waist, following his instructions and lining yourself up with him.
Doyoung fluttered a bit and you felt him twitch inside of you, you gave Doyoung a moment and started grinding yourself on him, allowing him to feel all the pleasure as you both shared knowing sounds and moans.
“Y/n… you-”
Unable to finish his sentence, you cut him off by leaning down and kissing his chest, trying your best to limit your moans and allow him to do all the talking, you allowed yourself to suck his nipple and play with his other as you picked up your speed, pressing his on parts onto him.
“You can't get any better at this can you…?” He commented, completely out of breath and with sloppy speech, hearing him being so distraught really did something with your subconscious, enough to make you pick up your speed once more earning a growl from him.
“Fuck Doyoung… you really know how to mess with my feelings don't you?”
“I really don't mean to…”
Feeling his dick once again begin twitching, you brought yourself off of him, having a gut feeling that he was close and which was proven to be correct shortly after.
Small bits of precum leaked out of his dick, which was proving to your theory furthermore.
“Y/n… I'm close… please don't stop.”
“I'm not going to, I wanna show you satisfaction to the fullest.”
He didn't know what you meant, that was until you flicked his crotch allowing him to feel a small moment of both pain and pleasure at the same time, all feelings overtook him as his eyes rolled back and mouth watered at the feeling of his cock being distributed from it's original state and ending up with a small mark.
And that only got worse, as it started with small flicks to full on slaps, you slapped his dick harshly yet still with caution as you knew you there was a higher possibility that you'd hurt him than actually please him.
“Fuck…!” He whined, his whimpers got loud as he attempted to limit his volume, for a moment forgetting you lived in an apartment building with neighbors on all sides of your room. “Y/n! Stop! Please!” he once again whined, which just made you slap him slightly harder.
Tears began forming in his eyes as he felt the feeling of his dick slapping against his stomach and being brought back up to your hand for you to just repeat the cycle, his tears streamed down his cheeks and his mind became overwhelmed with thoughts.
How was the feeling of both pain and pleasure all at once was darn addicting?
His mouth watered, as he picked up the nearest pillow and brought it to his face, all his cum leaked out of him the moment your hand allowed his crotch to breathe.
“Was I too harsh on you?” Pity finding your voice as you saw the mess your boyfriend had done.
You both had been virgins up until that point, and the feeling of something like sex was truly just so overwhelming, the feeling of each other's touch in such an intimate way just really fluttered both of your hearts.
“No… it felt good…”
“Can try cock warming in you…?”
“Of course…” you lightly responded, reading his excited expression, he smiled lightly and brought a himself inside of you once more.
It was truly when you realized that one singular night was truly all it took for something so unimaginable to happen to two individuals.
Just one singular night.
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New-ish boyfriends and Ed steals Stede’s t-shirt, maybe to sleep in? Maybe he just likes how it fits him? Anyway, he’s cute in it. 💖
Ooh thank you Kylie! This is such a cute prompt!
Let the record show: Ed Teach might've been a thief, but at least he was an honest one. And he'd honestly meant to give Stede his shirt back, he just...y'know, just kept putting it off a bit.
It had been the most picture-perfect first date Ed ever could've imagined. Ed was used to the pictures of him in full leather biker getup he put on dating apps drawing in the kind of guys who were allergic to commitment and expected Ed to be the hard-tough-bad boy type, but Stede had been interested in him based on a picture he'd added to the camera roll on complete accident. He'd fallen in love, he said, with a picture of Ed from his buddy Fang's last birthday party, smiling ear-to-ear with a pink party favor princess crown on his head and a dab of cupcake frosting on his cheek.
When Stede had invited Ed back to his place after dinner, Ed had accepted, of course - he wasn't sure he was ready for anything physical, and most of his relationships tended to fizzle out after that point anyway, but he wasn't about to risk turning Stede off. But they'd gotten caught in the rain with no umbrellas as they walked across the parking lot to Stede's apartment, Stede had lent him one of his shirts to wear, they'd had a picture-perfect night of movies and cuddles while Ed fell deeper and deeper into love with every passing second, and...
Yeah. Might've kept the shirt. Entirely, accidentally, of course.
It was an older t-shirt that Ed assumed Stede had gotten at one of the miserable work functions he'd told him all about. Stede was glad, he knew, to leave his father's company far behind, but the Bonnet Accounting t-shirt was well-worn and soft and faded and comfy. Stede was broader than Ed, so it sat on him too wide in the shoulders, giving it a deeper-looking neckline. It made Ed look small, small and safe, and he actually loved that, but the best part was that it smelled so much like Stede. Like warmth and security and lavender body wash and citrusy shampoo and Stede.
Once their relationship crossed the two-week mark and Ed had to admit to himself that he wasn't giving the shirt back, he decided that he'd keep it as a souvenir. When Stede inevitably got sick of Ed and dumped him, then he could bury his face in it and hug himself and pretend Stede was hugging him.
He already missed Stede's hugs, when he thought about that.
But the really amazing thing was that Stede wasn't showing any signs of getting fed up with Ed! They texted all day, and chatted for hours, and Stede loved the things guys usually hated, like Ed's sense of humor and his laugh and his collection of stuffed animals.
So, when Ed was feeling down with a cold near the three-week boyfriends mark and Stede offered to come over to check on him after work...Ed accepted. He honestly hadn't even consciously registered the decision to put the shirt on, he just knew that he felt bad and wanted comfort and it made him feel safe.
He opened the door, sniffly and mildlly feverish and wanting nothing more than a warm hug and some some affection - and Stede started grinning like Ed was personally responsible for hanging all the stars in the sky.
"What's funny?" Ed mumbled, waving him in.
Stede pecked a kiss on his cheek, then pressed a kiss to his forehead to check his temperature. "Nothing's funny. I was just wondering where that shirt went."
Ed froze. Blinked. Looked down.
"Would you believe," he said, "that I just happened to have an identical Bonnet Accounting t-shirt just, like, laying around?"
Stede laughed. Ed had had boyfriends break up with him over just touching their stuff before -
"I'm really sorry," he said quickly. "I didn't mean - you can have it back?"
"Oh, don't be sorry," Stede said, giving Ed a quick side-armed hug on his way to pop the container of soup he'd brought down on Ed's counter. "It looks good on you."
Ed sniffled, watching him warily. "Yeah?"
"Yeah." Stede wrapped an arm around Ed's waist, holding him close. "You look really cute."
"I like that it smells like you," Ed admitted sheepishly, and Stede lit up like the fucking sun.
Stede probably excused how sniffly and teary Ed was that night as just being a bit sensitive from his cold, and Ed didn't know how to explain that he'd never known he could have a boyfriend like Stede until he found him.
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queerpumpkinnn · 11 months
Kinktober 22nd: Staying Hydrated
aka piss play with Steve Harrington
1k words
Summary: In which Steve has taken a strange new interest in keeping you hydrated.
Pairing: Boyfriend!Steve Harrington x reader
Warnings: Piss play if you couldn't tell (it's probably on the more mild end since it's my first time writing for it, but piss play nonetheless), vaginal fingering, shower sex, reader pisses their pants but only a little bit, edging, dacryphilia, let me know if I missed anything!
~ Steve was always a caring boyfriend, that was never a doubt in your mind.
He always brought you flowers, kept you company when you needed it, and spent more on food and gifts for you than you could return.
Even today, he'd made sure to remind you every hour or so to drink lots of water, refilling your cup for you and tipping the end of the bottle upwards as you drank. You'd assumed it was due to a comment you'd made some day or other about how you wished you'd drink more water, so you thought nothing of it.
So that evening, after the two of you had retired to the living room to watch a movie, you were accompanied by a full water bottle, mindlessly sipping as you lay in Steve's lap.
Until a familiar feeling in your bladder drew your attention from the movie. You looked into the bottom of your cup- it was nearly empty.
You took in a breath, shifting a little in your seat. Steve's hand was splayed over your thigh, thumb stroking soothingly over the skin. You were suddenly hyper-aware of the weight of his arm over your stomach.
You tried standing up, but he held you down. "Steve, gotta get up."
"No you don't." He said simply. His eyes didn't waver from the TV.
"Baby, I gotta pee." You wiggled, trying with little success to pry his arm off of you.
"Then hold it." Maybe your mind was playing tricks on you, but you swore his hand on your thigh moved higher.
"I can't- Steve, if you don't let me up I'm going to piss on you."
"No you aren't," he muttered, fingers dancing dangerously close to the seam of your pants. "You're gonna hold it."
The pressure in your abdomen is building steadily, and Steve's legs keeping your legs pried open didn't help one bit. His finger is tracing the junction where your thigh ends and your pussy starts. You've completely forgotten the plot of the movie.
"Steve..." you whined, hips trembling. "Please."
"Since you asked so nicely." He purred. To your surprise, he didn't let you up, but his hand went to cup your cunt, rubbing firm circles with his palm over your clit.
"Steve!" You gasped, taking a harsh grip on his wrist. You weren't sure if you wanted him to stop or keep going, but you needed grounding. Your hips couldn't move up to meet his hand without soiling yourself, but your back arched against him. Your poor bladder was struggling, and you could feel your underwear wetting a little. Whether it was arousal or pee, you couldn't tell. Probably both.
"Steve, I can't hold it," you whimpered, tears pricking at your waterline.
"No? I think you can, you always do." His hair tickles your cheek as he presses sweet pecks to it. "But since you've done so well, go on, go to the bathroom."
As quickly and as carefully as you can, you sit up from his lap. You're mortified when you see a wet stripe on the thigh of his sweatpants. You waddle to the bathroom, cheeks hot with embarrassment.
Steve is hot on your trail, despite his nonchalant walk with his hands in his pockets. You tear your pants and underwear from your body, only just aware of the sound of Steve turning the shower on.
A hand on your arm stops you when you lift the toilet lid. "Ah, none of that."
You whine, tapping your foot like a petulant child. "But Steve-"
"Come on, the water's good now." Steve pushes the sliding glass aside all the way, stepping in. You watch as he drops to his knees in the shower, the water over his tanned torso causing the butterflies in your stomach to flutter. His eyes are hungry and dark, but there was a teasing gleam in his eyes as he cocked his head, gesturing you in.
Tentatively, you step into the shower. The warm water feels good on your skin, but your thighs are still trembling and your bladder is still painfully full.
Steve looks up at you sweetly, as though he wasn't the sole reason for the concoction of discomfort and anxiety and arousal and desperation swimming in your gut. He places soft kisses to your thighs, pulling one of your hands to his hair, damp from the steam. Steve's fingers trace through your folds, tantalizingly slowly.
"Please," you whispered. You weren't sure what you were asking for anymore. The pressure in your bladder and the fire licking through your loins had you so strung out you couldn't think.
Steve presses a slow, deliberate kiss to your clit, and your hand tightens around his hair. His fingers traced around your hole, weeping and fluttering around the touch.
You could feel Steve smirking at the feeling, chuckling at your gasps and whimpers as he pushes a finger in. His tongue laves over your clit, sucking and tracing and pushing you closer and closer towards your high.
"God, Steve, I can't hold it..." you moaned, head falling forward. You're so close to your orgasm and so close to pissing, and you needed both so badly that tears came.
"Just a little longer, baby, doing so well." Steve mumbled, pushing in another finger.
"Steve, I can't!" You cried.
"Hold it."
"Let go."
You probably would have even if he didn't let you. Your body shakes violently with the relief washing over you. Your eyes screwed shut and your mouth fell open in a long, panting moan. Steve looked elated under you as he suckled on your clit, fingers moving harshly, hitting that spot inside of you that had you seeing stars.
Your pussy was spasming by the time he'd finally pulled away. There was a dreamy look in his eyes as he passed his tongue over his lips.
"You," you huffed, "are crazy."
Steve grinned. "worked though, didn't it?"
You rolled your eyes. "Yeah, see how nice I am next time you chug a coffee right before a four hour car ride."
"Can't wait."
Steve Harrington Masterlist
Kinktober 2023 Masterlist
Stranger Things Masterlist
Main Masterlist
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loveswrites · 1 year
Pumpkins Please Billy Loomis x Stu Marcher x reader
Pumpkins Please Billy x Reader x Stu
Word count: 1397
Time it Took me: 1 hours 30 mins
To my loves: It was so obvious that stu and billy would win for our celebration of 300 followers! I wrote it that same night so I've had it in my drafts for 6 days now. I was thinking if I should wait till the poll ended but we reached over 300 followers before it even did, So here you go loves! Enjoy! Thank you for the support. It makes me so happy you guys enjoy my writing as it is all I want to do in life.
Love <3
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“I wanna carve a pumpkin.” You pouted.
“Why don’t we just crave someone up instead.” Billy smirked playing with the tip of his knife. 
“I already have the pumpkins at my house. You wanna carve em here or there?” Stu said dropping himself on the bed making you and Billy shake with the bed. 
“You didn’t tell me you bought pumpkins.” Billy said, narrowing his eyes at Stu.
“Do I have to tell you everything?” Stu laughed out.
“Yes.” You and Billy said in unison. 
Stu started to laugh but slowly stopped when he realized you and Billy were not joking. 
“I just thought I should have them at the house since you know it is halloween. You know our favorite holiday.” Stu said, looking in between you and Billy.
“It’s not my favorite holiday mine is-”
“Christmas.” The two boys groaned, making you smile.
“The moment September 1st came along you were running around here yelling out ‘It’s christmas!’” Billy mocked you but you could see the slight smile in his cheeks as he recalled the memory. 
“It’s a lovely holiday, what can I say?” You smiled rubbing your socks together. 
Billy stroked the sides of your waist with his knife sending a shiver down your spine. He did this often. To both you and Stu. Still would often get cut most of the time cause he'd always laugh or move too much. But you trusted Billy to never leave a mark on you and he never did. Never has. 
Billy had three favorite things. His knives. His girl. And his best friend.
“Do we have to go to school tomorrow?” You questioned as Stu rubbed your legs while he stared up at the ceiling.
“You wanna skip again? Something on your mind, pretty girl?” Stu questioned. 
“Is someone bothering you? I can handle that, you know.” Billy said with stern eyes as he watched you respond.
“No no none of that I’m fine and no ones bothering me. I just don’t want to go and talk to people you know?” You said, stressed by the thought of even being in that building. 
“When do your parents get back in town?” Billy asked, putting his knife on your nightstand after taking one last long drag against your skin that sent tingles throughout your body.
Your parents had left for a business trip so you invited your two boyfriends to keep you company because why not? They weren’t doing anything before you called anyways.
“Sometime next week. It might get extended depending on some things. They told me I could go with them as always but I wanted to stay.” You said snuggling into Billy’s side.
“I would’ve left. No school and a free trip as a replacement sounds fun right about now.” Stu said, making you smile knowing that he wouldn’t just leave. He’d make sure that you and Billy were able to come as well. No matter if he wanted to admit it or not Stu couldn’t live without Billy nor you. 
Looking up at Billy who had his eyes closed you know he couldn’t live without you or Stu also. He wouldn’t admit it but he shows his love in crazy ways. Rather that’s spray painting the sides of buildings to pulling pranks on literally anybody to actual crimes. Billy has killed for you and Stu. If someone hurt one of you two you either never saw them again or saw them in the news the next day. Same if it was reversed with Stu but Stu doesn’t really clean his tracks very well so it’s mostly just Billy. 
You wondered if loving them made you a bad person. You wondered if keeping their victims a secret made you a murder. You wondered if not feeling a drop of remorse made it seem like you have the knife in your hand. 
But at the end of the day you didn’t really care because at the end of these dark sad thoughts all you saw was Billy and Stu. The two crazy boys who were in love with you. The two boys who showed you the world and would kill anyone who got in the way of your happy fairytale. You just prayed that they wouldn’t be the one to ruin your love story. 
You woke up the next morning feeling relaxed and refreshed. This made you just up and check the time. 1:24 pm. Shit you thought I missed damn near all of school. Rubbing your eyes you noticed that your bed was empty. Where did they go? Getting out of your bed you walked downstairs. Hearing voices, you followed them to the kitchen.
“Dumbass! the butter goes first, did you not read the box?” Billy snapped hitting Stu in the back of his head with said box. 
“You didn’t say that!” Stu said, trying to defend himself as he wiped his cheek leaving some flour in its place making you smile. 
“Maybe if you looked at the box I wouldn’t have to say it!” Billy fussed back. Stu opened his mouth to say something but that's when you decided to make yourself known.
“So are you two gonna bicker all day or tell me what you're doing?” You questioned walking fully into the kitchen.
“Baking you some cookies. Again..” Stu said, making you frown your eyebrows.
“Again?” You questioned.
“Stu burned the first batch.” Billy said, rolling his eyes.
“I did not! They just cooked a little bit longer than the rest.” Stu finished.
“Burnt.” You and Billy said in unison. That was happening a lot more often than usual. 
“We just wanted to do something nice for you before you woke up.” Stu said sneezing all over the batter when he rubbed flour on his face.
“What the fuck Stu!” Billy yelled while you just turned your nose up at the fact that he just sneezed on the batter.
“It’s fine. I’m not hungry. Like at all. I just wanna carve pumpkins okay? That’s it.” You said shifting your eyes between Billy and Stu.
“I’ll go get the pumpkins then.” Stu said starting to move, making you and Billy scream out ‘No!’.
“No! I’ll do it,  just stay here.” Billy said, shaking his head as he walked past you but not before giving you your ‘morning kiss’.
“You keep touching me I’m gonna throw pumpkin guts all over you.” You yelled out. Stu’s elbow kept touching yours as he attempted to show you how to carve your pumpkin.
“I’m trying to help you! You're doing it all wrong, trust me I do pumpkins.” Stu stated as if he was some kind of Pumpkin master.
“You do pumpkins?” You laughed out, tightening the grip on the knife in your hand.
“Shut up if I did you’d be jealous of the pumpkin.” Stu said, rolling his eyes. 
“As if, Who wants to sleep with you?” You questioned going back to cutting your pumpkin.
“You!” Stu said laughing as if that was the funniest thing in the world.
“Only on holidays.. Billy gets Monday through friday.” You said poking your tongue out at Stu to which he leaned in and bit your tongue making you jump back squealing in surprise. 
“Good thing Halloween is coming up.” Stu grinned. 
“Billy, he bit me!” You pointed at Stu with the knife in your hand. Billy pointed down to your pumpkin that was hanging on for dear life. 
“You need help, you keep cutting it like that there's not gonna be any pumpkin left.” Billy said, smirking, making Stu laugh.
“Shut up, it's perfectly fine.” You said going back to cutting pieces of the pumpkin.
“As if.” Stu snickered, earning a handful of pumpkin guts to the face.
“Hey!” Stu yelled out. 
“That’s what you get your lucky I didn’t throw the whole pumpkin!” You yelled.
“What pumpkin?!” Stu yelled back making you gasp.
“Billy!” You yelled.
“God.” Billy said, holding his head in his hands still with the knife in his hand. All he could hear was you two fighting with each other
He was in for a long bumpy ride if he wanted to be with you two forever. But watching the two of the most important people in his life bicker made him realize that he would kill any bump in that road to make them happy.  
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abitofboth · 6 months
owen carvour hcs because he’s in my brain always
he's very reservedly sentimental. the things in his life that mean a lot to him will always have a special place in his heart, but he'd never tell anyone that. his favourite childhood book, a lighter curt gifted him, old letters and photographs etc.
his favourite childhood book is the hobbit. when he was a kid he'd draw in the margins and go through and underline his favourite parts. his childhood pet was a fluffy cat called bilbo!!
left handed. constantly curses out his pens when he's writing and gets ink smudges all over his hand.
an only child, and was never really that close with his parents. his relationship with them grew strained once they found out he was gay.
would happily never interact with a dog for the rest of his life if he could help it. (too slobbery, loud, and boisterous for his liking.)
biiiiig smoker. his hands get twitchy if he hasn't had a cig in a while. he constantly spews some bs about the refined taste of tobacco.
similarly he's a big time wine snob. he gets offended if you suggest it tastes like vinegar and he'll try with all his might to convince you that the aromatics matter.
definitely has a sprinkling of road rage in him. in his opinion he is always in the right, and everyone else on the road needs their license taken from them.
teeny tiny tattoo on his hip of two intertwined mars symbols (♂)
'love' is a name he uses for pretty much everyone on accounts of him being british, but he's much more fond of using 'darling' and 'sweetheart' as pet names when it's just him and curt.
he LOVES the quiet moments between him and curt when they get to spend the night together. watching over him as he falls asleep and running his fingers through his hair are some of his favourite things to do.
he can be surprisingly bashful! talk sweet to him and he’ll blush like hell. pepper kisses over him and he’ll be squirming and giggling like there’s no tomorrow.
he's welsh but moved to london when he was a teenager. he taught himself to speak in an rp accent so he wouldn't be looked down on, and it just kind of stuck. not many people know that he's welsh, not necessarily because he doesn't tell anyone but no one’s ever asked because as far as everyone else is aware, he’s as english as you can get. when he's tired he can slip back into his old accent, and he uses the odd welsh word every now and then around people close to him (mostly curt.)
the first house he lived in in london got destroyed during the blitz, and luckily most of what few possessions he owned survived. he doesn't like to talk about his time during the war often.
after the fall, he gets tinnitus and his hearing is far from as good as it used to be. he lost his right eye, and the glass eye chimera got him has never quite been a perfect colour match. he has trouble with his knee, and has a decent amount of scarring over his body.
post fall there's a part of him that still loves curt, and desperately misses what used to be. it's mostly overpowered by the hatred within him, but the love rears its head out every now and again and catches him off guard.
he likes to cook, but he's kinda shit at it. he doesn't get much practice on accounts of being a spy, so whenever he does cook, something inevitably goes wrong.
once, he'd moved into a new flat and had curt round as his first guest and tried to cook him dinner. it ended up burning and there were full on flames in the frying pan. (curt still takes the piss out of him for this years later.)
he's a bit of a loner, but enjoys his own company for the most part. outside of curt he doesn't really have any close friends, and he isn't in contact with his family.
he has an angry streak in him. he’s easily riled up and the first emotion he goes to is barely concealed rage. he yells more often than he’d like to.
he hates using the term 'boyfriend' to describe curt. he thinks it makes him sound juvenile and he prefers 'partner' way more. plus, he can get away with introducing curt without giving away the fact that they’re together. (he also loves calling curt his 'best friend' in the most romantic sense possible.)
this! bitch! loves! musicals! the wizard of oz is a favourite of his, and he has a soft spot for disney’s cinderella. he has an extra fondness for the term ‘friend of dorothy’ because of this too.
tea over coffee always. two sugars and a splash of milk, not too weak but not too strong.
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huelovening · 8 months
stupid with love
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hueningkai x fem! reader
summary: the boy in your calculus class is so cute! but you get awkward when trying to talk to him and it doesn't help that he's your friends ex either. what do you do?
wc: 1208
you really tried to make a move on him, really. but somehow you didn't have enough courage, as you keep telling yourself, "maybe he will notice me first!!"
well, it was kind of true. on october 3rd he even asked you what day it was.
"hey, what day it is?" he turned around, looking at you with his beautiful, big, brown eyes, if you looked even closer, you could see the entire milky way in his eyes.
love sick y/n stuttering out a small "it's october 3rd." your new favorite day.
after first confessing your little crush on huening kai to your newfound friends, they quickly made it known that he was off limits, being wonyoung's ex boyfriend. still, you were allowed to look at him right?
everyday when you would walk into your shared class with him, you would do only what you were permitted to do, ogle the pretty boy sitting in front of you. you hoped that he'd talk to you but you didn't actually expect it! so when he turned around at the end of the class instead of immediately leaving like he usually does, it was a shocker.
"hey y/n, me and my friends are throwing a small party this weekend, i'm not really a party guy, so i'd enjoy your company. will i see you there?"
"yeah! of course.. totally!" you didn't mean to sound THAT excited but who could blame you?
after that you rushed home right away, trying to throw cute outfits together and thinking about how to do your hair. you didn't tell your friends about your encounter with kai, maybe it was better that way.
the day of the party came withing the blink of an eye and you couldn't be more excited. after a final look in the mirror, you decided you were ready and left the house excitedly. at your arrival you were greeted by yeonjun, he was one of kai's bestfriends, his house was pretty big, which was the reason most parties were always hosted at his house. the faint smell of alcohol entered your nostrils quickly, you weren't sure if you were actually about to drink tonight, the idea of it never seeming very appealing to you. maybe you would just look for kai first.
you walked around the big living room eyes scanning for the brunette boy, stumbling across a few drunk bodies. gosh, were you just late or do these people get drunk within 5 minutes? everything about this party was overwhelming, the huge house, the amount of people, the reek of various alcoholic drinks. where was kai?
"y/n! i didn't know we'd see you here!" you turned around, to see sullyoon, one of your shared friends with wonyoung and yuna.
"oh, hi sullyoon! i got invited by this guy, not sure. but i'm glad to see you, are the others here too?" you lied about the fact that kai had invited you, you couldn't risk loosing your friends but at the same time you liked him too much to resist him.
"yeah actually, i think wony went to talk to kai, they seemed really close earlier and yuna is just grabbing more drinks for us" she innocently smiled at you.
what. why would she talk to him? they broke up for a reason, now you weren't sure what to do. do you start looking for them or just pretend this never happened and go home?
you decided on the first option, it wasn't hard to not see wonyoung, wherever she was there would be a bunch of people trying to hit on her. she had so many options why does she feel the need to go back to him?!
you said your goodbyes to sullyoon, telling her you would try to talk to the guy who invited you, which wasn't exactly a lie.
you continued to roam around the house, seeing two familiar faces, talking to eachother, they didn't exactly appear to be having a friendly chat. you observed as she tried to get closer to him, batting her eyelashes at him and you could agnize the discomfort in his eyes, watching him run off.
you don't know what possessed you in that moment but you went to follow his steps. he definitely knew his way around, as he went from corridor to corridor, walking up what seemed like thousands of stairs, until you arrived at some sort of balcony.
he opened the door, you had expected him to close it behind him. but he held it open.
"why are you following me?"
you stayed silent at that, looking at him signalling for you to come outside with him and sit on the expensive chairs the balcony's been equipped with. "are you okay?" you dared to ask, not quite sure what to talk about in this kind of situation.
"i don't know. wonyoung tried to win me back again, using all kind of excusing for leaving me the last time. i'm not attracted to her anymore but it just hurt. i don't want anything to do with her." he confessed to you, honestly filling his voice, like he had some sort of point to prove to you.
you sighed, you haven't known her that long but knew that when she wanted something, her mind was set on it. "she can be a huge deal, i know. i don't think she will leave you alone that fast but it's best to just ignore her, it's the only way to get her to stop. and then, it will be all good!" you tried your best to cheer him up, and he looked up at you, smiling at your enthusiasm.
"you're right, i will be okay" he chuckled. "but.. to be honest, i'm just scared that she'll try to hurt you. i'm sorry to talk about this, since it must be embarrassing for you but she mentioned your crush on me. now that i rejected her she will try to get rid of you, thinking it will do something."
"oh.. wait, so you know? i-.." embarrassment filled your body to the brim, how the hell were you supposed to look at him now?? your first instinct was to stand up, but he went to stop you. "y/n, it's okay. i like you too and i think, if we really try this out we can make it work. what do you think hm?" he hopefully asked. you looked at his hand caressing your's, beginning to smile again.
"i think.. we can do this." you giggled. the moonlight hit you perfectly, enhancing your facial features and kai couldn't help but stare. "w-what's wrong? do i have something on my face, god i keep embarrassing mys-"
"y/n, can i kiss you?"
you thought you would faint at that moment. his eyes reflecting the stars, attentively looking at you, waiting for your response.
you believed you forgot how to speak right now, desperately nodding for him to do what he indicated.
his lips meet yours and oh, how soft they were, it felt like it lasted an eternity and you didn't want it to stop, and kai felt the very same way. as the kiss stopped kai smiled at you.
"let's do this."
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madisonstarss · 1 year
Cat and Mouse (Nate Jacobs x Reader)
Warnings :toxic relationship, swearing, some elliot x reader afab reader, Degradation if you sqiunt?? sorry this is a kinda long one i got carried away
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Halloween night was in full swing at McKay's house, and you were both nervous and excited to attend the party. Dressed in a sleek black cat costume, you knew heads were going to turn, espically Nate Jacobs, your ex boyfriend. The breakup had left a bitter taste in both of your mouths, and you couldn't help but hope that he'd see what he was missing.
As you entered the lively party, you couldn't help but notice Nate almost immediatley. His presence loomed over you like a dark cloud.
Nate was surrounded by friends, laughing and acting like he didn't have a care in the world, but the moment his eyes met yours, the laughter died down.
As you mingled with your friends, you spotted Elliot looking just as dashing as ever in his coustume. He had a natural charm that drew you in. Striking up a conversation with Elliot was surpisingly easy, and the two of you quickly fell into a comfortable banter. He made you laugh with his witty remarks, and his genuine smile put you at ease.
You decided to let loose and have some fun. You and Elliot ended up goofing around together, taking photos in the photo booth. He draped his arm around your shoulders, and you posed with a big smile, feeling the warmth of his presence next to you.
From the corner of you eye, you noticed Nate watching you and Elliot from afar. His jaw was clenched, and there was a tension in his body language that hadn't been there before. It was clear that seeing you with Elliot was getting to him.
As the night progressed you and Elliot continued to enjoy each other's company, dancing and laughing. The more you interacted with him, the more Nate seemed to grow agitated.
At one point, you felt a tap on your shoulder. Turning around, you saw Nate standing there with a forced smirk on his face, "Having fun with the druggie, huh?" He sneered.
You kept your composure, refusing to show him any sign of weakness. "Yes, I am. Elliot is a great guy, and I'm enjoying our time together."
Nates eyes flashed with anger, and he grabbed your arm a bit too forcefully. "You think you can just forget about me and move on with someone like him? Its laughable." He hissed, "You really can't get enough attention can you? Its pathetic how you're flaunting yourself in front of everyone."
"Flaunting? I'm just having fun with my friends." Your patience wearing thin.
"Friends? Is that what he is?" Nate spat, glancing at Elliot with disdain.
You frowned, hurt by his words. "Yes he's a friend. Whats your problem?" "My problem is that you're acting like you're over me so easily!"
"I am over you, "You shot back "And I'm not going to let your jealousy control my life."
Nate's eyes narrowed, and before you knew it, he had grabbed you by the arms, pulling you closer. The anger and frusrtaion between you between you were like a powder keg, ready to explode. "I don't believe you."
The proximity was overwhelming, and before you could think, you were kissing him out of sheer frustartion. The kiss was fuled by a volatilie mix of emotions. He pulls back, "I hate that you still affect me like this," He confessed.
"Nate, we can't just forget what happened." You said, trying to reason with yourself as much as with him.
"I missed you." Nate whispered."
"I missed you too."
And in that moment, it felt like you were both getting a second chance. The cat and mouse game had brought you face to face with your ex and led you back to each other.
The next day at school, news of your reunion with Nate spread like wildfire. The whispers and gossip filled the hallways. The news quickly reached your closest friends, Maddy and Cassie.
Maddy, with her outgoing personality was the first to speak up. "Okay spill the tea, Are you really back together with Nate?"
You took a deep breath. "Yeah."
Cassie chimed in, "Are you sure thats a good idea, I mean he hurt you before.."
You nodded. "I know its complicated but we've both grown since then. Nate says he wants to do things differently this time, and im willing to see if we can make it work."
Maddy seemed uncovinced, "Promise you'll be careful."
"I promise."
And they were right.
It was a chilly Friday night, and you had decided to surpise Nate as his house. You let yourself in, planning to sneak up and suprise him. However, the sound of hush voices caught your attention. Your steps faltered and a sinking feeling settled in the pit of your stomach.
You walked closer, your heart pounding in your ears. And there, in the dimly lit living room, you saw Nate in an intimate embrace with a half naked girl.
Your voice trembled as you managed to speak up, "Nate? What is this?"
Nate's face turned pale, "Y/n, I'm so sorry, its not what it looks like."
Tears streamed down your face, and you could'nt understand how he could break your trust like this. " You promised you would change Nate."
"I know and I'm sorry. I messed up. But please, just hear me out."
The pain in your heart was overwhelming but a part of you couldn't let go. The bond between you and Nate was strong, and you still loved him deeply. "Okay, one more chance, Nate. But this is it."
But as days turned into weeks, his jealousy and possessiveness took a dark turn. He began isolationg you from your friends and family, claiming he was the only one who truley cared about you.
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