#he'll retire leaving people mad no matter what
thesamoanqueen · 1 year
Ok so I am bored here so bear with me. How do you think Roman would be like after his fall and no bloodline? (Ignoring the fact that the major possibility is him going on a break. Which I am okay with but for now I want drama)
For me personally I want him to go more unhinged while feeling a little remorse for whatever he did to his family but being to stuck up to actually apologize or whatever. It could be interesting to watch.
he admitted to ESPN that he would become a threat without rules and considering that he keeps his word, because he does everything now more or less in character, I think thats exactly what will happen. But honestly I don't know how to contextualize the event, I don't fully imagine it...
Part of me looks forward to the drama of course, but the other part doesn't want to because Roman won't be Roman without the Bloodline. It's something that's part of his character now and if you take away that, if you take away his family, he loses almost everything and everyone with him. Thinking that he'll be sorry for what he has done over the years is not believable and I would be disappointed if that happens, but I trust the work he's doing and Im sure it will work out in the end. What I believe and hope is that when he loses the titles, he will return to the levels of the Thunderdome and the only ones capable to stop him will be his cousins. I hope Jey gives him the lesson of the century and then grants him mercy, the one he didn't have for Jey. Showing him that he was wrong and that the other way was and always has been there like Sami told him too.
Only then he'll get out of the way and im not talking about breaks. That man will walk away, for doing something else or works backstage for the company, with a colossal bang, he'll never leave like a total loser or babyface again. Thats not him, no more. No way. No.
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i-yap · 4 months
Batboys+bruce x y/n thoughts
Now "the man" is dick grayson. Batman literally said Nightwing is what Batman should have been. He is kind he is understanding he is caring and patient and honestly if you are a little broken, u are assigned to dick . He is wanted by everyone, this is the guy you take home. this is the man who buys you flowers and serenades you and always keeps your boundaries in mind. this is the man that can read you like an open book. that sees the real you no matter how hard you try to hide. Not saying he doesn't have issues, he sucks at communication and commitment. he has a saviours complex. But with the right person, it just fades away and all there is left is the perfect man to marry and have kids and save the world. - aka the married couple
BUT jason is "the man for a woman" . He practically worships the ground you walk on( he lowkey does , like if you're away from the house he'll look at the apartment floor and be like...wheeererrr isss myyyy y/nnnn ) He will leave everything behind for you, will kill everyone no questions asked. Its really heavy and passionate and a little crazy but that's jason for you . It can be a lot for someone who needs personal space or has commitment issues or issues opening up. You got to be really kind, patient and loving when it comes to jason. Very good at reading people and a giver. - aka morticia and gomez
AND Bruce , that dude has a lot of responsibilities. He has no time, he is so busy, he is so tired, he cant be with someone seriously...but why does he want you so bad. You'll have to be strong and patient and forgiving and kind. You will have to force your way into his life and pull him away from all the madness. you are the golden saviour that drags him away from the hell he has been sinking into. pulls him away, encourages him to retire and shows him what a normal life and sleep schedule looks like. After all he has done and given, he deserves to retire with the woman he loves. In many comics, bruce becomes evil from this long life of crime fighting and paranoia or is killed . You save him, teach him that he can too have everything he tries to give other people. A family, peace and love- aka the saving grace
NOW Tim isnt like that at all He is free in all ways the other batboys are not. Dick is so tied down with his superhero responsibilities and jason is so needy and a little demanding to be with . Bruce is tired and not as full of energy . But you can be a kid with tim. there is spontaneity , there is adventure, there is freedom and rebellion and expression of self. The actual teenage love, lets go for a drive and end up in a bull riding contest tim wins and then shut down that ring so no bull is every hurt again. Teeths turning blue from that slushie that just gave him freezebrain. - aka teenage dirtbags
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pale-opal · 1 month
A Legitimate Question
You know how in X2, you can go on a sidequest to retrieve Zero's body parts to prevent him from being rebuilt and brainwashed by Sigma & Friends? Well, here's something I don't quite understand about that:
Why is Zero's head detached from his torso?
No, seriously. Why is that? When he self-destructs back in X1, his head and torso are still connected:
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This is the case in Maverick Hunter X as well:
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Now that we've established that Zero's head was originally still attached, we need to figure out why on Earth the Three Stooges X-Hunters would change that. For what I can tell, there are two potential reasons:
Something Happened to Zero's Head, Meaning That it Had to Be Repaired Separately This is definitely a possibility. Homeboy was not doing well after self-destructing. He couldn't even open his eyes, he was in so much pain. And by the looks of it, his self-repair systems were pulling an X5 and not responding. If you told me that he concussed himself, or damaged some important part of his brain, I'd believe it. ...but at the same time, he literally blew his legs and one of his arms off. It is far more likely that the amount of pain he's in, as well as his self-repair systems not functioning, is a result of his extensive damage instead, much like what happened in X5. Not only that, but his head could've been repaired while still remaining connected to his torso. There's also the possibility that Zero's control chip would have to be inserted between his head and torso, hence why the head is removed. But if that's the case, why does X need all three of Zero's parts? Why not stop at the head and torso, if that's all that's needed? Couldn't Dr. Cain just cobble together some new legs? He's a smart man. I believe in him. So that leaves us with reason number two:
They're Screwing With X Think about it for a second. We know that the X-Hunters wanted to use Zero's parts as bait, so that they would have a chance to fight X and potentially stop him from getting any further in taking out the mavericks. However, they could've easily done this with his arm parts instead of his head if they wanted to, right? But here's the thing: Serges is a mad scientist. Agile is a spy and strategist. Violen is... a regular jerk, I guess (I have no idea what his role on the team is). But the point is that these people know that X beating them is a possibility, and they are going to go out of their way to make it as hard as possible, simply because of who they are. They aren't dueling him for who gets custody rights over Zero out of the nonexistent kindness in their hearts, or in the name of fairness. Think of it like this: if you were an X-Hunter, what would be the easiest way to mess with the guy that's ruining all your plans, while also making his potential victory over you as painful as possible? The answer is simple. Give him the severed head of his best friend before running away. Not only could he not kill you, but he also gets a gruesome reminder of just how dead his bestie is. Oh, and be sure to tell him that this isn't the last he'll be seeing of you:
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So, what can we gather from all this? What's the big takeaway? Here's what I think: Dr. Light may have built X to be a peacekeeper, but that doesn't mean he's a pushover. He's got some serious mental fortitude on him. Sure, he retires in between X6 and X7. But honestly? If it were me, I would've hit the bricks a while ago. As a matter of fact, I wouldn't have even gone out to the highway back in X1. I would've been trying to figure out how to get out of the country as fast as possible, just so I wouldn't have to deal with whatever the mavericks were up to that week. But X? He takes those mavericks out, no questions asked. He fights the same dude eight times (ten, if we count Sigma's appearances in the Xtreme titles). He even comes out of retirement, just because he gets inspired by how much Zero and the random kid he brought home care about helping people. And he does all this despite hating fighting more than anything else. And you know what? I can respect that. (This essay was partially inspired by this post.)
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cr1ms0nesp3ra-ac3 · 3 months
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File Name:
Kaiden "Kaizer" Stones Williams
28 ( joined the military since 21, the AAF in 23 and 141 Task Force when he is 24. )
Kai, Steel, Blade, Will, Blade Soldier, Son, Brother, Bro, Sergeant.
Close friends(in military):
Emily "Miller" James, Robin "Jetfire" Munichkin, Kyle "Gaz" Garrick, Johnny "Soap" Mactavish, Captain John Price, Simon "Ghost" Riley and Fyodor "Code" Anderson.
Band Guitarist, ( still on going but he has to retire ) Sergeant Blade Soldier, [HIDDEN OCCUPATIONS]
Loki from Marvel (British)
Captain America, also from Marvel (English)
Observation, Sensing Danger, Blades, Daggers, Throwing Bombs, Stealth, Protection with Blades, Secret Gun Skills.
Custom DX6 IronBlades (HIDDEN REASON BECAUSE SOMEONE MADE THIS FOR HIM) DX-38 Iron Dagger and DX2 Iron-1 Dagger.
English, German, French, Italy.
Beauty marks:
Depression and PTSD.
"Sign of Empathy" - When it comes to seeing people in a similar state he is in. Kaiden knew he had to empathize anyone in a kind and comforting matter. Because no matter what, Kaiden is the type of guy to show how empathetic he is in.
"Just a Hidden Facade" - Kaiden has been through a lot of worst and terrible things he is in and in his own early life. Whenever he sees the others who turned very concerned and worried for him. All he can do is to fake it, pretending he is just okay even though he is not okay at all. No matter what when anyone asked him if he is okay, he can always fake it.
"Observing for Bravery and Self Sacrifice" - Kaiden was too focused to be serious when it comes to missions and risky missions. Observing is sharping the true great senses to him. Protection is also what makes Kaiden become the strongest blade soldier ever. With a slash and a swing, Kaiden was protective to his teammates, even his Captain. But that's okay, Kaiden doesn't care if the risk is too risky.. he'll make it anyway to sacrifice his own life for everyone to protect.
- - - - -
William "Jaxson" James (father)
Melanie Smith (mother)
Jax James ( brother )
Harmony "Smith" James ( sister )
Early Life:
Born in July 4 [HIDDEN DATE], Kaiden and his own family lived in Los Angeles, USA. Along with his one younger brother(Jax) and one middle-ish sister(Harmony).
Kaiden, was always a father's boy. The two joined the military in each different ways.. but until they were told to join the AAF/ALTER Army Forces due to personal reasons. That worried Melanie and Harmony. But Kaiden reassured them that they will come back when it's all over.
But for Kaiden, he was dreaming of a life of being a rockstar because his own father gave him an electric guitar when he was 14 on his birthday. This made him happy however.
But unfortunately, his life is soon to be upside down when something happened on a last mission. Something that he would recommend not explaining it.
....Kaiden is the only one who knows that his father died from [HIDDEN CONCERNED REASON].
This, of course... Shocked him.
But since his return, he had to lie to his family that William went missing. But he and the AAF were the only ones who knows that he died.
And now, with all the grief spiralling him.
..Jaiden had to run away from this spiraling madness because he can't stand the grief that he experienced to his father's death. Guilty to leave his siblings behind.. The Williams Family was about to go on a bankrupt because Melanie didn't even have time to pay taxes, before Kaiden ran away from home.
..Years had go by, Kaiden was now all alone without a single graduation. He was about to be a junior because he is sophomore. The boy had to live in an apartment alone, because he just stole his mother's wallet and his father's too in order to not let anyone know his poor.
But...however, his own life will turn downside up when he saw familiar three of his old-childhood friends needing help to start a band. "Shoot the Rockstars" is the name.
There was Jake, the bassist. Scott, the co-guitarist and Elena, the drummist needing help for a new singer.
And that's why Kaiden had to make his own life happy yet again, by becoming a singer guitarist!
His life is happy yet again when Shoot the Rockstars had grown so much, both of them were so close and always hang out very well and good!
...Til the darkest days returned. Why?
The friends are about to host an anniversary celebration for the band's progress until..
A friend showed up at the Golden Bar, "Derek 'Bulletproof' Johnson", Friend of William "Jaxson" James.
He told him to read the letter his father made and asked if he had to sign for the 141 Task Force.
Because of one reason.
Kaiden was confused at first.. he didn't understand why Derek has to tell him to read a letter William made.
It read as follows:
To my son Kaiden, I know you are reading this. I don't think I'll had to tell anyone to send this to you from a risky mission that I will soon die.. yet.
You are in deep trouble.
The Crimson Corp, the secret army is targetting me and so is you. They're the secret and most strongest organization ever.. and I can tell they're planning what to do on us. Torture, abuse, suffering... I was so scared of what will happen if they officially found you.
But I thought, that you had to become stronger for me. I know you can, but it's your own choice whether you had to take it or not.. You're still lucky that they haven't found you.
But please, this is the only way to not let them capture you. They're gonna be so shocked when they see you as the strongest person ever. Especially Theodore, the boss and leader of Crimson Corp.
But um..again. You don't have to do this, it's your choice. And that is fine.
From - William
P.S: Do not tell everyone, and I mean everyone about this. Only the ALTER Army Forces knew for this.
And the rest of the file infos is hidden.
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baiyunli · 1 year
Wait so! Jack confesses he loves Nico and Nico is like “hmm I’m not sure” and then after the season starts and Jack is officially retired Nico comes home one day and Jack is still there and Nico confronts him about it and Jack has to make sure Nico knows one more time he loves him. Is it possible to get Nico’s pov please?!
finally getting around to answering this ask, my bad anon!!
ref - there is like, a ton of drawn-out tension and exposition and whatever the fuck (i say this bc i'm reading back my notes and i don't even know what i was talking about) that happens between jack confessing and nico finally confronting him about it for good, particularly re: jack recognizing that it's time for him to bow out of hockey, as sort of a stepping stone in actually understanding why nico is mad at him and what he's done wrong.
i don't know how productive it would be to outright repeat the scene beat-for-beat in nico's POV but the bare bones, absolutely!
i think that leading up to this scene, there's probably a lot of things that just haven't gotten right for nico - it's been more than a week on the road and he's exhausted and hungry and he knows he'll have to get home and make small talk with jack, because that's what they always do. because it's been just small talk for however many months since jack first arrived and he won't stop shying away any time nico tries to dig a little deeper and figure out what's going on.
jack sitting on his couch is like looking at a memory from a past nico thought he had moved on from but that refuses to let him go, so really it's not his fault when he drops his bags too loud and asks if jack's going to leave anytime soon - maybe not in those exact words, but close enough.
and nico has to watch all of this as jack stumbles around the apartment in the eerie blue light of the tv, and he could turn on the kitchen light but he doesn't, because if he did it would just make this all more real. he wishes he hadn't hurt jack but it's easy to feel distant from it when jack won't even look at him and nico's leaning against the kitchen counter, all of jack's shit tossed everywhere that he hadn't even noticed before. nico doesn't think he's a bad person but he's tired and petty and vengeful and he just wants this all to go away, make it a little easier for him to exist in his own space, by himself.
then when jack finally says it; tells him how long he's loved nico for, how every time when he ducked out of the visitor's locker room so nico couldn't catch him or avoided answering questions about facing his old team or ignored nico's texts, he was just trying not to spend the rest of his lifetime loving nico more than nico loved him back.
and nico just - maybe everything breaks wide open then and there, jack's face somewhere between heartbreak and resignment in the light of the tv. nico's hand on his arm. the tight, unhappy downturn of his mouth and the steely look in his eye, because no matter how many times he'd told nico he loved him in the past few months he had never really tried to convince nico (or himself) that he truly did understand and knew what it meant, to grow up and grow out and offer himself up to someone else like this.
maybe it's the lack of desperation that gets nico, this time. the fact that jack looks like he's never believed more in what he's saying, but he's also ready to take no for an answer. the fact that nothing and no one has ever made nico give in as easily as jack hughes does, every single day, and nico is tired of holding so much resentment in his heart. that he's forgiven so many people, so many times, and just once more can't hurt.
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vole-mon-amour · 2 years
The Newsreader, 1x02.
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"There's nothing happening between Helen and I." "Sure." <...> "Who made the first move?"
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You jerks :') Cackling, but also feeling so bad. Dale is so shy and genuine and embarrassed a bit.
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They!! That suit looks sooo good on her.
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"I don't like people talking about me." If you're going to become a newsreader, they're going to talk about you anyway. Who cares!! Enjoy Helen's wonderful company and have fun!!
"Is this your way of telling me I'm a little bit too much?" YOU'RE ABSOLUTE NOT. Pick me, I'd go with you, babe. <3 Dale, what are you doing :(
Who goes to your friends house where there are NO rumors, only trust, tells them "We can hang out after hours, just not at work things" and LEAVES??? You're already there, wyd!!
People are being assholes to Noelene, she deserves better.
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No offense, but go jump off a bridge or smthng.
Oh, and Helen has panic attacks? Dale, wyd!! Be nicer!!
I mean, I understand, a person can't be dependent on another person, especially fully. But I understand it as Helen doesn't have any friends? A public figure that lives alone, lonely, and Dale becomes her only friend and now pushes her away? C'mon. I know it's for the sake of development and eventually Dale is going to realize that no matter what he does, people are always talking anyway. But omg, Helen deserves better.
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How are they allowed to drink at work and why do Noelene and Helen have to deal with all the shit coming their way when these two are literally DRINKING BEER AT WORK??? DURING DAYLIGHT WORKING HOURS???
I'm amazed at how Helen is losing it between the camera rolling and not. How she managed to pull herself together in 30 freaking seconds. The credit is fucking due. But oh, how she loses herself again when the work is done for the hour. She definitely needs new meds and some serious therapy.
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Somebody get her into AA & get Lindsay away from her. If he hurts her at any point-- I don't fucking like where this is going.
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How scared and broken she looks in here. Lindsay, I swear to fucking Outsider--
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"I just wanted to know if you were alright."
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And the way she looks at him. Breaks my heart. It's like she's insecure 'cause Dale is pushing her away, maybe thinking that this is what she's worth (=Lindsay), whether she wants it or not.
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"Good luck." Get FUCKED. I've only had Helen for 2 episodes but if anything happens to her, I'm gonna kill everyone in this room and force Dale to never fucking leave her and always treat her RIGHT.
How Helen loses it as soon as Lindsay leaves and cries in Dale's arms. She trusts him with all of her. ;_;
Most men at the office are so delusional about what their words and actions do to women & how it affects women. I'm gonna go berserk at one point, it drives me insane. Oh that privilege of being a cis straight white man that chooses to not think about their actions without even realizing it. But sometimes they do and they STILL choose to ignore it. Kinda getting really mad here.
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They are so cute. And I get why people ship them off the bat, but a big part of me wants them to stay friends and become best friends. I don't totally get why Dale is pushing Helen away so hard. What is he afraid of? Confrontation? That Helen would eventually want to cross that line and become lovers? That he'll fall in love with her and everyone at the office were right all along? Is he that insecure? What is it, Dale?
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What is this smile? He was just low key freaked out because he was lying on her pillow and on her bed and immediately got up with "I should go", but now this smile? I'm getting mixed signals here & I'm very confused. Or is it Jeff's retirement? But then he talks about Tim and wants to join him for the comet??? I'M SO CONFUSED, somebody explain this to me lol.
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Can we talk about the details here? I KNOW he spent the night at her place, on her bed and all. But can we acknowledge that he actually unbuttoned his shirt a bit and took out the belt? AND he's living her house without fixing his appearance. Just holding that belt in his hands. I just--
I get why people would be talking. I mean, if I saw my colleagues like that, I, too, would be??? Not to mention if that was otp. I'd be screaming about it for months.
At the same time, it's like the show is pushing this ship on me (unless they are trying to prove a point of a man and a woman can look and act like a couple but still be friends and friends only, which I doubt is the case here)? They became such good friends so fast and people at work think they are dating and that they spend most of their free time together. I have such mixed feelings on this. I think I'm gonna be a bit disappointed if it ends in romance.
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Now that I think about it, it makes the perfect sense. Tim asks about Dale's relationship with Helen and if they broke up, gives him his number in a very specific name, "either way, it's fine". I-- The layers of this show.
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She's such a mess, I think I might have a crush on her. Oh to have your public person that wants to spend your time with you, take you out and just genuinely enjoys your company. I mean, Dale is nice & I'm torn between them (make me into a sandwich in between them pls), but also? Anna Torv in any role? Give me. I am once again begging for season 3 of Mindhunter, please. IDC how older she looks in s3, I need her back as Wendy Carr.
"Everyone agrees. They owe you an apology. The whole Lindell family." Okay, what happened then? Is this why he's insecure and been pushing Helen away? Bc someone either humiliated and/or broke his heart?
Wait, is Dale canonically bi/gay????? If he is, why do I always joke about characters being bisexuals but so slow at picking the clues? Lol.
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He's such a sunshine. I know Sam is a good actors, I KNOW, but it's still mind-blowing watching him to give his characters a life and still be completely different in every role. Different body language, different personalities that you can see through every move. And then you look at Sam Sam & it's a different person irl, too. That is definitely worth something.
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I mean, listen... :) And how HAPPY she is to see him. Don't end up in romance!! DO NOT PLEASE. This show is way too cute sometimes.
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Baby, you're myyyy anggeeeeellll! You both are.
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I mean, they are VERY cute, but are they doing this to me? Everyone is basically saying that they're dating and it LOOKS like they're dating.
Evelyn is kind of a bitch, isn't she. :)) And not in a good way.
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They're that kind of a pair, aren't they?
"I'm gonna do it." "DO NOT!" "I'm doing it."
Lol lol lol.
Does Dale realize that "You absolutely can count on my support" means that he'll have to go against Helen? And I don't think he would want to do that? Cause Geoff totally dislikes Helen and where she wants to take the news (aka show more women, news on AIDS, liberation, all that stuff). Cause I don't think Dale realizes that.
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They're so cute. One part of me screams, "Ship it!" The other screams, "STAY FRIENDS!"
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Aaaand of course he kisses her. DALE!!! The way he looks at her, though. I still feel like he's bisexual? Idk why. Just some vibe from him.
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The way they chose to kiss on the dance floor where the cameras can caught it and will definitely print it on the news. They're living in the moment but won't they regret it?
Also, you know, this does have a bit of The Newsroom energy. Sometimes Lindsay is the villain, the other times he's a pretty cool dude. And both shows are very niche, so there's that.
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jhpclub · 6 years
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“you were wrapped in red (when we met)”
{ in which jennie and jisoo meet for the first time on christmas eve and not everything is as it seems }
→ jensoo | santa!jennie | single mom!jisoo
jisoo's sense of time had always been a little bit off
like she never knows what day it is and constantly has to ask her co-workers, and nobody blinks an eye anymore when she forgets their birthday—they know it's nothing personal anyway since she even forgets hers sometimes
so she isn't really that surprised when she realises christmas is just around the corner and she had absolutely no idea, too busy working and taking care of her three year old daughter to actually notice the slowly but steadily increasing amount of shining decorations all around town
it only takes getting stuck in traffic on her way to the office and having to listen to a unhealthy amount of christmas songs the radio throws her way first thing on a monday morning before she realizes what time of the year it is
and of course she gets as excited as ever because, well, jisoo is that type of person
the one who used to stay up all night as a kid just so she could spy on santa claus and make sure he brought her what she had asked for (and also steal one or two of his cookies)
the one who would ignore her classmates' comments and would stubbornly keep on repeating that the chubby guy with the white beard is real even though nobody ever sees him or knows anything about him apart from the fact that he apparently enjoys going around every year to sneak into people's house, bring them gifts and eat their food
jisoo was and still is the type of person that could listen to the same christmas carol ten times on repeat and enjoy herself every single time, following the tune by shaking her head while pretending she's in charge of some big orchestra in her mind
she absolutely loved all the bright christmas lights and ornaments as a kid, and the same could be said for adult jisoo as well, so she's more than ecstatic to buy as many as possible and help her daughter decorate the christmas tree while she snaps some cute pictures she's going to stick on the fridge door later
that's how she ends up getting stuck in some shopping mall for hours, going through an unbelievably large amount of ornaments—big and small, covered in spangles and colorful glitter that gets stuck all over her palms—, getting gifts for her friends and family and of course buying two ridiculous rudolph the reindeer sweaters in different sizes just so she and her daughter can match
the two of them immediately get to work once they make it back to their apartment, creating a colorful mess all over their living room in just a few moments, but jisoo doesn't really mind
sure, this is going to be a hell to clean up later, but right now she's too busy watching her baby giggle as she's standing right next to their christmas tree (which isn't that big cause their apartment doesn't have that much space, but it's still way taller than her uwu), her rudolph sweater fitting her perfectly and making her look absolutely adorable
jisoo even helps her write a letter to santa claus because the little girl has only learnt how to write her name so far, and promises to send it to him
and then time goes by and before jisoo even realises it it's christmas eve and she would give absolutely anything to be home with her daughter, some of her mother's freshly baked cookies and a home alone movie playing on the tv, but here she is instead, stuck in the office until late at night because someone else didn't do their job right and she had to pay the price for it
she literally has the biggest pout ever when she gets back home, but she immediately forgets everything about how shitty her day was when she finds her mother and daughter waiting for her
and after eating, her mom goes to sleep, tired after having to look after the baby all day long, leaving the other two alone, and it doesn't take long before jisoo's eyes turn heavy and she craves her bed more than anything in her life
all she wants to do is sleep, but she has to take care of the little one first, who's also looking very sleepy, judging by how she can't keep her eyes open for more than just a couple of seconds at a time
and once the baby looks comfortable and warm enough, jisoo returns to the living room to turn off the tv and head to bed after what felt like the longest day of her life, but she somehow falls asleep on the couch with the tv still on
that's how she wakes up a few hours later, extremely disoriented and confused because what the hell is that sound? it's definitely not the baby and all the tv screen has to offer now is static, so she has absolutely no idea what is going on until she turns her head to where the christmas tree is
and at first jisoo can't really see anything because it's too dark and her eyes are still adjusting to the world around her, but then she spots the source of the sound aka a figure in the darkness, lean looking and just as tall as her, so she guesses it belongs to a girl
which means it can't possibly be that hard to take her down or at least try because there is absolutely no way jisoo is letting anyone steal from her, not when her mother and daughter are sleeping upstairs and definitely not on christmas eve
and she's this close to kicking the girl on the back and making her fall on the tree face first, but just then the stranger turns around, eyes going wide with surprise as they're locking with jisoo's in the darkness of the room
and jisoo decides to take advance of the thief's stunned moment because she knows this is her chance, so she quickly grabs the first thing her hands land on—her daughter's feeding bottle oh my god— and is ready to throw it on the girl's face
except she doesn't go through with her plan because the stranger starts talking really fast and loud and she looks like she's on the verge of bursting into tears
which means more noise, which means more changes of the baby waking up and starting crying like there's no tomorrow, which means no sleep for jisoo, so she quickly leans in and covers the thief's mouth with the back of her palm until she looks calm again
and now that jisoo's eyes have adjusted to the darkness and the stranger isn't looking that terrified anymore, the girl notices how pretty the other is, all sharp yet delicate features, and she also pays attention to her outfit aka a short fur dress in a vibrant red color with hints of white at the top and bottom
she even has a matching hat on and jisoo can't help a “for a thief, you're fashionable and have a sense of humor at least”
and the girl is looking at her like ???????? because thief? hell no
“no, i, huh—well, i'm actually santa claus' daughter”
and jisoo can't help but burst into laughter because of course she had to be the one getting robbed tonight and by an absolute awful thief at that
and no matter how many times the stranger repeats things like “i'm not a thief, that's what the yule lads* do, they're awful”, “my dad is retiring and i have to take over”, “could you please not call the police? my reindeers are waiting on the roof and rudolph is getting more impatient the older he gets”, “my father is going to be so damn angry if he finds out, he'll probably make me train the new elves and let me tell you, no one wants to do that, they're so freaking loud” jisoo still laughs with her palm over her lips to make sure she makes as little noise as possible
until she suddenly stops because the stranger opens her red bag and a piece of paper jumps out, floats in the air right in front of her face and grows longer, until the end reaches the ground
and jisoo just stares at the other girl because what the hell just happened??? is this some type of secret thief technology or is jisoo finally losing her mind?
and the girl just stares back at her as she grabs the floating paper like it's the most normal thing ever and shows her the list of names with either the word naughty or nice written right next to them
and then jisoo just stands there because floating lists with children names, her daughter's included, and waiting reindeers on her roof and some strange yet pretty girl in her living room talking about santa being her father is too much
and she doesn't know how it happens, but she's suddenly back on the couch and the girl is feeding her the cookies her daughter insisted on leaving out for santa while rubbing her back to calm her down
and then out of the blue she starts talking about how cute baby reindeers are and how she used to take care of them and make sure they grew up healthy and strong before she had to leave other people in charge in order to get ready for talking over her father's position because he's growing too old to be traveling around the world
and just by looking at her jisoo can tell she isn't very fond of what she's doing and she would rather go back to the way things were before
and maybe she's too tired to be rational, or she's simply going crazy,,,, like a girl dressed in red fur sitting on her couch is claiming she's the daughter of some imaginary guy and jisoo actually believes her, how crazier could it possibly get?
but jisoo starts talking about how her life was before the baby and how changes aren't always bad, just different, and it takes time to get used to them
and the girl keeps her eyes on her all the time, making jisoo blush because damn she's so pretty and she really hopes the darkness of the room can hide how red her cheeks have gotten
and jisoo doesn't know for how long they've been talking, but suddenly the girl gets up, looking all panicked and mumbling things like “i'm so late”, “dad is going be so mad”
and the girl gets ready to climb up the chimney—“don't look at me like that, it's easier than it looks, magic does wonders”
but before she leaves jisoo asks for her name and is pretty disappointed when she finds out jennie doesn't have a phone number—“well, um, using reindeers and stardust is easier and cheaper, you know?”
she still gives jennie her number anyway because come on, who would let a girl like that walk away so easily?
and maybe it's silly but after that night she keeps checking her phone for any messages or calls, partly to make sure that what she experienced actually happened, but most importantly because she simply wants to talk to jennie again
which much to jisoo's disappointment doesn't actually happen until after a whole year
jisoo thinks it's silly, and maybe she did imagine the whole thing after all (maybe the whole thing was just a scenario her mind made up just so she could have an excuse to eat all the cookies her daughter left for santa), but she still stays up all night and waits
she waits for so long she's almost ready to lean back on the couch and let her eyes close, but that's when he hears a strange noise coming from the chimney, like someone is making their way down
and her heart starts beating fast because she isn't crazy thank god, but most importantly because jennie is here
jennie, who she almost attacked last year because she got into her house without permission, but now look at her, staying up late to see her
jennie, who has a sweet smile and cares about reindeers and ended up being late just to make sure jisoo was feeling okay
jennie, who comes out of the chimney opening with her red bag on her shoulder and the same big smile like last year
jisoo watches her as she goes to stand next to the tree, leaving her daughter's gift right next to the cookies she left for santa
and when they're finally facing each other jennie grabs something from her bag—“stardust. you can write your messages for me on a paper, any paper, and i will get them. well, you know, if you actually want to send me something. no pressure.”
and then jennie leaves, climbing up the chimney like the year before
and once jisoo makes sure the sleigh isn't on her roof anymore she sits on her office, opens her notebook and uses a little bit of stardust to write will you go on a date with me?
and a few hours later a big shining yes is waiting for her right under her question
♡ bonus ♡
jisoo and the baby moving in with jennie and her parents after dating for a couple of months
jennie convincing her father to make snow fall down in the shape of little hearts just so it can be extra romantic when she proposes to her girlfriend
them getting married in matching white fur dresses and hats and looking cute as hell
jensoo and their daughter taking care of baby reindeers and taking cute pics to hang on the wall
jennie cheating during snowfights by making snowballs float and chase after jisoo
jensoo traveling around the world together every year to make sure all the nice children get their presents
jisoo taking care of the elves and even teaching some cool tricks to the younger ones, making them all swoon over her
jennie getting sick because she played out in the snow with the baby for too long and jisoo scolding her but still taking care of her
jisoo teaching jennie how to use a phone and jennie getting introduced to memes
did you know? santa claus' favorite swimming spot is the north pool xD
i'm telling your dad
jensoo cuddling and being happy and in love and drinking hot chocolate while it's snowing outside uwu
*yule lads: mischievous pranksters who sometimes steal and harass people. their role has become more benevolent in recent years, though.
— note —
hi! this is the first time i'm doing something like this, i hope it doesn't suck that much. i just saw jensoo's recent pic and simply couldn't resist, they're so cute. any feedback would be very appreciated! ofc u can send me ur requests if u have any, either for an idol or idolxidol,,,
merry christmas, guys ♡
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