#he's SO MAD
boghermit · 9 months
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gummi-ships · 2 years
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itsxirenex · 1 year
this is the post quali interview guys
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giganotus · 10 months
Warframe really went "what if you not only got the attention of a Great Old One but also got it to be pissed off at you specifically?"
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multistanasitsfinest · 9 months
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explodcor · 11 days
@nitronapalm said: Eye twitch. "What in the FUCK."
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bumblingbabooshka · 2 years
If I’m on Voyager I’m programming the EMH so he has a comically large rainbow lollipop he can’t put down and a jaunty lil sailor hat atop his head. 
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halfdent · 5 days
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arvens-sandwich · 15 days
me when i can make volo as wet and pathetic as i want in my canon >:)
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piano-sideblog · 24 days
Rohan hates Josuke so much LMAOOO
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tolkien-feels · 2 years
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Beleg straight up screaming in frustration that he taught Turin too well is objectively hilarious
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vespertin-y · 2 years
silly saiou headcanon i have: whenever shuichi gets kokichi a gift he does the thing where you wrap it to look like something completely different. kokichi gets what is very obviously a tightly-wrapped chair for christmas and when he tears the paper candy comes falling out. he gets a gift shaped like a nerf gun for his birthday and it’s a hammock inside. he thinks it’s the funniest thing Ever because he was genuinely shocked the first time it happened and now shuichi can never ever stop no matter how many paper cuts he gets.
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darkeeveeanimatesus · 2 years
No one is going to talk about this form?...
Ok! I will then.
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Garmadon with long messy hair and horns, my beloved.
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taleswritten · 7 months
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@cast-you-dxwn sent
“Matthew 18:6. ‘If anyone causes one of these little ones—those who believe in me—to stumble, it would be better for them to have a large millstone hung around their neck and to be drowned in the depths of the sea.’ Perhaps you should ruminate upon this verse, Alastor. Deeply.”
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Ah, it seems Alastor's skin is quite literally sizzling. Still, the radio demon does not seem to react. He is unflinching, hiding the grimace and pain behind a well plastered smile as Michael spews his bible verse at him.
He blinks, once, twice, unsettling in his stare down. He is plotting Michael's murder in his head. A million different ways he could kill him and turn him into a delicious meal. However, his head is where it stays.
When he speaks, it is static-y, a true testament to the composure he is trying to keep. "Are you done?"
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explodcor · 9 days
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Ever since Katsuki had found out that Sparkles of all people was the U.A. traitor, he had a bone to pick with him. Unfortunately for him, it was damn near impossible to catch him alone. The bastard was under tight monitoring by the police and barely able to leave his room.
So Katsuki waited...
...and waited...
Finally, he had caught Aoyama walking out of the washroom with no one else around. With a stern expression on his face, he went straight for him. "Oi, Aoyama." His voice was cold, eerily devoid of its usual growl.
It was the first time he'd ever acknowledged his classmate by name. His jaw locked tight, but he kept his temper in check. "Meet me in the courtyard after curfew. I'm sure you know how to avoid the adults." Then, said more biting than the rest, "AFO made you good at that, huh?"
Then, without waiting for a response, he walked away.
Now, he'd have to wait and see if the traitor would show up.
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risingsouls · 7 months
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