#he's also honest and HUMBLE like idk how many of you watch his videos but there was a cave spelunking episode where he had to leave the cav
coulsonlives · 10 months
This video is so wholesome
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Hey!! 👋🏽😄 I know you said in your last rant about SK8 and Reki and Renga that you were one of those people that always looks up and learns from others, but after your last Langa edit, I just wanted to remind you how immensely talented you are. I might have not seen your first attempts at editing, but I know how it looks like when you're barely starting something, and I'm sure everyone is proud of the progress you've made and many people looks up to you as the level of skill they want to achieve. You're doing amazing! 💖💖💖
Hi, my love!!!!!! ASDFSDFGHG that’s soooo sweet, thank you so much for saying this, it really means the world to me <3 Oh, haha I’ve deleted most of my old videos so it wouldn’t hurt anyone’s eyes lmao T_T I’m still a bit nervous each time I’m uploading my vids to the day to be honest, even with so many subs rn, but at first I really didn’t have any supporters at all and my god I sucked at this, but I guess the love for my fav ships was stronger apparently haha. So I always get silly happy at each nice comment and feedback, so thank you seriously. 
I really love love love vidding, Idk why but when smth comes out the way I wanted it’s a super addictive feeling for some reason, but many times I just looked at the final result and just threw it in the trash and started over and my god how many times SonyVegas crushed and didn’t autosave the project. I’m like Suga now, I’m pressing the save button each 2 minutes, cause don’t want to lose anything xD Being someone’s inspiration is truly an honor to me, I’ve got some messages that hit me too hard. Still feels weird bc I’m like “but do you know that I can’t even use photoshop tho, how do u like me now then?” lol.
I’m always drawn to talented characters, bc they amaze me, esp the humble ones. Like those who hate Haru or Lanaga just buffle me honestly. I understand that they’re pretty and talented and everything, but they’re also the sweetest and loveliest human beings, so like...??? And I adore those who don’t whine and get what they want. I just can’t help it. I’m a strong believer in the fact that "you can do anything if you put your mind to it”. So far it worked in real life so suck it lol.
People are also saying like Langa doesn’t deserve to win this and Haru doesn’t deserve to be in Olympics, like Langa didn’t snowboard since he was 2 and Haru wasn’t swimming every day since he was born. I’m like.. and you need to check in the mirror if your face is a shade of green. BTW I’ve also been in a professional sports for quite a long time since I was a little kid, ballroom dancing and adored it back then, and I did not get jealous at ppl who were talented than me, I was watching the tapes actually with a popcorn. And oh god those large competition events when you sit there for days and give it all, but then you’re like 296 out of 1000. Why was I proud instead of being sad? Idk xD It was fun.
So thanks for liking the vid, cause I even regretted uploading it a bit yesterday. Sadly everyone already knows that we lost this fandom to the middle schoolers being extra, so they do not care for anything each episode except for this ship, so that’s what I got for posting a just Langa vid:
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And etc. and that just made me sad, cause I do not like such fandoms, like it’s not even related to the video, that I’ve been making... with love.  Also thanks for the "sama” title, I’m flattered, but editor only wants to vid matchablossom for now, so like there’s no need for any warnings. I’ve been in such horrendoes fandoms, that I’m immune to this. I also in fact didn’t know some keep ruining Langa’s page and saying that he steals Reki’s screen time... cause he’s aparently the only main character...? ...lmao? I didn’t even know Langa can be hated tbh. I wasn’t really ready for all the drama that followed me making a vid about him.
I’ve already deleted some comments, cause I’m like what this even has to do with the vid about Langa? No, I am not obliged to make a vid about Reki, too. What if I post a matchablossom vid, everyone will only start commenting “do renga”, cause fuck your efforts? I’m like... I hate such fanbases, seriously. I do not even know where this is going, but their fans are already pissing me off. I’m still trying hard for this to not affect my point of view about the ship, cause it’d be kinda unfair to them, but its getting harder each week istg.
And I maybe can’t take requests, but I love when some try to get me addicted on their ship with passion and great arguments. It happened to me with some nice ppl. But def not with agression and stupidity haha.
Cause apparently its one of the fandoms where you can’t NOT care for the main ship, even if you accept it for the only possible Langa ship (cause he doesn’t give a shit for anyone else, so like what’s the point), but it doesn’t do anything for you. I’m like... thanks for threatening. This will make me on board ASAP. Like it’s not the epitomy of love to me... I’m sorry? LMAO 
Some anon even sent me a “you’re dense” (literally thats it) ask after that Reki ask. I was tempted to write smth like “oh I’m sorry, this is the most epic love story of my life and his character is the most complex in the world and he’s the best friend and the most inspiring human being that ever hit my screen. can I become undense now? xD”. But you know I do not know if they’d realise the sarcasm and my pride sadly never allowed me to sell my life values for a bunch of 12 years olds to love me lol
My sister always laughs and jokingly says “but you’d probably get much more subs if you made a vid about this or that, but at what price that would be lmao”. Cause yeah, I never could make myself vid smth I do not like, cause I love vidding and do not want it to be associated with things I do not like, plus it’ll most likely turn out ugly, if I do not care. My mom says that she can feel love I put in my shipping vids that’s why she loves them. I really don’t think she’s wrong. But that also kinda makes me an idiot technically, cause I’m not into many of the popular ships, and some popular animes I just find really basic. 
Also I’m like 100% sure it ain’t happening, but even if they miraculously suck each other’s dicks while sitting on a skate board, I can still have the rights not to care at the end. Like did I sign some form where I’m obliged to love each and everyone canon gay ship even if it’s not what I like? Like gay is not the type of love in relationships. You can only care about his ass like Lan Zhan for example or you can only care about your ass. Like that’s different types of relationships, and whatever you like you like. So get all the way of people’s backs, please.
Also do ppl know that you do not need to be blind to the bad sides of the characters in your ships? Or you just gonna be like “I suddenly can’t see” for forever.
So really thanks for such wonderful message and liking the video and for the boosts when I need them and not being an ass to me if I’m not being obsessed with smth, when you like it. (like I think we have different ship in bnha, right? but we’re still doing great tho, thanks for being an angel <3)
I still didn’t expect this becoming a Voltron 2.0. situation tho. We in our twenties see everything differently, I guess. I do get extra about “their love is everywhere”, but I do not get extra by anonymously attacking ppl, threatening creators and yelling “queeerbating psychotic blind assholes if these two aint fucking by the end of the season I’m shaving my head and jumping out of the window and shoot the director. you do not ship it HARD? YOU DUMB FUCK. THAT’S THE BEST LOVE STORY IN THE WORLD”. Like damn, take your blinders off and see the world, kid. Firstly, it’s definitely not, secondly, ppl see love differently in general and at each age too.
Ah, also you must kill Adam, cause he’s a pedo apparently. Like he ain’t even a threat to your ship, unless you’re blind, but they’re still at it, like they do not know that this kind of age difference is literally nothing for an anime? And that there are canon ships with a huger age difference left and right, too. It’s like its their first time approaching an anime or smth. Like in anime world character can literally kill 1000 ppl with his bare hands and bathe in their blood and we can still stan them, depends on their story, ok? Also Langa couldn’t care less for his advances, so like separate Adam from your ship pls. Like, fuck off, if someone is interested in his character. Yeah, he’s a weirdo for reasons, but anime kind of weird do not apply to real life. Stop acting like you’re some purist, when later you’re gonna ship smth else and it suddenly will not apply. Also rules do not apply to animes, everyone knows they do not apply. These are not western cartoons, my god. And 24 years old flirting with 16 year old is defiinitely not the weirdest shit anyone has ever seen in the anime. Chinese BL has characters who were 14 and 30 when they met and happily married. Also FICTION is not life. Literally no one cares. If you’re scared for your saint eyes, do not watch animes, you’re gonna have a heart-attack from what you can see there. Also we’ve seen gayer bromances in animes, who are just bromances, so pls do not shoot anyone if it’s not canon.
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So basically I was kinda pissed yersterday, cause fuck them for ruining the tag, but after chatting with my hommies and your ask, I’m okay again, I just have to avoid this fandom and stick to a tight community xD. I just got used to my nice fandoms and forgot for a bit about the precautions you need to take if you’re in one of those. You know. Who make a circus out of lgbt, instead of supporting it, and make other ppl hate being in fandoms.
P.S. sorry for this partially unrelated rant, your messages really always make my heart bloom, so thanks for supporting me, and I know you’re proud of my progress, too <3 and this makes me happy. LY
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sleepynegress · 4 years
Spoiler-Filled Reaction to the 1st Ep of TFATWS: ‘New World Order’ ...
Okay, so I may switch up and do weekly recaps via audio. Either way, I’m getting something out before the weekend is up... Still!...  It’s a been a few days, so I can go a bit more in depth with my thoughts on that pilot ep.
~ So, that opening was quiet and down-to-earth. For me, it was hammering home not only the humbleness of Sam (despite the bravado, the man is naive in his optimism and *not* superpowered), but being stuck in his initial thoughts about the shield.   ...That it didn’t feel like it belonged to him. Sam’s personality, has been established as super-loyal and almost childlike in his feelings that things will work out and doing the right thing because it’s right (which is why he didn’t get paid enough BTW naive pride). 
-which comes into play w/ his conflict w/ his sister later... I’ll come back to that.
~ We jump into a dangerous mission that shows off Falcon’s personality. He’s gonna get it done with style and optimism even when working with equipment that needs a few updates.  The stunt coordination here was fantastic!  I legit whewed! aloud at Balroc paragliding into *multiple* helicopters... Sam’s hair-pin turns milimeters from canyon rock, propellers, and rockets... ~ I *loved* Torres’ fanboying. It felt like a parallel to Sam fanboying Cap, in CA:WS and evoked the well-established superhero trope of a person *marveling* aloud at what you’re doing making it so. much. cooler. (as an oldhead, the random black dude emoting about Superman’s suit after he comes out of a phonebooth, in the Reeves movie, is my earliest memory of this trope). ~ Then we see the Tunisia titlecard, which yea! it didn’t just say Africa, but ehh, once again “yellow tint” is code for “exotic” country full of brown people. It did cut through the typically more alt-right-tinged military propaganda w/ the Tunisian man thanking Sam for saving his wife, the bare minimum of humanization... but it saved the scene from just “backdropping” the people/culture w/o any humanity, at all, as is typical... That and the way these two BIPOC spoke to one another (there is a certain kind of rapport we non-white folk have w/ each other) was my first hint...that this showrunner ain’t a white dude. The joking about him knowing Arabic...like cheering/teasing when we show our range to one another.  Mainly, this interaction was to show that Sam is to Torres what Steve was to Sam in some ways...with a bit more “brazen kid” on Torres’ part, along w/ introing the idea of the Flagsmashers. ~ Then, naive Sam decides to donate the shield to the Smithsonian...because he doesn’t feel like he’s earned it and because in his mind it still belongs to Cap and because he’s out here trusting this governement even after all the B.S. he’s done lived through.  Even Rhodey was having his doubts... Maybe being around during the blip makes a person more savvy and cynical, IDK. ~ So, then we see Buck in therapy and since I’ve been through trauma, I know that mindset.  Sticking to routine is a big “win”.  Not really caring about anything beyond the bare essentials (yall saw that man’s apartment). And the feeling of being displaced would be amplified by the fact that this man is more so than anyone who has existed(!).  ~ I noticed that Seb leaned into his Rom-Merican accent, which was a great acting choice, it evokes his sense of having traveled without a solid sense of self in a place, because he was essentially, asleep all those decades, while the brainwashed aspect of himself was enslaved to Hydra. I LOVE his therapist.   Fannishness for a cute guy, means a lot of people don’t like her being “mean” to him... But I’mma tell you, as someone who actually has been in therapy for a good bit, you *need* someone who will call you on your bullshit so you can properly work on it.  I love that she’s also a vet and there’s nothing cutesy and coddling in a male-gazey sexy or motherly way. She’s doing her fucking job and not letting his ass slide. To me, that read as a hat-tip to a woman drecting this. So, we see Buck manifest his trauma w/ profound discomfort in his own skin.  He doesn’t know how to interact anymore, how to swagger in this strange time and place (because dude had all kinds of 1940′s swagger and juice back in CA:TFA) So, he’s just awkwardly honest, and beating himself up for that. But... he’s still alive, so he totally perked up in the presence of this attractive server and Yori notices and like so many old people, just busted his chops and skipped all the what he wasn’t gonna do and did it for him, w/ Leah’s confidant acceptance -ahhh, I luv her!- as an assist. ~ Then we flip back to Sam in Delacroix and we meet his sister and his nephews and his community(!) which really nails down Sam the man, the person, the human apart from his underwritten assists to the Avengers. We see that Sarah knows and loves this naively optimistic ‘I will find a way to fix it because it’s the right thing to do’ hard-headed brother.... but good-God! he doesn’t know shit about real-world day-to-day struggle... If you’ve seen Anthony Mackie in The Hurt Locker... one of the big themes explored, is how tough it is for vets who have been through explosions and firefights in another country... to adjust to day-to-day struggle in “normal life”. THAT is what Buck’s therapist was calling out when she said BULLSHIT to him saying he wanted peace (lol, no he doesn’t, like Sam he wants that righeous kind of adrenalin only being in action for “good” gives) and what Sarah is frustrated w/ is regarding him not understanding or respecting the kind of struggle she had to deal w/. ~ As an aside I *loved* her *nose-scratch* “Can I talk to you for a minute??” Whew! That is a black-ass way to let you know someone is pissed w/ you and wants to hash all the shit out. That’s why Sam avoided it, lol... ~ So, the date with Leah, who does all the right things...Goes terribly, because Buck is still too deep in his trauma focus on anything about how great she is.   Note, that just about everything that happened on that date reminded him of aspects of his trauma to the point where Buck, (being an absolute dick!) just fucking, walks out on her!!  I NEED her to chew his ass out for that and I need him to *not* be able to make it up to her (and I’d also love some fanfic, where Buck actually does *ahem* treat her well... I know Asian women be shorted in fanfic too!) ~ So, he goes to Yori’s apartment and stares like an obvious knucklehead (still dealing w/ being stuck in his trauma) at the alter to the man who was just in the way of that brainwashed aspect of himself, pays for the lunch and walks off...AND, NOTE!!  YORI DID NOTICE ALL THIS. So, this will eventually come to a head...yikes! ~ Then we’re back to Sam, and Sarah who tries to have that talk, but old boy ain’t trying to hear it. Insisting that he’s the man to swoop in and save the boat and the business *sigh* by some magic (hanging with magical beings...will do that, I guess). And Sarah smartly is just frustrated and skeptical, but lets him go on and try and fail in the same ways she already did so. many. times... in those five years. ~ And then we see bb Torres being brazen kid stupid amateur spy w/ the Flagsmashers. I honestly thought old masked dude stomped him to death, at first... The camera pan showed the cliched dead-man pose, after all.  I guess he pulled that (super!)stomp, which means... Flagsmashers aren’t the lethal villians here IMO.   I think they escaped from the *real* villian. ~ And then comes some real world racist bullshit... This scene at the bank *nails* a particular kind of frustratingly infuriating racism that is common. Where they will act like they are doing you a favor because they like and want something from you... but still won’t serve you in the same way they would a white person. It’s this strange willfullly “I like you negroes, you entertain me! -but fuck you -but I still like you!” patronizing thing that we know all too well. *whew!* That was real. And then that heartbreaking scene where after Sarah rightly told-ya-so’s.  -Sam is working on that mess of an engine and reality *finally* sets in when the key  didn’t even attempt to turnover.
~ Then Torres messages Sam (and he’s alive!) and we all know Sam knows these Flasgsmashers got super-serum, but isn’t saying. Even TORRES knows (bless his heart). ~ And from there we go straight to the U.S. government rubbing salty dirt in Sam’s wound with the new/fake Cap holding the shield aloft and winking like “It’s mine now, bitch!”. ---And the credits, I won’t get into except to say if you want ALL the spoilers in the credits, watch that linked video, I posted earlier. But they are SIGNIFICANT spoilers.
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faresramettas · 6 years
160219: skam italia x gay center event (part 1)
it’s going to be really hard for me to recap everything that happened yesterday, so i’m going to split this in two parts: one dedicated to the conference and one to the moment when we actually met them and took pictures etc. i’m sure all the things i’m going to report were already said yesterday in tweets and stuff but i wanted to have a place to write them all down cause my memory is so bad. warning: this got long.
the conference 
first of all, kudos to the gay center’s staff. so many people came they couldn’t fit them all in the conference room, so they decided to have a second shorter session so that no one would go home disappointed. they also said that afterwards we’d be able to take selfies and meet pietro, rocco and federico
spoiler alert: pietro, rocco and federico are literal angels. so sweet, funny, honest, humble, intelligent and well-spoken. ludovico bessegato is confident, smart and a savage. he dragged the whole fandom and yet we still love him cause he’s a genius
as soon as ludovico stepped on stage he made it clear that this was not an event about skam only and to please respect that. he said that they wouldn’t talk about season 3 and not to ask about it, and that’s why no info came out
the conference started with a presentation of the gay center. their representative introduced the work they do with the gay help line and talked about really heartbreaking cases of lgbt youth (12 and 14 year olds) who called to report violence from their own families. it was really hard to hear. they showed statistics of discrimination in italy and other data. their point was that skam s2 shows a positive reality where martino is able to come out to his friends and live his truth and his love, but unfortunately we have to be aware that these terrible realities exist too, especially in this country
the skam section started with a question to ludovico about his choice to include the voice messages in the first scene of s2. we watched that scene. he said he knew he wanted to do it from the start but recording and adding the voice messages was the last thing they did, one week before the release of the first clip. he came to the gay center in rome and met the young people and recorded the messages with them (i’m sorry, i’m not sure this is accurate) and he was moved to tears. that’s when he realized how important what they were doing with this season was. he said it was important for him, before showing the easiness of two people who can be together without external hardships, to start the season with the voice messages, as a reminder that these realities also exist
the host asked what was the most important thing for him, what he felt more responsible showing, and ludovico said for him it was the reaction of a group of heterosexual friends to one of their friends coming out. without dramatizing it or simplifying it too much. so the coming out with gio was the hardest scene cause there was a lot of weight on it. giovanni also had to be worthy of the moment. i loved this part: he said for him it was fundamental that giovanni touched martino right after his coming out, because it shows that nothing has changed between them, that they can still have a physical friendship, because so many times this doesn’t happen, straight friends pull back from/become less physical with their gay friends. their friendship not only hasn’t changed but is made more precious now
ludovico researched stuff like the gay street and grindr by experimenting them himself. he went to the gay street in rome and had a mission to get hit on (and he was lmao) and who did he meet that night? ROCCO, who went to the audition the morning after! incredible, he said he didn’t know rocco’s sexual orientation or anything but because he had seen him at the gay street he knew he could help give his input to the series, and of course pietro was precious as well to help with the representation
we watched the coming out scene and it was federico’s turn for questions (you could hear he had a cold, bb), the host asked him about how he felt/prepared for it and he said he felt a lot of pressure but he basically let martino lead him, he trusted his character that he had worked so hard on day after day and he also leaned on ludovico tersigni and bessegato. he hopes as many people as possible can relate to that scene, see themselves in it and live it
federico said the series enlighted him and made him reflect on lgbt themes and problems. he was never one to use homophobic slurs to follow the logic of the “pack” but it’s a thing, when you’re 15 or 16 you think you have to conform to what your friends say and do even if it’s harmful but this is why we have to spread awareness (”bisogna evitare il grigiume dell’uniformità” - we have to avoid the greyness of uniformity, he’s such a poet)
special mention to federico’s beautiful sweater, apparently he bought it in oslo, that sweater made his shoulders look even broader and it’s my new religion 
we watched the milan uramaki/wedding proposal scene and BITCH I HAD NEVER REWATCHED THAT PART CAUSE IT HURTS i swear we were all holding our breaths. that’s when the host asked rocco about gay marriage and he said italy is very late but at least we have civil unions now and it’s been hard fought for. it’s important to talk about gay marriage not so much for younger gens but for older generations. discriminations are always present so you can’t relax even when you reach a goal, you have to fight for the next one
when asked how he pictures his wedding, rocco said marriage is very far in the future for him, but whoever it’s going to be with his wedding is going to be very normal (”everyone naked is not a bad idea tho”) and y’all already know this part, he said he’s a person who’s experimented a lot and he HATES LABELS, for himself and for others (so maybe don’t call him pan king, u know what i’m saying). he’s experimented a lot and tried to figure out what he likes and he likes a little bit of everything (ME PIACE NPO DE TUTTO. i was there. i was there when he said that. iconic) he understands the need for labels cause they can help you identify yourself and give a sense of belonging but there’s also the risk that they can be too limiting
we watched fili’s speech and fede blew a kiss to pietro??? my heart
EMMA STA A ROSICA’ - cit pietro turano (emma is jealous af)
at this point besse DRAGGED US TO HELL AND BACK he said the fandom gets mad at emma and when characters say things that are wrong but it’s hypocritical (cause it’s a realistic show, no?)
he dragged the tumblr sjw politically correctness of fandom and something about how we all say we accept and love everyone but then WE are the first who feel the need to put labels on people and people in boxes. he said IT’S COOL TO HAVE NOORA’S QUOTE IN YOUR BIOS BUT DO ANY OF YOU ACTUALLY STICK TO ITS MEANING? YOU’RE THE FIRST WHO AREN’T KIND smth like that i swear i was a bit stunned
he also really didn’t like how everyone spoiled scenes and clips, ruining the experience for everyone while also creating false expectations, cause we expect things to happen and get mad if they don’t (ngl as a person who hasn’t watched the og i was like yeah tell em). idk, basically at the end of the speech all i got is that he’s an emma apologist
pietro said so many amazing things, like that when we have that moment of awareness, when we realize we are victims of behavioral schemes, prejudices and stereotypes deeply rooted in society, that’s when we can change the world. idk he’s seriously such a well-spoken smart person and he’s only 22
he also said in a video i have posted here that positive lgbt representations in tv shows/films are SO important for young people cause they need to see that there’s a positive reality out there for them too, that gay characters aren’t only the psychos, the ones who kill themselves or suffer
host dragged ludo for not including a beyonce song in the gay season but he said we can expect satisfactions from fili in s3
fede took the gay test and ludo told him the answers to get the totally hetero results, but when ludo took the test his result was Not totally hetero
rocco knows he looks like edward cullen, actually it was his first girlfriend when he was like 14 and before twilight was a thing that told him that he looked like cedric diggory aka rob pattinson. when twilight happened it all went downhill. the vampire outfit in the halloween clip was Not Casual. actually they had a line when someone told nico he looked like edward but it didn’t make the cut
fede said the hardest scenes, not because he couldn’t get in character but because of the expectations and pressures were the ones with mamma rametta (<333) and the coming out with gio. but the scene he hated the most was the i wanna be yours scene cause he said he went cross-eyed (è venuta di merda - it came out like shit)
host asked who’s top and bottom and they all laughed about it don’t worry (although i know someone asked again in the second session? and they said they switch idk, whatever)
at the end there was not a lot of time for questions but as soon as the host asked if we had any i IMMEDIATELY shot my hand up cause i thought i would regret it if i didn’t ask. so i stood up and pietro came to give me the mic (<33333333) and I WAS SO NERVOUS but i thanked them for all their work and then i asked rocco how he felt representing a character that’s not only lgbt but suffers from a mi, that he did a WONDERFUL job doing it because he helped so many people who suffer from bpd/mi to identify with niccolò (i accidentally said multiple personality disorder instead of borderline and i am so embarrassed but i swear. i couldn’t. think. i apologized too) if he felt he had more responsibility and if he could talk about the milan scene. he said he did feel a double responsibility and an additional pressure because henrik holm already did a splendid job, but he dealt with it like any other role, worked on the character like any other and tried to do it justice. he didn’t treat it differently. the milan scene was hard cause it was the very last one they did but they also had so much fun. he told us about bessegato pranking him and making him yell TABBBBASCOOOOO when he was running around naked in milan
i feel like i should mention that in the second session rocco said federico is a really good kisser (”bacia da dio” literally means “kisses like a god”)
that’s all i have and sorry this was so long. the conference was truly incredible. but meeting them afterwards was even more so and that’ll be part 2
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inspired-aspirer · 6 years
Z Berg and Ryan Ross Concert Masterpost
hello and I am sorry that I promised to post before Christmas about my experience of flying to LA for the Z Berg and Friends concert where I saw and met Ryan Ross. Here is a breakdown of the night and how it went from what I remember and if you have any questions after I post this I will do my best to answer them and if I cannot I will tell you and perhaps someone who can answer you question better than I.
1. anything before the concert
So I know many of the people reading this are not in fact, from Los Angeles California, and I can say I am not one of those people. I live in the middle of nowhere, better known as the state of Oklahoma. So the trip in and of itself was my Christmas present and cost ten times over the price of the ticket to the concert itself. I decided to purchase the tickets after Ryan Ross posted to instagram his photo of the Bad List shoot with “…Gonna play some new ones” as the caption to his post on 30th November. I then convinced three of my friends to come with me, flying from Oklahoma, Georgia and another from Alabama. We found some cheap ass tickets that ran about $250 each and convinced some family friends to let us use their beach house for a weekend and we were off. The tickets were $15.00 before taxes and fees, afterwards they rang up to be a grand total of $18.21.
It is notable that the tickets sold out prior to the day of the concert so I would recommend with any of Z’s concerts in the future, to buy your tickets weeks in advance to avoid anyone not getting a ticket.
2. the day of the concert
a. before doors open
The location of the concert was at the Pico Union Project which my friends and I looked up the night before to scope out the place. I recommend looking up the places around it if you plan on camping out for the day for a restroom and most definitely pack snacks. I ate lunch at noon and made the mistake of not eating again until 6am the next day which really was not a good thing. So pack snacks and take care of yourself. We got there around 3:30pm and there were already about 30ish people. We just missed Z coming out early to see everyone and take pictures, but nonetheless, we got a pretty great spot in line. I will say that for the most part, all of the people waiting outside the concert were lovely, and we all had a great time talking about what we were looking forward to and where everyone was from. I met some chill locals who had been to these things before, a guy who had been to every single one of Z’s concerts and a girl who, like me, got this trip as a Christmas present and flew with her mom all the way from Massachusetts.
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*We all added eachother on insta and facebook so 10/10 quality people.
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I will however, point out some things that were not good or respectful, and I hope people in the future will refrain from doing this in the future. 
1. Being disrespectful to people passing by, especially to some of the homeless people we saw walking by throughout the evening. 
2. Wearing new Panic! merch (I’ll get into this later because there was an issue to be dealt with during the meet and greet time.)
3. Playing new Panic! songs while people are trying to listen the pre-show sound check and rehearsals, or just playing new Panic! stuff in general
4. Also I overheard a group of girls say “Honestly, I am more of a Brendon fan, he is sooo hot. And tbh fuck Ryan Ross haha” and I get it, everyone is entitled to their opinion and such but if you are going to have that attitude, please keep it to yourself. I didn’t hear such negativity during the meet and greet from them but it really put me in a bad mood when I heard that.
The doors did open right at 8 o’clock and everyone was really good at staying in their place in line and not rushing the door. Have your tickets ready to scan and phones at full brightness. (Bring battery packs because you will need your phone for a ticket scan and probably for pics of the performances and if you want to meet them later so save it for as long as possible.) Due to our great spot in line we sat in the fourth row back which was prime seating and we had the great luck of sitting behind Z’s family which was really fun to hear them talk about the work put into the show and other fun tid bits. There was even a point when her grandmother said something like “I don’t know why they insisted on leaving so late to get here. I think they should have left early and had a nice lunch before all this” and I thought that was the most adorable and grandma thing to say. Also if you are 21 or older, you can get a wristband for alcohol, if you have your ID out and ready to show them when you first walk into the venue when they scan your ticket. I also recommend getting into the line for merch quickly because things do sell out and the line does take forever. I immediately got in line when my ticket was scanned while my friends snagged seats and it still took me about 20-30 minutes to get everything I wanted. Also I recommend taking cash to buy things, it makes everything go faster.
b. the concert
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The concert itself was amazing. Z hosted the entire first half from the balcony in an exact replica of Sharon Tate’s wedding dress as I am sure you have seen photos of. I will confirm, it was magical. She curses like a sailor in front of a backdrop of pure grace. She interacted with he audience the entire time and genuinely enjoys just spending time with her fans and the people that came to hear some good music. The first half of the show was the “& Friends” portion of the show, with majority of the people playing one song each with a few exceptions such as Azure Ray, Jackson Browne, Alex Greenwald and of course, Ryan Ross. 
So throughout the concert, people in the concert/show (idk what I would call it officially???) would come in and out from backstage to watch each other, which I thought was wholesome. Ryan did not come out to watch like everyone else and my working theory is, the one time he did poke his head out the door, first of all, me and like 10 other people saw him, he smiled and winked (I died) and then went back in, after that people stopped paying attention to whomever was onstage and so I think he didn’t want to take away from the other acts performing. It's admirable and I understand why he stayed backstage until it was his time to go and then would promptly exit after his numbers were done. 
In the first half Ryan came out with Alex Greenwald and played the guitar for him. Everyone screamed and cheered despite the wonderfully melancholic mood of the crowd mixed with the beautifully crestfallen music that had preceded them. Alex jokingly said “wow you guys are so nice” after we screamed following the remark someone in the back made along the lines of “I love you Ryan”. Let’s be honest, we were all thinking it and she had the courage to say it. So as far as the number, he sat and played his guitar in a suit that looked one size too big and jet black hair that was perfectly out of place. It was heaven. Following Alex’s song, Ryan ditched the guitar and joined him to sing “Lonely Moonlight” as a duet. He made jokes prior to the song saying they wrote it “18 or 25 years ago”. Alex agreed and laughed to which Ryan amended “actually it was the year 1825 when we wrote this” and the crowed giggled with them. 
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What I’m getting at is this entire concert, there were moments when you felt like no one else was around and you are sitting in any one of their living rooms, having a good time listening to them play their music and laugh with each other. “Lonely Moonlight” was beautiful and the hall was silent a part from them, no one dared speak until Ryan smiled and walked off the stage and disappeared backstage again. A few more beautiful songs later, many which Z sang in followed and then there was a brief intermission for approximately 15 minutes. 
The second half of the concert Z came back on stage to the “Overture” from Nightmare Before Christmas and I died. Her voice is literally angelic and I just want everyone to know that while you damn well know that she knows she has the best fuckin’ voice ever, she remained absolutely graceful about it in any duet she did and didn’t try to out do anyone and remained humble the entire freaking time and I’m gonna cut myself off right now because she is my role model. 
Anyways, so I’m just gonna tell you she brought Ryan on stage with one of the most iconic ways you could bring Ryan on stage, “Um, haha, I think I need a little baby Ryro” *everyone screams* “I do that to when he walks into a room. After ten years it is getting pretty fuckin’ annoying” and he smiled and laughed and everyone was probably either screaming or crying or a combination of both. She and Ryan sang “Calm Before the Storm” together, he just sang with her and she played the guitar as well. After his bit in the song was done, he just walked to the back of the stage and sat on the floor and just smiled at her and did some funny gestures, (Again, I have this on video, I just don’t know how to link long videos in a tumblr post). The crowd was amused by this and it caused Z to turn around to see what was going on, and they laughed. 
Again the atmosphere was pure enjoyment and I wish everyone would get to experience that at any concert. Then he walked off stage while Z said “yeah we just love to watch you walk away” and truer words have never been spoken. The final time he did come out to perform was, of course, for “The Bad List”. 
c. The Bad List
Yes I am giving this one song an entire thing on it’s own because I just have a lot of things to say about this performance of this song. 
First of all, during the soundcheck while we (all the crazy fans) were outside we heard the song resonate outside the walls and the sound was angelic, so you could only imagine what it sounded like inside the venue. 
Second, everything before, during, and after really just was surreal and thank god I have the whole thing on video (and I mean the WHOLE 7.5 minutes) because it is NOT something I want to ever forget. Ryan came onstage, and hugged Z and everyone awed, and then she went into this adorable and heart-warming speech thanking her fans and the people coming out tonight while Ryan tried to move his mic to the other side of her. 
This was hilarious for two reasons. 
First, any footage I have seen of Ryan Ross, out doing normal people things has just been gold because just like the rest of us, I would imagine, he is on the struggle bus every day going nowhere fast. So he had a time and a half trying to move the mic stand along with everything else to the other side of the stage. 
Second, Z was completely oblivious the entire time he was trying his best, to move the mic. Adorable really. He also chimed in at the end of her speech that “She means that it’s all she has been talking about all week” which apparently embarrassed her but let’s be real, she is two perfect and sweet to even think abou tbeing embarassed. Don’t worry, she got him back by calling him out for saying they should turn up the piano “a weenie bit”. Then she announced they were going to sing “The Bad List” and everyone cheered to which Ryan responded with a sarcastic “Wait have you heard it yet?” and yeah, the song began. 
It was divinely depressing. It was perfection.
Videos of the preformance don’t do it justice. We were the first and so far the only audience to hear it live, and everything I did to get there up to this point was worth it. It was the best performance of any song I have ever witnessed. I will navigate this hell site and hopefully figure out how to upload the video without getting copyright to take it down on my youtube channel and link it below so you guys can watch it. 
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As many of you know, the song it super personal to them and a few times, you heard Z’s voice break from the truth the lyrics spoke about their life, and when each of them sang, the other really didn’t look at them. It was moving to see the emotion that drove the lyrics to the song and to hear which lines bled the most to each of them. In the piano instrumental part of the song, Ryan broke up the melancholy mood by asking Z to dance with him and they smiled and had a blast (or so it looked). She eventually went limp in his arms to play dead and you could see Ryan laughing at the theatrics she pulled. 
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After the song ended, the smiled, everyone cheered, and they exchanged a few words which I couldn’t make out before she pulled everyone on stage for the final number. Ryan, ever the smol bean, walked to the side of the stage and did his best to blend in when everyone else from the evening piled on stage.
d. last number and Post-concert
Ok so I am almost done, I promise. The last number was “All Out of Tears” which everyone came up on stage for and sang with her on. Everyone stood up from thier pews for the last song and everyone clapped, danced, and sang along with her. The guitar and bass from the speakers were so loud that the “Z” hanging above the stage fell down in the middle of the performance, to which Alex Greenwald played the tambourine to throughout the second half of the song. Z promised that she would stay until the very last person got a picture or hug or autograph and wouldn’t leave until then. 
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The concert ended on a high note unlike another. 
side note: so I know there is a joke about Ryan not being able to clap, and let me tell you, I made a point to look at the big ass rings he wears all the time when I met him, and yeah it would make me not able to clap normal either. In the video I have of them preforming “All Out of Tears” he at one point shakes his hands and mouths “ow” because I’d imagine his poor hands hurt. So yeah, still funny but give the guy a break.
After a breif break they all came out from backstage and made their way to the Christmas tree. They (Ryan and Z, the rest of the people left before I could get their autograph) kept their promise. Ryan came out chugging yellow red bulls and Z was a new woman after ripping off her straps to her dress (she told me and my friends this). I waited two and a half hours in line to meet Ryan and Z. It was at about two in the morning when I finally got my turn to speak to him. I noticed throughout the evening, he was never short with anyone, and if someone seemed overwhelmed and nervous (@me) he would take a pause, ask for your name and listen intently to whatever that person had to say to him. I was extremely nervous to have him sign any old Panic! merch and I have a few things to say about Ryan Ross and Panic! merch at the concert.
First off, don’t wear it, especially if it is new. Now I am not one for gatekeeping on a lot of things. However, I did see an individual (my hero) make a girl take of a new Panic! lanyard before she went up to see Ryan. It is disrespectful and frankly insensitive for anyone to do that to him in my opinion. The entire time he was patient, and understanding and omg if you ever get to hear his chuckle you will surely die and go to heaven, but I am appalled at anyone who would wear new Panic! merch or have the audacity to have him sign it. Thankfully, she took it off and I didn’t see anyone ask him to sign any new Panic! merch.
Second, Ryan is more than delighted to see The Young Veins apparel. One of the people I met at the concert was wearing a Young Veins sweatshirt and I saw some albums and CD’s people brought to him to sign and he had no issue doing so. 
Third, on the issue of Panic! merch he WAS a part of, such as AFYCSO and Pretty. Odd. albums, he signs them no problem. The girl right before me had all three CD’s (afycso, pretty odd, and take a vacation) and he said “Wow haha, you have all three of them” and laughed. I split up the stuff I wanted signed between myself and three friends so I got four things signed. One was my 2007 Rolling Stones issue where Panic! made the cover, I flipped the magazine to the page that had his face on it and when I gave it to him I had the best reaction. 
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Well, first I totally blanked out so I only remember this because one of my friends videotaped the whole thing. Anyways, I said “hi, don’t hate me for what I am about to have you sign” among other things, gave him a letter and a bag of sour patch kids, and he said, no worries and just continued talking to me like it was no big deal. when I handed him the magazine he went “Oh man, I haven’t seen this photo in a while.” and even was stumped as to where he should sign it. He took the time to talk to me and let me say what I wanted to say to him. I asked to hug him and he said ok. Just so you know, he lets you take any kind of photo you want (within reason). Unfortunately I don’t have a single photo where we are looking at the same camera, but I have a 10/10 photo of Ryan Ross giving me a hug and let me just say, I am blessed. Another of my friends got an afysco vinyl signed and another got the booklet to my Pretty. Odd. CD signed without any issue or trouble. 
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Now, my friend had a silver sharpie which I gave her before to sign a poster I bought of the cover of The Bad List with him and Z on it and she said he went to sign it, started to, then saw the silver sharpie, and went, “that is a silver sharpie” and she went, “it is” and then he said “I want to sign with the silver sharpie” so he signed my poster AGAIN in silver sharpie. Then, she went to Z to have her sign it, and she signed it and said “Wait, did he sign this twice? Well now I have to” and she signed the poster at the top in the middle and again on the picture. So that is the story of how I got the poster signed twice by both of them. 
e. Tid bits
I don’t think you want to hear all of the tid bits I have from talking to them on and off for an hour or so but here are the highlights.
I also got to hear Ryan say he made the Christmas playlist that was playing in the background. 
At one point, Z said, “I have to go to the bathroom, but he will be mad at me if he knows I left. Don’t tell him” and ran to the bathroom. Well Ryan did notice and went “where did she go” and we said “She said we can’t tell you” and he laughed and went back to signing and talking to whoever was next in line. 
Before I left Ryan I said to him “by the way, I can’t wait to hear the new music” and he chuckled and replied “Soon, I promise” and smiled before I left, so there’s that. 
Also might I add. I got the best hug of my life from Z. I spent like two solid minutes with my fiends telling her she was absolute perfection (there are no lies in that statement) and gushed over how amazing the show was and everything else and then she game me a solid, and I mean solid, 30 second hug and to be honest I didn’t want to let go. Then we talked to her some more and had a good time and then realized we had to leave because we had about 2 and a half hours until we had to be at LAX for our flight out. I cried on the way back because hello? I met Ryan Ross and Z Berg and you best believe I will do just about anything to make sure I can go to any more of her concerts.
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So yeah I will try to post videos later. Thank you for your patience with me and uploading it. If you have ANY questions, please send me an ask. I won’t mind answering them at all. I hope everyone had a wonderfully dreadful Christmas on The Bad List and I can’t wait to see what music Ryan has in store for 2019.
much love ♥♥♥
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acid-eater · 5 years
LOGH 100 Question Meme
Under the cut bc this is huge
1) How did you get into LOGH? 
It was back in 98 when I used to “work” with some friends fansubbing anime in a home studio. One day one of my friends, who used to go to japan a lot because his family was living there as dekasegi, brought some episodes of logh (half of the 1st season) telling us that we should start subbing it because it was “the best space opera ever to exist”. We found the script on the internet and watched it. It was awesome, but we never subbed it because we were too lazy.
2) What did you watch/read from LOGH?  I haven’t watched Golden Wings 
3) Which one did you get started with? the first of the 110 episodes
4) What do you plan to watch/read from LOGH in the future? hmm nothing I guess
5) What books do you own from LOGH? Yoshiki Tanaka‘s novels
6)What video support do you own from LOGH? 720p and old 480p
7)What LOGH videogames do you own? Physical copy none, but I have all pc88 and pc98 games (only to take screenshots because I can’t play them in japanese haha)
8)What’s your favorite LOGH videogame? n/a
9)What goods from LOGH do you own (toys, clothes, etc.) this is everything logh related I own
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(thanks to my favorite girls hisohiso and karisomeotome)
10)If you could wish for a LOGH good that doesn’t exist yet, what would that be? idk, an audiobook, maybe? 
11)Do you own LOGH models? Nope
12)Did you ever thought “OH MY GOD I AM A LOGH FREAK”? Nope
13)Did you ever sang a LOGH song in a karaoke? No, I’ve never been to a karaoke x_x
14)What is your favorite season of the show? 2
15)And your less favorite? Maybe 1? x_x Idk...
16)What is your favorite episode and/or movie? episode 54
17)Favorite scene or event? Reinhard and Yang Wenli meeting
18)Favorite battle? Vermillion! (see? 2nd season is the best) but also Shiva
19)Less favorite scene or event? 3 terrible scenes involving: kircheis, yang wenli and reuenthal 
20)Favorite song? I love Hikaru no Hashi wo Koete and Sea of the Stars
21)Favorite sountrack? Mahler’s Symphony No 2, “Resurrection”. Mostly because of episode 98 ;____;
22)Favorite quote? “Information is a living organism - with a short lifespan.” Yang the Wenli on Spiral Labyrinth and “The people have democratic principles on their lips, but cannot spare the effort to safeguard them! The collapse of a government is the sin of its rulers and leaders. The collapse of democratic rule is the sin of every citizen.” Bucock - The man, the legend   
23)Who would you have sided with if you had a choice? The solitary and hopeless struggle of Jessica Edwards
24)Where would you live? In Heinessenpolis
25)What job/function would you have had? an irrelevant one
26)Which character is the most alike to you? I have NO idea 
27)Which character would you like to be like? Ugh... Bucock, maybe.
28)Who is your favorite character? Miracle Yang
29)Which character were you impressed by the most? Reuenthal
30)Your OTP…? Mitts & Reuenthal
31)…and NOTP? all the hetero u_u
32)Who is the perfect, ideal couple? Reinhardo-sama and Kircheis 
33)Less favorite character? Every fuckin Phezzani (except for Boris Konev) 
34)Who is the sassiest man in the galaxy? Dusty or Schenkopp
35)Who is the smartest character? Oberstein
36)And the sexiest? Reuenthal 
37)Who has the best strategy? Yang Wenli
38)Who has the best strategy from the opposite side? Reinhard
39)Who has the worst strategy?  Braunschweig is really incompetent 
40)Who is the most evil? The whole Terraist Church and of course the Phezzani behind it
41)Who is the most honest? Kircheis and Mittermeyer
42)Which character can’t be ignored yet not your favorite one? Cazellnu
43)WHO IS GALAXY’S GREATEST HERO? maybe kesler, maybe mitts
44)Favorite ship (as in spaceship not your OTP again)? Barbarossa
45)Favorite planet? Heinessen
46)Who are, gradually, the five best officers from the Alliance? Bucock, Yang, Julian, Schenkopp, Dusty
47)And from the Empire? Reuenthal, Muller, Kessler,Mitts, Oberstein
48)Who would you like to have as your subordinate? Julian
49)Who would you like to have as your superior? Yang or Bucock or Merkatz
50)Who would you hate to have as your superior? Reinhard u_u
WOW!! Halfway through, here’s a cookie!!
51)Who would you hate to have as your subordinate? Poplan
52)Who would you like to have as your opponent? Reinhard
53)Who would you hate to have as your opponent? Yang
54)If you could befriend a character, who would that be? Mittermeyer
55)Which character would you have a talk with? Mittermeyer
56)If you could be one of the characters for one day, who would it be and when? One of Cazellnu daughters 
57)Which character could you fall in love with? Reuenthal
58)Which character do you want to treat badly? Reuenthal lol
59)Which character would you have liked to live? Kircheis (end of the anime) and Yang
60)Which character do you wish to see dead (earlier)? Rubinsky
61)What death affected you the most? 3: kircheis, yang and reuenthal
62)What death did you celebrate? Rubinsky
63)What death is the most heroical? Bucock
64)What death is the silliest? Andrew Fork
65)Who is right of Yang and Reinhard? Yang
66)Between the Trunicht Government and the Goldenbaum Government, which would you choose? Revolution!!!!
67)If you were in Yang’s position, how would you have reacted to the Greenhill Coup d’Etat?  The NSMC was a mistake and it would obviously destroy itself, Yang did well in putting that guy (I forgot his name) to talk publicly denouncing that the coup was supported by the Empire, but he took so long to actually attack them somehow.
68)Who used the best technique to destroy the Artemis necklackle, Kircheis or Yang? Yang
69) Would you have killed Reinhard in Vermillion if you were in Yang’s position? Without a doubt
70)Who would you have sided with in Merkatz place? He did the right thing, I would do the same.
71)If it were you instead of Yang, would you have sided with Reinhard after the battle of Vermillion? No. Impossible.
72)Do you prefer Oberstein or Bittenfeld? Tough one... Bittenfeld, probably 
73)Were you sad about Oberstein’s death? More than I expected tbh
74)If you could choose to marry either Frederica or Hilda, who would it be? Frederica, for sure.
75)Who do you think Julian slept with? Mashengo (my otp)
76)In your humble opinion, how many times did Reinhard and Hilda did “the thing”? lol just once and she probably didn't even cum
77)Do you think Reinhard was poisoned? Some questions are better left unanswered 
78)Do you prefer the books, the anime or the manga (or the remake :B)? Anime
79)Do you like Golden Wings/Ougon no Tsubasa? haven’t seen
79)Do you wish the OVA looked like GW/OnT? Noooo
80)Do you like other works from Yoshiki Tanaka? I don’t know any other
81)Do you like other works from Noboru Ishiguro? Of course! Especially Macross, Megazone and Yamato. 
82)Who is your favorite seiyuu? I don’t have one.
83)Who would you like to see in your own language dubcast? huh no one
84)Who is your favorite classical music composer from the soundtrack? Gustav Mahler
85)If there was a LOGH live action movie, who would you like to see in the cast? Please, no.
86)Do you have friends you can share your love for LOGH with? YES!
87)Are you a LOGH proselyte and try to get new people into it? All the time (it never works tho)
88)What is the message from LOGH you will remember? obviously “In every time, in every place, the deeds of men remain the same.”
89)What did you like in LOGH? A LOT of things. I liked the writing, the fact that the story is thought and presented as if it were historical data, is really believable most of the time. I like the characters, aesthetically speaking, their design are so varied and unique I could pretty much imagine how they would look like as real people. On a psychological level as well, their variety and depth is amazing and I mention this show as an example on how the best stories are those where both the plot and the characters are awesome.
90)What did you hate in LOGH? That it had to end
91)What do you think of democracy as depicted in LOGH? Democracy is not something that should be taken for granted and LOGH has the best way to remind us about it.
92)What do you think of autocracy as depicted in LOGH? Obviously depicted in a positive way but doesn’t neglect to highlight the limits of this system as well, with Reinhard’s statement that Alec should not reign were he unfitting for the task and him agreeing to give the Empire a constitution.
93)Did LOGH changed your views about politics or history? Not really, it just reassured things I’ve already known and presented they 
94)How did you feel after finishing episode 110?  Ewige Wiederkunft
95)How would you describe LOGH in few words? A modern definition of an Epic.
96)What do you expect from LOGH in the future? Nothing
97)Do you casually read LOGH fanfiction? No
98)Do you casually write LOGH fanficition? Nope
99)Do you casually draw LOGH-related art? No D:
100)Any last words? 
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Because I said too many NOs in the last questions.
Congratulations! You did it! A true galactic hero!
Don’t forget to tag your post with #logh100questions so I we can read your answers (and send you the official Galactic Hero Medal (made of fine Swiss chocolate ;D)
[Translated from the original french meme from this forum:http://www.cosmic-era.com/forum/][Some questions were replaced because of reasons]
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Ready to lose more brain cells, biatches?
People with autism are oblivious when you enter their personal bubble #CMAT344
People with autism are so pure and misunderstood. Having a brother with autism opened my eyes to a lot. I love him so much
i hate how people are so mean to autistic children and people. people with autism are the most kind and loving people you will ever meet. theyre so pure and will love you no matter what. theyre the golden people on this earth.
my heart, people with autism are honestly so pure
People with autism are so pure and misunderstood. Having a brother with autism opened my eyes to a lot.
Autism is not a disease. People with Austim are highly in tune into the spiritual world. They travel the cosmos.
That article also disparages GLBT people. Utter lie, people with autism and low IQ are likely too be spiritual warriors not demons.
I'm sorry but I cannot be friends with people who make fun of kids with down syndrome, autism, etc. There is no need to make fun of people who are pure and so kind hearted towards others. They're human too.
Children and adults with autism are some of the most pure and kind people out there. The stigma around autism has to stop and we here at S.E.E.K. hope to help start that movement. #SentamentalSundays
All of this bugs me, BUT what bugs me most is “vaccines cause autism”. What a hateful disgusting thing. As if to say people who have autism are undesirable. Autism may be a disability but individuals with autism are some of the kindest souls. Too pure for this hate and ignorance
100% YES! If you know a kid with Autism, feel lucky because they are nothing but pure LOVE!!  I worry about my sweet Braiden because of the cruel people in this world..
People with autism are our teachers of freedom, of pure love. #supersouls #autism
We have a lot of friends with #Autism. They are wonderful people with pure loving hearts! True angels.. <3
To me people with autism are true angels on this earth they are just pure and true
People with autism are nothing short of angels and more people desperately need to see that. If you know someone who uses ‘autistic’ as an insult, go set tht crusty mother fucker straight
bro i’m fucking crying. what the hell is wrong with people. these kids are angels  ugh i’m so sad. i have an angel with autism in my life and he couldn’t be more perfect. i’m so mad right now
there’s a special place in hell for this officer. people with autism are literal angels that don’t deserve any pain or harm. ever. this is unacceptable and i’m so fucking mad right now. I’m convinced that people born with an autism spectrum disorder are really just angels sent to teach us the beauty and simplicity of the gift of life.
I work with people with autism this is great. Treat them properly and they sure are angels.
people are so sick these days... DO NOT mess with a human that has autism! they are gods angels. that is so sick.
I think people with down syndrome autism and special needs are like angels they see the best in people and are the kindest people I've met.
I’ve always believed, those born with a disability like autism, schizophrenia the like, are spirits of a higher realm and to experience an earthly experience, they choose the most challenging lives to live. These people are of a higher intelligence and with that, big challenges.
Kids with autism are the purest form of innocence, they are a true blessing to any household
#JosephOfCupertino, d Patron Saint of those with autism, is 1 of my favorite saints; not Bcause 1 ofmyGrandsons has #Autism but Bcause of his childlike innocence & humility (traits of autism) I love this old movie https://goo.gl/U8i2NP  humorously-insightful, suited 4 all ages
@Atypical one of my new favorite shows! The amount of love and innocence and beauty within the relationships in the show depicts really well what life is actually like when you know someone with autism. And damn is it beautiful.
(about a video of someone with down syndrome)
The innocence of people with autism is beautiful
I work with autistic kids and people need to realise that people with autism are some of the nicest people you'll ever meet with a unique sort of innocence.
I find people with Autism to be the cutest things on God’s earth and idk why . The innocence they have about them
Just watched #ForrestGump for the first time in ages, it’s such a #beautiful #film, funny, full of history, fantastic soundtrack and heartbreaking. @tomhanks you are incredible, you seem to capture the beauty and innocence in #autism perfectly (pretty sure there’s nothing that states that Forrest Gump is autistic, though)
Its really sad how people treat people with Autism like they are Less...... they define love.. they have the most beautiful hearts and their innocence is just something wonderful..
We learn so many good things, values from those w/ disABILITY. They're GORGEOUS and BEAUTIFUL on the inside - they have a big HEART, humble, always have that childlike innocence. My grandson w/autism refused to kick in his self-defense class which was paid in full & dropped out.
Oh them eyes xxxx love autism for its innocence darling x
Autism - the keepers of innocence?
Some of the most pure-hearted, loving, intelligent individuals I have ever had the pleasure of knowing, have autism. There is such an innocence exuded that makes me smile inside and outside. They have such gentle, honest hearts, and bring so much joy to everyone around them.
autisum is how everybody should see the world sometimes through innocence and sometimes through truth xxx
Although people with Autism are VERY intelligent, sometimes when people flirt with them, they don’t know what’s happening, which shows their VERY Beautiful innocence at the same time. Just like Shaun was unaware that he was being flirted with. #TheGoodDoctor
Bless him, I love the innocence of autism, Could totally relate to the story as I’m sure you can too.. the world has a lot of hurtful and ignorant people it, nothing more hurtful than seeing your child being left out even if he/she can’t see it themselves
IMO A person should NOT ask a person with Autism to lie. It kills or can kill that Beautiful innocence that's within them. #TheGoodDoctor
We can all learn from the beauty &innocence disseminated from children with Autism. We learn more about life&others through active listening
Hey, you know what’s one word I haven’t looked up in terms of us autistics/disabled people? Trusting.
Special needs people are so trusting, it's scary. Like someone living with Autism will just come and give you a hug.. Just because. So sweet.
People living with autism are always babies at heart and very trusting. So when you abuse any of them, God will punish you. (What the fuck?)
i’m just upset that so many people think autism is the absolute worst thing that can happen to a child. children with autism are amazing and loving and sweet and should be treated like princes and princesses thx
I love people with autism they're so cute and friendly
music is being used to treat autismClinicians in Detroit have seen that for people with autism, music speaks louder than words – and improvised music can help them express emotion effectively, having a nonverbal discussion through music, these are musically naive children.
literally just called me autistic? People with autism are the happiest, most loving and innocent people. You need to stop using people’s disorders as “negative mean name calling”. Lastly go fuck yourself.
These stories are always so heartwarming! Arkansas cops, firefighters surprise teen with #autism at birthday party after only 3 people attend.
Love these heartwarming stories displaying the struggle people with Autism face every day until communities are willing to step in and help support people with Autism! Thank you @DavidMuir for bringing this to your news!
people with autism are really heartwarming people :)
People with autism are so blessed
I wanna give bless to the people and children with autism that are trying to get cure from eating gluten free foods and taking probiotic pills everyday and I will try my best to do everything that I can workout for my family and friends. #AutismAwarenessDay #LightItUpBlue #Autism – at Walt Disney World Resort
As a Mom of a Son with Autism, this warms my heart  so very much that POTUS is shining a light on people on the Spectrum. Bless him!  People with Autism do not have a disability they have a DIFFEREABILITY, they are simply a little different to others in a good way
(is this a try-not-to-cringe challenge? I think I lost.)
Autism is not a disability, it’s a different ability , amazing kid
Many of you are referring to children in the spectrum as light workers. What light has a child with #autism brought into your life?
I don't believe autism is a 'disorder', I believe these people are Light Workers here to awaken us to More beyond.
They say those with autism have a unique way of communicating that average humans do not understand but beings on a higher level will
people with autism are like higher beings. Theyre bodies are here but their consciousness is on another plain
People with Autism Can Engage in Physical Exercises Too Although people with autism are fragile, they can still engage in physical activities.
People with #autism are fragile.
They are the lonely angels. They embrace a colorful world. An art exhibition in Beijing explores the hidden world of autistic people. There are over 12 million people living with autism in China. Know them and care for them.
Ellen, you are an AMAZING ADVOCATE of people in need, children in the autism spectrum are bullied and schools, families need to be reeducate with corrective steps to STOP this, we need mentors that can ASSIST to a better LIFE for this ANGELS. Awareness is not enough!
''People with Autism are angels who lost there way to Heaven and fell down to Earth.'' #autism #aspergers #ASD #autismawareness #autism
I love all of the angels that are among us...especially people with Asperger's, Autism, & Down's Syndrome. Sending love!
People with Autism are Angels in disguise on Earth. #WorldAutismAwarenessDay
We have a lot of friends with #Autism. They are wonderful people with pure loving hearts! True angels.. <3
Do you know what Autism is? — I do! People with Autism are special angels! Its not a down to life, just a reason…
I think people with down syndrome autism and special needs are like angels they see the best in people and are the kindest people I've met.
Kids with Autism are magic! They change lives, bring people together. Show us how special life is. Help us to accept. Angels .
Aw, people with autism are little angels
@Marlyy33 People with autism are the key to unconditional love! Congrats on being the mom of an angel! :)
RESPECT people who are different from you! This includes people with special needs (like autism). Special needs people are God's angels!
happy autism awareness acceptance month! ppl with autism are the most precious people ever and we don't deserve them
Advantage of People with Disabilities: Innocence
people with disabilities doesn't define who they are only shows the innocence and true nature of happiness. RT if you agree
Watching this documentary about people with autism and wow, these people are truly inspirational, really makes you think
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bananban-feature · 4 years
Why Do I Like BTS
I wrote this on my other blog before I decided to make this special feature blog where I would put all of my interests. 
On 31st October 2020:
It’s been exactly one month since I became a BTS fan. And my obsession has just become crazy recently, despite deliberately trying to avoid thinking about them. So I wanted to dig deep on why this group had this much effect on me, despite being an unlikely music choice against my taste.
I absolutely did not expect for this post to be so long! I guess I just had a lot to say, and I have to let it all out. That’s why I’m going crazy. Hope my brain gets better after writing.
How I Got Interested
I will never forget this video because this is the one that got me really interested in BTS (and Kpop after): Live performance of Dynamite - Bedroom Remix (https://youtu.be/liyn48Amjdw). I was just so impressed by a few things in this that I watched it so many times!
First of all, it was my first time listening to this song as a whole. First time listening to it live, too. It’s a very catchy song! This is my jam.
Jungkook’s whole intro - 1) His stable voice while doing the moonwalk and all that dancing. I knew Kpop artists can sing, I knew Kpop artists can dance, but to do both at the same time that well? It was very obvious that this was live singing, and yet his voice was so clean while dancing, and easy to listen to. (Tbh, I wasn’t all that impressed by the vocal line’s singing aside from him and Jimin, and surprisingly - Jhope, who is actually not part of the vocal line.) And 2) His stage presence. I really enjoyed watching him go through his whole part because it really seemed like he was having SO MUCH FUN!!! It just changed my view of kpop idols that screamed they are manufactured and they are stressed. Jungkook just really seemed to genuinely enjoy performing. Maybe his smile, as a handsome person, was also a slight factor, but I really think it was the energy he gave off. Tbh, this goes for all of them!
Subsequently after that, the members stood up one by one. RM impressed me with a rap that’s well done, particularly the way he said “this beat chaching like money” with a wink. (He’s was charismatic!) I don’t know, it could be just the song writing. Or it could be him. Again, the fun energy!
J-hope was next, and I was impressed by the way he delivered his part, especially the high pitch in “I’m diamond” and the riff in “you know I glow up.” I thought, wow, they’re all doing their parts so well, I did not expect this. (Also, RM’s “hey, so let’s go!” idk it’s so good.)
In fact, as the video progressed, you can see that it was not just Jungkook who was enjoying but all of them. All of the members did (except for SUGA and his constant poker face, even though I’m now a big SUGA stan). The way the members looked at whoever was performing was a look of great delight. And they supported each other’s lines with nice adlibs. It’s such a very positive fun, friendly, and brotherly energy.
Jimin’s solemn part came and it was just simply angelic. I have another note on this - Jimin. He was the only BTS member I knew of before this! I know him because I once saw a video on a guy spending thousands of dollars to look like him, saying he had the most perfect face of all. I was like, “Huh? He’s not even that handsome!” I also know him because he was mentioned in a TwoSet violin reaction video (me as an absolute TwoSet fan). Eddie is a Jimin fan! Anyway, Jimin’s part was absolutely angelic, and I didn’t expect it. I used to dislike the idea of being a fan of Jimin, cause he was being idolized for his visuals when he actually wasn’t the best in it (this was me before becoming a BTS fan), but I suddenly understood when I saw him perform. He was ADORABLE. It’s hard to hate him. Plus, his cute dance at the end.
The video just kept getting better with Jungkook’s high note. (I gotta say, Dynamite was really JK era.)
Anyway, I was so impressed by this performance. The caption of the friend who posted this was about “Taehyung” and I wanted to know what part of the video she was talking about. Who is Taehyung? On top of that, I wanted to know what Jungkook’s name was (and they look incredibly alike if you don’t know them), cause he was obviously my favorite in this video, so I tried to know all their names!
I googled all of them and Jin and V’s visuals were making me blush!!! That’s when I started to really try to get to know them by reading “BTS 101″ articles and watching more performances/music videos. SUGA’s part in the article was interesting, seeing how he went through financial struggles, and how he’s very vocal about society’s issues and his mental illnesses. It struck a chord in my heart.
I also looked out for their dance moves (in true kpop fashion) in their performances, and I was just blown away by the fact that it’s so well choreographed and well-performed, and they’re singing live on top of that. “ON” in Grand Central Terminal? Crazy! I personally liked Mic Drop too because it was my favorite from Sunny Funny Fitness’s Zumba (even though I didn’t know who BTS was). Also knew Boy With Luv from Zumba, so it wasn’t hard to listen to the song. And Spring Day was just familiar (probably from TwoSet violin).
Oh, I forgot, I’ve already seen their Carpool Karaoke with James Corden (as a carpool karaoke fan) a few times way before I knew them. I watched it more than once cause they’re so funny and it’s just interesting to see a kpop group in there.
Now that I’m looking back, I’m surprised to know I still remember this much detail about that fateful hour that got me into BTS mode.
It’s crazy cause now, I’m less focused on their performances, but on videos that show their personality and relationships.
Having Biases
My bias keeps changing: Jungkook (a charismatic performer) > V (as a good-looking cool kid, who apparently is an actual baby) > Jin (the good-looking, loving/kind, and crazy hyung who is also a fake maknae) > Maknae line (crackheads, fun and talented/aesthetically-pleasing bunch, including Jin) > Jungkook (idk he’s just cute, and considered golden maknae) > Suga (cool rap lines, wonderful opennes, hard work, talent, wisdom, etc) > RM (genius and best leader of kpop) > Rap Line (the OG writers that give depth to BTS songs), OT7 (they are all special in their own way), etc
Overall, I personally relate the most to Suga and Jungkook. Suga in his openness about mental issues and being a tired old man. Jungkook in having many interests and hobbies, also shyness. I am also not sure why but I definitely resonate with Jin’s personality too (definitely not the looks though, I’m not that gorgeous.)
The Effect
I want to talk about the effect of BTS on me, healthy and unhealthy:
The good thing they’ve brought me is my interest in exercise the week I became a fan. Suddenly, exercise became fun because it was dancing to their songs (Zumba) and listening to their songs while jogging.
Me comparing myself to them, but with a more positive effect - Seeing how they’ve achieved so much despite being young, I keep telling myself, I want to achieve more, too, and work hard like them. The truth is, I also think that if BTS meets me and sees my situation as a bum who just keeps watching videos all day long, it sounds really pathetic.
I am so inspired by their personality and friendship. Everybody appreciates and genuinely loves the others, with no competition. They’re all very humble, very honest, and very caring. It makes me want to be kind and love other people like that too.
I just keep watching their clips and Youtube videos about them. As I said, I love watching things showing their character and relationships. It’s a waste of time, really, but I can’t help it. I want to watch all of Run BTS, but now I’m trying not to. There came a point where I can’t work if I’m not also watching their clips in the background.
The obsession - I have been thinking about them a lot these days, especially Jungkook. It’s very weird. “What would Jungkook like?” It’s a very weird situation in my head. I started thinking what kind of girl he and the rest of BTS would like, and would like to ship them with the best and most talented girls in the world, if not me lol.
The negative side of comparing myself to them is wanting to be as talented as them or noticed by them, and focusing my thoughts around that, I guess. This includes wanting to live in a first world country like Korea, where life seems better and easier.
The Unlikely Music Choice
I’m not a Hip Hop fan! Anyone can tell, my vibe is mostly on the acoustic side. I am very much impressed by Suga’s rap and I love him for that, but the truth is, I don’t exactly know what good rap sounds like, because I barely heard any rap. The sound of BTS songs (both old and new) isn’t exactly the type that I would intentionally listen to (aside from the non-hiphop sounding ones). In fact, I only began to like Hip hop because of BTS.
I am also not a typical Kpop and dance fan. As I said, I’m more of an acoustic gal. I don’t value dancing skills as much as other people. I would put kpop in the lower part of my “upbeat songs” folder, which I would listen to for jogging. Again, I would never have intentionally listened to songs like Black Swan, Fire, and BST. Not my jam. But look at me now, impressed with them and I just don’t know why.
I said all these gaps in my interest, but now I started to genuinely enjoy the hip hop and kpop genre. I’ve even explored other groups.
Vocals - I am saying I don’t give a lot of value to dance, so I look at singing. But even in singing, they aren’t the best either. I don’t like Jin and V’s voices to be honest, I really mistook them for visuals who were just forced to sing. (It’s true for Jin. Hearing V’s opera voice changed this view, but I still don’t like his ordinary singing voice cause it sounds so muffled.) Jungkook is a great singer, but there are also guys better than him or at the same level as him in other groups, also good-looking, also good in dance. (Not sure about the dance part, cause I haven’t really seen other people’s performances, but I’m sure there are a lot more power vocals out there, like Exo guys or something.)
Talent (Instruments) - I’m totally an instruments person! I am always most impressed by singers/performers who are multi-talented, and play their own instruments - like Henry Lau (talent genius, I love him), and I know there are a lot more who aren’t noticed. But none of BTS are really all that great in instruments, though they’re starting to learn. Suga plays the piano, but he never really uses it in performances, so it is yet to truly impress me.
In terms of friendship, I haven’t seen other groups, but I heard they’re also close. IDK.
So why do I like them?
The Possible Reasons
I guess it’s that they are my first serious exposure to excellent dance performances in kpop. (I know now there are also other groups with synchronized and difficult dances, but back then, kpop groups’ dances that I know of did not make my jaw drop). Seriously, ON was so good. I guess it’s also the type of music they have that accentuates their incredible choreography and intense performance.
Their relationships with each other - Their brotherly love for each other is just so cute. From friendly banters, crackhead crazy moments, supporting each other (physically, mentally and emotionally) and even showing all their affection physically and verbally - it’s all very heartwarming. They truly love and appreciate one another and their togetherness.
They are crackheads and they all are genuinely nice people. I just love their stupid antics, Jin’s dad jokes, Jungkook’s banter, Maknae line’s mischief, and all their BTS craziness even from the hyung rap line.
On top of this, as it manifests in their relationships, they are really good-hearted men. They care about others, and are humble enough to talk issues through. Their synergy is really cool, seeing how they are all different people, but they work so well together, and I personally believe it’s because of their character.
Songwriting - I am a fan of actual artists - performers who make their own music, write and produce their own songs. Suga and RM’s (especially RM) writing makes BTS songs deep and speak volumes to people. The others have learned to create music too, so that’s nice. Honestly, I didn’t realize this until I heard people talk about this in the many comments I read. I didn’t know their songs had a lot of meaning. And I didn’t know they had that much involvement in their outputs. I just appreciate the idea that it has a lot of meaning, especially that they apparently speak about social issues that other kpop groups won’t talk about.
They’re good at other things too, like sports. Jungkook is just so fit. Suga is good in basketball. Jin is good in cooking. RM has a high IQ.
I guess they’re just so charismatic! Both on stage and off-stage!
Other people’s good word. A lot of promotions. Their personalities are also easily accessible. IDK.
Thinking about this and considering the possibility (and the fact) that there are many kpop groups and other musicians that are more handsome than them, more talented than them, and are also friendly with each other, I don’t know why I’m just that interested in checking them out. I guess I’ve filled my cup with a stan. Or maybe BTS has become too familiar, that they’ve become my comfort. Maybe getting to know other groups seems like another wave of extreme efforts, especially after seeing the effect it has on me.
I am a natural fan girl and addict. But I don’t think many musicians have impacted me like BTS did. (Even CN Blue, who fits the talent checklist in terms of instrument and songwriting, didn’t make me this obsessed.)
Oh well. It must be the promo being done by Big Hit. (I still like Bang PD for being a great CEO, giving the artists musical freedom and having more loose conditions for the idols than other companies.)
I sincerely hope writing all this quiets down my brain.
Nov Update: I’ve began to realize that the power of ARMYs are that strong because they are so effective in building a deep emotional connection to them. They have shown a lot of themselves in their different reality shows, and even in the way they are interviewed. Bighit really knows how to highlight one strong point about them - their great personalities. Getting to know them is both like becoming closer to friends and getting inspiration and learnings from icons. You get to have access to their inner thoughts and creative space. The way they speak and the message they put out also touches the hearts of many. On top of this, because they now work on a big budget, all their performances and productions are next level! Our jaw just drop because of the stage set ups and all that.
Additional observation: Upon watching other groups’ clips, I feel like BTS has a different kind of relationship with each other compared to them. While other groups obviously have fun and are very close, BTS are like family. They also have fun, but they are very expressive of their affection towards each other, not just verbally but also physically. They hug and touch each other randomly all the time, but I haven’t exactly seen other groups do that. So I guess there’s that.
Seven members is a good number - there is enough variety in personalities, but not too many that you don’t get to know each one enough/deeper. I feel like BTS members are a perfect fit for each other, each person has their own type of appeal. Other groups tend to have members that have similar vibes. But in BTS, there’s no duplicate, each one is so unique. RM is the charismatic, intelligent, socially-relevant leader, well-respected by everyone. Suga is the cool swag rapper with tsundere vibes, who also acts like a tired old man. Jhope is the fashionable dancer knows all the latest trends, who also brings a different flavor of rap. Jimin is the petite, “effeminate”, loving, angelic character with intense performance duality. V is the 4D personality who acts like a baby but gives a high fashion smize on stage/photo shoots. Jin is the super handsome and incredibly funny guy, but also acts like a mom to them. Jungkook is the youngest who beats his hyungs physically and is good at everything. There’s no duplicate! And what can I say, they really have the visuals!
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tellywoodtrash · 7 years
ishqbaaz 05.09.17 lb
lololol shivaay turning the paper this way and that trying to read it (it’s in marathi, lol) 😂😂😂
hein? this house has a staircase also???? leading where???? 🤔🤔🤔
shivaaaay + chaaaaaaaai = this should be interesting. 😐😐😐
oh boy she wants him to drink it from the saucer. (always seemed weird to me.) 😕😕😕
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lmaoooo “no, that doesn’t sound right.” 😂😂😂
props to him for actually trying this. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
“IT’S GOOD!”  “MERE mooh mein paani aa gaya tha!” 
lmao my tharki mind is interpreting this whole conversation in a verrrrrrrry different way! 😏😏😏
lmaoooooooooooo baalti wali bath! ab aayega mazaaaaaa. the true middle class experience! never am i more humbled than when i have to do a baalti bath back in india. 😌😌😌
please to be watching this video by my fav, kenny sebastian, and him describing the process super accurately. my place in kerala is in the city and the bathroom is in the house and all (ooooh! so fancy!), but this is pretty much how it goes. i can smell the medimix just watching this video! 🙃🙃🙃
you were so pleased with the “rain water harvesting” yesterday billu. time to walk the talk! 😊😊😊
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pft, “humare paas sabun bhi hai????” idiottttt 🙄🙄🙄
“main jaa raha hoon nahaane ke liye. tum chalogi mere saath?”
lmao why, billu? do you want a witness for your embarrassment? trust me, you’re not gonna feel even remotely sexy while doing a middle class baalti bath. 
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gauri is worried about becoming vidhwaa 6 months into her marriage. 😬😬😬
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same, gauri. #same. 
oufff shivaay ke sarrr se nkk ka bhoot utarkar iske sarrr chadh gaya hai. 😑😑😑
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hahahaha herrrrr imitation. her faaaace. i love her so much. 😂😂😂
oh boyyyy chawl udaana hai 😬😬😬
10 to 1 the maalik is…
…. YUP. 😒😒😒
the fuck shivaay, do you even pay attention to half the orders you give? 😐😐😐 how many bldgs have you felled like this without even knowing?
ok the rule was to not use your name and identity for undue advantages. not for situations like these! 😩😩😩
son, if that worked, all the fitness videos i watch and subscribe to would have me sporting 6 pack abs and zero jiggle. 😣😣😣
lmao ek din mein 5 kele khaa ke kya hona hai????? 😶😶😶
chor naukar has an unsolicited opinion. 🙄🙄🙄
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lmao their reaction! omki’s “get a load of this guy!” head nod. baat aane par dono ek team ho gaye. abhi chor ki jamkar dhulaai hogi. 😂😂😂
hey chawl-blower-upper-dude, why are you such an asshole? just chill maybe? 😒😒😒
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gotta love these oBahus and how they’re all ready to throw down the second someone is mean to their patis.  (ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง (ง •̀_•́)ง 
…. is he sitting ON the dynamite? 😟😟😟
lmao only the rich think that “the right to peacefully protest” achieves ANYTHING in india. bitch, the aam aadmi has no TIME to protest, peacefully or otherwise. humein ghar bhi chalaane hote hai. 🙄🙄🙄
i feel bad for the explosion guy. he’s also an aam aadmi, trying to do his damn job. kahaan is majnu se paala pad gaya aaj. 😑😑😑
…. and you’re only doing this for anika and sahil? they have alternate housing and are sorted in life now. WHAT ABOUT ALL THE OTHER PEOPLE LIVING IN THE CHAWL WHO DON’T? AM I SUPPOSED TO AWWWWW OVER THIS BS? 😤😤😤
anika’s like OMG!SEXXXXXXXXX TAKE ME NOW HUBBY hearing that sentimental pap though. oh well. whatever works for her. 😕😕😕
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lmaooooo her mooophat jawab and his honest laugh at her bindaass-ness. 😊😊😊
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the couple that does dharna together, stays together, i guess? 🤔🤔🤔
ok i can’t stop laughing at omki’s hella lame kushti moves. that too, with this untrained idiot who’s not even that heavily built. such false complacency. 😐😐😐
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omki going in with some classic WWE moves. 😊😊😊
gauri’s excitement is hella cute though. 😍😍😍
“abbe kahan jaa raha hai bhaag ke? practice kiske saath karoonga abhi?” 
wifey be like I VOLUNTEER AS TRIBUTE. 🙋🏽🙋🏽🙋🏽
girl, stop putting the sunglasses on every 3 minutes to look cool. woh bhi raat mein. it’s laaaaaaame. 🙄🙄🙄
sure. ok. with all the hair open. you been hanging out with bhavya too much. 😑😑😑
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omki be like, oh yeah baby, imma wrestle with you. imma wrestle with you gooooooooooood. imma lift you up and pin you down and then take my shirt off and… hmm? what? yes. wrestling. this is how it’s done. (in the dangal themed porno i came across on the dark side of the web during my “research”.) 😏😏😏😏
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i like how the chulbul moments are there too. omki is canon confirmed bi/pan/demisexual, fiiiiiiiiiiight me. 😊😊😊
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haaaaaaye my cuties. 💖💖💖
i like how it’s night in… lonavla or wherever the f rikara are, and early morning in mumbai where shivika are. because the two places are in DIFFERENT TIME ZONES 12 HOURS APART. 😐😐😐
balbirrrrrrrr should NOTTTTTTTTTT have done that. 😠😠😠
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LMAO “AYE INKE HEIGHT PE MAT JAA!!!!!!!!”  “BOLNA ZAROORI THA YEH?” “YEH MOTA AAPKE HEIGHT KA MAZAAK UDAA RAHA HAI!” “haan, aur tum usse aur underline kar do!!!” 
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my god what a family of fighty little munchkins this is today. 😊😊😊
oh, iska boss bhi idhar hi hai? 
lollllllllllllll khanna’s been using the SSO name to act like big mannnnn. 
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“namaste khannaji!” “nahi, BOSS!” 
heeeee heeee heeeeeee 😂😂😂
ok that looks like the most uncomfortable way to sleep, gauri. 
has he been practicing all night????? great, he’s gonna go wrestle with NO training, and not having SLEPT either. idiot. 😒😒😒
oufffff gauri ask bhavya to send BACKUP instead of asking her for kushti tips, jfc. 😑😑😑
billu ka swaagat toh aise kiya jaa raha hai jaise jung se lauta ho. fucking ridiculous. 🙄🙄🙄
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such cute. 💖💖💖💖💖💖
dadi gave you the fucking night off from her pehredaari to go at it like rabbits and you spent it talking about baltis and whatnot. this is what you call WASTE OF OPPORTUNITY. 😫😫😫😫
bhavya looking 10000% done with rudra is me. #freeMyGirl 😣😣😣
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lo, billu ne bhavya ko bhi adopt kar liya. he’s like who needs stupidass brothers when i can have AWESOMEASS SISTERSSSSSSSS 😊😊😊
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don’t think i missed bhavya looking all choked up though. 😭😭😭
allllllllll the toe touches in the world aren’t gonna help ya, omki. 😐😐😐
dude, like yeh balram legit apne khanna ka bhai lagta hai. 😗😗😗
of course he’s not gonna listen. 🙄🙄🙄
aaaaaaaaaaaand there goes the lassi. and the omkara. 😕😕😕
ouff. stupid mardaangi taunts. #masculinitySoFragile
ok fwding the nonsense till bulbul gets into the ring. 
aw. bhavyaaa. *hugs her* we love you, we do. which is why we want better for you than f’ing rudra. sumo toh khud hi jaan chudaaa kar chali gayi. ab tumhe kaise bachaaye is se. 🙁🙁🙁
anika’s crying too. and has dialogues about family ka hissa and all. all that is okay, but please god don’t make her chutki. 😬😬😬
rudra calling for cessation of this divisive team policy in order to get some bro bonding time. 😌😌😌
waaah, dadi maan bhi gayi. 😯😯😯
wait, shivaay and rudra have a GANG? these ppl have OTHER friends??? 😧😧😧
surprise element? um… idk why but my mind instantly went to bachelor party and strippers. 😬😬😬
big talk from all the men. PFT. COMEEEEEEEEE ONNNNN GAURIIII. 
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can balram stop with the stupid yelling and faces? coz does this woman look intimidated by it? uh. that would be a resounding NO. 🙄🙄🙄
ok fwding. coz honestly i fucking CAN’T. 
god just fucking kick him in the nutsssss and END THISSSSSS 😫😫😫
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hold up, few seconds ka rewind. waaah, shivaay ki tarah ab isse bhi Awareness™ chadhta hai when wife is hurt/in danger. 
mubarak ho on your new superpowers, omkiiii! they’re gonna make your life an anxiety-ridden hell, since YOUR wife wants to fight every third person she meets. 🙃🙃🙃
arre waaaaah. out in like a minute. omki toh bada chupaa rustam nikla! boy, take off that shirt so we can see what you’re REALLLLLLYY working with, body wise. you know, FOR RESEARCH. 😗😗😗
what “uthhhhhh balram”??? whoever hits the ground back-first loses. and he’s lost. fuck off now sadde hue tauji. 😒😒😒
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haaaaaaaaaaaye. my sweeeetooooos. 💗💗💗
actualllllllly cryingggggg at omkiiiiii freely confessing that he couldn’t bear to see her get hurttttttttt. 😭😭😭😭😭
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“shankarji ki tarah gusse mein aapki teesri aankh khul gayi.” 😅😅😅
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yes ok uncleji, thanks for your completely unsolicited validation but we just want the murti, so give us that and we’ll be on our way, thanks. 😒😒😒
rikara be like pyaaaaaaar? whaaat? no! we’re just roomies! with a lot of sexual tension. 😯😯😯😯😯
lmaoooo chubby has some new cockamamie scheme. 😆😆😆
hahahaha “investment”. sure. maybe ask your cambridge mba waala bhaiyya how investments actually work?????? 🙄🙄🙄
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About Rocky, you didn't even watch any of his other dances and you decided to state an opinion on his ability, that makes no sense. The reason people on Astro's channel praised him is because they're fans, it would be more strange if they didn't. People on twitter don't even know him so of course they would be harsh. If you really want to see his talent watch his own choreo that he made.
Thank you for bringing some good points up. I acknowledge that I am not a huge fan of Astro or Rocky and that I just listened to their music. I’ve only seen a few videos of him in dance compilations with other dancers. Of course, I didn’t really pay attention to detail. I didn’t mean to make such a strong opinion, but it may have brewed out that way with the heat that I was feeling regarding the polar opposites.
However, I do want to bring in two points.
1) Even if they are fans, it’s okay to point out if something was... off. (Now that I’m being cautious, maybe it’s just me thinking it’s off, but considering a lot of people commented on it being bad, then it’s definitely not... on? Idk.) It’s being honest and being humble. I see a lot of comments during performances where fans say “This member looks tired. I hope she’s getting rest.” Or “I like how they rewrote the lyrics... but isn’t the rap a little awkward?” Even “they keep pumping out videos and the quality isn’t good anymore. The company should let them rest.” Like we get it. As artists, they don’t always put out the best things. One twitter fan that did a parody of the dance literally said “I’m sorry Rocky, but this had to be done”. Her Twitter bio was about Astro lol. Not saying she knows him, but she definitely knows him better than me.
Also, even if they weren’t his fans, if he did a fantastic job, anyone would praise him, fan or not. Heck. That’s how I get into new groups. I’ll be like “who is this and how do I stan?”
Again, I’m not saying his cover is bad. I’m not saying it’s good either. (Again, the polar opposites have honestly tweaked me so I can’t stand anywhere anymore.)
2) I think I should apologize because I do realize that I was stating an opinion where it was a reaction to many things, but in the process of explaining I tried to summarize too many things and not make it sound like a response? It was unclean because I just wanted to put something out. The original tweet was about “boy group style” being “agressive” and “overexaggerating”. As a female that does more contemporary, I do acknowledge it’s a harder style, especially since I’m not trained in it. I have performed hip hop and crumping and even b-boying, but it’s not my forte. That’s why I mentioned that I like how he was out of his comfort zone and that he put this content out there.
I admit. I don’t know Rocky’s style and it would take me a few days to really soak it in. I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions thinking that this “agressive boy group style” is one he follows. In the video, however, he did show that style (and this “style” is what people on YouTube commented on) and I was trying to make a point that it ruined the flow of the song. He did put in his own choreo (since there are parts where the men are not part of the choreo) and they’re not completely out of place.
Again, I never meant to relay he was a bad dancer. If I seemed like I generalized, I was trying to respond to the YouTube comments saying he was “one of the best dancers of this generation” and this video was showing it. I was praising him for his sharp movements and great body control/isolation. My opinion never criticized his dancing as a whole or his entire career. I literally criticized one dance video and was responding to YouTube comments.
Going back to my main point: why the fuck are Twitter and Youtube comments polar opposites? I get Youtube may be filled with more positive comments because of the algorithm or people having the tendency to shut down haters in the comments. Why is it not the same for Twitter? I literally started using Twitter 3 months ago and it’s a genuine question. I follow accounts for multifandom (Ateez, Red Velvet, Seventeen, LOONA, Astro, Sunmi just to name a few random) but for this video, I’ve been seeing such similar comments of the facesmack emoji 🤦🏻‍♀️ or “that ain’t it sis”.
And going off this point, I really don’t see why Twitter was attacking him. I’m not questioning why there are compliments on Youtube. (Although I do comment on the extent of the comment, I do not question the purpose.) Seriously. I didn’t write paragraphs of compliments because his strong points were evident in the video. The one video. Damn. Do I need to provide time stamps off all his clean body isolation and sharp movements? Cuz at that point I might as well give time stamps of the awkward points people keep bringing up. Ain’t nobody got time for that. (Actually some people do since I’ve seen people post snippets of that prechorus part). I don’t want to copy and paste from the original post, but the YouTube comments make them look like clowns and the Tweets are starting fanwars. I didn’t want to be here for that, but I just happened to stumble upon it and I just want an explanation.
Okay. This is an essay, but I hope you read through this because I know my post this morning was messy, but I need to clean as much as possible. Again, feel free to comment.
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thotclaws · 8 years
A rant that I need to get off my chest. Please don’t take any of this seriously, this is just a ramble that I need to calm myself down..Soooo All of this is just my personal opinion. You may have yours, which is fine. Write down what else do you think about this situation?
So. I’ve been a fan of a small show that has grown into one of the best animated show’s ever...not Steven Universe. NO, Star Wars Rebels.
During it’s first run, it has been known throughout the community as the worst thing to ever happen and no one gave the show a chance for it to shine and it did. It’s now becoming very popular in the SW community. That and the show has gotten good ratings on Disney XD, but also seeing that there are shows that get lower raters due to Disney XD being more for teens but that’s not really the main focus. 
I’ve seen ships and fanfiction throughout the net. I’m glad this it’s gotten the love and attention it deserves but there was a time when it was hated and it still is. I don’t know why but I may have to explain. 
You see. Not everyone is STILL taking the purchase of Lucasfilm too lightly and has gone far as to say that the fandom will forever be tainted. BITCH that’s been happening since the prequels and I know that they’re not good movies, but I still like only a few things to come from it. There’s good things and bad things from everything. Nothing is perfect. So let the prequel lovers love it!
*Clears throat*
I like the show, is it perfect? no of course not. I have my problems with The Clone Wars but that doesn’t mean that its superior over Rebels, not exactly. Rebels and TCW are equally good. I remember watching TCW when it started to become popular and I started getting into the SW fandom during that time. By then I started wanting to watch anything Star Wars related. Even the prequels (even though their mediocre in my eyes but they could be better in script. The script was shit). In my eyes, I liked anything that came out of the fandom. I also remember TCW not being very good during it’s first season run, and now that it’s gone on to have 6 seasons, it’s not good for some odd reason. This is why I still won’t get the fandom and it’s spoiled fans. Once something new has been made with different characters and a different setting. Now here’s where the rant starts and how it just when down hill from there. 
By the time of my graduation in 2014, Disney announced that all of the Expanded Universe material is now considered non canon and rebranded as Legends. The fandom went into flames over this. I couldn’t believe that they would erase most of our beloved stories and characters. Now I understand why they needed to be wiped away. For one thing, there was a shit ton of contradictions and another is giving the freedom to write whatever the fuck they want with the characters, and most of the time, they end up either lame, stupid and or OP AF! Either way, I’m glad that it’s wiped away. Do I want some material or characters to be canon? Of course! I’m not saying every piece of good material should be canon. I’d much rather have it worked into the actual canon. 
I’ve seen many posts bashing Lucasfilm, sending out death threats and it was insane. Who the fuck has the audacity to be a terrible person that has no control over you? I mean seriously. Just chill. Disney is doing a good job of taking care of the canon. They have writers and on lookers in Lucasfilm to make sure that nothing contradicts each other and has the freedom to go all out on what they want. Not what the fandom wants, only time when someone has a petition to get something canon. So the fandom was really in rage. I didn’t understand the commotion cuz I haven’t read any Legends material up until recently. I never understood why so many people hated the fandom or still hate it to this day. All just because Disney wanted to go in a direction that fans weren’t anticipating. I’m glad it’s like that. If you please ALL fans, then there wouldn’t be any imagination left to write. Having an open mind is a good thing, and that what Disney wanted. They wanted to go in their own direction, they wanted to make Rebels and that got hate for no damn reason just because Disney wanted to make another 3D animated show that was like TCW when the only reason why it never got a proper conclusion was the purchase of Lucasfilm. TCW was airing on CN and CN isn’t owned by Disney. If they did decide to remake it and finish it, then I’ll be happy but being patient is the only answer to what the fans want. 
I hate it when a show gives the audience what THEY want, it’s ruining what I love about shows and writing. I love it when creators don’t give a fuck what the audience want. That’s why Game of Thrones has such a massive fanbase is because George R. R. Martin is someone who doesn’t specialize in pleasing everyone. If a show is running out of idea’s, it may be a good time to end it. I love it when creators know that if a fanbase is ruining or doing good (for the most part) job of being a balanced fandom. The only reason why I left the DW fandom was because it wasn’t for me anymore. It gave me what I wanted to see in an adventure in time and space and I still love the show, but the problem is that once you’ve done everything that you wanted. What do you do now? Do you continue and get more money? Or do you end it and say that’s it. That’s the main problem with what I have with this show. Is that once you have all of the idea’s told, that’s it really. 
For Star Wars it’s the same. Legends was good at making planets and giving us good characters and an few excellent stories that were recognized by George Lucas himself. Timothy Zahn is just one of my favorite authors that hasn’t lost touch with who they are. If you look up his interviews. You can tell that he’s just so humble, he just has a lot to say. That’s what I love about a person who’s still continuing their passion. So he’s has a fanbase of his own. That goes the same for the entirety of Legends ALL of it is fan fiction, and some pretty damn good ones if I do say so myself. 
Speaking of which. I think the point I’m trying to make here is that. Once a team is doing something that you don’t personally want. That’s totally ok, but some just had to be a bitch about it. Thrawn is canon, Are you happy that he is? Let me talk about Thrawn for a second. I’m going to be honest, I never knew who he was and what his back story was. I just known him in Legends and passed it off as just a character. Now Mara Jade. I knew who she was. For Thrawn, I didn’t know how his character worked and now that he’s canon. It made me want to look him up. I read about his character in Heir to the Empire and loved it. (I’m still waiting to get Dark Force Rising and it’s taking me a while). Now I’m obsessed with his character. It puts me in the shoes of someone who has grown up with these types of stories and seeing them being wiped away...it made me sad. I understood how the Legends community felt. 
*Wipes away a tear and clears throat again*
Let me talk about Rebels for just one second. I love this show. Does it have problems? yes. Not every show is perfect but for a show for me to love and watch is more different than what I do. I look and criticize what I’m watching. Is it a bit too kid friendly at times? Yes. What did you expect from a TV-Y show? Hehe. Anyways, the show has gotten hate the first time it was announced. When I read the comments on some of the SW’s YouTube videos on Rebels. It breaks my heart to see that they haven’t given it a chance, now when season 2 was announced. They started to see that it had some potential and watched it. I was super surprised that they wanted to watch it. Now that season 3 is here (AND IS ON HIATUS AND IT’S KILLING ME!! ><) Thrawn is announced to be the main antagonist. That’s when the flood gates of the Legends community spilled to the fandom and thanked Lucasfilm for giving us back our blueberry Grand Admiral. I’m happy that he’s canon. He’s the perfect character for our hero’s to go up against. He’s a great antagonist and I can’t wait for the novel to come out. I bet Timothy Zahn is so happy that he get’s to write Thrawn again! :D 
Now this is also where the hypocrisy lies. There have been fans complaining of the lack of “quality content” (which is bullshit) and that Legends is SOOOO much more better than the actual canon and that Rebels is stupid and Oh...Thrawn’s in Rebels? OH SOOOO NOW YOU WANT TO WATCH THE SHOW JUST BECAUSE THRAWN IS IN IT?! WTF? REALLY?! THAT IS A LOAD OF HORSE SHIT! Are people this egotistical or just assholes IDK? But that part pisses me off the most. Some fans clam that Disney is not going to do a good job of holding the mold of the canon and it’s going to get messed up like Legends were, and they don’t take a moment to think of what they just said. Disney is a BEAST of a company, so they’re going to make sure there aren’t anything left out of place. They just don’t have faith in the continuity of Star Wars and it makes me sad beyond belief. 
I thought the show would suck, but I watched it and I love it. I think Rebels has a lot of things that surpasses that of TCW and vice versa. I love Kallus’ character. I thought he was a good villain, now he’s developing as a character and it’s nice to see that the team and Filoni is making a good show and taking care of the characters. If it was a bad show, then they wouldn’t have these explanations that I’ve mentioned above. It would have poor ratings, bad character development, terrible CGI, and awful writing. It would be spread through out the community as a bad as it is, but it isn’t. There are fans flocking to see what happens next, and now that there’s the hiatus...K. You got me there hehehe. They’re just doing some touch up’s and that’s good right? Keep a show running smoothly is to make it better. So even though I don’t mind the hiatus...I’M JUST DYING TO SEE WHAT HAPPENS WITH SABINE! FILONI WAAAAHHHYYYYY!!!?! ;-; 
 fijodfiohhkdf h; ag rhiorg oih4weijeworji.kfrz.kjewg dbjgs dkfesdhkjaegrihk
That’s how I feel about now. I may be cynical, but I’M A CYNICAL FANGIRL! WOOO!! I’m like an old man sometime...heheheh. I’m like old man Rex.
I’m not forcing you to watch the show. I’m asking for those who haven’t gave the show a fucking chance. DO IT NOW before you pull some random bullshit out of your ass. I always have everything to support my opinions. This isn’t really a rant on just Rebels but just the fandoms views on Disney and how they’re being ‘effected’ even though none of them contributed to writing anything good from Legends. Sooo...
Like I said. I’m cynical ;) doesn’t mean I can still enjoy something. 
I think I’m done with this rant. Hope this was enlightening on my opinions on the fandom as a whole. If you want me to rant on anything else. Leave me a reply and I’ll see what I can do. I’m pretty good at rambling. 
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