#he's also just. better than whoever it was. cause he'd never put his hands on a fucking kid. it's the only hard line he draws for himself
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 4 months
N I guess it's cause of him bein how we try to make sense of whatever happened that thinkin about it makes me wanna run back to him
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spookychick78 · 1 year
OG Michael Myers One Shot
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A little continuation of the parking garage one shot as requested by the lovely @slasherhoe87​ 🖤🔪
also, its becoming glaringly obvious how much of a Myers simp I am with how much shit I’ve written about this man.
OG!Michael Myers X AFAB!Reader
Warnings: (Y’all knew this was coming) NSFW, Knife play, blood play, choking
Word Count: 3,697
In the following weeks, (Y/n) couldn't stop thinking of the man in the mask. She found herself searching for him around every corner, down every alley way and through every window. It hadn't taken her long to put it together that whoever he was had been the one causing that undeniable feeling of being watched, but why? He had left her with so many questions and now close to a month since it had happened, she wondered if she would ever get answers.
She put her car in park and exited into the cool night air. The parking garage that had so often than not made her uneasy had begun to excite her every time she came home. Though, that night her excitement had started to fade. He was never there and honestly, she wondered if maybe he had been a figment of her imagination after all. She hurried towards the little room with the elevators and as she opened the door she turned and gave the empty lot one more lingering glance. Nothing.
Michael scoffed as he watched her. She wasn't quite as adept as he was at finding her obsession, though he found her efforts amusing. How funny it was that he had become her obsession, he thought to himself. He took note of her constantly wandering eyes that almost always fell in his direction, unaware that he was indeed there, hidden in the shadows. She had been close several times, but it had become a game to him and one Michael was inevitably better at than she was. He had more patience. Usually. However, it was wearing thin. He too hadn't been able to forget the night he had shown himself to her. It had undoubtedly been a mistake to touch her. The feeling of her skin against his hand, though the exchange was mere seconds, had ignited a desire within him he didn't know he was capable of possessing. Michael couldn't deny himself much longer, he wanted to know her and more than just by the surface level knowledge he'd managed to obtain by just watching. Observing from a distance no longer satisfied him, he wanted more. He wondered if she would be frightened when she finally found what she was looking for. Part of him hoped she would be, fear had looked so delicious on her and he hadn't even been the one to cause it, not entirely. He wanted that pleasure, but he wouldn't end her life. Perhaps he would bring her to the brink of death or perhaps he'd let those carnal thoughts guide him elsewhere. He had never given into them before, he wasn't even sure he had ever had them until he saw her. It was maddening not to know what exactly it was about her that had lured him in so completely. Maybe it was how petite she was in comparison to him, Michael did enjoy feeling larger than life. He knew if he was to wrap his hands around her throat they would all but engulf her. His frame pressed against her's could minimize her being so entirely that she would practically disappear from existence within his arms. Or maybe it was the challenge that excited him to the point of discomfort within his coveralls. He would have to exercise restraint like he never had before in order for her to survive being so entangled with him, because in reality he could end her life in seconds if he didn't. Her fate and possible demise would be in his hands the moment they met her skin once more. The entirety of their proverbial 'moon dance' would cascade along that ever thinning line between life and death. He wondered if she had any idea of the fire she was playing with, head canted to the side as he watched her eyes scan the empty garage in search of him once again.
She let out a frustrated sigh and let the door swing shut behind her. She pressed the button for the elevator, just once this time. She intended to waste as much time as humanly possible just in case he appeared. The doors began to separate, filling the room with their high pitched squeaking and she decided to give up on her search for the night. She slipped inside the cabin and reluctantly pressed the button for her floor. She leaned her back against the wall as she watched the doors close in on each other. Before each end could meet, they creaked to a halt. A hand had come between them, it retracted once the doors began to move outward. They were slower than ever as they reopened and she impatiently craned her neck to catch a glimpse of whom she would be sharing the brief ride upwards with, but found no one was there. She furrowed her brows and took a step forward. Before she could look out the doors, she was pushed back against the wall with a hand around her throat. After the initial shock had worn off, she looked up to see the white mask with the blackest holes looking down on her once again. He held her in place as the doors squeaked shut. After he was certain they were closed, he released his grip on her. (Y/n)'s chest heaved up and down as she struggled to catch the breath he'd knocked out of her.
"It's you," she panted.
She wasn't quite sure if it was fear or unbridled excitement she was feeling, but she surmised it was a dangerous, possibly deadly combination of the two that made her quickly reach her hand past him and lock the elevator. She quickly drew her arm back in and pressed herself back against the wall.
Michael slowly turned his head to see what she had done, moderately impressed by the confidence she had just displayed by assuming he wouldn't kill her. He returned his gaze to her and smirked behind his mask when he saw that subtle hint of fear hidden within her eyes. So she wasn't totally confident, but curious enough to trust him. He would have reminded her that it was curiosity that killed the cat, but he wasn't going to grant her the pleasure of hearing his voice, yet. She would have to be the one to end the silence between them if she had the courage to do so.
She had so many questions, but each of them seemed so nonsensical given the fact that he had never uttered a single word to her. She was almost certain he wouldn't answer any of them, but she had to say something. After waiting so long for this moment, it only seemed wrong to waste it.
"Who," she started, but stopped and rethought the first words she wanted to say, "why did you save me from that man? Why did you kill him but not me?"
Michael tilted his head. Would she have preferred he hadn't? It wasn't necessarily that he had saved her, he wasn't even sure that was the right word. Saving her for himself maybe, that would have been a better way to describe it. Someone had merely threatened to take her before he could and Michael wasn't one to share. She would soon learn that, if he hadn't made it clear enough for her before, he was about to. She waited so patiently for a response, her (e/c) eyes seemingly trying to decipher his features behind the mask without physically removing it. Her curiosity made her appear so innocent as she gazed up at him, inadvertently fueling his desire to take that innocence for himself. Though he had to admit, he found it somewhat endearing that she was so entranced by him she didn't even realize the position she could have possibly put herself in, were he not so obsessed with her in his own regard. He brought his hand up to her cheek as he had done before, but this time he let his fingertips explore the softness of her skin. She was truly delicate, he thought to himself as he let them wander down to her lips. She parted them for him. He raised his eyebrows behind his mask as he traced her bottom lip, just barely allowing himself inside her mouth, and felt moisture coat the top of his fingers. He brought his hand up to study his own skin that had been wet by her, the sight of that alone brought an urge to taste her to the surface.
"Who are you?" She asked as she watched his silent observation.
His eyes shot back to her. She had asked that once before, only now he was more willing to oblige her with an answer, to some degree. It was purely based on his own desire, but it might satisfy her questions for the time being. He brought both hands to the back of his mask and slowly peeled the rubber off of himself. He kept his head down and observed what was for the majority of the world his face in his own hands, but for her and only her, he would show himself as he truly was. He knelt down and gently set it aside before towering above her again. As he lifted his head, he told himself he was only doing it because he needed to if he was going to do what he was about to do, that was all. Though even Michael knew there was a part of him that felt she was deserving, even if he couldn't explain why.
(Y/n)'s face started to heat up when she realized the man behind the mask was undoubtedly handsome. He was much younger than she had expected he would be, it seemed he wasn't far off from her age. He had dark curls that framed his near perfectly structured face, the only imperfection being the scar that ran through one of his eyes. His jaw was clenched as though he was somewhat nervous under her gaze, but that subtle movement of his muscles accentuated his prominent jawline further. His brows were knit together in an almost disapproving way over his expressionless eyes, one blue, one milky white and his mouth kept tightly shut as she studied him. Each feature had such a unique and unexplainable draw that she found herself wanting to touch him, to further inspect the ever so silent and stoic man before her. Her hand wandered up, but before she could touch him, he flinched and those disapproving brows furrowed tighter than before. She held her hand in place midair as she watched him contemplate the interaction. He blinked his eyes as he studied her hand, then turned his gaze to meet her's, granting her passage to continue. She slowly reached forward and let her fingertips touch his cheek first, then steadily rested her palm over him to hold the side of his face in her hand. His eyes flickered shut and his brows relaxed at the strange new sensation. She was warm against his cool skin and he found himself resting in her touch, his head fell slightly to the side to give in further. She watched, fascinated by the way he seemed to relish in the minimal contact as if he had been starved a lifetime for it. He finally opened his eyes and took her hand in his to bring it to his lips. He didn't kiss her fingers, he simply brushed them over his skin, unsure of what exactly it was he wanted to do. Her skin was so soft.
"Won't you tell me your name?" She said softly.
Needy, he thought to himself as he began to kiss her fingers. He told himself he'd only tell her so he could hear how it sounded coming from her mouth.
"Michael," he whispered back.
"Michael," she repeated gently.
It sounded better than he'd expected in her breathy, distracted tone and it fanned those flames she'd lit within him further. Her fingers were no longer satisfying him, he needed to explore her further. He wanted her to say his name again against his lips. He dropped her hand and reached both of his forward to cup her face as he pressed his body against her's and engulfed her lips in a kiss so hungry it made her knees weak. As she melted into it she couldn't help but notice the desperation he had for her pressed up against the top of her thigh. She wasn't sure how much he would allow her to do, but as if he had read her mind, he took her arms and draped them over his shoulders in one swift movement before his hands returned to her face. She took some liberty and tangled her fingers in the curls that hung just above the back of his neck. As she tugged on his hair, Michael pressed harder against her and paid no mind to the moan that escaped his lips. He had been absolutely right, restraining himself was going to be a challenge, one more difficult than he'd expected. He wanted so badly to hear her say his name again, but this time he wanted her to cry it out. He needed to regain some control, because she had more than he realized she would with the way her fingers sent chills down his spine every time she pulled on his locks. Then she shifted against him, rubbing him so that it made him ache in such a devastatingly good way. His hand instinctively flew to her throat and wrapped itself around it in a tight embrace. She let out a gasp and he smirked against her kiss, it was the power shift he needed to know he was still in control no matter what she did or what he wanted her to do to him. He broke away from her, hand still tightly wound around her neck to keep her in place against the wall. He watched a smiled spread across her face as he struggled to catch his uneven breath. He wasn't sure what he liked more, to see her frightened or to see her look so proud of what she was doing to him. Her pride reignited that challenge he so adored, it made him want to force her to unravel, to bring her to the brink of death, but in a different way. He would make her beg for mercy and after he was done with her, she would beg for more. A smile of his own spread across his face as he reached his free hand into his pocket to retrieve his knife. When he revealed it to her he delighted in the way her smile fell and fear flickered in her eyes. He brought it down to the bottom of her dress and removed his hand from her throat to pull the material taut before he took the blade and sliced the fabric upwards. The sound of it ripping bounced off of the elevator's walls and combined with her accelerated breath, Michael was entranced. He finally reached the top and let the knife continue it's ascent upwards until the blade rested underneath her chin. She craned her neck up with it and looked at him with that same hint of excitement he'd seen in her when he first entered. She watched his grip tighten on the knife's handle until his knuckles turned pale as if he was fighting the urge to plunge it into her. She hesitantly brought her hands up to his and guided the knife to the side of her neck. If he was going to kill her he would have by now and by this point she was just as eager as he was to continue this dance, so her next words came perhaps a little too easy.
"I trust you, Michael," she breathed as she guided his knife down the side of her neck.
His was captivated by the sight of her blood dripping out from under his blade and down to her shoulder. His pupils became overblown as his desire reached its boiling point. He cast the knife aside and grabbed her by her shoulders to flip her around. He ripped her dress from her body and quickly did away with the rest of the cloth so that no part of her was hidden. He grabbed a fistful of her hair, pulled her back against him and craned her neck back so he could drag his tongue up towards the cut she had allowed him to give her. He collected her blood in his mouth then focused his attention on the wound, sucking with such brutality she could already feel the bruise he would leave forming under his lips. Once he had cleaned her with his tongue, he pushed her forward so that her cheek was pressed against the wall. The sound of his zipper being pulled down filled her ears and in turn, filled her with such a buzzing excitement she could barely wait the few seconds it took for him to free himself. Finally, she felt him line himself up at her entrance and without warning, he invaded her with one firm thrust that shook her to her core. Pain intermingled with a burning and intense pleasure unlike any she had felt before. He hung his head over her shoulder and the sound of his uneven breath filled her ear as he began to set a brutal and unforgiving pace. She struggled to keep her balance as he rocked into her and he seemed to take note. He wrapped an arm around her and rested his other hand against the wall, steadying the both of them as he continued his pursuit to leave her in shambles. At the same time, he himself was overwhelmed by the pleasure her tightly wound body was granting him. Sensations crept upwards from where their bodies met and into his core, tangling together inside of him like knots on the verge of snapping. His hand against the wall balled into a fist, tightening in tandem with those knots as he pushed himself inside of her with more force than before. Her head fell back against him and a cry ripped from her throat, along with a slew of praises. It was then he got what he wanted.
"Michael," she cried out as her face contorted into an expression that could only be described as pained bliss.
He was almost too much for her to take, his size combined with the intensity of his movements made her burn in a way she hadn't before. That searing sensation made her shake in his grip as he pummeled the sweet spot nestled deep inside of her. She desperately needed something to cling to as she neared the edge. She wasn't sure her legs would hold. Her hand flew back in search of his shoulder, but she barely had a sense of direction at that point.
"Michael," she keened once more as she clutched at the blue cloth of his coveralls tightly.
Without warning, he ceased his movements and removed himself from her, causing her to whine from the sudden empty feeling he'd so cruelly left her with. He flipped her around and swiftly hoisted her up so her legs could wrap around his waist. He lowered her back onto him and once he was certain she wouldn't fall, he let his hands find the back of her head so he could force her lips to his again. His fingers tangled in her hair as he attempted to keep her lips on his, but at the pace he was going, it was anything but neat. Still, she returned his sloppy kisses with the utmost enthusiasm as she felt herself approaching her climax. She reached behind her head and guided his hand in between their bodies to a spot he hadn't yet discovered. She placed his calloused fingers over her clit and guided them in little circles. It didn't take long for him to get the hang of it, but still, he followed her lead. With each circle their fingers drew together he could feel her body tightening around him more so than he thought possible. Before long, she broke their kiss and he watched her head fall back, mouth agape as her body fluttered around him. Somewhere between the way she looked, the sound of his name falling from her lips like a prayer and the trembling of her body around his, Michael came completely and utterly undone. His head fell into the crevice between her shoulder and neck as his body all but collapsed into her. It was a concerted effort to maintain his hold on her, but he did and he made sure his grip was tight around her thighs.
"(Y/n)," she heard him breath into her ear before he spilled into her.
She didn't even stop to think about the fact that she hadn't once told him her name, all she could focus on was the way his breath felt on her skin, the burn of fresh bruises on her thighs and how wonderful it felt to have been undeniably marked by him. Michael would never admit it out loud, but in a way, she had claimed him for her own as well. Though his movements had ceased, he didn't want to leave her warmth. He breathed in her scent and pressed his lips to her shoulder as she draped her arms around his neck. There was no doubt she was in shambles, just as he had intended, but he feared he was in a far worse state than he had been in before. When he lifted his head up to look at her once more, that only worsened it. Her face was flushed, her hair disheveled and her eyes were glassy as she smiled lazily at him. He felt his chest tighten in a strange way as she leaned in to press a chaste kiss to his lips, gentle as rain. Obsessed was now an understatement.
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ddejavvu · 10 months
Nsfw M for Anakin pls😍😍 thank you mei😵‍💫🫂
request a letter of the alphabet for your favorite character!
this post is 18+, minors dni.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going)
what doesn't turn anakin on? anakin focuses more on you than on what you're doing. that's not to say he doesn't like what you're doing, it's that he always likes what you're doing. you could just hold eye contact with him for maybe ten seconds straight and he'd pop a boner. 'all you have to do is breathe and he's into you' yeah because he gets to watch your chest rise and fall. he gets to stare at your tits. he gets to watch the muscles in your jaw work as you listen to whoever it is that's holding your attention. he gets to watch your ass while you walk. etc etc etc. he can control himself enough to get through the day, he's not just constantly painfully hard he's a little bit constantly painfully hard, but make no mistake, there's very little that you could do that wouldn't turn him on if the time is right. and it happens a lot when the time isn't right, too. you guys sneak away a lot.
but, of course there's certain things that really get him going. a staredown as mentioned above does it, because it's like a challenge, and anakin skywalker has never backed down from a challenge. plus it means he gets to act all high and mighty when he 'wins' the challenge.
he really likes it if/when you wear chapstick/lipgloss/lipstick, etc. not only feeling the remnants of it if you kiss him, but watching you apply it... makes him think a little too much about the last time you had something prodding at your lips. honestly he might try to rub his dick up against your lips and coat them with precum like it's lipgloss 'cause he's a sicko. he'll want pictures of you like that, too, with his cum smeared all over your lips.
he likes it when you roll up your sleeves and help him tinker with stuff. even if you're not really doing anything/don't know how, he likes watching you try. and he gets a little ego boost out of how he's better at it than you, if i'm being honest here, because he's anakin. he'll gladly do the wrap-around-from-behind-and-put-his-hands-on-yours-to-help-you thing and all of a sudden you're not tinkering with droid parts anymore ! he also likes it when you actually physically get dirty. if you've got grime on your hands or a smear of something oily and greasy on your cheek he gets hard.
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quigonswife8 · 2 years
Teen wolf characters when you get badly hurt
Includes: Peter, Derek, Jordan, Noah, and Chris.
warnings: near-death experience, being captured, nearly dying, getting hurt, swearing, death.
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When you run into Peter after an attack, which left you bleeding out, Peter's first thought is to go after who hurt you.
-When you pass out in his arms from the blood loss though, he changes his mind.
-Tries to heal you, but it doesn’t really work for some reason, but it does help enough to ease the pain.
-Will hide his tears at first but when he sees just how bad you got hurt, Peter he can’t help it.
-He’s lost too many people, so it hurts more, because he's not sure what he would do if he lost you too.
-Will stay by your side for however long, not caring about anything or anyone else but you.
-'Cause he just cares about you, loves you more than anything.
-Grows so much more protective of you.
-He will also go after who'd hurt you, and he will make them suffer.
-Cracks jokes and does anything to see you smile while you recover.
-Tells you stories to keep you entertained, and doing/getting whatever you want.
"Peter, I can get it..."
"You need to recover, sweetheart. Besides I don't mind."
-Loves just being there for you.
[gif creds: @jothayne]
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-When you show up on his doorstep with a broken arm, Derek's eyes widen.
-He'll already be by your side.
"Who did this?"
-Though you admit you have no clue, because the car you were in crashed, but you couldn't see who caused this to happen.
"I'm sorry I wasn't with you.”
-Pulls you towards him gently, pressing a soft kiss to your head.
-Offers to heal you, but when you convince him it will be okay, he'll stay by your side until you've healed up.
-Finds himself losing sleep even though he knows you're okay.
-He wants to find the person who'd hurt you, but not until he knows you're better.
-Postpones the pack meetings to be with you.
-Brings you what you need, and just helps nurse you back to health.
-Lots of ‘I love you’s’ and you see more of his soft side.
-He cares so much that he sacrifices his own well-being, so you’ll be okay.
[gif creds: @berezneva-tw]
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-When Jordan finds out you're being held captive, and you were hurt, he immedietly goes after you. It doesn't take long for him to find you.
-Once the sick son of a bitch is knocked out, he rushes to you.
-Though since you're out of it, you don't really register Jordan being there.
Still he'll hold you so carefully, too scared to let you go, if he's being honest.
-Blames himself for this happening when it was far from his fault.
-And once you're okay at home, he doesn’t leave your side. He’d taken time off work to be there for you.
-Loves to do things with you that you would normally do like watch a movie, or just cuddle. If you’re up for it, though.
-Likes holding one of your hands, and will fall asleep still holding whoever hand. Which you find adorable.
-He’s just the sweetest, as always, and will devote all of his time to you.
-Even though you're worried he'd get sick of you, but he could never.
[gif creds: @noeliaanne]
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-It's a hunter who shoots you while you're patroling with Chris
-You’re hit in the side, to be precise, and Chris... Chris is pissed.
-He kills your shooter, immedietly putting his gun away, and rushing to you.
"Sweetheart, hey..."
a hand moving to rip of a piece of cloth, while he presses it down to your wound.
"It's okay..."
-Soon enough you end up passing out from the blood loss, and Chris speeds to the hospital.
Ticket for speeding? Whatever, he'll just pay for it if he gets one.
-Nearly breaks down seeing you this way, and basically blames himself for this happening.
'cause if you weren't there with him, if he hadn't convinced you to come, this wouldn't have happened.
-Doesn't want to lose you like he lost his wife, it would be the straw that breaks the camels back, and he would fully lose it, he's sure.
[gif creds: @bonniebirddoesgifs]
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-You're protecting Noah when you're thrown at the wall, and knocked out.
-Noah is in shock, at first, until it pretty quickly disappears.
"You son of a bitch!"
and he aims his gun at who’d hurt you, ready to take him down.
-That is until Scott appears and does so, before he can. Which he's thankful for because he knows he wouldn't take it easy on him.
-Muttering underneath his breath he runs to you, gently picking you up .
-You're still knocked out, and now you're sporting a cut above your left eye, and a bruise has already formed on the right of your head.
-Forces himself to stay out of shock, as he instead focuses on calling for help.
-During the week that you're in hospital, he finds himself praying.
-That's never really happened before cause he never believed, but he can't help but ask for help.
-He prays that nothing else will happen to you, that you'll be fine, and that son-of-a-bitch will stay in prision. Where he belongs.
[he did kill over ten people, and you might have been next]
-He prays that you'll be okay because he doesn't want to lose you, like he lost...her. He doesn't want Stiles to lose you, either.
-Like Jordan he also takes time of work. Doesn't really care that he's the sheriff because you're more important.
[gif creds: @seven-oomen]
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immajustvibehere · 1 year
Spark (6/8)
Arthur Morgan x fem!Reader - Enemies to Lovers
Chapter 6 summary: While still recovering from your wound, you get wind of a trap being layed out for Arthur. You might be the only one who can protect him from something bad happening...
link to my masterlist
chapter 1, chapter 2, chapter 3, chapter 4, chapter 5
Warning: You have to live with my headcanon that Micah had something to do with Arthur getting kidnapped by the O'Driscolls.
3800 words, 18 minutes reading time
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Your wound was healing agonisingly slow. Or at least, it seemed like that to you. Miss Grimshaw had sternly forbidden you to leave your bedroll for the first two days. Afterwards, she'd remain on high alert and snatch everything out of your hands that was even remotely heavy.
Grimshaw also urged you to take care of your wound, so it wouldn't get infected. She offered to have a look at it. Charles and Hosea also offered their expertise, showing that they meant well. Yet, you always refused. Though the sight wasn't a pretty one, you insisted on taking care of it yourself. Had Arthur offered...you might haven't refused. But only because he was the one who stitched you up in the first place. You knew he was capable and secretly, you longed for his gentle hands, but you’d never openly admit that.
The following week passed with a certain routine. You'd wake up early, often forced awake by the pain in your abdomen, and share a cigarette with Arthur. You never said much in the morning. The only thing he usually mentioned in a gruff and raspy morning voice what he'd do today and how the previous mission had gone. Then you'd do the chores that Grimshaw allowed you to do: cleaning weapons, washing the dishes and chopping vegetables. This aside, the days were marked by sitting by the fire and listening to whoever's story was being told at the moment.
Tonight, as it grew late and camp gradually emptied, with every person retiring to their designated bedroll one by one. Micah was the only one left. And while you had enough alcohol in your system to numb the occasional pain in your abdomen, Micah had decided to get absolute shit faced. If you understood correctly, it had something to do with losing some decent amount of money while gambling earlier. For the past half hour, your half-brother had been mumbling a bunch of nonsensical words, you had stopped bothering to listen. But suddenly, you perked up your ears.
"Ohh, I gotta tell you something", Micah rambled on, but he put such peculiar stress on the words, it made your stomach turn. "You know some people here...", he went on.
Micah paused and grumbled, opening his sixth bottle of beer. Honestly, not too much of an astonishing number, hadn't he already arrived drunk at camp a couple of hours earlier.
"Some people here ain't no good for the gang...just gonna make a lot of trouble down the line", he slurred.
Though your thoughts on "those people" had changed significantly in the last weeks, you knew better than to let Micah know that. So you answered with an air of nonchalance and a hint of mockery: "The women, you mean?"
"No, no", Micah chuckled darkly.
"The hophead of a priest?", you swallowed after delivering these words. Swanson was getting on your nerves daily, but he had proven to be a good listener.
"You ain't thinkin' big enough!", Micah gestured some huge motion with his hands, "Morgan's gone soft recently...Ain't no use for that. I'll just send him up the ridge and maybe they'll take care of it", he hiccupped. Your eyes searched the camp, you weren't sure why, but maybe you wanted to see if Arthur was still awake. At this very moment, you couldn't make any sense of Micah's words and when you looked at him again, his body was slumped over with soft snores escaping his open mouth.
The next day, lunch had barely passed when you heard the commotion, whose cause was a livid discussion between Dutch, Hosea, Pearson, Arthur and Micah. Something about Colm O'Driscoll and a parley. You hadn’t been properly introduced to the feud Dutch had with Colm, but you have had enough run-ins with his boys. After all, when you stole the bank stage with Micah and Arthur, they had almost managed to surprise you.
While you watched from a distance, the discussion seemed to have found an end. Dutch and Micah strolled off to their horses, followed by Arthur, who reluctantly trailed behind them. He wasn’t so happy about the conclusion of the conversation.
"Fuck", you mumbled. Is this what Micah had been talking about? You waited until the group had left, staring at the dust their horses had stirred up. You had to follow. This uneasy feeling in your stomach that Arthur was in danger wouldn't leave.
For a moment you took a deep breath and thought: "The heck? Why should I care?" Only to blink and admit to yourself, you cared a fucking lot. There was no way denying that. As Arthur stitched you up, his warm hands all over your body, that did something to you. You never thought anyone would ever treat you this kindly. And even though the circumstances had been...peculiar...you didn't care. If there was even the slightest chance....of chasing this feeling could pay off...
You strode towards your horse, aware that neither you, nor your horse, were carried any weapons. Grimshaw still had a stern look at you and when you tried to carry your guns yesterday, it was frowned upon with some demeaning remarks. You were still grounded to camp chores and resting your wound, though you were pretty sure it had beautifully healed the last couple of days. It didn't matter now. You sneaked to your horse and seized the opportunity to ride off before anyone could tell you not to.  
Arthur was lying in the grass, the scope of his gun pressed to his eye. He didn't exactly know what the hell he was doing here. It hadn't sound like a good idea before, and it didn't feel right even now, though he had a good view of the surroundings and saw that the coast was clear. A sigh escaped Arthur’s lips when he suddenly heard grass behind him rustling. He was in the motion of turning around when the sound of a muffled groan came almost simultaneous to something warm splashing onto his exposed arm.
When Arthur looked up, he saw you slitting the throat of an O'Driscoll that had sneaked up right behind him. There was still some life in him when you whirled him around to bury your knife in his stomach. Once, twice,...
"God damn fucker!", you hissed, your knife about to stab him for a third time, when Arthur tackled you from behind and pulled you on the ground.
"Jesus, woman! What the hell are you doing here?", Arthur hissed.
"Saving your ass, you ungrateful bastard!", you yelled back. The adrenaline was rushing through your body and you feared your heart would jump out of your chest any second now. Your horse was at some distance, so nobody would hear you ride up and you had sprinted the last yards.
Arthur had to give you credit for staying almost clean after pretty much gutting the fellow, most of the blood had landed on him, anyways. When you opened your mouth again and sat up, angrily wrangling yourself out of Arthur's grip, you spoke more quietly, and yet not quietly enough for a mission where the job was to stay hidden: "This fucker was about to knock you out, Arthur! If I hadn't been-"
Before you could finish the sentence, Arthur's hand was slapped onto your mouth and he grabbed your collar, to pull you into a lower position again.
"Shhh! I hear you. Stay low, damnit", Arthur's eyes bore holes into you as he tried to get his point across. For some moments, neither of you said anything. Your heavy breathing, which you had trouble calming down, was the loudest noise. With his big hand pressed on your mouth, you feared you might suffocate if you didn't calm down. This man's blue eyes that looked you up and down did nothing to relax the situation, quite the opposite actually. The thought alone that they would be closed by now if you hadn't stepped in made you sob, muffled by Arthur's hand that was still covering your mouth.
It wasn't only that. Your suspicion had turned out to be true. Micah knew. He fucking knew. This whole thing was designed to get rid of Arthur, and aside from Micah himself, only you were in on that. Arthur too, was wrecking his brain right now. He quickly checked on Dutch and Colm before he lifted his hand off your mouth only to put his index finger onto his lips, indicating you to be quiet.
"We gotta get out of here. They know you're up here", you whispered. Your voice was shaky, which you found deeply embarrassing. But you were upset.
"M'kay darlin'. Come on", Arthur announced, gripping his rifle and crawling away from the edge before he stood up to go to his horse. You followed, flabbergasted. Darling? Where the fuck did that come from? He hadn't even given you time to react. You just hurried after him, catching up when he was mounting his horse.
"We gotta lay low for a while. I'm not supposed to be here and I dare say you aren't expected back either", you said as you pulled yourself onto your horse.
"I gotta tell Dutch that this was a set-up. I knew it was a bad idea to begin with", Arthur answered.
"No. Please", you almost whined. Arthur looked at you with knitted eyebrows. He did not understand why telling Dutch was bad idea, but he hadn't expected that tone from you either, so he decided to give in.
"Okay. I know a nice spot..."
You rode off, leaving the Heartlands behind. The next best creek you passed, you used to get some blood off of you. Despite stabbing the O'Driscoll from behind, you still had managed to get your arms dirty. Arthur watched you in silence. The last couple of questions he had asked had fallen on deaf ears, so he had given up poking for answers right now.
Later, you entered a wooded area. The sky had taken a mesmerizing shade of purple and the presence of some darker clouds in the South suggested that the drizzle that had just started was about to transform into a solid rain shower. It already smelled like damp earth. Guiding your horses with ease, you navigated through the light-filled gaps between the trees. They did a decent job of shielding you from the rain, except for the occasional drop that would land on your arm.
"I camped here a while ago", Arthur explained as he jumped off his horse when you reached a nice place, "'s a good spot."
"Yeah. I'll get a fire started", you said briefly, hitching your horse and walking off to quickly grab some dry twigs. Arthur was left behind at the spot he had picked and kept wondering at your behaviour. He noticed that you didn't have anything on your horse, no spare clothes, or a tent...So, instead of putting up his tent the normal way, he used every inch of the material, not fixing the corners in the dirt, but spanning it in between some trees.
You returned with wood and build a fire. Nothing was said until Arthur had warmed some beans and passed you the can before he had tried some. His eyes were begging for some explanations, but you sighed: "Please. Don't ask."
"I'm not", Arthur put his hands up in defence and though he remained silent, you felt his gaze on you. Trying your very best to ignore it, you gulped down the beans.
"Y/N...", Arthur started.
"Mh?", you replied, mouth full, starring into the flames. The fire had become strong enough to withstand the occasional raindrop, but the air around you had cooled significantly.
"Is your wound okay?", Arthur asked, "You have some blood on your shirt..."
You checked the brownish stain on your shirt, it was indeed at the same height as your wound should be. The wound which should have healed by now.
"Did ya take the stitches out already?", Arthur inquired when he saw your sceptical look.
"Planned on doing it today, but some things came up", you shot back.
"Want me to have a look at it?", Arthur now offered, already changing his sitting position to better accommodate you.
When Arthur caught the slight questioning gleam in your eyes, he smiled softly. You weren't someone to trust easily – he knew, because he's like that too. Yet, despite the wall you both harboured, Arthur couldn’t help but worry. He wasn't sure if you felt the same, but the events of the afternoon had surely left an impression on him. The fact that you had rushed to his side and stabbed a man a few seconds before his light would have gone out...You had been so calm the last two weeks, but today you were visibly shaken. Arthur wasn't sure if there was some deeper meaning behind this or if he let hope dictate his thoughts.
"I ain't gonna hurt you", Arthur said gently, when you didn't answer.
"I know", you shrugged, setting down the can of beans, "I just think that your reasons for getting me to take of my clothes are somewhat unimaginative." You gave a cocky smile when Arthur released a shaky breath. He mumbled a 'You're insane woman’ as you slipped one arm through your sleeve and therefor exposed your bare side.
In a moment, Arthur's hand was on you again. You flinched a bit as his thumb grazed the flesh near the wound.
"Looks good. Just a slight tear, should be all healed up again by tomorrow", Arthur assessed.
"Good", you replied briefly, getting into your shirt again quickly enough to not let Arthur notice the gooseflesh that had formed at his touch. He still saw the blush on your cheeks though.
In a tender moment, your eyes locked in a silent connection, and in that instant, you discovered that his hand hadn't budged. It remained steadfast, gently resting beneath the fabric of your shirt. It was as if an unspoken agreement held you both captive, unwilling to release the intensity of your gaze, except for Arthur's occasional stolen glances towards your lips.
The feeling of wanting nothing more than to protect you overwhelmed Arthur. He wanted to claim you as his, but not in a selfish, unreflective manner. More as a testament that he still could feel so strongly for someone. Arthur wanted to ensure that love was still possible for him. So he leaned in and in a moment, his lips met yours. The touch was so soft and loving that neither Arthur nor you would have expected that your body jerked away. The same moment, your hand met Arthur's cheek, slapping him. It wasn't meant to hurt, it was more your natural answer to this sudden invasion.
"What the hell?", you mouthed breathlessly.
Arthur's head remained frozen in the position your slap had left it in. His lips had curled into a sad smile, his eyes now avoiding yours. The slap had inflicted a sting, but it was a peculiar sensation, not one he was used to from other brawls and beatings.
"Sorry", Arthur mumbled in a soft whisper. The sad smile didn't leave his face, as if something else would surface if he dared to change his expression. "Might have gotten somethings wrong...", he added. Still looking down, he adjusted his hat, so it threw a darker shadow over his eyes.
You found yourself stumbling over your words, caught between the urge to apologize and swear at him at the same time. But your incapability to express your emotions frustrated you deeply. You managed a loud enough "excuse me" for him to hear before you stood up and walked off. Not too far, just a few feet into the shelter of forest where you thought the light of the fire couldn't reach. Arthur watched you walk off. He figured you thought yourself shielded from his gaze, but he saw as you leaned against a tree, lightly bumping your head into the wet bark.
Arthur couldn't bear watching you for long, so he took his journal out and quickly started to write. It was a momentary update of his state of mind and purposefully, he left some space before he started to sketch the outlines of the dark forest and the campfire in front of him, knowing that you would dictate how this evening turned out for both of you.
However, it wasn't long until he heard your boots rustling through the twigs and leaves. Arthur looked up and his eyes followed you, until you were seated right next to him. The closeness surprised him, but he took it as a promising sign. It was a flicker of hope that soothed the anxiety that he had felt at the thought of having offended you seriously. You had your words prepared, but Arthur was faster: "'M sorry, y/n. I should've asked."
Your eyebrows knit together in a sceptical look. You thought about snorting and and mocking him by saying 'Micah's right when he told me you had gone soft' but deep down you knew that this was just further proof that Arthur was more than what meets the eye.
After you had cleared your throat, you said: "It's okay. I didn't mean to slap you, I was just...surprised."
"Remind me to never surprise you again", Arthur joked, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips. With light-hearted spirit, he continued the drawing in his journal. You caught a glimpse, but quickly averted your gaze and instead stared into the fire. You sat right next to Arthur, your arms occasionally brushed against each other, yet he didn't bother closing his journal - seemingly unaffected by your presence.
You couldn't help yourself. It was too impressive to see the drawing come together. When he sketched the shadows of the trees, you could make out the raindrops, though he hadn't specifically drawn them. Your eyes became fixated on the tip of his pencil, captivated by its movements, unwilling to tear your gaze away. But it didn't feel right, not after the last time.
Arthur noticed you were restless, so he said in an affirming voice: "I don't mind you watching, ya know?"
"All of a sudden?"
Arthur shrugged and continued to draw: "Not like you learned to read the last couple days, did ya?"
"Maybe I did. Didn't have much to do recently", you teased.
"Sure", Arthur replied, knowing you were bluffing, "So? Read it out then!"
You helplessly stared at the letters he had written, with not one clue in the world what was spelled out there. You tried to come up with something that could have been written there, but you weren't quick enough. Arthur interrupted your thinking process: "Knew it."
You sighed in defeat but lightened up when Arthur chuckled at your frustrated response. Both of you listened to the crackle of the fire. In a silent agreement, every passing moment saw you inching closer, gradually, you leaned against him. Astonishingly, Arthur showed no signs of discomfort, allowing the newfound proximity to exist, as if it were the most natural and cherished space between you.
"I like your drawings, you know", you whispered.
"They ain't special", Arthur replied. He was done with his little painting of the scenery and skipped back two pages to reveal a sketch of a squirrel.
"How can you even draw that thing with those little fuckers moving around all the time? Was it dead when you drew it?", you asked in awe at the level of detail.
"No", Arthur replied, "I jus' remember how it looks like."
Amidst the crackling of the fire, you uttered words that were almost indistinguishable, your voice muffled by your mouth pressed against Arthur's arm. Perceiving your intent, he instinctively adjusted his arm, skilfully manoeuvring it around you. Both of you were now enveloped in a half-embrace and you let it happen willingly. This was exactly what you had been craving the last couple of days. It was unusual, and yet so welcoming and soothing.
You sat like that for a while before Arthur stated his intent of laying down. You replied you'd still sit and tend the fire for a while.
Arthur lied down on his bedroll, staring at the canvas that obstructed his vision of the night sky...which probably was cloudy anyways. Aside from the usual forest noises, it was silent. About fifteen minutes had passed, but Arthur was still far from falling asleep.
"It just has never worked out for me...every time I tried the whole trusting thing...it ended badly", you explained. Your voice ended the silence and caught Arthur's attention. He sat up again.
"'m sorry to hear that", Arthur answered, "But yer still young. There are plenty people out there. I'm sure you'll find someone. If ya weren't so bad behaved-"
"Hey!", you turned towards him, to see a sarcastic smile back at you. You wondered why he’d just said that, when he kissed you earlier. When he clearly wanted you.
Arthur continued in a teasing manner: "I thought you were a nasty companion at first too, but you’re alright if ya calm down a bit and let yer guard down."
"Could say the same about you", you drew circles in the dirt.
After a while, in which you felt Arthurs eyes on you, he said: "You should try 'n rest. There's nobody around."
"Maybe a bear passes by and attacks us."
"Sure", Arthur readjusted his bedroll, "You ain't much to chew on, so ya gonna have plenty of time for running as long as it's busy with me."
Arthur had adjusted his bedroll vertically, so you could at least put your upper body on something softer.
"I bet ya taste like shit. It won't bother with you for long", you grinned at the teasing, surprised to see that Arthur had arranged a sleeping setup that would benefit you both.
"No doubt", Arthur chuckled.
You looked at the bedroll.
"If ya don't mind sharing with an old man that tastes like shit, it might be more comfortable for you like that", Arthur offered and lied down, his head now resting on one part of the soft material, while still leaving enough space between you. You joined him in the grass, turning your back towards him and fixating on random trees in the darkness. It was difficult to get those words out, but you had promised yourself to at least try expressing some of your emotions.
“I…I don’t really care if there’s plenty people out there. I think, I already found the one I’d like to trust...” You might have rushed the delivery of those words, but Arthur had understood them very well. There was a boyish smirk on his lips when he answered.
“I don’t mean to offend, miss, but you picked a real weird fella.”
Next chapter HERE
@xclovers @photo1030 @cowboydisaster @stilinskiwitch @globetrotter28 @unbotheredbeeeee @eyelovie @ashjbu @lovrgirlsstuff @how-the-heck-would-i-know @j4llyf7sh @urfavjanalein
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
How about some headcanons about Yan!Sonic.Exe and Yan!Sonic pining over the same darling?
Have a good day/night
Sure! Darling is depicted as being in Sonic's world. This concept looked better in my head, ngl-
Yandere! Sonic.EXE vs Yandere! Sonic Concept
Pairing: Romantic - Rivalry
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Murder, Major character death, Blood, Sadism, Possessive behavior, Overprotective behavior, Torture mention.
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- For this I'll be depicting Sonic.EXE as a demon like in the last fic I wrote for him.
- We could also think of this in two ways.
- Sonic and Sonic.EXE are in two different bodies, or they're in the same body and fight for control.
- If they are in two different bodies it's a shock to the both of you when you find there's a doppelganger Sonic wandering around.
- Perhaps Sonic.EXE has the ability to look exactly like Sonic to fool you and others?
- That or if they share the same body and Sonic got corrupted somehow, the demon hiding within and watching you.
- That's just some background on how the rivalry could work.
- Before the existence of Sonic.EXE, Sonic was already a little obsessed over you.
- You two were great friends and got along well with others.
- Occasionally the hedgehog acted jealous over you spending more time with Tails or Knuckles but his crush was small then.
- It only intensifies when Sonic.EXE appears.
- If Sonic somehow got possessed by this new unknown demon, EXE would pick up on his crush.
- Which could be one way it intensifies to something more obsessive.
- Then there's if EXE simply copied Sonic, wishing to harm him and his friends.
- What better way to torment the hedgehog than ruin what he loves most, right?
- As expected, Sonic's the more overprotective Yandere of the two.
- He wants you safe, happy, and beside him with a smile.
- While Sonic.EXE is the more sadistic Yandere.
- The demon wants you to cower before him, treat him like a God, acknowledge the fact you're at his mercy.
- Once Sonic knows something is up he does whatever is in his power to stop this beast from harming you.
- Sonic.EXE has fun putting Sonic and his friends through hell and back in front of you.
- Watch as your beloved friends suffer at his hands.
- The two would probably be even matched, if not, Sonic.EXE would have more of an advantage.
- The two would never stop fighting until one of them goes down.
- Like in the original creepypasta, EXE would target Tails, Knuckles, and Eggman.
- Tails and Knuckles because they are close to you and Sonic.
- Eggman due to him causing trouble for you in the past. (or you're close to him for some reason too?)
- It brings glee to the demon to make you watch your friends suffer.
- Sonic would be saved for last as he's lasted this long.
- Even if he and Sonic are in the same body at this stage, he'd copy himself over into a clone to complete his game.
- You both have nothing except each other.
- Sonic still vows to keep you safe and to himself despite the horrors he's seen.
- EXE on the other hand is determined to take this hedgehog's place and claim you as his new doll.
- The final battle will be bloody and disturbing.
- Whoever wins in this battle of good and evil will determine how you live your life... even if you lost your friends along the way.
- "I won't let you take (Y/N) away. You may have taken everything else, but you can't take (Y/N)!"
- "You've already lost, hedgehog. Now kneel and accept your fate."
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Jason swore loudly and had to resist the urge to throw his controller down, pissed that he kept dying cause of the game's stupid glitches (Also known as own mistakes). Still, he regained his composure, and smiled before saying
"Alright chat, we're gonna finish up this one and then we're gonna move on to another game. There should be a poll on top for what we do next"
Jason was a moderately successfully game streamer, averaging about 200 to 300 viewers a night, entirely based on his wit and skill. He knew for sure that they weren't coming for his looks, given his weedy, thin frame, overly pimpled face and large, nerdy glasses. Still, it was enough for him, and he was happy with the progress that he'd made.
As Jason got himself set up for the next game, he heard a shocking sound from above him. The victory theme from one of his favorite JRPGs was blaring through the speakers, and he came up, staring at the screen in shock. He knew what that sound meant. That meant someone had tipped him one thousand dollars, completely out of nowhere.
He looked in shock at the notification on the stream, seeing that it was from someone named JockBro69, with the simple message "Can't wait to get to know you better, cutie~"
Jason was completely stunned. Not only had someone actually redeemed the donation goal that he set as a joke (That being that whoever was stupid enough to tip 1000 dollars got to have a 15 minute private chat with him), it was also someone that he'd never seen in his chat before.
Thoroughly weirded out, but knowing that he had to honor his commitment, he sent the guy a quick private message.
"Dude, I don't know how to thank you enough! Guess I'll see ya pretty soon!"
With that, he sent the man his private zoom link, and said goodbye to the chat, who were still going wild over this turn of events, before pausing,the stream and hopping over to discord for the call.
Not two seconds after his stream stopped, he got a requested video call on discord from the guy, and he opened it up, giving a second for the video to load, but when it did, he was completely dumbfounded again. He was expecting the mysterious donator to be some fat, sweaty silicon valley nerd with too much and money on his hands, but instead what met him was possibly the hottest man he's ever seen, standing up and looking down at his webcam with a friendly expression.
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"Fuck, bro! Its so good to finally fucking meet you, I've been such a big fan for a long time, and this is a really big deal for me~
The man had a deep, rumbling, pleasant voice, that shot straight down Jacob's spine and left him feeling strangely... inadequate. Like the fact that his voice wasn't as smooth or melodic as this guy's was his fault, and he should be ashamed of that fact. Still, this guy was pretty pleasant to look at, Jason had to admit. He wasn't gay, definitely not, but he could acknowledge when another guy simply looked good.
Jason scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, not entirely sure of what he should do or say. Still, this guy spent 1000 dollars on this meeting, so he had to try anyway.
"So, umm.... I see your username is jockbro69... What's your actual name thought? I don't think I've ever seen you in chat before..."
The other man actually laughed at this, before looking confused and saying
"What are you talking about bro? Its me, Ethan! I'm in your chat all the time! Man, I guess what they say about playing games so much is true, huh?"
At this statement, Jason actually went pale with shock. THIS was Ethan? This was the guy who's username used to be runningLink? Who was an active fan of the zelda series, constantly begged Jason to play them, and bemoaned the fact that no would date him? It just didn't seem right...
Still, Jason, ever the semi professional, continued on, pretending that he wasn't shocked at the news.
"Well, thanks for supporting me so much! Seriously, this means a lot to me... Ummm... so I guess tell me some of your favorite things about the channel then!"
The man laughed again, the sound coming out in a slow, dumb chuckle, before saying
"What's my favorite thing? Do I even have to say, bro? Its the amazing piece of eye candy I'm looking at right now. You're super hot, bro~"
At this, Jason was shocked, but he chuckled awkwardly while blushing, and said
"Really? I don't think I've ever heard a single person say that before. I guess I consider myself slightly below average..."
The guy looked confused at that, before pressing on
"Really, bro? You look super hot to me, you got those bright, blinding blue eyes that you can just get lost in~"
At this point, Jason knew the man was just messing with him. His eyes have always, and will always be a dark, muddy brown, hidden behind his massive frames. Jason was about to respond, when Ethan continued
"Yeah, and you got that super stylish haircut too, really makes you look super masculine~"
Now Jason was REALLY confused. The guy was right, he did always get complements on his eyes, the bright, shocking blue visible and striking even through his huge glasses. But his hair was always a long, unkempt greasy mess.
"Ethan, are you sure you're okay, you're not just seeing things? Cause I don't know what you're talking about"
Ethan ignored the comment, just continuing to press on
"And you've got that hot, manly face, with your strong jaw and amazing profile"
Jason was confused again. Sure, his stylish haircut did help him look much better, but his face had always been pretty androgynous, with hints of baby fat still present in his cheeks. Again, before he could interrupt, Ethan continued,
"And you've got that smooth smooth skin, that hot stubble, that sexy smirk of yours. You're the full package bro~"
Jason laughed at this. Ethan was clearly being way too complementary. Sure his face had a great shape to it, with strong cheekbones and a square jaw, but his skin was still acne marked as hell, his smile was crooked and awkward, and he'd never been able to grow any facial hair, no matter how much he tried.
"I really have no idea what you're talking about Ethan. Sure I've got some good features, but the overall package isn't much to write home about~"
Ethan smirked again, his eyes lighting up with humor, as if he knew something I didn't.
"Nah, bro, you're underselling yourself. Plus, you've got that body~"
"What about my body? I think its pretty average, though I guess I'm a bit on the skinny side..."
Jason looked down at himself, trying to contemplate what Ethan meant. Sure, he'd been blessed with an attractive, manly face, but it didn't change the fact that his body was still below average at best.
"Again, bro! Putting yourself down. You really think those massive logs you have for arms are below average?"
Jason looked down at his skinny arms, and said
"More like logs than twigs man, seriously."
"And what about your legs? You've spent so long working on em, you've got thighs and glutes to kill for~"
Jason laughed again
"I dunno man! Most people say the exact opposite. They say I spend too much time on arms and not enough on my torso and legs. What can I say though? I love having big, beefy arms."
"Of course you do, bro? Who wouldn't? Especially when right in between em, you got your big, pillowy chest, your sexy abs, and your super toned back~"
Jason was seriously starting to wonder if Ethan was on something. Anyone could clearly see from first glance that Jason's body was badly proportioned, his arms and legs being massive from months to years of work, while he neglected his back, pecs and ab muscles. Still, he thought he looked pretty alright honestly.
"And I especially love how you're not only super sexy, you know it and flaunt it~ I don't think I've ever seen you once wear a shirt. The most you'll wear is a necklace, and even then, not like that covers anything, bro~ Only makes you look sexier"
Now here Jason had to disagree. He knew that he had cultivated and developed an amazing body over his years of going to the gym, but that was all for his own personal satisfaction. He never flaunted it unnecessarily, especially not during a stream.
"And I love the fact that you're such a fucking bro, bro. Every other word out of your mouth is bro and dude, you can't go even five minutes without flexing and thinking of fucking, or going to the gym, or hanging out with your other hot bros. We all know that your brain is basically only good for working out and looking hot. No smart's up there. And you've got your deep, sexy voice, too. Makes it even hotter that you're a gay bro, just like me"
Jason HAD to laugh at that. What the guy was saying was just so ridiculous.
"What the hell are you talking about? Look, I know that I like to show off my sexy body a lot, but that doesn't mean I'm some kind of dumb jock. And I'm definitely straight, dude. Don't know why you'd think I'm gay"
Ethan pressed on, completely unabashed by Jason's last comments.
"But you know the best fucking part, bro? Its that power of yours. The fact that any weak ass nerd who looks at you and your huge fucking muscles grows into a hot, dumb bro like us within seconds~"
Jason was busy flexing, staring at his own bicep in awe, as if he was shocked by him impressive he was. He looked up at Ethan blearily, saying
"Sorry, bro, what'd you say? I guess I got a bit fucking distracted. Huhuhu. But who could blame me~"
"Nah, it was nothing bro. You don't need to worry about it. Now should head back to the stream?"
Jason gasped in excitement, having forgotten entirely about the fact that there was a whole stream audience full of lame ass nerds, just ready for him to make as sexy as he and Ethan were.
"You got it bro~ This is gonna be so fucking hot~"
Jason left the call, going back to the stream and restarting, glad to see that a full 300 people were still watching, even through the extended break. The second he turned his camera on, he could see that people were confused for some reason, saying a stranger broke into his house. How stupid could these people be? How did they not recognize him? Still, not like it would matter for long...
"Hey bros! How're we all fucking doing? Welcomes to today's stream..."
He trailed off, looking blankly at the camera, before saying
"You know what? Fuck video games! Who needs them when you can do this~"
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And as his pecs bounced and bounced hypnotically, the chat slowly transitioned from messages like "What the fuck is happening?" or "Who is this dumb jock?" to "Fuck, bro! Your pecs look so fucking hot today!" and "Huhuhu, I love making my pecs bounce like Jace's~"
And so the stream continued, Jace showing everyone all the amazing things his body could do, while anyone that was watching, whether they wanted to or not, began to copy him exactly. And as the stream went on, the viewer count rose, and rose, and rose...
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apompkwrites · 3 years
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in your arms || aether, bennett, chongyun
masterlist characters: aether, bennett, chongyun genre: fluff summary: in which their s/o is in desperately need of cuddles. notes: ah i miss cuddles :(( if you can't tell from how i write cuddling, i'm big on physical affection like hugs and stuff. can't do that now tho :( also, hun is a petname i use like... all the time. idk man, i just really like it :D
aether -
i feel like this boy gives some of the best cuddles.
i like to think he's the "older" twin out of the two.
on the coldest nights of their adventures, him and lumine would cuddle up next to each other next to a fire to keep warm (platonically of course).
if you're in teyvat after he's lost his sister, he'd put everything into those cuddles.
he misses her so much and he hates the idea that one day, you'll be gone too.
although he held high statuses in both mondstadt and liyue, aether still preferred to camp outside the city limits.
something about the calm and quiet outdoors brought peace to the otherworldy traveler.
and you never really minded it.
as long as you were able to be next to him, you were content with any living condition.
luckily, it never really affected your nightly cuddles with the blond :)
one day you both split up to handle separate commissions, right?
one brought him all the way to mondstadt while yours required you to head to liyue.
this commission, however, was one you didn't particularly enjoy.
it wasn't because you couldn't handle, because of course you could.
in fact, it was purely because of the neverending stress building on top of you.
so once your commission was complete, you definitely were in need of some good ol' aether cuddles.
you waited for him by your usual spot, the aching feeling in your chest growing more unbearable as time went on.
until eventually--
"(name)! sorry, did you wait long?"
"we brought you some food to make up for it!"
the familiar voices of of your beloved traveler and his emergency food companion called out to you from down the path.
aether was running over to you with paimon in tow.
and you, desperately wanting to wrap your arms around him, ran over to him and met him halfway down the path.
before he could talk again, you had already jumped into him and were squeezing him as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders.
"wh-whoa! (name)?"
instinctively, he'd wrap his arms around you.
he wouldn't need to ask about how your commission was, he could already tell by how tight your grip was around him.
he'd pat his hands on your legs, signalling for you to jump up into his arms.
and, of course, you do.
he still needs to set up your tent and all, but he doesn't want to let you go either...
next best plan? just build the tent with you in his arms.
it'd take him longer than it normally would since he was busy holding you, but he'd get it done.
paimon definitely wants to tease the two of you, but she'll save that for tomorrow when you're feeling better :)
once paimon disappears to wherever she goes, it's just you and aether in your tent beneath the moonlight.
you're both accustomed to the hard floor beneath your tent, but that never mattered.
all that mattered was that the two of you were together.
if you're still awake, he'll whisper some stories of how his day was and what happened during his commission.
i like to think his go-to position for cuddling would be the honeymoon hug?
i mean, like i said before, cuddling is something that reassures him that you won't be leaving anytime soon.
so something like that type of cuddling where your both holding each other is his absolute favorite.
but if you're in need of comfort, he'd be laying on his back with you on top of him, his arms wrapped around your waist and hugging you close to him.
he likes to talk to you, surprisingly.
i mean, we've seen how quiet this boy is.
but with you, he'll talk to you even after you've fallen asleep.
"i know today's been kind of rough on you, hun... i hope just being here with me, holding you close to me, is enough to help comfort you."
bennett -
bennett... has absolutely no experience in cuddling whatsoever.
you'd have to be the one to help him out.
he's always afraid something will go wrong due to his bad luck that he's tried his best to stay away from intimate things like that.
plus, he's also very energetic and jittery so cuddling isn't something that's crossed his mind to begin with.
you'd be the one to show him all of the different positions you could do, include those where you're just sitting next to each other.
he's definitely touchy since he's never experienced this before.
still kinda hesitant though because of his luck ://
he needs a lot of reassurance from you before he even thinks about fully cuddling in his sleep.
in fact, a lot of the time it'd be you who's cuddling him after a bad day.
i think his favorite position before fully allowing himself to cuddle would be ones with lingering touches.
like a simple arm slung over the shoulder and your legs crossing each others' in your sleep.
those small gestures.
but once he's used to cuddling...
he loves the idea of having you hold onto him while sleeping.
kinda like the sweetheart cradle with you being the one to hold him.
he just needs that reassurance that you're okay with him and his luck won't do anything to change that.
but sometimes you need to be cuddled too.
you're day has been rough, what with the countless things you needed to do that day (be it because of procrastination, schedule mishaps, etc.)
you'll head towards the adventurer's guild in search of bennett.
his dads all know you, of course, so whoever meets up with you takes him to wherever he is.
you wouldn't need to say a lot to bennett for him to know something's up.
probably just a small hum or murmur would be enough to clue him in.
you'd drape yourself over his back, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and digging your nose into his neck.
he'd jump for a moment, thinking someone else knocked into him because of his luck.
but then he realizes you and he relaxes.
he'd bring his hands up to rub your arm, hearing your muffled whines as he does so.
his dads would already notice you're having a bad day, so they don't say anything that'll disturb you two.
honestly? bennett would probably want to cuddle with you right then and there.
he's not one to get embarrassed too quickly, so he wouldn't mind.
but his dads bring up a good point that you both should probably be resting in an appropriate bed instead of the floor or a bench.
so the two of you would head home as soon as you could!
bennett would talk your ear off about his adventures that day.
if you don't wanna talk, he can do enough for the both of you!
anyway, you'd both head home and jump into bed as soon as you can.
he'd instinctively go to your standard position but then he remembers that you're in need of some well deserved cuddles.
so instead, he'll be the one to hold you close.
he'd let you rest your head on his shoulder or chest.
you could trace the scars running up and down his arms.
he'd rub your back lightly while talking about his adventures again.
he'd tell you tales of the mare jivari he's heard.
and when you're off to sleep, the stress leaving your system, he'd continue to rub his hand along your back.
"how about tomorrow we go on an adventure? just me and you. we could do whatever we want to get your mind off of things..."
chongyun -
this poor boy doesn't cuddle a lot!!!
he's gotta stay cold, y'know?
as much as he'd love to just wrap his arms around you all night, he can't...
but he will try!
he'd definitely try to push himself near the beginning of the relationship.
i'm talking forcing himself to cuddle all night, no matter how hot it gets.
but, as the loving s/o you are, you tell him that it's okay he can't do the full body cuddles like other people.
but he still wants that touch, even if it's a little.
his cuddles are the ones where only a certain body part is touching the other.
like his arm is up against yours or your legs are touching.
those types.
he feels bad he can't do more though :((
he for sure owns those cooling blankets, even if it isn't for cuddling.
if you're under one of those, it's more likely for him to try and give you a hug as you both drift off.
he'd eventually separate from the hug if he's feeling too hot.
and as much as you're okay with those small cuddles with fleeting touches, there are times where you just need a good cuddle full of hugs.
he'd come home from another day of trying to exorcise evil spirits, wanting to simply fall into bed where he knows it's nice and cool.
he'd greet you once he walks into your bedroom but he'd notice...
you're wrapped up in your blanket and hugging your pillow tight, acknowledging his entrance with a simple nod.
he doesn't know what's causing you to feel upset or stressed, but that doesn't really matter anyway.
he'd hop into bed right next to you, slowly unwrapping your body from the blanket.
you're still clutching onto your pillow once the blanket is gone.
he'd have to turn you over for him to even be able to look at you.
you're resting your cheek on top of your pillow while looking up at him with tired eyes.
he'll cup your cheek with his hand, smiling softly when you nuzzle into his cold palm.
he would stay on top of the sheets while you're lower body is tucked underneath it.
he'll rub his thumb along your skin, watching as your eyelids flutter every now and then.
"have you been awake long?"
you shake your head.
"i see... come here."
he'd open up his arms, a gesture you hadn't seen for a long time.
this one, however, was different.
he didn't have a forced smile on his face and his arms weren't tense like before.
this time, he had that soft smile you'd always see when you two are enjoying popsicles together and his arms were relaxed.
you'd scooch over the bed, tossing your pillow behind you as you nuzzle into his chest.
he'd let out a quiet chuckle before pressing a quick kiss to your forehead.
"i'm sorry i don't do this often."
"...it's okay. i like our cuddles no matter what."
"but you deserve this every once and a while."
you'd just hum in response, smiling at the feeling of his thumb rubbing your skin.
he won't talk as much as the other two, opting to keep the calm silence in your room.
you could hear his quiet breaths and his heart beating in his chest.
and you fall asleep to it, the feeling of his arms around your body permanently marked on your skin.
"i normally... get too hot when we cuddle like this. but now... it's feels really nice."
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weepinglevi · 3 years
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patience is a virtue
summary: college!au. all aged up. eren and reader continue with their sexual escapades. find part one here! warnings: 18+ minors dni. dirty text messages, dirty talk. dom!eren and bratty reader (i suppose?). throat fucking and semi-public sex. (no p in v tho) word count: around 3.5k A/N: i have a love/hate relationship with this eren ahaha, he's been ruling my brainrot ever since the last part so i hope you enjoy! there will be a part three eventually, so be on the lookout for that! enjoy your read and feedback is greatly appreciated! xx
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you awake to your phone vibrating somewhere next to you. the hope of it only being a one-time occurrence quickly proven to be false as it just wouldn't stop. brr-brr. a second of silence. brr-brr. pause. brr-brr.
taking a mental note to never go to sleep again without turning off your phone, you roll over to your other side and try to ignore it. you could simply answer the texts, but that meant you'd have to open your eyes. and that whoever was texting you would win this weird battle you've just come up with in your head.
"if you don't pick up your goddamn phone, i'll smack you over the head with it," sasha groans from the other side of your shared dorm, words coming slurry with her tiredness.
"i could also stick it up your ass, your decision," a pillow comes flying to your head, serving as enough of a warning for you to sit up in your bed, rubbing the sleep from your eyes.
"quit moaning, i'll turn it off now," you yawn, feeling around your bed for your phone, "you never hear me complaining about the shit you do in the middle of the night."
"that's because my shit is funny and not fucking annoying," she scoffs, followed by a muted thump as she is sinking back down into her pillows. sasha's way of ending the conversation.
you find your phone half-tucked underneath your pillow, the display already lighting up again. someone is desperate for attention, you think to yourself and unlock your phone with an annoyed sigh. the messages were coming from an unknown number.
thinking about your wet pussy. this is eren, btw. historia gave me your number. i told her you wouldn't mind you don't mind, do you?
in a matter of seconds, your heart is beating in your throat once more, just like this afternoon in that godforsaken computer lab. ears growing hot at his words, you could almost imagine the sound of him laughing at you again. with trembling fingers, you scroll down further.
anyway, let's do it again sometime i told you. i'll never let you forget about how you moaned my name i'm also not forgetting about how badly i want to fuck that pretty mouth of yours, so it's a win-win see ya, then
staring down at your phone, you don't know if you should answer him. and even if you would answer his texts, what the hell should you say? "fucking bastard," the words escaping your mouth before even realizing that you'd better keep quiet. the only thing that could make this situation any worse was if sasha were to wake up again.
scratch that, you think as you see eren's new messages.
how badly do you want to suck my cock? you looked really hot today, covered in my cum what, you're shy again?
there are two ways this could go: either you stand up, put on some clothes, and then go to eren's dorm to let hell rain upon him - or simply mute your phone and ignore him. deciding to go with the latter, you lie back down and save his number as "fuckhead", a small grin forming on your face. if he wants to be childish, then you can be, too.
the display still lighting up at a steady pace, you have to fight the urge to open his other messages. to physically prevent yourself from grabbing your phone again, you put your hands between your thighs and sigh. what the hell have i gotten myself into?
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"so, who am i gonna have to teach some manners today?", sasha asks in the morning, "because there are only two valid reasons for sending that many texts in the middle of the night," she sits up in her bed and bends over to reach for her phone, "either someone's dead or there's a food sale."
cringing at the thought of having to read the countless other messages eren has sent throughout the night, you try to laugh at her comment, "of course, when there's food involved, you're all for it."
"girl's gotta eat," she claims, thankfully being too distracted by something on her phone to notice your strange behavior, "i'm gonna be back later than usual today, connie wants me to be his wingman again."
starting to go off on a tangent about how connie should just get a dating app already, sasha's words become more of background noise to you. you want to know what he wrote. what he has in store for you. at the same time, you curse yourself out. you're turning into a headless chicken and all of it because of eren fucking yeager?
you nod here and there, offering her a "yes" at what you believe to be fitting moments, desperately hoping she doesn't catch up on your restlessness. all the while the two of you are getting ready for the day. this goes on for a few more minutes and you have no clue what she's talking about now, so you decide to grab your phone and stand up.
"i'm gonna go for a run around campus, you want coffee?" you blurt out, interrupting her monologue. the device in your hand feels as if it's burning through your skin. slipping into your trainers, you're already halfway out the room, her perplexed "uh- yes, please," being muffled by the door closing behind you.
it's still warm outside - not as hot as yesterday, but warm enough for you to be glad to have forgotten your cardigan earlier. you let out a deep breath, trying to clear your mind. even though you told sasha you'd be out for a run, you walk at a slow pace.
some people are already wandering around campus, most of them on their way to a lecture. at this time in the morning, everyone has their heads full with their own worries so no one notices you slowly making your way off-campus.
arriving at a little park surrounded by trees, you sit down on the bench farest off. you notice your heart fluttering like the wings of a hummingbird when pulling the phone out of your back pocket. fuck him, you think once again while typing in your code. fuck him for making me feel this way.
12 unread messages.
didn't seem all too shy when i had my hand wrapped around your throat no need to play hard to get when i already had you if that makes sense? haven't fucked you yet doesn't mean i won't get to fuck you
all you want is to feel appalled by these messages. to screenshot them and send them to the dean. maybe even to his mother. sickened with yourself though, you already feel the familiar warmth creeping up your body, curling up in your abdomen.
i know you want it, too how fucking needy you were for me getting yourself off in public to the thought of me maybe you can tell me what exactly you were thinking of? gonna make sure to let your dreams come true, princess
pet names? you clench your fist at the thought of eren leaning over you, breathing the word princess into your ear. you have an inkling that he'd say it mockingly; spitting it out whilst gathering your hair in a ponytail, arching your back forcefully, and slamming his length into you without mercy.
no. you hate pet names. at least, you've always hated them.
i'm gonna find out if you're ignoring me right now remember, you're not the best actress. fucking suck at it, actually wouldn't want to be punished now, would we?
his last message echoed in your head. still coming to terms with the fact of what happened yesterday, now you have to deal with a whole new revelation: eren yeager being a cocky motherfucker pushing all the right buttons for you. even though you want to blast his ass for this, the mere thought of him being near you again is too sweet of an imagination.
you want to play this game, too. for whatever reason keep on riding this high, and you just know that no one could do it quite as well as eren can. somehow you can only imagine taking him on this ride with you, no one else.
so, in that manner you decide to ignore his messages. if he's desperate enough to keep on sending them in the middle of the night, you're sure it won't be long until he sends another text. and it would give him enough reason to try and punish you, whatever that might entail – you're excited to find out. fucking nervous, too. but then again, who wouldn't be?
you stand up and put your phone in your back pocket, a sense of excitement surrounding your steps as you turn left to make your way to the nearest coffee shop.
"something tells me you're ignoring me," of course, the moment eren's voice comes up behind you, you fucking flinch like a little bird that's been scared away, "mostly because i've seen you reading the messages, but what do i know?"
you turn to see him clutching his heart dramatically, "don't play with my feelings like this," he swoons, bringing one hand to his forehead. he's laughing again, all white teeth and bright smiles – you realize this is the kind of eren you rarely get to see. not the cocky bastard he normally portrays; right now, he seems to be a happy-go-lucky kind of guy, just enjoying himself. still, you want to show him that you can play just as well as he can.
crossing your arms in front of your chest, you slightly raise a brow, trying your hardest to not look as nervous as you feel. it's a lost cause though because you can already feel the tips of your ears glowing with heat again. can't things go my way for once? just once? you think and chew the inside of your cheek. you felt so sure of yourself just moments ago. how the hell can he have this sort of effect on you?
suddenly, his whole demeanor changes. before, he seemed laid-back, entertained by the game he played with you. now he leans forward, hands in the pockets of his jacket and an almost cruel smile forming on his lips, "don't try to challenge me in this. you'll lose."
you know that you should feel frightened. terrified, even. he's looking like a lion preparing to jump the antelope, a sense of alarming calmness around him that's causing the small hairs on your neck to stand up. but alas, the way he's looking at you seems to have the same effect on you his scent has.
"i told you not to ignore me," eren says and takes a few steps closer to you, "yet here you are, doing it again." the chuckle leaving his lips a stark contrast to his stern gaze, still trained on you. somehow, you feel awfully small again - still not frightened, though. you stare right back at him, tilting your head slightly as if you wanted to say "so what?"
"are you seriously that desperate to be punished?"
better now than never, you think and once again place a courtly smile on your lips, "seems like it."
for a split second, you see eren's smug look turn into a genuine smile. realizing that you're up for his game, he lets out a smooth whistle, "you do surprise me."
"if you wouldn't always be so full of yourself, i'm sure you'd have recognized this sooner," you can feel the confidence growing in yourself again. clinging on to it, you take a step toward him, "i'm full of surprises."
"oh, yeah? i bet you are," from the corner of your eye, you can see him lifting his hand. before thinking twice about it, you bat it away, "i'm not one for public displays of affection."
oh, it is on– eren's smirk turns into a full-fledged grin as he takes a grip of your wrist, "you sure about that?" lifting your hand to his face, for a short moment you think he's going to suck on your fingers again. but all he does is place a faint kiss on the back of your hand, "didn't seem like it yesterday."
"you weren't supposed to see."
"but i'm so glad i did," he leans forward, the two of you standing so close you can feel his breath on your face, "or else we wouldn't have this kind of fun right now."
still having a hold of your hand, he lifts his other to your jaw, gently tracing his thumb across your lower lip, "you looked so pretty in your skirt yesterday."
taking a leap of faith, you grab his hand, holding it in place and letting your tongue run across the tip of his thumb before biting down playfully. there's a hiss and then eren pulls away and grabs your arm, "come with me."
finally, you think and let him guide you to wherever he wants, let's have some fun, then.
on your way out of the park, you pass jean and marco. even though they stand to greet eren, he just raises his hand whilst not breaking his pace, "gotta go, have an assignment to work on."
"never seen you that determined, but go off," jean laughs.
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before you know it, you're inside one of the countless maintenance sheds. pushing you against the wall, eren's movements seem to become more and more erratic by the second. pinning your arms over your head, he's looking down at you, breathing heavily. "you have no idea what you just got yourself into," licking his lips, he chuckles.
"oh, but i think i actually do," you smile innocently, fucking glad to have found your normal self again. admittedly, eren threw you off your game since yesterday – but it's just going to play into your hands now. he won't see it coming until it's hitting him straight in the face; that you're just as messed up as he seems to be.
"then prove it," he breathes against your ear, "tell me how badly you want it."
the stuffy air inside the dimly lit shed doesn't help with keeping eren's scent away from you. being so close to him, looking up into his shadowed face and right into his dilated eyes; you're like putty in his hands. you try to move forward, to touch him in some way because you just know that he'll feel so good under your skin.
"now now, princess," he moves even closer, wedging you between himself and the wall, "how about we learn some patience, first?"
you nod, but then grind up against his thigh, hissing through your teeth, "i worry i'll be a real handful." you know you could very well move your hands, too – eren seems to still be testing the waters as to how far he can go with you. but with him actually letting you grind on him; you decide to play into his hands.
your breaths grow quicker as you keep on, pace becoming erratic. all you want is to get rid of your track pants – come to think of it, what you actually want is eren under you whilst you continuously bounce on his cock. you want to hear him call you princess and immediately after call you his little whore because that's exactly what you are.
eren has a little smile on his lips and you know you should ask yourself why – because you're doing exactly what he has forbidden you to do – but you're too far gone. the heat growing, you feel your knees buckle but he's holding you up; one hand now resting on your waist for support. you're so close –
and then he pulls away from you, nearly causing you to topple over. chest heaving, you place your hands on your knees for balance, "what the fuck was – "
"patience is a virtue," interrupting you with a laugh, but his voice heavy with lust, "thought i might give you a lesson you're ought to remember."
you look up to see eren palming his erection through his pants, standing about an arm's length away from you, "but i have to admit, hearing you getting yourself off is fucking hot."
biting your teeth together, you straighten up and take a step toward him – only for him to click his tongue in disapproval, "you're gonna stay right there," tugging at his pants he raises his eyebrow, "i told you what i want, get on your knees for me."
"the fuck i will," you spit out and make a move again, grasping for his waistband. but eren is quick to take a hold of your hand and pushes you back to the wall, "come on, now, princess," he chuckles but his eyes are concentrated at you, "you want this, don't you?". he's asking for permission, the thought feeling very comforting to you. and also, very excited for what's about to come.
"of course, i do," you answer him earnestly, resting the back of your head against the wall, "or else i wouldn't be here."
"fantastic," he breathes, a little smile playing in the corners of his mouth, "then get down on your knees," placing his hands on your shoulders, weighing you down, "i won't ask again."
the change of tone in his voice has you nodding, slowly sinking onto your knees, you're bursting in anticipation. one hand finally pulling down his pants, he runs his other through your hair, then down your jaw until it comes to rest on your chin.
thumbing at your lower lip, he groans "do i have to be careful?"
you just shake your head no. then you break away from his gaze, fixing your eyes on the bobbing cock in front of you. it's tip leaking with precum already, you remember how badly you wanted to lick it away yesterday.
taking his cock at its base, you bend forward and slide your tongue around its head. the salty taste sending shudders down your spine, you make sure to lift your eyes again once you prepare to take it all down your throat. your other hand snakes up to his balls, slightly tugging them which earns you a moan from eren, and fuck, you're so wet at the sound alone, you let go of his cock and slide one hand down to your own center.
he gathers your hair in one hand, taking the base of his throbbing cock in the other, "bet this is what you thought of yesterday," he slowly but surely pulls your head in closer, "of how i fuck the words right out of you."
bucking your hips into your own hand, you can do nothing but whimper at his words. because yes, this is exactly what you imagined. he's only halfway in and you're already struggling to breathe, but not wanting him to stop you hold your breath and push down even further; trying desperately not to moan.
the tears in your eyes causing your vision to be blurry, you attempt to blink them away.
"shit – ", he's pumping into you now, rubbing the tears from your cheeks and then placing both his hands on your head, "you're doing so well – "
getting lost in his words, the fear of being caught is so far away; you finally moan around his cock. saliva soaking the hem of his shirt, you can't seem to take his whole length, no matter how hard you try. you're a fucking mess under him and the thought alone is nearly sending you over the edge.
he's trying to pull away now and you know he's close, so you snake your hand around his hip, hoping this is enough of a sign to him that if he dared to cum anywhere else than down your throat, you'd bite him.
"you really – " his voice is hoarse, "fuck – this is fucking perfect," he moans as he comes to the realization. leaning his arm against the wall behind you, he's fucking himself into your mouth, his panting and the sound of your choking filling the room.
you close your eyes to blink the tears away again, but eren pulls on your hair, "no – look at me."
with this the knot in your belly explodes, leaving you holding on to eren's hip as you ride the waves of electricity that are running through your body like lava.
"such a good little whore – " he's gone as well, holding your head in place as he's pumping his load down your throat, leaving you no other option than to swallow – which you eagerly do. you feel his legs shaking under your hands.
once again, eren hands you his shirt to clean your face. this time, you take it with a smile, noting that, "i still have your other one."
"don't worry, i'll come get it sometime when sasha's away," the two of you know exactly what this means – neither of you are planning on this to be over anytime soon.
"i'll let you know, then," you nod and stand up, hoping you don't look as well-fucked as you feel, and make your way to the door, "she's gone most of the time."
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taglist: @jeageristbaby @icedkoffees @blondeboyfriend @peachysimp @levibasketcase @zimzalabim1110 @droolingoverfanfics
wanna be tagged in my next work? fill out this form.
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Can u do how nightmare and dream would react to this scenario?
S/O spent a whole year handmaking a massive blanket and it had a ton of embroidery and stuff all over it. It was their comfort project for a year. they finally finished it, and got so excited to show him and their family and friends. They showed him and some friends were present. Then they leave to get a member of their family to show. While they're gone the friends are talking to eachother in front of him like 'its kinda ugly' 'they spent a year on THIS?' 'theyre so dumb'. (Even if it's actually super beautiful) When s/o comes back it's all fake smiles and friends give out fake compliments about their project.
What a nice ask! I want to be able to make blankets like that, that would just be so fun.
Dream- Dream knew that you've been working on that blanket for a long time, and he was so proud of you! Why? Well, cause he knew that you put a lot of work into it, and every time you came out of the room you seemed to just pour out positive feelings and damn if that isn't the best thing. He loves you so much and seeing you happy, makes him happy. Now you wanted to show it off so you called everyone over! Even some friends came; though he didn't exactly... Like their energy. Something about them seemed wrong just he couldn't put his finger on it. Whatever though, up to you what kind of friends you have! When you hung up the blanket, saying "here it is! I spent a year working on it. I love how it turned out, oh! Wait, I need to grab someone" and then you ran out to get whoever you needed to grab. He walked closer to study the blanket, taking in every beautiful detail. Wow... You were amazing. He smiles, tracing his finger along some of the details however pauses when he heard the two friends from before, the ones he mentioned, start to talk. "I'm honestly a little shocked they spent a year on this, I mean... I can find one better at Walmart" The other friend nods along, letting out a little laugh "Yeah, I mean... it's kinda ugly? They're so stupid to waste a full year working on something nobody would want to buy" wait what? He looks over at them, frowning, going to say something but then you came back and they started to praise and love on your blanket, saying how pretty it is! Oh these girls are so fake! He huffs and while you were talking to the others about it, he would go over and tell them that they needed to leave, they would laugh a little acting confused but he'd explain what he heard and tell them to leave, or he would make them. He may be the guardian of positivity but even he knew when to put his foot down! Sometimes... mostly when it's for his datemate or friends, he never cared if someone was mean to him; he was used to that by now.
Nightmare- Nightmare knew that you've been working on that blanket, and it annoyed the crap out of him, reason being, because he wanted to see it but you always told him no! That he needed to wait just like the others. Human, he was the one that allowed you to do it in his castle! He should be able to see whatever you do in it! Whatever though, he guesses that he could wait... he often says how much he hates waiting and it gets you to giggle which is sort of nice... not that he'd admit to that, of course. Now it was the day you said you would show him, and invite your family and some of your friends to come see, despite the fact that he hated whenever others came over... humans were just annoying creatures, he always felt the negativity from them from a mile away. Which was, of course, the only good thing... also you yet once again, he isn't going to say that. Shhh. You brought out the blanket, hanging it up and wave your hands, saying "Tada! This is what I've been working on for the year." he could see that you had some bandages on your fingers, making him smile a bit more than he normally would. How adorable... he walks closer to study the blanket, his tentacles resting on his back as he was calm right now. He knew that if any of the humans tried anything, he and his boys could easily get them to go away... with force, or not. while he was studying the blanket, he heard other voices. "They really wasted a year on this?" His tentacles raise a little as he listened to whatever those idiots were saying. Did they really think that the blanket was ugly? Idiotic! Then you came in and they started to be so damn fake. As soon as you looked away, he grabs them, tossing them out of the house. He didn't care if they're your friends, they're bad.
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slice of life
read it on ao3 "You should really get out of the house man. When was the last time you went on a date?" Sam has already been getting on his nerves- he called him at 9 pm and has been talking for an hour now- but that question made Dean want to get off the phone faster. 
"I do get out dude but it's kinda hard when I have a toddler," Dean heard Sam scoff on the other side. He thought Dean had knocked up some random woman. He didn't correct him. If Sam was gonna jump to that conclusion than Dean was happy enough to let him. 
"Eileen lives there too," ah yes, Dean's best friend Eileen who Sam has a crush on. She did not return those feelings. 
"And? I'm not making her watch Emma cause you think I'm-" When his daughter walked in, hair tussled and stuffed bunny in her arms Dean paused. The intrusion was welcome cause he wasn't sure he wanted to finish this conversation. (continue reading under the cut)
Quickly he said goodbye to Sam and hung up. Then he gave his daughter his undivided attention. 
"Noisy." That's all Emma said when Dean asked her what was wrong. 
"Show daddy where?" He stood and reached out a hand. She took it, nodding slowly, and led him to her room. 
Once there she silently pointed at her bed. Dean knew what she meant. He got down on his knees and looked. A snout was the first thing he saw. 
"Miracle," Dean said backing away so the dog could get out from under the bed, "You scared Em. Say sorry." 
Miracle sat on her hunches and looked sorrowfully at Emma. 
The young girl walked over and pet her on the nose once. "Fine. It fine," she told the dog. Repeating it a few times. 
"You feel better now? Think you can sleep?" Dean asked. Emma turned to him and still looked a little scared. 
"With daddy?" She asked, hugging her bunny tighter. 
"Sure," he smiled, "If you'll feel safer." 
"Daddy keep me safe," Emma said with way too much pride. Dean appreciated it though. 
So that night he went to bed with Emma beside him, Miracle at his feet, Eileen's cat Grape by their heads, and their shih tzu puppy Ollie curled between them. 
Ollie is a girl but Dean let Emma name her. He also saw no reason why it wouldn't be a good name.
Grape woke him up. She wanted to be let out of the room. Dean hadn't even realized he closed the door. He didn't do that usually, Emma wasn't quite tall enough to open it and he wanted to be able to get to her quickly if need be. 
Dean got out of the bed, careful not to wake Emma. Ollie and Miracle were both watching him curiously as he opened the door. Grape sprinted out before he'd even opened it more than an inch, squeezing herself in a way he'll never understand. 
At this point he's sure that cat's have very little organs or bones. 
He followed her out of the room to go put the coffee on. If he was honest he despised the stuff. Still he drank it. Thank whoever that Eileen had convinced him to start drinking it with milk in it. 
After the coffee was started he stretched, yawned, and ran a hand through his hair. He seemed to do all of this in the same order every morning. It was a bit strange when he noticed the pattern at first but now he sorta liked it. 
Dean began to pull pans down so he could start on breakfast. He wanted pancakes. This meant he also pulled down a bowl and a spoon and a measuring cup and a- The list just goes on and on. 
Despite being able to make homemade pancakes, and preferring them, he made them from the box this morning. Homemade pancakes were a lunch food for them. Dean wasn't going to all that trouble before noon. 
It wasn't long before there was a tug on his shirt and he turned around with a smile. 
"Mornin' Em," She waved at him. Not much of a talker first thing. 
He told her to go sit and breakfast would be ready soon. She nodded and climbed up on the stool, something she was not allowed to do without Dean or Eileen in the room, but it was also a point of pride for the three year old. 
Dean gave her a thumbs up and slid her a glass of apple juice before turning back to the griddle. 
Emma tapped on the counter a few moments later to get his attention. Dean turned towards her and she raised a hand up and tapped it twice on her chin. 
The sign they used for Eileen was the sign for 'Mom' but while making an 'E' instead of having their fingers spread out. He smiled and set the spatula down so he could sign as well. 
"She's sleeping," he told her and she nodded and went back to sipping on her juice. Soon Dean was handing her a plate with the pancakes all cut up into nice bite size pieces. 
He made his plate and then Eileen's, which he set in the microwave to keep them warm, and sat to join Emma who was already chowing down. 
Eileen didn't get up until they were halfway through breakfast. Her hair was a mess and she was carrying Grape like a baby. 
Dean set down his fork and told her where her food was. She grinned and signed 'Thank you' before walking over to Emma and giving her a kiss on the top of her head. After she grabbed her plate she stopped and did the same to Dean who just rolled his eyes at her. 
Dean wasn't lonely. Sam thought he was. But Sam also lived across the country from him and didn't see how his life really was. 
His brother wasn't closed minded. Dean knew if he told him about everything he'd come around to it. But he just finds it easier to not do that. The less explaining the better. 
Dean's aromantic. He knows that. Has known it for a while. He doesn't really feel like he's missing out on anything either. 
A family? He has that. Emma and Eileen and Bobby and Sam. He's set. 
A wife? Dean's never only been interested in women anyway. And he's not interested in a husband or a spouse either. 
Dating? That's just hanging out. 
Really he's good. Romance is overrated. At least if you ask him. 
And he knows Sam thinks of him as some sort of womanizer but again, if that's what he thinks Dean's not keen on correcting him. 
Anyway all of this brings him to what he's currently doing. Using his lunch break to talk to his brother. Who's trying to set him up on a blind date. 
"Sam. This is the one time a day I'm not surrounded by other people and you're using it to try and convince me to do something I don't want to." 
"But Charlie's friend is really nice! I think you'd like them!" Right he forgot Sam knows he's bi. Too bad he hasn't grasped that Dean's only bisexual. 
"Whatever, fine. Just send me the details! Can I eat now?" Dean gave up. 
"Yep!" Sam sounded way too happy. 
Dean hung up and took a bite from his sandwich. And texted Eileen. Telling her everything. 
Eileen: maybe you should just tell him? 
Dean: maybe...
Dean: it just sounds like a pain 
Eileen: it will be worth it in the end 
Dean: i know
Dean: thanks
Eileen: :) 
Dean would go on the date this weekend but when Sam came down next week (He did visit Emma as often as he could) he was gonna tell him. 
Right now though he's letting his daughter cover his face in makeup. She really like putting eyeshadow where it didn't belong. 
Ollie was curled up beside him on the floor. Emma was holding Grape, who kept trying to play with the brushes. She told him about her day. They were waiting on Eileen to get back before Dean started on supper. 
"An' then she said my pic'ure was pre'y!" Emma told him excitedly. 
"That's great, baby girl," Dean replied. Which was a mistake cause he got a mouthful of blush. 
Eileen finished doing his makeup. Just a little bit to cover the bruise he got when he tripped the day before, banging his forehead on the coffee table. Everyone's always so worried about kids doing that they forget they are also at risk. 
She also put eyeliner on him and gave him a peck on the cheek. 
'Done,' she signed before doing jazz hands while he looked in the mirror. It looked good. 
'Thanks,' he signed and she grinned. She stood up from where she was sitting - they pulled two of the kitchen stools to the bathroom - and pulled him in for a hug.
After she let go she signed, 'Tell your date immediately.' 
Dean nodded. No leading on. Even if it's not his intention. 
'And feel free to go home with them,' Eileen wiggled her eyebrows at him and he swatted at her arm gently. 
Dean didn't want to leave the house. He loves his job. But the weekend was so nice. But he was doing this to get Sam off his back. For now. 
He stood as well and slid his jacket on. As they walked to the door he signed reminders at her. Making sure she knew he'd drop what he was doing immediately if Emma needed anything. Eileen just waved him away. 
He sighed once the door was closed behind him. This was gonna be a long night. 
"I'm not interested in romance. I have zero romantic attraction. I'm here so my brother will leave me alone," Dean said immediately after giving his 'date' his name. 
"I'm Castiel..." they looked slightly confused and Dean felt a bit bad about dumping all that in them. 
"Look, I'm sure you're great, but this isn't gonna work out," Dean told them. Castiel was just staring at him. Slowly they squinted and tilted their head. 
"Okay... I'm just here cause Charlie said I should do this." They told Dean. "We can just hang out?" 
"Fuck yeah," Dean grinned. This night was gonna be better than he thought it would be. 
It just so happened that Cas (cause Dean insisted on giving people nicknames) had kids Emma's age. Twins. So they set up a play date on the spot for the next day. 
"You'll love Eileen," Dean told them and Cas tilted their head again. 
"Who's Eileen?" 
"She's my best friend. She helps out with Em."
"Is she like... your partner? Not romantically of course." 
That was a good question. Dean wasn't actually sure since they never talked about it. He contemplated his answer for a moment before speaking again. 
"She's just one of my people. I love her and life would be so bad if she wasn't here. I learned a language for her. Does that answer your question?" Dean asked at the end, looking Cas over. They smiled gently. 
"It does. What language did you learn?" 
"ASL. I actually work at a school for deaf children now. So does Eileen." Dean told them. 
"That sounds amazing. I'm just an accountant. But I've always liked numbers. Logic." 
"Hey, if you enjoy it that's all that matters." Dean told them. He meant it to. 
"I do. Do you enjoy your job?" 
That opened a whole can of worms and Cas just sat there listening as Dean went on and on. 
The rest of the night passed like that. Trading information and just getting to know one another. He could tell Cas was gonna become a good friend. 
When Sam came over Eileen was kind enough to take Emma out of the room for a bit. Dean did at least wait until his brother was comfortable in the house and they'd eaten lunch. Now it was go time. 
"Sammy, I need you to really listen to me, okay?" Dean said slowly and carefully. He instinctively was signing as well. Even though it might be a bit distracting he didn't stop. It kinda calmed him. 
"Okay," Sam nodded and gave Dean a weird look. 
"I'm aromantic." 
"And that means?" 
"I don't like anyone romantically. I don't feel romantic attraction. Got it?" 
Sam looked slightly confused but nodded again. His hair flipping about as he did.
Dean smiled. "Cool. So stop setting me up on dates. Don't even mention anything related to that to me. If it involves me that is." 
Sam nodded for a third time. Then he chewed on his lip for a moment before speaking again. "So did you at least enjoy meeting Castiel?" 
"Did I enjoy a date? No. Did I enjoy hanging out with Cas? Absolutely. They're great. Their kids are the same age as Emma." Dean told him. Cas was actually supposed to come over tomorrow. Not that Sam had to know that. 
"Alright. Well I'm sorry, dude... if I had known-"
"Yeah, yeah, it's my fault for waiting to tell you," Dean waved his apology off. 
"Daddy..." Emma started. They were both on her bed. She was tucked in and he was holding a copy of Goodnight Moon in his hands. 
"Yes, sweetie?" He looked at her, concerned. 
"The people at daycare asked who my momma is since they never seen her. I told them that Eiween is my momma. Is that o'ay?" She asked, fidgeting with her hands. 
"I think so," Dean said, pulling her close, "But I think that's a question for Eileen." 
"Mmm," Emma hummed, "I'll ask morrow." 
"Sounds good. Now story?" He held up the book. 
The next morning she'd ask Eileen, who was more than happy to say she was Emma's mom. Dean just smiled from where he was cutting up some fruit for Emma. Letting them have their moment. 
He was happy to be apart of it though. He was happy to be apart of this.
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wisterialagoon · 3 years
For you, I'll stay : pt1
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Dabi is one of the top soldiers of the League of Villains. He does the dirty work and feels the stain of crime on his hands. You're an Assistant Inspector at the Seoul Metropolitan Police Agency, resigned to records-keeping instead of doing actual fieldwork. What happens when these two become intertwined in the most prominent political event that changed the era of 1990's Tokyo Japan?
Warnings: Violence (a girl gets beat up in this chapter), gangs, eventual smut(not in this chapter tho)
Tokyo Metropolitan Police Agency, Kantō Region, Japan.
January 9th, 1990, Tuesday. 
22:30 hrs.
"It's going to be a long night," she thought, while fixing her desk for the fifth time. There was a haphazard pile of file folders, an unboxed diskette pack, and coffee cup stains all over her table calendar. She quickly reorganises the file folders, placing them in chronological order, then according to crime. Then, she matches the diskettes, which contain additional data such as interrogation footage, with each pile. Lastly, she makes her way to the pantry to refill her mug with coffee, humming along to a tune that was receiving more airplay recently.
It was an uneventful night, to say the least. As usual, she worked overtime, working on organising the paperwork and records of each case-from instigation to case management. She loved it initially, but now that she's six months into this new assignment, she could feel herself wearing down with how emotionally, physically and mentally taxing everything is. It wasn't so much the quantity or frequency of the load, but the content itself.
Seeing death, rape, theft and disappearances on a daily basis was starting to take a toll on her mental health, and even if she learned how to compartmentalise, there was something about seeing all the details that made her sleep less and less these days. The photos of dead bodies or visages of crying relatives would disturb her to no end, and having to type out each case report even if it meant tagging it as a cold case, was something that never really sat well with her.
Her direct senior, the only female Inspector in the agency-the only one who was actually nice, unlike the rest of the police force who talk about her during lunch breaks and agency dinners-tell her that the feeling of being "uninvolved" and "useless" will soon pass. "Besides," she tells her during one of the rare nights that they're both doing overtime, "You've got potential."
She sighs, wary of the compliment. "I just... I wish I could be doing more."
"You'll have your fair share of fieldwork and interrogations, Y/N" she says, patting the younger girl's shoulder. "Just keep working well, and the Chief will soon see your potential."
That last line resonated with her the most. She knew that the Chief was a firm leader-he did routine inspections, called people in his office to ask for status reports and he'd set all sorts of deadlines. But he was also known for being experienced in reading people just with one look.
So the question was, what was his assessment of her?
Did the Chief view her just like how the rest of the agency did-an Assistant Inspector who was only fit for clerical work even if she had graduated at the top of her class? Did he even notice her presence in the building-or was she too conscious of all the judgemental stares thrown her way because she was the first female recruit in a long while?
That was it, she thought, not noticing that her cup had overflowed.
With a sharp curse, she flung her hand away from the scalding beverage, and moved to grab some tissues-her mind thoroughly forgetting the questions that had darted in her mind not a minute ago.
As she dabbled the tissue on her hands and shirt, the police hotline rang, disturbing the silence of the otherwise empty floor. Alarmed at the prospect of a crime or report coming in at this hour, she runs towards the desk of the patrol and public safety unit.
"SMPA, what is your concern?" she asks, voice surprisingly level. When there wasn't a response, she asks again, this time a notch louder.
"Kidnapping," the voice cuts through the radio silence, its texture a rich timbre with a raspy undertone. Caught off guard at the mention of a kidnapping, she scrambles for a notepad and a pen. "23:00, 6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan. Takahashi Yua." In hastily written script, she takes note of the details, not once interrupting the man on the line.
"Who is this? Where is your intel from?" she finally asks, after she hears mere breathing sounds. "Hello?"
The person on the line doesn't respond, instead opting to breathe heavily before the line dies.
"Wha-" she exhales, overwhelmed with the situation. It wasn't unheard of for random tips to come in the station, that much was true. But a tip at this time? And with that much detail? She was wary enough that there wasn't any crime traffic recently but this is proving to be the suspicious exception.
Shaking off her doubts, she dials the home number of Inspector Sato, the head of the patrol and public safety unit. She knows he'll definitely give her an earful for calling at such a late hour-and to his house no less, but if what the man said was true, and if her gut was right, someone was after the daughter of the Minister of National Defense.
At the sixth ring, he picks up and greets her with a litany of questions. "Who is this? Do you have any idea what time it is? Whoever you are, you better have a damn good reason for waking me up!" he rattles off, temper flaring.
"This is Miyasaki Y/N, sir." she says, surprised at how stable her voice was. "Assistant Inspec-"
"Ah, the personal assistant." his tongue clicks, and even if she didn't see, she knew he was shaking his head. "What is it? Here to ask help again in records-keeping?"
At that, she presses her mouth in a thin line, stopping herself from giving him a piece of her mind. She knew that they would always find fault in whatever she does but sometimes she wants to just put them in their place and prove herself.
But now wasn't the time to do that.
"No, sir." she starts, fisting her hand. "There's been an emergency call to the patrol and public service hotline. A tip was given about a kidnapping at apartment 6 Chome-10-1 in Roppongi -"
"Let me stop you right there." he expels a deep breath, clearly uninterested with her report. "You do know what that area is like, right? Or do you not even know where it is?"
"It's in Minato city. The residence listed houses many important political figures, it has national defence" she says, foregoing the other details and taking the opportunity to transition to the most important part. "Sir, you see, this could actually mean that-"
"This means that there is no kidnapping. I mean, if you're trying to pull a joke, it's a terrible one. Hell, there's hardly any crime in that area!" he gives a dry laugh. "it's an executive residential area, guarded and all that. As you said, National Defence is there and so are diplomats and expats. No one in their right mind would attempt a prank call, let alone a kidnapping."
"But the caller gave a name, possibly that of the victim. We should send a team, I have the address. I could lead the-" again, he cuts her off. At this point, a vein was threatening to pop at how unprofessional he was being, but she'd rather not break out into an argument with a direct senior-especially when he was clearly already annoyed at her.
"So this is why you really called, huh?" he chuckles. "Look, no one knows how you got in, or what strings you pulled to pass the Academy, but at the rate you're going, you'll never lead a team-much less my team." the certainty in his voice washed over her, causing her to remain silent at his blatant jibe. "So go back to whatever you're doing and don't even attempt to call me or anyone from the agency to waste their time with your tall tales." the other line clicks, ending their phone call.
Exasperated, she puts down the receiver with a little too much force than was necessary. "Fine, I'll do it myself." she mutters, putting on her coat, muffler and grabbing her car keys.
30 minutes. She'll have to pray that she makes it. After all, she doesn't have much time.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:00 hrs.
The gate to the apartment building alone rendered her speechless. Pure brass balusters and a towering guardhouse greeted her, complete with intimidating security personnel who wasted no time in asking for her identification.
"Assistant Inspector Lee, from the SMPA. We received a tip about criminal activity taking place in the vicinity of this residence," she starts, not giving any specific details. "This won't take long." she adds, as a last ditch effort to convince them that she means business.
"Alright," one of the guards lets her through. As she rolled up her window, she catches a muffled dialogue between the two. "Isn't she a little too young to be an Inspector? And criminal activity? Talk about absurd."
Scoffing, she speeds up to the address the caller gave and in a few minutes, found herself outside the apartment building. But she was too late. There, standing by the of the main entrance, was the defence Minister himself, with blood on his hands and a shell-shocked expression.
"My daughter..." she hears him mutter. From just behind the door, she hears distant voices screaming for someone to call the police. "Dial the police! Or call the National Defense for all I care! Someone do something!" the voice got louder as she linked it with a face-Takahashi Riku, the Minister's wife. As if seeing the police lights flashing atop her car, The ministers knees gave out.
She makes haste to catch him before he falls, and as she does, she gets her shirt stained with blood, and scrapes her elbow with the force of his weight. Not minding the sting of the wind blowing by her scraped skin, she pulls out her walkie-talkie, and radios the police patrolling Roppongi that night.
"This is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N, does anyone copy?" she starts, practically shouting. For some reason, she felt an adrenaline rush at the development of events. "Repeat, this is Assistant Inspector Miyasaki, does anyone copy?"
After a few beats, a voice breaks through the white noise. "This is Inspector Takami, copy. What's your 10-13?"
"I've got a two zero seven." she says, forgetting that she hadn't even scouted the area for verification that a kidnapping actually took place. "6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City. Send a medic for shock treatment." she rattles off, surprised at herself for actually being able to focus and act given the situation.
Then again, this was her job. Her first fieldwork-albeit unwarranted and unapproved.
"Copy that, 10-4. I'll run code. ETA twenty minutes." he affirms his direct response before ending the dispatch call.
6 Chome-10-1 Roppongi, Minato City, Tokyo 106-6108, Japan.
The Takahashi Residence.
23:20 hrs.
After twenty minutes, two police cars pull up the driveway. One belonged to Inspector Takami, the other was the patrol for back-up. He closes the gap between them in five, quick strides, hands in his coat's pockets.
"What happened?" he asks, ready for a briefing.
"There's nothing definitive yet..." she trails off, mentally berating herself for not even scouting the interior to study the scene. "But I've spoken to the family."
"You mean you've spoken to the Minister of National Defense." he supplies, his breath fogging up in front of him. "What did he say?"
"The family heard the door slam shut, and when he went to check his daughter was gone," hesitant, she clears her throat as a stalling method. "He found her in the marking lot, the girl was bruised and bloodied, unconscious. Looks like she was forced to inhale somthing, and her hands were tied."
"Attempted kidnapping?" he asks, stealing a glance at the apartment buildings façade.
"High chance for it." she answers, clearing her throat again. "Listen, Inspector, I received a tip in the agency around an hour ago-saying something about a kidnapping taking place at this time, at this exact address."
He raises his eyebrows, evidently taken aback at this new piece of information. "And?" he asks, expectant.
"And I think this is a set-up." she declares, sure of something for the first time that night. "Whoever is behind this, wanted us to come, thinking it was a kidnapping when it was an assault and break-and-entry."
"What are you getting at, Miyasaki?"
"There's a reason why Miss. Takahashi was assaulted and not kidnapped. They're telling us something." she says, handing out her notepad which contained the details of the emergency call a while back.
"What do you think this could possibly be then?"
"I don't know... yet." fuelled with conviction, she fists her hands at her sides, no longer feeling that sensation of helplessness or uselessness back in the agency when she was working on records-keeping. "But I'll find out."
9-chome, Kitakarasuyama, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo.
Assistant Inspector Miyasaki Y/N's Residence.
02:00 hrs.
Finally back at her apartment after filing the case and sending off the Minister's family with words of certainty about exhausting their whole force on the job, she slumps on the sofa, feeling her body become dead weight.
"God..." she sighs, fatigued. "That was a long night."
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alex-r-v · 3 years
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Yes James- Bucky x Reader Drabble
Pairings: fwb!Bucky x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Angst, kinda cheating but not really, crying, swearing, smut for a quick second
A/n: This is the first fic I'm posting on Tumblr, I'm sorry for spelling/typing errors. Or if I switch between using 'you' and 'I'. ~Alex
The plan was simple, but movies should've taught me it never is. Bucky, and you had been struggling to find someone so you went to each other. You laid out rules with him the morning after your first time-
You're simply friends that fuck
If the other started seeing someone everything stopped
And no feelings
You and Buck had been friends for years, and the talk of having sex had come up multiple times. Only now- now it was really happening. Days turned to months, turned to almost a year. Neither of you had tried to find someone else, what you two had was enough for the time. The only issue was as time did go by, you started to catch feelings. Getting naked infront of him got harder, and acted like nothing happened the morning after hurt. You started falling in love with your best friend, and the only thing left to do was tell him. It seemed like you two had gone exclusive at this point. Anytime you were out Bucky would somehow find you, and pry whoever's hand were on you off.
So, with shaky legs you walked up to his apartment door knocking lightly on it. You knew he was home, so when he didn't answer you knocked once more. When the door still didn't open, you naturally assumed he was in the shower. After a long day at work he always liked to rid his body of any dirt or grime. He'd even given you a key, so you could come be there when he got out. Fumbling to get the key in because of nerves caused you take a few tries before getting the door open.
The place was silent which only started to worry you. Pulling out your phone, and dialing Bucky's number as you walked further in. The sound of his phone ringing sounded off from his room. With quick strides you threw the door open to calling out his name to see your worst fear. Bucky's head was in between a women's thighs, and a gag was pushed into her mouth. Both pairs of eyes shot to you as hot tears rimmed your eyes.
How could you be so naive? Neither of you ever specified you couldn't fuck other people. You quickly shut the door and ran out of his apartment. Of course Bucky was seeing other people, he's Bucky Barnes. The guy that had sex with almost everyone he could- leading him to make the agreement with you. Without realizing it the tears had started to pour down your cheeks, as you continued to run out of the building.
Only once you were in your car did you really start to sob. Had stupid could you have been? Falling in love with you best friend, the man that jokingly made a rule about catching feelings. Countless movies, and tv shows should've prepared you for this heartbreak. Minutes passed as you sat in your car sobbing, before the tears finally started to calm giving you a chance to drive home.
When you finally got home too barley made it to the couch. Plummeting onto it, and pulling yourself into a little ball. You stayed like this for hours, tears coming and going as time passed. Soon you fell asleep, all the crying wearing you out. When you woke back up the door to your home was opened, and you jumped up.
"It's just be doll."
Rubbing your eyes, you tried to focus on the figure in the doorway. When they finally did, the voice also registered in your mind. More tears than you knew you had filled you eyes, as you tired your hardest to hold them back.
Bucky stepped inside, shutting the door behind him. "Thought we should talk."
Clearing your throat trying to make sure you voice didn't waver- though it did- you answered, " 'Bout what?"
Bucky sighed, setting his key on the little table next to the couch. He sat down putting his elbows on his knees and looking straight ahead at the tv.
His tone was soft, but still demanding. Against your better judgement you sat on the opposite end of the couch. Bucky looked you over, talking into account your bloodshot eyes, and puffy cheeks.
"What happened to 'no feelings'?" He tried to joke, but it fell flat. He sighed again, running a hand through his hair. "What happened Y/n?"
All you could do was shrug, knowing if you spoke a fresh wave of tears would flood over you.
"Come on doll, you gotta talk to me." Bucky practically pleaded, silently asking you to also look at him.
You look straight ahead like he had been doing, "There's nothing to talk about Buck."
He huffed getting annoyed, "Yes there is. You saw me with someone else, and ran away crying. You also showed up to my apartment unannounced, and I know you weren't looking for sex."
"Can't a friend go to see their friend?" You blew off his first statement.
"We aren't just friends though, and you know that."
There was no getting out of this now. You contemplated trying to lie more, but decided against it.
Your voice was quiet, and he had to strain his ears to hear you properly.
"I didn't mean to Buck."
"Didn't mean to what?" He questioned, even though he already knew the answer.
You looked down to your lap, "Fall in love with you."
Yeah he knew, but hearing it. Damn, it hit him like a ton of bricks.
"You love me?"
Slowly more tears slid down my cheeks, "I was gonna tell you, because I thought- I thought you might feel the same. I didn't really think about us seeing other people in a non serious way." A small sob left my mouth as I continued, "You've been so good to me, and I guess I got lost in that."
He was silent for a second, and I felt my heart shattering.
"You really love me?"
You nodded yoir head, finally making eye contact with him. "Yes James... I love you."
The tears started falling faster, and everything hurt in the worst way possible.
"I'm so sorry Y/n."
You close you eyes, trying to will the tears to just stop. You kept them closed as you heard your best friend stand up, and walk to your door. You shut them tighter when when he left, and cried harder when you opened them to see his key still sitting where he set it down.
And that how it ended.
That's how you lost you best friend, and the man you fell in love with.
@dulceslibrary @balenciagabucky
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White Lies (Pt. 01 of 21)
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Pairing: Keanu Reeves X Reader
Word count: 2.1 K
Summary: Keanu found the girl almost dead, in the wrecks of what was once her car. While she was in surgery, stuck in a coma, he gathered the best doctors of New York to attend to her. They told him she is likely to have some kind of brain damage, what may lead to memory loss. And this possibility added up wit the fact that she's pregnant, made the council come up with an odd idea. They asked Keanu to pretend to be her husband, since the stress of finding out everything that happened could put the baby in danger. He reluctantly agreed, but only if she does has some kind of memory loss. He still goes she'll wake up soon, with her memories intact.
But when you finally wake up, there's nothing inside. You're quick to find your head is empty, void, like a blank canvas. The only thing that brings you some relief, that makes you feel less lonely is the mention of a husband. And you can't wait to meet him, because you know you can't deal with this by yourself.
Next part (02) ->
{Keanu Reeves Masterlist}
{John Wick Masterlist}
Life has a weird way of turning things around. Of putting people in the most unlikely scenarios, and leaving them on their own to try and figure out what to do next.
Keanu's mind has been restless since the moment he saw the bleeding, unconscious girl inside that wreck of a car, four days ago.
It was on the side of the empty road, and he was just about to drive pass it when something made him stop. Whoever caused it was gone, and there were no words to describe the sting on his chest when he saw her. The next moments happened in such a blur that he still has a hard time trying to put everything together. He remembers carefully lifting the girl's body off the wheel. He remembers checking her heartbeats, so faint and weak. And he surely remembers calling an ambulance and staying there, hoping, praying she wouldn't be just a corpse when they got there.
He couldn't quite see the extension of the damage since he was too scared to move her around. The girl wouldn't wake up, it didn't matter how many times he called, and as time passed, minutes passing by impossibly slow, he felt his heart sinking. Over and over again, he placed two fingers on her neck, just to make sure she was still alive. Her breathing was shallow and fast, and Keanu couldn't even notice in his agitation. There was way too much blood coming from a wound on her forehead, and more staining her light blue blouse. He couldn't believe he'd watch her die, right there before his eyes.
A wave of relief washed over him when the ambulance came, and he watched, helplessly, as they put her on the stretcher, pushing it to the back of the ambulance. A man had spoken to him, he's not sure what, but his legs carried him to the ambulance with her, and there, seated between two paramedics, he looked at the girl, once again praying she'd survive the ride.
She did. She was strong, the doctors said, and had successfully recovered from the two surgeries she had to go through. There was a lot of internal bleeding, they said, and now, the girl was in a coma. And nobody could tell how long it'd take for her to wake up.
But that was four days ago. Today, still at the hospital, Keanu tries to focus on whatever the council of doctors are saying. He had paid for everything, and he wouldn't have anything less than the best health care for the girl. (Y/N), he had found out. A beautiful name, that he thought suited the girl perfectly. Seated on the head of the table, Doctor Wright speaks of her condition, but Keanu's mind has drifted away a while ago.
“Mr. Reeves?” The woman, Alice Harris, gets his attention. She's the psychologist involved. The only reason why she's here is that there was damage on (Y/N)'s brain. There's a sixty percent chance that her memories were affected. They don't know how much yet, but they'll be ready to deal with whatever happens when she finally opens her eyes again. If she ever does. But Keanu won't give this possibility any thoughts. “Are you willing to do this?”
“Do what?” He didn't want to come out as not being interested in this. He was. But he can't pretend he knows what he would be agreeing with.
“Mr. Reeves, I know you're also affected by this. We all can see it. But we need you to have your mind clear.” The surgeon speaks, his hands cupped together, lying above (Y/N)'s papers. “If not, we'll place her under our care until we can contact her mother-in-law.”
“Mother-in-law?” How much of the conversation did Keanu lose?
“Let me.” Dr. Wright says. “Mr. Reeves, we have made some research on our patient's life. (Y/N) had just moved here, and unfortunately, she lost her husband only two weeks ago in a work-related accident.” This time, Keanu pays attention, his eyes focused on the man. “The only other person she has here is a friend named Laura Thompson, and her mother-in-law lives in Argentina, Lucia Davis. A few friends from her hometown, but nobody else. Nobody here who can help her through... Her condition.”
“There's still a chance she'll remember, right? Forty percent.” Keanu could only imagine what it'd be like. He'd never wished that on anyone, waking up one day with nothing inside. No record of who you were before. And he didn't want this for her. Not after what she's been through. “If she's alright then–”
“It wasn't about this condition I was talking about.” He cuts off, sighing and exchanging a glance with the neurologist. “Mr. Reeves, (Y/N) is three weeks pregnant.”
There's a sudden buzz on Keanu's ears, as his brain tries to process what he just heard. He's quick to make the math though. Three weeks pregnant, lost her husband two weeks ago... She was just starting to plan everything, probably just about to break the news to him or the family, and then, he died. That was probably the reason for her accident. Driving fast, tears clouding her sight, wondering what she'd do now, all alone, with a kid on the way. “Everything you need me to do, I will. I'll pay for anything she needs, it doesn't matter how much.” The words flow out, almost a living thing.
“Dr. Harris raises a hand to stop Dr. Wright, who was just about to say something. “Mr. Reeves, as we already said, we fear that our patient will have some kind of memory loss if she wakes up. And people on her position are always scared, and the feeling of being lost may drive them into self-destructive behaviors.” The woman speaks slow, and Keanu sighs. He's suddenly angry, wanting people to just spit everything out so he can understand what's going on and decide what to do with it. Bouncing his leg under the table, he nods, urging her to continue. “In that scenario, knowing about a pregnancy can make things take a bad turn, and even put the unborn child in danger.”
“What will you have me do?” He bursts out, impatiently. “If you need another specialist, or transfer her to some other hospital, do it.”
“What we need is far more complicated than that.” She continues. “A little unusual, but I believe it will work.” She takes a deep breath, fixing her glasses. “Mr. Reeves, we need you to introduce yourself as being (Y/N)'s husband.”
“What?” He inquires, unable to believe his ears.
“If she wakes up–”
“When.” Keanu is quick to correct her, his voice letting it show how anxious he is.
“When, forgive me.” Dr. Harris mutters. “It will be better if she has someone close. And a husband, since she's with child, will certainly give her peace of mind until... Until she remembers. If she remembers and if she does have a memory loss in the first place.”
Keanu looks down at his hands, resting on the wooden table before him. He should say no. This is way too much, too much of a crazy idea to follow up. But these are the best doctors money could pay for, and he did say he'd do anything that could help her. But he'd never thought this would be what she needed. There was no other option to him, that much was obvious, even if he didn't want to admit it right way. “Alright then.” He agrees, nodding.
“Good. We'll contact her friend and mother-in-law to let them know about this.” Dr. Wright says, getting up. “I'll need you to attend some meetings, Mr. Reeves, there will be some things we'll need to discuss.”
“Sure.” As if he hasn't been coming to the hospital every day to visit the girl.
The days start passing a little faster now, as Keanu meets up with the psychologist to make things ready in case she wakes up. They said there's no need to rush, that it may take several weeks, months even... But Keanu won't share their skepticism. He believes she's coming back soon, so he'll have everything in place for the biggest lie he'd ever tell. He has the excuses in place, the backstory, everything. He even has the fake ring already, and he never felt so bad as he did when buying it. But still, he carries it in his pocket every time he goes visit her, hoping she'll wake up.
Two weeks have passed, and today, as usual, Keanu looks through the open blinders, his eyes set on her sleeping figure. (Y/N) looks so peaceful in his eyes, as if she's simply sleeping. He can't help but admire her beauty, even in a simple hospital gown, with her hair a little messy, she looks pretty. His eyes drift a little, all the way to her stomach. It's still flat, but he knows there's life in there, growing. A life that will need their mother. “C'mon, (Y/N). Wake up.” Keanu mutters, his voice barely a whisper.
After a few more minutes, he leaves, walking slowly through the hospital, all the way to his car in the underground parking lot. On the drives seat, he looks at the wheel, the door still open, and he thinks. About everything at the same time. The wrecked car, the blood, the girl, the pregnancy, the lie... It all comes flooding his mind as he runs a hand through his dark hair. He's so drowned in his head that he almost doesn't hear the phone ring. But when he does, Keanu easily finds it in his pocket, not even looking at the screen before picking up. “Hello.” He mutters, ready to dismiss whoever it is. He needs to go home, to sleep, to put his mind in place.
“Mr. Reeves. She's awake.”
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You still can't put things together. The woman has been talking you through it since yesterday morning when you crawled back into consciousness. She told you everything. How you ended up here, to begin with, but it doesn't matter how hard you try, you can't remember it. In fact, you can't remember anything. When you began to freak out yesterday, a nurse came and gave you something that now forced you to calm down. So you just lie there, staring at Dr. Harris as she tries to help you. But she's failing because your mind is completely empty. The tears keep rolling down, one after the other, and it doesn't matter how much you dry them, more come soon after.
How is it even possible? How can someone lose everything they were? Everything they had? Shaking your head no, you close your eyes shut, not wanting to listen anymore. Her questions remain unanswered because you just don't know the answer them. The only reason you know your name and age is because she told you. But all the rest... It's a mystery. It's gone.
“I can't.” You mutter, running a hand through your forehead. “I can't remember. You're not helping.” Crying again, you bite back a sob. “Please, just... Don't I have anyone? Parents? Friends? Anyone... I...” You can't be alone in the world. There has to be someone, a familiar face who will bring something back.
“You're parents passed away when you were young, sweetie.” She says, and another sob erupts from your mouth. “But you have a husband.”
You're not sure how you feel about it, with too many conflicted sentiments flooding your heart. But you do feel... Relieved? You're not alone. There's someone who could help you through, who knows you. “I-is he here?” You stutter. “Can I see him?”
“Sure.��� She stands up from the armchair she positioned next to your bed. “I'll call him.”
Nodding, your eyes are on her back as she leaves. Using the bed's remote control, you move it up until you're in a seating position. The minutes go by and you're still alone. The blinders are closed, so you can only see shadows passing by. Maybe he got tired of waiting. Maybe he–.
“(Y/N).” The strong, deep voice calling your name gets your attention, and your eyes find the man standing some feet away from the bed. He's... Gorgeous. Tall, with long dark hair, which falls on his face, hiding his eyes a little. His beard gives him an atmosphere of mystery but makes him even more handsome.
Is that him? Are you really married to this man? “Are you...” The words fail you, and your voice fades.
“I'm Keanu Reeves. Your husband.”
@multific @inumorph @aestheticallywinchester @bvbwestfall @liviiii98 @allie1804-fan @gian-giannina
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dimonds456 · 3 years
TOH Season 2, 4 Theories (SPOILERS!)
So we're only 4 episodes in, and there's a LOT going on. I have 3 theories (and one that's more speculation) that I want to share (that have probably already been discussed before, but I haven't seen them, so here I go), and they're all beneath the cut! I wanna talk about King, Belos, and a third one that might surprise you, but I can't say just yet because ~dramatic buildup.~
THEORY 1: King is a Titan
This has been a theory since Season 1, but it's reeeeally getting expanded upon here. It's hinted at that King might have a deeper backstory than he's been given, if those carvings and his memory gaps are anything to go off of.
However, we can find proof in his design and the design in that of the Boiling Isles themselves. They were birthed from an actual Titan, right? We see the Titan's still-beating heart in Belos' throne room. The Isles are his organs and ribcage. His skull sits in the water, eye sockets looking out over all.
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Lookit it all. Gross. :)
Now look at his skull specifically. He's got those two horns on top of his head, looking to be a similar-to-exactly-the-same shape as King's, which is even more apparent since his other horn is fixed now.
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(Side theory, King's collar is a glyph, look at the design. What does it do? idk, but I think it's gonna be Epic, and perhaps only he or another Titan can activate it. But I have no proof and just wanted to throw that one out there for consideration.)
Different noses, sure, but this Titan is also more mature. And bigger. That could change as King gets older.
If this theory is true, then that means Emperor Belos- who is rumored to be able to communicate WITH THE BOILING ISLES TITAN- is going to want King at some point. If he is able to RAISE A TITAN, that would strengthen the theory that he has this ~special connection~ with the Titan and put him in so much more power. King is easy to please, too, meaning that he might go along with it.
Leading me to:
THEORY 2: Belos is a human
Look at this series of quotes from Gwen Clawthorne from S2E4:
(Starting with when she says "You're not the only human to have lived in Bones Burrow," but image limit, so.)
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[Image ID: four screenshots from The Owl House. The first is a picture of Gwen with the quote "there's a rare substance called Titan's blood." The next is Gwen in a different pose, with the quote "it is extremely powerful, and oftentimes causes leaks between our realms." The third is a picture if Luz, with her eyes wide with shock. Gwen is still speaking though, with the quote "but humans... are rare." The fourth is back to Gwen, with her hands up and the quote "my great-grandmother told me about a human who once lived here, but one day, he just vanished." End ID.]
"a human who once lived here, but one day, he just vanished."
Notice the use of he/him pronouns here. I was originally thinking it was whoever wrote the Azura books- and that is not off the table, really- but... the circumstances of him just vanishing are suspicious at best and earth-shattering at worst.
What if he never left?
We have never seen Belo's face. He was breathing hard when we first saw him, implying he's sick somehow, but was better after he Murdered a Man and poured goop in his eyes. He's never actually used magic before that we've seen. The only hint of power is that he's able to "talk with the Titan" and therefore that makes him better.
If he truly is a human, then that would be why he wears the mask. His ears would look like Luz's, not like a resident of the Boiling Isles. He has no magic. Or, if he does, he's channeling it in a way similar to Luz herself. He's been here for a LONG TIME, meaning he's becoming old and frail- or he should be, if it weren't for the Miracle Eye Healing Goop.
This would explain the portal Eda found out in the woods, and why Belos knows what it is. It was his portal. But, because Eda had it by the time he realized he wanted it back for whatever nefarious purposes he wanted that portal back for, he never got it.
But he's living literally right next to the Titan's still-beating heart. If Titan's blood is what allows for dimensional rifts, like Gwen says it can do, that means his throne is located directly in front of Luz's way home. He just needs a way to open the rift, which is where the portal comes in. The portal is there to channel the blood and create a rift on purpose, just like Eda's old portal could.
In fact, Luz probably has the "key" to opening that rift already. She just needs the blood and a vessel to complete the ritual.
Really think about it. Luz comes from our world, pretty much just as it is, and enters the Boiling Isles, where there is no discrimination on the same level of humanity. You can love freely, be freely, and crimes are judged on the action, not the person. Belos would have come from that same world, and saw how free it is here. If he wanted to take control and power, the only way he could ever do so would be to have the witches living here willingly give up their magic. He could not force them. So, he came up with the lie he can speak to the Titan.
Or, if it's not a lie, he used that power for evil instead of good. This leaves the implication that,
THEORY 3: Luz can ALSO talk to the Titan
This one is just speculation, but if Belos can do it, why not she? And if this IS a real ability Belos has, and he's been lying to everyone, Luz could be able to actually speak to the Titan and find out what it really wants. I imagine that it's probably not happy with Belos, but it can't just move or the entire Isles get destroyed. Or, he's physically unable to. Or perhaps, she can find out why the Titan wants magic restrained and find a different way.
If Belos is a human, then he and Luz contrast each other in that their journeys are the same. They both stumbled into this world by accident, they came from a world that wanted to stifle them, they entered a free world, and they wanted to stay.
The difference here is the power. While Belos reached for it, I predict Luz will be presented with a similar opportunity and throw it away. She becomes powerful in that she has her friends behind her, and that's all she needs. Her power comes from her determination and selflessness, whereas Belos' comes from his lies and selfishness.
Though, that story sounds familiar doesn't it? Which leads me to my final theory...
THEORY 4: The Good Witch Azura
I have 2 theories for this one, but they can both be grouped under one, so here we go.
Theory A) The Good Witch Azura was a REAL WITCH.
If these rifts can open because of Titan's blood, then there's a good chance that people like Eda had found the human world, too. And decided to stay for whatever reason.
Azura may have been writing an autobiography, or wanted to share to the human world about the Boiling Isles without directly saying it exists. Maybe she/they wanted to just get away from it, but missed the way it used to be, and expressed that through writing that happened to get popular.
Another mini theory that falls under this one is the idea that maybe someone tried to stand up to Belos early on, a sort of mirror to modern Eda. She/they saw how corrupt the system would become, and decided to flee or find help.
Theory B) Belos WROTE the Azura books
Now hear me out.
Going back to the 'Belos is a human' theory, that means he came from the human world, and for a time, he had a way of going back and forth between realms before he either lost or rejected his portal. Well, I don't know what his plans are, but if the fact that he's trying to get back to the human world are any indication, then I'd say he wants humans to know.
What if he's trying to spread his power and control? He has all the most powerful witches working under him, right? So it'd be easy to declare war on humanity. Just drop in without warning, cause havoc, and leave before they can retaliate. Then, do the same to a different location and leave before they can do anything. Do this again and again at random, and eventually, they surrender.
So why the Azura books? Well, I'm not entirely sure, but he's marketing books that are shockingly similar to how magic works in the Boiling Isles to humans, with messages about cheesy love and acceptance and working together. Humans eat that stuff right up. He may be testing the waters somehow.
I gotta be honest, I don't know why he'd write about those things, and the only episode I have to go off of is the writing/crunchtime episode from Season 1.
Oh, and this.
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[Image ID: The same scene with Gwen that was shown before, but a continuation of the quote. Two screenshots this time, the first with the quote "Rumor has it he left something in the library, and- if you can find it-" then continued, "and if you can find out more about him..." End ID]
Luz: "Maybe I could find out how he got here!"
What if that something is the Azura books? What if there's a secret hidden within their pages, asking the humans to seek the witches out? Asking them to be entranced with this wondrous world, just as he was? What if he's asking them to come here?
"Knock knock, human."
Seasons 2 and 3 are gonna be wild.
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kiwikyuu · 4 years
━━━━━━━━ all the different shades of orange ; hinata shōyō
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summary — whoever said that hinata shōyō is a ball of sunshine is a liar
word count — 3k
genre — imagine ; kinda enemies to lover, fluff
warning(s) — major spoilers about spring interhigh for those of you who haven't read the manga, insults thrown around, kinda out of character hinata, cursing, not edited
a/n — okay but have y'all seen e2l hinata shōyō besides kagehina lmao because i haven't and thought it'd be interesting to try out. also wow i have never put so much effort into a work like this one (hopefully it reaches a lot of people and you can all find some joy in reading!)
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Hate was a strong word but the flaring anger in your heart and overwhelming urge to run into a wall whenever your eyes landed on that tangerine said otherwise. It wasn't that you went out of your way to dislike someone that has everyone wrapped around their finger. It just so happened that you had no tolerance for bullshit, and Hinata Shōyō pissed you off in every way possible.
It started on the first day of high school.
Walking beside Minari, a friend from middle school, the two of you were eager to leave the building. The idea of grabbing steamed buns had unraveled itself in your mind, and what better way to enjoy food than by sharing?
"Are you going to try out for any clubs?" Your elbow bumped against hers as you two walked the slowly emptying hallway. "I think I saw the girls soccer team holding tryouts soon."
Minari shrugged, but you could already see the thoughts pinging in her mind. "I might if I can."
See, the two of you had almost reached the staircase when it happened. Minari's long hair covered her view from time to time, so you were used to looking out for her while chastising the girl about the usefulness of a hairband. But what you didn't expect as you pulled the girl aside just as a gaggle of guys rushed by was the full strength of a short orange-haired boy catching you off guard and nearly sending you tumbling down the flight of stairs.
"I'm sorry! I - I didn't see you there!" He shouted, his hand coming out to latch instinctively onto your school uniform before you could be thrown back far. "And on the first day too... I'm so sorry! Please accept my apology."
You stared at the short boy standing before you looking positively green with anxiety and guilt. Minari was already calming him down with mentions of accepting his apology, but all you could focus on was the pounding beat of your heart and the tingling feeling in your legs from your near-fatal experience.
"Watch where you're fucking going next time, you rotten bell pepper," you muttered before pushing his fingers off your now wrinkled white shirt.
You had walked away first, Minari in tow, but not before catching the shine of his name tag, 'Hinata Shōyō,' and the wide-eyed stare on his face that sent shivers down your back.
From that day forward, every flash of orange around the school seemed to be followed by a glare on your end and a roll of eyes on his.
"You're in the way, pumpkin head." Your words cut through the chattering hallway and sliced at Hinata who in turn threw you a pointed look, something that all the First Year students knew by now was reserved for only you. "I'm trying to get to the library, but somebody's walking too slow. Aren't you supposed to be on the volleyball team?"
Hinata scoffed, but stepped aside to let you through. Dirty looks were all he had in his armory apparently as time after time after sending an insult or two his way, he held his tongue. You liked to think it was because he didn't have the proper brain cells to form a response, but sometimes you wondered if you were being too much.
Up ahead, Minari waved at you to hurry before all the seats at the library were taken. Shaking yourself of your thoughts, you walked over to her. Unbeknownst to you, while you shouldered your bag, your wallet tipped over and fell out at a certain somebody's feet.
Hinata picked up your ratty wallet, noticing it on the floor, and went to call out to you before catching himself. What did he care? Still, unable to ignore it, he pocketed your belonging making note to give it back to you later. Right now, he had a game to worry about.
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Somehow you had ended up at the Karasuno vs. Aoba Johsai game during the Interhigh Preliminaries. Minari had dragged you up to the stands as discreetly as possible after convincing you that she wasn't feeling up to study. Considering she had her eyes set on a certain 5'10 blueberry, you were foolish enough to think that she'd wanted to take you some place fun.
Now as the two of you stared down at the game happening eagerly, you let out a sigh upon noticing Hinata. As if your day couldn't have gotten worse after misplacing your wallet, you were displeased to find that he was looking right back up at you with the same wide-eyed stare he had when you two had first met.
Shivers ran down your back almost as if on cue, and you tore your gaze away from him fully ready to leave the gymnasium and trudge back home. But had you turned away, you would have missed the freakish oddball combination execute their quick attack.
"Holy shit," you breathed. "What the fuck was that?"
Minari smirked. "Tobio-kun is a great setter, isn't he? Or were you too focused on Mr. Bell Pepper to notice."
You shot her a frosty look, pushing down the stuttering emotion starting to rise in your chest that most definitely did not feel like anger. "As if."
The game continued for what seemed like days but turned out to be hours at most ending at a score of 1:2 in Aoba Johsai's favor.
Deafening silence overtook your ears. Minari was quick to leave the stands, mumbling something about consoling the fallen setter while your eyes searched for some semblance of sunshine in Hinata's sullen ones.
Spotting his sunken expression, you felt yourself regret the hatred that had sparked for him for just a moment. A fleeting moment that buried itself in your heart, planting a seedling of growing doubt.
"Minari, we have to catch the bus back!" You called out to your friend as you joined her on the gymnasium floor.
She glanced your way, halting the conversation she had began with her Tobio-kun. "Two minutes, and then we can go. Please?"
You nodded despite feeling discomfort crawling up your spine at being surrounded now by those you didn't know. You settled by the door, checking your phone mindlessly to pass the short time only looking up when an outstretched hand came into view.
"You dropped this earlier." Hinata's words were short, sharp, and you were suddenly glad you had never been on the end of his scathing remarks. "On your way to the library," he continued.
"Oh," was all your malfunctioning mind could come up with as he took your open hand in his, placing your wallet gently in your palm. The warmth of his skin seemed pressed into your own even after he had started to stalk away.
Clearing your throat, you spoke before you could stop yourself. "You did well today. I - uh," you paused. What were you even saying? "I watched from the stands."
He offered you a soft smile, one that you realized could light the world aflame, before walking back to his awaiting team.
You placed your hand over your drumming heart, sedating the flustered feeling he had left behind with you, chanting in your mind over and over again that Hinata Shōyō was a menace and you had no plan to ever like him let alone fall for him.
But no one ever plans to fall in love.
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The Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club seemed to practice non-stop funnily enough, rather motivated by their loss from months ago instead of despaired. Minari had become a regular face during practice as she cheered the boys on in an attempt to woo Kageyama still, and by fault, so had you.
"Y/N, Tangerine's on his way over here." Minari nudged you, stealing your attention from the workbook open in your lap.
You shrugged, trying to focus on anything other than your slowly rising heartbeat. "Why? Did the coach bench him for his subpar plays?"
"No, actually Tangerine wanted to give you something but he's currently reconsidering."
You looked up immediately, eyes narrowing upon noticing Hinata standing in front of you with a small smirk. "You're looking really fucking smug for a guy who still needs to work on his skills. Kageyama says you lack basic technique."
Hinata rolled his eyes at you. "You're being rude."
"It's because I don't like you," you answered smoothly. "So get back to practice before you lose any more volleyball brain cells."
He let out a small laugh. Turning away, for a moment you thought he'd actually leave as simple as that, but just before he took another step, he tossed something your way. It fell on top of your workbook, smacking against the thin pages, causing a couple of the boys to look your way while Hinata jogged back to the net.
Minari leaned in closer to you. "He got you—" She cocked her head in confusion. "A wallet?"
It was a deep shade of orange that almost made you laugh out in irony. Detailed with card slots and a latch with snapping buttons, the wallet was definitely an improvement from the one you had right now.
"That's sweet... right?" Minari questioned, watching your expression as you opened the wallet to reveal a note — scratchy handwriting on a scrap of notebook paper.
'thought your wallet looked ratty old. not in a mean way of course!!!!
— your favorite, Pumpkin Head Shōyō
ps. my sister picked out the color :p'
"Stupid fucking carrot," you whispered under your breath, feeling your cheeks grow warm at his message. "I don't need a new wallet."
Minari scoffed at your words, turning to face you completely and taking your hands in hers with seriousness. "Be honest with me." You stared at her blankly. "Be honest, and tell me if you actually hate Hinata as much as you say you do. Why don't you just drop the act? You two obviously like each other enough to be friends, so why keep this all up? Isn't it tiring?"
Her words echoed through the hallways of your mind minutes, hours, and days after. Sitting at your desk in school, on your walk home, lying in bed staring up at the ceiling, they were as loud as life itself.
You thumbed the straps of your bag while waiting for the bus. The sun was slowly dropping from the sky, setting on the horizon leaving you in a thoughtful orange haze.
You two obviously like each other enough to be friends, so why keep this all up? Isn't it tiring?
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The weeks following were conflicting and chaotic. Exam season settled on Karasuno High School jolting the students and staff into a cloud of stress.
You spent your spare time at the library, eyes boring into material that just wouldn't stick while a certain rotten bell pepper took his seat next to you.
"I have to pass my finals or Sugawara senpai is going to nail me to a wall," Hinata explained, spreading his notebooks out on the desk and bumping his elbow against yours in the process. "You do well in your classes, right? Do you — " He looked abash. "D - Do you mind helping me?"
Against your better judgement, you nodded. Looking back now, you suppose that's where your odd friendship began.
Days on end, the two of you would stay behind to cycle through the material slowly building a tolerance of each other much to everyone's surprise.
"Do you still hate me?" The question came one night, the weekend before his exams.
Hinata looked at you from where he sat on the swings, kicking his feet at the sandy grounds. The two of you were at the park, cooling off after a long study session.
Your eyes fell to the can of convenience store coffee in your hands. The slight of the passing breeze drilled his question further in your mind.
"No, I don't think so," came your answer, words wobbly and unsure despite the thrum of your heart beating loudly against your chest and the warmth in your cheeks.
Silence filled the space between you two before Hinata finally spoke up again.
"Then do you like me?"
Your body felt lit aflame, mind jumping immediately to the way he made you feel things you hadn't much before. "As a friend," you decided after a moment of flustered emotions. "We're friends, I guess."
Hinata nodded thoughtfully. "Well, I like you." He took a deep breath. "As more than a friend, but if you feel that way then I'll wait for you. We have time."
His confession became lost among the flurry of thoughts and colliding emotions raging on inside you. Before you could say anything in response, Hinata got to his feet, shooting you that now familiar smile of his and offering you his hand.
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The new year overwhelmed your senses like a storm of rain after a drought. Refreshed after the break, you returned to school with a new sense of purpose amplified by the motivation the new year always brings.
Hinata's confession had remained in your mind, pushed to the back by celebration but still bugging you every so often. The apricot haired boy had showed up, throwing ping pong balls (of all things) at your window to catch your attention over the break asking if you wanted to go grab something sweet with him. You promptly responded with a rejection, only to find yourself walking with him ten minutes later.
"How was your break?" Minari asked, bundled in a jacket, scarf, and hat. She joined you at your side, catching you on your walk from the bus stop to school.
You shrugged, pulling your puffy jacket closer to you. "It was okay. You?"
She smiled. "Hung out with Tobio-kun. We went for hot chocolate, and he taught me how to set." Her eyes seemed almost dazzling at the memory, and you laughed, pushing her lightly away.
"You and your Tobio-kun are positively gross," you said. "Absolutely—"
Your words were halted at the feeling of warm fabric settling around your neck and a known face popping up beside you with a proud smile.
"Stay warm. You can give it back to me later," Hinata said before jogging away to catch up with a pair of Second Year boys ahead.
Your hand came up to the green scarf around your neck, failing to form comprehensive sentences. Heart thundering, you ignored the funny looks others sent your way. Glancing at Minari, you caught her slipping giggles.
"What happened to Hinata Shōyō being a rotten bell pepper?"
"Shut up."
Lending you his scarf when days seemed too cold was just the beginning of it all. Days turned into weeks turned into months of Hinata pining after you and you—though obvious to everyone else—trying to decipher your feelings for him.
"Hey, I missed you," Hinata said to you lightly after you had agreed to drop something off for Kageyama on Minari's behalf. Quickly realizing the meaning of his words, however, Hinata corrected himself. "I mean—um, as in I m - missed you earlier. Like... like I didn't catch you today, you know?"
You tilted your head at him with endearment, a small smile playing across your lips at the sight of his blushing face. "Yeah, don't worry. I got it, sweet potato."
His flustered expression dropped. "You think I'm sweet?"
Your eyes widened, stuttering to form a response and correct yourself out of this situation you had suddenly been thrusted in. Luckily, Kageyama came to your rescue before you could embarrass yourself.
"Hinata, boke, stop flirting with Y/N!" The tall blueberry haired boy towered over Hinata with a menacing glare and a scoff. Kageyama turned to you with a blank look you took for an apologetic expression.
Shaking your head profusely, you put your hands up in surrender. "Ah, no worries, Kageyama. I—uh, I have something for you from Minari. She has classroom duties today, so she couldn't come herself."
Kageyama nodded, taking the wrapped bento box that Minari had prepared for him from your outstretched hands. He mumbled words of thanks before stalking off while muttering under his breath a colorful range of insults at Hinata who in turn sent him a funny face.
The Spring Interhigh was coming up, and you were sure the Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club was itching for redemption after what had happened last August. Deciding that you didn't want to interrupt their practice any further, you made move to leave only to stop at the feeling of a hand on your wrist.
Glancing back, you raised an eyebrow in surprise at Hinata's sudden action. "What are you—"
The tangerine boy had exchanged his lighthearted expression of just minutes ago with a look that you could only describe as properly motivated. "When we make it to Nationals, promise to give me a chance."
All around you, the gym seemed to fade until only Hinata was in your line of vision.
When we make it to Nationals, he had said, not if.
Unable to respond, you found yourself nodding because who were you to kid yourself at this point?
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The Karasuno Boys Volleyball Club did, in fact, make it to Nationals, but unfortunately lost to Kamomedai High School in the quarter-final round while Hinata spent his time at the hospital.
Hooked up to an IV line and dressed in one of those flimsy hospital gowns, Hinata looked unusually weak laying down on the bed. The others had left not long after you had arrived though some took more convincing than others.
"Next time, you can keep your scarf to yourself," you said, cutting the silence short with a lighthearted remark.
Hinata smiled weakly at that, his hand coming to rest atop your folded ones on your lap. "Don't worry about me. I'll be fine."
You shook your head. "Obviously, you can't take care of yourself." Slipping your hands from under his, you took the hand warmers out of your pockets and placed one in each of his hands. "Luckily, you got me."
His face lit up. "Oh, do I now?"
Warmth spread through your body as you looked away from his hopeful gaze. "Well, you did make it to Nationals."
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