#he's foin as fuck
keefechambers · 6 months
impossible to put in a gifset but shout out to piter de vries's gay little hand gesture when introducing yueh
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sk3tch404 · 2 years
Yandere Shiva General Hcs (Record of Ragnarok)
A/n: Normal schnormal human reader. Shiva is a meanie but is very affectionate. I also have only watched the anime, so I'm only making bout 6-??? Assumptions and making the gods win bc eh plot reasons. Also platonic relationship with his wives ✌ 257 words I CANNOT BELIEVE THIS GOODBYE. Failing as a writer 💀
CW: Half-proof read (Yeah yoikes but this gets real long after rereading it a thousand times over) Kidnapping, forced affection, forced marriage, isolation, neglect, and Shiva being an arse-hole but a lover boy 🤦 (??? Weirdly enough)
I also just learned that the reason why Shivas first wife isn't known is bc Paravati is the reincarnation of Sati (Shivas first wife) after she died. So technically only 3 living wives in total. (Plz correct or educate me on Hinduism if you can!)
The more you know 💁🏻
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Why he truly added you to his column of lovers is a question you may never have answered.
By the naked gods eye, you were nothing special really. Just another dead human in the heavens who is also spectating the final battles.
The afterlife isn't so bad once you've been in it for enough. Valhalla can be peaceful and honestly perfect at times when gods aren't feuding.
Once you heard the gods were holding an important final battle that would determine mankind's fate, it shocked you. Would that also determine human souls in Valhalla? What if the humans were to win? (As blasphemous as that sounded)
The ideal afterlife was supposed to be free of stress, anxiety, pain, emotional distress, and so on, but no. Of course it would never be like that. That's only wishful human thinking.
If there were no potential penalty for badmouthing high status idles, you'd say that the gods were worse than humans when it comes to ego.
Now, Shiva doesn't believe in love at first sight. The stories involving all four his wives have been a adventurous and treaded journey. He does not fall so quickly for such average beings.
But he's seen you before in the arena. Beyond the sea of humans, you stand with only yourself. You chose your seat in a secluded area and paid full attention.
As much as you seemed to isolate yourself from other souls, your eyes burn a similar passion for chaos and a strange fascination for the situation.
It caught him off guard for a second. Strange isn't it? Unlike all of these other ignorant ruffians, you enjoy a good lesson. You're not here just for the fighting and trembling anticipation that comes with the final results. You wanna observe things in educated fashion.
It's cute in a way. A lowly human soul so fixated on the final battle. If you get lucky, (his definition of lucky) he might recognize recognize you later.
Low and behold, he did. Your presence so quiet, yet so mesmerizing. Not interested in anything other than yourself and these sequence of events... How could you not be as entranced by him as he passes by? Yes a sparing surprised glance is earned, but you continue your path. How could he make you turn his way as he does for you?
Shiva will not take you so quickly. He does have a place in the arena, so he can't risk the chance of you not being in his 24/7 supervision for the first week or so. (Plus the soul threatening fight too but yk)
Though he will approach you! Somewhat teasing you in a way. Your fearful face and neck craned upwards while he is hovering over you excites Shiva. A burning dwells in his core, and you make him shiver.
It's only small talk and "hinting" at certain things to come, but it's not too forward.
"Hey, it's you! The lonely human! Yeah I know you. I could feel your eyes from across the arena y'know. For a weak soul, you really like this sort of thing huh?"
During his fight, not only did Rudra and the many people cheering for him motivate him to win, but also did your presence! The crowd is a blurry swarm of colors and movements alike, but he could practically feel your eyes on him.
He knew you couldn't stay away for long. I mean, how could you? Shiva is just perfect for you, and you've basically said you wanted to marry him based on your reaction to his fight.
While he takes his time healing his arms and various wounds, he keeps up with the battle scores and your whereabouts.
He's the god of destruction, and is very resourceful when he needs to be. His free time is filled with researching you on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, and sometimes Saturday when his wives are busy.
By the time the gods win, Shiva has healed up pretty good thanks with the help of medical attention and the abilities of his wives.
He talks about you to his wives pretty often, and they don't mind. As long as it's what Shiva wants, then it's okay with them! Three of them has been okay so far, what's one more? The more to love right?
You're shocked with the results of the final battle. Of course this was the obvious end, but it was nice to have hope for humanity for once. People came together regardless of religion, and now all of living human kind is being erased
It seems the gods didn't care about human souls the had pre-existed in Valhalla, so you were safe for now.
Or so you thought.
You sat in your humble home, taking in the day you just had. The next thing you know, you're being forcefully taken out by a strong force.
Shiva tries to go easy on you, but you're just so damn cute, it kills him! He's super energetic and doting.
"Oh Y/n, you're so adorable. Ack, hey! Fightin now huh? I thought you saw my bout. What are you being stupid for?"
Marries you immediately. Only gives you the most enchanting and personal experience a soul could ask for.
The honeymoon is one like you've never experienced. Shiva has married four times. He knows how these things work. (Take that as you will, I don't write nsfw lmfaooo)
Shiva is painfully aware of how weak humans are compared to the average god, so he tries to not smother you too much. (AKA not smooching you once or twice every minute or so)
He really finds humans interesting, so he pokes and prods about in your personal space all the time. Privacy? Bodily autonomy? What's that?
Let's you roam free in his quarters but only let's you speak to his family and trusted ones. Rudra also finds this interesting. Shiva has fallen for a human soul? Now that's crazy talk!
Shiva would never want you to feel inferior to his wives just because they're powerful gods and you're not. You're his human. There's no one else who deserves you more than him!
But seriously, he loves learning about the ways of humans. The couple of humans who had attempted the final battle were spectacular and fought pretty damn hard, so he often wonders what others do.
"C'mon I know you're not that tired yet. The humans I've met have taken this kind of thing well before... What? Seriously can't keep up? *Sigh* Fine, get over here."
Things like modern technology isn't uncommon in Valhalla, so he'd most definitely want to know about your online life too.
Shiva is more of an active guy, so he isn't on his phone a lot. That doesn't mean he isn't inexperienced though.
He is also big on affectionate touch. Everywhere you go, he's holding some part of you. One arm around your waist and another on the top of your head.
Will MANHANDLE YOU like no tomorrow. Wherever he turns, you turn. Even when you're in the middle of reading something, or working on an arts and crafts project, he does not care. When he needs you, he will have you.
You're in front of something he needs to get to? Legit picks you up and places you aside. One the most embarrassing things to ever happen with him. You especially hate it when it's in front of his wives. They playfully laugh, giggle, and tease you for being so, as they say, cute.
They adore you. You're like another sibling to them. They also dote on you and have you help around a lot as it substitutes as hang outs.
They fight over you. A lot.
Durga is the one who takes you out a lot for physical activities. She is very ambitious and encouraging.
"Yeah, You finally got it Y/n! Whoo, you're badass compared to me."
Butters you up way too much despite the bold faced truth.
Unfortunately is the one who enforces Shiva's rules for you the hardest.
Kali is so charismatic and can be the most fun if you're rebellious. Despite her soft appearance, she is CHAOTIC. Although she stays loyal to Shiva, she doesn't mind breaking a few small rules here and there to have some fun.
She's the one who gets you in the most danger and trouble.
Shiva is VERY strict with you despite all of the freedoms he's allowed you. You're human, fragile mentally and physically. So when you are caught with Kali, he can't help but lecture the both of you.
Kali has been with him for a long time, so she takes the blame for herself. She knows she can persuade him if she tries hard enough.
Partavi is so kind and gentle. You two usually spend time inside and just casually hanging out. Cooking, learning about Hinduism, house keeping, keeping your mental and spiritual state in check, and all sorts of calming things.
Kali and Durga literally ought to tear each other apart when fighting for You attention. Partavi has to keep them in check so Shiva doesn't have to step in himself.
Complying with this new afterlife will grant you a very happy eternity and a severe case of Stockholm Syndrome.
You're surrounded by riches and loving powerful gods who want nothing more than to see you joyful. Who wouldn't want that?
Well, not you... You've lived your life! Yeah it may have been cut off short by quite a bit, but all you want to do is to finally be at peace. That shit was way more than enough. You really did not need any more issues.
Being strangely unaffected by the wipe out of Earth's humanity was just the height of it, but being kidnapped by one of the succeeding gods of the final battle was plain horrifying.
Refusing Shiva's wives affections isn't too bad in itself, but moving away from him is unacceptable.
Keeping to yourself in their shared room, not speaking to any one of them, refusing to accept their gifts and invitations, not looking after your health, pushing Shiva away when he tries to get close, and worst of all, saying you wish to not be with him.
Shiva is an emotionally driven guy, so you disobeying only displeased him further. Punishment is in order no?
Shiva won't beat you into submission, but he will intimidate and deprive you. Since you want to be so ungrateful, then maybe you should be on your own for a while huh?
You're literally thrown into a cold room with no windows and are left there for who knows how long. No one to check on you. Nothing to hinder your obvious chosen solitude. No food. No water. No one to pity you. Just the thought of sun rising and setting outside of your silent enclosure.
You hate it. You thought being alone was in every way better than being with them, but you realize that you don't like being lonely.
You despise the churning acidic bubbling in your stomach. The way your chapped lips stick together. No matter the silks and fabrics in the room, you never feel quite warm enough yet.
By the time they finally open the door, letting light pour into your room once more, you're running into whoever's arms is there.
You want- no, you need to feel something. To know that you're free of that confinement. To be free of your one and only being. Shiva's familiar warm blood pulsing through his body confirmed it.
Shiva of course, is pleased by this development. Humans will fight like hell, but will succumb one way or another.
"You miss me that much Y/n? Finally learned your lesson? Hehaha, I knew you could do it."
But if you had tried to escape? Oh hoho you are in for one big ride.
Shiva is infuriated. His rage is unlike any other. When he is hit with a hard pang of anger, all sense disappear and the only thing he can think about is how terrible the heat of emotions feel.
He is only ever at your side, so you being able to slip away can be so very rare. You won't be roaming outside his territory for very long as it would only last a couple of moments.
Was the sunlight hitting your form willing for once worth it? Was the rushing adrenaline of possibly achieving personal autonomy again worth it? The gleeful smile and feeling of heavy panting as you ran out gave you a sick, twisted feeling pleasure.
As Shiva topples you to the ground, his weight and arms hit you like a truck. If you were still alive, you'd say your soul was knocked out of you.
Too infuriated to even speak of his disappointments, he dislocates your shoulder. Your scream of agony echos throughout the secluded area, but it doesn't reach anyone.
You're taken back in for a full nights punishment. What made you think you'd be able to outrun Shiva? A final battle champion. The god of destruction. One who destroys, creates and rebuilds the world anew again.
The most damage you'll receive is some fractured bones, but nothing too bad. None of your skeletal structure is sticking out, but you can sure as hell feel the shattering.
You are of course treated. Shiva feels little sympathy for your injuries, but he does pity that sad pout you adorn in your medical clothing.
"Sorry Y/n. I was only trying to protect you, but it seemed like you couldn't understand that. I still love you so very much, so please forgive me."
This guy is the ultimate love bomber smh
Paravati, Kali and Durga don't like when you get so harshly punished like that, but they know it's what must be done.
If you ever actually get out for longer than expected, (which is mighty fucking impressive) those three will be on the hunt for you with no stop until you are found again.
And even if you had somehow gotten away, where would you go in Valhalla? God, you can't go to Zeus for help. He would laugh in your face and hand you off to Shiva like every other "lost belonging". Any other god would do the same.
Maybe Buddha could help? Then again, just because he fought for humanity doesn't mean he's your friend. Especially because it would be him against another god.
You can't return to your old home. It's where they had taken you from in the first place.
Other godly territory can be scary. Many myths and legends you might not know of, lowly salty gods may attack you, the social separation between humans and gods, and not to mention the people who inhabit the land there themselves.
Shiva would probably put a missing souls report out there for bounty if he had gotten desperate anyway.
So perhaps it's best to just, leave things as they are. Just to avoid trouble you know? Yeah, trouble.
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daisyvisions · 2 years
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No one touch me right now IM NOT OKAY FUCK 😵‍💫😩 I’m this 🤏 to drafting a racer sangyeon fic
(Hard thoughts for sangyeon are open 🤪)
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coldbycrossfade · 1 year
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guess who's back in the house heels click-clackin' about fine fresh feminine style to 11 i'm divine so heavenly gentlemen sweatin' it's dimes across the board with no doubt body like wow! pussy bouta end this drought—
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soencersocks · 1 year
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Jackass Porchman :p I really like him and i wanna post my bad art somewhere. anyways im replaying this and :3
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omgeto · 1 year
Choso hair is criminal tbh like bro what are you doing 😭
choso himself is criminal like all of IMPOSTER GETO'S merry men of LAMES ARE CRIMINAL which is why ill never get over them all beating TODO ON THAT STUPID POLL.
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kulemii · 2 years
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the thing is... i want him so bad 🥰
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frootyrooties · 2 years
ASJDJASJDJADJFJAJDJF i just found this today and im literally going feral 😭😭😭 HIS LITTLE DANCE OH MY FUCKING GOD 😍🥰 dance for me baby, dance for me 🕺🏻🥰💙
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moonchild701 · 1 month
So I'm lowkey tweaking.
Now, as a preface, I love Aizawa. That man is foine.
So anyways, I'm clearing out some old pics from my phone because I haven't done this in far too long and I find some old pics........of my ex.
(When I say old pics, I mean that shit. We broke up in like, 2019. I still see him occasionally, whenever I go to our local anime convention but yeah. We'll come back to this one in a bit.)
I've always known he's hot, and I've always known that Aizawa is hot bUT I DID NOT PUT TWO AND TWO TOGETHER OF WHY I WAS IMMEDIATELY ATTRACTED TO AIZAWA
The long, dark wavy hair, stubble in the same places, dark, sleepy eyes, eyebags, not seeming muscular under his baggy clothes, but is actually pretty defined........even their personalities and slightly sadistic tendencies.......I'm Going To Scream.
And my immediate thought was, wow, oh fuck, I really fumbled an irl Aizawa lookalike huh, but then my brain caught up like. Bitch?? He's an asshole who cheated on you??? Get a grip???? And I calmed down but still.
To realize that they look and act so much alike is DEVASTATING ‼
Now, onto The Worst Part. Remember when I said I still see him occasionally at the anime convention??
My only solace is that they don't sound alike. 😃
Like yeah, his voice was pretty deep but not Aizawa deep.
So yeah, I needed to rant. 🙂
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dayas · 3 months
No you get ittttt. Like yeah sure I like Patrick too he’s got a certain grungy stinky brattish allure but the second I saw Art on screen I was like yeah. That’s it. I am simply not immune to pathetic, yearning, slightly manipulative men with tired soft eyes. Like that’s my brand I will ride for him for forever. But thank god we don’t have to pick a side and all three of them are gonna be stuck together in the worlds most sexually charged relationship forever 🤞🥳
Listen! Patrick is FOINE and if you are into confident assholes very VERY good at being that!
However 🤭
I love that Art is more subtle, absolutely pathetic, and was screaming, crying, throwing up and begging on his knees for the chance with Tashi (that “please?” lives rent free in my head 😵‍💫😵‍💫😵‍💫). The malewife energy was catastrophically strong and I am not immune! Doesn’t hurt that he’s rich and hot as fuck either 😭 also the manipulation ate idc 😭 he cared THAT much! Effort is what I like to see and he delivered! I’m with you on that one we are locked in for life now 🙂‍↕️
But exactly, fortunately Challengers understood an Actual Love Triangle Turned Throuple Concept and delivered it beautifully! And we still get Tashi at the center as she deserves to be 🤭🥰 a win for all involved!
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in-hav3n · 1 year
Ok so hear me out. Would you please write me this fantasy:
This one is kinda more fluffy but I have that stupid PHOBIA of insects and spiders and moths. I need him to either get rid of the bug for me or kill it for me or something. Makes me feel so single imagining a cute little domestic scenario like that, and him laughing at you screaming and the way you stand so far back from the quarantined area watch from behind a door and he smiles at you acting like a little girl (not in a weird way btw, like he imagines briefly what you were like as a child in a cute way) and how you initially scream BLOODY MURDER, probably knocking shit down and then plundering down the stairs aggressively shaking down your clothes saying “IT FEELS LIKE ITS ON ME” and he is in the garage or something and hears the commotion and comes in looking ALL KINDS OF FUCKING FOINE. Then he just effortlessly gets rid of it, but pretends to throw it on you maybe or if not that he pretends to be afraid of it like you before just getting rid of it. The era I’m picturing… um, like 2003. Gimme some beef😏
THANK YOU FOR EVEN CONSIDERING THIS AND YED. If you create this, good things will happen to you, thags just how it works tbh.
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WARNINGS : horrible spider lol
It was a rainy Sunday in San Fransisco. Winter was slowly coming, bringing a smooth and fresh atmosphere to the city. After sharing delicious breakfast with your boyfriend, you both decided to go back to your own businesses of the day. James went to his garage to do some handy work on this new old car he recently bought while you decided to spend more time in the kitchen, enjoying this morning peacefulness.
You grabbed a coffee mug and sat down at the table to read some local newspaper brought by the postman yesterday. You weren't really in a hurry this morning and it felt good. You just wanted to enjoy this tranquility you couldn't have during the week. But someone else asked for your attention first. A slight bark and a head bump reminded you that it was time to feed your dog Disco.
"Oh I'm sorry buddy, you were outside and we forgot you", you said to him, quickly getting up to put some food into his plate. "What horrible owners are we, uh?", you scratched his ears and he completely forgot your mistake as soon as he started to devour his meal.
You gave him one last little smile before going back to your reading. You took a sip of your hot beverage and let out a sigh of satisfaction. Being at home was the best feeling in the world. James would be there for at least a month and you already planned many things to do. Including best cuddling sessions after weeks of separation. What you did last night actually and the thought of it is enough to make you smile.
Twenty minutes later, you were still reading, humming a song you had in mine for a while as you were turning the pages. You could also heard James' electric devices from the garage but you didn't mind. You liked when he was busy and when he was at home. You always missed his presence so much.
But suddenly, your smile faded, as soon as you felt something on your bare leg. You froze for a short time, wondering what it was. Probably Disco moving around but...then you realized he was sleeping peacefully near the dishwasher, belly full.
You froze more. If it wasn't Disco, then what could it be? You didn't dare to check and let your mind giving you a picture of the thing that probably was on you. Maybe just a envy to scratch your skin, after all you shaved two days ago...but then, your mind brought you less funny pictures. What if it was a bee? A fly ? A moth ? Or something worse like...a spider ?
You gulped and didn't move. You wanted to see if this feeling was your imagination or if something was really on you so you leaned a bit on your chair but you couldn't see what was under the table. You was kinda reassured when you didn't feel anything for a while when brusquely it moved again. And now you started to panic...
Your breath just increased and you looked around, searching for a solution. You closed your eyes when you felt this "thing" literally walking on your skin...You couldn't take this anymore. With a gasp of fear, you quickly pushed this horrible thing from you, shaking your leg the best you could as you back your chair away in a full speed.
"Oh my god, oh my god!", you mumbled as moving around, searching for a safe place somewhere, far from the monster and landed standing on the couch. Disco looked at you with curious eyes and tilted his head on his side, asking you what was going on. You panted hard, waiting for a sign of the beast. Until it finally showed up, walking peacefully before stopping near your chair.
When your eyes landed on it, you felt another rush of fear. It was a big black spider, with horrible long legs. It could have had the size of a tarantula cause it was absolutely big. No way you were going to kill it by yourself.
"JAMES!", you shouted as loud as you can, when you heard a silence coming from the garage. He wouldn't have heard you with his machines. You heard some other noises and screamed for his name again, adding a little "QUICK ! HELP ME". With that you were sure he'd come in a hurry. And two minutes later indeed, heavy footsteps were heard and then the door was opened.
He looked around, thinking he'd find you in the kitchen but then noticed the chair on the floor and your presence in the living room. "What are you doing there ? Is there a problem, I heard you screaming", he explained with a frown, wondering what you were doing on the couch.
"Oh James please help me!", you begged, almost shaking of fear. "You have to kill it, please!".
"What should I kill ?", he asked again, still curious about the situation.
"This horrible monster near the kitchen table! Please, please do something, it's a big tarantula, an horrible giant tarantula", you explained as pointing out the place where it was. James frowned and walked in the direction, searching for the "monster" you were talking about. He stopped near the beast and suddenly cracked a laughter.
"This monster?", he knelt down to observe it closer.
"James, are you mad ?! Go away from that thing and smash it please!", you begged when you saw him. Was he crazy? Intrigued too, Disco woke up to check what James was doing. "Ha! Wait, Disco is too close baby, please push him away and do something!".
"Sweetheart, calm down...it's only a little spider...", he said softly as he got up, searching for something to smash it while Disco was sniffing it.
"Little spider? Are you kidding me? This monster was on my leg, I can tell you this isn't little AT ALL!", you replied, scratching your legs like if you could still feel it on you. James giggled more and finally found something to smash it with. He kneeled again and you looked at him, hoping this horrible beast would be out of this world very soon.
When James tried to smash it the first time with one of his shoe, he missed it. And you saw the spider walking faster in your direction. Without thinking twice, you screamed loud and high as you can as you jumped faster over the couch to run till the stairs where you finally stayed, feeling safer.
"James please, you can kill a beast with a fucking gun from afar, don't tell me you can't kill this fucking spider !", you begged again, scanning every movement of it to see if it wouldn't come in your direction.
'Hey I do my best!", he replied as he walked to the spider, Disco following him as well. He focused on his target and let his shoe falling down on to, finally smashing it down. "Got it!".
You sighed of relief when you see the horrible beast wasn't on your floor but stuck on the back of his shoe. What a luck James was at home, you wouldn't have been able to do that on your own. You'd have probably stayed outside till he'd have come back home...
"Nothing to worry about baby. It was just a little spider. You know this couldn't have killed you, right ?".
"Oh no, she could have! Believe me! I know this horrible...AAAH!", you screamed louder, jumping from the stairs when James came closer to tease you. He ran after you with his shoe exposed.
"Are you sure?", he said, giggling like a goofy.
"James! C'mon stop this!", you begged, almost like a little girl but it was stronger than you. Insects, and spiders actually, were your biggest fear. "I really ask you to stop, please!"
"Oh c'mon", he chuckled and put the shoe away, near the main door. He'd get rid of the spider later. Instead he came closer to wrap his big arms around you.
"I warn you, if you have this damn fucking spider with you, I'll kill you", you warned him, already preparing yourself to run away again. But James wrapped his arms around you, reassuring you.
"Don't worry baby", he gently said, amused by your attitude. "I have nothing with me, I just want to protect you against a tiny spider". You snuggled into his beefy arms and hid your face against his comforting chest.
"That's not funny at all, you know how much I fear those monsters", you mumbled, asking for some comfort he gave you soon. He rubbed your back, whispering some "hush" near your ear.
"I know baby and you're so cute when you're afraid like this", he smiled and kept doing his gestures to comfort you. You blushed a little but he couldn't see. At least, he thought your childish's reaction was cute. "And you know I'd protect you from any threat...big and little threats", he said.
"This is my man!", you answered, feeling safe in his arms...
A/N : Thank you sweet anon for your ask! I'm sorry for the delay, I needed some time to feel the inspiration coming back :( Hope you'll enjoy it, I had fun writing this!
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demitrius-kahnum · 1 month
Welcome To The Mindspace: 
All different types of fanfictions are welcome here!
Hello random users of Tumblr that don't really, if at all, know me! My name is Demitrius Kahnum and I'm FINALLY writing fics! These are prompts that I have that have been just ideas/thoughts in my head but have never been brought to writing fruition.
 Now please be gentle with me because even though I LOVE reading and writing I've never truly written things either for people to read in the sense of fics or books, but i do have a way with words and a bad habbit of writing too much due to just ‘cuz reasons. So! Please enjoy, have fun, and if you have requests please leave them down in the comments and I will get to them when I can- DO NOT SPAM ME OR MAKE DEMANDS. 
I won't answer to spam, demands, or annoyances that I haven't updated or done something specific that you want. 
Previous prompts:
 Warcraft One-shots and fuller length fanfiction (Durotan x reader x Draka, Draka x Durotan, Draka x reader, Durotan x reader, Durotan x Khagdar x Draka, various Warcraft bashing, etc)
other orc fanfiction (smut, oc x oc)
Avatar Recoms fics/one-shots (all of them tbh except for that one random one I don't like)
New Prompts:
Remy LeBeau/Gambit (Channing Tatum he did SO DAMN GOOD LEMME TELL YOU!) x Reader (and possibly the 97ver b/c let's be honest that man is FOINE!)
The Rookie x Detroit Become Human (Nolan x Markus) (extremely random I know, but idc)
Maybe some Bridgerton one-shots too?
Oh! And also some one-shots for the k-drama Eve: Because FUCK that ending and screw the creators nor giving me what I want! So I'll do it myself! La-El and Yoon-kyum desrve to be together DAMMIT!
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gingerylangylang1979 · 9 months
You know what hits different about JAW in his undies?
He’s actually a brilliant actor. He’s not some corny twink who stars in cheesy movies that Hollywood is trying to convince you is a rare talent. The man is a master in his craft and has years of experience.
Anyways, just saying that he could still look this good but if I thought he was mediocre it wouldn’t hit the same. I think we are looking at a future Oscar winner… who is fucking foine.
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cevansbrat0007 · 2 years
*clears throat and offers double chocolate chip cookies to GP Reader* Hello Mrs. Barber, I hope I am not being too forward in asking you these questions like I asked your dear husband last week. What are your favorite parts of your smokeshow husband's body and personality? And do you have any dating & relationship advice for this very introverted but very romance obsessed woman? Thank you so much for your time, you are like the cool aunties I've missed hanging out with.
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Summary: It's Baby Girl's turn (also known as Mrs. Barber) to answer a few burning questions about her relationship with her husband, the infamous Andrew Barber. Written from Reader's POV.
Warnings: Mature Themes, Girl!Dad Andy Barber, Discussions of Fatherhood, Mentions of Oral Sex (Man Rec), Fingering (mentioned), Lloyd Evans-Drysdale, Punishments (mentioned), Spanking (mentioned), Fluff, Cursing, Minors DNI.
A/N: This installment of the A Growing Pains Interview Series also contains a brief reference to my fic, Handsy, where I first introduce Mr. Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. For more insight into Andrew Barber and his Baby Girl, please check out my ongoing Growing Pains Series. All mistakes are my own. Likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated. ___
Hello! Finally, a question for me! I’m super excited, let me tell you. I believe we already know the ground rules with this…and I’ve sent Mr. Barber out of the room so we can all chat freely. I’ll show him this later. Maybe it’ll even earn me a reward. This girl right here has been on her best behavior this past week, which means no punishments!
You even have my promise to keep the hot streak going. Scouts honor, folks.
Let me start by saying that I love my sweet Andy Bear, and I am so unbelievably proud to call him my husband. He is by far the most amazing and brilliant man I’ve ever met. He’s also quite the menace, and I say that with all of the love. Whether we’re talking about his body or his mind, Andrew Barber is a fucking force, you guys. 
But at the end of the day, my man is foine as hell. Andrew is a luscious piece of ass wrapped in one big, well-proportioned package. And speaking of asses, have you seen his? You could bounce a quarter off that butt.
Quick fun fact: I tried it. It worked. So then I kept doing it. I even made a game of it which actually took up the entire day.
Although, the kids kept asking why Mama was “throwing money” at Daddy. So, I just made up some story about Daddy being forgetful and leaving his coins around the house, which meant that I had to try to put it back in his pocket for him.
But I had to be careful, because I didn’t want him to feel bad about being so darn forgetful. Worked like a dream. I mean, our beautiful Barber Babies bought that tale hook, line, and sinker. Even BiBi! She seemed suspicious, but then I caught her offering Andy one of her little wallets just in case he needed it. 
He was so touched by her gesture that he did eventually accept it. And then went out and bought her another one, complete with a matching piggy bank. Well, it was more of a llama bank – which also happens to be her favorite animal. Where he found it, I have no idea.  
Can I just deviate from the physical for a second to talk about what a wonderful father this man is? It’s not always about the big, grand gestures with us. In reality, it’s about the small, more intimate moments. Yes, our house is chaotic at times. We have four children under nine-years-old, so chaos kind of comes with the territory. 
And he handles it spectacularly – even when he fucks up. Now that might sound a bit harsh, but if I’ve learned anything from this whole parenting gig, it’s that you will fuck up sometimes. And we both do it, but he’s a wonderful partner who strives to be the best Dad he can possibly be. 
I love watching him with our children. He’s so protective and encouraging. He reads to them every night, takes them on “camping trips” in the backyard, and coaches pretty much every sport they’re involved in. I don’t quite get the whole camping business – I don’t do nature, or bugs – but apparently the kids do.
And they love that stuff. We don’t stay out all night, but we set up tents and tell stories and enjoy campfire snacks. Everyone stays up well past bedtime and my sweet little A.J., who takes after his father in so many ways, keeps me safe from “dah buggies” by sitting in my lap. See, Andy told him that bugs scared me, so it was up to them to keep me safe. Which is exactly what he does. 
Lord, help me when he grows up. I don’t know if I have it in me to live with two Andrew Barbers. But I guess I’ll just have to keep them, won’t I?
Oh! And in case you didn’t already know, Andy is also amazing company at tea parties. Katrina and Rory threw one the other day. They had me deliver a special, handmade invitation and everything. He picked out a suit, brought cookies from the local bakery, and even sat in a chair that was much too small for his bulky frame to be comfortable. 
But he did it all for his girls without so much as a fuss. 
I snuck a peek and nearly melted on the spot. And when we finally got a moment to ourselves, you can be damn sure that I got down on my knees with the quickness and sucked the soul out of my Big Man’s body. 
He didn’t fully understand why until I explained it to him later, but he also wasn’t complaining either. That man is the most delicious mouthful you could ever imagine. Mr. Barber is, eh, very well endowed. But I’ve also had ages to refine my technique. 
And he is always more than willing to let me practice. It’s actually very kind of him. That man has the patience of a saint – unless I’m deepthroating him. But otherwise his stamina is pretty top notch.
That aside, Andrew Barber is so completely and utterly devoted to me and this amazing little family we’ve built together that sometimes I get overwhelmed just thinking about it. I’ve never been loved so thoroughly or so deeply before. 
If I’m being honest, and I am, it actually used to scare me. And sometimes it still does if I let it. But I also accept my handsome ogre for who he is – the same way he accepts me for who and what I am.
Meaning that I’m a fucking brat, which I am through and through. It’s not my fault. My husband brings it out of me even when I least expect it. It might have something to do with that cocky grin of his, or that arrogant swagger he walks around with from time to time.
It makes me want to wreak havoc in new and inventive ways on a weekly, if not daily, basis. Andy knows this, of course. He claims he knew I was a brat from our very first date. I still have no idea what he means by that, so whatever. I just let him think what he wants. 
But we have fun together. And the things we do, the games we play…
It keeps things spicy. I guess you could say that it’s really Andy’s mind that turns me on. Couple that with his dominant and possessive nature and hot damn! Sometimes it can be a bit much to manage, but this girl doesn’t mind being slung over an impressive man’s broad shoulder every now and again.
I enjoy being manhandled. If it’s with the right man, that is. And Andrew Barber is definitely more than enough man for me. 
Anyway, I think that’s all I’ve got for now. As for your question about advice…hm. I would encourage you to just be yourself. 
But also, and I know this is much easier said than done, try to make yourself step outside your comfort zone. I’m saying go crazy or anything, but it might be worth taking a small risk here and there. Occasionally it’s okay to make the first move – even if you find that idea terrifying. 
With Andrew…I made the first move. Of course he tells it differently, and yes he may have seen me first, but I made the first move. Which was something that I had never done before. And I was so unbelievably nervous. At the time I found it so strange to be drawn to a person like that, especially with someone who possesses such an intimidating aura. 
But being just a little brave is ultimately what led me to the love of my life. Don’t get me wrong. My palms were sweaty and my legs felt kind of like jello, but I just felt like I had to try. 
And to this day, I’m so glad that I did. Because it means that I get to live my own love story. And while it’s not all a bed of roses, because we do have our problems, I do firmly believe that I’ve found my other half. And it’s because we continue to take a chance on one another and the bond that we’ve built every single day. 
Whatever you believe in, things happen for a reason. And when you find your person, you’ll know. They will accept you for who you are and will work hard to love you the way you need to be loved.
Just take a deep breath and have a little faith. Take a chance. Take a risk. But don’t settle for anybody, man or woman, who refuses to see your worth, girlfriend. You’re much too special for that. 
Signing off with love – Mrs. Barber 
P.S. I’ll be your cool Aunty all day long, boo! I’m always here if you need something or if you have more questions. Andy Bear and I screen these things together, but nothing is really off limits with us. And I will always happily take advantage of any opportunity to gush about the love of my life. Even if he is a menace. 
P.S.S. I also forgot to mention that I love Andy’s hands. You know in romance novels where they write about the hero having perfect hands with long, nimble fingers sporting just the right amount of callousness? That’s him. And not only that, but my Big Man’s fingers are absolute magic. Or instruments of torture. Depends on the day, really. 
By the way, my husband has the most delightfully one-sided rivalry with my favorite Hollywood actor, Lloyd Evans-Drysdale. It’s so funny! But the other day, I pulled up this interview where Lloyd cracked this eyebrow-raising joke about “all of his fingering being accurate” and watched it in bed right next to Andy. And then I may or may not have made some comment about how some men ought to be more like him [Lloyd Evans-Drysdale] and maybe take some notes. 
My husband didn’t like that. I got in sooo much trouble for it too. I mean, if you consider being held down, spanked, and then fucked within an inch of my life trouble. 
Completely worth it.
And in case you’re wondering, the answer is yes. All of Andy’s fingering is incredibly accurate in its own right. Even more so than Lloyd’s. And this girl has had more than enough orgasms to back him up. 
Also, Andy would probably also like me to mention that he is, in fact, taller than my movie star crush. And that he’s never had to wear a lace-front wig because his hairline isn’t receding. My sweet man can be a bit of a mental patient, but I do love him...
So, I guess I'll just have to put up with it. For now. Thank goodness he's cute.
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letmebes-blog · 1 year
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summary: you and Ellie are enemies , for some unknown reason. You both were complete opposites. your not popular but known,and quiet but known as one of the most prettiest girls in school,while Ellie is the most popular girl in school and also the player who got into every girls pants. You and ellie were invited to a party which you didn’t know she was going to attend.You were also wearing a revealing dress ( not for her tho) when she saw you dancing on some creep, you were in for a wild ride that night.
Ellie Williams x Black fem reader (sorry not sorry )
warnings: Ellie is dom in this one. vaginal fingering,pussy eating,cum eating,ellie is soft but also kinda rough. college au.
A/n: uhhh let’s not ask why it’s black fem reader🤗 hope u enjoy‼️‼️
you never knew why Ellie fucking Williams didn’t like you. Was it the way you were so silent, was it the way you laughed,smiled ? you didn’t know but the hurtful words she would say would to you would hurt you sometimes and that’s what made u hate her. You were taken away from your thoughts when you heard a knock on your dorm door (and did i mention ellie is your roommate),you were just wearing a bra and short shorts. You thought it was dina but instead it was your annoying roommate who brought one of her hookups to your guy’s shared dorm. You sighed knowing you would have to go to dina’s dorm “i’ll get out since i know what you guys are gonna do” you said packing your things. You put on some sweatpants and an old band t-shirt. grabbing snacks on the way out.
The break from ellie was much needed though you would make interactions with her in the hallways. you said your goodbyes to dina and went back to your shared dorm,sighing before going in. You see ellie laying on her bed peacefully. A side you’ve never seen of her. “ Are you gonna stop staring ?” “fuck off.” was all you said. Then dina texted you.
dina: you wanna go to that party jesse talked about ?
you: yea i’m down
dina: ok perfect! meet me at my dorm at 7:00 !!
Ellie then asked you “Who are you texting?” “none of your business” “i’ve never heard of them who are they ?” she said smirking, that little bitch you thought. You rolled your eyes so hard you thought you could see your brain. “shut up”
It was the day of the party and you and dina had got dressed and then got your guy’s way to the party. you were wearing a very revealing dress which was not really your type but dina urged for you to wear it. You had your natural hair out. and you looked FOINE.
You had just got there and went straight to the drinks. You asked for some tequila because you wanted to get DRUNK tonight. you had already downed 5 shots and you were ready to get onto the dance floor.
You favorite song started to play and you start swaying your hips to the beat. Not noticing that ellie was watching your every move while twirling her glass in her hand. Watching the way your hand moved up and down your body. You were to drunk to notice the man that got behind you while you were dancing and now your were dancing on his crotch. He then got in front of you and kneeled putting his face in between your thighs and faked eating you out while you put your hand on his head,Throwing you head back. And ellie did not like the sight of it. Although you were enjoying this you felt a hand grab your wrist and bring you up to a room. “Hey!What are you doing i was enjoying that ?!” “I’m trying to keep you from messing with that guy” you knew that voice far to well. “ Ellie ?! what do you mean?!” You shout. “He’s no good”Though ellie knew nothing about this boy,ellie tried her best to make a lie up so she could be alone with you. “ i don’t believe you!” you said frowning but that frown soon turned upside down. “Wait are you jealous williams?” you said teasing her. “What?! no i-i just-“you just what williams?” you said looking at her with doe eyes. her emerald eyes look into yours and then your lips are smashing against each other. She bit your lip which made you moan giving her access to the inside of your mouth,and god, did you taste good. “god y/n i didnt know you sound so pretty” you flush at her comment. “ can i take this off baby” you nodded “ I need words baby” “Yes ellie” you breathed out.and with that the upper part of your body was unclothed. “my god,you have such nice tits baby” she said flicking your nipple with her tounge. you let out a soft a moan with a arch to the back. “ more” you said. letting your tit off with a pop “where are your manners baby?” Ellie said while giving your tits a slap. “m’sorry i just want more” “okay baby i’ll give you what you want.”She pulled your dress all the way down and it was now somewhere on the dirty floor. she toyed with your clit and said “what do you want baby” “ fuck you “ you said turning your head. “well i guess you’re not getting anything “ she responded. “ok fuck i’m sorry, i just want your fingers” you said. “good girl.”FINALLY putting her two fingers in with ease. you let out a soft moan at the stimulation. her pace quickened as well as your moans. “you are insufferable .” you say “i could say the same princess”She put her mouth on your little pebble and with a harsh suck you were almost on the edge.she noticed your pants we’re quickening “you gonna cum baby ?”you nodded“yes! im gonna cum ellie!” “cum on my fingers baby” and with those words your back arched and you came. Ellie sucked her fingers moaning at your taste.Letting you breath Ellie said “ you okay ?” “mhm”
after 5 minute Ellie asked “ready for round 2 ?”
“Hell yeah” you replied.
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