#he's going to break down and destroy him and all the other players
mishapen-dear · 10 months
bbh "on vacation" still devoted to taking care of the egg quests and saving chayanne... i was talking earlier about bbh's vacation not being a break and more being an indicator of him going "im not reliable rn" but. god. he still is. he'll always be there for the eggs.
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galedekarios · 1 month
minsc & gale
recently i've been doing a playthrough taking minsc along during the limited amount of time we do get to connect with his character in the game and i have to say he's growing on me in a way he didn't in previous titles.
i wanted to take the opportunity here to write a short post about his relationship with gale because that, too, is something i found myself enjoying despite the (too) few interactions that we have between them.
minsc's initial thoughts about gale
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Player: How are you and Gale getting along? Minsc: I do not wish to speak of the wizard. Minsc: I could not have said it better myself. - Player Option 1: Gale's great - what's your problem with him? Minsc: He came to me one night with a little book of mischief - full of words and their meanings. Minsc: 'Posterior', he says. 'Can you say 'posterior'?' I refused! Minsc does not need to know the language of wizards. Player: 'Posterior' isn't wizard-talk - it's another word for 'butt'. Minsc: It is an inferior word. Far too long to use in a battle cry, which is where a 'butt' belongs. Minsc: Gale would do better to educate himself in the ways of sword and steel than to throw these pointy words at Minsc. Minsc: Ai, yes. Gale also owns a cat. A cat with wings! That is most unnerving for poor Boo. Player: You should give him a break - he's only trying to help. Minsc: Never! If he is not careful, Boo will shred his books and use them as bedding! - Player Option 2: Did you know that he has an explosive magical orb in his chest that could destroy a city? Minsc: WHAT? Minsc: That is a thousand times more interesting than anything that has ever been written in a book. Minsc: GALE! MY GOOD FRIEND! WHERE ARE YOU? MINSC AND BOO WOULD LIKE TO HEAR ABOUT THE EXPLODING.
they may not start off on the right foot, but with gale's genuine interest in other people's cultures as well as his perception and easy-going nature that changes:
sorcerous sundries
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Minsc: Minsc has never trusted places such as this. Too much of a wizard's power can be simply packaged and picked up. devnote: Grumbling as we make our way through the shelves of Sorcerous Sundries Minsc: Well, picked up by all but Minsc. When he touches the many delicate little jars, oh how the wizards shout and stare! devnote: Revealing that his objection of Sorcerous Sundries is not in fact a deep philosophical belief that wizards have too much power - they just make him feel stupid and awkward when he pokes at their things Gale: Fear not, Minsc. You have a wizard at your side who positively encourages such curiosity. You'll fit right in. devnote: Reassuring Minsc: Obliged, wizard. Should we find our way to a weaponsmith, Minsc will rough you up a little - so that you too can fit in. devnote: Warm, comradely, would genuinely be doing Gale a favour
i feel like it truly speaks to gale's character that he doesn't dismiss minsc here - neither his feelings of inadequacy nor his innate curiosity about the things he perceives as wizardly.
it would've been very easy for gale - the wizard prodigy, the former chosen, to archwizard - to act the part of the haughty scholar, akin to the arrogant wizards that minsc describes in this banter, looking down on him, shouting at him, but gale doesn't.
gale reassures minsc, encourages him, telling him he'll fit right in. it reminds me of the way he treats karlach and fostering her interest in books and reading. another pair of seemingly polar opposites that still find a connection. i do think gale is quite natural at this, despite his long time spent in isolation.
and minsc does appreciate it - his tone changes to one of warmth, one of camaraderie - and i think this is also when minsc's perception of gale changes: from the annoying wizard to someone he sees as a companion and friend.
rashemi traditions
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Minsc: Gale. Minsc worries you might send a fireball up his butt, with all of this stringy hair in your face. Gale: Is that why you keep your head shaved? I assumed it was a custom of some sort. devnote: Curious, referring to Minsc's origins Minsc: Oh, no! Most warriors of Rashemen wear long battle-braids, weighed down with stone. Minsc can show you, when next we camp? Gale: Thank you, but I'm more wizard than warrior. I'm not sure my scalp would stand up to such a plaiting. devnote: Very politely declining
i like this banter for several reasons: i think not only does it show the progression of their relationship with minsc offering to show gale the traditions of his homeland, gale also shows the same curiosity he shows many different cultures and ways of life, same as he does with lae'zel for instance and githyanki culture.
when he declines minsc's offer, he does so politely, without insulting minsc's traditions, putting the onus on himself instead. he's the wizard, not the warrior.
house of hope
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Minsc: Gale! You will perhaps able to explain where Boo has not - what exactly is the difference between a devil and a demon? Gale: A fascinating question, one that boils down to which criteria we choose to apply. Are we speaking about the physiological? Theological? Etymological? devnote: In teacher-mode - up for an in-depth, intellectual discussion Minsc: Eh. Just how-to-kill... -ical. devnote: Non-plussed, echoing Gale's ending every word with 'ical' Gale: Oh. Then for your purposes, they are exactly the same. devnote: Disappointed
this banter genuinely made me laugh. again, i like how it shows the progression of their friendship, to the point of where minsc goes from finding gale annoying to imitating his speech. and gale doesn't put it beyond minsc to have an 'in-depth, intellectual' discussion... even if he is disappointed by the end of their banter, realising that minsc's priorities are... elsewhere.
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depending on your party composition and who you take with you, minsc can also call gale his wychlaran.
The Wychlaran, meaning "wise old women" in the ancient language of Halardrim, also known as the Witches of Rashemen outside their lands, were the spiritual leaders of Rashemen, communing with the spirits and guiding the souls of the Rashemi people.
minsc does use it, too, to describe a special bond and a sense of duty and protectiveness to the people he ascribes this title to. he did so in bg1 with dynaheir and in bg2 with aerie.
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Minsc: It must be difficult for Gale to imagine great Elminster a-courting. Writing poems. Doing... certain... deeds. Gale: Long before my time, thank goodness. That's not an image I care to dwell on. Minsc: Ugh. It is difficult for Minsc to think of, too. Let us speak no more of it. Minsc: ... Minsc: Of Elminster and the sex, I mean.
another banter that did genuinely make me laugh despite the seriousness of the situation, especially given the bond that elminster and gale share as well, which speaks of paternal feelings on elminster's part that come with a certain sense of responsibility, as well as gale's admiration, but also often exasperation with his former mentor.
on a more serious note, minsc offers great insights in his interactions with gale and gale's story:
mystra and the vremyonni
The vremyonni or Old Ones were an arcane brotherhood in Rashemen. Men that were arcane spellcasters in Rashemen had two choices, exile or to join the vremyonni. Many vremyonni were kept alive for eons by longevity magic. Vremyonni were expert weaponsmiths and magic item creators. On very rare occasions, vremyonni would fight in the defense of Rashemen. Vremyonni used secrets of magic that even the Witches of Rashemen did not use, destructive spells forbidden among the wilds of Rashemen, in case such magic was needed. The Running Rocks harbored secret strongholds of the vremyonni. All vremyonni wore masks.
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Minsc: Gale reminds me of the vremyonni of my homeland. The man-mages of Rashemen. Minsc: While the girl-folk go on to rule as wychlaran, Weave-touched boys were hidden away. Trained to work their craft in silence and secrecy. Minsc: It is an old custom, not well-observed. In truth I thought it born of caution, after some catastrophe wrought by wizardly men-folk of old. Minsc: Now I wonder if it was not done to hide them from Mystra, and the snares she sets for young and prideful boys, hm? Minsc: Though this suggests that Mystra has never tempted a witch into foolishness. Not that I would blaspheme by suggesting otherwise. Minsc: I forget why I began this long and winding story. Yes Boo - we have been spending too long around the wizard.
i think this is a very interesting banter, especially since it's also only marked to trigger if gale agrees to return the crown to mystra.
it's easy to dismiss this banter, laugh it off as just another instance of minsc being minsc, but i think it's important to consider it within the context of game canon and what has been shown to us.
it's a story and everything within a story is there for a reason.
another great insight from minsc comes if gale is pushed towards the crown by the player:
gale and godhood
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Minsc: Who among us has not been spurned by a lover? But a word of advice, if Minsc may be so bold: Minsc: Let the wizard lick his wounds. Write some rickety rhymes, and weep most manfully into his hamster's hide. Eh - his cat's hide. Minsc: But... his boasting is unbecoming. 'Claim godhood', he says? Will this make him any less a man with a half-mended heart?
again, minsc does at times share great insight into other characters and he does so here again with gale:
will this make him any less a man with a half-mended heart?
i think it quite accurately goes straight to the crux of what makes it so very easy to push gale towards godhood: he is hurt. he feels abandoned. by his goddess. by his former lover. both as a mystran and on deeply personal level.
he is drifting, seeking something to hold his head above the water. if it's not the protag's love or friendship, it will be the crown.
anyhow, i never expected to write this when i first learned that minsc would be a companion, but i truly did enjoy him and his interactions with gale in particular.
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13uswntimagines · 5 months
The Come Down (Alessia Russo X MMA fighter!R)
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R is a very popular MMA fighter, and Alessia sees the parts of you that other people don't. Shes the one who gets to put you back together again after a tough fight.
Warnings: D/S undertones but no smut.
Author's note: This was super fun to write and i hope you enjoy it. Feel free to hit me up with ideas and comments and stuff.
You sighed, leaning your head against the stone walls of the Emirates tunnel, letting it soothe the twinges that always lingered after a long flight.
It was masochistic, but the ache that lingered the day after a war in the Octagon was always one of your favorite feelings, especially if you won. It helped you to compartmentalize the parts of yourself. It helped you separate the completely in-control fighter, the stone-cold monster that didn’t give a fuck about her opponents, and the human that lingered underneath. 
It was hard to punch a man until he was unconscious if you thought about how human he was. If you pictured his family and his life as anything other than an opponent for you to run through. But you never wanted that part of yourself to exist anywhere other than in the cage. 
The throb in your muscles and ache in your cuts helped you lock that part of yourself away. It helped you keep your grip on reality in all of the post-fight hormones until you could get to the grounding force that was your girlfriend. 
The post-fight come-down was always difficult for you, especially after a 5 round back and forth battle like the one you had just fought. 
You loved your job, you really did, but it was so easy to… lose yourself. To get lost in the anger of the UFC universe and the vitriol of your opponents. To get lost in the cycle of Training, listening to a man tell you he was going to destroy you at press conferences, cutting weight and beating the ever-living fuck out of someone while people cheered. 
Just being in the same building as Alessia had set you at ease, and watching her score 2 against Chelsea was even better. 
But the sound of the crowd had started to set you on edge. The way they erupted when your face, black eye, stitched gash on your cheek curving up to your forehead and all, appeared on the Jumbotron after your girlfriend’s PK had you clenching your teeth. It egged on the thoughts of murdering the keeper that had taken her out swirling in your brain, along with the desire to demolish the player who had so callously stepped on her teammate after a play. 
It was why you escaped to the tunnel, to gain some form of control over your thoughts. 
Maybe flying out as soon as you had been cleared by the medics wasn’t such a good idea, but you couldn’t stand being away from Alessia any longer than you had to be. You couldn’t stand being away from the comfort, love, and… safety she offered you. 
God, you sounded like a psycho. 
Or a submissive nearing the end of her rope.
6 weeks apart from your girlfriend was really doing a number on you. 
“Ay bruiser, fancy meeting you here,” Katie said, appearing in front of you with a wide smile. 
You flashed a toothy grin at the Irishwoman, ignoring the way it pulled at the stitches holding your cheek together. “Maccabe, always a pleasure,” 
She caught your arm. “That was one hell of a fight. Thought Less was gonna break my hand during the third round,”
You grimaced. 
The third round was the only one your opponent won. He had caught you with a big overhand right, opening the gash on your cheek and knocking you on your ass in the last 15 seconds of the round. The knees he had followed it up with to your side hadn’t been fun either. He had almost finished you, and you knew it had to be hard for the team and your girlfriend to watch. 
“My hand dipped when I tried to close the distance,”
It really was a game of inches, and he had certainly taken advantage of your small mistake. It was ok, you had gotten him in the end anyway. 
Katie made a sound of agreement, glancing at the tunnel behind you. “Certainly made us all nervous, but I’m happy you took his head off, even if it took you until the last 30 seconds of the fight,” 
She made a little kicking movement with her leg like a semi-recreation of the head kick you had used to end the fight. 
“Didn’t want to rush it,” You shrugged, nodding to the Arsenal girls as they passed you, unable to help the way you automatically searched each face for your girlfriend. 
“Ya missus is still signing for a couple of kids,” She gestured over her shoulder, a knowing smile still playing at her lips. “I can take you to her if you want?”
You shook your head. “I’ll wait here. I’m in no hurry,” 
You also didn’t think you could deal with the sounds of the crowd when your head was still pounding, a consequence of taking a flight with a concussion against doctor's orders you supposed, and you ached every time you took a step, every time you inhaled too deeply really. 
Katie’s eyes softened when she saw the emotions flit across your features. “Come on, let's go to the locker room instead. It’s away from prying eyes,”
She tugged your hand. You let her lead you deeper into the tunnel and into a room filled with wooden cubbies. 
It was nice to let your brain turn off, to just… follow along and allow someone else to lead you. 
“Hey champ,” Leah smiled at you as Katie deposited you in what you assumed was Alessia’s locker. “That was one hell of a fight last night,”
“Thanks,” You winked at the defender. “You guys had a fantastic game too,” 
“I’m not sure a football match compares to a man trying to punch you in the face,” Steph said, glancing at you from her spot near Lottie. 
You made a low sound in the back of your throat, feeling the tightness return to your chest. “But I don’t have people stepping on me after the bell,” 
“But you do end up covered in blood,” Kyra chirped. “We don’t have to worry about that usually,” 
“Most of the time it’s not mine,” You muttered, leaning further into your girlfriend's locker. Her perfume lingered in the cubby, and you let it soothe the frayed edges of your nerves.
You didn’t want to think about fighting. About the person. The savage. you were in the octagon. You toyed with the hem of your sweatshirt sleeve. It was slightly too long because it really belonged to Alessia. She had given it to you before fight week. 
It helped, but it wasn’t her. 
It hadn’t been enough after the fight, and it wasn’t enough now. 
You didn’t think you could wait much longer, but you didn’t have to. 
“The stadium is buzzin,” Alessia said slightly breathlessly, stepping through the locker room door. 
You were immediately on your feet, taking in her flushed cheeks and bright eyes. “Less,” 
A grin instantly broke across her face, and she crossed the room in 3 long strides. Her arms wrapped around you, and without thinking you buried your face in her chest. 
It made the gash on your cheek sting and the tender skin of your jaw ache, but you didn’t care, pressing yourself as tightly to her as you could. She shifted, her nails running over your back with one hand as the other cupped the back of your neck. 
It was gentle, and grounding, and everything that you craved. 
“Hey baby girl,” She breathed into your hair, her voice dipping just a little and sending a shudder down your spine. 
She was like a ray of sunshine, always warm and sweet. It was why none of the fans would ever speculate about the positions that the two of you held in your relationship. They joked that she was too soft to be a dominant, but the people who understood how your relationship worked could see that her mix of firmness and warmth was exactly what you needed. 
She waited for you to pull away first, just enough to meet her eyes. “Hey,”
She leaned in and placed a careful kiss on your lips. “I’ll shower and then we can go, yeah?”
You deflated, your fingers tangling more tightly in her jersey. You didn’t want to let her go, even if it was just for a second. 
“You can come with me,” She said, a knowing look in her eyes. “And tell me all about fight week,” 
“Ok,” You agreed, only loosening your grip long enough for her to grab her shower bag and change of clothes, before you latched back on, holding the hem of her jersey tightly as she led you towards the showers. 
You felt a bit like a child, clinging to her, but she was like a buoy keeping you from drowning in the sea of your rocky emotions, and now that she was close to you, you couldn’t let her go. You were afraid that if you did, you would lose your grip on reality. 
The warm, wet air of the shower helped too. 
It reminded you of your post-fight routine. 
Win or lose you would stand under the hot steam of the stadium, washing off the blood and sweat from the octagon until your coaches pulled you out. It was part of the routine that you had skipped since the docs wanted to stitch your cheek as soon as you were out of eyeshot of the fans. 
Then you had felt so… off balance that you raced through a cold shower and hopped on a plane to get to your girlfriend as quickly as possible. You didn’t even stay for the post-fight press conference. 
“Come on love,” She said, pulling you into one of the stalls, sliding the first curtain shut behind the two of you, and bringing her face inches from yours. 
Her hand very gently cupped your cheek, mindful of the dark bruises that littered the skin, tilting your chin up. Her eyes searched you for a long moment like she was reading your mind. Like she was deciding what you needed from her. 
Her pointer finger very gently followed the long cut that ran under your left cheek, up to your temple, and just above your eyebrow. “I thought they usually put a bandage over stitches,”
Your eyes darted away from her. “I didn’t like the way it pulled at my skin,”
“I think you’d like it less if you got an infection,” She deadpanned, using her thumb to tilt your chin up further as she stepped into your space. “You wouldn’t be able to fight,” 
“But the scar would be worth it,” You shrugged, using all of your strength to muster up fake nonchalance. 
Her lip quirked upward. “Would it?”
You let your own smile morph into a playful smirk, despite the tremendous effort it took. “Chicks dig girls with scars,” 
“I think you’ve got enough of those, cheeky,” She hummed, leaning in and brushing the thick line that lived on the underside of your jaw with her nose. “I like it more when you come out without a scratch on you or a hair out of place,” 
You hummed, leaning back on the stall wall as her lips replaced her nose on your jaw, her teeth grazing the delicate skin as she made her way down the column of your throat and back up. 
Her hips pressed into yours, keeping you pinned to the wall, her thumbs insistent under your chin, keeping your head tilted up as her tongue slid pleasantly against your own. 
You sighed into the kiss, your fingers twisting into the material of her jersey, trying to pull her closer. 
Her thigh flexed between your legs, pressing into you, and you couldn’t help the way your hips rolled down to meet her. 
Or the wince that broke the kiss when the 
movement pulled uncomfortably at your ribs. 
You whined as she pulled away, blinking open to meet her burning blue eyes. 
“I’m ok,” You said breathlessly, trying to lean back up to kiss her. 
Her hand on your chest stopped you, as did the perfect arch of her eyebrow that screamed yeah right. 
Her fingers traced down your chest to the hem of your shirt. They crept under your top, meeting the tape wrapped heavily across your abdomen instead of smooth skin. 
Her eyes widened when she pulled up your sweatshirt, revealing the thick white bandages wrapped tightly across your stomach. 
“Want to try again love?” She asked, finally looking up at you with an expression that had a shiver tingling down your spine. 
“Just two cracked ribs and some nasty bruises,” You huffed, shifting uncomfortably when her fingers grazed the material. 
“Just,” She snorted, shaking her head, dropping your shirt, and standing up to her full height. “Why didn’t you tell me last night?” 
You shrugged. “I didn’t want you to worry. The stitches were already enough,” 
“I’d rather know and worry than accidentally hurt you,” Alessia said seriously. 
You looked away from her, swallowing hard. “And I knew you wouldn’t touch me at all if I told you,” 
“Baby girl,” She murmured, her voice going very soft, her thumb very gently ghosting over your uninjured cheek. 
She knew that the come down from fights was always particularly difficult for you. That the power that you held in the octagon always made you crave submission. You craved to not have to think, to just exist, and then to let your being relax in the aftercare that followed. 
This time the desire was amplified by the brutality of the fight. 
She could see you teetering on the edge, fighting the fog that always filled your brain, and while she wanted to scold you for withholding information, she knew that that wasn’t what you needed from her. 
Not when you were already dropping so hard. 
“Ok,” She said, keeping her voice soft as you leaned further into her touch. “I’m going to shower, and you’re going to be a good girl and stay right here for me, alright?”
You made a low noise in the back of your throat, and your eyes slid closed as you nodded very slowly. 
“Good girl,” She hummed, placing a very gentle kiss on your lips, and pulling away. “I’ll be two minutes love,”
You sagged against the shower stall wall. 
You could do that. You could wait 120 seconds for your girlfriend. 
You could and would do whatever she asked you to do because you knew it would help. You knew she would fit all of your loose pieces back together again and make it ok. 
You just had to exist.
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pablitogavii · 1 year
Anger Issues
Summary: People keep coming at Pablo for being 'too aggressive' on and off the pitch and that makes him frustrated. He tried to shield you from it all but when they start assuming he must be just as aggressive with you, he completely looses it!
Pairing: Pablo Gavi x Reader
Warnings: light angst/ fluff/ smutty ending ;)
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Get up when you fall! Vamos Culers!! @fcbarcelona
halamadrid: So much aggression from this overrated tiktok star #nogame!! vini>>>>> liked by 1200 others
madrileñoslovemadrid: siempre agresivo!!
realmadridislove: because he doesn't know how to play!!
gavirafanclub: jealousy!!!
madrileñoslovemadrid: nahh pretty boy just a kid!
viniciusthegoat: little kid wants to act like a big star but all he does is push players! #weak!!
brasileños: go back to La Masia kid!! liked by 1500 others
y.n.bebe: te amo bebé <3
pablogavi: <3
You saw all the horrible comments on Pablo's newest post so you hoped that yours will at least make him smile weakly. People were so harsh with him, always calling him aggressive kid who doesn't belong in the first Barça squad.
They had no idea how wrong they are...Pablo worked hard every single day, training tirelessly without complaining, and the only time he does act 'aggressive' is when he is being provoked into it.
When he came home, you tried talking to him but he just says he is 'fine' before going to take a shower he really needed after all morning of running around the pitch.
"I don't know Becca. He won't talk to me...but I can tell this is getting to him. Does Pedri know anything??" you said into the phone after a few days when Pablo definitely started feeling worse still not letting you in avoiding the conversation whenever you would bring it up.
"Bebé do you want to talk to me about it now?" you said when you laid down in bed and he just pulled you back so that your back was glued to his chest and he rested his chin on your shoulder shaking his head.
"What are you reading cariño?" you sat in between his legs on the couch seeing that he was once again reading some stupid post he was tagged in that did nothing but humiliate him. You took his phone away and nuzzled your face into his neck once more trying to talk but he said he just wants to sit there with you in silence and that he will be alright.
"Pablo...I think you should talk to me" you said when you saw him clenching his jaw suppressing his anger from boiling over and cause him to break everything in his proximity. Apparently, Vinicius Jr said in his interview that Gavi is nothing more than an 'angry kid' that got destroyed in the last El Clásico. "There is nothing to say amor! He is stupid hijo de puta! I need to go for a run!" was all he said before rushing out of our apartment faster than I could say anything.
"Pepi said Pablo has been on edge recently even during training..hitting grass when he would miss a goal and avoiding to joke around with other players" Becca said and you knew it was just a matter of time until he bursts not knowing what to do to get him to open up to you.
During the next game, you went to support him hoping that would give him some push and reassurance that he is still campeon in your eyes and that he shouldn't let those mouth breathers ruin his confidence.
First half went great with Barça scoring one goal, and keeping many more but the moment the second half started you could tell they were provoking Pablo again.
You knew him well to notice the way his shoulders shift and his jaw keeps clenching as he played knowing this will end in a disaster. He was running towards the goal scoring it and making the whole camp jump to its feet when the referee said it was off-side without even sending it to the VAR room.
Pablo was angry with this hitting the ground (gif) and once he got up some opposing players purposefully bumped into him as he walked back to his position. They were really pushing their luck.
All of the sudden there was crowd in the middle of the pitch and you immediately knew who was in the middle of it- your Pablo. When players started moving as referee rushed to the commotion you saw Pablo yelling with his hands in the air repeating he didn't start anything. But it didn't matter, since he received red card being sent off the field and your stomach dropped.
As he walked off, he looked up to meet your eyes and you gave him a weak smile he returned before being quickly distracted by one of the opposing players form the bench yelling 'bye bye Pablito' and as he was about to rush towards him, Xavi grabbed his shoulders pushing him towards the changing rooms.
You rushed back with your 'family pass' knowing that you might be only person he would want to see right now. You saw Xavi leaving him inside the dressing room telling you that he is in pretty bad shape and that he asked for you.
"Bebé?" you opened the door looking up with tearful eyes and you quickly rushed to him sitting on his lap and hugging him tightly not caring that he was sweaty in that moment.
"I'm sorry you had to see that..I'm so sorry princesa" he was crying into your neck and you kissed his head pulling back a little before moving hair off his sweaty forehead pecking his lips a few times sweetly.
"Don't apologize, Pablo..I am still proud of you..It's not easy when everyone is provoking and pushing you around..and you still menage to score the goal and keep playing..you are my campeon bebé" you say seeing his eyes sparkle at the praise he haven't heard in a long time.
"I know I've been pushing you away too.." he said and you shook your head telling him you understand and aren't going anywhere.
After a few minutes, when Pablo finally calmed down just by being in your presence, you walked out of the changing rooms holding hands not expecting to come face to face with the same player who got Pablo kicked out. He must be substituted and you felt Pablo's hold on your hand tighten as his anger returned.
"What a win for us huh?" he said smirking and Pablo's eyes opened wide knowing that when he left, Barça was still leading. You saw that he tried not to let his anger out again but the player was really provoking him badly right now.
"It's okay, Pablito..this is a big boy game..maybe La Masia should take you back??" he said and you placed your hand on Pablo chest saying you should both go watch till the end together and to your surprise he agreed walking off without doing something 'angry bird' like.
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mi campeon! @pablogavi @fcbarcelona
pablogavi: te amo princesa! <3 liked by y.n.bebe
fcbarcelona: Golden Boy! liked by y.n.bebe
its.becca.girl: Vamos Barça!!
y.n.bebe: siempre hermanita!! <3
siramartinez: supporting our man!
y.n.bebe: always!!
gavifangirling: she is such a supporting gf!! Love it!! <333. liked by y.n.bebe
madrileñosforevaa: girl he is like so aggressive!
halamadrid: nahhh vini>>>>>
gavihateclub: he is probably just as aggressive with her!! @pablogavi
"Now they are saying I am being aggressive to my girl dad!" Pablo couldn't believe the things people were saying online after the last game.
It was one thing to call him a kid, or say that he didn't know how to play but to pull you into it and say he would ever do something to hurt you is past the limit. He can't stay silent anymore! This was taking it too far now!
"Amor?" you said when he just rushed in your shared apartment not even saying a 'hello' before walking into your shared bedroom and tossed himself onto the bed.
You sighed knowing that he must have seen the awful comment someone left on your post which hurt you heart as well. Pablo was the most caring and gentle boyfriend in the whole world to you!
"Bebé can you look at me please?" you said after sitting down on the bed next to him and rubbing his back while hearing his softly sob into the pillow. It broke your heart to see him like this.
He just shook his head knowing that the moment he looks at you he won't be able to stop crying again..he could deal with all the shit they throw on him but when it comes to you, he wants everyone to know that he treats you like an absolute queen because that's what you deserve!
You laid down besides him kissing the back of his neck before nuzzling your face further kissing his cheeks and making him slowly turn around so you can straddle his hips and peck his lips finally.
"Am I too aggressive with you?" he said and you dried his tears your heart breaking that he could ever question you about this. Those people really got into his head.
"Amor, you are the most caring and loving boyfriend in the world..you always make sure to see me every day even when you are away you always face time me before bed...you buy me roses out of nowhere and write me cute notes when you have early morning trainings..you mi cariño are not aggressive person they are portraying you to be..not in football and especially not to me" you say as he listened carefully before pulling you down and kissing your lips feverishly.
"I love you so much princesa..please don't ever leave me" he said and you smiled into the kiss before kissing down his neck and messing up his hair playfully.
"You're not getting rid of me that easily, Gavira!" you said while laying down on top of him and his arms engulfed you tightly while he kissed your head.
"Good. Because I couldn't imagine doing this without you nena.." he said feeling exhausted and you smiled cuddling up and slowly dozing off together.
The next day you wanted to surprise him with a little trip to the beach with all of his friends knowing that it was a day off for everyone and that he could use being with people who love him.
Even Aurora and Javi joined and the whole day Pablo was smiling and joking with everyone, stealing kisses from you and enjoying being 'normal'.
You were glad everyone showed up and showed how much they care for him especially when you saw his happy little face. You never wanted that smile to disappear again!
"Can you take a picture of us Becca?" you said giving you your phone and pulling Pablo towards the ocean before jumping into his arms and he held you up easily leaning in to kiss your lips while everyone cheered. He was so happy when you finally kissed before he put you down and held your face for a few moments.
"Thank you princesa.." he said and you smiled when he kissed your forehead.
"Always, cariño..I love you" you smile getting another kiss before you returned to hang out with the rest of your friends.
"Today was amazing, hermosa..I really enjoyed" Pablo said when you returned to the apartment and you felt really glad to hear that.
"There is something I need to do still.." you said opening Instagram up on your phone.
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Para el novio mas amoroso del mundo! Te amo amorcito! <33 Gracias gracias por tratarme como una princesa siempre. @pablogavi
liked by 100K others
pablogavi: porque tu eres mi princesa <33
y.n.bebe: amor!! <3
barcafanclub: he is the sweetest boy! to his fans and to his girlfriend! those saying he is aggressive with her are rude and stupid! Siempre Amor!!! @pablogavi @y.n.bebe
its.becca.girl: sweetest couple en toda la Barcelona!!
pedri: them and us amor lol <3
y.n.bebe: double trouble pepi!! lol liked by pedri
pablogavi: estamos suerte hermano! liked by pedri
gaviiifan: people should stop hating on him for being a good player and clearly the best boyfriend bruh!!
viscabarcasiempre: Gavi! Gavi! Campeon!!!!
gairagirl: people saying he is not a player but a tiktok star are just jealous of his success! they hate him cause they ain't him! @y.n.bebe a lucky girl <33. liked [email protected]
siramartinez: girl being treated right! shutting up the haters!
y.n.bebe: siempre! <3
ansufati: amor para mi hermano! we all know you the best! @pablogavi
pablogavi: hermano <3
@_rl9 I have known @pablogavi for such a long time now, and the boy is truly the kindest down to earth kid you will ever meet. He shows up to all training ready to go and he never complains! His talent and heart shouldn't be questions! Tue eres chico orgulloso! liked by y.n.bebe pablogavi and others
pablogavi: gracias lewy! te amo siempre ídolo!
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dragon-kazansky · 3 months
When the raven calls
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Morpheus x Female Reader
You, his raven, die protecting Jessamy while rescuing the Dream Lord. When Morpheus returns to his realm, he mourns your loss, only to find a stranger waiting for him in his throne room. The stranger claims to be you, now in human form. He doesn't understand, but his raven will always watch over him.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Chapter Five - The oldest game
The demons of Hell were all excited as they cheered. It probably wasn't too often the game got played, which made it all the more exciting you supposed.
Morpheus and Lucifer stood facing one another. You remained sitting on the floor wrapped up in Dream's warm coat. It was all that was protecting you from the eyes of others. You kept your eyes on Morpheus.
He had to win. There was more than his helm on the line now.
Choronzon stood on the balcony with the helmet in his hand. Lucifer and Morpheus stood on either side of him.
"Welcome, ladies and gentlemen. Today, for your entertainment and delectation, a formal challenge."
The demons cheer.
"The challenger is Dream. Once the master pf the Realm of Sleep."
The demons boo.
Morpheus turns slowly and looks at you. You look back at him. He steps away from the balcony and makes his way toward you while Choronzon announces Lucifer as the other player. The demons cheer for their ruler.
Morpheus kneels down in front of you.
"Are you alright?" He asks softly.
"Yes. You don't need to worry about me." You tell him.
"I always worry about you." He admits. "I will not let Hell have you."
Your gaze on him softens. "You don't need to worry, really. You should have accepted the trade... you'd have had your helmet back by now."
"I would not trade you in this life or any other. You are not a bargaining chip. You are my raven, my companion, my friend." His voice turns so soft as he speaks. You wished you could read the expression in his eyes.
"If anything happens to me, flee. Return to the Dreaming. If you stay there, Lucifer can not have you."
"No. I will not leave you." You sound determined. His lips twitch into a little smile.
"Always so loyal."
"You know it, Dream King. Now, kick some Devil ass and win. The sooner you do, the sooner we can go."
Morpheus smiles softly at you. He lifts his hand slowly, about to reach out and caress your cheek, but Lucifer's voice breaks the moment and he lowers his hand.
"Morpheus, am I interrupting a premlinary of some kind?" Lucifer asks.
"Just a little pre-game pep talk." You say. "Your majesty." You bow your head. "We came for the helm, and we're not leaving without it," you talk more to Morpheus now.
He looks at you again softly.
"We shall see," Lucifer says, amused.
Morpheus stands, and you sit up. You have your hands through the sleeves now, so you don't have to keep holding the coat together. You fasten a few buttons to hide your body.
Morpheus likes how you look in his coat, but he doesn't have time to admire your human form now.
He needs to secure your safety first.
"As the challenged, I set the meter and take the first move." Lucifer says.
"Very well. Make your move."
You sit with baited breath as you watch the pair of them. Your eyes linger on the Devil.
"I am... a dire wolf. Prey-stalking, lethal prowler."
You turn your eyes to Morpheus.
"I am a hunter. Horse-mounted, wolf-stabbing."
Lucifer grunts as they receive a wound through their body. That's the first hit. Morpheus drew blood from Lucifer. You watch carefully for the next move.
"I am a serpent. Horse-biting... poison-toothed."
Your eyes are drawn to Morpheus as the poison floods his veins. You bite the inside of your cheek, a new and unfamiliar sensation to you. His breaths come out in short, ragged puffs.
"I am a bird of prey. Snake-devouring, talons ripping."
The poison leaves his body. Lucifer receives three long slashes across the face. More blood is drawn.
"I am a butcher bacterium. Warm-life destroying."
Morpheus falls to his knees as his flesh appears to be eaten away. You gasp and slide across the floor, placing a hand on his back. He looks up.
"I am a world." He says slowly. "Space-floating, life-nurturing."
His body heals. You look up at him in awe.
"I am a nova." Lucifer says. "All-exploding, planet-cremating."
Morpheus lays on the ground, his flesh scorched. That was a big hit. You kneel beside him, hands placed on him gently. He tries to get up, but falls back down again.
"I am a universe." He whispers weakly. "All things encompassing, all life embracing."
"I am anti-life. The Beast of Judgement. The dark at the end of everything."
Morpheus goes cold. He lays there, unable to lift his head. His breathing is shallow, and it worries you.
"What will you be then, Dream Lord?"
He tries to move, but he can't. You shield his body with your own and take his face in your hands gently.
"Come on," you say softly. "Say something. Anything. You have to win, remember? You have to win for me." You look at him so gently. Your touch is soft against his cold face. He can feel your thumb brush along his cheekbone.
"Still with us, Dream?" Lucifer asks, amused by this display.
"He is! And it's his move, Your Majesty." You say, glancing up at Lucifer. You turn back to Dream, who looks up at you. "Come on. You can do this. I believe in you." You whisper to him.
"There are no more moves." Lucifer states. "What can survive the anti-life?"
You continue to caress his face gently. He stares at you through dark eyes. He sees the look in your eyes.
"You can survive the anti-life," you whisper. "Dreams don't die. Not if you believe in them, and I believe Dream of the Endless would never leave me here alone with Lucifer. He would never leave me. Not when we just found each other again..."
He sees the way you look at him. That look sets something alight in him. He wants you to keep looking at him like that.
"I... am..." Morpheus gets up on his knees. You keep a hand on his back as you watch him. He looks up at Lucifer. "Hope."
Morpheus rises to his feet.
"Hope." Lucifer speaks softly.
You smile softly as you look up at him.
"Well, Lightbringer?" Morpheus asks. "It's your move. What is it that kills hope?"
Lucifer knows they have lost. They turn to the demon. "Choronzon. Give him his helm."
"No. I won't. It's mine. Please."
Mazikeen throws Choronzon off the balcony after taking the helmet from him. Morpheus approaches the demon and takes the helmet from her, thanking her in the process. He returns to you. You stand on wobbly legs, still wrapped up in his coat.
"Thank you, Lightbringer. The Ruler of Hell is honourable, indeed. I will not forget this."
"Honourable? You joke, surely." Lucifer walks closer to where you two stand. "Look out there, Morpheus. The billion Lords of Hell stand arrayed about you. Tell us. Why should we let you leave? Helmet or no, you have no power here. After all... What power have dreams in Hell?"
Morpheus smirks slightly. "You say I have no power here. Perhaps you speak truly. But to say dreams have no power in Hell... Tell me, Lucifer Morningstar, what power would Hell have if those here imprisoned were not able to dream... of Heaven?"
Lucifer is clearly seething under that calm exterior. You can see it in their eyes.
"One day, Morpheus... we shall destroy you."
Morpheus leans in close, seemingly bowing, and looks Lucifer in the eye. "Until that day, Lightbringer."
With his helm in hand, Morpheus walks away, grabbing your hand as he goes. You walk with him out of the castle, not daring to look back.
You knew Lucifer was beyond pissed off after today.
Far from the castle, you stand with Morpheus. He was still in his battle gear. You still had his coat wrapped around you. He looked at you and then at his helm.
He puts his helmet on.
"Can you actually see in that thing?" You ask. You had obviously seen him wear it before, but it had been do long ago.
"I can. I can see the ruby."
You stand a little closer. Morpheus reaches out for you gently.
"Come here." He speaks softly.
You reach for his hand, but find yourself swept off your feet. Literally. Morpheus picks you up in his arm and holds you close to his chest. You look up at the helmet on his head.
"The sand, it's in my pocket. Get it for me."
You reach into the coat pocket and take the pouch out. He says nothing, but you understand what he wants. Carefully, you tip the pouch out into your other palm. Morpheus uses the sand to transport you out of Hell.
All the while keeping you in his arms.
You arrive at a storage house. Morpheus keeps you in his arms.
"Remove my helm."
You reach up and take his helmet off him, holding onto it carefully. He carries you to the door, refusing to put you down just yet. He takes you inside.
"I can sense it. My ruby. It's here."
He puts you down on a closed box nearby and finds the glow of his ruby emitting from a crate on the shelf. He reaches out and smiles as he takes the ruby from within. He holds it up and looks at it.
"Something is wrong."
You frown and are about to ask what was wrong, but as he touches the ruby, it explodes with power in his hand and sends him flying backwards.
"Dream!" You hop off the box and hurry to his side. "Dream?" You scoop him up in your arms. He's unconscious. "Wake up. Please wake up..."
The door to the storage unit opens, and you hear someone enter. A man in a long coat and slippers kneels down and picks up the ruby. It doesn't seem to affect him.
You watch him walk away with it.
You turn your attention to the man in your arms. In your current form, you can't fly back to the Dreaming, and you wouldn't dare use his sand without permission.
"Please get up." You whisper, holding head close to your chest. "Wake up, Morpheus..." You feel tears in your eyes.
@missdreamofendless - @kpopgirlbtssvt - @sitkafay - @snowsatsu - @ladyofdreaming - @thoughtsfromlayla - @modest-irish-goddess -
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meraki-sunset · 10 months
having a hard time explaining grimdark and trickster to a friend
think you can help?
they get godtier just fine but the other two keep confusing them because right now they think
grimdark = chaos in anarchy sense, but trickster = chaos in haha funny meme sense
Sure, let me see…
GRIMDARK mode is described by Doc scratch as “going completely off the deep end in every way”.
It turns your skin an unnatural dark gray, and in rose’s case to be surrounded by a dark aura, while jade had a spacey green aura.
It’s basically a black magic power up deeply connected to the horroterrors, a state of mind that comes from letting them influence a broken mind. For Rose, it was the death of her mother, and then trying to reveal the horror terror’s secrets. For Jade, she was heartbroken, but also she got mind controlled into entering the grimdark state by the condesce, who is also connected to the horrorterrors.
As an extra, Hussie described Eridan as also going into grimdark when he began murdering people, tho his case must’ve been more symbolical, as he presented the perfect scenario to become grimdark, the complete loss of hope, waiting for Jack to kill them all (due to his title being prince of hope, ergo Destroyer of hope) added to Feferi breaking their moiraliance talking with Sollux, being the detonator for his broken mind, and him being a Derse player, so his dream self was around the horroterrors and had interacted with them prior, he was also interested in magic like rose, had a wand just like her and sought for answers about, like her. He just lacked the connection to the horroterrors in that crucial moment.
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So Grimdark is basically when the horroterrors cause the player's most primal and violent tendencies to be pushed to the forefront
The grimdark is also described a “the fabled blackdeath trance of the woegothics”. So a dark trance that people like Rose and Eridan are inclined to fall victim of (in my opinion)
TRICKSTER mode, in the other hand, is described by Calliope as something that brings out your full potential, that brings all your walls down and puts all your inner thoughts in the outside and all your creative power in your hands. It strips you from all social and mental barrier.
It gives you reality altering Powers, allowing you to jump from place to place, probably dimension hopping, manifest objects and makes you super happy and candy colored to the point of losing grip in reality
The problem is that cherubs are very different from humans. For a cherub, who is supposed to fly around in the endless space protecting/destroying a certain part of the void, and its inhabited planets, feeding of black holes, fighting entities to death to ultimately mate in the shape of a big ass snake, a juju that’s basically drugs that can make you forget every wall you built up floating around space alone, and move forward as a happy missile ready to find a mate sounds good. But humans are social creatures, and cherubs are not. Cherubs don’t answer to anyone and don’t have Friends, they don’t need to follow any social cues. Humans built their relationships carefully, and they have secrets and barriers to protect themselves and others. They hide things like crushes and resentment and problems, because well, for the sake of peace, for the sake of not braking every relationship they have. That’s something that Calliope and Caliborn never fully grasped and understood why the kids came to hate the juju when they woke up
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So that’s all I could gather. Essentially they are different kinds of power ups, opposite to one another at their core, BUT in both the person isn’t fully there and is being guided by primal instincts, be it rage/sadness or Hope/happiness and they both have consequences in the user because neither is supposed to be used on humans or even trolls.
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verysium · 6 months
blu lock top artists on Spotify??? i need your thoughts on it
anon you had me pulling up my spotify playlists and browsing through the entirety of genius.com for three hours straight. i'm going to tweak this prompt a little bit and include specific songs that best represent them since it's easier for me to explain that way.
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the fanon answer for this is chase atlantic. while their songs do encapsulate parts of his personality (mostly the edgy teenager and disillusioned youth persona), i feel like this choice does not do his full character justice.
the canon answer for this is king gnu, more specifically the song "prayer x." i can picture this since rin seems like the type to enjoy alternative rock/indie, but the fact that it's the ending theme to banana fish is what gets to me. like...do you see yourself in ash or something? i hope you don't cus it doesn't end well. that anime had me bawling my eyes out for months, and i still can't think about it without breaking down again.
furthermore, the lyrics and music video to this song are very cryptic and borderline nihilistic. for example, "hiding behind this nonchalant smile" and "my life's spark will wink out of existence." i feel like this speaks volumes about rin's mental health and internal thought process. he obviously does not process his emotions normally and instead represses them. he also struggles with the idea of finding a purpose in what is otherwise a cyclical routine with no end. he's worried and, quite frankly, afraid that if he ever stops pursuing his dream, everything will come crumbling down, and he will have to face all the demons he's avoided for so long. the main theme here is that he cannot face his reality (the fact that sae's dream is not his own.) so he does everything in order to escape this fact even if it ultimately destroys him.
from my own playlists, i'd assign him the following songs/artists:
"beautiful boy" by john lennon
this is a love letter to baby rin. i feel like he would've enjoyed this song as either a lullaby or something he listened to on car rides to the beach during summer vacations. he probably still listens to this when it's raining outside or he's had a bad day. reminds him of his childhood and the good parts of it.
"the love club" by lorde
this is something pre-teen rin listened to. the irony is spot-on, and i feel like the lyrics would be relevant during a time when he was going through his rebellious phase and fully fleshing out his place in society. in this instance, the club would metaphorically be wherever his brother is at, whether that's the guys sae meets in spain or the group of football players considered "top-notch" in japan. everything is about finding a place in this club/clique in an effort to become free and differentiate himself from others. the only problem is that rin ironically loses his freedom because he tries so hard to be among the best. he signs his life away in pursuit of a dream, and it's something that now defines him.
"the only problem i got with the club / is how you're severed from the people / who watched you grow up"
this lyric in particular could apply to either one of the itoshi brothers. it's one of the caveats that comes with fame. you gain everything, but you lose everything before that. both of the itoshis likely experienced some amount of separation from their loved ones, including each other. also lorde's vocals are beautiful as always, so there's no reason not to include this song.
"howlin' 404" by DEAN
the production for this song is on point. the intro has a segment from a 1930s american horror radio program which is fitting because rin canonically watches horror movies. i think this song is something rin might listen to during cold autumns or midnights when he just can't sleep.
lyrically, there is the motif of a time loop which is also present in "prayer x." rin's character itself just has this connection with the raw grittiness of existentialism and this idea of repeating days without purpose. (in fact, he would make a great psychological thriller lead.) rin is also a control freak. if he lets one loose end go, it will unravel the entire thing. that matches up with the idea of "killing me softly." rin would rather prolong his pain than have it ripped from him all at once and leave him with nothing. i find this in a lot of people in real life too. even if your trauma wasn't good for you, it sometimes becomes the only thing you truly own. it's like that one quote from bojack horseman. "if i don't, that means that all the damage i got isn't good damage, it's just damage." rin feels like he has something to prove, and if he fails, all his suffering would've been for nothing.
"moonchild" by RM
i may be a bit biased since i love the mono mixtape, and i've written a rin fic about celestial bodies, but....this song just fits him. there's also a remarkable similarity with the lyrics of the previous songs i've listed. i'm just going to list a few:
"smiling in endless pain / you know / there's no freedom when you say freedom out loud"
one thing i love about RM is that he doesn't shy away from character flaws. he writes songs specifically for those who are always picked last, who aren't remarkable in any way, who feel weighed down by their normality. he gives them their spotlight and due diligence. for example, the entirety of the chorus is a repeat of "moonchild, you shine." i find this interesting since it's usually the sun that shines. but the sun is already sae, and rin is relegated to being the moon. yet even though the moon doesn't have its own light (it merely reflects the sun), it still shines bright in the darkness. rin doesn't know it yet, but he himself is a big role model for others such as isagi, his fans, and people just like him. so yeah....i'd take this song as a message of hope for future rin.
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the fanon answer is lana del rey, and i would agree to a certain extent. under the right circumstances, he could become one of those dreamy, emotionally stunted, and tired men you guys all lust over. if y/n ever wrote a romantic song about him, it would be either "west coast" (for the spanish influences) or "art deco" (for the vibes.)
the headcanon answer is nothing. i don't think he listens to music much. even if he did, it would be probably classical/instrumental or just white noise for his long flights. i imagine him listening to erik satie's "gymnopédie no. 3" on a train ride or something.
from my own playlists, i'm going to give him these songs/artists:
"remind me" by röyksopp
i don't know how to explain this, but this song gives a bittersweet sense of nostalgia. think early 2000s when the TV footage was still grainy and had retro graphics. you're carrying around your mini mp3 player whilst wandering through the airport and wondering how the hell you even ended up there. that's the general ambience of this song.
lyrically, the song also matches well with sae. i'm going to give you a few examples:
"it's only been a week / the rush of being home in rapid fading"
again, this is a tribute to the disconnection sae feels from his home. he goes everywhere, but he belongs nowhere. when he finally returns to japan, he finds himself missing spain. when he's in madrid, he thinks about the ocean back in kamakura. there never is a place that truly fills that gaping hole in his chest. i also feel like sae experiences FOMO on a whole other level. he constantly feels like something is wrong/missing and he's not doing enough.
"brave men tell the truth / the wise man's tools are analogies and puzzles"
the idea here is that though sae is blunt with his words, he is a coward with his intentions/true feelings. he can brutally call out someone without hesitation, but to actually reveal his own truths and motives? he'd rather shrivel up in a hole and die. this is especially applicable to love. to him, a wise man is someone who doesn't open his heart up easily. instead, he hints at his feelings, and whether or not you can figure that out is on you. sae hates it when others play games with him. it's where his hypocrisy lies. he demands straightforward honesty from others, but he himself will unintentionally play games with you if it means he can hide himself behind his walls.
"a woman holds her tongue / knowing silence will speak for her"
this is the closest you guys are ever going to get to sae itoshi's ideal type. he loves people who don't need to say something for him to believe it. they just get it. your silence is automatically enough for him to know that you love him. similarly, you don't even need to speak a word to understand what he's feeling.
"night shift" by lucy dacus
this song is sae if he was that one ex-boyfriend who really fucked you up emotionally, and you never got over him even though you said you did. now that i think about it, the story could be told from either POV. this could be sae trying to erase you from his mind, or it could also be you post-breakup.
"you've got a 9 to 5 / so i'll take the night shift / and i'll never see you again / if i can help it"
i know this one lyric caused controversy all over tiktok, so i'm going to add my own interpretation. at face value, this is exactly what it says it is. sae doesn't want to see you again, nor do you. he's willing to go out of his way just to avoid you, and truthfully he would. when sae finds himself in trouble, he doesn't look for something new to fix him. instead, he cuts everything off and subtracts anything that is deadweight. if you're out of his life, then you're out of his life. he's not coming back for you (or at least that's what he says to convince himself). same thing with rin. he knows he hurt rin, but he's not going to go back and try to make it right. he's going to move on and try to justify his actions every step of the way. one day, rin will move on too, and then sae would have been right all along. (unfortunately, that is not the way things work, but that's a lesson for another time.)
the alternative interpretation is that y/n is the other woman. this could be literal as in sae already has someone else in his life, and he only sees you at night. you're only ever going to be the night shift. it could also be metaphorical as in you're merely a distraction in the grand scheme of things. you're the mistress, but football is his wife if that makes sense. his career will always take precedence.
"you get me so high" by the neighborhood
this song is all the words sae wished he said to rin but never did. it made me cry because everything would have been so different if they had just set aside their pride and truthfully sought each other out.
"hope you don't regret it / i pushed a lot back but i can't forget it"
repressing feelings seems to be a recurring issue with the itoshi brothers. like....maybe if i just push it out of sight, it will also go out of mind. and at its core, this all stems from fear. fear of facing the consequences, the hypotheticals, the terrifying realization that you did something you regret and there really is no turning back from it. but realistically, if you think about it, a lot of this is the byproduct of overthinking. sometimes the situation isn't as complicated as we might make it out to be. sometimes an apology doesn't fix everything, but it's a proposition to be something more, an attempt at a solution. but sae and rin are so blindsided by their own internal turmoil that they cannot see this.
"for a long time i took it all for granted / i really thought we had it / but at the time it was more than i could manage"
ah....the "taking for granted" part. i could ramble on about that for hours. i think it really is some sort of self-fulfilling prophecy that we never miss something until it's gone. and in a way, it's not something that we can always control. the value you assign to a person/object when you have it is going to be fundamentally different from the value you assign to it when it's no longer in your grasp. that's how scarcity works. something with a limited supply is always going to be worth more. the vice versa works as well. you might yearn after something but then throw it away the moment you finally have it and grow tired of it. this sort of dilemma that comes with appreciation is so common i really wouldn't blame the itoshi brothers for what they did. it is immensely difficult to know when you're going to lose something or when you need to let it go. and sometimes it's hard to be constantly grateful for what you have because many of us are wired to want something more. tbh that's what makes the itoshis relatable.
"if we can leave it all behind us / and meet in between"
now sae would never say this unless he himself had actually reflected on what happened and fully processed it. but maybe in the future, they could set aside their differences and reach out to each other. (this is how i cope)
"but i just had to let you know / i never meant to hurt you, though / i had all my motives / i didn't know they wouldn't mix with your emotions / i just had to reach my goals / never knew i'd meet you though"
that's the thing with personal ambition. sometimes you get so caught up in yourself, you forget all about others. and this isn't really selfishness, or at least intentional selfishness. it just sort of happened that way. you never meant to hurt them, but you still somehow did.
"we should stick together / you're my best friend / i'll love you forever"
yeah....this line was the one that did it for me. something about the dysfunctional sibling dynamic just eats away at my insides. like....i could've loved you, we could've been so much together, but why aren't we? what we have isn't hate, but it isn't the love i know and crave either.
"we could be the greatest / it doesn't matter if we're never rich or famous"
ok but if rin ever heard this leave sae's lips, i think all of his trauma would just be magically healed. he just wants his brother to see him. like fully see him and love him. but alas, what is blue lock without angst, am i right?
"love in the dark" by adele
now i don't think sae would ever listen to adele, but the lyrics are just too fitting. i was going to write a fic on this, but it's going to have to ferment a bit in the drafts for now. basically this is the entire rin/sae traumatic scene but as a melodramatic torch song with adele's heavenly vocals.
"take your eyes off of me so i can leave / i'm far too ashamed to do it with you watching me"
um...this is literally sae's internal monologue??? i feel like letting go of things is something both the itoshi brothers struggle with. their lives are constantly pulling them in different directions, and eventually they become numb to it all. they don't form any strong attachment to anything besides football because that's the one thing that won't change for them. in a way, this is necessary for their character development (in the sense that they need to discern for themselves what to keep and what to let go), but it also destroys any sense of belonging they might have (hence why they feel lonely.)
"don't try to change my mind / i'm being cruel to be kind"
sae would definitely say this. like word for word. if only he wasn't a vague dumbass with no communication skills.
"i can't love you in the dark / it feels like we're oceans apart"
this is literally their dynamic in one lyric. there is the physical distance, and then there's the emotional distance.
"we're not the only ones, / i don't regret a thing / every word i've said, / you know i'll always mean"
this sort of reminds me when sae said that the world is huge, and there's so many players way better than him out there. i think spain really gave him a reality check, and he grew angry at rin when rin couldn't understand his disillusionment.
"everything changed me / and i don't think you can save me"
adele sort of echoes this softly at the end of the song. i feel like sae would do that too. he wouldn't admit his own insecurities until the very end, and only then does the truth come out.
"i'll sleep when i'm older" by bruno major
this is sae when he's older and fully mature, preferably after he meets you. he finally decides to damn it all and do what he wants.
"conversations with elders and the wisdom they bring ... / the view from an aeroplane at twelve thousand feet"
sae views things that previously annoyed him in a new light. he used to hate his elders, but he visited you and your mother once, and something changed within him. now he calls his parents more often, and his eyes linger on the old couples near the park benches. sometimes, his gaze softens just a bit when he imagines the two of you growing old just like them.
flights used to be a mundane part of his routine, but now he finds himself leaning over your window seat to see the mountains down below. the clouds and sunny weather set him aglow. and you just look so pretty when you fall asleep on his shoulder. he doesn't ever want this change.
"meet god on a mountain top along with the stars / find love somewhere, anywhere / fall deep from the start"
sae used to avoid love, but now he's running at it full-force. people tend to shy away from making sae a romantic because it seems too ooc. however, in the right situation, i think sae could entirely abandon his previous ideals and become someone else entirely. (that's why it's called a character evolution guys.)
"misplace my mind and follow my heart"
again, if you're able to make sae lose all rationality and let his heart guide him instead, then you've really done something. kudos to you for penetrating the walls of the coldest asshole known to mankind.
"i'll be a firework, not a flickering flame / treat life all around me like a one-player game"
this one lyric applies both to younger and older sae. younger sae is someone unafraid of risking it all if it means he can achieve something worthwhile. it doesn't matter how many players he has to defeat, how many people he has to leave behind. in this world, it is just him and the goal he has to accomplish.
however, after he's mellowed out after a few years (i'd say around middle age), he probably reinterprets this as something else. he's not going to constrain himself to his tunnel vision anymore. there's so much more to life than that.
"i'll go to the party and forget all the names / should it climb back to haunt me, / it ends all the same"
sae finally lets himself live the life he never thought he'd have. he does stupid things like get drunk and make a fool of himself. but you're there for him, so he doesn't really care. in fact, he can finally say that for the first time in a long time....he's having fun.
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the fanon answer is the weeknd. i'm not going to lie, i completely agree with this one. i saw this one edit of him to "party monster," and i can say i have been fully enlightened and converted. however, this is not just about a toxic male manipulator anthem. it's much more than that.
this is about running away from the ugliest parts of yourself, becoming a slave to your vices, knowing you're broken somewhere and you can never fix it. i would say his character is most similar to "starboy" in the fact that he literally flaunts everything he has to hide the fact that deep down inside, he really has nothing else to hold onto. "starboy" is all about the status symbol (money, red lamborghinis, glass table girls turning into ebony table girls lol). but at the end of the day, he doesn't really have anything except an empty heart and a satirical quip for all those who made him famous. the same theme applies to "the morning" and "house of balloons."
in the romantic sense, i think "don't break my heart" would represent kaiser. and no, this is not a justification for him being an f-boy. it's more so an exploration of why people might think he is an f-boy. i do not condone his actions, but i do try to understand them. in particular, i feel like the lyrics of "sacrifice" also fit him well.
"i was born in a city / where the winter nights don't ever sleep / so this life's always with me / the ice inside my veins will never bleed"
i headcanon kaiser as being born in either berlin or munich. and if you don't know anything about those two places, just know that you freeze your ass off during wintertime. i think it's interesting how his past could be intrinsically tied with a place, and he takes a piece of his past self with him wherever he goes. the ice in veins part also made me think about how kaiser would rather freeze up every weakness within himself than let them run free and make him human.
"every time you try to fix me / i know you'll never find that missing piece"
guys...did you hear that? to all you delusional people out there, this is your service announcement. you cannot fix someone who does not want to be fixed. write that down and memorize it. all meaningful change starts with a shift in mindset, and if they themselves are not in the right headspace to recognize that something is wrong and actively want to change, you're not going to get anywhere. so yeah....kaiser is not going to change unless HE starts doing the changing.
"i hold you through the toughest parts / when you feel like it's the end / 'cause life is still worth living"
i think this lyric sort of explores kaiser's dynamic with ness. on one front, he is the one picking ness up from his miserable past and instilling a sense of hope into him (intentionally or not.) but on another front, this could also be a problem. kaiser is almost forcefully optimistic in the way that he believes anything is possible. it has to be possible because there can be no other way. but the thing is.....you have to know your limits sometimes. blind optimism is, ironically, similar to cornering yourself.
"i can break you down and pick you up / and fuck like we are friends / but don't be catching feelings"
this is definitely the type of bullshit kaiser would spew. i could picture a fwb or situationship with him where y/n just constantly receives the short end of the stick. now this may be reaching, but i also feel like this is how kaiser projects his own trauma onto others. he himself clawed his way up to the top and put himself back together every time he fell down. the problem is that he also expects you to be that resilient. he's going to treat you badly because you're supposed to be like him: someone who can overcome everything and strive towards the impossible.
the headcanon answer to his top artist would be keshi. in particular, i think kaiser would fit the vibe of "2 soon" and "drunk." long story short, you finally broke up with him, and he's still reeling from the impact.
within my fics, i envision a dialogue between kaiser and y/n from each one of their perspectives. so based on that, i'm going to assign him the following songs/artists:
"gibson girl" by ethel cain
i know i said earlier that kaiser's character is not solely about toxic manipulation, but you have to understand that all bad habits originate from somewhere. kaiser is innately self-destructive, and he brings you down along with him. this song is about that but from y/n's perspective. there's this idea of trying to find agency in a situation where you have none. i don't have the word count to explain ethel cain lore in all of its naked glory, but all i can say is that this song is a banger and deals with themes like femininity as a performance, finding power in pain, religious motifs, etc.
"glory box" by portishead
this song is y/n's last plea to kaiser before they fully give up on him and leave. i'm also a sucker for anything that involves an exploration of gender dynamics and what it means to be a woman, and this song is riddled with it.
"suffocation" by crystal castles
this is kaiser post-isagi defeat (cue that one scene where he was trying to choke himself.) similar to sae, it's all or nothing with him. he suffers from this feeling of inferiority. everyone made him out to be this great figure of impossible dreams and legends, but look at him now. he's nothing. aren't you disappointed? he had you fooled, but he also fooled himself. so yeah....kaiser is definitely the most self-deprecating out of all of the boys at blue lock.
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the fanon answer is laufey, and i also agree. he's so sweet, and laufey's music just makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. he would also be that one love that came creeping up on you when you least expected it. "valentine" would be the song for that. i picture a reader who's had a series of unfortunate breakups and is right on the edge of giving up entirely. but then isagi comes along, and it's just so easy to love him. as easy as breathing. and then you think maybe it wasn't so bad after all. you just never found the right one until he came into your life. furthermore, isagi is a jazz pop princess, and you can't convince me otherwise.
the headcanon answer is IU. more specifically, i would say "troll" from her lilac album. i feel like even if you and isagi broke up, it would still be like you two never broke up at all. you're both on good terms, and even though you know it's counterproductive to keep cycling back to each other, you do it anyways. and it's okay because you're both still in love.
from my own playlists, i would assign the following songs/artists:
"winter bear" by v
this is my comfort song. it feels like those big sherpa blankets you tuck yourself under when you're lying next to the heater in winter. isagi would kiss your forehead and nuzzle your nose before you two drifted off to sleep.
"a boy named pluto" by hailey knox
this one is so romantic lol. i also like the dynamic where one party is afraid to love, but the other person loves them unconditionally. that would be isagi. he'd respect your decision and wait for you as long as you need it. but if you're ever ready to give him a chance, just know that he's going to treasure all of you.
"put your records on" by ritt momney
the inspiring thing about isagi is that he never lets anyone put him down. he takes rejection as redirection, failure as room for improvement. and in that way, i think this song encapsulates his resilience. he'd be such a good boyfriend not just romantically but in the way that he would literally pick you back up to your feet, dust you off, and make sure everything was alright.
"fairy of shampoo" by dosii
i picture isagi as someone who falls first and falls harder. he just loves you so much, and he doesn't even need a reason why. i saw somewhere that sometimes you don't love someone because they're your soulmate/twin flame/supernaturally fated other. you love them because you consciously made the decision to. isagi is like that. he loves you on purpose.
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helppp why does this sound like an academic paper...i'm sorry anon. i got carried away with this, but i hope u like it.
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simplysparrow14 · 2 years
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For all the great writing choices that Ragnarok has done, I really do have to commend them for going all the way when it came to Brok and Sindri.
It's very tough to kill and traumatize your characters. It's even tougher to kill and traumatize some of the most beloved characters in the game.
I dont know a single player who actively hated Sindri and Brok. They were so likeable and such grand personalities that it virtually made it nearly impossible to not hate them.
Sindri and Brok were most defiantly the best side character across both games, and the decision to murder Brok and have Sindri completely break down in his grief was such a gut-punch that I just have to sit back and marvel at what a writing choice it is.
It makes sense for Sindri--quite possibly the sweetest dwarf we've seen, who had a boy-crush on Atreus' mom, who's best friend/favorite nephew was Atreus himself--to just completely lose himself to his grief and anger in the death of his brother.
He's no longer a germaphobe, he keeps wearing the armor and leather that's still stained with his brothers blood. he doesnt wear his protective gloves when he's working at the forge. He disheveled and unkempt and looks to be half-dead himself.
It very much calls back the Anne Carson quote that makes it’s way across tumblr:
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And when he confronts Atreus and Kratos again, a lot of what he says is true: Kratos and Atreus have taken everything from him. Even if they dident mean to do it.
During the post game exploration, he's no longer your blacksmith---another dwarf takes the over in his stead.
During Brok's funeral, after the pyre has been lit and set adrift on the waters of Svartlhiem, he walks for a little bit and then just... blinks away. No words are spoken, no angry retort. He just... leaves.
I hope that in the next installment of God of War, we get to see Sindri years down the line and we get to see if his anger for Kratos has changed.
Does the first sight of Kratos or Atreus or anyone else in the Norse realm years later automatically bring back the pain and anguish of Brok’s death?????
Does his anger and resentment become so torrent that he actively tries to convince the other pantheon he visits (or becomes apart of) that Kratos will destroy all that you love?
Does he simply just try to get on with his blacksmithing life and try his hardest to make a somewhat enjoyable life with what he has left???
does he go to another pantheon or another land in the hopes of trying to move on???
Will he ever forgive Kratos???
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thewertsearch · 2 months
I think this is partially true, but it can't be entirely true.
If all timelines that don't propagate reality were annihilated, then failed sessions would be completely impossible. The kids' unwinnable session would have started out as a doomed timeline.
Well... I suppose reality could occasionally permit a failed session, if that session's failure contributed to universal propagation in some other way. I've talked before about how this might actually be what's happening - how Sburb might be maneuvering these kids into a position where they can stop Lord English from destroying the universes it's trying to create.
Still, situations like this would presumably be very rare. The vast majority of sessions would contribute to propagation by directly creating a universe, so if Terezi's hypothesis was true, the vast majority of sessions should be successful.
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Karkat certainly seems to think that plenty of sessions end in failure - but where's he getting his information? This might just be another case of his worldview bleeding into his understanding of the game.
For now, the average win rate of a Sburb session remains a mystery. Hopefully it won't remain one forever.
And this is even more dubious.
Like, Sburb gave them these powers. Dave has his time machines because of Sburb. Why is he getting punished for using them as intended? If the game really abhors doomed timelines, why is it giving portable timeline-doomers to its players?
I suppose it's possible that Paradox Space is actually being managed by some force external to Sburb, so it's not actually Sburb that hates doomed timelines, but reality itself. But that just raises further questions, such as: why do universes spawn from a game that breaks the laws of the universe?
On the other hand, I'm pretty sure Terezi's just guessing, here...
...and they've very Terezi-flavored guesses, too.
She's been primed her whole life to think about everything in terms of justice and punishment, so she's biased towards doing so, even when it doesn't quite fit.
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TG: i dunno none of this is making for a very persuasive argument that i should kill doomed me GC: BUT H3 1S GO1NG TO D13 4NYW4Y! GC: WHY NOT JUST B3 TH3 ON3 TO PUT H1M DOWN? GC: 4T TH3 V3RY L34ST, YOU COULD M4K3 SUR3 1T 1S 4 PL34S4NT D3M1S3 1NST34D OF SOM3TH1NG N4ST13R >:]
Oh, she's having fun with this, isn't she?
Like Dave said, Terezi's already seen the future, so she knows what he's going to choose. To her, his final choice doesn't really matter - the fun lies in watching him squirm.
TG: this shit youre doing now TG: this is the morbid shit i was talking about TG: its not anywhere near as endearing as you probably think […] TG: this whole thing was a ruse TG: and not even the funny kind that qualify as distactions TG: i think you got my whole timeline there in front of you and you know damn well i have no intention of killing this guy ever
Dave likes Terezi, but he's clearly getting sick of being jerked around here. He wants to know if there's a point to this - and I think he's going to be disappointed with the answer.
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geekgirles · 2 months
Lady Echo: A Character Analysis
Before we dive in, there's something about me you should know. I'm a TV Tropes truther. That site is my Bible. If a piece of media interests me, then you'd better believe I have visited its TV Tropes page.
And because of that, Echo in particular is a character I've been meaning to talk about for a while now, because I get the feeling people tend to overlook what I feel is the true core of her character at the end of season 3.
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As you can see, while other tropes go more into detail about her true motivations behind betraying Oropo, that part of her character ends up being reduced to being a Woman Scorned, and while that certainly applies here, I really don't think that's the trope that best encapsulates her character and her decisions at the end of the season.
A Woman Scorned is essentially any woman who has been wronged by the person she loves and seeks revenge or has at least expressed great anger. And it can go from being cheated on by a partner, or simply being rejected by their love interest and not taking it well. And both heroic and villainous characters can be the ones to break her heart. In fact, Arpagone too would be an example of this trope, as even if her feelings for Ruel are still there, most of her actions are motivated by the pain she feels for his decision to choose money over her.
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As you can see, this all fits with Echo's actions and feelings at the end of season 3, but it's very general overall. Which is why, in my humble opinion, Echo is a better example of Love Forgives All but Lust.
This trope is essentially a deconstruction of tropes centred around the appeal bad boys have for women. The thing about women falling for bad boys is that those women tend to know they're bad news, and beyond a desire to be the ones to change them, the real reason that interest is born is because they're attracted to the idea of the bad boy being a jerk to everyone, but them. Love Forgives All but Lust is what happens when the woman is rudely awakened from that delusion.
In other words, when they realise not even they are safe from their partner's worst actions. And what is the best way to have a woman feel betrayed to the point of seeking revenge? Unfaithfulness.
Sure, they will forgive their partner if it turns out he's a serial killer, but if he cheats? Then he's the one who's dead.
And example of Love Forgives All but Lust is when the police is trying to get a mafioso's wife/girlfriend to testify against her lover, but she refuses to cooperate... until she discovers her husband/boyfriend has a lover, then she'll do everything to bring him down.
If you think about it, this is essentially what happened between Echo and Oropo after he revealed he only ever "loved" Amalia. Even if Echo is a much more active player in Oropo's machinations than simply being aware of them, having helped him carry over his plans for centuries as his second-in-command.
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After he kissed Amalia and claimed Echo never meant anything to him compared to her, that's when Echo totally lost it. And her subsequent actions are a direct result of his betrayal. It never had anything to do with Echo seeing the error of her ways, as we all know.
Think about it, it wasn't until Oropo chose Amalia over her, after everything they had ever been through, that Echo truly struck. Once it became apparent her lover didn't care for her nearly as much as she cared for him, that's when Echo revealed his true plans: to destroy the gods, he must destroy the World of Twelve and deprive them of followers. In other words, he was willing to commit mass genocide for the sake of his dream.
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Moreoever, the fact that she got to reveal the true extent of his plans at all already highlights that only she knew about them. All along, Echo knew what Oropo was planning, the consequences of his dreams, and she never once stopped believing in his cause. Their conversation in episode 6 even going as far as explaining Echo already believed in him and supported his dreams before ever falling for him, meaning she can't even excuse her actions by saying her feelings blinded her. Because she was perfectly aware of Oropo's plans all along.
And yet, that didn't stop her from loving him. If anything, it was only another reason she fell in love with him.
No, it wasn't until Oropo broke her heart that she ever went against him.
If you ask me, this all reads as Echo not minding Oropo's most questionable tendencies because she was convinced she was exempt from ever being at the receiving end of his worst actions. After all, she had been by his side the longest, witnessing how he got rid of demigods that failed to meet his standards or were no longer useful (going with what the show claims, I haven't read Ogrest's manga). It wasn't until he kissed Amalia and shoved her aside that Echo realised not even she was safe from him.
And it was because Oropo had had no qualms to screw her over that Echo decided it was her turn to screw him over. And hence, she revealed his plans to the Brotherhood of the Forgotten, not because she'd seen the error of her ways, but because Oropo had hurt her and she wanted to make him bleed in turn.
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In the end, Echo's actions weren't fuelled solely by revenge or even jealousy, they were fuelled by the bitter realisation that she never meant as much to Oropo as he meant to her. It was about realising he had no qualms hurting her, not about how he had no qualms hurting anyone else.
It was about Echo not being enough for Oropo.
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And for me, that's why Echo is a better example of Love Forgives All but Lust.
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caligvlasaqvarivm · 2 months
ok im not going to tag this but i need you guys to know that my endgame ships for eridan and karkat are
eridan ♦️ karkat
eridan ♥️ roxy
roxy ♦️ calliope
eridan ♠️ calliope
karkat ♥️ calliope
i call it "the polycule only a blood player could love" and although it manages to be perfectly healthy, from the outside, everyone looks like they're cheating on everyone else. nepeta is staring at it going ":33 < dodged a fucking bullet!!!"
Eridan ♦️ Karkat
the ship with the most canon backing. this ship needs to be true before all other ships can be true because it keeps the two of them normal enough to have a shot at romancing anybody else. nobody realized they were pale for each other for an embarrasingly long time because their regular day to day conversations feature slurs and death threats. sometimes looks pitch or flushed from the outside because karkat is a mess who can't stop yelling at people he's trying to romance in the red quads, and because eridan gets really needy sometimes.
Eridan ♥️ Roxy
They get together within five minutes of knowing each other and, despite Rose's protests, never ever break up. Eridan is into cute, pink, bubbly, nice girls, and Roxy is into eccentric troubled princes. Not to mention she fucking loves wizards, and Eridan is a wizard, and that they're both hipsters who use rifles. Also Eridan is weird as hell and Roxy thinks he's hilarious for it. Despite the fact that he puts on this unpleasant, nasty act, he'll pretty much do anything Roxy tells him to, and she likes that. She thinks he has himbo energy. Everyone else thinks she's deranged. Like girl that guy is an insane murderer. Girl he will not stop saying slurs
also their specific abilities are diametrically opposed in an interesting way? prince of hope = can destroy anything he believes he can destroy, rogue of void = can create anything by stealing away its nonexistence. neat!
Roxy ♦️ Calliope
since they aren't trolls and don't need to calm each other down, it's not really a proper moirallegiance, but they're bffffffs and the kinds of silly fun-loving gals who would call their friendship a moirallegiance even if it doesn't have the biological components or serve the social function of one. Two girls that just love each other.
Eridan ♠️ Calliope
biologically, cherubs only engage in pitch romances and are attracted to other cherubs that remind them of the other half they lost in predomination. what i'm saying is that calliope - unfortunately for her - has brother issues. initially put off by eridan's superficial similarities to caliborn - his bluster, his riflekind, his insane logic and thick skull, and how damn often he talks about murder - as they get to know each other, the feeling becomes mutual. eridan is generally totally ok with outright hostility, but calliope's faux-nice smugness when taunting an opponent would drive him nuts, as would the earnestness with which she approaches magic (what kind of POSER needs to RELOAD their WAND), and in general, i think he'd take her genuine well-wishes toward other people as a personal affront, a la "i didn't ever need anybody to look after me!"
they somehow have a 50/50 win ratio at the board games they play, which drives calliope nuts. "believing in your pieces" is not a valid chess strategy!!!!!!!!!
also i think it's fun and thematic, the angel killer and the cherub, whose adult form features hope-shaped wings.
Karkat ♥️ Calliope
We know two things from his crush on terezi: the first is that karkat is into clever, cunning gals, and the second is that he's really fucking messy, the kind of guy who would tell his flushed crush to "set the table on his bone bulge for their candle light hate date." Fortunately, or unfortunately??? for calliope, the fact that he will scream obscenities at her is kind of what she's into. everybody, please, a moment of silence for calliope, who somehow manages to have worse taste in men than roxy.
but yeah more seriously, karkat has a big and loving heart, and so does calliope, while calliope maintains a cleverness and intellect that karkat would be into.
normally, it would be a huge problem for your moirail to be pitch for your matesprit, and we have that both ways here. however, a few factors are mitigating that here. first, eridan will always prioritize karkat or roxy over calliope when they're around. this actually does kind of piss her off, although she feels annoyed that it does. second, calliope is generally mature enough to compartmentalize. third, karkat WILL auspicetize if they aren't careful, and nobody wants that. and fourth, everybody wants to keep roxy happy.
but yeah everyone else watching it is like. are you guys okay? blink if you need help
ofc ship what you want to ship this is not at all me telling you what you should be into. im just saying that these ships have been calculated for Maximum Funnyness, which as we know, is the only objective measure for what makes a good homestuck ship
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not-magdi · 9 months
Personal Physio
Summary: Being Pedri's new physio as the boy has a habit of hurting himself all the damm time
Warnings: none just some light swearing
Words: 1k
It's a little bit shorter than I wanted it to be but I will be on holiday from tomorrow on and I won't be able to update for a week and I really wanted to finish this today.
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After Pedri had spent the better half of the last season on the bench with a torn muscle, at least somewhere, the club decided to put him under special treatment to help maintain his health throughout the season.
As part of the program, he followed a specific diet, underwent special training, and had a personal physiotherapist to oversee his physical health. Or, if you would ask him, a babysitter.
When Xavi told Pedri about his new plan for the season, he tried everything to get Xavi to let the idea of a personal physio go. But he wouldn't budge.
"C'mon, I don't need a babysitter, Xavi. I'm twenty I can look after myself!" he tried to convince him without success.
"Pedri, you're sitting in my office with tape all over your right leg. No, you can't. You're getting someone to look after you. End of discussion."
Rolling his eyes, Pedri left Xavi's office in a sulky mood. He didn't need another person to tell him what to do. He is one of Spain's best players at the moment he knows what he's doing, why does nobody believe him that!?
Today was the first day after their summer break, and Pedri would meet his new physio. To say he was excited would be a straight-up lie, but he gave up on discussing it with Xavi.
They would meet after their morning session, and Pedri really tried to see the positive side of it all. Even his teammates tried to convince him, their statements weren't even that bad. He just ignored them.
You, on the other hand, were a nervous mess. When the head coach asked if you would be interested in personal coaching, you were skeptical at first.
You joined barças medical team a few months ago. After being trained by one of the chief physiotherapists you were offered a permanent position after you graduated.
After thinking about it for a bit, you decided to accept, still not knowing what player this is all about.
You got to know most of the players during your training time with a few, you even developed a genuine friendship. Being the same age, you had a lot to talk about, during their physio sessions.
Throughout your training, you and Pedri formed a deep friendship, having the same interests and opinions, You two got along fast. He enjoyed your company, it didn't matter in what mood he was in, he always left your office with a smile.
But then something in your friendship changed. The hugs got longer, the glances got more sensual, and Pedri's heart rate got faster every time he saw you.
After realizing his feelings for you, he tried to ignore them as best as possible, not wanting to destroy the beautiful friendship you two had, and it worked well … until he saw you kiss his teammate behind the training grounds.
He felt his heart break into a million pieces as he saw the way you were looking at him with blushed cheeks and that shy smile he adored so much.
With tears in his eyes, he left training early, stating he didn't feel good. He hid himself in his bedroom that day, ignoring your concerned texts and calls. Every time he saw your name pop up on his phone a new wave of tears ran down his face.
Wanting to protect his broken heart from being destroyed any further he decided the best way to do that was to cut all strings he had from you.
He called Xavi and asked if he could switch physios, blocked you on all his socials, and tried to keep as much distance from you as possible.
Confused and hurt you tried to talk to him and confront him about what happend … which didn't end that well.
It ended in you two screaming at each other in the middle of the parking space.
"Pedri what did I do … please I'm begging you to tell me! I miss you, I miss my best friend"
"We never were best friends! You were just a distraction for me … to keep my mind from football for a bit"
He knew he fucked up when he saw the hurt in your eyes, when he saw the way they teared up and how your shoulders fell.
"Y/N …"
You didn't say anything you just shook your head and left, with tears streaming down your face.
"Hermano what's wrong with you!?" he heard Gavi scold him from behind.
"As if you wouldn't know … you knew I liked her and you still kissed her!"
Looking at him with tears in his eyes, he kept going.
"How could you …"
He left before Pablo could answer, leaving him behind before he could explain himself, driving home as fast as he could, now having lost both of his best friends in one week.
He was never the same after that, only smiling when he had to, distancing himself from everybody. He was the last to come and the first to leave, concerning everybody, friends, teammates, and even his trainers.
You wanted to decline the offer to work at Barça full-time after that, but you decided that nothing and nobody was going to stand between you and your career so you accepted and since then acted like nothing ever happened.
Now you were standing in Xavi's office, waiting for the mysterious player to come so you could further discuss his treatment plan.
Trying to overplay your nervousness, you acted like you had to do some important things on your phone, but you just mindlessly tapped around opening and closing apps.
You know how much responsibility you were given with this job, being the personal physiotherapist of a player meant you could be the reason for someone's great success, but you could also destroy it if you make one wrong move.
And that fucking terrifies you.
Hearing a knock you shifted your gaze to the door where you saw the person you never wanted to see, ever again.
As Pedri saw you, his expression grew dark, there were at least a million other people he would rather see than you.
"You got to be kidding me …"
"Oh fuck no."
Both of you exclaimed under your breath, not breaking eye contact.
"Ohh so you know each other already?"
Part 2?
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ystrike1 · 10 months
With One Day Left I'll Break All the Destruction Flags - By Fukutome Shun (8/10)
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A perfect happy ending isn't good enough!!! This villainess wants revenge and she will get it, no matter what the cost. This one is very fast paced, as the villainess has less than a week before her time is up.
Alexandra is a proud Ducal daughter, engaged to a handsome Crown Prince. In this world politics matters, even though it is an otome game. Alfonso will lose everything if he marries Lucia, his low-ranking lover, but he doesn’t know that yet. Lucia is a reincarnator obsessed with the otome world. She wants to give everyone love, so she maxes out everyone. She renders the kings aide, and all of her friends, down into happy lovestruck fools.
Alfonso has no idea that he is just one member of her collection. He will not have her full affection, or his Crown Prince position, when he chooses her.
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Alexandra receives an oracle of sorts. Memories from a woman who played the game. Lucia's love is going to destroy the country. Many people will die, or live their lives depressed, obsessing over Lucia forever. The perfect otome game heroine is a rather toxic existence.
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Lucia even wants to be friends with Alexandra. That is the true happy ending. All of Lucia's favorite characters, worshipping her all at once.
Alexandra refuses to accept her happy ending with Lucia.
She has been betrayed by her fiance, in favor of a vixen who isn't even loyal to him. She vows to destroy her idiot fiance, and the woman he's cheating on her with.
Um...by the way this gets kinda intense.
Lucia totally treats the "characters" like toys. She's sleeping with Alfonso, and a bunch of the other characters.
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Alexandra realizes that her path is the right one. The family butler betrayed them. He is loyal to Lucia. He leaked family secrets for Lucia, and because his affection is maxed out he's unstable. Willing to attack, defame, and harm his own mistress.
Viviana, Alexandra's sister, soon learns the truth. She's Lucia's close friend. She's been harassing Alexandra for her friends sake
...but then Alexandra drops a bomb.
She says she will dissolve the engagement.
Then Viviana can give Alfonso a legitimate heir, while he lavishes his love on Lucia.
Viviana finally realizes how humiliating Alexandra's position is.
She realizes that bearing a son for friendships sake is way too much.
Alfonso won't be able to keep the Crown Prince title without a proper noble womb though...
Viviana finally realizes that Lucia's love has messed with the royal succession, which will result in lost lives.
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The characters all love Lucia too much. They are drunk on her love. This guy believes he can be forgiven for anything as long as an angel like Lucia "loves" him.
(His company sells women to pleasure houses)
Alexandra forces him out of the picture, leaving Lucia with one less insane pawn.
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Lucia knows everything. She reincarnated. She is no longer Lucia. She behaves like a player controlling Lucia. She is greedy but she still wants her favorites to be happy.
She gushes about her happy harem ending with a mystery character.
It is heavily implied that this mystery character is going to kidnap Lucia after Alexandra wins.
It's kinda sweet.
The one character Lucia is honest with truly loves her, in all of her selfish glory.
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Theodore is a sexy, pathetic, conniving yandere side character. He is also Lucia's teacher. He is confronted about his love for a student, after Alexandra leaks the information to certain trusted friends. Said friends are smart enough to manipulate Theodore. They tell him he can have Lucia, if he doesn't show up for Alexandra's divorce event.
Theodore is a total freak who sees Lucia as a mother figure, so he agrees.
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Alexandra arrests the secret assassin character, Elia. Elia is crazy strong, but he's no match for twenty men. He goes to prison screaming for Lucia. He's dangerous. Obsessed too. There's a high chance that Alexandra still dies in the happy harem ending. Why? Well, because Elias hates to see obstacles around Lucia. He likes to poison women and kill men who get in her way.
So Alexandra gets rid of him before the dramatic reveal can even begin.
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The royal family is embarrassed by Alfonso's behavior. The happy harem ending makes all of the MAIN characters happy. The side characters seem to think the otome game cast has gone insane. If only greedy Lucia had chosen the Alfonso route. If she had chosen to be loyal to one character...the royal family would have bent the rules for her.
Now all of the side characters know Lucia is a vixen who controls powerful men.
The King takes away Alfonso's seat as successor. He knows Alf-idiot has been cheating, and behaving irresponsibly.
Prince Gerald becomes heir, and he wants Alexandra. His long crush is finally over, and he can finally have the bride he has dreamed of since childhood.
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Alexandra tries to scare him away, but it doesn't work. Gerald vows to become stronger. He is willing to give up anything and be anything to be with Alexandra. She had no idea he was so passionate. Her constant shock at his flirting is a running gag.
He is conflicted for a bit, but his resolve is crazy clear.
He will humiliate and dethrone anyone in order to marry Alexandra.
There's a wide variety of yanderes here. Unsavory ones, mysterious ones, and noble romantics all at once. The fast pace is nice too.
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starsandhughes · 1 year
I loved the engagement post 🥹 would you be willing to write about how Luke gave Trevor the talk after walking in on him and reader?
Ever since that first date with Trevor, there’s been a lot of sneaking into each other’s rooms at night for some alone time and… make out sessions.
It had been working out well for the last couple of days! No one really goes into anyone’s room after everyone’s gone to bed. Until tonight, when Luke flew open your bedroom door and found you and Trevor making out on the bed.
“Hey, Sissy— oh my god!” Luke shouted as he walked in.
You and Trevor flew apart, wide eyed at the teen standing with his jaw dropped in the doorway. Luke’s demeanor changed as soon as he collected himself. He was no longer shocked, he seemed mad. His arms crossed and his eyes narrowed at Trevor, “Can I talk to you?”
“Yeah, Z, I’ll come talk to you when—“
“I meant to Trevor,” Luke interrupted. It was your turn to be shocked, “I guess I’ll go sit in the living room?”
The second you closed the door, you heard Luke began to speak. You contemplated snooping, but you decided to let him have his moment.
— — —
“Sissy better not just be a make out buddy for you. Because if she is, I swear—“
“Woah! Y/N is not just a make out buddy to me! We’ve been kissing a lot, yes, but that’s because it’s so new! We don’t just sneak off to kiss each other. We talk, and we enjoy spending time together, and we’ve been making plans on things to do once we go back to school!” Trevor defended himself. “Is that what you all think?”
“No,” Luke sighed as he sat down next to Trevor. “We all know you two go into each other’s rooms, but Quinn told us to be respectful and leave you guys alone. I thought I came in early enough for you to not be here. But I wasn’t exactly pleased that I found you on top of her.”
“Not our finest moment,” Trevor awkwardly laughed.
Luke was quiet for a moment. He’d been a bit protective of his sister ever since he saw her crying in Quinn’s arms after her first breakup. And again after the most recent one, which felt way worse than the ones before.
“I don’t want to see her heart get broken again,” Luke admitted. “I know it’s different this time, because you asked Quinn for permission and you already know us, but I’m scared. You didn’t see how depressed she was here earlier this year.”
“I did—“
“No. You saw her at school. You saw her post being with Quinn. You didn’t see her here.” Trevor remained silent. “Y/N’s been through a lot. So much that she left her family to live with us and hasn’t spoken to them since. Nothing was worse than seeing her feel so broken when we first moved, but I can already see how different you are. If you break her heart, it’ll destroy her, and nobody will stop Quinn from coming after you because Jack and I will, too.”
Trevor took a moment to take that all in. He still doesn’t know everything that happened for Y/N to move in with the Hughes family, but he hopes that one day she’ll be able to trust him fully to tell him.
“I don’t intend on breaking on heart. I intend to be there for her while it comes back together. The second I met her, I knew she was someone special. I’ve never met anyone before that I wanted to try so hard for, but I want to be the best man I can be for her. And if I fuck that up tremendously, I’ll gladly take whatever you three choose to do.”
“I know that. I’m just…” Luke trailed off.
“Scared,” Trevor finished for him. “Me, too.”
“Why are you scared?” Luke asked him.
“I know Quinn said I’m good enough for him if I’m good enough for her, but I’m scared that one day she’ll want more. That she’ll not want to be with a hockey player that leaves for roadies if I make it to the NHL and that she won’t want to be with me if I’m on a far away team. I hated seeing her so upset. I hate seeing her upset over things that I don’t know about so she goes to Jack for. I never want to be the reason she cries,” Trevor admitted.
“At least Quinn’s not scared,” Luke offered.
Trevor laughed, “That’s good. I think that’s what matters most to her.”
The two boys sat for a moment, taking everything they both said in. They seemed to come to a silent understanding when Luke finally spoke, “You’ll be good to her?”
“I’ll be great to her,” Trevor said firmly.
“Good,” Luke stood up. “Go get her then. She’s in Quinn’s room.”
“I thought she said she was going to the living room?” Trevor asked, standing up with him. Luke gave him a look, “Maybe you don’t know her as much as you think you do.”
Trevor followed Luke out of your room and sure enough, she was in Quinn’s.
“Can I come back now?”
Trevor looked at Quinn and Luke, silently asking for more permission to go back into Y/N’s room.
“Yes, go,” Quinn said.
Y/N laughed as she took Trevor’s hand to take him back into her room, “I love you both!”
“We love you, too, Sissy,” Luke laughed.
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lilys0evil0twin · 1 year
.... Y/n is quite pleased with this new boyfriend of hers. He's overall sweet and kind unlike the other jerks she dated~ Now she wanted to know how he is in bed So invited him over to her house,saying she has a fun game and wanted him to play with her~ Heracles being the sweet innocent himbo he is,agreed. He probably didn't expected to be pushed onto the bed by his gf, who is wearing a sexy lingerie that made him overheat minutes ago. Y/n sitting on him just simply smirked and say:"Oh darling I'll make sure to love you fully tonight, let me give you a taste of pleasure~"
Who's ready to destroy the innocence of this gentle mountain of a football player?! Enjoy!
Uhh please don't get confused at my constant switching of his name... I don't know myself
Warnings: smut, nothing much just Hercule losing his v-card.... Hard
Word count: 4198
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School, the hell on Earth. The stress of constant exams, the lack of sleep and as Y/n says; being surrounded by morons. Every teacher thought their subject is the most important in students' life, girls fought for every cute guy, spreading lies and secrets around the school and all the guys wanted in return of playing hard to get, was to fuck and move on.
Y/n was tired of it. This highschool stereotype. This teen stereotype. So, out of boredom, she decided to claim males reputation. She became a fuck boy. Well not eternally, but you know what, why not give those bastards a taste of their own medicine. Through out the years her reputation grew, she played the popular boys, the cute chicks. Everyone were gossiping about her but she knew it all about the others. The high-class girls started to fear her, for obvious reasons. You know the song "Take your man" by Mahogany Lox?
"I can take your mans, if I want to
But lucky for you, I don't want to"
And to the male party? The ones brave enough approach her, the ones with death wish will try and flirt, the others just admired from afar....
The sudden loud call of his name strattled the mountain of a teen. Currently in the middle of lunch break, Heracles was sitting at his usual table with his close friends; Castor, Jack and two years younger Göll, who was more like his little sister really. Now with his attention finally focused, Heracles turned towards his friend. "What are you doing, your food's getting cold" the teen with a bob cut asked picking on his rice. With a small, confused 'hm?' Heracles looked down towards his plate "Wha- Oh, ya! Sorry I kinda got lost in thoughts" the ginger smiled, putting a mouthful of already cold marinated chicken with vegetables in his mouth. A small laugh could be heard over the voices in the cafeteria, opposite from the ginger football player.
"Come on Hercules, go talk to her~" their senior Jack laughed, seeing his friend's face go totally red. "T-Talk to who?!" whispering a chocked yell, the football player's tough facade flew out of the window. Jack only raised an eyebrow "You know who, Y/n L/n of course! The Miss unapproachable? The, sorry for the expression, Fuck girl of the school?" Heracles only mumbled something shyly, staring holes into his food. Göll giggled beside him, leaning to catch his eyes. "Don't be scared she'll definitely like you!" she said with so much enthusiasm, it was a wander how it fit into her small form.
"I'm not scared! Why would I be? Wha? Wh-what are you even implying??!"
"Oh please, you're kind, funny and handsome! A total gentleman!" Göll clapped her hands, frowning her eyebrows in determination. Hercules only blushed, buds of sweat forming on his forehead and turned towards Y/n's table over his shoulder. "Oh look now's your chance! She's talking with my sis!!" Göll pointed towards her, jumping in excitement. But Hercules hasn't moved, quickly turning to his plate head falling between his stuff shouldes. Castor leaned closer to Hercules smiling gently. "Look you should talk to her, that way it won't weight you anymore" Jack leaned back sipping his tea as Hercules took a breath.
"Aaaand you can't be a virgin forever~"
Hercules could hear his friends bicker and laugh as he neared hit target. Just as he was in sight field Brunhilde smile at him in greeting. "Oh, hey Heracles" Brun's voice made Y/n turn and see who was the unlucky soul that decided to interfere in their conversation. Her e/c eyes met with sharp baby blue ones of a surprisingly tall guy. Unimpressed she raised a brow waiting for him to voice his request. The boy cleared his throat, lightly preparing himself. "I apologize for disturbance ladies, but uh," he took a pause, eyes flicking between the two girls "m-may I talk to Brunhilde for a minute please?"
Brun slowly turner her eyes away, looking towards the table Hercules left moments ago, only to meet with the excited shines of her younger sister. The girl was squeezing her tumbs so tightly her knuckles turned white. Her overjoyed form was moving around in her seat, quite opposite to the boys sitting at the same table. Both looking they're way in interested, Jack's heterochromatic eyes slightly squinting in mischief, small smirk hiding under his slowly growing mustache. Obviously getting the hint Brun smiled turning her attention back to Hercules' nervous form. Resting her cheek against her hand, she asked "Oh is it about your game today?" the glit in her eyes showed Hercules she wants him to follow her lead, so despite knowing what she's implying, he obeyed.
"Ah, um yeh.. yes" he nodded nonchalantly. Brunhilde smiled sweetly "Yes, I'll come watch" she turned to her companion "Wanna come with me?" Y/n only hummed, playing with her food. "Ya, why not. I have nothing better to do anyway" she sighed and returned to her food, not really glancing at Hercules. His eyes twinkled as his lips twitched upwards slightly. After a short moment of silence, it started to feel a little awkward.
"So um, I'll see you both there then" he smiled sheepishly turning away to leave before the lunch break finished. But before he left he heard Brun "We'll cheer for you!" Heracles only chuckled, feeling a little embarrassed.
Y/n kinda wanted to check out the football game today so she'd visit anyway. But why not play hard to get? Now she was sitting beside Brunhilde on stands, watching the game unfold. It was interesting. Well not the game itself, but rather the players. I mean who wouldn't like tall, sweaty men ramming and wrestling with each other while the prettiest girls in the shortest skirts cheering them on.
Y/n was intrigued, here and there she caught the Hercules boy looking their way. Of course she couldn't tell whether he was looking at Brun or her. Brun was the friend of his after all.
Brunhilde on the other hand didn't miss those small smirks of his everytime Y/n cursed their team for losing the ball. Brun was determined, she knew this plan would work. Despite not taking part in this whole Heracless-crush-thing, those quiet desperate signals from Göll were enough to decide she'll take the matter in her own hands.
As the game ended Brun excused herself and quickly left, leaving Y/n at the stands near the entrance to the changing rooms. With a little compliance, Y/n agreed to wait for her friend.
Leaning on the wall she boredly swiped through her phone. With an irritated groan she checked the time. 'God where the hell is she?' pushing herself off the wall, about to leave not wanting to waste anymore time. Well she tried to leave, if it wasn't for the soft wall that someone placed right before her. Grunting courses under her breath, Y/n looked up meeting baby blue irises.
"Oh excuse me miss, are you alright?" Heracles stood before her, sweaty and breathing slightly unevenly. Y/n took a step back and . She must've admit, he looked quite tasty in that football uniform of his. It clung nicely to his chest and shoulders. He was tall with wide shoulders and slim waist. Long ginger hair and some kind on make-up on his face. But as her eyes slid down his abdomen, the same markings peaked from under his shirt. They were even on the same side, but other boys from their team weren't painted like that, maybe it is a tattoo?
"Uhm, m-miss?" his voice was what chaught her attention and she quickly looked to his face. Not that she was hiding that she was literally feeding on his appearance. And that pink tint on his cheeks was kinda cute. "You're surprisingly polite for a guy your age" she grumbled, crossing her arms over het chest "I like it, give me your phone" she said extending her hand. Heracles wanted to say something when Y/n mentioned his politeness, but that was quickly shut down after she asked for his phone. Honestly, his whole brain shut down. So he just stood there, like a statue.
"Hello?" Y/n raised an eyebrow "Are you still there?" Heracles only blinked. "Y-Yah uh... I-It's in my back, i-in the locker" pointing a finger behind Y/n. She turned seeing the entrance to the showers. He even pointed to the wrong direction, damn he's so cute. "Well" she faced him again "then go get it, hop hop! I don't have all day!" She clapped her hands, making him nod and particularly ran to find his bag.
After a minute, Heracles was back. Panting and fluffed up, his clothes wrinkly and hair flying all over the place. Showing his phone into Y/n's face. Y/n only chuckled at his cuteness. He was so desperate and desperately trying to hide it. So cute. She tapped in her contacts, putting a heart behind her name. Then she did the same with his contacts in her phone. Putting him under the name 'Gladiator<3'. After she departed with a wave telling Heracles to text her when he gets home. Leaving this poor boy to freeze where he was, gripping his phone a little too hard, blushing so much that if you looked close enough, you'd see steam coming from his ears.
After some shy messages here and there, those two started texting each other regularly. Becoming good friends in no time. Heracles' personality was probably the main indicator, he was sweet, kind and just so easy to talk to. Good mornings and good nights were a must. Telling each other what they were doing each day, how they were etc.
Until Hercules sent this one message that changed everything.....
Hey Herc
Whatcha doin~?
Nothing much
Just thinking
Abt wha?
Y/n really didn't know if it was intentional or if he just sent it and later the meaning hit him like a train, and to be honest Heracles didn't either.
Needless to say he was frightened shitless the next day at school. He even considered not showing up, I mean..... His stomach really felt weird, like he'll throw up if he sees y/n in the hallway.
Thankfully he was able to avoid her the majority of the day, but unfortunately for him Jack took things into his own hands.
Y/n felt bad, like really bad. This guy was the only one that she felt bad for after leaving on "seen". The feeling got even worse during the day, Heracles didn't even text her good morning for God's sake!
By the time lunch arrived, Y/n was on nettles. She hoped she'll see Heracles at their table and maybe would be able to talk it out, but once there only Jack was there to meet her. Reading news on his phone, such a weird fella.
"Hi Jack" Y/n slumped into the chair beside him with a sigh. Jack only hummed at her presence, too deep in the thing he was reading. They never talked much, but we're never in uncomfortable silence, so Y/n never pressured him.
Jack put down his phone taking a sip from his tea. "He's at the gym" Y/n looked up not really getting what he was saying. "Hercules, he's in the gym. He's probably juicing his brain for ideas." Jack specified, looking Y/n into her eyes. She only stared back, not moving a muscle.
"Well? Just go" Y/n stood up and left knocking few students out of her way, leaving only her lunch to keep the company to Jack. Who just continued to drink his tea with a smile.
Pacing back and forth the whole gym Hercules already lost count of how many times he circled the room. What the hell was wrong with him? How could he text her that?? Of course she left him on "seen", what was she supposed to text to that. He wouldn't be surprised if she never texted him again, if never even wanted to see him. But.... He wanted to see her...
God he's so fucking scared. What should he do?
Pulling on his ponytail Heracles groaned, head falling backwards, his eyes closed. How could Y/n call him a gladiator when he's such a coward. Heracles had his back turned to the door when they were banged open by someone. He looked over his shoulder to see who was so impatient, only to freeze in his spot.
Stunned by her sudden appearance, Heracles never experienced first hand the "speak of the devil". The poor boy was even more surprised when Y/n walked to him and hugged him. "What the fuck are you doing, huh? Ignoring me like this?" her voice was mumbled due to her face being pressed into his chest. Heracles calmed down a little and wrapped his arms around her, hugging her back. After a moment of silence Y/n spoke again, now more clearly. "I'm sorry, for not texting you back."
"I meant it"
Hercules took a breath, straightening his back. Gathering up courage to look down at Y/n. "I like you"
"You're such a dork" Y/n laughed hitting the stressed out boy playfully.
Yep, they started dating. The play girl Y/n L/n was now in a relationship.
Those two love birds started spending more and more time together, even going as far as to have sleepovers. Y/n didn't believe Hercules was real at some moments tho, he was like from a romantic novel. Taking her on dates, bringing her flowers, listening to her ranting, even gossiping with her.
It was like a dream, Y/n may have really fallen in love. Only one last thing to do to make sure she's really about to invest into this relationship to work. She wanted him to fuck her. I mean... Can you blame her? Every time she saw him laying on the couch in his worn out tank top and sweatpants.
As time went on, Y/n was only hornier and hornier. Plus it was frustrating that even tho she did catch Hercules staring, he never crossed any lines. He only followed her lead. So why not use it to her advantage?
One evening Y/n called upon the girls meeting. She with Brunhilde and her sisters sat in a circle in her room. The problem at hand? How to seduce Y/n's boyfriend Hercules. The girls exchanged ideas:
Hrist was for Y/n to greet him wrapped up like a present, holding a paper with "For Hercules" on it. And if it didn't work then to just grab him and fuck him senseless.
Thrud was for a simple "Netflix and chill", maybe make some snacks to enjoy and just be a lil touchy and he'll surely follow.
Randgriz was too shy to say anything and the other girls just listened excitedly. Except for Alvitr that was sulking, because no one acknowledged her idea with sexy lingerie. Göll with Hlökk nearly passed out three times if it wasn't for Göndul.
And so the plan was made, with the finalizing help of Brun of course. Now it only needs to be put into action.
The plan was simple, text Hercules asking him to stay at Y/n's house. This weekend was perfect because her parents went on some trip and won't be back till the next weekend.
Hercules agreed to stay of course and Y/n got to work. The first day was their usual. They lazied around the whole day and went to town in the evening. The next day however, Y/n sent Hercules shopping while she got ready.
Putting on her favorite red lingerie, ready to confront her boyfriend whenever he comes back.
"H-hey" Y/n pushed Hercules on the bed. He was quick to sit up when she lowered herself before his legs, comfortably kneeling down. "W-what are y-..?" "Don't worry love, just relax and enjoy~" Y/n says seductively pulling his knees apart. With a lovestruck sigh, resting her cheek on his thigh. Her steady breaths brushed past the space of his pants, getting tighter and tighter with each exhale. Slowly unzipping his pants while maintaining eye contact with the blushing boy. First to look away was Hercules, his blush getting darker and spreading all the way from his ears to his chest. Heart drumming in his ears, banging against his ribs so hard he'd think they'll break. He didn't know where to look, it was getting so hot, where should he put his hands, what should he do?! Just as Hercules started to panic a gasp filled the room, his body shaking, mind going blank.
'Y/n! She-She's !! -' taking in a shaky breath
Y/n only chuckled seeing his flustered state. She licked the under side of his manhood, following the giant vein from it's base to the head. Giving it a kiss with little kitten licks along his slit. Inching her hand towards his base, fingers slowly rubbing in circular motion. The precum rolled from his tip only to be gently licked off, twitching every time she did so. "Y-Y/n.." her e/c eyes peaked from below her long lashes with a seductive look, fire dancing behind her pupils. He couldn't look her in the eye, it was too much. Cowering his blushing face with the back of his hand, he looked away, eyebrows frowned.
"Oh sorry for teasing you love, but you're just so cute~"
Being called cute now? Hercules pressed his lips together, only to open them in a moment letting out a relieved sigh. The warmth and wetness of Y/n's mouth enwrapped his cock. Sighing and moaning softly, Hercules closed his eyes. His tip hit the back of Y/n's throat. Hercules expected a gag from how hard the impact felt, but nothing. Only the small exhale as her nose buried in the short ginger hair, filling her lungs with his musk. This went on for some time, Hercules's moans and grunts sounded over the muffled sounds from the street.
"Let it out" Y/n said as her deep throat session ended, going back to licks and kisses. Stroking his length at fast pease, her mouth opened over his swollen red tip. The atlete let out a sudden loud groan reaching his big hand for her petite shoulders. "W-wait! Y/n!" She only chuckled moving her hand faster, forcing him over the edge. His hot cum shoot into her opened waiting mouth. Pulling away and sitting on his lap, Y/n swallowed the sticky, slightly salty substance, her e/c gaze meeting his blue one.
"Why did you? ... Doesn't it taste bad?" if his blush could get any darker, it did. Heracles' squinting, teary eyes barely saw his girlfriend. Y/n shaked her head, her h/c locks swinging from side to side "No, you're sweet" she reached for her face, swiping some escapee cum from the corner of her plump lips "Like a candy cane! Here!" and stuffed her seed covered finger into his mouth. His baby blue eyes widened as his shoulders shifted in surprise. Just as he wanted to protest, Y/n pulled her hand away, replacing her finger with her lips. In hopes to calm him down a little, she deepened the kiss, rubbing her tongue against his. Thankfully it did help, seeing as Hercules relaxed his shoulders, his hands unconsciously moving to rest on her hips.
Parting from the kiss to get some air, a small string of saliva hinting on the so recent kiss. Hercules, now completely relaxed, sighed resting his forehead against hers. "That ... That was weird" y/n chuckled again kneading his biceps gently. "Hmm, you'll probably like my juice more.... But I'm a little pent up so maybe later" she said as she moved from his lap. Y/n pulled up the skirt of her lingerie and pulled down her lace panties. Hercules turned his gaze to the side, being the gentleman he is. ...And not really mentally ready for what's to come.
Y/n grabbed his surprisingly still hard dick and aligned the tip with her soaking entrance as she straddled him again. "Sh-Shouldn't we use the protection?" Y/n's eyebrows flew up, her eyes meeting his in surprised gaze. Then smiling brightly hugging his neck and kissed his cheeks and lips repeatedly "That's why I love you! You're not like all the others!" Y/n hopped down and grabbed one, out of many, condoms from the drawer near the bed. Ripping the cover and slowly wrapping the condom on Hercules's manhood. Once finished she hopped on his lap once again and slowly sheathing him inside. Hercules let out a surprised hiss, eyebrows knitting together his blue eyes now tightly shut. Y/n moved her hips from side to side slightly to adjust to his length faster.
"AH, w-wai-- !!" Hercules grabbed her by her hips, stopping her movement. "Y-You're too tight!" He sighed out, resting his forehead on her shoulder, wrapping his arms around her, his thighs shaking. Y/n waited for her lover to calm down again, gently rubbing his wide shoulders till she felt him move his hips upwards slightly. She pulled his face from her neck, moving his head till their eyes met. With that her lower body moved, slowly at first spreading her love juice around the thin wrap hugging Hercules's length. Hercules's hands holding Y/n's hips slid down to her ass, lifting her body effortlessly, opposite way to his thrusts. Gaining speed with every thrust, the room was filled with their mixed breathless moans and groans.
A small drop of sweat slid down his neck all the way to the pecks on his stomach. Y/n followed the drop with her eyes, feeding on the movement of his muscles with every labored breath. She was fascinated in Hercules' improvisation skills, maybe he was really just shy. Y/n moved her hands from his shoulders. One entangling with his low ponytail, slowly pulling on the band to free his ginger hair, and eventually resting her palm on the back of his neck. The other slid down his heaving chest, shifting the direction as soon as she reatched his bellybutton. Her hand gently held his on one of her butt cheeks.
"A-Are you ok?" Heracles asked breathlessly. It was hard to concentrate on more stimulants at once but her holding his hand may have meant he was doing something wrong. He needed to check. Y/n only chuckled giving him a kiss on his neck. "No, just hold on now baby" it took a second for Heracles to hear the meaning of her words. But by the time he could ask what she meant his hands released her bottom and his back hit the mattress. Her small delicate palms holding his down beside his head. With wide eyes he looked up, meeting her e/c irises. The smirk on her face was devilish. Her eyes nearly glowing in the dark.
"Hold on ok, big boy" with that she bounced on his lap with such speed and force Hercules though he'd pass out. Despite being much stronger, Hercules felt weak, literally under the command of his girlfriend. The coil in his stomach snapped before he could even register it's approach. With a quick movement of his hands he grabbed Y/n's arms and turned them both around. Now with him on top, Heracles stopped, emptying himself in the condom, hiding his head in her neck. He gasped for oxygen, tired and drained but still held himself up, not to crush Y/n with his weight. "Y-You did not.... D-did you?" he asked quietly, Y/n chuckled patting his back. "It's okey, it's your first time after all" she said with a gentle smile, Hercules moved from her neck looking at her face then down between her legs, where his cock still rested in her warmth. Blush returning to his ears he slowly pulled out, making sure to catch everything before spilling. He pondered for a second deciding what to do with it till Y/n smiled again and gently took the full condom from his hands and tied it shut, throwing it out into the bin next to get bed. Heracles' blush was constantly present as he turned Y/n to face him. He kissed her gently and lovingly. With their lips still touching he said "But I want you to feel good too"
His fingers moved between her legs. Y/n laughed and kissed just below his lips, "I love you so much" Hercules smiled "And I you" they both chuckled as Y/n palmed his hand against her womanhood, guiding his fingers.
"My lovely gladiator"
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onirique-amaranth · 1 year
⎮Auf die Knie.⎮
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⏤ Characters: Micheal Kaiser⎮reader
⏤ Including: nsfw (-17)
⏤ Warnings: can contain spoiler (chap 149+), sub! Kaiser, top! Male reader, happy ending, unclear feelings, rough interactions but soft sex, implied mind-breaking and character passing out
⏤ 8.000 words
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He was driving you insane.
This man, this arrogant blonde bitch was dragging out the worst part of you. Around him, you were getting more violent, losing your patience, having the brutal and uncontrollable urge to crush and devour him. You wonder if his only purpose wasn't to make players lose their mind or get a good fight out of them.
Many things about him were pissing you off, you didn't know what exactly, as Michael Kaiser was just so irritating and provocative all the time. Maybe it was his attitude, his actions, or the way he was talking to everyone as if they were inferior to him.
One thing was sure about him, Kaiser was the best at making you lose your cool, and giving you the urge to grab him by his thin neck and destroy is unique pretty face.
You wanted to crush him, making him choke on his damn hateful words and make him stop being such a rude bastard.
The German prodigy, was someone that you resented immensely.
It all started at the first day of the Neo Egotist League.
You had options about which team you wanted to evolve with, and so, just like Isagi, you picked the German team as Noel Noa was your idol. And only some minutes after, you met one of the most powerful team in the world, including the player you idolized the most, and the one you would grow to hate.
This team was based on logic and rationality, and as their first test, Noa decided to create a huge race, with five zones to test your physical abilities.
Soon enough, just like everyone else, you were waiting on the starting line, waiting for the countdown to reach zero. The colossal metallic doors in front of you were wide open, and when the shrieking noise pierced through your ears, you jumped forward, running as fast as you could. It was your only occasion to reach your dream, which was to become the best striker in the world, the main protagonist, and you would do anything to achieve that goal.
You trained your body for months, years for this, and without any surprise, you ended up following close behind the players of Germany, only one step before Kunigami.
You were pushing yourself past your limits, your muscles were burning up, only wanting to go faster, jump higher and farther.
Your only goal was to catch up with number 10. He was running ahead of you, in front of everyone else, his speed more than incredible. You raced the first, second, and third zone without any difficulty, but you ended up losing too much time on the fourth one, though you were still second. And when you finally reached the final zone, only one player finished the race already, at least that's what the screen next to you was telling you, as it displayed the name “Kaiser” in first place.
Not losing your determination, you went faster, rushing to pass the only player in front of you, hoping to reach the second place.
The final zone was an easy one, you only had to dribble and shoot onto a giant target. Your speed and technique made you win some seconds, and before you knew it, you were in the shoot zone, aiming at the immense target.
You were so sure of yourself, knowing that it was an effortless shot for you and would get a high score without any doubt, if he wasn't in your way. Mid-air, someone shot down your ball, diverting its course. You, thankfully, had the reflex to move quickly and kick it again, able to reach the high score zone as you painfully twisted your ankle.
Breathless, you turned in the direction the other ball came from, glaring at the guy that tried to sabotage your shot. He was here, with his blonde and blue hair, sharp blue eyes staring down at you in disdain, number 10. You locked eyes, jaw clenching as he offers you the most pretentious and flaunty look you ever seen.
Your blood was boiling, you didn't know what was his problem, but he was really getting on your nerves. From his smug smirk, to his oh-so proud face, and the way he was speaking to you as if you were a dog, he was definitely asking to be punched directly in the face.
He even took the time to pose, as if he was playing a big role in a well-known theatre, acting all high and mighty, worse thing is that he looked ridiculous as hell from your perspective. But even though he was risible, he still managed to hit a nerve. He tells you with his most irritating voice to kneel in front of him, making fun of your physical abilities and how you almost missed your shot, when you arrived just after him and he was the one that sabotaged your perfect shot.
What pissed you off the most, was how deliberately used your first name, trying to show off that he was superior to you. Especially when he only gave you his last name.
Unfortunately for them, you can understand German perfectly and can also speak it, though you made the choice to keep quiet as the rest of the German team reached the end, Blue Lock's players still far behind.
Number 8 showed up along with number 13, exchanging words with the arrogant blonde man, talking as if you weren't here. Though, you weren't supposed to understand German so, it was quite obvious why he wasn't talking to you directly. The number 8, named Ness, wasn't that bad, as he was just acting like a puppy, listening to Kaiser as he was making fun of Blue Lock.
You were listening, disgusted by his attitude as he was supposed to be the ones training you, or at all try to train you all. He was especially talking about how everyone in Blue Lock was physically weak, as if two players didn't finish the race before all his team.
It was irking you to listen to this bitch spouting out nonsense, but it wasn't your problem in the first place if the rest wasn't physically capable of keeping up. You were supposed to think about yourself only, and speaking up to defend everyone else was the complete opposite. They have to prove their worth, it wasn't your place to do it.
Though, when that number 13, Gesner, took the time to insult you in front of your face, you oh-so politely told him to go fuck himself, using your best German intonation. The players that were the closest to you stopped in the middle of their conversations, looking over at you in shock, clearly glaring straight at Gesner.
Ness, that was coming in your direction to give you a micro-interpreter stopped dead in his track, flushing red as he asks you if you understood everything they said. When you replied yes, most of them looked away embarrassed, getting caught being straight up rude and insulting someone was awkward and shameful. The ones that didn't say anything derogatory were snickering on the side, patting you on the back before going back to what they were saying.
You still motioned for Ness to give you the device, ignoring the rest. Kaiser clicked his tongue, annoyed by how quick you forgot about him or his provocations. He stepped closer, wanting to grab you by the jaw but Isagi and the rest of Blue Lock showed up at the same time.
You watched the same show go down again, Kaiser grinning as he blocked Isagi's shot. Unfortunately for this one, he was too shocked to do anything but look at the man. Kaiser did his bold and rude little speech, before Ness finally decided to give them the micros, even they didn't understand everything he said, it was quite obvious he was ridiculing them.
The insolent prodigy continued his little scene, attracting all the spotlight on him while you were waiting on the side, bored and angry, but not caring this much about his overdramatic and self-centred act. It was just annoying how he was wasting your time by doing this. And you were more than happy when Noa showed up, putting Kaiser back in his place, and also calling him childish. You couldn't help but turn around to chuckle, hiding your laughter as Ness was glaring at you.
Noa introduced his team's philosophy and how your only way to become regulars was to have a good ranking. A giant screen appearing behind him, showing off the last 6 players, slowly moving up to the top. It surprised everyone when Kunigami arrived in 4th position, beating 9 of the German players, and you in 2nd.
Without any surprise, Kaiser was first, grinning like a maniac. His expression was eery, sending shivers down your spine as he looked down at you, those presumptuous and cocky eyes staring directly at your soul. Those seconds seemed endless as you were scrutinizing each other in tense silence, before Noa left the room followed by everyone else, forcing you to look away and catch up with your friends.
Soon enough, the training days started, and too focused on getting better, you didn't care much about Kaiser. You were certain that you won't have to interact with him at all during those days, or at least only a moderate amount of time.
Sadly for you, you couldn't choose with whom you would share a room, as it was based on your previous results. The rooms were made for 4 persons; the problem was, you were 23 persons including Noa, which mean that here would be a room of 3, and obviously, it was for the top 2 and Noa.
That's how you ended up sharing a room with Kaiser and the current best striker in the world. It would certainly be easy to share a room with a guy that never shows emotion, and the other one that has a superiority complex and the bad habit to degrade everyone…
It was hell.
It was only the start of the practice, and yet, you already felt like either quitting or killing the tattooed blonde. He was insufferable, not only Kaiser was always making snarky remarks about you or Isagi, but he had many annoying habits, which you were forced to live with.
You didn't know what was worse between cohabiting or training with him. Whatever you were doing, he was here, always so proud after effectively pissing you off, smug and arrogant as he chuckles lowly.
Kaiser didn't know how bad you wanted to make that smirk disappear from his face, punch him, grab him by his hair and smash his head against the ground, or purposely break his ankle during a match.
Maybe, it was better that he didn't know.
Thankfully for you, your second roommate wasn't this bad or punchable. Noa was more on the calm and quiet side, more reclusive, practising alone in the evening, barely talking to you or Kaiser, except when he was telling him to shut up.
At least, that was the first days, before you managed to yank out some words out of his mouth. Slowly but surely, you tried to have some conversations with him, always stopping when he seemed a bit uncomfortable or when he needed to go practice. He had a really strict schedule after all, and he would never be one minute late, from his training to what he was doing in his free time, he was always doing something that was keeping his good form.
At some point, you broke his façade, becoming good friends and finally being trusted enough to spend time with you. Not only now you weren't always alone with Kaiser in the room, but you had the opportunity to train with Noa. Being able to practice every evening with one of the best football player in the world was a blessing, and your already high physical abilities have been multiplied, making you a fierce rival for Kaiser.
You were progressing much faster than with the previous training, highly annoying Kaiser, and with this intense training, you weren't seeing him more than once a day. Though it made you extremely happy, something felt wrong. You knew it would bother Kaiser, but it impacted much more than you thought it would.
You couldn't count how many times he glared at you when you enter the room, just freshly getting out of the shower, body still wet with water drops running down your torso, his eyes following your every movement with a scowl on his face. Noa would always enter the room some seconds after you, being welcomed by Kaiser clicking his tongue loudly, snarling when the tall man would look at him.
And this situation would repeat itself again and again, every night after your daily training.
The atmosphere was tense, to say the least; not only the competition to get into the top 11 was intense and brutal, but the hostility looming inside this room could kill anyone on the spot.
If the rivalry between you and Kaiser was strong, the one between him and Isagi was worse, and only increasing as the day go by. The difference of level was considerable. Isagi couldn't even take back the ball from Kaiser during the one-touch minigame training, he was continuously running after him, and always one step behind.
It started an inside competition, each goal, action, or pass needed to be cancelled by the other. And you had no idea how, but you ended up in the middle of this cat fight too, much to Noa's amusement, that you would see snickering on the side.
It wasn't better between Noa and Kaiser though, which was always snarling at him, ready to jump. You didn't know what happened between them, but one thing was sure, you weren't even thinking about getting in between them, you weren't this crazy and delirious to try.
Despite clearly disliking the other, Kaiser started to join you to your night training, insisting on being here every time, still acting superior at any occasion he had, even though Noa would shut him down whenever he hears him brag or degrade someone.
But what surprised you the most, was how nice he was sometimes, giving you advices, placing himself behind you to show you the best movement or position you're supposed to be in. Kaiser was genuinely helping you get better, and under Noa's supervision, you were sure that he wasn't doing it just to make fun of you. He went as far as showing you how you were supposed to massage your legs after training, or what exercises were better depending on your capacities.
And before you know it, after days and days of spending some hours with them, Kaiser became almost tolerable.
He was still pissing you off immensely, but you got used to him and his habits, his way of speaking, and sometimes, you were able to discern the hidden compliments he would give. It was all about him insulting one of your passes, commenting on a goal you made, the small towel he would throw in your face just after you get out of the shower, or your water bottle that was always filled to the top despite having drank all of it an hour ago.
Kaiser was terrible, but he wasn't as bad as you thought.
After the days of training, it was time for your first match with this team, if you were chosen as a regular. And much to your pleasure, you were one of the starting member along with Kunigami.
During the match, you didn't know what shocked the rest of the players the most: how only two persons of Blue Lock got into the team, or how you were so complementary with Kaiser's playstyle. You were perfectly synchronized, moving at the same time, the same actions, using similar techniques, and you were understanding each other perfectly without talking after hours of training together every evening.
Kaiser's execution system has been, unknowingly to both of you, adjusted so you could play together, letting you become a perfect addition in the team's system.
This match was going in the most perfect and impressive way, the flow shared between each player was superb, despite Kunigami trying to become a protagonist over you and Kaiser, the rhythm stayed unchanged.
At least, it was this way until Isagi showed up on the field, cancelling passes and goal, blocking him own teammates, breaking the rhythm and synchronization of the entire team. And before you knew it, he was blocking your counterattack with Kaiser, which definitely wrecked everything and gave him the opportunity to score a goal.
To say the team was mad would be an understatement, Kaiser and Ness were especially furious, and you were livid yourself. All this work, for him to steal the spotlight. Next time, you will destroy him on the field.
You barely had the time to talk with Ness before everyone left, you could feel just by sharing your opinion on the match how enraged he was. His jaw was clenched and had crazy eyes, glaring at Isagi and Kunigami's back, sending shivers down your spine. Though, he gave you a half smile, since you played with his King, Kaiser, instead of doing everything alone.
The walk back into the locker room was tense, no words exchanged between the players despite the victory. It's only when you started to undress and cool down that some started to talk, mostly benched people and three persons from the regular team, the rest was dead silent.
You went into the shower room quickly, locking your stall door as the glacial water hits your back, calming you down, tension and pressure disappearing. Your blood was still boiling, you needed to evacuate the pent-up rage but didn't know how, the need to hit something or someone gets bigger.
You inhale and exhale deeply, quickly finishing cleaning you up before leaving the stall, a towel wrapped around your waist and another resting on your shoulders. You noticed how you forgot your clothes, and take the direction of the locker room, meeting Kaiser on the way, also just coming out of the shower, but with his short on.
He shameless looked at you up and down, hiding his smirk with a snarky remark like always, his arms wrapping around the middle of your back as he walks with you to the locker room.
Bursts of voices could be heard from afar, and you easily recognized the voice of Isagi and Yukimiya, fighting over the spot of regular and how it wasn't fair for Isagi to play. You could only sigh, already feeling tired by their bickering, missing how Kaiser was looking at you amused, unable to hide his growing grin.
Though, he quickly got back into character, entering the room as if he was royalty, delivering a questionable speech to those present in the room. He tries to get Yukimiya on his side, or more precisely, make Isagi lose one of his ally. You knew too well how he didn't care about them, but just wanted to create trouble and entertain himself, using the jealousy of the soon-to-be blind player as his weapon.
His speech was more than boring for you, as you simply entered the room to take your clothes before exiting it immediately. You rest against the nearby wall, just wanting to see how it was going to end, watching with crossed arms as Kaiser gives his supposed advices, a beguiled look on his face.
Despite Kaiser's impressive confidence and elegance, he wasn't able to fool them into betraying their friends. But even so, he still managed to create a certain doubt in between them, a strange atmosphere taking over the room as they watch each other warily. After all, in the end, only one will become the best and everyone here was your rival.
You thought he would be dejected after not getting any support from the one he was targetting, but his wide smirk told you how satisfied he was from their reactions. He turns his back to them, leaving the same way as he came, adding one last sentence, which almost sounded like a threat.
“Don't choose the wrong King to serve, shitty commoners.”
The silence was heavy, all eyes on his back as the impact of his words weight their mind. Most were lost in their thought, looking at the ground or staring into space.
You were waiting for him to pass in front of you before leaving yourself, still unsure if you wanted to check on the others, at least that was your plan until Kaiser made a move.
He stopped in front of you with a blinding grin, catching the attention of the rest, that only noticed you now. With the same expression, he pulled you forward by your arm before placing his right arm around your waist, dragging you away with him.
The last straw, was when he barely looked over his shoulder to declare in a presumptuous tone to your friends, that some persons already made the good choice. The implication of those words shocking you, staring at him with wide eyes, still processing the remark. Too taken aback to say anything on the spot, letting you being led away.
When the door slammed shut behind you, you snapped out of your daze, the fury exploding in your body and mind. You send a murderous look at Kaiser, which only made him snicker more.
He looked so proud of himself, that smirk of his displayed on his face, and in a singsong voice, he claimed that he was just telling the truth. After all, you played with him, adjusted to him instead of Isagi for all the match against Spain, never doing a move to run away from his control over the game. It was true, but only because it was serving your own interests.
Your patience was running thin, each words of his only driving you to a more violent rage. The urge to destroy him getting uncontrollable, hands shaking, clenched into fists as you were going to snap.
And then, his last sentence made you completely lose your composure and self-control.
Kaiser barely had the time to understand what was happening, only seeing you jump on him. And before he knew it, his naked back hit the wall violently, a strong pain erupting from the contact, and a hand found its way around his neck.
The arrogant man was panicking, your thumb pressing against his skin, slowly cutting his airflow as you watch in satisfaction how he was suffocating. You weren't holding him tightly enough to kill him, but just the perfect pressure to make him panic. When Kaiser was going to pass out, you loosen your hold, letting him inhale as much as he could.
He was flushing red under your gaze, the fear still paralysing his muscles, but another feeling appeared in his chest, a distinctive sentiment awakening deep inside him.
He was too aware of the weight of your hand around his neck, how your fingertips were pushing into his skin, your nails almost gently digging into the flesh. Now he could feel it, the warmth of your body clearly too close to him, the tensed muscles under his fingers when he tried to make you let go of him, and your leg in between his to keep him in place.
Your gaze was curious, confused by his reaction as Kaiser could feel himself heat up, legs quivering and knees almost giving out, his natural assurance fading away.
You can't help but chuckle when his deep voice gets all breathy and almost whiny as you tighten your grip, watching with interest as he was reacting positively to your brutal attitude. His hand that were trying to previously pry you away were now urging you to say in this position, his hips unknowingly started to thrust into the air uselessly. It was clear that he was still fighting it, the pleasure of someone being stronger than him, but his ego was telling him to fight back.
It was oh-so humiliating for Kaiser, him, the German prodigy, the genius, to be choked and trapped against a wall in the shower room. Not only he was getting overpowered by someone like you, but he was loving it, the sensation of being powerless and controlled as if he was a nobody. It was against everything he has built all these years, but he couldn't resist the pleasure coursing through his veins.
He loved this feeling, he loved your hand around his neck, loved how he couldn't use his lungs, and you were the only one that could allow him to stay conscious. He loved how your eyes were shining from the curiosity, something awakening behind those pupils and only desired to hurt him further. He loved all of it, and needed you to give him more.
He was fascinated by you, how you were the one choking him, how your usual impassive face was now undescribable as the captivation and rage were mixing together, all rationality leaving your mind. He was unable to guess what you would do next, and he was embracing that ignorance with bliss.
You were still furious, blood pumping at a rapid pace, your hand itching to tighten your grip, admire him gasping and begging for you to let him go. You needed to see him cry, lose that pretentious and superior act, show him who was really in charge. The necessity of having him under you, powerless. The hunger to break him and make him yours.
Everything was getting mixed up in your head, rage and lust blending together, your initial goal vanishing into thin air, only for your lewd thirst to take over.
Your mind was still screaming at you to step away, but it was getting bluntly ignored. Not caring if anyone found you like this, though, the thought lingered on your mind. After all, you were both almost naked, and in a quite ambiguous position, anybody would think that you were, without a doubt, having an intercourse in public. Which, could lead to a delicate and troublesome situation, especially, when you had no idea if this part of the room was getting recorded.
While you were lost in your thoughts, trying how to get out of this situation quickly, Kaiser managed to snap out of his flustered state. His hand gripping your forearm moved to your nape, forcefully yanking you forward, your nose touching as you feel his breath against your lips. You looked down slowly, staring at the parted lips within your reach, calling for you.
Kaiser felt a rush of pride and satisfaction when you completely lost your train of thoughts just by looking at his lips, assured that he wasn't the only one sensing this tension. Now certain that it was mutual, he knew he only had to play his cards right.
He wanted to see you mad, witness you lose all sanity, and dump all your rage on him. Maybe, he could push his pride to the side for a moment and enjoy this rush. Nobody will know, it will be a secret that you will share together.
And maybe, just maybe, it could become something more.
Set on what he wanted, he let another sly remark slip out of his mind, needing to see what was going to be your reaction. Kaiser couldn't help it, he had this need to show that he was superior to you, prove himself, but at the same time, his entire being was begging for you to humiliate and humble him.
He was also starting to lose his mind, his airflow being cut once more as you whisper in his ear to stop playing. The vibration echoing through his body, knees giving out as your hand was holding him up. His hand scrambled to take a hold of your shoulders, the pressure in his lower stomach getting stronger, his mind getting hazy as everything started to spin.
He was definitely losing it.
Meanwhile, you were burning internally. The parasite was seriously pushing all your buttons at once, and you were close to the breaking point, which would result in either you punching him until he coughs up blood, or fuck him into his mind goes blank.
The decision was made when Kaiser mewled out your name, hands shaking as he places his hand on your nape and pull you in again.
This time, your lips collided before you could do anything, a soft moan escaping Kaiser's mouth as he grips your hair for support. Your annoyed objection getting swallowed by his lips cut off in a clash of teeth and tongue. Your second hand left the wall to sneak around his waist, bringing him closer as you get lost in the sensation, warmth spreading through your body when his bare torso met yours.
It was already too late for you and the last remain of your animosity.
Your body had betrayed you, a certain part of your body getting hard, as multiple scenarios appear in your mind, too many of them about ruining the blonde man in front of you.
You separated your lips in a haste, breathing heavily as you have trouble thinking properly, the man in front of you driving you crazy. Many things about him were turning you on, you didn't know what exactly, as Michael Kaiser was just so beautiful and provocative at the same time. Maybe it was his charming and attractive face, his captivating body, the fascinating curve and hypnotizing small waist, and his alluring scent.
One thing was sure about him, Kaiser was the best at making you lose your mind, and giving you the urge to grab him by his thin neck, kiss him until you lose your breath and ruin him completely.
You feel your strength leave you, forehead resting against his shoulder as you inhale sharply. You could feel yourself twitch under the towel, straining against the fabric, a strong need disabling your mind. You struggle to regain some sanity, if you were listening to yourself, Kaiser would have his face pressed against the wall already as you yank his shorts down and show him how to really overpower someone.
But the place wasn't appropriate, too exposed and maybe currently filmed. Though, Kaiser didn't care one bit, with his hands around you gripping your hair, he was grinding on your knee and biting your neck. Struggling to get his teeth deeper into your flesh, he yanked your head to the side to get more access, now devouring the junction between your neck and shoulder.
You almost lost it when Kaiser raised his knee, brushing it against your crotch temptingly, almost begging for you to snap and forget all dignity and civilities.
Kaiser's breathing was rapid, erratic, struggling to inhale more air, another sinful whine fleeing past his parted lips. His own little game was affecting him way too much, he couldn't think of a way to tease you more without bringing himself in another risky situation.
His short was already too tight around him, the fabric of his boxer sticking to his tip and his legs too weak to hold him up. Brief moans were flowing out of his mouth, teeth gritting together as he struggled to contain his sounds of pleasure, his thighs shaking as the tension between you and him gets suffocating. If it wasn't for your hand around his neck and the other on his shoulder, he would be on the ground by now, begging for anything you could give him.
Kaiser was at your mercy.
When you raised your head again, you were met with an absolutely delicious facial expression, the doubt and lust, along with the dominant and submissive part of Kaiser clashing in a hypnotizing way, delirious. He was, beautiful, tempting and exquisite, everything someone would dream of. Your heart was beating wildly in your chest, every thought you had turning to ashes as he was now fully occupying your mind.
His eyes met yours once again, your hands slowly moving down to hold his waist, gently drawing him closer. Kaiser's hands finding their place on your upper back and nape, eyes closing and head tilting to the side as your lips were going to meet.
The atmosphere changed around you in a swift second, the lust being pushed to the side as raw attraction lure you in delicately. You were so close now, ultimately breaking the last internal rule, no romance.
Your lips brushed against the other when the sounds of footsteps getting closer were heard. You barely had the time to think, both caught off guard as you flew out of the shower room. Thankfully, your shared room wasn't this far away, and you had the time to hide in there, slamming the door shut behind you.
In luck, Noa was out at this time, and you found yourselves alone in your room, panting and blushing, still not dressed and with your clothes missing in this shower room.
There was a moment of silence, when you looked at each other, and then you erupted in a fit of giggles. You flopped onto the bed, laughing at what just happened while Kaiser was doing the same, a bit more quietly. He slumped on the bed behind you, warmth radiating as you feel yourself relax.
You turn in his direction as he does it at the same time, finding yourself nose to nose, and the feelings from earlier hit you back, full force this time. Your breath was taking away at the soft view, Kaiser with a cute smile on his face, all red and breathless from laughing.
Kaiser caught you stare at him with this enamoured look on your face, and he couldn't help but tease you for it, calling you a weirdo and horn-dog. The atmosphere was more playful as he purposely acts this way, his proud grin getting bigger as you roll to the side, looming over him with an amused smile. Your forearms sinking into the mattress, you teasingly move your head down, leaving a kiss on his jaw before biting down the side of his neck.
You nipped at the skin, sinking your teeth in the soft flesh, getting rewarded with a breathy moan. You slowly moved down, a raspy groan escaping your throat as he tugs on your hair, hips thrusting upwards as he deliciously grinds against you. You move one of your hand down, slowly caressing his torso then waist, continuously moving down.
As you teasingly nibble at his shoulder, you graze at a sensitive part of his shoulder, unknowingly, and almost jumped when Kaiser hissed. Instead of cursing, he digs his nails into your neck, almost drawing out blood, as his other hand yanked on your hair violently.
You were glaring at the other furiously, Kaiser cursing you loudly as you stopped moving, whining at the loss of friction and pleasure. You hit his hip, telling him to stop complaining for once as he racked his nails down your back. Annoyed by his bratty act, you pin his wrists over his head, hoping he would stay still.
But your hopes were crushed quickly as he trashes against the restraint, in an attempt to get free, uselessly trying to get back some control. Though, his body was betraying him, he was too turned on to really focus on getting away. His face was burning, both in embarrassment and dizziness, legs spread wide as you find your place in between them.
As he was going to whine once more, you brought your lips together in a rough kiss, Kaiser's vision getting hazy as he tries to give you as much passion. The lack of air and pleasure coursing through his veins was dazzling, you stood up slowly to take off your towel, Kaiser following after you, refusing for your lips to separate.
He still followed your lead, sitting up on the edge of the bed, raising his hips to take off his shorts and underwear. The temptation was too strong, and he allowed himself to let his eyes wander, admiring your body and how you were moving so naturally towards him.
You were now leaning forward to tease him a bit, but Kaiser took you by surprise when he made the first move, taking control for some seconds. Before he knew it, everything was spinning, his body moved as if he was a doll, unable to do anything by himself.
You manhandled him, making his back hit your bed in a soft sound. Kaiser was really cute when he wanted to take control, but you wouldn't let it happen again. Now that you were back in your original position, it was much more comfortable, despite the lack of clothes. Each movement making your skin brush against his, shivers going up your spine as the feeling itself was driving you insane.
Silently, one of your hands sneaked in between his legs, caressing his inner thigh before gently teasing the most important part. Kaiser growled at how you were smirking, laying on top of him, purposely doing everything to tease him, never giving enough to be satisfied. He wanted you, and it seemed like you weren't going to help him.
So, he hooked a leg over your hip, grinding against you suggestively but kept his face away from you. Even when you were trying to kiss him, he would avoid it, only allowing you to do so if your fingers were deep inside of him.
The sight was sinful to say the least, arousing, and only made you want Kaiser more. He was so much hotter when he was keeping his mouth shut, especially when he wasn't acting like a self-centred king anymore. You loved how he could put anyone in their place, now that you knew him better, but sometimes it was too annoying. And finally, you had the occasion to shut him up.
And surprisingly, for once, Kaiser was quiet. At least, if you would ignore his breathy high moans, also how his breath would itch after a roll of your hips, the squelching of your hand while you jerk him off.
Kaiser was the prettiest and quietest boy when he had two fingers forced into his mouth, and especially when he was licking them like a starved man.
It was too much. Kaiser was losing his mind, every action of yours would make his eyes roll back, unable to keep up with your fingers or hips. He could feel your dick pressing against his thighs, slick slowly coating his skin as you were getting too impatient yourself.
Kaiser couldn't lie, you were driving him insane, and from the start. Not only you were an impressive football player, able to make him adapt to your playstyle, forcing him to let go of his pride for a goal, but also managed to get on friendly terms with Noa.
You had no idea how ecstatic he was the moment you got paired together, but the joy disappeared as quickly when Noa added himself to the mix. How aggravating it was to see you come back from the shower with him, your bright smile and chuckles after something he said.
It was clear, Noa was head over heels for you, but Kaiser was too. So at first, he became meaner with you, trying to get your attention, but it never worked. And then, the easiest way that appeared to him, was to have the same importance as Noa. He started coming to your private practise, ate with you, would share some advices until he managed to get close enough.
And yet, after so many efforts, you weren't his. He didn't think that provoking you one last time would get him what he wanted.
When he snapped out of his thoughts, he found you waiting on top of him, breathing heavily as you were holding yourself back. Kaiser had his leg thrown over your shoulder, his hole fluttering just in front of your dick as you were waiting for his consent.
The embarrassment came crashing onto him, he ended up spacing out, and you nicely waited for him. Though, from how pale your knuckles were while holding the sheets, it must have been far from pleasurable for you to wait for so long. He could feel your erratic heartbeat against his skin, chest pressed together as your warm breath hit his neck, making goosebumps prickle across his shoulders and arms.
With difficulty, he pushed his ass toward you, making your tip forcefully enter him. The muscles of your thighs tremble as you resist the temptation to slam into him with no consideration for the potential pain. But the sharp gasp you let out only fuelled Kaiser up into pushing more, as you finally slip your length into his tight hole, moaning in unison at the pleasure making your head spin. You were relishing in the warmth and soft whimpers Kaiser let out, completely losing himself in the feeling of getting stretched apart, his thighs twitching at the strong sensation. You kissed his cheek, going down to spare some seconds to bite down onto his neck before coming back up, murmuring soft praises in his ear, your breath warm and wet against his neck, making Kaiser shiver.
You tried your best to breathe, calming yourself down and letting Kaiser relax, but it was difficult when he was squeezing you this way. Your hands caressing his body, from his shoulders and back to his waist and thighs, fingers digging into the soft skin, earning yourself a low moan. When Kaiser pleaded, you knew there was no reason to hold back anymore.
“Please, I beg you… Give me more.”
With one of your hands on his waist, and the other placed on the top of his head, you slam your length inside of him, uncaring of how loud you were both being. Kaiser choked on his moan, too full of you to manage to let out a consistent sound. The top of your hand hit the wall by the force of your thrusts, protecting Kaiser's head as you ravage him, the blonde being fucked out of his brain. It was a sight to behold, Kaiser sweating and squirming on your bed, his cock hard and leaking precum, curving against his abs and beautifully framed by the v of his hips.
The prodigy was under you in all his glory, getting lost in the pleasure you were giving him.
After a certain thrust, he became much louder, and anyone outside would be able to hear him if you didn't do something. As he was moaning your name, mouth wide open, you pushed your finger inside his mouth, and a muffled moan vibrates as your thrusts became erratic. Far too turned on to hold much longer, focusing on Kaiser who was already incoherent, babbling nonsense and drooling at the mind-numbing sensations.
The thrusts that follow are raw, unrestrained, and impatient, only wanting to finish inside of him. Tuning out all your thoughts, you just keep moving, rocking yourself desperately inside Kaiser's hole, needing to see him completely lose it. You shifted your weight onto one arm, moving Kaiser's hips, pressing up his legs until he was folded in half under you, his arms wrapped around his calves.
The position only allows more access, giving you all the freedom you needed to let loose and destroy his body. Kaiser's vision was blurred when he felt you go deeper, forcing past the tightness, threatening to utterly overwhelm him. His entire body was at your mercy, with no strength left to move or get into another position, as he was bound to accept anything you wanted to do with him.
His skin was on fire, his insides burning, he was so close to the edge. He only needed a bit more and he would fall down.
Thankfully for him, it seemed like you were in the same state as you couldn't speak anymore, only uttering his name in a low moan, almost growling. And Kaiser would reply in the sweetest way possible, by chanting your name in that melody only he could create, making your core tighten.
Desperately, you slammed into him again, the sudden force used rocked your whole body forward, your arms giving out under you. With your chest pressed together, his cock rubbed against your stomach, coating your skin in a thin layer of fluids. So close to the other, the temptation was too strong, and with difficulty, Kaiser yanked your head forward, your lips melting against each other.
It was just a kiss, after all. Something so simple that you both already shared with someone else, but this time, it ruined you completely. Your thrusts were wilder, more vicious, the rhythm becoming fast and unforgiving until you're left breathless, gasping for air. You choke out a warning, telling him that you were close and he only pulls you closer, mouthing words against your lips.
Your name, over and over.
And then, it hits you, along with a last kiss. A spark of electricity spread through your entire body, reality fading away as Kaiser is pushed over the edge too, trembling in your arms. He whimpers out something incomprehensible, his back arching as he cum, the whole world fading away with the force of his climax. Kaiser could feel you inside of him, emptying yourself until you were left gasping for air, high and euphoric.
You murmured his name in the softest manner he ever heard, holding him closer as you kiss his jaw, softly biting his neck. You were still inside of him, and it seemed like you weren't planning to move as all the tension leave your body along with your worries. This sudden affection takes Kaiser off guard, as the hidden need to get your lips on his again gets stronger, and promising himself to blame it on the confusion and his high, he links your lips again. So tenderly that he feels his body melt, bringing you closer, so he could feel you, sense you against him. Have you for himself, just for one more second.
And when you fell asleep together, in the same position, your hand never left his.
The next days, everyone was confused about your sudden closeness and how well you were warming up to the other. Everyone, except Noa, who didn't expect to be greeted by the sight of his roommates sleeping in the same bed after his training, bodies littered with bite marks and small bruises. He didn't make a comment or mentioned it once, but he did imply once or twice that next time, you could at least try to cover yourself after doing it.
You may have done it together, again, multiple times after this. But your first focus was still training and being at the top of the best players, and you couldn't waste time on unclear feelings. Though, when the program Blue Lock ended, and you were finally free from almost all the pressure, Kaiser made the first move, pushing his pride aside and asking you out on a date.
Within a few days, the news was known by everyone, as the well-known German prodigy, Micheal Kaiser, and the first-ranked player of Blue Lock were officially dating. All were waiting for one thing, seeing you on the field, together, in the same team.
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⏤ Thank you for reading! I wish you a great day.
⏤ here is my masterlist & ko-fi ⏤
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