#he's lived with a cat before bc my mom had one for a while before my grandparents took her (long story)
orcelito · 1 year
Me painting my nails all black at almost 5 am when I have to be up by 10 to work at 11
Thinking to myself, "Ah. I really am not doing okay."
#speculation nation#negative/#i guess.#i keep wavering on whether im coping fine or not#im trying. trying to not linger too much. trying to just live my life and continue pursuing my interests#tricking myself that everything is okay. smiling and laughing and enjoying the little things#and then it's nearly 5 am and im remembering the time my uncle came into my bubble tea shop while i was working#a surprise visit. and i got to take his order & recommend him things. a nice little thing.#im remembering trips with him. him driving and me being a little wallflower. but my family expects this so it's okay#im remembering my birthday. this year. where i was free from school and so looking forward to the summer#and then like a week later i got the news that my uncle had cancer. and a week after that my cat died.#and i got through it. i worked on getting better. i was starting to get better. & then i got the call from my dad#that my uncle was in the hospital again. and a week and a half later he was dead.#and here i am now. nearly 3 weeks later. and what do i have to show for it?#with cassy i cried 14 times in one night. it felt like a stab in the chest. a horrible wound. one i still flinch from remembering.#with my uncle... i had time to prepare myself. i began grieving well before he died. so it wasnt such a horrible shock to my system#instead... it feels like ive been slowly bleeding out. a gaping wound that isnt closing no matter how much i desperately try to.#bc the fact of the matter is that this is family. my uncle. who ive known my entire life. & who i was pretty close to#at least compared to my aunts on my mom's side. ive always been closer to my family on my dad's side.#it's not going to go away so soon. i know this. and it doesnt help that ive been away from my family for so much of this.#the memorial is in a week. im hoping it will help to heal the wound. at least a little bit.#i hate living life feeling like i have a hole in my chest. i hate losing people i love.#animal death ment/#death/#regardless. my nails are black. and it's time to go to sleep.
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drawnecromancy · 2 years
one thing i find very funny about my dad is that he will listen to me ramble about stuff he does not care about. he was very surprised when i told him that you CAN train cats to do tricks (because he does not like cats and avoids interacting with them), and kind of impressed when i told him a friend of mine actually teaches her elderly cat a bunch of tricks because said cat gets Bored easily.
it's the little things, you know ?
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ray-winters · 4 months
we just wanna hear any hcs you have for our boy misch
Alright, y’all asked for it, buckle up:
Mischa makes most of his money from an apprenticeship he has at the only tattoo parlor in Uranium City. He gets paid a bit, and on top of that he gets free tattoos (which is where he got all of his from). Plus it keeps him out of the house and also pisses his very traditionally valued adoptive parents off. Win win.
My Mischa only has tattoos on his right arm bc I am left handed so HE is left handed- he does his own tattoos mostly. He was going to start a sleeve on his left arm after he got home from the fall fair.
Speaking of his tattoos; the first tattoo he gave himself was one that says “Bad Egg” w/devil horns and a devil tail. “Bad Egg” was something his adoptive dad would frequently call him, so it was his way of reclaiming the name for himself, and pissing off his adoptive parents bc they were viciously anti-tattoo
He has another tattoo of a crescent moon with a “ - T” next to it bc he asked Talia to draw him something to put on his body. She drew the moon because of the time difference between Kyiv & Uranium, any time she sees the moon she knows she’s going to hear from Mischa soon. So she began to associate Mischa with the moon.
My personal fav tattoo I gave Mischa is that stereotypical “S” where you draw 6 lines and connect them. This is brand fucking new to Mischa, he had never seen it before, and he thought it was dope af, so he tattooed it on himself immediately.
He has a tattoo of a pot leaf, but it’s not very good so everyone always thinks it’s a Canadian maple leaf. Which drives him up the wall.
Mischa has taken in a small black cat that would hang around the tattoo parlor and would occasionally follow him home. It lives with him in the basement, it comes and goes, and it is a well kept hidden secret.
Mischa hangs at Noel’s house…a lot. Noel’s mom lets him stay the night often bc she knows about his home life and thinks it’s disgraceful, so she takes care of him.
Mischa was class clown and relatively popular at his high school in Ukraine- which is the polar opposite of how he’s received at St. Cassian’s. People either are afraid of him, or they try to make fun of him, so either way he has found himself alone most of the time.
He’d never admit it, but Mischa does actually enjoy hanging with the kids in the choir. He gets to hang with his bestie, Noel. He admires Constance’s patience and kindness, he thinks she’s probably the best person in Uranium. While he and Ocean get on each other’s nerves, there’s a small part of him that secretly looks forward to their fights. But only a little bit. He doesn’t notice Ricky is there until after the accident, and then spends a large chunk of his time trying to rectify that by getting to know/encourage Ricky.
He and Noel became friends bc some of the boys who were trying to bully Mischa were also bullying Noel. When Mischa was about to start defending Noel, Noel ended up proving he can defend himself with his quick wit rather than fists. This is a trait that Mischa admires a lot, so they pretty much joined forces that day and they’ve been the dynamic duo of Uranium City ever since.
Mischa has pretty severe abandonment issues and it prone to panic attacks because of it. He’s more of a “suffer in silence” kind of guy, so it takes someone with patience and kindness like Constance to give him some tips on how to calm himself down. I.E. remembering a calming situation like “climbing back into your bed in the morning and feeling the heat left over from your body.”
Mischa had been kicked out of a few schools in Uranium, and his adoptive figures (they’re not really parents, barely guardians) gave him one last chance at St. Cassian’s. When he was caught stealing the communion wine, Father Marcus told him he HAD to join the choir and that he HAD to at the very least sing at the competition. Which is why he doesn’t do any choreo during the opening number.
Addendum- he does ONE move during the opening number. The finger wag on “oh no no” because Noel came up with that move, and after Ocean tried to cut it, Mischa said it was the only move he’d do even if it was cut. So he forced her to keep the move in via malicious compliance.
Over the course of the musical, there isn’t really a moment where he thinks he’s gonna win. His life wasn’t fair, why should his death be any different.
He thinks Jane is THE coolest and THE most metal thing he’s ever seen. After she finishes her number, his heart is effectively broken for her.
When Constance punches Ocean, Mischa doesn’t have the “FUCK YEAH” reaction that you’d expect. It’s actually met with some sadness. He’s always encouraging Constance to stick up for herself, and to not take Ocean’s shit. But, he respects that she has patience and kindness. When Constance punches Ocean, he almost sees it as a failure on his part.
The reason in my head why Mischa and Ocean feud so much is because they remind each other of one another’s parents. Ocean is the poster child of excellence in Uranium, Mischa’s adoptive parents have said more than once that they wish he could “be like that Ocean girl” - on the contrary, Ocean has caught Mischa smoking weed before. His incredibly radically liberal world view reminds her of her hippy parents. They get that anger out at them on each other. But at the end of the show, they both have a deeper respect for one another. Ocean for Mischa because she sees the real him, who is gentle & compassionate. Mischa for Ocean because she does the most selfless thing she could possibly do, which he respects infinitely.
I’m sure I have more but these are the HC’s that immediately came to mind. This is what makes Majestic Rep’s Mischa, Mischa.
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sycamorality · 4 months
a collection of all the weird things that have happened to me in my life, since one of my friends said i should make one
one of my ex-friends [they cut me off bc i rightfully called out how sus it was that they went from 0 rares to a blue headdress and multiple long collars in a day] just up and vanished one day. i knew them from animal jam. they had a youtube channel and were semi-popular. i was in one of their videos, one of those animal jam adventures we played together. there were rumours they died to some illness but nothing concrete ever came out of that, but two months after that everything of their online presence disappeared. one of my friends made a video on them and their passing out of respect, but that video is gone too despite them never deleting it. we both know they existed, but none of us can find anything on them. everyone else's videos are gone too. everything about them is just gone as if they never existed
this isn't the only friend this has happened to. i've had four other friends just suddenly disappear, every trace of them existing just completely gone. typically every trace of them just disappears after 2 weeks, 2 months, or 2 weeks and 2 months. one friend was mid 2018, another friend in 2017, one in november 2019, another somewhere in early 2021, and another aj friend early 2017
this isnt as weird as everything else but we once took a picture and i saw a shiny object on it and reached down to pick it up just moments after the picture was taken but it was gone. there was only an imprint of it and it was nowhere. nobody had reached down to pick it up before me, and nobody else was around. this isnt the only object this has happened to either.
i found a human pelvis on a beach once. i am the only one that remembers this happened despite me showing both of my parents. they have no recollection of this
this didnt happen to me but it is regarding me. my mom once heard me calling for her in my room - she's in the living room sitting by the computer desk, my room is right behind the wall the computer desk is by. she answers and i don't answer back. one thing is for certain though - this was not an audiotory hallucination. she then realized that i was not home because i was in kindergarten. rightfully she was freaked the fuck out and didn't move for an hour or two
here's another story from my mom because i think its fun to include: she once heard the sounds of my dad coming home. opening the door, stepping inside, putting his shoes on the shoerrack, walking slightly into the hallway, and then all the sounds stopped. she's confused and checks the kitchen, bedroom and bathroom because those are the only three rooms he could've walked into. he's in neither of them. she's weirded out but brushes it off for a while until he comes home and makes the exact same sounds that she heard earlier that day. how interesting!
we used to have teaspoons that had two lines at the end of the spoon. one day it changed to the lines being by the front of the spoon. i asked my mom about this when i was 7 and she said "we've always had those spoons?" looking at me as if i was talking nonsense to her. we also used to have a bunch of colorful spoons! but they're also completely gone now despite us never throwing them away. i know we used to have them because i broke a blue one by biting down on it too hard once. oops.
artistic rendition of the spoons:
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could also swear we used to have yellow plates matching our other colored plates [as well as cups and forks, because we bought them in a set. The Spoons Included] but we. do not have any yellow plates. my parents have said we have never had yellow plates
i could swear by my entire life that korea, thailand, china, australia and many other countries are not where they're supposed to be. this is not because of different projections. none of the projections match up to the map i know.
we used to have an orange cat named charlie, he was a stray we took in. he had no interest in going back outside and he was a cuddlebug, enjoying the safety of being inside with people that love and care for him. one day when we came home, he was completely gone as if we never had him. we asked everyone nearby if they'd seen him, but everyone said no. we only have two pictures of him [despite us taking many more of him]. here's one of them!
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there were two twins that lived across our house. they were pale, had black long hair, and usually wore white - or matching dresses. sounds like a horror movie description, i know, but they actually looked like that. one day during winter after snow had fallen we found out that, when we werent home, they stood in front of our backdoor [which was honestly better described as a big window door] and windows and just stared, because their footprints were there. terrifying!
there was this one time where- apparently an alternate universe or something kinda. overlapped. or swapped? me with an alternate me. my friend rain witnessed this and apparently i called it rainai and wasn't much of an artist from what i can gather, and didn't have the same ocs as i do here. that me was also more shy and definently not the same as i was at the time. this happened in 2019
our cats teleport. i once saw one of our cats, who i will call little shit, inside, eating from the food bowls. sounds and everything from her crunching on it when i got home. i went upstairs to set up my pc and then back downstairs to say hi to her and she was nowhere to be seen. i looked around everywhere and couldn't find her, so i dmed my dad and asked if she was inside and he resopnded that she was outside. i open the door and call for her an lo and behold guess who comes running and meowing. it was not our other cat, mama cat. i can tell their shapes apart so easily
my mom and i saw a witch flying on a broom with their cat once! a shadow silhouette unmistakable for a broom, with a human on the front and cat on the end. we both looked at eachother like "you just saw that right" and just nodded
i saw a big black thing flying by my window twice the size of a raven last yeah. i'm pretty sure that was dragon shaped. four limbs and then wings. i mentioned this once in a friend group server but the chatlogs of that are just completely gone(???)
my mom once showed me an article on how they confirmed alternate universes exist. it was genuine. apparently this exact article does not exist and i am the only person i know [save for my mom] that knows alternate universes were confirmed to exist. nobody else has ever heard anything about this
there was a red pencil sharpener i checked the kitchen counter for 7 times. it was not there. it very much was not there. nobody put it there. when i asked my mom after she walked into the kitche and infront of the counter it was suddenly there after she pointed towards it for me
i will update this with a reblog if i ever remember more because my memory is very selective for some reason
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hauntedwizardmoment · 2 months
OKAY so: 2, 10, 11, 14, for any oc(s) you wish, but also, assuming you're taking asks about 'em, for jace's former party from blood and turpentine fic series bc I am legitimately obsessed with them and think about them daily
HIII oh my god this got so long i am so sorry but i got carried away:
2. What's something about your OC that people wouldn't expect just from looking at them?
Peregrine: he’s a theater kid! he wanted to be a bard soooo bad or at least multiclass a la Fabian but due to the [gestures at his neuroses around his masculinity] he never did. i think in terms of levels, he ended up a level 20 fighter until he did some paladin training as an adult that put him at like, a 17/3 split between fighter/paladin. in a kinder timeline he’d be doing community theater and taxes with jace. in blood and turpentine. well no spoilers for what im currently writing but it’s not that.   
Dagbert: out of everyone in the group hes the one thats into musicals unironically. and not even good musicals. like picture this massive goliath that’s taller than porter and just as broad, i think i have him as like 7 ft 1, and he just fucking loves Cats. he’s obsessed with fantasy andrew lloyd webber. has a jellicle-sona. 
Ysvelde: she’s somehow got even less of a solid grasp of her identity than jace does. part of it is that she’s an actress, part of it is that she’s never really lived for anything besides the approval of other people (first her mom, then her adventuring party). she has no idea who she is without the approval of others. if you put her in a room alone she’d start climbing the walls instead of sitting alone with her own thoughts. girl who is constantly experiencing The Dread but she covers it up with a winning smile + really cool artsy makeup. 
Aurora: [dan howell voice] one time she had a MESSY night out in [bastion city], kissed a GIRL, and SMOKED A CIGARETTE. no but seriously she has a secret wild side that she rarely lets out, especially as she gets more and more into fundamentalism and what she believes is sol’s true word, the very early beginnings of the harvestmen cult. during their first year adventuring, shes the one that suggested matching tramp stamps while they were all wasted. 
Invidia: she’s a romantic. she really does want her friends to find love. she’s at aurora and peregrine’s wedding as a bridesmaid, and when she realizes that jace and porter are serious about each other, she’s genuinely happy for him. underneath all the cattiness and jokes she’s so glad that everything “worked out” (woman who does not know jace is a dead man walking)
10. What's an AU that would be interesting to explore with your OC?
not to keep talking about this but my infidelity fic which is an au of blood and turpentine? i have so many dramatic scenes from it that i rotate in my head. when peregrine finds out that jace got promoted to vice principal and starts a huge fight about it. dagbert’s father’s funeral. invidia and ysvelde’s falling out. when peregrine finds out about jace’s affair and subsequently gets murdered by porter. aurora’s creepy midsommar-ass family hosting everyone for fantasy easter. 
11. What is your OC's weapon of choice? Have they ever actually used it?
Peregrine: a lance!! by the time he’s a full-time adventurer i’m sure it’s a magical weapon too, probably has like a +2 or something. hes definitely used it before love a martial class. 
Dagbert: his battle axe, absolutely has used it. he’s definitely got a magic weapon too, i think i call out in love’s never meant much to me that it has magic runes on it so yeah let’s call it the same level of magical as perry’s lance
Ysvelde: so she’s a college of eloquence bard and a fiend pact warlock, so i think she probably has a shortsword as a backup weapon but honestly that eldritch blast cantrip is getting her through most of her fights juuuust fine. 
Aurora: circle of life cleric, definitely has a crossbow that she’s used a couple times in a panic early on but she’s more a healer than anything. i picture her spiritual weapon (the cleric spell) as a scythe. 
Invidia: she’s a circle of the moon druid so i think she’d have a pair of broad claws that do some sick slashing damage, plus obviously her wild shape forms, and her animal companion (a wolf but for funsies ive flavored it as a husky named luna and she loves her so much, she treats her like a child, has little bows to put in her fur, etc. luna is fantasy instagram famous)
14. How does your OC want to be seen by other characters?
ohhhh this is sosososo juicy 
Peregrine: the true driving force in his life is to be seen as a protector, as a provider, as a good fighter and a good man. he will Freak Out if he perceives anything as getting in the way of that. especially if its his own actions that make him look weak or immoral in any way, i.e. sleeping with jace when he and aurora are on a break. 
Dagbert: truly. genuinely. from the bottom of his heart. he could not give less of a shit. he wants to be known as a goddamn professional, unlike the rest of these people, apparently. he’s out here trying to earn a fucking paycheck meanwhile everyone else in his party is ensnared in insane psychosexual drama. he’s angling to get a raise to buy out his ailing father’s construction business from him and let the man retire and this clownshow of a party is fucking it up for him.
Ysvelde: she’s not real unless youre clapping and cheering for her if you dont clap and cheer for her she’ll die. she lives and dies on the approval of an audience. she’s a star. but like for real she needs validation constantly, it doesnt matter where it comes from or how she gets it, she just needs to know that she’s getting a good grade in existing, something normal to want and possible to achieve. 
Aurora: her main thing is being right. she’s a cleric, she receives the divine word from sol, she’s his hand upon the world and she’ll spread his light to the darkest corners of spyre and consecrate it for him, make the world holy. she has her convictions and is firm in them, and she wants everyone to see her as a source of good and truth, both in battle and in spirituality. i think after a certain point she couldnt care less what her party thinks of her, she’s mainly looking for the approval of higher-ups in the church of sol to further solidify herself as a priestess and help shape the vision and direction of the church. 
Invidia: her and aurora butt heads a lot because she also is very into being correct, but in a way that is entirely divorced from divinity. instead, she wants other people to see her as observant to a scary degree. she wants you to know that she sees what you do, knows your habits inside and out, all your secrets, and is taking notes and filing them away for blackmail purposes. and when you slip up she WILL brag about predicting your downfall to your face. it’s why she and jace are the ivy-and-oisin of their party, they both love gossip and reveling in the misery of people they dont like. 
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AITA, (or, was I) for only taking one cat with me?
will explain the title as i go. also, this is about something that happened like a year ago but it still weights on my mind. backstory-ish first, so sorry for the length of the text.
I (20+) moved out a little more than a year ago to my first own apartment. My siblings moved out before i did, so now my moms living with only her boyfriend and the remaining cats. We had four cats before i moved out, all of which are allowed to go outside (i know, outdoor cats, they have been all my life and i didnt realize the danger they were in & being for the local environment when i was a kid). My new apartment is on the second floor. When i moved out, i decided to take one cat with me, because he really kind of imprinted on me since he was a baby and would constantly follow me around. And while i didnt like the thought of forcing an in&outdoor cat to suddenly only be indoors in a smaller space than our house was, i figured it would be fine if its him.
one of our other cats, which we got a few years after we got the cat i took with me, also really liked to spend time in my room and with cat 1. We got cat 2 from the animal shelter after his previous owner, an old lady, got dementia and had to give him away.
my mom and her boyfriend suggested i take both cats with me and not just one. i didnt want to for a few reasons:
(1. i wasnt sure how much cat 2 would like suddenly being an indoor cat in a smaller space bc he spent like 50% of his time outside and the other 50 in my room, 2. i wasnt sure if the apartment would be big enough for two cats 3. i wasnt sure how hed adjust to yet another new living place, because he took some time adjusting when we got him from the shelter and would meow/yell a lot when no one was with him until he got used to his new home. when i moved out i was about to start a new job training-ish thing which required me to not be home for some hours 5 days a week so the cats would be on their own a lot. and reason 4., which is were i felt kinda selfish: cat 1 is a shorthair cat and cat 2 a maine coon so all my clothes and stuff would be full of hair all the time, even when we tried to prevent it. i didnt really care as a child growing up bc we had a lot of long hair cats but i was kinda thinking that a new space with less cat hairs on everything would also be kinda nice)
i only told my mom and her bf reason 1, 2 & 3 bc i felt like a dick for reason 4. i love all of our cats a lot and leaving any of them at my moms place was really difficult because i was just so used of them always being there all my life. my mom told me after i moved out that cat 2 was still around my old room a lot and started spending even more time outside bc me and cat 1 weren't there anymore. and while hed start purring and cuddling when they pet him outside, he wouldnt spend time with them on their laps or on the couch a lot bc hed just get up and go somewhere else a lot of times.
thats kind of the backstory for this.
now for the (additional) reason i feel like i could be the asshole: my mom and her bf started going on trips a lot like 2-3 years ago, and he only moved in once i had moved out. so whenever they were on trips or she was visiting him, id take care of the cats and cuddle and play with them. once i moved out, they redid parts of the house (kitchen & bath) and got a lot of furniture from her bfs home. her bf likes the cats too, but he doesnt want them to be inside the house that much when they arent there bc he thinks they shed hair everywhere and could damage his furniture or something? so when they went on their next few trips, the 3 remaining cats would mostly be outside with access to a kind of sunroom? attached to the house. and either my grandparents or a friend of my mom would come and feed the cats every day.
me and my siblings didnt really like them suddenly having to be outside so much when it was normal for them to be inside the house even when we weren't home for all of our lives before that and told our mom too (by now she has seen our point and convinced her bf to let them be inside more so its getting better over time. but i wish we would have gotten our point across sooner.)
during one of their trips near christmas last year, when one of her friends was taking care of the cats, cat 2, the maine coon, disappeared. we dont know if he ran away or someone took him because his fur is so pretty or if he got into an accident. my whole family was really sad about him being gone and kept hoping hed come back and asked around irl and online if anyone had seen him. to this day, he hasnt been found. and i know that thats a (unnecessary) risk you take with outdoor cats. and that it was my moms and her bfs decision to keep the cats mostly outside and go on 1-3 week-long trips. but i still blame myself for not just taking him with me to my new apartment. looking back on it, all the reasons i had dont seem to have any weight at all and if i had taken him with me, hed still be around and id know hes healthy and doing good. and he wouldnt have been separated from me and his cat buddy.
so, was i the asshole for not just taking him with me to my new place when i moved out?
pet tax (in order):
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What are these acronyms?
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fishbaitslime · 1 year
Firestar/Mistystar hypokits?
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THIS one was fun
SO the idea in my heart for their relationship is that Mistyfoot and Fireheart got together before fire found out about bluestar being her mom, him finding out a while into their relationship. This caused him to start acting weird and feel extremely guilty about not telling her, bc he gave his word to bluestar that he wouldnt. that resulted in distance in their relationship and some pretty bad arguments which all came to a head when fireheart finally told her the truth about her mother.
WHICH then resulted in mistyfoot being like "how the frick could you lie to me about that" and them having a VERY MESSY breakup. mistyfoot had these two not too long after, and she allowed fireheart to take one of their children with him for angst reasons idk why lol. Mistystar never really got over this relationship, never taking another mate, but eventually came to understand his decision to keep her mothers identity from her. She never really let him know this- and the two leaders have a VERY AWKAWRDD AND TENSE ENERGYYYY to this day.
REEDWHISKER it's reedwhisker but ginger a bit now<3 he knows about firestar being his father and about his sibling blueflame, both of whom he angstily does not like. he's mostly the same as his canon counterpart, really just having an extra breezepelt-esc angst to him now.
BLUEFLAME also knows about her mother and brother, though she doesn't despise them nearly as much as they do her. She's mostly wary of them, doing her best to avoid them- but does deep down yearn for that familial connection. She loves whoever Firestar gets with as his next mate, but they weren't around to be a second parent to her as she grew. She feels kind've out of place in thunderclan, and in her family in general. A LOT going on wit this poor gal. She is also named after Bluestar<3 live laugh love
requests still open for warrior cat next gens!
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andyxd151 · 2 months
Fun facts about my YV OC’s
Dante is the oldest (not confirming their ages though)
Marina’s nickname is Rina
Oliver can dislocate his rists at will and it freaks everyone out every single time he does that
Ryu has a sunflower tattoo on their back bc of their petname
Amari is ambidextrous
Kaliska’s name means ‘coyote chasing deer’
Cyrus actually hates meatloaf, but their aunt gave it to to them to have something to eat and they were to nice to say no, so that’s why it was just sitting there when Lucien came in
Amari’s dad and Rina’s and Oliver’s moms are siblings making these three cousins
The day she gave Charlie the mixtape, Amari was sent home early so she wouldn’t have to find out Charlie’s answer to the note he (never) got with the tape because she was almost certain that she’d be rejected
Ryu practiced the whole scene where they confessed to Finn with the tickets all night the night before in front of the mirror because she was sweating and shaking at the thought of it
Rina likes to crochet in her free time
Cyrus was a theatre kid in both middle school and high school
Kaliska has a pet hog nose snake named Pringle
Dante had a weird anime kid phase in the 5th grade, he cringes every time he remembers it
Dante actually met Ryu in college and even dated for a bit
The three cousins lived in their own apartment that the three of them rented thanks to the help of Amari’s connections during college
Oliver chose to move out straight after college in order to open up his small bakery
As soon as she moved out, Rina wanted to move back in saying she felt to lonely
Amari was the last one to leave the apartment
Amari is the oldest, Rina is the middle, and Oliver is the youngest but they were all born in the same year
Dante was born and raised in Japan by his mom and her family, he moved to the US for college
Amari and Ryu were fun buddies that also didn’t get along for a bit but now kinda get along and bond over the fact that they both like oblivious blondes with freckles
Amari has a pool in her backyard and Charlie has yet to look back there, she doesn’t mention it because they want to see how surprised and bewildered he’ll be when they get to tell him how it’s been there the whole time and the only reason he never know was because he never asked
Cyrus has a pet European rat named Remy (I snuck in my baby)
Marina has a succubus womb tattoo
Amari’s skateboard nickname for Charlie is “Ollie” like the backward Ollie
Oliver has a fear of the dark and even has a night light for the nights Al doesn’t sleep over
Cyrus hates being too hot or too cold but loves the heat from their living space heater
Ryu works as a tattoo artist in shop just down the street from Finn’s flower shop
Kaliska is the best at playing rock paper scissors
Rina sometimes needs to FORCE the food down Auron’s throat not because he doesn’t like the food, but because he claims to be to busy to eat, and by force I mean having this man in some sort of a head lock while trying to get the fork in his mouth, the whole experience is like trying to give your pet their pills
Dante HATES apricots he likes peaches and every other variation of peaches EXCEPT APRICOTS, he’s not allergic he just has a really weird hatred for specificity apricots
Before meeting Faust, Dante would go to Comicon and Anime Expo with Cyrus every year, now he goes with them both
Cyrus likes to watch the Hangover movies when they’re stressed
Before they met Finn, Ryu was actually kind of a grumpy person, but now they have their sunshine:)
Oliver was a tube baby and a C section baby, he sometimes questions if he’s even really human
Rina was allergic to cats when she was little
Cyrus is double jointed in their thumbs and can dislocate them at will, it weirds the hell out of Lucien every single time
Dante has a scar on his back from being whacked with a branch by another student from when he was a kid
Ryu actually loves animals
Cyrus can’t cook for shit but can make a MEAN cherry pie
Kaliska and Jack have matching bracelets
Finn always packs Ryu lunch
Same goes for Lucien and Cyrus
Kaliska is lactose intolerant but continues to eat anything and everything with dairy whenever she gets the chance
Dante is an Xbox guy
Cyrus likes to watch Lucien sleep in order to make themself sleepy
Ryu has a snaggle tooth
That’s all for now! I have more but I don’t want to put too much in one post :)
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taeraeszn · 1 year
Hi! Your writing is so cute omg, can I get a work where Ricky has a partner (I’m a girl) with VERY protective friends and family? I’m really close with my friend group, there’s like 7 of us, and they are super critical of people I’m with/who I like. They will not hesitate to make it known to the person I’m with if they don’t like them. Same with my parents and siblings (4 of them). Can I see how Ricky would react/handle being with someone who’s family and friends are like that? Tysm!! <3
protective - shen ricky
characters: ricky x gn!reader
description: ricky is ready to move onto the next step of your relationship by meeting your family but little does he know how protective they can be, or are they?
genre: fluff
word count: 982
warnings: none from what i saw when i proofread but please lmk if there is any!
a/n: hi luv! ty for requesting. i hope it's okay that i changed the reader to gender neutral :) i just feel more comfortable writing like this so that everyone is able to read my stories!
also i think ricky has become my most requested member since half of the individual writing requests i get are for ricky LMAO, i'm not complaining though bc i love me some fluff ricky <3
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today was the day that ricky knew would be coming soon, meeting your parents. he was well aware of how protective your parents were when you first spoke about them, it almost scared him away but you reassured him that everything would be fine and that they'd love him.
but ricky on the other hand was getting a bit nervous about it, the cat man was fidgeting with his hands the entire ride there. you couldn't help but smile at how cute your boyfriend was.
you softly touched his hand, "ricky don't worry, everything will be fine."
"are you sure?" he continuously kept staring out at the window while returning his gaze back to you.
"yes! i mean their a bit open with what they think but you'll be fine. i've told them about how great you are."
but even you were worried about what your parents would say to him. nonetheless, you wanted to make this experience a memorable one and not one that causes to ricky run away and never see you again.
you finally made it to your house and ricky was holding the gift bag he created for your parents, it included some accessories and small snacks that he packed.
with one ring to the doorbell it opened to reveal your parents standing there as if they waiting for you two.
"mom! dad!" you greeted, hugging them immediately. they smiled and leaned into your hug, "how have you been?"
"i've been great!" it went silent for a moment before you remembered about ricky.
"mom, dad, this is ricky. my boyfriend." they seemed intrguied in the blonde boy's hair and tattoo that could be seen.
he shaked hands with your parents, "it's a pleasure to meet you."
suddenly your parents demeanour changed and they became more robotic, "oh hello ricky. how have you been?"
"i've been fine, thank you for asking." they then guided you two to the living room and sat near you.
you were waiting for when your parents would blurt out a thought of theirs that could be either upfront or kind. but surprisingly, they didn't say anything.
you saw your dad then smile and pat ricky's shoulder, "so ricky, what do you do for a living?"
ricky then suddenly fixed his posture, "uh i sing. i'm in a boy group called zerobaseone." it was then that your dad's eyes widened.
"zerobaseone?!" he exclaimed. you almost jumped as you barely heard your dad talk that loud.
"yes sir." your dad began laughing and gave a thumbs up to ricky, "i love your song in bloom! it's so good, it's been on repeat since it got released."
ricky shyly giggled and thanked him, "thank you sir, i had a great time promoting it!"
"so tell me, how did you meet my kid?" you sent your dad a glare, "i'm not a kid anymore dad."
"yeah yeah who cares this is about ricky." he shrugged off what you said and maintained his attention on ricky.
you sighed but were glad that he accepted ricky as the two began having a conversation. your dad mentioned that he saw zerobaseone on tv often and didn't recognize him to be ricky until you mentioned it.
your mom then walked in and giggled seeing the two of them talk.
"i see that your already getting along." she placed a tray of drinks on the coffee table, "have as much as you would like ricky."
"thank you mrs. (last name)." he replied, "oh please don't call me that. since your with my child then you should treat us just like family."
as the hour went by, the atmosphere grew brighter. your parents adored ricky and forgot you sort of existed as they began talking to your boyfriend about nearly everything under the sun. but you knew everything would be okay today, this was exactly how you wanted it to go.
but just then, ricky's phone rang. he excused himself and went to take it.
it was then that you feared for something they'd say but your mom began, "i really like him."
you grinned, "really?!"
"of course he's incredibly sweet and kind, not to mention he's also good looking. you found someone great." well the weight is finally lifted off your shoulders.
"i was worried you would say something else." you admitted, your dad shook his head, "why would we? i mean...sometimes we're a bit more upfront with our words but what bad things can we say about ricky?"
ricky then returned from his call, "i'm sorry but i have to return to the dorms."
"oh that's fine. i'll see you tomorrow then?" he nodded, "if i have time tomorrow then for sure."
your parents then both gave him a warm hug, "ricky thank you for coming over. we hope to see you again."
he grinned, "thank you. i definitely will when i have the chance."
your parents waved goodbye and ricky walked out, just then you ran after him without hesitation and when you were both outside alone, you pulled him into a sweet hug.
"see ricky! i told you everything would be okay!" you said, he looked around then pressed his lips onto your forehead.
"thank you (name), today was amazing."
he then got another call and chuckled, "great now gyuvin is also calling me. i guess i really do have to go back then."
you held his hand, "get home safely."
"i will. i love you." he waved, "i love you too ricky."
you watched from behind as he went back to the dorms, though this day could've been ordinary for someone else, it was special for you. your parents, despite coming off as intimidating, accepted ricky and treated him like family.
and it's safe to say that when you went back into your house, your parents were already bombarding you with questions about when his next visit will be.
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ambrosearietes · 1 month
We (and by that I mean myself) demand more headcanons cuz they go hard asf😈
i have so many i’m gonna break these up by character. i will only do like the major ones. these are not all my headcanons just my big ones.
despite living in slavic countries for most of his life, adam speaks english with a british accent because he learned it from anthony. he can also do a perfect american accent because he played WAAAAAAAYYYYYY too much fallout
adam is autistic (this one actually is canon, i mean come On dude) but also has ADHD and C-PTSD
scrawny because he was malnourished during his time as d-class. very insecure about it.
he and sylvester sloan know each other through anthony. i mentioned that sloan babysat adam occasionally, i was completely serious. he let adam watch star wars and adam literally wanted to BE luke skywalker.
yeah luke was his gender awakening
uses she/her to refer to his younger self from before anthony saved him as a coping mechanism— in reality he’s trying to deny that it even happened to him in the first place.
smokes weed when the team is off. calvin does not approve.
marries harvey in every stardew valley playthrough.
romances halsin in baldur’s gate 3.
cracked at fromsoft games.
bisexual, he just doesn’t realize it.
calvin is a gamer. he had adam build him a setup. they play together. adam beats his fucking ass in everything and makes fun of him for it.
really, really bad habit of bottling his emotions (which is why olivia keeps dumping him)
was ~19 when he got arrested for the stuff hyun-ki mentioned. vehicular manslaughter while driving under the influence is considered a felony charge.
grew up in the midwest. talks like a midwestern dad.
his aunt owns a horse ranch. calvin REALLY likes horses as a result.
he once promised adam to take him to meet his horse and teach him to ride after everything. poor guys :(
he and aaron would have had a father-son relationship.
he was a very “difficult” child due to him not being believed about his mother’s death. he had no idea how to cope with it. often got into fights, which is why his aunt ended up sending him to boarding school. she got a lot of calls even when he was there because calvin just. got into a fuckton of fights.
he didn’t go to therapy until the insurgency MADE HIM go to therapy.
legally can’t drive. doesn’t give a fuck.
he would occasionally let adam just lay on top of him like a cat. he thought it was platonic. like just guys being dudes.
would be a good father.
if he saw his dad again he’d shoot the guy without any hesitation.
blames the foundation’s negligence for his mom’s death.
likes planes a lot.
sees adam as her little brother. they’re extremely close by O5-3’s chapter. she’s rather protective and very quick to defend him.
adam taught her to play dungeons and dragons and gives her book recommendations. she plays a halfling life-domain cleric/college of swords bard (multiclassing)
loves mystery novels.
adam introduced her to stardew valley. she usually marries leah.
bisexual. does not know this.
easily frustrated with calvin because calvin is terrible at communicating his feelings. calvin is trying to work on this. it’s going terribly. despite this, calvin is very affectionate with her and she does how open he is with that.
very relationship-centric person. this is mostly because she didn’t get much characterization in twie.
keeps a sketchbook. mostly doodles flowers.
her and sophia would have gotten along amazingly.
likes to dabble in poetry.
would romance wyll in bg3
huge fan of law and order. adam questions her taste in television shows.
if she had procreate she’d be fucking unstoppable.
i don’t have much on her bc characterization is so lacking :((
would have gladly taken sam (O5-11) with her back to the insurgency. deeply regrets that she didn’t. she thinks about sam a LOT, it genuinely haunts her. like she will try to sleep and she’ll just hear that gunshot and want to throw up.
i don’t remember if i mentioned this in the last post but vincent is a cat person. had a cat named mira. she was a calico.
in his ‘ideal world’ he would have lived with aaron and been able to raise adam.
very, very envious of people with ‘normal lives’.
we don’t know much about what vincent did in the foundation— the dialogue from O5-13 at the end of the children matches up with what he tells aaron in the apartment scene so i assume vincent was felix’s predecessor and felix held another number. as for what he did, we do know he was, like, an ACTUAL engineer who designed bombs at some point (stated in O5-5’s chapter); he could have been in charge of security.
it’s implied he had a second-in-command type position under aaron and likely was on the first delta command before his first ‘disappearance’, unless he wrote the summa modus operandi then just vanished off the face of the fucking earth for a while.
records of vincent are next to impossible to find within the insurgency as he worked so closely with the engineer and they don’t even know who the engineer was.
aaron thought vincent was dead until he received reports of anthony wright working with calvin.
anthony and sloan were good friends and out of all members of delta command during the way it ends, he respected sloan the most. anthony would have considered an actual relationship with him if he wasn’t like “no, i’m probably gonna disappear again or just straight up die soon anyway.” anthony was right, he did in fact die.
sloan knew who vincent arians was, he just had no idea that anthony and vincent were the same person.
genuinely, anthony wanted to die.
adam gave him a reason to live outside of vengeance.
GENUINELY sees adam as his son. he’s a bit harsh on him during TWIE because he never wanted adam in the insurgency at all. he and adam had a conversation at some point where anthony expressed this and told adam he wished the latter just went to a good college and worked in programming or IT.
would not have been able to kill calvin had he made it to the end. would also have not been able to kill aaron.
frederick traumatized this man just as much as he traumatized aaron, vincent just absolutely refuses to acknowledge it.
sophia knew about vincent’s love for aaron and may have even encouraged it.
if his love for aaron was reciprocated, they likely had a relationship while aaron was with the insurgency and tried to be secretive about it but felix carter just “I know what you are.”
he would be very sweet as a lover. very sappy. hopeless romantic. given who he was in love with, are we even surprised?
cigarettes are part of how he started aging again.
the insurgency kind of knows he’s older than he looks, they just say he’s in his fifties because he looks like it, but even TWIE says he’s been around as long as anyone can remember. likely, vincent surfaced as anthony wright around the same time that sylvester sloan joined the insurgency.
his plan in case anyone saw any old photos of vincent and noticed that he looked eerily similar to anthony was to say that he’s vincent arians’ grandson and that his mother was arians’ daughter.
vincent had no children, but he did like being around kids.
during his years with the foundation he’d often lock himself in his lab just to cry. aaron often checked in on him.
frederick repeatedly called him aaron’s dog as a joke that vincent found very not funny. vincent/anthony isn’t really big on dogs because of this.
if anthony saw adam today he’d be immensely proud.
if anthony had made it to the end he would have tried to make aaron tell him why he left. aaron would not have been able to tell him.
anthony was a bit scared of how much like aaron calvin is.
would have liked O5-11 if they met.
if you claim to be frederick’s #1 hater and you’re not aaron siegel then you’re fucking lying.
very sappy romantic, similar to vincent, but only with sophia. she thinks it’s adorable. he just really loves his wife a lot.
cannot let go of anything for shit. if he was at the scene of vincent’s death he would have tried to bring him back.
had a very weird father-child relationship with sam.
tolerated most of the other O5s at best, especially rufus (O5-6) and valerie (O5-7).
felix has always been his favorite aside from sophia (and vincent during the insurgency days)
borderline personality disorder
capable of straight up hanging up on frederick. this annoys the absolute fuck out of frederick.
sees mortimer (O5-5) as family because he’s the grandfather of alison chao, at least in other realities. mortimer gets along well with aaron.
very easily sent into overstimulation, it’s unknown why. he’s only ever perfectly calm in a sensory deprivation chamber.
extremely pale.
lives at overwatch. often falls asleep at his desk or on the fucking floor.
wreck of a man, but a surprisingly exceptional leader when he actually feels like leading instead of letting valerie handle things.
the other O5s don’t even know much about him.
visits san marco as much as he can.
obsessed with the string theory, literally discovered it before the idea was even conceived.
had a wife and daughter, both died horribly. his daughter was extremely young and he’s a tad bit obsessed with the idea of bringing her back. driven by grief but also the fact he’s just a Bad Person in General
extremely manipulative (canon), but also just likes to fuck with people.
sometimes he doesn’t even call aaron or calvin he just speaks into their heads.
sometimes he’ll just call them and ask shit like this. aaron would hang up on him but calvin can’t.
can manifest however he wants, he usually chooses the phone.
reality bender (canon) and extremely powerful at it. like it’s lowkey concerning.
god complex.
totally the kind of guy to go “no don’t kill me im just a girl”
adam ivanov as the engineer would beat the shit out of him if given the chance.
what aaron described in the apartment scene was literal psychological torture. aaron was not the only person he subjected, just his favorite punching bag.
aaron, near the end of his life, got him a world’s worst boss mug and kept it next to the phone. calvin got a second one just to drive the point home.
a bit obsessed with antediluvian anomalies (project paragon). talks to calvin about them extensively.
hated vincent for no real reason he was just a bitch.
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sconeflowers · 2 months
Overexplaining my warrior cats ocs post 1 Lavenderstar and Apolloflower
Ok so anybody that knows this woman probably has had their ear yapped off about her lore already but. Let me cook
So Lavenderstar was born in the twolegplace along with her sisters so she could have a better life among her father and her mom and her stepmom!!! But her stepmom (Fern. Her dads name is Spark Her stepmom is Fern and her mom is Bluemoon) didn’t want Bluemoon to be able to chill with her kids because Bluemoon is a notorious bitch and would probably punch one if she got too worked up about a fight. Lavender didn’t comprehend this along with her sister, Orchid, so they kinda just kept on with their mom. This is kinda what saved their lives because Spark took the other three kids to a hole somewhere and they actually just fucking died because he didn’t want Bluemoon to have them and Fern wasn’t walking all that way to tend to them. So Bluemoon comes back with her newly injured kid (Lavender is injured some mfer ran over her tail with their car, her twoleg takes her to the vet during the same appointment she’s spayed at and attempts to fix her tail up it does not work) and realizes her kids are DEAD!!!!!! So she beats the hell out of Spark and Feen shoves them both into a hole and they die so Ferns like shoot. And drops the living kids off in the woods
Lavender riverclanmaxxes and becomes Lavenderkit but she was like five moons at the time so it wasn’t long before she became an apprentice,,,, Lavenderpaw becomes friends with Asrellepaw and Apollopaw and becomes incredibly close with their family who is highly respected in Riverclan for being yknow. Cool and having a lot of cats in it be high ranks in their clan,,,, So yeah the family consists of Asrellepaw and Apollopaw and Astralblaze and Aureliashine and Atlasstar..,, continuing the overall theming of night and flowers that I love so much,,,, So Lavenderpaw is enamored by Asrellepaw and thinks she’s the most gorgeous she-cat she’s ever laid eyes on but Apollopaw is absolutely enamored with HER.,, or would be absolutely enamored with her if she was able to keep up with them trainingwise
So the combination of early spaying and bad metabolism and stress eating and kittypet diet she’s incredibly overweight for a cat her age, idk how many pounds but somewhere around 10 for a 6-7 month old cat is a little bad 😓😓😓😓 There’s a point where she refuses to get up and do anything every other week and it’s frustrating for everyone around her to see her do nothing but mope and eat for a whole day while they work,, so Apollopaw resorts to saying mean things about the lazing around and the weight gain and Lavenderpaw does nothing but cry more about it because she genuinely thinks he feels that way but!!! Asrellepaw decides to take a totally different approach and try to get her up by asking her to go do menial things like go gather moss for nests or pick flowers and that makes her happy so she starts training with Asrellepaw and is making progress until boom mic drop Atlasstar calls them to a whispery special meeting
So they go to talk to the leader and he’s like “Hey. One of the apprentices is special or something and I’m getting old so they gotta take my place and it’s definitely one of you guys” totally disregarding Bubblepaw or Willowpaw bc it’s either one of his kin or nobody. This puts an idea in Apollopaws head so he gets Asrellepaw in on it and he’s like. Let’s cook. Apollopaw listens in on wherever Astralblaze is gonna be that night and he goes out and plants some lavender sprigs right there!! In the shape of a star too! Wow!
Let me explain why he did this so Apollopaw grew up in a family where the whole point of being born is to be great and to provide for your clan. He sees being lazy and unproductive as the ultimate sin because you’re NOT providing for your clan OR yourself so what’s the point… he’s like nine moons old and he’s already being told that he might be the leader like RIGHT THEN??? He considers pawning the position off to Lavender to be the ultimate affection, since it’s basically giving up his usefulness for a chance at her to become the most useful member of the clan. It is not helpful in the slightest
Without her even being notified she is catapulted into a warriors ceremony without even being assessed and barely knowing how to hunt or fight, ushered to the moonstone under the guise of a standard procedure all by Astralblaze because Astralblaze is obsessed with the idea of being shown a prophecy after so long that it must be true and right and totally not faked by a bunch of teenagers,, she visits the dead people and they’re like “Dude. You are NOT supposed to be here. You’re like 14 what are you doing here bro” and she’s like “Whuh why am I supposed to be here” and they take a peeksy like “Atlasnight already gave up his lives to retire so I guess you’re the leader now” and she’s like “IM WHAT!!!!” AND pretty much every member of starclan refuses to give her her lives and she is completely okay with that because WHAT!!!! She returns to camp and everyone’s calling her Lavenderstar like it’s COMPLETELY NORMAL but she doesn’t correct them like “I never got lives” she’s just like “okay. Yeah. I lead these guys now. Great.”
She tries to continue her training with Asrellepaw but now she has to balance that with responsibilities she shouldn’t even have and so she barely knows how to hunt when she attends her first gathering as leader,, when she goes up on the rock the leaders are confused and tell her to get down but Astralblaze lies and says she’s a full grown adult so she can stay up there (she’s clearly not but they aren’t gonna argue with the oldest medicine cat, they just assume starclan said so) and it goes horrible because Lavender doesn’t know what to say and she stutters and can’t tell when they’re trying to insult her clan or not,,, After the gatherings over she’s stopped by Blazingstar like “I can tell you’re like 14… what r u doing up there..” and she starts crying and confessing her sins and misdeeds and he’s like “DUDE CHILL why can’t somebody take over your position” and she’s like “EVERYBODY THINKS STARCLAN SAID SO WHAHHHHUH” and he’s like “okay. I’ll take to my 400 medicine cats and see what I can do just hang tight” and so she goes home and napmaxxes
so when she sleeps that night there’s a terrible horrible dead kitten plaguing her mind and it’s one of her dead ass sisters and it can’t talk for some reason and her mom shows up and is like “ur a leader therefore you’re my favorite daughter now” and she wakes up and is like “Whuh I don’t have mommy issues I hate my mom” and gets up and sees Apollopaw chilling and he asks her if she wants to get married or something and she’s like “ok…” bc lavender and Asrellepaw haven’t spoken in four hundred years and so yeah she has a husband at 10 moons now cool
so she’s hanging out one day and sees a total loser windclan cat hanging out with a kittypet on her border and she throws herself at the windclan cat and cries in its ear for a little while until it goes away and then she goes home and is like. Maybe I shouldn’t have done that. And has an existential crisis about having no real friends and then gives herself an apprentice so she’ll have a friend hi Northpaw you make me so joyous
so she’s hanging out with Northpaw and Robynpaw (Northpaws sister) on a patrol so she has an excuse to train and she’s pondering why Blazingstar hasn’t fixed her life problems yet before she runs back up on windclan cat talking to the air and she’s like “hey what’s ur name” “heh hey gorgeous my names Orchiddew” “heh my names Lavenderstar never speak to me again” “ok” “you can visit anytime you want ok” “ok” and then scatters
She eventually gets called to a meet with Blazingstar and Acetalon and Mittenpounce (the two medicine cats of thunderclan) and she comes with Astralblaze and they’re like. “Hey starclan didn’t say make a kid a leader” and Astralblaze is like “YES THEY DID!!!!” And they argue back and forth until Lavender rages and leaves and naps and her moms like “Wanna see your alive sister.” And she’s like “yeah” so Bluemoon takes her to this big dark place in the scary dream woods and there’s a bunch of dead cats and then the strange windclan cat comes out!!!!!! Woah,,,, and her mom starts getting weirdly praisey towards her and her sister (Orchid) tries to murder her and she’s like “Hey! Stop! What is half my clan doing here! Stop!” And so Orchid stops and explains “Hey dude we’re training here” and she’s like “training. Yes pls!” So she joyously prances at the chance to train and wow yeah she’s technically a criminal now
She slips into this routine of doing nothing all day besides eating and sleeping so she can go back there and train that she forgets to give Asrellepaw and Apollopaw their ceremony and Astralblaze has to very gently remind her that her deputy can’t do it for her and she’s like shoot. So she gets up on the rock like “Apolloflower Asrelleblossom see you’re beautiful flowers now let’s go” and she pulls Apolloflower into her den and explains the cool dream place and he’s like “Wow let’s go” so they snuggle and he can’t go and he takes it out on her sleeping weird or snoring or something and she’s like “Sry :(“ So while she’s snoozing he scampers over to Asrelleblossom and is like “Lavenders going to evilland at night” and Asrelleblossom is like “SHIT let’s stage an intervention” and so they do just that
They go wake up Lavenderstar with Astralblaze and they’re like “hey.” And Lavenders like “hey.” And they argue at her about how that’s bad for a cat to train there and she argues back that “hey, you guys didn’t train me so they will,,” and that makes Astralblaze MAD and he’s like “why aren’t you grateful for starclans gift…” and Apolloflowers like “why aren’t u grateful for MY gift” and Astralblaze is like “what…” and then BOOM POW GORE BIG PUFF OF SMOKE WITH FISTS POKING OUT Apolloflower jumps Astralblaze and kills the elderly and Asrelleblossom runs away and he chases after her and Lavender live tweaks out because she literally can’t do anything and the angsty kitten ghost comes back to pester her and this time it brought friends! The friends are Orchiddew
So Orchiddew is like “what the flip happened” and so she explains everything to Orchiddew and cries while doing it so Orchid puts the kitten ghost that was in her back pocket down so it’ll pester the other kitten ghost and is like “wow. Moms been spying on everyone using one of the kitten ghosts” and she’s like “WHAAAAAT “and they nap snoooork mimmiimimimiimimimimimimiimimimimim dreamland time
They arrive at dreamland and their mom is like “hi freaks I saw everything check this kitten ghost out” and it’s another kitten ghost and Lavender chokes it to death and rips its throat out all goreylike and Bluemoons like “I’m so proud of you” and they all hang out as a family until Spark descends down from religiously ambiguous heaven to scream their ear off about killing one of his kids (hypocrite) and Lavenders like “wow! These are all memories I don’t wanna remember” and goes back home like a normie
Apolloflower pulls her aside and is like “Hey. It’s my fault you’re leader.” and she forgives him and he’s like “NO YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO GET MAD!!!!!!!!” And tries to kill her so she jumps him and he runs away and she gets terrified and since she doesn’t have her lives to turn in she just. Leaves. That’s actually how her story ends she just. walks off into the woods. She does end up with a yuri wife wherever she ends up though
Soo… what am I yapping about
Lavenders surrounding relationships are parallel to Orchids. Lavenders found family (Asrelleblossom, Apolloflower, Atlasnight, Aureliashine, Astralblaze) is like a way more toxic version of Orchids (Dogbite, Poppytail, Yarrowfur, Violetcloud) and her relationship with Apolloflower is supposed to be a worse version of Orchids relationship with Shrewbracken. Orchid is jealous of her sister’s incredibly worse life just because of her position in her clan. Lavender is incredibly unhappy the entire time she’s in Riverclan due to how much pressure is suddenly thrown onto her so young.
Her relationship with Apolloflower is awful, and I hate how I didn’t write more to show it. Imagine having the most stressful time imaginable and finding comfort in somebody just to find out that person is the catalyst to all your problems! Wow! YEOUCH! Apolloflowers actions were fueled by wanting her to live up to the potential he thought she had. And when she wasn’t grateful like he wanted her to be, he wanted it back. Wow I hate this guy
Lavenders motivations were really just to make people happy. Leader stepping down, well he’s old, why not let him. Take over his position? Wow. I don’t wanna do this. But it makes these people happy. Vent a Windclan cats ear off? Wow! Tell it that it can trespass whenever it wants because you feel bad! The only time she really defended her actions ended up with Astralblaze dead. Who wouldn’t be upset by that???? ☹️☹️☹️☹️
I didn’t mention it much in the summary bc I didn’t want it to seem like her only character trait but the entire time she’s training and pretty much her entire life she’s struggling from weight gain and stuff. Even after she starts physical training n stuff she doesn’t lose much weight :((( A person I’ve explained the story to in the past kinda saw it as meaning she’s a fat pushover and she is NOT A FAT PUSHOVER!!!!! STOP COMPARING HER TO CONSTANCE FROM RTC!!!!!!!!!!!
I REALLY REALLY LIKED UM. I once wrote a prompt when I was bored of Lavenderstar and Blazingstar talking about the brand new leader thing and it made me SO INCREDIBLY HAPPY 😁😁 i really don’t have much to talk about I guess this was just a lore post
sorry for yapping your ear off
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ankmankpank · 5 months
im sending u my hcs!! ( i personally hc that 4town is a kpop group but u can ignore that part)
- 3/4/01
- ♉️
- 🇫🇷
- 🦢
- lead vocalist and center
- trained for 3 years
- jesse stans are called swans
- ranked #3 place in the show because of his singing voice
- rarely posts but when he does it’s the most ethereal, jaw dropping, angelic photo ever
- got the biggest perfume collection
- taught himself the piano and the violin
- his children were born when he was 15
- likes to cook but is very bad at it
- a neat freak for sure
- has a frenemies relationship with robaire
- was born and raised in a farm
- a natural redhead
- is seen as the mom of the group
- was planning to go to college but decided not to because he wanted to be an idol instead
- 11/4/02
- ♏️
- 🇭🇹
- 🌹
- main vocalist, sub rapper and leader
- trained for 5 years
- robaire stans are called babes
- got #1 place on the survival show with pretty privilege and vibes (and talent of course)
- the richest member in 4town
- went to a posh private school
- people only think he’s just this flirtatious sex symbol but he’s more than that
- has a baby sister named Rosalie
- seen as the dad of the group
- in high school, he would receive love letters and flowers from women and men on valentine’s day
- is surprisingly good at painting
Aaron Z:
- 2/4/03
- ♓️
- 🇨🇳🇺🇸
- 🐱
- main rapper and vocalist
- trained for 6 years
- aaron z stans are called zooms
- got #2 place in the show because he could rap and he was hot
- has a sexy back tattoo
- reads his own fan-fiction
- when asked his ideal type, he said “i don’t really have a preference, not even for gender”
- the members say that he’s a grumpy old man stuck in the body of a boy band heart throb
- is a cat person through and through
- snores very loudly
- was an underground rapper and released music on soundcloud before he got famous
- will sleep through anything and everything
- big fan of tupac, kendrick lamar, missy elliot and lil kim
- suffers from intense anxiety to the point where one time he had to go on hiatus
Aaron T:
- 12/4/03
- ♐️
- 🇧🇷
- 🐯
- main dancer, lead rapper and sub vocalist
- trained for 4 years
- aaron t stans are called tigers
- got #4 place in the show because he’s funny
- has the funniest laugh ever
- always wears a backwards baseball cap
- one time him & Z went live while high
- used to have braces during his debut era
- has a cleft lip
- the group’s happy vitamin
- got his whole right arm tattooed
- undiagnosed audhd
- when people get into 4town they usually think T is the maknae until they see taeyoung
- is the one with the biggest appetite
- learned english through memes
- was raised on the beach
- had a brief crush on one of the older male trainees on star-made
- 8/4/04
- ♌️
- 🇰🇷
- 🕊️
- lead dancer, vocalist, fotg and maknae
- trained for 1 year (because he was already going to a performance arts school prior)
- taeyoung stans are called doves
- got #5 place on the show due to his aegyo
- would’ve became a veterinarian if he wasn’t a K-pop idol
- has a love-hate relationship with being an idol
- despises doing aegyo with every fiber of his being
- mixes femininity and masculinity into his personal style
- king of dirty jokes
- bleaches his hair so much that people think he’s a natural blonde
- learned english through tiktok
- is very sensitive towards criticism
I love these, ofc I don’t agree with it all, but leaving it there in case it gives someone an idea:)
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fangirlingatstuff · 2 years
Ronin and reader headcannons (w/ romance if thats fine I couldnt find ur rules page sorry) , you and MK had shrunk together, so maybe sometime after the movie, Nod and Him become "stomper" size and MK's like: "nah dude you gotta go to Y/n's house" and they go to your large slightly dysfunctional loving family to regroup and stuff. You have become my new favorite account bc i found no one who writes Epic, especially Ronin. <3 You have been followed and will be loved aggressively
Yay! Welcome to the club lol the fandom may be slightly dead but that doesnt keep some of us from making content XD Hope you like this hun! Haven’t written much for Ronin so this is fun!
This is definitely not based off of my family nooo why would you think that??? (Tho I only have one brother lol)
Tumblr media
When you had first shrunken down and met Ronin, you hadn't been as trustful as MK was.
Given, you went with MK as emotional support so she had someone to fall back on if things didn't go well with her dad, and after being shrunken while stressing about helping out your friend, you were a lot more on edge than she was.
When Ronin made it his job to escort the both of you to Nim's, you weren't as receptive of the idea as MK was, but hey, MK was kind of in need of a strong figure in her life and you weren't going to argue with that.
Over the period of that day, seeing Ronin, talking to him, noticing his own grief, even though he was pretty attractive and it made your heart skip a beat when he pulled you in by the waist to get you away from MK's crazy pug, you told yourself "we just met” and left it at that.
So imagine your surprise, several months later, when MK shows up with both leafmen while your youngest siblings were causing mayhem in the kitchen, your eldest brother wrestling with your dad over the last couple pizza rolls, and your mom stuck in a standoff with the cat since it kept trying to eat the bills on the counter.
MK explained what happened and why Ronin and Nod were suddenly big now, but you weren't able to say anything before she was like “Ok bye! Take care!” And left them with you
You were SO going to get her back for this
Honestly, you were surprised that your family didn’t mind them showing up, but you also lived in a loft above the garage so that you had some privacy from the rest of your family.
After introducing Nod and Ronin as “some of MK’s friends”, you moved them up to your small “apartment”
Nod was already a hit with your youngest two brothers, showing off his sword skills by slicing fruit in the air as they tossed it at him
Ronin took a while to adjust
But slowly he started to talk to you and you two actually had the longest conversation you’ve ever had between the two of you
Ronin didn’t want to intrude or be a burden, so he picked up doing chores (your chores) around the apartment and house while also getting Nod to do your brothers chores
You told him it wasn’t necessary, they were your chores for a reason, but Ronin argued and said that this was thanks for letting the two of them stay
He’s already a big hit with your mom and dad, but they were at work and didn’t see much of him
You were washing dishes after everyone else left the house, either for school or work, when Ronin came in
He was wearing a white henley shirt with rolled up sleeves, something that SHOULDNT have looked that good on him, and immediately stopped to look at you from across the house
“Nope, uh uh,” he hip checked you out of the way and took the plate you were washing
“Hey!” You said
“Let me wash the dishes,” he didn’t even bother letting you argue, to him it was “his duty” to show appreciation by helping around the house
“Ronin,” you whined while trying to take the rag back from him, “c’mon, it’s literally my one chore.”
“You don’t have to do it, I got it,” he said
You huffed and groaned
“How about you wash them and I’ll dry and put them up?” You offer, hand on your hip
He looked at you and thought for a moment
The two of you worked in sync with each other in the small kitchen, you putting up the dishes as Ronin washed them
Occasionally, his hand would linger for a moment longer than usual while handing you the next dish, or you’d glance over to see him quickly looking away
Even when dressed so casually he looked so in charge and strong, it was so weird
It was weird in general to see him out of his armor but you digress
When the last dish was put up, you stretched and wiped down your slightly wet hands before turning to walk out
“Hey Y/n-“ you turned as Ronin reached out for you but hesitated
“Yeah, Ronin?” You raised a brow
He stopped and drew back his hand, brow furrowed in thought
“…thank you. For letting me and Nod stay here. Your family is…very kind.”
You snorted, “Yeah, well you havent seen ‘em on a bad day.”
Ronin chuckled a little at your joke and it made your cheeks turn pink
“But really,” he said, “I don’t know how else to thank you.”
“You don’t have to-“
“No, I do,” he added as you hopped to sit on the counter behind you. “I…I think we got off on the wrong foot, before.”
You blinked in surprise and looked away with a hint of shame, “Yeah, I—that day was a lot for me.”
He sighed, “It…was a lot for me too.”
You lowered your gaze, thinking about the woman who he had ran to as she died, the late queen, Tara
Ronin shook his head and snapped out of it, “Uh, well I-“ he stammered and rubbed the back of his neck, “I’m happy MK took us here. It’s been…nice, actually getting to know you.”
You told yourself you were imagining the blush on his face
“Really?” You smiled. “It’s been nice getting to know you too.”
Ronin smiled as you hopped down and opened up the fridge, taking out a gallon of iced sweet tea
“Come on!” You chirped as you passed him and grabbed two glasses, “It’s nice out.”
The two of you sat out in the backyard on the porch, chatting and drinking iced tea, laughing at stories, talking about anything and everything, enjoying the nice spring air late into the evening
When Nod eventually came back with MK after a trip around town, they found the two of you passed out on the porch swing, a thin blanket over the both of you
MK laughed but Ronin never looked so peaceful
Okay it took me a while to come up with this and it isnt immediately romantic but now Im like “…oh? Oh, ok, am I invested in this now???”
So if you like it I can DEFINITELY do more, it took everything in me to NOT just write an entire short fic for this one prompt, it ended up being so much cuter than I expected!!!!
Hope you like it! Its awesome having more people interact with the fandom!!
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randomidiocyncrazies · 5 months
My pal and I got through most of T2 (only Mikoto and Kotoko left), so. here's what i think happened for each case:
Haruka: killed a bunch of animals to get his abusive mom's attention, so the mom had him institutionalized (for his violent behavior and/or implied developmental disabilities...?) and then he killed a little girl while institutionalized bc his mom left him there to rot/didn't care about him. no idea how he got his hands on the girl though; maybe she's a visitor (so most likely a relative) or a fellow ward??? idk
Yuno: yes it's an abortion (maybe multiple abortions). has intimacy issues and can only get fleeting warmth when she's playing a role for her clients. i'm honestly not sure why she's even here in the first place—i assume it's cultural differences at play?
Fuuta: what we thought in T1, and we clearly see that his victim was just a young teen (uniform looks like middle school). really fucking regrets it, especially after he's unforgiven and brutalized by Kotoko
Muu: my pal and I thought it was weird that she seemed way more vindictive towards the girl who ignored her but also didn't bully her (which we thought was her best friend/crush) in T1, but with T2 it turns out Muu was a bully herself and the girl she killed seemed disgusted by her actions/was the target of bullying before something changed so Muu became the target of bullying instead... so maybe Muu hates her the most because she sees it as the girl "not knowing her place" and blames her for her misfortunes?
Shidou: a confirmation of what we thought from T1, except it's brain-dead patients; at one point my pal thought he just failed to save people and blamed himself, but the voice drama makes it clear he's been pressuring relatives to euthanize brain-dead patients to facilitate organ donation.
Mahiru: she didn't accidentally kill her boyfriend in a fight like we thought; looks like the bf tried to break up with her, but she's oblivious to it and kept talking like they're gonna get back together so that pushed him over the edge maybe? it's really sad bc her self-esteem clearly comes from "being in a relationship" and her obsession with love implies that it's the only achievement she feels she can long for/try to achieve? also it's her 1st relationship and the bf also fed her cake, so i kinda think the relationship was a bit messed up on both their ends (she treats him how he treats her), and by the time bf noticed how unhealthy it was, it had progressed to the point where he felt like there was no way out but death
Kazui: this man is gay, and his wife killed herself when he came out to her after being in the closet pretty much his entire life. (i've also seen theories that he's alloaro, but given his first love was "probably [his] elementary school teacher" in the Q&A & "if I said i like-liked you (omae), what would you do?" in Cat, i think that's less likely than him being gay)
Amane: cult upbringing confirmed, and she killed her mother for violating the teaching of "living things must live out their ordained destiny"—the mom killed the cat Amane was caring for, which deffo interferes with the cat's ‘natural destiny', and the same dogma was used to punish/torture Amane for giving medical attention to the cat in the first place.
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tidaltow · 1 month
arranged on the table before Percy was a vibrant assortment of beach-themed treasures; mismatched shells strung together to make a chunky necklace, dried sea stars in various sizes, & a few lucky sand dollars made up the bundle. however, the ‘beach’ element wasn’t the only consistent thing across all the items, for Ari ( with the help of a few other kind demigods aboard the Argo II ) had carefully painted each one a different shade of blue. Ari looked up at Percy with twinkling, excited eyes, hoping he would love his special birthday gift.
“ha … happy merry birthday, Pissy!” Ari said brightly, holding onto the edge of the table to keep herself stable as she jovially bounced on her toes. “fff … for you!”
@earthssprout || “belated” bday shenanigans (bc winnie sent this in on time but i'm slow so it's on me asdjgjk)
So, look, kids Percy's age had typically “grown out” of themed gifts.
Y'know, for example, how a pretty decent percentage of little girls apparently had a “horse girl phase” that all their parties had to be centered around, but they eventually moved on (Would Ari ever have one of those?); or how your favorite color was practically a personality trait (along with your favorite food, whether you liked cats or dogs [never both; unacceptable], what team you rooted for in literally any sport [ . . . but that extended to the adults, too]). Thing is, at some point, a kid's interests became a bit more complex than just “dog goes woof, so I obsess over dog” . . .
Or, okay, “Mom started making everything blue just to spite my dumb step-dad, so now I obsess over the color blue.” Or, “Yeah, my dad's the sea god, so my entire personality needs to be surfer boy chic.”
See, good thing “Percy” and “typical” weren't on the same page. (And the alphabet wasn't changing anytime soon to alter that.)
When he saw the assortment of gifts laid out across the table, he might as well have been living his best “horse girl” dreams, thriving in the “Yes, my favorite color is blue and I'm owning it” vibes, basking in the “I'm the son of Poseidon” spotlight. But maybe what really sold the whole thing, what really made it all the more special, was seeing the excited little girl who went to all the trouble to do this for him.
Yeah. That had to be it. That had to be why Percy found himself grinning like he was in the middle of a sugar high after too much cake. (He hoped that'd be the literal case soon.)
“Whoa, seriously? Did you do all of this?” Percy was pretty sure she couldn't have. (But he was also pretty sure he was prone to underestimating her.) He'd happily give her all the credit, either way. “That's so cool. Everything turned out amazing.” And he spent a few moments rolling the painted seashells over in his fingers, eventually donning that necklace as proudly as if it bore his beads from camp.
While he continued to fiddle with one of the cowrie shells—ignoring that the weight of everything on the necklace wasn't exactly distributed evenly—Percy wandered over to Ari's side. His free hand extended around her little shoulders, tugged her against his hip in half of a hug. “Thanks, Ari. I mean it,” he said. “These shells are officially the best I've ever seen.”
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vegetable-man · 2 years
Divine Intervention
FLUFFY WINTER FIC JUST DROPPED. I’m halfway done with finals. Bless the lord. N e wayz, I wrote this bc I think Eddie is so bae. no warnings just love fr. Sending u kithes <3
Divine Intervention
Eddie munson x reader (a slight mention of mechanic Eddie). Same universe as my other mechanic eddie fic.
Indiana was surprisingly cold in the winter. As soon as October came around, a chill would start to crawl down Eddie’s spine and soon enough would leave his back tight and aching. While he never complained, it kept him under the flannel and thick comforter of his bed like a super magnet.
Needless to say, Eddie wouldn’t get up for anybody.
Well, not quite anybody.
Max actually liked living in a small trailer with her mom. Living in that big house with Neil and Billy was far colder in the summers than it was here in the dead of winter. She settled quite nicely in her small bedroom and admired how peaceful her mom kept the place.
There was also another thing Max liked about living in the trailer park: she knew anything and everything about everyone.
You wouldn’t peg her to be much of a nosy girl but in truth, Max was a hardcore people watcher. She enjoyed silently observing her neighbor’s lives and arguments, even noticing small changes in their routines.
Max noticed when Mrs. Wilt got a new senior dog from the shelter. She noticed when the kids down the street started to feed the stray cats.
She also noticed that Eddie had been leaving his trailer much earlier than usual.
Now, being the observer she was, she knew that normally, Eddie was late for everything. He was late to the house parties at Steve’s, he was late to pick up her boyfriend and his friends, he was even late to his own campaigns.
As soon as there was even a thought of snow falling from the impossibly dark morning sky, Eddie was dressed and out of the trailer at 6:30 AM sharp.
The van starting up would wake her up, and Max would blearily look out her window at the trailer across from the window. Eddie would be out there warming up the car, brushing snow off his windshield, and sometimes running frantically back inside to grab something he probably forgot.
With a roll of her eyes, Max would roll back into bed and wait for her mom to wake her up in another half hour for school.
Wayne always kept the news on, especially in the afternoons. He didn’t care for the news, no, but he did care about the weather for the week.
After a small dinner between himself and his boy, Wayne sat his heavy bones down on the couch to watch some TV. Eddie grabbed two beers and a couple of papers, presumably for one of his games that Wayne didn’t quite understand, and set up camp on the small chair that accompanied the couch in their comfortably cluttered living room.
Handing Wayne an opened beer, Eddie sat down in his chair and took a swig from his own bottle, eyes trained on the TV.
“what are they sayin it’s gonna be?” He asked his uncle.
“a couple feet of snow” he groans out, and suddenly he smirks “you better head on to bed, boy”
“Fuuuuuck” Eddie gripped his forehead and leaned forward. With a breath he sat back up, barked out a quick ‘yeah I guess you’re right’  and dragged his feet to the bathroom to wash up before bed.
On the couch, where Eddie couldn’t see him -where no one could see him in fact-, Wayne couldn’t help the smile and sigh that escaped his mouth and entered the very bottle he sipped.
There was nothing that irritated Eddie more than his 6:00 AM alarm on a cold morning.
His body felt warm, his nose felt cold, his brain felt like a brick. And yet, Eddie dragged himself out of bed to put on his usual uniform except with an added twist: the winter coat that you had bought for him last Christmas. While Eddie thought that a bulky coat would destroy his style, it seemed like you had thought of everything, it was a true Wilson leather jacket with all the padding and insulation to get him through the arctic. Eddie knew that wasn’t true, but hell, he’d never see Michigan anytime soon much less the arctic circle. He just knew you didn’t want him to be cold, and he’d do anything for you.
Even get up at the crack of fucking dawn.
When finished his morning routine, Eddie was much more awake than before, but not anymore prepared to face the biting cold of the outside.
Still, he grabbed his keys and headed out to warm up the car and drive off.
As soon as the heat had filled the car, Eddie shifted out of park and slowly drove out of the trailer park through the newly falling snow.
If the roads in Hawkins were bad enough in the summertime, the wintertime felt like a deathtrap. There weren’t enough plows to keep up with the roads that weren’t frequently used such as I don’t know, most of them?
And while Eddie didn’t care for driving in the snow, he knew you were absolutely terrified.
You had your own car, you own routine and places to go, but it all seemed to slow down when there was a dusting of snow or ice on the asphalt. Once, you had called Eddie in a panic because you were stuck at school in a blizzard and couldn’t even get out of the parking lot without sliding.
Eddie laughed, he didn’t mean to, but blizzard was a gross overstatement.
Nevertheless, he drove his ass up to your college campus to save you from the dastardly dangerous terribly scary snow.
Ever since then, Eddie vowed to never let you drive in the snow again.
Back in the van, Eddie navigated the tight and windy roads of Hawkins to your house. Not even fifteen minutes by car, and Eddie knew he would be early like he always was.
Pulling into your driveway, which was quickly building up snow, Eddie saw that the garage was open and the lights were on. He knew enough of your family’s routine to know that both your parents were leaving for work at their usual time. Too fucking early, but their usual time regardless.
With an empty spot in the garage from the recent departure of your father, Eddie pulled into the spot and waved at your mom who was warming up her car herself. She looked over at Eddie and gave him a tired wave and smile, one that said ‘yeah hun she’s still in bed’.
Shutting off his car and tightening his abdomen, Eddie braced for, and eventually threw himself, into the cold air lingering around your garage. It wasn’t a long walk to the door which led into the coatroom, perhaps 10 steps. But these were 10 steps in which Eddie felt his back start to cramp and started walking with a hunch.
Your house was much warmer, though, which made up for the incessant and violating cold.
Taking off his boots and heavy coat, Eddie entered your house and beelined for your bedroom.
If Eddie was frozen before, he was entirely melted by the way you were swallowed by the seven..? He tried to count, blankets on your bed. He heart melted through his chest and in a puddle that made his socks wet with sticky and sweet love.
He could barely see your long and steady breaths from under your blanket and what he could see told him you were utterly out.
With firm steps to your bed, Eddie sat on the edge and dipped the mattress in a way that exposed your face a little further to his sight. Now, he always thought you were cute, even far before he told you for the first time, but Eddie was always hit by it the most when you were sleeping. When you would get a small furrow in your brows and cheeks would squish from the pillow supporting your face.
Cuteness aggression was an intrusive thought that Eddie used all his power to resist.
Compromising with himself, Eddie placed a firm kiss on your temple. Firm, now, meant that the kiss pushed almost your whole head a few inches into the pillow, and exposed your neck for a slight moment from the motion. Eddie used this moment to slip his hand into the crook of your neck and gently rubbed across its length.
A bit startled and groggy from sleep, you furrowed your brows and without opening your eyes, graveled out a small “hello?”
Eddie bit back a laugh and stroked upwards towards your cheek “Good morning sweetheart” and pressed an even deeper kiss to your temple.
With a small sleepy gasp, you moved from your side and onto your back and softly whined out “Eddie? Hi! G’Mornin”.
With that, Eddie laid his torso on top of yours as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, breathing in his hair and soaking in his warmth.
Eddie knew, however, that if you wanted to be on time for your 8:00 AM class, you would need to get up right about now.
“You’ve gotta get up and ready sweetheart” he spoke near your neck.
“Come on up now” Eddie used his leverage to lift you into a seated position. Seated in a valley made by the mountains of blankets on your bed, perhaps not up, but maybe more slouched than anything.
Eddie laughed at your messy hair and slightly swollen eyes as you yawned and embraced him again in your new position. This time, with your head on his shoulder and your cheek squished into his collarbone.
“I love you so much” you squeaked out.
“I know honey” he rubbed your back “I love you too” and he kissed your hairline.
Marinating in the love, as Eddie called it, you both sat exchanging small gestures and warmth under the soft glow of your bedside lamp.
A ringing of the phone somewhere down the hallway interrupted you both and sent Eddie slowly pulling away from you padding towards the wall where he picked up the receiver.
Great news.
Eddie grinned as he blinked out the lingering exhaustion from his eyes and called the garage.
“Hey Ray… yeah bud… nah… no yeah that’s perfect I was calling to call out anyway!” Eddie barked out a laugh. They were closing the garage for the blizzard “yeah, It shouldn’t be a hard job anyway… no I’m with my girl… no worries man… stay safe I’ll see ya Monday!”
Eddie always felt a sort of divine intervention around you.
First your college campus closes due to weather, and then his garage takes a day off too.
Perfect, he smiled.
Walking back to your bed, shutting off the hallway and kitchen lights on the way, Eddie opened the door to your room and slipped inside. It was dark besides the lamp which was still on and you, well, you had fallen back under the oppression of your six, eddie finally decided, blankets.
Grabbing a pair of his sweatpants from your drawer, Eddie slipped them on in lieu of his jeans, shut off the lamp, and climbed into bed with you and your squished cheeks.
Eddie maneuvered your half asleep body next to him and caressed the back of your head until you fell back asleep with a newfound warmth next to you.
Eddie was comfortable. It was dark, it was warm, it was heavy, and you were next to him.
Divine intervention, he reminded himself. And then, like young men can’t resist, he fell deeply asleep.
Eddie woke up to two things. Well, three. Eddie woke up to three things.
He woke up to the soft white winter light. A morning snow kind of light beaming from the windows of your room. It was somehow one of the most loving and nostalgic scenes that he could think of. A fresh snow gleam was a sight to warm the heart.
The second thing Eddie woke up to was the heavy dip next to him on your mattress as you re-entered the bed.
The third thing Eddie woke up to was the smell of hot chocolate.
Eddie took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes, and stretched his arms up and out before looking up at you and the mug of hot chocolate you sported.
Your hair was still messy, your glasses were on, and you brushed the hair out of Eddies face as you traced his jaw towards the outer corner of his eye.
Eddie moved his head to slightly bite the meat of your thumb and kiss the palm of your hand.
Groaning and lifting himself to a seated position, he grabbed the mug, tugged you into his side, and thanked divine intervention once again.
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