#i want to have a morning winter cuddle when school is canceled and be little babies with eddie under the blankets IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK
vegetable-man · 2 years
Divine Intervention
FLUFFY WINTER FIC JUST DROPPED. I’m halfway done with finals. Bless the lord. N e wayz, I wrote this bc I think Eddie is so bae. no warnings just love fr. Sending u kithes <3
Divine Intervention
Eddie munson x reader (a slight mention of mechanic Eddie). Same universe as my other mechanic eddie fic.
Indiana was surprisingly cold in the winter. As soon as October came around, a chill would start to crawl down Eddie’s spine and soon enough would leave his back tight and aching. While he never complained, it kept him under the flannel and thick comforter of his bed like a super magnet.
Needless to say, Eddie wouldn’t get up for anybody.
Well, not quite anybody.
Max actually liked living in a small trailer with her mom. Living in that big house with Neil and Billy was far colder in the summers than it was here in the dead of winter. She settled quite nicely in her small bedroom and admired how peaceful her mom kept the place.
There was also another thing Max liked about living in the trailer park: she knew anything and everything about everyone.
You wouldn’t peg her to be much of a nosy girl but in truth, Max was a hardcore people watcher. She enjoyed silently observing her neighbor’s lives and arguments, even noticing small changes in their routines.
Max noticed when Mrs. Wilt got a new senior dog from the shelter. She noticed when the kids down the street started to feed the stray cats.
She also noticed that Eddie had been leaving his trailer much earlier than usual.
Now, being the observer she was, she knew that normally, Eddie was late for everything. He was late to the house parties at Steve’s, he was late to pick up her boyfriend and his friends, he was even late to his own campaigns.
As soon as there was even a thought of snow falling from the impossibly dark morning sky, Eddie was dressed and out of the trailer at 6:30 AM sharp.
The van starting up would wake her up, and Max would blearily look out her window at the trailer across from the window. Eddie would be out there warming up the car, brushing snow off his windshield, and sometimes running frantically back inside to grab something he probably forgot.
With a roll of her eyes, Max would roll back into bed and wait for her mom to wake her up in another half hour for school.
Wayne always kept the news on, especially in the afternoons. He didn’t care for the news, no, but he did care about the weather for the week.
After a small dinner between himself and his boy, Wayne sat his heavy bones down on the couch to watch some TV. Eddie grabbed two beers and a couple of papers, presumably for one of his games that Wayne didn’t quite understand, and set up camp on the small chair that accompanied the couch in their comfortably cluttered living room.
Handing Wayne an opened beer, Eddie sat down in his chair and took a swig from his own bottle, eyes trained on the TV.
“what are they sayin it’s gonna be?” He asked his uncle.
“a couple feet of snow” he groans out, and suddenly he smirks “you better head on to bed, boy”
“Fuuuuuck” Eddie gripped his forehead and leaned forward. With a breath he sat back up, barked out a quick ‘yeah I guess you’re right’  and dragged his feet to the bathroom to wash up before bed.
On the couch, where Eddie couldn’t see him -where no one could see him in fact-, Wayne couldn’t help the smile and sigh that escaped his mouth and entered the very bottle he sipped.
There was nothing that irritated Eddie more than his 6:00 AM alarm on a cold morning.
His body felt warm, his nose felt cold, his brain felt like a brick. And yet, Eddie dragged himself out of bed to put on his usual uniform except with an added twist: the winter coat that you had bought for him last Christmas. While Eddie thought that a bulky coat would destroy his style, it seemed like you had thought of everything, it was a true Wilson leather jacket with all the padding and insulation to get him through the arctic. Eddie knew that wasn’t true, but hell, he’d never see Michigan anytime soon much less the arctic circle. He just knew you didn’t want him to be cold, and he’d do anything for you.
Even get up at the crack of fucking dawn.
When finished his morning routine, Eddie was much more awake than before, but not anymore prepared to face the biting cold of the outside.
Still, he grabbed his keys and headed out to warm up the car and drive off.
As soon as the heat had filled the car, Eddie shifted out of park and slowly drove out of the trailer park through the newly falling snow.
If the roads in Hawkins were bad enough in the summertime, the wintertime felt like a deathtrap. There weren’t enough plows to keep up with the roads that weren’t frequently used such as I don’t know, most of them?
And while Eddie didn’t care for driving in the snow, he knew you were absolutely terrified.
You had your own car, you own routine and places to go, but it all seemed to slow down when there was a dusting of snow or ice on the asphalt. Once, you had called Eddie in a panic because you were stuck at school in a blizzard and couldn’t even get out of the parking lot without sliding.
Eddie laughed, he didn’t mean to, but blizzard was a gross overstatement.
Nevertheless, he drove his ass up to your college campus to save you from the dastardly dangerous terribly scary snow.
Ever since then, Eddie vowed to never let you drive in the snow again.
Back in the van, Eddie navigated the tight and windy roads of Hawkins to your house. Not even fifteen minutes by car, and Eddie knew he would be early like he always was.
Pulling into your driveway, which was quickly building up snow, Eddie saw that the garage was open and the lights were on. He knew enough of your family’s routine to know that both your parents were leaving for work at their usual time. Too fucking early, but their usual time regardless.
With an empty spot in the garage from the recent departure of your father, Eddie pulled into the spot and waved at your mom who was warming up her car herself. She looked over at Eddie and gave him a tired wave and smile, one that said ‘yeah hun she’s still in bed’.
Shutting off his car and tightening his abdomen, Eddie braced for, and eventually threw himself, into the cold air lingering around your garage. It wasn’t a long walk to the door which led into the coatroom, perhaps 10 steps. But these were 10 steps in which Eddie felt his back start to cramp and started walking with a hunch.
Your house was much warmer, though, which made up for the incessant and violating cold.
Taking off his boots and heavy coat, Eddie entered your house and beelined for your bedroom.
If Eddie was frozen before, he was entirely melted by the way you were swallowed by the seven..? He tried to count, blankets on your bed. He heart melted through his chest and in a puddle that made his socks wet with sticky and sweet love.
He could barely see your long and steady breaths from under your blanket and what he could see told him you were utterly out.
With firm steps to your bed, Eddie sat on the edge and dipped the mattress in a way that exposed your face a little further to his sight. Now, he always thought you were cute, even far before he told you for the first time, but Eddie was always hit by it the most when you were sleeping. When you would get a small furrow in your brows and cheeks would squish from the pillow supporting your face.
Cuteness aggression was an intrusive thought that Eddie used all his power to resist.
Compromising with himself, Eddie placed a firm kiss on your temple. Firm, now, meant that the kiss pushed almost your whole head a few inches into the pillow, and exposed your neck for a slight moment from the motion. Eddie used this moment to slip his hand into the crook of your neck and gently rubbed across its length.
A bit startled and groggy from sleep, you furrowed your brows and without opening your eyes, graveled out a small “hello?”
Eddie bit back a laugh and stroked upwards towards your cheek “Good morning sweetheart” and pressed an even deeper kiss to your temple.
With a small sleepy gasp, you moved from your side and onto your back and softly whined out “Eddie? Hi! G’Mornin”.
With that, Eddie laid his torso on top of yours as you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, breathing in his hair and soaking in his warmth.
Eddie knew, however, that if you wanted to be on time for your 8:00 AM class, you would need to get up right about now.
“You’ve gotta get up and ready sweetheart” he spoke near your neck.
“Come on up now” Eddie used his leverage to lift you into a seated position. Seated in a valley made by the mountains of blankets on your bed, perhaps not up, but maybe more slouched than anything.
Eddie laughed at your messy hair and slightly swollen eyes as you yawned and embraced him again in your new position. This time, with your head on his shoulder and your cheek squished into his collarbone.
“I love you so much” you squeaked out.
“I know honey” he rubbed your back “I love you too” and he kissed your hairline.
Marinating in the love, as Eddie called it, you both sat exchanging small gestures and warmth under the soft glow of your bedside lamp.
A ringing of the phone somewhere down the hallway interrupted you both and sent Eddie slowly pulling away from you padding towards the wall where he picked up the receiver.
Great news.
Eddie grinned as he blinked out the lingering exhaustion from his eyes and called the garage.
“Hey Ray… yeah bud… nah… no yeah that’s perfect I was calling to call out anyway!” Eddie barked out a laugh. They were closing the garage for the blizzard “yeah, It shouldn’t be a hard job anyway… no I’m with my girl… no worries man… stay safe I’ll see ya Monday!”
Eddie always felt a sort of divine intervention around you.
First your college campus closes due to weather, and then his garage takes a day off too.
Perfect, he smiled.
Walking back to your bed, shutting off the hallway and kitchen lights on the way, Eddie opened the door to your room and slipped inside. It was dark besides the lamp which was still on and you, well, you had fallen back under the oppression of your six, eddie finally decided, blankets.
Grabbing a pair of his sweatpants from your drawer, Eddie slipped them on in lieu of his jeans, shut off the lamp, and climbed into bed with you and your squished cheeks.
Eddie maneuvered your half asleep body next to him and caressed the back of your head until you fell back asleep with a newfound warmth next to you.
Eddie was comfortable. It was dark, it was warm, it was heavy, and you were next to him.
Divine intervention, he reminded himself. And then, like young men can’t resist, he fell deeply asleep.
Eddie woke up to two things. Well, three. Eddie woke up to three things.
He woke up to the soft white winter light. A morning snow kind of light beaming from the windows of your room. It was somehow one of the most loving and nostalgic scenes that he could think of. A fresh snow gleam was a sight to warm the heart.
The second thing Eddie woke up to was the heavy dip next to him on your mattress as you re-entered the bed.
The third thing Eddie woke up to was the smell of hot chocolate.
Eddie took a deep breath, rubbed his eyes, and stretched his arms up and out before looking up at you and the mug of hot chocolate you sported.
Your hair was still messy, your glasses were on, and you brushed the hair out of Eddies face as you traced his jaw towards the outer corner of his eye.
Eddie moved his head to slightly bite the meat of your thumb and kiss the palm of your hand.
Groaning and lifting himself to a seated position, he grabbed the mug, tugged you into his side, and thanked divine intervention once again.
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goldsbitch · 8 months
That next Christmas flight
epilogue p.1 to That one Christmas flight
summary: Few months down the line, Y/N is getting onto the same Christmas flight as a completely changed girl.
warning: cheesy af, swear words I guess, cliche probably, typos most definitely
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Another Christmas flight. Traditions linger long and strong no matter how much one tries to resist. It's been a year precisely since the last flight that had turned her life upside down and Y/N found herself standing at the same airport where she shared a first kiss with Lando. Except this time she was thrown off for a completely less glamorous reason, sitting all confused and looking at the cancelled note next to her flight number on the departure board. She was just one of the other anxious annoyed passangers, trying to figure out how to get to Japan on time. Her mom hated when people were late. And she was sure she'll find a way to blame it on her. Bad planning, she'd always say. Love comes in different flavors to anyone, Y/N sighed, looking forward to seeing her mom after so many months, which had brought a rollercoaster of unexpected emotions.
She has had the summer of her life, hard to imagine something topping this one. The ultimate love affair - exciting, sweet and eye opening. Made her question everything she thought about adult life. All those love song suddenly made sense. She understood why people do crazy things for love. There wasn't a cell in her body regretting getting her summer and early September got stolen by one guy. It would not have mattered if he was a server from a local café or a tattoo artist, he just happened to be one of the most famous racing drivers on the planet. She had followed him around his trips as long as her school schedule allowed, making new friends in the process and generally exploring a different way of life. Sometimes, she had to stop in order to take it all in, because his world shined just a little too bright. It took all of her free time to keep up. Once summer rolled to its very end, it started being harder for the pair. Coming back to the school environment was somewhat of a culture shock and suddenly her having her own life was making it harder to drop everything and meet him at yet another race track around the world. Their schedules seemed to be working against each other. Late night cuddles turned into late night / morning calls. Summer romance got a real hard test that October and was forced to mature real quick. And sadly, very few love affairs manage to survive this leap.
There are little things that people in love do for each other. One does not often realize that the other person had been doing these mundane gestures until they are out of sight. Lando would always put Y/N's airpods on the charger when they were together, because he knew that she would just never do that and then would complain about it endlessly. He was even looking forward to the annoyed text she'd send him two days after they parted, almost on the clock. Y/N never learned. Nor did she want to.
Y/N airpods were sitting in the pocket of her coat. Fully charged. Lando and Y/N had never spent more time together than this winter break. After few rough weeks, they got used to the changing tone of their relationship. She finally met his family and spent few very fun days at their house. Lando made fun of her afterwards, because she had been so nervous to fuck it up. He never doubted that she would do a good impression - he loved too much to think that.
Pair of hands hugged her from behind and the familiarity kicked in.
"Thought you got lost, honey," she greeted her boyfriend and potentially the love of her life (spoiler alert - yes, he really was).
"I actually kind of did, I'm sure there must be a bathroom closer that all the way back that hallway," he said, kissing her cheek softly. She was taking him home to Japan to get him introduced to her mom, which made him the proudest guy at that airport. He was worthy of getting introduced and to him, that was the biggest compliment one could give. It had been quite a hectic Christmas break for Lando so far, if he were to be honest, he was happy to get few hours alone with Y/N. On the outside, he was this cool racer chill dude. But he was also a sappy romantic, absolutely insisting on having them celebrate their anniversary on the same flight. Y/N grounded him, kept him at bay in the best way possible. He felt like the best version of himself. Which was also what he told her when they almost broke up over the phone one confusing November night. Their relationship was cut with difficult conversations and the need to untangle things, but it was strangely something Lando loved about their relationship. No stones left untouched, caring so much about each other that any shift in energy was a signal to the other party. Y/N taught him to notice things. He pushed her into making her feelings known.
"My love, our flight is cancelled for today," she said softly, not really knowing what to do. Lando usually had his travel booked by the team, so he was surprisingly not very skilled in booking things anymore. But he longed for any possibility to be the hero that saved the day, so he got to the counter and got them on tomorrow's flight, with an overnight at a hotel.
Y/N let out a sigh once he told her that there is currently no other option. She just wanted to be at her mom's place and show Lando off, like a proper proud girlfriend she was.
"I'm sorry, honey," he said, caressing her cheek. "I'll make sure you have an absolutely amazing evening with me, ok? Honestly, getting to spend an extra night with you alone is the best thing I could wish for." She looked at him and there was not a single cell in her body that would doubt what he was telling her. Even after months, every time Lando looked at her, her heart skipped a beat. Every time he embraced her, she completely melted. His skin still felt like the softest thing on this planet. His eyes were the bluest of green that had her mesmerised whenever he shared a glance at her. "There is nothing better I could wish for Christmas either," she said, kissing him softly. "Let's get to the hotel, give your mom a quick call, order a champagne and cuddle without letting anyone else know we're still in England," he whispered like a little devil on her shoulder.
"Hm, maybe we can cuddle like really fast," she insunuated, setting Lando's imagination on fire.
"I have many ideas, honey."
"Good, write them down."
"This will hardly ever skip my mind," Lando laughed lightly and the pair took off, with him having his shoulder around her, both of them hiding their faces under a cap. They soft launched their relationship in the middle of the summer, but there was still a cloud of mystery around Y/N, as she had made sure to set her socials on private. No more of a little secret hidden in a hotel room. Still, privacy was an important thing to the pair, that's why there was a whole fake social media trip happening for Lando right now to redirect attention.
So there they were, toasting with the same champagne a year later, lives intertwined and with their own set of Christmas traditions forming. Two young people with souls still undamaged by the tragedies of life, two young people not realizing how light and magical part of their life they got to call today and tomorrow. Next time you're flying somewhere, don' be a chicken and talk to your hot neighbor on the plane. You never know.
personal note: thank you so much for all the support you guys gave me for this one, it has grown into my favorite story so far - mainly because I got to put in my own memories and feelings from when I accidentally started dating a semi famous sports guy while having no idea who he was, lol. it was in no way lando level kind of famous, but still, it is a great memory, so thank you for reliving it with me.
there will be blurbs of these two coming in the future, but i wanted to tie the main story to an end. but I can't wait to write more, so i'll be more than happy if you come back for some snap shots of their little moments. thank you - smutty epilogue p2. is on the way
Tagged all those who like to suffer: @prudyhoo @anuksunamon @sagestack @esquerkaren @ushygushybaby @ilove-tswizzle @thehufflepuffavenger1  @superlegend216 @mehrmonga @lovely-blackinnon @mylifeihate1029 @lausdigitaldiary @tswizzleismother @goldenharrysworld @llando4norris @classiclitfreak  @ophcelia @leclerc13 @starmanv @k4r1402 @biitch-with-wifi @drunk-teens-doing-drugs @starmanv @formulaal @scenesofobx
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shu-sakamaki · 3 years
Shuu cuddles and cold (because it's cold af and I can feel it in my ass) (NSFW ahead)
- He's cold and it's cold outside, don't match, when he was S/Oless he didn't care about winter or autumn but now that he have one, he hates it.
- Always turn the heater all the way up and complain when you want to lower it, he just don't want you to be cold at all (and he rather have you take off your clothes because it's too hot than putting more)
- You guys are always tossing around on the bed every morning because Shuu just lie on top of you and refuse to move, hoping that you would cancel work/school so you can stay with him to cuddle
- There's blankets everywhere and Shuu insist that your smell stay on them so he can just wrap himself around it when you leave
- Deadass look at you like those flat-faced angry cats when you have the AUDACITY, to go fulfill your responsibilities and abandon his "poor, lonely, heart-breaking old self" alone in the flat (drama queen much)
- Blow up your phone when you're coming home late and didn't told him "Babe where you at ?" "Our show is about to begin." "..." "Babe." "Babe." "Answer the goddamn phone" "Alright." "I'm coming." (his crazy ass)
- Is on you the moment you open the door with frowned brows and a upside down mouth mumbling that you smell like "outside" and "other people"
- Love that you're wearing his clothes because they're thick and pretty good quality and you look good in them
- Completely overwhelmed by his presence, his scent and his hands are everywhere
- Always having some sort of physical contact and act like a second skin, takes every opportunity (even more than usual) to be lewd then blame it on the cold
- Act like an insufferable old person when you guys go outside because the wind keeps blowing on him and he wants to go home already
- But since Shuu is a Paradox, he also take you out to operas, piano concerts, bomb restaurants (where you guys eats warm European food and he tells you a bunch of infos about the meals) and take you on beautiful locations to have that magical winter vibes with him (if there is one thing, it's that he will spend his money for his woman)
- You guys watch those family friendly corny movies sometimes, and even if he make fun of those, it made him wonder about having a family with you (thinks about it at night while looking at your sleeping form)
- Since he's stuck on you, he took this habit of lifting you up to go everywhere in the apartment, you guys are cuddling and need to go to the kitchen, he lift you up and let you take a water bottle then go back to the couch
- He thought that he would never know anything better than having you in his life till he discovered cuddling with you under a weighted blanket and he 💫ascended💫
- Morning sex, yes, but just sex in general, the cold makes him sad he said, it's your job to warm him up he said.
- Temperature play, he don't go completely tender and soft, he's still a little shit and run his ice cold fingers up and down your back and your thighs (or inside you, it's like a push-pop up this poosay)
- Put his cold nose in your neck and blows even colder air on your skin then watch you have goosebumps
- Cockwarming. You're not escaping it.
- You guys are watching TV and suddenly Shuu goes "baby my dick is cold as fuck right now." or just grab you without a word
- Mutual masturbation, something tells me that he just tend to be more into it when it's cold, especially under the 💫weighted blanket💫
- There are days when he remembers his past or just his days at the North Pole and get more quiet than usual
- One time, Shuu thought about a nightmarish scenario when you where dying of hypothermia and he couldn't even warm you up, got even more protective of you and you didn't understand why (and he won't tell you)
- Pinches your flesh out of nowhere and coos when you shed a few tears because IT HURTS or when you complain, "Shuuu stop !! You always do this !" , "Aww, I'm sorry, you look too tempting in those shorts"
Shuu is a cuddly little fucker, we love him
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luna-eclipse2000 · 3 years
Baby, it’s cold outside.
Marco Bodt x Reader
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“God, why did I think it’d be a good idea to leave my house without a hat? Or a scarf?” I ask myself as I leave the school. “-20° (-4° F) outside with snow and wind… But the forecast is usually wrong because the meteorologist is horrible at their job.”
I rub my hands together to try and warm them up a bit, but they’re already going numb. I sigh but that just causes my teeth to chatter. I decide to tuck my hands under my arms to try and get a bit of warmth back when I hear a car drive up beside me but I don’t look to see who it is because I’m too focused on not becoming a popsicle. “You look really cold.” The person says from their window. “Yeah?” I ask rhetorically. “I wonder why? Maybe it’s because there’s blizzard and I’m in a stupid little coat that I got on sale from Marshall’s.”
Upon realizing how rude I just was, I immediately back peddle. “I’m-I’m sorry. I’m just really cold and trying to preserve my energy in order to make it back to my dorm.”
“I could give you a ride if you’d like?” The person offers. Before I say anything else, I look over to see who’s in the car. “Oh, hey, Marco.” I greet him properly. “That’d be great, thanks.”
I quickly shuffle my way over to the car, open the door, and hop in. Marco turns up the heating and takes his hat off to put on me so my ears warm up faster. “You know, you should prepare for any kind of weather during the winter.” Marco says. “Yeah, I know.” I agree. “I was just in a rush this morning and I knew about the weather but I was already down the hall, and I decided that I’d be fine.”
The radio then starts to play Idina Menzel and Michael Bublè’s version of Baby, It’s Cold Outside. Marco starts to laugh as I pout. “Don’t mock me, radio.”
“Why don’t I come inside with you and make you something warm to drink while you get a million blankets to pile on?” Marco offers once he’s stopped laughing. “Sure,” I agree. “I’d really like that.”
“Here you go.” Marco says as I sit on my small couch. I have a blanket across my lap, as well. “Thank you.” I say as I take the mug. It’s hot chocolate but he decorated the hell out of it. There’s whipped cream, marshmallows and a candy cane. “Holy crap, Marco! How’d you learn to do this?”
He laughs. “I’m the oldest of four. My youngest brother’s just about to turn 10 so I’ve learned how to make things look cool. Hot Chocolate’s kinda my specialty during the winter.”
“Well it looks like it should be in a commercial or something.” I say as I take a sip of my drink. “Thanks.” He replies as he takes a sip of his.
“Well, I think I’m gonna go now.” Marco says as he stands up. “Gotta study for a test next week in a unit I suck in and I still live at home which is 20 minutes away.”
“Oh, ok.” I reply, kinda sad that he has to go. “We should do this more often, I had fun.” Marco tells me. I nod. “Me too. Bye, Marco!”
“Bye, (y/n)!” Marco says and just as he reaches the door, the power goes out. “What the hell?” I ask. “I don’t know,” Marco replies. “I guess so many people had their heating units up so high that it caused a power outage.”
“Oh… that’s not good.” I say. “I think I have a radio in my closet. We could find out how far the blackout went and when the power could be back on.”
“Yeah, that’s a good idea.” Marco says.
I get up, head to my room, and start to search my closet for the radio I got a few years ago. “Ok… it was blue with silver…” I mumble the description to myself like it’ll help me find it faster. I move a set of boxes and find the old dusty thing so I pick it up and bring it outside to the living room. “And we pray that it works.”
Marco crosses his fingers as I press the on button and we hear some Christmas music playing. “Yes!” We cheer happily. I press one of the buttons to get to a news station so we can hear what’s going on. “The National Weather Service says that this is one of the worst storms to hit our area since 1953.” The broadcaster says. “The blackout ranges from 54th Street West all the way to Diana Road in width, and from Reiss Drive to Appleby Street in length.”
“Holy crap!” Marco exclaims. “Damn, that’s a big blackout.” I gasp. “The cause of the blackout was a mixture of people cranking up the heat and piles of snow falling on transformers.” The broadcaster says. “We advise everyone to stay inside until the power comes back on as it will be safer then going out on the roads. However, we don’t know yet just how long it will take for the Power Company to fix this.”
“Man, this sucks.” Marco groans. “You don’t wanna stay here?” I ask him. “That’s not it.” Marco tells me. “It’s just that my brothers are gonna be worried because my parents are out of state on business. I’m here. And I don’t wanna intrude on you.”
“Marco, you’re not intruding on me.” I assure him. “Besides, I think I’d prefer to have someone here than be by myself. The snow’s making it kinda dark in here.”
“Do you have any candles?” Marco asks. “We could use them for light.”
“Good idea.” I say. “I should have a few in the closet cupboard. You can go grab those and I’ll find a lighter or matches, or something.”
Marco nods and then goes down the hall. I walk into the kitchen and go through my junk drawer. I find a highlighter, turtle shaped silly band, pens galore, a battery, and finally my lighter. “Got the lighter!” I announce as I re-enter the living room. “I got four candles.” Marco says as he comes in a second later. “I got Ocean Breeze, Caramel Apple, Holly Jolly, and Honey Wildflower. It’s gonna smell interesting in here.”
I laugh as Marco takes the lids off each and I light the wicks.
It’s only been an hour since the power went out and it’s already getting pretty cold in here. I’m currently shivering my ass off as I have four blankets and a coat on. All of a sudden, Marco stands up and walk over to the radio. He clicks through the channels when Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas comes on. He walks back over and offers his hand to me. “Maybe dancing will warm you up a bit.”
I blush a bit and take his hand. I stand up and follow Marco a few steps away from the couch where he then places his hands on my waist and I place mine on his shoulders.
🎵 Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yule-tide gay
From now on
Our troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more🎵
“Starting to warm up a bit?” Marco asks. I nod. “My hands are still freezing, though.”
“Don’t you have gloves?” Marco asks. I smile sheepishly at him. “I usually just put them in my pockets.”
“That’s why you didn’t have some earlier?” Marco asks. I nod slowly. He laughs and then grabs my hands. “Here, my youngest brother used to do this all the time.” He then lifts his shirt up a bit and puts my hands under it. I feel him tense up when my cold hands meet his warm body. “And, boom, instant warmth.”
I don’t respond as I’m completely freaking out. “Uh… Are you ok?” Marco asks me. “Is this uncomfortable? I’m sorry, it’s all I could really think of so you’d get warm faster.”
What I mean to say is “I’m perfectly fine. Just wasn’t expecting this.” But what came out of my mouth was “How the hell are you so ripped?”
Now it’s Marco’s turn to blush and gape like a fish. “I’m so sorry!” I apologize. “I have no idea why I said that!”
“I, uh… I-I just go to the gym.” Marco answers. “You can come one day with me, if you want.”
“Me?” I ask. “Working out with you? In workout clothes? Sweating?” Marco raises an eyebrow at my inquires. “Please stop me before I say something I’ll highly regret and then run out into the snow.”
He laughs and then kisses my forehead. “I think it’ll be just fine if you say what you want to.”
“Yes, I’ll join.” I answer in complete. “To workout and definitely not stare at you.”
Marco laughs. “Since I’m pretty sure classes will be cancelled tomorrow, mind if I just stay over? I can make you more hot chocolate when the power comes back.”
I nod quickly. “As long as I can cuddle you and keep my hands under your shirt.”
“Of course.” Marco replies.
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shaynawrites23 · 4 years
My Neighbor Totoro
Pairing: dad!Bucky Barnes x reader
Word count: 886
Written for a collab with @quadrupledeckertaco @probably-peeves @melody-studyblr and @flymyhp! Our theme is 80s movies and my choice was My Neighbor Totoro! I highly recommend checking out their fics too!
Little Becca Barnes gazed out the window at the tiny white flakes collecting on the windowsill. Despite being indoors, the tip of her nose was turning pink with cold from having it pressed against the glass. If she noticed, she paid it no mind, too enraptured watching the snow fall from the sky.
That amount of snow could only result in one thing: a snow day. School had been canceled, and since you hadn’t been able to get the day off, it was up tow Bucky to entertain your six-year-old daughter.
Lucky for him, she planned the morning’s activities, most of which were snow-related. That led to many double takes as people passed through the street only to see the Winter Soldier building a snowman with his kid. Bucky didn’t even notice; he was too occupied with Becca and having fun with her to pay attention to anything else.
Now they were inside, the chill of the snow having seeped through their gloves and numbed their hands enough to chase them under the blankets. Well, Becca was the one huddled under the covers. Bucky was less affected by the cold, but that didn’t stop him from making two mugs of hot cocoa.
“What do you want to do next, princess?” he asked, back still turned to his daughter as he washed to pot.
“Watch a movie!” she chirped, her smile exposing the gap where she was missing a tooth.
“Alright then, which one?”
She didn’t respond immediately, but the shuffling sound and the ensuing quick little thumps of her feet told him she was going to pick one from your extensive collection.
As he was drying his hands on the blue-and-white checked dish towel he hoped was the right one, Becca came running into the kitchen holding a DVD high above her head.
“This one!” she exclaimed, shoving it into her dad’s hands. Bucky flipped it over to read the title.
My Neighbor Totoro
Ah yes, this was a new one. He hadn’t seen it himself yet, but he was quite sure it was the one you’d brought home a couple weeks ago, insisting that it was ‘a classic’ and that ‘Becca would love it.’ Time to see how right you were.
Now this was one thing he hadn’t expected. It was half an hour later and Bucky just could not get the DVD player to listen to him. Playing the disk seemed easy enough when you did it, but apparently he overestimated his capabilities.
He sighed and Becca giggled. The cursed little kid was perfectly content just sitting and watching him struggle with the machine. He knew she knew how to work it, but it seemed her dad’s attempts were more amusing.
“God-” he cut himself off and took a deep breath. “Wouldn’t you rather play a board game, princess?”
He turned to look at her and sighed again. She was pouting at him, an adorable but dangerous expression. They both knew very well that he’d do anything for her if she were only convincing enough.
Then he heard the click of a key turning in the lock and Bucky internally groaned. Now you would be home to witness his suffering and he was willing to bet his metal arm you would first laugh and watch before putting him out of his misery.
The door opened and you entered, tossing your keys onto the cupboard and hanging your coat on the hook in two quick moves before running over to them with a wide smile.
“Hey Becca! How’s my little princess?” You scooped her up into a hug, a short hug for you weren’t strong enough to lift her for longer periods of time.
Bucky made a noise of protest and you laughed. “And of course my knight too. How was your day?”
“It was so fun mommy! Daddy and I built a snowman and-” As Becca rambled on about everything they did, you couldn’t help but laugh at Bucky’s expression. He looked like he was genuinely considering chucking the device out the window or lighting it on fire.
“...and now we were gonna watch a movie but daddy doesn’t remember how to play it.” Having finished her recount of the day’s occurrences, Becca took a deep breath to compensate for the amount of air she’d used on talking. Her father shot her a playful glare but she just smiled sweetly back at him.
“Mm, I suppose I should help him then right?”
“Why yes you should because dad can’t figure this out.” Bucky interrupted. You and Becca laughed at that as you slid off the couch and crawled over to the TV.
“Here, let me,” you murmured, simply pressing a few buttons and trying your best to stifle your laugh when your husband’s eyes widened in amazement.
“Wha- what did you do?”
“I’ll show you another time, love.” You didn’t even bother to try and hide the mirth in your voice as you patted his arm comfortingly.
“I doubt I will remember it then either, doll. Maybe you should just do it from now on,” he replied as he picked Becca up and sat her in his lap.
“Shh, it’s movie time!” Becca chirped. You sighed and shook your head playfully, but cuddled up against your family to enjoy the film with them.
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krisdreaming · 5 years
❄ 11th Day of Fluffmas ❄
⟵ Day 10 | Masterlist | Day 12 ⟶
Winter Wonderland || Tendou Satori x reader
Word Count: 1,418 | Gender Neutral reader
(prompt: It’s a snow day and we can’t go anywhere? What a shame.)
a/n: This was heavily influenced by this request that I received, though I did change up the scenario a bit (also Tendou 1000% deserves love, I haven’t even written an actual request for him yet which is a crime):
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“Why won’t you answer?” You mutter after hearing Satori’s voicemail message for the third time. You’ve been watching the weather all day, and there’s no way that his flight tomorrow won’t be cancelled. You pout. If he would answer his damn phone, maybe you could figure out an alternative solution so that you don’t miss out on all of your time together. 
Being long distance isn’t easy. In high school, you were so used to sneaking into Satori’s dorm room whenever you needed to see him, and even with your busy class schedules and his volleyball practices, you still managed to see each other every day. Now that you’re both at opposite ends of the country attending college, you’re lucky if you see each other every month. This was your second Christmas apart, and he was finally going to be able to fly in after New Year’s to spend the last few days of your winter break with you. That is, until this massive winter storm appeared on the radar.
You look out the window and up to the slate gray sky. There are no flakes falling yet, but it’s supposed to start this evening and continue snowing for the entirety of tomorrow. The temperature is hovering just below freezing, and you pull your sweater a little closer around yourself when you feel the icy air that seeps through the poorly insulated windowpanes. 
With a sigh, you shove your phone in your pocket and settle on the couch with a blanket. You’ll try calling again in an hour if he doesn’t get back to you by then. You’ve just decided on something to watch on Netflix when there’s a knock at the door. You frown. You aren’t expecting anyone. Slowly, you go to the front door and peer out the peephole. All you catch is a glimpse of unruly red hair before you scramble for the door knob, pulling it open and revealing your boyfriend.
“Satori!” You shriek, leaping into his arms as he hugs you tight against his chest. You press your face into his neck. 
“Surprised to see me?” He asks, and though you can’t see his face, you can hear the cheeky grin in his voice. 
“What are you doing here?” You ask in disbelief, pulling away to look up at him. Instead of answering, he threads his fingers through your hair and presses a kiss to your lips. 
“I saw the weather, so I called and got an earlier flight.” He explains against your lips before kissing you again.
“Come in!” You finally giggle, pulling on his hands until he follows you inside. Your roommate went back home for the holidays, so you have the entire apartment to yourselves. “I missed you.” You murmur, standing in the kitchen, as he settles his hand on top of your head, gently scratching at your scalp with his fingertips. It’s a familiar gesture, and you want to melt into it. His expression is soft. “I love you.” You murmur, throat thick with emotion. His hand slides down to the back of you neck and he pulls you close again. 
“I love you, too.” He says into your hair, pressing a few kisses to your temple. “And I’m starving. That little bag of crackers on the plane was not enough.” He huffs.
“Well, then.” You frame his face with your hands, leaning up to press one last kiss to the tip of his nose. “Let’s make dinner.” And so, you do. 
As the snowflakes finally begin to fall outside, you and Satori work together in your tiny, bright, warm kitchen to prepare a simple dinner. You bump into each other, unused to working together in this space, and the pasta boils over while you’re arguing over how to season the beef, but you are perfectly content. Someday, you promise yourself, someday every day will be like this. 
By the time the dishes are washed and put away, the snow has begun to coat the world outside. Even your loud, bustling city is muffled and almost pretty beneath the white blanket. 
“You wanna cuddle?” He asks, stepping behind you at the window and wrapping his arms around your middle, resting his chin on top of your head. You grin.
“I thought you’d never ask.” For the rest of the evening, you do just that, soaking each other in after so much time without. 
The next morning, for a few moments, you forget the events of the day before, until you realize why there is a pair of arms holding you impossibly close, his nose buried in the nape of your neck.
“You’re awake.” His voice is muffled against your skin. He must have felt you stir.
“Yeah.” You whisper, twisting around until you are nose to nose. Your heart swells at the sight of his sleepy smile. “What do you want to do today?”
In answer, he pulls you a little closer, pressing a lazy kiss first to your forehead, then your lips. 
“Besides that.” You release a breathy laugh.
“Oh.” He nudges his nose against your cheek. “Well, breakfast.”
“Of course.” You nod sagely.
“And then...” He hums in thought, reveling in the feel of you in his arms. He chuckles. “You remember that day in third year, when it snowed a few inches? That huge snowball fight?”
“I remember Wakatoshi’s face when you smashed that giant snowball into it.” You giggle. Of course you remember that day. Thinking about it still makes you warm inside.
“Let’s do that. Let’s play in the snow.” He props himself up on his elbow, grinning down at you expectantly.
“Okay.” You agree. “Let’s play in the snow.”
After breakfast and coffee, you bundle up to prepare for the outdoors. After hats, gloves, and scarves, your faces are barely visible. Looking at him, you feel giddy, almost like a kid again. Happy in a way only Satori can make you feel.
“Come on!” He grabs your hand, and you’re being tugged down the hall and out of your apartment complex. There’s a small courtyard with a few trees and grass, and that’s where you end up. As soon as Satori releases your hand, he’s scooping up handfuls of snow and packing them into snowballs, lobbing them at you as fast as he can. You find yourself laughing and shrieking as you attempt to retaliate, the sound echoing through the otherwise calm, silent courtyard.
“Stop, no!” You yell when he gets tired of throwing snowballs, lifting you off the ground and you both tumble into a snow drift. You’re laughing so hard there are tears streaming down your cheeks. He has snow in his hair, and you reach out to brush it away, only for him to shake it off and into your face before you can. You gasp as a few flakes fall past your scarf and against your warm neck.
His lips are cold when he kisses you, but they soon warm up as the kiss intensifies. You almost forget that you’re laying in a snow bank until you hear the distant sound of children laughing. Pushing him away, you sit up enough to see that one of your neighbors and their two boys have arrived in the courtyard. She waves amicably, but it isn’t difficult to see that she’s wondering what two adults are doing tumbling around in the snow. You sheepishly wave back.
“Come on, Satori.” You both push yourselves up, brushing as much snow off of your coats and pants as you can. “Let’s go for a walk.” You leave the laughing children to play in the snow.
When you get to the sidewalk, you loop your arm through his, leaning against him as you make your way through the quiet streets. Not many others are out braving the elements, but the softly falling flakes and the crunching of your footfalls make for a perfect atmosphere. Especially here, it isn’t easy to feel like you’re alone in the world, but you’ve achieved it today.
You stop walking to look up into his face. You scrunch your nose at him as you take in his red cheeks and the few melting flakes clinging to his eyelashes and in his hair. His eyes seem to be taking in every inch of your face.
“What?” You ask softly, leaning up to press a playful kiss to his chilled nose.
“You’re my favorite.” He says, with a kiss on your lips. You find yourself hoping that this moment can somehow last forever.
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imaginingsoftly · 4 years
It Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time Pt. 8 - Morgan Reilly
Type: roommates to lovers, Y/N insert shorts
Requested: No
Warnings: drinking, mentions of CPS
(Y/N = Your name, , Y/N’s POV to Morgans back to Y/N, POV changes marked with a line)
A/N: I’m thinking this is coming to an end, but I’m not entirely sure where I should stop. Should I stop at the whole “yay we kissed” part, or do you guys want to see some actual dating?
Christmas came and went, and with the new year came the worst of the North Carolina winter. Y/N and Morgan were sitting on opposite sides of the small couch, a game of UNO on the cushion between them and news on in the background. Morgan laughed at the “snow” forecast and insisted there was no way Y/N would get the day off from school, until the phone call came and then she was the one laughing. 
“I don’t understand why they’ve cancelled school if you haven’t even gotten any snow yet.” Morgan was still staring at her in disbelief, and Y/N tried not to laugh at him any more than she already had. 
He was still staring as she turned on the Caps game, waiting for some kind of explanation. “We don’t have the resources to clear the roads. We might not get a lot of snow, but we do get some ice, especially in the more rural areas that don’t get salted.” Morgan still didn’t look satisfied. “It seems stupid. Trust me, most of the time we could totally go to school, but they panic. It’s a little ridiculous and sometimes aggravating, but they do have the kids’ best interests at heart.” 
She didn’t say that she was worried about the safety of one of her students while they were out. The calls to CPS weren’t enough, and the social worker assigned to the district was more interested in how he could do the least amount of work possible rather than help the kids. She was relying on daily records to build a case to bring to the state for some of the kids. They began cleaning up the UNO card silently, and Y/N bit at her lip absently. 
Morgan must have noticed how worried she was, because he reached over to squeeze her hand. “They’ll be okay. They’ll be there when you go back on Friday.” Y/N smiled at him gratefully. It was amazing how close they’d come since September, that he knew what she was thinking about just from her facial expression. “I was thinking,” he said as he stood suddenly, “what if we made them a little video to get them through tomorrow? You could do a little morning thing tomorrow about the weather, and I could read a story? You could email it for the parents to show the kiddos just as a little something for them to see your face.” 
It was perfect. “I think they’d love that, Morgan.” Y/N smiled up at him gratefully, and she could have sworn Morgan turned a little red. “Would you mind reading a story?” He shook his head. The kids had loved Morgan when he’d come to visit before winter break. They’d had a holiday celebration in the classroom to celebrate the end of the calendar year, and Morgan had a day off, so he’d brought in some snacks and a couple of books to read. The kids had gotten him to promise he’d visit again, so a virtual visit would mean a lot to them. 
“Okay,” Y/N said, “we were just about to start a group lesson on the water cycle. Maybe you and I could do a little pre-lesson intro to it, maybe do an experiment to get them excited to do the actual lesson once we get back.” Morgan smiled as she moved around the room, following as she headed over to her desk in the corner of the living room. “So it’s perfect, because this aligns with one of the state standards, and we can do a little intro beforehand that I wasn’t going to have time to do in the classroom. This is perfect.” Y/N kept talking, the Caps game long forgotten in the background, but now her sentences were full of acronyms and words he didn’t understand. Teachers had their own language and he hadn’t managed to learn all of it yet. 
Watching Y/N when she was in teacher-mode was one of his favorite things. Her eyes lit up in a way that only happened when she was watching sports or talking about her kids, and Morgan was beginning to realize he would do anything to get her to look like that all the time. It was kind of scary, really, how much he was coming to rely on her company. She was just about the only thing that got him through their losing streak at the beginning of December, and she was his favorite part of coming home from the road.
The line between friendship and relationship was beginning to blur in a way that told him he needed to back off, to stop touching her just because, but he couldn’t do it. The guys chirped him endlessly for it, but somehow he couldn't bring himself to care. Y/N was a touchy-feely person. She hugged everybody, it’s not like it was just him, though she was definitely touching his arm or grabbing his hand a lot more than she did when they first met. 
“Morgan?” Y/N’s voice snapped him back to the present, and he realized he’d been staring. 
“Sorry, Red Sox. I spaced out there for a second.” She smiled at the nickname, and held up a book. 
“Is Magic School Bus okay? It’s about the water cycle, so it’s about the lesson but it’s fun.” He smiled and nodded, and the grin that Y/N threw his way made his heart hurt. “I figured we could record it tomorrow? If that’s okay with you, obviously.” Morgan nodded again. 
“As long as you promise not to stay up all night to get it ready. Teachers need sleep you know, even on snow days.” Y/N laughed and nodded, shaking her head at him goodnaturedly. 
“I promise. I have it all ready right here. I promised you a night to hang out, and we’ll have a night to hang out.” And she had. They’d both been busy in the last week, and it was the one night that Morgan had to be able to just sit and enjoy her company. Y/N had made pierogies, and they were going to watch the Caps and Pens game together. He couldn’t remember a time before this season that he’d sat down to just enjoy a game, but he found himself joining Y/N on the couch to watch whatever game she had chosen more often than not. 
They settled onto the couch together again, and Morgan sat right next to Y/N instead of on the other side of the couch like usual. She looked up at him questioningly, and he just smiled. “I wanna cuddle.” Y/N shrugged and pulled her legs onto the couch and across his lap. His hands found their way onto her calves, and Morgan felt the tension go out of her body as she relaxed into the cushions to watch the game. 
They sat in comfortable silence for the rest of the chippy first period, but when intermission began Y/N stood abruptly. “This is gonna be one hell of a game. We could make a drinking game out of it?” Morgan shrugged. It wasn’t like either of them was going to work tomorrow. “Whiskey good?” She didn’t wait for a response before walking into the kitchen, snagging the bottle of whiskey and a couple of glasses. This side of Y/N was rare, her drinking usually kept to a couple of beers at most, maybe a glass of whiskey if she was cooking and Morgan was drinking wine.
“So,” Morgan started as Y/N settled in again, “what kind of shot rules are we thinking here?” He twisted the top off the bottle of whiskey as he spoke, pouring a heavy shot into each glass. Y/N shrugged. The NBC feed showed a particularly rough borderline hit by Tom Wilson right as he looked up at the TV again, and Morgan laughed. “How about a shot every time Wilson takes a penalty?”
Y/N nodded. “A shot every time someone gets in a fight. A shot for every goal Ovi or Crosby scores.” Morgan laughed at the first suggestion, but nodded. All things worthy of being on there. 
“A shot every time there’s a post-whistle scrum?”
“Jesus, Morgan, you trying to get me hammered before the second period is over?”
“Fine. Make it two shots if they have a line brawl.” 
Morgan laughed. “No chance, Red Sox. That shit doesn’t happen anymore.” Really, though, he wasn’t sure. They were out to get Wilson tonight, though the Caps had plenty of reason to be pissed. That Vrana kid had taken a pretty dirty chop from Malkin in their last game. Maybe a line brawl wasn’t out of the cards. 
It wasn’t. It took until the third was almost over before the game got out of control, Morgan and Y/N more than a little drunk already, but there they were. Even Samsonov and Jarry were fighting, though Jarry definitely had an edge on the Russian. Y/N was cheering as the brawl erupted, yelling for Wilson to “beat the shit out of Malkin”, and Morgan had to take the glass of whiskey out of her hand before they were both wearing it. Somewhere between the second and third she’d fallen almost completely into Morgan’s lap, and he wasn’t keen on moving her. She’d spent most of the third leaning her head on his shoulder and mumbling under her breath. Watching games with Y/N were always fun, but drunk Y/N was something else entirely. 
Wilson did indeed get the better of Malkin, and Y/N enthusiastically took her double shot in celebration. “Okay, Mo,” she slurred slightly, “I don’t think I can drink anymore. I wanna be coherent for my kiddos in the morning.” Y/N sighed like it was the hardest decision she’d ever made, and then settled her head a little heavier onto his shoulder. Morgan twisted his head without thinking and kissed the top of her head. He froze after he did it, realizing his mistake, but Y/N just snuggled deeper into his side. It felt so domestic, and for the second time that night Morgan contemplated telling Y/N he wanted a relationship. 
His thoughts were interrupted by the end of the game, and he was ready to stand to go to bed when he realized Y/N hadn’t moved. “Red Sox?” She didn’t answer him, and he looked down to see her out cold. Morgan smiled, shifting so that he could stand without disturbing her too much. “Okay, sweetheart. Let’s get you to sleep, eh?” Y/N’s only response was to shift slightly, and he sighed. It looked like he was carrying her to her room. 
He picked her up gingerly, though it probably didn’t matter. She looked like she was completely out, and nothing was waking her up. 
Morgan maneuvered Y/N into her room without issue, and he couldn’t resist pressing another kiss to her forehead as he slid her blankets up to her shoulders. Y/N smiled slightly, and that smile chased him through his dreams. _______________________________________________________________
“Thanks again for doing this, Morgan.” Morgan was in the kitchen when Y/N had come out of her room the next morning. His head snapped up at her words, and she met the smile he sent her without hesitation. “I know that it’ll mean a lot to the kids, especially since we’ll probably be out tomorrow as well.” They had gotten almost 3 inches of snow the night before, a layer of ice right underneath it, which usually meant they’d have at least two days off. 
Y/N took the coffee Morgan offered her gratefully, and he joined her standing in front of the sliding doors to the balcony. “Two days, huh?” Y/N laughed and nodded. 
“Ice and the South, bud, remember?” She knocked Morgan’s arm with her elbow gently, and he elbowed her back with a laugh. “I was thinking I could make us some breakfast and then we could make the video?” Y/N leaned into Morgan’s side as she spoke, and he slid his arm around her shoulders without hesitation. She found herself wanting to stay that way all day.
The moment was ruined by a knock at the door. “Breakfasts’ here!” Morgan announced as he hurried towards the door. He paid the delivery woman with a smile and a hurried thanks, and Y/N slid into one of the barstools at the kitchen counter. “Lucky Tree delivers. Scones for the two of us, a black iced coffee for you, and a latte for me.” Morgan slid the food out of the bag as he spoke, passing Y/N a scone and her coffee with a lopsided grin. 
“Morgan you are an angel,” Y/N moaned, and he just laughed as he passed her a metal straw from the drawer. Their scones really were heaven, and the coffee was one of her favorite local brews. Morgan took an appreciative sip of his coffee before devouring half of his scone in one bite, and Y/N almost fell off her chair as she snorted. 
They ate peacefully, the silence only interrupted by Bogey’s unwelcome appearance on the counter to investigate the bag. Morgan threw the bag down onto the floor without hesitation, and they spent the next several minutes watching Bogey chase the bag around the apartment. “I think Bogey deserves to make an appearance in the video, what do you think?” Morgan’s suggestion was a good one. The kids had wanted to meet Bogey for ages, but Y/N’s school wouldn’t have taken kindly to her just bringing her cat to work with her. 
Having Morgan read a book to the kids was really just too much. Y/N’s heart was about to explode watching him read the story, and she grinned at how much he seemed to be enjoying himself. He read well for kids, with just the right amount of inflection and exuberance. Their lesson/good morning video/storytime came out better than Y/N could have hoped, and she was practically bouncing out of her seat by the time she got it sent out to the parents. 
She took a second to look up from her desk and appreciate Morgan after she hit send. He was sliding around the kitchen in his socks, making god-knows-what for lunch. She’d been right the first time they’d met, when he’d quite literally swept her off her feet. She was in for trouble. Morgan was acting like last night was just another night, but she remembered the two forehead kisses. He was never that affectionate, and Y/N was going to need him to not be that affectionate ever again if he wasn’t gonna kiss her for real. Morgan looked up as she was thinking it, meeting her eyes with a smirk. 
“I know I’m just too hot to handle, but you could admire me from here too. Your lunch is ready.” He was holding out a plate of what looked like Kraft mac and cheese like it was something worthy of Iron Chef. “I made mac. It’s a cheat day and I’m taking full advantage.”
Y/N laughed. “I’m sure you are. Kraft and Harry Potter?” Morgan ran into the room before she could finish speaking, a plate of the mac and cheese in each hand. 
“You know I’m totally a Gryffindor, right, Red Sox?”  
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autty0314 · 5 years
If it’s meant to be - Bucky x Reader Ch.5
Summary: You and Bucky are at the restaurant; things get a little heated when you get back to your apartment to say goodbye; Steve and Sam found some more evidence on Rumlow with Natasha’s help.
 Warnings: Swearing, implied smut, kissing, mention of an assassin
 Word Count: 2033
 We finally get to the restaurant, I forgot how stupid crazy the traffic is in New York, Bucky opens the door for me.
“Thanks Bucky.” I said smiling as we walk into the restaurant, he smiles and goes up to inform the waitress about our reservations.
“Right this way.” She said walking us to a table excluded by the wall. We thank her while we start to sit, Bucky pulls out my seat and then sits me down.
“I heard this place as the best food. Get what you want love.” Bucky said smiling at me. I look over the menu and find INSALATA Invernale, which is Winter Harvest Salad of Sunchoke, Sweet Potato, Caramelized Pear & Spiced Nuts. Very good, it’s three course meal. So that will be my first course of the three. My second course would  have to be LASAGNE all'Amatriciana, which is Baked Pasta Layers with Guanciale, Tomato & Peperoncino, and my three courses would have to be TORTINO alla Gianduja con Gelato al Latte di Nocciola Piemontese, which is Chocolate Hazelnut Cake with Piemonte Hazelnut Milk Gelato.
“Good evening Mr. Barnes, what can I get for you started with.?” The waiter asked looking at Bucky,
“Let the miss first, I’m still decided.” Bucky said while smiling at me, I look up at the and smile
“I’d like to do Insalata Invernale, then the second would be Lasagne all’Amatriciana, and lastly Tortino alla Gianduja con Gelato al latte di Nocciola Piemontese.” I put my menu down and look over at Bucky, his face and the waiters face are so surprised that I have said all of that in one breathe without messing up any of the words. Bucky tells the waiter to make it the same, the waiter grabs the menus and walks away.
“When did you learn to speak Italian?” Bucky asked looking at me
“I took a few classes in my college years, I’m getting my masters right now in Literature. I just love the language in other counties and Italian always stuck out to me. I love the culture and the language.” I smile back. We talked for a good hour or so over our dinner, Bucky seems to be really interested in everything we were talking about, when I brought up my family history he seemed to be a bit sad since I never had a good role model since my parents worked all the time.
“So, are you ready to head back?” Bucky asked paying the bill. I smile and nod, we grab our coats from our chairs and start to head out. We get back to my apartment and we are talking outside before we part ways.
“Thank you so much for tonight, I am glad I know a little bit more about you. Your mother and sister sound like a delight. I hope to see you more, I know it’ll be hard before of your job.” I said putting some hair behind my ear. He smiles at me,
“Pleasure was all mine doll, hopefully you can some more of my friends and my family when the time comes.” Bucky says bring my hand up to kiss my hand, I blush at his gesture.
“Well, thank you. I must get ready for bed I have an AM class tomorrow. Good night Bucky.” I said smiling while unlocking my apartment door. I look back one more time to see him smiling at me and walking away after I closed my door.
Bucky gets back to his house to see Sam leaning against his door frame.
“Hey man, Steve and I got more entail about Rumlow. He’s a regular at The Rum House. We got to get to the safehouse, we have more planning to do.” Sam says leaning up to stand up straight looking forward toward Bucky. Bucky nods and unlocks his apartment to grab a few items for the meeting, the poison they bought off on of their allies, a Glock 19, and his black leather gloves.
“Let’s go, I got everything I need.” Bucky says locking his apartment back up. Sam and Bucky get into their tinted black SUV. They started on their way there when Sam sparks up a conversation.  
“So, how was your date with Y/N. Is she anything like Natasha?” Sam asked looking at the road still.
“No, she is way different, in a good way. She does have a feisty attitude like Nat, but god damn her personality is so innocent and sweet. I am definity going to corrupt her, she going to be mine for good.” Bucky says with a slight smirk on his face. He can see it now, that he’ll have her on knee begging for him to face fuck her. Her begging him to show her what a mod hitman can do to make her feel good.
“Damn, hopefully she doesn’t run away from you like Dot did. The bitch was terrified when you brought her home and she found out what you do for a living.” Sam says parking the car in the driveway.
“Sam, she knows what I am doing for a living. She said if I don’t bring her into the line of fire to get her involved then she doesn’t care. I found my soul mate and she doesn’t care about how I make my money. She also supports me for what I do.” Bucky says looking at Sam while they exit the car. Same snorts at the reply.
“It’s funny, because you are bring her in the line of work. Remember plan A dumbass.” Sam said snickering as they enter the house. Bucky was soon to see how far he can stretch her trust with this one. He doesn’t want to lose her right away because of this incident. He needs to tell her asap and make sure he can do it. He won’t let anyone touch his girl.
“Alright, do we know what we are doing?” Tony says looking at his people.
“Yes sir.” All his man agreed, Tony smirks looking at all them with a nod.
“Okay, we attack tomorrow. Barnes, make sure your girlfriend is working so we can assignat him that way, or you’ll be the one killing him later, on your own.” Tony says looking in his direction. Bucky nods and Tony dismisses everyone to get prepared for tomorrow events.
“So, when do  you plan on telling Y/N about needing her assistant in this.” Sam said while walking about to SUV with Bucky.
“I’ll have to send her a text, she’s asleep right now. She has class tomorrow morning.” Bucky says pulling out his phone.
‘Hey doll, I am going to pick you up tomorrow after school. I need to discuss a few things with you. Had fun tonight, sleep well love.’ Bucky sends and puts his phone on his pocket getting into SUV. A few minutes later he feels his phone vibrating rapidly in hid jean pocket. He gets his phone out and looks at the caller ID.
“Hello?” Bucky answered.
“Hey sweetie, is everything okay? I just woke up to potty.” Y/N answered with a yawn.
“Oh, well yes everything is okay. I just have a huge  yet tiny favor to ask you.”
“Okay, what is it? “
“I’d rather ask you in person, instead of over the phone doll.”
“Okay, if you want, you can come over now. My AM class got canceled so I am free until I have to go to work at 5 tomorrow.”
“You want me to. . . Stay the night?”
“If you want, we can watch Netflix or Hulu and hangout. I have some food here if you’re still hungry after we dinner that we have 5 hours ago.”
“Sure, I’ll come. Let me go home first and grab a few things.”
“Alrighty handsome, I’ll see you when you get here.” Y/N said as she hung up the phone. Bucky smiles lightly at his phone, his smiled fades when he hears Sam chuckle beside him.
“What are you laughing at punk?” Bucky asked
“You, dumbass, you are so pussy whipped it’s funny. But hey, I am glad you found your soulmate.” Sam said nonchalantly. Bucky grumbles and looks out the window till they get to his apartment.
“Alright bub, we are here. Stay sharp tomorrow and you may have to convince Y/N a little. If you know what I am.” Sam said wiggling his eyebrows. Bucky rolls his eyes and gets out of the SUV
“Be safe Sam, I’ll see you tomorrow.” Bucky said walking inside the apartment complex he lives in. He gets into his apartment and packs a bag to stay the night and his Glock. He wants to be safe then  sorry if something happens.
I start getting everything set up for my little sleep over with Bucky. I decide to get a little dressed up for him. I slip on my silky shorts and a loose silky tank top to match, I put my hair in a nice top knot bun. I slipped on my troll pink socks. I try to look halfway decent before he came.
Knock. . . knock. . . knock. . .
I smile and walk to my door and open to see Bucky smiling back, I just met the guy and he is giving hella butterflies. I gesture him to walk in my apartment, I lock it behind him and grab his hand lead him back into my room, he looked surprised to see popcorn, and Hulu on the screen.
“If this is too much, I can do something else.” I said looking up at him. He smiles down at me,
“Doll, this is fine. It’s perfect, what are we watching?” Bucky asked taking in my outfit I was wearing,
“Safe Heaven, my favorite chick flick. It reminds me of my past relationship I had with a guy.” I said going over to my bed and patting a spot for him to sit next to her. They start the movie, and getting comfortable cuddling when it starts, Bucky noticed in 30 minutes after the movie started that I start get sleepy.
“Hey love, can I ask you that favor for tomorrow?” Bucky asked
“Whatcha need handsome?” I asked brushing some hair out of Bucky’s face.
“It will help me out in the long run. . . I have been ordered to assassinate Brock Rumlow. He is Hydra, one of the leaders. I was wondering since he comes to your bar every Friday and Saturday if I come sneak a poison into his drink to kill him. It’ll be slow kill him, he will on the streets when it fully kills him. Can you do that for me, I’ll be at your bar with you. I can sneak it to you, I won’t be asking if I didn’t have any other way doll.” Bucky asked boring into my eyes. I stare at him a moment, not sure if he’s serious or kidding.
“Wait. . .  Are you serious Buck? What if I get caught with it? I don’t want to be fired or put in jail. . .  How would you do it.” I asked Bucky takes my hand and kisses my knuckles.
“You won’t get hurt or go to jail. I’ll be in a small bottle that can be hidden easily. You just pour it in and stir it in. it’ll be flavorless, so he won’t taste it. Please Y/N, I hate to ask but there is no other way.” Bucky says looking deeply in my eyes about it. I thought for a minute.
Fine? You’ll do it?”
“Yes, just one condition.”
“Anything doll.”
“I want you to take out someone for me. Simple, and your reward can be me.” I said seductively in his ear. He smirks and kisses me gently.
“Anything for you babe.” Bucky says smiling looking back on the TV.
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btsvt-adventures · 5 years
hello it's me again! i mean i kinda wanna see jihan finally end up together in the snowboarding au! i know you may have a lot of requests right now but i'd love to see this! thank you~ ♡ (i'm a diehard jihan shipper aaaa)
A/n: aaaa you’re so sweet haha I don’t actually have that many requests but thank you for sending this in!! 💜 I love that you’re such a fan of my snowboarding AU hehehe 💜💜 Also I’m so thankful that you’ve been so patient with me omg I haven’t written in so long I had to go read my own post to remember my plot smh but tonight, at 1:58am, I. WILL. FINISH. THIS.
Update: it’s 5am and I still havent’t finished it RIP.
Want more of this AU? Ask me here!
Snowboarding AU : Falling in the snow | A Warm Cup of Chocolate | (Almost) Frozen Kisses | Snowflakes & Cherry Blossoms | White (Maybe) Weddings | Here Come the Groom(s)
Jisoo wakes up in the morning just before his alarm, sighing as he sees the snow falling gently outside
Yesterday’s lesson had gone considerably better, although Jisoo still ended up crashing into multiple piles of snow, netting and well… Jeonghan (yes, again)
It wasn’t his fault, okay?! The girls wanted to go on a ski lift on their own, so Jisoo and Jeonghan were seated behind, together. Eunwoo had struggled a little getting off the lift, shrieking with glee as she whooshed gracefully round the corner
Jisoo on the other hand, panicked. He got off the lift and focused so hard on not crashing, he didn’t realize that he’d cornered Jeonghan into the padded pillar that supported the ski lift
Jeonghan hits the pillar with a muted thud, and Jisoo turns around in another bout of panic, because oh my gOD i juST senT JeongHAn INTO A PILLAR –
He’d obviously crashed right after that, nearly (actually) faceplanting at the feet of his cackling daughters, who made absolutely no move to help him up. 
Despite the incident, Jeonghan had invited him and his daughters for dinner, treating them to some of the freshest grilled trout Jisoo had ever eaten
Jisoo sighs. He doesn’t want to go home. He wants to stay here, cuddled up with his daughters and his new (hopefully mutual) love interest
But he’s also really thankful it’s the last day of their little ski getaway. As much as it makes his girls happy, and as much as he enjoys spending time with Jeonghan, he’s too old to be bad at something like snowboarding
(He’s not really that old he’s just exhausted and embarrassed of all the bruises and teasing he’s gotten in the last three days)
The girls wake up excitedly, but it quickly turns sour when they realize it’s their last day on the slopes. Jisoo wants them to enjoy it, but it’s hard when they’re both throwing a tantrum about not getting to go back out again tomorrow 
Jeonghan, on the other hand, would rather cancel their last snowboarding lesson in favour of just spending the day with Jisoo and his beautiful girls. He wants to be a part of their little family dynamic
It’s an odd feeling. He’s had boyfriends (and girlfriends) before, but he’s never fallen this hard, this fast. It’s… well, terrifying. He’s afraid that his infatuation with Jisoo is just that, and he really doesn’t want it to be
It’s ten minutes from the start of their lesson when they hear a deafening CRACK! and everyone jumps, some shouting in surprise
Jisoo immediately fears the worst, frowning when the girls point excitedly at how the snow is making swirlies in the sky
 He has a hunch that the girls are about to be even more upset than they were this morning (regular snowfall does not make any kind of swirlies in the sky)
True enough, he spots Jeonghan walking towards them, looking unusually serious. The girls are oblivious, faces pressed to the window as they watch the snowstorm create patterns they’ve never seen.
“I’m so sorry Jisoo,” Jeonghan murmurs quietly, glancing forlornly at the twins. “The snowstorm is wrecking havoc outside,” he whispers
Jisoo’s heart sinks into his stomach
They both silently watch the girls marvel at the gradually worsening storm, until all they can see is a sheet white
Nayoung’s the first one to realize something’s wrong, tugging at Jeonghan’s pants quietly. “Ssaem, is it dangerous to go outside?” she asks, bottom lip quivering as the possibility (reality) sets in
Jeonghan takes a deep breath, lifting Nayoung into his lap for a cuddle. Jisoo sits Eunwoo in his lap, and tries to comfort her as they break the news as gently as they can
The girls are inconsolable, and Jisoo feels worse than when that woman walked out of his life
He hates seeing his princesses upset, and hates even more that there’s absolutely nothing he can do about it
Jeonghan, as of late it seems, wipes away the girls’ tears and smiles gently – Angelically, Jisoo thinks, suppressing a fond sigh when his daughters’ wailing is almost immediately reduced to sniffles
“Don’t be too upset, it means you get one extra lesson with ssaem for free!” he beams at the girls, and they blink up at him, confused
Jisoo laughs, resting his hand over Jeonghan’s, warmth bubbling when he curls his fingers around Jisoo’s own
“What Jeonghan is trying to say is, because we can’t snowboard today, it means we can come back another weekend,” he explains, and the twin gasps almost make the awful snowstorm outside worth it
“You can come every weekend if you want,” Jeonghan grins cheekily, and Jisoo glares playfully at the blonde instructor
“Only if you’re willing to take time off to spend with us,” he answers sweetly, too-sweet grin gracing his handsome features, and Jeonghan snorts so hard he nearly chokes
“Anything for you and these princesses,” he agrees, ruffling both girls’ hair, grinning wider when they look at him adoringly
“Besides, now that snowboarding’s out, how bout we play some games? I saw some board games in your room last night,” Jeonghan singongs
(in that moment, Jisoo knew he was royally fucked. It’s impossible to love someone in only three days… right????) 
Jisoo’s pretty much yanked out of his seat as the girls haul ass back to their room, chattering excitedly about beating Hannie samchon (when the hell did he go from ssaem to samchon?!) in Monopoly and UNO
(Jeonghan does lose consistently, but only because he can’t find it in him to win after everything that’s happened)
The girls are tired out by four, curled up in bed with each other, and both men slump onto the sofa, breathing a sigh of relief
“You’re so good with them,” Jisoo murmurs, curling up into Jeonghan’s side. It’s warm, and Jeonghan’s comfortable, and Jisoo’s almost ready for his own little nap
Jeonghan laughs quietly, pressing a fond kiss to Jisoo’s hair. “Only because you raised them well,” he hums. “By the way, you should come stay with me when you come up from Seoul, it’ll save you some money too.”
Jeonghan’s hoping, praying it doesn’t come off as being too forward. The last thing he wants is to scare the single father away. Jisoo grins, leaning up to kiss Jeonghan softly
“I’d love that,” he whispers, and Jeonghan kisses Jisoo again, just cos he can
The rest of winter goes like that, with Jisoo driving up to the ski resort and spending the weekend with Jeonghan
The girls are ecstatic to play in the soft, fluffy snow every weekend, even sneaking in some lessons on the slopes
(On those days, Jisoo sits safely in a café, away from the bruises and accidents, sipping his coffee and reading a book)
Jeonghan finishes his season early for the first time since he started working, much to the surprise of everyone literally no one at the ski resort
It was the girls’ last weekend at the resort before school started, and Jeonghan wanted to spend more… private time with Jisoo
They had spent the day making snowangels with the girls, which somehow evolved into an intense snowball fight
After exhausting themselves throwing balls of frozen water at each other, and some much needed hot showers, they’re seated around the table with hot chocolates and fried chicken on the table
It’s peaceful, and Jisoo couldn’t be more content. Jeonghan just fit with their little family, and the thought fills him with a happiness he never thought he’d find again …
“Hey, hannie, wanna come with us to see the cherry blossoms?”
“Fuck yes”
… somewhat peaceful, at least
Please like and reblog
If you’d like more of this AU, or your own lil thing, of if you just wanna yell at me, you can do so here~
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parkerspicedlatte · 6 years
Snowdays With Peter Parker (Headcanon)
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A/N: Okay so first of all I want to say thank you to my AMAZING Aunt Grey @hey-its-grey (go check her out!) for making this moodboard!!! Love it so much! So this is just a cute fluff headcanon in which every. single. cliché. is added hope you like it :)
You woke up first because somebody’s cold toes were against your legs
Your first instinct was to pull the blankets back onto your body because he was hogging them but decided not to once you saw his sleepy face pressed into the pillow
Instead you slowly slipped out of bed and tucked the blankets back up to his chin
Then you put on a pair of fuzzy socks and one of Peter’s sweaters and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for the two of you
You were sipping on your tea and scrolling through your phone waiting for the pan to heat up when Peter stumbled into the kitchen
Before you could even say good morning he had his face snuggled into your neck and his arms wrapped around your waist pulling you into his frame while still half leaning against you
“Sleep okay?”
He just nodded his head and nosed his way past your hair to place the tiniest softest kisses to your collarbone and neck
“Peter I have to keep making breakfast” you tell him placing your mug onto the counter to wrap your arms around him
Eventually after a bit of incoherent mumbling and neck snuggling you managed to pry him off of your body and sit him on the bar stools so that you could continue cooking
When you placed the plate of food and coffee in front of him his head was in his arms laying on the countertop and you could see him nodding off again
You giggled sitting down next to him with your breakfast pulling the blanket off of his back to wrap it around the two of you
“I love you.” He mumbles sweetly resting his head on your shoulder
“I know you do but you have to eat breakfast now, come on Petie I let you sleep in”
“How come you’re still home? You should be at work.”
“The school called, buses are canceled and they aren’t opening any of the schools in the district because there’s too much snow on the road. So I get to stay home with you today.” You tell him nuzzling your nose against his
He just grinned sleepily at you
After breakfast the two of you decided to go outside and build a snowman in the front yard that would hold up the ‘Welcome Winter’ sign you made a few days prior
You already had the two bottom pieces put together and you were about to finish up the head when the first snowball hit you
“Hey!” you turned around expecting to see Peter standing behind you laughing but you couldn’t see him
As you spun around to look around you the second snowball came at you out of nowhere
“Where are you?” you demanded giggling
“I know where you sleep Parker!” you lean down to start making your own snowball when the third one hit you smack in the middle of your back
“Seriously Peter where are you?” you scan over the ward still not finding the brunet
You start to walk around peeking behind gates and blue bins with your snowball held high ready to throw it but you still couldn’t find him
“Peter if you don’t show yourself”
Whomp. That snowball hit you in the chest with more force than you were expecting causing you to fall backwards and land in the snow
You could hear giggling come from behind the snowman
“You asked for it Parker!”
The giggling instantly stops as you near the snowman
You were sure he could hear your footprints but you didn’t care, where could he go anyways?
“Hi babe” he says grinning up at you as you peer over the snowman
“Hey Petie.” You grin dropping the snowball onto the top of his head
The both of you falling over clutching your stomachs giggling
You crawled over to him with both your hands on either side of his head
“I’m sorry.” Peter giggles out from underneath you
“How sorry are you?” you tease back
Instead of answering he leans up to kiss you
Just as his lips are millimeters away from yours he stops
“Probably not sorry enough.” He says bringing a handful of snow up and mashing it playfully into your face
He rolled the two of you over so that he was on top of you but ended up falling onto you anyways because he was laughing so hard
“You’re dead Parker!”
He quickly scurries off of you and giving you a hand to help you up onto your feet
But once you’re up he runs like mad
You knew you wouldn’t be able to catch him so you do the next best thing
You reach down and scoop up some snow and pack it into a tight little ball and launch the snowball at the running target
Apparently somebody’s SpideySenses needed to be finetuned because you hit him directly in the back of his head
Before you could even laugh there were several snowballs flying in your direction
This resulted in a snowball fight that lasted a good chunk of time
“Peter that’s not fair, you’re using you abilities against me!”
“You asked for it babe.”
Eventually you both ended up throwing a snowball at each other and both of them hit the other in the chest at the same time causing the two of you to giggle until you fell over next to each other
“Truce?” he asked once you’d both caught your breath
“Truce.” You confirm
You both got back up and finished the snowman making the face out of small rocks you’d been saving since the summer for the first snowman and two sticks that weren’t even close to the same length
Neither of you cared, it was perfect to the both of you
You ran to the back door and retrieved the ‘Welcome Winter’ sign
Once the sign was in the perfect position facing the road and the drive way you both got beside the snowman and took a selfie with Peter’s phone
It’s his new screen saver; he loves how pink your cheeks were and how bright your eyes were shining
Now that the snowman was built you and Peter headed for the house
The two of you having to strip down to your underwear in the front entrance because your clothes had become soaked to the bone from the snow fight
Running upstairs and getting in the shower as fast as you both could to warm back up
Wrapping each other up in warm fuzzy towels once you two got out of the shower
Getting dressed in the biggest sweater of Peter’s you could find and a pair of unmatched fuzzy socks to go with a pair of his sweat pants you’d stolen borrowed
Going downstairs and making soup and grilled cheese sandwiches for lunch together then spending the rest of the afternoon cuddling on the couch and watching your favorite movies that he pretended he didn’t like
He secretly loves them as much as you do but only because he loves watching you get excited over certain scenes and the way you lip sync along with the characters
All in all it was the perfect Snowday
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Morning!Reddie headcanons
—Winter is absolutely the best thing ever because they always wake up spooning.
—Richie will hug Eddie from behind and they’ll just lay there in their cozy cove made of sheets and pillows, warm and pure and in love.
—Richie likes to think he always wakes up first, but, actually, Eddie just likes to pretend he’s asleep so Richie will snuggle him for a little more.
—Of course, since it’s Richie, he will usually grab Eddie’s butt and stuff. And Eddie will just take it and cuddle because he lowkey loves it? And early in the morning is the only time of the day he doesn’t have to pretend he hates it? Yeah.
—Richie, obviously, notices how much he likes it. So he just leaves his hand there and everything is perfect and domestic and dreams do come true, until he, also pretending to be asleep and with the clear intention of waking Eddie up, whispers “Eds would kill me if he found out about us, hm, Mrs. K?”
—And Eddie just… do you remember that Spongebob episode when Spongebob would get into Squidward’s bed and Squidward was so sleepy that he just allowed it? And when he notices what’s going on his eyes suddenly open wide in such a memeish way? That’s Eddie’s reaction everytime Richie murmurs something like “gotta love that ass of yours, Mrs. K”.
—"DUDE, WHAT THE HELL". Sitting up and ruining all the magic bc seriously wth.
—"Oh, there you are, Eds. Sorry, same old dream I’ve been having everynight since we hit puberty".
—Eddie barely represses a psychotic tic of his right eye as Richie explodes in a uncontrollable laugh and puts his arms around him and pulls him to his chest (Eddie lowkey can’t breath and will beat the shit out of him with his clueless, bare hands if he doesn’t let go of him).
—But he doesn’t let go, he just lets him raise his head a bit so he won’t die suffocated. He’s still on top of Richie with him holding him down. And they stare into each other eyes and it’s so perfect.
—Obviously, Richie can’t see, so Eddie, trying to avoid every chance of a sappy, awkward moment happening, takes the glasses from the nightstand and roughly puts them on his face, saying something like “you look stupid trying to see without them”.
—But he’s clearly lying bc Richie looks so cute in the mornings when he makes an effort to see bc he’s to lazy to stretch out an arm to get his glasses and aAaAaAaAAAAA why is he like this Eddie is internally screaming.
—"You like me stupid", Richie smirks and Eddie just… melts. But of course he can’t admit it, so he rolls his eyes and let himself be flipped and pushed down to the bed by Richie’s weight.
—More cuddles!
—Eddie yawns and Richie just… melts. Like, so cute! And he holds him there and starts saying fluffy stuff and kissing all over his face.
—"Such a… *peck on the forehead* cute… *nuzzle on the neck* little thing… *peck on the cheek* aren’t you? *kiss on the temple* Soft… *peck on the other cheek* sleepy… *peck on the nose* boy… *peck on the lips* cute… *kiss* cute… *kiss* cute! *super hardcore and sweet smooch*
—Eddie feels in heaven. But he can’t let this damage his reputation of chaotic evil, so he puts his hand on Richie’s face, pushes him back so he can get out from under him and says “morning breath”, getting out of bed.
—He starts looking into the closet for his clothes and Richie lies down on his stomatch and whines into the pillow like a dying whale.
—"Edssss, why do you have to leave meeee"
—"I’m not leaving you, we always leave together. But it’s late and you know it. So get up".
—"But I don’t wanna go to work. It’s booooriiiing".
—"You work at the radio station because you chose it".
—"But, baby, it’s cold outside".
—"You’re a fucking child".
—"You work at a children hospital. I just prepare you for that".
—"I work at a children hospital but I’m not your babysitter".
—"That’s what you think".
—They argue until Eddie is ready and Richie finally agrees he’s getting out of bed (they have this rule that says they only cancel plans before one of them is fully dressed, so he can’t do nothing about it and he just accepts his fate as an adult).
—As Richie gets ready in front of their mirror, he usually pulls Eddie with him and wraps his arms around his waist and rests his chin on his shoulder, making him look at himself in the mirror and telling him “look at how cute that guy is! Oh, and is that devilish handsome man behind him his husband? It looks like he is!”
—Eddie just laughs and rolls his eyes. And then Richie says “just brushed my teeth. No morning breath anymore” like he won some strategy game and Eddie says “ok” and gives him a quick kiss over his shoulder before leaving the room.
—Richie always makes breakfast bc the only thing he can cook is hotcakes. Still, he’s so careless and messy that Eddie would rather do it himself.
—The thing is… they don’t have that much time. So Eddie’s boss (who is a cool guy, but he likes things being well done) calls him and Eddie lies saying he’s stuck in the traffic.
—Richie will catch up the conversation and start making street noises and scream things like “LEARN HOW TO DRIVE, ASSHOLE! OH, YEAH? YOU WANNA FIGHT? GET OFF OF THAT CAR AND FACE ME”. And Eddie tries so hard not to laugh.
—It’s all okay until Richie’s lack of attention while cooking backfires and he accidentally lands his hand on the stove and ScReAmS.
—Eddie worries about it, but, most important, he almost drops his phone and when he handles it back his boss asks for an explanation. Then diva!Richie takes the stage.
—Eddie looks ready to kill him but his poor baby burned his hand and he needs help so fanny pack powers activated you’re so in trouble Richard we’ll talk about it where does it hurts honey.
—When they take care of his hand, they sit to have breakfast. And, even when all the domestic magic is back, they’re in a bit of a hurry. So Eddie makes the mistake of telling him to eat fast and Richie fucking ROLLS UP his hotcake and starts eating it like it’s a burrito.
—"Oh, sorry *still chewing*, forgot the syrup *grabs the syrup bottle and directly puts half of its content into his mouth*“.
—”…“ *dies*
—"Want some, Eds?”
—"…“ *dies again*
—”…“ *smile full of food and syrup*
—"Beep beep, Richie”.
—Since the hospital where Eddie works is on the way to the radio station, Richie always gives him a ride.
—They cruise the town in his shining classic car with 80s music blasting on the stereo or Richie’s voice changing the lyrics of famous TV shows themes.
—Tozbraks, meet the Tozbraks, they’re the modern gay age family. From the town of Derry, Maine, they’re a page right out of gaystory🎶
—"You can’t put the word ‘gay’ in every song and pretend it fits us, Rich".
—"Oh, I can’t, Eds? I can’t? Are you sure? I can’t?“
—"Uh huh”.
—"You’re right. I should put the word 'cute’ if I want it to fit you".
—"Fuck you" *blushes while internally screams*
—When they arrive to the hospital, it’s time to say goodbye. Of course Richie doesn’t need to get out of the car for that, but he does it anyway. And they just hug and kiss at the hospital’s sidewalk, and they don’t care about what anyone could think.
—"See you at dinner, Eds", Richie says as he gets back to the car. “Love ya”.
—"Love you, too, Rich" *InTeRnAlLy ScReAmInG*
—He loves this man so much.
—And he has so many explanations to give to his boss.
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martianmaddie · 7 years
Month of Prompts
December the Sixth prompt: Cold / Cozy
Pairing: Destiel, Dean Winchester/Castiel
Rating: Teen
Word Count: 1779
“Son of a bitch.”  Castiel griped, peeling his gloves off and ripping his hat from his head as he entered his tiny, two-man dorm room.  “I walked all the way across campus, got out of bed, only to find out classes are cancelled.”
“Could you hold your complaints?”  Castiel’s friend and roommate, Dean, asked from under a pile of blankets.  “I’m still asleep.”
Castiel continued to grumble, albeit quietly, as he threw himself into his computer chair and unlaced his snow-covered boots.  It was Thursday, two weeks before finals, and he’d stayed up until three studying.  He’d barely rolled out of bed in time to wrap himself in as many layers as he could and trapse to his freshman comp. class by eight a.m.  He’d lost feeling in his face and toes from the biting wind and what was building up to be three feet of snow.  He should have known that classes would be cancelled in a blizzard.
A soft, pale light lit up their room from the small window that separated Castiel’s bed from his roommates’.  Though the sight of the snow was hidden behind the yellow curtains Castiel had hung up, he could hear the wind whipping outside and howling through the seal of their window.  Even in the safety of their room the air was chilled, the slight tickle in Castiel’s nose from the cold reminded him of childhood snowball fights with his brothers.  
Castiel loved winter; he loved Christmas, the snow, baking cookies, and spending time with his family.  Now that he was away at university, though, Castiel was having a hard time feeling his usual joy about the holiday season.  Maybe it was the stress of upcoming finals, maybe it was the complete lack of decorations in his dorm room (they didn’t even have a tree).  Or maybe it was the knowledge that now that his parents split up he’d never have another Christmas with his whole family.  They’d waited until all the kids left the house to get a divorce, Castiel was the youngest, so they’d been waiting on him, he hadn’t been at university for a month when his mom called and told him the news.  Whatever the reason, Castiel felt a distinct lack of holiday cheer, an emptiness that left him in a foul mood.
He started shivering as he pulled his sweater over his head, throwing the formless lump of knitted fabric onto the foot of his bed and crawling under his covers.  The soft cocoon of his blankets had already lost his body heat since he’d rolled out of bed, and Castiel continued to shiver, tossing and turning and trying to rub some warmth back into his limbs.
“This is ridiculous.”
Castiel picked his head up, peering at his roommate from under his blankets.  “What?”  Castiel asked grouchily, squinting in the harsh light that the curtains didn’t keep out.  He hadn’t fallen back to sleep yet, he hadn’t been able to get warm.  He’d spent the past hour with his head under the covers, curled in a ball and willing the howling of the wind to stop.
“I said this is ridiculous,” Dean repeated, grabbing a towel from a hamper on his side of the room and shoving it into the bottom of the windowsill.  “Our damn window is letting cold air in, and the heating in this building sucks.  I’m freezing.”
“Me too.”  Castiel moaned, tucking his face back into his blankets again, only to have those blankets jerked off of him.
“Move over.”  Dean commanded, already half into Castiel’s bed.  Then Castiel’s knees were being crushed by Dean’s ass.
“Get off, you assbutt!”  Castiel objected, shoving at his roommate with little effect.  Dean collapsed on the bed, pulling the covers over both of them and curling into Castiel’s side of the bed.  No, not his side of the bed, the whole bed was his.
“What do you think you’re doing?”  He demanded, shivering again from the blast of cold air he’d received when Dean pulled his covers to the side.
“Not cuddling.”  His friend replied sharply, pressing icy fingers against Castiel’s shoulder, making the dark-haired boy yelp.
“It sure seems like cuddling.”  Castiel accused, slapping Dean’s arms away as he tried to pull Castiel into his chest.  Castiel was trying very hard not to think about how he was only wearing a tee shirt and thin pajama bottoms, or how Dean was only wearing boxers, or how he’d had a crush on his football-player roommate since the start of term.
Castiel didn’t have any hope with Dean, though, the guy had gotten in on a full scholarship for football, had an amazing season despite being a freshman, and had ladies tripping over themselves to be with him.  Just because Dean hadn’t gone out with any of them didn’t mean that he wouldn’t, Castiel had seen first-hand how big of a flirt his best friend could be.  Castiel had also gotten in on a full scholarship, but it was for math.  And skinny, dorky college Castiel was shaping up to be as big of a dweeb as high-school Castiel.  In short, Dean was out of his league.  Miles outside of it, actually.
“Cas, I’m cold, you’re cold.  Neither of us slept last night and I can’t sleep ‘cause my fingers are about to freeze off.”  Castiel’s breath hitched as Dean managed to arrange them so that Castiel’s back was nestled into Dean’s chest, his butt was pressed against his roommate’s hips and their thighs touching as Dean curled around him.
“Dean,”  Castiel protested weakly as his roommate wrapped his arms around his shoulders.
“Go to sleep, Cas.  It’s not weird if you don’t make it weird.”  Dean murmured, and Castiel felt goosebumps rise on his arms and back when Dean’s hot breath ghosted over the back of his neck.
Castiel bit his lip.  It was weird, despite what Dean seemed to think, and a little awkward.  But he was warm, and he hadn’t been warm since sometime yesterday.  Castiel felt himself relax into Dean’s arms, wiggling closer a bit and sighing as Dean held him just a little tighter.  
Maybe not weird, but still awkward.
But nice.  Cozy, even.  Castiel hugged his chest, and Dean’s arm with it, and tried not to feel silly about the small smile that was lifting the corners of his mouth.  It wasn’t Christmas with his family, and it still kinda sucked that it was so cold, but cuddling with Dean was almost enough to lift his bad mood.
Any awkwardness fell away once Dean started snoring.  The sound wasn’t obnoxious, Castiel found it endearing, and he wished he could see Dean’s face.  Dean mmm’d in his sleep and squeezed Castiel tighter when the dark-haired boy shifted onto his back.  Castiel watched Dean’s relaxed face for several minutes, until the warmth of his and Dean’s combined body heat pulled him into unconsciousness.
“Do you have plans for the break, Cas?”  Dean asked.
Castiel finished fastening the front of his jeans before looking up at his roommate.  Waking up had been awkward, as had dressing afterwards.  Which was weird, because it’s not like either of them had been particularly modest around the other all year, Dean sat around their room in boxers all the time.  It wasn’t like they’d done anything, they’d just fallen asleep.  But honestly, (and Castiel had no experience in this area, he was just drawing conclusions from movies) it was a bit like waking up the morning after a one night stand.
“No, I told my mom I’m taking a winter class.”  He didn’t say that it would be downright depressing to go home, to spend time with his now-broken family.  He didn’t like to talk about it, about how his dad was probably happier now that he was out in the world doing god knows what.  Dean knew, to a certain extent, because Castiel didn’t have to say anything for Dean to know.
“Do you want to come with me?”  Dean asked, not looking up at Castiel as he sat on the edge of his bed and laced up his boots.  “I’m just going to my uncle Bobby’s, but he’s going to wait for me to get there before going out and chopping down a tree.”
“Your family chops down their own Christmas tree?”  Castiel asked, surprised.  That sounded like fun.
“Yeah, it’s a Bobby tradition.”
“I’d like that, Dean.  Thank you.”  Castiel exchanged a smile with his roommate, and watched as Dean pulled his coat on.
“Do you want to go to dinner with me?”  Dean asked, pausing by the door.
“Sure.”  He said lightly.  “Where do you want to go?”
Dean’s face pinched as he studied Castiel.
Castiel ignored is roommate, Dean was always staring at him all intense-like.  At first, it had confused him, made him think that there was something going on between them, but now he knew his attraction to Dean was one-sided.  Dean’s staring just meant that Dean was just especially deep in thought about something.  
“Do you want to make it-.”  Dean started, but cut himself off.
“Wherever you want to go is fine, Dean.”  Castiel said after a moment.  “You’re driving, anyway.”  Those were the rules: Dean’s car meant Dean’s music, Dean’s choice of restaurant, ect.  Castiel didn’t question it anymore, he was just glad he didn’t have to eat at the buffet on campus.
“We should go on a date.”  Dean said confidently, making Castiel hurt his neck from looking up at him so fast.  “Maybe not tonight, but we could get coffee or dinner, and I could take you to the movies, and-.”
“You want to go on a date with me?”  Castiel interrupted, half to shut down Dean’s rambling, half because he was pretty sure he’d completely misunderstood his roommate.
Dean’s usual cool-guy facade faltered a bit.  “I, uh, yeah.”  He said lamely, and Castiel felt his jaw drop as he stared at his friend.
Dean took in his disbelieving look, and his lips pulled down at the corners.  “Sorry, that was stupid.  Forget I said anything.”  Without another word, Dean bolted, making for the door of their dorm room.  Castiel only just managed to catch Dean’s wrist before he disappeared down the hall.
“I’d love to go on a date with you, Dean.”  Castiel said earnestly, looking up at his roommate with wide eyes.  “I’d love to.”  He repeated.  
Castiel saw Dean examine his face carefully, as if looking for any indication that Castiel was joking.  After a moment, Dean broke into a smile.  His happiness was blinding, and Castiel guessed that he hadn’t been the only one crushing on his roommate all year.
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gayghosttt · 7 years
I wanna hear your answers to your questions thingie ☺️
Thank you I am avoiding studying for 3 finals rn lmao
1: when you have cereal, do you have more milk than cereal or more cereal than milk? More cereal, I do not like milk at all it makes me feel sick Every time lmao
2: do you like the feeling of cold air on your cheeks on a wintery day? Y e s I love being cold
3: what random objects do you use to bookmark your books? mm usually a sticky note
4: how do you take your coffee/tea? I don’t really like tea but I usually have some kind of cold coffee or with cream and 2 sugar if its hot
5: are you self-conscious of your smile?  mmm kind of yes
6: do you keep plants? I don’t currently have any but I love having them
7: do you name your plants?  yes!!
8: what artistic medium do you use to express your feelings? currently more words than visual art
9: do you like singing/humming to yourself? sometimes, I mostly do it in my head though
10: do you sleep on your back, side, or stomach?  I almost always sleep on my left side but I sometimes sleep on my right side or back
11: what's an inner joke you have with your friends? long boy, CRACKS PANTS, What if i was Straight
12: what's your favorite planet? mm I actually don’t know a whole lot about any of them but I think neptune is Very pretty
13: what's something that made you smile today? my friend paige and I sent each other christmas cards and I got hers in the mail today!!
14: if you were to live with your best friend in an old flat in a big city, what would it look like? there would be his nerdy video game stuff Everywhere and my books and movies everywhere and a little bit of glitter on everything lmao
15: go google a weird space fact and tell us what it is! it is quiet Everywhere in space
16: what's your favorite pasta dish? lasagna is the actual love of my life
17: what color do you really want to dye your hair?  BLUE OR DARK PURPLE
18: tell us about something dumb/funny you did that has since gone down in history between you and your friends and is always brought up. I do alot of dumb things lmao but last semester when I lived in a residence hall with my friends i was always shouting IM GAY down the hallway or kicking my leg up high to put it on the window ledge
19: do you keep a journal? what do you write/draw/ in it? I am very forgetful so I never keep a journal or sketchbook consistently 
20: what's your favorite eye color? brown
21: talk about your favorite bag, the one that's been to hell and back with you and that you love to pieces. I don’t really have a bag that’s lasted a super long time but my little blue makeup bag used to be my sister’s and I’ve been using it since high school 
22: are you a morning person? If I’ve slept enough then yes but when I have classes at 8 am,, no
23: what's your favorite thing to do on lazy days where you have 0 obligations?  sleep in and watch movies
24: is there someone out there you would trust with every single one of your secrets? mmm probably Steven? He knows most of them already
25: what's the weirdest place you've ever broken into? THE CHURCH PARKING LOT WE GOT LOCKED INTO TOGETHER AT NIGHT
26: what are the shoes you've had for forever and wear with every single outfit? I rotate between like 3 pairs but I have some beat up black high tops I’ve had since high school that I love
27: what's your favorite bubblegum flavor? usually just minty gum
28: sunrise or sunset?  sunset
29: what's something really cute that one of your friends does and is totally endearing? steven calls me everytime he’s driving home from school and we always say I love you before hanging up its gay and i love him v much
30: think of it: have you ever been truly scared? yes a few times
31: what is your opinion of socks? do you like wearing weird socks? do you sleep with socks? do you confine yourself to white sock hell? really, just talk about socks. okay I get judged for it alot but I wear socks 24/7 I have Too many socks and theyre all cute and yes I wear socks to bed and I wear them all the fricking time I am uncomfy being barefoot
32: tell us a story of something that happened to you after 3AM when you were with friends. Nothing recently but last semester I used to stay up until like 4 am with alot of my friends watching movies and one time like 10 of us watched star wars and had snacks and had a big cuddle pile sleepover on the floor
33: what's your fave pastry? chocolate croissants 
34: tell us about the stuffed animal you kept as a kid. what is it called? what does it look like? do you still keep it? mm I have a bunch still bc alot of them were given to me by someone sepcial/ for special reasons and one of my favorites is a pink bear with a dodgers hat that was from my dad when I was a kid
35: do you like stationary and pretty pens and so on? do you use them often? I do! If I have stationary I’ll use it to send people mail
36: which band's sound would fit your mood right now? currently I’m listening to lana del rey and its fitting
37: do you like keeping your room messy or clean?  I am an organized messy person so I am like half and half
38: tell us about your pet peeves! when people invite themselves over/ just show up without asking, opening doors without knocking, chewing with your mouth open
39: what color do you wear the most? black
40: think of a piece of jewelry you own: what's it's story? does it have any meaning to you? I have a black ring I wear everyday that was from my sister and it makes me think of her since we don’t currently live in the same house while im at college
41: what's the last book you remember really, really loving? How to remodel a man by w. bruce cameron, I found it at the library and got it just bc it sounded like a funny title and it was genuinely the funniest book I’ve ever read I loved it 
42: do you have a favorite coffee shop? describe it! Either 85 degrees down the street from me bc its really cute and the chocolate bread there is Amazing or coffee bean in my city cause it has a v nice atmosphere and the baristas all know my sister so they’re really friendly
43: who was the last person you gazed at the stars with? I have no idea actually
44: when was the last time you remember feeling completely serene and at peace with everything? ???????????
45: do you trust your instincts a lot?  I try to
46: tell us the worst pun you can think of.  earlier Aaron and I were roasting Morrissey and I said that when moz cancels shows/doesnt show up bc he’s sick its like he just sneezes once and then he’s like,,, oh my god am I,,, Still Ill
47: what food do you think should be banned from the universe?  tuna
48: what was your biggest fear as a kid? is it the same today? I don’t really remember tbh
49: do you like buying CDs and records? what was the last one you bought? yes!! last record was the Uni single release and its clear and v cool and the last cd was a paul mccartney one i think 
50: what's an odd thing you collect? pins mostly
51: think of a person. what song do you associate with them? I associate alot of music with a lot of people but one song that reminds me of you is little queenie by sad girl
52: what are your favorite memes of the year so far?  the one of the white guy making a confused face is maybe my fav
53: have you ever watched the rocky horror picture show? heathers? beetlejuice? pulp fiction? what do you think of them? rocky and heathers and beetlejuice yes and I love them all v much, I watched pulp fiction once at like 3 am and i slept through alot of it by accident so I cannot give an accurate opinion
54: who's the last person you saw with a true look of sadness on their face? my sister
55: what's the most dramatic thing you've ever done to prove a point? im not sure but my middle name is dramatic So
56: what are some things you find endearing in people? when they genuinely want to know about how your day was, when they remember something you said a long time ago, when they bring you something out of the blue because they know you like it
57: go listen to bohemian rhapsody. how did it make you feel? did you dramatically reenact the lyrics? yes alsways it is one of the best songs ever
58: who's the wine mom and who's the vodka aunt in your group of friends? why?  I don’t currently have a solid Group of friends but between us I would say you are probably wine mom and i am vodka aunt lmao
59: what's your favorite myth? I love a lot but rn I love the loch ness monster 
60: do you like poetry? what are some of your faves? yes but currently none are coming to mind lmao
61: what's the stupidest gift you've ever given? the stupidest one you've ever received? sometimes I give steven glitter bc i love it and he Hates it lmao but I’m not sure if I’ve ever really gotten a stupid gift?
62: do you drink juice in the morning? which kind? nope, usually just water
63: are you fussy about your books and music? do you keep them meticulously organized or kinda leave them be? organized, not necessarily alphabetical or anything but I like things by the same author or artist to be together 
64: what color is the sky where you are right now? black
65: is there anyone you haven't seen in a long time who you'd love to hang out with? alot of my high school and college pals
66: what would your ideal flower crown look like? mmm probably a lot of dark red roses and little white flowers
67: how do gloomy days where the sky is dark and the world is misty make you feel? kinda depends but usually I like them
68: what's winter like where you live? usually cold and kinda rainy but lately its still in the 80s and hot
69: what are your favorite board games? bingo always
70: have you ever used a ouija board? no and I Maybe would??
71: what's your favorite kind of tea? not super into tea but i don’t mind green tea
72: are you a person who needs to note everything down or else you'll forget it?  v much so
73: what are some of your worst habits? procrastinating, leaving water bottles on the floor, ignoring instructions 
74: describe a good friend of yours without using their name or gendered pronouns. they have brown hair and glasses and really pretty eyes and live in another country and are so sweet and remind me of a little fox
75: tell us about your pets! I don’t have any but my siblings both have fish and barry is my fav little guppy even though he’s a rude drama queen
76: is there anything you should be doing right now but aren't? studying for my finals
77: pink or yellow lemonade? both but I like pink alot
78: are you in the minion hateclub or fanclub? h a t e
79: what's one of the cutest things someone has ever done for you? one of my friends used to make me mixtape cds alot
80: what color are your bedroom walls? did you choose that color? if so, why? at college they’re just white bc its a dorm but at home they’re blue and my dad and I painted them secretly one summer lmao
81: describe one of your friend's eyes using the most abstract imagery you can think of. looks like the inside of a blue gelpen
82: are/were you good in school? I try to be, I’ve always had a hard time in math and science classes but I’m good with artsy and english classes
83: what's some of your favorite album art? I have,,, to many to pick from
84: are you planning on getting tattoos? which ones? currently no? I’m very indecisive so I’m not sure what I would get bc I would want it to have a special meaning
85: do you read comics? what are your faves? not really but I wouldn’t mind
86: do you like concept albums? which ones? probably alot but ziggy stardust and sgt pepper come to mind first
87: what are some movies you think everyone should watch at least once in their lives? eraserhead, big fish, and casablanca
88: are there any artistic movements you particularly enjoy? mmm yes probably alot but rn I really like zines
89: are you close to your parents? my dad yes my mom is very up and down
90: talk about your one of you favorite cities. I really love the Manhattan Beach area it’s always made me really happy since I was a kid something about it just always feels welcoming and familiar to me
91: where do you plan on traveling this year? not sure
92: are you a person who drowns their pasta in cheese or a person who barely sprinkles a pinch? depends on the pasta but generally I like alot of cheese
93: what's the hairstyle you wear the most? It’s always the same fluffy messy curly besides when I put it up in a little ponytail sometimes
94: who was the last person you know to have a birthday? my friend tori from high school
95: what are your plans for this weekend? going back home and Finally sleeping alot
96: do you install your computer updates really quickly or do you procrastinate on them a lot? it usually takes me about a week to finally stop being lazy and do them
97: myer briggs type, zodiac sign, and hogwarts house? I think I was ensj or insj or something like that last time i checked, I’m a gemini and I have no idea about my hogwarts house lmao
98: when's the last time you went hiking? did you enjoy it? probably a few years ago and it was pretty okay
99: list some songs that resonate to your soul whenever you hear them. there are a Lot but lust for life by the band girls always reminds me of myself and i’m listening to flatsound rn and alot of his music hits me hard bc I feel like that alot
100: if you were presented with two buttons, one that allows you to go 5 years into the past, the other 5 years into the future, which one would you press? why? as much as I would like to have things back from my past I would probably say future, I’d like to skip ahead a bit to when some things have changed and are hopefully better
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surveyjunkie · 7 years
This is going to be majorly personal, you ready? As ready as I’ll ever be.
Promise to take this without deleting any questions? Sure...
Are you happier now than you were five months ago? No. 
Have you ever slept in the same bed with anyone? Yes
Can you sleep in total darkness? i can only sleep comfortably in total darkness. <<
Your phone is ringing. It’s the person you fell hardest for, what do you say? "Hey”
How many people do you trust with everything? apart from family just one. <<
What was the last thing you drank? Water
Is there anyone you want to come see you? No
Name one thing you love about winter? Christmas music
Are you currently looking forward to tomorrow? Yes
Name something you dislike about the day you’re having? I had to go to work, and I need a shower badly
Can you commit to one person and one person only? Yep, it’s really not that hard
How do you feel about your siblings? I care about them
What’s the first thing you did when you opened your eyes today? Looked at the time
Has anyone told you they don’t want to ever lose you? Yes
Have you ever kissed the last person you sent a text message to? Yes
Is there anybody that you wish you could fix things with? Yes
Could you go out in public, looking like you do now? I am in public, and I look terrible. 
You never know what you got until you lose it, true or false? True.
Do you have a friend of the opposite sex you can talk to? Yup. 
Ever get hurt by someone who promised they wouldn’t? Yes. 
Are you good at hiding your feelings? I’ve been told that
Are you listening to music right now? Yes
Who was the last person you talked to on facebook chat? My dad
When was the last time you were in a very good mood? It’s been a while
Would you hook up with your brother’s best friend? Probably not...sorry, Eric.
Have you ever done something you told yourself you wouldn’t do? Yep.
Have you laughed today? Yeah.
What made you laugh really hard today? Nothing made me laugh super hard, I just laughed to be polite and cordial 
Are you one of those people who just doesn’t care? I have my days
Would you rather not eat or not sleep? That’s a really tough call
How is your relationship with your mother? It’s okay. It’s been slightly messed up ever since that incident two weeks ago involving Josh, and now my relationship with Josh is a little weird too. I wish I could turn back time and somehow prevent it from happening and have everything go back to normal. Things were so simple before. 
Can you walk into a room full of strangers and maintain your confidence? Depends on the situation, I guess. 
Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? Depends, again.
Do you believe that all girls are the same? Um, no
You are single, why? I’m not
Did you drink any alcohol this week? Did you get drunk? I got buzzed on Tuesday. 
Do you like to cuddle? Yeah
Would you ever try being a vegetarian? I’ve tried it before. I ended up just eating bread and cheese all the time and felt really gross.
Do you believe that there’s always room in your heart for your first love? Eh, looking back at my “first love” it wasn’t really love, just some dumb teenage romance.  
Have you ever had stitches? Yep.
Do you like your bed? Yes.
How come you’re not going out with the person you like/love? I am.
Are you busy tomorrow? No, it’s the weekend and plans have been cancelled due to the storm. So it’ll be a lot of laying round and relaxing, which I am 100% okay with.
Do you think someone is thinking about you? I can’t say.
Are you short? Average.
Did you drink anything with caffeine today? Yeah, I had tea.
If YOU (not your parents ) won a million dollars, what would be your first thought? I’d be relieved and very excited. I’d pay off everything, quit my job and focus on grad school, and probably buy a house down the road. 
Favorite drink? Sprite
Is your phone right beside you? Yes
Do you know anyone that is gay? Yes
Who was the last person to smoke a cigarette in your presence? Josh
Is it cute when guys/girl kiss you on your forehead? Yes
Is there something that you could never give up? Cheese
Would you prefer a small, intimate wedding proposal, or a big-scale, over-the-top proposal? Small and intimate, I don’t need an audience. That would be too much pressure, even if I knew I wanted to marry him. 
What’s bothering you right now? A couple of things.
Have you had to carry someone? Other than babies/kids, no. I have been carried, though. Lol.
Do you hate anyone? Nope.
What were you doing at 12 am last night? Sleeping
Do you drink more apple or orange juice? Apple
Was this summer a good one? It’s kind of shitty so far....other than the Colorado trip I’ve been ultra stressed financially and nothing fun has been happening. 
You kissed someone today, didnt you? Yes.
Do you have any plans for the weekend? Nope. I was supposed to go out with friends tonight, and then go on a camping trip tomorrow, but both of those have been cancelled due to the crappy weather.
When were you last outside? Eight hours ago.
Can a boy and girl be friends without having feelings for each other? Yeah...
Does the person you like, like you back? Yeah
What’s your favorite part of school? The fact that I’m furthering my career, learning new things, meeting new people, etc. There’s lots of things I like about school, but also a lot of things I dislike. 
Do you think long distance relationships work? They can. 
Do you believe in kissing when you’re not together yet? Yes. Do what you want as long as you’re not hurting anyone.
Someone just handed you $100,000,000 now what? Go to the bank and deposit those puppies. 
What’s a word that starts with the third letter of your first name? Sailboat
Who is the first person you texted this morning? Josh
Is it more common for you to follow your heart or your mind? Heart, definitely. 
Can you honestly say that you’re okay right now? Okay at best.
When was the last time you gave your number to someone? Yesterday when I was scheduling a doctor’s appointment.
Has anyone upset you in the last week? Yeah.
Do you miss anyone? Yeah.
Have you ever wanted to tell someone something, but didn’t? Always.
What do you drink a lot of? I don’t drink enough of anything.
What’s something you really want right now? Money. 
How did you get your last bruise? I fell in the parking garage. Oops.
Last awkward situation? I have too many to even keep track of them anymore.
Are you a mean person? No. I can have mean thoughts though, but I don’t act on them, usually.
Do you hate the last girl you had a conversation with? No.
What’s your wallpaper on your phone? Denver
What do you hear right now? Skeptics and True Believers by The Academy Is...
What song before that? The Phrase That Pays by the same band
Have you ever broken someone’s heart? I think so 
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minhoandthebabes · 8 years
Suburban Dad AU Part 26/??
I’m honestly amazed people still want to see stuff from this. But here it is! I had the idea over winter break, and then it kinda festered and evolved into this. I might add more to it later.. I dk.. Kinda lost my train of thought with all of it. I will still tag @bat-nerut because this couldn’t have been a thing without her.
Minho woke up with a jolt. His phone was buzzing loudly on the glass table next to him. He grabbed it and pulled it to his ear, accepting the call out of instinct. “Hello..” he grumbled. Next to him, he could feel Kibum shift, wrapping an arm around Minho’s bare waist.
“What is it?” Kibum asked, sliding closer to Minho for warmth. “What time is it..” Kibum lifted his head when he heard Minho snore. He pulled the phone from Minho’s ear and brought it to his own.
An animatedly chipper voice on the other line was repeating the same information over and over. “We would like to inform you that all school is canceled in district 213 for the date of February 10th. We’re sorry for the inconvenience and hope you have a fantastic day.” Kibum pulled the phone from his ear and checked the time “4 am..” he murmured before closing his eyes, “Who the hell calls at 4 am for a snow day.” He curled into Minho and fell back asleep to the sound of the other man snoring, only after turning off Minho’s alarm for the next day.
When Kibum opened his eyes again, a bright light was shining onto his face. He squinted, and looked around him, feeling a bit lost. “Ming..” His voice was rough and gravely. “Minho..” he poked the other man in the side, pushing a groan out of him. Kibum rolled over, feeling someone next to him. As he moved he began to realize just how far to one side of the bed he was. Lying next to him was Taemin, along with Jinki who was cuddling the child in his arms. Smiling, Kibum ran his hand on Jinki’s cheek, caressing his skin with his thumb.
His son stirred, stretching before opening his eyes, “Dad?” Jinki squinted at the sunlight, “Why didn’t you wake us up? Aren’t we missing school?”
“Guess what today is?” He scooted closer to Jinki, pulling Taemin from Jinki to his chest.
“What?” Jinki yawned into the back of his hand.
Kibum grinned, “It’s a snow day!”
Jinki sat up, “Really? What?” He tried to get out of the bed, but tripped over his own blanket and fell to the floor, shaking the ground beneath him.
Kibum glanced over the edge of the bed, “Are you okay?”
Nodding, Jinki was getting up to run into the next room, going to wake up his siblings.
Kibum sighed and settled back down into the bed, pulling the blankets up to his chin to shield himself and Taemin from the cold. He felt an arm snake around his waist, and pull him back a little bit.
“Did you tell the boys?” Minho asked, moving to kiss the crook of Kibum’s neck as he tightened his grip on Kibum’s smaller body.
Kibum let out a soft breathy laugh, “Yeah, I told Jinki and he’ll tell the others.”
“I wish they weren’t awake..” Minho moved his hips slightly into Kibum’s, making his morning arousal painfully obvious to Kibum.
Kibum elbowed Minho. “Stop it,” He hissed, “Taemin is right here..”
“I love our kids, but..” Minho grumbled, stopping his motions.
Kibum turned over, bringing Taemin with him. Minho’s son curled into Minho’s chest, shivering slightly. Minho brought his arms around Taemin to warm him. “Yeah, I love our kids..”
“We’ll find time for that eventually.” Kibum smirked, “but now for now.. Should we start breakfast?”
Minho stretched and his mouth followed his body, releasing a loud yawn before he snuggled back in, “The boys can starve, I just want to sleep.”
Kibum raised an eyebrow, “You seemed very keen on doing something else just a few minutes ago..” he reminded Minho, calling his bluff. Kibum’s comment was greeted by silence, and he sighed before rolling out of bed.
At the sudden shift in weight on the bed, Minho groaned, “Sleeping in isn’t fun if you aren’t here..” Taemin saw Kibum was getting up and tried to break free from Minho’s hold on him to go with his other dad.
“Well, I’m going to be the responsible one and make breakfast,” Kibum explained, pulling Taemin out of Minho’s grasp. “And little Taeminnie wants to go with me, isn’t that right?” He puckered his lips for the small child and Taemin happily kissed back.
It was the smell of coffee that brought Minho downstairs. He heard the boys playing super Mario in the family room, laughing and yelling at each other, while Taemin shared a story with Kibum. He stretched as he entered the kitchen, his stomach becoming a little exposed, his shirt lifting.
Kibum turned around at the sound of Minho’s yawn and his features softened as he saw the other man. “How’s my sleepy boy?”
Minho stumbled up to Kibum and wrapped his arms around Kibum’s middle from behind, “I still want to sleep..”
“Why are you so tired?” He asked. He worked on flipping the pancakes.
Minho shrugged before kissing Kibum’s neck and sucking lightly. His hips swayed and he guided Kibum’s with him.
“Daddy’s a vampire!!” Taemin shrieked from where he sat, pointing to Minho.
Minho let go of Kibum and looked at Taemin with surprise at the exclamation before playing along. He brought his fingers up to his mouth to make fake fangs, “Oh, am I?” He smirked, “Maybe I’ll have you for breakfast.” He pounced Taemin and started tickling him onto the floor. He paused for a brief moment to look at Taemin before pulling his shirt up to blow on his belly, eliciting a loud laugh from his son.
Kibum watched the scene and smiled, “Okay Dracula, it’s time for breakfast, you too, boys!” He called over to the group that was arguing over who could be the blue toad this time around.
Standing, Minho looked at Kibum who was standing tall with his apron and a spatula in hand, “Thank you for doing this baby, you didn’t have to.”
Kibum shook his head, “I wanted to..” he stood on his toes and kissed Minho’s lips softly.
Jinki stuck his tongue out as he got closer, “Ew, do you guys really have to do that over our food?”
“I think it’s cute and romantic..” Jonghyun mumbled sitting down. Both twins flanked him as usual.
“Oh do you? Then I’ll kiss you!” Onew said laughing, “That would be so weird, wouldn’t it?”
Jonghyun blushed, “Yeah.. we’re brothers now!” He looked up at Minho awkwardly to which his father smiled down upon him.
“Let’s just eat,” Minho sat next to Taemin, pinching his son’s cheek, “I turned Taemin into a vampire, so you boys better be careful..”
Jinki and Onew played along while Jonghyun looked at the food intently. Minho could sense something was off about his son but didn’t say anything. Instead, he started serving those around him.
When everyone was stuffed, Minho sat forward. “So, what do you boys want to do? Because you’re not going to just sit here and play video games all day.”
There was a chorus of groans from the three older kids, but Taemin was too busy playing with his spoon to really care. The baby of the family was looking at himself in the spoon, fascinated with his own face and it’s distorted reflection.
“We can have a snowball fight, go sledding, or.. There’s this place nearby that has these inner tubes you can rent and there’s this giant hill we can go down! How does that sound?”
“Number three!” Jinki said sitting forward, “I vote for that one.”
“Me too!” Onew chimed in, “Won’t that be fun Jjong?”
Jonghyun nodded, “Sure, that sounds good..”
Kibum looked at Minho with a raised eyebrow, his arms crossed, “Are you sure this is okay? Is Taemin old enough to do this? Is it safe?”
Minho nodded, “And if Taemin can’t, there’s a lodge by the hill and we can take turns watching him.”
Kibum sighed, “If the boys are happy, then I guess we can go..”
All three boys cheered in unison, making Taemin look up from what he was doing.
“We’re going sledding Taemin, won’t that be fun?” Kibum said, smoothing his hair.
Taemin nodded, “Is that like in the movies?”
“Sort of..” Kibum took Taemin’s plate from him, “Where we’re going, it’s like.. Rolling down a hill, but you’re in a tube!”
Taemin looked at him a bit confused but went back to playing with the spoon before Kibum took it from him as well. “You should go upstairs and get dressed, okay?” Kibum pulled him from his chair and put him on the ground to walk upstairs, following the older boys who were happy to lead him.
“Are you sure he’s old enough for this?” Kibum asked, “Won’t he get cold?”
Minho shook his head, “It’s actually getting warmer outside, so don’t worry about him being cold. I’m more worried about him not enjoying it. You’re right.. He is young..”
Kibum sighed and started to clear the table and Minho jumped to help him with. “Go sit, I’ll do this.”
“No, It’s fine, I got it..” Kibum said. The sound of clinking plates filled the room as he stacked each one.
“Seriously, go relax. You made breakfast so it’s the least I can do.” He pulled the stack from Kibum and brought them over to the dishwasher.
When he turned around again, the rest of the table was left empty and Kibum was putting things away in the fridge, humming to himself. When he shut the door with his hip, Minho grabbed his hand and pulled him into his arms.
“We make a good team,” he kissed Kibum’s cheek softly, a hand resting on his waist.
Kibum tried hard not to blush, but it seemed impossible not to. “Well..” he cleared his throat, “I think we should look up the age restrictions before we get there.. I don’t want the boys to be disappointed.”
Minho nodded, “That’s a good idea. Might as well do it now anyway.” He pulled away from Kibum and grabbed his phone. Leaning over the counter he checked his notifications before opening the device and putting in the name of the destination. As he read the general info, he felt a pinch on his ass and jumped before looking over his shoulder to see Kibum standing there.
“Sorry, I couldn’t help myself.. You look really good in sweatpants, you know that?”
Minho laughed, “You, mister fashion, think that I look good in the least fashionable item on the market.”
Kibum nodded, “It’s your butt that looks good..” He squeezed it and Minho turned around, a red tint to his cheeks.
“Well, aren’t you feeling frisky..”
Kibum grinned, “Sorry.. You know, maybe we could stay here and the boys could play outside while we play inside..” he bit his lip and looked down at Minho’s plush lips that were forming his next words.
“How can you still make me blush.. We’ve been together for over two years.” He shook his head but there was still a smile spread across his face.
Kibum leaned a little forward so his forehead pressed against Minho’s, “I don’t know, but you still make me happy, and that’s what matters.” He closed the gap between the two and kissed Minho, letting his tongue slip past the other man’s lips almost immediately. He wanted to remind Minho of the problem he had been having before.
Warmth filled Minho’s chest and he naturally pulled Kibum closer to him by his waist. “There’s an age limit,” Minho informed him between kisses, his breath heavy against Kibum’s. “But that doesn’t mean we can’t sled here.” He smiled.
Suddenly a little voice pulled him out of his intimate moment. “What are you saying daddy?” Taemin was looking up at him with bright, innocent eyes.
Minho smiled and pulled Taemin up to be between him and Kibum, “We’re going to sled here. It’s too snowy out to going anywhere else anyway.”
Taemin looked between the two men before smiling sweetly, “Okay, I want to sled with Jinki and Jonghyun and Onew!”
Laughing, Minho put him down, “Of course you’ll sled with them! And you’ll sled with your daddies too.”
Minho then looked at Kibum, biting his lip, he had to refrain from asking the other man to just run upstairs with him and lock the door for the afternoon. “I have to talk with Jonghyun,” he told Kibum, “Stay here and keep Taemin happy, okay?”
“Okay,” Kibum smiled up at him, “I’ll just stay.”
Minho went upstairs slowly and found Jonghyun’s room. He knocked on the door softly but accidentally opened it a little in the process.
“Jonghyun?” He asked, “Are you okay in there?”
Jonghyun was lying on his bed, still in his pajamas. He seemed to ignore Minho’s, and Minho took that opportunity to enter the room fully.
“Jonghyun..” Minho tried again.
His son turned his head, and Minho could see that he had been crying. Minho ran up to him and sat on the side of his bed. “What’s the matter?” He asked, resting a hand delicately on his stomach.
The tears started to flow from Jonghyun’s eyes again, and Minho brought a hand to his head, letting his fingers comb through the hair like he knew Jonghyun liked. “I-” he barely squeaked and Minho shushed him immediately.
“Just let it out..” Minho whispered. Minho had never expected to have such a delicate son. Jonghyun always let the smallest things get to him, and it had honestly been hard for Minho. He wanted his son to be stronger, but he also knew that this was just how Jonghyun was. He processed his emotions through crying, and so far it hadn’t affected him, so there was no reason to fight it.
Jonghyun started to calm down and Minho pulled him in for a tight hug, “Are you feeling a bit better?” His son wiped his nose on his arm and nodded. “Can you tell me what happened? Who does your dad have to beat up?” He asked with a laugh.
“I.. didn’t do well on my test,” Jonghyun said, “Remember? The math test?” He sniffed a few times.
Minho nodded, “Yes, it.. Didn’t seem like that big of a deal to me.”
“Dad..” Jonghyun pulled away from Minho just to glare at him. Minho could read the message and backed off.
“I’m sorry,” He let his hand stroke through Jonghyun’s hair, “What about the test didn’t you like? What do you want to change for next time?”
“I-” He went to say something but stopped himself. “I’m a horrible person.” he shook his head.
Minho looked at him shocked, “My Jonghyun? A terrible person? Far from it actually. You’ve been kinder than me at times.”
Jonghyun shook his head more, hiding his eyes from Minho, “I’m.. I’m mad at Jinki and Onew. They’re my brothers, and I’m mad at them.”
“What did they do?” Minho put on his dad voice.
“They did better than I did on the test..” He kept avoiding Minho’s face.
Minho tried to keep from laughing, “That’s all?” he asked, his hand coming up to pull Jonghyun’s face to look at his own. “It’s okay that that happened Jonghyun..”
“No, it’s not! I studied so much and they barely did and they still got a better grade than me!” Jonghyun started to fight back and Minho got on the defensive.
“Jonghyun,” he sighed, “You’re going to be good at some things, and they’re going to be good at others. If everyone was perfect at everything, then what’s the point!” He soothed the back of Jonghyun’s head and pulled him in for another hug. “It’ll be okay. If you need to spend some time away from them, that’s okay too.”
Jonghyun shook his head, “They’re my best friends, I don’t want to be away from them!”
“Then let’s go build an igloo or something, sound good?”
Jonghyun nodded and stood, wiping his nose again.
Minho stuck out his tongue, “And go wash your arm.. It’s covered in boogers.”
Looking at his arm, Jonghyun grinned, “No, this is perfect!” He ran back downstairs and started threatening his brothers with his snot.
Minho laughed and followed him down the stairs, soon Kibum was yelling for Minho, begging him to control Jonghyun. To which Minho swooped in to pick up Kibum bridal style and carry him upstairs to their room.
“You’ll be safe up here my delicate flower,” Minho kissed his forehead which was greeted by a punch in the arm followed by a sweet kiss back.
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the-st0ryofagirl · 6 years
So I guess it’s you now
So I know that I tend to write on here when I have guy problems, or there’s something new in my life regarding a guy...so I assume you know what this post is gonna be about...
I know it may seem like I hop from guy to guy pretty quickly, and in a sense it’s kind of true. If there’s someone who shows me even the littlest bit of attention I stick to them like glue. I convince myself that the attention they’re showing is what I deserve. I believe this is due to the fact that I’ve never really been with a guy that has shown me that I’m valuable to them, almost all the guys that I’ve talked to have used me for their own pleasure. MTT was an exception, sort of, but not really since we were never boyfriend/girlfriend so it still felt like whatever we did was hidden/shameful. 
But holy cow, A.S makes me feel thinks I’ve never felt before. I get the damn butterflies, and I smile like an idiot when I think of our time together. 
So backstory short, we matched on Tinder a while ago while he was over on this side of the world for an orientation program before the school year was over (this was probably winter quarter of my junior year) (and he’s from the east coast too). We have been messaging ever since, and two weeks ago was the first time that we hung out. He came to SC around 2 pm and we went to go get burritos to-go and ate them at the beach, and that was supposed to be the end of the date since we both had plans for later that night, but we ended up going on a small hike and got to know each other more and more. We got lost, in each other that day. We were also really stoned, I had cottonmouth but I enjoyed kissing your coffee tainted lips under a graffiti painted bridge. 
We both cancelled our plans that night. Settling for making out in the car, my infamous bjs, listening to music and then closing the night off with a movie at the theater (Black Panther) and then saying goodbye at around 1:30 am. 
The next two weeks have been spontaneously texting each other when we can, he’s a busy busy guy (getting his damn masters and phD at the same time wtf), but he still texts me at the end of the day when he can to see how my day’s going and updates me on his. It’s so nice to talk to him, I don’t have to try to impress him. This Friday we made plans to hang again and so we did! After class on Friday he came over and we went to check out some beaches along the coast. The setting was perfect, the beaches were absolutely amazing, the sun was setting...it’s just always such a great time with him around. I not once checked my phone or checked the time at all, and time flies by when I’m with him..it’s like time doesn’t exist, it just all blurs together. I’ve never really been in a romantic relationship with anyone before where I’ve had such a genuinely nice, pure and natural connection. Not to mention the damn chemistry between us is insane.
After the beaches he came over to my place where we cooked and made pasta, we shared a bowl of pasta. How damn fucking cute are we. I’m smiling like a damn idiot just writing that sentence. He doesn’t watch TV either so him watching America Ninja Warrior while high was like the cutest shit ever because he was so stoked for it. After eating we had said earlier we wanted to watch that Indiana Jones movie, so we went up to my bed to watch it. Both my roommates were away. 
Stoned and horny, wanting the feel the physical side of our connection, we started making out and then we eventually ended up having sex. I wanted him so so much, there wasn’t any denying it. I could feel how much he wanted me though. Let me tell you something he’s got a preeetty big dick, and he genuinely feels so good inside me. Except sometimes when he went all the way inside me, I could feel him rearranging my insides just a little. And we got to try some different positions I hadn’t done before, it was way exciting. I also learned that I can deep throat his whole dick pretty well, the full 6(+?) inches. He got to meet my roommate and they talked and they seemed like they were vibing pretty well. 
We slept in the same bed and I surprisingly actually slept? Which is also crazy for me, because I struggle so much to sleep with others in the bed, especially other guys because I get all self conscious and start overthinking things, like where I should put my legs, where I should put my arms, etc. etc. etc. But with A, the fact that we were so comfortable with each other translated even in the aspect of sleep and cuddles. His body was always in search of mine, when i turned around, the way that our bodies wanted to moved towards each other and the way that our bodies just fit together. I didn’t have to worry about what I should do, because everything you do gives me reassurance for how you feel for me. I also had morning sex, and got eaten out multiple times, it was crazy and amazing holy shit. I’m sore btw. Like, all over. 
We then had coffee in the morning and we just talked and talked some more. When I went to go drop him off at his car we kissed goodbye and hugged in the parking lot and he brought up when the next time he was gonna see me was. When he asked I was genuinely shocked but it made me so giddy. He wanted to see me again...meaning last night didn't suck for you, right?! Texting for most of the day after that, nice too. We made plans for the next time we see each other, it seems I might be going to visit his campus instead this time! Staying the night most likely. 
I’m so excited and scared because this is the realest thing I’ve felt for someone in such a long time. He’s already caught me slippin’ here and there, maybe soon he’ll see me fall, I definitely feel like I’m stumbling for now. I just want to know what you think about everything, where’s your mind at boy? Let me know for my own sake and mental clarity plz 
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